Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - BONUS: Introducing MAPS Starter

Episode Date: December 18, 2018

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the newest MAPS Fitness Product, MAPS Starter. MAPS Starter is designed for the beginner, the deconditioned and the advanced age person who is wanting to bu...ild strength, muscle, lose bodyfat and take control of their health and fitness. You can find MAPS Starter at www.mapsstarter.com. Use the code STARTER20 for $20 off through Sunday, December 23rd, 2018.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So in this episode of Mind Plum, this is a bonus episode and we are launching a new Maps program. So in this episode, we kind of break it down. We talk about our newest map program, Maps Starter, which is a program for beginners. It's a program for people who just want to work out at home with minimal equipment.
Starting point is 00:00:33 It's a program for people who haven't worked out in a while who may be deconditioned. It's the name starter because this is where you start on your resistance training journey. And so that's what we talk about in this whole episode. We break it down, we explain it, we talk about why we created it, what's in the program, why it works so well. And then of course, we talk about how you can enroll
Starting point is 00:00:52 in the program. If you just want to enroll or just want to check it out, you can go on the site, mapsstarter.com. That's maps, M-A-P-S, and then another S starter, S-T-A-R-T-E-R dot com. And then if you starter, starrt.com. And then if you enroll, use the code starter20, starrt.com, the number 20 no space for $20 off. This is the launch promotion code that ends Sunday December 23 after that.
Starting point is 00:01:21 There will be no more promotion. It comes with a free t-shirt and it comes with free access to our private forum for a whole year. And that's it. So here we are talking about the new Maps program, Maps Starter. So I'm kind of excited to see how this this program does with the masses. I mean this is probably one of the, I don't know, I wouldn't see it most specialized, but a program that isn't really geared towards our, I think, our core audience, like our hardcore lifting, want the next program, the next advanced thing. This is kind of a response to a lot of the emails and stuff I think that Anne gets on the
Starting point is 00:02:07 back end and I've had people DM me about this. Having a program that they could literally do in their living room with paired dumbbells and like a stability ball. It's a program you start with. This is exactly how, I mean, when we wrote the program, well, whenever we write a program, whenever we create a workout, we always think of our avatar, who's the person that we're designing this for, and how would we train them, and the avatar that we... Then I immediately think of the moving and get distracted. And then just to start trying pictures of... Yeah, every time.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Blue people. Yeah, then it's out, I end up working. Yeah. No, we. Blue people. Yeah, then sound I end up working. Yeah. No, we. Blue people. Yeah. No, we, the avatar that we were thinking of for this program was somebody who doesn't work out or hasn't worked out or somebody who hasn't worked out a long time. Somebody who needs some correctional work needs some, you know, basic fundamental strengthening
Starting point is 00:03:03 of the body, who may not have a lot of experience working out with big movements like barbell squats and deadlifts. Somebody who wants to start at home, this is the kind of workout that I would have. The average person start with. The average person. What does the average person look like? They work. They have kids. start with the average person and what is the average person you know look like they they they work They have kids they they don't exercise. They probably haven't worked out in a little while or maybe they did you know 10 years ago
Starting point is 00:03:32 And so the program follows that process of okay, how do we take that person and Build stability and strengthen them. How do we work their body so we can progress them to the point where they can do These phenomenal movements. And that's why we named this program, MapStar. Yeah, I think we were really trying to fit a need that we've heard consistently from people that I know you guys have, you know, all this experience training, tons of different people and you started out with barbells, but like I don't even know if I'm there yet. And I got that a lot and we thought really hard about that.
Starting point is 00:04:08 And we tend to over complicate things because we just know how many variables there are and we try to make sure that we do a good job with how we would actually train somebody as well. So to limit ourselves now to just dumbbells and a stability bill was actually more of a challenge for us. And I think it actually came out really well. And this was also one of those things where you see a lot of programs that do really well online. And they are like very, very simplistic and straightforward and right to the point. And so we thought of the most streamlined way for you to go through this program
Starting point is 00:04:49 that we could create. And that was like our entire intent. Well, think about this way. How often, it'd be quite honest, right? All of us have trained thousands of everyday people. The average person that would come higher was, was literally the average person. They all had goals, burning body fat, building muscle, getting stronger.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Everybody wants to look better. But they're just the average person. So no crazy extremes, how often would you start off first workout, or even the first month of workouts with barbell deadlift squats and overhead presses? It's very rare because the body body isn't ready to go into those phenomenal and extremely effective movements. So what you do, the goal is, we've said this a hundred times on the show, the goal is to try to get your client to be able to, if they can't do those movements yet, then the goal is to get them to be able to do those movements and along the
Starting point is 00:05:44 way their bodies are progressing very quickly. And so that's kind of what you have with this program. It's also, there's another reason why we wrote this program. Our very good friend and fellow podcaster, Christina Rice, she has a health and wellness audience that is largely made up of these 20 something year old, you know, kids, a lot of them are girls who did lots of cardio, you know, they all want to get lose weight and whatever and they just do lots and lots of cardio and they would contact her after hearing her on her show or hearing us on her show and say, I want to start with weights but every time I try
Starting point is 00:06:21 to barbell squat, I don't know what I'm doing, it's hurting my, I don't know how to do it, my body's not moving properly. So she told us, can you guys create a program that would be appropriate for them? Like they're starting out, they want to build muscle, they want to speed up the metabolism. What would be an appropriate workout for them? And so this workout is perfect for those kind of people. I also think that we did a really good job
Starting point is 00:06:41 of addressing the exercises and mobility moves that somebody who can't do a barbell squat and do a lot of these in barbell deadlift, what type of exercises should they be doing to prepare them to be able to do that? We've got mobility stuff like the 90, 90 inside there. We do a lot of things to work on their posterior chain, get their shoulder retraction, and we do a lot of exercises to make sure that we addressed if this person wasn't doing a MAP Santa Ballock for a reason because Barbell Squats and Deadlifts were too challenging for them or they had aches and pains, this is the type of workout. The other thing that I'm really
Starting point is 00:07:25 excited to is I've got a lot of, you know, old clients in mind that I still stay in contact with. And, you know, some of them are actually still into the, you know, old school, Jane Fonda DVD, plug it in and follow it along on the TV. It's just, that's what they like, you know, they're not trying to build a bunch of muscle, they don't need to actually even burn a bunch of body fat. They're 65 years old, they wanna stay in good shape, they can exercise, they can do movements, but they're not looking to do some heavy dead lifting
Starting point is 00:07:59 or overhead pressing, they wanna work out in the convenience of their living room and follow along something. And this is the first program that we actually did a follow-along type of video. So the video is shot in a way that somebody can play it up on their TV, sit in their living room, and actually do the exercise. You know, the exercise comes up in the video with all the cues and the demo, and then you can pause it, do the sets, and reps you video with all the cues and the demo, and then you can pause it, do the sets, and reps you're supposed to do, and then unpause it, go to the next
Starting point is 00:08:29 exercise, and then do it. So I'm really interested to get the feedback from my clients that really enjoy that way of exercise. This one is really the ultimate at- home workout with minimal to no equipment. Adam, you brought up our core audience, which is made up of, and we say core, you mean that the hard core listeners, they're typically very consistent with the work of forum. Yeah, they've been training for a long time. You know, they've been doing a lot of the more advanced movements for a while.
Starting point is 00:09:00 But what the other aspect that's important that we all had a big conversation around when we created this program was You know all these these people all these people that are very consistent with the workouts those people are us and they have Parents and they have kids right that they want to get into resistance training I mean, you know if you're a if you're in your in your 40s and or 50s and you've been working out for a long time and you've got kids now that are 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 and you want to get them into resistive training. This is the program that you put them on. You literally show them the exercises. They can do it. This will build muscle and strengthen them and it'll get them ready for the hardcore lifting if they continue to work out that they can do later on the life.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It's also fantastic for people's parents, you know, if you're in your 30s and your parents are in their 50s or 60s and you're like, mom, dad, you guys need to, you know, I know you like walking on the treadmill a lot stuff, but you guys need to lift weights. It's really going to help you. This is the program that you give them. This is the workout that they can do that's going to strengthen their bodies, prevent them from losing mobility, getting a build muscle, of course, balance out hormones, make them feel better.
Starting point is 00:10:13 So this is a perfect gift type program for anybody that you know and your family or friends that needs to get into resistance training. And it requires no gym access, and I like that because one of the biggest hurdles that I've always, always encountered with any of my family members or friends, whenever I'm trying to convince them to start lifting weights or doing resistance training,
Starting point is 00:10:38 is well, I don't have a gym membership. Okay, well, that means I gotta go get a gym member. Well, it's just another hurdle. It's just another reason now for them to not get started. And it doesn't sound like a big hurdle, but it is a big hurdle, you know, people that will prevent people from starting on a consistent routine. It just does every single time. So we can give them something, hey, you know, we need dumbbells and a physical ball. You can buy them a target. It's bare bones. It's it. Completely the bare bones. And we stripped everything back like we thought about all that like what are the most common objections to getting started and getting in it usually it's like
Starting point is 00:11:11 oh I have to get a membership or you have to learn all these crazy moves or you know like I I just don't have the time and so we constructed. So you just literally have a feasible and dumbbells. So we at least have some tools there. So dumbbells provide that resistance. We need at least some resistance. And we want to get you on that path towards lifting weights. And so the moves are very basic, but very effective. And the the primers that we put in there are very specific, but very simplistic at the same time.
Starting point is 00:11:46 So you can do these and it'll literally address pretty much the majority of people's compensations that they're gonna encounter every day. It was fun writing this program because up until we created Starter, where was that up when we were out with Obersst, is that when we wrote starter or was it afterwards? No, we wrote it here in Carmel.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It was for the July. That's right, that's right. Oh yeah, that's right, that's when we created this. It was fun to write it because up until then, we had created all these other very fun programs that were more, a lot more advanced, right? We created programs for bodybuilders and strongmen,
Starting point is 00:12:27 you know, type training and all this great stuff. And then we sat down and we created Starter and it just took me right back to being a personal trainer. It took me right back to training clients walking in to the gym, who had a little bit of training experience, one in the higher me as a trainer. What can I do? This is exactly how I would progress them and train them.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And people got phenomenal results. Again, I mean, very small percentage of my clients were the ones I was doing the hardcore type training with, and there was a lot of these kind of people. I predict, I mean, let me ask you guys this kind of, this question, who do you predict is gonna be the biggest consumer of this type of program, of all of the predict is going to be the biggest consumer of this type of program of all of the types of people that can enroll in something like this?
Starting point is 00:13:09 Oh, I would say people that are above 50. Do you think so? Yeah, that's what I would think that it would appeal. Well, for two major reasons. One, like I said earlier, I still think that generation likes something easy that they can just play, you know, put it on play, follow it, do it, and they can do it in their living room. So that generation, it's less likely to walk in a gym and see somebody who's 50 and above barbell lifting or training period in the gym. You know, if those people are typically on the
Starting point is 00:13:42 the elliptical or on the treadmill walking or whatever, it's rare to typically on the the elliptical or on the treadmill walking or whatever, it's rare to see them in the weight room. So I think that that's gonna appeal to them. And then like I said, the ability to follow along and be able to do your liver. That's who I think is gonna do. See, I think it's gonna be the 20-something old crowd.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Client. I do, I really do. Especially the female. Well, Christian Eryse has, I mean, you're right. I mean, I mean, I remember Christina rice when when she got anabolic and she said that was I had to modify it for her with dumbbells for her to do it Right, so I think I think that there'll be there'll be somewhat of a population there, too, but I think that This really appeals to me like when I think of this like I think of my my mother and I think of Katrina's mom and I think of all my older I think of my mother and I think of Katrina's mom and I think of all my older clients,
Starting point is 00:14:27 like this program is what my aunt, we were just talking to her on the phone the other day when we were talking to my uncle and she's like, is this something I can do? Like she's been waiting for something that she feels so intimidated to do anything else that we've put out there. It's also a great program for someone
Starting point is 00:14:42 who knows the importance of resistance training wants to incorporate resistance training But isn't like I don't want to go You know crazy with it like I like to do my walks. I like to do You know my other stuff and then I want to have some resistance training into my routine And I want to keep it simple. I want to get the benefits of it I'm not trying to you know lift crazy amounts of weight or whatever This is like this is a great program for that.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Because you could do it again, you could do in your home and it's not this crazy. It reminds me, some of the principles and philosophies that we applied to this program is similar to the 30 days of free that we created on the YouTube channel. Like, and I got a lot of really good response from that. And like Justin said, it's, it's simple enough for the average person to follow, but it's really well thought out as far as the moves that we're teaching. They when you talk about the mobility exercises and the movements that we choose, there's very specific reasons why those movements we chose because we're thinking, okay, this is somebody
Starting point is 00:15:40 who probably can't do a barbell squat, probably can't do an overhead press. So what dumbbell type exercises am I doing to really prepare their body to hopefully progress to that one day? And even if they don't, these exercises are enough to keep this person in really good shape and build some strength for them. I think it also highlights the true value of a fisioball.
Starting point is 00:16:05 And now, I remember when fisioballs entered into the fray of fitness, now the first person to use a fisioball and training was Paul check. Paul check was doing that a long time ago, and he was demonstrating that you could actually build a lot of strength and muscle when you use properly with a fisioball. And if for anybody who doesn't, doesn't believe me, you can find you old YouTube videos of the sky doing crunches on a physioball with a hundred pound dumbbell on his chest and just incredible feats of strength. But then it
Starting point is 00:16:33 got popular in gyms because there's a lot of value in certain populations of training. Then it went crazy. Then everybody thought physical ball, everything, and we thought that was absolutely ridiculous. Like, you know, I think if you're, yeah, became a circus. Yeah. If everybody thought, Fisial Ball, everything. And we thought that was absolutely ridiculous. I think if you're... Yeah, became a circus. Yeah, if you're advanced, then you're trying to build maximum muscle. What are you not going to have a lot of use for Fisial Ball,
Starting point is 00:16:51 except for maybe some ab exercises? But when you're talking about the average person, I very rarely did not use a Fisial Ball with the average person. I always used a Fisial Ball. Yeah. It's a very valuable tool. No, and I'll give you an example of something like that.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So, for example, if I got a client who just, again, can't barbell overhead press, bench press, do any real barbell movements, a lot of times I know they have an excessive, lower cross syndrome that got excessive forward shoulder and a great exercise to teach them the mechanics of a chest press is a chest press on a stability ball and part of the reason why that's a great exercise as a trainer to teach that is it forces them to activate their core. They have to fire their glutes. If you do a stability ball chest press correctly, let me, let me, let me preface it with that because I think I see a lot of people use this tool incorrectly and one of the most important parts is the setup for somebody who does like a chest press
Starting point is 00:17:48 on the stability ball. And when you get someone in that plank position, it forces them to activate their glutes, which most people that are... Don't even know how to do. Right. Then they can't squat part of the reason why is they don't know how to hinge properly. And so you're squeezing those glutes, right? And that helps that person teach that person how to hinge properly. And so you're squeezing those glutes, right? And that helps
Starting point is 00:18:05 that person teach that person how to hinge their hips. So then squeezing their glutes and keeping them up the entire time that they're also doing a dumbbell press. And then also the instability of the ball forcing them to stabilize more. Slow down. Yeah, slow down the movement and really concentrate on your form and your mechanics. I think that's such a great tool and I used to use that a lot with clients that are first starting off. It's like, this person doesn't have the strength for me to hand them 30, 40 pound dumbbells and start building lots of muscle on them. So how can I take a five pound, 10 pound chest press and really benefit them besides chest
Starting point is 00:18:42 for interesting massive issue right away, which is stability. And that's something like we're not doing fancy one-legged bent over whatever moves that are, you see it got kind of out of hand. It's, but the ball itself is that unstable environment that we're overcoming. But placing somebody like what you mentioned in terms of a you know, the bench press or a press like that with your hips engage and your glutes engaged up like that. You're getting that isometric contraction and the whole time that you're actually performing the reps,
Starting point is 00:19:14 you don't realize, wow, I'm actually solidifying, you know, that stability there in my hips. If you really think about it, so you know, if you're listening right now and you're a pretty advanced lifter, think about the things that you need to do To create a very effective bench press. I'm talking about a traditional Barbell bench press. What are the things that you want to do? Well, leg drive is very important Okay, a bench press is actually quite a technical movement. You got to have good leg drive You got to be able to activate your glutes, but you also are not pushing your hips way up off the bench, you're keeping them there
Starting point is 00:19:47 but activating, right? What's the other thing that you need? You need to be able to retract your scapula, bring your shoulder blades back. That's a very difficult thing to do for the average person on a flat bench. It's a very hard thing for them to connect. Well, the shape of a fisiobull
Starting point is 00:20:01 lends itself very well to scapula retraction, because when you lay on your back on that because it's a spherical shape It encourages the retraction of your scapula In fact, if you lay on even if you can't let's say you have terrible terrible connection to your mid-back like most people do when they first start working out You lay down on a fisiable and just relax put your arms out your side of relax your scapula will naturally fall back because of the spherical shape of the fisiobal. So that's just one exercise. That's just a chest press with dumbbells. I've had people do chest presses with no weight.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Just hold themselves in that position and move their arms through the chest press. Oh yeah, great stretch at it. And what it's doing is, and this is why a physiobalcic a brilliant piece of equipment that has been abused and misused, but will never leave, will never leave a personal trainer's arsenal,
Starting point is 00:20:52 is because of what I'm talking about. It's not just training specific muscles and movements, it's also training position and stability that is gonna set you up. Amazing, because it's so much more difficult, I'll tell you this much right now, as a personal trainer, especially if you're good, yeah, I could definitely teach these cues
Starting point is 00:21:09 to a client on a traditional bench, and way easier with the physio ball, especially if I'm telling the person, I want you to practice these exercises on your own. If I tell them to practice on their own, lay on your back on the floor, retract your scapula and activate your glutes, it's not going to happen. I tell them, hey, try and hold your hips up while you're on a physio ball, and then relax while you're up there,
Starting point is 00:21:27 stick your chest out a little bit. It kind of falls into place, and it puts them in the right position. And then there's a lot of other movements. Let's talk about the squat, for example. The ultimate regression for a squat, not the biggest regression, because I can regress even further than this, but if I look at the average person, and I want to teach them how to squat, okay, because I can regress even further than this. But if I look at the average person, and I wanna teach them how to squat, okay? And I'm like, okay, I wanna teach you how to kind of sit back with your hips and have good posture when you squat, keep your feet flat, so your heels don't rise.
Starting point is 00:21:57 That's a big one. Don't let your knees cave in. Don't let your knees cave in. I'm just trying to teach basic squat mechanics, which go a long way, like a very, very long way. If you don to teach basic squat mechanics which go a long way. I go a very, very long way. If you don't have basic squat mechanics, you're losing a large part of natural human mobility, locomotion, just you can't build much muscle and strength because it's such a fundamental movement. I take a physical ball and I put that up against the wall. I have
Starting point is 00:22:23 them put their back up against the wall, put it in the right position, move their feet out, just a little bit, and I tell them, I want you to just roll down the ball, squat down, but make sure your hips go back a little bit so your hips aren't away from the walls. You squat and you end up witnessing nice squat mechanics. On pretty much, I would have to say,
Starting point is 00:22:41 probably about 80 to 85% of anybody who doesn't work out, I can get them within 10 seconds to be able to do proper squat mechanics with the fizzial ball. It just provides that natural feedback where you know, you can actually get them to roll down and get that nice 45 sort of degree and slide their hips right under the ball nicely. It's a perfect fit for that to be able to teach somebody to get comfortable in that position and also to use and utilize their entire foot and really get the heel involved as well. That's right, because I mean, where do you go from there? I mean, there's other exercises you can do that are much more difficult to learn and don't teach you the same kind of mechanics.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I had this experience with my kids, you know, I'm starting to try and get them to work out a little bit and my son's 13 now and so he's never lifted weights really consistently before. You know, teaching him how to do a squat, even without any weight, just standing body weight squat. I mean, heels wanna come off the floor, knees wanna do weird things, he wants the bend way over, he's losing stability in a spine
Starting point is 00:23:45 Just because he doesn't squat on a regular basis. It's a brand new thing. It's a brand new thing So I get a fizzial ball I put them up against the wall now the cues are easy Hey, make sure your hips go back a little bit keep your feet flat Don't let your knees, you know cave in or out and then I'm boom. I'm witnessing a very nice squat Now I can train him with that and eventually add resistance to that And that is a direct line to a very nice squat. Now I can train him with that and eventually add resistance to that. And that is a direct line to a body weight squat,
Starting point is 00:24:08 which then becomes a direct line to lunges and barbell squats. And those are just, those are two examples of exercises you could do with the Fisbee ball. There's other things you could do as well. And we incorporated this in Map Starter. And I believe this was in the second phase
Starting point is 00:24:22 because Map Starter is broken up to phases just like any of our programs. You progress through the program. So if you're doing a nine-week program with us, we're starting you from point A and we're progressing you all the way to point B. We're not just, hey, here's your workout, beat yourself up. Yeah, the intensity increases in this. Don't kid yourself. It's not just, you know, for like really super beginner. I mean, it's, we tried to make sure that we moved you forward so we could get you prepared for, you know, even more intense activity in the gym.
Starting point is 00:24:53 You got to see results and you want to build muscle and you want to build strength. And this program will do that. We'll progress you through that. But some other movements that we did with the Physioball was, you know, there's a lot of these bent over type movements where like a bit like I'll give you a good example. It's a simple one like a bar like a dumbbell row bent over dumbbell row. Now yes, you could do it where you put your knee and your hand on the bench and now you're really, really stabilizing everything with the bench and you're focusing on your scapula moving back as you're rowing. But another great variation that I love doing with the Fisial Ball, especially with beginners,
Starting point is 00:25:27 because it helps teach them to stabilize their body, is to use a Fisial Ball. Put your hand on the Fisial Ball. Now you have to engage a little bit and support yourself because the Fisial Ball kind of rolls around a little bit and it's not the superstationary object. Now I'm really teaching you how to feel
Starting point is 00:25:42 a dumbbell row properly. And there's a lot of things you could do with the physiabol that fall along those lines, where you're using it for something to kind of hold onto, but you still have to stay awake. Because you know, what's the first thing that happens with the beginner when you they have a solid object they can rely on?
Starting point is 00:25:59 That's what they do put all their weight on. They rely so much on that. They're not heavy on it. Oh, it's terrible. I'll have someone do a, you know, a split stance lunge and I'll have them hold onto a squat cage and they might as well be doing a pull up with the squat cage because they're just holding,
Starting point is 00:26:13 well, you start using a physio ball. No, you're right. It definitely addresses that because I had all the time like people want to make sure they brace themselves and they put their entire body onto it where we're trying to teach them that, no, you have to intrinsically, yourself in that position. You have to be able to stabilize yourself in that position while you're doing those reps. So the ball's not going to give you
Starting point is 00:26:35 that kind of awesome support you're used to. It's natural feedback. It's naturally going to tell you, you're putting too much weight on me. You're not putting enough weight on me. It's like the perfect non-human trainer, if you will. Well, I really envision this with the timing that we're launching this, right? So it's December 16th that this is going live to the main audience. The forum always gets access earlier.
Starting point is 00:26:57 So they've seen this. But I really envision this as the first program that we would get a lot of purchases as gifts. I think that it's the perfect program at this time. I think we have a large audience. Our demographic is the 30 to 35 age group is probably the most predominant group that we have listening to us. Most of them probably have older parents that they've either tried to get into exercising or lack you know movement throughout the day and they're trying to encourage that with them. So I really thought of this as like what a really cool way to give something like I would totally buy the $20 stability ball and a pair of dumbbells from Target and box it up and then with this program
Starting point is 00:27:40 yeah with the program and it's like here you go. You go, you're ad gift. Right. It's a cool little gift that you can get your family or friend or somebody close to you that you love for the holidays. So I really envision that being the way that this program gets sold to our audience just because I think like we said, like a lot of our form, our core audience, unless you're a trainer and you want to add this to your tool belt, which I think that's another big part of who will purchase this program is just so you have that in your arsenal. And inevitably, I mean, New Year's right around the corner, right? It's one of those things that it's always going to be there.
Starting point is 00:28:20 People are going to pay attention to their health more toward coming into the new year. And that's something that, I mean, right around the corner, it's a great thing to kind of, just really address the fact that this could really help somebody. And you know, maybe this is the perfect time to provide that for them. Well, I'm just happy I have now the perfect, the perfect thing that I can recommend to somebody when I get the message. Hey, I started listening to your show. I haven't lifted weights or trained with weights in 10 years or I've never really have.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I've done a little bit. What program should I start with? And hence the name, Map Starter. This is the program that you begin with. And this is the one that progresses you to the point where now you're lifting weights, you're getting all the benefits of weight training. And it's a great program to maintain. If you just want to continue working out at home, but it's also a great program to progress you to some of our other programs. So that's really what excites me the most about that we just fit another need. Yeah. So anyway, what's the site that they can find this on Doug?
Starting point is 00:29:27 Is it maps? Maps starter.com. Maps starter.com. That's where you get this program. And there's a launch. Be careful. The 2S is right, Doug. So it's double S.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Double S. So maps. So MAP, PS, and then S T A R T E R dot com. And then we have $20 off for our launch. So if you use the code starter20, START and the number 20 no space at checkout, you'll get $20 off for anybody who enrolls during this launch period.
Starting point is 00:30:01 You'll get a free t-shirt that comes along with the map starter t-shirt and a along with it, the MAP starter t-shirt, and a full year of free access to our private forum, which is crucial, especially if you're beginning your workout, you know, if you're just starting on your fitness journey and you're getting this program, what you probably are if you're getting MAP starter or if you're getting it for, the forum is an excellent place to ask questions. It's about as close as you can get to hiring a coach without hiring a coach because you can go on there, ask questions about the exercise.
Starting point is 00:30:31 We have 3,000 members on there that I'll answer up for you. Or of course, you can always tag myself, Adam or Justin on there to help you. Yeah, ultimate accountability. We should also remind people that are buying it as a gift that the t-shirts won't be received till after the 30 day expires, right? So 30 days. So 30 days after everybody enrols in the law. Yeah, 30 days after you enroll in the program, that's when the t-shirts start shipping out then. So just so anybody who might be giving this gift and was thinking they are hoping to wait until the t-shirt comes in to use that as a gift. That'll come out later after the 30-day rolls off.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Now, if you're already in our forum, you get an additional discount on top of the coupon code starter $20 for $20 off. So, you actually get a double discount. So again, the website, if you want to check this out, or enroll maps starter, double s in the middle dot com this launch promotion the $20 off coupon code ends Sunday December 23rd. So make sure you enroll before then if you want that that $20 dollars off and that's it. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically
Starting point is 00:31:42 improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by South Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adamday money back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 00:32:38 We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. and until next time, this is MindFunk.

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