NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast - How should I spring-clean my finances?
Episode Date: April 20, 2020Don’t stop with your closets. Spring cleaning your finances can be just as satisfying, not to mention more lucrative. Whip your budget into shape, check your credit and make sure your investments ar...e on track. As always, send us your money questions! Email or call or text the NerdHotline at 901-730-6373.
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Welcome to the NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast, where we answer your money questions in 15
minutes or less. I'm your host, Sean Piles. And I'm Liz Weston. As always, be sure to
send us your money questions. Call or text us at 901-730-6373. That's 901-730-NERD. Or
email us at podcast at You can also send your voice memos
to that email address if that's easier for you. Let's get to this episode's question from Adriana.
She says, I've been getting really into cleaning and simplifying my life doing the whole Marie
Kondo thing. And now I'm wondering how I can do that with my finances. What do you think is the
best way that I can spring clean and simplify my finances? Well, we all know that with my finances. What do you think is the best way that I can spring clean
and simplify my finances? Well, we all know that money sparks joy. And I think, Sean, you did an
article about this a while ago, didn't you? I did. Yeah. And the whole Marie Kondo thing
specifically, actually, is pretty popular, especially last spring. It was almost the
height of that trend. And now she's selling random things. So she may not be the best guide
for you to simplify your life and your money
because she's trying to take it away from you.
But I will say there is a benefit
to just cleaning things out,
getting rid of the things that you don't need
and just making sure that your finances are,
as we talk about a lot here,
reflecting your values and are also just easy to manage.
So on this episode of the NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast,
we're going to give you our favorite tips for spring cleaning and simplifying your finances.
And we'll also talk about which parts of your financial life you might want to let
collect a little bit of dust. Let's get to it. To start, there are a lot of different approaches
to spring cleaning or simplifying your finances, but I think it really makes sense to start with a clear understanding of your money. And to me,
that means assessing your budget. That's something that a lot of folks say they roughly know,
but if you're going to take the approach of looking at your finances, seeing what you do
and don't want, your budget is really where it all happens. Well, I think everybody needs to
be tracking their budget.
They don't have to decide what to do with every penny or follow every penny, but you
should have a general idea of where your money's going.
So I think it's a really good idea to have some kind of app or system for seeing where
the money's going.
Even if you're not doing that penny by penny thing, I really like at least once a year
to sit down and do what a friend of mine calls a spending autopsy.
So you're looking at where your money has been going and seeing if you want to make adjustments.
Because where your money goes shows where your values are.
And you want your money to be going towards what you really value, not mindless spending.
That's where the spending autopsy can really help.
And fortunately, now that everything is online, you can just log into all of your accounts,
pull up your bank statements, credit card statements over the past year, and just look
through it.
And you'll really probably have an eye-opening moment of how much you're spending online
shopping, all these things that you might just be doing in the moment and not realizing
that they're adding up to hundreds of dollars.
And then you can assess, okay, do I want to keep spending my money in that way?
Do I not want to?
But one thing I think would help for folks who don't really have a good gauge on their
budget is using something we've recommended here before.
The 50-30-20 budget, half your income goes towards needs like housing, medicine, things
like that.
30% goes towards wants.
And the final 20% is debt and savings.
And that's just a really simple way to block out where
your money's going. And then if you find that maybe your wants are closer to 40%, you can
readjust that a little bit. But I think it's nice just to have some parameters here.
I think that really helps. And the nice thing about the 50-30-20 budget is it makes sense
basically regardless of your income. One of the things that always frustrated me was before
this system came about, people would say, well, how much should I spend on this? How much should
I spend on that? And the reality was it really varies. It depends on your situation. When you
start doing the 50-30-20 budget, though, you might notice that your must-haves, your needs,
are way out of proportion. When we first started doing this, I think ours were like 75% or 80%
of our after-tax
income, which explained why it was hard to save money is because, you know, that was getting
crowded out. But when you do finally get your spending in those categories, get that in line
with the 50-30-20, what you figure out is your life is more balanced. And if anything goes wrong,
because you've shrunk your needs to 50% of your after-tax income, you can actually survive
financial setbacks a lot easier.
And I think it's also good to keep in mind that these are guidelines.
If you live in a really expensive city, you might realize that your rent alone is 50%
of your income.
And you might not have a lot of say in that because that's where the jobs are.
You know, it's hard to cut that cost and that's okay,
but just readjust the other areas as well. So you get some sort of harmony and you get a balance
here, but whatever balance works for you. Yeah. And I'd say if you were spending 50% of your
after tax pay on rent, that is not sustainable in the longterm. So you might have to do that for
a short period of time. But if that's going
to continue, you might look at other places to live, other jobs, because if you continue with
that, you are not going to have enough money left over to pay off your debt, to save for retirement,
to do all the things you need to do. Yeah. And that is exactly why my boyfriend and I moved to
Portland, Oregon out of San Francisco, because we realized we could keep treading water forever,
or we could
move somewhere that was more in line with our budgets and our financial goals. So that's something
to consider as well. Absolutely. I also wanted to put a pitch in here because one of the spring
cleaning tasks I'm going to do is to look through our subscriptions. This is an area that's really,
really grown in the last few years. And the last time I did this, I realized we had like,
I think three or four music subscriptions. All this stuff needs to be looked years. And the last time I did this, I realized we had like, I think three or
four music subscriptions. All this stuff needs to be looked through. And am I getting my full value?
Are we getting the full value out of this? Or could we drop it? Similar to that, I think it's
worth noting or looking at your budget and finding the things that were maybe a trial period where it
was a dollar for three months of one service. And then after that, now it's $8. And
maybe you just didn't notice. Those things can kind of creep into your budget. And just snipping
those out can free up some extra cash for things that you want to actually spend money on that you
value. So once you have your budget sorted out, I think it's just a no brainer to look through
your credit report. Because that's that, yes, we say you
should just do it every year, but it probably doesn't realistically happen. You can get it
online for free and just look through it and make sure that everything on there is something that
you recognize. If there are any accounts that are not yours, that can be a big red flag and you can
dispute that and get it taken off and investigated. And if it's something that isn't yours, it's
probably some sort of fraud and it might be bringing down your credit score. And so that is a
really quick and easy way to get everything on your report to be accurate and then also bring
your score up at the same time. Speaking of credit scores, it's a really good idea to be
monitoring at least one credit score from a credit bureau. And you want to watch the same score from
the same bureau so that you can see changes over time. If your score should suddenly plunge, that lets you know that you need to pull your credit
report, see what's going on, see what the problem is. You can also see it increasing over time,
hopefully, and that can let you know that you're in a good position if you want to refinance a
mortgage or get a car loan, something like that. So we highly recommend that you track at least
one credit score from one credit bureau.
One thing I want to get your thoughts on, Liz, is kind of at the intersection of examining your credit profile and maybe some of the old financial cobwebs that we mentioned earlier.
And one thing that I've been trying to address and mull over is what to do with my old credit cards.
I have this account I opened in college and I haven't touched it. I don't even
have a physical card for it, but I leave it open just because I want to have that history. I want
to have the credit history that goes back a number of years. Do you think that it's worth leaving
cards like that open or is it okay to close them? I've heard a lot of back and forth on this.
Yeah. And actually we've done a really good job of terrifying people. It used to be that people thought erroneously that closing accounts could help their credit.
You know, we know that's not true, but that myth persisted. Now, a lot more people know that
generally speaking, you should keep accounts open, but they've gotten the idea that they can never
close an account. In reality, you don't want to close accounts if you're going to be in the market
for a major loan or, you know, you're going to be in the market for a major loan or you know
you're trying to improve your credit score because closing cards does not help but that doesn't mean
you can never close a card so i do this whole thing every year this is so geeky but i actually
go through each of my credit cards and i look at are they pulling their weight are they more than
offsetting their annual fee?
And is there a better card out there now?
Because the terms and conditions and benefits of these cards change all the time. So if you have hung on to a card since college, which a lot of us do, that's probably not
the best card for you anymore.
I would say that there's probably going to be a better deal out there for you.
Now, in your case, you haven't had credit
all that long. So I might be, especially if it doesn't charge an annual fee, I might be inclined
to just keep that open, maybe use it, maybe put some sort of automatic payment on that and
automatically have it paid off so that it's in constant use because that helps your score,
but you're not carrying debt. You don't need to carry debt to have good credit scores.
Yeah, that's also a pretty common myth. Yes, exactly. So is this card one that you pay an annual fee on? No, no. I mean, it was the only card I could qualify for as a lowly
college student. And fortunately, there's no fee. It's just sitting there online, basically.
Well, the age of your accounts is a minor part of your credit scores.
So I would think at this point, if you did close it, it wouldn't have a huge impact. But I kept my
first card open for quite a while, just thinking it's benefiting me and it's not hurting me. So
it's really up to you. But on the other hand, I have another card that I got a few years after
college, a travel card that does have an annual fee of,
I want to say around $100. And I pretty much completely stopped using that in favor of a cashback card. I've mentioned I'm a big fan of those. And I'm thinking that this might finally
be the year where I just close that account because I've paid $200 at this point, just
keeping this account open. And that's kind of sad to think about. What could I do with that $200?
Not give it to a bank for a card I'm not even using.
I would recommend taking a look at all the benefits that the card offers, because you might be able to take advantage of those before the next annual fee comes due.
If that makes sense.
I've looked at a couple of my cards and realized we're going to cancel them.
We know that we don't want them anymore.
But they have benefits that I can take advantage of before I have to pay that annual fee again. So what I did was I went on
my calendar and I put a note a month before the annual fee would be charged again, made a note to
close that card. But in the meantime, I'm using those benefits. So I'm getting at least something
back for the annual fees I put in. I'll have to look at that myself. Well, I'm wondering if there are any other key elements of spring cleaning or simplifying your finances
that you think we should convey. One has to do with investments. It used to be that part of my
spring cleaning every year was rebalancing my investments. We don't have to do that anymore.
Thank goodness. Now with your 401k, you probably have a life cycle fund, a target date retirement
fund, something that will do all the heavy lifting for you. So if you don't know about
rebalancing an asset allocation, basically asset allocation is how you've got your money divided up
between stocks of different types and bonds of different types and cash. And you need to have
an asset allocation that supports where you're going. So given how long you have until your goal,
like retirement, and what your risk tolerance is, your asset allocation will reflect that.
Because the market changes all the time, those can get way out of whack. So the rebalancing idea was
you're going to be looking at your asset allocation and getting it back to where it should be.
Now all of that can be automated. And I'm a big fan of doing that. If you're really hands-on and
want to do the, you know, rebalancing and you actually do it. Yeah. It takes a bit of work.
It does. And a lot of people just ignore it, you know, and I did, that's sort of the
cobbler's children with no shoes situation. I constantly ignored it. So I'm so glad now that
it can be automated either through, like I said, a target date fund.
If you use a robo advisor, those computer algorithms are constantly helping you rebalance
or using a financial planner is another way to do it.
But you need to be taking a look at your investments and at least once a year, making
sure that the asset allocation still makes sense.
Investments are so easy to set and then completely forget about, but it's really worth checking in and making sure they're balanced properly. So Adriana, I hope this helps you
simplify and organize your finances. And now let's get to our takeaway tips. First off, do a spending
autopsy. Look at your budget, see where your money is going, and see if there's any adjustments that
need to be made. Next up, take stock of your credit cards. If you find there are some accounts that
you haven't used in a couple of years,
you might want to cancel those accounts just to simplify your finances.
Finally, take a look at your investments.
Make sure your asset allocation still makes sense
and do some rebalancing if necessary
or choose an automated solution that will do it for you.
And that is all we have for this episode.
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