NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast - Overcome Impulsive Shopping: Strategies to Resist Social Media Spending

Episode Date: June 6, 2024

Understand the urge to spend money while scrolling on social media and learn strategies to control impulsive purchases. How does social media influence spending habits? What are practical strategies t...o spend less money while scrolling?  Hosts Sean Pyles and Amanda Barroso discuss the psychological tricks of social media and emotional spending to help you understand the subconscious factors that drive your online purchases. Amanda interviews Jillian Knight, a licensed marriage and family therapist and founder of the financial planning firm Her Financial Therapy, about the cycle of shame in impulsive buying, the importance of awareness before and during online activity, and practical tips like removing stored credit card information to prevent automatic purchases.  Then, Amanda talks to Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, a medical director at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills, about the addictive nature of social media. They discuss the dopamine-driven compulsion to scroll, setting app time limits, and engaging in alternative activities that boost dopamine in healthier ways.  Both guests offer insights on how to break the cycle of impulse buying, overcome social media addiction and maintain healthier spending habits, with strategies for recognizing emotional triggers, intentionally disconnecting from social media and finding joy in non-digital activities.  Get NordVPN 2Y plan + 4 months extra here ➼ It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! In their conversation, the Nerds discuss: social media spending habits, emotional spending, impulse buying, social media addiction, financial strain, dopamine and spending, social media and shopping, influencer marketing, targeted advertising, visibility bias, breaking spending habits, online shopping addiction, managing finances, financial therapy, coping mechanisms, digital well-being, financial planning, saving money, consumer behavior, credit card debt, shopping habits, financial stress, mindful spending, psychological tricks, social media traps, one-click purchasing, spending triggers, social media algorithms, dopamine-boosting activities, financial health, impulse purchase prevention, shopping addiction, emotional buying, app time limits, relationship tensions, financial wellbeing, and online consumerism. To send the Nerds your money questions, call or text the Nerd hotline at 901-730-6373 or email Like what you hear? Please leave us a review and tell a friend.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, spend. Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, spend. Does this sound like you? Scrolling through all of your various social media feeds, seeing an ad or an influencer suggesting you buy something and then buying it? Today, we're going to find out what's happening in your brain when you do that
Starting point is 00:00:21 and how to keep from going overboard. Welcome to NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast. I'm Sean Piles. And I'm Amanda Barroso. Amanda, welcome to the host chair here at Smart Money. It's great to be here, Sean. I'm really excited to explore this question of how our money habits are influenced by influencers, I guess, and ads and all the other ways that social media tries to get us to buy stuff. Yeah, you came to us a while ago suggesting an episode about this.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Do you want to share why? I yeah, so I did a little self reflecting about my social media habits. And I noticed that the nights that I spent scrolling Instagram and TikTok for hours, I not only just like felt awful by the end of the night, but I also ended up spending money on things that like were not even on my radar when I woke up that morning. So I had just like all of these digital shopping carts full of stuff scattered across the internet. And it got me thinking about the dynamics at play when I log into my social media accounts and just how mindless scrolling can have a real impact on my budget.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I've been there many times before. It seems like the evenings when I'm most exhausted are those when I am also most susceptible to this type of behavior. And I never feel good after that's compared with nights when I make the concerted effort to read a book or an article or just clean up around the house. I always feel more centered and calm going to bed on those evenings. But that said, the shiny screen of my phone and the impulse to spend that it inspires are so hard to resist. And the science has told us that this isn't just some random decision by people to start spending more. I was reading about a study from some American and Canadian economists back in 2019, which is like a century ago in internet time. And even back then, they were talking
Starting point is 00:02:10 about something called visibility bias. Visibility. Okay, let me guess. We see so much more consumption now via all of these social media feeds. And so we end up participating in it? Essentially, yes. And this can affect both our spending and saving. So the idea is that we all take cues as to how well we're doing in life by looking at how other people are doing, right? It's just normal behavior. So we're basing that on what we see. Now, before the advent of social media, we weren't bombarded with all of these constant cues showing us how everybody else was doing with posts on Facebook and Instagram, TikTok, YouTube about, you know, their new clothes, their cars, their houses,
Starting point is 00:02:51 vacations, grocery hauls, like what they're making for dinner. But now we've got all of that. And of course, what we don't see is savings unless it's like the TikToker we profiled in May who did video diaries of paying down her credit cards. Exactly. So then pile on targeted advertising, which tracks where we go online and figures out how to send us the perfect ad to make us buy something we already want. And then there's the influencer economy where popular personalities online are paid to tell us what we should buy. And there's also the fact that you can just press a button to buy something online and poof, there goes your money and you barely have time to notice what you're doing. And your brain isn't helping you avoid this behavior. Right. So these economists basically found that when we see this kind of consumption, like when we see others consuming heavily, we make an assumption, we infer that their prospects for the future are favorable. They're
Starting point is 00:03:45 able to buy these things. They must be doing great. And our brains take that as a lesson that consumption equals good for us, right? That's wild. It is. It's a consumption contagion. All right. Well, we want to hear what you think about all of this listeners. To share your stories about overconsumption or succumbing to influencer advertising or anything else with us, leave us a voicemail or text the Nerd Hotline at 901-730-6373. That's 901-730-NERD or email a voice memo to podcast at So Amanda, who are we hearing from today? Well, we're going to start today with Jillian Knight. She's a licensed marriage and family therapist out of Raleigh,
Starting point is 00:04:24 North Carolina, and she's the founder of the financial planning firm, Her Financial Therapy. Jillian Knight, welcome to Smart Money. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so glad to have you here. So in your experience as a licensed marriage and family therapist, what links do you see between social media usage and emotional or mindless spending? I've seen this a lot, and I'm sure that it affects a lot of different people from what I can tell.
Starting point is 00:04:56 But the people that I tend to work with are women. And so I've seen this more with moms with young kids and in women in college. And so I've had conversations through the sessions that I've had with clients. And I think there's some understandable reasons for it. So can you describe a little bit more about what's happening with those clients? Kind of like what are they doing and what are they feeling in this process? You know, why are they seeking out your help? I think that it is sort of an extension or a combination of the use of social media and the scrolling is one thing. And then you have the spending. They're both behaviors that we go to
Starting point is 00:05:37 to try to meet our needs in a variety of ways. The scrolling is often trying to escape or trying to not feel certain feelings or looking for something that we're not getting elsewhere. So that might be looking for connection, looking for distraction, looking for excitement or something to keep our interest. And the shopping actually functions in a very similar way. And so as social media has progressed, we've now got the opportunity to combine those two things together somewhat unfortunately. And so, you know, before it was a lot of the scrolling and now you have the scrolling plus it's really, really easy to push a button and spend money within that mindset or that sort of like emotional state. So you mentioned, you know, some reasons why people, especially you're thinking about moms or young women in college, these two groups that you see a lot in your practice, turn to social media as like a form of escape or connection or retreat.
Starting point is 00:06:41 And I'm just kind of wondering, you know, in your professional opinion, what are these two groups of people sort of escaping or retreating from? Is there a bigger picture that we should be thinking about here? I'll be honest, it depends, right? It depends on the person. But what I've observed is like high levels of stress for various reasons, and usually a combination of what's going on with work, what's going on with parenting, what's going on with your partner, what's going on in the world that is just sort of compounding this level of stress that we can only tolerate so much of before we look for what is easily going to make us feel better. And so the other sort of chemical that is involved in both in scrolling on social media and in these more impulsive purchases or just like purchasing things in general is like the dopamine and sometimes like serotonin that give you that boost of like feel good chemicals in your brain and in your body. And so I think that a lot of it seems to be the stress that a lot of us are under. So I'm wondering if we take a step back from thinking about specific people
Starting point is 00:07:50 and just thinking about like the social media marketing sort of not even a craze, right? Like it's not a fad. I think it's here to stay. But how is this impacting people's budgets and financial goals? People are running to the internet because they feel stressed and then potentially adding more stress to their plates, right? Because they're spending maybe emotionally or buying things that an influencer tells them to buy, right? So I'm just wondering how you see that play out in your work as a financial therapist. I think that I see it play out for a lot of people. There is not as much of a connection that they're able to make between if I buy this, it will impact my budget because one, maybe they don't have a budget, but two, sometimes it can be a smaller purchase or seem small, right?
Starting point is 00:08:35 One purchase of like $24.99 does not sound like that much. If you're doing it every day, then that adds up, especially if it's connected to something like a credit card, right? Where because it's an impulsive process, there's no intentionality behind it. There's no like, oh, let me pause and go check my bank account or my budget, which is another thing. Some people will check their bank account, right? When that's not actually the amount of money that they have to spend. It's just how much money is in the bank at the time. But then also there's the use of the credit card. Oh, well, I'll just pay this off. But there's a lot of disconnect between the behavior of scrolling and spending. And then it's sort of like the immediate gratification that you get, but then later on realizing how much that actually adds up to be. I'm wondering if there's some tension around this that plays out in your couples therapy sessions too, where, you know, it might be more likely that a family has a budget compared with like a college student, but thinking about a
Starting point is 00:09:36 family and a household, you know, is this showing up at all in your work with couples where they're sort of struggling, like a gender dynamic perhaps, where it's this kind of spending, which is being sort of influenced by social media use, is causing friction or problems in a marriage. So I have seen this recently. I've had some couples who are younger couples with younger kids, heterosexual couples. And something I've seen as part of it being that a lot of times the woman or the mom ends up being the one making sure that like everybody has what they need. And some of that can fall under purchasing things on Amazon or elsewhere. And some of that could be needs. Some of that could be wants. And sometimes if there is not a healthy dynamic between the partners around money, then any
Starting point is 00:10:30 box that shows up could be, oh gosh, there's another box again. What did they spend on that they didn't need? And then there being, in some of these cases, credit card debt that is impacting their ability to save for the future and save long term and get on the same page together. I think there's an element of the importance of noticing the mental load that's on a lot of moms and how it can sometimes be more convenient to order more of an item or it can be one less thing that they have to think about when there's so much else to think about in terms of running a household. So like if you've worked
Starting point is 00:11:11 with women and moms, young people who have found themselves in this cycle, right, where they're escaping their stress by going online, when they go online, they shop and it might lead to financial stress, right? This is sort of like endless loop. What kinds of feelings does this engender? What kinds of things do you see happening there emotionally? Yeah, there are a lot of feelings associated with money. And in this case, I do think that there is at least some level of like a cycle of shame going on where there might be some stress or anxiety about something. And then in an effort to sort of like soothe themselves in a way, they turn to social media and spending. And then either right away or when the boxes come, there's a lot of shame around that. So there's a lot of shame
Starting point is 00:11:59 around those decisions, which don't really feel like decisions. They feel a lot more like automatic responses. And so then because you have now felt like the shame, instead of a different process of working through those emotions, it's likely that that will just happen again, as opposed to doing something different the next time. So let's say you meet with somebody who wants to break that cycle, right? They want to do something different. What advice do you give them who struggle? The people who struggle with being easily influenced. I'm one of those things, right? You know, disengaging altogether from social media just doesn't seem totally realistic.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Are there some financial tips or strategies that people can use to stop themselves in their tracks? Yeah. So I don't think that just telling people like then don't get on social media is not a realistic solution. So what I usually would suggest with my clients is becoming more aware of what's happening before and during this process of getting online, of scrolling, of shopping, of noticing, because it can be like a very sort of automatic process of starting to notice, even if you still do the
Starting point is 00:13:11 behavior, like you're just sort of gathering information about like, how am I feeling as I'm thinking about getting on my phone and scrolling? Anything that you can start to do to slow down the process so that there's more time to actually make a decision about it as opposed to it being something that you do pretty automatically. So bringing awareness to it, like noticing that this is what's happening, noticing how you're feeling in your body, it can be helpful to put some things in place that are sort of some safeguards, right? So like, where is your card information stored? Can we un-store it so that you have to walk to your card, pick it up and manually enter it? Something that at least gives you some time to process that decision.
Starting point is 00:13:58 As you're working towards doing this less, it's important to, instead of shaming yourself for it, seeing if you can connect to some empathy for yourself that like, you're feeling stressed. This is the internal dialogue of like, okay, I'm feeling stressed. I'm not going to beat myself up about it, but I am gonna notice this is what I was feeling. This is what I needed. And next time I'm going to try to give myself that instead. The more that you can do that, it becomes less of something that you need to do in order to feel better. I'm thinking now about part of this, at least of what you're describing is, it's like helping people kind of reclaim intentionality and like the power sometimes that it feels like the algorithms have on our behavior. So you mentioned erasing credit card
Starting point is 00:14:43 information from your phone. So like for me, the ease of being able to lay on my couch at night while I'm like watching a show with my husband and like, oh, this bathing suit from J.Crew looks great. Shopify pops up. Everything's populated. I think if I had to get up off the couch, like you said, and walk to my wallet, it would distance me a little bit from the impulse to the purchase point. I think that's an amazing tip. And I'm wondering what other kind of guardrails, those financial pieces of advice that you would give us, give your clients who want to have some real tangible steps in place here to try to stop the behavior in its tracks. So think about what you are trying to get at, like, what is this giving you that you're not getting otherwise?
Starting point is 00:15:26 What need is this filling? And if you're looking for connection, are there other people that you could be connecting with, even if it's not quite as easy to initiate that connection? Or if you are looking for something that's going to lift your mood, listen to some music that you really like, thinking through what you could
Starting point is 00:15:46 potentially replace this with. And then also you can put in some times of the day that you know that you're more likely to do this and put your phone on the other side of the room. You can think about like if there are things that you say, for instance, like a bathing suit, you know that summer's coming instead of looking at them on a like random Tuesday night. Maybe you could make a list of the things that you're anticipating that you might like to have for summer and spend some time researching them and sort of like the enjoyment of the window shopping or the looking around and keeping track of some of those things, just bringing some like more mindfulness to that process. So it's not like you don't get the things, but you just might
Starting point is 00:16:28 not get quite as many or you would be more likely to sort of stay within the spending that you would like to stay within. One thing I've done, and I don't know if maybe some of your clients have done this too, is like in a notes app, if I'm finding that I'm like, oh, you know, I'm scrolling and it's like, this mom has this J.Crew bathing suit, right? It's not even that I want connection or whatever. It's just like, she just looks so damn cool in it. And so I find that if I open a notes app and put the thing down on a list and just say like, okay, we're going to see how we feel about it in two days. They'll probably even have a sale on it in two days. And sometimes I find when I come back to the list, the need for that thing has really fizzled, you know?
Starting point is 00:17:07 Yeah, that's a great strategy. Well, Jillian Knight, thank you so much for being here with us today. Yeah, thank you so much for having me. It's really my pleasure. Jillian's tips about observing how you're feeling both in your body and mentally when you're scrolling and setting up guardrails to prevent yourself from making impulse purchases really resonate with me. It reminds me of the acronym HALT, which stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. This is a tactic to check in on yourself when you're feeling bad so you can practice healthy coping mechanisms.
Starting point is 00:17:39 So when you feel the impulse to scroll all night and purchase random stuff, ask yourself if you're feeling any of those things. If you are hungry, angry, lonely, tired. If so, try to address the core issue instead of turning to our knee-jerk cure-all, social media, and buying something. Because, Amanda, as we both know, it's a pretty superficial way of being soothed. Listen, there is nothing that a snack cannot cure in my mind. But, you know, you're right that it is superficial. It can create a vicious cycle that's hard to escape, though.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And that's the thing. It's like it's superficial, but there can be some harm here. You buy something to soothe the stress, but then those charges start piling up when your credit card and a new kind of stress sets in. And then you buy something to feel better because you have credit card debt now, and then on and on it goes. Yeah. So this is clearly something new and different for our brains, just like so many other parts of life that have changed since the advent of social media and one-click ordering. It is for sure. So next we're going to hear from someone who has both experience with what social media can do to us, and he also practices medicine.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Dr. Brian Boxer-Walkler is a medical director at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills. He's also the author of a book called Influenced, The Impact of Social Media on Our Perception. That's coming up in a moment. Stay with us. Dr. Boxer-Walkler, welcome to Smart Money. It's a pleasure to be here, Amanda. Thanks for having me. I'm so happy that you can join us today because I need to know what happens to my brain, to our brains, when we log into social media. Where do we even want to start? A lot. So when we think of social media in the beginning, it was really intended to be a great way for people to reconnect with perhaps lost classmates or lost friends. And then it really transformed into this dopamine slot machine, like gambling, because there's so much content out there and a lot of really good content, I might add, but it gives us such satisfaction to watch these videos. It's literally like pulling the old levers of a slot machine. And you just never know when you are scrolling, for example, on social media, if you're going to get a video that's really exciting and you're going to rewatch
Starting point is 00:20:01 it multiple times, or you're just going to sit down and just kind of scroll on to the next one. And what it's doing at a neurological level, neurochemical level, is stimulating basically a substance called dopamine, which is the feel-good hormone, if you will, or neurotransmitter. And it's what's behind why people use drugs or do certain activities that make them feel good because of the dopamine that we all want makes us have that sort of buzz or high, if you will. So that's really what's happening nowadays with social media in our brains in a nutshell. Okay, so you kind of answered my next question, which is just why social media is so addicting. Like, what are the properties that make it so addicting?
Starting point is 00:20:43 So it's giving us this hit of dopamine, like every time we come across a piece of content that we like, or we get a friend request or something like that, right? It's kind of what you're saying, that's creating that addictive component. Exactly. I mean, that's really what's happening. A friend of mine, Dr. Matt Torrington is an addiction specialist, and he likens drug use, for example, which is what his specialty is, is like every time you get a coin or a nickel, it makes you feel good. And then with really intense, hardcore drugs, it's like getting a hundred dollars or a thousand dollars worth of dopamine. And social media isn't quite like that, but it can be getting pretty close to that, which is why there's now a term called social media addiction, which I myself experienced particularly with TikTok because of
Starting point is 00:21:32 the dopamine release that you're getting. And in my case, for example, it wasn't necessarily the content, but it was when I was growing my following, which is now three and a half million followers on TikTok, for example, I was just so in over my head because I'd be waking up in the morning and getting 10, 20, 30,000 new followers. And I was just became obsessed with growing my platform and putting out good content and monitoring people's responses to my content that it was just basically a tidal wave of dopamine. And that's from a content creator point of view that I experienced. But from a user point of view, that's why you have people now going hours and hours and losing track of time because they're just watching and watching. And it's just, you know, a great experience. It's too
Starting point is 00:22:23 great of an experience, basically. And that's really what's happening when people do get addicted to it. And the message is just like, buy things, right? Like if you buy this thing, here's my Amazon storefront, buy this, you could be a cool mom, but you know, these are the kind of messages that I'm getting. Can you talk a little bit about the toll that you think that that can take on users sort of psychologically day after day, the sort of like messages to buy things? I'm going to answer your question based on children slash teens, and then for adults, because they're two different answers to a things. I'm going to answer your question based on children slash teens and then for adults because they're two different answers to a degree. But what's happening with children is that their brains are still developing until about the age of 25. And so when we're seeing
Starting point is 00:23:17 these brain changes, even looking at functional MRI studies, there are aspects that are being measured when they are seeing, for example, content that's not getting a good reaction versus content that's getting a lot of likes and shares and comments. And it stimulates various areas in their brain. And that is helping to almost bring them to a dependency level on social media to the degree that it can even exclude them being able to develop true social skills. And we don't even know the long-term changes that are happening because we don't have 25 years of follow-up on what teens' brains and their behaviors look like after social media. From an adult point of view, adults have definitely, when they're in over their
Starting point is 00:24:01 head and being somewhat addicted addicted can be neglecting their family responsibilities, neglecting showing up to work on time or even at work, being on social media, distracting them from being productive and getting their job done. So basically, you know, it can have a negative impact for both teens, kids and adults, but in different ways. I'm wondering if you can tell me about what's happening in our brains or what are our brains doing when we see influencers and others saying how great this product, like when Kim Kardashian is like, oh my gosh, this product changed my life. Is it any different than being exposed to a commercial on TV? Because when I
Starting point is 00:24:43 think about it personally, it does feel different. One feels more powerful to me. Like the TV ad, I've trained myself to ignore in a way that I just can't seem to ignore when I'm being served on social media. I would say that influencers by definition are called this because of their ability to persuade and to influence. When you watch a TV ad, what you're seeing is something that you know is paid for marketing. But if you are watching somebody who you follow, you respect, who's an influencer, even influencers as low as 10,000 followers can be doing sponsored ads. And people come to love and trust and feel that they know the influencer or the content creator. So when they then endorse a product or a service,
Starting point is 00:25:34 there's a lot more persuasiveness versus if you watch a TV ad because you feel you have a personal connection. And in my book, Influenced, I had written about all aspects of social media based on my personal experience and also based on the research. And there's a pseudo relationship that occurs psychologically. And that's also part of why we see it's a multi-billion dollar business with influencer marketing now. And because advertisers know that influencers have a much stronger connection than a TV ad of an actor who's doing it thatia. I'm not sure if you've seen this term kind of floating around. So the idea, this is from the Wall Street Journal, is quote, TikTok is creating a disconnect between how well-off young adults actually are and how well they think they're doing. So because so many young Americans under 30, let's say,
Starting point is 00:26:41 get their information about money from TikTok. It's sort of shaping the way that they handle money, how they perceive money. I'm wondering what you think of this term, like money dysmorphia. I'm also thinking about body dysmorphia and how it's a riff off of that, but I don't know. I'm wondering what you think about this idea or this term. There's definitely an amplification of certain messages on social media. So the algorithms, whether something is accurate or inaccurate, it's irrelevant, but the algorithms choose what to promote in terms of videos based on, for example, the percentage of people that rewatched a video, the percentage of people that watched a video to completion. And then this is a
Starting point is 00:27:24 popular video and they'll push it out there. So we have an amplification which may or may not be reflective of reality across the board. So with money-related videos like you're talking about, certainly there are people who are advocating eating everything like pure, free-range, organic, which is more expensive and is harder to afford on a regular basis. And that could perhaps persuade people, prompt people to be spending more money on that or other things too, that then they feel like they don't have as much savings or as much buying power for later putting a down payment on a home or something like that. On the flip side, we also see where people are showcasing big fancy homes where they live, which is usually a small percentage of the population that that's the reality for, but can make people feel like, well, I can never really
Starting point is 00:28:17 afford a home like that. I'm not going to be, it's affecting my value as a person because I see this glorified on social media, which is also not really a fair thing to happen to people as well. So I can see working on two psychological ways that people might feel dysmorphic in terms of their financial situation. Because, you know, it could be just a few videos that show up on thousands of people's For You page on TikTok. And all of a sudden, it seems like everybody has achieved this status, right? That really, it's just a handful of folks. I'm thinking about how this episode idea came to be, which was just out of my own personal experience of scrolling at night and feeling really bad. Like kind of being like, just put your phone down and read a book and just kind of not being able to stop. And so I'm wondering if using social media in this way, like for hours a day makes us feel bad or presents opportunities for us to just like overspend or, you know, we know better than to click on this thing, right? Why do we keep logging in? What
Starting point is 00:29:24 is going on in our brain? Yeah, I mean, it goes back to what we were talking about earlier, Amanda, which is the dopamine stimulation. You're pulling the slot machine every time you're picking up the phone and scrolling, whether it's TikTok or Instagram, et cetera. So that's what's at work is really the dopamine release. Yeah, a lot of people do have some negative psychological effects from scrolling for so long. So, you know, eventually you kind of just get fatigued and don't feel good about yourself, guilty that you spent hours on the phone when you neglected something else, perhaps. We definitely have seen that. So I think that's also at play as well.
Starting point is 00:30:10 So I want to talk lastly here about some solutions. It doesn't feel realistic in this day and age to tell people to just like log off social media. So I'm wondering what you think are some realistic guardrails that people can implement to sort of mitigate the influence of social media on their lives? How can we create some distance? So these would be my top recommendations is number one, set limits in your app on how many minutes you want to spend on the app. And then when you hit that limit, it'll shut down or at least give you the warning to like log off and stop. Number two, don't keep your smartphone by your bed. So when you wake up in the morning and when you go to sleep at night, that's usually the last thing that you're going to be looking at.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And you're going to be tempted to check your social media right when you wake up in the morning. So my recommendation is buy an old school alarm clock, keep your phone in another room so that when you go to bed, you're not on it. And when you wake up, you're not going to grab it for the first time either. And then also do other activities that stimulate dopamine. And I write about this in the book, but just doing sports exercise, you know, that's a great dopamine release and also laughter. And even some like listening to some comedy albums or recordings can also stimulate your dopamine by laughing humor. And then also even some scents like lavender has been shown to stimulate dopamine. So there's lots more I write about in the book,
Starting point is 00:31:29 but those are some of the top ones. I think that those are really great suggestions. I'm going to implement some of those in my own life. Dr. Brian, thank you so much for joining us today. I learned a ton about how my brain is working. So thank you so much for being here. Well, thank you, so much for being here. Well, thank you, Amanda, for having me. It was a pleasure. I really like how Dr. Brian talked about both the dopamine slot machine that is social media and how the emotional connection we have with influencers and to some extent, the platforms themselves make the ads that we see so sticky. It's like a perfect trap for the reptilian part of our brain. But Amanda, I'm wondering, have you ever
Starting point is 00:32:10 tried any of Dr. Brian's techniques to regain control over your social media and smartphone usage? The addictive qualities of social media are really hard to deny. And I think Dr. Brian's suggestion to set time limits for apps and put your phone in another room at night are things that might be easy for me to implement. You know, for me, I've created a note in my phone where I jot down things I'm tempted to buy. And I give myself a few days and kind of go back to it. And if I still want or need the thing, and it's in my budget, then I give myself permission to buy it. What about you, Sean? Well, I have time limits for my two primary time sucks, TikTok and Instagram. But if I'm being honest, I regularly disregard those. And I once changed my phone screen settings to grayscale.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So it was essentially in black and white and was much less appealing to look at. And that actually worked for a few months. But then I got bored and I just reverted back to a life of ultra saturated colors. I like Dr. I just reverted back to a life of ultra saturated colors. I like Dr. Brian's suggestions for how to find dopamine in other ways. And like, these are things that we've heard before, right? Like getting some exercise, listening to music. One thing that I started doing is like just reevaluating what I'm trying to get from social media. So I recently unfollowed influencers who were constantly just like trying to sell me something like everything was an Amazon storefront or a like to know it page or something. And I followed accounts that were dedicated to slowly and mindfully with often things from thrift stores, Goodwill, things like that. And the plus side about that is like there's not an
Starting point is 00:33:50 Amazon storefront. So Amanda, I think it's really helpful to hear this kind of information for a couple reasons. First, there are in fact ways to start to try to trick your brain into avoiding these kinds of behaviors. It's not going to be easy all the time, but it's worth trying if you are someone who finds themselves being influenced to the point of clicking a buy button. And second, I also find it's so good to know that if this is something you do, that you're not alone. It's common enough that there are books written about it and financial therapists are dealing with it with their clientele. We all have behaviors that we wish we didn't have, right? Or that things that we do that we wish we didn't succumb to. This might not rank up there with like stuff that's super worrisome.
Starting point is 00:34:33 But for a lot of folks, this scrolling and spending behavior can have a detrimental effect on finances and mental well-being. So it's all about baby steps. Yeah, sometimes that's the best we can do. Well, Amanda, thank you so much for bringing us this episode today. It's been a pleasure as always, Sean. For now, that is all we have.
Starting point is 00:34:52 If you have a money question for The Nerd, send it to us by calling or texting the Nerd Hotline at 901-730-6373. That's 901-730-NERD. You can also email us at podcast at Visit slash podcast for more info on this episode. And remember to follow, rate, and review us wherever you're getting this podcast. This episode was produced by Tess Vigeland.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Sean helped with editing. Kevin Barry helped with fact-checking. Sarah Brink mixed our audio. And a big thank you to NerdWallet's editors for all their help. Here's our brief disclaimer. We are not financial or investment advisors. This nerdy info is provided for general educational and entertainment purposes and may not apply to your specific circumstances.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And with that said, until next time, turn to the nerds.

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