No Broke Months For Salespeople - You Have NO Business Doing Anything But THIS: The Secret to Consistent Sales
Episode Date: March 22, 2025Success in sales and real estate comes down to one clear choice—commit or quit. In this episode, we break down the essential mindset shift that separates top producers from those who struggle. Learn... why half-measures won’t get you where you want to go and how to structure your day for consistent business growth. If you’re tired of the ups and downs and ready to create Consistent and Predictable Income, this episode is for you.What you’ll learn on this episodeThe five money-making activities that determine your real estate successHow to structure your day for lead generation without neglecting current clientsWhy fear of rejection holds most agents back—and how to overcome itThe secret to balancing client service with business growthWhy treating real estate as a business (not a hobby) is the key to financial stabilityResources mentioned in this episodeCPI Community: A structured system to have no broke months To find out more about Dan Rochon and the CPI Community, you can check these links:Website: No Broke MonthsPodcast: No Broke Months for Salespeople PodcastInstagram: @donrochonxFacebook: Dan RochonLinkedIn: Dan Rochon
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It's about transforming our measurement of a success based off the activity rather than the outcome.
And the activity is you put together a webinar.
So we want to celebrate that activity regardless of what the success is or rather the outcome.
You continue doing the activity, the outcome comes.
What happens to off is we do the activity, we don't get the result we were hoping for, and then we stop doing the activity.
And that is a fatal flaw.
Welcome to the No Broke Months for Salespeople podcast, the ultimate destination for salespeople,
business people and entrepreneurs. As you immerse yourself in this show, you'll discover
the secrets to unlocking consistent and predictable income. We reveal the new way to persuade
human behavior by mastering the art of
the teach to sell method. Get ready to transform your approach and achieve
unparalleled success. All right somebody tell me something good. Well we ran a
fight one this weekend. Good job Johnny, good job, good job, good job. I set up a webinar and
not sure whether or not it was gonna work after a day and a half.
I think I have eight attendees.
Awesome, awesome, awesome.
Not to say that Terry's doing this, right?
But let's say you're doing a webinar.
What the most common thing that we're gonna be concerned
about is how many people are gonna show up.
We agree with that as a sentiment?
So again, it's about transforming our measurement of a success based off the activity rather than the outcome.
And the activity is you put together a webinar.
So we want to celebrate that activity regardless of what the success is or rather the outcome.
You continue doing the activity, I guarantee you.
And again, I'm talking to everybody, not to Terry, right?
You know, everybody including Terry.
You do the activity, the outcome comes.
What happens to office, we do the activity, we don't get the
result we were hoping for, and then we stopped doing the activity.
And that is a fatal flaw.
Somebody else tell me something good.
Good job, Terry.
Great job.
Johnny Rue, who's got something else good to share with us?
Rachel, what you got?
I'm writing an offer that's going to get accepted today.
Good job.
All right.
I love, love, love hearing those real estate successes, maybe a
indicative of a change in the market.
Leslie, take over for me, please.
If you're in sales, if you're a business owner, an entrepreneur, you already know
that it is farther than what you could ever imagine to be able to have success.
There's sometimes there's two steps forward and 18 steps back.
Sometimes there's wins and sometimes there's losses.
Sometimes there's months that go by and you don't even have a sale.
Not if you're in this community, right?
But for some that would be a true statement.
What I know is that sales, business ownership, entrepreneurship,
at times it can be lonely.
At times you can have struggles with it.
At times it can really just really cause you to doubt yourself. It can cause you to be able to put a lot of stress,
it can cause you to lose your hair. Once upon a time I had hair. It could cause you to maybe even
get a little bit crazy. Anyways, I want to share with you that as a sales profession, you've got
two choices of what to do. If you really want to be successful, you've got two choices Actually got three choices, but I'm only gonna give you two
I'll tell you what the three are is to commit to quit or get meager results
But because I won't let you get meager results. I'm only gonna give you two choices today commit or quit
What do I mean between commit or quit? What do I mean by commit or quit?
What I mean is if you want to have success, it's all in. It is all in. It's
not all in today and tomorrow. Screw it. It's not all in this week and then next week.
I'm good. I mean, unless you're taking plan breaks, plan breaks are great. You'll learn
more about that later. But what I'm telling you is half measures will not succeed in business
and outs of renewership and in sales. You have got to commit.
And if you choose to not commit, then I recommend quit.
Because the worst thing that you could do is be half in, waste the next several years,
waste the next several months or weeks or whatever it may be, believe in that you're
all in when you're not, and then quit after you go through a journey that's going to
really be tough.
Now, I hope that you don't think that it's only going to be tough because there are so many, so many great things that come out of being business
owner, that come out of being a sales profession. You're going to learn more about those things as
we go through this curriculum, but for now, I want to encourage for you to make a decision right now.
Commit and be all in or quit because I will not let you have negative results. Be all in.
And be all in or quit because I will not let you have negative results. Be all in.
Boom. Commit or quit.
Thank you, Leslie, for sharing that.
The teach to sell method of which we're talking about in the consistent
predictable income community is about teaching somebody, you know,
we observe, we get things that come at us, our circumstance.
We observe those through our five senses.
And as we observe the those through our five senses.
And as we observe the circumstances
through our five senses, then we have thoughts about them,
about whatever we're observing,
and then we make meaning of it.
We make meaning of it through our experiences,
through our background, through our education,
our cultures, our upbringing.
We use the distortions and generalizations
and deletions of communication
that sometimes
cloud what we're receiving.
And then we have a feeling about it.
And then we have a feeling about it.
We then take action.
And when we take action, we get a result.
So Teach to Sell is about helping other people through that process so that they truck you.
Hey, hey, salesperson.
Are you struggling to close deals?
Or struggling to gain trust?
Or are you struggling to create consistent and predictable income?
I'm Dan Rochein and I've seen it all.
Salespeople stuck in uncertainty, guessing their way through the business.
And that's why I created the Consistent Predictable Income CPI Inner Circle.
To give you the tools to master
teach yourself and finally eliminate the struggle learn how to influence close
and turn doubt into trust on repeat no more trial and error just results ready to take control
visit that's Click login and get started today.
Typically in Teach to Sell, it's about demonstrating your expertise in a way that another person
can understand so that you can make an impact on their life, whether it's consulting a buyer
through the buying process, whether they can understand the predictable problems of the
transaction, or maybe it's consulting with a seller so they can understand the predictable problems of the transaction, or maybe it's consulting with a seller so they can understand the meaning of the market, of
the seasonal cycles, the economic cycles, to ensure the real estate economic expert
and help somebody, you know, a seller to be able to understand what the data
means to them.
So typically we talk about teach to sell how we can help others.
In this section of teach to sell, we're talking about how we can help others. In this section of teach to sell,
we're talking about how we can help ourselves. We're talking about how you can teach yourself
to become unstoppable. And so for you to become unstoppable, for you to teach yourself, I'm
giving you some compasses. Okay. I'm giving you some compasses to be able to have a tool
that when stuff gets hard, you've already made the decision before you get to
the decision-making point. So these are called the pre-decision compasses. A pre-decision compass is
something that you're going to decide on now. Hopefully we're all in a neutral or positive state,
maybe you're not, but let me say that differently. When you're in a neutral or a positive state,
that's when you make your pre-decisions. That when you set your compass of here's what I'm going to do
when I'm faced with that challenge
commit or quit is a pre-decision compass
recognize I'm not telling anybody here
to commit yet what I'm sharing with you
is here's your choices and in the video
I talked to you about hey you got three
choices but I'm only going to give you
two the three choices are commit quit or
settle for meager results. Those are your
three choices. Of those three choices, your very worst choice you can make is accept meager
results. Your best choice to make will be to commit, yet understand that whatever you're
committing to has got to be something that's going to serve you. That's going to be something
that's going to be able to provide you value, to help you have a better life. And the consistent and predictable income community, we talk about creating a life that we have no broke months.
If you want to have a life where you have no broke months, what do you have to do?
You have to make a commitment. You've got to commit.
What are the things that you've got to commit to?
Give me some feedback. That's a question for you.
An active question.
What do you believe you've got to commit to you to be able to position
yourself to have no broke months?
What do you think the things would be?
Lead generation.
What else?
What happens after you lead generate?
Set an appointment.
Convert them to meet with you.
Convert them to meet with you.
Meet with them for the purpose of getting hired, negotiate.
I'm going to jump to the last one and then you're scripting a role play.
Bro, there it is. There's Harvey Penn.
Okay. So what I'm asking you to do is to commit to your CPI time.
Your CPI time are the five things that make you money.
The five things that are CPI time are the five things that will lead you to having no broke marks.
Boom. stop.
Every single thing else is going to distract you from having no broke months.
Now did I just say only do the five things?
Did I just say the other stuff doesn't matter?
What I said was these are the five things that are going to make you money.
These are the five things that are going to get you to have no broke months.
You got a sick kid?
Should you be lead generating or take care of your sick kid?
Well, I mean, it depends on the situation, but I'm going to take care of my kid.
But guess what?
I'm still going to do my job today unless I have a planned day off or a sick day.
Sick days are okay, right?
But the reality of it is the five things that Harvey just expertly shared with us, CPI time,
if you don't have this internalized, I'm going to ask for you to write this down. Those five things are to lead generate, convert the leads to shared with us, CPI time. If you don't have this internalized, I'm gonna ask for you to write this down.
Those five things are to lead generate,
convert the leads to meet with you,
attend the appointments to get hired and show homes,
negotiate and practice your scripts and role play.
Those are the five things that make you money.
Boom, stop.
So those are the five things that make you money.
How often should you do those five things in your business?
What do you guys think?
Every day. Every day. My recommendation is five days a week. I recommend to take two days off a week. I really truly do. Oh, by the way, rarely have I worked a Saturday or Sunday,
okay, since day one. But you can sit there and say, but Dan, you've got the consistency,
you've got the momentum, you've got the business, you've got the staff, you've got the support.
Since day one, I've not worked weekends. So I haven't always had that. I think it's critical
to take two days off or at least one and a half days off a week. I think it's critical to take
plan breaks and I know it's critical five days a week to do your CPI time. All right, have the
best day of your life, be grateful, make good choices, go help somebody. And I love you guys.
Hey there, No Broke Months listener. I've got some exciting news.
We just passed
for the No Broke Months podcast.
And I could not have done it without you.
I am beyond grateful for every single listener
who tunes in daily, takes action, and shares
this journey with me.
Now, with you and I, let's take it a step further.
If this podcast has helped you, imagine what it could do for another salesperson who might
be struggling.
Share the show with them.
Let them know there's a way to create consistent and predictable income.
Because no salesperson should ever have another broken month again.
And hey, while you're at it, don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave us a favorable
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episode, have the best day of your life. Be grateful, make good choices, go help someone,
and share the show with a friend. God bless you.