Part Of The Problem - Douglas Murray Raises The Alarm

Episode Date: July 12, 2024

Dave Smith and Robbie The Fire Bernstein bring you the latest in politics! On this episode of Part Of The Problem, Dave and Robbie take a look at a conversation between Douglas Murray and Ben... Shapiro on the importance of Israel to the rest of the western world.Support Our SponsorsMonetary Metals - Patriot Supply - Kratom - https://yokratom.comGet your tickets to Porch Tour Herehttps://porchtour.comFind Run Your Mouth here:Youtube - - - Of The Problem is available for early pre release on GaS Digital Network every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Sign-up with code POTP to get access to the archives, bonus content and more! https://gasdigital.comFollow the show on social media:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to the Gas Digital Network. Look at who we're funding right now. Every single one of these problems are a result of government being way too big. You're listening to Part of the Problem on the Gas Digital Network. Here's your host, Dave Smith. What's up, everybody? Welcome to a brand new episode of Part of the Problem. I am Dave Smith, and I am rejoined by the apple of my eye, my partner in crime, Robbie the Fire Bernstein, coming from a not very well-made hotel room of some sorts.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yeah, I'm staying in a nice piece of shit out here in Myrtle Beach, but I'm having fun hanging out with the O'Kratom guys, taking a couple of breaks from a pretty great run of porch tour and off to Texas this weekend. Hell yeah. And of course, we're going to link up in Austin. Looking forward to that. I don't think we've ever been to Austin together. Nope. We can do it big. We can get some barbecue, enjoy the mothership, drink over at the Creek.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It's fun time down there. Yes, we will do. We will do all of that. Maybe there's some good steakhouses out there, too. We'll go get we'll go do it up real nice. Austin's got good food. Anyway, I'm very excited. This weekend is my headline weekend at the comedy mothership, which really is just it's the best comedy club in the United States of America. And that means the world. No one else is really funny. But there's some funny people in Canada. There's some funny people in England.
Starting point is 00:01:38 It has not made its way to Germany. There's just not an Eastern Europe. I think it's a crime to be funny in most of eastern europe that's just not what they what they do although that zielinski guy did it pretty good for himself he's a pretty successful comic out there anyway um dancing as a lady that was his best work that was it was pretty good uh anyway uh rob is is has more porch tour stuff coming up porch for that and uh comic for all the ticket links for me and Rob are going to be on the road for the rest of the year.
Starting point is 00:02:08 A whole bunch. So come check us out there. It's cool how many people are actually traveling to Austin for your gig. I keep hearing from fans that they're flying in to see you at the Mothership. I think that's such a weird and cool dynamic. Yeah. You know what I learned from...
Starting point is 00:02:24 This is my second weekend You know what I learned from this is my second, you know, weekend there. And what I learned from last year was to promote this one way earlier. Because last year I kind of, you know, started I promoted it like it was a regular gig. But that club sells tickets itself, unlike any other club that I do. So I think unlike any other club in the world. And so it was like a lot of our people ended up getting boxed out because it sold out before they had a chance to get tickets. So this time I made sure on on our show to promote it way, way months in advance to be like, listen, if you want to because I know there are there are a lot of people who not just want to see me,
Starting point is 00:03:00 but want to see me there and like I've never been before and stuff. So, yeah, I thought that was very cool, too. And I know it was a lot of our people because like i could see like it sold out months ago and i could see like on the mothership website that like other weekends hadn't sold out that were that were before mine so it was like you know like they all sell out at that club but some of them might sell out a month before some of them might sell out two months before so i was like okay i could tell like kind of oh oh, all right, it's the club's draw, but a lot of our people on top of that were there. So very much looking forward, uh, to, to this weekend, it's going to be a lot of fun. And also it was just going to be a cool time.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Cause like you're coming out, I think Lewis is coming out for, for part of it. And I believe Chris Vega is going to come like hang. And so there's it'll it'll just be a fun time in general. OK, let's get into some stuff. So, first of all, as as you guys know, look, we've been talking nonstop about the fallout from the presidential debate. There'll be some more talk about that on this episode. It's just impossible not to. We're living in a world where it is not inconceivable that we could end this recording, I could walk upstairs and find out that the 25th Amendment has been invoked against Joe Biden. We're living in a time that we're in uncharted territory. I just recorded Piers Morgan's show, and it was how he kind of sets it up where there's a panel and there's like kind of two Zionists and two critics of Israel. And Cenk Uygur and me were the two critics of Israel.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And then there were two other people who were like like defenders of Israel. And from all over the political spectrum, like I'm a libertarian, Jenks, a hardcore progressive, I don't even know exactly what the politics of the other two were other than than being pro Israel. But there's four people were there to kind of all fight me and Jenk don't agree on basically anything except war that you know, that I shouldn't say that I'm sure there's there's some other issues we agree on, but we disagree on a lot of issues. And they just go down the road. The first topic is Joe Biden, which is all in agreement. Like everybody's just like, yeah, he's got to go. This guy, it's insane. This guy just shit his pants on national television. What do you like? Everyone's just in agreement about that. So anyway, it was just kind of interesting. Just this weird, you know, moment. Anyway, let's start with something else. So as as listeners of the show know, well, I've I've responded several times to Douglas Murray debates or or rants about about the
Starting point is 00:05:38 war in Israel. He just the other day was on the Ben Shapiro show. And I, I must say, obviously I've, I've challenged him to a debate several times. It doesn't look like, uh, that's happening at least anytime soon. I I'll be happy to be proven wrong on that. Um, but of all of the, uh, the, the rants and debates and arguments of his that we've kind of torn apart on the show, I, I genuinely thought this one was the most unhinged. And so and part of that is because he's sitting down with Ben Shapiro. And so there's no type of, you know, there's no limiting force. You know, it's not like he's there in a debate where if he says something too crazy, you kind of know the other guy's gonna, gonna hit you for that. Or if he's
Starting point is 00:06:25 like on Pierce Morgan show debating Cenk Uygur, then if he says something too wild, Pierce is even going to be like, well, wait a minute, you just claim it. But with Ben Shapiro, you know, you could say whatever the hell you want to, and he's going to agree with you. So anyway, let's get into this. And, and we'll, we'll dissect it a bit. People say, well, why are you so bothered about Israel? And I hear that from the right. The left don't care. They know I'm beyond saving.
Starting point is 00:06:52 But on the right, I hear that. And I think they don't realize. They think it's some weird thing. Like, why is this a small state? Why does it bother you? Like, why is this a small state? Why does it bother you? I don't think they've even remotely reflected on what I regard as the deepest reasons to care.
Starting point is 00:07:14 It seems to me, if, as you well know, Western civilization is based on the legacy of Athens and Jerusalem. Athens is under great assault always, but it's not actually under existential assault at the moment. What is being attempted by Israel's enemies is the philosophical and cultural equivalent of burning all the libraries of Alexandria. and cultural equivalent of burning all the libraries of alexandria
Starting point is 00:07:53 this is one of the underpinnings of western civilization utterly utterly at risk and not in a sort of metaphorical way where people might use it as a sort of book subtitle but the real thing i mean i i you know i I've sometimes thought about it this way. I haven't tried this out in public before. How many Jews are there? Okay, all right. Let's pause it there already. This is where it gets even more bizarre to me.
Starting point is 00:08:18 But just reflecting on that, I just find this narrative. First of all, he does the thing where, which I hate when people do, you know, like what this is what I was tearing Chris Cuomo apart for the other day. You know, when people like it, they'll they'll ask themselves easy questions and then answer it. And you're like, yeah, but that was never the question anyone was asking. So you just like frame your own argument as if that like he goes, I hear from the right all the time.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Like, why do you care so much why does israel matter to you it's like is that really the question that people are asking like why do you care or are they asking much more pointed questions like why is it in america's interest to always back israel what you know what i mean like what type of um what type of pressure does the government of of Israel exert over our politics or things like this? But anyway, I just find this. So I posted this video and a couple of comments about it on Twitter. And one of the things and I think you can kind of speak to this, Rob, because you grew up in a in a Jewish environment. kind of speak to this, Rob, because you, you know, grew up in a, in a Jewish environment. So one of the things that you get when you post things like this is that you realize there is,
Starting point is 00:09:37 there's a real paranoia amongst Jews, but also, I guess, amongst people like Douglas Murray, who are just the defenders of Israel or whatever, where they, they will speak as if, you know, he's saying, look, this isn't just like a subtitle for a book. This is real life. Jews are under existential threat. And I would certainly agree that I think Israel's actions over the last nine months have put them in more threat than they've been in before. But the idea that like Israel's about to be overthrown and all of the, the holy sites are about to be burned to the ground or something like that, because that's what their enemies want to do to them. I'm not denying that there are some enemies of Israel who might want to do that to them. There is, they have no means by which to
Starting point is 00:10:21 accomplish this in the same sense that like you might, Rob, you might you might feel that, you know, there's some there might be some blue haired college 20 year old chick who if she was running the government would just silence us and arrest us. And you know what I mean? But, you know, that's not you can't say I'm under existential threat of this woman doing this to me because she's just some 20 year old. She has no power, no means by which to enforce that. It's kind of a similar type thing here where just even this framing as if Israel is on the brink of extermination is goofy. It's just it's removed from reality. But I know like when I debated Dennis Prager, there was one point where he started talking about anti-Semitism and how people would like kill all the Jews. And he was getting like his eyes were welding up. Like, I don't know if it came through on camera, but I was sitting right like across from him and he was like getting so emotional.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I had one guy on Twitter the other day, a Jewish guy told me that he said, even though they won't admit it, about 20% of Americans want to see Jews exterminated. And I just responded to the guy. I was like, listen, man, I just, I got to say, I don't think you're living in reality. Like, I just don't, I'm not saying nobody hates Jews. I'm saying amongst the people who are considered Jew haters, like amongst the people who you consider anti-Semitic, it's not 20%. Like it's amongst like whoever, you know, pick whoever it is that you think is like the most popular Jew hater out there. Most of them don't even agree that Jews should be exterminated.
Starting point is 00:12:04 The idea, and you almost go like, man, what world are you living in where you think we're in a society where 20% of the population wants a race exterminated? It's just, it's hard to even respond to because it's so removed from reality. I don't know. Any thoughts, Rob? I think you're overlooking it's a threat to all of Western civilization. He's so intense with it. We're all going to die. If Israel folds, America's gone tomorrow. It's a pinnacle of Western.
Starting point is 00:12:35 It's like a support beam in some, I don't know, structure that doesn't exist. That if Israel fell tomorrow, all of Western civilization would no longer exist. It's like the water would fall off the earth. Yeah. Like I don't even know how to describe it. Like I was arguing with someone on Twitter the other day, or they were saying that like, you know, talking about how much radical Islam is a threat to Western civilization. And I was just like, look, dude, objectively, the terror wars have done more to damage Western civilization than any radical Muslims could ever dream of doing. I mean, like, honestly, like, just think it through to yourself if you just go, OK, so what hurt America more, 9-11 or the war in Iraq? Iraq. Like forgetting even like the blowback argument of all of the things that we did that led to 9-11. Forget all of that. Let's just say just 9-11 or the war in Iraq. Well, right away,
Starting point is 00:13:34 the war in Iraq, more Americans were killed. More Americans were killed as a result of the war directly. And then by committing suicide in the wake of the war, substantially more Americans were killed by the war in Iraq than by 9-11. It also cost trillions of dollars. And it also discredited our, you know, our standing in the world, our institutions, our leaders, all of this in a way that 9-11 never could have. It's just it's just obvious like this. It's just obvious. So no, it's like to focus on the threat that Hamas poses to Israel or something like that is not nearly as – like many of you are history majors, but Western civilization actually predates Israel by a little bit. I don't know that it would collapse if Israel collapsed. There's no reason to suspect it would.
Starting point is 00:14:45 But even aside from that, Israel's own actions are putting them more in jeopardy than anything that hamas could ever do to them um you know what else 9-11 response to the 9-11 did it normalized lines and that's how ben laden won because it started with the airport security line and then the airports were like oh these fuckers will just stand in lines and then the rental agencies were like these guys will just stare and then that i'm telling you that kick-started inflation that kick-started the world that we live in where every company will just be shitty to you because the United States government displayed through TSA that we would just take it. Yeah. You know, listen, man, there's I know you say it somewhat in jest, but I really actually think there is something there. the post 9-11 conditioning of obedience on many different levels that led to the rise of woke ism and led to the the covid insanity being being logistically possible to implement that you had you had decades of of building up kind of this culture of obedience. And if you stray outside of the lines,
Starting point is 00:15:46 you get whacked with every name in the book and every penalty that they can impose on you. I mean, I really do think there's something to that. All right, guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is, home of the $60 kilo. If you are over the age of 21 and you enjoy Kratom, make sure to go get your Kratom from, longtime sponsor of this show and this network. They have quality stuff. It's all lab tested. It's shipped directly to your door, and it's the best price you're going to find anywhere, $60 for a kilo, All right, let's get back into the show. All right, let's keep playing this video.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I've sometimes thought about it this way. I haven't tried this out in public before. How many Jews are there in the world? 15 million. 15 million, okay. This is going to come, this may come across really coarse, but let me put it this way.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I mean, there are lots of conflicts in the world and I've covered a lot of conflicts involving a lot of people, but it's conceivable that at some point 15 million Christians could be killed. It would be a disaster, a tragedy. It's conceivable that at some point, Burma, India, somewhere, 15 million Muslims could be killed. It would be a disaster. It would be a tragedy of an unimaginable scale, of mid-20th century scale. But if 15 million Jews were killed, that's the end of the story. That's it.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Now, what does that mean for the Jewish people? It's the end that the people who saw off everyone from Pharaoh to Hitler disappeared in the 21st century. Everyone else, in my view, wouldn't survive either. wouldn't survive either wouldn't survive either western civilization could not survive the destruction of the jewish state because it would just pause it right here now i mean i guess i'll give douglas murray credit that he prefaced that by saying i've never tried this one out in public before maybe Maybe open like it. Yeah, that's all I'm saying. Workshop it a little bit. Try it out in private. Run it by your wife or
Starting point is 00:18:10 sorry, not wife for Douglas Murray. But, you know, run it by a friend. Run it. Run it by a buddy, someone you respect, someone you trust. Go, hey, let me just run this by you. See if you can poke out any holes in it, you know, because there's some glaring ones. Like, I find this argument totally bizarre. It makes no sense. Like, there's no logic to it whatsoever. He's not even presenting exactly what the logic is. But to say it out loud in front of an audience is just so wild to me. You know, I've long said that at the root of it, at the very end, if you drill all the way down to the core of the arguments being presented by the people supporting what Israel is doing to Gaza, that in order to have that argument deep down at the core, there's an underlying belief that Jewish life is more valuable than Palestinian life and that you really you really can't get to supporting something like this unless you just feel that way, unless you just at the bottom line, you're like, well, Palestinian life is just not as valuable. And therefore, we can kill a bunch
Starting point is 00:19:17 of them to ensure that a much smaller number of of Jewish life is avenged or or in the case of the hostages recovered or something like that. Now, look, that can be your feeling. But if you feel that way, you have to understand where Palestinians may not agree with you. Right. And then and then the question becomes like, why exactly should Americans feel that way? I can understand why Israelis feel that way, but why the hell should anybody else? But here, for the first time, at least that I remember hearing, it's not me saying it. He's saying it. He's just telling you that, no, no, no, it would be worse to kill 15 million Jews than it would be to kill 15 million Christians or 15 million Muslims.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Again, I'm not trying to strawman him here. He's not saying it would be good to kill 15 million of anybody. He's saying it'd be a tragic no matter what, but it'd be a much worse tragedy if you were to kill 15 million Jews. That to me is just bonkers. It's just bonkers to say. And I say this as a Jewish person. I don't want to see any Jews get killed. But to have the starting point that somehow it would be worse because that would be the end of the bloodline or something like that, I don't – I just don't see things that way. Like I just – I think it would be an equal tragedy to kill 15 million people from any group and then for him to just assert at the end that that's the death of all of us. If the Jews go, we all go is. It's an assertion pulled out of thin air. It makes no sense at all that if like, listen, it'd be a huge loss if 15 million Jews were killed. It'd be obviously horrible,
Starting point is 00:21:00 be horrible if 15 million people of any group were killed. But no, I don't believe that everybody else is just so stupid and useless that they could not continue to exist. What am I missing here, Rob? It's such a funny thing for him to put forward because then you got to be like, yeah, it would be tragic if all Jewish people were eradicated from Earth. And I also understand what he's saying of if you if you've only got 15 million in one group of people and then you take them down to zero so that they don't exist anymore i understand where he's coming from of that being i guess more tragic than 15 million people random people dying i get his point but when he jumps to that the world would no longer exist now the world would continue to exist, which is not a defense for, Hey, let's go kill 15 million Jewish people. Cause the world will continue to exist.
Starting point is 00:21:49 But once you're putting forward arguments like this, doesn't that mean you have nothing else? This is your best rat. Like once people start putting forward bullshit, it's because they actually don't have a good reason. So the fact that you're not having a conversation, why is, why is Israel at this level of support from the American people and why do they get to kill innocent civilians at this level and will continue to support them? And then if your conversation is, well, if the Jews stopped to exist, then the entire world wouldn't exist anymore. Well, you just jumped to bullshit. So I guess you don't have an answer to the actual questions. So I guess you don't have an answer to the actual questions.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yeah. I mean, and of course, I always hate like I I'm not against hypotheticals being used to demonstrate a point or something like that. But it does seem that oftentimes these kind of hypotheticals are used to totally distract from the actual reality of what were what's going on. And it just doesn't, it doesn't apply at all. I mean, it's just simply, it's like, as the people in Gaza are being slaughtered, we're sitting here talking about why it would be worse for a huge number of Jews to be slaughtered than a huge number of Muslims to be slaughtered. And it's like, dude, there's no look as was wherever the level of support is for Israel by the United States of America and by the Western world. And there's no question that obviously public opinion around the world has been very harsh on Israel over the last nine months and for
Starting point is 00:23:25 some fairly obvious reasons. And Joe Biden say the political dynamic is that he's got a base, about 70 percent of whom support a permanent ceasefire, about 50 percent of whom consider what's going on there a genocide. So he's got a political issue on his hands because he's funding what they consider to be a genocide. So he may have to say some things about how, hey, we would like Israel to pull back or we want to send some more aid to Gaza or whatever, but he's still funding and arming the whole goddamn war. And, you know, when when Iran launched those those missiles at Israel, everybody I mean, not only the United States of America, but also Saudi Arabia and Jordan. I mean, even the, the Sunni Gulf States, or I guess, uh, Jordan, I always say Jordan is
Starting point is 00:24:15 not a Gulf state, but a Sunni, all the Sunni sock puppets of America, they all got involved in defending Israel too. And the idea that we would allow everyone in Israel to just be slaughtered is just totally removed from reality. Like, if that's your concern, I have good news for you. That's not happening. You know, it's not happening anytime soon. This is very similar to the Sam Harris argument of if every covid condition was different and the vaccine worked differently and we lived in a different reality, this would have
Starting point is 00:24:44 been a good idea. He's essentially saying, hey, instead of having a conversation about how Israel can protect itself and how it actually treats this other group of people and the history of how they got there, imagine we lived in a world where all the Jews were going to be killed tomorrow and how tragic, like, well, that's not the world we live in and that's not the conversation that we're having. Right. You know, and I'll say, no, it's a very apt comparison. And I'll say that, you know, it's not as if like I've done a lot of these these Israel debates. And I think I got another one coming up. And I'll use analogies and metaphors and hypotheticals in the debate sometimes.
Starting point is 00:25:21 But it's always then to bring it back to like the history. What's going on right now, what, you know what I mean? Like, what, like a tangible argument. And there is something about relying on these, on these like hypotheticals that, you know, are always used by war hawks. It's always like counterfactuals or hypotheticals, or if the situation was totally different and this happened, then what, you know, one of the, the things I hear a lot, I literally just responded to someone on, on Twitter the other day who said this to me, where they said something about like, well, what if, um, Israel went back to 1967 borders, they ended the occupation, they ended the blockade,
Starting point is 00:26:09 they ended the war going on in Gaza right now, and they just, you know, gave the Palestinians their freedom, like you guys are independent of Israel. And, and then Hamas kept attacking, you know, and I answered, I quoted, not not quoted, I should say, but I basically said, I paraphrased Daryl Cooper and what his response was when I remember he was asked about this once. And he just goes, well, then we would be having a different conversation, wouldn't we? And I like I think that's totally reasonable, right? Like, yes, then in that situation, we'd be having a different conversation. But since we're not in that situation, let's have the conversation of what we are actually in. And like, I don't see how that's not a reasonable answer, you know.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And now I could also make an argument as to why I think it would be unlikely that that would happen. And it's more likely that tensions would actually simmer down. I can point to historical pieces of evidence for this. Like, you know, for example, that violence between the Palestinians and the Israelis was actually much lower during the Oslo negotiations. And once those peace negotiations fell apart, then Sharon visited the Temple Mount and then the second Antifata kicked off. And like, okay, so things got a lot worse when peace negotiations fell apart. Then Sharon visited the Temple Mount and then the second Antifata kicked off.
Starting point is 00:27:25 And like, OK, so things got a lot worse when peace negotiations fell down. You can see that support for Hamas rises when Israel's being their most violent and their most brutal towards the Palestinian Palestinians. And it lowers when that brutality like, you know, is brought down a little bit. However, no one knows for 100 percent sure what's going to happen. But, you know, is brought down a little bit. However, no one knows for 100% sure what's going to happen. But, you know, in the same way that, that's why I bring up that Jefferson quote all the time, in the same way that saying like, well, if we free the slaves, are they going to try to kill all of us is not a justification for slavery. You know, it's like, okay, well, you got to end slavery because you're not allowed to do that to other people. And then if this problem presents itself
Starting point is 00:28:03 later, you got to try to deal with that problem later. But the situation right now is something very different, where the Palestinians have been occupied since 1967. You know, you think about it like this, right? Gaza, before October 7th, had been under occupation by Israel since 1967, and they had been under blockade by Israel since 2005 or 2006. The, the people in, uh, who, who did October 7th were probably mostly in their what early twenties, something like that. There was 50% unemployment in Gaza pre-October 7th, okay? And this is in large part because of the blockade around the country. These guys, and this isn't to justify Hamas at all, because clearly, obviously, they committed
Starting point is 00:28:59 atrocities on October 7th, but many of these people were breaking out of Gaza for the first time ever. Gaza is like five miles wide and 25 miles long. And these people have been kept there forever. You know, these are, it's more akin to a prison break than anything else. Now they broke out of the prison and killed everything that moves. Okay. That's not okay. You're not allowed to do that, you know, but you can still kind of look at the situation and go like, yeah, dude, you know, you keep people in these conditions. They might become savages. That's kind of part of human nature.
Starting point is 00:29:35 We're all capable of that. All right, guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is monetary Are you ready to start building wealth by putting your precious metals to work? Silver isn't just a precious metal, of course. It's a tangible asset and a great way to diversify any investment portfolio. And with monetary metals, you don't just own physical silver. You own silver that works for you to generate more silver, growing your total ounces over time. Right now, you can earn 12% annual interest on
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Starting point is 00:31:04 All right, anyway, let's keep playing. Because it would be, among much else, the cutting away of the whole tree that we're on and Western civilization would die. So I regard the existential threat against the Jewish people to not just be about the Jewish people. It matters deeply to me that it is about the Jewish people. But it also matters to me because it's about America.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Could America survive if the Jewish people were no more on its watch or everybody was forcibly deported from the Holy Land? Come on. Of course not. Could the isolationist bear the risk? Pause it right there. What is the argument? Aside from just asserting, of course not. First of all, I got to ask here, like, what do you, I mean, they say there's 15 million Jews. What exactly is the breakdown of that?
Starting point is 00:31:57 I think there's like five plus in Israel, million Jews. And then in America, somewhere around the same. Maybe I might have those numbers wrong. There might be more between New York and L.A. I don't know exactly. But so you have like I'm just like, take me through this hypothetical here, because at first you're like, so not only have they exterminated all of the Jews in Israel, but they've come over to America and they've come to Europe and they've killed all the Jews there, too. And, you know, America and they've come to Europe and they've killed all the Jews there too. And you know, how, by what, in what crazy fantasy is this all possible? Uh, 7.5 million in the U S I'm being told. Okay. So how did they get all 7.5 million in the U S but then he clarifies that even if
Starting point is 00:32:39 they just expelled them, like, let's say the Jews are just kicked out of Israel and they have to go back to Europe or they have to go to the United States of America or something like that. He's saying that America ceases to exist. And he doesn't attach any argument to this. He just asked the questions and then goes, of course not. Like, what? Take me through that. It is by the very, like, I could understand if he was making the like I could understand if he was making perhaps I could understand if he was like making some evangelical Christian argument that it would anger God and then God would kill all of us or something. But like, just take me through this. How would this end the United States of America? Because Palestinians would control Tel Aviv. Why? Why is that so obvious? I mean,
Starting point is 00:33:29 speak slowly. Talk to me like I'm really, really dumb. Explain it to me. Why is it that that would result in the United States of America ceasing to exist? And why is it so obvious? He asked the question and then said, of course not. So like what? Why exactly is this so self-evident that America would cease to exist? In fact, it seems to not only not be self-evident, it seems to be fucking absurd. You know, like I've always been an advocate of 67 borders. I think that's kind of the most reasonable compromise right now. That has also been the baseline starting point for every round of negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, including not only the ones that they've been a part of with the United States of America, but the Saudi proposals and the proposals from the PLO and from Hamas and from Yitzhak Rabin, like all of them. That's always the starting point is 67 borders. The question is whether they get to control the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza or whether they don't.
Starting point is 00:34:36 There's never been a debate about whether all I mean, I'm like, I'm not saying that the craziest Islamists haven't said from the river to the sea. I'm saying there's never actually been like a debate about whether that's going to be implemented or not. But this this argument that even if the Jews were forced to leave, which would be terrible, it would be doing to them what was done to the Palestinians, which is wrong. But where do you get from there to the United States of America ceases to exist? Firstly, are we uh sure that douglas murray isn't just some michael malice troll character ah he's a really good one if he
Starting point is 00:35:10 is yeah this might just be uh all right this is the most favorable sitting at my passover satyr working loops in your head a charitable explanation for what douglas murray is saying all right i want to hear it i think he's he's not quite saying America will cease to exist. He's saying Western civilization will cease to exist. And I think what he's getting at is that if we allow this to happen, we're so cruel, we wouldn't have the same spirit of what Western civilization is supposed to have. But even if that's true, the leaps he's taking and that we're not having a conversation about anyone advocating for genociding or rounding up all the Jews, there's no real security threat to Israel of them all dying tomorrow. So it's a nonsense conversation no matter what.
Starting point is 00:35:55 And he's not quite, as you said, explaining to us how, firstly, why are we having a conversation as if all the Jews are being eradicated? Why are you doing that? This is stupid. But then also, if all the Jews were to be eradicated, in what way does that mean that Western civilization would be over? And that's the only reason I can give for what he's trying to say is that we would be a different, crueler civilization. Yeah, I mean, I suppose that's maybe the whole thing's stupid. I'm just I'm saying this whole thing is nonsense yeah no it is and i'm glad you made the comparison because i didn't even really think of it but it is like the sam harris thing like it's just kind of like oh well what if covid had a 50
Starting point is 00:36:34 percent death rate and the vaccines were 100 safe and effective then how about mandating them if everything in the world was different what I was saying would be rather smart. It's like, yeah, like maybe. I mean, by the way, I don't with the Sam Harris one. I don't even agree with your conclusion there. I mean, like, obviously, that'd be a much worse situation. But I just don't buy that. You'd need mandates.
Starting point is 00:36:58 You know what I mean? Like, I think if that were the case, then I think you the only issue you would have would be that there's such a high demand that these vaccines are flying off the shelves so quickly and there would just be no need to force people. I just don't buy that. Like, you'd have to force people to survive. I think that's like the most fundamental, you know, instinct that people have. And likewise, in in this scenario, it's like even in this scenario, it's just not clear to me that America would cease to exist. But also, like, if you're going to make a claim like that, you got to back it up with some type of argument. Anyway, let's get the addicts in America. How are you going to get all the Jews?
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah, yeah. No, I don't know how many addicts we have. Germans, they don't build with addicts. That's why it was so easy. Well, it's also look, I will say there's there's also something about the, you know, again, which is always, as I pointed out many times, it's something kind of ironic and hilarious about the fact that all of the most hardcore anti woke people invoke like this woke argument when they're trying to, you know, when the topic of Israel comes up. But as I pointed out on Glenn Greenwald's show the other day, it's actually a much weaker argument for Jews than it is for any other group. Like if you're talking about like black people in America and the history of racism, it's just a lot different than talking about Jewish people in the history of anti-Semitism because Jews are so successful. And like the idea that,
Starting point is 00:38:30 you know, painting the Jews as has always been done as like this kind of victimized minority that's completely powerless. I mean, that that certainly is true of Jewish people who lived under territory controlled by Adolf Hitler. Like they were pretty helpless. But that's just not the story of, of Jewish people throughout the Western world today. It's, it's not objectively. And, you know, even when the, like the history of Israel is told, it's always told is like, look, man, there were these like these these Jewish farmers who had just been kicked all around the world. And so they finally went to set up shop in Israel. And then they were attacked by like all of these outside Arab nations just for declaring independence. And miraculously, somehow they defeated all of them.
Starting point is 00:39:24 And like even, you know, like I think about, I remember being told this story when I was a little kid and I was like, how did I not raise an eyebrow right away? Like when they told you that story, don't you first go, huh? It's like, they beat off six foreign armies by the, just a bunch of farmers like did that. And then you're like, oh no, no, no, no, no. Because they had like tremendous like these humongous milit or that is just, again, totally removed from reality. All right. Let's let's play the rest of this this video. It's not good. The isolationists bear the repercussions of that across the Middle East and elsewhere? Of course not. So I find this blitheness and the frivolity of it to be absolutely intolerable among the critics on the right.
Starting point is 00:40:35 One of the things that's been so amazing about all of this is just the sense that the West has lost its moorings. I mean, I was more disturbed from a sort of Jewish perspective as a Jew. Tragedies happened to the Jews. Terrorist attacks happened to Jews. Slaughters happened to Jews. This is sort of the story of Jewish history. But the idea that you have hundreds of thousands of Westerners who are marching in solidarity with the murderers, that was on some level more disturbing to me than the actual massacre itself. Certainly not in terms of the actual amount of human suffering and the horrifying evil and actual massacre itself. Certainly not in terms of, you know, the actual amount of human suffering and the horrifying evil and barbarity of it. But in terms
Starting point is 00:41:09 of the threat to the civilization as a whole, it seems to me that one of the things that we're seeing in terms of this sort of right-wing backlash that's now happening in Europe, it's very much at peace with that. It's very much Europe, and I'm hoping America, saying, if we don't have any values for us to rely upon, then the people who are marching through the streets are going to end up running this place. All right. So that's the end of the clip there. I mean, I guess just in response to Ben Shapiro there, it's it's also just not living in reality. You know, the idea that there's and I'm not saying like there aren't people who hate Jews or even even want to see them get killed there are some um but the idea that hundreds of thousands of people are
Starting point is 00:41:49 marching uh because they want to see more jews get killed is just i think not true clearly the least charitable interpretation of what's going on it's like a lot of people are sticking up for the Palestinians who objectively have it much worse than the Jews. Like, you know, like it's just it's impossible to sit here and invoke the history of anti-Semitism and therefore say the Jews are the, you know, the the put upon victims here when no, look, the Palestinian people, even if you blame Hamas for it, as many of the Zionists try to do, which I don't think is is is anywhere approaching sane to put like 100 percent of the blame on Hamas for the Palestinian suffering. Obviously, Israel has a lot of responsibility for that, but they're suffering far more.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Far more of them are being killed. Far more of them are living in misery. Far more of them are denied basic human rights. That's just objectively a fact. And so you have a lot of people protesting, sticking up for those guys to equate that with wanting to see Jewish women and children killed is just not accurate. So, um, okay. I, it should be pointed out, um, that on this topic, there was a major damning piece that was put out by, uh, Haaretz Haaretz. Some people get mad at me for the way I pronounce that, but I stand by it. You're not supposed to pronounce things in like the accent of a foreign language. And that's nothing's worse than when people do that. It's France. I'm not supposed to go, you know, over in all France. There was a recent election and there's protests in the streets. It's like
Starting point is 00:43:38 when people do that with Spanish, you know what I mean? Like when they'll be like, uh, Roberto Gonzalez was over at the house the other day. And he was like, no, no, no, no, no. You don't do that. You say it in a stiff American accent. I don't care how it's pronounced in Hebrew. Anyway, they they they just put out a major piece. And, you know, this kind of corroborates what many, you know, military people and eyewitnesses have testified to. But they are running with the story that the Hannibal directive was implemented on October 7th. This was something a lot of us had speculated about because just due to a lot of the images, it looked like some of this seemed like it had come from like hellfire
Starting point is 00:44:26 missiles and not hand grenades. You know, when you see the lined up cars that are all, you know, totally incinerated and stuff like that. But this is now one of the biggest newspapers in Israel is reporting this with with multiple sources. They are anonymous sources. So take that into consideration. But it's hard to imagine Haaretz would run with something like this if they didn't have some people, you know what I mean? That had like come to them with it. And again, that doesn't, I still don't think we have a good idea of how many Israelis were killed by the IDF compared to how many were killed by Hamas.
Starting point is 00:45:07 But that's a pretty big piece of information. You know, if like the death toll has been touted out and kind of used as why Israel must take this action and why the U.S. must support it. And if a lot or a meaningful percentage of that death toll came from the fact that Israel decided to kill its own civilians. That's a big, that's a big piece of information. It's amazing how much more interesting the Israeli coverage of some of these problems, such as Netanyahu's relationship with Hamas and, you know, the payments going through Qatarter, none of this stuff ever seems to make it to our media. Yeah, well, it kind of trickles over to our media. There was that buying quiet piece by the New York Times, which was like half admitting the truth and half a kind of cover job because he wasn't really just buying quiet.
Starting point is 00:45:57 That wasn't exactly the idea. And you can listen to his own words and people in his cabinet and all across the Israeli government and explain what they were really buying, which was thwarting the peace process. Um, but yeah, this has always been true. It's a fascinating dynamic about Israel that within Israel, there is much wider, there's a much wider range of allowable opinion on these topics than there is in the United States of America, which has, you know, been, been the case forever. So I didn't actually read the, the piece. What was, uh, was it stated definitively that I guess Israel had accidentally or otherwise fired upon? I mean, there was clearly a terrorist incident on the day. Oh yeah. Yeah. No, there's no question about that, right?
Starting point is 00:46:45 So there were, so essentially what the piece was arguing was that around 11 a.m. in the morning, the directive was given that nobody is to be allowed to return to Gaza, no hostages. Basically with the Hannibal directive, which was implemented for a while and then was at least officially banned was and I believe initially it applied to soldiers. But they were
Starting point is 00:47:12 like, you know, if if Palestinians try to take hostages, you kill the hostages as well as the Palestinians. You kill every like you kill them before you allow them to be used as bargaining chips against Israel that will then weaken them or put them into a position where they have to negotiate for their release. Doesn't that somewhat not line up, at least in my head, with the lapse in time of the Israel military response? Because from what I recall, there was about a six hour delay. Yeah. Small country were and you could argue, hey, you don't want to do half measures. They didn't know the nature of the thing. And they didn't want to just throw soldiers down there to create a bigger problem until they knew what was happening. But it certainly felt like if there was any. I'm just going to use the word milking of the situation was realizing, hey, this is bad, but we're going to get some support for whatever. So let's let it be really bad as opposed to contained bad. And I guess directives to kill the hostages as well doesn't really seem to go in line with the what we saw or from what I remember of there being quite a bit of a lapse in time before Israel went down to clear out the, you know, the terrorists
Starting point is 00:48:25 that had come across the border. Yeah, no, it certainly raises some questions about that. And these are very important questions that still have not been answered. Like, why the hell did it take so long? And if you were instituting the Hannibal directive, why would you not be just going for it at that point? So that all of that is still somewhat unclear. I will say that this does it cast some doubt on some of the wilder conspiracies, which I've never like bought into. But the idea that like this was some type of inside job or false flag or that they wanted these hostages to be taken so that they would have their excuse to launch this assault on Gaza, that does not seem to be the case.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I think we're right back to kind of what I've thought this was from the very beginning, which was that the Likud party under Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership cynically decided that they were going to keep Hamas in power and prop them up so that they would never have to negotiate in good faith with the Palestinians. They would never have to give them their own state. And so they could continue to, in effect, annex more and more of the West Bank by pointing to Gaza and saying, look, Hamas is in charge. We can't negotiate with these terrorists. And that therefore, even amongst, as Ehud Barak said in his own words, that you could also look to the liberal Israelis who, if the Palestinian Authority were in charge and they were saying, hey, let's make a deal, a lot of liberal Israelis would say, yeah, let's make a deal. We don't want to be occupiers.
Starting point is 00:49:57 We want to give them their own state. But now you don't have to deal with those liberal Israelis because you could look at them and say, we have no partner for peace. Right. And I think that there was tremendous hubris all along in downplaying Hamas's ability to touch Israel. Like, oh, these guys are a bunch of rookies. They can't do shit to us anyway. We control the height of the flame was Netanyahu's quote. So that, you know, basically being like, yeah, look, I know we're playing with fire, but we control the height of the flame. We can control that. And they found out on October 7th that they don't. That seems to be more likely than not to me. All right, guys,
Starting point is 00:50:35 let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is My Patriot Supply. Listen, America has been going through some rough times over the last few years, and the future is pretty uncertain. And in times like this, I know I like to be prepared, and I'm sure a lot of you guys are the same way. Well, the best way to prepare is with MyPatriotSupply. Since 2008, MyPatriotSupply has helped millions of Americans gear up for emergencies. Today, their popular four-week emergency food kits can't stay out of customers' carts. Get yours right now at my website, Each food kit offers over 2,000 calories every day. Plus, with ultra-durable four-layer packaging, it lasts
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Starting point is 00:51:48 pretty interesting. Here's Jake Tapper at CNN talking about Joe Biden. Before the president did that, he called into a couple of black radio stations where he said, among other things, this. By the way, I'm proud to be, as as i said the first vice president first black woman served with the black president proud of the first black woman in the supreme court there's just so much that we can do because together we there's nothing look this is the united states america to the United States of America. He's proud to be the first black woman? Not coherent. And even then, we later found out, later from the radio host,
Starting point is 00:52:32 that the Biden campaign had given her a list of questions to ask President Biden. That is a huge no-no in journalism, and the host was fired for it, but it remains quite telling that in the Biden campaign's efforts to show that the president has not missed a step, his campaign felt the need to feed questions to the hosts for a call in radio interview. And the president still even then failed to deliver in many of his answers.
Starting point is 00:52:58 All right. So the knives are out for Joe Biden. This is you know know, I've, we've been talking about this. We were talking about on the podcast last week that where I was kind of like breaking down how there are these different groups of people, you know, like there's people within Joe Biden's cabinet who want to keep their cabinet position. So they want him to run. Cause they're like, Hey, look, even if he's only got a 10% chance of winning, that's still 10%. I keep this job. Whereas there's a 0% chance if he doesn't run that, I keep this job, you know, but that's not who really runs our society. It's not Joe Biden's cabinet picks. It's not Jill Biden. You know, there are powerful forces, very powerful forces, uh, the military industrial complex, big pharma, big banks, you know what I
Starting point is 00:53:45 mean? Like really powerful forces who they don't give a shit about whether it's Joe Biden. All they want is an establishment Republican or Democrat. They don't give a shit if it's Mitt Romney or it's Barack Obama or it's Joe Biden or it's Kamala Harris or it's Gavin Newsom. They don't like Trump. They don't want it to be Donald Trump because they see him as a wild card, whereas these other guys, their position is a little bit more secured. And so their only interest is who can defeat Donald Trump. And it's clear at this point that Joe Biden cannot. And so the knives are coming out. But what's interesting about this, first of all, the actual gaffe itself is undeniably funny. I mean, Joe Biden says on tape,
Starting point is 00:54:28 I am the first female black vice president. Pretty. That's pretty funny. Objectively, you run that through the funny machine and it comes out positive, positive for funny. funny. However, in the context of Joe Biden stumbles, pretty mild, pretty mild. Everybody listening to that knows what he meant. He misspoke. It's actually really not nearly as bad. It's not like he collapsed in on himself, completely forgot his thought, and then just bailed on finishing the thought, which he does constantly. OK, it wasn't that we all know what he was saying. He was saying I picked the first black female president and I served under the first black president. That's what he was saying. It's very clear. And the fact that Jake Tapper is pouncing on this really shows you something because there is look, Rob, in I had a joke in my my last comedy special about how Joe Biden just collapses into himself and then forgets where what he was saying. And I was doing that joke for a year before I put out the special.
Starting point is 00:55:40 It's like this has been this has been a thing for a long time. And Jake Tapper has never pounced on it. So he mean, talk about being caught with your pants down that just last week they were telling you that the conservative clips that were not selectively edited were lying to you to try and present it to you as if Biden had dementia. Wow, dude. I didn't just. Yeah, I forgot about the term cheap fakes. What a short lived run that had, huh? Yeah, they tried to sell it for one week and then
Starting point is 00:56:25 different marching orders when they were, when someone up top realized, Hey, let's push the guy out. This is my opportunity. We still don't know who that guy is. Isn't that fun? Yeah. Well, whether it's one guy or not, there certainly were some people who made the decision during the debate, probably within the first few minutes of the debate that we got to go a different direction. This is not tenable. We thought we could get him over the finish line. We can't. Is Barack allowed to run as VP? Could they do like a Kamala Harris and Barack is VP thing? Wink, wink, nod, nod. The crazy bitch won't actually be doing anything. You know, I don't think so. That's an interesting question. I'm not sure if technically he's barred from being VP. The issue there would be he couldn't assume the presidency. Right. So I'm not sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:10 If something were to happen. Yeah. Right. So I don't know. That's that's an interesting question. I'm not I'm not actually sure what the constitutionality of that would be. I think that it look, it's just it's pretty obvious here. It reminds me a bit of the Harvey Weinstein story where there were all these people, you know, in Hollywood who protected this guy. It was very known. Many people have come out and talked about it, but it was a very known thing that he was a real creep and a real piece of shit with women. a real piece of shit with women. And, you know, look, I mean, Harvey Weinstein, everyone knew he was banging all these like hot chicks in Hollywood and no one thinks that he was getting that because he was such a handsome guy. And then as soon as it's over, like the next Oscars, they're all championing themselves and patting themselves on the back about the Me Too movement and how they're standing up against these creeps. And it's like, you see the same thing here where Jake Tapper's kind of patting himself on the back. Cause like, I'm showing you, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:11 they're trying to spin it. Like he's, he's not senile, but look, man, the guy's totally seen all it's like, no, it was you. You were trying to spin it that way. All of you guys. And it's like, dude, it's like a me sitting across from chris cuomo while he goes look i didn't like that people were mocking joe rogan and i gotta be like no you you were the guy doing that what like there's no way there's no way to not have the pitch of your voice elevate when someone tries to do that to you. You know what I mean? You just find yourself going, how are you going to do it like them? You, you, you psychopath, you did it. And same to Jake Tapper. I mean, there were, I don't even know how to say, how many opportunities have there been? Honestly, if you could put a number on it, let's just say, imagine you could,
Starting point is 00:59:03 you could put a number on it. What's just say, imagine you could, you could put a number on it. What, how many opportunities have there been over the last four years to Jake tap for Jake Tapper to have this segment on Joe Biden said this, look at him. Doesn't really sound like he really knows what he's talking about. Sounds like he's losing a step. You could have, and I'm not exaggerating. You could have done this every show for your entire show over the last four years. That's how many moments like that, like I'm saying with the with with a clip this bad, a stumble like this being the bar, like I'm saying with just clips this bad or worse, you could have done every single show on Joe Biden over the last four years. Strange. Why are you doing it now? You know what I mean? Like who's leading this drastic change in tone?
Starting point is 00:59:57 Yeah. And just to give it a little perspective, imagine I'm not saying that the COVID vaccines were overwhelmingly dangerous. I'm not making that claim. I'm gonna make that clear. But if imagine CNN or Big Pharma did not want the COVID vaccine, let's say it was exclusively a Chinese company and they did full day coverage of the person who encountered a vaccine injury. And even let's just say the vaccine actually was good and that these were just freak occurrences. They could have sold you on not taking it. They got a lot of control with how they how they show issues and what they cover. And this one's fascinating that now they're guns a blazing for Biden for having dementia. Yeah, No, it just shows you what's going on here. And look, I'm going to stand by what I said. Like, look, this guy's not going to be the nominee.
Starting point is 01:00:52 And I really wouldn't be surprised if the 25th Amendment was invoked. More likely, it'll just be that he steps down. But it's someone else. It might be Kamala Harris. She just might box him in or it might be somebody else. But it is not going to be Joe Biden. I'm confident in that. There's simply no recovering from this. And there there's too many powerful people who want. Look, I still and this is the weird position here, and we knew this was going
Starting point is 01:01:27 to be a goofy race and there's going to be a lot of wild stuff happening. I still am not convinced that they will allow Donald Trump to be back in the White House. You know, I think lots of signals have come from very powerful corners of the country that that cannot be allowed to happen under any circumstance. But let's just say they were getting ready to. Hmm. Let me test what I'm allowed to say on YouTube here. Let's say hypothetically, they were getting ready to do something that rhymes with peel the election. something that rhymes with peel the election they need to have a plausible candidate in there it can't be that obvious i also think they need someone who could at least keep it close yeah i think there's a margin of victory at which they don't actually feel comfortable uh engaging in those shenanigans because it's too obvious.
Starting point is 01:02:25 That's right. At this point, though, I could Kamala. Let's have some fun with Kamala. We've had a lot of fun with Biden. I've made a lot of jokes at his expense, and I've been saying on stage that he wins. I've had plenty of jokes about it. But, you know, Kamala is like that comic that every time they go on stage bombs, but thinks they're doing great. And they're the comic that's fun to watch bomb yeah fun to watch bomb but then also they get off stage
Starting point is 01:02:50 delusional like they love me tonight yeah and she does not seem to have any self-awareness about how firstly unqualified she would be for the job and also just how unlikable she is and i guess when you're that close it's almost like if you brought, you know, you made it to the playoff rounds type deal. It's like she's too close to not take the chance to try and win because she doesn't care about other people. It's just about the the making the history books and the power of it and what you can do. It's not about the actual job, the party, party anyone else she's too close to not try and take the opportunity and play it through but she really has no self-awareness to the to the fact that um i mean she should there's quantifiable numbers of how she was doing when she ran the last time
Starting point is 01:03:36 what was less than one percent there's a number to it there's literally a number on how likable she was and it's not a good number. Now, listen, well said. And we will we will see what happens, man. Wild times. All right. I really very much looking forward to this weekend. I'll see you out there, Rob. And we'll see you guys all back on the next episode.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Catch you later. Peace.

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