Part Of The Problem - October 7th, One Year Later

Episode Date: October 8, 2024

Dave Smith brings you the latest in politics! On this episode of Part Of The Problem, Dave is joined by co-host Robbie "The Fire" Bernstein to discuss their retrospective on October 7th and t...he conflict between Israel and Palestine, Kamala Harris's appearance on Call Her Daddy, and so much more!Part Of The Problem is available for early pre-release at as well as an exclusive episode on Thursday!Support Our SponsorsCrowdHealth - - VPN - your tickets to Porch Tour Herehttps://porchtour.comFind Run Your Mouth here:YouTube - - - the show on social media:X: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's Saturday, we're filming in Denver. All right. Very good. Very good. I'm excited. Now, one of the casualties in this long march, which we knew a great march like this, there would be casualties. One of them is that Rob will not be with me this weekend in Detroit.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Rob's running his hour to get ready for his special. So Detroit this weekend, I will be there. Rob will not. It will be a somber affair. We will all be very sad. That's a cool theater room. I did, yes, we had a lot of fun there last year. So I'm looking forward to going out to that.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Obviously, Rob will be back next year and we'll, we'll do it again. But this weekend, uh, Detroit, um, comic dave for tickets. And then at the end of the month, after we're off this, uh, March, we'll be back in Kansas city, me and Robbie the fire, Bernstein, having some fun there. So Philly as well. So we got some Philly coming up. Yeah. We got a, we got a bunch of stuff coming up before this wild year ends. And I'm working on being less Jewish.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I don't think I'll cancel more gigs because of hurricane scares. There you go. I'm working on it. He's doing everything again. Yeah. He's ingratiating himself to the Nazi community, everything he can do.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Speaking of being Jewish, so today as we record, it is October 7th. I've just been, you know, there's like a few things that have been on my mind lately, even before the anniversary of October 7th. Just because, you know, it's we're getting toward the end of the year. Obviously, we're coming up on what are we 30 days until the election or something. Maybe it doesn't feel like we're in the final quarter. It just seems a little too calm. Uh, there's going to be an October surprise. Um,
Starting point is 00:01:57 I'm convinced of it. I don't know what it will be yet. Biden in the whole time. It was all just a character. Um, I don't know what it's going to be yet. It's hard to imagine what type of October surprise could move the needle. Um, just to, you know, if you, if you think back, um, in 2016, there was a major October surprise, which was, uh, Comey reopening the Hillary Clinton investigation.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And then there was also the infamous Donald Trump grabbing by the pussy tape. Uh, those both came out in October. I think I would guess both had a decent impact on the election. I mean, I don't know how many people didn't support Donald Trump over the grab them by the pussy comment, but it's certainly, it's not great. It's not, you know, it's not helpful. The Hillary Clinton thing certainly had a big impact on the race. In 2020 there, the two big October surprises were the Hunter Biden lab top and then the
Starting point is 00:02:58 governor Whitmore entrapment bullshit. We'll see, we'll see what it ends up being this year. But I as so I've, I've got, I'm kind of trying to set up. So there's a couple big shows I'm going to do, um, before the year is over. Um, just, I just, uh, confirmed one of them, uh, in November. And then I was kind of like, oh, okay, well let's see, I should probably do this other one.
Starting point is 00:03:27 So just like of the bigger shows that I do, nothing that you probably wouldn't see coming. But I was thinking about like just kind of like, wow, this has been a wild year. It's it's been a wild year in national politics, in geopolitics. It's been a wild year for my career. It's just like a lot of shit going on. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:03:50 as we kind of come toward this moment where we're a month less than a month, right? What is the seventh today and the elections on the fifth or less than a month away from the presidential election. There's just been thinking a lot about that. And of course on the anniversary of October 7th That's what everybody is is kind of talking about is that one year ago today? Not only was there like a tragic terrorist attack
Starting point is 00:04:15 but the entire landscape of this presidential year was changed and I do think You know, you're you're somebody I, who called this pretty early on. In fact, I think it was a year ago today that you kind of called this or certainly this week, a year ago that you were like, yeah, this is, this is going to go really bad for Israel. They're going to really lose the PR battle on this. And a year into it, it obviously there's like, there's real, you know, people whose lives are affected by all this. So I'm not trying to downplay it. Like that's not the main story,
Starting point is 00:04:50 but it is wild, wild. How much, um, the perception of Israel has been, it, I think permanently changed. I mean, there's just never, you're never gonna, the, the generations before us and the way Israel was viewed from the American perspective, from the creation of Israel until one year and one day ago today, I think will never be the same. It's just like
Starting point is 00:05:25 Israel is not viewed anymore as oh, this is like the safe haven for these poor Jews who were mistreated through so much of their history it's undeniable like like even from the pro-israel pro-israeli point of view their story is like We have to decide that we will dominate and slaughter all of these people because we're put in a position where we have to. But even if you buy into all that bullshit, you're still not the put-upon minority now. You're the decision-maker. You're the powerful one. You're the one
Starting point is 00:06:00 determining the fate of other people and making decisions that will result in innocent people's children being slaughtered There's no getting away from that to go back to this like but we're this oppressed minority. That's kind of how I feel I don't know what what you think. I wonder if the gossips will even remember the anniversary. They're a little poor They're not great with gifts. So, you know That plays out. Yeah, right. Well it is. Um, it is really been something it's crazy that, uh, not only has this, the, the war been going on for a full year, but obviously it's spread already into a much wider war.
Starting point is 00:06:38 We'll see how much wider it gets. Um, but it's not, not looking great as of right now. I, looking back, I actually retweeted my initial tweet from October 7th, which I'll read that here, why not? Because I was just kind of looking back around at Twitter around that time and it's crazy how much, it's just crazy kind of the, how war just always breaks people's brains and nothing makes people dumber than when a war breaks out or when a terrorist attack happens or something like that.
Starting point is 00:07:20 People just make arguments that are just like the worst fucking arguments. So like even today I saw someone, um, he was some reporter for some, I can't remember where, um, but he said to me, uh, cause I was like, Hey, this was my first comment on October 7th, last year I stand by it and I reposted it. And he goes, he goes, you know, the whole last year I haven't heard you once, um, talk about Hamas without mentioning Israel.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And it took me like a second to be like, wait, what's, what's the point? Well, yeah, of course. Why would I ever talk about Hamas without mentioning Israel? These things go together. I was just going to talk about peanut butter. It's like, but it's like saying like, you like, how do you never talked about, uh, Nat Turner it's like sit but it's like saying like you like how do you never talked about? Nat Turner without bringing up slavery It's like well, how the fuck do you talk about the resistance movement without bringing up what they're resisting like yeah Anyway, it's just this is the way but it's literally just a guy who's on the Israeli side
Starting point is 00:08:19 Who's like I want to just hear you condemn Hamas and then say nothing else after that. I was like, well, why would I do that? What would, what would, who would benefit from that? What like information would anyone get? What point would you make that's worthwhile without talking about the greater context? Anyway, it's really funny because this is, um, this was the tweet that I sent and this is what I mean about war like breaking people's brains. This was because I was looking through some of the responses to it and I don't mean from today when I shared it I mean from a year ago when I shared it and it's amazing how angry it made people of all different sides like
Starting point is 00:08:59 everybody got angry about this. I had a bunch of people who were pro-israeli talking about how disgusting it is that I would say this on October 7th, and then I got a bunch of the pro-Palestinian people talking about how fucked up it is that I would put it in this way, and this was my comment, and by the way I still stand by this, okay? So this is what I tweeted on October 7th, 2023. I said, the Hamas attack on Israel was horrific, criminal, and stupid. It guarantees further suffering for their own people. The problem in America is that most people have a simplistic view of the situation that
Starting point is 00:09:32 is completely removed from reality. They assume normal relations, and then out of nowhere these savages just attack. The reality is that the treatment of the people in Gaza is also horrific criminal and stupid and also guarantees further incidents like this We should root for peace and recognize that all innocent life is precious and we should all recognize that DC should stay the hell out of it, so that was uh My thoughts which I still think are pretty on point. It is amazing. I literally saying we shouldn't be involved in this fight. Innocent people being killed is always wrong and it's objectively horrible when when people do that to innocent people elicits not only disagreement, but like an
Starting point is 00:10:18 impassioned anger in people. If you just really think about that, if you try to remove yourself from the latest, that's pretty crazy. That's pretty crazy that a statement like that could get people pissed off. And of course from the pro-Israel perspective they're like, well dude how could you even say that on October 7th? Today you're only supposed to talk about our people suffering and from the pro-Palestinian perspective they're like you're only supposed to talk about our people suffering. And from the pro Palestinian perspective, they're like, you're equating both sides,
Starting point is 00:10:49 but one people are the dominated and the other people are the dominated are the dominators. So you, they shouldn't be a quack. And you're like, yeah, but I didn't say they were the same. And I certainly I'm not saying that the Palestinians and the Israeli government have equal blame in this whole thing. That being said, it's still pretty horrible when an innocent person in Israel gets killed. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:12 Like if someone from Iraq came over here and just murdered all of us right now, that'd be real sad for all of our families. And you could zoom out and go, well, what about what America did to Iraq and be like, yeah, okay, that was also fucked up. But that doesn't mean that this doesn't change It's it's just Matt libertarians really are the only people who get this But it's all yeah, like All of that is still true. It's still horrible when innocent people die
Starting point is 00:11:37 So I think by the way, I think that uh, Max Blumenthal is coming on the show next week We haven't locked it up yet, but me and him, uh, we were messaging about doing it. He's got a new documentary that is coming out today. I have not gotten a chance to watch it yet. I'm going to try to watch it. Um, before skanks later on today, that's an insulting way to talk about Max Blumenthal's phenomenal work. Hey, dude, thanks for being such a great reporter. I'll try to get it in before skanks. Um, but anyway, it will be, uh, I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one.
Starting point is 00:12:06 And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that's a great one. And then I'm like, oh, that were a lot of lies around it. And this is something that I've really never, you know, I've done, I don't know how many Israel Palestine debates I've done in the last year, a lot. And I've never touched that in any of them because it's almost like it's almost feels like a trap. You know what I mean? Like it's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:12:47 which part, which it partly is it like, it's like, Oh, you exaggerate the horror of it. And then if anyone points out that you're exaggerating it, well, they are downplaying October 7th now. And so, and I don't even care. I mean, it's like, it doesn't, the, the fundamental most important part of the argument doesn't rely on, you know, like what exactly these exaggerations being truthful or not. Um, but it is a year later. I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:17 it is just pretty undeniable that there were all of these claims made, uh, such as what room what was 40 beheaded babies. At one point there was a claim that a pregnant woman had the fetus cut out of her stomach or her. Yeah, there was a claim. There was, there was a claim that walls was over there who's given out abortions and all of this there's all of this was lies. There's been no evidence to support any of it. And the other aspect,
Starting point is 00:13:49 which I'm interested to see what Max gets into, cause he's done some, some good reporting on this is that the number of Israelis killed by the IDF on October 7th was not zero. And what I don't, you know, I've looked into like some of the, the reporting on this. was not zero. I remember talking to you about this like off-air like literally just looking at pictures Where there were those pictures of like the lined up cars that had all been exploded and I'm like no like I you know like I read a good amount about history and stuff and I know like a Decent amount more than the average American about like a lot of the history of these conflicts, but I have like no expertise in like
Starting point is 00:14:43 Military hardware and military logistics and things. But even for a layman like me, you kind of you're like they came here with machine guns and hand grenades and then you see a line of cars all exploded. And you're like, how exactly do you do that with hand grenades? Like that just doesn't I mean, maybe it's possible. I don't know. Like did that grenade hit the, you know, the gas tank and that or something,
Starting point is 00:15:11 but it sure looks like a hellfire missile could do that in a second. And then we've kind of found out that, yeah, in fact, it does look like some Hannibal directive type shit did end up happening. And you know, look, this is, the thing is And, um, you know, look, this is, uh, the, the thing is that right. And the way that Hannibal directive historically worked was supposedly it was
Starting point is 00:15:33 supposed to apply to IDF soldiers. And the idea was that essentially Hamas and other, you know, Palestinian terrorist groups, they don't have any political leverage. And so the only way they get any is if they take hostages and then all of a sudden they've got a bargaining chip and they can demand some of their people released or demand whatever they can get out of the Israelis. Um, and so the Israeli response to that, and I'm not saying this like, even with moral judgment, I mean, like, I don't know, these are
Starting point is 00:16:03 really responds to that. And I'm not saying this like even with moral judgment. I mean, like, I don't know, these are decisions you're lucky to never have to make. Um, but their response to that has been, you don't let them take hostages. And if that means you killing all the people like then that's the job. Now, that's one thing when you're talking about soldiers, you can kind of get to a point where you're like, well, this is the job and okay, you know, it's a, it's a messy business keeping a people occupied and this is how they've decided to handle it. But when you're talking about civilians,
Starting point is 00:16:33 that does take a whole different level of like that, that, that is a much more like basic fundamental betrayal of what your responsibility is supposed to be. Right. Which is like, okay, you can't like that. It may suck for your government that they get some leverage from having a hostage, but the answer to that isn't you kill them. And, um, a year later, I don't think, at least from all the stuff I've read, I don't think there's like a number you could put on it, but certainly between October 7th and between the last year of the war in Gaza,
Starting point is 00:17:09 there's been a lot of hostages that were killed by the Israelis. That's a conversation that I don't see happening that much. But if you're really going to like, especially when the hostages are being used as the justification, you know, for this war continuing, you're like, that doesn't, you know, like there's a problem with that in the same, in the same way that we always call out DC for when they say something like we have to defend Zelinsky because of democracy. And then you go, okay, yeah, but like if you work with Saudi Arabia,
Starting point is 00:17:39 you can't really pretend that that's your major driving motivator, right? Like there's something else going on here. And so again, it just seems like it doesn't really seem to me that BB Netanyahu's main objective here is the retrieval of the hostages, or obviously you would go about this in a completely different way. I really wonder if the ramping up tensions in the middle East and then, you know, kind of kicking some shit with Iran and Hezbollah right now is a pre-election pass that they think with an election coming up and without a strong American government
Starting point is 00:18:13 they can get away with it and then it will ramp down. Or Israel seems to have this obsession with having the war with Iran and trying to get America to forced into it, seemingly with the idea that Iran will end up with the nuke and then it's a less fightable war. And so let's have the war on what I guess they see as a more favorable timetable. I'm kind of talking out of my ass of trying to figure out what their motivations are. But I'm wondering if maybe this is going to ramp down post-election because I'll actually have to contend with a like full government actually in place. And that I don't think, I don't think the U S government likes this and across the board. No, look, I mean, Netanyahu has just been
Starting point is 00:18:57 bitch slapping Joe Biden around for the last year. I mean, it's like, it's unbelievable. Like there's the level of like public international humiliation that there's Biden here. He has just imagined this right for a year. Here's the Biden administration funding arming and providing the logistical intelligence for Israel's war. And the entire time Biden has said over and over again and blanket through blanket through, you know His cabinet has said he wants a ceasefire Netanyahu's like nope Don't care. He said he doesn't want Israel to invade Lebanon. You know, no too bad. We're gonna invade Lebanon
Starting point is 00:19:39 You know, he said he doesn't want conflict with the Houthis and with Iran. Yeah, too bad. We're going to assassinate Iranians whenever we can. I mean, like imagine it's, it's really wild. It's like, if you're, you would think if you're the one funding a thing, you'd have some degree of influence. And it does almost feel like some dynamic of like, you know, it's like the, the 35 year old who still lives with his mom and his mom's like, no smoking pot in the house. And he's like, you know, it's like the, the 35 year old who still lives with his mom and his mom's like, no smoking pot in the house. And he's like, screw you, screw
Starting point is 00:20:10 you mom. I'm like, no. And you're just like, Jesus, man, you can't get anything. Like she's supporting you and you still can't just show her the most basic level of respect. The other thing that I, you know, from my perspective, um, with Israel and I do think like that's an interesting question you ask. I don't know if I had exactly thought about it like that, but look, there's no question that during a presidential election, what are you going to do? Are you going to come out and take a hard line stance against Israel? Okay, now you got to deal with problems and deal with a lot of problems. I mean, like if you could, if you could just imagine for a second if either Trump or Harris
Starting point is 00:20:47 Or even someone like RFK or you know had come out really hard really critical of Israel and been like hey I don't that's we don't I'm running on a platform of like we're not supporting Israel's war We're rejecting the relationship between Israel. We're cutting off foreign aids, or anything like that. I mean, you would have a freak out like you've never seen before. I mean, the APAC would be pouring tens of millions of dollars into the opponent's race. The ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center, these groups would be smearing you as Adolf Hitler incarnate, you know, and so that there's probably some of that, right? There's probably some of that where it's like that's a fight you really don't want to pick during an election. But there is something when I look at kind of not just Benjamin Netanyahu, but his war cabinet, the Israeli government, it does seem like there's this pattern that I've noticed a lot over the last
Starting point is 00:21:49 few years. Uh, we talk about it quite a bit on this show where there are people who almost haven't adjusted to the new world, who were used to the old world and are in a weird way, still playing by the old world rules. All the while, clearly on some level kind of panicking about the fact that they know those rules don't really exist anymore. It'd be like, we would watch for so long on this show
Starting point is 00:22:15 when Brian Stelter would be calling Joe Rogan fringe. You know, and you're just like, wait, dude, what? What world are you living in? There's 200,000 people are listening to your show right now your ratings were so bad you got cancelled Meanwhile Rogan is like breaking every record known to man, and you're just like in what world do you think he's fringe? It'd be like if I was looking at a guy with a house three times as big as my house and calling him poor If I was looking at a guy with a house three times as big as my house and calling him poor, you'd be like, what? But like, who are you to call him poor? Like this is everything's relative and like he's anyway,
Starting point is 00:22:53 the, it does seem to me like, look, Israel for anyone who knows anything about the, the history of it, Israel is you can't overstate how propped up they are by America. This is Israel is in the situation they're in because they have the US stamp on them. There's the the you we've used our veto power to veto UN resolutions on behalf of Israel countless times because the whole world is against what Israel's doing to the Palestinians. This is by the way, this has been true for many decades. This isn't anything new.
Starting point is 00:23:30 The whole world is against what Israel's doing to the Palestinians. The entire world, I mean like with a few notable exceptions, but like not too many, you know, it's the U S the people, the U S can bully into it people the US can bully into it people Israel can bully into it But everybody else in the world is unanimous on a two-state solution 67 borders end of occupations end of settlements. This is not I mean if you put this up to a vote of nations it'd be dominant overwhelming on the Palestinian side and but
Starting point is 00:24:04 None of that when it comes down to it really matters because if you have America behind you then you're golden in this world you know, that's just the way it is and That I mean like the the popular support and Opinion of Israel like I've mentioned before has changed so drastically but then in this moment to see Israel not only you know give the middle finger to the Biden administration and not have a ceasefire and continue with the war and continue doing things like you know Shooting people bringing aid in to Gaza and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:24:43 but then on top of that to go Oh and fuck you and we're gonna spread the war and there was I don't know if you saw this Rob. It was like when Netanyahu went to the UN and He said he gave this whole speech I mean to make your blood boil, but he gave this whole speech just about how badass Israel is and how the Israel about how bad ass Israel is and how Israel can touch anywhere in the Middle East and the power of the Israeli government will get you wherever you are. But like, what does he really mean by that?
Starting point is 00:25:18 It's like the power of the U S military can do all that. Like they couldn't even fight this war in Gaza without the U S backing them, let alone adding in Lebanon and Iran. You know what I mean? And so you're sitting there bragging about how much power you have. Meanwhile, you're like, what, does anyone not see this? No, you're the puny little kid with a giant bully behind you.
Starting point is 00:25:40 That's not you. You're sitting there going, I'll kick any of your asses. No, you won't. You'll throw a punch and then turn back and look at the us and be like guys. Are you good? Come on It's like a holocaust again. It's like you could either you could either be one or the other You know, you could either be the one who's like playing the perpetual victim or you could be the one who you know Is like the tough guy you can't be both of those All right, guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is Proton VPN.
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Starting point is 00:27:20 Anyway, just a thought. Okay, I do wanna talk a little bit. Let's take some comments. Oh yeah, yeah, just a thought. Okay. I do want to talk a little bit. Let's say some comments. Oh yeah. Yeah. Sure. We can go to some comments. Not a bad idea. Let's not take comments. Oh, having some problems with the chat. All right. Sorry. And insert an average. All right. We will. If we get this chat up and running, we will, we will come. We will come to the chat before the show is over. So I did. I did want to mention, if, if we get this chat up and running, we will, uh, we will come, we will come to the chat before the show's over. So I did,
Starting point is 00:27:52 I did want to mention, um, the, uh, the stuff with Iran, um, where, so I, I don't know how closely you guys have, have followed this, but of course, we had Matt Gates on the show last week or the week before last week. And, um, he, uh, you know, made the claim that he was the one who broke the news that there are five teams working on assassinating Donald Trump. He claimed one of them was a Iranian, that the Iranian team was the most well that the Iranian team was the most well funded of all these these teams and that what was the other piece of this that you know he had been briefed on this basically by the Department of Homeland Security is what he told me I did I asked
Starting point is 00:28:39 him on the show what evidence there was for this and he essentially told me he could tell me but he'd have to kill me type deal you know this is I think that's what he said or said something I mean he said something along the lines of like I can't get into that which I think was congressman talk for like it's classified and I can't share this information and I did follow up by saying something kind of like well all right but you, after all the lies, a congressman is telling me the intelligence community told him that I'm going to need a little bit more than that before I believe this. Um,
Starting point is 00:29:17 anyway, so I got into a little bit of a, uh, Twitter spat with a, uh, uh, uh, self-described reporter. I don't know how else to say that, but it did. Here was the guy. I was not familiar with him, but Ryan Savejra, I'm sure I'm mispronouncing that name. What news organization is he affiliated with? The Daily Wire.
Starting point is 00:29:46 OK. So they always, they call it right down the middle. No acts there. But yeah, he's a senior reporter over at the Daily Wire. And so we got him this. They were good on COVID and the Middle East. Oh, yeah. No, they were great.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Get your vaccine, dopes. So anyway, oh yeah, no, they were, they were great. Get your vaccine. Dopes. So anyway, so we had a, uh, this back and forth, which I actually thought was, was fairly interesting. Um, and, and really to me just like exposed a lot of what the problem is with people who, you know, call themselves reporters. So I had tweeted in this environment where Donald Trump, of course, and we'll get into that in a second, because in a lot of ways, I think that's the biggest takeaway from all of this, that Donald Trump is out there just talking about how Iran's trying to kill him and threatening aram and how we'll destroy The whole place and all this stuff and so I tweeted that aram poses zero threat to this country I mean it was a you know a longer tweet than that But I said aram poses zero threat to this country the people advocating war with aram pose a major threat to this country
Starting point is 00:31:00 They are your enemy aram is not. Um, I by the way again just because war makes people stupid Think for just a second if you can actually like try to remove yourself and transcend this last year And this latest war and all of this and really examine the statement think about how just objectively correct it is to say the idea that a puny third world country without a modern military or a modern economy without nuclear weapons, the idea that they pose a threat to the United States of America is it's just like, first of all, you know, cause I was talking about this, the other,
Starting point is 00:31:43 on the members only episode a little bit but it's just It's amazing how people can sit here and like have a debate over whether America should allow China to take Taiwan Right like which all of these people would do so then I'm not even saying they'd be on one side or the other But they'll have the debate over whether we should Allow now obviously China is not taking Taiwan at least not right now, but regardless You'll have that debate, but then you also believe Iran is a threat to America like which one is it?
Starting point is 00:32:15 Are we the all-powerful empire who could deny? China Taiwan if we felt like it or are we the ones who face a legitimate threat from a third world country? Which one is anyway? so I said that and Ryan senior reporter from the daily wire he he tweeted back at me. He said Iran is literally Trying to kill Trump on US soil and this guy claims Iran is not a threat to the US clown show He wrote so I responded back quite simply soil and this guy claims Iran is not a threat to the US clown show. He wrote, so I responded back quite simply. What evidence do you have to support this claim?
Starting point is 00:32:55 Speak slowly so us clowns can follow. Thought that was a reasonable, uh, for a reporter. Um, okay. So he sent me, as you could you can see here Rob a whole bunch of links So it's like okay now this jerk's making me do homework So, okay, he sends me he sends me these links The first one is foreign national arrested in the US after trip to Iran where he met with the the IRGC Okay, so that's the first one right because this is the only thing they actually have. Um, the next one is, um, about, uh,
Starting point is 00:33:35 like vague threats to the Trump campaign that he was briefed by intelligence. So there's no evidence there. It's just, the intelligence was great on the laptop stories. You know, you tell me, intelligence, uh, people in the intelligence community, I know that they're onto something. Yes. Now, then he sends me a bunch of essentially the only evidence in any of this, because he sent me stories that are just totally unrelated. Also, just about how bad Iran is or something. The only thing he sent me here is the only evidence is, okay, there's the first one,
Starting point is 00:34:02 which was this this court case The FBI has got to justify its existence It's got a higher the occasional bomber to go after a synagogue the occasional person to go hijack a governor Yes, it seems like they're very good at making sure that their departments have a justified existence Well that well they sure are now listen now and listen to this Okay, because one of the links he sends me in this, after this long list of links that are nothing. There's the Merchant Court case, which we could get into in a second, but then there's nothing else. Is it how Ray Epps is actually working for Iran? Well, that's, I mean, honestly, just as far-fetched. He goes, Iranian officials have openly stated it. So if you remember, I asked what evidence there was
Starting point is 00:34:47 to him saying that Iran is currently trying to assassinate Donald Trump on US soil. And he writes back to me, this is a reporter, a senior reporter at the Daily Wire. He writes back, Iran admits it, okay? And then he sent me this article, and it's a look at threats against Trump by Iranian officials and the article starts up I'll just read from the article
Starting point is 00:35:15 Iran's acting far foreign minister Categorically rejected the idea that his country could have had a plan to assassinate Donald Trump that his country could have had a plan to assassinate Donald Trump, contradicting several statements by high ranking officials who have threatened the former president in the past few years. And then so it basically then then it goes on to have a bunch of quotes by Iranians right after Trump killed Soleimani, vowing revenge. That was just like, Donald Trump will pay for this. And that's supposed to be evidence. Look, they admit it.
Starting point is 00:35:52 They admit that they're trying to kill Donald Trump on US soil right now. Until you click the link, and the first line is them going, no, we categorically deny that any of that's happening. And they go, well, that's at odds with all of that. Like as if, look, man, if I were to say to you that the U S is trying to overthrow the Iranian regime right now, like there's, there's an effort on right now to overthrow Iran.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And then I went, look, the U S admits it. And then the article was the first sentence was blanket going, no, we absolutely reject that. There's no effort to overthrow the Iranian regime right now. And then they go, well, that contradicts lots of things that US politicians have said. Here's John McCain saying bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. Here's Hillary Clinton saying Iran will be obliterated. Here's all these people, right? I mean, you could find a million different quotes of people say, and, and from the U S just as many as you could from Iranian officials, but you would right away go, yeah, that doesn't prove it. That doesn't mean,
Starting point is 00:36:57 that's not evidence of anything you claimed. There was a plan in action right now. I want evidence from that. All right guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is CrowdHealth. Health insurance is broken. Premiums are increasing. Deductibles are getting larger and claim denials are becoming more common, but there is an alternative to the health insurance system and that is CrowdHealth.
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Starting point is 00:38:30 by the way to the original story, and I did share because there was a good piece that was written on this, but the original story, I love how they also go foreign national arrested in the U S it's like, Ooh, interesting. Oh, why didn't you say Iranian arrested in the U. It's like, oh interesting. Oh why didn't you say Iranian arrested in the US? Oh because he's from Pakistan, right? That's where the guy's from. He's from Pakistan. They claim he went to Iran, except the problem is that the whole thing is it got, it's the most obvious FBI entrapment job ever. And this is how these things work, okay? So by the way, the piece
Starting point is 00:39:06 that I shared was from a guy who I probably am not the biggest fan of. It's from Lee Smith. But just so people are aware, Lee Smith is a Zionist Iranian hawk. He doesn't share our politics at all. He was just honest enough to go like, he was like, no, like, I'm totally sure that Iran is trying to kill Donald Trump. But this case is clearly an FBI entrapment. This is why this whole thing is just kind of cartoonish to me. Why don't we just always operate under the assumption at all times that North Korea, ISIS and Iran want to kill the president? What does that change about anything
Starting point is 00:39:45 than the people that we're constantly saying are the enemy would if they could kill our president? So what, we need a strong border, you need a secret service. Firstly, this whole thing is not mutually exclusive against the idea that the deep state tried to off him or that they're looking the other way and making it easier for people to be taken out.
Starting point is 00:40:03 In other words, this isn't news, it changes nothing. Why wouldn't I always operate under the assumption of, oh, I need a good secret service because we have enemy countries such as Iran, that if we don't have good secret service, we'll kill a president. Yeah, but like, what does this change? Well, also like, and how real is this threat? Give me some type of like, like, look, there might be a schizophrenic homeless person in Times Square who wants to kill the president. But whatever, he doesn't have the means to do it. If you told me that North Korea hacked all of our nuclear arsenal, and we have to invade North Korea right now, because if not, they're going to be able to obliterate the entire country.
Starting point is 00:40:36 It's a Jack Bauer thing. We've got an hour. Right. And we got to go invade North Korea. Then the question becomes, well, what's the evidence of that? And then, ah, shit, it sounds like we got to go invade North Korea. But if you tell me, hey, North Korea and Iran have plans to assassinate the... Don't they always? Why wouldn't they? Yeah. Well, how about just to change your analogy a little bit.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Let's say that... Let's say Ukraine attempted to hack in to our nuclear reactors or whatever and they tried to do it but were unsuccessful, almost got away with it and then we went the big story is that North Korea wants to do it. That's the big story. No, don't look over here. Don't look at this guy who was just actually a member of the Ukrainian war effort. Now forget that guy forget this other guy
Starting point is 00:41:31 who literally snipped the president's ear forget that guy oh he's got no social media footprint at all. Yeah just has a cell phone that goes to DC a lot but don't worry about that. No no no, no. The real story here is that the country that the regime has been trying to fight a war with for 25 years. They just happen to be the ones who are guilty of it. So by the way, anyway, if you want to look through this piece, I've tweeted it. It's essentially as you guys know, look, the way the FBI works is They essentially follow the to catch a predator
Starting point is 00:42:11 Method Which is you entrap someone into doing some shitty thing that they may have never done on their own And then you get to brag about thwarting this would you know? Like if you ever watch the show to catch a predator, what they essentially do is they have an adult. I learned 14 year olds don't like iced tea and cookies. That's what I learned. If someone online tells you, Hey, I'm just 14 looking for some iced tea. Well, that's inconclusive. Sure. We don't know. What we know is that cops pretending to be children don't tend to like those things. Um, but no, what they'll do is they go,
Starting point is 00:42:43 they get these incredibly weird, incredibly sad at times, seemingly mentally slow people, they have an adult reach out to them, tell them they're 15, tell them they're home alone, tell them they want to have sex and invite them over. And then when they come over, they jump out and they arrest them. Now, look, nobody, myself included has too much sympathy for that person who gets arrested.
Starting point is 00:43:12 And it is a major move to go over to a house where you believe there's a child alone. And certainly that person, once they do that, should well, the issue that I think you have with it, if you actually like think about it fairly, is that you go, look, it's not so clear that this person ever was going to do that if you hadn't goaded them into it. And if that's the case, it's a little bit anyway. What the FBI does is actually far worse because so what they'll do And this is they've done this at least dozens and dozens of times since 9 11 is that they'll find that they try to find The kind of saddest most broken alone people so they'll find some muslim guy
Starting point is 00:44:01 Who's 20 who's hanging out in all types of like, you know, whatever, I don't even know what they are. Message boards we used to call them back in the day. I don't know. And online on social media and they're talking shit, you know, and they'll they'll approach these people and it'll be some Muslim who's talking about the evil America and what they do to Muslim countries. And they'll be like, yeah, you know how many people the U S slaughtered in, in Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and all these places, you know what they do to Muslim countries. And they'll be like, yeah, you know how many people the U S slaughtered in, in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Libya and all these places, you know what they did? They go,
Starting point is 00:44:29 we should get back at them. And the guy will be like, ah, I don't know about all that. And it'd be like, no, no, no, dude, we're doing this thing. We're going to blow up this, this government building or whatever. And yeah, you should come do it. And he's like, ah, I don't know if I want to do that. And you go like, ah, dude, all you gotta do is, you know, whatever, whatever the job is, all you gotta do is come in the do that. And you go like, dude, all you got to do is whatever. Whatever the job is. All you got to do is come in the van and be look out, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:44:47 We all got it all figured out. Here, I'll introduce you to the guy who makes the bombs. I'll introduce you to the guy who knows the building. I'll introduce you to the guy who does this. By the way, all these people are feds. None of this is real. And then the guy goes, all right. All right, I guess I'll do that.
Starting point is 00:45:01 And they go, OK, here, you got to bring the bomb to this place. And the guy gives him the bomb. And then he goes to bring it there. And they go, okay, here, you got to bring the bomb to this place. And the guy gives him the bomb and then he goes to bring it there and they go freeze. You're under arrest. And then the FBI brags about how they thwarted a would be terrorist, but none of that's true. That building was never going to get blown up. They created the whole thing and then just Lord one guy into it. And this is what happened with the governor Whitmer thing. And this is what happens. So anyway, essentially that's what happened with the Governor Whitmer thing and this is
Starting point is 00:45:25 what happens so anyway essentially that's what happened here too you're like oh wait a minute so there was a foreign national a Pakistan Pakistani guy who went to Iran and then was able to get on a plane and come to America well hmm why would that be why would that guy not get stopped? Oh, yeah, because the FBI told them to let him in. So the feds went out of their way to let this guy into the country so that they could do this. So all I'm saying is whatever the case is that it's the deep state
Starting point is 00:46:00 that's trying to get Donald Trump. This only makes that case stronger that they were not only were they trying to get Donald Trump But that they allowed this guy who they could pin it on Iran I was gonna say this Iranian, but of course, he's not Iranian So they could pin it on Iran and then this is the story that the regime will give you anyway What's maybe more important than any of that to understand here? Is that? And maybe more important than any of that to understand here is that and this is really the sad part. I know, I know Trump supporters don't like hearing this shit before right before the
Starting point is 00:46:32 election, but this is how fucking much Donald Trump still doesn't get it is that he falls right into it falls right into it. And then he goes, I know what I'll do. I'll talk really tough about Iran and I'll tell everyone who I'm going to bomb the shit out of around. Great. That'll re that's really, so that's the guy we got after all these years for all these people telling me like, no, he really understands that he, he shouldn't have appointed John Bolton and Mike Pompeo and made Mike Pence's VP
Starting point is 00:47:07 and Ray the head of the FBI and you know, go down the list of all the other Nikki Haley. How many other awful people did he appoint? Um, no, he really gets it now though. It's like the only problem with that is that, no, he fucking doesn't. He still doesn't. Not one bit more than he got it back then. He doesn't he still doesn't not one bit more than he got it back then he doesn't get it at all he still thinks Iran is trying to kill him just unbelievable all right guys let's take a moment and thank our
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Starting point is 00:49:27 And I've gotten that information from some people close to him. But, uh, I don't know, man. It's like, at this point, it's almost like, oh, he just, he either just doesn't want to win or he just doesn't get it at all. Um, okay. Uh, quickly before we, we get out of here, speaking of people who don't want to win and don't get it at all, so Kamala Harris was on the Call Her Daddy podcast. Listen, if there's a show out there teaching young girls how to slut their way to the top.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Really? Yeah. I think these girls should call her daddy. She is the founder of that method. Now, literally you and Natalie were just explaining to me what this podcast is, and evidently it's very huge. So I'm out of the loop, not them. To be fair, I also gave you an old man boomer of,
Starting point is 00:50:12 oh, I think it's one of those slut pods with those girls. Right, I was like, you see, we let these dames vote, and now they voted themselves the right to podcast. I think she used to be on that barstool sports thing they got. No got no I do okay So I understand they're huge. It's the biggest Female podcast out there. I think she was doing rogue and numbers are close to it on Spotify at one point All right got some big contracts very good very good
Starting point is 00:50:37 This is all I've ever seen of the podcast is these clips with Kamala Harris on there. It is a is these clips with Kamala Harris on there. It was rough from what I saw, but there were a few parts that were kind of interesting. I wanted to play this one clip in the time we have left here. We'll just do the short one. But this was, of course, the only major issue, which is not like the top issues is pretty, pretty clearly in polls.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Immigration and the economy are the biggest issues for most voters. But abortion will be on the list in the top list. And it's the only ones that the Democrats really win in the polls. And also this is like the biggest, like woman's podcast in the world. So it makes sense that this this topic came up Here's a small clip that I found kind of interesting from our perspective With Kamala Harris just the other day. Yes And I want to pose this question more to you and the daddy gang but
Starting point is 00:51:43 One of the biggest conversations in this year's election revolves around a woman's body. Yep. I want to take a moment and can we try to think of any law that gives the government the power to make a decision? I know what you're going to ask about a man's body. No, no. Is there any law? No, no.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I would say every vaccine, particularly COVID. First of all, it's so funny to me that Kamala Harris starts cackling and going, I know what you're going to say. It's like, yeah, we all know what she's going to say. You know what she're going to say. It's like, yeah, we all know what she's going to say. Well, you know what she's going to say. Yes, because it's the most basic dumb comment that fucking every, you know, like a pro-abortion advocate makes. I just I find it hilarious from our perspective here because we're like,
Starting point is 00:52:37 we're we're kind of radical libertarians on this show. And our entire worldview, our entire philosophy is built off of the premise of self ownership. So it is just kind of funny when they come, it's like a, can you think of one law that tells a man what he can and can't do with his body? Yes. All of them, every law, it's literally quite literally by definition what a law is. Uh, and like, yes, the obvious ones that jump out at you would be like vaccine mandates. Hey, Kamala Harris. That was a pretty big one for awhile. Of course,
Starting point is 00:53:12 the draft, I mean like the military draft, I like, okay, yes, we haven't fought a war with a conscripted army since Vietnam. We, we still do make people sign up for it. And if that's always there in like being reserved but like yes, we quit not that long ago Like my stepfather fought in the war like we just drafted an army and forced them to go to war by the way Drug laws which is a much more like egregious violation than abortion laws Because there is no life Involved in it at all. It's just straight up a claim of owning your body
Starting point is 00:53:54 You're not allowed to put this substance in your body We've been fighting a war on drugs for 50 years in this country And of the people who by the way in every single state in this country we have prisons that are filled with people who got convicted off of drug laws and it's about 95% of them are men. Those are the people who go to jail for this by and large. And there's no question over whether there's there's no baby involved. There's no other argue. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:54:25 It's just straight up, we control what you can do with your body. I also work half the year for the government. I would argue that that's kind of like a control of my body, but look, any law, even good laws, are all about controlling your body. The law that says you can't kill people is telling you what you can do with your body. A law that says you can't kill people is telling you what you can do with your body. A law that says you can't rape people or
Starting point is 00:54:48 assault people is telling you what you can and can't do with your body. That's not the question. The question involved is not whether or not it regulates your body. The question, which again by the way, it was interesting and I listened to the longer clip of them talking about it Also, it's interesting. It's one of these things and this is always the case With the abortion conversation. I know we've talked about this a lot in the past and I'm not even trying to get into the the abortion Argument, it's people who listen to the show. No, I was pro-choice for many many years till I had kids I changed my mind it's
Starting point is 00:55:24 I'll just say it gives you a different perspective when you're actually create a baby and watch your wife get pregnant and go through, I'd go to sonograms every month and go and kind of like, you know, learn more about what a fetus actually is. But there are strong arguments for being pro choice and I get it. And usually they rely on kind of the extreme cases, but that's there, there's still something to be said for that. Now,
Starting point is 00:55:57 there there's a trick that a lot of kind of the pro choice people typically do, which is that everybody likes to bring the extremes to paint their picture in the abortion debate. So if you're, if you're pro choice, you want to go, you know, well, what about an 11 year old who's raped by her uncle? Now look, I will say that is, that is a fair, what about, you know, like, all right, that do you really want to say that the law is going to force this 11 year old
Starting point is 00:56:28 who's already been raped through no choice of her own is in this situation to carry a baby for eight more months or seven and a half more months or whatever it is. Um, that's something you don't really want to say. Yeah, I want to force her to do that. That's kind of tough. There are situations where there are the baby has a, yeah, I want to force her to do that. That's kind of tough. There are situations where there are, the baby has serious health conditions and they know this baby's not gonna live to three years old. You really want to force this woman to have this baby,
Starting point is 00:56:54 to raise this baby for the first two years of its life and then lose it. It's pretty goddamn tough. And then the people on the pro life side, they'd like to go like, well, can you have an eight and a half month, you know, abortion just cause you feel like it or something like that. And the response from the pro choice people will always be,
Starting point is 00:57:11 well, that almost never happens. That's incredibly rare that you have situations like that. And it's like, okay, it's also incredibly rare that 11 year olds are raped and forced to carry the baby to term. You know, it's like everybody likes to use the rare, you know, examples rather than just talk about like what we're really having a conversation about. But again, those extreme examples are important and you
Starting point is 00:57:31 know, okay, the argument that you're controlling a woman's body is the weakest of all of the arguments. It's, it's the weakest of all of them, because if that's really the argument you're going with, then there should be no reason why a woman can't have an abortion at eight and a half months because she feels like it. You know, if that's the argument, like then, hey, you're controlling a woman's body. But of course, you know, Jonathan Haidt has done a lot of good work on this. Um, but there's, there's not an abortion on this next dynamic that I was going to mention that there is liberals and conservatives have a big asymmetry when it comes to understanding the other one's perspective.
Starting point is 00:58:18 And they have demonstrated this with studies. Like you could ask a conservative, what does a liberal believe about this? And they could pretty accurately tell you what a liberal believes. But when you ask a liberal what a conservative believes, it's just like a funhouse mirror. Like they never get it right. They can never steel man the opposition. Now, part of this is because conservative America hasn't dominated media the way liberal America has.
Starting point is 00:58:45 So, I mean, things are different with the Internet now. conservative America hasn't dominated media the way liberal America has. So, I mean, things are different with the internet now, but if you've grown up, if you're our age or anywhere close to it, every piece like LA and New York runs all of entertainment. So like every movie, every TV show, everything was always run by liberals. And so, so anyway, like on friends or Seinfeld or in the mood, you're not seeing like religious characters who are waiting till marriage to have a, to have sex, right? Like which character on friends was like that? None of them, because that's just not, that's not the world. The world, it's like what
Starting point is 00:59:19 are they doing? They're hanging out in the West Village and all being liberal. Anyway, it is amazing when this, this topic comes up, it seems like there's just an inability to ever even grapple with what the other side of the argument is. Like you're not even trying to take it on. Now, if you want to try to take it on, but the argument is that from the pro-life position is like, no, we're not trying to control women's bodies at all. Short of this one thing, short of this one thing, which is saying you don't have a right
Starting point is 00:59:57 to kill the baby that's growing inside of you. Now you could disagree with that or you can agree with that, just saying oh you want to control women's body it's like you're not even touching the actual argument I think it's a they've paint a false picture which is if dudes were the ones that were getting pregnant it would be a no-brainer that obviously we would have abortions because guys wouldn't tolerate it and I think dudes are lazy and we would all just end up having the babies as we keep being like I'll go to the doctor tomorrow it's just
Starting point is 01:00:28 a pill and then it's six months later you're like yeah I guess I'm having this kid. There are there are lots of challenges to being a woman that don't exist for being a man. There are lots of things in life that are made much more difficult if you're a woman than a man. And there are lots of things in life that are made more difficult if you're a man rather than a woman. One of the things that's really interesting is that again, people on the left, broadly speaking, tend to have no conception of the second point there. Like it's just almost a given that women are second-class citizens, they are the oppressed. I mean this is how the left-wing brain works, right? Like
Starting point is 01:01:13 oppressor versus oppressed. Women are the oppressed, men are the oppressors. If you even tried to flip that for a second... How often are they just sitting at home on the internet when some 15 year old says they want iced tea? And it almost never happens to a lady. You're just sitting at home on the internet when some 15 year old says they want iced tea and almost never happens to a lady. Well, you're just sitting at home mind your own business. You meet another cookie and tea enthusiast. Well, look, I mean, I just there is male disposability has been a force in society from the beginning of time. And there's the thing is that men don't identify as the victims.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Men don't bitch and moan about it. And so it's like, look, the fact that when the Titanic hits the iceberg, they're like, Hey men, you're all going to die. Women and children on the lifeboat. You don't have like a men's advocacy group who's going, this is unfair that we're being treated this way just because of our gender. And so that's never even thought like when the war breaks out, the men are going to go die. Is there back breaking grueling? By the way, still today in society,
Starting point is 01:02:09 there is an enormous amount of grueling risky back breaking work that must be done in order for these lights to turn on and for the heat or the air conditioning to work and the power grid and all this stuff. No one cares. No one thinks this stuff. No one cares. No one thinks about it. No one. So this idea that like, oh, if men were in this situation, the rules would change in a second from my perspective. It's like more likely they would just suffer in silence because that's
Starting point is 01:02:38 what men tend to do. And that's not something like I'm to brag about from it's a problem that men have it like in general. So I meant like commit suicide much more often than women. It's like men suffer silently in a way that women rarely do. Not never. There's exceptions to all of this, but in general, that's part of the dynamic here. It's a, it's not nearly as simple as these girl podcasts would like to make it, uh, make it seem. All right. I do have to wrap up there. I apologize for the late start and some of the technical issues.
Starting point is 01:03:09 We'll make sure that chat is up and working again for the next episode. All right. Catch you guys next time. Peace.

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