Pod Save America - A Brutally Honest Debate Recap

Episode Date: June 28, 2024

Joe Biden turns in a disastrous debate performance, missing an opportunity to take advantage of Donald Trump's (many) lies and unhinged moments, and sowing real doubt about his strength as a candidate... over the long run. Jon, Lovett, Tommy, and Dan discuss what went wrong and what might happen now.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Pod Save America. I'm Jon Favreau. I'm Jon Lovett. Tom TV Torn. I'm Dan Pfeiffer. What a debate, fellas. Love it. Wow. Love it. My first question is for you.
Starting point is 00:00:31 You came back from Fiji way too soon. If you had only stayed a couple more weeks. Put me back in. Put me back in. Take away my phone. Leave me out of this. Put me back in. Take away my phone. Leave me out of this. So we all, just like many of you, endured the 90-minute debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I think you're hearing this in the morning, so you probably remember it. Maybe you're fortunate and you don't.
Starting point is 00:01:02 But just in case we're going to refresh your memory, here's a clip of what happened. We're at state. We're in a state where in six weeks, you don't even know whether you're pregnant or not, but you cannot see a doctor and have him decide on what your circumstances are, whether you need help. Look, there's so many young women who have been, including a young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in. They talk about that. If he wins this election, our country doesn't have a chance, not even a chance, of coming out of this rut. We probably won't have a country left anymore. That's how bad it is. He is the worst in history by far. President Trump, the question was about what would you do
Starting point is 00:01:43 to make childcare more affordable? He can't hit a ball 50 yards. He challenged me to a golf match. He can't hit a ball 50 yards. I'd be happy to have a driving contest with him. The reason I got my handicap, which when I was vice president, down to a six. I told you before, I'm happy to play golf if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?
Starting point is 00:02:07 That's the biggest lie that he's a six handicap of all i was eight handicapped i really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence i don't think he knows what he said either look okay uh that was the debate look we always want to be honest with you guys i don't think we need to you don't listen to us for us to sugarcoat anything. I think it was a fucking disaster. I think it was like maybe the worst debate I've ever seen in my entire life. Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Donald Trump is a just despicable human being. He should not be president. We have to do literally everything we possibly can to make sure he is not president again.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And that is why last night was so fucking awful because Joe Biden just in every single way failed at that debate. And like, I don't know what else to say there, except that that, and then, you know, I won't make any other predictions now, but it was, it was a disaster. Yeah. I mean, look, debates are a performance and what you say and how you say it both matter. And so the optics to start there were very bad tonight. Biden had to answer concerns about his age. I think he exacerbated them. His voice sounded frail.
Starting point is 00:03:13 There was an answer where he kind of stalled out halfway through. The cut shots when Trump was speaking were not kind to Biden. In the first debate in 2020, he did a very good job of kind of smiling or like taking notes. I counted, I think he smiled twice or three times in 90 minutes. Yeah, I mean, this time he looked confused at times. debate in 2020 he did a very good job of kind of smiling or like taking notes um i counted i think
Starting point is 00:03:25 he smiled twice or three times yeah 90 minutes i mean this time he looked confused at times he was looking away and those clips are already flying around tiktok like that's the online spin war that's happening as we speak no deceptive editing necessary yeah how much of a war i mean in the substance i just i don't think biden landed the hits he needed to land we just heard him he needed to prosecute the case against Trump on abortion. There we heard a clip where he sort of took an abortion answer and wound up at a point about immigration. I don't think he made a strong economic argument. The attacks on Trump's felony convictions weren't strong. That's not to say that Trump was great. I don't think he was. He ducked questions. The mean,
Starting point is 00:03:58 angry Trump came out at times. But like I came into this debate anxious about Biden's performance and focused on Biden's performance. And I felt like the first 15 to 20 minutes were the worst part of the debate for Biden. And that's probably all that some people watched. And so like, I think we're all angry and frustrated to be in this position. Joe Biden has done a great job as president. He has better policies. He has a better team.
Starting point is 00:04:21 But his job is to communicate those ideas and then make a contrast with Trump and what he would do. And he failed at that. And his other job was to put to rest concerns about his age. And I think they were made worse. So this debate was a really important moment in this campaign and it didn't go well. And I'm also worried that there might not be another debate because if you're Trump, you might be thinking, why not just leave it at that? I mean, Biden was not forced to do this debate. He wanted this debate on this timeline. This is something his campaign swerved out of the lane, broke with all precedent in modern political history to seek out a debate outside of the debate commission process in June. And I agreed with that strategy at the time, because it was
Starting point is 00:05:04 an acknowledgement that this race was profiling in a way that would likely lead to Joe Biden losing. He was behind in the polls. It was functioning really as a referendum on Joe Biden. Voters were not focused enough on Donald Trump. They were concerned about his age and they, and they believe the best way to address that was to get on a stage in front of a nationally televised audience and assuage those concerns. And he, he did not do that. As Tommy said, he exacerbated In fact, he did the opposite. He did the exact opposite of that. And like you said, it is painful to say this because we adore Joe Biden as a person.
Starting point is 00:05:35 He's a fundamentally decent, wonderful human being. And he has accomplished a fuck of a lot as president that he should be proud of and we should be proud of. And he has done a good job as president. And I believe that tonight's performance is not a reflection of the kind of president that he is, but it is a very concerning piece of evidence about the kind of candidate he will be in this race, right? Because you need to ultimately be able to defend your record and make the case against Donald Trump. And there has never in the history of politics been an easier candidate to make a case against than Donald Trump. Donald Trump gave him ample opportunities to do so. If Joe Biden had given a B minus performance tonight, we'd be talking about Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:06:13 He lied. He made very little sense. He didn't answer any question. He became much more incoherent as the debate went on. Donald Trump did, for sure. And this was, maybe we'll have another debate, maybe we won't, but this was Joe Biden's best and biggest opportunity to address the single biggest concern about his candidacy, and he did not deliver on that tonight, and that is deeply disappointing.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah, at first it was shocking, then it was scary, then it was sad, and by the end it was absurd. I'm also, by the way, I'm not really buying this spin that the first 20 minutes were terrible and then he got somehow much better. That was not my experience in watching this debate. I think part of what makes this so sad is A, we understand the stakes. B, we view Donald Trump as an eminently beatable figure. And C, we believe Joe Biden to be an excellent president. I believe that. I believe Joe Biden ran because he loves this country and he believed his case against Trump was the best.
Starting point is 00:07:10 He was right about that. I believe he was an extraordinary president and played the hands better than anybody else could have played it. But the most important job Joe Biden has as president of the United States is to beat Donald Trump. And unfortunately, he went into this debate, he was behind. His job was to overcome that dynamic and changed it. He emphasized it. And for the same sense of decency and empathy and patriotism that led Joe Biden to run, I believe this is a moment to at least have a big open conversation about whether the best thing he can do for America to end his presidency as the success it deserves to be is whether or not he should step aside. And already I know, like, because the stakes are so high, you see people afraid to have that conversation and fine. But what I don't appreciate is people immediately saying, well, we know Joe Biden won't step aside.
Starting point is 00:07:58 We know Joe Biden won't do this. We know Joe Biden won't do that. I don't know what Joe Biden's going to do. Nobody knows what Joe Biden's going to do. Joe Biden was still on stage while some people were saying that they know Joe Biden is not going to step aside. I believe Joe Biden loves this country and wants what's best for it. And so there's a lot of messy, complicated, confusing unknowns ahead of us. But the first, I think the first step is let's have the debate about which path is riskiest. Is the riskiest path sticking with Joeest. Is the riskiest path sticking with Joe Biden or is the riskiest path saying we want someone else? And anybody who says that that is not a tough call right now is full of fucking shit. We're going to get to that in a bit. We're
Starting point is 00:08:35 obviously not the only ones who are thinking this. And that's not just because there's like Democrats privately freaking out that that's happening. Most everyone I know in my life is also freaking out. So that's also happening. But just to give you an example, as soon as the debate was over, this is what we heard from CNN's John King. Let's listen. Anderson, this was a game-changing debate in the sense that right now, as we speak, there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party. It started minutes into the debate, and it continues right now. It involves party strategists.
Starting point is 00:09:11 It involves elected officials. It involves fundraisers. And they're having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which they think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket. And they're having conversations about what they should do about it. Some of those conversations include, should we go to the White House and ask the president to step aside? Others are, other of the conversations are about, should prominent Democrats go public with that call? So that was John King. So then we heard from all sorts of Democrats, Kate Bedingfeld, former White House communications director, said that it was a bad performance. We heard from
Starting point is 00:09:44 multiple other Democrats who said that there's members bad performance. We heard from multiple other Democrats who said that there's members of Congress, right? I mean, we're recording this at midnight. So by the time you hear this, there's probably other Democrats that have said this too, but members of Congress are giving blind quotes so far. So the panic is real. It's happening. I almost feel like it is underselling it or minimizing it to call it panicking or like bedwetting. Look, if this was September or October, we would be honest that this was a horrible debate, but say like, look, it's too late. The election is in a couple of weeks. Obviously, we should vote for Joe Biden and we should do everything we can to make sure that Donald Trump doesn't win and make Joe Biden, and we should do everything we can to make sure that Donald Trump doesn't win and make Donald Trump and make Joe Biden another president. But what Joe Biden did was agree to this debate,
Starting point is 00:10:30 propose this debate and agree to this debate with seven weeks left to the convention. And as you said, love it, like we now, it would be silly not to have this conversation. And that's not to say that a contested convention would be easy or necessarily nominate someone who can beat Donald Trump. That is the reality of the situation we're in right now. But I think like, and look, it's up to Joe Biden, right? Joe Biden's going to make the decision. The people around him are going to counsel him on this decision. I think that everyone else who saw what we all saw last night needs to be honest that like he it's not just that look we've talked about debates before debates are performances debates are silly they get scored Barack Obama had a terrible first debate against Mitt Romney right and then he went out there and he fixed it right the terrible debate that Barack Obama had against Mitt Romney was nothing like this. This is just another level, right? Like I said, I've never seen any political. Can you guys think of
Starting point is 00:11:31 a political debate that was as bad as this? No, the previous worst debate that any of us have ever seen was the first presidential debate last time. And the difference between that debate and this debate, and I think part of the reason this debate feels worse, is that was a despicable display. But we didn't come away thinking that the race had suddenly tilted against Joe Biden. in this debate, and I think part of the reason this debate feels worse is that was a despicable display, but we didn't come away thinking that the race had suddenly tilted against Joe Biden. This was a horrible debate to watch. Well, I think Joe Biden won that debate.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Right, but well, everybody walked away saying that was the worst debate they'd ever seen. That was the biggest story. I hate politics. Right, that was the reaction. I think people had the exact same reaction to this. Nobody came away from this loving politics. Or loving Donald Trump, by the way. Or loving Donald Trump. Let me trump clear like i don't think donald trump like picked up and no one
Starting point is 00:12:08 was like oh you know what donald trump has assuaged my concerns about uh him not being a fucking lunatic i don't think that happened but i think people were fucking i don't i mean it's not just that joe biden needed to like make the case against donald trump in a debate. Donald Trump is a threat to democracy right now. And we need leaders and we need a president to actually make the case for why Donald Trump is as unfit for office as we all know. He did not bring up, like he didn't make a case against January 6th.
Starting point is 00:12:37 He didn't talk about the fact that he tried to overturn the last election. He didn't talk about the fact that he is facing 88 felony counts. He said the words convicted felon once then he started talking about having sex with the porn star what's that alley cats alley cats right he didn't bring up like almost any of donald trump's vulnerabilities in a coherent way let's talk about trump's performance a minute i mean trump lied constantly he lied about his
Starting point is 00:13:01 position on abortion he lied about covid. He lied about January 6th. He blamed Pelosi for the insurrection. The problem was the moderators had told everyone, we're not here to fact check. And it was Joe Biden's job to effectively call him out for what he was getting wrong and then make the case against him. And he just failed to do it. And look, I don't think Trump was good, but to his credit, he was relentlessly on message. Everything came back to illegal immigration. He made almost every question about the border because he knew that was his strength
Starting point is 00:13:35 and that was Joe Biden's weakness. And there was no equivalent effort to get on a message that had Trump on his back heels from the Biden side. It was frankly just kind of hard to follow answer after hard to follow answer. I am open to the idea that like, we are freaks who watch this in a way that is different from the way
Starting point is 00:13:56 maybe undecided voters would watch it, right? There was dials that came out throughout saying people dislike them both. Like I'm open to- I can see that. Completely can see that. And by the way, I'm also open to the possibility that this debate doesn't have a severe impact that the actual impact of it won't be as long lasting. And I'm extremely open to the possibility that Joe Biden can come back with us. But I think John, what you're getting at here
Starting point is 00:14:17 is I think the reason this felt so dispiriting and so important is because the way in which he lost this debate at a time when he needed to change the dynamic makes us very, very concerned that he cannot change the dynamic in any other setting, that he is not the person to make this argument for himself or against Donald Trump. and again so we you know we watched the debate end and then um joe biden appeared at a watch party and he was much more energetic at the watch party he was much more coherent though even there because everyone was like well where was that joe biden yeah energy wise coherence wise for sure but his message was like he started talking about the dog face lying pony soldier it was not good everyone's grading on such a curve it was just a weird one minute speech it was a weird yeah exactly you know and so i don't like i just feel
Starting point is 00:15:21 like we're now all yeah we're now all like grading on a curve everything's relative but it's like hello we all we all saw this right well that's the one that you can't i'm not going to be convinced that i didn't don't tell me my eyes are lying like i saw what i saw like a handful of things can be true at the same time right that joe biden's performance was very bad at a very bad time that if you were it's also true that if you were to show swing voters who did not watch the debate only footage of donald trump speaking they would be very unhappy with that for sure And I would be shocked if they weren't. Yeah. I mean, he did nothing to improve his standing in the race.
Starting point is 00:15:50 All he did was just be better than Joe Biden. Right? And I would say what Trump did do for all of his bad unpopular policy positions, refusal to answer questions, his repeated lies, is he was more restrained than he was in 2020. And so you could watch that and not come away with the idea that he is like, that's what Biden wanted. What strategically he should have done is try to, when Trump got mad was when Biden went
Starting point is 00:16:17 after him on January 6th early. And if he had done that earlier and sort of got Trump off his game, but Biden couldn't do that. The bigger thing here is Biden is behind in this race, right? We can debate by how much, but Trump has an advantage in the swing states and maybe all six of them right now. And so how do you change the dynamic in a race? You either change the dynamic in a race by taking advantage of huge high leverage moments with lots of eyeballs on you in delivering in a big way. But I did not do that. And there may not be another moment like that because the convention speech is not a moment like that. No, because Trump gets a convention speech, Biden gets a convention speech, they're planned. They're mostly watched by partisans. And the other way you do it
Starting point is 00:16:57 is by waking up every single day, dominating the media conversation and making a compelling, relentless argument for yourself and against the other person. Joe Biden has not done that in this presidency at any point. And look, if suddenly he wakes up tomorrow and can do that for the next several months, right, then great. Right. So happy. You were doing multiple, you're doing multiple rallies a day. You were doing every single possible media hit you can do you're going into unfriendly territory to do things that go viral right you know it's like trump was on i don't know which paul logan paul jake paul's podcast sure and then either jake or logan ever like challenge biden to do it like yeah go like in a different candidate could go do that and just like take him on and
Starting point is 00:17:42 get in his face and have a viral moment and show your strength. Whether Biden's staff are treating him with kid gloves or maybe because of tonight, they think he can't do those things. He is not doing that. So the question is, how is he going to change the dynamic in the race going forward if tonight happened and we may not get another debate? There was one question and answer that I thought was kind of damaging for Trump. And I wondered if you guys agreed. He was asked, what do you say to voters who think you violated your oath on January 6th? And Trump said, on January 6th, we had a great border.
Starting point is 00:18:12 On January 6th, we were energy independent. On January 6th, we had the lowest taxes, the lowest regulations. We were respected around the world. Then he went into a pivot. I wonder, I don't know, like rhetorically it was clever, but I wonder if you were like, what are you talking about? That was my reaction. I thought it was bizarre. Yeah, it was bizarre.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Because it seemed like something that they had planned, and I was like, that is not, that cannot be effective. Clever was the wrong, like it was like, it was a rhetorical only answer that never touched the substance. But again, it's like giving like a, what do you call those things? A fidget spinner? A fidget spinner to a kid, where it's just like, here's something he will say
Starting point is 00:18:45 that will likely not damage him more than what he would say on his own. But this is the problem, right? Because there's Joe Biden standing there and he's not lithe or fast or direct enough to be able to counterpunch in any of these moments. He tried there.
Starting point is 00:19:02 He said, he tried to get him to say, well, you denounced the Proud Boys. You told them to stand by. Well, you denounced the insurrections, but he just couldn't get it out. He couldn't get it out. Everyone ignored it. And by the way, I just, I also want to say, I'm really not up for a debate about CNN and their role in this. If you watched that debate and you came away thinking the problem was CNN, go for a walk outside. That is ridiculous. So speaking of CNN, so the first debate in 2020, the CNN post-debate poll, Joe Biden, 60% of voters thought Joe Biden won, 28% thought Donald Trump won. Tonight, the poll just came out, 67% of voters think Donald Trump won, only 33% think that Joe Biden won. It's a
Starting point is 00:19:39 big swing. It's a 66-point swing towards trump there was also um a frank luntz's focus group of all undecided voters who again luntz was tweeting this through the debate at times were saying oh they're mad at both of them they don't like that trump's being so personal a tiny bit of purchase right on which to have hope and then at the end they're all undecided voters and all of them think that joe b step aside. There was a focus group on MSNBC just before we started. One of the voters said, I love Joe Biden's policies. I think Donald Trump's despicable, but Joe Biden can't execute. We should have an open convention. I love that moment with that. There was a despondency with that person because what you
Starting point is 00:20:20 got was how much they disliked Donald Trump and understand already that Donald Trump doesn't fight for them, doesn't care about them, isn't out for them. But they see Joe Biden, even though they want to be for Joe Biden, what they saw made them really, really concerned. And this is what voters have been saying. This is what lots of people have been saying for four years now. It has gotten worse and worse. And what Joe Biden said when there was a big news cycle, all right, when everybody said it was too late and there was a big news cycle about this, Joe Biden, remember he did a press conference, it was very combative, and then someone shouted
Starting point is 00:20:53 the question at him and he said, watch me. After the Robert Herr Special Counsel Report. After the Robert Herr Special Counsel Report, Joe Biden turned to the door, turned back creakily and said, watch me. And by the way, like I, this entire time have been just very uncertain, right, about what was the more dangerous or risky path given the threat Trump poses, right? Do you trust that Joe Biden can overcome these concerns about his age enough to make this case? Or do you believe you should go down the messy and unknown path of seeking out a different nominee? And I think what we saw tonight means we need to have that debate.
Starting point is 00:21:28 There's a lot to come. It's complicated. It's uncertain. It's risky, but we have to have that conversation. I think it's totally acceptable to wonder aloud and openly talk about the path of the convention. I think it's totally legitimate for folks to say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:42 Actually, I think sticking with Joe Biden is the best chance we have at winning, so we all should do that. What is not acceptable is telling people to stop bedwetting or that they didn't see what they saw or that, oh, you guys just need this Twitter nonsense. It's time to grow a spine. Enough with that rhetorical bullshit. bullshit it's insulting to people who are on your team come on we want to fight for you but have eyeballs and and care deeply about this country and are anxious because we all have a stake in this election it's not about one man on the ticket or about the staff around him it's about the fucking future of the country and by the way i the staff around him, he has a great campaign team.
Starting point is 00:22:26 The staff is fantastic. Yes, they are. They are doing everything right. The person who is to blame right now is Joe Biden because he has told all of us, I am the guy. Like, he's thought it through. I am the guy. Bet on me. I'm going to do it. And then he did this.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And Joe Biden and anyone around him, whether it's the first whoever else has like keeps encouraging him to do this right and like i feel bad i feel terrible for the staff on the campaign and a lot of the other people because like look not just because they're a lot of them are our friends but because they are doing like really good work but he is the candidate right and he has to like lead the campaign for him right he has to debate and they're doing these jobs because they know they love Joe Biden. They absolutely love Joe Biden. They also know that you have to defeat Donald Trump. And this is, as we sit here right now, that is the way to do it.
Starting point is 00:23:13 The choice is, right now, as of today, there will be a conversation in the coming days, is elect Joe Biden or we get Donald Trump. Those are the two choices, right? It's not the choice a lot of people wanted. It's not a perfect choice, but that is the option before us, right? And so that's why they're doing it. It's why we have done what we have done to try to help Joe Biden, right? And that's why people are so frustrated and upset about this debate because he did this. He wanted this debate right now, right? And that-
Starting point is 00:23:42 And he had a week of practice. And probably should have had two, right? And so it's just, it is like they, this debate right now. Yep. Right. And that, and he had a week of practice and probably probably should have had to. Right. And so it's just, it is like they, this was a big moment and he did not deliver in a big moment. Right. And it's very frustrating. And look, like you said, Dan, it's a choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Like if we get through the convention and everyone, and Joe Biden says, I'm not stepping down and there's no other Democrats step up and all the, you know, I've seen a lot of the elected Democrats tonight on TV, which understandable, it's like right after the debate,
Starting point is 00:24:08 say like, no, we're sticking with Joe Biden. If everyone decides, everyone who could run for president, decides that they're not going to run, they don't want to run, Joe Biden's the guy, Joe Biden decides, then like after that convention, of course, we will do everything in our power to elect Joe Biden, 100%. But like the best thing Joe Biden did is to propose this debate before the convention and give us a chance now to rethink this. It is because the threat Donald Trump poses that we have to have this debate right now about whether or not it should be Joe Biden. Do not tell us that because Donald Trump is a threat, we cannot have this conversation. That is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Joe Biden, do not tell us that because Donald Trump is a threat, we cannot have this conversation. That is ridiculous. And I think just to be crystal clear about one thing, I did not come away from this debate wondering whether Joe Biden can do the job of president. He can. He has been doing it. He's done a great job of doing it. I came away deeply concerned about his ability to wage the campaign he needs to wage to defeat Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:25:03 It's an important distinction. You know what I mean. I am not for one second in the camp of people regurgitating the horrible attacks from the Trump people. This is about what it takes to run a campaign, which is really, really hard. President is a much harder job. It's a much more important job, but candidate is a different job. Right. And it's primarily a communications job. It's an ability to go out every day and make a case. And it's always important. But when you're running against an authoritarian who could threaten democracy, then it's not just about being a good candidate. That is part of the job of being
Starting point is 00:25:35 president in this moment right now is making the case for why democracy is the better system. And he has not made that case. So Axios already has some comments from, these are House Democrats, and they are not. Who they've given their names to, Axios, obviously. Of course not, yeah. This is not on the record. One said, I am in a state of shock. The other said, Jamal Bowman is the hero we need right now. We need him to pull the fire alarm. A couple of that. Too soon.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Too soon. That's been making the rounds. That one's been making the rounds. One female House Democrat said, it's time for a woman to save both these men from their misery. President Whitmer has a strong ring to it. So that's just a sample of some of what we're getting from.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I'll just say, I imagine this is true for you guys i probably got like two dozen tweets tonight from friends in and out of politics every single one of them was as anxious as we sound this is not like a political insider like agita group think things like all my friends from all parts of my life just being like what's happening people who don't tune into politics people who don't pay attention like there's not a single person who's like it's actually not that bad i feel like i want to come back to something you said which is that you said like that the
Starting point is 00:26:50 word panic feels strange both like like too big and too small because i i think i think the problem right is like what's a little patronizing it's like oh those democrats they're all right which i get well because we are often we are like that yes for sure and i think i think what makes this different is that like it's not a panic in that I think people are not overreacting. And this is a moment where people are reflecting, not just on the debate, but what led to this moment, right?
Starting point is 00:27:15 And the collective sense in which we couldn't make a change in all the conversations and debates we've been having for a long time. That's one part of it. The second part of it is, I am concerned that we spend 48 hours having this paroxysm of doubt and concern. And then the July 4th happens. Joe
Starting point is 00:27:34 Biden does a rally where he is more like how he was at the State of the Union. The dynamic in the race doesn't change. He's still behind in these swing state polls. We don't really see a clear path to how that changes, but we're reassured that, oh, the debate didn't have as long of an impact as we thought it would. And then all of a sudden we're marching toward a convention where we never really reconciled the experience of watching that debate. And that's why I think just making sure that what this is, is not a panic, but a concerted effort to give everybody who wants to protect democracy and defeat Donald Trump, the open conversation about the best person to do that is so important. And some people will say this
Starting point is 00:28:09 conversation only helps Trump. Yeah, it does. And no one wants to be having it, but our hand was forced by what we all watched. You know what else helps Trump? The 90 minutes that we just saw. Yeah, it does. Anyway, let's go to favorite moments. Yeah. I think one other point I think is worth making is. Favorite moments. We had some, by the way, to be loud. By the way, I want you guys to know something. We went, we were deep gallows humors by the end of this thing.
Starting point is 00:28:33 It was, we were, we were drinking and we were getting through it. We went through it from stunned silence to gallows humor in about 20 minutes. I liked when we were talking about how many historians said Trump was the worst president. That a good part it was just that's you know yeah by the way kamala harris was on tv afterwards anderson cooper interviewed her i believe she went on msnbc though i haven't seen that yet and you know she did quite well in the interview and anderson really pushed her and at one point she did say it was a slow start, at least like the vice president acknowledged that. And that's, you know, that's the vice president. So the idea that you're going to be like, no, everything was fine. You even have the vice president's former communications director. You have the vice president. Like it's just, no, no one thinks
Starting point is 00:29:17 it was fine. And you know what? And I do, I think that just telling people to deny what they saw, telling people to deny objective reality. It's just not, it's just not effective. Forget about whether it's right or wrong. It's just not effective. I'm going to be very interested to see how, what Biden does at the rally he has in North Carolina tomorrow. Cause a,
Starting point is 00:29:35 if this was Obama, right. And this was sort of true after that. Robin Bade is, he makes a self deprecating joke about it. Right. And then tries to deliver a much better performance. Like, will Biden do that, right?
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yeah, there is one upside to this debate. He will not be attacked tomorrow for performance-enhancing drugs. So he has put that narrative to rest. Silver lining. There were people pausing and trying to feed Joe Biden Adderall through the television.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I did, yeah. This is why you don't do time release. This is why you do that. Yeah, you gotta, you gotta, you're up all night. It kicked in right, it kicked into the party afterwards. Right, right. That was the problem. And poor Joe Biden's gonna be up all night.
Starting point is 00:30:16 We did have a spirited debate about golf games and handicaps. That was wild. That was. All of this stuff is even more frustrating because it goes to show like how vulnerable trump is like right the guy was an incoherent mess he was talking about he was like a little i would say that we were talking about the first 15 20 minutes i would say like trump was the best in the first 15 minutes and then trump really declined throughout the debate got him upset and then trump became more of the trump we know one of the most
Starting point is 00:30:44 obvious differences between watching the first debate four years ago and the first debate now is something has happened to Joe Biden's voice that has made it softer, more frail, and has led him to cough a lot. And again, I know I'm talking optics and optics doesn't matter when you're doing the job of president, but it matters a lot as a candidate. And it just makes it hard for him to get his point across and to get these lines out and to string together arguments over the course of two minutes in a way that is compelling
Starting point is 00:31:13 or even at times like fully understandable. I mean, we should note, I mean, yeah, you're correct. Under all scenarios that his voice has changed. He also, it came out that he had a cold. Has he had it since January? Well, I mean mean like he sounded worse yeah the usual and the first like it sounded like he he had to cough and he could not cough in
Starting point is 00:31:31 the first 15 minutes yeah now why his campaign did not put out the fact that he had a cold in advance of that well i'll just say so you know what the the me and tommy and love it we went to the fundraiser in la with President Obama and Jimmy Kimmel. And Biden was very much like he was tonight at that fundraiser. That was also after he had flown from the G7 in Italy 15 hours to LA. And that was his second trip to Europe in the same week. So we chalked it up as like, yeah, that was a pretty bad performance. He is pretty tired.
Starting point is 00:32:02 They should let the guy sleep. Hopefully they'll have him sleep and prep for this debate. And by the way, everyone else in the crowd saw that too, which is why the whole like, oh, deceptively edited clip of Biden freezing. He wasn't actually freezing in that moment, but the rest of the thing was bad. And he was tired.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And I thought he would be rested tonight. I hoped he would be rested tonight. He wasn't. Look, and by the way, we have tried, like we saw him at the State of the Union where he delivered. We did. It's also like, okay, he had a cold and his voice is gravelly and not as strong as it used to be.
Starting point is 00:32:33 That doesn't explain why halfway through an answer about abortion, he pivoted to a different answer about immigration. That doesn't explain why he wasn't able to push back on Donald Trump throughout the debate. That's a classic debate move. You pivot from your strongest issue to your weakest issue. Mid-sentence. Did Donald Trump bring up the attack? No. You got to bring up the attack yourself.
Starting point is 00:32:52 That's a, it's, you know, then he can't do it. Then you bring it up yourself. You see what I'm saying? It's a jiu-jitsu guy. He clearly got rattled by his performance. Like he knew. Oh, you could tell. He knew that he messed up that first question.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And I know, because we've prepped cancer debates before, you tell him the first 10 minutes matter more than anything else. And he knew he messed that up, and he got in his head. Because he clearly had an answer on abortion. He had an answer on this attack that he knew Trump was going to make about this woman who was killed. And he just, just, you know, he combined them. He combined them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:33 You also practice though, like in debate prep, I'm sure you say to him over and over again, sir, your face is going to be visible through the duration of the debate. Every time Donald Trump speaks, they're going to be looking at you too. So you have to be mindful of how you look, smiling, laughing, right? He did a great job of that in 2020. That's what's so funny about this. It was a disaster this time. Not hot, but funny, but yeah. I mean, look.
Starting point is 00:33:54 You know his staff prepped him on that. Yeah, you did a Margazy funny. You can either laugh or you can cry. Because we all rewatched the first 2020 debate earlier this week, and Trump did a terrible job of that in the first debate. Yes, sweaty, angry. Sweaty, angry.
Starting point is 00:34:10 He's muttering to himself. And Biden, that's what he nailed in that debate, is he stared at that camera the whole time. Every time Trump said something crazy, Biden gave it that classic Biden smile. Yeah. And he did the exact opposite of that in this debate. I think now we're getting to the point in the pod where we're all saying the same thing over and over again. And want to kill ourselves.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Right, exactly. Do we have any final thoughts? Yeah, I actually don't have. We just watched the debate and I think we're all feeling a bit gobsmacked and I think that's a feeling to trust for a bit. I'm not going to go back to my hotel room and watch it one more time before I go to bed oh you really yeah jesus christ no i'm gonna love yourself i'm
Starting point is 00:34:49 gonna take the same xanax they gave joe biden before the debate and uh knock myself the fuck out but i i think like a bunch of friends yeah yeah right uh no but but i i feel like the the two texts i'm getting from a lot of people, and I'm sure it's a shared experience, was some combination of what do we do and are we doomed? I feel like a lot of people are saying that. And what do we do? Take it one step at a time.
Starting point is 00:35:15 We all just watched that. We all saw it. Nobody knows what Joe Biden's gonna do. You saw Kamala Harris is doing fucking improv with Anderson Cooper. Gavin Newsom doesn't know what to, everybody's figuring this out. So I think everybody, I think just being honest about what we saw is the first step and everybody giving, being generous with each other in knowing that everyone
Starting point is 00:35:35 inside of this big democratic coalition wants to defeat Donald Trump. We just may not over the next couple of days or weeks agree on the best way to do it. That's first. Second, are we doomed? We're not doomed. We're not doomed until the election is over and a lot can change between now and then. Nobody knows what's going to happen. And let's just take it one step at a time. That's my one caution here. Yeah, look, I'm not going to pretend tonight wasn't anything but terrible.
Starting point is 00:36:00 The next few days will probably be worse because what tends to happen is the the negative feelings about a debate performance like this turn into articles which get shared around it compounds and the spin gets worse and worse and it becomes a bit of a spiral but the fact is we have gotten like a couple months is a lifetime in politics i'm not saying that to like spin for joe b. It's just an objective fact. There was a fucking insurrection against the Capitol that no one's talking about anymore somehow. So, you know, a lot can change between now and election day
Starting point is 00:36:34 and a lot could change between now and the convention. And it is what it is, but this weekend's gonna suck. We gotta shut down the idea to article pipeline. That is the fucking problem. Per Dem Source source live tracking of the debate showed that trump's support tanked when he said he wouldn't accept the results of the election again not surprising there was some good responses for biden from some midwest swing voters i'll take that for what you will and then trump's january 6th and row responses were also unpopular
Starting point is 00:37:00 yes of course also biden just took a few questions from the pool they asked him how he did tonight he said i think we did well uh they on calls for him to drop out whether he has any concerns about his performance no it's hard to debate a liar the new york times pointed out he lied 26 times on whether he's sick i have a sore throat pool was then quickly ushered out this biden going to that watch event biden taking these questions is the first steps you do to address a bad debate performance like this signal that they know. And we'll see a rally tomorrow. The next 48 hours are going to be fascinating about how everyone else in the party responds and what Biden does. But it is worth reminding that we're going to hear this from everyone. Why doesn't the DNC go to Biden and
Starting point is 00:37:38 tell him this is going to be Joe Biden's decision? No one is going to make him do it. No Democrat is going to announce that they're jumping in decision yep no one is going to make him do it no democrat is going to announce that they're jumping in the race because you can't really do that and this is going to be a decision for the president to make yep and people can counsel him on it people can counsel him privately publicly whatever it may be it's his decision so all right wish we had a wish we had a more hope hey one last question last question. What gives you hope? By the way, listen. As the debate was winding down,
Starting point is 00:38:12 our eyes are kind of bleeding from the side. We're trying to find different kinds of alcohol to put together. I looked around. We're in this room. We're watching it together. We're doing our best to laugh through it. We had a good time. We had gummy bears.
Starting point is 00:38:24 We tried our best. We had gummy bears. We tried our best. We had gummy bears. Wine and beer. We made the best of it. You know what, guys? We've got a great team here. French fries. We're all going to get through it together. You bet.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Everyone. Hug a lib this weekend. Hug a lib this weekend. Did you say we're stronger together? We're stronger. All right, everyone. We'll talk to you tomorrow night in Boston. Why?
Starting point is 00:38:42 Bye, everyone. If you want to get ad-free episodes, exclusive content, and more, consider joining our Friends of the Pod subscription community at crooked.com slash friends. And if you're already doom-scrolling, don't forget to follow us at Pod Save America on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for access to full episodes, bonus content, and more. Plus, if you're as opinionated as we are, consider dropping us a review. Pod Save America is a Crooked Media
Starting point is 00:39:08 production. Our show is produced by Olivia Martinez and David Toledo. Our associate producers are Saul Rubin and Farah Safari. Reed Cherlin is our executive producer. The show is mixed and edited by Andrew Chadwick. Jordan Cantor is our sound engineer, with audio support from Kyle Seglin and Charlotte
Starting point is 00:39:24 Landis. Writing support by Hallie Kiefer. Madeline Herringer is our head of news and programming. Matt DeGroat is our head of production. Andy Taft is our executive assistant. Thanks to our digital team, Elijah Cohn, Haley Jones, Mia Kelman, David Tolles, Kirill Pelleviv, and Molly Lobel.

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