Realfoodology - 22: Cancel Culture + My Mission with Realfoodology

Episode Date: February 19, 2021

This is a solo episode straight from my heart. I couldn’t sleep one night so I jotted down my thoughts and turned it into a podcast! My thoughts on cancel culture and a little bit about why I starte...d Realfoodology. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, guys. Welcome back to another episode of The Real Foodology Podcast. I am your host, Courtney Swan. And today's episode is going to look a little bit different than my normal episodes because I have a confession to make. I'm really scared of cancel culture, you guys. And I don't say this because I have skeletons in my closet or things that I'm worried will be exposed. I'm in I'm worried will be exposed.
Starting point is 00:00:26 I'm in no means claiming to be perfect. Honestly, though, if anyone were to go digging up in my past, they would find that I lost my brother and my sister at two separate times in my life. And like most undergrad college kids, I binge drank my way through it. And I ate a lot of Taco Bell in college and smoked some weed here and there, but you know, who didn't? And my biggest offense is probably dating way too many musicians in my twenties. And I'm not knocking on musicians, but I'm not not knocking on them. No, but seriously though, I have nothing but amazing things to say about my exes. So if you're listening, what's up? Did you know that most cookware and appliances are made with forever chemicals? Yes, that means
Starting point is 00:01:08 your nonstick pans, your air fryers, your waffle makers, your blender could possibly have PFAS. And yes, even our beloved crockpots and pressure cookers. I have actually been talking about this for so long. Back in 2006, my mom came to my dorm room and made me get rid of all my nonstick pans because she was concerned about me being exposed to something called Teflon. Teflon is a coating that is used on nonstick pans and a lot of these appliances that I just named. So I've avoided Teflon, nonstick, PFA coated appliances, pots and pans, you name it for a very long time. And the only option for the, for a very long time was just stainless steel pots and pans. So I was really excited when a company like our place came out because they started creating really beautiful cookware and
Starting point is 00:01:57 appliances that are like pieces of art. Every appliance that I have from our place, I legit want to store it on the counter. And I'm the type of person that does not want anything on my counter because I like it to look really just clean and minimal. But I'm so obsessed with all the our place products that I have so many of them displayed on my counter because they are legit pieces of art. Our place is a mission driven and female founded brand that makes beautiful kitchen products that are healthy and sustainable. Other products are made without PFAS, which are the forever chemicals and also made without PTFE, which is Teflon. If a company is not outwardly stating that they don't use these chemicals, then if they are using nonstick coating on their appliances, they are absolutely using forever chemicals. And there's been
Starting point is 00:02:39 increasing global scrutiny for their impact on the environment and our health and recognizing this impact. The EU plans to prohibit PFAS by 2025. Our place has always been PFAS free and they offer durable toxin-free ceramic coatings, ensuring a healthy, safe cooking experience. And let me tell you, you guys, they are changing the game with non-toxic appliances. They have a blender, they have an air fryer, they have a crock pot, not to mention they're amazing. Always pan. They have a perfect pot, which is just the perfect size for soups. And they also just came out with a cast iron that I'm loving as well. And I more recently replaced all of the bowls and plates in my kitchen because I really needed an upgrade. My other ones were so old.
Starting point is 00:03:23 So I got some from our place and they are so beautiful. The ceramics are beautiful. The colors are amazing. Like I said, everything is like a piece of art. If you want to try any of the products from our place, go to and enter my code realfoodology at checkout to receive 10% off site-wide. That's code realfoodology. Our place offers a 100 day trial with free shipping and returns. This is really exciting. Organifi now has kids stuff. They just released two kid products. One is called easy greens and it's a refreshing green apple juice where kids will never know that it's packed with veggies. And the other one is called protect. It's a delicious wild berry punch like the Kool-Aid that we used to have as kid, but without any sugar. This is really exciting.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And if you've listened to the podcast for a while, you know that I'm a huge fan of Organifi and most specifically because every single product that they make is glyphosate residue free. So you know that you're going to be able to give these powders to your kids and know that they will be able to consume them safely without any glyphosate in it. So let's break down each one. The Easy Greens is a nourishing and delicious blend of superfoods and veggies that provides essential nutrients, probiotics, and digestive enzymes to bring balance to kids growing bodies without fillers, additives, or junk. It helps to fill in nutritional gaps, aids in growth and development, supports digestive health, has a rich micronutrient profile,
Starting point is 00:04:39 and includes digestive enzymes. This would be a great way to sneak in greens for your little one without them actually knowing that it's healthy for them. And the second one, which is the wild berry punch similar to Kool-Aid is called Protect. And it is to support your child's daily immune health with food derived nutrients that work to strengthen their body's first line of defense. I know just through girlfriends of mine that have children that when your kids are going to school, going to daycare, they're coming home sick a lot more often just because they're getting exposed to different kids and different viruses when they're out in the world playing with kids. So this would be a great way to help to support
Starting point is 00:05:13 your little one's immune health. It's organic and it's also made with real whole food ingredients. It has a delicious berry taste and it's low sugar and it's gentle enough for kids to take every single day. And I really love the ingredients in this one. It's orange and acerol cherry, which is a powerful source of vitamin C and antioxidants, astragalus, elderberry, and propolis. These are all really great for overall immune health. If you want to try the products that I talked about today or any of the Organifi products, go to slash realfoodology and use code real food ology for 20% off. Again, that's Organifi. It's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I dot com slash real food ology. I just, I, I admit this fear because it's really hindered my work in the last few years,
Starting point is 00:06:02 more specifically in the last year. It's really hard for anyone to show up with a voice online with the way that our culture is right now. And I feel like I'm a little bit on eggshells. And I find that I'm silencing myself sometimes on really important topics simply because I don't want to rock the boat. I don't want to deal with the social backlash, the comments, the angry DMs, the censoring on Instagram and other various forms of social media. I mean, I have to be honest, I'm scared to even admit that I'm scared because I'm a white woman and I know with that comes inherent privilege. I'm definitely aware of that. That does not go over my head. You know, I heard a fact recently. I was listening to this podcast and they were just talking about social media. And one of the things that this person brought up, the host, was that biologically
Starting point is 00:06:57 as humans, we're not wired to be able to handle the opinions of hundreds of people, let alone thousands of people, depending on how many followers someone has. And historically, humans have only been exposed to opinions of the people closest to them, neighbors, friends, family members, their community. If you want to go really far back, tribes. The small amount of people we surrounded ourselves with were the opinions that we were exposed to. But now with the internet, anyone has access to almost anyone else and can insert their opinion, solicited or not. Now look, this is not meant to be a hate rant on social media. It has brought
Starting point is 00:07:39 so many amazing, wonderful things to society and humanity. For me to be able to go on Instagram and watch funny dog videos when I'm having a bad day is enough for me to say, I'm so glad that it exists. And also the amount of information that we have at our fingertips now, it's incredible. But I will say, I miss the days where people could show up authentically and make mistakes. So then they could learn from those mistakes and not be scared that they would completely be shunned from society for using the wrong word or saying one thing that they have since learned was not okay or not correct or not true. I miss the days where we were allowed to be human. Look, I'm not saying that there are not people doing bad in this world. And I'm not saying that
Starting point is 00:08:25 people shouldn't have to deal with the consequences of their actions. What I am saying is that I feel as though we've forgotten that the majority of humans are good and they just want to do good in this world. And when we bully and lash out at people, instead of using the opportunity as a moment for learning and growth, we're doing that person a disservice. We also have become just as bad as the action that we are trying to correct. I personally believe in the inherent good in people. And I believe that given the opportunity, most people would do the right thing. Maybe I'm naive in thinking this, but honestly, it's the only way that I can get through life. And I'm sure some of you will send me links after listening to this to content describing toxic positivity.
Starting point is 00:09:16 So let me get ahead of that right now. I am not saying just stay positive and good vibes only. I'm not saying that you should say that you're okay when you're actually not doing okay. That would be toxic positivity. I'm also not saying that everything is rainbows and butterflies and that if you just meditate hard enough, you'll get everything in life you want. What I am saying is that life is all about what you do with the cards you've been dealt. Life is not always fair. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes good things happen to bad people. Life is unpredictable. It's unexplainable. And we're all just doing our best,
Starting point is 00:09:54 or at least the majority of us are. You can be sad. You can be angry. Find ways to release those very normal and very healthy emotions in a way that helps you and doesn't end with you taking them out on innocent bystanders like your loved ones or strangers on the internet. If that means going to therapy, let's normalize that. Going to therapy doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with you. I've been in therapy for years now, and I can truly say that it changed my life. And I just, I feel like we need to hold on to the good in this world, but we can also hold on to the good in this world while accepting
Starting point is 00:10:32 and knowing that there's bad in this world too. Do you want to hear the biggest discovery of our time for promoting healthy aging? Of course you do, because all of us are concerned about aging. There is a class of ingredients called senolytics that were discovered less than 10 years ago, and they are being called the biggest discovery of our time for promoting healthy aging and enhancing your physical prime. Now, when I'm talking about aging here, I'm not just talking about on a superficial level, wrinkles and saggy skin. I'm talking about energy, joint pain, your ability to show up for your life, cognitive function. I'm talking about the real effects of cellular aging on the body and what it does to our
Starting point is 00:11:12 body as we age. Now, as we age, everyone accumulates something called senescent cells in their body. They cause symptoms of aging, such as aches and discomfort, slow workout recoveries, sluggish mental and physical energy associated with that middle age feeling. They're also known as zombie cells. They're old and worn out and not serving a useful function for our health anymore, but they're taking up space and nutrients from our healthy cells. Much like pruning the yellowing and dead leaves off of a plant, qualia senolytic removes those worn out senescent cells to allow for the rest of them to thrive in the body. And you just take these supplements
Starting point is 00:11:45 two days a month. That's right. Just two days a month. Qualia Synalytic is an amazing product that helps to remove these senescent cells. And if you want to hear more about the product and more about these senescent cells that affect aging, go back to the episode that I did with Dr. Greg Kelly of Neurohacker. So you can dive more into the details of all of it. But the formula that I'm talking about, qualia synolytic is non-GMO it's vegan, it's gluten-free and the ingredients are meant to compliment one another factoring in the combined effect of all the ingredients together. If for some reason you don't like the product, you're not feeling the effects of it. It also has a 100 day money back guarantee. If you want to resist aging at the cellular level, try Qualia Synalytic,
Starting point is 00:12:25 go to slash real foodology for up to a hundred dollars off and make sure to use code real foodology at checkout for an additional 15% off. That's neurohacker, N-E-U-R-O-H-A-C-K-E-R dot com slash real foodology for an extra 15% off your purchase. Thanks to neurohacker for sponsoring today's episode. Imagine having a metabolic coach in your pocket that you could access at any point, any time in the day, whenever you want. That's what Lumen is. Lumen is the world's first handheld metabolic coach. It's a device that measures your metabolism through your breath. And on the app, it lets you know if you're burning fat or carbs and gives you tailored guidance to improve your nutrition, workout, sleep, and even stress management.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I have so many podcast episodes about metabolic flexibility and why it is so incredibly important for your overall health and longevity. And now thanks to Lumen, you can actually see in real time your body's ability to efficiently switch between using different fuel sources like carbs and fats. There's preferred times to use each and how well you can switch places between burning carbs versus burning fats will tell you a lot about what is going on in your metabolism and where you are in the metabolic flexibility spectrum. All you have to do is breathe into your lumen first thing in the morning and you'll know what's going on with your metabolism, whether you're burning mostly fats or carbs, then lumen gives you a personalized nutrition plan for that day based on your
Starting point is 00:13:47 measurements. You can also breathe into it before and after workouts and meals. So you know exactly what's going on in your body in real time. And Lumen will give you tips to keep you on top of your health game. Why is this so important? Your metabolism is your body's engine. It's how your body turns the food you eat into the fuel that keeps you going because your metabolism is at the center of everything your body does. Optimal metabolic health translates to a bunch of benefits, including easier weight management, improved energy levels, better fitness results, better sleep, and more. Now this is a really cool feature too. It can actually track your cycle as well as the onset of menopause and adjust your recommendations to keep your metabolism healthy through hormonal shifts.
Starting point is 00:14:28 So if you want to take the next step in improving your health, go to and use RealFoodology to get $100 off your Lumen. That is L-U-M-E-N dot M-E and use RealFoodology at checkout for $100 off. Thank you so much to Lumen for sponsoring this episode. My friend recently sent me a text message and I'm just going to quote her right now because I was having this conversation with her and I told her, I was like, you know, I'm getting to a point where I'm scared to say anything on the internet for fear of being canceled over something that I was not even aware of was an issue. This is what she texted me. I'm of the mind that as long as you're staying in your integrity and operating with general integrity, and that is with the utmost respect and with the goal of bringing
Starting point is 00:15:12 into the world only what will give the highest good to all. Well, then you're good because that's love, baby. And if you're doing what you do with love and your heart for yourself and others, that will never lead you wrong. Even if someone else is full of hate, you can just stand in your love and keep doing what you do. I love that quote so much. I, I started real foodology 10 years ago when I was going through school for nutrition. As I was learning about the human body, what true health really means and looks like and how to feed the body to nourish it on a cellular level. And I also learned about the horrible practices of our food industry and the way that we are constantly being lied to about
Starting point is 00:15:55 what it truly means to be healthy. If you're listening right now and you're confused on how to really eat healthy and what it truly means to be healthy in your body and to take care of your health, you're not alone. And it's not your fault. We live in a system that's broken and that was designed to keep people in the dark, to keep people confused, to make money off of the confusion, make money off of your insecurities. I started Real Foodology because I wanted to put the power back in the hands of people. I wanted to empower you to know how to take care of your health and
Starting point is 00:16:31 to really, really take care of your health so that you can live a healthy life and a body that feels good so that you can wake up every morning and have energy to play with your kids, have energy to go to work so you can make money to provide for yourself and or your family if you have one, have energy to spend time with your friends and your loved ones, your pets, to do the things that you love, to have a great sex life. Isn't that what we're all striving for, honestly? I do this work, honestly, just because I care. And I know that this can sound contrived, but all I can tell you is that it's truly coming from my heart. And I just want you to know my heart and that these are
Starting point is 00:17:12 my intentions. And I'm sure some of you listening right now may say, you know, she's just saying that so she doesn't get canceled. And there's nothing I can do about it if that's how you feel. But I've thought about this a lot, about why I care and what made me go into this profession. And I think I've come to the conclusion that it's because after losing my sister when I was eight, I was faced with my own mortality much sooner than most people are. I knew from a very young age, just how precious life really is. And from what we know just right now, just in this present moment, we just have one life to live. And of course I'm not discounting the possibility of other lives, but I'm just talking about what we know to be true right now, as we are here on earth.
Starting point is 00:18:00 And as far as we know, this could be the only life that we live. And I don't know about you, but I want to feel good in my body for as long as I'm here on this planet. There is no truer act of self-love than taking care of your health. I also know firsthand that life isn't always fair and things happen that we don't have control over that we can't change. But I do know there are many things that we do have control over. And one of those being taking care of the one body that we have for the time that we're here on earth. No one else can do that for you. I just genuinely care about humans and I want to see everyone thrive. I want to see my friends and my family thrive. I want to see my neighbors, my community, I mean, even strangers at the grocery store. I want every human to have access to the same privileges because many things that are considered privileges right now should be
Starting point is 00:18:54 just basic human rights. It should be a basic human right to have access to healthy food. It should be a basic human right to be able to go to the grocery store and afford fresh produce. But unfortunately, this is not a reality for all people. And knowing this not only breaks my heart, but it honestly sets a fire under my ass because I want to change that. So I just want to leave you with this. This is my mission with Real Foodology. I am trying everything that I can in my power to stand in my integrity, stand in my truth, fight for what I truly believe is right. And that's all I can do. I've been holding back my tears this whole time I get really emotional when I talk about this everyone deserves the right to a healthy life a healthy body and access to healthy food no matter what your race your gender your skin color size shape sexual preference preference. And I promise to continue to fight for that. And we are all in this together. We are
Starting point is 00:20:10 a community and this is a team effort. We have a lot of work to do and no one can do it alone. We all play a part, which is why I'm not claiming to have it all figured out. And I welcome you to let me know if there are ways I can do better, ways I can help, or if you have ideas of things that we can do as a community. I'm all ears. So please reach out to me. You can reach out to me via email at realfoodologypodcast at or slide into those DMs at realfoodology on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Thanks, guys. Love you all.

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