Realfoodology - How Hormones Are Affecting Your Life with Dr. Patrick Flynn

Episode Date: May 18, 2022

94: I speak with Dr. Flynn, the founder of The Wellness Way all about how hormones are affecting your everyday life, how estrogen is not actually a hormone (what!?), how we feel about women trying to ...force themselves to work within a man’s world and how stress is affecting your hormones. Within his 21 years of practice, he trained thousands of doctors on a different approach to healthcare and there are currently 80 practicing clinics across the world. Dr. Flynn is also the author of an international bestselling book— I Disagree: How These Two Words Are the Secret to Thinking Differently and Taking Control of Your Health. Check Out Dr. Flynn: I Disagree: How These Two Words Are the Secret to Thinking Differently and Taking Control of Your Health. Check Out Courtney: Courtney's Instagram: @realfoodology Air Dr Air Purifier  AquaTru Water Filter EWG Tap Water Database Further Listening All About Men's Health and Hormones Everything You Need to Know About Women's Hormones Learning How To Live In Your Flo

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On today's episode of The Real Foodology Podcast. Over the last 23 years, we have more breast cancer and more hormone issues, more sickness, more things that were in history, yet we have more availability of healthcare, doctors, nurses, natural things, everything in history and people get sicker because the understanding of hormones and health in general has been very skewed. Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of The Real Foodology Podcast. I am your host, Courtney Swan. If you're new here, Real Foodology is something that I created 11 years ago when I was getting my master's of science in nutrition and integrative health. At the time, it was just
Starting point is 00:00:36 a food blog where I was posting recipes and really just an outlet to share everything that I was learning about health, wellness, nutrition, food, the food industry, and really just how to take care of your body. There is so much information out there about being healthy and about diets and what to eat and what not to eat. And I have really sought out to hopefully make it easier on you and help you navigate really what truly means to be healthy and what to eat so that you can feel good in your body and thrive. That's the ultimate goal, right? I have come a long way from those early blogging days. In fact, I don't even really blog anymore. I spend most of my time on Instagram and then here, of course, on this podcast. And I love it. I get to interview amazing people and I learn so much
Starting point is 00:01:23 from all these incredible guests that I have on the podcast, including today's guest, who is Dr. Patrick Flynn. He's the founder of the wellness way, which is a network of health restoration clinics that think and act differently to solve the health challenges others can't. So these are clinics where people can go and get more alternative and modern updated healthcare. I talk a lot about this on the podcast. The way that we do healthcare in this country is really sick care. Our doctors are not trained to manage all the chronic diseases and conditions that we are now facing in this modern world. And that is why there has been this explosion of more alternative doctors, like
Starting point is 00:02:03 functional and integrative doctors who are approaching it in a different way, uh, helping people get to the bottom, the root cause of their chronic diseases. This is what I loved so much about my conversation today with Dr. Flynn is that he really gets it. He practices preventative root cause care. He's really helping people dive into their issues and get to the bottom of why they are dealing with them. This man is so knowledgeable. We mostly talked about women's hormones. We talked a little bit about men's, but we more specifically focused on women's because that really is his specialty. And I know I've had a lot of conversations lately with different doctors about women's hormones, but a lot of what he said today, I had never heard before. And I loved his analogies.
Starting point is 00:02:45 He really is a great teacher, a great educator, because he really helps you understand the nuances of everything going on in the body, more specifically, everything having to do with hormones. I learned today that estrogen is actually not a hormone. And if that makes you curious as much as it did me and confused, I would definitely encourage you to listen because I was shocked by that. We also talk about how stress is directly affecting your hormones, especially women's hormones. And we really dive into how women are trying to force themselves into working in a man's world and really how our bodies just work differently than men. And we need to lean into our strengths and learn how to work better for ourselves, not based on what works for men, but actually what works for women. I found this conversation so empowering.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I learned so much and I really hope that you enjoy the episode. As always, if you are loving the podcast and could take a second to rate and review it, it helps me so much and I really appreciate your support. With that, let's get into the episode. I hope you love it. Do you want to hear the biggest discovery of our time for promoting healthy aging? Of course you do, because all of us are concerned about aging. There is a class of ingredients called senolytics that were discovered
Starting point is 00:04:05 less than 10 years ago, and they are being called the biggest discovery of our time for promoting healthy aging and enhancing your physical prime. Now, when I'm talking about aging here, I'm not just talking about on a superficial level, wrinkles and saggy skin. I'm talking about energy, joint pain, your ability to show up for your life, cognitive function. I'm talking about the real effects of cellular aging on the body and what it does to our body as we age. Now, as we age, everyone accumulates something called senescent cells in their body. They cause symptoms of aging, such as aches and discomfort, slow workout recoveries, sluggish mental and physical energy associated with that middle age feeling. They're also known as zombie cells. They're old and worn out and not serving a useful
Starting point is 00:04:48 function for our health anymore, but they're taking up space and nutrients from our healthy cells. Much like pruning the yellowing and dead leaves off of a plant, qualia senolytic removes those worn out senescent cells to allow for the rest of them to thrive in the body. And you just take these supplements two days a month. That's right. Just two days a month. Qualia Synalytic is an amazing product that helps to remove these senescent cells. And if you want to hear more about the product and more about these senescent cells that affect aging, go back to the episode that I did with Dr. Greg Kelly of Neurohacker. So you can dive more into the details of all of it. But the formula that I'm talking about qualia synolytic is non GMO it's vegan, it's gluten free, and the ingredients are
Starting point is 00:05:30 meant to complement one another factoring in the combined effect of all the ingredients together. If for some reason you don't like the product, you're not feeling the effects of it. It also has a 100 day money back guarantee. If you want to resist aging at the cellular level, try qualia synolytic, go to slash realfoodology for up to a hundred dollars off and make sure to use code realfoodology at checkout for an additional 15% off. That's neurohacker, slash realfoodology for an extra 15% off your purchase.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Thanks to Neurohacker for sponsoring today's episode. Imagine having a metabolic coach in your pocket that you could access at any point, any time in the day, whenever you want. That's what Lumen is. Lumen is the world's first handheld metabolic coach. It's a device that measures your metabolism through your breath.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And on the app, it lets you know if you're burning fat or carbs and gives you tailored guidance to improve your nutrition, workout, sleep, and even stress management. I have so many podcast episodes about metabolic flexibility and why it is so incredibly important for your overall health and longevity. And now thanks to Lumen, you can actually see in real time your body's ability to efficiently switch between using different fuel sources like carbs and fats. There's preferred
Starting point is 00:06:45 times to use each and how well you can switch places between burning carbs versus burning fats will tell you a lot about what is going on in your metabolism and where you are in the metabolic flexibility spectrum. All you have to do is breathe into your lumen first thing in the morning and you'll know what's going on with your metabolism, whether you're burning mostly fats or carbs, then lumen gives you a personalized nutrition plan for that day based on your measurements. You can also breathe into it before and after workouts and meals. So you know exactly what's going on in your body in real time. And Lumen will give you tips to keep you on top of your health game. Why is this so important? Your metabolism is your body's engine. It's how your body turns the food you eat into the fuel
Starting point is 00:07:22 that keeps you going because your metabolism is at the center of everything your body does. Optimal metabolic health translates to a bunch of benefits, including easier weight management, improved energy levels, better fitness results, better sleep, and more. Now this is a really cool feature too. It can actually track your cycle as well as the onset of menopause and adjust your recommendations to keep your metabolism healthy through hormonal shifts. So if you want to take the next step in improving your health, go to and use real foodology to get $100 off your lumen. That is L U M E N dot M E and use real foodology at checkout for a hundred dollars off. Thank you so much to lumen for sponsoring this episode. I wanted to dive in. First of all, you, before we started recording, you were talking about your wellness clinics and I wanted to dive in. First of all, you, before we started recording,
Starting point is 00:08:08 you were talking about your wellness clinics and I want to hear a little bit more about those. Are they, um, you said they're all over the world. Are they mainly focused on hormones or do you guys kind of cover everything? No, we cover everything. And it starts from just my own simple story of being a sick kid that led me to become a doc. And then of course the hormone thing got so popular due to the fact that my wife's story now the wife's story was quite simple before i was even a doc um she had major hormonal issues and she was seeing very good doctors of all kinds from medical to ob to natural um even a chiropractor even taking supplements and she was still had major hormonal issues of endometriosis she also also had colitis and cystic acne and cluster headaches. And she was
Starting point is 00:08:45 told she could never have children. And so what ended up happening was now that this time we were only dating for like two weeks and she wanted me, she wanted me to know that that very quickly because I wanted a big family. And so interesting part was when they told her she couldn't have kids, it didn't make sense to me with my background and my education, which we'll get into a little bit. But the idea is this is I proved them wrong because I just knew what they were telling. They're both the medical and natural people had it wrong. And of course, now we have four kids today. Well, the things I figured out in order to help us to have babies, having four daughters, led me to realize that females are very misled and they don't have a great understanding of their own hormones. But on top
Starting point is 00:09:21 of it, actually, no joke, the sad part, and I'm really saddened by this because I still see it today. They're actually sometimes lied to in thinking what they're told, and it leads to such devastation to females in general. And people say, Doc, how can you say that? Well, remember, if you think of it this way, I've been in practice for 23 years and once again, I've had thousands of docs and done things like that. And here's my point, is the fact that going over the last 23 years, we have more breast cancer and more hormone issues, more sickness, more things ever in history. Yet we have more availability to healthcare, doctors, nurses, natural things, everything in history and people get sicker because the understanding of hormones and health in general has been very skewed.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah. So walk me through that. What have we gotten wrong? What did you discover in this journey with your wife that showed you that what we were doing in the standard medical care and the way that we treat hormones, what were we doing wrong? Or what are we doing wrong? I think this is the most significant thing. And we could do an eight-hour seminar just on this alone. Now, obviously, I know yourself quite well. I know your background and everything like that.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Just very simple. Okay. Are you married? Not yet. Okay. Oh, wait. Do you have a fiance or boyfriend? I don't know, but we're calling him in. Okay. Good, good, good. I always like to ask a woman that really simply. I said, because here's what happens. From a hormonal standpoint, men are dominated by different hormones than women. Okay. We know that. And so if I were to ask you about a fiance or a husband you want to have someday, you want that guy to have a very strong hormone. And which hormone do you think that is?
Starting point is 00:10:51 Because it dictates his life. That's right. We know that. See, it's very simple for us to understand that. Now, as a woman, once again, I want a very healthy, vibrant, very great woman that way. And there's a major hormone that actually dominates women. And what do you think that is? So I think people think it's estrogen, but I'm going to guess that it's progesterone.
Starting point is 00:11:13 It is estrogen? Nope, it's estrogen. It is estrogen. Okay. But what if I taught you, and this may surprise you because you're very well-educated. You have a wonderful podcast. I saw your material. It's fantastic because we have kind of the same background in nutrition before I went to my doctorate that way. But I want you to think about this. What if I told you that you've been lied to and estrogen is not a hormone? Yeah, that's wild. I mean, how? And I'll prove it to you. And I'll prove it to you. See, like I said, you're going, well, Doc, I'm a woman.
Starting point is 00:11:37 And it's this. Exactly. And that's the biggest thing. And so all of you guys listening right now, if you've been told estrogen is a hormone, I know you don't know how to take care of your hormones. And on top of it, I know that you've been misled. And it's why later in life, you will be worried about breast cancer and all these other female conditions.
Starting point is 00:11:54 One out of three couples have a problem with infertility. Breast cancer is all-time high. Intermediate is all-time high. PCOS is all-time high. All these conditions. And it's because we don't have the simplest understanding that estrogen is not a hormone. Estrogen is a term that represents many hormones. That's why the term estrogen isn't really a term. It's called estrogens, but top estrogens actually represent many of them.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Now I can understand this. Now I apologize because even though I've listened to your podcast, I've searched out your stuff. I don't know how old you are. Okay. May I ask that? Oh, it's fine. Do you okay with that? Yeah, I'm 37. Okay. Now watch this. You're a 37-year-old woman that has a wonderful education, wonderful podcast.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And I will tell you this. I probably can guarantee you that you want to live a healthy, vibrant life. You're trying to share it with your audience, probably mainly female. And I guarantee that you've probably never had all of your estrogens tested. I'm not sure. So that probably means no. Let me prove it to you. So have you had blood and urine done together and had all 10 of them measured?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Probably not. I have, but again, I don't think that we did all of it because I think I would have known. You would have. Because here's what happens. You have to do blood and urine work at the same time, okay, to encompass all of them. But here's what happens with this. And on top of it, they should teach you how many you have and what can be done with them. Because the idea of what happens with most women is the fact that they, in the medical field, even the natural field, they'll measure like one or two.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yet, how can we make the physical and mental judgments on a woman, their health conditions or anything in their future, with having an incomplete picture of their hormonal health? And what are we going to do? Guess with it? Yeah. And so what I did was I realized, so my wife had endometriosis, which is more of an estrogen-dominant condition, and they measured her estradiol, which is one of the major cyclic hormones. And most women even know that.
Starting point is 00:13:38 But what about the other ones? And hers was normal, so it's very confusing to the medical and natural. And I encompassed them both because neither one of them measured them. And then I measured all of them. I even called the largest lab in the world and said, can we measure them? They said, yes. Why? Because insurance doesn't pay for them.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And I'm like, I don't care about what insurance pays for. I have a very sick individual, a girlfriend, fiance, eventually wife. And I said, listen, we need to have these measured. And when I did, I found out the specific ones that were abnormal. And then started to reverse those processes. And of course, our endometriosis was reversed. And now, of course, we have the children we have. And then I started applying some most basic hormonal health principles to women from all things, from cancers to diabetes, everything that way.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And of course, then saw those things start to reverse. And then started to find all those things that disrupt those hormones. So that simple understanding right there of ladies, if you're 22 right now, 37, 57, do you understand that if these estrogens get abnormal, you'll end up with cancer? You'll end up with cancer. And there's things that you can do and other hormonal issues that can go on. But I always find it so surprising that practitioners, doctors of all kinds were never taught how to properly evaluate a woman, yet they want to make so many hormonal judgments from foods to natural things to medical things without having a complete picture because here's what happens. I guarantee you've heard this. Cruciferous vegetables are good for estrogens. That's not true. That's only if one of the estrogens are off. What about the
Starting point is 00:15:03 other nine? Did you know that most cookware and appliances are made with forever chemicals? Yes, that means your nonstick pans, your air fryers, your waffle makers, your blender could possibly have PFAS. And yes, even our beloved crockpots and pressure cookers. I have actually been talking about this for so long. Back in 2006, my mom came to my dorm room and made me get rid of all my nonstick pans because she was concerned about me being exposed to something called Teflon. Teflon is a coating that is used on nonstick pans and a lot of these appliances that I just named. So I've avoided Teflon, nonstick, PFA coated appliances, pots and pans, you name it for a very long time. And the only option for the, for a very long time was just stainless steel pots and pans. So I was really excited when a
Starting point is 00:15:53 company like our place came out because they started creating really beautiful cookware and appliances that are like pieces of art. Every appliance that I have from our place, I legit want to store it on the counter. And I'm the type of person that does not want anything on my counter because I like it to look really just clean and minimal. But I'm so obsessed with all the our place products that I have so many of them displayed on my counter because they are legit pieces of art. Our place is a mission driven and female founded brand that makes beautiful kitchen products that are healthy and sustainable. All their products are made without PFAS, which are the forever chemicals, and also made without PTFE, which is Teflon. If a company is not outwardly stating that they don't use these chemicals, then if they are
Starting point is 00:16:33 using nonstick coating on their appliances, they are absolutely using forever chemicals. And there's been increasing global scrutiny for their impact on the environment and our health and recognizing this impact the eu plans to prohibit pfas by 2025 our place has always been pfas free and they offer durable toxin-free ceramic coatings ensuring a healthy safe cooking experience and let me tell you you guys they are changing the game with non-toxic appliances they have a blender they have an air fryer they have a crock pot not to mention their amazing always pan They have a blender, they have an air fryer, they have a crock pot, not to mention their amazing always pan. They have a perfect pot, which is just the perfect size for soups. And they also just came out with a cast iron that I'm loving as well. And I more recently replaced all of the bowls and plates in my kitchen because I really needed an upgrade. My other ones were so
Starting point is 00:17:23 old. So I got some from our place and they are so beautiful. The ceramics are beautiful. The colors are amazing. Like I said, everything is like a piece of art. If you want to try any of the products from our place, go to and enter my code realfoodology at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. That's code realfoodology. Our place offers a 100-day trial with free shipping and returns. This is really exciting. Organifi now has kid stuff. They just released two kid products.
Starting point is 00:17:51 One is called Easy Greens, and it's a refreshing green apple juice where kids will never know that it's packed with veggies. And the other one is called Protect. It's a delicious wild berry punch like the Kool-Aid that we used to have as a kid but without any sugar. This is really exciting, and if you've listened to the podcast for a while, you know that I'm a huge fan of Organifi and most specifically because every single product that they make is glyphosate residue free. So you know that you're going to be able to give these powders to your kids and know that they will be able to consume them safely without any glyphosate in it. So let's break down each one. The easy greens is a nourishing and delicious
Starting point is 00:18:25 blend of superfoods and veggies that provides essential nutrients, probiotics, and digestive enzymes to bring balance to kids growing bodies without fillers, additives, or junk. It helps to fill in nutritional gaps, aids in growth and development, supports digestive health, has a rich micronutrient profile, and includes digestive enzymes. This would be a great way to sneak in greens for your little one without them actually knowing that it's healthy for them. And the second one, which is the wild berry punch similar to Kool-Aid is called Protect. And it is to support your child's daily immune health with food derived nutrients that work to strengthen their body's first line of defense. I know just
Starting point is 00:18:59 through girlfriends of mine that have children that when your kids are going to school, going to daycare, they're coming home sick a lot more often just because they're getting exposed to different kids and different viruses when they're out in the world playing with kids. So this would be a great way to help to support your little one's immune health. It's organic and it's also made with real whole food ingredients. It has a delicious berry taste and it's low sugar and it's gentle enough for kids to take every single day. And I really love the ingredients in this one. It's orange and acerol cherry, which is a powerful source of vitamin C and antioxidants, astragalus, elderberry, and propolis. These are all really great for overall immune health. If you want to try the products that I talked about
Starting point is 00:19:36 today or any of the Organifi products, go to slash realfoodology and use code realfoodology for 20% off. Again, that's Organifi. It's slash realfoodology. That's really interesting because, you know, I had an issue. I'm finally, I think I'm at a point where I'm pretty like hormonally balanced. But when I was younger, I went through a period of time where, you know, I went vegetarian that really messed up my hormones. And I talk about this a lot. And then I had really horrible cystic acne and I just like, everything was all over the
Starting point is 00:20:13 place. And one of the things that I was suggested to take was DIM and it actually made me way worse. Because it'll drain a certain hormone that's protective because of that pathway is normal. Adding DIM to it that way, you'll stimulate that pathway and then you'll drain an estrogen even more and you cause another one to go elevated. And see, that's why the natural world. And so I do want to, just for listeners purposes and because once again, to understand this process, can you tell me the number one symptom of breast cancer that you're developing? High estrogen.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yes, but there is no symptomatology. Okay. And so in women, so you just said something to me that I want to actually bring to listeners. You said, I believe my hormonal health is pretty good. And I'm like, wait, wait, unless you've looked at lab and saw all of your 10 estrogens is normal. You can't tell me that you believe it because you're just based on how you feel. And I will tell you beyond a shadow of doubt that women are not supposed to feel normal through the month because their hormones fluctuate through the month. So the reason why I said, I think I had, we not been having this conversation and you brought to my attention that I may have not tested all my hormones. I would have said that they were
Starting point is 00:21:16 imbalanced because I actually just went in two weeks ago. I see an integrative doctor and we did a full hormonal panel, but now I'm like did we check everything so was it blood or urine it was blood but we also did urine but i don't yeah i still i i'd have to actually look at the lab work but again even if we did that she didn't explain all that to me right right which i think is so important um it's so important to uh um understand that because that's another thing we need to teach our women, once again, the hormonal aspect that happens to them because believe it or not, some simple changes in hormones, there's things that the body will give you clues that's off and go to the lab tested and you can actually start to work on those things. So there's no problem later in life. Yeah. This is fascinating.
Starting point is 00:21:58 So for women listening that are like, okay, wait, wait, wait, like where do I get started? If I'm, if I have some sort of hormonal imbalance? What tests do I ask for? Simple. And I'll even give it to you so you can actually think about it. I'll send you a simple blood panel because the blood panel is just – labs are not specific to doctors. Let me say it again.
Starting point is 00:22:19 If you're staying in Laos, which once again, you could be anything from a functional medicine practitioner to an OB, to a gynecologist, to a chiropractor, to a podiatrist, and you could run any labs as long as your state allows it. Now, nice thing in the United States, it's pretty common, but the idea of this is there's just some blood work you need to get done. I can actually send that to you, and you can even post it on the podcast as an attachment. It's just simple blood work.
Starting point is 00:22:36 But then what happens, there's two major labs, but obviously I like the Dutch. The Dutch is an amazing test. It's an extra metabolism. It's a hormone metabolism test that way. Simply urine test. You can go to You can go to anywhere. that way. Simply urine test. You can go to You can go to anywhere. You can go to any practitioner.
Starting point is 00:22:47 You can go to one else's way and get it that way. And then you run those labs synergistically on the same days. And then what happens is when they come back, you can now see them. Because remember, there's some hormones that you can only find in the blood. There's some hormones you can only find in the urine. And see, that's why when people say, well, Doc, I just had blood done. Great. You have some.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Doc, I just had urine done great you have some doc i just said you're done great you have some but once again when these hormones can dictate a woman's physical and psychological life i'm not making choices either medically or naturally because as you saw before i'm happy you know this if you give me that's when people say doc supplements can't hurt you i'm like what world are you living in because they can hurt you if you get, anything that your body doesn't need is actually called a toxin. For example, with our backgrounds, now once again, I have my favorite foods. Hopefully, I get to share that with you today. But I can honestly tell you, just look at simple cruciferous. If you look at broccoli, we can study it. Obviously,
Starting point is 00:23:39 there's high-dense nutrient in it. But we can general, unless there's an allergic reaction to it that way, we can generalize that a bowl of broccoli is probably good for most people now not everybody because people do have allergies to it but they use this if we give them 10 bowls of broccoli what happens they're going to puke because their body will reject an over consumption a a toxic level which is an abundance that can't use can't store and can't change and so you'll get rid of it that way so that's why people take in high concentration and dim it can be like. And so you'll get rid of it that way. So that's why people take in high concentration and dim. It can be like, oh my goodness, you can force a pathway. Your body will reject it and it'll be a bad day. Yeah, it was wild. It really did mess me up. And there
Starting point is 00:24:13 was another one too, Vitex that is often, or also known as chasteberry. Yes. That is given to a lot of women having hormonal issues. But I really, looking back, I wish that I had had the insight to just ask them to actually test my hormones because we were just shooting in the dark and, you know, I learned very quickly that that affected me negatively. And so I needed to actually understand what was really going on. So what are all these, these different hormones under like classified under estrogen that we don't normally talk about and that women don't know about. So let's look at this. Look at the two major ones. Okay. You look at estradiol and estrone. Estradiol is mainly focused on the medical field or natural field because it's actually a dominant cyclic hormone. If you're a menopausal, it's estrone. Okay. Now
Starting point is 00:24:57 what happens is this now, hormones now are produced by certain tissues. Then they go to different parts of the body and they're converted. They're metabolized from one form to another. And remember, a hormone is a fat-soluble molecule. That's why this concept of metabolism is not actually about weight. It's about conversion. Well, Doc, an adipose tissue is a fat-soluble molecule. Yes, that's why I tell people, if you have any excess weight, you have hormone problems. You say, Doc, how can you say that?
Starting point is 00:25:22 Because if you can't metabolize, convert adipose to water, you're not going to convert hormones to water. And that's why if you know, so obesity is one of the biggest contributors to actually determine if you have breast cancer later in life. All right. See, it's when you understand physiology and biochemistry and how it all works, it's quite simple. So now what happens is then you have other major hormones. For example, the medical field and even natural field says things like this. There's bad estrogens and there's good estrogens. Well, that makes no sense because all the estrogens have a normal physiological genetic response that you're supposed to do in order to live a very healthy vital life. But, for example, if there is a 4-OH hydroxyesterone that gets elevated, it's known.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Now, I said elevated because a normal level will maintain and keep your breast tissue beautifully. It also helps with other things psychologically that way. But if it gets elevated, its job is to actually increase the metastasis and growth of certain cells. And of course, that happens to affect the breast tissue. So if that gets elevated, there's some DNA damage, there's some oxidative stress that happens, and guess what happens? Now it can lead to breast cancer. Now what they do, they don't realize that when they demonize all estrogens they actually don't realize like an estrone like two methyl hydroxy estrone is actually very protective of the breast so it even counteracts everybody's so big into progesterone which progesterone is a very good estrogen um um
Starting point is 00:26:40 controller but they're like two methyl estrone and estriol can actually protect the breast tissue from actually metastasizing. So to give a woman that has had breast cancer as a standard of an aromatase inhibitor, which is trying to inhibit all estrogens, makes no physiological sense. Zero. And the reason why, and your body doesn't overproduce hormones. I laugh when people say, well, doc, I have estrogen positive breast cancer because my body makes too much estrogen. It doesn't make too much estrogen. Your body doesn't do that. It's actually impossible unless you have a tumor. But what it does is if you got to look at all these conversions from one form to another,
Starting point is 00:27:17 and I want you to think about this, your ovaries and your adrenals and your fat tissue will make a certain amount of hormone. And then it kind of like goes into a big tub. And then you have many drains that convert it to either use it or get out. Well, those drains are deficient. So you can be deficient in certain nutrients or you can be toxic, which can plug a drain to now that the tub overflows, your body didn't produce too much hormone. It's the fact that you are not metabolizing them, converting them, going down the drains to different forms, which can now lead to elevated processes, which now can lead to
Starting point is 00:27:48 a lot of hormonal problems from cancers to infertility to menopausal problems, hot flashes to all these psychological problems, because once again, there is not normal function within the body. Yeah. I mean, that's actually fascinating. I love that perspective. And it really does, you know, it just comes back to anything if it's imbalanced can cause us to be sick.
Starting point is 00:28:09 You know, no matter what it is, we can have too much of anything. And if your body's not working correctly, then it's going to cause that imbalance, which is then, you know, that's when you start seeing all these side effects. Yep. And I think women, once again, and it talks about this, I think when you look at some of the conversion processes, most women are very deficient in their specific nutrients they need, and they're very toxic with too much sugar. Yeah. Well, that was going to be my next question. So what are the things that women are doing these days that are contributing to these hormone
Starting point is 00:28:38 imbalances and causing us to not be able to metabolize? Yep. Well, if you look at this, let's start here. I'm going to put some big pictures out there, then we'll get into the specifics, okay? The number one thing that throws off women's hormones is mental stress. I can prove that scientifically it's the most dominant thing that will make a woman sick by far, okay? But then second of all, if you look at some of the hormonal things that way, if you come back to some of those things of production and conversion, remember, that's very important for a woman's liver and in small intestine, large intestine, there's conversion aspects there,
Starting point is 00:29:07 but the majority is actually in your liver. And I want you to think about this. I really want you to think about this, is if a woman's liver gets fatty, and you gotta remember, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is very common in women. That's why if you have any kind of weight gain, because here's what happens,
Starting point is 00:29:20 too much consumption of sugar, your body's got to store those triglycerides in different forms. It's gonna first go in the liver. But when that happens now, now there's an interference with the conversion processes that way. And that's why obese women usually end up with some major poor health condition because they end up with a fatty liver. Then what happens is this. Now it actually becomes very evident when it happens with their nutrient deficient.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Okay. And this is where I don't gain a lot of friends on here. But if you understand nutrition at all, and when I was writing my thesis for things that when it came to nutrition, is I want to study being a vegan and veganism and some of that. And it's actually a cultural thing. It's not a health thing. It doesn't have any of our history. And that's why I tell people when I see a person, I still have never in my career in one skin, and I have enough experience. I've never seen in my career ever a healthy vegan, ever, ever in my life. But on top of it, here's what happens to this. The greatest superfood that we overlook because everybody's just because medicine has taught people new technologies,
Starting point is 00:30:21 new stuff like this. Honestly, do you really think we survived for thousands of years because we found the acai berry in Brazil that that no other culture nor place in the world had until we got shipping or all these superfoods i'm sitting there laughing i'm going well it's only in africa it's only in brazil it's only united states only in russia going do you think we survived as a culture because we couldn't ship or didn't travel that way uh the greatest superfood and still the most and i'll go back to my college years of all my nutrition books and things like that, and I guarantee you've experienced this too,
Starting point is 00:30:50 is there's still the greatest superfood, the most dense nutrient foods on the planet are still organ meats. There's nothing better. And most women will not eat liver, will not eat heart, will not eat kidney, will not eat liver or ovary.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I literally was looking today because I have some raw, good lamb testicle coming in. And in our show, we're going to actually, all of us guys and a bunch of, I actually have some therapists in town here that are fans of ours. And we're going to eat some raw testicle. You know what I'm saying? And you think I'm joking? I'm not. Now, people are not, a lot of people are not going to eat organ meats. So you can encapsulate them. You can actually get some glandulars that way, get some good raw organ, glandulars that way. There's wonderful ways of doing it. But those, because remember, there is, most vegetables do not have vitamins. That's one thing I kind of laugh about. They're pro-vitamins. Your body has to convert them. Well, ladies, if you actually have fatty liver, it's even hard to
Starting point is 00:31:36 convert your nutrition from one form to the other. When you look at fat-soluble vitamins, there is no fat-soluble vitamins in vegetables. Well, Doc, I get my vitamin A from carrots. No, you don't. You get beta carotene. That's not retinol. You need an organ meat. You have to convert it. And once again, we just talk about it. Most women have a hard time even converting their hormones, talk about converting their vitamins, their pro-vitamins to their usable form. Pro-vitamins are not usable forms. See, if you ever think about vegetables, vegetables maybe have some enzymes, but there's actually no higher food as enzyme than liver and stuff. So that's why I kind of laugh. I'm kind of going.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So I look at the things that we talk about restoring hormonal health. Women need those things and stuff like that, especially both men and women. But there's your big superfood that generations, we can go to every culture across every person from Indians to go live in Europe, to go back to China, where organ meats have been in our history since the beginning of time. It really has. Yeah, and I'm so glad that you brought that up.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And you're right. I think a lot of people listening will probably go, ew. I mean, I have a hard time with it as well. I've eaten it a few times, and if I'm being honest, I have a hard time even getting it down. But the capsules are great. I take beef liver capsules, and there's a ton capsules are great. I take beef liver capsules. And there's a ton of different companies now that are making organ meat capsules. And actually, there's also a company called Force of Nature that I buy my ground beef from. And they add in organs and heart and a bunch of different organ meats so that you don't even taste it.
Starting point is 00:33:01 So you know what's really interesting that you just brought up? How stress really affects women and their hormones. And I think what's really interesting that you just brought up? How stress really affects women and their hormones. And I think it's so interesting. There are actual clinical studies that show that when women go vegetarian, they struggle more with depression and anxiety. And that must be why. Well, the number one reason why they do is because they lack B vitamins, especially thiamine, especially B1. Okay? And here's what happens if you think of it this way. That's why I've've ever seen people say, well, doc, I'm a vegan and I get my B
Starting point is 00:33:28 vitamins through a supplement. So that means if your supplement didn't exist, you would be majorly deficient in your nutrients. So you can't tell me that that's the way the body's created. You can't. I can disprove all that stuff on there. And I know people have animal issues and things like that. I'm cool with that. But remember, my job isn't to worry about, you know, Fluffy, the cat, not drinking the cat, is actually to make sure that you're healthy. I'm sorry. Fluffy doesn't mean that much to me. If you're going to, you're going to be unhealthy because Fluffy doesn't have to go through your infertility. Okay. Now, over-exaggerating my aspect, don't eat the cat. There's other great things to eat. Yeah, guys, it's a joke.
Starting point is 00:34:05 It's a joke, I know. But you always say, Doc Magic said eat cats. No, I did not, okay? But the idea is this. See, when you look at the aspect of stress, and we're going to come back to your comment about progesterone. Hormones convert from one form to another. And it's very important to understand that progesterone is not an end-stage hormone. It balances out your estrogens and stuff like that. But whatone is not an end stage hormone. It balances out your
Starting point is 00:34:25 estrogens and stuff like that. But what I want you to do is this. I want you to think about the fact that progesterone can convert to our cortisol and our cortisone. So if a woman is mentally stressed on a regular basis or inflammatory for a regular basis, the progesterone is going to convert to survive those stressors and it can deplete it. And so therefore I've been very, in 23 years of doing this stuff, I've been very, and I have a huge hormonal seminar that tries to really get men and everybody to understand that men are not affected by mental stress the way women are. Testosterone is not dependent on a conversion of progesterone or it doesn't even affect it so that's why our cortisol so therefore stress does not affect us like affects women it'll
Starting point is 00:35:09 literally drain their progesterone that sets them up for a lot of major diseases because progesterone is very significant on its ability to actually negate some of those metastasizing effects that sometimes the other estrogens can't so i don't want women to end up sick so i'm saying guys number one because when i when i when i speak in front of big crowds, I had a huge crowd on Friday for my hormone care seminar. And I say this all the time. I said, ladies, who stresses out more, men or women? They always say women. But who causes women all stress?
Starting point is 00:35:32 Everybody yells men. Okay. Well, there is some truth to that. Okay. So I'm trying to get men to realize don't stress out a woman because you can literally make them sick. And then they sit and think about going, that's true. That's true. And so I think I'm the first guy in the world to go stop stressing out women. But the sad part is our culture is stressed out women,
Starting point is 00:35:48 trying to get them to keep up on things that their body doesn't meant to be. And I'm sorry. My job as a doc is to set women up to live a very healthy, vibrant life. And you're not meant to exercise the way they tell you to. You're not meant to have the mental stress you are that way. You're not a guy. You're not supposed to handle that. Vice versa, there's wonderful, beautiful things that a woman does that a guy should never try and a guy can't do. I say, knowing the biology of both men and women and dealing with it every single day and teaching doctors all over the world of all professions from medical to natural, everything that way, I'm like going, man, I'm fascinated by the female body, what it can do. Men can't do it. It'll never happen. I don't care how many surgeries you have. It just can't do it. And that's why I still, after 23
Starting point is 00:36:29 years, just am obsessed with bringing information to people so they can make the best and live their best life. Yeah. And I really, I love this conversation. I had a woman's, a female women hormone doctor on my podcast kind of recently, Alyssa Vitti. Are you familiar with her work? She wrote the Women Code and Flow in Your Living. But basically, she talked about how what we're doing right now for women, it's actually a disservice because we are forcing women in the workforce and we are expecting them to work and act the same way as men do when we have a completely different circadian rhythm than men do because of our hormones, our hormones change on a weekly basis,
Starting point is 00:37:10 whereas men are consistent across the board for a month. And what's happening is that now women are getting burnt out. We're majorly stressed out and now we're having hormonal imbalances, like we're talking about because our progesterone is being blown out, um, to create that cortisol. And it almost feels like we can't even talk about this because then you have, you know, women's rights, people getting really upset about this. And I want to be very clear. Obviously, we want women to have the same equal rights as men, but we need to be honest about the way that we're trying to fit women into a men's world. And instead, we need to make it work for us to our advantage. And that means that we have to do things a little bit differently than men. And that's fine. But that's going to give us that advantage. When we lean into what biology
Starting point is 00:37:55 designed for us to do. Yes. And that's the thing. And if you actually, you know, I think, I think this is different for me that way being a man teaching people how amazing what the female body can do man it's fascinating you know guys are pretty simple our bodies are pretty simple man but the stuff that woman's body can do man if i was a woman i'd just be obsessed with that and understand the beauty behind it you know sam and it's amazing it is it's it's i mean do you understand the complexity and the things that happen just in a female cycle through the month that way? That should fascinate people. That really should.
Starting point is 00:38:28 You know what I'm saying? And it's like, and I've been addicted to it for a long time because I was like, oh, my goodness. And the sad part is they're not teaching women. And then it's like then on top of it, they're trying to culturally keep up with a man's drive and desire. And it's virtually impossible. It's virtually impossible. You know, it's like this. It's virtually impossible. You know, it's like this, and I will say this, and I'll make it very distinct, and no one has proved me wrong on this because it's very scientific. This concept that a cyclic woman can have the same sex drive
Starting point is 00:38:56 as a man is biologically impossible. But culturally, they're trying to say women can be just as sexual as men. It's impossible. It's virtually impossible because the fluctuation of hormones, there's times during the month where a woman can have a very nice sex drive. And there's times actually they have no sex drive and they're healthy as can be. So the concept of actually doing that, and people say, well, doc, I will show you two groups of women that have incredibly sick sex drives all through their month. And yes, what happens? They're going to end up with cancer or some major illness if they do. If you look at women that suffer from PCOS, you look at women that suffer some major testosterone dominant conditions, guess what happens? You're right.
Starting point is 00:39:34 They can have sex drive all through the month. I can show you testosterone levels in lab as high as could be. They'll tell you that they have more of a sex drive than their husband through the month that way. And I can give you a perfect example of my nurse practitioner who's been working for me for seven plus years. And she came in for PCOS and Durham and all the doctors are like, oh no, it's normal. I sat with her and her husband and said, listen, said to her husband, said, listen, once we get her body back to normal, you're going to hate me. And he's like, why? I said, because her sex drive is going to go back to normal and she's not going to have sex every day. He's like, doc, don't do this to me. I'm like, right. You can't have kids right now. So I think, what do you want to choose? And they're on. And when her physiology balanced back out, because remember her testosterone levels
Starting point is 00:40:12 are going to change through the month. So she's not going to have the same sexual desires, but that lady, that means that you psychologically cannot be the same through the month. Actually. And I, and I've mapped this out so well, a woman's hormones change about four times a month. That means guys, when you marry a woman, you really marry four different women and you just got to figure out who you get home to every week. Yeah. Well, and I think in the past, when we talked about this, it's so vilified, but actually I find it so empowering, you know, like it's as women, we should know this and we should lean into it and, and lean into our strengths and know when there's like,
Starting point is 00:40:46 you know, certain times of the month that we are designed to be more of, you know, hustler and we have that sex drive and we can do harder workouts. And then there are times of the month where we need to listen to our bodies and we actually need to lean in and be more, you know, relaxed and not feel like we're having to hustle and do things. So, you know, like a man. Yep. Well, on top of it, here's what happens. If you look at what estrogens do psychologically to a woman and you look at testosterone does to a man, it's a man mentally, because remember, and I want you to categorize this and being a woman, you understand this. If you think about there's physical and psychological things that hormones do. All right. Well, obviously the
Starting point is 00:41:21 biology of a man, biology of a woman, testosterone levels are dramatically different. So their drive, their sex drive, their muscle development, everything is dramatically different. And you can even now watch this. You can even say, well, I'm going to take a testosterone shot for a woman and give them man levels. Guess what happens? Their body will change like a man. It really will. But here's where the genes actually play its role. The minute you stop taking that hormone, where does it bring your hormones back to? Female-based levels. The problem here is that a lot of people do not realize that they are literally eating themselves to death. Like there needs to be more education around what truly means to be healthy.
Starting point is 00:41:59 And there needs to be education about what sugar really does to us and what, you know, all these foods that we're eating, the processed foods and everything, there needs to be real education on how it's actually affecting people's health. Because we're at this weird place right now where no one wants anything regulated, which again, like I agree with you, because at what point then do we, where do we stop and where do we draw the line? But then at the same time, if we're not going to have regulation, then we need to have actual proper education. But what's happening is that there's massive ad budgets behind these huge corporations and they're completely confusing the public on what it means to be healthy. I think the pandemic did a wonderful job to show everything that we've been saying for 30 years, because I started this in college,
Starting point is 00:42:39 is when I was in college, and you noticed too, your books are sponsored by the dairy industry. We see this all the time. Doctors themselves, their education, all medical education comes from pharmaceutical drug companies. There is no good doctor anymore. There is not. It's whoever has the biggest bill that fits all the stuff for it that way, even nutrition. When I was in school, they actually taught you the high fructose corn supper is good for you. That corn is good for you and stuff. I got criticized my it, I got, I got criticized my first couple of years in practice because I was, I told people the USG food pyramid is a business thing. It's not a food thing. And they said, well, doc, you know, you disagree with the
Starting point is 00:43:14 USG pyramid. I said, yes, because if you eat like it, you'll eventually look like it. Oh my God. Yes. Well, and I've heard too, like you just, you want to flip it actually. And it's the opposite. Well, actually, if it was up to me, no one would ever touch a grain and stuff like that because there's a lot of grains. A lot of grains are anti-nutrients. We got to start teaching people that there's, and that's why when people are so big into certain plant-based stuff, there's major plant-based things that are anti-nutrients. They'll absorb and actually attach to some of your major nutrients.
Starting point is 00:43:44 For people to realize that gliatin is actually a anti-nutrients. They'll absorb and actually attach to some of your major nutrients. For people to realize that gliatin is actually an anti-nutrient. It binds to certain things, and you could even eat it, and it'll bind within your intestinal tract, and not only will it irritate your intestinal tract, but it'll actually pull it out. That's why I kind of giggle when people are trying to say that certain vegetables that people have to be careful with and stuff like that because they're anti-nutrients. What is gliatin? Is that what you said? Gliatin is the protein within wheat. See, people don't realize gluten is a general term, okay? But there's different glutens in each one. There's gluten in rice, there's gluten in other things that way. And so what happens is gliatin is a specific protein that's in wheat and stuff,
Starting point is 00:44:18 and that's an anti-nutrient. So it's not only an irritant to the GI tract, it actually binds to certain nutrients and pulls them out. It's like phytic acid. You know what I'm saying? Phytic acid is an anti-nutrient. It can bind to certain things. There are certain foods that have high phytic acid in, and when it's actually properly processed. Now, that's why if you ever look, that's why even raw people kind of drive nuts a little bit, because raw vegetables, once again, actually, if you want to prepare certain, so if you want to be a vegan, it can be done, but boy, you better be a master at foods because you have to basically ferment everything. Yes, you have to ferment everything because fermentation will get rid of some of those anti-nutrients. Let's have a look at our history of food. It was so prepared. Do you
Starting point is 00:45:00 understand that most of the things that we ever did in green form were actually in tea form? They weren't eaten. So a salad a day can really hurt you and stuff like that, especially, for example, if it's too much cruciferous and things like that. One of my favorite vegetables is cauliflower. But once again, it's steamed. You know what I'm saying? I don't want people eating raw. And this is a whole other discussion.
Starting point is 00:45:20 We could probably go on a whole podcast about it alone. But once again, if you ever look at the preparation of food, especially greens, remember, they're always soaked. Because Chinese medicine did a wonderful job of actually figuring stuff out way before it was even really scientific. But most foods were prepared in a form, in a tea form, that way in a liquid form. And it got rid of a lot. Because remember, as a human being or an animal, they can fight you off. A plant can't. So there are certain phytochemicals that allow, that we're not sensitive to because we're not meant to eat them,
Starting point is 00:45:48 but a bird will spit all the seed. Why? Because there's certain irritants and enzymes that actually hurts them and they get rid of it. That's how you keep your species going. So that's why when people eat too many plants and seeds and things like that, I'm like going, no, that was meant for animals for us to eat so we can eat them. Yes, exactly. Yeah. So for someone listening that is like, okay, well, where, what do I eat then? Cause I get this question all the time and there is this movement right now in the carnivore. I'm very curious to know, to hear what you have to say.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah. In the carnivore movement where they're like, no vegetables, greens are bullshit and all this stuff. So where do we kind of find the middle ground? Cause I'm with you. That makes no sense. Because remember, I'm a big lab person. Okay, remember this. So if you want to understand, Dr. Flynn said this.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Well, you know why I can say this? Because I will pre and post test you and see all your physiology change and anything can be tested for. That's what made me my mark in having offices all over the world, trained thousands of doctors. And the material I put up makes a lot of sense because I can pre and post test you. I'm a big data form. I'm a big scientist. I love, I love doing this stuff. So let's go here. Okay. Because I want you to think about this. All right. Let's even go back to this. If you look at the healthiest vegetables in the history, okay. How were they prepared and maintained? Because we didn't have refrigeration. Yeah. So fermented, right? Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. So if you look at all the carnivore people
Starting point is 00:47:12 saying that vegetables are bullshit, um, sorry, because I know that doc and stuff like that. And, um, yeah, yes. And he's, he's fantastic. I think he's a wonderful guy. Um, and stuff like that. And, um, I love, I love a bunch. So he says, but here's what happens with this. If you look at the history of what we had, once again, when you preserve a food or you want to actually extract its greatest nutrients, it had to're soaked, they're things like that, and it removes a lot of those things that he is saying is bullshit. And so therefore, I would rather have him say that, listen, there's a certain preparation that's needed. Now, once again, if you look at your vegetables, you look at certain things, there's enzymatic processes that you want to get because they are very bioavailable. And so that's why when you look at, so am I ever going to eat many raw vegetables? Not really. Okay. I will tell you tonight though, I will tell you this, I have this on a daily basis, raw fermented sauerkraut. Okay. And I'm not, cause I'm not allergic to cabbage. I think that right there is a baseline. If you just got
Starting point is 00:48:23 a diabetic person to do that alone before they even had all their crap, you would see their blood sugar drop some because the soluble and unsoluble fiber would capture some of those things. It would actually cause our microbiome to grow a bunch, produce more B vitamins, and that's where you can get a lot of B vitamins from. But then on top of it, following that, I'm moving into my heart, kidney, and liver. Okay? Now, let me give you an example.
Starting point is 00:48:50 If you look at the structure of muscle meats, muscle meats, once again, they're basically sugar with a nitrogen base. That's why if you ever look at weightlifters that eat all these high protein with very little fat or very little organs, their blood urea nitrogen, their BUN, elevates like crazy. You see these weightlifters, they still have bellies because they just convert. You can't consume that much protein and convert that into a fat-soluble molecule or actually even so it converts to sugar very quickly. So they end up actually having massive blood sugar levels, even though they have big muscles. And on top of their blood urea nitrogen levels are psychotically off the chart because it's all muscle meats.
Starting point is 00:49:30 And once again, and you're not converting that to organs and actually tissue really quickly because it's basically you have to break it down. It breaks down the sugar. Your body just says, okay, too much sugar. It spikes it up that way. And that's why you see a lot of these. Like I said, you ever look at these weightlifters? Look at their bellies. They're huge and stuff like that because they're pure sugar.
Starting point is 00:49:45 So that's why this lean, that's why people go carnivore and they take seven pounds of bacon or actually six tenderloins or five hamburgers. And I'm like going, oh, man, you're just eating just a quicker, slower form of sugar. And that's why they have all these metabolic diseases, even though they're actually dominating in, quote, carnivore. What you need to do is you need to balance it out with some muscle meat or some organ meats. And if you want to have a muscle meat, but I would set up my GI tract first. I would look at, once again, here's what I would do. Okay. If you think of it this way, I would set my whole digestive tract up first with actually a fruit. And you know what fruit I would send it up with? Berries? Nope. I would set up with apple.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Oh, okay. In the form of what? What's the fermented form? Oh, apple cider vinegar. Thank you. Apple will crush your blood sugar and make you – an apple a day will make you diabetic. Okay? Apple fermented actually sets up your whole GI track from a standpoint of your stomach to your
Starting point is 00:50:46 intestines to your microflora in your mouth that way and then what i do is i actually put now next either my protein in my organ meat or my and add and then add my my sauerkraut and then what happens is this now that not only sets up your stomach your small intestine your large intestine your microflora your your acid-base balance, because natural people say this dumb thing all the time. They say, well, cancer can't grow in a basic medium. Where do you get that from? I hate all these catchphrases because if your stomach is basic, you're going to have cancer in many forms of your body, okay? There are certain organs that are very acidic and certain organs that are very basic. Now, in general, when you do your urine-specific pH, it's going to be a little basic. But if your stomach is basic, you're going to have a lot of intestinal problems,
Starting point is 00:51:26 including infections, including COVID, because your stomach's main job is not digestion, it's sterilization. Just like your skin is very acidic. Why do you think? Because if anything tries to come into your body, it makes it acidic because it breaks the protein down, including SARS-CoV-2. That's why your nose gets red and acidic. I trust me, I can go on all day on this stuff. Okay. Now, when you, when you sit there and go through all these, those things, now what
Starting point is 00:51:53 you do is this. Now you set up your digestive system, your, your enzymatic process, everything to work well. And now if you decide to put a lean meat in, fine. Decide to put, I can encourage you to do a raw vegetable and stuff like that. Because once again, you're Side to put, I'm not going to encourage you to do a raw vegetable and stuff of that because once again, you're going to have some, this is where the doc and he pushes carnivore pretty high is the fact that there is a lot of certain nutrients that can be irritated from vegetables. Now, but if you set your system up well, it can handle it well. Now, for example, let's say he talks about turmeric. Well, do you understand that turmeric is always, if you look at the history of turmeric, turmeric was always taken from a tea form. You go back in our history, any herb was always extracted from a tea form. So therefore you lose a lot of those. That's why you'll never
Starting point is 00:52:36 see me just have turmeric. I'll take turmeric in an alcohol form and stuff like that through an herbal form that way. And that's why when people just take herbs and grind them, I'm like, those can be irritating to your system just from the phytochemicals. So I will never take an herb that's not in the alcohol extracted form because you will have some of the phytochemicals that the other carnivore people are talking about irritants that way. See, it's all about that preparation, things like that. So yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's fascinating. Well, when you think about too, depending on the preparation, it will make some of these vitamins and minerals more bioavailable for the body as well.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Thank you. It does. And see, that's the thing, because if you just grab a green plant, a lot of times you're just going to make some very, you know, nutrient dense poop and stuff. So, um, do you see that? That's where we need it. But see, imagine this. I mean, this humbly, but my clinics are only kind of doctors that talk to a doctor like this.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Do you see him? Because you know why? Because it's got to be on top of it. I'm going to throw a whole monkey wrench in this. If you're like me, how I became a doc in the first place wasn't my wife's story. It was because I have allergies. So therefore, allergies trump everything and stuff. So if I have an allergy to some, quote, healthy food, I can't have it.
Starting point is 00:53:46 So, for example, it could be very detrimental to your body. I can probably prove to you that a chicken egg yolk, which is the most bioavailable protein there is on the planet. There is nothing higher than a chicken egg yolk. Okay. And people realize, do you understand that the, the white is the food for the yolk? And that's why when people eat egg yolks, I'm like, well, why are you guys eating egg whites? That's, that's not even, you're, it's not even really meant for you. And there's some irritants sometimes in egg whites. Okay. If the yolk,
Starting point is 00:54:16 that's actually good. No, they don't. And you're not getting anything. Like you might as well at that point, just not even eat them at all. If you're not going to have, no, you're not actually, cause it can be irritating. That's why I would say egg white omelet i'm like um um okay i don't understand what you're doing but that's cool you know saying i'm like see it and but you do is people are so misled on certain things and what happens is so i'm like going okay but here's my point um i am severe allergic to an egg okay so i can't have a chicken egg. Now people say, well, doc, we don't like toxins. Why don't you just eat an organic egg? And I said, well, then I'll be organically dead. Okay. Because allergies trump everything. Now I will tell
Starting point is 00:54:53 you this before I was on this podcast, I had my lunch, you know, what my lunch was three duck eggs, three duck eggs. Because once again, it's a very different structured protein. And so I had three duck eggs. I'm going to have a probably a scoop of, now before that, and Kyle, you want to do me a favor? You want to grab my apple cider vinegar over there? But before I did that, I had a nice shot of apple cider vinegar. Then I had my three duck eggs. I'm probably going to go down after this podcast and grab some, just a big old scoop of fermented sauerkraut, see if it might go to apple cider vinegar, just brags. Once again, I have no ties to, and I have no ties to these companies.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I'm trying to make healthy people. And then what happens is for supper, I'm going to have some liver, heart, and kidneys. Now in the form of actually, I love liverwurst, okay? So I get to put some great things there and make it taste good because liverwurst um now in the form of like say because i like the kwanzaa q10 the real stuff you get from heart um kidneys do not realize people realize kidneys has a certain protein in there that really suppresses people's overactive histamine response so eating kidney is one of the best allergy medications there are that's why i'm very big into kidneys itself, okay, for my history.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Because I believe right now if I ate a chicken egg, I'd probably have some inflammation, but I wouldn't react like I did when I was young and stuff because I've worked on those aspects of reversing those things. But anyways, so just some basic nutritional things that are important. Now on top of it, what I'll end up doing is then – so I covered all my nutrient bases and my fat-soluble vitamins. And here, this surprises people because you know what happens? I can tell when a person's health is starting to go down from deficiencies. This has happened in the younger population even more. Night blindness.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Now, not blind. They actually just have a harder time seeing at night. Well, now I know that you're missing your fat-soluble your retinol because your eye needs it so significant and be like doc you're 47 and have amazing eyes and amazing skin and things like that i'm like yeah because i'm eating the true superfood of the day which is once again putting the organ meats in which give me all my fat soluble vitamins would give a great regeneration we give all the great hormone conversions. My testosterone is at 847, which would make most teenagers envious. What happens is this is, and the thing about doing those things, think of it this way, and I haven't even talked about sometimes you may need a supplement or things like that that you're deficient in. We haven't even talked about that
Starting point is 00:57:19 yet because you know why? You can gain so many things from just a decent lifestyle that you don't even need doctors like me because you're taking care of yourself the right way. And this is not mainstream unless you listen to podcasts like us. Yeah. Well, and that's the problem. I mean, that's literally why I started my podcast because what we, everything we've talked about today is not very well known. Unless if you are actively seeking out people like you and me, and you're listening to these conversations, people don't know this and they're not getting this from their normal doctor. Yep. Yep. So most people, that's why, that's why we're sitting in a situation we are. That's why when people all of a sudden, that's when all of a sudden a virus, which comes
Starting point is 00:57:59 out, which for example, if you believe it's manmade or not, once again, they can manmake them or not still just a protein and a fatty acid. Your body should be able to handle it. You can't handle it if you're weak and immunocompromised, and most people don't realize that there's things that your body needs for your immune system work great. And what if I told you eating bone marrow would actually make your immune system stronger? That's why, once again, that's why if you look at having soup soaked in bone, that was common a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:58:24 When they cooked a chicken for chicken soup 30 years ago you didn't throw that you didn't peel off the chicken you threw the whole dang chicken in there including the neck and beak and feet and some of that is soaked overnight and once again there you go it goes into a form of a tea do you understand and bone broth once again and you're getting the most bioavailable easy absorbable things that way and you're getting bone you're getting organs you're eating stomach i mean, absorbable things that way. And you're getting bone, you're getting organs, you're eating stomach. I mean, no joke. For lunch, I took my team out to this wonderful place that actually has organ meat and has tripe, stomach, and intestines in the soup itself and everything that way.
Starting point is 00:58:55 And if we got back to that basic nutritional things, a lot of these diseases wouldn't even be evident in most people. Yeah. I mean, we need an overhaul of our diets and education in this country people have no idea i mean i'm sure a lot of people listening today are like wait what i have to eat organ meat but if you think it from and from an ancestral standpoint that was that was prized back then that was like what we we ate nose to tail and we should be going back to that. And think this way, people are like, well, that's what we did a long time ago. And that's why when
Starting point is 00:59:29 you look today, guess what happens? We have so much chronic illness, like crazy. I'm like going, my goodness, the conditions we have today from when I'm 47 and you're 37, correct? Do you understand that when you probably graduate college, they called type two diabetes adult onset, but because of our current form of healthcare. Now I do it. Now let me, let me set this up. So you guys understand this. Cause I believe I love analogies. As you can see, I'm very, I work very hard to explain things. So when people may wrestle with some things I said today, but they're like, dang, it makes sense. And I'll show you why our concept of healthcare and why what you and I do will never make mainstream healthcare because here's why. I always tell people, here's an analogy that will
Starting point is 01:00:11 set up everything. I want you to think of this way. I want you to picture that we get done with this podcast and your house catches on fire. The best professional to handle that situation, you're going to call the fire department. If you think about the fire department, they have to get there on time because they don't, your whole house can burn down. But when they get there, they really only have two tools, an ax and a hose. Now, they're going to knock your windows down. They're going to knock your door down. They're going to start spraying the inside of your house. Now, think about this way. The fire department has been there for about 15 minutes. And what have they done to your house so far? They've actually destroyed it. And you stand there grateful. Think about that. You stand
Starting point is 01:00:41 there grateful because you're taught that that professional is going to come there, do whatever they can to save the house. But in the process, there is some destruction. Now,. You say they're grateful because you're taught that that professional is going to come there, do whatever they can to save the house. But in the process, there is some destruction. Now, let's say they did their job, got there in time, and saved the house. Let me ask you a question. Think about it this way. Even though the fire department is saying, man, I did a really good job, can you move into that house that night?
Starting point is 01:00:58 No. Is it toxic? Yes. Can it kill you? Yeah. Sure. So the idea is this. You need another professional to help you, Courtney, to rebuild your house.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Now, you're not going to have the fire department to help you with it because they have ax and hoses. Can you rebuild a house with an ax and hose? Nope. Nope. So you're going to call a different professional. Who's now the best for you to rebuild and take care of the house? Carpenter or construction worker. Now, let's say the fire department is still there saying, Courtney, I'm good. Oh, I did. Look, it saved your house. And then the carpenter walked
Starting point is 01:01:27 in and he's like, in the same house, let's say fire department, you were still there. He's like, holy crap, this is a mess. I got to rebuild the house. I got to do all these things. I rip out these bad things. I got to bring in these good things to rebuild your house. That's how to view healthcare. Our whole dominant system is based on fires, heart disease, cancer, all these diseases, which are preventable. Fires are preventable. There are accidents where lightning hits your house. You can't control it.
Starting point is 01:01:53 If you get hit by a car walking outside, I don't care how many organ meats you do, you need some drugs or surgery to stay alive. Exactly. Okay. But the idea is this, is what most fires are preventable, but here's what happens. This is someone goes and they go to the hospital to save them from a heart attack. They didn't die from cancer. They go, oh my goodness, the doctors are wonderful. Yeah, but let me ask you a question. They have their ax and hoses, their drugs and surgery. Can you make a healthy body from drugs
Starting point is 01:02:12 or surgery? Nope. You can survive a fire. See, so I am a carpenter doctor. See, so, and I hate to say this, natural medicine, functional medicine, integrated medicine, all all them are just trying to be natural fire departments and that's why there's an argument so when i go and speak anywhere i'll talk about the fire department carpenter i say listen i don't care what you do medically or naturally it's going to fail eventually because your house is going to rot see because what they do is they say what we're going to do is we're going to stand outside and give you if you had a heart attack we're going to be a baby aspirin statin drug blood pressure medication for how long forever your chance of a heart attack is less but you're outside your house rots i think if i stood outside your house and
Starting point is 01:02:47 frayed down your house inside out it's gonna rot so i'm saying no no no listen let's find out what triggered the fire let's find out what your body needs to rebuild and then let's start doing it and it's a constant process that way because your body regenerates every day do you understand that since we started this podcast we ended do you understand almost a billion cells have actually died and regenerated right now? A billion. And you can't get that from a drug or surgery. You need good nutrients. The sad part is this.
Starting point is 01:03:15 I never knew a statin drug was a nutrient. I never knew a high-propyl alcohol was a nutrient. Actually, those are anti-nutrients. Do you understand that medications drain your body nutrients? Do you understand that statin drugs actually lower your coenzyme Q10, which causes heart disease? It's why statin drugs on the boxes causes heart disease. Oh my God, it's so wild.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Because it splits your coenzyme Q10. But you know how to regenerate a heart? Courtney, you know how to regenerate a heart? Eat a heart. Oh, yeah. There you go. I was going to say eat organ, meat, and fat. That's right.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Eat a heart. Do you say you want to regenerate your liver? What do you eat? Eat liver. Ladies, mean this sincerely. You want to regenerate your liver, what do you eat? Eat liver. Ladies, mean this sincerely, you want to regenerate your ovaries, guess what you eat? Ovaries. That's right. And see, so what happens is this.
Starting point is 01:03:52 And then there's certain vegetables and certain other foods and fruits that you can do and ferment them to make them extremely healthy because you want to prepare them so nature doesn't take its course and try to beat up your insides just like it does to the bugs and does to the birds and does to the vests. So when people tell you don't eat a vegetable, that they're bullshit, I'm like, oh, no, if they're not prepared right, they can be very irritable and stuff like that. Prepare them right, and they can be life-giving. Wow. This has been fascinating.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I want to ask you one more question before we go. And it goes back again to women's hormones. What are your thoughts on women and exercise? What is your stance? Because I know a lot of people are really into high intensity and CrossFit, and I believe it's really hard on our bodies and our hormones. Let's go here, okay? okay if you think about this way as i taught you before um and i created a graph one time dividing out the female cycle uh over over the course of 20 days in four sections and there's actually four different zones a woman live in i created the zones and some of that and what i just try to show people is that listen four times in a month ladies your body both physically
Starting point is 01:05:01 mentally is different that's why you can never be mentally. It's impossible for a woman to be mentally stable because they're different every week, okay? And compared to a guy, their hormones don't change that much, so they seem a little bit more even keel. Now, what happens is this. The physical and mental demands on a woman four times a month is different. And therefore, if you exercise intensely during the wrong time, you can deplete your progesterone, you can increase your cortisone,
Starting point is 01:05:22 you can cause major issues, and therefore, guess what happens? You're going to end up sick from exercise, okay? And ladies, let me ask you a general question. Day one of your period, and you're supposed to roughly menstruate five to seven days. When women menstruate three to four days, I'm kind of scared because that means they're deficient and problems going on that way. But the idea is this, is during that whole period, that menstrual cycle that way, listen, ladies, stay active. Do not exercise. Okay? Because when I say careful on exercise, the women say, Doc said I could not exercise. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:05:53 We're creatures of movement. Our lymphatic system, our lymph nodes alone are actually contracted by movement of our muscles. So movement is key. Don't bring up your heart rate. Don't bring up your heart rate during your menstrual cycle. Okay. Don't be hitting intensity because you'll actually now drain your hormones. They're already tanked out. Last thing you need to do. Because now if you exercise during that time, you'll create more hormone deficiencies and your body says, well, my goodness, I'm hormonally deficient. My ovaries aren't producing a lot right now.
Starting point is 01:06:20 And so neither am I adrenal. So I got to go that last tissue, fat tissue, and women can exercise themselves even fat. Okay. Now, if you put yourself in major depletions, your body can deplete that fat. And that's why I see CrossFit women. It scares the hell out of me because they're always hormonally off. And that's why they lose their cycles and actually delay their periods. And they're all over the place that way. And they have shorter cycles and stuff.
Starting point is 01:06:40 It's very devastating because that's why when people say, well, doc, you know, for young athletes, it's common for them to lose their cycle yeah don't confuse common with normal because you so don't know you do not know how to maintain a young lady's hormones so therefore you end up with major deficiencies and i don't care how good and healthy your body is or how non-toxic it is you can't run a car on an empty fuel tank even if it's 2022 car and they're depleting women's hormones so they go back to their prepubescent years because they drop that low, and then they don't cycle because they don't develop endometriosis.
Starting point is 01:07:08 The egg doesn't actually develop. Hold our story. But I do this. Now, the second week, day roughly 7 through 14, lays, guess what? Hormone levels jump up. Anabolically, you need that. So to push your body even to CrossFit, I'm fine with.
Starting point is 01:07:21 The third week is where most women cause majority of their illness because progesterone dominates. Now your mental stress and your inflammation better be the lowest of it is because you'll drain your progesterone. And now progesterone is supposed to maintain all those tissues that developed. And if it doesn't, you get sick very quickly. The fourth week is very simple. You can go back to the high intensity and get this. Lo and behold, the times that you are the most sexually driven are actually when your body can actually have the most high intensity. Imagine that. It correlates with it. I know it's just basic biology. See, and that's why,
Starting point is 01:07:55 so ladies, guess what? Put some high intensity sex on those two weeks. Great. You're saying the other times, leave it alone. Okay. So yeah. I mean, this is the importance of leaning in and listening to your body. Yes. Yes. And see, so I've always taught women. Here's what happens. And this is, if you're a guy listening, you should know your woman's cycle like the back of her hand. Because she's going to be different each week mentally.
Starting point is 01:08:20 And she's going to be different each week physically. And we talk about that third week of stress. I believe that men are supposed to protect women even from themselves when it comes to their stress, because women of today will push themselves too hard and actually, which can lead to illness. And guys, I'll appeal to you this way. I love taking care of people, but I will not take care of your wife or none of my clinics will do it for free. So if you don't get your woman to stress out less or cause her less stress or help out that way, just put me on your payroll because it's going to cost you a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Now, the reason why I say something like that is because I'm trying to appeal to people as these things are preventable. I don't want you to pay me. I want you to pay the fire department doctors. I want you to pay anybody. I want you to live a very healthy, vibrant life. And these things are preventable and they're under your control. Yeah. Oh my gosh. This is amazing. This is so empowering. I love conversations like this because I find it as a woman, incredibly empowering to know
Starting point is 01:09:11 this. And, you know, I have such a hard time with this mentality that, um, you know, there's kind of this movement right now for women to really hustle, you know, the boss babe and the hustler and all this stuff. Horrible. Oh, I hate it. I hate it. Horrible.
Starting point is 01:09:24 It is biologically. It doesn't biologically match up. Do you understand? Yeah. And see, here's what happens to this. I'm not saying that woman can't chase her dreams. And I'm not saying that at all, because once again, I employ hundreds of people and I can bet you probably 85% of my, uh, women are employed are actually women and stuff. And they're great, incredible. But you know, I was this? I mean this sincerely. We try to keep a very low-stress company because I know it does the female hormones and stuff like that. And we understand these things. And no joke, obviously, we promote what we do on a regular basis as far as health-wise. We try to get all of our amazing employees to eat and do all the things that are possible for them that way because they can have that control. But the idea is this. If you're putting such huge drives on a woman, I'm telling you right now, ladies, it's going to lead to some
Starting point is 01:10:09 health problems. I see it every day. I mean this sincerely. Just trying to keep up with the Joneses and run your kids to four different sports. I mean this very humbly and very nicely. Your kids are not that good at sports and 99.92% of them are not going to make it into pro sports. Sorry if your kid can throw a basketball every once in a while or throw a baseball. Guess what happens? All these kids and running the kids everywhere and stuff like that just leads to actually usually a dad that actually trying to live vicariously through their kids. Knock it off. You're making people sick.
Starting point is 01:10:39 And I said, everybody loved that until I said that. So my job as a doc is to avoid these stressors. Yeah. Well, and I was going to say, like, this goes back to what I was saying earlier with the hustle mentality. I'm not saying that women can't have their own businesses and they can't work amazing careers and follow their dreams like you were saying. But what we need to do is we need to learn what you and I just talked about in this podcast.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Women need to know how we operate so that we can use that to our advantage and use that in our businesses and in our work and whatever it is. And it just means that we have to do it differently than men. It doesn't mean that we're inferior and that men are superior and that we can't follow our dreams. It just means that we have to do it differently. And let me give you a scenario because that's when people that's when people think, cause that's what they want to spin it as. They want to spin it as something like culturally say, no, no, no, let's go back to this. I have four daughters. Guess what happens? All four of my daughters are top level athletes. Okay. Um, but here's what happens when I think of this way, do you know why they don't lose their cycles and they don't, they don't delay their, and they don't delay or skip their periods that way like a lot of their friends do?
Starting point is 01:11:46 It's because me as their dad knows how to teach them to take care of their body so there are no deficiencies. So ladies, you can push hard, but you better know how to fuel your body because if you don't, it's going to run out. And that's what we're saying. So the idea is this. I want you to pursue your dreams. You can work 12 hours a day. You just better have the fuel for your body and the things it needs so it doesn't deplete because when a man depletes, what's the worst that can happen to us?
Starting point is 01:12:11 We lose a little sex drive. We lose a little muscle tissue and things like that. When you do it, it's dramatic. And that's the difference. And that's why women have to actually, it's sad, but it's also fascinating. Women have to always take care of themselves 10 times better than men it's not fair it really isn't i'm a man saying this okay but i want you to think about this that's why ladies you're you guys will listen to the podcast like this and you'll take
Starting point is 01:12:34 me and courtney's advice and you'll both stop sugar okay you will lose about one to two pounds your husband will lose about 20 i know it's's not fair. Do you see what I'm saying? Because of the physiology and biochemistry behind it. And I've even said, Doc, it's just not fair. I actually lost two pounds and he lost 20. What the heck? I'm like, yes, because of how our bodies are biologically different that way. Now, it takes more time with you and stuff like that. And that's the point I'm trying to tell you.
Starting point is 01:13:01 When women deplete, it takes much more of a path to get back than it does with men. I know it's not fair ladies. And I'm a guy saying this. I think I'm the only guy out there preaching this stuff going guys don't add to their stress, be a helper to a woman and stuff like that. So, and helper does not mean they're weak. It's just that we don't bleed every month and we don't have all these things going on. So therefore it's much easier for us, much easier for us. Yeah, absolutely. Now I just gave the women, now the women like me more now. So we brought them back around. That's right. So is there anything that we have not covered today that you think is really important in regards to anything we talked about today? Um, boy, we did cover an array of topics. Um,, it's great. I beg women of one thing.
Starting point is 01:13:46 I do beg women of this. This is the only thing I have. You know, people always, when I get interviewed on podcasts, they say, Doc, do you have anything to sell? No. No, because you know why? There's no two people are the same. And the one thing I'm going to beg every woman and every guy to do is get tested.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Get tested. And you don't need a doctor to be tested. There's great doctors that do it. The idea is this, is because without testing, ladies, you could be developing breast cancer. You could have certain levels that are off that are affecting you psychologically. They could be affecting you physically. And without testing, everything's a guess. Don't throw a natural supplement in.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Don't throw a medical thing in. Don't throw a pill. Don't throw these medical thing in. Don't throw a pill. Don't throw these things in there. What you need to do is I beg of you guys to get properly tested and guide each one of you guys to actually help you figure out what your body needs or what you're deficient in or what you're toxic in, what you may need for foods, what you may not need for foods, things like that. And, man, you can be 47 years old and go 100 miles an hour every single day if it's done right. Yeah. It's great advice. So what tests would you say people ask for? As a woman, I'm sorry. I just want to see their hormones right away.
Starting point is 01:14:51 And so that takes two tests right away. And I'll send you the blood work I think women should do that way when skin. You can walk into any lab. You can give it to the doctor. You can do anything you want. Go get the Dutch test that way. You can buy one online. You can go to the wellness way. You can go to my website. It doesn't matter. You can do anything you want with that way. And then the one thing is this, and then learn about them. Because when you learn about them, now you know how to take care of them. See, the term doctor actually was Latin for teacher. So that's what I do. I teach like crazy. And I built an amazing company just teaching people how to take care of themselves. The sad part is daily is daily, daily, all across the United States and
Starting point is 01:15:25 Europe where we have offices and stuff like that. Even Hawaii, guess what happens? It doesn't matter where I go and speak. I just, I actually just booked a talk in Ireland. My team did for me to go speak on July 20th. I had to go speak in Nigeria and Africa coming up in August. I speak all over and you know what happens to this? You know know it's universal across all the United States and Europe and other countries is there are sick people everywhere because the thinking is wrong. It really is. It's dramatically wrong. So podcasts like this, and Courtney, I can't tell you, you've got an amazing podcast bringing good information there. I can't wait to put this up on my show because actually we get millions of hits on our stuff that way. So I'm excited to actually bring in people to your stuff too, because it's
Starting point is 01:16:08 people like us that are going to really just contribute to people's lives just to make it better and stuff like that. And, and, um, I think that's where we got to start is giving people good information. Yeah, I agree. Couldn't agree more. So I have, well, I have two questions for you left. Um, one that I ask all my guests. So what are your personal health non-negotiables? These are things that you prioritize for your own health no matter how crazy and busy your day is. It could be lifestyle, diet. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:34 I can tell you right now, number one is, once again, because obviously I have an international company. I have a wife and four beautiful daughters. I have just one accomplished certain things. And I know it's simple. I use analogy. I'm just a high-speed car that needs fuel, okay? So I'm going to make sure that I have everything I need daily, okay? So guys, listen, it's not a joke.
Starting point is 01:16:54 I'm sorry I cannot go a day without eating an organ meat. I can't go a day without my vinegar. I can't go a day without my sauerkraut that way because there's more foods than that that I put in my system. So just people want to talk about some general things that way, because there's more foods than that that I put in my system. So people want to talk about some general things that way. Number two, it's all about mental preparation. Psychological health is so important. I think when I start my day off, I get up in the morning. It's just me.
Starting point is 01:17:19 I'm just a person of faith. I believe in Jesus. That's me. Remember, I don't want to offend anybody that way. I'm just thankful that God gave me an opportunity. So right away, I'm very grateful every day when I get up. So I get my mental health because ladies, no joke, mental health is so important. So important. It's important for guys too, because mental health can affect a guy's digestive system, not their hormonal system. So it's important for guys to
Starting point is 01:17:40 do that. So there's a mental aspect, there's a physical aspect. So I take care of those right away. And there's also this too. A non-negotiable for me is there's nothing in this world that you can do alone. I'm sorry, this independence, strong man, strong woman bullshit. Sorry, I had to say it. But it's ridiculous. You ever see a strong leader? Look at the team that's with him. You ever see a strong leader? Look at the team that's with him.
Starting point is 01:18:05 You ever see a person? Sorry, you're always better with other people. So I have a rule that every day that I invest in somebody, because once again, you want to accomplish anything good in this world, it takes other people. You can't do it by yourself. Remember, if you ever get to the top of a mountain and you're by yourself, you're a hiker, you're not a leader, a person will do that.
Starting point is 01:18:27 So I have a rule to invest in people every single day that makes their life better, makes my life better because I'm going to be selfish. I need you and you need me. You understand? Sleep is number four. People do not realize how important it is. Sleep is by far our best antioxidant. No matter if anybody's said this on the podcast, it's not glutathione. It's actually melatonin. And melatonin actually is the greatest,
Starting point is 01:18:52 if you look at it, all cancers start within the mitochondria. It's not glutathione that repairs your mitochondria. It's actually melatonin. Sleep is by far important. Ladies, you need eight to 10 hours. You better be in bed between 9 and 10 p.m. If you're late or you're going to throw off your whole circadian rhythm. And then number five is non-negotiable is light. Okay. You need sun because number one, sun is actually the biggest producer of infrared, which is actually also good for your melatonin. So what happens is you should be grounding. You should be getting up in the morning, put your feet on the ground. I live in the Midwest, but you look at the sun, you get that melatonin suppression a little bit during your pineal gland, but then you can get the infrared, which actually takes care of your mitochondria,
Starting point is 01:19:32 melatonin, which helps it that way. So those are five negotiables that are non-negotiable for me every single day. I love that. It was great. Those are very similar to mine as well. And then lastly, where can everyone find you? It's simple. It's just I've got thousands of videos on there. Like I said, as you know, I'm in my studio. We put out a ton of information and stuff like that on a daily basis. And actually, it's kind of funny.
Starting point is 01:19:56 You used to be able to see me on Facebook and things like that, but they wiped me off because obviously I must say something that's conflicting that way. So I get censored a lot, but that's okay. The I have a show on Saturday to where I actually get broadcast all over the world. It's pretty awesome. And we actually have, and what I do is just like this, I put this out more in a teaching format. I put this out in something. Yeah, it's kind of great. And so we can actually now allow people to actually make choices. And one thing that I'm very key about,
Starting point is 01:20:29 you're not going to see me talk about a lot of different product stuff that way because I don't believe that all products exist to somebody. Because I can show you a lab. I can show you a lab to where DIMM would be very good for somebody and very bad for someone else,
Starting point is 01:20:42 just based on the lab. So it's hard for me to generally talk about certain products or certain food things I'll generally talk about that way. But you can say, if I was allergic to an apple, if I was allergic to an apple, I would not have apple cider vinegar because allergies, which trump everything. But once again, those are very diagnostic and those are very something that can be done with everybody. So yeah, so I'm, I'm just go to And once again, I'm very proud of the information that we put out there with a non-selling thing that way. But I do beg everybody, and I'll be very clear on this, I do beg everybody to get tested from what foods are good for you,
Starting point is 01:21:15 if you have some infections, if there's stool tests, there's all things you can do that way. That's got to be made by an appropriate person taking care that way. But there are some standard things I believe people should be tested for. My children to this day, my girls start getting hormone tests before they're even cyclic that way. And that's why they don't understand what PMS is or all those things are. And I have two cyclic daughters. I have an 18-year-old, a 15-year-old, a 12-year-old, and an 8-year-old. They said, so my 15-year-old just got her cycle.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Once again, she doesn't understand PMS. She doesn't understand hormone problems like her friends do because she was taken care of way before she even got her cycle. It led to actually a normal menstrual cycle. Once again, she doesn't understand PMS. She doesn't understand hormonal problems like her friends do because she was taken care of way before she even got her cycle and led to actually a normal, normal menstrual cycle. So it's like making. Yeah. I mean, that's what women need to know. We need to know how to actually support our bodies so that we can have a normal cycle. We don't have to go through all the PMS and the cramping and everything. Yeah. It's amazing. Well, thank you so much for today. This was such an amazing conversation. Well, thank you. much for today. This was such an amazing conversation. Well, thank you. It was a great having you. And I'm very proud. I just want to tell you before
Starting point is 01:22:09 we go, I get to, I get interviewed by a lot of people. I can honestly tell you that your podcast and the stuff that you bring up and what you know, um, you're light years ahead than most people out there teaching health. So, um, and if you look at my reviews, I don't say that very much at all and stuff like that. So to see your stuff, um, and I'm really very excited to share it on my big platform that way, because, um, keep on, keep on telling people what's right. Cause it's, it's been very enjoyable today. Thank you. I really appreciate that. Thanks for listening to today's episode of the real foodology podcast. If you liked this episode, please leave a review in your podcast app to let me know. This is a resident media production produced by Drake Peterson and edited by Chris
Starting point is 01:22:49 McCone. The theme song is called Heaven by the amazing singer Georgie, spelled with a J. Love you guys so much. See you next week. The content of this show is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for individual medical and mental health advice and doesn't constitute a provider patient relationship. I am a nutritionist, but I am not your nutritionist. As always, talk to your doctor or your health team first. you

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