So... Alright - Bleed Green

Episode Date: June 18, 2024

Geoff gets a once-in-a-lifetime birthday surprise to see an old friend. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:27 And chicken chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, took me to another city, and it ended, well, it ended back with me in Austin. But the highlight of it was definitely being in the second row behind the Boston Celtics bench at the NBA Finals in Boston this weekend. My wife surprised me with one hell of a birthday gift, and I just had the weekend of my life. And that wasn't even, like that was the best part for sure, but it was such a wonderful weekend.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I just, instead of talking about how much people talk on the phone in 2024 versus how much they talked on the phone in 1964, which much they talked on the phone in 1964, which is kind of where I was headed or maybe dipping back into the music of 1975. Boy, I got some vociferous responses from people who were saying, how dare you say that 1975 was a dog shit year for music when yada, yada, yada. The Eagles had an album and Pink Floyd had an album. I got news for you, man. I can't stand Pink Floyd.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I've it's the most indulgent music to me. I appreciate the artistry. I get it. I understand why people love it. It's kind of I'm not trying to poo poo. I'm not trying to yuck anybody's yum here. It's just not for me. So a lot of the music of. It's just not for me. So a lot of the music of 1975 is not for me. And it's probably why I gravitated towards punk rock in my early teens when I started to discover music.
Starting point is 00:01:54 It because in much the same way that kids started to play punk rock in the 70s. I think I just I saw a lot of the music front that I heard growing up through my parents, you know, it's like your first exposure. It just it just was all so long and self-indulgent and boring to me, I thought. And that's why I responded to punk. I think songs were a minute and a half long and angry and got to the point. You know, anyway, all that to say, got a lot of very passionate responses of great music in 1975.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And there was a ton of great music in 1975. For sure. I'm going to do a whole episode where I just pick out songs from 1975 that I think are awesome and encourage you to do the same. Go back to your birth year and look at what was popular the year you were born. It's wild. You'll be so interested. It's and also go back to your birth year. Like what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make two playlists.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I'm gonna make a playlist of all like the coolest songs that I've known off the billboard, Top 100. Then I'm gonna make a second playlist of bands and musicians that I've never heard of that had hits or songs or some level of popularity in 1975. And just mine through all that. And I bet you there are so many gemsms in there that you didn't know about or that I didn't know about.
Starting point is 00:03:09 But I encourage you to do it in your birth year, too. I bet you'll be I bet you'll be amazed and I bet you'll find out that you're a fan of three or four bands that you never heard of that were. Maybe influential to your parents as as you were being thought of or conceived or whatever, or maybe not. I don't know. I don't know what your parents were into. Oh, man. So, uh, I think I got off track a little bit there. But all this to say had a hell of a weekend.
Starting point is 00:03:44 It started it was supposed to be Emily surprised me. We were just going to fly out to Boston on Saturday and then home on Monday. We were just going to catch an NBA Finals game, spend a little time tooling around Boston and then come home. But the last week, it developed that her best friend or one of her best friends and and her husband were having a vacation in Chicago. Now, this this friend, her name is Haley. She's like family to the family, like very close comes to vacations and stuff. They're they're like really a part of Emily's family.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And so Emily's mom and sister decided it would be fun to drive down from Detroit to Chicago and just surprise them at like, I think it was like wherever they ended up being, I think it was like on a boat tour or something, just surprise them and and show up. And so they were telling us we helped them coordinate that. And Emily on like Wednesday said, what if we also showed up on Friday and surprised all of them because nobody's expecting us to show up? So, by the way, sign up for any time you stay at a hotel or any time you book a flight,
Starting point is 00:04:53 get a rewards program, because eventually the stuff does pay off. I was able to book two tickets to Chicago for free because of American Airlines points. And then I was able to book a hotel for free in Chicago off my hotels, like my hotel reward points that I had. So that trip to Chicago ends up only costing us food. And what's awesome about it is Emily then had to change the tickets because we're supposed to fly from Austin to Boston. So she had to change them to fly from Chicago to Boston,
Starting point is 00:05:21 which ended up being three hundred dollars cheaper. So we saved a couple of bucks by going to Chicago to surprise one of her best friends and her mom and her sister. And it was fucking awesome if you've never done that before, surprise somebody in a different city if you're ever at all able to. It's a it's really cool. They were eating at this International McDonald's. It's like I didn't know it existed, but it's right next to like McDonald's
Starting point is 00:05:44 University, which is also a thing. And this International McDonald's is cool's like I didn't know it existed, but it's right next to like McDonald's University, which is also a thing. And this International McDonald's is cool on its own because they just have food from everywhere. Like I got some Canadian desserts and they had, they had like fries from the UK, I think from Scotland or somewhere. It was cool. Anyway, so we just walked in
Starting point is 00:06:00 and surprised the absolute hell out of them. And then we all got to spend the day in Chicago together, which was so much fun. I did the Chicago architectural boat tour, which if you've never done it, I highly recommend it. It was the. I think seventh time I've done it. I don't know why, but I keep finding myself. Well, I know why I went this time because they were going,
Starting point is 00:06:21 but I keep finding myself on that boat tour. I just did it with Millie like a year ago. I had done it. I don't mean to do it every time I go to Chicago, but it always ends up being the case. And I'm not mad at it. It's a fantastic tour and I highly recommend you do it. And it's an interesting time right now because it's post pandemic. So there's a lot of discussion about like how they're repurposing buildings and how Chicago is addressing, you know, work from home. And they there was this whole interesting piece about where we went by the old newspaper factory where they print the paper and it closed down, I think, three weeks ago and they moved it out to the burbs.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And they're about to bulldoze that building, even though it's been there for like 200 years to build. I think. I think they say casinos. Yeah, I think they're building casinos there anyway, out on the waterfront, kind of off to the side a little bit. And anyway, it's like reshaping that that waterfront area. And anyway, Chicago's awesome. I didn't mean to, but I ate so many fucking hot dogs
Starting point is 00:07:18 throughout the course of the weekend. It was every time I turned around, there was a hot dog for me. I finally went to that place, Portillo's, which our friend Greg Miller named his dog after. And it was awesome, really awesome. It was actually kind of cool in that I don't know. I get the impression there's a bunch of them.
Starting point is 00:07:38 So I don't think this was like the original or anything, but they had all kinds of Chicago ephemera in there, like old bulls, flags and like doors from like the just all kinds of old, like cute equipment and like Chicago type stuff, a lot of sports memorabilia. It was cool. And the food was awesome. Anyway, so then we just had a one day in Chicago where we did a bunch of Chicago touristy shit and then hopped on a plane the next morning to Boston to to go see. My beautiful, beautiful Boston Celtics play in game two of the NBA finals.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I. Well, first of all, I cannot thank Emily enough for getting me this birthday present, but I cannot express to you. What it's like to see your favorite team compete. On their home turf. For a championship, if you've never done it, I had never done it. I've seen an NBA finals game before I saw. I went down to San Antonio and saw the I saw Miami, San Antonio the year, the year Miami was one of the two years,
Starting point is 00:08:40 Miami won, and that was cool. But it's a whole different animal to be like in the TD Garden, surrounded by like 30,000 fans all wearing the same clothes, all with the same purpose and goal in mind and all, you know, all loving the same thing. When it couldn't matter more, it was a it was an it was a surreal and unreal experience. And I can't fucking believe I got to do it. I feel like the luckiest guy on Earth.
Starting point is 00:09:10 But we we did do some stuff in Boston, too. I I went to the there's this ghost tour that we went on in Key West. And now it's a part of sloppy Joe's being go. I think it's called Ghosts in Graveyards, maybe. And we went on it when we went to Key West because Emily and I had done it in Savannah on a lark. And so I saw that it was in Boston, too. So now I've done it in three cities, the same tour.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I mean, it's not the same tour, obviously, it's localized to the area. But it's like it's one of those hop like you get on a bus and they drive you around tours. If you've ever played sloppy just being go with us, you know what I'm talking about because it's on the bingo board. And I guess they're in like five cities. They're also in San Diego and somewhere else. I didn't realize, but we've quite unintentionally gone to almost all of their locations. And so we did a ghost tour, which was.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Man, I I have been to Boston a lot. I think the history is amazing. I've explored it. I've done museums. I've done all the all the historical stuff. I've taken historical tours. I've now taken a ghost tour. I think it is beautiful.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Absolutely gorgeous. And. I am such a fucking fan of the Boston Celtics. And I also really like the Boston Bruins about as much as I can like a hockey team. I'm still working on that. I don't give a shit about the Patriots or the Red Sox, sorry. But I cannot escape the fact that my,
Starting point is 00:10:42 the sum total of my experience is that Boston as a city is fucking boring. Like beautiful, but boring. Just good food, but boring. You can, I feel like you spend three hours in Boston and I know I'm gonna get so many angry emails from people and good, please stand up for your city tell me what I'm missing because every time we go there by the end of the first day we're like well we've done everything there is to do of fun in Boston I guess we just do it again tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I don't know what it is I just like there's just not there's just not enough fun there I want there to be I want excuses to go to Boston. I want to go see the Celtics is I want to get. I'm not doing well enough in life to get season tickets to an NBA team, especially not one across the country. But I would love to have like I'd love to be able to go all the time and be like, here's my favorite Boston haunts and stuff. But every time I go to Boston, I'm like, you know, once again,
Starting point is 00:11:42 beautiful, lovely people, not not decrying the physical aspects of the place or the people that live there. I just you get there. It just feels like there's not a fuck of a lot to do other than walk that freedom trail or go to do the Paul Revere thing again. You know, so we did this ghost tour and the ghost tour was, you know, tour guide was exactly what you would expect and want in one of those ghost tours. Those people. I truly believe.
Starting point is 00:12:14 That the people who give tours, like give ghost tours were put on this earth to do that and only that job. Like, and I don't mean that as a, well I guess I don't mean it as a compliment or an insult really, it's just like a statement of fact. But every ghost tour I've been on, I realize the ghost, the tour guide, their purpose on earth is to give ghost tours.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And they would be, thank God for that industry, because if the ghost tour industry went away, I don't know what those people would do. They are so uniquely suited for that position. And I know it's not an act. These people are living and breathing what they're doing. It is clear. And thank God for ghost tours
Starting point is 00:12:59 because I don't know what those poor people would do without them. They are in the place that they were meant to be. And tip of the hat, because not everybody gets to find that. I got to watch, though, that ghost tour, which, by the way, all ghost tour guides are to me personally, 15 percent too much. Like if every ghost tour guide could dial it back 10 to 15 percent, that would I would love it.
Starting point is 00:13:22 But I know that that's like what they need. That's what they got to bring. And I look around at the other people on a ghost tour and they are responding to it in a way that is more and genuinely enthusiastic than I am. So the stick in the bit. And so I guess it's I'm not I'm atypical in that in that regard. But a good tour guide. Not a lot. Boston's boring.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I'm sorry, even the it wasn't his fault, but even the ghost stories and stuff were boring. However, I got to see something you rarely get to see. I got to see a person on the tour. Who was more into the tour than the tour guide and the tour guide put on Earth to do this job clearly into the tour. But this person on the tour was so much more into the tour than the tour guide. Annoyed the ever loving shit out of this guy
Starting point is 00:14:16 for 90 straight minutes. And what a professional, what a professional this tour guide was, because never broke, but came close on at least like three separate occasions. I actually stopped paying, maybe this is why I didn't enjoy the tour as much. I stopped paying attention to a lot of the ghost shit because the show that was going on in the crowd was so much funnier and so much more interesting. And I was fucking laughing.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Oh my God. It's not every day you get to see somebody outdo the person that's doing the thing, but man, if you get a chance, I don't know how you would find yourself in that scenario, but if you ever do, appreciate the hell out of it because it's funny. Oh man, I'll tell you one other thing we did.
Starting point is 00:15:01 We stayed at this Encore Hotel, which is not actually in Boston. It's in the Boston Harbor, which is across the water, I guess. The mystic, I think they call it. And so they have a free shuttle, like a free boat that goes over to like, I don't know, that area where legal seafood and all the piers and everything. Right. The north shore, Northside or whatever. And it's like a 20 minute boat ride. That's fucking fun. And that's free, by the way. Just anybody can take that shuttle because they're trying to get every
Starting point is 00:15:32 asshole on Earth over to the to the encore because it's a it's a hotel, but it's a casino. And Emily and I like to when we go to Vegas, we stay there because we like to they have a good sports book in there. And so we like, you know, we've been on the horses a little bit. And so we stayed there because we could we could play some some bets on the Celtics. I did OK. I did OK. My best. I got I think I got five out of eight. Correct. Made like my kind of bets are like five dollar bets. So I think I made like forty six dollars when it was all said and done.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Felt very good about that. But anybody could take this boat and it's like a, you know, it's a pretty cool little boat, not like a like all wooden James Bond boat from the 60s or anything, but it's like one step newer than that. And they're trying to get anybody over to the encore to gamble. So it's free both ways and it runs till probably nine p.m. And man, that's a fun thing to do in Boston if you're there and you're looking for a free thing to do in Boston, hop on that boat,
Starting point is 00:16:27 just go over there and then just turn around and come right back and you get a cool little view. And I'm like 99 percent sure it's free. I didn't have to pay anything because the hotel, but like nobody, nobody even really asked anything. They just pulled up, let anybody get on that wanted to. And then they drove and then let anybody off. And then the turnaround on that thing. 30 seconds, man. It was wild. We saw them pull up as we were going down the ramp, and by the time we got down the ramp, they had let everybody off and left.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And we missed one. But they have, you know, they run like every five minutes. Anyway, I digress. Please, if you are in Boston and you love it, tell me what we're missing, because I really do wanna enjoy it more. I'd like to, because as it is now, I try to get in and then see the game and then get out immediately,
Starting point is 00:17:13 and I'd love to stay a little bit longer if there was more to enjoy about it. I will say, if you find yourself in any casino and you like to play the slots. There's a I'm not a big gambler. We're not gamblers at all, except for the occasion, you know, the small five dollar, ten dollar sports bets I do. But there is this like Frankenstein slot machine
Starting point is 00:17:37 that Emily and I had so much fun playing. And I don't know why. Maybe it's because the only one that I could understand because they're also fucking complicated. You got to have you need you need like an old school video game booklet guide that comes with your NES that it's got 75 pages and explains every mechanic of the game. You need one of those for half the fucking slots at casinos nowadays.
Starting point is 00:17:59 They're all so complicated and confusing. You're like, wait, I got a purple flower. I thought a purple flower was a purple flowers is a bonus, right? And it's like, no, you need two purple flowers and a red shoe. And you're like, why the fuck are shoes and flowers together? This is a fucking this is a slot machine about Garth Brooks or whatever. It makes no fucking sense anyway. Frankenstein's cool, I must admit.
Starting point is 00:18:20 So yada yada yada, we go to the game. Everybody's been asking me to to talk on the podcast about my feelings, about where we are in the finals and how I think Boston's going to do. I now have the firsthand experience of having been in the game close enough to the players. Emily got these amazing seats that were like second row. It really was the nicest gift anyone's ever given me in my life.
Starting point is 00:18:48 And I'll probably never get to have that experience again. I'm just so fucking happy I got to have it. And I will cherish it for the rest of my life. But I was close enough so I could read body language and I was behind the Celtics bench, not directly behind, but off the piss a little bit to the side, kind of between the bench and the and the rim. And. I you learn so much.
Starting point is 00:19:12 It's such a different game when you're there in the building and you can see it happen in front of you with your own eyes and you can take in everything else that's going around and you can see body language and you can see you can really feel and see momentum shifts in everything else that's going around and you can see body language and you can see you can really feel and see momentum shifts in the moment and I'll say I am terrified of this series because there's just a lot of narratives. I think that Dallas got here early and with a guy who is just so tremendously talented and who is going to run the league, probably for five or six years pretty soon. There's just with so much momentum and it almost felt like they're getting healthier as they go through the playoffs. Like I know Lucas supposedly having to take pain injections, but right now, but
Starting point is 00:20:05 he was looking rough in rounds one and two, and he's just gotten stronger and better each round and Kyrie has been playing lights out and you know the narrative there of him and the the fracture between Kyrie and Boston and you know. You never want to piss off one of the 30 best basketball players in the world. You know, they're one of the 30 best basketball players in the world for for a reason, which, by the way, I'll talk about that in a second. But the Kyrie Irving hate in person was unbelievable. Those guys are getting better and better as it goes on, and they've got momentum and they've got a great narrative and they've had these role players in lively and Gafford that have really stepped up and a few others and.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I don't know man and then the Celtics the Celtics are this like immensely talented team but I try not to have blinders on for my own team right right? This has been a long ride that started and really started with the drafting of Marcus Smart. I would say in 2015 this this journey to this title. You could probably say that it really started in 2017 with with Tatum, not even 2016 with Brown, but 2017 with Tatum. But I feel like it. I feel like this team to me this era started in 2015. And here we are for the second time in the NBA Finals. We won the first two games.
Starting point is 00:21:31 We won the game I went to. We are up 2-0. That's great. It's that's great cause for confidence and to feel good about our chances of winning the NBA Finals. But for instance, I think only five times in history has a team come back to win the NBA finals after being down.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Oh, two. However, it I'm terrified, terrified. I'm optimistic, terrified. But I will say being there and seeing it in person. Has made me more confident. That we'll win this series. Tatum looks bad on TV. Clearly offensively, he's struggling, struggling is is putting it mildly.
Starting point is 00:22:18 This is a guy who has had a 50 or 60 point game like in every playoffs up until this year. And I think he's topped out at like 30 now. The positive in that is that Tatum, part of it is because Tatum is playing team ball. He's being an incredibly unselfish superstar. And if you watched game two, Drew Holiday was easily the star of the Boston Celtics for more in more ways than one.
Starting point is 00:22:46 And I can talk about that in a second too. But he's, I think he scored 26 and a big reason he scored 26 because Tatum kept driving into the lane, collapsing the defense. He'd draw three defenders and then he could kick it out to Drew instead of even kicking it out for three, he would kick it out to Drew who would come in for an easy layup.
Starting point is 00:23:07 That worked so fucking well. And he kept doing it over and over again. And so he also had, I think, 12 assists and eight rebounds. Tatum almost had nine rebounds, 12 assists, 18 points. He almost had a triple double. It wasn't a good looking triple double offensively. But I'm telling you, his defense, he's been guarding the five pretty much for long stretches and he locked down defense and 12 assists. The guy has been facilitating, he's been playing the most unselfish basketball of his career.
Starting point is 00:23:37 And I don't think people are giving him credit for that because it's not impressive if you don't have a 48 point stat line like Luka Donich but Luca Donchich can have a 30 and 40 point games in the world if they're oh and two what does it fucking matter Jason Tatum they only score 18 20 points in a game but if everybody around him is elevated and better that he's doing the LeBron James of it all which is making the people on the court on his team better I take that I'll take that in a ring any day of the week over a Jason Tatum dominant performance, especially we don't need it when we have Chris Stapps Porzingis. Maybe we have Derek White, we have Drew Holliday, we have Al Horford, we
Starting point is 00:24:15 have Jalen Brown, we have snipers and Sam Houser and Patriot Peyton Pritchard. We have all of these weapons. Tatum doesn't need to go in and be a 30 to 40 point, a night guy. And I, for one, much prefer this team basketball to ISO hero ball. However, it's not as sexy, it's not as fun, it's not as exciting.
Starting point is 00:24:40 And I will say the problem with the Celtics and what really scares me because they are clearly one to seven The best team in basketball by far and by one to seven. I mean players one to players seven Your top your first five are your starters and then you know you go to the bench There's 15 players on a team the top seven are usually your playoff rotation one to seven best in basketball best in basketball I concede that Dallas has the best player in in Luka Donchich, but like I said, I'll take team ball any day. However, the problem with the Celtics is they tend to play down to their opponent.
Starting point is 00:25:16 And it's a weird thing to say when you have a team that's had so many 20 point blowouts this year and has been up by 30, has won by 30 more than they've lost by 10. Like it's a pretty ridiculously dominant season. And I mean, we're like 70 something and 20 now. We've only lost two games in the playoffs. However, and when I say we play down to our opponent, we tend to to flex and show our true ability early on.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And then they get in this lackadaisical, just like autopilot era. And then they let a team that's down by 20 or 26 come back to be doing, there was a fucking point where Dallas was only down by five, very briefly, five points with Luca Donchich on your team and Kyrie Irving on your team being up by five is like being down by four in the fourth quarter that's fucking terrifying now we spun it
Starting point is 00:26:15 we flipped it and we we won it thanks to some superior defense and maybe the tiniest little shove in the back by Jalen Brown, but I didn't see it. Didn't get called. So it doesn't matter. However. We just we get these huge swings and then we don't maintain. And it's been a narrative, it's been a problem. It's clearly not been as much of a problem this year as it has been in the past, because it hasn't led to lost games. But the amount of games we've been up big numbers over the past few years and then have gone on to lose it in the fourth quarter
Starting point is 00:26:49 by poor decision making and just in just sloppy play is really scary. And that's what I mean by saying we play down to our opponents a lot. And so while we haven't necessarily been doing that clearly in these playoffs, we've been doing it for so long. I think every Celtics fan is scared of that happening at any moment. Game three, we're supposed to lose. We're playing it tonight in Dallas. Dallas is at home.
Starting point is 00:27:14 I if we're going to lose a game in the playoffs or in the finals, by the way, really fucking hard to sweep in the finals. Really, really, really hard to sweep in the finals. Boston should lose a game. We should at least have a gentleman sweep and have it be a five game series. I'm not, I don't want Boston to lose a game, mind you. I would love it if we won tonight and then we win on,
Starting point is 00:27:34 I don't know, when we play Saturday or Sunday and we do it in four, a sweep would be an amazing, I mean, a win, a championship is gonna be the most amazing thing in the world. But if you could do it with a sweep too, I mean, that's talking about icing on the cake, right? But I'm not planning for it because I think it's going to be a tall fucking order to beat Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving in their own house. Although I got to say, I got to say, Joe has been coaching his ass off.
Starting point is 00:28:01 This series really has. And it's been fun to watch. I feel like he's finally hit his groove, his stride. Like the game, I think, is slowing down for Coach Joe Missoula in the way it slowed down for Tatum in twenty twenty one. Twenty twenty twenty one. So who knows? You know, who knows? But but I will say
Starting point is 00:28:21 there's going to be a Kyrie Irving advantage. If you don't know, the Boston Celtics hate Kyrie Irving. And Kyrie Irving hates the Boston Celtics. Now, that comes from the fact that Kyrie Irving left the Cleveland Cavaliers to go to the Boston Celtics a few years back. And it was a big fucking deal. He wanted to leave and he basically said
Starting point is 00:28:48 he wanted to go run his own team. He had won a title under LeBron at Cleveland and he wanted to go be top dog and be the alpha on a team and lead a team to a title. There was this really beautiful, poignant commercial for, I think it was Nike, where he talked about how his dad was number 11 and how he, his goal in life, because he's number 11, was dad was number 11 and how he his goal in life because he's number
Starting point is 00:29:05 11 was to raise number 11 to the rafters in Boston and that meant a lot to Boston fans for somebody to come in and say a superstar to come in and say at Not even at the apex of their career But right as they're getting there to come in and say I believe in this team so much. I want to retire here I want my I want my number to be in the rafters here. What a cool fucking thing to say. What wasn't cool was when he quit on us in the playoffs and you saw him give up and just fucking, just turn off.
Starting point is 00:29:35 And then, while swearing he was gonna retire with us, he secretly went and made this plan to go to Brooklyn to go play with Kevin Durant. Whatever, water under the bridge, I not it didn't work out for him in Boston. It wasn't what he thought it was. He didn't like it or whatever. Who knows? But he decides to leave basketball players leave constantly.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Kevin Duran's played for 19 teams at this point. Like same as James Harden. It's no longer considered negative to hop around the league and ring chase and whatnot. And so he wanted to go play with his buddy, KD. And that's fine. Whatever. It's no longer considered negative to hop around the league and ring chase and whatnot. And so he wanted to go play with his buddy, Katie. That's fine. Whatever. However, when he came back, he had a chip on his shoulder. I mean, granted, we were pissed, right, because he he said one thing
Starting point is 00:30:14 and did another and that that pissed off everybody in Boston. But when he came back to play in Boston, his first game, he walked out to the center court where our logo is the little lucky the leprechaun and he fucking stomped on lucky and rubbed it in Such a childish fuck you that that cemented him as enemy number one in the city of Boston for the rest of his life probably and Whatever it's it's good NBA drama. It's it whatever gets people riled up. Right. I mean, the whole reason we watch sports is for the storylines
Starting point is 00:30:50 and for the drama. Right. It's no different than the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or OC or any city. It's it's essentially the exact same thing. I don't know why people can't see that. So it created great and wonderful drama. Since he did that, he has been terrible in Boston. I think he's now 0 and 12 in his last 12 games playing in Boston.
Starting point is 00:31:10 The Boston Celtics hate him when he appears in the, like you see it on TV, the chance of fuck Kyrie start immediately. The boos as soon as he gets checked into a game or as soon as he shows up on the on the monitor. It's been going on since he left Boston. It's obviously at a different level during the NBA finals right now. Holy shit to see it in person.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And I got, you know, to boot to be one of the people booing him in person when he had the ball. Makes sense to me. You want to boo your opponent if you if you're trying to throw them. I even must admit that the the anti-Kyrie sentiment was a little much for me in person, like. I don't know how any any single human being could be expected to perform well. Standing in the center of 30,000 people screaming, fuck you at them like. With like real vitriol, you know, like the guys to the left of me
Starting point is 00:32:20 were just the entire game yelling at Kyrie, entire game yelling at Kyrie. Kyrie, you're soft, you're so soft. Kyrie, did you forget to smudge before the game? Just constantly. A lot of funny stuff. But that was just in my little area. And you know that there's 150 dudes like that
Starting point is 00:32:43 close to the court doing it the entirety of the game. I actually started to feel bad for Kyrie by the end of it. And I'm not a Kyrie. I love his basketball. He's beautiful basketball players, best handler in the history of the NBA. But you just you hate to see that much hate pile up on anybody in person. You know, I felt bad for him. I actually stopped booing him at some point because I just like well, also, it's weird. Like you blow when he's got the ball.
Starting point is 00:33:04 But like they would just start screaming. They would just start fuck Kyrie chance when he's on the bench, just like in the middle of other shit happening. They were they would change focus from the game to insulting Kyrie. Anyway, wild to see it in person. Clearly going to be a different experience in Dallas for Kyrie. I imagine he'll have a huge game. I imagine they're going to come out swinging.
Starting point is 00:33:26 They know that if they lose this game, it's fucking over. And so it's going to be a dogfight. The thing that gives me hope, though, is that he was talking about seeing body language on the court when I was so close. While Tatum looks shook offensively, He looks like he is in charge playing point forward. And he he seems like he's got tremendous court vision offensively and defensively right now. And that is very encouraging to see it in person. But the real thing, the seeing Drew Holliday in person on the court and his body language, and how he how watching him play defense in person is something else man.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Drew Holliday is so fucking impressive. I cannot believe we find ourselves in a situation where where my favorite basketball player on earth a defensive specialist the only guard to win defensive player of the year in the last like 20 years, Marcus Smart gets traded to a different team and the guy they bring in is just as good, if not better. I mean, let's be honest, maybe a little bit better, not on defense, but as a whole better player, well rounded. Just it's like Marcus Smart without any of the mistakes. You know, not as many hustle plays.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Like Smart, like willingly, it seemed like wanted to put his body in danger for the team, which God bless him. And Memphis Grizzlies, when he's healthy, you guys are so fucking lucky that you got him. But Drew Holiday is so in command on that court. Like he is out of, I don't know, all the people that played on the court,
Starting point is 00:35:08 probably 15 players throughout the course of the game, there was nobody on that court at any point who was more in charge and more alpha and more dominant than Drew Holliday. It was like, it was wild to see. Another interesting, another interesting thing that you notice that you kind of see it on TV, but it's like different in person. Luka Doncic was gassed in the second quarter. He played the third and fourth quarter absolutely exhausted. You could see it by the I would say by like three quarters of the way through the second quarter, like with about four or five minutes left to go. He was struggling. I don't know if it's just the accumulation of all the injuries or if it's just him being out of shape
Starting point is 00:35:51 or who knows, maybe he had a bad night's sleep. But he was, he was dragging ass halfway through the second. And I don't think, I think, I mean, he definitely looked better in the third and then it was pretty rough again in the fourth. But that dude, that dude's carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders. And you can definitely see it weighing him down. It was still fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Even with that was still fucking awesome. And it was still just like you hate to see it because it's against your team, but just so impressive to watch him play basketball. Like just was like I got to see earlier this year. I got to see. The Spurs play the Nuggets in Austin, they they do a couple of the Spurs do like four games a year in Austin. And so there was like no way I was going to miss that, right.
Starting point is 00:36:35 And I got to see Joker play in person. I guess he wouldn't be playing a person, which is a whole other thing. But you'd see Joker play and it's similar to what to the way Luca plays, where it's just like the stuff he does in in critical moments and you just know he's going to pull it off and there's it's just it's wild to watch and I imagine we're in for a lot of it tonight. So that was my weekend. I have the best wife in the world and she took me to
Starting point is 00:37:03 Boston. We had a little detour over in Chicago. I ate way, way, way too many hot dogs. I went on a ghost tour and had a much better time watching the show within the tour. Got to ride on a cool boat and got to watch the Boston Celtics take game two of the NBA finals against the Dallas Mavericks. And. Boston Celtics take game two of the NBA finals against the Dallas Mavericks. And. That's a that's like a fucking S tier moment in my life.
Starting point is 00:37:32 It's not going to get much better than that, so. Count myself very, very, very, very, very lucky and fortunate that I got to do it and. Go Boston, bleed green. What is it we're saying now? It's different here, different here. I think is our new slogan. Oh, I have one other thing. Oh, right. I should do the song of the day. You know, I've talked about this band before, but the song of this episode is actually going to be it's called Flat Earth by Clowncore.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And I've talked about Clowncore on Fuckface a lot back in the day. And I think I've even talked about them on here a little bit. They were a part of my my tarot reading I did with music. But I'm mentioning this song specifically because I had a moment of realization. I was riding my bike the other day, listening to my playlist, and that song popped on. And without even realizing it, I was into it.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I got pumped and it was on, and I was like jamming to it, right? And then I realized that halfway through the song, oh, I genuinely like this. Like I'm into this song. Like it's no longer just funny and clever. And you know, like some stuff you like it just because it's wacky or clever or silly or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:43 And it's like a fun refrain from all the serious music you're listening to or whatever. And I've kind of appreciated Clowncore for the lunacy of what they do. And I got to go to that live show and it was just like this multimedia experience of dicks and it was just fucking wacky and they played in a porta potty. And it's like it scratches all that just absurdist itch in me. But I guess also I found out the other day on my bike, I'm a genuine fucking fan of the music. And I realized that they're no longer like a fun meme to me. They're a band I genuinely like and I'm a fan of.
Starting point is 00:39:18 So go listen to Flat Earth by Clown Car. What? Yeah. What? Clowncore. Sorry. I'm losing my fucking mind. Go listen to Flat Earth by Clowncore and have a hell of a day. Good luck, Boston. See you next time. All right. This is the end of the show.

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