The Break-Up Diet - Does long distance make the heart grow fonder or bitter?

Episode Date: November 21, 2024

Imagine navigating the unpredictable seas of long-distance relationships, where every wave of emotion could either bring you closer or pull you apart. Our latest episode unravels the emotional complex...ities of being miles away from a loved one, challenging the age-old adage—does absence truly make the heart grow fonder, or does it sow seeds of doubt and distance? From the unique pressures of geographical separations, like bridging the gap between Australia and London, to the sometimes unsettling role technology plays in our intimate connections, we share candid insights and personal stories that reveal the intricate balance of love and independence.We've all been there—struggling to keep the spark alive amidst time differences and missed moments. This episode invites you to explore the delicate dance of maintaining your individuality while nurturing a relationship from afar. Is there an art to balancing spontaneous adventures with personal growth? We shed light on how these challenges can unexpectedly foster a structured lifestyle and reinforce personal goals, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth. Our conversation also highlights how taking initiative is crucial when physical presence is absent, and the latent strength in long-distance bonds that often goes unnoticed.Trust and communication, the twin pillars of any relationship, become even more critical when miles separate you from your partner. How do we manage jealousy when social media offers constant glimpses into each other’s lives? We delve into these universal challenges, sharing real-world experiences about managing trust, the importance of future planning, and the significance of small gestures that keep love alive across distances. As we explore the controversial idea of opening up a relationship to manage such challenges, we offer our personal takes on why such decisions aren't always the answer. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on how to not only survive but thrive in a long-distance relationship.Send us a textInstagram:@the_breakup_dietTikTok:@thebreakupdietEmail:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Long distance, does it make the heart grow fonder or bitter? A little bit of both, maybe. Mine's only made me bitter, I've never been happier. I feel like you're just bitter. I'm joking. Buckle up, up bitches it's gonna get bumpy this is the breakup diet it makes it better if you don't have an angle yeah when there's not an end date yeah because at the start i feel like it can be quite fun yeah but then as time goes on sometimes it gets a bit tiring you're like okay how long more there's an end date it's like okay
Starting point is 00:00:52 we can do a countdown like five weeks four weeks yeah so you think there has to be an end date till you see each other or an end date till the relationship changes and you're not long distance yeah till i think a bit of birth till you see each other until it's not long distance anymore i think ideally when it's not long distance anymore that would make a bearable how do you bring up something like that to a new relationship that's a bit awkward imagine like you start dating a guy and then two months later he like moves away and you're like so um when am i moving in yeah you're like what was this last two months no that's a bit intense you can i don't think you can do that no you can't but you know the first two months are intense as it is and then when the person moves away you're like wait what how do we progress to
Starting point is 00:01:39 the next stage of the relationship if we're gonna be apart yeah i get you so you have been in a long distance relationship yeah yeah the australia to london long distance that's not gonna work full stop sorry did it work no i mean australia is like a big that's a big difference i have like best friends in australia that i don't even speak to i mean best friend one i don't speak to her at all just because of the time I would be up at midnight 1am he'd finish work at five we'd have like that one hour window to talk to each other properly and then sometimes life gets in the way he'd get busy after work or he'd work slightly longer hours and then you know that postpones our facetime like date how come you were doing long distance from Australia?
Starting point is 00:02:25 I had to come back for my visa renewal. That's not the one. Because also, if you're doing long distance, like with that distance, completely on the other side of the world. Yeah, stuff always gets in the way. And it's always at an inconvenient time for someone. Either you just wake up and they're like just going to bed. Or they're just going out for dinner or vice versa.
Starting point is 00:02:45 So it's like always, know busy yeah and then sometimes i wouldn't even sleep because i'd look at his location all night 8 p.m and he'd be at chipriani's or something and i'd be like what's he doing there he never mentioned any like restaurant dates like what's he doing there oh so you had a location and everything. Oh, yeah. Do not. That would make me sick. No.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Have you not shared your location with your man before? No, never. Really? I never even would ask. I don't know why. Oh, you are such a secure girlie. I don't think so, but I think I would go nuts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:21 At the end of the day, I don't want to be checking that as well. Like, I already have Instagram as well like i already have instagram to check i already have tiktok to check you know we know too much with technology i feel like if anything technology kind of makes it worse yeah i'm still stuck how do you even ask for somebody's location like give me your location now please i actually can't remember how it came about but it not none of us were like oh this is too much we were just like yeah sure I find that so possessive yeah but
Starting point is 00:03:50 it didn't come across in a possessive way otherwise I would have known I would have like you would have clocked yeah I would have clocked but it just felt like you know supernatural but I can see there's definitely pros and cons to sharing locations did it ever get you like in trouble no no did you ever get you like in trouble?
Starting point is 00:04:05 No, no. Did you ever get him in trouble? No. When we were long distancing and I'd see him at places, I'd be up like till 5am looking at his location, driving myself crazy with like narratives. That's what technology does to you. I still don't get why you would have the location full stop. Just for safety.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Safety. I think that was the reason and i probably thought oh my gosh he cares about me yeah no he doesn't he wants to check that you're not cheating yeah or lying about what you're doing yeah because he probably is yeah what do you think the hardest part of being in a long distance relationship is um the hardest part is if you've already had cracks to begin with the cracks get worse and worse so if you had problems from day one the problems long distance are 10 times worse why do you think that is the distance just amps up the anxiety it amps up all the drama you get really brave because you know it's not going to be face to face so you argue more you bicker more so you think long distance equals more bickering and yeah i haven't had the healthiest experience have you experienced long distance yes i have
Starting point is 00:05:27 in some things i think it's nice almost because for me like i'm super independent if if we were always together and he lived in the same place then i feel like i would always be with him so i'd probably become the girl that's like always with their boyfriend on the other side it would be nice just to be able to like be like oh come to mine at 7 p.m and like we'll watch a movie on a Tuesday night instead of like planning having to like organize a bag having to know like I'm not in London for this time it's annoying yeah is your was your long your long distance relationship within the UK or was it countries? Okay. I have it now.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Oh, okay. So how is that? Does the distance actually make a difference? Well, yeah, because I still am doing a distance. It's not like 40 minutes in a car. It's still like three hours. Yeah. Or just over three hours. So it still is a travel oh yeah it is
Starting point is 00:06:27 definitely so and almost like four if i'm driving it makes a difference and it's not like i can be like at a restaurant and then be like oh i'm just gonna pop there and then come back whereas if it was like 40 minutes i could do that that's like london you know yeah definitely to be fair long distance in london is like living in shortage and living in we've got long distance we both live in central london yet it takes me an hour to get to each other yeah yeah we have long distance we have long distance relationship we're making it work we're making it work yeah it's because you're we're both flexible and you're you're very accommodating oh so are you so with your situation because you know when you're going to see him do you feel like your life has a better structure like okay these days i'm gonna see my friends these days i'm gonna be with my parents
Starting point is 00:07:19 this weekend i'm gonna be with my boyfriend yeah but but I get what you're saying. I kind of don't like that. You don't like the structure of it. I think it's nice to some degree, but then it would also be nice to be a bit spontaneous. Spontaneous. You know, it's like a surprise if you're spontaneous and it's like a thrill and it's nice. That would be nice sometimes.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I get what you're saying with it being a nice structure to some degree, because at least you know like okay this week yes I'm doing me next week I'm doing him yeah it is nice in that regard and I guess I can focus and not focus and it kind of feels like a holiday yeah even though it shouldn't but it feels like a holiday from not because we do super fun things or anything or anything different. Is it because you're switching out of your life and you're going a bit more into like his life? Yeah. Would you say that's balanced then? I feel like that sounds like a nice, healthy, balanced, long distance relationship.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Yeah, I think so. I kind of have my own life still, which is a good thing. It's a good thing, but it's also a bit annoying because I want to... Integrate him more as well. It feels almost, I feel like long distance kind of feels sometimes, although I have a boyfriend, it almost feels like I don't because you go and you see them and then you go back to, like, your life and then you go and see them and then you go back to, like, your life
Starting point is 00:08:42 where you don't have them around besides, like phone call it's kind of weird you know that sounds quite nice the separation seems quite healthy because a lot of people we kind of struggle with keeping our men and then our personal lives separate yeah lose ourselves in there we lose our focus with our career and yeah our drive i feel like you've got it on lock i mean yeah for that it's really good but then it is quite nice to like have a sexy man with you when you walk into like a restaurant with like your friends even like a big dinner or something and you have you know your man that's sexy i was like i don't have that if i do big group things it would be quite nice to actually
Starting point is 00:09:26 have my boyfriend there and not be like a like people probably thinking is he imaginary he's with yours is it only the australian one yeah i've just had that one and i feel like i was hardcore the time difference the distance and actually we didn't have an end date. Did you ever not do long distance with him or it was always just long distance? To be honest, it was never long distance at the start. Yeah. We were both based in London and obviously I had to go back and I wasn't sure how long I was going to be gone for.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And I just felt like he wasn't picking up the slack and taking the initiative to come see me. I know it's like. I mean, that's expensive, that one. But, you know, you go insane when you haven't seen your man after, what, three, four months? Yeah. And then the fifth month, it just got too much. The fighting, the jealousy. Also, what do you say after?
Starting point is 00:10:24 It's a bit awkward, I feel feel like when you don't see somebody in person and then after a while like what do you actually say besides like yeah i had some chicken for dinner and like oh my god it was so funny my boss made me i don't know do something i didn't want to do i mean that sounded dodgy but no you know what I mean because normal life I don't think is that exciting on the day to day to talk about you harp on the past you think of overthink interactions from when you guys were together in person
Starting point is 00:10:54 say you're a long distance right yours is a bit harder because you were across the globe right but how long do you think you should be like four weeks and then you should make sure that you see your man or two weeks or do you have like a time frame you think it's good once a month at least i try to see like i tried to do it every two weeks yeah no two weeks is very nice i think that's perfect balance between having your life and then spending time with him yeah i mean i
Starting point is 00:11:22 would like it to be more obviously but then it then it's like, it's hard to keep everything else in check. It's enough time for your relationship to progress as well at the same time. Yeah. I guess also we don't get annoyed as much, maybe. Yeah. Because it's like two weeks, break, go away. Is there a lot of excitement and anticipation leading up to seeing each other?
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yeah. That must be nice. Yeah, I mean, I feel like long distance makes it cute. You miss them when you're away. And I feel like you miss when something's not there, obviously. So then it makes it cute. Yeah. What about trust?
Starting point is 00:12:02 I feel like with two weeks, it's not enough time for you to go insane and start accusing each other of cheating. No, I don't think so either, to be fair. It also depends on your partner's lifestyle and what they do and how they are. You know, if you're dating a cheeky chappy and like he was a cheeky chappy with you, he's a personality in the room. Although that's super fun. I'd be insecure. I'd be so insecure. I'd be like, why are you he's a personality in the room although that's super fun i'd be insecure i'd be so insecure i would be like i'd be like why are you showing off that personality for pipe down you're not funny you're a mute reserve that for me yeah entertain me me and not any other
Starting point is 00:12:39 bitch yeah when you were doing long distance were you insecure because i was so insecure he was so insecure and it was just so messy he would accuse me of cheating i would accuse him of cheating and then i found out he was cheating wait who accused who first he accused me of cheating he always accused me of cheating such that people who do that yeah the projection is so real so second you know two weeks when i settled into australia i was out partying with all my friends from uni he'd be like did you hook up with anyone did you do this did you do that i'm like no like i'm back home i have a curfew of midnight like i'm living with my parents i need to go home yeah weird yeah and then as if he accused you i know i know and this was back in 2019 when in instagram you can see everyone's following
Starting point is 00:13:34 activity and likes activity oh my god what about that yeah that was how i was able to find out he cheated oh my god so do you think technology makes long distance relationships harder so much harder because you know too much yeah you know way too much it's bad as it is with you know the location then the follower activity and then even without that you can easily stalk his current likes and see which girls liked his photo go through their profile oh he liked it oh he did a comment oh there's more comments wait he's in her photo dump wait they're dancing together have you heard that that is exactly what happened yeah sorry you went into the photos and then you saw yeah he was in her photo dump
Starting point is 00:14:25 and then what did you do that's rough yeah obviously i extended to him and he was like gaslighting me it's not what it is they were just friends it's just a festival everyone's dancing in a festival and i'm like well why is your hand your groin is like touching her ass like it be separate genuinely look like an x-ray to film but with clothes ew for me i'm traumatized with long distance yeah i don't blame you i would be traumatized yeah so i'm gonna be i'm gonna be going through tagged photos and going on to girls counts and looking for photo dumps no don't do it do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Choose your piece. Choose your piece. No, I trust my man. So with quality time and long distance, the time apart, what do you guys do to kind of keep it going? Keep it going. Yeah. I mean, because we're only away for like two weeks.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Longest is probably like five weeks or four weeks that we're done. To keep it like interesting, I wish I had better tips. But I just like, we just call. We don't text in the day, really. Because then we have nothing to talk about. Then we talk about stuff at night. And then I guess we just plan fun things to do when we're together. Whether that's like going on a date night, whether that's, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:15:46 doing an activity or doing something together that's fun to look forward to. Yeah. And that's how we keep it like fun. Have you done anything extreme or crazy to keep the spice alive? No, to be fair, I'm not very good. I'm not very good at keeping the spice, I don't think. But I don't know but I don't know I would just try to make them feel really special when you're together so it's not crazy but you
Starting point is 00:16:09 know what I mean you try to do yeah and you try to do the little things so like with Valentine's Day anniversaries all this sort of thing like I'll make sure I do little details that make it really sweet yeah and I would imagine like with the long distance the little things really just make it that much more special because it's long distance yeah yeah have you ever done anything crazy to like keep the spice alive or you guys just argued so there was already spice just apart from being manically insecure and start fights that does keep it alive it's toxic yeah but do you see i'm not we i don't fight well as in like i don't like fighting i'm just like a sop do you see i have good i have good comebacks when i'm like in an actual argument yeah no or
Starting point is 00:16:53 just like in an argument with somebody else but if it's with like somebody i really like then i'm really bad i'm like why yeah but why? Yeah, I completely get it. You know when you're in a long distance, did you ever feel lonely? Oh my gosh, all the time. And the loneliness made me the most annoying person because I would talk about my relationship to everyone. I would anything.
Starting point is 00:17:20 I'd be the Carrie of the group. You know how Carrie talks about big all the time? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would be that. Okay. Genuinely, I'd ruin every Carrie of the group. You know how Carrie talks about big all the time? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would be that. Okay. Genuinely, I'd ruin every function, every vibe, everything. I could be on a holiday. I was at the Whitsundays while I was long distancing.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And, you know, I was in the most beautiful corner of the world and I couldn't enjoy it because my message was left unseen. He's been online. he's been liking people's photos but i feel like this relationship obviously you didn't have trust at the start right so then i feel like if you're doing a long distance you almost have to i mean it's hard if it's at the very beginning and then they move away or you move away but you have to have the trust at the beginning otherwise it's failed from what did you do when you didn't see that he didn't like respond and be online did you just talk about
Starting point is 00:18:11 it my entire mood and i'd bomb everyone down because i'd bitch about him to all my friends and they'd get weighed down because you know you're obviously on the holiday no one wants to hear this shit and here i am just ruining everyone's holiday by just moping and then i wouldn't interact or i wouldn't like participate in the activities i'd just be in the room by myself just paralyzed in anxiety it's just how did you get yourself out of those or you didn't you just let yourself do it oh i just had to like let myself rot and it just got spiraled and spiraled to the point that we had to end it so you never had a moment where you just let the rotting not take it over no it just fully took over ruined my holiday came back
Starting point is 00:18:57 home was with him for a few more weeks fought some more and then he called it thank god do you think you would have called it no i think i'm such a fighter it's hard isn't it i feel like women do like hold on yeah and they don't want it to like end whereas like i feel like men are just like oh yeah that's enough it's not serving me how did you manage yourself not actually going crazy when you had the like not responding and everything like this okay so you got really sad but how did you did you had the like not responding and everything like this okay so you got really sad but how did you did you act on like an impulse and text him loads and be like why aren't you responding or how i just have to like hold my ground because i know that if i kept on messaging him kept on blowing up his phone it would annoy him even more so i would have moments
Starting point is 00:19:39 where i try to be the bigger person but it would actually make me more insane yeah yeah because you're keeping it all in that's something as well with I don't know if this is just in general relationships or long distance but if you keep something in and even though it's small all the small things for me anyway they add up and they might and then it just comes out when it comes out is way worse oh it's almost good to just like air it straight away i think so too but then there's that constant battle of do i just hold my tongue and allow it or do i just speak my feelings and you're actually not happy either way even if you even if you do successfully tell him what's bothering you you still feel like shit because you're like oh i've ruined another day by telling him i feel
Starting point is 00:20:26 xyz yeah yeah and then is he gonna like me less because i'm yeah maybe i'm being crazy yeah but then if you don't speak you're pissed off at yourself for harboring all this anger it's hard honestly i feel like you can't get into a long distance relationship if you're not secure in the relationship yeah you have to be secure to begin with but it's hard if it's at the very start because you don't know yeah because i feel like trust is not given yeah definitely definitely so you can't really tell if it happens at the very start yeah so for situations where there is no end date what's the best way of coping how do you keep everyone optimistic like okay we will reunite one day it's gonna be amazing how do you keep that momentum up i got no idea to be honest but like with me i don't necessarily have an end date so i kind of am living that but
Starting point is 00:21:26 then i just focus on what's how it feels right now and what's going on at this moment so you're very present with it yeah and i think at the moment that it doesn't suit both of us anymore then there'll be a change yeah but at the moment it's it's good and it works and like it's working no but that's really good advice. So I think with long distance relationships when there's no end date, just be super present and be grateful for the now. Yeah, because until I feel like you don't break something or you don't walk away or you don't change something,
Starting point is 00:21:58 if it's working, you're feeling good, you're happy, why do you necessarily have to think about what's next especially if you're at the beginning of a relationship if you're not on a biological clock i'm still only 24 so you know what i mean it's not too much of a worry whereas like if i was 32 just because of biology i'd be thinking oh my god i need to kind of know you know yeah no absolutely when you had um your long distance were you just constantly checking all these socials yeah constantly checking his socials did you get a thrill is that why you did it yeah it is like a dopamine rush unfortunately it's disgusting it's embarrassing it's shameful and it just turned into
Starting point is 00:22:41 a routine as well where i'd wake wake up, see the follower activity, see who's liking his stuff. Ooh, he's followed two new people. Oh, my God, one of them's a girl. Wait. She looks like me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:57 It's weird if they don't look like you, though. That also happens. I just get insulted. It's an insult both ways in a very different way. Yeah, i'm like hold on yeah it's also a weird thing if you see them and they're not attractive too you know because i'm like oh he would cheat on me with that you know but then if she was better looking i'd be like even more insecure insecure you know what if they were better looking i would actually kind of be understanding i'd be like okay i get it it's adriana lima like yeah you know i get it but
Starting point is 00:23:30 when it's someone uglier i'm just like why would you throw away a relationship for someone that you're not even attracted to i mean yeah i mean they're obviously attracted to them a bit that but what men are just so easy they fall for temptation so easily yeah that's something that i think in a long distance relationship people freak out about especially women because i don't know because i'm not a man but yeah they seem to when the opportunity is there it's hard not to take and if a girl is attractive and being super kind and super over the top like it takes a big willpower to for a man to be like no also even a female to be honest if a super attractive man came up and was being like ultra nice all ticks all the boxes it also would probably
Starting point is 00:24:20 be hard oh my gosh yeah the temptation's real so i feel like that's what i feel like with cheating is it's a lack of willpower if you cheat yeah because like i'm not gonna always there's always a temptation for men or women there's always somebody better looking than you better looking than your partner but not that i don't think that but but you know what i mean there's always a temptation it's whether you act on it or not so I think it comes down to willpower can't lie I do flirt even in when I'm in the relationship I do flirt like for me I'm just like oh whatever girl power it's harmless but if a man did if my man did I'd be like what I'm so like first thing I have a boyfriend yeah I go I have a boyfriend but I know that's not gonna bother you it's fun to test men sometimes i don't think they need a test oh i know they'll fail it anyway yeah i think a lot of arguments
Starting point is 00:25:13 stem when you're in long distance from not seeing the person really or who's making more of the effort yeah and if you feel like you've made the effort last time almost you feel like it should be the other way. And if it's not, it's like, well, do you even want to be in this relationship? Exactly. Like, because it feels like only I'm trying. Why are you not trying? Is it not worth it for you?
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yeah. It is a weird one. And they just might be ultra busy with work or whatever that week. So they actually can't. It feels personal. Yeah. So in your situation, yeah, things are like going really smoothly. Yeah. Hypothetically speaking speaking when would you be like oh how much longer can i go with this two week two week routine will it
Starting point is 00:25:54 ever get like that i think long distance will get too much when you you stop caring as in like the little things stop happening so like you don't i don't know do all the little gestures that make make it worthwhile so when the effort starts fading is that when it's like okay let's just yeah because long distance is a big effort full stop like it's not as easy as them living around the corner and can pop over whenever it requires like planning adjustments because you have to move around your stuff they have to move around their stuff it's also like you're in somebody else's space if they live in a different country it's totally unfamiliar maybe to you you know what i mean there's lots of elements that go into it that make it harder like the small little gestures that you both do for each other when they stop happening when you can't be bothered to do it anymore, like travel and all this sort of thing, then I feel like it's getting too much.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And if you don't have some sort of plan, even though that's hard, like I don't have a plan, you know what I mean? But if you don't talk about the future, if you don't have any sort of idea of where it might head, even if it's not solid, then I think it becomes too much. Because you don't know what you're putting in all that extra effort for yeah when you're in a long distance you sometimes miss out on certain things that you wouldn't normally just because you don't go out with all your girlfriends to special events because you think what's the point like I want to stay in I want a phone call my boyfriend like I don't really care so sometimes it's fine but then if you're starting to miss out on lots of different things you're not really living in the present yeah you owe it to yourself to make the most of your
Starting point is 00:27:34 you time and time with your friends especially if you're young and like people are meeting people not even for a relationship, just for life. Say if the relationship is becoming too rocky, would you in an act of trying to save the relationship, would you be like, okay, let's just make it open? No way. No way. No, because in an open relationship, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:28:01 I couldn't have my boyfriend being with somebody else and being fine with it. I wouldn't want people to know as well. It's embarrassing. It wouldn't even get me that. It would be like, I don't want to share. Yeah, no, fair. You know, would you have an open relationship?
Starting point is 00:28:19 No. I would never have an open relationship. Even if I was just dating somebody, not even in a full-blown relationship with them, I would not like to know that they had other people. Definitely. At the same time as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Like, are you going there and then coming over to me? Like, that's gross. Yeah, you're going to shower in between. Yeah. That's happening. Like, also, I don't know. Are you saying the same things to me? You're saying to her?
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yeah. Like, it just gets so messy personally i don't think open relationships would work for me but some people are way more fluid and just like go with the flow and then i think maybe it could but for me personally no personally god no yeah no way do you think that long distance relationships like looking at a positive of it do you think that long distance relationships like looking at a positive of it do you think that they make it even better your relationship and like build some anticipation of like how exciting the future might be you obviously have the countdown of when you're gonna see them next and then when you are there in person there's just that excitement that oh it's been ages let Let's catch up.
Starting point is 00:29:25 What's been happening? And you have the best catch up. You know, you do fun stuff together that you've been looking forward to for ages. So I think it definitely does make it fun and exciting. But would you want to go into, you wouldn't want to go into a long distance? No, not after my past experience. Just because of the trauma or you just don't like them? The trauma, the effort.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I do like, you know, from hearing it from you, I do like, okay, there's a separation of my life and then life with him. I really do like that. Yeah. But it is effort. It's a lot more effort, yeah. The packing. I think it's the packing.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Yeah, and even leaving stuff there. Like I leave some stuff there yeah like i leave some stuff there sometimes you leave your wallet back there yeah i mean apple pay leaving even clothes and then you're in london for example and i'm like i need that i needed that one coat so say somebody wasn't replying to you in your long distance and have you ever what would be something you would do to like that might be petty but to get their attention thirst trap easily on insta story just do the most sometimes i wouldn't even be doing live thirst trapping i'd just be taking out archives and reposting it again archives from when we weren't together and repost it would he get annoyed if you were posting thirst traps in general?
Starting point is 00:30:46 Yeah, I'm sure. Would you, so when you're in a relationship, would you post less? I think in my past relationship, I feel like I've posted the same amount. But with that long distance relationship, I was doing the most and he caught up on it. Wait, what did he say? He would reply to my story being like, okay, you won. I'll message you. Like we can talk now yeah would he be like always going out loads and stuff and you seeing that yeah so obviously there'd be some nights where i'd see he'd be out so say in london it
Starting point is 00:31:18 was 3 a.m and australia we're 10 hours ahead it'd be 10 a.m and i'd be looking at um his location be like it's 3 a.m at nighttime and he's still out is he in tape right now what trash yeah that's such trashy single boy behavior message him i'd be like what are you doing like you're for the streets like i just haven't ever heard that you've got the most perfect example of what a good long distance relationship is yeah probably like genuinely like quality over quantity is what you've shown us yeah i definitely feel like when you're in a long distance relationship you have to make sure that when you are together that you're very present and you aren't on your phone because when you're not together you're always on your phone because you're like looking in the messages you're facetiming whereas so like when you are together
Starting point is 00:32:09 I think it's really important to separate yeah and make sure you do fun things together oh that sounds nice I feel like you've really genuinely nailed long distance relationship I've got a lot to learn from you I don't know stay tuned I'm like a long distance, like traumatized victim. And this is like, Yaz is like a long distance champion. Yeah. Queen. Queen. Queen.
Starting point is 00:32:32 So for you, the distance does make the heart grow fonder. And for me, the distance makes the heart grow bitter. Bitter. Didn't you date somebody in your building? Yes. I dated someone in my building. And when it's hyper short distance, he assumed that I'd be free all the time. He'd be like, oh, let's just go out for dinner.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Like, you're only just upstairs. Just come downstairs. Like, no. No, it's me time. I've got like a towel on my head. Yeah, face mask on. Popped a pimple. I've got a leave-in conditioner.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I've got my pimple cream. Like, I think I've been through the two most extreme like ultra long distance to micro distance six floors apart i wouldn't like micro distance because now when i go off like i'm most of the time not always but like i'm making an effort you know reminding him what he has but when i'm at home i'm an actual gremlin one mile radius of your apartment should be like your ugly zone the micro distance can only come when you live together. Yeah. And even then you need distance.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Yeah. Thanks guys for listening in.

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