The Break-Up Diet - From Betrayal to Recovery with Bobby Misner

Episode Date: October 17, 2024

Can following an ex's dog's Instagram or having a "work husband" spell trouble in a relationship? Join Bobby Misner and his sister Yasmin on this engaging episode of "The Brea...kup Diet" as we navigate the labyrinth of relationship red flags. We kickoff with a fun game scrutinizing scenarios like jealousy over attractive friends and the peculiar dynamics of sharing locations through "Find My Friends." Bobby brings his unique perspective to the table, advocating for trust, humor, and genuine connections over the usual dating games. Ever broken up over something as small as an Asahi bowl? We dive into the emotional complexity of serious breakups, contrasting them with minor dating hiccups. From toxic relationships riddled with infidelity to the challenges of long-distance love, we emphasize the power of loyalty and the struggle of setting boundaries. Personal stories of betrayal and mistrust underline the importance of maintaining personal standards, even when it feels like the ground beneath is shaky. Do men and women really handle breakups differently? We unpack the gender-specific emotional responses and coping mechanisms that surface after heartbreak. Women might confront their sadness head-on, while men often delay processing their feelings. Through personal anecdotes and reflective conversations, we explore the role of self-care, the support of friends, and the hurdles of carrying past trust issues into new relationships. Transparency and honesty stand out as essential pillars for any relationship to thrive, even after the storm of a painful breakup.Send us a textInstagram:@the_breakup_dietTikTok:@thebreakupdietEmail:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You ready? Ready to go. Okay well welcome Bobby. To the breakup diet. To the breakup diet, you're stealing my intro. But let me pass it over to you, introduce yourself. I am Bobby, Bobby Misner. The, I'm obviously, this is my sister Yasmin. We're on her channel now so you know, the rules are up to you. This is is your game your field your your ball so me obviously youtuber uh film director photographer anything to do with the camera very good at that love doing that podcaster podcaster more of a podcast appearanceer yeah and soon to be rapper okay when. When's it coming out? Very soon, very soon, very soon.
Starting point is 00:00:47 You're not going to give a date? No, I don't have a date yet. But, you know, within a couple of weeks, we'll be rolling. We'll be moving. One song or a few? Just one song. Just hit them with one song, one banger. Banger and then you're out.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Yeah, banger and gone. Buckle up, bitches. This is going to get bumpy. This is The to get bumpy. This is the breakup diet. First, I think we should start with like a little fun game. Okay. So, is it a red flag or a green flag if? Is it a red flag or a green flag if your partner follows their ex's dog's Instagram?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Dog's Instagram? Dog's Instagram. Red flag? I mean, a dog doesn dog's Instagram. Dog's Instagram? Dog's Instagram. Red flag? I mean, a dog doesn't have Instagram, so it's just them? Yeah, I think so too. There's definitely a red flag because... That's a little secret way to sort of like keep in touch. But at the same time, you know, maybe they just want to keep up.
Starting point is 00:01:39 No, because they're not trying to keep up to date with what the fucking dog. Yeah, exactly. Okay, yeah, it doesn't make any sense. Yeah. Okay, is it a red flag or a green flag if they have like a work husband what does that mean like so for example with your girlfriend she was going into work and she was like had this guy of the opposite sex and obviously and she was like always calling him her work husband and everything and like oh he's so funny but he's like my work husband. Oh, like he gets me coffees all the time because he's like my work husband.
Starting point is 00:02:06 It sounds like bro is being extremely friend-zoned and cucked. If he's trying to be the husband, work husband, getting cucked for sure. They're using you to make coffees and probably what, do your work for them? Yeah, probably, probably. So work husband husband red flag for sure is it a red flag or a green flag if your partner gets jealous every single time you talk about a girl that she knows that you find attractive I don't really talk about girl yeah I don't yeah it's better not to yeah girls don't exist I don't yeah I just don't care only girl that exists is your girlfriend exactly that's the answer I've never really cared to be honest I've like even when I was single I didn't care about girls
Starting point is 00:02:48 yeah that's true I was just like whatever like if you're into me you're into me if you're not you're not like I'm not like you know what I mean like I think a lot of guys chase girls if I'm with a girl it's just meant to be like which it just happens you know I don't like to like pursue them and play all those games that they always talk about on Instagram or whatever. Like he has to do this. If girls, if he's not, if he's not doing this, then like. He's not that into you. He's not that into you.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I've never been about that. I don't know. I've just been like me. And it's like, if I'm, if I'm in love with you, I'm going to like do that. I'm going to show that the way that I show it. I do like fucking nicknames and my fucking noise. And like, I'm going to show that the way that I show it. I do like fucking nicknames and I fucking noise. And like, I'm always being funny. I think if I'm like being really funny and like, I laugh a lot with a girl and that's like what my form of like being in love.
Starting point is 00:03:35 And is it a red flag or a green flag if you're with a partner and they want to have you on find my friends. So they want to know your location all the time and they get really annoyed if you like don't want to do that it depends like some people don't do that you know and they're not like that at all and then that's just them but like I think some people to get into a relationship they're first coming out of a certain world or certain headspace so have you ever done it so yeah yeah yeah but it's not but now that okay I'm like now I'm like three years into relationship we still have it but we don't check it don't check don't care did you check about the beginning yeah well at the beginning yeah we would be like but also we have it just for like also for like safety yeah but I feel like everybody says that but really
Starting point is 00:04:22 I do because if I let because before before I would let Alex go out, for example, in LA a couple of times, I let her go out on her own. Yeah, then it was good to have it on because I know where she's at. But other than that, I wasn't looking ever. It would be her looking where I am. Yeah, yeah, I get you. But I think you kind of low-key, I mean, at the end of the day, if you're fully committed to each other, you kind of have to have each other's phone passwords and
Starting point is 00:04:49 you kind of like you could do the find my friends thing but I think that's more of like I'd say like the early earlier stages of a relationship yeah like the year one to two and then I think like after that you don't really need to be doing that anymore. So I would find it so weird. Yeah. I find it so like, what? You want to have my location? I would be like, even for a safety thing, because I just don't believe it's a safety thing.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Because really, what are they going to do? And if you go missing, surely you can press the like iPhone five times on the side or something and it sends off the alert anyway. I guess. Is it a red flag or a green flag if your partner just refuses to post you on social media it's either you either you don't have instagram and you're like oh i actually don't even fucking have instagram so i'm not gonna post you because i don't literally don't have it because i don't fuck with that at all but if you have it and you are posted even if you're
Starting point is 00:05:40 like like i'm so low-key like i'm just like jets and choppers, but I don't even talk about it. Those type of motherfuckers. They're still posting some stuff. So if they don't post you at all, I would say it's a bit like, well, what's up? Why are you? I like stuff for work too. For work.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I use my account as a business account. What business? Business. Cheating business. Cheating business. business what business business cheating business cheating i think we all know that instagram is also a dating not just media but also dating yeah you got a profile that's what it is for the majority of people you're putting up your best photos dating essentially yeah and you can slide Slide in, DM, cheeky. Yeah, it is. A little tap-tap. A little what's up. Like, hey, hey, fire, fire react.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Okay, now I'm going to ask you more stuff about breakups. So have you ever been through a breakup? Yeah, I've been through a breakup. When was it? Was it a while ago? Quite some time ago now. I'm 29 now. This must have been when I was like 21 1 2 yeah 1 2 was it
Starting point is 00:06:50 would you say you've only gone through one serious breakup or a few i would say that was the only serious breakup i think i've been through like breakups as it were but they didn't mean anything and it didn't hurt me at all and i was just like whatever this we're just dating yeah like situationships kind of thing situationships did you cry on the one yes well that was my first it was my first girlfriend really like first proper girlfriend obviously had like you know girlfriends and shit but it's like that was like the one that we were like together and like you know you're all in love and all that stuff and the thing is like it ended pretty badly we're like arguing a bit and then like I was like you know misbehaving like fucking trying to like show like oh look other girls like me too oh and then she she did it back
Starting point is 00:07:35 but then she went a bit further and like fully slept with some other guy and then I was just but that really it crushed my ego yeah but also broke my heart a lot. So did you, when you say you kind of went like arguing and stuff, did you ever go on a break? No, we didn't really go on a break. It was a very dramatic relationship. We would argue and then we would get back, be together. And then, you know, she was in Monaco and I was in London. So I'd be in London, then I'd fly to Monaco and then she'd fly to London.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Do you think it was the long distance that kind of was the nail in the coffin? Yeah, the long distance. But of was the nail in the coffin? Yeah, the long distance. But then also like, you know, it was more of like, I think we were both just infatuated with each other, not in love with each other. And then it became like, we both had big egos and it became like a bit of an ego war of who's going to get out of this. She did break my heart, obviously,
Starting point is 00:08:19 but it also broke hers at the same time. And then obviously made her feel really bad. Like, was it a healthy-ish relationship and then it went toxic or was it always a bit toxic it was like very like innocent to start off with but then it was tough yeah it was no it was always toxic if I think about it because it started off it started off it was toxic the whole thing but why didn't that was because you guys just didn't trust each other really well i was kind of dating someone at the time when i met her you didn't tell me that i never told you that yeah so well i was and well she was too but she
Starting point is 00:08:52 was fully though oh yeah i was like seeing i was dating some girl but it was nothing really but she was fully with some other guy but i didn't care any relationship that starts off like that is not going somewhere good. So do you think if you start by, for example, cheating or something like this, do you think you're destined to end by that same route? Yeah, I would say there's a strong possibility that it's not going to work out then. Do you think you ever fully trusted her? Because for me, if mine started that way,
Starting point is 00:09:23 I don't think I would ever be able to fully, fully trust somebody fully trust I don't know I didn't think like that at the time I didn't think I was experienced enough to really understand any of that I'd never really had a girlfriend so I was like really excited to to be doing that and like to be doing relationship things and like all that stuff so then I thought that it was all going well but yeah just like and I thought I was getting better and I was like I'm not gonna like fuck around anymore I'm not gonna like go party and like busy walking shit but at the end of the day like she was pretty mean yeah she was mean she did some mean stuff and is there anything that you've like learned now that if you have a relationship somebody does something you're like I'm out straight away I said loyalty is a big thing for me like I you know if you're with me
Starting point is 00:10:01 then that's it like you're not fucking like yapping around to other dudes giving them your instagram fucking like you know talking to other fucking guys being all floaty no not happening what about if they like other guys instagrams can't be liking other guys instagram posts what if they're friends because guys are fucking not guys are not your friend let me just put it that way any sort of alpha guy is not your friend if there's some little fucking beta fucking little bitch dude fine don't care but if it's another guy who's also a bit of an alpha and you're liking his pictures what's up so you believe that women and men can't be friends i believe they can but only if they're ugly yeah i mean yeah here's the thing and there's like i don't know like random shit that i don't like for example i broke up with a girl that i was seeing because she was like we were like fucking woke up so early in the morning i was like gonna go to work and shit and then i know what you're going with i
Starting point is 00:10:53 know she was like it was like fucking so cold it was middle of winter and i'm like i eat what i eat and like i do what i do i don't like to be told what to do number one hate that so then she was like let's just go to this place you want to get like like we're gonna have a look at a sahi ball would you have like an sahi ball it comes out and I was like this is fucking freezing ice cream what the fuck is this and then I just like got in a taxi and then they texted her and just broke up with her basically that was rude that was rude she was really pretty too yeah it was just also not like there was no connection was this your rebound relationship that was I think it was it was just also not like there was no connection was this your rebound relationship that was i think it was it was one one off for sure is that your like go-to when you break up
Starting point is 00:11:30 with somebody you get straight in another relationship or what do you do no i just start fucking go full rock star playboy no just partying getting with whatever girls obviously you've got to win the breakup if it was a bad breakup for me when i found the breakup i did i was like super heartbroken hurt me and then for one month i was just super quiet and like didn't talk to nobody didn't go out of the house and i was like for a whole month i was like gym every day and just like trying to like come out of this like this like rut that i was in and then by the end of it i had come out of the rut and i was just did you look ripped i looked a bit yeah i had a little bit more you know a little bit of a little bit of going on and a little bit of a glow up.
Starting point is 00:12:08 But you've got to bounce back. You can't fucking let them, you can't just like be in this rut and let yourself stay there and wallow in your sorrows because then you don't know what's going on with them because they could very well be fucking winning the breakup. Okay, so how would you be winning it? Dating someone else who's fucking super hot or like super fucking cool or something.
Starting point is 00:12:27 So your advice would be as soon as you break up, fine, get a bit hot yourself. So go to the gym and then bang, hit them with a way hotter boyfriend or girlfriend. Go straight for the appearance because the only thing that they're doing is, the only thing, because it doesn't matter what they're like then. It doesn't matter if you like their personality, this, that. No, that doesn't matter what they're like then doesn't matter if you like their personality this that yeah no that doesn't matter what matters is what's their status or are they fucking super hot you know they look good on the ground do they look good on the ground exes are stalking each other that's happening have you ever stalked an ex of course have you ever got caught stalking an ex no No. I've never been caught.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I was wondering if you'd, like, been stalking and one died in bed and then, for example, a girlfriend or a situation ship walks in and is like, who's that? Oh, no. Or maybe they looked at your phone and you have a fake account, say, and then they look at your fake account and see all the followers in there. Yeah, for sure. But I only have one ex, so it's like. Serious, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah, serious one that I would, like, even care about to see. But at the end of the ex so it's like serious yeah yeah serious one that I would like even care about care about to see but at the end of the day it's just out of curiosity like at the start from a couple months or like probably like the first year after but then after that you stop caring yeah whatever yeah I want to know because I want to be like are you ugly now are you fat are you is your hairline even further back uh you know what I mean? Have you lost your hair? I honestly just want to see that they're just doing fine, that they're doing good. That's a really nice answer.
Starting point is 00:13:50 You know? That's a nicer answer. I think that is how I feel, though. I just want to, you know. I feel like that's how you feel after a few years. After a few years, you just start thinking, like, fuck, I hope they're actually, like. Doing okay.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I hope they're doing really well. You start to realize, like, wow, like, that that time that you spent together was, actually very valuable and like was you learned a lot learned a lot and like was super super important to to me in my life do you think that women and men like handle breakups in the same way um no how do you think women handle it and I'll tell you and then how do I think women handle a breakup I don'll tell you and then. How do I think women handle a breakup? I don't know. You don't know?
Starting point is 00:14:27 I don't know. What do they do? I feel like they get pretty sad. I know like for guys, I mean, like, but that's the thing. It can go one or two. Like it depends on what you are as a guy. If you're an alpha fucking dude, then you're going to fucking bounce back and you're going to be like, let's fucking get it. If you're just like a beta guy,
Starting point is 00:14:46 then they probably just like fucking go into like a little cave. I don't know. I've seen guys just being defeated. How long do you think you should let yourself be in that like depression session? You got to fucking eat it though. You got to do it. You got to marinate in your feelings for at least like three days.
Starting point is 00:15:02 We got to really absorb that. Like cry it out massively watch some romantic movies and just is that what you're doing i think that makes it worse i like to i like to like really just like feel it if i watch happy like romantic movies i would literally look at it and be like that's what i used to to have. Even if you didn't, you think you do. Isn't that weird? Like when you have a breakup, you remember all the good stuff and you kind of conveniently forget all the bad. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:32 You just see them as like what you've lost, even though it might not have been that good. Do you think boys think about breakups way later? So like at the start they just try to numb the pain, go out, all this, and then a few months later they're like, oh oh my God, like I actually really miss them. So I get broken up with tomorrow. I would be so upset immediately. Everything like this for maybe two weeks.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Whereas I feel like boys don't feel anything for those two weeks, low key. They just kind of push their emotions down and then it hits them a bit later. I don't know if it is like this for all guys but like i don't know for like at least my me and my friends like if we're gonna be in a relationship with a girl we're like super head over heels about them so if it breaks up it just lingers for a long time probably for like a couple of years you're just like you're you're kind of like upset about it and like it's like you're trying to prove something after but maybe then a breakup is crucial
Starting point is 00:16:25 for self-develop like obviously for self-development but that pushes you up maybe kind of does gets you gets you into gear have you ever been cheated on yeah how'd you find out my friend was working on the boat of where it happened i had surely that person recognized him i don't know maybe i had the well the thing is i had the suspicion i had seen the suspicion because i saw so you weren't you weren't in a good place or what no i was like panicking i was like no no no you need to you need to go back so you were you were still in the relationship very much so we were still in the relationship arguing a lot just arguing and shit but then arguing about stupid things or like it had become a bit like a gestapo situation where
Starting point is 00:17:05 it couldn't even make a single fucking wrong turn um and i thought i was doing everything perfect but then it was like obviously like not enough and then i guess like we're just like you know she wasn't into me anymore or whatever were you in a fight or yeah we were in a fight and but she was like ignoring me but then she was like posted like a story like on this yacht and i was like panicking i'm fucking blowing up her phone. I'm, like, freaking out. Then I'm in London freaking out. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And I was, like, going out and I was, like, getting super drunk. And I was just trying to fucking, like, not worry about it. But then the next day. Wait, so she went on a boat trip? Like, it was more than one day? No, just went on a boat. Okay, just for a day. It was on the boat.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Okay. It was in the port. Was it a big boat? Big boat. Oh. Big fucking boat. Really, really big. Yucked.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Like a fucking yucked. How did you have suspicions of this guy i did think i had suspicions because of like texts that i had seen and we were arguing about like oh you message this guy or whatever and she'd be like oh he messaged me i can't have a girlfriend that's not loyal you can't like you can't message other guys at all yeah yeah with me that's how i feel and so like i'm also a really jealous person like very jealous if i'm in a relationship like that's the thing you say that but then also you don't care if your girlfriend will post like a provocative photo or anything so i want to understand the logic behind that because if you're a jealous person that comes down to the loyalty thing and
Starting point is 00:18:19 it's like okay like but if you really fucking know that your chick is just mega loyal and doesn't message any guy will respond to nothing then it doesn't matter but if you really fucking know that your chick is just mega loyal and doesn't message any guy, won't respond to nothing, then it doesn't matter. But if it's a girl that's doing that and then she's also, like, replying to fucking DMs of guys and stuff like this, then it's like, okay, well, why are you fucking doing that then? So would you break up with somebody if they wouldn't just show you their phone straight up?
Starting point is 00:18:40 If you've been together for, like, more than six months and then they still like are like super secretive about their phone I've never had that but I wouldn't I don't care because I feel like they're gonna cheat anyway it's gonna come out some it's gonna come out somewhere yeah I think like you go more more so you're just gonna focus on like making like you know making the relationship good and making like make it making it happy and not like trying to like focus on like control and arguing and this and that because when you start to do that, then that causes the feeling of, okay, well, maybe that's what I want to do.
Starting point is 00:19:13 That's what happens to guys is like the more that you make it a taboo, the more appealing it becomes. So what should a girl do if they don't want their boyfriend to be going out and stuff as much i think like for me like a boy's night a boy's night for me even when i was single did not involve girls yeah that's true like well i don't get it i think it's with the girls is like for me like i don't really get on with them that well like some weird creatures I don't know I end up like arguing with them or being like I don't know like some girls like to act like princesses and
Starting point is 00:19:51 this and that and I'll just be like shut up do you think that if you have cheated on somebody you can come back from it yes I think you can do you think sometimes boys cheat and then they'll get back with somebody and it actually is loyal because they realize what they lost yeah i think if a guy cheats it is possible to like get back to it because a guy it's very like meaningless if they did do that or like stealing of like oh fuck i'm trapped or something right but i think if a girl cheats it's more vicious because i feel like a guy can do it without being like whatever like fuck you right but i feel like if a girl does it it's more emotional it's more like why what if
Starting point is 00:20:30 they just met somebody on a night out and slept with them and then that was it because i just feel like for a girl it's different i just feel that's just how i feel i just i am i'm a very traditional man so if a girl cheated on you you'd never get back with them? No. Even if you were so in love? No. Even if they did everything that you wanted? No, 0%. Just in general, if you're going through a breakup, do you believe in a closure conversation?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Like, do you think you have to meet up that one last time to lay it all on the table so then you can move on? That closure thing ends up with sex and it ends up with like another like random, like being together for like this random period of time. And you're like, what the fuck are we doing? And then you break up again. So no closure if you're actually done, if you're not done and you kind of want to get back in closure. Yeah. And is there anything that you think women believe that isn't correct at all about men going through breakups or men in relationships
Starting point is 00:21:25 like that you've seen on TikTok that you've seen on Instagram anything that you're like that's just not how guys are the only fucking shit I see about relationships is when I hear my girlfriend Alex's phone on TikTok because you girls the guys are not on TikTok talking to each other like hey bro like like just just a piece of advice bro like you know when you're not on tiktok talking to each other like hey bro like like just just a piece of advice bro like you know when you're with your chick no that's i swear to god like i know i didn't see any of that no for girls it's definitely different it's like how to keep a guy yeah or princess treatment 10 reasons he's not that into you yeah yeah what it really means if he i don't know what i think you know what on read for two hours.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Is that it's like all these girls like culminating all their experiences together. And then like they, but the problem is that everyone's having a different experience. And I think that girls sort of generalize it when in reality, like every single person is so different. And all of the relationship experiences are so different. Yeah. So it's like, it's so hard to be like, oh, if he doesn't do this, then he didn't that. Because some guys, like I said, like they're not, the way they show love isn't like that, or it's a different way that they show their love. Maybe it's cooking for you or it's like giving you their attention, different love languages, as you would say. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Okay. So I also have a theory that i just thought about so i feel like if a girl breaks up with a guy maybe this is just me but from what i know from talking to my friends and stuff too i feel like if a girl is to break up with a guy they have thought about that breakup for so long and how many times that would play out all the reasons why for months by the time they've actually done it it's not just a impulsive thought do you think guys are sometimes quite impulsive with breakups I think that yeah for me at least it has been it's been it'll usually be like something that just sends me off the edge one thing sends me off the edge I'm like no can you think of what one of those things would be or it's just you're
Starting point is 00:23:20 arguing a lot and then yeah if you're arguing a lot and then it's like. Yeah, if you're arguing a lot and then, like, I don't know, just I don't know, like. Well, you got cheated on, so maybe that was the one. Yeah. Wait, you never even finished. Why you found out? Because the guy worked on the boat and what, called you up and was like, I think I've seen your girlfriend? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Or he's like, I did. No, he. Yeah, I was trying to figure it out and then, like, he just confirmed. He was just like. It called you or when did you tell him in person he just told me he just told me and then and then i and then i called him and he and i was like whatever he was like well they were having sex in the room bro so i was like what do you mean he's like well i heard them so oh god and I was like, well, fuck. Okay. Yeah. What the hell do you say to that?
Starting point is 00:24:07 You're like, cool. Bone crushing, I think. It was just like, fuck. So with your breakup diet, did you just go into a depression session for like a week or how long? I went into a depression session for like a month. A month? A month and a half, even. And what did that look like?
Starting point is 00:24:21 You just, what, did you go to the gym? I didn't talk to anyone, ignored everybody's messages, messages ignored everything from everyone it was just sad i just felt very sad yeah why do you think you felt so sad because you do you think it was the idea you were in love with the idea of you well no because i mean it was like for me when i'm with a girl i'm like so super like in it and i'm like constantly with them like you've seen with alex and i'm just like yeah you're always together together i'm just like together i'm like in love and I'm like constantly with them like you've seen with Alex yeah you're always together together I'm just like together I'm like in love I'm like super in love and I think they're so fucking fantastic and I just you know what I mean so for me I think I get super like attached
Starting point is 00:24:55 I ended up getting out of it because like one of my homies was like we were going out that night it was like a Friday it might have been like 6 p.m and in London you start fucking drinking at work finish like let's go drink and then so it was like 6 p.m he's like bro where are you we're at the fucking pub right now mate like all this shit and i was like oh i gotta go to the gym first what the fuck are you talking about going to the gym stop going to the fucking gym you're pissing me off oh i was like i was like fine all right you're right and then like came out that night got super fucked up because after going to the gym for a whole month like that and then you go out and party, you feel fucking great.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah, yeah. So I just got super turned up. Text her, I miss you. Probably. Probably. The whole month of being like, ha-ha, I hate you, I'm not contacting you. And then you get drunk and text them. Probably.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Call them 20 times. Do you have any advice for somebody going to a breakup right now man don't listen to anybody else i think you're just gonna listen to yourself if you're in the breakup i'm gonna just try and build your confidence back up so i think it's better to stay away from when i think when you go through a breakup like i think what i did was good to like not be around your friends and not be around other people because other people are going to try to be like, oh, it's fine, it's all right, dude, like who cares? But they're never going to be able to understand how you're feeling.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I think don't fucking hang out with your friends. You see, I got the opposite advice. They're like, you have to leave the house, you have to leave the house. I'm like, fine, I'll leave the house. And I'd just be out and I'd be like, I'd see like two people smiling and I'd be like i'd see like two people smiling and i'd be like he's smiling away i remember when you just hate that's what i'm saying you hate seeing couples after that you're like fuck you do you think because you went through a toxic relationship right how do you how do you stop yourself not bringing in like your trust issues and all those
Starting point is 00:26:41 previous things into your new relationship because you're in like a healthy good relationship now um but I went in with the trust issues that's a problem I don't know I just went in with that but I think that that also then led me to like find the right girl because like you know I waited because I wasn't like trying to like get into anything because I just just like didn't trust any of the girls this is actually my last question now how do you keep a healthy relationship in like the day and age we live in with everything with social media having so much access to beautiful people all the time and like so much temptation because it is very easy how does you not let it affect your relationship because it's very hard not to realistically like i said any of those girls that you are if you're a guy and you're okay you're in a relationship with a girl if you're thinking oh there's these all these other hot girls on Instagram and all that shit
Starting point is 00:27:28 all those girls that you're seeing the ones that are popping and stuff they're gone they belong to the world do you see what I'm saying they belong to the streets as the weekend would say they belong to the world so they're out there they're doing their own thing they don't care about you do you see what I'm saying they only care about what could you do for them yeah what bag could you buy could you get me a Chanel bag? Falcon. Can you take me on a business class like the Ibiza? That's what they're thinking.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Yeah, yeah. So that's what you've got to understand is, like, your girlfriend is real. And you've also got to understand the face app and fucking chicks are, like, really good at. Cat fishing. Cat fishing and really good at making themselves look, like, hot. So it's,'s like you know you think oh wow also if you're a guy and you're like okay if you're one of those guys and you you go out with the boys and you are you like oh like fuck there's so many hot chicks here no there isn't
Starting point is 00:28:14 it's called beer goggles because yeah it's beer girls and it's also called yeah you're in the club and everything's cool and there's cool music and there's cool lighting and it's dark and they've got makeup on and they've got a super sick dress and heels and stuff. So obviously they look at their best. Beware of the beer glasses. Beware of the catfish. Thank you for coming on The Breakup Diet. An honor to be a guest. Bye.

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