The Break-Up Diet - The Impact of Social Media on Modern Breakups

Episode Date: October 31, 2024

Feeling lost in the whirlwind of modern breakups? We've been there, and in this poignant episode of The Breakup Diet, we share our own struggles with sudden loneliness and fear long after a break...up. Tune in as we dissect how social media keeps past relationships alive and kicking, making it nearly impossible to achieve true no-contact. We'll share effective strategies for managing these feelings, from unfollowing and muting exes to the crucial importance of self-reflection and healing over time.Ever felt the sting of a last-minute cancellation or the hollow silence of being ghosted? Our personal stories bring these frustrations to life as we explore the unique challenges of modern dating. Discover coping mechanisms to deal with ghosting, especially when it happens in established relationships. We'll also delve into the added layers of scrutiny that social media brings to relationship dynamics, and the significance of public versus private moments in shaping our interactions.Breakups and social media can wreak havoc on your mental health, but we've got your back. Learn practical tips to navigate the emotional rollercoaster of post-breakup social media stalking and the pitfalls of validation-seeking online. We'll discuss the benefits of limiting your time online and focusing on real-life connections. Whether it's treating yourself to a spa day or leaning on friends for support, remember, you're the best thing that ever happened to them.Send us a textInstagram:@the_breakup_dietTikTok:@thebreakupdietEmail:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of The Breakup Diet. I had the worst wave of like fear of being single, even though I have been single for the last six months. Yeah. I've never like experienced it so badly over the weekend. Nothing even happened in particular. Nothing triggered it. Just had like a sad girl moment in the Uber.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Coming back from miami well yeah that's called the holiday blues obviously if you go from miami back to london where it's rainy you're gonna have some wave of emotion oh it was like a huge wave it was like a tsunami level of like chronic depression i can't lie like oh i'm like actually alone like i'm single what? I was so strong. I was strong literally the last time I saw you. Yeah, but why? Why is this any different from normal?
Starting point is 00:00:50 I don't. I can't put a finger on it. Okay. And now you just came back and you just had the wave. Are you still going through the wave? The wave you get when you're like, oh, like I should break up with him. I'm scared to be alone. Why is it so scary?
Starting point is 00:01:03 I get it because my life is categorically better than being in a shitty relationship i think it's an age thing do you think it's a i can't put a finger on it you're scared because you don't think you'll meet somebody else yeah yeah because it's hard oh it is hard yeah not trying to like scare anyone but finding love in the digital era is hard being single in the digital era is hard yeah going through a breakup in the digital era is hard. Being single in the digital era is hard. Going through a breakup in the digital era is hard. Buckle up, bitches. It's going to get bumpy.
Starting point is 00:01:34 This is the breakup diet. Do you think it's worse now because of, like, all the social medias and stuff? Yeah, because I always happen to be, be like best friends with my partner's girls like all my partner's girlfriends i'm always like best friends chummy with them so i obviously follow them on social media yeah so i see like years and pictures of you know my exes and i know their whereabouts exactly on a day-to-day basis even though i don't follow any of my exes why wouldn't you just unfollow them still like girls we still hang out so i feel like nowadays with social media you can't escape like even if you block your ex you meet your ex whatever can't escape their digital footprint
Starting point is 00:02:16 just like take us back to the 90s when like your ex was like your ex and no contact was actually like possible. Like no phone. No phone, no letters, no nothing. Actually, yeah, no contact at its purest form because right now we are actually doing no contact. No, to be fair. So you want to just block or mute all those girls? Why don't you just mute their stories? Do you secretly want to know?
Starting point is 00:02:44 Don't call me out like that. I'm trying to move on. Well, are you? No. Yes. You don't have a strategy when you're breaking up. You don't, like, you don't block, you don't remove. You still have their numbers.
Starting point is 00:02:56 You still have everything. Okay, I still have their numbers for, like, emergency purposes. All you're going to do, call them and be like, somebody robbed me, and then he's going and be like somebody robbed me and he's gonna be like cool yeah with one of my exes i've literally said do not ever contact me and it's been like no contact fully i do find myself stalking him from time to time yeah fair i feel like everybody just to see like how much further his hairline's gone back fair that's very valid it's like nothing you're like you're manifesting it to go more bold please i like you know me in this breakup diet just
Starting point is 00:03:35 blossoming him in his breakup diet he needs his minoxidil fair you know what i mean but how do you how are you stopping yourself not going crazy looking like are you looking all the time no no i think like at the start i would look all the time as time goes like you say time is the biggest healer but then there are time to time where i like have like a thought i'm like do they dress better or worse i hope they're worse is there a new girl but then if i like think of a new girl that's when i get like ethical and go oh no i hope he's changed for her i don't want another woman to suffer because of him i want him to suffer not another woman be like who is she what's she about where does she live is she cool is she pretty brah you know and then after i might be like i after i cool down then i think about it and be
Starting point is 00:04:25 like i hope she doesn't get treated that way we want the best for our exes right it depends if they were shitty to me lots of other people no i don't want the best for them not for them not for them but then also like i would hope they learn from it i get what you're saying do you think they like have like that bone of self-reflection where they're like, ooh, maybe I shouldn't have cheated? Yeah, or do you think it's just the opportunity? And that they're always like that, and then when they hit a certain age, they don't take that opportunity anymore because they're like, ah,
Starting point is 00:04:59 I kind of want some kids now, probably shouldn't do it. But do you think kids stop them from cheating? I think for a time, probably. Well, maybe my sadness is valid. I feel like I'm not going to find anyone. Yeah, you are. Yeah, you are. But today we're going to start talking about the digital age, socials and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:05:22 and getting trapped, stalking your ex getting ghosted no one talks about it enough and i feel like our therapists aren't qualified enough when it comes to tackling like social media and relationships is your therapist old 40s early 40s so she like gets it to an extent but not totally not totally yeah i'd be like oh my gosh i'm finding myself checking if this new guy is like like like liking my stories liking my stuff and then she's like what's that got to do with anything and i'm like girl validation like there are literally like guys that i do not care about but i find myself searching for their names in my story views and for what for like a like millisecond dopamine hit am i not better than that yes basically it's just like random guys are these
Starting point is 00:06:12 ones actually you've kind of fancy a bit i mean a bit like maybe you've gone on like one or two dates how much thought do you put in when you just tap someone's story yeah but when that's like someone that i've like been on dates with even though i didn't like have deep feelings for them it is fun to be like what they up to have you ever been ghosted i think so yeah i feel like i've been ghosted for a few months and they pop up right and then i ghost them back haha revenge ghost revenge ghost is such a thing there'd be a scene where a scenario where ghosting is actually acceptable yeah if they're really weird yeah sometimes they don't need an explanation yeah like sorry if you really rude to the waiter on a first date or were like bragging
Starting point is 00:07:01 so much in an extreme way then i feel like you're a warrant of ghost have you ever been going on a date and then just stood up oh no no no no neither touchwood luckily no that is a horrible horrible thing this isn't ghosting but like you get all the way there as a girl you get all the way ready and then someone cancels on you like 10 15 minutes before have you had that no i've had cancellation on the same day like with a couple of hours of notice yeah so like in the afternoon which I think is like not ideal but fine actually I have this amazing story he like cancelled on me on the very last minute and he got like a positive COVID result and I'm like oh like obviously we can't go on this day and he's
Starting point is 00:07:42 like I feel really bad you know let me make up to you. Like, why don't you just, like, go ahead with the reservation and take my card? And I'm like. Yes, I will. I will. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Thank you. And we didn't go crazy or anything. I wanted to. Yeah, but also, I feel like you say, yeah, I feel like everyone says, like, oh, my God, if I was in that situation, I so have or like this or that nah you probably wouldn't no just spending like the regular like 200 pounds that you would spend with like another girlfriend have you been ghosted at like a really inconvenient time where like life is shit as it is and then you're like fuck just when you thought you were going to get laid they disappear i don I don't think I have, you know.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I feel like I'm – Not as desperate as me, bubs. No, no, no, no, no. I feel like I've probably been ghosted. I just can't remember. But as I said, like I don't think I've ever been ghosted and just ghosted. I feel like they've always come back so then I've forgotten about it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:40 Is there anything you would do like if you were ghosted now, do you think, to try to cope with it if it was someone that i really really like in person we got along and there was all this chemistry and you would think that we'd see each other again if he didn't reply i probably would have followed up being like come on yeah where are you what are you doing do you know what i mean yeah i get you it also depends how far into your relationship you are imagine being ghosted like two months in or something like something really psychotic or a relationship full-blown relationship like and then they just go to do that would be horrible well that's happened to me yeah i have been
Starting point is 00:09:16 ghosted in a really bad way maybe i have yep yep yep wow the trauma's like really like coming back now that is that is bad i hope you unfollowed him, at least. Obviously. And blocked. And blocked the friends. Obviously. Okay, good. No chance.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Okay, so if it's really bad, you are cutting off all contact of friends. I don't know. It has to be really, really, really bad. But luckily, like, in recent times, I've had, like, short fun flings where, likeings where like it's been like no bad feelings, no hard feelings. So it's like easy for me to maintain friendships with his girlfriends. But then it does get like a bit like annoying when you see your exes on socials. Yeah. It's the fact that you like visually see them now.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Do you think that with social media that it makes it harder to break up with somebody? Oh, my God, yes, because you have to, like, archive all the photos and remove all the tags. You post when you have, like, a boyfriend? Yeah, yeah, I post. But normally in, like, groupish situations. But even then sometimes I would, like, definitely the stories. Yeah, do you think it's, like, bad if they don't post you at all?
Starting point is 00:10:27 If you don't post me, it's like, are you ashamed or do you have a wife? That's why it's shady, though. Because I'm like, oh, I'm not posting any of my personal life, but I'm like, you are. But then you're posting a day out with your lads, like. Yeah. You only think that you should be posted if you're, like, a girlfriend or something serious because then, you know, if some guy posts a new girl every single day, like weekend almost,
Starting point is 00:10:51 you'd be like, what the hell? See, social media is so much anxiety with like relationships. These are thoughts that you would not have even 10 years ago. No, literally. Even the old Instagram, you wouldn't even have thoughts like this and also no one would go through my head i don't know if this is psychotic i would be like well everybody thinks you're single anyway so the amount of slide-ins like sorry people are still gonna slide in people are still gonna like everything people are still gonna message you they have no shame because oh they didn't know you knew you knew you knew but then it's crazy how like instagram literally went from hashtag mango hashtag juice to soft launch hard launch fucking launch this launch that
Starting point is 00:11:32 picture of the boyfriend's arm like yeah i don't get the pic like the just little pictures i get little snippets it's like we don't care i'm like is he really old is he really ugly that you're not posting his face also no one cares about your life as much as you do i don't think yeah you know what i mean even if you have like a crazy ex stalking you that you kind of want to show that you've moved on they're probably going to look at it for a hot second they're gonna work out who it is let's be honest especially if they're a girl we work it out in like five minutes research the girls where they're from what school they went to where do they work literally and also i feel like you can almost pick like i know he would be interested in her i mean there's like is that
Starting point is 00:12:15 not so scary though oh my god dude us as a generation we're actually so messed up do you think boys do the same thing you think boys look at girls instagram i think they care a bit probably if they're like if it's your proper boyfriend i feel like they'd care if you're oh yeah for sure for sure do you think or do you think they like look at your followers and then could work it out like girls i don't know we're gonna have to have a boy on to ask this question we actually really do no i feel like men are trash and women can be dumb yeah women can be dumb or naive i feel like you also sometimes you don't want to believe what you already know or you give them the benefit of the doubt us women hand out the benefit of the doubt like literally like honestly the benefit of the doubt but then i also feel like sometimes it is good to give a benefit of a doubt once, maybe, you know.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Maybe once, but not twice. Yeah, and not twice. Once, fine. Fool me once, shame on you. You, fool me twice, something. Shame on me. Social media is really messed up the way that we date. When you do break up with someone, it doesn't make the breakup as hard.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah, life doesn't, yeah, no, it doesn't feel real. We don't process our emotions properly because it's a game on social media with the likes and the love hearts. And especially, like, if you were dating somebody and then you break up but you say you never posted them, never had anything that they were really your boyfriend or, yeah, it doesn't count, right? But then also you already have those people in your dm you already have those likes already you literally don't have to change anything the
Starting point is 00:13:50 only thing you change if you're not doing it already yeah you shameful pigs if you are is reply yeah it's that easy dude this is scary i just feel like it makes me feel very disposable as a person because of social media. It just makes me think if you can get one of me, there's surely 10 of me on your follow list. People have so much access to lots of pretty people and pretty things, but it's also like a vibe, you know what I mean? I don't think you can fake chemistry.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It's the element of being replaceable. If I model a i can definitely get model b i feel like that's a thing for ugly men that are insecure ditch you before you can ditch them because they feel like you're gonna do it at some point so it's a game it's a game so i feel like dating apps social media basically is a dating app has made breakups so much easier, but so much worse. Yeah. Easier because you're able to just swipe right, basically. Swipe right and move on.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Yeah. Block, delete, swipe right, move on. Wow. Wow. Which is so scary. That is so cutthroat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't even have time to process your emotions.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And especially if you don't have like any ties to this person, as in like you don't live together, you married you're not you haven't bought a house together no dog like it's almost so easy to just be like so yeah close that book open another okay so now that you say close that book is the book actually closed because of social media because i feel like no it's like with all my access to a tiny bit, it's like tinily open just because I have an access to them. Yeah. They've got like public accounts. They aren't public and they're private.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Are you following them on a fake account? Oh, no, no, no, no. I don't care enough to make another account. I don't even know how to do that. That's why Yaz made the account for our Instagram page. I thought you were going to say that's why Yaz has three fake accounts. I do. No, I have one.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Hey, I just realized something. Maybe from the podcast account, I can stalk my exes. Yeah, but they're going to know that you're in the podcast. Wait, so you're- It's a brain behind the beauty. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So you're fully looking at your ex's stories? Not his stories. I would see them on my friend's ex's stories? Not his stories.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I would see them on my friend's stories, like on our mutual stories, but I wouldn't dare to, like, look at their stories. I'd see, like, their profile, like, pictures and see what they're up to. How do you not? I would be far too tempted. If they had their stories going up and you knew that they were on, like, a lad's trip, I would be so tempted to look. Oh, the temptation is there, but i care too much yeah if i'm like being if he sees me in it yeah fair views like i personally
Starting point is 00:16:33 care like it's kind of embarrassing i feel like it's embarrassing as it is distraught but like there's a line and that's my line yeah i just do it from a fake account no so i think when you're actually trying to move on, you have to be really honest about it because who is really – I think it takes a long time to be like done, done, done. Oh, it's a really long time. Like my recent breakup, six months. Six months of recovery, six months of like finding the closure
Starting point is 00:17:03 by asking every single friend I have. So say they like, he liked your story today. What would that do to you? Clothes would be on the ground. Yeah. Yeah. I'd be like, when, where? Really? Yeah. If it was my recent ex. Yeah. Yeah. And what do you think about if, so say you have a boyfriend now, right? So you have one and then your ex knows you have one but then likes your story
Starting point is 00:17:34 and does it, not everyone, but just some. Ew. Fuck you, right? Ew. Weird, that. I'd be like, get a job, dude. But what is the psychology about? Because boys do do that.
Starting point is 00:17:47 What is the psychology about that? Honestly? Or they think you're single. Or they, but I don't think they do. I think they're just trying to get in your head. Honestly, it's a game. To them, it's probably like another version of Call of Duty. And their duty is to piss us off.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Yeah, literally. Do you think with like dating apps now they have just made it so easy to get back out there that people are just not caring and not staying in relationships that long sometimes i think do you think social media amplifies like the worst of the human behavior therefore we think every man's a cheater and every woman's dumb and complacent you post a story you get loads of likes from loads of guys all the time yeah you know what i mean and then one day you're feeling a bit down you're having a depression coming back from miami you're going to start to look at those likes a bit more you know what i mean and be like oh who's in there
Starting point is 00:18:41 i might be interested in is there a verified tick somewhere? Yeah. Is there a shirtless picture? I don't know. Like, show me what I'm working with. But, no, but you know what I say? Like, it's so easy. And then even if you, say, your boyfriend pisses you off. Yeah, you can easily just be like.
Starting point is 00:19:01 What are my other options? What's on my, what's on my my what do you call dm requests yeah that is like hell by the way dm requests hell because like you obviously connect your social media to like raya and stuff so if you don't match with someone on raya they'll like message you so like basically my like my insta dms right now is just like raya backups that i haven't matched with i don't think i ever got that even when i was on raya no i feel like you have it probably went in your hidden because they probably said some no on my hidden it's like fly to dubai no fly to dubai i'll give you 20k to like go on someone's yacht i would believe it i would believe it i was like what the hell and
Starting point is 00:19:47 then i said also another one only like i don't know why i'm telling you guys this but only fans um this girl didn't even tell her parents oh yeah i get those that's really creepy that makes me sick right that makes me sick to the stomach right i'm like and with the whole parent element like the pedophilic angle of it or what is another one just like i love you oh yeah typical typical i literally post on my stories when there's like a guy in the picture do you wait so you post when there's a guy in the picture as in like i have a crush on someone do you post like do you revenge post so say you break up with someone will you go post up loads of like good photos on your Instagram? Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So my revenge posts are like, not like hot pics per se. Hot pics is like, is for like the newbies, for like the new crushes I have. The revenge posts are like of me just having the time of my life, being silly, goofy, and like super, super funny. Because I'm like like you're not gonna find anyone as funny as me you're like you already know how hot i am you've seen me there will be way hotter people than me but funny but funny nah yeah so like i amplify like my i go
Starting point is 00:20:58 clown mode when i'm in my revenge era like clown i've you see i feel like i was i wouldn't do that i know i think that's good but i would be i would be posting like hot i'd be booking i don't even do photo shoots but i'd be booking a photo shoot and i'd be slaying the instagram store like i'd go on the holiday would you go on the holiday like a revenge holiday get some content yeah and but i probably wouldn't be posting the photos of having so much fun. I would be getting my friends to post videos so that they can do the following talk. Oh, genius.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And look at me there. Like, I don't even need to brag about having so much fun. You know what I mean? You know. Right? I need to learn from you. I need to, like, make it a little bit hotter than full clown mode because everyone else is probably, like, watching it being like, oh,
Starting point is 00:21:47 like why she's saying her shoes look like Timothee Chalamet. That was today. Yeah. Yeah. So you're trying to get revenge on someone today. Is it Mr. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it. mr don't say it don't say it i won't say it see like we're in it too deep social media is terrible like we're trying to talk about and be like guys like you know in this
Starting point is 00:22:15 breakup diet like be smarter like you know choose yourself and not like care about social media everybody's on it can't escape. Like the show must go on. Life must go on. It's just, it's life now. Social media is very much real life. But I feel like if it's me, see, I'm more cutthroat with the blocking stuff. I think I would unremove, but I think I also would block because I know myself and I would look at it.
Starting point is 00:22:42 No, that's complete. I think that's really noble and I really respect you for that. And I would block all their friends. Friends. Even the girlfriend. Yeah. So then you do get over it. Like at the start you still might search it up,
Starting point is 00:22:52 but after a while you forget. Yeah, no, definitely, definitely. So dramatic. I would be deleting all numbers as well straight away. Bang. Your mum's number's deleted. Your dad's number's deleted. Your sister, your brother, your auntie your dad's number's deleted your sister your brother your
Starting point is 00:23:06 auntie your grandma all deleted that's crazy I think I have like my first ex's like parents like everyone but I'm a really bad drunk caller so that's why yeah oh that's crazy like I can't terrifying that's scary though yeah they're scary. Scarier than being single, is that? Because I don't even do it on purpose. I don't even say anything. I just like to talk to them. What do you talk about, babe? Well, right now, I wouldn't do it because I don't have an ex.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Example. Previous example. No, I do it with my boyfriend still, which is really awkward. So you call your exes with your boyfriend? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I call my boyfriend. Okay. When drunk.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Well, that's normal, babe. Yeah. Lucky you, babe. No, no, no. Rub it in my face, babe. No, but if we broke up, I feel like my mind, if it was a recent breakup, still would go there. That's natural. If it's like a year on, I'd be like, because you probably have a situationship you can call exactly by then you would hope
Starting point is 00:24:10 you will because you go on the dating app so you go on social media and you get all your yeah and now it's not even it's not even like just instagram it's like instagram facebook twitter tiktok linkedin no linkedin actually no actually linkedin no we need to talk about linkedin and the effect it has on your relationships because with like whenever before i go on like a date with someone i always like do a background screen and i find their linkedin but it doesn't link it shows when you view something no i have no shame i will you have no shame on that but you won't see someone's instagram story instagram story it's like boundaries babe no no no come on boundaries it's the same as like you drink vodka but you wouldn't drink tequila there's boundaries no that's so bad that's the worst example sorry linkedin is stalkerish oh no i want to see because
Starting point is 00:25:03 i want to know if he's gonna like do anything scary to me i want to know if he's got a job he cares about not what he respects women but whether he has a job that he cares losing about really oh yeah oh yeah no i'm not looking at somebody's linkedin do you not want to know if they've got a job babe i don't know i wouldn't look at it i just wouldn't look at the linkedin but instagram story i'd go ahead you getting dms from boys like on linkedin that has happened how do they slide in actually no one of my exes slid in on dms i mean on linkedin dms be like oh my gosh you're in london because we met in australia during like study abroad and he's like whoa you're in lond London let's like meet up and I was just like what that's so aggressive on LinkedIn I've not had to slide in but I've had
Starting point is 00:25:51 somebody be like I know your um brother and dad how I hope job's going well and this is like a week ago I was like what the hell so say you have your ex and you're looking at his stuff whatever you just broke up how do you stop yourself not actually going insane and checking all the time? Like, you know, at the start you said you did. What, you just stopped caring as much? Yeah, so for me, my thing is I, like, let my emotions run. So if I'm feeling manic stalker mode, I will embrace that
Starting point is 00:26:21 because I think just like the way that I am, my emotions are very short-lived as long as I, like, fully so do you think like you get over breakups quite fast then no no no no the sadness will be there and then you know my nervous system calms down and over time I'm just like don't care you know that's the biggest tale of how to know if you're over somebody though too is if you don't you forget to stalk their stuff oh it's like the most liberating thing ever i've had like you remember like i don't know like weeks after the last time you stalked me you're like wait i haven't done this yeah time yeah that's kind of fun here no that is kind of fun you're like oh i'm telling you it's such a like weight off your shoulder because it is torturous the
Starting point is 00:27:06 stalking game the checking if they've seen your stuff and do you think like because there's so much hookup culture now do you think that people that's like affected everything is hookup culture has definitely been flared 10 times more because of social media i just like i feel like it just obviously because it shows the best stuff all the time that it really gets your head oh yeah you you have this distorted like perception of these person you like hold them to a way higher pedestal than you normally would have if you just met them casually in person do you think that's like a perfect timing for like a rebound lots of people do it straight away but is that really that bad or not it's hard to tell because everything moves so quickly i don't know we just live a very fast-paced world but it's
Starting point is 00:27:52 just like easy to find a backup so say you're dating a guy yeah they just give you like little breadcrumbs they don't really give you a lot but a little breadcrumbs over social media so they're like one they'll like one photo but then they won't like like next or they might like react to flame emojis but then they react to flame emojis to somebody else you know my standards are low so i'll accept breadcrumbs you're like a like of the story where's my breadcrumb is gonna feel like a birthday cake you know i won't even yearn for more. I'll be like, thank you. Thank you for this great honor. The Taj Mahal was built for his wife.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Like, you know, these paintings and everything. And here we are, probably the smartest women there's ever been, the most beautiful women have ever been. And here we are settling for a fire emoji. Bashing social media so much to be fair but actually it is like a good way to like you connect with so many different people you wouldn't there's like bad points but there's also good points no it is exciting very exciting to have access to all these like gorgeous like human beings it's so stalkery and maybe psycho but like i quite like
Starting point is 00:29:03 knowing stuff that comes up on instagram do you prefer being like having tabs on it on them background information is a bit healthy now you're like oh um we've actually got these random mutuals random but there's mutuals so i know that he's gonna be like a semi-decent person oh linkedin he's got a very like good job okay so clearly he's like well accomplished and is kind of self-disciplined do your background check actually use social media for the best and do your background check ladies yeah I mean I don't even feel like you have to tell the ladies are they gonna be doing it they've already done it oh if your girlfriend says she hasn't she definitely has liar I wonder if boys do it too though you know what boys definitely do is they
Starting point is 00:29:43 go into tagged photos. And girls, you know, the funny thing about girls is girls will go on the tagged photos and look for the best photo to show their friends. But then boys is they'll go on the tagged photos and pick the worst photo of the girl and be like, that's what she actually looks like. Is that not so messed up how different they are? The girls are all here being like, yeah, yeah, he's good, he's good. Oh, we put them up on the pedestal and like the guys are like look she's all right like she's for now although we don't know this we need to
Starting point is 00:30:10 actually ask someone yeah we need to ask but i feel like they do do that i feel like i've heard that i don't think i've made it up do you know what let's get the truth yes yeah we need to get the truth we need to get a boy on here and if you think like about getting ghosted and everything like this sometimes i do think it could be innocent. And then obviously for the most part, I think 75% of ghosting is like done with ill intent. Do you think people ghost because they've been ghosted? Maybe or because they just can't be bothered to give an explanation or they just did not like you enough to even give you that. Don't want to have the confrontation that comes with being like, I don't like you.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I don't see you. It's an awkward text right? Being like, I don't like you. I don't see you. It's an awkward text right being like, I don't see this going anywhere. Wish you the best. But I don't even think I would write that. I would just be like, hey, I'm a bit busy. Don't really think I can meet. And then if they ask me again, I'd say something kind of similar. And then they get the hint without ghosting.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah, no, I completely got that. I completely got that. I think that's nicer because then they kind of get the hint, at least you're replying you're not leaving them on there's no trail of you being like this didn't this isn't working out bye yeah because i feel like that with ghosting i feel like it's the unknown you don't know why that gets you but yeah so social media is going to be a thing it's only going to get more and more intrusive with our lives and we kind of have no choice to accept it so how do we embrace it at its best without it taking a toll on our mental health well i feel like it's kind of hard not to go insane no it is like how can you you're
Starting point is 00:31:39 getting so much stimulation from different things you know what i mean and like i feel like it's you just have to limit your time on it and i guess social media doesn't show the real so much stimulation from different things you know what i mean and like i feel like it's you just have to limit your time on it and i guess social media doesn't show the real full picture no because you're seeing everybody's best life yeah yeah or what they want to show you too if you want to go crazy and stalk somebody yeah allow it yeah do it but just try not to do it all the time yeah you know what i would do like to get over just like feeling bad about social media with like dating and like breakups i would treat myself as a nice pair of shoes a bag yeah or just like a nice like delivery yeah like you get off your
Starting point is 00:32:20 phone yeah and just like watch a fun movie like, have a phone call with your girls. Yeah. There's actually so many things to, like, get by, and it's nice to, like, not be alone because you're really not. Focusing on your actual friends, your family, and just not. Turn to your community. It's always, like, your community at the end of the day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:42 We're here. We're here. We're helping out. Because we're part of this breakup diet together, guys. And they will know that they were the best thing that ever happened to you. You were the best thing that was happened to them. You were the best thing that ever happened to them.

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