Day 193: Communion Forever in Heaven (2024)
Episode Date: July 11, 2024The Catechism wraps up its overview of the Eucharist by reminding us that the sacrament of Holy Communion is a foretaste of what is to come in heaven....
In Ascension’s The Catechism in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz guides you through the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 episodes, providing explanation, insight, and encouragement along the way. Unlike any other Catechism podcast, The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) podcast follows a reading plan inspired by Ascension’s Foundations of Faith approach, a color-coded approach that reveals the structure of the Catechism, making it easier to read and understand. With this podcast, you’ll finally understand what it means to be Catholic and how the beliefs of the Catholic Faith come together. Listen and… Read the ENTIRE Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days Understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter Understand how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture Absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition Encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness for your life Each 15-20 minute episode includes: A guided prayer to help you enter into each episode A reading from the Catechism of the Catholic Church An explanation from Fr. Mike Schmitz about the reading The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.
802 episodes transcribedThe Catechism wraps up its overview of the Eucharist by reminding us that the sacrament of Holy Communion is a foretaste of what is to come in heaven....
The sacrament of Holy Communion unites the faithful together in a most profound, visible way. It also makes disunity in the Church all the more painfu...
As the popular adage goes, “you are what you eat.” The Catechism tells us that, as food nourishes the body, so Jesus present in Holy Communion nourish...
The Catechism goes over the prerequisites to receiving Jesus in the Eucharist, as well as how often the faithful can and should receive him. Fr. Mike...
We continue our examination of the sacrament of the Eucharist, specifically how we worship the Eucharist. Fr. Mike examines how we, as Catholics, wors...
Together, with Fr. Mike, we explore the reality of Christ’s true presence in the Eucharist. Fr. Mike unpacks what actually happens during the celebrat...
Together, we continue our exploration of the sacrificial memorial of the sacrament of the Eucharist. Fr. Mike reiterates that the whole Church, both v...
We continue our examination of the sacrament of the Eucharist. Fr. Mike emphasizes that every element of Christ’s passion, the whole thing, is one, si...
Together with Fr. Mike, we continue our examination of the sacrament of the Eucharist. Fr. Mike takes us back to the Book of Genesis, the sacrifices o...
There is great depth to the movement of the celebration of the Mass. Fr. Mike highlights the role of Christ as the head and high priest and the role o...
Celebrating the sacrament of the Eucharist has been part of the Tradition of the Catholic Church for 2,000 years. Fr. Mike unpacks the citation from S...
Fr. Mike breaks down the various ways the Eucharist fulfills the sacrifices of bread and wine of the Old Covenant and explains why the Eucharist is ce...
The sacrament of the Eucharist has many different names, and "each name evokes certain aspects of it." Fr. Mike explains the meaning behind this sacra...
The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” Today, we begin our journey into the mystery of the Eucharist. Fr. Mike emphasizes th...
Together, with Fr. Mike, we have arrived at the conclusion and nugget day for the section on the sacrament of Confirmation. Fr. Mike reiterates the id...
We continue our examination of the sacrament of Confirmation, specifically both who should receive Confirmation and who can act as the minister of the...
We continue our examination of the sacrament of Confirmation, specifically the celebration and effects of the sacrament of Confirmation. Fr. Mike expl...
Together, with Fr. Mike, we continue our examination of the sacrament of Confirmation, specifically the two Traditions and different signs of Confirma...
We begin our examination of the sacrament of Confirmation. Fr. Mike emphasizes that the reception of Confirmation is necessary for the completion and...
In this summary of the Church’s teachings on Baptism, the Catechism relays the heart of the sacrament. If you needed to quickly explain Baptism to som...