Goodbye Atom. Hello Zed. (Interview)
Episode Date: March 15, 2023This week we're talking with Nathan Sobo about his next big thing. Nathan is known for his work on the Atom editor while at GitHub. But his work wasn'...
Software's best weekly news brief, deep technical interviews & talk show.
853 episodes transcribedThis week we're talking with Nathan Sobo about his next big thing. Nathan is known for his work on the Atom editor while at GitHub. But his work wasn'...
Dalai is the simplest way to run LLaMA on your local machine, simple web tools that just work without annoying you, Wik is a tool to view wikipedia pa...
This week Adam talks with Marcin Kurc about chasing the 9s. Marcin is the Co-founder and CEO of Nobl9 where they build tools for managing service leve...
Reorx lists awesome apps & tools using the new ChatGPT API, Ernie Smith ranks self-hosted app alternatives, Very Good Ventures brings Dart to the serv...
This week we're joined by Brigit Murtaugh, Product Manager on the Visual Studio Code team at Microsoft, and we're talking about Development Containers...
Sahn Lam details Stack Overflow's monolith/on-prem architecture, Hillel Wayne asks the Lobsters community for killer libraries, Linux 6.2 is ready to...
This week Evan Prodromou is back to take us deeper into the Fediverse. As many of us reconsider our relationship with Twitter, Mastodon has been by-an...
Simon Willison rounds up the goings on around Microsoft's new GPT-powered Bing search, The Vue/Vite team build a nimble web client for Mastodon, Will...
This week we're talking to Rachel Potvin, former VP of Engineering at GitHub about what it takes to scale engineering. Rachel says it's a game-changer...
Alice Girard Guittard finds out how much she could you really get out of a $4 VPS, Brett Cannon wonders if using TOML for .env files is a good idea, N...
This week we invited our friend Mat Ryer to join us for some good conversation about some Git tooling that's been on our radar. You may know Mat from...
OpenAI's working on an AI classifier trained to distinguish between AI-written and human-written text, Oz Nova and Myles Byrne created a guide to teac...
Jeremia Kimelman takes stock of his "data tool belt", Build Your Own Redis with C/C++ is ready to read, giscus is a comments system powered by GitHub...
This week we're talking about mainframes with Cameron Seay, Adjunct Professor at East Carolina University and a member of the Governing Board of the O...
Max Countryman wrote up a framework for prioritizing tech debt, shadcn builds a copy/paste-able UI component library in public, Justin Etheredge share...
This week we're talking about by Postgres with Craig Kerstiens, Chief Product Officer at Crunchy Data, and a well known ambassador for Postgres. Just...
WestArtFactory's premium PCB cheat sheets, Maxime Topolov tells of a disappearing AWS dev, Juspay Technologies releases HyperSwitch for payment proces...
Jerod is joined by Yehonathan Sharvit, author of Data-Oriented Programming, to discuss the virtues of treating data as a first-class citizen in our ap...
Brandur Leach's easy, alternative soft deletion strategy, Lane Wagner's zen of proverbs, Nicolas Carlo says fake it until you can automate it, Felix A...
Welcome to 2023 — we're kicking off the year talking to Justin Searls about the state of web development and why he just might write a "You Might Not...