The Daily Stoic - This Is The Time For A Fresh Start | The Beauty of Choice
Episode Date: March 17, 2025We can keep being the person we’ve always been…or we can change. That’s the choice of life, the Stoics believed. 💡 Go to and enter code DSPOD20 at checkout... to get 20% off the Spring Forward Challenge! Challenge yourself to spring forward and become the person you aspire to be. The Spring Forward Challenge starts March 20, 2025. 📔 Pick up your own leather bound signed edition of The Daily Stoic! Check it out at the Daily Stoic Store:🎙️ Follow The Daily Stoic Podcast on Instagram:🎥 Watch top moments from The Daily Stoic Podcast on YouTube:✉️ Want Stoic wisdom delivered to your inbox daily? Sign up for the FREE Daily Stoic email at🏛 Get Stoic inspired books, medallions, and prints to remember these lessons at the Daily Stoic Store:📱 Follow us: Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Welcome to the Daily Stoic podcast,
where each day we bring you a stoic inspired meditation
designed to help you find strength and insight
and wisdom into everyday life.
Each one of these episodes is based on the 2,000 year old philosophy that has
guided some of history's greatest men and women to help you learn from them, to
follow in their example, and to start your day off with a little dose of courage and discipline and
justice and wisdom.
For more, visit This is the time for a fresh start.
As winter's grip loosens, some uncomfortable truths begin to emerge in the newfound spring
The bad habits we accumulated to get through the dark months, those inefficiencies in practices
that claim too much of our time, those messes we've allowed to pile up
in our houses and our minds.
It's all there, but we have the courage to face it.
Or will we, as Marx really said of those animals
at the games, bloodied and wounded,
struggle on to fight again the same way?
We can keep being the person we've always been or we can change.
That's the choice of life, the Stoics believed. The poet Philip Larkin said that the green and
growth of spring was nature's way of reminding us to begin afresh, afresh, afresh. Will we?
That's what spring offers us, a chance to spring forward, to clean ourselves up literally
and figuratively.
And it's what we've built the Daily Stoic Spring Forward Challenge around each year
Starting this Thursday, March 20th, the first day of spring, you will have the opportunity
to systematically eliminate what doesn't serve you and build on what does.
Day by day, step by step with 10 days
of Stoic inspired challenges alongside thousands
of other Stoics all over the world.
We are going to be getting after it
and we would love you to join us.
Each morning is gonna bring a chance to shed
what weighs you down and choose a better path.
And the Daily Stoic Spring Forward Challenge
is your chance to examine all aspects of your
life, your habits, your relationships, your choices, and clean them up and get yourself
back on track. Let's have this spring be the fresh start you have been waiting for.
Hey, just to thank you for being an awesome listener of the Daily Stoic Podcast, which I
very much appreciate. We are offering a discount to anyone who wants to sign up for the Daily Stoic podcast, which I very much appreciate. We are offering a discount to anyone who wants to
sign up for the Daily Stoic Spring Forward Challenge. We're going to kick Spring of 2025
off with 10 days of Stoic inspired challenges. And if you go to slash spring
right now and enter code DSPOD20, you'll get 20% off the Spring Forward Challenge. It's gonna be awesome.
It starts on March 20th, so don't wait.
I'll see you in there, slash spring
with code DSPOD20 for the 2025 Daily Stoic
Spring Forward Challenge.
Let's start off Spring with a bang.
I'll see you in there. The beauty of choice.
This is the entry from March 17th in the Daily Stoic.
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You are not your body and hairstyle, but your capacity for choosing well.
If your choices are beautiful, so too will you be.
It's that line in the movie Fight Club.
You are not your job.
You are not how much money you have in the bank.
You are not the car you drive.
You are not the contents of your wallet.
Obviously, our friend Epitetus never saw that movie or read the book. It's quite good.
You should enjoy it. I know some people think it's a little weird or overrated, but we sell it in
the painted portraits. It's a classic for a reason, I think, and not maybe exactly what you think it
is. Anyways, but the consumerism of the 1990s existed in ancient Rome, too. It's always existed.
It's always existed in ancient Rome, too. It's always existed.
And it's easy to confuse the image we present to the world for who we actually are, especially
when media messaging deliberately blurs that distinction.
You might look beautiful today, but if that was the result of vain obsession in the mirror
this morning, the Stokes would ask, are you actually that beautiful? A body
built from hard work is admirable. A body built to impress gym rats is not. And that's what the
Stoics urge us to consider. Not how things appear, but what effort, activity, and choices they are a
result of. I don't know, this is just one of my favorite quotes
from Epictetus, every time we put it on Instagram,
it does really well, because it is so simple.
If you want to be beautiful, make beautiful choices, right?
That beauty, of course, also exists
in the superficial sense.
But how often we find that behind that beauty
is real ugliness, right? Selfishness or greed or vanity
or a vapidity or a focus on trivialities, right? Or worse, that perhaps beneath the beauty is really
ugly choices, ugly habits and an ugly foundation, right? Whether we're talking, I don't know,
about plastic surgery or unethical choices or, you
know, a prioritization of the things that don't matter.
So you can be pretty, you can look rich, but you're not pretty if you made ugly choices
to get there and you're not rich if you have a poverty of the things that really matter. And so I like this because to me, I think it boils back
down to what Epictetus talks about so much, that the things that matter are the things that we
control. And that if we don't control it, it doesn't really matter. So what other people think you look
like is something that you don't control.
But you control how you look to yourself.
You control your focus on the things that you have sway over.
So today, when we think about the choices that we're going to make, think maybe a
little bit less about the results or the externals or how they're going to be
perceived by others.
And think instead about what's, what's going into them.
Think about where it's coming from.
Think about what you're doing.
Think about why you're doing it and focus on that, right? Focus on doing the beautiful thing, doing the work, holding the standards, what
you control, what's up to you.
Because that's where beauty lies.
And look, we don't control our genes.
We don't control whether we're tall or short.
We don't control, you know, so many of the features
that people use to determine beauty or ugly these days.
But we do control what's underneath that, right?
You know, they go, oh, that person's beautiful,
but they have a bad personality,
or they're ugly, but they have a great personality.
You control the personality, right?
Like you can't necessarily make yourself that much prettier,
but you can change who you are.
You can adjust your character.
You can work on that.
You can make yourself beautiful in that sense.
And that's what we're talking about today. And I just urge you to go out
and have a day defined by good choices.
That's what I'm working on, not perfect at it.
I'm sure I already made some ugly choices today,
but I'm gonna work on the rest of the day then
on making prettier choices.
And I hope you do as well.
Hey, it's Ryan. Thank you for listening to the Daily Stoic podcast.
I just wanted to say we so appreciate it.
We love serving you.
It's amazing to us that over 30 million people
have downloaded these episodes
in the couple of years we've been doing it.
It's an honor.
Please spread the word, tell people about it,
and this isn't to sell anything. I just wanted to say thank you.
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