The Dick Show - Episode 103 - Dick on Maddox Lost

Episode Date: May 22, 2018

Maddox's lawsuit against me is dismissed with prejudice, I am detained by the Abu Dhabi customs police in a libertarian nightmare, hiding Israeli receipts from the secret police, Israeli women, the po...liteness of supervillains, my new classification of countries above first world countries, toilets in the kitchen, my take on Midwest Maddox getting fleeced by an ego project, a Dickhead courtroom reporter calls in, Landau's manservant, Gorgeous Greenberger, killer lines from court, Judge Ramos the "wildcard", Asterios paywalls a freely available courtroom transcript, and My Man in NYU; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's what we got man. All right, you guys ready? Yeah, play it for real this time. Are we live this whole time? We're live this whole time, yeah. Okay. Please don't take it out on the Patreon. It's not the Patreon fall.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Look, it's 11,000 miles away. What do you have me to do? Yeah! That's the that's the greeting everybody wants this one. Yeah, then I think everybody wants this one. Then. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you, welcome to Dick. You need Dick, you want Dick, you love Dick, you got it. It's the show where everything is a triumphant lawsuit. It's the show that never loses in court, never wants, never one time. Three for three. That's a hat trick. Wayne Gretzky would be happy with the court cases that we've won if they were goals scored
Starting point is 00:01:22 in hockey. It's the show where everything is the triumphant exorcism of evil, the triumphant conquering of of cuckery and megalomania and evilness and anti-freedom or whatever, whatever we're gonna call that. It's the show, it's the show. It's the show that turns money into, into something that you can be proud of. Not just a number and a bank that takes the support of all the people of the show and to defends real life
Starting point is 00:02:01 with it, real life principles, real life first amendment principles and victories. And then brings them home. It's the show that travels to the far ends of the earth and slays chops off the heads of mighty beasts of cuckery and then drags them home and holds it up on display for the Gorgon of the Gorgon of Cuckery and holds it up on display for everybody coming to you live from a rehearsal studio in the in Abu Dhabi in Abu Dhabi in in New York in New York University from an island on an island from an island on an island in a in a theocracy. I don't know what else to say. I host Dick Masterson the $20 million man with me with me very rarely but with me today is my man.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Hey, what's up, buddy? What's up, buddy? And on the phone is Sean the audio engineer. Sean, you're there, right, man? I am here, Dick. Yeah, you're there. How you doing, my friend? Oh, it's serious. here, Dick. Yeah, you're there. How you doing, my friend? Oh, stereo is just, we won.
Starting point is 00:03:07 We won. Congratulations to you and Asteroos who's been talking a lot of shit via text message and unfortunately, unfortunately has to go soon. That's too bad. That's too bad, buddy. Go back to your fucking job that you love so much. Sounds like a cop out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Oh, coming to you live from the NYU campus on Abu Dhabi, a vacation that I'd planned a long time ago to come see my man who's posted up, who's a big deal now? What? I don't know about that. I just get microphones for real students. He's a professor student.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Yeah, this is, I gotta tell you guys something. I do not feel safe here. I was held up in customs in Abu Dhabi. Like, this is an Islamic nation, you know? Oh yeah, as big of hard ons as we have in the US for freedom and hamburgers and big titties and all the things that come with the total opposite.
Starting point is 00:04:09 It's the toe, it's the exact opposite. The small titties, no titties. They don't even like the concept of titties. It bothers them. And then the hamburgers are two pieces of meat with bread in the middle. It's just very soggy. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:04:21 That's not true. I got held up in customs in Abu Dhabi for three hours. And I was afraid. I was afraid because they were so nice about it. Oh yeah. What are the people called here? Emirates? Emirates.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Okay. The Emirates are the local people in Abu Dhabi. And it's a Muslim theocracy. Right? Just to let let you know like what's involved in a Muslim Theocracy. It's fucking Ramadan right now, by the way, which I didn't know. I was going to be. Ramadan Karim everyone. That's how I should have started this show. Ramadan Karim! Ramadan Karim is like you say happy, happy Christmas. Yeah, you say happy holidays, excuse me. That's their version of happy, that's the Muslim version of happy holidays. Oh, it's Ramadhan Kareem.
Starting point is 00:05:11 It's not all a bar. No, it's not a lahu Akbar. That's something else. You say that, that has a, I thought that was their greeting for everything. It's like, you know, Aloha or Mahalo or whatever, you know. Sean, you can't make those jokes here. They're listening. They're always listening. They're always listening. They got CC one. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, or Mahalo or whatever, you know. Sean, you can't make those jokes here. They're listening.
Starting point is 00:05:25 They're always listening. They're always listening. They got CC. My phones are on. I'm 11,000 miles away. You guys are in my U. Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Well, if you guys are in NYU, which is like probably like terrorist U, right?
Starting point is 00:05:37 I mean, it is here in the States. No, dude, I'll tell, look, I got to tell you, I got to tell you very, I don't know how to make this more clear, but when I was being held up in customs for three fucking hours, I mean, this guy, for some reason, I must radiate an American scum because they singled me out. They go through my bag, which I had shoved a bunch of, I had shoved a bunch of Israeli paraphernalia in, like Israeli like, you know, a receipt that I had
Starting point is 00:06:11 from the hospital in Israel, I'm like, well, I don't, okay, I know that, okay, this is my thought process. I know that Abu Jabi hates Israel. Not fans. Not fans of Israel. I know it's gonna be a problem if they know that I was there in a very clearly says no items bearing the mark of the state of Israel may enter the country is like science. Wow. Oh, dude, they don't I mean, it's like it's like going to a
Starting point is 00:06:38 Raiders game and cheering for the Broncos. I mean, it's like going to a Dodgers game and cheering for the Giants. Here, they do not, they don't do it in a funny way. They're very serious about their, who's their guy here? Who's their profit? Tom, well, Shigs Zayed is the founder of the country. Okay, but Mohammed. Oh, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Mohammed. I mean, if you talk about the religion versus the state, it's Mohammed. Mohammed, Yeah. Yeah. So, I get in, no, I go to a hospital in Israel. I have to go to a hospital in Israel because I got very sick at Israel burning man, very sick.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I'll talk about that more in a bit, but I knew that I had to have my receipt to get reimbursed by my shit, my shit job. Fucking American healthcare company. I'm like, there's no way I can just, there's no way I can get back and get my 300 bucks or whatever. So I need to have a receipt showing that I went to the hospital or else there's no way I can get it back, right? showing that I went to the hospital or else there's no way I can get it back, right? Is of course, of course I can't just give them the card and they handle it. They can't Google it.
Starting point is 00:07:49 No, I have to handle it. So I take this receipt that I got from a hospital in Israel and I like folded it about 10, I fold it nine times. They say that's not possible, but I'm so paranoid about, because everything else I toss, right? Like, when I went into customs, it is real. I said, don't, hey, don't stamp my fucking passport
Starting point is 00:08:12 because I'm going to Abu Dhabi and they fucking hate you guys for some reason. I don't know why everyone seems cool because everyone's here is cool. To me, all the, all the chicks in Israel are hot as fuck much a Natalie Paul is dude smaller Natalie Portman was the ugly one she got the boot israel has insanely hot chicks criminal um accept Abu Davi it's criminal except except for the one who won Eurovision.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Oh my God. So they had a singing contest. Right. They had this, I guess there's this world singing contest called Eurovision, where everybody gets to play except America. Yeah. Which is fucking bullshit. Well, I mean, if you had to count, you can't.
Starting point is 00:09:04 What? It's like a little leagues. Oh, that's the family. Yeah. You don't want to. Oh, because then if you actually have to go sell, right? Yeah. No. So, Steven, I get pulled over into this bar when we're in Tel Aviv.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And there's like, everyone's gathered around like they're watching the Super Bowl, the World Series or something. They're glued to these TV sets in the middle of nowhere. And we ask what the hell's going on? Oh, it's Eurovision. Like, what the fuck is, what's Eurovision? So we get it explained to us that it's a, it's a global singing contest or something like that.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's a global like American idol. Well, they're losing their fucking minds. They're losing their minds. So I'm thinking, oh wow, this is gonna be, like I can't wait to see how hot Miss Israel, like the Israeli champion who's about to win Eurovision is gonna be, right? This is gonna,
Starting point is 00:09:56 because the ones walking around, they're unbelievable. I mean, they're setting us up for a big, big payoff. A big like, I can't wait to see what sort of erotic fascination of weights to be on to. Cuts to, cuts to Miss Israel on Eurovision. And I said, well, is, are there, when, when are they gonna, when are they gonna stop showing the moon on the TV?
Starting point is 00:10:23 So we could see who the and the guy a guy leans over me because oh that's no moon yeah that's the child of a beach ball and bozo the clown that's the woman who just won for Israel she's a national treasure and it's like oh my god uh... they did not like us well racking on the okay good yeah no they didn't they didn't think that was funny uh... anyway so i go to the hospital in israel and i say no i need this receipt i know i have Yeah, no, they didn't. They didn't think that was funny. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:10:46 So I go to the hospital in Israel and I say, I know I need this receipt. I know I have to take it home so I can get reimbursed. So I fold it up into a diamond. I fold it up about nine times. I fold it into a diamond and then I cram it, cram it all the way into my luggage. I considered hiding it at my ass because I knew how serious they were about not liking
Starting point is 00:11:06 Israel. Sure enough, we get to Abu Dhabi, I get a Johnny Supercock, Customs agent, pulls me over and starts going, emptying out my luggage and going through every single fucking stitch, like going through unloading every piece of clothing and searching every seam on the clothing. Like looking for, I don't know what, I don't know what you could hide, I don't know what you could hide in the seam there, dude,
Starting point is 00:11:42 but that's freaking me out. Yeah, you know? Because I don't know what you could hide in the seam there, dude, but that's freaking me out. Yeah. You know? Cause I don't know what you're looking for. Therefore, maybe I have it. Yeah. He finally gets down to this tiny pebble of a receipt that I have at the bottom. And he starts, he starts unfolding it right
Starting point is 00:12:01 at my calm fuck. Is it really? Yeah. Oh, this really happened. He starts unfolding it right at my calm fuck. Really? Yeah. Oh, this really happened. He starts unfolding it. And I'm like, oh, please, please just see that it's like a receipt or something and throw it away. Like he's unfolding it, unfolds the top.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And the second he sees it, oh, Hebrew, you in Israel? I'm like, ah, fuck. Yeah, yeah, I was. I went, you know, I was. I was, I guess, you don't, I mean, I don like, ah, fuck. Yeah. Yeah, I was. I went, you know, I was. I was, I guess, you know, I mean, I don't, I'm trying to play it off and he's like, oh, wow. Well, I got to take another look at all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Why don't you go into the office? So I go into the office. Dude, I go into the office in Abu Dhabi and it's like, border guards, keep coming in and keep offering me weird teas. Yeah. It's about two, it's two in the morning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:52 And everyone comes and he's like, you want, you want dead tea with mint. And I'm like, well, I mean, I gotta say yes. I don't, I wanna go to sleep. So he's gonna cause me you. Are you crazy? Well, that's what I, that's what I was afraid of. Like, it felt like a James Bond movie.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Like I'm like, this is what you do before you kill a guy. It's an airport for him. Off for him nice, delicious teas. They're big on the tea. One after the next. Yeah. One after another. Would you like seven gallons of tea?
Starting point is 00:13:19 I don't know. Would you like another tea? And I was like, hey, I had one to be polite to try to curvy their favor, pointlessly. I had a sip of it. Like, you know what, that's delicious tea. He was like, hey, I had one to be polite to try to curvy their favor pointlessly. I had a sip of it. Like, you know what, that's delicious. See, I get you five more. No, they do this thing the old timers
Starting point is 00:13:31 when you are sitting around, they'll offer you tea. You want tea or water and you say, I don't want anything. And they'll say, that wasn't one of the options. No, no, no, no, no. That's not an option. That's not an option. Which one do you want?
Starting point is 00:13:42 It's not an option. I guess I'll have the tea. So finally, after I explained 100 times, why I have a multi-track recorder in my luggage, like what it does, because, I guess in LA, you take for granted that people might be recording music or recording, you're really doing anything creative
Starting point is 00:14:11 with their time and maybe that's not something these guys. Like when I said, oh yeah, it's for recording instruments. The guy looked at me like I was some kind of a space alien. He's like, but you're an adult man. What do you mean recording? Finally, this guy in a white robe came in. Oh boy. Can Dora.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And now the whole room, meanwhile, this is three hours and the room is slowly filling up with big fat fuck security guards who are all smoking something or drinking a weird tea and all offering. This guard offers me part of his pipe. He's like, you know, I smoke some of his pipe. I mean, doca. Fuck, man. I don't want to say no to this, but yeah, I guess, I guess if you're offering, finally, the guy in the and a white robe came in. And he took a, he gave me, he made me given the same explanation.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Then he took my man's, he took a phone number down that I gave him. Oh yeah. But he wrote it sideways across a notebook. Like he didn't write it on the line. He wrote it sideways with no markings at all. They didn't care. And then said you're free to go.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And like all my shit was in a pile. He just wrote it down to make you feel, they already knew my number. Like they knew. Yeah, man, it is fucking no, man. That was my first experience with Aberdeen Abbey. So I was already terrified. And then I got to NYU,
Starting point is 00:15:38 where there's posters of somebody blank, a lesbian. Like this is, that's Julia. Yeah, Julia, a lesbian. Like this is Julia. Yeah, Julia a lesbian. This is like, I don't know, I don't know what I'm more afraid of. And why you? That's, yes. Either, like, NYU's protecting me because I know I can, I know I have, look, look, look,
Starting point is 00:16:01 look, this is my point. This is the point I wanna make. There needs to be a designation of country that is above first world. Yeah. You understand what I'm saying? We've got the third world and we've got the first world.
Starting point is 00:16:18 But there needs to be a designation above above the first world, like a zero-th law, like a zero-th world that is America. Because nothing will make, nothing, nothing will make you appreciate what America does well like being anywhere else in the world. Yeah, I tell you what, it's just being here has been weird because I never thought about my passport
Starting point is 00:16:42 and what that meant, like I don't care. But now it's like I travel and they just see American passport and they're like, oh yeah, go ahead do whatever you want to my country and then leave. It's just no, you wave that thing around like it's a fucking police badge. Like it's a shield. Yeah. Like I gave, what do you want to do? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Stay there, it's like a Bible. Get the fuck, get the fuck back. And I don't care what I have to put in the, I put a Trump bobble head in the other hand and ward the spirits off the Donald Trump right now if I have to. Yeah. You can walk.
Starting point is 00:17:15 A pornography in this country, Sean. Yeah. Internet pornography doesn't exist. I didn't think so. I load up some porn hub and some other sites this morning in Stephen's bathroom while he was at work. Oh, no, you're on a list. Rubbish out.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I mean, why would I have a bathroom? It's not for that. Yeah, nothing. It's got a nice greeting about how this site's inappropriate. So I reconnect with my, I get on my phone just for fun and disconnect from his Wi-Fi. And because my phone is going through my American provider, it's no problem. It's Tits galore. Pussy galore on the phone.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I'm jealous. So that's number one criteria of a zero with world country. Because I'm you the rest of the world the rest of the first world countries are not going to have that soon. This this is Islamic law. Yeah. the NYU part of it too, like the, I don't even know what to call it, like the feminist censorship of the internet, they're gonna work together and take this shit away from us. And once it's gone, it's fucking gone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:37 It's going by-bye in the UK, it's going by-bye in your, like being in your apartment and looking for pornography with one hand, with my dick on the other and not being able to pull it up made me instantly a fucking rage. In a way that I like it. You got to you got to fight through it to where the rage just gets you hard and then you go with that. No, no, no, no, I'm so mad. So mad that I got no porn that gets me real hard. I need it. I really need it.
Starting point is 00:19:07 That is a zero with world. That is a zero with world criteria number one. The access to unfettered internet pornography. Fuck everything else. Fuck the blockchain. Fuck, fucking, fuck speeds. Fuck download speeds. It's the goddamn pornography. If you do not have, if, fuck, fuck speeds, fuck download speeds. It's the goddamn pornography.
Starting point is 00:19:27 If you do not have, if you are, if you just got regular internet and you don't have completely unrestricted internet pornography, you're stuck in the first world. You need to get in the zero with world, like America. New category on the human development index. Yeah, it's that and the toilets. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Sean, let me tell you about the toilet situation here. They have ass hums. They have ass hums. You don't need to use your hands at all. Okay. Because every toilet in Abu Dhabi has a fire hose attached to it. Oh yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:04 For you to. No, yeah. Yeah. No, no, not this. Uh, they have those in Thailand, I know. No, no, no, it's different. Those are like, but days they give you a little, a little spritz, little, well, there's like, uh, there's like a hose. The, uh, you know, like a shower. It's like a shower. It's the, uh, yeah, the, uh, what do they call them? The, uh, I don't look at a no, man, but it is, it is a, it is a hose.
Starting point is 00:20:29 So fucking hot. Yeah. It's a hose that you could wash a sheep dog with that they have next to every toilet that I guess you're supposed to use after you take a shit. You could, you could take a top coat of paint off of those things. Yeah, you could lose a testicle if you aim that thing wrong. You got to fucking be careful. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I imagine there's a lot of one testicle people out here just for that reason. It's you, wow. You get done with your business and then they've got this, they've got this dish washing, like this is a high pressure dish, it's like you pull it down off,
Starting point is 00:21:04 psh, those off the ceiling. A bus boy could take care of an entire weddings, flatware in about 15 minutes, using one of these things. The toilets in Israel, meanwhile, they build right in the middle of the house. Like we had an Airbnb with no notice of this peculiarity where the bathroom, the toilet room,
Starting point is 00:21:30 was in the middle of the house and had a window into the kitchen. The last time that I either was in the kitchen and wished that I had more easy access to not to go to the bathroom, either was in the kitchen and wish that I could wish that I had more easy access to not to go to the bathroom, but to talk to people in the bathroom to just crack open a window and say, hey, I can't hand me a strutal. Yeah, here, here you go. Don't bother getting up. I'm a bit peckish, but I don't want to interrupt my flow. Yeah, I'm working on something here.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Can you just pass it in? Throw in the toaster oven, wait two minutes, hand it to me through this tiny window. So, you know, I can finish my business. Yeah, this is the, this is a mark, that's a first world country. Yeah, a bathroom in the middle of the house with a window, a delivery window. House. Not in, I mean, I was trying to explain this to the people at, I was trying to explain
Starting point is 00:22:31 this to the people in Israel because somebody said, you know, you walk around, you're American, you walk around the world, you got a big fucking target on you. Everybody wants to talk about what a hillbilly you are, right? Yeah. While they're shitting in their own kitchen. Yeah. So some bitch at Burning Man says to me, well, you know, what's the, what's like the last great art that America has produced? Like the fucking, the toilets. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:56 You can do jumping jacks. You can lay on the floor and make a snow angel with the toilets in America. You can do a cysteine chapel painting. You can hang yourself. You can hang yourself off the roof for days. Just paint. It's like a clean room in Mission Impossible in there. You guys have no idea what it is here. This, the toilet to you is like an afterthought.
Starting point is 00:23:18 It's like a storage closet. They don't spend time there. No. They don't respect themselves. You gotta start there. Yeah. You know, we start as assholes. Yes, we do.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I don't know if, yeah. Is that true? The final object that develops. Yep. Yes. Is an asshole. That's why, you know, that's why abortion is no big deal. You just can't just, just can't sing out an asshole.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Just give me the asshole. World doesn't need another asshole. That's done good into an asshole. Just getting rid of an asshole. World doesn't need another asshole. That's done gun to that asshole. Well, let's say you can tell what a society values by how big the buildings are. So like, if the banks are the biggest buildings in the city, then they like value money. If the schools are the biggest buildings.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Is that true though? Yeah, I'm sorry. Something I read once, but it makes sense. So like America, we have value our assholes. We build giant, beautiful temples to our assholes that we can just live in, set up an RV camp in. That's where we start. Yeah. Start as assholes. So let's focus the home around the asshole and what we're doing with that back to base. Right. It's not because that like everything else in the house just looks like ramshackle garbage
Starting point is 00:24:29 that's why that's why all that that's why everything is so and it's not and it's not just the slums because we went to a very when we came I got very sick at burning man in Israel and I made us leave early I was a huge bitch I couldn't talk man in Israel. And I made us leave early. I was a huge bitch. I couldn't talk. I was having fevered hallucinations. He wasn't after the accident. It wasn't just you. Yeah, it was, I was having a real bad time. I was having, you know what happened, Sean? What's that? I, I did a, I did a little, I did a little bit of drugs. Nobody deal. That's what you do. Uh-huh. At Burning Man. And I don't want to, I don't want to act like drugs are so cool, you know. Oh, thanks buddy. But I did them.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Mm-hmm. No big deal. And right when the drugs kind of took hold is when I, is when my phone exploded, when I was at Burning Man in Israel. Yeah, this is what happened with the lawsuit. So we met some people. They gave us some acid. My man and I, a couple of the people, yeah, people from LA.
Starting point is 00:25:42 We did it. I don't, you know, I don't only recommend doing it. Well, you know, who gives a fuck what I say? I like doing it every once in a while. And right when it started to climb, like right at that moment, when you can feel, when you can feel the drug, and they all work like this cigarette liquor marijuana.
Starting point is 00:26:08 You know what, I guess I could talk about them all, they say, because we're in Ibuda, they're all equally illegal. Oh yeah, yeah, they're not gonna. Yeah, right when the drug kind of grabs your brain stem and twists and yanks on it, that is when I opened up my phone, I'm about 12 hours ahead right now, we're 10 hours ahead then.
Starting point is 00:26:28 I looked at my phone and it just started suddenly exploding. Like blue, blue, blue, thing being being, is one of those times where it just wouldn't stop vibrating. Like the vibrations couldn't, the vibrations couldn't, the physical vibrations couldn't keep up with the notifications of the phone.
Starting point is 00:26:46 All just congratulations, Maddox loss, Maddox loss, Maddox loss, right? Yeah. I don't know, did you, did anybody tell you, Sean? Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, I got sent emails and stuff like that. And yeah, I'm not compared to what you got, I'm sure. But yeah, I was definitely notified
Starting point is 00:27:01 and kept, they kept me up with, you know, what was, who was dismissed with prejudice they kept me up with what was, who was dismissed with prejudice, who wasn't, all that kind of stuff. Who thinks that you should have 58s and not 57s? That kind of stuff. Yeah, it was incredible. Man, I have never seen,
Starting point is 00:27:19 like I have never been the recipient of a massive outpouring of emotion like that. Maybe not even emotion, just a reaction, like a reaction of that. A reaction of that magnitude that people were obviously invested in, but my own family members too. So I was just getting ready to go out.
Starting point is 00:27:43 And I think I had a shirt over my shoulder and I was just getting ready to go out. And I think I had like a shirt, I had a shirt over my shoulder and I was just putting my pants on when I turn the phone on to look at it. And that's when it happened. And I spent probably, that's when I did the reaction video that I think like 70,000 people have seen now. I saw that, You saw that?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah. Yeah. That was right when I found out. And then after that, I walked out into the middle of the street and kind of just fell to my knees, like texting people, texting people back, tweeting people back. I was with a camp of people who had no idea what was going on.
Starting point is 00:28:31 It was really interesting because everyone, everyone was on acid, everyone in the camp. It's like 30 people. And they all kind of turned to me and they're like, is this real? Is this an action? Yeah, it is real. And I was like, yeah, real? Is this an action? Yeah, is real.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And I was like, yeah, I'm pretty sure it's real. I should go check and make sure it's real. So I went out in the street and congratulated you just to make sure that. Yeah, so I was in the middle of the street with my jeans not even zipped up. Like I didn't, once it started, I didn't even have time to put my pants on.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Yeah. The rest of the way. Uh, and it got, it got down to, it got down to a point where everything was going so crazy that it was just, it was just 80s girl and Jamie Lynn Hughes that I was getting updates from. Like they were like a news, they were like summarizing the news of the day. Like, this is, okay, this is what's happening. Like, all right.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I need a break. I need a break. Let's go find hammocks. Yeah, let's go sit down. But it was incredible. It was incredible. Yeah, it was incredible back here too. Well, the stuff and then, yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:47 Rakeda streaming and all this kind of stuff and the documents leaking and, you know, shenanigans going on. I mean, it was fun to see because it was, I just love the term with prejudice. I know, man. It's just such a great legal term, which means you fucking idiot can never do this again.
Starting point is 00:30:10 You just got kicked out of the state for being a fucking moron. Yeah, it's funny. The first time I learned about the term with prejudice was with the restraining order. Yeah. Because when 80s girl applied for the restraining order, she did it, like, she went down to the courthouse and she asked for their advice like what to do,
Starting point is 00:30:39 which is always a mistake. She said, you know, this person's calling my work and I know who it is and they're not gonna stop. They've been doing a bunch of other shit. What should I do? And they said, you need, this person's calling my work and I know who it is and they're not going to stop. They've been doing a bunch of other shit. What should I do? And they said, you need an emergency restraining order this and that. So before Keon got a hold of it, if we had not been able to defend that, as it was originally, like if we had not been able, if 80s girl had not been able to show up in court, which she was not going to be able to do, which is how Keon saved the day on
Starting point is 00:31:07 that, and the rest of it, it was going to be dismissed with prejudice. She could never, yeah, which means she could, because it was an emergency, which means she could never file again. So the first time I ever learned the phrase with prejudice, it made like it made my heart sink. Because I'm like, fuck, this is the only chance we're gonna get to have at this. And it's gonna get fucked up. So to see it, like to see that as the first thing when it's night time for me, but everybody else is. To see that is the very first thing,
Starting point is 00:31:47 I was like, oh, I fucking know how this feels. You son of a bitch. I know how it feels to have with prejudice on something. It feels like shit. The threat of it feels like shit. And now you have it forever. Now you're stuck with it forever. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Fuck you. Yeah. That was the best. That was the, that God, that was, it was, it was such a great circle from learning about that phrase to actually seeing it in action. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. Because it's just, it's, it's punishing. It's so judgmental. It is. Um, let me see here. I want to, I want to play a song. And then I think a wild, a wild hissoka appears is in the chat. He was the guy that was in court reporting on the whole thing. Oh, yeah, that was great. Cool. Yeah. Let me see if I want to talk about anything more about. I'm sure I'll talk about
Starting point is 00:32:40 a little the Middle East a little bit more, but let me play this song first. Kendall and I had how you doing? You're a little bit more. But let me play this song first, Kendall and Hyde. How you doing? You're a little more put together in the last time you were on the show two years ago. Yeah, maybe that's a bad thing. Maybe I should sneak out. You're fine. Here we go. Here's the bicycle boys too by,
Starting point is 00:33:00 I think this is by Kendall and Hyde and Sam Glaze. Shit, I think I'm late. Where's this courthouse? Feels like I've been biking in circles for hours. Can't wait to see the look on Dick's face when I win. I could really use this money too. Come on, I know my rent. Jack, Jack. Landown needs paid. The Lord knows snacks aren't getting any cheaper. Oh, there it is! Wait, nobody's scared! Did I win?
Starting point is 00:33:26 Check my home page at the Dix show, reddit! I don't you dare! Maddocks lost! Oh, he said, now they're shouting from the rooftop! Maddocks lost! It's Dix won't be so mad! And since they're fighting on God, I was cowating all that money! Landl's invoices, new now!
Starting point is 00:33:42 And Tyrone wants his sneakers! What's up? I'm not gonna lie! Now they're shouting from the rooftop Man it's lost man it's lost It sticks on me so much Man's in so much fighting Not God I was cowing all that money Bandleds invoices Do now And Tyrone wants his sneakers What am I gonna do now? I stood around and watched my empire
Starting point is 00:33:53 Rumble and fall down I need illegal deeds Guess I better go land down What were you today? Court started up SIRT I got lost Okay New York's confusing as shit
Starting point is 00:34:02 Where are you now? My phone's low I think we should meet I'm drinking with the kid from home York's confusing as shit. Where are you now? My phone's low, I think we should meet. I'm drinking with the kid from home alone down the street. Wait, did I win? Are you too celebrating? No, you lost. We're toasting to the invoice you're paying. Stay, I'll be there soon. I want a good explanation. Did they have to rip me off the top of the movie?
Starting point is 00:34:18 They will be debating. Right? It's giving me an away from my lost lawyer. Have you seen him? Oh, he's about 5'5". Possibly, where he comes, gets troubled by things. He breaks the moves. And the stove, last call. You went that way? You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Now get out of my way! Red Rover, red Rover. I call Landown Rover. What happened? Ramos Crushy, like a legal bulldozer? It's not what I call you, tried to suit co-painter and boar. I might as do the chance if you could friggin' stay sober. Chill out and have a drink while your meanie and friend is a little too LA and they consume them again. Just pay me for my travel time, 2000 and I'll work. And here's my deal for breakfast, post to three vodka sour.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I hate it for wow, this is getting expensive you can't quit now and look on the defensive come on, let's sue it okay, I'll do it call Landwee for all your legal needs put some Ryan, let's soy milk, we'll turn this around vice and homologian, we're back in town we better win this time!
Starting point is 00:35:27 No problem! Oh no, I'm really gonna pay you! I'll know you worry about that! Art Matthew is free to build the agenda for a very reasonable price! Who are we to check out? I guess. Is it too stressful? Every day!
Starting point is 00:35:43 It is a high school! Three people! Eight people! Eight people! I guess it's a two-stress book every day. It is a hunter, three-year-old. It's weak probably. Uh... Ha-ha-ha. Remember, Matt and I. Well, boss, he's not to blame for any of this. He'll go down to his dying breath,
Starting point is 00:35:58 being completely innocent of all of this. He never did any of this. He is a hundred percent of victim. Always was, always building. Maddox. That makes you, Maddox. A complete piece of shit. You slimy, fuck, fucking luteic.
Starting point is 00:36:10 You fucking coward. You've talent-wise has been coward. Complete piece of shit. Like is there any sense of remorse? You speech hinges on whether or not Maddox. I like it when they cite Maddox to refute Maddox. You fucking coward. You've talent-wise has has been powered complete piece of shit
Starting point is 00:36:27 Kevin airing land out this is maddox's lawyer I got more to you eyes than my thing through my head and claws They are in chaos on the rock I'm rock and roll Kevin land out I'm rock and roll Kevin land out I got more do you guys a modeling crew I'm creating a vehicle To intoxicating look or release that bonus episode I got more DUI as a modeling crew I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle
Starting point is 00:36:45 I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle
Starting point is 00:36:53 I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle
Starting point is 00:37:01 I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle I was just a trading vehicle Yeah, yeah, we remember we said he filled his ass tray with dog food. Yeah, well I mean, but I'm not sure what he deserves. I mean, it's we went well. I mean every go to fucking jail. Everything's relative Yeah, I mean Oh man, so he's I think he's got some like sanctions coming his way, right? I hope so. Does anyone know? Does anyone know?
Starting point is 00:37:26 Oh, wait, no, that's the best part of that song. It's a bri-a. It's a bri-a. It gets real dirty at the end. Alright, let me get, let me bring a wild hissoka. You want to get a wild hissoka in here or a serios? I thought a serios was in a meeting. He got out of the meeting.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Oh, okay. Real convenient. Okay, let me get a serios in real fast. He got out of the meeting. Oh, okay. Real convenient. Okay, let me get a stereo scene real fast. Here he comes. Hello, can you guys hear me? There he is. Yeah, what's up, dude? Hey, congratulations. Congratulations, Sue. The speedest word to the English language. Case dismissed. Yeah, man, case dismissed. Sorry that you didn't get with prejudice, like the rest of us. Well, I get it like a judge really has to...
Starting point is 00:38:18 Like a judge doesn't want to penalize a plaintiff for hiring the world's worst lawyer. So I can't even understand. the world's stupidest lawyer. Would you just take it? Yeah, exactly, you know, slurping out the straw over here. You know, landows in the courtroom with a 14 year old boy, like landows in the courtroom with like a paralegal that looks like Kevin MacGalister from Pomelone and they are really hard. yes didn't you watch any of my live
Starting point is 00:38:47 streams or have you been no I've been in the fucking desert for I've been in the desert for a week and then I've been in a theocratic autocracy for the rest of that I don't really have the option of watching lives that's been the worst fucking part you the worst fucking part of this is that I went to, I went to the most extremes possible to isolate myself from the entire rest of the world. While the entire rest of the world is having the most fun party they've ever had for me.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Like that I cannot join in on because I went, like I went physically, physically 11,000 miles away Technologically not a cell tower inside even my fucking brain. I disabled that with drugs and I'm sitting there No, I need to talk to these people right now Fuck Anyway, no as soon I haven't seen seen anything and i haven't seen fucking anything you are definitely uh... haram
Starting point is 00:39:50 i definitely cannot get a stereo's coconut new way okay uh... will hopefully i'm closer but let me walk you through what happened that day uh... again i'm sorry that my connections dot great uh... but uh... but you, we get there and the first
Starting point is 00:40:07 thing happens is one of the other lawyers, I won't say who, says Landau came over and said, hey, it's nice to meet you. Now remember, Landau has filed sanctions against these lawyers. Landau was accusing these lawyers of high crimes and lunch to charge them $10,000 or what they've done to him but in person all smiles. So one of the lawyers tells Landown to go fuck himself which is great. Really? Wait literally really wait literally which lawyer i they that would be hurting something no comment no comment but it was great and we're waiting for a minute so one of the one of the lawyers
Starting point is 00:40:53 in court that day told land out to go fuck himself uh... yes now not during the trial but again land out came over to them to try to make nice and That's like trying to make nice with a guy you You're also trying to rob a gunpoint for 10 to 15 thousand dollars worth of sanctions. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:41:15 That's so it'd be a wild sanctions first. Yeah, it's probably green burger right green burger told him to go fuck Themself is what I'm hearing what I'm here do No comment and confirm no comment so oh my god the fact this fucking land out what a piece of shit okay anyway keep going yeah exactly so now land out is the biggest example of an internet tough guy I have ever seen. You saw the email that Landau is writing where he's like, wait, this is like, I can use the internet. You're doing this, it's unconsentable, I've seen, you must look intimately. And then Landau gets up on the stage like a scared eight-year-old boy giving his book
Starting point is 00:42:01 report. He's reading directly from the complaint. He's reading directly from the he's reading directly from the complaint guess what can read directly off a piece of paper just the judge and i think it's higher fucking just to do this all the guys can do is just read off the paper oh my god yeah
Starting point is 00:42:20 was george at the jungle there no matter what they no no matter what was not there. We didn't know if he'd show up. We gave the odds of him showing up at 50-50, because you can count on Mattich to do the stupidest thing possible. Yep.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Now, the stupidest thing possible for George to do would be to not show up because he is claiming that this is the most convenient forum to have the trial in New York. So how convenient can it be if you're going to try to charge people with serious crimes like stalking and harassing and abuse and then not show up? I guess these crimes weren't that serious. Greenberger several times goes,
Starting point is 00:43:05 my client, a stereos coconut, it points to me. And I'm wearing my big innocent glasses. I got a haircut so my head looks extra round. I look like a bald turkish wearing suit. Like I look so innocent. I would never do any of these things. Which by the way, I never did.
Starting point is 00:43:22 But still, it doesn't hurt to look super innocent. And of course, where's the man whose life has been turned upside down? Who's, where's the man who's suffered on considerable stress? He's in LA playing for 12,000,000. I mean, that's serious. You, you were there. Why would you be in the same room as your attacker? That's pretty extreme. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so then what happened? Oh, okay, so then what happens next? So the judge is asking land out very basic questions. They start with me. That because the day before they had dismissed Patreon's charges, Jordan Copin patreon the day before charges dismissed with practice so i get the sense that the judge knows
Starting point is 00:44:08 he's gonna throw out everybody else's cases to so let's start with the only new york resident in this new year court being charged with new york rind new york rasterios coca so they get so that so they get me up there the very first thing that jordan reber says is a stereo's cocasterios coconut is a comedian at which point Sriracha, my girlfriend, has to stab herself in the leg with her fingernails to stop from laughing. And then Greenberg was a wild card.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Sriracha. Yeah. I'm sorry. I had a little bit of trouble hearing. I hope you guys can hear me. So anyway, it's funny way. It's fun So anyway Greenberg released it out real clear this guy's a comedian George is doing it and says his public figure. He says it in page one of his complaint. Oh, I'm a New York Times best seller with millions of YouTube subscribers And my podcast has been heard hundreds of thousands of times once again George is ego is his undoing yep
Starting point is 00:45:05 because he's claiming that we're invading this privacy and yes, he's also claiming that I'm a New York Times bestseller. New York Times bestseller in self-help. Fucking Marley in me was a New York Times bestseller in self-help. He's like Dr. Phil has- No, Caesar's way. I see. Yeah, Caesar's in self-help.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Caesar Milan book one, but was a bestseller in self-help. Wait, self-help. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't know that. It's not the same category. I thought it was comedy or something. No, no, no, no, no, no. I've never cared. No, it's not Harry Potter. No, it's almost like this guy doesn't tell the truth or something. Yeah. Anyway, it's almost like this guy doesn't tell the truth or something. But anyway, it's almost like he'll tell you who'll be somewhere and then you go to that place and then he's not there at all. So the judge is going, what statements did Mr. Kokonos make that are defamatory and land out just goes back to reading off the paper? And the judge goes, no, no, no, no, tell me what he said.
Starting point is 00:46:05 A defendant has the right to know what crime he's being accused of. And then land how has this like 14 year old boy, Parallegal, who's running over in an oversized suit, and like pointing to the area, and this little kid is like pointing to things on the complaint, like with a red pen like oh say this oh say this Like tattoo and fantasy islees running Yes, that's exact that's a much better example and and of course this kid is pointing to stuff and it's like kid
Starting point is 00:46:41 You're not gonna find the answers in this document this whole document is crap I don't know what you think you're pointing at that you think it's like kid you're not going to find the answers in this document. This whole document is crap. I don't know what you think you're pointing at that you think is going to save this case. So we're in there for like maybe 45 minutes by favorite part. And again, wait a minute. Wait a minute. You know what? I want to go through.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I just want to go through the entire case by point by point bullet point of the trial. Is that okay? Of course, man. Let's watch the show. A wild hassoca appears, wrote the whole thing. Do you have time for me to go through it? And the entire like I've read this thing, I've read this thing probably a hundred times by now. The dickhead who was in court, a wild his soka who uh... who transcribed everything he saw it's like it's a giant threat on the right uh... that he posted the day of i think that a lot of the stuff that you're saying was in there
Starting point is 00:47:36 but a lot of stuff isn't uh... i'm gonna go through it now i i just want to go through it now sure and interestingly everything has sokaette was correct i was like well it's got to great notes and bullet point format since it's easier uh... one a stary house's motion was first since he's a new york resident and we're sure it's been we're sure it's motion would be dismissed
Starting point is 00:48:00 if his was uh... green burger did an opening statement so this was after Greenberger told Land Out of Go Fuck himself, right? No comment on who said that. Man, I also saw that Greenberger is a hunk. Is he? Yeah, everybody in the people who were there. It seems like everyone involved as a hunk. Yeah, but people are saying Green green burgers like very sexy, very sexy lawyer, man. A stereosis motion was first since he's a New York resident in Weber-Shane Wicks motion would be dismissed if he was. So you get two in one. That's two furrets. You get them both. Green burger did an opening statement reminiscent of the opening statements to one of his oppositions.
Starting point is 00:48:42 He talked about how New York has a strong tradition of criticizing people and that Maddox is a public figure is not exempt from that. He gave a brief overview about how the plaintiff and Dick have competing podcasts now. Then the judge started going down the list of causes of action against the stereos one by one. So my thinking in this is, Ramos is either, Ramos is the judge. Ramos is either gonna get it by now at this opening or he's not, right? That's a fair assumption. Because everybody knows what like radio bullshit,
Starting point is 00:49:21 like shit talking is. Yeah, that's been going on since forever forever Even even when there was just like newspapers it was one guy would get out and shit on the other guys newspapers I've that fucking newspapers fake is fucking bullshit is printed on kids printed on a amp fuck you right Yeah, um, Ramos thankfully knew more about the case and we knew because he was the very first person to bring up Heather. Oh God, what? That's not in the right up. Yeah, it is. It's in there. Okay. All right. Invasion and privacy was first green burger made it clear that the plaintiff is a public figure. I
Starting point is 00:49:56 Think that helped a lot because the judge would respond to most of land-out statements with it. God, that's that's out statements with it. God, that's devastating already. Landown basically paraded what he wrote in the documents. It was kind of painful listening to him talk. It felt like it felt a lot like listening to an unprepared student go up in front of the class to do a presentation. His word choice felt like he was trying to be vague because he didn't know enough of the details himself. You see people doing the same thing on Shark Tank if that makes any sense. That makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Because on Shark Tank, they ask very hard questions and most of the time, the people avoid the questions and try to stick to their bullshit, their bullshit ad campaign, like pitching the service without ever answering anything about how much money it's gonna make or what it's gonna cost or anything like that. That's a great analogy.
Starting point is 00:50:57 What were you gonna say, bud? I was gonna say that's mostly true except at one point. So when it came time to talk about the contract, so Landel and Manix are claiming that there was a breach of a contract with Harrys. And so the judge is essentially saying, what is the breach? Was there a breach? Is there a breach?
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yes or no? And Landel keeps saying, well, there's breach? Yes or no? And land out, keep saying, well, there's a respite campaign, and the judge is going, no, no, no. Why can't you answer yes or no question? Was there a breach? Yes or no? And the reason I was hesitating is because he knows there wasn't a breach. Like they didn't even produce the contract into evidence. Like how the hell can this thing, how the hell can this thing be breach It can be canceled if all of a sudden Harry's doesn't want to advertise with the world's shittiest podcast anymore Yeah, and breached this is I'm I'm telling you this was I
Starting point is 00:52:01 100% believe that this is how Land Out eats. Like this is how this guy makes enough money to live by, this is what I think, this is how I think Land Out lives. He offers his legal services to companies that don't need a lawyer, but that think they need a lawyer because they that think they need a lawyer because they're run by morons. Like if you are, if you're running some kind of a stupid nightclub,
Starting point is 00:52:31 or a stupid, or if you're like running an entertainment venue or something, like guys in LA who promote constantly, they do almost nothing, but like try to get people to come to the shit and they always have a huge inflated opinion of who they are and I Promise that there's a ton of them who team up with land out like on retainer and throw him 10 grand 20 grand or something like that Just to keep him around to have the like aura of having a council on retainer
Starting point is 00:53:05 have the aura of having a counsel on retainer so that in case anything comes up, in case anything comes, maybe they don't even pay him, but they just put his name on there about us page. Because if you want to be cool, and you're trying to be cool, it's like, oh, I got a lawyer on retainer. So there's that.
Starting point is 00:53:21 And then I think, I swear to God, I think that i think that what he does is find finds insane people like maddox who have a like country bumpkins who come into l.a.
Starting point is 00:53:38 and feel that they are wrong somehow and fill fill their head with nonsense and then just charge them whatever they like however much money they have until they're done like until they're dry to file to file these like fantasy it's like like you cut you if you cut if you're some hot chick from Kansas or from Nebraska I hate saying Nebraska from what because my mom's from Nebraska but it's because it's from the middle of the country and there's a bunch of dumb motherfuckers in the middle of the country who move to l.a. thinking they're going to get famous you get there
Starting point is 00:54:16 well only the dumb ones move yeah uh... you get there and you can dump tons of money into like making a real or taking stupid, stupid acting lessons or commercial acting lessons that all end in some kind of a product. It's the fake product. That's what this entire lawsuit was to me is a fake, apoke, a fake product that is bespoke to you and your delusions, where he's, he's, land-outs taking everything about Maddox,
Starting point is 00:54:52 everything that in his deluded brain, he thinks he deserved and land-out codified it and submitted it into the system for a nominal fee as like an ego project for this Midwestern schmuck who was made to take an advantage of from guys like this. Everybody's like, I see people saying he's on retainer and he was hoping for a land I was hoping for a settlement and all these other alternative gamble
Starting point is 00:55:25 ways where he could have made money but I think this entire thing was the money maker like this entire lawsuit was land house bread and butter and it it worked for him go ahead oh now I'm sorry I just want to jump because I have to unfortunately go in a minute. I think it's recording this in the middle of uh... of the work day because he wanted to go for a call to his real but i've been anyway uh... i can't really agree with the whole of the uh... because this guy doesn't i don't think this guy would work on retainer
Starting point is 00:55:57 i think this guy wants his money up front so good men doesn't work on retainer i don't know what you know land that would uh... and i completely agree with what you're saying about targeting a certain kind of client because sure. The other lawsuits land I was involved in. He's doing playboy. He's doing bread, gray, and entertainment, which is the company that created a ton of shows for HBO, especially
Starting point is 00:56:22 the Larry Sanders show. If you go to the Land Ag Group's website and you look at their press section, what they do is they are very good at generating scary headlines that appeal to stupid liberals. Who are the way to get tension? For example, this one. Yeah, now I want to cut to the chase for me because I'm so sorry I got to go. Yeah, but seriously, thank you for having me on. It's really nice to talk about this for once. Yeah, yeah, I mean, because I wanted to talk about this for six months. The two last things, what to say are one, my case was dismissed, but unfortunately it was
Starting point is 00:56:59 dismissed without prejudice, which means that land down Maddox could refile against me, and I could be back in court again. Now, a lot of people think, oh, he's not going to have the money, or a lot of people thinking, or thinking, oh, he's not going to do it because he's going to have learned his lesson. Let me tell you something about Maddox. He's not going to learn his lesson.
Starting point is 00:57:18 He's not going to learn his lesson. No, no. He is going to double down and come back harder, and like I said at the beginning of the call, the reason I think he's going to refile and I'm going to be hauled back at a court is that you can always count on Maddox to do the stupidest thing possible. You can set your watch to it. You can set your watch to dumbass time with Maddox with George fucking a zoonian. So yeah so this thing may not be over me. I'm really glad it's over for you. I am so happy for you Yeah, I mean
Starting point is 00:57:49 If he's try if he tries to do this in California, he'll get he'll get he'll get asked for abed By California anti-slap laws like he Yeah, the best the best thing he could possibly do for me is sue me in California. Sure the best the best thing he could possibly do for me is assuming in california sure because he'll get destroyed uh... california is uh... very pretty very very protective california for some reason hasn't has a highly invested interest in protecting uh... freedom of expression for some reason for some reason california above all the other states has put their law where their mouth is in that regard.
Starting point is 00:58:30 So I don't think he'll ever come for me in California because of that. Like I don't think he'll ever find a guy like Landau in California who would make that lawsuit. I mean, they're more hit to those laws. Yeah, because they know that it will cost, like they know that it could cost a million dollars. Like if you, if you try to sue, if you sue somebody for something like this in California, you could, you could get hit with like nine times the,
Starting point is 00:58:56 you can get hit with nine times the fees of how much it costs them to defend it. Yeah, which is, but, yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. But I will say this like this on Reddit, be careful, Dick, because the very last thing that Landau said was, can we bring this case in California? And the judge said, that's not my jurisdiction, it's a free country. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Or is it not? Yeah, no, I read that too. And this is why that's why I think. Is that Jack? That's why I think. That's why i think that's why i think i don't know minnesota in new york it's i i think the reason he asked that was so he could go back to maddox and say good news you can refile in california like i think that i think land out is i think he knows exactly what he's doing you've always got to make it, yeah. You've always got to make it look like you're working for your,
Starting point is 00:59:51 like you're working for your supper, you know? I think that's because he didn't know. I think, because he didn't know. No, he absolutely didn't know. I think he just wanted to say like, oh, don't worry, I asked. And this is what he. I asked yeah, and This is what he said, but yeah, thanks a stereo. Thanks for calling. Oh, no problem And I'm sorry one more thing do you want to read the entire court transcript? What right now? Oh, this is no, I want to do it later when I get my good audio and everything
Starting point is 01:00:19 Well, it's you did want to read it now. Of course you could find it at slash stereos. The whole core transcript is there at slash stereos. And also, if you go to slash stereos, you can buy little lawsuit t-shirt. And what's on the lawsuit t-shirt? Why it's a section from the transcript, where the judge threatened to have Kevin Landau taking out in handcuffs and put in prison. Yeah. Phenomenal. So all right. He's going to the shelter.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Yeah. All right. He's going. All right. Thank you, hysteria. Kevin Landau in jail. And you can win over here. I know we're getting there.
Starting point is 01:00:59 I'd Slash the Stereos. Okay. Bye. Slash the Stereos. Bye. Bye. See ya. Congratulations. It did make it. It did make sense. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Go ahead. I was going to say it did make sense. What a stereo said about the client not being penalized by an incompetent lawyer, where,
Starting point is 01:01:21 which is why he threw it out, you know, without prejudice, so that he could basically get his thoughts together again and present some sort of a coherent argument. So he can probably knowing that it's not going to hold any water, but at least that excuses off the table. I don't know if that makes sense or not. Yeah, it, you know, it does make sense. You know, I know that this group of people are the good people in this whole fucking scenario. I know that you do know that. Well, it's that even though all this bullshit
Starting point is 01:01:50 is happening, we're still like everyone's looking at the judge did that. Like there's these weird efforts to justify like, well, you know, I get it. We're trying to rationalize it. Or make sure to rationalize it. Like as if, you know, like, no, fuck both of them. I mean, the, no, the judge, like the, the, the funniest part is we read all of these reviews of Judge Ramos before the trial, saying that he's such a wild card, and he doesn't like to read. But as we suspected the entire time,
Starting point is 01:02:18 they're written by losers. Yeah. Like all of the negative reviews are written by people who went up against this guy or who win up against somebody in this guy's courtroom and lost, cause they're fucked. What's out of this for fucking everything, for restaurants or whatever, like get on Google
Starting point is 01:02:35 and be like, oh, I'm gonna get this Chinese. All right, let me get the wild, he's okay in here. Well, yeah, it's proven that detractors or people who have had a negative experience with something are much more likely to talk about it to other people than people who really like something. Yeah. Hey, uh, he's so good, are you there? Hey, can you hear me all right?
Starting point is 01:02:53 Yeah, wow, the so-car, all right, man. I'm gonna keep reading it. I'm gonna keep reading it actually. Hey, thank you so much for, uh, for going to court and for documenting this. Yeah, no problem. It was, it was amazing to watch. You can call me Zach, by the way. Zach.
Starting point is 01:03:07 All right. It was amazing to watch and what else? It was, everyone told me that it would just be another boring legal proceeding. Like, oh, you're going to see a bunch of legalese. Nothing interesting is going to happen, but no. It was incredible to watch because the land out is such a character. Why
Starting point is 01:03:26 you say that? Because like the moment he started talking, I just felt bad for the guy, because I've seen like I wrote in that post I did, he sounds like someone who's not prepared for what he's doing. And he's just desperately trying to like find the right big words that'll fill in in the judge's head what should make sense, but he doesn't know what to actually say. Sean, Sean, tell me I'm wrong in saying that Landau is doing the bare minimum to escape sanctions
Starting point is 01:04:02 while fleecing people with these uh... delusions of uh... of of legal joe of justice like delusions of justice or what that guy prays on right like you have delusions of fame that people pray on when they can when you come to when you come to hollywood there's like producers or whoever
Starting point is 01:04:22 who will pray on delusions of fame, but this guy, Landau, prays on a delusion of what justice actually is. And I promise you, he has charged Maddox upwards of 20, 30 grand to make this forest a reality for him. You know what I mean? I should have done what I mean? I should have my begun. All right, Andy's gone. I think Landau started by talking about how they're using
Starting point is 01:04:51 his client's name and image for commercial purposes. It was so satisfying to hear the judge say almost the same things about Landau's argument as Nick slash other YouTube lawyers. The judge rebuked that. It's not like they're using your client's name and saying that they endorse a product. They're making fun of your client, which was Nick's point the entire time. In fact, Ramos repeatedly emphasized how it's allowed to make fun of a public figure.
Starting point is 01:05:19 He even said, I'm a public figure. You should see what they write about me on the internet. That's what Ramos said. Ramos was so skeptical of landows arguments from the beginning. Like, you can see how he was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but every time landows said something a little wrong, which is something that Nick would usually blow up over, the judge immediately shoots him down, you know? Oh, man. That's good. is something that Nick would usually blow up over, the judge immediately shoots him down. You know?
Starting point is 01:05:45 Oh, man. That's good. God, I would have given anything to be in your seat that whole time. What was Ramos like? You could tell he cuts through the bullshit, which was really nice. He was, you know, he didn't take himself too seriously.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Like I said with that quote over there, like you should see what they write about me on the internet. Yeah. He also said stuff like, you know, like when Landau was saying, actually, this is one of my favorite parts. Jar Jaramos was talking about how, you know, people, celebrities are allowed to make fun of each other,
Starting point is 01:06:19 right? And Landau goes, well, it's one thing if it's like all in good fun. And the judge goes, no, it doesn't. Hang on, I guarantee you what Esa Nell says about Trump. Every night is not in good fun. That is not. That is not.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Where did he said that? Yeah, that's fun. He said that in earnest. Well, it's one thing, you can make fun of someone as long as it's all in good fun and lightheartedness. But if you have some kind of anger behind it, how's this a little bit? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:48 So we're supposed to discern intent. What do I mean? Exactly. This guy, he's trying to, if it's all in good fun, we could do it. But as soon as it's not fun for everyone, it's definitely a hammer. I mean, this guy's only stabbed her thirty times and good fun yeah
Starting point is 01:07:06 he's drunker than a bag of hammers to a weird back and forth continued for a while with land out saying how hysteria some dick releasing addresses birthday information allegations of sexually transmitted diseases which is not true uh... land out tried to explain why cuck is more than just an insult and is actually defamation. He tried to explain what a Cuck old is, but the judge kept interjecting with, but he's a public figure. How was Landow's explanation of Cuck, Zach? Landow defined C cook is like someone who encourages or becomes a voyeur to their wife
Starting point is 01:07:49 Or significant other engaging in like sex with other men and he's saying well, it's causing my client to be perceived in a particular way It's like Even the judge was like let's just say it's like calling him a jerk or calling him something else. I don't hear why it needs to be more than that. Oh God. The judge kept asking land out to explain exactly how New York civil rights laws 50 51 were broken. That's when Greenberger chimed in with how the plaintiff is not a New York citizen and thus isn't even entitled to it. The judge literally put his hands up to his head. He did this a few times throughout the hearing and said, you're right, it doesn't even apply to them.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Landow tried to argue that it should go ahead. I was just gonna say, I love how their master plan just keeps fucking them in the ass. Every move, dumber them the last. The judge going, you're right, it doesn't even apply to them because they're not in this fucking state uh... land out tried to argue that it should apply because the stereosis in new york and maddox's business context blah blah but the judge didn't buy it
Starting point is 01:08:54 can claim was dismissed uh... the next one was misappropriation land out at some point said how is client lost out on hundreds of thousands of dollars because of the campaign's dick hysteria's did against maddox's sponsors however each time he would try to explain how he would lump dick in with it causing the judge to repeatedly tell him something specific hysterios specific we did
Starting point is 01:09:14 since the claim was torturous interference torches torches interference the judge asked land out was there a breach of contract land out gave another weird long-winded answer which didn't even address the question the judge was visibly annoyed always always great to visibly annoyed judge and then asked for a yes or no so we said yes the point was then quickly made that the breach was not alleged in the complaint both green burger and mattes say how the complaint used phrasing
Starting point is 01:09:42 the contract was canceled this caused about ten seconds of silence from land out while he went through his papers to find a response the judge dismissed the second action as well he tells land out again how you can't group multiple defendants together uh... the defendant has a right to know what specific accusation is against them or something like that i'm telling you man this is this entire thing is the, is a Midwestern pumpkin, is Maddox, the Midwestern,
Starting point is 01:10:10 Anjaneu, the Midwestern dumb fuck with the giant target on his back who came into California and got rooked by, and got rooked, his fucking ego got rooked by a charlatan. It has never been, it has never been more clear to me than by this, this non-existent defense that he put up. Oh, one thing I wanted to add to something. Oh, one thing I wanted to add to something. He's a gigantic fucking sucker.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Go ahead, Zach. A little bit before that when the judge was was demanding that Landau read an actual statement from the complaint, the constitutes confirmation, the judge starts reading something and almost, excuse me, Landau starts reading something. Like one of the posts or one of the things on the complaint and then Greenberg gets up and goes, that's not attributed to my client,
Starting point is 01:11:03 that's attributed to Dick. Yeah, of course. So even now, even in front of a judge, Landau is trying to like, sneakily get like trick the judge into thinking a stereo said something else. That guys fucked. A little more back and forth happened
Starting point is 01:11:20 before the judge said that we could spend all day going over the complaint, but it's hopeless. He said that he's going to dismiss them all. So land out has a chance to replede against the New York defendants. I don't think he will. I would be shocked if Maddox refiled this against the stereos. At that point, Greenberger jumped in and tried to argue against it probably because it means that the case might not be over from the stereos yeah unfortunately the judge said he sees how the complaint might be amended against the new york defendants to have legitimate cause of action sure because you know because he doesn't know because he doesn't know anything other than what is the massively
Starting point is 01:12:00 incompetent clusterfuck that sits before him that's all he actually knows happened is that what he's staring at defies reason or belief. So if I'm looking at something that is a catastrophic failure, I could see how this would be, I could see how maybe some of the things in here might be true and that there might actually be evidence for them, but it's been, this has been crafted
Starting point is 01:12:22 so clumsily and terribly that it's that there's absolutely nothing to it uh... m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Landown starts reading the Mad Cux paragraph and calls it an admission from one of the defendants It was the one time during the hearing where it was almost impossible to keep a straight face I honestly do not understand how somebody can earnestly argue that that's serious in front of a judge the judge actually responded with this is your basis for this claim Land what what was is what claim. What was the reaction? What was Landown's reaction to that? This is the basis for your claim.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Like basically the judge is not an idiot. He's saying, this is this obvious, this is this completely preposterous thing is the basis for your claim. Landown, the thing you read, well originally the judge uh... jumped in and go okay what's the basis you have for whatever and so land out after like five minutes of shuffling through papers pulls out the paragraph and then once the judge goes this is the basis for your claim land out starts backtracking
Starting point is 01:13:39 goes oh no no but there's other things but uh... that is an admission from one of the defendants. You know, and that's when a Munoz jumps in and starts talking about how it's not even an admission. It is obviously a joke because what is the judge? What was the look on the judge's face when he's listening to this to Mad Cux's confession of being like a construction of Patreon bots and formulas. It was mostly confusion with a little bit of anger.
Starting point is 01:14:07 I was watching the judge for so much of the procedure. Because one, how old are the lawyers? Where did the judge look like? Like the mid 50s, something like that. What, what, was he Mexican? No, I think he was white. He was white, okay. He was white. He had like some gray hair, something like he was white. I was white, okay. He was white.
Starting point is 01:14:25 He had like some gray hair, something like that. Okay. But I was watching the judge one because you can't really see the faces of the lawyers. And two, this is the guy that determines the fate of everyone on this show basically. So every little, from the first words he says, it is setting the tone for the rest of the day and what's going to happen to this show, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:48 So what was the look on his face when he's reading this, when Landau is suffering the indignity of reading this entire paragraph? It is mostly confusion with like a little bit of just like being baffled. Like the judge looked like he was trying to get, here's the thing, the judge tried really hard to understand what Landau was saying. Even though Landau really made him mad, repeatedly, tried, he like really earnestly tried to go, okay, what are you trying to get out here?
Starting point is 01:15:18 Let me help you. Let me try to see if this is a real law that I can help you with. Like a kid who can't solve a math problem. Yeah, all right, buddy. We'll figure this out. That's what you do to the stupid kid. Like, oh, I'm really gonna try to help you.
Starting point is 01:15:34 So you feel stupid forever. Yeah. And then obviously, Munoz jumps in and starts going how, this is obvious, like he reads it again and then goes how it's obviously a joke because no period in the oh go ahead the mad cucks paragraph was read twice in court essentially the oh here's here's something great when when landau first reads it he kind of skims through the first paragraph
Starting point is 01:16:03 yeah and the court the court transcriber court reporter couldn't quite hear him through the first paragraph. Yeah. Yeah. And the court transgriber, court reporter, couldn't quite hear him. And the first line of the Madcooks paragraph is right after the rapeless video. Yeah. And she didn't hear the words rapeless video. And he had to repeat it to this like 80 year old lady. Garen Gia, she's never written that before
Starting point is 01:16:36 Right after the rapeless video excuse me can you repeat that? Um, no Right after the rapeless video through it. Oh My god, What a fucking asshole. Mums that are. Okay. Moonyus went up right after and started arguing about how absurd that paragraph is and how it's clearly a joke. Oh god.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Oh, I still got, I'm still diseased. You're happy to drink. I got some. No PR firm has data about the weight and body type of a bunch of individuals, which can be utilized by Dick's company. Moreover, he said that it was written by Mad Cux, which the plaintiffs had said themselves
Starting point is 01:17:17 as a parody character. Landow tried to interrupt Munoz twice during the above, causing the judge to hit his gavill and loudly ask land out if he wanted to be kicked out of court. After the world's longest silence, after the world's longest question, your honor. I don't know, are you going to kick me into a bar, your honor? After the world's longest silence, the judge continued by saying how he'll hold land out in contempt and have him in handcuffs in jail
Starting point is 01:17:53 for contempt of the court if he does that one more time. Holy fucking shit. What was that like? I was waiting for him to do, I was waiting for land out to interrupt again because he had interrupted the judge a few times before that. Like at some point the judge was going, I'm looking through the complaint
Starting point is 01:18:12 and I don't really see and Land Out star it's talking over him. Oh, yeah. And the judge starts yelling, can I finish my sentence please? So the judge has already had enough. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right? And yeah, and the whole, for that silence,
Starting point is 01:18:30 after the judge first yells at Landau, and bangs the gavel, which is something you only see on TV, like I've never heard such a silent courtroom in my life. I've never, no one was talking. And then you could tell Landau kind of curled back into himself and portrayed and like retreated into himself. What did his little, how much do you have to do?
Starting point is 01:18:57 There's little like parallel eagle that had an oversized suit on. Probably got up and started pointing to more paragraphs in the complaint. Oh, this will get you out of it, you know. Just say this paragraph. In handcuffs in jail. In for contempt accord. He actually said that. Yeah. It was like cuffs on in prison, I think, were the exact words. Did he point, did he point at him when he was saying it? I don't remember. I don't
Starting point is 01:19:25 think so. Oh, okay. That have been cool, like flipping the gavel around and pointing with the stick end of the game. Oh, yeah, like a, about a minute later. Oh, God, how the hell did you keep it together during that? That was almost impossible. To keep it to get when, when Landau kept revving up to read the Mad Cucks paragraph and things kept getting delayed because they were looking for the papers. I was like, is this happening? Is this really happening?
Starting point is 01:19:51 I can't believe you're going to actually read this joke in front of a judge. But then you know what? Oh, go ahead. It's like this is what Landau has to do to eat. Yeah, I keep coming. This is what this is this scam this guy is cooked up so that he can uh... feed himself and
Starting point is 01:20:11 his little brother and the stock and dad he eat well he drinks is just a little bit red here liquid he did we know he uh... yeah he puts on his mouth uh... about a minute later about a minute later moony os and Landau went back to arguing points about the Weber-Shandwick claims. The judge interrupted Landau to say
Starting point is 01:20:30 that the Weber-Shandwick claims are dismissed with prejudice. So he was pissed at this point. Oh yeah, the judge sounded, said it like so smugly too. Like the judge was asking him like, what Landau, why do you have any other reason why
Starting point is 01:20:45 like webbershan which should be part of this and they were talking about how uh... someone from that x's camp called a webbershan wick to tell them about what is there is was doing yeah i guess i'm a webbershan work a mysterious notice and land outstarts but i think about how oh after they did this is similar scenario ensued where upon and the judges goes your your motion to dismiss with prejudice is granted
Starting point is 01:21:11 done like you yeah like the judge was having none of his bullshit at that point uh... the judge was about to adjourn the hearing saying that the rest would need to be re-planned by land out and his client, however, Matt's, my Sarah, Matt's jumped in saying that she has a jurisdictional argument, which is different, and thus should be heard. The judge lets her proceed. Land out tries to argue how Dick and his company have significant business contracts we have done to which Matt denies and affirms that neither Dick nor his company have anything of the sword in New York. The only tie Dick has to New York's book contract from two thousand eight
Starting point is 01:21:46 which is irrelevant to this case the judge says that he read over some of her other arguments uh... earlier in grease with her in grants dismissal with prejudice to her too all man sara jumped in at the last minute saved me a lot of trouble oh yeah uh... lastly land out jumps in by asking if the case can still be brought in California.
Starting point is 01:22:07 The judge spawns. It's so weird. It's not, it's not weird. Like, I don't know why I understand, I don't know why I understand Landau perfectly. Like every, every single move that he does makes so much sense to me and that one space that one specifically. It's like Man, I don't I don't know what it is because I know why he asked it like I understand I even under maybe that's maybe I understand even the DIY stuff too like I understand why he would have asked that to the judge So that he could go tell Maddox he asked that. Like he wouldn't just make it up and lie and say, well, you know, the thing is
Starting point is 01:22:54 Maddox, that you like he's the, I don't know why this, it bugs me that it makes sense to me, that he would have, that he needed, I think that he felt compelled to ask that because he knew that that would mean something to his client that he had just fleeced and that he needed to really do it to tell them the outcome of it. But you know what I'm saying? But like I do, just lie. I can give him the slightest, the slightest victory. He can go, you know, serve matters.
Starting point is 01:23:27 But he already knew the answer, but he still needed to go through with it in order to carry that message. You know what I mean? Does that make sense? Yeah, it does. Yeah. And it's so sick and bizarre and it's such a clean insight into who this guy is. In its, in its bizarnis, it's such a clean insight into who this guy is.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Oh, you got to go back and say, I was a good boy. Yeah, I was a good boy. Yeah, exactly. I brought you your tennis ball back. I was in the ball. Yeah, you got a brother. Yeah, it was a stick, but it counts, right? It's not what you threw.
Starting point is 01:24:03 Yeah, but I brought something else back. It's not, look, it's not what you wanted, but you know, right? It's not what you throw. Yeah, but I brought something else back. It's not, look, it's not what you want it, but you know, life never is. Sometimes we could just refile in California. And I got, and I have a great recommendation of a friend of mine who, who is in California and he needs to eat his name's Trevin, Linda. Yeah, his name is Trevin, Trevin Landau, Landau. He's got a couple DUIs too. Drinks. We all drink. You can do whatever you want. The judge responds, it's not in my jurisdiction.
Starting point is 01:24:31 What am I? The jurisdiction police? You can do whatever you want. After that, the hearing ended. So I guess we have the transcripts right now. slash Stereos. He emailed them to me, but I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna fuck over his cash cow like that. I don't know, man, Zach, you got anything you want to add to this? It's a great, very thorough. Did you keep this all in your head or were you taking notes the whole time? I was taking notes and the moment I got out of the court, I
Starting point is 01:25:02 tried to write down whatever I could. Like I was hopping on Reddit and posting as many things I can remember to Reddit and people are asking questions, which helped me remember more. Because I knew that people wanted to know what happened with this case as soon as possible, right? I mean, you are the entire, you are my entire source of information in the middle of the fucking desert Like I said before you got on the call I read I've read I've read this thing 20 30 times
Starting point is 01:25:32 It's the the world's longest silence the judge continued by saying how he'd hold land out and contempt and have him in cuffs In jail for contempt of court if he does that one more time It's great. What the hell made you go do this that with everybody telling you to just be a boring legal bullshit? I had my suspicion that it would not be boring legal bullshit. My only fear was that it would get adjourned again and pushed back a few weeks.
Starting point is 01:26:02 But I knew like, okay, there's gonna be plenty of hearings for some really, for like, like the judge is gonna have to be told what Santa Cuck is. Like what a stereo did with Santa Cuck. Like it's gonna be pretty funny. Yeah, actually, that was one of the first things Greenberger said is like, how that go. The judge started laughing once Greenberger explained
Starting point is 01:26:22 what it was. How did he explain it? How did Greenberger explain what Santa Cucke said? He said something like Santa Cucke is a collection of Christmas songs written by my client to the tune of the word Cucke, calling the plaintiff a Cucke or something like that. And the judge starts laughing and the court reporter lady goes, excuse me, could you spell that like what? Oh, a woman. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:26:54 Talking about rapeless and Santa Cox and yeah, rapeless and Santa Cux. Yeah. Could you, could you for keyboard? Could you spell that please? How the fuck do you think it's spelled? Santa, you know how that spelled? Cux, give it your best fucking shot. Can you spell that please? You're not gonna fuck it up.
Starting point is 01:27:15 She's on our side. She just wants to delay, you know? That's like the, that's the best delay tactic. Like the ultimate fuck you is which is for a woman. Could you spell that place? Like, how big do you know how that's spelled? Don't make me spell that shit out. You got any other standouts?
Starting point is 01:27:32 Well, I wanna say this to people who are gonna read through the transcript. What I don't think is captured in the transcripts is how many times land out silently flip through his papers or studded on and while the 14 year old behind him pointed at papers in front of him between his actual statements. Yeah, I was listening to this guy talk
Starting point is 01:27:55 with what who did the whole last week. It's kind of funny listening to the uncooked biggest problem episodes because it's like Maddox cannot fix this audio, you know? Oh, yeah, yeah. Landows track and tried to cut out all the silences of wooden sound rights. Maddox cannot fix this audio, you know? I think you told me. Oh, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:06 I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:14 I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:22 I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. I can tell you, yeah. is going through Reddit user Antoids is going through and making a super cut of every single edit. And the amount of stuttering and stammering that Maddox has cut out that he does, I don't know how this guy does it, but he takes Antoids manages to find the exact audio that was cut and replaced.
Starting point is 01:28:45 And he's found this technique that Maddox uses where whenever he stutters, he'll take his initial, initial like, when he starts a word and then chops out the stutter and rejoins it with when he re-instead of just using the real said word. I do the same thing. I do the same thing. You do the same thing. Yeah, because that's like the most natural way to edit. If you fuck up like three syllables into the line, but the first couple syllables have
Starting point is 01:29:14 the attack, the intention behind it, then yeah, you try to cut it at like a consonant or something, C's or T's or B's, anything with a transient that's easy to cut. And it comes off sounding really natural. Now he does that to the extreme. I would do that. I wouldn't, you know, if he was stumbling really badly or any of us were, I would clean that up just so it flows a little bit better. But I mean, then he would go into 200 plus edits after I did it.
Starting point is 01:29:40 I mean, it's insane. Dude, you got to, you have got to see, I mean, me and you have got to look at these, super cut, these uncooked episode super cuts because there's like, sometimes there's like 11 minutes of content cut out. Wow. Like there's like, there's big arguments we had
Starting point is 01:29:58 that were just totally cut out of the product. They're very interesting. They're very interesting. I guess that's all I'll say about them and we want to get back. We can take a look at them next week. Zach, what makes you a rage, man? Okay. Since you're sick, I actually have one rage in mind and it's people who are sick who are not considerate about being sick. And the specific thing I'm thinking of is I was getting dinner with some friends and one of them was coughing up a storm the whole time and she's still asking for like bites of our food and like hey you want a sip of this and it's like
Starting point is 01:30:38 pay attention, pay attention to your sick, I don't want to get sick could you have maybe a little self-awareness about what you're doing so that you don't want to get sick. Could you have maybe a little self-awareness about what you're doing so that you don't get everyone else lumped in with the flu with you? Yeah, bitch, you're working for a virus right now. Yeah, you are working for an organism that's bent on destroying the human race.
Starting point is 01:31:01 I don't know if you know that, but when you're asking for food, you're basically saying, you're basically picking the virus over your fellow man. So, really, don't think about yourself. You don't need to gratify every single impulse you have. And realize that you are a harbinger of death right now with your ass. And they're just french fries. You could order your own. You could order your own French fries as well. Yeah. All right, buddy.
Starting point is 01:31:26 They just want to bite. Thanks for doing this. Thanks for going to the courthouse. Thanks for calling in. You got it. Yeah. See ya. See ya. All right.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Let me see here. How you doing, Sean? I'm doing good. Actually, I got to leave in about five minutes. I got to go to the studio. I got to leave in five minutes. All right, man. But, uh, yeah, maybe I'll take my leave now.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Thanks for hanging out. Yeah, man, congratulations on the, uh, on the lawsuit victory. Thank you. Thank you very much. I'll see you next week. I can't wait to be back in the fucking United States. Yeah, I'll bet.
Starting point is 01:32:00 Enjoy the rest of the time. Oh, my God. Yeah, thanks. All right. Thanks, everybody. Bye. Oh my God. Yeah, thanks. All right. Thanks everybody. Bye. I gotta take a leak. Go on. Get out of here. All right. Get out of here. See ya. See ya. I talked to chat. People are you gone. Now we can do some voicemails and wrap it up. Hey, what's up everybody? When will Maddox be a guest on the show?
Starting point is 01:32:22 Hey, what's up everybody? Uh, when will Maddox be a guest on the show? Whenever he fucking wants? Uh, I think that there's something wrong with that guy. It's... I don't know, I have to think about that more. There's definitely something wrong with him. Thank you, the zoo. Thanks a lot, man. But, you know, there's something... There's things wrong with them. Thank you, the zoo. Thanks a lot, man. But there's things wrong with everybody.
Starting point is 01:32:49 I want to say that there's something just wrong with Maddox. He was raised fucked up and his mom, his, okay, here's one of my first, I don't know, one of my first memories involved involving Maddox's or maybe in the first like two years that I knew him or maybe a little bit more than that. One of the most striking memories that I have with him at this moment at any rate are Maddox's parents
Starting point is 01:33:17 came to visit him and his parents are fucked. Without drawing on any of his opinions of his parents, their pigs and trash. His parents are trash. They offer nothing and they're toxic. And they're not toxic in the way that's like, identity politics are toxic. Like, you just kind of view around them and you're like, I don't want you around my family.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Like, if I have to be around you, I'll be around you. But if you make eye contact with my family for two, if you look at somebody I like for too long, I gotta stop it. They get down below, they're disturbed and gross in a way that's lower in a way that's visceral and reptilian and adivistic. That's who his parents are and his brothers fucked. He still lives at 40 something. He still lives at home and they have like, they have, every time they talk,
Starting point is 01:34:26 they have fights about the inheritance of their parents. Like they have these like, we're not even like God. Not even gone yet and they don't have anything. Like they live in some shit box. It's just, it's extremely dysfunctional. I don't know, I don't, I don't talk about it a lot
Starting point is 01:34:44 because it's so dysfunctional and strange. But that's how he grew up with these people. One of the stories that it reminds me of is his parents came out to see him in L.A. and his mom, oh this was his version of the story, his mom starts demanding money from him because she lost a bunch of money at the casino. She's like, give me just 200 bucks. Give me 200 bucks. Yeah, sure. Oh, and he goes, no, I'm not going to give you any more money.
Starting point is 01:35:20 He always talks about how they blew up. He always talks about how they blew up his college money. But that's not enough of the story. Like it's not enough to blow college savings because that's their money, ostensibly. And that's like kind of a big picture thing. It's a lot more clear to say, I need to give me 200 bucks right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:41 So I guess she stopped the car. He stopped the car to stop light and he got out. Or, he stopped at a stop light and his mom got out and she just started screaming, give me money, give me money, walking around Westwood and in LA, granting and raving and demanding money. And the way he stopped it was he got his phone out and started recording her. And she was so ashamed of it. She got back in the car so he could drive home.
Starting point is 01:36:15 And he's telling me the story. I'm like, man, just like don't ever talk to these people again. No, that's fucked. Like that's all you have to do is just never talk. But it's so hard when it's your family though. That's the fuck you know why it's because it's you're also them. Yeah, like that's what this whole this whole lawsuit thing is is it's the same thing.
Starting point is 01:36:42 It's the same thing. It's like it's not that at some point it's not that you had such a rough time and your family fucked you up so much that you have these things insurmountable demons to deal with and you take them out on people. It's that you're the demon now. You're way past the point where you should have noticed any of this stuff and fixed it, but it's you. Yeah. It's not them, it's not that you had it rough
Starting point is 01:37:12 or that they're treating you poorly. Now you're them. No, I mean, I get it. It's kind of how my older brother is. He just thinks that he's like, he's always blaming shit on our family and he's surpassed that into this point where he's just this insane person.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Yeah. The like Rob's medicine cabinet's at grandma's house and he's like, well, you guys did this to me. Like, what are you talking about? Yeah, you're all, it's too much, man. Yeah. It's too much. Yeah, so I forget why I started the,
Starting point is 01:37:44 now, right, clearest bond, but I grew up in a weird religious cult, but I never sued anyone for exactly. Yeah, you don't get you don't get a rest of this water. Yeah, I love the rest of that water. Let me see if I got some music. All right, we didn't start the lawsuit. Lull suit. This is by Hazen Cruz and Sam Pasina.
Starting point is 01:38:05 That's a Billie Jolting. Yeah, I think it is. I'm signed up. I took a girlfriend once to a Billie Jol concert that my other girl that I was seeing want to take it to. Let's go. And I've access like to this on chips I call it just I'll be on a great city beats by tree movie rating state accounts car assure a shitty dance global woman BBC high heels and snakes This is the H the housing crews classic I feel the team has shown, did sell dick small And I guess stuff is in 80's girl, Mexico, pizza, lot of stereos Fight night, David, click, mad cuss, sir, Of age, damn high, low attacks,
Starting point is 01:39:52 Hacen, bruise, is a fag Larin, we're dick, man, we're trying to outdift Dick, dick, bris, let's do it And some of the lost, sir And for always, pageants, is the problem, is ended We didn't suffer loss No we didn't buy it, hope we're gone to find it Take your love, alright!
Starting point is 01:40:13 Donald Trump, familized! Hashtag dick, lies, tears and vulgar Georgians I had high-calls, big foul Members never cook the scales Black, Mr. UCB, bonus episode for free I'm a work of the skills, black, mist and UCB On a set with suns and brick I'll see what a game, a job that's not getting race Training or the trade monster, time we've hit the spot
Starting point is 01:40:34 Roll race, a tannic bitch, mad exs and a sink and ship Fast, grill a cross-boss, 20 fucking million We didn't start the lawsuit It was always pend since the problems ended. And then... Get cargo, no mac looks important word Everybody's getting served But the look for the biggest lawsuit in the universe We're the slowest of the best How can I leave the net? Jump in, let's begin!
Starting point is 01:41:12 We don't take corners from here We're the slowest of the lawsuit And those always paying It's the problem So, we're the slowest of the lawsuit We're the slow start of the dark Double down, a clown, dark by the lawyer, going down TV moves, I do this, see if we give a shit C'mon, make go to hell, Maddie's can't get fucking sick
Starting point is 01:41:53 We're starting to lose our sense of We're starting to lose our sense of The crowd's excited and I'm not We're in, I think it was far superior today I saw that on Reddit. That's fucking nuts. That's a great fucking song. Nice work. I'm gonna end it on that. We got an iftar to go to.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Iftar to go to. Ah, no it's a... It's a... It's a horde. It's a horde. It's a horde. I swear to fucking God. Ramadan. Weird.
Starting point is 01:42:29 Ramadan is weird. Midnight. We're having lunch. Man, we didn't even get to talk about Jerusalem. Ah, I'm talking about it next week. Um, alright everybody. I hope this was less than bold. I'm basically working, I'm like Iron Man. I'm putting this together in it. I'm gonna cave
Starting point is 01:43:06 You know wow, I'm very well fun. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna getixho,,, Dixho. slash the Dixho. Go fuck yourself. If you wanna see, if you wanna read the transcripts, God, I fucking know I do, go to slash the stereo. How much does that gonna cost me? How many checkles, knowing a stereo is probably a book. Hey, you know what?
Starting point is 01:43:27 Let me tell you who has free Wi-Fi at the airport. Dubai. No. Cairo. No. Israel. Free Wi-Fi at the fucking airport. So all the jokes are over.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Yeah, free Wi-Fi I I plugged into that. Why I think, oh boy, here we, how many what do I got to pay for per fucking bite here? Uh, do I tell you what they said to us when we got there? So we got there before you and the buddy who's with us, my coworker, you went to go get a SIM card. And Israel and they're like, Oh, you know, if you buy two SIM cards, it's half price for the second SIM card. And we just need one because we're gonna be out in the desert, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:44:12 And the lady goes ahead and gives in Israel. It is real. It is real. It is real. It is real. It is real. It is real. It is real.
Starting point is 01:44:20 It is real. It is real. It is real. It is real. It is real. It is real. It is real. It is real. It is real. by one SIM card, 10 gigs, the other one gets... You get another one totally free. Don't even worry about it. And we go, nah, nah, nah, we're fine. We don't need it.
Starting point is 01:44:28 And then so she takes his phone, she puts a SIM card in it and she goes, all right, so this is how you turn the mobile hotspot on. And this is where you can check how much data he uses in case you want to charge. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Look at like looking me in the eyes right in the fucking eyes like you I know you're gonna use this internet you American I know you're gonna use you can't resist it. I know you're gonna fucking use it So you better be willing to pay I've been in Israel for 14 minutes
Starting point is 01:45:03 Oh I'm sure I had more stuff to say. Well, Matt Ruins, you shit, this is from Reddit. Boomers refusing to not only learn technology, but any new words. If you continue to call a Samo-so, after being corrected countless times, you're either retarded or you feel so entitled that you can just call things whatever you want. It's up to everyone else to figure out what you want. Not yours to actually communicate it properly.
Starting point is 01:45:32 The first time I corrected you, it was for your benefit, so you don't look stupid now. It's because your apps and a bullshit just pisses me off. TDS British girl, women who are obsessed with rescuing pit bulls and never shutting the fuck up about how misunderstood pit bulls are, God, that's true. There's a weird pit bull thing going on in the tedious community. It's like, no, it's, uh, I don't know if it's just LA or it's all of America. Women just want to save pit bulls.
Starting point is 01:46:00 Well, the Dutchist has a pit bull. Oh, she does. Yeah, you met him. He's a no, he's, I don't know what to say about it She found him on the side of the road. She loves them at dogs People love dogs. Well, but it's it's like with pit bulls They always want they always need you to say that it's a nice dog Yeah, I feel like well you know, it's the nicest dog in the world like he's a pit bull
Starting point is 01:46:24 These are pit bull though. So it's like a dog except he's also a death, a mish angel of death. It's like look how good I am because I saved a pit bull. I'm so kind and gentle that I can make the world's most dangerous. That's awesome. But when it snaps, it'll rip a head off of a baby and I, yeah, but they say that about Doberman's and Labs like hmm, yeah, well, I've been around a labs a lot and doberman's a lot and people like just look at this look at the head Just look at the size of the head It looks like an appliance the pit bull's head looks like an appliance. That's not for nothing
Starting point is 01:47:03 Yeah, it's designed they kill bulls, right? And that the whole point? Is it? That's a lot of work for bull fighting. I don't know why that particular combination is so insufferable, but it really fucking is. I definitely can't read this person's name in the UAE. Well, can I?
Starting point is 01:47:22 A lot hates a certain contingent of people. Yeah. Well, when people want to ban things or make them lame for the children, I recently saw that the worthless FDA wants to ban flavored e-juice because the flavors might appeal to children. The fuck is e-juice?
Starting point is 01:47:42 It's fucking bullshit because I can't even walk into a vape shop without being asked for my ID. I'm sick of these assholes banning things because they can't be bothered to fucking parent their own children. I'm sorry, you were dumb enough to leave your flavored ejuice out and your stupid kid poison himself, but that's no excuse to ban it for everybody. Now, man, I'm gonna tell you, we're thinking about this shit wrong. It's not about kids safety. It's just about control and being in this country has opened my eyes as to what the importance
Starting point is 01:48:17 of control as much as a tremendous amount of people value freedom, and an equal amount of people value control. And it's not about, they say it's about kids, and it's not. They say it's about morality, they say it's about addiction, and it's just not. It's just these two, it's these two fucking forces of control and not control.
Starting point is 01:48:43 Well, and it's like, and some people want to be controlled. Yeah. It's not like just one guy. Well, it's like the guy, go ahead. No, I was just saying, it's not just one guy who's saying, I want to control everyone. It's a bunch of people who are like,
Starting point is 01:48:56 tell me the rules because I don't want to fucking make up my own shit. So the guy who tore apart all of my luggage and laid it all out and went through every stitch and steamed literally, every single article of clothing like this guy was this guy in a slouchy Abu Dhabi, a slouchy customs police outfit. They can't fit. That's the one thing, man. The America has over every other country is uniforms that fit. When I went to India, the guards of the airport had like mismatching guns.
Starting point is 01:49:34 It's like one had an AK, the other one had some sort of... I don't take that seriously. It's so like the... You got to quip it like... Actually, it does mean something. Like if I look at at, if your military uniform doesn't fit correctly, you look like you picked it out at a Halloween spirit store.
Starting point is 01:49:50 That is not, that is not from the military. I think I could take you. If that military uniform is even a little bit sluffy and saggy and slouchy, I know I could, you look like a regular man. you might as well be naked. Where, where'd you go? The thrift store? Like what is this? What did you get this at? I'm, man, I will kick your ass right here with that fucking slouchy military uniform. Go ahead, get 10 other guys, get 10 other guys and outfits half as slouchy as yours.
Starting point is 01:50:22 I'll kick their ass as well. Let's go. I'm from America where that shit fucking zips up Like back to the future fucking two when you put it on zip zip zip The few the proud to brave that's what it is Slouchy fucking military uniforms. I forget why we were even talking about this But there is that guy that, the guy that pulled me out of line and searched my shit. He was searching it for his own, like relief. Like the guys on either side,
Starting point is 01:50:56 I know we're in an autocratic, autocratic theocracy, I think is a, benevolent dictators. A benevolent dictatorship, yeah. I mean, we're in a, we're in a country where there's no such things freedom. And everybody has to live by these rules, but he was going above and beyond with the rules he was observing. And the guys on either side of him weren't. And he went so far as to pull out shit and Present it to his supervisor who shrugged it off
Starting point is 01:51:28 But he's like now I need a second opinion. Yeah, and he got somebody else and so like hey, I Think something might be fucked about like he had to work down until he found someone dumb enough or not like Paying it. I'm not giving a fuck enough to, not give a fuck a lupagus enough to say, yeah, you might have something there. I was like, you need this. Yeah, he wanted to be told, like, they just wanna be fucking told. I wanna be told to exert my will on this guy by you,
Starting point is 01:52:00 and I need to find somebody else who will tell me to do that. God. It's bizarre Yeah, it's very bizarre We got to send everybody who everybody who doesn't understand that we got to send them to the Middle East They said so they understand how fuck or maybe they'll love it Maybe they'll love it. I don't know. Let's do some voice mails That was a great song. That was a good song
Starting point is 01:52:23 Yeah, I saw Billy Elliott and Elton John at concert. I played Billy Elliot's guitar. Wait, really? Yeah, yeah. For a class that I was teaching, one of the guys that we used to teach worked for the stage crew. And so they got us tickets. I brought the class there. I got extra tickets. And I got three tickets and I gave one to my girlfriend. And then I invited another girl and I told my girlfriend I couldn't go. So we were all three at the concert at the same time. But you know, okay. And so we try to break breakup in the weirdest way possible. Let's you move. Yeah
Starting point is 01:53:08 What a piece of shit? Apple from the tree and all that Is that happening to you dead? No, no, no my mom. She just she's just bone down. She's just boneed out She's like, I'm moving out Turned out to be moving out with mine. Step down. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. What are you going to do, huh?
Starting point is 01:53:32 Yeah. What do you do? What are you going to do? I was too. I just cried. I imagine. But probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:39 OK. Hey, Duke, I called in last week's prediction about my PhD exam. It's Monday, I got my results back at past, which is cool, but that leads me to my next race, which is people who are slowly shitting at their jobs. This semester ended a fucking month ago. These professors said nothing to do but jerk themselves off, and it took them six fucking days to start grading, and you're getting me.
Starting point is 01:54:01 Tiger fucking weekend was ruined for these fucking results, man. So bullshit. So many other jobs that I had. People are so fucking well and they're got to be done in ten minutes. Now, I'm gonna say like three or four days and pretend like I'm doing something important. That's fucking bullshit. So fucking retarded. Anyway, thanks, great show. I go fuck yourself. I got no sympathy for a guy who's about to be a professor. Oh, yeah, he was a big fan. Oh, it just passed my PhD exams and I can't wait to wait six days to grade someone else's. Is he making a promise right now? Oh, I'll grade them immediately when I am officially tenured.
Starting point is 01:54:36 Yeah, I think get out of here, buddy. You're going to go swirly the freshman too. That's the world you're entering. Yeah freshman too. That's your, like, that's the world you're entering into. Yeah. It's just endless, endless delay. Now, if you're, once you're tenured, now you just start delaying the inevitable. Yeah. Right? Like, that's your job, that's your job now is to stretch out. You're going to be part of the movement that turns a four year degree into an eight year degree, because it makes more... right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:07 Why does it take four-year? Why doesn't it take three years? Well, we last won't eat. You gotta see. Well, then let's bump it up to five. Yeah. That's the future. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:17 Five will be official. Yeah, get used to it, man. Get used to it, because it's gonna be you. That's your fucking job. That's your job to do that it exists again so as it turns out my
Starting point is 01:55:31 right now that's life takes even less shit than me the parents she started listening to your show okay and the Larry show and just took lessons to heart and she took off with the kids so i've been re-listening your messages and you know I heard back in episode 99 I was reading in between the lines and I'm picking up
Starting point is 01:55:51 what you lay in down. You're saying that I need to go from taking no shit to taking my kids. I'm thinking I need to kill my ex what yeah and kidnap my kids. And I really appreciate your guidance in this matter. You know, it's to you and me again, Thoroughbick. Nobody else understands. Yeah, it's like fucking retarded. But they don't know me like you do.
Starting point is 01:56:19 You know, they got to. They really should be an exception with X-Wives to knock it out. Like the Game of Thrones, like where you pick a champion and they pick, she picks a champion. Just in case this is a whole like catcher in the right situation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:38 Do not murder anyone. No, I'll kill your X-Wive. Okay. You got it. And I'll let you look at that completely. Go ahead. Like there's, we've got to have, I'll kill your ex-wife. Okay. You got it. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know.
Starting point is 01:56:47 And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know.
Starting point is 01:56:55 And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know.
Starting point is 01:57:03 And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. And I'll let you know. you sign up for this beautiful young woman, not realizing how quickly and aggressively it's gonna go downhill. It's always like hanging on to sand. Any relationship is like hanging on to sand. And especially one like that with an ex-wife who's stealing the guy's kids. King Solomon, that baby.
Starting point is 01:57:24 There's just, yeah, you got to King Solomon, that fucking wife. That's what you got to King Solomon. Both of them. My wife wants to go have her own life. I want her back. What should I do? King Solomon goes, we got to cut that bitch in half.
Starting point is 01:57:36 Right in half. Word. Longings. And then he did. Yeah. Cause no one would ever, like, right? No one would ever say, oh, well, let her go. Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna write well, let her go. Yeah, you know, I'm gonna write it down.
Starting point is 01:57:46 Let her go. No. Oh, I gave him a note. I was passing him a note as he cut her in half. There's gotta be a fight to get rid of her. Like, the wedding is all dancing and bullshit and vows and money. There's gotta be the, there's gotta be, the divorce has gotta be a big party too,
Starting point is 01:58:14 where you get to fight the new guy that's fucking your wife, right? Like, all right. You want a divorce? You gotta bring, you want a divorce? We're not doing this in court. You're gonna bring a guy in who's fucking you and we're gonna fight. You're gonna bring Eric over right now.
Starting point is 01:58:31 I couldn't imagine how pissed off I would be with my kids and we're splitting up and somehow she's banging somebody new. I gotta get some, like that's, I'm fine if he kicks my ass. Yeah. You know? But I wanna get some kinda, I wanna get some out of it. You gotta feel it. I gotta feel this.
Starting point is 01:58:53 I gotta feel this. I don't wanna fucking bill. I got a lawyer's bill. I know what that feels like. It's not satisfying. That's fucked. That's what I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. Joy's seen your kid four days a's all I'm saying. No. Joy seeing your kid four days a month for the rest of his life.
Starting point is 01:59:08 Or just steal them. Or cut them in half. Yeah, cut them in half. Stage, you know, you got to do, okay, this is my real advice. You get a stage, stage their death. Give a couple of pigs, get a couple little baby pigs. Cut them up. Right? Yeah. No, you're right, you're little baby pigs. Cut them up. Right?
Starting point is 01:59:26 Yeah. No, you're right. You're doing all right. I'm right. Yeah. Mix up, go to the dent, go to the dent, their dentist and replace their dental records with pig dental records. Are they like-
Starting point is 01:59:35 One of the police compares like, yeah, he apparently did that to ugly fucking kids. Yeah, some ugly fucking pig tape. That's it. Kids are dead. Kids are dead. Kids are dead. And then moved to Montana. Move to Montana, move to Abu Dhabi. Ramadan, Karim.
Starting point is 01:59:51 Ramadan, Karim. Ramadan, Karim. I don't know what would you do? I don't know, same thing to pay for. Is to pay for it? What did he do? Nothing, nothing. Paid for it.
Starting point is 02:00:03 Paid for it. With cash? Yeah, hard hard cash fucking child support every month Went to went to my brothers, which were not his kids I'm at sucks. I go see my dad every week and he goes to get new shoes. Oh, no fucking new shoes I'm paid for your shoes to be new new shoes. I pay for your shoes to be new. I go, well, sorry. Someone else got new shoes. Sorry to hear about that. Yeah, I might problem. 30 years old. Are you only 30? Yeah. Hmm. Get a, you've got a good two, three years before everything goes downhill. Oh, it's nice to know that it's just around the corner. It's now more than a day.
Starting point is 02:00:47 Hey, Dick. This is the government. Oh. And how I talk. I heard I pulled through for you a little bit this week. Yeah, you did. Just being served at all. Also heard private companies have been digging you around a little bit.
Starting point is 02:01:00 Deep platformer you and all that shit. Yeah, that's true. I just want to let you know that, you know, I know you've talked some shit before, but I've always got your back. I'm always going to be there for you. Have a good one. Yeah. Is that true?
Starting point is 02:01:16 Sure. Hey, it's the government. Just let you know I did the bare minimum again. And I profited madly. I mean, I need more mayor. I'm here in Abu Dhabi saying I need more American government. I never thought I'd be saying that, but was as I was walking around as it took us three hours to find lunch today because it's Ramadan and you can't eat.
Starting point is 02:01:38 You can't have Starbucks in Starbucks. You go into a Starbucks, order a Starbucks and then give you coffee in a bag and say get the fuck out. Get the fuck out. You can't drink that in here. go into a Starbucks, order a Starbucks, and then give you coffee in a bag and say, get the fuck out. Get the fuck out, you can't drink that in here, not even in the bathroom. I, well, I'm very thirsty, and tired, and need to go out of the bag of coffee for like an hour. For an hour.
Starting point is 02:01:58 And I thought, I really need some American government right now. If I had a pill that I could swallow to bring more American government to me right at this moment, I would do it. And I never would, I would tell you to shove that pill right up your ass. You know, it makes me a fucking rage. I had a drive an hour and a half
Starting point is 02:02:18 after midnight the other night. Yeah. And it was raining, but it was just enough rain that it was wetting the windshield Obscure your vision and even on the lowest wiper setting the wipers Getting across the windshield Kissing me off for an hour fucking half. I I wouldn't know all right. That's it. Get fuck yourself Hasn't rained once this has been up in here? The windshield wiper.
Starting point is 02:02:46 Everybody has windshield wiper autism. Because the windshield wiper is either, you've got the zero on the windshield wipers and you've got the one. And the one is always way too fast. And then you've got settings two. And the one is always way too fast. And then you've got settings two through eight that mean nothing. It's either zero or one or eight. Or the weird manual one. It also sprays all over the window. Yeah. Let's
Starting point is 02:03:19 ignore that one for now. But if they have, it's always, it's always that the zero to one where I need the finest control because if it goes, if it goes and it comes back, dry, it is, I would rather just drive recklessly blind with a, I would rather drive blind. I'd rather that velociraptor thing from Jurassic Park spit right my face right my Fucking face then have a windshield wiper that's not the right speed And it's always that it's always the one is too fast. Yeah Turn it to one too fast too fast. Well now it's scraping all over it now. I just rather have it off I don't call me when I need it all the way back again
Starting point is 02:04:05 Yeah Now I just rather have it off. I don't call me when I need it all the way back again. Yeah. Or 10. And 10, but then it's, then it's raining. Yeah. It's the middle, it's the middle. It's the middle that they miss, that they always miss because they always overshoot it. Like the speed between eight and seven
Starting point is 02:04:23 is almost no difference. Yeah, it's just like you, it's's they put the click in there for you to feel better about yourself so embarrassing to see people Put it like oh you're not gonna you're not gonna end on the way like show wipers right now. Oh, yeah They're not even looking at the road anymore. They're just looking at their hand counting clicks thinking about yeah Like rainman in those toothpicks. Just stop it. Just turn it off. Just pull over and do it out of the car and shoot us on the head. It's so embarrassing. You want to know what makes me a rage dick taking a shit in the summer. Holy fuck is it infuriating to be sitting on the toilet, drenching and fucking sweat because it's the most goddamn human place near
Starting point is 02:05:11 entire fucking house. What? Dear God, make it stop. Does this guy have no house? I know I see. Is there an outhouse? Oh, no, AC. He has to go outside. What is outside? It's toilet. It is an out. Oh no AC. He has to go outside. He's outside and shit on the house. It's 30 yards away. He's under the house and takes shit on the house. It's like squirrels and shit just digging around next to him. I turn the heat on. Yeah, you know, you want to be loose. You want to loosen it all up. So you got to loose. You got to get it
Starting point is 02:05:40 It's like that. It's like that yoga. And then when you open the door and step into the coolness of the house, you're like, wow. And then you can really let out a, woo, like a Ric Flair. Woo. I accomplished something today. Yeah. No, that's what I live for.
Starting point is 02:05:57 That's what the shit sweats. Shit sweats. Shit sweats. That's what I live for, man. The sweats, the shit sweats. Yeah, now you're wrong buddy So you have yeah Congratulations
Starting point is 02:06:18 Congratulations to you Congratulations to a there we go. Thank you. Thank you. Congratulations to a day. Thank you. Congratulations to Patreon. Oh, yeah, I were sandwiched. That one Patreon employee, I think, I'm suing. Can I make you congratulations to Madtucks? Like like he kind of had a different struggle and just his ended a lot earlier? Yeah, he did A lot of congratulations, and I hope this is the smuggiest episode you've ever made Thank you I don't know if it was
Starting point is 02:07:00 Yeah, very smug I guess we'll see it's hard to feel smug when it's so fresh. Yeah, it really is. Has it even sank in yet that this thing is... No, because I didn't do anything wrong. Yeah, right? Like I don't feel smug because I didn't win anything Yeah, you just did not not lose Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 02:07:34 I got a win So I maybe a win's coming up. Yeah, I Wouldn't know Hey, good cash on five from Texas again, so I got another rage Yeah, I would know. Hey, big cash on platform Texas again, and I got another rage. All right, when you skip to many classes, I don't know if this is I don't know this law affects like I'm not this law is effective everywhere in the US, but in Texas, I know which is
Starting point is 02:08:02 where I'm from, which right where I was. If you skip too many classes, they may, even if you pass the class, which I am now, I skipped a bunch because I'm my senior year, and I'm passing all my classes, but since I skipped so much, they're making me do these hours that I have to just like sit around in some of the classroom, like doing something. It's like you're literally wasting my time, literally wasting my time. I could be working right now. I could be planning my future right now. You could be working for it now. I've passed all of my classes. I'm done. Why the fuck am I being forced to sit around because I decided to not go to class? Yeah, I'm passing the class. I cannot understand maybe if I look like filling the class and also skipping that kind of flux.
Starting point is 02:08:56 That's no, you know, I guess in this world, but I think that they're making that I need calculus. You know, you just always have to waste your time. I think that's a good idea. Well, and he's also getting make this in credit hours and whatnot. But I'm fucking, I'm passing calculus. Why do I have to, why do I have to fucking go to these fucking hours, dude?
Starting point is 02:09:22 Leave me the fuck alone. Why do you keep calling me back in here, dude? Because fuck off. Half a group just want to control you, like, no matter what. No fucking matter what. Fuck school, dude. No matter what, every single one of those airport cops gets an $80,000 in your salary.
Starting point is 02:09:42 Yeah, for just for existing, right? They get extra because they're working. Everybody, what do you mean? Well, you get your basic income. Everybody in Abu Dhabi, if you're in Emirati, you get some basic income. Yeah. And then if you decide to also work, you get more.
Starting point is 02:09:56 So those guys at the airport running customs already get paid just for existing. Yeah. And then they go to work and they're like, addition, yeah. I'll have a little bit more. I'll take some extra. Just to do this. Yeah. And then they go to work and they'll add additional. Yeah. I'll have a little bit more. I'll take some extra.
Starting point is 02:10:07 Just to do this. It's fun. It's fantasy camp for them. Ah, yeah. And I had to break into this guy, but that's, you know, it's not just school. That's the rest of what you do. What you do in life. Every day, someone's like, you know, you just got a waist a little bit of time.
Starting point is 02:10:21 You did good. It only takes an hour to do your work, but we need you here for 40. So, you know, just hang around. Take the caps off of a pan hours. 30 hours for 30 hours and then put them back on. That's fucked. Yeah. No, that's absolutely true.
Starting point is 02:10:36 Like, I don't know what did I do today? Fucking moved a bunch of equipment around. Just for this. Move it back. Move it back the next thing. You like to say. That's your fucking life. Sweep up If you listen to one fucking person. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 02:10:51 How long how long would it take you to do this? Oh? 10 minutes great. So for the next 50 you can just sit there. Yeah, and don't and don't talk about how you're gonna Do something else because then I don't believe that in the first 10 minutes you actually did it. Oh man, that's fucking life. We are Kanye's right. Kanye is right. We're such slaves who are monolithic, not pro-assists. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:17 Alright everybody, that's the Dixia. I'll see you next Tuesday. you

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