The Dick Show - Episode 106 - Dick on Going to Greenland

Episode Date: June 12, 2018

The Road Rage: Dallas tattoo, Tim Pool calls in to bury the hatchet, I try to stop everyone from going to Greenland, "Dead or Alive", computer jiggle physics, and the War on Sexiness, Madcucks calls i...n to read from The Worst Interview in the Universe, Antoids brings in the "Airing of the Grievances"--possibly the most embarrassing audio ever recorded, Allan from Not For Human Consumption plays the Asterios throw up audio, TDS goes Hamilton, and all the money your apps are hiding from you that could be yours today; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 No, fair as Ann PBR is terrible. It's fucking terrible. It's just become so hipster out here. Because of David Lynch and Blue Velvet. Yeah, like a whole generation rediscovered that movie. Yeah. And now the people who drank that I remember. Cash-Bloom Ribbon Fucker.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Yeah. They're so cool and stupid that everybody started emulating them. But it's like when the, it's like that expert, perhaps Blue Ribbon is like that experiment where they give monkeys, they give a bunch of monkeys a bucket of food
Starting point is 00:00:40 at the top of their cage, and then they put a ladder in. And if any monkey tries to climb up to get the food, all the monkeys get beat. If you heard this one, so then they take the monkeys out one by one until the monkeys don't know why they're beating the shit out of each other
Starting point is 00:01:01 for trying to get the food anymore. Because none of them were around when the initial punishment took place. Like it's this, I think this is a weird experiment and not something I just dreamed up. But you start like the monkeys who initially saw it saw that they all get punished if one monkey tries to get the food. Yeah. So they beat the fuck out of the monkey that tries to get the food. Yeah. But then they start removing the monkeys one by one and putting new monkeys in. So the new monkeys see the monkeys beating the guy up. They're like, well, I'm beating this fucking guy up too.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Until all the monkeys are new monkeys and they still have that behavior without knowing why they're doing it. Yeah. Right? They're just like, yeah, when everybody touches that ladder, we beat the fuck out of that monkey. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:50 That's not real. That's Paps Blue Ribbon. Okay. Because the first guys, the first hipster saw a blue velvet and like, well, we got to drink that beer because it's tennis hoppers and lunatic and I got to tell everybody that then I can talk about David Lynch, right? How we're like basically the same person. Am I the only one who thinks David Lynch basically sucks? No, I think he sucks too. He kind of, I mean, like blue velvet sort of worked. That's like the best
Starting point is 00:02:15 he could do. And then you know, that was, I don't know. I don't like any of his movies. It's like, I guess I can see that he's the first one to waste all that money doing those stupid, weird midgets talking backwards and stuff like that. Yeah. That seems to be what makes you famous. Okay, you made a bunch of creepy weird stuff and yeah, it was hard to get creepy weird stuff. Back then, I guess. I guess. I don't know. He's a weird imagery.
Starting point is 00:02:52 It sticks with you. It sticks with you. That's true. I can picture scenes from different movies. I've seen. Yeah. But I can also picture that from the shining and that was a good fucking movie. Like, you could be both. Oh, don't have to just be a weird fuck. Yeah, but I can also picture that from the shining and that was a good fucking movie. Yeah, you could be both. Yeah, I don't have to just be a weird fuck. Yeah, for sure. Uh, he was hilarious in Louis though. I never saw him. Yeah, there was this season arc for Louis, that guy that masturbates in front of other women,
Starting point is 00:03:18 which is totally fine and normal, you know, is he asked permission presumably? Right. Uh, there's a season arc where Louis is trying to be a talk show host and David Lynch trains him in this like bizarre way. Uh, but that's, that was like, weird David Lynch shit and a really compelling storyline. Yeah. Which I don't think any, I get, well, is Twin Peaks, I'm never given Twin Peaks a chance. Uh, is that a compelling storyline? I don't think any, well, is Twin Peaks, I'm never given Twin Peaks a chance. Uh, is that a compelling storyline?
Starting point is 00:03:47 I don't know. It's weird shit. I didn't see, I was, I didn't watch the original Twin Peaks, but people loved it. The hipster beer, the first monkeys needed the PBR, and now all those monkeys have been replaced with new monkeys who are just drinking PBR, not knowing why they drink PBR.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I think you're right. Because it's shit. They're missing out on the whole, I'm David Lynch and I'm secretly signaling to you that I'm a creative author and provocateur and my mind is bizarre and special. And you should want to get to know me because of this beer that I'm drinking, this water beer that I'm drinking. All right, anyway.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I already feel like I have to piss. Yeah. Yeah, this is gonna be a problem. I had too much coffee today already. I feel like a jittery fuck. I got the coffee chatters. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I- Yeah! Yeah! Ha! You want diggin' diggin' love, dick? You got it, it's the show where everything is a contest coming to you live. From a mountain bunker deep in the heart of the city of failure, I'm your host, Dick
Starting point is 00:05:17 Masterson, aka the $20 million man, the unsuitable $20 million man, the unsuitable, the un, the unpunishable, the un, the unsanctionable, the unstoppable $20 million man. With me is always is showing the audio engineer. Hello, dick. Hey, what's up, buddy? Wow, 106. New numbers. 106.
Starting point is 00:05:41 We're getting new numbers. New numbers. This is going to be a clip show. This is what I said we should do in the bonus episode, right? Yeah. Bonus episode of 25 is up at slash the dick show. If you pay five bucks, some people are confused about what you get when you go to slash the dick show.
Starting point is 00:05:57 So I'm gonna tell you about it. You pay five bucks, you get the monthly bonus episode. Sometimes they're by monthly. Look, I don't, I just, I do them when we've got time to do them. It's true. It will be at least one a month. I think 25 is slightly over one a month. That's just a freebie.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Consider that a freebie, that's yours. You pay a dollar, you get to see the videos. The video, everything. High quality, high definition, SDI video of every show, edited, uploaded for your enjoyment. Put it on, you put it on, put it, throw it up on the big screen. Why not? It's a, it's 1080p. You can't possibly be disappointed by the audio. You get to see all the eye rolls and glances, weird looks and you know, we forget that this is an audio only show to so many people.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Really, you lose so much when you don't watch the video. In my opinion, especially when we've got a news bave in the room. Oh my goodness. You get that for a dollar. You get the bonus episodes for five bucks. Of course, you get all the previous bonus episodes. Look, that's how a membership works. You don't go to the library and you only get the new books that they get in. You get all the old books too, right? That's how you pay 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:07:13 You get the live stream. Live stream, Sean and I usually every Sunday and stuff gets cut out. Not gonna lie. No, we do stuff before we do stuff after. People throw people throw huge fits. Yeah. They bully me into making cuts every once in a while that I don't wanna make and I'll never make again. I've gotta say, I'm never gonna make them again. Wow.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Just so every one knows, never, never. Will I remove another segment as I have done in the past? Oh, you mean because of guests or whatnot. Guests, callers, sad, but people have, you have to be able to deal with it if you're gonna call in. And you can, it's no big deal. As long as you know, you gotta realize
Starting point is 00:07:57 what you're getting into. It doesn't matter how many people think you're a fucking nerd or hate you or whatever? It just doesn't matter. Doesn't matter who doesn't like you. Doesn't matter. Everybody. Everybody secretly doesn't like you. That's, that's life. You can't say anything without half, at least half a people just instantly hating you and they probably hate you already.
Starting point is 00:08:26 So don't worry about it. That's what I, that's what I, you got you, you got a couple people around you and then, and then maybe you get some people who, who like you and want to hear more about what, maybe they could see past some whatever, whatever the reason is, whatever the jealousies other people harbor that make them, make them foster such ill will towards you. The people that like you, you pay attention to them. Fuck the people that don't like you. You know what I'm saying? I do. So you get the live show for 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:08:57 And of course you get all the previous live shows. What have we got today? 106, 107. Next, that's the big end of shows. That comes after 106. I hope we got it all out of our systems, because we only have one more show. And it's lights out.
Starting point is 00:09:12 And Sean's going to do the Sean show. Yeah. That'll happen. Sean's going to do the Sean show, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life blocking people and reporting them to child protective services. I got an update on that. The guy, yeah, the guy posted spend the rest of my life blocking people and reporting them to child protective services. I got an update on that.
Starting point is 00:09:26 The guy, yeah, the guy posted Maddox's threat to call child protective services on him. It's pretty ugly. Like it's pretty ugly and weird. Yeah. Yeah. Refresh everybody's memory for kind of just the synopsis on that.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Well, a dickhead presumably. That was the whole thing about, oh, does your blah blah blah know that mommy? Yeah. Yeah. So a dickhead is, I guess he's sitting around his wife and he tells his wife, hey, hey, message Maddox and tell him he's an autistic bitch or something like that. Just one, one off comment. And Maddox goes through and edits, goes through, finds a picture of his family, puts a speech bubble by the daughter. Yeah. And then the next day or at least hours later finds the guy's local child protective services office and sends this paragraph on how he's going to report the mom. He thinks he's talking to a woman all this time. Yeah. Mind you. So this is how he talks to a woman.
Starting point is 00:10:22 He thinks he's talking to a woman all this time. Yeah. Mind you. So this is how he talks to a woman. Threatens to call CPS on the woman. Guy finally posted it, which is it's great. Now we've got some uncooked stuff. Tim Pools calling in. Dallas. Okay, let me read you. We got road rage Dallas coming together too.
Starting point is 00:10:41 And then I'll get to what makes me rage. I got this message from a guy named Andrew Schulke. Excited about it. I plan to attend Dictus Dallas, and I want to get a tattoo of Beavis and Butthead as you and Sean. Oh my God. Love you know, if you'd want to turn this idea into something cool,
Starting point is 00:11:04 the story behind it is basically that discovering Beavis and Butthead got me through the pain of my house burning down when I was 11. And that seems like a joke. I've talked to this guy, he's serious. Don't they shake their fists and go fire? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And like it got, Beavis and Butthead got that big stupid warning put up when some kid lit his, yeah, I wonder if this was the kid. What, who is Beavis and who is Butthead in our scenario? Oh man. I would think your Butthead. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:11:36 Well, who's got the smaller face? Butthead has kind of a small face. I don't know. Well, I don't know. I don't know. That's a weird question. I didn't know. Well, I don't know. I don't know. That's a weird, that's a weird question. I didn't ask. I think in personalities. Yeah, discovering the biggest problem and now consequently, the dick show, it's getting me through all kinds of other hardships. But head would be Sean
Starting point is 00:11:56 with a plain black V-neck and jeans and you would be bevous. So I was right in thinking. That's probably, that's on the high energy. He is. Yeah, probably a Trump voter. So I was right in thinking. That's probably, that's on the high energy. He is. Yeah, probably a Trump voter. But had you don't know what, you know, but had you never know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:09 He plays it close to the vest. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, more, he's definitely more reserved. You don't know what's going on in his life. Beavis lays it all out there. That's true. I'm definitely more of a beavis.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Yeah. That's the right casting. Yeah. And those goddamn short shorts. See? Short shorts, things in both. We'd need to find an artist willing to make it though. Okay, well, if you're an artist for the Dix show,
Starting point is 00:12:36 oh, this is happening for sure. Yeah, live. Let's do a live. Fuck it, we'll do it. What would a road rage be without a live tattoo? No kind of road rage that I would want to be at. It worked pretty well in LA. Yeah, it did work well. Guys tattoo turned out cool. Um, he should call in again.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Anyway, if you're an artist who's ever worked on the show or even if you haven't and you want to, you want to throw out a tattoo for this guy's beevison but head, be my guest and if you're a tattoo artist, If you're a tattoo artist in Dallas or you know, you know anybody who does tattoos in Dallas Let me know obviously. I'm gonna pay for it because it's too good Yeah, money well spitting right now. Okay. Let's see what I want to get to today This came in hot off the presses Dead or alive You you know that, have you ever seen that video game?
Starting point is 00:13:28 No. This has made me, this is like a sinking instant rage and a sickness that I feel throughout my core, not for me, but for the children, Sean. Oh boy. For the children. I remember the children. It's about time, it's about time that we take
Starting point is 00:13:43 the children meme and use it for our own ends. Okay. Because it's not going away. No. But dead are alive. No, it's not. There's children.
Starting point is 00:13:52 At E3, I guess, I don't know. Dead are alive, the video game has announced that they've made a conscious decision to make the characters less sexualized. You've got to understand something. This genre, it did, dead are alive wasn't the best fighting game, but the boobs jiggling and the sexuality Was for was a major selling point of that game I don't get passionate about video games a lot right because I because I'm not really that into them anymore Yeah, but this is Sean. This is a major blow. This is a major win in the war on
Starting point is 00:14:22 Sean, this is a major blow. This is a major win in the war on sexiness, which we are currently fighting on all fronts. Miss America, cheerleaders turning into pep squads, and now video games themselves, pioneers of, of petty physics in video games are calling it quits. For no reason, it's disgusting, and no one is thinking of the children. Who, what are the children supposed to do if you take away these unrealistic, these
Starting point is 00:14:54 unrealistic representations of women and sexuality in our media? What the fuck are we supposed to do? Go back to drawing on cave walls, go back to making little sculptures of obscenely large-breasted women that people will discover thousands of years from now. What the fuck are these kids supposed to do? You can't find pornography. Do you remember the joy, the splendor, the wonder of finding a discarded pornographic magazine as a child.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Do you remember that? I do. Oh, we lived in an apartment for a hot minute when we moved to California. And I remember throwing some garbage away for some, I don't know why I was throwing garbage away. I was probably helping out the nuclear family, throwing garbage away, and I remember this so clearly, a playboy spilling out of a bag in a dumpster. And I was, I had to be 11.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Well, and you've heard of, you've heard of playboy. I heard of it at that time. I'd seen it, because I'd been regularly pilfering my dad. Yeah. But playboy is the one that everybody's heard of as long as I'm saying. I mean, I knew it instantly. Brand recognition, instantaneous.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And I remember like kind of circling it like a wild animal, circling something strange and poking at it. Like, okay, I can... Is this a trick? Is this a trick? Is there gonna be a box that falls on me if I grab this and then a bunch of pedophiles are going to take me to their ranch. My mom behind the dumpster. My mom, if I open this playboy is my mom going to spring out of here. Yeah. And yeah, yeah, let me for a reason, I don't know why. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:38 But no, I heard the sound of angels singing. As soon as I saw as I saw it and every man who grew up at a time when pornography was still printed, knows exactly what I'm talking about. That switcheroo, you get that tingling in your fingertips like you found a lost artifact. I'm like, oh man, I need somewhere to hide this, like a squirrel, right? There's gotta be some way, I need somewhere to hide this like a squirrel, right?
Starting point is 00:17:05 There's got to be some way, where can I, where can I dispose of this, of this body? That's gone from kids these days. They've got nothing but extreme pornography. That's what I'm, that's what I'm saying. It's gonna fuck up their brains. If you can't get, if you can't, if you can't get the Madonna horror duality of women, then you're just gonna get the horror. Yeah, you need the gateway drug.
Starting point is 00:17:30 You need both. I know we talked about it on the bonus episode, but goddamn right away, dead are alive. Wow. Of all genres, the one who pioneered titty jiggling physics, done. Absolutely. They had a volleyball game, Sean. I remember that. who pioneered Titty jiggling physics done. Absolutely, had a volleyball game, Sean. I remember that. A beach volleyball game. You were really into that game.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Well, who wouldn't be? Yeah. Who fuck it? Who wouldn't be into? That was a game for everybody. Straight men, gay men, young men, old men, men of all types. That game was where you could buy outfits for these broads. You could make them hit on each other.
Starting point is 00:18:09 It was a perfect relationship. I need, this is, I need a men's news program, like CNN, but men and in, for just these types of stories. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Like the penis science stories, the losing ground on the, like I, I mean, this is probably how Palestine feels.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Right? Yeah. I mean, I'm sure they feel just like this. Constantly losing ground. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Adding another piece of clothing. Yeah, I'll tell you what else. I got a bunch of stuff that makes me rage this week. Oh, the very enraging week. Some weeks are not so bad, but then some weeks it's like everything, I come on. I see what you're doing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Hidden cash. Hidden cash. Yeah, you mean like what cash you hide from yourself? Well, cash that these companies hide from you. Oh. Like in your PayPal account, I went to pay 80s girl some money for some tickets and my Venmo account has like 200 bucks in it.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Oh really? Where's the notification that I have $200 in here that I might have needed? You motherfuckers notify me on every single policy chain. No, sure. Every single time, like you're doing me a favor, I know what the terms of service are, you're gonna get hacked and all my data is gonna, one of you is gonna get hacked and there goes my entire life.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Yeah. I don't need a privacy policy update to tell me that. You incompetent fuck. I know I'm with Wells Fargo and I'm like fuck it. Yeah, everybody had, I mean, there's no secret. And then you're gonna do me the tremendous service of giving me one year free of making sure your credit monitoring services don't fuck me. Thanks a lot.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Thanks for the year. Assholes. You got information, financial information online. You're going to be fucked. It's gonna happen. Cause it doesn't be fucked. It's just gonna happen. It doesn't get hacked. Because it doesn't matter. Because it's just all just numbers
Starting point is 00:20:10 and they'll refund you. Like the banks are insured. Yeah, they are. Hunter bucks and Venmo. I had like a thousand bucks in PayPal. And even though it was there, yeah, I accidentally logged into the wrong one to pay you because you get a percentage of this show every month because you make it happen.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I logged into the wrong one when I paid you, like, where the fuck is this money? How about a notice from any of, I log into my Amazon credit card, says there's been some fuckery on your account. You might want to on your account. You might want to change your passwords. All right, change my password, go through the thing.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I'm about to fuck off and get on with my day. Get on with the rest of my enormous list of chores that I have to get through to before I can actually start doing anything productive, right? So I, but I on a whim, I decide to log in and see what's there. Uh, $300 of unclaimed reward money. Really? Yeah. Cause they give you like 5% cash back. And I've been using it for forever thinking that that just, it's Amazon. It's cash from them. It just gets put in. No, you've got to go click a button that says, give me, give me my money. please, give to me my fucking money.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I don't think they want you to know about it. That's exactly my point. Yeah. Just to the degree of millions of dollars. Sure. These scumbags. Samazon. Oh man, I was so angry about it because I know exactly
Starting point is 00:21:42 what they're doing, right? The money's gone. Certain amount of people are just never getting, they're never gonna know exactly what they're doing, right? The money's gone. Certain amount of people are just never getting, they're never gonna log in, they're gonna die. They're not gonna know. Blues their password, they're gonna start, they're gonna start using a slamazon instead of Amazon or something.
Starting point is 00:21:57 God, look John, there's a lot of alternatives to Amazon. People say it's a monopoly, but really there's tons of alternatives to Amazon. It's not a vertically integrated mass media company that controls all of your shopping habits and your media consumption. That's insane. There's plenty of viable competitors to Amazon. Sure. Flamazon.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Right. Yeah. Flamazon. Yeah. All these. The list know, all these, the list goes on and on. The list goes on and on. I'm not going to bore you with it. I was another thing that pissed me off this week. Let me see here. Do you want to talk about suicide?
Starting point is 00:22:38 Kind of a heavy topic, but let's do it. A bunch of celebrities have gone to Greenland this week. Yeah, they have Anthony Bourdain off to Greenland. Katie, Kate Spade. Yeah, who I didn't know who that was. She's on the bags. What the hell is the bag? She sells designer bags.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Oh, yeah, no, she's like, yeah, designer. On the bags, I'm like, is that a TV show for old women? Kind of, it's kind of fucked up that brand, right? Well, if I give each time I see it and I'm like, oh, Kate's being out. Are they gonna put it like just like Ronald Donald hung himself? I wouldn't really want to go to McDonald's. Our apparel does not cause suicide. Waiting for the lawyers to get involved. It might. I looked up some, I always wanted to bring this topic into the old show. So you decide? Yeah. Because it's so much about it is too big to be horrified by.
Starting point is 00:23:32 You know? Well, yeah, horrified, horrified is not really the right word. Yeah. It's like on the same level of hunger and war, right? Like it's like an, it's an absolute. If this is, like if this is God's big experiment, the human race, you've got a, you've got a big fucking problem. Because suicide is, it's the 10th leading cause of death.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Did you know that? The world over. The world over, it is the, let me see this, the world over, it is the third, I think, among the, among the, yeah, among the top three worldwide. Okay, causes of death. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Suicide is number three in the world. That's what this thing on the who said, hold on, let me read these stats in order, because I thought my- That's the world health organization. Yeah. You're talking about, no, no, no, it's the band. Oh, the who? Yeah, they do.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I think you better research, I think. Well, Townsend is, he does research. Yeah, he was researching all that, all that kitty porn or something and then talked his way out of it. What? He was doing like a documentary or something on, on like child sexual abuse. And then he got, he got basically rated. This is years ago by what? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Townsend? Yeah, Pete Townsend. Yeah. He plays the guitar for the who? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Like main songwriter. Yeah. Yeah, it turned, he got off. They believed him. Oh yeah, he was. He said he was, yeah, he was, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, sites, he was going to a lot of his history, a lot of it raised flags. I do a lot of research for macro master.
Starting point is 00:25:10 It's a, I've got a lot of downloaded evidence for that. Macro master. It's big. It's, yeah. Okay. So was he really doing research? Was he just a, that's the, that's the story. It's a bit odd.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah. Well, anyway, they also do research on like things like health, like the health of the band, the who also does a lot of research on the health of the world and the people in it. Yeah. So I went to after the celebrities go to Greenland. There's always that out crying of people saying you need to reach out to one another posting like the national suicide prevention hotline. And that is the part that bugs me about it. And I don't, I can't tell exactly why, but something really fucking bugs me about the national,
Starting point is 00:26:01 the day or two day of, well, reach out to somebody you know. Because my first thought is, well, you know, that's probably why they're going to Greenland, is because of the people around them that won't leave them the fuck alone. I don't know about that. Yeah. Okay. Let's go with, for the sake of argument,
Starting point is 00:26:19 let's run with that. It's probably not the people who aren't talking to them, who they're not around. So let's go with what we know immediately. If there's a good chance that it might be to get away from the mother fuckers that are causing the, like nobody kills themselves because of people that don't know, right?
Starting point is 00:26:38 So every time I see that, I'm like, oh wow, a bunch of unlicensed there. You know who doesn't do that? People who are probably more qualified to handle that issue than the ones that are driving you to the, that are driving you to the airport to go to Greenland, right? Nip, nip, nip, nip, nip, nip, nip, nip, nip.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Oh, today I got another reason to nip in your ear about how depressed you are. Like, great, thanks. Thanks fucking thought leaders. Thanks for giving every meddling fuck on Earth an excuse to chirp in my fucking ear about how I should go see a fucking therapist today. Thank you. Yeah. I don't know, and that's not even, that's not even all of it that drives me so insane.
Starting point is 00:27:21 People don't usually respond well to people telling them that they should do something. Oh no. You know. Instantly do the opposite. I looked up some stuff. And then, well, it's like the, it's like everybody turns into paternal archetypes, both of them.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Anytime a celebrity goes to Greenland, you got the mom, which is, well, someone needs, you need to talk about it. That's what you need to do. It's just endless talking. We're going to talk until we die. And if we run out of things to talk about, we're going to have a book club and we're going to talk about those books. And then we're going to have a, we're going to have a little, a meeting, we're going to have a PTA meeting where we talk about our children. And then we're going to have another meeting where we talk about
Starting point is 00:28:04 the organization of them. We're just going to talk, talk, talk, talk. That's how we're going to avoid going here. And then you've got the dad response, which is cowards. That's the cowards way out. I don't think so. I don't, I really don't think it is. I don't think it's, you're not scaring anybody. Straight dad. This is true. Calm down with the cat. Oh, permanent solution to a temporary problem. I think the problem is pretty fucking permanent because we've been doing it since the beginning of fucking time.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And it's shit like this. That's this, this, this, this myopic from people one dimensional, from people who don't relate, have never related and never really shut the fuck out. Because they're not built that way. No. I got some interesting stats on that too. I don't know if this topic is too heavy.
Starting point is 00:28:51 We're trying to keep it light, but... Well, you know, I mean, it is a topical show to some extent. There's nothing wrong with talking about what's in the news, you know, to... Yeah, and I would, I think that every single person who listens to this show thinks like this. Okay. Has these thoughts? So I think they would probably appreciate it or at least a significant percentage of them.
Starting point is 00:29:13 You know what I mean? Sometimes the heavy topics are the ones that mean the most to people. They're the most gratifying too. Yeah. Like, that's great to joke around about this show. Well, this is, yeah. Like our day of our purge day where everybody could be, as racist as they want that we talked about in the bonus episode.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Yeah, he got 12 hours. I'm sticking a plug. If you don't get the bonus episode in the suicide. Yeah, I know if you don't get that black face off after 12 hours, they go out and kill you. Your career is over. Yeah, that's it. Okay, so I just wanted to do some basic research on the problem of going.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I am shocked going to agree. That is the third leading cause of death in the world. I mean, that puts you down. I mean, that puts you down. And says, I don't know if it's, man, I got to reach out. So this is what the Americans dad say. Okay. Okay, tent leading cause of death.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yeah. And it's like eight for men Tent leading cause of death. Yeah. And it's like eight for men and like 14th for women. Yeah. So it's 10th. They, I don't know why they averaged that out. Um, each year, 45,000 Americans go to Greenland, right? For every, for every 25 people to try to go to Greenland, one succeeds. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:21 A lot of people try to go to Greenland. Yeah. I mean, yeah, multiply. What what what if what have half of them were successful? Now, this is the this is the stat where I lost it and I I laughed for probably five minutes because this is like an organization that is trying to stop people from going to Greenland. This is like Greenland's Trump. Going to Greenland costs the US $69 billion annually. What is, why is that stuff there? Trying to save him? Is that the, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Okay. That's, this is the, that's why, that's why you're doing it. This is, that is exactly why. You're paying for someone else to, to, who's to a nap to kill themselves. 45, 45,000 life stories extinguished every year, rippling through their families and communities
Starting point is 00:31:15 like the fucking plague. Also, it costs a bit of money. That's crass. That's fucking crass. If you need any more evidence that they do not understand this problem, look no further than this fucking site that's dedicated to stopping it. Yep. Um, and I think that's why I'm so fascinated by it.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Because it's a very, it's so desperate that, you know, why not? Right? Everybody's so desperate to stop it and they feel so powerless and angry about it. Why not? The last 45 years going to Greenland has increased by 60% worldwide. Yeah, I don't doubt that at all. 60% worldwide. It's now among the three leading causes of death. 60% worldwide. It's now among the three leading causes of death. Wow. Attempts to go to Greenlander up 20 times more frequent. Is this just like, I think it's, I think it's us kind of collectively saying, you know what? Jobs over, we can go now, right? We made, we made enough to, we made, we made so much that arguing over, arguing over who gets the plenty and getting annoyed about like things like cat calling and fogging and you can't figure out how to defog your windshield.
Starting point is 00:32:38 That's, we can just go home now, right? But there's nobody, there's nobody saying yes. So everybody's trying to check out on their own. Let me see here. I don't know. If the celebrities are doing it, it's a big problem though. Because that's our most precious national resource. We're being run by celebrity.
Starting point is 00:33:01 We've got policies being decided by celebrities. We look to them for all our leadership. All of our leadership. Gee, could that be why? Maybe that's a reason why. So easy to check. Yeah. I think, what time is it?
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yeah, I think, okay. Like 30. I think that what really bugs me about the outcry of support is that from my point of view, it seems like we're all trying to talk each other into it all the time, except for when somebody does it, and then it's like, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, we, what do you mean, talk each other into it? It's, I think we're trying to talk each other into going to Greenland all the fucking time.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Like what's an example? Entireity of politics is afuckem. It's not, it's not me. It's the entirety of politics on both sides in all cases is this is good for me and what if something negative happens to somebody else? I have fuckem. Well, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah. Is it? Yeah, I think that's a lot of people's attitude. Yeah. Definitely the people in charge. Definitely the people that's furzing into. Definitely fucking hate you. Yeah, I gotta get mine.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Uh, we've taken as much as we joke about how like modern dogs are a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a Hips go bad in like 10 seconds. You've got to get you know, they've got they've all got to have their hips replaced immediately and spend their lives in wheelchairs dog wheelchairs Bulldogs can't even give natural birth. I think I know I think is that they have to buy C section as much as we've done that to our Animals cows. I think we've done it to ourselves. I don't doubt it with this desexualization and it with this desexualization and rapid, rapid decline into, or rapid ascent into a Disney type utopia where there's no hurt. Just just the start of considering feelings, a problem for anybody else, like making people responsible for other people's feelings was the beginning of the fucking end.
Starting point is 00:35:30 This, well, what? I agree with you. Yeah. Yeah, because, yeah, you're not responsible for somebody else's feelings. No, and it's a, I don't know how to say it exactly, but I get the impression that we're constantly pushing everybody toward the terminal to fly to fucking Greenland. And then the second somebody does, everybody acts like they're so surprised. Like every, every part of this system is designed to do this.
Starting point is 00:36:00 You're taking like, you, you take people that are most susceptible to it and you just grind them until I don't even know if they're in charge anymore when they walk through the gate. Every part of it, it's not a no magical number is going to fix this. They're not going to call some counselor who's going to explain to them that society's just a big joke and all these insane pressures That everybody fills is all that is not real because it is all you need to do is you open your fucking email Turn on the internet interact with anybody in any way and it's immediately there. Yeah for a ton of people Yeah, it is I think life is probably more stressful now than it's ever been.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Ever been and there's nothing and there's no point to it. You don't have to do anything. There's weird malaise of being, of being totally rudderless. You've got, you've got barely any goal in mind. There's no absolute imperative to your day. So every single one of them blend together into just rule following. And the rules change on you all the time. Oh, I don't know, maybe I'm just rambling, but to suggest that there's some kind of magic number
Starting point is 00:37:21 that's gonna talk you into. Oh, I never thought of it that't, I never thought of it that way. I never thought of it that way. Thank you. Have a great day. And it works sometimes, I guess, I don't know, but it seems to me like I like the fucking brain. I like that something is there, but I don't think most of those people have the presence of mind to do that when you're in that state. Everybody who drink, everybody who drinks, everybody who's more than 30 pounds, you know what I'm saying? Everybody who's hooked on any kind of pharmaceutical,
Starting point is 00:37:50 it's all there. It's all like all of that stuff is meant to cure this one problem, all of it. You mean like self-medicating? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why you do it. Because that little fucking guy in there who's saying by your tickets, by your tickets,
Starting point is 00:38:04 you gotta go man, you gotta tell him you got a show of fuck out today. You've got to shut the fuck up for one day Or I'm gonna do it despite you. That's why people do it. Yeah I don't see here pushing you into obligation. I guess that's what I mean like constantly pushing people into obligations from which there's no escape Like even when you're a kid. Well, yeah, and you're conditioned that way too. So you push your, you're constantly disappointed in yourself. If you don't think, or if you don't arrive at where you think you should be in the amount of time where you're nowhere, you gotta go to college.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Well, all right. I mean, I'm not even, I'm not even equipped to handle that pressure. Yeah. And how much is it gonna, well, you gotta saddle yourself with six figures of debt. You need a career. You need, don't worry about it. You gotta have a family later.
Starting point is 00:38:57 You need that career. You need that career. Comes with a butt, don't worry. We got, we can fix the needing a kid thing. We got a bunch of antidepressants with your name on them. Take your pick. We're gonna cycle you through them for the rest of your fucking life. I'm in that boat.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Yeah. Yeah. I'm in that boat. I made a big difference for me, but everything comes with a cost. Yeah. You get side effects for everything. You get long work for everybody. You get, well, work for everybody though.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Well, no, some people that will make them go to Greenland. Yeah, yeah, there are. Instantly. Yeah, that can happen. Here's something else. Maybe I'll just end on this one. I'll a couple more stats, because I think they're interesting.
Starting point is 00:39:40 How many people, you know, you know, you know, you wanna reach out to somebody? Give them a hundred bucks. That's what you do because then even if show them that you mean it right? Yeah, right in a check. Yeah, not just high high how you doing send them a give them some cash load up your Venmo Find the money that they've been hiding from you and send it to them put it in a card Thinking of you here is a bunch of dough, because who's gonna, I mean, because then you mean it, right?
Starting point is 00:40:10 Then you're not just getting on a soapbox. Yeah. How many people do you think think about going to Greenland? Oh, I got that stat. How many people think about going to Greenland? Yeah. Near a hundred percent. Well, that's what I thought too. Yeah, who think about going to Greenland? Yeah. Near 100%.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Well, that's what I thought too. Yeah, who think of, I mean, now how hard are they thinking about? Right. Is the, I mean, you think about it, but you're like, oh, I'm nowhere near acting. I thought that too, but this is saying, this stat is saying 4%. Oh, I think there's a lot of people who are lying. Who are lying. Yeah. Huh, because they're like cowards, you know, they have that voice in their head
Starting point is 00:40:50 too. Yeah. And that's part of the pressure. I'll never admit, I'll never admit I have thoughts, I've never admit I've had dark thoughts in my life. I mean, everybody has 4% is absolute bullshit. That's what I thought too. It's a third leading cause of death in the world.
Starting point is 00:41:06 And only 4% people are thinking about it. Yeah, huh. Okay. Wow. I may not have Maddox almost math degree, but. Ha ha. Yeah, 4%, 7% in high school,
Starting point is 00:41:22 4% in middle age, and then over, it's 3%. Crazy. I mean, anybody who's obsessed with social media drinking more than a week, 30 pounds overweight on medications like you are, I think that. Let's see, Here's another stat. I couldn't find this fucking stat,
Starting point is 00:41:48 but so they got the Golden Gate Bridge, right? And not everybody who jumps off of it goes to Greenland. Yeah. But the survivors, it's like 40% say they regretted it instantly. Yeah, I've heard this. Which is like a horrified, because you never think you could reach beyond the grave and get that stat instantly, regretted it.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Yeah. Instantly, that is a fucking dangerous coin toss, my friend. Just knowing that one thing, 40, 50% instant regret and out of the people people out of those same survivors 94% were still alive 26 years later. Wow, so they didn't they didn't try it again. Yeah, and try it again. And that's true.
Starting point is 00:42:34 That's all of the people who survived. Wow. So I guess there's there's some hope in that, but oh, here's something interesting. Let's see if you agree with this. The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have destabilized society, made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering,
Starting point is 00:42:58 and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. Do you? Yeah. Seems pretty accurate, right? Yeah. You know who said that? Who? The Unibomber. Yeah. That was his whole point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:12 That whole thing that he was, that was his point. Yeah. So, you know, there you go. Yep. That's, as he's going, he was going to Greenland too. Uh-huh. Uh. All right. I'm going to play a song to Greenland too. Uh-huh. Uh.
Starting point is 00:43:28 All right, I'm going to play a song to lighten the mood a little bit for Tim Pull stops in. Okay, this is from Lecembro. It's lean on me. Oh, that's good. I was going to tax lean. This should be good. Lecembro is doing a Patreon with the Dick Show album, guys. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Yeah. That's right. Yeah, they've been doing it for a little while. I Don't know if it's launched yet. Oh really? Yeah, they mentioned it a few episodes ago I did because they sent me an email, but I don't know if it's launched yet Kendall and Hyde one has one these guys have one and I was talking to them about doing a vinyl version of the Dixho album. Oh wow. But there's a, you know, finals ad. It's got its own set of, yeah, it's like,
Starting point is 00:44:10 I mean, it's a problem. It's kind of a big undertaking for, you know, how many of you gonna press? I think, I think a thousand. I think a limited run of like 500 or a thousand. Yeah. I'd pay for it. But there's like, it's just like, it's only 20, or it's only 40 minutes total, stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:44:32 but it would look beautiful. Yeah. Anyway, see if they can figure it out. Here's Leon on Me featuring LeCembre by ACI-O-U Vista, Issue Vista. Lean on me, this is about Maddox's federal tax lien, I assume. I don't know how you pay a lawyer and have an actually in it at the same time. Maybe this song will tell us. Thankfully, tickets to Greenland are very cheap. We regret, but if we are wise, we don't end up
Starting point is 00:45:30 For a thousand dollars in debt I clean on me when your shant's dark And I'll be your host and explain why you're wrong for it would be long So I'm gonna need about 40,000 box Please come on my wife And I want an intent No switch No one can shield As hard as I can
Starting point is 00:46:22 Except maybe a stereo You just call him a cockled and he'll understand There you go, thank you boys. I was waiting for more me too short one. Yeah Oh, there we go. Maybe that's is that temple? Hey, what's going on man? Oh shit, dude. I I confused my time zone. I'm so sorry. No, it's fine The time zone man, we got to get rid of them because every time I give out a time zone I know that there's no fucking way like every time I get one every time I give one out I check it like every five minutes
Starting point is 00:47:12 leading up to something I'm so paranoid about messing up a time zone. Dude, for real. Yeah, I was just doing a interview with Romney Millennial about the UK so I'm thinking UK time zones and I need to know what's going on. Oh, what's going on? It was especially bad when I was doing interviews for men or better than women. Like Europe, European radio stations would want to have me on. And I would totally blow it. Like I totally fuck up the time zone.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I was like, oh, wait a go man, good showing. Like you really, you really showed how superior you are even in this satirical character that you'd totally blow off an hour interview. And I raised, what's what's going on in the UK? So there was a big protest for Tommy Robinson yesterday and it ended up evolving into, I hate to use the word riot because it was nowhere near as bad as what we've seen from Antifa.
Starting point is 00:47:57 But some guy was like, he threw a full bottle of beer to cop's face. Like, yeah, I was going to helmet, so it's like, when you're throwing street cones at horses and smashing a full bottle of beer in some cop's face, like, yeah, I was going to helmet. So it's like, when you're throwing street cones at horses and smashing a beer, a full bottle of beer and some cop's face, I'm like, yeah, it's kind of just met the threshold for the ride. I'm sorry. So it's basically a riot. We're smashing property, though, but when a man is, that was weird. When a man is ready to throw a beer, that is the limit. He's at his limit. Anything, any amount of, go ahead. Is that when it's officially a riot, the moment the bottle, a bottle gets thrown?
Starting point is 00:48:31 Yeah. If they're water bottles. No, that, well, you know, I'm not going to try to get into the minds of what those weirdos are all about with their face masks and their battle gear, but I will tell you, as a man who has thrown beer in the past, that's when I'm at my limit. Like that's when I'm ready to pop high out on some motherfucker. That's when he's not allowed in Dodger Stadium.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Yeah, that's when I get kicked out in for baking. Oh, great. Hey, man, so right off the top, look, I gotta apologize for being such a dick to you about this whole lawsuit thing. I, you know, you know, man, you don't need to apologize. I'll say it plain as a day. I was on Twitter and then I did,
Starting point is 00:49:14 I did this interview with Maddox. I have no idea what's going on with you guys at the time. And then also I did some dudes on Twitter, so just being like, yo, what is this Tim? You're not gonna question him. And there are some people saying that I didn't do enough research into, so just being like, yo, what is this Tim? You're not gonna question him. And there were some people saying that I didn't do enough research into it, and I'm like, dude, this is the guy I've seen on the internet,
Starting point is 00:49:31 I don't know anything about this. And he's just someone I met at VidCon. And so I immediately went on to defensive. Yeah. And what I realized is that immediately put me in a position where I was unwilling to listen. And then I got to a point where I was like, I don't even know what I'm arguing at this point.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I'm like, this is ridiculous. I don't know what's going on. Why am I acting like I do? And then that's when I apologize. I thought, you know what, man, we gotta start over. I mean, I really appreciate that because it's all you can ask of somebody. Well, it is.
Starting point is 00:49:59 And also, it's so like exactly what Tim is saying. I mean, first of all, a lot of people respect you and want you, Tim, pull to win because they see you as an outsider in the journalism space. You know what I mean? Yeah. And me included, and guys like Izzy Nobre,
Starting point is 00:50:15 and like some of the like, mumke-jones. I mean, you know mumke-jones. Like, oh yeah, mumke-jones. Some of the content creators who listen to this show and also listen to you, like, we want you to win just because you seem like a stand-up guy and When exactly what you're saying like when you put yourself in the defensive position immediately it forced you to defend things that you didn't really know about Which I think we didn't we didn't want to see like I don't know that was that's just my first take on it. You can't defend shit. You don't know what
Starting point is 00:50:47 you're defending. You're in a bad fucking spot. You know what it was that I've seen this exact behavior from the far left when it comes to any issue. And so I was just, I did the AMA on your subreddit and I was trying to be like, I love a conversation. We'll stuff some stuff out. And then I felt like it was just getting, it was just recycling the same thing. And then I was thinking, like, you know what, man, I remember every single time I've talked to somebody on Facebook and tried to been like, dude, listen,
Starting point is 00:51:14 this is the thing, like I'm arguing. And they just immediately default to a defensive position. And I was like, hold on, like I've turned that off. I have to say, this is like, like I said, man, I got to a point where I was like typing out a response. And I looked at it and I was like, this literally doesn't mean anything. Like I was, it's literally not even saying anything.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I'm like, this is ridiculous. What am I doing? Yeah. And I think everyone was so happy when you said, like no one even, no one wanted you to do anything except to say, you know what? I'll take a second look. It's like, oh, God. It's like when you're arguing with your girlfriend forever and then you say, hey, you know what, I'll take a second look. It's like, oh, God, it's like when you're arguing
Starting point is 00:51:46 with your girlfriend forever and then you just hear that, you know what, maybe you're right. Like, what are we doing? You're like, oh, it's so satisfying. Well, people are ready to forgive. Almost immediately. Yeah, if you just caught two. What was my favorite, my favorite response
Starting point is 00:51:59 with somebody was like, I had to check to make sure this was in the, like a hoax account. Like, is this really Kim saying this? Oh, I checked. And you know what, man? Yeah. Oh, good. I checked your username like six times.
Starting point is 00:52:09 I'm like, is this motherfucker using like an infinity sign or something to make the O's? Like, is this aub1 instead of the L? Yeah. Well, I think that's one of my seven deadly sins pride. I pride myself on trying to break this ridiculous mold. And that was it. I thought I saw on the same trap
Starting point is 00:52:30 that I'm constantly trying to push back against. When I try and explain to my, I'm talking to the sky's going for years, and I'm like, dude, listen, antithop in Berkeley, bash the guy over the top of the head while he was on his knees with his hands up. And this guy's refusing to listen. And I was was like, I'm not invincible, and I'm far from perfect. And I found this exact same trap simply because, you know, it's like, come at me on the internet,
Starting point is 00:52:48 and then I'm not thinking, and then I'll sudden I'm like, I got these guys tweeting at me, and it put me in a defensive position where I was not self aware of what I was doing. And I was like, I'm not invincible, and I'm far from perfect. And I found this exact same trap simply because, you know, it's like, come at me on the internet,
Starting point is 00:53:04 and then I'm not thinking, and then I'll sudden I'm like, I got these guys tweeting at me, and it put me in a defensive position where I was not self-aware of what I was doing. But I do part of myself on stopping, and thinking about it for a second, and then being like, no dude, you've got to stop. This is exactly what you're trying to be the opposite of.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Yeah. I've got to post something and just feel like, dude, you know what, man, I have no idea what I'm talking about. It's so hard like admitting you're wrong always it feels like it should cost you something, but it just doesn't. It feels like a big loss sometimes. Yeah, um, because here's the thing. I think it's it's not it's it's you know, there are people who don't want to admit they're wrong. Yeah, like in this instance, it's like it this argument was all emotional. Oh, yeah, like I didn't even think I was right or wrong I was just like that's not saying I got to a point where I read what I was typing out for a response and I'm like Kim what the hell are you saying what did that even mean? It was some ridiculous argument over like the definition of a word and I'm like
Starting point is 00:53:58 Why am I debating this why am I wasting my time arguing the definition of words with nick riccata when i could be covering uh... actual news actually making money covering news stories what the fuck am i doing here uh... but not even that and why why argue the definition instead of just actually talking about the actual story the actual league outies the actual questions that arise from this lawsuit i was like that so dumb because even if I want to say like you know one party
Starting point is 00:54:29 isn't a better position or other I'm not even doing that we're not even having a constructive conversation where we're actually debating ideas where literally just you look like I was in an emotive defensive argument that was totally pointless and wouldn't go anywhere and that's when it was like I'm like community it yeah yeah I gotta tell you, I'm like, can you hear me? This is ridiculous. I mean, yeah, I gotta tell you, like I am a huge asshole. Like I only work emotionally
Starting point is 00:54:53 because I think that's the only thing that works. You know, like I come at everybody as hard as possible. Because like, you know, when Leonidas throws that spear at Xerxes that giant lesbian in the 300, like, my, that's my thing. You get one shot. You get one shot at everyone before they block you. So you better fucking load everything you got into this meanest fucking tweet ever. And I was being, I was being a huge asshole every time I tweeted you. But like, it's But it is very emotional.
Starting point is 00:55:26 It's very emotional to everybody on this side. It's costing us tens of thousands. It costs the guys his career. Like, Poristerios, one of the guys, I think you've met him. Stereo. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it costs him his fucking career.
Starting point is 00:55:42 A lot of people after the, and you know, man, I haven't followed, I followed it more so I will say the suit. Yeah. After that, this missile, I think it was like most of the accounts dismissed with prejudice. Yeah. But I'm pretty sure the judge has something like they can refile.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Yeah. And so, you know, I know a lot of people immediately they were saying to me like, this is it, you know, Dick one, they all won and I'm like, hold on, there's two things to consider. For one, he can still refile and two, I'm not saying this is true, but there's always a possibility that the point wasn't to win, but to scorch Earth. Bring everybody through court, totally ridiculous tons of money and that is the victory, right? So it's like, don't, don't, don't look at it this, you know, be careful about how you look at it. Like if the court says who won,
Starting point is 00:56:26 consider that the strategy might have been the lawsuit in the first place, whether or not they win. You know, yeah. Yeah, it's been very interesting to me having been through it. I hope it doesn't happen to people. Like as much as it's given me a tremendous perspective on what exactly the court system is like in the US
Starting point is 00:56:44 and what function it serves in matters like this. Oh, dude, it's crazy. No, it's just, you know, I've been, I think most people have been to some kind of criminal court and they're so ridiculous how, you know, I want to act like I'm a good American. We do have a system that functions better than most places in the world. I think that's true. But I've been through cases where there's no consideration for you as a human being. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:11 They don't care. What is the word? And then I'm going to argue to the key no matter what, so that you're at the judge's side with me, whether or not we can actually come to a reasonable human solution to the problem. I mean, like you look at lawyers. I don't know if you know any lawyers, but for some reason I grew up with a lot of lawyers. They have like this crazy, it's almost, I'm not going to call it a self-loathing, but
Starting point is 00:57:36 it's like you can tell that they touch this dehumanizing abyss and they live in it all day every day and it has a profound effect on their psyches Like they're sensitive. It becomes like a life of the chess game Yeah, they're constantly untrusting or calculating and making sure they've got all their Instead of just living instead of just chilling and yeah, that's the thing about court, right when it comes to these suits There there's so many times where I've seen to these suits. There's so many times where I've seen a slander or sneering from, you know, a news organization against somebody like how many times do they call Jordan Peterson all right? Yeah. Like more times you're telling your, I need to finger.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Which is just another way of calling him a narcissist. Yeah, racist, right? Right. Right. See they, they're in, they get the game now. I follow. I know. The racist people we've been coming up, or excuse me, they've been coming up with new racial slurs every every 10 years now The other side's doing it like they can't call everybody a white supremacist forever. They've got to call you alt-right now Right yep, and then you know, but it is a sneaky because the normies and I am saying that unironically They don't know what alt-right actually means So then when you actually look at the definition, on Wikipedia, from most news organizations, the Associated Press said alt-right specifically refers to white nationalists and those who advocate
Starting point is 00:58:53 for a white ethno state. And then what happens is they'll say, oh, he's alt-right because you know, they're trying to use a word that's unfamiliar to people so that they'll accept it, not challenge it. And then two months later, you've got sources calling you off right, and then boom, Wikipedia put that on your page saying, you're off right, and this new source confirmed it. And then Google picks up the charge. When you search for anybody, you're on the same page, is like news articles about the alt-right, which is like Richard Spencer getting booted off the inner. So that room, that it's about this constant war of perception, which I think I find myself thinking about more and more and I think you'd have something interesting to say on it,
Starting point is 00:59:37 because you're kind of on the front lines. Like a big problem that I have with journalists these days is that they're like, they seem to just be, there seem to be entirely propaganda, entirely propaganda driven. Maybe one news item hits every day that they can talk about, but in order to fill the schedule, it's just like they're constantly, they're constantly telling a parallel narrative to what's actually happening in the real world, which is not as sensational. Like in the Jordan Peas and all right thing is a great example of that.
Starting point is 01:00:10 I don't know if you want to comment on the kind of manipulation of perception you've seen. So I just went on water's world, Jesse Waters show on Fox News, because there was some street battles between Patriot Prayer, the conservative group, and Antifa. And in it, I talked about how Antifa, they get violent. There's the the bike lock, fascia incident in Berkeley. But I did bring up. He asked me, why isn't the news covering these stories? And I said, well, right now, the big thing is the J20 trials, 200 anti-fascists, not
Starting point is 01:00:42 all, most of them, and they're being acquitted.... a lot of the cases are being dismissed and he said why and i think the government with held evidence like that's a truth the government with all the evidence this guy i think six people dismissed and most of the charges are being acquitted so i thought it was uh... so i go jay all over again o j times twenty that's what we're living through shan right right
Starting point is 01:01:01 but i've i felt like discussion we had was reasonable right i talked about how you was reasonable. Right. I talked about how you know the government overstepped it talked about how there's you know violence coming from Antifa that needs to be taken into consideration. Yeah. And law story wrote that I was a quote to journalist. I put journalists in quotes. And then they said that he hangs out with white nationalist after a ban claims to be impartial. Because what they do is, it was will limit weekly,
Starting point is 01:01:28 which is like a Portland outlet. And then now, Roth story, and even the Guardian has done this, they took a photo of me. When I interviewed some all-right guys, and are trying to use that as proof that I hang out with them, it's like the most insane, they're actually, okay, so think about this. I met up's like the most insane, they're actually these okay so think about this. I met up with like basic, basic man, baked Alaska James, Alasabrini, Patti Bohn, and was asking them about their beliefs, why they think the things they do,
Starting point is 01:01:53 and the guardian, law story, will in a weekly are trying to use that as proof that I'm not a journalist. They're actually trying to use real journalism evidence of me actually going on the ground and doing interviews to discredit me. That is just if we just look at it for what it is. It's these propagandist organizations trying to shut down actual journalism. Yeah. It's the inversion and the attempt to destruction of any attempt at actually understanding who these people are, which is what we need to do if we want to solve the problems, if we want to have like a real discussion about what's going to change in our country and what's going to work, nope. That allowed.
Starting point is 01:02:27 You know what's even crazy is people will, people will shit on me for letting anybody on to the show talk about like what they believe. And I've always been like, you know, I grew up watching Daniel Carver on stern talking about the most radical, the Imperial Wizard of the KKK clan. And it was great because everybody could see, like, not only what a fucking dummy this guy was, but also that he was still a human being like he's not a caricature, makes it very real. But every time nowadays, anybody has any kind of view that's incendiary or offensive it's de-platform the mother fucker immediately uh...
Starting point is 01:03:08 so you have you have heard about david hog getting swatted right yeah i heard about that david hog the kid that wants to get it's not here about the i guess what it's wow well but you know so his house got so i think nobody was there okay so i get hit up i get hit up by the person claiming to be the hater who did it. Okay. And they send me this recording and I'm, I listen to this recording and I'm pretty much
Starting point is 01:03:29 like, yeah, there's too many details in it for this to be fake. Like I really doubt there's a hoax. It's possible, but I'm going to interview this person. Right. And I had a debate with some other journalists and some friends about leather or not, I should give air time to, you know, this person who did this. And I'm like, listen, this is a person who is active right now who has swatted somebody.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And everybody thinks the reason Hoggop swatted was because a gun nut didn't like him. That's not true. It was a board teenager who wanted to have a laugh. That's really what it was. And so I did this interview. And I said it specifically, because the political narrative is being sown, need to we need to
Starting point is 01:04:05 need to come out. But what happens is a bunch of people on the on the left like Bernie supporters and DNC people started saying that I was uplifting the hackers and celebrating his attempt at killing David Hogg and I'm like dude, how you get from trying to understand the motives of a criminal to me actually supporting them because I talked to him. It's a big leap. It's a big leap. It requires a tremendous amount of mind reading on it like everybody and inference. Everybody on the, it's so, it's so funny that everybody on the news will talk endlessly. They won't like exactly what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:04:41 They won't let the person speak for themselves, but they will opine as to his motives until everybody's bored of the story. Like it's equally sick for them to have these imaginary interviews in their heads with that person. It's not any better. The high-hors, you're really crazy. Yeah. It's causing this like the evolution of Wikipedia where you can take
Starting point is 01:05:07 somebody like Dave Rubin who is who explains exactly what he believes on his show that he's like a gay married man who's pro-maritalization, universal health care, pro-choice, and a death penalty, and they'll put in his Wikipedia page that he is accused of being alt-right or associated with conservatives, so he denies this. Like, wait, wait, wait, hold on. Why is some journalist who doesn't know him? Why is there opinion better than the guy actually saying an interview on a show what he believes? And that's what we're getting to, where you can put, you can look at someone's Wikipedia
Starting point is 01:05:38 and there's a debate over whether or not what they actually believe these things because a journalist said they do, or if they actually espouse those values, it's insane. And this is what our contemporary encyclopedias turning into, you know, a debate between activists. Well, the journalist has a credential. The journalist has a credential. They have experience in reading minds. The guy is just a guy. Yeah, he doesn't know what he is.
Starting point is 01:06:01 He doesn't know what he is. He's probably lying. Right, exactly. Adam. I'm a big fan of Scott Adams and he talks about, he talks about like hoaxes and, uh, perception and, uh, brainwashing and like people's, people's reliance on, uh, on thinking that they're tremendous mind readers when they never are like, well, let me, let me, let me, let me give you my favorite example of how the press manipulates people. Okay. So this is an old hoax, but I'm going to re-worry to say, it might seem new.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Yeah. I tell people that there is a compound called hydric acid that it's found in cancer cells. If you inhale even a little bit, you could die. It erodes metals. It's extremely dangerous. One of the leading causes of deaths, I believe it contributes to a massive amount of deaths every year in the US. It's used as a cleaning agent at like industrial facilities.
Starting point is 01:06:49 I mean, they used to clean engines with cars and they just found massive quantities of hydro acid in the plumbing in New York City. That sounds terrifying, doesn't it? Yeah, it does. It's water. It's water. Yeah. Everything I said was true.
Starting point is 01:07:03 I didn't lie in any way. Water is found in cancer. Water is used to clean things, it's a fact and water of course water's in our plumbing. But when you phrase it a certain way, you get people all riled up demanding action and you can trick people into doing things for you. And that's what they do. Like ending women's suffrage. Truth, right? Like ending women's suffrage. You're in a corolla and Kimmel right exactly and you know that sounds terrible and the even worse part is
Starting point is 01:07:29 uh... the satire that you're doing right now that would hopefully teach people a lesson facebook is gonna mark that fake news they're gonna mark that as right as sarcasm so that nobody learns anything from it they'll go in knowing it's a joke and saying haha well i would have known that of course obviously or what's worse people will take your satire and then claim it's your actual political belief i mean dude i wrote the book manner better than women like it was it was so
Starting point is 01:07:56 hard it was heartbreaking to see a clips taken out of my book which you can't take a good you can't take a sentence out of the middle of a sat of a satirical book. That's not how it fucking works. Like you're, you're doing a performance. Like, you know, seeing that on a Photoshop of Asterios laughing, that was what got sent. It was some, it was some absolutely terrible comment about rape uh... photoshopped on esterios coconut and then sent to all the female executives
Starting point is 01:08:29 of his job by maddox who himself was pretending to be a female reporter like maddox said i'm hether s from con day nast well he i need a statement from you guys on employing this guy who said that date rape isn't real like you can't make this shit up you can't make you can't make this shit up but yes that tire is uh... i guess you know it's so powerful it's it's uh... it's always been it's always gonna be under
Starting point is 01:08:56 attack you know that i do live stream once where someone asked me if i thought Alex jones made things up and what i said was essentially that i don't think he makes things up. And what I said was, essentially, that I don't think he makes things up. I think he goes online and finds conspiracy theories and then exaggerates them. Or he takes existing stories that are injecture, or maybe true, and then
Starting point is 01:09:15 changes in the sound really crazy. When he said, the government's turning the frogs gay. Well, there's a pesticide that's screwing with the endocrine systems of frogs. And then he goes nuts with it. But what these activists do is they take this one half second clip of me going I don't think Alex Jones makes it makes things up and that stops and they start sharing it all around like two poor things Alex Jones is Real and that's what they share all around everywhere and I'm like you stripped it of its context Yeah, and then trying and that did another thing is which was really funny because this is like the a lot of people I used to know sharing this video where I said something to the effect that if you were to ask a white nationalist They would say that they're trying to protect their culture and their people are something of something to the effect and they cut it so that it sounds like I'm
Starting point is 01:09:57 stating that's what it is like it's my opinion whereas I'm trying to explain us, trying to explain a political faction. Right. This is what they do. It's like, they don't want truth. And I think it was Brett Weinstein who said this, you don't make the mistake of assuming these people are acting in good faith, because they're not. And you'll try and be honest and have a real discussion with them.
Starting point is 01:10:19 And they are just waiting for you to take one wrong this step so they can beat you down. Yeah. And I was Dave Rubin who said to Tucker Carlson, just a few days ago, they want you to just take one wrong this step so they can beat you down. Yeah, they've ruined it said to Tucker Carlson just a few days ago. They want you to bow forever. There is no winning with them. If either you bow or the fight keeps going, you know, well, yeah. Um, you're definitely like Sam Hyde laying in like just giving a journalist the run around.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Sam Hyde was getting interviewed about something. He said, and he films himself, he films himself giving this reporter the dumbest interview where he's just tripping the reporter up at every turn and not giving him nonsense answers. It was so satisfying to watch that because you can see the reporter has, they have their hatchet job in their head already. And he's not going off script.
Starting point is 01:11:06 He's not going quietly. Yeah, yeah. He's not treating the reporter, like he's like the function of a job. He's treating him like a human. That was the best part of it. I got some questions from people if you're, if you're game to answer them Tim. Let's do it, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:23 What was the, let me see here, what's the goofiest story that makes you crack a smile every time you think about it and your time working on that story that you've reported on? PNS museum. PNS museum, okay. That makes sense. That's an Iceland, right?
Starting point is 01:11:38 So here's the thing, right? I went to Iceland. It was New Year's and I thought there was like some interesting stories. We ended up getting to the story that we wanted to Iceland. It was New Year's and I thought there was some interesting stories. We ended up getting to the story that we wanted to do, where there's people who actually believe in gnomes. There's a rumor that they actually diverted a highway because they were worried about disrupting a gnom habitat.
Starting point is 01:11:58 That's the rumor. There's some stories about it. But the penis museum was like a worldwide trend, you know, and so, and so it's like there's, there's, there's signs in, in their downtown area, like saying, you've got to come to this penis museum, and it seems so ridiculous, because I really doubt you, I don't know, it seems so ridiculous. So I said, let's, let's try and do like, let's just go and do a penis museum documentary. And it was like like it was meant to be I don't know irreverent kind of just
Starting point is 01:12:32 Obviously silly and pointless, but interesting, you know looking at all these different Shlons. I don't know so I mean there that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever done You know everything else I do tends to be kind of serious or some reason yeah I would like we need a penis museum in every city. Why do we have art galleries in every city? But I can't go look at what a whale's dick looks like. Right. You know? And you can stand next to a beluga whale penis when you're an iPhone.
Starting point is 01:12:54 It's bigger than it's taller than me. Let me see here. Did you, this room, Agra, Agarash, you know know there's a couple people critical of your of your sweden reports all of your yeah uh... let's see they called you a swedish bright bar it's we didn't as a war zone overrun by immigrants
Starting point is 01:13:15 no nuance at all of these are guys who live in sweden i guess they were disappointed in the uh... that you gave a uh... bright bar take of it i don't know what this guy's politics are like, but he's. You know, the funny thing about Sweden is the people who are critical of it probably didn't watch it. And the reason is the criticisms I always hear
Starting point is 01:13:35 like, yeah, it's like bright bar. It's like, oh, he's, you know, I had one guy tell me, I was propping up conspiracy theories about refugees in Sweden. And I'm like, did you see the video we made where we actually walked around what was considered to be the worst neighborhood in Malmö with a left-wing politician who told us there was nothing wrong. I'm like, I don't understand how, you know, there's so many people who are acting like, you know what it is, if they don't watch it. And they heard that Paul Joseph Watson donated to my go fund to me and that's proof.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Proof positive that it was a right wing narrative when I'm like Paul Joseph Watson put a bet on Twitter. He dared a journalist to go Yeah, and I said I'll do it because I knew Mama was like the crime was very relatively non-existence And so we went but what ends up happening is I would say 90% of what I produced in Sweden was, you know, we interviewed the deputy mayor in Malmo. We interviewed the mayor of Saratalia. We interviewed a journalist. And then as soon as we go to Rinkaby and the police warned us that things were going to get violent and people putting masks on.
Starting point is 01:14:39 So we leave. And you know, like there's a video of it where you can see me. I'm like casually sombering out while the police follow us and the police told us to leave. It's that simple. And then all of a sudden the internet explodes with people claiming I'm a conspiracy theorist putting on nonsense. And I'm like, this guy taking a walk over here. Driving me to like to my car like behind me. And that's not proof of what we went back to rain could be the next day and when bowling.
Starting point is 01:15:03 But nobody watches it. You know, so they just assume that like a, uh, some Swedish outlet wrote that I was like one of the most dangerous people to come to Sweden, something like that. Just the most ridiculous nonsense. We mostly interviewed left-wing politicians. So I'm surprised the criticisms always that we are pushing a right-wing narrative. It just doesn't make sense. What are you? Are you left-wing, more more right-wing you libertarian you
Starting point is 01:15:26 are those motherfuckers and hates roads that that that now center left libertarian like that leave it in the water politics got all the that this is the ultimate if you are this political alignment you're safe from all criticism you're a center left libertarian who voted who voted for trump all criticism you're a center left libertarian who voted who voted for Trump. Oh, I didn't vote. No, I didn't. I certainly wouldn't vote for Trump. I'm not a big fan of Trump.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Yeah, that's part of the sign. And here's the interesting thing. I have said time and time again that I don't like Trump and there's some very basic reasons why and I've sat them and I'm like, and that's fine if you disagree with me and we see the world in different way I'm willing to learn from you and have a conversation with you and that's the most important thing Yeah, but I still get these people who are on the you know the regressive left who call me like a Trump guy and stuff and I'm like Dude, I'm closer to Bernie Sanders than anything. I didn't go for him either But my politics are you know center left? Yeah, just because I disagree with your authoritarianism I disagree with people de-platforming others. How does that make me pro-Trump in any way? It's ridiculous
Starting point is 01:16:30 Yeah, that's and that got me called alt right just being being very Very very very very anti-censorship is that what I was called? Well, you that made me all right. You have to remember that everyone is an excellent mind reader Yeah, like the the way that they like Well, you that made me all right. You have to remember that everyone is an excellent mind reader. Yeah like the the way that they've like I don't know if we missed the draft on issues like where every ideology lines up and picks what it owns but being Anti-censorship should not belong to one party like the expression of your humanity should be something that we're all trying to do we're all should be all right
Starting point is 01:17:07 go ahead my favorite my favorite term that i've heard as a recently is trodinger's white supremacists yeah if you're familiar with trodinger's cats like it's it's you're depending on what hate and black people and everything the idea of trodinger's white supremacist is that you me Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, when no one's looking, we are. And then as soon as they look at us, we immediately turn into like moderate liberals or
Starting point is 01:17:32 moderate centrists. Oh yeah. And we're just having rational conversations. That's what they think. Everything's a secret dog whistle. They really want to, I'm secretly whistling. They really need some kind of boogie man. Like I don't know if the, I don't know if the like shock value of Hitler
Starting point is 01:17:48 is wearing off and they need like somebody new. You know what I'm like, motive to, I've got it, it's so annoying that white supremacy is such a problem to so many people's like, where the fuck do you get it, it's live where you see this shit all the time time Hitler just doesn't play these days. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:18:08 You have you have patriot prayer Joey Gibbs and half Japanese and tiny who's a big someone man being called white supremacist. Oh, and I'm like I'm half Mexican. I'm half fucking Mexican and people are challenging me to defend Trump saying Mexicans are all criminals and rapist. He didn't say, like, come on, man. You know, you know, I think it is. What?
Starting point is 01:18:30 I think of it kind of like an autoimmune disease because there was a point where having anti-fascists was important, like when there were literally Nazis trying to take over the world, having people, well, then, and then fight against them, they did. Yeah. But then you look at the activists fighting against the clan and other actual white supremacy organizations and all of that fighting made sense. But where do these people go? Where does ideology end up when there's nothing really that dangerous to fight? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Well, the SPLC then starts calling Prager you, you know, like a hate group or put them on the hate watch list. They start just basically branding anybody. It's what happens with an autoimmune disease. You've got you've got something that makes sense like it fights against this one thing, but one that thing is mostly defeated, they still have to keep fighting. And so they do. And now you've got anti-fascists claiming that, you know, a 50-year-old woman in San Jose is a fascist and a third negative face. It's like, I'm pretty sure it's just an old lady guy. I don't
Starting point is 01:19:29 think that you got some confused here. You just you just attacked an old woman who is standing on a street corner. I don't I don't think you know what you're talking about. I mean I can't wait for the day where I look like an ineffectual fuck complaining about like someone's freedom of speech getting violated when it, it's like just someone having a disagreement, you know, like, because it's like you're, you're talking about Tommy Robinson getting, he's getting thrown in prison, right? And there's a media blackout around him. If I understand that correctly, I think I think it was lifted, but there was for a little while. It's complicated story. Yeah, I mean, that's, uh, that's no world
Starting point is 01:20:04 that I want to live in. Um, I can't wait to to know me neither anger about that is an overreaction is what i'm saying okay uh here's i got some more questions for you uh are you a tits man or an ass man he's a the oh these are what people want to know probably probably tits tits good man look at the bullfrog there's new ones to this debate it's not black or white guys let's hear it. You know, you can be a centrist on this issue. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of. Centrist in the Titson-Astabade.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I mean, you got two hands, right? I guess that's evidence for why you can be a centrist. I'm a center left on the issue. I prefer the left side of things. If you had to pick, if you had to pick, if Walter Cronkite came to you in a dream and said, you've got to pick for me Tim, what's it going to be? Oh, it's it. It's all right.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Good for you. Do you, here's another great one, do you piss over your waistband or do you go through the fly like the way the pants are designed? Yeah, I Do you know like when I'm standing up and taking a leak? Yeah, I do urinal. Do you piss? Do you go over the waste band like some of these people or do you go right? I on button my pants and then unzip it and then go is that both? I don't understand is that not what people do? Do you keep the top button buttoned and the belt on or do you take all that both? I don't understand. Is that not what people do? Do you keep the top button buttoned
Starting point is 01:21:26 and the belt on or do you take all that off? I take the belt off and then I unbutton the pants and then I pull down my entire pants and underwear all the way to the floor. He's like butters from South Park. I'm getting. You're very vulnerable when you take, don't let any Antifa people follow you into the bathroom because you need both of your hands to hold your pants up. You've got
Starting point is 01:21:48 to keep your belt on for us Tim. You got to keep the belt on in case you need your hands to fend people off. You know, you have to you actually have to take one foot out of your pants because you know when you're on the toilet in prison you can't stand up to fight so they take one foot out of their pants so they can stand up and fight it after. Yeah. Um, these are these are ridiculous questions. Um, I don't know, I've I've usually asked people what makes them a rage, but honestly, I think we've covered it. Uh, is does anything like does anything non-career related make you a rage?
Starting point is 01:22:21 Wait, what was it? Does any of you rage? That me, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I've gone on to, I've talked about women's addiction to colored pens, the giant boxes of cables that I compulsively hoard in my garage as a middle-aged man. Yeah, the big problems. The big problems in life, not this freedom of speech shit that you always know what you're on about. You can, I can have one of these like, Andy, if a guy's getting my face and screaming at me
Starting point is 01:22:45 and I don't get angry. But when I'm playing, I'm playing a video game, like, hearthstone, and some bad luck happens, I am ready to just destroy everything. And if ever, there was something that would cause me to riot, it would be losing some kind of, like, I don't think we've ever played trials fusion like motorcycle game for hearthstone. Now I get blinded with rage to the point some kind of like, I don't think we've ever played trials fusion like motorcycle game for hard stone.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Now I get blinded with rage to the point where I'm like, dude, I need to stop playing this. Wow, I get really, really angry. I get video game rage like no other. Have you ever smashed a controller? I have twisted a controller and cracked the plastic, but it didn't break it. Oh yeah, man, you should try smashing a controller.
Starting point is 01:23:24 The most satisfying feeling you ever have is taking a controller and throwing it into the console so hard that it resets. That's what I was a kid I watched. Yeah, go ahead, where you in set? I was a kid I watched my dad take the remote control for the TV, put it on the floor and just jump up and down and I talked smashed and you're fucking million.
Starting point is 01:23:45 It was like the most satisfying thing I've ever seen because that thing was such a piece of shit. The buttons would stick and you'd fuck with the batteries and it was just like, you know what? Well, now we don't have a remote, but it was funny at the time. I so, when my brother would play Trial's Fusion and get super angry, like all of my friends understood the pure rage from playing that game.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Yeah. And so I just one day made up a fake story. I was like, did you hear what happened recently? Like apparently some guy was playing and his wife locked in and they got an argument and he was just so blinded with rage, he's beater with the controller and put her in a coma and they believe it. They're like, wow.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Wow. And it's so believable. How angry you get playing this game? They thought I was talking the truth. I'm like, dude, I'm just fucking the conventional. Yeah, I believe it uh... oh this okay that last question then get then then you got important stuff to do uh... john Douglas asked if you're gonna make a video on the lawsuit
Starting point is 01:24:34 uh... i don't know uh... actually uh... yes i am oh right now i'm talking so do you know uh... the youtuber log i uh... yeah yeah lea Lesore. He's awesome. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's there's been a bunch of stuff The your suit Confinder versus Emma roller and Sargon versus Akila So I actually just reached out to him and asked him if you if you wanted to do like a podcast like sit down like out of long discussion over these issues
Starting point is 01:25:02 Oh, it's cool. So for now, it looks like we're going to be, tentatively, sometime next week, but it'll probably, they will probably be up on Sunday at four, and it's gonna be a longer discussion. So I don't, I'm pretty sure he was following your case pretty heavily, because I think that's what I, those are the YouTube videos I found. So I think he probably knows a lot about it.
Starting point is 01:25:24 And you know, this is what we do with the fight. He's essentially lead the discussion. And then we're gonna, you know, so those three cases, and it's free speech issues, it's defamation issues, and copyright issues. So I think, you know, with all of these things, sort of coming out around each other, like, apparently, he's saying that Sarghan's about to win. Cassandra just lost her defamation suit against Fusion and Emma Roller and then your suit just got dismissed with prejudice like I think was like a month ago or sometime around then. So yeah I was like with all these legal issues hitting the digital space you know I reached out to him and he said he was down so I'm like this will be great. It's going to be like an hour long discussion over how all
Starting point is 01:26:05 these things are gonna affect everything. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. That's great. I look forward to watching that. Do you got anything you want to plug your Patreon? Stuff like that? I'm everywhere on the internet at TimKast. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:18 So I don't subscribe to my YouTube channel. If you want to hear me talk about news and go places sometimes, slash Kim Kess. I hope your YouTube stays up forever. That's a real thing you have to wish people these days because it can go down for every reason. I got a guidelines strike. I'm sweating bullets because that's my job, you know.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Dude, I got somebody a guidelines strike just for being on their... Just for being on their channel, the Ralph Rattourde. I guess it got revoked, but it's fucking terrifying. Like it is instantly cutting off your voice. Instantly. Nope. But it's just, why can't we be offensive? Why can't people be allowed to hate?
Starting point is 01:26:59 You know what, man, hate is a real human emotion that everybody has, and you should be allowed to tell people why you hate something. I don't care if you're offensive. Yeah. If you're not your responsibility, it's other people get offended by it, it's their responsibility. Yeah, I think I made this point clumsily during the whole Roseanne debacle, but if like, if fucking up an offensive joke is not allowed, then I literally can't communicate.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Like, there's just no chance of that happening. I talk fast, I don't think very much, and I have a lot of hate in my heart. So just put me on a plane to Greenland because I'm fucking Donifets. Look at this way. George Carlin, I think it was 1991. He called Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy, the N word on stage. Nobody laughed and clapped in cheer because they understood the context of what he was saying that he wasn't actually being racist. Yeah. And it was actually a big at racist. And we understand that now it's there's no nuance there's no understanding. I hate the term snowflake but you've got a
Starting point is 01:27:55 bunch of kids, you know, I don't want to call these people adults even though they're over 18 years old, but they're just emotionally underdeveloped children who are holding their throwing temper tantrums. And I got an admit man, I'm pretty scared when these college-aged kids who are offended by everything start entering governments and the workforce. Yeah, I think we're in trouble man. And that's, I'm genuinely scared of that. Well, we're already in a huge amount of trouble
Starting point is 01:28:19 because I mean, how old are you, Tim? 32. Okay, so you can, I mean, you know what I'm talking about. When we grew up, like this whole diversity kick was just starting, we was just getting into full swing. Like, it started in the 60s and it started like, it started at the end of the Cold War when thought crimes started creeping into like every every legislation, but it went and hit like the 90s, like the married with children, era, the duck man era, all these art, all these pieces of art,
Starting point is 01:28:51 even other comedy that are a rejection of these ideals, all the people who worshiped them went into these cubicle slave jobs and all the other people who are like not obsessed with their own feelings went on to be entrepreneurs who now don't have a say in these organizations because that kind of relationship doesn't appeal to us. Like they're being all of these companies. Go ahead. You know what I think it is though? The diversity stuff when I was growing up wasn't that bad.
Starting point is 01:29:22 You know, you look at one example that I really love is the show's static shock. Yeah. I grew up, I was a little kid wasn't that bad? You know, you'd look at one example that I really love is the show Static Shock, by Grupp, I was a little kid when that show came out. And I felt like they did diversity rights, but maybe not perfect, but you had an episode where Virgil, the main character, is black, his friend's white, and if that's racist, and so they made this kind of like real,
Starting point is 01:29:40 hokey kind of family moment, where they tried to make you understand what it's like to experience the race of talking to you. Yeah. But the diversity stuff now is like if you're a white man, you're just evil and wrong and don't and you're not allowed to speak. That's not what we were doing back then. No.
Starting point is 01:29:54 That's what we were like. Hey man, respect everybody. Now we're like, don't respect them if they're white. Don't respect them if they're a man. Yeah, I think we internalized some of the, sorry, some of my name right. How do you sign it? You know, Sean, evil, white? Sean, evil, white and wrong. Evil, white and wrong.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Just change, get it legally changed. Yeah. All right, Tim, a lot of great insights. I appreciate you coming onto the show so we can talk about all this stuff and very, calling again. Cool, yeah. Calling again sometime.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Yeah. I got it. See you. Have a good one. All right, there we go. Successfully, I liked go. Successfully. I liked him. Super articulate and, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:29 worldly. Yeah, I mean, I, everybody, everybody has knee jerk reaction sometimes. Yeah. And all you can do, and sometimes it's really God damn hard. I know from personal experience to admit when you're wrong, but that's really not even wrong, but defending something. Yeah, defending something. Right. Right. Or you don't have all the interest. All you can really do. Yeah. All you can, all you can ask of a person
Starting point is 01:30:54 is that they just admit to it or go, you know what? Hang on a second, because maybe 50 million L this fans are not wrong. Yeah, because, yeah, because people are willing to forgive quite easily, I think. Yeah. I think so too. When it comes to that kind of stuff. Okay, let me see. I'm going to play another song and then we're going to get to, um, we're going to get to the uncooked stuff this week and we're going to get to the TDS survey or the census. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:20 There was a census done. Yeah. So aggregating all the data for TDS. I'm going to, I'm going to play this. This is by a stuttering ghost It's called a miss missused lawsuit Let's get to the real problem. We argue. I'm zoomed in the corner. Got the ester stereo audio too. I just miss my play. I need to be dishonest with lying and lying.
Starting point is 01:32:14 I'm bad at reading and I just lost my play. I'm getting so much better. And losing so much hair line because the frosted weeds have bloated my insides. Can't stop this rage tonight. Oh. So you want to hear the throw up audio now? Why not? Sure, yeah. Nothing is going to be possible.
Starting point is 01:32:43 There's nothing inherently wrong with being a cuckold. Why not? Sure, yeah. There's nothing inherently wrong with being a couple. He's like in Proxy but my legal bills have put me on the ice. I was gonna ask Tim to talk about Captain Jackass' Facebook news. He looks so nice and his grammar's just like mine. Does he know about that? No, I was gonna make him listen to it. Oh, damn it. Yeah, get his take on that. Damn it! Damn it!
Starting point is 01:33:22 It's gonna be funny. Get a DUI! Fuck! He's got a... I'm gonna rage quit this fucking show and smash this keyboard I just take on that. Damn it, dammit. Damn it. It's gonna be funny. Get a D. You want a fuck? It's gonna, I'm gonna rage with this fucking show and smash this keyboard into the fucking ground. God dammit. This dude wants to win the key time. God dammit.
Starting point is 01:33:35 I'm trying to cheat a man, though, just I'm just gonna bust you. All right, all right. Fade that out for me, Sean. A nice long, beautiful fade. Here we go. A nice long, beautiful fade. Didn't give me that much after the photo, my dear.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Sorry, sorry about that. All right, is not safe for human consumption, Alan here. Yeah, what's up, dude? Hey, what's up, buddy? Do you have the Astereos throw up audio? Yeah, I'm looking for the link Do you have the hysterios throw up audio? Yeah, I'm looking for the link right now fucking hysteria. So hysterios Throws up on this guy's podcast. Yeah, right not safe for human consumption is name of the podcast Not for human. I'm sorry not for human consumption. I got not safe for women on the brain not for human consumption funny clever, right? Good nice branding you see that packaging.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Yeah. Asterios goes on, Asterios is doing a whirlwind of podcasting as he explains it. He gets on this guy's show, Pukes. Because of his first guest. His first guest, he pukes. He really set the tone. So Alan hits me up right away,
Starting point is 01:34:41 hey, do you want this audio of Asterios Puking? I think, oh yeah. You know that I Stereo's Puking? I think, yeah. You know that I do. That's hilarious, right? Yes. Because the Stereo's is always out of control. Even when he's perfectly in control, he's out of control.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Yeah, that's his thing. We were talking about Star Wars. It was fine. Everything was going great. You've got a podcast about Star Wars. The Stereo's comes in immediately, Pukeson. Stereo says, no, he says, the last thing I want is for Leccembra
Starting point is 01:35:09 and those guys to be making remixes of me throwing up. No, Dick, I've got an email from him from January. Okay. Because I emailed you the link. Yeah. And you emailed me back saying, oh no, we can't play it, man, he's pissed. I'm like, really?
Starting point is 01:35:24 So I emailed him, I'm like, hey, what's going on? Yeah. He says all I can do is ask you not to try and turn an off mic moment into content. I don't want to. And I really rather you didn't off mic moment. Well, I'm on a fucking show and you throw up. How is that an off mic moment? The microphone obviously picked it up. It wasn't off mic enough. It's not like he's the jinx or he went into the bathroom afterwards and confessed the murder. He's in the middle of a conversation and then immediate and turns around and throws up. That's about as on mic as it fucking gets.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Um, yeah, so he asked and at the time, everyone was very, very been out of shape about the lawsuits. I said, Oh, fuck fine, fine. You don't want to be, you know, comedians, very sensitive. Okay. All right. All right. We won't do that. Um, flash forward to after the lawsuit, a stereo posts on Twitter, hey, who wants me to put the throw-up audio behind my paywall to scoop dick? Like it's not- Oh, there's a little bit more to that too. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:36:33 He was on thought cops. They're most recent episode. I think it's episode 69. Okay. They gave him that fucking idea. Oh. They're fall. Okay, so this is Grant Mooney.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Yeah. And was Kevin who came in. I think so. I got, I're fall. Okay, so this is Grant Mooney. Yeah. And was it Kevin who came in? I think so. I got, I hope so. This was, this is ThoughtCops, Grant Mooney and Kevin's podcast gave a stereo's dissident. He immediately goes on Twitter, hey, I'm gonna fuck Dick over by releasing this at
Starting point is 01:36:57 slash a stereo's. And I said, you know, I fucking me over. You're fucking Alan over. Yeah, we've fucking not for sure. We've heard it. Yeah, I've heard it. I have to. This is not like, I'm not using your throw up
Starting point is 01:37:10 to drum up Dick's show views. I'm trying to send, like I'm trying to make this beautiful man who managed to capture this moment of taking things to one toke over the line. Unbridled enthusiasm. Yeah. Who, this is an, this is Alan's thing. You can't be paywalling someone else's fucking podcast.
Starting point is 01:37:35 You don't own it. You know what I mean? So I said, I mean, just Alan just go, just release it, right? Fuck it. But that's what we give for being nice Sean that's what we fucking get for trying to be nice so this is this is the audio right here. I think so all right here's the vomit audio don't Antoyd's posted it here's the vomit audio and now it's not it's not as funny as of course because so much it's still pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:38:01 It's still very funny. I'll let you I'll let you be the judge. It's no poop chip. All right. Okay. It's better than the poop chip. Okay. Okay, so wait, wait, Alan, do you want to set the stage a little bit? What's your podcast about? What was the stereo is calling in on and what where is this? Where's this clip starting? Well, the stereo is called into the show at three hours late. So all of my co-hosts had left and it was just me and him. And I didn't really have anything set up to talk to hours late. So all of my co-hosts had left and it was just me and him. And I didn't really have anything set up to talk to him about. So we just talked about nerd shit.
Starting point is 01:38:29 We're talking about Star Wars. Okay. And what do you usually talk about on your show? What's your show usually like? Not for human assumption. We call it the Drunken Weekly update on all the things we'll talk about music, movies, or like, because drunk and peasants was taken. Is that why?
Starting point is 01:38:44 What's that? Because drunk and peasants was already taken. So you call it the drunken peasants was all taken. Is that why? What's that? Because drunken peasants was already taken. So you call it the drunken. What was it again? Drunkenly update on all the things. Okay. All right. So we're just talking about Star Wars. And before we started recording, he says, this is my fourth interview. I've been drinking the whole time too. I'm too. Oh, it's cool. Whatever. And everything's going great.
Starting point is 01:39:09 And we're talking about the last Jedi because it had just come out. Okay. And we're talking about the fight scene with all the red guys and it's all chaotic. And it was really cool. And then this happens. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:22 That's pretty good. It's a good good lead in here. We go. Yeah. So, that's pretty good. That's a good lead in, here we go. Yeah, I thought that was super clever and super good. And that whole fight sequence to follow, that was awesome. You never get to see the red guys fight. That was the first thing I thought is now I understand why the emperor surrounded himself by these red guys because like, oh, these red guys are super good at fighting.
Starting point is 01:39:48 They almost killed these kids. Yeah, they have some bad asses. They're the ones who want it. Yeah, they all have their own cool, unique weapon. I mean, didn't water him out. I was. You're right. I didn't know what to do.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Wait, wait, wait, there's more. Let him finish. There's the sink. Very much on, Mike. Oh, sorry, buddy. You want to make it? What's it going to say? The red dudes.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Oh, yeah, I hope that those were the nights of rain. He comes right back into it. Back into Star Wars. What I'm going to hear it again. Pro. Can you hear that again? Why not? Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:55 See if you can hear the tell tale signs of the impending disaster. You absolutely can. Yeah. Because we've been there. Yeah. Let's gauge it on a scale of one. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Let's do like a nature documentary. That was super clever and super good. Uh-huh. And that whole fight sequence to follow. That was awesome. You never get to see the red
Starting point is 01:41:17 guys fight. That was that was the first thing I thought is now I understand that's dangerous. Why the emperor surrounded himself by these red guys because like oh these right guys are super good at fighting. They almost kill these kids. They have some bad asses. It's monitoring. Uh huh. It's mind monitoring to the pool. Cool, unique weapon.
Starting point is 01:41:36 I mean, I wish. Oh man. Serious. Brushes teeth. There's no teeth brushing, is there? There's a sink. Oh, sorry, buddy. You're gonna make it today. Yeah. I was thinking the same thing.
Starting point is 01:42:17 But the red dude's. Oh, yeah, I hope that those were the nights of rent immediately and meet you cannot stop him. He's like the juggernaut. He's got to take a break to Duke, but Putin really going. The two next press was like that. Yeah, he was. I remember this very specifically, we were leaving a pool hall. Because he threw up all the time.
Starting point is 01:42:39 Yeah, throwing up to him was like nothing. We were sitting in a car underage drinking. Yeah. And he opened the door, threw up, and then said, I'm good. I'm done. Yeah, throwing up, that is. Like he turned to everybody, like he made it a joke.
Starting point is 01:42:56 Like, man, I would be fucking out if I had to throw up. I'm like, let's be able to do the night for me. Some girls just give it away. Some girls, you know, sex is important to them. It's like throwing up for guys. Some guys just do it willy nilly all over town. Some girls need to, they need to take a special, some guys need to take a special night to themselves.
Starting point is 01:43:14 Yeah. Really set the mood. Build up, think about it, make the throw up work for it. All right, man. Alan, you got anything that makes you a rage? We got to check out your show. Not for human consumption. not for human consumption. Not for human consumption.
Starting point is 01:43:28 You can check us out at Twitter, Instagram, at NFC podcast, also on patreon,, forward slash NFC podcast, and NFC What makes me a rage though, is I was at a concert last night, and there's these two girls standing in front of me.
Starting point is 01:43:45 And they're holding their phones up the entire time, staring at their phones, doing a Facebook live stream to an audience of fucking zero. Facebook live. The entire set of this band. Why'd you even bother coming to the show? You're missing here. See, well, that's the other thing about suicide or going to Greenland. Like everybody complains about it,
Starting point is 01:44:05 but those two girls, I wouldn't miss them. How, how else are we gonna get rid of that? John, we got a lot of people with behavior that we don't want getting passed down to the next generation. Well, you can hope live streaming to nobody. You can hope that they're stuck with their eyes glued to their phone and they just walk into traffic.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Yeah. Which does happen. Which I'm fine with. They're, they're, they're live streaming to nobody, but they're also holding their phone up and blocking the fucking view from anybody behind them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:38 And they're lighting up the whole thing like, yeah, it's fucking annoying. Like an usher. Break constantly breaking you out, constantly breaking you out of that hypnosis. You so desperately need to check out of your life and enjoy a movie or show or anything like that. Yeah. Fuck them. They're the fucking worst.
Starting point is 01:44:54 Call them out. Hey, at least it'll fuck up their stream. I'm gonna put them into the fucking pit. Yeah, well, that's a salt brother. All right. A nudge, a nudge into the pit. I still think that's a salt. All right, Alan nudge a nudge into the pit. I still think that's assault all right Alan have a good one go back yourself I think you guys are good ones. Yeah, maybe we should add him to the see you next Tuesday network
Starting point is 01:45:14 You got a bunch a little we got a bunch of podcasts. I know add to that network. Yeah ever since riccada thought cops Probably deserves a spot there. I don't know, maybe we have some kind of contest about it. All right, let's see. Antoids, let's get you on here, man. Hey, what's up, man? What's up, buddy? So you are the master of audio reengineering,
Starting point is 01:45:38 the Necro-Mancer, but for dead audio. Excuse me, please get the branding, right? It's reverse audio engineer. Right. You are the reverse audio engineer. He's kind of a forensic audio engineer. He's the negative Sean. He's the anti-Sean.
Starting point is 01:45:53 You're the dick show. The audio. He's the undilater. He's the undilater. Yeah. Two forces. You guys are like, are two audio forces always at odds. Um, so you've never touched, there's an audio explosion.
Starting point is 01:46:06 If you ever touch panaces, there's a big audio explosion. You found some gems. I'm just gonna delete that. You found some gems this week, I understand. Yeah, I don't know which one you want to do exactly. You want to do the long one? Yeah, I'd like to start with the grievances I'm cu- I'm so happy that this audio exists
Starting point is 01:46:26 Yeah, it really shows Like it's Maddox that is worse, I think Well, this is this was every day This was every single fucking episode of that amazing show that I would have done forever But this this interaction that Maddox and I had that he cut from the show, and I'm surprised it was in the Sean Edit, to be honest. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think at this, well, well, it was good.
Starting point is 01:46:51 It was good content. I think at that point, I knew that he went through and, because we're getting into the later episodes, I knew that he went through, and I was like, you know what, I don't want to. Why bother? Yeah, it was like, he'll cut it out if he wants it out or, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Well, that was the worst thing about it because as it went on, his points about, well, I need to edit, were bolstered by the fact that he told you not, like, we all knew he was editing. Well, that's well, then just do it yourself. Well, he would also. Yeah, no, he would also have me not edit things sometimes where it's like, I'll take care of that.
Starting point is 01:47:25 Yeah. Or like the end, the end music. Yeah, with every time we use it. Probably because he wants to edit it to convey a certain tone. And if you just cut it out entirely, it's harder for him to do that. It's harder for him to, if I end the show, it would be harder to chop the music off. That's why. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, he's never had all the tracks.
Starting point is 01:47:42 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he would get a all the tracks. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he would get a two mix for me. And yeah, okay, so this conversation happened in episode 73. And the reason it happened is in episode 72, Maddox was complaining about coughing a blood. Like he came in, oh my God. He came in with a big like kombucha
Starting point is 01:48:03 or some stupid drink that he was, some fucking fruity drink. Yeah, right Here's some hipster drink. He came in saying how his voice was sore and He was coughing up blood and I said well You got to stop shouting Like you guys told him when you came in like you got to stop shouting you know, you know You got to learn how to speak from your diaphragm. Uh, this is, this is coming to you from someone who has sang with a piano for 10 years, which is the loudest instrument there is. Like I'm not a professional, but I've read a lot on how to preserve your voice while you're
Starting point is 01:48:40 trying to sing over a fucking piano in a bar. So I just said, you got to stop shouting, raise the levels in your headphones. So you don't have to shout over yourself. Yeah, you don't have to work so hard. And, you know, and look at, like, look at some diaphragm stuff. So you don't shout. You can project, right? Yeah. And don't worry.
Starting point is 01:49:01 It's going to get mixed afterwards. Yeah. You know, so this, this, that argument was uncomfortable, and it happened before the show. And it was a really innocent statement too. Very weird. You weren't even, you're actually framing it like you, you know, told, like you came out of a little harder
Starting point is 01:49:18 than you actually did, because I remember it, it was very like, we'll do it. And like he took such a fence to it. I mean, you're like, you're like, I'm just saying that you're coughing up blood. Yeah. There's something needs to change. Or you shouldn't be coughing up. You shouldn't be coughing up blood from speaking into a microphone for an hour.
Starting point is 01:49:35 That's a fear. Yeah. Okay, so then. I think it's, I think it's peak Maddox too, and that he focuses on such a small part of the issue and doesn't use the force. Yes. Well, then he talks about all the issues at once. Anyway, here's the audio.
Starting point is 01:49:49 This is from the next week. He brings it up in the middle of a recording. Yeah, apropos, nothing. I don't remember this. Thank God. I remember this one. It's very uncomfortable. I've gotten many texts from my brother-in-law texted me just this morning saying if he ever
Starting point is 01:50:06 heard a recording of himself talking like this, that he would kill himself. Wow. So just one way trip to Greenland. One way trip to Greenland. Here we go. Here's the airing of the grievances, biggest problem in the universe uncooked. That funny song. You know what's interesting to me is the the behind the scenes of this show to me
Starting point is 01:50:26 Add so much depth that they'll that our fans will like never know about because I literally last Our dick chastises me for quote yelling too much during the show and that whole song was That was because you said your throat hurts. Yeah, and I said you're you yell on the show like your headphones are Tuned way far down. No, that's not the reason I don't yell. I don't I I you yell on the show, like your headphones are tuned way far down. No, that's not the reason. I don't yell. I don't, I definitely yell on the show, but I would say you yell more than I do. That wasn't chastising.
Starting point is 01:50:53 That's me saying, if you're throat hurts, you could tone down the yelling. Like, I noticed that you yell a lot and that your voice is like kind of the same level of loud. That's me trying to help with your throat. If you're saying your throat hurts, I'm trying to help you. I don't think you yelled too much. But Dick in context, I said it was also because I was talking for 12 hours a day, like doing this game show and then doing a Twitch stream and then I apologize for trying to help you with your sore throat, but I got what do you want me to say? I'm not chastising you for
Starting point is 01:51:20 yelling. All right. That's all that's all. Did you did you think I was chastising him? No, no, no. He was dragging Sean into this. And a consistently loud voice. Yeah. You pick and choose your spots. Yeah. You'll yell your head off, but then you'll tell I blow my voice out. Yeah, you talk a lot more dynamically, aside from that. Yeah, but I mean, you yell all the time. So why isn't your voice horse? Well, I only yell on those times. Like right now I'm just speaking in a normal voice. The kind of question is that. So you don't yell as much as me.
Starting point is 01:51:47 Oh no, he yells, yeah. He yells, right. But I'm not saying my throat hurts either. It's numbed up with booze. But I also, I also prefaced it with the fact that I'm talking for 12 hours a day. So that's what my throat is, is horus. And my only suggestion was you could stand
Starting point is 01:52:06 to bump your headphones up and not talk is loud. That's all I'm saying. All right, fuck me, well intentioned idiot over here. I had no idea you would take offense to that. Yeah, I am a real idiot. I was really salty that started that last episode, Dick, too. You started it at 40 minutes for you to laugh when you're at the same place.
Starting point is 01:52:22 You're stupid stats or whatever you do. You're completely confused. It was the airing of the green. All right, now at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place.
Starting point is 01:52:30 You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place.
Starting point is 01:52:38 You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at the same place. You're laughing at Right. So if Dick went to a baseball game this weekend, he would talk about beer, the beer line. Wait, too expensive. If you went to baseball, or if you hung out with your family,
Starting point is 01:52:51 you would talk about your nephew. If you hung out with your sister, you'd talk about your sister. If you went to the, you know, Indy Napples, my doctor, you'd talk about that. If you forgot to, you know, so I was going to bust your balls about a long time ago. And I was like, man, you don't do enough research for this show because I feel like it doesn't, you know, it doesn't make the show good. Wait a minute, let me just say, the ball-busting about that was constant.
Starting point is 01:53:14 Randy heard that every day. I heard that every day before. Sure, sure. Randy got him balls there we go. Doesn't give the show teeth, it doesn't give the problems teeth. Right. But then I tempered.
Starting point is 01:53:23 You do a shit load. Hold on, hold on. Then I tempered. You do a shit load. Hold on, hold on. Then I tempered my, I tempered my criticism because I looked at your contribution to this show and I saw it as you adding a different type of element. Exactly what you said, which is I do it's shit load research. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:38 But you're a pretty good storyteller. So I thought you know what? I thought these are grievances. These are all compliments. Thank you. Yeah. No, no, we're getting to that. We're getting to that. So here's why it rubs me the wrong way
Starting point is 01:53:50 when you kind of criticize, because for the show prep, what I do is research, which is research that you don't have to do. I'm doing that research. I'm grabbing the hammer in the nail to get the first hand in the cross with sound clips, with audio clips, with sources. Wait the cross with sound clips with audio clips with sources. Wait a minute. Sound clips and audio clips.
Starting point is 01:54:09 Both. That's the same. Sound clips. Ear media. Yeah. And of course he's he's providing the stats for you so you can make whatever argument he wants. Yeah, I don't get that. I don't get why he said I don't have to do it. I brought in a shitload of stats. It's just they're but they're boring sometimes you read them at the end. Yeah. Yeah. What frequency? Frequency alteration in the air and also in that stuff and also EQing audio, phonic presentations, all these things. Where do we five, six things now? Updating the slfotters constantly. Well, that's not okay, here we go. With stats, with images, which, with things
Starting point is 01:54:49 that I am constantly doing, and then that's on top of the time it takes for me to prepare the snacks and bring some of these, host the entire thing. We can't believe we said that. Part of that time was, prepare your own top clip, things and beverages, and which, with things that that i am constantly doing and then that's on top of the time it takes for me to prepare the snacks that those chinese crackers into a plastic bowl
Starting point is 01:55:15 so yeah you know what's funny is it's not the first time he's brought up and asked us we got in this uh... what's that anttoids i would say say what's funny is he brought up snacks in the bicycler's thing in the last set of 10 tears like, oh, you know, I drove down to the store to get you guys these beverages and well, you guys were setting up. Oh, yeah, he's so obsessed with it. He's Emily fucking post. I don't know what, like, I don't know what the obsession with snacks, strange preoccupation with the whole snacks he really did.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Yeah. No one will ever figure that out. Takes for me to prepare the snacks. And it's post the entire thing. So it takes me a little bit more time. And part of that time was preparing your Donald Trump clip last time. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:55:59 So when you can't, you can't get salty about that and then start the show with an accusation of plagiarism. That's a kind of shitty thing. Wait, this one? The last, last episode. What do you mean, last episode? What was the plagiarism? You accused me of stealing that bit from a fan.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Oh, I, I wanted to give him a shout out because I was just reading the comments. I was just reading the comments. I was just reading the comments. I already did. Oh, God. Well, excuse me for that. Excuse me. Well, excuse me for that. Yeah, but Yeah, but that's what I was talking about.
Starting point is 01:56:25 Like, it started out kind of salty. And so when you get, when you get like a little bit pissed off that I take a little bit longer time, I would hope that you would appreciate what I bring to the show being unique and just deeply different from what you bring to you. Maybe. Another nail is in.
Starting point is 01:56:39 I do. Okay. I love your stats. And you. Wait, wait, wait, this is how you apologize to someone who's mentally deranged by the way This is how you this is how you keep a show going for two years. I know I had a lot of practice in it. Yep Your research I love all of your snacks even though I don't eat them Get out of there rep work. Thanks
Starting point is 01:57:02 There you go. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there.
Starting point is 01:57:12 I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there.
Starting point is 01:57:20 I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. I'm gonna get that out of there. That guy doesn't like me. Oh, it's here. Oh, see how he giggles. He's like a fucking child about to cry. Like, this is shit that you do to a five-year-old. A five-year-old that is themselves not healthy. Like, there might be something wrong with them
Starting point is 01:57:35 if they're whining and complaining like this. Yeah, and he's just, he's so wrong about everything. Like, he criticizes the fact that you don't bring it stats, but that was the whole point of the show to me at least, was that Maddox was bringing in what were these political, like, quote unquote, serious issues. And you were bringing in stuff that makes everybody mad. Yeah, but it had to be like that. Like every week, I would ask, what are you bringing in? And it's like female genital mutilation. It's like, okay, well, I can't bring it in.
Starting point is 01:58:05 I'm not bringing it in AIDS. I'll bring in something kind of funny. Like, everybody got the show, but him. Everybody got it, but him. It was always, and even when we wrote like a couple sitcom scripts together, it's always saying it's A story, B story. Like the A story and B story cannot both be,
Starting point is 01:58:21 my grandma just died. Like you can't have two characters in the show both doing that. Yeah, you can't square sadness. God, I wanna listen to this all day. It sounds like he's about to fucking cry. I gotta listen to that apology again, that's too funny. I would hope that you would appreciate
Starting point is 01:58:40 what I bring to the show. Like a jilted wife. I would hope that you appreciate what I bring to the show. This is jilted wife. I would hope that you appreciate what I bring to the show. This is being recorded. Yeah. He knows this is being recorded. Well, he knows he can cut it out. I will not be ignored.
Starting point is 01:58:52 I know. And unique and distinctly different from what you bring to the show. Okay. Yeah. I do. Okay. I love your stats and your research.
Starting point is 01:59:02 I love all of your snacks, even though I don't eat them. I love your prep work. There's the crime. I apologize for accusing you of plagiarizing a bit. Okay. Both in that show and in this one. Great. I hope your throat feels better. All right. Is that it? Yeah. Okay. Do we feel there? Do you want to go back outside that it? Yeah. Okay. Do we feel there? Do you want to go back outside? Play?
Starting point is 01:59:29 Yeah. You ready? You know? They're not being mean too. They're not being mean at you. They're being mean with you. Are y'all? I mean, everybody's here for your birthday.
Starting point is 01:59:40 You want to just sit inside. Well, everybody has fun at your birthday. Yeah. Come on. Let's take you outside. It's okay. You got all these presents. You know, open all your friends are here to see.
Starting point is 01:59:51 Hmm. Yeah. Hmm. Doesn't matter. I guess. All right. What's up, man? What do you got?
Starting point is 01:59:59 What are you going to say? I was just kind of curious because in listening to the uncucked episodes for this one, it feels like there's a real buildup Up to episode 77 of like behind the scenes petty drama that's not strictly part of the show So I was just kind of wondering if you got the sense that he knew about the whole 80s real thing before he brought it up or What because I definitely got that impression no because, because that happened. I don't think there's any way. That happened after episode 76. Like, as soon as that happened, and the only reason it happened is because somebody saw us leaving that wedding together.
Starting point is 02:00:34 Like, it was in no, it was never public. It was never meant to be public. Some Yenta saw us leaving together and immediately reported it to Maddox. And that's when he melted down. Like, that was on a Friday. Yenta saw us leaving together and immediately reported it to Maddox. And that's when he melted down. That was on a Friday. And I think that was on the Friday before we would have recorded episode 77.
Starting point is 02:00:57 Because I think the conversation, I think, was the next... Let me look at a calendar. I don't want to get these dates all messed up. It was October 2016, right? If I had my Twitter, I could go back and look at the tweets around the wedding. It was the, okay, it was the 23rd, the wedding was on the 23rd. That was right after we had recorded 76.
Starting point is 02:01:27 Okay. And the entire week was a tantrum. I think the call we had where I told Maddox that nothing happened, and of course, I would never do anything because he told me that he couldn't do the show. The show was over if I had done anything, if we had done anything. That happened on the 29th, which I know because it was my birthday.
Starting point is 02:01:51 Holding the show hostage. And then 77 was recorded on the 30th, we might have an email record of that because Sean asked to borrow all my shit, my computer, I was stuff to record it. Well, I would sheepish about that too because I was like, yeah my shit, my computer. I was tough to record it. Well, I would sheepish about that too, because I was like, eh, like, eh, I'm like, no, you can, no, you can, I thought I used, you're like, you take the computer?
Starting point is 02:02:12 Yeah, go ahead. You're all, everyone's gonna be fucking crucified. Yeah. Yeah, and it'll, it'll just be another thing on top of it later, showing how pedymatics is that he's still had to use your computer to kick you out of the show like you were clearly able to come in so when he says dick couldn't make it.
Starting point is 02:02:30 Oh yeah. Another pedi-ness. All right. Do you want me to play one of these other ones? Can you please play the one that's labeled zero one votes? Okay. That one at least is the most important. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:43 Do you want to set it up or anything? You just want me to play it? No. He's about to summarize the problems the most important. Okay, do you want to set it up or anything? You just want me to play it. No, he's about to summarize the problems for the week. Okay, here we go. Where does this go? I mean, I don't know how you live that audio down. Okay, I just hope that you appreciate what my contribution to the show,
Starting point is 02:03:00 and then cutting it out later. Well, he might have realized, even he might have realized that that sounded really that's man be pathetic. Yeah, display is pathetic for a 30 year old man, a 30 something year old man. That's like, you maybe, maybe you can get away with that as a teenager, maybe in college if you're really pissed off, that you didn't't get to put that a girl didn't touch your penis and touch someone else's, but as a 30 year old man, that's fucking pathetic. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 02:03:33 Speaking of it, listen to every single episode. You should know who won. You should. One. Nobody wins, Maddox. So who has the most votes? When you win someone won. When you lose all the problem had the most votes.
Starting point is 02:03:50 Oh, that's great. That could all come. Yeah. Yeah. And then he, because he did a second take where he said the problem with the most votes. Oh, my God. That was from the...
Starting point is 02:03:59 He replaced the drumroll and everything too. That's from 77 when I wasn't there. Yeah. That's weird. So it was something with me. Like it was some kind of weird, like reaction. Not a contest. It's like you can see when a stereo says there is giggling about it and saying what it properly is, but it's just something with something with me. I don't know. Yeah. All right. Thank you, Antoyys. Does anything make you raise this week?
Starting point is 02:04:33 People who try to change the definition of words to see their narrative. Harassment is harassment. It's not just a number. All right, buddy. Thank you for all your hard work. Undeleting. No problem. And reverse audio engineering. Thanks a lot. I look forward to next week. There's not a lot of these things left. Guys, only three more weeks.
Starting point is 02:04:55 If it's uncucked episodes left. And the last one's gonna be light. And then maybe we'll get to the bonus episodes. I don't know. All right, Mad Cucks can call in. Oh, get him in here. Hey, what's up? Hey, Madcugs. How you doing? How you doing, man? So you had a pretty incredible interview on what is it called? Poplurker? Poplurker, it's a pop news website, like pop culture.
Starting point is 02:05:20 Yeah, pretty much the only one of its kind. No one's ever done a website specifically dedicated to talking about things in your pop culture and making lists and Modern TV shows and older TV shows. It's it's a it's a really impressive site and everybody should visit it at Yeah Maddox did an interview maybe the funny it may be the worst interview ever done this is where we learned that one of his favorite movies is sex and the city ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha But what happened was like some Maddox superfan, this poor chick, she interviews Maddox as though it's like 1990, 1995, and he regurgitates the most embarrassing examples of like a guy way, way past the zenith of his career. Like he's talking about Pantera being the bed.
Starting point is 02:06:24 Let me just read it. Hold on. I mean, this is okay. So in this interview, Maddox claims that he invented the mystical. Sean. Thanks for that, buddy. He claims that he invented the mystical. He claims that he invented the listicle uh... he could he claims that you know what everybody email them and thank you ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and nobody's doing breaking news, live news on YouTube. Maddox makes this claim in the interview. Which one is that? That's what I want you to read first. Oh God, I just want to read this whole fucking thing with you. I find it incredible that no one on Earth has had an original idea except him.
Starting point is 02:07:18 Yeah, that's pretty incredible. Yeah, it's good that we're genius. Thought leaders, Sean. Yeah. You're smart. By Twitter, bio. Do you not understand? All of it. You want to do that one? There's a great segment. Well, I'm sorry. Yeah. Demetron.
Starting point is 02:07:38 I find just clean it up Sean. Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Yeah. What internet or social trend is the worst right now? What's the ugly side of pop culture today versus when your website was your only outlet? Oh my God. So much. There's a chapter I wrote my book called Fuck Your Stupid Opinions. The ability to broadcast yourself is the worst thing about the internet today. People's ability to talk about their shitty stupid vapid try opinions that are worn out and boring and cliche They're moving to this course in this country and everybody thinks that there's somebody You know because you have your small little and hill of followers and this narcissist in the builds
Starting point is 02:08:20 Let itself towards filter bubbles. Yeah, a filter bubbles is not a concept that I came up with, but I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully.
Starting point is 02:08:33 But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully.
Starting point is 02:08:41 But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. But I practice it fully. just as I think he meant i think it's supposed to be decent uh... but it but it's just like to send like climbing down a mountain and you only surround yourself with yes men and yes women what about yes persons maddox you know like people who are just gonna bolster your case and agree with your point of
Starting point is 02:08:57 view that's probably the worst trend online worst to clickbait worst in memes worse than anything is the filter bubbles it's causing me more devices and's causing us to be more divisive, and it is, of course, to be more raw. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Or, or,
Starting point is 02:09:10 or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or,
Starting point is 02:09:17 or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, I can communicate with people to the point where it's almost creating a monster
Starting point is 02:09:31 If you send me to a bar a party or something you got point to anyone in that bar or party and I'll go talk to them With John say I'll just walk up and talk to people I'm not afraid of approaching people. I'm not afraid of talking with people losing weight is to prove my confidence You got got to slide that in there that I would just be a factor. Yeah, yeah. The middle of the other things possible. Okay, here's, here, yeah, yeah. Keep one of the things you said was that you were talking about forcing yourself to do certain things.
Starting point is 02:09:56 One of those things was not letting yourself just be an internet introvert shut in. I was learning to speak publicly. It was learning to speak publicly. It was losing weight. It was pushing on and continuing to rise and be better, even if it's out of spite. Where's that taking you now? It's taking me out a huge upward trajectory.
Starting point is 02:10:13 Just being more confident I can communicate. Yes, he's talking about. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I think I interrupted you. Keep going. If you send me to bar or party something, you can point me out to anyone at that bar or party and I'll go on with them, nothing to to say I'll just walk up and talk to people
Starting point is 02:10:27 I'm not afraid of approaching people. I'm not afraid of talking with people losing weight is improve my confidence and made a lot of things possible that I never thought was possible like like skydiving a bungee jumping for example in high school I could never do a single pull-up Now I think I can do like 15 15 I Maddox can do 15 pull ups in a row. I'll give him $5,000. I will saw my own arms off Think I can do 15 in a row. I think I think I can do 15 in a row. I think I think I can do fifth. You should know.
Starting point is 02:11:10 I mean, right? Such a round number. 15. Oh God. I could do about 15 or 20 if you put like 300 or 400 pounds on the pull up assist machine at the gym. Yeah Three or four hundred pounds. Okay. Here's another good one. So this is this is I'm the interviewer Who's this absolutely
Starting point is 02:11:35 very smug awful woman Who people are questioning are on this and she immediate like her response of the lawsuit was Well, I have two kids and one is a special needs kids questioning her on this and she immediate like her response of the lawsuit was well I have two kids and one is a special needs kids so I mean I wrote the article that I wanted to and you guys are just harassing me by asking me questions about it and it's like I'm really just over it, huh? It's like you've got you managed to get in every single obnoxious objection to every single obnoxious objection to just basic responsibility,
Starting point is 02:12:08 like basic one-on-one human interaction. No accountability. None at all. She kept saying, well, this is the article I wanted to write. Okay. Well, yeah, that's what the problem is with it. You idiot, that it still is. I sent her. It's been created a filter bubble.
Starting point is 02:12:21 Yeah. So this is her. So this is where I kiss your ass a little. She's got to have like a fan girl crush. You have continuously been a maverick in conquering new media. You blogged, wrote satirical articles and columns at least 10 years before everyone else. You're a published author three times over and the third book was definitely worth the
Starting point is 02:12:40 wait. You're a YouTuber, a Twitch streamer, and a successful podcast host. How do you strategize which medium to go after? This is going to be a lame answer because it's the answer that pitches everybody off when I say it. But I do everything. I remember when I first came to LA, I sat down with an agency, one of the top four agencies. They asked me, what do you do? And I said everything. And then I noticed a scare of me because they were to hear someone focus on movies, they ask me, what do you do? And I said, everything. And then I know it's a shit out of me. Because they were to hear someone focus on movies,
Starting point is 02:13:08 TVs, books, comics, whatever. And I said, I want to do it all. So far, I've pretty much done it all. I'm working on everything. And now the latest one, which goes back to your first question, is a video game. I'm working on that as well. So everything, yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:23 I've been working on this video game for like five or six years now. Yeah, I hope it's really good Well, I hope no one fucks that up Are you still here's another good one? Are you still on the convention circuit or book tour? Where can your fans find you right now? I? Do talks every few months. I do talk to workshops, but I don't really publicize those You kind of have to be in the middle Where those are? very exclusive And my new media workshops I sometimes do events at YouTube space in Los Angeles
Starting point is 02:13:56 My next appearance I think is gonna be at San Diego Comic Con Yeah, I'll be in July and I have some big big big announcements, huge announcements coming. Huge announcement. If anybody's interested in subletting my booth, but between now and Comic Con apparently, I got shit going on. You know what's interesting is Comic Con, that's against their terms of service. Oh, I know. Yeah, like Maddox would always try to sublet his booth and like he would always ask me like how to do it secretly because it's a there's a huge waiting list to get a booth
Starting point is 02:14:25 Yeah, sure and like you can't just offer it to people because obviously Comic-Con doesn't want you Co-signing to whomever you want right. I think he did it with fat head Um, I think he was talking to them about it. He's done it with people in the past anyway Let me see are there any other gems? There's that that final one. There's one Are there any other gems? Uh, there's that, that final one, there's one. There's one more he talks about how many hours he puts into the podcast. Oh yes, that's right, like a feature film.
Starting point is 02:14:52 I think we all know. Okay. Oh, that's the last one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the one. Here it is, here's the last one. Well shit, is there, well shit? Is there anything you want to say or add or go off on? Yeah, my fucking idiot fans, you don't think I'm doing any work.
Starting point is 02:15:07 You dumb fucks. But just because I don't update my website, people assume I'm not working. I'm constantly working. The podcast takes 12 or 13 hours per week to produce. And I'm producing a YouTube version as well. Guess what, fuck faces? That takes time to edit and upload.
Starting point is 02:15:24 I have a multi-cam YouTube show and I produce an hour and a half of content every single week and I edit three hours of content. That's a feature film, it's worth of content. I'm editing every fucking week. I'm bestie making a feature movie every fucking week and these people are like same thing. Yeah, where's your new article? Where's your stuff? And also the live news show, which takes a lot of time to produce. It takes an entire day to have to produce. Me and I, me and I work with the news person in Arkansas named Stan Morris.
Starting point is 02:15:59 He's fantastic. And we kick asses. And nobody's doing breaking news, live news on YouTube. No one is doing that. I'm doing that. No one's doing that. I'm doing that No one's doing that It's very well produced and I know even as Maddox. I'm very self-acredizing and I look to blow sunshine up my own ass That's true. It's really good. I'm not using the correct Saying not using the correct vert and like not using a saying correctly
Starting point is 02:16:24 not using the correct, like not using a saying correctly. What is it? Blowing sunshine up my own ass. Yeah. No, that's not how the saying goes. You blow sunshine up someone else's ass. To dilute them and trick them into doing a shitty, like into giving away something they have that you want. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:40 You don't do it to yourself, or I guess you do. No, he does. Constantly lying to yourself. Yeah. What's the best way to cook yourself? Yeah, boom. All right. Good God. Okay, finish that one up and then There's so much stuff coming. No one is gonna see it. It's gonna catch. No one is gonna see it. I believe that part It's gonna catch people off guard. It's gonna catch people with their pants down. It's it. It's it. It's it.
Starting point is 02:17:07 It's it. It's it. It's put me on a huge upward trajectory. Yeah. I'm lost weight. I think I could do 15 pull-ups. Who the fuck is this interview with? Like, if you didn't know him, you would think this is satire right sure uh...
Starting point is 02:17:27 yeah obviously not you would you would think that this was like an article that someone wrote a couple years before biggest problem in the universe came out and still people didn't really know the maddox was alright buddy uh... anything make you rage this week madcucks yet something does make me a rage. It's getting a new phone and having to transfer all your shit back and forth between the two, especially if you suddenly
Starting point is 02:17:51 went to a new brand and everything. Like, I've had the same crappy phone for four years. I finally decided to buy a new phone and it's just been a real pain in the ass because apps that used to exist just don't exist anymore. Yeah. I guess, and you know, there's, I got, I guess, I guess like,
Starting point is 02:18:10 I was real complacent in my old phone, and now I've got to adjust. It just sucks. All phones, phones fucking suck anymore. Yeah, I've got like, in my backup drive, I've got laptop and then a date, laptop backup, and then a date from just all the files that I couldn't lose, I've just dumped into a folder.
Starting point is 02:18:28 It's like, I don't know. I guess it's in there somewhere. Yeah, every device, maybe one day I'll need it. Maybe one day I'll need this. So I'll just spend the rest of my life hoarding this data. So somebody can go through it at some point and laugh at all the stupid things. I thought would be cool to do.
Starting point is 02:18:45 Yeah. I don't think we've ever talked about the Mad Cux Portland story where Mad Cux got a text message. Speaking of your phone, Mad Cux got a text, what was that text that you got from that? It was, we were out at breakfast, I think, and somebody texted me and it said, oh, hey, is this Brianna or something? And I thought that it was like a text, someone gave someone a fake number from the night before. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:15 And so I was like, oh yeah, this'll be fun. And so I said, yeah, sure is. And then I sent them a winky face or something. Yeah. I don't have the old phone now, so I can't find the text. Oh no, you don't have i don't have the old phone now so i can't find the oh no you don't have those texts i got it i got it in that that old phone but that old phone is now like in a
Starting point is 02:19:31 drawer somewhere oh dude you got a lot of power back on so but anyway so so we go back and forth the the guys have texted me it's like it turns out that it was like a work text about something so that the guy says there's customers down here at this one location and they're very upset. And I text the back, I said, look, I don't know what the fuck it guy told you, but he wrote me and that just not acceptable. But this went the swearing.
Starting point is 02:19:54 Yeah, with the swearing. And then it got, it started to go off the rails because then he started to call me repeatedly. Yeah. To get to the bottom of it. Yeah, and I was like, oh'm like, oh, hey, yeah, one second, one second. So we go back and forth.
Starting point is 02:20:09 He's wanting, he's wanting answers for me. I keep escalating like what my issue is with this customer. And then finally I get text messages like, Brianna's right here. What are you doing? Who are you? Who are you? Like, obviously you got the wrong fucking number, idiot.
Starting point is 02:20:22 Why would you ask this? What could I say? Then you say that's an imposter? I'm the real free. That's impossible. I'm standing right next to you. I'm brilliant. All right, dude. I'll see you in Dallas.
Starting point is 02:20:36 You're gonna have a good weekend. Go fuck yourself. Yeah, go fuck yourself. Hey, Sean, I'm gonna need you to send me the This part of this episode so I could do a final edit. Yeah Any pickups you want to do oh yeah, hey dick is there anything you want to plug? Oh Thank you the bonus episode bonus episode, also road rage tickets around sale. Dallas, June 30th.
Starting point is 02:21:10 Okay, sounds like you have a lot of stuff going on. Yeah. Sounds like you're bitty all the time. Well, he does everything. Well, over 13 hours a week on your show. I do everything. Movies, TV, video games. Isn't that, isn't the movie comments so telling? It's the same, you know, it's like
Starting point is 02:21:27 there's no difference in anything. What do you mean? Oh, the future film. Yeah, you're a sucker if you pay more money for something allegedly better. It's like, oh yeah, no feature films and like what I do. Same thing. Yeah. And he believes that. Yeah, you can hear the uncomfortable chuckling come through in that entire interview. I'm basically making a feature film every week. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:53 Thanks for having me. Thanks for having me. Yeah. Thanks. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:59 Thanks. Yeah. Have a good day. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah me see what I got here. Okay, this one is by Ginger Cat Productions. You're an obedient cuckold. There we go.
Starting point is 02:22:11 How does a massive and arrogant idiot dickhead asshole moron acquire services of Sean, his audio engineering whilst Patreon keeps spinning. And the camera thinks he's winning. Oh is this dialogue family thing? I didn't see Hamilton. Yeah this is Hamilton. No it's all. And in every playside, checked The only common thread has been your distressed facts Now you call me a cuckold An Armenian disgrace If you've got something to say, I'll come for your job
Starting point is 02:23:14 With them I have the honor to be An obedient cuckold Ma dot x It's like her thought is musical The reasons fans don't trust you You won't tell them what you believe I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, I'm not a god, That's nonsense. Dipshit incompetent indeed dipshit and simple these accusations. I like it Your friends will lose a job's dipshit. Man next to us all our favorite stuff You're selling salt in your own crops all this lying and implying shit. It's what you do I apologize for fucking true then I'll sue
Starting point is 02:24:17 Mastison 20 million gone I want to see this music ball. I did too. That's the funniest thing you ever wrote. I have the honor to be. Oh, all right. All right. All right. Hey, hey. Very good. Thank you. Thank you, Ginger Cat Productions. Funny. Let me get Laga Morphin here. Laga Morphin. What's up, man? Hey, Dick.
Starting point is 02:24:46 How you doing, buddy? So you, first of all, you're the guy that did the books for the old show and found out that I'm still old, five grand from the old books. That was cool. And your new project is a Dick show census, right? That's right, we had over 800 responses. Okay.
Starting point is 02:25:07 I'm trying to find it right now, because your results, your results are pretty interesting. Yeah, but it's an interesting stats come out of it. Turns out only 5% of the Dixho community prefers flat-chested maidens. Like I do, it turned out I was in much more of the minority than I thought. Oh. Whereas 33% preferred huge cans situation. So that was a surprise for me.
Starting point is 02:25:30 Oh, yeah, well that's good. This is good advertiser demo. Well, who, what kind of cans are we looking for on this show? And who's going to sell us, who's going to sell us large-can-pre preferring gentlemen their products. What's good for us? We had 6% of the community self-admitted in cells when asked if they were married yet. And as far as politically, we have 57% libertarian, which was higher than expected,
Starting point is 02:26:01 and nationally in the US, it's only 22% leaning libertarians. It's actually a really high percentage. 55% libertarian on the show. Yeah, let's see. And of those, like Tim mentioned, there's more than just one dimension on the political scale. So of those 57% libertarians or of the entire community,
Starting point is 02:26:22 46% were on the economic right Uh, the rest being split between the left and the center. I think it's I think he's wrong on that though It's pretty much if you think Trump is funny or not. That's the only political divide. There is in America Uh should dick thirty five percent voted for Trump. Oh, that's interesting. Uh huh. So As many people voted for Trump as I am Mexican That's true. Aren't you 50 percent? You know, I am Mexican. That's true. 50%. You know, I got that DNA test thing back. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:50 And it didn't split 50, 50. They, those things can be wrong considerably. Really? Yeah, and there was an article written on why they only narrow it down to certain regions. Yeah, my dad is a hundred percent. Both of his parents are a hundred percent, but I don't know genetically. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:27:09 Yeah, no, there's, yeah. There's reasons why you not, there are reasons why you might not be a 50, 50 split also. Oh, here's a good one. Count of the Dix show would be better with less hysteria, 61% of people disagree with that. Hmm. That was shocking to me because apparently it's a very vocal minority, at least on the better with less hysteria 61% of people disagree with that. That was shocking to me because apparently it's a very vocal minority at least on the Reddit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:31 Yeah. The numbers did not hold true to that. Neither agree nor disagree 27%. So you got 89% of people that either want that don't dislike hysteria. That's overwhelming. 90% of people are not turned off by hysterios, 61% want more of them. That's shocking because if you hang out on the Reddit, it's like,
Starting point is 02:27:58 this is only sock puppet accounts, bashing hysteria so you think it's everyone. You know, another thing I noticed about the Reddit, there was some guy shitting on the songs, but then I clicked through his post history and he doesn't even listen to the show. Like he was a come town fan that was just over the mindlessly shitting on. Whatever. I was like, how fuck you, dude?
Starting point is 02:28:18 Like, to suck my fucking cock, you little asshole. I don't have to delete a lot of fake responses, of course, which was no surprise given the community. So, yeah, I'm just joking. Just to abuse me and shit talk me in my own poll. They'll do that. Seven of you. Someone, someone whose job was Reddit is fucking gay and he reported that they discovered the
Starting point is 02:28:40 show by Reddit is filled with idea of shilling faggots. Oh. And then finally, the favorite podcast is 688 attack sub is a tired and unfunny meme. So a lot of these types of responses. Well, a lot of jokes. There's 70% of of listeners are atheist or agnostic. Well, 25% are Christian. 6% are pagan or other. That's interesting. 25, I wonder how that compares.
Starting point is 02:29:08 Nation one. Don't know. Christianity seems to be on the decline. I had to change the error text on the salary field because so many of the Facebook dig heads couldn't figure out how to input their salary correctly. They wanted to put in commas, dollar signs, none of which were allowed.
Starting point is 02:29:25 So a lot of them failed to submit, which partially explains why their participation was somewhat lower than Reddit. Also, they're being shadow banned, didn't help. Oh, they're back though. Facebook is back. Yeah, yeah. Count pissing style over the top 52%
Starting point is 02:29:40 through the fly 40%. So we're losing that war. Wait, how do the other people piss? I'm a girl. Oh, two percent. And sitting down is 6%. Oh, no. Guys, if you sit down, you get a stand up, man. Which on that note of sitting down to pee, I have to mention the stats report that
Starting point is 02:29:59 Pendican made that he emailed to all of us. It was really incredible. And he actually discovered some interesting correlations between sitting down to pee and having a lower income. Huh. How about that? You never know what's gonna be responsible for your next pro.
Starting point is 02:30:17 So because if you go into the bathroom and you're managed to see EOs in there and you're going into the toilet and then sitting down and peeing, that guy might say, what the hell is, what the fuck is this? But if you're at the urinal, yeah, moving up. Yeah, if you're at the urinal and he sees you,
Starting point is 02:30:33 he's gonna strike, you know, you could, we could pepper him with some of your hot ideas for the next financial quarter. He can't go anywhere, he's gotta get rid of that piss, he can't chop it off, he can't stop doing it. He's at your mercy there. But then maybe he looks over and he sees you, he sees you fumbling around with your belt,
Starting point is 02:30:50 like Tim Poole says he does, taking the whole thing apart, disassembling his pants and holding them up around his thighs with both hands, he's gonna say, forget it. He's not the guy, he's not the guy for me. He's gonna spend all his time in the bathroom playing with his pants and his belt. And I'm like, you know, I don't have time for this. Right. I mean, I need a man who's
Starting point is 02:31:08 gonna be in the office making decisions. Exactly. He can be zipping up on the way out. He's so quick to get back to the office, back to work. I want a guy who goes into the bathroom with his dick already out. Yeah, that's the kind of man I'm looking for in this organization. Not someone who's got his pants or just gonna fall down at any moment. Yeah, you know what, don't even go, just pee in the sink. Yeah, you don't even have to get all the way to the toilets. I start the pissing when I get through the door. That's when I start,
Starting point is 02:31:35 because I know it has to travel through the urethral sphincter and then the tube, so that by the time it's shooting out, I'm at the toilet. Yeah, you run really fast. I don't, yeah, I do. Yeah, sometimes you have to, but you got a good three feet of projection. You only have to get close to it.
Starting point is 02:31:51 Yeah. It's like they say almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades and pissing in a urinal. Yeah, true. That's why that saying comes from. What else married, oh kids, yes, 20%, not yet 50%, that's pretty interesting stuff. Income by age, all right, look at this.
Starting point is 02:32:10 Check out this nice income graph going up. Not a successful dickhead, listening. And dickheads are paid on average 57K per year, which is higher than the US average of 18K. Yeah, that's great. 10,000, 25% more, 20% more. It's a big boost, smart audience. And then we got a cup size chart here.
Starting point is 02:32:32 No. Yeah, we had almost no female respondents until Facebook got their shit together and started actually responding. I just thought the girls do hang out on Facebook. Yeah, they're a lot of chicks there. Get raped was a cup size? No, zero.
Starting point is 02:32:46 34 double G. Whoa. What's going on here? See, I'll write 32 double D and double D again. So we know peach didn't fill out this survey. Dick, are you looking at the updated census? By the way, are you looking at the first one? I might be looking at the first one, buddy. It sounds like the first one. Yeah. Do you have the updated one? Yeah, I'll put it in the chat right now. The paper that Pendican did, it's a hierarchical linear regression report. It's fucking 15 pages long. I know. Using the the DIC the DIC show census data and you find some interesting correlations. He tries to answer the question of what what why does Sean make more than all other audio engineers?
Starting point is 02:33:24 the question of what what why does Sean make more than all other audio engineers? How can you become a success? Does voting for Donald Trump make you successful? Oh, here we go. Here's the cup size chart. I'm looking, this is with all the Facebook weighing in. We got a two B's through three C's, four D's, five inches. That's how many inches their cup size is a number that was possible is the uh... percentage thirty five percent c eighteen percent d eighteen percent double the nine percent triple d shan
Starting point is 02:33:56 well yeah i was uh... uh... we got six percent double g oh my goodness. 3% age. Even though I didn't know that was a thing. In fact, it wasn't on the chart. I just assumed the next letter was the next inch up.
Starting point is 02:34:11 Wow. Geez Louise. Even though the bra off a bit went up that big. I'm just kidding. I obviously did, Sean. Yeah. We didn't get any responses from Derry's, did we? I mean, get out of here. The US average is like double D now. It keeps going up because we keep getting fatter and fatter. So
Starting point is 02:34:31 dickhead females do have smaller tits than the average in the US, but that's probably because they're they're they're they're better shade. Yeah assumption. All right, man. Uh, Lagamorph, thanks for doing this. Uh, it's very interesting. Yeah. Very interesting stuff. I got to really delve into it after the show. There's a lot of interesting dickheads out there. We got drug dealers. We got astronauts. We got Navy pilots.
Starting point is 02:34:51 We have a whole fucking news crew. An editor, producer and director, all separately responding. And a spesto-sremovalist. Someone who says they're a pizza fuck, which is either a delivery driver or a pizza maker. Guy who fucks pizzas. Oh, that's interesting. We have a delivery driver or a guy who fucks peaks is. Oh, it's interesting. Yeah, we have a grower and a Shower of the grower train it to be someone who grows mushrooms. The shower was a stripper. Oh Makes much more than the grower
Starting point is 02:35:16 How much is the stripper make I think she reported like 46, a very respectable salary. And it's all cash. Yeah, that's like, all cash. I mean, that's like 60k salary or anything. But no benefits though, but, you know, well, all right, buddy, what makes you rage? Getting reverse snowflake by progressives.
Starting point is 02:35:38 So, I left a negative review on a board game recently, just doing my part, you know, this board game is called Block by Block and it's basically an anti review on a board game recently just doing my part uh... you know this this board games called block by block and it's a basically an anti-file board game and i said uh... you know i think it's glorifying uh... that these domestic terrorists whatever you know just kind of complaining about it yeah and i got sent a private message that mother fucker says uh... is
Starting point is 02:35:58 complaining and saying conservatives call liberals snowflakes but here you are complaining about this uh... and and uh... you And I explain these people are violent. These people are violent. Being a snowflake is demanding that this content that offends you is removed or that you get put in jail or kicked out of school fired from work. And that's, it's just not the same thing about complaining. It's the same thing as being told you're triggered if you complain about something.
Starting point is 02:36:21 That's not what triggered means. It's not just being, if you're indifferent all the time and you just, something pisses you off, that isn't mean you're triggered. So yeah, getting these terms that were, they were intended to describe some sort of political phenomenon, getting sort of complicated. Co-on, yeah, butchered. It's really the threat of force has a lot more to do with it than the opinions, you know, like the snowflakes.
Starting point is 02:36:46 Yeah, okay, you're upset. Yeah, I don't care. Well, also you better change it. Or else we're going to fuck up your whole life. Yeah. Oh, yeah. All right. Well, now I have, now you've made me care.
Starting point is 02:36:57 So I'm going to have an opinion about you, right? Yeah. You know what? I've always wanted to do a game. He's talking about the Antifa game, right? I have put a lot of work into a gun control game. Oh yeah. Yeah, like every time the gun control argument comes up,
Starting point is 02:37:18 I made a card game to fit that. I think the next time there's a big shooting, I'm going to try it out and see if it's the objective to confiscate guns or. Well, both sides have their own objective. Is it cartridges against humanity? It should be. It's a good one. It's the Illuminati versus the NRA. You know, everybody knows that. All right, man, thank you very much. Thanks, Dick. All right, get out of here, buddy. All right, everybody, this has been the Dick Show,
Starting point is 02:37:50 the, slash the dick show. Again, if you go to Patreon, you get all the all the old bonus episodes, there's 25 bonus episodes for five bucks, that's a hell of a deal. You can't get 25 bonus episodes of a podcast for five dollars. No, that's, you find me that deal? That's crazy talk. I'll beat it I'll beat that deal. We got a mile of bonus episodes
Starting point is 02:38:09 You also get the video and you get the live stream for 20 bucks. See you in road rage Dallas. We're gonna have a live tattoo hopefully See you next Tuesday. This this song is from Caleb zero. Did you see the doom thing that guy made? No. Oh, it's so fucking cool. I'm gonna play, he did a doom remix, Caleb Zero. I'm gonna show it to you all this song plays.
Starting point is 02:38:35 Okay. Here you go. ... I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it.
Starting point is 02:39:14 I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it.
Starting point is 02:39:22 I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0-2.0- That damn it, I can't find it. Well, I wanted this to show the whole time, but I fucking blew that. Alright, everyone knows where it is. Let's play some Facebook news. Hello, Dick and hello, Dickheads. This is the Facebook Room News for the last couple days.
Starting point is 02:40:30 Mike Clark Rider needed Dickheads help to help him out with fighting his wife. Mike's wife goes out of town for two weeks a month for work and Mike made it absolutely clear that he can prove she's out of town for work and not Dick. When Mike's wife comes home, she starts bitching in him about unmopped floors, not helping carry groceries and other tedious things. Dickhead's are split down the middle on this one. Sean says she's loyal because she's pissed off
Starting point is 02:40:54 and therefore not dick down. Tyler says he can prove that she is cheating. And Alicia called Mike Clueless and they began bickering back and forth about Mike's marriage. Everybody else called for her divorce. Next up is Becca, who has dickheads if she should circumcise her son who's going to be born in October. No. What she wanted was a simple lie or N. 300 comments later, I'm not sure we have an answer. The third comment on the post is abort.
Starting point is 02:41:21 A few more down is the word tradition placed in between triple brackets and a majority of dickheads commented with N. If you biggest problem fans strongly encourage thread users to vote up general mutilation. Yeah. But it's Jones even made an appearance and advocated for circumcision. Only to be called a felon. There is way too much arguing and harsh insults chucked around to fully cover this ultra violent thread, but it is worth noting about 200 comments in there is a brief discussion about draft beer and day drinking. Uh, we should, we got to know if she actually, if she circumsizes the kid.
Starting point is 02:41:56 Wouldn't that be great if we talked her out of it? Or maybe it's, maybe it would be bad because it would be bad. I don't know. Possibly. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it to myself. Like if I had some kind of time traveling portal and the doctor of delivering me said, hey, Dick, do you want me to circumcise you?
Starting point is 02:42:16 I would say fuck no. Leave my dick alone. Get the hell out. You don't even look at it. Yeah, look away. Queer. Yeah. I mean, isn't that like a good enough reason? Would you do it to yourself?
Starting point is 02:42:28 Stop thinking about other people's kids because no one cares about them. Would you do it? Would you do it to yourself if you had some kind of a time phone? Would you? Would I? Yeah. Given that, no, I don't think so.
Starting point is 02:42:41 I mean, it doesn't seem like it's real comfortable. No. At the time. No. So, you know, get so. I mean, it's, it doesn't seem like it's real comfortable. No. At the time. No. So, you know, get it later. Yeah, but is there something, does that dick turn, does that dick skin turn like invincible at some point where you can't do it later? People do it as adults. Well, then fucking do it then.
Starting point is 02:42:57 Yeah, I guess they figured you know what? You won't remember it. That's a bad reason to not give you the choice. It's like they say about, you know, there are no minor surgeries. That happens to other people. You know, you know, you know, you know, it's ever had a minor surgery on themself. Except for that one.
Starting point is 02:43:15 Yeah. Give me the fucking option then. And I can have a big party about it at least. Yeah. I'm in college and I want to get that circumcision. Yeah. You're like 22 and you're having a bris. Hey, bros.
Starting point is 02:43:27 All right, come to my circles. My circles, getting it done, getting old boy, chapped pruned up, chapped up. Boy. Right? A party like that. It should be every flat house should have a bris, slashed circumcision party.
Starting point is 02:43:44 Because there's always gonna be a couple bros who get it done even if it's dumb, even if it's the wrong move. That's gair than come on a mustache. Ha ha ha ha. What's gay about that? Just a bunch of guys celebrating that they're trimming the excess skin off their penis.
Starting point is 02:44:00 Even and they don't do it on their ears or anywhere else. Uh huh. I think that's a cool world. Everybody sits around and watches. Yeah. Maybe the NFL players are getting it done too. Yeah. I'm sitting out this game because I know off season, I'm going to get my
Starting point is 02:44:17 circuit, my circumcision, you know, shopped this old boy up. Yeah. My wife's been complaining about it. This looks like an anneater. Yeah. Gotta make compromises. After that, I'm gonna go to Home Depot. Fix a rain gutters.
Starting point is 02:44:33 I got the oil coming over. He's gonna give it a little kiss, you know. I got, he's got good reviews on, you know. It's like priest impersonating a oil. Maybe it's somebody impersonating a oil. I just don't, like, I really don't, I wouldn't do it to myself. That's all I need to know.
Starting point is 02:44:50 Okay. That's all you need. That's all I need. Yeah. And lastly, we have some Facebook shadow band updates. Reddit had to create an entire new subreddit for Facebook refugees after the Reddit was bombarded with transgender memes, five word shitposts, and multiple threads about getting drunk and high.
Starting point is 02:45:09 It was Dustin who would come to save the day by changing the group from closed to secret. A secret group cannot be found through searches, mutual friends, or really any traditional method of finding a group. We are now essentially a concrete bunker. Whatever algorithms Facebook had implemented appear to have been defeated as more and more dickheads have found their way back home wonderful this has been the actual facebook group news for the last couple days i don't really disappointed in the test in pool about
Starting point is 02:45:35 captain jackass is yeah yeah that's a big fuck up on my part of sorry next let's play a couple couple of weeks he would he would come on again i'm sure ten yeah you know i really enjoyed that i think he yeah i think he actually had a good time Okay, let's play a couple of voicemen. He would come on again, I'm sure. Tim? Yeah. You know what I really enjoyed that. I think he, yeah. I did do. I think he actually had a good time. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:50 He probably very, it was probably very cathartic of him for him to be able to, you know, say, to congratulate himself for looking in the mirror and saying that he was taking second look at things. He'll get, you know what? He'll get respect from the listeners. I respect them. Yeah, it's, you admitted that you changed your mind on something? That's it, that's a fucking miracle.
Starting point is 02:46:16 Call the Vatican. I'm gonna, someone's ass is getting canonized for that shit. Especially in today's day and age, where you do it all by proxy, you know, they you're just in front of thousands of people. Yeah, never mind. But you're not doing it in a room with the person. Yeah. Like in today's day and age. Yeah. Alright. Let's do some of these. Dick, I've got a rage for you. Customers. If you've bought anything, fuck to you. All right. It works retail. It's closing at nine.
Starting point is 02:46:46 It's like 8.45. Oh, hey, can we just still get this? Get this? Hey, fuckers, you're not seeing fucking cleaning. You're not seeing fucking cleaning. Fuck customers. If you buy anything, fuck to you. I'm closed down.
Starting point is 02:47:01 I'm actually closed a little bit late because of all the fucking customers. You have to show up at 8.45. All right. It's like 905. The lights are out. The meat is all covered in plastic wrap with, you know, so you can't get it. It's protected. It's over. Store hours are over. Customers show up. Hey, is there anyone still around you could cut me? No, there's fucking not. No, there's fucking not. It's 905. Fuck you. Do not fucking Google. When is the store closed? Plus, do not even look at the fucking hours written down don't fucking come alright if you buy anything fuck you alright alright alright i want to know where that guy works
Starting point is 02:47:55 uh... it sounds good you're a supermarket but that store probably that store cut cutting meat back there it's it's a michael from sand crews you know it makes me raced when someone's upset with you That's the story cutting meat back there. Hey, this is Michael from Sanctuary. You know, it makes me rage when someone's upset with you and they play dumb just because they're mad at you.
Starting point is 02:48:13 Today, I wrote on a piece, it's for production reasons, but the reasons don't matter. I wrote on a piece of paper, one number, and it was the wrong number, so I put an X through it and wrote the correct number right next to it, to hand to my coworker. My coworker who has a grievance with me because he says, so baby back bitch about everything looks at it and says, what is this? What is times this number? You know, because the X, I guess, he is stupidly trying to enter. He's intentionally trying to misinterpret what the X has a multiple...
Starting point is 02:48:53 Oh no, it looks like the multiple times I fucked your wife. That's why. See how it says 793 times 1 8 0. Oh, oh, it wasn't clear because it was like a multiplication so I wanted to fucking struggle him I was like you fucking hate it I cannot fucking believe that you played like this you played so I'm a tear fucking parents like this huh fuck they may not tell you fuck. Go on a couple of those bad days in a row you're going to Greenland man that's all there is to it yeah I think, I think all
Starting point is 02:49:26 these people aren't high enough to be doing the jobs that they're... Oh, I mean, yeah, maybe so. That's what's going on. They need to be... They need to be kicking back a couple of edibles before work, especially working at a meat factory like that guy was. Come to California. We're losing people. Everybody's... If you're getting this, if you're getting this angry at work, you're supposed to be much higher while you're losing people. Everybody's, if you're getting this angry at work, you're supposed to be much higher while you're doing it. You need something.
Starting point is 02:49:50 Hey, Dave, what's up, Sean? All right, thanks. And they got a rage. When job applications ask you bullshit for sorry questions, specifically, why do you want this job? Like, why are you applying for this position? I'm only fucking think I want this job? Why are you applying for this division? Why the fuck do you think I want this job? What do you want me to say here?
Starting point is 02:50:10 Oh, it's like I can get paid for doing nothing. Specifically just now, I'm filling up this online application and before I could fill it out, it made me watch this little video explaining like all these bullshit things about the job. Yeah. And now, I know that it's asking me this question. It wants me to say, oh, it's for the challenge. It's a, I want to join to a fucking improve,
Starting point is 02:50:34 no, to a fucking, let's say. It's a thing. It's a thing about like fucking goals, mining the fucking company ladder, whatever. Company ladder, I'll let you do that. It's like doing that. I want the job for the money. I will not be here for
Starting point is 02:50:47 over the years. My personal, you know, like get off my skills, I don't care about you. I'm not in my horizon. I just want the money. Cut and paste. But if I say that,
Starting point is 02:50:56 they're gonna be like, okay, well, I mean. Can't hire you. Cause you don't function at all. I'll put other people. You don't even understand how to fit into society with that answer, sir. Get out of here.
Starting point is 02:51:10 At least lie to me. Yeah, you gotta, you have to, sir, you have to understand something that working here is gonna require you to lie all day every day. Right, this is a total farce. Yeah, what we're doing right now. Totally, total bullshit on both sides of the table here. There's a thousand people who work here.
Starting point is 02:51:26 We need maybe five of them. And I'm not one of them. So me and along with all of the other do nothings. So don't fucking ruin it for me. Yeah, prick. First of all, you can't. We've taken over. The dummies, the inmates are running these silent.
Starting point is 02:51:39 And if you want to work here, you're gonna have to learn to be crazy like the rest of us. Now if you'll just go fill out this idiot form that tells you, that tells us absolutely nothing about you beyond what I can get in two seconds of eye contact. If I was a properly function human being, of course I'm not. And we'll be, and we'll never contact you with an offer or not. Just waste your time. Try not to kill yourself in the way home,
Starting point is 02:52:06 even though every single second of this process is telling you that you should. Amen. Hey, Dick. I'm thinking about that graph from OKCupid. And what I'll get is, we're the flux of women get off. Waiting all these men ugly as fuck, when at least 90%, you know what,
Starting point is 02:52:29 fucking all the girls on okay, keep it on Tinder, on every fucking dating site in person, is wearing makeup, is enhancing their looks, and that's where we're reading them. Lies, fucking lies. Lies, lies. Women in their lies.
Starting point is 02:52:47 And their fucking makeup. Yeah, women are always with their makeup, committing fraud constantly. You know, no, until it's too late. I gotta read this one. I've been meaning to read this for a while. We got a, we got invited to Cam Vashers graduation July 22nd. Is this Cam? Yeah, from Chicago. Hey,
Starting point is 02:53:15 guys, this is Cam from Chicago Road Red Show. We know you're super busy, but Cam wanted to send you an invite in case you're in town. He's in. Is this Cam in the wheelchair? Yeah. Oh, yeah. What's MI? Is that Michigan? Uh, yeah, because I think they're from near Detroit. Oh, okay. Uh, yeah, he's graduating. That'd be pretty.
Starting point is 02:53:34 Wow, it'd be fun. It would be. I mean, I don't know. That'd be fun. His show up with a fucking mob. And heck all the graduations, because, you know know when I look at graduation in the dictionary boo kill yourself don't let Kimball anywhere near that I don't know no that'll be fun I'll go I gotta do I'll do presence next time I gotta I gotta do I gotta do presence next time. Yeah, I know all right everybody
Starting point is 02:54:06 One more yeah Dude I've got a girlfriend right now and let me tell you she is so amazing. She's locked in my underground parking garage I go ready. She's cute. She doesn't talk about a necessary bullshit. She's got a tip See really just about everything you could ask for a woman We've got a very healthy relationship, too We never fight we can always talk shit out and give you. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Starting point is 02:54:29 This cam, the graduation, it says June 14th. We missed that, but the back says, Saturday, July 21st. Wait, well, July 21st sounds way too late to be a graduation. It does? Yeah, Jake, did I fuck this up? I'm just in June.
Starting point is 02:54:48 Let me see it. Well, it says June 14th, that's in four days. I know. Well, fucking, cam, congratulations then. You son of a bitch, you look at that. Why is the back different? Now, read the back. Um, tell me I'm wrong.
Starting point is 02:55:02 No, no, no, no, you're right, but no, this may be a part of this is a party. Oh, fuck, this is the party. A graduation party's a week later. No, it's a month. A month later. Yeah. All right, well, okay, I didn't, I didn't make a mistake then. Kind of, but.
Starting point is 02:55:19 Well, we got it. All right. Congratulations. Yeah, we got it out in time. Yes. Okay, let's get got it out in time. Yes. Okay. Let's get back to this guy's hot, girlfriend. That's a normal no problem.
Starting point is 02:55:30 But somehow that doesn't apply when we're driving a fucking car around. And that's what makes me rage. She has an unwavering dedication to playing mother fucking country music. No. And I will fight to my grave about that shit. I would get it if it was some country music, right? Like the Mexicans and the Muslims, you know? Some of it is good country music,
Starting point is 02:55:49 but no, man, this is straight up, pop-oriented bullshit, written in a fucking corporate meeting room, constructed a pander to white chicks across the nation, you know. She claim to give her, you know, quote, good vibes. Fuck them, and I'm starting to get better, paying for her fruver everywhere separately. So I don't have to be the one to deal with their
Starting point is 02:56:08 shit. I hate this too because I think of the great relationship. And now when I think about it, it isn't her kids or the jokes that I made that she left it. It's motherfucking Florida Georgia line. Yeah, buddy. If the rest of you got you got to dump that bitch immediately. It's gonna say you got to let in tolerance. You gotta let that grief and scowl. No, no, no, no, no. He the rest of you got to dump that bitch immediately, it's gonna say, you gotta let that grief and scowl. No, no, no, no, no, he's totally in the right. Okay. That's, oh, listening to country music constantly,
Starting point is 02:56:35 assaulting your brain, you don't even have a minute to think when you're driving around in the car. Fucking earplugs, man. Steer right into traffic. Bows, noise-canceling headphones. Buddy, you gotta get some of those for children have them for plane flights, like the noise-cancelling headphones that they wear.
Starting point is 02:56:50 Yeah, right. Get them for her. Make her put on headphones. Yeah, there you go. You listen to your country. Yeah. Or can you remix it with like subliminal messages so that she feels bad when listening to country,
Starting point is 02:57:06 that she stops doing it. Yeah, what would those be like? Subliminal country messages? Yeah, like you can't hear them. Right, but suddenly I have this overwhelming need to vote for Hillary. Yeah, you take like an Andrew Dice Clay old stand, uh, old standup and then put it like, like knock it down way low. So you can barely hear it and then put it in all of her music. So he's
Starting point is 02:57:32 being offensive, uh, ranting offensively about, you know, getting his cacsect and stuff like that. That's which that's the only thing to do. Or, uh, you just or you just break the stereo in your car. That's a good go to or or steal it. Yes. Pull the fuse out. Not one woman in the history of mankind. I've ever figured out the fuse. They have no idea what they do. Not one. They couldn't it. You give them you give them 10 years. All of them, and you say, give me a, what is a fucking fuse do? Not, they will fail at that task every time. I used to have a car that like blue fuses all the time. From the video.
Starting point is 02:58:13 All right, go ahead and they'd last a little while. I just carry a little box of them around. I dated a girl extremely hot. Everything on her car, she drove an old Mercedes. Every single goddamn thing on it was broken. The electronics, yeah. I was in a family hot. Everything on her car, she drove an old Mercedes, every single goddamn thing on it was broken. The electronics, yeah. When a windshield wipers didn't work,
Starting point is 02:58:30 only one white, only one light worked, and not all the time. Automatic door locks didn't work, the AC didn't work, and I said, well, what's, have you checked the fuse situation? It's like a 70s Mercedes. You go, what do you mean? I don't have the money to take it to a mechanical.
Starting point is 02:58:43 I think, okay. So I got out there, look at the fuse, go to Craig, auto, auto zone. Yeah. Plays them all. And I'm like, yeah, I mean a bunch of your gizmos and shit are back online again. They just suddenly flared to life.
Starting point is 02:58:55 Just like, well, what happened? Well, call your fucking fuses. We're blown, you idiot. It's like, well, that's probably because she said, that's probably because I have that effect on electrical things. I blow them out all the time. Oh right.
Starting point is 02:59:09 Okay, Mack, you know. Yeah. Right. Do you know what? Do you know what I switch? That's what you want to talk about. Is your fucking electrical storm powers? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:59:18 Pull the fuse. Pull the fuse. Break the fucking fuse. It'll be a learning experience or drive off a cliff. All right. That's it. All right, everybody long, long show, but you know, temple. Come on in. See you next week. See you next week.

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