The Dick Show - Episode 108 - Dick on The Sean Show

Episode Date: June 27, 2018

Post Traumatic Ball-Busting Disorder, family vacations, floating prisons, Map Rotators, Spider Savers, I sink a boat, culture is a zoo, praying to God finally works, Landau Breaks up with Maddox, Aste...rios' Legal Offense Fund, too-long of a foreskin, Lowtax's #MeToo moment, Peach's mustard wager, and Sean can't make it; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let's do it a nice Tuesday morning show on the see you next Tuesday network the first ever Yeah! Hey, welcome to the Aguilon Dig, you need to dig, you love dig, you got it, it's the show! Where everything is a contest coming to you live from a concrete bunker, concrete bunker deep in a mountain, deep in the heart of the city of failure, I'm your host, Dick Masterson. AKA the 20 million dollar man, the unsuable 20 million dollar man, with me for the second time, with me is the understudy, Sean's, with me million dollar man, with me for the second time, with me is the understudy.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Sean's, with me is Sean's permanent replacement. I'm so sick of Sean, I'll get to that, Johnny the audio engineer. Yeah, that fucking guy. Fuck Sean, that's it. I, he's never once thanked me, thanked me for the lighting that I've given him. I come in here and I slave over these switches to turn them on.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Every time, every show, that's it. He's gone. Sean and I are done. Sean's, I don't even want his, I edit all that out when I said the name Sean. Edit it out, just replace it with beeps. Beep beep beep, fuck Sean. Already on it.
Starting point is 00:01:25 He's done. Done. I'm done with him. Four years of podcasting. Nope. That was four years too many. Too many. No one needs Sean's zings.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I'm back. And mm-hmms. Nope. Johnny was lying, waiting in the wings to just this moment. I can wait. For Sean is fucking waiting. Sean is gone.
Starting point is 00:01:44 That's it, Sean. Sean is gone. Gone, it, Sean. Sean is gone. Gone, you heard of gone, baby. It's about Sean. That's what it's about that movie and about him being fucking gone. That's it. I'm gonna do a whole new format with this show.
Starting point is 00:01:57 107 episodes is fine. That's enough. Every 107, you have to change your engineer. Yeah, they get too comfortable. And don't go to slash the Sean Show. That is a stupid show built on nothing but gossip and shit talking and riding my anigma, riding my fame,
Starting point is 00:02:17 don't the Sean Show is bullshit. Well, and nobody cares if it's at 24 bit 96K on the Sean Show. Sean is a rapist. That's what I've been working on a video to show it. Sean is dead to me. Is there hashtag Sean Lies? I, yes.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Hashtag Sean Lies, whatever it comes out of his mouth is a lie. I'm gonna go, I had all my VNX, I'm gonna put a, I'm gonna sew patches on. So it looks like I'm a fat woman wearing an undershirt to work because I didn't know how much cleavage I had in the morning, but I still like this shirt. I still like the way it makes me look. I don't know why I said fat woman. And it could be any woman that does that.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It could be any, all women do that. They put a shirt on and then they learn, lean over and then go, this is too titillating through. Tidilating. I can't titillate all these men at work. I need to put a little mini hijab on the cleavage this shirt so no one could see my boobies. Just a little, you know, part in our dust kind of, you know, hard in our dust. I gotta, I'm not letting these men look at these boobs for free. I don't get paid, I don't get paid for this.
Starting point is 00:03:27 No, yeah. I get paid to write emails. There you go. Not to let mefer men to look at my boobs. Oh. That's it. I'm putting this weird diaper. And it's always like a different texture.
Starting point is 00:03:38 It's like a corduroy down. It's never, it doesn't ever look right. Oh wait, Sean's in the discord. Hey, Sean, how you doing? Hey, what's up, Sean? You're both fucking dead. With me joining us from Arkansas or wherever the fuck Sean is. Hey, how you doing, buddy?
Starting point is 00:03:55 Oh, I'm doing okay. Oh, that's good. You're going to be doing that. That's a knife. You're opening the background. Yeah. I didn't mean any of that. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I was just. I shouldn't in late because I don't know how to use Discord. Well, nobody knows how to use Discord. That's the fun of Discord. It either works right away. Just I clicked around until I heard a voice. Man, I'm a little wired. I'm a little wired up today.
Starting point is 00:04:16 But we've got a fun show. We've got a lot of stuff to talk about. Dallas is going to be on the 30th this weekend, Saturday, get tickets. If you haven't got them yet, we're going to have, I think we're going to have on the 30th this weekend Saturday. Get tickets if you haven't got them yet. We're going to have, I think we're going to have a tattoo there. We've got, yeah, this guy, Andrew Schulke, I got him a tattoo. He's got a tattoo designed by Andy Lee, Call of the Deep of me and Sean as Beavis and
Starting point is 00:04:39 Butthead. Oh, shit. And he's going to get it done live if any tattoo artists in Dallas have any balls. You have even one ball to split amongst them because so far they're so they're so worried about the unsanitaryness when the fuck did tattooing become brain surgery? It's a cultural institution since the dawn of time. They do it in prison. Don't give me this unsanitary shit.
Starting point is 00:05:02 What do you have? Heaps. He has a right of a right-up passage. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If we can find any tattoo artist in Dallas who has any balls at all, a guy will be getting tattooed live on stage. Peach will be getting embarrassed
Starting point is 00:05:17 and a mustard drinking contest. I think we all know that. Stereos will be there giving out another lost episode. I still got those kicking around. How about that? Great. Two more. The uncucked episodes are dwindling,
Starting point is 00:05:31 but the lost episodes are still alive. That's a hot ticket. Still alive and kicking. Let's see, we've got today we've got to cover the Astereos Legal Offence Fund. I don't know what, who knows what that is. Stereos Legal Offence Fund. I don't know. That's. I that is? Stereo's legal offense fund, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:45 That's, I'm sure he's already legally offensive, but. Yeah, yes, yes, yes. Headcucks is having beef, I don't know, well, I gotta get right to it. I have, I'm feeling weird because I have spent a week. I have spent a week with my family in Lake Powell on a houseboat, which is basically a floating penal colony.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Like, it's like Alcatraz where they imprison you with your own family, and then you pay for this. It's fantasy prison camp. You show up, you pay a sum of money, and then you get to go in a floating prison with your loved ones. And Ter, I love my family very much, but I have a very real case of like PTSD for getting my balls busted.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Like, PT, BB, PP, PBB, SD, post-ball-busting stress disorder. It's like that on the family vacation, huh? Yes. With my father. You have no idea. And my father and my fucking brother-in-law, whom I both love, but if I get my ball,
Starting point is 00:06:53 I feel like when, you know, in the Shawshank Redemption, when Morgan Freeman asks if he can take a piss, and the guys like, you don't have to, I've asked 80s girl this morning if I could take a piss if I was doing it right that's how much ball-busting I have endured over the last Everyf I was like hey, can you tell me if I'm pissing correctly here because I think I'm doing everything wrong Everything oh god everything fucking weak of that You know what you know what you never combine a man with never combine a man with a boat because every when a man gets on a boat all the sudden he's ruck fucking master and commander Russell Crowe these
Starting point is 00:07:35 cock suckers all fucking all fucking week all fucking week and I'm driving the boat the whole time because I'm the only one that knows where the fuck we are at any given point Yeah, never we sank a boat. We literally sank a boat. Oh, that was my family's house boat vacation. We sank a fucking boat Literally Sank the boat to ski boat or something. Yeah, we sank the ski boat. Oh my god ski boat or something? Yeah, we sank the ski boat. Oh my god. Do do incompetence. And then these three, it's like the fucking three stoos is Sean, me, my father and my brother-in-law, criticism, fucking hammering each other at every, every single step.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Ah, you idiot. You're going to do fast, you idiot. You can't pull into a dock like this, you idiot. You got to turn the bill, just pump on. You idiot, you can't pull into a duck like this you idiot. You got to turn the builds pump on Here hand me that or this or spinning around knocking my dad off a boat Well, I'm sure your dad knew best the whole time too. He's hey dad hand me that map here You can use this half of the map. I'm using this half rip. Here's this half It's like a fucking it is the fucking three stuages meanwhile Do you know who actually saves the trip my mother our houseboat wouldn't start on the last day.
Starting point is 00:08:49 On the, look, on the last day where you just don't want to be the guy that put your fist through something or smashed something or threw a tantrum because then that's the whole trip. It's an endurance round. It's the last fuck up that gets remembered forever. We're trying to start the fucking boat, won't turn on, won't crank, no, nothing. My mom reads the manual. She finds the manual, reads the first three steps in the manual, sure enough, some kind of
Starting point is 00:09:18 some button that you had to press that I'm sure was in the six hour orientation we had to sit through. What? Not one. You know what, you know what, I would help with a boat. If you, if, okay, if you're gonna give me an orientation on steps, I expect to see a laminated card. That's the trade off. I'm not sitting through your orientation until I see a laminated card with instructions like how to make a microwave dinner on how to turn on this fucking boat, because I'm
Starting point is 00:09:43 not gonna remember. I'm already, let's be honest, I'm already drunk and I'm not here to work I'm here to cruise around and look like Russell Crowe on a boat He's fucking every time every time I go to dock the boat pulling in you know look It's not it's not easy to drive a boat if unless you do it all the time It's easy, okay, it looks easy because it's just it's just a boat, unless you do it all the time, it's easy, okay? It looks easy, because it's just a boat. You got roads everywhere, right? But you try to park it in one little space
Starting point is 00:10:10 that's so fucking frustrating with two fucking Russell grows breathing down your neck and they're both standing there. Both of these cock suckers, every time I pull the boat in anywhere, are standing up like a fucking superhero like their fucking captain Jack pulling it It's like why don't you fucking asshole sit down your hips are made out of glad your fucking knees are mostly Reconstructed and you've got two kids. I don't trust myself behind the wheel I certainly don't trust myself behind the wheel when you're fucking standing there like mr. Incredible
Starting point is 00:10:43 right on the wheel when you're fucking standing there. Like Mr. Incredible, sit the fuck down. Sit the fuck down until the bulls are just like, stop doing what you're doing. That's the fucking, that's the fucking worst. So did anyone have anything insightful to offer? Oh, yeah, I got a great, I knew it was, I knew it was a bad start when right away, right away, my dad's putting on sun screen, the spray,
Starting point is 00:11:10 and I'm like, hey, can I get that bottle? He's outside. I'm like, hey, can I get that bottle and you're done? So yeah, here. I like, I fucking know that you're holding onto it for me to come out there and get it because you think I'm gonna, because you are trying to make me do it your way.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Just give me the fucking, can I have the sunscreen when you're done with it? Yeah, here it is. Give me, give me, bring me the sunscreen. Give me, go, will you have to do it outside? I'm like, I fucking know, I fucking know that I have to do it outside and sprays everywhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:43 It's, this is what family is. This is what family is. The constant ball, but constant ball bus thing. And the biggest smiles on their face too. Like, no skin off my fucking sack. This fucking idiot. And then turning, I can see it in my head, my parents in bed turning, that fucking dummy
Starting point is 00:12:02 was gonna spray sunscreen all over himself in the houseboat if I hadn't said something he's so stupid Yeah, it's sitting up in bed reading his book just chuckling to himself Well here's I was gonna bring in Here's what makes here's what makes me rage for real And I've encountered this before, but I've never been so incensed by it, right? I was in Abu Dhabi, they warned you, they warned you not to take cabs near sunset because it's Ramadan. And that means those motherfuckers haven't eaten all day.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It's fine for the shiiks who sleep through the day and fast for like an hour and a half, you know, but for the working Malaysian class or whoever it is that keeps the entire city running, they have to wake up at six in the morning and not eat. So by the time, so they're all about, they're driving around on about a on about a court of wild turkey by the time sunset gets near. So it's a very, it's a very, it's a very good advice that you do not take a cab an hour before sunset, because they're fucking goofy. So we had to do this. I had to, you know, what am I gonna sit in the right now? Look, it's good advice, but I didn't take it. We get in the cab and this guy starts driving real fucking weird right turning around making wrongs
Starting point is 00:13:26 It's like hey dude. It's just make a right there and go right here. We're going we're going to the Louvre 2 Figure or we're going to we're going to a restaurant figure it out. Here's my I look it up on my phone And I handed to him so I got pointed out and I handed to him. So I got pointed out and I handed to him. I hand him the phone. Like here, this will solve everything. I've looked up the map. I've got everything sorted out. I hand him the phone and he looks at it and I see his gears turning. He looks at it and he kind of turns away and rotates the phone so that the phone is pointing, so that the north is pointing the direction that he wants to go. So that he's inside the map.
Starting point is 00:14:09 You know what I'm saying? And as soon as he started rotating, I said, we're never gonna get where we're going. You don't know what the fuck you're doing. Don't look at me. Don't drive me around if you're rotating a map, okay? It's meant to face up. North goes up.
Starting point is 00:14:27 If you have to rotate it, you don't know how to read the map. You're just guessing. You're just fucking guessing. Don't just walk out of the car and find an adult, okay? That's it. I was gonna bring it in because it's annoying to me when I see people do it. But this is on the flash forward to family vacation
Starting point is 00:14:45 on the houseboat in Lake Pal, just beautiful. Have you ever been Johnny the Audient? By the way, your hair looks very insane. Thank you, yeah, it is fucking insane. That's why I didn't have it grown out last time because I wanted to look like semi-respectable. Now I'm just like, You don't look respectable at all now.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Exactly. You look like, mission accomplished, right? You look like that weirdo from the it crowd. Is that guy black or Indian? Yeah. Yeah. The Indian going close enough. I mean, he's Samoan. I am. Oh, you're you're Samoan? Yeah. Half. You're like, I did not fix for that at all. Well, that's why I'm 30 pounds. And not why? Is everybody in your I'm having white in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul.
Starting point is 00:15:27 I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I'm holding it in my whole soul. I was like, finally, a movie that I can go see. Did you identify with the princess? I didn't want to. I didn't even see that movie. I was just telling people, I identify with this. This is a great movie. I never saw it.
Starting point is 00:15:57 It was good until Moana and Maui fuck at the end. I got a little weird. It was like a 10 minute love scene like in the room. Yeah. That made it. I thought that was like, we could have just done with a sunset, like they could have had a kiss in the sunset,
Starting point is 00:16:14 but 10 minutes of. Did it go into the end credits and everything too? It was like, he'd be octopus out of it. Yeah. What the hell was I talking about? Oh yeah, anyway, back on the houseboat, we're ready to go. Finally, you're amped up for that vacation time, right?
Starting point is 00:16:29 So me and my brother in the 90s girl jump onto the speedboat and we take off, like, all right, we'll meet you, we'll meet you at this spot. My dad has it all picked out, because he grew up here. He grew up on this lake, exploring it, kicking it around his dad, built the fucking dam that created this lake, exploring it, kicking it around his dad, built the fucking dam that created this lake.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Guy knows it like the back of his hand, right? We take the speedboat, I have the map, I've got a map because you know, I leave home without one. If you're in a strange land, just to be safe. So I grabbed the map and we've mostly, mostly easily without incident make it to the code that we're supposed to stay in. This place called Friendship Code, right?
Starting point is 00:17:12 A couple hours, three hours pass. That's about when they should be there, right? Nothing, another hour passes. Nothing like, oh, so we start tooling around. Of course radios don't fucking work in the canyons back there. As soon as you make a left or a right, they stop working. we start tooling around. Of course, radios don't fucking work in the canyons back there. As soon as you make a left to a right, they stop working. We're tooling around.
Starting point is 00:17:28 All right. I'm making a decision. We've got to go back. We've got to go back and look for them, right? We turn around, start going, hitting the house, boat up on the radio, every 20 feet. I'm like, could that be them? Could that be them?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Knowing that my dad is stuck with the daycare on the boat with the little kids and the women, right? Uh oh, could that be them? We finally find them. About half, I would say about halfway back to the, to the, to the, to the, in the three hour journey. See what the hell happened?
Starting point is 00:18:04 I'm like, oh, you did good. You did get lost. Let's not talk about it yet. It's like, all right. But yeah, you're not gonna talk about it yet. Cause I'm like, oh my, I took the map. I said, hey, are you okay? Are you okay?
Starting point is 00:18:15 Do you need this map? Cause I'll leave. I'll figure, you know, we'll do something. Now, I know this place, like the back of my hand. Then he goes, I got GPS. What do I need to fuck him up? Guy has a Garmin built into the boat. Garmin built into the boat, right?
Starting point is 00:18:32 So I say to my mom, what about the GPS? She goes, I got it. You guys have been on, I don't wanna start, I don't wanna start this vacation of ball busting by ball busting preemptively. You know? You gotta save it. Yeah, I don't wanna plant my nukes in Afghanistan
Starting point is 00:18:49 and then get blamed for the start of the Cold War, right? I'm just gonna let it, I'm gonna let this slide because I kinda want to know what happened. Like, how do you get motherfucker? You grew up here. It's always as soon as you're like, you know, I grew up at this place, or I'm the best at this.
Starting point is 00:19:06 That's the most dammit that seals your fate. You're fucked. You can't fuck up. Yep. So, I say what's later on after I think, after I give the man-momitor, you know, the Doomsday, every man has a Doomsday clock, right? Like I'm this I'm this many minutes away from going into a
Starting point is 00:19:29 fucking nuclear holocaust. If you fucking gigalette me or side-eyed me, one every single comment gives me one tick closer to going absolutely nuclear. So when they pulled up, I could tell my dad was about 11.55. All right, it's fine. I've had a good day, fiddling around, tooling around, spitting seeds all over the boat,
Starting point is 00:19:54 spitting seed shells all over the boat, time of my life. Fuck it. So I say, huh, must have been a problem with the GPS, right? This must have been a problem with the GPS, right? This must have been a problem with the GPS. Like these gadgets are fucked. There's a six hour orientation, not one laminated thing
Starting point is 00:20:11 in the whole fucking boat. Let me go check out this GPS was going on. Maybe he needed to turn the display so that the arrow points to the direction he's going. Sean, I load up the GPS. Don't fucking, don't fucking spoil my story, Sean. I load up the GPS and Don't fucking, don't fucking spoil my story, son. I load up the GPS and it looks like a mess. I'm like, what is this, what is this of?
Starting point is 00:20:30 I've been looking at, I've looked at the map enough to know kind of what the shape of the canyon is. It's that, you know, it goes straight and then there's all these tributaries. No, spit off of it. I'm like, what is this disaster? I look at the map, it's all fucked up. So I zoom out and, oh, oh, I see what happened.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Some jackass made the map point the wrong way. So that it points, so that it is not like a map, so that it reads like an interactive experience, so it reads like an interactive art piece. Like an augment, like the missing link between a map and augmented reality, where it just points you where to go and you don't need to know how to read anything. This is what some people do to themselves
Starting point is 00:21:15 because the glasses that is like an adult leading you around don't yet exist. The map does and it's fine. So I said, oh, here's the problem. Let me just go into the settings here, display, tinker around, and then I turned it from it said, what's your gender? And I said, oh, this is probably it. I put it back on man and it straightened it. So north is up. So north is up. So you could read it, right? So that every time you turn, it doesn't change on you. It's like, okay. So, yeah, I fixed the problem with your GPS. You should be fine now.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Right? Somewhere. Through the boat sinking, we're getting ready to go home. I said, hey, why don't I drive? The ball bus thing is in full force. Now, I was like, hey, why don't I guide the houseboat in? Of the two of us, I haven't been lost.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yeah, because he got lost, I fucking again. Hiking, he got lost. Him, my dad, the little Irishman, the five, my five year old nephew, me and 80s girl went on this long hike through like a swamp, like we swam through a swamp with a dog and we get to the end and my dad's like, oh me and the kid are gonna head back.
Starting point is 00:22:28 If you guys want to go and I'm like, oh, we'll go a little bit farther and then come back. Come to find out that he took another wrong way and the little kid goes, I don't think this is right way. I don't think this is right way. I don't think this is right way. And it's like, really?
Starting point is 00:22:42 It goes, now, because I asked him later, like how did you know? And he was, well, there was a giant hill that I didn't have to cross the first. I'm like, oh, yeah, you would remember having to go over a hill that's your entire size. Yeah. Okay. Anyway, I'm like, yeah, I have the two of us, you know, three, three strikes of getting lost. And we got to put you in a fucking home, dude. Well, I wish men started early too. Oh, no, he's a, he is a fucking stumper. Oh, he, I think he made my sister cry with his, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Oh shit. I was like, hey, so let me get, let me drive the, this is the last day. Let me just drive the boat home. No, no harm, no foul. I'm just gonna step in here and drive it on you. So, well, I think he says, well, I think I got it. But, you know, go ahead, take over. I sit down.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I would have had it. I put my master in commander hands on my hip. I get my cut lifts and my dicky, whatever. You need to be all hat. Get my hat. Yeah, I put all my shit on and my jogpers. And I get into position. I look at the wheel, maps right there, and the map is flipped over.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Stop. So what the fuck is this? What you got going here? What's going on with this map? Because well, that's so I could read it. It's flipped. You're telling me this whole, you're a map flipper. This whole fucking time, you are the,
Starting point is 00:24:03 you are the fucking map flipper going around flipping maps at midnight This whole this whole time we've I've been my whole life I've I've trusted you with my life for 37 years and you're a and you're telling me now that you're a map flipper But you it's easier for you to read maps by rotating them in this endlessly until it lines up with the way you're pointing Are you fucking kidding me? This is a major revelation to me. Dude, that's all right, Ramadan. Observe it, rather.
Starting point is 00:24:37 A map flipper. My own father flipping maps until father flipping maps until they line up with where he's going like the national treasure kind of routine flipping like he's spinning a lazy Susan. I'll never look at him the same way again. I know Sean, they put maps on a wall. You don't see old explorers taking the map down and spinning it around so they know how to get to the new. it's not a fucking wall. Yeah, that's how check they pull down. They don't pull down and then spin like the wheel of fortune.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Yeah, what the fuck? What the fucking deed? I looked up some stupid stats and studies to see if I could get a grip on this phenomenon. It has to be gender based. You know what, I got so pissed off at the trying to find stats on this because the second one I found said, all of the, let me see if I wrote it down.
Starting point is 00:25:39 The second one I found said that all of the studies trying to prove, or trying to show that men are better than women at reading maps or directions are controversial. Are you, you can't even give us that? What the fuck are you talking, what is controversial about them? Right. That it's unpopular? Yeah. I did find one where they put people, they gave people like a simple little street to walk down and they found that the people who rotated the map, let me see if I can get this quote right.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Those who perform, they tend to stop more often and take a more meandering path. So they immediately get locked. They have no idea where they are. People who spin maps around have, they never have any idea, It's trial and error. They're basically taking steps and holding the map up and seeing if it fucking matches up with where they are.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Well, seeing, that's a problem with shit like ways too, because you can fuck up and it'll just, I'll go this way. You know this way and said it's fine. I lose my mind every time a an app or a computer or a car starts rotating the map for me. Yeah, put the north at the fucking top. Do not give me, don't put me in the map.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Yeah, it's not hard. Well, it's impossible for some. Let's see. Yeah, it's not a first person shooter. Both strategies are effective. This idiot, this idiot said who's running the test, people adopt different strategies to compensate for their abilities. People adopt different, yeah, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:10 a guy with no legs will sit on a skateboard and paddle himself around Mexico. And that's it. It's not just both strategies are effective. You see, having legs, not having legs. It's just different strategies for people compensating with their abilities.
Starting point is 00:27:27 So fucking insane. Now wait, you're glossing over a big point. Which point? Your entire vacation. Which one? Sinking the boat. I have to know how the boat was on it. You know what else is?
Starting point is 00:27:42 My mom prayed to God and it saved the boat. This is not, I'm not exaggerating. My mom saved the entire trip. She, the boat sank. The boat was 100% sunk off the coast, like submerged in water, catfish, swimming around in the boat. No way to get radio reception.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Cell phone reception was totally dead. I didn't get to see any of the hot goss that was happening all week. I had to boat out and I had to boat out of the channel and go around the corner and try and figure out a way so that I could finagle it. So it was just me and 80s girl doing this. So I could get, you know, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:20 you know what I'm talking about. Right, everybody wants to come and sit out. I gotta think of a reason why you guys can- I gotta run to CBS. Yeah, I'm going right now. I'm going right now. I'm not out of time. No time for shoes.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Um, Lavin, I'm leaving there swimming out there. No, we want to have fun, dude. No, no, no, no, no, kickin' them off. No, you fucks out. I'm so proud of them. Yeah. I can't fucking think, I can't think about getting blow jobs while a child is hammering on my paper thin door with a latch that I from the 70s that I don't trust telling me to be a boss in Donkey Kong.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Just fucking leave me alone. Be trash. No, no sell service at all. No sell service at all. No sell service at all. Less than zero. There's another, the bar went the other way. Oh shit. Yeah, there's one more over there. You never see. Negative bar.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah. So the boat's totally sunk. Well, I guess we have to unmoore the houseboat. How did the boat get sunk? My mom goes, well, I'm just gonna pray to God. Maybe there's a saint or something, but you never know. If only we could talk to your grandma, she would tell us, but it doesn't hurt just to pray to God. I swear to you.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Immediately, my phone went to LTE. I called the Marina and told them to send somebody out and I hit end call and thought, oh nice, I'm gonna go check out the subreddit and see what's going on. The second I clicked on the web, no service. I was like, what the, are you fucking kidding? This is set, so she starts celebrating. Because she, I don't even think she believes in God.
Starting point is 00:30:08 She just wants to be right. Like, she just wants me to look like a dick. Oh, yeah. Okay, well, this is not, nobody worry about this. God wasn't involved at all. This is just me, like I rewound like Ace Ventura to where I picked up the phone originally and just tried to redo it as precisely as humanly possible.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Abs, I've never got the goddamn thing to move again. The whole trope, I fucking pray to Satan. I killed a ram and burnt it. Nothing, nothing, but fucking God. The, the, I guess, I guess a bilge pump wasn't working on the boat or something like that. It was very windy out there. So it filled up.
Starting point is 00:30:52 I don't know if it was, I don't know if the bilge pump was supposed to be automatic or you were supposed to turn it on. Hey, if there was no laminated card there, it doesn't. There was no laminated card. Doesn't matter then. And the hours long orientations that they were giving Hey, if there was no laminated card there, it doesn't. There was no laminated card. Doesn't matter then. And the hours long orientations that they were giving for everything were starting to
Starting point is 00:31:11 drive me insane because they don't ever, it's like put all the important stuff at the front so I can just remember this and then do the rest of your stupid protecting your ass thing. Yeah. So that I don't have to pay attention because you're cramming it all in. None of it makes any sense. And I know I'm going to need how to turn stuff. I know I'm going to need like four things you're saying, but you're giving me 400.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And it's really fucking with me. That's our guess on how the boat actually sink. Yeah. We're going to say anti-climactic. That's our guess on how the boat actually sink. Real Santa climactic. Yeah, sorry Sean. Yeah, wow. Can't have everything you want. Oh man, the map thing.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Fuck man. And let me see what else did I, I'm gonna talk about. They've got a very annoying culture on the lake out there, And let me see, what else did I... I'm gonna talk about. They've got a very annoying culture on the lake out there, the Indian people, where they... I guess they don't kill spiders. So, there's about 10 bazillion spiders. Oh! There. And if you ask about it or try to kill them, it's... You're an insensitive asshole, because that's part of their culture,
Starting point is 00:32:27 is like the, you know, have you ever been to someone's house who takes spiders by their web and drags them outside? I've seen it. I have never wanted to kill someone more than when that happens. I've always just been like, I will kill a bug in anybody's house.
Starting point is 00:32:49 And then they'll be like, oh, you should have let it outside. They look too late. It's already, it was already an insect. It was a bug in your house. It did. It's too late. I wasn't treated like shit by my parents for my entire childhood. So I don't have this weird compulsion to save insects.
Starting point is 00:33:03 You fucking moron. It's a spider. There's more, there's more, you eat, there's so many spiders, there's more spiders than there are stars in the universe. That does not sound like the place for me. You eat 80 spiders a night. The average person eats 80 spiders every night. There's so many fucking spiders.
Starting point is 00:33:19 You don't need to save, you don't need to save, but it's not, you're not the custodian of the fucking earth captain planet. They're not not that none of this shit is that important. These guys, these Indians are saving, saving spiders where they're while they're pumping out toxic gas into a fucking marina. Well, you guys want to put that together for me? The culture is a fuck culture is a zoo. Everything about everything that is maintained about culture is done so. Like all of the rest of humanity civilized, white humanity is the grand fucking inquisitor
Starting point is 00:33:53 that wants to collect a couple from every single culture and preserve them for fucking ever. It's all a goddamn, you're all living a fucking museum for these people. That's what it is. Oh, we can't appropriate, they're, you're all living a fucking museum for these people. That's what it is. Oh, we can't appropriate their, you know, it's their culture, it's their culture. Why does it amuse you?
Starting point is 00:34:11 Is that why, is that why this is important? It's a fucking zoo. It's a culture zoo. Yep. Every company, this is our corporate culture. It sounds like it sounds like it's code for you're about to fuck people and call it culture. Because it's like a magic word for people to behave stupidly.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Yep. Oh, fucking spiders. Fucking spider. Oh, yeah, I was a real asshole complaining about the spiders until the propane tank was empty on the last night. I'm like, oh, so you don't think the guys who are trying to preserve, you don't think the guys spending all day fucking jiggling spiders and trying to keep them safe,
Starting point is 00:34:50 maybe didn't have enough time to fill up the fucking propane tanks? Yeah, boy. I had a great time though. Oh, it sounds like it. Yeah, it was a great trip. I got the final bill. I'm going to play a song and I'm going to give you
Starting point is 00:35:08 some lawsuit update. And the final legal bill, Stereo's is here too. How long have I been screaming about my vacation for? I wear like 40 minutes. This is just residual ball bus thing. Yeah, really? That's some real, what but PTSD, BB, whatever. PBB post traumatic ball busting stress disorder.
Starting point is 00:35:32 PTBBSD. Mm-hmm. I need a therapy dog. That's, I need a therapy stripper. Am I petting you okay? We'll get you a therapy spider. Oh. Yeah, the next, you know, the next time I see somebody, Okay. We'll get you a therapy spider.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah, the next, you know, the next time I see somebody like carefully remove a spider, take them at the, and they squeal, ooh, it's climbing up the web. I gotta get it outside. I'm gonna dress up in a big spider suit in the middle of the night, like back to the future and wake them up and terrorize them. I'm gonna get them all roofed up. I'm gonna slip a bunch of fucking GHB and their drink.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And then when they pass out and acid, and when they pass out, I'm gonna come to them in a giant spider uniform and scare the fuck out of them. So they just show they smash spiders for the rest of their fucking life. It's like one of those child costumes with all the other six legs on obvious strings.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Yeah. Yeah, but don't be so high. Right. Yeah, they won't know. Oh my God. Fuck the fucking Lord thing. That pissed me off as much as getting, well, cause forever your mom is gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:36:37 hey, remember the time I prayed to God in your phone work? Yeah, and I can't say that it's not true. Well, it didn't work for me ever again. Oh, Jesus. She probably had like a jamming device. She's saving it up for that whole thing. Whole fair right suit. Yeah. All right, let me play a song. I'm making a lot of sense today, I think. It's been a while, but I think I'm making a tremendous amount of sense. It's been a week with your family in that hell.
Starting point is 00:37:11 You'll cut this on conclusions, yeah. Of a lake paradise, yeah, you're right. This one is from, this one's from Kendall and Hyde. It's called, I think it's called slash Kendall and Hyde, which is his patron. All the music guys are having patreon's now, which is cool, because it's like buying an album, except you get just regular songs. You know, why do like if you're a musician, why are you saving up all your music,
Starting point is 00:37:39 why are you edging us with your music for just one big explosion all over our tits? Well, they usually put out all the bad stuff anyway. I don't know what that is. What do you mean? I mean, I've heard, I've been in sessions where you hear like a lot of all the coolest parts. Yeah. And then they scrap them and choose the parts that they think is going to sell.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Because you're a professional studio engineer. Yeah. I've seen it all. And so I mean, Sean knows they, they have all these cool sections. And then as soon as they make the final cut, it's like, hey, where was all the cool stuff? Well, that was my vacation. I miss VidCon too.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Oh wait, let me play this song. Is it going? Yeah, it's going. All right, let me play this song by Kendall and Hyde. Kendall and Hyde featuring Kendall and Hyde, mastered by Sam Glaze, slash Kendallin Height. In Height, not in, in, in. Oh.
Starting point is 00:38:32 It's very cathartic. Oh yeah. I wasn't even that pissed until my dad's talking shit to you, girl, that I found out about today. That motherfucker. He's the master of blasting hardbards, faster out smiting out, crossing all past them scenes like me. What a bastard feasting on Caucasus of bars that are speaked on a fat nasty beat
Starting point is 00:39:06 Made for me by a choo choo choo He's on a train of inspiration and can speed in a way What a waste of my time going out my way to write lines while this guy's got the balls to make me cry Laughing with two syllables God damn fam, this motherfucker's fucking me up Think I'm shit out of luck Thinking all my stuff sucks, I must say the way he lays down his premium yachts has even got me monthly Giving ten bucks, it's not enough
Starting point is 00:39:28 This guy deserves obscene amounts of green You must just trust me, you're gonna see what I mean I'm sorry Sean, I've got a new man crush I've seen the lights of all the songs of Patreon Dotcom slash Kendal in high He makes me walk in the car There he is I said, oh, bye
Starting point is 00:39:42 He's got the red one in his mind No way, I'll find you The Wixies got going on in his mind No way I won't give up I'll just share my answer Of two betrayers on the ghost that's kind of in hide You give me too much credit what I do is quite easy Blah blah blah Blah blah blah Catching like the camera's render ain't any trouble I can't splice nice like cuckucks and Mr. Sidell
Starting point is 00:40:04 I can't make a theme song cook-cucks and Mr. Sidell. I can't make a theme song. My body's not a space station. Can't conjure up a beat like this is wizardly creation. I can't play an instrument like save-stain my room. Can handle criticism like... Fuck off, he's in... 24 songs in counting six hours each.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Let's do some quick accounting. Hmm, carry the three. Minus the equipment, expenses and fees. I'm only losing four US dollars a week. Yeah, this is as hard, but I could turn this around. A people drive some traffic to my humble soundcloud. It'll make me outside if you hate to stand versus. I'll skin your ass alive and make a couple man purses. He makes me wanna give up and kill myself.
Starting point is 00:40:39 The lyrics he's got going on in his mind. No way I won't give up I'll just shield myself To play tree on the oaks Lush can't know the night Wow That's a good song He makes me want to give up
Starting point is 00:40:56 And kill myself With the new X he's got going on in this mind No way I won't give up I'll just chill myself To play tree on the gong slash And I'm high Hey Kenneth, I made up a joke Not knock
Starting point is 00:41:17 Who's there? The Patreon is... Jesus Stereos? How the fuck did you sneak in here? Oh, that doesn't matter Just came to plug Flash Stereo's!
Starting point is 00:41:27 Right, all this song's supposed to be. Bye! Well, we're gonna plug shit and go to for a slash HWO. Okay, do that. But stay in sport. Usually I don't get to do that too. But then go to slash Ken Dodd in hide. MCMC.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Oh, here he is. Great. The man whose mouth is bigger than his face. What have you got to say? Go to slash M.C. Here he is, great. I command who's mouth is bigger than his face. What have you got to say? I've got a pastry slash $10. There you go guys, Dix got the right idea. Now you've made me care.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Did this need to be a song? Oh fuck. Forget it. Alright, alright, alright, alright. Let me see if Visterios is there. Hey, Visterios, are you there. Yeah, that's what I'm actually from safe state corrupted not can dole and hot. Um, I've got I've got I see MCMC is the account owner on the link I've got that's the state corrupted MCMC MCMC is safe state corrupted.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I thought MCMC was another guy's name whom I know safe state corrupted is god is not god damn it all right no well the the reason I tell you this is because you're gonna get shit next week so we might as well cut it off now like yeah candle and high didn't write a song about how cool he is actually safe state corrupted is such a big fan of candle and hide that he was like, I'm gonna write a song for you. Okay. Like, it's actually kind of touching.
Starting point is 00:42:49 It's a really nice song. It's like, you know, it's like fan love for Kendall and Hyde. But he's not. It's not the MCMC of somebody else. Who's name begins with a beat. Yes, yes. Well, you and I both know who MCMC is. That's who's account this is.
Starting point is 00:43:02 That's what I thought. Look, everybody contributed. That's true. That this is. That's what I thought. Look, everybody contributed. That's true. That's true. And I love it. The song is the song is great. And I will post it and everybody can figure out who wrote it. Um, Stereos, you've got, we've had a big law week this week. That's what I want to talk to you about. I don't know what to get into. to talk to you about. I don't know what to get into. Yeah. I mean, honestly, I don't think on the show yet, you have brought up that Landau wants out. And I think you got to tell that whole story because it's the best. Well, uh, Maddox is gettings are up at slash the
Starting point is 00:43:53 Dix show as long as we're doing plugs. They happened the court, the courtroom battle between Landau and Patreon happened in, happened the day before Landau versus everyone else. And it is like a, it is the prequel that you've always wanted because it sets up exactly why Ramos came in hating the fuck out of this guy. Oh yeah. It's phenomenal. It's, he interrupt. The best line is Ramos at the very end. Uh, when he's just trying to get Landau to explain what Jordan coped did. Just click.
Starting point is 00:44:29 What did he do to your client? And Landau is going on this long. So Ramos says, yeah, case is missed. And Landau goes, but I didn't even get to the terms of service. He goes, we're done. End of transcript. Um, fuck. Another great Ramos line is one of the first things he asks land out.
Starting point is 00:44:49 He goes, is this harassment? Mm-hmm. And land out is like, what do you mean? And Ramos is asking land out like, did you essentially, did you sue Patreon and some kid named Jordan Cope purely to harass them? Yeah. And land out doesn't have an answer. He just repeats the question, is this harassment?
Starting point is 00:45:09 Like every single time the judge asks Landau for basic information, Landau repeats the question so many times during the big trial. Like the judge goes like, so what was the breach? Landau goes, what was the breach? Yes, was there a breach? Land it down. Was there a breach?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Yes, was there a breach? Land out. Was there a breach? It's ridiculous. It is, it's like a child who gets busted. You know, or like someone gets caught cheating, like a guy getting caught cheating, like, where were you last night?
Starting point is 00:45:42 Where was I last night? Huh. Who's Clinton? Yeah, who's Jenny? Who is? Who is? Who is? Who is?
Starting point is 00:45:52 What is the definition of it? Edition of is, okay. So that was the Patreon versus Landau court battle. Then came us and now Landau has asked the court to let him go. I have, I've heard everybody's taken this. It happened, it happened like on a, it happened on like Tuesday last week. So it's been about a week since he, since he did this, but Landau has asked the court to relieve him of his responsibility to fight for his client, right? Like it doesn't work in court as I understand it. You can't be a lawyer and just kind of quit.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Yeah. And take like say, uh, thanks for the, thanks for the 30 grand, but go fuck yourself. Like you figured out because the entire, like the entire profession would be destroyed. Oh, yeah. It would, it would only be about how long you could, it's not like dating a woman where you could, you could leader on and till you get married and then say, I fuck you, I'm trading, you know. Thanks for the, thanks for the fish, right? There's always an out clause.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah. If you're a lawyer, you have to ask the court to let you go. Even if you, even if you're not getting paid, as this is from me asking Keon over the year since all this shit started, but even if your client is not paying you, you still have some kind of obligation to fight for their legal rights. Because as a lawyer, you have the bar lets everybody practice law and it has a monopoly over the practice of law and it keeps
Starting point is 00:47:26 like the undesirables out letting you into that priest class, puts the responsibility of figuring out whether you're taking on the right cases on you. So if you took a case and the guy's not paying you, well, you should have done a better job vetting your, like, you didn't, when you agreed to take his place, it's case. You agreed to be his avatar in the system of law. It kind of, it breaks down if you don't uphold this. Like the whole system doesn't work if dummies are getting fucked like you can't be someone's lawyer and then at the last day shake them down for more money, which is what it would
Starting point is 00:48:04 turn into. It would be like firemen in ancient Greek times. I'm going to know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know,
Starting point is 00:48:14 I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know,
Starting point is 00:48:22 I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna know, I'm gonna is, I'll put out the fire, or I'll buy your burnt up property for 50,000, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, whatever it is. They're excellent. I believe they're called Dracula. Dracula's.
Starting point is 00:48:33 50,000 Dracula's to buy your burnt up. You can't do that. We figured out that scam. So, Landau has to ask the court to be let go from the case. And in his, in Landau's court to be let go from the case. And in his inland house requesting to be allowed to fire himself, he says, I'll be fire me and order my client, Maddox, to reimburse me 1900 bucks for like photocopies or whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Yeah, there's always that with him. reimburse me $1,900 for like photo copies or whatever. There's always that with him. Yeah. Reimbursed me for like my coffee and my yogurt and shit that I had to eat on the way to court. It's a different zone of business. It just makes sense. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Do you put that shit with Winnie's stereo? I was like, we're in a different business zone. You owe me another kiss over here. I'm gonna try this one anyway. Go ahead, what were you gonna say? Oh, I was gonna say, and again, just so you don't get shit, the number that he's looking for is $1295. Including, and fucking Dick's not exaggerating about this,
Starting point is 00:49:40 $300 for photocopy expenses. Like, meaning that somebody at the land of group must have the world's largest ass. Somehow it's working up. I mean, $100 for photocopying expenses. It's ridiculous. I mean, I think it's hilarious though. It's hilarious. It's like the piggy bank one more time on the way out.
Starting point is 00:50:06 And the thing is, I'm a dude who, you know, it was just the case, it was just missed against me, but it was dismissed with prejudice. So like, land out taking $12.95 for Manics, it's $12.95 Manics. That was a half. It could later. Yeah, but it's also money he could give you. If you win sanctions, right? Like your land I was going after your money
Starting point is 00:50:31 Right kind of Got a bleed of drive before anyone else can do. Yeah, oh, he's muted Mutant himself. Yeah, he muted himself. He's there. Yeah, I didn't meet myself someone else muted me He muted himself. He's there. Yeah, I didn't mute myself. Someone else muted me. But what was I saying? Yeah, so for me, this is like a weird monster mash where whoever loses, I win. Because the thing is, like,
Starting point is 00:50:58 Landau sued 10 clearly innocent parties with 16 causes of action. And then when we caught his client in a, like when we found that his client had perjured himself, my lawyer, Jordan Greenberger and Weber-Shamux lawyer, independently, they send land out of letters saying, hey, you know, when you originally filed this lawsuit, you guys are talking about Heather S and you're saying she wrote a letter to Weber and she did this and she did that. But then months later, George Zunian, Maddox, magically signs that affidavit saying, I am
Starting point is 00:51:41 Heather S. So it's like, well, wait a minute. Because for months, we've been like countering you and operating from the position that Heather S, it like, yeah, is it kind of obvious who Maddox, like that Max has had the rest? Yeah, but does anybody have any proof? No, yeah. So like everybody has to kind of operate on the line. Well, what's your point of the,
Starting point is 00:52:04 I mean, we know, we know the Heather S part, line. Well, what's your point of the, I mean, yeah, we know, we know the Heather S. Par, but what is, what is the relevance to the fees that you're talking about? I don't mean to cut you off. I'm just saying, how does that relate to the, here's where I was going. So, so we, so like, we catch the guy in the, see the lawyer, if the lawyer could quit,
Starting point is 00:52:22 he could leave this shit on the last day and see it, Thanks for the dough. I'm like, oh, well, I'm fucked. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no. Well, it's actually not quite that, but it's close. Like, so we send the guy a letter saying, hey, your client perjured himself.
Starting point is 00:52:37 So he sends a letter back saying, how dare you threaten me? I'm going to sanction you guys for pointing out that my client. For himself. Yeah, and a lot of money. Yeah, right. Yes, and so of course we send him a sanction's letter back. All right. So there's two things happening here. One, it's like, I don't know who I want to win because of money.
Starting point is 00:53:01 On one hand, like if Landau leaves the case, he steals George's money, which is hilarious. And George has 30 days to find a new lawyer to sue me again. Because again, the charges were dismissed against me without prejudice. So it's like, well, that makes it really hard to resume. But on the other hand, this Landau guy did some truly despicable shit, like threaten my lawyer and Weber-Shamwicks lawyers with sanctions for simply pointing out the fact that he's client committed a crime. I know, but I think there's a lot of emotions here.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I've heard, because I've heard a lot of takes on this and I don't agree with any of them completely. I think everybody's kinda got something right of it with Nick, who's obviously, I don't know more than Nick about the law, but I would say I know more than maybe anybody about being a scumbag. That's right in my wheelhouse, right? Yeah. This is what, because in, in Landows letter, he also says that he wants the court to
Starting point is 00:54:08 determine, um, he wants a separate hearing to see how, how much Maddox owes him in court in fees. In the last piece. Now, this is what, this is what I think happened. Um, I think all of this, including, including this bail at the last minute, was all part of the plan. I think it was, I think it was, I think this is going so, this is going so perfectly for Landau. With the exception of his Google results, which are now permanently thought there.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Like you search for Kevin Landau and all you see is what a piece of shit he is. It's so good. That is the only thing That he did not account for and he fucking should have He've definitely fucking should have when he filed the lawsuit but everything else and I mean I mean I mean everything all the way down to how poorly the lawsuit was written was by Design because think about it like this all the way down to how poorly the lawsuit was written was by design. Because think about it like this, if the lawsuit didn't get kicked out, that motherfucker would be in court right now having an obligation to defend his client without getting paid.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Like he knew he had to know from the beginning that Maddox has absolutely no fucking money. The guy looks like shit. His, his, I mean, he wears, he rides his bike everywhere for God's sake. He looks, he looks like a homeless person. He's fat and disc, this guy hasn't, this guy has no blue aprons. Like this is, land, land out had to know that Maddox had no money. So all of this this the laughably terrible
Starting point is 00:55:48 lawsuit Getting going after as many people as possible. That's not a Maddox thing Maddox hates everybody But he could he's hyper focused on people like he's got mental problems and it's not he's not the kind of guy that would rope everybody in he hyperfocuses on everything does suing Jordan cope sound like nicks at this part does suing Jordan cope or patreon sound like a maddox move no he would never do stuff like that because he's too fucking weird like he's too weird and obsess. The guy can't keep two balls in the air. The guy can't keep two balls in the air. Let alone 10.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Like this is all of this. From the very beginning, suing as many people as possible and doing it poorly. That's the most important part that I don't think suing so bad that it would immediately get kicked out right and then land out can immediately bail and instead of billing maddox for a reduced rate which is probably what he agreed to he's gonna hit him with his real rate of six fifty an hour
Starting point is 00:56:56 and slap in court knowing that knowing that maddox is too stupid knowing that george is too stupid to find a competent attorney and take me or you or Nick up on any legal advice like knowing. Land, it's okay. There was this, here's another stats for you. Psychopaths can spot the weak. They can spot the weak and they can spot other people like themselves. This is, I don't know the study often and maybe this is another bullshit study like that monkey thing
Starting point is 00:57:30 that I talked about a couple of weeks ago, which every, oh, that's an urban, that's a, everybody said, oh, dick, by the way, that's an urban legend. It's like, I saw it on a fucking Ted talk. The one Ted talk I watch, fucks me. Thanks a lot, Ted. Why don't you assholes, fucks me. Thanks a lot, Ted. Why don't you ask holes? Snopes this shit before you letting like what did I get from Ted talk? I've seen Sam Hyde's Ted talk, which is hilarious. And I've seen a guy that gives me bum information. Thanks a lot, Ted. Why don't you go fuck yourself? Um, maybe this is bullshit, but they did a study with and they,
Starting point is 00:58:00 I don't know how they identified the psychopaths or the, uh, but they were able to spot people who look weak just by walking around and I'm telling you with a hundred, I'm telling you Maddox with a hundred percent certainty that this guy knows, this is just my opinion, but I've never been more fucking sure of anything in my life. This guy knows how weak and stupid you are and how prideful you are and he's taking advantage of it because he knows you won't reach out to people who used to love your content and used to respect you who are who now who now some openly hate you and are repulsed by you for good reason and they should be, but they still have enough decency left in them
Starting point is 00:58:46 to help you out of destroying the rest of your life. If this guy gets a lien against you for 50, 60 grand, there's no fucking recovering from that for you. There's no recovering from that. As soon as land out gets the momentum going for this reign of legal terror that he's about to put on you, the rest of your life is over. It is over. It's going to be like a divorce that you can't fucking imagine. It's not going to be like your last divorce. You fucking
Starting point is 00:59:17 prick. It's going to be like it's going to be like getting divorced from a man who knows what he's doing. That's what I think all of this is going to plan, including the dumb, the apostrophe ridden, drunken rambling lawsuit, and including up to this. You played him like a fucking carnival game. Yeah, and he's going to get, Max is going to get absolutely reamed by this fucking guy. I don't remember what my point was, but that's what I think this is all, I think it's all going according to plan.
Starting point is 00:59:50 But I think you're right, but I think it can be both. I think absolutely Landwee has preyed on George from the beginning, but also Landwee is a dysfunctional alcoholic who is probably prone to doing things intoxicated. So I agree with your overall arc of it, but he can also be kind of incompetent too, as far as the writing and all that. But see, I think you're gauging his competence on what you think his goal is, and that's not what his goal is. Like, I think he wanted to get this dismissed
Starting point is 01:00:30 as quickly as possible. I think he was giving him a lot of credit. I got, go ahead. Go ahead. One of the things that, one of the things to Dick's point is, Dick picked up, Dick picked up on this right away. The very last thing land we ask is, can we refile in California?
Starting point is 01:00:47 And the jury goes, free country, you can ask whatever you want. And all of us were thinking like, well, but it's obvious you could refile in California. Why would he ask that? Right. And then in this letter, he sent me the goings. In this letter, he sent to the court saying,
Starting point is 01:01:04 me and Maddox have irreconcilable differences and I can no longer represent him as a client. He sites the California. Exactly. Like, exactly. All this stupidity adds up to self defense to me. Yeah, exactly. Landau, you know, what Landau is implying is, is we have irreconcilable differences.
Starting point is 01:01:25 I think we should go to California. George thinks we shouldn't. Therefore, like we do not agree on the future of the case. Therefore, I want 1295 from him for photocopies and a separate hearing where you can assess additional fees on this guy. Yeah, where you can legally rate him. And in this case, I can finally say, or you can legally rape him. I saw that too.
Starting point is 01:01:45 And in this case, I can finally say, I'm in support of rape. Oh, God, Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. I'm... Wait for that to get close out. Yeah, finally. How's that for irony? I think that this is kind of like a head's land out of Wins,
Starting point is 01:02:02 Tails, Maddox, loses thing because all of these these big companies like Patreon and Weber-Shantwick, I assume they have liability insurance, something I only learned about after I got sued. So what if they just used their liability insurance to pay 50 grand and just get the hell out of the lawsuit? Like that would have been great for Landau because we finally learned a little bit about Landau's financial arrangement with Maddox in this letter. Landau clearly states, I was paid an upfront retainer that I have billed against. And Landau writes something where he's like, I've way, way spent the retainer and then some. So, Joe, you've got to give me more money. And the hilarious thing that's happening right now is all right. So land I was going to court on July 11 Wednesday July 11
Starting point is 01:02:49 I will be there if any of you want to buy me a drink or A new apartment or hire me for a new job. Okay, wait a minute if you're gonna start shilling We got to talk about the legal offense fund Because I know what I want to finish up one thing and then I will start chilling. We got to end on the show. But the hilarious thing is this. So, Land has walked into court on the 11th and saying, you got to let me out.
Starting point is 01:03:17 George can object, of course. He just has to show up in New York, which he stated under oath is the most convenient forum for this lawsuit. Yeah. The dude who did the art for the Santa Cuck album looked up like how much would a cheap hotel and flight cost. And it's like $900, round trip, to get there and stay overnight. So it's like, he can either spend $900 to go here and beg the judge not to let his lawyer
Starting point is 01:03:44 off the leash or he can spend $12.95 when nobody objects to those fees or Maddox can hire another lawyer to show up and tell the judge. He's not going to his first lawyer out. He's not going to do anything. He's not going to do anything because he's too, like, this isn't, this isn't a heads or tails situation. Landow wins no matter what because he's a predator. He's out of marks. It's head, it's heads. Landow wins tails, Maddox loses. Yes. Landow wins no matter what. Maddox isn't, Maddox isn't going to go to court because he's not, he's a simple, like, there's something wrong with him. That's what I want. Like,
Starting point is 01:04:22 this isn't a, this isn't a battle of two masterminds this is a very sad and stupid man who had a website at one point that is now getting this is like an old person losing their social security like this is someone who doesn't understand what's going on around him and it's too prideful because he was raised poorly to ask any of the people who want to help them that's what's that's what's, that's what he's not gonna go. Yeah, he's a Ruby.
Starting point is 01:04:45 He's not gonna show up. I think the hearing will still be hilarious. Land out having to explain to Ramos why he's not in the case anymore, but I don't think there's any chance of Maddox or his or mental Jess, because they're both getting hit with, by the way, Asterios, what's going on with the sanctions? That's what I, so, let's get into your legal offense fund.
Starting point is 01:05:11 So this is, there's a lot of it that, I understand that everyone wants to put a stop to Maddox and I'm one of them. And I did say, I did say immediately that I would fund a counter suit and that I would help in any way that I can, which is substantial. But I have a lot of questions about it. I mean, this isn't, you know, Johnny, you're not in your head. I've got a lot of questions this countersink because the last thing, I mean, as we've seen from all of this, filing anything out of emotion will not, will just make you look like an
Starting point is 01:05:50 asshole, right? So I would love to hear more about the plans for the legal offense fund. If any, I saw that you got enough, of course, to continue your sanctions motion, which is great. Can you give us any more information on that? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. First off, like, this is all me. I haven't spoken to Jordan Greenbird about it. And if I did, I also, like, wouldn't be able to tell you because that would be breaking client or confidentiality. But yeah, what happened was after I lost my job, I lost the ability to continue the sanctions fight because I'm just under water.
Starting point is 01:06:32 You know, how much under water are you? Well, I so far have taken $26,000 in legal bills and of which I still hold $17,800 in debt on a Discover Card and a City Bank Card. How the fuck do you have a Discover Card? Who takes commercials? Who takes that? Who takes Discover? How many of you seen those funny commercials where a girl's going, oh my god, awesome
Starting point is 01:07:02 sauce and the other girl's like awesome sauce. It's like, I like those commercials, oh my God, awesome sauce. And the other girl's like awesome sauce. It's like, yeah, I like those commercials. So I'm in debt to just go for- Is that like the first step of becoming trans? We can get it. All right. Well, we should ask, we should fucking ask Maverick's about that because he's had the rest.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Okay, so you've got 17,800. You got a bunch of money that you have racked up. Okay. Yeah, in existing little debt to the fucking first case. So, so the thing is, one of the things that Landau did when he wrote the letter to the judge saying, let me out of the cases, he also wrote, and I'll call off my sanctions motion if Greenberg calls off his. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:41 And that's what I was talking about that before because it's like, because Landau is accusing Greenberger, the best lawyer in New York, of Shekhanry. That's why he's in New York. One of the best lawyers in New York. Yeah, it's fucking ridiculous. And so Greenberger rightfully follows a sanctions motion back saying, you're client-pursued himself. And here's a bunch of other bullshit you did.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Here's a bunch of other sharp practices you engaged in. Now, the thing is, there is a chance that at sanctions we can recover damages because sanctions are punitive. If the judge saying what you've done is so beyond the pale, that you gotta pay, but I also, I kinda don't see it. Well, okay, hold on though. If you win the sanctions, in my opinion, that's a no-brainer.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Couple, you needed what, three grand to refile sanctions and you could get all of your money back. And then, so. Yeah, but that would take, well, two things. Well, that would take me from $17,000, $17,000, the $21,800. Yeah, well. And the thing that I've learned from, well, the thing that One, that would take me from $1,700, $1,700, the $21,800. And the thing that I've learned from, well, the thing that I've learned from Manage is,
Starting point is 01:08:49 don't use car salesman me by lumping in this debt with other debt. Right now, you're, that's gone. That money's gone. It's already been spent. That's the, I got to spend the night as an American
Starting point is 01:08:59 to defend yourself as the, you have the privilege of spending multiple tens of thousands of dollars to have your freedom of speech. That's, that's gone. But the thing is, in order to execute the sanctions motion, that's two hours of prep, two hours of court time, and two hours of wrap up. That's over $100 an hour, $2,400 to execute the sanctions motion. Right.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Which would take my debt from 17, eight to 21, eight. And it's like, one thing I've learned from this is to not be a Maddox. Like don't gamblers fallacy it. So when Lando makes the offer, I say to myself, yeah, I might fucking take this offer and let him off the hook from Sanctus because like, I can't keep bleeding. I'm sure. You've already, okay, hold on, but you've already recovered. You've already got that in your legal offense fund. I saw you posting about it that you already made that much for your legal offense fund.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I assume you're going to use that for sanctions and not just put it in the debt piggy bank, right? Because you could wipe out the entire debt with the sanctions, right? If we win on sanctions, which I am told, not by Greenrider, but by other New York lawyers, is exceedingly rare. And the thing is, yeah, so I put up a GoFundMe to people saying, I need a little bit of help. I need help executing this sanctions motion. I said to GoFundMe before. Let me ask you, is there a way to take money on the internet that you don't have an account
Starting point is 01:10:25 on? First, I just want to ask that for, go fund me Patreon. Asterios A, wait, is Asterios Aid included in that 17K? I forgot about that one. Asterios Aid gave me about five grand, which is why I'm not at 22. I mean, out of 26, it's like that. Asterios Aid Money was incredibly helpful, and that album is really fucking good.
Starting point is 01:10:47 It is really good. It's really good, okay. Is your, yeah. Is prior Patreon included in the legal debt? I mean, right now, and look, I understand this is really funny, but like, I get it. I understand that this is hilarious because I am, I've been trying to say this, I am Charlie
Starting point is 01:11:09 Brown. No, Danielle is Charlie Brown. Well, then I'm George Costanza. I'm like, I'm like America's hopefully lovable loser. All of my, now that I don't have a job anymore anymore all of my patreon money is going to debt service So, you know the thing is what do you mean debt service? You mean this 17,000? Yeah, 17,000 god damn it. It's really boring. No, no, I don't think it is I because I want to know $50,000 is a big fucking
Starting point is 01:11:42 Thurma not letting me roll this out. Yeah, so here's what I asked for, for a go fund me. I said, I need some money to go in and execute the sanctions motion. The thing is, if we went on sanctions, we could see some money back. And if we do, you'll all know about it immediately because they'll be a hilarious transfer
Starting point is 01:12:05 of Judge Ramos being like, pay this man. But I also don't see it. That's not my luck. I don't walk into these such, like, you don't think you're going to win that? Judge Ramos would have dismissed this thing with prejudice because it's clearly bullshit. This whole case is clearly bullshit. So I don't know. I mean, that's why you wouldn't dismiss it with prejudice because like he got fucked like it's indecisurable.
Starting point is 01:12:32 And that could be the lawyer's fault. Like there could be some stuff. He dismissed mine with prejudice. He's like, yeah, the guy doesn't live here. No, that doesn't apply with you. It's, there's a lot of stuff here and the way it's written is totally indecisive. Like, it sucks.
Starting point is 01:12:46 I wish it had been with prejudice too, but it seems like the insanity of it is what caused it to not be with prejudice. Does that make sense? I think that makes sense and I think that's what happened. I mean, in the transcript, Ramos is clearly saying things like, I can't understand any of this. This is nonsense. Like, yeah, Ramos is reason on the record
Starting point is 01:13:10 for not dismissing the case against me, what's prejudice is, he can't even tell what crimes I'm accused of, so how can he say I didn't do them? Yeah. But the thing is, man, it's just like, well, that means that this guy can refile against me. And if he does, if he finds another, if he finds Landau too, we got nose, there's Landau is in every county in the United States.
Starting point is 01:13:29 They're like the fucking smurfs. Like if he finds another Landau, that's, that's what I'm trying to do. I don't think you, I think Landau is fine to you. I don't think that's the way. Yeah. I think so too. So okay. But again, I don't think another Land out would come along because they're gonna see that this corpse has already been chewed on.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Like, they're gonna scow scavenged another some fresh meat somewhere else because there's always, there's a sucker born every minute. You know, don't go, you don't want sloppy seconds of a guy who just got a gang fucked by the land out group. I mean, he's already drained dry. I just wanna know what, I wanna know what the fucking plan is. Like, I'm excited about the countermeasures, but I mean, he's already drained, right? I just wanna know what, I wanna know what the fucking plan is. Like, I'm excited about the countermeasures, but I want, I'm dying for specifics. If the, if that, if that, if that, that sentience goes through and you could get
Starting point is 01:14:17 all of your money back, then that's a, that's a very fucking different world, right? Why can all of your fucking data be incredible? If that happens, which again, with my luck, I don't think it will, but we will all find out. Then I think we all just sigma addicts lost at road rage in New York. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:14:39 Like, yeah, because I assume Max would have to pay that sanctions motion, you know, and I know that, I mean, I assume Max would have to pay that sanctions motion, you know, and I know that, I mean, I assume that also be some, just to land out. Yeah. So, what the thing is, you know, you say things like, well, this corpse has been drained right. And yeah, I mean, what you're saying makes absolute sense, but what's happened to me in this case is like, I've lost my job, I've lost a bunch of
Starting point is 01:15:06 money I don't have. I'm under quote, unimaginable stress. It's just like I can. I seen your twin streams. You look pretty relaxed. Well, thank you. I'm drinking. But like, what's what's happening is I can't count on this not being refiled. I don't think it should be refiled, I think it would be a waste of money to refile it. Yeah, but I can't count on that because I can't count on anything anymore. That's such a, okay. Let me ask you this then,
Starting point is 01:15:35 because this was, I'll tell you my thoughts on the corner soon, because I think everybody's very excited, and I think they are owed, like, and I think they are owed, like, I think they're owed an incredible amount of transparency in this, as much as I want everything to work out perfectly. And it won't, it won't, even if it works out well.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Yeah. You know, this worked out, for me, it worked out great so far, but it's your job, it's your job, a stereos that has worked out very poorly. Yeah. And all of this about likelihood of a new lawsuit and shit to me, it's like very, it's really getting us off in the weeds. All I need to know and want to know about the counter suit is why you don't have a job.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Because I know how companies work. Like I know what I know what would be on the table from my end if I were in their shoes. I know what would be on the table if I was in your shoes. Everybody has a price and a PR company is not gonna want someone involving them in further lawsuits, talking about them on the fucking internet.
Starting point is 01:16:58 And well, exactly what happened in the first time the song went through. I could run my mouth with a bandit, with a bandit, because you know what I mean? Because there's no one incentivizing me not to. And it's because it's funny. As soon as it became financially crippling for me to keep running my mouth, I stopped.
Starting point is 01:17:21 And not everyone has that luxury. The lynch pin for the counter suit, in my opinion, is going to be how, why you lost your job, how it happened, why it happened, and it's going to be, like, it's going to be night and fucking day. I do not want you to end up on the, spot as Landau, where a judge is saying, well, why did this happen? And there's nothing but, well, just kind of look at all this stuff and it looks like Horassy,
Starting point is 01:18:01 and that probably did this. And it's gotta be definite. And I really wanna know, and I think everybody wants to know, and that probably did this. Like, it's gotta be definite. And I really, I really wanna know, and I think everybody wants to know, do you have anything definite that could be considered damages? And I mean, definite. Like, this is evidence.
Starting point is 01:18:18 This is fucking evidence that I'm bringing to the court, saying that these people who had my career in their hands did something because of directly because of the actions of someone else. Do you know what I'm saying? I definitely know what you're saying. And I also agree that there needs to be transparency, you know, What I asked for in my GoFundMe, I asked for an astronomical number. I asked for, I said,
Starting point is 01:18:48 I said it's probably gonna cost 50 grand to counter-sumatics. And honestly, it might cost more. I just didn't wanna put a number that was too scary cause it's cost me 26,000 to get the case dismissed against me currently in a pretrial motion. If I counter-sumatics,
Starting point is 01:19:09 like the first thing he's gonna do is file a motion to dismiss, just like we did. And it has to survive that. And then if it does, we've got deputations. We've got discovery, we've got the trial, we've got the wrap up. So, you know, what I did was I was kind of like, I said to myself, I bet it would cost about 50,
Starting point is 01:19:27 maybe a little more. The reason I think maybe not too much more is that Maddox brought 10 causes of, 16 causes of action, it's 10 parties. For me, I'd be bringing one cause of action against one party. Yeah. Here's, now look, here's why I think Maddox is responsible for this legally.
Starting point is 01:19:48 We've got transcripts of him saying, if I do what I'm going to do, this is going to cost people their jobs. And we've got people from Madcast media saying, into cameras, I want to cost a stereo to his job, I want to get his job. Like, I feel like this is the kind of thing where you show it to a judge, and it's like, well, two plus two equals four here. You know, one of the things Maddox did that I think really hurt me was, and look, I don't mean to bore you. When he pretended to be Heather S, he took my photo, and he photoshopped a quote on it
Starting point is 01:20:31 where I said I supported rape. Well, he took a quote from my book and attributed it to you. I said it. Yeah, yeah. Well, I didn't say it. It wasn't supporting rape. It was that a guy who fucks a drunk girl at a party isn't a rapist, he's just an asshole.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Okay, that was the quote I don't remember what the quote is. And I also don't blame you, like I blame Maddox for attributing something horrific to me, like putting it right over my photo, completely out of context, because I know what you were doing with satiricalical like I read your article about Ray statistics where you're clearly trying to build a a fucking, you know Jonathan Swift case about it, you know and So like when you do that and then when you sign a piece of paper saying I wrote this letter to their employer And when other people from madcast media sign half a David saying, I called their employer.
Starting point is 01:21:28 And when you have them in chats, when you have them on video saying, weird and a panic. I mean, this is the same, what I'm saying is I don't want you to go down the same road that Maddox went down and burn money doing it. Like, it's not, it's not a, this collectively looks like, it's not like all of these things look like what we all know that it is, so then that must be the case. Because it's, it's Maddox did something that caused you to lose your job. I don't know the specifics of why the job was lost and who made the decision. And that seems like it's, that seems like the most important part of the, of the counter suit to me.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Well, I mean, I think the facts and again, because you can intend to get someone fired. Right. Like you can intend to get someone fired, but how the fuck do you prove they did without somebody saying, yeah, without your employer saying, yeah, we fired them because of this. Yeah, sure. Of course, of course, we'll admit it because that's why we did it. Do you know what I mean? Look, I mean, I, I know what you mean. Like, uh, all I can say is there's a reason we have judges and it's to kind of put these kinds of pieces together. You know, four days after the trial
Starting point is 01:22:52 or five business days after the trial. Like, you know, I don't have a job anymore. And I don't think it would take too much thinking on a judge's like half to see these people are clearly saying, we're gonna get this guy's job, and then it happens. Now look, is it an automatic? No, of course not.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Is it expensive? Yeah, the reason I want to counter-sumatics is because I can't have at my next job this guy fucking emailing Photoshop quotes. Like, I, and the other thing is innocent people counter sue and they get justice. Like, if there's one thing everybody from the dickhead community wants, and also everyone I've talked to, like I've talked to Vice, I've talked to the people over at Comtown, I've talked to like a bunch of podcasts.
Starting point is 01:23:44 The thing everybody who's asked is they're like, well, is anything, someone's gonna happen in this guy, right? Someone's gonna happen in Maddox. You're gonna get this guy, right? And it's like, that's not the girl. Well, that's what I always tell them. I go, yeah, I know, we all watch Perry Mason and we all watch the practice and Boston Legal
Starting point is 01:24:01 and the good guys always win. But without money, without the money to fucking counter shoot this guy, the good guys always win. But without money, without the money of fucking countersuit this guy, the good guys can't win this time. Like the bad guys escape justice. Yeah, but it's not, I'm saying it's not money. Like it needs, there needs to be proof. I don't, the reason I said I would pay for the counters suit is because you need proof. Like there's gotta be, this is like, this is like Aaron Brockovich level. Like you need like an insider with an email, yes, we're, okay, and I'm speaking hypothetically,
Starting point is 01:24:37 we're firing esterios because of this lawsuit or because of these emails or because like they've got, they've got to have a reason. Because the last thing I want to see is everybody supporting this counter suit and then you hit Weber, you hit Weber sandwich up for a reason and they say, we just didn't like him anymore. He talks too much on, like there's, and I'm not giving them information. They don't know. They're a PR company. They could spend this, they could spend this in a zillion ways. I want, I want, I think you need that evidence. That's what I'm saying here. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 01:25:17 Everything you're saying makes sense. You, you're smart. Like you know what you're doing. There's a reason like you have money and I don't, which is I spend money emotionally. A lawyer will take your money. A lawyer will always take your money to counter Sue. That's what I'm absolutely well aware of that. Like, for me, you know, the reason I want to counter Sue are pretty clear. Like, I don't know that it would be a guarantee. I don't know anything.
Starting point is 01:25:49 What I know is, right now, I don't even have the money to have Greenbergers start exploring this stuff. I don't. Because the thing is, you can't have sue somebody. I can't give Greenberg a couple of grand that I don't have in college. But you know you're thinking about this. You know your boss. You know your boss, though.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Like, you know your employer. I mean, you would have known, I don't know about Greenberger exploring. You would know why, like this seems like something you could find out from them. Do you know what I have heard of a crime called malicious prosecution? I have now. No, I... Yes, exactly. That's the kind of thing that you talk to a lawyer about.
Starting point is 01:26:33 You go, what can we do here? Like, is there a malicious prosecution case, which is somebody found out from another New York lawyer? Like, there are elements and sides to this that you and I don't know. I'd like to pay Greenberg to explore them. I don't have the money. And so, like, yeah, it's unfortunate. I think that the bad guys are going to win this one because I can't see you putting in
Starting point is 01:27:00 money for a counter suit that you think is a fool's errand. Like I can't see you dropping 50 grand chasing windmills. You're smarter than that. Like punishing people with lawsuits is something that rich people do. And when I are not rich. And how do you get the money out of George? Well that's the other thing, like, you know, the counter-suit is a bit carpefuer the horse, which is kind of what I've been trying to explain
Starting point is 01:27:27 this whole time. Okay. The sanctions motion is first. Okay. What if, what if in the sanctions motion justice is served and I get lucky? I don't think it'll happen, but it might. And so.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Well, is that emotionally, or you're coming at it emotionally, which is really nice? No, no, no, no. Okay, so you talk to somebody, you talk to somebody, and they think that the likelihood of winning sanctions is very low. Oh, no, I'm coming at that emotionally. Yes, like, I just don't see this my luck. Now there's a chance the judge goes, you pay this guy a shitload of money. Then it's like, how do we collect that money from a guy who bicycles around and has a roommate?
Starting point is 01:28:09 I don't know. But if I can put, you know, put a little bit of heat on this guy, then maybe he won't email my next employer. You know what I mean? But some of that money for sanctions, can't some of that money for sanctions come from land out? Yes. I don't and mental Jess. Okay. There you go. I don't know. I'm not. I'm not going to get up. So, you know, so I see sanctions as the first up and thanks to the GoFundMe people. Like I now have the money to walk in there because I needed six billable hours. I needed $2,400, go fund me in a day, gave me $2,400.
Starting point is 01:28:47 That's more money than Max makes on Patreon in a year. So it's like, thank you guys so much for helping out. People are tossing $100 pledges into the go fund me. And I'm writing, I'm writing, thank you notes all day. I got 135 donors. I'm writing, thank you notes all day because I'm trying to write like individualized, thank you notes for every person. Now that I don't have a job, I have the donors. I'm writing, thank you, it's all day because I'm trying to write like individualized thank you notes for every person.
Starting point is 01:29:06 Now that I don't have a job, I have the time to do that kind of thing. But like, yeah, Dick, what you're kind of telling, this is the emotional message I'm getting from you. And I don't know that it's one that you mean to send. But when you say some of the stuff you say, it kind of makes me feel like you think it's my fault that I got fired. But when you say some of the stuff you say, it kind of makes me feel like you think
Starting point is 01:29:25 it's my fault that I got fired. And I don't even know that, I don't know why you got fired. I don't think it's your fault. It's no one else's fault. I don't see how it could be anyone else's fault, but yours, I'm certainly not. You don't see how it could be Maddox's fault?
Starting point is 01:29:44 Well, for emailing like a rape quote, and You don't see how it could be Maddox's fault? Well, for emailing like a rape quote and you don't see how it could be Madcast me to fall for like calling these people non-stop. Like, you don't like, you don't see how it could be their fault for for suing me in what I consider bad faith. And for what I consider to be malicious prosecution, which is a crime in New York state. Like, you don't see that. I mean, if that's, yeah, of course, yeah. I wouldn't have gotten fired if I wasn't sued. That's the truth. You have, of course, it's the truth, but there's got to be some proof of that. They're ahead.
Starting point is 01:30:20 It's very easy, it's very easy to get proof of that. That's what I'm saying. Well, I don't know how I'd go about doing that without paying green burger, a little bit of money to tell me. Like, I don't want to be here. I don't want to be here. I'm not gonna pretend, I'm not gonna like armchair lawyer, there's like Maddox.
Starting point is 01:30:37 But have you asked your employer for help, like for, I don't even know if you can talk about this, but have you asked them why you got fired? Any emails or anything? I'm not you know, I'm definitely not gonna discuss any of my communications with Weber-Shamwick here on the Dix show Like as much as I love the Dix show like you know, this is the one time. I'm gonna say no comment I'm not but I'm telling you the person I'm mad at is Maddox and the person I'm mad at is Madcast Media and that's me being emotional.
Starting point is 01:31:09 I understand that like, you need to be at a Peter feel. Like Peter feel was outed as gay and that's why he wanted Gawker put into the ground. And he finally got it. Like I know what you're saying. It's just, it's just, again, when you say some of this stuff, it's just, what do you think I'm blaming you for getting fired? Well, you said like, you like 10 minutes ago, you're saying, you know, stuff about like a PR company doesn't want a guy running his mouth. And it's like, yeah, but, but I'm being accused of horrific crimes. But of course,
Starting point is 01:31:40 they're going to say that of like, that's the first thing. Yeah, go ahead. I'm not gonna talk about, I'm not gonna talk about Weber-Shamack, but here's what I can talk about with you. It's like you know what it's like to be accused of threatening rape and threatening women, because that's something that like Maddox tells people, Maddox tells people,
Starting point is 01:32:03 Dix a bad guy. He kicked out of UCB because he was bad to women. So like, yeah, there's a 55 page document put out there that says like, a stereo coconut supports harassing women and like literally there's a quote in the lawsuit that is racist, rape and death threats. It's like, what am I gonna do? I have to get out there on offense.
Starting point is 01:32:26 I have to speak up and clear my own name. And I understand that it's probably inconvenient for other parties, I'm not gonna say which ones to have a guy trying to clear his own name, but my name is all I have. It's like, that's something that you said to Clegg really early on like you're choosing stereos of all this bullshit.
Starting point is 01:32:48 This is a man's name we're talking about. Like all I have for the rest of my life is my name. It is where I will make all of my money. Like or lose it. And so yeah, I'm going to go out there and I'm gonna push back on this bullshit because, because I can't have people thinking that I support rape and racist death threats. And it's like, yeah. So, so I understand what you're saying about, about certain people not wanting to hear certain things, but I don't know how else to be.
Starting point is 01:33:26 If I were, look, if I, you know what happened when I got accused of saying racist death threats, I found the guy that did it and got a confession out of him. The way I'm telling you, because I want the best for you, the only way to go through this is to get, to get in writing from your employer that they fired you because of the lawsuit and because of Maddox. Well, if that's like this is, I mean, this is, if you want to take this as seriously as fucking cancer, that is how you protect your name for the rest of your life. It's not a judge like the consensus of evidence kind of led us to think this and if you look at it, like it's the same. it's that, it's gotta be that,
Starting point is 01:34:07 it's gotta be that. I don't disagree with you, but I don't have the resources to pursue that. And so if this guy walks, it's like, it's email does that, that's it. No, no, I'm not'm not going to freelance this. I like got this one. Go ahead, John. If you don't mind me saying, Sean, real quick, like, I'm not going to have asked this. I want to hire New York's best lawyer to do this properly.
Starting point is 01:34:39 I am not going to start sending out emails, Willie Nilly, and fucking playing Heather S. Like, either I do this properly with Greenberger from the beginning, or I don't do this at all, because it's dangerous for me to think I'm smarter than I am. Unlike Maddox, I know that I'm dumb. Sean, what did you want to say? Absolutely nothing. The time has passed. I was going to make a shit joke. Oh, sorry. You missed a classic Sean Zinger.
Starting point is 01:35:05 No, no, no. But again, with the remainder, with the amount that you've got over sanctions, I hope that the next step is having Greenberger contact your employer and get a fucking reason out of them. I wouldn't come at somebody with a lawyer first, especially like these people, or I assume there's some kind of like family,
Starting point is 01:35:25 anybody who works for anybody for some amount of time, you can ask, you can get statements in writing from people, like it's always better to come as a friend first before you get the lawyers involved who are all so fucking expensive. That's just what I would do, man. I guess what you're saying like I'm it makes sense. It makes sense that you'd want the lawyer involved in the first place, but fuck as soon as a lawyer comes out, nobody says shit. The second a lawyer gets involved, everybody
Starting point is 01:35:57 just starts forwarding emails and all that information can be very valuable. I know exactly what you're saying, Dick. It, you know, mysterious. What harm would it do, Weber, you know, Shandwick, if you came with a smile? Yeah. Right. Is that what you're saying, Dick? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Where it's like, Hey, you know, it's, I know we've severed ties. But can you, can you give me a reason? And they, they could be, well, it doesn't necessarily expose them to anything, like unlock determination.
Starting point is 01:36:31 No, there's porcid woods. Are you kidding me? Not necessarily. Are you fucking kidding me? Any, what are you, what are you trying to find? What kind of employment contract do you sign? Anything, it's, there's probably, conduct, unbecoming clauses things like
Starting point is 01:36:47 that stuff that professional athletes sign yeah yeah you're talking you're discussing you're talking about morals clauses yeah I totally get it like I'd like to point out, and again, I'm just going to tell you guys how I'm feeling right now. Like, I don't, it's like, Dick, I feel like you think I'm trying to hit you up for 50 grand, I haven't asked for. And I feel like you're trying, well, let me just tell you how I'm feeling. I feel like you're trying to set up a thing where you're saying like, you got to go to Weber, I feel like you're trying to set up a thing where you're saying like, you got to go to Weber and you got to get this thing or what's the point. I know I said I'd help with a counter-suit, but I'm not going to, but I'm not going to do it in a stupid way. It's like I haven't asked you for money. I do, I need money to talk to Greenberger about the dimensions of a counter-suit because every
Starting point is 01:37:44 hour with this guy costs $400. Right. I'm already very deeply in debt. And I'm not going to go more deeply in debt chasing windmills. Like if people are generous enough to give me the money to hire Greenberger to explore a counter-suit, then we will absolutely do that. That's what the GoFundMe is for. You know, and again, a lot of this is cart before the horse.
Starting point is 01:38:10 What if we win its sanctions? And what if, and what if, Manga has to go to bankruptcy court? And what if I end up owning half of the biggest problem in the universe? And then, when that be hilarious. Yeah. Oh, be so funny. But it's like, Dick, I'm not hitting you up for money.
Starting point is 01:38:28 I understand. I don't think you are. It's just this is just how I'm feeling. Look, you've got to go fund me out there, asking for 50 grand. Yeah. And I'm going to, and I'm going to try my hardest to drum that up. I'm happy that people support you. I hope you go about it this way, because I don't is to drum that up. I'm happy that people support you. I hope you go about it this way
Starting point is 01:38:47 because I don't want to see that money, I don't want to see that money spent fruitlessly where it goes to pay more lawyers, which is what an incredible amount of money has gone to so far. I don't think that lawyers have any kind of magic touch to, I don't think they have any kind of magic touch to pursue justice or to make it a reality. I don't think you're asking me for money and I wouldn't care about saying no even if I did.
Starting point is 01:39:23 I know that there's a lot of emotional components to this and I think that even like regardless of account or suit regardless of anything, I think I hope that you get a statement from them just to clear your name because I think Maddox has succeeded up until now at destroying your fucking career. And it's very real. It's very severe. What's happened? People work their entire lives for small opportunities. They work their way up the corporate ladder. And it can be so easily destroyed.
Starting point is 01:40:00 It has been done. And I'm giving you what I think is a way to, the way I would find it. And, and I appreciate that because honestly, and look, this isn't very funny, but every time you give me advice, it's correct. Like I've gone to you for advice for years, like advice with women, advice with careers, advice with everything. Every time you tell me to do something, it's right. Like it's just in this one case, I don't want to go off playing Colombo, I don't want
Starting point is 01:40:31 to go off half-cocked. Because the thing is, what if the dimensions of malicious prosecution don't even require a statement from Weber? You know what I mean? Like what if there are crimes that are in the matrix of like of possible New York justice that I don't even know about? You know I got to hire my lawyer research this stuff and and again this is part before the horse. The first thing is sanctions. Sanctions I don't know when it's going to happen. It may not happen for months. This guy sued us in
Starting point is 01:41:03 November and we didn't get in the courtroom until May. Seven fucking months. So who the hell knows? But, you know, for me, I worked in advertising PR for five years and now when you Google my name, there's an article that says like, Stereo's coconut leads like racist,
Starting point is 01:41:23 blah, blah, blah campaign. And you know, like we know a thing or two about SEO, I'm gonna go and interview now. And it's like, I'm gonna have to deal with this. Like, so what I want is in a perfect world, if I had a magic money bag, which I don't, and you don't either. And like, I think a lot of people think like,
Starting point is 01:41:44 well, why can't they just give you 50 grand? It's two months of his Patreon. Like, no, you work your whole life for your money. And I'm not going to ask you to spend it fruitlessly. But, um, but the thing is, you know, if I had a magic money bag, I would fucking go after I would counter-shoot them immediately, but I don't and I got to be smart because I got the rest of my life to worry about. I got the rest, I got my credit rating. Like, am I gonna be renting until I'm 70? Like, am I gonna be paying off this getting sued by Max the rest of my life?
Starting point is 01:42:13 Like, I got real financial concerns and so, and so I don't, I don't, I don't know what to do. It's really, really hard. This guy successfully fucked me and it sucks. Yeah. Well, I guess we'll, I guess we'll see. I hope the sanctions work out. I hope so too, because that would, because that's just another $2,500. It's six billable hours. Thanks to the people that go funny, thanks to the 135 people pledged to me, I can now walk in there and I can hire New York's best lawyer to like go and try to deal with New York's worst lawyer in front of New York's angry as judge.
Starting point is 01:42:49 And so that's huge. That's something I would not have been able to do. If it wasn't for that money, I would have just traded the way the deal because I can't keep bleeding all over the place. That's what's happening. That's my life. And I'm sorry. I know we're talking about this for almost an hour, so I'll let you go.
Starting point is 01:43:04 Yeah. Well, I hope if anybody is at Weber's listening that they just write a letter saying, if I were to give you a fucking lawsuit, it wouldn't be that. Well, that would be fantastic. But I don't know, I gotta talk with my boy, I gotta talk with Greenburger. All right, buddy, I'll see you in Dallas.
Starting point is 01:43:22 Get ready. All right, see you in Dallas, buddy. Yeah, see you. Oh my God. Well, I didn't think that would... What a fucking, I guess, real life is a downer, huh? What is? Oh. That's not so fun anymore, all these laws.
Starting point is 01:43:40 Those two intense, man. That was. It's too much. Well, I think the point of what you're trying to get across to was that the easiest way to find a definitive link between Maddox and Astarius would be a statement from Weber-Shin, saying, hey, we fired you because of him. Because everything else is like, oh, well, Jesse PS said this, you know, everyone else said things, but it's not directly linking to Maddox. That's really where the strength
Starting point is 01:44:04 of the case is going to lie. Everybody said, oh, you linking to Maddox. That's really where the strength of the case is going to lie. Everybody said, oh, you should sue Maddox for the rapeless thing. But there's no, what the fuck, you need proof, like you said direct correlation. You need it so it's so valuable. It's damages. It's so you need to prove damage. You need to prove the damages. Like, I don't know. You have to. You have to. And it's so easy.
Starting point is 01:44:32 It seems like it's so easy to me. And I hope that money, I hope some of that money goes to Greenburger finding it out. It sounded like that was the plan to me. Like the sanctions were some money and then getting Greenburger to investigate was some of the money. Yeah, and was your whole point too, was the stronger plan you have going in will, you know, in theory, guarantee more of the outcome you're looking for because
Starting point is 01:44:56 you have fought out all the options up until that point. And I, you know, I can see that's why you would want green burger involved too. Yeah. And none of that other shit, none of that other shit will matter to a judge. Yeah. At least in my opinion, because like look at all the shit that was thrown at us. Look at all those pages of bullshit, comments, reviews, my book, you made my book tank.
Starting point is 01:45:17 It amounted to nothing. Yep. It amounted to an afternoon in court. Yeah, they were asking like, oh, well, what did Dixie? And they're like, well, so and so I said this. And they're like, yeah, but what did Dick say? Like, so it's all like the more direct you can get
Starting point is 01:45:30 in this kind of a situation like that. It's gotta be. I hope I'm not being an asshole, but fuck, I want, like you got to understand, I want Asterios to win. So badly. Yeah. Dick, I know exactly what you mean. And I'm on the same page, but ultimately, of course,
Starting point is 01:45:47 the stereos is feels the way he feels, and is completely entitled to fight it the best way that he feels. And the only thing that I think is, if he were to email Weber-Shandwick, all they can do is say, I'm not going to comment on that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is he better? Is he any worse off than he was before?
Starting point is 01:46:10 You know, maybe, I don't know. I don't know what they're in. Somebody there's got to have somebody there's got to have something. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe we don't comment on past employee relationships. But maybe, maybe they do. It's like we're talking about the other week.
Starting point is 01:46:28 You know, go ahead and write that letter to that chick. You always wanted to fuck. Yeah. Cause one out of every million times, it might work. Yeah. I hope all those avenues are being explored. I don't know, I don't know. Maybe I'm an asshole. Maybe all't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:46:45 Maybe I'm an asshole. Maybe all this should have been an offline conversation. But as like so many people are so excited about it and giving my like, we like somebody's gonna have a little vested in this. We want the sea of wood. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:00 God, that would be so fucking great. If Breaker got a statement out of them like that, he'd be a fucking hero. He'd be a wrap. Yeah. Yeah. All right. great if Greenberger got a statement out of them like that he'd be a fucking here wrap yeah yeah um alright let me I'm gonna play a I want to play Siracha voter Brit bit I'm gonna play it and I'm gonna go to the bathroom after that and then we can move on hopefully I don't know it gets so heavy fuck me yeah makes you want to go out and sink a boat? Here's a Sriracha wrote the letter part two Deamatics it's me again your attorney dog bite land cow. I'm writing to you today to tell you that I'm sorry
Starting point is 01:47:36 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't do a good job understanding how much money you had I know in my heart that I can do better than this. I love you, but I think it's time for us to chase separate ambulances. You're still the first thing I think of when I need someone to clear my intoxilock. You make me smile. Sometimes when I'm standing at Staples making copies for three and a half hours, I think about you and I think about all the money we could have made if only my court ordered AA meetings would have happened to coincide with the day that I do my drafting. Ness, you're a good person!
Starting point is 01:48:21 And your retainer has paid off outstanding bar tabs in more states than you will ever know. Even though I have ran the maternities in Minnesota to fuck with, I wish things could have been different. I hope if you somehow managed to find another lobotomized 55 year old TV executive who thinks you're still relevant to flee satum another 30,000 dollars
Starting point is 01:48:48 Things will be different if they are not I understand I'll be heartbroken and I'll probably have to switch to Canadian Club for a couple weeks But I'll understand things never look out between us And at least I can say that I tried my best. I really did. You realize I almost went to jail over this stupid horse shit? In case they don't, I just wanna say thank you. Thank you. And please note, the enclosed invoice for the $1,300, I spent on snacks over the course of our litigative relationship.
Starting point is 01:49:21 With love, see you in the most convenient form of Upper Manhattan, your stupid LA cock, dog bite land cow. with love. See you in the most convenient form of up a man hat and you stupid L.A. cock dog bite land cow. Yeah, thank you, sir. All right, let me see if low taxes. Hey, low taxie there. Let's see if your audio is better. Am I weird again? No, you're good now. You're good now. Holy shit, man. Finally. Yeah, sorry for, sorry for dragging you on after the remaining men together segment. That's very... Well, I'm here to help a serious, anyway, that I can. If I can, I don't generate much money, but I can pay him to write again, what little
Starting point is 01:50:03 money I have. But, you know, I know it was a good guy and I stand by anything that he says. And I understand that, you know, the situation that he's in with, uh, Maddox and everything that it shouldn't have happened. I understand his emotional response and everything, but the legal system just fucked from. Oh, yeah. God, is it ever fucked? Do you ever get sued over at something awful? You ever get like, you must get threatened. No, but everybody threatens.
Starting point is 01:50:33 I've never actually gotten a lawsuit, but everybody threatens, you know, like, hey, you banned me. You know, it's 10 hard bucks just because, you know, I posted Nazi rape stuff everywhere. And I'm gonna take you to court for that free speech. Yeah. And then nothing happens.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Yeah. Um, I guess it's, there's a lot of like, shitting on lawyers done, but I guess they kind of do. Maybe that's, they're just too expensive. Thank God. The things that everybody bitches about are their biggest strength. That they're so fucking expensive. Every moron with an act that grind over a website can't bring their weird sujremes to fruition.
Starting point is 01:51:10 Jesus. Well, where did Maddox get the money from to do all this? No idea. No idea. Anyway, what's new with you, man? You're murdered the internet's been gone for a while. Sorry, I'm all out of swords with this fucking, the stereo's nonsense. I'm very, I'm very, very off about it. I feel very off after that conversation. No, no, I mean, there's no, I feel bad for him
Starting point is 01:51:40 because there's no real solution. Yeah. You know, there's no viable solution. And then if you're going to counter Sue or what he was talking about, that's like a huge money gamble. Yeah, it is. And it's just basically people can,
Starting point is 01:51:57 if you got the money, you can ruin people. Yeah, I'm going to read some comments. I think that'll, that'll reset us a little bit. You want to, you want to do some, uh, do some advice, questions with me? Jack, hey, Dick, I'm Dick Show fan number three, oh, oh, wait, but you can call me Jack. You guys have been talking about circumcision the last few episodes. Give me an idea to air, to air out this problem I have. So I would appreciate you, Rashon's advice. I have something called Fimosus. Fimosus, as you can guess from the title, it has to do with my penis.
Starting point is 01:52:33 Basically, it means I have too much foreskin. Oh, wow. That's a problem. Too much foreskin for what? He's got too much foreskin for one man. Does he just like drop on the ground and he has to drag it? It looks like a sock. Yeah. He's got a wet sock hang from that.
Starting point is 01:52:54 He's got 16 years of cum stored in it. Oh no. Basically, we're gone from a stereo lost to the foreskin. There we go. Basically, it means I have too much foreskin and it covers the entire head of my dick. I'm being serious about this. It's not a joke.
Starting point is 01:53:16 Well, it could be both. Google the term if you don't believe me, but you've been warned. Now, my question is, would this be a problem with chicks? As someone who's hardly, as someone who hardly ever gets laid, I have no feedback on this. Oh, I think this would be, I think this would be,
Starting point is 01:53:33 make it even better. Like this is, that's a great line. Like, hey, sweetie, you want to see a real weird tick? That's usually my opener. Well, I wouldn't be able to see. They'd have to dig around for a few hours. Yeah, you got your own, you're wearing your own peacocking. You're born with peacocking stuff here, buddy.
Starting point is 01:53:54 You don't have to wear a bowler or a hat. You got a weird dick. It's great. Yeah, and if you're paying them, you know, by the hour as, you know, you should do, you know, it's going to take at least 60 minutes for them to dig through there and finally find a dick. And I'm like, wow, you do have a weird dick. So many hardly ever gets laid.
Starting point is 01:54:12 I have no feedback on this. Also, because of the fucking foreskin, I can't piss straight most of the time. Oh boy. Oh boy. So what's the advice he's looking for me? What do you mean you can't piss, can't you just pull it back? He wants to go whether to get circumcised.
Starting point is 01:54:33 Otherwise, otherwise my toilet will be soaked with piss all over. That's normal. Every guy's toilet is like, I can get surgery to get it removed, but I'm kind of scared because you know, it's my dick. And because it's hilarious. Why would you want to, why would you want to get a snufflepogus trunk chopped off the tip of your day? That's a gift from God. Spoken like a true asshole. The breaking point for this would be if girls would care if I have this or not.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Girls hate, they hate penises. They don't care if they have weird four skins or PSI was born without this problem, but for some reason it developed. Whoa. Oh wow. Maybe he stayed in the bathtub too long one time. Maybe he's the subject of a jifty curse. Yeah, this is like a spinner except it makes his four skin longer. Yeah, this is like a finder except it makes his foreskin longer. This is a plot-tongue. Steven King. There's a plot to homelone for. I wish my foreskin was long.
Starting point is 01:55:34 It starts again called the Wet foreskins. My have ideas, but it's not real. Man, you can just get, you can develop a long foreskin later in life. Fucking, that's a good excuse not to go to work that day. I just, I gotta go get my foreskin cleaned up. Woke up this morning and had a crazy foreskin going on. Thanks man, you can, you can discuss this on your show if you like.
Starting point is 01:55:59 We really need to start spreading more information about, more misinformation about Dixx. Like yeah, of course you can grow up for skin. Yeah, but I thought you just pull it off. Happens off the time. Pull it off. He just pull it off. Oh, so I want to know, I want to know what it's like when it's erect,
Starting point is 01:56:17 like, does he still have a lot of like slack in it? So to speak. No, because he's like, because he's been laid. So obviously he's had a boner. So what I'm saying is, you know, how much does it go down or how much, you know, how much is it a problem at that point? How much slack does he have?
Starting point is 01:56:38 I don't know. Yes, that makes a difference. Go ahead, love. What's the growth here? I mean, like, right hour. Is it still going like a bamboo, like a bamboo tree? This keeps growing forever. It's not like circumcision is this unheard of surgery that nobody has ever
Starting point is 01:56:59 had before. Hey, do you have, do you have boys? You have kids, right? I got three girls. Oh, you got three girls. Oh, you got three girls. You don't have to deal with this then. Oh, yeah, I didn't.
Starting point is 01:57:09 That's the worst thing is dealing with boys and then having to see their little weiner. I don't want to see kids weiner, you know? Maybe it's just me. Yeah, one of my nephews has a big old dong. A doctor for his age, you know? He doesn't have like a 10 inch cock dangling around. For his age, the doctor commented on it, like you can, you can tell when he's walking around that it's like a above average pain.
Starting point is 01:57:35 He's confident, real confident. He does have a certain, he's got that big dick energy. Swagger. He's just, yeah. He likes to dance too. I'm like, oh man, you're gonna be, you start whipping that thing around. You're gonna be big problems. Thanks, man. You're not worth the tight pants, so the ladies can see it curve to the side. Well, we have, we're gonna develop a type of pants
Starting point is 01:57:57 that comes packed like the Wonderbrock, except the enhanced pants. We're gonna call them. That has a built-in penis. Perfect. Yeah. Then you can put your actual one on the other side and confuse everybody.
Starting point is 01:58:10 Yeah. Two dicks. It's fun. You ladies ever seen two dicks before? Check it out. Then you get them in the bathroom. I'm like, fuck and go me too about it, bitch. You already, I got what I wanted.
Starting point is 01:58:23 Or maybe you get married. Or maybe you fall in love. There's also two. She was just like six pairs of those pants. A pack of bananas. You can discuss this on the show if you like. I don't care. I just had to ask for advice and let you know that sometimes you need a circumcision for medical reasons. I don't think anything that you've mentioned here is medical. It sounds just like what chicks would think of your penis. And...
Starting point is 01:58:52 It's always at the end, that's like, I hope it's okay to read this on the show. It's always at the end. It's always a band that they put, don't say my real name too, which always fucks me up. In the PS. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:02 I think you leave it alone. See how, see how far you can get that thing growing. I was, I, I, all you're worried about is pissing on the toilet seat and what chicks will think about it. Fuckin leave it. Let it lie. This is changed the bracket in the whole pants. Chicks what they think about it. What's that, low tax? It asks. It asks chicks what they think about it. I don't know why a podcast would answer what women think about somebody's penis. Look, yeah, we should just start writing the city bus and just take a survey every time he's on it. Women, women love weird oddities.
Starting point is 01:59:45 And anything you can do to talk about your dick is good for you. Something is weird about your dick. You got black balls for some reason. You got a, I know a guy with black balls. He's a white guy, but his balls are so black, they might as well be eight balls. And he gets, he got tons of ass in college he is because yeah both of his call balls got frostbite He would polish them up before he would go out too, so they would really shimmer like bowling balls
Starting point is 02:00:19 He'd draw a little finger holes on them too anything you can do to draw attention to your dick to better when it comes to women just don't feel bad about it. There's women are too worried about how fat they look if their makeups on right like they're constantly worried about what they look like. They don't have time to worry about your weird dick, your weird your long foreskin. they don't fucking care. Leave it alone, leave it alone. Who wants to do unnecessary surgery on their penis? Unnecessary. On the worst dicks. Here's the worst dicks, the real curvy ones.
Starting point is 02:00:57 Yeah. You know what I'm talking about, like, I feel like use. And then because I've had girlfriends that have complained about previous boyfriends doing that and they're just like, yeah, when they're fucking me, I can feel at my throat. Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Yeah. Because they're you, they're you use in what way is it shaped like a you? They're curving and weird and gross. Like curving like they curve up. Yeah, I know what you're talking about. And I think we need some kind of a war with the straight dicks versus the curve dicks. Because I think they're walking around
Starting point is 02:01:33 thinking that they have some kind of a prowess like they're reaching places that the rest of us can't really fucking annoys me. Fucking annoying. The curve, the curve. Yeah, they need to pass like a law where the people with a curvy dicks like they have to pass like a law where the people with a curvy dick, like they have
Starting point is 02:01:45 to have a ruler and then like, you know, put the ruler on their dick and then just wrap band-aid or wrap like a duck saver. Just a straight. Yeah, duck tape. We need to duct tape people's dicks. I think there should be a law saying curvy dick should be duct taped. I don't think that's unreasonable. Well, why? This think that's unreasonable.
Starting point is 02:02:05 Well, what? This is Trump's America. We've already got kids to chop off the tips of their penis. Why not straighten them out, too? Yeah. I want to live in a country with straight dicks. Nobody is circumcising their kids for health reasons. They're doing it because they don't want to have the weird, uncircumcized kid.
Starting point is 02:02:25 Let's be fucking clear. I know that's why they're doing it. I know they don't know any kind of health benefit. You're like, what health benefit is? Well, cleanliness. Like, what do you not wash your asshole every day? Are you gonna sow that thing shut? It's a cancer risk?
Starting point is 02:02:39 Yes, that's what I, that's what, uh, they don't know that. They don't fucking know. It's a bread that, uh, yeah. If you are uncircumcised, you have a higher instance of penile cancer could be bullshit, but I know that I've read it. Yeah. Well, I know at least one of my friends is dead because of penis cancer. About to be. Wait, because of penis cancer. No, not actually. This is already had, we've already had a lot of downers this episode. Okay.
Starting point is 02:03:04 He's very outspoken about how uncircumcised he is. And it's, you know. And he's fine. He's fine. He's fine. Yeah, I think it's fine. We're not, because he won't shut the fuck up about it sometimes.
Starting point is 02:03:14 Hmm. Solitary drakes is, hey, they're dick. I've been having a weird week. I thought I'd get your advice on the situation. My best friend and I met in culinary school four years ago. Over that time, I felt some sexual tension build between us, but we were never single at the same time. So we never really acted on anything or spoke about it. However, on Father's Day, she
Starting point is 02:03:34 was over chilling with me and her boyfriend couldn't make it. We got drunk as shit and then wound up fucking next to the fire in my parents' backyard. Cool. Afterwards, we went back to my place and fucked a few more times. It was hands down the best sex I've ever had. It's been a week and we've met at her place twice just to hang out and bang. But it's bringing up all these feelings that both of us had, uh, have had for each other for years. We both care about each other a lot, but I doubt she'd just drop her boyfriend for
Starting point is 02:04:04 me because they've been together for two years now, buddy, she already did. So what do I do? Cut it off and just go back to being friends or ride the cheating wave until we crash on some rocks. Thanks in advance, Drake. Yeah, that's, I think you, I think you both already made your decision. If you're, If you're fucking by firelight and your parents back yard, that dude is gone. Yeah, what choice is there to make? That is, yeah. I think you both already made that choice.
Starting point is 02:04:35 Drop her boyfriend for me. How people get very attached to their boyfriends and girlfriends when they are basically interchangeable, right? Oh, we've been, I've had a boyfriend for seven years. Like, you might want to check the expiration date on that thing. Give it a little swish sometimes. Yeah. Alright, Asterios wanted to say something.
Starting point is 02:05:03 Asterios, what's going on? You're back. Oh, hey, hey, all right. All right, well, since we've talked, I've been getting like DMs from people saying, like, hey, you know, why don't you approach your old employer and like talk to them as a friend and like ask them stuff.
Starting point is 02:05:19 Yeah, right. No, of course, of course, like, as a thought experiment, can you think of any particular reason why I wouldn't want to do that, or maybe shouldn't? I mean, what do you mean? As a thought experiment for what? Think of why you wouldn't want to do that? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:43 Can you help us through? I don't want to spend a lot of time thinking about it in silence. Can you help me? No, no, I understand. All right. I mean, I guess I'll just, because there's obviously something you can't say. I mean, there's stuff that I'm trying not to say here. Okay.
Starting point is 02:05:58 But, but the thing is, you know, uh, I know if I don't say something now to take away from this episode is going to be like a stereos, you got to go talk to them. And it's like, there are some pretty great reasons why that's not a great idea. And I think that there are ways to counter-sue this guy that don't involve getting that smoking gun evidence. Like, I understand that it would be super helpful to have a piece of paper from somebody saying, we did this for this reason.
Starting point is 02:06:34 Why? Yeah. But I think that anybody listening can also understand why there might be reasons for that piece of paper to never exist no matter how nicely it's asked for, and no matter who asks. Yeah, listen, only you know all the facts. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:50 Well, I mean, something that I've tried to do is like, I've tried to get me and Dick on the phone together with Greenberger, and it hasn't worked out for one reason or another, but it's like I Feel like You know, I'm not gonna ask you for 50 grand, but I think something would be really helpful would be If there's anyway you give me like a tiny bit of money like $400 or $800 to $200 so we could get on the phone with Greenburger and
Starting point is 02:07:24 four hundred or eight hundred or twelve hundred dollars so we could get on the phone with green burger and so you could ask him some of these questions and so you could kind of get a better sense of the dimensions of the case like i understand asking for fifty grand in order to count as this guy even though you said you do it i know that that's stupid because you got to know the shop before you make it but i'm sorry wait what was that What was the last thing you just said, even though I said I do what? I mean, I'm not writing blank checks. I don't think you should. The reason I didn't sue Maddox for the Dick Lies video is because there's no fucking damages.
Starting point is 02:07:56 Like, I don't care that it's defamation. I don't care that I got kicked out of UCB. It doesn't matter. Like, I can't say, look, this is what he owes me. It's just, you got fucked. Sorry, like, I just got fucked out of it. Like that's the reality in my case, and I don't want you to get stuck in the same situation.
Starting point is 02:08:19 I mean, two weeks ago, you were saying that this might be the damages, and it's like, I think it might be too, you know? And I understand that you said like, I'll fund a counter suit, but I also know that that doesn't mean that you'll fund like a feckless stupid counter suit. And I feel like that's kind of important for people to hear. But you know, if we could get re-burger on the phone together, you know, if I, if I, you know, I'm just great at basking for like, I know, $400, $800 or $1200 for us to just have the guy do some research. Maybe we turn over a rock that you're not aware of. Maybe there's a rock that, you know, I kind of can't discuss right now.
Starting point is 02:08:57 And like, there might be a way to do it. This is the, like, the non-discussing thing is like, you know, that I'm not going to do it. This is the like the non-discussing thing is like you know that I'm not going to do that. I can't fucking do. I don't know. I mean we've we spend a lot of time on it. I think there's a lot to digest. Maybe we can talk about it another time. I think I understand the point you're making. I think we both understand each other. I hope. Yeah, it's just I just don't. All right. It's not fair. Yeah, no, I'll talk to you. What is that low tax? What do you mean? What are you saying? I was just saying it's not fair to Sirius. What is?
Starting point is 02:09:36 He's good people. Oh, he's great. And I was saying on the chat that, could whatever money I can for free lands or I didn't help them out. Yeah. I mean, unfortunately, I'm like a billion dollars in tax debt, but they were worried they're going to do to me, put on a lien on things I don't own. So I can at least help them with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:06 A little quite an ironic name you have. Yeah, I think everyone wants a stereo's to win and everyone loves them. Oh, yeah. It's the specifics of this that I'm worried about. Yeah, it's just that and you can't get somebody that will just sit down and say, okay, here's the percentage that you would get back. You know, this is the risk versus reward. No, because if you're talking to a lawyer, I mean, you're talking thousands of dollars
Starting point is 02:10:44 just to talk to you. Yeah, yeah. And so, I, he's a shitty situation. And I completely feel for him because I, you know, I do the same way. I think with emotion and I just think of like, you know, I fall for the trap where I have empathy
Starting point is 02:11:02 for other people and think that, you know, they would do the right thing. And they usually don't. No, no, they very rarely do. Almost never do. I mean, it's like I understand children and kids more than adults because at least kids aren't duplicitous, you know. Yeah. They like, you know, say what's going on. You can understand them and shit adults. You know, I got me. Yeah. I think like best case scenarios, you get a you get a statement that you can parade
Starting point is 02:11:38 around town as evidence, but a reasonable case is that they have absolutely nothing to say about it, right? I don't know. It's, I understand what you're saying, but serious. As far as talking to Greenberger for 800 bucks, oh, yeah. I guess I'll think about that. Pretty expensive phone call. It. Pretty expensive phone call. It's an expensive phone call. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:08 All right. He's still there. Oh, he left. Fuck. All right. Uh, okay. Low tax. Anything make you a rage, man.
Starting point is 02:12:19 This is, this is, this is, this has become a, this has become a ramshackle affair. Yeah. Uh, I don't know. You kind of bum me out. I'm too depressed to rage about it. Yeah, me too, man. Me fucking too. I don't want to get on the dick show and all you did was give me crippling depression. I'm sorry about that.
Starting point is 02:12:42 Oh, no, that's okay. There's also the four skin. Yeah, four skin was good. Hey, low tax, you got a Venmo? I'll send you some money for a burger. So that's going to be my thing now. That is my thing, eating hamburgers and mango steam. Well, I will be a dead horse.
Starting point is 02:13:04 That's fine. That's my entire career. All right, I'm gonna play a song. This is... let's see here. This is from... this I know is from Kendall and Hyde. I fucked it up before. This is Bicycle Boys. Then I'll see if I can find clay early. You play this one. Now this is another one.
Starting point is 02:13:27 Oh, well, have your laugh. I'm a lone wolf, your carcass has been picked up on drys. I was just about to offer you JD's old room. How's my keys, you're out of here, I'm outta here. Zoom, zoom. Bicycle boys, yeah, we just broke up. You're the worst lawyer ever. You're a stupid weird cop. Oh, I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 02:13:54 I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 02:14:02 I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking keys, you're out of here, I'm outta here Zoom zoom Bicycle boys, yeah we just broke up You're the worst lawyer ever You're a stupid weird cop Oh we didn't have a bill you didn't be living it up Now I'm broken alone
Starting point is 02:14:13 And I don't give a fuck Bicycle boys, yeah we just couldn't win I'm so sick of your emails, I'm packing it in You don't need to be rude, can we at least stay friends? No, I'm fucking done dude, don't call me again. Wait, don't go, I think we need some closure. Thought I got away from you, this shit is bad exposure. Stop hammering her back, hammering by that fucking cracker.
Starting point is 02:14:32 Well you walked it out of my deluxe self-checking package. This is tragic, can you visit when you're back in town? There's no magic man, communications breaking down. Not my fault, you stopped answering my emails, Kevin. Oops, I guess I missed a couple. Yeah, try 37. It's not me, it's you, Kevin Oops, I guess I missed a couple Yeah, try 37 It's not me, it's you, your case, it never had a chance at Hey, you know those snacks I bought you never really said thanks, then
Starting point is 02:14:50 I hope I had a foot in the bed and said, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Hey, aren't you even listening? No, I hate your voice, man That's a great set-on, hey, let's keep this legal arrangement You're insane, and deranged with the real fan engagement You fooled me, you cruel piece of work, you're a disgrace You're a drain on my brain, finally go cut the replacement Bicycle boys, yeah, I just gotta go
Starting point is 02:15:07 Are you sure you don't wanna move in? I said no, one quick question, cut it awkward though Would it be cool if I keep, uh, counseling Jane Doe? Bicycle boys, we've been friends for a while Are we still on for brunch next week? You're in denial Don't ever change, you're getting trained to sick Kyle You're the lawyer I think of when I smile
Starting point is 02:15:35 Oh That's definitely kindallan hide everybody. Thank you slash kindallan hide All right, everybody. This has been the dick show low. Low-Tax, thank you for calling in. And a stereo, thank you for calling in. What a... Oh, I don't know. It's... I need to go...
Starting point is 02:15:52 Thank you for having me. Go to Greenland. Everybody's going to fucking Greenland after this episode. All right. All right. Do you cut across... Or the other way, I don't know. All right. Do you cut across or the other way? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:16:08 All right, everybody. You've been listening to the Dix show,, Hey, I'm sorry, low-tacks. I'm sorry. I'll pick you up. I'll pick you up with the voicemails. I know they'll be good.
Starting point is 02:16:18 slash the Dix show. See you next Tuesday. This one's by, this remix is by, let's see here it's crying this one's by two few dickshow theme to few to few thanks for listening to you oh man i guess i guess it was a mistake to talk about it
Starting point is 02:16:43 oh here's this. Hello. Hello! Oh, it's Peach! Oh, shit. Peach, we need a major pick us up. Everyone's depressed. Oh, no! Why is everyone so depressed?
Starting point is 02:16:57 Because we've been talking about a Stereos' legal offense fund for an hour. I mean, that is pretty depressing. Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't know what to tell you. I mean that is that is pretty that is pretty depressing. Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't know, I don't know what to tell you. I'm here in beautiful green land. It's gorgeous here, you guys. Um, no, no, how are you doing? Otherwise, there is no otherwise. It's just that I'm very, I'm very depressed, but we're going to see you in Dallas, right? You want to get your ass kicked in a mustard chugging contest? You know, it's funny. You say that I'm actually having a delicious glass right now.
Starting point is 02:17:28 And I'm going to kick your fucking ass on stage in front of all your fucking fans. And you're going to be humiliated. Oh, good. Then I'll have a reason to be depressed. And yes. Also, a good question. But then we have a bet going like Yeah, whatever what what but again, I
Starting point is 02:17:47 The person who the person who loses the person who doesn't win Is going to have to sing a song about the other person on the show Okay, well, you're here. You're the you're the quit addendum to that It should be a certain length because I don't want it to be like a butt up up up up up up up or anything, you know Oh, come on live always you know what are you accusing me of? What do you think I'm gonna try to will she well shout on a bet? That's what you called in to tell me you're not many fucking bets Had the
Starting point is 02:18:19 Earlier that being a scumbag is in your wheelhouse. I am putting anything past you we are setting a a scumbag is in your wheelhouse. I have put in anything to ask you. We are setting a time. No, no, don't, how dare you call me and preemptively accuse me of not fulfilling my end of a bed. That is such a f- that is such chick bullshit. That is such f- bullshit. It's so clear that you're gonna lose that I gotta make sure that my win is juicy and sweet. Who the fuck do you think I am? I'm gonna come in here with five seconds of I know what a song is. I know what the point of a fucking song is. I'm gonna go start training on the mustard, right? Now I'm actually fucking pissed. Now I'm pissed
Starting point is 02:18:58 about this bad. How fucking dare you? I don't call you and tell you how long your song. Hey make sure you remember the fucking words to the song You're gonna have to sing when you lose Don't worry. I'm gonna take one out of your book and bring the lyrics up on stage and probably still fuck it up just like you god damn All right I miss you too. I'll see you in Dallas All right, see you then. Bye. All right, bye, Gadaddy. What?
Starting point is 02:19:27 Did you fucking believe the nerve of that woman? I don't know. You love the heat. God. All right. Well, Sean, thanks for calling in. Yeah. I'm going to get you this.
Starting point is 02:19:39 Thanks for having me. Thanks for depressing the shit out of you. I'm going to get you this as quickly as possible after we do some. But I got Facebook news too. Johnny, thank you for being here. I'm going to get you this as quickly as possible after we do some. I got Facebook news too. Johnny,. Thanks for having me. Thanks for depressing the shit out of you. I'm gonna get you this as quickly as possible after we do some fun. I got Facebook news too. Johnny, thank you for being here. I got a rage if you want to get some to be pissed off.
Starting point is 02:19:52 Let's hear it, let's hear it. So fucking, you know when you're in a drive-through? Yeah. And the person, the person in front of you just got their food. Yeah. And they pull about a quarter of a car length above. Yeah. And stop.
Starting point is 02:20:06 Yeah. So you can't get your fucking food. Yeah. And you can't fucking honk or be like, hey, get out of the way you fucking asshole. Because I'm a fat piece of shit in the drive-through. Yeah. I'm not trying to call more attention to myself.
Starting point is 02:20:16 But now they's fucking, they pull up. And you're like, yes, I can't wait to put whatever the fuck I just ordered right in my fucking face. And they stop. Yeah. So now you're held prisoner by them for another fucking face. And they stopped. Yeah. So now you're held prisoner by them for another fucking- Well, it's the weird, it's this weird compulsion we have
Starting point is 02:20:31 to half commit to things. Like they need to check the bag, but they don't want to look at the people that they're preemptively accusing of fucking up. Right. So they pull halfway forward, but they know in their minds they won't leave the task that they're in
Starting point is 02:20:46 While they're still checking to make sure it was done even though if it's fucked up They're gonna have to go park anyway. Exactly. It's so I know exactly that and everybody does that and it's that that's the same reason People hover around the luggage turn style at airports. It's the same thing. They can't just sit all the way back Because then they're not actively involved in the task that they're doing so they can't just sit all the way back because then they're not actively involved in the task that they're doing. So they've got to walk all the way up and stand there like tumors. Like airport fucking tumors waiting for their bags to cut.
Starting point is 02:21:13 Yeah. And it's not like you can back up. So that's like forward. So it's just yeah, and regardless of whatever happens, they will have to go around and park and go inside. Yeah. Yeah. I know what you mean.
Starting point is 02:21:23 Fucked. That is okay. Well, that is good. Okay, well, now that's got me upset, because I hated when, you know, they've got a certain time that they have to give your orders. So then they tell you to go forward. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:34 Yeah. To cheat. It's like you're fucking cheating. Yeah. You're supposed to be giving you a order and like, what is it? It's a minute and a half, two minutes. And then you just get me to move forward and then wait.
Starting point is 02:21:45 Yeah, for five minutes. And then see all these fucking cars waiting for their order. Like, what's the point? What's having a window where they give you food if they're gonna fucking walk out and hand it to you? Did your computer tell you you did a good job? You stupid mother, is that what? Did the computer just tell you to do that?
Starting point is 02:22:02 And now is it giving you a smiley face sticker that you've lined everybody else and caused all of this chaos so somebody could get their apple pie or their cappuccino two seconds earlier? Thank you, thank you for developing this system. Whatever, this is what happens. The further away the person making up the system
Starting point is 02:22:20 gets from the one who actually fucking has to use it. Yeah. That's why families are so intense and ball-busting all the time because you're making systems that I gotta use. And this is the only time in all of society where that happens. Where the person making the system is faced with the customer every fucking day.
Starting point is 02:22:37 Every fucking day you're gonna hear every one of my complaints until this system is fixed. That's why they're always perfect. You put one person in between them. It's fucked That's when the fuck are we starts. That's how you get maps upside down Oh God, there's like two lines now and they outsource the person taking your order Yeah, they're not even fucking there. Yeah. Hello dick and hello dick ads. This is the Facebook group news for the last couple days Okay last Monday Jacob came up with a new idea douchebag of the week Hello, Dick and Hello Dickheads. This is the Facebook group news with the last couple days.
Starting point is 02:23:06 Last Monday, Jacob came up with a new idea, douchebag of the week. Jacob nominated Alexander Sparks as douchebag of the week after Jacob called Alexander a faggot during an argument they had. And Jacob was zucked for 24 hours. Sparks responded by calling Jacob an autist with no evidence and other dickheads called Jacob a fat neckbeard and a pussy. More likely scenario is that Jacob was auto-zucked for using language not approved by Facebook's community standards. Ed Word asked dickheads about simple, catastrophic mistakes they had made at work that had resulted in injury, property damage, or extra man hours. Teresa hired a 400 pound woman who broke the toilet
Starting point is 02:23:46 and quit after a week. Kevin forgot to convert Imperial to Metra and blew up a spaceship, fury backed a trailer with skid steers into the back of a brand new house, and Fox worked for a moving company for two days. In those two days, he hit two cars with the truck and broke a customer's bond collection. Last year, he had Jared who got shit canned by his employer for asking for a raise.
Starting point is 02:24:09 Jared's boss put him in charge of training eight new seasonal employees for four club jobs. And once Jared asked for the raise, they fired him. Everyone commented on the thread thinking that Jared is leaving something out, and nobody believes his side of the story. Hopefully, the 60 comments telling Jared that he lost get a job you unemployed loser and referencing employment numbers can make him feel a little better. This has been the Dickshow Facebook news for the last couple days. I think it's weird to get fired. Ask for a raise. You're fired. All right. Here's a
Starting point is 02:24:41 voice mail. Here's a Dallas one. Hey, Dick, one of your Dallas locals. What's up, man? I wanted to let you know, and the fan base as well, go into the road rage Dallas. Be careful and don't go along, like at least a group of four, because we've been having a problem in Dallas lately, where people are faking that they're sick,
Starting point is 02:25:02 or they're drunk, or something like that, or they're injured. And you know, you go to help them, and then a swarm of people will come and suck her punch you into your shit. So I just want to let people know that be careful and I guess don't help people. Have a good time. So have you see somebody who's drunk or sick
Starting point is 02:25:23 are probably faking it to trap you? You're gonna want to get that. If you see the who's drunk or sick, they're probably faking it to trap you? You're gonna wanna get them. If you need a injured person, attack them immediately. Get the upper hand. And they do this in bathrooms too. People will be pretending to shit installs, and they'll be waiting to ambush you
Starting point is 02:25:37 when you're washing your hands after you. Like they're in there, then they have a little sound effect that they play while they're sitting in the stall of shit sounds, or like farting sounds and stuff. And then as soon as you wash your hands, they will spring out and attack you while your hands are wet and start beating the hell out of you. So what you have to do is if anyone is, you kick the door in and then kick the, sometimes
Starting point is 02:25:57 they'll have fake shit in there and fake shit smells. But you kick the fake shit out. Yeah. Just start beating them until they apologize for very specifically what they were about to do. Yeah, because I mean, if somebody is shitting in a public restroom, that's a red flag. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:26:14 No one shit, think about it. No one shits in a public restroom. So you already know something's a mess. That's the purpose of a public restroom. Uh, I don't know if there's a Chipotle nearby all bets are off. Oh God. Chipotle like one out of three times. I end up with my ass exploding and then I still go back because I'm an idiot. I hate Chipotle because you got to choose all of your own shit. Like what am I planning a wedding? I'm just trying to get a burrito.
Starting point is 02:26:45 Oh, the worst is when the person in front of you has never been in a Chipotle. Yeah, that is like trying to do their taxes in front of you. They're like, what is being okay? Meet please. All right, here's the, there we go. What is being, by the way, what is what I got two ranges for you today?
Starting point is 02:27:08 First off, why do I only come up with good ranges on Sundays? You're already recording. It's going to be at least a week. It's true. Secondly, porn sites, scrubbing, incest, and sister shit off the site. And you know why it's fucked? It's not actually fucked up to watch incest
Starting point is 02:27:23 porn because the actors aren't actually related. The one good thing, the reason why people keep going incest porn is because the female actresses are finally acting like they're doing something wrong again. It's finally sexy. Every other fucking kind of porn, it's like this female sexual liberation. That's not hot. I want to know that she will feel ashamed of this later. Yes, it's not hot. Or also doesn't get. I don't want to spend hours I'm gonna work and get me off. And then I'm done. I can go back to whatever unproductive thing. This is the smartest man in the world. Not an hour. I don't want to spend an hour looking at porn. But if it's if all the ins the, if all the actually good shit,
Starting point is 02:28:05 where the actress actually cries later, it's like they're getting fucked. I'm gonna be spending hours, I'm gonna be in the jerk off time. Time warp. Every time the porn gets going and the woman starts acting like she's in a modeling shoot with that big smile,
Starting point is 02:28:24 like moving all weird, like, oh, you think this is sex? No, no one thinks that's sexy. No one- Get the camera. Yeah, looking right at the camera, what is, where did you learn to f- No one fucks like this. No one, they're, they look away,
Starting point is 02:28:41 they look like it kind of hurts, there's discomfort, like what are you, what are you doing? Is this how you fucking your normal life? Looking like you're at a theme park. The lights everywhere. Yeah. Here's the thing. When I go to porn sites and then, you know, in the side columns, I see like, you know, family guy porn. I'm just like, I get distracted by some like, Oh,, Lois. She's totally getting fucked. Because that's so hot seeing family guy porn. You like that? Oh yeah, it's really good. I like that guy with a big chin. Yeah, quite great. Yeah. I want my time wasting
Starting point is 02:29:21 activities to compete with one another. Like the porn, they sneak in a family guy, so then I start watching family guy and then a porn will pop up there, like, oh, I gotta go redirect me. And then like some magic cars will get thrown, you know. That's why I have like 20 times. Why, I've been, yeah, I can't even do anything. I can't pay attention to anything,
Starting point is 02:29:39 but there's just fucking everywhere. I've got like four monitors, everybody's fucking. All right, there, another one. Hey, David Staco. I just wanted to chime in on the whole me two thing and how it's like fucking been over and stuff. I'm right now trying to pursue a career in law enforcement and once an ex-girlfriend of mine found that out, she made an accusation that I had sexually assaulted her over a year ago. And when I was investigated, I had multiple applications that I had going through tonight.
Starting point is 02:30:15 And being a police officer down my arm is incredibly hard to do. So that kind of destroyed all the good will that I had, all the connections that I built up. So now I'm essentially starting from square one. I have that on my record that I was investigated for it. And it kind of straight up ruined my fucking my life so far. The accusations were eventually thrown out once I explained to the guy that was investigating me that we stayed together almost like four months after the alleged incident that she is saying. And it's kind of bullshit because the whole knee-to-moving is giving people that are mentally
Starting point is 02:30:54 unstable or have a conviction against other men or an ex-boyfriend or a bad boy go for something like that. And it really, really fucks with their lives. I hope, you know, some people do have it, it's a warrant, it fucking claim, but for the other people that just want to fuck people over, it will literally ruin people's lives. And there needs to be, you know, more background checking
Starting point is 02:31:22 or something in order to preserve everybody gets background checks. It's ridiculous how you can just say, oh this dude raped me and now his life is ruined, you're not going to have any repercussions toward you and everything just goes on for you but not the do that you're accusing. It's kind of fucking bullshit. I know this is kind of like a calm rage, but it's a discussion that needs to be had and no one's really having it.
Starting point is 02:31:54 Anyway, go fuck yourself. Hey, go fuck yourself too, buddy. All right, guys. Life got ruined, cop taking off the streets. The peak of his crime stopping. Because he got me, too, I saw a graft that said the me twos were dropping. They had reached, they hit a peak
Starting point is 02:32:12 and then they were dropping down to, I don't know, that doesn't really cover like normal guys like that though. Mm-hmm. See, drop, cause you could do that. Yeah, I support the me to movement in general, but things are stacked against men. And I've had a personal experience.
Starting point is 02:32:28 I've never actually shared this before, but with my, I have an ex-wife. I was married to her for nine years and she called the police on me saying that she was threatened by me. And that's just it. She just said she was threatened by me. And that's just it. She just said she was threatened by me. And when that happens, at least threatened by your police.
Starting point is 02:32:51 Just bring in. Threatened by just you in general, or you actually threatened her. In general, there was like nothing there. And so the police, you know, when there's like a domestic abuse thing or something like that, a domestic assault claim. They have to bring in the man for 24 hours to a holding cell. It doesn't matter if anything happened, because when the officer was taking you there, he's like, yeah, I had an ex girlfriend do the same thing.
Starting point is 02:33:21 She just said that I was threatening her and they had to put me in a holding cell for 24 hours. And so like I did that, and then there was like the court thing because she said that I tried to grab a phone from her and I left fingernail and prints on her hands. She even show up. And so it was immediately dismissed, but still, I had to go to a holding cell and I had to share it with an individual who was bleeding profusely from his elbow and shaking. And it was quite the thing. It's so stupid and backwards. Like I was around my boy nephews all week.
Starting point is 02:34:10 And when they come crying about someone, this, oh, he scratched me, punched me, this one did this. Like there's a substantial size difference between them. You kind of think, yeah, I bet you were both kind of, I bet you were both fucking around. I know both of you, I bet. But the, God, the were both kind of, I bet you were both fucking around. I know both you, I bet. But the second, the second,
Starting point is 02:34:27 anyone, the second these women come out with anything, the amount that we bend over backwards to pretend that we believe them, to pretend that there was a possibility that this could be like entirely genuine, is just preposterous. In nowhere else in life do we do that. We're suspicious of everything.
Starting point is 02:34:52 Every single thing that ever happened when the sun comes up and like, eh, probably not. This is probably a fake sun. Sun comes up every day, but I don't think so. Except in this one instance of, he snatched my phone and put fingernail marks in my hand. And we've lived together for 10 years, and this is the last straw. Like, really, this is the one that broke it for you got fingernails, fingernail marks in your hands.
Starting point is 02:35:19 There was actually a straw before that. She called the police on me and I quote, for moving my leg threateningly near her purse. I swear to God that's what it was. And the police came and they're just like, okay. And then they left. Yeah. See, people are always, you know, the cops get a lot of shit for just shooting innocent people, but every once in a while, you know, could save us a lot of trouble. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, you know what, I don't want to sound like a man going my own way, but the court system
Starting point is 02:35:59 stacked against the men. Yeah. You know, the police are stacked against the men when it comes against abuse claims and things like that because the officer actually said, he said, we don't want to be known as the one who let the one guy get away, who shot his wife. Yeah, I think it's also because everyone collectively thinks you should have spotted that this chick is crazy. But then when it comes to women, it's like, I've tried to make them not crazy.
Starting point is 02:36:31 My whole life never figured out how that everybody thinks that. Men and women both think, you're the man. The reason it's stacked against you is because you should have known better. Yeah. In the crazy people, they don't, there's no introspection. You know, everything is everybody else's fault. And they don't want to actually think that maybe, just maybe, you know, some of the fault lies on them.
Starting point is 02:36:56 Yeah, let's see here. I do one more, and then I gotta get this to Sean. Hello, you're listening to the Dick Show. Now listen up, now if you've ever been so me happy, you've punched a hole in the wall and you need professional help. Okay, you need to get on my medication and you need like, look, I get it. No, I get it. I know what you're saying to me, but at the same time it's like, it's the same thing I've heard before without the things that think my argument is like, quote them, so I'm not going to.
Starting point is 02:37:29 You don't think there's ever a reason to just punch a hole in a wall? You own the house, like, why not? Everybody who breaks something is mentally ill, well then we're all fucking mentally ill. Show me mental health, show me healthy. Maybe that's your point. And if it's also safe to... I will say that punching a hole in the wall is mentally ill. And you get almost like a punch in the point of keeping that insane into your compiling.
Starting point is 02:38:00 And we're all mentally ill. You gotta go over all norms. QED, you got no point. But maybe I'm wrong. So feel free to tear into me. I'll give you this though. I think if you're doing that and you can't stop, you can't control your final uppers.
Starting point is 02:38:19 Of course, you're fucking ill. Everybody gets three. Three strikes, three strikes and you got to be a little bit more when people for medication you do this once you're a sick of kind of thing is um as something people weren't at the simplistic or work anyway I think I think everybody knows
Starting point is 02:38:39 you can't you can't be putting holes in walls you can't be putting holes in walls. You can't be punching holes in walls. You're gonna stir the lithium. Jesus Christ, what was he talking about? Yeah, it's Etzanger from Eugene, Oregon. He usually, he starts drinking and he starts calling and he gets about, that was so much happening. He's a big like drywall protection advocate.
Starting point is 02:39:00 Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's therapeutic. Did you start punching holes in walls, but Maybe it's maybe it's therapeutic to just start Punching holes and walls, but then it's gonna be there forever Like as a testament to what a jackass you are broken drywall fallacy broken drywall fallacy They actually had I mean it went up as this very quickly, but in downtown Lee Summit You know where live, obviously, they had a store where you could just break plates. I've been to one of those.
Starting point is 02:39:30 Yeah, we have a rage room down in LA where you can smash like printers and stuff. It was, I thought it was fun, but the girls loved it. Like when we left, they were ready to roll a homeless guy. I'm not joking. Like that was, they got them amped up. And I didn't really get any kind of like office spacey and release out of it, but they were, they were fucking amped.
Starting point is 02:40:00 Yeah, so. Should've been a pro-talker. They were going to public classrooms and just kicking. You know what I do? Sometimes I get soap, I get so upset that I just delete pro tools and then I reinstall it. That's what I, it's so satisfying. Oh yeah, delete and then I go, ah fuck,
Starting point is 02:40:15 I need that app to live. I gotta reinstall it. Forget the I lock password and then it's all fucked. Yeah, I go clear, clear, I go to Chrome, I get so angry, I clear all my settings! Then I have to set them all again. Forget password! I do that sometimes, because I'm...
Starting point is 02:40:30 All right, uh, everybody's saying to... talk about the Mad Cux cost, but I don't know. I just barely saw it. All right, everybody, I gotta go. I gotta go, it's too long. Episodes too long. Thank you, Johnny. Wee!
Starting point is 02:40:42 Thanks, low techs. See you guys later. Thank you, bye! Bye. See you. too long, episodes too long. Thank you, Johnny. Thanks, low tech. See you guys later.
Starting point is 02:40:47 Thank you. Bye.

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