The Dick Show - Episode 111 - Dick on Moon Lasers

Episode Date: July 17, 2018

Doing a three quarter-ass job, the Trump balloon, how to pull teeth, filming white people filming black people, racial sensitivity training, the gender outrage porn gap, Cat Girl gets sued, Chris Chan... Gets extorted, COBRA, Null, Palestine's lasers on the moon, The Nihilist Devil's Advocate, and Mental Jess considers a call in; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah Well gonna dig you want dig you need to dig you love dig you got it So show! Where everything is a contest? Coming to you live, from a mountain bunker, a concrete mountain bunker deep in the heart of the city of failure, I'm your host, Dick Masterson, the $20 million man, the $20 million man.
Starting point is 00:00:37 With me is always a Shawnee audio engineer. Hello, Dick. Hey, what's up, buddy? How you doing? Good. We've conquered the heat. We have with my, with my Jerry Rig, the air conditioner. It looks like a bad guy
Starting point is 00:00:50 we're possibly a friend out of a Tim Burton movie. All I know is it's cool. It's cool. He's got one big old long arm to feed you the sweet, sweet, cool, the sweet, sweet ice air that we need. And then all everything dumps out the back end. Very gross. horrendously jerry rigged solution
Starting point is 00:01:09 that I've, that I cobbled together all summer, every summer. So my house always looks like a hoarder's house. Because there's garbage. I don't know how the older I get, the more respect I have for my mother, for keeping our, keeping up for keeping our childhood home, always between that state of a museum
Starting point is 00:01:29 and somewhere where people, where human beings lived. Because it, yeah, no, that's really true actually. Yeah. Thinking about your house years ago, it's true. Not quite a museum. No, no, no, you could live in it. It has been lived in, never anything, never just the constant. I think I might have a problem.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I don't know, I think you're probably more typical than, have you looked in most people's garages? Here's a, it's cars don't go in the garage. That's true. It's for all their shit because you accumulate more and more shit, the older you get, and it's sometimes it's more work to throw it away than it is to just move it out of sight. It's it is more work. It's more work to look at. That's why I watch that show hoarders
Starting point is 00:02:12 and I see them on DiPadio and the front you ever watch that show? Oh yeah sure. It's about you know crazy people who just hoard endlessly and they can't get rid of anything and they're fat. You ever seen the one where they find like dead animals under stuff? Yeah. Like she also had like 37 cats. And then they parade them, they parade them right in front of them.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Ah, look at this. Look at what you live in. You live in, you got the cameras on this? Look at this, look at this. There's hoarding and then there's hoarding. I think I have a problem. It's all I'm saying. I've never had, I've never had the luxury of a table, Sean.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Yeah. That's my real problem in life. I can never have a table. You mean to talk about having nice things? I can never have a table. Well, I know you have a table. It's not! It pyramids up with garbage! Well, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:03:03 You've never had a table that you actually used for its intended purpose. I've never had a table. I've never had a chair, a nice couch chair. I have one. Always has been full of cleaned clothes, a pile of clean clothes. It's funny where you stack shit, huh?
Starting point is 00:03:18 Every time my clothes have better furniture than I do. That's what I'm saying. They get first crack at the nice lounge chair that I have. Yeah, you sit on the floor. I eat, I eat on the floor. My magic cards get to sit at the table like gentlemen. They do. Actually, I walked in.
Starting point is 00:03:38 That's exactly what was going on. My unopened mail. I could throw that on the floor. Mm-hmm. Goes on the table instead. Yeah. I got to call those hoarders people. Where you swear to you'll deal with it later. I'll deal with this later. I could throw that on the floor. Mm-hmm. Goes on the table instead. Yeah. I gotta call those hoarders people.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Where you swear to you'll deal with it later. I'll deal with this later. That's how I need this. I need this bill. And even though there's like four of it in and it's buddies, his gang, the state farm bill. Yeah, SMS. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Hey everybody, we got Road Rage Atlanta coming up. Yeah, quick. Quick, quick. Coming right up. It's almost sold out. So if you don't have tickets, get tickets. There was like 16 tickets last time, I check. No, that one's, it's gonna sell out because it's,
Starting point is 00:04:15 yeah. It's the Dixho Concentrate. Concentrate. Yeah. It's like a weekend retreat where you go to concentrate. Yeah. Concentration retreat. I want. Yeah. Concentration retreat. I want to concentrate.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Concentration retreat. Uncle Bucks opening up. There's been some people posing as openers on the Reddit. They're not actually the openers. Uncle Bucks and the Cucksockers are going to open. Oh, that's fucking great. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Yeah, I think Haas and Cruz is going to sing. We're going to do some sing-alongs. Yeah, that was like I mixed a few of their tunes. Way back. Yeah, way back. I think we played one, yeah. Yeah. He's gonna be there.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I think he's gonna be doing some kind of a ask Uncle Buck thing too. The, Oh, that's cool. That'll be, I haven't met him in person, I don't think. No. No, he's haven't been in it, right? No, he's got a, he's,
Starting point is 00:05:04 it's in a different world, you know, that quadrant, that quadrant of America, we're gonna be meeting in all new kinds of dickheads while we're there in the south, in the southeast, all new fanciful sorts of problems. I wonder what the weather's gonna be like. I just gotta see how does the devil's thing. The Asterios Karazzo, I don't know what the hell's happening there.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I tweeted it to us guys. Well, if you don't, then nobody does. Certainly not Astero's or the guy who's putting it on in his garage. I think the 400 retweets might have been a not high enough of a bar to get the show, to get the Astero's show, 400 retweets, uncovering plain fare to and fro the event and get the Asterios show, 400 weed tweets, and covering plain fare, two and throw the event, and all the weed and meals. In that order, I think it was.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Weed might have been higher up on the list. I, I, I, Blast I saw Ryan had some sort of a, it was under some sort of a threat by, I don't know, liberal, liberal activists of some kind of feminist death squad was sending him harassing tweets. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:12 What's this have to do with the garage tour? I don't know. But everybody was very worried about it. Do they know who Astorios is? He's an ally. He's feminist. Yeah. What they should have called it, the male feminist stand-up comedy garage tour Yeah, get a bunch of women with great senses a humor to show up. Yeah, I'm on stop naked. I'll write tell each other the best senses a humor
Starting point is 00:06:37 Yeah Anyway, I don't know I hope it's still happening I'm me too on August 3rdrd, because I was really looking forward. Yeah, that's Friday, right? Yeah. Garage, a PA, the styleings of the comedy styleings of the Stereo's coconuts. It'd be amazing. It'd be amazing. It'd be amazing, right?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yeah. Bring a cooler, pass around a collection, play any garage, any garage. It could be a, it could just be in front of a garage. Yeah. Doesn't even have to be your garage would be nice to be a parking garage could be a parking garage. Somebody's got a generator. Somebody's got some power too.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Uh, so I hope it comes together. Nell's calling in today. Let me see what makes me raise today. Um, I've got, uh, I, I, I hear's a question for you. Is there, is there a contractor on earth that can finish a job? Well, because I think that contractors believe there's some sort of a magical ferry like the shoemaking ferry from the shoemaking ferry tail
Starting point is 00:07:41 that comes in the middle of the night and finishes all of their shitty patchwork jobs. Yeah. I thought this was just a smiley issue, but I think it's endemic of the entire perfect. That's how they, when you're in high school, if they give you a career aptitude test to tell you what you're going to be in life, if you get 90% of the way through and stop and hand it and don't even hand it in, you just leave class. They go, oh, contractor. Right here. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:08:06 90% of the way through. Yeah. Well, I've always heard the expression when you're dealing with a contractor. They say, for twice the price, you can have it six weeks late. God dammit. These motherfuckers installed.
Starting point is 00:08:19 This is along with my hoarder house. I got some ceiling fans installed, right? Simple, simple, simple goals. I like to keep goals nice and simple. I don't even care if they look nice. I just need some fans in to move the air around this summer because I'm tired of sitting around like pizza the hut in the heat, sweating through everything.
Starting point is 00:08:47 You know, get some ceiling fans in. How much could it possibly cost? Couple for this luxury, what am I like? Like I'm living in the zero with world. Like I know that I am. Get some ceiling fans in. Oh yeah, all right, let's go, let's go. Make it quick because if I don't do this today, ceiling fan guy, if I don't do it today, it's never
Starting point is 00:09:07 going to get done. Yeah, that's how it is. That's true. I've been thinking about next time I look at this, I'll be, I'll be 50 years old. My head will look even more like Mr. Potato Head than it does currently. I need to get it done today. All right. Right. How much? Give me the total. All right, here's the total. That's fine. You've reached the max of what I wanted to pay and then gone a little over it.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Like every other time, that's fine. Get it done now. All right, well, just the one thing though, if they make any holes, that'll be, they're not gonna fix those holes. That's on you if they make any holes in the drywall. What do you mean if? Yeah, shit all over the, what do you mean if?
Starting point is 00:09:46 Yeah, just fix them. I mean, you know, you could work out with on your own, how to fix it. What the fuck are you talking about? Yeah, why? Why? You guys have all the whole fixing stuff? I don't know, I don't know how to fix holes in my own.
Starting point is 00:10:02 What do you want me to learn? If I start learning how to fix these holes, next thing I'm doing is putting in my own fans what do you want me to learn? If I start learning how to fix these holes, next thing I'm doing is putting in my own fans, you cock suckers. Well, the, I mean, an installation should be, you get the, the item installed and then the rest of the house is like what? Yeah. I don't understand. No. So I finally get it out. It's one of those things where they, they won't, they won't give you the right price so you can make a decision because they don't want to do it. Right?
Starting point is 00:10:31 Yeah. Yeah. It's $50 bucks to attach the whole thing. I'm thinking, okay, that's not that bad. How many holes could it take to put a fan in? When they miss, they get the wrong spot. They got to patch that, put it in the right spot, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:48 See, that's fine, that's fine. I'm still confused about the extra holes for a ceiling fan. You guys are already so good at me, so they get done with the first one. Cup two holes, all right. 150 bucks a piece, maybe I can negotiate with this guy. Two holes right next to each other. Maybe he'll do them both for 60 bucks, right?
Starting point is 00:11:08 50 bucks. I don't know how to do that. Yeah, all right, exactly. All right, they go do the other fan. All right, we're done. I go, okay, I go downstairs to see the other fan, the one that's in my bedroom. All right, let me check out this fan.
Starting point is 00:11:21 So what are we gonna do about the holes? He's like, well, I told you, they're 50 bucks a piece and we don't even have time to do them today. How big are these holes? They're like six inches. I go downstairs and I see not one, not two, about seven holes in the room, from the wall, looking like someone had a bad day
Starting point is 00:11:42 and just punched their way from the switch on the wall up to the fan in the middle of the room I'm like, oh, so let me guess $400 to fix the to fix these fucking holes that you guys you can't just you can't just whip it out right now Because I'll be coming to the wiring. Yeah, no something for some reason. So now I'm back with smiley Smiley can you come in and put my ceiling in back in upside down right? Yes When the truth is I'm just stuck with holes upside down. Could you install a toilet up there too? While you're at it a toilet on the road. Please McGreet Or Marcel Duchamp. Oh, yeah, one con one con the one contractor that can finish from zero to 100. I don't I don't
Starting point is 00:12:30 know. I don't know where he goes. Oh, so I'm kind of contractor heaven. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. I need the drywall fairies to come in fix my house. And now I'm just staring at it. Staring at holes covered in masking tape. Instead of enjoying a nice little summer breeze. He's like, God damn it. And they taped the drywall. They had the audacity to tape the pieces to the ceiling with masking tape.
Starting point is 00:13:01 They didn't use enough. So there's raining drywall now. In the middle of the night, there will be an explosion of drywall. Fun. Crack. Oh well, I guess that one's, I guess that one's no good. Yeah. Well, let me see here, I got a funny story sent to me.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yeah. Right before the show, yeah. Yeah. It was, because of the, I was an MPR story, so I didn't listen to it because it's un-listenable, but it was about how white people are now being recorded calling the police on black people. Like because it's such an epidemic of white people calling the cops, recording people who are just mining their own business.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Recorded by the police. No, recorded by other people. Now we've got a double reporting that. You mean like, okay, so if like they're in a denny's or something like that, then there's a bunch of people with their cell phones recording a white person calling the cops on black people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:00 And the reason I let me find the quote that I thought was so funny. You have an alarming tendency of white people starting to use 911 as their kind of customer service line when they have any friction with the black people. That's their customer service line for life. Oh, there's a black person here. I got to call customer service. Well, we know that gets nothing done anyway. Yeah, but it's kind of true.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I thought that was well, that's been a if you ever talked to Yeah, but it's kind of true. I thought that was it. Well, that's been a, if you've ever talked to any cops, it's stunning what people call 911-4. Yeah, customers serve us for life. Oh God, and they did their diversity training too. I talked to somebody who went, who did a diversity training. Where, racial bias training. For a big company, or?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah. Cause I know like Starbucks did it, really? For a big company or? Yeah. Cause I know like Starbucks did it, recently, and then. Yeah, because I was, during the episode, I was wondering what the hell that is. Like, have you racially bias trained people? Don't you have to say things kind of racially biased
Starting point is 00:14:58 in order to give examples of, I mean, I just want to hear that. Well, that's Al Papagon got fired. Yeah, I want to give examples of things you don't do. I don't know exactly what he said or what he was quoting. I haven't, I mean, I know he dropped the N word, but it was, but it was obvious that's, he should have known better than that.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Well, that's, you can't say it. Yes. You can't say, hey, everybody don't say N. Is that what he said? He said that Colonel Sanders called Black people in words, and everybody loves him, which seems like a weird,
Starting point is 00:15:30 it seems like a person who's a white guy who's way too excited to tell you about like Chris Rock jokes. Right, you know? Right. I got, I heard the routine, I got it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not this excited about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Anyway, I talked to a guy who went through one of these racial sensitivity training courses and he said I don't even know if I should tell the story he said that he was at a At a seminar for this type of training and it was an Asian guy giving the speech. And he had a, he had like a bit of a Asian accent, like a Chinese accent, not his there, not like a funny.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Yeah, just it was a little bit there. Sure. As he's going through and talking about like the possible ramifications of racial sensitivity and when you could, and he said, um, his, his, the twist was like five or 10 minutes in or something like that. He turns to the audience, the guy, the Asian guy giving the presentation. He goes, and that's, um, and that's something that I learned when I, uh, as I was growing up in Irvine, California, California, with a straight California accent.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Yeah. He drops, and that's racism. Like to everybody else, that they were somehow racist for buying his stereotypical accent for like 10 minutes. That was the training. Wow. So, wow.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Yeah, we just, we expect all of them to talk just like that. You got, he's running his own personal twilight zone of this. Wow. And that, and you're, and I'm gonna show you in this box, I have the real monster in it's a mirror. Yeah, we're fucked. We're fucked. We're fucked.
Starting point is 00:17:25 So I haven't been able to stop, the guy told me months ago I haven't been able to stop laughing about it. That's incredible. Welcome to Divestity Training, Seven Eye, and then I grew up in Fullerton, California. Yeah, that's what I call races. What the hell are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:44 Give me a moment. Jesus. Yeah. That was pretty funny. You think it's funny. I think it's appalling. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I mean, you just have to stop thinking. It is. To buy any of that. Yeah. It's just, it is. It's a twilight zone. And then all those people gathered there, they're all Yeah, it's just, it is. It's a Twilight Zone. And then all those people gathered there, they're all,
Starting point is 00:18:08 essentially doing work, right? They're getting paid big money to do something. I want to separates them from people who are not, like anybody could go to that seminar and waste a bunch of, yeah, stupid. Ah, my man got married for real. Oh, he did. After he was talking about that. And during the reception, the sprinklers went off, but they were hooked in on the people
Starting point is 00:18:38 that were there. The sprinklers outside, except they were hooked up to the septic line. No. No. Everybody got shit-brained all over. Yeah. Except they were hooked up to the septic line. No. No. Everybody got shit rained all over. No. Apparently that's the thing people do.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Oh, you mean, yeah. They hook up their sprinkler system to the septic line to not like gray water, like actual like, you know, sewage water. Uh, yeah. Yeah. To fertilize the yard and they forgot. Where was this at somebody's house? Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:19:08 So everybody got shit sprayed all over them. Oh man, that's right out of meet the parents, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. Or worse. I think it took them a little bit to notice too, because the people who knew didn't want to say anything, because who wants to tell anybody you get shit rained all over you.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Oh my God. Let's see, here's another one I got. Those people should have their mouths forced up against the sprinkler. You mean you know that it's shit, but you don't want to say anything, because you don't want to ruin the moment? I'd say that's long past.
Starting point is 00:19:38 That's a long, that's a big message to deliver to people. Did you see that balloon, that Trump balloon? Uh, just a snapshot of it. Did it look impressive? Did it look? Then was that if you know, if you had a balloon made about you, would that really, would that make you reconsider your life choices and your personal, your personal ethos?
Starting point is 00:20:01 I have no idea. Oh, man. You could sell anything. Online, six meter balloon. Yeah. Six meter balloon. There it was. That's big. That's like a,
Starting point is 00:20:14 You think it is, but compared to a city, well yeah, six meters is over 18 feet, right? So six meters is, it didn't look that big. Yeah. It looked like, that that Trump balloon gave me the impression of staring at one of those solar system pictures where it says, you are here and it's a little tiny
Starting point is 00:20:33 dot that you can't see. Yeah. It's like, yeah, that's, uh, that's about how that is, that is the manifestation of the size of what your fears amount to about this. You goddamn lunatic. It wasn't a, um, it wasn't a Macy's day parade float, right? No, that cost millions of dollars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:52 The $30,000 balloon. Yeah, I want to talk about Trump. Hot wings are, I know why this one got me. Hot wings are not safe for women. I love hot wings. Me too. This article popped up about how hot wings are problematic because shows that revolve around eating spicy foods
Starting point is 00:21:17 are inherently sexist, as women can't eat spicy foods. Is that you can imagine how it went and the article annoyed annoyed me so much because You see everybody hating on it right everybody no one who reads that could possibly think yeah And agree with that right afterwards or agree with what they're saying. Yeah, right and this person right afterwards or agree with what they're saying. Yeah. Right. And this person, this person, the person who wrote it can't even agree with it. Right? No. They're just paid. They're paid to write something controversial.
Starting point is 00:21:55 A controversial, controversial, um, shareable, clickable story that appeals to women because there's slightly more women on every social media network sharing double the posts. And that's what the news is now. Just this landscape of fabricated women's dumbness, not even real, not a single woman cares. The only woman who cares about eating contests are peach saliva. Yeah. No other woman cares about eating spicy foods, wanting to get their leg in the door of the eating hot wings reality.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Breaking the eating glass ceiling. Nobody. Yeah. Nobody. But every single one now, and it's embarrassing to read. It's embarrassing to react to because every single fucking story, I got that, every single story is directed at the gap between women and men on social media. Yeah. So you say there's slightly more women than men on social media, but the posts are not even close. No. And this makes perfect sense to me, just no in my circle.
Starting point is 00:23:11 It's like, no, of course the women post more than the men do. It's just Twitter, 22% men, 15% Facebook, 76% of women sixty six percent of men women on average women have twice the nip as many posts on their facebook and they have eight percent more friends uh... the only social network that both more men is twenty four percent and women are and men are twenty four percent women are nineteen percent nineteen percent is the professional networking site linked to uh... linkedin is the only one words the opposite. What percentage of you talking? Confused about the percentage of men. Percentage of men that say they have a LinkedIn is 24%. Percentage of women that say they have it is 19.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. And it's why everything's so painful to read. Yeah. Everything, everything. You cannot throw a rock without reading some totally obtuse and absurd hot take on why thing that nobody agrees with, but it gets clicked on it. It has to. Of course, that's all that it's about.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah, that's what made me rage about it. Yeah. You can see, like you look at the numbers, 76% of women, 66% of men, if those were swapped, can you imagine how fucking stupid the news would be? Like if those were swapped, if men were going around tweeting about dumb shit they read online, yeah, it would just be, I don't know, it would all be, it would just be pornography. The entire, it would just be, clickbait pornography all day every day. But instead it's these bizarre, instead it's this bizarre victimized news, this bizarre
Starting point is 00:24:52 news cycle of victimization. And I never thought that I would ever live to see the day where hot wings and sexism were, were equated. Yeah. Cause they're digging through the bot, they're digging for the bottom of the barrel, throwing anything they can at the wall to see what gets clicked on or spread around. It seems like satire. It does.
Starting point is 00:25:14 And there's no into it. Because as men get driven off the platforms and women take them over more and more, it's just going to turn into more of this. It's never going to fucking go away. Um, I don't know. I don't know if that gets to anybody else, but God see this endless parade of fake, fake opinions and fake hot takes, fake, fake news, I guess. Just fake news cycle of all these things that are, all these negatives that are raining down on us. I saw something else too, but, yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Compulsive sexual behavior has been moved to mental illness in the who, international classification of diseases. Compulsive sexual behavior. Yeah. compulsive sexual behavior, compulsive sexual behavior, yeah, trans is not. They removed one, but compulsive sexual disorder, that's in there. However, I would sure hate to think
Starting point is 00:26:19 that this is influenced by any, because I'm being serious, that it's influenced by any, because I'm being serious, that it's influenced by any kind of a public opinion or PC push as opposed to any kind of solid research into the subjects. Seemed a lot to me. One is not, one is removed specifically room wow, you know, not being gender dysphoria.
Starting point is 00:26:49 That's got gender incongruence. No, no, no, no, that's not on there. Wanting sex too much. Yep. That's definitely like the DSM and stuff like that. It's there's no DSM. Yeah, well the the WA chose the World Health Organization. Yes, so that's yeah. Yeah, we talked about them last time, the WHO is a World Health Organization. Yes. So that's, yeah. Yeah, and we talked about them last time.
Starting point is 00:27:07 The band, the World Health Organization band. Let me see here. I got another, here was an interesting survey that somebody sent. Let me see if I can bring this up. This was a survey done at Dartmouth for how comfortable would you be having a roommate with opposing political views? As you're on. Yeah. Comfortable Democrats. Let's see, Republicans, 70% comfortable having a roommate with opposing
Starting point is 00:27:38 political views. Democrats, 40% comfortable. I don't believe the Republicans answer. You don't? No. No. No. You think they're just, that's what I, I don't believe the Republicans answer. You don't? No. No. You think they're just... That's what I... I don't believe these. I don't believe... I don't, I don't know. I think that the... Yeah. I saw it trotted out as like some kind of, oh, look at how intolerant these Democrats are.
Starting point is 00:27:59 But I don't, no, I don't buy that. I think that, no, I think that they're much closer to each other. Right? Who wants. I think that, no, I think that they're much closer to each other. Right? Who wants to have something that makes you sick to your stomach, like said, and it depends on, now, do they basically keep it to themselves and you talk about anything other than politics, or are you supposed to be going at it the whole time? Oh, yeah, you're supposed to be going at it the whole time.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Okay. Well, then basically, the 40% is high. And the 70% is insane. Well, it also bugged me because it's a college and if you want to meet any chicks, like this isn't saying, do you want to have a roommate who's a, who's who votes red or blue? This is saying like, would you feel comfortable with a roommate who's a chick?
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yes. Yeah. You know, yeah. You can't write, you can't write Democrats off and expect any women to be around. You just can't. Yeah. Can you break? It's college. Yeah. Who's going to say? I'm sure they could find a survey like, no, anyway. I thought that was interesting. That's funny though. That's a, yeah. I mean, you know what quite honestly, the I thought that was interesting. That's funny though, that's a, yeah. I mean, you know what, quite honestly, the, what's made me a biggest rage all week is,
Starting point is 00:29:09 Cobra. Yeah. Health care. In six hundred dollar health care when you're paying, like you, if you lose your job, I'm shocked it's that low. You transfer a job. 600, 700 dollars for the one month or two month or three month period where you're just between jobs that anything else exists in anybody's mind politically other than stopping companies
Starting point is 00:29:40 from getting gigantic write-offs to pay for your health care. Therefore putting you in a situation where you, where you are just vulnerable, putting you in a position when you're between jobs so that your shoulders are on the ground, your ass is up in the air and they, it just, and health insurance companies are led in to butt fuck you raw for three months four months because you have absolutely no fucking choice in it. Did anything exist other than well let's fix that like that people who are that this this this magical amount of people who are totally uninsured that exist somewhere out there in the ether that are not you or I that we spend so much time wondering if we need to put a pits on tanks
Starting point is 00:30:31 or battle cruisers. I'm not insured. It's my premiums would be astronomical, really, astronomical, because I take medication. That's all right it's like the, even, and then when you go through, when you go through insurance, everything becomes more expensive. Yeah. Yeah, it's absolutely insane. It started with me just trying to get paid back from my unsaving tons of money being uninsured.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Uninsured. Tons. But you're, I'm gambling. But you're America. Like you're all of America is you Yeah, a middle aged guy who takes drugs. Yeah, that's everybody. That's a lot of people. I don't know what percentage But it's more than it's more than What's in some of these health care plans at jobs?
Starting point is 00:31:21 Yeah, I guess I Yeah. The companies can write off healthcare and not like buying you fucking lunch. Yeah. Not travel. They can't write off you going to the thing. God, they can't write off things like going to the movies or buying you a car or buying you a fucking paying for your buying you a fucking car, buying you a house, any of this stuff, because it would be just as fucked as healthcare is, as cobra is, for the people who make the who make the ungodly mistake of trying to improve their station of life in life by switching from one job to another.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Because in that interim time, you are in a fucking limbo. Yeah. Where nobody, nobody cares about you nobody cares about you the guy who's been feeding into the system man or woman who's been feeding into the system for years getting fucked at every single stride on care if you have a brain tumor you are still putting in more money than you're ever getting out
Starting point is 00:32:23 and i know because all of those companies are in the black every fucking year. Absolutely, of course they are. And then health insurance company never once went into the resume. Yeah, you know what? We wrote our premiums too low. We fucked up, never happened.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Do you know, and I don't want to get into this because it's like an hour's long conversation about how fucked up healthcare is, do you know what the group number means on your health insurance? No. Okay. The group number, they start new groups for people when there's open enrollment for health insurance,
Starting point is 00:32:55 they start groups. Now, there's say there's a hundred people in the group. The groups are never added to their only, their only reduced. You only die out of them. Yes, until they die. Now, what happens is everybody's in there, right? This is what that group number means.
Starting point is 00:33:10 I just assumed it was like, it's where I work. No, check this out. So what happens is everybody's paying their monthly, right? When people start using it, people start using it, people start using it, the cost for the group goes up. Then those people, yeah, you get dropped, you get dropped, or they die.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And then the people who are left start making it up and making it up until they leave and go get insurance somewhere else. When people are healthy and not using insurance, are you fucking serious? That's how it works. Till then, the only people who are paying the exorbitant premiums are the people who need it and then at some point can't afford it until that group goes out of existence.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Huh. Yeah. So it's, it's the, sometimes both worlds. It's, yes. Small. It's the, there's no, there's no, there's no benefit to having all the people in trade because you're stuck in your group, right? Everybody's not covering, you don't have millions of people covering your thing. You only have the hundred people around you.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I don't know how big the groups are, but they're generally, and then sometimes when people, they say, I got to leave because I can't afford it, they'll say, okay, then they'll sometimes they'll say, well, we have a special thing going on, but you'll probably get rejected. So it's, you know, to try to get back with some, some semblance of coverage from the same company. But yeah, the groups, that's what happens. The groups are started.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And then they get whittled down until they go out of existence. No, no new people ever come into the group. I'm looking up how many people are on Cobra. I didn't even plan to talk about this, but seeing the forms on the printer, when I went to print them out, it made me furious. One in 10 workers who lose their jobs or go on to other jobs,
Starting point is 00:35:05 get on Cobra, get fucked on Cobra. Just makes no, it makes no goddamn sense. Does Cobra, California? I don't think so. It's solidated, I'm an embossed budget. Oh, okay, no, it's not that. Yeah. Another goddamn act.
Starting point is 00:35:22 So it's the whole that it's national. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, if you've ever, if you've, if you've never been on it, if you've never had the privilege of seeing the lunch that you're used to buying every day for $5 or $6, shoot up to $400 the next day for no reason,
Starting point is 00:35:41 for absolutely no reason, then you gotta give it a shot. Because- You'll have fun, enjoy it. If enough people did it, it's like the reason that they always have taxes at the opposite side of the year to elections. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Because if they- Open your forget. If they were at the same time, everyone would be singing a different tune. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go give, go give Cobras shot. They were at the same time, everyone would be singing a different tune. Go give, go give Cobrashot. It's so, it's so unfair. It's so unfair to people that have jobs that there should be murders around it.
Starting point is 00:36:16 It's so massively unfair to the people who actually, who have to work, who put in the time every day to prop everybody else up. Even, I'm not even saying nobody gets it for free, but for fuck's sake, don't hit the people who actually pay into the goddamn system. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, let me see if null is here.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I'm gonna play a song and we're gonna talk to null. Cool. This one is from... What's your... This is... What's your dad like? This is from... Ichiroga, tilted angle.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Couple people. Couple people on this song from Reddit. We've been talking for a five minutes, and I think it's time. Gotta open up the conversation, gonna jump into your mind. Cause nothing I got to say has caught your interest But I think I got a way to get your undressed Just tell me what's your dad like Oh, is he built so big and strong? Tell me what's your dad like?
Starting point is 00:37:44 Do you two get along? I'm begging strong tell me what's he dad like Do you to get along tell me what's he dad like Will you catch you when you fall Did he teach you how to ride bikes Or did he break your favorite doll That's a great song, yeah Roll a skating wish I was master baiting But I got a plan It's looking like the 80s
Starting point is 00:38:19 And these spicy ladies got to find themselves a man I'm taking a lap around to catch them staring And girl, I don't want to sound too overbearing But tell me what's your dad like All right Does he treat your mom so well? Tell me what's your dad like? Is he burning down in hell?
Starting point is 00:38:52 Tell me what's your dad like? When you're down on your love This would work. And you looked at him for a while. Every man should learn how to play this song on a piano. And X is a cut. Yeah. I know. Every man should learn how to play this song on a piano All right, all right, that's it every man just needs to learn how to play that one song Whole army of guys. Yeah looking for pianos to play. That's the song that turns it around. Yeah, like top gun
Starting point is 00:39:25 Not what are they singing top gun you've lost that love and feeling. Oh, yeah, yeah, except this. What's your dad like? Doling pianos. Get up there. That sounded simple enough. Deedle doodle. I think people will find it's harder than they think. All right, let me see. Nulls here. Hey, Null, are you there? Hello. Hey, what's going on, man? Good to talk to you again. Yeah, nice to talk. That's my mic, by the way. It sounds okay. What do you think, Sean?
Starting point is 00:39:53 Yeah, he sounds okay. Yeah, we'll see. All right. I haven't talked to you since the Corinne debacle on the Ralphra Tour. Yeah, the best stream according to his fan base, but he was completely drunk and asleep throughout all of it, which is just fantastic to me. I went on the Ralph
Starting point is 00:40:11 Tord and the host got so drunk that he passed out. So it was just me and Medi-Kur talking to this massive LA attention whore, like this 50 some I was trying to find out how old she was the entire stream. You're good at that. Yeah. Yeah. Like, oh, when when did you get your first pager? What was the song that they sent?
Starting point is 00:40:32 What was the song that they sang at your prom? What was the theme of your prom? Do you have a good track record of finding that out? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cause you ask them questions that are not how old you are. Yeah. Yeah, like do you remember where you are not how old you are. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like do you remember where you were when Kirk Cobain died?
Starting point is 00:40:48 Yeah. Everybody. You asked her, what was the first president you voted for? I think that's what what finally did it. Yeah. Oh, man, she said Hoover. Like, oh, okay. She bit on that one.
Starting point is 00:41:00 That's the one I would think she would see coming. Um, that was a good. And then I made her, I made her put her fist in her mouth, oh, hand in her mouth. She didn't do that. She sucked on her microphone instead though. It was very strange.
Starting point is 00:41:13 You're very good at getting her to do stupid shit though. Yeah, I know LA women. I know how they, Do you know what she's doing now? Do you hear? I heard she was walking through Compton. Yes. She's still a career. I'm sure that if she spent like a week in Compton, I would take down her thread on the forum. I said, I might entertain that idea and she just went ahead and did it. We've not spoken. She wants to talk to me tomorrow, but I don't know if we will.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Did she actually do it? She's currently, yeah, she, like on her first day, she was walking around and then this guy led her into a back alley and we're pretty sure she was gonna get raped, but then she got out eventually. And the guy got picked up for attempted kidnapping. Jesus Christ. Well, there you go. She's down walking around at this,
Starting point is 00:42:01 just a white chick in Compton. Yeah, well, not only that, she's livestreaming herself and her phone is set up, so people tip her. They can give instructions to her streaming software to either do texts to speech or to play music. And everybody is just broadcasting this horribly racist shit in the middle of Compton.
Starting point is 00:42:21 So this is what they do. They send people around walking around. and then they have their phones turned on So you can send them money and if you send them enough money, their phone will read a message. Yes out. Yeah read whatever you want Right, so now this is a this is like diehard 3. Yes. Yeah, the internet is full of the supervillains from diehard 3 Yeah, that's what we've found through this amazing technology. Is that? Well, I'm not surprised at all. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:50 It's exactly what we would do with it. It's funny. So null hits me, by the way, null, I owe you an apology. I was, I had maligned your name, I think last week or the week before on this program because I got your username confused with somebody else on the forum. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:43:06 Yeah, there's another null on the Dixho subreddit. And I thought that was you. There was another null who said that, yeah, there was another null who said that I was running my mouth talking about a stereosis lawsuit and I shouldn't. And I thought it was you, but it was not you. So I apologize to that. I don't post with a but it was not you. So I apologize to that. I don't post with no outside of the forum.
Starting point is 00:43:28 But before I think you're right in the talk about one thing, but before we talk about that, I'd like to touch on something for people who remember me from last year. I talked extensively about the charity, the frog charity, for a transgender people. Yeah. And you know this, but I'm happy to say that the board of trustees actually voted out
Starting point is 00:43:52 their own founders, because something happened, I wrestled the trade enough where enough people got word, that the money was being used inappropriately, and they were forced to kick out the people who were spending the charity money. And not only were they spending the charity money just on stupid bullshit like travel expenses, they had even set up like a camp in the middle of the California desert for trans people. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Oh, you can't make that shit up. No. After sister would get started, they got voted out and they've been quiet since I think the IRS got involved or something. There was one particular female, the male transsexual named Buck Angel, I think, who was very pissed when he was a porn star. Buck, I think he was very pissed. Isn't he a porn star? Buck, I think so, yes. Yeah, I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:44:49 But the ones that got pissed off the information they heard and I think they did things with their influence to get it done. Oh, way to go. Yeah. It's cleaning up the corruption world. So if I can vindicated by that shit, no, is like the patron, the patron saint of Lowell cows out there. Yeah. Like, you know, every, if you lose something, you get a prey to a saint. If you need my reputation is getting too clean now. I need
Starting point is 00:45:17 to do something nasty to balance it out. The karma is getting black. No, man, you're getting, you got to grow, you got to mature into this role where you now you protect these people because they're a, look, they're a, they're a national, a natural resource. These, these, like the curins of the world, the, the, the, the Chris chans of the world, the guy that we're going talk about next, the Cleggs, these people need to be protected so that they can be enjoyed. Yeah, you know? Yeah, a lot of them, it feels like they're the victim of their own actions.
Starting point is 00:45:56 With Chris, it's a little bit different and we'll talk about it, but growing into it is the right word because I do feel, I feel like I'm getting old. I'm getting so sympathetic and soft now. Yeah, how old are you? 20 25 turn 26. I feel way old. That's your first mid-life crisis Doesn't have to happen in the middle of your life Okay, so let's talk about let's talk about Chris Chin. Sean, do you know who Chris Chin is? Just wanted to just go from the top. Yeah, well let me explain who he is first. He's this guy who created a character called Sonnetue, which is an amalgamation of Sonic the Hedgehog and Pikachu.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Okay, you can imagine the amount of weirdness that the guy is wielding. I'm trying to picture it. Usually, I know what they both look like. Usually in obsession with one or the other, will mark you as untouchable, but he's taking both of them. This is like a double-autist. I don't even know. That's a good way to put it. Double Autist is a good way to put it. Exponentially. Yeah. Exponential. Autism, I don't know. But he's, he made a career of being a goofball in this way online and taking his, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:47:17 It wasn't really a career. He got very famous, very fast because he was so weird. He was, he's ground zero. If you want to talk about low-cows, he's, he's the guy who invented the word basically. And we're talking what year about? Mid 2000s, about 2006, 2007, I think, just been over a decade. So, he's the reason that Kiwi Farms exists. Oh wow. He is a very foundational element. We were originally called the Quicky forums,
Starting point is 00:47:45 and if you hear me say the word quick, it's a pronunciation of an acronym, CWC, which is Christian, Western Chamber, his real name. Now it's Christine, because he changed it. But we were originally just the Quicky forums, and eventually people wanted to talk about other people, and we grew very, very quickly over about five years. And that's where Kiwi Farms comes from.
Starting point is 00:48:07 People could not pronounce the name because it's a weird acronym, Quick-E forms. And I wondered where Kiwi Farms came from. Yeah. It's all this guy. It's people slurring the name. Uh-huh. Okay, I'm going to play of... I know I know about people slurring my name, so that's the... Oh yeah. I lost my suit coming next. No, no, no, just the misspellings, I don't know, you know, the man speaking of lawsuits, you know what somebody sent me?
Starting point is 00:48:32 What? War of the fanboys sued the cat girl for $38. Awesome. Like last year. Awesome. They just sent me this document of the decision in the lawsuit getting filed. I don't know what for. I'd love to talk to either of them about it. Oh my God. And here is the best. This is the biggest dict easy. You're ever going to get in your
Starting point is 00:48:54 life. Mental Jess, excuse me, metal Jess said that she's interested in calling in to the show next week? My God. Yeah. I heard this from a couple people. So either two people are jerking me around, which I hope they're not, because they went way out of their way to for not a very big payoff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:21 But if they're telling me the truth, Metal Jess wants to come on to the show and explain her side of the story. Well, just don't matter. It's after he's killed, right? Is that the right person? Yeah. Yeah. Jessica Blumms, they they're broken up according to the court documents. They're broken up according to people around them. They're broken up and Jess is going through this, this depressurization, whatever, de hypnosis period where apparently she can tell what horrible things she's done and she's realizing that they're all Maddox's fault. Well, it's like you pushed her to do every man.
Starting point is 00:50:05 It's like scuba diving. You gotta come up in stages. Sometimes people will try to, once they realize they can shift the blame, they might try to do that. Yeah. That's true. Well, so far we've only got my story
Starting point is 00:50:19 and I guess their story together, which makes her look like a very, very bad person. Well, she's just be careful with how much you trust her because people will try to do that. Yeah, I will. Okay. I will be careful, but if she, but she wants to give her side of the story, that's it. She doesn't like the story that's being told out there. She thinks it should be a great out. I'll probably tune into that because that sounds like my alley. Yeah. She looks like a piece of shit right now. And she's clear. I mean, she does. She costs the stereosis job. Yeah. That's true. Yeah. That's fucking that's that's that's bad. I can't believe the fire. I felt like he was going to get through it. Well he gets fired. But yeah, me too, man.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Me too, it really sucks. It really sucks that they kept him on the entire time and then fired him because if they did, it seems like they just kept him on to keep him under contract so that he'd have to abide by the letter of the contract. You know what I mean? Well, and I think they didn't want to open themselves up
Starting point is 00:51:24 to any kind of unlawful termination or anything before all the quote unquote facts came out or there was a resolution or whatever. I think that's what companies would do in that situation. Yeah, I think that's generous. I think that they kept, if they fired him just at the end of the lawsuit. I don't think it's generous. I think it's entirely to protect themselves.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Yeah, they're just covering their ass. I don't know. The whole thing sucks. Anyway, here's a shank. He's hitting back, right? He's going to hit back in that ox. Well he's got that counter suit, page up. He better do it through with it.
Starting point is 00:52:00 I want to see somebody has to come the fuck on it. I mean, sanctions are going forward. The sanctions are going forward no matter what. Step one. Once those are done, I don't even want to hypothesize on because there's just not enough facts. Right. We're going to have to see when the sanctions get done.
Starting point is 00:52:18 But God, I hope so. Mm-hmm. I hope so. I hope you can put something together and I hope it makes sense. I want to see Patreon go to town. I really, that's the best possible scenario. That's what I'm betting for. That's because I don't think it's going to happen. But that's what I want to see happen. What? Patreon, what?
Starting point is 00:52:39 Sue? Oh, arbitration. So I don't know if you guys follow the legal thread that we have on it, but one of the guys who's either legally educated or a former lawyer or whatever Patreon's Contract because Maddox is a member of patreon. He has to abide by their contract and their contract says if you sue them You have to sue them in California and California has very strong
Starting point is 00:53:02 Anti-slap laws as opposed to New York's very weak anti-slap laws. So when they move it over to California, California is going to give them much more leverage to punish adults for frivolous nonsense. Yeah. I bet Matt just walks away from it and that Patreon says they don't care. Yeah, I agree with you. Because arbitration is expensive and- What do they want to do? Yeah. My buddy says that because this is probably one of the first lawsuits of this kind to happen to Patreon, they would want to crucify him to make an example of it. Well, I mean, you're something.
Starting point is 00:53:39 There would be nice. All right, here's, I'm going to play this video from Chris Chan, so everybody knows who we're talking about. And then Nell's going to tell us what happened in this poor guy It's it sucks. It sucks and it's it's interesting All right Maybe a minute a minute or two of this it's it's I think it's funny you tell me Another thing
Starting point is 00:54:00 Chris You're for real your real name as I have been told by Casey is only Chris Chandler. No chin, angry. It makes me angry. It makes me angry. It makes me angry. It's taking our tagline. This is clad. And this is how angry I am for every waking moment that that EP takes us up.
Starting point is 00:54:47 He's beating a couple of hours. You want me to calm down? You want me to calm down? You despite you are so despicable, Clyde. I am going to try to drag you right in front of everyone if we ever meet in public. I am going to show your ass, tell your throat, and make you eat your eye-groom! Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. All right, well dance number one is going on. Is he in a wife theater?
Starting point is 00:55:35 Oh my god, he's like on a... He's stuck abroad. What the fuck is going on? He's dancing and he has stuff to top. Yeah Hello folks. Hey Well, I don't know for something completely different. I'll try and catch all of power Oh, he's dressed as Sonic the Hedgehog now. This is me and my supermo All right, all right, all right.
Starting point is 00:56:05 If I actually have that. That's enough, that's enough, Christian. Wow, the, uh, national treasure. I mean, you can laugh at that. He's an internet history. Yeah, it's okay, right? Well, I think he, isn't he doing it? Hey, for entertainment.
Starting point is 00:56:21 He's interacting with people. No, no, he's dead serious. So, okay. So what happened with this poor guy? No, I mean dancing in a, he doesn't understand that like dancing in a bra is, is not going. He was going. At that point, he was trying to become a woman. So he was trying to address like a woman. Okay. Oh boy. I need to find out more about this guy, obviously. Yeah. Well, okay. Let me explain that those videos are very funny, but they're also quite old. And they're finally remembered by many, many people.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Yeah. Dick was choking laughing, watching that first video. So it's something that people watch, and they're so confused by it. And when you're confused or shocked by something, your natural reaction is to laugh at it. That's like, that's just how you handle it. I'm very confused. So it's a old thing those videos. And yes, they're very funny. And they're chronicled in such a way that they read like something fictitious, something like an act, but it's all real. It was put upon by a bunch of
Starting point is 00:57:25 different people over a very long period of time. And that was that was some time ago. Chris today is a lot different and it changed with the death of his father. When his father died, his parents were quite old when they when he was born. Like his dad was 50, his mom was 40, which is why he's autistic, right? Oh, okay. So, oh, he is autistic. Yeah. was 50, his mom was 40, which is why he's autistic, right? Oh, okay. So, he is autistic. Yeah. I mean, I thought there's something going on there. Yeah, he's diagnosed with autism. Yeah, okay. So, when Bob died, Bob was sort of, Bob is a very, is an intellectual person, and it's only because he ended up shooting when his wife that he ended up with Barb and eventually with Chris.
Starting point is 00:58:08 So he made one mistake late in life and he really paid for it. Because Bob died on the dead bites in the hospital. So his dad was a step dad? No, his dad's a real dad. Okay. He got went to with another woman, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And that's Chris's mom. So he made the mistake late in life life and ended up with barbed in Chris. So he cheated on his wife with Chris Chann's mom. Yes. And so the Chris Chann ended up with him because of his affair. Yes, yeah, barbed with the other woman and that was they were both kind of old. Oh, so when you're on Tinder and it says single mom, this is a warning for you.
Starting point is 00:58:49 If you're tindering, if you're tindered. Bob was the father, so it wasn't a stepdad thing. Okay, okay. It's just that they were old. And but Bob's a very accomplished person. His children are all successes. Bob actually has patents in his name for like aerospace tubing and stuff. He's an engineer. He was a very wealthy and
Starting point is 00:59:12 accomplished man who made one mistake in life and was with another woman and died basically in filth with bug bites on him and stuff. And Chris is his legacy. So it's quite sad. Bob is very unfortunate. Yeah. Okay. And but Bob did a very good job setting Chris up for the future. He taught Chris how to save, how to budget.
Starting point is 00:59:40 And he had a hard time, because in one of those phone calls, people would call the house and try to print crawl Chris or his parents. And Bob would talk to them. And sometimes we gleaned information about Chris from Bob. Bob would say, like, he tried to teach Chris geography, but Chris couldn't really understand
Starting point is 00:59:58 the concept of Australia, because it's a far away country. And it's a different country, a different government. And he couldn't really grasp that but he could grasp How to save and how to pay bills, right? Right. Okay And he could grasp Sonic and Pikachu and Pokemon and stuff like that. So you're gleaming inside into who Chris is as a person through Bob Yeah, so a whole thing is just fascinating. Yeah, he's kind of humanizing him. Yeah. Yeah. But so eventually when Bob dies, the same person's gone,
Starting point is 01:00:32 because Barb is very manipulative in her other sons, because she has sons that aren't with Bob. That's right. Paint her as somebody who's a chronic liar. We know for sure that she is a chronic hoarder and she's a chronic shopper. You ever see that South Park episode where the old people are shopping on QVC? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Basically, she's one of those people who just shops and buys this garbage. They've got it set up so you can have a mechanical device in your house. One of my, like half of my family tree is based out in Nebraska. Yeah. So there's all these. I know QVC. They know QVC.
Starting point is 01:01:11 One of them's got a device. It's just looks like a little white plastic remote that has a button on it. And if you see something that tickles your fancy on the on the queue. Bam. Bam. No.
Starting point is 01:01:23 You don't need to call anybody. It's all set up. The paved stream is all set up. Yeah, you don't need to call anybody. It's all set up. The pay stream is all set up. Yeah. You don't need to log in and might and maybe accidentally see your balance from the previous month that make would make you not want to order a custom Lance of Kierkegaard or Thomas Kincaid plate set that my player may not go up in value. Bam. Just press the button like a fucking casino where nobody ever wins. It's intense. Yeah, in the house, there's pictures of the house and the house is filled with just shit,
Starting point is 01:01:55 all of it except for Chris's room, which is filled with toys, but it's actually not as cluttered as the rest of the house, surprisingly. So this is a stage where the same person, the brains of the house, is gone. Barbs controlling is unsustainable. My friend describes it very, very interestingly. He says that she lives so that her last check will bounce. And she has actually restructured her consumer debt into a mortgage and has put it against the house. So all that shit that they could just bank, right? Like a reverse mortgage? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:30 No, I call it a reverse mortgage too. No, she's taking out money to pay credit cards with using the house as collateral. So it is a mortgage. She borrowed a case of house. So instead of you gradually paying in and then owning your house at the end, you get money every month and the bank owns your house at the end. No, she borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right?
Starting point is 01:02:55 She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right?
Starting point is 01:02:46 She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed against the equity right? She borrowed the home, right? And then just barbed. So it's a he-lock. It's a home equity line of credit. He-lock is what they call it, right? So Chris has no chance of having a home when she dies.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Is that the point? When she dies, there's a very good chance that the house would go with her. Yeah. So, right. So, now they have a mortgage all of a sudden, right? And Chris, after Bob died, people stopped trolling him as much
Starting point is 01:03:24 because it wasn't as funny. He got depressed, He got weird. He was arguing the girl stuff. Bob would never have allowed the girl stuff. Now how old is Chris? 34. Oh, wow. Yeah, it's been going on for a while. Yeah. But after Bob dies, you know, he's getting weird in the situation, his relationship with his mother's fucking weird It's not like in the pet of this thing. Yeah, and it's not as funny anymore Yeah, see it gets it gets dark and it's getting really fucking dark in a second and not even to the bad part Yeah, okay, so what happened? When did you notice? Yeah, when did you notice that something was wrong? Oh, you mean with this this problem. Yeah, when did you notice that something was wrong? Oh, you mean with this, this problem?
Starting point is 01:04:05 Yeah. I never noticed. I only, I, well, I noticed right before I was told what was happening. And I noticed because he was making very desperate videos asking for money. Okay. So we need there is a money issue, but we just assumed that it was either barbed spending or his spending on toys. Yeah. So, you know, there's this period, dry period where Frisk is just going queer, he's going
Starting point is 01:04:35 trans, and not much is happening, but then sometime last year in September, he starts making these very edgy comics. He starts selling stuff for money because Barb needs money for the mortgage. She takes money from his SSDI and sometimes asks him to make more money. And he wants toys. He has to sell stuff in order to get that money back so he can afford what he wants to. We should know that Christian has a higher Patreon than Maddox. Much, much higher. Better content too.
Starting point is 01:05:08 That's my good shit test. I like to take Chris's Patreon and compare it to people. If you're more than Chris, you fucking suck. You gotta call it quits. So it makes his money, but I think these people use money to get Chris's trust. Because after the trolling, he got good at weeding out people who weren't trustworthy, right? Right. But when somebody gives him money, he has to talk to them and engage them to get their money. So I think they started paying him at first for small things. Like the comics he was drawing were featuring school shooters and
Starting point is 01:05:40 Nazis and stuff and it was just it wasn't funny. Yeah. So we knew, we knew. You know, it's interesting how everybody can tell like what's the level of funnies are not. And I'm perfectly comfortable with it. Yeah. I know to be. This guy can't stand up for himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:57 And I'm laughing at his freakouts, which might make people uncomfortable. But then eventually when somebody does really cross the line, everybody's like, even the worst of the worst, me, null, Kiwi farms, no offense null to compare you to me. But even the worst of the worst people on the internet don't think it's funny when it goes over the line.
Starting point is 01:06:18 The human mind is so good. I think for most people, like the overwhelming majority, that's true. I think there's going to always going to be a few that don't understand it or aren't mature enough or just are fucking rotten. Yeah. But I'm fine with that. It's the entire, it's the herd that I'm talking about that is basically protective and
Starting point is 01:06:41 good, even if some of us get our jolly's laughing at a guy who can't protect themselves dancing around their bra and beating up printouts of other people. Yeah. When there's nothing wrong with that. Yeah. The way I describe it, the way I draw the line is if you can take your computer and unplug it and walk away and not be affected by it or what people are doing to you anymore I think that's the line if you can walk away from it anytime you want then it's on you if you get that and you stupid shit because of it
Starting point is 01:07:16 Yeah, yeah, I think that's a good look. Well, I mean, you know you got a guy who believes in An amalgamation between Sonic the Hedgehog and Pikachu. I don't know if he understands he can just walk away. For a while we thought he could and he would. He would unplug himself. It was only after these guys that he felt it was necessary to submerge himself in what he did. And I still don't understand it. I don't know how they did it. And the same goes for people who are totally developed adults who cannot get off their fucking phone.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Oh yeah, sure. Hey, here's a good one for you. I went to see the Incredibles 2 a couple of weeks ago with my sister. And do you remember the broad who was the noxima girl that beautiful football face? She looked like Stewie, like a hot version of Stewie from Family Guy, except the girl.
Starting point is 01:08:09 That's who, that's who we're looking for. That's what she looks like. It looks like a female hot model Stewie from Family Guy. You remember the noxima girl? She would throw the water in her face. Absolutely. And everyone thought that it was, everyone imagined it was Jizz. And that's why it was such a good ad campaign.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Yeah. You remember that commercial that I'm remember that, I remember it very well. She killed some people. It was a car accident, right? Texting. Was that what I was told? It just happened like 20 years ago. Yeah, it's happened a long time ago. But she was texting, right?
Starting point is 01:08:39 This is what we have texting? Do we have text? Yeah, I'm telling you, it was a long time ago. She had a dove cage in her front seat and she would write notes and give it to the dog. Yeah, and then she'd strap it to the pigeon, excuse me, even though they're both pigeons. I thought my sister told me it was that
Starting point is 01:08:53 and she's like a TMZ fact checker. Yeah, I don't know, but she's like Sherlock Holmes's brother except for celebrity news. She was distracted, but yeah, right. She was, I think that was it. Okay, I think that was it. It makes, if it's not, the story's right. She was, I think that was it. Okay. I think that was it. It makes, if it's not, the story's pointless.
Starting point is 01:09:07 She's in the movie. I'm not sure if it's a texting, but so. I thought, I swear to God it was. She's in the movie. Movie's starting. It's black. Bitches on her fucking phone. It's trying to send an Instagram about the Incredibles 2.
Starting point is 01:09:21 An Usher comes over and he's like, Hey, you know, in his mind, he's like, hey, you know, and his mind is thinking, hey, you stupid obnoxious, can't, will you put the phone away so everybody can get their Delta waves in position to enjoy this family-friendly, fucking flick that we paid, that we paid $100 to see when all the snacks and everything is, is put into it. Can you just, can you help us out here and put your fucking phone away? She says, Oh, I'm just, I'm just finishing up a text and then it's going away. She starts her post then. Yeah. She starts the Instagram. Mm-hmm. This is enjoying incredible, two-blowable, gets through the, not even Sean, not even having killed somebody with the texting,
Starting point is 01:10:03 with the texting end. That's my point. Yeah. Even this, even now in life, is she still on her phone, the entire movie, the entire fucking movie addicted, addicted, has as much chance of unplugging and walking away as the most disastrous case of autism or whatever we have on display here. That's my point. Yeah, yeah, no shit. All right. So I'm sorry. No, I took a detour. What were you in the middle of talk? We're in the middle talking texting and miss the off-rand. The horrible, the horrible fate that's befallen our beloved Chris Chan.
Starting point is 01:10:43 It's good to have D Torch. Because otherwise, I felt like the last time I was talking about like dead trainees and stuff, I like, I don't like the Grim Reaper. Because I was listening to the other calls after and they're all laughing like, dick, you know what makes me a rage? Yeah. Like, oh God, did I show up like the Grim fucking Reaper and kill the buzz? Well, we had a guy call in last week talking about fucking another guy's penis.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Yeah. So I think you're doing all right. Are you through a fucking? No, he was, he had sex with a post-op trans woman. He was giving us his experience, which I guess meant that he was having sex with another man's penis, right? That's, I think that's how they do it. Nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 01:11:22 But that's what it was. Did he say it was good? What was his name? Yeah, it was a positive review. Yeah. Oh my God. He said it was great. Yeah. Yeah. He's gone too far. Anyway, so we're still on the Chris Chan story. Like I mean, this gets worse and worse. Oh, yeah. This is, this is, uh, Dick is, is passionate like I am. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:47 And I'm appreciative. I'm afraid to find out what happens. Oh, that's bad. So, uh, these guys, they're getting reduced to shit for money. And we chase them off because they say, look, you're not funny and you're retarded. And if you stay here and you keep doing the show, you're going to get in trouble because people are going to find out who you are. We already know who you are, but like the public is gonna find out who you are.
Starting point is 01:12:07 And you're gonna get shit for it. So for a couple of months, it's quiet. Everything's good. Chris isn't saying too much. And then he gets desperate for money around March. And I get invited into like a discord group. And it's somebody I know, somebody who knows Chris in real life, and a stranger, you know, a stranger saying,
Starting point is 01:12:27 Chris told me that he's being extorted. And I'm like, how do you extort somebody who doesn't, who's a whole new form? Who has no shame, yeah. And it's like, well, they told him they have a weapon on the moon that's gonna destroy Quickville. Oh God. And he's got it.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Hold on, hold on, hold on. What's it gonna destroy? Quickville, which is where Chris's mayor and Sanachu was from. It's like a, it's just a little fictional town. And again, he's had these characters in his mind for a decade. He's somebody.
Starting point is 01:13:03 God, yeah. They finally found out how to get to Christian. Yeah, it's all been that happened. I don't know what's happened in the last year where he literally believes these things exist and he believes that there are alternate dimensions he can travel between. Well, it's, it's been 34. The problem is, this is the problem for all men when you hit 33 34 You start believing that everything you've been saying your entire life is actually true
Starting point is 01:13:31 Usually that just means you think you're a smart guy See because you know you don't think that in your 20s You might say it and people tell you that but when you hit 30 you actually start believing the things that you've been saying for your entire life And so these fantasies become more and more reality for them. Usually it's just, I'm an honest guy, I'm a smart guy, I'm an upstanding guy. No, those cannot be true. They may not be true at all. But that's when gunmen start believing them.
Starting point is 01:13:57 In Chris James case, he starts believing in the magical land of... I think it's a little bit darker than that because I like to say that Chris's mental agent about half is really it's about 17 now yeah yeah but I think he's so socially isolated that when these guys started talking to him and they have autism themselves and they are kind of weirdo like an an ancient okay but he they start talking to him and they start telling them things he likes to hear he wants to hear that they're alternate dimensions he wants to hear that quick is a real place and that all the other creatures and shit that live there are real people that can talk to him. He wants to hear that. So they lead them on. They get them biting at the chop at this fantasy they're leaving for them. And then they pull it back and like start
Starting point is 01:14:41 fucking with them using it as leverage. And at this point, it's like, he's been listening to it for half a year and it's his only social interaction. And then when Laser. Yeah, it's like, we have, they start doing all sorts of shit and showing him the Ferguson rights and saying, look at what's happening in Quickville now. And he believes it.
Starting point is 01:15:04 And one of the things that got me, one of the things I read that actually made me think, wow, these guys really have fucking locked in key on him, is they told him there's a murder in the town, and they want him to tell them who the murderer is. So he starts listing suspects. And one of the suspects he mentions is Magical Chan, who's another son of two, like the main son of you, who has psychic powers.
Starting point is 01:15:28 And they say, oh, it can't be Magical Chan, because Magical Chan is in prison for molestation. And Chris just goes, oh, he's in prison. I did not know that. It's a Chris. Chris, you've had Magical Chan as a fictional character in your head for fucking 15 years. You know, you should know what magic hands up to, not these fucking guys. Well, yeah. So what did they do after they established the existence of the moon laser?
Starting point is 01:15:56 Because they've been, I don't, they've been taking over Chris Chan's life secretly for months. Is that what's being a lot Once they got that, and like literally the first line in my logs is they probably were talking to him on steam or something prior. But the first discord log that I have is Chris is like, oh, hello, and they need to respond like fatty UOS $20,000. Yeah. And over the course of several months, they managed to get from him $6,000 in cash by threatening to destroy stuff
Starting point is 01:16:28 or threatening to release stuff that he did as other non-monetary rewards for extortion. So as soon as they told them about the laser on the moon to blow up Sanitou land, they started making him film himself doing like what were you saying in your post? One of the videos is him punching or slapping himself until he's basically crying. Yeah. They asked him to shit on the floor and record it. They even asked him to punch his mother. He didn't record it. But he said he only like like did it lightly,
Starting point is 01:17:03 really lightly. But you could tell that they had a sadistic intent for him to seriously and physically assault his mother. You're doing it to a child. Yeah. It's not funny. No, it's not funny at all. It's all in laser. Funny.
Starting point is 01:17:15 The thing is that they apparently had no intent to release any of this. So it was entirely for their own sadistic pleasure to see this happen. Yeah. Oh, man. It sucks. It sucks. And I have only fond memories of the entertainment that Christian has given us all for years. It sucks to hear that what I assume is a massive crime is going on. It should be. That's the other thing. We go through this and I look through the logs. And I see the main guy, he's really fucking into it. I posted logs of this one thing, because it wasn't anything to have seen.
Starting point is 01:17:56 And it's literally nine hours from 7 p.m. to 4 a.m. of them pretending to torture, like, sanachu characters, to get him to produce videos of him like begging for them to stop and he makes like three or four and then they get him to make a music video of smash melt. Yeah and but you know I read through it and I tried reporting it to the police, tried reporting it to the FBI, I tried talking to trans advocacy groups, I tried talking to autism advocacy groups, and nobody gives a shit. And I did not realize how fucking hard it is to get people to give a shit on the actual crime.
Starting point is 01:18:34 It's fucking crazy, man. The UK police are arresting people from mean tweets, but we got an act we're actually trying to get a guy who has a guy who thinks that Sonic the Hedgehog is a real person that's got a moon laser pointed at his house and he's giving them money and having to make these videos. And he'll smile because it's all very real. One fucking guy, you get, 80s girl gets pulled over because her headlight is out.
Starting point is 01:19:02 We can't get one, we can get one drive-by of a cop To help this poor fuck out like in there all Americans the two main Sadistic ones ones and Kentucky ones in California, but it's like I know who they are I know where they live I have one guy posted a picture of himself in a gas map and you can compare like the eyebrows and the eyes to pictures We have them and it's 100% the same fucking guy. So even if you can't prove conclusively it's him, we know it's him because he's sent pictures of himself. We have the logs. We have criminal intent because now we have logs of him saying that he's afraid he's
Starting point is 01:19:38 going to go to jail because he knows what he did was exposed. We can miting to it and we have it all and I can't get anybody to give a fuck. We have the receipts that he sent them. We have pictures of the gift cards and the knows what he did was, he was admitted to it and we have it all and I can't get anybody to give a fuck. We have the receipts that he sent them. We have pictures of the gift cards and the Discord logs where he scratched Amazon codes. They got him to send them PSVs and games and toys to their fucking house via GameStop, to their actual address where they live.
Starting point is 01:20:02 And it's like all you have to do is take one of them, take one of the guys and put them in a box and they will squeal on the other fucking immediately. It's infuriating. Mm-hmm. Every there, it's going to be illegal in California to use more, to take a bath. Yeah. By the the year 2020, it'll be illegal. Can't get a guy. Can't get one guy out to protect our endangered species. Chris Chan. That's right.
Starting point is 01:20:35 He should be on the fucking endangered species list. We got to get like keto on it. This is an endangered species. No, they'll fucking. They'll euthanize it. They'll euthanize it. Yeah. Take them right out to the truck and put them down. Put them in the sleeve. This is an amazing. No, they'll fucking they'll euthanize it. Oh, you think I see. Yeah Take him right out to the truck and put him down. Put him to sleep. Hey, thanks for letting us know we took care We we've protected Christian forever, right? We show this is this is still going on
Starting point is 01:20:55 No, I Chris base. Okay, Chris thinks that Stan Smith from American dad has put me on a secret mission. I don't know why he thinks this, but he's giving away you. Has put you on a secret mission? Yeah, he thinks I worked for the FBI because Stan Smith told him I did. So he's giving me all of his stuff and I've shut it down.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Yeah. And for the last month and stuff, he's been very happy. He sends me like people think that he's like a taker. He just takes whatever he can. But he's always been super nice to me and he's been drawing and stuff and people. Of all the people that should be taking things, I think he should be at the top of the list. Yeah, because he wasn't given a lot. Wasn't given a lot. Yeah, I think he stands to, I'm okay with him taking gifts and begging. And people, I read tweets to him and the things people say to this fucking guy, it's like, what is wrong with you?
Starting point is 01:21:56 I don't understand. The people who say, get a job. Like, where the fuck? No. Chris get a job. Would you trust Chris? Would you trust Chris to make your fucking hamburger dick? No, and I'll tell you everybody saying those people should get jobs.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Next time you go to the movies and the guy taking tickets and tearing tickets is one of those compassion hires. You tell me again that you want. You would rather not just give that person money. Yes, you know what I mean? Like, okay, let's just take care of them and let the system, let the interactions we have on a daily basis go a little more smoothly. Don't make me think about this while I'm going to the movies.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Yeah, that's rough. Well, shit, man. I'm talking to Nick, the Rikki to log guy. And he has some ideas. So I just moved. I moved to fucking Eastern Europe. So my time at Windsor, we're at 10, almost 11 p.m. here. What do you think of Eastern Europe?
Starting point is 01:22:55 So I'm trying to figure out what my next step should be with this. And really, I don't know what the future for Chris is going to be in general. Because now, the fact that these guys were able to basically take like a tattoo needle and print whenever the fuck they want directly onto his brain, that makes me think maybe he does need 24-7 supervision at a group home. I would hate to see that.
Starting point is 01:23:22 If you want to see that. But you know what honestly at risk, Nick Rikita should adopt him. That's what God would want. That's what Christ would do. Oh my God. People are saying like, like no, you should, you should get a place with them in live stream at 21st,
Starting point is 01:23:39 then it make like a, like a sitcom. Yeah, maybe a stereos and Chris uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh So they're out. They could combine Patreon's. You finally beat me. Connected if you did. It's a rough story, man. Thank you for telling me. What makes you rage? Wait, by the way, what are you doing in Eastern Europe?
Starting point is 01:24:14 Oh, it's cheap here. It's cheap. Oh, it's cheap, yeah. Yes, I don't know. I like the travel. I travel to the Philippines. I travel to Australia. I travel to, I mean, I'm here now and it's actually really nice. That's a really nice place. We're we're in Eastern Europe. Are you what like what country?
Starting point is 01:24:32 It's a Slavic country. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Nice cans. Slavic country. No, everybody is beautiful. Like intimidatingly beautiful. Yeah, that's what I've heard. Yeah. All right. What makes you a rage, buddy? Oh, God, what makes me rage besides fucking extortionist and shit. Yeah, it's a good one. Yeah, I guess I have all the people who fucking think that this is okay. I've met people in like a few people in my community, but a few in other trollinacities where they're just like,
Starting point is 01:25:04 well, this is no different than hell was 10 years ago. I was like, maybe not, but you should have fucking grown up by now. It's been a while. We need to, you know, I don't want to get all sanctimonious in shit, but there's a fucking line in the scene. I think we crossed it sometime ago. Yeah, it's not. The moon laser thing was funny, but the rest isn't funny.
Starting point is 01:25:22 There's not bits and pieces that make you laugh. But overall, you take in the entire meal and it just makes you feel like shit. Yeah, you're just fucking with somebody who's got, he's got enough on his plate and you're getting stuff out of it. Yes. That's what makes it. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Yeah, absolutely. Nobody ever asked him for money before. And money, if there's anything that I would say is never acceptable because you know people have their own degrees of what's acceptable for fucking with people that if at any point you try to make money off of someone that you're not in it for for the last anymore. Yeah. Yeah. And making them afraid that yeah. I feel like I always have to justify to myself why I think something is bad. Like I'm betraying my nihilistic principles.
Starting point is 01:26:08 Like I do this, I do it every time. I wanna say something is bad. I'll like talk myself into thinking it's bad. I don't need to do that. You can say that it's bad. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks for calling in, no.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Yeah, thanks for having me on. How was it with Rikita? Did he figure something out? Is he going to get the FBI? We had a small chat two days ago, but I'll be talking with him on a livestream with Ralph tomorrow. Oh cool. We'll brainstorm a little bit and see if we can take us on. Okay. And if Chris wants to call in and talk about it. No, that isn't work. Look up the, there's a live stream between
Starting point is 01:26:49 count, dancula and Chris. And unless you're like continually asking questions and going them on, Chris will sit there and stare at you. I can do that. My mom is trained in doing with these types of people to get her in here. Hey, if you want that, I can make it happen. Yeah, let me know.
Starting point is 01:27:07 Yeah, I'll think about it. What do you think, Sean? You don't know. I actually can't think of an interview. It's for me to make it through mine. All right, buddy. Thank you. Thank you, easy.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Enjoy Eastern Europe. Yeah, rough. Yeah. Yeah. Rough. Yeah. Story of two. Hey, I just wanted to, you know, guys got tons of problems. Nobody, nobody wants a moon laser pointed at their fantasies. I'll see if I've got some comments. Comments, Jepe Hansen says, if people steal, you know, let me play another song first.
Starting point is 01:27:43 I'll get some comments. Oh, yeah, this is from Ginger Cat Produ productions. It's called the 20 million dollar man For all your dickheads here in Dallas It's 11 a.m. on a Sunday Big swinging dick Patreonis There's an audio guy sitting next to me With a dildo that he's wiggly Don't watch out for the rainbow colored puzzle piece Fumper's dickers on it, this July Dr. Obonix going after all 7k
Starting point is 01:28:44 Got General, because he needs the own every kind of rock or till spring He says, dick would you finish that story? I'm not really sure how it goes But it's funny and neat, always incomplete Even on-bound is epic sort Oh, go, go, fuck yourself Go, go, go fuck yourself Post us a show, 20 million man Post us a show tonight
Starting point is 01:29:24 Cause we're all in the mood for the gods you bring And you've got us feeling all to rise If you come and say I'm handicapped, I would like handicapped fries They're better, you get a little bit more, a special container they have to give you fries They're right that just came out of the oven, it's their fresh Because that's the rule because that's the rule. That's the law. See, we all know this is not funny.
Starting point is 01:29:48 You scissor friend of mine. Everybody can agree on that. He invoices me all his fees. And he's quick with that. All right, all right, all right, all right. It goes because it's about a five minute, five minute song. I'll put it on the website. You know what?
Starting point is 01:30:02 I realize Christiana needs. What's up? He needs put it on the website. You know what, I realized Chris Channe needs. What's up? He needs somebody telling him the opposite. There's a moon laser, a, I've also been in contact with Quickville. Add to it. Yeah, I've built, I've teamed up with the Israelis. I took their Iron Dome technology.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Did they have? Yeah, it'll blow up that moon laser. No problem. Israel is a friend of Quickville. Yeah, so I need to know. Hezbollah guys that you're talking to on the moon will take, don't worry, we'll take care of them because any season in the news,
Starting point is 01:30:37 like, oh, Israel's doing all right. New USA is on there. You're gonna solve this thing. Yeah, you don't need to get the authorities involved. Yeah. Because I know that they will never help Sean. Yeah. That's why.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Yeah. They will never help you. I'm not, that's why I would never get caught like these other people calling the police on black guys that are just mowing their lawn. Yeah. Or maybe the black guy is a cop walking around. And I think, hey, there's a guy, there's a black guy in a cop uniform.
Starting point is 01:31:07 He's trying to break into this house, which is not as stupid. It like a if a you're going to break into a house. Why not dress as a cop dress as a cop? Yeah. Hey, there's a there's a black guys in the stop. I'm never going to be caught doing that because I would never call the police. Yeah. Unless a crime has already happened, right?
Starting point is 01:31:24 In progress, right, right. Right. In progress. Right, right, right. So in progress, totally on your own, totally on your own, you're totally on your own. They're never going to show up. They're not there to stop it from happening. They're there to clean up afterwards. And that's what all these people who calling them for customer service don't understand. They're not there to stop shit before it happens. They're there
Starting point is 01:31:50 to fill out a form that had happened so you can give it to your insurance company. That's it. That's what their purpose is. Stop, stop thinking that it's, and I blame both sides. You know, when it comes to the police, it's you for thinking that it's and I blame both sides, you know, with it comes to the police. It's you for thinking that there anything for expecting of anybody that they could solve any problem, you know, expecting anybody to solve anything is arrogant. A big ass. It's a big ass what you're doing. Well that's their job.
Starting point is 01:32:23 No. Big ass. It's a big ass what you're doing. Well, that's their job. No, the job is to show up, fill out a form. This crime happened. Here you go. They only give the right forms to the cops. Civilians can't access these forms. And you need a cop to bring the right form. And you know that you do. You know that it's true.
Starting point is 01:32:40 Because if you tried to fill it out, you'd get half of the way through and then give up immediately. Yeah. That's why. Because if you tried to fill it out, you'd get half of the way through and then give up immediately. Yeah. Yeah. That's why it exists. They get your help filling out that form, but that's it. Oh, it's aggravating.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Jepa Hansen says, if people steal your hat, you just need to steal their pants. Okay? He's absolutely right. All right. We talked about MAGA hat stealing last episode. I want to do this. Stealer pants. Yeah. All right. We talked about MAGA hat stealing last episode. I wanna do this, steal her pants. Yeah, all right. The pants squad, well you know people will record it.
Starting point is 01:33:10 That'll be great. That's the new setup. That's my answer to the hat stealing and the civil unrest. Okay. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna put a MAGA hat on and march across UCLA. And if anybody takes my hat, I'ma take their pants. And they're not getting them back.
Starting point is 01:33:29 See how brave people are after that. And I have, let me tell you something, I have a lot of experience taking pants. Okay. Taking pants off safely. Okay. Okay, I'm talking about little boys pants. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:43 But the principles are the same. All right. I'll get these motherfuckers pants off. This is the only way to stop children is to rip their pants off. If they're messing with you, I'm talking about my nephews. They're messing with you, beating you with their whole cans, slapping you with styrofoam swords. You've got to take their pants off and put the pants on their head.
Starting point is 01:34:04 That will pause them. Yeah. It's true. Okay. So if you come at me taking my MAGA hat, I'm getting those pants and putting them on your head. I might just take them. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:17 I'm going to have a wall down here. Put them on over yours. Staple then pants. Yeah. Yeah. Like Willie Mays, Hayes, he has gloves every time he steals a bass. Yeah. Yeah. Like Willie Mays Hayes, uh, he has a gloves every time he steals a base. He, he staple game like his paragloves to the, uh, to the wall. I'm gonna do that with, with the Liberals pants. Yeah. Walk around in that hat. I'll be a knock off Manga
Starting point is 01:34:39 hat too. Not even a good one. Just, you know, it'll be a red hat. Yeah, there you go. Mm-hmm. Um, mm-hmm. Lin Robba says, the clay, the clay trans-banger interview missed a lot of good questions. Can it trans have an orgasm? How is it like? That is a good question. Good question. I'm telling you, it's the only, it's the only topic for which there's any fascination anymore. Damn, that's a good question. This is what happens when we do not keep interest in the sciences alive. Everybody just gravitates toward asking about trans men.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Yeah. And what their penises are like. Are they easily open to anal? Did you kiss the trans? I assumed he kissed the trans. I would think so. felt like did it feel like a guy, did it feel like kissing a guy? Or could you abstract your mind? He said it was, it seemed like a woman didn't he? Yeah, he did. I mean, it was, he gave a positive
Starting point is 01:35:36 review of pretty much all aspects. The orgasm though, I'm interested in. Yes, I am too. Zargadir said, Clay is on again. He's still a spaz who can't tell a story if his life depended on it. I bitched about this last time he was on. It's a shame because the material is there, but the guy is completely scatterbrained. I thought he sounded great. I enjoy his delivery as well. I didn't. It took me a minute to remember that he was the same guy, but I,
Starting point is 01:36:05 people were telling me that those comments were all over the board and I was like, I don't remember him being that scattered. Me either. On that interview, I do the first time. And the first time he was a little out of sorts. And yeah, but, you know, but I, I don't know. I just didn't get that feeling the last time.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Here's some Reddit rage this week. Affirmative nod. Google search leads to an article on some random site. I've never seen before. First screen covering pop up, except our cookies, acceptable, acceptable, click to close. Second screen pop up. Hey, you're using ad blocker.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Do you know you can donate just annoyed, click to close, reading the article. Notice an auto playing video. This talking to me, scroll to find it, stop click to close reading the article notice an auto playing video this talking to me Scroll to find it stop very pissed reading the article again after 10 seconds Screen pop up like our site sign up for our newsletter fuck your site burn it to the ground. Yeah That's true. Yep give up The reckoning taking bad advice from my dad The reckoning, taking bad advice from my dad and becoming a bad dad because of it,
Starting point is 01:37:06 my seven year old has a tooth that's been dying to come out for a month, Jesus. His new tooth has already poking through the gums behind that I wanted to tie a string around it and slam the door as my dad suggests, I just loop it around the tooth and tighten it quickly, effectively popping the tooth out. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Squeezing around the waist, so to speak. It didn't go smoothly, and now I destroyed my son's trust by telling him, don't worry. Trust? I don't know about that. Why don't you just let the fucking tooth fall out? Yeah, that was the, what's the, let him fucking wiggle it out. Let him do whatever.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Let him try the different ways to do it, so that he learns it's not as easy as you. I thought they tie a tooth around the, or tie a string around the tooth and adornab and slam it was just, that sounds like such over-engineering for getting a tooth out, doesn't it? Yeah. That sounds like the stupidest thing ever. Yeah. Has anyone, I mean, obviously somebody tried it, but is he the one?
Starting point is 01:38:06 Has anybody actually done that? You just grab it and you ain't get out. So it's fucking ridiculous. Do you remember losing teeth? Of course. Oh yeah, absolutely. I'd wiggle him with my tongue. I'd fuck around with him in class.
Starting point is 01:38:16 I remember that, you know, I'd lose on right in the middle of class, I'm like, ooh, look, it's got blood on it. That's fuck good. Yeah. Me too. Yeah. I never had any kind Yeah. Me too. Yeah. I never had any kind of elaborate, like, no.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Dr. like James Bond traps to get rid of teeth. Yeah. Let him pull it. Let him do it. What's the worst thing that happened? I don't know. I mean, yeah, dad gave bad advice, but I mean, you sort of listened to it too.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Yeah, you did. All right. All right, everybody, this has been the Dix show. Road Rage Atlanta will come to see you. I think I'm gonna be singing Peach, her, oh yeah. You want one song? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:53 See if I can get the cucksockers to join in. Oh, cool. It'll be fun. I hope the road, I hope the garage show happens. Yeah, me too. I already saw a talk of let's just do a hangout that night, but I really hope they just, they find a garage and make it happen. I mean. They have garages in Atlanta. I'm told this last time I checked they did.
Starting point is 01:39:14 Thanks for listening to slash the dick show thanks to no I don't know how to help out Christian if you happen to work for the FBI please get in contact with. to work for the FBI, please get in contact with Nolan, help the poor citizens of Quickville from the diabolical moon laser. And for God's sakes, don't let any of that Christian shitting on the floor of video comes out. That's nobody wants to see that. This song is... Oh, this is a song for Clay. This is by Yemil.
Starting point is 01:39:40 It's called Post-Op Trends. Okay. Here you go. It's been a real piano theme to our music today. Yeah, it's relaxing. It's nice. When I need social cool boys, my one solution is fucking inverted penis Yeah, yeah, she used to have a boner when in touch of being sober All these other traps are tempting but I'm not a fan of dawn
Starting point is 01:40:15 I say, does it work right? Diallating all night does it make me a look? Okay, she's like no, not really so Oh, I think that I fucked They post up transgender LouB is always right there When I need it Oh, I think that I fucked
Starting point is 01:40:34 They post up transgender LouB is always right there When I need it She talks like a plumber She fights the big men That tease me Because they're stronger Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:40:48 Cause I'm drunk on PBR I fuck the trans girls at the bar Nothing really is so different Except the process is so long and I say Does it work right? Diallating on it? Does this make me little gay? She's like no, not really so Oh, I think that I me little gay? She's like, no, not really so.
Starting point is 01:41:05 Oh, I think that I fucked a post-op transgender. I like the horns. I don't think he thinks it. He did fuck him. He knows it. What if that was a chick's game? Yeah, she just lied about being a post-op. No, that's happened.
Starting point is 01:41:22 Really? Yeah, that's happened. What do you mean? I think somebody killed somebody for that the woman said What she told the actor was the guy I believe told him that she was post-op Oh, yeah, post-op I know I know I've heard this I know I read this what the fuck world are we in? Thanks for the sex by the way, uh, know, was that a river of lube? Yeah, the next, he didn't call me back. So, oh, that guy that I liked that I went out with, that we hooked up.
Starting point is 01:41:57 I'm the girl right now, by the way. He didn't call me back and her friends go, oh, yes, so what did you, did you tell the police that he raped you? No, even better. I told him that I used to be a guy. Oh. That's where we're at. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:42:12 Facebook news. Facebook news. Can't believe it. Why do we get no Facebook news last week? I don't know. I hope it's part of a longer investigation. Okay. Let that was why I took more, you know a longer investigation. Okay. That was why I took more time.
Starting point is 01:42:26 Right. Hello, Dick, and hello, Dick heads. This is the Facebook group news for the last couple days. JP on the beach joined the Facebook group this week and his first post is asking for money. JP's birthday happens to be within four days of road rage Atlanta, so naturally JP figured he'd try and launch a go fund me. JP on the beaches currently in Tampa, and his problem is that he only owns a sports bike for the 8 hour ride from Tampa to Atlanta.
Starting point is 01:42:53 JP also happens to have a warrant for his arrest in Georgia for 3 separate charges. The one charge he shared with us was a legally riding a jet ski. JP said he's willing to come to Georgia despite the warrant, but if he could get the 750-hour warrant paid off too, that would certainly help. Currently, JP on the beach goes to a fund me stand at $0.00. I figured if hysteria could get multiple gold fund me's going during trouble times, I can muster up a few hundred bucks to go home on my birthday to see the road rage. Next up is Zyler. It's always bad when a guy's throwing in birthday stuff. You know, you expect it from the women. It's my birthday week.
Starting point is 01:43:32 Yeah, but when a guy's, because we work in a different, we work, we have a different process to get the words to come out of our mouth. Yes. Or that's the assumption. Yeah. When a woman are saying it, I just think, yeah, you know, you kind of, I get how you guys work. You just say, you keep talking until someone else
Starting point is 01:43:50 cuts you off. You know, that's just how the mouth's always got to be working like a shark or else it falls. I've seen, I saw a woman stop talking one time. Her fucking mouth fell right off. Wow. You used it or lose it. It was just a flat food. Like that for the rest of her life. They had to cut a fell right off. Wow. You used it or lose it. It was just a flat truth.
Starting point is 01:44:05 Like that for the rest of her life. They had to cut a new one open. Jesus. Put some sausages on it. Oh. It was fucked. So I understand that they just got to keep them working. Like, yeah, that's my birthday week and this and that's that.
Starting point is 01:44:17 But what a guy does it. No. Bringing up the birthday. Yeah, no. No. Game end do it. Oh, do they? Oh, yeah, they celebrate.
Starting point is 01:44:28 Yeah, they celebrate birthday weeks. They do that kind of stuff. I assume their entire life is a celebration. A lot of for a lot of them it is. For a lot of them it is. You ever thought about turning gay, Sean? No. How many problems would just go away?
Starting point is 01:44:44 And get new ones? I wouldn't be in alcoholic anymore. I'm just celebrating. Yeah. Yeah. You could be you could get on my health insurance. Yeah. Right. If we got married, gay married. Yeah. It was because fuck up was, is I will left abeque outside of his campus apartment and attracted a bear. Sean hit a deer with his dad's brand new Volvo bike. Ryan Smith once listened to the best debate in the universe. Edgar had a kayak fly off the roof of his car. Sebastian let his dad borrow money.
Starting point is 01:45:16 And Matt thought he was being nice by helping clean up his neighbor's lawn. When Matt picked up the garbage it was an open bottle of rotten chocolate milk written with ants which swarmed his arm and Matt had just recently showered. Finally, we have Matt Wilson, who needs some advice. Matt is struggling because although he isn't that stable himself, all the women that he needs are mentally unstable, and the only reasons his relationships work is because the unstable one relies on him for support. Matt wants to know what he can do differently to stop attracting people with
Starting point is 01:45:45 quote mountains of issues who don't seem to really care about it yeah you have issues that's about four dickhead said to stop dating women her family are all mentally unstable yeah Alexander suggested a psychiatrist for the first date Nicholas accused the poster of being a psycho himself yes Alex says he can't get hard unless the woman considers them their savior. It has been that they show Facebook news for the last couple days. Yeah, if you're dating only unstable women, yeah, yeah, start looking at home first. That's right. Something
Starting point is 01:46:15 going on with you that the other one, because they make the women pick and make themselves available to the man, you know, and they're seeing the women, the stable women that you want are seeing something healthy in you. Absolutely. They're shutting it down. That's right. Otherwise, it's just averages. At least learn how to pretend, right, to be, you know, because it's, everybody wants
Starting point is 01:46:43 to get caught. Everybody wants to be caught and found out and exposed for the creature that they are. That's my theory on the way dating works and the way people work. So if you're, if you're a crazy person, you're going to go out there and aggressively send out self sabotaging crazy red flags at all times. Yeah. A difficulty misrepresenting who they are. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:09 Yeah. The more exposure you have to them, the more, the harder to hide it it is, and the more, you know, the, you can more easily pick up on the, yeah. On the crazy vibes. So at least start there. Stop stop. Stop saying what you think. Say the opposite. Stop pretending to be Patrick Bateman when you're dating girls for the first time. Just try it out because the ones that are the ones that have their shit together. Maybe they'll be boring as hell to you. What are you gonna then what are you gonna do? uh... just listen to the new episode here uh... listen to the guy with the club uh... kind of kind of reminds me of my situation
Starting point is 01:47:50 uh... i can't speak to him but uh... i was born without the actually so i wear prosthetic legs one of my whole life uh... and i got kind of the same same without going on where
Starting point is 01:48:04 you know kind of kind of lacking some confidence, trying to talk to girls, because, you know, the whole thing, like, well, when there's a guy at a feet, you know, everything else being equal, maybe why would she want to stay with me? What I found though, and I haven't really had any lasting relationships either,
Starting point is 01:48:24 but what I found, and again, I can't speak to him because I don't really had any lasting relationships either, but what I've found, and again, I can't speak to him because I don't know if he like, walks really weird and it's obvious that he's got something going on, but it's fucked up as it is. You're more likely in my experience anyway. This guy feel guilty about what he's about to say or what? 30 seconds to get it out. That's some pretty serious guilt. To get a date with a girl if she just doesn't even know about your disability or whatever you got. And I'm not saying go out of your way to trick you know, tricker, but maybe you got to, but, you know, my thing, I just wear long pants, you wouldn't even know. I think I walk pretty good because I've
Starting point is 01:49:12 been wearing them my whole life. We just approach a girl like normal, don't even make a thing about that you got a disability, and then, you know, after you actually on your first date and you're, you know, kind of talking about each other's like the way you know I got I got fake legs or something you probably get a lot more than you wake up with her wake up with her let her find out on your on her own right don't tell her at all or you just like your first day in the morning like like you just took your boots off like by the bed night and then you wake up and you're like fuck fuck fuck fuck look for my foot put it on my feet on ice we got to go yeah many get up
Starting point is 01:49:56 no too funny too far no No, no, no, no. Moon laser. Yeah. Or just surprise there, you're at the mall going up an escalator, right? Get to the very top and spray some ketchup packets. Oh no, like the escalator. I can rip your legs off. Get the shoe off.
Starting point is 01:50:18 Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Jesus Christ. Get her dog if she's got a dog. Do the same, put a bunch of like, you know, ketchup again. Because she know she adopted a pit bull. Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:33 Get that pit bull. Yeah. That'd be a good one. Yeah. Find people with pit bulls because they're so easy to troll and just put a bunch of food on the end of your pants. Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 01:50:44 Oh, you're legit. That's mother fucker ate my foot. of food on the end of your pants. Ah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha reasons but in my experience if you let him know what the front then that almost always never goes anywhere. So again I can't speak for the guy if he's like you know walks around in circles because of his feet being all in even. No, he had made it just. No, he had a club fight too. Oh yeah, you're right. Not obvious and not even bring it up until he's already on a day with the girls so they get a chance to see his personality or whatever he's all about. That actually seems to be at least in my opinion,
Starting point is 01:51:32 good advice, but. Yeah, he may not be able to, it's hard for him to hire. I've been here at Road, Rage, Atlanta. The guy last week with the hand. Yeah, yeah, because you're not gonna, people expect to see other people's hands, basically at all times.
Starting point is 01:51:46 If you've got a club foot, then he probably walks a little differently too, so. That's true. I mean, it's kind of, there he is. Like this guy, you know, he says, he wears jeans, you can't tell. Yeah. I'm just thinking about the pranks.
Starting point is 01:52:01 I know you are. Like you get, here's another one, like you're out with her, right? And then you have kind of long pants. And then you accidentally close your leg in a car door. And you're like, then you can see, you can see that the stump ends, you just put the stump up against the car, the seam. Like, I shut his whole fucking foot in the car car and then you put your shoe on the other side So when they open it your shoe falls out. It looks like your foot fell off
Starting point is 01:52:34 Right, I mean are you you you have to have fun with it, right? It's like old people like scaring their grandkids with their dentures, right? Are you here's here's one here's one you might enjoy you take your It's like old people, like scaring their grandkids with their dentures, right? Oh, you, here's one, here's one you might enjoy. You take your, take the feet off and then do the long pants thing again, but instead put it under someone's car tire on the back tire who just parked and then they get on, you're like, ah!
Starting point is 01:53:02 I guarantee you a lot of people with prosthetics have a lot of fun with it. They should do more. What else do you do? Hey, Jack, you know, it makes me a rage. The new pricing system for cell phones. You see, you went to the store, maybe you turned in your old phone or whatever. It was time for an upgrade, 200, 300 bucks. You got a new cell phone at Hertz, but all right. And you say, no, what I'm paying. Going the other day, I've had the same phone
Starting point is 01:53:34 for a couple of years starting to fuck up on me. They say 33 bucks a month. No, no, no. The bucket day. Over two years, it's $800, fucking dollars. I'm not gonna pay $800 for a new phone. And I'm talking to my girlfriend, she's just $300 a month. $800. Are you fucking kidding me? And I say, well, how much for the older model? Well, I said it'd be $28 a month.
Starting point is 01:54:04 Get fucked. the older model, well, I started to be $28 a month. Get fucked. Like, how do I just get a phone for a couple hundred dollars? If you got a dick tip on how to help this man, I really appreciate it. You know, I prefer it that way. I like having the per month, because the same thing happened to me when I upgraded.
Starting point is 01:54:21 Yeah. And you can't have it as your plan anymore. And you can't just, you don't get a free phone anymore. They finally figured out that nobody's paying for a, that nobody's switching service based on a free phone. Yeah, yeah. And that everybody will pay up the ass
Starting point is 01:54:37 for new phones all the time. I prefer it like, because God, I feel like a fucking loser dropping $800 on a phone. Yeah. It makes it a lot harder to justify. You know, even though you use your phone as much as you'd use a pacemaker, still, I prefer it like the way this guy hates it. I either just pay a subscription for everything.
Starting point is 01:55:03 And I can see how much I'm worth, right? Yeah. Just at least to own everything. Yeah. The bad food, whatever. Make me pay. Just send me a bag of chips and charge me for what I eat. Okay.
Starting point is 01:55:20 And throw the rest in the garbage. Amazon. I'm saying, do that. It's a prime day, sweet. You excited about prime day, Sean? I did not know it was prime day. Yeah, you could get like a packet. You could get a bunch of Ziploc bags for a cheap.
Starting point is 01:55:35 Sweet. You could get like a GoPro for all your extreme sporting activity that you do. Yeah. You need to have that GoPro. Getting out of bed, yeah. That's a, get like a flagpole for cheap. You could get some outdoor furniture for just prime day. Everybody knows, everybody's thrilled about prime day.
Starting point is 01:55:57 Come get some outdoor furniture and just, you know, for the neighborhood. Just put them where I might, where I might wanna stop and have a sit. Yeah, at some point. You can make up for the neighborhood just put him where I might or I might want to stop and have a sit. Yeah, at some point you can make up for the defensive architecture problem. Yes, where all the benches are now covered in in rivets like out of a 20 AD comic book. Right, because people don't lay on them. Yeah, where the actual the city itself protects itself from the crimes like loitering and sitting down defensive architecture.
Starting point is 01:56:25 You can go around and drop some line furniture by the subway. There you go. Bolt it down, courtesy of Prime Day. Citizens helping citizens. That's it. It's like coming from a good place. Hey, Dick, Jesso here. And my rage today is softball. My girlfriend joined a co-ed softball league and had me go out last weekend's going to support her for a tournament and holy shit I have never seen so many fucking neck tattoos in the same place. Nothing wrong with that. The people I was around about was just the lowest swath of sight. I uh, within about an hour of the game, the dugouts became a graveyard
Starting point is 01:57:08 of empty monster energy drink cans and packs of palmalls. But probably my favorite was I noticed a theme with every theme they went up against. Inevitably, you know, you get to pick your own fucking player number. Inevitably, there's a guy that comes out with the number 666. Oh. Who? What a badass. There's a lot of numbers. All the women on the team are running away, holding their pluses.
Starting point is 01:57:37 And the outfield knows, oh fuck, moving on bad guys. This guy's got some dating on that balls Yeah, just just fucking trash Go home bag it what what goes to somebody's head when you're taking your player number and you're like that's who I want to be For the next four months. I want to be the guy that goes into bat and has the number six, six, six. Wasn't as Lord, you're in your 30s, dude. What are you doing with your life? I have co-ed softballs, Ruff. Can I get that three minutes back? Yeah. It's the tips. Yeah. The tips of co-ed softball that I can't take. Oh. Men telling other men how to bat.
Starting point is 01:58:29 Last time I did it. This is such fine athletes themselves. Yeah. Last time I did, I filled in for a player on Randy's Coet's softball team for his work or something like that. I know how to hit a ball. Yeah. You know, I did it in high school in college.
Starting point is 01:58:45 I'm not gonna get any better. I'm gonna hurt all the tips about pivoting and squashing a bug and following through and driving your hips at it. Drive the knee down, gotta drive the knee. I know it. I know all the slogans that you got, they're not making up any,
Starting point is 01:59:02 you gotta throw your wrists at the, you gotta throw your hands at the ball. Throw your hands at the ball. Look at the ball. You got to look at the ball. Hands should be up here. Don't let go of that bat. Try to hold on. You will let go though. You will like being a being a child. It's that's what that's what dads do when the little ones going to sports. That's when they realize, couldn't control the mom, I'm gonna start controlling the kid, right? Here's an obtuse set of rules and instructions. So you could do something that adults can't do,
Starting point is 01:59:37 which is hit a baseball, something that's very difficult to do. Here's a list of minutia that you're to follow to make sure that you can do this task that has no point other than having a good time. Yeah, right? It takes a fun out of it. I've heard it all. The only first first fucking guy, first fucking guy, COATS offball. All right, when you get up there, you're going to want to take the first pitch. Oh, really? You've scouted this picture extensively, I see, right? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:09 Yeah. Well, why? Why should I like some sloshball league, right? Yeah. Yeah. This is not a world championship fast pitch. You're going to want to take the first pitch, buddy. He's throwing at 30 feet in the air.
Starting point is 02:00:24 Yeah. Where should I? Why don't I just sit here? I'm watching 10 of these pitches. We're lucky to get it near the strike zone. What are you talking about? Take the first pitch. Okay. Okay, you've ruined it. You've ruined the day for me.
Starting point is 02:00:40 So now I'm, now you're in my experiment. That's how you've ruined the fun of this. Yeah. For me, this,'ve ruined the fun of this. Yeah. For me, this, this, the diversion of the sports part where it's just about satisfying that, you know, projectile motion that the caveman brain needs, you've ruined that part for me because now I just have you in my head.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Tell, you're my, you're my new dad now. Where was he going? Where was he going after you're gonna wanna take the first pitch? That's what I asked. Then what? Then what? Yeah he going after? He's going after. Where was he going after? You're going to want to take the first pitch. That's what I asked. Then what? Then what? Well, second one's usually good.
Starting point is 02:01:10 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Clearly he's done extensive scouting. First pitch comes down, right down the middle. It's close to the middle as you can get and slosh ball where the balls come in at 40 degrees. Well, yeah, it has to hit the you have stuff off the plate. Yeah, a plate extender to make the plate larger for the strike zone, right?
Starting point is 02:01:30 They put that little thing on the right down the middle. Yeah, I look at him. Yeah. Can I can I swing now? I'm swing now because fucking you got to swing at that. This is oh boy. You I'm gonna hear. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:43 Yeah. You might just fly out of my hands My I you might go helicoptering in your direction. I'm gonna go play on the other team Yeah, because they got guys with six six six and there's your yeah and also because I fucking hate you and I want you to die in front of your family softball dick I just tried to search for the World Cup final to find out when it starts And I see these boys who have been trapped in a hole
Starting point is 02:02:13 Says soccer team rescued from cave in highland unable to attend World Cup final. What is this? Why? I just want to know about the World Cup final. I don't care about these guys. They're too long to get out of the hole I just want to know about the world cup fire. I don't care about the long to get out of the hole I'm stuck in a hole in fuck. What do you got better shit to do than stuck in it? We can get them out of that hole They're out No, are they all out? Yeah, they're out. Oh, thank God Elon Musk got involved. They all said his shit wouldn't work Of course it wouldn't yeah cuz he's an idiot. It said thanks, but your shit won't work Thanks for thanks for the PR that you're doing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:45 Sorry that your subsidies are running out. How's your manufacturing going, sex? I read an article about him recently where he said that when things are tough at the factory, he sleeps, he slept on the floor all week in his office at the factory because if anybody there is suffering working long hours, he wants to be suffering worse.
Starting point is 02:03:09 Yeah. Worse was the key takeaway in that. Yeah. Worse. Yeah. Yeah. Like the techno, like the martering techno Jesus that he is. Oh, you guys are working rough hours?
Starting point is 02:03:21 I'm sleeping on the floor and I don't even have to. I could go across the street at any moment. Yeah. So how do you like that? Just the worst. As a work in rough hours, I'm sleeping on the floor, and I don't even have to. I could go across the street at any moment. Yeah. So how do you like that? Just the worst, the worst fucking person. I slept on a floor, and I didn't even have to. Well then, don't you dumb fuck?
Starting point is 02:03:36 Don't do any of it. You're not helping solve any problems. No, at the factory by doing that. You're literally not helping any problems. No. At the factory by doing that. You're literally not helping any problems. No, at all. Because everybody else is doing what you're doing. Yeah. They're all taking advantage of these dumb electric car subsidies
Starting point is 02:03:54 for you. You're doing nothing. You're doing nothing but taking a bunch of money from suckers who got excited about it and not giving them a fucking car. That's what you're doing. There was just an article recently about, there may be some, I don't know,
Starting point is 02:04:09 some investigation about, about fudging the numbers, saying what they're, that they were producing more cars per month than they actually are. That he's lying about it. Yeah. He's lying about it.
Starting point is 02:04:21 Yeah. Not surprised. I guess he, is he in Flint now? I don't know helping them with their problems. Let's try Andrew from Eugene Oregon. I think I leave a lot of voicemails about rates. There aren't really rates of a corresponding penny and that's why the funny. I got one that actually made me that right. And I'm online and I talk about Sasha Barrett going, and how he is. He's single-handedly pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable. And he's pushing the boundaries of comedy in his place.
Starting point is 02:04:49 I want to fucking watch that. The people who are actually pushing the boundaries of comedy are people like Sam Hayden. They're all banned. They're all banned. Oh, but Sasha Barrett Cohen is pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable. And I'm like, that's what I fucking threw it all. I don't know why there annoys me when it's... I know a lot of people like you would say,
Starting point is 02:05:08 I feel like you deserve more than you've been in your fair shake, and like you've gotten. And it's just aggravating. It's seeing people throw you under the bus. It's not a comedian, but a rape apologize. There's some weird shit. And then to tell somebody like, Sasha Baratona, this amazing and super, super edgy artist, a rape and paul just a few weird shit and then to tell somebody like sasha bear a cone is amazing
Starting point is 02:05:26 and and super super edgy edgy artist it's this is just it's just a mouthpiece he used to push fucking propaganda now everybody fucking else's oh he's he's approved he's he he's approved uh... a thunder you know what i mean i think and oh yeah for sure. By its own merit.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Yeah. Hodeness. You know what I mean? By being accepted and pushed by the mainstream media, he is by that very merit, not pushing boundaries and not edgy. And it's just aggravating. It's like a straw. All these things being shoved at us like we're children.
Starting point is 02:06:04 I can defy it for myself. what is it, what is it, what is it, what is it, what is it, what is it, you're not even listening to us. If you're not listening to us, you're treating us like children. Yeah. Is it knowing edgy comedy? Yeah, approved is the right word because some comedians or some social commentators are approved because if you're aiming it at the right group, then it's all good. If it's aimed at the wrong group, then you're a horrible racist or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know if I have anything
Starting point is 02:06:39 to say about that. It is annoying to see these edgy, he's really pushing the envelope. You know what, maybe fucking is. Yeah, maybe it's a, maybe that dumb Trump balloon that six foot tall Trump balloon, maybe, maybe they think that they really got one over on everybody. I don't know, I just don't care. We've all turned into Mormons.
Starting point is 02:07:07 Yeah. Yeah. Let's just all convert. Yeah. I'd feel better about it then. Everybody's Mormon now. What would that do? I don't know. Yeah. It just seems more co-pacetic. If everyone was Mormon in the country,
Starting point is 02:07:31 a lot more things would make sense. You know what I mean? Like no nipples on Instagram. No people getting kicked off of things for using like weird slurs or not even doing it. Like Rosanne getting kicked off her shell for the planet of the apes joke. And then you're just like, oh, everything would make so much more sense
Starting point is 02:07:51 if the country was entirely Mormon, run by the Mormon church to me. Right. For some reason, I don't know why, oh, this is, first we've got an edgy, the edgy envelope pushing comedic stylings of borat like oh yeah okay that seems like something that they would say if I was a tabernacle today okay and then we've got it then despicable me comes out to really roast your funny
Starting point is 02:08:15 bones like okay yeah oh make more sense stupid but it would make more sense hey they're dick so I think I need to chime in just for a minute and a man explain to you why I think Asian girls don't like guys that like Asian girls. I'm coming from the angle of someone who has banged or dated both. More Asian girls than I can count on one hand and less than I can count on two hands. I was even married to one for a hot minute
Starting point is 02:08:48 So an Asian girl for the most part Wants you to be attracted to her accomplishments like they put all this work in academia The ones that work out work the fuck out true They they work on certain parts of their personality and their their aesthetics and that's what they want you to appreciate but if you come at them from the role of an Asian fetishist like I like you because you're Asian and that kind of turns them off and they just are that it's like you know we said that last week accomplishment there is just like they hit
Starting point is 02:09:22 the lottery and there's also a sense of insecurity there because if he only likes because I'm Asian, what about any other Asian? We've got a way out there that's hotter than me because this isn't a guy. This guy isn't attracted to any other aspect of me other than my Asianness. It's like, if a girl was attracted to me because of my guard, Gantuan penis, but ignored the fact that I've got some parallel universe. I've done it in the Dragon's character that I've been working on for the last three and a half years.
Starting point is 02:09:49 I'm thrilled that you're attracted to my monster penis. But let's talk about my half-orc fighter for a minute here. I work really hard on that. It's insulting. It's just like... Yes. That's what they want. From you. If a a guy did that I would think you're a fucking idiot If a girl walks up to you Shaw. Oh, man. I really love tall
Starting point is 02:10:15 guys with brown hair and Who are clean shaven? You're you say great? Yeah, I'm open for business. Let's hammer out this, what we're working with. Let's hammer out this whole relationship contract that we got going on here. But they don't. They specifically don't like it. That's what drives me nuts about them. All right, I think that's it.
Starting point is 02:10:36 See you next Tuesday, everybody. Everybody got anything to say? Yeah, you got anything over here? Anybody want to jump in Discord? Alan, not for human consumption, says he's emailed many venues to get hysterios to place to do this. Viennese cost thousands of dollars. What about the garage?
Starting point is 02:10:54 Isn't there a guy who said he wanted a stereos and his garage? What happened to this? Yeah, Ryan, that's who got him the fucking tweets. But he's the guy who's now getting targeted by groups or I have no idea. I don't. Alan's on. Somebody on. Turn your, yeah, put your head for a lot of some. Sorry. I had the YouTube going. That's all right. So you're what you've contacted a bunch of venues to try and get a stereo. So place to do his comedy show. Yeah, at least the dozen. I emailed a stereo
Starting point is 02:11:23 as two because I was rich out, told these venues. And I'm like, are you want in a place where you can, you know, you're gonna have to rent it, you know, are you very expensive? Yeah, I'm willing to spend some money. So, no, what money? Uh, that I don't know, but he said he's willing to pay for a venue that night.
Starting point is 02:11:43 And I told him, it venues are expensive. I don't know. That's a he's willing to pay for a venue that night. And I told him it venues are expensive. I don't know. That's a key. That's the key figure. It's a box. At least 600 bucks. Yeah. Licker guarantees.
Starting point is 02:11:55 Because most of these places, it's such short notice if there's even availability. What about the garage? Atlanta. What about the garage? There's so many people with garages. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:12:09 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:12:17 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. places and rent like a six by 10 and just pack it. What about a what about a pod? You know, when you're moving, you call, they drop a box
Starting point is 02:12:28 off in front of your house. I can do it in one of those. Just drop it in a hole in the container. Yeah, shipping container. Drive it out into a field, drop it off, put it in the, put it in the parking lot of a high school, drop it off, a holiday garage. Well, I told him if he's going to continue this garage tour, he can do one at my house. I got to start. He's gonna start. It's gonna start and it's been since March, it was approved.
Starting point is 02:12:51 And he's get over here. I just like go bad for him too, because that guy kind of backed out on him last minute. And it just really, Oh, is that what happened? I don't know. I don't know what happened. It seemed like a lot of humming and hawing.
Starting point is 02:13:04 I think what I read on Twitter was that the guy that said he would, he was willing to do this, uh, said there was like security issues or something. The fuck does that mean? I don't know. I don't know. What kind of security issues in the neighborhood? Is he worried about like people coming over there and like screwing his house up or his neighbors house? I think he rents the house. If I remember, because he didn't we talk to this guy like he even better reason to do it. It's not your fucking house. Yeah, you pitted a deposit, do whatever you want.
Starting point is 02:13:36 Yeah. What a disaster. Yeah. So we're going there in the middle of summer. Yeah. We're going to hell in the middle of summer to back up with Stereo's Scrooge show. Might not even fucking happen.
Starting point is 02:13:48 Oh Jesus. All right. Well, I'm hoping to hear back from some of these venues this week. Are you in Atlanta? Are you in Atlanta? No, I'm in Phoenix. I'm just trying to help him.
Starting point is 02:13:58 Oh, wow. See another new guy. Yeah, he's in West hell. Yeah. Yeah, the hotter hell, the dry hell. Yeah. You know, I was thinking for you got you in thought cops to see who gets into the CU next Tuesday media podcasting network. I thought it would be funny for you guys to review each other's shows. Oh, it's a really good idea. And whoever wins that, uh-huh, that live review of each other's shows gets to be on the network.
Starting point is 02:14:27 When you think about that. Yeah, I can do, I can have my guys come over and we'll just put on the latest thought cops and we'll just talk about it and record it, do like an hour. Well, just like a call in from you both, like a minute or something like that reviewing, or however long you want. Oh, like a live review. I want to call in or review thoughts on every you want. Oh, like the live review. I'm gonna call in or review thoughts, I'll copse whenever you want.
Starting point is 02:14:47 Yeah, exactly. I think that'd be pretty fun. All right. I'm down. That's a really good idea, actually. Just based on the reviews, people will decide who gets to be in the network. Yeah, because then they can judge like your commentary
Starting point is 02:15:00 and reacting to, you know, whatever. Fair as a fairer review is possible, right? And then people will vote by I assume with the content, the unbiasedness of the review, the factual statements being made, and perhaps a tiny amount will go toward the method of the presentation. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:19 Because it's all about the vote. All about the vote. We know this. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks for trying to help with the garage tour. All about the vote. We know this. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks for trying to help with the garage tour. Yeah, no problem. I'll let you guys know what happens.
Starting point is 02:15:30 Cool. All right. See you, buddy. See you later. I feel like I have more stuff to say, but I always do. That's it. All right. That's enough.
Starting point is 02:15:38 Thanks, guys. Thanks, guys. Thanks.

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