The Dick Show - Episode 116 - Dick on The Stolen RSS Feed

Episode Date: August 21, 2018

The story of how Maddox lost his RSS feed, more chat leaks, Dame Pesos reads a dramatic re-enactment, Fast Pass, the new Star Tours, and other ways in which Disneyland has been made even more worse, t...he Great Magnet, the MtG: Grand Pricks tournament, not-so-super glue, women and their garbage-selling parties, one-note jokesters, Hazencruz vs. The Cuck Sockers, The Laughing Loser, shooting turtles, my white father, Taco Locos, and how to spot a fake Mexican; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And if there's one thing this show is not, it's prepared or forced or done. That's true. Oh God. I tried to disguise me opening that beer. I don't know why. Yeah. I've had a million beers on the show, but I tried to hide this one. Right.
Starting point is 00:00:15 So people wouldn't hear that. It's because like this one, because you really needed this one. The other ones were show beers. Yeah, this one's a shame. This is a shame beer. Oh. Is that thing? Other ones were showbeers. Yeah, this one's a shame. This is a shame beer. Damn beer. Oh. Is that thing? Oh, god.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Hey. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Dick. Ready. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome to Nick.
Starting point is 00:00:48 You want to dig in, you love Nick. You got it. It's the show where everything is a contest coming to you live from a concrete bunker deep in the heart of the mountain in the city of failure. I'm your host, Dick Masterson, aka the $20 million man, the unsuitable $20 million man, I think maybe I got a new one, John. Really, the greatest troll in the world. We are grinning like the cat that ate the Armenian.
Starting point is 00:01:20 The Cheshire cat. If the Cheshire cat fucked Maddox up the ass, this is the smile it would have. Yeah, right now. When Maddox came home, open the door and the Cheshire Cat was fucking his girlfriend on his Casper mattress. This is the smile he had in his face. Huh? That was a nice, I told you it was going to be a good week. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It makes me nervous every time you say things like that.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Go back and listen. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going to be a little bit nervous. I'm going. No. Makes me nervous every time you say things like that.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Go back and listen. Go back and listen to the way I said it and think this man is saying this. Yeah. And it has hours to go before he'd execute this plan. Yeah. I mean, how did you, how did you maintain? Freight months. Oh my God. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, their iTunes feeds. What was hilarious was that he was always on you for security. I know.
Starting point is 00:02:45 That's the best part. Oh, dick didn't look at all these wordpress plugins out of date. Well, at least I know my login. How about? Oh. I should play it. I should play it just so everybody knows.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Okay, here's what happened. If you were subscribed to the best debate in the university, the biggest debate in the universe, whatever the fuck it's called, Maddox's show. If you were subscribed to Maddox's show on iTunes, last week, episode 113, you fired up your, you opened up your iPhone, and you said, oh look, my favorite podcast
Starting point is 00:03:28 where a man debates himself is, a new episode is out today. It's not Maddox Monday, it's Tuesday, but you know, at least I still get to listen to it. Well, that's right, he usually puts them out on Monday. Yeah, that was his big branding initiative was Maddox Monday. Right, right. So you could piss yourself waiting for Maddox Monday. Showing all the people were going crazy for Maddox Monday. Right. So you could piss yourself, waiting for Maddox Monday. Sean, all the people were going crazy for Maddox Mondays.
Starting point is 00:03:48 They couldn't get enough of it. Like he's fucking Garfield. Branding on Mondays. Oh, you think Garfield hates Mondays now. He's really gonna hate it when Maddox comes to town on Maddox Mondays. When I debate who's better, Odie or Garfield.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Normal, love and moral, pain him. I forgot about normal. Yeah. Normal, they use the perfect amount of normal. As much as everyone shits on Garfield, I don't know why it's so hilarious. He was super bright and cheery, right? Yeah, normal.
Starting point is 00:04:18 That's why Garfield made it. No, everybody loved him. Cause he was cute and he was the kitten. So everybody loved him. And Garfield was resentful of that. Because Garfield was a big fat slob. It actually hated himself for his vanity. Like, normal is a very interesting character.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Garfield is a very interesting cartoon. And if you make fun of it, do something better. That's my challenge to you. It's still running. It's still running. The characters are very complex. The story lines are relatable and Garfield was on the Monday. Whatever happened to Lyman, John's roommate
Starting point is 00:04:52 who brought Odie into the picture and then just disappeared. That happened? Yes, he had a mustache. I had no idea where Odie came from. Guy moved in with John and had Odie. Lyman. I think, man, that's gonna be the... No, this, I have some questions about John now had Odie. Lime it. I think. Man, that's gonna be nice.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I have some questions about John now. Me too. Yeah. They were trying to do a Burton Ernie thing, I think, but it fizzled out. Well, also, did he have a thyroid condition with his eyes? Yeah. He did.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Okay, I'm looking for the, anyway, you load up. And why was Garfield such an asshole to John, who gave him lasagna? Garfield didn't go to the store. He couldn't drive because he didn't have thumbs. How's he going? Who's going to cook it? He can't work a microwave. That was John Davis' statement on Helen Keller,
Starting point is 00:05:34 because if you can't be heard or seen, it's like it turns you into a miserable, uh, uh, misentropic asshole. You know, I could almost believe that. Yeah. Okay. Here's what here's what you heard on the best debate in the universe. If you listen to the iTunes feed last week on episode 113, it's going to sound a little different,
Starting point is 00:05:55 but this is what everybody listening to the best debate on iTunes heard on playing it right now. Hey, everybody, this is Dick Masterson. You are listening to an episode of the best debate in the universe, the biggest debate in the universe, whatever the fuck this show is called. I don't know why you're listening to this shit, but you are listening to it.
Starting point is 00:06:14 There is nothing wrong with your audio player. I just wanted to talk to you for a quick second before I return you back to your show. If, hey, if you missed me, and if you ever wonder what happened to the biggest problem in the universe, head on over to or slash the dick show. And I'll tell you all about it.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I'll tell you about how Maddox threw in what kind of tantrum over an ex-girlfriend and ended what is one of the greatest podcasts the world has ever seen. I'll tell you about how Maddox's girlfriend, Metal Jess, now has a restraining order against her for calling that girl, that ex-girlfriend's work and trying to get her fired, lying to get her fired, sobbing about it in court. I'll tell you about the $20 million loss that Maddox filed against me, Asterios, Patreon, everybody's place of business to try and get us fired that he just lost in court because he's an incompetent fuck who can sell books as well as he files
Starting point is 00:07:12 lawsuits. You can hear the breakup letter that Maddox wrote to his ex like a jilted, like a whining baby bitch jilted lover. You can hear about, you can hear about the video Maddox made calling me a rape apologist, the original troll on the internet, Maddox, sues people for making fun of them. Hear all about it on slash the Dicks show. Oh yeah, you can also hear about the feed Maddox stole from the original show and redirected to his new show, which is why I can do this
Starting point is 00:07:47 matter. You stupid motherfucker. You incompetent mother can steal a feed and you don't change the ownership. You dumb dumb, bald, fuck you fucking idiot. Go back to Utah. Go back to you. Go even further than that man. You do not go on this world. You sue happy sack of shit. I'm on over the dick will talk about it. I'm there. Change of stereotypes. There are stereotypes who is now fired because Maddox pretended to be a woman online. He pretended to be a female journalist and emailed a stereosis bosses saying that a stereosis and alt-right, like the such a fucking cry baby. Fuck you, Maddox.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Fuck you. Hey, can't you be sued for libel? I know. He admitted to it. Your podcast, which you've just unsubscribed from. This is this show is dog shit. Madcast, me, you know what? So this is what happens next.
Starting point is 00:08:47 So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is what happens next. So this is Right? Did you listen to it on his show? Yeah. Welcome to the best debate in the universe.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Oh, he's gonna stick to being a team instinct. Oh man. Shit all over. You got shit all over. Right in your mouth. Matt, this is shit right in your fucking mouth, Matt. It's fuck you, man. You idiot. I was, I've been walking around all week.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You know that feeling you get when you throw something in the garbage and it just goes right into the garbage. Yeah. Yeah. You're the baddest motherfucker on the planet for the next five minutes. That feeling has lasted me all fucking weeks. Yeah. Yeah. All week makes you think you're like a really great athlete who could probably survive alone in the jungle for a long time. Yeah. Like, oh, yeah, I could kill that monkey. They're calling it the greatest troll in the world, in history. It's,
Starting point is 00:09:48 I'll say it's an instant classic. I can't think of it. Yeah. And I mean, for somebody to, you know, what's the expression? You hoisted by their own patar. Yeah. Oh God. That's patar, not retard, but either one would apply.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Posted by your own retard, Maddox. Yeah, that's what happened to you. You know, the thing about, the thing about podcasting, there's no manual for it. So you learn this stuff as you go, and I think Maddox learned an important lesson of when you have a feed, you make sure you own the feed. Yeah. Yeah. Don't let other people control where that feed goes and then don't sue them. Right. Because don't send people to it. Yeah. And then and then get surprised
Starting point is 00:10:33 when somebody puts the plug for their own pod for somebody that you've been fucking with for two. Okay. I'll tell you how I did it. First of all, well, so he, when he hijacked that feed, he also got, I mean, he pointed it at the new show, so we got all the subscribers, right? And then also, of course, the ratings, which I understand have changed a bit. Oh no, it gets even better. Okay, everyone wants to know how this happened, right? So I'll tell you how it happened. I first discovered winmatics. It was Jesus. Jesus did it. Wasn't it? Yeah. He came to me in a dream. Right. And he said, yeah, your mom's been praying to me a lot. Yeah. So I moved the, I struck a deal with me and Tim Cook.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Went into the database and gave you ownership of this feed to do whatever, to write wrongs. It was like Jesus and quantum leap and Tim Cook teamed up. Oh wait, no, Steve Jobs, excuse me, anyway. Oh, because he's allegedly up there. Yes, he's in hell, we all know that. What? Why?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Because he's such a fucking asshole. I know, it really, it's because he's one of those assholes who thought he knew better. Yeah, I'll do some fucking holistic, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Ah, yeah. You know what I said? It said, do everything your doctors say.
Starting point is 00:12:01 He basically said, I fucked up. It's such a great life lesson. Like, on the one hand. You don't know better. You know about whatever your thing is, and that doesn't translate over to other things. Exactly right. And people make that mistake.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I was the same way. It's absolutely as opposed to somebody who's I don't know like spent their life figuring something out. I can just ego my way through this cancer. No, no, no, no. And it comes for all of us. You're the same. You and the guy living on the street
Starting point is 00:12:29 are the same in this regard. Yeah. Hey, Warren Zevon wrote a song about it. What is it? It's called my shits fucked up. Oh, wait, really? Yeah. It's a great song, actually.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Yeah, everybody gets it, you know? The one thing that drives me crazy about Steve Jobs is when people are hard on him for being an asshole. Yeah. Like, have you never, you've never led a team to do anything? Have you? Because the second then when that cats away, you have to be the mouse will fucking play. Yeah. And the better your thing is is how hard you fucking ride people.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Like every, every management seminar about teamwork and all the ego that I don't like about him. Yeah. Well, speaking of ego, when I submitted the iTunes feed, when I submitted the original feed for the biggest problem in the universe, I submitted it to iTunes on my account. I think Max didn't have anything, he'd be Max didn't want anything to do with Apple. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Because he's an idiot. Yeah, I mean, he's always doing like some stupid meta-joke that is only funny to him. Because he has the emotional development of a child. Well, the whole like I'll I'll show college. Yeah. mentality. Yeah. What's what's the hold on? Let me let me let me go. Eric Wong is here who helped organize the magic to gathering questions for Eric Wong. Eric, we'll get to that. I just want to interject real quick.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Okay. Maybe Maddox put you in charge of the iTunes feed because he couldn't figure out how to install iTunes. Oh God, that's right. That's a good point. Yeah. That might be true also. So I owned it.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I always owned it. It was my Apple ID. It was my Dick Masters and Apple ID account that I had for God knows how long. And I submitted it. I submitted the feed. Now what happened is, when Maddox stole it, Maddox owns the biggest problem in the outright.
Starting point is 00:14:24 He's the one that owns that domain. So he can do whatever he wants to it, even though I own 50% of the trademark, the entity that should own that, and I have a right to it, he physically owns it and he can do whatever he wants. Yeah, he has the log in, password info, and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I mean, he, right, I mean, he owns it at the registrar. Like if you buy someone is a dumb, you own it and you can do whatever you want to it. Um, so he logged in against, against everyone's, against everyone's advice, except maybe for that dumb fuck Lord Matthew or whoever's was helping him with, with the madcast media. Well, remember, he knows better. Then he said, I want to hit the ground running. I've seen the email where he says this. I've seen the email where he's trying to be, where people are trying to talk him out of doing this.
Starting point is 00:15:12 He didn't know he was being pushed out of a car and had to hit the ground running. Yeah. Well, I want to hit the ground running. When really, he just wanted to be able to sell ads as quickly as possible, because he's broken his federal tax lane against him. Like, that's the real reason. That's broken has a federal tax lane against them.
Starting point is 00:15:25 That's the real reason, but that's what I think is the reason. He wanted to hit the ground running. He took the site, the biggest problem in the universe, dot com, the feed, and he redirected it at a server level to the madcast media feed. It makes sense so far. Yes. Well, this is how that works in the real world. iTunes sees this and it says, oh, I'm getting redirect works in the real world.
Starting point is 00:15:47 iTunes sees this and it says, oh, I'm getting redirected to a new feed. Yeah. I'm gonna update the listing. Uh-huh. They're trying to, iTunes tries to help you out. Yeah. Say, we don't want you to have to log in and change all this shit. We get it, redirecting to a new thing.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And the latest confusion. Yeah, we don't want to confuse the customers. However, it is very confusing the customers, of course, because everybody lost their feed. Yeah, and they got given a, is this when he just threw a bunch of shit up on another site and said, oh, it's all here. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:13 That was where you were supposed to go manually to get it. So when that happened, I said, oh, fuck you, man. I'm making biggest dot the and I'll put, I'll put a feed up there so people still have access. That's right, and you did that, yeah. Yeah, because it's, but like you have, you could have just, you could have just started over like I had to do. Yeah. Make a feed. If
Starting point is 00:16:33 people want to hear you, they'll find you out and subscribe to it. Yeah. You don't need jiggery, polkery and feverie. And it's like, you don't need to do somebody in a woman's suit and then rip your face. I, Hey, it's me, don't need to seduce somebody in a woman suit and then rip your face. Hey, it's me, Maddox. You thought you were going to fuck a hot chick. Well, here, listen to me debate myself. I was like, no, I don't want this.
Starting point is 00:16:51 I came here for something else. It's stupid, idiot. Yeah, but remember, he has, he's entitled to that. Right. He has, there's no property. It's always been his property and his loan. The fan. So he's never, The fans are his property.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Oh, yes. Yeah, them to just everything, yeah. Everything is his property. So iTunes says, oh, okay. That's your new show. Got it. So he spends a year or two, he spends a year sending people to this new show.
Starting point is 00:17:23 And I think, you know, whatever. It sucks that everybody got their easy listening feed taken away, but after a week or two of that, it's fucked. They're either going to stop listening, or they're going to find the old feed and load it, right? So whatever, man, fuck you. Well, during the trademark dispute, I had to gather evidence to show that people were still listening to the feed. Oh, yeah. So I logged into my iTunes account to see, to get some analytics from the show, right?
Starting point is 00:17:59 To say, look, people are still listening to the big problem in the universe. It's still an active property. Oh, sure. It's not abandoned. So you need to, this needs to be decided on before Maddox steals it. This was before he had been so aggressively ass raped. Like this was before the lawsuit,
Starting point is 00:18:18 or this was right at the beginning of the lawsuit. Rukko was still there. Oh yeah. It was a different time. Now he's like, now he's a shell. He's a husk of a, he's a broken husk of a man who's leaving passive aggressive comments about me and fans and the HTML of his website. Like he's a sad broken loser, Maddox's.
Starting point is 00:18:37 So I logged in to my Apple ID to get some download stats on the, on my, on my archival biggest problem feed. I logged into the wrong account. Who logs into these things? I logged into my dick masters in account and I said, oh my. What is this? You gotta be kidding me. It said, the best of eight in the universe.
Starting point is 00:19:02 So you just kind of stumbled upon it? Uh huh. Cause he sued me for the universe. So you just kind of stumbled upon it? Uh-huh. Cause he sued me for the trademark. Yeah. So this is, I want to make it clear that this only happened because Maddox tried to file a trademark on our show by himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:16 This is, this is the art of life. This is the great magnet, Sean. Well, it's like that. I am an eternal acolydum. I know. It's starting to believe. an eternal acolyte. I know. It's starting to believe. You know, real God, I'm not with that. The sports gods absolutely for sure.
Starting point is 00:19:35 They absolutely exist. And the great magnet, I'm starting to think there might be something to have to. You will only feel a little bit and that pearl of hatred in your heart that will compel you forward to enact his vengeance upon people. But you must obey. And if you do it purely, it's like the Sphinx. If your heart is pure of hatred, the magnet will reward you.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Sean. This is what is a big relief. I'm really opening my fucking church to this. Nothing could prove it more than this. You think that Sandy Hook is a conspiracy and you don't believe in the great magnet? Ah, you're lost to me. So I logged in, hit enter on the password,
Starting point is 00:20:16 recovered my password of course, cause no one remembers a password anyway. The website loads, loads twice, cause that's what websites do now, because everything's responsive. It doesn't just load once, it loads once, and then the content part loads again, because it's got to make another request to the server
Starting point is 00:20:36 to enhance your fucking experience, of course. Load once, oh awesome, the information I wanted, nope, got away again. Loads the second time. The best, the biggest debate in the universe. Madcast media and I said, I just looked at it. I think Jamie was there.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Jamie Lynn Hughes was there. Uh huh. I just stared at it and started laughing. This is a gift. This is really, and I knew at that moment I knew this is going to be really funny. This was January 29th. January. This is, that is how long I've been waiting
Starting point is 00:21:25 to pull this prank, since January. All those episodes, I didn't tell Sean. No, I didn't tell my parents. I think the only people that knew about it were, because you can't. You want that dopamine hit of telling people about it and it will give you that rush of having done it because you don't want to waste it.
Starting point is 00:21:50 You don't want to waste it and you don't want to dull the impending desperation for that hit. You know what I mean? This is what I, there was an episode where I talked about how I like to hold off, get to the very edge of the goal line and just wait until the very last minute and build up and I was thinking about this while I was describing it. When people are running to come stop you and tackle you and then you just go, oh, just step over.
Starting point is 00:22:14 At the very end, right? Yeah. Because that's when the funny stuff happened. Look at your waisted stupid effort. Yeah. That's not a touchdown celebration, my friend. The touchdown celebration is just standing on the one-inch line and making them tackle you across it.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah. So, I didn't want to tell anyone, because I didn't want, number one, I didn't want anyone to be worried. Yeah. Because I was gonna do it no matter what. Oh yeah, yeah. Because it's funny.
Starting point is 00:22:42 It's so funny that people I know, well, including myself have trouble describing just how funny it is. People are emailing me saying their funny views just blown. Well, they just couldn't happen. They kept watching this before, but it's like the Thompson's from South Park, where Cartman sees people with butts for their heads and it just, it breaks him. Just thinking about it. Oh, I'm telling you all week, I've been leaning back
Starting point is 00:23:06 with my arms crossed behind my head. Yeah, the most satisfying soul cleansing feeling that I've ever had. So, what was I saying? So you've been sitting on this. I've been sitting on this for 20 and a time since January. I didn't want to tell anybody because the more people you tell the less likely you are to do it.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Yeah. The more people you tell, the more input you get on it. Yeah, yeah. And it's less pure to your vision. Yeah. And I knew exactly what I wanted to do. Which was several, it was several fold.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Number one, not fuck with people's enjoyment of the best debate. There's mosh heads out there. You know, people, as Digi Bros said, there are people who enjoy seeing illustrations of little girls getting fucked. Likewise, there are people who enjoy the best debate. I don't know why. No accounting for taste.
Starting point is 00:24:01 There's no accounting for taste, but it's a free country. Right. As free of consequences, but it's a free country. Right. As free of consequences, you can do whatever you want. Whatever you want. So I didn't want to fuck with their enjoyment of their favorite stupid job. You mean by putting something in the context of the show?
Starting point is 00:24:16 By just by nooking it. By just deleting it. Oh yeah. You know, because you got, well, and also it's not really funny. It's not funny. I do, that was my primary concern. Like I don't want to fuck up these guys this day, right? So, but I do own this. I do own this feed and I have reached out to Maddox to say I have a problem with my feed, half of my feed getting stolen by you. How will we rectify this? And I proposed several solutions,
Starting point is 00:24:46 all of which were ignored continually. So I know choice. Once again, I'm the victim. I'm stacked between a rock and a hard place. This was just a cry for hell. Sean, I mean, I have no choice. Yeah, I'm minding my own business. Well, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:25:10 If one country's at war with another, it gets attacked, right? Yeah, and then you fight on both sides of the border like the personal and Palestine. Well, yeah, well, or right, right, right. I'm Israel. Okay. And you just want to make that clear.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I'm Israel. The person who was attacked, because I once the other one, and you push him back, I mean, are you not entitled to keep some of the land? Things don't necessarily go back to the way they were, do they? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:43 You attack me, I happen to win. You know what I mean? You attack me. I happen to win. Oh look, I got a bunch of guys on your side. I think I'll put a fence up here. Yeah. So that was my concern. But the problem is, with Maddox, you can't do that. That will skunk you every time.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Trying to offer someone an olive branch or taking, taking a half measure. Yeah. Because as soon as I, as soon as I launched this, no more half measures, Walter. Exactly. Yeah. And by the way, I have all the analytics from his show. Oh, yeah. The guy, the guy gets less than a thousand downloads a week on iTunes. Oh my God. This show gets about, I think, 2,500. Yeah. We get three times. It's always been about three times just on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Most people don't listen to iTunes, do they? No. But it is indicative of people listening across the board. Gotcha. So this show gets about three times the listenership of Madness the Show, which is interesting, you know, the food for thought, I guess. So we got a record last week, Sean knew nothing about any of it.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And after the episode, after we recorded the episode, he said, hey, Sean, will you turn the audio stuff back on? Will you turn the recorder back on? I got another thing I need to record. He said, yeah, sure. And this was, it was one of those rare times where I get to give myself a gift. Yeah. Like, I knew that it was, there was going to be a couple of moments in this that I would
Starting point is 00:27:14 want to savor and enjoy forever. And Sean realizing while I was doing it, not, hey, I'm explaining to you what I'm doing beforehand. No, no, no. This was, I wanted Sean's live reaction of what was what I was doing at the time. So I said, if I were to back up for me, I need to record something. And I made, I wrote down a couple, I scribbled a couple notes, like bullet points, like I do, like I do just for this show. But it was, it was mostly winged. I mean, it's for, I mean, he's entirely.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Yeah, yeah. It was like two different versions of it. Yes, I wrote lawsuit, Asterios fired, and Heather S. I wrote like just big words like that because that's, you know, that's how I speak.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Exactly. That's how I speak. That's how Trump speaks to, I noticed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, one of his rallies I saw him pull out when his piece of paper that he always looks for, and it's like the wall Mexicans. Yeah, like something like jobs. Yeah, awesome, awesome, man, right here. So I wrote this down and I launched into the first one.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And by the time I get to, you're listening to the best debate in the universe. I look over at Sean and Sean goes, he's got that cockhead dog look. You know, huh. But this is something about this isn't processing. Do you remember that? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:28:37 So I get through and I get done with the first take and I was like, okay, I turned to 80s girl. I said, is there anything I'm missing? I was like, wait, wait. So what, what do you mean? What is this? What are you doing with this? What are you doing with this? I said, all okay, I turned 80s girl, and I said, is there anything I'm missing? And she was like, wait, wait. So what, what do you mean? What is this? What are you doing with this? What are you doing with this?
Starting point is 00:28:48 Said, all right, roll it again. Do it again, I'm gonna do a better one. Well, you said, if I remember right, you said, oh, this is going at the front of his next episode. Yeah. And I said, wait, what? You said, I'll tell you in a minute.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I'm telling you man, I just need to keep this flow going, John. So I did it again. And then the second take, I explain how it's done. You didn't lock down your feed, you idiot. You had two years to just to put yourself as the iTunes owner and transfer it to your fucking account. And you didn't, because you're fucking stupid, because you don't pay attention to
Starting point is 00:29:25 the small details. The security stuff just is so much funnier in hindsight now. Oh, yeah. Um, because you didn't hit update on WordPress plugin, which is dumb. You're totally exposed. So I, when I get to that part of the story with Sean, I say, and then this is why you dumb fuck because you didn't change the ownership of the look on your face.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I wish I was recording the video of that. It was the deepest like real like no fucking, like I imagine I didn't ever saw the jinx but when he's confessing to killing his wife in the bathroom like, oh no, you fucking, that in the Shawshank Redemption when the warden opens that box and he sees Andy shuddy shoes in there. Or the, no, the, and the rock hammer.
Starting point is 00:30:12 And like the Bible, he opens the Bible, right? And is it, yeah. It was the best look on your face. Yeah. And I got to that feed part. Oh, man. Oh, man. I'm getting goose bumps just describing it.
Starting point is 00:30:24 My heart rate's probably down, it it was 120. But that was it. And then I said, Hey, mix it. Mix it. Send it over. Sean mixed that I plugged it in. Everything was dynamic. I'm finally going to get sued. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, for as an accessory. Yeah. Oh, you know, Maddox was crying. I'm sure he's called the FBI. Knowing, knowing fucking Maddox. Well, do you know what? I mean, what a time he's got to be having with iTunes. I mean, he's tried to rectify this, I'm sure. The fall of a man like that from fake complaining
Starting point is 00:30:58 that Apple banned him from their stores, which they didn't do. His site is just on a generic block list for adult humor because surprise, surprise, they don't want a bunch of pictures of penises and guys with erections on their monitors at their stores. So they subscribe to some kind of filter list for adult humor. Okay. Duh, right? From him turning that into Apple has a vendetta against him to begging the head of podcasts on Twitter to DM him. Hey, my podcast that gets less than a thousand downloads a week is being, I didn't, I didn't
Starting point is 00:31:33 set it up properly. So it's getting redirected to another show and there's a lawsuit and there's a trademark issue about it. But can you just DM me? Can you take time out of your day today and DM me and go into the data, have your team go into the database and change it to my show. And you'll take my word for it, right? Otherwise, I'll be very embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Because Apple's not big on security or anything, which you couldn't get. You can get your grandfather's iPad, you know, without, like a desk without a judge, right? Signing over your first born, you know, yeah, without a judge, right? Yeah, Maddox begging. And then, and so, and then instead of just setting up a new feed, like he should have, he goes and steals his other biggest problem feed
Starting point is 00:32:16 and updates that to the best debate in the universe. It's two times he's stolen a biggest problem feed. He stole it from himself. You stole it from himself. He had an archive feed where the episodes were all out of order. Yeah, the jumbled thing that everybody official won. He went and changed that once. He stole the same fucking feed twice for no reason.
Starting point is 00:32:38 For no fucking reason. All he's got to do is tweet. This is the link if you want to, if you want to subscribe to it. Not stealing the same feed over and over again, but that would be admitting some kind of defeat, I think. Oh, it's just, it's just sad. It's just a sad shell of a man.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Yeah. And so that's what happened. That's what happened with the feed. And then, you know, as soon as it went up, people started messaging me, saying, hey, I just learned about your show and learned about all this shit. Is this true?
Starting point is 00:33:11 People are leaving comments. Is this what this guy's saying is right? That's, you sued a bunch of people? That's pathetic. Block, block, block, block. Block, delete, block, delete, block. Unreal. So then people start sending me messages like,
Starting point is 00:33:28 hey, I just heard about your show. Here's a bunch of screenshots of shit, Maddox has been saying about you like your racist against Mexicans. Being Mexican. Yeah, I got it here, here, here, here. Let me load this one. There's self-hating Jews, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:42 I guess it's possible, but, you know, I got to, I got to show you this. Probably not likely. Too fucking funny. I don't know, can you see this? I can see that there are text bubbles. There we go. Yeah. By the way, this whole, this whole time we do the podcast, Sean is always craning around
Starting point is 00:33:59 to see the viewer screen that I put stuff on. I totally forgot that I installed a rotating mount just so he can see it. So he's been doing that. You did. We've been doing this for about a, you know, well that I put stuff on. I totally forgot that I installed a rotating mount just so he can see it. So he's been doing that. Yeah, we've been doing this for about a, you know, well, I don't know, when did you put that new monitor up? Like maybe a year or a 50 episodes ago, something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I wish, wait, does Dami Pesos around? I want him to read this. Hey, Dami Pesos, are you around? I'll be funny. Hey, there you are. Can you hear me? Yeah. Can you read Maddox's lines for me?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Everything you say is funny. What can I read? Here, here, here. I'm gonna put it in the chat window right now. Maddox is the gray one with all the words. I'll be the blue one, okay? He's not in Mexico, my name. Okay, so this is what, so all these people are sending many different people, I'll be the blue one. Yeah. Okay. He's not in Mexico, my name. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:45 So this is what, so all these people are sending many different people are sending me, Maddox saying the same shit to them, like he's, like he's back at the call center, John. Yeah. Are these, so, yeah. Right off a script. Right off a fucking script. All right, Tommy Pesos. You, you, are these new madams?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah, these are direct messages that Maddox sent to people and the people are now sending me the DMs Okay, go ahead Mexican By the way Mexican he's only Mexican by name, but isn't his father Mexican name, but isn't his father Mexican? He got an order wrong from McDonald's once while we were taking a break and he started screaming into my audio at the top of his lung. Fucking Mexicans. I'm sorry, you're totally serious too. Oh yeah, fucking Mexicans. These fucking doobacks. I fucked up my chicken nuggets again.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Then the most universally reviled fuck up in all of America, fucking up your drive, your drive-through order. Yeah, that's evidence of racism. I mean, genocide is not too far. If they fuck up your order, you're my order, man. Just say it. Okay. He's father looks white like him. I think many generations removed the Mexican's quote like Taco Bell is Mexican.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Wait, read that one again again read that last one again like that's racist like it's like a black guy saying like well you ain't black enough Yeah, it's like motherfucker my parents are black too. Yeah, I Mean not my pro to Mexico. I'm you know, I'm only half Wait read read the his father looks like him from that part on again I only have. Wait, read the, his father looks like him from that part on again. His father looks like, I mean, looks white like him. He doesn't. He's brown.
Starting point is 00:36:51 He's brown. He's brown. He's brown. He's brown. Indian. What a long, long. You can find, you know, my dad, he looks exactly like Malcolm, Ian McDowell, right? That's how he's so white. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Half of my whiteness gone. Yeah. He looks not, he doesn't look quite at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:27 He's got a big fucking mustache. What are you talking about? That should be right, exactly. Ha ha. Oh. Oh. Oh. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I mean, what is Maddox saying? My dad looks white. Does that mean he doesn't go around with like, with a shirt buttoned only at the top with pants sagging? What do you mean he looks white does that mean he doesn't go around with like with a shirt buttoned only at the top with pants sagging what do you mean he looks white like me what the fuck is that supposed to mean my father looks white. He even does he even eat tacos ice and yeah my dad he doesn't show up with a leaf blower and handfuls of burritos and tacos in both hands with a sombrero with dangly balls and a la cuckaracha blaring in the background of his fucking low writing al camino.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Not a real man. It does not look like that. Therefore, it looks white like me. I don't even look fucking white. No, you can tell there's, you can tell there's something else. My mom is, my mom is white as a driven snow. Yes. And she, there were, I think some of her relatives did give him shit for being a Mexican
Starting point is 00:38:30 when they first started dating. Oh, yeah, I don't doubt it. My mom's got bean fever, I don't know what to tell you. She's got a bad case of monosumas revenge. And she took it out on my dad and I'm the result. Oh boy. Gross. His father looks white like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:48 No, Sean looks white. You idiot. I don't look white. Yeah, there's a difference. It's not the liquor making me look like this. It's my jeans. Yes. Does my dad look white?
Starting point is 00:39:01 No, I don't think so. I don't know. He's tall. He's a good looking man. You know what, I saw a woman, I don't think so. Oh, no. He's tall. He's a good looking man. You know what, I saw a woman when I was a little kid. I think as soon as you hear him speak, you don't realize that he's Mexican. Because obviously he,
Starting point is 00:39:14 because you guys are going like, hey, what the hell? Nobody, nobody, but honestly, no, he speaks like a Californian. He speaks just like, he speaks just like a Californian. Even though he grew up, while he grew up in in Venezuela and then he grew up in a taco factory. Yeah, exactly He can't yeah, he didn't he he he he pulled himself up by his bootstraps selling selling chiclay and Tijuana He was selling chiclay on the beach and as a as a as a small girl
Starting point is 00:39:45 What the fuck? What? And then talking about the small girl, that's how far he's come. Now he's a tall white man. Oh, all right. Yes. Yeah. He had a white a plastic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:59 He got rich and then the white group came to him and gave him a white a plastic. Exactly. He got rich and Chase Bank showed up and they're like, hey, we see we've been keeping an eye on your finances And we want to bring you over right so he went into the whiteification center and came out He came out looking like Anthony Hopkins. I just got an endless stream of minorities going in and Anthony Hopkins is walking out. Why is he always talking about my fucking family? He doesn't know them. No. Well, this is you lost your feed privileges for this buddy. Yeah dummy. You dumb fuck. Okay, there's another bubble, right? No, no, there's more. Yeah, there's another bubble. There's more there's more and I got tons of these
Starting point is 00:40:46 Okay, yeah, yeah And he's probably doesn't look like why I bought that I don't know how many generations removed but they're Mexicans like Taco Bell is Mexican Taco Bell is Mexican you stupid motherfucker. Yeah They sell tacos and burritos. Sean on Mexican like Taco Bell is Mexican. Mexican like tacos. What the fuck does this prove? A guy a guy messes up my order in McDonald's and I go fucking Mex Mexicans, let me be clear, I 100% said that.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Oh yeah, I said, I can complete, I know exactly how you said it. Oh yeah, I 100% believe that racial epithets are to be used toward the people of the race that they are all the time because it is an extreme expression of anger. And it's their fault for being hurt by it. Like it's like the same thing is saying, fuck your mother. It's like, dude, you don't know my mom.
Starting point is 00:41:54 So I'm like, your number one, you're not fucking her. And go try it. I would love to see you try to fuck my mom. And see if you can even get it up. Let's start there. Let's say you got all the way to fuck my mom. And see if you can even get it up. Let's start there. Let's say you got all the way to the goal line. You, she would fucking, she would undermine every part of your confidence until you question.
Starting point is 00:42:15 She would give you such an anger complex, like a deep self-loading that I'm getting off into the weeds with this. My point is, they're not talking about your mom, they're talking about the concept of your mother. So if you take offense to that, you're a chump. Like you're doing all the work for them. Like your mother, oh god damn it, god, like you're an idiot. That's how you end up in, that's why you go,
Starting point is 00:42:41 that's why these idiots go to prison with anger problems. and do all the work for you and get upset about respect. Yeah. Yeah. He's just talking about the generic. He's telling you to go fuck yourself in a way that he thinks might upset you because you're stupid. That's the same thing as racial epithets. You're doing all the work for them. Well, you're going. Yeah. You're going. You're going as far as you can really go in society with words. So that's the, has the best chance of upsetting somebody. Yeah. And if you're not upset, I'll figure out what does make you upset. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Oh, the race stuff doesn't work. What about your face? What's going on with your face? What's going on with your kids there? I'm going to find something. Test, test, test, test, test, test, right? Right. That's how we work.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Just saying, I definitely said fucking Mexicans. I'm sure. That guy back from Atlanta delayed me for two seconds, pulling his luggage out of the plane, and I said, where's my fucking clan robe? Are you 100% said these things? Nobody gives a shit. Oh, okay. Keep reading, please.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Then someone says I see and then he's mixing. Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, I'll do the I see this time. Do the last last, last bubble before that. Is it Tommy Pesto? Isn't it the funniest fucking thing? This is a private conversation. Fucking picture. Fucking picture. Yeah, as evidence of why I'm not...
Starting point is 00:44:13 You can see this, right, Sean? What I'm looking at? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, go back to, I don't know how many generations removed. Everybody can see this on the live stream, I hope. You go to slash the Dixiel, you get access to the video, of course, for only a dollar. Okay, go ahead, dummy pesos.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Okay. I don't know how many generations removed, but their Mexicans, like Taco Bell is Mexican. I see. I see the only thing the other guy said. Yeah, I see. To this fucking genealogist, the Gregor Mendel over here. It's like, yeah. Yeah, I see this fucking genealogist the Gregor Mendel over here
Starting point is 00:44:55 Maddox Mendel turns out they're all P pods the Georgie Mendel. Yeah, I don't know how many generations are my guess right What do you know with the with the back with the back crossing and such I mean it could be Iberian Peninsula right? If so facto right You you could imagine What the fuck are you talking about? Why is this a big deal to you? I know I love it. I love your laugh Tommy pesos Okay, the last bubble you got it and then and I'm done with this you got it and then and and then.
Starting point is 00:45:30 He's Mexican just like this is Mexican and he's a big show. Doritos. I love about me. He's Mexican like this is Mexican. Doritos, a Doritos bag. Let me try to find this Doritos bag, but he's that Maddox is sending people to prove that I'm not Mexican.
Starting point is 00:45:50 I like how. Well, I turn Eric Wong's my God. Eric, thank you so much for working on my pleasure. My pleasure. I just wanted to say I like how Maddox compares you to Doritos Locos Tacos, which are loved by millions of fucking people all around the top damn world.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Like that's the worst thing that he can compare you to. Have you ever had a Doritos taco? No. They're fucking amazing. No, because they're, I actually, I have a, I refuse to go to Taco Bell because they're appropriating my culture. No. Sure.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Uh. This is what he said, the guy. Doritos tacos. So that means, like, I wanted to be clear here. Maddox is arguing with this guy about me, saying that I'm racist because they fucked up my drive-through order, which they did do. They fucking did do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:50 They didn't give me my sauce on my McNuggets. I remember that. Inedible. It's, they're inedible. I might as well be eating little hamsters at that you can taste the, you can taste the chemicallyized failure of the McNugget without the fucking sauce.
Starting point is 00:47:03 They're, that's why you have the sauce. No, it's not to build little pyramids out of you. the McNugget without the fucking sauce. That's why you have the sauce. No, it's not to build little pyramids out of you fucking Mexicans. No, they are made to go together. You know what I mean? Like probably millions of dollars in R&D have gone into pairing the sauce with the fucking nuggets. We've all seen Breaking Bad, Sean. We know what goes into sauce on McNuggets.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I'm not following. Breaking Bad, they had that whole intro where the bad guy back in like whatever Europe was like a sauce smith. You remember that? And then he gave himself, he put the defibrillator on him and gave himself a heart attack.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Right, that was much, that was like season, that was the last season, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Maddox is talking to this guy
Starting point is 00:47:42 and then says, I know what'll really sink, I know what'll really hammer this point home. I'm gonna go look up a picture. He went into Google and typed in Taco Bell Doritos, Taco Bell, Locos Tacos, copied, like that's what's so funny to me. It's the physical acts of copy and Paste oh yeah, this will do it. I think he just went to like images and just typed in Mexican food
Starting point is 00:48:12 And then like searched until he found something that he thinks like a white person invented Is Mexican like Taco Bell? Yeah, very fucking Mexican. It's tacos and burritos and chalupas and they got a fucking Chihuahua as a mascot. What's more Mexican than that? You stupid motherfucker. There's no Armenian fast food.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Cause everything that comes out of Armenia is shit. Nobody wants to put it in their fucking mouths. Except the dog was voiced by an Argentinian. You know what's funny. This carlo sal is rocky. Oh really? Yeah. It's a great great voice actor. To Argentina is the Italy of Mexico. We don't know that. Yeah. No, not Mexican, not the Italy of Mexico. Argentina, the Italy of South America. No, that's all Mexico. Yeah, Mexico. That's Mexico.
Starting point is 00:49:00 That's shit. Everything. Look, you ask them, if you send out a survey of, look, would you rather be Argentinian or Mexican? They're all going to say Mexican. Everyone loves Mexicans. The whole world loves Mexicans. The women love Mexicans. I keep hearing differently. No, Sean, you're listening to fake. You're listening to too much bright barred. Everyone, everyone loves Mexicans. Okay. Okay. They love our music. They love our sassy zings.
Starting point is 00:49:31 They love our fat women. They love, they love Mexicans. We love Mexicans so much. We want to do them a favor and build them this big beautiful wall. Yeah. They can enjoy as a gift from us to the Mexicans. I keep, I'm secure. I believe that instead of taking their most industry as people away from them.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Sean. Yeah. All right. Uh, Donnie Pesos, you had a, you had a great week last week. What did he do? Um, he's, I can't, I wanted to call in every week. Me too. I can't stop.
Starting point is 00:50:08 No, Donnie Pesos, you don't understand. Me and 80s girl walk around saying quotes from your videos. ESA liar and they rat. Like all day, we'll just say it and then start laughing immediately afterwards. There's gotta be a Donnie Pesos soundboard or something like that. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:50:25 So you had a good week, can't buddy? Yeah. Yeah. I'm the owner and the creator of Monday Mat is a It's a real site. It's a real site. Monday Mat is a
Starting point is 00:50:41 Okay. Promise the best user experience. It's not a cop. You're not Okay. Promise the best user experience. I want to listen to audiobooks read by Domé Pacez. Me too. You know, like on no matter what they're on. Yes. Yeah, well, congratulations buddy. I really love your content.
Starting point is 00:51:02 You got anything that makes you rage. I just brought you in here to read this thing, but you got anything that makes you a rage? And you know what, I'm gonna play a song. Think about it and then when we come back from the song, you can tell me. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Donnie Paisos was patient zero for a Monday and Matt flagging people. Oh really? On a Monday and Matt was revealed. He went on a live stream to tell everybody that he doesn't flag content. And then they busted his balls for like an hour, calling him a liar.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Well, and it said prove it. Yeah, he denied it, he denied it, he denied it. And he showed his report history. Monday in Matt showed his report history on Google. And it was just, it was a joke. There's no way I can prove that I didn't do it. No way, no way I can prove that I didn't do it. No way no way no way and then sedan from the show
Starting point is 00:51:49 He was like well YouTube has a new feature that allows you to have a feed Videos you have flacked. Yeah, yeah, and then number one I was just dumb and face us dumb and face us dumb and face us What? It was just all of your stuff. It was so fucking fun. I'm not letting people hear that. There's not a better laugh out there.
Starting point is 00:52:23 No. Oh God. I can't feel any like, oh, I have the link, but I'm working on it. I'm working on it. I'll, I'll, I mean, I mean, I was picking up bothers with my baby. And I shouldn't like it.
Starting point is 00:52:39 It wasn't around to plug the videos. It wasn't around. I was working on my baby my baby because of threatened. Because of threatened on this card, my baby. I know not everybody follows some of the YouTube stuff, but God, everybody can understand getting hoisted by your own retard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:01 I'm going to play this song by My Room Records. It's called it's a good week. But inspiration came in the form of turning that cast side to itself He thought that he could steal the feed and not have to change the name Who biggest problem for him now? Oh, wow. He's the only one to blame. The one to blame, the one to blame. Yeah. Take your beautiful woman. Not in a gay way. No, no.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Maybe that's a good clarification. I would've been wondering all day. Kill the shone, shone, star on If he tries to sue you again We'll just stop off, let's go on I just can't stop until he does He tries to ruin others' lives The light in blinding cars Ketti people, fife and limbs
Starting point is 00:54:48 Just to fight because They are rich and he is the maybe a shun Kippin' up and move back to Utah Get rich and the harder that you try The tougher that you try, the tougher that you look because You are funny anymore, you are funny anymore at us. Beautiful song for my room record. It's wonderful.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Thank you, buddy. Thank you. I like the logo too. I don't do. I just get to show logo with a little crown on it. Go to a... Kind of cock. I'd like a Mexican would wear it.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Yeah. Yeah. This father's white. Yeah. Oh, man. You don't know how Mexican my dad is. He... Oh, Mexican is he.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I show up. He loves, well first of all, he loves landscaping. It's all he does all day. It's his favorite thing to do is go out in the yard and move trees around. He really, he really does look Mexican when he's wearing one of those giant hats, those giant straw hats.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Yeah. Cause I've seen him in one. He's got a work giant straw hat and a fancy giant straw hat that he wears to occasions. Yeah. Yeah. Do I ever tell you about the time that we stole a bunch of plants? First of all, if my dad sees a succulent,
Starting point is 00:56:13 it's going in his pocket. He's busting off a piece of it. Yeah. He's pocket saving it for later. Well, I mean, he busts off a piece of it. There's nothing wrong with that, really? I mean, it's theft. I mean, wrong.
Starting point is 00:56:23 But I mean, like like you're not hurt. You're not taking up their plant and taking those things will fucking root like in anything. So yeah, but you're stealing the guys nicely developed succulent and leaving us a little blessed that off stem. How much of you take? Oh, okay. If everybody did it, it would the guy wouldn't be a have one anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't believe you're arguing the right side. I mean, I don't stop them. No, but like an aloe plant, you can take a fucking leaf. You know, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And when I was a kid, I think my dad enjoyed it when I got burned because then he could use his aloe Mexican home remedies. Yeah. Like if I ever got burned on the stove or something, that motherfucker would jump up like no matter what, he was watching, bam, gotta get some aloe on that, run outside, crack open an aloe, come in, and rub it all over the burn, whatever it was.
Starting point is 00:57:12 I don't know if it's true or not. I heard there is no scientific evidence that it really does anything. It's just a feeling to like whatever. And even though that's completely accepted, and I don't know if that's the truth or not, but it's completely accepted that aloe speeds truth or not, but it's completely accepted that alo speeds healing or whatever,
Starting point is 00:57:27 but I thought it was bullshit when I was a kid. Yeah, I don't know. Just, it's just a bunch of goo. It feels nice because it's goo. Well, so that does something, you know, but I don't know if it actually helps anything for real. Yeah, every single time, I think he would set up situations
Starting point is 00:57:43 where I would get burned on purpose Just so he could use some of his Mexican home remedies. Yeah, I mean just like leaving hot waffle irons over the door Yeah, he was like proud of the bucket of water. It's a hot waffle iron Got some all over your face Yeah, he would like put hot water above the door Like a portkullis he'd blow torch the door knobs like in catch him, I'll go all the kids. Open it. Ah! Like a portkullis. He'd blow torch the door knobs like in home alone.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Oh God. Yeah. Yeah. That was my dad. It's very Mexican of him. Uh-huh. He would put toys in the bottom of like a heated pool of water when I reach in. It would be, ah, you motherfucking Mexican.
Starting point is 00:58:22 You got me again. Spit roast your, your Optimus Prime. Yeah, and he would have so much. Hit his down board that would play LaCooka Rache, and he would come out. Yeah, pieces of Aloe vera in each fist. My dad drives a... He drives Alexis, but he's got mud flaps of Tweety Bird
Starting point is 00:58:41 on the back tires. That's how Mexican he is. He loves Tweety Bird. They do Eosimony Sam too. No, they only do Tweety Bird on the back-takers. That's how Mexican he is. He loves Tweety Bird. They do Eosimony Sam too. No, they only do Tweety Bird. Mexicans, they fucking love Tweety Bird. Really?
Starting point is 00:58:51 For some reason. Why? I don't know. Tweety Bird fucks up a lot of McDonald's orders too. That's why they love it. If you ever switched to SAP, you know, secondary audio program, Sean, I'm bringing you back to audio so I can get you interested to SAP? Yeah. You know, a secondary audio program, Sean, I'm bringing you back to audio so I can get you interested in this.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Yeah. What? I'm just passing ball audio. That's all, fuck you, Don, my pesos. The reasons of Vestors, the reasons of Vestor, the cat is always trying to eat Tweety Bird is because Tweety Bird fucked up his McDonald's order. If you switch it over and listen in Spanish,
Starting point is 00:59:22 that's the theme. Oh. And then he gets away with it every time. So Tweety Bird Birds like, I fuck up, fuck up their McDonalds orders. That's how we dig back the gun, you know, what stupid old grandma stops him a lot too. Yeah. Fuck that bitch. Yeah. I think I started a Viva LaRosa chant in Dallas. Really? Yeah. A couple of dickheads came up to me and I forget how we got on to the topic, but we got on to the topic of Mexicanery. Yeah. And then I was like, yeah, we're taking the, we're taking the fucking, they're never gonna build this wall, these posties. We're gonna come in
Starting point is 00:59:55 and take all the fucking women there and we started going with Viva LaRosa, right? Your equal opportunity. Then that guy got shot. Oh, that, oh, Dallas, Dallas. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and Dallas. Whoops. Alright, down in phases. Does anything make you rage, buddy? Yeah. Um, they're called upsellers, right? The people who buy shit and then they sell it to you way, way more expensive. Yeah. Who? Like, there was this guy on, on my Facebook from, like a local guy in my city, he sells video games shit and he was selling these family comms, the original Nintendo.
Starting point is 01:00:31 For like, so fucking match. I bought like five, one, two, three, four. I bought four. That's them. For like, 20 bucks on eBay, so fucking cheap. No one wants them that car fish. They throw them away. And this guy was selling them for like $400.
Starting point is 01:00:51 This is the conversion. For people buying them for $400. The fucking scammer. Holy shit. It started taping on his comments. I sell them for 30 bucks, fucking baggit it. There we go. I bought locked or something. Yeah. 80s girls, really into this. What is that app that you use? What is the app that you've been selling all of your shit on?
Starting point is 01:01:18 Offer up. She's been using this, I don't know that one. It's just like sell your garbage. Got it. Women sell their garbage to other women. And then they come over and they meet. That's what it was called at first. And then they shortened it to offer up. Women sell their garbage, women sell your garbage to other women. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:37 That was the guy again, then the PR people cleaned it up. Like yeah, that's not gonna fly. Why? That's what they do. They just come in, sell their garbage, sell their women. Yeah. I think they just, I think they like between book clubs and selling shit and selling shit to each other.
Starting point is 01:01:53 That's pretty much the only way they can socially interact. Oh, selling like diet, vitamins and Tupperware and shitty necklaces. Do you know that have you ever been to one? Been to what? They have women have parties where they try and sell each other garbage. Essentially. I mean, no, I have not been to one, but I know they exist. You go to one of these parties, it's a garbage sale.
Starting point is 01:02:16 You go and they sit around and they get them loaded up on a glass and a half of wine. Yeah. And they talk. And then the host of the party will go to their trash can and just dump it on the table. And they start to bidding. They'll go down one by one who wants this banana peel, 10 bucks. And one of these broads like, oh, yeah, it doesn't, doesn't mean anything to them. The money is like, it's just numbers. That's
Starting point is 01:02:40 how they, that's their economy, Sean. They buy anything anything and then they sell it and then you'll go, then the next one has a party and they just dump shit on the table. Yeah, I'll take that sell their own shit back. They sell their own garbage to each other all fucking day with multi level garbage marketing skis. There you go. A bunch of five like a empty adville bottle. It'll shake it.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Oh, there's a couple in there. That's what they do. You've never been to one of these garbage parties? No, I have. Oh, they're all the rage. They love it. I'm not on the end. You're not a woman.
Starting point is 01:03:15 No. That's why. Could be that. Second you, this, No, the second, and then you walk in on them and I'm like, ha, they hate you when you fight because they know that they're doing something wrong. All right. They know they're doing weird stuff. You walk in on it and they're like, they hate you when you fight, because they know that they're doing something wrong.
Starting point is 01:03:25 They know they're doing weird stuff. You walk in on and they're like, ah, you gotta, what they want, they won't look at you in your eyes. Like, all right, what are you fucking morons doing in here, selling and buying garbage to each other? Edons right now. But immediately when you leave,
Starting point is 01:03:41 they start selling garbage to each other again. It's the damnedest thing. It's like the, you know, the dog that knows he's not supposed to be on a couch. Yeah, they come in the room and it's like jumps off. The soon as you're gone. It's back on the fucking couch. Like a dog in a wig sometimes. I didn't even know.
Starting point is 01:04:00 All right, Tommy FaZe does get out of here. Wait, wait, wait, plug your stuff. Where can people go to see your Soyless match, show? You can't go to Monday, Matt. It's a fat faggot. Oh, come on. It's a real sight. It's a real sight.
Starting point is 01:04:14 I made it. I'm sure it is. I'm going to this count with a coupon. I have all my archives there. So whenever I put a video, I'll put a mega link there. So you can see it. OK, get out of here. Goodbye.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Thank you. Thanks. Thanks, you great, you're a treasure. You're a national treasure of Mexico. Oh God, you know, I had a lot of stuff to talk. A lot of other stuff to talk about today. I went to Disneyland with 80s girl. Did you see the video that, did you see the video
Starting point is 01:04:44 I caught her taking at Disneyland? No. Really? What, you're talking, you're looking at me like I go on social media or have any idea what's going on. Sean, you're gonna like this video. Let me just queue it up for you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:58 You do that. So, I was incensed at what happened to Star Tours. Oh, at Disneyland. Star Tours has always been my favorite ride. I love it. And you know what? They have different versions now, right? What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:05:17 You don't all get the same ride. They change the visuals slightly. Like, depending on, this is what I heard. Cause I went on because I went on, I went on it and then somebody else went on it and they're like, no, that's not what we did. You guys both didn't watch Star Tours getting raped right in front of you. And the one I went on, the one I went on, I liked it a lot. No, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Yeah, with all of the, with all of the new Star Wars shit, with all the cameos and stuff, because the one I went on, I remember a lot of cameos I just liked where we flew and like we went underwater Underwater. Yeah, Star Tours, Sean. You dumb motherfuckers. It was on a planet. It was on another planet. Star tours You're not supposed to go to a fucking planet. The rest of the park is on a planet. That's up close in personal You can get that at any ride, Sean This is Star Tours a tour of the fucking stars. But you get up close to a star.
Starting point is 01:06:09 You don't need to look at a distance. I'm a planet. You dick-wizard, a planet. What, I want a star tour of the fucking stars in space. Not a planet. I'm all in a planet. I could go to the jungle cruise. If I wanted a tour of a planet.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Jesus Christ. They fucking, in mine, the one I went on. The one I went on a planet. I could go to the jungle cruise. If I wanted a tour of a planet. Jesus Christ. They fucking, in mine, the one I went on. The one I went on was fucking great. The one I went on, a bunch of dildos shot up your ass. Yeah. To ass fuck you while you're watching, do you know why? Why? Because you deserve it.
Starting point is 01:06:38 See, three pios that stupid cocksucker is there for some reason. Yeah. Hasn't make no sense. Hasn't make no sense. Hasn't make no sense. No, no. He was like R2, but yeah, he used to be in the old one.
Starting point is 01:06:49 No, he didn't. It was the guy, the guy, the little pilot guy, because it was his first fucking day. It was an honest, hard working robot. Yeah, but I thought, see, it was his first fucking day of work. See, they don't always say shit. It doesn't matter. They fucking ruined it.
Starting point is 01:07:05 They ruined it. And the whole day, I saved it to last. I took 80s girl to Disneyland for her birthday. Yeah. Cause she's been good. K. K. K.
Starting point is 01:07:16 K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K.
Starting point is 01:07:24 K. K. K. The whole day. Oh, baby, you're gonna love this. Star tours, it's gonna blow your dick right off. You're gonna love this ride. Did you go underwater? Did we go underwater? I don't think so. Yeah, see there's different ones.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Fucking, I don't wanna go. If I wanted to go into the water, I'd go to the submarine ride across the street. Wait a minute, but you didn't go underwater. What are you complaining about? Because it was, it made, I told, she says, I haven't seen any of Star Wars, is this ride gonna make sense to me?
Starting point is 01:07:54 I say yeah, it'll make, it'll make, don't worry about it. It'll make sense. Guys first day in the job and he fucks up and gets in a big space battle. It's just a fun ride. It's not fun. It doesn't make any sense. It makes no fucking sense now. It doesn't have to. Okay. It doesn it doesn't make any sense. It makes no fucking sense now.
Starting point is 01:08:05 It doesn't have to. Okay. It doesn't have to make it sense. Just take it for what it is. What, what is it? It's a right planet through a private space. A fucking plant, it's not. It's a ride around a bunch of planets.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Whatever. We're guys where famous actors show up, who my hate already. Oh, if you're putting an actor in front of me, it better be for a good fucking reason. It better be funny. I'm trying to find the actors. Because, bar none, I hate them. I hate seeing famous people who was in yours.
Starting point is 01:08:38 All of them. Really? The Finn, the black guy, the guy who was gay or whatever. Let's say gay, that stupid, the ball robot, who's who is gay or whatever, let's gay, that stupid, we, the ball robot, who's more of a prick than R2D2, the ball robot makes R2, ruins R2D2's stick. Yeah. Cause it makes, then you realize, oh, you are being an unhelpful prick.
Starting point is 01:08:58 The new cast is terrible. They're, they are all too small for the screen. They don't have no presence whatsoever. They look like they're happy to be there. They are all too small for the screen. They don't have no presence whatsoever. They look like they're happy to be there. Finn or whatever. You get completely out charisma and overshadowed by a fucking 90 year old Harrison Ford.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Yeah. Yeah, not one leading character. Fucking Boomer Wars. That's what they should call it. It's not Star Wars anymore. It's Boomer Wars. Yeah, the fucking what's his face? I don't even get me started on,
Starting point is 01:09:26 I told you I laughed out loud in the theater when he took off his helmet, right? And people like everybody look the giant shaz guy. The guy who looks like he stepped out of a hair salon. Wait, who? Whatever the fuck is name, you know, dark, no, the fucking baby Darth Vader.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Yeah. Emovator, whatever you want to fucking call him. Yeah, the guy that was in girls. I just, I laughed. I was like, what the fuck is this? I could kick this guy's ass. Force or not. I could show up in a wife-beater and kick this guy's ass.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Yeah. You know what, that's why I feel. Yeah. That's when it lost me. I, my God, I'm like, oh man, I don't know. I wouldn't piss that guy off. Yeah, Darth Vader. Darth Vader.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Darth Vader. Darth Vader. Darth Vader. Darth, Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid-
Starting point is 01:10:11 Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid-
Starting point is 01:10:19 Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- Darth Maid- That's what I think. Yeah. Okay. So they fucking ruined starts. So all day, I was like, oh man, you can't wait for the star, star tours experience. And I go and I've been on star tours? No.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Wow. Okay. I know. It's weird, right? Yeah. Um, uh, we go, we see it and it's totally ruined, of course, by, by new Star Wars shit. There's no, there's no story at all. It's not a guy honest robots first day of the job.
Starting point is 01:10:48 The fuck's up, very relatable. This is just a mishmash of cameos, cameos and horse shit to propel you into the gift shops. You can buy action figures for said cameos, right? There's nothing, there's no heart to it at all. It's just a constant, it's a constant existential reminder that you paid money, that you exchanged life for this.
Starting point is 01:11:08 So I had, I was wearing this feeling in my heart, this feeling of failure and hatred and sorrow that no one will see, not only will no one ever see the good start toers again, but now I look like a prick. Now there's a permanent, unfinished hand job that I gave my girlfriend all day of building up this ride. So I said, hey, honey, will you take a picture of me
Starting point is 01:11:30 of this feeling of failure on my face right now? So I can post it on the internet. You know, let's get something out of this because I feel terrible. So I looked at the picture later that she took. And you know, iPhone has a live video where you can press it and then you see what their camera was doing. Yeah, you know about that? a live video where you can press it
Starting point is 01:11:44 and then you see what their camera was doing. Yeah, you know about that. Yeah, yeah, no, it's real short, but yeah. Yeah, so the iPhone, when you press take a picture, it starts taking video and then it will pick a video when you press it, but it has video on all sides. Yeah. So I said, oh, let me see what else,
Starting point is 01:12:02 let me see what my face looked like in this, right? Like when you watch the video of this, like, three-second clip. So I watched the video, and this is what I saw. I'm gonna play it for you now if I can put it on the stream. Okay, here we go. That's what I saw.
Starting point is 01:12:20 That's what I saw. Yeah. Yeah. God damn. You see that, Sean? That is a trick with huge tits. No shit. Walking around. Look at this guy that she's with.
Starting point is 01:12:38 A skull shorts and a skull tattoo on his leg. The skull shorts wasn't enough. He likes skulls, clearly. Sean, he's fascinated with skulls. Yeah, he's very deep because he's obsessed with dad. With dad, yeah. Dia de los Muertos. Yeah, Sean.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Right. See, I think he's not Mexican. Yeah, reference. I don't even know what he said. How could I? I love it. God damn. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:13:09 What do we have here? I probably watched this video 10,000 times. Yeah. Just swirving onto this chick with a huge wreck. All right. I'll tell you what else is fucked about Disneyland though. The fast pass? Yeah. There's a lie. the huge wreck. All right. I'll tell you what else is fucked about Disneyland though. The fastpass. Yeah. There's a lie. Okay. And then there's max pass, which
Starting point is 01:13:31 you entirely from your phone. Okay. Fastpass will make you hate your fellow man. Oh, okay. With such an intense passion that there's no recovering from it. Do explain. The fast pass is you show up, you scan your pass or you do it on your phone. And then it tells you to come back at a certain time. And then you get to go, it's like a front of the line, pass that, but they give all these things for free. So it's like, it's like socialism for waiting in line where everybody gets, everybody gets to go to the front of the line. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:06 So what are you gaining? So what are you gaining? But it tricks you like if you don't show up and immediately do your fast pass for the most popular rides, you're going to go to those rides and wait two, three hours way longer than normal sitting there watching these fast pass fucks streaming in in front of you. There's no concept of the ride will be this long to get in. They've completely removed all of the free market of line waiting that made theme parks
Starting point is 01:14:40 tolerable and replaced it with a socialized line waiting system that's all done behind cloaking dagger behind the scenes where you're registering for the right party. And then you sit there and you don't let two of you in to the ride. They'll let two of the of the of the proletariat in or four, literally four. And then the fastpass people will stream in next to you. 20, 30 at a time, walking, talking to each other, carrying on like it's the most fun thing they've ever done in their fucking lives. While you're stuck there like human chattel
Starting point is 01:15:20 waiting for your two morsels of people at a time. Screaming like the fucking claw. didn't you have fastpass? Yes, but we fucked it up. I didn't know Okay, that all that the entire getting to the bottom of the Park was run on this fucks it like if you don't register right away for the good rides Yeah, they're gone. They're sold out because so many of these assholes do it like you see how many people they can hold If you don't register right away, it's like, oh, if your fastpass is 9 p.m.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Oh, you missed it? Nope, come back tomorrow. Well, now what do I do? Now, you just wait an indeterminate amount of time and watch people who happen to request it stream into the fucking ride. Yeah. Putting it right in your face.
Starting point is 01:16:02 John, it's a mistake. The whole fastpass system is fucked. And it needs to be repealed or at least charged for it's, it's so aggravating to stand in a sun, watching people dump into the ride in front of you. I'll wait in the line, but I am not gonna, it turns everybody in Disneyland into those stupid chicks that get to go into the club of the bar,
Starting point is 01:16:28 the club before you're like, ah, you fucking bitch, every time it turns everybody into that. It's a six, it's a sick and depraved system. Okay. Fast pass, and I hate it. Uh huh. I hate it, you love it. You love it, so what?
Starting point is 01:16:40 I don't know, I'm done, yeah, I mean, I always do it. I don't, I get drug to Disneyland, you understand? Yeah, yeah. I see, I don't know, I'm not always do it. I get drug to Disneyland, you understand? Yeah, I see, I don't do anything voluntarily. That's the, I would never leave the house if given the choice. Sure. So, you know, yeah, if I go then, I demand, I demand the easiest time possible,
Starting point is 01:17:03 or I will throw a fit. Yeah, and I would, you know, say, okay, I'm done here. I'm done here. the easiest time possible. Or I will throw a fit. Yeah. And I, you know, say, okay, I'm done here. I'm done here. You go do something. I'm gonna sit under this tree by myself, which is the best time I've ever brought. It's terrible the times climb all fucking day.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Let me see if I got anybody in here. Oh, we got the results. Oh, our super turbo podcast. Yeah, yeah, I saw something about that. Yeah, a lot of voters. We had over a million votes. Incredible. Isn't that exciting?
Starting point is 01:17:34 Yeah. I think Alan's here. I think they all left the podcast at one star too. Hey, Alan, are you there? I'm here. What's up, man? He is, is Grant or Kevin in here too? Or is it just you? Grant said he could call in from his phone. Let me see if I can find out who's content. I see them sitting in that maybe that's Kevin
Starting point is 01:17:53 I don't know anyway. It was a very exciting contest and all of our all the participants. I did a great job. Yeah I had a lot of fun doing there were really no losers. No, there were no losers Yeah, I think I had a lot of fun doing there were really no losers. No, there were no losers Maddocks lost So as everybody knows we used the we used Maddocks is $30,000 voting system To vote on who would be the newest member of the CU next Tuesday podcasting network and At first it was a slow go at first. There was about 5,000 votes I think. Yeah. Like five or six times what Maddox usually gets on his maybe even more. And then somebody figured out, well, then there was a huge burst of votes. There was a million
Starting point is 01:18:40 votes that came out of nowhere. It's really weird. And it shut his, he's been a riveting issue. Yeah. Should some animals go extinct was the idiot spaghetti. What is stupid fucking question? But I mean, I find some kind of poetry in that. Yeah. That's the magnet speaking to you. Some animals should go as extinction.
Starting point is 01:19:04 So because of that, let me see, is Grant here? Is he not in? I don't see him. All right, well, if he comes in later, tell him to call in. This is what I've decided. Since there's no way to know who won. I mean, it's a tie as far as I see. But according to the side, the madcast media side, if you go there and try I mean, it's a tie as far as I as far as I see, but according to the the side,
Starting point is 01:19:25 the madcast media site, if you go there and try to vote, it returns an error saying something like dick, fuck you, dickhead. No cursing, of course, because Maddox has no no penis, but it's, it's something to the effect of, ha ha, I ruined your voting system or something like that. So clearly, it's clearly Maddox's tampering. You put in the source code. You put in the HTML of his site. Clearly, Maddox's tampering with my voting system.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Yeah. So I've decided to let both shows on. Oh. Hey. Because it is a tie. You guys did a great job, and I think it's just too funny. Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:04 It was hilarious. Oh, man. because it is a tie. You guys did a great job and I think it's just too funny. Yes. It was hilarious. Oh man, his, to break Maddox's website is incredible. That was the best part of it. I was like, if we win, we lose whatever, at least we got one over on Maddox again. And for you to do, taking over his stream was hilarious. It was like on two fronts, fuck you Maddox. For you to do, like taking over his stream was hilarious.
Starting point is 01:20:29 It was like on two fronts, fuck you, Maddox. It was a good day. It was great. Well, congratulations, Alan, not for human consumption. You did a great job. Go check out your show. It's gonna be at, which is the homepage of the CNX Tuesday media network. Cool.
Starting point is 01:20:44 So I'm gonna add both the, both not for human consumption and the thought cops. Right. In there with a hopefully changed intro, hopefully changed intro. They got no real. I heard the sirens. No.
Starting point is 01:20:55 What me Alan, what does anything make you a rage? You know, I was thinking about that. And I've flown a lot this year. Yeah. And the first couple of flights I took, it was first come first serve on the seating. So if you got, say in Group A, you could just run in, get a good seat and sit down and be done with it. But when I flew to Atlanta for road rage, I flew a different airline, which I think it
Starting point is 01:21:18 was Delta. And you have to pick your seat while you're booking your ticket. And of course, I booked it. Yeah, of course. All the seats sucked. And I never realized this because I've never had to sit in the middle seat in the aisle. Oh, that's the worst.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Holy fuck. They shouldn't be able to let guys our size sit in the fucking middle. Do you know what, but there's one solution to fix all of this. Oh, it's a fast pass. For seats. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:44 On an airplane. Yeah, yeah. You're right. Oh, it's a fast pass. For seats. Yeah. On an airplane. Yeah, yeah. You're right. That's it. It was like a three and a half hour flight back from Atlanta, and I had this old lady sleeping on my shoulder. I've got another lady sitting next to me reading a book.
Starting point is 01:21:55 I'm like, I gotta take a fucking piss. What the fuck? Women and children only should sit in those middle. You know, because they get to get off the recs first, right? Women and children first. That's still the thing. That's the theory. Some look, some guys are in practice.
Starting point is 01:22:11 A bunch of in cells are going to do it. If there's a plane rack, a bunch of guys are going to still be trying to get laid, chucking women and children off the plane or the boat first, right? No matter how much we try to red pill them, Sean, or black pill them, that you step on their fate, you step on the woman's face and vault out of the plane. first, right? No matter how much we try to red pill them, Sean, or black pill them that you step on their fate, you step on the woman's face and vault out of the plane. They're still going to try to do it. So because of that, it should middle seats are women and children only. That's how it should go. Black pill air. We don't fuck around on black pill airlines.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Right. Only only women and children in the middle seats. All right, Alan, congratulations. Thank you. And thank you for participating in the Super Championship podcast. To a lot of fun. Edition. Yeah. All right. Nick had an interesting stream about that.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Did you see that at all? No, Rikeda. Yeah. Yeah, Nikrokeda. He was talking about copyright and how me using that logo was not copyright infringement because it is in and of itself a derivative work of something else. So I can use, like, Maddox can't say that's copyrighted because he's using somebody else's thing. So I can use it as much as I want. Interesting. Yeah. Or I can use it and face the only people that can claim copyright of it is Capcom
Starting point is 01:23:25 Because they own what logo are you talking about? I used the super Turb this one Super turbo podcast championship edition. Oh, because I've been using that to promote. Yeah, my podcast Let me play another song for y'all. This one, this one's by Uncle Buck. In the Cucksockers. It's called Cuckstar. I think.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Okay. Uncle Buck and Hazen Cruise sent in the same cover this week. Did they really? Yeah, they both sent it. Did they know about that? I don't think so. Wow. They both said, so you got to vote for which cover you like more.
Starting point is 01:24:12 I'm going to play them both. Oh, okay. You go to, find episode 114. And if you like the Uncle Buck cover. Oh my God. Excuse me. If you like the Uncle Buck cover, you vote for the left choice, which I think is yes.
Starting point is 01:24:31 And if you like the Hayes and Cruz song, you vote for no on the right. Got it, this week, okay? I'll do my best to make sure that the voting is legit. It can take it. Yeah. I'll do my best to make sure that the voting is legit. That can take it. And Mattics' defense, his website couldn't take the voting and the traffic.
Starting point is 01:24:50 So the Cucksockers version is yes, the left side. And the Hayes and Cruz one is no, and the right side. Got it. I just thought of that, Sean. Yeah, how do you like that? All right, here's the, here's Cuckstar. Somebody once told me the dick was gonna troll me.
Starting point is 01:25:11 I ran a jerk off in my cushion. I was sitting out some chance because I couldn't handle fans now. My show has no feet. Just let it end. Well, the tears start coming and they don't stop coming. Now my show has no feed, just let it end Well, the tears start coming and they don't stop coming Crying for the guys, I think this would be funny
Starting point is 01:25:30 Didn't make sense cause I played Dark Souls on my drugs for 96 Cause I never get old Make me your rage, I'll change my age, I did job like a whole run back page I'll write your boss me your name bro You robbed your feed, just stop my own show Hey, hell, you're a cop, go start a podcast My name bro Yeah Hey now, you're a cop though, start a podcast yet Payed it, but not much, get some sponsors, watch my girlfriend Yet paid it, all my material sold It's not really wrong with being a cop though
Starting point is 01:26:38 Hey, it's a cruise, I know we're getting in the speed with a jack and feet and stuff, but I'm pretty sure that it was a cop soccer song and like we We called dibs in the lyrics man. We called fucking dibs Does that mean anything do you piece of shit? No, it clearly doesn't fuck you hazing crews But a podcast, get paid, but not much, get some sponsors Watch my girlfriend, get paid, and all my materials, oh Nothing really wrong Somebody wants, ask should they count or sue my ass It might just get my balls self out of this place
Starting point is 01:27:22 He said, yes, I'm doing my best I'm filled with a little bit of spite myself and we all want you to fade away Well, the deer start coming and they don't start coming, proud of red guys, you think me as a reast funny? Didn't make sense cause I played dark souls on my jump through 96 cause I never get old Make me a rage, I'll change my age That's a job like a horror on Backpage I'm not sure I'm seeing you in the middle I'm supposed to be this on my own show Hey, now, here I come cold
Starting point is 01:27:53 Start a podcast, get, hate But not much, get some sponsors Watch my girlfriend get paid It's all my material's gold Nothing really wrong with being a cuckoo All my materials go Thank you my friend Nothing really wrong with being a cuckoo
Starting point is 01:28:18 Holy fuck, I feel good Alright God damn it, alright, if you like the cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck- The cuck-the- The cuck- The cuck-the-the- The. If you like the Cuck Sockers, remember to vote. Yes, the one on the left, the light orange color on Find episode 114 if there is one.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Let's go. Let's do a little around the horn. God, we're going to play. We're going to play Hazen Cruise later. Later, later, later. I woke up today with my heartbeat in my eyeballs. Yeah. After the magic tournament last night, Eric.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Let me, I'm actually, I'm gonna put you on the, there we go. Eric Wong, how you doing, buddy? How do you look? I got a fantastic. I do have a question for Eric Wong, though, immediately. What is it? Are you Asian? I'm way too hung over to think of something clever to say.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Sean and I had an argument before you got here. No, it wasn't an argument. I just, I was like, wait, that guy? Like, you don't think Wong is there? Right, yeah, what gave it away? So you know what we were talking earlier? And a straight black Holtogon hair? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:16 I thought, I thought maybe way back, you know, like a great generation to go. So I am Chinese like Panda Express is Chinese. Got it. It's a theme today. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends.
Starting point is 01:29:30 They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends.
Starting point is 01:29:38 They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They're great friends. They. Oh man. I'm Chinese enough. Thank you so much for putting on that magic together
Starting point is 01:29:49 at the Olympics last night. My pleasure, it was the most fun I've had until I woke up this morning. Yeah, right. You had a heartbeat in the eyeballs too. The key on the... Oh yeah, give me that joke, heartbeat in the eyeball. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:02 You know, it's a rough morning when you wake up and the first thing that you do, the first thought that crosses your mind is I need to choose some fucking I'd be proven. Yeah. Not just like hop them and wait, like I need to shit now. I'm gonna shove these pills on my ass, like get it in my system,
Starting point is 01:30:16 like you're fucking horrible. That's what you do. The liquid gels, that's the future of liquid gels. It makes sense that they're faster. They go right up your ass. So they can bypass your liver and you can get the relief you need. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:32 I crawled out of the shower this morning like I was crawling out of the primordial ooze and 80s girl had a coffee and four ibuprofen's laid in front of the door. She was trying to keep the crampus away. It's like, oh my God. Thank you so fucking much. I've never needed anything more. She also said when I went to, I was so drunk after the magic
Starting point is 01:30:53 of the gathering tournament last night that I was apparently trying to dirty talk last night in bed. I was like, hey, because we had to sleep in the spare room because our bedroom is full of studio stuff. We got an AC unit installed in the studio. Coach's little brother came in and installed this fucking beautiful life-saving air conditioning device in the studio.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Super quiet. I had to empty everything out into my bedroom and I said, oh, I'll have plenty of time. I'll get back from magic to gathering, and then I'll clear the bed off, and I'll do my taxes. And I started lining up all the things that I was definitely not going to do. So we slept in other iTunes feed before bed. So we slept in the spare room, and I was like, oh, I don't remember doing this, but apparently this is what I did.
Starting point is 01:31:43 I said, oh, wow, we could pretend like we just met at this thing. And it feels like a strange bed, right? We broke into somebody's house. Yeah, we broke into somebody's house. And then she said, she turned over and somehow I had gotten a pack of salami. Funny. She turned over thinking, all right, let's go time. And I'm eating slices of salami in bed.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Which is what you really needed at that time. I was talking to the salami actually. Yeah. I was saying, I love you so much. It's funny. It's always bad when you wake up with food products in bed. Yeah. Well, you know, anyway, I hope everyone had a great time. Thanks for coming. Yeah, it was it was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:32:28 It was a bigger turn out than I expected a lot of dickhead showed up who don't play magic or didn't know how to play just to hang out. People flew in Sean played. Yeah, I forgot about that. Sean played magic. That did not go well. So like like pretty much everything else in my life, like looking back, I'd have done a lot of things different. So, Sean tells me that before last night. I was looking at the wrong numbers on those cards. Let me tell you what. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:32:56 Well, I wasn't really paying attention to what they cost to put down. Are you just putting them down? No, no, no. I was like, what? I don't have enough land to put these down. Like these things cost a lot to fucking put down. Are you just putting them down? No, no, no. I was like, what? I don't have enough land to put these down. Yeah. Like these things cost a lot to fucking put down. That's the sea remember? That was I was screaming about that one episode. Well, I also, you know, for whatever reason, seem to be some kind of savant when it comes to shuffling cards, because
Starting point is 01:33:18 I could go card after card after card after card and like not pull a land card. Yeah. The man is talking about. Yeah, the man has grew. But I did the proportions the way that people told me to. But had you do? Terrible. Did you get, did you hit anybody? Well, yeah, well, I was getting babysat too.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Yeah, you know what? But I did have cards. We didn't finish the second game. Okay. Cause you flipped the table over. Yeah, yeah, but I did have cards. We didn't finish the second game. Okay. Cause you flipped the table over. Yeah, but I was, no, I got completely shut out the first game cause I couldn't get it. I didn't get one hit in.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Not one hit, but no, the second game, I think he was down to two. Oh, but yeah, but it was like, and then it called it. And then Eric's going like, oh no, you get to keep playing and I was like, oh no, no, no, no. I'm definitely done. Yeah, I'm definitely done. I think that game might be a nightmare for you
Starting point is 01:34:10 because the hindsight is, well, it has. Yes, that's all differently. I think that has a strong pull on you. Is that right? Yeah, the game hindsight. Like in, like golf is a hindsight game too. Why would I want, why would I want to play that then?
Starting point is 01:34:25 I don't think you should. Yeah, that's when you said you were going to play. I was like, uh oh, just because people, because people would have been disappointed. People would have been disappointed if I didn't. Oh, so you know, I gave it, I gave it a run. Well, that was cool. Yeah, it was, it was weird to see you playing magic of all people.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Oh, yeah, I'll bet. And Sean had told me that before last night, he had never seen a magic card ever. No, I never saw it. Never picked on him. You know, Hurst Stone had like no frame of reference for any sort of game that we're trying to play. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:54 And I pull him aside like five minutes before the event and I teach him like the real quick basics. And he like, he followed, but I could tell he didn't understand. And I felt bad kind of chucking him in the deep. Oh, yeah, well, that's the, I think just in hindsight, you have to, you kind of have to just play. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:16 To understand, you're like, oh, what he said makes so much more sense now. Now I, now I, yeah, I've always been that kind of guy. Like if it's not, I hate hearing instructions without doing something. Yeah, I just, it doesn't make sense. You learn more by doing, come on.
Starting point is 01:35:32 This is, this is doing nothing for me. But it's good to get the, I mean, it's good to get the background, though, you know, it's like if I, you know, if you hadn't told me that, I would have thought that you tried to fit them together like a puzzle, you know, so it's, you did have the advantage of being sober. Yeah, that's where opponents were sober.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Yeah, some, you know, some advantage. Yeah, you and 80s girl, the only sober. I kept checking you on her as I got progressively inebriated into a fucking mess who can't add. And I was like, I would get drunk and be like, oh man, now I'm more worried about her, but then I would realize she's 100% sober. All of your problems are because of flickers. She's fine.
Starting point is 01:36:11 You're the one who should be the one who's gonna be the one. Somebody gave me these thopter token cards. Tom, the Trump thopter is very annoying, Cord. Yeah, they're in Fag, F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- this chick master's in Yu-Gi-Oh core. Oh yeah. I mean, absolutely obscene. We got a lot of artists in there. On a scale of one to 10, how disgusting is that? Right? Absolutely disgusting.
Starting point is 01:36:54 Well, you got a rage, man? Oh yeah, I got a rage. Oh, Jesus Christ. My rage is super glue. Dude, okay. Yes. Okay. I was just using super glue. So, and I bet you still have is super glue. Dude, okay. Yes. I was just using super glue. So, and I bet you still have dried super glue on your face. Yes, I can't find it.
Starting point is 01:37:11 I can't fucking find it. Yeah, I have never once in my life used super glue and not worn half of the fucking bottle on my hands. But your fingers get stuck together, they get on your shirt, it never washes out, your clothes are ruined, and they say like you put nail polish remover out like, like, I have no way to move her laying around.
Starting point is 01:37:28 So I'll polish a nail polish remover for my girlfriend, and I'll sit there for a fucking hour with my hand in this bottle of nail polish remover, doesn't work. Super glue's just there. You just have to wait until that patch of skin dies and scabs over and falls off, because you're never getting this fucking superglue off of your hand. All I want to do, all I want to do is like put together this IKEA, like, and I was superglue. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:37:54 And they're like superglue on a different spot. And why? That's what the instructions say. What the fuck are you doing? I don't say you superglue on a different spot. I am not an furniture. I do not know. I follow the instructions. What were you really using I am not a super glue, I am not a plush. I am not a furniture, I do not know. I follow the instructions.
Starting point is 01:38:06 What were you really using? Were you trying to glue your dick shut? I was, the IKEA story doesn't check out. They will ever tell you to use super glue. Maddox once said that you can't plug your dick hole with your finger. So I thought I'd try it with some super glue. Save some money on condoms, right?
Starting point is 01:38:20 And instead of getting the super glue on the tip of my dick, I got it all over my hand. It goes everywhere. It's yeah, it's everywhere. I don't understand super glue. The second you popped the cap on off, there's always little hidden pockets somewhere. Little Irishman came over.
Starting point is 01:38:39 Did you see us? The little Irishman came over two nights ago. And it was like, it was a fantasy world for him. All we did all night was play video games and eat pizza. Video games with no timer. Yeah, right. Because he's got, I know my sister,
Starting point is 01:38:52 I'm sure she's got him on a strict timer. Sure. You get 20 minutes of video games and then you get 10 years of violin practice and then you get 20 more minutes of video games. When he comes in, like man, his video games all the fucking time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Pizza. Video games. Pizza, video games when he comes in like man his video games all the fucking time. Yeah. Pizza video game. Pizza video pizza video games bitches. Pick two. I think I know what you're going to pick. And we were making these little scopie guys that like I it required one tiny drop of super glue. Yeah. My hands have been get randomly soaked in super it's like a time traveling liquid.
Starting point is 01:39:23 You take off the lid and it just shoots up on the ceiling and then it hits down and gets in your throat. It comes out and you squeeze it, but it never stops coming out. I can squeeze it for a little bit and then it just dumps out endlessly. Those tubes, those tubes are sealable. They have a cap that's bullshit.
Starting point is 01:39:40 They are one use only tubes because as soon as you open it, the glue goes everywhere. The cap is a little slid shut. The cap is a little, it's shut. The cap is a little, they're like a little needle or like a tack. Yeah, yeah. Like a push pin. Yeah, that's fine though. But then the cap gets glued on to the tube.
Starting point is 01:39:54 And you have to cut it off. Yeah. It's, it's, every single thing about it. It's shudder every time. Every single thing about super glue is designed to be as inefficient as possible. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking inferior. It to be as inefficient as possible. Yeah. Fucking inferior. It's fun though.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Is it? Yeah. It's real fun. Like, we should do a contest of what's the funniest prank to do with super glue. You know? Oh, that's dangerous. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:18 That's, I could see that going, well, depending on the way you look at it, I could see that going either very poorly or very, very well. Because it doesn't harden when it's on stuff, right? It doesn't harden on its own. You got to start, like, you have to touch another thing to it or put pressure on it. Something like that. I don't understand how they say. No, they do say you've got to apply pressure for like 30 seconds or something. Yeah, and the pressure, the heat does something with it. But God, and it turns everything white. Like, I've, I used to have six fingers,
Starting point is 01:40:44 and I got super glue on one, and I shoot it all the way off. Yeah, because you only wait to get it off. You just and it turns everything white. Like I've, I used to have six fingers and I got super glue on one. I shoot it all the way off. That's the only way to get off. You just got to amputate. Um, that's a good one. Did you see me in the Irishman playing video games on Twitch? Uh, yeah, a little bit. I mean, just on the spot where he just said, you keep dying in the same place or something like that. Yeah, that little fucker. Yeah. Uh, my nephew was over and so we're playing video games right and I said do you want to stream on the internet? Like we can play on TV. I thought it'd be fun to play video games on introducing the one news of the internet. It can't possibly go wrong. You got to get him out in front right away. Get out in front of all these other kids establish
Starting point is 01:41:22 your brand right away. That's what I was really hammering him with Just the idea that people were watching him play video games was like He kind of you could see him realized that he turned over and he's like How like really like so because he was sleeping over here for the first time It was the first time he slept over anywhere that wasn't his mom, you know, his home or my parents. So I went to hang out with Uncle Dick. Yeah. So I fired up Twitch and said,
Starting point is 01:41:51 oh, we'll have a nice little stream time, whatever. Like let's just, let's just see what happens. Yeah. It's fun, right? His parents can watch it. Yeah. Let's see what happens. That motherfucker in the middle of the stream,
Starting point is 01:42:07 of us streaming, turns to the camera and just openly roasts me. Mm-hmm. I have no idea where he would have gotten started. Oh no, no, no. Let me see if I can load this up. Have you seen it? Here we go.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Where the laughing lose will keep trying in the same spot. The laughing loser keeps looking at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him Watch this turn. Right to the fucking camera. Yeah. Who's fuck, that's, that's roasting at an 11th grade level. Yeah, that's pretty advanced. That's bastard. He's a prodigy. He's a roasting prodigy, okay.
Starting point is 01:42:55 I can't really tweet to you because my name's on Twitter and I would definitely lose my job if Maddox or any of his cronies decided to send the Nisterio style email. By the way, I asked the Stereos to send me some audio for that drop-in. Oh yeah, he didn't send it. No, no, he didn't even respond. Well, he's probably, yeah, well,
Starting point is 01:43:15 he's probably just like, at all. What else can happen? Yeah, I hope he's not pissed at me. Why would he be? Because I'm a lot to, everyone needs a break from me. A lot to handle'm a lot to everyone needs a break from me. A lot to handle. Yeah. Eventually, everyone needs a break from me.
Starting point is 01:43:28 For a little bit. Yeah. You know, everybody, everybody. Okay. But he didn't, I really wanted to tag it with an Astero's bumper too. Yeah. But it didn't happen. Maybe he's saving everything for the, the lawsuit, the counter suit. Oh, by the way, if anybody has chats from Maddox, where he says he's gonna cost the stereosis job or he knows about it, he's talking about it all, send him to me because it's fucking evidence. Or any chats at all send him to me.
Starting point is 01:43:59 I can't really tweet this at you because my name's on Twitter now, it definitely lose my job. If Maddox or any of his cronies decided to send a mysterious style email. But holy shit, you absolute legend. At this point, I've gotten more entertainment value out of TDS. And what has spawned out of it than any movie book show ever. Jesus laughing my ass off. I hope this isn't a one-off. Mathics deserves this and more. It's wild. The whole...
Starting point is 01:44:23 soap opera element of this show is, uh, there's, it, none of this, it could be really predicted. No, it's, it's fucking wild. No. Hey, Dick, I'm actually a pilot of that exact model of playing that was stolen in Seattle, interestingly, and kind of fucked up, and you actually don't need keys or anything to start up taxi and take off. As long as you can read a checklist, you're good to go. Unfortunately, landing the thing takes a bit more skill. Yeah, happy to call in.
Starting point is 01:44:56 So that's, there's no keys at all. Interesting. You just go in and turn it on. I would love for him to call in. The pilot? Yeah, the pilot who, the pilots, the same plane, yeah. I'm gonna make a note of that. I definitely have some questions.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Follow up. Like what? Well, I'll say them for the show. If he pees through his fly. No, those are your territory. Ericka, you a tit man or an ass man. I am an ass man. Really?
Starting point is 01:45:22 I don't hold it against me. No, I'm a convert. I'm a recent convert. Micro-trever. Well both. Well, yeah, yeah, obviously all those years of ass farming finally turned you into an ass man. Well, he's Sean. You're doing the Lord. He's Chinese. You're doing the Lord's right? Sure. I was the China was the original death. That's right. That's true. That's right. I'm more of a tit banker. not an ass farmer, like Shashan. Shashan is a salt of the earth, ass farming. I'm more of a highfalutin tit banker.
Starting point is 01:45:48 A tit banker. In my big, titty, wall street. No. Microtriever, I'm listening to Dick Show 64. I wanted to let you know that Spanish speakers use sophisticated words in English, like plethora and abundance because they most closely resemble Spanish figures of speech and often have Latin roots. How about that? Interesting. Pedro Colasso, this was to fix my
Starting point is 01:46:13 auto-playing pornography problems. Go to settings and experience and it'll be the last option there. It'll not auto-play the next item, but it'll show you. Yeah, the problem is I don't think you want to fix it. No, I want it to play. I know. I want it to play. I know, because the story's always funnier. Yeah, and if there's like, if there's like some chick's over, yeah, accidentally starts playing pornography,
Starting point is 01:46:33 they're both gonna, you know, start talking out the sides of their mouths, right? You know what I'm saying? Anything, oh man, yeah. All right. Dick, I had a similar moment of realization regarding my toy collection. In my early 20s, I began collecting action figures for my childhood.
Starting point is 01:46:50 And that captured nostalgia was the ultimate high. I enjoyed completing sets, finding rare figures, showing them off to friends, and impressing the ladies. Okay, I made the last one up. In my mid 20s, I moved in with some roommates who had 10 times the amount of action figures I did. The shelves and walls were absolutely covered with cool action figures, but living there and being surrounded by thousands of dollars with the toys, I realized that there was no endgame. The collecting would never stop and it would only end up looking as cluttered as this place. I'm about to turn 30. I now have about two dozen cool figures, half of
Starting point is 01:47:22 them are in a small box in my closet, but my favorites are tastefully placed in my home office to keep me from going to Greenland. That's what you need to. To keep him from, that's, he's hanging on by a very thin thread. That's the, yeah. But if that's what's keeping him from going to Greenland, much of Super Mario and South Park figure,
Starting point is 01:47:43 and to keep him from killing himself. Right. I think that that's good. Okay. I mean, you could always buy more, right? If the stress increases, just buy. End up back where he was though, at like 20. That's it, you know what?
Starting point is 01:47:59 Do you want to do that? Why isn't there a QVC for 30-year-old men where you can just endlessly buy, Why isn't there a QVC for 30-year-old men, where you can just endlessly buy spawn and South Park and Mario figures, right? Well, I mean, isn't that the internet? Instead of a suicide hotline, it should be a number to buy toys. Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:20 Yeah. I think that would be better. All right. You could buy a Lego Millennium Falcon. If you call it like, you wanna kill yourself? Call this number and you can buy a Lego Guardians of the Galaxy right now. And you're like, wow, I don't have the money for that.
Starting point is 01:48:39 So they're like, we're gonna have to let you go then. It's like a consolation prize. You tried, you're some of go then. It's like a consolation prize. You tried. Yeah. You're someone that goes. Let's see here. Do you dick I have a total cuck for a roommate? I live in Salt Lake City and travel for work,
Starting point is 01:48:53 so I go to Denver for 10 days and come back and they're shit everywhere. Turns out my roommate is letting his girlfriend and her two dogs move into our apartment without even asking me about it. Okay, no. He didn't even do so much. He sent me a text. Oh man, my roommate is a manager and works with his girlfriend. Apparently as soon as she became a manager too, they started dating. Three or four weeks into their relationship, he decided to move her in because he's such a beta male
Starting point is 01:49:22 cook. I literally saw this girl once before she moved in. I don't really talk to his girlfriend. She seems all right, I suppose, except for the fact that she's moved into the apartment and is such a constant fucking mess. Oh, God, they are. The sloppiest roommate I ever had was a woman. You want to know what it's ever had was a woman.
Starting point is 01:49:45 You want to know what it's like living with a woman? It was drier as a trocius. Into a CVS. Drive right through the front door and don't stop until you hit the restroom and then look back. That's what it's like living with a woman. But she's also turned him into a little bitch. My roommate is such a cuck that he'll communicate to me with notes on a white board instead of coming
Starting point is 01:50:05 to me directly. God damn. Wow. Yeah, that's, yeah. Any dick tips. All right. You know what, Eddie, just play this, this one I'm going to do now. But when I, but he's, play this for him.
Starting point is 01:50:16 Seems like he's not, he didn't, he's not even bringing up the issue too. Like how to, Eddie. Yeah. Well, what, I mean, what are you going to say? Like stop. No, like, I mean I mean like what is she doing living here? She living here now. He's gone 10 days. Yeah, just play no text like dude. Why didn't like why didn't you ask me play this episode for? I'm look it's not it's not too late to do the right thing and Ask me if I nobody you think what how would you feel if a woman just shows up,
Starting point is 01:50:47 at least acknowledge it. At least acknowledge that you're moving a woman into the house and you're not even selling it properly. With dogs. Forcing her in and Eddie here gets none of the benefits. Not one single benefit, just a mess. Congratulations, you got to live in girlfriend. Cool, do I get to fucker? No
Starting point is 01:51:06 You get not absolutely none of the bet. Can I just fart all the time? I mean, that's on you. That's the reality of this situation. No, you get dog piss in the corner. You get your benefit dog piss in the corner and you're holding in your farts. You mother fucker. You have you show Eddie the smallest amount of respect For what it takes to hold in farts, you motherfucker, you have, you show Eddie the smallest amount of respect for what it takes to hold in farts all day. He should just go fucking all out the opposite of holding in farts. It's far constantly. Just do everything. Make it as unpleasant as possible. He can piss in the same corner that the dog's piss.
Starting point is 01:51:41 Put up a piss, piss in the kitchen sink. Put up a bitch. While they're watching TV. Put up a piss, piss in the kitchen sink. Put up a big while they're watching TV. Put up a big poster. Right. Just play Trump rallies. Non, if there's anything women, hey, it's nonstop politics, I know this.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Get a hold of a bobcat or an aweslide. Throw it in their room when it's, you know, take care of the dog. Yeah, I mean, just whatever they're in there, whatever. Just, you know, start a new diet. Starts going to want to get out. Start a new diet where you have to have the door open all the time. I just need the flow.
Starting point is 01:52:10 I need the air flow. Oh, the front door. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Try that one. We got a bunch of fucking, we got a bunch of artists in here too. Yeah, I want to give you guys, I'm going to end the show, play Facebook news and then guys, please, I'm on the mys and Cruises. I have to play Hazen Cruises. All right. I'm going to play Hazen Cruises song. If you like Hazen Cruises song, you go
Starting point is 01:52:32 to, you find episode 114 and you vote no. Right. This is our American idol. Yeah. Yes for, uh, yes for Uncle Black and the car and the cuckstackers no for hazing crews of this one's called block star but he's in the uh... uh... uh... slightly a little yet slightly different thank you again air some body wants to be that did was gonna troll me
Starting point is 01:52:59 i went and jerked off in my car i was sending the same lyrics. Yeah. Yeah. Because we were on Twitter. Well, until you start coming and they don't stop coming. Her 13 now my dokey is running. Didn't make sense.
Starting point is 01:53:19 I'll beat Ty Jack. So this is the first man that shit is wack. I'm not a rage. I'm not a phase. I've just got with the greatest web page I'll write you a bar pretty good. I'll get you a fire bro So he tried to cram in inherently wrong. He's committed to the verbiage. Yes, you know, the cocksack is committed to the music. Right, and seeing the difference.
Starting point is 01:54:05 I do. Very interesting. The show is the ultimate for. Hey now, you're a black star. Touch me, tween. Oh, dang. Hey now, you're a low bar. Photo copy rights were among.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Gaze in all your materials all. Nothing inherently wrong with being a cup of gold. You know what's, there's nothing really inherently wrong with being a couple because the two words that the person who's being a couple that enjoys watching other people have set. Well, I'm happy to be able to watch it soon. You can give the chance if you enjoy watching your partner have set. You probably don't know anyone who's a couple. And even if you did, nobody could.
Starting point is 01:54:46 Hey now, you're a black star. Just your me and Tweet. So fucking weird. Hey now, you're a law bar. But a copy rights for mom. What's interesting about these two covers is that both of them sing much better than the singer of Persmashmell. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:06 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:55:22 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. What's this? Uh... That is the best debate stats for July. 900 devices on iTunes. Hey now, you're a block star. Judge me, tweets. This is the July stats for the Dixgo. Oh wow. This is the July stats for the Dixgo.
Starting point is 01:55:45 Oh wow. Oh, nothing inherently wrong with being a joke, oh, oh. Ah, how do you like that, Sean? I like it. Look at these stats. Yeah, I got a stats for you, bitch. I got a stats for you, Maddox. It's like four sharks coming to bite your ass. At the back of a dragon.
Starting point is 01:56:21 I got a bug, not, yeah, those are my sharks, motherfucker. Two, 25, 100. Let's see, your sharks. of a dragon. I got a bug not yeah those are my sharks motherfucker. Two twenty five hundred. Let's see your sharks. Ah smaller. Smaller with small dicks. Give me those sharks bitch. Oh man. AHHHHH! AHHHHH! Look at that! Oh, look at that shit! Dick's show! 25 hundred devices! Maddox's show! 900 devices!
Starting point is 01:56:56 Cause you show, luck and sex! I got a whole year of these stats! Yeah, how about that? Well, that's very interesting. Okay, let's play some Facebook news. Hello, Dick and hello, Dick ads. This is the Facebook group news for the last couple days. Justin Ty took a picture of his com shot
Starting point is 01:57:17 and posted it to the group. He said accurately that it looks like Hawaii and asked him to be put in the news. Congratulations, Justin. This week's top story. Congratulations. I have no words. I have no words. He said it looks like Hawaii and asked to be put.
Starting point is 01:57:34 Well, which, which, which islands? You mean the whole chain? Yeah, of course. Yeah, okay. And come in one big blob like it came out and splattered. I'm sure. It looks like Hawaii, great. Have you ever come to the shape of something
Starting point is 01:57:49 that you could identify? This come looks like the monopoly, man. Take a picture of this shit. No, I don't die. This come looks like a swimming hole. Guy, a little guy swinging from a stomach hair I've given exactly no thought and he's got hands, right? Yeah on other hairs Looks like Hawaii
Starting point is 01:58:17 Congratulations. It's like a happy birthday shout out from Captain Jackass. What does your come look like? This week's top story is the death of FIGBAT DIGERNICK. CJ Williams, a very ad-libbing and creator of FIGBAT, believes Maddox was behind this after CJ posted a video of the three minute hijacking in the best debate in the universe. CJ held an F ceremonial in the digital page where many came out to support CJ in fig bat Next up we have a cat fight in the group as international members Bindu and Blair have been in heated discussions for most of the week Uh-uh, Blair believes Bindu reported her and Bindu responded by making a thread saying bitch needs a good dick and boys and girls Please give it to her. Oh, that's nice. Well, I can pass Bindu to Monday and Matt after she devised an elaborate story on why she actually didn't report her.
Starting point is 01:59:06 And although reporting posts is a permaband of the Dictatorial Facebook group, we have no concrete evidence that such behavior took place. Lastly, we have devout Christian Jeff. Jeff wrote, I hope you all don't mind, but I pray for you all again today. You need to send me the agenda. He later wrote, you may think made some joking, but I'm not. Here's how dickheads react. Oh boy. Pray for me again, and we're
Starting point is 01:59:29 going to have a real problem. Load out your ass. Thank you Jeff. Skip me. One dickhead thought Matthew 544 was intended to be a time stamp. And although the threat is still up, it appears Jeff block causing crews and will not be praying for his soul to be saved. It is as Matthew 544.
Starting point is 01:59:49 It is a time stamp of the Bible. Like you that's you fast forwarding through the Bible. What time goes time stamp on that Jesus quote? Yeah, he starts talking about he starts talking about your everlasting soul like yeah, now. 545. 37 47.45. 37.47. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:07 It's an entire chapter to have voted a cuckolding. You pray for me again, we're gonna have words. Yeah. You fucking put me on the tips of your tongue to the Lord. I'm gonna have a big fucking problem with that. Keep my name out of your mouth. All right, can you guys please introduce yourselves, one by one?
Starting point is 02:00:25 These are some of the thumbnail artists for the Dixho and other artists who have come into the studio today. Your artwork, I'll let you introduce yourself. Yeah, just lean in a little bit so I can get you. Get on the fucking mic. That's how we do it here. That's fine.
Starting point is 02:00:42 I'll get you. I'm a warm one. I do a Martian magazine. And I do thumbnails too. Mart's fine. I got you. I'm a warm one. I do a Martian magazine and I do thumbnails too. Martian magazine. Yeah, it's like a web comic kind of thing. I left it kind of vague so I could always change it. What's the comic about? It's about a little bit of everything.
Starting point is 02:00:57 But I do like a little, there's a little fox named Foxford and he's always getting into trouble. Oh yeah. It's kind of, yeah. Yeah. Doing stuff. Yeah, doing some. Slippin' broads roofies. Yeah. Mischievous.
Starting point is 02:01:07 Mischievous. Mischievous character. Yeah. Okay. Working with Martian Magazine. Yeah. Okay. He, he, we all know.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Yeah, I do this on nail. Um, he, yeah. You're the one that gives me a gigantic ass. Can you show them down a little bit? I can hear them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I gotta get enough. You give me an enormous ass every time I get a he he silly thumbnail I know it's gonna have a big juicy butt that will make me think about being gay. That's what I know about your comics
Starting point is 02:01:36 And I'm really good comics and I make really good comics. It's good name Like a one plumber. Yeah It's good name like a one plumber. Yeah Quality top quality great. You won't be fucked right comics You won't be fucked plumbing. We're not gonna fuck you Good all right. What do you got you guys are all holding something? Oh, yeah, what have you got you were at the magic tournament last night, too? What you think do any of you play magic? No, it looked like fun though. There was a kid there.
Starting point is 02:02:06 It was not. No. I had fun. I had fun. No, we talked to a kid who came from New York all by himself and he came to watch you guys play magic. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:18 Oh, damn it. And I guess to me some twerking person. Oh, yeah. He's like, I'm going to meet a woman. And I was like, oh, that's really sweet. He's like, yeah, she's famous for her twerking priest. Oh yeah. He's like, I'm gonna meet a woman. And I was like, oh, that's really sweet. He's like, yeah, she's famous for her twerking videos. Yeah, didn't you say he took a class from her?
Starting point is 02:02:31 Yeah. He was like learning how to twerk himself. Something like that. The man was learning how to twerk? Unacceptable. His heart was in a good place, I think. Have you ever tried twerking, Sean? No, really?
Starting point is 02:02:44 Really? Like, by yourself? Yeah, really. You're bored of yourself. You're done watching golf for the day. You never tried, done audio engineering. It's rendering. And you're just like, I'm gonna give that Torquing
Starting point is 02:02:54 shit a shot. No. I wanna see what these chicks are talking about. No. Never done. Really? Hmm. Okay.
Starting point is 02:03:01 I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna trip you up like Monday and Matt. Great. You're gonna admit it. Uh-huh, okay Oh, yeah, okay, let's make some fan art this one is Some's mine. It's kind of a it's a watercolor kind of a celebratory So it's Maddox Maddox's tears. Oh, he's crying an ocean. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:03:25 And I'm, he's like an island. And I'm surfing. I'm also dabbing. I'm surfing and dabbing. And also fat. You are fat. Yeah, that is accurate. I mean, wow.
Starting point is 02:03:44 What do you think? With the speed of 80s girl. Yeah, that's a pretty accurate. It's pretty cool. You were generous with the speedo. Says you, buddy. I went to he's seen your twerking videos. I went to the morongo casino a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 02:04:01 Yeah, I rocked. I wore a speedo the entire time. An American flag speedo. You're serious? In the pool, dude, it's the greatest feeling every man should go back to wearing speedos only. I'll be damned, like all over, you know, you go to France or something,
Starting point is 02:04:14 like every dude's wearing speedos. Oh yeah, if you're not wearing a speedo, you're ashamed of your dick. So get on top of it. Throw out your board shorts. I'm gonna bring this in for a bonus episode. For shorts like a fucking dress. Don't be a pussy. Don't be a shame of your dick. This is what's happened. This is why did you go out and
Starting point is 02:04:35 Did you order those yourself? Yeah, I ordered it as an American flag speedo. Okay, and then wore it. Yeah Okay, that's wonderful. Thank you very much. Welcome. Thanks. I did this one. Oh my God. This is absolutely beautiful. It's a, it's a ramen, but I'm sitting in a ramen bowl with eggs.
Starting point is 02:04:58 That's pretty cool. And you're eating my hair, which is noodles. There's shrimp over in the, there's a shrimp. Yeah, over there. Aren't those three shrimp over on the last time? You know what's fucking really starting to annoy me? What? At every meetup, everybody says, oh, you're a lot taller than I thought you would be. I get that too. What the f**k? I get that too. Yeah. You were taller than I expected. Yeah. God, damn it. Well, we're both, we're both over six feet. Maybe people think, you know, it's because
Starting point is 02:05:20 your hair is really horizontal. So you think you you, I don't think that's a compliment. What the fuck? It, like, it seems like something about me, they thought I would be shorter. Well, but, but I get it too. Oh, you do? Yeah, oh, yeah, all the time. Your V-neck just makes you look taller. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:05:41 I don't know why you. I think, and I also think I'm the only guy in the world who's honest about their height Yeah, you meet guys like how you you're you're about my height. What do you like seven feet tall? Yeah? No six feet tall For some reason split the difference you're probably six six now like I actually know exactly how tall I am because Because I was just measured for some I don't think they measured adults. They didn't have the doctor, what kind of doctor were you at?
Starting point is 02:06:07 I was a fucking regular doctor. No, just if he's measuring your height. Ah, for just, you slapped that shit I was for. No, it was for, shit and giggas or what? What do they need to know that for? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:06:17 You can't get cancer. I don't know. He's just running up the bills. Maybe when you're in your insurance, you're in your insurance. They start getting old. They start every once in a while. They're like, are you shrinking? I don't know. No, it's they test you to see
Starting point is 02:06:26 what they can get away with. Doctors are always running game on you. So they measure you, like they, well, what do they get? What are they going to prescribe me? No, they're going to start playing with your dick and stuff. It's their sick head games. They don't just have to play with your dick first. Well, that's how they do it. They make you submit to tests. And then eventually you forget that you can say no. Oh. It's the oldest trick in the book. Okay, really good comments.
Starting point is 02:06:48 I have a lot to learn about doctors. Yes, listen to his mind. Oh my God, I can see it from the back already. Yeah. Oh. Oh. Really good comics is made. I look like I have Wario's nose.
Starting point is 02:07:00 Yeah. And I'm hammering my scrotum into a table stretching it out as far as I can go stretching it out Cuz I'm getting my balls upgraded and something much larger larger. Oh, that's wonderful really good comics You know what I like about this signature Like artists artists will try to fancy gussie up their signature. Yeah, this is straight print. This is just straight Capital letters. Yeah out, easy to read. No pretense about it. All on different lines, just really good.
Starting point is 02:07:35 Justified to the left. It's beautiful. So people know you don't have to sit there trying to figure out what the hell does that say? Casso, people are slowly starting to not even re-curse of anymore. They think it's just little hairs. So, they think it's a few big hairs. They got stuck in the faming.
Starting point is 02:07:55 What makes you a rage, man? Man, anything. You know, think about it. I play some voice mail or you got some. I think I got one. I think animals that get in your way when you're driving. Yeah. You think they learn by now that like in your way when you're driving. Yeah. You think they learn by now that like concrete,
Starting point is 02:08:07 they should stay away or be cautious. Yeah. My brother, he, when he lived in North Dakota, him and his buddies were driving and there was a huge tortoise in the road. And they get out to move it. I'm sorry, there's a tortoise in the road. There's a huge tortoise in the road.
Starting point is 02:08:21 What do you mean huge? Like a zoo tortoise that is big? Like a big desert, you know, even just regular huge tortoise in the road. What do you mean huge? Like a zoo tortoise that is gay? Like a big desert, you know, even just regular desert tortoises get pretty big. What the fuck are you talking about a tortoise? I've never seen a tortoise in the wild. No, no. I haven't either, but I guess they found,
Starting point is 02:08:36 it was like the size of a tire. What state was this? This was North Dakota. A North Dakota? Oh, there's a tortoise. There's a tortoise. There's tortoises. That's tortoise.
Starting point is 02:08:43 Just crawling around. Yeah, and Arizona, man there. There's there's four ties. Just crawling around. Yeah, and Arizona, man, like I lived in Arizona for 10 years. You like, you saw fucking tortoises. Yeah, you've got to go out in the fucking desert. And at certain times a day, too hot, too hot in the middle of the day. The roast. And so it's in their way. So they stop the car.
Starting point is 02:09:00 They get out to move it. But instead of that, he just pulls out his pistol and just start shooting it. Did he hit it? Yeah, he shot it multiple times, so he just drove away laughing. Jesus Christ. I mean, the one called for, he was, he was going to hit it. So I guess the, it stops existing. This is a very sick, this is your brother. Yeah, this was my brother.
Starting point is 02:09:30 He's a very sick man. Yeah, I don't know about that one. He just got out of the car and started shooting a turtle. He thought he was, they were gonna move it. And then he thought it'd be funny to just pull out his gun and start firing through a shell, tested strength. Oh, that's why he did that. That's the only reason. If it was, if the turtle was tough enough to dot, like bounce bullets off, then it was worthy to live.
Starting point is 02:09:52 Yeah, let me, it's not tough enough to bounce bullets off. The worst I do is I just speed up when a squirrel tries to test me. I don't, yeah, I don't because they're, they're indecisive and they'll, they'll go back. So I never change my course with scores. Oh, you can't change your course. No, not at all. Like if they, because they'll dart back and forth a few times, I have run them over. Been, I don't feel a bit bad about it.
Starting point is 02:10:19 What have you shot them? What have you stopped your car and shot the two squirrel? Well, they could, they're potential rabies carriers. And there's, you know, So you don't wanna tangle with them? No, no, I'm saying I, you know, shooting them's fine. Oh, yeah. I don't have any, yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:33 What about a turtle? Turtle, it's a little, he's not doing anything. Is it an easy thing? It's a slow caliber bullet it leads. Yeah, he's not right. Like a, like a 10 millimeter, a subsonic, 10 millimeter, the FBI. Because you know that the FBI made the ten millimeter
Starting point is 02:10:47 their gun, but then because they have women in the FBI who couldn't handle the recoil, they neutered, they put in like half the bullet powder, I think gun ruining the caliber of that bullet for everybody. Yeah, I think that's true, coach told me. That's how the 40 caliber, the 40 Smith and Wesson, and you got to get on the mic if you're going to say it.
Starting point is 02:11:05 Talking about guns now, this will be another, this will be another four hours if you've done it. So what you said, Dick, is completely true. The FBI designed the 10 millimeter. They found that like most of the women that worked for the FBI couldn't handle the recoil from the guns. So they took more and more powder out of the case.
Starting point is 02:11:21 And eventually every point, where it just rolls out of the gun. It's like a fucking, like an 80 year old with fucking prostate problems. It just like barely gets to the edge and falls out. You know, when you open a bag of Doritos and half the bag is empty and you wonder why is there that extra material in the bag? Well, no bit from breaking. Yes. Smith and Weson, Smith and Weson had that thought about the 10 millimeter bullet because they kept taking powder out and there was extra casing there. So they just shot off the size of the casing and that's the 40 Smith and Weson.
Starting point is 02:11:54 I love it because coach, like, you know, my life coach, he's, he's very into guns. Yes. Yes. He spent forever trying to figure out what the perfect home defense gun was. And he finally decided on the 10 millimeter without knowing this. And then he learned that the bullets are new to like you cannot buy the correct bullet because they're all spilled to this bizarre, neutered spec. Uh, anyway, he doesn't go around shooting turtles. I'm gonna play voice. If any of you guys have a rage, you wanna let me know?
Starting point is 02:12:29 Yeah, you got something? Okay, what makes me a rage is this thing that like cool comic artists do, like cool web comic artists. They're usually like males, so they'll make these comics that are like, you know, I really hate one other men do this to women. And so they make themselves like into a superhero.
Starting point is 02:12:48 Like, Dobson does this a lot. And it'll like- Who's Dobson? He's this guy who draws himself as like a blue bear with like big eyebrows. Like a furry? Yeah. And he'll be like,
Starting point is 02:12:59 he'll make comics about himself in these like made up situations where he's like, oh, don't worry. I think you're a real gamer. That guy doesn't appreciate you, but I do. And like that, you know that- It's like a reverse straw man. Like they're making up scenarios.
Starting point is 02:13:16 They're making up like these bad guys to fight. It's like a done, we're Don Quixote complex where they're endlessly fighting these dragons that don't exist. Yeah, and that guy that made the showing you the door comic Oh, he made one of those and it was like Oh This is Deborah and you said that she had a great ass, but guess what she's really smart too and so like
Starting point is 02:13:43 So I guess like he has Deborah or whatever coming with a gun and like shoot the guy or something. I don't know. It's just a really weird concept, but like I see it like a lot and it's weird. I think that they need, they need like a die hard, but for women getting disrespected. You know, like as a man, I have so much material to go live these fantasies that I have all day. Like, I'm ultimately powerless. If a guy broke into my house,
Starting point is 02:14:14 there is a 50, 50 chance I'd be hung over. You know, he's getting it over on me. You know what I'm saying? 50, 50. I mean, there's not like the idea that you can fight to do like the whatever. The reason that these movies exist for men is just just so satisfying to see. But the other side, the disrespecting of women, they need like a diehard where a woman's being so disrespected that only hysterios can fight for her honor.
Starting point is 02:14:52 You know? It looks like him too, the bear guy, a little bit. Like a 17, like a period piece in France, where everybody saw dressed up, like Casanova style and he just comes in and is ultimate like just the ultimate woman respecter. It's die hard, but about respecting women. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 02:15:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, let's listen to some voice mails. Hey, dick. Uh, this is Jeff Lennon over in Indiana or just calling to congratulate you on over a million votes on that one side. Oh, thanks. You know, the biggest debate. That's a thing. to congratulate you on over a million votes on that website. Oh, thanks. You know, the biggest debate.
Starting point is 02:15:25 That's the thing. The Dick Army is fucking huge. Congratulations, man. Keep it up. Unstoppable. You can't stop people who just want you to feel bad. How the hell did those numbers end up like that? Crapie coding.
Starting point is 02:15:42 Yeah. It makes no sense. That's not like that's not an integer number that anyone would pick. Yeah. Yeah. Everything about that site, everything about Maddox's site is written poorly. You know what makes Near Ridge? One note, Jokers. These fucking people with one joke in their repertoire that they are going to hammer into the side of your head like a plane flying into the side of a mountain.
Starting point is 02:16:11 This fucking guy at work, every time I see him, he's singing this song. Whoa! David, that's his mind. David's ass is mine. Why is it the first time? Not funny when it just gets cut down to the whoa. No, David's ass is mine. The Billy Joel song? Like the later. Whoa. It just got down to the most annoying part of the joke. And what does it keep doing?
Starting point is 02:16:53 For 10 fucking hours. And Dick, do you think he'd stop the next day? Maybe the next day you forgot about it. Maybe the next day you come in and I think he goes home and I don't know fucking anything else but no whoa whoa David's ass is my oh thank god he finally fucking finished the joke he's been screaming about some fucking 20 hours in a row now is Is this David? What happened next? The same fucking thing. Whoa. Shut that pan up your ass sideways. If you don't shut the fuck up, you fat piece of shit. God.
Starting point is 02:17:37 That would be annoying. Whoa. It is this eager to annoying people is repetition and like a musical cue. Yeah, like one, like a thing that they can focus on. Like whenever I'm playing video games, they'll be doing it. I always say like, I just keep repeating a phrase over and over and over until the person
Starting point is 02:18:01 that I'm playing video games with goes insane. Okay. Like no matter, like I'm playing video games with goes insane. Okay. Like, no matter, like, I don't even know how to play. Just keep saying the same thing. High kick, high kick, high kick, high kick, high kick, high kick, and they start, they start going insane. It's hilarious. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:20 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's here is what makes me a rage driving with my father. I can drive with my mother or brothers, my sister, grandparents, no fucking problem. Second my dad gets into my fucking truck and we have to go anywhere. I don't care if it's a five minute drive or an eight hour fucking drive. Every fucking turn, stop, wrap, and get in the gas I put in the fucking tank is all a question. So now every time I follow it gets in the car.
Starting point is 02:18:51 Now I'm questioning my decisions behind the fucking wheels. Fuck yourself. Oh my God, that's so fucking true. Anywhere, anywhere, hey, you want to get in the left lane as quickly as possible. I'm going to wreck this. If you say quickly as possible. I'm gonna wreck this. If you say one fucking word, I'm wrecking this into those rain barrels. It's gonna be like speed in this bitch.
Starting point is 02:19:10 There's water's gonna be exploding everywhere. If you say one, that's funny. That's, yeah. When's the last time you had to check up? You shh, shh, shh, shh, you're, I'm not allowed to get on this thing. Watch it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:24 I know that you don't care and you're just saying that. So you can, and you not allowed to get on this thing. Watch it, watch it. I know that you don't care and you're just saying that, so you can, and you also know that I don't know. Yeah, either you know that I don't know, you know that I don't know, and you want me to make something else up, so you can either bust on me for estimating incorrectly or for lying, and this is all a setup for you to tell me
Starting point is 02:19:42 to do, for me to be careful more do more maintenance on my fucking car Right you fucking watch it. You better watch your ass Fucking dads The worst Dads can't live with them. That's it. It's probably move out Not mom. It's just mom. Just say they're forever. Yeah, sure. Yo bitch. Yeah Let's get some breakfast up in this piece Laundry's done unfold it. That's why you move at home. Yeah, cuz your home
Starting point is 02:20:12 You move out to get away from dead and then you may you find another mom to Mary And it's like I just didn't want this fucking asshole fucking with me all the time. Yeah mom was fine So I found a double a doppelganger for mom and married her and I'm fine again. It's all, Sean, I just fucking realized that. That's the whole fucking human existence is just trying to get away from dad because he's fucking, like, well, the mom is great, but dad's constantly fucking with me. So I guess I gotta, I guess I have to get a job and go find my own place and go find another mom which is exhausting. All because you can't stop correcting me because you can't stop correcting
Starting point is 02:20:51 everything on that I do. Right? I think you're right on you Mexican asshole. I've been joking. I've been drinking. Don't get it. You want to make your way? What? The ace amendment. Get the ace amendment about cruel and unusual punishment. I like seriously Jesus fucking Christ.
Starting point is 02:21:18 I don't get it. I don't get it. I really don't get it. Because sometimes I wonder, will you read these stories about somebody who left the child in a car and then The baby died because of the heat Yeah, well, we just well those motherfuckers into a car and a little mohobby desert and then just leave them be I Am just got to work Yeah, you can you can you can do it? Maybe if the severity and the wilding, I, I've been drinking and service is gonna be a dumb ass
Starting point is 02:21:51 voicemail. But it's a dumb ass voicemail that got played. Yeah. So you're up. I should let this guy do it. Yeah. You go do all the weird James Bond villain punishments. You like, you like do all the weird James Bond villain punishments. You like it so much you go you drive out to the you rent the flatbed
Starting point is 02:22:10 Find the guy's car get your fucking mig welding license or whatever Rent the equipment drive him out into the desert. Oh catch him Right dog the bounty hunter catch the guy put him in the car What if he's resists? What if he greases himself up and takes all his clothes off? You got to do that Yeah, well the doors shut while he's in there higher a crew of people to keep the doors if Logistically, it's a nightmare. It's a nightmare. Get a hold of yourself. Sir Get a clue Last one, you know what makes me a rage? Watermelon shammers Get a hold of yourself, sir. Get a clue. All right, last one.
Starting point is 02:22:45 Hey, Nick, you know what makes me a rage? Watermelon, shamers. Oh, you ever been eating a slice of watermelon? I have. Get all the delicious red part. It's juicy and it's great. And then you get to the wine. I can't fuck this.
Starting point is 02:22:59 I don't know. This is what I'm going to look like. $5 for a 20 pound watermelon. So you throw the rind on some jackass. You guys play a good point, Bill. It'll give it a really good. It's like they define their manhood by how much of the shitty part of the watermelon they get.
Starting point is 02:23:18 I mean, people pickle it. The rind? Yeah, pickled watermelon rind, yeah, definitely. But just to eat watermelon r Ryan. I only eat the Rines I break it hard off and throw it away. Yeah, and then just eat the Ryan the Ryan. Yeah, I don't know anybody We thought that was how you're supposed to eat it for the longest. All right everybody Mexican upbringing He's as Mexican as these Chalupas. Yeah, exactly. Can you believe that? I
Starting point is 02:23:43 Got to look at it again. Mexican. All right, all right. I love, I just love how he typed it in all caps and highlighted it. And I'm gonna go like, I'm just like, I'm not gonna.
Starting point is 02:23:56 I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna. God, Dicks Mexican just like this is Mexican colon. He typed a colon and then went and found university slash WordPress content uploads, Taco Bell Doritos. Yeah. Maddox is Armenian.
Starting point is 02:24:15 What's an Armenian thing? I'm gonna like Aladdin. And genocide. It's a genocide. Maddox is the Armenian like this is Armenian. I'm off a second. Yeah. This is a picture of the Holocaust. I'm sorry. All right Maddox is the Armenian like, this is Armenian. I'm off the second. No. This is a picture of the Holocaust.
Starting point is 02:24:27 I'm kidding. All right, cut that part out. That's terrible. All right, everybody. See you next Tuesday, slash the Dix show,, see you next Tuesday.

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