The Dick Show - Episode 122 - Dick on The Mustard Song

Episode Date: October 2, 2018

Throat sweats from the #Healstream, raising money for children's cancer, the all-knowing time-wizards at the FBI, tone police, why we believe all women, Peach's mustard song, the #Compliance movement,... Modern Medusa reads the news, Tanner has his own Devil's Triangle, the hangover that never goes away, a woman in code, Peach says too much again, agreeing to the terms of cervix, and what happened to all the UFOs; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I I The only thing that's gonna keep me going today is the show I think What I you look like death warmed over and you still won't tell me what happened I feel like fucking death I feel like I'm about 55 I feel like I should be getting 25 cent coffee at McDonald's all right I feel like I qualify for social security today. I feel like I should be getting 25 cent coffee at McDonald's. Is that right? I feel like I qualify for social security today.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I feel fucking old. I feel old and I'm terrified at what hangovers are going to be like. You know what I really think? Keep all of this in. This is what I really think. Yeah, I'm not even able to afford it. I'm not getting the thing. You got no chance.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I really think that at some point in your life, you get a hangover and it never goes away. Yeah, I'm getting this terrible. It's probably like playing in playing football in the NFL. Where? What? After so many like your brain just never stops ringing. Yeah, you're just like that. It's not going to get your clock wrong and it never gets unwrong. I think that that is, I think that one day I'm going to get a hangover and it's never going to go away. Yeah. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:01:08 It's going to merge and because they get longer, well, you have just going to merge into one and that's what's wrong. That's why old people are so pissed all the time. But you see, you're holding the solution in your hand right now. Yeah. That's the secret to never getting a hangover. It really is just a fucking is man. Stay drunk and do that's it's I mean it's a vicious cycle but I've done it. I've gotten up and drank in the morning just
Starting point is 00:01:33 it's on it's I'm like no I'm not dealing with this. I'm playing a game song. I'm playing the fucking scene theme song. All right. Is that thing? Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Hey. Ready. Hey. Yeah. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Hey. Hey. Welcome to deck. You want to dig, you need to get a lot of deck. You got it. It's the show where everything is a contest coming to you live in the heart of the city failure deep in a mountain bunker. I am your host, the $20 million man
Starting point is 00:02:14 recently voted America's best Mexican. Best Mexican. Best Mexican. Dick Masterson. With me is always Sean. Audio engineer. The best, not Mexican. Hey, what?
Starting point is 00:02:23 Hello, Dick. Recently voted. There's no category for you. No. Ah, the plight of the white man. I am the category. Never celebrated. Always, always vilified. Nothing good.
Starting point is 00:02:34 You know, it's, it's true, Sean. Nothing good for you ever. I, I take a lot of pride when, when my Mexican peeps get, get, get acknowledged. When we get a character and something like that. It's beating Gonzalez. He's our guy. What do you have?
Starting point is 00:02:47 Elmer, Elmer Fud. Yeah. That's your guy. What a fucking joke. Porky pig, maybe. Porky pig. Is he white? Yeah, he's white meat.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I mean, that's the thing. He's got a white meat. Yeah. Oh my God, I got the throat sweats bad today. The throat sweats. That's making me a rage today. The fucking throat sweats. I don't know what that is. You don't know. The throat sweats. Oh, that's making me a rage today. The fucking throat sweats. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:03:07 You don't know what the throat sweats have you been sober so long you forget what the throat sweats are? Well, maybe you're describing something that I know, but you're saying it with the throat sweats. So you want to get a, you want to shove a handkerchief in your throat, just a wipe, wipe off your throat. Oh, God, it sweats and pours down your fucking throat. The flame of the hangover. Of the worst pours down your fucking throat. The flame of hangover.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Of the worst hangover in the fucking world. Wow. That's what they should ask. Kavanaugh. What the? You know, they spend four hours trying to figure out if he's ever, if he's drunk too much, but it's a bunch of point dexter's trying to figure it out. It's like, what did you feel like the next day?
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah. Yeah. They should have put, the Democrats should have put me, you know how the Republicans had their own prosecutor. If the Democrats should have got a dick, we need to figure out if this guy is drunk. Obviously, we're a bunch of goody-two shoes in women over here. So we don't know, we don't know what to ask, you know, what would you ask him? Hey, Kavanaugh, about them throw sweats, buddy. You ever get a case of the throat? And he'd be like, yeah, I mean, yeah, what's a fruit sweat? Exactly, exactly. Oh, exactly. Oh, man, this week, this week is was profoundly stupid, profoundly stupid.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Can you butt me up a little bit, Profoundly stupid and new ways of stupidity that I never thought I would see. Oh boy. This week. Two, and I want to go through them one by one, but I don't know if it's funny, but it's made me fucking infuriated. And absolutely infuriated, my fellow man, it's a person I could possibly sit across the table from that I have DNA in common with. You know what I mean? Like a chip, like I would, the chimpanzee and a human have what, 98% the same DNA. It's same.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I'm looking at some of these people thinking do we we have to have less than that you and I can't possibly have 98% of the same DNA, but it's a hundred It's a hundred. Uh-huh Oh Look the reason I'm so I'm totally afraid to ask I have you have you been paying attention to this shit show of a circus? It's a society has become this week. week. I'm hearing his everything stupid. Described as a circus. Profoundly fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Sean the FBI. Yeah. The FBI is gonna come in. Well, they did that with Clarence Thomas for something that happened. What is it for something that just happened? With evidence? What is it?
Starting point is 00:05:45 They found no evidence with Clarence Thomas. They found it in the news. What's that? They just did more interviews. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. So, well, we got to get the FBI in there.
Starting point is 00:05:58 You know, do people not understand that the FBI has actual crimes that they can't solve, that they don't have a fucking time machine or a magic wizard book, that they don't have a picture pages that can spell out what happened in a distant fucking bath. No, but they can connect stories, they can connect information saying that like this happened at this time, this timeline adds up,
Starting point is 00:06:21 that kind of stuff. Are we gonna have a big fight on this episode or what? I don't know. What do you, what female body inspector over there? Are you on the team? Is that what FBI is for? It does now, apparently. It does fucking now.
Starting point is 00:06:32 That shirt is no longer ironic. I don't know if I've seen that shirt. I don't know. Call the FBI. Yeah. But what can't I call the FBI? Get him out here. It's gonna be a, I mean,'t call the FBI get him out here. It's gonna be a it's gonna be a I mean
Starting point is 00:06:46 It's the I almost I hope he's I hope he's wrongfully accused. Oh God everybody doesn't even it's so far beyond that But it's well, I don't know, but he very well may have tried to rape somebody in which case I don't want that guy on the bench. Sean. We're so far beyond that. What do you mean? We're so far beyond the idea that someone could possibly be guilty of something that happened 36 years ago. Well, you can be guilty of something that happened 36 years ago. Yeah, yeah, of course. That's why there's no statute on murder. Yeah, this is the, this is the spot, this is the spot that we're in. Yeah, we've got a. We've got a woman with what,
Starting point is 00:07:27 recreated memories from couples therapy. You know why to go to couples therapy? Because your relationship is fucked. Well, yes, that's why. And it's because of this, it's because of trauma. Okay. Whatever. Well, that's perfectly viable,
Starting point is 00:07:43 like psychologically speaking, you would not behave properly in a relationship if you have something that, you know, we're a product of nature, but also our upbringing and things that happen to us. We really are watching two different movies. Oh, no, I'm just... Now we are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:59 We're everyone. Everyone who is watching two very different movies. I'm just saying, like, what I'm saying is based in fact. Yeah. I mean, it's all based in fact, that's the, that's the farce of it, right? Like, okay, well, but facts, facts are facts, you know? Like there's, there's some things that there's some things that are not negotiable. There's no facts here.
Starting point is 00:08:22 It's just, just make make believe build make up. We don't know. We don't know. We don't know what's going on in this case. Yeah. We know that if I'm the Democrats, I'm trying to stop that. I'm trying to stop him from getting on like this, like this. This is what we're doing. This is why we've become like this. Well, I don't need you know what's crazy. What? I don't even think, I don't even like the guy that much. I mean, I don't even think that he do a good job. I know very little about him. He supports the NSA.
Starting point is 00:08:51 He's again, I mean, he doesn't uphold the Fourth Amendment. Kavanaugh doesn't uphold the Fourth Amendment as much as I'd like him to. What's a search and seizure? Yeah. But it's hardly the point where somebody's whole life gets ruined because of a recovered memory in a couple therapy session.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Is that where it came from? I haven't been following closely. I have. I have. The whole thing is insane. It's insane. I don't know about the recovered memory type stuff's it's shown that a lot of our memories are false memories as well. So have you ever seen the piece of this psychiatrist that
Starting point is 00:09:30 go through recovered memories? Uh, no, they're insane. They're total insane. It's total insane bullshit that just it's like taking a impulse or a gut feeling and then constructing an elaborate story around it. And now this is, this is what we have to do to this fucking woman because it's become a big, it's become a big ridiculous circus. Yeah. We've got to go through, the recovered memories are, that's not something I would, that's not something that I would put a lot of stock in.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And it was like, if it was forgotten about necessarily, and everybody does, they always say like, oh, if it was so bad, she would have reported it. It's like, we know that's bullshit too. It's just mountains of bullshit. But what a 100% know it was him. I 100% have never drank so much that I'd blacked out. I don't fucking believe you.
Starting point is 00:10:21 What? Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. What? Yeah, of course he's drank so much. He was in a frat. Yeah, what do you? Of course you have. What do frats do?
Starting point is 00:10:30 I 100% know that it was him. You fucking don't? Well, why are, this depends on whether it's a recovered memory. I don't think she doesn't fucking know. Nobody knows. Why do you think she was so drunk? Who the fuck, who the fuck, and nobody,
Starting point is 00:10:47 you know what, the beauty of it is? I mean, I would think that, okay, say she was of sound-minded, I mean, are you telling me you can't remember who did what to who 35 years ago? No, you're, what, you're saying that you can't? No, I'm saying that no one, I'm saying that anybody who says a 100% knows something that happened that long ago
Starting point is 00:11:02 does not know what the fuck they're talking about. I think you're getting silly. No, talking about. I think you're getting silly. 100% yeah. 100% we're getting into silly territory. Okay, you know what then he 100% hasn't drank so much that he blacked out. This is the game. No, no, no. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:11:19 No, no, no. It's like there are people who remember, yes, I remember when JFK was shot. You know, it's like that's bullshit. Yeah, you know what, I remember exactly where I was. Exactly, you know, it's like, I mean, not me, but I'm saying like people say that. Yeah, it's like, oh yeah, I remember this phone call on 9-11, Bullshin.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I remember, no, no, no, no, you totally, you absolutely can, maybe, not 100%, 99%, 99, you're saying that, you're saying you trust people's memory more than fucking DNA evidence, which is not 100%, no, 99. No, no, no, no, no, no, 99. Well, DNA excludes, but I mean, DNA, it's, DNA is so close to 100%, that it's statistically insignificant.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Yeah, then, but it's not 100%. 99.99. Well, I remember 100% I remember. You fucking can't remember yesterday. No, this is a ridiculous argument. Why, why, why, why? Because you can absolutely remember what you did yesterday. You can remember there are certain things in your life you're going remember. I can't remember. I know, I don't think
Starting point is 00:12:29 you're gonna remember what you did this morning. All I know about last night is I helped a lot of kids who have cancer and that makes me better than a lot of other people. They're doing the St. Jude thing a lot. Yeah, that's what I was doing. I did the heel stream with Ralph. No, Ralph or Tord. Yeah, really? what I was doing. I did the heel stream with Ralph, the Ralph or Tort. Yeah, it was. All the bad guys on the internet, all of the Mr. Mediker and his sweetie squad and the child grooming people.
Starting point is 00:12:54 You guys raised money for, yeah, 26 grand. Whoa. And then we sang a song. That's great. We sang a song about gay cowboys having sex called Ram Ranch to celebrate. Is it you donating that to the gay community? We were monetizing evil to fight cancer.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Do you understand? It was a monetizing evil to fight a bigger evil. That cancer. Well, that's good because it's, yes. That's good. That's what we did. I really fucking hate these guys, but. They're giving, they're giving, they're giving, no, I don't know how to feel. God, they're giving, guys.
Starting point is 00:13:25 No, I don't know how to feel. Oh, yeah, it was great. It was very good. Sam Hides showed up. Oh, watch move. I got so toasted every, we were talking about Sam Hides. I emailed Sam and he showed up. It was fucking great.
Starting point is 00:13:37 No shit. You know, is he just PNG on the internet? Yeah, he's like, he's got me. Oh my God, that's an amazing photo of Maddo. Yeah. Yeah, I think he's gone the way of Alex Jones. Who? Sam?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Sam? He gets kicked off of everything. Yeah. Yeah. He's gone. Showed up, he's grismoaking a big ol' fucking singular. Is that his thing? Does he do that?
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yeah, he gets, as he looks more and more degenerate, he gets funnier. Does he intentionally look really degenerate? I hope so. I don't even know what he looks like. I haven't seen him. I think it's just embracing his inner Sam. It's, you know, it manifests.
Starting point is 00:14:21 He's becoming the demon inside of him. I think that's what's happening. How old is he? I don't know. I don't know. So that was a lot of fun. Thanks guys. How long did you guys stream for me on their hours?
Starting point is 00:14:35 Hours, hours. You did it here? Or you guys all hooked up together? We all hooked up together. We called in and then it was all the super chats, go to charity. That's cool. 26 grand. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Maybe that's like a pillow, a new pillow for some kid who's got cancer. Yeah. Right. We're at the go through a fucking grand. That's much that is. That'll be the truest thing anybody fucking says to me. Yeah. We can either get all kids with cancer.
Starting point is 00:15:01 That's 100%. A switch. A Nintendo, a brand new Nintendo switch. We can do that, or we can give, or we can give one kid with cancer a band-aid is paid for by the hospital. That's what we did. That's the fuck I can't even laugh at that.
Starting point is 00:15:17 It's so fucking true. It's frighteningly true. Any doctor will tell you that. Yeah. Like, oh no, the drug crisis completely made up. It's completely made up. It's just, it's just free money for pharmaceutical companies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:33 You can go, you can go forget about coupons like GoodRX or anything like that. You can go, you can find a pills for $30 at pavil, and they will be $300 at Walgreens. And you think that's not hyperbole. That's honest to God price difference. Oh, yeah. Because people don't shop around. Sometimes the big chains have good deals. Sometimes they don't.
Starting point is 00:15:59 It is stunning. The price difference and the same drug in different stores. Yeah. And unless you take prescription medication, you probably don't know that. Is that the big problem that drug cost? Is that why it's so expensive? Everything's so expensive. Is every time I, you mean why insurance as a whole is expensive?
Starting point is 00:16:16 Every time. I mean, well, I think it's because, I think it's because they make shit up. Oh, dude, it's fraud. When I, when I went in to get my face, but there in everybody's, I mean, there's nobody's gonna do anything about it. Call the FBI. Call the FBI.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Apparently they have a magical like an wizard time machine. An issue, doesn't it? What? I mean, all the insurance companies. You know what? To be honest, it's a fucking God issue. We need to start praying to fix the health care industry
Starting point is 00:16:43 because nothing else is working. We keep throwing good politicians at it. They just come back richer and fatter. That's right. They, we throw them into a fucking void like the Harry Potter death shroud and they come back at automaton's. They come back PR spokesman for the fucking health. Do we talk about, do we talk about your dad and the head of the HOA on the bonus episode or on last week's episode, but it's like that's I stand by that point that immediately corrupt, right? Like, like, HOA, yeah, right. Immediately like, you know, come on.
Starting point is 00:17:17 So it's like, you know, he's not here to defend himself. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd say it if he was here. He was here in the executions against him. What's a couple drumsticks? They weren't, they're the property of the US of the bank at that point. True. Stealing from the bank, he's stealing popsicles from the bank, which makes it, which makes it morally to most people better. But, but yeah, but you know, it's like what, what chance do we have? I mean, city leaders are corrupt as all fuck. What's his face? Vier Rugosa, the last mayor was so fucking good. The mayor of LA. The mayor of LA who didn't, he changed his last name to his wife's last
Starting point is 00:17:55 name to sound more Mexican. Yeah. And some people still vote for this fucking idiot. His name was VR, wasn't it? I think it was Whiteman. Whiteman. Yeah, it was lying. Well, he was hyphenated. His mom's name was lying. I think he was dead. Thank was Whiteman. I think he, but uh, he was so corrupt that he's like PNG in Washington. He had so much, he had like a million dollar wine. No, it's like, they're like, you've got to go cool off because he was supposed to go immediately there and start to Washington and start stealing more shit. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:26 And they're like, that's at least the stories are that it's like, you're too hot. You're too fucking hot. You couldn't keep it together at a city level. You got to cool off for a bit. You got to cool off. It's L.A. It's L.A. It's the magical wonderland of money and complete utter stupidity.
Starting point is 00:18:44 That's L.A. It's a magic combination where nobody ever calls out, fucking anything, and you have unlimited access to celebrities who are all fucking morons, who just want to be loved so badly that they'll say literally anything, literally fucking anything. Anybody who takes any type of, think they're getting any kind of knowledge from a celebrity because they can say it with weight.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And look good on, is an idiot. Can it bump me up a little bit again? Sorry, I keep asking. I don't wanna blow up. We're singing, we're singing Peach's song today. Peach is gonna call in. That's what I hear. We're gonna sing the mustard song.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Sean's brought his guitar. I'm going to smash it over his head if he keeps talking about Kavanaugh, the way he's talking about the memories. They're all, they're all fucking bullshit. They're not, you know what? You know why? Let me, okay, this is, this is what I, this is the problem. Yeah, for me. Yeah. The reason we can say, believe all women, you can, oh, I don't believe all women, but yeah, we can say it to make them feel better because there's nothing we can fucking do about it. That's why because it's inappropriate to sit down and say, you know what, a lot of you
Starting point is 00:19:58 could be looking out for yourselves a little better. Oh, no doubt. Yeah. Not your fault, but look, instead of, instead of fucking weeping and posting your survivor stories on Twitter, maybe read a couple, maybe get together and figure out what the red fucking flags are that you can, if you treat this like a problem with your car, like maybe you could stop, maybe something could stop it, right? But screaming about it is not gonna, is not helping shit.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I guess we can't fix the criminals. That's my point. Well, we've been trying to fix crime for 10,000 years. No, no, no, no, no,. That's why it makes you fucking feel better. That's why there's investigations. And like that one, remember the Duke lacrosse team totally false. Totally false. That was fucked up. 100% number that one. Oh, no, no, no, no, that was just that was just made up. That was, that's not like that was a false memory. All memories are made up. They're all made up by you. They all go through the,
Starting point is 00:21:06 the Ruben Goldberg machine of your mind and turn into data, depending on, yes, but depending on basically how factual or how, the more emotional a memory is, the more likely it is to be false, to be fucked, to be scooted. Yeah, well, that's true. That's true. Because you, you, because you deal, it's all for your own protection. We're talking about reading
Starting point is 00:21:30 minds. That's what I mean, I'm, I'm worked up about it. You're worked up about it. We're talking about reading mother fuckers minds here. Yeah. I mean, I'm stupid. Nobody, they're not ever going to find out what really happened. That, you know what, that pisses me off too. Yeah. Because when you go to court, you're not, it's not guilty or innocent. Oh no, yeah. It's guilty or not guilty. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:52 That's right. That's right. Well, we're gonna find his innocence. No, you don't. You just get not guilty. Right. I just, you know what, the lawsuit. Interest in story.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Oh no, go ahead, go ahead. The lawsuit, the end of the lawsuit isn't that I'm innocent. It was wrong jurisdiction. You can spend that any fucking way. It's not, you don't ever get found innocent. Well, you can be in the office. We have God. No, it's why there's exoneration.
Starting point is 00:22:16 That like a ruling butt, that's the closest you will ever be found to innocent. And here's the thing. You remember the movie, Hurricane Carter, the boxer who was accused of- The story of the hurricane. Of Denzel Washington, like, why not? Wasn't he guilty? Oh, yeah. Guilty as fuck. Oh, yeah. And he was guilty as fuck. He and his buddy went in and wasted people in a bar with a fucking like a shotgun and a handgun.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah. No, it was a, those were errors of, if you look up the story, it's fucking appalling. It was like, they tried him twice. There, there were mistrials or whatever for various reasons. It was an error in procedure, not an error in gathering evidence or witnesses or anything like that. No, he's guilty. Guilty as fuck. And he was never exonerated. And they finally the third time because of pre-procedural fuck-, the first two times, they had had them in prison. It was like time served. They just chose not to bring charges against. Capitalizing on this myth in the sense. No, that guy was a stone fucking murderer.
Starting point is 00:23:16 My point was made a hero by Hollywood, who's never had a strong connection with the truth. Well, the truth is bad for business. The truth makes everyone miserable. That's why we have fantasy realities that gives a big business to escape from this fucking nightmare. That's why this glass I have is now empty, sweetie, thank you. Did you feel that? I still have PTSD from the bonus episode where Agent Richard head came in.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And I didn't find out until the end of the episode that every beer I drank had a disgusting mold on the entire, I am like my stomach churns thinking about the very last bottle inside. What? It must have been inside. No, it was on the outside. You know what?
Starting point is 00:24:00 And you know what is the worst part? Somebody left that box of Lagonitas, like Lagonitas, aside from the rest of them. I was at the checkout of the Mexican store that I frequent down the street. And I bought a bunch of stuff for, I think it was for Pokeballs. Oh man, remember I went with fishing with my dad and got hit by that fish? Yes, so it was fucking delicious Pokeballs that I've been making. Amberjack.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Amberjack. Amberjack is phenomenal. Sesame oil. Yes, yes, green onions. Chop them, shits up. Sesame, see, I get real fucking fancy. Oh yeah. You know what I'm doing, my own cooking show
Starting point is 00:24:42 in the mirror up there making these Pokeballs, but I got all the stuff and I was so wrapped up in making Pokeballs, I forgot to get beer. I turn around, box beer. Look what I found. Look what the fuck, look what God, look what the God of the superior Mexican market has given me. This beautiful box of beer, take it home,
Starting point is 00:25:01 turns out that that box of beer was poisoned with mold every single fucking bottle. Only box of beer was poisoned with mold, every single fucking bottle. The only box of lognitas in the store. I don't know, probably. But every time, I can't drink out of a bottle anymore, because every time I pick one up, I think that there's going to be mold on it. I'm glass only.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Well, what if you look at the bottle very carefully before you open it and drink from it? I mean, it's a mental thing. It's a mental thing. It's my, it's my memories. You see? 100% they're fucking with me. They're fucking with my life. They are fucking with you.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Did you not find mold on that bottle, though? I don't know. You know what? I would say 99% that I did. That was mold. 99% I'd say you can never 100. No, never. 99%. I'd say you could never go 100. No, never go 100. Never, ever, ever, ever go 100.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it on. Keep it go 100 and be safe. 100%, 100%. Do you know that some people don't even know that they're not talking about rape? What are you talking about? What is with Kavanaugh and Ford? Some people think that they're talking about rape. They don't even know that there's no rape. Well, yeah, attempted.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Yeah, attempted. Yeah. Yeah. Look, you say. There's no rape, nobody says rape. We believe no matter what. Yeah, with the understanding, I thought we were all in the understanding that the belief doesn't translate
Starting point is 00:26:31 into action. Well, you can believe in God. We're not building a ladder to see him. Yeah, this is a, well, they tried that. And that's a reason we have so many different languages. Wasn't that the tower to tower a babble, right? Go into that time. Try to get up there.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Yeah, I thought it was babble. Babble tower of babble or babble in Spanish. I'm 100% sure that it's babble. You know, I'm just saying I'm 100% sure about everything from now on. Yeah, go ahead. Because how can you, how can you not? Yeah, right? 100, I'm 100% sure that he assaulted me.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Okay. Have you ever been so drunk that you blacked out? I mean, maybe guilty. But that's the game. That's the fucking game that we're playing. I think what they're gonna do, they're gonna do a cursory investigation and find no proof of anything.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Because they're gonna find the bat computer. They're gonna make the fucking bat computer from people are self, I think that- Investigations all a show. I think that we've become stupid. I think that these superhero movies, and like going all the way back to John Wayne, that a good guy will come into town,
Starting point is 00:27:38 the world's greatest fucking detective, Sherlock Holmes, house, Batman will show up. Well, it's also- It's also- And solve our own insecurity. And it's also making people prone to wild conspiracy theories too, because the complete last and not even stuff like that. Yeah, it is. But yeah, people are, I don't know, I don't know if people are, I don't know if people
Starting point is 00:28:01 are getting dumber or not. Something tells me that a lot. A lot louder man. They're getting well. That would have been easier to be loud. Yeah. Never been easier to be loud. I think that's the, you know, it's,
Starting point is 00:28:13 you have to be loud to survive. Yeah, I guess. You do. You have to have the hottest, you have to have the hottest take. And the spicy is take down. Well, if you're, yeah. If you're an internet person. I love everybody. We're all internet people.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I mean, you're not an internet person. You don't exist. Well, that's it. I know, that's why I've never got to be a... You're a real name, there's no good anywhere. Yeah. You need a handle. I'm not ever getting a handle.
Starting point is 00:28:37 We, I thought it, that was the deal. We'll believe you no matter what. So you feel better, but we can't track these aren't crimes. We can't track this shit down. Well, you're not fucking kidding me. And the tone policing? You can only prove what you can prove. You can't, there may, in some cases, there may have been a crime.
Starting point is 00:28:59 There may not have been a crime. But it's got to be on the weight of the evidence. This is not what that's about. This is not about that. I agree. We're experiencing now. No, I totally agree. The shit is about all of the things that's wrong that we hate about each other deep down that we're not allowed to say that we're trying to do the stupid bat game like kids where they put one hand over the other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And then somebody, we're waiting to see the end of the bat. Yeah, that's it. All, all fucking day and everything, everything that everybody says about it, even fucking me is a complete lie. Some of the stakes are driven by wanting to get the next hand on the fucking bat. Fair enough. It's all it is. Some of the stakes get so high that you'll pull out, you'll pull out all the stops. If you're the Democrats, you don't want that guy on the bench,
Starting point is 00:29:50 you would use anything at your disposal and vice versa. Wouldn't you? I guess. I mean, that's, I guess you do we think that these people are above that? No. Yeah, they're not. They've proven over and over again that they've got to be, they've got to be punished. I'm starting the, I'm starting the unresistant. Good luck. We're not in the club. Yeah, I'm in the club. I'm going to, we're not in the club. I'm going to, I'm going to every target and I'm throwing away all the birthday cards. That's what I'm doing as part of the, of the unresistance. That's my new movement. The unresistant. The compliance. I'm starting the compliant birthday card.
Starting point is 00:30:27 It's hashtag compliance because women love birthdays. What do you, I'm gonna, you know, every women love birthdays. That's why. Oh, that's, yeah, the truth. This is the compliance movement. Yes. I'm going to every target throwing all the birthday cards right in the garbage.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Okay. That's a good, happy birthday, bitch. Hope you have a good birthday without a good birthday without a card. Yeah. Good luck. Celebrate your week long birthday. Uh-huh. Uh, that's what I'm that's what I'm doing. What are you drinking now? Leg needs again. I can taste the mold. You can really taste the mold. Jesus Christ, it's 1150. I know I have other stuff to rage about, but it's just, you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:11 It's the tone policing too. You can't be angry anymore. What the fuck are we in a library, all of the sudden? There is plenty to be angry about. Hey, here's one. We're all gonna fucking die. That doesn't make your pulse That doesn't get your heart rate up a little bit. Let's start there. Where are you at? I'm at you about ready to keel over 80 oh god, yeah, cuz this screaming is a
Starting point is 00:31:39 It's a release on me the compliance movement what I'm, we're all gonna fucking die. Yeah. Do you need a reason not to shout? I refuse to come by. I refuse to come by. Oh, you're throwing away your birthday cards too, then. And you know what, I'm gonna get all the birthday cards, and I'm gonna save them up and give them to you.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Who hates their birthday more than I do? Yeah, that's right. Who doesn't care about their birthday more than you? Nobody. I'm 99% certain of that. I take it good. they more than I do. Yeah, that's right. Who doesn't care about their birthday more than you? Yeah, nobody. Yeah, I just 99% certain of that. I, I, I take it good. I just don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Uh, it's everything. This nonsense. Yeah, it is everything. Yeah. I'm tired of the, you tired of it. I'm tired of screaming about it. Yeah, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I of it. I'm tired of screaming about it. Oh, this guy grazed my- You can't get away from it. This guy grazed my boob at a party with his elbow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:28 His elbows, he was holding them on purpose to graze boobs and he grazed my boob. Yeah. That's gonna be the next one. Oh, he grazed my- It's fundamentally the same. Prove it. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Well, yeah, yeah, proof it. What the fuck are we talking about? Uh, yeah. I don't know. I got a flock of parrots outside my house. You do legit parrots. Yeah, yeah. There's wild parrots all over LA.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah, I found out that they, uh, a pet store was burning down. Consuelo told me this because there's all these, there's all these fucking parrots. You know how hard it is to sleep through a flock of parrots? Oh, they're allowed to scream in the outside of your house? They're so loud, you can't believe it. They're loud and they are annoying. They're flapping stupidly, because they're built to go around in a jungle.
Starting point is 00:33:18 So they flap a lot, they're wings flap a lot. They're going around, we're in the desert in Southern California, they're doing fucking marathons, flapping their goddamn arms around. Consuelo told me that a pet store was burning down like 50 years ago. So they said all the like peewees big adventure. I love it when he comes out with the garter snakes. He keeps looking at the tank. Not yet. They set. No. They set them all loose. And I guess they've survived in the wild and turned into this mob of annoying parrots.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Yeah. Yeah. Uh, there are, yeah, there are several, uh, I guess big flocks are like, you know, in different regions of LA. There's some in the valley. There's some over here. I guess there's famous ones up in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:34:06 I also, I'm gay. They're all the parrots are gay. Yeah, all of them are animals gay. Uh, some of them are gay mate for life. Oh, gay mate for life. Yeah. Uh, I, I don't know. I imagine women animals are annoying too.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Right. Why will, look, why wouldn't they be? Are you kidding me? If I had to get pregnant to keep the species going, you know how fucking annoying I'd be? Yeah. All the time? All the fucking time. Oh man, if I had that kind of power,
Starting point is 00:34:37 if I had that kind of power over other men, that they would ever wanted to touch my boobs with their elbows, you know how fucking annoying I would be? Very, very annoying. So I said very annoying. So some animals reproduce asexually. Even higher vertebrates. Yeah, like a forechand, guys.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Now some snakes can do it, some sharks can do it. Really? Yeah. How does that work? I guess snake just shoots out another snake. They can fertilize their own eggs. Somehow they like more amphibians. I think I just read an article on a leopard shark doing it.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yeah. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool why. Yeah. I mean, you know, yeah, what do you want? Why? Why are the only people allowed to? Why is the why is the primary argument? How someone presents their argument? What the fuck is like? Well, yeah, okay, I get it. You know how angry? What if somebody
Starting point is 00:35:41 really angrily wrote the constitution? And all cats, all cats, all cats. And these rights will be self-evident, right? Yeah, it doesn't change what it says. Do you think about what you're saying with the tone, you fucking asshole? I know people are already canceling, a guy said he's canceling his Patreon support because I was making fun of the Kavanaugh hearings.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Oh yeah. Yeah, I called into the Ralph Report and said that I was the one who did it. I was the one who molested. Oh really? When I was one year old. Yeah. Yeah. Do you want to hear that later?
Starting point is 00:36:17 I'll play it for you later if you want. I came in with a two pay cigar, because I snuck into an older kid's party. Oh boy. I was very young. Right. You have it. Future stewie. Yeah. Or he was, you were the inspiration. Dolphins. TDS top gay says dolphins do gay mate. Yeah, but not for life. Yeah. I've heard that's what dolphins are one. There you go. There you go. I believe it. There's, there's other other ones I think that'll do it too, but...
Starting point is 00:36:45 Humans? Humans? Humans, dolphins. The higher the brain gets, well, is the gayer. Well, you can, right? I don't know. Maybe the more, like, maybe more variation. You know, it probably does have something to do with a more developed brain.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Yeah. I don't know. All right. I'm going to play a song and then get Yeah. I don't know. I'm, all right. I'm gonna, I'm gonna play a song and then get back to screaming about this shit. Yay. Ah. I mean, making any sense today.
Starting point is 00:37:16 You're making some sense. So aggravating. You're making some sense. So aggravating. But we've got two completely different systems going on right in front of our face. One that's entirely based on belief and feeling, which is important. And another one that's just not. And one's the fucking foundation of a society.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Yeah, you cannot, you cannot run a society on accusations and implications. No, you can implications. No. You can't. No. No, that's gotta be, there's gotta be proof. It's gotta be. And God people are pissed about this because everybody's been wronged in some way.
Starting point is 00:37:57 And it's all like they're taking it out on a system that is not designed to ameliorate that feeling. Is that the right word? Ameliorate? I don't think so. I don't know. I think that's the wrong word.
Starting point is 00:38:11 All right, I'm going to play... I play June bugs and then cuck in in the wind. Play that. Good. We've heard a blown in the wind. You know what else is pissing me off? The company's putting your shit on blast. Putting your personal activities on blast. Really?
Starting point is 00:38:30 Yeah, apparently Patreon now will send all of your followers who you are a supporter of. Oh, yeah, I have a big problem with that. Yeah, yeah. Hey, everybody, come look at what, come look at the degenerate pornography that dictonates a dollar a month too. Hey, hey everybody, come look at what, come look at the degenerate pornography that dick donates a dollar a month to. Hey, hey serious? Yes. Yeah. This is what they're fucking. This is what they're doing now. I don't know if they're doing it to quote unquote
Starting point is 00:38:55 enemies of what's politically. Do you think it's across the board? No, because I think that this is the brainchild. That's fucked up. They're doing it across the board. They're sending it out because the more money people, the more support people give to Patreon, the more that they're 5% increases, right? Yeah, sure. So of course they want to send followers of us. They're doing it for marketing. They're doing it for marketing. And you might like this.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yeah. Hey, you know that guy you support? Here's a bunch of degenerate pornography you might also ignore, enjoy. What the fuck? How about a little, does anybody, does anybody working there have a dick who looked at this and said,
Starting point is 00:39:36 wait a minute, you guys might, this might be a little bit inconvenient for the, steam, there's this game called Honeypop. It's like a, it's like a porno, it's like an anime porno Tetris game. Oh, okay. Yeah. I only got about four words into that description.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Anime, another one that Tetris said the, you like Tetris, Sean? I mean, you're gonna love Honeypop. Yeah, I mean, you talk gonna love Honeypop. Yeah. I mean, you talk to pretend women. Are they shaped like locks? Oh, yeah. They're shaped like Tetris is.
Starting point is 00:40:13 It's Tetris pornography. They're shaped like little Tetris pieces with tits. Yeah. They're all Russian. Yeah, it's a great game. And I'm not gonna lie. It's rewarding to talk to computer women that don't just shit on you. Right? lie, it's rewarding to talk to computer women that don't just shit on you, right?
Starting point is 00:40:25 Like it's perfect. They say something and then you have a choice of things to say that are all, that they all respond positively to. Oh, it's very, it's very addicting and then you play like a game, honey pop. But the creator of honey pop, the developer is a fan of the show. He's a listener. Really?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah, it's a big game. No shit, man. It's like Candy Crush for men. I'll be damned. I don't know if you can see Tits. I couldn't play Tetris enough to see any of these women's, any of these cartoons, Tits. And they shit on you the whole time.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Anyway, I fire this game up to see what it's all about to see what the hoopla, if there's Tits involved, I need to investigate. Yeah, you know what I's all about, to see what the hoopla, if there's tits involved, I'm, I need to investigate. Yeah, you know, yeah, you know me. Yeah, I do. So I fired up to play a little honey pop, see what's going on. Play for, I'm playing for a while, playing for about an hour. That's how you know, by the way, that I wasn't masturbating to it.
Starting point is 00:41:20 If I was playing for five minutes, I would be dead to rights, but I was playing for a good long time. I was actually playing the game, checking it out, actually playing the game. Yeah, I'm playing the game, trying to see these cartoons naked. What the fuck? Let's come on. Come on, right? Trying to figure out how to play this Tetris game, get shit on by these cartoon women. I log off of Honeypop on the steam. I go over to the Reddit, and there's a screenshot of steam telling everybody that I'm playing Honeypop, the porno masturbating Tetris game, what the fuck is, hey, steam,
Starting point is 00:41:55 how about, how about remembering who controls the delete button on this computer, putting me on blast like that? And you can't, there's no turning that off. I'm assuming. I have no idea. That's completely, man, if there's no way to get out of that or, you know, because like, you know, on Facebook or whatever, there's, it may default to everybody shares with everybody. I'm sure there is. But I don't have time. You know what? I just have to live, live with knowing that a lot of people are going to know when I'm
Starting point is 00:42:24 playing a pornotetrus game. Yeah. That's, well, that's the to live with knowing that a lot of people are gonna know when I'm playing a porn otetrus game. Yeah. That's, well, yeah. It's either waste a bunch of your free time trying to figure out how to get your software not to tattle on you or just fuck it. Who cares? Who's fucking cares if everybody knows I'm masturbating to a porn otetrus game. But you just said it totally pisses you off. It does!
Starting point is 00:42:43 It does, because I'm stuck with, I'm stuck making decisions that I didn't want to make. Okay. So your decision is just that you're a kid. You're gonna be angry and fuck it. Yeah. Alright. That's like your choice. Oh yeah, it's my choice. I consented to this. No, you didn't consent. You made, you said, I fuck it. I'm not gonna do anything about it. All right, let me see here. Well, you probably did. You probably, you probably, you know, I agree. 25 pages that no one will read that says you can,
Starting point is 00:43:16 they can do anything to you in perpetuity. You know what, they should start making babies do that. Oh, just sign. Pop right out of the womb, they get a sign. Thumbprints sign up for some shit. Yeah. Hey, just this is the agreement that you have to make before we let you add it, just cram it right against the snatch. The baby's coming out. This don't, right? This is the agreement to enter the world. You have you must press. I agree to consent to be allowed to be born.
Starting point is 00:43:40 The first inoculation, they're going to give babies is just a little chip. You know, just. to be born. The first inoculation they're gonna give babies is just a little chip. You know, just... Yeah, now that's too sophisticated. This is just a head print. They're gonna make you do a head-accranial print of a contract that you agree with. This is gonna be Facebook and Twitter. I'm gonna show up to every fucking delivery room and cram this cram this terms of service. Sir, is that not your soft spot from when you're an infant? The terms of... Definitely, you're guilty. The terms of cervix. That's what it's gonna be. All that. I need a minute with that one.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, okay. I need a minute with that. Sorry, ma'am, but if you're gonna continue using your social media, your baby has to sign on to this thing. I feel like your teacher, the FU guy. Yeah, sit down. Think about that for a while. That was a good one.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Terms of cervix. Oh God. God. Oh yeah, if you're gonna play a song, huh? Cucks. Cuckin' in the wind. Cuckin' in the wind! Cuckin' in the wind! How many lawsuits must matter, Huxloos? Before you can call him a cuck?
Starting point is 00:44:57 How many seas must a stereo sail, before he has a streak of luck? Oh, modern Medusa. Oh, yeah. Oh modern Medusa is my friend. Oh yeah? I like this job a lot, too. I really like this version. Before he is sued by Nick How many years have you come? Cut calls exist before they can see defeat today Long can George be fucked in his head And pretend that he just isn't sick The answer my friend is cuck-in-ndo
Starting point is 00:46:17 The answer is cuck-in-ndo In the wind How many times must my dogs look up? It's really relaxing. I still haven't recovered from that one. I sacrifice for my father sacrifice. Oh, we can hear his songs call. Alright, alright. That's... If I think about that anymore, my head will explode.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Take two. So serious, too. And I said... You seriously think that he sacrificed. So he's... So living, safe. Fucking jackass. I'm gonna get Aiden Paladin in here too. Oh yeah, yeah she's on. There's a Hi, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:47:25 It's just going. It's just become a disaster. Oh my god. Sitting here, listen to you guys talk about Dr. Ford's stuff and wanting to flip out because I'm writing this whole video on a neurobiology of how memories are lost very easily. Yeah. Oh man. Just, now that makes me a rage. What does? What makes you a rage? Well, I mean, regardless of everything else, the fact that she got up there on stage,
Starting point is 00:47:54 and I'm saying on stage because it was a circus and it was a performance. Yeah. Everyone's a fucking performance. And as a professor of psychology means that I know she knows better than to say stupid things like laughter is stored in the hippocampus. And I was like watching it was like watching that in living color sketch of the of Damon
Starting point is 00:48:19 Wayne's being the prisoner who just uses big words. Yeah. So how do you know? How do you know that? Well, my cortisol levels were like, what the fuck are you talking about, bitch? Is it actually the hilarious thing to me watching it is that you are saying the exact opposite of reality. And from having read your CV, again, I know that you know your line
Starting point is 00:48:48 and you're just throwing out big words and hoping nobody looks into it because by the way, Google this now, if you feel so inclined, Google like laughter is indelible to the hippocampus and it will be all this brave scientist explains with neurobiology how memory works. It's like, no, no, no, hang on. You actually got it completely reversed. You got it wrong. Oh no, she got it reversed. Yeah. You know, traumatic memories, severe PTSD. Their hippocampi are severely atrophied, actually, which means that they're not good, not only at long, they're very bad at long-term memory processing,
Starting point is 00:49:27 but they're also bad at cognitive processing, emotional processing, and short-term memory processing in general. So the video I'm writing right now is actually arguing that maybe the reason why Dr. Ford can't remember what she did last week is because she was a sexual assault survivor. But that makes her memory from 36 years ago, 10 to 20 times as inaccurate as a normal person and their memory is already inaccurate as hell. Oh really? Like trauma, it shrinks your brain.
Starting point is 00:49:58 That's what you were going to remember. So that's a product of the traumatic incident. Yes. What happens is that, yeah, the amygdala, which is your fight flight freeze response area, your brain that makes you respond to scary stimuli. Yeah. It is over activated in people who have these false or who have these memories, actually, they don't explain how it works.
Starting point is 00:50:23 So you have like a traumatic experience. It doesn't get stored correctly because what ends up happening is that the amygdala, which is not affected by this increase in hormones that happen as a result of all this traumatic experience. The amygdala stays okay. It can keep responding to negative stimuli. It keeps overreacting to negative stimuli and it stays okay. It can keep responding to negative stimuli. It keeps overreacting to negative
Starting point is 00:50:46 stimuli and it stays intact. However, the rest of the brain is inundated with a bunch of hormones, neuropronephrine, neurodrenaline, and cortisol. Okay, so wait, wait, wait, what is the amygdala do? The amygdala is the part of your brain that's fine after a traumatic event. Yeah, and it's okay. It continues to respond okay without being overwhelmingly affected. That's the part that reacts to fear. Fight, fight, fight.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Yeah. Okay. Now, the part of your brain that stores long-term memories, that is the hippocampus. It actually withers. It incurs cell death and it undergoes something called hypocortisolism Which is at some point it can your brain can no longer continue to when you're undergoing this continual level of increased arousal It can no longer continue to produce
Starting point is 00:51:39 Really you can't you can't be arousal the time Speak for your son of a So. So okay, so wait. Every time he sees a moldy beer, he's aroused. There's no getting around it. Well, I heard about you talking about honeypop, so. Yeah, see how long I'm playing honeypop on steam. I'll let you know how long I'm aroused. Fucking tell between steam and Patreon,
Starting point is 00:52:00 sending out that I'm subscribed to Shao Rizzle on fucking Patreon to 4,000 people. I'll show you some of her work. Oh, it's a girl I'm trying to get to be a news babe. I forgot what I was talking about. 4,000, we're up to 4,000 supporters on Patreon. How about that? Oh, that's phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Hit the 4,000 mark. Awesome. Yeah, thank you. Thanks guys. Yes. Okay. Wait. So 80 summer leaving. I understand. But the result is here's the TLDR, right? Yeah. When you have experience, when you have PTSD, which is what Dr. Ford claims that she has, and as many, many survivors of sexual assault, particularly sexual assault survivors who experienced that event during their adolescence or childhood, are particularly terrible, not only at short-term memory recall,
Starting point is 00:52:53 but particularly long-term memory recall. It is something. So the nature of being a traumatic sexual assault survivor, and it's just gonna be rape because they made sexual assault a term now so that you think that it's rape. I figured out what they did now. Well, that's the first thing that you think of.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Yes, but it doesn't. Now, they've lumped them all. Now, they're all right. And they are certain, there is certainly a difference. Yes. Yeah, but yeah, she got her titty touched. And according to her own experience that she reported is she got her titty touched. And according to her own experience that she reported is she got her titty touched. And it was me, I did, I mean, I know what happened.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I was there, I did it. I was wearing a big trench coat like Vincent Adolpman. You're just, oh, yes, yes. I didn't even get to feel it because of my little baby hands. I was one years old and I was holding on to a rake with one hand a broom on the other. I was trying to get in there. That's other. I was trying to get in there.
Starting point is 00:53:45 That's right. I was trying to get in there. I love that character. So people who are survivors can't remember. They can, but the thing is they'll have what's called a flashballed memory. Yeah. And that's what she's describing. And when you hear the leftist say, like, well, this is normal.
Starting point is 00:54:00 It's very normal for them to remember one thing in precise detail. But the problem is that due to the way that memory is encoded and stored long-term, and in fact, there's this whole memory curve, what's called the forgetting curve, that even in normal brains that don't have severe damage cell death and atrophy in the hippocampus, within like days, your ability to remember things goes down by 30 up to 70% depending on the emotional level of the memory and emotional memories are more prevalent, but it's only because boring things we forget. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:54:35 The problem is also extremely emotional things. We also tend to forget. Because we want to get out of it, right? You just want to move past it. It's a self preservation thing. Some of them are intentionally forgot in the research I've seen sometimes up to 70% usually are intentionally forgot,
Starting point is 00:54:51 but the other 20 to 30% are unintentionally lost memories. I've forgotten every single time I couldn't get hard with the woman, Aidan's absolutely right. Well, that's, I mean, I mean, it's never happened to me. What's the most that happened? Blessed other, forgetful, they get the best mean, it's never happened to me. What's the most that happened? Blessed other, forgetful, they get the best even of their blunders. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Oh, yes. How is, forget how smart Aiden is. Well, I didn't know I had all these questions until she called in. Well, that's, I always like to talk to an expert in anything because I learned something. Yeah, I'm, you talk to an expert every week. I'm an expert in all these things. Oh, that's true, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:24 And I learned stuff. Oh, shit's true too, yeah. And I learned stuff. Oh shit, Aina, what did you do? Yeah, she asked me about the NPC study, but this stuff is making me enraged. And again, the only reason it makes me enraged is I don't like scientists who lie about their own knowledge, who play dumb. Don't play dumb in front of me. If you're actually ignorant, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Yeah. Whatever. If you, now I know you're lying because I've looked at her publications. Not only does she have a pretty excellent book, I would actually say on a quantitative method sampling. Yeah. Good textbook, she wrote.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Her litany of research indicates that she knows a lot about this and knows about it from a neurobiological standpoint. Oh, that's fucking interesting. So she should know that what she's saying is false. Yeah, I know that she can't remember. Oh, man, this is a dirty, dirty fucking game. Yeah, that makes me more irritated than anything else because if I thought she was just an innocent person who was undergoing these effects and
Starting point is 00:56:28 didn't understand how it worked, then I would go, okay, fine. Like Justin thought, but she's a doctor, doctor thought. She's a doctor who's published research on this. What's up with the talking like she's 12? Because this is something that pushes me off in women in general. That they all, I always assume it's because they got molested when they were 12. You know what I'm talking about? When I, when a woman talks, when I talk to a woman and she sounds like a fucking child,
Starting point is 00:56:55 in my brain, I think you got molested when you were whatever age you're talking like you're talking like you're four, if you're talking like you're 10, I mean, hey, it's useful. It's good to know, right? Like, it's not, I don't talk, like I'm fucking five. Yeah, there's, you know, I haven't seen a lot of like good empirical research on it and I hate to bring up something as, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:16 very coincidental like us or anecdotal as Dr. Drew Pinsky's anecdotes on it because what he has said is that if you look, he calls it little girl voice, you know, Dr. Drew Pinsky's anecdotes on it because what he has said is that if you look, he calls it little girl voice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dr. Drew. And he, he just is based in off of his experiences as a clinician and I, I can't speak to it. I've looked for research on it.
Starting point is 00:57:38 There's a lot of research on vocal fry, which is the other thing she was doing. That's what you talk like. Yeah. But she was doing it and not. I love it in the voice. Let's cause they're lying. Bill Clinton has a little vocal fry too. Yeah, that's cause he's, that's from the saxophone.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Yeah, that's cause he's played so much saxophone. Exactly. He has the raps. Raps the jazz man. Yeah, everybody. I miss that guy. I miss all of our, you know, I'd vote for fucking Bill Clinton. I think a lot of people would, oh,
Starting point is 00:58:05 man, we need, we need holographic politicians. We need holograms. I cannot wait to vote for the first hologram of a politician that's brought that robot Nixon. I'll vote for his ass in a second. He was great in Futurama. I mean, that's, you know, the real thing's got to be better. We didn't even get to the polygraph. Oh, that's the whole new thing. I would just say that it's an area that for some reason doesn't have really any research associated with it, which I find. Polygraphs?
Starting point is 00:58:38 Oh, I mean, the little girl voice. Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah. I don't, as far as I know, I have not been able to look. There's research on vocal fry, and look, there's research on vocal fry, and it's all the research on vocal fry, by the way, is on how women are discriminated against if they use it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:58:53 To me, to me vocal fry sounds like you just can't be bothered, or like you're trying to play cool. You know what I mean? You're just not confident in what you're saying. Well, or you're just like to say it. I just what I mean? Like you just say, you're not confident what you're saying. Well, are you just trying to say it? I just can't be bothered to finish my sentence. Like, you know, again, if Dr. Ford knows what she's talking about, she would know that it very often is associated with perceiving the person using it as being immature or childish. Yeah. I think a simple example like that too. I think
Starting point is 00:59:25 that this was a weird attempt to both simultaneously and I don't know. And like, you know, I, when I start to see lies and what I say a lie, I mean, saying laughter is stored in the hippocampus, I know that you're standing in front of me as much as I know Brett Kavanaugh rates me because
Starting point is 00:59:41 of my neuro Evan Neffren. She should know that. She should know that are then to make the hippocampus statement. It's like what you're saying. Both of those are ridiculous. Those are both nonsensical statements. They do not make any logical sense. Here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:59:54 I love it when Aiden calls in. Me too. Here's the problem. This is true for men and women. You've got the genitals and you've got the brain. And when you're thinking with one, the other one shuts off and you can kind of scrape like barnacles of information that the other one has and use it to get what you want,
Starting point is 01:00:13 but you don't get full access to it. Rarely does a man or a woman think with the genitals and the brain at the same time. Because the, right, the man, the dictator, the dictator takes over. And the women do it too though. Like, look, there's a reason they're in fucking couples therapy.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Cause it's, cause of her. Yeah, his marriage is fine. She's got a problem. So she drags him. No man has ever said, let's go to couples therapy. I really fucking love talking about a fucking relationship with a third party. What?
Starting point is 01:00:43 I don't know if, if 80s girl said she wanted to put a second front door to your house, went you not be like, maybe there's something wrong here. I just throw Christmas light satir here, chapter's up. How you fucking want? I mean, Jesus Christ, like I get like, you know, stuff like that is weird and crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:01 So maybe she, you know, was, I don't have any reason to disbelieve her But the little girl voice my my irritation is that I know you know better So when you use the vocal fry which makes you seem childish and you use the little girl voice which Maybe real which may really be a manifestation of being molested as a young girl. Yeah, or Being a psychiatrist or psychologist excuse me, someone who knows better, all very purpose of tactics.
Starting point is 01:01:33 That's fucking interesting. I never considered the fact that she would know better than because she says hippocampus and I just get angry that a woman's using these. Multi-slabber words. I just start freaking out. Oh, by the way, I'm cooking a roast right now, so I'm allowed to use one, right? Oh, okay. I'm much calmer now than you roast.
Starting point is 01:01:51 I wanted to talk to you. Do you need my womanly duties, you know? I wanted to talk to you about the NPC thing. Sean, do you know about the NPC meme? No, I don't think so. There was this seemingly bogus and stupid study that said, some people don't have an inner voice? Like, they don't think with an inner voice.
Starting point is 01:02:11 And they just ate my ex explaining it correctly. Yeah, it was, it's a study that's still kind of... No internal. It's making a lot of rounds. And actually, the study came out in 2008, so it's old. And there was a psychology today article that came out, I believe in 2012 that was more of an overview of their research. The problem is that the meme that's been associated
Starting point is 01:02:38 with it is what you just said, that about 17% of people don't have an inner monologue or inner voice. So they're just walking around saying shit that they think, like they don't have a voice that considers things in their head and then argues with themselves, like they don't have that id ego, whatever it is in their brains, they just say whatever they think. I don't know what the outcome of the study is going to be, but it makes so many things. So many things are much more clear to me now. If we're walking around with Pentiums,
Starting point is 01:03:11 and we've got a bunch of like 486 processors among us trying to also, that are also able to do all the same things. We're able to do, but they're just not having the, and those people talk with a lot of confidence. Yeah, they do. Yeah. What did you find, Aiden?
Starting point is 01:03:27 What can you, here's the thing actually that's interesting about it. The study does. It provides like this, when you hear that, you're like, oh, yeah. So about, you know, a fourth of the population just has no inner thought. And by that, I mean, people misunderstood what I said when I described it in my video by inner monologue. I don't mean that you are constantly narrating your day to yourself. No.
Starting point is 01:03:52 But most of us kind of have like that voice inside of our head a little bit that goes like, what, what am I gonna eat for breakfast today? You know something like that? I have several. Oh yeah. What do they, what do they sound like? Well, one has vocal fry, one talks in a little girl voice and the other one is like more
Starting point is 01:04:08 or less, just don't kill again. So those are the narratives going on in my head, mostly. Yeah, not again, Sean. You, you, you might get caught next time. Yeah. I told my brother when I was young, when I was a teenager, I said, just so you know, in case, I am ever suspected of murder or brought run trial for murder, I definitely did it. There's no, you don't have to, you don't have to wonder.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Yeah. For sure I did it. You don't need to get five pencil digs asking me if I've ever drank before. You ever drank a beer? So much that you blacked out. This is a question. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Do you like beer? No, no, no, I know. It's for this. That whole thing is so ridiculous. No, it's, it thing, it's so ridiculous. No, it's pretty simple though. First of all, the study only involved 30 participants, which now a lot, one thing people immediately said to me
Starting point is 01:04:53 is that, well, that's not a representative sample. It's not. However, the study itself was not trying to get a representative sample. They were trying to just see how people thought about things. And all that it actually found is that when randomly pinged at any time during the day, 17% of people never expressed experiencing the internal monologue. That's it.
Starting point is 01:05:13 That's fucking weird, man. I've got one track in my brain just always with Simpson's quotes all fucking day long. Like I thought everybody had that. Homeers lady voice. always with Simpson's quotes all fucking day long. Like I thought everybody had that. Homeers lady voice. But you got like, you got like, a whole two inch tape, you know, you've got like, there's, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:30 there's, there's 16 or 24 tracks on there, right? I mean, you got the Simpson's track. And then I got my dad yelling at me. Yeah, yeah, they're one being right about shit just constantly reliving those memories all the time. Right, and it's, but that's the thing is that it was, they gave you a device that beat random times of the day, six times over a period of three days. And they asked you to write, they asked the participants to write down their, whatever
Starting point is 01:05:57 they were thinking about. And if they experienced any number of these internal perceptions sensations during that time and 17 percent during the times at which they were pulled said that they did not experience internal monologue. That's it though. I actually spoke to several people and there is actually even a disorder that causes people to not be able to experience certain sensory perceptions within their brain to imagine visuals. That's actually a disorder. certain sensory perceptions within their brain to imagine visuals.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Yeah. That's actually a disorder. Wait, what do you mean? Can you explain that to a drunk guy? I need a Bill Guy version of that. If I describe a person to you, if I say so in my video I did, I talked about, I don't know if you know this, but one of my favorite video games and book series is being adapted to a Netflix
Starting point is 01:06:45 show. I don't know if you know the Netflix meme of what they like to do to things, but Siri. Siri from the Witcher series is described as pale with emerald green eyes and ash and hair, and they are putting out a call for women of color only. Okay. putting out a call for women of color only. To play. OK. But if I said, I say a pale girl with a scar interface, Emerald Green, Big Almond Emerald Green
Starting point is 01:07:13 Eyes and Ash and Hair, you know what that looks like? Some people don't have the ability to get to get to the disorder. I'm just saying a fuzzy area in the cans situation. Anyway, this is like my years ago, my mom would, once in a while, make the mistake of trying to set me up with one of her friends' daughters, and she'd always gives me the same description of the girl.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Well, what'd she look like, mom? Oh, you know, tall, a hair color, an eye color, and then a job of my sister finally said, he doesn't give a shit about any of those things. Yeah, just start with the cans, and then give me the poundage. Mm-hmm, there. Oh, yeah, just start with the cans and then get get me the poundage. Mm-hmm. Very simple. Oh, that's an important one.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Let's say live. I have the right hand on that word. Anyway, the point is you can kind of imagine what that person looks like. There are some people who can't take a description from words and transfer it into mental images. That's a disorder. Oh, wow. No type, they can't get any type it into mental images. That's a disorder. Oh wow. No type, they can't get any type of a mental object.
Starting point is 01:08:08 So these people know, like, this would be so helpful to know what is fucked about people. Yeah. Like, I really, I need some kind of a badge to say this guy can't imagine shit. This person's shitty with direction. It would help interactions. That would help so much.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Like, this person has no sense of humor. Have you ever looked at Scott Adams's theory on that, like a third of people have no sense of humor and they don't understand. Yeah, I love Scott Adams makes perfect sense too. Is there anything supporting that? Yeah, actually, there is. There are actually, I did a whole series on humor and the the demography of humor, particularly was was yeah, there are some people who just Don't have any sense of humor and it's not about it. It's not a third
Starting point is 01:08:52 But it's like 15% yeah, and god do they am is that from Possibly growing up in a completely humorless family with no stimuli that would have Led you to develop a sense of humor humor or is there a genetic basis or probably a combination of both or anything in the. I have no support in data for that. Usually with, with trying to make a call so same like that, I can't make one because we're, it's social science, we're looking mostly at, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:19 correlations, not causation. Uh-huh, gotcha. Uh, that'd be fascinating. Yeah, just give me, well,, correlations, not causation. Uh-huh, gotcha. Uh, that'd be fascinating. Yeah. Well, well, no, no, you see, to put, to make the causal claim, you have to take a baby and raise it in a humerus environment, which is abuse. Yeah, sure, sure.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Oh, well, we do it. Come on. Well, we do it with monkeys and stuff. This is for the fucking species. Let's, let's get rid of all this ethics shit and ramp up the science to 10. That's when when you get answers, fucking rovers wait, gone. Number, he's going to get in there like the WWF just go gone, gone, gone. It's so funny. That whole thing about Kavanaugh them being so terrified of him. It's like, you know what? He was pretty milk toast, center
Starting point is 01:10:03 of the line, but now you have made him punished Kavanaugh. You think he's going to be on your side? And a Kavanaugh scored fucking. Well, they're supposed to, they're fucking supposed to interpret the constitution, right? No. Yeah. But you know what? That's what there's supposed to be. None of it has anything to do with anything. Well, no, it's just the most we can get away with without, well, we need each other's fucking acts. There's been, the judges have, I think, become more and more activist in the, I mean, because
Starting point is 01:10:31 you want to talk about who were, who were the, if there's a complex case, who were the two dissenters? It's, it's Ginsburg and so do my or every time. Yeah. Because they're, they're total activists. Yeah. That's what you get. And we're putting a wise Latina with this with this case. I'm just saying I'm sure that Kavanaugh will be as unbiased as possible. But when one entire political party spent weeks and will probably spend years now trying to paint you as a gang rapist.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't. Well, yeah, but here he's human being and you know, you are, you become a slave to your emotion. It's like when you grow up out of being a libertarian. Yeah. It's like the process that you have, you can't, at some point you have to look at yourself and think you only support this system because it's good for you. Like, the reason why, the reason why libertarians are all the, like, the, what of the 99% that they're all, like, very smart.
Starting point is 01:11:33 People, you remember in the biggest problem when I brought it in that it was the 99.9% tile people or whatever percent. I don't know the fucking difference of those things, but all people who are very smart, like, there's a correlation with being a libertarian because it works for them. Because they're naturally genetically gifted. Like all of this, the fuck the constitution, fuck everything, it's just systems that are naturally,
Starting point is 01:11:57 like if the mob isn't appeased, they'll rise up and just take what they want. It's what they fucking do. It's been done. That's the system that we have. It's got they fucking do. It's been done. That's the system that we have. It's got nothing to do with inalienable rights. Taxation is theft, just as much as property is theft. It's just a system to mitigate leverage in violence.
Starting point is 01:12:17 I don't know why I got off on that rant. Anyway. Not in our own. Yeah, what makes you rage besides this? I think so. People who know better line intentionally. I'm not wrong. Yeah. And what makes you rage besides this? I think so. People who know better line intentionally. And academic, that's because she's thinking with her pussy.
Starting point is 01:12:33 That was my point. It was because all this shit started because she went to couples therapy because something's not working in the bedroom. That's where all this shit started. I mean, she may very well have been molested. If that's her actual speaking voice, then I'm inclined to agree with Dr. Drew that, yeah, she was probably molested. And based on everything else, her flashball memories.
Starting point is 01:12:51 And I don't know if you know about the other guy. Garrett, I believe his name is. Yeah. Who looks very similar, very, very similar. And who, you know, for whatever reason, we have to leave out of this and she even said that she dated. When we look at how memory is very malleable, particularly long-term memory, my guess is she was probably assaulted by that guy or was assaulted by him and maybe somebody in her childhood and that's why she's got all kinds of fucked up, you know, brain problems, but has
Starting point is 01:13:23 misremembered things. The fact that she is incapable of remembering things she did five days ago, that she constantly is changing her shit, to me also indicates that she has a problem with short-term memory function, which would be congruent with the PTSD model that she has a atrophy type of canvas. Atrophy type of campus. I did it. I don't know what the big deal is.
Starting point is 01:13:46 I already said I did it. No, send the FBI over here with their cramp computer and their time machine. They can interview me all they want. I did it. Yeah. I thought you knew it was wrong. You did it anyway.
Starting point is 01:13:57 You would do it again. I would do it again. I would do it again on your own. Yes. All right, Aiden. Thank you very much. Very interesting. Thanks for having me. Very back and interesting. Aiden, thank you very much. Very interesting.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Thanks for having me. Very back and interesting. Please, please call in again. You're the only one who knows anything. I wish you would call in more. Any time, man. Yeah. What is it like?
Starting point is 01:14:15 What's it like being a woman in your in science? I always want to, I don't know. Is that a stupid question? No, I, well, I don't know. I mean, like, you know, mean, I'm in barely a science, psychology, barely counts. And I'm media psychology, which really barely counts. So I don't really think it's a big deal,
Starting point is 01:14:36 but the problem is, it says that anything else, right? The people who are actually passionate, the like five women who really, really care about science who are artistically weird about it like me, they actually care and we don't say anything generally, but the annoying people never shut up. People who are in like, you know, so post, post, or not post, post, post,
Starting point is 01:15:01 post cultural, you know, bizarre feminist stuff. Yeah, they have everything to say about it. Yeah. That's, that's all it is. Whatever. All right. Thank you. Don't burn that rose.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Don't burn your roast. Get the fuck, get back to the kitchen. Oh, shit, fuck. Oh, shit, fuck. Oh, all right. I got some comments here. You want to do some news next? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:29 I'm telling you the 1240. And then we'll do, we'll do peaches. See, modern Maduce is going to call in with some news. Oh, really? What's up? Just a moment. Yeah. Hey, Dick, please call me A. I haven't finished listening to the episode this week, but this
Starting point is 01:15:43 topic makes me such a rage. I needed to send you something. I'll try to the episode this week, but this topic makes me such a rage. I needed to send you something. I'll try to keep it short. I'm a self-taught front end developer that has been working in the agency world for a decade. I was building websites since I was 13, just because I thought it was cool. It was a satisfying hobby for me.
Starting point is 01:15:56 I went to school for graphic design, but my development skills have always been valued more than a job. After I built up my resume, it hasn't been that hard to find a job because surprise if you do good work or dependable show an initiative you get hired. I laughed out loud at your STEM statistics
Starting point is 01:16:10 because it's exactly how I feel. I didn't need anybody to tell me to go into this field. I just wanted to do it. This is a woman by the way. Seeing initiatives like this surrounded around the differences between us, that we can't control gender, race, et cetera, makes me step back from my job
Starting point is 01:16:23 and actually question things. I never thought I had to question. Did I have these jobs only because I'm a woman? us that we can't control gender race, et cetera, makes me step back from my job and actually question things. I never thought I had to question. Did I have these jobs only because I'm a woman? Have I ever in microaggressed against my entire career? Have I been wage-gapped? That's a wage gap. We solved it last week.
Starting point is 01:16:40 That's those tremor monsters that come around eating women on their way to work. I know in my heart of hearts it's bullshit. Finding a good front end developer or any developer seems to be a constant struggle. No shit for any company. I've worked hard for what I've done. I never used my gender as a crutch as to why I did or didn't get something in life. You should. Fuck it. I use Mexican. I use Mexican. You get into college. I'm 100% sure that's why I got in. You should use whatever you have to your advantage in life because it's fucking hard and there's a lot of shit that will keep you from getting where you want. You should use, you're a fool if you don't use what tools you're given.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Because people will just come out and you earn them or not. Stab you in the fucking back and take your shit. Yeah. Do whatever you fucking can. You gotta find your, you gotta harness your inner psychopath at all times. Any wage gap I've had is due to my confidence and understanding my skill level. It's tough hearing that it's exactly how I should be feeling, but it's tough. Hearing that that's exactly how I should be feeling, I'll stop there for now.
Starting point is 01:17:40 I wanted to rage about women owned businesses too, but that's for another day. I know I only speak for a small segment of women and ultimately I speak only for myself, but this topic really resounded with me. And I appreciate you discussing it. Keep up the good work and most of all, go fuck yourself. Oh, thank you. Thank you, A. It's true. I knew a lot of very talented women in programming in college.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Yeah. What was the, okay, at your school, the Caltech. Yeah, you said it, right? Yeah, yeah. What was the student body like, relations? Men and women? Yeah. It was probably three men to one woman, but half of those women were lesbian, so it was about three men to one woman. Okay. But half of those women were lesbian,
Starting point is 01:18:25 so it was about six to one. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Thank God I was dating a girl who went to a state school. Yeah, right, right. Always, always. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Yeah, that's interest. I mean, not surprising to me at all that I would date a woman who's going to a state school and that would be a three to one ratio. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, I fuck, I wanted to ask Aiden about another study I saw that said, in STEM, women outscore men except in the top five and two percent. Like the top five and two percent, they kind of drop off a cliff in the men's scores.
Starting point is 01:19:02 It's overwhelmingly men at the top five percent of scores. So like the, you know, okay scores are very and do well in, but then the top five, they drop off. All right. Let me get, let me get modern Medusa on here before I get too drunk. Let me see here. We could not connect your camera.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Oh, hello! Jesus Christ. Hello. Oh, my God. All right. Oh, you look gorgeous. Hold on one moment while I try to get this display connected and handle my erection at the same time.
Starting point is 01:19:43 I'm fucking hell, man. Ha ha ha ha ha. Uh, how you doing, Medusa? I'm doing pretty good, how are you? Great. I'm hearing myself and trying to figure out how to stop that from happening. Okay, take your time. We got all the time in the world on the show.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Do, do, do, do, do. You got the Skype ring stuck in your head. I always sing it. That's my inner monologue. It's just going around do do do do do do do do do do. No voice. Oh my God. Someone should like Kanye should put a song to that. Yeah. Can you imagine how successful that would be? Yeah. Just put the Skype tone under it. Yeah. Can you imagine how successful that would be? Yeah. Just put the Skype tone under it. Yeah. And then talk about how much you love the enormous lawsuit.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Who's gonna sue Kanye? I don't know, man. Skype. They're vindictive motherfuckers. Yeah, they are. I think that I get better with technology, the drunker I get. I'm probably the same way. I probably need to get better with technology, the drunker I get. I'm probably the same way.
Starting point is 01:20:47 I probably need to get way more drunk before I start fucking with my iPhone because it has been a pain in the fucking ass day. Well, you have to remember that figures are designed for complete morons. So you have to dumb yourself down. Yeah. So everything's very life is very intuitive when you're drunk. The only reason I got it was to take nice pictures
Starting point is 01:21:09 of my movies. So, I mean, can you tilt the camera down? I don't wanna ask. We get, oh my God. All right, modern Madusa, we met on the drunken peasant spot. It's gonna be a lot of people out there wanting to go with like full calvina.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Oh God. We met on the Drunken Peasant spot. That's the one that's gonna cause me to never work again. Yeah, that one right there. That was a fun stream. Yeah, I had a lot of fun. That was the first time that I talked to Billy the fridge as well. That was great. Yeah, he's really funny. He had me on his like late show
Starting point is 01:21:54 like one in the morning a few nights ago. Yeah, that was fun. And then I found a beer called Billy Berry. And I didn't know that was his actual name. His name's Billy Berry. Yes. It's not his beer. You know who he's talking about? You know who she's talking about, Billy the free. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:12 He's like, he's with Ben, a drunk in peasants. He's like the human version of Bender. Remember that that Futurama episode when Bender becomes like he's party, he's an animal. He dies in a week, but he lived more than that week than anybody's lived in their lifetime. Like Billy, he just throws up on command. Yeah, he's got that in his-
Starting point is 01:22:29 I wish I could do that. I can't throw up. I can't throw up unless I'm really sick or really, really drunk. Usually it's only vodka, because if I drink like a shit ton of beer, I won't throw up until the next morning. I don't know why. I have a similar problem with throwing up,
Starting point is 01:22:51 because it's an ego thing for me. I refuse to throw up. I know in my head that I'm admitting that I'm weak in some way, if I throw up, but God, every time I do it, I feel so much better. Oh yeah, I should have done it today. Instead I kept drinking. What have I ever made myself through?
Starting point is 01:23:10 I wish I had alcohol right now. I just have red bull. You don't have alcohol? No, I have ever cleared of it. I don't want to drink that right now. So what do you do? Unless you want me to, I mean, no, it'll be, it'll kick in when it's too late.
Starting point is 01:23:27 So it was a drink that I ever clear pussy. Yeah. Well, the problem is that liquor really doesn't get me that drunk. I drink like four shots of it, like one night when the hurricane was in here and I had nothing else to do. I was like, fuck, am I as well just drink it until I go to sleep. And then I was like, fuck, am I as well, just drink until I go to sleep.
Starting point is 01:23:45 And then I was like sober by the end of the night. I was like, what the fuck is happening? It's a fun. But beer is easy as fuck. Like one, two, I'm good. That'd be a fun hurricane activity. Earthquakes aren't any fun. You just gotta pick up all your shit, you know?
Starting point is 01:24:01 Yeah. There's nothing to anticipate. No, and they're too short. Hurricanes, they always fizzle out. Yeah. So probably not going to happen, right? They turn into a tropical storm. Nothing happened in my house. They just peel off and do it. But you get all this anticipation and build up the perfect storm. It's a, it's a perfect national natural disasters. Hurricanes. Do you live down in Florida? No, I'm in North Carolina. Okay, what do you do for every before we get to the news? What is it that you do? What do I do? I work at a dokey daycare.
Starting point is 01:24:36 I mean, what do you do on time? Oh, what do I do online? Okay. Yeah, I make videos about Okay, yeah, I make videos about stupid people, I guess, feminists and Social Justice worries and stuff and then I also do art music random shit comedy I wrote well most of the the talking shit about stupid people is for the sake of comedy So comedy is really what I enjoy that's what we say say too. Yeah, that's what we say too. And can you please settle a debate that's been happening on the subreddit? When I was on the Drunken Peasants with you
Starting point is 01:25:18 and I was screaming and ranting about Monday and Matt, were you in fact turned on by that vicious, violent rant that I had? Or was it because people, that's what I'm saying. I'm telling everybody that we watched the tape, we watched it, did you see that? Yeah, you saw it, she's nodding. I looked it up at her head for one second to see that she was nodding,
Starting point is 01:25:43 because that's the time I'm looking at the. I'm telling everybody that you were certainly turned on by the 100% memory of it, by the very masculine and macho display that I posturing display that I put on. Can you please confirm and that you were in fact turned on by that by me? Yeah, yeah, I'll go ahead and confirm that. I'm well, you know, it's, uh, was funny. It's like, well, I actually, I expected you to be even like more like crazy and maybe even more crazy and misogynistic because of the doctor Phil thing. I was like, yeah, fuck me up.
Starting point is 01:26:33 And now you were very tame actually. So that was a nice taste. Maybe that's her way of saying there's substance to the man. No, no, no, no, no. This is what they tell the women tell you what they want they want more misogyny Yes, I want to be objectified Please don't worry. Yeah, we can we can do that. I'm take all women. No women should have drivers licenses
Starting point is 01:26:57 That's what I number one. We're going straight back to Saudi Arabia Put this bitch in a hijab immediately Yeah, not even the tits. Not even the tits. Take away all of their power. So just go walking around in cardboard boxes. All right, Medusa, do you have news for us? I do.
Starting point is 01:27:21 I have a few different stories. Thank you for calling in and waiting. No problem. I just I had never been right never been on the show before so I didn't know exactly what the format was. Oh my god. Those tits I cannot stop looking. Oh, I don't know if it's the I mean I know what it is. Definitely definitely fits. And it's also the three beers, right? Yeah. That's so true. You don't need to drink something about, yeah. See, what did Aiden say?
Starting point is 01:27:51 You can't be aroused all the time. Fucking wrong. That's, I am. So that's a lie. Deep off. This is the closest I'll ever get to demolition, man. The live video, Chad of with a a naked woman.
Starting point is 01:28:07 You know the scene I'm talking about? I didn't see Demolition Man. What? Is that still on? Yes, it's still on, and Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock. Yeah, oh, really. Madusa, have you seen Demolition Man?
Starting point is 01:28:21 I have not. I don't know, I guess we're doing an ejectation on Demolition. Okay, Sean, it's the future. Let's do it. It's it's it's current. It's today. It's demolition, man. Yeah. All right. So it's still on the best movie. Really? It's best movie. It's his best movie. Really? Okay. Well, that's the next one. We'll do. All right. Okay. I'm going to do so. I'm sorry. Can you please read us the news? Okay, well, have you guys heard about the dominatrix, the, sorry, the dominatrix who requires her slaves to read black feminist theory. No. No.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Oh my god, there. You definitely cannot be aroused all the time. I'm going to ask for my money back, you're immediately gone. You're up the half-or-action that the leather I was working on is totally gone. Eighten is exonerated. I'll be back in gone. Oh, that's black. Black what? Black feminist.
Starting point is 01:29:23 Feminist theory. Were you messing with your headphones right there? I don't think you got. Black what? Black feminist theory. Were you messing with your headphones right there? I don't think you got, I don't think you, whatever you did do it again. What did I do? You put your hands up for your head for some reason. Alright, what about the black theory? Well, okay, so she basically says that she gets pleasure out of whipping white men.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Because a white man once told her that she couldn't be a dominatrix because she was too sweet or something like that. I think she took it as it as like, you're too black or something. I don't know. But she was like, well, I'm not gonna have no white boy telling me what to do. So that's what I did. And she has this white cuck come onto the screen and his voice is all like deep deepened and everything. And he's just like, yeah, she really showed me the way of the goddess
Starting point is 01:30:25 and all this fucking stupid shit. Like, at first I fetishized her, but I've been doing what I can to try and unwrap that fetishization. I'm like, and she's like, yeah, some, like I use my, like, she was basically saying I use my blackness and my femininity to bring men in,
Starting point is 01:30:53 but then I also use it to break down those feelings. I don't just say she's, this is a, gay. This is a prostitute, we're sacking about, she's using black. But she doesn't have sex with them. We're talking about him. She's using blind She doesn't have sex with them. She actually makes them read. Yeah, do they have to give a book report? She makes she gives them homework and make some right essays and She actually read out part of the essay and they were like I I will
Starting point is 01:31:22 Continue to spread the word of the goddess so that everyone will know and all this stupid shit and she was actually like laughing out loud. She even thought it was ridiculous. She's like, oh, these people are paying my bills, they're paying off my student loans. I'm like, like, does anybody make them read great expectations or great that's pretty anything like that? Audrey, Audrey, whatever the fuck her name is, Lord, Audrey Lord, I don't know what her name is. I don't think I would read, I don't think I could read a book to get laid. No, no, no, no, it's too much. It's too much. I was reading, you remember
Starting point is 01:32:08 I was talking about when 80s girl had to read. What was that? The, the, the, the, let's talk about race. Oh, yeah. I had saw, oh, man, I couldn't even get through a single paragraph without losing my fucking mind on that book. I remember you brought in a couple snippets from that. It was insane. I would actually like to do like a series where I just go to a stage and read the book and then comment on like a live read and comment on how completely fucking insane every part of that book is.
Starting point is 01:32:42 Maybe get this Dominic tricks to come with us. That'd be fun, huh? All right. All right, what's next, Medusa? Okay, this one's just kind of silly. You know what I love about this, you know what I love about this bikini that you're wearing? First of all, is that you can see the tan line of, as you, you Sean's nodding, you know, you know, exactly what I'm talking about that,
Starting point is 01:33:02 but that pristine white as the driven snow flesh right there between, you know, you know what I'm untouched, untouched like the surface of the moon. I have a picture of me, topless with my pantywise makeup, and you can see the tan lines like very distinctly. Where's that? Where can I find that? Where can I get that picture? I'll DM you later. Okay, Do you have that up online anywhere?
Starting point is 01:33:27 No, no, no. Okay. Maybe maybe at like a thousand dollars on Patreon. That'll work. 80s girls not. Then I'll release it to the world. Okay. What's next? Okay. Naked Florida man. I just looked at Florida man found gyrating on women's back porch. Okay. Yeah. So it's wrong with that. Yeah. Yeah. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:33:54 So, you know, men are men are ashamed into not show your our bodies. You've got Beyonce up there, fucking jiggling every which way Janet Jackson's showing off her tits But the second a guy starts dancing everybody comes down on them. There's nothing more for you know why Elvis Elvis was doing it They chopped him off at the waist. There's a conspiracy against men Wiggling their penises and gyrating their hips that's gone back to the beginning of time Sure, you're gonna have to stop doing that in the ball pit at Chuckie Cheese. Yeah, that's what I want to say.
Starting point is 01:34:27 That's why we're so tight. We're just a society of ball pit. We're just a society of foot loose. That's all I want to see is some real committed gyrations. Not, you know, stiff, shoulder bouncing back and forth. Just bam, bam, bam. Right? Okay, what happened to this guy? Arrested probably, arrested.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Yes, and he, so he was apparently standing naked on her back porch, exposing himself in a lured manner with his hands in the air and giant raincase. Like he didn't care at all. Yeah. So I'm trying to imagine this in my head. Was he helicoptering it or like fucking just whacking it back and forth? Because I want to picture this, but I can't.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Women love that. Women love that. You walk out of the bathroom after giving your balls a sink bath. You know, helicopter anxious for the courtesy. Courtesy of a little sink scrub. There with the balls draped the balls into the sink give them a wash Put a little toothpaste on there to trick them That fucking funny, you know because you never know you never
Starting point is 01:35:36 There's always a little bit of salt a little bit of vinegar Left on the balls. So you get a little bit of toothpaste and sneak it on there She's like did you just brush your dick brush your dick? What are you talking about? Shut up, that's stupid. Or I'd do that. Or who would put toothpaste on their dick? Just get that done. That's a deep brush.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Yeah, minty, then they like it. Everybody likes mint. That's a dick tip for you. I thought you were gonna fool them into that. That was your mouth. You're not gonna lie. It's my brush that's deep of the dick. Then that tongue comes out of my penis and makes out.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. We established this. Yeah, all right. But they love it. Bounce it back and forth. I like it when it expounds. It's sexy. What is a move that you like, Medusa?
Starting point is 01:36:20 What's a move? Yeah, what's a sex move that you like that we can all use? Like a position or a line. Sure, position, you know, like a line. Shit, I think one of my favorite of people don't really do that often is like missionary except like on the very edge of the bed. So like the girl's ass is right here
Starting point is 01:36:45 and then you got like, the right amount of, depending on how tall your bed is. If you don't have a tall bed, the guy's standing, right? Yeah, what is the girl like in this scenario? Laying down on her back. Yeah, okay, I'll go ahead.
Starting point is 01:37:03 I prefer my legs to be like on the shoulders. That's what shoulders are the guys shoulders. You're very tall, right? But then you can, some chicks can't handle that if they're pussy's because it hurts a little, but it hurts. Or you don't have a tall enough bed. So, yeah, or you don't have a tall enough bed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Yeah. All right, what's the next, what's the next news story? You got this helicopter game. Okay. This picture I got to send you this picture or put it in the chat because it's really funny hang on. All right. There's the yeah there we go. All right. Yeah, there we go. All right. A gender fluid man is on a list of female champions, business champions. And this specific article doesn't really like that.
Starting point is 01:37:57 So it says, that's not progress for women. And I don't know. You should definitely look at the picture because it's fucking weird. Oh, it's funny, we're looking at it. Wait, so this is the man on the right and this is him in drag. And you left.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Is this the what? What's the headline? Isn't it beautiful? This is not progress for women or something. You know what, I'm ready to embrace that. This is, I'm a woman. This is the most successful female comedy show on Patreon in the world. Did you know that?
Starting point is 01:38:33 I come down. I do now. Chop, chop, chop, trap house, chop, house or whatever it is. That's, they're bigger than us, but this is the only comedy show hosted by a woman, me. Uh-huh. On Patreon, that's at the level that we're at. It's the biggest comedy show in the world. You're up to it.
Starting point is 01:38:54 The Dicks Show. The Dicks Show. I like that. The biggest female comedy show that we got. All right, Medusa, we got one more. I want to know what makes you a rage and then then we got a single song for page What makes me rage. Yeah, what makes you rage? Freak. I don't know
Starting point is 01:39:12 Damn it. I wasn't prepared for this question. No, that's okay then. What's what you got one more news item or is are we It's not like that interesting Try us yeah, I just try it. I just think that the title is funny but it says what is behind the decline of UFO sightings? No, that's fucking absolutely true. Do you remember how fun big-foot UFOs? Chupa Cobras were, the Chupa Cobras fucked it up
Starting point is 01:39:50 for everybody because everybody thought, that's obviously stupid. We're not doing this anymore, we're not doing aliens. Anymore, we're not doing big-foot. God, that was fun. And people would talk to you about their seeing aliens, seeing UFOs. Oh, yeah. I can't wait to hear this story about you seeing a fucking alien.
Starting point is 01:40:11 Yeah. And how you were abducted. No, it's not. No, it's I was molested by a Supreme Court justice. God. Give me a fuck out of a ship. Give me a fuck. You fucking get changed from aliens to rape.
Starting point is 01:40:23 I don't understand. It's aliens are way cooler. And they rape you too. Supposedly. With highly sophisticated tools from what people say, I'm filing charges. I don't know. I don't know. I'm a file charge against the universe against the aliens.
Starting point is 01:40:38 So if they show up, I'm going to call the cops to arrest them. Okay. Statutory rap. Kiss the alien. So there's been fewer UFO sightings reported. Have you ever heard anything about UFOs? Recently. Yeah. No other than people mistaking certain things for it's like, oh no, Navy says it was doing
Starting point is 01:40:56 tests out of whatever. It's like that's what people were saying. It's a big news, man. I've just got a funny story about that. Okay. One time I was a cow driver for a while and sorry you were a cab driver. Yes, I was a cow driver, then a Uber driver, and then a delivery driver. And I'm never ever doing any of those job. Who the fuck would give you a cab?
Starting point is 01:41:19 There's fucking random guy named Hassan. I don't even, he was so weird. We met at a Taco Bell and he was like, you want to start today? And I was like, I guess. And it just, I made no money. Did you have to sit on his lap and drive the cab? No, thank God. But no, I was driving this chick home
Starting point is 01:41:40 and it was like really late at night. And we were in this fucking weird ass neighborhood. No trees around. So we could, you know, obviously see like everything in the sky. And then like she started looking up in the sky and was like, what the fuck is that? Like, you know, just freaking out. And like, what, what is that? Why is that just like saying there, why isn't it moving? And it was just like, some lights in the sky. And I was like, Why isn't it moving? And it was just like, it's some lights in the sky.
Starting point is 01:42:04 And I was like, I don't know, that's weird. Like, you know, just like going along with it. I was like, whatever. And she was like, dude, oh my God, that's totally UFO, holy shit. What the hell is going on? And then she like got out of the car and was like, oh my God, that was so crazy.
Starting point is 01:42:21 I'm glad we were able to like have this experience together. And I was like, yeah, see ya. Yeah, that's an average woman who's seeing UFOs, Sean. Yeah. Yeah. The average amount of supernatural experiences that a woman experiences every day is non-zero.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Let me explain that again. Average number of supernatural experiences a woman has been throwing her lifetime non zero. Shit. I mean, I've got experiences that I could talk about that in the fucking sense. But even I'm like questioning my woman brain. I'm like, did that really fucking happen? Or am I just fucked in the head? Like, come on. What kind of experiences are you? Do you have a boyfriend? Girlfriend, what's going on? It's your situation.
Starting point is 01:43:11 I have a fiance. I don't want to say that at the very end of... All right, we're out of time. I was going to say, after she got out, I looked up and it was just a fucking helicopter. Yeah. Probably doesn't know we have that technology. Why is it just staying there?
Starting point is 01:43:28 Yeah. Making a weird sound. Making a helicopter resound, but I don't think it's a helicopter. You got a fiance, huh? Yes. What is the, what kind of man are you? Yeah. Are you with?
Starting point is 01:43:49 A skinny long-haired man. I don't know. She likes long hair. I love long hair. Are you seeing very adventurous? Are you very adventurous in the bedroom? I mean, you're here in a bikini, a very beautiful bikini. You've got a gorgeous body. You got to let that thing, you got to work it, right? Well, yeah, I mean, pretty much, you can name, name something and I've probably done it. That's pretty much three ways, three ways, two chicks. Oh yeah. What was that like?
Starting point is 01:44:19 That's news. That's the kind of news I want to hear as the guy. Yeah, he enjoyed it. Head problems. Your head problems. Your fiance? Yeah. It was his first threesome.
Starting point is 01:44:33 And we, um, yeah, I knew a girl who was down. Hold on, I'm going to start masturbating. We had this game where you got a guess if someone's jerking off or not while they're leaving a voicemail I'm gonna play it right now. Oh, there you go. Yeah, you get you can guess what was what was the girl like? Because you're I know you're five ten big tiddy and stupid as fuck. Oh God. That's perfect How big how big were the tits and how dumb was the girl? How big are the tits and how dumb was the girl? She got like some like triple relationship. It's like kind of one's bigger than the other.
Starting point is 01:45:13 Don't symmetry shame. That's despicable. People do that with Hitomi Tanaka. She's a beautiful woman. What's that? I think this one's more than this one. You think your right breast is smaller than your left breast? I think Take a good take a take another look. Be sure and she was Can I listen?
Starting point is 01:45:40 And she was very busting. Yeah, and very stupid. What kind of positions were you guys in? Do you remember? Do you have a recollection? When you, when you're fucking, when you're in three, so you just pretty much just try to do whatever works. Like I've done like, ask on top of, ask like me laying on top of a girl and they're just like, what's the boobs? I see, this is a radio and they just like, boop, boop, boop, boop. What's the boobs? I see, this is a radio program.
Starting point is 01:46:07 I see your fingers pointing, but what are the, is that the guy's dick? Boop and? Yes, in and out. In and out, both, both holes, one it like back and forth. Yeah. That seems like a pain in the ass,
Starting point is 01:46:23 so by monies. It's like a playing hopscotch. Not like back and forth like the entire time. Like going going at one and then changing to the other and then yeah. And then I'm just like making out with the chick. Yeah. It's fun. So you guys were in like a triangle. The devil's triangle. Yeah. We've heard all about it this week. What kind of what kind of triangle? What do you mean? Where were the we were the mouths and where were the genitals? Uh, no, I tried so many different ways. This is with the triple D. I'm pretty
Starting point is 01:46:59 sure. In whatever position I was in, I had genitals in my mouth and a mouth on my genitals. So however that works, I'm pretty sure you can like be in a train of like genitals. I mean, somebody's stuck with all genitals. I mean, I know discrete math, that's how that works. I mean, I'm cool with that. I also like 69ing with a guy on top, not enough people do that.
Starting point is 01:47:26 69ing with the man on top. Yeah, because you can break your dick like that. That's a nice one. I mean, it should not be. Shicks get very overzealous with their throats and you break your dick right in there. How did you broach this for all the guys out there? How would they broach something like this
Starting point is 01:47:43 with their girlfriend? Shit, you need to talk about it on like the first date. If you don't know what kind of sexual like shit she's in two or like what kind of kinks she has and you need to be like yo show me show me your show me your vagina. No, that doesn't work. I'm 100% sure that doesn't work. I mean, like I would I would ask, I would, I would, I would, I don't know, she's not willing to show you nudes like been, I don't know. No, no, fuck nudes, I'm talking about having a threesome. You can get nudes.
Starting point is 01:48:18 That's what I'm saying. If she's not willing to send nudes, she's definitely not gonna be willing to do a threesome. So you need to like, dude, like, steps, you know, you like, you need to pick it out. If she willing to talk about sexual stuff, it's like, you know, cool with doing it in the butt. It's cool with sucking your dick really well. Yeah, doing it in the butt is a bit of a pain in the it's a pain in the ass. It's the excuse the fun. But I don't do it that often, but like if that's something you like,
Starting point is 01:48:45 then you should know, you know? So how did you, like, it took? How did you broach this topic to your friend? How did you rope your friend into this? This three words? I was just like, I got a guy with a really nice dick, do you want to come over? I'm pretty much, like she was already down.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Like that's the kind of people you need to be. Yeah, how do you do that? Is there like a meetup taco bell? Can you just... I mean... You gotta find the good balance between like, how that injects heroin into her foot and like... Is this the smartest thing anyone's ever said? Well, eat some, lick some pre-com, you know?
Starting point is 01:49:23 Yeah. You need to find a really good balance. Yeah. I mean, I haven't found a chick that that's that that's that chill. So I'm still looking like, are you out there? How did the fuck up in here? You're still looking to introduce a woman into your relationship. That's what you're saying? Yeah, I mean, not like, you know, romantically because fuck that shit. Creep fucking women are crazy. Yeah, welcome to the party pal. All right. Thank you, Madoos said. Thank you for caught. Do you have anything you want to plug?
Starting point is 01:49:56 Uh, shit. You can subscribe to me on YouTube. I got art for sale up in here. You know, my fucking. I think you are art. I got art for sale up in here, you know, my fucking Calendar with Mercedes Carrera and me and other sexy women and stuff. So yeah, just do you on me on Twitter if you want to know about that shit Vanessa W. Cheese Vanessa W. Cheese there you go. You got any tips for guys trying to Trying to to meet a girl like you Like me tips for guys trying to, trying to, to meet a girl like you, like me.
Starting point is 01:50:30 You yourself. No, that doesn't work. No, shut be yourself. You have no idea what a yourself is. No man has ever given you yourself. We're, we're absolutely disgusting and deplorable monsters. We sit in our own fill. If I met you, I'd be like, fuck this person is awesome. If you met me, I'd be, I'd be dapper Dan.
Starting point is 01:50:55 I would be the most fakes, not me that you've ever seen in your fucking life. I'd be funny all the time. I'd laugh at all your fucking jokes. It would be the total opposite of me. Oh, God. It's, you need to be comfortable with yourself. Oh, yeah. You can be comfortable with yourself in sweatpants eating nachos off your chest. You just need to be comfortable with lying. Yeah. I was totally stuck with dick while you did that. Like that's the kind of level you need to be on. Okay. We're gonna cut this show, so all right.
Starting point is 01:51:25 I gotta go, I gotta go master bait. Oh, thank you for having me on. Thank you for everything that you're wearing. Thank you for bringing us the news and telling us about your insane sexual exploits. And for solving the mystery of the helicopter. I was really popping up on that. Oh my god, I can't look up on that. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:51:45 I can't look away. If you're not, if you're not a one dollar Patreon or the show, you're a fucking, you're a chump. You are a massive cuck. Uh, okay. Thank you, Medusa. Please call again with more, with more news. Well, dear.
Starting point is 01:51:59 Or anything. Goodbye. Bye. Oh, feels like I'm going to go look at my own. As my late, great Uncle Tony used to say, yeah, got. Bye. Oh, feels like I'm gonna go look at my own. As my late great Uncle Tony used to say, got to love the good Lord for making that. That strip of white, you know, it's that's what I'm looking for.
Starting point is 01:52:19 It's strip of one. All right. Oh, no. Jesus, we're doing a show here. I forgot about that. Yeah. Okay. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:52:32 Got some comments here. What's going on over here? That's a lot of these girls laughing. Laughing and shaking. She's five times shaking and shaking. She's your height. What's that? What the hell is that move?
Starting point is 01:52:46 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that. That's, no, that's not how you go like this. You start in, she's trying to do, yeah, the shape. She's trying to mine the shape of a woman. You start here, you go out,
Starting point is 01:52:57 and come in, go out, and come in. Like the stew-se lo, go. All right, like this, but she's doing one handed. All the times I've, yeah. What the hell is this? There she's doing one handed. All the times I've, yeah. What the hell is this? She's doing a profile. Like fucking Bob Ross over here, trying to paint the picture
Starting point is 01:53:09 of a woman. Yeah, that's not like a cabin. I'd love to see Bob Ross try to paint a woman. You think you ever try to paint his wife naked and she's like, this looks like shit. I hope so. I hope you did that. That's up to you.
Starting point is 01:53:24 Okay. Do you want to do, That's a two. Okay. Do you want to do, let's do some Facebook news, and then we'll do, now, you know, let's, yeah, Facebook news, whatever. Yeah, we're gonna, then we'll do, we'll do, we'll do, Peach's song. Is she here?
Starting point is 01:53:38 Let me see. Peach calling if you're listening for God's sake. That's what women live in, a world where, where yourself is, where they can believe that you, as you represent yourself to them, the lie that you live is actually you. That's, that's, that's the, that's the paradise they live in. I'm still a nightmare. Just be yourself. You know, like I, you know, I love a guy and he's himself wrong. False. Well, I think the guy I'm drinking with at the bar is himself. Well, but a lot of women want, I think a lot of women want the guy to be who they see with work, you know, like it's like, oh, he's not there now, but Yeah, it's like like if the guy is himself. It's like yeah, this is me like like Amber it like Amber
Starting point is 01:54:31 Just said I don't even act like myself when I'm alone. Yeah, no shit That's a great line Kidding that's a great line Getting myself Like I'm gonna do it in front of anyone else. Yeah, no, just be yourself. No, I hate myself. I don't even do that alone. Home in the dark.
Starting point is 01:54:51 Never once. Never once. Most of my thoughts I won't even vocalize because they're horrendous. They're sick and depraved and impotent. So no, what are you talking about? No, no. Now can you imagine like that some,
Starting point is 01:55:04 there are some people who just, your thoughts, they act on. What do you mean? There are, I mean, there are people like that. Oh, like the NPC people. Fucking psychos. I mean, no, but I mean, you know, these are, it's like, oh yeah, no, I feel like doing that.
Starting point is 01:55:19 I'm gonna do it. Okay, wait, here's, here's, here's, here's, here's, here's, here's, here. Hey, Peach, you there. Hello, can you hear me? Oh, there she is. Hi, Peach. Hi, how are you? Sorry about that. I'm I self muted. Sorry about that. No, it's no problem. How are you? So much time. Yeah. How have you been? How are you guys? I miss you. Yeah, miss you too. You know, I have your songs from every road rage stuck in my head all fucking day, especially when I'm hungover.
Starting point is 01:55:48 They're all so good. All of them are perfect. Yeah. Right, which means he's masturbated to all of them. Yeah, because he's always hungover. It's the same soundtrack. Yeah. The hungover soundtrack is the same as the masturbating soundtrack.
Starting point is 01:56:00 Yeah. I do believe I detected some low key masturbating on the live stream when Miss Medusa was on. You know what I was doing? I was doing, I don't touch myself on live stream with my hands. I keep my hands up and I do bicycle kicks under the table to get the fabric of my pants going back and forth across the head of my penis. Not to be too graphic. Oh, of course not.
Starting point is 01:56:19 I have to ask, like, are you so mean? Good thing I don't have mental pictures, that's it. You have so many fucking women on the show today. I feel like I'm coming on the view. It's pretty cool. I had I had to because I don't believe Christine Ford at all. I think she's fucking liar. So I had to bring all the women out to defend that. Okay. All right. Well, I'm sure we are. I'm sure that was the Aiden was your heavy hitter. Yeah, Aiden's number one. She's, the Aiden comes in with the science, right? Right. So we've got this song for you, Pete.
Starting point is 01:56:51 Yes, I'm ready. Because you're the mustard champion. I am. As much as I hate to admit it. Oh. Oh, what can I say? You gave it your all. But I'm just, I'm just too good.
Starting point is 01:57:04 I'm just too good at what I do. I mean, I tried to do? You gave it your all. But I'm just too good. I'm just too good at what I do. I mean, I tried to do it again after I was sober. I took one sip of mustard. But you do it immediately through up. I threw up for about 12 minutes just constantly. You really tried again? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:19 I tried to drink it again. God, I got it. Really, why did you film it? No, I know, I know you're from it. Oh God. How drunk are you? I've been day drinking as well. I'm like half a bottle of wine in.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Oh, you're a wine drinker? Oh, yeah. I'm from wine country, man. I've had, what is this? Is this three beers? Oh, that's perfect. This is the third beer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:44 Nice. I'm at half a bottle. It's perfect. This is the third beer. Yeah. Nice. I'm at half a bottle. It's perfect. Did you hear about all the work I did for children's cancer last night? I am somewhat aware. Can you explain briefly? He was on a radio. He was on a radio.
Starting point is 01:57:57 He was on a radio. He was on a radio. He was on a radio. He was on a radio. He was on a radio. He was on a radio. He was on a radio. He was on a radio. He was on a radio. He was on a radio. He was on a radio. He was on a radio. I got a big extension cord. I went around with the microwave and did impromptu children's radiation therapy.
Starting point is 01:58:07 Oh, give you something to cry about. Wow. You're such a saint. I'm so grateful for you. It was on the heel stream. It was me, Medicare, Rick Nick was there. Oh, yeah. Nick Rikita was there.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Oh. Yeah. Sam Hyde. Oh, damn. Called in. It was a whole bunch of my favorite people. It was a legion of doom. Yeah, it was great Wait, Medicare was there, right? Dom a pesos mundane Matt was there. Dom a pesos was there. Yeah, so
Starting point is 01:58:33 We're all no, not really. We're all watching we're watching the stream and hang out so you can see you see everybody who's in the chat, right? And they put their little icon pops up at the bottom, you know, like a little game piece. So I'm there and I see Nick and I see Ralph there. I see Medicare there. And then I see Monday in Metz logo pop up. And like my heart, like I was like, oh, I got like, my hippocampus was firing out
Starting point is 01:59:01 Nero Cortisol. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I was like, oh, yes. Here we go. Got the fight. Hippocampus just came. Yeah, my hippocampus just shot a bunch of come all over your
Starting point is 01:59:12 restaurant. Oh, that's a big brain. So I started to, I said, you know, it's one of those times where your mind's naturally reaction is to be quiet because nobody ever wants to disturb anything. That's like a absolute, anybody even the, the, the, the, Trump, uh, macho man Randy Savage, the biggest, uh, from the biggest shit talkers in the world. They don't want to say anything, but you have that feeling like I should be quiet, but
Starting point is 01:59:37 that's when you should strike, right? Yeah. So I see that. I'm like, Oh, you fat bitch. What are you, what are you doing on the stream? You chin strap motherfucker. Boulder you fucking quarry queen. You're on the fucking stream. Say something you fucking asshole.
Starting point is 01:59:51 And then his little mute goes off and goes, hello, this is Monday and Matt. It was Domey Pesos. Oh, Domey Pesos is on there. Talking about how he's Monday and Matt. So funny. That guy is. He's incredible.
Starting point is 02:00:06 His just his laugh. His laugh cured cancer. It might. Yeah. They were playing it for kids. He's just so, it's like he thinks he's so naughty. You know, like that's, it's like he's a little imp cheeky.
Starting point is 02:00:20 I have no idea. I don't want to know what he looks like. That's a thing. I want to picture him as like this little dwarf, you know, or something. No, you can't. Yeah, I want to know what he looks like. That's a thing. I want to picture him as like this little dwarf, you know, or something. No, you can't. Yeah, I want to picture him like a Gremlin. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:30 So I'm like, whatever. The Gremlins that's made out of vegetables. I'm Gremlins too. That's how I pick. Never saw Gremlins too. Is that another dictation? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:00:40 All right. Wait, wait, real quick, real quick. Did you guys hear there was a rumor about me spread, like by accident, by the kill stream? I don't know if you've heard this rumor. I was just a bunty king one. Yeah, apparently I got so many messages of people asking like, did you, did you cook bunty?
Starting point is 02:00:57 Did you cook bunty? And I'm like, what the fuck is going on? I only met him like two months ago and we like, we hung out briefly and he's like a super nice guy But I'm like what the fuck why why do people think that of me? I guess someone made a joke in the chat and I guess they they briefly said like oh Peach, so I'm a good friend. Yeah, I don't know so so no I just oh you wanted to say no out there. Yeah, somebody. Yeah, somebody I don't know if you heard that I did hear it, but
Starting point is 02:01:24 I out there. Yeah, somebody. Yeah, somebody. I don't know if you heard that. I did hear it, but I heard it, I heard it a couple times and I said, what is what's the proof and I didn't get any so I just didn't respond to it. Yeah, no, I don't know. I don't know. I silly. Look, look, you're very beautiful and very busty. So people want to know what's going on with your sex life so they can feel like they're a part of it. That's true. No, I'm just glad you're not running for the super, just be glad you're not nominated for the Supreme Court
Starting point is 02:01:54 or else you'd be talking about this in front of millions of people, right? It's about the same amount of, all right. I'm gonna go, I need a brief break and then we're gonna sing you your song we got to get Sean set up. Please. All right, Peter, we'll be back. We'll be back. Modern producers just taking their top off in the chat. Oh my god. There's something about those tits. Usually I like you know, the bet in the approaching the middle of the alphabet, but my god. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:26 There we go. You're sorry, right? What's that? You're getting someone in there? Yeah, oh yeah, you sound great. You sound great. Thank you, sweetie. I'm so excited because I haven't
Starting point is 02:02:38 been able to hear this since I was absolutely wasted on the fourth, so I'm very excited. Yeah, on your birthday, you mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. since I was absolutely wasted on the fourth. So I'm very excited. On your birthday, you mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was a fun show. It was. I was, yeah, I wish I remembered more of it, but it was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 02:02:55 Were you that drunk? Dude, I was so fucked up. I don't even remember my song. I'll be perfectly frank. Really? God, remember the song. I don't know. That show fucked everybody up.
Starting point is 02:03:06 We got back, remember we went back early and just immediately threw up. Do you think it was like some kind of, like overheating or something? I think we got jungle fever. That's what I think. Dude, there are some beautiful black women in Atlanta. No, there really are. That's what I'm saying. And the food, fuck, man, I could never live there.
Starting point is 02:03:30 I'd be 300 pounds. Oh, CJ said, jungle fever. Question, wait, did you say that before me or after me? Yeah, okay, we got Sean playing guitar for this. We'll see. Just so everybody knows, I lost, I lost a bet. Real hard. You puke like a bitch. Don't forget. I mean, I wouldn't say I pukeed. If I was.
Starting point is 02:03:56 I'm sorry, you're right. You spit up like a baby. I'm sorry. You're right. I sped up. Thank you. I'm 100% sure of that. Madame Medusa says she's getting moisture by the second. Her cow chisels. Yeah, she asked me if I have ever liked the pussy. We're awaiting. Oh, what did I say? Well, she talked about the side of her mouth.
Starting point is 02:04:21 No, no, no. This is, no, I refused to answer. This is going to be like one of those times, like when I was high on morphine and you asked, no, this is, no, I refused to answer. This is gonna be like one of those times like when I was high on morphine and you asked me about my boobs, I said, no, I refused to answer, no. Okay, so what do we know about that, Sean? What's my rule on if somebody won't answer a question? You answer it, yes.
Starting point is 02:04:39 Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Jesus Christ, what an erotic, it'sotic, it's this high school molestation. You know what it fucking is? You know what I'm honestly the most pissed about all this Kavanaugh shit? The worst stories are high school stories.
Starting point is 02:04:57 Fucking high, well remember what this happened in high school? Oh, fucking day. Remember what this happened in high school. This happened in high school. It's fucking Gen X or it can't stop talking about with this happened in high school. This happened in high school. Fucking Gen Xers can't stop talking about what they did in high school. All the way up to the Supreme fucking court. First Gen Xer, we get on the first Gen Xer,
Starting point is 02:05:14 we get on the Supreme Court. What do they talk about? High school, shit. High school. Didn't one of them have a joke about like Farts in the, in the, yeah. You're like book in his yearbook. They're going over his fucking yearbook.
Starting point is 02:05:28 Thanks. Yeah, that's Gen X. You we got one guy in the Supreme Court. We printed out a poster board of his fucking high school yearbook. They cannot stop talking about high school. Well, I would not want what I was in high school. I mean, you know, the things you say, the things you do, I wouldn't want that shit out there.
Starting point is 02:05:48 He just can't shut the fuck up about it. Try to have one conversation with a Gen X, Gen X or that doesn't involve high school. You can't do it. You know, I mean, you're right. Yeah, I'm right. Even me saying high schools, making Sean Twitch and freak out because he wants to start talking about high school compulsively. We've talked a lot about high school. Me,
Starting point is 02:06:08 I'm a millennial. I'm not. I'm not subject to I'm a millennial now. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what I am. All right. Jamie says I'm a millennial. All right, Peach. I'm ready. You ready? Try not to cry. You got a little bit weepy at the show in Atlanta. So wait, so, uh, I'll do my best. Two versus, two versus a chorus, two versus a chorus, two versus and then the big chorus.
Starting point is 02:06:34 Yeah, two versus a chorus. You wrote a lot of shit. I wrote it all on the plane going out there too. You got six versus in this fucking thing. Ah, all right. I guess he really cares. He really fucked up. I mean six verses. Yeah, six six verses about is as a fuck up classic fuck up What are you doing? Are you recording this? Okay good for you good for you chief. Why? You're good. Yeah, we're good. Okay, I need to get into it.
Starting point is 02:07:06 Alright, alright. Alright, Peach, this is for you. Congratulations. Congratulations for sucking up on all that mustard. Here's your fucking song. I'd come across her Twitch streams late at night. Kerson, like a surly angel, she was a triple D delight.
Starting point is 02:07:26 She gained as well as her retarded cat. But there was one thing she was good at. I said I must have drank off, Peach is shitting me. I can out drink any woman, any day of the week. You gotta lose, you're thinking with your tits Well, Peach jumped up on a hickory stompers head Let me put it like this, I can chug chug chug Mustard like you've never seen
Starting point is 02:07:57 I can chug chug chug Like it's Kevin Landau's listarine I can chug chug chug Like a Japanese bucoque scene on the mustard On the mustard queen The time came to start this chug contest A theater full of dickheads, top artists and the rest I pushed it back, I hope they wouldn't let it go
Starting point is 02:08:23 But the mustard queen said, let's stop this show I felt like puking the moment it hit my tongue I thought there was no way anyone could drink this gooey skirm Unless they loved the taste of salty chowd And when I looked at peach, she was sucking down that load Oh, she could choke, choke, choke, choke Mustard like you've never seen She could choke, choke, choke, choke
Starting point is 02:08:53 Sucking like stiff polydene She could choke, choke, choke Like a cuck, sucking down his bold career She's the mustard, the mustard queen The day was lost, no excuses could be said I felt dead inside like Lucy Wild in Beth My strength, my balls, my dick had failed me Because I didn't lust for that salty yellow seed
Starting point is 02:09:22 Now months have passed, I still ain't had a drop I'm questioning my manhood considering going close to I'll never challenge the mustard queen again. I'm still in a state of shock And now she's sucked down that mustard like she's choking out a great big mustard cock She can suck, chuck, chuck, chuck Mustard like I never lean I'm stuck in a cock, she can suck, suck, suck, suck Must've looked like I never leaned She can juck, juck, juck, juck
Starting point is 02:09:47 Suck in on my monster feet, she can juck, juck, juck Who's the most staringly erratic thong, I never seen She can juck, juck, juck Maddox has a federal tax, she can juck, juck, juck Rock it was a Lupus, max, she can juck, juck, juck I wonder what color her shit has been Tick-a-juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, juck, Meet me like I'm peed by me to pee The most queen That's it. That was beautiful. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:10:32 Thank you. Thank you for all you've ever done for the show. I really love it and your songs are incredible. You're wonderful. I miss you so much. I'm going to try to come out to LA would I would like to be serenaded in person All right, never enough. It's never fucking enough for women never enough. I think I'm bleeding What do you mean? We're out of my non-guitar play hands. Thank you very much
Starting point is 02:11:00 We haven't played together in a very long time We haven't played together in a very long time. That was so gorgeous, stick. You should play more live songs. You really should. Maybe. Let's do it. Let's figure it out. I need to lose a lot more bets. Next time, yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:15 That won't be hard. Next time I'm in town, let's do a piano stream, huh? Okay. Yeah. Absolutely. Anything make you you rage recently? Not really. I mean, I guess white wine, I kind of usually get sick off white wine.
Starting point is 02:11:33 And I drink too much white wine and now I'm like exhausted, whereas red wine invigorates me. I feel like I could go to Universal Studios or go do something exciting, but white wine just makes me want to sleep. Like lick and pussy. Like lick and pussy? Like lick and pussy.
Starting point is 02:11:48 Is there anything we haven't covered on this show today? All right, Feet. Goodbye. You f**ker. Goodbye. All right, everybody, this is him in the Dixiel. Dix. Dixiel,,, slash the Dixiel.
Starting point is 02:12:01 This is, I'm going to play a sound with thank you, Sean. Yeah, no problem. Did people like it? Ah, I don't care. I don't care. It was. That's great. It's been a while.
Starting point is 02:12:12 Been way too long since we've played music together. I'm gonna play us out with... I made me nervous. Very nervous. Oh yeah? You did great. I, yeah, there's like three chords to that song. Four chords.
Starting point is 02:12:27 Pretty easy. First fours of the song. And I was like, am I strumming the guitar? Am I like, is it? Wait, it's in the... It's weird, right? Because you play... I forgot that it kept going.
Starting point is 02:12:38 Last go. That was great. I didn't notice anything. And I'm very hypercritical to all mistakes, just ask 80s girl. When I get on mic and talk about that for just one half an hour, maybe the rest of the day. I hear that you're laughing in a different tone. I hear that lavender of like,
Starting point is 02:12:59 not funny, but all right, all right. Nobody who really knows anybody likes everything about them. What the hell is that supposed to mean? There's things about you she don't like. What do you, there's things, there's things about her you don't like. What are you trying to do here? To stabilize my relationship? It's all I've ever wanted to do.
Starting point is 02:13:23 Are you trying to move in here? Is this the episode 77 of this podcast? What the fuck is that under what are you there to listen if she ever needs it? What the fuck kind of thing is the last thing I want to do is listen. Okay, ask. Just so we're asked her. So we're clear. Yeah, just so we're clear. He said how much do I want to do is listen. Yeah. So you understand what John's talking about. Why don't you get mind your own fucking relationship problems? Don't comment on what I'm doing over here. I was like, in general, not you.
Starting point is 02:13:53 You said, yes, because you right after you asked me to explain it. You asked me to explain it. It sounds like you're making a comment about me. I'm making a blanket statement about everybody who actually knows other people. Yeah, you get an acoustic guitar in your hands for two minutes and all of a sudden you're fucking giving out life advice to people. Go away.
Starting point is 02:14:11 Go away. Go away. All right. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it.
Starting point is 02:14:21 That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. I'm gonna play Zayn State corrupted, just say no. I really wanna play the hard men working hard too, but... I'm gonna play just say no. There's so much talent, I gotta work in here. I know.
Starting point is 02:14:40 I'm gonna play just say no and... Oh, that's what I'm doing. I think about it. Hang on, I got a, no. Actually, I have a song just for this occasion. It's a song of no. Right. Of me not wanting to play at your fucking wedding.
Starting point is 02:14:54 Yeah. Because no, no friend who's a musician has ever wanted to play. It's one note. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They really did their work, they both swiped white, right? Really forming the foundation of relationship Fight status, beach and keen and king and queen Never met before, both are on a dating, and then for tips, sheets and horse The college's in full college, super-hose and breath
Starting point is 02:15:17 Tell your rosy photos to all you the story Be the death, bitch and cry They're professional, listen to the store, she don't know If you get the phone call pick it up Deep breaths say no Just say no Just say no Mother fucker just say no You'll say yourself some time
Starting point is 02:15:43 Say no, no, no All they wanna do is use your talent As an easy way to impress Don't look behind the curtain Even if you get paid, it's no success They ask so many I just propose all that don't involve a close friend from your group That means like asking a friend if you can tell
Starting point is 02:16:04 You bought the first question while you move This person wants to make it special Don't use someone you know how you're a professional You only have one chance to say No Just say No He's really selling this
Starting point is 02:16:21 Sounds like he's been asked Look at these screenshots that they're taking of me and... Oh, look at this, um... Medusa? Yeah. No, that was... I think she said something about a threesome right there. Oh, no, no!
Starting point is 02:16:36 You go whatever. Yeah, just reactants. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No. Just say no. Motherfucker. Just say no. You'll say yourself to time. Really hangry. Yes, great. Safe State corrupted.
Starting point is 02:17:45 I know he's got an album. I'm just, I'm laughing it to myself about peach calling in to dispel rumors and then saying and then presenting the question that she was asked if she's ever licked pussy and then not answering it. Yeah. I mean, she admittedly, she admittedly talks out the side of her mouth. Yeah. Right? Yeah. That's her tell for, I mean, she's saying when she the side of her mouth. Yeah, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:07 That's her tell for, I mean, she's saying when she's looking at other people, right? Yeah. I'm gonna start doing that. I'm gonna start a mouth, actually. I'm gonna start implying that I'm a lesbian and never giving people closure. There you go.
Starting point is 02:18:17 There you go. Yeah. Maybe I do look at chicks, tits. Maybe I have hooked up with a woman. Yeah. You never gonna know, Sean. No. You're never gonna,
Starting point is 02:18:27 because I'm never gonna answer. I'm never gonna tell you. Maybe I have. I don't know. That's women's greatest power. The ability to not, the ability to not confirm, oh, you know, guys can't do that.
Starting point is 02:18:43 Hey, did you murder that? Did you murder that guy? Yeah. Okay, you're gonna jail. If that imaginative, you know, women continues your whole life whether they fucked another girl or not. Did you fuck that girl?
Starting point is 02:18:57 Never gonna tell you. 80 years. Well, it could go by. Never gonna tell you. And you don't, yeah, you won't really know. Yeah, guys, not like that. Yeah. God, I had a bunch of, I was gonna talk about Elon Musk today.
Starting point is 02:19:12 Here's Facebook news. Oh, he's fucking, he's a, he's a dumpster fire, isn't he? Elon Musk. Yeah. These days, you know what, he got off so fucking lucky. Did he? Yeah, fine 20 million bucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:26 And he's still, he's no longer the chairman, but he's still allowed to be CEO of Tesla. Give me a fucking break. SEC type stuff coming down on our own. I thought he was going to fucking jail. I told Lacey that. He's going to, that guy's going to fucking jail. Who knows what the future, I mean, he's off.
Starting point is 02:19:40 They, they, they settled. The SEC settled. Yeah. Well, I know that's not uncommon, but because of fucking Saudi Arabia, because he was able to prove that Saudi Arabia has said somebody in Saudi Arabia could come buy out his company for 420 a share. Okay. Yeah. Whatever. Here we go. Facebook news. Hello, Dick and Hello, Dickheads. This is the Facebook group news for the last couple days. It was truly a busy week for Dick ads,
Starting point is 02:20:09 so to begin, we have two honorable mentions followed by our regular batch of heavy hitters. Chuck sold roommate who spent the last five years in prison for meth possession and domestic violence tried adding him again on Facebook. Despite Chuck's ex-roomade screwing him out of his last month's rent, Dick ads are adamant that he should not only add him as a friend, but add him to our community. We also have Brett Snow, who has DUI charge for heroin, meth, and Zannix, reduced to a wet and reckless.
Starting point is 02:20:35 But also Manituget unsupervised probation. So congratulations to Brett and great job. I think it means like a little bit drunk, wet and reckless. Wet and reckless, oh really? Is that what it means? I don't know. Maybe I've never heard that term. Just making that shit up. Like it too fast in the rain. Charge for heroin, meth, and Xanix reduced to a wet and reckless.
Starting point is 02:20:56 But also managed to get unsu- I love you too, Modern Medusa. Thank you for being on the show. She's got to go arranged on the three way with her fiance. Jesus Christ, that guy knows how to play it right, right? You don't, you don't get the ring until I can't try to think of a rhyme for like a cute rhyme to do for we're not getting married until we have a three way.
Starting point is 02:21:19 I can't. I'm just thinking about her and, I'm thinking about her and 80s girl, to be honest. That's what. I mean, they're both, they're both 5'10. That's my secret fetish is women of the same size. Yeah, really. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:38 How'd you never date identical twins? Right. I did date one identical twin. Yeah. Yeah. I did not really. Yeah, I did date one identical twin. Yeah. Yeah. I did not really. Yeah. Not the other one.
Starting point is 02:21:49 Oh. Were they slightly different in a way that you could immediately recognize them from like across the room? You're like, oh yeah, you, you know how like, I never met the twin. Oh, you never did. I see. I see that. I was dating the stupid one.
Starting point is 02:22:03 A different state. They live in a different state They live in a different state. No, just never got to her Probably because she knew probably because the one twin knew what I would be up to Gotcha, all right Revise probation so congratulations to Brett and great job counsel First up this week is more hooper More went out on a first date with a girl. He met online More asked the girl if she wanted to see his burn dick once he started unbuttoning his shirt
Starting point is 02:22:29 She thought he was going to pull his cock out But rather he revealed the burn scar from an accident he had and the scar resembles a circumcised flaccid dick More thought this joke was really good and the most surprised when she stopped talking to him out Did he have to give him advice on how to make the joke better or at all, and maybe wait next time before reviewing your burn dick on the first day. Yeah, that is a good, that looks like a straight up dick. Yeah, like a red head penis.
Starting point is 02:22:57 Huh, how about that? Is that a scar? It's just a burn. It's a burn scar. It's a burn scar. Well, I don't know. I mean, he should get a tattoo of like a little hole. No, maybe that's a, it's coming out of it. Maybe that's a burn. It's a burn scar. It's a burn scar. Well, I don't know. I mean, he should get a tattoo of like a little hole. No, maybe that's a,
Starting point is 02:23:07 it's coming out of it. Maybe that's a burn. I don't know what burn scars, don't they usually turn more white or like they get like, yeah, yeah, you're right. It's something like that. I don't know. All right.
Starting point is 02:23:17 Brian Pash. Brian asked the men of the group of favorite ever faked sex. Brian's new partner only wants to do doggy and it has gone from his favorite position to his least favorite position. Yeah. Jamie stepped in and give advice about how he needs to manhandle this woman.
Starting point is 02:23:31 Opps post received mostly yes answers. With the other half telling him he is low on testosterone, she's faking it too, and to finish what you start. Lastly is our top story. Carrie Grove posted an image he received from a dickhead. Although Carrie is married, this to not deter the stickhead from sending a picture of his flaccid penis. Shamed undefined legs, an unshaving cross region.
Starting point is 02:23:54 To clarify, this flaccid penis is a grower and certainly not a shower. The kids couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman and began accusing each other until everyone agreed upon the guy to blame. Kerry never broke her confidentiality though. And when I spoke with her, she's told me that this is about the eighth portrait. She's gone over the last two years that she's been in the Dickshow Facebook group.
Starting point is 02:24:14 She left his message on read and then immediately posted it to the group for our entertainment. It's some of the sad things that Dickshow Facebook group news for the last couple days. I have that guy's picture of his dick. Can you see it? Do I want couple days. I have that guys picture of his dick. You see it? Do I want to see a dick pic?
Starting point is 02:24:28 You're not it's not as it's dick. It's the dick is blurred out. Okay. But the size of the blur is funny. Oh, okay. Stunt totally shaved eyes. Look at this. Looks like a cabbage patch, crotch.
Starting point is 02:24:50 Shaved thighs. Yeah. What are you doing, man? What are you doing? What are you doing sending this to women on? Shaved thighs. It's some effort. I mean, put some glue, some pubes on.
Starting point is 02:25:05 That's nice if you're gonna send dick pics out, right? Or have a good one. Have a good one that you send like your head shots. We gotta have professionally done. Yeah, we need to have professional dick pics. Well, it's, it may be going that way since, you know, if there's noods of everybody online, they might as well look flattering, right?
Starting point is 02:25:27 Yeah, like you go to a studio and the lighting is complimentary and they have like, like everything in the whole studio is smaller than it should be like an old western, western, like the door knobs in this big. So you can't accidentally look like a normal size penis. Right. And then you line it up and they get like, there's reference picture, like there's miniature bananas
Starting point is 02:25:51 and stuff that are all around. Of course to use forced perspective. Yeah. That's what, and you put like gloves on your hands to like you, you get like a set of prop hands that you use to handle your own dick, but that are smaller than your hands. You know, they're like little cabbage patched-thaw hands that you use on sticks to play with
Starting point is 02:26:11 yourself. So your dick looks like it's eight feet long. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. If you want dick, it's dick picks, dick picks by dick. And then I put a little watermark on it. Dicks picks. Dicks picks. Dicks picks.
Starting point is 02:26:27 You gonna pick you dick? Yeah. Let dick pick your dick. Let dick pick you dick. Let dick pick your dick pick. Pick you dick pick a dick picks. I'll be dick. Ah.
Starting point is 02:26:37 Ah. Oh, this show has been weird. Ah. Ah. Ah. All right. Let's ha ha. Uh, all right. Let's do a couple of voicemail. Okay. Hey, Dick, you know what, you're a huge fucking rage.
Starting point is 02:26:52 You're people like, oh, you can't put this chemical in your body. Why are you putting chemicals in your body? Bitch, everything is a fucking chemical. Well, it is a fucking chemical. And you're saying, you're using it as a negative term. It's not a negative thing not all chemicals are bad because chemicals are fucking everything yeah me a fucking hamburger that's a fucking chemical
Starting point is 02:27:14 you know what I say hey you shouldn't put those drugs in your body okay maybe I'm a point but I'm so fuck you because I'm a fucking drug to want my body Jesus Christ. They are. You don't have to do that. God damn it though, you dumb cunt. People just say that, like they don't even understand what they're saying.
Starting point is 02:27:31 No. Guy eating a hamburger. Let's don't put, you're gonna put those chemicals in your body? Yeah. Amino acids, proteins. Tanner, is Tanner saying that he fucked twins? Let me see if I'm reading this right. Twin dolphins maybe. Tanner did you? Yeah, Tanner, you want to call in? I want to know about this.
Starting point is 02:27:56 I'm breathing chemicals right now. Yeah. You're gonna put those chemicals in your body. All that nitrogen. You're living oxygen very very dangerously, unhealthy, unhealthy. Tanner, get on the live show thing. I wanna talk to you about this. There he is. Tanner, what is this, you dated twins, men? I didn't date them, I fucked them for six weeks. I had no idea they were two different people.
Starting point is 02:28:22 Really? Yeah, no idea. I was like, everyone always says, oh, my mind exploded. No, my mind has never exploded, like seeing the two of them in one bar at the same night. Wait a minute, wait a minute, you were fucking,
Starting point is 02:28:36 you didn't know. You were fucking twins, and you didn't know that they had a, you didn't know that they were twins for how long? Six fucking weeks. And they reference things like that or the ureference things and then one of them wouldn't know what the fuck you were talking about so here let me explain so i there was a time in my life that i lived in calorado and i was out there for a sixteen month program for work wall bets
Starting point is 02:29:00 are off in calor i would have a okay housing calor out of springs and uh... let's call one of them That's a rough and Colorado. What do you mean? Yeah, okay. I was in Colorado Springs, and let's call one of them, Eric and the other one was Tom. Let's call him Michael and Pichel. Life Rick and Morty. Perfect.
Starting point is 02:29:14 Perfect. So I met, let's say Pichel, on a app, and he was like, oh yeah, I'm gonna be- What app, LinkedIn? No, it was like Growler or Scruff on a app and he was like, oh yeah, I'm gonna be. What app, LinkedIn? No, it was like, growler or Scruff for one of those. Lady, like hook up apps. Is that a gay hook up app, growler and Scruff? Yeah, so like, Grindr is the popular one,
Starting point is 02:29:36 but those are for like the Twinkie guys and growler. It's like a growler. Like a growler and Scruff are the ones for the more hairy type guys. Growler and the attorneys of Rowler and Screv. Rowler and Screv, it's like a law firm. You started by Kevin A. Landau. Okay, so I met Tyco one night at this local gay bar, and I had just moved into town.
Starting point is 02:29:57 I knew no one. So we hooked up that night, and then I'm to find out his brother Michael lived in Boulder, which was about 2.5 hours away, but he was out at school. So then the summer kicked in during the six-week period and the brother came back from school and was living in the same house with his twin brother at his parents' home. Okay wait wait wait. So did you know that there was a twin? No, I had no idea because Dick, I wasn't trying to get to know him. I was just fucking out.
Starting point is 02:30:27 I was worried. Okay, nice, nice. And so like we would just meet up at the bar and we would like fucking the alley or he'd blow me in the bathroom or like, we would just like, anyway, so we would hang out. Well, come to find out in this six week period two and a half weeks in
Starting point is 02:30:46 Brother Michael, we're calling him Yeah, home from school. Okay. He's out at the bar with some friends one night I think this is Pyle. So the very first time I ever met Michael was me walking up to him shoving my hand down his ass starting to figure him and then make out with him and shoving my hand down his ass, starting to finger him and then make out with him. I'm like, what? And he didn't know you at all.
Starting point is 02:31:09 No, he had no idea who I was. How did he react to that? Yeah. He was totally down for it. He was like, he thought it was the hottest thing. So we just started making out, then we started talking, we proceeded to fuck and then I left. Like, I was like,
Starting point is 02:31:24 and what do you mean, What do you mean talking? Oh yeah. What the fuck were you talking about? Well, so to him, he thinks you're just a random dude fingering his asshole at the bar and making out with him, right? Yeah, complete stranger. Yeah, no idea what it was. What the fuck were you talking about after that?
Starting point is 02:31:41 Oh, I was just saying, like, oh, how's your day been, blah, blah? Like, we were just kind of chatting. I was like, oh, you're, because they even drink the same fucking drink. Like it was crazy. See me? They both. Oh, god damn it. They look so fucking same. They drink the same fucking drink. They acted the same way in bed. Like, it was crazy. What a crazy pair. Oh, my god. And And then so this is the very first time I've met a Michael, Michael, sorry. Yeah, I'm getting lost with the names here. But anyway, so six weeks out and I mean,
Starting point is 02:32:16 it's not just at the bar. I've got. And he doesn't wait. So Michael, Michael doesn't want to, does he exchange numbers with you? No, we know, no, because we never exchange numbers. Like we talk through the app. I don't give out my phone number.
Starting point is 02:32:29 Oh, okay, okay. Okay. So we were talking through the app, and then we would always be like, oh, I would just get off work and then go to the bar and oh, I'd see him there. And oh, hey, blah, blah. And then we get off again.
Starting point is 02:32:41 And make him out or do whatever. And so then, anyway, six weeks out, I'm meeting Pichel at the bar. Okay. And at this point, I have Pichel's number, because he's come over to my house a couple of times. I dropped him off at work after he spent the night after we fought through some things.
Starting point is 02:33:01 Is this a relationship then, right? No, it's not a relationship. We weren't dating. So, I mean, dropping guys off at work, I think that's something. Nah, nah. I mean, we have a different category of our relationship as it was more of like, I was on my way to work
Starting point is 02:33:19 and he was on the way, so I dropped him off. Okay. All right. But wait, I don't have to try to drive to his place at three in the morning and drop them off and lift too much work. Okay. So you're dropping off, Pichel?
Starting point is 02:33:30 Yeah. So I dropped, I just point out I have Pichel's phone number. I've dropped them off at work a couple of times. Now Michael came over to my place one night and he was thinking he was Pichel and I went to drop him off at his house and he and he I find out later he made the joke of like oh I thought it was weird that you knew exactly where I live. He was Michael was home for the weekend staying from Boulder because he was home for the summer from school. I had already dropped Pico off there before,
Starting point is 02:34:05 so I thinking I'm fucking the same person, I dropped him off at his parents' house, and he was like, and Michael tells me later, oh, I just assumed that I had told you where I lived at one point. I don't like, okay. I had a lot of drugs going on. Not a lot. No?
Starting point is 02:34:21 Little bit. Little bit. Oh, okay, just some weed. Yeah. Well, no, I mean, that's not much. No. A little bit. A little bit. Oh, just some weed. Yeah. Well, no, I mean, that's not much. No, that's not, that wouldn't fuck up your memory. No, I'm so the guy drives you to your house that you never told him about.
Starting point is 02:34:35 Wow, man. Well, and so anyway, so six weeks out, I get a text from Pichle saying, hey, I'm gonna be at the bar, I'm having some friends. Why don't you come meet me, blah blah blah. And this is not the same bar that we usually go to. It was a different bar in Denver. And hey, why don't you come out and meet me.
Starting point is 02:34:52 I'm going to have some friends, blah blah blah. OK. I said, sure. So I walk into this new bar, never had been there before. And I see who I think is pico at the bar, but it's actually Michael. OK. And I walk up and I give who I think is Pico at the bar, but it's actually Michael. Okay. And I walk up and I give him a kiss
Starting point is 02:35:08 and he's with some friends that I've never met. And I'm like, hi, Pico, how are you? And he was, and all the friends start laughing. And I don't understand what's funny. And he looks me, goes, I'm not Pico, I'm Michael. And I'm like, what? And I thought, and I'm starting to think this is a joke. Like I'm just being like tricked. I'm like, what? And I thought, and I'm starting to think this is a joke, like I'm just being like tricked. I'm like, yeah, we're going by different names tonight,
Starting point is 02:35:30 sure, or whatever. And then I was like, stopping silly. And then the other one was like, oh my god, he thinks you're his, he thinks you're your brother. And then everyone started laughing. And I'm like, and then it gets real. Yeah, no, the figure's hung out. And then in the background, so I'm walking up the bar, if you can imagine, there's three people in front of me. Pikes on the left, the two friends are in the middle of me. Yeah. I see Michael walking around the back side of the bar coming over to us.
Starting point is 02:35:55 Yeah. When I tell you that my mind's literally imploded at that moment, I look like jelly on the fucking floor. Did they know? They had both been fucking me, and they had both been talking to each other about this great new guy they were fucking. Not really, they were fucking about the same person.
Starting point is 02:36:14 Oh my God. Ah! Ah! Well, who was better? Pyle was better than me. Pyle was better, the guy that you met first. Yeah. Well, so here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:36:26 Like, I thought they were the same person the whole time, but Dick they both acted the same way. They, like, groaned and made the same noises. They both just did the same. The same. Yes. Like, I had no idea. And so,
Starting point is 02:36:38 Oh, instantly, the whole night was no longer like, oh, what's up, fun at a bar. It was like, all right, I need like a, we need to retrace our last six weeks. Who was that? What night? Who was with? Who, oh, what's up, fun at a bar. It was like, all right, I need like a, we need to retrace our last six weeks. Who was that, what night? Who was with, who like what, like I was trying to determine, there was no having fun for me that night.
Starting point is 02:36:52 The entire night with me just trying to figure out what the fuck happened. You've got to figure out who you fucked and who's dick, you sucked, like this is right. It's like, who's been in my home? How did this to forget those memories? Like which one worked at the McDonald's? It was actually Pico that worked at the McDonald's?
Starting point is 02:37:08 Not Pico. What was your manager at least? No, he was not the manager. Right, guy. Well, they were hamburger. And I think between people looking white, guys, who were into the hair of your dude, which is my thing. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:37:21 Did you have a three-way with him after it? No. Because as soon as they found out they were both having sex with the same person It was like oh, well, this is gonna stop Oh, that's that selfish on there. They could at least throw in for a three-way at that point I think they don't ever want to I kind of flooded that out there as a joke I'm like, well great now we can do a three-sum and they were like No, cuz we're brothers and we don't do that and I'm like, well, great. Now we can do a threesome. And they were like, no, because we're brothers. And we don't do that. And I'm like, God, damn it. Like, we only do that with our lesbian sister.
Starting point is 02:37:52 Dicol, Dicol. Oh my God. That's crazy. I'll be thinking about that forever. It's a wild fucking story. It was like crazy super religious too, like compound religious in the middle of fucking Colorado. Like, who was guns and stuff? Like, ask like, uh, uh. Oh, yeah, like I was never allowed in the house or anything because they were like super religious and if they were to know that their sons were gay with other men and stuff, they would implode. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:38:23 Oh my God. Huge deal that they even accepted their own sons that alone their sons being with other men and stuff they would implode. Oh my God. Huge deal that they even accepted their own sons, that alone their sons being with other people. And frankly, I never want to go to a house where you're living with your parents. Like if you don't have your own place, I don't want to go there anyway. No, it's gross, it's gross going to anyone's parents' house.
Starting point is 02:38:39 And women love going to your house because it's the opposite of a radicism. They love being there, because it's the opposite of, opposite of eroticism. They love being there because it's like a fucking penis museum. You never had any indication that you were like that you were not fucking a guy that was the guy you had fucked previously. Like never. No, not for a second, Dick. When I, when I, you can't make this shit up, I mean, I had no clue. I thought they were the exact same up. I mean, I, I had no clue. I thought they were the exact same person.
Starting point is 02:39:07 And maybe it's because I was drunk and high each night. And I was in a new city where I didn't fucking know anyone. But when I tell you that you just asked, tasted and felt the same, and they would put their leg up to the certain same way and both say the same dirty things during sex. Like what? Oh, like one of them big things that all about like the hairy guys.
Starting point is 02:39:30 So they'd be like, oh yeah, you know me, my clinky non-hairless first you being the hairy guy. Like one thing, like one thing, Pico used to always say is like, oh, I'm playing with your seed. And Michael used to say that to you. And what? What? Wait, say that again. Michael and Michael both used to tell you to implant them with your seed. Yes, absolutely. Dick, when I think same phrases, everything, there were certain things that were different.
Starting point is 02:39:56 Wow. Like after retracing the last six weeks of like, okay, well, who is it on this night? Who is it on this night? Like, we all ended up hanging out that night and then went to breakfast the next morning and we just kind of like figured it all out. Like, who is it on this night? Who is it on this night? Like, we all ended up hanging out that night and then went to breakfast the next morning and we just kind of like figured it all out. Like, who is it this night? And that's when I learned that the very first time I met Michael was me walking up through him
Starting point is 02:40:13 and shoving my hand down his ass, and I was like, and you just went with this with a complete stranger? Who's like, you were hot. You were hot, nice. And I was like, I guess sexual assault isn't a thing if you're attractive, but okay. No, it's not.
Starting point is 02:40:26 I don't know. That's yeah. Wow. That's a fucking wildest story I've ever heard. Yeah. I always joke that it's going to be the best sex story to have my whole life. And I never. It's happening during the time.
Starting point is 02:40:42 Oh, man. I'm so pissed you didn't get that twink, twin threesome. God, I wish. Oh, I wish. But no, they weren't like, cause I was like, oh, why not? I mean, you're both gay and they're like,
Starting point is 02:40:54 cause we're brothers, would you have sex with your brother? And I was like, well, my bouncer's gone. But no. Oh, man. You have a brother? It's an interesting point. I do. Do you have a brother gay?
Starting point is 02:41:05 No, he's not gay. So you've got twins. They're both gay. I wonder how often that happens. You know what I'm wondering this whole time? Does my sister talk dirty the same way I do? If they're both telling Tanner to put his seat in them identical twins.
Starting point is 02:41:20 I don't know. But you know, what is like genetically are you the same dirty talker? Is it genetic? Yeah, I don't fucking know. I'd be curious to see eight and thoughts on this. Yeah. We've got to do certain. Well, it brings you into the whole question of is it nature versus virtue? Is it the way that they were raised? Is it are they environmental factors? I mean, it brings a lot about being gay. Well, I'm talking about, oh, go ahead. Go ahead, John.
Starting point is 02:41:47 Oh, I was gonna say, I wonder if, you know, you have a household of two, three, four kids and one of them's gay. I wonder, does, do identical twins, if one, do they have a greater chance of being gay if one is? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:42:04 You know, so they were one. Sean and his brother are both gay. We're not identical. They're not identical. No, we take turns fucking dick whenever we can. Oh, really. Dick, that's not nice. You wouldn't do that.
Starting point is 02:42:17 No need. No, I'm not going to tease Tanner with Sean. Some Sean made. I will say, I will say, I will say Peach made a comment earlier in the chat about how YouTube both looks like you went for a swim before the chat started because you were so sweaty. And I was just imagining other things that YouTube were doing.
Starting point is 02:42:34 Before both of us, you have a semi-sweaty too? Yeah, you've been doing the chat. You both looked like you guys are pretty sweaty. I didn't take a shower this morning. That was when Mendoose was on. I didn't take a shower this morning. I was sweating out, come on. I'm probably glistening.
Starting point is 02:42:47 When I'm hung over, I turn this place into a fucking Turkish bath into a sauna. You're actually not sweating much. Yeah, how about that? Yeah, how do you know? I have no idea what you guys look like now because I'm in the live stream for the YouTube as well as the Dix-Cord.
Starting point is 02:43:02 So I have to like step away when I'm on the, because the audio is about seconds apart from you guys. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. The YouTube and the Dixcord. So when I hear you guys in the video asking for me, I'm like, fuck, they've already been waiting for like a minute and a half. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:43:16 I would tear out waste forever for this fucking story. Well, thanks. Yeah, here, there's actually, let's see, there was the twins, they had another brother and a sister So there was four of them total in that family. How many of them were gay? Two of them the twins the brothers Well, there was the older brother pretty attractive too, but he was straight and married with a bunch of kids Wow, well, that's you know, that's the cover. Yeah
Starting point is 02:43:43 If any like Nick Nick Rikita obviously gay. Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. If any, like Nick, Nick, Rikita, obviously gay. Yeah. You got to watch it all the time. Everyone actually is gay. So I'm just wanted to admit it to themselves, and they just get married and have a bunch of kids. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:56 That's all a spectrum, guys. Tanner, what makes you rage? What makes me a fucking rage? Yeah. Me and the two were talking about it earlier, people who don't fucking suck dick. Girls who don't suck dick, it's not something I have to particularly deal with, but I always have to deal with it from my guy friends who want to bitch about their girls who don't fucking suck dick.
Starting point is 02:44:15 I can't understand it. You're dating a woman that won't suck dick, I can't even understand it. I can't even wrap my mind around it. Well, and this is something that I very passionately believe in because people are like, oh, there's still hand jobs or handings. I feel like, no, stop. We're stopping this right now. Yeah, please. As a human race, we have evolved past the need of hand jobs. And frankly, when a guy like sends me a message like, oh, I could jack you up or whatever, I'm like, how cocky do you think you fucking are
Starting point is 02:44:48 that you can jack me off better than I can than I've been doing it for death? Go fuck yourself. If my friend used to make this argument. Yeah, I like it. I like it. I like a hand job. Yeah, I do too.
Starting point is 02:45:00 Love it. Love a good hand job. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, because a blowjob is like, it's like a whole symphony that she's got to put on for me. You know, with like acts, like a first act, a second act, like I need movements in this overture that she's performing a hand job as much simpler.
Starting point is 02:45:18 Hand job is like an improvisational solo performance that I can, see, I don't wanna go all the way to the met. You wanna see it? I just wanna see, it's Shakespeare in the park. That's what I'm in the mood for Gotcha, you'd rather have LA fill in the park than I'm gonna go Yeah, I fucking would There's a big difference between roadhead to handy when you're driving and stuff I guess I could I mean I still think you could rather I would just rather you do roadhead than you could be a hand-double on driving, but I like hearing them talk, too. What? I like hearing them talk, too, during the hand job. That's a whole nother level of
Starting point is 02:45:54 criticism that I can lay on them for not doing it properly. That's why I like it so much. I thought you were talking about like to make this left up here or something, you know? Oh, yeah. I can't get past in my head thinking the whole time like, ah, you should be doing this or I would rather you be doing this or I'd like I end up just getting frustrated and then flipping them around like I don't even let hand jobs start because I'm just like you can't jacking off better than I can when you try to start jacking me off I'm going to get frustrated because you're not doing it right. No, I just can end up doing something else anyway.
Starting point is 02:46:25 I understand that. It takes, you have to be in a relationship to get a good, to get a good hand job. You can get suck, you can get a good blow job from a newbie, but you have to be in a relationship to get a good hand job. Yeah, my, my, my pretty great, I'm in a relationship. He's, he's been great this whole week. Well, my mouth has been fucking up with, because I just had wisdom to surgery. God, that's a bitch. I expected Oxy to get me higher by the way. Sounds crazy, but I don't know if you guys have ever had Oxy's photo before, but...
Starting point is 02:46:54 Oxy's fucked, dude. Vikiden's where it's at. Oxy's bullshit. You know what? Vikiden didn't... It was okay. I like Vikiden more than I like Likker. Really?
Starting point is 02:47:03 Yeah. Vikiden doesn't work on my brain like that. I could live on Vykettin. It wasn't, I was like, okay, like I'm fucking, the only reason I am not a complete Vykettin addict is because after two weeks of doing it straight, it makes me shit a football. Well, yeah, it'll fucking back you up forever, right?
Starting point is 02:47:19 Yeah. And that was too painful. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Tanner knows what I'm talking about. I don't know. I'm not taking one of them. I'm getting shit straight. Oh, God. Oh, yeah, when it comes to viking and I've only
Starting point is 02:47:32 once when I fractured my shoulder, actually, when I was in Colorado. And I had such a bad negative reaction to it. I was crampingly bad and puking horribly. And so they're like, oh, we're gonna get you. Oh, yeah, I can make you sick. Oh, yeah. It can make you sick as shit. Oh, yeah. I mean, they're like I can't have I can answer
Starting point is 02:47:47 Instead of I can end they give me muscle relaxers and Those are bullshit to flex real and that shit fuck that. Oh God muscle relaxers are great What did they give me? I Don't fucking remember that was four years ago. I've never responded once to a muscle relaxer I don't fucking remember that was four years ago. I've never responded once to a muscle relaxer Maybe because it was like right shoulder were a fractured, but God it would just make my whole back just feel like fucking heaven Hmm, I could see myself like I don't I don't know We used prescription drugs. I really take prescription drugs very seldom once or twice in my life ever when I've needed them I'm just a weed guy really. Yeah, but like when I took those muscle
Starting point is 02:48:26 Relaxors, I was like, yep, I can see why people could get addicted to this. Oh, yeah totally. All right, man. We got to go Thanks man. Thanks. Have a good one. See you. See you Top gay. Oh TDS top gay. That was a hell of a story Michael and Michael Michael and Psycle? Michael and Psycle. Man, talk about a combo at the one yard line. No twin threesome and you fucked both of them. And it's, there is no God.
Starting point is 02:49:02 There is no God of Tanner Canada. The thing is, threesome. That is fucked. That must be like, that must be more acceptable or something. Like if you're gay and you go to certain bars or something that are like hook up, but I'm only speculating. I don't know what you mean. What's more acceptable? Like that you think in your finger up asses. Well, that you know that you know that you're there to fuck probably. Yeah. Like you're there to hook up probably. I'm guessing, which is why which is why it happened in the first place. I mean, it's the difference between like women see a cockroach and they lose their fucking minds. Guys see a cockroach is like,
Starting point is 02:49:37 what's going on? Well, okay. Is this like, do I need to get involved here? You get a finger stuck up your ass. Well, oh, yeah, already complaining. A guy's gonna go like, so what's the deal here? I noticed that you have your finger at my ass. What's happening? Care to explain. You care to explain. And then he's got the, he's got the, Tanner had the,
Starting point is 02:49:56 that's the confidence, man. You can get away with anything if you've got that confidence. Like you're ready to, you've been there before. You know, that's where con man comes from, right? Confidence man. Yeah, yeah. Just, you gotta get that ass in there, finger ass, right? I'm doing too, but maybe it was your,
Starting point is 02:50:15 he was probably did too. I mean, I don't know. How many fingers did Tanner use that come? That's the new mystery. All right, everybody, see you next Tuesday. See ya. That's the new mystery.
Starting point is 02:50:26 All right everybody, see you next Tuesday. See ya.

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