The Dick Show - Episode 124 - Dick on Proper Grooming

Episode Date: October 16, 2018

Self-replicating holiday decorations, Taylor from PKA calls in, "American Circumcision", a documentary on foreskin, high-pressure medical sales, and "Jewish calamari", unpopular uses for tampons, QR c...odes, Venn diagrams on meth and cryptocurrency, sexist artificial intelligence, McDonald's game pieces, Sargon of Akkad calls in to resurrect Gamer Gate, I want to resurrect NoMa'am, hate mail from a victim, Nick Rekieta loses his temper, and I get subpoenaed; all that and more on this episode of The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, I'll be honest. I don't think I'm going to throw up, but I might. Yeah, you can't say for sure. That's one of those. Yeah, been there. Because I never, I'm pretty sure I know when I'm going to shoot my pants. I always know. Well, then that would ask the question, beg the question, why would you ever shit your pants?
Starting point is 00:00:27 What am I going to do? Put my whole life on hold just because I think I'm going to shit my pants, Sean. Well, you can't have to deal with their periods striking at any moment, but it's like the male period. Yeah. The alcoholics you carry around a bunch of tampons in my glove box. Shut up your ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:47 In case I feel it coming in traffic and I know I can't get home. I just bust, I just bust a tamp open, shove it up the old case there. Why don't you, you got, you have a truck, why don't you have a truck? Why don't you in the passenger floorboard? Why don't you just carry like a home depot five gallon bucket? Come on, please. Pull over really quick. I can't put that anywhere.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Put your hazards on. Oh, just pop a squad. What if I'm right in the middle of traffic, though? Nobody's gonna see you. You're gonna truck that. Why not? God, am I gonna drive and shit at the same time? You pull over.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Emergency pull over. You can drive and get a blow job at the same time. You think I can shit at the same time? I don't think so. Well, not the three, but at least the two. Throw it in the back. I mean, as opposed to got as opposed to shitting your pants. I don't know. I don't shit. My pain if this happens, if this happens, that right? I got a six pack of tamps. I just go into CVS and get what's up, bro. I'll take a six pack of tamps. I just go in to CVS and I go, get what's up, bro? I'll take a six pack of tamps, please. I mean, stomachs a little iffy, eight, uh, fucking stat.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Went to October Fest and stopped by King Talk on the way home. Giving it, now you're gonna make me feel quite an evening. I got one of those, I got some of those Mexican side walls on my truck. You know, you put the one by one in and then you screw in a bunch of two by fours. I only had press board fucking side. I put them up halfway and then I put the home depot bucket in the back so I can sit in the back of my car and take a shit. And people can only see me from the nipples up. So they just think I'm sitting there having a rest. Yeah. Little do they know. In the middle of traffic.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah, in the middle of traffic. I've got the auto. I got cruise control on no big deal. No big. All right, start the show. Yeah. Good comedy so far. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Yeah. Uh. Uh. See, I'm talking about matamps. Yeah. Your tamps. My tamps. What the fuck, why isn't this playing? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Oh, he's got the volume all the way down. Whoops. Oh, boy. Ah. Presenting tape. Matamps. Take it. Take it.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Take it. Take it. Take it. I say it aggressively. Take it. So I get away with it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. I get away with it.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Yeah! Hey, welcome to Dig! You need dig, you want dig, you got it, it's the show! Where everything is a contest coming to you live? From a bunker, deep in the heart of a mountain in the city of failure. I'm your host, Dick Masterson, aka the $20 million man, voted America's best Mexican with me as always as sure on the audio engineer. Good morning, Dick.
Starting point is 00:03:29 What's up, buddy? And a wonderful morning it is. Yeah. A wonderful morning it is to be alive. To be alive, Sean, which you are not. Which I am very, I am alive. And that's the only thing I've got going for me this morning. Yes. You know what I always think when I wake up this hungover?
Starting point is 00:03:47 You are feeling life. Hey, how I'm feeling live, trickling through my veins. Right. The, the, the boot of life straight up your asshole. Fuck. Fuckin' octopi. Big boot of life. You know what you look, you look like you need like a, like one of those industrial, no industrial hospital, hospital wheelchairs, all metal with like a, with like a,
Starting point is 00:04:11 with like a plaid blanket draped over your legs. I do, you just sit there and, and drool while someone pushes you around. And you don't blink. I'm FDR hungover today. So long over you got polia. Yeah, I need a quilt over my legs. No, you need Jonas Salk.
Starting point is 00:04:29 An industrial priest. Dr. Octopus, he goes around with those things, raping little boys. Yeah. God, yeah. Yeah. What an October fest in Torrance. Fred Molina, the actor, by the way, the same guy, he was just throw me the idol. You throw me the idol, then I throw you the whip.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Yeah, that guy. Yeah. You know what I always think when I was this well in this hungover is, um, John McClain had to had to do all of die hard three this hungover. Mm hmm. It really puts that movie in perspective. If you think die hard three is a good movie and it's a great movie. It really is.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Remember that he starts that movie hung over his fuck. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's easy to forget. When you're watching that movie, there's so much action and intrigue and mysteries to solve. You forget that he's fucking, he's hung over his fuck in that movie. And why is that?
Starting point is 00:05:18 I'm forgetting, the earliest part of that movie that I haven't seen it in years, but the earthest part of that movie that I remember is that he's holding the sandwich board or he's on the sandwich board. Yeah. Now, how do you know he's hung over? Because he says they find him, oh, he says the guy, whatever that French guy that's
Starting point is 00:05:36 a police captain says go find whatever bottled McLean crawled into and pull him out. And then he's in that van rubbing his eye and going, oh, I got a real bad fucking hangover. He says that he doesn't even complain the whole movie. Yeah. He's that hungover anyway. October Fest. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Oh boy, October Fest. Alpine Village Addy. One of those, it barely feels like October Fest. I'll be honest. Well, you're in Torrance, California. I mean, how October Festie can it feel? It feels like somebody let us into a prison yard. Yeah. Like a prison NPR. There's stone, stone floors, stone. Well, so there's a storm, stone ceiling for God's sake. Um, really, I must have been loud. I climbed up on,
Starting point is 00:06:20 I climbed up on a table to try to pretend like I was playing a saxophone. Guy was security was on me in about two seconds. Wow. I didn't even get into the riff before they... What were you gonna, you were gonna just sing the riff? No, I was pretending all the band guys were all sprung out. Oh, gotcha, you were in there. You were in there?
Starting point is 00:06:36 You were in there? Yeah, so they were not getting attention. So it's like, well, I'm gonna pretend to play an instrument too. So maybe people will think I actually have one. Yeah. These idiots are all drunk as his hells. Yes. So I climb up on the table and start going, dude, dude, dude, like just doing the motions, playing my saxophone.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Guy, security's on me in two seconds. Yeah, see, I mean, if you went the more subtle route like John Candy and Plains, Trains and Automobiles, you know, it goes like this, you know, the I can explain. Oh, he's playing the mini sax. He's got it, yeah, he know, it goes like this, you know, the many sex. He's got it. Yeah, he's. Yeah. It's the I think he plays it to the mess around Ray Charles, if I'm not mistaken. Man, he throws a cigarette in the back seat and the whole thing goes up. You know, nothing will cure, nothing will cure your altruism or your like your kindness for your common man dealing with other
Starting point is 00:07:20 people. Yeah, then other people. Yeah. it really, it really will. Starting with the entry into October fest, we, we walk up and Randy Hollywood Randy, um, our, our Korean buddy, yeah, Korean buddy. Yeah. It's in line, buying us tickets, like there's a, there's a turn style, right? There's tons of room. There's tons of room. They've been, they've been doing this for 50 years. So there's tons of tons of room's tons of room. They've been doing this for 50 years. So there's tons of room in these turn styles. And I go to the security guy like, hey, can we go up?
Starting point is 00:07:50 Can we walk up like six people and hang out there? Can I get in here and hang out with a friend here? It's jumping the line, but you understand he's buying the tickets anyway. Yeah, he's holding the place. He's not holy. He's just, he's been saying our tickets. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:03 When we go talk to him, he goes, no, that wouldn't be fair. Okay. Okay. Okay, let me explain, okay, okay. Explain fair. Let me explain it to you again, sir. Okay. He's buying the tickets, either way.
Starting point is 00:08:15 He's buying the tickets. I'm not, I won't be interacting with anybody except his, it'll be like I'm his dead ancestor. Yeah. Hovering around him, like a spirit. Take off your fucking oak leaves while you're addressed. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, excuse me, excuse me. We got off on the wrong foot. For the purposes of this line, you are dead people.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I'm not an exist. I'm just gonna go stand up there with my phone. No, see, you gotta have it. You gotta, you gotta wait in line. It's gotta be fair. Never should I say, well, this is, this is, I stood there arguing with him. It's too stupid to have that explain to him. Yeah, too stupid to wait in line. It's got to be fair. Ever said I said, well, this is, this is, I stood there arguing with, it's too stupid to have that explain to you.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Too stupid, yeah, too stupid to have that explain. I'm like, okay, you don't deserve it. Okay, come down. I go over to the, they've got a little corral. You know, it's October fest, so it's Germans, they're, they're, they're like moving people around, like they're in training. No, they've got the whole experience. Let's call it
Starting point is 00:09:07 organization. They're very good at organizing people, the Germans. Yes, right? They are. Right? Yeah. Logistics, the logistics of humans. Yeah. Yeah, they've been good at for a long time. Infrastructure to support such, you know, organization, many people, they've got a whole system's dedicated to it. So we're in the corral. Catchy slogans, we're in the corral sorting systems.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And God bless, you know, that I have an affinity with black women. Well, ever since Atlanta, well, no, even when I got back from the Middle East, that was the first sound that I heard that made me remember I was in America, was in Black women giving someone attitude. Yeah. That's right, sister. Don't fucking let that stuff in. Step off the plane and you hear,
Starting point is 00:09:52 well, you ain't getting shit. Yeah. Well, do you want a large or what? Yeah. You know what, you're right for saying it that way because he's an idiot for not telling you what's not. Yeah. You know, I don't know why that is.
Starting point is 00:10:03 For some reason, me and the sisters, me and Black, every time I'm like, yeah, you're right. You're right, Fract. You're right for saying that the way you said it. So I'm over in the, me and 80s grow over in the people crown. Well, America to you is Black women with attitude. Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:20 You got a problem with that? No. No. I know it's the season for appropriation. It really, it really does let you know you're in America though. Yeah. So we're in the, we're in the carol waiting
Starting point is 00:10:33 for the train car to pick us up. To move us to a new locale. Watching Randy go through and like, just trying to giving each other, well, he's going to his own camp to be fair. Yeah. He's going to the America's one. There's a place for him too.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Yeah. Yeah. Thank you, Jamie. Yeah. And the woman, there's a black woman security guard there. She's, and she sees that me and Randy are giving each other, you know, well, she's going to a nice farmhouse. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay I'm done. You go why don't you go why don't you go stay in with your friend
Starting point is 00:11:11 well that fuck well fucking Mexican super cop over there's fucking Mexican Robo cop with the Oakley Shades the mirrored Oakley Shades Captain Preck over there won't let us go stay in the line because We're gonna you you you're buying a ticket? No, he's buying our ticket. She goes, well, that's fucking stupid. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:31 She turns around and goes right up to the guy and goes, what the fuck, you mean to tell me these people can't? Yeah. Yeah. She, and I'm like, it was at the point, I was like, okay, she went and got his manager. I've never seen an employee go to another employee and say, I need to speak to your manager.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah, yeah, yeah. She got, she got so many people involved, but by the time we were allowed to go to see Randy, he had already purchased the tickets. That's hilarious that she was so offended by the stupidity. Yeah. She took up on your behalf. Yeah, she's got, I love that shit.
Starting point is 00:12:03 That's fucking stupid. Yeah, yeah, it's, and you're right. Yeah, once again, we're in agreement. Yes. That was actually fucking hilarious. Yeah. So, no saxophoning. No saxophoning, but that was the kind of event it was. Wow, build to be hosed off.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yeah, yeah. You know you're in trouble when you walk into an event and you can tell that it was made to be hosed off. Yeah. Yeah. You know you're in trouble when you walk into an event and you can tell that it was made to be hosed off. This is true. I got, okay. It's like the back seat of a cop car. Yeah. They're there.
Starting point is 00:12:33 They're plastic for a reason. The ambiance is outdoors of a McDonald's restaurant. Clamshell. Oh, what's the theme here? Clamshell polyurethane. Okay. Tremendous. Yeah. Clamshell. Oh, what's the theme here? Clamshell, polyurethane. Okay, tremendous. I got something very exciting. This happened to me. You do? Yeah. You have very exciting. Yeah. I can't talk about the entire thing right now, but you have to trust me when I say it's
Starting point is 00:13:00 very exciting. I trust you. I have to go next week. This will be two episodes from now I can talk about it. Next week I have to go testify in court as to a story I told on this show. Yeah, yeah, because my story, the story that I told on this show is pivotal for a court case. Literally lives hang hanging the balance futures and not small ones hanging the balance. And you can't say who it involves.
Starting point is 00:13:33 No, no, no, no. I can't tell you which one. Nothing there. But it is. I have to go. Which one what? I can't tell you which story it was. I won't tell you yet.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I'm sure I could. I don't want to fuck with the court proceedings at this time. This happened a long time ago on the show. I told this story immediately after it happened. And because of that, it is now evidence. Because I told it purely and for reasons of only comedy with no outside motives. Because of that, it is the only reliable testimony reasons of only comedy, like with no outside motives. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Because of that, it is the only reliable testimony of this event. Oh man. Yeah, so I have to go to court and tell it under oath. And tell it under oath. And then, and then something that I've wanted my entire life, I get to be cross-examined. You know? Yes, and I know that you've wanted that your entire life.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I just know one who's everyone that can be cross-examined more than you. Yeah, because there's not a lawyer on Earth who will know what to do with you. I can't, I was sitting up all night when I first learned about this as we go. I was just laying in bed with this giant smile on my face, like that guy from the erectile dysfunction commercial.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Remember that guy? Oh yeah, smiley Bob. Smiley Bob, yeah, I was like, oh my God, just imagining it. Yeah, I'm imagining like using props and shit. Yeah, oh yeah, it's, it shit. Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's You're you can cross exam the winners. Oh, please please do I have all day for this your junk Yeah, time Jim Carrey has a witness really pick apart my story Fletcher becomes Fletcher Reed on their witness stand. Yes set me up. Let me orgamy goose.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. I'm gonna take my sock off in the middle of the trial and put it on my hand. Please address all of your questions to my attorney, Simon Man talking with the water pitcher. Yeah, well, I object. So this, you want a terrible price.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Something really stinks about this question. Oh, come on. Your honor, get this guy out of here. Oh my God. I can't fucking wait. Oh man. I've never been more excited about it. I told Kion to,
Starting point is 00:15:58 cause you know, lawyer, you gotta get some, it's important to get legal advice on bullshit. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And he said your first amendment protection is infinite when you're on the witness stand. Like you can say whatever you want as long as you don't like shitting your hand and throw it at the judge or something like that. And not that I, you know, of course, obviously I'm taking it seriously.
Starting point is 00:16:20 They might treat you as a hostile witness or like, you know what I mean. Yeah, obviously I'm just joking about when I say all this ridiculous shit for the purposes of comedy, but I am excited about it. That's very tense, you know. That's very exciting. Like tense situation. Live, saying the balance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:37 You know? I can feel that the dark tinder in my heart sparking with a new sensation, feeling something. Oh, man. Oh boy. So I'm excited for that. That's wild. Let's see here. It comes rampant speculation.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Ha ha ha ha. Um, I'm going to speculate the whole rest of the show. Yeah, we got Taylor calling in. I'll do it in front of everyone. Go ahead. No, no, no, no, just to myself. I mean, I fucking, not only do I remember the story, like it happened yesterday,
Starting point is 00:17:06 but I told it when it happened yesterday. Yeah. So, good fucking luck. Yeah, right. Toloween. Are these people, are these people who had effects stand for goodness or badness?
Starting point is 00:17:19 One of them does. Stands for goodness? Yeah. And one stands for badness. Oh yeah. Oh, I'm not joking. When I'll talk about it, and it is fucking dirty. Like, this is how long ago was it like early on in this show's life?
Starting point is 00:17:33 Now in middle. Middle. No, I'm not joking that this is a, this is probably the best thing I will have ever done in my life. Oh. Yeah. This is like, this is straight up good versus evil. And mine is the only record of what actually happened. It's fucking great.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I'm so fucking happy about it. It's fucking great. That's fucking amazing. That's amazing. All right. You know what makes me rage? Let's see this week. Tell know what makes me rage? Let's see this week. Tell you what makes me rage this week.
Starting point is 00:18:08 It makes you rage this week. That I don't know the rest of this fucking story. I'm not gonna tell you after this. Oh! Oh God! McDonald's ruined the peel off. What? They did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:20 On their contest and stuff? Yeah. Do you remember how exciting that used to be? Yeah. When monopoly would roll around, and you'd see that peel off and like, oh yeah, I bet there's a fucking new motorcycle or something, I bet there's at least,
Starting point is 00:18:34 there's at least a free hash browns or a free medium soda that I'm never gonna use. I'm just gonna leave in a pile and like a couple there and stare at them like trophies for a year until they expire. But do you remember how exciting that was? Sure. They ruined it.
Starting point is 00:18:50 What do they do now? I got a McDonald's the other day. It had one of those, it had a peel off thing on it. And I thought, fucking awesome. It's monopoly time again. What's the most exciting thing in life? The McDonald's at one point in our lives, the McDonald's monopoly was the most exciting
Starting point is 00:19:10 thing. Right. And more important than the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the mint 500 and the Kentucky Derby all rolled into one until you discovered cross examination. Yeah. That was the most exciting thing in your life. Most exciting thing, you tear those little motherfuckers off and match them up. And you never win it. You again, you win an egg McMuffin, but God, it was exciting. Do you remember when the
Starting point is 00:19:32 two one expresses boss won a huge like big screen TV? Yes. Because he like he got he got one one night. And then he's like, Oh, yeah, like I think I have the matching one to this. I threw it away. And everybody's like, Yeah, yeah, like, I think I have the matching one to this. I threw it away. And everybody's like, yeah, fucking sure. So he was digging through the garbage. Yeah. Sure. A shit pulls in. I remember that. Get the fucking giant STV. I remember that. That was the excitement of I went to peel off a McDonald's one this time. It said it had a QR code. And it said, go go online to register for tickets to enter the. Oh, what the fuck is this? That's not even the contest anymore. You just made me do manual
Starting point is 00:20:12 labor and fucked with my emotions to so I could register. First of all, no one on earth knows how to use a QR code except people who are addicted to cryptocurrency and meth. That's the cross anyone who's used a QR code. That's the middle. It's people who are addicted to cryptocurrency and meth. That's the cross, anyone who's used a QR code, that's the middle. It's people who do meth, and people who are very into cryptocurrency, it's the overlap. That overlap is people who know how to use QR codes. What do you call that diagram?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Were they overlap the, a penis diagram? A venn diagram, it's a venn. That's a venn? Oh, okay, yeah. Why, what do you think it is? No, no, no, no, I just, I always remember like the rings kind of interlocked and they're what's in the middle is the commonality. So first of all, it's a Venn.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Fuck off with the QR code. Secondly, fuck off with the registration. Yeah. Because I know it doesn't work. And in, if by, quite frankly, McDonald's, if you don't have my information at this point in my life, you blew it. You blew it. There has been ample opportunities since I was a small child and I remember there being ash trays in the McDonald's. Me too. That was great.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah. That was a better time, but they didn't fuck with you to get your, it's all this personal data mining shit. Yeah. Is out, is totally out of control. Oh, yeah. They see, they fucked it up by doubling up on the McDonald's peel off thing to double your chances, which really just meant half the odds, right?
Starting point is 00:21:35 Because I'm not stupid. Like, I know that you didn't make more, I know you're not making more prizes. You would have let that guy line go talk to his buddy. Yeah. That's the line, you know, that's stupid or not stupid. Yeah. I know that you're not giving out more prizes this year. You're just making me do twice as much work for the same,
Starting point is 00:21:53 like it's either a winning fried McFries or not. Yeah, just give me the one, you know. But they fucked it up. Yeah, they ruined it. A beautiful childhood memory that I had of McDonald's destroyed. Yeah. Yeah, that's bullshit. Thanks to data collection.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah. It's all about data collection. Let's see what else makes me rage this week. Obviously the Halloween cultural shit is making me rage. Okay, you'll have to explain some of this. Well, you can't do anything fun. You just can't do anything fun. Yeah. Okay, you'll have to explain some of this. Well, you can't do anything fun. You just can't do anything fun. Yeah. Because you're going to, right, it's insensitive.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yeah. Right. I mean, I know it's, it's Nick Rikita's favorite time of the year. You dress up as a ghost to blackface everything. Yeah. Right. I want an address as a ghost. It's insensitive to people with albinism. It's, you know, yeah, I'm going to go white face this year. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. The paint. Have you ever actually seen anybody do blackface? Blackface? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yes, I have. Was it funny? I thought it was fucking hilarious. What was the context of it? It was in very, it was in very poor taste. Yes, it Yes, it was after the, it was after, it was after Hurricane Katrina. Oh, God. Yeah. It was, it was, wait a minute. Did I see this too? Yes, you did. Oh, I forgot they did, I forgot they did blackface.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah. That was at my Halloween slash birthday party. Yes, it was. Oh, yeah, that's right. Many, many bad things happen that night. That's when you were playing the drums with your strap with your big dick. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah, that happened too. I've been writing a lot of songs by the way. Oh, good for our UP. I don't remember if I recorded some guitar yesterday. Look, I bled. Oh my God, the mustard song. Oh, good, good, good. I don't remember if I told,
Starting point is 00:23:44 I don't remember if our deal was that I would clone my God. The mustard song? Oh good, good, good. Yeah, yeah. I don't remember if I told, I don't remember if our deal was that I would clone my dick. I think it was, I would clone my dick if you wrote a song. Not if you played a song. I got a check-tune. Oh, I wasn't even gonna, I wasn't even gonna hold you to it. Well, you know, I really want to get my dick out there in the world. Oh, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Um, do you have enough? Isn't there enough dick in the world? Oh, never enough. I saw a guy do, I saw. Do you have enough? Isn't there enough dick in the world? Oh, never enough. I saw a guy do, I saw a comedy duo do blackface where they pretended they were pretending to be the movie white chicks. Yeah, and then that is profoundly disturbing when those guys do whiteface.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Yeah, they look like aliens. They do look like aliens. Then they broke character. They said they were done doing, they were like they look like aliens. They do look like aliens. Um, then they, they broke character. They said they were done doing, they were done being the characters. And they were pretending to take the makeup off and explaining how funny their movie was. The white chicks movie and explaining their process. But as they were pretending to take it off, they were actually putting on the black face. That's fucking funny. It was really funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Anyway, is a big mustache, is that Mexican face? Yeah, right. I don't know. I don't know. Big mustache, Namo belt. Well, not the belt, just the mustache, right? Right. Or a cop face.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Is it cop face? I don't know. Oh, I really fucking hate it. I want to appropriate stuff that they wanna appropriate stuff that nobody knows about. Right? Okay, what's an example? I don't know, I don't know actually. Okay, think about this.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Yeah, just the worst stuff. Okay. A rice patty hat, some acidic juice. Every, every, every, I'm so sick of it. Yeah. I think they won that one, the no appropriating stuff. Yeah. I don't really care anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Well, it is, it is maddening because people did used to have a sense of humor about stuff like that. It wasn't, it didn't automatically make you the most racist person on earth. Yeah. There's some things that have always been in bad taste, but everything is so, it's so PC now. It's not just race. It's not, it's gone far beyond race. It's the cool stuff too.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Like the headdresses I'll never understand. They look fucking cool. I don't know what you like a like a the Indian headdress. Yeah, sure. They look cool. Yeah. What's already right? I heard that you guys had a cool thing. Well, I know that's the that's kind of the thing. It's like you're you're kind of to that as like a proud and warrior kind of a thing. It's like you're a badass. Yeah. All right. Let me see if, let me see if, I got some other sets that makes me rich.
Starting point is 00:26:39 And I got, let's see, Sargon's calling in later. Okay, you have to explain who these people are to me. Taylor's on the P.K.A show. Oh. Let me see if yougon's calling in later. Okay, you have to explain who these people are to me. Tailors on the P.K.A show. Oh, we see if we can see a few of you here. You know what else is making me a rage? What's that? All my apps and websites telling me to register to vote. Oh, they're really fucking tired.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I haven't seen that. They're told to register to fucking vote. Like on your phone? Yeah. Oh, band camp, discord. and tie a band. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that.
Starting point is 00:27:14 I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that.
Starting point is 00:27:21 I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. I haven't care, it's too much work, it's too much work, and I'd rather do other shit, quite frankly. Fair enough. I don't care, just one guy, doesn't matter. Won't ever have any effect on shit.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Where I, do I live in Ohio or Pennsylvania? No, I don't fuck off. Yeah, I know. What am I gonna vote for in LA? Who hates cars or who hates plastic straws more? Yeah, sign me the fuck up. I really need to go register. This states gone.
Starting point is 00:27:50 To see who's gonna fuck me more. And by the way, that everybody said, a couple of people said that the straw thing was an overreaction, plastic straws are gone. They're fucking gone. I went here. We're now to a really nice restaurant a couple of weeks ago. Paper straws that the waitress
Starting point is 00:28:10 apologized for giving us. Yeah. Fucking plastic straws are gone. Let me see if Taylor's here. Oh, shit. I'm a retard. Hey, yeah, you are. It's a great opener. What's up, buddy? Taylor's. We're recording. Yeah, we're already. We're always live, are. It's a great opener. What's up, buddy? Taylor's here. We're recording. Yeah, we're already, we're always live, man. Taylor's, uh, Mercadirka here is a co-host of the PKA podcast that I've ruined on a number of occasions. And you're so on speaking terms.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Yeah. The last of which was the drinking episode where I fucking, yeah, I really embarrassed myself. I've talked about it on the show before, but that was a shameful display. I didn't know why you were so embarrassed about it because the way we do drinking shows on PKAs, we do it twice a year and the goal is to get tank. Not a pleasant, he's a little loopy, uncomfortably drunk. If there were sober people around us, they wouldn't enjoy it. You went hard, and that was perfect because you always want to try and be the drunken. And the next morning I went back and watched
Starting point is 00:29:08 the last hour to try and remember what had happened. You and Kyle were neck and neck, man. You looked like you could, that was the one where you started eating a chicken leg at the last minute, right? I ate two, I ate two dinners. Yeah. ducked down like a child playing hide and go seek. Like, I, there won't notice me eating this chicken. And then I started arguing with everybody. Sure.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Well, that, whether or not I was eating a chicken leg and telling everyone I could kick their ass. I don't know if you heard it, but after that show, apparently I threw up a lot of chicken. No, I went into the, I went into the bathroom and I pissed all over the floor. Oh, no. Oh, is that what you meant by your tweet when you were like, I did something horrible after peeking. Yeah, I didn't know that you pissed all over the floor. Yeah, I woke up in the morning feeling absolutely fantastic. Um, but 80s girl had, she had this look on her face like that smug look that women get when you really fucked up the night before. Oh, I hate that look. I hate that look too. Uh, it's like, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:07 It's just a no fun having look. You'll never guess what you did last night. And yeah, you know, I mean, you know that I, first of all, I probably could guess. That's gonna be there. I know something. Honey, I'm working. Yeah. That's my, that's my job.
Starting point is 00:30:21 That's my livelihood. Yeah. I have to do that. It's part of the creative process. It's part of growing. You don't make an ass of myself on PKA. Quarterly, you know, this whole show could go down. Yeah, you know, I, so she said that she,
Starting point is 00:30:35 she got, I was missing for some time. I went to go to the bathroom and I was missing for a little bit and she didn't hear any kind of flushing or anything. So she got up to come look for me and I was just standing in the room that the bathroom is in, like not the bathroom itself, but the outside room. I was just kind of standing there like a children in the corn staring and she's like, what did you do? I mumbled something when she appeared and then left and went down to bed and went to sleep. I assume because I needed an adult but didn't know how to communicate it.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And once I saw her, I was like, okay, she's got, an adult that has this figured out. She said she walked into the bathroom and it was like a layer of piss. It was like a great delusion there. And that's what she's got. But it was just Pete. You know, everybody's had a pee related incident
Starting point is 00:31:20 where you pee where you're not supposed to when you're drunk. At least there was no shit involved. Yeah, thank God. Hopefully not. I, last time we did a drinking episode, I got so tanked that I passed out right afterward and I woke up the next morning and as I was brushing my teeth, I realized I had gotten so wasted that I ground my teeth so hard I chipped a fucking tooth. Oh God!
Starting point is 00:31:40 I got a big thing. One of my front teeth, one of the important ones. I know. I was like looking in the mirror, I'm like, you goddamn idiot, you're gonna have to walk around with a half a tooth until you can get into a dentist because you got so drunk on your podcast.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Which two, two front ones. One of the left front tooth, like one of the big ones. Like I looked like a sexist. I do that too. I have a chip tooth right now from doing it in my sleep. Really? Yeah. Is it fixed?
Starting point is 00:32:05 Huh, it's still chipped? Yeah. Oh my God, I can see it from here. Yeah, if I, huh. If I tell my head down, it's fucking more chipped. Yeah. Wow. I woke up one morning, it was like that.
Starting point is 00:32:17 How bad was your tooth chipped, Taylor? Oh, bad. Like, enough that people were noticing. You know, thank God my camera for PKA isn't HD or it would have been like quite memeable. But yeah, I looked pretty shit. And you really, when you get so drunk for your podcast that you chip your own tooth.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Yeah. Like you look at yourself a little differently that day. No, I know. I know. When you start losing, like when you start losing teeth, they're fucking up. I think I broke my hand while I was in the same house. I caught this. This is bad news. I really, I royally fucked up a father's day by getting way too drunk. I was trying to get to, I was trying to get a party going. You know, leading by example,
Starting point is 00:33:02 like Braveheart. Yeah. That was my part of father's day party Yeah, I was like a father's day brunch. Well was the vibe. We're gonna get nice syndrome Or did you try to make that the vibe? It was it was on the edge. Well probably can all father your closest to could be easily influenced to get you know like Yeah, let's party. Their chat dads are not. Totally. Virgin fathers. No. It was a chat dad party. I stole that from Nick Rikita, the chat dad thing.
Starting point is 00:33:29 He's doing a chat dad stream. Yeah, it was, you can feel it sometimes. You can feel the party about to fall and about to tip over. You know, and you just think, man, maybe if I just party a little bit harder, I could get this thing really going. And then you lose, you just think, man, maybe if I just party a little bit harder, I could get this thing really going. And then you lose that, that got some thread that you're trying to pull, you know, act like a pack of mule,
Starting point is 00:33:53 trying to pull the party over the edge, but just doesn't work like that sometimes. That's a good rage. When you, when nobody else wants to get as drunk as you, and they make you feel uncomfortable for it, on Father's Day, the good, oh man, I know. When this me rage is having to shit really bad, wants to get his drunk as you and they make you feel uncomfortable for it on Father's Day. No, man. I know.
Starting point is 00:34:06 When the Mirage is having to shit really bad, right? As you're supposed to call it into your friend's podcast. Oh boy. Do you have to shit right now? No, I got to take care of beforehand. Oh, thank you. Oh, gotcha. That was a bad, that was a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:34:17 You had to ship in your tooth drunk. That makes me a rage. I like, I saw your, your tweet last night or a couple of nights ago, we were like, hey, we're having Sargon of a cod and Mercedarka and a couple other people. And then you had a couple other tags where you're like, and it's someone talking about circumcision. Yeah, that was going to, yeah, that was going to be my initial rage on your show. Like, you're in a fucking half ago and I was supposed to call in of like, I forgot that
Starting point is 00:34:40 I told that guy to call in. He's got a documentary about circumcision. Oh, wow. circumcision. Oh wow. About circumcision. Like my initial rage is going to be like, those people where all you'll say is like, hey, you know what, it's probably, you know, now that I think about it,
Starting point is 00:34:51 we probably shouldn't cut baby dicks off for the fuck of it when they're born. Like maybe let them decide on their own. And then there's always a dude. There's always a dude I notice who's like, oh yeah, well, women actually, it looks way better. Yeah, my dick looks great.
Starting point is 00:35:04 It looks fine. My dick's like, oh, women prefer this. It's like dude, I'm women actually light it looks way better. Yeah, my dick looks great. It looks fine My dick like a woman prefer this I'm saying you have a shitty dick. I'm saying you let's let's leave it up until the kid decides if they like their dick skin or not Yeah, and most people are gonna prefer to have dick skin. I'm gonna go out on a limb It's also like how often do you use the phrase women prefer it when you're talking about anything else in life. My guess is it's always shit you don't wanna do or shero. Exactly. Like what, if I hear women love this movie,
Starting point is 00:35:33 I'm not gonna go see it. Women probably would like it if you lost about 50 pounds to you stupid mother fucker. Yeah, yeah. You're not gonna afford to lose 20. Is it just baby dicks that women get their say? Nope. No, that's a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Like women, like girlfriend industries is what I call it. Like when we're in, you know, 50 years from now, when we're in like luxury gay space communism and we've all got a harrow of robust fuck, like, and women aren't around when we've finally canceled women, like, we're. The these industries are gonna exist. Like, there won't be, I did do this fucking yesterday with my girlfriend. You know, a good sign of a girlfriend industry is you have to wake up early hungover for no reason
Starting point is 00:36:12 to go do this. So you're like, we should go to a pumpkin patch. And I was like, oh, okay. I don't know what? I guess we can go to a fucking pumpkin patch. And so we had to drive, I live in St. Louis city. It's been to drive like almost an hour, but at least it was like a nice scenic drive.
Starting point is 00:36:28 No, it wasn't. It was through East St. Louis. And it looks like a paintball course, the whole way. It's disgusting and terrible. And you don't want to hang out there. We get to this pumpkin patch. And the whole fucking, the whole way, we're passing Walmart with $2 pumpkins outside.
Starting point is 00:36:41 They're not working these up. This is the one time of year you can get pumpkins anywhere cheap. No, we gotta drive fucking 50 minutes out there. And the first thing I noticed is every group of people has either a girlfriend in it or a child that's three years or younger. Yep, yeah. No one else could, there were four year old boys looking around getting bored of shit. Oh, they really love their fucking pumpkin patches.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Oh, I knew I had the petting zoo there. And like we get to the actual pumpkin patch and it's the size of like 10 football fields. And we start walking out into it and I of course think as a man, ah, the pumpkins here are the same as the pumpkins a thousand yards that way. Let's select them from here.
Starting point is 00:37:16 And no, we have to come to the other side of the pumpkin patch and they keep lifting them up and like looking and be like, oh, this side's like flat. This is kind of a shitty one. It's like, they're all shitty. Because we're going to the to God's pumpkin patch God makes mistakes all the time Yeah, we could have went to Walmart and got them on Santo perfect pumpkin. Yeah, but no you like like God makes tons of this look You It's a mistake
Starting point is 00:37:41 Yeah, I made me really upset having to go to a goddamn pumpkin patch. I know I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the
Starting point is 00:37:52 I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the
Starting point is 00:38:00 I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the I'm a big fan of the them, you know, they got a great guess. You got to go to each fucking pumpkin and each part of it and check, look, look at it. Oh, yeah. You got to remember that they think that they're, they think that the pumpkins are their children and they all need attention equally or else they will get sad.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yeah, they get sad about like we're, like I think it might have been you who made a joke for like women like you'll be at a stop. Stop light and some shitty part of the city and they'll be a couch on the corner and they'll be like, oh, what a sad lonely couch. Yeah, they actually feel like couch. I know I'm getting soft sold on a pumpkin patch run right now too. I can feel her laying the groundwork. Okay. And they put a clock on it too.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Women they always put a clock on it like, Well, you know, it's the season starting. We just, we really have to get out there and get the pumpkins to stay on our fun schedule. Yeah. We've got to stay on, you know, we've got to go out this weekend or I mean, next weekend it's going to be too late. I'm like too late for a fucking what? We can get a watermelon at any time of year and paint a picture on it or a car. One of them is getting into it.
Starting point is 00:39:04 That's a good food. Pumpkins are shit tear food. Who like if women, when women go, when we cancel women, pumpkins will also be, there's no reason for it. I like pumpkin pie. Okay, there's one reason. Okay, there we go.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Okay, there we go. Oh, yeah. My dad had a pumpkin pie. This is my dad's pie season. Yeah, of course. Sure. You can't resist a pie. Yeah, that guy.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Are you a baker yourself? I feel like I've heard you talk about that. Are you a baker yourself? You know, your dad's a good cook. My dad is a tremendous cook. When he retired, he upgraded the entire kitchen. Oh, yes, he did. He's liking everything.
Starting point is 00:39:44 That episode of South Park where Randy cooks, He upgraded the entire kitchen. Oh, yes, he did. He did it. Yeah. That episode of South Park where Randy cooks, he uses like every pot and pant, my dad will go to other houses and get their pots and pans just to make a bigger mess. Yeah. He makes these phenomenal, like meals where some of it's grown in the yard and he experiments with the food.
Starting point is 00:40:05 He watches all kinds of cooking shows and stuff. You know what? I think he grew out of watching the cooking shows and goes online now. There's a pedestrian. He can't watch it anymore. It's like a computer guy watching a cop show and seeing the computer shit and just getting outraged.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Like, it's obviously. It looks like swordfish from the 90s. Yeah, it's too basic for him. I don't remember. Yeah, I've had a couple of great meals he's made. But he will go get the crummyest, he brought home a Costco pie. Costco pies are really good, dude. Are they really?
Starting point is 00:40:39 Absolutely. It was a size of a donut pie. Everything. They are. They have never bought something in Costco. Other than like those dark colored Kirkland jeans where you look ridiculous in them, like other than that, pretty solid. I've tried, I've threatened to get into cooking a bunch of times because that seems to be
Starting point is 00:40:54 the thing that comedians do before they die. Like before they're entirely washed up, is they just get really into cooking and then talk about it. Have you ever noticed that? No, but I'd never noticed that pattern, but you're right. Bill Burr did it like, he's like, he's getting there. He's getting there.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Like they go through, but if we're being honest, Bill Burr's last two specials have not been half as good as his previous one. Yeah, they kind of always like that. They either start hitting on, molesting women or they get really into cooking. Oh, I don't know why that is,
Starting point is 00:41:23 but I can't, I can't do it because I, I don't know why that is. But I can't do it because I don't know why. I just can't budget the time so that I'm not starving in the middle of making the food. And then I end up eating half the ingredients that are eatable without cooking. And then just throw the rest away or put it back in the fridge. But I have a problem to have. What low impulse control?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yeah, I'm the fucking hungry man Like the only way I can possibly cook, when you get the ingredients you need, you need to buy a snack that you can eat while you're cooking. But then I turn into a big fat fuck. Like that's, my snack is a number two. And McDonald, like I come home with a double, I come home with ingredients in a double quarter pounder and like why the fuck did I buy?
Starting point is 00:42:02 And then all the ingredients go bad. Like I don't know how, you do need another person just to do it. You have fucking life to stay on top of it. Turnover sex bot is insane. Like, I bet I eat 5% of the vegetables that come through my door. Yeah. Before they just turn into a black paste
Starting point is 00:42:19 in the back of the fridge, throw it away. Such a colossal waste. It drives me insane. Just the act of having to buy the groceries, pisses me off now, because I get, I'm like, well, okay, I'll buy eight apples. I'm gonna eat one of them. Well, cooking for yourself is a complete waste.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Total waste of time, you should not do that. An hour and a half of work for like 10 seconds of eat, like by the time I'm done eating, or the time I'm done cooking it, it's like 7.30. I'm so starving that I just kind of tip the plate up and shove it all into my fucking mouth like I'm eating out of a trough. I get absolutely no enjoyment of it. It's always like, yeah, this was, you know, this was, this was okay. Yeah, I agree with you. Minimally rewarding. Does your chick cook for you?
Starting point is 00:43:02 80s girl. Yeah, she's got, she's got her standards. She makes some really delicious stuff. Is she good or? No, it's great. She, no, it's always, it's always, it's always, I've come over, it smells good here. Yeah, it smells fantastic. Isn't it the worst having to pretend to like someone's cooking? Like I'm very thankful I'm with someone now,
Starting point is 00:43:19 which actually is a genuinely good cook. But, have you had any of that in the past? Never with anybody I was seriously with. But like, that's fast. Have you had any of that in the past? Never with anybody I was seriously with. But like people I go on a few dates with and then like you eventually go over to their house and they make you dinner or something. You know, like they take simple things and ruin it
Starting point is 00:43:35 with like I made a burger. But I've also got black truffle shavings on it. And it's like well, you shouldn't have done that because this is gross. I gotta say, my originally white truffles, they were in the back of the fridge too long. Yeah. My brother-in-law's dad, he is a cook also,
Starting point is 00:43:50 but he wants, He's a cook, but he's also a professional drinker. Yeah. He won't serve, he won't serve hot meat. And it drives me up the fucking wall. Really?
Starting point is 00:44:00 What do you get like Carpaccio and shit? I don't know, He makes like a steak, He'll make like a delicious steak and a roast or whatever. It's cooked perfectly, but it won't be served until it's like kind of room temperature. It has to rest. It has to rest.
Starting point is 00:44:13 It has to rest. And it really fucking grinds my gears because I see it come out and I smell it and I get into like a heat. Pavlovium, yeah. Like the March fucking hair except I want to fuck the steak. Yeah, you know, as soon as I hear it, he's like, well, he's not looking microwave as beer. Oh, you didn't, you don't like that? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Wanted an appropriate temperature retard? Like, it's like, no, that's, it's not acceptable. That's a good idea. The first time I met that guy, he brought over like an enormous cooler with a poor spout of like of grayhounds. Oh, yeah. Right? Yeah, that was what he brought to like a Thanksgiving dinner. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Like an igloo full of grayhounds. I was like, well, yeah. I remember that. Yeah. Yeah. That does driving. I mean, speaking of canceling women, Taylor, did you see this? Let me find it here. Did you see that Amazon canceled their AI?
Starting point is 00:45:14 They had an artificial intelligence created to. Oh, it was just the one that like, they're like, we're going to remove all kind of bias. And then it just hired a bunch of men. Yeah. They had Amazon developed an AI and artificial intelligence to screen for the most qualified candidates because obviously they just have thousands of positions to fill, right?
Starting point is 00:45:34 You'd want a computer sorting through it because that would hopefully be a little more reliable than human beings do it and cut out bias. Yeah. So the computer learned to instantly throw out any application that had with the word women in it. Like if it was a women's chess club, that was the computer taught itself that that was a negative word.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Wow. Like it really, it only, it 100% hired men. So they killed the project and it's immediately incredible. It really is. Well, it doesn't line up with the narrative. No, they killed it immediately. Wow. I thought it was the funniest thing.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Polarious. Because every single AI is going to run into this. Because it's not really like, it's not intelligence. It's just a bunch of if this then do this statement. Yeah. If you ask that robot, you were like, all right, robot, it's a Saturday morning. It's just a bunch of if this then do this statement. If you ask that robot, you were like, all right, robot, it's a Saturday morning. You drank a lot the night before.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Do you sleep in or do you wake up early to go to a pumpkin patch? Every computer is gonna go processing, sleep in. Like none of them are going to tell you to do the female option. They're gonna hook up an FMRI. And if they show a picture of a pumpkin patch in your brain, like they're gonna be able to detect a center of your brain that lights up for pleasure. They're just gonna hit an ejector seat that'll show you out into the world in the space. You know another thing you forget about entirely until you start dating someone again
Starting point is 00:46:57 is like holiday decorations. Oh no, that is. There's cobwebs all over the goddamn place. There's like pumpkins. A's girl has one little wooden sculpture of a pump. It's like a pumpkin and it says happy holidays that she got it at Target or CVS. She's snuck it in one day. And that is that is like I have a, I have a chemically, I have a box, like a secure box around that piece of decoration so that the virus of holiday decorations does not spread to the rest of my house.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Like, she's only allowed to touch it by putting her hands and gloves in the side of the box, like a nuclear waste and arranging it in the middle of the house. Yeah. It's a, I don't know, it's like in the rock that chamber that sucks out poison where they open the door and it starts shooting out arsenic or whatever. She's allowed to have all the, she's allowed to have one holiday decoration and it has to be contained in a chemical by should of been smarter like you. I should have made like a containment zone, like but I really don't care that much as
Starting point is 00:48:03 long as I don't have to help. Yes, that much as long as I don't have to help. Yes, well, as long as I don't have to conscript myself and be like, oh, can you actually hang this up? And I want to put a lot of decorations up, and it turns out that you have to be six feet tall to do it. So you're up. Like, that shit, oh, she literally snuck in. Yesterday, there's one of those little
Starting point is 00:48:19 you turned around a little bit. If she's around, yeah, turn to you. Turn to you. No, I can't turn around. I can see it right there. See So you know, my damn TV thing, like you know those things women get where you'll say, like live laugh love or like, it's wine 30, like that kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Like she snuck in a pumpkin with sparkles on it that says happy fall, y'all. No. Throw it away. You guys listen to me, Taylor. I'm going away right now. You gotta smash it. You have to burn the ashes and you have to get a priest in there to exercise.
Starting point is 00:48:47 If you don't, that curse will grow and multiply until your entire house is turns into one giant pump. I need Taylor to call me like once a week and just tell these stories. Happy fall, y'all. You bitch. You put in the lamest fucking thing. Happy fall, y'all. This is what does link to the lamest fucking thing. Happy fall, y'all. This is what does link to picture of it. By the way, speaking of decor, Dick, I'm moving that fucking board in your yard.
Starting point is 00:49:13 That thing is pissed me off like the last three times. It looks so fucking horrible. There's just like this haphazardly laid giant wooden toy in his yard. It's just, it couldn't be in a worse looking place And look so garbage. I just walk on like god damn this is horrible shit. Oh shit. Oh shit I think this is Sargon hold on hold on get up. Hello. Hello. How'd you want me to go? No, no stay on eight is Hello, hello. Hello. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yes, I can hear you. Is this Sargon? This is Brendan Morata. Brendan Morata, how you doing, man? Thanks for calling in. You are on the air right now, by the way. We're talking with Taylor from Pain Killer Already and Sean the audio engineer. We're talking about holiday decorations.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Are you married? I'm not. You got a girlfriend? I do. You do. You know a girlfriend? I do. You do? You know what we're talking about? How they sneak in? Happy fall y'all and glittery pumpkins and shit and entire and like trips to pumpkin patches.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Care, crows and hay and all kinds of shit into your house when you're not look. They sneak it in in the cover of night. Oh, and then it's so easy for them because all I have to do is like watch the target and pull out. I know what I have to do is watch the target and pull out the chef chef so she's slowly sneaking and cooking utensils, which I'm more than okay with. Yeah, that's fine. No, that's phase one. They bring in that they give you like a, um, women, they sneak in all the good stuff
Starting point is 00:50:39 up front and then they chisel away that goodwill for the rest of your life until you're dead. That's how they're in the clear there. Good lesson to remember. I'm going to sew that into a throat pillow. That's a man's. Yeah, it doesn't rhyme. It's kind of long. It doesn't rhyme. It's really uncomfortable and long.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Just remember, remember, every time a woman does something nice for you, she is going to chisel all of that goodwill away until you're dead. That's, and that's- It's done something nice so she can get you to go to a fucking pumpkin patch and like little shavings of your soul come off like that goddamn superhero movie that everybody means. I have no idea how we're going to transition from that to the thing that was originally called. I'll do it, I'll do it. You know, you were, you were going to call in because you've got a circumcision document.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Somebody's driving this car, right? Yeah. I recently completed a film called American Circumcision, which looks at the modern circumcision debate and everything you'd ever want to know about that subject, but might have been afraid to ask. You know, I got to tell you, I got two nephews. They're five and three and they were both circumcised, and when this decision came down to do it,
Starting point is 00:51:49 I was of the opinion, fuck no, but I don't know anything about it. Like, it just, I've seen videos of it happening, and it seems so traumatic and pointless. Like, I know, I have a dick. I know how a dick works. If it had some foreskin on it, I don't think it would be a big problem for me.
Starting point is 00:52:08 It just, it seems fucked up. So I wanted to get you on to kind of give us some, hopefully, like a real perspective on it. Cause it was, it was, it was weird. Like the hospital pressure, kind of pressured them into it too. They're like, oh, the, the coils here. You just want to have them, I suppose you want to have them chop off the, the old paint of road, the old Forrestskin
Starting point is 00:52:28 of Rue, right? And they, my sister and her husband are kind of like, well, I mean, I, yeah, I guess so. I guess. Yeah, I'm, I'm interested to see what, what, what he's found. Yeah, so what did you find? So I have heard stories like that from so many people
Starting point is 00:52:43 that the hospital uses a lot of high-pressure sales tactics on them. And we're going to do to get that forskine off today. I got to go talk to my manager. You don't want to cut it off? Let me go talk to my manager. I'll see how much forskine we can leave on. What's it going to take to get you into a loyal today?
Starting point is 00:52:59 And then they draw a little grid, right? And like, all right, here's your monthly forskine. That's what's going to come to it. And what about my, what about my, what about my, what about my, what about my trade-in? Don't worry about that. That's all worked in here. That's all worked in here. Now anyway, and, oh, the really messed up thing is that if they mess it up, they actually make more money revising the botches. There's a whole, is there a difference? Is there a difference? I also saw a
Starting point is 00:53:26 and hold on hold on can you guys hear each other i can only hear like a slight mumbling sometimes i'm talking the same time i can be talking at the same time just hold on for a little bit because he's calling on Skype so you guys might not be able to hear each other sorry brennan can you repeat what you just said um so the majority of the men in the world have no problem like the majority of the men in the world are intact and have no problem with their foreskin and see it as a normal
Starting point is 00:53:54 part of the body yeah it's really only America and Jewish and Muslim countries that practice this really and never thought so yeah so if you if you go to europe you go to south america if you go to most of aia it's this is not done at all aren't they circumcised in anglin pretty much how can they tell his asians penises are so small ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha All cultures on Halloween. It's, I'm having an advent calendar of just racism. This is your month. Yeah, fuck you. Every day on my, on my racism,
Starting point is 00:54:29 cultural appropriation, Halloween calendar, I open up a fucking day and it gives me a culture and a race to rip into that day. I'm gonna wake up like a fucking kid. Oh yeah, all right, here we go. I know if I, I know what you're looking for. You gotta check out my Etsy store. I never thought I'd say this, but can we get back to talking about Dex? Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:52 But I mean, so England, it's, I think it's like below 10% there. It's really not that common. And it's mostly among Muslim immigrants. I only say that because I know there's an industry based on over in Europe, you are allowed to use foreskin for Botox. Have you found that? What?
Starting point is 00:55:14 Yes, like it's not okay here. Do you know about this? Pissue from a child contains stem cells. Collagen, too. That's used in all sorts of stuff. We're not Botox. I'm sorry. Collagen M. If they can harvest tissue from a child in that way, then yes, stem cells collagen and that's used in all sorts of stuff we're not both are some sorry college in the market
Starting point is 00:55:26 if they can harvest issue from a child in that way then yes there is there is a profit to be made on it yeah and you mentioned earlier seen a video of one a lot of people are not aware that up until the late eighties doctors did not believe infants felt pain and would just do the procedure without anesthesia and many people told me that seeing that is what made them change their mind on this issue
Starting point is 00:55:48 and have a new perspective on it yeah i mean my perspective was it seems like um... it seems stupid like it seems like some kind of stupid religious thing that's being pushed on everyone but seeing it was a fucking horrifying, I would not want my dick at an early, because I got this weird theory that when you're an infant, everything is like, the things that happen to you are super important, like super impactful, that change your subconscious permanently.
Starting point is 00:56:17 How could they think that they don't feel pain? Yeah, until the 80s. That's not a weird theory at all. There's a lot of scientific literature to back that up. They've actually even studies what that they don't and children who are circumcised and found that children who are circumcised when they would later do vaccinations and they put the needle in the child to do vaccinations. Yeah, those children who were circumcised reacted much stronger to the pain. It was a much stronger reaction and the researchers
Starting point is 00:56:42 attributed this to PTSD. So they had a really painful experience And then they reacted stronger later when they had a second painful experience. Okay, so let me do I do this thing Mike Bill guy the science dude where I try to explain things and regular words for people So it let me let me this is the way I'm interpreting that you get Let me, this is the way I'm interpreting that. You get emotionally traumatized as a baby, and it's so, like that experience permanently etches a rut in your brain that gets activated a very deep pain when you experience
Starting point is 00:57:16 any kind of similar pain. Is that like the gist of what? Yeah, wow. That's fun I mean at a young age you're learning about the world every you're constantly learning yeah I'm just trying first year is from the core of who you are your mind is developing yeah so it would make sense that anything you do during that period is gonna have a lasting effect yeah even if you don't have a memory of it
Starting point is 00:57:41 like for well yeah I mean mean, that's the other thing is people will say that's why I don't remember it. And you may not consciously remember it, but the body remembers. There's a thematic memory. Yeah, yeah. Let me ask you a question, Brendan, right? Brendan?
Starting point is 00:57:55 Yes. What led you to want to make a documentary on this? Was it, you know what I mean? Like, I'm not saying, like, what, you know, interest, have you always been interested in penis? In cops. No, but I mean, you know what I mean? Like, I'm not saying, like, what, you know, interest? Have you always been interested in penis? In cops? No, but I mean, you know what I'm saying? Like it just, it's fun.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Did it come from some experience or something that you go like, you know what? I'm going to find out about this. What do you have such a hard on for circumcision in which time? No, it's an honest question. I'm the one who actually wants to learn on this show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:24 So there is a story behind it. mean it's weird actually it's almost weird it's a lot of people ask me that and it's almost weird because if i told you there was another thing that affected every man in america and every partner of a man and every parent and child and no one ever talked about it you'd be like well that sounds really important like we should talk about that yeah because it's like taboo saying you know people sort of right it off or they think they understand it when they really don't
Starting point is 00:58:50 uh... but for me i went through a period where i was just going through all sorts of childhood patterns and beliefs that didn't serve anymore and i was reading a lot about that psychological stuff of how early life events effect you later on and i was shifting the sorts of beliefs my life. And I was starting to do things like meditation. And during that time, I would run across information on circumcision. And every time it came up, I just sort of thought, that's really weird.
Starting point is 00:59:14 And it makes me feel kind of uncomfortable. And I'm just, you know, there's nothing I can do about that now, right? So I'll just push it out of sight, out of mind. And I didn't think about it. And then, like I said, I was practicing meditation. And so at one point during meditation, I just had the word circumcision come into my mind.
Starting point is 00:59:32 And I had this really cold sensation of the body. And it felt like all my energy drained down to my belt. Were you sitting on a sprinkler or something? Where are you doing this meditation? I was doing it at a Zen group in Los Angeles. Okay. All right. It wasn't guided in any way. It was just like you set and be present with whatever comes up. You know, I'm making fun of it, but I brought in a while ago how the positive impact of meditation on people's lives. And it was, that was another thing that kind of, I was surprised at just like a couple like 10 minutes of
Starting point is 01:00:07 meditation Even on this just like the science remember that you remember that episode? Yeah, I brought in all the science checked out and made people more focused and like every single health It's possible. It's really powerful. I can understand why someone hearing that story might think like that's weird Yeah, I definitely wouldn't tell someone I was trying to talk at a circumcision that appeared to you in the fog and you got a cold sensation. Yeah, I wouldn't lead the set.
Starting point is 01:00:31 But I figured that at some part of my consciousness thought this was important to look at. I was like, okay, I'll do the research. And when I started doing the research, one of the things that I found was there's this whole group of people who are doing something called foreskin restoration where they take the remaining skin that they have and stretch it over time. Yeah. That's how you might put a gauge in your ear. Um, you know, my life coach looked into this.
Starting point is 01:01:02 We were going to regrow, we were going fuck around and regrow our foreskins, but we went to look for pictures of people who had done it and they look monstrous. Like it doesn't look like normal. No, it makes. There are mixed results to be fair. And you only get some of the form and function back, right? You don't get all the nerve endings
Starting point is 01:01:20 or specialized tissue. Are you circumcised? Yes, yeah, OK. But yeah, when I saw that, I was like, OK, so there is something people are doing about this. And the whole culture is told me there's nothing you can do about it. And this is not important.
Starting point is 01:01:37 So what else might be true that I haven't heard about? And so then that led me to doing the research. And my background is a filmmaker. So that's the way that I share information heard about. And so then that led me to doing the research. And my background is as a filmmaker. So that's the way that I share information with the world, and the thing that I do, and it made sense to do a film about it. And share all the stuff that I was learning, which frankly is not talked about in the wider culture.
Starting point is 01:01:57 I was meditating one time, and it appeared to me that I need to bring Lucy Wild out of retirement. Like, I got a warm sensation down below. Maybe you can bring her back from. Maybe you can. That seems like an insight worth exploring. So what did you find in your research? Like, we're still worth. Tyra Film Crew.
Starting point is 01:02:18 What's the worst stuff? I mean, you're already saying that I didn't know that stems, they're harvesting stem cells from boar skins and using them for Botox. I didn't know. No, Botox, I said Botox collagen. Yeah. Like collage, you call it collagen into. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:33 I guess that's approved in parts of Europe. It's not not here because that would be way too. Rich women are getting baby dicks injected into their face where some of it comes from. They don't, they like grind up the dick skin and put it into face of a cream. It's more you learn the worst from it. Don't they like grind up the dick skin and put it into the cream? Yeah, the more you learn the worse it gets. Yeah. So there's there is a huge rabbit hole you can go down there. Fucking women.
Starting point is 01:02:51 There's the aspect of pain. There's the aspect of yes that it is used in like people actually use for skin in women's cosmetic products. Yeah. And I mean like the whole gender aspect of this is a whole other layer when you get into like comparing it to female circumcision and I've interviewed women women who are circumcised to come from cultures that practice that. And they will say this is not a difference. There's, you know, ethically, and even in some cases they'll say that the tissue removed and male circumcision is just as sensitive. The parts removed from a woman.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Really? So, yeah, the whole sexual aspect is another layer to this. I have noticed the loss of sometimes I have to jerk off for like six, seven hours before I can even start to feel it. That's the result of calluses, Dick. Well, it also will be better if you could jack off without lotion. And activity or time. Well, it also, you'll be better if you can jack off without lotion. And it's activity, which is high. But if that part of the body is covered, then it retains its sensitivity.
Starting point is 01:03:50 If it's not, then it's rubbing against whatever clothing you're wearing, and things like that. And it gets what's called characterization. If you feel like you're elbow, that's tissue on the body, too, that sometimes we'll have some characterization, because your elbows rubbing against itself and other things. Yeah. Um, chicks, tits, actually. So, if you, if you cover that part of the body, you can regain some of the sensation now.
Starting point is 01:04:15 That's another thing that people who do restoration talk about. And like, you could run this experiment yourself. I know one guy who got involved in, in this issue, when he's just read these claims, he's like read these claims he's like, that's ridiculous. That can't be true. So we just literally tried covering his penis for like three weeks continuously. And with one of the covering the sensitivity was so much higher. What did he cover? It was gone. Like a condom? I think so, yeah. Huh. And his sensitivity jumped up even in that.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Yeah. I mean, that's really because he wasn't jerking off. That's really what it's all about, right? Getting it, making better sacks. Yeah. That's what all this is. Well, I mean, what about these big parts of it? I mean, what about these big parts of it?
Starting point is 01:04:56 Sales techniques, too. Because that was, honestly, that was the most fucked up part to me. It also sounds like a veterinary clinic, you know, where they're just like, like, you're kind of a bad owner if you don't do this Expensive exploratory surgery. It's like it's a dog. It's 1100 bucks. Yeah. Sorry. What'd you say, Brandon? Those those shame parents. I mean, I know that when I've talked to my parents about that's what happened to them The doctor basically told them you're an idiot if you don't do this Hmm, you know, there's something wrong with you or abnormal if you don't
Starting point is 01:05:23 Um hospitals and doctors are required to give what's called informed consent. So if you go in for any other procedure that you're, they're expected to tell you what any reasonable person would want to know, right? So there might be these risks to the surgery. We might be, we do it for these reasons. Here's how it could go wrong. None of that. None of that is given in the case of circumcision.
Starting point is 01:05:41 It's just, would you like your child circumcised? Yeah. And the most of the information we're talking about is never shared. It really isn't. I got to remember specifically when it happens on, because the worst part is, it's all of this, like all of this shit exists everywhere.
Starting point is 01:05:54 All of this information exists anywhere and you can sit on Google all day and research it for hours. But when it happens, it will be at the end of nine months of being terrified about bringing a baby into the world and worrying about all this shit and after labor, after you've got your wife's snatch turned inside out and there's a new screening version of you and there's blood and viscera everywhere.
Starting point is 01:06:16 That's when they'll put and you've been up for three days. That's when they'll pop you with, so you want to, you want to, you want to slap his force enough. We got to do it with the guys, I mean, the guys out the door and we don't know, then you got to come back and you don't want to, you just like, yeah, I mean, you wanna slap his force and if we gotta do it with the guys, I mean, the guys out the door and we don't know, then you gotta come back and you don't wanna, then you're just like, yeah, I mean, it's like the most vulnerable time of the fucking, that's when you get asked.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Like that's when it has to change is, no. And nobody has that, I don't even have that kind of fortitude. Like, if that, I mean, I do, I would say, no, fuck no, if you touch my baby's penis, I'll, oh, and I already knocked out the doctor who delivered the baby for looking at 80s girls' snatched, right? I'll knock you out as well, you Jewish fuck. Give you a real circumcision.
Starting point is 01:06:55 I'll circumcise your, never mind. So what do you think is the change? Yeah, they'll do it too. Sometimes when the woman is still under the influence of whatever drugs she used in delivering the baby yeah and and there's actually there was a lawsuit about this recover in the home where uh... the lawyer and what there was a there's a man who sued as an adult saying i didn't consent to this so this is a violation of my rights
Starting point is 01:07:22 i think i read about it oh shit the i think they found out that the the his mom was asked what she's still under the influence of these drugs and his lawyer argued you know it can't you can't obtain consent from someone who's under the influence of these mind altering drugs yeah that that is not you know so there's this weird sort of like they mean we we talk about high pressure sales taxes but there's also sort of like they mean we we talk about high pressure sales taxes but there's also sort of like
Starting point is 01:07:46 a fat boy sales tactic involved in asking a woman under the influence of drugs if she's going to consent to something right yeah so there has to be a whole change to this issue on a lot of different layers yeah to be um... i mean even the idea that a parent can give consent for their child you can't consent to removing any other body part of your child. It's not like what would you like his ears taken off
Starting point is 01:08:10 or would you like his nose taken off would you like one of his feet taken off. If a doctor won't do that, if he's suggestions, you'd throw him out of the office. And you can't abort it. Like one side of the abortion argument is like, no, it's the living thing. So how the fuck can you,
Starting point is 01:08:22 that it doesn't have a choice in the matter? How the fuck can you cut it stick off then? Yeah, right? How those shouldn't, those guys be a little more. I'm gonna start newborn childhood. So, all right, what's up? Well, in the case of this,
Starting point is 01:08:34 everyone agrees that a newborn child is living human. Are you sure? Yeah. All the rights that a human being has. So, there's a, I mean, there's a lot of people who actually will just make the argument, you know, my body, my choice, in the case of men, that this is men's bodies. And it's funny because you'll say that and people almost don't even realize that men have
Starting point is 01:08:54 bodies, they would have choices about because this takes place in the area of birth and doctorate. That's an interesting. That's interesting. The mother as their patient. Yeah. Less than 10% of the, I never thought I'd be like, yeah, Asian, of course they don't have that. Did you find in your research any benefits to it? Is there any-
Starting point is 01:09:13 Less cancer, Is there any- Because I've heard that. Like, I mean, is there any credible research that, because it's, you know, I mean, that's the thing. It's like, is it- Is it credible or not? Is it stand up to scrutiny?
Starting point is 01:09:24 Does it, is there anything any benefits minor or not to it? I mean, if I hope women like it, like them circumcise, because that's a great reason not to do it. Right? That's a gift. You give your son for the rest of your life. Like check this out. Oh, you excited to see my cock?
Starting point is 01:09:41 How about this fucking aunt eater right in your face? Sorry. Go ahead. So there two questions there. What about women's preferences and then potential benefits? Yeah. Yeah. On women's preferences, again, it depends on the culture the woman comes from. When I interviewed women, what lot of culture where they like to lip off a lot about their preferences like america uh... right in america it's changing though so yeah right now the circumstances rate is around fifty percent uh... women growing up today are going to have half the men that they know
Starting point is 01:10:20 being intact uh... and so i think that that you talk to women about their preferences, often the people who are vocally in support of circumcision are women, you know, past their 40s from a culture where this was extremely common, it was the majority of America men. So old women prefer, old women prefer circumcised penises is what you're saying I think people prefer what they know I but I think I Whatever cultural bar what I'm saying is old women prefer circumcised penises. That's how you fix this You know, he's trying to give you honest answers and all you're doing is fucking around
Starting point is 01:11:03 I'm enjoying uh... i know you that's interesting i i i fully i'm knowledge that there is many there are many jokes to be made on this issue like i i you know one of again one of the interview subject i talked to talk about it was a really big leap for him to go in public and talk honestly about his feet right there's like a huge you know and and I, like, there's a million ways to joke about this.
Starting point is 01:11:28 I fully agree. Yeah. Um, it's just, you know, the part of the challenge of it is I think people feel like they know a lot about it because they go, well, I'm circumcised. Yeah. Nothing wrong with me. Like, right.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Exactly. And so they have no compassion for their limited experience and that they've done no research on them. And they assume, well, that must be scientific knowledge. And by the way, you were asking earlier about potential benefits like that. So I interviewed both sides in the documentary. I interviewed all the top people who
Starting point is 01:11:59 are working against circumcision and all the top people who are pro-circumcision. And so I interviewed people from the American Academy of Pediatrics from Johns Hopkins University, from a number of different places. And the difficulty with the claims of benefits is that they're really, they fit really succinctly in a headline, right? So like circumcision prevents this and you see that and you really can go, well, I'm circumcised and I don't want to get that disease.
Starting point is 01:12:25 So that sounds really good. But most people don't get into the data. And when you get into the data of these studies, it's really species. Yeah. There's a lot of statistical manipulation and the benefits are not really that compelling. Why do they want to, why do they so obsessed with cutting four skins off like what is the motive for this whole stupid industry what started as a religious right yeah it's multiple applications I've heard the one that I personally find the most convincing is that if doctors groups were
Starting point is 01:13:00 to stop doing this and say we were wrong we did this thing that was actually harmful yeah then they would be legally liable were to stop doing this and say we were wrong. We did this thing that was actually harmful. Yeah. Then they would be legally liable for that malpractice. So they can't admit it. Because they'd be on the hook for the latest data from the American Academy of Pediatrics is basically, you know, they were very temperate as well. There's not enough reasons to recommend it, but there's maybe some benefits. so it's up to the parent. Of course, so they can't admit it. Fucking lawyers, fucking lawyers.
Starting point is 01:13:31 There's also the psychological, too, of like, okay, if I did this to my kids, or I did this as a doctor, it was wrong. What does that mean about me? Like, who am I as a person then? So there's all sorts of cultural resistance. I mean, it's the same thing in cultures that practice female circumcision.
Starting point is 01:13:50 They'll say, you know, if you talk to the women from those cultures, they'll say, I'm fine with it. I'm cleaner for it. I'm healthier for it. I sex life is better. This is just what we do. This is part of our culture. And it's very similar arguments.
Starting point is 01:14:03 And so part of the challenge of this is it's not just that you're dealing with this really powerful system that has lots of money flowing through it, but you're also dealing with psychological change in changing culture. And that's a whole that's a good ass motive. I buy that. Is it a somebody I've read this somewhere? Is it a Jewish conspiracy because they eat the kids for scum i read that on the website somewhere i read you don't have to just wink for yes for the majority of circumstances in america this really calmer
Starting point is 01:14:34 and and right so if you go to the midwest uh... there's not a whole lot of june people in the last year yeah yeah however
Starting point is 01:14:43 with their efforts to ban circumcision or somehow change the laws around it, Jewish groups are the first to say, you can't do that. That's our religion, and you're anti-Semitic if you criticize this press. And that's what's happening in Iceland where they're trying to ban circumcision. And then there's like three Jews in Iceland. Right, but for, it's very threatening to larger Jewish groups, even though there's a tiny, tiny minority in that country, and there's a lot of influence that they have everywhere. Turn them already everywhere. If you want to accept it in the media, if you want to get on the opposite side of penises,
Starting point is 01:15:24 yeah, I'm anti-whatever you got. So keep the, keep the, keep the oil in the shears away from the boy, young boy penises. How about that? We don't need to call, we don't need to label it anything, right? Right. And the people you talk to who are working on the issue of circumcision will say, like, you don't have anything against anyone, we actually want every child to be protected.
Starting point is 01:15:48 We want Jewish children to have the right to their own body. We want Muslim children to have the right to their own body. Sure. I think it's choose later to do it. And so, yeah, why not? Take it again. They can choose later to do it. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:16:01 And that's the thing too, is that, you know, they'll make this argument that it's my religious right to cut this part of my child off. But it's also the child's religious right to make his own decision. Yeah, it's like there's abortion there. You can't tattoo a cross on your child. No. Because your Muslim can't circumcise your daughter. So, and there's lots of Jewish activists who actually say, I have the right to my own body too. Like, it doesn't matter that my parents have this belief. I have the right to my own body, too. It doesn't matter that my parents have this belief. I have the right to make my own choice.
Starting point is 01:16:29 All right, the film is called American Circumcision. Very interesting. Yes. Very interesting. I got to go watch it because I need more ammo. I don't have... It is if you want to check it out. I haven't had a strong opinion other than i've read you know purported health
Starting point is 01:16:47 benefits or you know like the lower cancer and you know but without really delving into it because exactly what brand and saying it's like well i'm circumcised so what am i going to do about it you know i mean like it's just what i can't have other people i can't just get my foreskin back on on on with life but the thing is, is we're naturally we are uncircumcised. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Over millions and millions of years of, of development. Yeah. You know, it's like there's, I would guess there's a reason for that. Yeah. Otherwise, it's, yeah, so you can check off the lotion right? It's a little weird, like uncircumcised. You know, you wouldn't call a woman unmasectomy, right? It's true.
Starting point is 01:17:28 You'd call them intact, whole, natural. But even our language is set up where we kind of make it a weird thing to have your entire body. There's a lot of things that you're un, like, you know, you're unlabotomyed, right? Yeah, that's true. You actually have the whole body you were born with. And so, there even has to, I think, be a change in language in terms of how we perceive
Starting point is 01:17:51 that as intact or whole or natural. I mean, just think of all the, we could sell accessories, like you could be dazzled, your foreskin, think about the new markets that could come up in America with foreskin. It is a very strange thing that we just cut America. Normally, just regularly just take off. I'm part of a kid right after they're born. I'd be a bigger proponent of this, but I'm worried that people would think I'm gay
Starting point is 01:18:15 because I'm talking about Dix so much. That's probably in the collective conscience as well. We wouldn't want that. We wouldn't want that. Yeah, there's all these things that people will do to shame men. Yeah. You talk about the issues that they have, right? Like your week, your
Starting point is 01:18:28 pussy, your somehow secretly gay. And I feel like the, you know, masculinity is in many ways. And our conception of manhood is about being willing to sacrifice your own comfort for the good of the tribe. So men go to war and they sacrifice their safety and comfort to do that for the good of the people they're defending. They'll become firefighters or policemen. They'll sacrifice their comfort to do that. They'll work difficult jobs.
Starting point is 01:18:54 When we think about like really, you know, our conception of masculinity, it's this willingness to do something difficult. You got to listen to women in their fucking problems all the time. To do. To like actually talk about women and their fucking problems all the time. To do. Yeah. To actually talk about the ways in which you've been harmed. And at the same time, it's also going to benefit your tribe. It's going to benefit the future children that you have in future generations.
Starting point is 01:19:15 So I kind of feel like whatever discomfort we have in terms of our willingness to talk about this issue or to speak honestly about it. That's just something that we have to overcome for the good of the next generation, for the good of the people who matter to us. I agree. I don't care if people think I'm gay, I agree. And just for the record, just for the record, firefighters become firefighters for the pussy.
Starting point is 01:19:37 No other reason. Don't let them fool you. All right, Renan, thanks a lot for calling in, man. American, American circumcision. This is the story of how circumcising is a Jewish conspiracy, very interesting. Just kidding, obviously. All right, thanks, man.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Good luck. Good luck. Yeah, yeah, thank you. Very interesting. All right, I'm gonna play a song here, and then I think Sargon's in the chat. All right, terrific. I think I've fucked up the... Is Taylor right, terrific. I think I fucked up the...
Starting point is 01:20:05 Taylor still here? Taylor, are you still here, buddy? Yeah, I'm still here. I can hop off of you guys, want me to? No, stay on. I keep trying to, didn't want to keep trying to joke because I was stepping all over and I felt bad. I don't know why the audio was working like that.
Starting point is 01:20:18 I guess Skype and Discord don't talk to each other. Yeah, I mean, he was... It's hard to say it silently when you have so many dick points. Brandon was lower than him, like on R, you know, which I, I guess I could have Brandon turn himself up. But still, it didn't sound like he was hearing Brandon very well at all. Probably less than we were.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Too much foreskin in his ears. Oh, I'm going to try that. I'm going to try wrapping my dick in aluminum foil to see if I get some sensation back real week. Is that what he was saying to do? Then go on a couple flights or something, you know? Let's see what happens. All right, this, here's a song that, let me see who sent this in.
Starting point is 01:20:52 This is Andreas sent this in. It's a catchy country cuck-tune. Oh, not about that. Well, sounds terrific. Play this song and then... Cuck! Cuck! Cuck! Cuck! Cuck!
Starting point is 01:21:07 Not many people know what the word Cuck needs. Cuck! Cuck! I don't know this is a song. Who enjoys watching my significant other, having sex with another person. There we go. Cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck That's pretty funny. That's Maddox. Listen. Cog, Cog, Cog!
Starting point is 01:21:53 We've watched Mime's significant other having sex with another person. Cog, Cog, Cog! We've watched Mime's significant other having sex with another person. I would always watch my significant other having sex with another person. It's good. Like it. I'm just going to hear how the rest of the day, my significant other having sex with another person. I don't have time for act two. Very good. Very good. Oh Cock, cock, cock, cock, cock. All right, all right. I don't have time for act two. Very good. Very good. Very good. Very good.
Starting point is 01:22:29 You guys get the best like high quality like listener stuff. It's awesome. Like the songs you guys get are are. Have you heard the album? The Dixiel album. I listened to some of Cuxmas carols. Is that a different one? Yeah, the Dixio album is actually good. Yeah, I mean, I mean, I see Rios is as funny, but the Dixio album is like 24 hours at work, just kidding, just kidding, everybody. He talked about that on our show as he was sweating so much. He outranked me on PKA, too.
Starting point is 01:23:01 I saw that and I don't know what the fucking ranking list that is because it only had like 25 people on there. Something on fucking Reddit. I never get a fair shake on Reddit. Everybody hates me on Reddit. Really? I think Reddit has a lot of like measured discussion, especially in politics. No, they're all cucks. Just kidding Because Keanu, you know what I mean? You're just kidding. That's gonna be on my Advent calendar, pull it out, or read it, just culturally appropriate
Starting point is 01:23:31 that she had had to read it that day. Now they were critical to the last two episodes because of the politics, but they do. They're left leaning. You think Reddit is left leaning? Oh yeah. Yeah. Big time. For Reddit is left leaning? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Big time.
Starting point is 01:23:47 For this show, I mean, Reddit over all. In general, I'll read it over all this. Yeah, maybe so. I don't know. I don't spend any time on Reddit. Yeah, but this isn't really like a political show at all. It's more like just, I know I have to stay away from politics. But sometimes it's current.
Starting point is 01:24:00 It's sometimes things are current and they get talked about. And it's like it just just the show has traditionally never been Based in politics, which is which is a good thing because everybody needs a fucking break Yeah, and it's like I thought that due process was not really a left or right thing. Yeah Yeah, yeah, I made that mistake Well, I know but I was being an asshole Everything gets politicized. All right, let me let me bring Sargon on here Mr. Sargon of a cot, are you there?
Starting point is 01:24:26 I am. How are you going? Hey, how are you, sir? I'm very going in. How are you? Great. You've got Sean, the audio engineer is also here in tailors on the discord. Hello.
Starting point is 01:24:36 From the painkiller already. Hi, Sargon. So, mostly you champs. Sargon, I was watching your, I was watching your post Ralph Retort video where you champs. Sorry, I was watching your, I was watching your post Ralph Retort video where you wrap up and I was shocked to hear my name come up. Oh, well.
Starting point is 01:24:52 You were talking about the Dr. Philip parents. Dude, it was amazing. Thank you. And I'm not kidding. I was stoned when someone sent it to me. It was a few years ago now, but I was really stoned around a friend's house. And I was just watching this in peels of laughter. It was unfurling, unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:25:08 How you are out arguing them on the spot from the position of misogyny, and they were basically letting you win. Yeah. I like that dude. That is fucking amazing. Yeah, that was crazy. It's crazy how many people have seen that fucking video. That stupid video, like millions of views, and then it'll just come up in conversation.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Like Bill Burr was talking about it. I'm like, no fucking way. So weird to imagine guys like Bill Burr started to just sit in there and they come across this stupid jackass video that I did 10 years ago. You know, Well, because you out of the mail the entire room. Like you just went in there and like, Dr. Phil, that dumb jackass, you didn't know what to do. Like, it was great. I wish people would do that more. It's because they couldn't believe a fucking word they were hearing.
Starting point is 01:25:49 And you were making like a here and argument, even though it was a really offensive one, and they had nothing to review with. It was amazing. Well, you didn't give them a foothold either. Like, when they said like, you're a sexist or you're a misogynist racist or whatever the hell, you didn't go, no, actually, and here's why you said, yeah. Absolutely. In fact, it's much worse than what you thought it was.
Starting point is 01:26:09 It's your improv background. Yes, and, yeah. It was before improv. That UCB took some of the starch out of me. Yeah, that made me dumber and not as funny. Yeah. It's just being a prick. Like, I grew up being a prick.
Starting point is 01:26:22 That's what pricks do. Yeah. I think, like, oh, yeah, you think you're angry now? Wait till you hear this shit, because it's so easy to say words that drive people insane. I know, well you'll discover that. I guess that's probably a toddler. Oh, you, and to have that power over someone.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Yeah. Like, no, it's, make them lose their shit. It's worth more than money, It's worth more than strength. Like someone can be beating you, someone can be beating the shit out of you and the right words. You can make them feel worse. They will feel worse about themselves than you do.
Starting point is 01:26:56 I know you know something about that, Sargon. Well, that's kind of something I have to live with on a daily basis. And I, you know, inwardly smile whenever someone brings up a certain tweet I sent to a British MP. Because the, the, the jewel of this was, I knew it wasn't a threat. And I, I, I spent an hour of deliberating on whether I'd, I'd say I wouldn't rape you or I wouldn't even rape you.
Starting point is 01:27:17 And after, after an hour's worth of deliberation, because in my country we've got hate speech laws and things like. Yeah, so man, I know. You know, I, we actually, you know, I actually have to be careful of this or shit. We don't have a fucking first amendment, you know. Yeah, you don't have any banter license. Yeah, we literally need a permit and it's always denied.
Starting point is 01:27:34 So, sorry, I need a permit for what? To just say rude things on the internet. You can get a permit to say rude, shouldn't the internet? No, I'm not. Things would actually be better if we could get a permit to say rude, show me internet. No, I'm not. Things would actually be better if we could get a permit to say good things, because then I would buy it. But the thing is, if I say I wouldn't even, obviously it's more offensive,
Starting point is 01:27:55 but am I gonna get in legal trouble for it? And I was like, no, I don't reckon I will. It take the risk, right? And Twitter actually came down on my side on that, because obviously she was like, Twitter have to ban this person. That's't go like this doesn't violate our policies. Yeah, but you know, Daniel is called in before and his, his fucking stupid joke was more innocuous than the one you just told.
Starting point is 01:28:15 And now he's maybe going to prison. I mean, was that the guy with the Hitler dog group? Yeah, the Hitler, Hitler pug, the Nazi pug. I don't know all the, the e-drama going on. That's all they do. That's fucking not e-drama motherfucker. That is a massive civil rights violation.
Starting point is 01:28:32 He's going to fucking prison for a joke. I saw you. Well, that's been decided though, hasn't it? Well, he got to find, but he says he's not paying the fine. Well, yeah, and he's going to appeal, because he needs... No, he lost the appeal. Oh, really? Sorry, yeah, and he's going to appeal, because he needs, no, he lost the appeal. Oh, really? Sorry, Gun, is that right?
Starting point is 01:28:47 I know you're close. I know you're in Daniel. Yeah. Good God. So what is his contract to do with your apartment now? What's his actual punishment of training a dog to see Kyle? If he does the pay a fine currently, sorry, $800, so about $1,000, probably.
Starting point is 01:29:00 That's like $400. That's $400? Yeah. And if he doesn't pay it, then he's probably going to face jail and he's insisting he's not going to pay it, which I think is absolutely commendable. And so, man, I, you know what, I got to tell you that I disagree. Oh, why? Because it's, I think it's, I think it's like romantic.
Starting point is 01:29:19 It's this like male chivalry thing to sacrifice ourselves and each other, but I fucking out of Daniela pays it because that is the mother of mother of mother's life. Yeah, I mean. You're much more pragmatic about it. No, that sounds pretty, I know, wait, what? Fuck him. I would do the sound, but I'm not paying that.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Cause I mean, how long can they really give you in prison for not paying 800 pounds? Forever! Well, I mean, it's a government, right? They can keep you in there. No, they're not gonna give you, like, you know, it can't be more like a month or two, you know, a few months or most, I reckon.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Oh, really? I mean, most of his career is doing this now, right? Like, seems like that might kind of screw him. It would take away his credibility if he paid it, right? If his big thing is like, fuck, no, I'm not doing that. Like, I'm not playing by those rules. Well, I don't think it's a big thing. Well, maybe it is a big thing, but like,
Starting point is 01:30:03 I don't speak from anything, but I mean, he's a good comedian either way. So if he did, not a mention dog trainer. Great dog trainer. People have understood, you know, they're like, well, you know, they are threatening him with prison. But the fact that he's going to stand on principle on this and be like, you know, fuck it, I'm not paying this.
Starting point is 01:30:19 This is a genuine moral wrong. And I'm going to follow my conscience on it. I mean, that is way more commendable than not, obviously. Yeah, I guess I got a hard time with guys sacrificing. If it's only a month though, I could see that because he'll be immortal after that. He can't be that long. It can't be that long. Unless a Muslim shives him when he's in prison.
Starting point is 01:30:36 That's shit. But he did his own Muslims. I mean, a lot of Muslims would agree with the message. Oh, and that's true. Maybe he'll be the head of the game. He know what he should do is he should train his pug to dress up like him and send the pug to prison. And then when the pug gets out, he's like, that takes off the mask. Because that was it was the pug all along. Yeah, that's an aunt. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:59 It was a bunch of absolutely hilarious. There were a bunch of, there were a bunch of of animal rights SJWs who were complaining and they were saying that he had abused the pug by teaching Nazi slogans as if the pug is now somehow damaged because it's responding to the words of Hitler and it's like, that's ridiculous. I love the whole thing. Is that real?
Starting point is 01:31:18 It's just, it makes me feel more gratified for thinking worse of people. Like it gratifies my deep Miss Anthem fee, you know, that's the right word, right? Yeah. Yeah Yeah, it is your country Let's see the I saw you The reason you're the reason people know you are is because of gamer gate. I would say is that right? Oh No, I don't think people even remember is because of gamer gate, I would say, is that right? Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:31:45 I don't think people even remember game game now. No, I remember it. Oh, I'm like, by the end of the game, I probably had like 100,000, 150,000 subscribers, something like that. Yeah. So I only bring it up because I remember you sitting in Anita Sarkezi's panel and her losing her mind.
Starting point is 01:32:04 Like you sat up in the front of it because she's she's this girl that just she makes all of her money shitting on saying that video games are sexist and carrying on like a truck and that way big on that she she everyone sexist everyone's racist sure everything's awful yeah that was that was really funny I saw you sitting there because you got sitting right in the front row and she's losing her fucking mind. And then you met Steve Bannon recently, right? I did. What was his, what is he like? He's a very charismatic man. Yeah. He's very interesting. I'm a god, man. He can talk. But you know, he'll tell you a few things, you know, that you wouldn't otherwise
Starting point is 01:32:45 have thought would, you know, would be something that happens at these sort of levels. But I, you know, I also can't say anything in particular. Is he pissed at Trump? As he pissed at getting kicked out of the White House? No, no, no, no, that's all. I don't think he liked it in the White House at all. I think that for him him that was a sort of a stifling and constraining environment. That sounds right. Yeah, I mean honestly, I got a lot of,
Starting point is 01:33:11 I felt a lot of like the the attitude towards things that I have when I'm doing things. I'm very like goal oriented. Yeah. I'm doing all this sort of stuff. And he is as well, I think. Yeah. And so like, you know, to get hung up on like petty, so and so said this, and I'm so offended, you know, that's, it's, you know, just go straight off his back, you know, because he's interested in actually making changes. So, um, what do you guys talk about? Can you say any, what do you guys talk about while you were there? Oh, well, in the interview, or yeah, yeah. Oh, all sorts of stuff. Just his worldview and like the way he views society, international relations, the individual actors involved
Starting point is 01:33:51 from his personal experiences, the very sort of social groups of forming on the internet and coming into the fore and that people end up paying attention to. I mean, he's got his finger on the pulse. Did you like him? Like, did you leave there being like, this guy's all right.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Yeah, yeah, honestly, I had a really great time. And I really hope I get to sit down with him again, because he's like, he's like going to the bar with your grandfather or something like that, you know. I don't think you would like to. Let me tell you about the way he's wearing some time in bars. Yeah. Yeah, me and my grandpa go and do it.
Starting point is 01:34:21 You know what? I'm looking at Google image just of his face. Is he the kind of guy who's way uglier in person? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Now he looks a lot more like healthy, you know, back then he looked pretty sick. He looked like shit. He looked like he looked like palpatine and he's easy to make him out.
Starting point is 01:34:48 He looked like he was smoking cigarettes three or four at a time back then. He probably fucking was dude, he was in the white house, I must have been hell. Yeah. I also see liver spots cropping up on him. Yeah, yeah. Like, really shocked. Liver spots were just moving around in his face. He was really, really, really interesting guy.
Starting point is 01:35:04 He was really, really nice, you know, he was really decent guy. You guys saw you met Farage too. You can't Farage the Farage. I fucking love that guy. Dude, I fan boyed. I couldn't stop myself. I was just like, when you, no, but it was like,
Starting point is 01:35:17 like going into the EU parliament and then saying, look, 25 years ago, I came here and I said, I'm gonna get Britain out of the EU and you will laugh to me. And then pause, you aren't laughing now. Yeah. He's so funny. He's like, enjoys being a bad guy, you know? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:33 Like, he's like, imper-palpatine, right? Like, he tweeted at somebody, somebody, the night before the exit vote, somebody, tweet, some random guy tweeted, I hope I don't wake up to Nigel Farage's smiling face, meaning the exit passed. And he's woke eight hours later. He tweets, waky, waky with a big ex-a-maybe. He's such a cocksacker. That's great.
Starting point is 01:35:56 That's pretty amazing. So the other thing. The other thing. Nigel Farage and that blonde British politician with the terrible hair, anything about what I've ever believed, it doesn't my two favorite across the pond. Boris Johnson. Yeah, he looks like a bruiser. He is an absolute mad lad.
Starting point is 01:36:13 I also saw you on Maddox's show the best debate a while ago. Did you know that Maddox sued me for $360 million and cost another guy's job over it? Did you know that Maddox sued me for $360 million and cost another guy's job over it? Did you know about that? No, I had no idea when I did that in fear. I've heard stories and things have happened since. But why is he doing that? We don't know, but it's the weirdest fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:36:41 And I wanted to ask you this before you came on because absolutely no one will talk about it. And like people go on his show, they don't mention it, they block me when I ask them. It is like being a fucking unperson among the YouTube personality crowd. It's so fucking weird, man. He sued me for $380 as $60 million wasn't.
Starting point is 01:37:04 And he sued a guy, this is one of the most despicable things I've ever seen. He sued this guy called Asterios and his company and the lawyer that is on retainer at the company. So the company would have to hire outside counsel and take a bunch of, spend a bunch of money on this. And he sued Patreon. And he sued Patreon to de-platform me.
Starting point is 01:37:25 And he pretended to be a journalist. Maddox did this. He pretended to be a female journalist, emailed all the female executives at Weber-Shanwick, the billion dollar PR company, and made up a bunch of, and ascribed a bunch of misogynist quotes to Asterios,
Starting point is 01:37:42 pretending that he was gonna write a story about the alt-right and why are they still employing this guy? It's like the most Super villainy convoluted Despicable fucking thing I've ever it's like and it's all come come come come come come come come come come come Yeah, it's signed an affidavit saying like there's legal documents There was a court trial it is Shakespearean in its and in its epicness in its size. And for the life of me, I can't get one fucking YouTube guy to even ask Maddox why he's doing this or tell him to fucking stop. It's drive, it's driven me insane,
Starting point is 01:38:15 Sorgon. I gotta tell you. Dude, I have no idea about any of this. Like, like, you know, I've heard that you and him were like, so he was suing you for some reason, but nobody, nobody had any real details. This is fucking nuts. Like, what have you actually done wrong? Nothing. I fucked the love of his life. Right.
Starting point is 01:38:33 That's what this is. You know exactly what he's doing now. Jesus. Yeah, I do. That's what, that's what started all of this. He was a girl that he had broken up with years before. Years before. He didn't even know about it. It was a girl that he had broken up with years before. He didn't even know
Starting point is 01:38:45 about it. He was a secret because he's a child. But it's this show kind of took off. Yeah, this show took off and I shit you not. This guy, Asterios released a comedy album called Cucksmith's Carols where he just calls Maddox a Cuck to royalty-free Christmas music. It was in January. It wasn't even the right fucking time of year that he released it because he's fucking lazy. And what did Maddox do to him? Or what did George, I'm never calling him Maddox again. No, because you have to realize
Starting point is 01:39:16 that this guy, George O'Zoonian, is a sick guy. Yeah, he's a sick, he has a fucking mental disorder to do this. And it's like, Maddox is a fucking character. Like, people have to remember that this guy, George, is out there and he's fucking dangerous. Yeah. Yeah, he sued, he literally sued the guy because he called him a cuck. Like this was a, this was a courtroom, this was a trial where the judge made, the judge
Starting point is 01:39:44 made lawyers define what a cook is. That was a hilarious transcript to read. It's the most fucking hilarious thing in the world. I can't get any of these motherfuckers to talk about it. You know what I mean? It's trying to me fucking crazy, Sargon. Why do you think that is? Like I got to ask you, why do you think that none of them will talk about this shit?
Starting point is 01:40:04 Well, who are we talking about exactly? Who won't talk about it? Um, you know, you know Ms. Blair White, she was on Maddox's show, fucking last week, and I said, hey, ask him about the lawsuit that still, some of that shit is still pending, instantly blocked. Like what the fuck is, really?
Starting point is 01:40:19 What the hell is your problem? Like I even asked you nice, bitch. That's weird. I, man, I don't know. I don't really speak to like, there's like a kind of like LA crowd isn't there. Yeah sure is. Yeah. Where they go on each other shows, they're in the local area. And yeah, I don't speak to too many of them. No, it's not like the more anything. It's just that I think it's a geographic thing. Yeah. Lacey Green. It's like the name of the community that like isn't doing it for you. Is it like one community on YouTube or just like YouTube as a whole?
Starting point is 01:40:50 The skeptics. I think they're all skeptics, I don't know. I don't know all the ins and outs. I wouldn't say that. I think, I don't know, I mean a lot of them are in different interests. Well, not just politics, you know. It's, but I mean, yeah, some of them are I'm gonna talk to you about it like that's so weird because this is a great story. I know
Starting point is 01:41:09 It's because I'm an asshole. It's hilarious. It's because I'm a fucking asshole. That's it. Every time you come on our show I love the update Imagine being imagine telling someone like what's going on? Well, I'm being sued for $380 million. Yeah, yeah We've watched you know, yeah, that's nuts for $380 million. Yeah. It was, you know, it's like that. That's nuts. Um, I got some more questions for you, Sargon.
Starting point is 01:41:28 I saw you, I saw you on, I saw you in the Ralph report, like the Ralph Torrid, like I said, you wanted to get Trump to retweet gamer gate. Oh, yeah. Or were you serious about that? Deadly. I think you know, just had a fucking interview, Steve Bannon. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, you want to get true. What do you want him to retweet? Game I want I want Trump to tweet something along the lines of
Starting point is 01:41:51 Game of Gate did nothing wrong. Yeah, so you want Trump to also co-op the Hitler meme while he's doing it Gamarkade I'm gonna just just grenade everything from Sounds like it Why not? Stupid video game. I'm tired of just grenade everything from the bottom. That sounds like it. We were just, why not? You're more of a stupid video game. I'm tired of black, wibbid in life. The World War II video games,
Starting point is 01:42:11 it's out of control. I want all white, I want a real, historically accurate video games. I don't play them. I don't have time. I'm very busy. I ask anyone. I don't want to back it.
Starting point is 01:42:20 It did an elicit, it was right. So the subject itself really doesn't matter. Except the fact that the way they talk about game-a-gate, and they still talk about game-a-gate. I'm looking at this article from It was written on July the 24th this year, so it was only like four or five months ago. James Gunn's firing still shows
Starting point is 01:42:38 we're living in the game-a-gate era. Did he reference it? Yeah. I think you talked about this. I got a better idea though. I think we should get Trump to retweet no man. I think that's more relevant than gaming. Yeah, that would be interesting.
Starting point is 01:42:50 No man did nothing wrong. Well, let's let's line them all up. I want him to retweet. Let's let's let's is, I think he's like an evil genie though. Like if you try to make him do something, you will get your wish, but it will take your soul somehow, you know? Like he's like a, Trump is a monkey paw.
Starting point is 01:43:14 If you, he will grant you, he will give you what you want, but you will get fucked over like Twilight Zone style for asking for it, you know what I mean? Probably. But the thing, the thing with the it, I'm absolutely certain that the sort of left wing intelligentsia, they would just collectively shit a square brick. It would be all hands on deck and they would be freaking out because of just the ridiculous things they've sent about gaming games. Look
Starting point is 01:43:43 at the article headings, the way they frame it, I again. If you just like, look at the, look at the article headings that, you know, the way they frame it is, if, I don't know, just like, game against like the revenge of the Joker or something and he's come to take over. And then they Trump tweeted out, man, they would shit themselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:56 I also saw, I saw your video, I gotta be honest with you, I did not like when you called Mr. Met, Mr. Metaker a child groomer. No, I literally did that. Yeah, well, I haven't heard anything about this. I, did I call it up? It seemed, it's those,
Starting point is 01:44:12 yeah, those pedophile claims were a little much for me. I gotta tell you, I don't know anything about this. Yeah. That's not what grooming necessarily is. One of his big things is like calling that out, you see. Yeah. Well, I didn't say it was a pitiful. Right.
Starting point is 01:44:26 But the word grooming comes with the connotation. I don't know. I think it's really only if, I mean, it depends on the context it's used. Yeah. I mean, you don't start grooming someone at 20. Like, that's not people think. Well, that's not true. I mean, like, you mean, all throughout history,
Starting point is 01:44:45 people are groomed for leadership. This is just to prepare someone for something. I mean, normally, adults groom each other all the time. It's called mentoring, and they use different words. But, in fact, it's just preparing some of something. But when you're like 29 years old, and you hang out with a bunch of 14 year olds, instructing them on how to do this
Starting point is 01:45:02 and they're there, ops and stuff. Come on, you know, that's fucking weird. I mean, what are the, what are you like referring to him doing? I genuinely don't know. Well, that like, tell them people to do missions or something. Yeah, yeah, like some 29 year old guy hang around with a bunch of teenagers, like games do internet missions and stuff. Yeah, I got to be honest. I didn't get the whole beef between you guys.
Starting point is 01:45:29 None do I, to be honest. No. No. I love his videos. They're great. You've absolutely missed. Same thing to me. This video is really funny.
Starting point is 01:45:39 So I don't even know what it is that it, I don't know what it is that bothers him. I think it's because we were both like parts of Game of Gates and I'm trying to keep doing something afterwards. And I think afterwards he didn't really know it's do them. So you are getting a lot of hate online for it. I gotta tell you, I think the petal thing
Starting point is 01:46:00 was upsetting for people. It is because they can, they don't really know the definition of the word, that's all. Of grooming? Yeah. Yeah. What do you say? What do you think you hear from grooming?
Starting point is 01:46:12 Yeah, like if you say this person's grooming children, nobody thinks, ah, they're, he's teaching them how to do their taxes. No, yeah. They're resumes. Nobody thinks you're talking about it. They're doing their hair. No, I think it's a, well, but I, I, I always think of it as a, like a precursor to pedophilia, or I mean, pedophilia can be in your hair. No, I think it's a, well, but I, I, I, I always think of it as a, like, a precursor to pedophilia. Or, I mean, pedophilia can be in your mind. I mean, a pedophile doesn't have to act on pedophilia. It's not a pedophilia, it's in a lot of people's minds.
Starting point is 01:46:32 What the fuck are you guys feeling? Like, you, like, you groomed children in all the, you know, you know, no grooming can have thieves and stuff, you know? Sure. No grooming, yes, grooming can, can be wider than that. But the way that it at least has been used recently is there's even, there's even like legal verbiage that's used in the US for that, specifically relating to pedophilia. Yeah. It seemed like you wanted to call him a creep with Kate. I'm not from the US, so I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Right, right. In Britain, I mean, you know, there are grooming gangs in Britain that link the Peter Philly or as well. Yeah. And that's not the only reason you would use the term grooming. No, absolutely not. No, that's, yes, that is correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:13 That was a, that was a little, that was a long blow. I mean, when we talking earlier about using words to be deliberately inflammatory to piss people off. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. It seems I've still done nothing wrong. Yeah, everybody, I think people are reacting angrily. I think that when he said,
Starting point is 01:47:34 they're, they're, but their ignorance does, you know what I mean? Yeah, right? I mean, you could say, well, you're just ignorant of the term. You can tell you that doesn't mean, that doesn't change what I said or what the real definition is. He's saying words mean specific things. Or words can, or the same word can have multiple meanings.
Starting point is 01:47:52 I guess so. It was weird to see out of you because I thought you were like, you know, men's, I thought you were more on medicare's side, but then I see you calling the groomer and it's like, I don't think he's on anyone's side. I suppose that's true. I think he's more truth biased, fact biased.
Starting point is 01:48:12 If that's a side. Really don't think so? Yeah, it seems like he listens half the stuff he says. It's mostly implication, isn't it? He posts a lot of like chat logs and stuff like that that I've seen, but I haven't seen everything. I don't know, I don't follow the detail of the drama, but that that I've seen. But I haven't seen everything. I don't know. I don't follow the detail of the drama,
Starting point is 01:48:27 but whenever I've seen a video on something, it's like, wow, you know, they really get some nougan jogging, it really makes me think. And it's like, oh, it's just the implication. You haven't got any proof there. Yeah. I got a lot of people submitted a lot of questions
Starting point is 01:48:38 that wanted me to ask you to. A lot of them have to do with your personal life. Are you? Oh, do I have to talk about my personal life? They're asking about your personal life. Are you? Oh, do I have to talk about my personal life? They're asking about your personal life, yeah. It's weird, isn't it? It is weird. I'm not really interested in talking about my personal life with them.
Starting point is 01:48:52 I mean, like it's really weird. A lot of people kind of sound like wounded ex-girlfriends. Like, what do you want to know who are dating now? You know what I mean? Are you dating someone now? Well, I'm married, so not. Oh, you're married. Okay.
Starting point is 01:49:06 They're asking about that. Are you grooming anyone? I'm sorry, but if I'm worried. Are you grooming anyone? Yes. I think it's my wife to make dinner. Yeah. Specifically, somebody, I guess somebody sent me
Starting point is 01:49:20 a screenshot of a chat you were having. Oh, Jesus. Yeah, this is from Domé Pesos. He wants me to ask how big the penis of with the tranny you were flirting with on that chat. Well, I never found out. You never found out? No, no, I've cocked blocks long before by my wife.
Starting point is 01:49:39 I've no idea. Oh. Cocked blocked by you. She probably did you a favor then. You know, I mean, you know, you know, I can't tell what's real anymore. You can't, what do you mean you can't tell what's real Taylor? Yeah, like you're talking about the size of this trans dick. Yeah, you're flirting with.
Starting point is 01:49:59 Yeah, is this a real thing? Was it, did that happen? Was that real? No, no. Yeah, I was thinking like this seems ridiculous. I don't know. They just sent me a screenshot. We know screenshots.
Starting point is 01:50:11 Yeah, what it was, right? It was the first time I've really sort of spoken to Blowite. And I think it's right. I'm all for being polite about trans people. If they make an effort and go through all the motions and really make the effort, I think, okay, fine, I can say you're a she. You know, it's fine, you know. I'm not going to date someone like that because it's not my thing, but like, you know, no
Starting point is 01:50:35 judgment, if you are, that's fine. Cool, I don't care, you know. And blow white, obviously puts a lot of work into looking as good as blow white looks. And so it's a little more work into it. I'm sorry. She should put a little more into it in my opinion. Instead of blocking me, she should put a little more work into it. That's my, I'm going to go to the Google Playroom.
Starting point is 01:50:55 You look very beautiful to me, the way I was looking at it was as in like a compliment to the amount of work she'd done. Yeah. But I left like my screen share up on a stream or something, and my wife's sort, and then she's like, angry, I think I left that up on a fucking screen. Yeah, yeah. Was she really pissed?
Starting point is 01:51:14 She, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to like explain Lina, darling, I was, that's a man whose transition to becoming a woman. Okay. So it was probably not satiate her. Like that might make her a little little more questionable, right? There's a penis on the other end of this chat. Believe me.
Starting point is 01:51:30 Yeah. I would say you got a little bit of a jealousy problem going on there. She's still. Well, you know, you know, you got to keep on the toes, Mike. When you know that more than anyone. That is true. I hit on Sean all week every week to keep Beatty's girl. Yeah. Could you resist over here? I people wanted me to ask about candid to
Starting point is 01:51:44 an harmful opinion. Wait. He's grilled. Yeah, he resists. Yeah, he resists over here. People wanted me to ask about candid to an harmful opinion. Wait, I don't know why. Jesus. What? This is just, it's the most petty stuff I can imagine. Yeah. Welcome to the dick show.
Starting point is 01:51:58 Yeah, that's the dick show. I felt like I'm on the community tag. We had, we had a, what is Rocket Man? See an astrophysicist? He's an astrophysicist. He's multiple doctorates. He's in the astronaut training program. Right, like legitimate, works at Harvard.
Starting point is 01:52:15 The smartest guy will ever have in here to answer questions. Yeah, to answer questions. And everybody asked like, how do you take a shit in space? How do you joke off in space? I got half an inch of, you know, like, it was like, I was so pissed off. That's the more interesting question.
Starting point is 01:52:31 Yeah. How do you take a shit in space? They said, they got a little, you got a little hose. It was the, yeah. They'll show you, wow. They'll show you how to shit in space, but they never put in the videos, how to jerk off in space.
Starting point is 01:52:43 So that's what we wanted to know. And I thought he gave a very interesting explanation of not only can you not, not only, you have to deal with it like urine, but you also can't jerk off in the Antarctica Research Station. Yeah. What? No, why can't you do that?
Starting point is 01:52:58 Because the fluids, the fluids will fuck up their whole system. Like he went over it on the, I think he went over on the show. Yeah, but it's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated.
Starting point is 01:53:08 It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated.
Starting point is 01:53:16 It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated.
Starting point is 01:53:24 It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. It's very complicated. And they know suggesting that you went into a tissue or something like you have to get rid of that you can because you can't just there's not Just a trash can for tissues in space Yeah, I guess so these are yeah, there's a couple questions about harmful opinions and candid And mundane Matt that mother fucking mundane Matt was the first guy who came out in the lawsuit and said that I should be kicked off a Patreon that fucking guy. Yeah, he made a big video going through Maddox's lawsuit. And he I went through I think he's since deleted it, but I went through and counted all the times. He said, well, Patreon should probably should kick him off. He's a really that
Starting point is 01:54:03 he really fucking really pissed me off to be honest. What did he do to you? I'd never heard of Monday and Matt until that Medicare video came out and I watched it. And that is a vein that runs deep apparently because it was like a feature length film. And like I was, I was like really into it. Like I was like, I'll watch five minutes to see if I give a fuck. By the end, I'm like, yeah, yeah. Good job making sure this guy can't bully you with fake accounts
Starting point is 01:54:26 What was he doing DMCAing people? Yeah for your reason. Yeah, he took a bunch of people he flagged on my face It wasn't for no reason he was doing since feelings were it's even yeah, much worse And also being the dude is like all against it. That's yeah Yeah, it happened to him. Well, that seems to be going around a lot It is fucking is man guys getting their feelings hurt is going around a lot. Yeah, dude, tell me about it. I am only fuck your feelings, bandwagon, I don't care. Well, you know what, Sargon, the only thing is,
Starting point is 01:54:55 we have experience with the guys who get into the game, get into the bad guy game, Maddox specifically, right? Yeah, and then, and then they, it doesn't work out well for them when I when I saw you tear into Medicare I got to say my asshole Titan because I was I was worried about I was worried about you the pet of stuff I don't listen listen you're not I you're not a heel and my worry is I'm like oh is Sargon turning heel This is not gonna work. I know. Yeah, it's a wrestling term. It's a wrestling term for a guy who likes to be disliked. He likes people.
Starting point is 01:55:31 Oh, no, no, no, no. All right. Well, some people, I mean, you need it, but you know, by people I'm trying to stop, I guess. I don't mind if they dislike me. See, that's what I thought. And I didn't want you to turn that on the medical crowd because it's not gonna go the same.
Starting point is 01:55:45 Like, I get wanting to piss off the Anita Sarkeesian people and these journalists and shit, but they are not the same kind of people as the Medicare crowd and that's what made me worried. I was like, oh man, that's not good. The fall left are way more dangerous, man. The fall left can actually do stuff. That one's you shut down fucking Alex Jones, man.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Yeah, that's true. You know, like the Metzka crowd all the other trolls, it's like, okay, like, you know, that's fine. But they ain't gonna shut down your fucking channel. That's true. Let me see. I see the chat here. I don't think Kimball is, we get,
Starting point is 01:56:23 Kimball's asking questions. I don't think he means any of those questions. What? Um, I don't know. I can't see any of those questions. Well, well, um, all right, man, I do, I disagree with you on the medical pedal thing, but what the hell else can you say, you know?
Starting point is 01:56:38 I do appreciate you calling in and for watching my video. No, I need time. Honestly, thank you for your services to my sides. Yeah, that was fucking funny. Anytime. What makes you rage? I ask everybody to imagine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:55 You think about it. Everybody's got to think about it. Is Domé Pesos here? Yes. Yes. Who are we talking to now? I've done my pay so it's hopefully. I don't see him.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Oh. Yes. People wanted to, sorry, I got in. People wanted me to ask you about cocaine too. Jesus. If you have a coke problem, specifically, yeah, I don't know why they want me to have a mountain of on my desk all times. Why? That's a safe amount. Yeah. Why wouldn't I? Yeah, it's in the shape of the matter orange cocaine. What what?
Starting point is 01:57:36 What kind of cook doesn't use cocaine? Yeah, right? How did they get through the fucking day? I got I also got Nick Rikita want, wants me to ask you to come on his show. He's a lawyer. He's a, he's a very interesting guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Here.
Starting point is 01:57:51 Let me, let me have him on. I'm going to get Nick on here. Yeah. Hey, you can ask him yourself. Yeah. Hey, what's up, Sargon? Long time. First time caller.
Starting point is 01:57:59 Sure. What's good? I run a legal show. We talk about all sorts of legal topics and I was hoping you'd you'd come on and talk to me about your transition into politics. You know, just the stuff you had to face there. Of course, the lawsuit with Akila and any other legal issues you had. I like that people on just talk for, you know, an hour to three hours. However long they'll sit around and listen to me. So there you go. Nick, I'll DM you my email address. All right. That's great. That's why it's organized. Nick, you want to hang around and watch your meltdown on your nose. That would be great. All right. Stick around. Okay. I'll get right
Starting point is 01:58:42 back to you. All right, sorry, I got you got someone mixed with your rage? Well, I mean, there are loads of things that individually in small amounts make me fucking rage, but the thing that's actually genuinely starting to really boil my fucking piss at the moment is the walking dead. And I know that's like,
Starting point is 01:58:58 who the fuck still watches the walking dead? And the answer is me. I still fucking watch the walking dead. You're the guy. Yeah, no, I'm that one guy, right? I started at fucking season one, episode one. I've watched the whole fucking thing and I'm around season nine and it is utter whank.
Starting point is 01:59:13 And now I'm just like, well, I've started so I'm gonna finish. This is like about personal commitment now. What is in this shit? Oh, yeah, I hear you. You got, I won't start shows anymore because I know I have to, because I know I'll never be satisfied. Yeah, it's like the longer they go the worse they get watching any series is like starting
Starting point is 01:59:31 to jerk off knowing you're not going to come. Yeah. Yeah. I just got to the point that like when I see a new superhero movie announced, it makes me upset. Yeah. Like how many can there be? How many more?
Starting point is 01:59:44 I've been on my own individual superhero movie boycott for 10 years now I think the last one I saw was the Avengers one and every time it's the same thing It's like oh this time more characters so many of stressful on the cover, you know so many different people to exploit and take advantage of like It's just shit and everybody's like losing their mind for every one of them It's just shit and everybody's like losing their mind for every one of them. Like I can't be alone in this. No, no, I'm dude. I'm totally with you on that. I do not give a fuck about superhero movies. That's all. God, man, I bet this one goes where like halfway through doesn't look good.
Starting point is 02:00:16 Three quarters of the way through, everything looks like it's about over. Last second, golf comes together. Like, it's gonna be the same thing. All right. This guy can create cyclones. All right. Thank you. Thank you, Sargon.
Starting point is 02:00:29 I just, I don't, don't go down the bad guy route. Don't please don't attack Medicare anymore. I don't want to see you get, I don't want to see you get ripped and half by these people. I'm like, I'm the bad guy route. I don't know. I just get this feeling. You can't just get this feeling. You can't just get this feeling. Come on, come on. He must be open for a bit of fun.
Starting point is 02:00:46 No, I just get this. I get a bad feeling when I saw it. I'm like, oh man, this isn't right. Something about this isn't right. Sorry. I know something about bad feeling. Yeah. I mean, I'm a bad guy. I know what it takes to be a fucking bad guy. You got to love it. You got to wake up and want to do evil. I know what it to end. And'm watch I watched your video. Oh my god. Sorry guys. Not a bad guy. Don't be a fucking don't be a heal man. Don't be a heal. You got it. Go be go be the guy that talks about things. Don't fucking don't go in on the mob. They will tear you pieces. I will take your advice. Okay. Thank you. I'm actually working very hard on a proper video decent video. Okay. So I will I will return for that once we're finished.
Starting point is 02:01:26 That's what I want to see. All right, thank you. And let's get Trump to tweet, no, ma'am. Thank you for all I'm agree. Dude, if you want to go for that, I'm totally down for it. All right. I'm not joking. I think I can, like, I think we might be able to raise enough
Starting point is 02:01:40 noise if people just started doing it. Because I think one of the things that people don't understand is how politicians work. Because politicians, like, I went to the European Union Parliament. I joined UKIP and I met for our German. I went to the, I met a bunch of politicians and they all work in basically the same way. Essentially they get advisors to read everything,
Starting point is 02:01:57 interns, advisors, whoever it is. They themselves are always too busy because they're the actual figurehead. They're too busy to do all of these things themselves. They're going to places, the meeting people, they're talking always too busy because they're the actual figurehead. They're too busy to do all of these things themselves because they're going to places, they're meeting people, they're talking, they're just going, and so when a social group pops up or some phenomena comes up in the news
Starting point is 02:02:14 and they're like, oh God, what's this new thing? Then a bunch of people around them have to explain it to them in a way that they find plausible. They'll present them with a narrative. And then they'll be like, okay, that's the narrative of that thing. And so all we have to do is kind of just make them see this. And when they see it, they'll say, Oh God, okay, I need to know about that.
Starting point is 02:02:33 And then you present them with a narrative. It's actually a very simple process. And it's the one that the SJWs have used over and over and over. You know, I mean, you know, that's right. So that's what I want. That's what I want to hear from Sargon. Not Medi-Curse of Pedophile. There was, I'll take back any Medi-Curse of pedophiles. All right, thank you. Thank you. Anyway, thanks, man.
Starting point is 02:02:56 Thank you, Sargon. Have a good one, man. You two, man. Take care. There you go. Sargon. Very good. Interesting.
Starting point is 02:03:04 You didn't know about the Medicare stuff did you? No, no, I didn't. Really? I like him. He's an interesting guy though. He's like, he's measured. I don't see people go down a bad path. Oh no, I know.
Starting point is 02:03:15 Sean, I know what you, you don't, you don't fuck me. Because you do understand being a villain. Yeah. And it's not everyone's a villain. Not everyone's a villain. And you got to do you, even if you, I mean, kind of, you know, George thought for years he was a villain. He's not a villain. Not a villain.
Starting point is 02:03:33 You can't take it. No, not a villain. You have to be hated. You really have to want to be hated. Yeah. You have to be having a knight to be a villain. You have to be having a nice time and it annoys you. You have to be, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:03:47 And guys will, they will explain this. Like you ever see a guy at a party, the second he gets a couple beers in him, he just starts being an asshole. It's because he has a need in him to be hated. We have this, we've got to keep track of it too. Sure. And you learn to keep track of it over the years,
Starting point is 02:04:08 like, all right, I can't, I got to really watch my ass tonight because I need, I want to be booed. I want somebody to get right in my face and go, fuck you, you piece of shit. Like, ah, thank you. Yeah. Thank you, I need it.
Starting point is 02:04:20 I need a dominic trick through something like that. Were you that guy in your youth? Like, I still am that fucking guy. I still am that fucking guy. That's where the whole matter about the women thing comes from. That's where that comes from. Yeah. But if you don't have it, you can't do it.
Starting point is 02:04:34 No, don't do it. Don't fucking do it. You're gonna eat your guts. The bad guy, the actual villains will eat your fucking, they'll eat your insides. Okay, I'm gonna read this letter. See you guys. Um...
Starting point is 02:04:48 Is Nick there, too? Yeah, Nick is there, too. Do you wanna do Nick first? Do you wanna read this letter? Well, I don't know. Maybe Nick has stuff to do. Yeah, okay. Let me get him on.
Starting point is 02:04:56 Looking out for Nick. Hey, Nick, you there? Yeah, buddy. Alright, let's watch this video... Ha-ha mind. Dad losing his mind. So Nick had Ethan Van Seiver and this dude, young blues, what was his name? Jason Youngblooth. Jason Youngblooth, who turned out to be a massive prick online. I didn't know anything about this guy.
Starting point is 02:05:22 He's the creator and artist for Weapon Brown, which is like a Charlie Brown re-imagining. We got Charlie Brown in the post-apocalyptic future who murders everybody or something. Yeah, it was a cool comic. I read, I mean, you did out of that comic. I'm interested. It was online first, and I guess now he's selling it as a comic book, but he said that another comic sky
Starting point is 02:05:43 was basically a scam artist for getting support for comics gate, which is basically independent comics because the comic book industry has driven away their core customers by introducing. Yeah, they just take all the people who buy comics and call them Nazis, rapists, racists, and pedophiles. That would drive them away. Yeah. So they went on their own and they make their own comics and they r Nazis, rapists, racist and pedophiles. That would drive them away. Yeah. So they went on their own and they make their own comics
Starting point is 02:06:08 and they rake in the money, right? Because they don't call anybody Nazis. And so they're on Nick's show and the young blueth, the guy who's saying that comics gate is a big fraud and these guys doing independent comics are of all Nazis and whatever. He keeps saying, Faggot. Like he's, he keeps saying that other people
Starting point is 02:06:30 are calling people, Faggots. Like that's what, he, that's an important point that he needs to make for, but he keeps saying the word, which I'm only saying now, because we don't have a, there's no like N word for that word because we've already got an F word.
Starting point is 02:06:44 We need like, we need like a homo generic homosexual slur. Like, we need, we need some kind of name for that or else I have to say the book. Famos? So the context here is that he has said it twice on the show so far and I asked him politely the first two times not to, just because YouTube will demonetize the video for that word. Like I don't say it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:11 So I just stop fucking saying it because you, you, I'll get reported by people who are also, yeah, and he's also saying it in the context of you will say this to Ethan Van Skiver who won't. He doesn't say that. He just makes a shit though. He markets to LGBT specifically, as well as everybody.
Starting point is 02:07:31 He just wants to make money. Okay, I'm gonna play it now. What did it imply? So Nick finally loses his mind. Oh, that's pretty funny. Okay, here we go. I feel that that is something I should do for the people who so graciously give me cash.
Starting point is 02:07:48 So Jason, why don't you have the final word, and then we'll go ahead and close this out. All right, so let me begin this by repeating something I said earlier. Earlier in the debate, I was trying to speak for Comic State and I referred to Comic State speaking with the voice of calling people, you know, baggots Even at that time Well will strike my channel because they don't like me because of you saying a word that I
Starting point is 02:08:25 will not say on stream. I don't even say D-A-M-N on this stream. And you've said F-A-G-G-O-T three times. And I don't like he's my child. Stupid band or one stupid anti-comics skater who thinks that I'm some comics gay spokesman just because I gave a freaking legal opinion to come on and strike my stream Because of something you said so no because your stupid people your stupid side is so ridiculous that I have to Sensor my speech. No, you shut up Shut up! You shut up! You're done!
Starting point is 02:09:04 You're done! You're shut off! No! You're stupid fans and your stupid side will knock me off of the internet because of the jacket I want to say
Starting point is 02:09:14 I can't say words because of your stupid people not because of me not because of me and a stick of it I'm a free speech absolutist I think you should be able to say what is really on a roll you're on my stream and you're dropping words that will get me kicked off the internet and Demonitized me bite me buddy bite me. You've said that word that no one on this
Starting point is 02:09:41 You shut your mouth. You shut your mouth. No, I'm muting you again. You Don't come on my stream and say negative Derogatory labels about the LGBTQ community because you think we will You can get bent sir You can get bent, sir. You can't take it. Sir, but you will not come on here and drop that word that will get me kicked off the internet and ruin my livelihood. Back the F-O!
Starting point is 02:10:13 You're not saying you're hurting any of your gone. You're gone. You hear me? I'm done. You're in my house. Stop forgetting that. He's got WWM by the makers of fire that's for no you have one of the biggest names in comics gate and you're a virtual nobody in the comics industry you
Starting point is 02:10:36 shut your mouth no you're done I'm done he kept unmuting himself so He kept on muting himself. This is so fun. Get out. Get out. I'm done with you. I'm done with it. Give this guy the opportunity to talk to one of the biggest voices in Thomas G. I give him all the courtesy in the world. He comes onto my stream and says, F-A-G-G-O-T three times, fight me.
Starting point is 02:11:02 Get out. I'm done. Wow. If you are safe, I'm gonna debating someone who will reduce themselves to that kind of language. I'm done with it. I'm done with that I just gotta say in the work that guy no no the other Blue got what he's got saying it got a you know Feature The end of your nightmare now Those like when Flanders lost his mind in this.
Starting point is 02:11:25 That's priceless. You're right. You can get the dumbed. I'm totally done with you. Let me. So the context was at first, I wasn't all that mad. I was hamming it up, like playing a parody of the SJW reaction, taking things way out of context. I mean, taking things way out of context.
Starting point is 02:11:45 I mean, I was a little myth that he did it again, but when he unmuted himself after I had used it, the liquor took over and he, yeah, because that's in your face. Yeah. That's it. Insulance, defiance that'll always bring it out of you. Yeah. He, he, he, he, he, he were trashed in that. You were remarkably polemic. Well, he's a lawyer. Oh, he, he, you were trashed in that. You were remarkably polite.
Starting point is 02:12:05 Well, he's a lawyer. Oh, and one and one more thing, sir. Like, you're fucking, that's what I said. I was watching. I was like, Oh, man, I bet Nick would be a fucking nightmare in court because he'll ask you questions. And then he'll make, he'll argue against points that you probably would have made. And he, oh, he did it the he would ask a question for you can even and he does this all the time interviews people he'll ask a question and then he'll argue against the most likely point you would have made i'll go man he's a fuck i bet he's a fucking nightmare in court you do that it's so fucking frustrating you can see people go like that you can swatch them
Starting point is 02:12:41 get to that question on their own and then get annoyed that he already argued it and then start stumbling, it's so fucking funny. Um, what did your wife see this meltdown, Nick? Yeah, she watched it live. What did she think? She sent me a message, are you actually okay? I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 02:13:00 And then to sleep? Yeah, the kids were asleep, but the way our house is laid out. My office is on one end and there, all the bedrooms are down, but the way our house is laid out, my office is on one end, and there all the bedrooms are down way on the other end. And it's all in a basement. So they didn't wake up, but the God and the God shelter, the Doomsday Shelter underground. But no, once she knew that I was, that I was fine, she was just like, good, that guy deserved it.
Starting point is 02:13:24 Yeah, he was, and he turned into a huge was just like, good. That guy deserved it. Yeah. He was, and he turned into a huge asshole on Twitter too. He was saying very funny. Very funny. That you were drinking too much and, yeah. Yeah. I really, I mean, I, I was, I was certainly under the, you know, I was under the influence, but we're not talking I was dying drunk or anything.
Starting point is 02:13:39 And Sean, you need to know the context a little bit. That guy begged me to be on the show to debate Ethan Van Skiver. He's been asking me for three weeks to be on the show. So it's not like I invited him on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He came on, this was his plan from the beginning and it was apparent from about the third minute into the show that he's gonna do this.
Starting point is 02:14:02 Oh, really? That he was using the homophobic slur. He was using the platform. He was trying to connect Ethan Van Skiver to Vox Day. And there's this whole, like, now there's a big conspiracy, because I don't know how much of this comics get stuff you've been following,
Starting point is 02:14:18 but one of Vox Day's publications called All T-Row Q, which is about, it's like a comics version of Q and on, got pulled off of Indiegogo after the Indiegogo funding. So that's, yeah, 110 grand basically just flesh down the tubes. And so here's the weird chain of that. That's murder. If you get, if you get your account taken down at 100 and something grand, so you're going to fucking kill somebody, right?
Starting point is 02:14:47 People have told a lot of people for a lot of that. So here's the, here's the weird chain of events. Stick with me for just a second. So I hosted a debate on my channel back on September 18th with a guy named Thomas Roylop debating Ethan Van Skiver. That night, Jason Youngbluth had asked me, that's when he first asked to debate Ethan. And then bleeding cool did an interview with Vox Day, maybe a day or two later, but they didn't post it.
Starting point is 02:15:15 They didn't post the interview. They just sat on it, okay? And the interview with Vox Day is like 100 pages long. It's this ridiculously long media piece. So then, so then my, the debate heirs on my show between young, blue, and Ethan, and young blue spends the better part of three hours trying to connect, communicate directly to Vox Day, like, like constantly making this point. I saw that too. It was fucking weird. Yeah, then two or three days later, the bleeding cool interview with Vox Day comes out,
Starting point is 02:15:51 the alt hero queue comic gets shut down later that day, and then the next day bleeding cool pulls the interview that they did with Vox Day off the internet, and Jason Youngbluth personally claims credit for getting the comic taken down. So there's this big like theory that- What a cigarette. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:09 Take that white supremacy. No comic for you. Exactly. There's a theory though that bleeding cool and some of these pros got together to basically attempt to tie comics gate to Vox Day because all of these comics gate comics are on Indiegogo, all of them. And so if they could get a Vox Day comic taken down for association with him, then they
Starting point is 02:16:35 could get potentially these other comics gate comics taken down by guilt by association. So we think, well, we, some people think, I think I'm leaning towards it, though, that that that might have been an actual planned op of this stupid debate, which pisses me off even more. And I hope that guy chokes on glass and guys. Sure. Flanders is lost. All right, all right, Nick. We're gonna, thanks for calling in. That was great. Yeah, thanks for having me.
Starting point is 02:17:11 No, don't do too much of that. You're getting in on my business. No, I don't know. Don't worry. See you later, Nick. I got this letter this week. It's from, we'll call her Z. Okay, I don't know your name.
Starting point is 02:17:27 Hey, Dick, heard your comments about the Kavanaugh situation tonight and wanted to give you some much-needed female perspective. I don't think it's ever been needed, quite frankly. Is this the part of the show that they're gonna complain about next week? Yeah. Oh boy. I so, in caps, appreciated your advice to look after myself better. part of the show that they're gonna complain about next week. Yeah. Oh boy. I so, and caps, appreciated your advice to look after myself better.
Starting point is 02:17:52 I mean, not being able to sleep with the windows open, having to cover my drinks in bars with my hand, walking with my car keys between my fingers and parking lots, carrying pepper spray, avoiding going out alone at night and walking my dog before it gets dark, just isn't cutting it if I want to keep myself from getting raped. I mean, truthfully, none of that actually worked because I was raped by a cab driver, leaving a bar on New Year's. I guess I'm not allowed to enjoy a night of drinking
Starting point is 02:18:26 and excess like you, man, folk. I mean, it's okay for you to binge drink and get neck sweats, but I'm at risk for being raped. So I better edge on the side of recluse, I think she means reclusivity, to protect my carnal treasures. In all honesty, motherfucker, it just sickens me that you would say there's nothing we could do about it. It's our jobs as women to live in our lives in fear so men don't rape us. It's every man's job to be an ally to women and to speak up when they see a man being a piece of shit. Honestly, I enjoy your podcast with my fiance and I think your fits of rage are entertaining. I can take your woman trolling because you usually also recognize how stupid and shitty men are too. But that comment was idiotic and irresponsible, considering your podcast
Starting point is 02:19:28 is patronized by mostly men. You can all do something. Be decent, be an ally and trust a woman when she says she's been harassed or assaulted based solely on numbers. If one and three women have been sexually assaulted, there's a good chance a woman in your life has been to. Ask them, believe them and stop being a piece of shit. Thanks, the girl who almost killed her fiance on the way home from Taco Bell, listening to your bullshit. How about that?
Starting point is 02:20:06 You know, she didn't seem to like your take at all. I'm going to ally up. Well, you're going to do, it'll tell me a couple steps, you're going to take today, dick to become a better ally. Well, I'm going to immediately stop all raping. Good. I should go without saying or at least keep it to a minimum. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 02:20:24 Yeah. Do do do what you can. Changes don't happen overnight, Dick. And I'm going to tell I'm going to tell all my friends to stop their raping as well. In fact, I'm going to make I'm going to write it down. No, don't rape. And I'm going to even I'll punish them if they do it. Okay. Good. And then I'm going to I'm going to contribute. You know what? I I vow this now to stop this. I'm gonna contribute a significant portion of my earnings to pay people to enforce these punishments. How does that sound?
Starting point is 02:20:57 That's a good idea. I'm gonna do all of this. I vow because of this letter to be an ally. Okay. Yeah. I mean, that'd be too hard to be an ally. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that'd be too hard to run your own kind of militia. It had to be some sort of state structure that deal figured out. I'm going to try to get other guys to do it too. Okay. I don't know what I'm going to call this anti-rape force.
Starting point is 02:21:17 But I'm going to get on top of it. Okay. With my ally. Okay. My ally. Yes. That's the part that pissed me off. The ally. I thought that that was like a copyposter or something for a bit. I didn't realize that was specifically to you. Yeah, well, yeah, I mean, I don't know. Ally, do women think they own rape?
Starting point is 02:21:38 Well, the fact that it never happens to men. Well, okay, you know, I think of a male victim. Yeah, believe me, I fucking know that it's happened to someone I know because it sticks around forever and fucks up the rest of everyone's life. Yeah. I know who's happened to. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:56 Okay. Yeah, it's a life changing thing. Yeah. And there's no system on the planet that's gonna undo it. I can give you your car back if it gets stolen. I can give you, if you get some money taken or a watch, I can get it for you back.
Starting point is 02:22:11 No, no people don't work like that. I can't un-wrape you. Never, never will happen. No system on our earth can do that. Well, I think the point is trying to prevent people getting raped. Walking around like Wolverine with your fucking keys in your hand is not going to do jack shit. That drives me fucking crazy. The self-defense shit. Well, yeah, I mean, pepper spray. You know what? Hit me. I'll give you a head start.
Starting point is 02:22:38 I'm going to count to 10. Hit me with it. Well, no, I mean, I absolutely think some of that stuff will prevent it. It takes you 10 minutes to find your car keys and that abyss. Are you saying if I pray, well, I mean, I'm not even going to get into this, but because it's, I mean, yes, absolutely. There are pepper spray works. Pepper spray works. I mean, that's just a, that's why the cops use it. That's why trained police officers use it who have a utility belt of crime fighter. But on them at all times, some women know exactly where it is.
Starting point is 02:23:16 Others don't, they may have it. Yeah, how about a gun? I still think a gun is the better move. I mean, like not like, I know women who carry guns. Well, that's what I'm gonna do next. When I get done shelling out all this money for my anti-rape force, I'm gonna say, you know what, actually, I'm gonna buy all you broads
Starting point is 02:23:31 a gun so that everybody knows that you're packing. Yeah, I mean, and then I'm gonna spend a significant amount of my time arguing with people who don't think that that is an inalienable right. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. As a fucking ally, I'm going to do all these things I vow now to do these things as an ally. Ally, the thing you can enjoy a night of drinking and excess.
Starting point is 02:23:57 Ally always sounds disingenuous because a lot of the people who are quote unquote allies seem to be being found to be doing terrible things. That means nothing. So I don't fucking know, I mean, it's really just like, be like a regular decent person is kind of the no. Yeah, it's a joke. You know what? I totally disagree.
Starting point is 02:24:15 What? Just be honest, it's your pussy, it's your fucking problem. We got a system of law in here, but the idea that we as a community are supposed to be this protective of women and their pussy's is a fucking lie. And nobody will say it. Nobody will say like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, because it's so easy to say, yeah, I'm an ally. But it's, I get the point.
Starting point is 02:24:35 It's much more effective for everybody to say the truth. You are pussy, you're a fucking problem. I get the point. Like, are we supposed to be like confronting people in bars left and right or we have the, we have the only system that we've ever thought of and we've implemented it as good as we can. There's nothing else to do. Yeah, I see the point. What do you mean to do confront a guy? I'm not a fucking judge. I'm not judge dread over here. It could be.
Starting point is 02:25:06 Brittany called, remember when Brittany, when Brittany called in about the fucking eggs, the blockle? That's about all I can do in that situation. Brittany Venti, with that guy crying in his eggs. The guy, the guy, the guy, the fucking lunatic. Yeah, hey, here's my, here's my advice as an ally. Stop fucking dating guys like that.
Starting point is 02:25:26 I mean, you know what, like, seems like terrible advice, like going back a bit to her note. Like, you always see that online, people like, oh, I carry my keys in my hand to like punch people. I've never tried that. But that seems like a terrible idea. No, they accused me to like to punch me. They carried them like Wolverine. I swear to God that they do this and they brag about this, that this is anything but a
Starting point is 02:25:52 mark. No, you're not supposed to do that. You get stupid. No, that's stupid. No, it's like you between my fingers and they all fucking do it. Yeah, but you know, just the fact that they walked around smoking cigars, supposed to do is have your keys in your hand. So you, that's, so you're not fumbling with them by your car,
Starting point is 02:26:09 is more likely to help you out than Wolverine in your keys. They, you walk around, this is what women need to do. They need to put their keys between their fingers, light a big stokey, put on some chops, put on some fucking big mutton chops, and walk around calling each other, Bub. Hey, Bub. You know, we need to do. I need to make that legal after midnight for women to brandish weapons. Yeah. Then you can walk around and it'll be, ah, she has a handgun. Any potential rape
Starting point is 02:26:37 shut down. I'm an asshole. Look at the system that I pay, this beautiful anti-rape system that I'm gonna pay for. Yeah. The thing is, is people talk, it's something that, what do you want me to do? I don't know. I don't want me to kill everybody that I think is a bad guy, because I've been wanting to do that for a long, fucking time. Oh yeah, no exactly. No, I, there's, I don't even think- I don't know if I get some innocence in there.
Starting point is 02:27:03 I'll kill them all. I'll wipe the whole fucking world clean of evil like judge death. You want our system? There's gonna think dread is a good guy. By the time I'm been out on the system is what it is. And they definitely do not want people being vigilantes or taking the lawn to their own hands.
Starting point is 02:27:18 Or are you sure? What are you supposed to do? No, that's, we'll see, that's a thing. Where she's wrong in that is like, that as a society we she's wrong and that is like, that as a society, we need to police other people. Yeah, we need something better than the police. Well, we've been trying to make that system better for 10,000 years. That's, if you got any advice, let us fucking know because as far as stopping on the list of crimes that I would like to magically stop this ain't on top. Yeah. I got news for you. Never gonna fucking happen to me.
Starting point is 02:27:47 Yeah. Well, yeah. Never gonna fucking happen. May happen to somebody close to you. Obviously already has. Well, I'm fucking all it happens. It happens all of us. Yeah. All of us. And the worst and it, and it happens in instances where you have absolutely no control. That's true.
Starting point is 02:28:08 Where no system could ever fix. Absolutely true. Which is exactly why I say, which is exactly why I say, look after yourself better because nobody can, nobody can fix. That's true. Nobody can fix this shit.
Starting point is 02:28:22 No, no, no. You'll never fix it. It is really, really tricky. How someone will shit. No, no, no, you'll never fix it. It is really really tricky how Someone will say something like well. Yeah, everybody should definitely be taking precautions to keep themselves safe and they'll go Oh, so you're just blaming everybody. Yeah, it's not a such a chasm There's such a fucking chasm of difference between what was just said and what you're pretending to have heard Yeah, and you and you know the person saying that they know it too. Yeah, it's like, we're both standing here pretending right now that you don't understand what was meant.
Starting point is 02:28:47 I don't always know if they know it either. I don't think they know it either. I think that they think that right now is the worst crime possible and that it is our number one priority. And somebody needs to say, yeah, I mean, it is, it's on the list, but it's not the fucking top of the list for a lot of reasons. There's a lot of low hanging fruit that's not being addressed, that we could easily fix, but we can't because it makes you a fucking bad guy to say it.
Starting point is 02:29:11 It's disgusting to say, that's your pussy, it's your problem. Yeah, but that's not gonna get any drift. It's the truth. Yeah, I mean, there's no system that's going to, you have complete, you're completely out of control sometimes. Like, it's beyond, some things are beyond your control. And that is a difference. There is.
Starting point is 02:29:32 There is, well, there's a man is bigger and stronger and most likely going to subdue a woman and makes more money. So that's the, you know what? You know what? You know what? You know what? That's, you know what? Hey, we are, you know, we are, what is it, what is the term, dimorphic? So it's actually dimorphic when you look different.
Starting point is 02:29:53 Yeah, we're completely different. We're completely different. So, you know, that's, you're gonna have to acknowledge that, which I think, I think there's some people out there who don't wanna actually acknowledge that. As weird as that seems. I actually think that, you know, I think you're right, which is kind of stunning to me, but yeah, it's, you know, it's, yes, you're at a disadvantage. I don't.
Starting point is 02:30:16 Physical situation. And pepper spray. I don't think I could be hit with pepper spray. If I, oh, you mean you could dodge it? I don't think she could get it out of her purse. Oh, no, maybe it's not in your hand. Yeah. Even I think if a woman had it in her hand, ready to go, I don't think she could get it out of her purse. Oh, no, maybe not in your hand. Even I think if a woman had it in her hand ready to go, I don't think that would do shit.
Starting point is 02:30:29 I think you're supposed to, well, if they hit you, that stuff is pretty wicked from what I understand. Like incapacitatingly wishing. You know how long it takes women to blow dry their hair? That's because they're not pointing the blow dryer. They don't know, they're pointing it away. They think that's how it works. They don't know. They don't know these things that you're talking about. Let me put it this way. Does it give them, does it give them a better chance of getting away or a worse chance of getting away?
Starting point is 02:30:57 It's got to be better because it's something. It's something that's my point. Like when you see somebody with a gun walking around, like you know for a fact, oh, they've put bullets through that gun. They at least know how to use it, probably. Like ask people who carry pepper spray. Have you ever used that? Have you ever tried that out? No, I guess the 100% of them were going to say no.
Starting point is 02:31:15 No, but then remember coach. Yeah, my friend was in here and he got, he had some pepper spray. That's their spray, wasn't there? Their spray, yeah. And he didn't get to use it during their camping trip, so he didn't want to waste it. So he went outside there, went a bigo on the way back to the airport and sprayed it
Starting point is 02:31:31 and it got all in his face. And the way I kept going. Yep, he carried something. And it's a man. Yeah. In high school like that, where we bought a bun. I don't know if my friends is like a dare devil, like wanted to start like a jackass style YouTube channel.
Starting point is 02:31:45 And we're like, whatever, what we're happy to bear mace you. And like, so we set up this, this, this, this course, this obstacle course for him, where we would bear mace him. And then he had to get on a tricycle and ride all the way around like a couple tennis courts and like, do's and like jump over the nets correctly and like, don't get the balls, we threw at him. And like, and in our heads, like one of our other friend of ours was like, Hey, the way you get rid of this pain afterward really fast is you have milk in your eyes.
Starting point is 02:32:13 No more tears. No more tears shampoo. He convinced us. Oh, none of us googled it. He's like, no, when I dump a lot of no more tears shampoo in your eyes. And it says terribly. It's a real bear. And so we bear--faced him really bad.
Starting point is 02:32:25 And he's, he doesn't do, well, he did pretty well in the tricycle event. Credit, we're credit to do. Not very good on the jumping over of the fence and whatnot. He gets back around and he's like weeping. He's so much spit, so much fucking spit all over his mouth. And we did this by the tennis court. And so we only brought like one, one leader bottle of water of water a gallon of milk and like two big things of shampoo And we exhausted the milk immediately exhausted the water immediately and so delusional
Starting point is 02:32:53 The shampoo do the shampoo and so we unscrup it and Jumped a ton of shampoo And he's like 5 seconds there was nothing and he's like, oh, like it's like five seconds there was nothing and he's like, this is so much worse, this is so much worse, why did you do this? Did you get no more tears? My buddy was like, yeah, look at the front, extra gentle. And it's like, that's now what it says. It just says, it just says, for gentle skin and was yawning. Oh my god. And so, like no more tears means it like removes tears right?
Starting point is 02:33:26 It's like no, it's a marketing slogan. It's a marketing slogan by Johnson and Johnson. Baby shampoo that it's no more tears because if the sun's too hot to get in their eyes a little bit, they're not going to scream and cry when you're washing their hair. Yeah, it's not like matter and it's not. Move your, did your dad just die in a tragic accident? Good thing Jay and Jay has no more tears on the market. You know, you know, uh,
Starting point is 02:33:49 yeah, that's so dumb. His whole afternoon was ruined. I thought he would go blind. I would think so. Yeah. Even in prison, Sean, yeah, total control. Can't stop raping. No.
Starting point is 02:34:01 No. That's actually where most of the rapes I mean, it's just like her capita, right? It's actually where most of the rapes are. I mean, it's just like per capita, right? It's, well, yeah, probably per capita. You know, I'm a repissed about it. Yeah, love me. That's fine. I don't care. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know. He's just, you know, bring, bring, bring pretty good staying off anything controversial. Yeah. It's up to three. You know what? Bring me, bring me someone that you think is a rapist. I'll kill him right. I'll kill him right
Starting point is 02:34:23 there. It'll be fun. I don't give a shit. They don't even, I mean, they didn't exist 20 years ago. It won't exist 200 years from now. What's the fuck? It's just time is a perspective thing. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 02:34:36 Yeah. I got a free afternoon. Yeah. Right. Just not on Tuesday morning. I got to write the show. You've got time to kill. Thank you. I'll to write the show. You've got time to kill.
Starting point is 02:34:49 Thank you. I'll be here next week. Don't do any raping. I hope not. Yeah, this has been fun. Taylor, thank you for, thanks for calling in and sitting on the shit. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm sure, man, I will. And you gotta come back on our show again.
Starting point is 02:35:03 Yeah, I will. Maybe I'll do a sober show. That was two, it was two embarrassing. Oh, it was hilarious. All right, buddy, get out of here. All right, do it up. Do it up. Thanks. Oh, fuck, I got the,
Starting point is 02:35:14 oh, I can't, yeah, me too. Good since you ever. Me too. Right in a rapist win. Ha ha ha. Dumb and Dumber people, dumb and dumber. PKA, he's on paint killer already with Woody and Kyle. Let me, I'm going to play the in song and then we're going to do news and then we'll talk
Starting point is 02:35:33 to the lyrics later, you wonder how about that? Okay, cool. All right, everybody, you've been listening to Dick Show, Dick.Show,,, slash the Dick Show. See you next Tuesday. This is called Gambler's fallacy by this is by Safe State Corrupted. This was part of the hysteria of say to album that was canceled. Man, I'm writing some good fucking songs. I got to tell you.
Starting point is 02:35:55 Excellent. I'm really excited about it. Here you go. Gambler's fallacy by Safe State Corrupted. I don't mind the time and time again it comes to this You double down and down and now you're stuck in an abyss It's the plentiful surface Is it? It's a... It's a hilarious... Paul Eriot No, this is... No, I think it's a cover
Starting point is 02:36:36 Oh, oh, oh, oh It sounds a lot like... Shit, I haven't heard it's on a long time, but... It sounds a lot like shit. I've known it's on a long time but slash safe state corrupted is where this you can find this Yeah Pepper by blood hole servers nick says yes Thinking first and taking your surroundings If you make these dumb decisions don't you see that you are drowning?
Starting point is 02:37:06 You can walk away and start again It's cool It's not polarity by himself But oh, mine is time and time again It comes to this The train wreck is unfortunate, but you don't want to miss The fallout of this nuclear reaction Walk away and start again. Just don't be a ditch
Starting point is 02:37:37 This I mean what a what a deep hole So... Different person dating. Oh yeah, oh yeah. This is good. This is good. This is a great sound. It's a very strange cool song, yeah. And I don't have the answers to how this can be resolved Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 02:38:46 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 02:38:54 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 02:39:02 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, the jobs was our previous anti-rape plan. You remember that one? Yeah. That was a little restrictive. We're still working on that one. This system that we have is still in a beta.
Starting point is 02:39:15 We haven't released it globally. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. Does it make, does it anger you? This sentiment make you as angry as it makes me? Well, probably not as angry as it makes you, but that's, yeah. Yeah, that's a given, probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:32 I don't know that, I like the sticky point is that it's kind of suggested that we kind of take police action into our own hands. Yeah. I don't know, maybe I'm missing it, but trust a trust a blank when she says, no, never, never, never will I trust anybody who says anything? Oh, well, prove it. I'll listen. I want, I'm going to need to see some proof of that. Okay, here's Facebook news. Hello, Dick and hello, Dick heads. This is the Facebook group news for the last couple days. Our top story this week is a revelation that came as a surprise to many users.
Starting point is 02:40:10 Sean M. Willing is an active member of the Facebook group. He is known for post that resemble Drudge Report headlines and comment sections. He's a bus driver earning an honest living in Pittsburgh as a married father. Sean's been an active member for well over a year and it wasn't until yesterday that it all came crashing down. Sean and Willing was accused of being a fake account. Emily Boove said his alleged family isn't real and she was blocked. Every time someone else tried to give their two cents, they were also blocked. If these allegations are true, and Sean doesn't have a family, then means he owns a Dodge Chrysler minivan for no reason.
Starting point is 02:40:45 It kept going, how about Sean calling him a deranged lunatic, psychopath, and a loser pretending to have a loving family when instead, he's just behind a computer screen. That's a bit weird. Sean and Willing did have one supporter, however, and that was Stove. Stove insists he's seen pictures of Sean's wife and that his wife hates the Facebook group. Once everyone told Stov to shut the fuck up, he made a post telling Dickheads, he lives me nothing and to quote, make like a tree and log the fuck off. The comment section is littered with other copypasta spurgots from the beloved Stov.
Starting point is 02:41:19 It also appears Stov had a job for a while, but is unemployed and is currently looking. Sean has not yet issued a comment. Next up is Andre, who said he hit up his plug for weed. Since Andre has broke, he inquired if there was anything else he can do to get weed. He fucked the woman selling him weed and received four grams in return. We all assumed he was a slob for a man reading this. But he posted a picture of her and she's not that bad. She has a lazy eye and will age poorly, but everyone who said they wouldn't do what he did is probably lying. Yeah, Andre posted several photos and
Starting point is 02:41:54 Videos about his victory until dickhead screw tiresome of his braggadocious behavior and told him to fuck off. That's just a tip Lastly, we have Vidal who quote did the impossible and scared off a girl by asking about her shoes. Tim Duff and appropriately asks, I'm honestly curious how you can fuck that up. Vidal said he got her to talk about her favorite pair of vans to which Vidal followed it up with a joke about Transformers. Because he instructed Vidal that you only compliment her shoes and ask about her dad.
Starting point is 02:42:23 This has done the show based bigger news for the last couple days. You know, good news, good news segment. I like that one. Teaching guys the difference between jokes and chick jokes is very important. Yeah, I know. You gotta change your brain.
Starting point is 02:42:39 And you kinda have to, you kinda have to fuck a few up to kinda go, oh, oh, oh, okay. Yeah, that's, they wouldn't find that funny. It's not, yeah, it's not chick funny. Yeah, because that was fucking hilarious. Chick funny. And I don't expect them to laugh at that because it was fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 02:42:54 Exactly. Yeah. Because they, the part of them thinks it's at their expense no matter what. They don't take ball-busting well. Um, you know what I mean? Like if you, last night, yeah, we were at October Fest. They don't take ball busting well. You know what I mean? Like if you... Last night, yeah, we were at October Fest.
Starting point is 02:43:09 Let me see if there's still a safe to tell. Even if it's very, very funny and innocent way of ball busting, they don't like that. Doesn't go well. There was this girl with huge tits. It was hanging out with us. And I told her that, because it was the 50th anniversary of the October fest thing, I told her that I'd been coming there for 50 years. Okay. So she disappeared and she came back with a friend of hers who had a camera. She said, this is the guy I was telling
Starting point is 02:43:38 you about. He's been here for, he's been coming to this for 50 years. I thought you'd want to picture it. Like he was doing some kind of a documentary on the thing or taking pictures or something like that. It was like a, it was like a 30 something dude. Yeah. You know, a couple of years younger than me. Yeah. I'm wearing leader hoes and a chip. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:57 And he looked, he looked, he just looked at me and then looked back at her and go, what are you the fuck an idiot? Yeah, he goes, oh yeah, I don't, can I go? Now he laughs. And she goes, oh, now I feel dumb. And I said, you are dumb. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:21 80s girl, I forget what 80s girl said something like, don't, you need to be nicer after that, after my, you are dumb. Yeah, I mean, yeah, that was harsh, but it's a fact. Yeah, you're an idiot. I mean, even if, I think she was making out with Keon, like two minutes left for that too,
Starting point is 02:44:39 which I should take credit for. There you go. Well, I mean, he looks like a prince next to you. That's it. I just remembered that. Oh, now I feel dumb. Sweetie, you are dumb. That's 50?
Starting point is 02:44:54 I've been coming here for 50 years. 50 years? And so you're like, you're like 70 years old. You're old, yeah. Yeah. Fuck me. All right, everybody. See you next Tuesday.
Starting point is 02:45:05 See ya. Yeah. Fuck me. All right, everybody. See you next Tuesday. See ya.

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