The Dick Show - Episode 128 - Dick on Bigger Balls

Episode Date: November 13, 2018

DIY saline ball improvement, the fattest woman in the world, P-Control, more broken toilets, the Boomer curse of braces, the amusement tax, feeding as a fetish, an endless loop Mexican ranchero music,... cucks in the mass shooting meme, a Facebook meltdown, mosquito season, quinceañera season, update season, Dad's Guide for video games, death to chivalry, sexism and new hamburgers, and other people's piñatas; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, yeah, about that time again. Oh, I swear to God, the coughing on this show gets worse every week. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Welcome to the day, you one day, you one day, you need to, you got it! It's a show where everything's a contest coming to you live from a mountain bunker deep in the heart of the city of failure, which is currently on fire. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:40 I'm your host, the $20 million man recently voted America's best Mexican nine weeks running. Dick Masterson with me is always a Sean the audio engineer. Hello, dude. Hey, what's up, buddy? Currently on fire. Currently on fire. God is punishing California. That's right.
Starting point is 00:00:55 For all our evil votery. Last week. God said that shall at least have one Republican on the ballot. Your motherfuckers. Are you shall burn in five? California said, no, let it burn. California passed the no more daylight savings time and God said, no, I smoked that upon me.
Starting point is 00:01:15 It is a punishment for your evil wakery in the morning. I smoked you with the daylight savings time. I only like daylight savings time. I only like it when it gets dark late. Yeah, that's what Arizona does all the time, right? They never go back to Standard Time? I don't know. Arizona got two things right.
Starting point is 00:01:34 No Daylight Savings, no Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I'm joking. I'm joking on that, everybody. You have to be an idiot, not to take a day off though. You have to be really racist to not only take Martin Luther. No, fuck that. Can you find your own racist guy to take the day off of that happened to like be born or get did.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Well, it's in Hitler. He's first kiss on that. I don't know. If you want to just call it James Earl Ray Day, I don't know. Yeah, just come guys. We're taking the day off or y'all are going to get hangs through this. Yeah. We're taking the day off. Or you all are gonna get hanged. Yeah, yeah. I'm taking the day off school. They can't punish. We're under age.
Starting point is 00:02:10 We will fucking lynch your ass if we don't get a day off school. No, that's true because we're patting up to here. Yeah, I never get it off. I never seem to get it off work. You don't get off at work? No, you have to, man. A good jerk off at work is where it's at. You haven't lived.
Starting point is 00:02:25 So when I pretend I'm taking a shit for 10 minutes and yeah, yeah, I'm like that guy, I think he said, no more daylight savings time in California. We got one thing right, Sean. So just just, just, just one thing right because everybody, everybody fucks this up. Yeah. Daylight saving or daylight savings time is what we just got rid of. It's the extra hour at night. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Standard time is now. Wait, so we made it worse. And what did we do? Oh, fuck, don't we probably did it wrong? Well, I think it's California, of course. Yeah, you know what they did? They just swapped the AM and PM. So now AM is gonna be at night
Starting point is 00:03:04 and we're just gonna have to live in eternal darkness so that we can't tell each other's genders or fatness or ugliness in California anymore. It's a perfectly egalitarian society where everyone's fucking blind. It's great. And only it will only be legal for politicians to be awake during the day.
Starting point is 00:03:21 You're going to have to have a license or else you're going to be hit with a tranquilizer dart. Yeah, go back to sleep. They're gonna have a nanny squad that roams the streets, shooting people with tranquilizer dart to put them asleep. You got a license to see. Hmm, man, my teeth are fucking really fucking with me.
Starting point is 00:03:40 What do you mean? Like, it's really making me a rage. Like sensitive teeth or like a, they don't line upright. They do not line Like, it's really making me a rage. Like sensitive teeth or like a, don't line upright. They do not line upright and it's some days it's worse than others and it's driving me bonkers. I'm trying to talk, but I can feel them. I don't know, is this a normal thing?
Starting point is 00:03:56 Does everybody else's teeth fit together? Here's what people don't understand about. Cause my brain is, right? I had braces. My teeth are nowhere near as good as they, no, that's what they tell you. They don't tell you you have to basically wear a retainer the rest of your life.
Starting point is 00:04:10 They just a lie. No one's ever done that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, but that's what they tell you that that's what you're supposed to do because they always drift back to where they were before, not as bad, but they do drift. Even the retainers are fucked. They just eyeball it.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Like, yeah, yeah, there you go. There's your retainer. My teeth used to be made out of like tin foil. I've spit it out of my, in that night and slept on it and bent the bar off. Fuck the, is that a problem? My teeth were, my teeth were not your sec. Check already, cleared, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah. Yeah. My teeth were great. And now they're like, okay. They don't like distract you. Do they want to fit together? Mine don't fit together. Like I've been looking at all these bau-zette pornography
Starting point is 00:04:49 with a sharp pointy cartoon teeth where they slide together and seeing it makes me so angry because I feel like I've got a wobbly table in my mouth all day, every day. I wanna fold up a napkin or jam a sugar packet on one side of my fucking jaw Yeah, as a shim so it will Well, give me a 3d printers like it but print my own fucking teeth I'm gonna get drunk and pull all of these out by the road and then just print new ones that fucking fit together like a jump
Starting point is 00:05:21 Well as they but as they move the surfaces Are uneven compared to the other surfaces. So yeah, you will... That's not even close. All of a sudden you'll be like, oh, these are... It's high-siding. Yeah. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:05:34 And the amount of stress that I monitor, yeah. For example, my toilet broke. Another toilet. Oh, really? I'm down to one toilet in the house. Oh, my god, really? I don't know if it wait
Starting point is 00:05:45 Which is the good one? The good one is the guest one for the show the half bath downstairs the airplane bathroom. Oh my god It is small too. Yeah It's just it's a half bath. It's a guest. It's a yeah, but it's the size of a coffin. No one has ever built I don't know how big the the often. No one has ever built. I don't know how big the Vietnamese flippers were who had this place before me. The Vietnamese flippers, house flippers, yeah, who fixed everything up, spared no expense on fucking laser etched light bulb lights that hang in the middle of the kitchen that I think looks stupid, but every chicken that's another star. Air condition they fucked me over on the heating, the heater they left the instructions
Starting point is 00:06:29 in and I don't know. I think that they bought toilet seats. I think that they drove out into the middle of the Mojave desert and found a white supremacist shooting range where someone had brought a toilet to and shot it with a one of those illegal Eleo only solid lead slugs from a shotgun that can shoot through an engine block one of the white supremacists Costoid a toilet with that they and the lid has been laying in the dirt baking in the sun for 50 years I think they took that they found all of those and drove them back and they ran out of money and put those on the toilets in my house because they're so fucking brittle.
Starting point is 00:07:08 You sit and I am, I am not fat, I'm not that fat to be breaking toilets. No, no. And I don't can and ball onto the toilet like I'm so excited to be there. Oh boy, I can't wait to shit. Just sit down like normal crack. So I've got a broken toilet seat in my bathroom. That is just a little ass pincher down. So it separates and I tried to replace it. I went to Home Depot. I spent I'm looking at a wall of toilets like if fucking Willy Wonka and the toilet fact and the toilet seat factory. Not I'm looking at a wall of toilets, like if fucking Willy Wonka and the toilet factory,
Starting point is 00:07:47 none of them fit. There's one solution, you're gonna have to use the squatty potty. That doesn't, oh, and hover. Wait, wait. God, I don't even know how it works. Doesn't it, squatty potty? Yeah, but isn't it like a, you don't use your own toilet seat with that, do you?
Starting point is 00:08:02 Yeah, you do. Oh, you do? Yeah, oh, then I definitely don't want that. It's not because otherwise it's too close to a leg day. I want nothing to do. I don't know how it works then. I thought it was like a, I thought it was like a thing that set on your toilet rim and was like some built up thing.
Starting point is 00:08:15 So you're, no, no, it's just like a little stool that you put your feet on so that when you sit down, it's supposed to like shove the shit out of you or something. Oh, that's really, God, I thought it was like a, oh, so it's not like an old, straight now, yeah. Colin pipes. I'm thinking about an old person
Starting point is 00:08:28 boiling it faster. So you can old person toilet? Yeah, like where this padded seat, or like, no, maybe those are like raised up for some of us. And they can basically take a shit standing. I mean, that's, there's a, there's an organization that goes to old ladies houses
Starting point is 00:08:44 when they turn 65 and they make their bathroom more disgusting than you could ever imagine. The walk-in tub. A tub with aluminum rails, there's no caulking around the side. That's gonna start rusting right away. Yeah, you get water in there. Old people are disgusting. Give them those padded toilet seats
Starting point is 00:09:07 You just start rotting from the inside out. What are you doing here? It's like the extreme home makeover for old Ladies where they come in and really grossify your house. Yeah They leave you with those those days of the week pills in every in every room Every bathroom. So you know, you know what day is today? Yeah, and then a calendar in every room so every bathroom, so you know, you know, what day is today? And then a calendar in every room, so they don't forget. What day it is? Tampon dispensers. No, not for all people.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah, they take those out. Right. Viagra for the men. So I got this toilet situation brewing that's causing me a tremendous amount of stress. Yeah, I'd imagine. I've got, it's Mary, it's, it's Kins and Yara season, season L.A. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:50 First, it's mosquito season, which you think is the most annoying season. What? Kins and Yara, but Kins and Yara's happen all the time. Well, you'd, you'd think that, except recently, it's every fucking weekend. This melodious annoying tune, the most annoying music in the world, the Mexican Ranchero music comes wafting up the canyons for hours at a time. Nothing but pita. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:15 If the half of me that is not Mexican was the half that enjoys three solid hours of Mexican Ranchero music, or that if perhaps Mexicans listening to it gets some kind of Dragon Ball Z Vegeta power up that they are consumed with the strength of their forefathers listening to three, four non-stop hours of ranchero music. It's crazy. But they found a way to funnel it straight up the canyon right into my fucking bedroom every night and it's driving me insane in my sleep.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Yeah, it's, it's, man, it's crazy when you live in a canyon, like I used to live in Echo Park. They call it Echo Park for a reason because it's full of Mexicans in their man, Cheromus. Somebody can be a mile down the street and have a conversation with a neighbor and it sounds like it's across the street. That was just, did some of the canyons here and stuff. Yeah, you'll get that fucking fired right up the can and right into your ear.
Starting point is 00:11:07 How he's had to be careful. I'm screaming at a woman up here. That's right, you fucking bitch. Yeah, anybody that you're going to report you. Yeah. So I got the Ranchero music blaring on permanent repeat, like a stuck record. Can you tell the difference?
Starting point is 00:11:24 No, that's what drives me so insane about it. Like, that's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. They wind down the same and then start right back up the same.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Every fucking, ta-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Like there's no, there's no slow ranchero music. There's no sensual ranchero music. Nothing, not even a, there's no, there's no slow ranchero music. There's no sensual ranchero music. Nothing, not even a, there's, at no point, there's a lady picking up and start singing a ballad or anything. It's just exactly the fucking same over and over.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I don't understand it. Well, you've become a, you've just become a Mexican version of everyone's father. I can't tell the difference anymore. I can't tell the difference between this music and the same. It all sounds the same. a conversion of everyone's father. I can't tell the difference anymore. I can't tell the difference between this music and music. It sounds the same. It all sounds the same.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Is that a good thing? I don't know. It's just a thing. I don't know, but it's been driving me crazy. So my teeth are all fucked up now. Yeah. They don't go together. They don't fit together.
Starting point is 00:12:20 And it's driving me fucking it's why did we, why did I have three years of braces My skull was cut in half and moved yeah, but that needed to be done right? I guess I mean that was causing all kinds of like Yeah, get headaches and all that kind of cuz if you're yeah, it's causing a lot of problems Yeah, but still I think it would have been I think it just should have been left alone Yeah, we're just our generation is just a big experiment Well our parents need for braces. Cause they didn't, and they didn't get them. Every time it's brought up too.
Starting point is 00:12:50 You kids are so, my dad, every, you kids are so, look, I got a big gap in my teeth cause my, cause I didn't get braces. You motherfucker, you mean you got out of, you're ahead in this situation when you stuck a bunch of mouse trap, jolopy metal horse shit on my mouth for three years You that you tighten every two with that you tighten every two months and somehow this is on somehow you are the one that suffered in this you Fuck do you idiot do you fucking boomers have any idea what do you ever listen to yourself you did this to me
Starting point is 00:13:24 We are live aren aren't we? What the fucking race is? Nobody's complaining. Yeah. Okay, good. So I want to make sure I didn't see any picture up there. Fucking boomers. Here, you get this retainer for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah. You kids are lucky that we could afford this for you. Some people have their retainer like permanently implanted on their bottom, I have that shit too. You have that answer, but everything that you can have for teeth, I have. Well, I hate that as well. I chipped my tooth because at night, all grind them and stuff and that's and they've moved. These bottom ones have moved over and so they took the fucking corner right off my tooth.
Starting point is 00:14:04 It's driving me insane. Yeah. I can't think, and if you're talking to me, I'm thinking about my teeth not lining up. I have a look on my face, of anger. It's because of what I did. Fucking teeth don't line up. I just want to be like the picture.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I just want to be like a cartoon dinosaur with the teeth lined perfectly together. Yeah. Like spikes, and that's it. Okay. Is that too much to ask? It's too much to ask. We got a, we got a hell of a show today.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Really? Yes, it's quite a collection of oddities today. I like oddities. I've got a, I've got a woman calling in who's trying to be the fattest woman in the world. We're getting her? Yes. Oh. I believe she's calling in.
Starting point is 00:14:46 She needs our help, Sean. She's lost some weight recently. Go on. Fascinating story. Oh boy. Yeah. She told me to send her a list of questions so she could pre-approved them.
Starting point is 00:14:58 I'm obviously, I don't even remember what they were. Yeah. Nor are those questions that will be asked. Oh, we've got a guy calling in who, I don't remember what they were. Yeah. Nor are those the questions that will be asked. Oh, we've got a guy calling in who has done some, he's done some home, some home, home improvement on his ball sack and weener. That should be interesting. That should be very interesting.
Starting point is 00:15:23 So hopefully he's gonna have some... I didn't think you could top the... Found it in the middle. Found it in the middle. There you go. I think he's gonna call it after her. I don't know how long we're gonna have her. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I'll tell you. Oh, Pewdiepie was talking about the heelstream thing on Pew News. Is that right? Yeah, that's pretty cool. That's as big as it gets, right? I mean, the internet is... I mean, the internet is... Yeah, that's 69 million viewers or something like that. That's as big as it gets, right? I mean, it gets for the internet. Yeah, that's 69 million viewers or something like that.
Starting point is 00:15:48 That's insane. And I suspect that he listens to this show. I wouldn't doubt it because I'm pretty sure he listened to the biggest problem. Is that right? Because he quoted that. I wrote that. I wrote that.
Starting point is 00:16:00 I wrote that. He used a Maddox image on his show one time, and he sourced it in the description as made off. So that makes me think that's the made off use a bit. Of course. You know, that's a hell of a weird coincidence. Yeah, why would he think only the mind of Tim Chang could put that together?
Starting point is 00:16:20 That's right. Tim Chang's, excuse me. Right. And then he was talking about the heel stream and he said that money could have paid for eight weeks of chemo for a kid. And I said that, but I just made that up. No. You know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I don't know how much chemo costs. I don't either. Is that accurate? I don't know. So you really did just make it up? Yeah. God damn it. What? Well, how much do you think you could have made. So you really did just make it up? Yeah. God damn it. What?
Starting point is 00:16:46 Well, how much do you think because you kind of made up, if you're gonna make something up, then you could have gone more kids. You know what I mean? Because that doesn't sound like a lot, because you know it's expensive, but like eight weeks a chemo for one kid. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I'm sure it's probably more than that for eight weeks a chemo. Well, then now we're negotiating. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. now we're negotiating. I don't know. I don't know. I'm negotiating about this kids. What are you guys? That's all that's important. I would have gone eight kids eight weeks. You know, nobody cares about eight kids.
Starting point is 00:17:12 People care when it's one kid, because they are, they put themselves in that one. People also, but people also equate more to worse or better. Six million kids. Oh my God. And that's links to gentlemen. That's how I got the kill stream pulled off the interview. Yeah, just like that. Could have paid for one microsecond of chemo for six million kids.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Yeah. Oh, anyway, that happened. I've got a great clip from a stereo. It's got, okay, let's get to what makes me rage this week. No, I got to. There's a video game tax passed in Chicago. Really? Yeah, 9% now you have to pay tax.
Starting point is 00:17:55 What is their normal, so that's a bro. No, no, no, no, no, no. There's no like video game tax, but that's what I'm saying is that's above the state sales tax. Yeah. Okay. And it's a fun tax like that you got to be you know when you go to Vegas and the number just wildly jumps up from what it was on the internet when you get there.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yeah. That's a that's a resort fee. It's a fun fee. It's a gambling fee. That's a fee. That's a drinking alone at a bar and then getting depressed and going back to your room and masturbating in the shower fee Yeah, you're definitely gonna be doing Right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, good idea? Just to go like, oh yeah, just video games.
Starting point is 00:18:45 You know what? It's because you can't stop playing. The dad, who's so wound up and so squeezed tight at every single other turn in life, dad who's shook down all year long for more money, for more time, oh. For more time. Oh honey, let's just go see, let's just go see a movie. There's, it's called date night.
Starting point is 00:19:11 That's, we're calling it something now. So it's not me trying to shake you down for a time. It's the kids shaking you down for Chinese plastic garbage. Oh, they've got it. They found a new way to shake down dad with a video game tax. Cause we can't fucking avoid it, Sean. Why stop there?
Starting point is 00:19:29 Well, there's a lot of stuff that is, would be considered entertainment. We're not, we're gonna get a tax that we can avoid. When are we gonna get a talking too much tax? Yeah. Tax, you know what? Tax the words. I'll, I'll fucking, I'll vote on that one tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Yeah, yeah. Put a tax on taking pictures of food. It's the same fucking thing. I know. There's no reason that digital copy of a game should cost more. It's true. What's the fuck is the tax on that?
Starting point is 00:19:58 How can you justify copying a file from one guy to another guy at 10 bucks? But so you fucking crazy So I want to know like who voted on this who voted yes on this. I don't know Moron I don't even know why that would even be a thing why who would come up with that idea? I got it. I'm fucking out. I don't know who'd come up with that idea It's so who are the subitles entertainment tax. It's it's extending the entertainment tax They already had weird unlike spotifying shit
Starting point is 00:20:26 but now they're putting it on your video games. It's just a substantial amount of I think it was Chicago at least. Weird. Let's see what else we got here. Here's another one I really pissed me off. Hero worship. Let me play this, remember that bar that got shot up? Yeah. You see that? Oh, okay. Yeah, 1000 oaks.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yeah. I guess this guy goes into a bar and 1000 oaks before it caught on fire and shot a bunch of people. Yeah, this is what I see on the, see on the old Twitter under the repost under the tagline heroes. Yeah, right. Are you ready for this? I'm ready. So while we were all dog piled over the side, there were multiple men that would, that got on their knees and pretty much blocked all of us with their back towards the shooter, ready to take a bullet for any single one of us.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And just the amount of people that made sure everyone got out okay or if they were out, they made sure they went around to every single person around them and asked them if they were okay. And if they needed a phone to call their family or just in general. Heroes. Okay. I'm waiting for you to how are you gonna shit on this heroes? Okay, anybody are you fucking kidding me anybody who's gonna take a bullet for somebody? I don't know what else you call them a
Starting point is 00:21:57 What are you doing get the hell out of there? I understand that heroes? What what is this shit? What is this ad? I see a bunch of, I saw, I saw a chick repose this and say I guess chivalry is not dead. It fucking should be. Well that's- That's a permanent bar that's getting shot. It's a put up and beyond chivalry. I'm throwing broads at the gunman on my way out like sandbags. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm gonna go look there's Brad Pitt, huh? I'm using, I'm using one to prop the dick open Prop it yeah, hey gun guy that chick said you're gay right before you got it
Starting point is 00:22:33 Pew like that. Yeah. Oh Cool, how do you guys have going? I'm fucking out of here. Well, okay fine fuck you then no one's gonna ever call you a hero No fucking way No fucking way. Oh my god if somebody's ever talking about me like that on TV you that is a lie You better be dead as a fucking that is a that is a doctored video on television if they're talking about Get in here. Get in here. You fucking thoughts. Yeah. Yeah. I need to protect you so you can talk more shit! Get the fuck outta here! No fucking way would that ever happen to me. Yeah. Well, okay, so you went that way with it.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Alright, fair enough. Would you? Would I gun a- Gun guy blasting around- Oh, where the- where the thoughts? Get over here. Get over here, you fucking thoughts. I guess it dep- I- I don't know. Fuckin' thank you. I mean, I wouldn't know, where the thoughts get over here. Get over here, you fucking thought. I guess it deput, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Fucking thank you. I mean, I wouldn't think I would unless it was in a very specific people in a very specific situation, but I don't know how I would react. I don't know. Well, let me tell you how to react. So you know when it happened. Get out of the table.
Starting point is 00:23:41 You fucking get out. You're gone. You know what you do? If you got a girl's number in the bar that night, you fucking call her number. So her phone starts buzzing wherever she is. Get that fucking guy away from you. Oh god, get away from me.
Starting point is 00:23:54 You gotta think that you gotta know. Hero. Said fucking trick in a half. I've seen it post a thousand of times. Yes. Brave's aggravis, what? Well, you're saying, why are they doing that? Why are you guys doing this?
Starting point is 00:24:10 Okay, all right, all right. Stop it. Yeah. Stop it, stop being a fucking hero. It's the end of heroes. No, there's no sense in that. It's pretty, it's not what you would think you would do. Be coward. Run. Run. Yeah. Stop shitting on coward. Just be a coward. Yeah. Right. It's the old guy
Starting point is 00:24:32 and in Catch 22, we've brought this up before. But again, it's like, you know, well, when that side's winning, I'm on their side. When the other side's winning, I'm on their, it's like, yeah, no, just stay alive. Is it? You want to get in our huddle? You got a nice big target of that, no. Yeah, oh God no. Yeah, I'm going and I'm leaving, going in the bathroom. Mm-hmm. Yeah, what about all these,
Starting point is 00:24:54 we gotta get make sure these people get out here. They have legs. They have a big glowing sign that says exit. Yeah, I'm gonna do extra point. Yeah. It's hero shit. It's driving me nuts. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Making the rest of us look bad. You know what, it does make the rest of us look bad too. Cause they're dead. And they say, are they dead though? I don't know. They might as well be. They're dead to me. They're making us look bad.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Cause then they get called heroes. Right. And that's kind of an implication of well all of the rest of your time. You're a little bit better than how you're, if you're not at least sacrificing your lives, you should be shelling out a bit of dough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Because that's basically the same thing. It's the old Catholic church. Yeah. Yeah. These guys, heroes, you guys, I mean, you're fucking up by not doing anything. Just give some money. You weren't there, so you're gonna have to prove
Starting point is 00:25:50 that you were at least that good, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't think so. I don't wanna be made to feel bad. I don't wanna be, if I'm in this situation, and I will be the first one out the door. Right, knocking kids over. Yep, stepping on people's heads. Yeah. First of all, my, knocking kids over. Yep, stepping on people's heads. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:06 First of all, my phone probably has batteries. So I need to get outside and call the police as quickly as possible. All these rods probably dead folks. You gotta get a drink first. That's how I turn the hose. I get a drink and then call the police. I'll go to the safest place,
Starting point is 00:26:21 which is probably gonna be the bar next door. Yeah. Right. And I'll need to call my nerves. Yeah. First, I don't want to give night news. There's people that call 911. Couple, couple, couple, couple.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yeah. Leave the bottle. Right. I was just on a horrific atrocity. It's making us, it's making us look bad. Okay. You guys, guys that are standing and I notice they all have their shirts off. Do you see this?
Starting point is 00:26:44 Do you see these fucking muscle? I don't even see that guy. These are the same guys leading these girls out of the bar. Yeah. Somehow all their shirts came off like captain Kirk. Yeah. Oh, let me get you. I can save better. I can save better this way. You guys are fucking up. You guys are fucking it up for the rest of us. You son of a bitch. You're making us all look bad. You know what you're gonna be on the news. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Fucking stop. He was just off to the side of the camera doing like 20 push-ups real quick. Like actors do before they have a shirtless scene on set. Yeah. Doing some dips. Yeah, just between bar stools. Get him pumped up.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yeah. A little blood over there. Don't cry that. I'd be out. Out of there. Not even. There. Oh. I'd be out. Out of there. Not even, there would be a moment of hesitation. It's hard to, you have to resist your baser instincts in life.
Starting point is 00:27:33 That's all I'm saying. Okay. And this is one of them. Yeah, okay, good. I'd be out of there. You'd probably stay alive. Mm-hmm. You know what else makes me rage?
Starting point is 00:27:43 Getting water on your touch pad. On your computer. It's just like a computer timeout. Yeah. Trip is sweat on, you know, you're roping one out, try a little bit of sweat on there. Like fuck, now it's worthless. Right, I gotta put everything on hold.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Starts bouncing around, like crazy. Everything on hold. My whole life's on hold, cause it's stupid thing that I want around. Pinyata Posers. Other people's Pinyatas. Are you down with OPP? Sean.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah, sure. Are you sure? You know me. Yeah. I hate other people's Pinyatas. Liarsman's birthday's coming up. Yeah, that's why we recorded early this week. Oh, gotcha, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:28 So I'm going to his, when his six, there's something party. Yeah, six. Yeah. With a pinata. I don't know about not set up by Uncle Dick. Definitely set up by Uncle Dick because I... No, no, no, no, I thought it, but the other people's pinata. Oh, so are there people's pinatas?
Starting point is 00:28:43 Drive me crazy. They don't seem to care at all about the pinnata. It is the, it is the best part of the party. It's the best feeling. One of the best feelings in the world is a kid to be blindfolded, dizzy and crank a hold of that motherfucker. Then all the candy shoots out, and it feels like you're leading a revolution. Everyone's screaming and tearing the guts out of the thing, like, oh, I see. The pinata is so much fun.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Last kid's party I went to, the guy had a clothesline and a wiffle ball bat, and no blindfold. I said, what the hell got the experience is this? Yeah. What are you doing? That's terrible. Oh, that's all wrong.
Starting point is 00:29:32 You got these kids all jazzed up and then you blew ball them with this terrible piñata experience? You're supposed to. Other people's piñata. You blindfold them. You spin them around. Ram and run. Fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:44 You give them a metal bat Yeah, I would wood or would just tell him to swing wildly in all directions back everybody up right and you fuck with them That is your time to fuck with them because they look like such idiots with a mess right no if you fuck you if a kid is not crying like such idiots with a mess. Right, no, if you fuck you, if a kid is not crying, crying in frustration, you've had a bad pinnion apart. 30% of the kids gotta be crying.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Yes, because everyone has to get through. They don't know that, because they're dumb. And they go up, even if they're the first one thinking, I'm gonna crank the shit out of the, this will be the one, this will be the one like, no, you idiot. You gotta let everybody get, you're gonna, you're gonna fuck a mess every time.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Right, welcome to life, swish, wish, wish, wish. You gotta let everybody get, you're gonna, you're gonna fuck the mess every time. Right. Welcome to life, swish, wish, wish, wish. I'm bigger and smarter than you. You're not gonna hit it. Well occasionally you'll take one in the nuts for that sort of thinking, but you had a comment. Yeah, well you, it comes with the territory. Same party I always add.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Third kid. Crank, aren't you gonna, aren't you gonna move it out of the way? Yeah, what happens to these other nine kids who are there? What are they gonna do beat it to death on the ground? What about the big kids? Yeah, what are they gonna? They're the ones they're the ones that deserve this because they're living their entire lives in a world of of Cardboard having to never lay into the little ones who were fucking with them, you gotta give this to them, man. This is their time to shine.
Starting point is 00:31:07 That's right. Nothing. So I'm looking forward to getting there early. This is what I do when I'm in charge of the piñata. I get there and immediately start setting up. But suddenly, Jones is gonna keep you drinking. Yes. The first step of any good plan.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Yeah, I gotta clear my mind of anything else. Have something to think, like these heroes that are ruining us look bad on the news. Yeah, clear my mind. I start looking for how am I gonna set this up? Where's the right tree to tie this to? Okay. Do I need any more equipment?
Starting point is 00:31:44 Uh-huh. I need to more equipment? Mm-hmm. I need to, do we have everything here? The bats, the blindfolds? Who's the kid that's gonna fuck this up? Gotta watch out for them. You always got one squirrel in there. He's gonna try to row in your endeavor. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Somebody else's kid. Yeah. Yeah. Other people's pinatas. That's what's really making me a rage. Yeah, if you don't move it around, that's kid. Yeah. Yeah. Other people's pinata's. That's what's really making me a rage. Yeah. If you don't move it around, that's stupid. If you can't move it around, if you can't move it around, then the kids are not old enough to have a pinata party. They always are. They always are. All right. Let me get some. Do you want to talk to the ball and flating guy
Starting point is 00:32:22 before the fattest woman in the world calls in. Oh, I mean, can we really lose? I mean, depending on the your reason that I heard this point. What's up? Oh, I learned some interesting things on the internet. Yeah, this week, let's see, the link between the link between income tax and prohibition was, um,
Starting point is 00:32:46 was even made, made income tax even fuckier. Apparently, the anti saloon league was massively powerful in the early 1900s. They wanted a ban on alcohol, but the problem was the federal government got anywhere from 30 to 70% of its revenue from liquor taxes. Sure. So the anti saloon league and other members of the Temperance Movement put their massive political clout behind the income tax. How about that? Yeah. So that's where that came from.
Starting point is 00:33:13 So you'll get your money just not from liquor. Not from liquor, because it's a video game. Because it's evil. Yeah. So as soon as they figure out that the video game tax work, those will be taxed at about 10,000%. And if they take it away, don't worry, they'll get it on your day job.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And the people who are voting it through, I've got news for you, they don't have any income. They don't have any income, and they don't play video games, because as the senile fucks from World War II die, the boomers are going to take over. And they don't... The kind of And they don't, they don't, kind of already are.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Yeah, they don't know how to play video games period. Yeah, they don't even have thumbs. They might as well play with their feet. Yeah, thumbs evolved in like the last couple of generations. Yeah, very quickly, hasn't turned. Before that is just like, what is this weird wart? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Once the income tax replaced alcohol taxes
Starting point is 00:34:04 as the government's main source of revenue, it only took a few years before the 18th amendment was passed and all drinkable alcohol was banned. The income tax was passed, so alcohol could be banned. How about that shit? Yeah. None of it is, none of it is surprising. I didn't know that. Sadly, no, that's, I didn't either, but it's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, they're gonna get theirs. They're gonna get theirs. Let's see what I'll say out here. Diablo mobile. Have you heard anything about that? No. Do you know what Diablo is? It's a video game. Oh, I think I have heard something about this. Yeah. Everybody's losing their minds because the fans of Diablo hate the new Diablo mobile game. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:50 So they're being called sexist because women play mobile games. So the reason why the fans are being called fans who line up for this shit, right? And I think I seriously would buy a product that offered some kind of video game depression, like cured video game, like a Simbalta, but just for video games, because I am, I try my nuts off every year around this time to get into a video game, to buy a video games, but I cannot do it. It's like the thing that I want that old feeling back. Yeah. You know, the excitement.
Starting point is 00:35:28 I mean, you don't get into video games. There's not one in the list. I've revved myself up yesterday to go buy a Nintendo Switch. Like, come on. Yeah. Smash Brothers is gonna come out. Something about this. It's gotta be exciting for you, man.
Starting point is 00:35:42 But no. No. I need some kind of like weird perversions on my video game to get off on it anymore. I don't know what it is anyway. Diablo Mobile came out and the fans hated it. So the company who makes it called them all sexist. That is the new, that's the new
Starting point is 00:36:07 plan. Yes. Prejorative sexist and entitled, which is insane. Obviously. Great thing to call your consumers. Ghostbusters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:19 And we're talking about a video game with big hulking giants and swords and wizards and goblins that they're sexist for not wanting to play a stupid phone version of this. But it couldn't be that we made a bad game. Yeah. Right. It couldn't be that we made it for chicks on purpose because they all they do sit on
Starting point is 00:36:40 their phones and play these games. And we wanted a little bit of some of that micro transaction money. And maybe that's not fun. Like it's not immersive and not fun at all. That couldn't be the reason. It's that you guys are sexist because you don't want women in your little club. Your fault, your problem. That's your fault. That's the future. McDonald's makes a hamburger. You don't like sexist sexists It's all sexists. Pearls before swine. These, yeah, they don't know. Yeah. It's all these entitled sexist hamburger eaters that don't want our new, dainty woman-sized.
Starting point is 00:37:18 The McFaie burger. The McFaie burger. Yeah. This rainbow-colored McFaie burger. Yeah. It's because there's sexism. that's why they don't want. That's why they replaced the double quarter pounder. It's the same size.
Starting point is 00:37:30 These guys are just complaining because they're sexist. Oh God, this one, also, this thing also pissed me off so much. So this is a guy whose daughter passed away and her heart got put into somebody else. Yeah. Okay. Heart transplant. Yeah. This is the guy. This is the guy listening to his daughter's heart. In another guy. All right. Yeah. Also, also a lot of it and praised. Yeah, also also a lot of it and praised Can you imagine that I got my own fucking problems over here you got Look at this look at this touching moment this guy listening to
Starting point is 00:38:20 Someone else someone else's heartbeat. Yeah, this guy in bicycle shorts This guy kept an underour wearing wicking sweat gear is listening to this black business man's heart with a stethoscope in the middle of the street while a mob of jackals and media people are around and possibly chastising him for his dietary habits. Which guy? Terri Habits, which guy said, don't you go clogging it up with fucking fried chicken and all this kind of Look, that's my daughter's heart, man. Yeah. Yeah Don't do what was that more racist than I usually am No, that's about right No, he's I it does he looks like a business man. Yeah, fucking annoy me. And he's in shape.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Hey, how you like that hard? How's that hard working out? Oh, maybe you could just, maybe if I could just come over and cry softly in front of you, because it reminds me of my, that's one of the small human interest stories that they've been manipulating, you know, people that time.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Oh, what are you talking about? Heart transplanted all the time. Can't come over and listen to my heart. You weirdo. I got shit to do today. What are you making? What are you making? What are you making?
Starting point is 00:39:32 What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making?
Starting point is 00:39:38 What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? What are you making? Last thing anyone needs is my mom coming over on a Sunday afternoon. Hey, can you turn the game down a little bit?
Starting point is 00:39:45 I want to listen to my son's haul. I mean, she would never do that, but you could imagine somebody might scratch that fucking imagine the most, somebody in your family. Hey, what's up? You just put just no heart. You know, they could be a donor, but like accept my heart. Well, then they're just going to come over and listen to the kidneys or something. I watch you piss. I want to and listen to the kidneys or something. I watch you, piss.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I wanna see my son's kidneys in action. Yeah. I've had it here. Yeah. It's a weird, morbid shit. You need to drink more water. Yeah. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Chicks measuring shit with their hands. Well, it used to be how you measured things. Yeah. It's not called called measuring event, is it? Three qubits in a span or horses are still measured in hands high. No, no, no, no, no, no. This is a man's hand, by the way. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,, will you get that, yeah, will you get, no, get the, get the, oh yeah, get the poster, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Like one of these, like when you, you put the width, then you try to maintain it, you know, like, so 80s girl got me this for my birthday. Yeah. It's a phenomenal birthday present. Maybe the best one ever. Really? I think better than I think I got an original
Starting point is 00:41:07 Nintendo Entertainment System as a kid for my birthday. You probably did. That was the best birthday present I've ever gotten. This is better. Have I seen this? No. Do you, can you grab the magic mat? It's a magic mat.
Starting point is 00:41:20 It's a magic play mat, magic-to-gathering play mat. Yeah. With custom artwork. Oh. Okay. I don't know if I could show it on theto-gathering play-mat. Yeah. With custom artwork. Oh. Okay. I don't know if I could show it on the stream, but I'm going to anyway. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I've already gotten so many people kicked off YouTube, why not? Right. Why could you get in trouble for this? Or get somebody in trouble for this? Because it's risqué. Oh. Of course. Because it's risqué, of course.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Yeah. Wait, what you have there is, you pulled out like a one sheet size. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So this is this is this was 80s girls present. Oh, okay. Here's the she had somebody draw this. She had somebody on people per hour draw this magic play mat. Right. I'm going to unveil it slowly. Cause I'm because I'm sick of playing on Eric Wong's half naked body. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've been suffering with the homoeroticism of playing on Eric Wong.
Starting point is 00:42:12 So much that I know every nook and cranny of that little otter body he's got. Bathing around like at the American beauty play mat I have. Eric Wong laying back with magic cards tastefully very, very grossly, but tastefully spread around is growing the area to conceal it's dignity. So this was the play mat that 80s girl got me for my birthday last week, drawn and then printed on a play mat. Okay. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Yeah. Absolutely ridiculous. Yeah. As you can see, there's me, and I put it in front of the microphone. As you can see, there's me in the middle with Lucy Wilde and Hitomi Tanaka on both sides of me. The Hitomi Tanaka might be like to scale. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Yeah. I'm actually not gonna, it might be like to scale. Yeah, yeah. Drawing like a mural on a Mexican rape van, right? I'm gonna take this and get some airbrush artists to paint this on a van. Yes. And then drive it around the neighborhood and lower the property values, wherever I go, be like pig pen, lowering property values. That's right. That's right. So she got this in a play mat amazing wonderful wonderful yeah yeah probably just to get
Starting point is 00:43:31 an advantage because she was tired of losing her magic but anyway okay she gets it printed as a poster also she says yeah but it came out a lot bigger than I thought it would it's right yeah it's gigantic so it's funny to get a lot bigger than I thought it would. It's right. Yeah. It's gigantic. So it's funny to get a poster of that, right? So that would be, I mean, what they used to call a one sheet, which is this would, which is roughly, it's any, it's about 27 by 40. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:56 You can see how far it's until, yeah. Right? It's gigantic. Yeah. Where the fuck am I going to hang? She goes, well, it came out a lot bigger than I thought it would. Yeah. And I said, well, did you measure beforehand?
Starting point is 00:44:10 And she said, yeah. Okay. And I said, okay, then how was it a surprise? And she goes, well, I was just the measurement I thought it was, wasn't right. Well, how did you measure? It's just like a stone hinge and spinal tap thing. Yeah, it puts inches and it just... I said, how did you measure? And she goes, well stone hinge and spinal tap thing. Yeah, it's inches and inches.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I said, how did you measure? And she was, well, I was in my car and I just went like this. That's not, and I said, that's not, that's not a measurement. That's a lie and a fish story. That's a, that's a nothing is what it is. It's just a thought. So I had, I had 80s girl and Jamie both show me with their hands what 18 inches was. Yeah, close your eyes, so no cheating.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Show me what 18 inches are. Both of them were off by, what was it, eight inches? Oh wow. Seven inches, like 30% too big or too small. Both opposite ways. Oh my God. Both opposite ways. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:01 So I said, yeah, this is why I have to impress upon you, the importance of the word measure, when you measure it, it doesn't mean just guessing, it means you took a measuring tape out or a device of some kind. Yeah, I don't care if it was two chopsticks. Did you measure it? That's not.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Did you measure it? It was two and a half chopsticks long. Yeah, there is a measurement. Did you measure it? Yeah, it was halfway It was two and a half trop six long. Yeah, there you go. There you go. Did you measure it? Yeah, it was halfway up the fridge. Got it. Got it. That's at least gonna be consistent. Check measurement.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Did you measure it? Yeah. How did you measure it? I held my hands apart until I thought it was the right amount. Okay. That was dick tapping his pen on his forehead. That going through my fucked up teeth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah. I'm still affin' at it. It's funny. It's funny. The measuring, otherwise it's nothing. It's just a guess. Yeah. But they will, they will every time.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Well, that's the most parts of the measuring. I did something and then gave a number. Isn't that the same thing? No, it's not. That's how we ended up with this. So how did you, well, I don't know if I'm quite following because you could conceivably have that artwork printed at any size.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Yeah, right? Yeah. Well, no, because you want, poster stores usually have set sizes. Well, yeah, I mean, that's the at any size. Yeah, right? Yeah. Well, no, because you want... Postor stores usually have set sizes at the ship of that. Well, yeah, I mean, that. This is two feet by four feet. Okay. So she said out two feet, that's like this.
Starting point is 00:46:35 No. Yeah. Okay. But who is she telling that to? Who is she telling that? She bought it at the size that was listed and then tried to imagine what that size was. Oh, I- Oh, I, this is 36 inches by 48 inches.
Starting point is 00:46:50 It's a giant, it's regular poster size. Is it, usually, well, that's big for poster size. It's usually, they're usually in between 20, 27 by 40 or up to 30 by 40. Used to be called a one sheet. Mm. All right, I'm waiting for, let's wait for this...
Starting point is 00:47:06 Ah, I plan it to call in here. I plan it. What would you do in an active shooter situation, Sean? I would think that I would probably be right out the door. Right out the door, right? I would think so. Good, good for you. Yeah. I might stick around if I could get this show on the news in some way.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I believe you actually. Like I'd hide behind the bar and then those guys would do their thing and then I would take my shirt off behind the bar, trekking and then the news came out. I'd just come out and just start, you know, yeah, I'd start just bumping with those dudes. It's up. say it in there. Dixho, what's up everybody? Dixho, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:47 A couple of rare scotches I had to shield. Yeah, and then I just take out, yeah, you know, we had to get around the, yeah, yeah. Check it out,, slash the Dixho. Yeah. Otherwise, what's the point? Cripple Jesus says he'd run the shooter over. You know, hope you've got a turbocharger and a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Yeah. He probably wouldn't get shot. Yeah, God probably feel bad. Yeah, I'd be like, Ah, you fucking asshole. It's a 500 pound wheelchair. Maybe he's got, maybe Cripple Jesus has like a button for that. He's got a fucking, he's got a black Cripple Jesus has like a bunch, a button for that. He's got a fucking, he's got a black chick on either side of him.
Starting point is 00:48:28 How you rolled into the bar like that? Yeah. I want to see that interview on TV. Cripple Jesus, two black chicks. It's not going to matter how he ran the gun guy over there. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, sorry, Eric Guang, you've been replaced. Well, you know, 80s girl uses your mat.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Yeah, that's better, isn't it? Better for me. You don't like our game? You're sexist. Yeah, yeah. You don't like our movie? Yeah, sexist. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:01 You don't like it. It's the new racist, right? Yeah. I mean, it's... You don't like a. It's the new racist, right? Yeah. I mean, it's you know, like a car sexist. Yeah. The new The new Ford FEMM has a top speed of 22 and no blinkers. Yeah at all and Doesn't use it has a GP a revolutionary new GPS that doesn't use
Starting point is 00:49:24 directions like south and north. It only keeps track of where your husband is mean to you and tells you to make less. Hahaha. Hahaha. Hahaha. Bye. Yeah, driving by fight.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Yeah. Uh, uh, remember when you didn't do anything wrong, when you came't do anything wrong when you came back from, and I told you to pull over by the gas station so I could get out and walk. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha So doing a life-saving huddle around some thoughts at a bar, you just remember one, to the time you had to walk home from a bar drunk during a fight.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Think about these things. Go look up some divorce court stats. That'll straighten you right out. I'll learn you. You cucks. I'm trying to save men's lives. I don't know why, I don't know why I'm,
Starting point is 00:50:23 what I'm saying would be bad in any way. It's not bad. It's not bad at all. It's in fact, I'm the real hero for trying to save men's lives. Yeah, okay. No, the woman's a small target. Yeah. So guys got a scoot. Oh, here we go. Here we go. All right, all right, all right. Lillith the Cento bite. Can you hear me? Hi, how are you? You're on with this is Dick and Sean is my audio engineer. Hello. Hello. What did you say hi? Hi, hi, hi. How are you doing my dear? Hi, hi, hi. How are you doing, my dear? Uh, doing great today. How are you? I'm doing absolutely wonderful. Your story caught my eye. It's very interesting. I'm trying to pull it up right now. The the title
Starting point is 00:51:18 Model Lilith the Senabyte wants to become the heaviest woman in the world. And then there's a picture of you. You do look quite heavy. My first thought, of course, was what is this shit? But then I kept reading. And this is a goal you've set yourself to because you have terminal, hepatic and salopathy and cephalopathy. In cephalopathy. In cephalopathy in 2015. So this is like
Starting point is 00:51:51 you've got a terminal illness and you've decided to go out with a with a bang a big bang by becoming the fattest woman in the world. Is that right? Yeah. Kind of like kind of like a chick version of, you remember when Bender became human and he died in a week, but he lived more during that week than any human had lived in a lifetime. Yeah, and he just non-stop consumed things. It's fascinating and it's like it was like heartbreaking and also very fascinating to read that this is what you've chosen to do with your terminal illness. I didn't know there was a terminal. This is news to me. Yeah, I didn't tell you anything.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Yeah, that's probably good. Can you talk about what led you to this decision? Well, growing up, my relationship with tubes was always kind of weird. I think that was really little. We were poor. I actually was poor in the journey of life. But I didn't really get to be able to eat every day. And if I did eat, it was usually because of one of my friends' family. That would be like, oh, okay. You know, we were really in a fun situation.
Starting point is 00:53:01 You know, blah, blah, blah. And... Wait, where did you grow up? How were you so poor that you didn't have food? My family's up. They're, we think that we weren't just poor. They were, they were also helpful. But we didn't really get that much food. I was always either a friend or a school guy in counselor or some learning that would make sure that I'd be able to eat. And you know when I got a little bit older, I developed anoregia and then the food was big for big things like I'd want to eat, but it's like no, you don't feel like that's horrible.
Starting point is 00:53:33 If you already eat anything, you have to make it a friend of a mirror and then you know just punish yourself because you're just this horrible person because you accidentally drank some juice or you drank a soda that wasn't really dieted. I have like that. I do have to say, I love benefiting from women's anorexia, but if I ate as little as the small amount as what a woman did, I'd be insane every day. I think that's why they're all so angry,
Starting point is 00:54:01 because they can't eat because of us men. You know, they just for lunch is like a bowl of ice cubes with a little salt on them. That's a, that's a good one. I think that that's how it works for the majority. It wasn't until I ended up starting, showing doing what I do that I was able to find out about just how many people were into not just the BVW, but SSBVW and that a lot of people will only, explosively, date skinny girls or marry skinny girls, meanwhile trying to talk to people like me or people even bigger. And really? That was kind of a shock because I thought, okay, maybe there's this tiny little subject and then it turned out to be just thousands and thousands of people that I've already met so far.
Starting point is 00:54:54 So I think I've had over 300,000 different fans at this point. And so I go, okay, so maybe that gets a lot more white dress than I saw. This is men who exclusively, what's an SS BBW? Is that like a ship? Like the SS enterprise? No, BBW is taking for one of the SS BBW and Super Size takes you for one of the SS BBW which is ultra, Super Size. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:55:22 And what was the ultra one? The ultra super star? Go by class. They go by class. Like a planet's on Star Trek, like an M class. That's funny. So how big are you right now? Right now I am 380.
Starting point is 00:55:37 380, and how tall are you? Yeah. I'm 533. Oh my God. Wow, that's big. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Are you bigger than most of the girls in this scene?
Starting point is 00:55:48 Um, and bigger than a lot of the things, um, most of them, you, why about their weight or cap on like an extra hundred pounds? Yeah, like WWE shit. But no, all women lie about their way there's a gray zone that no woman has ever been in between one twenty five and three hundred pounds but well but they're but they're lying to be bigger I know that's what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:56:15 this is all that for them but I make sure that whatever I do my way in I do my way in lie and I do them on a scale so other people to able to see. So, they at least know that when I say I weigh what I weigh, that it's actually accurate. This is fascinating. And this is a, go ahead, John. I was going to say, no, your family, are they, are they naturally heavier people?
Starting point is 00:56:39 Like is this, for lack of a better term, is there like a training regimen you go on to question? Okay, so you actually probably have to work or eat a lot to put on this much weight. No, actually my disciples, I prefer this one, where I can eat these form a task that I really can't wear. That a follow up thing, because terribly Dean terribly being beaten really felt that my body uh... uh...
Starting point is 00:57:07 so i was thinking there's so many years and by body to no longer process of a hydrate correctly yeah you know real careful the first time i have any of both and i guess you're so and alexia so i have like the world for the travel right
Starting point is 00:57:21 i can see weight massively even if i keep my calories around the 1500 a day. I'll still be gaining. I'll be down. It's so nice to hear a woman say that in LA, all I hear is women who say, oh, I can eat fries and I just don't gain any weight. And I know they're lying because they go puke it up afterwards or they just have nothing else during the week. It's just satisfying to hear a woman say, I can eat and gain a shitload of weight.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Like, oh, thank you very much So what's your goal? What is the heaviest weight? Currently the heaviest weight according to Guinness book is cool Current highest weight is six hundred and forty four pounds six forty four Yeah, okay, and Fatis woman is around 1200 Jesus Christ There are women that are currently you know in the 700s I know that there is all the Miller Hippon and a couple of others
Starting point is 00:58:16 But I guess they have it made the effort to actually contact skinnish. So oh I see Imagine the way to the arm to move to the phone. What? That's an effort. Yeah. Somebody's going to have to dial a forum. They're a dialing wand or something like that. At least a pencil. That's a lot. That's a lot of weight you still got a game. Even at 6.44 that's double what you're at now. I think if I actually was able to eat more than one meal a day or be able to eat every single day, then I'd be able to gain that at no time.
Starting point is 00:58:49 But typically, I'll eat maybe like one meal every other day or every three days. How come? Well, I only eat this in one, so one chooses to feed me. And luckily, my metabolism's slow enough that I can gain pretty easily. But at the same time, a lot of people assume that, oh, she's big, she does not need the help and will make it stop helping as much. Everyone seems to understand it out, so they remain seated. That kind of thing. And as a result, actually, that's why I went, I was 416 pounds, not that one, but mom's not so good
Starting point is 00:59:27 because I suck at it. I have that same philosophy, we're in my life where I only eat if people feed me, but I'm very aggressive and violent and angry when I'm hungry. So everyone feeds me like fucking sea more around here. You're like like a rabbit labrador. I have five or six meals a day The city will send people over to my house to make sure you don't leave and the mother fucker a tiger's milk bar Something he's getting starting to get angry. So okay
Starting point is 00:59:58 Help me understand how this if someone feeds you like I assume yes, yes, some kind of This is some kind of, this is some kind of like, voyeuristic fetish that people have where they can feed you. You're not allowing you to feed yourself? It's basically like someone can either what are we delivering? Or they can go to my website
Starting point is 01:00:19 and donate something for food. And I will send you a receipt so the news actually spent on food that I'm not just pocketing it, like probably 95% of the other feed is still. And then feedies. Feedies. Feedies. This is a whole community of this.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Feedies. They can either get a free non-customer in the way they're able to feed each other. They can either get a free non-customer in the way they're able to feed each other. They can either get a free non-customer in the way they're able to see me eat some of the food that they bought. I can do some of the dirty bags. I just put my end random food so that I can put them on. Sorry, is her phone covered? Or what do you, I just try to get her to be more clear? I'm some food on. Is your phone all right, Lilith?
Starting point is 01:00:57 Right now, I'm currently with one of my friends who are in the car. So, I have to do why. Are you an engineer? Are you on speaker? No. Oh, okay. I thought I don't like speaker it usually. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Play two for come out. No, you sound more clear now. Yeah, it's just, yeah, it got more muffled for a minute. God, how much longer do you have to get this goal weight? Currently around three years. Three years. Wow. So you got to put on, what is this?
Starting point is 01:01:27 Let me do some quick math. Well, and what is this just briefly talk about the, is it a, it's a disease or an illness? What's the, in cephalythi? In cephalythi? Well, I was born with LSD manemia and one of the treatment is growth home patients. Up until just the past maybe five, six years, Iowa was not automatically filtered out of what that was given to people for transfusions. As a result, you could end up with iron overload or phenophobic ulcerative, which is unbuilt up in the liver.
Starting point is 01:02:02 And that eventually leads to growth, so that's a little bit more. And if you're supposed to put a light stage or pretty seriously into developing the topic in self-repeach, that can usually be managed to an extent and found by others or really for the things, but it keeps coming back and that's the main thing
Starting point is 01:02:24 that is going to cause me disaster for people with cirrhosis. You got a second opinion on this, right? Right before, right? Sean? Plenty. God, it's really, it's so interesting to me because I could see you getting a lot of hate for what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:02:43 And actually, I really don't. All the time I ever can hate, we see Instagram where you're not really allowed to be fat on Instagram, unless you're either on a weight loss journey, or you're one of those fat-scale body positive girls that are leaking in the air with a tiny little smile on their face. You know, the fastest and everything, there's just over the top, safe and tube. Yeah. But if you're actually like how you are, then you're removed.
Starting point is 01:03:13 I had one Instagram page where every single photo that I had was a split screen photo, where I was a screenshot of a skinny verify page. Well, except for one of their acceptable images. And on the other side, we need to make an exact copy of their photos. And yet my page is free for being graphic and all that kind of crap. And it's like, really, all I'm doing is doing exact copies of the other photos. And the other photos are fine. And all it is is you don't want
Starting point is 01:03:46 that people. Well, that's that's that's just dick and he promises not to do that anymore. That's me. I get drunk and go around flagging fat people on Instagram. He's gonna stop. Part of his part of his plan to talk with Trump dick about it. Because I've lost over 12 different Instagram accounts. If I could see your, my thousands that have one, that's a whole replacement of over actually experiencing. I think just one of the people reporting the pictures is because they want to be direct. Very few ever have the actual fault. I think maybe two negative comments ever on the answer to that page is the majority of times we just report report report and now get the fatty.
Starting point is 01:04:29 What do you think is in it for guys who are like your super fans who are into this SSBBW community? Well, there's lots of different ones that I've noticed. There's the ones that take it from a whole caregiver view. They want to be able to have someone completely and utterly dependent upon them, just immobile toward. They can't do anything and they just work to cook for her, claim for her to do everything. There's the ones where they see the foul person as their source of comfort because maybe
Starting point is 01:05:01 they had a really, they had a certain preschool teacher or the overweight and the one fat lady who lived down the street that, you know, baby sat and it's something like that where they associate with love and kindness and sweetness. And then there was the ones where it started, like, those who are watching episode, it's a three in the teenage rich and all of a sudden Sabrina got really sad
Starting point is 01:05:26 in one episode and she seemed far, so they were watching space jam and the female bunny from the daddy. I really want the blueberry. What was her name? Veronica, was it Violet or Violet? Yeah, that is a, that is a fetish, it's called blueberry fetish.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Wow. And do you do any cosplay with this shit? Like do you dress up as Violet Boa Regard or King Hippo or any of the video game, any cosplay for any of these guys? I haven't done the mini blueberry cosplay, so I have tried people to do that art where they turn into a blueberry. I've got to see the first hour or all the second I'm like, don't you think you should eat
Starting point is 01:06:10 like a full-screen version? You break it up a little bit. Well, before you break up, where can people feed you for fuck's sake? I wanna feed this girl. Yeah. Oh, do we lose her? Well, no, there we go.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Maybe it's on her Twitter. That's wild. So she's sure she's going to die. Yeah, I mean, it sounds like it. I didn't quite get the, because in Sephela, in Sephela at the is, is got to do with your head or your brain, right?
Starting point is 01:06:39 Like that's it. So I don't know, I didn't quite get that explanation, but. Maybe she's just a scam. I don't know. Maybe that't quite get that explanation, but. Maybe he's just a scam. I don't know. Maybe that's why you didn't get it. But the whole like, I would assume she's got to be making some kind of money, right?
Starting point is 01:06:51 I mean, she's talking about don't ever, never assume that about women. That's a bad road to go down, John. All right. Wait, why would you assume that? If she has this many followers and stuff, I mean, wouldn't she, you think, she need some, she do need money to go to.
Starting point is 01:07:08 I don't know. I mean, shit, man, Maddox has like 300,000 followers. Yeah, well, open their wallets. Yeah, but I mean, like, I don't know, you know, like do the Patreon thing, like the pay scale, for certain content, you know, you get, it would seem like that would be kind of a no-brainer, but. All right, well, it would seem like that would be kind of a no brainer, but.
Starting point is 01:07:25 All right. Well, I doubt you'll call back. Her site is Cenobite Lilith. Cenobite Lilith. You can go to Phil. Let's see this. We can go feeder at Cenobite Lilith. Wow. Got some big old tits. Well, got some big old everything though. Sometimes you see fat rods that don't have big tits Occasionally that's God again. Yeah occasionally What do you what you think of as gluttony as a shadow gluttony has a face allow me to show it to you gentleman? I am gluttony I saw a I saw a porn ad that this reminds me of when I was a kid that has haunted me my entire life Yes, it was I was too I was too young to be viewing this kind of disturbing material.
Starting point is 01:08:08 I was just online consuming regular pornography as you do. You know, at a time when boomers had no, I, my parents probably didn't even know that there was digital pornography flying around electricity all around them. Maybe not. A wash in a world of depravity at all times. No. I was there piecing together, UUE encoded files just so I could get it. I think it was, I've always the first, I remember the first porno picture I saw online.
Starting point is 01:08:35 I don't remember her name, though. Anyway, Daisy Fuentes might have been. I don't think she did more. She didn't do more... I don't think she did more. She didn't do more. I don't think she... She didn't do any nudes at all. I don't know. Might have been a fake. Anyway, it was one ad that I saw
Starting point is 01:08:54 where a woman was Photoshopped. A fat woman was Photoshopped climbing over a mountain. And the tagline said, Fatter than God. It was like fat, fat broads duck. She is. Something like that. All right, I'm going to play And it was like fat, fat broads duck. Something like that. All right, I don't want to play song.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Play song regroup a little bit. That's an odd one. We didn't get to ask her necessarily like, why? It's so important for her to be, did we ask that? I mean, it's, yeah, she said that she was up without food. Right, so she just says, fuck it, I just want to get it. I just got a thing with food. Yeah. You food. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:25 You know? Yeah. What do you get? Like Bruce Jenner grew up without a vagina. So if he really needed one, what do you get? And now his house burned up. So all of old Bruce is gone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:37 All the way these boxes are gone. Yeah. All right, here is, did I play this one, attribute to the lost piece. To the lost piece. I lost piece. That's like circumcision. Oh, well.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Bernie sweats. Let's see, very nice, very nice. I'm gonna be right back. Did you catch that King Hippo comment? You saw the face I made. My so circumcision was my cock's face,, no moisture's contained. No skin to guard it just, my pair of hains No one is angry they just mutilate Because when men we don't
Starting point is 01:11:18 Get the idea Conversate It's got a picture of a possum biting the tip off of a piece of pizza for this song. Oh my god. By the way, that's the tip of your dick. Yeah. I think. I don't want that possum.
Starting point is 01:11:34 I have that pizza. All right. All right. Very good. Tributes. Attributes to the lost piece. Thank you. Bernie Swe not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:11:47 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:11:55 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. This is from a guy. You know, got on the internet. Somebody says they're a doctor, you never know. Yeah. Oh, wood blues. Hey, Dick, long time listener, first time stories. From Elwood Blues. From Elwood Blues.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Great. I was totally surprised when you mentioned the clapper circumcision story on the show. I'm currently a student at Harvard. That's a medical version of the clapper. The clapper. Yeah, you clap it and it saws your dick off, yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 01:12:30 They got all the babies lined up with little cigar choppers on them. And the doctor clapper. Chopps. Yeah, exactly. What are you doing, Doc? I'm fell swoop. Maybe we could send our cancer charity money to that. So the clopper, the clopper invention since St. Jude's didn't want it.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Yeah. Or YouTube didn't want them to have it anyway. That's fine. I'm currently a student at Harvard. This was one of the funniest things to happen during my time at this school, other than the 2016 election, but that's another tale. If you're interested, I'll give you the bullet points. I promise it's worth the read.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Feel free to share on the show. Just don't mention my name, oops. A month before the show, you remember that guy, Clapper, was his name Eric Clapper, who's got fired for talking about circumcision? Yeah, apparently there's more to the story. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:13:24 Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, a month before the show, flyers started appearing on campus, advertising the one man show, sex and circumcision, an American love story. Flyers featuring a photo of Eric fully nude with an emoji eggplant covering most of his erect penis.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Okay. Genital hair and a tastefully small amount of shaft visible. nude with an emoji eggplant covering most of his erect penis. General hair and a tastefully small amount of shaft visible. Literally hundreds of these bad boys were posted around campus. A week before the show, Klopper puts out a Craigslist ad offering $20 an hour to anybody willing to dress in a giant inflatable dick costume,
Starting point is 01:14:03 the very same from the dick show road rage, Portland, who we didn't have to pay. No. And hand out said flyers to tourists and students. He got a lot of takers. I wouldn't doubt it. The show was on Harvard's most prestigious stage. Stephen Hawking and Nelson Mandela have both given speeches there. And fully funded by Clapper's personal assets. The real shit starts. Clapper worked in the IT department at the university. I knew a grad student who worked alongside him.
Starting point is 01:14:33 He tells me that Clapper approached him days before the show with a secret thumb drive and instructions along the lines of if they kill me, open this and distribute it to the world. More on those contents in a bit. The show happens. Sadly, I had a class, but some friends of mine went and live streamed it.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Starts off with facts and statistics like the documentary on your show apparently well-written and compelling. A second act where clopper without warning strips fully nude and mimes sex acts with a blow-up doll. Okay. Third act where clopper still nude devolves into an anti-Semitic rant about the Jewish conspiracy of steel or force kits. You know, like mine, but not joking, I guess.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Yeah. Finally, he reveals the true purpose of his magnum opus, the final goal of his beautiful forcekin crusade, advertising for a real life business that offers to genetically engineer your penis to regrow your circumcised four skin for $10,000. But here's the catch. The operation is only legal in Italy, and it involves harvesting your skin cells. It involves harvesting skin cells from a dead man's foreskin and attaching them to your penis. So you got a zombie, zombie foreskin. Great.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Somebody's mother's gonna want to come over and listen to that. Yeah. Hey, buddy. We got to talk to you about your, put that on the news assholes. You're fired. For what? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:03 What did I do? This was all outlined in the aforementioned flash drive along with more cookie Jewish conspiracy. I'm not surprised he was fired. I'm sure doing the university's resources using their university's resources to promote your own business is a big no-no. And he definitely didn't obtain a license to display nudity on stage. From the city. Well, that's bullshit.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Which is otherwise prohibited. In the city, can't get naked on stage. Thanks for making it through this mile long email, but I hope you found it worthwhile. Again, if you mention this on the show, just call me L. Wood Blues. Keep up the great work, love the show. So more to the story. As it turns out. This guy got fired for talking about circumcision. Yeah. Are you sure? Right. Uh, there's always more to the story. Be sure. Yeah. Be sure about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Uh, boy. Jake from Pittsburgh, hey, Dick Longtime fan, your rage on those pet stickers is far more valid than I think you realize. I was a firefighter for over 10 years. And there's some really odd things you learn not to trust as a firefighter. You learn not to trust car batteries. Where to recon firefighters.
Starting point is 01:17:17 What fighters? Oh Jesus. All right, circumcised Jews. You're fired. For what? God damn it. Any floor that isn't concrete and most important to those window stickers. In all my time, I luckily had never been sent in for a missing kid, but missing pets
Starting point is 01:17:36 was a regular issue. Even being sent in for a person. I think I've fucking legs. Just here to put out buildings. I fight fires. Okay. Don't call me a hero on the news. Yeah, fuck you. I here to put out buildings. I fight fires, okay? Don't call me a hero on the news. Yeah, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I put out everyone's house. What do you want? You're welcome. Yeah, but you let all those people die. They have legs and they're not wearing all these shit. Mm. Just a return. I would like an unhero age.
Starting point is 01:18:03 That's all I'm saying. All right. And those stickers I'm saying. All right. And those stickers do nothing to help the issue. In a house fire, the most common thing, all pets, mostly so with dogs, it was find the furthest closet in the house from the fire and lay down inside. They hide and where they hide is never easy to spot. It's usually a fully involved structure fire. You can't see an inch past your mask unless the room is on fire enough to cut through the smoke and all the animals disappear in the muck. I was a rescue officer,
Starting point is 01:18:30 so I was one of the nuts who doesn't even go in with water, only rescue tools, and maybe an AB wet can. That's what I call, that's my dirty talk. And AB, let me get to that AB wet can. That's what I call, that's my dirty talk. Maybe let me get to that AB wet can. Yeah. That's the trouble of dating firemen. A lot of hose dirty talk. It's a talk, yeah. A lot of industry dirty talk.
Starting point is 01:18:50 That's exactly. Oh, baby, your AB cans get a little dry. You just crank my hose. We find the inlet. What are those things called on the side of buildings? My entire job was to find people in pets as well as finding the overall footprint of the fire aid in the engine ops. The one time we pulled a dog from a fire and lived was almost by accident. They die fairly quickly.
Starting point is 01:19:16 So when they're removed, they don't generally get the level of attention the rest of us to know shit. Yeah, well, it struck this dog to the front yard out of an upstairs closet and it was dead. I brought an air tank over and forced SCBA air into its face using my own mask and revived it by pure miracle. Go figure. As I walked away to tell the owner, the paper snapped a picture for the front page using the dog who said, eh, it's a dog. Fuck it as the guy.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Wait, wait, I don't really understand that one. Pist me off, but my altruism still felt good. I had a crazy career doing that job if you ever wanted to talk about stuff. I'm more than happy to come on and talk about everything that I'm falling through a floor. It's on fire, feels like, to finding the slickest way to traffic heroine I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:20:01 I love the show, dude. It's pretty cool. Somebody else sent in a picture. His dad is a fireman. He agreed with me. And they sent in his dad's favorite picture as a fireman. This was the after fire picture. Oh my god. Wait, is that a cat on an oven door? I think that's a washing machine. It looks like a washing machine. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no How about that? Be sure. That's some advice, and then we'll do some voicemail. All right. All right, penis manny there.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Hi, Nick, how you doing, buddy? What am I gonna call you? What, what, what shall we call you? I'll just call me Yodi, explain. Yodi, what's up? Yodi, now you, you sent me some very interesting pictures. Oh, very interesting to do it. I didn't like them.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Ah, well, I'm not to say I liked them quite yet. So a couple weeks ago, Sean and I were talking about a, this thing on Kiwi farms where a guy injected silicone into his balls to make them like the size of volleyball. Looked like many people do that. Yeah. Many people do that. As always, as always is the case on this show, Yodhi writes me and says, Hey, guess what?
Starting point is 01:21:36 I inject shit into my dick and balls to make them bigger. Do you want me to call in and talk about it? And I said, not only do I want that, I want to see pictures. So you inject saline into your scrotum and your penis. Is that right? Yeah, pretty much. This thing goes through all the meatballs and then migrates to the shaft. Okay, you know what? Let me digest that for a moment. What? It's, it's like body builders or people who want to look like body builders who
Starting point is 01:22:12 keep injecting that. What the fuck do they call? Synthol. Thank you. You see pictures that like it, you know, it has nothing to do with sandfall because say, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I understand, I understand, I understand, but they, you want a certain part bigger or, or whatever. Yeah, no, sal, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't look at pictures. Yeah, 80s girls here too. Get ready for this. Here we go. Oh.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Is this just what you want for your birthday? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. All right, we've got, we've got a, Yodi, I'm looking at you wearing pants on the top left and it looks like a, it looks like you're smuggling a someone's intestines
Starting point is 01:23:07 on your groin. Yeah, that's, that's huge, but it's not volleyball sized, right? I mean, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, more tastefully done. And then in the, in these other pictures, it looks like, now, your balls are inflated here, right? Uh, the one with yellow pants. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Oh, yeah, that's saline. one with yellow pants? Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's saline. That's saline. Yeah. Okay, why do you use saline? And how, I mean, start from the very beginning. How did you get into this? Why do you use saline?
Starting point is 01:23:35 And how do I do this? Oh, there's many people into like getting bigger down there. It can be temporary or permanent. Usually people know the dick pumps, you know that. So that makes the shaft bigger, somewhat. And, uh, where we say that again, dick pumps. Dick pumps. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Alright. And the step that goes further will be signaling, which does the same effect, but much bigger and last much longer like to like a couple of days. Okay. And the step even further will be like a PMMA micro microsphere or even silicone injection that will be like a permanent effect.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Oh my God. Okay. Wait, wait, wait. So how long does this silicone let the saline last in your balls? Saline is just like the water. You know, like when you're sick in a hospital, what do you do here? Where do I get you? It's that. So you inject it into your balls and stuff, and then your body will slowly suck it in.
Starting point is 01:24:33 So it lasts like a couple of days. So if you're going out to the club and you want to put a little, you want to put a little more emotion in your ocean, you, you, I know many gay people actually do that. I'm not into the gay community. But I know that I know many gay people actually do that. I'm not into the gay community. I'm, but I know that many, many people like that do that. I'm meant to straight club. It's possible that some might do that. Maybe to another same extent that the gay
Starting point is 01:24:56 community will do it. Yeah. So you'd, you'd, you'd syringe your nut sack. Where do you have to inject it into your balls? Yes. Oh, it goes into the sack. Like, it just make the needle go through a little, so just anywhere, just a skin sack. Well, like where? Where do you do it? I don't want to mess it up. It goes on the side. Of course, you want to avoid hitting your testicles because you will feel that. Okay. So do you like pull it out and get, how do you stay away from the testicles? Oh, you just push it aside
Starting point is 01:25:29 and then you press the needle in. Oh man. And then you start, like how much do you inject into your scrotum? Yeah, like get the desired effect, like a turkey-based or worth of selling, how much? That depends what you want, but you can pretty much stuff like, oh, to a gallon.
Starting point is 01:25:47 What a gallon. People want to do that. In the picture, I have the green pants, it's just like 500 CCs. Wait, wait, in which picture? I'm looking at pants. I don't see green pants. I just looking at the yellow pants. pants. The yellow pants. How much is in there? Uh, one liter would be like a thousand CCs. Oh my God, you got a thousand CCs in your balls on this one? Yeah, here, let me zoom in, Sean. Good. Good.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Look at that. That's what I want. And that is what I want. A thousand CCs of balls. How long after? Look at that. That's a stack. It's like a, at that sack. It's like, it's tight. It looks like a miniature basketball.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Did you tan your ball sack, sir, for this picture? Is that natural skin color stretched? Oh, that's the only difference with signaling. It makes your sack look like a huge blow, it's very, very stretched. It looks much, much less natural that silicone will do it like. Is the, in all the pictures I sent you, that's the only one with silicone. All the rest is just silicone.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Oh, really? So you have silicone in your balls right now? Yeah, and I can no longer do saline anymore because it's not very safe to mix both. Oh, oh my God. Can there be an explosion? It's more like if you get any infection or something When you have silicone the body cannot get rid of it and you need to get all the silicone removed and that's very spicy
Starting point is 01:27:14 Yeah Easy, right? Well, and you'll probably get a stern talking to from the doctor. I would imagine to about injecting silicone into your balls the doctor I mean, I'll have something silicone into your balls, the doctor. I mean, I love something nice to talk about during the next break. Yeah, okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you worried about the silicone? Because the reason I knew about that other story
Starting point is 01:27:35 of the guy making his balls, like the size of a volleyball is because he died from silicone problems. Like the silicone, I thought it was just a car accident or something. Yeah, it's on related. I fell on the gas pedal. Stopped from turning the wheel.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Yeah, straight into a school. Are you worried about there being like complications from the silicone in your balls? There's not really complications from it. The only difference with saline is the procedure. It has to be done very, very carefully by an expert. Because if during the injection with saline, for example, if you uncheck the saline and you hit a vein, nothing will happen.
Starting point is 01:28:15 We'll just get hydrated. But with silicone, if it's not done properly, not by an expert, and if you hit a vein, the saline can go into your bloodstream and then goes through your lungs and have a silicone emboly. Okay. Which is the coma and then you can die from it. And the guy who died is an acquaintance and is really much done a lot of silicone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:37 You knew that guy? All everyone with silicone pretty much knows each other. I just know the guy by name, and I know what he did by never directly talk with him ever. Wow. It was a really sad story. If I got to be honest with you. Oh yeah, especially the relationship it had
Starting point is 01:28:53 with the pretty much the guy who forced him to do that. It was in the BDSM community. Yeah. And it had what we call what they call that master. Like you're going to slave in the master guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was it was a fucked relationship. Yeah, obviously. Yeah, it was a very fucked relationship. And that master guy Is major fetish was turning all these little Slays pops what the way you call them to look like him. So he beefed them up with a ton of steroids
Starting point is 01:29:22 Simple and even silicone in a very, very fast and unsafe way. So of course, what was bound to happen just happened. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Wait. So for silicone, you said an expert has to do it.
Starting point is 01:29:34 So do you have to go to a place? Did you, it balls R.S. You just shell up and you point to, they've got a whole menu. The number one. I don't know if you read the ad like they're out of business. Oh, they are? There's no more polls, are us. Star Wars killed them too.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Yeah, yeah. Fuck. It depends very on the country. Some countries have actual experts, when you're doing doctors, it's official and you can do it. Wow. Some people even do it themselves. Like the same way as the same means,
Starting point is 01:29:57 they just inject the same way to silicone, but that's nothing, something we'll never recommend because you know it's dangerous. If you fuck it up, you can die from it. So did you do it properly? Yeah, yeah. I want to be safe. I asked an expert to do it for me. Yeah, sure. Oh my God. Yeah, because it's very dangerous. I need I need a hangover. I need a full hangover experience. Because that saline is hangover magic. You put some B12 and some saline IV in you're good to go into the hours man my cousins and stuff are
Starting point is 01:30:26 Firefighters and they hang in IV fucking bag. Yeah, I'll lamp the next morning and heroes. That's real heroes They're fucking fine. They're they're fine and you know 25 minutes. I need an IV I need to start peeing again. You're hanging two out hanging over my balls one hooked up to a vein to hydrate me and the other hooked up to make My balls bigger. Yeah. To get through the hangover. I should have something fun with that. I remember one day I was, I had a fucked up fever, but I was still bored.
Starting point is 01:30:52 I was like, okay, I just do that. And I just put a lot of saline in my balls and something strange happened. Yeah. That was that bored. And something strange happened is that I just fell asleep. And in the morning, my balls were back to the normal size that board and something strange happened is that I just fell asleep and in the morning My balls were back to the normal size that quickly and my fear was gone because the body had all the water Needed to hydrate to cure the fever overnight
Starting point is 01:31:15 It used it you were just dicking around and filled your balls up for fun and your body Used like magical balls like magical saline injection to cure your fever Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, that's funny. How long does the saline the saline lasts like three days? He said and you do is it like It's really slowly over today. So usually for farm people do it like on Friday night and then it will slowly go back to normal until Like maybe some how much you want to do this you can sit properly for Sunday dinner after having a fun on Friday and Saturday night. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Yeah, it's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:31:49 Yeah, you're not going to show up with a big, wet, black jacket. Yeah, for God's sake. Because you do get the lot of stairs, especially with silicone, which is permanent, there's no way to hide it unless you put like several layers of underwear. Yeah, but people still write it. Yeah. How big did you go with silicon? The picture you've seen is my current size and I'd like to adjust a little bit more, just like 40cc more and that's it.
Starting point is 01:32:13 I'll be done. I want to, what we call a considerable size. I want to be able to hide it and I don't want to be like a hazard for work. What do you, yeah, what's your job? A construction? You don't work on like a conveyor belt or anything, dude. We're gonna bowling alley. Someone's gonna mistake his balls for a bowling ball. Oh my God. I designed sub-sees, structures and equipment for owning gas extraction. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:32:38 So what people call a petroleum engineering. So on your shore or seeing seeing suppliers, manufacturers, everything mechanical is kind of dangerous to. Yeah. We're both. We're both like that. Yeah, obviously. Yeah. How'd you get into this? Yeah, stay away from belt sanders. Well, just like you, for fun, I started being being big for like a weekend and stuff to be around friends, girls and everything. And then. Shade. Hey guys.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Oh yeah. Look, if you notice anything different, if you're a young man, uh, going out on spring break, you want to have something special to impress the ladies, right? Oh yeah. It works very well. Yeah. Because God knows it ain't going to be your personality. So you got to have something. I got to top those boys off. Top those balls off. Yeah. Give them a little, so you gotta have something. I'm gonna top those boys off. Top those balls off, right?
Starting point is 01:33:25 Give them a little boost. So yeah, it gets the stairs and after a while, it got very busy with work and lazy to get saline and everything's side, so I just went permanent like that. Wow. Lower maintenance, but possibly higher risk. What percentage of you, Sean, wants to do this? 100%.
Starting point is 01:33:46 100%. What happens to the saline? Does it migrate to your dick? Because I noticed some of these, your dick looks like it has, it's like a snake sloughing its skin. It looks like a huge tube of, you see this? How is it? How is it?
Starting point is 01:33:58 It's like inflated around it. That's also saline. Yoddy? Yeah, that's saline. That's the only picture with saline. All the other pictures is just natural looking. Okay. And then did you, does the saline like go there
Starting point is 01:34:10 or did you do that too to your penis? Oh, it's a microphone. It's a microphone. It's a saline of a loom. The saline would go anywhere it can. So it will just start migrating slowly towards the penis. Huh.
Starting point is 01:34:23 What about the face? Can I inject it into my face to get a bigger face? Actually, girls also can do settling, for example, for the lips or even for the breast or even for the pussy lips as well. Oh, all right. I really feel like we should try this. I'm sorry, I agree. Special airport, because you know when you go to that body scanner machine, the machine She tried it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:34:46 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:34:54 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:35:02 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. of the machine, it was like, oh, what should I do now? Because it sees my crotch and it sees the screen and it was like, some things weird here. How do people react? And do you tell them it's fit? Wait, are you straight or gay? Um, why?
Starting point is 01:35:13 Okay, perfect. How do people, how do men and women react to giant balls? And do you tell them that they're inflated or do you just go with, yeah, those are my balls, what's up? Uh, depends of, um just go with, yeah, those are my balls. What's up? Depends of the relation I have with them. People are polite, so industry, in public, and in order to play in whatever. I will notice that they will stare at it, but they will say nothing because people are polite. But whenever they're drunk, they'll fully go against it. They ask stuff like, hey, what did you shove socks into your pants or things like that? Yeah, yeah. Right. What am I mean, people you're
Starting point is 01:35:49 intimate with? What do they say? Oh, I'm currently, I couldn't have a boyfriend. Okay. And pretty much doesn't care because he knows I won't go like base people size. And he knows I'm pretty much safe with it as well. Okay. So back before you had a boyfriend, did you meet people, new people like this, have any one night stands or anything like that? Oh yeah, yeah, but as I said, Silicon looks very natural, so they just go like,
Starting point is 01:36:14 well, does this huge? I never seen something like that, because they never suspect that it's being tempered with. Tampered with. I'm telling you, man, that's the future. Yeah, you know, like I remember how when squirting was learned in the hive, in the in the meta conscience, everybody all, that was a big thing that chicks all had to be.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Once this gets out and this ball tampering stuff gets out, there's going to be kids. Alex Jones is going to be selling them. Super male, like Saturday ball and fl playing. What's that, Yody? Well, it's catching many momentum, much, another momentum now because Silicon's pretty much what we call obsolete now. What they do officially is in checking PMMA micro spheres. And it's much, much safer than Silicon, the procedure to do it. And you can pretty much do it like in Paris and Kiwana or all the places like that.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Yeah, I'm going to Tijuana for this. Can you guys fuck with my balls? Yeah, please. Going to some East Coast. You're just injected and that's it. All right. Does anything make you a rage? This is fascinating.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Yeah, it is. Well, I've probably heard I don't live in United States. I live in France. Yeah, it is. Well, I've probably heard I don't live in the United States, I live in France. Yeah. And one thing that really makes me a rage is like, there's actually a witch hunt on diesel. Diesel cars is like a huge no-no. So is it banning diesel cars in many, many big cities, especially in Paris? And they do it by, they keep wanting people to buy electric cars. Like, hey, buy electric cars, buy electric cars, you don't know the fuel economy with it. Like, no, no, wait, you have to buy the batteries, you have to rent the batteries for the same price of you buying your fuel.
Starting point is 01:37:55 So like, no, you do that just to place the global warming gods. And that's it. Yeah, nothing about green anything makes any sense. All the initiatives, like if we could just wipe all cars out, it's like 25% of total global emissions. Oh, I, it's less than that, I think. Just because industry in cargo and shipping takes up 75%
Starting point is 01:38:21 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It ain't the cars. The CO2, the CO2 measurements came back from 2017, based on country. And it was US had dropped their production of CO2 by like 20%. China had increased by 200% or something like that. It was like, wow, wasn't there somebody saying that global warming was a hoax to make the US
Starting point is 01:38:44 not uncompetitive with China and manufacturing? Who was the guy that was somebody saying that global warming was a hoax to make the US not uncompetitive with China and manufacturing. Who was the guy that was fucking saying that that everyone said was an asshole? Because I'm looking at the fucking graph and it sure looks like somebody ramped up their manufacturing a lot more than somebody else. Well, China and India have been developing big, big time for years now. It's like, what are you going to say? You can't tell them not to fucking,
Starting point is 01:39:06 you can't do an age that we've already passed. You guys can't have yards. We only, we get to have yards. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't have, no, no, no, no, no, no. You can't have this much plastic. Only we can. This insane.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Stupid. All right, Yodi, do you have any more questions for Yodi, the ballman? How did you get into this? How did you get into this? How did you stumble upon this? Yeah. Pretty much four ends or anything. I started with pumping like most, I'd say like normies and the gateway drive into the bigger things like that.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Start with the pumping. Start the pumping and you go from there. Yeah. After a while, because we get frustrated by the speed of pumping, it's like, it's a lot of time or the thing. The hero shaming. Has this ever happened to you? Just a guy pumped up. It's cock. Well, this is just as you're painting, introducing Alex Jones's old male vitality ball injectors. Yeah. After the first, after the first pump, you're always chasing that first one Yeah, and then it's like a guy with a trucker hat camo trucker hat coming in his big fat broad comes in
Starting point is 01:40:10 He's like, hey, how about this? How'd you like to jingle these balls for Christmas midgeys like oh my heavens, right? Yeah, that's the info Marshall the info marshal. Guy getting a little kid getting, you're guy getting kicked around. Now you're such a loser. Look at you. Oh yeah, I'm just pants down. Holy shit, look at the size of those balls.
Starting point is 01:40:34 And then he knocks them out with them. It gives you a big, big energy when you have that. Yeah, two broads over there. Oh my goodness, look at the size of those balls. All right, yoddy, do you get out of here? Thank you for calling in. See ya. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Can't have diesel cars. Guy can have balls as big as a house. Can't drive a diesel. Oh my God. That's very interesting. It's bullshit, man. It's bullshit. Let's see here.
Starting point is 01:40:59 See if we've got some advice. Mm-hmm. Dick, I'm writing to you for your advice. I'll be a tongue in cheek. Often has really helped me carry myself in a more masculine, confident manner. I'm going through never before experienced levels of heart break, loss and regret. And I do not know how to handle them. You need bigger balls. Next piece of advice. Next piece. Next. Look, give me a situation that pumping a leader of sailing into your balls.
Starting point is 01:41:27 All of them fix. Yeah, it doesn't exist. No. I have been with my girl for about two years now. And for about the past year, things have gotten somewhat rocky when it comes to sex. When we first started dating, we were fucking all the time on the side of the road, in the car, on hikes, using all sorts of toys and rope
Starting point is 01:41:48 and positions and shit. It was exhilarating in the best sex I ever had. On my end, I'm no slouch either. I took care of her needs multiple times. Every session. However, after a few months, the sex began declining, both in frequency and intensity. This fucked with my confidence. I felt myself wondering if I was unappealing to her,
Starting point is 01:42:10 both physically and personality wise. Oh, that's a big mistake. Big mistake. I felt, I reached a point where we would only have sex maybe once a month in the shower, where she would ask, do you want to come? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Oh, slap. I'd be like, fucking giver in a cost of chop. So I'm just saying that to me, do you wanna come?
Starting point is 01:42:47 Ah, yeah. Do you wanna live? A cost of chop. Ah, yeah. Never before have I heard such, oh. How dare you. Do you wanna come? More than I wanna eat, yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:03 More than, yeah. I mean, pretty much everything. Yeah, I mean pretty much everything. Yeah, all the annoying shit that you do that my friends don't do, I want to come that bad. It's pretty easy to balance the scale there. Lady Justice, figure it the fuck out, idiot. She would ask, do you want to come and insist that I bust quickly?
Starting point is 01:43:25 What the hell kind of... Gosh, it's really just putting up with it barely or not. Or not. Can you imagine being spoken to like that? No. Do you want to come? Can you... Yeah, hurry it up, please.
Starting point is 01:43:41 Can you hurry it up, please? That's your job. Maybe you've... Maybe you're misunderstanding something here. She said it was a her thing and she was no longer feeling sexual period. That she loved my body and personality. And then if she were to feel any sexual, sexual, sexual urges, it would be for me. That's a lie. Sex continues to be a point of contention, eroding away at my myself esteemed confidence and security until last Saturday and I read her diary. She wrote
Starting point is 01:44:08 that she resents me for putting on weight. Oh, since we started dating, I'm 6'1 and 195 pounds. It's not that big. I mean, no, it's not. For being needy, for being jealous and for being irresponsible with money. That's the one. Yeah. Well, that's the one. That's what happened to the sex drive. That's right. No, well, I mean, just eat, yeah, maybe that probably that one, but also the other stuff is like, she likes him less. Oh, everything about him. She likes him less overall. Worse, she wrote, who's, who's reading diet? Who's keeping diet? And the more a girl likes you, the more she wants to fuck you. The more she likes you as a person, the more she wants to fuck you.
Starting point is 01:44:49 Yeah, but I don't, yeah, is that? I'm saying in a relationship. But all of, she'll excuse all of this shit. Like everything that you do wrong, women will twist into something you do right if they like, if they wanna fuck you. if you're fucking them properly, I think. I get there, at least for a period of time. I don't think that their brains are connected if they're not getting fucked properly.
Starting point is 01:45:15 If they're asking you if you want to come, and as soon as those brainwires get disconnected, that's where all this nagger should happen. Well, you can tell she's resentful by asking questions like that. Yeah, I think it works oppositely. If you don't fuck them right, all the other things start to be a problem. I mean, you're irresponsible, right? Oh, he fucks me properly.
Starting point is 01:45:36 Yeah, you know, he's very generous with money. He lives in the moment. He spends in the moment. I love it. It's very exciting. It could be. It's different for different people, I think. Worst, she wrote that she keeps fantasizing about other men.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Oh, buddy, what are you doing? I immediately called her and asked her for honesty in these topics, also never do. Oh, I don't think I'm snooping around her diary. Yeah, I need you to be honest with me about something. Shardie was. Yeah. Yeah, why do you need to hear it?
Starting point is 01:46:03 That's twice. Right. She proceeded to feed me the same lies as usual when I called her out on it honest with me about something. Shardie was. Yeah. Yeah. Why do you need to hear it? You know, that twice. She proceeded to feed me the same lies as usual when I called her out on it. And then I revealed having read her innermost thoughts on it. She told me I was out of line and hung up on me. She should. We haven't spoken in three days now. And I am dying inside mostly because everything she wrote is correct.
Starting point is 01:46:22 And I do not know how I wound up in this pathetic pussy whip state. Complacency. I find myself blaming myself for all of it in my stomach turns knowing I have to let go of the life we have built together. My fucking daughter, oh man, my daughter calls her mom even. I wasn't sure that I had found my one perfectly compatible person and I feel that I have lost her because of my own shortcomings. When a woman is done and she is done, you know,
Starting point is 01:46:51 and I can tell that she has checked out, I'm hurt, I'm scared to lose her. I thought of untangling our lives, breaks my heart. I know I sound like a simple cook, but I could use some advice on how to carry on. I'm hitting the gym hard, and I should be slim enough to have a six pack which will boost myself confidence and esteem.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Typically in the past I'd go out and fuck as many eights and higher as I could find. I worry that this behavior has left myself worth tied directly to sex, which is dangerous in relationships. Too long didn't read, I read my girls' innermost thoughts and found out that she doesn't find me attractive because I'm chubby and pathetic. Told her I read it, got dumped dumped and now I'm sad as fuck.
Starting point is 01:47:25 What do, what are the other things that she listed? The put on weight, put on weight. Bad with money, needy, needy, jealous, jealous. I'm not sure if you're reading, have you ever read a girl's stuff? No, me either. I've never felt compelled to. Yeah, no, no, no. I just assume, I just assume
Starting point is 01:47:47 it's all negative and I work on those assumptions. Yeah, you know, yeah, just be safe. Like, yeah, you don't make enough money, you're too fat, you're getting fatter every month, you need to shower more and brush your teeth better. And you're not as funny as you think you are. That's what she thinks. That's what I think. That's the thing that would hurt the most. Honestly, not as funny as you think you are. I put him in order.
Starting point is 01:48:13 Yeah. I mean, fuck you. I'm hilarious. I don't need to read it. Like if I read that and it was all the opposite of that, I would think that bitch is lying. Yeah is a fake diary. She's put this as a fake diary. For a, I'll figure out the reasons why. But I know this is a fake diary. Yeah, but crossing the line is when you say somebody's not as funny as they think they are. Yeah. Everyone's as funny as they think they
Starting point is 01:48:42 are. Probably funny. Especially, man. Yeah. Uh, sex about the daughter though. Oh, yeah. You know, don't introduce kids to your kid or don't introduce your kid. Well, it's been at some point though. I mean, it was Dana for years, right? At least a couple of years.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Yeah. They didn't say how old they were either. No. I or what the age of age. The only way through it is if you want to, if you want to get this chick back, you just got to stop talking to her. Stop fucking talking to women about their emotions. They mean nothing. It's just glitter that shoots out of their head all day every day. It means fucking, it means completely fucking nothing. The only thing that matters is if they're getting fucked properly or else everything else starts to short circuit.
Starting point is 01:49:33 You're not eating good. Hey, I don't know. Ah, I don't know about that. That's what I live by. Yeah. Oh, you starting to get, you starting to go nuts? How long has it been? Yeah, we'll fix that.
Starting point is 01:49:45 What do you think it is? You got a romance sum? No, I'd be better with money. Who the fuck can do that? I think she does. She's pulling away from him. Why? That's the sex, the fucking plan.
Starting point is 01:49:57 Yeah, but the sex was great. It was like, it's not like he forgot how to fuck. You know what I mean? He talked about all the ropes and all that kind of stuff. It's not like, it's not like he forgot how to fuck. You know what I mean? He talked about all the ropes and all that kind of stuff. It's not like, it's not like he got worse. Using all these things of toys and rope though. That's odd.
Starting point is 01:50:14 That's a, like, like, like, to, maybe she likes it. Well, what I'm saying is she's like, she's sitting there because like, she's still dealing with him as a person and she's like, God, this guy is like, you know, the same happening. I don't know, man, I don't know. Jellis, I don't be, I think he just got to restart.
Starting point is 01:50:34 We get all figured of that shit. Who's going there? Start laying some pipe, man. Give it a shot. Well, I was just gonna say that actually. But how is that gonna make things worse? Yeah. It wouldn't, it couldn't. Do you want to come? Don't you fucking ever at, you know, don't fucking ask me that. Yeah, let her. Do you want to come? Don't fucking ask me that.
Starting point is 01:50:54 She like, don't ever ask another guy that again. She like, rope and toys. It's probably likes being yelled at. Yeah. Could be. They need, they need the pushback. Or, you're not negotiating a fucking piece treaty when you're getting ready to fuck abroad. You got a fucker properly. Do you want to come? What the fuck? Yeah. Yeah. Now you're going to do it twice.
Starting point is 01:51:21 You're going to smoke only. Do you want wanna drown? Hahaha. Oh, good luck though, buddy. Yeah, I mean, you know, that's rough. All right, so we, he's like, I got one more, one more caller. Yeah. What you got?
Starting point is 01:51:39 I'm gonna unmute him right now. Is it, he's dub, dub sack in the chat. Dub sack? Yeah. He's a, he was a Patreon and he's dub dub sack in the chat dub sack yeah he's it he's he was a Patreon and he's leaving us oh no he was he made the news last week I think for calling people's jobs are allegedly called people's jobs yeah yeah yeah this guy let me see if he's there we're kept in jackass yeah what's up you guys hear me yeah we can hear you you post, what are we gonna call you here on the show, buddy?
Starting point is 01:52:07 Dubsack is fine. Dubsack is fine. All right. As of last, he left a post that a goodbye message on the Reddit. Oh, man. As of last Wednesday, due to purely circumstantial coincidence, I had, I stand accused by two different women in the Facebook group of calling their jobs to harass them and get them fired.
Starting point is 01:52:24 Was I trolling at this time? Yes. Did I post spicy memes? Yes. Did I send some not so nice messages? Yes. Don't call anyone there. There's a single shred of evidence. No, however, no one believes me.
Starting point is 01:52:37 No one will hear me out. It's like these faggot. Oh, boy, forget that there might just be more than one autists hanging around this. Oh, my God. Dub's like, hanging around this game. Oh my god. Dubsec, what happened to you? Oh boy. Okay. Well, two two weeks ago, just put a long story short, I I spurged out.
Starting point is 01:52:52 I was feeling pretty spurgy that day. Yeah. I just quit smoking cold turkey for four. Let's go for a round. I'm on a locus. I just quit smoking. I hadn't got laid. I was that too.
Starting point is 01:53:03 I'm the tweeting. The new the new season of House of Cards sucks. Diablo released that mobile shit. I was taking a bunch of Ambien. My balls weren't inflated properly. You know, this guy, that guy shouldn't inflate his fucking balls and see what that bitch thinks about that. Why not?
Starting point is 01:53:21 That's what I'm trying to do. Again, good and hurt. Yeah, I sp spurged out. I mean, like everyone says, oh, you're just supposed to just go along with it all. Don't, don't feed into it. Well, I, I, I felt like feed into it that day. So did you? I was giving back, I was just giving back what I was getting. Did you sell this?
Starting point is 01:53:40 Did you sell this? Oh, such a nasty meme. You posted about Kerry. It's like, whoa, what about the shit you guys posted about me? Like I mean, come on. Like, did you send this in a private message to Emily the boom? Hope it was fun getting to be a mean girl for a day. See you in hell, bitch. You will never get the last word with me. This is a bad idea on your part back the fuck off. You probably never get called a cut, which is why it triggered you enough
Starting point is 01:54:05 for you to come in on my profile, pick it for a, glad I was able to get under your skin like that because you are a cunt. No matter how many people you fool with that sugary sweet bullshit, I saw your true colors yesterday, Rod and Hell cunt, and then you blocked her. Did that happen?
Starting point is 01:54:21 Yes. Ahahahahahahah didn't call anyone's job? Hell no. I don't know that. That ain't my style. All right. Carrie says that you definitely did. How does she know? I mean, okay, she claims that I can seal my voice and it also can seal my number.
Starting point is 01:54:44 So how the fuck? How would she know that it was me? I don't know. She said it was on her Halloween night and she was pretty drunk. Wow. Yeah. She was deleting some of the things that she posted and her boss called her to tell her that some psycho has been calling our office cell phone saying I was a backstabber and I was stealing from them. I skyped her so I could see the phone as you, you called when
Starting point is 01:55:12 I was on from a block number. He was, you were very drunk and rambling when she called again. She has zero proof, she says. Besides you admitting it and freaking out. And admitting it, where? What, what, what if I not denied this what the fuck guys? I don't know So you didn't call anybody's job hell no all right. Well, that's that's that's good I'm I Emily's on the oh let me see am I do you want to call in? Let me see if she's here Hey Emily are you there? Okay, what are you saying on the chat, girl? I'm calling him a big pussy and a bitch
Starting point is 01:55:48 because that's what he is. He overreacted completely to what memes? Yeah. What was that whole volatile attitude for? I made you a fucking Pokemon calling you stove and I get work calls. My receptionist told me that we got four phone calls from a guy asking for me. Really? Yes. Oh, does that ever happen before? You got calls asking for you? No,
Starting point is 01:56:14 no. People who call for me are usually from our gas stations or from our vendors. Okay. This person who called, I'll be fair, it's a legend. I have no physical proof because the phone number was blocked. Okay. But the receptionist told me in detail what the guy was saying and what the guy reacted to what she said. Could the receptionist provide a positive voice ID? Yes, I showed her the video that Stain made making fun of his spurgout and she said it was the same voice. That's right. that stain made making fun of his spurg out and she said it was the same voice. That's it. What? Okay, Emily, I don't even know what you do for a living.
Starting point is 01:56:50 Sure. I don't know where you work. I, like, what else do you want to say? I didn't do this. Again, again, I'm being fair. Everything here is alleged, but your actions make me not believe you because I was one of the least bitchy to you that day,
Starting point is 01:57:06 and you blew up at me because I'm one of the good. Oh, you got nastier and nastier as a woman. No, I did. And I'm like, oh, okay, oh, now you're denying it, okay. Well, I should thank you, though, because I made really great friends with your ex-girlfriend. Oh, that's cool, guys. Like, reach out to my ex. She's not involved in the show in any way.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Change your work number. Change your work number. She's getting messages. No, no! She was getting harassed by people. she doesn't know. Her ass. What did they do to these guys? I thought it. Contacting my ass. I did over your behavior. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What's wrong with the ex?
Starting point is 01:57:51 What has she, what happened with her? Why don't you want her to, why don't you want anybody to contact your ex, Stepsack? Because she's not involved in the show in any way. She doesn't like you guys. She's totally. She wants to join the show. Why doesn't she like us?
Starting point is 01:58:04 Why doesn't she like us? She doesn't need you guys. She's totally. What's the joint show actually? Why doesn't she like it? She doesn't need to be harassed by random guys messaging her. Nobody likes it to be fast. That's the only thing about this to make me angry. Stop contacting her. What did she say to me? Did she say that? Emily, did she tell you to stop? You contacted her first though, Emily.
Starting point is 01:58:20 I know the person. You've commented a picture in the group pretending they were still fucking and that's how we found her you retarded? What the fuck are you even talking about? I posted one picture of her and I together, basically to, you know, refute the accusation that I can't get hot chicks or whatever. I've never mentioned any part of the name.
Starting point is 01:58:37 I don't even know how you guys found her. How the fuck did you value yourself? Wait, was the Emily Emily was the ex upset? Did she say to stop? Okay. She's completely stupid and she's laughing at her and I are actually friends now. What else did she tell you Emily? Didn't she say that she doesn't think that I called your work? Did you leave that part out? What did she say? What did she say?
Starting point is 01:59:00 She believes you did that she said I have her messages from last night actually Your messages again, she says that I didn't do it. I wouldn't do that. No, she would never do that to my worst enemy It stays on the internet. I got fuck with on the internet. I fuck with people back on the internet I do not call people's work. I don't fuck with people. I why did you message my grandfather? I did not message any of your family. Yes, he did He said more did and you're more you have three accounts to mess with people because once you block I did not message any of your family. Who was that? Yes, he did. He said, he did. Mort did and you're a mort. You have three accounts to mess with people because once you block them, you still have
Starting point is 01:59:31 a contact. Post the screenshot in the discord right now. Do you see anything before? I don't have it. I do admit I don't have the screenshot because he's 74 and he just deleted and blocked you. But my grandfather would not call me out of nowhere saying, why is this Mark guy saying you're sending new ideas? That counts as boomer for care.
Starting point is 01:59:50 Emily, think of somebody else who wants revenge on you. I'm not going to say his name because that's not a allegation, too. It's really easy for you to point to that just because other people have spurred out at me before. Emily who wants revenge on you. Who is staying enough to pretend that he has a family and stuff like that. Like that guy is obviously a lot more deranged than I am. Like I figured out a guy that was making up a family
Starting point is 02:00:11 for like a year. His name is Sean Willing and the group. Most guys make up not having a family. That's kind of like, oh my God. I don't know. I'm so worried, but I'm so worried. That's hilarious. Why would he, go ahead. Why would he not just celebrate that he tricked everybody? Oh God. I don't know. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years.
Starting point is 02:00:25 I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years.
Starting point is 02:00:33 I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years.
Starting point is 02:00:41 I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. I'm worried for a whole lot of years. like left every group instead of freaking out like you're a message of how to get revenge like I think you might want to look at that again. Oh like you're above that you were you would message me and block me and then message me and block me like a fucking pussy. Yeah that was two weeks ago and I'm done. I haven't done anything since. How are we going to go in the reddit crying like a little bitch you're not done. Are you serious? I'm gonna falsely accuse the shit I didn't do.
Starting point is 02:01:06 How would you react to this? Not like you did, buddy. Not like you. That's exactly. Would you really, would you message and then block right away? I did that to Emily, yes. So they can't answer. That's funny.
Starting point is 02:01:20 I actually, actually does it to his ex too. I have an email she sent me where the last line of it is him saying good luck trying to respond to this email because I blocked you and everything. Okay, well, what did what did the X say? What did the X say? Just so nobody bothers her anymore. Let's hear what she had to say. She actually was thinking about joining the DIC show because she thinks everything's funny. Hmm. Oh, I'd love to get her on here and talk to her. Oh boy. So you could abuse her some more like you've done through three years of not touching her because all you do is watch porn and jerk off all day. Okay. I mean, that's, that's an interesting. Okay, okay, because you can't refute it. Hey, bitch, can I talk?
Starting point is 02:02:05 Cunt. You've been talking plenty. Like what she says about me not wanting to bang her. I mean, that's a pretty interesting way of saying, like I was getting fat and wouldn't get off my ass and wouldn't do shit, like spend the whole year in bed. Yeah, that tends to make someone not want to bang you anymore. So I'm like, congratulations.
Starting point is 02:02:22 For three years, she was getting fat. No, for about a year, that's what I actually relate a lot to that advice dude. I could give him a lot of great advice. What is it? What's your advice? Next to mommy and daddy's bedroom on your twin beds. That's below the belt. You call someone I kind as much as you want, but make it fun of the size of a man's bed. I don't really care about his opinion of me. He's not my husband. Uh, dub sack. What was your advice for that guy? Uh oh, he blocked us. Hang on. I'm still there. Oh, he's got a blue screen of death. Well, I have an email here that his ex sent me from him. Okay. Wait till he gets wait till he gets back on And we'll read that email because I don't I don't want to read stuff. Oh, and I can't defend himself
Starting point is 02:03:10 No, I understand completely which is why I'm trying to be fair I don't have concrete evidence that he did the call. I will be completely You guys is fucking You got concrete evidence of him calling you pig face on one of your You got concrete evidence of him calling you pig face on one of your private My friends and family like you can call me whatever he want in the next show group. I don't care. It's just words But don't do it kind of my mom my mother is like they don't get what the internet stuff is like they don't get I don't get the subtle nuance of calling someone a pig face
Starting point is 02:03:51 get that. I don't want to explain to them why there's beef in a group like that. Yeah. But since he's not here, I'll talk about the bus guy a bit. The bus guy. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. We were in a chat with him for quite some time and I've seen him in the group here and there and He was fine in the group and then he started posting more and more and more and the details would be way too much And it just didn't make sense like I was the fake family Yeah, yeah, the reason we call him bus guys because he always just talked about his bus driving and his wife So we just called him bus wife in the group. Okay about his bus driving and his wife. So we just called him bus wife in the group. Okay.
Starting point is 02:04:25 Okay. And then all I did was like, I asked him, is your family real? And he just fucking like dipped out of the group. He left and freaked out. So then in a public post, I said, I believe his family is fake. And then he like started blocking everyone
Starting point is 02:04:41 and freaking out. And people found pictures of him and a wig on a blog pretending to be his own wife. Oh, yeah, I'm sending him a message to you directly. Send it to you. I got it from like four different people. We definitely have weaponized autism and like, oh my God, I love it.
Starting point is 02:05:01 Can you also, can you be like a news reporter for Captain Jackass? I would love to if he would have me. Okay, first of all, Mrs. Busfire over here. Yo-D is picturing a posting a picture of his, his penis, clothed penis. We've moved on. I mean, John, this is,
Starting point is 02:05:24 we're on to bus life now. Okay, yeah, send me that, Dubsack, you're unmuted. You're unmuted, but Emily, send me that. Okay, I'm sorry, blue is gonna death. There he is. You were saying pig face, something about... I mean, I'm not proud of that.
Starting point is 02:05:43 I'm like, okay, Emily, I'm sorry, all right? I'm sorry. The worst that I did to you was some memes. And I feel that you went so out of line doing what you did. You know, do you see why I'm bothered by your behavior and why I don't trust you? Absolutely. The reaction was so volatile. And again, you said the jokes were wholesome and funny.
Starting point is 02:06:08 And then that means I got killed me when I told you to take a break that you were getting too emotional over shit posting. Nobody tells me I'm too emotional. It's the Kiwi guy all over again. Wait, can you get that ex's email? I want to know what she, okay, can you write? What does she have to say? Great. Oh, my God. This is my dream. I really don't need it. Why would you reveal embarrassing intimate information about me to a hostile
Starting point is 02:06:34 mob of strangers based on their side of the story alone? That is by far the most fucked up thing you've ever done to me. They only showed you their side, which is wrong. I actually showed her all the memes I made of you. She thought they were funny They didn't show you their memes. They made of me beforehand all the cruel things they said Did you even think to question how they found you before starting blabbing information to them? So the way this is this is from hell. This is from who to who? To his ex. Okay. Okay Let's see. I've never used any part of your name in that group.
Starting point is 02:07:07 Someone must have dug deep into my profile before I unfriended all of those people. To the voice. To the voice. That's the only thing I can think of unless they use some creepier method. It's been 11 months since we broke up and you were still so angry at me that you did this. That's pathetic. You're pathetic. And I don't believe for one second that you're doing as great at me that you did this. That's pathetic. You're pathetic.
Starting point is 02:07:25 And I don't believe for one second that you're doing as great as you say you are. You've bitten two of my friends head off this past month because you can't fucking control yourself. Yeah, I'm really careful. You're like, you have an arched, which is exactly what's happened to me right now. Like this is a whole lynch mob. You fucking...
Starting point is 02:07:40 I at least say allegedly. I am being fair about it. Oh, whatever, whatever. Grow up. You called me an adult toddler in that email you sent back in January. At least toddlers get up and move around. You're an adult infant. Oh my god.
Starting point is 02:07:58 Take that. Good luck with flying to this. I have you blocked on everything. Well, what did she tell you? That's the game, isn't it? That's the game. You get the last word. You win.
Starting point is 02:08:09 It's not about winning. It's true. He's right. He said what it is. Now, it is about winning. And that was the most big red-out. This show, this is great. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:08:17 It is about winning. You immediately... I actually posted the bus wife wig thing in the group. Okay. In the discord. All about my wife, that one. Yeah. Yeah. Damn, I'm glad I'm not that guy. Oh wow. Yeah. Why did he do this? In the pictures that he sent that he said was his wife. Definitely didn't look like that.
Starting point is 02:08:45 that he sent that he said was his wife definitely didn't look like that that's a man in a wig yes with nail polish yeah he needs a much bigger phone if he's gonna try to pull that off because it looks like it looks like he's holding a microchip with those giant paws. It needs an iPad. Oh, here's my little hand. Yeah, my dainty little hand. It ain't taking a picture. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Uh, all right. Whoa, where did we, where did we land here?
Starting point is 02:09:18 Where did we land in the Kavanaugh trial that's happening right now? Right in the jackpot. Right in the jackpot. So you didn't call... I get that there's some people... I get that there are some people who could say like anybody from the group could have called me because of the letter thing that I got to. One of the dikes pretended to write me a letter making fun of the four-page letter I got previously this year. Well he says you didn't call him.. I didn't. So hopefully not. And I can't prove it, but I suspect you and I'm allowed to do that. Fine.
Starting point is 02:09:49 I'm allowed to deny it. That's what I'm here for. Yeah, you got to be careful with calling people cuts and fig phases and then they might get called, right, Sean? Yeah. And that flames that bottle points right at you. Yeah. Yeah, even if you're innocent.
Starting point is 02:10:04 It's true. It's circumstantial right now. It's, yeah. Yeah, yeah, even if you're innocent, it's true. It's circumstantial right now. It's, yeah, sorry, sorry, Sean. Everybody interrupts you and I just did it through. No, no, no, no. Sean leaves a bunch of 10 months pregnant pauses in his speech that you could park a semi truck in. That's why that happened so often.
Starting point is 02:10:20 It keeps people listening. Yeah, like Tom Likus hanging on every word, leaving a minute and a half pause. Really. Yeah. Yeah. Dump that bitch. Did the ex say anything else, Emily? She's got messages on her profile where like he is saying maybe get off your ass once a year instead of bitching that your partner would rather jerk off and touch you. I have nothing to lose now. And there's also a message from him to her saying, I still care about you. Um, I said that I didn't even realize you guys were talking to her.
Starting point is 02:10:57 Like this is crazy. She reached out to me because she wanted to say, I'm so sorry he did this to you. As a feminist, I want to talk to you and tell you I support you. She's a feminist. I don't believe anything she says then. I'm a doesac. See, you're totally wrong going through. This is a feminist mob clearly.
Starting point is 02:11:14 Lots of impune and innocent man. All right. I am right. All right, people, doesac. I'm sorry that you had to leave in, is, in such a commotion. Yeah, man. I mean, my, my name is dirt and it's like, I, I don't want to leave in such a commotion. Yeah, man, I mean, my name's Dirt, and it's like, I don't wanna be reminded of this
Starting point is 02:11:29 every time I tune in, man. I've loved the show for two years, but I gotta get out of here. It hurts Sean more than anybody. That's it. Sean is the one who really suffers for all of this. You gotta do what you gotta do. Well, maybe you can always come back. Dump to do what you got to do. Well, maybe you can always come back.
Starting point is 02:11:47 Dump sack, what makes you a rage? Perhaps if you give you a chance to air your grievances in one uninterrupted stream, maybe that will ease your mind. Make it easy. Here's what makes me a rage. You not playing the song I did about Land Out literally this year, man.
Starting point is 02:12:02 Where is it? Really? Yeah, I'll play it. It's called, I'm Land Out by Youngcuck. Oh, I remember that one. I had that copied over from every file week to the next to play and we never did. No, I never did.
Starting point is 02:12:18 I'm Land Out. Yep. Can you paste a link to it? I can't find that. Sure, one second. All this stuff we won't get to. Sad. Voting nihilists.
Starting point is 02:12:32 I'm like, what makes you a rage? People that who can't just drink water, they have to put some infused crystal bullshit or like fruit in it and they're like, oh, it's so much better. Just drink water. Yeah, yeah. Or drink soda.
Starting point is 02:12:46 Don't go in the middle. You don't need lemons in your water. Cucumbers in your water. Strawberries. Cucumbers are the devil's dick. You don't need them in your water. No. Just drink the fucking water. Cucumbers are like 90 plus percent water.
Starting point is 02:13:01 Not everything needs special customized flair to show everyone that you exist. Yeah, just drink the water. I don't need mint in the water. Don't need mint. I don't need to sprig of anything. I need to sprig of fuck you. Do you have any of that? Yeah. Here's your water.
Starting point is 02:13:15 Would you like a sprig of go fuck yourself? Yeah. Cause I've got plenty of those. Here's a whole head. It's on aisle three next to the bowling pin. Or rolling pins. Next to the ball inflating kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:27 Get fucked you bitch. Here it is, young cock. I did copy this. All right, everybody. Thanks you too for calling in and getting this straightened out. Thank you. We've made a lot of good in that. A lot of progress.
Starting point is 02:13:38 A lot of progress in the name of cohesion, having a cohesive group, learning opportunity, I think. Maybe now our money's good enough for the cancer kids. No, no. All right, everybody. This is the Dix show, Dix show, slash the Dix show. See you next Tuesday. This is, I'm Landau by Youngcuck.
Starting point is 02:13:59 Hey, yo, what up, this is boy Youngcuck. I gotta introduce you to the lawyer out my spot. He's called a shit. I'll introduce you to the lawyer out my spot. He's gonna shit. I'll wear it out. It was this guy. This boy, girl, by the name of Melvin, a box of wine, how's he staying in the lines?
Starting point is 02:14:12 Land out. Okay, everybody. Driving to shit face, stand there every day. At the intersection, reach the fold of bomb bay. Track this into law, swarvin in my car. Still at 20 million spend the grand at the bar The size of the chain though, I've been my dad's sweet My client is a cuck, so I'm hittin' on the street
Starting point is 02:14:32 Take that wig from spill it on my seat I just tell the cop I was wishin' this to rain Get the tight emotions at the lick, stole A dark greeny client, so I be makin' dough If he had the goops, let it do a thing Cause she cause next to drama so I'm extra getting paid Everybody know me, I'm back I'm stuck, I lost me every time, I'm fried by
Starting point is 02:14:54 I'm just doing a fly, I finished lost school Don't ask me, ask who my dad knew Drink it at the trial, I'm laying down, drinking in the car, I'm laying down, drinking in the club, I'm laying down, every way you see you post the fees and land down. Drink it at the trial, I'm laying down, drinking in the car, I'm laying down, drinking in the club, I'm laying down, every way you see you post the fees and land down. I Was Too The damn thing my dad's on the case open shut bang bang back on the sauce a super hard Goss I hope it on consanctioned or fired by my boss Putting in the work. Nope, it helps jumps don't tell Jane I devoted Donald Trump represents
Starting point is 02:15:41 Maddie Seven days a week Flaming Thanks for Shit, he broke release. Oh, I think we might win better yet. I know Oh Oh Oh, I think we might win better yet. I know How do you think the song can be received on Facebook? Maybe you should hang around for one more week to Privileless complaint.
Starting point is 02:16:07 Oh, please drink it at the trial. All right, all right, all right, all right. Young cock, young cock. I'm land down. Very good. Very good. Yeah, he's going to have to stick around for a week. Who could resist, Sean?
Starting point is 02:16:21 I don't know. I mean, you're filling up your balls with stuff. Who could resist? It's like the show. You just can, you're filling up your balls with stuff. Who could resist? It's like the show you just can't quit. Just can't quit it. Can't quit you. I got a very funny clip of Asterios Coconos that I wanna play.
Starting point is 02:16:35 Really? Yeah, I was watching him on his Twitch stream. He was talking to another podcast, I guess. Yeah. I just thought it was humorous. As the area I was just talking about about why it's legal for him to call Maddox a cuck and there is just sanctions stuff. So it's in the Constitution, you can call people a cuck.
Starting point is 02:16:59 It's right there. Look, first amendment, the right to free speech, second amendment, right to free speech second amendment right to right to I don't know jury trials third amendment people in the caucus a okay it's right there to build right so second amendment yeah right to I don't know it there that look first amendment the right to free speech second amendment right to right to I don't know jury trial Second amendment yeah, I know I forget what it is yeah That's what that's what's going on in the mind of a man so liberal he cannot remember That's funny freedom is very important. It's number one. That's funny. Freedom of speech is very important.
Starting point is 02:17:47 It's number one. What's the second? I don't know. Something about a trial. Something about a third. I think he knows. You think he knows? I think he knows.
Starting point is 02:17:58 I think that he... I think you have to give him time to think. Well, maybe knows. Like me, second amendment. Yeah, I know. I remember faster than my own name. to think. Well, if he knows. Like me, second amendment. Yeah, I know. I remember faster than my own name. Yeah. But hysteria is when he's just riffing,
Starting point is 02:18:10 has that ability to not remember it. I guess that's what makes, you think he did it on purpose? I don't know. You don't know. I don't know. You don't want to say it. He said dangerous times to be wrong
Starting point is 02:18:20 on something like that. Okay. I'll tell you what my fucking rage is and I don't have a word for it. So I'm just going to try and say the words to explain it. It's when you play through an entire fucking video game and you have fun, you know what I mean? You have good old times. And then like, you look up shit about that video game, maybe you're looking to review or see the mother shit you might play it again or some shit you realize
Starting point is 02:18:48 relive it half way through the game you make some huge fucking like laser sighted super dope pistol that would have made the rest of the game way more fun and cool because you could have just walked through like you know what I mean like
Starting point is 02:19:03 when people down and shit you will be a little bitch and look at a guy To play through your fucking game Because you gotta ruin any of the fucking gamers story or anything like that, you know, you need to go You don't need the fucking guy you feel me so you didn't look so you missed the one super fucking group thing There needs to be a fucking guy this like look this is the guy for people who ain't bitches just almost this one thing just don't hear this is this is all you need to know here's the one fucking page of shit that would be cool to know the movie started playing not like fucking 400 pages written in weird like no pad I'm a bad girl. I'm fucking weird. I'm playing the whole fucking game. You fucking christ. Oh, the man's right.
Starting point is 02:19:47 There needs to be a dad's guide to video games. Like, look son, this is what you need these four things. Yeah, mom's gonna give you a lot of advice in her weird notepad font with an ASCII art at the top. And it's gonna have credits. Like, they're fucking writing a movie. These walkthrough nerds. But this is all you need to know on the in the in the house the mansion you can't get back in once you leave. So make sure you get
Starting point is 02:20:17 shit out of there. You get all your weapons taken away in the second disc. So don't hoard anything. Don't hoard shit. They all get taken away. But light up, use the rocket launcher because you don't get it back. Leave, if you're playing as Chris Redfield, leave this, if you leave the machine gun in the locker, you get it as clear. Do that.
Starting point is 02:20:41 A's going, I played this game Firewatch. We go around, you pretend Firewatch guy and you have this relationship with, you're getting catfished by this bitch and another fire tower that you never get to see what she looks like, first of all. So that is very annoying. You play the whole game,
Starting point is 02:20:59 playing a, like picking what phrase to say to this bitch to try to get in her pants, whole game, end of the game. You don't get to look at them. That should be number one on the need to know list. Yeah. Number one. Yeah. The chick that you're talking to, you never get to see her or meet her. Right. So it doesn't matter what you, you don't even talk to her. You're wasting your time. You just, you just, you're talking to a chick that you're never going to meet. No, number one. One C or C or C. Yeah meet. Number one. Or C, or C.
Starting point is 02:21:25 Number one, number two, we spent the whole fucking game. We spent the whole fucking game. Yeah, I remember two. We spent the whole fucking game wanting to find a turtle. To have a turtle, you can have a turtle and keep it as a pet in this game. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:39 Some guys really don't like it. Never found one fucking turtle, the whole game. Just found these weird four-legged things that live in the water with shells. Found these weird dinosaurs. Yeah, found these weird military hats. Whole game, after the game didn't take very long. As soon as I get done, she goes online,
Starting point is 02:21:56 oh, they were right here. You have to find a turtle you have to hang out in this one space. You have to turn around. I knew I should have done this in advance. Go online. You don't want to pet. Not even a game.
Starting point is 02:22:08 No, I wanted one of those fucking turtles. Why? Just to see what was going on. Because everyone online has taken pictures of their fucking turtles. If I'm like, I want to feed it and maintain it and stuff. I don't know. Yeah, you probably do. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:22:20 I don't know. We'll figure that out and just let Dye then. Then I'll care. Yeah, I don't think you're gonna have it. I want to that out and just let Died then. Then I'll care. I don't think you know. I wanna have it. I wanna have it. I want my virtual man to have a virtual turtle. Yeah, you wanna control some other living things
Starting point is 02:22:30 fate for sure. I like turtles. Is what I'm saying. I like turtles. Yeah. So my brother's one said, when he saw that video, I like turtles. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:41 Yeah, that if anybody who didn't think that was funny, he could not be friends with. Kill him. Yeah. It was just, it was like a, it was like a line. You know, it was like, if you don't get why that's funny, I have nothing to say to you. That's the new Spanish Inquisition. I'm going to take over the church.
Starting point is 02:22:56 I'm going to rape more little boys than anybody else and I'm going to go around house to house with an iPad showing people that video. And if I don't get a smile, you're dead. Yeah, on the spot, executions to get rid of these unfunny people. But I knew in that game, while we were playing, I knew I should go find a walkthrough
Starting point is 02:23:15 and find where the turtles are. But then I thought that would be cheating. So I didn't do it. And I fucking regret and not tell 80s girl that I did that and just stumble on and go like, oh wow, a turtle, how how miraculous, we found a turtle. Never found a turtle. It's the elaborate system of lies that us men tell
Starting point is 02:23:33 that make life possible and beautiful for everyone else. That is the lesson. Okay. Dad's got. Hey, Jake, this is Steven from Atlanta. I am calling about the guy who pretty much said like he was suicidal and he is sad for saying a lot of messed up things about Dr. Nurse. I'm going to probably speak for a lot of people who have, to self-assign depression don't use that as an excuse for your shitty behavior. If you have if you are doing these very bad acts,
Starting point is 02:24:13 if you are stalking people, if you are hard-earned evil's livelihood, that is not an excuse for that's not an excuse for behaving like a shitty person. Absolutely true. Anyway, at the show last week, the Wall Street Journal fucking take care of him. Yeah, they kill kids. You know what? I'm sure we met him in Atlanta. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:35 I'm pretty sure, yeah. Recognize his voice. I think so. Sound engineering is super recognizing. No. I think the opposite. We should be doing threatening to kill ourselves more. Hey, do you want to go out?
Starting point is 02:24:47 I'm going to kill myself if you say no. Yeah. Yeah. Like, they trained a robot. They taught a robot to beg you not to turn it off. Yeah. People wouldn't do it. And people wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 02:24:59 Like, 70% of people wouldn't turn it off. Yeah. Oh, well, that's how the robots are going to win the robot world. They're not going to be a bunch of, we don't want to disappoint anybody. Yeah. They're not going to be like big skeleton titanium monsters. Yeah. They're going to be cute, like Wally and just go, please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Is like, I like everybody. Right. That's the, that's, they're going to come in the, in the disguise of, of the rabbit from a money python in the holy grail. Yeah. Yeah. you know, and then it just rips your throats out.
Starting point is 02:25:26 That's real pickup artist game. You know, if you're wearing a boa and a top hat, that's for fucking amateurs. You walk up and you go, hey, I like your shoes. Can I take you to dinner if you say no, I'm going to kill myself. Yeah. Right? It'll work. I mean, all you need'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man.
Starting point is 02:25:46 I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man.
Starting point is 02:25:54 I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man.
Starting point is 02:26:02 I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm gonna dark play, I'm gonna kill myself. Do you wanna get dinner? You wanna have my last meal with me? No, no, no, no, it has to be their fault. It has to be their fault that you get. It's like if you don't do this, I'm gonna kill you. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, right, okay.
Starting point is 02:26:14 It's not illegal. No, she's a private business. She can do whatever she wants. Well, that's a little dick tip for you. You're not gonna hear that tip on the Maddox show. I'll tell you that much. Well, you's a little dick tip for you. You're not gonna hear that tip on the Maddox show. I'll tell you that much Well, you're definitely gonna you're definitely gonna hear a lot of blaming other people. Yeah Did you get this guy fired? Oh my half sister killed herself
Starting point is 02:26:40 What's up big show? What's up? This is Martian Sun tan I'm actually the God that requested dick that you be on the kill stream Awesome. Thank you for going on the show. It was really entertaining So I got that guys tweet while we were drunk watching the world series and agreed I told Ralph to go out every day Sure, he's like well, what about you know two days? It's a lot. Yeah, fuck it. I like talk radio. Yeah. It'll be fun.
Starting point is 02:27:08 Little did he know that I would get his channel destroyed. Yeah. With my hate. Things. Things you learn. But I just listened to episode 127 and I agree with the guy that was talking about the body positivity how it's kind of bullshit as all these fat brawds are running around you know accept me accept me is I don't have any kind of weird you know dent in my chest
Starting point is 02:27:35 or anything that I'm a big guy grew up in a whole lot being a little bigger than everyone you know right now at 26 years of age, I'm six foot eight, 360 some odd pounds. That's a huge fucking dude. Bull off. Six balls. I had to explain the people that, no, I don't play football. Because they're ripping the South and football is religion down here. I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 02:27:59 I'm going to throw it up, but everybody I would see, I'd go to the store, anywhere I go, hey man, you play football, you play football? No, I don't. I'm just tall. I'm gonna be so tall. You know, I don't want to get shit off the top shelf for you. Just leave me alone. Let me go about my day. I know I'm tall. I've been tall my whole life. But, and it pisses me off seeing other tall people because I know that they have to deal with it. And just like personal context for this story, I work at a university, but I'm not a teacher or anything like that. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not doping kids in the some bullshit degree. I just work in normal.
Starting point is 02:28:37 I'm learning that happens to be at a university, but one day I went up to the bookstore to buy a drink and there was this tall guy on the basketball team taller than me. He probably was seven feet tall. That's a seven. And this dumb brawl and her mom come walking into the bookstore and galking at this tall guy pointing and giggling and all this kind of shit. And then while this guy's got his back turned, this woman goes up and gets up behind and
Starting point is 02:29:02 gets her daughter to take a damn picture of him. I'm just sitting here looking like, bitch, does this look like some kind of side-show to you? Yeah, that's it. Yeah. Mind your own business, the guy knows he's tall. You don't need to go up at him and laugh at him. You want me to stay here and laugh at you because you're some frumpy old, white-headed bitch. That's all I got to say, dick.
Starting point is 02:29:21 Keep up the good work. Hey, thank you. Yeah, it's weird, the fast, I mean, I get the fascination with things that are like at the extreme ends of the spectrum. You see a guy, that's a big motherfucker. You see a guy who's,
Starting point is 02:29:32 I mean, six foot eight, let alone seven feet. You're gonna look, you're like, damn, that dude is huge, but like to go take a picture or hell is wrong with you. He just, that's just, he didn't have it.
Starting point is 02:29:42 He didn't have anything to say about a biggie god. It's just, it's just one of the things that happens to some people. That fuck is wrong with you. He just, that's just, he didn't have it, he didn't have anything to say about a biggie god. It's just, it's just one of the things that happens to some people. That fuck is wrong with you. I know it's weird. It's weird. It's weird. It's weird. Chicks touching dogs. Oh look at that dog. Can I pet it? Yeah. Why don't you go throw yourself off a building you dumb bitch? What, why, what do you, what do you get out of that?
Starting point is 02:30:00 Oh, are you absorbing its fucking powers? Maybe. Are they? They might be. They are. Sure, if you, yeah, powers? Maybe. Are they? They might be. They are. Sure, but if you touch my dog, I'm going to kill myself. I'm telling you, we got to, this is a powerful weapon
Starting point is 02:30:14 that we've got to use inappropriately. Did you see the super tall? This is how you ask for a raise. Boss, I need to sit down with you. If I don't get a 10% raise, I'm going to kill myself. Okay. Yeah, I'll put it in an email for you. I'm definitely gonna do it. I'm definitely gonna do it Yeah, I'm definitely gonna do it right. I need the right. I need the raise or I will kill myself. Yeah In here. I'm just laughing because I'm freaking everybody out. Yeah
Starting point is 02:30:40 I'm crazy What do you so what do you why do you want this job? Well, if I don't get it, I'm gonna come myself. Right, so. So you can tell I want it pretty bad. I want it pretty bad. I mean, probably. I don't want to do this, but you're kind of forcing my hand here, literally.
Starting point is 02:30:52 Dude, come in with a noose. Right. I'll do it. Yep. Here's the make me rage again. So I got a little bit of a shoulder injury. I'm trying to stay off it. Just watch TV.
Starting point is 02:31:11 Stop walking on your shoulders. It's weird already. I'm just sitting here watching something and I'm doing you I think. How do people do this? Nothing. Oh, it makes me really easy. It should get good at it.
Starting point is 02:31:24 It's striped insane. All right, so I'm watching this. I, it makes me really easy. You should get good at it. It drives me insane. All right, so I'm watching this. I love it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I plan it. I more that yeah movies take themselves so fucking seriously that includes the stupid cave movies i don't know anymore i need more ridiculous farce in my movies first one Stanley Kubrick was asked to i get a face direct uh oh I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah. It's not like that. Sorry. Yeah, I'm gonna go to.
Starting point is 02:32:10 This is from Indiana, Indiana Atwood. And then that's it, then I'm done. You're all right. Oh, I broke the toilet seat. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I received a call from my mom telling me that my little sister had been murdered. Oh, fucking hell, you're gonna fucking end with this? Yeah, behind a dollar tree. Jesus. How do you put this in the middle?
Starting point is 02:32:53 Apparently, she had an altercation with a man earlier on Wednesday and he later tracked her down and stabbed her and one other guy. The other guy who tried to protect my sister is in critical condition but my sister didn't make it. As I'm sure you can guess, this has been heartbreaking for my family. She was the baby of our family at just 12. She's as Christ. The feelings around this are so surreal, and I have no idea how to describe them other than
Starting point is 02:33:18 dreamlike. This comes after only a few weeks after my uncle died of COPD and my family offered to carry and my family offered to carry the financial burden of the funeral. So with this recent tragedy, money is a little tight. I can't myself offer much for my family being a resident of Virginia and being poor as shit, I can't even afford to go to the funeral. So I've been doing what I can to help raise funds via to aid in this time of crisis. Attached below is the link to the GoFundMe as well as the news article
Starting point is 02:33:54 about my sister's death. I know I don't know what you are willing to do as far as offering help, but if you could, it would be nice if you could maybe give a shout out on the show for the GoFundMe or to post a social media or whatever. Either way, the dickheads on the Facebook group have been supportive and kind. Even if your recode is too stupid to see that people are more than one dimensional villains, I have seen that some of the most, I have seen some of the most compassionate people in this time of crisis are the ones that main stream media would call Nazis. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate the show and everything you would shine to go fuck yourself Indiana atwood. I can pay for this guy to go to the funeral, right? I could do that. I mean, yeah, I'll email him, but I'll put his go fund.
Starting point is 02:34:46 Yeah, hell of a just. Can't afford to go. I can't afford to go. Oh no, I'm a guy too. It's just just a few. I think at this point, I think I can do that. Very sorry for your loss. Yeah, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:34:59 There you go, everybody. See you next Tuesday. Everybody, see you next Tuesday.

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