The Dick Show - Episode 131 - Dick on The Last Minute Rush

Episode Date: December 4, 2018

The rush of getting things done in the last minute, lies in job qualifications, the male charity gap, Mumkey Jones and "The Rise of the Planet of the Incels", calculating the number of drinks I've had..., Sean and I discussing the implications of Theseus' ship and sharing an oral sex toy, vandalism on Mars, the average woman's Tinder profile, Special Agent Richard Head calls in, The Dick Show end of year awards, printing errors and Winners Drink, my doxxing, pronouns, and Sean gets a taser; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let's make a racket. Let's make a racket. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha voted in America's best Mexican 10 weeks running with me is always a Sean the audio engineer. Hello, dick. Hey, what's up, buddy? That was perfect. Very nice. Nailed it. Nailed it. We'll just fly that one in for all the rest of the band. Never again.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Yeah. Yeah. Never again. That's it. End of show. That's all people want. Go out on top. Just the intro.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Go out on top. Done. Splice it in every time. Now, if you can do the outro without fucking it up, there'll be some things. There'll be some things. Well, you mean just do it and end the show right there, not an hour of voicemails?
Starting point is 00:01:10 No, the slash the dick show. Oh, I see. Now that I've got the first part down, finally, after three years, or two and a half years, now I can move on to bigger and better things, like getting the outro done correctly once. Episode 262 will be the correct outro. 262.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah. Can you believe that? Another 131. Can you imagine all the lawsuits and things that will have happened by then? And like episode 262? We need to have people make predictions. It will be the last episode.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Or, well, I don't know, predictions. It will be the last episode. Or, well, I don't know, or things that will happen before episode 200. That's a great idea. Thank you. We should do a Dickies award show for the end of the year. Yeah. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:01:56 Because the end of the year is always gets a little goofy. Sure. It's been a long time. Everyone's out of gas. Last year we brought in Rocket Man and that was a silly episode. It could have been so much better.
Starting point is 00:02:07 What do you mean? We learned how to jerk off in space. I know. What happened so much better for me? What else do you want? What do you want to know? So bad, I'll tell you. Sean, any questions you have about space, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I'll pretty much explain to you whatever you want. Move. False axioms. pretty much explain to you whatever you want. Moo. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha negative response to a designate of a falsehood of that the question is found that on false axioms, so the answer is move. So that one, speaking of the bonus episode, a lot of technical problems on that episode. As the technical problems increase, I think my vocal competency also increases to match. I'm like a deaf person, how their eyesight,
Starting point is 00:03:01 you know how deaf people have laser vision, because one of their senses goes bad, so the other scent makes up for it. Yeah, I mean, that's how deaf people have laser vision? Because one of their senses goes bad, so the other scent makes up for it. Yeah, I mean, that's, I've heard that. You've heard that. You've heard that. I mean, not specifically with deaf people. No, deaf people, they could see through walls instead.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Oh, she is. Oh, no. It never goes that way. It's only shit you can't prove. Like if blind people, they have super sensitive hearing. Well, they can taste a lot better. I don't come deaf people, don't have x-ray vision. I'm not sure it's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Blind people, I'm not sure that they hear better. It's that they're so, you know, it's more better. Well, yeah, but your brain may be interpret certain things better because it's all you have. So you learn to listen for certain things. It's learning how to, it's learning how to listen and interpret not that you're the actual organ works better. I want to knock out all my senses, vision, hearing, taste. What's the third one? Being offended. I'll knock that out too. All my skin, dead, it just concentrate all
Starting point is 00:04:05 of the sensory in my body dedicated to my penis, so that I can feel more pleasure. So that will increase. That's what I want to do. I can do that anywhere. Speaking of the bonus episode, people are saying it blew their funny fuse. It was hilarious. We had Nick Riccata from Riccata law, famous black face lawyer, Colin. But a hundred episodes and you got his name right now too. But it's done. Yeah. Look, I'm not pretending to be stupid anymore.
Starting point is 00:04:35 That's my bit for the last 130 shows pretending to be incompetent. Yeah. To invoke sympathy. Larry Blidener, Blair Rodriguez, of course, Tommy Pesos, George Larry, Tommy Pesos, called in to read the courtroom transcripts of mental Jess versus 80s girl.
Starting point is 00:04:53 That guy will never, Tommy Pesos will never get old to me. I find him so fucking funny. The guy, do you remember the guy who called in to say that he didn't call that girl's work and then started screaming at her to stop contacting his ex-girlfriend? Yeah, sure. He posted on Reddit saying that he's tired of dummy pesos because he laughs on the heroine's punchlines. No, it makes him better. His laugh is the best thing. It's so much
Starting point is 00:05:21 better. God. I took such, that's available right now, slash the Dixho. I took such painstaking detail. I put in such, I've put in such tremendous effort that day into redacting all the names on the document. Right. 80s girl and mental Jess and anyone else, if it wasn't related to the content,
Starting point is 00:05:46 I redacted it, blocked it out. All the people involved in the countersuit, the secretary, the Titz Academy School that I said 80s girl, I went to such lengths to black out every line on every page and change the words. I downloaded a PDF editor for God's sake. I got put myself in a mailing list to do this. I post the episode. It's like getting free plugins. Yeah, there's
Starting point is 00:06:10 no such thing as a fucking free lunch. I'm haunted by this forever. Yeah. You can't shake it off. It's like, it's TD. I get, I published the episode, it comes in a little late, and I have to do some. I fucked up the recording. So we didn't see a side by side of the screen. So it's like, fuck. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. Video at Rancor, the video editor, I had to ask him to to kind of rejigger it and make it so people could read along. Yeah. Well, he's good. He's done a lot of work. He's done a lot of fixing work over the time. I mean, he's from my behalf too. I mean, he's he's good at because we kind of do it as backwards. Yeah. he's good. From my behalf to, I mean, he's good at, because we kind of do it as backwards. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Oh, really? Well, a little bit. We cut the audio and then he's got to cut picture to that. Well, I mean, we don't cut a lot of audio, but there's certain things that have to be tightened up and then, but he has the guide track to go along to, but I'm just saying, it's like, you normally don't, you normally get every, the picture locked
Starting point is 00:07:02 and everything and then you mix the audio. Yeah, he used to get, I used to dump some real shitty video on him. Yeah. It would always, the frame rate would always be variable, so he would have to, I can drift all over the place. You would have to match it. Poor bastard.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Like every couple of, every, every minute and a half, it would go off one way. He's like, what do you want me to do about it, huh? I mean, you, I'm paying you by the hour, so. Yeah, well, that's fucking figure it do you want me to do about it? I mean, I'm paying you by the hour, so. Yeah, well that's fucking figuring it out. Yeah. I can't fix it.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Yeah, but if he's budgeted time thinking, I'm gonna take him a son of a toaster. Yeah, and then he, you know, it's taken him three times as long. So I went through and edited all the names out, as they said. Yeah. And sent it to him, and said, hey, put it in like a half screen,
Starting point is 00:07:42 so people can follow along on the transcript. As soon as I post it, boom, boom, boom, boom. Oh no, what the hell happened? It turns out that people are sending me screenshots of the video and it's got 80s girls name at the full name at the top, mental, justice, full name. I'm like, what the? Oh god.
Starting point is 00:08:02 What the fuck is this? So I go look at the documents, it's nowhere, I don't see it anywhere. Right? Only when it was loaded in Chrome and the browser, for some reason the browser printed out on the header, like some hidden header in the document somewhere that I didn't know about, which was the case name and all the other shit that wouldn't render in all of the programs I was using to read it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Like all the PDF viewers that I was using to read it and edit not there. Now that's an example of something that you would have never foreseen. Ah! You know what, every once in a while, I feel like I finally bought Sanchez, yeah. So everybody, I get the, oh well, way to go, Dick,
Starting point is 00:08:46 you edit it all out and you'll fumble it at the one yard line. Like, motherfucker, never once, what I have put thought they put on this shit in some, I still couldn't find the header. I had to get Renco to overlay a black box. You're just, on this, come on, man. And we didn't see that when it was going out. No, nobody did.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Oh my God. Nobody did. They would have said something about it. For sure. But there you go. That's what happened. So that's available for download. The, including the most deranged, sickest, weirdest,
Starting point is 00:09:20 Elliott Rogers email that I've ever read from Maddox. Yeah, it's beyond bizarre. And it's just yet another insight into a guy with real problems. Yeah, I read it again. I read it twice on the bonus episode. I read it again, I read it again after a couple of times. I read it before like six times. Because I can't believe somebody would put this into an email.
Starting point is 00:09:43 And then put it into a public court document for the world to see. Yeah, like, did you not read? Like he's bolstering his case. Did you not read what you didn't want to black any of this out, dude? You know that you're the only person on earth who had this email.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah. And you just shot to have a cannon. So we could see how secure I'll, it's, I'll probably read it again on the show at some point because it's too much. It's too much to just leave in that episode, but God damn, what a fucking psycho Maddox is. I still can't get over the picture of the two of them
Starting point is 00:10:19 on the some red carpet shit event somewhere. Oh, you mean this one? Oh, yes, I mean that one Let me see if it's this is my like would I lie would I lie? Yeah Look at that it's that's the end of his what defense is a bad yeah, for a restraining order look. I just too happy celebrities. Oh, it's coming in a red carpet YouTube studios or some, I mean, it's all YouTube in the background.
Starting point is 00:10:55 The YouTube this is the streaming awards, I think you can see streaming. Oh, you can see streaming right there. Hey, speaking of lawsuits, I think I have a, I hope I pray to Jesus that we have a very interesting guest calling in today. We should get Nick to pray to Jesus too. Nick, you pray to Jesus. You have a bad relationship with them. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I don't have a very good relationship with them. Yeah, you're a little spotty. Because he's fucking Jesus reads your mind, that's why. He's cheats. He knows what's in your heart. I can't. It's like a cop that's like when cops the DEA gets those heap guns and they drive around looking
Starting point is 00:11:31 for heat lamps for who's growing weed. Like that's not fair. Come on. Come on, God. Give me a sporting chance here. Get out and use your nose or something. Yeah, you gotta get your feet on the street. Ask some questions, shake people down if you want
Starting point is 00:11:46 a hunt evil. You can't be reading minds. Yeah, come on. That's bullshit. Start kicking indoors and stomping on people's rights. Whip up some floods and test me. You don't just get to read minds, you gotta make me do a test, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Supposed to be a meritocracy. You're running here, Lord, anyway. One of Kevin Landau's. Nick Riccato also said a very naughty word on the bonus episode. He did. He dropped a C bomb. Yeah, he really did. Unprompted.
Starting point is 00:12:13 We were in shock. Pretty much. He was talking to blood, too. He was talking to blood. Yeah. I mean, he's really gone off the rails. Let's see. Winners drink his out.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Winners drink his already, my card game. What? to encounter it. Is print shops, real life printing. Like the idea that you can create something to create something that you can create. You can create something that you can create. You can create something that you can create. You can create something that you can create. You can create something that you can create. You can create something that you can create.
Starting point is 00:12:44 You can create something that you can create. You can create something that you'll never have to encounter it is print shops, real life printing. Like the idea that you can create something to the perfect specifications that exist in the document and then the contest of whether it will be printed correctly or not is uncertain, like wildly uncertain. I, it's always a marathon because I put everything, everything gets put off until the last minute, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Anyone who says that they don't put off things to the last minute is just doing a half fast job. You'll use the time that you have. Yeah, there is always more work to be done. I could work on that game for 10 years and not be done. So the time to do it is now, I announced that it's up for sale and then I better fucking finish it, right?
Starting point is 00:13:28 And honestly, all of the, like what makes things great is the stuff that gets done in the last 10 minutes, the last 10%. You know, Stephen Colbert in the day leash, I think it was, it was, when it was Colbert report. Yeah. Changing the first episode, changing the word from truthfulness to truthiness
Starting point is 00:13:49 was a last minute decision. Yeah. So you walked out and said, that's not funny enough, switch it. It's that last minute, it's the last minute panic before game time that it maybe it is game time that defines things. So I'm at the last minute, I'm working on this
Starting point is 00:14:07 Winner's Drink card game, which we should play. I don't know, we'll play it on the string or something like that. Card game, we're the Winner's Drink, not the losers. Yeah, because that's the way it should be. Because Winner's Drink. Play it at a bar with your friends. It's a very string period.
Starting point is 00:14:20 It's very string, right? Me and Clay Burton are working on this thing for a week, maybe, to get the designs, the graphic designs just perfect, just perfect. They send them off to the print shop, and they said, yeah, there's a, here, here you go, here's what they look like. They sent me back a picture on the line because I'm cutting it close, right, to Christmas shipping times. They said, you can't send me a proof,
Starting point is 00:14:50 just send me a picture. Like put them on a table and send me a picture. Yeah, they send me a picture and it looks fucking great. It's like, there it is. They look better than I thought, the box folds. The box, spare no expense. So they tuck box, gold seal on the box. So these were highest quality card stock, actually completed pieces. Completed pieces. This is a little ship.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And they said, yeah, looks great. There's a problem. Some of them are a little cocky. Some of them are tilted a little bit. And the design doesn't quite fit. And I said, what do you mean a little bit? What's the tolerance? And they said said the tolerance, the tolerance of the printing, because the cutting machine isn't 100% accurate. And these are card size, like poker, playing cards. Yeah, poker, it's not 100% accurate. It could be anywhere between half a millimeter and one millimeter off and sometimes two millimeters. Okay. All right. Let me ask you. So is there, is it possible for the thing to be point one millimeters off?
Starting point is 00:15:50 First of all, let me start with the first presumption because I see that you're trying to sell me bullshit here. Half, it could be half a millimeter, two a millimeter, and sometimes two millimeters. The tolerance is two millimeters then. Yeah. That's the fucking tolerance. Put it on the thing and I would have accounted for tolerance is two millimeters then. Yeah, that's the fucking tolerance.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Put it on the thing, and I would have accounted for it in the first place. Wait a minute. Half a millimeter, two a millimeter. So you said, so it could never be point three millimeters off. Never, you're gonna fucking kill, you're gonna commit a sepico. If one never comes out of the cut machine
Starting point is 00:16:21 and point three millimeters off, I fucking doubt it. You picked two numbers, because it's easier to sell people on horse shit if you give them a range instead of, you know what, could be off by up to two millimeters. Yeah, well, did you lay, was there a template you laid these out on? Yes, was it yes?
Starting point is 00:16:37 Did it include a safety? Yeah, then bleed and cut and everything, but bleed trim and safety or standard. Then what I've said, two millimeters, it's gonna be off by two millimeters. Factored that into it, I'd just say, well gee, then I guess we can't use a black border for this. But wasn't the safety bigger than two millimeters?
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yeah, but if you try to do like an edge around the card, the edge slides and it looks fucking dumb. Yeah, sure. So I thought the whole time I'm thinking, well I got, I'm so, so proud of myself because I calculated it all out and from the shipping to this shipping to this shipping all over the world,
Starting point is 00:17:12 I got two days grace, right? You're right. So I say, well, okay, I can fix that. Is it gonna affect the shipping? Yes. By how much? One to three days. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Nice. You fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me, you bitch? One to three. You can't be any closer than 24 and 72 hours. Is that right? Yeah. 48, 72, right?
Starting point is 00:17:39 You can't give me any more than that. Yeah. What's it gonna take? I'm making it worth your whole life. Well, that's no, that's you fucking God. Well, that's, no, that's, you fucking, well, that's the question, you know, rush fee. There are print shops have always had rush fees and things like that.
Starting point is 00:17:51 One to three days. Lady, come on. Come on, give me something. The process from the digital world into the physical world is in. Is a is a. Improcise one.
Starting point is 00:18:10 We're going to be 3D printing sex bots. They're going to come out with front holes on their ribs. Some of them. What's the tolerance of that? Well, usually sometimes the post is a couple inches off, but sometimes it's a foot off. Yes, yes. Can we work on that a little bit?
Starting point is 00:18:26 And I need this in 24 hours. Yeah, I need this right now. Right. So I'm about to kill someone. I ordered a thousand winners drink. I said, fuck it. There's, there's how many hundreds of $20 of patriots and they're all getting one for free
Starting point is 00:18:41 and everybody else is getting discount, fuck it. Let's just go a thousand and if all of a thousand sell, it will have outsold fuck whales. That's what I'm going with. Yeah, so if all of a thousand numbers on that, fuck whales. Yeah, I mean, there's no way. The book band had called in and said it was like 900 and something, and that was well into the sales launch.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Oh, yeah. So I'm figuring it about, I'm figuring it's less than a thousand. What's the difference? A hundred either way. Yeah. If a thousand of winners drink cell, then it's it's a it outsold fuck whales as far as I'm concerned. Go to or to pick it up. I'm really looking forward to it. All right. Let me tell you what makes me rich. Jesus Christ. looking forward to it. All right, let me tell you what makes me rich. Jesus Christ had taken a lot of time today. You know, the grass Tyson got me, too. Yeah. Yeah. I mean Sean, but you know, physically, it's not actually possible for electrons to touch. You can't observe. These are all just manifested wave energies that we perceive as being in physical locations because of their probability. So really, can you really
Starting point is 00:19:53 say Neil the grass Tyson grabbed the girl's ass? No. Zeno's paradox. You can get halfway there, but you can never get all the way there. Yeah, you keep dividing by, you'll, right, you keep dividing by, prove it. I want to see that defense from his smug ass now. Come on. I did not, as you mother fucker. I did not hear about this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah, I really have Pluto to make room for your anus. Ah. Good one. Thanks. So he got me, too, huh? He got me, too, to? He got me, too. Was it, uh, and it was like a recent event allegedly? No, if it's ages ago, who knows?
Starting point is 00:20:31 Yeah. So I'm checking back to his apartment and it was shocked that he tried to fuck her. I'm sure. Oh, wait, isn't this story kind of old? Yeah, it's been happening a lot. He's got another one. Another one, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I guess it's a slow news day, because everybody picked it up. Well, I guess some other stuff too. Let's see, job. You're speaking to me too, the baby it's cold outside song. It was a radio station removed it from their playlist. Yeah, sure, because it's so rapy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Remember when that song wasn't rapy when it was just kind of annoying? Yeah. Yeah, it was that in, was that in Home Alone? Or was it? I don't know, I think so. One of those Christmas, maybe it was playing Strains and Automobiles.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I don't find it. I brought it in because some of the quotes were so funny. Yeah. Um, from the radio, from the DJs, people might say, oh enough with that hashtag me too. But if you really put that aside and listen to the lyrics, it's not something I would want my daughter to be in that kind of situation.
Starting point is 00:21:30 The tune might be, where, what, where she could just say no. Huckleway. You wouldn't want your daughter to be aggressively flirted with by a handsome sounding man. You got the sound into, you're the sound into looks guy. How handsome is that guy sounding that song to you? aggressively flirted with by a handsome sounding man. You got the sound into, you're the sound into looks guy. How handsome is that guy sounding that song to you?
Starting point is 00:21:50 Pretty fucking handsome man. So it's pretty swaff, yeah. That's pretty swaff. I mean, she's there singing a whole duet. You wouldn't want your daughter to have a spontaneous duet song about seduction and the warmth of humans and intimacy and a holiday season. And a foreign animal.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I don't see what's wrong with the lyrics. Yeah, Jesus. I would love my daughter to be in that situation where a man loved her, wanted her so badly that he spontaneously wrote a duet song meant to be a holiday classic song to her. What are you talking about? What situation? I've read so many instances like this where it's like you're getting upset about something
Starting point is 00:22:35 that's been around for 70 years and everybody just it's just a fucking song. The tune might be catchy, but let's not promote that sort of an idea. That's how they get you, Dick. See, that's just those catchy hooks. That's how they get you to worship Satan. So they get you to go on raping spray. Really is. Yeah. Really is. I remember the D&D Satan, the Satanic panic way back then. Still continuing, it's funny. I don't know what to do about the, the baby it's cold outside song. I do hate the song, but. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Now I won't, now I love it. Now I love this song. I thought that's it. Now I want to sing it all the time. Well, look, it's stuck in my head right now. And then it is annoying. I want to have a 50 verse, like I want that song to tease the very edge of consent, right?
Starting point is 00:23:28 Get closer. Right. Not maybe it's cold outside, but like, um, to all fire your mom if you don't stick, if you don't stay around for the night and watch me jerk off. Yeah. Yeah. You still have a choice technically. Right. Let's put them in a situation that you really wouldn't them want them to be in, right? Let's get Louis C. K to cover it. Mm-hmm. Here was a bigger one. The job requirements.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I don't know, it's tight. Everybody's tight for cash this season. Cash is tight. Cash is always tight now. Yeah, well, it is. It is, are you it you talking nationally, or especially in California, the coast. Anywhere where there's like end of year Christmas,
Starting point is 00:24:10 shit, the whole Black Friday thing really bothers me. People are doing it like Black Friday month now. Black Friday month, Cyber Monday, this endless pitch of bishit, bishit, bishit, like top toys. I loved it when I was a kid because it got shoved down my throat, but I don't understand, I don't see how
Starting point is 00:24:31 that is less dangerous or offensive than like cigarette ads. Like kids can't, you can't sell, spend yourself in a debt. Yeah, yeah, just, we're like, there's like that. Fuck it, you have to do it, everybody's doing it. You know what I mean, asshole, who doesn't get everybody presents. How is that better? I smoke cuz I'm fucking broke They'll both ruin your life. Yeah, I mean are you're you know and one will make you feel stupid for having done it Like I never had a cigarette and thought man I really got duped into smoking the cigarette. Yeah, I have bought a lot of shit that I thought,
Starting point is 00:25:05 God damn it, good point. I didn't need to buy that. That's a good point. That's the fucking dup. I think the average family rolls out, like pays $900 in interest fees on their credit card every month. Or America's in like a trillion dollars
Starting point is 00:25:20 in credit card debt or something like that. Wait, $900 bucks in interest fees per month? In an hour per year. Yeah, okay, that in interest fees per month? No, per year. Yeah, okay, that's right. That's right. That's right, per year. But everybody, yeah. Ginned up, starting, they're starting on Friday, like it's a, starting on Thursday,
Starting point is 00:25:36 like it's a fucking celebration. Yeah. It's like the Super Bowl of shopping. And I'm saying that thinking this is, people can't escape this. Right. What the hell's wrong with you every channel on the news We're standing outside With a live cam on the village idiots lined up outside of Walmart that doesn't even it's not even a real thing anymore
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah, I'm lining up for black Friday shit the hell is the point? I mean coming there to fist fight somebody over a ten dollar TV Everybody just order shit online. They got the same deals, don't they? Yeah. Or just order it on February or never. Yeah. Because what you have is perfectly fine. Yeah. Sinks into everybody's brain, this compulsion to spend money. No advertising is incredibly effective and that's why they do it. And the less they can do it for cigarettes and liquor, which is an honest purchase as far as I'm concerned, they spend it on this other shit.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Well, it gives you exactly what it, what people think it does. Yeah, cancer's thick. Good, I call them cancer. Good or bad. Yeah, I know what's in them. Yeah. It's cleaner, it's a more gentlemanly way
Starting point is 00:26:44 than spending and eating yourself to death. In my, I didn't even mean to get off on a Black Friday rant, but fuck man, the second you wake up, it's like I feel like I'm in like a Disney land of sales. I know. Fuck off. Yeah. Did you get anything for Black Friday?
Starting point is 00:26:58 No. Any Black Friday? No. When there's a drink available, when there's a drink to have fun, of course, good Christmas present for you or something, you know, the man in your life who has everything. Including alcoholism. Alcoholism. You need to enable somebody. You can give it to them with a smile. Winner's Drink. There you go. It's the only card game where winners. Drink, not the losers. The science of the job search. You only need 50%
Starting point is 00:27:21 of job requirements to get a job. I thought that was pretty interesting. Because it's daunting. Because they put, I see that. They put that they want X-Rats to not only. Yeah, well, or that they have, you know, data entry job at Salesforce. Real world expertise in like a million categories that nobody has.
Starting point is 00:27:41 You need to have given seven TED talks. Yeah, to get this $13 given seven TED Talks. Yeah. To get this $13 an hour data entry job. Yeah. Five years of experience, a must, a must. Yeah. If you apply and you don't have this, we'll kill you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Turns out that's not true. Yeah, and that does make sense to me. Who really has it? Turns out no one. No one's a no one who's getting jobs. Project manager needed, this is their example, must have five years of experience, be six sigma certified.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Do you know what that is? Six sigma certified, this is for what? This is a generic job, it's a generic certification, six sigma certification. I was like, sigma had to do with like a, a sigma standard deviation. That's what I, yeah. So like, it had to do with like a, a, Sigma standard deviation. That's what I, yeah. So like, it's how I'm tired.
Starting point is 00:28:29 It is. Yeah. One Sigma away on either side would contain like 60% of things. Two Sigma's is 30%. So usually you hear it in IQ studies or usually it applies, it applies to all bell curve. Yeah. Type of stats. That's why I've heard it. Human related things.
Starting point is 00:28:45 So six sigma would be tight. That's way out there. So that would be like 99.99% or something like that. The top 99% percent, percent tile. I know that one of those is the right word and one of them is wrong. But we all know that it's way up there. It must be six six, so you can only apply
Starting point is 00:29:04 if you're very top. Even simple shit. Driving a rig must have, you must have, you must have 200 years of driving a rig experience. Yeah, it's like that's older than the thing exists. What are you talking about, you assholes? Who really has all that, no one? Well, it's a catch 22.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Yeah. It's like how do I, how do I get rig experience if no one. Well, it's a catch 22. Yeah. It's like, how do I get rig experience of no one will hire me for driving a rig because I don't have 200 hours. 200,000 years. Or whatever you said. You really gotta just lie. Well, have you ever, I have,
Starting point is 00:29:37 I lied to get my first job in programming. I just listed a bunch of things that I didn't have. Yeah, I mean, that's how I met coach. Have I ever told this story? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I mean, that's how I met coach. Have I ever told this story? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think he was the interview at a job and the head programmer was so nervous about interviewing that he stuck coach in there
Starting point is 00:29:54 who didn't know how to program and he interviewed me about programming and I also didn't know. It was like two guys bullshitting each other. Yeah. Yeah, I just, just lie. Cause the last thing you want is somebody who's telling, the last thing that they want is somebody who's telling the truth about this
Starting point is 00:30:11 shit, right? Right. Because they can be getting a job that requires double what they have. Sure. Who really has a turn, you're as likely to get a job interviewing, you're as likely to get a job interview meeting 50% of job requirements as meeting 90 of them. Yeah. So anywhere in the 50 and 90 range.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Because people just hire like based on like a vibe and a conversation too if you're interview in person. Yeah, plus if they have that day or they're gonna take a shit they'll wrap the interview up real fast. Yeah, man. You know what? I think that guy, I think this guy could fit. You know, whether it's like he doesn't have everything, but I'm see here, your chances of getting an interview go up once you meet 40% of the job requirements. That's pretty interesting. Women, that should be
Starting point is 00:30:56 encouraging then. It should be. Yeah, it should absolutely be. Just spit it out there. You go, I don't have all this, submit. Who cares? For women, the percentage of requirements required. That's poorly written. It goes down according to their broad size going up. Oh yeah, you're right. Yeah, lower. Our fighting supply just as much to women has been,
Starting point is 00:31:17 actually for women, the chances of getting an interview start increasing as soon as you meet 30%. That's a fucking gap. 50 to 30 to 40, and they still can't squeak out of salary? Fucking women. 30%. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:34 You gotta know, you gotta be able to do a third of it. Cook, clean, and fuck, that's true. They pick one. Stick to that. So it's a receptionist job. How bad do you have to be at stuff? Answer phones. I can speak.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I'm not real familiar with the telephone. Basic filing. Can you sit in a desk? No, I can't see. I could I could talk on the phone, but I can't sit down. Right. You got to stand at the same time. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:02 So there you go. 50% job requirements. I'll be down. So I hate seeing them. Most have 10 years of experience to do whatever job they do. Yeah, they shoot for the moon. You should be too. Here's another good one.
Starting point is 00:32:15 White liberals, let me pull this one up. White liberals literally talk down to black people. Yale did a study. They designed a series of experiments in which white participants were asked to respond to a hypothetical or presumed real interaction partner. Okay? For half of these participants,
Starting point is 00:32:37 their partner was given a stereotypical white name, such as Emily. For the other half, their partner was given a stereotypical black name, such as La. For the other half, their partner was given a stereotypical black name, such as Laquisha. Participants were, did you see that, no, that's not so. Partisans were asked to select from a list of words or an email to their partner. For some studies, this email was a work-related task for others. This email was simply to introduce themselves. Each word had been
Starting point is 00:33:04 previously scored on how warm or competent it appeared. Sad, for example, scored low for warmth and competence, melancholy on the other hand, scored high for competence. So you see, sad would be stupider than that, cally. Participants also completed a variety of measures that assessed how liberal they were. The research has found that liberal individuals were less likely to use words that would make them appear competent when the person they were addressing
Starting point is 00:33:31 was presumed to be black, rather than white. They were trying to talk down to a perceived level. Yeah. Right? Yeah. How funny is that? Like, they're talking to a child. I want to show them that I'm one of them.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Is it? I don't know. Is that it? I don't know. Let's ask Asterios. We should test Asterios on it. Here's it. You got to write this email.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I tell it to you. Did they, did they, did they minded? Yeah, no significant differences. We're seeing in the word selection of conservative, conservatives based on the race of their partner. It's very interesting. It was kind of an unpleasant surprise to see. I was sad all but persistent effect. The guy said, even if it's ultimately well intentioned,
Starting point is 00:34:18 it could be seen as patronized. How is it well intentioned? Ultimately, not ultimately anything. You're just a bunch of fucking racists. You talk down to kids? I try not to. No, no, no, no. I know.
Starting point is 00:34:37 No. I'll try to go over the top and use words that I know he doesn't know. Yeah. So he asks about them like, what does obtuse mean? Yeah, and then Hill.'ll feel stupid on his own instead of you telling him he's stupid. Is that kind of the...
Starting point is 00:34:49 Just to like, just to train him with the idea that you should ask for things you don't know. Yeah, if you don't know them, instead of just playing along with it and pretending that you know what the word is. Yeah. Like don't be obtuse, buddy. Yeah. You can make a choice to just go along with it and pretend that you picked up the word,
Starting point is 00:35:10 but then it's not the fucking word, is it? Let's see here. One of the then they go on to explain. One of the possible reasons for the competence down shift is the authors describe it as that regardless of race, people tend to downplay their competence when they want to appear likable and friendly. Nice, oh no, okay. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:35:30 So they're afraid of black people. They want to be, oh, I'm your buddy. I don't use big words. Yeah, well, no, that's what I'm saying. But it's possible that this is happening because people are using common stereotypes in an effort to get along. That guess.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Initial data from follow-up studies suggests that a person that describing a black person is highly intelligent, thus reversing the stereotype, or is already high motivated to get along with whites, thus removed the need to prove goodwill. Whoa. Whoa. Can reduce the likelihood that a white person will downplay their competence in interactions with the black person. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Yeah. So if they say they're educated, then there's no change. If they say, oh, and by the way, it's the queesia that they're educated. Nothing from the dude yet. Mm-hmm. Come on, dude. She's a strange guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Obviously, a hired landel. But's a strange guy. Yeah. Obviously, a hired landow. But he seemed down to call in. He remembered that I emailed him when his lawsuit was first filed. When his lawsuit was first filed? Yeah, this guy's lawsuit was filed after Maddox's. And when it was announced, I emailed him. He said, hey, you got to watch out for that guy, Kevin Landau.
Starting point is 00:36:47 He's, I think he's a crook. Yeah. I think he's a fucking crook. And I think he's using you. So be aware. And he said, he said that he talked about it with Landau. And Landau said that I was a, that don't listen to me, I'm just come back.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Yeah, yeah. Just like that. Did you see that the Mars got a new lander? The Mars insight. Yeah, yeah. You know, it was the most amazing thing about that? What's that? The 360 panoramic thing.
Starting point is 00:37:16 That was the best part, not the dumb thing on Mars. Good take or leave that, seen Mars already. Right, right. It was the picture leave that. Scene Mars already. Right, right. It was the picture taking that was the best part. I'm sick of Mars. You know that. Yeah. Everybody, I'm anti-Mars.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Right. Let's move on to another planet. Uh, let's say we're gonna colonize that. Yeah. Let's do, we've already done it. We've already colonized it in our heads. I'm sick of living there. Elon Musk is already there.
Starting point is 00:37:45 He's already there. He already sent a car there or whatever. Yeah. It's basically terraformed. Let's move on to a more fun planet. Yeah. Jupiter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Or something like that. Or maybe another galaxy. Or an asteroid or something. Mm-hmm. Or let's start, I want the bad guys to get a crack at it. Let's see some Mars vandalism. Let's see a Mars rover hacked and doing donuts on Mars. Not just taking pictures and 360 degrees on Mars.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I would pay a lot of money to see graffiti on Mars. Yeah, I want the bloods and the crips to both give TED Talks on how they are going to fund their mission to Mars to be the first people to tag, to be the first gang. I want to see Rover drive buys. Yeah. Yeah. I need some human interest in this drama.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Exactly. It's not doing it exactly. The 360 degree pictures of rocks is not doing it for me anymore. It feels like I interest in this drama. It's not doing exactly. The 360 degree pictures of rocks is not doing it for me anymore. It feels like I'm in church now. Build a freeway overpass, just to spray pain it. Yeah. What are we doing with our money?
Starting point is 00:38:55 Ah! If we're not tagging Mars. I don't know. I don't know what we're doing with our fucking lives. Mars overdoing donuts. I don't know why anyone gives a shit about Mars. Maybe Rocket Man can explain it when we see him here again. You can ask him why the fuck anyone cares about Mars.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah, I would like the answer to that question. The auto blow. What? What's funded? The auto blow? Yeah, you want to hear about this? Well, I kind of have to. The world's first oral sex toy.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Ready to go after raising 500% of their target funding. Surprise is not more. The campaign to bring Vichy's auto blow AI into being has been incredibly successful. AI. So it knows what you like. Yeah. If you want to watch the video of this thing, it's pretty weird. Yeah. It's delivered by kind of a of this thing, it's pretty weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:45 It's delivered by kind of a weird L. Let me pull it up. So it's in production or it's... Yeah, which is the, which is 500, it's raised 250 gram, which is 500 percent more than the company's target. The machine is the world's first oral sex simulator that is capable of using artificial intelligence to teach itself to improve its performance. Again, of course, it is, we spent the last three years listening to feedback from our 200,000 auto-blow-two owners.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Wow. And in response, built a new machine that mechanically better replicates the gliding and friction combination of the mouth and hand that men experience during oral sex explain the device's inventor. Brian Sloan. I can't see what this thing looks like. You know,
Starting point is 00:40:34 are there pictures of it? Yeah, I hope it doesn't look like that because I'm interested in this who wouldn't be interested in this machine. Yeah, right? I mean, why not, you gotta give it a look. I'm not mixed things up, right? I mean, why not? You got to give it a look. I don't mix things up, right? You can download. It's like Mario, Mario Maker for your dick. You get to or excite bike. You get to download other people's courses. They have like, it's like a whole, people could write entire
Starting point is 00:40:56 symphonies for you that you enjoy with your cock. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Like da da da da da, except it's just different kinds of motions, taking you through it, syncing it up with some audio. Yeah. Could be a hell of a marketplace. So, a new way to listen to music. Music has stagnated for decades.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Well, now music is just something to do or to listen to while you're doing other stuff. Because it's not innovative. Every time there's a big technological innovation in music. Yeah. Like pianos, making brass instruments, the electric pickup, the electric pickup, synthesizers, reliable synthesizers, every time there's a big leap in technology,
Starting point is 00:41:38 there's like a rebirth in creative music. And then a taper's off, it's like, well, that's all the sounds we could make with this thing. Everybody knows what a guitar and a bass and an electric guitar and a bass and a drum sound like. That's it. We've explored it. It's dead. This could be the new innovation and music with your dick. That's what I'm saying. Let me load it up. Well, yeah, you use your brain and your dick to compose. Exactly. Four minutes, that's a bit long. I'm gonna watch half of it.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I'm gonna go and you get bored. When is a blowjob machine worth $249? When it works. I'm Brian Snell. And in the next three minutes, I want to know that this guy invented my blowjob machine. I can't get his face out of my head now. Yeah, that's gonna be a problem.
Starting point is 00:42:26 They couldn't hire a hot chick to do this. This is totally, totally. These, the sexist, I already don't want them having my money. Right, you all fucked up. Right, you all fucked up. All you had to do, it's a commercial about a dick sucking machine. Why did you think a bald man with a goatee
Starting point is 00:42:46 who seems a little bit effeminate? I don't want that image in my mind when I think of the $250 cock sucking machine that I'm gonna buy. I've just got his face in my head going, when it works. When it works. When it works.
Starting point is 00:43:02 It's all tight shuttty. Oh no, you all fucked up. Nothing at all. Nothing at all. But like I want. Oh, stupid sexy flanders. I want some hot chick who has a math degree and won't stop talking about her fucking math degree.
Starting point is 00:43:16 That's who I want to be the spokesman of the cock sucking machine. So porn star with glasses. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, because it's got, I don't want just a regular porn star because when they get threatened, they put on like that, they get way too sexual. And this is a machine. It's got to have a little bit of credulence to it.
Starting point is 00:43:33 So I want one of the smart, not a porn star either. No. Maybe a porn star. Let me think about it. It's worth $249. And how you can own it for a lot less. Is it a feminine? Yeah! I funded the Auto Blow 2 on Indie GoCo,
Starting point is 00:43:48 where we sold $381,000 of our product to 3,300 men. The Auto Blow 2 still is the most successful male sex toilet product funding campaign in history, and is now owned by more than 200,000 men around the world. How's though? The number of men using it, not a selling point. Yeah, you know, right. Feels like I'm in a weird kind of soggy biscuit game with hundreds of thousands of other guys now.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah, don't talk about other men. What about the load it with the good stuff? The learning, the AI? Exactly. The hot chick telling you about it. This is really not good. He should have consulted with somebody. Me.
Starting point is 00:44:41 If you're selling a sex toy, I will give you free advice on how to say it. I will guarantee you there are consultants who would give the same advice that you would give. Yeah. You know, no, you're not the face of the auto blow. No. Thinking sex machines. He looks like a dick. Sir, first number one, you look like a penis. Yeah. The first problem. All right. You look like a penis. Yeah. The first problem. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Over these last four years, we listen to your feedback. It almost sounds a little like George. It's like it's certain to you exactly what you're doing. Oh my god, he does. And now it's ruined. Yeah. Let's start with the noise. People call that a red-blood.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Let's start with the two. That's too loud. The fuck was that? That's because they have... He's saying that there are other versions of the Dick's Hacking machine. What's up? Are you yelling in the back?
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah, yeah, to simulate the noise. Because they have a problem with the noise in the last one. I don't think you need hot or blow one. Hot or blow one? Can you come here, please? What's up? What's up? What's up?
Starting point is 00:45:41 What's up? What's up? It's like a shopping cart with a head on it. Yeah. No, it looks like that, it looks like the bad guy in Toy Story 1, that crazy thing with the doll head, the Tinker Toys, the walk dollar or the erector set that walked around. Let's see if he gets to talk on about the actual thing. All right, here we go, here we go.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Two-and-a-half, I'm just saying 250 bucks, that's getting to a point where it's worth a shot. It's pretty cheap. The love dolls were five grand. But yeah, and you have to store it somewhere. It's basically like having a wife, those stupid sex dolls, those latex sex dolls. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:27 This is like having to get a skate-proof closet and everything. Yeah. It's like having a wife. This is doable. That makes it feel even more like a real blowjob. Let's take a look at the autoblou AIs at the pending penis grip. You place your lubricated penis into the sleeve
Starting point is 00:46:46 that's locked into place between the two ridges. The gripper moves when you're popping down over your penis, create a friction that feels fantastic. What? But the way it moves is the A lot of low AIs, secret sauce. Oh, for fuck's sake. For some reason it's going on for many years. Look at this Look at this. This guy is sucked a lot of debts. Two hundred and fifty points on your deck.
Starting point is 00:47:13 The team watched 6,000 minutes of pornographic videos and we invented a way to end that's nothing. Light weights. Yeah, 6000 minutes. It's todecafap December. I've watched that so far, and it's only the second. Right. I've watched 6000 minutes of pornography. Dodecafap December is the answer to no fat November, where you're not supposed to jerk off at all. On December, you jerk off 12 times every day, minimum. Right. To coincide with a 12 days of Christmas or something. Let's go with that. Very white Christmas. With data, what's happening during the low job? We then ran several types of machine learning algorithms on the
Starting point is 00:47:53 data set to build an AI model that recognized 16 blowjob techniques. Our team programmed those. That's interesting. Well, there's your first. Yeah. Interesting fact, right? 16 different types of blowjob techniques. Yeah. Did you think chicks know that? Did they share that kind of shit around or they all hoarding their inventions? Oh, you mean that there's like official blowjob tech there? There are even 16 types. Yeah, that there's like a there's a book on it that there could be. Right, that they all, right. They're gonna have to get competitive with this shit coming out though, because you're gonna have a profile.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Yeah, right? Right. 16 techniques into 10 experiences on our machine so that you can enjoy blow jobs exactly how they're giving. Would you use one of these? You even have four. If I got you one for Christmas. You need a blow job machine.
Starting point is 00:48:44 You're by me a blowjob machine for Christmas? You know what, yeah. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Look, only if you would use it. We have to order one. Don't we? I mean, while he can't use the same one, can we? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:48:59 What if it, how much has to be replaced before you would use another man's blowjob machine? The entire thing. Oh, no, no, no. It would have to come in the cord that plugs into the wall. It would have to come in a, in a separate hardboard box. Nothing, nothing could be replaced. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:49:16 The same electricity. I have no idea. Well, no, I use a different outlet. Use a different outlet. Yeah. Like the old axe question, right? How much of an X do you have to replace until it's a new X? Just the head is replaced, it's the same X,
Starting point is 00:49:31 just the handle is replaced, it's the same X. It's like an old proverb about. Is it? Yeah, it's an old parable about how things are always changing but always the same. Yeah. But they should update it. Is it still an X?
Starting point is 00:49:44 Would you use another man's blowjob machine? What have we replaced the co the same. Yeah. But they should update it. It's still an X. Look, would you use another man's blow job machine? What have we replaced the cox leave? Yeah. Well, no, because then it's still got the box. What if we then replace the box too? Like, I don't know, there's something about the essence of it that is just, that is in and of itself that I cannot use another guy's blow job machine.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah. So we're gonna get too fucking, this is the height of waste. True. Having to get to blow job machines, we'll figure it out. A special and hands-day-eye experience. That's different every time. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:12 The machine keeps changing its technique until you finish or you turn it off. The gripper and sleeve we invented work with all penis sizes. So that like a here... Like this. Or like this. Yeah, right. You're going to enjoy every stroke. This is the first product of its time that has an edging feature.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Let's say you're enjoying blowjob experience number 8, XP level 7, and you don't want to come to add. Just hit the climax control button and that's it. But it remembers what it was doing. But it's like cruise control. Yeah, yeah, the max control button. And you can just coast. Yeah, it's it saves profiles. Oh, man, BJ profiles.
Starting point is 00:51:04 This is the future. Everybody hooked into their blow file. Yep. With the hand on the climax control button, permanently like a fucking rat trying to get another hit of cocaine or heroin or whatever that study was. Clean up, he's pointing and easy. Just pull out the sleeve, pour out the contents and wash it with soap
Starting point is 00:51:26 water. Because autoblow AI, it doesn't have any wall outlet and never needs expensive batteries, it's ready to go whenever you're ready to go. Remember, this is our fifth crowdfunding campaign and you've been in business for more than 10 years. Wow! Wow! We're bringing this product to HigeeGoGo after a few years. Wow. I think this product can be go go after a few years of development. All right, all right. It's perfect. But, I mean, that would give some clout, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah, it's got the effect that this guy's still around and hasn't been jailed for running off with people's money and stuff. Or ripping off someone's dick. Yeah, all right, right. Sure. Electrocuting their dick. Or the year he's in the penis care business.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Or that, let me give this. I just, I can't help it. I just, he just seems like Maddox presenting his videos. Yeah. Doesn't he? Yeah. Yeah. He let off with some shit that he shouldn't have let off with
Starting point is 00:52:16 and he shouldn't be there to begin with. Nobody knows his shit. Maybe he's right. I'm starting to like him. Well, yeah, he saved it, but I mean, just that it was just, it came off really weird up top. I'm excited about it. I'm excited about the dick sucking machine that's gonna be sweeping,
Starting point is 00:52:34 that you remember Furbies? This is gonna be nothing compared to this next year. No. Everybody's gotta have one. We gotta, they gotta call it something different though. Like how women had massage wands in the 60s, 50s and 60s, even though everyone knew it was a vibrator. We've got to call this something
Starting point is 00:52:52 like a banana warmer or something. Personal massagers. This has got to be like, look, are you tired of eating bananas that are too firm and hurting your teeth in the morning? Everybody, every man loves to eat a banana in the morning. But has this ever happened to you? And you're like, I'm trying to na on a banana that's too hard.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I put it in this banana massage here to soften it up. And then it's got all the same ad basically, but subtle, subtle. Yeah. We'll read between the lines. Settle, something saying we're gonna get. So you can tell grandma to get you one for Christmas. That's true. Without offending.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Right. Say, I'll tell grandma, I want a dick-secking machine for Christmas, but you can say, I would like, you know, I'm having a real problem with hard bananas. Yeah. I just can't pick a good one from the store.
Starting point is 00:53:36 No, I need to soften them up. I got another study here. Yeah. Seeing the right thing, new research says there's no right thing to say when you want to be supportive. So if you ever feel like a dick because you can't console somebody, you have science on your side here that it's impossible to say the right thing. 54 undergrads to support to rate the supportiveness of a hundred different statements.
Starting point is 00:54:05 There's some that are positive designed to appeal to optimists, like things have a way of working out for the best or. People just quote platitudes though, like that doesn't, and that's what they did. And they found that it was still random. Yeah, there was only agreement in, let's see, they did another one
Starting point is 00:54:21 with actual psychiatrists. Yeah, 33 clinical psychologists. I guess that's not a lot, but they found a little agreement. Yeah, let me see here, 11%. So basically you're off the hook. You ever feel like you didn't console somebody? It's your fault for trying, because nothing would have worked. It's all their fault.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Which is can't possibly be consoled. Inconsoleable. That's why we have the word. That's like an instruction or a label. Right? Yeah. They're inconsolable. That's a warning label. Don't even try. You're wasting your time. Hey, Dick, wanted to let you know,
Starting point is 00:55:00 it's from Adam. Just left a work meeting where presenter told us to say our names and which pronoun we identify as. Oh my God. Are you fucking kidding me? So we sat around, just 20 fucking people went around and said our God damn names and identified ourselves as he, she, and his, her. I think it would be he, his, and she, he, his,
Starting point is 00:55:30 and her, she, so whatever. So no, I don't even know. So nobody identified themselves as anything other than male or female. What, and what pronoun would you like? I am a man, stop fucking bot. You know what, you know what, it's gone too far, there's no putting it back in the box.
Starting point is 00:55:49 No, but we need something, we need, somebody needs to negotiate some demands from our side. If we're not allowed to dead name people anymore. Because then they can't, they can't come back at us all the time for fucking it up. You know, you're supposed to know that shit. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I'll get it to all of you. You give us an official thing. You can. Yeah. I'm fine with getting yelled out for not knowing, but I need, I need some equivalence to this, to this exchange. Right. If they're going to go around and asking and ask everyone their pronouns, you should, you deserve a good minute of uninterrupted ranting about it. Okay. Instead of having to say, instead of having to suffer the indignity of going he-hims or whatever it is, he's a guy.
Starting point is 00:56:35 I'm a fucking, I'm a guy. You gotta let us, you've gotta let that steam out. Yeah, yeah. There's no way. You just want something in return, okay. I want something for me, I want some, I want some kind of satisfaction. I'll bet a little, you know, something for the effort.
Starting point is 00:56:47 How about a little something for this effort? Because it is a tremendous amount of effort to sit there and watch 20 people say her, her, her, or whatever it is all the way around the room. When everybody knows that it's only designed for one person or two percent of the people in there. We still all have to play along because for some reason, indignity shared among a group of people is like a magic panacea for this whatever kind of pain or shame that they're
Starting point is 00:57:20 fucking dealing with. It's so stupid. Play along is the operative term. It's all play-along. Yeah. Play-along with the airport security. Play-along with the need to go around and not obviously know what the fuck everyone is.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Like, it's obvious. It's obvious. Am I the first? Do I get to be the first one to play this fucking game of play-along? Nothing against, nothing against, whatever struggles you're going through. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:57:44 But this is play-along shit. It is. This is a 90 year old woman getting pulled over at the airport in Frist for fucking knitting needles or a thought having $600 of makeup dumped into the fucking trash because Middle Eastern guys with beards will blow shit up. It's play-along shit and it's beneath us. It is beneath all of us collectively as society. And it's definitely beneath the people
Starting point is 00:58:13 who make the society run. Definitely believe beneath us. 100% agree. This is for people who don't contribute shit. That's who the people that they're pretending this is for, this is talking down to people. This is for, this is talking down to people. Yeah. This is talking, this is pretending to be stupid
Starting point is 00:58:30 and talking down to people who are different. It is. Which is fucking dumb. The adult thing to do is, if you got different pronouns, you're gonna need to say something. It sucks to single yourself out. Sucks to be this squeaky wheel,
Starting point is 00:58:43 but you need to be. Grow the fuck up. You need to go ask the grocer how much it, how much that fucking apple cost or whatever it is. You need to fucking, you need some parents who send you to, you need to make the kid order from the waiter so they don't turn into a stunt at adult. But you need this as an adult,
Starting point is 00:59:03 because your parents sucked. Sorry. Yeah. And I know I'll have to do it at some point. Yeah. You think? You will? Yeah. You'll have to show your pronoun. There's going to be a day where I'm going to have to, it'll probably be at a fucking
Starting point is 00:59:15 Thanksgiving in 2080. God, yeah. I'm going to go around and give what we're thankful for, but first let's do our fucking pronouns. You will probably still be alive for 2080. Bam, bam. I'm going to fucking kill this bitch that you brought to Thanksgiving. If I would rather go to fucking jail, I would rather ruin this Thanksgiving, then say what my fucking pronouns are. You stupid, bro. When those kids hit college,
Starting point is 00:59:36 who knows what they're gonna bring home? Yeah. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, you're right. I love that you and Bam, bam, will still be alive in 2080. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Yeah. 21, 28. And he'll still be alive in 2080. Oh yeah. Sorry. Yeah, 21, 28. And he'll still be dating, you know, or something, thanksgiving. I still want to.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah, right. Oh, that's. Um, it's the pretending. It's the pretending that kills me. It's the pretending that kills me. And no one will let, no one will let you admit that. I know. It gets the pretending guys.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I hate pretending that we're stupid, so many of us do. It's got nothing to do with what you're doing. I don't pretend to be dumb when I'm talking to black people or Mexican people. Right. I don't pretend to be dumb when I'm, I don't pretend to be dumb in thinking that asking people what their fucking pronouns are is gonna fix them. Right. Not saying that they need to be fixed.
Starting point is 01:00:31 No. Eh. Yeah. They need to be fixed more than having too long of a foreskin needs to be fixed. That needs to, no problem's there. Hmm. So if you're pissing out of a wind sock.
Starting point is 01:00:43 I was gross. Yeah. I got a couple of, uh, voice smells about that. Yeah. No, I sock. I was gross. Yeah, I got a couple of voice mails about that. Yeah, no, I know. You played one last week, I think. Oh, man. No. Says he can't. He was down to call in and he said, can't call in.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Dude, my lawsuit being active. Oh, oh. The land I was in, iron him. Ah. I mean, I guess that makes sense. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Throw it, throw it. No one fuck up this lead, please.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Yeah. Uh, all right. Who else, let me see who else I got on this cord. I got Agent Richard head. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Hey, Agent Richard, how are you there, buddy? Yeah, I'm here. Hey, you're going, man. All right. It's good to talk to you again. That that episode where you came in and we watched those videos was so fucking funny.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Yeah, I had a blast. You sound like it. You're your friend that you brought over was hilarious too. We didn't get into it on the show. Yes. But he was after the, after the show is when all the secrets come out. Yeah. And he is not the truth. Uh, you remember this agent Richard head, your friend started talking about how he was like a cam guy in college.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Yeah. He was a, I should have just left the mic running for that last hour, uh, after we stopped recording. Yeah. Well, do you mind talking about exactly what his experience was because my details are a little easy. Yeah, so basically my gym buddy in college was a perfect like a donnis of a man. He was built. The only reason I don't think he's on steroids is that he doesn't have the social skills to
Starting point is 01:02:28 navigate a drug deal. That's true. It's a good point. You can go to a go to an independent, uh, go to an independent shop. Yeah, but you have the skills to do that through college, uh, basically being a cam whore, I think he paid his taxes. I'm not really sure. Oh, he's going to get brought down in the thought on it too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Oh, yeah. So, um, yeah, now he's trying to become a rocket scientist and they keep bringing it up in his background check. I think that's how that came up. How do they know? I think he told them. Oh, no. I think I remember something like that. Yeah, but he was super ripped and I kept making, he was like, really, you know, tight, mussely guy. I kept making fun of him. And then he eventually said that he was a
Starting point is 01:03:17 camboy. Yep. College. Yep. I would love to hear more about that. Yeah, me too. Right. One's a fancy guy's shelling out big bucks to keep him. Yeah. A lot of dudes. A lot of dudes. I can ask how he wants to call in sometime. Oh, yeah, please do.
Starting point is 01:03:34 He was hilarious. So you emailed me like last week about a seminar on in cells that you went to. Yeah. Yeah. I'll just tell us. Tell us what you wanted. Like the prof you went to. Yeah. Yeah. I'll just tell us. Tell us what you wanted to. Profiling and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Yeah. So it was basically a crime analysis, our crime analyst conference where a bunch of analysts get together and they have a bunch of presenters who we exchange war stories basically. And one woman gave a presentation that was entitled like a new threat from violent radicals or something like that. So I go into it thinking it's going to be like, you know, there's some new crisis rising in the power vacuum that ISIS left or something like that. Violent radicals, Sean. Yeah. Is there. this is an imminent threat to our way of life, violent radicals. Their goal is violence, and they could snap at any moment.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Every second of their life is dedicated to spreading this radicalism to other groups. So who was it? So, the presentation starts and it's on in cells and she kept Giving definitions of like internet terms with scare quotes around it. So like in cell was defined as the belief that quote Supreme gentlemen are repressed by quote normies because quote stasis and quote roasties Reject them and prefer the attributes of quote sheds, thus making them unable to acquire a meat. And a million hands raised, right?
Starting point is 01:05:10 And went, what the fuck are those terms? This is like in fear and loathing in Las Vegas, when that weirdo is giving the presentation on marijuana, and he goes, and the marijuana addicts, his pants are crusted with semen from constantly jacking off. You can't find a rape victim. Yeah. He's talking about graduating from being hip to school and then square.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Yeah. So then she had like little footnotes for definitions of each of those terms. Sure. So like Stacy was a woman who unfairly rejects the in-sell and pursues the Chad. Normies are people who can function within society. Yeah. The concept of unfair. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Yeah. What's a roasty? What did they say what that was? I didn't note that definition. I'm just reading off a note that's so. So it's bit roasting while I was in there. I think it's a racial. Oh, are you asking me what it actually means while I was in there. I think it's a, I think it's a racial.
Starting point is 01:06:05 I think, oh, are you asking me what it actually means? I know the meaning. What is the meaning? What is the meaning? They say that if a woman has too much sex, her vagina starts to look like a roast beef sandwich. Oh, okay, I got it wrong. Well, I'm getting a cold burner.
Starting point is 01:06:21 That's from, okay. A cold burner? Yeah, I'm getting my turn. Did she have any citations to back up this stuff? She made reference to the notable in-sell websites Reddit for Chan and Sure. I'll give it those. So it's like a Mac account. But definitely the best citation she had was she played
Starting point is 01:06:51 a clip from a Mumkey Jones video. Oh my God. Where he's pretending he worships Elliott Roger. I think he's going to like the Elliott Roger epilogue where he talks about sink to Elliott's crew save against thoughts and roasties. Yeah. So Mum's new job is satire against stasis and roasties is part of an FBI crime analysis. Now this is an FBI. He was from some shitty small town. I want you to speak into you guys. Yeah. Do was just speaking to you guys.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Yeah. Do you have, do you know what you have like, you have like town hall meetings? What the fuck is this? Yeah, basically. They all gotta get together and fuck, man. These conferences. Yeah, they gotta get their crime shit on.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Yeah. It was from the one, it's called like Elliott Rogers, the epilogue. Okay. And he's like Elliott Rogers the epilogue. Okay. And he's detailing Elliott Rogers' solution to the perfect world. And it's basically like you got a starve 99% of women because it's sheep and then you keep a few of them around for reproductive purposes so that men can be liberated from needing to have sex.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Yeah. So she's literally playing the end of Dr. Strange Love to an audience of enraptured boomers who don't understand that they're shocked at a joke. What was the audience's reaction? I must say this is an extraordinarily good idea, Dr. They'll have to be selected for their physical, no, no, no, it was the night I had to be selected for their physical attributes. Yeah. Mine fear. So I can rock.
Starting point is 01:08:32 At the local level, most crime analysts are chicks that really wanted to be cops, but don't want to do pushups in the academy. Okay. So it was a bunch of chicks who were like freaking out, but this is a real thing, like 24 year old millennial chicks. Like, and then was there. Was there a dance back then?
Starting point is 01:08:49 Was Munky Jones reading Elliott Rogers manifesto and they're watching it and being horrified by it? What was the actual video of it? Do you want to put a link in the discord? Yeah, I want to play it. All right. That's fucking great. Kimble, you got a new goal to shoot for, man. Don't channel on to. Kimble is going to do another reading
Starting point is 01:09:11 of Maddox's psycho letter from the, yeah, the second letter, the BPD letter with those chicks. That's great. That'll be great. All right. I'm putting it in the discord now. Okay. Drop it in the general one if you can. The thing is too, I can tell she didn't watch the entire video because the end of it makes it very obvious that he's kidding. Like even if you're... So she... How much of this did she watch and from where?
Starting point is 01:09:37 She played like a minute, I think. There's like a little intro thing where he like Photoshopped his face onto video from like school shootings. Okay. And then after that, I think he played it for like a minute probably. It's Mumpke Jones. I'm going to put it's like Mumpke Jones. It's called the. I'm gonna put it's like Monkey Jones. It's called the month of retribution.
Starting point is 01:10:07 And Monkey Jones has photoshopped his Monkey Jones face on a guy and Elliott Rogers on his partner. And they're like going around doing school shootings and behaving like the sabotage video of, fuck, what's his name? Beastie boys. Beastie boys, thank you. That's what we're watching right now. It's called the month of retribution.
Starting point is 01:10:33 This world we live in is twisted. There's no denying that. Women reject the sophisticated, nice guys like us. And it's done. It's got a lot of sex to the men who already have everything else going for him. A bunch of rips, superchads, and underwear models that he's selected here. And the other one was a dumb ad with a huge fat chick on it, one of the, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:07 St. Elliot Rodgers. How do people not have the ability to tell that production values for stuff determines how seriously they are? People who are crazy are not able to produce competent multimedia. The flyers that you see where everything is in the same font and it goes on and on and on. A bunch of typos. That's a crazy person. They can never do this. They can't figure out how to go on people per hour
Starting point is 01:12:38 and hire a graphic designer to turn their rantings into something professional. Because they think it's good. Their mind is elsewhere. They look at it and they say there you go. There's all the information. What more do you need? Yeah. About presentation. Well, George, that's the difference between a villain and a super villain. Sex is part of the fact that she defines Elliot. That was like one of the terms she defined.
Starting point is 01:12:59 And she said that Elliot Roger had like a cult like following and was worshiped among in cells, but Mumkey Jones is the only one who says, what an idiot. What an idiot. So you guys all just think she won an idiot. I was and there was one other guy that I work with who follows like 4chan culture knows this shit. But other people like ask questions like, are you fucking for real? Or did anyone have a problem with the graphics,
Starting point is 01:13:29 the underwear models, and the giant sex banner, and stuff like that? No, that wasn't even close to the most graphic thing that was displayed that day, so that wasn't a big deal. I'm gonna watch for another minute. Tell me when she stopped it if I pass it. All right. Most evil concept in existence.
Starting point is 01:13:48 The fact I'm gonna back it up a little bit. Termin the biggest problem facing society. Sex. Sex is by far the most evil concept in existence. The fact that life itself exists through sex just proves that life is flawed. The act of sex gives human beings a tremendous amount of pleasure. Pleasure they don't deserve.
Starting point is 01:14:13 I don't want anyone to think this was a real thing. It was a real thing. It was a real thing. Especially since some humans get to experience it while some are denied it. When a man has sex with a beautiful woman... It's a pitch for communism. Yeah, I think she stopped it there. Yeah, about there.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Good God. That's great, good for monkey. How did somebody just not turn to whoever's in charge in there and go, what the fuck is, what the fuck is she doing in here? That's enough, that's enough, ma'am. Shut it down. Oh, All right.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Special Agent Richard had, thank you very much. Hey, did you see that, did you see the Maddox email, the second letter that we read on the bonus episode by chance? No, I haven't watched that one yet. All right, I wanna get your hot take on it when you see it. Cause you've seen a lot of, ostensibly, you've seen a lot of correspondence from psychopaths, to stalking victims or stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Yeah, yeah, take a look at it and let us know what you think. It's a, All right. It's pretty fucking wild. It's pretty wild and manipulative. I want to get a professional take on it. Right, it creep me out.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Yeah, it's creepy. It's creepy. Right, buddy, anything make you a rage? This is probably a bad follow up talking about in cells, but women's tender profiles. Did you know that every fucking woman on earth loves wine, Netflix, dogs, and soons and
Starting point is 01:15:33 other things that travel, make her less of an individual? Yeah, I did know that fucking going on vacation. It turns out that they don't like to work. They like to, by wine, they mean margaritas and tequila, right? But also my wine and hour, W H I. I want you to give me stuff and I'm going to bring nothing to the table. I like free shit. It all comes down to I like getting as much free shit as possible before I have to put out. That's what I like and then even after that Even though I've given away all my bargaining chips
Starting point is 01:16:09 That's what I like By net by Netflix, they mean say yes to the dress the reality shit That's what I like I like to do nothing and drink I like I'm a chair connoisseur. I like all sorts of chairs. I love sitting down and reclining. They're gonna make a jack-off machine for women that's gonna be a chair that makes you so comfortable, you die. You never have to work again and you're like,
Starting point is 01:16:35 what do you like? Daytime sleepwear. Daytime sleepwear. Is it a jack-off machine for women in ATM? Yes. I like Netflix, I like watching movies, I like watching things, I like just decomposing in my skin. I like wine, tequila, eating, I like consumption.
Starting point is 01:17:00 I like consumption. I like to test the limits of waste bands. I like that. I love shopping online. I'm an elastic waste band tester. I'm basically a set of assentient pajamas. Yeah. And if you don't like, if you don't like me,
Starting point is 01:17:19 then that's your problem. Six foot only. Yes, you can't handle her out or what. Right. That too. I like reading as long as it's Harry Potter. Or inspirational quotes about the empowerment of women on Facebook and how and how men need to do a better job of solving what is existentially wrong with me and my soul because my entire life is revolved around sitting my fat ass on the couch eating and watching Netflix.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Is that the thing? I need to put in more effort. Men need to put in more effort. I gotta, I gotta woman study. Where is it? Here we go. We got a couple. Let me see where it is. I brought it in if the topic of, oh yeah, speaking of Harry Potter, read a new fucking book.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Here was a study about the top rated movies of men versus women. I find it. All right, especially when Richard had, I'm going to cut your audio off because the flutters are just in the off. Yeah, I can hear it. All right, especially when Richard had, I'm going to cut your audio off because the flutters are just going to pop off. Yeah, I can hear it. Well, because I got him cranked us. Yeah. It was good to talk to you again, buddy.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Yeah. Good talking to you. See you. I can't believe he's not going to call in. That's a bummer. No one wants to talk about lawsuits. I didn't know. I didn't know it was an active case, though.
Starting point is 01:18:40 I mean, of course, then he... Come on. Oh, fuck it. Look, no one wants to take my advice, Sean. I don't know what you profited the most from the lawsuit. You did. Me. Well, I don't know how his case is. The same as all of them. Yeah. That's that stupid. Why know? Landown came in and fleeced him, fucked them over, sued too many people, got laughed out of court, pissed the postrophies all over the document. Well, is he still, he's not working with Landau anymore?
Starting point is 01:19:09 No, Landau do the same thing, saying creative differences. We're gonna split up. Yeah, and now he's probably getting sued by Landau. Maybe we can call it next week. No, no, no, no. He's Landau likes to wrap these things up quickly. It was cool that he remembered me though.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Yeah. I remember you totally mean and asking Landau about it. And he said, don't listen to this guy. He's just remembered me though. Yeah. I remember you, you know what I mean? Totally. And then asking Landau about it. And he said, don't listen to this guy. He's just a bad guy. Yeah. Read a new book. That's what I would like to say to people
Starting point is 01:19:34 who quote Harry Potter endlessly online. Do people do that? They do. They quote Harry Potter endlessly. And they do. Everything's of Old Immort or a snake because our shared mythology only has room for one collection of characters. And now it's Harry Potter. So anything that happens in the world, anything, anything in politics, anything that's overly complicated
Starting point is 01:20:02 is reduced to a set of characters that was written by a moron for children. Anything bad is the Voldemort or the Snape or the Dumbledore. It's always, we need more Hermione's in here. Everything is just a whittled down simplified version of what actually happens in real life where the more you learn about it, the less evil the evil guys look and the less good the good guys look. And it looks like a bunch of people just trying to slug it out in this fucking pit that God stuck us in. If you actually look at what's happening instead of just falling back on Harry Potter, which movies have the largest disparity when ranked by men and women? Here we go. Here's the top top movies for men. You want to guess any guess any of these movies for men? Top movies for men. Yeah, with the biggest disparity, meaning men would like them more than women. I thought strange love would be on the list.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Yeah, but I was wrong. Biggest, just $3 more. The paths of glory, DOS boot, that makes sense. Yeah. Raging bull, unforgiven, sure,
Starting point is 01:21:15 bridge on the river, river quiet. Yeah, once upon a time in the West, the thing, platoon, Rocky, sure, sure, sure. Yeah. Rocky's got a me too moment in there, doesn't he? Not he doesn't let Adrian leave, I don't think oh, yeah women. That's right movies ranked most highly by women compared to men yeah number one Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix
Starting point is 01:21:38 Women's rank 140 men's rank 830 number two seven. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Really? Yeah. Delta, 690. It's the difference. Number three, Harry Potter and the... No, Harry Potter and the Pride and Prejudges. Number four, Harry Potter. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:21:57 That's blood prints. Oh my God. It's just love Harry Potter. Yeah. Number five, Harry Potter. Yeah. Number five. Harry Potter. Oh my God. Oh my God. And the Destiny of Hala.
Starting point is 01:22:11 The only franchise they need. Five, one. It really is. That's incredible. No wonder Universal Studios made that Harry Potter land. I thought it was stupid, but apparently they love it more than Disneyland. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Because Frozen is number six. Real great insight into the female brain. So number six. The world, everything in the world works on fucking magic. And what, go ahead. Are four of the top six Harry Potter? And the only way you can achieve anything is if you're destined to it because of the unimaginable suffering that you've already been through.
Starting point is 01:22:45 That's Harry Potter. That's why they love it so much. Everything is magic. Everything around us is magic that they just didn't learn because they're muggles. And the only way to succeed in life is if you've suffered an unimaginable amount. So make sure to play it up as much as possible by carving it into your fucking forehead. That's why they love it. What did you say?
Starting point is 01:23:11 No, was it four of six or Harry Potter? One, two, three, four, the top four out of five, 11, no, no, no, wait, 12. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone. Number 18, Harry Potter and the Gov. What are the other ones? The other one, it's like most of the Harry Potter movies. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:31 The other ones are frozen, Wonder Woman, Tangled, Hidden Figures, Brokeback Mountain. Because what the, I'm surprised that's not hiring. And when women love seeing guys give fucked up the ass. Huh. There you go. Thought that was amusing. That is. and Liz, women love seeing guys give fucked up the ass. Huh. There you go. Thought that was amusing. That is. You wanna read some advice?
Starting point is 01:23:51 Yeah. Comments. Comments. Hey, Dick, just listen to episode 130 where you talked about VOR. Both my girlfriend and I are into it. Wow, pretty much the same kind. You think it's this show that attracts so many unique, uniquely, uh, so many sophisticated gentlemen and women.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Or is this in general and society? You think that many people are into weird shit? I think there's a lot more people into weird shit than we think. Me too. I wanted to give you some insight into what turns us on about it and what we do to simulate it for each other in the bedroom. She told me that her deepest darkest secret was that she liked Vore. She's going to be listening to this episode. So I hope she doesn't kill me.
Starting point is 01:24:37 That's... Well, you're anonymous. I said that's insane. I like Vore too. And we talked about what we liked about it. We both liked the idea of being swallowed by somebody, feeling ourselves being squeezed down there asophagus. And then just kind of winding up in some warm, wet, non-descript organ. We don't like digestion and neither of our fantasies ever last long in a first to wonder how we get out. We just like the wetness, the warmth and the pressure.
Starting point is 01:25:06 So to simulate this, this is a couple. Yeah. Mind you. To simulate this, my girlfriend bought me a birthday present. One of those weighted blankets. You like for autistic people? Oh, yeah. What's that for?
Starting point is 01:25:19 Oh, well, yeah. It's like the thing you put on dogs for fun underjacket, except for the, yeah, these two, they go to bed and instead of pajamas, they strap on their thunderjackets. Yeah. And then start digesting each other, start wriggling around in their bed, awaited like it. Like night crawlers. Night crawlers.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Yeah, always sunny, right? Yeah. Uh, it can't simulate the wetness. Well, it could. It could, yeah. Yeah. Uh, it can't simulate the wetness. Well, it could. It could, yeah. Yeah, it's sprayed down. Right. But it can simulate the warmth and pressure.
Starting point is 01:25:54 That's enough to liven up our sex life when we're craving an extra kick. Hmm. That's their version of lingerie. Yeah. She comes out with a weighted blanket. She comes out with. She comes out with a weighted blanket. She comes out with a fork lift with a weighted blanket. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Here you go. So if he were like, you know, if somehow he were accused of, you know, being a witch or whatever, or that, you know, it's like, what are they called the males? Because they killed men in the, oh, warlock. Warlock. They ain't kill men during the Salem witch trials. They did. Now it was all,
Starting point is 01:26:27 now it was all the scandered just kill a bunch of annoying brats. Yeah, okay. The smartest thing is the smartest moving history. So he would have wanted those. Did they kill men? Yeah, there's, yeah, there was, there was some heresy.
Starting point is 01:26:37 There was one, one of the guys last words allegedly were, was, what my car was more weight. He said, more weight, more weight, crushing him. Yeah, so he would have blown a load. As I said, crushed.
Starting point is 01:26:48 If you're thought about your last words, no. No. No. No. No, if he, that'd be good last words. Yeah. Yeah. It depends how you go. You don't want to be stuck like that, where you got to figure it out on the spot. Yeah. Because then you also have to plan on how you're going to die, because if you got shot, you know,
Starting point is 01:27:09 if you get, you don't know how much time you're going to have, you fall out of a plane, you got a good three minutes, you can, you can really just give a lot of wisdom out there. Yeah. And you're falling. Exactly. You get smushed, right? Something to think about.
Starting point is 01:27:22 What were your last words, B? Yeah. I'm going to put that in the next version of the winner's drink, card game. Once I got it, about what were your last words be? Yeah. I'm gonna put that in the next version of the winner's drink card game. Once I got it, as soon as I got it out, I was so excited finally and I'm like, fuck, I got to do another one. I got to do an expansion pack around this game. Cool. Anyway, it can't simulate the wetness, but it can simulate the warmth and pressure. That's enough to live and up our sex life when we're craving an extra kick.
Starting point is 01:27:48 She told me that it's a gift, as long as she can borrow it sometimes, to masturbate under. I wanna make it clear that we do not need to think of bored to get going or to get off. In fact, most of the time, we're just into regular vanilla stuff, like domination, bondage and asphyxiation.
Starting point is 01:28:04 We only feel like doing worst stuff, we're feeling extra spicy. Hope this helped you, go fuck yourself. I, this whole thing made me think of the many times that I have, a couple times, not many times, because this is like a hangover, this is like Defcon one, hangover event. When I, I feel like I'm so hungover that my spirit,
Starting point is 01:28:24 there's a chance my spirit will just leave my body just so painful. I will take, I have taken when the, it's the time coach got banned from the, the Pachanga Indian reservation. I took the comforter from the hotel room into the bathtub and turned the water in the bathtub on. Really? Yeah, yeah. So, because I wanted to, I was going to die. So I needed the coldness and drinking. So I needed the warmth, but it wasn't enough.
Starting point is 01:28:56 And I also wanted to feel, maybe I have this thing. That could be a good Valentine's Day treat for these guys. Take their weighted blankets into the bathtub and wrap each other up. Maybe a little dangerous though. Give yourself a breathing tube. Indiana atwood. Hey, Dick, I just wanted to... He was the guy whose sister was murdered. Do you remember that? Yeah. I did fly him out there. Yeah. What was more than I thought it would? I was running my mouth, I think. I should have checked the prices before I said I would pay for that ticket.
Starting point is 01:29:26 It's a nice thing to do though. Well, I mean, nice doesn't put the money back in my pocket. No, no, it doesn't. I wanted to say thank you for all that you did for me after my family's recent lost. I'm so grateful for the shout out on the show and the flight. My parents also, when I feel like everybody can take credit for that too, because without the Patreon, I wouldn't have just paid for you guys.
Starting point is 01:29:47 It's not easy. It's not ridiculous. My parents also wanted me to thank you as well. The response from the online community has helped lift a great burden from us close to the holiday season. I know it's not much, but attached is a copy of my book, The Dark Lord's Apprentice. It sounds like a little hairy,
Starting point is 01:30:06 that might be a woman's favorite movie in the making. I recently self-published it and went live for sale the night I learned of my sister's death. That sucks. But there's nothing you can say. No, see? Right, there we go. Are you glad I read that study?
Starting point is 01:30:23 No, that's too bad. Yeah, but it doesn't matter what I say right, you glad I read that study? No, that's too bad. Yeah, but does it matter what I say? But you just said it a lot of times, but people think that other people want advice or platitudes or something. Sometimes it's just like, sorry, that fucking really sucks. There's something weird about just having another person's presence there.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Like, it's real easy for me to sleep sometimes if there's just people in the room watching TV or something like that, but as soon as I go to bed, I'm like, vat, I'd wake. I recently self-published it and went live for see how that I do. And everyone I've met who has read it has said it's great.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Well, we'll see about that. If reading isn't your cup of tea, perhaps there is something, there is someone you know who may enjoy it. Feel free to share it with them. Anyway, I know this isn't much, but please take it as a token of my gratitude. Sincerely Indiana, Indiana atwood. PS, the book is intended for young adults and older and is meant to be pure entertainment. No sex, just violence.
Starting point is 01:31:24 You know what got to me about that guy? What's his little icon? I don't know if I mentioned this. His little icon is a little, like my little pony guy, but it's like clearly one that is not a regular one, like not a show one. I don't know why it was like, oh man. That's, that makes it much more fun. We mean it was not a character? Yeah why it was like, oh man, that's that's that makes it that makes it much
Starting point is 01:31:45 We mean it was not a character. Yeah, it's not a character. It was clearly of his own creation. Oh got you Fuck Mm-hmm. That makes it much that makes it so sad for some reason It's from dad. This is from Zach dick. I'm on the wrong side of 25. I've slept with more women than I can count You're bad at math skills. I mean, you counted to 25. Yeah. I can you not count.
Starting point is 01:32:14 Yeah. Over seven. Yeah. More women than you can remember. That's not as cool though, is it? I can count the number of podcasts we've done. Yeah. Would you ever describe as anything as more than I can count?
Starting point is 01:32:30 No. I've drank more drinks than I can count. I promise you that. If somebody asked me, I would say more than I can count a lot. Yeah, just you could never recall them all as the thing. Even if I had tried to count them along the way, I would have lost count. Well, you would have lost count.
Starting point is 01:32:49 It doesn't mean you can't count that high. Right, but he's, but what I'm just like the, what he's trying to say, I don't believe that if he would have tried to keep counting along the way. Because the number of drinks is a lot more than the number of women this guy's had. Yeah, obviously, because I've known you is a lot more than the number of women this guy's had. Yeah. Obviously.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Because I've known you for a long time. Yeah. How many women can you fuck a day when you're 25? I must say he started fucking at 13. Well, it was like the Wilt Chamberlain thing like a thousand. Well, as soon as math came out, they're like, yeah, he would have had to have sex with like, you know, like 9.7 women per day since he was, you know, I don't know, it was, it was something astronomical. He was just, it was just a number. I want to know how many is more women than I can count from the sky. Yeah. Take a guess. Right. Ballpark. I could
Starting point is 01:33:34 ballpark drinks I've had. Yeah. Wow. I wouldn't even know where to begin with that. How, what am I? 38? Just turned 38. I've been drinking since I was 17, I think. Something like that. Something like that. I remember my first drink was in Paris. Really? Yeah, it was beautiful. Would you have a night in Paris?
Starting point is 01:33:53 What was it? A lovely smear-knife cherry vodka that the boys, two on express and your brother. We had had, we've cooked up this plan for a while that we were going to drink and we went on this school school trip. I remember drinking a couple of stories. I heard these stories. And the parents, the parents in their infinite cock blockery, they got together and they met up before the big school trip and decided collectively that the children will not be allowed to drink even though the drinking age
Starting point is 01:34:25 is, yeah, we were over the drinking age in Paris, of course, in France and Europe. Yeah. Because it's not a puritanical society. No. We were 17, 16, 17, and that's what the drinking age was. Or maybe it was even less. I don't remember, but I remember the decision coming through.
Starting point is 01:34:40 And I remember that, I remember that, I got the impression that my parents were not on board with it, but you know, what are they gonna do? They're not on board, they're saying, go get shit faced. Yeah. Was this the same trip that, do you wanna express how did an asthma attack?
Starting point is 01:34:56 Yeah, we tried to kill him. Yeah. Yeah. It was almost like, the way it was described to me, it was kind of like the scene in Dumb and Dumber when they put on a hot shit on his burger, and he's like dying on the floor, and they're like, ahahahahaha!
Starting point is 01:35:09 No, he had an asthma attack in the hotel room. Yeah. And he was trying to do his inhaler, and every time he did his inhaler, I would try to make him laugh. Oh, he would sit there, do his inhaler, and then I would start digging with him. But like he had to go to the hospital, right? Eventually, yeah. No, no, no, do is inhaler, and then I would start digging with them. But like, he had to go to the hospital, right?
Starting point is 01:35:26 Eventually, yeah. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no, he didn't. Oh, he didn't. No, because they didn't, they don't have, like, the hospitals don't work there, like they do here. So he, after, he probably tried to do is inhaler five or six times, and it kept getting worse. Yeah. And he started freaking out, and that was making it even funnier, because every time he would try to do it, I would fuck with him. And it's fucking horrible friends. Yeah. So he had to finally leave.
Starting point is 01:35:52 He wasn't even mad either, like he was sitting there. He could have gone down the hall or outside, but because of his macho bullshit, I was gonna fall down probably. The first couple, he could have easily left the room and gone somewhere private where we couldn't get to him. Like, we're not gonna chase him down the street
Starting point is 01:36:11 to interrupt his asthma shit. That's not sports. That's, there's no sportsmanship there. She is right. But if he's gonna sit, he's gonna stay sitting in the room taunting us, just trying to, it was his, it was his fucking fault. What ended up happening?
Starting point is 01:36:25 What ended up happening, dude? So he got, every time he went five or six times, maybe even more, he couldn't inhale, he couldn't hold it, he couldn't hold it in his lungs. I just kept coughing. Yeah, every time he would do it, we would start making fun of him and he would laugh and spit it out.
Starting point is 01:36:41 So it wouldn't work. And then he would, like, he couldn't stop laughing himself afterwards, which was making it work. Oh, really? So he wasn't like in full-blown panic. He was laughing. Well, then he left finally and got one of the chaperones and they had to call a doctor out
Starting point is 01:36:58 who gave him some kind of like a adrenaline shot in his ass, because that's where you give that shot. So we were sitting outside the room still like talking about how he felt getting taking it up the ass from a Frenchman. I forgot about that. Good God. But then we also concocted this plan to get a nice bottle of smear not. I was the lookout too from the hotel to the liquor store, which
Starting point is 01:37:25 was right around the corner. Yeah. I remember so clearly those boys running back. Both of them. Yeah, but the took both of them to buy the case one pushed out. Yeah, okay. That's no one said it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:36 But yeah, it's easier to do things you're not supposed to do if you had a body. I remember them. I remember them coming back. We had like one minute on the curfew before they locked the door with his drawstrings pulled tight on his backpack, looking it up the street on the Shonsolise. I think it might have been the Shonsolise. It was right down the street from the art, like,
Starting point is 01:37:54 before it became a Islamic stronghold, of course. It was nice, much nicer back then. Anyway, what was I saying? Count the number of drinks. So you got drunk, I guess. Oh, yeah, I got shit face. Yeah, that was your first drink was a first hand number two. That was a death.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Really? Wow. 17 to 30, this 20 years, let's say, let's say I go through a two bottles of wild turkey, a one bottle of wild turkey a week. I remember when I would buy one a week when my 20s, but that doesn't include all the drinking done that was not in my personal liquor stay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:39 Say one and a half. Oh, man. Yeah, you kind of went straight to a certain level. Yeah, drinking. I was, you know, if you're gonna do anything, you gotta do it right, you gotta really commit yourself. 1.5, what is that? That's 750, so let's say,
Starting point is 01:38:59 what is that, a liter? What would the math be? What's a little bit more than that? It's about a liter of liquor, a liter of wild turkey every week. That's what I'm trying to say. Yeah. Does it sound about right? Could be. Could be. Maybe a little more. Maybe a liter and a half. And there's how many shots in a drink? Well, like a standard drink. Sugar is 1.5 ounces. I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Okay, 1.5 ounces. Should we go with that? That seems overly generous. Let's say two ounces. Two ounces in a drink. Should we call that? I guess. It's 20 years.
Starting point is 01:39:38 So 20 times 365. Is this very tedious to everyone? Seems like it might be. That's seven thousand. Let's see, that's 7,000 liters. No, that's 1,000 liters that I've licked, that I've consumed in those 20 years. 20 years, 52 weeks in a year. That's one, yeah, that's a thousand weeks, a bottle of wild turkey a week.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Well, you gotta figure out how many drinks are in a bottle of, if there's one liter, oh yeah, okay. I mean, that's what you need. You need two ounces in it, right? Well, now you've gotta go English to metric. I can do one liter divided by two ounces. My liter's in it. I mean, it's in the liter.
Starting point is 01:40:34 So the answer is more drinks than you can count. I was wrong. Yeah. There you go. And that's how we'll end that segment. Yeah. 33. 33. All right, there's 33.
Starting point is 01:40:48 That's 33,000 drinks. That's 33,000 drinks. That's 33,000. That's 33,000. I mean, I don't even know where to go. I mean, that's how many drinks I've drank in my life. 33,000. That's the order of magnitude.
Starting point is 01:41:06 I wouldn't doubt it. Holy fuck, don't I get a chip for that or something? Where do I go to get, I don't I get a medallion? Yeah, I know the fucking sober guys get one. Should I get a fucking award? Yeah, for a, for a, for an organization that says, you know, one day at a time and everything,
Starting point is 01:41:21 they should do love to give rewards and awards for time. Yeah, don't they? One. Here's your six year medallion. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Why do I need this? Just to put the pressure on you. So you don't fuck it up. And if you do, you kill yourself. Yeah. That's the point. Well, people take that shit really fucking hard when they do, you know, AA just increases suicide rates. The here's the thing is exactly the same. Here's the thing. People have's the thing. The here's the thing. People have this thing in their heads that if they get drunk after 10 years, then all of that 10 years of sobriety is washed away.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Like it never happened. It's like, no, you lived and existed for 10 years without it. Mm-hmm. Just if you realize you don't wanna go back to drinking, just get back on the fucking horse. It's not a wash. It doesn't mean you, it's not the, yeah, you, it's not negated. I know what you mean. I quit drinking a couple of years ago as you know on the show and I've had many relapses, but every day I wake up and re-vow myself. All right. Let's see. I got some advice here.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Oh wait, I stopped in the middle of the uncountable thing. Okay. I've slept with more women than I can count. 33,000 drinks. Yeah. So back to this guy who's fucked more women than he can count. So 33,000. Okay. Okay. I'm looking to settle down,
Starting point is 01:42:38 but this girl I'm talking to is Indian and from a traditional family. I don't know how to approach this and I'm seriously asking for help. You gotta out traditional them. You know? Yeah, well, you have to be some kind of a prince from some major land-owning family.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Alia babwa. Yeah. You gotta come in like, you gotta come in and if they wear suits, you wear a tuxedo, right? Your royalty from somewhere, that's, and it's, you gotta make up a whole backstory, man. You gotta watch Aladdin, Zoro. You gotta act, just act.
Starting point is 01:43:16 All the great documentaries about lying. Batman did it, Zoro did it, Aladdin did it, works out every time. You come in and you out traditional them. You bust the dad's balls. Yeah. Ooh, my, my, my. I just, I don't know if you're worthy of, yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:31 Those eyebrows are looking a little shaggy, sir. How often do you get them trimmed? Right. Stuff like that. Trimmed? Trimmed? Are you supposed to trim eyebrows? Wow.
Starting point is 01:43:41 I mean, my family is very traditional. My family is very traditional, so we would trim our eyebrows. You say grace before every bite you eat, not just before the meal. Forskins, pro or con. Fucking a girl's family is just like fucking a girl. It's just based on lies.
Starting point is 01:43:58 You lie, life, you lie once, and you stick to the lie, and you never deviate from the lie. Right. The family doesn't want you. A girl doesn't want you. They just want to know that you can lie to them. It's the same as the job that you think enough of them to lie to them. Yes.
Starting point is 01:44:13 Do you think, I don't care who you are, but do you value my daughter enough to lie to me, to my face? Right. Because it's hard to lie to somebody when you don't want to, when you want to be as accepted as you. Again, we're just playing along. We're just playing, this is what we do here, son. That's what tradition is, a system of lies.
Starting point is 01:44:32 To convince us that things are permanent when they are not. So stick to it, remember that. It is all, it is just a system of stupid lives to make everybody think that what's happening now is gonna continue forever. That's what tradition is, that's what these people want. They don't wanna know, they don't wanna know about your countless women that you've slept with. You're a prince now, act like it, forgot's sake.
Starting point is 01:44:57 There you go. Andre, I say Dick just wanted to give a little fact check on Sean's Cannibal story. He actually combined two separate cannibal stories. The first, yeah, the first being Armin Mywis case, were two men met in Germany over the now defunct cannibal cafe forums. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:15 One man consented to having his penis eaten. Okay. So it's not the Japanese guy. No. Got you, it was controversial because it was a case of consensual cannibalism. Yeah. Although arm-in was ultimately sentenced to life in prison for a murder conviction, the second story is that the second story is that of Isaiah, a Jagawa, a Japanese man who went
Starting point is 01:45:37 to broad in Paris. Seduce the Dutch woman and subsequently murdered in Afghanistan. Okay. Although this was not consensual on her behalf, so Gawa made an insanity plea. And after his release became a minor celebrity and Japan threw public interest. Yep, yep, exactly.
Starting point is 01:45:52 I combine two stories. He's exactly right. Jesse A. Dick, just a quick sum I wanted to share after I heard you say you felt you fucked up Andy's eulogy in episode 129. It was fucking great. Dad's suicide response is needed because it reminds us that you owe it to others, but also to yourself to stick around and see what happens next.
Starting point is 01:46:11 But according to the studies, nothing that you say is going to work. Hell, not only did I like your voicing of that sentiment, it was one of the single most powerful moments in the entire run of the show. What about when I figured out how many drinks I've drank? That was pretty powerful. A close second. I know that makes me sound like a woman. Go to the cameras. But fuck it. No, that's those moments happen on the show and those always resonate with people. Peach said, she's going to challenge me to drink a drinking contest next. I think she's thinking with her tits again, if she thinks that she can knock out Mr. 33K.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Well, I've had more drinks than Maddox has spent on his website. Mustard and alcohol are not, it's not even the same fucking sport. No, there's answers at the bottom of the liquor bottle. I know all of them. Yeah. It's like a reverse snapple, a bottle of liquor. Right. Not trivia at the top. It's real answers at the them. Yeah. It's like a reverse snapple, a bottle of liquor. It's not trivia at the top. It's real answers at the bottom.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Yeah. They are in every bottle and everyone's different. And interesting. The reason it struck me is a few years back, a coworker went to Greenland at the age of 27. I went to his memorial service and what I saw was his parents still in a state of shock, a sister crying in control over the four hours. And some dumbass PowerPoint slideshow on repeating,
Starting point is 01:47:27 unrepeat displaying pictures of him and his friends. And yet everyone who was there was like, oh, why did he kill himself? He had so many friends, oh well. Well, I felt there was untold amounts of rage built up inside of me. I didn't let it out that night. But you know what? I fucking should have. I'm glad you did just that on the show. Don't let any of these pussies tell you otherwise. Anyway, enough sobbing.
Starting point is 01:47:49 Go fuck yourself Christmas. Have a go fuck yourself Christmas, buddy. All right. I've got somebody I really wanna talk to here. Oh yeah? Anami. And hey Anami, are you there? Good day, man, how you doing? Hey, good. How are you? So how do I pronounce your name?
Starting point is 01:48:10 What's your pronouns also? That's you're going to do from now on. Ask everyone there. He's fucking pronoun. Please don't. So you are one of the programmers behind the thought audit. Oh wow. Yeah, that's correct. I was trying to get one of the programmers from the thought audit on last week.
Starting point is 01:48:32 And you got one. Dick had thought he had a connection. Anomi hits me, I'm gonna go, Hey, I listen to all the time. I'm the other programmer. This show. Who the fucking thought? This fucking show, man.
Starting point is 01:48:42 You're really doing a wonderful service, educational service, I think. Busting is the only proof of concept. We didn't actually intend for anyone to actually use it. Okay, is that how we're playing it? Yeah, yeah, that's what's not yet. So, I mean, give you a little bit of their backstory behind it. Yes, please do.
Starting point is 01:49:07 So, from what Kofag and CSBAing on have told me, that's the guy who basically has a subscription to a Twitter scraper, which is basically a website that's paid for access to what's called the Twitter Fire hose, which is Twitter's high capacity API that gives you access like every user and every tweet with an element. And it's been using that to scrape profiles with certain keywords and things like that to find people who are selling themselves online.
Starting point is 01:49:41 I don't want to tame in that sort of thing. Well, who started this? What was the start of the thought-aughted software? So from what I know, it was on CSV, on posted the data set in a thread, and then CodeFag made a little search engine for it, but he just put it on like a code demo site, which was codepane.
Starting point is 01:50:06 And so I came across it, I threw it up on GitHub, and man, codefag, have been contributing to the code since then, and CSVN has been giving me the data to certain, and I've been updating it. Now, what would possess you guys to start doing this? Like, why thoughts? What was the, I wanna know where was the spark of realization that you could do what you're doing?
Starting point is 01:50:31 Elliot Rogers. I think it all originated on the H&N poll board. Oh, the rape board. The rapist board. Yeah, yeah exactly. Yes, but as you know about that website, I, I hear like an admin over there on something. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, Kofi kind of did it in an hour or so because the website's really not that good,
Starting point is 01:50:59 but we're operating it soon. Oh, they're getting updates. Oh, I mean, he's a, he's a stats feed. Is a stats feed? We're sitting at 166,000 entries in the, in the data set. You've got 166,000 thoughts tagged in your data set. Here's a great, this is what I was looking for last week, Sean. Here's the example I found. It's, it's a message with one is what I was looking for last week, Sean. Here's the example that I found. It's a, it's a message with one of them saying, hi, I'm interested in your premium snap. And then the thought says my premium snap is 25 bucks.
Starting point is 01:51:33 The guy says, what's your, what's your name? Like what's your snap handle? She responds, I'll add you to the, to my private story. Once you send, he says immediately reported for fraud. I'm gonna link to the IRS. Oh my God. Oh, whoa. Whoa. Like something we've learned recently thanks to one Paris Martin, at the wide, she's
Starting point is 01:51:56 that journalist that contacted me. We've learned that it's much more problematic. He's the terminology. It's much more problematic if they're reported PayPal or cash app or Venmo or something like that because it's actually against those providers terms of service to use their processes or their platforms to sell 18 plus content. Because they're private companies and they're not some bloated government. Yeah, they actually will get it will freeze and take their funds very quickly. Well, I like the IRS one.
Starting point is 01:52:32 I don't like reporting. I don't like reporting to PayPal, but I do like the IRS thing. I think if you go ahead. I mean, it's against their terms of service. And look, I hate PayPal as much as you guys, they take down and fuck over a lot of people, I've known, I know, and you, people on our side. But, you know, I mean, you're not gonna get rid
Starting point is 01:52:57 of any of these processes anytime soon. So if there's a way we can use their ridiculous terms of service to our advantage, then, you know, why not? I mean, that's what Cernivich does. And a lot of people, hey, that's what people claim he does, like using dirty tactics again him. Just personally, I think the IRS stuff is really funny because we all have to play by the IRS rules,
Starting point is 01:53:18 but I've been banned on so many fucking platforms for bullshit, TOS, that I could never think getting thoughts banned from PayPal would be funny. That's just one man's opinion though. Well, I mean, it's, it's a personal level for you though and I mean, I understand I completely but I mean, this is part of why I sort of stop being a libertarian because it's like, I mean, we're not going to downsize or regulate these organizations or these government agencies anytime soon. So if there's a way, I mean, the left
Starting point is 01:53:49 and the communists use dirty tactics against us. So if we can use dirty tactics against them to achieve similar or better results, then, you know, I mean, from the horse's point of view, I think the idea at this point, so who gives a shit? I hear you, I hear you, And I'm not here to lecture you. Here's what you can I read what you sent to the right wired reporter. I'm ready to worry about this. That's a cry. That's a cry. This is what the woman sends to him. Hi there.
Starting point is 01:54:13 I'm a reporter with wired. Did you take the thought bot down or did GitHub remove it? It was up. It was up. It got removed and it had to be moved to a new location. Hey, this is from Anomi here. Hey, I just realized it was removed because you messaged me. Both of the repository and the data set and the repo with the site code are completely gone. It seems GitHub has removed it without notifying me at all. Also, unprompted, the purpose of Thoughtbot was to eventually lead to the total excommunication or extermination of horse in society If I had it my way they would all face the death penalty including you Oh man and they can't even tell. Did she respond? Did she respond to that?
Starting point is 01:55:06 No, no. In the full screenshot, which I posted later, it says at the bottom, you can no longer send messages to the screen. There you go. Yeah. Yeah. She's gone.
Starting point is 01:55:19 Oh man. I was just going to report to some. So she actually quoted me in the article. So if you wanna know why there's a little separation in my first response to her and that little bit of Deanna, it's because I went through a Twitter profile and I saw her in a bio, she covers online extremisms. I'll be extreme for her, I'll be extreme for her Pokemon.
Starting point is 01:55:41 Yeah, no, it's great. That's gonna be, that's the race to get attention in media outlets. Just say the absolutely most repugnant thing. It's trend. I'm looking at the thought bot right now. Is this public that you are all you sent at? Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:55:56 So let us go to rip forward slash the bot. So this is what the thought bot produces. It's got all of of princess with 1200 followers baddest baby goddess of love beauty and stealing your man. And how do you produce these? What do you search for in the fire hose? Say, the fire hose is an unlimited feed of what's happening on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:56:20 Because there's so much coming from Twitter. It can't be, it can't be parsed or stopped. You can't pause it. It's just endless amounts of information. It's sent to you to process. And you can't recall what was sent before. You just have to process it in real time, looking for words and snippets and stuff like that. Yeah. There's no, you can't reverse the flow, right? Or stop the, get really, it's just very powerful to use for data collection. What do you, what do you look for on the fire hose to make this list?
Starting point is 01:56:49 Oh, we don't actually use the fire hose itself to use the fire hose. We have to be an extremely high capacity high bandwidth company. We use a third party website that kind of makes it usable for just regular developers. And we just have a list of keywords like, I know, a mistress, Femden, I'm hanging out,
Starting point is 01:57:12 put up the list of all of the keywords. I do tats, so if you ain't got that cash, don't bother me, hitting me, don't bother hitting me up. Your wallet should be as thick as me, baby girl, XO. it should be as thick as me baby girl. So. Yes, so here is some. Excuse me a second. So we got.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Mistress Fim Dom, which is financial and I can feel that. Escort, Camgo, wish list, because they always put their arms on wish list. No, okay. Independent first class provider of highly addictive I'm a friend of mine, I'm a friend of mine, I'm a friend of mine. I'm a friend of mine, I'm a friend of mine, I'm a friend of mine. I'm a friend of mine, I'm a friend of mine. I'm a friend of mine, I'm a friend of mine.
Starting point is 01:58:02 I'm a friend of mine, just all that sort of thing. So what can I say, FreakNasty, kick Chicago Rella, hashtag, tittyvettich, oh, let's see what's going on here. Hey, the user names don't link correctly. The user names on this only link to Twitter, you don't have them included in the link, just so you know. And they said, like, because it's straight from Twitter, from their Twitter profiles,
Starting point is 01:58:28 that's basically what we filled that field with. We're seeing other ways to kind of transform it, but it's still pretty primitive at the moment. I just give you their Twitter and their volume. And then you have a... Damn, there's hardcore pornography on Twitter. No shit. What the hell?
Starting point is 01:58:44 No shit. Yeah the hell? No shit. Yeah, so, did you want to hear, she actually put that quote in her article? Oh, is she right about me? Yeah, what's she right? Oh, she tweeted, one of the men that created an automated tool
Starting point is 01:59:02 called the quote, thought board, to provide harasses with the account. If I were over 100 K sex workers, the streamline, the attacking and reporting process, when I asked him for comment for this story, this is how we responded. There you go. We just a screenshot. Um, uh, good for you.
Starting point is 01:59:21 You did everything I had. I'm sorry. You did everything right. Good for you. You did everything right. You did everything right. Good for you. Oh, it's actually article itself, which is on the front page of Why At The Moment, says, a late invention of the thought point claimed to draw from over 100,000 profiles, almost disabled by GitHub a few days after was created. A spokesperson from GitHub confirmed that there are positorean data set or a move for violating the company.
Starting point is 01:59:45 So her husband in a direct message to why the creator of this quote, thought bot said the program aims for quote, the total excommunication or extermination of hau as a society. So I continue to adding that he wants them to face the death panel. So yeah, she's just stupid. What an idiot. Just like so just so easily trolled. Do the best of other tweet replies, which is like, stay safe, holy shit. This guy needs to be on like a watch list or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No guns for this guy. I love these. And great, there's some of this is a reading.
Starting point is 02:00:25 The responses to the thoughts that we're reading about. Yeah, yeah. Sean and I are reading the, these are profiles of the thoughts that they've caught in their net and their drag net for tax evaders. Yeah. Gamer, cammodel, MMJ, wish list, there you go. This is Harley Marie.
Starting point is 02:00:46 Yeah, Harley Marie. Let's see what she looks like. See, I'm just using it as like a whole set and you can feel yourself. That's good. Uh, so it doesn't look like a thought. No, oh, I have the, oh, of course, because I, I clicked the name instead of the handle,
Starting point is 02:01:03 which has a bunch of XOs and underscores in it. That looks like it. It's more like a wish list. Public snap, Instagram. I wonder how much money these thoughts are pulling down. I don't know. They're not working, so I'm sure the government would like to know.
Starting point is 02:01:22 So I read a story about a guy who is complaining, he had just paid a girl $500 for access to her lifetime subscription to a private snapchat and she'd scanned him because she was, you know, she'd taken everything down because she'd been contacted by none the tax or like that. Yeah. contacted by none the tax or what a 30s or what a snapchat. Probably pay half a grand for quite
Starting point is 02:01:48 lifetime subscriptions and some whores like Snapchat. Come on. Yeah. Well, hopefully by you getting the word out there about how much money these thoughts are siphoning off of hardworking men.
Starting point is 02:02:00 They'll curtail that a little bit. Right? Yeah, hopefully. More money for that amount of blow job machines. hardworking men, they'll curtail that a little bit, right? Yeah, hopefully. More money for that amount of blow job machines. That's right. Reallocation funds. Oh, look at this, you caught Carla Kush.
Starting point is 02:02:15 The porn star that was tweeting it at a dickhead and his wife and calling her like a content, a pig face and she spent, remember that bitch? Of course course she spent like a week following every single post of E and I's and birds. Yeah. And his wife's calling like calling their wedding pictures, calling her a skank and shit. Here she was caught by your your thought bot. Oh, public service. Look at that. Time to pay, bitch. Yep, that's our. I'd pay my fucking taxes. Hate it. Yeah. Yeah. Or I don't also just like to mention part of the reason that I put a bit of my sort of effort into hosting it and that sort of thing is because I noticed that even though it had just kind of thing is because I noticed that even though
Starting point is 02:03:05 it had just kind of been passed around on Twitter here and there, it had gotten such a huge reaction from these girls and in the news and stuff, there's like 10 articles across different websites about it. It's just insane how all historical they are reacting to even just the mere mention of it. Well, actually effective, trolling to us with. I brought in another study that I thought was interesting that might shed some light on that.
Starting point is 02:03:32 It is harm to women evokes more concern and more outrage than equivalent harm to men. Yeah. Women's, let me see here, across five studies, we tested the prediction that harm to women would evoke greater concern and outrage than equivalent harm to men. Study one, participants were readily assumed an unspecified harm target that was, uh, target was a woman than a man were more readily assumed. Oh, they more readily assumed that an unspecified target was a woman rather than a man were more readily assumed. Oh, they more readily assumed that an unspecified target was a woman rather than a man.
Starting point is 02:04:07 But especially if the terms victim and perpetrator were used. Yeah, sure. So you automatically assume it's a woman in your head. Study two, participants expected both female victims and female perpetrators to experience more pain than male victims or and perpetrators. So they even feel guilty for the women doing the crimes, doing the harm.
Starting point is 02:04:27 She must be a victim in her own way. Yeah, they were also less willing to forgive and more strongly desired to punish male perpetrators. Using a variety of social scenarios, affirmative action, sex based careers, studies three through five found female harm or disadvantage evoked more sympathy and outrage and was perceived as more unfair than equivalent male harm or disadvantage. Participants more strongly blamed men for their own disadvantages. We're more supportive of
Starting point is 02:04:59 policies that favored women and donated more to female only versus male only homeless shelters. A female participants showed a stronger in group bias, perceiving women's harm as more problematic and more strongly endorsed policies that favored women. How about that? I never hear about the charity gap. Always hear about the wage gap. I haven't heard about the charity gap. No, and it exists like prostate cancer kills way more
Starting point is 02:05:26 than breast cancer and the funding is like 4% or something like that. Is that right? It's staggering. I didn't know that. I mean, have you ever seen, like the NFL doesn't for one month go around with dangling testicle at prostate on their shoes or something like that?
Starting point is 02:05:40 No, true. We don't all have like a colon blow sticking out their asses to promote prostate cancer awareness. Yeah. New day? No. No, true. We don't all have like a colon blow sticking out their asses to promote prostate cancer awareness. Yeah. Do they? No. No. They do not. All right, buddy. It's nice talking to you. Do you got anything that ranks you to your age? Anomaly? I, yeah. Um, I mean, I kind of like to say that last but just um, the ignorance towards how many just like fucked up young men there are, um, in in current society. I'd say like most people my age are addicted to something whether it be porn or we or drinking and especially you can't be addicted to drinking though. Let's be fair. All those other things are true. You can just like it. Yeah, you just like the tooth. But I think that, especially porn, it provides this outlet for young men
Starting point is 02:06:30 who aren't getting any basically, but it also causes them to be kind of sedated. It stops them from getting angry, it stops them from changing something, and it makes them sort of think that this is normal. Like current society is normal, like all these women going around fucking, you know, as many men as they want
Starting point is 02:06:48 and never, you know, getting any repercussions from it, that's a normal thing when historically it's just never been that way. So. There are a lot of things we let slide as a society that good parents would never let slide. Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's, that's really sad. Women like this were kind of socially punished or excommunicated by that community or they were shamed or you know,
Starting point is 02:07:19 something was done, but now it's almost encouraged. It's seen as a sign of self-anorship and liberation for women to go out and get as much sex as they want. When, I mean, just look at this, that's on the successive marriage. And I'm sorry, likelihood of divorce after women has had a lot of sex, it just drops off even after the first few partners
Starting point is 02:07:42 to like under 50%. Yeah, you know, I know that graph that you're talking about and I think that religious religion plays a big part of that because people can't terrified to get divorced. But what you're saying in general, I don't think needs to be proved by stats and that's the point. Like parents and family,
Starting point is 02:08:01 a type family will make you feel ashamed of doing things that are dangerous to you. And when you don't have that society will do the opposite. They will try to horror you out, whatever it is for personal gain, be it sending you to war, turning you into an emotionally abused husk and a slut that you cannot recover from. Like it's really the family versus society dynamic is, cannot recover from. It's really the family versus society dynamic is something that the family side doesn't get enough PR for. And guys like Gavin McGinnis, who get sent up for promoting family values and traditions for stupid things, like the Nazi shit and whatever else that he's like trans nonsense.
Starting point is 02:08:46 It's shame. It's a shame because I think it does a tremendous amount of harm for exactly the kind of man you're talking about. Yeah, I mean, I think that that marriage that you know, related to religion also has to do with why people marry, I think it's somewhat a misconception that you marry for yourself and because you're in love with somebody whereas in more religious cultures or you know people and also historically you've married to have children because because having children was seen as a sort of duty to your community.
Starting point is 02:09:15 I think yeah, you go ahead. Your marriage is based around each other. They don't last very long because you know you can just get to each other. That's good point. Yeah, marriages aren't done for each other. They're done because you get and pushed into it by the group. All right, buddy. All right, thank you. Thank you. Good work. Please, please just think about the PayPal reporting. I can't, I can't think that's funny. I just can't. I arrest money. And you're supposed to do whatever dick thinks is funny. You gotta do what's funny. You gotta do what's funny. You don can't, I already asked funny. And you're supposed to do whatever Dick thinks is funny. You gotta do what's funny. You should say, God, you gotta do what's funny.
Starting point is 02:09:48 You don't go into marriage for each other, but you do funny for Dick. Yeah, yeah. You got, no, it's the, always the funny knows, something's not funny. You're overplaying your leverage or something that you don't be a bad guy, right? Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:10:04 You don't think about it. I mean, I just mentioned that it's a lot easier to report someone to these private payment processes than just the IRS. You need that full name and all that stuff. That's what makes it fun. All right, buddy. Thank you for calling me in.
Starting point is 02:10:18 Yeah, I love your work. All right. Fuck, I was gonna play a bunch of songs this episode, but I've totally forgotten. I think I'm done here. This has been the Dix Show, everybody, slash the Dix Show. Check out Winner's Drink, Winner's Drink.duff fun. Hey, you nailed it.
Starting point is 02:10:39 This song is by my room records with a stereo sage. See you next Tuesday. I got a present here too. Sweet! I'm wrapping mine, re wrapping mine. I'm already open to it. I'm hanging out in San Francisco Oh! Oh, that could be.
Starting point is 02:11:36 I mean, home-offs. Jesus! You Oh Yes! Come over here. I've got a present for you dear. Let's give a stereo set. Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, Jesus! Bring it in, brought it to the grave. Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:12:22 It's the only way. It's a good production. That's, he's great. Oh God. It's a good production. That's, he's great! Well, I mean, my standards are different for somebody like him, because if he does this, you know what I mean? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A C-S-A funny little Greek boy. Open your gaze. It has to be this way. Let's give a stereo set.
Starting point is 02:12:57 C-S-Let's give a stereo set. Miss Phase drew a picture of black. Oh yeah, topless. Based on the bonus episode, that's you, that's Sean. That's black. I don't know if I can put that on the stream. I don't know if I can put that on the stream. I don't know. Let me see if Vinio does... New to Dave.
Starting point is 02:13:27 Music Soon... And then you can be sure... You'll feel the wrath of one green mugger... Ah, it's impossible. Oh, there was tapelessness on there. All right, I'm going to put it up there. Fuck it. Oh, I've a way to ensure that he gets laid To come on boys with men
Starting point is 02:14:07 Let's get the scary old sands Let's give the scary old sands It's the only way to save him From his little broal grave Here you go There's Sean and Blair And from his then throne There you go. There's Sean and Blair. And now in San Francisco. Very good. All right, all right, all right.
Starting point is 02:14:41 Eric Serios say it's a serious say. It's Serios say it's everybody. Very good. Thank you, my, alright. Eris Serios says, it's Serios says, Serios says, everybody, very good. Thank you, my room records. Good stuff. Very good stuff. I've got a Facebook news. I've got an email, I got a voicemail from Reverend Scott that I've been meaning to play forever.
Starting point is 02:14:57 They haven't done Facebook news in a while, have we? Was it only last week we missed or was it? It was two weeks, I think, because Captain Jack has is taking a little bit of a hiatus. Well, he's been working hard. He has been working hard, so he's turned it over, he's turned it over to Emily. Really?
Starting point is 02:15:12 To be a fill-in correspondent, because she did such a great job of summing up the altercations with UberCube, I think it was. And she's got her ear to the ground. Oh, and she was on. Yeah. Oh, she's great. She was great. I've got this present, but I've misplaced the letter, but I'm not going to go look for it right now. So Sean, you have to open it.
Starting point is 02:15:35 For me, this is this one's for you. This one was for me, and oh my god, look at that. My name is spelled correctly. It's Larsen. Look at that, it's already opened and everything. Already opened. So this will be drink number 30,000 and one. Yeah. Thank you for starting there. Is that too much? Is that a lot of drinks?
Starting point is 02:15:54 That's a lot of drinks. Thank you, Steve. What is this? I don't know, check it out. Maybe it's some kind of a dick sucking machine. Yeah. Oh, it just comes out like that. Damn.
Starting point is 02:16:06 Okay, I feel bad. I left the guy's letter upstairs. Maybe. I know what this is. What is it? What do you got there? Thank you very much, Sue, for the... This is potentially hilarious and dangerous.
Starting point is 02:16:18 Dude, this is a stun gun. Oh, geez. Thank you. Oh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, really? It's pretty got me a stun gun. Fire it up. Let's see it zap. I don't think it comes with batteries.
Starting point is 02:16:29 What kind is it need? Figure it out. I'm gonna play some. Damn. Thanks. Oh, yeah, are you kidding me? Well, it has a, look, it's, I guess it charges. Aw.
Starting point is 02:16:44 What if you're being raped and it's not charged? And you have batteries. That's what you're fucked. Let me see that thing. Damn, man. Oh, wow. Oh, shit. Vipertech stun gun.
Starting point is 02:16:59 Probably feel like you got a bit by a... Whoa! Whoa! Oh, wait a minute. You got to hold the other side. No, I just turned it on. Oh, I didn't even see that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:09 Or it can be a light. You better make sure it's Christ. Look at this switch between stun light, which does nothing and just has a flashlight versus one little whisper. Now, I'm trying to figure out why somebody would get me a stun gun. Was that that conversation about the Wolverine spikes and maybe it was? Maybe you can find, I'll find the letter next time, or maybe he can tell us if he's listening.
Starting point is 02:17:37 I've lost his letter. Okay, was it talking about the dog shot collar? Maybe. We're gonna up the stakes. I'm gonna do that. I'm not fucking doing that. Neighbors dog, my good taste. So, I'm just putting it on a stick or something.
Starting point is 02:17:53 Oh man, I really wanna see how much it hurts. Oh man, I have no desire to find that out. Really? No, look. I really do. There you go. I'm gonna hand it. Wait, let me make sure it's off.
Starting point is 02:18:08 Yeah. Okay. There you go. I'm not taking that. Here, what? Take it. You got your finger right on it. Fuck you.
Starting point is 02:18:20 Fuck you. Now you want your thing. No, no, no. It's like the dick sucking machine. You've failed it. You've failed it forever. Is that all I have to do? Just go fuck your stuff and I get to have it?
Starting point is 02:18:33 Yes. I'm going to put it on the table. You put it on the table. It's a way. Don't you try to reach for it. Here's the charger. Motherfucker. That's the charger. Motherfucker. Oh, that's fucking cool.
Starting point is 02:18:49 All right. Make sure I play Reverend Scott's voicemail after this Facebook news. Okay. Dammy, you hear the sound of that thing? I think means fucking business. Hello, Dick and hello, Dickheads. This is the Facebook group news for the last couple days. While we are entering the Holly, Jolly month of this year, Dickheads
Starting point is 02:19:09 have been discussing their troubles with addiction, seeking advice from the most appropriate place. The Dick show Facebook group. Awesome. Advice from the group has ranged from answers such as, Quitters never win. I'll drink to that so you won't have to. To honest advice, such as having a valid reason for quitting and setting attainable goals for yourself. Facebook Group Sweetheart Bleth made a post calling for hashtag no beef December, which seems to have immediately backfired. With close to 400 comments, most of which are poor. And you can't beef some of the best of those comments from a single dickhead bent on beefing
Starting point is 02:19:43 with Bleth. She's talking about arguments. Are you making a joke or did you think she was talking about meat? I honestly thought she was talking about meat. Not talking about arguments. Shit. Oh, I'm gonna watch it now. You got no beef there. What's it?
Starting point is 02:20:00 No beef. I really thought I thought, maybe she's fucking vegetarian or like a rapper beef. I don't know. Yeah, damn. Kind of a sound engineer, are you? I don't know, man. Relations.
Starting point is 02:20:10 Lastly, local communist Damien Adidando has called out the group for supporting the thought audit, claiming it is hypocritical to support it when the group shames job lynchmops. Most find the entire dumpster fire hilarious, changing the meaning of thought to that hoe owes taxes. Some agree with Damien's point, calling those who go along with it, bootlickers. While others like Ben Dyle clap back with suddenly the communist doesn't think everyone has to pay their taxes. This has been the Dixia of Facebook group news for the last couple days. It's true. The contest between man and government, the government's right, but when the government and women are involved,
Starting point is 02:20:49 oh, no, no, no, no. They don't have to pay taxes though. Because then, because we all know, then you got to pay for their shit, right? That's right. Now, leave me alone. I need this money, but definitely leave the thoughts alone or else then I have to pay for 100% of their shit
Starting point is 02:21:03 instead of just some of it. Yeah. All right, here's from, this is from Reverend Scott. Definitely leave the thoughts alone or else then I have to pay for 100% of their shit instead of just some of it. Yeah All right, here's from this is from Reverend Scott. I'm I'm I'm late in playing it, but I always love hearing cool the Reverend. Yeah me too Hey dick. Hey Sean. This is Reverend Scott I just wanted to call in and I got a little fucking rage. It has to do with Facebook and like most normal healthy people, I only use Facebook to go look at groups to stock X's. That's pretty much fucking it. There you go. That's perfectly fine. That's that's basically all it's for. The problem that I have is that one day a year, November 7th, which is today when I'm recording this,
Starting point is 02:21:51 it's my fucking birthday. Every goddamn time, nine times out of 10, a person who has not talked to me 364 days of the fucking year, has got to tell me a happy birthday. You got to fucking tell me a happy birthday. Why do you's gotta tell me a happy birthday. Gotta fucking tell me a happy birthday. Why do you have to tell me a happy birthday? I don't know, it's a fucking compulsion that they can't seem to fucking do anything about.
Starting point is 02:22:12 You can't do it. You just gotta do it. Guess what? No, you don't. You don't have to do it. Don't fucking do it. Seriously. I don't give two shits about my birthday.
Starting point is 02:22:22 Yep. And if I don't care about my own birthday, then why do you? Preach! That's pretty much it. Preach Reverend Scott. Go fuck yourselves. Peace and love guys. Oh, now it's standard.
Starting point is 02:22:33 It definitely was master bidding during that call. Oh, we haven't, we don't play that game anymore. We might. Yeah. I used to change my birthday to the next day every day on Facebook. That's funny. January 1st, I started changing it to January 1, January 2, January 3, and every day people would come on happy birthday, happy birthday.
Starting point is 02:22:57 Only like two people said, wait a minute, this is what you were doing. Like what the fuck are you doing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's just an automatic, blah, blah, blah's like, some of you can't stop talking. You were born on Valentine's Day? That's funny.
Starting point is 02:23:08 Yeah, it's hilarious, actually. But I had to do it every day. I eventually, I missed it because my sister got it in an accident. And I forgot to post that day and forget, though. No, no, that's caught up. Sportsmanship, sportsmanship. I missed it that day.
Starting point is 02:23:22 Can you change it again? But it was funny. It was funny how many people would go to a wall full of happy birthdays and throw theirs on like a month. Yeah of happy birthdays. Hey, Dick, my name is Max. My brother and father one stop raising about your fucking show, so I've been listening to it non-stop. I want to have so like 46, you know, it's fucking fantastic and I love each the live up. So anyways, enough, you know, let me suck in your deck. What makes me a rage as a trans woman, I've been on hormones for four years in March and
Starting point is 02:23:59 you know, I do the same thing that your friend Joan did. I do a simple, that your friend Joan did. I do a simple just recreation of my name. So I went from Maxwell to Maxine. Sure. But obviously I haven't changed anything yet. I see Joan all the time. So when I go, I've been working. You do? Yeah. Can you studio? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:19 She comes up because she's a writer on one of the shows I didn't know that. Yeah. Is she friendly? Very on one of the shows. I didn't know that. Yeah. Is she friendly? Very. Oh, good. Yeah. I was worried she didn't like me. No, no, I went on Gavin McGinnis' show and he's like, he's kind of, I don't know if he's
Starting point is 02:24:33 anti-trains or what, but. Oh, yeah. I seem to be at odds with the trains coming out. I know. I get all my information from Mysterio's on that. So, I don't know. Oh, let's say hi. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:43 To her. Yes. that so yeah I don't know oh let's say hi yeah to her yes I couple of jobs lately and you know in the system it pops up with max well and I tell people look I don't like hearing my legal name so just call me max or call me Maxine I don't fucking care which to start calling my legal name it makes me uncomfortable and what you might fuck fucking managers do, hey, you're meant to do this. No, don't fuck yourself. You do not have the right to call me that.
Starting point is 02:25:10 Those three people in the world that can call me that are my parents because they are uncomfortable with the transition and my fucking doctor. That's it. You want to call me that? I will make your life hell. Anyways, love the show dick Dick, screw fuck yourself. I want to see what it's like to make,
Starting point is 02:25:29 wow, I guess it's hard enough for me to get people to get people to call me by a fake fucking name. They screw it up. A lot. Rough stuff. Yeah, man, like I got this bitch in my life as like bitch Like I love you bitch But you are here you do all this shit. Mm-hmm bitches be doing shit. Don't you shit? Don't shit. Don't shit Seriously?
Starting point is 02:26:04 God there like like bitch Are you serious? The fuck is your oldy bitch? Bitch, God, Garrett. Like, like bitch. Ah, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. Bitch, man. He's a bitch, you know what I mean? I want an MRI machine hooked up to a man's brain and a woman's brain to see what happens
Starting point is 02:26:19 when you just call them a bitch like that. Yeah, that's interesting. I want to, like, there's words that are definitely derogatory. And then there's good words, and then there's, that's an in-between one. Could be either way.
Starting point is 02:26:32 I'd like to see how they respond. Yeah. When they get called a bitch, I have my suspicions, of course. Yeah. But I'd like to see it proved by science. I wonder how much that would cost. F-M-R-I in a brain.
Starting point is 02:26:43 Maybe we could set that up. The effects of bitch on the bitch. Wouldn't it depend on how it was used? Yeah. You read them, you have to read them sentences to get the context. Like that woman is such a bitch. That's negative. Sure.
Starting point is 02:27:03 And like, bitch, would you like to go on a nice dinner date with me see what happened yeah yeah hey dick shon red wall pair oh yeah i just listen to bonus episode thirty thirty one whatever the fuck the one is with the uh cord with metal chest and all this holy shit mad i've known some psychotic people and it it clicked
Starting point is 02:27:33 my mother is a complete psychopath to like white beater type who's really imprisoned and it's the only thing separating maddox from that guy in my head is the fact that I am thankful that Maddox doesn't have a set of balls between his fucking legs. Because if that man had testosterone, he would be the most ethically abusive psychopath I've ever heard. Like, holy god, Maddox, I know you're going to hear this, Maddox. What the hell? I know you're gonna hear this, Max. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Starting point is 02:28:07 You're a fucking hell. And Dick, Sean, I love you guys, but Max, non-imonically, don't fuck yourself, man. Doug from Hoobistank liked my tweet. No, yeah, I tweeted, hey, Doug from Hoobistank, is it true that you were asking Maddox about his ex-girlfriend? He liked it. He didn't respond to it.
Starting point is 02:28:30 So testing the waters out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because as you know, in the insane letter that Maddox wrote, 80s girl, um, what did I say it was in 2015? Yeah. Months, month, almost a year. Yeah, around after they had broken up. Yeah, he name drops Doug from
Starting point is 02:28:45 hook tug from who best think. I gotta read this again. I'm gonna read this as a bedtime story to the little ones. But yeah, I read for you, the region's stereo's coconuts. I'm sure you get about 20 days a week, But this one is especially fucked up because I was listening to the boomer versus the zoom of podcast because one he joined the sunnier than his face. And I was thinking of slanted Sam Hire on something that is blatantly untrue. Oh no. He said that Sam Hire had even swastikas in his show, not true, in his experience.
Starting point is 02:29:28 He got lost in job, but so very cool, but stereo. He was so much about, he swastikas, and not censorship, to push a message that got a job-wrench mob against the man who did nothing wrong there's no truth that i don't know what i'm talking about where did i'm hide the comedian hiding swastika's where did that even come
Starting point is 02:29:52 from cuz everyone hates same hide the same people that killed the kill stream isn't it just a simple search like under whether that's true or not you'll see i mean is it big enough for snopes? But snopes is left, it was very left wing. The whole point, that's the only reason they exist is to, that's, I don't buy into the fact check sites. Like, that's, they're literally their only job.
Starting point is 02:30:20 But they're, but they're owned by very left wing. So, I mean, you can say so, but they'll, they'll quote, like they'll, they'll take almost identical quotes from different politicians and say, one's mostly true and then bend over backwards, explaining why it's true. And then take the conservative side and says completely false. I've never seen that. Oh, yeah, dude. Uh, here, let me pull one up.
Starting point is 02:30:42 I've seen them up for you. I've seen them say that, uh, on some of Trump's like outlandish things, they say, yeah, dude. Here, let me pull one up. I've seen them up for you. I've seen them say that on some of Trump's like outlandish things, they say, actually, he undersold this part. Yeah. I don't know. I think you just telling you that it's owned by a newspaper and it's not, it's not, it's not immune. Their brand is that they're unbiased, but they are biased. That's the only, but see when the shame, but if they start losing credibility or any of the, any of the fact check sites start losing credibility, then there's no reason for them to be. That's, that is the crux of their, of their existence. For you. No, that's what they're supposed to do. Well, for you, but who's paying their ads? It's people
Starting point is 02:31:18 who want to think that they're right. Yeah, I don't, yeah, let me, let me see, let me see. So if somebody's got the article that I'm talking about, Lincoln in the Discord, Porphyvoire. I don't know, I'll investigate further. I don't wanna get bogged out. Yeah. I will definitely investigate. I can't, I mean, there's more prevalent during the election.
Starting point is 02:31:43 We're talking about... Hidden, so I stereotyped. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I stereoty Asterios was ripping on Gavin McGinnis, and he said that Gavin McGinnis was inciting violence. Like, Asterios, did you learn nothing from all this thing, from all this lawsuit, like you're not responsible for what people listening to you? Yeah, I can't control if people go by Max's house and throw trash.
Starting point is 02:32:02 No, yeah, no, you're right. Like, yep. Come on, come on, yeah, no, you're right. Like, yep. Come on, come on. Give me that, give us that. At least don't use the words, find another way, inciting harassment. Fuck and stop. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:16 Hiding swastikas here, I'm gonna hide one. Oh, jeez. Ha ha ha ha. I'm gonna hide one on the stereos. Stupid. Stupid. You know, I got, it's hard to do, but a bunch of people were tweeting me about judge dreads selling out to illegal aliens. They posted one page of his comic where he's talking about illegal aliens or like a benefit
Starting point is 02:32:37 to the city. There's a, no, they got to dread. He's too progressive now and that may be, but I read the comic and it was fine. It's just fine, funny. So maybe it's too progressive, but it's still dread. Like it's faithful to dread. The illegal aliens were aliens off the Earth. Aliens.
Starting point is 02:32:57 Long as there are different species. I mean, the point that they were making was, yes, maybe a little bit liberal, but just pump the brakes a little bit. Yeah, and that's shit. You don't have to get, uh, I rate over everything. Not everything. No, it's true. Some things.
Starting point is 02:33:12 It's only some things. True. Uh, I wish the stereos would do that. Don't get used. Don't get used for somebody else's marketing campaign. Good advice. Except if you want to buy a Dixho shirt, that's a shop. There are always exceptions to every rule.
Starting point is 02:33:28 Hey, dude, fuck, baby. That shit melts the road. I try to smoke 40-old man fucking candy apple bullshit. Because you can't clean the mouth and shit. Stop in the foot, you just stop smoking. Yeah, I'm not vaping and shit, I'm not napping, but... I got it all like smelling vapes. That was just a woman's reason for not liking vapes. Quit being a pussy, Sean, just stop smoking. You don't need... Alright.
Starting point is 02:34:00 Don't make me, don't make me smell anything. I don't want to smell you son of a bitch. Get your smells out of my nose. How dare you? Why don't you get your fucking smoking then? You don't want to smell sugary vape, delicious vape or so much. They're all cancer stick in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:21 I'm surprised more people don't walk around like a mortician with like a little mint under the nose. Oh yeah, vapor rub or whatever under the nose. People fucking stink, dude. There's a lot of stinky shit going on in the world. Fucking bitches be stank and... You know, that's why brides used to walk down the aisle, the giant bouquet, because they fucking stink so much.
Starting point is 02:34:37 Yes, people didn't fucking bathe. Women especially, because they hate water. Really? Women hate getting wet. They don't want you to know about it. I'm giving you inside into women. They fucking hate showering. They hate the, and you never notice how women
Starting point is 02:34:51 are always asking about umbrellas because they hate getting wet. They're like gremlins. They're worried that another one of them will spawn out and then they'll have to compete with her. They are very concerned about umbrellas. Yeah, because they hate, if you throw, if you jump water on a, you jump water on a guy,
Starting point is 02:35:08 he's like, ah, you fucker, you got me wet. You jump water and shake. World War Three. Ruins, makeup, outfits, hair. They're like a fucking painting. They gotta keep themselves, but even naked, even naked, they despise water. Right.
Starting point is 02:35:23 They despise it. I mean, they think they're being, I don't know, molested. They think they're giving it, they think the water is, is getting a free cup of feel off of them. It's a fucking sad day when you can't throw a bucket of ice water on a woman at 2.30 in the morning. Exactly. It's a joke.
Starting point is 02:35:38 You mean it's, you're laughing? Why isn't she? You test it. Test my theory. Women don't like ask, you ask a woman. I believe you. Tell her to take a shower because she stinks and she'll look very offended.
Starting point is 02:35:50 I've never noticed. I know. I'm onto their shit. See, no, but see, we've been over this though. I tell people things that a lot of, like talk about like bad breath and stuff. Yeah. Like I just straight out say it.
Starting point is 02:36:02 Yeah. That's cool. Yeah, for you. For, yeah. And for you, I guess. And other things, it's like, no, this need, you need to take care of this. Even if they don't stink. Even if women don't stink.
Starting point is 02:36:12 Just kidding, okay. Just getting wet, they don't like. If they could shower with a wet wipe, they would all do it, because they fucking hate getting wet. They hate swimming, get them around the pool or something, they'll sit there and dick around on their phone or open a book halfway and pretend to read it even though they're not reading. None of them are reading. If you go around a pool, they're not reading
Starting point is 02:36:34 it. They've got Dante's in Ferno a cover slapped around. They're in fiber of dickweeds. Yeah. Ha ha ha. The hate getting wet. Funny. Hey, Dick, hey, Sean. I have a new thing that makes me rage. Yeah. And that's, uh, people, or that's nurses who are, who are narcissistic and they think that they're so fucking important.
Starting point is 02:37:00 Okay. I live in a state where there's a lot of people who Constantly applied if you come in nurse or what have you get their really shiver brains if fucking your Fucking retarded It's a great It's just going for more fucking time. They learn okay This is how you check the pulse okay, this is how you They learn, okay, this is how you affect the pulse of tape. This is how you, this wouldn't IV.
Starting point is 02:37:25 This is one of them not an IV is. And yet the act like they're so goddamn important. Oh, we gotta have more nurses. Oh, nurses are really important. No, they're not. No, they're not. We gotta have less of nurses. Fuck down.
Starting point is 02:37:38 Nurses are not fucking important. Talk them about it. I know, I know. What is the last time you went to the fucking ER for anything, okay? For any fucking thing, and then there's immediately fucking help to you, gave you answers, and you were in and out of there pretty fucking, but true.
Starting point is 02:37:54 Never. Even if you're fucking dying on the fucking stretcher, there's still going to be like, I've got to go check my snapshot. You know, there's a person who's in the shape of worthless people who can't be bothered to actually go to medical school and become an actual functioning member of the medical society. That's what you just go to medical school because it's easy and at the easy turn around. That's what I'm talking about. That's fucking interesting. It's like nurses.
Starting point is 02:38:18 What used to be a really good position and a good field is now a fucking joke, just so a bunch of fucking thoughts can have an easy job and hide away from fucking like disapproving dad's fucking nurses you're fucking nothing nothing they deal with the disgusting shit fucking dipshit get a real fucking job you fucking a real fucking job. You fucking. Is he done? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:48 Wow. Really? He's not. He's not does not like nurses. Good job, buddy. I don't think I can possibly feel that strongly about a profession. You would have they withheld your vikin and maybe so. Last one, Andrew from Eugene, Oregon. All right. Big show. I know that you have a problem with the word moral, like with the moral, with the right thing to do is, right? Yeah. I mean, you've got a big problem with that, I believe.
Starting point is 02:39:12 Yeah. And my question to you is, is well, are you against, or are you for like Antifa? Like it's crazy people in the streets, they're and like picnics like it I'm assuming you're against that I don't know that if I'm wrong then grill me sure but what is that I don't understand is I don't know if I trust myself in finding the line because I can't see me as much of people I can't stand them. I see a bunch of liberal college students who are whining about shitting America and they want to destroy awesome stuff like cool flags and hilarious jokes about racism. It's all great. Great. For common enemy.
Starting point is 02:40:01 Can you put such a bad case in your mouth. Yeah. As far as they're really going to beat their ass, I think. But like, what about our past? I feel like America had, was started by more, more challenging conducts than Australia ever had. And shit. I mean, they call it a rebellion and a riot when you lose, but when you win
Starting point is 02:40:30 it, the revolution, I find that interesting. And I guess I'm asking you or guys, because I, to this day, and I've been thinking about this for years, have a difficult time reconciling being proud of that past and also hating the revolutionary elements in the present so fucking much. I think that's the appeal of Harry Potter. Yeah. There's no past to Harry Potter. Just read Harry Potter book and you'll, there's no moral ambiguity to it.
Starting point is 02:41:01 Yeah. It's just a bunch of easy to swallow like the dots dog. And it's a perfect reason why women would not like unforgiven because they're complex. No, there's no good guys. None of them are good. Yeah. They're all very flawed. Yeah. It's not supposed to make sense. Yeah. I mean, it not making sense is the point. It's a bunch of animals. How far back do you want to go? Go back a million years? Little monkeys beating the shit out of each other with bones. We're trying. We're trying to pull ourselves in the direction of right and good, but it is a violent process in and of itself, which makes it ironic to say the least.
Starting point is 02:41:53 But yeah, we're trying to get there. We've got, we're putting bumper stickers on our houses to save the pets and sending homeless food to Mars, but we're trying, Ringo, we're trying real fucking hard. We don't, not every single, there's a lot of, there's a lot of plates to keep spinning. And at the end of the day,
Starting point is 02:42:14 the only one that matters is the one that keeps you alive to some people. Yeah. Yeah. It will change in your life, but there's no answer. I don't think there's any. What do I think of Antifa?
Starting point is 02:42:29 I got a cousin who's Antifa. Oh, yeah. I would like to beat his ass. Oh, I didn't know that. Oh, wait a minute. I think I do. I think you know who he is. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:37 I don't know if he goes out there in a hockey mask and slap spainuses with everybody, but I think he's pretty hardcore communist. I keep asking Slap's penises with everybody, but I think he's, he's pretty hardcore Communist. I like, I do like, I like the Communist side because it's like a little bit. You just pull the curtain back a little bit and you see, oh, yeah, it is just a bunch of mobs. Is he married at one point? No. Oh, maybe I don't know this person. No, I don't know this person. Very young cousin. Oh, I think he is antithinic. Okay. Yeah, it's, this is always going to be that way. The things that we do now, I think you're going to look horrifying to people in a hundred years.
Starting point is 02:43:19 You know? Oh, yeah. Like, that guy had a problem with pronouns. Yeah. As your day becomes idle, little minuscule shit is all that matters. And, you know, actually making enough money is on Snapchat to pay the IRS is no longer an issue. Because the IRS just takes everything anyway. All that's important is little tiki tiki. It doesn't get worse.
Starting point is 02:43:44 I was listening to this guy on another podcast. It was the Ralph Rattort. I was listening to this guy come on and talk about how Richard Spencer is an idiot. He's the guy that's talking about the ethno state all the time. He's very, he has a lot of white pride. Yeah. I guess you could say white nationalist.
Starting point is 02:44:02 I don't know. He has this idea of the ethno state, which is of course less scary than everybody wants it to be and says that it is. It's just a, he, it's in his mind. I asked him when I was on the show, like, hey, so what, what do you want to round people up and force people to him?
Starting point is 02:44:17 He's like, oh no, this is just a thing that I think about. Like, this is what would be better. It would be better if everyone was more alike. Well, no shit. Yeah. No fucking shit. what would be better. It would be better if everyone was more alike. Well, no shit. Yeah. No fucking shit. It would be better. We've got every TV show is based on the idea that difference causes endless conflict.
Starting point is 02:44:35 It's called the real world. Seven sexy strangers picked to live in a loft and fight constantly because they're from different fucking backgrounds. No shit. Everything would be easier if everyone was the same. But this guy got on and said, oh, you know, it's dumb, though. Like what is he, he's playing at a face value. Oh, that's no state's dumb.
Starting point is 02:44:53 That's no state's dumb. What we really needed to do is we got to change people's voting. I was thinking, wait a minute. You think that the ethno state is stupid and preposterous and impossible, but changing people's fucking votes to vote down welfare is possible, buddy, look at history. There's been way more, there's been the statistical
Starting point is 02:45:15 possibility of having an ethno state preserved genocide is higher than people voting against getting free shit. higher than people voting against getting free shit. What you think is what you think all of this is built on is a fucking delusion. If that's if you don't, if you can't acknowledge that, um, but we're trying real hard. Andrew from Eugene, Oregon to get around it. I think I, I don't know. It's probably enough on that. What's going to happen? We need an artificial intelligence to boost everybody's IQ at birth with
Starting point is 02:45:49 IQ boosting vaccines. And then we're all going to look like we're all going to look like rape-preased monkeys in 300 years when the dumbest person on earth has an IQ of 170. And everybody's days are spent updating, having a, seeing, deciding which one of their animatronic artificial intelligences is gonna direct their Tinder bio for the day so they can find a sentient blowjob machine to suck the cock. That's the entire day.
Starting point is 02:46:15 And they're gonna look back at us and say, why did, were those fuckers yelling all the time? It's just ridiculous. You know what, they so upset. Knowing us will just change the IQ scale. Everybody's a genius. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:46:31 Let's see you guys next Tuesday. See ya.

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