The Dick Show - Episode 136 - Dick on Chokepoints

Episode Date: January 7, 2019

Chicken coops, sound baths, being too lazy for drugs, the endless consumption of sustainability, Girl Scout cookies, Nick Monroe and Operation Chokepoint, the start of the Great Virgin Race, Null from... Kiwi Farms brings in Jessica Yaniv, the waxing of women's balls, how to apologize, screen time trackers, honey pots, and my dad's bidet stalemate; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's all these moron hipsters that are all into chickens now. Yeah. Yeah. Love it. For fresh eggs and stuff. Oh, you know, it's just to occupy themself. They're pointless lives with bullshit, with chores that third world countries do so they can feel good about themselves.
Starting point is 00:00:20 No, that's actually there's a lot of truth to that. It's the whole chicken coops. No, everybody knows that they're not just starving artists. Yeah. You know, they've given up the art thing. Yeah. So, no, it's just like, you know, you know what I want to talk about this on the show.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I'm, now I'm agitated about that. There's, because I have a lot to say on that regard. Yeah. Here we go. Presenting. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey Obama wants the best. Yeah! Welcome to Nick! You want to do Nick, you love Nick, you got it! It's the show where everything's a contest. Come to you line from Mount Bunker to even the heart of the city of failure. I'm your host Nick Masin.
Starting point is 00:00:57 AKA the $20 million man. Recently voted America's best Mexican 12 weeks running with me is always Sean, the audio engineer. Hello, dick. Hey, what's up, buddy? We're talking about chickens. Chickens. Talking about chickens with the show and the blight of hipsters infecting our society with
Starting point is 00:01:21 the disease, with these fat flying, not flying rats of chickens. So they can pretend that they live in Mexico. Every hipster's dream is to pretend to live in the third world. Yeah, but only to a point. You know, they don't want to get too close. Yeah. 80s girl got this gift for Christmas. They don't live in East LA, they live in Echo Park.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Yeah. They want to live in the Mexico that has high speed internet and a $10 billion hospital right down the street. Yeah. That's the third world that they want to live in. I love the King of the Hill episode where his Mexican buddy works with or whatever. He goes, they take over, they start buying in the poor neighborhoods and like pricing everybody else out. And then they ruin the local Mexican restaurant.
Starting point is 00:02:09 He's like, Salmon Hank, they put Salmon in the fish tacos. Remember that one. Oh God, 80s girl got this present for Christmas that I'm still laughing at. Yeah, we've used it, we use it, but it is the ultimate enigma in and of itself. It is the alpha and the omega of the green movement, yeah, global warming,
Starting point is 00:02:40 culture of the culture of ostentatious acedism. Wow. Wow. That's a great phrase. That's a great phrase. Yeah, it is. If anybody ever thinks I'm an idiot, just go back and and look at that.
Starting point is 00:02:57 You'll probably have to, that on the fly. You'll probably have to look up at least one of those words. Probably acedism. Acidism. Yeah. Acidism. 80s girl got this gift for Christmas, which is a it's a clean it's a sustainable clean water. Okay. It is a it is a delivery mechanism for water. Yeah. Right. You know, it comes in the house and pipes. It's a it's a glass pitcher that came with a little charcoal stick. Yeah. And the the instructions say you boil the charcoal stick
Starting point is 00:03:34 let it dry for 10 minutes, let it dry. So already I'm taking boiled water and pouring it right down the drain, right? Already already very wasteful. The packaging, of course, is insane. Yeah. Because I'm sure the goddamn thing costs $200, right? Just the design, the design, I know expensive design when I see it, and it's because it's uncomfortable. That's how you know design is expensive versus cheap, cheaply designed things are always very comfortable. Expensive design looks like an everlasting gobstopper. It's the water pitcher that it is that it comes with is shaped like a parking cone. So imagine trying to pour, this is a glass that you have to grip hard enough so it doesn't slip out of your hands covered in water and cond, because you pull it out of the fridge.
Starting point is 00:04:25 It's glass that you're trying not to shatter by crushing it. Thankfully, I have weak woman piano hands. So I'm not at risk of this, but someone like my brother-in-law, who has hands like hubcaps, like bear, like a bear. He would destroy this thing in an instant and drive shards of glass through his fingers. The instructions say, pull the charcoal, the eco-friendly charcoal piece out of the box,
Starting point is 00:04:53 out of the char, eco-friendly box that it was packaged in. This is like selling, saving the planet to morons for about 200 bucks, right? I, I, again, I'm sitting there puzzling and puzzling away. Your puzzling resort. Till my puzzler resort. Yeah, then you thought of something you hadn't before. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Maybe activism perhaps doesn't come from a store. Maybe activism perhaps means a little bit more. Right. So I'm sitting there puzzling at this thing. Right. Take the piece of charcoal out of the charcoal box. So I'm sitting there puzzling at this thing, right? Take the piece of charcoal out of the charcoal box. Of course not recyclable garbage, right? It's a piece of paper.
Starting point is 00:05:34 When you drink too much alcohol, you can just chew it up and swallow it. Cardboard, the charcoal. You know what? Oh, yeah, the charcoal. You throw that in the garbage. Of course, not, of course, only, the charcoal. You throw that in the garbage. Of course, only aluminum was worth recycling. Yes. I think we all know that by now, and just we decided that we don't care.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I don't think a lot of people do. Oh, really? I think a lot of people don't know that. Well, if anybody doesn't know that, the only thing that's cost effective when it comes to recycling is aluminum, and everything else is just burning money. And by burning resources and money and polluting more, you are wasting, you are wasting by doing it. So you actually got someone that we both know who's close to Mr. The couple that's close to Mr. Fancy Pants. Yeah, you actually got her who's totally on board with stuff to only, she's like, I only recycle aluminum now.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Because of you. Yeah, because of you. Oh, great. Yeah, she's like, no, I'd like looked into it and throw it in the garbage. We know where all the garbage goes. Yeah. When we figure out how to,
Starting point is 00:06:35 when we figure out how to recycle it, we'll go dig it up. Yeah, it'll be great. Yeah. It's like slag. Like copper. They reopen all these copper plants because they figured out how to get more out of the slag.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Yeah, as technology increases. Did you know just as at one point, as an aside, at one point aluminum in most areas was more valuable than gold because it was so difficult, when we started to use it a lot, it was so difficult to extract from the earth. Really?
Starting point is 00:06:59 Until a certain process was created. It was aluminum was more valuable than gold. Because it became, it was like, we want to use this stuff. Huh. Yeah, it's really useful, but it's fucking really hard to get. Oh, that's interesting. Well, anyway. I could have made that up, though.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Well, you never know. As it turns out, if you feel too good about a stat, I find that it's probably not up. Yeah. So I'm sitting there puzzling at this charcoal. And I pull the charcoal out of the charcoal container that goes immediately in the trash. And it is, I shit you not. It's not just a strip of charcoal, like a pastel,
Starting point is 00:07:36 like you would think. How you've seen charcoal, I've only ever seen produced charcoal, where it's like a bar, like an ingot, or whatever, produced for efficiency. This thing is a piece of tree branch that was made from a tree and burned into charcoal. So it's like a mosquito, like that looks like it's blackened mosquito
Starting point is 00:07:59 and you buy a bag of that. So already I'm grossed out. It's like, well, I don't wanna put, what if it didn't burn all the way through, but maybe this is just pressed into this shape for, for purposes of puzzling. Okay. I burn, I boil that, dump the water out. Well, it makes it all ready. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Exactly. Then you take the charcoal, you take the charcoal, you put it in the, the, You take the charcoal, you put it in the parking cone container, and then you let it sit for four hours, at which point you may enjoy your purified water. Your charcoal purified, eco-friendly, sustainable, purified water. And it strikes, and in this moment, it strikes me. Of course, how wantonly wasteful this entire process,
Starting point is 00:08:48 where everything goes straight in the trash, obviously, right? You get a new, you can recycle, you can compost the charcoal, but you've got to buy a new one at the charcoal, earth store, right? You can, I'm sure you can imagine what this place looks like. The entire thing strikes me. This is the Kureg model. The Kureg model.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Yeah, the thing they have license for all the K cups, that's where they make their money. It's not on the machine at all. The machine's a loss leader. I think I heard that guy regretting inventing it too. Really? Yeah, because it's so wasteful. So wasteful. So incredibly wasteful.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah. I hate those machines. So incredibly wasteful. I hate those machines. They gross me out. Yeah, because the water sits in the tank for, you can't really get it. You can't really get it. It's gross. It's very much the little tube that goes from the, yeah, they're really convenient. Like, I mean, do you have one?
Starting point is 00:09:39 Well, yeah, it was given to me as a gift and it's run a fucking long time. And it's convenient, but it's, you know, it's, yeah, coffee maker is probably better. Well, the gift part is what puzzled me the most about this eco-friendly sustainable product, because I'm realizing that these people who are so committed to sustainability by sustainability shit, non-stop. it's always a new thing to
Starting point is 00:10:07 be sustainable they buy more shit than I do I never thought of it that way well that's what I finally realized like the latest latest and greatest in Earth saving it's so funny what happens to your old shit yeah like you can go to the store and refill your sustainability products at a store that stays in business with Sustainability by continually selling new sustainable shit because And while I've got a car in my driveway that I drive into the fucking ground Yeah, saving making no new things at all right only hoarding bitcoins and money Right that's it. Yeah, these people are compulsively
Starting point is 00:10:42 only hoarding bitcoins and money. That's it. Yeah, these people are compulsively to get your sustainability shit of the month's club. Like, how does that work? That's, I never thought of that, and I don't know if I've ever heard anybody put it like that. I never realized until right then, I brought it up to, I was talking to my dad,
Starting point is 00:10:59 and he's like, oh yeah, your cousin just gotta, just got a sustainability thing like that, and just got, like, wait a minute. They're buying new ways to drink water. I've never bought a new way to drink water. I've got a picture. You know what, I just drink it. I pour it straight out of the tap into my fucking shoe
Starting point is 00:11:16 and then I drink that. That's sustainable as shit. Mm-hmm. I'm still laughing at it. That's fine. I'm still laughing at it. That's fine. I'm still laughing at it. That's funny. Well, yeah, it's a, yeah, people are,
Starting point is 00:11:30 I mean, the scorn ability of the other one business and they have to sell you on the new item. Yeah. Oh, this old stuff, it doesn't work. It's like a sandable. Otherwise, you know, who would create a light bulb that never burns out? Kind of idiot would do that.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Well, there you go. Yeah. And it started with the chickens. Yes. Same feet. Well, we're doing our own. You waste all that gas driving this door. We built an entire chicken coop and we make them drive chicken feed all the way out here. And this is sustainable as hell. You got to import all the chickens and the wood and the chicken wire and the feed Constantly, but we get farm fresh two eggs. Yeah, you grow every other way you grow on your own feed or you know I And we've and and we actually enjoy the rooster that we've got yeah caulking and crowing at all hours of the day Yeah, six in the fucking morning right
Starting point is 00:12:23 it all hours of the day, six in the fucking morning. Right. Fucking probably didn't get vaccinated. The roosters got autism. Can't tell what time it is. Fucking crowing every 20 minutes. That's why roosters are always up with the crack of dawn because they were vaccinated and they have autism. Well, this one don't realize how annoying they are.
Starting point is 00:12:41 This one's up at like two 30 in the morning. Oh, you got a night bird around you? Oh yeah, to everybody, every 45 minutes. No, you have one of these roosters. And people, what were we talking about it before the show? Some people are listening to podcasts, didn't hear that. You will live near a rooster. Oh yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:58 That has a meek limp-dicked crow. It's got a meek-dick crow, but he makes up for it in volume. Volume and frequency. I don't know if charcoal can get like, fluoride out of, well, what does it get out of water? I don't know. What does it, how much? Like calcium and limes.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I don't know. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I've got glitter everywhere because of fucking apostrophos that little asshole. Oh my God. Yeah, that's everywhere. Everywhere you can't get glitter off of you.
Starting point is 00:13:31 No. I look like I just came from a strip club, even though they don't, even though strippers will not use glitter for this fucking reason. Cause no one would go there because everyone hates glitter. Exactly. And I get some butt, it gets, guys busted. Yeah. Yeah. Gets guys busted. Yeah, yeah, gets guys busted. And it makes you look like a jerk.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I've got these twinkles, I've got little twinkles all over my face like Morgan Freeman now. Cause I came in there and asked if I supposed to mump it. A ridiculous amount of, of sauce here. McNugget sauce and like Jack in the box sauce. Yeah, that was his 401k. Fuzzy little, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Fuzzy little... Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Fuzzy little bastard had quite a time in here. He did have quite a time. And I'm not sure if you should refer to it as the M word. Muppet? Yeah, because we could get sued by HBO. Well, you get, no, it's not a, well, Disney owns it. But Disney owns the Muppets? Oh yeah, I thought HBO did.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah, no. No, it's a, I mean, Disney own everything. Every piece of entertainment.. No, it's a, yeah, I mean, on Disney own, everything, every piece of entertainer makes me it's from definitely a trade route. Pretty much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:31 They own all the superhero shit. Yeah. They own all the muppets, they own all the Mickey shit. Yeah. I mean, you get a cease and desist. And for, I mean, it's not like you're gonna get drugged
Starting point is 00:14:39 if I keep saying muppet. Muppet muppet muppet muppet. Potentially. Potentially. Potentially. Potentially. Potentially. Potentially. Potentially Well, potentially. Potentially. Well, I uploaded that to Patreon, the $5 level, if you wanna check out the Apostrophose news. I obviously, I've everyone knows that my favorite thing in the world is Muppets.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Oh yeah. Because they're annoying. They only exist to be annoying. No, they're perfect. They're the perfect organism to me, the perfect man. What else was I going to say here before I get to what makes me rage? Although I guess I kind of already hit on it. Screen time, counter.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Have you noticed that? The screen time counter on your phone. Uh, I've seen it in the, like, control center. This is a metric I did not need. I don't need you. I don't need you. I don't need my, and it pops up now on its own. Oh, mine doesn't.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Yeah, it will soon. Well, I can't avoid it. It's like, it says, though, I wake up every morning and the first thing I do, the first thing that happens when I get out of bed is my floor tells me I'm too fat. Yeah. I know. I don't need my house telling, yeah, exactly. One foot on the floor, whoa, slow down, fat boy.
Starting point is 00:16:00 All right. I don't need all of my things telling me how fucked I am. Alright, then your stomach calls. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't need smart pants telling me how fat I am. I don't need smart soap telling me how much is how much time I've been jerking off in the shower. I don't need a screen time counter. Yeah. I hate it. I know.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I'm clocking in four hours a day, it says. I go, come on, man. Everybody is. Not gonna stop. Yeah, actually I got some stats for you. I know it's, I gotta say something. I know it's fucking terrible for you. But it's like, I'm as addicted to my phone
Starting point is 00:16:41 as anybody else is. You know what though? I'm tired of calling it an addiction. Well, I'm, it's how I wanna spend my time. I know, I use that in quotes. I mean, when the car first came out, where there are advocacy groups going, oh, you guys just spend so much time on your,
Starting point is 00:16:56 you're addicted to your cars. Well, I'm sure, no, I'm sure there are addicted to driving around, seeing new things and interesting things and meeting people and having cordial conversations with people, you're an addict. I'm sure there was that because of like a carriage driver's union or something like that. I guarantee you there's opposition to the car. Sean, you are addicted to your carriage. Sir, you've been going around London all day with your horse and buggy. It's sick. Put a little
Starting point is 00:17:23 cow, I put a counter in your horse and carriage. Yeah. So you can tell him of time you're wasting, wasting your life, you're wasting your life on this carriage. It's like St. Peter now. Every time I open my phone, oh, here's your life. Oh, you spent four.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yeah. Come on, man. You know what? I loved every second of it. If you wanna know the truth, phone, I have no desire. I have no desire to have less screen time other than this guilt, this stupid guilt that you're using, that you're using me as a guilt machine
Starting point is 00:18:00 to put some kind of fucking ad on television to sell, to self-feelings ad on television to sell to self feeling, to good feelings to moron parents. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, here you're not a bad parent. We put a screen timer on your phone. So you could hypothetically use it someday.
Starting point is 00:18:14 We bought you a Nordic track. You think we bought you a Nordic track. Just sits in the corner collecting dust. Just sits in the corner collecting dust so you could feel good about yourself. Thanks. Yeah. Tim Cook, signed Tim Cook.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Thanks a lot, you asshole. American spend, I got the stats here. Let's see. Spend more than 11 hours a day watching, reading, listening to or simply interacting with media. According to a new study by Nielsen. It's up from nine hours. That's up from nine hours, 32 minutes, just four years ago.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yeah. Wow. In the first quarter of the year, US adults spend three hours and 48 minutes a day on compute. So four hours on computers, tablets and smartphones. You know what, it's not enough. Yeah, and is that, but that's, that counts work stuff too, right? I mean, it's just everything. That's what the, that's not just like pleasure cruising, right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Television still accounts for the most media usage with four hours and 46 minutes. It's not enough time. And I vow, I was going to vow to cut down on it, see who could go the least amount of time. But then I thought, what why? and I was gonna vow to cut down on it, see who could go the least amount of time, but then I thought, what do I, what do I wanna do that for? I've seen everything that's around me. Look at this beautiful screen, could take me anywhere in the world. I know, it's like, yeah, yeah, learn anything at a moment.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I'm on there learning, looking at pictures of deformed dogs. I saw here. You remember I brought that in last week? Deformed dogs? Yeah. One eyeed dogs. How awful it is.
Starting point is 00:19:53 See the pop up on the internet. Not two days later. I saw if somebody posted a picture of a cat with no nose or ears. Look, we call her Voldemort and thinks she's pretty cool. I think I've seen that. This is no fucking nose cat.
Starting point is 00:20:11 How did it get that way? I don't want something bit its nose off. Facts. And its ears? Yeah. It was mold. Was it a kind of horrific accident? It was an attack by a chimp.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I always go for that shit. It was awful. Right away. I'd wait a a chimp. I always go for that shit. I was awful. Right away. Wait a minute. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's not good. Even at a very young age, the amount of screen time children crave is rapidly accelerating.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yeah, because it's great. I know. It should be 25 hours a day of screen time. That's what we need. Everything work is just a distraction from being on the fucking screen. Let's embrace it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:51 You're in a relationship, just turn on FaceTime, pull a picture and picture up there. So you don't have to bother looking away from what you're doing. You just have it right there. That's funny. Be useful. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Be a lot less gilting and complaining. Thubbing. Have you ever heard that? No. Thubbing, it's when you sit there with your partner and just tinker around on your phone. Try not to, they made a word for it to make you feel fat and stupid for doing it. What is that? Doesn't stand for anything.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Doesn't stand for anything. It's a word that sounds like fat. So they, that's what they call it. Thubbing. I think that's what it's called. Is it like pH? Like stands for like phone and. Oh, yeah, I don't know. Yeah. I think you might be right. Like a, what do they call is port, portman toes or something like the two different words or something? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:38 More gilting. More gilting in a universe of guilt. I've got a field just because I want a simple break, look at some stuff on my phone, look at emails, refresh email, go load Twitter, load Twitter again, because I forget, just I'm committing, I'm gonna take that four hours that my phone's telling me I got, I'm gonna make it eight by the end of the year. That's what I vow to you, that's my promise to you.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Speaking of vows in the New Year, coach has a hell of a plan. Oh, I see. I've been wanting to tell you about it all week. Yeah. So for the New Year, coach didn't want to call it a resolution because who knows? He's probably like me with resolutions.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Yeah, so he's rigged up this system where he's gonna weigh himself every Friday. And if he doesn't weigh less than he did the previous Friday, he's not allowed to smoke, weed, or drink the entire week. This is his idea? This is his idea. He came up with this. He's got a kid now, so I think he's feeling, you know, a pressure to get his weight under control, make sure it doesn't balloon up and start making some healthy choices.
Starting point is 00:22:47 It's a pretty good system. Well, yeah, I mean, it's a good system. Yeah, just, you know, hopefully he's thought it all the way through because I mean, it made me want to do it. Because he really likes beer and smoke. Yeah, he told me of some of his concerns about it that he didn't want to risk.
Starting point is 00:23:06 He wanted to add a bunch of rules and I said, just make it simple. Yeah, that's true. He's like, well, I don't want to go, I don't want to cheat the system and go down a little bit then up and then down and then up and then down. Well, that means that you're not drinking for half the year, buddy. Are you aware of how long half a year is without liquor? Cause I don't think you are. If you're thinking you're gonna cheat the system I do in that. Pretty cool plan though.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah, be interested to see, is he going to go to update every? Yeah, he said he's in me. Oh good. He wanted to make a website, can coach drink this week? Like is it down forever? I don't know, just me. Yeah. With his progress. So I don't know. I've made me want to do it.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Quite honestly. Yeah. Yeah. Getting too fucking fat. You know, cruise through the rest of the year, lose about a pound every week, etc. Um, tell you what else makes me rage. Girl Scout cookies. The entitlement of the Girl Scouts and the moms and grandmas who are responsible for schlepping you these cancer discs. First of all, they're not good. Oh, they're terrible for you.
Starting point is 00:24:27 They're terrible for you and they don't taste very good. Oh, I disagree with that, but of all the things, you eat them because you feel good about eating them as a kid and gorging yourself, I do not think they taste that great. I never had Girl Scout cookies when I was a kid. Goddamn it, Sean. Yeah. All right. which ones do you like? The ones that they used to call Samoas, but now it's politically incorrect.
Starting point is 00:24:50 And those are the worst ones for you. Because I don't know, because they make you fat like a Samoan, I don't know. It's like the coconut, toasted coconut, caramel. They don't call those Samoas anymore. They, in some areas, the same cookie as branded something else. The tag alongs are the peanut butter ones, I think.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Never been a big thin mint person. Oh, that's all I ate. Yeah. The other ones is just a mess. They are. So many things going on. I can't. Yeah, I don't really start on them.
Starting point is 00:25:20 You think girls got cookies are better than like a Snickers bar? Yeah, well, yeah, I don't really, I don't pay day. I don't, I love pay day. You think Girl Scout cookies are better than like a Snickers bar? Yeah. Well, yeah, I don't really pay day. I don't I don't I love pay day. You think it's this seasonal it's this seasonal shit. It's always shield to you by some by some some woman sneaking through. I got an email. The whole neighborhood got an email from a woman that was basically get your Girl Scout cookies orders in now. Last year, some of you missed it in compliance, so make sure you get them in now. I thought, where's the salesmanship here? Yeah. This is taken for granted that we're going to buy your shitty cookies. It's because Girl Scout cookies are like drugs. They sell themselves. I hope
Starting point is 00:26:04 the Boy Scout start selling them. They've been doing a lot of interesting moves lately. Yeah. After they destroyed their business model by accepting gay people or gay scout leaders openly. Yeah, well, I think that was a big, they kind of split because the Mormon church had basically like, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:19 common-deer the Boy Scouts for many, many years. Yeah. More than one million Girl scouts sell 200 million boxes of cookies each, each season generating $800 million. Mm-hmm. We've all got, we've all got that one at the office. Oh, sure. Or in the neighborhood that they don't even, they don't even approach you to give you the sales pitch. It's just, hey, you fat tub of shit. I know. I have the cookies, so you get up and come to me.
Starting point is 00:26:52 On the way out of the grocery store. I hate that too, and they have them all dressed up. That's first of all, that's entrapment, because I've seen more sexy girls wearing that outfit than actual girls. So of course, my mind goes to it. Wow, Fuck. Not thinking about the, I'm not a pedophile. Yeah. Saying, I've seen, and you know what? I searched for Girl Scout cookies before the show to
Starting point is 00:27:15 find some information and a sexy costume. Girl Scout costume came up and the right. I'll go, come on. Different kinds of cookie. Yeah. They don't even try to pitch you. No. No. Because they did everybody assume. Yeah, they do. And, you know what? I think correctly so.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Well, I'm getting out in front of it this year. Okay, they're gross. The cookies are gross. Don't buy them. Get a Snickers bar. Ha, ha, ha. We got stock in the the Mars Incorporated. Mars, any candy bar is better than a Girl Scout cookie.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I defy you to find a Girl Scout cookie that is not equally represented by candy. You got a thin mints. You can easily replace with that. What is that one where it feels like you're on top of a mountain? Oh, that's a York peppermint patty. A York peppermint patty, exactly. Or an all-man joy or a mounds bar. You like Samoa so much. I'm sure you could find that on the candy aisle.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah, you might have to eat a couple of different candies at the same time. I don't know. Exactly. Figure it out. Figure it out because I'm tired of supporting this shake down. Okay. Every year, thin men's are the most popular girls get cookies.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Second in popularity being Samoas. Yeah, they're pretty good, man. About 50 million boxes. 50 million boxes of thin men's were sold in 2013 compared to 38 million boxes of Samoa's. Thin men's average is about 38 cookies per box. So I did some math. You wanna hear, you wanna hear what the Girl Scouts
Starting point is 00:28:51 are responsible for doing to America? Oh, I'll, yeah, I can imagine. 38 thin men's in a box. They're all horrible for you. And the thin men's I think are the best ones. No, I got that information too, Sean. I did a lot of research. Yeah, because I hate the Girl Scouts. I hate their fucking, I hate that information too, Sean. I did a lot of research. Yeah. Cause I hate the girl's counts.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I hate their fucking, I hate getting that fucking cookie email all day. All day, I'm trying not to gorge myself on everything and then I get a family member of neighbor shaking me fucking down. Like, how can I say no to this sexy little girl? Oh, Jesus. And this outfit selling me this, this passport to fatness. Correct. selling me this, this passport to fatness. That I've got to buy, I have to buy it. And the idea that I'm just going to let it sit on the shelf and not wake up in a drunken
Starting point is 00:29:33 stupor one morning, having not threw an entire sleeve of thin mint is per box, direct. Yeah. By them, throw them straight in the tree. You know what, I'll pay you double. I'll pay the Girl Scouts double to just not give me the cookies. Hmm. Five bucks a box. Here's 10. Throw the cookies and give them to a homeless man. Stay the fuck away from me.
Starting point is 00:29:54 All right. Well, they would probably appreciate that. Well, I don't want to do that though. No, I know because it, as it turns out, you also think Girl Scout cookies are delicious. No, I really don't. I get through and I think I eat so many that they just turn into cardboard. Well, like, half the, well, first bite is delicious, but after that, well, I've never thought the thinnements were all that great. And you say those are the ones that you eat. Because you can, because I eat them, I open the sleeve and there's put it in the front of my mouth,
Starting point is 00:30:23 I'm pushed, the whole fucking sleeve down my throat. Yeah. Like a killbossa. Yeah. And then swallow it. Like a reverse pez dispenser. Yeah. 38 thin mints in a box.
Starting point is 00:30:35 1600 calories per box. They're 160 serving, which is four cookies. Mm-hmm. Okay. So if they sold 50 million of these just thin mints at 1600 calories a box, that's 34, that's 334 gigajoules, which is the calorie. It's 22 million pounds of fat. Just to fund their stupid little club, they're making America gain 22 million pounds.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Does that sound fair to you? Fucking girl scouts. Fuck you with your 22 million pounds. Put that on the box. Yeah. Morning. Yeah, they like it. Box gains America 22 million pounds. Put that on the box. Yeah. Morning. Yeah, they like to gain America 22 million pounds. Yeah, it's like a smoking campaign.
Starting point is 00:31:32 There you go. That's all I had. Oh, I also had the chart. It was the the trefoils, those stupid, short, red ones. The dud box that everyone knows what those are. I can't even picture those. They're just like that are the best ones for you. Yeah, or those are. I can't even picture those. They're just like the best ones for you. Yeah. Or those things. They don't have anything on them. Nobody likes shortbread cookies.
Starting point is 00:31:51 No. It's like those fucking Danish cookies that like you only keep the tin. Yeah. Your mom or grandma puts their sewing shit in it or something like that. Yeah. House makes me rage this week.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I think I'm gonna have to ban my father from coming over to my house. Really? Yeah, because every time he comes, first of all, he pissed me off the number one because he returned my bidet. Remember that bidet? What?
Starting point is 00:32:15 Yeah. How could he do that? Because it needed an electrical outlet. Somebody else was just raving about that, without like a bidet. Yeah. It's like the same one you got or got him. Because I got him the super expensive one.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I was very excited about it and he goes, well, I have to call an electrician and, you know, that's all this work. So, fuck it. Can you just take it back? Either take it back or pay for the electrician. Well, I'm not paying for the, I'm not, I'm not getting involved
Starting point is 00:32:41 in another man's contracting issues. I give my own contractor problems here. Yeah. I'm not gonna, first of all, I'm not getting involved in another man's contracting issues. I give my own contractor problems here. I'm not gonna, first of all, I'm not writing you a check because you already said it would cost $500 and I fucking know that's not true. You know what? Since Smiley up there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Here. I mean, is it worth it for content? You'll have, you know, you'll enjoy it. Maybe I will. You'll punish him. You know what? Maybe I fucking will. Yeah. will. You'll punish him. You know what, maybe I fucking will. He wants electricity on his toilet.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Maybe he wants me to handle it, fine. You don't wanna do it, dad. You should know by now. Yeah, this is it. Oh, you're not gonna, he says, well, are you gonna pay for that? No. Why would I pay for that?
Starting point is 00:33:22 I already got you the thing. Christmas is over. Yeah. You do over. Yeah. You do it. What kind of a, it needs more than just an outlet. No, it needs an outlet. He just doesn't have an outlet and it's toilet. Oh, no, by his toilet. Yeah, he doesn't want to run something over by the light switch or something. Is that the, I don't know. He just doesn't want, he's not, he's not on board. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:42 This is not just take it back. What, what do you mean? It's a whole lifestyle. They got here, what do you mean? Just give it a shot. Maybe it doesn't. It's not damn it. Maybe it just doesn't actually wanna use it. I think that's, maybe a problem.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Like a bad experience in a river or something. You're right. So I'm gonna call his bluff. Yeah. And install, I'll install the power myself. Okay. I'll get smiling to do it. Yeah. It'll be fun for myself. Okay. I'll get smiling to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:10 It'll be fun for everyone, but he comes that motherfucker comes over and it's it's immediately with shit you got to do. Well, you got to get some you got to get weed killer down here. You got to get it right now. Yeah. You got to get it right now after the rain. I've owned houses a long time. Let me tell you what you need to do. Yeah, well, you gotta get this looked at. You gotta get somebody out. I mean, you gotta put a railing on these stairs that you got here. Why?
Starting point is 00:34:33 I would like boomers to fall to their death on them. There's there like this by design. The endless, that I believe, list of chores that I get every time my parents come to my house, it's like having a life, a physical life that they can tear into freely, and they can see. I can't hide the whole, I wanna put a termite tarp over my whole house
Starting point is 00:34:58 and yard, or just maybe jump in the car and not even let them slow down. You're the molding on the front of your house, that's peeling a little bit. You want to, you need to get that looked at right away. Yeah. You need to get a look that right away. You're going to get water in there
Starting point is 00:35:10 and it's going to start molding up right away. Get a look that right. You should be on the phone with them right now. Shut the f-f-f-f-stop! For just a second! Everything got to be done right now. Yeah. So, I'm thinking of just banning them.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I can't, I can't take it. I can't take one more. If I meet on more neutral ground. Yeah. Like in the desert, like at the end of Breaking Bad. In my home, out of my home, you guys were my children's sleep. I'm gonna do it to them, but then it's so much work to go around endlessly nitpicking things. Yeah. Oh, you guys gotta stay in your car. You gotta get that fix. it's gonna spread. Gonna get mold in there. This is no good, you can't have your microwave under the counter.
Starting point is 00:35:51 You're gonna spill soup all over yourself, it's gonna be hot, you gotta move it up there, move it up top. You gotta call a guy right now, right fucking out. When was the last time you had an exterminator come out? Let me see, prove it, let me see a receipt. God damn, that's right, it means saying. Let me see what else I have. Nick Monroe is going to call in. Nick Monroe. Do we know Nick Monroe?
Starting point is 00:36:13 Nick Lissinger. He's a journalist. Oh, let me see if he's around. And I've got the Virgin contest. That's a good one. Yeah. Nick, hop into the live show room. If you can see it, you should be able to see it. You know what else has been making me rage?
Starting point is 00:36:35 It was made me rage this week. Sound baths. What? Sound baths. Sound baths? Yeah, have you ever been to a sound bath? No, is it like a... Well...
Starting point is 00:36:44 They play music underwater and you would think that, right? Something like, I don't know, just some kind of tones or a sound bath is for people who are too lazy to do drugs. They go sit in a big room and listen to assholes who are not musicians, but want to lark and pretend to be musicians, but do not want to take the time to learn an instrument.
Starting point is 00:37:07 So they go up on a stage and they put their heads up their asses, and then just make a bunch of silly sounds on like bowls, glass bowls with like that kind of sound. Like playing, yeah. And going on gravel and stuff, and doing little like children's toys, crap, for like two hours while an audience sits there. Why is that a stacking off in their brain?
Starting point is 00:37:33 I don't know, not having screen time. So it's like supposed to be peaceful or like therapeutic, they claim. Well, it does, it makes your head go weird. Because it's like you get in that hypnosis state with your like delta brain waves kick in, and you do feel, you feel woozy and kind of fucky. It's like staring at a fire.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yeah, but it's a long way to go to get a little buzz. Yeah, huh. It's all in this getting high on life, like finding new ways to get high. Yeah, that just sounds like something I dismiss immediately. I just go, that's stupid. I'll never try it. I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I kind of got tricked into one this weekend, 80s girl. And it's like, oh, he's the best. He's the best. He sounds bad. He sounds bad. Darks player in the world. Well, I'm sitting there. He hits the metal part of the dart board every time and perfect rhythm.
Starting point is 00:38:31 This is what it is. Well, then I'm gonna unmute Nick. Hey Nick, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is what it is at the sound bath. I was under the impression that we were going to a dome theater with projected shit, like a cool laser show.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Like something techno. Yes, with like trippy beats and a six show on the ceiling and stuff like that. But what I got was three dirty hippies, making noise with like trash can lids, amplified repetitive noise and they're, they're so into it too, which is even more aggravating that they're, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh to get in there. Cause I thought, oh, 70 bucks, this will be a great sick laser life show. 70 bucks. 30 bucks, 35 bucks a piece, you know, times two. Cause it's, there's a ton of, yeah, I got a girlfriend. She's the only reason I leave the house ever.
Starting point is 00:39:37 That's for me too. Yeah, that's the whole purpose of having a girlfriend is so, you don't wake up one day and you're 90. You don't wake up dead one day and you haven't let the house, let the house in 60 years. That sounds wonderful. That's why you get it. Well, I'm at the sound bath watching these three assholes
Starting point is 00:39:53 who have to give you their whole life story before they do it that they're from Berlin and they've been doing sound bathery for. I guess I go with that. Okay, if you have to explain it, I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm some cock-a-mame back story too. This was practiced by the ancient blah, blah, blah, okay. Okay, if you have to explain it, I'm not going to like it. Do they make some some cockamame back story too? This was practiced by the ancient blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:40:08 On, right before garbage day, before trash pickup, on Tuesday nights. And they get together in their garage. It takes three of them, like we want to remind everybody, this is happening live. All these sounds are happening live. I don't get it. So that usually means the music is crappier. I don't want. Yeah, great.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Yeah, okay, great. So is it mixed live too? Cause yeah, that's usually the case as well. Yeah. And I'm, I shit you not. They're playing this, they're playing this, whatever. I'm not calling it music. It's just noise.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Yeah. It's like repetitive noise. And I'm leaning, leaning back in this, in the, we got there late, because 80s girl fucked up, you did mess up the times. So there was no more couches or anything to lay on. So we had to lay on the fucking floor, which is man of my fatness, stature, I mean, laying on the floor, I've got about a good 40 minutes of laying on the floor. This guy is on a three and a half hours.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Three and a half hours of saying, oh, wow. So these pricks are all around us just reclining in beautiful futons and bean bags. And I've got my jacket shoved in a cylinder behind my head, trying to get the right angle of the iMacs, right? Now, are you sober? Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Because you're supposed to be. Yes, because I can't, I'm not gonna smuggle whiskey. Like I always, I always miscalculate when to bring liquor. Okay. No liquor to be found in this place, just a taco truck or a food truck that was called, what was it called?
Starting point is 00:41:39 Jack fruit, Jack fruit, another goddamn sustainability nightmare that's a hundred pound fruit that's supposed to taste like meat, which I know it doesn't. Tastes like fruit. I want to eat. I always wanted a Jackfruit. I want to try it. I saw him at the store next time I see one,
Starting point is 00:41:54 I'm gonna buy one because I really want to try it. Let's do it on the show then guys. I want to too. They say it tastes like meat. I don't believe it. Well, they substitute it for me because it shreds like meat. I guess. So it's like, I think you can flavor it.
Starting point is 00:42:06 But I'm seeing the right buying. Yes. Um, Nick, have you ever had Jackfruit? No, but I don't want to now. This is horrible. Dude, go look at it. It looks, it looks like grossly perverse and sexual. I peel it open.
Starting point is 00:42:21 It looks fucking disgusting. There are real pain in the ass to get into from what I understand. It's like a woman. God did this to us. Science didn't do this. So I'm sitting there on the cold concrete with the cheapest carpet on earth under me. Just feeling my shoulders separating as I'm laying there to listening to listening to garbage lids being played for $70. And what comes on, like a pictures of the horse head nebula, you know that picture of the horse head nebula that I'm talking, like the colorize the birth of the star, birth of stars, the cradle, the three pillars,
Starting point is 00:43:03 the whatever they're called, the pillars of creation or something like that. You know, everybody knows the picture. That's what comes up. Static. And a bunch of dumb, like, pixely stars going in, I'm like, thinking, what the fuck is this? This is worth, just put a screensaver up there
Starting point is 00:43:18 and it's better than this. And a picture of the goddamn horse head, an abglar, the pillars of civilization, paid $70 for this. So it's like the 90s screensaver maze. You know, the one I'm talking about the maze that you know, take it through. Yeah, the one that you think was wolf and Stein,
Starting point is 00:43:34 but it's not. Yeah, yeah. That's those better than this. Oh God, it's a sound, another trick into something else, Sean. Where was this? Downtown. Yeah. We had, we had a tour from Berlin. They've been traveling the, Another trek into something else, Sean. Where was this? Downtown.
Starting point is 00:43:48 We had a tour from Berlin. They've been traveling the... Yes, this is what they're doing. Thankfully, after that abortion, we should have let the Soviets have that place. Berlin? Yeah. You know what I mean? All of it.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Yeah, we were so obsessed with breaking down walls. We didn't stop and think if we should. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Uh, thank God. After that disaster, the musician, the musicians who are not musicians quit, left and packed up packed up all their garbage cans and stuff and and left, and they played a track of a guy like a cool sounding guy soothingly going through, I think, Indian gods and stuff, which was cool and trippy. And then they showed in full dome and full dome aroma vision, this sick animation of like all these topless, big, titty, Indian spirits and stuff dancing around, which was great,
Starting point is 00:44:47 except I'd already been laying on the floor. Right, so now you're an hour not being drunk. So I couldn't, you know, couldn't enjoy it at all. You're in no mood to take this. I was in no mood to appreciate these cartoon tits. That's too bad. Well, the next time you get drugged or something like that, you know, just to come for like the last 15 minutes. Yeah, just walk in, go, where's the tits. That's too bad. Well, the next time you get drugged or something like that, you know, just to come for like the last 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Yeah. Just walk in, go, where's the tits? Where's the cartoon tits at? Yeah. Well, we've got some real, no, I'm not interested in real ones. Can I give real ones any time? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I want to see the drawn ones. All right, Nick, Nick Monroe, thanks for calling in, buddy. Sorry that I had to talk about my sound bath experience for so long. No, I understand. It sounds traumatizing and you've got to get some therapy in. So you've had some great illuminating threads and research recently that you've posted online and I wanted to talk to you about them.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I've had a hell of a month, yeah. Yeah, you have. What's that? What's that been? Like, what is your job? that? What's that been? What is your job? What do you consider your job? Anyway, I don't want to mess it up.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Anything, well, I just call myself the Freelancer. Anything that people want me to talk about, I talk about, and it just turns out to be Cam Girls, followed by MasterCard, followed by Peter Sweden, absolutely having relationship drama. They turn into a political mess or something. You're a freelance journalist. You're a freelance journalist. You're a freelance journalist citizen journalist. The free is to freelance journalists. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Because I exercise that freedom and I don't, you know, muzzle myself. You popped up after this Patreon debacle. I thought he said muzzle myself. No one wants to muzzle themself. Yeah. muzzle muzzle.zzle. You popped up after this Patreon debacle, because you traced it back to PayPal and MasterCard. And you were I was I was I've been talking about some of your revelations on the show last couple episodes just because it's it's affected everybody around the show so much. But it was really interesting how you found that, that Patreon, PayPal, same VC firm, like tracing it all the way back to MasterCard and watching the slow progression of the exercise
Starting point is 00:46:55 of leverage that credit card company, specifically MasterCard, who's paired up with TOROS. And like things that you think are, things that even saying out loud, I feel like make me a conspiracy theorist. Yeah. But you, well, if you can, if you can trace it, yeah, if you can trace the links right back, then, you know, hard to call it a conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:47:14 And then recently you posted Operation Chokepoint, which I thought was very interesting. I didn't have a chance to get into it. So I thought, you know, it sounds like you could die doing that. Operation Chokepoint. Yeah. What do you think it is? Some kind of like jerk off thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sounds like a kinky. You reach the, you reach the choke point. Well, what is it? What is it? I don't want to try to. Some people never come back. What do you find? Basically, the rundown on Operation choke point is it was started during the Obama administration and it was like the FDIC pulling this pressure on credit card companies to essentially bend the name when it came to payday lenders. But the now wait a minute slow down you've got FDIC
Starting point is 00:47:56 yep what do they do? FDIC? Right. What is that? They ensure right? They ensure. They are the federal deposit insurance corporation and they're basically in charge of commercial banks and the savings institutions. You know, it's like the start of the thread as we go down the rabbit hole. So they exercise their government power over the banks and tell them, hey, we strongly suggest you do this. And the way the banks are set up is in these groupings. There's like seven groups in the United States. And the way the banks are set up is in these groupings. There's like seven groups in the United States. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:27 And they all essentially oversee the system of banking in the United States. So they- Those are the federal reserve banks, right? Like the, there's like seven, is that what you're talking about? They're in different cities. Yeah, that is stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah, how many parentheses do you put around? Oh, Jesus. Is there enough characters? Or not, Jesus. On Twitter? Yeah, exactly. No, basically 248 characters when it comes to the parentheses. Is this what got Jesus killed? What you're doing? I'm just saying that I am not suicidal and I'm perfectly healthy. So okay, there's any story that comes out. Right. Yeah. Okay. So basically what happened is they put out
Starting point is 00:49:06 this long rigorous list of guidelines saying, this shit's high risk. And most of it is normal stuff like prostitution, you know, sex stuff, you know, piracy, you know, no connections, stuff like that. But they sneak in, they sneak in some of yeah, drugs, they sneak in racist materials. And I think that right there is what the,
Starting point is 00:49:28 you know, the banks are still using today as a bit of guidelines for how to crack down on politicized materials. But of course, when it comes to master card and their interests in Africa and the, you know, the African market. Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about too. Because it was like, well, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:49:49 You'll basically master card back in 2014 said, Africa's open, so now we're going to promote financial inclusion and go woke. And for 2014, onward, it's like this agenda evolved into the refugee situation. And that's where you get Soros and Mastercard teaming up because they gave out so many benefits in this Mastercard Soros team up they had going on.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And it's all about digital money getting into the hands of these refugees. Right. And so, go ahead. And so it's like basically the bottom line is the they made politics and political correctness of business
Starting point is 00:50:31 and that's what ties it all together so and that all goes back up to the fd i c who's setting the rules for banks that they will ensure like they're not allowed to do they say you can't do prostitute you can't do prostitution can't. They say you can't do prostitution, you can't do sex stuff, you can't do drugs. They made it attached to something called reputation management, which means if you get enough people pissed off
Starting point is 00:50:54 in pressuring the banks, they're forced to bend the knee. Yeah. So that's when you get all that mainstream media crap going on today about, oh, look at these people still advertising on the Tucker Carlson show Time to boycott. Yeah, I mean it's that mentality It's interesting that all this shit just came up because of Patreon
Starting point is 00:51:17 Pretty much. Oh, yeah, I call it the Canary and the coal mine I mean whatever Sargon did Sargon did and that's one thing But then you have the subscribe star thing that happened as a reaction to that. That was crazy too. So, you know, the, you know, the YouTuber law, right? Leo Lesor. So he said, he's filing that, what is he filing again? I heard about that. I don't want to misname it either, but essentially what he saw in the subscribe star situation was a collision, a collision. Yeah, a collision.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yeah. Patreon and PayPal acting together and basically isolating subscribe star out of the system that they set up. Yeah, that was crazy to see because they did it with Gab and nobody cared. Like Google and Apple got together and said, yeah, no, you're done. And to me, I thought, well, they're just doing that because Twitter is their party. Yeah. Like they all run,
Starting point is 00:52:11 they all go to the same child-sacrificing sex parties from Olock, like this is a boys club. They clearly killed Gab just to save their friends. But now you've got, it's like the same company doing it. It's all just being done right out like the same company doing it. It's all just being done right out in the open now. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's why so many people turned their heads to my threads. I mean, I got so much damn attention to that. Like I'm not even gonna lie. Like I can't understand the amount of public interest in this.
Starting point is 00:52:40 It is huge. I have not seen people react this big in years. Well, good. Because I didn't know about any of this. No, because after I see even when we I brought in the Fed, I was like, Oh, well, wait a minute. Where exactly is all this? Where the fuck is all this money going and coming from? And how come no one's paying attention? Yeah. How come we're worried about what bathroom How come we're worried about what bathroom guys are using? And not who owns our money, right? You know, that's the thing. It's the age of the social media where everyone's distracted by something like the wall that they don't have any time
Starting point is 00:53:15 to think about anything else. Yeah. What kind of attention have you been getting from this? Oh, I've got media matters on my balls, you know, citing my threats, like Jordan Peterson sites, you know, little old me. No, apparently that's a big fucking deal to the media matters people.
Starting point is 00:53:33 It's like, geez, you could at least have the balls to tag me next time, they did not tag me. Yeah, that's cock second. Oh, sons of bitches. They always know they're doing it too. I can just see in my head. So my asshole typing it out. Oh, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete the tag.
Starting point is 00:53:51 And I think Jesus, because that's the only person that is able to keep my account afloat, in light of all the crap that goes on from a week to week basis. Jesus? Jesus, I mean, that's a whole miracle that I have, you know, still above water when it comes to everything I talk about here.
Starting point is 00:54:08 It's be a big patrioni. I mean, it is true. But you can be smart. What, you can be smart and stay alive. Oh, yeah. And it's climate. Well, yeah, we were talking about it before the show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Have you censored yourselves in light of all this? That's a question for you. Have you censored anything you talk about because of all the crackdowns that are happening? Well, I, I always feel like I have to explain to people that I've been getting banned since the very beginning of the internet. Right. This is everything I say has always been censored,
Starting point is 00:54:42 always well from like from just, just just even as a kid like living in living in the world with other people requires you. You can't you can't say that. Yeah, like, you know, you know, walk up to somebody who's like, wow, you really look like shit in your breath stinks and you fat today. Like it's this living. It's a living censorship that kind of becomes what you do and say online. And yeah, it's more restrictive at every step.
Starting point is 00:55:08 But when you're a kid, you think the adults are actually got their shit together and know everything, but then you become an adult. It's like, fuck no, they don't. I've one of the things that people who was not under that assumption as a child, even as a child. Even as a kid, I was, I've, even as a kid, I would hear the, the compliments of, oh, well, you're so smart
Starting point is 00:55:30 or you're so gifted. And I don't think you can try to not control me. I know, I see, I see what you're doing. Talking to you. Talking to me, like, don't fucking, you know, keep it to yourself.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Yeah. Don't comp, no compliments, no categorizations, because I know, I know what you it to yourself. Don't comp, no compliments, no categorizations, because I know what you fuckers do to people that you say that to, you say in it to me one second, and the next second, you got me burning at the stake. Hell yeah. You've been doing it for thousands of fucking years.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Yeah, censoring is necessary. Self-censorship is very necessary. And I mean, everybody knows what I think about the whole Sargon thing. It's, we don't really need to say the N word that much. I feel like there are the victims that don't deserve it. And we're in the middle of any of this. Like Naomi Wu, real sexy cyborg, you know her. Yeah, she's the big, Titty Arduino developer.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Like she makes things for, she wears skirts that should be illegal. Yeah. And she makes like smart clothes. Like she puts TV screens in her eight inch platforms. Wow. And she was in subscribe star for months. This is the kicker.
Starting point is 00:56:41 She was in subscribe star since like May 2018. And she didn't have a problem all the way through December 2018. But when Sargon comes along and this accident happens, all of a sudden, bam, clap down on the platform. That's what's incriminating about this whole thing. Yeah, so that was the competition that they're trying to keep out. Yeah, you know, right before the show started, I was arguing with Sargon and I said, simply that, did I say this on the show or I stated before, simply put your, you make money from thinking logically and then speaking.
Starting point is 00:57:14 And in this, in this instance, you failed to do that. And it has cost you a tremendous amount of money and it has cost everyone who kind of for, for whatever reason reason, has thrown in with you. It's cost everybody. This show is down to grand, because of these, what I believe to be a misguided protest. Yeah, I mean, I'm not gonna, I don't wanna just bitch and complain about money
Starting point is 00:57:38 because we have plenty and it's fantastic, but it sucks. It's unfortunate. It sucks. That's what it is. It sucks that you chuck, like I said to Sargon, why did you say I won't do something that demeans me or I'm not going to do something that degrading just to keep my account? Like, well, then
Starting point is 00:57:58 clearly by everyone knows what my thinking is on decision making. Clearly, we have to make you not apologizing, more degrading than doing it to get you to influence your behavior. I see the negotiation, okay, fine. It's too degrading to apologize. Let's make not apologizing, more degrading for you. You can pick what benefits me and everybody else. You fuck.
Starting point is 00:58:24 I feel your pain, because I look at this feud between him and Ralph and I just say, God damn it, there's so much more useful shit you could be doing. And like, when I made all these threads, I came to Sargon afterwards and I said, look what I did in the meantime, when you were slapping Dicks with Ralph.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Yeah, slapping Dicks and losing. Just live to fight another day. Yeah, well, I have to keep bringing up that I apologized weekly for things I didn't do to keep the biggest problem in the universe alive. Yeah, every fucking week was a good, Nick, I worked with a guy, Maddox, who's an unhinged maniac and a control freak and a loser.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Literally, he just lost a half a billion dollar lawsuit against me, but he did a tremendous amount of damage in the interim. Congratulations for owning him, though. Thank you very much. Your own and fucking box of clean acts. That's about what he's worth. Nah, I got his soul. I want a soul.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Yeah, no long. Oh, no, no, no, no. That's, I keep it in a jar. What is that worth, one soul? What is it worth? What is the soul? On earth, not much. Priceless.
Starting point is 00:59:38 And here coins, not much. To me, it's worth the tremendous amount. It's worth 37,000. They got out of it. Yeah, it's worth, it's worth the tremendous amount. It's worth 37,000. Yeah, it's worth 37,000 actually. It's worth how much I paid for the lawsuit defense. But as I've been saying, oh, I apologize every fucking week. Keep it going, because this thing is,
Starting point is 00:59:56 you don't always have to fight. Right? We pulled that bonus, I pulled the bonus episode. Yeah, because it would have hurt everybody. Yeah. Sometimes. You gotta always confess your sins to the priests of the public. bonus episode, yeah, because it would have hurt everybody. Yeah, sometimes. You gotta always confess your sins to the priests of the public. You know, if you're so bare.
Starting point is 01:00:09 It would have hurt me very little to release that after land out hit us with that temporary restraining order. What would it have cost me? More money, another couple grand, but everybody else, Astereos, my company, Astereos' company, every one of those people would have also been dinged and I do not have the right to do that to them,
Starting point is 01:00:28 just because we happened to be in the same situation. That was my point. I call it you a sage of wisdom when it comes to lawsuits because I had someone throw a cease and desist order at me for a story about camgirls. And it's like, goddamn, this is more of a, I didn't realize it until I was actually in the thick of the moment. Like beforehand, I looked at your situation,
Starting point is 01:00:50 I was like, Oh, that's a thing. But when I have a lawsuit, you know, sitting in my desk, I'm like, God damn, this is more of a stressful thing that I thought. Yeah. It fucks with you. Yeah. And like, thankfully, I got my eyes across my teeth and you know I was able to deliver a response from thanks to Ron Coleman my lawyer who is the best god send of a lawyer in this universe. He was able to deliver a response in like no time and I haven't heard a thing from them since and I hope to God it says that way but wow I did not realize how much crap I hope that God says that way, but wow, I did not realize how much crap this legal stuff is. Oh, it's a nightmare.
Starting point is 01:01:30 What was I gonna, I was gonna mention one other thing I apologize for too. That's okay, I'm not content. Well, let's talk about this Sweden thing that you brought up. I was gonna tell him. That was hilarious and also frightening. Your body got catfished by an activist group who knows the Metro police in the UK.
Starting point is 01:01:56 I'll clear this up. This is like international intrigue that Nick uncovered. It's all about Peter Sweden's penis that did this so it's essentially like this Like January 1st in the morning. I have Peter Sweden's father saying Please, who is this guy who is this guy Peter Sweden? Peter Sweden is like some sort of right-wing far some people would label it far right But I don't like that colloquialism. The far right activist sort of thing where he's talking about Sweden, he went on defend Europe back in 2017 and he like took a picture
Starting point is 01:02:31 of micro boat and it got so much heat from officials that apparently the UK police showed up on his doorstep and said, we want to investigate your ass. And so they've had the police on their ass for a good year and a half. Yeah. And this is like I've looked over the documentation for all this and this is true. They have the police on their ass for like ages. And so from there, it sets up this cat fishing situation where Peter meets his girl and he talks about Trump and politics and also he's engaged to our and this person he's never even met engaged to
Starting point is 01:03:05 her online. Yeah. He's engaged to this woman. I cannot explain it. I cannot explain it. Sean, it's my simple rules for life. This is like that. Like was it man type, Teo, the football player of years ago or whatever, that was great.
Starting point is 01:03:21 This is happening before. Oh yeah, to a college football player who, yeah, and then it was like, he was like a famous up and coming college football player. And then like she, she died before they even met. What, wait, what? And then it disaster didn't it? Yeah, it happened.
Starting point is 01:03:37 He got drafted, I mean, but yeah, it was a huge, it just makes, it's like only in this day and age man. Because then he was talking about how he would talk about her, people who, people like, they know what they're doing is wrong when they're in online relationships. So they talk about it like it's completely normal. And this guy, Mantiteo, would talk about his girlfriend. He said that like a relative of hers died
Starting point is 01:04:01 and she was in a car wreck. And all these horrible things were happening to her while he was playing and what was he playing in? He was playing in some huge game. It was a bowl game. It was a bowl game and all the reporters were there talking about how brave he was going through this But the whole time it turned out that it was his friend. Yeah, it was just a friend of his who was a guy Who was pretending to be a woman? who was a guy who was pretending to be a woman online and they were having some kind of weird pretend like one of them was lying. Yeah, never found out. That's like a four-changry.
Starting point is 01:04:33 I was right there. Oh dude, it was hilarious because when it came out everybody was just scratching their heads and puzzling themselves sick about what the hell's wrong with these two like that it was that we never found out if they're just both gay uh... yeah no idea no idea um... so many questions left unanswered so when it comes to the peter-sweeted thing here's how i look at it the bottom line is yes there is something going on here like with this woman and the political ramifications
Starting point is 01:05:05 to it. But at the same time, the way Peter and his father handled it, at least something to be desired. Holy shit. It's like a game of operation talking to them. Yeah. It's like. So here was the thing that struck me. This dude is in Norway, right?
Starting point is 01:05:24 Yeah, Norway. Which is a non-extradition country. Not Sweden. Not Sweden. Peter Sweden is in Norway, non-extradition country. And this bitch who's catfishing him is trying to entice him to visit her in the UK where he will immediately be arrested. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Um, is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right?
Starting point is 01:05:48 Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right?
Starting point is 01:05:56 Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right?
Starting point is 01:06:04 Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that right? and they all laugh behind his back because of the story about his poison dog or whatever. And I bring this up to him and he just shrugs it off. And I'm like, dude, you got to consider this. If you are people to believe you, if you have a case you have a vanish, yeah, you got to get laid, man. Poisoned dog. Yeah, what's his poison dog? Oh, it goes back to the whole year with the police stalking him. Him and his father both said that his dog was poisoned. whole year with the police stalking him. Him and his father both said that his dog was poisoned. And it's like, why would you travel the Norway to poison a dog?
Starting point is 01:06:30 You know? Oh, so he thinks that that shows his paranoia or. Yeah, something like that. And here's something else. Here's something I haven't even made a tweet thread about yet. Because there is no way you can make a tweet thread about yet because there is no way you can make a tweet thread about this. There is another like 18 year old kid from Italy who's been wrapped up with this woman. And this kid his father is a NATO and he's got
Starting point is 01:06:58 a friend whose father knows Matio Slovenia or whatever his name is. Yeah the headhacho of Italy. Right. And so this kid is like, yeah, I'll let you see my chat logs for like months and months with this girl just to, you know, clear his name. And I look at it and this girl is like grooming him. He's 18. So I mean, it's not like pedophilia or anything like that, but it's weird.
Starting point is 01:07:24 It's weird seeing these these borderline sexual chat logs that are mixed up in politics and it's like this random kid. Oh, that's very fucking weird. Does she some member of an activist group? Is that the, she's, yeah. She says she's part of a charity that she can't name because they would frown upon her being involved
Starting point is 01:07:44 with the right wing. You know? So it's like, when you see that, you got alarm bells going off in your head if you're not Peter, it's suspicious. That is suspicious. The whole thing's suspicious. Yeah, and everything's a damn mess.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Everything online is suspicious. You just can't assume anything anymore. I go, I'm engaged. It's like, oh, okay, you think, oh, that's nice. Oh, they must have met. Yeah, they must have met. Right, no. No, it's so many guys that it's the age of cart before horse.
Starting point is 01:08:15 I mean, it's, I really, I have a checklist now. You get engaged, and then you meet. When people are talking about relationship problems, like, well, I'm having this problem, this is like, okay, well, wait a minute. I'm like, have you met? Right, no. Okay, well, I'm having this problem. This is like, okay, well, wait a minute. My dad have you met. Right. No.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Okay. You can't go to basic. Go back. Yeah, you really can't. You just can't be too basic. All right, now. And honestly, I love Peter. I love Peter, but like, this is the way she's just
Starting point is 01:08:37 for Tarnit. Like, that's a great sound, but I love Peter, but it's so. I love Peter. I love Peter. Sorry. I'm immature this morning. Yeah, here was okay. Here was the here was the Tweet about from Sargon that you remember last episode. I said I suspect that he's martyred himself. Yeah Yeah, and here was the here was the tweet. Domé Pesas sent it to me. I was banned on I mean, I didn't know this
Starting point is 01:09:03 This is I have a specific no, I'm still I'm me. I was banned on, I mean, I didn't know this. I had a suggestion. No, I'm still, I'm there. I'm banned on Instagram right now. Oh. No, this is from Sargon. No, somebody said, A, he says the man who lost at the 150,000 a year because he's too egotistical to own his own shit and too stupid to play ball.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Sargon says, no, I'm prepared to lose that money in order not to debase myself. Oh, man. Okay. We're talking about the nitty gritty of what Sargon said. That's what it is. I did a transcription of the whole damn thing. And in context, in proper context, that what Patreon says is context.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Yeah. Sargon is in the clear. And Patreon was reaching yet at the same time if you consider the context that Sargai got himself into his mess with Ralph and all them in the first place Then I can understand yeah, I just want to know what Debates myself means In order to know what the I just Give all I can and just hope it delivers something to people. I'm prepared to lose money in order to not debase myself in such a way.
Starting point is 01:10:07 I mean, it had a choice. Compromise as principles. Compromise as a choice. Yeah, a choice was clearly there. You said that that doesn't say there's a choice. Yeah. How much is pride worth though? Zero.
Starting point is 01:10:21 I mean, I feel like I need to sit everybody on the internet down and make them watch Friday. You fight with your hands so you can live another day. You don't bring a gun. You just win some and you lose some. But you don't. But you live. Did you dumb fucks not watch Friday?
Starting point is 01:10:39 Did you just watch the 300 every day and gin yourself up with macho sacrifice. Oh God. That's the way to live, man. It's all the way to live. Nick, what makes you raise once? Does anything make you a rage, man? Anything not based on FDIC? Watching the, you know, the ebbing away of political correctness to the point where there's nothing left for them to be politically correct at.
Starting point is 01:11:07 They got Kevin Hart on the hot seat nowadays. That's heavy. It pissed me off as well. Oh, I'm not going to apologize because I've already apologized for it. Well, then do it again. You stupid motherfucker. Like, wait, you're a comedian. You have the prime opportunity to use what is your job to change to alter society?
Starting point is 01:11:27 Use your art to have you have a gigantic forum. Everybody's listening. Let's see you do it. No. Have some balls. Ah, no. Thank you. No, it's your fucking pride.
Starting point is 01:11:40 It's your fucking pride getting in the way again. What movie is that? And that's another black movie. Well, that's your pride. Fucking with your fucking pride getting in the way again. What movie is that? That's another black movie. Well, you know, that's your pride. Fucking with your fuck pride. It's more so. It's from my king, pulp fiction. My king, it's pulp fiction.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Yeah. But like, pride only hurts. It never helps. What is that scene from when he says that? That's your phrase that the rain is going on. No, he's talking about, no, he wants a butch to take a dive in the boxing match. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:08 It's a, it's Vingraeem's telling Bruce Willis to take a dive. That's right. And he said, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride. That's pride. Fuck, God, pride with you. Yeah, pride. Kevin Hart should just become Django unchained and just like go in there and just blow up
Starting point is 01:12:22 this political situation. Well, he went on Ellen. I guess that's the same. I guess having Ellen fight your fights for you, is that better or worse than fighting your own fight? Yeah, exactly. What's what's gayer? Isn't it wasn't didn't that what he originally got in trouble for saying doll houses are gay?
Starting point is 01:12:41 What's gayer than doll houses? Hosting the Oscars is a hell of a lot, gayer than Doll, what's even gayer than that? Going on fucking Ellen and having her apologize to America for you, you gigantic, you bitch. Your entire career is based on making fun of how short and unmannedly you are, drawing a line at the, no one cares. All right, thanks for calling in, man.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Calling again sometime, I really love your work. I love reading your threads. God bless you and God bless everyone. You know, your chats follow the generance, but I love them. Yes, they are. They're all doing it satirically. It's important to keep that in mind.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Yeah, see how easy that is to lie. Yes. So yeah. Yeah, but good talking to you on I'm glad we finally got the chance to do it. Me too. All right. Have a good one buddy. Audio's cheater. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:30 People were asking me to like, oh, it's that you said never apologize. All right. Well, let me clear it up. I mean, it's here's rule number one. When? Always when. Do not lose. Ever. If you, if you want to, don't beat yourself too. Don't beat yourself. Don't do your enemy's job for it. I feel like I'm going to start stealing material from the art of war. Well, don't know your own strengths. For God's sake, one of the biggest, one of the ugliest sins we make in societies of people is overestimating our value. Oh, that is, there is no, for sure. Sin more grotesque than that. For sure.
Starting point is 01:14:13 You see somebody throwing a tantrum around, oh, yeah, you don't want my money, I'll go spend my money. So I'm like, oh, wow. Look at this person really overestimates their power. Yeah, they're worth, they're worth terrible. Yep, terrible sin that we have. Terrible sin that one. And usually people who act that way have been appeased
Starting point is 01:14:32 at lower levels, but at some point, somebody just goes, fuck off. Yeah, and then it just stops them right there and they don't know what to do. I guess it's all, I guess I talk about it so much because it plays into the bigger issue I have with people martering themselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Men, men is a whole unable to resist the compulsion to martyr themselves for a mysterious door prize. Well, if I harm myself, then you know, things will happen and then things will get better. Yeah. It may just be a big pile of dog shit on the other side of that door. Yeah, he might just be harming himself. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Yeah. They're may not ever be a benefit. All right, let me talk to Josh. Hey, what's up, man? Null from Kiwi Farms. Hello. Hey, what's up, man? We're just as much as I was actually streaming.
Starting point is 01:15:24 And he messaged me as like, oh, God, I'm going to hop over. Do you want to go back to your stream? You can call it next week. No, no, no, what's up, man? We're just as much. I was actually streaming and he messaged me as like, oh, shit. I'm gonna hop over. Do you want to go back to your streaming call the next week? No, no, of course not. They want to hear it. I'm giving them a sneak peek if you're being broadcasted.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Just a wonderful. I love you. I don't need to steal you. No, I love your show. Nell does a, it's like a morning time show for for California time. Yeah. He goes through some of the wonderful freaks on Kiwi Farms and just, it gives you like a
Starting point is 01:15:50 cliff notes of them. Oh, because I see, I love characters. And they all are such tremendous characters. But it feels, I was telling him, well, you know, they are. I was telling Null the other day we were we were talking about His show and it fills that itch for me that 11 a.m Mori Montel Williams Ricky Lake you remember we were kids you'd stay up from school and you'd watch the prices right and then bam It would be hours of this sick depravity of trash talk shows, of trash and dysfunction
Starting point is 01:16:28 and incest and depravity. See, I like the comparison to Jerry Springer more, because at the end of every episode of Jerry Springer, he had a moral, the story and all that. Saying like be good to yourselves and others, right? Yeah, see, that was Jerry Springer apologizing for what just happened. That was Jerry Springer every episode playing ball. He doesn't think that at all.
Starting point is 01:16:50 He thinks that they're all trash. He's, he's mefistophiles and he's turned, cranking the clock all the way to the bank. Yeah, he's, he's, he's putting this filth into the meat grinder and outcomes cash. And then he gets on and lies to everyone's face to keep it going. That's how you played the game. Anyway, I love your show for that reason. I always try to watch. I get too engrossed.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Well, thank you. We had a brief talk a couple of days ago. It's really nice to hear that people who do that kind of podcast-type stuff like it. That's like a very high form of flattery because you do this professionally. Very well, we have a huge fan base. So, very, thank you very much. Yeah, I do a professionally while we still can, right?
Starting point is 01:17:35 You had a, well permitted. You had a freak on the other day, or a gentleman on a woman, excuse me, a trans lady on your show, the other day that I wanted to talk about. I'm all in already. Yeah, I wanted to. I have a morning.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Well, yeah, you did. Is that a secret when you call them? No, I'm not. No, I'm not. I didn't call them, but I didn't like, it was not like set up. I didn't have them as a guest. Oh, right, right, right. I'm just, I'm just fucking around. I'm being a, I'm a guest. I just called. Right, right, right. I'm just fucking around.
Starting point is 01:18:05 You're not being a, I'm being semantic. I'm not. That's fun. That's fun. Because I had his phone number because he used it on his DMCA. He sent me a DMCA. Like, you got to take this stuff down. And if I had Rukita here, he could back me up.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Oh, yeah. He DMCA, not only like pictures and selfies he took. You know, they're all fair use regardless. But there was a shit that other people made. Other people stuff about him. He original artwork, screen caps of the logs. Stuff he does not even own. He tried to DMC that.
Starting point is 01:18:38 You have to send your address, send it to a phone number for servicing stuff. Just the fuck it, I'll call him up. Because I'm doing a talk about him. Because he struck down my YouTube channel as well. I'm on Let me just call him up. And I did call him up in the middle of the show.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Yeah. It's a guy who identifies as a woman now. Yeah. But he uses this identification to try to get his genitals waxed and then soos, the genital waxing places when they refuse to wax him because he has a dick and balls. Let me clarify. You're a little bit wrong on that. He doesn't sue them.
Starting point is 01:19:19 What do you, this is, it's even better. It's even better. This is just like, yeah. Yeah, yeah, basically. He, okay, Canada has something that we don't have a parallel towards in the US. They have something called the human rights tribunal. And if your human rights are violated, you can talk to them. Well, he legit, like with 16 different women called Dutiticians or as the geologist or something.
Starting point is 01:19:47 He goes to the human rights tribunal of British Columbia and says, these 16 beauticians have fundamentally violated my human rights by not waxing my female balls. And they take that fucking case. They take it. They take that fucking case. They take it. They take it? Dude, it's, yeah. And you have to feel bad for him.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Cause he just goes up and tells his bullshit. I don't touch any dudes balls. You imagine this? You got to feel, you set up shop to wax, send those balls. This, this, this woman, this man calls you. Hey, I'm a trans woman. Is that okay? And like, there's, there's chat logs of him saying, email balls. This this this woman this man calls you a I'm a trans woman. Is that okay? And like it? There's this there's chat logs of him saying of him chatting with these women and asking if that would be a problem I have like a really huge clip
Starting point is 01:20:36 It's a cock and multiple balls and that's what I can't feel bad for him at all because he's trolling. He's trolling because the women, look, for this, he doesn't have to lawyer up, he doesn't have to do anything. He just files the complaint and then the tribunal. The government is hounding these women. But if they want to defend themselves, they're going to have to go out and go out and go out.
Starting point is 01:21:03 God damn. Fuck you women. And the thing is, is that the women are having problems, finding solicitors willing to represent them because trans stuff can ruin the lawyer's career. And they're not careful, they can be ruined by it. And so fucked. Just because this fucking weirdo and the guy is deranged.
Starting point is 01:21:26 He's like, like this is, he's, he, he, he says he's a woman, but then he hits up, he goes on women Facebook groups. Yeah. And just obsessively asks them about going to the lock, women's locker room and how he can strike up conversations with women if he sees their tampon strings. What is the guy, is Jennifer Yinev? It's okay, I'm going to show a little bit.
Starting point is 01:21:53 I've been working on something over the weekend because this guy is really pissed me off. And I try not to be petty, I try not to be vindictive, but this guy is really stepping on some toes and I feel like I'm in an opportunity to be helpful to people. I'm going to be vindictive. But this guy is really stepping on some toes and I feel like I'm in an opportunity to be helpful to people. I'm gonna be helpful. So, trust a nerd I think is the name. The name is Jonathan Yeneve. Jonathan Yeneve.
Starting point is 01:22:14 And his business is trusted nerd in a month in which he offers SEO optimization, which is in saying kill DMCA people for you for hosting your stuff if you wanna take it down. But I've bought Jonathan and Jessica And I'm gonna make a little bit of an expose and I'm gonna show him how SEO optimization is really done.
Starting point is 01:22:36 So by the time this airs, I will have those websites ready. It'll just be like a quick essay with some screenshots and stuff abstracted from the Kiwi farms Because a lot of people in the in the transensitive community who should know about this guy Would not go to the Kiwi farms and trust it as a primary source of information Yeah, so I'm gonna take what I know abstract it to those sites Jonathan you need that org and Jessica you need that org And hopefully by the time this air is properly
Starting point is 01:23:03 It'll just be everything that could be set about them. Well, in one place. Haps sounds like a good public service that you're doing solicitors who are protecting these women. Yeah, trying to keep their businesses alive. Because it's not cheap, and even if it was cheap, they can't find people because if they say the wrong thing,
Starting point is 01:23:24 if they handle this issue incorrectly, they're going to get raked river calls by the media. Yeah, I have to prove there are women. Show me your dick and balls. Now I'll defend you. I can imagine the headlines now. Woman refused her human rights because a statistician won't wax her balls. And there's a video that I watched by me. Paul Stamming. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Sorry, go ahead, no. There was a video by a, what's called it like she's a weirdo too, but she's like honest in what she does. She considers herself a gender abolitionist, right? And her name is like Pee Chioger. And considers herself a gender abolitionist, right? And her name is like Peach Yoga. And she's a Dutch woman. Gross. Peach Yoga.
Starting point is 01:24:10 It's like dick cheese. That's disgusting. Yeah. Peach Yoga. Like she does like, you know, and plowing and chewing. And that's what it says. Does it ever happen?
Starting point is 01:24:21 Is it happening a couple times in my life when you're plowing and chicken? You get like that foam? Is it? I've always in my life when you're plowing chicken, you get like that foam? Is it? I've always wanted to ask someone about that, but I never have, and I never thought of it until you said peach yogurt. It's like a couple, I don't know if that means they're ovulating.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Have you ever fucked a chicken? I'm like, yeah. Yes, man, it means yes. That means yes, you know? Hello? Are you asking if you ever fucked a chicken? No, no, no, no. There's like this foam that comes, this white foam that comes out of
Starting point is 01:24:46 me. I never been able to figure out why it happens when it happens. Well, I know they were turned on as, I'd see, I thought, the first time it happened to me, I thought I was like, wow, is this bitch so turned on that this weird foam comes out? But then it didn't happen to me for ages again. It turns out that there's snail way back in their family lineage. Yeah, I don't think he'd want to be here with me. I know it's not an STV. Yeah, it turns out that there's snail way back in their family lineage. Yeah, I don't think he'd want to make it.
Starting point is 01:25:06 I know it's not an STD. Just a, yeah, it's up. Okay, sorry, peach yogurt. What did we just do? No, nothing. I said, you don't want to make peach yogurt with a woman named peach yogurt because she's like, she's like an older lesbian woman. You want to avoid that.
Starting point is 01:25:20 But she, she put out a video that was kind of explanatory regarding what he was asking of them. And it's not as simple as it sounds where it's like you're you're going to a woman's only salon and they're refusing to do the service because they don't see you as a woman. Yeah. The Brazilian wax he's asking for is technically different from how it would be conducted on a woman. And the woman just spread it around and then you pull back the paper and that's it. But with the balls and cock you got to be careful because that's sensitive. So it's it's an entirely different process. And he's trying to force him to do something they literally are not trained
Starting point is 01:25:52 to do. They don't have the technical shield to do. So they're getting completely fucked over, completely nonsense. He's like small Vietnamese women, right? I mean, like, yeah, that's trying to get by trying to escape the horror of killing fields of Cambodia. They come to the beautiful, they come to beautiful America. They miss a little bit. Go to Canada. Now they got a big fat guy asking them to suing them because they won't wax his balls. Am I the only one that finds this as funny as it is? Let me show you what the guy looks like. Let me show you what this guy looks like. Be careful, don't show that on your YouTube channel
Starting point is 01:26:29 because you're gonna get struck down for that. I don't give a shit. My YouTube channel means nothing to me. I assume it will be gone. It's just a clip show. If they do take it, I'll go to BitShoot. I'm surprised I haven't already. That's why I quit doing YouTube
Starting point is 01:26:43 when they removed all my voicemails like 10 years ago, because it's so disheartening. But here's what he, here's what this guy looks, oh fuck, that's not it, that's not big enough. All right, oh my God, it looks like, it looks like Jared ate himself super fat again. Yes, yes it does, he looks just like fucking Jared, it's uncanny, he's got the look, he's got the look.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Yeah. And I mean, you didn't even really touch one like yeah, he looks like currently. Yes, is that the one where he's like smiling and has makeup on and look kind of creepy? No, no, it's the one where he's wearing a Google glass. And he wears this Google glass always, which is always recording and going into women's restrooms. This is him as a woman, by the way. Yeah, boy. Oh, and he specifically goes to the restroom in gems where people are changing. Here we go. That's what he looks like as a woman. Now I got the makeup on with the kissy face. I only hear depression, I hear a saddening size.
Starting point is 01:27:39 Yeah, that's Sean. Yeah, that's me. I do that a lot. Sean doesn't find as much enjoyment in these freaks as I do. I just find it so preposterous that we're suing each other over stuff like this. Not suing, sicken the government on you, violating your own rights, Sean. Free, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Well, what do you mean? What if you wanted to have your balls waxed and no one would do it? You're telling me that that's a world you want to live in? God. Or you can't pretend to be a woman and get your balls waxed and no one would do it. You're telling me that that's a world you want to live in? God. Or you can't pretend to be a woman and get your balls. No, the thing is you can get your balls wax. You just have to go to a place that has people who are technically skilled in handling male genitalia.
Starting point is 01:28:16 He's, that's the thing. It's not just like, no matter what kind of angle you give and trying to give him the benefit of a doubt. Yeah, always comes apart. That else he could have done and it makes it intentionally and blatantly fucking malicious. It is malice. No matter how you try to excuse it, there is a no thing he could have done. Yeah, because that service is clearly available. Yeah, it involves waxed. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, involves waxed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:45 I mean, gay guys get full body waxes all the time. You could have just gone to a gay salon. It would have been fine. Nobody would have cared. But no, he specifically wanted women to handle his balls. And that's what it is. Because he joins these on Facebook groups. He's apparently been banned from 60 plus makeup groups
Starting point is 01:29:03 on Facebook. Because what he does is he joins them. And then he hunts down women who are also part of the groups and sends them Facebook messages saying, like, asking creepy shit, like, how will I know if I can ask for a tampon? And again, this is a biological man. He claims to be intersex, but even if he was intersex, you don't have menstruation. So he's not, whatever reason he's asking for tampons, it's invalid. And even if you're intersex, you don't need to ask 60 women about
Starting point is 01:29:32 how to ask for tampons. You're just 30 tampons. That's what I mean, I have a, I have absolutely zero vagina at all. And I know how tampons work. I don't need to ask anybody. And it's crazy because he's becoming a smoke. Yeah. It's so funny though. It's so funny because they've posted, I don't know how these women got or why they posted them, but they'll post chat logs of this guy asking women on Facebook about how to ask for a tampon and these women will just indulge like they'll talk to this weirdo for huge paragraphs of explanations. You can see that they're always like, haha, yeah, well, you know, it's like, they're so it's so eager.
Starting point is 01:30:19 That is also appealing to me. That's all you dumb bitch. What are you doing? That's also how you know they're real women by the length of the replies exactly uh... anyway go ahead what were you gonna show all i was gonna say uh... well wasn't sixty women it was sixty groups and why these logs leak is because the women show the group managers what this
Starting point is 01:30:41 guy's doing and no post is evidence those logs so god knows how many potentially hundreds of women this guy's talk to to try and get stuff. And the women being attacked by the Canadian human rights tribunal, they said that he messaged them and their businesses and would call them up on their phones for weeks trying to get an appointment scheduled. And no matter how many times no means no, he still is like harassing them.
Starting point is 01:31:07 So this is like, it is like government mandated harassment and that's the only way to put it. He keeps trying to get up like so my fucking ball hair is growing into the neighbor's yard. There's, there's encroaching issues. I need to get one of his Koreans over here to wax my balls immediately. I sh-my woman's-my woman balls immediately. No man will do. Send the-send the city tree tremors over. He's like a sick emperor, right? Like if the government come-if the-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if Tom by gunpoint and make the little Vietnamese broad come over and wax his ball underneath and cry.
Starting point is 01:31:46 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. God damn, man. You can hear in some of these shout-outs, he's telling his stories of asking for tampons. He doesn't all the time because like that gets them off, I guess. But like even in his stories, he's like, oh, they went over to the, like,
Starting point is 01:32:05 you know, how you get condom machines and some gas station bathrooms and stuff. Yeah, I always destroy them. They have like, like, like, you know, single use item hygiene product dispensers there too. So he'll talk about them going over to the machines and putting in coins for them to get him something. And it's like, he could have done that on a long time. It's like underage. He's like, it's booze. Yeah. Yeah, he hangs out outside 7-Eleven asking little girls if he can go buy them tampons. Oh my God. Trusted nerd. This is trusted nerd, Jonathan Yinev, who's doing that, right?
Starting point is 01:32:38 Yes. Jonathan Yinev or Jessica Yinev, British Columbia, trusted nerd. He goes by all these different names. And he's, you know, he's an SEO guy. So on his Twitter, he still goes by like, Jonathan, and Chris Jessica Yeneve. Well, you know, it's a public service what you're doing. And we had a similar, a listener made that Kevinay, who might, they must have known something about SEO, because it's number one for a family and a man. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:33:08 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no your Reddit, for instance, it gets posted on the Kiwi farms, then Google sees those link ends and it gives it extra points. So just sharing it is in general the best way to promote something like that. It's very funny. This is just one episode of Null's Show. That's insane. I wanted to do it properly on YouTube, but I put up a notice, like I'm
Starting point is 01:33:46 going to be streaming in six hours about this guy on December 26th. He DMC AID me on December 25th. He doesn't celebrate Christmas, apparently. On the 26th, he DMC AID is a bother to Harry. What is he up to be grateful for? Yeah. Put some tensile in them or something. He's got the Grinch going on. Yeah. Maybe they need to have a nice Christmas. I don't know. And I don't know. I don't want to get too into detail, but like he was asking some women like, I'm going on a trip. And I know there's going to be like lots of like 10 year old girls on this trip with me. I saw this one too. Asked me for a pad. What did they ask me for a tampon? How do I show them how to put it in? Like he's asking that kind of too. And what if they asked me for a pad, what if they asked me for a tampon? How do I show them how to put it in?
Starting point is 01:34:26 Like, he's asking that kind of shit. And at that point, you're like, Oh, this guy. What if they ask you? Yeah. I don't know if he's like talking about his fantasies, about tampon. No, that's what it sounds like.
Starting point is 01:34:36 It sounds like that, right? Yeah. That's the impression I got as well. Oh, yeah. Well, it's great. Like I said, it's the Montele Williams, it's the Jerry Springer. Oh, yeah, itch that it's scratching. When do you do your show? No. I do my shows on Wednesdays a little bit after noon. Since I'm DMCA, I've been doing it
Starting point is 01:34:58 on slash QE Farms at noon every week. Noon, aren't. Wednesdays are going to be doing it on a guy who is crazy and was recently committed involuntarily indefinitely because he's a danger to himself and others. And he's not fat and he's not a tranny. So we're trying to get just a genuine crazy person as opposed to somebody gross. I wanted to have you on to talk about that huge balls guy too. You remember that?
Starting point is 01:35:27 A lot of balls. Yeah, I did a prep on that and I tried to find out more information. Yeah. Those people were weird. Oh, I suppose to the wax my female balls guy. Yeah, that's just degenerate. This guy, like the,
Starting point is 01:35:43 they were like in some kind of weird, like, BDSM, gay worship thing, where they all got this guy's name tattooed on their backs and stuff. That's normal. Sean has my name tattooed on his back. Lower back. I demand that. I'm going to put silicone in his testicles. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Sean, let's talk after the show. Wait, is this how much would it cost for you to put silicone in your testicles? Yeah. Sean, let's talk after the show. Wait, is this how much would it cost for you to put silicone in your testicles? How much money? Oh, I don't know. Not very much. What do you got on your right now? Oh, I've got like hundred bucks. It's pretty good. 95 and a paper parking. I could get you changed. Oh yeah, okay. Yeah, one change. Yeah. Oh, how about you, Paul?
Starting point is 01:36:31 You know that shit, because one of them died. It's why it became news. He was talking about the guy who we had on. No, but that guy knew him. We had a guy, right, right, right, right, that weird, oh, right, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Dick had called in who did inflate his balls,
Starting point is 01:36:46 and he knew. He seemed quite normal. Yeah, he was like an engineer. Yeah. I mean, yeah, bisexual engineer, and he came off this very big ball. Almost like pragmatic about it. Like, I mean, it's, hey, he sold me.
Starting point is 01:37:01 Like, fuck, man, your balls were a timeshare. I'd buy his lies. I want to get some filler in me. Yeah. Man, your balls were a time share. I'd buy his lies. I want to get some filler in there. Yeah. But he knows where to get balls waxed. He's trying to spread his degeneracy through the dick show, trying to get everybody to inflate their balls. He already got Sean hooked up on it.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Look at this. Yeah. You know, the problem with the problem with degeneracies is that it's so much work. Yeah. You know, if I had more energy, maybe I could go get a first suit, I'd do it up and have a big horse head. Did you have anybody mentioned furries I got to ask? What would your first tone of be dick?
Starting point is 01:37:36 I've already have one. Bonitis drew me one and I'm a hyena. Oh yeah. That's a great one. Scavenger. But then I found out that the female Hyena has a bigger dick than a male. Yeah. Shit, I already picked. Yeah. Well, the Hyena, the laugh is good and they're like scavengers. So they're like pick it like dying carcasses and shit. Like that's perfect. Plus they're Mexican according to the Lion King. Oh right. Right. Yeah. what would you for son of beam mine yeah I guess a hamster now hamsters have been like a reoccurring theme in my streams everybody loves the
Starting point is 01:38:19 hamsters at the end because they could go under that or I could grow. A crow. A crow. I like crows. Not a Raven. Not a Raven. A crow. Pain in space. I'll emo. Wear a big letter to the other trench coat.
Starting point is 01:38:32 No, I went to like England. Really young. I remember all the birds in the show. Yeah. The bird. I don't trust. I don't really like any animal that just doesn't understand when it's shitting.
Starting point is 01:38:47 You know, it just kind of falls out of it. You're talking about rodents and birds. Birds. Birds. Yeah. I don't think they know. No, I don't think it just happens. I think the crows are smart enough to know.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Oh no, they're smart enough, but it's just their physiology, I think. I think it just comes out. No colon. I don't know. I think it just fucking pulls out. Well, they're smart enough, but it's just their physiology, I think. I think it just comes out. No, Colin. I don't know. I think it just fucking pulls up. You're Colin holds you shit so predators can't track you. Like, fucking, I was calling me in continent now.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Uh, yeah, I don't, I don't know. I mean, I, I, I don't know if all birds work that way, but, you know, they just kind of go where they go. But I think we should try, we should just shit whenever we try that, put, strap some diapers on and just see what it's like. I'll tell you what, I would, no, don't even like, strap diapers on, I would, I guarantee you, I would watch every second of the Summer Olympics if you could just shit whenever.
Starting point is 01:39:34 Oh yeah, if the athletes just, you know, take a shit and run, yeah. I mean, the hurdles. Yeah, that's the most I've ever watched of a triathlon or Iron Man is when they shit themselves. I mean, the long jump is a giant cat box. It's perfect. You better be fucking careful. People age regression with diapers and forced incontinence. That's a thing too. It's everything's a thing.
Starting point is 01:39:59 It's called aging. I know they want to do it the other way around. They want to do the different stuff. Yeah, yeah, right. That's the degenerate twilight zone. You get so old that you have to wear diapers and talk like a child, but then you lose the ability to have an erection. It's like, those people don't want to shit themselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:17 What do you mean? What do you mean? Most people don't want to shit themselves. What do you mean? I challenge that point on. Well, what makes you rage? No, anything. People who abuse DMCA strike, that's all I'm like, yeah, I can't even describe. I'm like indignant because I just started doing YouTube stuff like a couple of weeks ago, right? So for the last five years, I've been hosted my own sites. Ain't nobody gonna tell me what
Starting point is 01:40:45 the fuck I can host. You send me a DMCA strike. I tell you to go fuck yourself. Ain't nobody gonna tell you that. Now I'm on YouTube. Random fucking psychotic, tranny pedophiles can send me the most bullshit DMCA claim. YouTube, it has been fucking like 10, 11 days since that shit came in and since I appealed it YouTube has not even Reviewed it there's a 10 day wait after they review and submit it forward haven't even fucking started that so fuck that shit Fuck that broken shit fuck people telling me what to do fuck that Yeah, it's true. I mean you've lived your life with that credo, right?
Starting point is 01:41:25 Me? Fuck people telling me what to do. Yeah, now my, that's what resulted in my parents getting banned from my house. Yeah, I'm giving them, I'm gonna give my dad a red card next time, I'm gonna give him a yellow card warning. Right? And then a red card, I'm gonna hold him up,
Starting point is 01:41:40 sit there like a rest. Don't even look at him. Yep. That's a point. I was gonna ask him to have a whistle.'t even look at him. Yep Yeah, I'm gonna have a rape whistle. I take my mom's rape whistle and blow his ass right out of my phone I'll get you and point it put the red card out everybody man. That must be it looks like so much fun the way those refs do that too Yeah, it's big stick up their ass As soon as they throw it people are like fucking raging at them, like frothing at the fucking night.
Starting point is 01:42:06 That's bullshit. That's a bullshit fucking call. They know every time they blow that fucking whistle, they pissed off another hundred thousand fucking people. It's more it looks more fun than throwing a flag in football. Yeah, it does. Yeah, I'm in it. And you don't always necessarily see it, but he's out there holding it up and it's red. Yeah for everyone to see. Boom. Perfect pose. Right. Boom, like Napoleon. Boom.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Yep. That's a good one. Umpires, strikes are good. Yeah. Cause they get to do whatever they want. They all have different strike calls. Some call immediately and then signal after like Enrico Palazzo. Naked gun.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. I like to pump a game for one inning. I don't fuck the first pitch. I wouldn't like to umpire the first inning. That'd be great.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Not throwing out the first pitch. I want to ump the first ball. Totally. And then just go right down the middle and spend like 10 minutes. Get a whole Marshall stack out there. Tentententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententententent then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then freaks. I'll let you know if anything happens this week and I'll call on next. Yeah. And what was the site? Jonathan You know, I'm going to make two versions. One of them is going to be kind of forward talking the other one, the Jessica Yeneve Okay.
Starting point is 01:43:39 It will be kind of kind of catering to people who are more sensitive so we can get the message out to everyone. Well, now, if, you know, I mean, I guess this, you know, you have to ask your SEO friends, but if you want a 301, all the links from one to the other and have the same content, and canonically direct the content from one to the other, it would increase your chance of ranking. One of them, if you are dealing with an SEO type. That makes sense. Yeah, but of course, it's all up to how much, how much linking power you can, you can pull from here.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Yeah, well, I imagine though, you know what, I'm going to predict that they both probably get way up there just because. Okay. I'm probably going to be fighting with myself for like the first one or two places, like the Kiwi farm side is going to be like in between them. The Jonathan Yeneve one, then Kiwi farms, then Jessica Yineve, and then his portfolio site where he advertises his fucking bullshit. All right, good luck, buddy.
Starting point is 01:44:33 Yeah, take it easy. Ah! That's what's in the world today, Sean. Yeah, that's just what we know about today. Just a guy trying to get his balls waxed. Yeah. Just a lady, just a woman, a strong independent woman trying to get her balls waxed.
Starting point is 01:44:52 It's tough road for a lot of people. Women have it rough. Yeah. They got tolerate our toxic masculinity, laugh at our jokes or else we'll kill them. Yeah. And they just want to get their balls waxed. It's not all lot to ask. And they suffer the indignity.
Starting point is 01:45:13 No one wants to ask. You don't want to ask if you can get your balls wax and they have to do that, women. Mm-hmm. They have to submit themselves to the indignity of asking if it's, if they can get their balls waxed and then to have not to some big it tell you know I don't wax women's balls because atomic anatomically I don't know how yeah that's this indignity that's one bridge too far to me I'm tired of women getting trampled on and then the tampon shaming on top of that. It's just ridiculous. It's too much. It's too much. I want to be in an America or a North America of Canada in this case where a woman
Starting point is 01:45:57 doesn't have to ask if she can get her balls waxed. No government officials just come up and ask whether she needs it at the time. Exactly. Yeah. It's been solved. Yeah. It's taken, it's taken, you and I take privilege, this is what they're always talking about. We take privilege for granted, for granted, for granted. Yeah. We take it for granted. Yeah. You know, I can go into any, as a man, I can go any into any male ball waxing salon of my choice. Yep. They hand us tampons like cigars at a birth. Yeah. Yeah. Free-ly dispensing. Yeah. We don't even want them. Want them or need them. But just here you go. We have all that going for us. You might know it. You might need this. Yeah, I'm gonna give you three.
Starting point is 01:46:45 I'm gonna give you a handful. They've got a bowl out for us at the mail. Just for us. That only we can see. Take as many tampons as you need. You never know how many tampons you might need. No. Well, you're getting your balls waxed,
Starting point is 01:46:57 but on the other side of the coin, the woman, the women can't take that for granted. They need to fight constantly for the privilege of getting their balls waxed, which is a right, really. Oh, yeah, man or woman, it is a fundamental human right, the access to cleanly shorn balls, your own balls. I'm not talking about access to shorn balls, but having your balls waxed be you man or woman is a fundamental right. And I'm sick of, I am sick of it. I'm sick of living in a world where that it's time everyone got on board. You're not gonna, you're not gonna stop that train. So you big it. Yeah. You've disgusting bigots. All right. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:47:46 Let's talk about this virgin contest. I don't, did I have any, there are any virgins in the chat room? I'm actually, I'm really excited about this. This is a great contest. It's important came up with this last week, I think on the show, on the show, yeah. Cause we get all these questions from virgins.
Starting point is 01:48:04 That's true. I want to help. So I figured, like, let's make it a, let's gamify it, man. Yeah, yeah. That's the only way to get anything done is turning it into a game. I had Virgins from 18 years old to 30 years old, right in.
Starting point is 01:48:22 I gave it a long range. You're a lot different between those ages. Yeah, you know as a person. But the same tricks work. Oh, no doubt. So I gave all the Virgin's nicknames. So I didn't know there was. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 01:48:35 And I've been thinking of some rules for the game. Did you get a decent number? I got fifth, I think I got 15. I had 12. I found some stragglers came in and I had funny, I had more funny nicknames. Great. We've got, I've got Casanova, Lothario, Don Draper, Sam Malone, Wilts Chamberlain, Mexican Buzz Lightyear. These are the contestants. These are your nicknames. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dr. Frankenberger, see fucked a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:06 Quagmire, and Quagmire. Pepe LePue of account, yes, likes to fuck. Right, he does. He does, yeah. Vlad the Impaler, yeah, Don Juan, and the Fed. The Fed. Fuck every year.
Starting point is 01:49:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, good. I think I'm still working out the rules, yeah, yeah, yeah. That could, I think, I'm still working out the rules, but, and I wanna get some of the virgins on the line, and I don't think any are here, I'll give them, I'll get them to call in next week. Well, what they wanna, you know, other people can see them, right?
Starting point is 01:49:40 On Discord? Yeah, that's why I think I'm gonna give them a number to call in. Yeah, yeah, I'm giving them the Discord. Sure. We gotta cut down, I'm gonna'm going to give him a number to call in. Yeah, I'm in the discord. Sure. Uh, we got to cut down. I'm going to have rules for them that I'll announce this week. No, no beating off on Fridays. Okay. And then we're going to grow that as the contests beat free Friday.
Starting point is 01:49:58 Yeah. Fap free Friday. That's the rule. Fap free Friday. This is why it's the Diction. Yeah, you lose 100, not the 100 points. You lose 100 points. If you beat off on a Friday. Okay. You lose 100 points.
Starting point is 01:50:12 And it's very dishonorable. You lose 100 honor points if you beat off on a Friday. You got to work out twice a week. You got to get, I don't care if it's just walking around the block. I don't care if you're lifting triangular weights in a garage twice a week. There's a good twice a week.
Starting point is 01:50:29 You gotta work out. All this helps. Yeah, and then we're gonna do contests every week. I don't know what to do for the first week. I'm very conflicted on that. I was gonna have them tell a woman they're in a virgin contest, but I think that might be a little much. Oh, find a woman and tell her you're in a virgin contest.
Starting point is 01:50:53 Yeah, that might be a little much. It's a little much. The point is you gotta get out there and start talking to people. Yeah. And why not do the most embarrassing thing you could think of. Very simple, right? I'm an a virgin contest, you got any advice.
Starting point is 01:51:12 You're a woman. Yeah. It could be any woman. I wonder, I wonder if they have a way to say it. Say it. Say it out loud. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:20 Well, you got it. I'm an a virgin, it could be your waitress. It could be, I mean, she could be 90 years old. Could be a 10 year old at a bus stop. No, no, no, no, no, let's not do that. Right.
Starting point is 01:51:32 An adult woman. Fuck's like, none of you buy girl scout cookies. That would be a rough, that would be a rough task. No, it would be. It's very fight club. Get in a fight and lose. Yeah, that's why I, it's a lot, but I think it's what these virgins need. Well, I'm in a virgin contest.
Starting point is 01:51:50 It would help them. But other men own it. Yeah. Do you have any advice? You're not like the thing that, the thing with virginity or the thing with getting laid is not always racing, not always racing to the whole, but doing other things and letting the whole come to you. So this is what is the worst shot? It's like wanting to pet a cat.
Starting point is 01:52:14 Yeah. You don't chase it around the room. So I think that will be assignment, that will be game number one. Find a woman. Tell her you're in a virgin contest. That's ask her if she has any advice. That's good. They ask for advice. Yeah. Hundred points. Tell me what happens. And also, tell me what you can do that and not come off as a complete creeper, then you're on your way. And if you do come off like a complete creep,
Starting point is 01:52:47 what could be worse? How could you top that? Nothing you ever do will be that creepy. I guess that's true. That's a big one to start with maybe, but why not? I don't know, you're selling me on it. No fat Friday. That's it.
Starting point is 01:53:02 You gotta, if you jerk off on Friday, minus 100 points. Gotta work out. Twice a week. You gotta, if you jerk off on Friday, minus a hundred points. Gotta work out. Twice a week. You gotta, I don't care what it is. Walk around the block. I don't care. Whatever it is, you've gotta do physical exercise
Starting point is 01:53:14 for 30 minutes. But I got, I'm gonna make a chart of all these guys. 80s girls gonna put her skills to work and we'll make a little star chart. Oh, good. Right. With tasks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:27 But the objective is like, this is not a reality show where we're eliminating people. Every what you get eliminated when you get laid. Yeah. It's only winners. There is only winners on this show. And all of you will, my vow is that all of you will be winners at the end of this. It's very important to me. That'd be awesome. I'm going to get some of this. It's very important to me. That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 01:53:45 I'm gonna get some pickup artists to get to the year long contest. Yes, it's however long it takes. I'll be gonna take his mother fucker who's just getting laid. Yeah. And I will do it. I will help.
Starting point is 01:53:56 And I helped. Yeah. It's shaking bake. Yeah. We'll have more tasks. But the tasks of the first week is find a woman. Tell her you're make a bank. Um, yeah. We'll have more tasks, but the task of the first week is find a woman. Tell her you're in a virgin,
Starting point is 01:54:08 are there any of the virgins on the, oh, cripple Jesus, I know, all right, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, are you there? Hey, what's up, dude? What's up, man? Hey, what are you doing? Yeah, so what did I, I'm good to, what was, what was your name?
Starting point is 01:54:21 Mexican Buzz Lightyear. Oh, you're Mexican Buzz Light Year. All right. So, uh, what do you think about task number one? I could do it. You could do it. I know you could do it. Oh, I believe him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:35 You can see then you taught you tell a girl that and some of them find that she cute. Yeah. You know, you always get the girl who wants to take it from you. Girls, they like taking things. He might get like a handy Out of that that doesn't you've got to get pussy. Oh, no, no, I know, but I'm just saying first. Right. Like the first week. Yeah, you might I mean, I'm not hopeless. I have gotten phone numbers. I just don't know. I mean, I have a phone number. The
Starting point is 01:55:05 I don't know I ain't shit and the text message thing. I can't keep up with that man. Oh, you can't keep up with the text messaging. I can't. I run on a shit to say, hey, that I don't yeah, that never stops. What? The running out of shit to say, I mean, like, where you just, what are you, where you don't want to say anything else? Like I'm so tired. I don't really care about your day. No, definitely not. That never changes. Well, we'll try to get, we'll try to get somebody in here who maybe can assist with the texting problems. There's a lot of pickup
Starting point is 01:55:43 artists out there, like I'm to call in and give some advice on this. Have you gone to any rallies or cause events lately? I actually, they didn't have the breast cancer one. I think I got canceled for a comedy night or something. Oh, well, I mean, probably a better choice. There is one thing I want to do, but let's call it though. I wanted to challenge Digi Bro to a boxing match. Why have I never?
Starting point is 01:56:14 Jesus Christ. Because I'm not a pussy. Okay. Does he have any specific, any reason why you wanted to challenge him? Well, I don't like pedophiles. OK. I have a podcast in the movie show. So that's why you want to challenge him
Starting point is 01:56:32 because you think he's a pedophile? Well, he is. Does he have to be in a wheelchair? No, I can find him for a while. I'm right at the balls level. So I want to challenge him to a fight on podcast live on here. Yeah. Well, I don't need to hear anymore.
Starting point is 01:56:56 I'm not doing Twitter DM bullshit. I want to do it live on there. So everybody can. How's that going to work? Well, if, um, if somebody pays for my airplane ticket, I'll do it any time. Somebody. You're going to fist bite. Did you, bro? You're going to box. Did you, bro? Yep. Do you have any, uh, have you?
Starting point is 01:57:21 Have you had anybody before? Well, I mean, or just, anything or taken any lessons or classes or... I go to the gym three times a week and I do upper body training. Okay. Can you throw a punch? I haven't gotten into an actual fight, but I know I'm a throw punch. Well, you got to lead off the back wheel. And then, you know, rotate. If it's a wheel, yeah, everybody knows if can you chase a chicken around that work is very important.
Starting point is 01:57:56 We can run people around. I could just run them over probably if I wanted to get them in the corner. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, you don't think he's got an advantage if he just hauls off. Yeah, I'm worried about. I'm a defense kicker. Yeah. How's your defense? How's your defense? What are you going to need to hand the chair? I can just put my arm up. I'll be all right. Can you work the chair with the boxing gloves? Yeah, yeah, as long as I have one hand on it, it should be okay. We're the glove on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:33 Yeah. He's like strong bad. How? He comes to the air. I'm tired of him ruining the podcast with the denerency. Oh, with his degeneracy. I, yeah, okay. Well, I'll, I'll tell him that you want to fist-fight him.
Starting point is 01:58:50 You got any other- I want him to hear this too. I'm challenging you, Diddy-Bro, to a boxing match at a live show, hopefully. I'll put it on YouTube then, just so he hears it. If you've got any other spicy things that you want him to hear now would be the time. This will be the clip that I He's got the he's got the talk down
Starting point is 01:59:17 Maybe the esterios mump it'll fight someone The muppet or Estarios? The Muppet. The Muppet. The Muppet. But the Muppet is just so creative. I love that. Someone actually put the time in.
Starting point is 01:59:35 I really can't believe it. It's pretty amazing. All right. All right, Mexican Buzz Lightyear. Get out of here. Good luck. Let me know what happens this year. See, I'm. I can't I'm gonna fight, did you, bro?
Starting point is 01:59:48 Yeah. Best fight, did you, bro? Because he's a, a ledger pedophile. I guess I'm alone and not thinking the guys are pedophile. Yeah, yeah, I don't know, you don't know. I mean, like I watch future, I don't know. You don't know. I mean, like I watch future, I don't know where it stays, where it, I don't really know how the thoughts
Starting point is 02:00:12 or whatever can stop at illustrations. Oh yeah, but you don't jerk off to cartoons. So what do you know? Yeah, I know, yeah, it's true. I mean, I don't know. I mean, I'll jerk off to it like a cat woman, but I don't know if a cat woman came to my house, I don't know. I mean, I'll jerk off to it like a cat woman, but I don't know if a cat woman came to my house, I don't know that I would be attracted to that.
Starting point is 02:00:29 Yeah. But the one-eyed bitch from Futurama, I'm like, mm, all right. She had a fantastic body, yeah. A great body. One-eyed woman in real life. Oh, God, I don't know if I could take, I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Put a bag on her head. Well, what if you thought she was an alien though? That was the thing they fucked up with Lila, because it turns out she was a new, I'm just a mutant. They fucked it up so bad. Yeah, that was dumb. Fucked it up so bad. That was dumb. Yeah. That was the beginning of the N.R.
Starting point is 02:00:56 Everybody, this has been the Dix show. We're going to listen to some voice mails and do Facebook news. Am I forgetting anything? Probably some presence, open some presence in a bit. This has been the Dix show, Dix show, Dix, slash the Dix show. See you next Tuesday. This is the Sanctions Battle Wrap by MCMC. Have you seen the new judge?
Starting point is 02:01:15 No, Sanctions? No, oh my God, okay. So this guy is, he's a millionaire real estate broker. Like he made a ton of money on real estate the judge the judge Yeah, and he's always he's like he's tried to do a he tried to be like a celebrity chef Like he opened a restaurant and got tried to entice these celebrities to it Yeah, and that fizzled out and then he ran for this judge ship But he put so much money into it that people are saying other judges were afraid to run against them. So there's a legend online that he bought this judship.
Starting point is 02:01:49 I don't like the sound of this. Well, he sounds like a real interesting character. No doubt. It's a very unique path to becoming a New York superior court judge. So I guess we'll see the case is getting wildly crazier by the day. Yeah. Every iteration of it is more insane than the last. And as soon as it starts to make sense, it starts over. Here you go. This is the Sanctions Battle rap by MCMC.
Starting point is 02:02:15 All right. This song's for my homeboys, I'm Stereo's co-conos and Jordan Greenburger. The two hardiest motherfuckers in the legal game right now. The burger and the coconut, what a combination. Alright Maddox, you've turned into a fucking joke, your whole life to become a joke, this law, so it was a fucking fast and a stereo's needs justice. And this is how I feel about that. The Greeks had enough of the cut fucking around with his life, he's getting down and hooking up with Green Berger, doing it right.
Starting point is 02:02:48 Cooking up a storm informant to the Lord with the truth. A stereo spud, nobody can fucking do this but you. With Green Berger, Mr. Jordan G. Surely, the most hard and G to work in the game of law, making we bow down to your feet. Landows defeated now. Onto Georgie, fall straight to his knees knees Can we all applaud the Lord Jordan GC? The God Burger Be the biggest boss in court Just like a boss in this beat, get your free con It's the sneaky Greek, cease fit to seek $290
Starting point is 02:03:16 Holla, his name and follow up slash a stereo It's not a joke though, Georgian needs the beg and borrow The Greeks Patreon inflates like George inflates bicycle tires And he cries and lies and implies Bags of sand and bags under his eyes Father Lord, suit the judge wrong most called frivolous Cost a man enough for a website
Starting point is 02:03:33 That's ridiculous Tommy, to turn some tables as evidence is evident To everyone that no one ever made less sense So I'm betting on a better parametri The cookin' up burger, I'll say it again The cookin' up burger, here's what we want in the end We wanna see your motherfucking boisterous cookin' up burger, I'll say it again The cookin' up burger, here's what we want in the end We wanna see your motherfucking boisterous cookin' up bouncing around with his refound riches Ain't in the town red, and if you feel me, nod your head, come on lemmings
Starting point is 02:03:55 Say what I said, I wanna see your boisterous cookin' up bouncing around with his refound riches Ain't in the town red, and if you feel me, nod your head, come on lemmings Say what I said, I wanna see a fucking boy stress Coconut bouncing around with his refound riches Pain in the town red and if you feel me Not your head come on, let me see Say what I said I wanna see a boy stress Coconut bouncing around with his refound riches
Starting point is 02:04:18 Pain in the town red and if you feel me Not your head come on, let me see Say what I said I wanna see a fucking boy stress Coconut bouncing around with his refound riches Pain in the town red and if you feel me, not your head, come on Lemmings, say what I said, I wanna see your fucking boisterous, cookin' up, bouncein' around with his refound riches, paintin' the town red, and if you feel me, not your head, come on Lemmings, say what I said, I wanna see your boisterous Cool. Very good. Thank you, MCMC. Let's see, Dan, I was going to read these comments. Dan, seven hours laughing my tits off at Quikki Kiki. Yesterday, I was talking with a friend about how there's this sick idea that comedy needs to be smart, to be good. Sure, dude. You're one hour deeply thoughtful show about how growing up with a lesbian mom Give you more perspective is totally gonna stick with me longer than this is a dead parrot
Starting point is 02:05:16 There's preaching the choir. I guess this is singing to the pastor. But whatever I'll take this masterfully stupid nonsense over Insightful debate any day of the week It's just about women and their balls, Sean. That's what that's there's one thing I want people to take away from this show, whatever long the run is. Is that women have a rough? Yep. And nowhere is that more evident than when they try to get their balls waxed. Trashmouth says, fun fact, I was playing Winners Drink with a buddy of mine. And the who would win in a fight card
Starting point is 02:05:51 turned into a friendly wrestling match. Like, yeah. Yeah. There's a card, I threw that card in there. Turned into a friendly wrestling match at a closed thrift store across from the bar. We had three squad cars pull up and question us into eternity.
Starting point is 02:06:07 Good game pal, 10 out of 10. It's great. That's just the kind of review I want. Reese Mars has choices in video games that are there to make them more engaging to women. My girlfriend and I used to fight over what was a better game, fall out three or bio-shock. I decided to give fall out a try with her.
Starting point is 02:06:28 She spent an hour customizing her character to make it look exactly like me. I'm gonna talk about that next week. Well, you've talked about that before. I'm gonna talk about it again. Okay. You know, the Irishman, I don't know if I told this story. 80s girl and I went up to my parents' house
Starting point is 02:06:44 where they've got, my parents had my old Nintendo Wii hooked up at a non-functional bidet. Yeah, non-functional bidet. So I was looking at all the Mies from way back when we lived together in our own room. Right, Jesus Christ. Our old roommate was on there. Yep.
Starting point is 02:07:04 And the little Irishman grabs it and he goes, I'm gonna make 80s grow. And he makes, yeah. He makes the the fattest, most black character that he could, like he just goes all the way, one way, all the way down. Yeah. I can't tall as tall as it gets.
Starting point is 02:07:22 Right. As fat as it gets. Totally for every choice. black, black, black. Total opposite. And then he stops when he gets to eyes and he looks at both of them. He looks at her and he goes, what color are your eyes?
Starting point is 02:07:36 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What a little fucker. I'm so funny. God that's funny. Green and he makes the eyes green. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good one and he makes the eyes green. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:46 That's a good one. Nailed it. Nailed it. You fucking nailed that joke, dude. Yeah. That took, that was a three-minute job. Yeah, he understands it. You really fucked there with that one.
Starting point is 02:07:58 What color your eyes? Oh. And then to go on and make the eyes that color on the screen to have to have that discipline at that young and age, he's going to be very good. One hell of an asshole. An asshole. Yeah. Really tremendous asshole.
Starting point is 02:08:16 Oh, man, you must have felt bad. Oh, yeah. Okay, here we go. Facebook news. Emily Vovon with the Facebook news. Oh my god, yeah. Okay, here we go. Facebook news. Emily Vavon with the Facebook news. All right. Hello, Dick and hello, Dickheads. This is the Facebook group news for the last three years.
Starting point is 02:08:33 Wow. A desperate dickhead. Kevin Mitchell has turned to the group for advice on work and shelter in LA. While his initial post was up, a reason for his leaving Texas became clear. He stands accused of touching his cousins inappropriately. The cousins blame him for these actions after he allegedly got them addicted to heroin. Once the comments were less sympathetic and more accusatory, he deleted his post and promised to livestream his trip to Greenland instead.
Starting point is 02:09:01 A new, polished plan, him out on all of this was made, and also And also be raided Kevin for fleeing from not only his problems, but leaving his children behind as well. Other dickheads made attempts to calm him down and remind him that if he were to go to Greenland, he'd be leaving his kids permanently. He claims to want to overcome this for their sake. Kevin has made his way to LA and within 20 minutes of being there, he found shit in the streets. He's currently looking for shelter situations and heading to Hollywood because he heard it wasn't as bad there. Dye!
Starting point is 02:09:31 Ah! Don't go there. Opposite. Opposite of Hollywood. I don't know, dead in three weeks. Yeah. You need to go to Lincoln, Nebraska. The opposite of Hollywood.
Starting point is 02:09:44 I think you've start apologizing now. Start now. Don't ever stop for the rest of your life with these crimes. Jesus Christ, you cannot hide from shit in Hollywood. Oh, yeah, yeah. Livestream. That's a lot of information in that first story. Oh, yeah, yeah, live stream. I dream suicide. That's a lot of information in that first story.
Starting point is 02:10:08 That's what happened on Facebook this week, Sean. No big deal. No big, I didn't get all the details. I wanna hear it again. Oh yeah, got your cousins. Touched your cousins. Right, touched your cousins. Also got them addicted to heroin.
Starting point is 02:10:22 Wow, you didn't get the heroin, got them addicted. Yeah, what are you there? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Make sure to take your heroin every day. Yeah. You got addicted, you got kids addicted to exercise and vitamins, not heroin. Well, good luck in Hollywood. There's a good taco place on Whitley, Whitley in Hollywood.
Starting point is 02:10:43 It is with a great taco place. South of sunset. No on Hollywood Boulevard. Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, great little talk cheap taco place. Yeah. All right. Well, you got that going for you.
Starting point is 02:10:57 There's a good hostel across from K and Lesbian Center. Blow up for you guys for some change to get tacos. Yeah. I mean, you know, what's kind of Hollywood? Flirting, new sharing and washing machines. Oh my, several videos have been posted to the group starring Dickhead Chase Thundercutt, aka Zach Tasty Jam. In these videos, he appears shirtless and is ranting about not being able to work a washing machine and calling
Starting point is 02:11:23 fellow Dickhead Rajveer, a dirty little cutter slut, and encouraging her to masturbate while she cuts herself. These videos were posted to one of the Dick Shows group chats after Raj's visit to Philly earlier this year. Originally, Chase and Raj had a long-term online flirtation going. The less things were broken off, Chase started to threaten to leak Raj's nudes and other personal info. And he became more vocal about doing so after they did not meet during her trip to the US. Once these videos were posted, Chase lashed out at anyone commenting or being tagged, threatening everyone with dirt and saying he would not hold back.
Starting point is 02:12:00 Scott the Milkman, accepting this challenge, started his delivery of bants. and it became too much for Chase and he has deleted his account that the videos and screenshots live on this has been the Dic show Facebook group news for the last couple days. A lot of events. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, she sent me the video. Do you want to see that? Yeah, so I do. Rajveer has some big old Keynes too, Sean. Really? Yeah, respectfully. I say that some big ole canes too, Sean. Really? Yeah. Respectfully.
Starting point is 02:12:27 I say that respectfully, but it's the truth. Okay. Let's see here. What do you think is the drunk level right now that we're working with? One beer, two beer, ten beers. Well, I don't know. I have to hear him talk a little bit. Okay.
Starting point is 02:12:40 He's got no shirt. He's laying down in a reclined waist, straddling like a Roman god. He could be a good six pack in. I could be a good six pack in, I think. Six pack of liquor. Yeah, here we go. I just noticed that the video was pretty bad. And the video and audio on the last video that I saw.
Starting point is 02:13:05 and audio on the last video that I sent. And it seemed like your opinion of such videos was that it was very autistic. I just wanted to remind you that like you're a really weird little cutter. Like you're weird little cutter slut. You love it. God, you probably like, oh, weird little cutter slut masturbate. Thinking love it. God, you probably like, oh, your little cutter slut masturbate,
Starting point is 02:13:26 thinking about it, weird little freak. Okay. Okay. Oh, see that again. Seemed like your opinion of such videos was that it was a very authentic. How much rage do you feel bubbling to the surface? Well, that's their considerable amount.
Starting point is 02:13:50 Yeah, yeah. It's sick. I just wanted to remind you that you're a really weird little cutter. You're a weird little cutter slut, and you love it. God, you probably, oh, weird little cutter slut, master bait, thinking about it, weird little freak. Oh, weird little cutter slut master bait thinking about it weird little freak Right he might not be that drunk no He's just in love. Yeah, man. That's what it looks like to be in love. All right, thank you Thanks. Thank you Emily. Let's do some voicemails. All right
Starting point is 02:14:19 Hi, big. This is Kusa and here's what makes me a rage My parents are out of the country for a while, so my father is asking to drive his car around so that everything stays good and lumber. So I like to drive it around for errands and that kind of thing. But I want to mend the parking lot and I can't remember the parking lot.
Starting point is 02:14:38 I passed the, you know, the fine bit in my car, boom. And so, you know, my car car which has like a healthy hunk this one lets up pizzias meet deep all of that it might kind of like a stereotypical heart car horn like even fucking roadrunner beat the people
Starting point is 02:14:56 people all but come on i'm trying to find a car that's like yeah i'm going to the woman's balls you know yeah i'm of a woman's balls you know it's just it's it's terrible when you know you just they're far away you do everything you can except remember where the fuck you part
Starting point is 02:15:15 where it is except attention and you got to make that little linked to yeah one lane over and i can just barely see. It's like an apology. Your car is apologizing for existing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:31 Nice. Oh, whoa, go. Huh. 80s girls cars like that. Huh. Oh yeah, just real quiet. Huh. Huh.
Starting point is 02:15:43 It's like you just, it's like listening to NPR or car. I wonder if his lights flash. That helps. Just a meek little. So, whoa, the back, but the bit that or whatever, you know, the my truck, man, if you are standing in front of my truck when I lock it and it goes, does the honk, you will be deaf.
Starting point is 02:16:01 Yeah. It blew out. It's a horn, right? I mean, it's the full horn. And the horn itself is massive. Oh yeah, yeah. It's a big blew. It's a horn, right? I mean, it's the full horn. And the horn itself is massive. Oh, yeah, yeah. It's a big truck.
Starting point is 02:16:09 It's a big truck. I was carrying some groceries. And I did the horn. I accidentally locked up, did the locking horn. And it blew all of my groceries out of my arms. Yeah. No, I think I'll go right back down to the store. That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:16:24 It's so loud. This poor guy, you gotta replace it. You gotta take it to the mechanic. I mean, this horn needs a sex change, man. I could have put a woman's horn in my car. My dad's car. Surprise your dad. Surprise your dad with a nice new horn.
Starting point is 02:16:38 That would be fun. Yeah. Just take it in, see if he notices. Take it to the mechanic, put a nice, put a big one in there, man. Big as it gets. You ever heard a car or a truck with a train horn on it? No.
Starting point is 02:16:52 Yeah. What do you mean? The horns like that they blow when they're crossing the railroad crossings, those are loud as fuck. I thought those were like, no shit. Whoa.
Starting point is 02:17:04 I don't know how they do. Yeah, there's a, yeah, I've heard people driving around. I saw one in a big old truck. I'd like to have a boat horn. Totally illegal. I'm sure. Well, you know, what's not these days? Fun.
Starting point is 02:17:18 You just don't apologize for it. Cops can't make an illegal horn. Yeah, sorry. I knew it was illegal. I did it anyway. Unless you started going, well, sir, what do you mean? A horn is already news legal i did it anyway unless you start on well sir or not a warning device or not a warning device and
Starting point is 02:17:31 not using it on your streets i have this horn uh... white women love mug so much my wife has like a million mugs and especially like during the holidays she somehow got a million more mugs and it just keeps multiplying every year we have so many she was like
Starting point is 02:17:54 oh we have so many mugs we need like some sort of china cabinet and you know new house you can display these after because you have enough room for them like we'll allow you to throw away some fucking mugs not like that one
Starting point is 02:18:07 he's like oh i can't throw that one away i got that one from my yeah white elephant christmas party though you know it has sentimental value i don't i don't understand these broads dick you just got to get real careless with the mugs
Starting point is 02:18:23 there you go whoops uh... shit that's the third mode mug i broke today You just got to get real careless with the mugs. There you go. Whoops! Oh shit, that's the third mug I broke today. Then it'll end up fucking crazy glued back together. And then it'll be like the only clean one and it'll leach out crazy glue into the coffee and it'll be like the bobbledook. You know, give you the shits on your way to work or something and the muggle to show up every day.
Starting point is 02:18:47 Yeah. I'll piece together. Yeah. I don't know why broads like mugs so much. It's probably because they're stupid. We're going to put a bow on that. Nice and neat. I don't know. They like, they women really like multiple versions of the thing that they have, things
Starting point is 02:19:13 that they have to do to stay alive. Every day, they like many different soaps. They like many, they, I mean, they probably have designer toothbrush packets so they can pick the, they like many different mugs. Mugs are, they like many different shoes. Too many of them, it sucks because the handles get in the way of each other. So you can't stack a cabinet.
Starting point is 02:19:31 Yeah. What you need is one handle and it just attaches to the mug with magnets. That's a good idea. See, women like, women like spend, it's hard work to make choices in life. That's the difference between, that's your life is determined by the
Starting point is 02:19:46 choices you make every day. You make bad ones and you make good ones. And that's up to you as a man to try to make all the good ones and not get your Patreon account canceled like Sargon. Women like to exhaust all of their decision-making powers before they leave the house in the morning. So they have a hundred pairs of shoes and 50 mugs and a bunch of fucking makeup that they can take, a bunch of colors that can put all over the face. So by the time they walk out the front door in the morning, they're done making decisions. And everything else that happens to them in the day is done to them and not a choice of theirs. That is the lesson.
Starting point is 02:20:27 That's why they have so many mugs. I could do my hair like this. I could do my hair like this. I could do my hair up. I could curl it. I could straighten it. I could flatten it. I could do my eyelashes like this.
Starting point is 02:20:37 It's like bubble gum. Oh, pervert. Yeah. That's what they do. So then when they walk out, oh, I've just made too many choices today. I can't possibly. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:51 Yeah, I mean, you wear how fast you were going, oh, I can't possibly be. I've already, I've exhausted myself. So tired, so tired. I let the car make the choice. Oh, the car's chose to go too fast. I'm done. Look at me, look at me, I took an hour.
Starting point is 02:21:04 Yeah. Looking like this and I at me. It took an hour. Looking like this and I had to pick which mug I liked. And which purse, all these choices. Hey, Deck, it's Teddy Bear Steera. You know, it makes me a fucking rage. The people who go through my garbage cans trying to find what I assume are pop and beer cans that they can turn them in for fun.
Starting point is 02:21:24 I'm trying to get by. I'm 10 and beer can't let they can turn them in for so i'm getting by and send some recycling centers it doesn't be off just in general and just a stay the fuck away from my house since follow really kisses me off is that they flip the lid off and just leave them like if you're gonna go through my fucking garbage can you at least do the courtesy of closing the fucking lid when you're done for that leave it like you found it pizza and beer and shit doesn't get locked with the air around my house that the birds aren't tempted to jump into my fucking garbage
Starting point is 02:21:55 and just I'm a homeless people probably I mean more homeless people because they love that smell they love the stench of decay. That's the rub about the homeless, really, when you think about it. We've got all of this open houses, like all this space that's just not being used. Hotels with rooms that are empty, houses totally apartment-empty. And as human beings, we could just say,
Starting point is 02:22:23 why don't you just, why don't you post up in this empty room? Take a shower. Here's a bar of soap, but just go, but they'll destroy it. Yeah, yeah, because they're assholes. Yeah, but by the same token, you can't just run them over with your car because that's illegal.
Starting point is 02:22:42 It's this weird dichotomy. Weird, yeah. When, you know, yeah, I know it's like it's such a puzzling. Some would probably treat it okay, but you don't. No, you don't. You can't ask them. No. I'm gonna let you go in the garbage and get some food for yourself. Are you gonna close the lid? Yeah. No. Yet there's one answer. This is a life. Prisoners dilemma. Every day. It was like, you're gonna rad on this guy? Because if you don't, he might rad on you.
Starting point is 02:23:20 I got a fucking rad on him then. Got no choice. Got to make the smart move. What were you gonna say? I was gonna say, it reminds me of that you were saying you were standing in a McDonald's line in one time and there was a homeless guy who was up there like getting kind of belligerent because they wouldn't let him use the bathroom.
Starting point is 02:23:35 Yeah, he was a Popeye's chicken. Or whatever. And you're like, okay. And Hollywood. Yeah. And you're like, well, I mean, he's not gonna, you're not gonna mess anything up in there. And he goes,
Starting point is 02:23:44 man, fuck this shit or something like that. Right? You are going to mess it up. So I tried to just take, yeah, I tried to go, I went to bat for you for a little, it's like, what? You just want to use a bath? I was ordering food from Popeyes. And the manager was out there and this homeless guy came up and said, Hey, can I use the bathroom? He goes, no, customers only. I said, well, I'm a customer. I could pretend like, can I use the bathroom? He goes, no, a customer's only. I said, well, I'm a customer.
Starting point is 02:24:05 I could pretend like I need to use the bathroom and then I'll give him the token. You put a token in the end of the open. And I said, well, you're not gonna mess, you're not gonna do anything stupid in the bathroom. I'm like, man, fuck this shit. Okay, well, go piss on the street then, Moron. Yeah, just keep it together for a minute.
Starting point is 02:24:24 Just apologize. Yeah, just keep it together for a minute. Just apologize. Yeah. You got a two. Dick, what makes me a rage from Eugene, Oregon is the first openly bisexual woman guy elected in the something today, probably Congresswoman. I don't know. That didn't pay too much attention. What annoyed me was that phrase. That phrase openly bisexual. Think about that for a fucking second. I love it. It's like, you know, I've wanted to be myself by a whole life that I couldn't be because it meant like you. But now I'm finally, I'm a podgetically awkwardly,
Starting point is 02:24:59 like, you know, who cares? We have a fat child. First of all. I'm surprised in you. No, no. Probably anybody in your life, maybe your parents. But nobody else probably in your life has ever said, you can't be opening by sexual.
Starting point is 02:25:12 You would hide that shit. You could hide it down. Well, you know what? You men, you men. I'm not gonna hide it anywhere. Like, it's so fucking neurotic and it's like, it's putting all the problems on you. It's basically, it's like every single border's been all the problems on your face and it's like it
Starting point is 02:25:25 everything but more like you've ever fucking dated it's a fucking frustrating like a venn diagram but it's not i don't know i don't like being flamed and sort of weird like a pressure but you got a fucking hide that shit around the house i don't think anybody really gives a shit at all
Starting point is 02:25:44 so why is this fucking news worry? Well, you see Andrew, see, you're an oppressor and you don't even know it. That's your real problem. That's your real women's balls. Have you waxed? Probably none. Yeah. Typical oppressor. How many people have you given instructions on how to use a tampon to openly bisexual woman? Okay, yeah Good for you The first woman who really loves dogs was elected to Congress
Starting point is 02:26:18 They're gonna run out of things to first at some point. Yeah, could be right? Well first openly by, I've never, I've never heard a campaign against bisexual women. Long as I've been alive, never read about it. Any of the books? Yeah, specifically that. I've read a lot of hate literature, never read one piece against bisexual women.
Starting point is 02:26:39 Right. I defy anyone to find me one shred of evidence of any kind of persecution against bisexual women because I don't. Systematically. Yeah. Yeah. I think you will find it's very much been the reverse,
Starting point is 02:26:52 Madam. That's just me though. Gay men, tons of it. Sure. Tons of it. Gay women less so, a lot of it. Yes. Bisexual women, not a shred highly doubt it
Starting point is 02:27:07 highly doubt it I think you're right I think I pretty fucking sure I am one more yeah I like stoner mag so you i've talked a lot about all the bullshit on online day whatever bisexual got a lot of the over a year ago given my number cool like three
Starting point is 02:27:35 four minutes into just a few like normal conversation all the sudden it's like boom send it sending me new let's be as fast a girl that easy like boom, sending me new. And I'm just going to be honest. A girl that easy, who just like, I'm just like, really turned off by what there's no fun in that for me. It's like, oh, I wonder how many other people have seen
Starting point is 02:27:57 this picture of your pussy? Probably quite a lot, but the fun thing is i now i thought responding and all of a year later i did growl film and me dirty photos i've never even responded and i still get dirty photos and that's the most recent when i got was a happy new year's after all or ball's
Starting point is 02:28:21 uh... Are her balls wax? A pussy picture Like in the first three minutes. I mean at all. Yeah, is anyone ever asked for that? Just specifically that no shot of you snatch like no topless, you know, yeah I don't want see, am I crazy thinking that? Not like, I mean, I'm not a gynecologist right away. Yeah, yeah, I don't want, we're not, we didn't evolve to wanna see that because my dick is in it, right?
Starting point is 02:29:00 Like that's not an erotic visual because the visual is what I'm looking at here. Who's doing this? Who's got a close-up of the snatch, that makes no sense. This is lesbians. What are they even doing? Right, lesbians are like aliens that come to the earth
Starting point is 02:29:21 in 5,000 years trying to piece together what was happening in this civilization, based on found Coke cans and horse buggy whips. Here you go, here's a picture of my snatch, that's dating, right? No. You got me. You got me.
Starting point is 02:29:35 All right, everybody. See you next Tuesday. See you later.

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