The Dick Show - Episode 139 - Dick on Cheating Yourself

Episode Date: January 29, 2019

"Gay Ops", the real, ultimate power of yes/no questions, the magic of Jesse Lee Peterson, to cheat or not to cheat, Mental Jess violates her restraining order, Mike Gamms: "leftist thug" and Maddox's friend freaks out over the Vice article, the virgin lie challenge, the MLK of sh*tlords, Null from KiwiFarms gets stalked, and calling places to see if they're open; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm sure it's turned off. What's that? The air. Is it thin? Oh, is it too loud? What? What? No, that's great.
Starting point is 00:00:11 No, that's great. The central air. Oh, okay. Problem. Use NEST. Yeah. It's off already. Oh, NEST is like an app.
Starting point is 00:00:19 You can control the... Yeah, but it's... It caters to women. Yeah. You never... It doesn't go below like 75. Yeah, and it's always bumping you back up. It's always bumping you back up. Never have I had to say, why? Because it's it's supposed to be efficient or I mean, or or say it's gonna be smart. So it learns your habits, but
Starting point is 00:00:37 your habits are an amalgamation between, you know, yes, the eternal conflict of the hot and the cold. So I'm always having to bump never have I once had to turn it the other way. Yeah. Well, it's like Netflix, Netflix suggestions. Yeah. You know, you're, you're, you're just a cold. I'm not. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody in a relationship's Netflix thinks that the guy is gay. Yeah. Right. And dumb. Okay. Yeah, right and dumb Let's start the show Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:01:33 Ha ha ha, welcome to dick You want to get you to get you got it? It's the show where everything's a contest coming to you live from Mount Bunker deep in the heart of the city I'm your host dick mash an a.kA. The 20 million dollar man recently voted America's best Mexican. I've come to find out it's 20 weeks running. Yeah. Randy corrected me. I knew it was more. I knew it was 13 weeks for seven weeks. Yeah, you're like a woman having their 29th birthday.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Yeah, I've been the America's best Mexican 20 weeks running with me. He's always shown the audio engineer. Hello, Dick. Hey, what's up, buddy? Joining us today and bringing in the first, the first the audio engineer. Hello dick. Hey, what's up buddy, joining us today, joining us today and bringing in the first, the first new dick had ever into the studio. Yeah, my life coach.
Starting point is 00:02:12 What's up dude? It's his beautiful son. Yeah, beautiful son. Came in, tearing stuff down already. Tearing apart the heater over there, sucking on a pacifier. My mom would lose her shit if she saw your son sucking a pacifier, by the way. Really? Yeah, because you know my mom's a speech pathologist, and she thinks that giving your kid a pacifier
Starting point is 00:02:32 will make them gay. You see what I did there? That was great. That was great. That was very good. That was very good. And I knew I would say that before I even started, no, because she thinks she messes with their speech.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Well, I have thrown out a couple pacifiers. Some of them look really like penises. He's not allowed to use those. Not allowed to use those. No, no. I get the weird shape ones. Oh yeah. She would lose her mind, but what a beautiful,
Starting point is 00:02:56 what a beautiful young man. Yeah, we're gonna get out on camera later. Oh, we are? Yeah. Oh, fantastic. You'll have to sign a release, of course. Yeah. Even at that age. Even at that age. Especially at that age. Yeah, oh fantastic. You'll have to sign a release of course
Starting point is 00:03:11 Especially at that age even at no even at that age with the pacifier thing. Oh, yeah, wow Yeah, she's thumbs to yeah a little when the new boys would suck their thumbs She would fly out of nowhere and dive at them like Vega and she just fight her two turbos Smack it out of there. Get him young enough that you can just snip him right off You know like thumbs off. Yeah, yeah. It's like it's like, it's like do clause on a dog. She's like, plus or minuses, they can't grip things, but you know, their speech will be perfect.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yeah. And that's really more important in that this day and age, I think. She hit, she hit speech stuff with me so hard that I was, I've still terrified of getting nodules on my vocal cords. Really? That's all she cared about growing up. Just whaling too much or something. Yeah, not how to find a good woman,
Starting point is 00:03:53 not clean your room, wash your penis, any of these life tips. I was like, look, if you abuse your voice, you are gonna get nodules on it. You'll never get a girl. You'll never get a girl. No. Yeah. That seems like a pretty odd fear You'll never get a girl. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:05 That seems like a pretty odd fear to instill in a kid. I know. Doesn't it? Like, that's, I have never been told that. Like, I know that people get them, the singers get them, all that kind of stuff. Yeah. But, I mean, never once have I thought I was in danger
Starting point is 00:04:19 of getting nodules on my vocal. No, she'd tell me horror stories of it. Yeah. All the times, like, I've seen nodules, you wouldn't believe. Like a golf ball in your throat. Guy came in, we had to cut out a nodule, turns out that the guy was the thing we cut off. It was so big. All right, mom.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Wow. She's like Rodney Dangerfield. Yeah. The nodule made a gay too, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, we've got big breaking, breaking goss news. Really? Yeah, I think that I am, I am 100% sure as imbued as I am with the legal authority of
Starting point is 00:04:49 being on the internet, I am 100% sure that Jessica Irene Blum has just violated her restraining order. Oh, really? Yeah, I don't know how to see it any other way. Okay. This was sent to me. So we got the middle name. Well, yeah, that's what makes you a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah, that's why I have no middle name for that. It's just McMaster's in. Yeah, if I kill, if I assassinate anybody, it's like, well, I mean, he's clearly didn't do it. It doesn't have a middle name. Yeah. I mean, he's Jesse Lee Peterson. He's suspect.
Starting point is 00:05:17 He isn't assassin. Highly suspect. He assassinates the children of the lie. He is. Asians of the devil. I can't stop watching his videos. I can't stop watching his videos. I can't stop thinking like him. Jesse Lee Peterson, the guy who,
Starting point is 00:05:31 this man makes a career of dismantling and eating ultra progressive intellectuals. We all hate him. Oh, he's, Sean, we've consumed, 80s girl and I consumed his entire catalog in one day like we're driving around we won't even turn it off when we have sex I'm fucking her going amazing like amazing amazing I gotta check this out so do you care about the effects of illegal immigration on black people? Yes or no?
Starting point is 00:06:05 Amazing. That's my foreplay. That's my that's my dirty talk now. Do you hate black conservatives? Yes or no? Amazing. Amazing. I've been so infected by Jesse Lee Petersen. I'm more intrigued that I was watching the little Irishman play Super Mario Deluxe and And he totally just bones the last moment and falls into a pit. And it's dead silence go amazing. But he's doing it all the time. So many settings. It's the Sean. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:37 It's amazing. He's discovered. He's one male house or when at which nobody outside of Sun California, he's close. That's close. That's amazing. Imagine if you'll house your whizz. Cameron, come over here. Oh, that's, that's a, what do you say, that's amazing?
Starting point is 00:06:50 He'll house your whizz. That's amazing. Okay, imagine if you'll house your camera and get a shot of this. See, you know. Yeah, of course. He's produced some of the greatest TV that there is. California's gold. Our family has personal beef with that guy.
Starting point is 00:07:05 No way. Yeah. Well, he's dead, so you want. Yeah. Oh, sweet. What was the beef? Uh, oh, it's a long story. We got a lot.
Starting point is 00:07:13 We got a lot. Well, he was, he was supposed to do a show on my grandparents' house that was a historical monument and, uh, and he dicked, uh, uh, uh, he, he pulled out. He pulled out. a he pulled out a last ram of the show of the show. Yeah. Oh. So you guys didn't you were looking for a lottery ticket. Exactly. Be for fuel. Yeah. Well, he's dead really. Yeah. Yeah. He died like five probably eight nine years ago. For his time, he was taken from us.
Starting point is 00:07:44 God probably a cancer from what he did to my family. Oh, Jesus. Imagine if you all house there, became the greatest political debater of our time. Of our time. Yeah, possibly of all time. Yeah. He is invented one phrase that systematically destroys
Starting point is 00:08:02 every progressive, this is Jesse Lee Peterson destroys every ultra progressive intellectual he has ever spoken with. It is unbelievable and I've been doing it on Twitter all day to these guys and they self-destruct. You only have to repeat the phrase and say it again and never deviate from saying the phrase and they will destroy themselves. Like they expose themselves for these raving fucking lunatics. It's a mo, and the phrase is, do you care about the negative effects of illegal immigration on black people? Yes or no?
Starting point is 00:08:39 You just say that over and over and over and over and if they don't say yes or no, you just keep saying it and they will unwind. It's so fucking funny. They answer get longer and more And you get dumber and dumber go like Oh What I said is well, I have to I really have to I'm all about reframing the argument and really would to convince what you define words Asin I mean, I can't say yes. No, it's like I mean have you stopped beating your wife like you have to understand This is logical fouls in was to judge, it was just like, nobody just,
Starting point is 00:09:06 nobody just actually thinks about the question, gives like an answer. And then just care about the negative effects of illegal immigrants. Well, you gotta be able to get me, yes or no, it's like they just start losing their fucking mind. Everybody's an auctioneer of bile. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Yeah. And this man, Jesse Lee Peterson, has done this, which is why I want to be him when I grow up. It's fantastic. Everything about him. He does have a mentor program. I need to be in his mentor program. I want to get him in here.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I heard he lives in LA too. Oh, I didn't know that. You know, it's, we all hate intellectuals, right? At this point, pretty obnoxious. We've seen where intellectual thinking gets you. Well, in half a billion dollar lawsuit, everyone making fun of you, and we've seen where not being an intellectual.
Starting point is 00:09:50 We've seen where yes and no gets here. We've seen where Alfa goes and beta goes. Yeah. Well, the problem with a lot of intellectuals is that they're the ones who describe themselves that way, which is extra annoying. Yeah, that's true. Okay, so vice, and then I'll get to what makes me rage.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And it's what makes me rage this week is calling places to see if they're open, and then they pick up and you're like, what do I do now? Yeah. I say, sorry, oh, sorry, the other wrong number. That's what you do? Yeah. Except see, here's the problem with that. You don't know if they are open and just staffed.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Hey, if that guy get him on the mic, if he's gonna talk, he needs a mic, that's the rule. I don't care, I don't care if he makes noise at all, I love it. Bring him over here, we can go over here. Do you want to get him on camera? Yeah, but I'll pass him the one you just first act to get him on camera. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:10:40 If he keeps making noise, then we'll... Sean, give him like a blessing of a handsome man. Oh, yeah, yeah. Give him a handsome man blessing, because that's the only way to get through life is be a handsome man like you. Otherwise, look at me. I gotta, I have this dickhead with dickhead on it. Well, here, buddies. What are we gonna call you? Little buddy?
Starting point is 00:10:55 Is that his little coach? Little coach. Little coach. Little coach. Here, let's get a, get a blessing from Sean over here. Get a blessing from Sean, little coach. Sean, be careful. Treat it like a guitar.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Well, I'd like a, like I'd like a Martin D28. Look at him. He's laughing up his storm. I think he's, I felt him tense up. He's like, I gotta go back to some guy. My man, yes or no, do you care about the negative effects of illegal immigration on black people? Don't look at your dad.
Starting point is 00:11:20 He's not gonna help you out of this. It's me and you. That's a very complicated question. I know, mono, mono, mono. Really, it's an intellectual foul, he's not going to help you out of this. It's me and you. That's a very complicated question. I know, mono. Mono, mono, mono. Really, it's an intellectual foul, it's a name. How do you feel about Kiwi Chris, my friend? Do you want to come back?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Do you think he should pursue his cousin after all? Do you like Lacey's laugh? There you go. We're going to ask you in the hard questions. The world is distracted by all the stuff that baby being cute. Yeah, he'll absolutely be. He's wider than you. Say something, buddy. He has a new baby smell. Yeah, he'll absolutely be. He's wider than you.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Say something, buddy. He has a new baby smell. Does he? Yeah. You know, they're gonna start putting that in cars, I think. You know what's funny? In order to attract a female consumer. Is it because they, is it because they,
Starting point is 00:11:56 everybody uses like similar products or do babies just like, it's because they're flesh is new. Because the marklers are coming out of them. I totally forgot. I was like, oh yeah, that's like babies smell like this. I know it's a weird thing to say, but. That's the scent of life. Yeah, it's like bram, it's sick.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Bram is sick. Yeah, that's exactly, they're in the us-ending phase of life. When you go, like, when everyone visits their dad for the first time in a long time, you're like, oh, Jesus. What is that smell of death that you have upon you? How does mom live with you? No, the shirts, these sheets in your bed, they wreak of it.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Do you get to like middle age? You just start. You just start rotting from the inside. You do. All right, I can't pay attention. I can't be as hateful as I need to be in stereotypical. I'm trying to get a ride. All right, we'll get out of here.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Get him out of here. You're not gonna say anything about it. Get him out of here. Don't be a Hollywood parent, coach. All right, we'll get out of here. Get him out of here. You're not gonna say anything about it here. Don't be a Hollywood parent, coach. Make your child perform. Yeah. Okay, what was I talking about? All right, yeah, he is, that's true.
Starting point is 00:12:57 You can't be, you can't have the proper rage. I can't think straight. Oh man, what am I doing? Let's honey, let's go. Let's go knock up, let's go. Let's go knock up. Let's go make one of these. What was I talking about? Calling places.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Oh, yeah, to see if they pick up. And then you know that they're there, but you don't know that they're open. Yeah. So then what do you say? Hey, are you open? Yeah. And he's like, I answer the phone.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Answer the, yeah, I answer the phone. Like, so you have to go through the whole thing. Well, I know that, but you could just be in there setting up or closing down. Actually, you know what I do is I say, when do you close? Yeah. Okay. And then they have to tell you, well, we're not even open today.
Starting point is 00:13:38 That's the answer to that. That's a good one. That makes me a rage. Okay. Vice. Vice wrote about the lawsuit. Heard about that. You've heard about that. Yeah, I heard it was totally inaccurate or not totally inacurate. Not totally.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Statistically accurate. Was it? Well, they only messed up, they only messed up the name of the old show and my book. For some reason, everybody calls my book, Why Men Are Better Than Women. Oh. Missing the, the very crucial statement part. Yes. Missing the reasons. It is the statement. It is assumed. The presumption is that they are. That's what makes it a joke you fucking point dexter. You intellectual. You intellectual.
Starting point is 00:14:13 It's not a, we don't explain ourselves. Mentor, but I'm a woman. No, but it wasn't a question. It wasn't a question. He writes this. I'm sorry. I was on, I think you're under the mistake in impression that I was asking permission.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Yeah. He writes this vice article. It's great. And it's the most nicest article that I think has ever been written about me. Oh, really? They don't use my real name, which is a sign of leaving you alone.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah. Any other time they're like, Dick Mashson, aka real name, real name, or all right, well, you don't like me. And then they mentioned how I was responsible for getting the Mr. Burgers, the guy who actually did the racist rape threats. Yeah. To sign a confession. Oh, yeah. They mentioned that in the article, which is true, and it's nice. But it doesn't matter because the focus is on hysterios and how he got totally fucked over and all the sanctions and all this other nonsense.
Starting point is 00:15:07 So what's good? It was great and I started promoting it immediately because I can't, I can't, I can't, you know, he doesn't want, he doesn't want necessarily to draw more attention to this nonsense than already has and especially if he's looking for a job but I started promoting it big time, right? Buying, buying targeted ads for people
Starting point is 00:15:27 who've liked Maddox on Facebook, these types of normal things. The things that you do when you hate someone. Yeah, yeah. And I encountered for the first time something that they call, this is not my term. I didn't come up with this term, but this is what they call it, gay ops.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Gay ops. I've never heard of that. Never heard of this, right? No. But it's, this is a real thing, and I'll describe to you what it is. And it's the first time that I've seen it happen in real time.
Starting point is 00:15:59 As soon as the vice article came out, all these little cronies whom I know from the old show, Mike Gams, a bunch of weirdos that I know is like Maddox ass suckers. They're always kind of circling around, the big turd waiting for little turds to fall off so they can feast upon them. Start going into this like NPC breakdown of why I'm a racist like pulling up all these quotes out of context like I've been on Milo, I've been on Gavin and I'm a proud boy. I got this.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Got us team of jackasses. And that's what's called gay ups. You have a team of jackasses working with you behind the scene and coordinating, coordinating this anti-information campaign. Does it only apply to men? Why is it called gay off? Well, not gay, not even. Did you invent this term?
Starting point is 00:16:51 No, no, no, no. I just, I've heard about it for so long. Okay. And this is the first time that I've found myself on the butt end of a gay op. So that's why I want to, very nice. Now it's spreading, right? Yeah, very nice.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Yeah, yes, yes, thank you. Oh, yeah. It's, I think it's predominantly men because why would women waste their time doing this shit? Yeah. This seems to be like a male hobby, male dominated hobby, but they conspire together and then you can see them start poking their heads out and seeking to discredit narratives and stories like,
Starting point is 00:17:22 and it really, it really pissed me off because all that's happening is a stereosis getting a story out. A guy who's legitimately been fucked over is getting a story out. But then you've got these scumbags, Mike Gams is a big one. You've got who calls himself a leftist thug, right?
Starting point is 00:17:42 And he has a Patreon for helping his resistance as a man in the trenches. Yeah. As he calls himself, that's up to, that's up to $19 a month. This guy, who held my cue cards at the YouTube live show, right? This is this guy, this is this man's status in life. And he was like, he was like an eager puppy. He was like a girl who'd been to the city in the, for the first time, a country girl who'd been to the city in the first time, a country girl who'd been to the city the first time in her life at the YouTube live show. We were so excited to see the production and the camera
Starting point is 00:18:11 and he's like, oh, Dick, anything I could do for you, anything I could do, just, I mean, no, he's there. Like, he's there writing this cue card out. Is that big enough for you? Is that big enough for you? Can you be able to read that? And I said, you know what, you've been a very good boy. We'll get your name in the credits.
Starting point is 00:18:25 You know, you understand how Hollywood works. You're a, you're a, you have, people, you have nothing to offer. So you circle around. Yeah, sure. People like me who do have things and you try to use scoundrel, scavenge and try to eat some of the crumbs, right?
Starting point is 00:18:42 That fall off of my growing, my rapidly growing, I'm trying to think of a word for influence that is also fat, but anyway. Rich man's body. Yes, yes, yes. I'm being, I'm joking, of course, everyone. It's just, but he's just a little, he's a little, There's nothing good about being fat.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Well, ass sucker. That's the joke. He's a little as sucker. You know, to see him go out and start immediately discrediting. So it's like, what the, what the hell is this shit? Then I see another one pop up. And they gradually get through to the, this guy's boss, the editor, oh, we'll add a, oh, yeah, the editor of whoever's in charge of the story is like, oh, we'll add a correction., what the hell is, what the fuck is going on? Did they ever add anything? I'm seeing in real time,
Starting point is 00:19:26 you two are the parents television counsel in real time doing this shit. Yeah. What are you in a correction? Don't they, when they want to verify that? I mean, who knows? Yeah. Who the fuck knows?
Starting point is 00:19:38 Well, like, they seem to get the facts right thus far. Yes, they did. People, they didn't, they didn't virtue signal enough in the in the article yeah and i'll know and they're worried that here's the thing everybody's worried that online one person stands for a thousand and i know always on the brink of a p.r. crisis right now it's not true
Starting point is 00:19:56 not true it's not true it's never coming everybody everybody is reasonable everybody most people are remarkably reasonable and aren't frothing at the mouth Over this political division bullshit like that is all fantasy. It's not true But to see it happen in real time these gay ops the gay ops are what may to see these men Dedicating their lives to this Chicanery and horse shit for no fucking reason Revolting oh, it's 20 bucks a month. It's 20 bucks a month. I mean, hey, I mean, nice, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:29 a little start building a nest egg. I mean, you know, they got that one. He got, he got, he got, he did go fun me. Mike, this guy, Mike Gams, did it go fun me for a friend of his, oh, probably not a friend. No, it's probably another name. Probably from him. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Who got shot by some cops? And they got, the cops got off and they were found not guilty. So I was going to send the cops some stakes. Currency, right? Currency of my gams. I mean, that's, is that a gay op? It's very funny. It's a gay op.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It's very funny. Yeah. Send them some nice takes, looks off. Seriously, thanks for keeping, thanks for keeping the piece a wink wink. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Keep it fair. Keep it fair, keep it fair, go, keep it fair, sir, keep it fair, go.
Starting point is 00:21:07 When I saw that little thread of his, I was laughing at it. And then when I saw the people actually responding, I was like, why didn't you just say that God that has nothing to do with the article where the article is served as purpose, I mean, the article is the article. What the fuck is it,
Starting point is 00:21:22 so do you have anything to do with it? My first question is what do they have to gain by by By eating Maddox's shit crumbs or you know what I mean like what are these what are these gay ops people have to gain well You know what can George Provide them. What can he do for them? I think they just need friends. Yeah, I honestly think because one of them One of them this guy. I forget what his name was And I probably don't want to say his name, but there was two of them heckle and heckle and jackal tweedle Tweedle D and tweedle cuck that sprung out of the
Starting point is 00:21:52 Sprung out of the woodwork to start running these gay ops. Yeah, I don't understand gay ops Still well, it's operation. Don't overthink it. I know that's the notes. I like your you're debating Jesse Lee by John do you about, do you care about the negative effects illegal immigration on black people? That's amazing. Yes, it's not. I'm just gonna keep saying,
Starting point is 00:22:12 that's amazing. What about the fuel house or though? What if I say, move? Okay, that's good. Okay, I'll take that. I have to take that. I care about it for the record, yes. I, yes, the answer is yes.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Yeah, the answer is, the answer is obviously yes. Do you care about negative things happening the record. Yes. Yes. The answer is yes. Yeah. The answer is obviously. Yes. Do you care about negative things happening to people? Yes. Yes. Do you love black conservatives? Yes. Well, no, the thing is. Yeah. I hate conservatives. I hate conservatives, but it has nothing to do with it. Do you hate black conservatives? It's funny. It's so funny. He figured them out. He figured out the children of the lie, Sean. Well, yeah, because they come to a crossroads.
Starting point is 00:22:55 They just, they're worried someone else. I can talk about him for hours, Jesse Lee Pater, sir. They're worried someone else is gonna do to them what they do with other people. I was reading that again, not to give that tweet do with other people. Like, I was reading that again, not to give that tweet storm too much play, but as I was reading it, I was thinking imagining you and your body of work
Starting point is 00:23:13 and the stuff that he picked out around the fringes to paint a picture is fascinating. You mean my gams? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I'm gonna talk about it more because I certainly got to the restraining order part. Oh, that's just how I had it. I'm just saying,
Starting point is 00:23:24 that the, that's an art form of form of this sick art form of finding. Yeah, sick art form. You know, when you're out there, how many hours, hundreds and thousands of hours you have recorded of you? He's my biggest fan. Yeah, how did he even, I don't even know how he did it. And to parse through all that to more than cherry pick
Starting point is 00:23:42 certain things, you know, to, yeah. Oh, fuck what was I gonna say? Oh yeah. So as you said, why would they do this? I think they just want friends because one of the guys, I'm a pretty good, I'm a gay opera myself. Yeah. I would like to say, I like doing gay research. I'm good at it.
Starting point is 00:24:02 There's a slight difference between top autists and the gay operas is what I'm finding. The top autists that work to uncover facts and truth, truth, and then the gay operas that wish to conceal it. That's the game, that's the arms race, and it sounds stupid to talk about, but as the necessities in life are solved, this is our cultural battleground. The gay opera is versus the top autists.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And it's going to be more, you know, these ones that we're talking about, these are going to, this game of gay opera is going to evolve over time. This is fifth dimensional warfare. You understand what I'm saying? We don't need guns anymore. Computers can run those and police the Islamic world. But we, the first world civilization will be consumed with our gay operies,
Starting point is 00:24:49 which is why I've taken an interest in it. One of the guys, I did a bit of research on him, and I found him on Facebook. Maybe I should just pull up the post, but it was one of those Facebook questions where you get prompted for a question, and then you answer it, and it goes on your Facebook timeline. You know, have you ever seen those?
Starting point is 00:25:08 No. Like, it's like an app and it's like, what's your favorite animal? And he's like, oh, I'm a camel. I'm like, what, what are you? It's been a minute since I've been on Facebook. Same. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:18 His, the question that he answered and posted to his timeline was, who's your favorite author? And his answer was, JK Rowling? Maddox, and then in parentheses, and then in parentheses, plus he's a really awesome friend. He's a really awesome friend. And then it was four likes, and one of them was Maddox.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And I thought, this is so pathetic that I need to have a sex change. This is, I'm feeling too much emotion for this man. I'm feeling too much compassion. I must be a woman. That is fucking sad. It is guys who are, there's something wrong with them. Make no mistake.
Starting point is 00:26:03 They are evil and angry. But this is the hive of, this is the friends that they have that they need to defend so hard to run their gay ops, their gay operations. No offense, by the way. We obviously were meaning gay in the sense of it. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Well, there is something wrong with this. We're uncoupling gay. We're in a decade's long process to uncouple gay from the homosexual and couple it to a different archetype, a different young, a one of weakness. Yeah, that's we're all doing it. We're all doing it.
Starting point is 00:26:37 We know this, we know this, we know that we're doing it. It's fine. Okay, so this is what Mike Gams posts this morning. Sean, you're in this too, you're named in this, so. Really? Yeah, I get ready to be pissed off. This is what he has on Facebook right now. Hey, I'm an LA based comedian.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Oh yeah, I'm putting it up on the video for everybody. Yeah. You see Mike Gams warning, warning. This one is very hard to watch. This may be one of the absolute worst most racist bigoted takes. I have ever seen about my friend and indigenous elder uncle Nathan Phillips. I believe he's an uncle about as much as I believe he is a Vietnam veteran and his encounter in his encounter with the Covington Maga teens. I have breast cancer now.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Los Angeles based comedians. comedians. God comedian. How much credit he gives me. Los Angeles based comedians. I bet I could get him to write a Q card for me. Hahaha. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah, Mike Gams, I'll give you a thousand, I'll donate a thousand bucks to whatever SJW charity you want. If you come in and hold Q cards for Sean, how about that, whatever you want, whatever you. Hahaha. How's that for a smirk, Sean? Hahaha. Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh Hiya! All right. I'm more Indian than any of these guys. Like, if I've seen a picture of who, so I'm tall and my dad's tall, but he's 100% Mexican because the way we got,
Starting point is 00:28:33 the way our bloodline got into the US was I think a Swedish guy came into the Takate region, the beer producing region down there and fucked like a literal Indian, you know, a Sonoran Indian or whatever, beer producing region down there and fucked a, like a literal Indian, you know, Sonoran Indian or whatever, whatever they were down there. And then that's where my family tree came from. So this is Indian as a, like that's before there was a Mexico. Yeah, that's where we get the height. But then after that it was Mexican Mexican, you know, yeah, you were sure she was alive for it. Right. So I am, I am Indian more than Elizabeth Warren.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Well, I mean, but all Mexicans have Indian blood, right? I mean, that was usually the Spanish with the, with the Mayans, right? Yes. See, that's how you answer questions. Yes. That's amazing. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Amazing. Oh, but Los Angeles-based comedians, Zach Swearer and Sean Jacobson are anti-indigenous bigots. And this show currently brings in over $300,000 a year for spewing this hate-filled garbage ice. You forgot the merch. It's more than that.
Starting point is 00:29:38 It's probably over $400,000. Mike, come on. It's on you short. People can try and debate whether or not the Maga teens were racist or disrespectful or just kids or whatever, people wanted to debate. But these two grown adults from Los Angeles, and they says our names again.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I resent that. You're an LA comedian now. That's a liable. Yeah, no shit. I mean, technically it is. That's the biggest insult. Yeah, you can call me. I wouldn't even call. I say the LAC word.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Rather than call somebody in L.A. you know, that word. It is so offensive. That's the most offensive term. I really is. It's just a squeeze loser. Oh, worse. And broke loser. Even worse.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah. If I'm talking to a girl, I'm not looking over my shoulder for Dan, rather. I'm looking for L.A. based comedian. Yeah, that's right. That's right. That's right. Good one, good call, thank you. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Wow. That was Browby in the compliment there. Oh, good job, good job. Yeah. Our anti-native racist. Anti-native racists. Anti-native racists. He's got no comment in there.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Learn how to use a comma, Mike. They're free. Anti-native racists, he's got no comma in there. Learn how to use a comma, Mike. They're free. Anti-native racists. Anti-native racists. No, he's a anti-native racist piece. That's what we're anti-native racist pieces. And those are three descriptions. Yeah, of shit.
Starting point is 00:30:59 That is clear. And then he's got a clip from our last episode where I assume I could have said any number of times. Yeah, exactly. Exactly the moment. And he's got a clip from our last episode where I assume I could have said any number of things. Exactly. Yeah. And I was reading that, I was thinking of how does one say that can you say you give less of a fuck about what he just like the accusations?
Starting point is 00:31:17 Oh, what is this resonate with? I think, oh my God, it's out there. It's out there. Someone's going to think that I'm an anti racist piece of whatever the fuck. Yeah. Yeah. Antinative. We're anti native racist pieces of shit. Kind of rolls out the tongue, doesn't it? Antinative. Antinative race. Bigoted anti. I can't say it. It's like an anti-inative violence big match. Someone had an anti-races native pieces of
Starting point is 00:31:41 shit. Someone had a great response on Twitter. it was just like, you're talking to the guy who started his career with men or bad of the women. Like, where do you think? No, no, started and went on the biggest day time TV program on the planet. Yeah, that's where I started. Yeah, where do you think this was gonna go? He was gonna just keep apologizing for the rest of his career.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Right, Jesus, you're talking. His high point is cue cards. I'm so sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry. Oh man man everything else I disavow it happens You know what I really will disavow what they're the comedian part well yeah because now it puts all kinds of pressure on me to be funny I was fine. I was fine up until this point. No, no, they said LA based. Now I've been labeled a comedian. I think there's something funny. Ah, no, see, that's a lunch picture.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Dan can't do it. And I don't think comedians are supposed to be funny anymore. You know, LA based comedians, you just more virtue signaling. No, you're right. Maybe there's a bit of truth to that though. Like comedy should be a relief. The act of comedy and jokes should like make you relieved.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Like, oh, I'm not crazy. This guy's saying what I think in a funny way. And these guys are like, they make their, well, they don't make any money, but they try it. That's exactly what the big ones do make money saying things that make people feel better. Like, they don't make any money, but they try that's exactly. But the big ones do make money saying things that make people feel better. They don't have church, so they can't, they're just so angry. Dressily Peterson is right, angry. Children of the life.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah. Yeah. I love progressives too. I love liberals. I love the liberals that listen to the show. I think they're right in a lot of ways, but this is insanity. Oh, yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:24 So, little miss thing. Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. Um, so a little miss, uh, a little miss thing. Uh, oh, here we go. I got before I can I live for a few minutes? I got to write some jokes. Just, uh, text your girlfriend to do it like a stereo's. She's not funny. I got you, I need you to explain a joke to me. What? Someone posted a picture of Winners Drink.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Yeah. And they said I'm missing some graphics. Were they talking about the apostrophe? Exactly. Oh, okay. All right. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Here's, by the way, this is very cool. I've been shipping Winners Drink to bars. Yes. It's in a couple bowling alleys in New York. Like if you run, if you're, if you own a bar, if you work at a bar and the owner will let you keep a copy and stock, email me and I will send you one for free and add you to the map.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Come winners, I got a map now on the sales page at Now everybody's gonna get a free deck of cards. They're like, oh yeah, I work at a bar, I work at a bar too. I don't know. He said he would love to. He needs to come from an official channel. He's the come from an official channel. It's got to come from an official, it's got to say, like an official buy a Twitter account.
Starting point is 00:34:30 You have to swear that you do care about the negative impact of illegal immigration on black people. One, and you have to swear that you work at a bar. Yeah. Right. I chon, they're not going to do that. These are men of honor that listen to the show. Grown men.
Starting point is 00:34:47 These are grown men. You are not comedians. Well, they gotta give, yeah, okay. You know, they'll have to ship it to like a bowling alley and then wait at the bowling alley and intercept the package. It's a lot of work to go through to save 20 bucks. I wish I would have learned that younger in like that all the men is not work. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:07 So stupid. If there's one thing I want to teach my kid, how much time did that, how much effort did that take you? Don't drive across town to get the eight cent cheaper gas in gallon. Yeah, don't take Uberpool. That's kind of fun. Yeah, that's like Russian roulette.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Yeah, I take it. I take it because of my cheapness. Because I am very cheap, very, very, very cheap. I take it because of my cheapness, except for liquor, $80, bar tab, don't even notice. I feel like the more you make the cheaper you get. Oh yeah? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:38 In general, I am maybe with you. Maybe. Yeah, maybe. What are you gonna teach your kid? That's a great question. Have I told you the three things that my dad taught me? Did I remember? It sounds familiar. I think you've told me, but I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:35:51 I'll tell you, I'll tell you where you got this. I always remember them. I don't know if he did it on purpose or not, but I always remember three things. Just things that you specific things. Absorb from him or three things that he distinctly told you. He distinctly told me all of them, and I remember the time, the moment that he told me,
Starting point is 00:36:06 and remembering it, like as an adult. Like if I think back and recall the memory, I have the same thought processes that the thought process feels familiar to my brain now, whereas other memories do not. So I will say something. Yeah. I'm trying to come up with these principles, right?
Starting point is 00:36:22 What principles do I teach my kid? And you can't have too many. You know, they need to have simple ones that they can apply to most things. The thing that would have affected my life the most is just because you think something is some way, doesn't mean that's the way it is. Meaning, if not, so for example,
Starting point is 00:36:39 but it do. What does that say? Well, people think it be like it is, but it do. Yeah, that's, like, you get a parking ticket? Yeah, but it do. But it do, yeah. You get a parking ticket? Yeah, pay it. It's just gonna triple. It's just gonna triple.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yeah. Like, just because you think parking tickets shouldn't exist, there still exist. Yeah, 90% of people think they should exist. Just pay it, you know. Personal experience you're speaking from. Yeah, absolutely. So like the amount of money and time I wasted oh yeah nothing try to prove nothing which didn't even move the needle at all yeah oh good congratulations it attacks us for years
Starting point is 00:37:10 well here's a super big bill yeah all you did was go work for the man more yeah well okay I've had a couple tickets turned go from ticket double triple into yeah $100 bench war exactly I'm in I'm in stewed I'm standing in line in City Hall trying to debate, like trying to weasel $800 down to like $450 and thinking that I got off Lucky. Right. So I've done that too and you just go, you are the stupidest motherfucker on the planet. So principle number one is, yeah. Prints one number one is unless you're going to go kill Dozer, just pay the ticket.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Kill Dozer, like for Mediocracy. No, no, no, the guy who made the killdozer. Oh yeah. What happened to him? Killed himself in the killdozer. Don't do that. Maybe I should do the first one. The first principle first, don't kill yourself.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Don't, don't, lesson number one, always meet a bitch in real life. Don't let them dop you along. Can you even teach that? No, that's, see, that's an amateur mistake. That's a principle way down the line. You have to have a higher principle that would make you not even, first of all,
Starting point is 00:38:10 don't trust anyone. That's a higher principle. That's a good principle, even me. And then you should prove it by putting a trip wire in front of their door and stuff like that. No, you say that as a joke, but that's, I think, one of the ground- Wait a minute, my dad did that to me.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And this is one of, I remember this as clear as the other ones. One day that motherfucker, for some reason, he was handing me my wallet. And he had his, like we were leaving to go somewhere for soccer practice or some shit. And he picked up, I needed one. You know the rich family wouldn't, wouldn't both the dad and the son need a wallet to go to soccer practice. I can't love, we love wallets, we love it because it's got like a little guy on it.
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's got Velcro, you don't even understand why. The band band, my little is nephew just got a wallet. He psyched about it. He doesn't even know, he doesn't even know. And every time I see him, I, every time I'm around him now, and something is purchased, I'll go, how much do you think that cost? Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Just to get him like, That's great. Cause they get shit, they get shit all the time. I was like, how much do you think that big Lego cost? Yeah. He's like, I don't know. It's worth more than you. Well, my dad said, which wallet do you want?
Starting point is 00:39:16 And I was like, this has got to be a trick. He's trying to steal, yeah, right? I'm over thinking from an early age. Yeah. This has got to be a trick. He's probably got nothing. And I've got, I know I've got 40 bucks in mine. Now you know what it's like to be decently
Starting point is 00:39:30 getting questioned by Jesse Lee Peterson. He's like, this has got to be a trick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know there's more money in his. Just say yours. Right, so I said mine. Yeah. I take any games mine.
Starting point is 00:39:40 He's like, oh, you fucked up. You know, he's got like $600. God damn it. He's got, you messed up, 600 bucks. That could have been yours. Well, hey, I did. I thought the rest of the day is like, oh, you fucked up. You know, he's got like $600. God damn it. He's got you messed up, $600. That could have been yours. Well, hey, I did. I thought the rest of the day is like, man, I could have got a bunch of Nintendo games
Starting point is 00:39:53 with your mother. I was just staring at him in the rear view mirror going, you motherfucker, you're fucking asshole. I think you would have given it to you for this. Yeah, that was the deal. Well, that was his implied deal. Yeah, what would his excuse have been? He would have, he would have learned a lesson one way or another. You say, you're wallet. And he's like, Oh, just kidding. I don't, I don't,
Starting point is 00:40:11 I wasn't going to give you that money anyway. No, that's not how I don't trust anyone. Yeah. He's a hell of a lesson in risk. No, he wouldn't have done that because I would have been exactly like on the mom. Dad gave me this shit and he's not giving me the money. Fucking stick it to him. Yeah. Oh, that was it. I remember that, I think about that probably every week. Don't overthink it. Don't be afraid to take risks.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Cause I wanted my 20 but maybe I had six dollars, I think. I had nothing, I was a kid. Don't be afraid to take risks is a really good less. And it's always a better risk. This guy's got to, yeah. Okay, wait. It's like a size of the wallet. I gotta say this.
Starting point is 00:40:45 This is actually probably one of my principles. Okay. So you can go through life. I went through life, wasting a lot of time trying to redo things, right? Re-invent the wheel. So the key is, you gotta take shortcuts, right? You have to learn from other people's mistakes,
Starting point is 00:41:02 but the key is choosing who to trust. Yes. So in other words, I'm not, don't trust me implicitly. My goal as a man and a father is to be someone you should want to trust. But it's not automatic. A lot of people trust their parents. They're gonna trust you. So that should make you want to be a better man. What if you send gay? You're guys to me literally? Yeah. What are you gonna do? What do you mean? What are you gonna do? That's what I'm saying. I mean, there's nothing you can do. What do you mean? There's nothing you can do. What am I gonna do? I have a throat fit. No.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I mean, it's wondering. Oh, I had nothing. I did nothing. Nothing. That's, that means very little to me. I don't know. I saw this. Is he making a lot of money? Like, remember when you, the, the kid who's putting on the, yeah, you nailed it. Yeah. Hey son, why are you not getting royalties? This kid, this kid online was, he made a little video of him putting on a bunch of makeup. Yeah. A boy, a boy, putting on a bunch of makeup and there's, there was a big Twitter shits the worm of all these guys acting as macho as possible. Like I throw them out the window. Yeah. I'd put a wig on them and the question was
Starting point is 00:42:09 the question of the video. Yeah, like, yeah, I felt so bad looking at it. It's like, fuck, man. Like, what are you? Who gives a shit? Exactly. Like he's like that already. What exactly? Just leave him a fuck alone. Right. Yeah. Look at that. Anyway. So, Ole Miss thing sees Mike Gams post. I'd be like, hey, there's a lot of straight people who are fucking way worse. Well, it's not, I mean, that's, I have a problem with that too. The worst. Like, that's just the way he is.
Starting point is 00:42:35 No, no, no, I'm saying that what you stick your dick into isn't what makes you who you are. Yeah, okay. Here is Jess's response or retweet. We read whatever posting of that Mike Gams post, which is where I think she violated her restraining order. And we'll see, but here it is. Jessica and I blocked out her name, being the responsible gentleman that I am. Jessica Irene Blom, here we go.
Starting point is 00:43:10 This reminds me of a story by the way. I can't watch this she says, she's referring to us talking about, or me talking about Native Americans. These are the Covington, these are the guy who lied about his Vietnam service and shit like that. I can't watch this and I'll probably erase this later.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Wait, before you say this, what are they talking about here? Did you say or do so? What are they talking about? They're talking about, it's a video of me talking about the Covington shit. Me just making fun of like, of course.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Yeah, I think we barely have any time on it. I don't think it was worse than what you just said. No. Doing the Tomahawk job. I probably did that. I don't think it was worse than what you just said. No. Doing the time-hawk job. I probably did that. I don't think you did. Hey, uh-huh. Hey, uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:43:49 What you did do that. I said, it looks like, I said, uh-uh, I said, uh, Uncle, it looks like he's been smoking the crack pipe instead of the peace pipe. Yeah. Beautiful. That's a good joke. That's what I said.
Starting point is 00:44:01 That's a good joke. That's not what I said, though. Oh, well. I can't watch this and I'll probably erase this later. Real time. This is a real time poor decision in real time. Mm-hmm. It makes me vomit to see his face.
Starting point is 00:44:16 I makes me vomit. I makes me, I makes me vomit to see his face. That's probably not true. The Phillips dude? No, me. Oh, it's a video cut off me. It's a video true. The Phillips dude? No, me. Oh, it's a video cut of me. It's a video clip of me that she's talking about. I makes me vomit to see his face.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Here is the racist POS that stalked me and had his followers stalk me for three years driving me to anxiety. Thanks to the relationship he had with his ex, stole money. Yeah. Defamed hiding tax documents. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I love how they're the only one with judgements against them. Funny how that is. Many judgements. Stole money, defamed, slandered me and my friends. Did I do that? Did I slander them? They should sue you if you did. I don't think legally if I did.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Call them a crazy bitch. I think you can do that. Yeah. Currently he is begging me. Then your opinion, just preface it by in your opinion. That's not your opinion. Not me. In my opinion.
Starting point is 00:45:24 In my opinion, in my opinion, is that she's a crazy bitch. There you go. That's not your opinion. Not me. In my opinion, in my opinion, in my opinion, I think that's anything. Your opinion is that she's a crazy person. There you go. That's two degrees of separation. That's fine. Currently, he is begging me to go on his show. That's the worst part. That would have been, that would have been me more than anything.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Actually, that's the true, that's the true part of this. That's the true one. I'll do it. Yeah. Please come on my joke. Yeah. Please. Please.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Actually, that's the true one. I'll do it. Yeah, please come on my show. Please, please, please, I'll pay you money. I'll pay you, buddy. Come on my show, Jessica, please, please call in. The show hinges on it. Call it after the sanctions. After you get butt fucked by Landau
Starting point is 00:46:02 and the New York Superior Court, call in then. Call in then when you're desperate for money and you can't suck it out of some dudes' balls. What's she gonna get for this little thing? I don't know. Currently, he is begging me to go on his show, so I took him on a wild goose chase. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:46:22 That's great. I'm clever of you. Yeah. Sean, we look like fools. Yeah. When I saw Wild, I was like, I thought she of you. Yeah, Sean, we look like fools. When I saw Wild, I was like, I thought she bought you Wild Turkey. I was like, Wild Turkey, you got to, oh, no, Wild, Wild Goose. By the way, oh, I don't want to get off on another team. He has since left me alone, but I really hope no one crosses paths with this guy. Well, what did you just do with this tweet? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:45 He lives in, and then I've redacted where I live. Area. Wait, wait. She put your address? Not my address. Area. And dates A and then lists the school. Jeez. Or 80s girl work.
Starting point is 00:47:02 That's that's violation. That has to be right. I'm an internet lawyer also. They say blood redacted school teacher that supports his bullying. Now again, I got it here again. I only have my legal degree in getting sued school. Yeah. Which is pretty good degree, but very specific.
Starting point is 00:47:23 However, looking at the restraining order, I see you must not do the following. Horace intimidate molest attacks, strike stock, threaten assault, hit abuse, destroy personal popular, disturb the peace of the person to contact the person either directly or indirectly. Okay, the end of the day.
Starting point is 00:47:44 In any way, including but not limited to in person by telephone and writing, by public or private mail, in writing, by inter-office email, email text, message, facts, or any other electronic means. Take any action to obtain the person's address or location. If this item is not checked, the court has found good cause not to make this order and it was checked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:04 So, that sure does seem like. Remember his face and his friend's face talking about you. It's impossible to forget your face. Easy to forget my face. Am I remembering, I remember Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story. Can't remember which, but Sean's face is impossible to forget.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Oh, my son doesn't get an accused of being an LA based comedian. No, that's the word. Don't say that word. That's their word. Comed forget. Oh, my son doesn't get an accused of being an LA-based comedian. No, that's the word. Don't say that word. That's their word. Communion? Oh, LA- Oh, LA.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Remember his face and his friend's face, they are two of the most disgusting human beings in the Los Angeles area. Oh, really? That's what, yeah, all right. Hashtag me too. More than Harvey Weinstein. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, two of the most disgusting human beings in the LA area. Yeah. He desperately wants to be an actor. Me. That was my plan when going on, Dr. Phil, saying that all women are her. He'd be embraced by the Hollywood community. Yeah, this is mainly be cast.
Starting point is 00:49:01 This is going to be great. I'm going to be right up there with Tom Hanks It's like oh, yeah, it's that guy and in the next hunger game sequel It's the guy who was on doctor Phil saying all women are horrors. Yeah, ATMs. They look at us. They did right Yeah, yeah that guy He desperately wants to be an actor And was removed from UCB for his, for is a warrant views on rape and women. So maybe don't hire him for
Starting point is 00:49:31 any productions in TV and film. I think I don't think she understands how this works. I think you're hiring people now. I think so. I'm TV and film now. So yeah, so many is to graph this out for these people. You were at the top of the I'm TV and film. Yeah. I do the hiring now. I pay the invoices.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah. I run the creds like Stad for news girls. Yeah. Well, which is I have a casting couch. I run the credits like Stad for news girls. Yeah. Well, which is a really hard. I have a casting couch, which is unusually hard to fill somehow. Well, because of the wage gap.
Starting point is 00:50:13 So is, because every time I get a girl in the line who will come in at some wage gap monster tax her. Hmm, what? Yeah, you don't know that? I have no idea. You know what the Sasquatch is? No. Do you know what, yes or no? No. no idea you know what the Sasquatch is no Do you know what yes or no no? You don't know what the Sasquatch is what do you know the actual Sasquatch? Yes, you'll Sasquatch. Yeah like the real life
Starting point is 00:50:33 Actual and you know there's another one called the wage gap right he goes around is a big monkey creature Right he makes women play Games on their phones at work at gunpoint right He fucks up, he fucks up their car, he makes them have children. He makes them able to have children. Yes, he knocks up, broads right when they're at the cusp of breaking through the glass ceiling.
Starting point is 00:50:53 He knocked them up. Yeah. He does this. He's like a crampus. Have you seen that graph of wage earning for men and women? And at about 30, females just literally drop by the exact amount that they have children. And then the graphs continue.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Well, you sent me another, you sent me an interesting link that was all types of men and women on the same plot and the only group that outperformed the others was married men. Right. Let me see if I can find that graph. That was an interesting graph.
Starting point is 00:51:24 That's interesting. So is Keon on this? I don't know where, married men. Right. Let me see if I can find that graph. That was an interesting graph. That's interesting. So is Keon on this? I don't know where this is. I don't know. There's just re-hackers. Look, this isn't my, this isn't, yeah, this just happened right before again. This isn't my fight. You want to see it? I'm not involved with this restraining order in any way. No, that's true. I talk completely independently about things that are going around me and scumery, scum fuckery and gay Operie that I see happening right has nothing to do with they mentioned the person who They mentioned a person that I am dating and who lives with me and they seem to be divulging trying to contact her and divulging her personal information on the internet school again at school again Going after a school again again again again
Starting point is 00:51:59 I'm aiming the school again, especially at this time in LA when the teachers are on strike for basic respect. Yeah. The basic respect that teachers should be getting for babysitting our children, they are being underpaid for that, for the basic respect of that in a small, a small half a percent raise that would only benefit the union, but also basic respect.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Yeah. Do you or do you not respect teachers? I absolutely do not. Yes, I do it. I knew it. Checkmate. Amazing. I'm amazing. I do actually I want to change my answer. I do It depends your body. You want to say it depends no I wonder you want to destiny it. I do I love all people. Here's the thing. It depends on the teacher in the situation
Starting point is 00:52:38 I do I do respect teachers now. You got to deal with a lot of shit They do and I think they mean well Yeah, that's the only way they do the job. It's hard to fault people who mean well. Right. Really is. Yeah. Yeah, that's just, that's just,
Starting point is 00:52:52 I'm maybe an unpopular opinion, Sean, but it's hard for me to fault people who mean well. You know, this grimes mean well? Who? Who's grimes? Isn't that the guy who did that, the right one? My games. My grimes.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Oh, my grimes. Oh. My Grimes. All right. Oh, I'm going to play a song. This is... It's a Kendall and Hyde song. My Grimes. Actually, that kind of works.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Is that the Simpsons? The guy from the Simpsons? Yeah, Frank Grimes. Frank Grimes. Yeah, Grimey. Or Grimesy, I like to be called. Yeah, I like to be called. Oh, yeah. Jesus, my brain is... Simpsons, ailed, child-adiled, an old.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Oh yeah, this is by Ken Dull and Hyde. He has a Patreon, of course, which you can go support. By the way, I've got a lot of new people on the Patreon alternatives that have been building. Cool. It's great, it's great. It looks like shit. Have you talked about it yet?
Starting point is 00:53:42 I've only mentioned that it exists. I have a mailing list for people who wanted to sign out and test it out because uncharted territory and such. No, it's good. But it seems to be working on it. Make it a leak. What do you mean? Yeah, I like what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I stood at 54 style. Oh, I'm not letting everybody on. That's what I'm saying. I mean, I talked to Galt about it after the show last week who is, that guy's fucking incredible, man. All right, great guess. I saw a lot of people had a lot of good things to say. He was telling me stories that he can't tell,
Starting point is 00:54:09 an air of stuff he's done, that I don't doubt it blew my mind. Well, what do you mean, what type of stuff? Well, I can't tell, I can't tell. But oh, you're saying gorilla, gorilla artists. He's the gorilla artist, yeah. He's the one that did the NPC. Yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:54:21 He was telling me about a bunch of stuff he did afterwards that was really, really cool. Really cool to about a bunch of stuff he did afterwards. It was really, really cool. Really cool to see a guy. I wanna support him. A guy take his activism and not just complain about it online. Yes, yes. In artistic statements, artistic statements. Let's elevate, let's elevate our discourse, right?
Starting point is 00:54:44 As I seek to bring it down. Here is Mamba No. Nazi by Kendall. This is wonderful. Oh, she's welcome. You're welcome. Okay, settle down, you CV. Introducing my GAMs, Professional couch surfer. It's finally happening Hi, my name is my god to put my wrist brace on for the Twitter
Starting point is 00:55:17 I prefer Duster die for lasagna Something just happened I don't want to how to dick gift so rich it's not fair Just something just happened. Since I'm jealous, you're famous, I'll paint you as a Nazi to justify my own sad failings. DICK is a Nazi. You mean Dick Masterson? Yup, a Nazi. I thought he's half-mexican. Still a Nazi. Wait, I'm confused. He's a Nazi. But how do you know this? Look, a Nazi. But that's just a Trump fan. Yeah, exactly. Wait, you think over a public concern?
Starting point is 00:56:03 They're all Nazis. I don't think that's how it works. Dude, just trust me. Oh my god, I don't know how to speak. And another one. All that was pushing a troller. See, that's what they do. They breed. It's disgusting. Can we like, just put them all in a camp, sterilize them? Uh. Heroes on the left?
Starting point is 00:56:31 Villains on the right. If you're somewhere in the middle, then I'll scare you to their side. If you're wimpy and you're wimpy, let's go fight the good fight. All you need is a sot and a lot you'll be fine. Our spies acquire tickets to a dark broke sponsor. I'm having second thoughts. They deserve it. They're monsters. Should I be punching women? Yes, the children too. You can identify a Nazi by their red, white and blue.
Starting point is 00:56:51 This feels wrong to you. They wronged you. They hate you. They're fascists. But what if they just want to pay less taxes? Still save the teamers. Wait, are you a double Asian or a Nazi synthesizer for Champaibé Mimé or Kidd? If you're not with me, you're against me. Okay, bye. Wait me you're a guest me Okay, bye Wait, you drive a pickup truck?
Starting point is 00:57:07 Hey, this goes with the old rite! Yeah, go on, go on! I'm peddling as fast as I can! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- We'll get the next one, Mike. Not your hair smells nice. Fucking Nazis! Yeah, fucking Nazis! Everywhere you look, it's Nazis! Get like a stereo coconut. Oh, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, raging Nazi.
Starting point is 00:57:36 No! Progressive Nazi. Yes, because he wants spoke to a Nazi. So anyone who knows dick is a Nazi Pay a lot of dollars, I'm going to go, he's a Nazi This is my rage, new form Baby Nazi The doctor who delivered it, well, do not think
Starting point is 00:57:54 The doctor's got no mercy, nothing And the gardener's daughter Hitby Long Nazi And her pantal from India Indie Nazi The penthouse grandma Grandma Nazi And her pantal Kitty Nazi and her pen tell from India in D-N-O-C the pen tells grandma grandma not to and her dad
Starting point is 00:58:06 chitty not to come me to his and not everyone who's not me thanks everybody hi bin my down you went right if you want to book a Nazi occupation
Starting point is 00:58:18 for your family member or you know a teacher anywhere else or anyone else yes chances are good at hab already but I'll do it again. You know, hit me off at Twitter at the
Starting point is 00:58:28 sky falling or Instagram at another failed that bitter comedian. Very good. Very good. Wonderful. This just in. This just in Sean. What do I do? Mike Gams has posted to Facebook about you. We all he, we all know Sean makes most of his money, not from Dick, but from, and then he's got a place listed that may or may not be your work, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Also, I'd rather be poor than a Nazi sympathizer. Oh, good. So there you go. I'm not going to get out in front of that. You think so? Yeah. and a day. Oh, good. So there you go. I want to get out in front of that. You think so? Yeah, that's what I told 80s for. She went to her, she went to talk to Admin before this should happen and then it happened
Starting point is 00:59:14 exactly as I predicted it would. Well Mike, what's the statute of limitations on whatever happened to a stereos? What is it? Anybody know? Statute of limitations on... What do you mean? Militious prosecution. What Maddox did to hysterios? That's beyond my internet.
Starting point is 00:59:36 How long does he have? How long does he have to file a counter suit? I guess I'm saying. Because beforehand, you know, I'm not a real big justice guy. I don't give a shit about that. I know Stereo is just talking about justice for his counter suit a lot, but I don't care about justice all that much. Yeah. Do you care more about punishment? I care about punishment. Yeah. Yeah. So let's see. Let's see what the statute of limitations is. And I think somebody
Starting point is 01:00:07 just signed a, I think somebody with a big mouth just signed a giant check. Um, hmm. We'll see how it shakes out because this counterstutes always going to come down to me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It always, it always was going to come down to me. It always will come down to me. Thank for it. And, that shit's gonna go on, then somebody needs their neck grounded into the dirt. Yeah. We'll see. Don't go after Sean, Mike. Don't do it.
Starting point is 01:00:37 You already did. Delete the fucking post, dude. Uh, okay. Let's see. The thing is, you work in an industry. It, let's see. The thing is, you're working in an industry. It's very sterile. Yeah. You know, there's a lot of straight-edge people
Starting point is 01:00:52 in the music industry. You never deal with anyone who has interesting views on things. Well, it might come down and you like a ton of bricks. They might. They always might, you never know. No, you never know. You never know. I expected at never know. You never know.
Starting point is 01:01:05 I expected at some point, yeah, that something like this might happen. It couldn't come from a better person to be honest. They might be a complete spastic maniac. And he's obviously stalking you. They might believe that you're an LA comedian. Yeah. And then they'll say,
Starting point is 01:01:21 why you been holding back on us? Get in there. Why'd you make us tax funnier? Yeah, I do work with voice actors all the time. There's enough comedian for everybody. These won't stop. I guess not. Wow, I feel violated. I feel a lot more important than I am.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Oh, finally, you get to welcome to the party, you pal. Yeah. Yeah. All because of the vice article. Oh, I guess that's why all of this started. Vice article came out and these cocksuckers just try to make shit up, throw out accusations to control, to moralize and control the narrative
Starting point is 01:02:06 and introduce chaos and... Well, people think if something is written, especially with that much hyperbole, then it must be true. Yeah, that's true. I think people automatically go to that side. Like, more, a lot of people. And the...
Starting point is 01:02:21 The kind of people we're talking about. Yeah, and all of the de-platformings and stuff give evidence, well, what they consider to be evidence to their claims. Yeah. Oh, well, they're de-platforms. So they must have done something better. Right, right, right. And people wonder why Trump said, we need to tighten up these libel laws. Yeah. That's for sure. I mean, it's that stuff has got to be, well, I know, Lee Orr had talked about that. Really? I mean, where it's just like, it's just fucked up that people should be really fucking sure
Starting point is 01:02:51 that they want to, number one, sue someone. And then on the other side, also slander someone or libel someone. I mean, it's a, it should just be more, going after your job is what they do. Yes. Yeah, it's what they do. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Yeah. Mm-hmm. It's wrong. Oh, yeah. No, it's, it's wrong. Well, we'll see. Yeah. I didn't wake up today thinking, I just thought I'd wake up
Starting point is 01:03:16 and have a nice barbecue. Yeah. Still a nice barbecue. It's still gonna be a nice barbecue. It's still gonna be a nice barbecue. I brought a bunch of, we might have to barbecue a leftist thug before all of this is through. I'm really, I'm gonna be a nice barbecue. It's gonna be a nice barbecue. I brought a bunch of, we might have to barbecue a leftist thug before all of this was through.
Starting point is 01:03:27 I'm really, I'm really upset. I brought Sean really. I'm really fucking upset that's at that shit that he's going after you now. I'm more upset that he's going after your job now than I was about 80s girl. No offense. Oh yeah, because you felt sorry for that job.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Yeah. You're like, that job to be doing that job. That job hurts my time of getting ass every day. Two, two, 30. Ah. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Got some questions for you. Lord Dunxworth says, why are you so homophobic that you needed to carry bear spray on your vacation? Oh, funny. Very funny. Yes or no?
Starting point is 01:04:08 Yes or no? Yes or no? No. What will you do if your kid grows up to be a liberal, says clay early? I would love to know the answer to that. What will you do if they rebel? I just heard someone with the answer to this, the answer is, that will mean I have fucked up.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Oh, okay. Actually, Joe Rogan said he was talking to, I think Jonathan Heit and he said, yeah, if my kid, anything that's wrong with my kid, you need to look at yourself first. So if I didn't make it good, that's true. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So if I fucked up that bad, that's not me. How can you possibly believe that California is the proper venue to raise a son? It's not. We're leaving. Oh, you're leaving. Yeah. This is, Coach's last appearance, I guess. No, not soon. Right after the show, this guy wants to have the barbecue. He wants me to ask how you feel about this anime,
Starting point is 01:05:00 bunny man, I guess, or woman, little guy. I don't know about that. I don't know anything about that. Bunny man, I guess, or woman, little guy. I don't know about that. I don't know anything about that. It should be a little better, a little better art. A little better art? How would you make it better art? I don't know, it didn't evoke emotion in me. Hey, here's one for you.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Tell me what you think about this art. Sean, have you seen the weird gender swaps they did of us last week? No, yeah. I haven't seen it. Here. Let me pull it. Yeah, I want to see this because you wouldn't link to it. I couldn't be bothered to click on the link. I saw the one where you guys were stomach to stomach. Oh yeah, that one's gross.
Starting point is 01:05:38 That was a rouse on his gross. Here's one. Here's one. Yes, I love the dumb look of Sean's face. That's the hottest look I've ever seen. Sean, this is us as the other as gender swap, I guess. That's misfaced that it's Sonic phase, one of thumbnail artists. When you see a woman with a look like that in her face, you're like, jackpot.
Starting point is 01:06:07 You're like, anything you tell her, she will believe. Disturbing. I don't like looking at it. Yeah. I kind of look, I kind of like give it a side eye. Well done, isn't it? Yeah. It's incredible. Very Mexican over here with the hoop, you know that,
Starting point is 01:06:22 yeah. Yeah. So there right now, there are diversity, like outreach, training seminars going on in every corporate, every company across America, and they will all bring in diverse Latina women and sit them down and ask what the company could do to appeal to Latina women women. And all of them will just talk about how they can't wear
Starting point is 01:06:43 hoop earrings and have long fingernails. Really? Yes. I'm predicting that. I don't know. I don't know. I'll know. You guys know that?
Starting point is 01:06:53 No, no, no, no. I promise you. I will bet any amount of money that that's what's happening. That's what's happening in America. And anybody who works at a company has heard of this myth that I'm this folklore that I'm telling you, this folktale. Oh my God. They come in and they say, how can we appeal to diversity more
Starting point is 01:07:07 and women, Latina women? And they all say, yeah, we need to be able to wear our hoop earrings and have long fingernails. That's it. And he's got them right here. I don't know what you think about that. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:07:20 There's Sean, two V-necks, absolutely disgusting. Beautiful. There's porn in it too. That I can't show. There's a what? You can show it on this show. No, no, I can't show that on YouTube. I don't wanna see that.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Oh, it's YouTube. It's only of me. Oh, I definitely don't wanna see that. Okay. I was mildly interested if I was a fan. I saw some line art. All right, let me read some comments. And then I gotta get, I gotta get Null in here.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Oh yeah. Null in here. Oh yeah. Null in here, then we'll do some voicemails. We'll wrap it up. We'll do a short show this week. Oh, let me ask Coach, what's your opinion on the government reopening? That's another one. It's a good one by crippled Jesus.
Starting point is 01:07:58 I mean, you said it pretty well. You said it pretty good where you said, you know, obviously neither one of us would like to see it. I would like to see him. But in the end, we can only judge Trump based on what he ends up getting, you know, and he's obviously has a gambit, right? He's got a flamm. Here's my theory now.
Starting point is 01:08:17 This is my theory now. I'm a theater beard by the way. You own right here? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. College with the cooler. College with the cooler. You didn't have any coffee yet. I had it. It was in the game. Oh, you Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. College with the cooler. College with the cooler. You didn't have any coffee yet.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I had it. It was in the evening. Oh, you're good, okay, you're good then. My theory is that he, that was, I think arguably the biggest thing that he won on the wall, right? I mean, no, they didn't break. Wow, and juicy bands too. I'm just saying, they didn't break out into chance.
Starting point is 01:08:41 We didn't break out into chance when we were at his, at his rallies. We said build the wall, build the wall. Conservative fiscal policy. Yeah, exactly. Conservative fiscal policy. Bullshit. Yeah. So here's the thing. He, I mean, he's already appointed to Supreme Court justices. If he wins 2020, it's going to be a third at least.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Yeah. Are you kidding me? The guy's going scorched earth in a lot of other ways. He's totally moved over to the window on immigration. Yeah. He's made people think about it. I know that it's going to sound like I'm walking back to the wall. I want a wall. But if he can use that, that huge anchor point to win 2020 and do everything else and still do better on border security than anyone else. I mean, look, everybody knows that I'm desperate to be an actor in Hollywood and Trump has had
Starting point is 01:09:24 a very successful reality TV show that I would kill for. So until I do that, who am I to question his plans? Right. It just seems, it feels like an abusive relationship. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cause he's got what everyone wants. Now he's set himself up to be the guy that strings
Starting point is 01:09:41 on the Democrats, that strings of lies. Yeah, you want wanna shut it down? I'll shut it down, just for a week. Just for a week. So it's like the same push for that if a chick was doing it to a guy, I would say, you need to fucking drop that bitch like a hot potato because she is, that is like the nature of an abusive relationship and he's got the whole, all of Congress doing it. He's got us doing it too.
Starting point is 01:10:00 You guys want the wall? You best support me. You got one foot in the game. Exactly. You better support me. You better support me. RBG. She's got one foot in the game. They're probably not like a mannequin. You better support me. You answered better than I did. I mean, that's, yeah, if he's using that as a cudgel, I mean more power to him. What am I supposed to say? The guy knows what to do
Starting point is 01:10:17 to get the most he can. And you know, people, he will like to say, oh, he's not, oh, he's not a good negotiator. he backed down, okay. All right, when you think you won and you lost, that is the ultimate, ultimate negotiator. You win by getting what you wanted, not what you said you want, I think that might be a quote from him. And that's the thing is the only way to judge Trump is,
Starting point is 01:10:39 you have, require, you know, you, when he got, became president, I had things in my mind they were important to me all those things are coming true uh... having a two thousand mile concrete wall sounded beautiful but it was not how i was going to define his presidency i it is for me well we'll see the question is can he lower illegal immigration illegal border crossing that's got to be well well wrestling
Starting point is 01:11:03 today says ask coach if he has ever thought about not being quite so verbose when explaining his points, he's a good dude, but he tends to get lost in the weeds when he's trying to make, I don't know what to talk about. Oh, amazing. Oh, amazing. He's right. As you're right, they can always be shorter.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Who's your wife who? Who your wife who is? Do you know about that? Do you know what that is? No. That's like a pretend know what that is? No. That's like a pretend cartoon woman that is your favorite. Oh, oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:11:29 I need to think about that. Okay, think about it. Yeah. Have you accidentally poured any liquor on your kid yet? Is he accidentally poured? Yeah, yeah. Oh, as you did with some IPA, I got some Dixiaw IPAs from the $20 million.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Oh, yeah, yeah. We should just give him a little bit. That'd be funny. Have you baptized him? Have you baptized him yet? No. All right, I'm gonna beat Christ. Let's do it. We can just give him a little bit of that. That'd be funny. Have you baptized him yet? You haven't baptized him yet? All right, I'm going to beat Christ. Let's do it. We can do it. Beat God.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I'm going to get this one. Children of the lie will not have this child. Let's see here. Bunch of jokes. Oh, what about Venice? Should we talk about Venezuela? I don't know, I don't really. I'm not excited about Venezuela.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Stum shit. Although I will say it's interesting, the people who are, I heard a really good one about it. It said, hey, say what you will about our intervention event, Venezuela. It makes a lot more sense in the Middle East. Yeah, that's true. You know, which is kind of funny. They should take the toxic masculinity shit down there.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Like every time I see a problem in a South American country, it's with guys wearing so many medals on their chest that they're magnetic. That's toxic masculinity. I know it when I see it. Why don't you take the parade, take the pussy hats down there and see what general Juarez or whoever the fuck it is
Starting point is 01:12:43 responds with here. Did you see the Gillette parody, where they went through the Gillette ad and voiced dubbed it? Oh, very funny. It's funny. Let me check if I find it. Yeah, if you find it, tell it to me. Oh, I'm a little gastron talking about the gay operie.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Comments, throw a salty bird. Throw this in as my rage. Girls like Lacey are the reason I didn't lose my V card last year. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Made the mistake of believing the fantasy that telling a couple girls I was close to, I was a virgin would get me pity pussy. Oh no. Why? Why would you think no one in the history? I was close to, I was a virgin would get me pity pussy. Oh, no. Why? Why would you think no? No one in the history of humanity. That's a great example too.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Oh, sorry, one other principle. I'm gonna teach my kid is. Yeah. Your brain is not right. Oh, yeah. It's working against you. And I'll elaborate. I will.
Starting point is 01:13:45 In the spirit of he's afraid to get long winded. Exactly. Exactly. You're brain will work. You get two pauses. That's it. Once you've exhausted those two,
Starting point is 01:13:54 you don't want a third one. I never saw anyone be more turned off than when they learned that. I will never make that fuck up again. Well, that's a hell of a way to get pussy. Pity? Yeah. Oh, what kind of erotic encounter is that gonna be? Hey, I'm a pussy for the poor.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Yeah. Oh, here you go. All right. Set yourself up outside of a grocery store with a fucking donation cup with your dick sticking through the bottom. Yeah. Hands up for the poor, arm for the poor. Free popcorn.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Free popcorn. Virgin here. Get your virgin popcorn. Permanently stuck at third base. Do you have any advice for the virgins? I found a funny one this week that I wanted to tell the virgins to do. I need to get more organized with the virgin contest. Oh yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:45 But I do have, let's see here. I'd say, if you're, it depends on how old you are, you know. If you're in your 20s and still a virgin, you need to go pay for it. Get that thing out of the way. It's a lot of work though, paying for sex. Yeah? Yeah, they need like verifications
Starting point is 01:15:06 and you gotta go to the right side. And what if you're talking to a cop? That's like, you tell enough people to do that. One of them is, they're all gonna, look. Wow, they're messing up. I'm sorry though, I didn't know the power. I gotta think about the power of the show. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Yeah, I don't want someone to get arrested. Actually try to go through hiring a hooker and it's a logistical pain in the ass. Like because, I mean, you've got this week, Marriott Hotels said they're cracking down on women drinking alone in bars. That's true. With a big FMI, because they might be sex workers.
Starting point is 01:15:35 And they're doing this to protect their guests from the scourge of paying women for sex. And I want to know, like, does that mean if you're on a tender date with a chick and she just obscans from the hotel that they're gonna send staff out to roper back in? So she's not a, well, you know what I'm talking about, profiling. Hey, the most recent bachelor,
Starting point is 01:15:54 the current bachelor's a virgin. Oh, he is. In the NFL. Oh, he's X NFL player. Oh, X NFL. I play in the NFL version. Yeah, I'm not the X NFL. Wow, that's odd.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Yeah, that's their big, I'm just saying. I'm just gonna make it more easy. Look, whatever he does, do what he does. Yeah. Look, here was my plan for the Virgins for this week. And I'm gonna send out a more formal challenge to make it official. I probably need a producer to help with just the Virgins, like a Virgins Wrangler, to help all these guys.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Yes. Lie to women. Lie about something that you do to get you out of the headspace of having to tell the truth compulsively. We're keeping it, we're not keeping it 100, we're keeping it absolutely zero. This week here, I'm gonna assign.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Keep it zero. Keep it zero. If there is, if there you are, you are an iron shell. You're like that. You're like the representation of Satan in the fifth element. Nothing can penetrate your hull of liarry and deception. If something is true, it is a coincidence. Yeah. You are not you. you are a lion tamer, you are a pilot, you just got back from Afghanistan, you run a popular comedy podcast, any of these things. You're an artist, you're a musician, you're an architect, you're an architect, you're a city planner, any of the, you're an astronaut, any of these things. We're a marine and lie, lie, lie, lie. The object is never to get laid with these challenges.
Starting point is 01:17:27 It's just to do them. Pick a spot, plant your flag there, and lie no matter what. Lie no matter what, because you've got to get, it seems like guys are really into trying to get, trying to be loved as who they are, and no one will ever love you for who you are.
Starting point is 01:17:42 No one, you're terrible, you're terrible. You don't love you for who you are. No. That's why, that's the problem. It was like the side-field episode he said, I can't marry me, I hate me. No. That's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna send all the virgins something to lie about. A big occupation or something to lie about.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Maybe you're running for Congress, you work on a grassroots political campaign for AOC, Alexandria Cortez, you're an interior decorator, you work on a grassroots political campaign for AOC, Alexandria, Cortez, you're an interior decorator, you're a fashion designer. You see how I'm just lying right off the top of my head like it's nothing? That's what you need to be able to do. You are a professional beard grower, anything, anything that will make them go, go, what? Anything, anything.
Starting point is 01:18:21 You're a fireman, you're a boxer, you're an MMA promoter. You invent sauce. That's what I do. You're a sauce taste. I invent sauces. And if you like sauce, what kind of sauce? I invent them. I bet you're a ranch.
Starting point is 01:18:39 I bet you love some buttermilk. One day we could go talk in a ice cream parlor and I could get uh, I could get free samples for us. Free samples. Imagine. Imagine. I mean, go to a heart. Lie, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you could call it. Free ice cream samples. That is definitely for me. The first base. Hey, Dick and Sean, I'm a long time listener from the biggest problem in the universe days. And I've learned well the teachings of picking up ladies from YouTube. Unfortunately, that skill set came to me
Starting point is 01:19:08 after I was already locked into a relationship. I doubt that. I know this. We all think we're, this guy sent this the other day. I was hoping you'd read this. Did he? Did you already read it? Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Does it email? This is an email. Advice email. I think we all overestimate our abilities with women when we're locked into a relationship. It's like you're sitting in a plane and you're like, man, I'm really good at flying. Well, because you're in the plane, buddy.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Kick you. I still test the waters a bit by chatting up girls for fun, but I fucked up my conservative principles which I pride myself on tonight, by kissing a stranger. I chatted up in a bar. I don't think those are just conservative principles. I realized quickly what I was doing, and nooped the fuck out of there when I did.
Starting point is 01:20:06 My girlfriend is a traditional housewife type. Loyal, great with kids, and very suited for a long-term relationship to start a family with. Shorter than that, I have no doubt in my mind that she is my life partner. Absolutely false. Let's cross this out. He'll like correcting all these. Yeah, you can't say that. Don't say it out, don't bullshit me.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Obviously he's got doubt. Yeah. No one could ever be sure of that. It's just that's certainly don't go out fucking mac and out of the chicks. Yeah. My problem is that I am bored with the same pussy. I get access to on tap and want to mix it up a bit.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Is that, huh, I've never heard a man have that problem. You get it? No, that's totally foreign. Board of the same pussy? I haven't heard any, is that a fertile comedic grand? Is that a thing? That's interesting. I mean, it's pussy and it's right there on,
Starting point is 01:21:05 how would you be bored of that? Yeah, it's, I mean, that's just, it's odd. It's counter-intuitive. It's a serial or chips, imagine. I mean, my ideals, I come home from the same drive at the same office every day. This is the American dream. You come home and you watch the same episode of Rick and Morty.
Starting point is 01:21:22 You eat the same chicken salad and then you have the sex with the same woman that you have for the rest of your life. I thought that's what we're aspiring to, right? Yeah. The other side of this... If we like that, the Bible wouldn't exist. Yeah, that's...
Starting point is 01:21:34 The other side of that is I felt so bad for kissing another girl once that I literally beat myself as punishment because I know literally beat himself. Yeah, like the Scarlet Letter, I guess. Like Fight Club. Luther. What's Luther?
Starting point is 01:21:51 Luther, Martin Luther. What? Self-flagelation. Yeah, that right. Did that? Yeah. I literally beat myself. Yeah, some people still do it.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Oh. I do it. Sure. When I read Reddit comments after the show, if I get a negative one, I kick the shit out of myself. What you're growing? Yeah, every time, every when I get, I wish the show was a little long, it got boring. So if you leave negative comments,
Starting point is 01:22:17 just be aware that that's what's happening. You're doing this. Yeah, I'm doing that. Punching your vocal cords. Nodules left to me. Yeah. And I have it in the air. Yeah. And I have it set up on a machine. So it's like, I can't be trusted to pull the trigger.
Starting point is 01:22:30 So I just have it. I have the machine. I sit in a machine. I sit in a machine that's like a chair that you load up with a crank. And then when I read a negative comment, I let go. And the thing comes up and punches me in my nuts. I built a... She let 80s grow, control it.
Starting point is 01:22:47 No, she doesn't know comedy. And I just pushed the button. I don't want her involved. In the show. The show. The show. The show. In the show.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Don't put, don't, you're not allowed to touch my crotch punching machine. It's a series. It's an art form. This is my art. The other side is that I felt so bad for kissing another girl once that I literally beat myself as punishment because I know I'm above such things normally. It's a different case when I'm drinking. In conditions go away.
Starting point is 01:23:25 You think a lot of people beat themselves? No. You don't think so? No. I bet it's more common than you guys think. Mentally? Mentally? Oh, yeah. Physically.
Starting point is 01:23:35 I don't think it's very common. No. That's got to be more common. What's very common? Less than 100. I bet it's about 5%. Physically? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Dude, it's a... the whole religion, like, I mean, Catholic religion is based on that. Physically beating yourself? Yes, they would, they would do it and your devoutness was tied into your flagellation and then they eased it in to this emotional, this guilt. Like, we love kicking our own ass, people. My girl would of course be devastated if I told her
Starting point is 01:24:07 that I was merely kissing, feeling a girl's ass. Oh yeah, let alone following through with fucking abroad in a bathroom of a bar, should it come to that? My question is, do I cheat to satisfy my primal urges? Or do I continue to force myself to miss out on opportunities that land me some prime ass? This guy needs Jesus.
Starting point is 01:24:30 He needs just leapeders and... I know it's wrong to do because I'm doing this behind my partner's back, but I also lived my teenage early 20s, depriving myself of easy ass in the pursuit of the long-term relationship I have now. Do I fuck it or suck it up and deal with the card I'm dealt? Again, I love my girlfriend very much and I have no question that she is a suitable mother
Starting point is 01:24:54 for my children. But I also know I need to tame some strange. You and Sean know the answer. Please guide me a little more. Thanks in advance. Okay. Number one, do not ever tell your girlfriend what you did. No, no, no, no, never, not even if you're breaking up, never, not even if it consumes your soul, do not ever tell her. Nope, that's between you and yourself and me and Sean. And if it doesn't matter, if everybody listens to this show, what do you think, coach?
Starting point is 01:25:23 What do you think? I have an answer that's not gonna be, that's your answer. It's not gonna be funny, what's your answer? Yeah, it's not gonna be funny. I help. I think that, you need,
Starting point is 01:25:32 you're, what, we're constantly fighting against those urges. Yeah. I mean, just to beat ourselves up. The urges to stray. Yeah. But he's, he's a lot of weasel language when he described his, I noticed that too. I did too.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Where else? I was kind of being done to him as opposed to like taking those hearts? Well, no, no, I merely made out with a girl and grabbed her ass. No, no, no, I was also talking about it. Should it come to that? Yeah. How? Like he has no control.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Yeah. Should it come to a bathroom bang session? How big of a deal this woman is to him. She was like, oh, she seems like the one. The mother of my children. Yeah. I have no doubt. I have no doubt. Yeah, you're setting up scenarios where you could destroy it
Starting point is 01:26:13 at any moment. Yeah, I guess everybody has doubts. Let's be honest. Oh, yeah. Be a little more honest. Yeah. Instantly, I have a girl that maybe I could have a family with, but once I have a family with them,
Starting point is 01:26:25 I'm stuck in a position where that is the rest of my life. And you have doubts as to whether you want that. That's okay with you or not. My dad called me up the other day, he says, yeah, it's doubts about if my mom would be a good mother first. Yeah. It's never like, really dad should be put to rest.
Starting point is 01:26:42 It's never too late. Really? Still, I was like, Yeah, I just I you know Caused me calls me every Valentine's Day. It says hey, he's won't let you know. Yeah, I'm no cook. Yeah, all right The answer is The earthly Desires are the bad thing. Oh, they're bad. Yeah, there's a bad thing. Yeah, that's not what life's about. Yeah, it is All right, what if it is though thing. Yeah, that's not what life's about. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:27:05 All right. What if it is though? Pick. Yeah, pick, exactly. Pick one. Pick one and go to the toilet. I will tell you, don't let life pick for you. On your deathbed, you don't say, I wish I had fewer children.
Starting point is 01:27:18 You never say, I would, if I could trade. Hitler's one did. If I could trade one of my kids for another sexual conquest, no one says that. Yeah, they do. Really? Yes, they do, because people with kids and families are always running advertising for the cult that they are in and want you to join. Well, that's true.
Starting point is 01:27:40 There is much brainwashing about the pleasures of kids, of children and family as there is in the other direction. Nobody knows. Nobody knows. And they're desperately trying to justify their decision to everybody else because they can't take the other path. And to each their own, I'm not saying one of the other, the anti-kids people drive me absolutely insane with how sure they are. And I'm always bragging about buying jet skis. I don't know, I don't know. Stupid bullshit. So, as a thing, I mean, are there,
Starting point is 01:28:09 what percentage of people find fulfillment from just continuing to lay chicks into your 60s? What do you mean? I don't know. I mean, I'm just saying, people find fulfillment family, everyone finds fulfillment in family. I'm not saying it's not bullshit. Not everyone finds, but people are fucking miserable with their family. I'm not saying it's not bullshit. Not everyone finds, but people are fucking miserable
Starting point is 01:28:25 with their family. I'm speaking in hyperbole, I'm saying that on the whole that is unintuitively males want, think that just more sex will solve things. And it will sometimes. Sometimes it will. For some people, I'm just saying on the whole, there's plenty of bad relationships out there.
Starting point is 01:28:43 There are. That can be fucked their way out. And my biggest concern about this guy is, he's a lot of- Hell sometimes cheating on a bitch will put her in her place. She's not behaving properly. How's that? Yes or no?
Starting point is 01:28:56 Yes. Yes or no? Yes. Yes, but. Yes, but that's my answer. Yeah, that question. Yeah. Yeah, I would say, another thing is age, right? What are you 19? What are you third?
Starting point is 01:29:09 I think he was late 20s. Yeah, because he said he's yeah, that's a bad spot to be in. And here's what he's from the scumbag side. You can girls always get younger. Yeah, exactly. They always say 30 something and you could recreate the magic that you're about to throw away by cheating on your significant life partner. You could always have time to go back and recreate it. Guys do it into their 50s, 60s. Here's the thing, I saw on Reddit the other day, this thread about what would you change about your wife
Starting point is 01:29:37 if you could? You got made it to the front page or something. I was reading these fucking responses, I was like, Jesus Christ. Like what? I have none of these things. I wouldn't change these things about what. Oh, just most of them were about nagging.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Yeah. Yeah. That's not a factor in my, not letting me have sex with other women. That's probably a big one. No. No, that was never a problem in the past. Pick one. Pick one.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Don't let life pick for you. You got to pick one, right? And pursue it as hard as possible. Even if it's even if it's being a scumbag, even if it's even if you're going to flander and cheat and feel guilty about it, at least do it to a degree that you don't have to physically beat yourself up, because that is a problem for you. And aside from that, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what you've subjected other people to. It doesn't fucking matter because they're the same as you creating whatever mess
Starting point is 01:30:38 you're currently involved in. Pick one and do it to the greatest of your abilities and enjoy it. If you're going to do, if you're going to have a family, if you're going to have a wife and kids, pick it and pick it as far as possible and enjoy it and forget the other one and realize that you'll never leave. You'll never want to not fuck other broads. But you have chosen, you have chosen the course in your life. It's going to be the other one.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Go fuck as many broads as possible. Ditch, ditch the girl. Do that too. That's fine. That's fine. There's plenty of bad relationships. Plenty of them. That's the worst. Guys could be perfectly happy, flandering, fucking around and being sinful. Right. Until some woman stops them dead in their tracks and they have to rationalize everything they've done up into that. But that's a perfectly reasonable future to have. You're absolutely reasonable. You're absolutely reasonable You're absolutely right. Do it as hard as you want. Tell us straight up. Just not working out
Starting point is 01:31:29 I got wild oats and so see out here or option three be a gigantic scumbag Yeah lie right to her face. Yeah learn how to lie make out with chicks in a bar Fuck them in the bathroom, but for God's sake Don't beat yourself up literally over it. Just do it. Let the darkness consume you like the matrix when the silver goes all over his body and become the person that you know you want to be.
Starting point is 01:31:57 A complete degenerate scumbag, and be honest about it. Take it, take what's yours. Everything that's in your brain telling you not to is given to you by God and it's not your burden. It's not your responsibility to carry it. Shuck the nature of morality. Go beyond good and evil and maximize every opportunity you have. And don't beat yourself up about it for God's sake
Starting point is 01:32:23 because someone else is doing it. and they're having a great time Coach and I are speechless. Yeah, I just want guys to make decisions. You're right. I know you're right Stuttie. That's the worst the worst. Oh I don't know All the brothers are going to be the Bondo do it then kids are gonna head do it stop complaining drop it. Drop it, drop it, drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, drop it. Drop it, yeah. So, don't worry about it. Everybody bounces back. Um, alright, what time is it? Oh, fuck, I gotta get Josh in here. Oh yeah. No. Uh, hey, no, man, are you there? I am.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Hey, do you mind if we play a song and then chat and you hang out with us while the song plays? I just really want to get these great musicians some airtime, but I absolutely want to talk to you about the shit Yeah, yeah, go ahead It's great to hear from you again, buddy Yeah, Uncle Buck and the Cuck Sockers with advice for Waterboy Waterboy was on the program We got to do their book a bunch of bonus episode this week too, but yeah, yeah waterboy was on the program
Starting point is 01:33:39 Trying to read chats and multitask and do his Instagram while he was Retroing a long He did a terrible job. He was doing it. No, he was on the line. But we could hear him chatting with chicks while he was getting attention, like reading the chat. And it was so distracted on the read through that he just dropped the end bomb straight out.
Starting point is 01:33:59 Whoops. Yeah, very, very, very disrespectful. That's like the 21th century version of, you're on the radio, turn down your radio. Turn down your radio. Stop reading the chat. Stop reading the chat. Stop reading the chat.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Stop reading the fucking chat. Advice for Water Boy from Uncle Buck in the Cuxo. Don't say n***a. Don't say n***a. Oh, okay. Okay, man, it's gonna advise. Don't say n***a. Don't say n***a. Okay, man, it's good advice That's fantastic
Starting point is 01:34:36 Oh man, I'm getting riled up now Get a riled up for the barbecue Mark you get word is always a moral sin It doesn't matter what context you give Understand the word is considered rude Great That's great. That's gonna be a theme song. Don't say. This is a theme song for your Patreon club. Yeah. That's great. No. That will get you bad from websites.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Control your name. He's alternate words, is he? I don't know. He's an interwar team. He can use. Just know your factory got that power. You do. We'll get him.
Starting point is 01:35:20 Don't say. He's an interwar team. Don't say. He's an interwar team. Don't say. He's an interwar I'm not sure what it's anything used. Very funny. Now that's very catchy. It is ostentially hard to run.
Starting point is 01:35:42 It does kind of... It's the first thing that's made me question. Oh no. Oh no. My past is all that went through to me. And if they job, just use all drag expoundments. Whatever you do, please remember. Don't say, f***er.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Are they playing? Is this... Are they just overdubbing on some track? Or... No, no, they're playing the drums, but he... I think he programs the drums, usually. Oh, okay. Ah! We're better off this way!
Starting point is 01:36:19 Ah! There's better words to say! So go ahead and play more me a hockey if you please. Cause my wife in the church makes that face show that protects me. Never would got me to say. Is it good song? I like it. Don't say any good.
Starting point is 01:36:39 I'm gonna win this. I'm gonna win this. I'm gonna win this. I'm gonna win this. I'm gonna win this. I'm gonna win this. I'm gonna win this. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you.
Starting point is 01:36:47 I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you.
Starting point is 01:36:55 I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you.
Starting point is 01:37:03 I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna win you. I'm gonna that obviously. I just about Josh. What did you say that was the that's the time for our age? No, yeah, that's the theme song of this decade the 2010s. That's it right there Yeah, encapsulated it like a my chemical romance theme. Don't say the N word. It's gonna be recov it's gonna be covered in every genre It's gonna be recovered in every genre, contrary. The history books in the 2050s will have it. It's an article of sample of this timeline. We had the Bronze Age, we had the Stone Age, we had the Digital Age, we had the Don't Say,
Starting point is 01:37:37 the N-Word Age. Oh, you're so fucking right, dude. Jesus, how sad it is, is it? Speaking of things, not to say, because they'll get you kicked off of things. Josh, I know you wanted to call in because something terrible happened to you recently. You were de-platformed from the worst
Starting point is 01:37:54 of the worst corner of the internet. No. I'm like the bye bye, man. You can't, don't say, don't think. If you invite me onto your show, you might disappear. Yeah. I was hoping to talk about it with Ralph, who is the number one streamer on Stream.Mate. But the staff advised against that.
Starting point is 01:38:14 So he's kind of in the awkward situation where he can't really risk it. Can you talk about it on here? Presumably, yeah. Great question. Let me see. You know who it is. You've gotten threatened by this guy as well. So, I'll read his emails.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Let me see if I can find him. So, Josh, go ahead. To clarify though, the first time I came on was early 2018, was it 2018 or 2017 that I first showed up. It had to, it had to have been 2017. The first time he was on the show, it was pretty early on. I think it was like episode 50 or so,
Starting point is 01:38:50 but I get on and I have a lot to say about. Could have been trying to translate. I translate. Yeah, yeah. And when you, I don't even know how he knew I was coming on your program because I didn't announce it anywhere. But he messaged you, he emailed you saying, if you let this guy on your podcast,
Starting point is 01:39:09 we'll go after your iTunes feed. Yeah, I'll reach his email right now. This is, Josh came on the show long, long time ago before like this was recently after the biggest problem had ended. Like 90 episodes ago, 20 episodes ago. And I was still kind of dipping my feet into this whole internet space.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Now we're very familiar with Kiwi Farms and the work that they do. Very familiar with all, you know, we're involved in the goings-on of this corner of the internet with the fights and all the constant fighting and the cowards and the gay operies. Well, you know what's funny is you're one of the only people I know right now who does streams and stuff who calls me no.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Like most people just call me Josh, but you know me primarily from the forum. So because I think that I only use there, it's interesting. I also enjoy people calling people by their nicknames. Yeah. I think it makes them larger than life. So I like doing that. That's the way I respect creators online, anyway. So Null came on to talk about doxing and Kiwi farms in general.
Starting point is 01:40:14 And you remember Sean, it was a bit of a tense conversation. Because we don't know each other. This is, if you call into the show, and a lot of times this is the first time I've ever met you or talked to you. And I like to do that on air and live because it's a heightened sense of nerves. Well, it's real. It's real, it's real.
Starting point is 01:40:33 And Kiwi Farms is responsible for a lot of content that a lot of people hate. They hate because it exposes them for who they are. It is a repository of things that you have done. And people will break, people will try to break every law in the book to try to remove the evil that they have done from the internet.
Starting point is 01:40:54 And Null and the Kiwi Farms boys keep it alive. So much of the point that it's frightening. It's frightening just the power of the repository of what you have done is a monster that will do. It's like, you know what I'm saying? You're flattering us. We just like to have fun on the internet. Don't try to make it some some great monument. No. No. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, it's just like, I think it deserves some backstory. When you say people will go to Great Lakes
Starting point is 01:41:27 to try and remove it, I have been swatted three times. They have sent bomb threats to the high school that I graduated from. In my name, to try and get me arrested for sending a bomb threat. Yeah. So like desperate, desperate, clawing desperation to try and privacy information off the internet.
Starting point is 01:41:46 And it's not worked evidently. I don't think it's flattery because the first thing that they come for is the thing that is what you guys protect, which is speech and history. Like the memory hole is very real. And that you guys can keep a timeline. Like you guys keep context alive. Without the repository that is Kiwi Farms, the context would evaporate, and then it's someone's word against someone else's word.
Starting point is 01:42:13 Yeah, sure. You know, I don't, people could get away with anything, but you know, dick sucking aside. When you came on the show the first time, before the show even aired, I got an email January 15th, 2017. So two years ago, that was entitled Urgent Media Inquiry.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Dick Masterson, comma, pedophile apologist. This is supposed to strike fear into my- With a question mark, of course. Yeah, pedophile apologist. You as the reader can decide. Yeah. It's from Matthew Hopkins. So I open it up.
Starting point is 01:42:49 So I'm like, okay, I know this is horseshit. Hi, Dick. I'm a blogger and also just passed my LPC solicitor's exams in the UK. I never heard of you before until Oliver Smith copied me into your email. I'm happy to help you understand in bold and bold, right? I'm not a fucking idiot, John. Just for the record. This is idiot speak.
Starting point is 01:43:14 This is a sales pitch to idiots. Why are you getting in about me, Secretary? You can't read it. And I'll explain. He sends the same email pretty much. I know about this guy. I know about this guy. Okay. He sends me this email. I know about this guy.
Starting point is 01:43:25 Okay. He sends me this email. Oh my God. Okay. Do you have Lolo financing for me to buy my way out of this dude? You sent a letter to me. What a fuck do you think you're talking to? About me.
Starting point is 01:43:34 I am a journalist and blogger. I run my own website and I have also from time to time sourced stories for some of Britain's largest newspapers such as The Daily Mail. I recently passed the LPC, again, he said. The UK solicitors attorney's qualification with a commendation. I have spent a lot of time representing the vulnerable people and their families in court pro bono
Starting point is 01:43:56 as what is called a McKenzie friend. Well, already we have problems because I'm the one percent according to my games. Yeah, all right. Pro bono. In fact, I was praised in the British Parliament for my games. Yeah, all right. Pro boner. In fact, I was praised in the British parliament for my legal skills, representing a vulnerable...
Starting point is 01:44:09 I remember this. Remember this. Yeah, me too. ...presending a vulnerable woman who risk being declared mentally incapable until my intervention. This was before the Dixia, right? I linked to the motion. No, this was like episode 30 or something like that.
Starting point is 01:44:20 Oh, okay. So with the... Oh, cares. Yeah. cares. Who cares? Who cares? What's that about? You're barking up the wrong, I don't know what it's from.
Starting point is 01:44:29 I'm barking up the wrong pussy over here, buddy. Yeah. As an example of my work, I link to, and I, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, more, more about, and then he says, Josh is real name. I recently obtained an actual defamation judgment against one of null, nulls, anonymous friends. There's like a terribly written resume. The guy has like no experience.
Starting point is 01:44:49 He seems as crazy as Chris the Kiwi. No, yeah. In this email, I'm going to provide some archives about Mr. Moon, about null. Null, Joshua Moone, everybody knows your real name, right? Yes, just a statement. Okay. Joshua Moone owns a website that arbitrarily targets people for online harassment and advertises itself per this article archive. Why don't you? Mr. Moon has hosted child rape stories. And here is a link to the archive
Starting point is 01:45:12 of the pedophile board. He hosted on his now defunct image board server 16 Chan. I know, I know a little something about the chance, but yeah. All right. Or just read what the New York magazine has to say about this side. Mr. Mr. Moon is also called for genocide. What do you, what you say on your show is up to you, but the points I make above are quite simple. If you give a platform to this pedophile, stalker, expect to be called out on it. And if you allow him to use your show to defame anyone,
Starting point is 01:45:36 we will do our best to have it removed from commercial platforms, iTunes, et cetera, it is on. I have recently sued someone and will also happily sue you as well if that is appropriate. I remember the guards Sam Smith writing as Matthew Hopkins. Jam. The witch. The flagger. Hock.
Starting point is 01:45:54 Assume me bitch. Give me more material for years. You fucking whin' out. I think when he wrote that, he expected me to be talking about him when I came on, but no, I was just wanting to talk about insane trainees. He's not very interesting, he's just kind of pathetic. The whole LSC or whatever, in the UK, it's different than in the US. You can pass the bar exam in the US and become your own attorney.
Starting point is 01:46:22 But in the UK, you actually have to be protégéed in by a active solicitor firm, which means they decide what competition they're gonna make for themselves, and they have the pick of the litter. You can pass the bar exam, but if nobody signs their name when you being a solicitor, you're not a solicitor.
Starting point is 01:46:40 So they go for the best of the best. Okay. And somebody like him will never, ever, ever get. Oh, so he's passed the exam, but nobody will vouch for him. Professional. So he's nothing. And part of his, part of why I think he wants to take down the site is because we have a threat about him.
Starting point is 01:46:57 He's very good at hiding information about him or, or removing like he's, he's, I'll explain, I'll explain what he's done to ED and how that relates to what he's done to But he's very good, if not removing information outright, editing it with the consent and quotes of the people who own that website. So he knows as long as the Kiwi farms is up and as long as there's evidence of the things
Starting point is 01:47:21 he's done in the past, he will never, ever, ever get into a solicitor firm and become an actual practicing lawyer in the United Kingdom. And the things he's done in the past is when he was like 25, when he was a full grown man about my age, he was an obsessive fan of Evan Essence, the wake me up inside people. Evan Essence? Okay. Yes. And he was an active user on the Evanbonessence fan forum ran by the actual band and he was in competition with the little girls there.
Starting point is 01:47:53 They become like a staff of the fan forum. Oh my God. He eventually lost and never became an admin. So what he did is and this might sound familiar. Nobody forged for him. The little girls and the dogs. He got mean girls out of Ebonessence. Yes. What he did is, and this might sound familiar. Nobody forged for him. That's a little grandson about you. He got mean girls out of Evan Essence.
Starting point is 01:48:07 Yes. What he did after that, though, and this will sound familiar, is he went to Ford Chan. He went to a bunch of different publications and said that the users of the forum were trading underage nude pictures of each other. That about. And thus, Evan Essence was guilty of child sex trafficking and child pornography. This resulted in their website getting hacked, a huge media outcry, and they forced him with threat of a lawsuit to sign a non-disclosure agreement, preventing him from legally talking about Evan Essence or
Starting point is 01:48:34 Amy Lee for the rest of his life. He's tried to get this ever-turned-in parliament, parliament denied his request, and the NDA is valid to the state. That information is on the Kiwi farms and he does not like that being on the Kiwi farm. You think they provide an incredible service? Because of this documentation, this guy can't be, he can't grow any more powerful. Well, they're basically staking a sign that says, this guy makes really bad decisions. He's fucking crazy. Yeah. Just so you know what you're getting into. There's a very powerful law firms, Lissiter firm that handles defamation specifically in the UK.
Starting point is 01:49:12 And he claimed to be like friends with one of the people that was practicing in that firm. And like he, my aunt, because he went after my aunt as well. He went after everybody in my family. I've got emails from people related to me that I've never met or heard of before in my life. Asking why the Sam Smith guy is calling him a pedophile. And my aunt sued him and she sued him using the law firm that guy he said he was friendly with, worked at.
Starting point is 01:49:39 So he's completely annihilated himself trying to bring down this site. And now it's all he does which is I mean we've gotten a de-platform from so many things Simply because of those emails that's that's his red and butter Well, it's a frightening email to get because he sends it for like I got three emails at the same time saying kind of close to the same thing That if I didn't have the background that I do, I would have been afraid of them enough to, like, and as soon as it happened, I got that and I forwarded it to null and I said, hey, like, this is odd. This is odd. I've been on the internet a long time and I'm surprised by this, right?
Starting point is 01:50:23 And God bless null no, like it, it made me, it gave me a picture of who you are, no, that is, that was crystal clear at the time and has never deviated. Your response to me was, I totally understand if you cut my interview. Oh, yeah. No, in fact, I could send you the emails that I sent to the people. They send the staff of the actual website were just so apologetic. And my reply was along the lines of, don't worry about it. You're not the first and you won't be the last.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Yeah. And that's all I said in reply, because that's, like, it's just, I've been through the rounds of this so many times. It's just like, I can't get mad at any one person for doing this. You can't disappoint me. I know what to expect going into this. But I left it in and put it up and then nothing ever happened again. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely nothing happened again, which is exactly what I thought would happen. It's like, it's like that tickled documentary. Remember that? No. That was great. I told you about that.
Starting point is 01:51:21 Yeah. It's a great documentary, but it comes down to this weirdo who funds tickle porn and like tricks, he tricks straight guys into being like these weird homo erotic tickling movies that he makes. It shoots with like an elaborate system of he's a he's some rich millionaire. And it's an crazy person. But he sets up the air that the Johnson and Johnson fortune or something. Yeah, he threatens to sue everybody. He claims that he's got these law firms. He just, he just always tries to sick the, the, the, the, the weight of the, of the law on you.
Starting point is 01:51:56 And he doesn't mean he has nothing. He has nothing. People, if you don't listen, if you just delete the email, nothing happens. And they found him. And it's just some weirdo. Yeah. And in an apartment complex and like Oklahoma or something, and who likes straight men tickling each other. So when I used to host, because you got kicked off so many places, I get these emails, I mean, there are dozens of them. And the only thing I responded was,
Starting point is 01:52:21 we don't ban people for speech. And I said, if you have an injunction against the site, let me know. That's all I said every time. I don't want everyone to come back to me. I essentially make my own ISP now. I have my own IP space, I have my own rack, I have my own contracts and stuff.
Starting point is 01:52:39 When people send complaints, like right now there's one site in particular in France that's in very big trouble with the French government. And I'm getting letters from like the French government people saying you have to take this down because the president has declared it to closure. And I'm like, what you talked to my president. Ask my president because of fuck. Okay, so you got kicked off if I asked, I asked Ralph, I don't know if he'll come on. You got kicked off a stream, me, then, no. Yes, the same kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:53:08 It's the same kind of email syntax where the first word is always urgent. You could just read it or it could be urgent media inquiry, urgent reply requested, urgent something, and then your real name, and then pedophile in the title. In some company, you could make a fucking reject expression to detect this kind of email because of how he writes it. Then he opens it up the exact same way, says, this is who I am. He pretends to be a lawyer. And then he also tries to throw in some links to try and make me look like a bad guy. And then at the end, he presents a dichotomy. A, keep them online and deal with my bullshit, be, take them offline, and yesterday,
Starting point is 01:53:47 and today will be the exact same. That's his, that's his dichotomy. And almost all the time, people go for the, the path of least, least resistance. And what happened with the people is the exact same thing that happened with Encyclopedia Dramatic. Encyclopedia Dramatic, a information. He wasn't happy with. Yeah. So he found one of this is ops and he found out were the kids that he had kids and he found out were they with the school and he said if you don't take down this information,
Starting point is 01:54:13 I don't know where they went to school. School that you molest them and he took the information. Oh, leave. Fuck. Who was that to do that to? What? Who was that that he did that to? I was not a Zager. I don't remember who it was. But with the stream got me thing, it's the exact same situation.
Starting point is 01:54:30 You have a company, you have the company that owns the company, then you have the CEO that owns the company that owns the company. And he found the CEO, he threw in the CEO's real name and said, I am aware that you have kids, I know where they go to school. If you keep this guy on your platform, you'll have problems. And he's like, I can't do this I'm not mad. I get you. You know mad, but you can do it
Starting point is 01:54:51 You can't absolutely do it Kill him. No, no, no, no, sorry No, no, no, you can absolutely just do nothing right I don't think people understand the power of nothing I also don't think people understand the power of nothing. I also don't think people understand who they're dealing with sometimes. Like, you don't do that to someone you don't know. I mean, at that level, they're crazy. All I'm saying is people who do that to certain
Starting point is 01:55:25 people get bullets in their head. But here's the thing. Here's the thing. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Take a bag of this. I wish that was more true. Listen, listen, listen, listen. I think I think you should stop. Let me, let me tell you something. Okay. I've always thought about it like this. When I used to say, is there a court case against it? Like we promote your speech. That's it. Because the answer to that is a ridiculous lawsuit. And then it becomes a great monument to the retardedness of the whole thing. Well, but that's not gonna happen.
Starting point is 01:55:51 No. Right, that's my point. That's my point. That's my point. That's my point. So, best case scenario is they sue you and look retarded in the court. But all they do is get you deployed.
Starting point is 01:55:59 I tell people to, like, I have to work with other companies in regards to the sites I host and stuff. And I tell them, if you get any complaints, if there's not a court order attached, do not reply to it. Because don't even ask for a court order, don't ask like if it's a DMCA request and it's not filled out and it's not signed under a penalty of purgeary and doesn't contain a servicing address, do not fucking reply to it and do not ask for that information, do not bite that hook because it is not designed
Starting point is 01:56:24 to be a back and forth where you get to a ultimate conclusion where both parties and do not ask for that information. Do not bite that hook because it is not designed to be a back and forth where you get to a ultimate conclusion where both parties are happy. It is fucking bait. Do not interact with these people. Well, they are insane. Who is this CEO? Because the Kiwi Farms has done without you guys.
Starting point is 01:56:40 I mean, you guys are like the repository of information for the lawsuit. I've had the exact same threats levied on me since the beginning, we're calling so and so school, we're roping at kids into it. This is where you work. If you want to fuck with us, we'll fuck with you forever. My response has always been, eat a cock.
Starting point is 01:56:56 Eat a cock because I don't like, even if everything in my life was destroyed, I can still create value out of nothing. That's true. I'm what every journalist aspires to be a programmer. Because right now, they can just talk about it. Hold on, what'd you say, Josh? There are thousands of people on the forum who want to give me money.
Starting point is 01:57:18 There are people who ask me every day, how do we give you money? Okay. And the answer is, you fucking can't. I can't get on Patreon. I've posted calling it a form before just a regular form. Okay. Where if you want to donate, hold up. You just fill it out. No, no, no, I'm making a decision right now. I, I will let you on my new system provisionally just to like you got to understand it doesn't, it's not flawless. It doesn't work. It doesn't, it's not everything is great. But I do have And I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like,
Starting point is 01:57:52 you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm'll take my bet, but you look what's going to happen is it's when it come out from above the bank the premium process. That's fine. You're right. You're right. I totally agree with you and I'm I'm totally prepared to have it. Yeah, yeah, the FD I see. Oh, right, right, right. I'm prepared for that account to get nuked, but I just can't, I can't fucking sit here and let you get skunked every single time, man. It's like people have to be able to send, people have to be able to send abstracted concepts of value to each other.
Starting point is 01:58:39 Like that is a basic, it is below free speech and the foundations of a functioning society that we're able to commit value to other people. But another problem is people get on these platforms and they just, they get so excited about saying the N word that they nuke it for everybody else involved and I get it, it's funny. But just, you know, let's all, like I feel like I wanna be the Martin Luther King, Jr. for the disenfranchised young shitlords, which is we have to purport ourself
Starting point is 01:59:13 with some level of decorum if we are to succeed as a group, which is what Martin Luther King did, right? Is it gonna get fucking together? Put up a United Front and have some fucking class about this if we are going to win, if we are going to win. Or else you just, you just give fuel to the, to the other side saying, see, I knew they have to like that.
Starting point is 01:59:33 I'm sorry, yeah, go ahead. You wouldn't give me a good boy list. I will follow your good boy list to the tee. And I don't have it. I don't judge, I don't have it. That's the thing like, this is all, it's all, this entire operation runs on threats. It runs on threats, it runs on threats
Starting point is 01:59:49 of who the, who's CEO, the guy can find the kids of and threaten, what, what CEO is nutless that day? Mel, one missed email and you're fine. Like I would like to talk with the CEO and just seems like, dude, this is nothing. This is the business you're in, motherfucker. You wanna compete with YouTube? You have to be prepared to ignore shit.
Starting point is 02:00:11 Yeah, I've said this for a while, where they live. They live in the, no, there's not an official thing you can do. There are no boundaries. It's all blurry. Yeah. Oh, to like this, Prager, you got banned from something. Some ad network, Spotify. Yeah. And it like this, Prager, you got banned from something, some ad network, Spotify. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:27 And it was like, oh, look at our terms, you got, you, you violated our terms of service. What? Like what the fuck your terms of service? 10,000 words, motherfucker, what are you talking about? It can be interpreted. It can be interpreted a different way by any person who works there depending on the day. Yeah, they thrive. It doesn't, it doesn't even matter because the terms of service usually include it,
Starting point is 02:00:44 included clause saying we can terminate you for any of the terms of services. Why don't you say that? Is not, but what, because it's for most people, I mean, it's a, it's a list of suggestions about what you should do on their site that they have to be able to point to for their pre, for the, for their credit card processing. I'd love to know what a service contract. I'd love to know what a service contract. I'd love to know. But nothing, the terms of service mean nothing.
Starting point is 02:01:11 Nothing, nothing. Nothing, you don't have to have violated anything to get kicked out. It's not a service's contract. I'm not hiring a caterer to host my party and then there's fiscal penalties for if you fuck it up and kick me off the, in de-platform as a caterer, it's nothing.
Starting point is 02:01:26 The service of service is nothing. Anyway, Josh, go ahead. It's just, it sounds better to other people in the platform. We didn't do it for no reason at all. You did it because you violated the terms of service. It's a marketing material. It's marketing material. The funny thing is in terms of ignoring emails,
Starting point is 02:01:41 like I still have my YouTube accounts, like I'm dealing with shit because of them, but I still have them because YouTube is too big to threaten. There's a fuck to you email in YouTube to get somebody removed from the platform. I mean, good luck. People who make their entire living off of YouTube can't find somebody to fucking email and get a reply to.
Starting point is 02:01:56 So good luck with that. Yeah. So I'm gonna watch you up for, oh, go ahead, go ahead. I don't know who the guy is, who owns stream.made. And from the sound of it, he really doesn't want me on the platform because he doesn't want to deal guy is, who owns stream.made. And from the sound of it, he really doesn't want me on the platform because he
Starting point is 02:02:06 doesn't want to deal with it, which I understand. But yeah, you have to add, if you want to steal users away from a platform, you have to offer something that platform doesn't do. I just saw a Volk conspiracy. I don't know if you guys have followed it. It's like the legal arm of They talked about how fake DMCA requests, what they do is they
Starting point is 02:02:25 take real DMCA requests and like kind of fake them and forge them and send them to. So just keep an eye out for that too. Obviously, that's illegal as far. Well, like the Yineed guy, I talked about this with Dick before. There's a giant huge Columbia. Lady Ball actor. Yeah. The Ball-exerb. Yeah, the law-exerb. The law-exerb. He likes to see DMCA requests that contain images that are, obviously not his copyright. They're like screenshots of conversations from somebody else's phone or screenshots of websites.
Starting point is 02:02:57 And there's a case that shows a screenshot of the website is the property of the person who took the screenshot in the same way that a photograph is the property of the person who took the photograph, even if you're taking a photograph of something that is copyrighted. So, it's all bullshit, and it technically should be perjury because he's signing under a penalty for a degree. Correct. He knows for a fact he has the copyright to these items that he clearly fucking doesn't because they're not anywhere near something that he's created. But it doesn't matter. The DMCA has to be handled in such a way that is obnoxious and too restrictive, and the
Starting point is 02:03:31 DMCA just needs to be uprooted and destroyed and replaced with something not retarded. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I guess the best we can do as a society is what? Just replace something that's obscenely retarded with something that's mildly retarded or not retarded. It was interesting.
Starting point is 02:03:49 You know, just yeah, in the article, as long as we're trying for a direction of less retardation. Yeah, yeah. Why the Venezuela thing doesn't bug me that much. It's like part of it. Just any of it. Yeah, exactly. Like, well, you guys still got oil in the ground. Like, maybe aim for a, aim for a dictator that's less retarded next time.
Starting point is 02:04:07 I'm sure, you know, keep your fingers crossed. Might take you 200 years, but you'll get there eventually. I have faith in you guys. Don't import so much of your food. Keep some banana farms around for yourselves, the next guy. This is, it's like, Venice Way is like watching somebody playing Sim City on codes. And that you know know in Sim City
Starting point is 02:04:29 Always jumps from like being totally easy and fun and then you hit that point where it's like Shit now I got too many fire. All or nothing. Yeah, everything starts breaking down. It's looking at me like I have any experience Never played Sim City. No, you would love Sim City really. Yeah, you coach of course Josh You remember Sim City, right? I thought real world was Sim City You all you play Sim City and then you get to a point where like all the fires start breaking out and the taxes start plummeting and then like there's no combination of levers that you can switch to get it. Every time I look at a South American revolution, I'm like, yeah, you guys played Sim City uneasy because you got all that oil.
Starting point is 02:04:58 Now you know, fuck that. Start over, start over. That might be the failure of the United States. There was no fake news bar in Sim Cityity, so no one knows how to handle this. Yeah. Well shit, Josh, where are you going now? You're banned from streamlining. Oh, well, I'm going to keep streaming on YouTube.
Starting point is 02:05:16 I'm just going to do it for free. The main reason why he went after a streamed on me is because of the high scores system where just by being one of the top streamers, you get a check every week and my check was like 250 a week, which is, it was like, it was like all over there on a fucking burn wound. This is how that felt. So, yeah, that's why you went after that. I'm going to keep streaming. I'm just going to keep doing it for free.
Starting point is 02:05:38 I enjoy it. I like talking about crazy people. Okay. I'll set you up on my system. We'll talk about it. And if that's what gets me kicked off of the painting on what you're doing, I can help out like I used to be a programmer me too. I can run low on ISP and shit. Just let me know what you need. Okay. I just want you to get,
Starting point is 02:05:56 I mean, it's it's you're asking for a pittance for to keep. Oh, yeah, no, I live in a fucking third-world country. My bills are not that much. What do you live? I just find. Where do you live? Oh, I can't say that. I'll tell you. One country, DM. What area? Not even the country. Can we say the area? What hemisphere? Yeah, what hemisphere? I live somewhere between Finland and Turkey. Oh, that's my hands. So you live where girls have big tits. Bulgaria. That's all I wanted.
Starting point is 02:06:29 I mean, you can trace out a line of like the curves with the lady to tell me where you live. Like, Sean, Sean, where do I live? Japan. It's, it's, it's, it's, we're not looking South America. We're gonna live the South, right? What do I live? The South, right? What do I live from Hollywood, US, to the East?
Starting point is 02:06:50 It's unbelievable how much better women take care of themselves and how you never see people with like short purple hair and shit. It's just incredible how much of a difference there is. I believe you. Let's move the show. Let's move the show to where Josh is. Wherever McAfee is. Yeah. Wherever McAfee is.
Starting point is 02:07:12 Following his presidential campaign. Not really. It's fun. I highly recommend it. Josh, anything make you rage other than this? Oh, geez. It's the thing is, it's like it's always the same problems. Yeah, I've been at the same problem for like four years.
Starting point is 02:07:28 What about Colin, what about calling a place to ask if they're open? That's really, that's real, that's a real problem. Well, okay, in the third world, if I were ever a third world dictator, my priority number one would be a reliable postal system. Like I don't know how countries fucked that up, but you got to be a reliable postal system. Like, I don't know how countries fucked that up, but you gotta get a good postal system. That's why the founding fathers put the post office in the Constitution, because if you don't got mail,
Starting point is 02:07:51 you don't got shit. I'm also, I'm pissed at fucking Trump. You guys are talking about it? I am not optimistic about this. He should have kept it down. Everybody felt better. The government was dead, and everybody was happier because of it.
Starting point is 02:08:04 I agree with you, but, you know, I think it's good because he's got a seam like the reasonable one. He wins so much in the fringe voters, the undecided voters by giving a little bit and then blowing it out, acting like he's this huge magnanimous guy. If he shows that he's willing to work with them, I think that goes a long way. And I do think that the wall is a second term thing. Like I thought it was that from the beginning. Right.
Starting point is 02:08:32 I don't think he'll win if it's not under construction by the time the voting is done. Josh, I'll be alone. We'll do anything to get that wall. We will do the vote. American voters, we like to front because we want to be gratified right now, we will do anything when you're in voting booth and you're like wall possible while not possible you're gonna vote for the wall
Starting point is 02:08:53 possible american full of gamblers yeah america's full of gamblers we will buy that lottery ticket every week we will vote for drum twice will vote for three times what percentage of the american what percentage of the american public cares deeply about the wall? 75% say that illegal immigration is a problem. Okay. That's the best that I've seen.
Starting point is 02:09:12 That's the, yeah. Sean, do you care about the negative effects of illegal immigration on black people? Absolutely. Yeah, there you go. Easy. I do. You could have said yes. That undermined everything.
Starting point is 02:09:25 Everything for the black guy was destroyed when they let the Mexican take his place. Almost how much of the black population is on welfare right now because all the jobs that they used to do are being done for a third of the price by Mexican immigrants. It's like it can be like, fuck her. Well, it's crazy. I'm basically white. That's gonna go in a tweet. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:49 But every time, every time, the masters and admits, he's basically white. Every time it comes up to check the box for race, I always check, I always check his panic. And I know, I like, I know that it's fucking people over. I check it with, I check it gleefully. You have to use fucking over the same person as me who is white and is unable to check it. And my entire life, my entire life growing up and being connected to Mexican
Starting point is 02:10:17 groups, like charity groups and activism groups. And like, why people dump money into minority groups. Yeah, sure. Always special interest this Latino scholarship dad. Of course. The truth of it is the Latinos and blacks have to compete for that money. Like the ugliest part of institutionalized races and virtue signaling racism in America is that while as much as white people get fucked, Mexican people and black people have to compete for the same virtue signal dollars, which turns into this like sick, you know, it reminds
Starting point is 02:10:58 me of like an Irish, an Irish boxer in the 30s fighting like a black boxer for the enjoyment of the elite white upper class. And it's like that is a fundamental, a fundamental truth of being either black or Mexican in the country is that you are always at war with the other side for free money. I think Dick, not Dick, I called Trump Dick for some reason. I think that he's real does that all the time in bed. He's like, oh fuck me Trump. Oh my god, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 02:11:29 I'm acceptable. Acceptable. I think Trump will start to win the black vote because what stuck out to me is like back in the era of slavery, where it was illegal for black people to get married to each other. Yeah. You still had like 90% of black children
Starting point is 02:11:45 who was lucky bastards. And we've got. And now it's like, it's like the exact opposite. It's like 10% of black babies are born in 2013. And it's like, the only thing that changed, that that started to take a decline was after the 1950s. And it's like the democratic policies for black Americans has been worse for black Americans than fucking slavery
Starting point is 02:12:07 in terms of the family union. That's a nice. As you can see, if Kanye said that, everyone would call him an idiot. Yeah, I agree with you. The middle class has been so terribly eviscerated by God with Nixon, Reagan, like, it's like they have systematically
Starting point is 02:12:26 destroyed black people. The black metal lines. The black metal lines. The black metal lines straight to Jesse Lee Peterson territory. I'm very quickly. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.
Starting point is 02:12:35 All right. Josh, I got to go plant a barbecue. I'm not just happening in 20. I'm going to start a barbecue that I promised a lot of people I would do. It's always great talking to you, though, buddy. Yeah, yeah. Send me an email about your platform. Let's work it out.
Starting point is 02:12:52 I had more faith in you than fucking Jordan Peters, and that's for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's last week. What's a good name? Just popped a cap off at Cana Worms, right? Yeah, cuz look, I am a dirt bag.
Starting point is 02:13:07 Everybody, everybody knows this, but I do think I do have a strange feeling. I do have this feeling that if I've, it disgusts me to have, but that I have benefited a lot, a lot from the community of dirt bags, of more locks, I'm wearing a shirt right now, and I would like to try to give something back. I owe it, I'm getting old, Sean. I'm getting old. Yeah, that's your age, chocolate. I'm just hitting 40 or something while you think about the
Starting point is 02:13:37 kid. Without any kid, you're gonna need some kind of legacy. 38, I feel it. I'm in Knoxville watching Ralph and Andy like screw around and I sit there and I like see like the like an old terminator like Possible travel I just want to protect these boys I want to protect these boys so that their voices remain strong and grow over the years Yes, I need the South of the internet will rise again.
Starting point is 02:14:07 Jesus. All right. Take a look. Take a picture. Get out of here. Get out of here. Take a picture. Take a picture.
Starting point is 02:14:15 Okay, everybody, this has been the Dixho. Dixho,, the Dixho. We'll see how long that lasts. I want to plug something. Go ahead. Oh boy. Jesse Lee Peterson does the bond network.
Starting point is 02:14:27 Okay. It's something I donate to and I think it's a great organization. You're promoting Jesse Lee Peterson's black outreach charity on my show. Yes. Well, let's wait till he gets in here to give that out. Well, we hang that over his head.
Starting point is 02:14:41 You can bleep it out. No, it's fine. How you doing, Sean? I'm good. Yeah, you can anything that makes you a rage. Oh You know what I? Yes, but it's gonna it's gonna take a while. Well, let's play the song then get to it No, no, let's just we'll do it. We'll do it next week. Can't do it next week We've been saying that. Hey, by the way, we're doing a grand pricks. We're doing a grand pricks to an LA a magic another magic Trap. Oh, yeah, that sounds fun. Would you do that again?
Starting point is 02:15:05 No, you have fun. No, you wouldn't do it again. That's my thought. That's my, what I was going to ask you, was like, I was trying to do it again, I was just absolutely not. I would all come hang out. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 02:15:12 That's what I was thinking too. Yeah, come hang out. Okay, do it a boy. I made my brain hurt, so I'll come out. Yeah, I'll come out, but I'm not playing magic. Um, and, and we're doing Australia. Yeah, do we know are we nailing down? We're nailing it down slowly.
Starting point is 02:15:28 There's a comedy festival in Melbourne. I'll never say Melbourne. Okay. Do you have to get a visa? I'll say, I don't worry about that. You know that's the equivalent of the hard r down there, right? Uh, I don't say Los Angeles. What do you live?
Starting point is 02:15:44 Los Angeles. Los Angeles. Oh, you live? Los Angeles? Los Angeles. Oh, yeah. That's how we say it. We're doing Mel- Mel-born and then Sydney. I don't know who's we're doing. Mel-born. Mel-born. Mel-born-y. You know what? I'm going to say the E, too. Okay. We're doing Mel-born-y and then Sydney. It's your ass. Let's listen to- let's listen to... Let's listen to Makin' Hey from the Hard Men Working Hard. The Hard Men Working Hard have Makin' Hey. See you next Tuesday, everybody. I was living in the lap of luxury But when I wake up I knew something was wrong. Everything I thought I had before was suddenly gone But I wasn't my dreams be dreams the mom gotta say fucking got the bomb on the balls And I'll get the money get the paper get the door sugar money yacca but what I want now
Starting point is 02:16:33 No, what camera right? I Have a look really fucking talented man Yeah, he impresses me every time he sends something in. He's pressing every time. He's pressing every time. He's pressing every time. He's pressing every time. He's pressing every time.
Starting point is 02:16:54 He's pressing every time. He's pressing every time. He's pressing every time. He's pressing every time. He's pressing every time. He's pressing every time. He's pressing every time. Get that bread, make that haze Yeah, I wanna be so rich, you'll make you sick Buy a cell, you'll life and make you my bitch Riding grind, over time
Starting point is 02:17:10 That's right, there's money to make, you know I make it self You gotta get your hands dirty, you can want that well I'll get the chat, I get the muller, get the tacos I'll get so much money, you gotta give a fuck I let my looos go Get them by your smile and the same flow Telling chicks, I made my big on the dig show We're gonna battle, roll up to a company, my dick A fact is, the fact is, you're gonna found all of the one company My dick a fat-diss a fat-diss
Starting point is 02:17:25 You're gonna have to be Brad Pitt It's a fucking stack bitch It's a cash union bank She puns and track You can't do it You can't stop Do you give her any guys from the Stu with his knee cups? Get me a fuck out of the butt
Starting point is 02:17:35 Bust a knock run and a face a lot There this is dangerous I'm getting fucking pumped up now Bust a pump and die yoss What a one night between this and the end The word punks on Oh no, she's Fuck So you told us tower drive one not through The call and go to the power between this and the end of the song oh jeez fuck
Starting point is 02:17:46 you know shargon wants to call in again oh yeah I wish it could have been here for that come back in oh make a man yeah make a man you gotta make a man
Starting point is 02:18:02 I think I'm gonna have a quarterly schedule on the show to a one study prince make a man you gotta make a man turn around money I think I'm a him in the corner least get on the show now I'm a capitalism I could get used to where cuz I'm feeling like holding a dollar ever another watching him squirm a stopper abuse for it nice
Starting point is 02:18:18 yeah I hope Sean does some guitar playing during the You're working on music? I mean, right, I've been doing music projects in a while I mean, me personally I gotta piss I gotta piss I gotta piss
Starting point is 02:18:43 Wait a minute, we're done That was gonna play Voice Mail Let's do another bonus episode Yeah, alright, cool, all the voice mail's there I gotta piss. Me too. I gotta piss. Wait a minute, wait a minute. That was gonna play Voice Mail. Let's do another bonus episode. Yeah, alright. Cool, I'll do the Voice Mail, man. I wanna be so rich, check out my old bitch. Just in real six, yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:52 What the heck? What the heck? Are you gonna leave me here? I'm getting money. That's right. There's money to make. Can it one make it so? I'm gonna get your hands dirty.
Starting point is 02:19:00 And you want that well. I'll make it. I'll roll this. Yeah. I'll roll this. They love me. They love me. They love me. They love me. They love me. They love me.
Starting point is 02:19:14 They love me. They love me. They love me. They love me. They love me. They love me. They love me. That was Making Hey, or Make In Hey, by hard men working hard, only on the Dic show, featuring vocals by La Kimbera. I don't know if I got that right. All right.
Starting point is 02:19:49 Hope everybody has a good week. I will I'm gonna wander upstairs. Go barbecue. Go burn some meat. All right. See you all later. Thanks. Okay, wait. Sorry. I thought I was signing on more. Did you do that? Did you try to host the show while I was gone? No, it went terribly. Wait, there's one more thing I wanted to play. Okay. It went horribly. Don't ever do that again. Okay.
Starting point is 02:20:12 A guy, a dickhead, I think, Bashar, Bashar, ball guy. Goddamn it. What's his name? He's posing as fake e-cell liberties and going on Maddox's streams and commenting. So Maddox thinks it's the real guy commenting on his, hold on, let me see if he's here. I just want to talk to him. Like flattering comments or just showing up and Maddox is so excited that other e-cell liberties are there.
Starting point is 02:20:40 Is he there? Yeah. Bachelor ball god. Are you there, buddy? All right. I'm going to play it. Oh, he's not around anymore Bachelors Ball God. Bachelors Ball God. Are you there, buddy? All right, I'm gonna play it. Oh, he's not around anymore. Fuck, all right, I'm gonna play it. I'm gonna play it. I'm gonna play it.
Starting point is 02:20:50 Coach, we're still on the air. I got it. Boy, yeah, you're gonna listen. You want to listen to this? It's funny. Oh, fuck. That was an emergency. That's what I'm talking about. So a dickhead, Bachelors Ball God is posing as East celebrities on Maddox's live streams.
Starting point is 02:21:05 Okay. He's posing as other like, oh, okay, okay. Okay, okay. Maddox, just Maddox, Maddox gets so excited that somebody's there. This is it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is it. This is it.
Starting point is 02:21:18 I love it. Yeah, it's up in the link. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, here we go. So this is mundane Matt is who he's, is who he's, he just changes his name to mundane Matt and then he goes in the chat. Yeah. Yeah. And real quick in the chat room, we got mundane Matt. What's up, bro? It's our homie Monday Matt. This guy's cool. Guys, also check out Monday Matt's guy. He does a live news show or has been for a while. And I think I think maybe transitioning into some new stuff
Starting point is 02:21:47 which is really exciting. Oh, he's transitioning, all right. You know what? You got to have Mad on the show too at some point. He was saying, not him, not the guy. Not the guy, oh, we got to have Mad in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's my, he's a homie.
Starting point is 02:21:59 Hey, what's up, homie? And he's not too long ago. But yeah, Monday and Mad, really good dude. Like that guy. Anyway, guys, you can find me Real quick in the chat room. We got Monday and Matt was up bro. It's our Monday and Matt is good guys also check out Monday and Matt's channel Or has been for a while and I think I think he'd be transitioning to some new stuff.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Yeah, I mean, he's just a name dropping. He's won't even bring him on. Well, he yeah, he would eagerly have him on. He just said we got to get him on the show. But in the last one. It's not there. Wow. Monday Matt, who is an embarrassing twiggy-legged lull cow.
Starting point is 02:22:45 Monday in Matt, who is a being of soy and vaginal juices in a skin wrapper, who wraps himself with old newspapers that he delivers in his speech. He was, it's like the worst thing you could get at a Tokyo sushi bar. Yeah, there were boulders involved somehow. Boulders, boulders yeah. There were boulders involved somehow. Boulders. Boulders.
Starting point is 02:23:06 He fucks boulders, not even mundane Matt would dain to be in the, oh, I would give anything to have Maddox, mundane Matt and Tonka saw. So, you know, Tonka, he restarted his program. He did, just as wrestling. Oh, God. All they do is talk about wrestling. You know what? Which is the weirdest, it is so creepy and weird and delusional. It's sad. I think
Starting point is 02:23:30 that's. I think that's a super power. And that's sounding excited when inside you're, you're just a shell of human. I mean, you mean, man, that sounds really, really. We give the chat room. We've got Monday and Mad What's up bro? What's up, kids? It's our homie Monday and Mad. It's our homie. Guys also. It's our homie or homie Monday and Mad. Who is not him.
Starting point is 02:23:52 Not him. It's the dickhead. He's got another one. He also opposed this Doug Tenepel. Oh. Wait, let me see if I can find that. But Doug's got that. He's got the Maddocks on his show.
Starting point is 02:24:02 Well, to get viewers, yeah. No, whatever, whatever. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that.
Starting point is 02:24:12 I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that.
Starting point is 02:24:20 I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that. I still have that.. I still have that. Yes, Monday and Monday. So the reason we hate, the reason I hate Monday and Matt is because Monday and Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, it's at VidCon. Matt, I think Matt, I think Matt, I heard that he sucked him off. I don't know if that's true, but I heard that.
Starting point is 02:24:36 You heard, yeah, okay. I heard he showed him a good time. I don't know what that means. But the first take on the lawsuit was Monday and Matt reading it and saying, Tatriana should revoke my account because what I'm doing is harassment. Really? Yeah. Wow. So we got to see him in the ground. Man, so obvious. Um, what, what phase? No, it's problem basures here. I think by definition, you're not a boomer.
Starting point is 02:25:05 Well, he's not on the chat anyway. A good friend phase. In the chat. Faises the one who did the porn of us. Did you know that was cool? Thank you very much for that. Yeah. Let me see.
Starting point is 02:25:22 I wanna see that after we kill the stream. Here, you can see it right now. Or you don't have to broadcast it? No. Yeah, let me see. All right, Sean, are you ready? This is the gender swap of me. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 02:25:38 Nice. Okay. Whoa. Okay. Yeah, this is the liner. That's by great lion. Where's Sean though? Sean, this is the liner. That's like great great lion Where's Sean though Sean? I really like Sean the girl Sean. Yeah, yeah, one more girl She'll Sean didn't get the same. Oh, no, we need and thank God for that
Starting point is 02:26:06 I'm trying let me try to find here's what I want I want girl Sean getting talked into something by girl dick stop stop stop stop stop This is dead. No, that's it's enough. Don't you have somebody to be is that the the duck to have a baby? Here we go. Here we go. Here's the Doug tonight one. Oh God Is that the the duck to nap? Hey Doug tech give me a text if it's really you I don't know if it's actually Doug if it is It's fun to the show if it's actually Doug if it is Yeah, no way is right not him you fucking losers Dude from earthworm Jim still in the live chat. No, I don't know. I told him to take the heart of his hand, though. Because like, I've been on his show. In the chat, it's a hundred and a half minutes.
Starting point is 02:26:46 He's very specific for him to be in here, especially if he's been a guest. So I think that was him. It could be, yeah. We got another voicemail soup. And real quick, in the cat room, we got Monday mat, what's up, bro? It's our homie, Monday mat.
Starting point is 02:26:58 It's guys cool. Guys, also check out Monday mat's channel. He does a live new show, or has been for a while. And I think maybe transitioning into some new stuff, which is really exciting, we'll, you know what? We got to have Matt on the show too, at some point. He was in LA not too long ago.
Starting point is 02:27:13 But yeah, Monday and Matt, really good dude. Like that guy. Really good dude. Yeah, dude. He's like Matt, he believes that. What a fucking loser, Matt, X is. Oh, what's that? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:27:27 Hey, hey, is that, are you guys watching my show? Tets me if you're watching my show. Yeah, yeah. That's watching my show. It's free. You can watch it on any device. I think that was a, I have his phone number. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I about this weekend too. Oh, yeah It's you know party. So yeah, are we like are we all going to get oh you guys are going? Oh, yeah So I should meet like me maybe when you get there like just text me if it's cool that I'm there
Starting point is 02:27:53 I'm the dormant tell it you know put me on the list though put me on the list Biggest probably the best page in the universe never had ads on my show You guys remember my book it was it a 2003. The one that everyone's lighting on fire. That's the one that is the one. Oh yeah. People are burning it because it's so cool as shit. It's cool as shit. Flame on. That's what I say. That's to be a man. Flame on. I love it. Own it. Own it. Own your fire. Oh, no, oh, you're fire. I'm personally, I'm on fire. I'm named Smatics.
Starting point is 02:28:27 I've got a game coming out. I was on the drunken peasants with Doug. And while Doug said, I've seen his game and it's cool. And I let that slide. I was like, yeah, you give, you give a lot of sliding. You got a respect. Yeah, respect. Yeah. You know what, I hope the Maddox is game is just the greatest game in the world
Starting point is 02:28:49 So he has enough money to pay a stereo series counters. Yeah I've seen it. It's cool. Yeah, well, okay. I'll stop there. I don't want to spoil jokes Y2K the guy the guy who made the game 2K? There's a new game that's out. It's a post-modern role playing game. Sold hundreds of thousands of copies. You can get it on Switch. It was featured on Nintendo. He's dickhead. I'm in that game. Cool. Yeah. I did voice lines where I didn't know when I'm coming out. Yeah, but you can find me. Oh, nice. You got to play the clip when you get it. Well, I wanted to have him call in, but apparently he's getting shit all over by, you know, the usual bad guys.
Starting point is 02:29:30 Grimes. Yeah, grimes. A lot of rank grimes, a lot of grimes. Grimes, yeah. All right, everybody, see you next Tuesday. You gotta go have a barbecue. See ya. you

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