The Dick Show - Episode 142 - Dick on The Butt Conspiracy

Episode Date: February 19, 2019

Hate crimes and hoaxes, kiwis are bad for you, hearing your heartbeat in your ear when you're trying to go to sleep, Roosh V calls in to school virgins, Cernovich takes an interest in the countersuit,... my time between two Cliff Clavins, the war against AI in war, buying pillows, the globalist conspiracy of population control that is butt saturation, and Road Rage: Austrlia is booked; all that and more this week on The Dick Show.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. Let's do a show. Everybody hears everything? Yeah, everybody hears everything. Good. Second row and a row. Good. What are you eating?
Starting point is 00:00:12 Is that Kiwi? Oh, I would like a Kiwi. Oh, I think Christopher is calling in today. Oh, thank you. Oh, good. Thank you. I still can't believe that he's not like the Ramel playing a playing a gag. Damn, that was good Kiwi too. Good. Yeah. No, no, no. I'll eat it all.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Such a diverse character. Kiwi's got to be bad for you. No, I think it could be. I think it's just tasted. Something's not right because it's so good. Yeah, someday they're going to find something in that that's more dangerous than cigarettes. Just tasted, tasted. It's fucking delicious. They can't be that much good flavor in something. I know. It's gotta be something bad. It's tart and sweet.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Mm-hmm. And that'll be something bad in it. The seeds actually add to it a little bit of crunch, which is perfect. It is, it's like a perfect fruit. All other fruits are dog shit. The only thing, unless you wanna eat the hair on the outside, they're just a pain in the ass to prepare. Have you to eat the hair on the outside, they're just a pain in the ass to prepare.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Have you ever eaten the hair on the outside? I've tried it. Just take a big ol' bite out of a kiwi. I hear some people eat it that way. Really? You got to shave them first, though. Wait, you can really do that? You're not fucking with me?
Starting point is 00:01:19 No, it's not gonna hurt ya. Somebody told me that you can wash it off and take a bite. Well, yeah. It's not as pleasure, but the skin's a little more like tanniny. Oh, so it's a little bit, but can a little bit more stringent? You can bite it out and then kind of shave it off with your teeth and spit it out. You could. Somebody told me that you can eat the shells for peanuts to change my life. Oh, that's now I do is eat the shells. Yeah, I don't think it's I don't think it's good for you
Starting point is 00:01:47 because it leveled a bind something up if you eat a bunch of. What do you mean? Well, I don't know. Here's what I would counteract it with drinking. Okay, that's how I flush it. So I pound. No, I do eat that. I will take a bite.
Starting point is 00:01:59 If I'm at a ball game, I'll crack open like some peanuts and throw the peanuts in and then bite like half a shell and chew that up too, because it's super salty. Yeah, I do. That's great. I'm over it. I busted in half and then I have like a little boat with peanuts in it and I eat that and spit half out.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Gotcha. All right, yeah. No, I've eaten the sauce. That's my move. The salt tastes good. But then eventually, eventually you get lost in the sauce though. Do you?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Yeah, it starts to just feel like cardboard. Well, because it dries your mouth out so bad the salt or whatever. So it's just, I ate my tongue off one time because I got so wrapped up in the shell game. Good thing you have powers of regeneration. This is a new tongue. New tongue. Yeah. War the old one out. I got it donated. Yeah, wore the old one out. I got it donated. Donated. Yeah. So a little low lesbian only used it to look to the store.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Oh yeah. I've got her time. Very good. Only use it on weekends. Yeah, they're out there. You got to really search for those kind of deals, but when they come up, you got to snatch them. Yep.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Well done. Well done. You know, if it wasn't for this show, we wouldn't get to hang out every week. That's the sad truth of life. I know. People I say, don't stop doing the show. How can I stop doing the show? I would never get to hang out with Sean again.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I know. We'd have to set up plans. I really have a different than doing a show. I really am gonna make a concerted effort to be better about that. Why? Well, because things. No, because I've gotten really bad where like I really don't even want to leave the house most of the time. Oh, leaving the house, man, since I moved in here.
Starting point is 00:03:34 But I do, I do like, like when we hang out and we do barbecue and stuff, I do really enjoy that. And I don't, I don't enjoy much. Well, that's barbecue was good. All kinds of broads. It was fun. It was fun. Did you like that? Oh, it was. Did you like that? It was great. It was great. It was great. There's great. He and I were holding, holding court over in the, uh, the, the, holding, the girls were laughing. It was great. Oh, God bless. He and Sean do the tweedle D and tweedle dumb routine from Allison Wonderland. But they do the walk and they do everything at the same time. It takes a lot of practice to choreograph that precisely.
Starting point is 00:04:10 But it works. It works as a natural love it. Yeah, they tell the story of the Jabber Walk. It was brilliant. And the slightly toes. Did Guy and Gimbal in the lead. So he does that and I make fun of it. In those accents too.
Starting point is 00:04:26 What accent? Oh, I don't know. You know, Tweedle D and Tweedle Dumb. Yeah, they, they sound like Bob Hoskins. Super Mario. I guess they do, don't they? Yeah, all right, I gotta start this. Leave all this in.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I like these slow start. Yeah, I'm part of it. I like these slow starts. Oh, God. What a week. I like these slow starts. Oh, God. What a week. Yeah! Welcome to Dick, you want to dig, you love Dick, you need Dick, you got it, it's the show,
Starting point is 00:05:01 where everything's in contest. Coming to you live from Mount Bunker, deep in the heart of the city of failure. I'm your host Dick Masterson, aka the $20 million man recently voted America's best Mexican 22 weeks running. We got a 22. Can I get a 22? I think you're 23. I'm gonna have a run fat of this guy, 23. I'm gonna start keeping track of this.
Starting point is 00:05:18 23 weeks running with me is always as LA comedian. LA based comedian. Sean, the audio engineer. You need a laugh track.A. comedian, L.A. based comedian, Sean, the audio engineer. You need a laugh track. Everybody. Okay. Thank you, what a great audience day. How you doing, man?
Starting point is 00:05:33 Good. Who, what a week? What a week. What a week. Australia is booked. Australia is fucking booked, dude. I feel the weight of the world and off of my trash.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I got to get a passport. You have to get a passport? Yeah, I haven't had one the world and the off of my chest. I gotta get a passport. You have to get a passport? Yeah, I haven't had one in a while. Jesus Christ, you know what? It's like, I hate to use the time. Did you get a trip through AAA to get a passport? Yeah, I can't that help, like, ex-buddyte things. I think it can.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Yeah, and I have AAA to do it. Yeah, no, I'm gonna do it like now, because I am, I gotta tell the absolute king of procrastination and that's not something I wanna fuck up. I gotta tell Diego to get on that one now. It's all these things. It's like hurting cats. I hate using that phrase because I hate business phrases.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah, like, I know, you know, business phrases. And the ultimate business phrase outside the box. You gotta get outside the box on this one. Yeah, I think that should be grounds for instant shooting in the face. Yeah. When I hear this, euphemisms, we need like scary stories for business where their scary stories meant to frighten businessmen away from saying, yeah, please advise outside the box.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Get on top of it. Keep me in the loop. Under promise and over delivery. Yeah. Yeah. The gypsies ran off with all his TPS reports after that. And he was never avert to under promise again. That was his curse, whatever he said, like a collection of goose bumps for business people.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Yeah. Cause it ruins, it fucks up their brains, man. It does. It fucks up their brains for all the sudden business platitudes and that's it. Oh, I can't imagine. I can't imagine when I picture them plowing their wives saying like, I'm, I'm, don't worry, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I'm under promising, but I'm over delivering on a dick and she's like, what in the fuck have I gotten myself? This isn't worth it. Yeah, it's a whole bunch of lumbergs. Fuckin' their wives. It's okay, baby. We'll just depreciate this based on future fucking and amortized the time that I'm not spending.
Starting point is 00:07:34 They love it! They do. When it could all be every email, every business email could be fixed with just starting it off with, you fucked up. And then say exactly what you mean. It's like every business email is 10 paragraphs to say, you fucked up, to trick them into not thinking
Starting point is 00:07:54 that they fucked up. It's like a world of hypnotists send the emails back. So if you look at my, if you look into my over promises and soak in the words that I'm telling you, you will realize that you fucked up and I have over-delivered. And I have over-delivered. Dilbert, right, everyone? Australia's booked.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Yeah. Fucking fantastic. We're 420 in Sydney and we're, what did I say, 412 in Melbourne? Yeah, Melbourne, is that what you're going with? Melbourne, that's how it's pronounced. 420 and Sydney and where, what did I say 412 and Mel, Mel Borney? Yeah, Mel, is that what you're going with? Mel Borney, that's how it's pronounced. Mel Borney, Sydney, I think it is. Mel Borney is the 12 side note.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Sydney is 420. I guess we should have, it would have been nice to have them swapped. I would love to, I want to see the Oprah Hoos. I want to see the Oprah Hoos. The Oprah Hoos, yeah. Sydney. Here it's nice. There's going to the Oprah Hoos. The Oprah Hoos. Yeah. Sitting here. It's nice. There's going to be a comedy festival there in Melbourne. Really? Really?
Starting point is 00:08:49 Is there going to be any like Bundaberg sponsored Dick show kangaroo fights? Let's fight a kangaroo. Yeah, I mean, that's what you do there. You can do lots of things there. We can have a contest. Like, I mean, like a scavenger hunt, but like box jellyfish collecting. Oh yeah, let's fuck a jellyfish. Who can take more?
Starting point is 00:09:11 It's certainly get some tizzle on you tizzle. Who can take more bites? That's a stick. Who can take more bites from a tie pan before they pass out? I want to fuck a jellyfish and then so it goes and tell the real boxing fish. Yeah, what?
Starting point is 00:09:22 Cone snail, grab it. I don't know. Maybe eating all about. It's a real boxing fish. You know what? Cone snail, grab it, I don't know. Maybe eating, right? White shark wrestling. I'm gonna go around every campsite and tell Australians with women there how to start their fires. Just as soon as they park, I'm gonna drive by, hey, good day!
Starting point is 00:09:39 Hey, you fuck! What up, dog? That's how he's saying in America. I noticed you're trying to start a fire over there. I haven't really started yet. May, well, well, well, well, never too early to start. That's what I always say. Cockblocking from thousands of miles away.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I'm excited about it. Another, yet another feral animal, ruining Australia. Can't hold this breath. The dreaded, the dreaded, I know everything about fire starting. We should, we should have a man's planning off in Australia because those motherfuckers really, they can really put some stank on their condescending explanations for shit that you already know how to do. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:10:19 I think so. Okay. I think that's why I'm always getting in fights with them. I love them. I love the Australian people, but I'm always getting into altercations with them, because we both like it. I think me and them, we both like it, deep down, you know? Every Australian actor I've ever worked with was like the fucking,
Starting point is 00:10:35 no, the coolest dude ever. Fuck, fucking coolest guy. Yeah. I'm excited about it. We got a huge theater. We got a huge theater in Melbourne, like 240. I over did it because I don't want anybody to get turned away. That's good. Sydney, there's 140. Maybe tickets will be up on Tuesday when this show launches, maybe,
Starting point is 00:10:59 but definitely next week. I want to give people plenty of time to plan their vacations. It's so short to Japan too. Maybe we could get some Japanese decades over there. No, you're right. It is. I mean, that's a show with the hard men working. Oh, I think it was a year ago today that the that the Dixiel album was out too. So we'll see those guys in doing episode with them and their sound studio. Awesome. In Australia, to me seems like one of those places where Dick heads down there will recruit a bunch of buddies to come out. Yeah. Oh, you got to see this fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yeah, I hope so. I think so too. Let's see what else I got here. The magic, Terry, everybody knows the magic's tournament. If you want to play in the... When is that happening? March 2nd, Saturday, March 2nd. Oh, yeah. Go to slash MTG. If you want to pick up the... When is that happening? March 2nd, Saturday, March 2nd.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Go to slash MTG if you want to pick up tickets to go to that. It should be a lot of fun. I think we got a pot already, but we'll see. It's going to be in the same place as last time. Yeah, probably. It was a good place. It was a good place. It was a good place.
Starting point is 00:11:57 We're going to start on time this time, too. So we don't get kicked out last time. It's just a big shit show. People getting dragged out of the bar before we... It's going to be very regimented this time. Yeah And that's the funniest joke on the episode today everybody. All right Definitely we know who the LA based comedian is well, I went to I was gonna save this for we got Rouch V calling in who I know Will be a fantastic guest because somebody tweeted at me that I shouldn't have him on, second me. Second I announced it, because he's a rapist apparently.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Oh God. Yeah. Okay. What else would he be? Well, are you there Anati? You know, do you know? Do you know what I'm saying? Everyone is a rapist or you are the rapist.
Starting point is 00:12:38 That's where we're at. If you're in a room full of rapists and you can't tell who's the rapist, or the victim. Or the victim. Yeah, or whatever that goes with the fucking sucker at the card table. I don't know. Playing a game of cards.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I should know better as an LA based comedian. And you don't know who the rapist is. You're the rapist. That's everyone knows that slogan. So he'll be calling in. I guess to give you some instructions on how to rape more better. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Uh. Sheesh.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I saw Mike Cernovich this week. Every time I hear Mike Cernovich, I think of a Stereo's rainbow pill song. It was Michael Cernovich. It was great. I saw him. I went to his hoaxed film showing as UCLA, the young Republicans club. So it was like a hundred Alex P. Keaton's all in a room, just practicing their handshakes and their six sigma,
Starting point is 00:13:33 a nickname, a vacation, you know. It was fun though. It was a great, it was a great movie. I'll say unqualified. It was a great movie. There was shit I didn't know. He presents, he presents both sides. I want to say, I want to say, but that might be, that might be too, too generous of me.
Starting point is 00:13:53 But there was like a, it's all about how, how the media spins hoaxes and makes shit up, runs with, runs with, they run with each other's facts. Like they make shit up and then they run with it and it's like a game of operator, they just build it and they fuck up people's like, there's a whole section about Black Lives Matters. How that was a, how that's, how they've been media hoaxed as well and unfairly represented. I guess it's coming out on. Very interesting. It's coming out on, I think Netflix or something, or maybe theatrical release or something soon. He said he would come back in after a release which would be great, which should be fucking hard. Part of the listeners think it would be the worst thing ever and the other half is like,
Starting point is 00:14:32 that'd be great. But here's what he said. Here's what he said to me. This was the funniest thing in the world to me. He said he was interested in, I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I think he intimated to me that he was interested in representing esterios in California for what's been for between him and Maddox. I forgot, Surnavitch is interested in me and lawyer, right? He said, I'm still a lawyer and I think what Maddox did is unforgivable and it should be counted out of existence. He's just it out of existence and he was interested in that and i said well holy shit now you've got a you've got a call in
Starting point is 00:15:12 but then somebody told me at the literally at the exact same time hysteriosis on boomer versus zoomer saying he's not coming back on the show because he's worried that maddox would pull a clip of him on the same show of Mike Cernivage. Wait a minute. You realize at the same time, you're first of all, Maddox is going to do that anyway. Who just make it up?
Starting point is 00:15:37 I could just say that you did it anyway. There's no need to do it or not do it. Keon McGonney is in the studio too, ladies and gentlemen, you can hear him laughing. You might be here. At the same time, Sirna Hitch is telling me he's interested in helping. The cereos is on the other side of the country saying that the worst possible thing would be to be a so-sian. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:16:03 A cereos. The liberals are never going to take you back. They're never going to take you back. You are like a baby bird that got touched by a human. The mother is never gonna take you back into the nest. You are like a wonderful little guinea pig that got touched by a human hand. Like, don't touch the babies. Don't touch the babies, I'm off,
Starting point is 00:16:23 I'm gonna take a back. You're not getting taken back. I hope we can talk about this and work it out. I've got a bunch of clips from Boomer versus Zoom, where I wanna play later, where Stereo's talks about the show and the lawsuit. Oh, answer some questions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:38 We'll talk about it later. I'll tell you what makes me a rage first. Let's see, not knowing how tax brackets work. Are you aware that there are people who don't understand that when you go up in tax brackets, you only pay the new tax on that money? Oh, yeah, right. There are actual people who will argue to the death
Starting point is 00:17:03 that when you go up, it's retroactive. It's retroactive on all of them. It's the every week, I think I find that. Why would that be? Who knows? There are guys who are proud of themselves for turning down bonuses or additional income because it would have put me in another, check this out.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I'm the smart guy for turning this down. This actually exists. Every week is a new discovery of how tremendously stupid people can be. You're telling me a dude said that? Many. So many. I guarantee you there are people listening to this right now,
Starting point is 00:17:45 who are involved in arguments with their dad or uncle or a coworker who refuses to refuses to understand that it doesn't work that way. See, that's, it's hard for me to believe that because I've met people who actually believe that, but they were all chicks in art school or her graduated or school. So I didn't think anyone who actually had a job. People who own houses believe this shit. Incredible. That's how so. I think it should be more complicated.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Hmm. I think they should make it. If that, I think I do think they should make the tax code so complicated that people just end up giving it, you know, that like there's like the lottery times a thousand. That's a stupidity attack. Yeah. Like the tax code should be 10,000 lines long and the last rule is ignore all the other.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yeah, right. Oh, it says at the top, read all the instructions before starting this. Yeah. Or have it act like one of those games where you get to pick any number on the screen and then you do like a series of dumb math and then you always end up on the same number. Like everybody always ends up on the, everybody always ends up thinking about a gray elephant.
Starting point is 00:18:52 You know what those games are talking about? No, I know. It's like here's a grid, pick any square in the grid and they're like, okay, move, take your age and divide it by two and add 10 and then move to over. And it slowly widdles everyone down until they're on the same square. Okay. That's what it should be. That's what it should be, that's what it should be for these imbosols who cannot exist
Starting point is 00:19:14 without getting one over on the system. Yeah. Like they're just getting one over on themselves. Yeah. They can't, they physically, it's like, it's like I always say, I don't, I don't believe in God, but we need God to exist. Like people need it. They need it.
Starting point is 00:19:28 We need to give people the ability that they're figuring something out in the system, or else they will invent the earth being flat, invent that we didn't land on the moon, invent that somehow they're dooping the tax system. It's like it doesn't work like that. I don't mind, you know, that's too much. I should refuse this raise so that I don't get bumped into a, I know, because I haven't solved anything ever in my life.
Starting point is 00:19:55 So I need to tell everybody that we haven't landed on the moon or else I don't feel whole, right? I think that's true. I think, you know, in the first world, you know, a lot of the real problems of survival are kind of taken care of and you have, you have a little too much time to think. Yeah, and you start, you know, you're good.
Starting point is 00:20:16 You get a little fucky when you start to think too much. How did taxes work? Will you make a little more and then you pay a little money on that? Well, that's too easy. We didn't land on the moon. That's all I have to say about that. Sean, I'm getting an argument. I'm twilight. Do you remember Owen Benjamin, that guy that
Starting point is 00:20:29 comedian who called in? Uh, yeah. Oh, the piano. The piano guy, piano songs. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was getting in some arguments with this guy. I totally don't remember. Yeah. He doesn't, he doesn't think we landed on the moon. Yeah, sitting there. Yeah, well, all right. And what, why? Why do you think that? Yeah. Like to me, there's a hierarchy of crazy conspiracies though. Like that's not as bad as flat earth to me.
Starting point is 00:21:01 No, it's not. Yeah, I agree with you. I agree with you. Every time I've weighed into one of these tax conversations, somebody always chimes in with, well, you know, actually, actually, technically, if you do, it could disqualify you from, like, oh, man, shut the fuck up. You're the saint, you're just as bad as them. You just can't resist. You just can't resist throwing out magic info. That means nothing. resist. You just can't resist throwing out magic info. That means nothing. How do you like my tag, my super complex tag system? Have you have you laid it out for
Starting point is 00:21:34 everyone? I never ends. You're starting out and it's just continuously rules out and just forms. People fill out all day, every day to keep them engaged with the process. So they're like riddles constantly. Yeah, just keeping you confused and occupied. Puzzles. And out of internet conversations, most importantly. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah, whatever keeps you like national treasure with nipple skating online. You know, it's like the fucking, the blind leading the stupid. Do you want to talk about hate crimes? Um, yeah, why not? Did you, you know what I'm talking about, right? That gay black guy from Empire who might have hoaxed the, the other two black guys who shouted like, from Empire who might have hoaxed the item. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:25 The other two black guys who shouted like racist, racist slurs at him while they were trying ropes around his neck. Yeah. And they're no longer suspects. This is what was his name, Julius Somoliet. I don't know, but it was Timber.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Why is he his name is just it was let me help you out. Yeah, he's double gay. Okay, so there's a black gay guy. Yeah, he says three black guys walk a new a bar. Yeah. And it's Trump's fault. He said that he was attacked by two Trump supporters. Yeah, who he said that this was attacked by to trump supporters yeah who said that this is maga country right
Starting point is 00:23:08 and then said that even though he they said even though he or as good an actor as sydney potier that's that's that's i couldn't i i i i i i i glimpsed i glimpsed the story yesterday morning that's all i know but
Starting point is 00:23:23 i went i went wow those don't sound like magasupporters with names like that. That's instantly what I'm thinking. I was like, okay, well, not that they couldn't be. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Not that they couldn't be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:36 His first story, but the fact that they were, they were questioned and are no longer suspects. They had the receipt. Yeah, I know. I got his own news robe. What, why, why did he do this? Well, I, I mean, I think it was because he was getting written off the show to boost his profile. I'm sure for a motive. That's probably that's a reasonable motive that somebody absolutely is a good fucking plan. You know, it's a good fucking plan. If I'm honest,
Starting point is 00:24:02 if you're reasonably intelligent, if you, if, if you realize that the new tax bracket starts when you start making that money, all you had to do was hire two white guys. Yeah. Number one. Yeah, set number one in perpetrating your hate crimes. So you want to, so you want to hoax a hate crime. Yeah, set number one, higher to white people.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Right. To do it. Right. Because whatever minority you are, the hate crime only works if you hire a white Christian guys. Well, at least then if you get caught, half of people are still going to believe that it was a hate crime. That's right.
Starting point is 00:24:44 That's right. That's the weirdest part about it. Even if you talk about this to people until the end of time, half of a little, some people are going to say, well, I don't think they ever positively determined that that was a hoax. Like that number would be a lot bigger
Starting point is 00:25:00 if you just got to white people to perpetrate your fake. Hate crime, you idiot. Yeah. Yep. a lot bigger if you just got two white people to perpetrate your fake hate crime. You idiot. Yeah. Yep. And maybe make the dialogue a little less pithy. Wait, this is Maga country. How, isn't it Chicago?
Starting point is 00:25:14 I guess. Yeah. I'm talking about Maga country. They came at me and they said my shoes were last season. First of all, get a, get a black, it's like a black Ed win. It's like a white supra. We were last. And they threw bleach at me.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Hey, buddy, you got to do some research. What the f**k is the f**k country? I'm sorry. I've been zoning. Did they really say Sydney Portier? No, oh, that was damn as funny. I know, I know. That was brilliant.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I have been on that too. When it happened, I've heard this account. I'm like, okay, this is the most obviously made up, something that didn't happen. Right. Like, what else did they say? This is Maga Country and I've hated black people since before. Where the worst?
Starting point is 00:26:14 They're just the worst. I hate your huge black penises. Hate them, I hate them, I hate them. That's what he said. He went on to say, we're black immigrants and we are the we are the worst. And I hate that you don't get funding as much that you don't get a college funding as easily there should be more. I hate that. I hate that. No, excuse me. I did it the wrong way. I hate that you get so many scholarships so that you can challenge the system that has oppressed you in the past, I hate it.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Okay, man. Cool, yeah. Cool hate crime. Yeah. Right, that's an F for effort. Oh, God, that's really bad. Did you know I've been looking into hate crimes this week because I hate, I wish I could perpetrate a hate crime on hate crimes.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I hate the idea. Yeah. Uh, I love hate. Are you sure? I think we need more hate, just mindless, aggressive. We're getting there. Yeah. But no, it's just too much, we got too much hate actions and not enough.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Like we're acting too much on hate and not just feeling it and thinking about it and see the thing in it. Like I, there's a lot of things that I just really fucking hate. Most of things, most of things, so to call that a crime is like calling me a crime, like a person can't be illegal. I can't be a crime just because I hate things, right? I hate a lot of, I hate a lot of I hate a lot of things if I meet you Chances are I hate you
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yeah, you know This year listener of the show then we're probably not good. There's no reason for us to meet right? Yeah, people have to understand I'm at my heart. I'm an engineer and for an engineer People interacting is a flaw in the system that they've been trying to fix for generations. Yeah. Ever since, you know, the fewer people an engineer can deal with, the better he can do his job.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Everybody, everybody, the mathematics and the science is the real sciences, the STEM and not the A are all about limiting the amount of exposure people have with one another. So that someday everyone can just have their own little personal world. And the people you interact with in that world may be real or not. And it won't matter to you. Functionally, they won't be real.
Starting point is 00:28:36 That's our ultimate goal. So when you say that, hate is a crime. What else could possibly drive this system of repugnance and revulsion to your fellow man to ultimately lock everyone in their own personal mausoleum until the end of time other than hatred. It doesn't make any sense to me, right?
Starting point is 00:28:53 I mean, it's that simple. I looked up a little bit about hate crimes, a bunch of species wrong information I found. The first hate crime laws, and we're passing the American Civil War, tried to research, I tried to look that up, couldn't find any, the data to back that up. Beginning with, here we go. I saw that hate crimes, hate crimes were up, double digit percentages, but that also the
Starting point is 00:29:20 number of organizations reporting hate crimes had gone up, which I had never heard until I looked into it. It's like, okay. Right. So, so that's just like bogus then. Yeah. Like everything else. It's like I read an article on that there are more homeless people who die of hypothermia
Starting point is 00:29:39 in Southern California than in New York and San Francisco and Chicago. Oh, that's interesting. Why? Because we have way fucking more homeless people here, and that's exactly to your point. Yeah, we have like an insane percentage, the higher homeless population here than anywhere else. Well, I thought this part was funny. Let me try to find where it is.
Starting point is 00:30:01 The modern era of hate crime legislation began in 68, blah, blah, blah. Illegal to buy force or use of threat, force, injure, intimidate or interfere with anybody who's engaged in six specific, by reason of their race color religion, which, that's, okay, I already, we got a hole in that one in national origin. Then Alaska added creed and sex and in 82 disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, in the 90s some states added age, marriage, status, membership in the armed forces, and membership in civil rights organizations. When will it just say not everybody that's not a white man? Like honestly, is that what we all think that?
Starting point is 00:30:53 We could all agree with it. Let's just write it there. Cause it seems like they're adding new categories that you can hate on. Isn't creed kind of redundant? I mean, isn't that basically like an outdated term for religion or your kind of moral system? Is creed kind of redundant. I mean, isn't that basically like an outdated term for religion or your kind of moral system? These hate crime kind of redundant?
Starting point is 00:31:09 Like yeah, I fucking hate that guy. So I wanted to violate him in a number of ways. Doesn't make it any better or worse than doing it regularly. I mean, it's so obvious and boring. I don't even want to say it. Jesus Christ. It's the mind reading of it. Well, and we're at a,
Starting point is 00:31:27 we're kind of at an all time high point for mind reading. Yeah, on this, we, you know, we, everybody knows exactly what everybody's intention was and what their thought process was and they condemn them based on that. And it's so sexy. I started looking into it like the whole, the whole appeal of hate crime. It's so sexy, I started looking into it, like the whole appeal of hate crime.
Starting point is 00:31:45 It's so sexy to people that law and order is doing a hate crime unit show. Really? Yeah, yeah, this is, so all of this, like all of this promoting hate crime, hate crimes are on the rise, hate crime, hate crime. It's like it's all just a fucking ad for a television show where ice cube or whomever is gonna go around stopping
Starting point is 00:32:10 stopping the most the most milk toast Racists and hate crime perpetrators that will ever have been on TV because how the hell are they gonna portray them accurately and still put it on cable yeah, right like are they're gonna be hauling a guy off and cost him, he's like, oh, he's gonna be using slurs from the 1800s radio save. It's probably iced tea. It's, it's, it's, it's gonna be. No, it's ice cube. What, ice cube is I don't know?
Starting point is 00:32:35 They give both of the ice. Ice tea has a much funnier voice. I'm imagining him in like some downtown Brooklyn detective bureau. All right, so we're looking for a dude who was on the subway who snatched this girl's head job and ran away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Oh boy, long fall from SVU. So ridiculous. And that's all of it. Now it made me think of when we talked about women in code, how the studies I brought in said that talking about how coding needs to change, to suit, to be more welcoming towards women, made women feel threatened. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:33:11 Like, the women who were not exposed to the ads about promoting women in code felt fine, felt neutral about it, and then after they were exposed to ads saying coding needs to bore me more accepting of women, they were like, oh shit, and I feel really, I don't want to get into code. Like, oh. I just love that. Like, that's what I'm seeing every time I see you hate crimes around the rise.
Starting point is 00:33:32 We got to do all this stuff. So I'm hate crimes. Like, well, is this, are you guys sure that you're just not like making this a thing? That, man, I have so much so that an actor who's getting written off a show needs to put on like a nacho Libre inspired like this is what you do in a sitcom when you're taking a girl out of the day okay guys okay you You come up to me you're gonna throw bleach on me and you're gonna make a news and say this is this is Maga country Get your get your big cock out of here. You woman pleasing motherfucker, right?
Starting point is 00:34:05 And I'm gonna f- Kung Fu fight you off. But then you guys run away and then I'm gonna f- actually do it in a Somalia accent. Yeah. I don't know where those guys are from, but it was Nigeria, I think. What, yeah, what, I mean, whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I don't know where they were. They were nowhere there. Definitely from Africa. This is... None of it, that, now, everybody jumped on it too. Sure. Sure. Oh yeah, then I read that the assassination
Starting point is 00:34:33 of Martin Luther King Jr. was labeled a hate crime. How the f, what? It's not a little bigger than that. Like that assassination wasn't driven by more than racism of one guy. Are you kidding me? Yeah. Uh, yeah, kind of, it kind of, uh, minimize it, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:34:51 It does. It's like, oh yeah, no, just hated, hated Martin Luther King. Because he was black. That's why. Right. Are you fucking serious? Uh, I mean, I'm sure it exists, but, well, I guess a more pure definition of a hate crime would be to literally see a person you've had no contact with, no nothing about, or whatever, and go, there's a black guy
Starting point is 00:35:16 or something in my neighborhood. And for that reason and that reason alone, you do something to me. You know what I kind of hated too? That it makes me feel less in common with a victim. Like if you say somebody's the victim of a crime, I instantly feel a kinship with them. Like if you say, oh, this guy was murdered, this guy was attacked, I'm like, oh fuck,
Starting point is 00:35:37 I know what it's like to be attacked. That sucks. Like what's going on? And murder pops on this. It's like, oh, he's the victim of a hate attack. I'm like, well, I feel nothing in common with that. Yeah. Because I would never be that, like,
Starting point is 00:35:50 I'm not the victim of a hate crime. White people are not the victims of, like, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Just the way they say it and phrase it, makes me feel less in common with them than I otherwise would, which is not like it's not something I can control. As a person, somebody just says it.
Starting point is 00:36:09 And I'm somebody says, oh, this guy different from you. Something bad. I'm like, oh, well, I don't feel anything. What about the point hate crime does differentiate people. Like all of a sudden it puts somebody in another category where you can't, it's like, well, you can't connect with them on a human level. Right. Because they are, they're,
Starting point is 00:36:28 you know, that's just one more thing that you couldn't possibly have in common. Yeah. As opposed to you've been attacked physically, they've been attacked physically. There really is no difference, the motivation, the result, and the trauma and all that is really the same.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I just love it. I love it the day. I love it when a plan comes together. I'm so proud of this guy. What was his name? Julius Burke. Justy. Justy.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I thought it was a typo when I first saw it. I mean, he's sitting there like concocting. Okay, all right. So you guys are going to come in. Three of them are working out a script. Okay. And then I'm gonna do this. Senate to some some local comedians to get it punched up a little bit. Punch it up. So magna country. You think that's two on the nose? Yeah. Right. Is that something that they would say? Right. I don't know, dude, go to pole. Like just go ask me what they would say and then
Starting point is 00:37:20 say that. What's really should hire them to do it. they'll gladly do it. They'll do it for free. Yeah. But what's shocking to me is that he hired anybody at all, right? Because clearly he's not expecting anyone to see video of this because they're going to immediately know, okay, that's not too white guys. He's not expecting them to come forward. So why pay anybody?
Starting point is 00:37:40 Just save the $3,500 bucks and just say it happened. God, that's what I heard. Yeah. This is, I'm just walking, I'm trying to walk people through my identification of a scam. The idea that the idea that white supremacists know the supporting actors of empire. There you go. Like what were they doing? Yeah, we're getting ready to be on racist jeopardy. Like they were reading.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Oh, yeah, they got a Facebook of like, oh, this is sorted by Black people, gay people, gay and Black people, women, Jews, they're just memorizing these fucking names. Hey, I know that guy. He probably tried to get guy on Empire. He probably tried to hire a bunch of white guys and they're like, who? They're like, yeah, what?
Starting point is 00:38:24 I don't know where you're from. I don't know what you're like, who? They're like that. Yeah, what? I don't know where you are. I don't know where you are. What? Yeah, fucking fire. Go get it. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, end of me.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Fuck your stupid show. Yeah. Oh, you mean the show that encourages bad stereotypes? Yeah, I want it for more of that show. You guys aren't the fresh prince. All right. Fig bad is in there, staring. You'll the fresh prince. All right. Fig bad is in there, staring. You'll see. Yeah. Is that him?
Starting point is 00:38:50 That's him. Yeah, that's what Fig bad. He looks like Terry Cruz kind of does. He does. Yeah, he kind of does. He looks like a more masculine. Yeah, he looks like Terry Cruz. If Terry Cruz had a penis instead of a gigantic vagina. Yeah, that's going to look like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:05 He's fine like him. He's funny when he calls in. Figbats. Oh yeah, he's funny on everything. I know you don't have social media, but everyone needs to go follow Figbats everything. Really? Figbats, they're like 15 times a day, it's fair.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah, he's like me, after me, after me. Oh, they're brilliant. All right. What else did I wanna talk about? Hearing your heartbeat in your ear. I hate that. God, when you're laying down, why does that happen sometimes?
Starting point is 00:39:38 And other times it doesn't. Salt, dysregulation. Wait, what? Yeah, he's probably right. If you have too much salt or too little salt. How can you have too much salt? Well, it's, for instance, if you eat a shelled whole peanuts with the shells, okay, maybe one occasion. God, I hate that. Wait, are you serious? Dude, I eat salt. Like, I put salt in my coffee. I love salt so much. What's to do? It changes your blood pressure or something or does it? Yeah, it can. It temporarily changes
Starting point is 00:40:02 your blood pressure, but even too little salt will cause that to happen because you never have to work. Yeah. Well, that is probably too much salt. I have a salt filtration system on my toilet so I can get all the salts I pee out and re-eated. You're like a bull shark. Look at all of them.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I'm on. I got two clippings with salt. Why don't you even fresh water? They retain all the salt. They've got to, yeah. Okay, wait a minute, what? That's why bullsharks can live in piss. No, they can live in fresh water
Starting point is 00:40:31 because they've got like a gland that retains the salt as opposed to falling, you know, cycling it through because they need to maintain a salt concentration in their body. Yeah, like animals that are made to live in a marine environment do and fresh water doesn't have that. So, the bullshark can keep the salt in it.
Starting point is 00:40:49 It can live pretty much in it, you know. Forever. You ever thought about doing like an animal's show? Can you tell that in Burrow? Yeah. So, this shark, right, it has to have salt or something. Remember, jump and put it. You got bullsharks in Australia.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Way the fuck up rivers and the shit. Dude, I'm fine. Miles and miles and miles on the pit. You got Bullsharks in Australia. Way the fuck up rivers and the shit. Dude, I'm from miles and miles and miles from the ocean. I'm terrified of running into one of those big spiders in Australia. Oh, they got everything. I'll climb on the car. It's just the spiders that I'm afraid of. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I don't like them. I do not like spiders, man. And the overly drunk fat women there. I've heard that they have a problem. Really progressive. I hear they have that problem in Scotland. Do you say they do? They do.
Starting point is 00:41:28 They have the problem in America too. They really do. They really, we really do. So wait, you went out playing Darts one night in, oh God, was it in like Karnusti? Like this little, the only thing is there is a super famous golf course. Where's the Karnusti, like this little, the only thing is there is a super famous way.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Where is that? What Karnusti Scotland? Yeah. And, oh, yeah, I was raped like four times by gigantic Scottish women. Oh my God. Thank you for reminding me. Do you remember when me and you and my family went to Costa Rica? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Like how long ago was that? 2004. Okay. Yeah. How long ago was that? 2004. Okay. 2004. And Sean and I were getting shit faced at like a Kingston era or set like whatever, you know, Costa Rica. They have a very similar culture to Mexicans. Yeah. I guess I would say they, yeah, they eat tacos and whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yeah. No, they have gone along. Stuff like that. We plant contains with every me. I'm a huge fan. Yeah. No, that got me lawn. Something like that. We plant plantains with every me. I'm a huge fan. Yeah. They were celebrating something. I forget. I think it was some kind of a someone's birthday. Yeah. Engage me something like that. And Sean and I got so shit so shit based on Kaseke. Oh, God. Yeah. Remember this. There's awful this awful clear. LaCourbe. Yeah. Terrible. awful, clear, lecorp. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Terrible. It came in like a, it came in like those, those 10 ounce bottles, like a plastic 10 ounce bottle with a ca, plastic bottle with a cap on it, like a red stripe, but liquor, like, socky liquor, like more,
Starting point is 00:42:55 I remember it very well. More punched and socky and less keyon on there. Oh, no, I usually don't. Oh, you wanna be on there? I can put you on there. It's great for getting Tinder profiles. There's something about this camera that makes my jaw just look okay. Let me I'm gonna put you on I'll put you on it. I'm sorry. So we were getting absolutely. Yeah, usually people don't want to be
Starting point is 00:43:14 on there. We got tore up on Kaseke. Oh God. And these old women at the party who are probably like late 30s. Yeah, probably. They look like they look like like they live around, you know, you know, how some women Mexican cultures are like round. I thought that was only Mexico. I didn't realize I got to Costa Rica too. I spread that. The Spaniards did that. They came in and conquered everyone. Oh, that's what around. I think that those in Spain, they had a Pac-Man gun. came in and conquered everyone. Oh, that's what I'm around. That goes in Spain. They had a Pac-Man gun. She shot.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Waka, waka, waka, waka, waka. Who's a pirate? It just shot dinner rolls into them instead of pan. Yeah. They all have some more tortillas around and rolled away. And they're like, all right, we got this place now. So these older women were there partying and drinking with us and dancing with us.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And they stripped, they aggressively stripped Sean. They did. Do you remember that? They did. I did. This morning found the pictures of it and Jesus did them right. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:44:14 This is how old were you then? This had, you had to be 25. Yeah. Well, 2004, I was only a non-show, can. Okay, I'm going to show 80s, girl, the 2004, I was only a non-show can. Okay, I'm gonna show 80s, girl, first. This is a shirtless 25 year old Sean getting stripped by, well, if it was 2000, Costa Rica, the lady, the shirt, I might have been horny.
Starting point is 00:44:35 26, look at this guy, he looks like a, look at him, I'm gonna give it to you. You talking about can show this. Look at that. Why does it go, You're talking about can show this. Look at that. Why did it? Why does it go? It's yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Nipples protruding. Look at my fucking face. Yeah. Jesus. Cool. Can I put that on the screen? Man. Oh, I mean,
Starting point is 00:44:59 you know, who cares? You look fantastic. Who cares? What the my face has got to be? This is going to launch. That's never been. You know who cares? You look fantastic. Who cares what? The my face has got to be. This is gonna launch. That was never been getting.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Getting stripped of my fat bro. I'm sorry to that. I think she's holding my shirt. Yeah, what the f**k? Very nice, lovely woman. Oh, yeah. Get sexual assault.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Cut and dry. Well, I mean, it's a cultural thing. That is going to be, I could not look more gay and crappy now. You look all, oh thanks. To be 26 again knowing what I know now. What would you do different? I would have fucked a lot more chicks. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I would have fucked chicks all the time. That's, you said that one time where you always look back and you go, I should have fucked more checks. I should have fucked that check. I sounds really kind of trite and shallow, but you should have done it. Yeah. No, I really should have done it. I really should have done it with that. I forget who it was. Just for the experiences. Someone, someone pointed out to me a few years ago that no one's ever going to look back in life and say, man, I wish I hadn't fucked so many women. So for all you young guys, just keep doing it. Maybe Cosby.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Well, yeah. I wish I hadn't raped so many women. Yeah, so many women. Everyone will always look back and say, I wish I hadn't fucked that, I wish I hadn't fucked those women for as long as I did. Well, yeah. Yeah, yeah, right. To say, you gotta really, you gotta compress the set.
Starting point is 00:46:51 You gotta, well, compression is it. But that's the nice thing now. You have like, you have like relationships that are like four or five months and then you go for do another relationship. Four or five months, no relationship. Fuck that, guys. And you see the internet dating exists. Internet dating exists.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Fucker wants to never talk to her again. Internet. I don't know about once. Okay, I'm not talking. I'm not talking. Once, yeah, a couple of times that one night, that maybe that weekend, if you're really like her, then don't bother with it anymore.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Okay, here's the, I'm not gonna surprise you. I don't bother with it anymore. Okay, here's the, I'm gonna use this for ice. There's a fact that I'm gone. That is spectacular. Oh man. Well, it was easy not to gain weight then though. Oh wow, look at that. Look at then versus now.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Should I make that face now? I have fucking abs. Can you make that face? Can you try to make that face? No, I will not try to make that face. I am you. Is that why you're using for your balls? Once a lifetime is enough. That was my shirt. Look at this. He looks like he's in top gun. Yeah. I mean, look at that. She had you mean the gayness. Yeah, a little bit. Good God. That's an incredible place. He got a Kendall.
Starting point is 00:48:07 A lot of Tanner's beating off right now. No, I'm surprised. Is he still with those 16 dudes in the cabin in the woods? He never left. He turned it into a weird ball inflating call. It called everybody got their testicles injected in saline. They've all been subdued chemically. Keeps them sex zombies.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Jesus Christ. I had a bunch of other stuff here, I think. Somehow I'm gonna regret letting you put that picture up. I just know it. I don't have the whole time. I just know it. Oh, they've had enough. I brought in some more annoying corporate.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I can't wait to see what Reddit does with that. Corporate isms. Corporate cute speak guy called it. Oh yeah. Corporate cute speak. Hitting these in email. Us again letting you know your mint mobile order has shipped no big deal. It's just a tiny microchip from Planet Awesome that merges with your phone and changes your life forever. No big
Starting point is 00:49:07 Just kill yourself. Yeah. Yeah Or is that I can't I can't tell anybody to do that. That's illegal. Yeah, they're trying to learn if you go to rest And for that we'll have a lot of fun defending that case telling someone to kill themselves. Yeah Oh wait, no shit that girl did go to jail. Yeah Oh wait, no shit that girl did go to jail. Yeah, she was a, that was a child. I was yelling in my car, was she in America or was that in England? No, no here.
Starting point is 00:49:29 That was America. Holy shit. That was America. I can't believe that. I swear I thought that had to have been in England in some fucking third world fuck place. No. And it was exactly like I said, people disagreed with me.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Listeners of the show disagree with me. I hate when that happens, but I just don't get it. How did that not go to the Supreme Court? I mean, that seems like a clear first amendment issue. Apparently they say it's something about how when he tried to stop and got out of the car and she said, no, do it, you pussy, get back in there and do it, that that was somehow,
Starting point is 00:49:59 that's what did it because she knew there was something going on and was still in, it's like, oh, I said, be a phone had been out of battery. If his phone had been out of batteries, this thing would have been entirely void because he wouldn't have seen the text message. Yes. Okay. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah. Wow. Shit, bad luck for her. I guess that must satisfy the Brandon Berg test for a segment within contact. The one woman on earth who keeps her phone charged. Yeah, this is what happens. Yeah, exactly. The one woman on earth that answers the text.. Yeah, this is what happens to me. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:25 The one woman on earth that answers the text, ladies, let that be a lesson to you. Um, um, um, racist shoes. Here's some racist, do you wanna see some racist shoes? Are we just, are we just making things up? No.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Yeah. Let's see. See if you can, see if you can, see if you can guess why these shoes from Katy Perry were pulled from the market. Oh, geez. Oh my God. I mean, they're hideous, but. Black face, racist shoes.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Yeah, I could see that. I could see that. I can't. There's shoes. They're hideous. Yeah. I mean, it's a shoe. No. They're hideous. Yeah. I mean, it's a shoe. Yeah, it is a shoe, right?
Starting point is 00:51:09 Yeah, it's just a shoe. Oh, that's so racist. I could see that on Amos and Andy. That's blackface. Shoes are blackface now. Yeah, that's the blackface. That is the closest thing I've seen to blackface in about four decades though. Shoes. Yeah. You didn't see Tropic Thunder? No one's in about four decades though. This shoes.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Yeah. You didn't see Tropic Thunder? No one's mad about Tropic Thunder, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, nobody's mad about Tropic Thunder because. Because it was hilarious. Well, yeah, and it was. It was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:51:35 And it was done, you know, in Hollywood, certain people are going to get a pass to do stuff like that. In Hollywood, certain people get a pass to a rape. Yeah, it's a cool place, Hollywood. Yeah. The world's certain people get a pass to a rape. Yeah, it's a cool place Hollywood. Yeah. World's your oyster. If.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Gotta believe in yourself. Oh man, I got fake stuff on fake lockdowns, deadmouses, non-apology, but Roush is on. I want to talk to him. Okay. I don't know. I found out that AOC has a boyfriend too. Who's, uh, Alexandria. She does.
Starting point is 00:52:03 She does. She does. Oh, it's forgetting like AOC. That's a, yeah. How is Alexandria. She does, Cortez. I was forgetting like AOC. How has that not been, how have I not learned that? That is the end of her political campaign. That's the end of her political career. And that is no shit, the smartest thing. Like when you first said that, when I first saw it,
Starting point is 00:52:20 that was brilliant. Yes, the Republicans are totally fucking up for not focusing on that, because you know who cares about her ideas. Right. Exactly. Like, have the people who listen to her? No, no, it's not that. It's not getting personal.
Starting point is 00:52:31 It's not attacking her. It's that half the people who are listening to her are only doing it because she's kind of hot. Yeah. Like New York six, but in everywhere else in the country eight. She's hot. Yeah, I think she's hot. No, I would too.
Starting point is 00:52:44 But if I were out in New York City, like if I were hanging out in Manhattan and I saw her and I saw any other girl hanging out in downtown Manhattan, it would be a tough call, probably go for the other women. But if I saw her like walking out and she's like, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:01 But yeah, that's if you take away the thirst factor and say, he's not available to you, that's if you take away the thirst factor and say, he's not available to you, that will cut her support. You have to run it. It doesn't matter. All of her politics doesn't mean anything. So is your boyfriend thinking about proposing soon? Or what?
Starting point is 00:53:17 Yeah. And how to all the men who support you in your campaign, what could they do so that they could find a girl like you to date as your boyfriend has found you in his life? Do you have any advice for them on how to attract a strong woman like you who isn't you because you're already getting deep-dicked? Reg on the reg? That's the end. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:46 They're so clueless people running. People get these idiot conservatives tripping over themselves to point out how dumb a hot chick's idea is. Yeah, I mean, that's like that's kind of what they do. They just have dumb ideas constantly that we tolerate because we think we could plow them. And no, no, no, she's not in so inspiring anymore.
Starting point is 00:54:08 She's got a boyfriend. Do you guys, do you forget what it's like? Do you not, are you not in touch with your sick man brain? Get a fucking clue. I want pictures of them at Disneyland, all over the, like that's it. Like it all happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:24 What would you boyfriend get you for valentine say oh? Click click turn off turn off on follow. Oh, I don't see this shit And if Travis Allen had you as a campaign advisor he'd be in the governor's mansion Yeah, yeah, and he looks like a huge loser. So you know, they'll be together forever No arms no arms to speak of at all. He just has a pair of gloves that float around. No. You know, like a vampire in a beer. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Got some advice. Ban Killer Robots in Wars. I thought this piece was humorous. Um, automatic. It says that autonomous weapons may malfunction in unpredictable ways and kill innocent people. So they want to ban AI
Starting point is 00:55:17 and automated warfare. What made it funny is that it's funny. What makes people malfunction and right away? Exactly. We have fucking bombs. They kill innocent people all the time. Well, we also do not see. If you get like, you know, I mean, some people kind of went crazy, you know, and Vietnam couldn't tell the enemy apart started mowing down villages. Right. And you guys are the fucking my life massacre. Come on, guys.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I mean, I thought that that was like kind of what we relied on and war was the mind malfunctioning and being told to do things. Otherwise, wouldn't be able to do. What made me laugh so hard about it is the idea that if the war, if the kill machines malfunction, that's what we need to be worried about. When they're functioning properly and killing people, that's fine. Right. If they were to malfunction and kill other people, well, we can't have that.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Don't kill the wrong guy. Yeah, well, you guys are, you guys are thinking about these killing machines working at, working 100% of the time. What we really got to worry about is when there's a fuck up and they kill other people that they weren't too, that they weren't killing already. I mean, I agree with that on the premise, but not with their reasoning. I don't give a, their reasoning is fucking retarded.
Starting point is 00:56:30 But yes, I think we should not be using murder robots in warfare. We already are. Yeah, but we shouldn't. Yeah, we shouldn't. That'd be nice, you didn't have. Yeah, right. War.
Starting point is 00:56:42 When they fail, they fail in unpredictable ways. Yeah, they just stop working. They don't go on murdering. Well, that's idiot. That's kind of more like what I would think would happen. They would just, you know, I think that I think that journalists, I'm a call of now, I think that journalists are going to start shitting on AI because they're worried that AI is going to take their jobs. Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't need to be any like generating opinion pieces based on the news can be done by a Markov chain like indistinguishably from a 25 year old man hat night. Yeah, I believe that. So I think they're going to start really tearing
Starting point is 00:57:16 into AI. Is there like all those bud bus feed guys that got laid off and replaced with interns? Those interns can be replaced by a computer. Yeah. That might actually save the world. I have this overarching fear of AI, like, SkyNet, right? Terminators. Terminators, what I'm worried were walking towards, like a bunch of idiots. Think so, you're worried about terminators?
Starting point is 00:57:41 Yeah, not actual terminators, but something like that. It's good about sex bots. You can have sex bots without the terminators? Yeah, not actual terminators, but something like that. What about sex spots? You can have sex spots without the terminators. Here you can. I don't think, Janie, they're inside, they're gonna lawyer them. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Lawyer them out of, oh, that's illegal. They're gonna go, wow, shut down. You forget who's programming these things, Kion. We hate people. You make a very good point. And then I live without the sex spots.
Starting point is 00:58:05 I live without the sex spots. I'll just make enough money so I can just attract a bunch of hot chicks even till I'm 70. Pretend you could live without a sex spot. Never turned down a sex spot. I'm gonna get, I'm gonna get Rush, Rush the man in here. Advice, killer robots.
Starting point is 00:58:22 That was a lively topic. The lighthearted jib we get on the dick show. That is serious thing is still cracking me up. Sir, Inavidge, yeah, I'll help you. I'll represent you. I think what is a Grave injustice. I couldn't find a stereos actually saying it though. I was just told it. So he might not have said it, but I don't know. It's funny either way. Roosh, are you there? Yes, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Roosh V, what's up, man? How you doing? Good, pretty good. How about, this is the first time I've heard your show. The first time I've seen you, Dick, was when you killed on the Dr. Phil show. Ha, ha, ha. I'm glad you saw that.
Starting point is 00:59:02 That was my first exposure to you. And then a couple years later, I found out you're getting sued by the Maddox guy. Yeah. And then I see I was like, wow, Dick's podcast is huge. Yeah, thank you, man. My dick got me sued. I guess that's what Maddox's lawsuit is really all about. The love of his life, he lost the love of his life to me. And so he became insanely jealous.
Starting point is 00:59:26 And then launched a career ending lawsuit that he will never recover from. That's funny that you saw me on Dr. Phil. I gotta admit, I was reading your background and I was getting jealous of all the accolades. Like most hated man in the world, the misogyn man in the world, misogynist and the world's biggest misogynist.
Starting point is 00:59:48 It's like, oh man, I remember that was me. It takes a certain kind of guy to want that, and be jealous that somebody has taken the crown, doesn't it? Yeah, but Rousse, you can speak from experience. Like when people say that about you, it's like a last resort because you're speaking a lot of truths. And I kind of made it easy on them too, because when I first started to write, I wanted to
Starting point is 01:00:11 portray myself as this macho man. So I wrote a lot of sex stories where I was this caveman. And then back in the, when I started this in like 2004 or 5 it wasn't a big deal But then the culture started to change all this rape culture stuff this You know street harassment stuff started started coming online So then they needed to find these horrible men to lift up and say look we told you there's evil men to lift up and say, look, we told you there's evil misogynist men that hate women. And with the previous writings I had, unfortunately, I made it easy for them to paint me as this monster.
Starting point is 01:00:55 And it just kept growing and growing. They used me to prove that there's some kind of evil campaign holding women down, putting violence on them. So I got caught up in that and what the best I try to do is this way is coming. I grabbed a surfboard and just tried to ride it in because there's nothing more you can do when the establishment comes comes after you. There's no way you as just a lone writer can really fight all of that. So I grabbed the surfboard and I think I've made it in, but who knows what they're going
Starting point is 01:01:33 to come after me with next. Yeah. Everybody gets some of the things that I pulled out of your history that were really funny to me. When you told a writer at the Sydney Morning Herald that you'd give her an interview if she gave you a blowjob. It's an email chain where she's like,
Starting point is 01:01:54 hey, can I get an interview? And he's like, yeah, if you'd suck my cock. And then they sent the interview questions. He's like, because all they're just gonna give them an interview to make him look like an asshole. Like there's no reason to give these beauty assholes any respect at all.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Came in up front. Yeah, that was a good one. They are looking for the quotes to bear you with. And they just won this free content. And I'm like, shit, I might as well get something out of it. So that's when I came up with the idea. Unfortunately, no female journalist has yet agreed to this sexual favor bargain. Yeah, yeah, they're saving them up. Let's see here. I said it earlier on the show, but
Starting point is 01:02:36 when I said that you were calling in, I got somebody telling me that they needed to talk to me in private, that I shouldn't have you on. It's at the utmost important. And I always know it's going to be good when I get messages like that because when I say I'd controversy. I'd talk to Chelsea Clinton. Like I would have the worst of the worst on the show.
Starting point is 01:02:55 What? You're telling me Rooch did something worse than just Chelsea Clinton's existence? I don't think so. I don't think that's possible. So of course I'm not going to, but what is your deal? And they sent me the same, they sent me excerpts from your book, which I guess you're, I think you've already mentioned are,
Starting point is 01:03:15 they're like the caveman, very graphic sexual exploits that I mean, I don't have a problem with, but some of your quotes are really, they are really asking for trouble. I don't know any quotes. Here, I're, some of your quotes are really, they are really asking for trouble. I don't know any quotes. Here, I'll tell you what I'm right now, Sean. Woman who drinks and has sex is not responsible for her actions, but if that same woman gets into a car
Starting point is 01:03:34 and drives it somewhere else, causing a loss of life, she'd be prosecuted and sent to jail. I couldn't find an explanation for this consistency. Sound familiar? Yeah. Yeah. This idea of trying to stop women from drinking until their blackout drunk is very offensive to people. So the type of game that they played on me, so I've written, I would estimate two or a million words.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I mean, I've written a lot blogs, articles, books, so on a lot. They found the most extreme 2000 of the millions of words I've written to frame me as this huge enemy a rapist. I've raped thousands of girls. It's nonsense. I mean, if the, you know, what they've actually done done a lot of people they first came to me thinking i was this horrible guy but they went to the source they started to read and like wait this guy is in the monster that the media portrayed him at so that's how i lot of people they found me through one of these sensationalist headlines. So in actuality, how many women have you raped? Oh, jeez.
Starting point is 01:04:49 I have only rapes. You don't have to. Oh, okay. Oh, okay, okay. It seems like that number's going around. What's your over under on how many rapes? Well, what were you of guests? I would guess under six million.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Yes, under that. I think he's exaggerating slightly. Yeah, it's cool. Yeah, I mean, I don't even know how to go over all this controversy stuff because it's written by retarded people. Like it's written by people who need there to be a bad guy in life so that they can constantly blame every, so they can constantly blame everything that's wrong with their life on them. Some of these see, five reasons to date a girl with an eating disorder.
Starting point is 01:05:29 I can only think of one reason, Sean. Yeah. The wait. Yeah. What were the other four? Well, the price of dinner. Oh, okay, that's a good one too. Price of dinner.
Starting point is 01:05:42 What else do you get? I maintained a blog, Return of Kings, and I invited other men to come to write for it. And they've written a lot of articles, thousands. And some of those articles would go big and viral. And then again, this new cycle of the media outrage, see we told you men are evil. So in for me to get this exposure, I've had to, I mean, make it easy for the media. And I had to stop myself and ask, do I really want to do this? Do I really want to go viral in a way that helps them, in a way that helps them prove that man or bad? So in the past couple of years, if you notice, I haven't really been in the news, because I've stopped doing that.
Starting point is 01:06:24 I didn't know that I stopped trying to go viral because you're giving them this easy chum to just use against you. And after a while, all these viral outrages, it starts to wear down on you too. Yeah, it does. It fucks you up. The Daily Mail ran a story that I found on Rosh, on Rosh, where they say you answered the door of his mom's house in a sweat stained t-shirt, but I looked at the picture and it's just actual sweat.
Starting point is 01:06:51 It's not sweat stained. Ah, just actual, right. That's immediately alive. The frame of him as a loser immediately. Yeah, sweat stained. Like, no, it's sweat. It's not stained. Looks different.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Actually, it's actually sweat. Yeah, so you, I also noticed that you turned away from pickup art stuff, is that true? I mean, I was chasing my lost hedonism. I thought that there was a pot of gold at the end of chasing what the penis wants to sleep around. And I did that for a long time, until you just hit a dead end, like, oh, wait a second, this desire can't be satisfied. Because yeah, you sleep with a good looking
Starting point is 01:07:32 girl now, comes back and it keeps coming back. And then soon you start comparing the girl you were with to the girl that this guy is with. Oh, she's more beautiful. This this girl here is more beautiful. How do you get how do you get her? And it never ends. And then I woke up and like, wow, I'm spending thousands of hours obsessing over this sex act. And as you know, my work, I'm writing about it too. Yeah. And at some point, you know, you hit a limit that this is not going to give me any more joy, happiness. So then I just had to take a step back. Yeah, usually, usually kids will stop that, right? Start rolling the dice too many times and you get stomped with a family. Do you have, do you have any advice for guys at the
Starting point is 01:08:24 other end of that? I get a virgin contest going on right now with 20 guys, 25 guys who've never been laid, and we're trying to help them get some ass, a lot of them are in college. A couple older than that, though. You got any need advice in all your time as a coxman around the world. You got any advice for those guys? All your time as a cox men around the world, you got any advice for those guys? So when I started a game in 2002, the guys who were getting into game at that point,
Starting point is 01:08:51 like we were already maybe socially awkward a bit, but kind of already going out, going to the clubs and bars and already hitting on girls. Game at that point was a fine tuning. But then something happened to where we're in the current year, I'm encountering a lot of guys with no social ability at all. Raised by the internet entirely.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Well, yeah, I mean, that's totally true. And I found the same with women of the same age. Like they do not, they do not know how to interact other than seeing their phone as just an overwhelming avalanche of people of things and people vying for attention. But keep going. So then now I'm seeing guys that have no social foundation. I mean, some of them are afflicted with aspergers, autism, and so on. They just, they don't know how to have conversations. Yeah. So now this is a different kind of problem. Because back then, the guys, let's say on a scale of one, two, ten, the guys getting
Starting point is 01:09:55 in game were like a five, a six, seven. And they wanted to get a little bit higher, higher quality. Of the amount. Now there's guys, we have to be honest girls see them as a one out of a 10 a two out of a 10 just invisible guys yeah now how do you help them now this is something new this is something that a book a game book cannot help guys with severe social social problems
Starting point is 01:10:24 so they need a different childhood. Yeah, right. Our needing help of yours, I would have to ask, where are they? How would they rate themselves? Because really, game is for guys in the average range, the four to six range, who want to improve by a pointer to and not sleep with ugly girls. But for the guys in the range of one to four that have severe social issues, anxiety, social anxiety, this is something different. So those guys, it's really, you can't focus on girls yet.
Starting point is 01:11:00 You have to get their social ability up there. First, get them able to make eye contact with people, have a little bit of social confidence, you know, maybe just to get out there. And then once they feel comfortable talking to people in friendly social environments, then we can start to focus on, okay, how to be attractive. But to teach a guy who's an artist, let's say how to pick up girls, that's not a good idea because he's gonna get kicked out of malls women are gonna call the cops
Starting point is 01:11:29 No, that's absolutely true. It's so funny. Maddox was really into game When it was when it when it just came out a long time ago and I always made the joke But I think maybe there's a lot of truth to it that the way guys can be better at picking up women is by hitting on other men. Like initiating a conversation with another man is step one to eventually hitting on a girl. And I think that's a jackass way of saying what you're saying that really like if you're trying to initiate a conversation with a woman, like, if you're, if you're trying to initiate a conversation with one of your trying to start, if you're trying to
Starting point is 01:12:07 get into an intimate relationship with the woman, you have to be able to start a relationship with anybody for it's like any kind of relationship. Like, yeah. Uh, yeah. It's just, there's this massive level of discomfort that men have even around each other. And I don't know how to fix it. You might have to take some callers. Roosh, I got some guys in the virtual contest on the line. And I think I think they've got some questions for you. Let's see if we can help them out.
Starting point is 01:12:34 You want to do cripple Jesus first? Oh, yeah. I love that guy. Okay. Oh, are you banned from Canada? People are telling me that, Roush. I'm actually officially banned from the UK. I got a letter from then home secretary Theresa May. She sent a letter to my mom's house. I was like, how did she find out? Anyway, she sent a letter. What? Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:03 One time, so I decided this year, excuse me, last year that I had a connecting flight in London that wouldn't be a big deal since I'm not going to stay there. So my flight flew from Iceland. It is in the air, it's going to go to London, then connect to the Eastern European country that I was going to. After the plane takes off from Iceland, 10 minutes after that, they announce we have to turn around because of a security issue. I'm thinking what? And everyone is scared because they think there's a bomb
Starting point is 01:13:39 on the airplane, when people are nervous, and I'm thinking there's no way this is me. No way they would turn an airplane around because of this bullshit The airplane lands to police officers come on. I'm in row eight the They are counting one two three four five six seven they stop at eight and they look at me and they pull me off of the airplane So this is how crazy the UK is, they call the Icelandic authorities
Starting point is 01:14:08 and said, you got a guy on this plane that shouldn't be here. Turn your plane. Because his dick is too dangerous. Like, why are you like this? They have literal ideas. I mean, right this is there. The pen is mightier than the sword now.
Starting point is 01:14:21 It's the ideas. Can you get, because what I do and what other red pill guys do, is you're conflicting with the propaganda campaign, with the mental control campaign that they've invested trillions of dollars in. But how was the idea specific? Yeah, when exactly was that letter said to your mom? What a big Theresa May resume. What you had was the typical out of context quotes that one was women should not go to university. I mean, it was some, it was like my baby, I mean, Hall of Fame quotes.
Starting point is 01:14:59 And they use that because I am a sexist person who can hurt the social fabric of the UK. That's it. But the UK is actively importing hundreds of thousands of individuals who actually do believe that women should not go to university and do commit passive attacks and they're not deporting these people. You don't go to university. Well, that's a good point.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Kind of get that MRS. Did you get a list of offensive comments or did they just not, you know, black ball, nothing? Here's no, they just gave like quotes, you know, from my blog articles eight or nine. And then they said, you are banned for three years. And that was that. I mean, I think I'm banned from Australia and in Canada too. So it's really the countries that are in bad shape. How the fuck do you get banned from entire countries
Starting point is 01:15:51 for words? For writing, yeah. I mean, you want to know that was possible. I didn't either. But if I create a child grooming gang in the UK, they'll slap me on the wrist, couple of years in jail and I'll be back out, you know, doing that. But you don't have to be that conflict with their zombie brainwashing
Starting point is 01:16:11 you're out. Do they rinse? Do they wash each other out? Like, can you say women can't go to university, but if you make a grooming gang, you're okay. Is it like across the polarity? I mean, you know, I mean, it must be because the people who are running the rather grooming gangs are also the same people who are saying that women should not be seen outside the house. I'm stunned by that. Do you have you posted the letter that, like, that would be a pretty cool letter if I'm honest.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Well, like being banned by Theresa May from all of the things on the YouTube channel of the video I did, I can pull it up and paste it into the, oh yeah. Please do. Did you long put that on the fridge? Does your mom like, does she think it's funny or does she hate my mom? I saw the misogynist humor shit that I do. Is she, man, I mean, I'd like to see that bumper sticker. My child, my son was banned from all the commonwealth countries.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Yeah, what does your mom think about it? I said, I'm a good boy. She doesn't, she knows me. She doesn't, she knows I'm not a bad bad guy. So she thinks there's some kind of error. They must misunderstand Sun, something's wrong like no mom. This is how it is. Scary.
Starting point is 01:17:21 That's very familiar to me too. I don't know, my mom always, I get the impression too, that my mom wishes I used like writing talents to promote less disharmony like this happened. She's like, you know, you're obviously doing the writing. I wish you used these insights for a positive end. Do you ever get that, Roosh? From my mom, no, but a lot of friends of mine say, Roosh, look, you need to soften your image. You know, I'm like, well, why do I have to be some kind of actor?
Starting point is 01:17:56 And to me, to write to do YouTube, it's to express what I feel, what I know, the knowledge, the experiences that I have. And I can't help it, that my expression conflicts with the globalist agenda of the day. But I don't want to censor myself. I don't want to change, I don't want to pretend. Look, I spent so many years putting on a mask,
Starting point is 01:18:21 trying to be that cool, interesting guy to girls, just to get them into bed. And now I have to do that cool interesting guy to girls just to get them into bed. Now I have to do that in front of this big audience. At one point, at what point can I just be who I am? So this is what I don't care anymore. I'm just going to do what I want and they can respond in any way that they see fit. I mean, I do think that men are like, well, they're just prevented from expressing themselves honestly or in a real way in society at large. Now it is such a degree that they'll be banned from an entire country. If they just, it's like bullshit, how men normally do. No, right now. I think that's absolutely true.
Starting point is 01:19:06 I don't think that we get to enjoy free speech in the same way as, uh, is anybody else? One of the producers on a, on a show I was working on the other day, uh, you know, she just, some of that, like, came up and you know when you're, you know, when you're in the room with people who can talk, you talk honestly and you know that nobody's going to be offended or they're not going to be triggered, I guess. And she goes, she's married and says, it's a scary time to be a guy.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Yeah. And it's like, kind of it. I mean, you can really get fucking railroaded for statements that There's nothing that are nothing that are nothing everyone thinks everyone always thinks One of the wrong things the good one and the bad one and like people lie and convince themselves that they don't think the bad one But they do because like villains appeal to us. We the stories are only good if the villain is as evil as we know he could be,
Starting point is 01:20:07 because we all have it in us. I think of, it reminds me of, like, every time I think of what guys have to go through to censor themselves and all that shit I think about Helen Keller, I think that we're all, like, she was all nuts and crazy, because she couldn't express herself. And then whoever, Ann Sullivan, came along and taught her how to sign language and she's like, chill the fuck out. Guys are,
Starting point is 01:20:28 like, guys are all Helen Keller. We're all turning into Helen Keller. Bob Raul. Terry, our hair. Yeah. Going Elliot Roger on the people around us is it's like, we can't express these horrible dark things and get them dealt with. Like, Roosh, you even said, I think one of your quotes is if Elliot Roger had been turned on to you, you would have given him ways to avoid this atrocity, this like horrific murder spree he went on. Because at one stage, what the culture does is bombard men with sex constantly.
Starting point is 01:21:01 From the porn online, from the imagery, from the fashion, summer is going to come. And these girls, their butts are plopping out everywhere. Boom's, I mean, this sex constantly in the TV, in the music everywhere. So you're hyping these, you're getting this sexual lust high in men. And then you don't give them an outlet to extinguish it. You say, yeah, you are really horny, but you can't learn game, you can't pick up girls,
Starting point is 01:21:31 cause that's a sexist thing. So what happened? And you can't just shit on them. Like you can't just shit on the thing that drives you insane. Like it's like a normal healthy release to be among guys and openly shit on women collectively because they're frustrating. Like it's totally fucking like the way, oh fuck boomers, like I'm allowed to sit here and
Starting point is 01:21:55 say get out of my, that's my fucking house, take mom and go to your vacation house, you economy crashing pieces of shit. Like we're allowed to do that, it's fun, But we can't do that when it comes to you know any of the other sources of conflict in our lives Go ahead Ben they're going Literally insane because they're so amped up, but you're not giving them an Option to either connect with a girl or just learn how Because now girls are on Tinder and who do they swipe right or left on a lot of them? Who do they match with?
Starting point is 01:22:31 But the sexy guys and the six pack abs. So you have a smaller percentage of guys at the top, monopolizing the intimacy of a greater percentage of girls. So now you have such a huge block of men at the bottom who are getting nothing. They're not getting eye contact, they're not getting dates, nothing. And these men feel like, man, if I can't connect
Starting point is 01:22:57 with a woman, I'm invisible. Well, I'm gonna make them see me when I grab this gun and go on a rampage. It's their cry for look at me. And unfortunately, and then each time one of these idiots kind of shoots up people, then the culture says see masculinity is toxic. Men are evil. We need to squeeze them a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Yeah. I would argue that he has much deeper psychological problem. But this could possibly be caused by by women. Here's here's something that Elliott Ront that I learned from Monkey Jones. Yeah. Roost, do you know who Monkey Jones is? No. Okay, Monkey Jones, he was a he was a big YouTube guy.
Starting point is 01:23:40 He had like 300,000 subscribers or whatever. He calls into the show a lot. He did a series of videos mocking Elliott Roger, reading his manifesto and mocking him and mocking in cell culture, like just outright mockery. So, a guy who's a crime analyst with the FBI occasionally called into the show and said that he was at a crime seminar. And these chicks were playing. Monkey Jones is satire videos of Elliott Roger claiming that this is, that, that they were real.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Yeah. claiming that the satire and the sarcasm, worshiping Elliott Roger was real and was encouraging this in-cell culture and that it's something,'s an incipient crime thing that they need to watch within within two weeks. Monkey Jones was removed from YouTube. All of his Elliott Roger videos were struck even hidden ones like the guy had six strikes overnight. I've been afforded with a satire tag dick. I mean, uh, fumble at the goal line.
Starting point is 01:24:45 So this is something that I learned from Monkey Jones that Elliott Rogers thought what you do to get women is you go sit somewhere and if they like you, they approach you. So he would go to a bookstore and sit for five hours waiting for chicks to approach. Like get more and more angry than nobody knows. Like that, you can fix with one with, I mean, you can, you can maybe fix that with one talk, dude.
Starting point is 01:25:09 You, that's not how I always have to approach them. They will never approach you. I don't know where you got that into your head, but they will never, never, never approach you, never, ever. I don't know. So I think you're right that you had a ton of problems, but that is a big, like the eye contact thing that Rooosh is talking about. You know, really, like as much as women feel as significant loss in their lives, if they
Starting point is 01:25:33 don't have kids, and I'm not all, not all, but it's definitely, you know, I'll just say it anyway, I don't care if it makes me sound sexist. I think that if women don't have kids, mentally, they suffer for it a little bit, whatever. If guys don't have that eye contact with women and that interaction, like that hunt, that courtship, and not sex, just another... Just another reaction to none that you exist. And that you're vibing like in a certain way. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:26:00 And it's so, I don't know. I don't know if you agree with me, Rouge, but it feels like that is removed and that's valuable, but it is valuable. It's just the sex that's pumped down to our throats all the fuck, you gotta fuck, you gotta fuck, you gotta fuck constantly. It's gotta be a new girl waking up at your house every day or else you're a fucking loser. If you, if you're not Don Draper then you're nothing but it's like, well, all I want is a girl to look me in the eyes and smile.
Starting point is 01:26:22 That's it. So, because so many of these characters, the most interesting man in the world doesn't exist. There is no, it's just a, it's that. It's a made up thing. Like that, but people think they can actually be that guy. Well, I don't know. Yeah, I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Yeah, there's no, no, these are characters. Rouge, what do you think about any of that? We go off on a rancid. So we've lost is basic common sense, basic how to act. Well, that's true. A man can act, how a woman can act. They've really gone into overdrive and pushing this gender bending nonsense where women feel guilty when they act in a feminine way, men feel guilty when they act in a macho way.
Starting point is 01:27:05 So we're all confused. How do I act? And right now what so many men have been doing is adopting this male feminist type of posture. Like I'm gonna prove that I'm not sexist to get into this girl's pants. And you know, taking up this, I fight for women and me too.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And I believe in the quality. It's OK if a woman wants to sleep around with 100 dudes before she decides that I'm our best one. And blah, blah, blah. So now we're just so confused that, like you mentioned, basic eye contact, people like, can you teach me that? You know, something that maybe in the past generation, you boys learned it when they were nine or 10. Now we have adults that just don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:53 And it's not their fault entirely. This kind of information knowledge was removed from the culture to inset brainwash them on whatever the current agenda is pushing gay marriage and things like that. But the point is that we still need that. We still need to understand how can I connect with this girl or how can I treat this man but you're not allowed? And will you try to teach it like me, you're attacked
Starting point is 01:28:22 and they try to shut you down. There's a couple, there's a couple things I want to say to that. First of all, it's society men in all of Western society have been turned into stalkers. You have to be, you have to be a stalker now to start dating. There's something I call the on- on deck circle of dating. You know
Starting point is 01:28:46 how it used to be? We had first base, second base, third base, and then you score, that's, you know, sex, obviously. That's getting a foot job, obviously, it's scoring. But we've got that everybody stuck in the on deck circle. We've got to go around the bases like three times to actually finish. Yeah, actually had actually not sex. You gotta run around several times. We've got the on-deck circle now where you're just sitting in a holding pattern on Tinder or on social media, orbiting, orbiting, orbiting, orbiting forever, but you have to. You have to because if you miss that window, like if you miss that window, if you miss that opportunity of hitting on a girl that you're interested in or not obsessively learning
Starting point is 01:29:23 her patterns and her schedule to know when the right time is, you lose, like you lose that edge. Yeah, I don't know what you think about that. I thought I was the only one. I'm glad I'm not total fucking. You have to. You have to become a stalker. You have to stalk. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:29:39 What do you think about that, buddy? Like, right now women have a football's team bench waiting for them, waiting for their opportunity. Yeah. And the problem is, you know, you have to be at this point more interesting or exciting than what's coming out of her smartphone. Because right now she can share a picture, go on an app and get this instant endorphin release. Oh, this feels good, guys, they want me right now. A girl rather get sexual attention online from 1000 random men that experience the love face to face from only one man. I believe that you have to be more interesting. And that's kind of sad because listen, I think I'm an interesting guy
Starting point is 01:30:26 I've lived and traveled But then from three countries her phone has a lot of apps and when she gets bored She can just take a photo uploaded and a hundred dudes are gonna be tripping over themselves And oh my god, this is the best photo I've seen. Yeah, that's hard to deal with it is one of my one of my Proudest moments in life. I've told this story before that's hard to deal with. It is one of my one of my proudest moments in life. I've told this story before and I think about it often. It still makes me feel good. I was waiting in line for a comedy show and there was a girl. There was I was waiting in line with some friends. Man in a woman. There was a girl in front of us hot girl. She was on her phone and I was I was
Starting point is 01:31:02 trying to flirt with her. And I said, flat out, hey, look, I bet you that I will be more interesting than your phone. I'm going to talk to you for 20 minutes until they let us into the show or whatever. And if you don't look at your phone for that whole time, then I win. Look at your phone whenever you want. Like, no questions that you don't even have, no guilt at all. If there's a low in the conversation, if I'm not entertaining to you, look at that phone,
Starting point is 01:31:28 but I promise you, I will entertain you more than that phone. So I did a conversation starter. Oh, Sean, she was hooked. Insta is like, okay, she put her phone away. That's a whole statement. Yeah, I talked to her the entire weight all the way in. We got in the door and I was so happy about like I was just like, thank you. Thank you for participating this game. Thank you. Enjoy the show. Enjoy the phone. And yeah, she's in, she whipped that phone and the guy that I was with is like, I can't fucking believe that you did that. Like that was incredible. And it became like at first I was just busting her balls, but it actually became, I was like John Henry.
Starting point is 01:32:02 I felt like I was versus I was like, I had a heart attack immediately. But it was just the, just, but to beat the machine, just pulling some, just pulling a woman off of her phone to have a human experience and action was, yeah. Technology has, has done, I think, terrible things for just basic, social interaction. I forget what the other thing I was going to do. What was that, Roosh? Go ahead. And you show what the bar is. Now, you are an entertaining guy. You have thousands of people that want to hear what you have
Starting point is 01:32:33 to say, but the average guy, he can't do that. I mean, I can do it. I can do a live stream and thousands of people that they want to watch me. That's fine. But how many guys can do that? Can talk endlessly, can make jokes on the fly So that's what the bar is
Starting point is 01:32:48 Very few guys can do this. This is why game has become very hard because look you can teach guys tips all day But if the humor if the ramble isn't there there's only so much you can improve it That's why we have such a greater divide between the halves who can entertain, who can engage a girl for 20 minutes without her looking through her phone, and they have knots, which they're lucky if they can get to a minute. That's interesting that game has changed
Starting point is 01:33:16 because it really is. It used to be having to make women feel like they were obligated to you and something like the negging and all that shit, but now it is literally you cannot hold their attention for that. Like you get all the neck, you can have all the necks in the world. But you're just going to like a what? Sorry, I was like looking at Instagram.
Starting point is 01:33:33 I'm like, what about my nose and my face? Like, I'm sorry, I have a pain is I'm sorry, I wasted your time. All right, Rooch, I'm going to get, I'm going to get, let's get Dr. Frank and Ferdar in here first. We'll get to you, crippled Jesus. Okay. So, Roush, I'm gonna take some time here, since we got a little bit of love in the conversation,
Starting point is 01:33:54 you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but I'm wondering, what advice would you give, and maybe there's some dickheads out there who listening, oh, I'm sorry, this is Keon Agani, a Dixiel lawyer here, by the way. What advice would you have for someone who tried to slide into a chicks DMs on Instagram and never heard back? Probably over. If she does in right back, there's nothing you can do. You put in your attempt. She clicked over to see the profile, the pictures you have. Either she's attracted at that moment or not. If she's attracting the
Starting point is 01:34:32 moment, she'll write back. But then to get her out on a date, that's another thing. But yeah, if you tried and she didn't write back, I can say with 99.9% certainty that it is done. back, I can say with 99.9% certainty that it is done. So, my profile should not be on private if I'm trying to slide into DMs, is what you're saying. Do you follow her? No. If she has some kind of interest, she would follow back. Yeah, and so, but usually, she would write back.
Starting point is 01:35:03 That's the basic. So, usually, she would write back. Don't. Don't private your profile. Just put only pictures of money. Actual pictures of cash. I'm talking about pictures, maybe a couple of pictures of yourself. Like the same shot, go back and forth, and then just stacks of hundreds. That's all you need. Like the office building that I work in and like the suits and all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:35:27 Or just quotes from a rackets, rackets is the best wingman. But yeah, thank you. Yeah. Usually you want a girl to follow you first. I mean, she has to do, I mean, for her to click the follow button takes zero effort practically. So she doesn't even know you know you exist, doesn't have any initial interest. I mean, you're just playing the numbers game, then slide into the DMs of like hundreds of girls and you'll get a couple who at the moment is bored and wants to talk to you.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Okay, Dr. Phona is still charging. Dr. Frankenford, are you there? Okay, no, it's not working. Let me see. crippled Jesus. What and Fritter, are you there? Okay, no, it's not working. Let me see, crippled Jesus. What's going on? Are you there? Nothing. Nope. What a fucking bus.
Starting point is 01:36:13 Yeah, oh Jesus Christ! crippled Jesus, hi, hello! Can you hear me, buddy? Yeah, I can hear you, I can hear you, all right. So how's the Virgin Contest going? And do you have any questions for Roach? Because the guy's guys times very valuable We've got at 15 minutes with them left and I still have to fight with him about tits versus ass
Starting point is 01:36:30 What can he what can he do to help you get laid man? How do you escalate a situation in to banging? Okay, first of all, cripple Jesus. Can you give can you give Roosh somech some background on your, on your medical issues? I have what they call cerebral palsy and it has an effected my brain. Okay. Basically, I just can't move my legs and my dick does work. And I can't show them if I wanted to. Oh, nice. And he's in a, Rooch, he's in a, and if I wanted to. Oh nice. And he's in a, Roo, she's in a,
Starting point is 01:37:05 a, what is it called? Is it mechanized chair? Is it, I don't know, what do you call it? A mech warrior. Yeah, he's in a mech suit. He's in an electric wheel chair. A light, he's in an electric wheelchair. He's in an exosuit.
Starting point is 01:37:19 What if, what can, what can crippled Jesus do to? This isn't going to be that easy. But one thing I would ask is are there girls of a similar condition who give you favorable attention or are there girls who want to seek you out to have chats with you that you may know in your existing social circles. There's two.
Starting point is 01:37:46 And they have similar conditions to you? Yeah, they wave at me when I'm in class and stuff and we chat and talk about the weather and bullshit small talk. Okay. Do you like that? I was focused on those two first. The one that you like the most,
Starting point is 01:38:08 just one afternoon at the end of your small chat, say, hey, I have some time on so and so, why don't we go get a cup of tea or why don't we get some kind of ice cream? And then if she says yes, get her number and then you arrange for that date. So I think for you, try to get a date, a one-on-one meeting with either one of these two girls who waive to you and so on.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Once you get the date, then we can start to focus on the next stage, which is having a deeper conversation with them. So I would be, I would focus on getting a date first, being comfortable having chats with the girls where you get a number. Once you get the number, then you have to learn how to text them and so on. But really, you know, game is actually 100 steps. When you're a young man, horny, you don't see it as that. But when you get older, like me, you see it for what it is.
Starting point is 01:39:04 So I would focus on the initial steps first. Like you are wondering how to escalate towards sex. You're not there yet. That's a later stage. You have to start earlier than that. And that's getting the number. I think the, I think the taxing and the worst part to me, man, because there's no face to face interaction.
Starting point is 01:39:25 The Is it hard for you to send a text to cripple Jesus? How easy is it for you to text? I can use the word prediction so I can get out. Oh, I'm pretty fast. So you got to rely on the word prediction to flirt with these girls. That would be a fucking pain in the hands.
Starting point is 01:39:44 But getting it out slower is much better. That's the longer you take, well, what about a phone call? What about a phone call? Do you do that or is that just a big of the phone? I mean, if I mean, if I do get a number of face time, that's usually my go to. Okay. I would start with the text first and I always advise them and not to joke over texts, especially early on, to say, hey, Jay, how are you? She writes back, I'm fine, Steve. And then you're a bit cool. Well, how about we meet for that ice cream tomorrow at six o'clock? Just keep it simple. And then if she likes you, she'll say, okay, sure, or where do we meet? And so you really only need to send two or three texts.
Starting point is 01:40:25 All the attraction that a girl has enough attraction to go on a date with you comes before you're getting the phone number. That's a good fucking point. That's the truest shit I ever heard. Do not joke with women on texts. No fucking jokes. You're not gonna joke their pants off, right?
Starting point is 01:40:43 Keep it simple. Keep it simple, stupid. All right. One thing that a lot of guys do, they send all these joky texts and the girl is writing back, LOL, because she's bored. She's at work. She's bored and you're jumping around like a monkey entertaining her. Of course, she's going to write back, keep going monkey entertain me.
Starting point is 01:41:01 And then at the end of this long exchange of entertainment, the guys like, cool, so how about we meet today at nine o'clock and then what silence? Yeah. Because you are like a Netflix show to them and then that's that you asking for you asking to meet for coffee is like Netflix saying, hey, would you like to continue watching this
Starting point is 01:41:21 show and they just ignore it? The timer expires and that's it. Then they go on with the rest of their day. If I ever get low from a woman again, I'm instantly blocking her. You're so right. Oh, I feel so ashamed and gross for having made these jokes with women over texts for so long. You're totally right, Rouge.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Let me, I'm going to, well, cripple Jesus, what do you think? Is that helping? That I think that's some good advice. All right. So you're going to talk to those two girls or one of them? I'll probably pick out the one I like best and then go from there. All right. Let us know how it goes.
Starting point is 01:41:59 What the cripple Jesus is. So you started at the top first, the girls you like. And then the real world will tell you where your value is as you have to go lower and lower. Yeah, the real world always were ruining fucking. That part sucks about the real world. Yeah. What were you gonna say, Sean?
Starting point is 01:42:18 No, no, I was gonna say that crippled Jesus is very social. And he's, yeah, he's got a personality. He can talk to people in interact and make, yeah, absolutely. So I mean, he's a, I think he's a fighter too. He'll box anyone. I mean, I think he's further along socially than probably a lot of people, you know, who are kind of in the same situation.
Starting point is 01:42:37 I'm confident either. I find that. Yeah. Catching them off guard. That's true. The thing I like about him is that he's ready to do it I mean he asked for advice and he said okay I'm going to do it a lot of guys they ask you for advice and then they make excuses for my class yeah they make excuses.
Starting point is 01:43:05 They try to talk you out of it. Well, no, I mean, the thing is, you really don't want to do it. You know, my cousins only blocked me on two accounts. Oh, Jesus Christ. No, there's a guy who calls in that he's trying to fuck his cousin. Well, that's a whole other one. That's the least of what's going on. I tried to get into college.
Starting point is 01:43:26 That guy doesn't come to Australia. Oh yeah, we'll fly him out. See if he's, he'll cut everyone's hits off at the show. What's going on now? All right, let me see. All right, cripple Jesus, get out of here. Good luck. Let us know how good you're ready, buddy.
Starting point is 01:43:40 I see you. Thanks for calling in. Let's, I'm gonna try Dr. Frank and Frater one last time. Oh. Nah, nothing. He's getting it. Nothing. No, no. I don't know, man. Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Well, there you go. I think we can figure out why the virgins haven't been getting laid based on that turnout.
Starting point is 01:43:55 Oh. Rouge, you said, real quickly, you said something very controversial last week that, that anal sex was a gateway to gay sex that I every that I get that right. So what I did I'm making a comment about how in the past 10 10 years there has been this obsession over the butt. Yeah. Just putting it everywhere. I think it started with you know hip hop and then Kim Kardashian came to monetize her butt for tens of billions of dollars. And it's just they're putting it into your face.
Starting point is 01:44:31 And the way I see it is this obsession with the bud and with anal sex is a non reproductive act. They don't want you to reproduce. So what do they do? They put anal sex and butts in your face nonstop. They do do that. They do that. Shaking butts.
Starting point is 01:44:50 That is huge. I agree. You know, baby's suckle on the breast and you may do it too, Dick, but that gives the life. But the butt is where the death's a dead end is where the waist comes out. Now I'm going to go, I like to squeeze it, you know, during sex it's fun. But this obsession with the anus, especially, I think, is some kind of agenda to reduce. There it is.
Starting point is 01:45:21 It's something. I. It is something because I didn't need, like, I've had to turn down more requests for anal than I've asked than I've made. Yes. It is. Yeah. It's just true.
Starting point is 01:45:33 They just want to get fucked in the ass. I'm like, whoa. The, the, the, you, you just dropped the biggest red pill. I've, that one's actually hard to swallow, man. Yeah. Oh my God. I've never done anal sex. I am 39.
Starting point is 01:45:44 I refuse to do it. I will die before doing that. It's taken their power from me. There's some kind of an agenda. It's an alike body. There's no exactly who's doing it. I don't know if I'm on this train. Just the butt sex, but also the butt eating. You see that a lot in like area on a ground day. There's no reason that a 20 year old hot chick should be singing about eating the booty like groceries, right? And that was a top 40 single. Yeah. Why is that going to it has to be the Jews. Oh, I just vow because I'm a lawyer. There's so much butt shit all over everything. Yeah, that was one the real red pill that I can tell you. Yeah, tell us. Why is there so much butt shit all over everything. Yeah, that's one the real red pills and I can tell you.
Starting point is 01:46:26 Yeah, tell us why is there so much butt stuff? Half to now, Anderson, top 1000 men who control everything. Okay. The people at the very top, I'm talking there so up top that they don't need to go on the TV interviews like Bill Gates and George Soros does. Okay. The people who control everything. What is their goal? More money.
Starting point is 01:46:49 The cold growth power plan. You don't need money anymore. They can print it through the central bank. Reproductive rights for themselves. No, their goal is to have it control. Oh yeah. What are they scared of? They're scared of the mob
Starting point is 01:47:06 Coming to their Manchains tearing down the gates and chopping their heads off. That's their number one fear You don't have that fear because you're not at the top. You're not a social path who wants power and control That's their number one fear now as the, as the AI start to come online, I'm sure you've seen a lot of a lot of stories about how AI is going to take these jobs and those jobs. They don't need seven billion people on the planet earth. They don't need it. They are all these people are liability. So what do they want to do? A soft cultural bomb that lowers the population. It makes sense. The butt stuff is a population control of women.
Starting point is 01:47:55 Empowering women reduces the reproductive rate. Okay. Agenda reduces the reproductive rate, the trend agenda coming, putting women in sports, making women, putting women in sports, I agree. I agree. This is the soft cultural bomb, and they need to get the population down. The problem is this. Women's MMA turns me off for weeks.
Starting point is 01:48:17 I hear word of it. Oh, I can't get you hard for it. You get me page band's answer here. Oh my God. You like that? Problems this. Some of them, yeah, not that. yeah. Not the women taking the shit out of each other. Not the Brazilian ones who weigh more than I do when we're like fucking seven feet tall. But yeah, you know, some page Van Sant or or a cupcake or well, we'll talk about that later.
Starting point is 01:48:34 Okay. The last comment I wanted to make is that the problem is that soft cultural bomb is working beautifully in the United States, Canada, UK, for the fertility among women is the lowest it has ever been. But the Africans, they are reproducing and their population is gonna be... Right, it's not time to go by. Not here, you. I hear what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:49:02 But then, so then the biological bomb that's coming next, that's when Bill Gates unleashes the sterilization vaccines that he has been working on. John McAfee was right. All right. Yeah, but you've got to wait. Okay, now, okay. Is that what porn is for? Now I can say they're putting attention on the butt, yeah, because it helps reduce reproduction,
Starting point is 01:49:27 which is the master agenda of the people at the top. Okay. So is that why porn is free? Exactly. Maybe. Exactly. Because you're too busy jerking off under jerking to all this free porn and two of the top 10 sites in the United States are the porn sites.
Starting point is 01:49:42 You are just so involved in this lustous, you know, playing with your genitals. Are you going to connect with a woman and start a family? Yeah, but you know the master agenda, everything makes sense. And the other hand, wouldn't it be nice to just play with your genitals all day? Right. I mean, let's be honest here. If I have to pick the Oculus Rift reality, the virtual reality of having my penis hooked up to a cock sucking machine, well, I'm in virtual reality all day playing video games. Sounds pretty good. And not good.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Rooch, Rooch is right. He's onto something good there. Definitely been times where I've been out in like Hollywood or whatever. And I'm talking to a girl and at like one o'clock in the morning, I'm not quite drunk enough to put up with a bullshit anymore. I just go home and jack up because it's a lot easier. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:50:30 Rich, I got to think about this. I got to think about how the butts are population control. How about this? On the other hand, though, it's very annoying. Sometimes women find it very annoying to go after anal. So don't completely discount it, you know. I need some time to digest this one. What do you go?
Starting point is 01:50:50 There he is. Okay. Roosh, where can people find you? People can go to my blog I have my last game book I just published called Game 400 pages on how to pick up girls, how to meet girls. And actually last week I put out a book called Lady, which is for girls on how to find the commitment of one guy, not to be good at dating, how to play guys. That's a fun one guy.
Starting point is 01:51:18 That's a good book. That's a good book. That I've written that I think a lot of people would be help by. That'd be a good book, man. Thanks for calling in. I, I mean, it's, it sucks what's happened to you with all this bullshit. It sucks that you're always in the, in the middle of a bunch of lies. Like, I was like me and you, we've been hit hard. Yeah. They've been taking acts swings at the tree, you know, trying to chop us down, yet here we are exchanging ideas.
Starting point is 01:51:48 So, hey, as long as I can still get online and talk to men like you and spread the word, I think life isn't that bad. So I hope we can continue to do this. Yeah, me too. It's been a pleasure having you on. I hope to talk to you again. We're gonna have to think about this but thing, Sean.
Starting point is 01:52:04 I don't know, population control, Bill Gates, butt stuff. What do you think? See, unholy trinity. I mean, really, if you're an ass man, then you're pretty much contributing to the end of human civilization. You just want to win. Yeah. All right, Roj, thank you.
Starting point is 01:52:22 I mean, have a good one, buddy. Thank you for calling him, bye. All right, Rich, thank you. I have a good one, buddy. Thank you for calling him, bye. You know, until he got to the butt stuff his population control for the Illuminati to reduce the Q. Prove it's not. Prove it's not.
Starting point is 01:52:36 Right. No, exactly. Until he got to that part, I was gonna say, man, this guy's really reasonable. Why is everyone so mad about him? But the thing is, I can't say that he's wrong. He might be right. he might be right. He might be right.
Starting point is 01:52:47 Well, it's, you know, it was, what do you think? It's got a good point. He clearly understands men and women. It's like, yeah, in the day, in the interaction and stuff. Yeah, for sure. But it's a little bit like all of a sudden, you know, you're talking about,
Starting point is 01:52:59 oh, make the case against circumcision, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah. The next thing you know, you're naked on stage. Yeah. Wait, what do you mean? It was kind of how that went. Oh, oh, oh, oh, I see me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:10 What was the naked on stage, part? Oh, that guy, the guy, the guy, the guy who's talking about I have a circumcision and the guy, I seem totally reasonable. And then we found out that he's using, yeah, he's naked on stage and mm. Well, I don't know. that you use and yeah, he's making our stage and Well, I don't know I know In indoctrination is absolutely a thing and it's a very useful tool and has been throughout history Sure, but you also have millions of years of human evolution. Yeah Let's see here get some comments got some comments then Got some comments, then we'll wrap the show up.
Starting point is 01:53:47 We'll do some Facebook news. Tom McCoy sent a Facebook news in comments. Travis Pruitt. Hey, Dick, sorry if I'm late to the conversation, but I just now heard the latest bonus episode. I believe I have an answer to your question about how gay came to mean homosexual. Disclaimer, I'm not an expert on the subject.
Starting point is 01:54:04 Just an interested fab bot who has done some digging here and there. In older English, the word girl did not refer to a young female. It was used for a child of either sex. Huh. Girl, really? Yeah. I don't like where this is going. Well, you think it's a joke?
Starting point is 01:54:21 The same way we used the word child today, young males were called nave girls, and young females were called gay girls. Nave like with a K. Yeah. So calling a young man gay was that air is equivalent to calling him a girl. Instead of saying he runs like a girl,
Starting point is 01:54:38 you would say he runs like a gay. You think that's true? No. No way that's true. A girl trying to be very email specific and boy, which have been primarily a low born insult up to that point, came into more generic use to refer to young men. The word gay returned its glookwill use of referring to characteristics of a young, you don't think that's true?
Starting point is 01:54:56 I don't know. Language is crazy, man. Like, I watched, I read this whole post about how female and male came from totally different roots. Is that right? Yeah. And they ended up with the same like, suffix or whatever. about how female and male came from totally different routes. Yeah, and they ended up with the same like, yes, it was, it's the similarity that pulled them together and not the route.
Starting point is 01:55:13 Like the routes were totally different and just usage made them similar because we're lazy, human and man and all of these different terms that idiot feminists used to explain the patriarchy or used to bitch about the patriarchy. It's all linguistically false. So I don't know, maybe this is true.
Starting point is 01:55:34 I don't think it's real just based on a historical basis, right? Like gay meaning happy for a hundred years. No one's gonna say, oh look at that guy, he's so happy, what? Because he's a little girl. I think he's talking way, way back. Way like we're talking like like dark ages. Yeah. Medieval times six. Yeah, but they weren't six thousand years ago. Yeah, like six thousand years ago when the earth was created. Yeah, right. I think it was after that.
Starting point is 01:55:58 Dustin says my all hands meeting just made a point that more women and people of color get hired. This is his job. They're discussing this more than half of the room more women and people of color get hired. This is his job. They're discussing this. More than half of the room are women and people of color. I'm misunderstanding something here. Yeah, your company has money to burn and you should ask for a raise. Any company that's doing diversity pushes, like they expressly want to hire an underrepresented group in their job market.
Starting point is 01:56:23 So they have money to spend on this, what is a luxury item? Like there are not a lot of whatever they're looking for is a luxury item. It's difficult to acquire. They have the money to blow for it. So they have money for your fucking raise. Trust me, go hit them up.
Starting point is 01:56:38 Somebody's got to do the work. What are you going to say? No, I was going to say that's, I think that's true because you see it in entertainment a lot. And you know, the budgets are always super inflated for that. I mean, they do the throw all kinds of money at things. Yeah. Because they're writing, they're writing diversity clauses before they start show production.
Starting point is 01:56:56 Yeah. I heard about that. Oh, yeah, they do. They, they, they, um, that's, you've got a higher a certain percentage of this, certain percentage of this. This has to be represented. Sub sonic sparkles is the time traveling slave movie you mentioned is called Brother Future.
Starting point is 01:57:12 Remember that time traveling slave? I watched it, I remember it exactly. Really? It was a great movie. I've never seen or heard of it, but I was intrigued enough to look it up. It was made for TV and completely forgotten about after it's 91 debut.
Starting point is 01:57:25 Brother, future. Brother, future. Well that's the name of that model. He's a bit called future brother. Okay, that's right? Yeah. Yeah. That was obvious.
Starting point is 01:57:36 So what a fucking made a $1 million. He's a brother. A dog. Cover the guy whose girlfriend wants who wants her dog in the room while they bone. When you're doing it, doggy style or any other style, start talking to the dog saying, who's a good dog over and over? She'll never want a dog.
Starting point is 01:57:51 That's right. Funny. Good try. You got to try something. That's funny. Just sit there with your dick in your hand. Uh, I don't, do we have time for advice? I don't think we have time for advice.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Then afterwards, tell her to go lay by her dish. Yeah. She'll look at that. Get another dog bed and throw her, get a dog bed and throw her in it Just pass out drunk like a starfish Bring up chew toys I got reddit rages so for man if I don't initiate things they don't get done if I don't check in on things They get dropped or canceled automatically.
Starting point is 01:58:25 I got to make plans and then text everyone before making sure they remember. I got to give someone a task and then I have to remind them to do it. My friends and coworkers feel like artificial extensions of my body instead of human beings. And I have to stop myself from treating them that way. I think age will kick that out of you. It's not, shit is not that important. And it won't get done. That's the, that's the you. It's not, shit is not that important. And it won't get done. That's the reality.
Starting point is 01:58:48 It just won't happen. And your controlling is only gonna influence the needle a little bit. It's driving crazy. It's driving crazy. Yeah, that's the key. And driving crazy. Because I feel this exact same way every day, every day.
Starting point is 01:59:02 And it's all, it's, you gotta let go. every day, every day. And it's all, it's, you gotta let go. CPSFS, watching copious amounts of YouTube and tricking myself, I'm into, I'm thinking, and tricking myself into thinking I'm more intelligent because of it. Yeah, that's true. What do we do?
Starting point is 01:59:20 I find myself watching things and then just basically repeating what the thing I watched was. Here's the thing because if you agree with it, it's probably stated more succinctly than you. It's very possible you had exactly the same idea or felt exactly the same way and it's not like you're like, oh, now why? Now I agree with that. It can just be that. Oh yeah, that's such an easy way to say it. But then the computer knows that that's what I want. Yeah, of course, yeah. So then it's just like the computer programming me to talk feedback loop.
Starting point is 01:59:51 Yeah, I mean, more and more I lose interest in saying my thoughts. When I'm not on the show and something comes up and just like, off, you know, I know what you mean. I don't care. Moment of Zen, people who express clearly unoriginal opinions is if they're interesting, Valentine's Day is a made up holiday.
Starting point is 02:00:11 Yeah. And we know. Just as bad as it didn't scan, it didn't scan, it must be free. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, fucking kill yourself. That's that one is true. Didn't scan, it must be free. Oh. More Zenbo, high-powered soap dispensers.
Starting point is 02:00:27 I press the button once and I get a tiny bit of soap in the palm of my hand and rest and the rest ricochet onto me as well as the wall underneath the soap. Do you ever see one of the soap dispensers where it looks like a mountain of soap under it? Yeah, because it keeps dripping. Yeah. That's like, whenever I see one of those, that's the future to me. Just a non-working soap dispenser. We can't let artificial intelligence become in the army and they go control, like you can't even make a soap dispenser. I know, fuck off. Don't worry.
Starting point is 02:01:01 Okay. Oh, I forgot the hysterio stuff. Do you want to listen to that? Uh, yeah. Okay, let me see. Let me get the boomer versus, this is Monkey Jones and hysterios talking about the lawsuit a little bit,
Starting point is 02:01:16 and then we'll do voice-mails. I love Monkey Jones. Me too. He's fun. He's terrific. This is Boomer versus Zoomer. This is their podcast. Gotcha. Hey more. Now we've shows more live shows boomer versus zoomer coming to us sitting there you folks. All right. All right. All right. I was gonna say, yeah, it's like, man, I wish I had the money. It sucks, but it's like, I'm going deeper into debt for the battle of sanctions.
Starting point is 02:01:59 My GoFundMe made about nine grand. All that has already been sent to the lawyer. And it's like because with the judge retiring, Maddox getting a new lawyer, scheduling and all this shit, like, it costs so much money just to like get a court date. And then you get down there and the judge, like as our listeners to this know, who bought the live bonus episode, we got in front of the new judge a couple of weeks ago, the new judge had no idea who we are, had no idea what the case was,
Starting point is 02:02:33 claimed that the case was not in the system, and then I get a bill for like 500 bucks from my lawyer, and I think he's being generous, like, I had to, I had to buy a $500 for my lawyer to go down to the courthouse to do nothing. Like, I remember this one time my lawyer was out of town and so he had to brief another lawyer to go in his stead. It was for some other big thing.
Starting point is 02:02:59 I got to build that month for $2,000. We were in the court for about 10 minutes. What is that like $100 a second? So it's just, let me ask you, what it hurt your heart and or soul to just drop it now, say, Greenberger you're fired and never worry about any of it ever again.
Starting point is 02:03:24 What do you think? Do you think he's going to, do you think a serious is going to just drop sanctions? I mean, he's already, he's already through his go fund me. That was nine, that was nine fucking thousand dollars just on sanctioned shit. It's brutal. I mean, man, I don't know because what could you possibly get out of sanctions? That's rough. I mean, the part of me that wants vengeance, let's not say justice, but you know, follow that the rest of your life and seek to destroy him, you know, but it's like, what are you going to
Starting point is 02:04:00 ultimately, what are they going to say? He's an revenge best served cold. Basically, what are they gonna say? Revenge best served cold. Basically. What are they gonna give you back? Well, I'll give you my, I mean, I want to wait for the whole thing before I talk. I mean, dropping sanctions would violate the golden rule of the DIC show, which is don't hit first, but hit second and never stop hitting. Well, I mean, yeah, I mean, at some point, are you punching yourself in the face harder than you can punch him when lawyers
Starting point is 02:04:25 are involved? Yes. Especially such an expensive lawyer. I don't understand why it has to be Greenberg doing this. Like am I? I have never understood that. That's I don't know. Is he more than tons of lawyers? I mean, wow, there's always a cheaper lawyer. He seems exceptionally qualified. So I have to assume that there's an idiot somewhere who likes to do it for cheaper. I have to assume there's a Lionel Hutz. Yeah. Get higher land out.
Starting point is 02:04:58 He's in play, right? Can he be hired to do these sanctions? He's got first hand experience. He doesn't have to do any discovery. Oh, you know, I'm just saying, is that necessary? Is there a point between dropping it and I'll get to that in a minute. It's still a- That is- that's kind of the-
Starting point is 02:05:18 That's kind of the question that I'm dealing with. Because you know the fans want you to keep it up. And I would- I think it's funny if you keep it up, but realistically, it's a financial disaster that will never pay your back. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Personally, don't have a stake in it anymore. And you're kind of over it.
Starting point is 02:05:37 I think you should just drop it and move on. I, I think I'm gonna let the battle for sanctions play out if only because, and by the way, listeners, this is kind of confusing, I understand. There's two things that are happening here. One, I am going for financial and legal sanctions against Maddox and his counsel. I believe that council has money,
Starting point is 02:06:02 knowingly, willingly and purposefully engaged in perjury and misled the court. He objectively did. It's no question. Yeah. I mean, it's all there in writing. In his initial filings, he pretended that Heather S. was a real because perjury is a chance that the judge could just say, yeah, he committed perjury, who cares?
Starting point is 02:06:26 Is that how judges work? The courts, can they just, is that how judges work, Kean? I've definitely had at least one judge tell me something very similar to that. He did it, who cares? Yeah. Yeah, he committed a felony, but boys will be boys.
Starting point is 02:06:42 Where's Gillette when we need them? Yeah, boys will be boys. Where's Gillette when we need them? Like, like the point of, it's like the reason you hire a good lawyer is because you're hiring somebody who can make the judge give a shit. It's like a judge sees hundreds of scumbags a day. And so like the question is like, how do you get the judge to care about acting out against this one particular scumbag? The New York State courts are traditionally biased against sanctioning plaintiffs or counselors.
Starting point is 02:07:16 And the reason they're traditionally biased against sanctions is this. They don't want innocent people to not come forward and tell their story. We know that right? Everybody knows that. Fired to money their name, to get them to spend money, or all three. And in this case, Maddox sued me for all three. But Maddox, you know, if people maliciously, though, why has nobody else stepped forward to do this?
Starting point is 02:07:42 Why would it have to be on your shoulders? Well, because nobody else lost anything. Mm. Serious is the only one. Right? I mean, that's always been my understanding. Yeah. I mean, except you paid a shit ton of money. That's my right.
Starting point is 02:07:56 That's my privilege as an American to do this. I know this. You are looking at things in the wrong way. Yeah. Maybe the correct way, but. Patreon do it. He did it to them too. Because making money on Patreon.
Starting point is 02:08:08 I know. Patreon, my ex-employer, the big money players in the game, they don't want the bad press. Like if they sue this Maddox guy, some reporter might write a whole article about cyber bullying and this and blah, blah, blah. But it's like, you know, my ex-employer or Patreon, they don't want the headlines. Like right now, the right now, I think about that. Kind of the last man standing in the fight for justice. And it sucks. And I am like really, really hurting for money.
Starting point is 02:08:46 I just... You have any confirmation from Dick why he didn't just take half a month's worth of Patreon to ruin Maddox? You think he would be the one who wants to do it the most. But I guess... Why are you saying why? He's causing trouble. Why are you saying?
Starting point is 02:08:59 I take back every good thing I've said about money. Why? Really? No, not really, but that's just, it's easy for somebody else's money. Yes, why should someone else be spending money to help? I mean, we get it, as serious as your friend, but that's a shitload of money, right?
Starting point is 02:09:15 I, what? Well, whatever. That's a long, I'm not mad. I'm not mad. It's just ridiculous. I don't know if it's ridiculous. I'd say it's ridiculous. I know. I if it's ridiculous. I'd say it's ridiculous. I also, you say things in the moment too.
Starting point is 02:09:28 Like, oh, why, you know, we do that spur of the moment stuff to you. He might not. He was not crazy for suggesting that. I might not even thought about it. I'm sure he could see the other side too. I think about it all the time. Yeah, I still think about it to this day. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:43 Me too. That's why every time I come over here, I steal a quarter. Yeah. In 50,000 years, yeah, you'll have enough. I mean, I got, yeah, I have dots on it. I'll save it until they're entirely inspected. Anybody to just do this, but I'm surprised he didn't because it seems like he would find it the funniest. Well, I think that what Dick wants is to make Maddox a fool, and I feel like Dick has realized that he can do that for free. Like, there's a reason Dick lives in a mansion, and I am recording from the laundry room
Starting point is 02:10:24 of a 19 bro cabin technically for my flight and we're in the laundry room too. It's like, it's like a good business day. It's a laundry room. I drove it there. He would spend the dollar unless he was. That's the podcasting version of like rappers. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:42 How talking about how shitty their community is. It's describing how the laundry room that they're recording in, and how bad it is. No, I would imagine that our laundry room is nicer than mumkees, than wherever they're in. Whatever laundry room they're recording in. A nice laundry room.
Starting point is 02:10:57 It's a nice laundry room. During the summer, I want to just come in here and lay down, because the only room that's got air conditioning. Was it, unless he was sure that he could get to? No, I think the day Dick said he was going to fight. I think he was saying if he spends a dollar, you make two out of it. Dick is, yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:13 Is that not? It's like a good businessman and I don't think he would spend the dollar. Yeah. Unless he was, unless he was sure that he could get to. No, I think the day Dick says on his show, I guess what, patrons? We're going to counter-sumatics. I think his Patreon makes up for it and then some.
Starting point is 02:11:32 I think it would be a smart business decision. And then when he wins the court case, then he gets all that money from Maddox anyway. I think if it was a money... Well, I don't think there's money. That's not my business. Right now, I'd probably pitch into Patreon if it meant Dick was gonna sue sue Maddox and I know probably
Starting point is 02:11:48 if does that mean Monkey doesn't support my Patreon already? What the fuck? Well, that's the son of a bitch. A thousand other people would, too. I think that Dick should probably sue Maddoix for a million causes of action. Like, I know of stuff that Manix has done and said intentionally to hurt Dick's reputation as like a businessman. You know, I mean, like before Manix dropped that video,
Starting point is 02:12:17 Dick was regularly performing at the most important comedy theater in the country. The UCB NLA. He was on regular shows all the time. He had a fantastic agent. He was auditioning for commercials. He was acting in a movie that was directed by a mutual friend of ours, Justin Dauwinson.
Starting point is 02:12:36 And then Manix puts out this James Gunn video that is full of lies and obfuscations and then Dick's reputation and finance. We know all that. We've heard all that. Yeah. Sounds like it sure would be. The series sounds sad. Yeah. It would be nice to put George under a rock that he could never crawl out of if that's the rest of his life. You got it. This is this is what I've been but there's no stick about since day one that will never
Starting point is 02:13:12 happen. This is not a movie. The idea that somebody can be hit so hard that they don't get up and I mean, it's never going to happen. No, no, no, no, I mean, I mean, financially like every penny he makes gets, well, that's what I mean, but every penny in the future he makes gets taken right away from it. I know. I know. And that's the sex change and have a kid with him for that to have. And that's the, that's the mother to be too expensive.
Starting point is 02:13:35 So what do you, ultimately, what do you get besides a judgment? Well, one of the, one of the important pieces to this is that esterios is not having fun. Well, no, how could he be? Do you remember the worst call, the last call that we had with him, which I think permanently changed the relationship of this show in esterios is when he called in and we talked about the counter suit. Yeah, I was out of town. We're out of town. Yeah, nobody was so fucked up. Well, no, I called in. No, I was on the phone suit. Yeah, I was out of town. I were out of town. Yeah, nobody it was so fucked up. Well, no, I called in. No, I was on the phone too. Yeah, it was uncomfortable. Yeah. And it was, it was a lot of people, a lot of people hated it. And I think that's like that probably permanently damaged the relationship with the stereos in the show.
Starting point is 02:14:21 But it's for a very important reason, which I told him before we had that call because he was talking about, you know, potential, decisions he was gonna have to make with work. And I said, you know, you gotta, but he gotta do what's right for you and not rely on me to tell you what my version of that is because I handle life a lot differently.
Starting point is 02:14:45 Oh, yeah. You lot differently. Like, this is, Mumkees write that it would be the funniest for me to counter-sumatics. But it's only funny if everyone can participate. Yeah, I like, it's all, and that was a problem for me during the original lawsuit is that I would talk about it all the fucking time,
Starting point is 02:15:08 or else it's a real thing, and it's not funny if it's real, like it's preposterous. And I do think about, I do think about funding it all the time. Fuck, it was one of the first things I talked to Cernivich about, which in my mind, I think a Cereos should embrace that 100,
Starting point is 02:15:32 like this is the difference in thinking. Cernivich wants to be involved, I'm 100% in. Sure, what do you need from me? I don't know if Cereos will have that reaction to that. Your reaction to things like this is to me and has always been in the extreme minority of how a cross section of society would react to such things. Because I don't take lawyers advice. You say, well, you see humor.
Starting point is 02:16:01 You don't say anything. Like, okay, I mean, that's a nice that you think that, but you're not like, you're not a, you're not at the boss of me. You're not, you don't know the future. So I appreciate the advice, but I'm going to do what I'm gonna do. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:19 Which is, which everyone should do. I guess I'm not saying that that's any better than, like I'm not saying you should compulsively talk about everything but I don't know I don't know what's gonna happen with sanctions don't know they could just get tossed out It sounds like it's a huge money pit sure does there. Yeah sure does what makes sense what makes sense to me is Getting a lawyer Who will take a flat fee
Starting point is 02:16:48 getting a lawyer who will take a flat fee, 10 grand, to counter sumatics for malicious prosecution. That's what I thought initially. That's what I thought the very first thing I thought when the lawsuit wrapped up like it did was, okay, so like reasonably, what could you pay somebody todox for malicious prosecution and how funny would it be? It's about, it's about 10 grand of funny. And Monkey even says half a month's pay for it. Like there's this feeling of it, but that's not what happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:16 A stereo is put up the go fund me and it was 50 grand. And then it cost $1,200 to get on the phone. And I was like, oh, this is, let's just wait and see how sanctions work out. I mean, I just got a bill for $37,000. That I haven't even written a check for yet. So before we start planning the revenge of the Jedi, let's like, let's see, what's the statute of limitations on this?
Starting point is 02:17:43 Let's see, let's see, what's the statute of limitations on this? Let's see what happens. Get a job first. Like for God's sake, you can't live like this. Like you don't want to live in a world of lawsuits and spite. Like let's get back to some comedy. Yeah. Let's get back to the core concept. Like let's get back to the, let's get back to what makes the show real, which is hard and comedy and jokes, and
Starting point is 02:18:11 let's extract ourselves from this awful battle that we've been in for a year or more, and then get a bird's eye view and see what happens and see what impulses remain after many months. Right? Yeah. Those are probably the ones that survive are usually the good ones. Yeah, that all makes sense. Which I still think is a good plan.
Starting point is 02:18:38 Ten grand. Why do you need the best of the best to do it? Why doesn't the best of the best want it like you know, Maddox can't afford a fucking lawyer. No. He's just gonna sit there with his thumb up his ass. He's gonna show up in his bobbadook suit with somebody that he found at like business lawyers dot fun because, yeah, paying more for a lawyer, whatever is just a scam, because they're all exactly the same.
Starting point is 02:19:03 Yeah, this isn't, right? I mean, that's, well, this isn't, right? I mean, that's, well, he doesn't, you know, he doesn't think there's a difference in anything. There's a level of what's stucker. If there's a level of what's funny and what isn't. Yeah. It's not treating this like it's real, it's not funny.
Starting point is 02:19:16 Yeah. This is a fucking weirdo, a 40 year old weirdo who pretended to be a woman who did get you fired. I believe in the, I believe in the response to it. It sounds like sanctions are turning into a train wreck, but that's my thinking on it. But my overriding thought is you got to do, you got to do what's best for you. Like, I don't what Asterios' job situation is. Like maybe it's the worst thing in the fucking world for him. It's for me, it's the greatest thing in the world.
Starting point is 02:19:52 I love it. Oh, I heard about this lawsuit you have going on. Let me tell you about it. Actually, let me tell you. Okay, let's get a couple more drinks over here. Like it's just about the way you fucking, it's about the way you are used to doing business and living your life. And if it's just about the way you fucking, it's about the way you are used to doing business and living your life.
Starting point is 02:20:05 And if it's not compatible with your values, then look, I mean, it's gotta be terrible for a stereo, it's looking for a new job. When you were terminated from your last job, basically because all that you are falsely accused of all this kind of shit, it's like who wants to, so that being said, does a judgment of sanctions against George and his lawyer help a stereo?
Starting point is 02:20:29 Where it's like, are you asking for my opinion? No, no, of course not. What, people just type your name into Google and it's like, it's like, it's like, brain the trash. Yeah. You know how easy is to throw resumes away? Yeah. I mean, the only, you'll never get the chance, you'll never get the chance to go, but yeah,
Starting point is 02:20:44 look, it was so ridiculous, they penalized these guys. Well, that depends. That's my question. In my opinion, if you need, if you get to the point where you need the judgment against it, then you're in a bad spot. The whole thing in and of itself is funny enough that it should work for you in my opinion, but my opinion is worthless, because it's not happening to me.
Starting point is 02:21:10 Well, no, and also the callus in cruel because it's not happening to me. But also the kind of places that he wants to work for a giant marketing firm, you know, they shun that kind of stuff like the fucking plague. They do and they don't. Well, I mean, I don't think they want to be associated with anything like that, or the guy was sued for.
Starting point is 02:21:28 Yet, Capricornick is the poster boy literally for Nike. Like, it's, what would you say? That's bad press in the wrong way. Like, it's impossible to say. Without your spin. Your spin is what your story is the one. I mean, I don't want to sound like, I don't want, I really, really don't want to sound like I'm shitting on a stereo because I miss him being a part of the show a lot.
Starting point is 02:21:51 I miss his comedy. I feel terrible that he is, that he's bummed out. But I agree with Mumpke that funding a counter suit would be the funniest to me. Yeah. Yeah. I don to me. Yeah, yeah. I don't know, we'll see. I hope, I think Cernivitch is gonna come in when his movie releases. We'll see, maybe a stereo is so calling
Starting point is 02:22:13 and we can talk about it. Maybe so. But that's all I have on that. I don't know. Does that make sense? Yeah, no it does. I mean, it's not the time to do to decide things, making snap judgments or, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 02:22:30 No, it's maybe the, you know, sanctions. I don't even know about sanctions, whether it's even a good idea or not. I mean, I'm paying, I'll pay for the best lawyer if you're like, if you're going to prison and you didn't do it. Yeah. That's when you get, but when you're involved in a slap dick, internet fight with a, with a complete moron. Yeah. That's when you get, when you're involved in a slap dick, internet fight with a complete moron. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:48 In my opinion, and you're on the offense, not on the defense. Yeah. Right. It's not as vital that, you know what I mean? It's not like, it should be funny. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:03 I think most people don't see it that way when it because it affects affects your life. Yeah I don't know. Let me see. Let me get let me get a Let me get a feel of the room see what people say about that Good question, Mumki. Yeah, it is a good question Yeah, there you go. That's my thoughts on it. Yeah Evolving thoughts are pretty close to what I thought. Evolving is the word, I think.
Starting point is 02:23:27 Yeah. And I also think that I had an idea to fund it too, which would be much more fun. But again, it's not fun. It's not fun. Yeah. Uh, the job is lost. There we go. Let's play.
Starting point is 02:23:42 I'm going to play a sound with something. Hamilton song. Have you seen Hamilton? No, I haven't. This is from... This is from Hisoka. Maddox and Dick Masherson. Alexander Hamilton parody. I'll play the whole thing. It's a little long, but I put a lot of work into it. to work into it. The bike rider, soup lover without a lover, got a lot father, Bobby and a sack tie, then being a thought leader, all being a YouTuber by the way. He had once worked as a telemaker, and every day he slaved away at countless edits he made on episodes, his mouth was still full of marbles. Inside, he was longing for a new podcasting network. The writer was ready to spend 30,000 fucking dollars.
Starting point is 02:24:49 Vintigmasticin came, man, implications rained on man, Bought all the snacks, but never received the thanks. Found a lawyer with a tale, got a services retain, And he wrote his first complaint, a testament to his pain. Well, the word got around they said this view is insane man. 20 million dollars. This is amazing. Great.
Starting point is 02:25:12 This is amazing. This is amazing. Great. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing.
Starting point is 02:25:20 This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. This is's a mad exandic macasin. So what does ads look like? There's a million things that Dick is one. Oh God, but you know, you know you you You got almost everything you want not giving you everything you want
Starting point is 02:25:39 I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I regret this immensely. Did you like it?
Starting point is 02:25:50 He went to a wedding when Dick steals the love is like a dead man. I just have to act like a dick saying women have got to protect themselves. He's got harmonies in there. There would have been nothing Dick could do with that crap fund in Tulsa's Baytree. I'll protect himself He's got harmonies in there That's when he finds the most convenient forum in New York. That was a bit of a... There's just a bigger snare drum in there. Yeah, they're really shipping. Now it's here.
Starting point is 02:26:39 And then... Kind of. I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can't I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can I knew you can Oh, Maddo, Maddo, Xandag Massasin. That's cool. And I guess, Stereos too. Miss Antioz, who's since slain. Is there something wrong with his brain? The world's who will never be the same. Rears? The rest is coming now. See if you can slide out
Starting point is 02:27:26 Fuck just 10 Armenian Just up as a woman Committed to resist The internet forgot them He debates both sides He cries and dimplies He hashtag dick lies He once had a wide heat
Starting point is 02:27:40 Has no ads on his website There's a million things I take as one But just you wait Why he has no ads on his website But just you way What's the name man mad exandic master sin Wow That was great. That was. That was great. All right, here's some Facebook news.
Starting point is 02:28:09 We got a new somebody else is trying their hand to Facebook news, Tom McCoy. Oh, production. Yeah. All right. Hello, Dick. Hello, Dick Hetz. Is Facebook news
Starting point is 02:28:30 Our first two stories from the dick show Facebook group. Do you do this with a star? Eric Wong is joined the growing list of dickheads. Bless the tie-brideers on Chris the Kiwi being asked Got a problem. Cunt want to meet up Other messages include I was gonna say you really do look like a child molesterer. Nice picture, Jin Chong. And do you want a broken nose? The outrage employment, Bob, is out and forced on behalf of Gabe, contacting the management of the Lux lounge in Rochester, New York. Distress the volume of messages she's received. She has reopened communications with Gabe after an unnamed patron called her quote, a fucking
Starting point is 02:29:04 boomer over in the Dictionary Facebook group. Sasha has asked for advice for saving the lives of her nieces, whose mother is a staunch anti-vaxxer who feeds the McDonald's on a daily basis. Responses include, show her the memes, take them to the doctor behind her back, and tell your brother to stop being a pussy. One dickhead looks at the bright side of the situation and points out that Sasha and her brother will save a fortune on Christmas presents. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 02:29:32 The destruction of the Dixho Facebook group, the Reddit news and Dolan Dick series were seemingly obliterated from the air. But the archive copies have been re uploaded in the dick show Facebook group thank you this is facebook news ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha So did I hear that right that Gabe's the boss of the Luxlounge had reached out to Gabe after firing him over nothing? That's what it sounds like. That's good. I hope they've had a chance to rethink that decision. That is the exact opposite that I would have expected would have happened from having a bunch of dickheads contacting a former employee of anybody. We can be reasonable. Can. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:25 The operative subjunctive word. Oh, let's see. I'll put some voicemails in. I got this really hilarious text thread from the Facebook group where this woman learned that her ex is getting married and sends him, look at the size of this text. It's just like a mile long,
Starting point is 02:30:42 trying to like telling him that she's, that he's a loser and that he missed out on her. That any news in there. Uh, there's this awful picture of her and a bra that she's this. Uh-huh. Look at how this is. I have three orgasms in an hour. Congratulations on the engagement. Always thought it would be me standing next to you.
Starting point is 02:30:58 Guess I missed my chance. Good luck. Let's just dripping with sarcasm. Yeah. Passive. What do you mean they were married? Oh no, we're the ex. This is his ex. The guy gets engaged.
Starting point is 02:31:08 This is his ex girlfriend reached out. Thank you, he says. Then again, if you were dumb enough to let me go, I'm probably not missing out on much enormous crying laughing smiley face. Psycho. The psycho phase. Ha ha ha ha ha. The knife wielding psycho emoji. Sorry, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha still let me go. So good luck to you guys. I made a 40 year old orgasm.
Starting point is 02:31:45 Three I'm more concerned with the you could have had your own hand drawn mango as every man stream. What do you mean? That's a 50s housewife. We want to put me on. Say it though. Roasting the oven. House clean skirt on makeup done. Hand drawn. Magno. And wrong. Tantacle porn. Let me see.
Starting point is 02:32:02 Oh, you should read my stories. Maybe she missed typed. It was supposed to be mango. Yeah, good. She's like a fruit- Androan mango. People who like, drag you who hate fruits. You know, fruit in bowls and stuff like that. Like the great masters. Yeah, of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:17 Why mango? Oh, I should have added in another hour, three orgasms in an hour. Ha, ha, ha, important information. I myself am enjoying life in an hour. Ha ha ha. Important information. I myself am enjoying life in the state. Yeah, good. You're so happy.
Starting point is 02:32:29 Look at you. Look at how happy you are. I've got to write a fucking, I've got to write a fucking Dickensian novel. I'm fucking out. What kind of a, what kind of a woman is? Oh my God. She's fucking, she's totally manic.
Starting point is 02:32:43 Crazy. Well, when we see those broad pictures, I bet it's gonna give some good Insight. That's pretty impressive. I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying where you live I bet you and your pooch have a bunch of adventures over there Making her insane That's cool. Glad you're having such a good time. Hope you find your dad, buddy. Yeah, it's very dog-friendly state. I'm gonna be having a kid by myself this year, since I have given up on finding any sane intelligentsia and Christian ideas. Good idea.
Starting point is 02:33:13 Good idea. That's right. Because I don't need anybody. Just use the Lord. Is that not enough for you, Sean? You do kind of suck, you know. Doesn't even begin to start being enough. Murphy Brown did it though. For anyone.
Starting point is 02:33:30 You kind of suck, you know, just a bit, but that's okay. Have a good life and give my stories a like. My novel comes out in 2020. Oh my God. My novel. I think she's gonna have a bad year in 2020. Ha, I thought, oh, this is more.
Starting point is 02:33:45 Ha, I thought for sure you'd give me shit about having a kid by myself. I guess you don't really care. Oh well, PS, the novel is called and then she says the novel. Have I mentioned that you suck because you suck. K, that is all. Maybe I'll catch you in a decade after the divorce. Man, all you had to fucking do was survive us going to college.
Starting point is 02:34:03 I would have married you in a heartbeat. That's all any man ever wanted. Oh, yeah. Just for a woman to marry them right away. Right out of college. Yeah. I would have married you in a heartbeat. Your greatest fantasy, whatever, your fucking loss, especially considering this. And then it's a, well, I mean, I mean, she has nice tits. They're big. Do you think this picture matches the attitude that? No, not even close. That is a testament to hubris. Would this make you cancel an engagement this picture? That would not make me cancel sitting at home watching Star Trek.
Starting point is 02:34:39 All right. Sean, what do you think? If she wanted a Netflix and chill, I would just Netflix. No, she doesn't look bad, but I mean, she doesn't look bad at all. But I mean, from what I can see, but that kind of texting. This is supposed to attempt to my mom. I'm away from his woman. Oh, no, this is her temperature's picture.
Starting point is 02:35:02 Oh, man, no way. But yeah, you're right. That's the best she got. That's her a game This is the best that she's got her a plus she fucked up the lighting like had real stats installed just for the like a Put some makeup on this huge zit on her chest. She's as Christ. There's she couldn't We can't act a flatten out her love handles. Yeah lean back, you know go from an angle. Yeah, there's a reason my space angles are ubiquitous with fat chicks. Have you ever seen porn shot from this angle? A straight on cowboy shot? Yeah, bad.
Starting point is 02:35:33 I hope life gives you exactly what you give others. Bond voyage. Oh, look at that. Oh, that's, that's your fault. No more sympathy. Damn, looking good there. Look at that. That's your fault, no more sympathy. Damn, looking good there.
Starting point is 02:35:45 Ah! Ah! Ah! I gotta get this guy. She's, she's, she's, she's, oh my. Look at this, she has. But see, that is, oh my god, it's going on for like,
Starting point is 02:35:59 an erasio of his to hers. Oh, like a mate. Yeah, I mean, that's, but that's ubiquitous throughout all male female relationships. Usually the female types that much. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Oh, it's too funny.
Starting point is 02:36:13 Bye. Can be about anything. Could be about anything. Okay. Let's do voice mails. At hand drawn manga. Mango, I think we established. Oh, Tom McCoy says those gun sounds were because of the Civil War.
Starting point is 02:36:28 Yeah, well, you know, those were gun sounds. Yeah, they were gun sounds. I thought they were machine gun sounds. I didn't get couldn't really. So we're having to go type right. You know, joke in the news Walter Cronkye doesn't open the news with joke sound effects. And like fart sounds. No, he was talking about Hamilton, wasn't he?
Starting point is 02:36:46 No, he was talking about his news. Oh, okay, I can't. I can't. Don't hear it again. Oh, no. The intro with the guns. Here. I'm gonna play the guns again for you.
Starting point is 02:36:54 Okay, I wasn't even. Listen carefully. Hello, Dick. Hello, Dick. Oh, like a cannon fire or the... Is Facebook news? Oh, no, they're... Oh, no, sure. Hello, Dick. Can fire or the is Facebook. Oh, no, there. Oh, no, sure. I thought from the Dick show Facebook group. Oh, see this a machine gun.
Starting point is 02:37:12 Yeah, they're obviously guns now. Like, it's like I had a dead modern guns. So it's not civil war. Well, the war would be trumpets and cannons. The new civil war. Well, you got muskets. Look, I don't want my news to be so confusing about who's Well, the war would be trumpets and cannons the news of well you got muskets look I don't want my news to be so confusing about who's Shredding place some voicemails Walter Cronkite comes out with a rubber chicken Black all right, and now the water gauge scandal
Starting point is 02:37:37 Wack, what the hell was that? I'm trying to lighten the mood, everyone. We have false social choices. As a guest, come out to it on a wippy cushion. That was Frost Nixon. I got caught. Nixon came out, sat on a wippy cushion. Imagine what kind of ring it by. They could have had if he had sat on one. They left that in. Hi, I'm not a fork.
Starting point is 02:38:03 Big H John, I got to race for you. Fine, pillow. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a girl's play. Her pillow is all the ads. You fucking stop. I hear my fucking neck. Yeah. And I have two... ...proves that. I think he's a storm chaser.
Starting point is 02:38:29 No fluff at all for those, and it fucking hurts me. He tried to buy me a pillow for a place to hand. It fucking sucks. That's like what I'd be buying. So, we went together to buy pillows. Okay, bitch. But I want... What I want. They're all fucking shit. You need the old fucking battered down, shit pillows. These are the only things that I should fucking come from. Everything else is like fucking sob, the praydals are neck weird.
Starting point is 02:39:05 They pump up, those ad-queed trashards, you're fucking ahead. I don't fucking care why all pillows are shit. I had a fucking pillow to my ass. It's true. They're totally worthless. I had, I hid my pillow. I used to have, I used to have pillows that I think were probably 20 years old that I grew up with.
Starting point is 02:39:30 Down pillows? Like real like, goose down or no. I think they were just from Target or wherever my mom originally bought them, but you need a pillow that has been worked in over decades. Oh no. I mean, the pillow was this thick, Sean. It was this, it was like this thick.
Starting point is 02:39:47 It was perfect though. Yeah. I laid in it. I couldn't hear my heart beating in it. Didn't have any of these problems. Then had to get new pillows moving in here with 80s girl. I was like, just spice it up. Get some new pills.
Starting point is 02:40:01 These things are like a log. They're, it's like laying on a log that alleges it's soft and comfortable in some way, but it's like sleeping with your neck at a 90 degree angle. So much, I'm hiding pillows like I'm hiding pornography. Here, I sneak them out at night and sneak my pillow in, hide it, and crush it into the corner of the bed. So that when she goes to sleep,
Starting point is 02:40:23 I can sneak it out and then sleep on a comfortable pillow instead of ones that match the sheets. Right. Yep, there's a lot of bad pillows, no doubt. My grandma as a kid would have a pillow that was shaped like a kidney bean. It was shaped, looking at it from the side, it was shaped like, oh yeah, I had a,
Starting point is 02:40:43 that she slept on it. I went into their room when I was a child and I looked at the, it's like, oh yeah, okay. Yeah, how to, that she slept on it. I went into their room and I was a child and I looked at this and it's like, what the hell is, what the hell is wrong with this? Grandma, what the fuck is this? The fuck is wrong with you? Why do you have, why do you, how do you sleep on this?
Starting point is 02:40:57 What is this? That was when I first began to suspect women in their ways. It was when I walked into my grandma's bedroom and saw this obvious pillow that was not meant for sleeping on, I think she had it so her hair wouldn't get messed up. Oh, okay, but it didn't look comfortable at all. I'm sure it was not.
Starting point is 02:41:15 I think you're all doing it wrong. I've never been able to use pillows growing up. We just, well, we had them in the house. I didn't have them, so instead I would take a bunch of blankets and just bunch them up and use those instead of a pillow. That's kind of more comfortable. It's great. That's all I do.
Starting point is 02:41:29 The only time I use pillows at someone else's place, and I hate them, I can't sleep right with pillows. I'm just gonna sleep on dirty clothes now. I'm gonna go to the hamper, pull out a fistful, and bunch them up like a nest around my head. No, that's great. You'll have the added benefit of it will smell like you. It'll be like a nest around my head. No, that's great. You'll have the added benefit of it will smell like you. It'll be like a nest, a layer.
Starting point is 02:41:49 What's up, Vic? What's up, Sean? What's up? I got a pretty big rage driving the work drunk. Oh, okay. We've all been there. People who don't force their kid to learn a fucking instrument. Don't.
Starting point is 02:42:07 My dad got me face lessons and I was a little kid, a truck off car. My dad got me face lessons when I was a little kid. I put on my seatbelt. Did you hear that sound that the car made? Yeah. That rolled off the lot. Yeah. With that sound.
Starting point is 02:42:22 Right. Ah. Of course, when you're forced to learn an instrument when you're young you like Oh, I want to fucking do it fuck that fuck you. I don't want to do what you come in to do and now I'm like it wow I kind of wish I had done what you kind of forced me to do because I'd be a fucking I'd be extra level at this point so I think the past So I think the past techno is trying to rely on how to play videos. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:46 You listening, Keith, that little mongrel, how to play an instrument, go fuck yourselves. Yeah. Parents and their kids and instruments always annoy me. Yeah. They've been trying, they've been using the same tactic for, I assume, thousands of years to get the kids to play something and somehow it just never gets any more than the amount of people who play them. I think that, you know, you expect,
Starting point is 02:43:13 give them a choice if you want, you know, I want to expose them to it, maybe they love it, maybe they, you know, but it's like, if you got a hound a kid to do something like that, yeah, it's a bad idea. I mean, it's the most boring thing in the world though, to sit a kid in front of a piano or whatever, and they're just supposed to stare ahead
Starting point is 02:43:32 while you're in the other room. Like, I don't know, a single parent that actually learns the instrument with a kid. Like essentially, you're just making them do homework. They're making their brain learn all these. So you can brag about it. Why don't you learn an instrument too, then you bitch. How come the kid, the kid,
Starting point is 02:43:48 only the kid, because it's boring as hell to learn it, to go through, like it doesn't get fun until you are an expert at it. I mean, unless, unless music has that kind of magic thing for you that you just think this is so cool and like a new, well, that's the system we have. Yeah. Right? Well, that's what people who play that kind of magic thing for you that you just think this is so cool and like a new- Well, that's the system we have. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:07 Right? Well, that's what people who play instruments. Other than that, it's just like people burning money to send to art students and shit. Oh, yeah, come over here. It's true. I think it was after Super Bowl is at my parents' house and Irishman, I have a trombone at my parents' house.
Starting point is 02:44:23 He, he fucking loves it. So he goes, after the superboy's like, Hey Uncle, can you put the trombone together? Can you break out the trombone for me? So I go get it, because having you shoved, my mom hides it all the way in the back. She never one hates it. It's a loudest instrument in an orchestra.
Starting point is 02:44:39 Really? The sliding trombone. It's the loudest instrument in an orchestra. Louder than a piano. Yeah. Louder than a cannon for sure. Louder than a piano. Yeah, louder than a cannon for a voice. A voice. Yeah, I'm gonna need to check that.
Starting point is 02:44:48 Yeah, that's considered as. I went to a lecture before a Disney concert hall thing. Yeah. That's why, well, because they put things further back because they're louder. And the trombones are really only the only instrument where, because I think usually, the French horns are definitely in front of the trombones are really only the only instrument where, because I think usually the French horns are definitely in front of the trombones, but there are usually little, they're little
Starting point is 02:45:12 like baffles on the back of the French horns. You don't really see them everywhere else because the trombones are fucking aimed right at their heads. Yeah. And you know, I dated a French horn player and I learned the joke. Yeah joke after we broke up and it pissed me off so much. It's the French horn joke. It's a great joke if you know the French horn. Yeah. And you told me that joke after we broke up.
Starting point is 02:45:35 I was like, oh, fuck. Now I want to get back together just so I can say the joke is that every time she, every time she sucks my cock, she shoves her fist up my ass. That's how you play it. Right? That's the joke. every time she sucks my cock, she shoves her fist up my ass. That's how you play it, right? This is the joke. Every time he goes to kiss me, he jams his fist up my ass. I was indating a guy though.
Starting point is 02:45:52 It's how I heard him. Yeah. Well, no, you're tight. You've set it up with the c-shut. What is this shit in all the time? Every time he goes with his fist up my ass. Well, did you see the shirtless picture? Oh, did I leave that up?
Starting point is 02:46:02 I gotta take. I left that up. Yeah, puts. So after Super Bowl, I got to get asked about, learn how to teach kids how to play an instrument, because I'm usually the only one that plays an instrument for fun. Right.
Starting point is 02:46:18 Right. So the kid, I break out the trombone, and I'm too drunk to put it together for him. So I'm like, I don't know man, I can't help. He gets you, yeah. He opens it up, puts it together himself. Yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:46:32 And then he starts, he walks around the house, just getting right in everyone's face going, blah, blah, like, blah, making his loudest sound as he can. Can he make it, can he devastating? He makes it full of like, like, ambassure, perfect, perfect ambassure, no warbling, nothing. Because he hates, because he wants to inflict pain so badly that he has, it's the hate that I'm talking about.
Starting point is 02:46:57 He has focused his hatred of people into this skill of learning how to blast ass through a trombone and everybody's fucking like go away get out of here. So they're so happy with you. Boy, he goes to everybody and I was like hey, hey, hey, give us a dying laugh. I'm like, hey, give us a blah, like he's like, okay, okay, okay. And like he fucks up and he's like, blah, blah, blah. And then I try to do it. Somebody, I forget who, somebody came out there like,
Starting point is 02:47:25 okay, that's enough, put it away. I'm like, wait a minute. How the fuck do you, how do you think kids are gonna pick up instruments if he is playing it for fun? And you stop him like, I don't care what you do, but are you fucking seriously telling him to put an instrument down?
Starting point is 02:47:45 Cause it's annoying. Right. Okay. Do whatever. And that you would ever want. You get whatever you want. You get whatever you want. You deserve whatever you get later in life.
Starting point is 02:47:55 All the resentment, all the, that's on you. Maybe there's an active shooter drill we could prepare for instead of this. Would that make everyone happy? I was so bitter about that. Like, oh, okay, that's enough. That's enough. What do you mean that's enough?
Starting point is 02:48:08 What did we just sit through? Mm. Uh. I wasn't complaining when Maroon 5 was on, although I was complaining a lot. Were you? Yeah. Ha-ha-ha.
Starting point is 02:48:18 Ha-ha-ha. Uh. Hey, Dick. I just have a thought that might help out with the whole version contest. Okay. How about instead of good guys going after good girls, because all the good girls are with bad guys. Good guys go for the bad girl.
Starting point is 02:48:35 Because as far as the bad girl. Did you see if somebody imprisoned behind you? Sounds like a kid. I mean, any guy who would give this kind of advice would have someone locked up. They're concerned. They already know what the bad guys are all about. They want something to stay corrupt, something to play with. You know, just a little food for thought.
Starting point is 02:48:52 Just like yourself. Yeah, that'd be a good lie. The person's definitely screaming in the background saying, help me. Yeah, got to be a bad boy. Right? Smoke carry around some cigarettes. Yep. You got a light.
Starting point is 02:49:07 He got a light. I just got to smoke these smokes. I smoke two at a time. That's what you do. You know our boy, crippled Jesus is practically already there, running people over and blaming it on handcrap. Yeah, he's got to have like a gadget thing, like to bust out a cigarette.
Starting point is 02:49:22 Yeah, look at Inspector Gadget. He's got a little candle and a gadget. Go go and gadget smokes. Yeah, look at Inspector Gadget. He's got a little cat-go-go in a gadget. Smokes, eh. That would be awesome. You could pretend to be a bad guy. It's probably good advice. Yeah. Have you ever pretended to be a bad boy?
Starting point is 02:49:37 Sean, you bad enough. Well, I mean, if I was drunk, I was pretty shitty like that. That's true. That worked a lot of the time. I mean, if I was drunk, I was pretty shitty like that. That's true. That worked a lot of the time. Oh, yeah. You were shitty.
Starting point is 02:49:51 Yeah. The women who would like to be treated like shit. Of course, I didn't really know I was doing it, but oh, yeah. Wow. Yeah. Hey, Dick. Hey, John. Hey, John. Hey.
Starting point is 02:50:06 Just want to call it. And then, you know, what makes me a rage network right now. It's just after 7 a.m. It's got out of a training session. That's early. My manufacturing job. Yeah. And I just want to say what makes me a rage is watching rumors operate a computer. The most frustrating thing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 02:50:28 Yeah. Seeing a guy like fiddle around with a mouse and keyboard and watching him and already knowing like three or four things in a vent box. Mm. Well, boomers all learn how they own their way to do a computer. And they hang on to it. To do a computer and they hang on to it. They do a computer.
Starting point is 02:50:46 They hang on to it like they're clinging to a to a life preserver because it works. Yeah. They know they're not going to die by doing anything off of the little path that they're on. Every update is a chance of making a certain percentage of boomers technically a little bit. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 02:51:03 They have to look different. That button's gone. I have not email. I can't even help out. Like did you not, did you understand the, the core concepts behind the email? No, no, no, no, no. No, I just put a thing and a thing. It's like fucking 2000,
Starting point is 02:51:14 want a space out of scene. Boomers and how they use the basic. Like if you renamed a hard drive, they'd never find what they were looking for. Yeah. They don't need to look for the hard drive anyway. I remember in high school, my mom wanted to get a new computer because her old one was bricked with still running Windows 3.1 in 2002.
Starting point is 02:51:32 Sure. And she said, oh, but how do I check my email? Yeah. What do you mean? She said, well, if I get a new computer, all my email is going to go to the old computer. Right, right, right. And who knows what you meant? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:51:44 Could it be right? Could be wrong. It You're right. And who knows what you meant? Yeah. Could it be right? Could be wrong. It could be right. They all have like boomers are all like major league pro major league baseball pitchers when they sit down like they all have their superstitious shit like I see this move all the time and they sit down with the mouse shaking it around. Like, hey, there's no ball in there. You fucking idiot anymore like that.
Starting point is 02:52:03 What is this? Yeah. What is this? What is this? Yeah. They lost it. They're on their heels now. Boomers. No, they are. Brain is atrophying.
Starting point is 02:52:15 Hey, did you see that Saturday Night Live thing? Silence. Yeah. That will be enough out of you. I'm gonna tune you out. It was my space years. All right, everybody, see you next Tuesday. See you later.
Starting point is 02:52:24 That will be enough out of you. I'm gonna tune you out. Zzzz. It's my space ears. Alright, everybody. See you next Tuesday. See you later.

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