The Dick Show - Episode 153 - Dick on Bad Reviews

Episode Date: May 7, 2019

Mexican Rockabilly, too much Vavoom for the room at a local burlesque show, a local rapist, how Louis Farrakhan celebrates #HolocaustRemeberanceDay, Karl from "Who Are These Podcasts" reviews Godzilla... vs. Podcast Zero, Boogie2988 gets new Chiclet teeth, has lunch with Maddox, and lies about Mumkey Jones, Burger King Depressy Meals, multi-generational, MABTW value signaling, the post-Libertine etiquette of he/him pronouns, cheating on your girlfriend advice from my dad, and some arguments; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hans Groobers here. Galt is with us, Mr. Fancy Pants is over there. I'll tell you know what the ultimate black pill is, Sean. What? Realizing that John McLean is the bad guy in diehard three. Yeah. What? Is he?
Starting point is 00:00:16 That what all the gold that they stole was from the federal reserve. All of that gold had been stolen from the American people. That is the, that is the true black pill of all black pills. Is realizing that John McClain is just a status thug trying to, trying to stay back the gold that Bullock wants belong to America and return it to the Federal Reserve who bought it, who confiscated it illegally, who confiscated by executive order from the president. I forget which one made it illegal for Americans to own gold purchased by the Federal Reserve
Starting point is 00:00:57 at a discount rate that they then- What do you mean illegal for Americans to own gold? People buy people that was selling the gold ship. Motherfucker, does anybody learn anything in school it was illegal at one point for americans to own gold i don't know that they had to go to the government and sell it for some shitty rate that they just said wow this is will give you like twenty but was out was that rescinded like world war two or something like that yeah that's that that they must it all. You know what?
Starting point is 00:01:25 We could go that. It's gone. I wonder if that was Roosevelt. I think it might have been illegal. You know what's so funny about that? That's why I need an AR-15. Because that happened one time. It's illegal for you to have what are you looking at?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Your Ron Paul Pinn is a perfect backdrop to your rant. I don't even know if it's in there. They made it illegal. To have gold. That's so funny. Is people, this goes for, they talk about FDR and Churchill as these like fantastic leaders.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Yeah. And people love them during wartime. They hated them during peacetime. They thought they were fucking idiots on both sides Have you seen the Venezuela riots? Yeah gigantic ass tanks running that's why I need an AR 15. Why do people ask that anymore? Why would you ever need that gun because they're trying to take our shit all the time? You need armor piercing bullets, don't you?
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah, I'm gonna shoot. Yeah, that is. All right. Yeah, we're laughing 15. I need a magical gun that kills people that are trying to take my shit. That's what I need. That's just the regular gun.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Is it a preemptive? I said no. I need, I need, yes, I need a magical weapon that instantly kills everyone who's about to commit evil but until we event until that is invented an AR 15 will do agree It will do in the meantime. You know, I never I've never really supported your right to own whatever you wanted Yes, but until now it's starting to make a lot of sense and it's starting to make a lot of sense Until they invent until there's some kind of machine that makes me a personal deity
Starting point is 00:03:07 that smites everyone who intends to cause me harm. They still, like me, it's still like he said, it's still a regular job. Wait, you're not a two-a-absoluteist. What, a two-a-secret? No, you already know that he's not-he's shun refers to it as the second amendment, like a total pleb. No, no, I don't mind people owning guns. I really don't really know that he doesn't, he's Sean refers to it as the second amendment, like a total pleb. No, no, I don't mind people owning guns. I really don't mind it.
Starting point is 00:03:28 You don't mind it, you don't mind it. You don't mind that I protect my sovereign rights as an American citizen, a genre you can't say. You can't, you can't say. You don't mind it, well, lotty fucking down for you. I don't wanna take anybody's a gun away. Uh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:45 That is a lukewarm position on the second amendment as far as Gulteneyer concerned. I'm worried about the first. I'm worried about the first as they want. I'm worried about the first in this day and age. The first amendment? Absolutely. You're talking about the unlawful search and seizure. Yeah, the moment the first.
Starting point is 00:04:01 The right for women to get as fat as they want. That's the first amendment. Freedom of expression. The United States of want. That's the first amendment. Freedom of expression. United States of women. Freedom of expression. Yes. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Also part of the first. The right of a woman to be 200 pounds and say and perform burlesque is covered by the first amendment. And I even support that. That's how committed I am to the Bill of Rights. Good for you. That is her right of expression
Starting point is 00:04:27 to call herself an erotic performer while simultaneously being 700 pounds. Or to call yourself, or to call yourself a woman and shatter all the women's powerlifting records. As I'm talking about Zubi, dude, he said that guy who did that said he would listen to the show
Starting point is 00:04:42 and he maybe will call in. What, the guy who did that, yeah, Zubi music. he maybe will call in. What? Who just did that? Yeah, Zubi music. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I tweeted Adam. I didn't know that's it. Her, I think, is what you're supposed to say.
Starting point is 00:04:51 No, he's a man now. He went back. He identifies as a man again. He's changed to win and then he changed back. Yes, yes, yes. And if you oppose that, you're a big idiot. Oh, well, here's the problem. Here's the problem. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,'s the problem. No, you've got, no, no, you've got to reduce that to one thing.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Now you've chuck it. Yeah, yeah. Tushae. Here's the problem. Oh, I see what happened here in Highberg. Now you've got two oppressed groups, right? You've got the women and you've got the trans community. And all of a sudden, one of them has a problem with the other.
Starting point is 00:05:21 One of them's a bigot. Uh-oh. What do you mean? What I'm saying is this kind of thinking, it's like, of course you can't be a man or even a transgender woman and compete. When you've had 30 years of testosterone going through your veins and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Sorry, you got different physiology. Fuckin' idiot. Of course you can't do that. And you can't do that. But people are like, well, it can be this postmodernist shit is fucking destroying fucking society. It really is. I don't think there's such thing as transgender.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Uh-oh. Because everyone, what happened to wear transvestite? That used to be a word, like it was. Well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, transgender's are just transvestites that take drugs and get surgery. So it is. You're just cross-dressing. I don't know if they disagree, but transvestites are psyche. Well, yeah, because transvestites like being a man wearing women's clothes.
Starting point is 00:06:16 They still identify as a man. That's just a thing. Transvestite identify as women. Yeah, they feel like they've always been a woman. They want to be a woman. So they're transvestite that's mentally ill and takes drugs and get surgeries. Whoa. Well, I mean, but I'm not and and John McLean is the villain of diehard three. Let's focus on what's important here. Yeah, right. He's still he his whole job was was attacking
Starting point is 00:06:45 Hans Gruber. Oh, no wait. No, no, no grubber his brother independent contractor seeking to establish a sovereign nation with go he might have been aiming to give that money back that gold back we don't know we never heard all of simon grubber's plan we only saw it through john mcclain the status thug policemen and alcoholic and shitty dad and shitty husband and racist and racist and a racist. He's a racist. Did you see the opening of that movie? Oh yeah. The sandwich was his idea. That was his idea. I wanted him to go out with a sandwich board. Yeah. That said, in the fed, Ron Paul. Right. He said I got all up the ante. I'll spice this up. I know what he wants.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Everybody's always got a spot from what I know of working with people. Everybody's always got to add their own spice. Could that come out now? Could that movie be released with that scene with the sign now? No movie could be released now. No. I think that could, but a lot of movies would never be made. They would have a disclaimer before that trigger warning. Well, there could have been. There's some disclaimers in books. Have you seen that? This is Hans Grober speaking right now.
Starting point is 00:07:53 He's a friend. Yeah, we're just going to swallow it. They got to swallow it. So did you see that there like? Let me introduce you first. This is Hans Grober. This is Galt's friend. Very good friend that you were talking about last time who's in studio. We have you to thank for convincing Galt to come on the
Starting point is 00:08:09 program in the first place. I believe. Thank you for doing that. Please tell us about this disclaimer for books. Well, there's their stamping in public libraries. They're stamping these little disclaimers on older books that say stuff like, you know, this book was written in a good time. This book is covered in semen. Yeah, like can't. No. Yeah, it was can't. Yeah, they did it to can't. The philosopher.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yes. They said, these are ideas from an older time and they're not valid anymore. And society has changed. Like for what? Where are they doing this? Well, this is like changing the pirates of the Caribbean ride.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Oh, I'm going to email it. It's like, yeah, I mean, that is what's history. It's a freaking worse man. That is the fucking, it's like, these were, it's important, it's important to, not that like Pirates of the Caribbean is a fucking educational ride, but it's like, yeah, that is what happened.
Starting point is 00:09:00 That's the self. Oh, they took the rapists out. Yeah, that was my favorite part. Well, yeah, it was the women chasing around. That was the best part was imagining the rape that was going to happen when he invented a carter for me. But then the other woman had the bowling pin chasing the guy around, didn't she? No, she was holding to rape him.
Starting point is 00:09:15 It was a big fat woman chasing a person. Wasn't it a basket full of food in his hand? I swear there was a twist when it was a big fat woman trying to rape a man. She wanted to get right to express herself at two hundred pounds. It was two like hot chicks and they were getting chased by pirates and like, oh my God, they're going to be in a room. And I loved it, women loved it. Everyone loved it. Yeah, that woman can't commit rape because they don't have the instant power behind it.
Starting point is 00:09:37 The third little scenario that comes by is a pirate holding a food basket and he's being chased by a big fatty. Bro, and it was the perfect punchline to that joke. That's a joke. They added that. I swear to God, that was changed from a fat woman with like a wart chasing a pirate. And even as a kid, I remember that bitch is trying
Starting point is 00:09:57 to fuck that guy. They added food. I don't know if that's true. You could be right. But I swear that's right. And it's a funnier joke. Like, oh, check it out. It's like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:08 Like she's just ugly. That's why you didn't want it. And she sees all this chicks getting laid. Oh, you know. Yeah. And she's like, I'm gonna get some for me. All right, let's start the show. That was a pretty good cold open show.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Is that thing? Yeah. Yeah. Take. Take. Take. Take. Take. Take. Take. Take. Take. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yeah! You want diggin' diggin' diggin' diggin' diggin' diggin' diggin' diggin' diggin' diggin' It's the show where everything's in context. Coming to you live from Mount Bunker deep in the heart of the city of failure. I am, Dic Masterson, your host. What am I? The $20 million man recently voted America's worst Mexican for weeks running with me as always is world touring LA-based comedian Sean Theodio Engineer.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Hello, Dic. Hey, what's up buddy? We're starting a new streak. I see, you've got a month's solo. The worst Mexican? Yeah, you had, God, what did you have? 30 weeks in a row? I had like 30 weeks in a row and I had just made this calculator with somebody's help
Starting point is 00:11:08 from Reddit so that I didn't stumble on it. Like, it's a little JavaScript calculator on the computer machine that told me how many weeks it was. And that as soon as I did that, that's when I was America's worst Mexican. Well, no, you're in single digits. On this sink go to my yo. Oh. The day, the day that Irish people brought beer to Mexico and introduced it to Mexico, so that we celebrate every year, having a big fucking party in here. We've got called famous street artist who's done some more incredible things recently.
Starting point is 00:11:42 What up? Hello. You did that CNN thing since the last time you were here, I think? Yes, since the last time we did a CNN billboard, we did another NPC billboard against John Oliver. That was a honor. God, that was funny. Against, it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I'm sorry. We gotta take down John Oliver. We really got that. Son of a bitch. He is a terrible one. So we did that one. That was a lot of fun. Are you getting any upcoming projects that you wanna talk about? I know you're very secretive. He is a terrible one. So we did that one, that was a lot of fun. Is you getting any upcoming projects
Starting point is 00:12:06 that you wanna talk about? I know you're very secretive about this stuff. You know how it is. I can talk, well, when I first came on, you told me that you couldn't be trusted with information. That's true. But, you know, I know that you can hold a secret.
Starting point is 00:12:17 No, that's my trick. I keep some secrets so that you'll tell me bigger ones that I then spoil. Right, you can never truly trust me. It's a long con. So yeah, we're working on a couple of things. Keep your eyes peeled, we got some funny shit, you know. Probably do a little more culture jamming
Starting point is 00:12:31 than political commentary in the future. Oh yeah, good. You know what they should have done for the Pirates of the Caribbean ride? Instead of the chasing the women around to rape them, they could just have like the woman on her Instagram. Right? They could have the guy, everybody, all have like the woman on her Instagram. Right? They could have the guy. Everybody, all the pirates should be on their phones, liking their Instagram. That's a good update. That's a good update, too.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah, why not? This is Hans Gruber with us. Right. Mr. Gruber is with us in the studio as well, buddy. How you doing? Mr. Fancy pants over there. All right. Happy Cinco to Mayo, everybody. Oh, speaking of long cons, I've got the first of what I believe will be, I need three horcruxes to pull off this long con that I've been working on for a while. Sad to say, I do know what a horcrux is. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I might need three or four, and one of them has fallen into place this week. So look at that. Horcrux? Yes. I think it's a Dr. Seuss thing. So look at that. Horricks? Yes. I think it's a Dr. Seuss thing. It's a Dr. Seuss thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I was right. It's elements of a plan that need to fall into place before I can execute my hilarious plan. You have a huge hilarious plan. I have a huge hilarious plan. What do you think the rough timeline would be for a huge hilarious plan to come to fruition? Probably a month.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Oh really? That's pretty quick actually. Well, I've been working on it for quite a while. You have. Yes. And I'll tell you the whole story on a bonus episode, which we need to do this week. Yes we do. We need to do a bonus episode.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Alright everybody. I should tell you what makes me rage. Oh, you remember my bed struggles from last week bringing over a bed that's all kicked to shit from my house. The delivery. Yeah, so we've been sleeping in a, in a, in the other room all week,
Starting point is 00:14:16 like out of like in the old days, out of my old apartment, on a bed that was purchased by a man and made for a man. So it's nice and hard like a pool table. 80s girl moved in and brought her bed along that's about as soft as a cloud, which I fucking hate because my fat ass hits the bed and gets enveloped like I'm laying in a hammock. Is it a memory foam? Like I'm being sucked out of a plane out into space by my ass.
Starting point is 00:14:45 That's what laying, that's what adopting a woman's level of comfort means for you as a man. These are the things they don't tell you. When you move in with a woman, you get her bed. And for the rest of your life, you will sleep like this in a position where your arms and your feet are pointing straight out
Starting point is 00:15:01 because you sink to the very bottom of the bed. Looks like you're falling from a building.. So if you're falling from a building. It looks like you're falling from a building and doing a bit at the same time. Like an inverted table. Instead of just panicking and flailing your arms, you are pointing simultaneously like a Pilates move. All of your limbs the wrong way. Meanwhile, her ass lays across it like a beautiful angel, perfectly flat,
Starting point is 00:15:24 complaining that it's too hard. We finally, finally, after all these years got to go back to my man's bed in the other room, which you can, if you drop something on it, there's an audible clack. You let, you put your head down and it smacks like dropping a pool ball on a piece of tile. You know, if you put your head down too hard, on my bed, it will clank and bounce off of it. Now that's comfort. You lay down in bed and you instantly get a concussion.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Help you go to sleep. And go to sleep. These fucks finally brought a new bed that wasn't beat to shit and chipped to shit over. Guy shows up and says, oh, I forgot my tools. Okay. Well, lucky you, I have some tools for you in the garage. Now you're missing tools. Yeah. So I go down to watch and put, I mean, keep in mind, I will, I will, I like splurging on furniture. That is the one thing that I like buying nice things of, just furniture. Everything else, for example,
Starting point is 00:16:32 I wanted to take some liquor to this wrestling show that we went to last night called Lucho Vavum. You ever heard of that? I've heard of it. That sounds like a drag wrestling thing. I knew it's a fat fool. Yeah. That sounds like a drag. That sounds like a drag show. I knew it was a fat fool. Yeah. That sounds like a drag wrestling show.
Starting point is 00:16:47 The Lucha was fantastic. The Vavum, not so much. What was the Vavum? The Vavum was a, do you remember in Fantasia, the ballet scene where those lacherous, rapy alligators were tossing around hippopotamuses? Yes. They got one of those hippopotamuses
Starting point is 00:17:04 and had her put on a burlesque show. So it is a bur, okay, it is where I should, where I, where there's wrestling, there's a wrestling component. Oh man. Big, burly, fat Mexicans are, which was amazing. These guys, these guys have powerhouse stomachs.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Yeah, but they're like solid, right? Not all of them. Some well, yeah. They're like medicine, even the ones that are just bad. They're like medicine, right? Not all of them. Some well, yeah. They're like medicine, even the ones that are just bad, they're like medicine balls under their skin. But yeah, then they've got those guys where their pants are pulled up to their tits. And they, you know, they stand with their stomachs
Starting point is 00:17:36 shoved out the whole time. I guess super. And yeah, half their stomach is submerged by tights. There's like an equator, right? Like someone described how a superhero stands to them and they are trying to emulate it, site unseen. And they like nailed it. Nailed it. Perfect. Yeah. This one mother vugger had a midget dressed exactly like him that was his wrestling partner that was doing the same shit the whole time. Great. Then
Starting point is 00:17:58 they started the Vavoon part. Oh God. And I tried to look away, but the gravity of the baboon kept pulling your head around. I was stuck in the event horizon. Yeah, I was bending. This woman had four tits. There was tits spilling out of the side of her course. I've never, I don't know if there was a seat, I don't know if you could buy a ticket and not, not enjoy that. But if that was available, I would have paid double to not experience that.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Then there was a, there was a chick, a chick led like screamo rock shit. Let me tell you something about, something about chick bands. The front women will aggressively try to get you in gay. They will try to guilt you into enjoying their music in a way that I have not seen anywhere else. You know what, you get a guy up there
Starting point is 00:18:57 who's doing his thing, roping you in. The women front men do the opposite. When they confront you, like, yeah, are you into this? Yeah, I'm like, no, I'm not into this. I don't know what your deal is. I feel like I'm not, I don't want to participate in this thing with you. Don't bully me into it.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Just let me sit back and judge silently. Let me sit back and judge silently. They just, they just brought in a forklift to get the last performer off of the stage with her 10 tits with her six tits on her back, whatever the hell that what the hell. I mean, how much how much money do we need to crowdfund to get a bitch to do a setup? That's what I want to know. What is it cost? What is the, according to inflation, how much does it cost to get a woman to walk six blocks?
Starting point is 00:19:49 But to get a woman to hit a treadmill for 30 minutes, what's the going rate? slash asterios. I'm like, you can use Bitcoin to get her to fucking mix in a salad in her life. For God's sake, this is supposed to be an erotic show. You know, they used to be hot. The lucha girls used to be hot.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I had a friend whose wife was one of the dancers and she was fit, you fake tits. It was like a cool like L.A. kind of, well, I call it Taco Billy. You heard of this? No, wait, but this is a drag show. No, it's a wrestling show. It's like Burlesque, right?
Starting point is 00:20:24 Okay, no, it's wrestling. It's wrestling, you men with Burlesque. Okay, so they're, like, if you get too excited, they bring out a Burlesque to kill everybody's libido and test to suck all the testosterone out of the room. Okay, so they, it's changed. It's like Mexican hipsters trying to revitalize
Starting point is 00:20:42 70s Mexican pop culture. It's got the wrestling and then the dance. There's always a girl who does her version of the Salmahayak dance from that one move, the from Dust Hill Don, they put on, you know, and the girls used to be hot. The first burlesque dancer was, so I don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:21:01 What's fuckable. All of the wrestlers like escorts and wives or whatever, were extremely hot. And then I don't know if it, I don't know if this is some sort of a, I don't know if this is a tradition, but the woman they rolled in at the end, like in, like the boulder chasing Indiana Jones was not. Hmm. Sean, anyway, sorry you had to see me. How was the crowd like where they came from?
Starting point is 00:21:27 They were, they were, they were, they were, they were, they were, they were, they were this, where they feel at the Mayan downtown. Yeah, I don't think they were feeling curvy. Of course it was. I don't think so. No. Um, I tried to bring a, I wanted to bring some liquor in because I am the price of liquor when you're going out is just outrates.
Starting point is 00:21:46 It's gotten astronomical, hasn't it? It's gotten absolutely out of control. $15 or it's like they calculated how much everybody spends on drinks when you go out and then just made that the price of one drink. I heard somebody on the radio like touting $6 beers like it was six dollar beers. Like it was a cheap thing.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Like for happy hour. Oh yeah, come by all day on this six dollar beer. So like six fucking dollar beers, you kidding? It's absolutely insane. You know what else? Before I get to the drink thing, the first perlex dancer that was hot, and this was even more annoying than the fat one.
Starting point is 00:22:25 This couple in front of us, this guy, this young, this young millennial crowd was putting on some string obnoxious and bizarre display of not being into the burlesque dancer. I think because they were there with their girlfriends or their dates. So they were trying to like find excuses to turn around and talk. Like, dude, what the fuck is a matter with you? Look, just, this is socially acceptable. You want to light a fire under her ass that there's some competition out there. Hello, kids, low T.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You have very low, go get a, go get a, a, a, a, a, a, rum and coke with a shot of testosterone, please. You fuck, what are you doing? Look at the woman, don't look at me. You shouldn't be turning around, look over there. They think they'll get in trouble. And then of course, that age, they think they'll get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Yeah, it happened when the big fat one came on to their attitude change, or did they go to the kitchen? I don't know, I had a heart attack. There you go. Hold on a second, I flipped this. High cholesterol by proxy. I don't know. I had a heart attack. There you go. Hold on a second. I flipped this. High cholesterol by proxy. Yeah, I got a...
Starting point is 00:23:29 Were you offended by the guy? What do you think? Does he sound offended? By the big girl. Well, I was offended by the guy trying to attract attention to himself while I'm trying to look at this half naked woman with her side tits flopping around everywhere. And this jackass is trying to talk about Elizabeth Warren or some shit, but I can't block
Starting point is 00:23:54 him out. If it's not the 20, if it's not the six iPhones that pop up, the second man, that's got it. Video cameras. I have destroyed women's sexual value. I believe it, I believe it to be 100% true that machines have destroyed women's sexual value as much as machines have destroyed men's value of labor.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I'm there, the first burlesque dancer who was hot, I'm there watching her. And 80s girlings over me goes, she looks hotter on the TV. And I turn to the TV. They got a big jumbo screen, right? So the people in the back can see the tits too. I look at the jumbo screen and I think, yeah, you're right. I mean, this is, no, everything's lit for, you know, for whatever reason. For an intermediary source between you and the actual and the thing. Yes It's like no, no, no, no, no, you don't watch the thing you watch the thing on the screen You have the thing it rattles out the edges. Yeah, the makeups done
Starting point is 00:24:52 Perfections are gone wait what happened? I thought the camera added you know 20 pounds now it takes away Well, that's a I mean that's a fucking that's a grain of sand in an ocean. I mean that camera has fast at at 15 I've been funny. Revive pulled it off correctly. Well, yeah, um, it really it really has so as soon as the woman who's performing in erotic once in a lifetime dance is trying to get into it outcome the fucking phones and Totally destroy it like it is a weird weird, I've never had that sense of, that profound sense of a loss of manly essence. As soon as those things popped out, I was like,
Starting point is 00:25:33 well, this is ruined now. Now this is something that is, now this is just another video that I wouldn't watch, even on the most bored day of my life, and I'm sitting here. You've totally destroyed it, you fucking assholes. What are you, are you collecting memories? Well, though, stupid jackass.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I don't, I don't do that. I've done it in the past, this years ago, and I stopped, but less dancing. No, I stopped that too. Well, yeah, I lost a bunch of weight, but lost my shit. I saw somewhere to spit this water. No, I was like, I would have. Just call myself, I was like, no, I was like, I would have. I just called myself, I'm like, what are you filming this for?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Is this gonna be some shitty representation? What are you gonna watch or what are you gonna send it? I don't post on social media, what am I gonna show people? It's like, oh yeah, oh, that's so cool. You can really see the size and the majesty of that thing. Fucking on your stupid ass phone. I see, I think the same. Just watch the experience. Watch the experience. That's the same thing, you'll your stupid ass phone. I see, I think the same thing. Just watch the experience.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Watch the experience. That's the same thing. You'll go to see a band play and everyone pulls their phones out. Yeah. And you realize they're staring at the screen instead of enjoying the show. Yeah. And everyone shoots it in fucking vertical.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah. Because I fucking world started hip-hop. If I ever see one guy hold up his phone the correct way, I'll give him a Webster cigar. So, and then you think about it. What are you gonna do? You're not gonna go watch this. You don't know how to film.
Starting point is 00:26:50 You're zooming in. Daniel Webster. You're zooming in from 75 feet away. So it looks like shit. Yeah. You're not gonna watch it. You're not gonna watch it. So it's all bouncing around.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Yeah, it's fucked up. It's dumb. It's dumb. And even if I, I have a feeling that even I was able to hammer a CCD lens into their fucking eyeball so that every, and hook it up to their DNA so that every single moment of their life was recorded, I think they would still hold up a fucking box because it lets them think, because we're all really primitive savages on an island who think that a lighter is magic and that a camera takes pics and that a camera steals our
Starting point is 00:27:31 soul. That's why they hold it up because they think that's actually true. I had a nice time. Yeah. Oh, except the reason I told that story was because the drink prices are the one time purchase drink price of a half a shot because it's prepared by a woman who ostensibly hates alcohol because I've never gotten a drink at a bar. Part of the temperance guild. Yes. The temperance guild that took over bars in LA that's putting a, that's uses a micro pipette to, to dump liquor that cost them, I don't know, 30 cents into a drink that costs $50,
Starting point is 00:28:15 what was it, $15 at that? It's 15 or $16 for a, oh this would, for like a mix drink or something. For a mix drink, 15 bucks. You got wild turkey? No, I'll just take well then. Oh, I've got a mix drink or something. For a mix drink, Katie. You got wild turkey? No, I'll just take well then. Oh, I don't think we have wells either.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Wait, what? This is a real conversation that happens to me. Oh, oh, I don't think we have, did you think that was a brand? Yes. Oh, God. Oh, I don't think we have wells either. So I grabbed her throat. No, the fuck.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I know I'm not gonna get a good, I know that you don't care as much about it as me, but can you, you know it comes in a glass, right? You're not gonna come out and pour it into my hand. Are you? $15 for that lovely privilege. I got so sick I said, you know what, I'm bringing my own liquor to this
Starting point is 00:29:03 because I'm tired of walking away with a slight buzz. I'm tired of walking away from every event with a slight buzz and whatever $60 poor, $60 broker. Because God forbid they're gonna charge me for 80s girls' Diet Coke. Well, the way you drink, that you're gonna run out of money there before you catch even a solid buzz.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Yeah, my credit card will stop me. So I didn't have a, I love these sharky's, shark skins, flasks, they're disposable. You can't, you get a flask. If you ever give a flask to somebody, you're just giving them some shit. They have to transport it from house to house for the rest of their lives. Yeah, well, that's the gift that you're giving them. Can't throw it away, because it's engraved with some fuck heads wedding, who's, you know what, I have, I still have flasks from weddings that didn't, from marriages that didn't work.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I still have a bachelor's party present from a marriage that is over from going to the bachelor party. You sent it back to the guy. I'm gonna cut it and I'm gonna laser cut it and have a set of hats. You can involve the guy. A flask, buckle. If you ever give somebody a flask,
Starting point is 00:30:12 it's congratulate, hey, here you go. Carry this around for the rest of your life because you feel guilty. If you know somebody, if your boyfriend has, or girlfriend has flasks in your house, just go throw them all away. And you know they, they, take a blame for it.
Starting point is 00:30:27 When they get transferred around, they get shoved in like just a box with a bunch of odds and ends that sits in the garage or like in the hallway or in the bedroom or something. And that shit never gets unpacked because you actually don't need any of it. No. It's just there's flasks, there's fucking,
Starting point is 00:30:42 for some stupid reason, like paper towel holders, or some, I mean, just that stupid shit that you put into a box, then you move again, you put it into a bigger box, then you put it into a storage container, and when you die, they build a gigantic tomb like for Napoleon, you bury you with all of your shit, all of the sentimental shit that you never asked for, never used, and moved constantly with you for your entire life.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Yeah, they make your own Watts towers. So I, and still, that's an L.A. joke. Still I wouldn't bring one of these. Still I'm so afraid of getting the last confiscated that I, in my stupidity, refused to bring it. Like, oh, I can, what if they confiscated? I can't, I don't want to lose this. You want them to confiscate it, because then you have an excuse. No, but you don't want to lose it to't, I don't want to lose this. Maybe you want them to confiscate it because then you have an excuse. No, but you don't want to lose it to them.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I don't want to lose it to them. Exactly. I'll dickhead. If I'm losing my bachelor party flask, I'm going to throw it away myself, but I'm not losing it to some cocksucker in a sugary dad. Sure.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And a metal detector is not taking my shit from me. So I get the bright idea of using a Ziploc bag. Oh wow, you filled a Ziploc bag with booze? Yeah. Is it a work? Of course, smart. Is that a sin? We'll see.
Starting point is 00:31:55 80s girls said, you might wanna double bag that. Is that what it does? Is that a thing? No, that people do or is that just you? Well, where did you put it in my pocket? I filled it up with whiskey. A lot of whiskey. or is that just you? Well, where did you put it in my pocket? I filled it up with whiskey. A lot of whiskey.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Yeah, I mean, okay, all right, go on. This is the, like going to a show version of keystering drugs up your ass before you go to do a prison sentence. Yes, yeah. I double bagged it, which I was secretly resenting her for for even suggesting that my brilliant plan. I think it's, I think it's smart.
Starting point is 00:32:28 You like that alcohol. So we get in the Uber and you love wasting shit. Yeah. It's two Ziploc bags. It sounds like a win-win to me. We get in the Uber and I have the, I have the sudden sensation that I'm pissing myself. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Oh no. Yeah. Oh no. So the double bag didn't work. The double bag didn't work. Not even a double bag worked. Wait, but do you have the good brand name Zip Locked bags or do you have the cheap ones from the Mexican dollar small computer? I have the good double lock seal, changes colors,
Starting point is 00:33:02 very, very premium Zip Locked bags. Not the one where you pull the little plastic piece of shit across it, right? No, those are, very, very premium black bags. Not the one where you pull the little plastic piece of shit across it, right? No, those are, they're junk, they're garbage. Yeah. So I secretly roll down, I'm in the back trying to keep my piss from getting, you know, I don't want to fuck up this guy's car. I'm very, my Uber ratings are in poor. Secretly rolling down the window.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Oh, that it is. Toss it down, we get there and 80s grow goes, really rolling down the window. Oh, that it is. Toss it out. We get there and 80s grow goes, oh, you know, well, they do say, they do say not to put liquid in them on the box. It's like, wow. It's not, what's a sip? It's a four then.
Starting point is 00:33:39 What do you mean? You should be able to have some liquid in there. I mean, the cigarette packs has smoking kills. I need, hey, fuckhead, do not put liquor in this. I need that size. A little asterisk on the back isn't gonna do it for me. Anyway, as I was saying, I spend money on furniture, right? All the way back to furniture.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Yes. So the guys show up with my bed without their tools and ask to borrow mine. What the hell sure why not. I come down a bit later and I see this fucking guy using needle nose pliers to crank a hidden bolt inside like in the inner workings of the object. That's like the ones. You couldn't give you. You couldn't have a more wrong tool to be turning a needle. Those pliers are never supposed to be used. That's a little secret for anybody who
Starting point is 00:34:35 they're a trick tool so that if somebody grabs for them, you know they're in the middle of fucking. You know they kind of are because they are. As soon as somebody grabs for them, you say you stop them and go, what are you doing? What have you fucked up that you think you're gonna fix with those needle-nose pliers? That is a trick tool for idiots.
Starting point is 00:34:52 What, go ahead. What I was gonna say, if you have to get it into a really small space, then chances are, it could be solved by like a pair of tweezers or something, if you're actually... You fucked up somewhere, if you're needing to jam in a tool to get that kind of for anyway. I'm trying to think where I can't think of times where they'd be. They're good for taking out wires.
Starting point is 00:35:13 They're like hose clamps on heater core hoses. Not for, it's not for nut and bolt work on this, but hose. You have a full expensive bed, right? No, there's some that are spring loaded, like the OEM ones on cars and stuff, or you're pulling a fuse out of a fuse box, you can use needle nose for shit like that. So I say, hey, hey, Jackass,
Starting point is 00:35:35 why are all of the joints in this bed? Why could I drive a truck? Why could I parallel park between them? Why are there gigantic gaps in every fucking, in every single joint in the bed? Why when I touch it, does it wiggle and, and does it move around and jiggle and creak like an old pirate ship? Where the, what the fuck are you thinking? Why did you even start if you were gonna jury rig this, jury rig this whole thing together with
Starting point is 00:36:02 joke tools? What do you say? He said, oh, don't worry about it, I'm gonna fix this right up. Then 10 minutes later, runs out of the bedroom, goes, it's all fixed, see you later boss, and splits. So now I've got, I've got a bed that doesn't connect anywhere like an MC Escher painting. You can slide a, you can slide your hand, you can karate chop through the gaps in this fucking thing because it's just a bolted jack As a bolted competence. Yes, so that ties it together, but it's got some kind of proprietary tool that fits in there because of the tight space. Oh, no Because no, because not the material fixed if it's a pro
Starting point is 00:36:39 Terry then it should come with it Yeah, hence the guy showing up saying oh, I forgot all of the stuff. Oh, I forgot the tools. No, I mean, I figured it would come in the box. If that's kind of bad. Oh, like Sean, I get expensive furniture. That's it. No, but I mean, if it's something
Starting point is 00:36:55 from prior to the, like some car, like lug nuts on a car might be proprietary. One of them might be proprietary, at least you don't steal it, right? Like that comes with that attachment so that only that can fit on. This shit comes in a crate like the lost arc, all right? It's nice shit, it's nice quality Primo shit,
Starting point is 00:37:14 and I don't wanna say words from, because I know every time you say you bought something nice, what are you worried about? Some asshole, some asshole will tell you how you fucked up and wasted all your money. Yeah. Every single fucking time, no Mr. George. Yeah. Now it's 10s of thousands of people.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Yeah, the okay thing. You know what I forgot? The okay sign of racism. What, that's racist? Oh, whoa. What? Yeah, this is racist. Oh, you mean because the okaySign, does it mean white?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Like, does it, does it as W? It means, it means literally nothing. I don't keep up with that. The news has declared the okay sign as a symbol of white power. I think the W. All right, it was, it was a troll. Poll did it.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Yeah. Forchand said that it did and it worked. So now no one can do it. Their hilarious joke turned out to just become reality. Because they said this is the W, and this is the P. You know, the thing everyone has been doing since the word okay was invented, or since probably, the okay word probably came from people doing this.
Starting point is 00:38:24 No one ever taught me to do this. It's just satisfying to put my fingertip against my thumb and go, oh, yeah, like that. How about that? I can't think when I do it, but it's that's not going to change if I do it or not. So the number of house I got mortal combat last week. Yes. Johnny Cage character whose nose gets bigger every game for some reason. He was doing in one of his victory poses, he was doing that, you know that okay thing
Starting point is 00:38:50 that you used to do below the belt? Oh, the game where you put your finger in the hole. Yeah, or you get, yes. Below the belt you get somebody to look at and you get, if they don't, if they don't get to finger it, then you've punched them. Do you remember that game? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:02 That we played when we were kids? The circle game. So because Johnny Cage, one of the characters, was doing this in his victory pose in Mortal Combat, because this is now a racist symbol, they moved it, they removed it from the game and made him do a flip off instead. So now he's doing something that nobody has ever done, which is flipping you off below his waist. No one has ever done, which is flipping you off below his waist. No one has ever done that.
Starting point is 00:39:28 This is how you flip somebody off right in their face. Not, we've all seen the Johnny Cash photo. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, but the takeaway from that is it shows you polls reach. Like look at their logo. It's like an octopus. What does it say? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:40 It says, uh, no one is out of our reach or something. That's Spector's logo, isn't it? I think I've seen it. I've seen it tell something like, um, Yeah, says no one is expected of our reach or something that's Spector's logo, isn't it? I think I think that I've seen it. It's something like no one is beyond our reach or something like that. It's got to calm down. It's not everything is fucking racist. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Well, you know, you can't, I think a kid got in trouble at Blizzard Arena, like some video game eSports guy he won and he did it. He's like, yeah, I win. And now you can't make that hand gesture inside Blizzard Arena. I mean, it is making people ironically racist or perhaps just racist. Every time I get called a racist for something,
Starting point is 00:40:26 I want to do racist things to make them more, to make them as angry as they have made me. Or to show them what real, what it actually is. Yeah, like, oh, you think this is bad? Wait till you see, I'm right now, I'm writing mine, Comf2. Now, and it will, I'm writing mine, Comf II. And it will, and then people will enjoy it ironically. Or maybe it's not even ironic, I don't know. The thing I don't understand is that no one talks about this.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Why is racism considered the worst thing ever? I don't get it. I think racism is just dumb. You know, would you rather live next to a racist or a rapist, a racist or a robber, right? It's the rapist, a hot woman. My chance. She's a fat woman with a mole. Oh, no. I'd rather live next to an experimental Thorium reactor than a big fat rapist. What go ahead, Sean? What are you gonna say?
Starting point is 00:41:25 I don't really care if somebody's racist. It's like what they do with that. Yeah, I mean, that's the thing. I mean, it's just thoughts that someone has that you don't agree with. Yeah. Do you know where racism comes from? FBI crime statistics.
Starting point is 00:41:44 As soon as they, if we could just stop doing crimes, if the FBI stopped doing crime statistics, all racism would end, Sean. Go on. Oh yeah, I get it. I get it. Funny. It is.
Starting point is 00:41:55 It's, I'll tell you what I think about it. I wanted to talk about this last week too, with the he, him, shit. Yeah, yeah. With Asterios, is he, him, he pronoun, G, Z. Have you ever met a G? Or a G? Is it G?
Starting point is 00:42:11 There's a G? I met a G, a G, a G. Is there a G? No. What is there? Gruber, what is there? A lot, too many, like 30 something. There's a lot, officially, officially.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah. Genders? No, there was like 72, like two years ago. I don't know if that was official. How? What are they? Birds and beasts and shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Oh, really? Yeah, there's a lot of old, scary cannon shit. Yeah, dog, you know, you see this stuff with the like, the dog people. Yeah. They dress like, is this like furries or is different? No, it's like leather, daddy, dog, shit, you know.
Starting point is 00:42:44 That's normal's that's normal Try it. Okay I'll call you whatever makes you comfortable I Doesn't bother me it doesn't bother me at all. It's no fucking skin on my ass But when I where I think it's it's absurd is Like trans women competing and women's weightlifting. I like that.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I think it's fine. Yeah, fuck women. It's hilarious. This is what you get for making us watch for pretending like your sports are entertaining. I just get into that. I just get into the middle of that big fat burless dancer who the lucha doors ran in and just fucking body slander.
Starting point is 00:43:23 It's just become, you'd be like, oh, I get it now. There was a chick wrestler there who's hot. It was great. Her move was slamming you face first right into her ass, which I don't know. What else? Remember Fallon Fox is a dude that got implants. Cut his dick off.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Testicle implants? No, no, he's a dude that cut his dick off. Got boob implants here, took hormones, and now identifies as a woman, joined MMA in crushed a woman's skull. No, I know. That's how hard he fucking punched her in the ass to skull. Well, that's what I'm saying, because that doesn't negate the physiology entirely. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:01 You can get your testosterone away now. You have that shit. Go, you've got different bones. You've got different musculature. Wait, no, testosterone away down. You've got different bones. You've got different musculature. Wait, no, you're right. You've got different bones. You know what? You know why?
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yeah, I got it. Because you're a fucking man. That's it. You're a dude. Have you ever watched people argue the other side of that? What's their argument? They have, first of all, find one watch. I watched one on Joe Rogan, is something of the day.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I guarantee you never have arm wrestled in their life. That is the amount of physical contact that the people have who don't just fundamentally understand the differences of growing up with this, where are the strengths cranking hormone in your body, pumping, filling your bones up with calcium and making your, taking your upper up with calcium and like making your, the shaking your upper body, the size that it is.
Starting point is 00:44:46 We have a steroid gland compared to women. Yeah, we're just on roi. We are sexually dimorphic. The two biological genders are very, very different. Physically, men are much smarter too. Nobody ever talks about that. Wait, have you ever talked about that? I heard that.
Starting point is 00:45:03 See the weightlifting, everybody always focuses on the strength stuff when it comes to trans athletes, but no one's focusing on the intelligence and how much, well, she thought, God, I'm gonna crush this woman's skull, smart. It's not all strength, it's also that men are so much smarter. That's important.
Starting point is 00:45:24 That's important. That's important. What was I talking about? I don't know. Oh, yeah, the he, the he, him thing. Yeah. It is, it's the format of it that is key to the branding, right? It's not guy. It's not like, oh, I'm a guy.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Okay. Oh, by the way, I'm a guy. It's not like, oh, I'm a guy. By the way, I'm a guy. It's specifically he slash him or her, she slash her. Because it is a form of etiquette. There is an appropriate level of etiquette that we need so we don't murder each other. It's things that keep us healthy, right? Like when it, you know, don't shit in the open. Go into another room and shit. Go away from, don't shit where you eat.
Starting point is 00:46:17 This is like basic etiquette, right? Yeah. Don't just sit in it. Not in India. Yeah, right, right, right. As the society develops, don't pick your teeth at the table because it's grossing everybody out. This is for our shared enjoyment, but it crosses a point.
Starting point is 00:46:34 And this entire ultra progressive thought crime, he, her social justice shit always makes me think of it when in like the court in aristocratic France before they were all guillotine. Yeah. Did not have any jobs. Nobody worked. Nobody provided any value. So they sat around cooking up elaborate court protocol and procedure and etiquette that had not, that had served no purpose,
Starting point is 00:47:09 other than so that they could distinguish commoners who also didn't work, but weren't in their private circle and having access to wealth and royalty and that kind of shit. That is what every time I see that he, her shit, used in the way it is them participating in this elaborate court protocol, where I mean, you got a guy like Astereos
Starting point is 00:47:35 saying, I'm a him, I'm a him, her, or whatever the fuck it says. And you think this has nothing to do with the, like this has nothing, it's like you go into the tailor and they ask you which way you dress, sir. They don't say, hey, which way does your dick point? So I can, so I don't grab your dick while I'm measuring you. That's a functional, that's a functional etiquette, right? Which way do you dress?
Starting point is 00:47:57 I always lie. Wait, that's a thing. That means which way does your dick point? How do you dress? Yeah, so they don't, yeah, which way do you're in seems? So they don't, so they don't grab your dick. Right is your dick point? How do you dress? Yeah, so they don't, which way is your inseam? So they don't grab your dick. Right. They say, which way do you dress? Imagine the guy that was on Reddit that had two dicks. You ever see that?
Starting point is 00:48:11 I did see that. Do they imagine him split in the lanes right there? That guy really loves to talk about his two dicks. Really? I know I read it. It was vile. It was pretty gross. Because he's a guy.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Yeah, and he was dating a couple. And he was like boning two dudes and he had like this whole, like this guy who has two functional dicks. One is less functional than the other. Yeah, one only sometime. One is kind of along for the ride. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Oh, yes, it didn't see. I thought it would be a, I thought it would be a cool look, but yeah, this is not a good read. Okay. It has haunted me forever. The language thing, it's like a neo-libertean gatekeeping. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Is what it is. So that they have access to the power that they have and that they've taken for however they've done it and that they can keep people out who are not. So that them, if you talk like that, then they know, okay, yeah, we'll give you a staff position at this like Brooklyn magazine and you're gonna fit right in with what we believe. Yeah, and they don't get any, they don't get any poison pills. People who think for themselves, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Anyway, that's, I forget how we got started talking. It's classist too. It is because you have to be middle or upper middle class, college educated, millennial to even be aware of this stuff. So it's a classist kind of thing. I just think the more the more labels you have, when you just create more and more labels, it's just more divisive. Yeah, that's just all it. That's how it works.
Starting point is 00:49:45 It's exactly like it's like a secret handshake that you can only get if you've gone through this quasi aristocratic upbringing and indoctrination at the hands of upper class schools. Like you cannot be, if you, if you perceive things in terms of function and utility, you cannot coexist. This world will seem alien and unnatural. And if you come from a background where you need to value these things to succeed and like do something, you know, make something out of yourself, right? You have to have a high priority of utility function.
Starting point is 00:50:29 And why am I doing this? And like good decision making, you will not adapt to this world because it is fundamentally backwards. Well, those people are opposed to reason. Fundamentally, they're opposed to reason and logic, right? That's why, like he mentioned, post-moderns. They oppose modernism and modernism is about reason. Like you said, utility and function.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I think it's a logical way to maintain their power over, as much as they say that they want. Well, if you think about it, we look at them and say, they haven't created anything, right? That's actually their creation. They created that thing. Yeah. And that they're trying to fill in a void, right?
Starting point is 00:51:10 The etiquette. You know, they're trying to fill a void inside themselves because it's not satisfying, but there's no utility. And like you said, let me tell you about fairy penguins. So in Australia, when out to fill up all is talking about Australia, always rubbing it in my face. We went out and it's just really cool.
Starting point is 00:51:29 There's these, these tight, that's the world's smallest penguins. Wait, did he go? Yeah, he went. Oh, and you're about to meet him there and you couldn't go. Right. They're very small. They're like less than a foot tall. He went.
Starting point is 00:51:40 They come in every time. Every time. He had. After spending a day or two at sea, they come in at, like, right at dusk or after dark, they come in and they call them rafts because they all come in together. They come in after dark so that no predators get them and they wait until they're all in groups and then they start running because they live in these little holes on land and you can see them, you go in the bleachers and watch them.
Starting point is 00:52:01 It's this really cool little thing. Well they've changed the name to little penguin because no, this is not good. No, no, no, because fairy could be offensive. And this was, see, this is what, Tinkerbell is a person of magic. Young, young, white millennials are doing this. Gay communities have come out and said,
Starting point is 00:52:20 we don't get offended over stuff like that. It's like a, they didn't call it, it had no gay connotation. It's, you know, fairy, they're these little pixies. They're these tiny little cute little, they're, and they're kind of blue, they're blue and white. They're not, they're not black and white. But they're, that's how absurd it has become.
Starting point is 00:52:38 They renamed a species. Ha ha ha ha ha. Not the scientific name, but the common name because of of maybe it's offensive and it I go but isn't don't we have bigger things to work on. It's they have a lot of power though. It's embarrassing. They have a lot of power. It's embarrassing for everyone. They change names of things when not only are they not offensive they're actually like praising. I'm like look at like the To watch in redskins when they chose that name. It's because they believe that fear it was a fierce war Yeah, right it was it wasn't a pejorative no no because nobody would name their you know
Starting point is 00:53:20 Nobody would name their team like the the short dicked Irish, you know like the It's the it's the fighting Irish God damn I had so much more stuff to cover today, but I've already I'm already stepping into Carl's time Let me bring him on let me bring him on here. Hey Carl, are you there? I'm here, buddy Wow, I'm so excited that it's so excited to talk to you today. We're getting off on a real We're getting on a bunch of tang we're getting off on a real bunch of tangents today. Yeah, you knew.
Starting point is 00:53:47 I did all this shit I didn't even get into. Yeah, that's a lot. You know that Burger King is advertising for mental health now? That commercial is in the king. What are they saying? Stay out of our restaurants. It's insane. I heard about it.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Burger King is launching their new campaign of instead of have it your way, it's feel your way. And it is a video featuring people struggling with depression that drives a significant amount of people to suicide. And their proposed solution in the commercial is what equates to adult happy meals. Meals that say like salty meal or let me I wrote them down.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Um, I know that stuff I had for Holocaust, but remember in stay. Blue meal, blue, blue. It doesn't feeling blue. Yeah, pissed meal, salty meal. Uh, they say pissed meal. Yeah, pissed meal, salty meal. Uh, they say pissed meal. Yeah, piss. It has nothing pissed meal. Hey, I'm, I want to give me one of your piss meals, please. It makes me, it does make me laugh.
Starting point is 00:54:53 It does make me laugh. It has to make you less pissed or? I don't know. What is it like some kind of like, is it like, is it like, Cajun firey fried chicken or something like? Oh no, it's just the name of, it's just a, it's just a picture. That has nothing to do with the food inside, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:55:08 Oh, no, it's still the food that makes you 50% more likely to be depressed and put on weight like you've got a hose of large connected to your ass. Yeah, this is what fast food is, the stupid mental health meme got so much momentum. They're gonna use it. Burger King is selling you mental wellness.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Every fucking idiot who posts on Twitter or wherever that someone needs to get there, someone needs to worry about their mental health. They're hope you get the, I really hope that they get the help that they need. The help that they need is at the end of a fucking rope no one has figured out no one has figured out mental health no one get on drugs they will make you want to kill yourself well they now you will be in the hands of a professional
Starting point is 00:55:57 who does not give a fuck because he's in time profession I relies on pumping you full of these drugs. Well, I think you're out of your depth on that one. No, they cause suicidal ideation. No, they cause it. It's possible in some people and in young people whose brains aren't done developing. Yes, that is a potential side effect. But by and large, I mean, you're talking to the guy right here.
Starting point is 00:56:21 I'm talking to one guy. You're talking, I think I know other people who like lives have been changed for the better because of that. So they can be functional human beings. Yeah. Tell them the best meal. You didn't go through all the best meal. What is it?
Starting point is 00:56:38 The yes meal. The yes meal? What's that? Yes, queen? Yes. That's for when you feel extra gay. Oh, it is? I guess.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Is that what it is really for? What else could be? I think it's a very dry joke. I'm very angry. There's one for being sad. What's, yeah. Were you joking? I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:56:54 You're right. There's nothing that there's that. There's what's saying that like, Millennial Chick-Sake, it's like a RuPaul drag queen. Shit. I've never been more proud to not be on social media. They're explaining it. Just by the way, you know how you know how I you know I pissed off I
Starting point is 00:57:09 get it this. Have a meal stupid. Have a pissed meal. Like if I if I lived my life where part of my daily routine was checking social media, I think I think I would fucking run my own head over with my car. It's, I don't have to see the commercial. I can see the actual commercial. 51% more likely to develop depression. You remember when, when, when, well, you know, you're like a fast food. Some serotonin is actually made in your digestive system.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Like in your stomach, I learned that, not that long ago, it's very, it's very strange. It's poison. I think the food that you eat is will affect your mental state. Of course. Yeah, it's very strange. So I think the food that you eat is will affect your mental state. Of course. It's not not. So will being a gigantic ham planet,
Starting point is 00:57:52 which is what happens to you when you eat this shit. There was that whatever I brought in a couple weeks ago saying that teenage suicide rates are everyone's blaming on social media because it just makes sense, right? Of course, it makes sense because they read things they don't like. That's probably why they're killing themselves.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Here's, you know what's causing it? Cramming fucking happy meals down their throat all day every day and giving and turning and putting everybody on rascals, scooters, like they're in wally. That's what's causing it. It's not reading negative things online. Okay, here's the thing, just as a devil's advocate. Okay. When something, you know how much I like devil's advocates.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Well, kids mature at different stages, right? You know, you're technically, I guess you're... I still haven't matured. Well, me neither, but your brains technically not really done. Yeah. And that's just physiologically until you're in your 20s, you know, and then of course your experiences mature you and things like that. But if you're 13, 14, 15, you don't have any life experience.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Your brain isn't dead. Back in the day, back in our day, it used to something embarrassing would happen or something like the kids in your class knew about it. Maybe the school knew about it. Now it's broadcast for the world on social media because they do that. And so now they're failing or they're having an embarrassing thing happen in front of possibly hundreds of people. So it's like that I would think would make a bigger impact on your mental health because
Starting point is 00:59:23 everything seems like a bigger deal when you're a kid. That's what I'm saying. I'm saying it's possible that that could account for some rise in that. Yeah. Everybody agrees with you with no evidence because I think it can be possibly studied long and of course you can study. Of course you can study.
Starting point is 00:59:42 No, no, no, no, no. It's brand new. It's per social media is in its infancy. We still have, we still have usage data. How much? How much did you use this? What was your, like we can still track. Here's the thing, you're, and you're right.
Starting point is 00:59:55 And that you're never gonna be able to, to, to, to pen it on that because there's so many other factors with a human being, like fatness, like out of control. Like out of control. Like out of control. Like out of control. Like out of control. Like out of control. Like out of control. There's so many other factors with a human being like fatness like that control like are your parents divorced were you abused were you know i mean you'll never be able to pin it down to one thing well let me tell you what they first of all they are definitely pinning it down on social media and they are using it to launch crusades against cyber bullying and well racism that's just like a back door into more censorship and more ways to report and flag people. Yeah. I'm starting to feel like they're not going to be happy until what's left of the internet is just Disneyland.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Talking about. Yeah. So I think it is this obsession with mental health that comes from genxers and millennials. We're for some reason people think that they ever deserve to feel good for a single fucking second of their lives. No, you deserve to feel functional. You deserve, you deserve, you deserve, you deserve shit.
Starting point is 01:01:00 You don't do anything. You have, you will spend your entire life running from depression in whatever way you can find whether it's lifting weights, drinking it away, doing drugs, either as a legal or legal drugs prescribed to you by someone who's job at his to pump you full of drugs or sucking dicks. Whatever it takes to get away from that depression, do it until you're dead. That's all there is. There is no happiness. There are different ways. No, there's, there's being okay. Yeah. There's being okay. Yeah. There's like where you can function just like that.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm, I'm for sure more qualified than anyone in this room to talk on this subject. You are at wise because you, because you have experience with it. Number one, yes. Number number two, like I've read the letter because I come from a family with, there's different kinds of depression too. You've got something like dysthymic disorder, which is, you know, fat woman sits in a sofa that wasn't expecting it. Some people are just low all the time.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Of what? Of depressed? Serotonin, just different neurotransmitters. They just are. And that's what those things do, is help your body use what it makes more effectively. They're not street drugs where you get an explosion of dopamine and then you come down and then you're, you know what I mean? Like street drugs.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Methin. That's a Adderol. Adderol, yeah. Almost the same thing. No, they're not the same thing. Adderol is worse. No, they're not the same thing at all. It's a different, it's, it's ador, it's dextramphetamine or amphetamine. It's not methamphetamine. It's the same
Starting point is 01:02:30 type though. If you, in that, the experience in the same, just the same exact high when they get off meth and get on Adderall, I don't know about the same height. Nobody should be prescribing them Adderall if they're getting off meth. Well, this is my entire point. The guy who's putting my bed together is also giving advice to people who need an answer to function. Instead of the one I gave them where one doesn't exist, like they're taking needle-nose pliers to your brain and pulling and tweaking tubes and chemicals until you, until you, until you stop writing checks either because you feel better
Starting point is 01:03:05 or you're dead. I know you think you know what you're talking about. I 100% know what I'm talking about. Yeah, it's, there are, there are absolutely drug pushers out there who are just like very easy. But what you do, my experience has been you take as little as possible of anything. You get to the down to the bare minimum that makes a difference in your life. Like that's the goal because you don't want side effects. Like you want, but it's, yeah, for me, it's made me between that and going and talking to somebody for years.
Starting point is 01:03:40 It's made me just functional. And what happens with me, it's, I get a lot of emails about this stuff too. So I'll talk about it for a minute. Then I'll let you get back to the rant. But you know, Munky just posted today that he was thinking about killing himself. I believe he's the one to do that.
Starting point is 01:03:56 I know, me too. I hope he doesn't do that. But it's very interesting that, you know, the nature, nurture argument, how much is what, how much is what? There's, man, the genetics are very strong. It's interesting, like they call what I have, a dysthymic disorder, which is symptoms are having a huge penis. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:18 No, it's a, it's a, you start in a depressed state and you just kind of stay there. You're not, whatever the, you, it doesn't doesn't like major depressive disorder kind of goes in cycles. It can actually be a much deeper thing than like dysthymia, but it, you know, you come out of it. Dysthemic disorder doesn't really end. And the way that they got that, they figured the genetic component was really interesting. They studied a shit ton of twins. And what they did was the fraternal twins, the nonidentical ones, if one of them had it,
Starting point is 01:04:50 the other one didn't have any, there was no more, they didn't have any increased odds of having it as anybody else, as a general population. The identical twins overwhelmingly, if one had it, the other one had it. That's the timing disorder. Yeah, that's where they get the, they would think it's a genetic component. So it's like, yeah, that's, all the drugs are supposed to do is make you feel that they let you have your better days more often. That's all they're supposed to do.
Starting point is 01:05:22 That's all they're supposed to do. And I get the, I get the drug pushing because they have their, they're out there, they're supposed to do. That's all they're supposed to do. And I get the drug pushing because they're out there. They're out there. Everything's over prescribed in this country. But you hope you can find an honest one. And I wouldn't for me, I would absolutely say talk to somebody about that. If you, I didn't know that I was going to have to say something that I was going to have to say something
Starting point is 01:05:46 that I was going to have to say something that I was going to have to say something that I was going to have to say something that I was going to have to say something that I was going to have to say something that I was going to have to say something that I was going to have to say something that I was going to have to say something
Starting point is 01:06:02 that I was going to have to say something that I was going to have to say something but I was like, and they're like, did you think maybe you were like a furry or something? Like maybe you just needed to be a, like a Dalmatian. Well, that was the period that I went and lived on the farm for like 18 months on the farm cured me of that. But that was the, yeah, but yeah, that's my thoughts on that.
Starting point is 01:06:21 I don't know where that went. I think we're gonna see more suicides and depression as time goes on. Especially women. I think so too, because I think we're under a pressure cooker, like you've said on shows. But why? Because I don't know, everything is happening so fast
Starting point is 01:06:40 and we're all prisoners of the moment. Yeah. We're such prisoners of the moment. Yeah. We're such prisoners of the moment. Somebody says something. A politician says something. It's exploding back and forth on each other on social media just until the next thing to get I rate about.
Starting point is 01:06:56 We're like, everybody is permanently outraged. I don't think it's because people can't handle these things. I think life is so easy, right? Free markets and all this stuff have made. They've basically in the West like, like objective poverty's gone. Everything you want's cheap, everything's instant.
Starting point is 01:07:17 And I get that too. We have too much time on our hands. Those people are spending what, five, six hours a day watching TV, I think the average young girl now is like 10 hours a day on Instagram. So life is super easy. So, you know, I think that humans thrive, we're wired to where like, when you're,
Starting point is 01:07:36 when you have a little bit of a fear going on, you work hard, there's self preservation kicking in. Well, that's true, right? And then life isn't so bad, you know, but when everything's been perfect your whole life, there's people that have only grown up on high-speed internet. That's all they know. They don't know life before the internet.
Starting point is 01:07:55 And these people were all wrong. There was none. It was all racist. It was terrible. Well, these people never had this too. They never had to, they never had, okay, so pre-internet and social media in order to get people to like you or in your life, you actually had to, go on and talk to them.
Starting point is 01:08:10 You had to do have accomplishments. So you had to persuade people to be your friend with achievements or be funny or attractive or smart, all these things. And then so you actually had to give someone something to get them to like you. But now it's just filters and clicks and likes. And that's, that there's nothing there. So there's no real accomplishment and these people know it deep down. I think it's biological.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I think there's a lot of truth to that. I know Carl what? Oh shit, he's still. I'm gonna kill myself in a second. This is doctor Listen dick. I want to tie out a render show, but I've never seen Letterman where he introduces a guest breaks about it gets to the most depressing I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know about him the whole time This is this is what carl how did you stay quiet? Carl has brought a really tremendous thing to the program today
Starting point is 01:09:11 Well, what if you were depressed before Carl's call you will not be depressed anymore No, cuz I know what this is it is as we know George Matt Maddox is he's now going by a character named George Who has started a podcast called George who has started a podcast called God's Godzilla versus podcast zero. I believe he started it to have sex with his co-host, Haley Mancini. That's just my theory because it was definitely not created for any comedic reasons or any entertainment reasons and i want to talk for talking about suicide for a half hour whatever that was but carl carl runs the show called who are these podcasts that i've been on a couple times and today he has brought his show onto this show where he's taken clips from the godzilla from george's new show george who you can find at slash Realmatics
Starting point is 01:10:07 or whatever the fuck, it even created his own for it. Carl has brought in a number of clips from this new George's new podcast, so we could get a sense of it. Carl, is that about right? Is that a good summering? That's right, Dick. Today we'll be reviewing a podcast called
Starting point is 01:10:22 Godzilla versus podcast zero. Dick and I have both listened to the show separately. We have not discussed it with you. There'd be forehand. Let's get into it. We listen to episode number three. Well, lightning rouse. Haley Mancini and George Euzonian and their guest on this show is Jordan Morris, who can really go fuck himself after this. I've met Jordan a couple times. Jordan Morris, I've met Jordan a couple times at UCB. Oh yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:50 He has done tournament of nerds a couple times. He knows me, he knows everybody I know. I've ref, there's no possible way that he doesn't know what happened with the lawsuit. The stereo has done his fucking podcast, go Jesse and whatever go. I don't know what it is. Do you know what it's called?
Starting point is 01:11:08 Coral. I forget, but yeah, it's some interview show that he does with someone from NPR. Yeah, so Jordan Morris is that little Gerber baby face looking fuck can go kill himself for going on Maddox and just drippings of the best. And Hayley Mancini that fucking that bird nose can also go kill herself.
Starting point is 01:11:26 I have no idea what these people look like. I'm just on pictures. I'm just on pictures. I'm just on pictures. I'm just on pictures. I'm just on pictures. I'm just on pictures. There's no fucking reason for them to go on Maddox's shit
Starting point is 01:11:37 and chuckle around like their longtime friends when this stupid cock sucker has destroyed so many people's lives. Like they don't get any benefit out of it. They just are too afraid to say no. I'm not gonna do your shows. Fuck the both of them. Fuck, fuck Halie Mancini. Fuck Jordan Morris. Fuck Jordan and Jesse go and fuck the entire max fun network. If you subscribe to max fun on anything, cancel your, cancel your pledge, fuck them if there's a return your merchandise.
Starting point is 01:12:08 This is, I'm gonna have an anti-pledge drive where I dress up like the mega Jerry Lewis. Well, Jerry, careful with that word. And then, I'm gonna wear opposite colors, like, excuse me, like the Bizarre Row Jerry Lewis and pledge that, try to pledge them down in the dirt fuck max fun fuck every show on that network carl let's what were your thoughts overall of the show i don't want to i don't want to take
Starting point is 01:12:33 over for your uh... explain what the show format is what they do is they watch a godzilla movie they say they pick a specific godzilla movie and then they decide to explain every scene from that movie for you. Rather than watch the movie, you're gonna listen to these assholes explain everything that happens in the movie. So it's mystery science theater except no jokes. No jokes and no video. So it is a good point.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Well, because they can't do it, they can't show it, right? I mean, I guess why have a show where you describe a movie that you saw? What kind of show is this? It's like listening to a child describe a dream that they had. Because it's a Godzilla movie, so there's no, or an adult. Have you guys ever heard how did this get made? Yes. How did this get made?
Starting point is 01:13:20 It's a great podcast. They watch a terrible movie and then they assume the audiences all watched it and they just start riffing on all the ridiculousness. They don't go through scene for scene explaining and then the plot moves along with this part. Like, whatever. Either I've seen the mover I haven't just explain what's funny about it. I don't even know everything that happened in the movie. 95% of their of George's podcast who George the character that George is because it's
Starting point is 01:13:45 definitely not Maddox. Yeah. I mean, it's not it doesn't approach him in any conceivable way. It is he is a compulsively chuckling friend like every he's he is he is a guy. The character that Maddox is playing George is a guy who has had every girlfriend cheat on him in his life. That is the character he wants to portray himself as now. It is 99% Haley Mancini describing a movie they saw. Let's go ahead. Let's do some examples I want to play. Okay, look at all these files.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Tell me what to play. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. He should have been in charge of getting my visa for Australia. I would have pulled it off, buddy. Oh, it goes, oh, he went. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Sean went. Can you believe that? Hey, we did shows. All right, we made it happen. Trek 16. Okay. And I want to set this up real quick, but this sums up the show. It's everything you just said.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Okay. They're talking about, they watched this Godzilla movie, King Kong versus Godzilla from 1962. And there's a part where everyone's playing percussion. All the natives are doing this drum circle thing. And they say, well, they're playing to the audience at that time. It was kind of a beatnik thing that was going on. Somebody tells a joke and then everyone has to tag it. And they're not quick to tag it. And they laugh hysterically over shit that's not funny.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Yeah, here we go. Sure, yeah. James, a big tinsel of the chocolate. You have to get him in the seat. But I think like I couldn't. The harpsichord is out. Yeah, I'm not here. Harpsichord, Nibble.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Bukka, bukka, bukka, bukka. Bukka, bupka, bupka. I don't know who. I'm harpsichboard. That's a lot of laughing. That's a lot of laughing. And Dick, you came on my show and you said, if you want to make a good podcast, the first thing you should do is stop laughing. So, and you're 100% accurate on that. These people, George says, harps the cord. I'm harps aboard, which is the most uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Yeah. It loses their shit over it. All right. What else you got? All right. So you are opining that perhaps George is trying to sleep with his co-host. I think you might be right because Haley's owner's obsessed with Godzilla. She's seen all these movies, she's into it. George, I don't think care is about it, but he's pretending to, in order to get into her pants. He has this story and I love when George makes up stories from his childhood. Yeah. Because you know it's all bullshit. Yeah. If you play my track 21, not only is this obviously made up, it's also extremely boring.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Okay. Here we go. Library in school and elementary school, they had a bunch of like Hollywood movie monster books and it was just, you know, we had that one. Yeah, they had the wherewolf, they had Dracula, but then they had Godzilla on Monster Island. And I would check that. I checked that book out so many times. My librarian eventually told me no more.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Really? He's like, he's like, Jamie wants it too. that I checked that book out so many times my librarian eventually told me no more. Yeah, because that was his version of a Wapner that is in his autistic mind. He had to go check that book out every single week like Rain Man. Oh, no, I needed to see Wapner. Like, oh, gotta go, gotta go. God's Illa versus gotta go see God's see Godzilla and the monsters of fire. Gotta go check it out. Yeah. And this woman is so excited about this. She's like, oh my gosh, you were looking at that book. I was looking at that book too. So now it's instant bonding.
Starting point is 01:17:15 They even talk about, they went on a date once together back in 2014. Have you played my number 24? You're telling me that Haley is the one who's into Godzilla? Yes. Haley seems to be obsessed with Godzilla.
Starting point is 01:17:30 This is the person, this is the personality that she's bringing to the table obsessed with Godzilla. All right, what is 24? George and Haley date night. Okay. She and Godzilla about him not showing up.
Starting point is 01:17:41 I was like, they're like, that's ridiculous. I'm like, yeah, that's what I said to be George and I went and saw it together and people work. Oh, okay. So he conned her into seeing a Godzilla movie as a date. So this is a long play that George is doing. So this is like five years ago. Five years ago. I'm fighting my time. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go.
Starting point is 01:18:05 I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go.
Starting point is 01:18:12 I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go.
Starting point is 01:18:20 I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. I'm here to go. success as a voice actress. She was in the Tuesday in that ductails cartoon, that reboot that everyone that died immediately. I don't know if George writes emails about interrupting as much as Maddox did, but Haley would be getting a couple after listening to their show. That bitch is dude, talks non stop, non interrupting any more interrupting everybody constantly so much so
Starting point is 01:18:48 that you can listen to George give like an interrupt chuckle when he's got to get to something he wants to say she'll say okay and then launch into his all right Carl what else should I play yeah so since we're talking about that let's talk about how Haley sucks at podcasting. Okay. Tracked money. But yeah, we were in also. So she just stood during like an idiot at this point, even in the very, very beginning. Yeah. George starts the show.
Starting point is 01:19:19 He's welcoming everybody. Welcome this. Welcome that. Haley has to sing her name like she's five. Yeah, welcome to that way. And then it gets back to George and George starts welcoming people again, but he forgot that he already did that. So he quickly course corrects, play track one.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Okay. Godzilla versus podcast zero. Yeah, I'm Haley, me and Sini. And I'm George, welcome to, and today we're gonna be talking about, I'm Hayley, Mancini. She's so beautiful. And these have to be edited
Starting point is 01:19:54 within an inch of their lives, right? Yes, I know. I mean, I want to, it seems like it. Well, you know how he is. I don't know if he is that person, this is George, that's Maddox you're talking about. I don't know if George, episode is even obsessively George. That's Maddox you're talking about. I don't know if George
Starting point is 01:20:05 Episodesy can obsessively maybe not maybe he's linked the movie every week really laid back. Yeah George should be good at podcasting at this point right? He's been doing it for a little while. He's been doing it for five years. He should at least know not to make a podcast with this child who shaped like the woman. So at the very beginning of the show, George says welcome for different times. You play my welcome comp. This was in the first 45 seconds. Welcome. Welcome, please welcome.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Welcome to the show. Oh god. We got it. You're welcome, everyone. I really, I wanted to listen to it to find more things to make fun of them for, but it is listening to people describe a movie that I've never seen, even if I have seen it, I don't know the appeal of having a movie described to me.
Starting point is 01:20:53 It was the most, it was one of the most tedious hours of my life. You listen to this one thing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, absolutely. The only person who commented on their show page was Thomas McCoy and he said slash a stereo.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Oh god. That's how, that's how well this new endeavor is doing. Very funny. Um, yeah. Okay. You'll be shocked to find out that Haley has a cat. Track 15. What a great setup, Carl.
Starting point is 01:21:19 He's great. He's always like this. Does this thing that I was like this just, this reminds me of my cat. Like just, he'd choose on these cables and he's like, I'm gonna get this. Looks like a cat with a cat, or I was just like, yeah. Why is he laughing at that?
Starting point is 01:21:35 Right, right, yeah. I used stupid bitch. Cat toys. All right, what's next? Let's talk about George real quick and then we'll get back to Haley because she's the worst part. So, you know, Dick and I did not talk about this show beforehand, but I did mention that somehow George is not the worst part of this show. It's actually Haley by
Starting point is 01:21:55 a log shot. Yeah, he's really not. Well, he seems like he's just kind of staying out of the way. Yeah, his new George persona is so, is so inoffensive that the worst crime he commit, he could commit is chuckling at nonsense, which he does constantly. All right, which one's wrong? So if you play track five, this is George, I don't know if he's coming out of the closet
Starting point is 01:22:17 in this track, I'm not sure what's going on. I don't know what you're talking about. Just when I thought he couldn't talk that set up. I'll play it. You go and do this. Bob Whiteman who is disturbingly, he's like distractingly handsome. Who is? This movie is too steamy for George. This guy got 16, and it got so good. This guy's hot. Holy shit. Like his grab his grab bag of like, I'm gay humor. Oh, he's distractingly handsome. Like, okay, buddy, come on, we've heard this one before.
Starting point is 01:22:51 All right, what's next, Carl? They, in the movie, so you have Godzilla versus King Kong. Right. And they go to this island where King Kong lives. Right. And there's a bunch of natives there. Uh-oh, this could get problematic because people are dressed up in like brown face
Starting point is 01:23:12 and they're pretending to be, you know, this tribe of people. So I have a whole bunch of tracks on here where these, the PC police comes out. And this is where Haley gets a little uncomfortable track eight. How about as soon as they land on the silent natives, right off the bat, they say, they say things that today would not, first of all, they made like a cannibalism reference, right? When they land. Oh, this is, we call this racist island.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Yes, yeah, any movie that had that it, you know, made before, I don't know, two years ago, people and an island is very problematic. What? Yeah, that's about this is a short and even uses the word problematic, which like I could have scripted this. This is amazing. these fucking idiots. Well, condescind, even though they picked their king by kicking the shit out of each other and literally throw spears to fight, nothing problematic about that.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Sean, that was a huge success. Nothing weird about, look, the African tribe getting a space computer, but they still kick each other's asses for a, for their to be, to determine who is the despotic leader. To clearly you are not woke. Yeah. And, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:35 whatever one thing you should probably work on. However woke you need to be to go sit in a theater and watch Gorilla Man hooting and hollering at people during, say, this is, I couldn't make a movie on purpose that's this racist i'm pretty sure what happened uh... african's got magical space a magical super technology space computer oh wow what kind of a democratic civilization did they make now they throw
Starting point is 01:24:59 spears and kick the shit out of each other and ride rhinos around uh... that's odd what kind of of clothes do they wear? Like weird tribal shit. Oh, is there any particular reason that they had access to this infinite technology and still behave like this? I don't know. I was just watching this movie last night for the very first time, Dick. The CGI is terrible.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Yeah, is it? I was surprised at how bad that was a fucking Marvel movie. What's going on? I saw it on a plane. I see all the movies on that's how bored I have to be to watch that shit. I never watched it. Yeah. I couldn't watch it all the way through. It was terrible. All right. Sean, where did you said woke? Play my track nine.
Starting point is 01:25:40 I think there's supposed to be like, maybe some moment. I think what they were very be going for is that, but I mean, me even assuming that feels a little racist. No, I don't know. A heel of woke to Charlton Heston playing a Mexican. Yeah. You know, it's hovering in the middle. It's a little gross, but I don't think it was done with any kind of no.
Starting point is 01:25:59 No, no. No, it was not. Yeah. Why does George think that's funny? That's a great question. I don't know who this is for at this point. They're explaining that they know that's not cool that they're depicting these natives this way,
Starting point is 01:26:14 but they're giving it a pass because there was no malice involved. Yeah. Well, here's the thing about everybody gets to know and they know the other person's intention. Well, here's what you meant by that. Here's what you meant by that. It's not at all. He's saying that's plain Charlton has been playing in Mexican as racist, right?
Starting point is 01:26:38 That's awesome. That statement, well, that's what they're saying. They're saying woke all the way. So at the end, they're saying that's racist. But saying that a white guy can't play a Mexican because he's white, is racist. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like these people have signed on to this ideology and he sees it as like this path to some sort of victory. Like he's really down. He thinks he's gonna get in her pants by agreeing.
Starting point is 01:27:09 No, forget all that. Yeah, they get all bad. It sounds like, like, there's certain people, you know, you go to LA and you're like, I'm gonna make it or whatever, you know? And you see that there's this club, like we said, the Liberty and Language Club, and then you go, okay, I can play that game.
Starting point is 01:27:26 And then they're just doing it because he wants to be in that club. Yeah, a lot of it. It's like a night's tale. And you can learn how to act and court put on those fans' clubs. That's who George is. George is the guy that Maddox created who can wear a cravat and little jockey pants and have a, you know, little cane that an evil man's explaining cane. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:51 He can man's play. That mind reading shit is getting out of control. Asterios went on a big rant about Munky Jones's politics last week, asserting that all of his political opinions are from Fortun. Oh. And then he knows this. I think, all right, man. Can you get through one argument
Starting point is 01:28:08 without right mind reading? Is that possible? Okay, Carl, what do you got next? Well, I think this is perfect because now they're talking about the natives, now they're depicted, they bring up the word cannibalism, it's problematic, but fortunately, they make it all right for Haley, play track 13.
Starting point is 01:28:27 And also to punctuate that, they do end up making the Japanese dudes look like Jack Asses and the natives look knowledgeable, which is good, which is a good take. So Dick, think about that. In her mind, she's already picked the side that she's on. Imagine living your wife that way. Jeopardy Society has to be the assholes in this scenario and this tribe on an island has to be the good guys. Why? Why are we choosing sides on this?
Starting point is 01:28:54 I don't understand it. I mean, didn't Godzilla process? Didn't Godzilla make the Japanese people look like assholes? Isn't that the whole point of the movie? Like, you're getting too into atomic shit. Why can't Japanese be assholes? It has to be coddled. They always have to be fucking perfect. I don't know. I don't know who looks for this. Yeah. What's it? What's it? What's it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She just used the most like shallow cipher to decide who
Starting point is 01:29:19 the underdog was based on whatever has been installed in her programming. And take that side. Yes, it's an underdog mentality. Go live with an island of sandwiches and see how they go in with Muslims. Like, why do you like those people? They want to murder gaze. What's your problem? Well, because you should go live there. That's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:29:38 You know how they have like Israeli birthright, like we pay for them to go and come. Yeah, you should have like a third world birthright just for all chicks. Just for all the stupid thoughts in LA. Go to go to, you know, Somalia for one month, go to some weird rainforest tribe, one month. Yeah. To install water pumps and solar hand. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Yeah. And then you give out two pairs of everyone you sell and then you create jobs over there. There was a big push for Cuba that was similar to that. I think it was a couple of years ago,
Starting point is 01:30:30 all these chicks were saying how great Cuba was. Because it's so artsy and everyone's so happy. And it's because in our dog eat dog world, there's just no time for us to be happy. Like, well, why don't you go, like they're making toothpaste out of motor oil. Like, well, why don't you go, like, they're making toothpaste out of motor oil. Like, they have nothing.
Starting point is 01:30:48 They're on the way around. And they're 53 Chevy's. Yeah. Seven shot. I've got a friend who works, he works in like the AV, he works in this AV department of this, I guess he works for like a under-privileged school kids thing or something like that.
Starting point is 01:31:05 It's like this program that they go through. I'm probably not describing it very well, but anyway, he went to Cuba with this company he works for. And there's a Cuban guide was showing them around and all that kind of stuff. And she said, look, I want you to see how we get our food rations or coupons or whatever. Wow.
Starting point is 01:31:25 And she's like, oh yeah, you get X amount of chicken per month, you get X amount of rice per month, right? You know this. And it's like, here's the thing. And a chick races her hand and goes, well, what if you're a vegetarian? And the guy goes, there's no vegetarian here.
Starting point is 01:31:46 Like you fucking starve. You like, you need to eat all your, yeah, it was like, what's the juice ration? Yeah, where do I get my pressed juice ration? No, he said she just literally just laughed her ass off and was like, that's not a thing. What's your gluten free?
Starting point is 01:32:00 Do you fucking dummies think that socialism is like a co-op? Like it's just something you subscribe to and then get sent to loot crate every month of all the home of all the Organically grown food that you got god damn it Okay, Carl, what's next? I'm I'm gonna finish this strong with Haley, but before I do that. Okay. They have this segment on the show some front of theirs named Jay. And they say, okay, we do this thing where we get Jay's take. So this is setting that up.
Starting point is 01:32:31 This is track 18. I said, so guys, if you don't know, our friend Jay has her, Johnny, as a delightful man. And he, he has never watched Godzilla films before. And so we asked him if he would watch these films along with us and then record a one minute take by Jay. Here it is without further ado, Jay's take. Okay, do you guys all get that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:57 They have this friend who's gonna do a one minute review. They're gonna make him watch this movie and he's gonna sum it up in one minute. So he sends in this tape that's recorded horribly. It sounds like garbage. Yeah, he has he doesn't have a single funny take or an interesting point and They crack up over a track 19 That's only King Kong was really long. Oh my god Out of King Kong after he was down
Starting point is 01:33:23 So outside of a club and he was down. So the outside of a club. The stuff was really cool. And the colors and the production value seemed like. He's in school. He's awesome for the time it was made. Yeah. Okay, I guess that's my minute. Bye guys. Great reporting.
Starting point is 01:33:37 What the fuck? Back to you in the studio. That was funny about that. Yeah, see the main thing. That is George being mad at you. Because he's overselling it. When he just listened to voicemails and the guy would just say something nice. And he was like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. was funny about that. Yeah, this is why I believe George being mad at you because he's
Starting point is 01:33:45 overselling it. When he just listened to voicemails, yeah, and the guy would just say something not too big. But I, is that nervous, is that nervous laughter? I think there's some of that. Yeah, I think he tries to, yeah, he tries to sell it to, which is a sell everything. But what's, what's funny is he's so, he always was so careful with, you know, putting out something that he felt was good and that it wasn't ever good enough, it's like, I can't.
Starting point is 01:34:12 And it's terrible. I can't believe that this would be. That was before Dick destroyed his fucking. Yeah, yeah. Soul. Yeah. You're right. He really wants to bone this girl.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Yeah, no, that no, that is the, listening to this, that's all the more apparent. I hope he does it. I hope he does it. You hope he bangs this girl. He's trying really hard, five years of pretending to be into Godzilla's purge. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:36 That's a lot of work. You know what, and I think maybe me being mean to her would help him. Yeah. He'll have to stick it on over there. He'll stick it on over there. You stupid ladder climbing bitch. I bet every guy, she's, I bet every guy she's ever dated
Starting point is 01:34:51 has helped her career in some way. What a shallow, what a shallow, stupid little con. You know, you know that kind of girl in LA? Yes. Because then they can talk about what an asshole I am, right? Well, I guess this is coming from a good place. Yes, Sean How you dumb bitch Go hagging wing wing man tactic. I am America's wing man. Yeah, I gotta listen to that
Starting point is 01:35:15 I gotta listen to that fake laughter again They laughed at epic. Like, all the island stuff was really cool. And the colors and the production value seemed like really awesome for the time it was made in. Okay, I guess that's my minute. Bye guys. Here comes.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Okay. What the fuck is, that is the laughter of a man who wants to bang. That is the laughter of a man who desperately wants pussy. I have laughed at some things that were not, not even remotely funny. Not, you couldn't squeeze a drop of comedy out of them just to get laid. That's what, and that's what that laugh is. Okay, here's that laugh. Okay, because he doesn't laugh until she does.
Starting point is 01:36:06 This is the courtship ritual of the desperate man. Listen, listen to this, listen. Yeah. See? Because she picks up the cue. A woman laughs and then he's like, Ha, ha, ha, we're having a shared moment of laughter, right? Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 01:36:21 It's like you see in movies when there's a guy and he's trying to force that they say the same thing at the same time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you want to share your life with me sandwich with me? Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I just, I can't believe that this is the product.
Starting point is 01:36:39 This is what I've done to Maddox. I killed him and I turned him into George. You know what? Maddox, right? I don't know much about him, but he can actually put out good content, but he's jumping on, he can, I mean, better than this. Right? I mean, he was, right? He was far better than this. Yeah. But this is her stuff that he's jumping on board. Is that what's going on? Is he not doing best debate? I think he moved it to a biweekly thing. Yeah, okay. And he's now, when he puts out videos, they get down voted into oblivion and like the
Starting point is 01:37:11 lawsuit comments are like a fucking avalanche. Oh, they just... No matter what his video is, it's hundreds of... You can watch the comment thing count and nothing appears because he has so many blacklisted words and sits there obsessively deleting. It's great. Watch the comment thing count and nothing appears because he has so many blacklisted words and sits there obsessively deleting. It's great. Then like some Esilevel wanderin,
Starting point is 01:37:32 like you know Bogey, you ever heard of that guy? No. He's this big fat, if you ever wanna know what that disease is, where you get teeth in your pussy, you ever heard about that? That's what Bogey's what boogie looks like. He got chicklets implanted into his face for teeth because his teeth, he's so fat and disgusting and degenerate
Starting point is 01:37:53 that he let his teeth rot. So a teeth company convinced him to get his teeth pulled which he posted online. They look like, I mean, they look like the things that you stick in the side of corn to hold it while you chew on it. That's what his actual teeth look like. They're so yellow.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Yeah. And they then they went in. They found a little Mexican boy on the street and Tijuana bought some white chicklets off him and then planted them into boogies mouth. It looks like Tiger Woods teeth. Yes, he looks like a horse. He looks like Matt Dillon,
Starting point is 01:38:31 and there's something about Mary. Oh, God. That fat fuck looks ridiculous with these fucking, he should pull them out and just have bleeding gums. It would look better. That pussy face would look better with just bleeding gum. Gaping holes.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Or better, you just put a billboard in your mouth. In plant advertising space, you fat whore. So people could super chat on your fucking teeth. I don't care how it would look. It would look better than the chicklets, than the gigantic white tombstones. Somebody drilled into their gums, that they might have drilled all the way into your brain.
Starting point is 01:39:10 You stupid fat fuck, because you forgot, he tweeted about, I was out of control today. He tweeted about, boogie, boogie, that fat bastard. He tweeted about, he's made his entire career just complaining about how bad his life is because he's such a fat wreck.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Yeah. And by the way, if anybody knows dirt on him or escorts or anything that tells me I'd love to know. He posted today about Mumke's videos and saying, oh, I don't know what happened to Mumke or how he got kicked off YouTube, but this video where he's talking about how depressed he is and what's going on is so sad. Like he sure needs a hug. Motherfucker, Munkie said you talked to him about it when it happens and then ghosted him when you realized that you couldn't get any clicks out of it.
Starting point is 01:39:59 You fat, you fat lying. So they must have implanted those teeth into his goddamn brain to forget something like that. Anyway, I forget why I started talking about I don't know, I don't know. He said, he said he said that he woke up and walked three blocks and had lunch with Maddox last week. I asked him, will you ask about the sanctions or the laws? Yeah. He woke up to get lunch. First of all, that's a direct indicator of his degeneracy. Oh, the only, I've dated one or two chicks that wake up to get lunch. They were enormous cuts. The little lifeline, if you're waking up to get lunch, you need to do, you need to do, you need to make a little bit more effort. You're a chicklet teethed fuck.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Proud of walking three blocks to get lunch with Maddox. Yeah. Well, I think he's about 700 pounds. Oh wow. He's been putting those chicklets to work. As soon as he got him put in, he chewed. Well, they implanted him like a shark,
Starting point is 01:41:00 but he keeps eating the ones that he has and then the new one comes forward and he needs them and then the next one comes So he's taking a lot of calories from gum. There was a children's store outside of his Chick-let-teeth in planting service and he broke the door down like the cool eight like the cool eight man's fat petafile Uncle and ate all the fake food all the wooden fake food in there and fucked up his teeth. So they had to go put in a new set. Jesus. Oh, boogie. Where's the stack of shit?
Starting point is 01:41:31 I just heard that part. They clicked it. They would be like, I'm out and they would like get out of here. Okay, Carl, do you have any more? I feel like this whole show is like that today. You think so? Is it not good? Is it not a good show?
Starting point is 01:41:43 No, it's good. It's good. It's just fucking wild. It's a whole place. All right. What do you got, Carl? Let's go, I want to go rapid fire. We're just going to do a couple more of these clips. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:54 But this next one, Haley sounds like a girl who didn't get enough attention from her father and now gets way too much attention from guys. Oh, yeah, she does. Really? Trek 17 is an example that I have a few more. Okay. He's like, oh, what the okay, I'm very sleepy. You're gonna take a nap, be napped. Oh my god. I think like a child. I mean, probably talks like that during sex. You know, that's her version
Starting point is 01:42:18 of four play talking like that. I wonder if George knows that. Hopefully, he will find out. like that. I wonder if George knows that. Hopefully he will find out. This is, Track 22 is more hilarious. Voice is coming from Haley. It's going to be big. I mean, they got it. Big Dicks are coming out now. This is what we listen to. They're just terrible. He's just trying to, he's just trying to create some kind of banter. It's got a carl deserved an award for holding. He does this every week. He listens to terrible podcasts
Starting point is 01:42:52 and he's just terrible with them. He wants to tell people in India and pay him. It's very sad that we live in a society where we don't just tell people like this to quit. He needs to quit. Well, you know what George? Yeah, listen, bro. He needs to come up with, you know, George, yeah, yeah, listen, bro, he needs to come up with a new persona. Just quit, dude. Not everyone's going to make it. Not everyone's
Starting point is 01:43:10 going to be famous. Like you tried. You're not very talented. Just quit, dude. Go live a normal life. Take the normie pill. Go, go, go work at some office. You know, go. There's no shame in that. No, just quit. It's not everybody, it's true. And we don't, at least kind of the mainstream, I mean, obviously you get the commenters who are like, kill yourself, but like, you know, the mainstream, it's like, no, no, just do everything.
Starting point is 01:43:37 Just, yeah, no, absolutely. Follow that, it's like, it's not realistic. It's not realistic. And it's also, I think the lack of just critical, honest feedback is a real disservice to a lot of people. Well, I worked really hard to become an illustrator and it was hard work. And there was always kids, like as early as elementary school,
Starting point is 01:44:02 middle school, high school, other guys that used to draw or they wanted to be artists. And all of them quit and they have great lives. And they're like, Mary, they've got kids, they've got a career, you know, they just couldn't make it. Like not everyone's going to make it, dude, this guy needs to quit. Just. He can't possibly be enjoying this.
Starting point is 01:44:19 Just quit, dude. You're done. Well, let me point you the best clip I have on here. I put together a compilation of Haley being obnoxious. Okay. And I'm not saying it's easy to podcast with George. I imagine it's very difficult, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:34 I've only podcasted with Maddox. I don't know how George is. How would you know? How would you know? He seems like a perfectly nice guy. This moment is trying so fucking hard. These are all just noises coming out of this dumb con. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:47 Haley sucks. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Haley, did you say Haley sucks cock? A cop, cop. A cop. Oh, cop, here it is. Here it is. I was looking for the wrong file, excuse me.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Ha, ha, ha. I'm Haley, Nancy, me. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeahcini. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:08 It's gonna be big. The power of coincidence. Taken down feudalism. Oh, God. You know what that reminds me of? I've ever seen that the movie I love you, man, with Paul Redd, where he keeps fucking up words. And he's like, you know, I will see you later,
Starting point is 01:45:27 or I will see you on another time. And he's like, what? And he keeps fucking up words over and over, reminding me of that. Very uncomfortable show. Yeah, a whole thing's very uncomfortable. It is like, it's a show based around a woman who's intolerable and a man desperately seeking her attention.
Starting point is 01:45:49 And then they have a guest and then they're watching this disgusting display for some reason. Talking about, you barely even hear Jordan talk. It's why you didn't hear any clips from me. Jordan's just kind of like, okay, I watched this whole shitty movie for this. What am I doing here? And I don't even get the premise. Aren't all these movies basically the same? And they're going to describe every single one. Man, what in the fuck are you thinking?
Starting point is 01:46:09 So they watch it first before they're on it. And then they just, or they watch it during, right? No, they watch it for the first. Then they get together and describe it to each other. Seem for scenes. Yeah, you know what, why don't you just talk about what happened?
Starting point is 01:46:31 This I don't know because no one has any context for their conversations because nobody has seen these movies They're they're like 60 years old. They're not talking about Avengers that everyone has seen It's a movie review show based around movies nobody has seen Featuring a woman who only talks to hear herself doing it. And these movies are not easy. So I went ahead and pulled it up on YouTube, the whole movie is right there. So I was kind of scanning through as they were talking about it. There's no reason to be talking about this movie. And then at the end of the show, of course, because it's the new George character that he has.
Starting point is 01:47:02 All of the sclaimers. It's all the sclaimers. Anyway, guys, we were joking about this movie, but we all love it. We really appreciate what they were doing, and we love Godzilla, and we like, what the who is this for? It gives a shit.
Starting point is 01:47:14 Kissy offends the grand children of the creators. Is he disclaimer guy? Like he's always doing disclaimers. Well, now. George is, I don't, well, yeah, remember because Maddox went back and explained how, he said iPhones were gay in a video. Like he's always doing disclaimers. Well, now, George is, I don't, well, yeah, remember because Maddox went back and explained how he said iPhones were gay in a video.
Starting point is 01:47:29 I remember that. And then he went back and wrote this essay on how saying gay he meant cool. And that it was, it was like, he's weird. I remember that. I remember the thing where he said, oh, you know, you can't even copy and paste on an iPhone, but you can on this other phone
Starting point is 01:47:44 and you ripped it apart. I remember. How old is this woman? He said, oh, you know, you can't even copy and paste on an iPhone, but you can on this other phone. Yeah. I ripped it apart. How old is this woman? Um, I don't know. She's told to have kids with. I know that. There's everything's rotten inside. Oh, she's like, right.
Starting point is 01:47:55 Wait, wait, wait. She's like, I'm over 30. No, no, no, no, I think she's 20. She's like mid 20s, like, you know, you see be like type of comedian chick. I think she's a Haley and click on gallery. Okay. She needs to be this gallery of head shots. They're all exactly the same. She has this one look that she likes.
Starting point is 01:48:16 She sounds like a certain smile on her face. And that's the only thing she puts out her website. Right. Hey, well, it's because her nose is so big, it only looks good from that angle. That's why, broads with big beaks like that, they figure out what angle looks good and then they take all their pictures at that.
Starting point is 01:48:32 You obviously can't take a profile shot. It needs to be quarantined. She's serious. Hold on, I'm serious, because, I know, that's why I'm laughing. How many lives is she gonna destroy through the course of her life, right? She's gonna fuck up all three tuttards and weird relationships.
Starting point is 01:48:49 She might even have a kid, you know, that kid's gonna get fucked up. Yeah. We have to quarantine people like this. Like, she's a, she's a, like a Tasmanian devil of... I mean, we're Alma. We do, it's LA. We've quarantine it. I got a thing.
Starting point is 01:49:03 But you know what sucks is this is my hometown. I grew up here. So all these motherfuckers come from all over the country to act like this. And I'm just trying to get on the freeway and go see my mom, you know, it's horrible. Okay, Carl. You guys are looking at her picture, right? I got to think that even Owen Wilson is like, put that fucking nose away. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:49:20 Owen Wilson's got one, doesn't it? All right. You got a lot of older than I thought she would be, man. Uh, yeah, Owen Wilson's got one, didn't it? Uh, all right. You got a lot of older than I thought she would be, man, she sounds like some 22 year old idiot. Um, that isn't affect the older women who put on that's true. That's absolutely an affect. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:39 They, they do that on purpose is they get older. They sound younger. This is post wall. Yes. Oh, these people, man, they got to quit. That was that hurt. That was painful to listen to, man. They got to quit.
Starting point is 01:49:51 It was bad. I'm a sensitive person and there was a lot of psychic trauma. Like, and I'm stone too, because I smoked a bunch of weed on your patio. Good, good, good. And like that, like I, like gave me like psychic, like anxiety. Yeah, man. I'm listening to it. Like like no. Yeah, it's terrible
Starting point is 01:50:08 All right Carl. Is that it? Yeah, that's fine. I have other class, but I think we covered it pretty well It's you done you've done a great job as always Thank you for calling in thank you for listening to what is definitely George's worst podcast This is unlistenable garbage. It's terrible. But check out who are these podcasts? What are you? Who are these podcasts? Com. Who are these? Com.
Starting point is 01:50:33 Who are these? Com. Okay. I fucked it up. Who are these podcasts? Go subscribe to it. You do this every week. And it's great. It's a great show. Thanks for calling in, buddy. What makes you rage? You got anything? Yeah, I do. Real quick. The Kentucky Derby. Did you watch this yesterday?
Starting point is 01:50:50 No, I'm not. No, I didn't. No. These fucking people are so ridiculous. And Dick, I know you're the 1% I'm with you, man. I'm not part of that whole Occupy movement. Right. But they're celebrating their richness in a way where they they probably is ridiculous fucking hats.
Starting point is 01:51:07 They're called fascinators. Yeah, right. Right. They wear hats that a cartoon character wouldn't wear. Yeah, yeah. They look fucking retarded. And then they prance around and hey, look at me. I'm a billionaire.
Starting point is 01:51:18 Why isn't the Occupy movement sitting on the track at the Kentucky Derby? Security. People who actually do something. Well, they're, yeah, they're in the infield all having sex with each other and getting into fist fights at the Kentucky Derby. I've always wanted to go to try to smuggle liquor into the Kentucky Derby. That's one of my life goals. Don't do it in a zip lock bag.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Yeah, I'm getting a little bit. You might have to use one of those flasks. Make your own mint, juulips. I was so pissed I ordered like 20 of those flasks on Amazon, so I'd never run out. Yeah, all right, Carl. Thank you. Thank you for calling.
Starting point is 01:51:55 All right, buddy. Have a good one. Thanks for having me. Okay, let's get, let's read some advice. And then I don't know, people are, people are gonna call in, I don't know who's there. Yeah. Hey, what about that one crazy guy? Oh yeah, yeah, people are going to call in. I don't know who's there. Yeah. Hey, what about that one crazy guy?
Starting point is 01:52:07 Oh, yeah, yeah. I'd show you. Yeah. Kiwi Chris. No, remember the guy that was the Kiwi. Chris the Kiwi, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:15 Yeah, he's still traumatized from that. From what? From his call. Wait, from when I talked to him? No, from the way he called me. Yeah, I mean, you were like, what? I was, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you were traumatized from his cause. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Yeah, so like, what's going on? What did I walk in there? So what happened? Did he, is he still have a few years? He gave up. He gave up on trying to fuck his cousin. And I guess him and Dr. Rachel are friends again now. She said something about that.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Which I think she talked to him. I don't, she didn't sound like a real doctor to me. Oh no. Oh no, she's a nurse. She's a didn't sound like a real doctor to me. Oh no. Oh no, she's a nurse. She's a nurse. I call her doctor nurse. Oh, okay. Funny. She's a nurse. I don't know why she would talk to him ever again, but you know, I always think women are doing the wrong thing when it comes to men. So what do I know? Avoid them. It's that's the only sake. Count when they bang you out. Absentence's the only mistake. They should never have sex with me, but they'll do it anyway,
Starting point is 01:53:06 because the brains don't work. But exploiting that for a long time. Yeah, it wasn't for women. At least sure, honest. Bad decisions. You never get laid. I'm gonna play a song. You're right, Sean.
Starting point is 01:53:20 This has been a strange episode. Oh, yeah. How you doing, Mr. Fancy Pants? You still pissing the wrong way? What's up? Get on the microphone. Are you still pissing incorrectly? Of course.
Starting point is 01:53:29 You're still pissing up, yeah. You're still peeing above your way of pants. Not changed just because of our conversation. Well, did you hear about that guy that did a survey that said people make more money who piss through their fly properly? Oh no. He's got pisses in a strange,
Starting point is 01:53:41 he pisses over his pants. He takes his penis, puts it over his. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, What's it over his? You don't button them. No, no, no, no, I'm not that weird. No, I over the boxers Like not over the waistband through the hole in the boxers over the waistband not just through the fly What's there for so so he unzips his jeans? Yeah, right? Pulse it down and then he pulls the boxers down and pulls his junk over it He pulls his underpants down and pees like that. Yeah, when I, I don't wear underwear, I haven't worn them for like 20 years, but when I did wear boxers, I did that. That's what you did. Yeah, I never, well, that's why you don't wear boxes. They were confusing to you. You didn't
Starting point is 01:54:16 fit your hat on to wear underwear because I need air flow, right? See, and I said the boxers, like it's just going to get in the way trying to go through the flood, like the hole there, there's no way you're doing that. We talk about this every time. So wait you stick yours through the little hole. It's not a little hole first of all take that back Put a button If you're a real man, you wouldn't rip it, but just jam through. You just tear the hell out of them. That's rape.
Starting point is 01:54:49 I can't call him by his name. Oh, excuse me. Mr. Fancy Pan says, all right, here you go. This is by, I can't read that name. Toll, Toll, it's called Raging Road. There you go. It's a John Denver. What's that? I won't see those country roads Oh I get it The Cause the visa was denied to me
Starting point is 01:56:26 East Australia Roadworks didn't need I won't see those raging roads I won't see those raging roads Very nice. Go fuck yourself buddy. Very nice. the radio. Very nice. Go fuck yourself, buddy. Very nice. Okay. We're actually pretty good. I've got the, we get some good ones. I've got Alan.
Starting point is 01:56:56 And if not for human consumption, Alan wants to talk. A rommel wants to, rommel. Oh, what do you want to say? Hey, man. Yeah. What do you want? What do you want to say? What's going on? And Raj, they're telling me, you know, big milker, the bigger you can do cow to the girl. Hey, you're, your connection sucks, dude. You breaking. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sure it over. I want to shout him out on the phone because it was the last minute thing.
Starting point is 01:57:25 Can you hear me? How long clear can you hear me? Well, you're just that your connection sucks, so it drops every once in a while. But what do you want to say? Start over. Well, what do I, I don't know, fucking, I think you've been doing a good job with me. You've been kind of slacking. I think I can do your job better in you, bud. We've seen your videos. Yeah. What do you mean you think you can do this better than me? What do you think you can do? I think I'm younger and I'm better looking.
Starting point is 01:57:51 And I think I have like, I'm getting the women, getting the girls, getting in their pants. You think this show is about getting girls? This show is the opposite of getting girls screaming about minor inconveniences. No, no, you had a woman like I do. You shit talked them into a living and then they come around like fucking house tuts. Yeah, are you saying you can do the show better than me or you can get women better than me? I'd both. Okay, asshole. First here. What makes
Starting point is 01:58:21 you a rage then? Let's hear it. You fucking do it. Come on. Okay, that is so redundant at this point I'm not trying to fucking play Mario on any S anymore like give me a new fucking game buddy. I don't want to fucking rage Rommel let's hear it. What's my show? Yeah, let's hear your start. How do you start your show? Let's hear your yeah? start your show let's hear your yeah. Hey, this is the day. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Hey, this is the Boomer podcast. This is the Boomer podcast. We got dick. You want dick? Everything about boomers. And we're going to tell you how cool we are. We're going to. Supposedly have sex with Annie. You know what? Hey, guess what? I got a girl. Your connection fucking sucks you jackass. Do you need better?
Starting point is 01:59:06 Why? Money, money, I'll be a permanent fucking guest. I can show. Maybe it's oh yeah. That's what everybody wants everybody. Everybody's Everybody's screaming for more ramble Dude, yeah, of course they are That like I Dic are you not at a point where a TIS is not a fucking cancerous fucking Rothan you where you're not just gonna make me a full-time party or fucking show? Send me more bits then.
Starting point is 01:59:31 I think, I think you're funny. I think you blow it live because you're too nervous, but I think you're, I think you're nervous right now. Like fucking half in the bad drunk. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, get on, get on. I'll show you my titties again, Rollo. Are you talking about Raj? Yeah, man, she has got some nice. I am, but hey, but I've seen him. You've seen him? No, you haven't. You're making that up.
Starting point is 01:59:55 Yeah, I think I'm lying. I think I'm lying. Yeah, but does this sound like the voice of a man who's not confident to get tits? I don't think you've seen Raj's tips now. Come on, Dick. You think I'm gonna lie to you? I respect you enough where I'm not gonna lie to you, bud.
Starting point is 02:00:13 Then you clearly don't respect me enough if that's a value that you have. You should lie to people all the time. I respect you as if you're like my older brother about like 15 years. And like I'm like, yeah, I'm my bro's cool. He's taught me a lot of good things, but it's time for him to pass the torch. Okay, well, let's hear your show. I'm sending more bits. I will pay you to do bits. I think
Starting point is 02:00:34 you're funny. You won't listen to shit, dude. I try to fucking, I try to pry that massive junior. You're always busy because you're dealing with all these fucking, all these fucking guys, all these guys that like fucking look up to you, but could never even get laid. Hey, so what these people, send them to me. I get, send them to me, I get less email than he does. Yeah, but you have to actually send the bit.
Starting point is 02:00:54 Don't send me like a story about the bit or hit me up about wanting to talk about ideas. You gotta just send it in. Well, you want the fucking, you want the like two hour recording of the show we did before? No, I want you to make bits specifically for the show. Oh, for your show? Yes.
Starting point is 02:01:13 Well, am I getting paid for that? I just fucking told you that, Ramo. Yes. Well, okay. I never knew that before. Like, I thought I was like, here's another, here's another fan of my podcast. Look at my dick, look at myself. And you know what, we'll take advantage of this fucking idiot calling in.
Starting point is 02:01:33 Yeah, that's part of it. It's on to us. Yeah, you figured out, you do know the secret. All right. Get out of here. Trust me, trust me, dude. I run a fucking big, a decent sized Facebook group that has a lot of your fans in it. And I understand how it works.
Starting point is 02:01:51 Um, well, good. Go say hi to them. Say hi to them for me and send in a big. Hey, hey, hey, take guys. Hey guys, hey, guys, what's up? It's Ronald. You a lot of you hate me. A lot of you love me.
Starting point is 02:02:02 But the fans are like, you know, I'm not going to be a big fan of you. I'm not going to be a big fan of you. I'm not going to be a big fan of you. I'm not going to be a big fan of you. I'm not going to be a big fan of you. I'm not going to be a big fan of you. I'm not going to be group, you jackass. Not now. Hey guys, hey guys, what's up? It's Ronald. You a lot of you hate me. A lot of you love me. But the fact is your QT white foods, your cute girls, all those cute girls you orbit,
Starting point is 02:02:15 they all want to fuck me and I've seen all their tits. Fuck off. Right, get out of here. That was funny. Yeah, that was funny. Get out of here, Ronald. They all want to fuck me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha You can't send other men pictures of tits that you have. That's not something I do. All right. Let me see here. Comments, comments, comments.
Starting point is 02:02:51 Then we'll do some Facebook news and wrap it up. We got a party to throw your show on. We do. It's getting late and we got a sinko, we got a independence to celebrate. Matt White. So probably shouldn't have said his name. Not Independence.
Starting point is 02:03:05 What? It's not Independence. Yes, it was. The single to my is the Mexicans, they banded together and they abolished their head of, in the Eterali reserve of Mexican Independence Day is in September.
Starting point is 02:03:20 It's every day. Around here, I celebrate Valentine's Day every day. Mexican Independence is every day and Holocaust remembrance. I celebrate all's, every day. Around here, I celebrate Valentine's Day every day, Mexican Independences every day, and Holocaust Remembrance. I celebrate all those three every day. Wow, those are three weird flavors. So you have to always remember, John, if you're not remembering the Holocaust every day, then it could happen again at any moment.
Starting point is 02:03:38 Well, isn't that true? Isn't that true? I mean, what's reminded of it every day? Yeah, I thought Holocaust Remembrance Day was April 15th, by the way. Isn't that when we send them all the money? To remember, isn't that when they take all our fucking money to them? It's like, isn't it like no dancing in the in zone? Isn't there like touchdown celebration laws thats that apply to the Holocaust remembrance?
Starting point is 02:04:06 Yeah, no touchdown celebrating near the synagogue. Yeah. They shut down my favorite pizza restaurant on the Armenian Holocaust Remembrance Day, which definitely makes me remember it. What's your favorite pizza restaurant? It's right down the street, I'm not gonna say, oh, but it's, it's our, it's our, it's Armenian owned. I guess. Yeah. Or controlled.
Starting point is 02:04:27 Hmm. Only. That's funny. Four perent disease for Armenia. It's getting Armenian. Remember in the day, I said, well, yeah, right. I'm never going, I'm not going to hashtag this shit. This doesn't apply to me. I'm not Armenian. Hey, what's up? I'd like an extra large pizza. Dude, we're closed because of Armenian holocaust day. What the fuck? Why'd they answer the phone?
Starting point is 02:04:54 I don't know. I don't know. That was weird. Why? Just have a parade. Don't shut down pizza restaurants. Wait, do you have a- What the fuck were you doing in the mines?
Starting point is 02:05:04 Do you have a parade? Just go be there. There's some Turks. They do have a parade for Armenian, Armenian remembrance day. Yeah. It's like Halloween, but you go to every auto body repair place in LA, knocking on the door.
Starting point is 02:05:19 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, and then they give you flopples. That's how they celebrate. Oh, God. Dude, bro, I feel like. They get very serious about that in Glendale. Oh, yeah. And then they give you floffles. That's how they celebrate. Dude, bro, I think. They get very serious about that in Glendale. Oh, yeah. No shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:31 Yeah, they got serious enough to shut down a pizza restaurant. How serious does your cause? There is nothing that has ever happened that justifies closing a pizza restaurant for one day. I don't care what it is, nothing. Nothing has ever been that important to remember that you need to close down a pizza restaurant because if you want pizza, you deserve to have the pizza that you want.
Starting point is 02:05:53 You're pretty sure it's in the Bill of Rights. Millions of America's go hungry if a pizza restaurant is or a chain. And then you gotta go, it was, I think, what is it? Pizza boy? Is that the restaurant that it is? Yeah, I always get, sounds like a pizza joint West Hollywood great. Yeah, great pizza. It's good. It's really good. It's really good. Yeah. I had to go to pizza. I know. A.S. girls is well
Starting point is 02:06:13 we could order from pizza man. Well, there's no substitute for the pizza that you want it. It's funny. I order from the same place. Their food's great. It is Armenian owned. Apparently. Yeah. No wonder they give you such really good deals, bro. Matt from Texas here, a few weeks ago, my 13-year-old daughter told me she had a new boyfriend, and she'd like my wife and me to meet him. Of course, we said we would love to meet him, but I was a little uneasy because this was my daughter's first boyfriend. Anyway, last Saturday, the guy shows up in my house wearing that blue dick show, yeah, shirt. No way. Shit.
Starting point is 02:06:52 He seemed like a really nice and polite kid. He was her same age, nothing wrong with him. Not autistic or degenerate at all. This made me suspect that he may not be a dickhead. I was really starting to, it's supposed to be okay. I was really starting to suspect that my daughter gave him the shirt just to get me to like him. After a few rounds of smash brothers, I decided to put him to the test. Hey, Ryan, I said, let me ask you something. What is the weathervane of truth? Without skipping a beat, the kid replies,
Starting point is 02:07:26 female anger is the weather vein of truth. If you want proof, just tell one of them they should hit the treadmill a little more. I laughed, gave the kid a pat on the back and said, welcome to the family son, my wife looked horrified. Thanks for the show, Sean. Keep up the good work, dick go fuck yourself. Can you believe that? That's a great one. Keep up the good work. Dick, go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 02:07:45 Can you believe that? That's a great one. I am a multi-generational litmus test for your worth as a man. That's so funny. And that's unfuckin' real. A quote. That's my first mind from the book
Starting point is 02:07:58 is female anger is the weather vein of truth. Because if you're pissing women off, you sing something true. You look good. You're like one level above below arranged marriages now. Like you're, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's our, that's our etiquette that we do on this side. Ryan Smith says, instant rage when women
Starting point is 02:08:16 tried a mansplaneshit to me, I was cutting up sausage for our two toddlers and my wife just tried to lecture me on choking hazards. I don't need that. A simple fucking, you didn't cut it small enough with suffice. I understand why I don't need your naggy explanation. They do love to nag. New moms will make, they will, it's not enough for them to correct you. They need you to admit. They need you to accept that their judgment is also correct.
Starting point is 02:08:48 Not that there's, that there's no paranoia. Her majesty needs to be pleased at all times and assured that she's not being paranoid or neurotic. That indeed I have cut these sausages too large for, I tried to kill our kids. Basically at every meal. It's like, I got it. I got it. I got it. I'm not supposed to do that. Smaller bites. I got it.
Starting point is 02:09:12 That bite is too big. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it.
Starting point is 02:09:20 I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I'm not supposed to do that. Smaller bites. I got it.
Starting point is 02:09:29 That bite is too big. Okay. Got it. I mean, it's because he could choke. If you tell me, if you explain choking to me, one more time, I'm gonna choke you. You are gonna swallow the length of my forearm. If I get, if you need to explain,
Starting point is 02:09:45 you don't need to explain it. Just tell me, you want the bite smaller. My sister does that to her poor, poor husband all the time. Um, dictators says, gas cans are fucked because the gas can lobby. You ever use, you've used gas can recently? No, yeah, it's like solving a Rubik's Cube. Try to fuckin' pull it up, you get shit all over yourself. The gas cans are fucked because the gas can lobby, it exists no kidding, pushed a series of laws that require all gas cans to be environmentally friendly with all sorts of shit on the spout,
Starting point is 02:10:17 less the tiniest drop or with a vapor escape. Never mind that you can spill half the can every time you try to use it. Because everyone has to buy new gas cans. What a nice coincidence for them. It's just more regulatory capture and corporate welfare, but I'm sure everything will be fixed if only we have a regulator to regulate the regulator regulators. Yeah, that's true. We need those regulator regulators. I got some advice, but honestly we've been going for quite a while. I've been going a while. I got some advice, but honestly,
Starting point is 02:10:45 we've been going for quite a while. I've been going a while. I got to play this clip. Apparently, Mr. Mediker was reading from an in-cell forum where, you know what in-cells are? Yeah, I do. Okay, guys who were involuntarily celibate were they're trying to help each other get laid.
Starting point is 02:11:01 And this was the advice. But that's like a bunch of bad advice going right? I mean, it's, well, that's life, Sean. We're all trying to help each other out. But I mean, if they're in that, if they're giving each other, the what they need is advice from an outside, so bad advice. They don't, what I found is fat people like giving fat people advice. You know what, you know what, Dick? You know what, doesn't work. What I've been doing. Oh, yeah, you tell me what doesn't work. I've been doing another what, doesn't work. What I've been doing. Oh yeah. Now you tell me what doesn't work. I've been doing another thing that doesn't work.
Starting point is 02:11:27 Oh okay, okay. We're now just much closer. Okay, that's closer. Oh now I know to try that and tell you that it didn't work. Yes. I feel like they're sort of coming up with this insular strategy inside their own vacuum
Starting point is 02:11:41 and kind of testing all this weird, insiled stuff. And they might figure out like a level of game we didn't even know existed. I think your own experimentation, they're like, you know what, just feeder, like these, you know, three foods and it makes whatever or like give her roofies. Alchemist, whatever they're figuring out.
Starting point is 02:12:00 Hopefully not that one. I agree with you. As I thought, feet or something special, is this just like a roofy exchange forum at this point? Well, the secret is the plausible deniability. Like we have, you can get a chick a little sauce and lie and not be yourself, whatever, but you're trying to con her into a sexual relationship with someone who you are
Starting point is 02:12:29 not. Sure. Right, and then you drop that away and be someone else. So they're just pushing the balance of that. How much of that are we allowed to do? Because I'm definitely not that guy. But what I'm saying is, when outsider guy comes in and says, hey, listen, you guys are in cells. You don't know shit about getting late.
Starting point is 02:12:46 Let me tell you how it is. I get late all the time. That's just like the same old thing. Yeah. I'm not going to tell you guys to discover something weird inside their alchemist in cell. Well, I'm sure it'll probably be weird alchemist in cell. One can only hope it is weird.
Starting point is 02:13:02 All right. Well, here's some of their advice that I thought was pretty funny. He's so he's reading from the in-self forum. One in-sell is giving advice to everybody on the forum. Okay. There are many things you should never reveal to a woman. Don't tell her if you're into a hardcore pornography. Don't tell her if you're involved with men's rights
Starting point is 02:13:19 or the manosphere. If you own a copy of the alphabet of manliness, like me, hide it. So hide if you have Maddox's book, hide it and in cells like me, wait, what have his book? That's Maddox's book. Yeah. That's all good advice. That was all good advice. Yeah, put my book out there. That'll get him. Wait, wait, what's the name of Maddox's book? The alphabet of manliness. Is he being ironic or is he being...
Starting point is 02:13:50 That's the one that sold. Oh no, that was when he was... That was his best seller. Yeah, that was his book. That was when he was... There's no way he didn't believe that. There is no way that this George character he's invented is anywhere remotely close to what he actually believes. He moved
Starting point is 02:14:06 to LA and his brain got fried. Yeah, destroyed. LA destroyed him. And then the girl that he dated most recently, the half black girl who has a restraining order for trying to call for calling 80s girls job, she finished the job. Well, she took the broken man and molded him into a severe SJW. Yeah, she Darth Vadered him LA cut him down cut his arms off and she took the broken husk of the man and molded him into Pigmalion him into a total pussy. I just watched that movie two days ago
Starting point is 02:14:39 So three episode three. I love those movies People shit on those prequels. Yeah. But they're actually fantastic. They're like a shick spirit and tragedy of this little boy. You watch this kid just get fucked over by everyone. He gets kidnapped by some weird old Jedi, right? Yeah. Then the dude is like, you have to train. Nobody wants to train him.
Starting point is 02:15:00 He dies. He makes Obi-Wan promise to train him. So now he's got to get trained by a guy that doesn't even like him. He can't get anything as fucking mom dies. He makes Obi-Wan promise to train him. So now he's got to get trained by a guy that doesn't even like him. He can't get anything as fucking mom dies. Like it's a, it's a, if you watch it through the right lens, it's like a Shakespearean tragedy. The lens of how much acid we have to be on. Yeah, to enjoy enough enough for the lens to take shape, you know. I hate those movies so much that I listen to the plinket reviews while I work out. Nice. Because it pumps me up. You hit, you know, all the, you know, all the Star Wars, right? No, I, I love the first three.
Starting point is 02:15:29 Yeah. I love the fucking Ewoks. I think they're great. I think everyone who doesn't like Ewok can suck a cock. Well, who's one of the first movies I can watch seeing in a theater? People, people should on Ewoks. What? Well, well, you know, a lot of people say that, uh, that anti-Ewok sentiment
Starting point is 02:15:42 that came out when he made them, you know, is the same thing that came out against Jar Jar, the same kind of, what is this? This is goofy, cartoony kid shit. I just really don't like that. If you watch that first one and you just imagine Jar Jar as like a black dude in space, makes sense. Do you have to imagine it? Well, that was a lot of articles on that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:05 Uh, um, you got advice, but I think I'd rather do voicemails. What do you think, Sean? Uh, Facebook news and voicemails? Yeah, Facebook news and voicemails. All right, everybody. This has been the Dix show, Sean, as you know. Galt, I can't wait to see you next thing. Yeah, we've, uh, we've got some good stuff in the works.
Starting point is 02:16:26 Yeah. Everyone that likes it, we can follow us on social media. Do you have a Patreon or a new project too, or anything that you can do in the community? No, we're gonna throw money in. We're gonna fire up a new Patreon too. It'll be under the faction. And then on social media, you can find us
Starting point is 02:16:39 at the faction 1776, you know, Twitter and Instagram. And all that shit. Yeah. Find us on my space. If you're really hot and have big tits, we'll put you in our top eight friends. Oh, yeah. Top eight friends.
Starting point is 02:16:56 Do you get chicks hitting you up? Yeah, I mean, like I was, you asked this before, but yeah, sometimes, you know, girls will like write you like conservative girls and they'll be really pumped after you. We do a hit, you know what I mean, but they're they're they're pretty cool. They're just happy that people out there doing stuff better getting out getting in the mix, you know, anything Trump's doing. It's weird. I don't know exactly but on on one hand, I'm pissed that the wall's not done, but then I have to be humble.
Starting point is 02:17:29 I don't know if there's more he could do. I don't know, right? It's things are complex behind the scenes, so who knows? I don't like that he sends all this money to other places, you know, like Israel and stuff. I don't like... Holocaust though, are you remembering?
Starting point is 02:17:44 Well, the day... No, no, no, it's not that I remember. I'm never not thinking about it. Yeah. It was a difference. The fact that you actually stopped thinking about it and then remembered it's actually a time. I know, no, don't say, I've never stopped thinking about the Holocaust. No, you said you remember.
Starting point is 02:18:02 That was my first words where hashtag Holocaust. He was just testing. I was just testing you. Oh, so that was a whole thing. Yeah. All these walls are going to drop away. Oh, yeah. So, you know, I don't like, I don't like the money going there. I don't like, and you know, my thing is I just really want him to build the wall, do what he said. And I want more chaos, right? Right. Right. Me being group talk about. No. Jesus. We just that's why we that's why we hired him. We don't want it. We want him to be an ass. Wreck it. Wreck everything. Wreck it. You want to try to wreck more ass. Yes. Yeah. Just pipe it down. You know, all the way to the base.
Starting point is 02:18:46 Me too. And I want to see him do whatever is possible for people. First of all, the first amendment needs to go full digital. You know, it needs to cover people on the internet. We got to pull, it's crazy reading the reactions to the bannings on social media, the left laughs and shit. It's crazy reading the reactions to the bannings on social media that left lapsensh. That's crazy, but so many people just don't understand that there was a law passed protecting social media companies from the, from the harm caused by their moderation that just has to be repealed. Nobody else has that law because America has always functioned based on lawsuits.
Starting point is 02:19:26 Like all the, and all of America, all of it from the very beginning have even slate, like basic human rights exist because somebody sued somebody for them and a collection of people decided who was right based on like our collective morality. And the section 230 of the, like the, I think it's the DMCA. It's part of the digital, the William copyright act, but it's not specifically. Section 230 was passed and bars, and bars, social media, bars media companies from the farm caused by their moderation decisions. Because of that, we cannot use this beautiful legal system that exists only to figure out what is right.
Starting point is 02:20:08 Like, Alex Jones should be sued. They can be sued, but they'll lose. Yeah. Or they'll win, no matter what, because it's a moderation decision. Just repeal the one thing that stops our beautiful expensive legal system from getting in, like Alex John suit,
Starting point is 02:20:25 imagine the lawsuits that would result the next day as soon as you're repeal, oh, everybody's so, now you guys actually, now you have a business incentive to support the first amendment where none existed before. Like, I don't even mind the bakery that got sued for not making a cake for those guys is the gay couple. Oh, yeah. First of all, the gay couple were opportunists and went around doing this.
Starting point is 02:20:52 We're looking for it. They were trying to do this, which is fine. But that it went to court is the solution. That's when somebody can sit there, figure it out, actually, present the facts that we need to make a decision, and then some other people can handle it. The way we have now, where it's just screaming into the void, because nobody can take this to court where it belongs is insane.
Starting point is 02:21:19 And people don't get it. They just point to their principles. You have no recourse. And they, they, they, they, constant free market, you have no recourse and they they they Constant free market for it's back over and over but it's just like no It's it's the fucking it's the one thing making this happen. We have a system We're not using I used to be that I used to be that guy before I had to change my mind I used to think that well if Facebook can ban whoever they want, you know the super libertarian argument
Starting point is 02:21:43 And then I realized wait a second. I'm wrong because for one, there's a monopoly and they push everyone out. Yeah. Right? Look at gab gets. Yeah. TCs got to get on that too. Like we have shit that is, we have shit that can handle this.
Starting point is 02:21:55 We're not using it. And the other thing is that if you want to go get your ideas out there, you don't go to the town square anymore and stand on your, on your soapbox. Right. This brings up the whole town square. and stand on your soapbox. This brings up the... It brings up the... This brings up the... Defacto public platform, right? That's also a precedent.
Starting point is 02:22:09 These are all real things that the legal system will figure out if we can just use it. I want... I think that everyone outside of breaking certain laws, to be able to say whatever they want, if it's if I don't care. As long as not doing that. I don't know, to be able to say whatever they want. Yeah, if it's if I don't care. As long as not doing that. I don't want Lewis Faracan banned.
Starting point is 02:22:28 I don't want these people banned. I want everyone, including people I don't like, to be able to talk. Yeah, that Lou, that Faracan thing was rough. Like I feel worse for Faracan than I do for all the kids. What happened with him recently? They banned, so they banned a bunch of conservatives and they threw Faracan in the mix.
Starting point is 02:22:46 I think because he's the first example people go to because he's very anti-Semitic. He's never remembers Holocaust, not even one day a year. No, he, no, you know what it is? He's actively forgetting it. Yeah, perpetually forgetting it. He tries to misremember it. Like he has tapes in his sleep that he plays,
Starting point is 02:23:05 telling him to like that the Holocaust is something else so he can misremember it. Yeah, yeah. Well, that's how bad he is. Whoa. So they kicked him. He's like, when he pays his income tax, he writes on there,
Starting point is 02:23:20 don't send any of this to Israel and under, he pays additional, no, he has to. No, he sends an of this to Israel. And under, he pays additional, nobody has to think. He sends an additional check to Palestine. He takes, he sees how much money the US gives to Israel and then he does like a ratio and sends a check for that amount to Palestine to counter out the amount that he has to pay
Starting point is 02:23:40 by the US government. They banned him too. Yeah. They banned Farrakhan. So they can go see, see, we get both. But it's like, well, yeah, but he's like kind of retarded. Like, why that was it necessary for you to bail a new dog stepped up to defend him? Do you see that? Yes. And that's a great example of how nobody on the other side ever supports, like, ever, they don't react from the gut. Well, anyway, Hans Gruber. Yes, thank you for coming in.
Starting point is 02:24:15 Yeah, it was chill, man, I'm just hanging out. What makes you rage, buddy? Man, I try not to rage because I'm just so disappointed in everything and all of this. I know. I know. I like that. And if I let myself rage, I would just be raging all day. You're going to set up a Patreon. He's lying. Yeah. How am I lying? You have a lot of rage and you just let it out. Let it out. Okay. You're going to see what you got. Let me think. Let me think. I'm going to like unsubscribe and like.
Starting point is 02:24:46 Oh yeah, but good. That's all, that's a whole nother. Dig deep. You don't talk like that either. That was a hard, silly voice. You know what it is? What makes me rage is my Filipino neighbor lady. Okay.
Starting point is 02:25:02 She fucking pisses me off, dude. She's been a bitch to me. You know the off, dude. She's been a bitch to me. You know the one, right? She's been a bitch to me since the day I moved in, right? My apartment, it's like a small apartment complex. I live in like a courtyard area, our doors are next to each other. And then if you walk through the courtyard
Starting point is 02:25:17 and take a left is the driveway, right? So we have this gate and it's like a gate on wheels. And I close it because I let my dog go to the bathroom and hang out while I smoke. And she's always complaining about this gate being closed, right? Calling my landlord, like sometimes I'll be out there, she'll pull up in her car and like gets out of a car
Starting point is 02:25:40 and gives me this like these looks, you know, and like she's feeling, you know, curse looks. Yeah, yeah those look. Like, oh, the gate, you know? But the thing is, we don't live in a great neighborhood, right? So we got a lot of like crack heads and shit that wander into our building. There was one guy that was like a local rapist, right?
Starting point is 02:26:00 And we had a local rapist. A local rapist specialized in one area. Local rapists. No, you're reviewing on Yelp because to see. My neighborhood has a face. Find rapists in your local areas. My neighborhood has a Facebook group. And where we taught, like, oh, I found this dog
Starting point is 02:26:18 or has anyone tried this restaurant on whatever street. And for like two weeks, it was like rapist sightings of like Terry is this guy over here. And he was like wrecking coffee shops and following like baristas from like the Indy coffee shop to their cars. Even like one lady said he tried to sort of like push his way into her part. The guy was a local rapist. Right.
Starting point is 02:26:39 He was out looking at rape. And this woman rapist be raping my neighbor. She lived with her mother who was like this older lady like, LTR, 90 something years old. Like, that's my tender friend. Not DTF. LTR. So her old mom can hang out at home and have her gate closed, but the screen door, right?
Starting point is 02:27:01 Like, not rape proof at all. No. And this rapist comes into our building, right? And he's like sniffing around and looking at stuff. And I work, I have an office in my apartment, so I work from home. And I go out there and I'm like, are you lost? Are you looking for someone?
Starting point is 02:27:17 He's real shady, looks kind of dangerous. And I sort of just sort of like kind of shove him out of there. Like, you know, you gotta go, but, you know, but had I not been there, I think this 91 year old woman would have gotten raped, right? And this woman is the mother of this Filipino lady that's like, just giving me shit all the time. For closing a gate.
Starting point is 02:27:36 For keeping the gate closed, you know? And I'm like, bitch, like, you have, you're work all day, you have no fucking clue what's going on here in this little zone. We live right next to a 7-11. You get pretty fucking bruff. Oh yeah, 7-11s are magnets, man. Yeah, the rapist especially.
Starting point is 02:27:50 That's wild. At least not the transient. It's like in Starcraft, you know, when you played Zerg, when you put down a building, it had blight, like creepy goo, and then you can sprout more shit on there. Okay. 7-11s have like a blight. That just, no, they do.
Starting point is 02:28:07 That's what we got, like, yeah. You can see where the blight ends by like flaming hop, Cheeto, hot dog boxes, big gulp cups, like as the pizza triangles, yeah, pizza triangles, is that expanse? That's the blight. And any form of crackhead or zombie or meth dude can like spawn inside this blight at any moment. That's moment. That's so funny. Yeah. It's it's so yeah and so
Starting point is 02:28:31 You know this bitch like She's fucking drives me crazy man. I think what it is is when I first moved in I had a lot of like different girls coming over. Like, and she might be Catholic. And like, there were some like, so she hates gay late night, like noises. She hates gay. I know, I think she hates me. You gotta put a sign on the gate
Starting point is 02:28:52 that says, gate must remain closed. Why? Yeah, and then you could just point to the sign. That's a good idea. That's a good idea. She left the sign. No rapes. No rapes.
Starting point is 02:29:02 Rape free zone. She left a sign that was like a handwritten and sharpie piece of notepad on top of the mailbox that was like, please deblaublaubla the gate. And we're in this passive aggressive. She's never directly talked to me about it. Okay, so she respects the sign culture. Human beings function on signs
Starting point is 02:29:21 and the more professional looking sign has authority. Why must you sign? Where I drew a picture of like a racist bucktooth. Already very emotional signs, right? And I put it on top of the first sign. Yeah, yeah. And I left it there for a few hours and I felt bad. So I wanted to get down, but I was heated, man.
Starting point is 02:29:41 I was just like, you need to have a professionally made sign. Get it on Etsy or something. And then put that. No, cause the landlord, well, he's all, he's kind of being a **** about. Oh, wow! I'd love to say that. No, you're not allowed to say that in the world.
Starting point is 02:29:55 No! Oh, shit. I'm sorry. He's being, I don't have any other words. I don't have any other words. I don't have any other words. I don't have any other words. I don't have any other words. I can't express myself without these words. Um, she's any other words. I don't have any other words.
Starting point is 02:30:05 I can't express myself without these words. Um, she's, she's, he's up, he's like a pass of aggressive. Kinda doesn't want to. Yeah. All right. You guys are done. All right. The guys are done.
Starting point is 02:30:19 Go enjoy the party. This has been the Dixho everybody. I'm sorry., slash the Dixho. It is the signs are important. Hey, oh, my dad is here. That's right. Hey, how you doing? You want to hop on?
Starting point is 02:30:29 We can give him a spot. How you doing? Is it really? Yeah, that's my dad. You want to answer some advice, dad? And then we won't do voice mail. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:40 Yeah. Excuse me. Like going to movies, the Avengers fell over everybody. Gosh, let me see if I. Oh, this is a, here, this guy needs some advice. Uh, this is sad gooey. Dad, how you doing? I'm good. Good to see you. Happy single to my, oh, happy single to my old you too. Mexican Independence Day from the French.
Starting point is 02:30:58 Yep. Sean C. It's not Independence Day. It is. It was a battle, wasn't it? It's a French. It's a Mexican Independence Day in September. Well, they have two or three.
Starting point is 02:31:07 You know, really? People are always enslaving us and keeping us down. You're talking to real Mexicans. They actually come up. Well, sort of. Except hell. I think it was a hundred percent white hair guys. It's a lot of things.
Starting point is 02:31:18 Here comes this thing. My family was on the French side. Really? Yeah. My, yeah, they were French. Really? Yes. Oh, we were the bad guys. Well, it depends on history. Yeah. Yeah. But you're recording the history. Wait, you're Mexican, right? Well, yeah, but there are people. There's a lot of raping going on in the French invaded Mexico. Everybody made that. Mexico. Back then, everybody moved to Mexico. Yeah. Nowadays,
Starting point is 02:31:42 no. Yeah. They move here. Okay. This guy said, hey, Dick, I had sex with four girls who may or may not be prostitutes and what may or may not be Nevada. Well, so you had sex with four prostitutes and Nevada. However, the problem is that I have a girlfriend and I've been dating for a long time, that I've been dating for a long time, despite her being fat as fuck, I find myself still being very emotionally attracted to her. What those guys said.
Starting point is 02:32:10 I feel guilty for cheating and think I should break up with her, but also I don't really want to. I haven't told her what happened, but I never do. But I have no idea if I should or what to do at this point. First of all, why would you ever tell her? That doesn't help. This people's obsession with honesty. Never, it never helps the person that you're telling.
Starting point is 02:32:36 I don't think any good can come from. Just say you're breaking it. Yeah, we're not too sure. You're giving advice. Dicks down. I'm giving him time to think. This is what I do when people come in. I read and give shit.
Starting point is 02:32:44 What could he advise? And then let them think about it for a minute. Um, this is and secondly, she has been, she's basically been cheating on you with food. To get that, to get that big. So I think it evens out. If you need, if you really need it, well, send, send yourself an email from a fake account telling you it's okay. But it depends how big she is because she might be so big that four girls doesn't even count for the weight she gained. That's true. There's a ratio. That's true.
Starting point is 02:33:17 It might not be cheating. If she's so big such that the four women put together, do you not be able to hurt her? He got in a fifth or a sixth and if she's that big. Yeah, you round deal with her? He's got in a fifth or a sixth and if she's that big. Yeah, you round down with women. If you have sex with a woman, this is an absolute law in the Bible. If you have sex with a woman that weighs less than your wife, you round it down
Starting point is 02:33:35 so you have not in fact cheated. You've not in fact had sex, extramarital sex. Do you see what I'm saying? But if there's a remainder, no, no, you round it down. You just round it down. So you have to have, if you have sex with two women, and they together way more than your wife, then you have, that's, that's, that's one. Well, if you handcuff them together, then they're one person. That's, that's still cheating. If they lay way, if they collectively weigh more, then
Starting point is 02:34:01 your wife, then it's cheating. But if they weigh less, yes, a free pee. That's what that's how math works Did you have any advice? Oh, yeah, you're overthinking it Okay, so what's the answer? Don't overthink it. No, what just dump his girlfriend just run it. No, I just just don't think so Just take care of yourself. Don't reme, it's not the Holocaust. Yeah, it's just door prostitutes. You don't need to remember it every day, you know?
Starting point is 02:34:31 You never need to run away. He's the where I came from. Let's see here. Oh, here we go. Had, hello, my name is Had, not to be confused with Thad. The Aussie that you owe a doctor pepper to. I come today to ask for your advice and because your boomer asks, want to meet us in your
Starting point is 02:34:50 email, I'm a tri citizen of Australia, England and New Zealand. I have been in the USA since 2014 on a visa. My sister is now offering to help me leave the bonds of my parents and let me live with her in New Zealand. My intention with this email is not to make them look bad. I love them, but understandably I wish to move on with that part of my life, which they are reluctant to allow to happen.
Starting point is 02:35:13 Whoa. Allow? Yeah, wait, what? What do you mean adult? Did you ever have such feelings? What? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:21 I still have a year left of high school. Oh, okay. But I know I can do it there. So pros, freedom, personal, financial and sexual, getting together with my e-girl, who I've known since Digi Bro did pony stuff, getting away from a nagging family, cons, I don't know how to take care of myself
Starting point is 02:35:43 in the big world and I'll have to learn fast. Get a normy job till I graduate to help pay for my fair share, get semi disowned by my parents. Wow, so this is like a 17 year old kid who wants to know if he should move to New Zealand. From America? Yeah, to be with a... It's finished a year out. To be with his e-girl as for the girlfriend
Starting point is 02:36:05 I've known her for a long time for six years at this point. She's not the greatest looker-wise. She's on the chubby side Look how you under a common denominator They the big problem. Yes It is a big problem. It is a expansion of the universe is a big problem The expansion of the universe most a big problem. The expansion of the universe. The most dark matter is found inside women. I don't know if you guys knew that. It was just found recently.
Starting point is 02:36:31 They put that Hadron collider together. Hands are good, but honestly, the best part is her commitment and continuous positive comments toward me. That's a trick. Women all do that trick. I recently won the Virgin Contest from some Trinder Mexican guy I picked up, but honestly, I don't think I want anyone else but her.
Starting point is 02:36:53 I don't understand that. Dick screaming here. See you later, Dick, and until then go fuck yourself. We've got a 17 year old boy, man. Is he a virgin? Well, he said he's a virgin at the end. Yeah, but then he said, I didn't understand that part.
Starting point is 02:37:08 If he had sex with a guy or not. That's kind of what I'm getting from that. Trinder, I don't know what that is either. I'm gonna ignore that part and just focus on the rest of it. He's a 17 year old, he's a 17 year old man coming into his own, wondering if he should leave his parents to go bang a chubby girl. He's never met.
Starting point is 02:37:30 And his parents are here. He said he's been in the US on a visa and his parents are here too, I guess. Since 2014. He should wait 10 months or whatever it is. To graduate high school. Yeah, you're probably going to get it. It's not worth all this chaos for an extra 10 months, and then you, it might,
Starting point is 02:37:46 it's likely not gonna work out with this girl. Well, or the worst thing that happens is it does work out, and if she's 17 now, she is gonna balloon up like a blimp when that metabolism drops off. And then, to make it work, I'll have to bang like four girls on the side, and that's gonna be hard for him. That's it, even it out.
Starting point is 02:38:04 That's a lot of work. Yeah, it seems like the people who get their high school equivalency degrees. Yeah, like it's one of those ideas that's good in theory, but it's never, it's a little whack and part in this. There's a stigma, yeah. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:23 What he should do is not do that and then go get a job in the oil industry or go become like an electrician. Oh, I have an idea. Stop talking to this girl halfway around the world and see how that influences your decisions. Yeah. Be five minutes ago, you were 12. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:45 Uh, there's plenty of girls around you right down the street. They're all dumber than hell. You can trick any of them into having sex with you and saying nice things about you. It's more opportunity here. Chad, what do you think? Well, fantasies are always titillating. So he's, he's fantasizing about somebody in the other side of the planet and given that she's so far away He can fantasize all day because he's never gonna come in contact with her. Yeah, so just you know
Starting point is 02:39:10 Enjoy it while you can because that Fantasy fantasization Tidilization When you get turned into a soft drink. It's it's just so much fun when you're 17 You got tons of these fantasies, and they just dry up. So enjoy while you can. Are you saying that he should move? Or that he should?
Starting point is 02:39:30 Yeah, if he has the wherewithal to do it. It's not like, okay, my dad says, fuck high school, go to New Zealand. And knock, knock, knock, knock, knock up his family. Knock her up. Knock up, should he knock, he should use on, see where it goes. He's got two other countries he can escape to.
Starting point is 02:39:44 You see, this is what they do. He's a tricittison. Oh, that's right. He's got two other countries he can escape to. You see, this is what they think he's a tricitison. Oh, that's right. So if he does that, he can go to Australia or if things get really bad, just go to the UK. This is James Bond's backstory. He moved around the world to being a fat chick that he met online. Right.
Starting point is 02:39:58 Good kids. What about the Mexican duty picked off of a bootleg Tinder? I don't know about that. I don't know anything. This is what you guys did to our economy, by the way. That same kind of thinking. You boomers.
Starting point is 02:40:07 What are you, what? I just see what happens. Fuck it. That's all right. Yeah. Prince some, we're not already fighting a war. We're fighting three. Ah, so we're good at it.
Starting point is 02:40:16 Let's do more. Maybe one more. Hey, dick big fan here. Been listening. Oh, let me, no, no. There's a letter I wanted to read that I accidentally read last week. Let me read this. Oh, yeah, that's right. Whoa, beautiful person. Hold handwritten letter. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Don't say don't don't say my name. Um, that's good. I would think you would not want letters at your age. They have good news? No, that it should, they're always like IRS, taxes,
Starting point is 02:40:47 that's all he letters are. It's Holocaust, remember and stay though. Yeah, I stopped for two minutes. Don't say my name, nevermind, decided not to write it. Smart. Yeah. Dear Lord, I hope you can read my handwriting. It's written in cursive.
Starting point is 02:41:00 Really nice cursive. I've been enjoying your antics since episode seven of the biggest problem. I truly enjoy how you seem to cut through bullshit and seem to accidentally land on genius thoughts like my commentary on the psychology industry, Sean. Yeah, genius. That was one of my genius thoughts. You really stumbled on that one.
Starting point is 02:41:24 I'm probably older than your average reader, and wanted some dating advice that I think you'll have problems producing. I don't have problems socializing or fucking, I was recently dumped. My problem is that I don't have time. I'm a single father. What's up? No, I'm just saying hello. I'm a single father.
Starting point is 02:41:44 You see how I notice everything that's going on around me? You do, you have a peripheral vision like a fucking chameleon. Like the Daredevil. Oh yeah, yeah, like Daredevil, right? I'm a single father, a product of my, that's what it's like dating me. I notice all screw ups constantly.
Starting point is 02:42:00 Oh, I know. All day, yeah. And in my compassionate self, I choose to ignore most of them. Do you? I thought you always pointed them out to help the other person. Sometimes I do. Yeah, sometimes I do. Yeah, we call sometimes all the times. I'm a single father, a product of my crummy crazy. Wow, I really can't recursive. Crazy, youthful sex life. I sacrifice all my time, bettering myself and protecting my daughter's future. I didn't have enough time for my last girlfriend's insecurities, quotes.
Starting point is 02:42:36 So she left me. I don't have a social avenue because school, parenting, and work. Also I don't drink. What the hell? This is obviously made up. Sorry, I wrote all that and not drink. I think I'll find someone eventually, but I get lonely, and would like to build a life with a partner. Should I just not worry about it right now? I'm in my early 30s. Sean is amazing. You're pretty cool too. Um, go to church. Isn't that what church is there for? Well, this is daughter didn't say.
Starting point is 02:43:08 I don't know. Isn't that like their whole deal? They get people like the bad, the, the, the dark side is my side drinking in drugs and like, yeah, satisfying in every single whim and craving that you have. Well, the girls who go to church generally want to start families. Right. I mean, he's already got a family. They're in luck. He's already got a kid. Yeah. Girls that could make a yeah, they do that shit. Especially the ones that go to shit. He could meet like another a single mom. That's like the Brady Bush. Yeah, and then connect. Yeah. Is that what he was looking for? He wasn't looking for banging, right? No, because he said he can fuck early
Starting point is 02:43:44 on. Yeah, he gets. He gets loaned. Either because he said he can fuck early on. Yeah, he gets alone. Either you gotta go, you gotta either go hard, dark side or hard light side, right? With cursive like that though, he's probably gotta shit together. This is church cursive. Yeah. Right there.
Starting point is 02:43:57 This is beautiful, elegant. Look at Nick. He seems happy. He seems not lonely at all. No, how could he be? He can't get away from people. And if he ever said nine kids, yeah, it would ruin my perception of him.
Starting point is 02:44:08 So he cannot ever keep that to yourself. Dad, what do you think? What should this guy do? Yeah, I like the idea of socializing in church to get things rolling, especially in his under his circumstances. So the other thing is, the land at land himself a priest. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:27 Also, just taking care of his daughter and showing her sports and whatever, art, whatever, just staying involved with her. Church is one of those. You had to plug in the sports. Yeah, I knew it. I was, I was gonna let that go. Sports. Yeah, it was important. Yeah. What do you think about all the trends, the heroic trends, male, the heroic trans female athletes that are destroying all the record, destroying world records that, and scull and skulls. People in fear your women have accrued over the years.
Starting point is 02:44:54 Well, what really pisses me off, that you can't disqualify a horse because he came off the center a few feet and the Kentucky Derby, that was red, did you hear about that? That's not what I asked I asked about trans stuff not the worst is well it's the same idea. I mean you're talking about people bumping people out of their lane Are you talking about the like the semia the
Starting point is 02:45:17 He's a lot of the a lot of meter world champion About powerlifter powerlifter. I mean it's's powerlifters. Or women in, we're talking about trans women in MMA. So, how's trans women fighting women? To me, it's kind of a problem. Because. Did you regret not having done it? Like, do you wish, if you go back, would you become a trans woman?
Starting point is 02:45:36 So, you could get some records? No, I don't think, no, I wouldn't do that. Why? You're committed. You got to work out every day. Yeah, I was just this close to do it in the men's side Why would I go to the women's side? You know what this you know at this distance is what is that difference between being a winner and a loser That's what you're telling me right now. How bad do you want to win? How bad do you want to win? Not that bad
Starting point is 02:45:59 Okay, yeah, you want it. I don't know maybe the ups maybe it has has some upside. I just can't imagine it. It's entirely upside. It's all upside. Yeah. Get these women the hell at us. Get them off. And you know what? These dudes that do it, they don't even have to cut off their junk or get implants. They just declare it.
Starting point is 02:46:15 They put on some eyelashes and shun your hair. Yeah, you wouldn't even have to do anything. You can just put on some lead press on nails. Some rouge. Nails? Yes, sure. No, I don't like nails. I mean, you'd be a Latina's a rouge. Nails? Yeah, sure. No, I don't like nails.
Starting point is 02:46:25 I mean, you'd be a Latina woman, so you'd have big hoop earrings and nails that are 10 inches long, ruler. You wouldn't do it, you know, when I went up badly. Big acid and all those types of things, I don't want that. No, yeah. Yeah. I wonder if there's, I wonder if anybody has done that
Starting point is 02:46:40 in poker because there is a, I'm sorry, I can't get the image of your father with an enormous ass out of my head. I don't know, I don't know. I just, that happens. I'm stuck on that. There is. There is.
Starting point is 02:46:56 They split chess, like they split chess and poker because those are games of the mind between men and women. I, as there been a guy, I would love to sponsor a guy in like the world series of poker for women. Yeah, to go play poker against the women as a woman. I didn't even know that they that they did that that they split that well, you know. Didn't know that.
Starting point is 02:47:21 I don't know. No one knows why they would have done something like that. But they do have their own anxiety. But it is a magic show. Happy to go to my. I didn't know that either. You know, no one knows why. They would have done something like that. But they do have their own legs. All right, everybody, this is the Dijk show. Happy Sync at a mile. Oh, Facebook, let's do Facebook news. And then we gotta do Facebook, actually send it in.
Starting point is 02:47:33 Here we go. This is from Slimey Serbian, Facebook news. Hello, Dick and Hello Dick Hats. We like to thank you for flying Facebook news airlines and just have a few quick announcements before our final destination. Oh, right. If you look to the left of the plane, you can see Sophie Wood, who tried to purchase a full sugar red bull at a self-checkout.
Starting point is 02:47:58 The self-checkout machine, some of the human being, the check of Sophie was old enough. Comments include, boy, you go gonna work since for that red bull, might as well get your porn card while you're at it. And you can't buy red bull if you're under. With that, the UK. 18. And there's the land, you can catch your glimpse of, Christian.
Starting point is 02:48:15 I did see that. These, this guy, this teenager died because he drank like coffee and energy drinks and all kinds of stuff and then died and the fucking parents are trying to make it illegal. I guess they did already, making it illegal for anybody under 18. To buy energy drinks?
Starting point is 02:48:36 To buy energy drinks. Which means that, which I assume, means that anybody under 30 who needs an energy drink because their hungover is shit is going to get carded and there is a percentage of those people who are not going to have their wallet or their card or whatever. Yeah, who are going to get turned away. Which is. This is I mean, this is the legacy that they're leaving for their dead kid in Conveneancing hungover people in their 20s fuck you So how about you not let your how about you and how about you take responsibility for letting your kid Chug coffee like he's a like he's an overweight trash man
Starting point is 02:49:20 What the where did when did it start where kids were chugging down? First of all, fuck kids. Who fucking cares? Fuck you stupid kids. I'm drinking all that energy. Don't make it my problem. No, parents, parents, I think, offload more and more responsibility onto society. And it's just like, it's just lazy. And it's, you've got a personal responsibility or responsibility for your kids has just gone,
Starting point is 02:49:46 it's just lessened and lessened and it's almost gone. It's like, well, they shouldn't have been able to do that. It's like, you should have instilled in them that that's not a good idea. Yeah, and I would rather have a dead kid than need to go drive home and get my wallet while I'm hung over so I can buy a monster energy drink. Fuck you.
Starting point is 02:50:04 That's how the world works. It's death for convenience. Or do you know to your car not work on oil? Does it work on lots and prayers you dumb bitch? Well, I mean, by that logic, have no cars because people die. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:50:18 Here we go with the airline themed for some reason, Facebook news. Just in one team, Christian post the following life hack. If you think you have a crush on someone, jerk off, airline themed for some reason Facebook news He further goes on to say, with even worse is when you're dating someone and post fuck, realize they don't like them. David Davidson says, this is a trick to keep dickheads for reproducing. Lastly, drug men. Yeah, that's pretty good advice. Make a decision, go jerk off.
Starting point is 02:50:56 See if it influences your decision. Yeah, I was thinking of on that one. Underneath us is Carrie Grovafit. When I had felt the catch the part taking the game of total fucking loser Bingo squares include That one. only one square away from a bingo being somehow the only person who doesn't masturbate at least once a day. Clairely says, to four corners count as a bingo, I feel like I remember I've heard of that being a thing. And Alex where, would every single square, except no vehicle, virgin, and smoke, and the car acts as a secret to be. I'd like to thank you again for applying. It's crashing.
Starting point is 02:51:42 Just so. Please under your seatbelt's single work back. All right. Maybe the, maybe the new Facebook news bit is to just put more bits on the Facebook news. And no one will just read it. Yeah, I know, I know. All right, everybody. Yeah, I know, I know.
Starting point is 02:52:11 All right, everybody. Yeah, that happened. This is, um, this is the Virgin song by the Dickhead's podcast. This here is the virgin soul. Oh God, you want you to do it wrong. This is not Billboard charting. Look what an abuse it has. Three. it has. This is what I didn't play this is his song yeah The one he played last week was pretty funny
Starting point is 02:53:17 This was not working as well. This one's not working as well. Huh? Nailed it. So the day you'll have no fear. It's been that kind of show. He will be near. And you're full real slow singing in the he's singing in the key a cue I need to get up a little bit All right, we'll do you want to see on this episode? The plastic herpies!
Starting point is 02:54:08 Oh look at this, she's grabbed your pee! Sorry. Surprise only has three views, it's weird. It's weird. I like that part. Alright, the end. The end, you like the end? See ya.

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