The Dick Show - Episode 212 - Dick on Plantation Simulator

Episode Date: June 23, 2020

A week of LA Killstreams, Sophia Narwitz on the Minneapolis riots, Jesse Lee Peterson offers to marry me, back to Pilates, how fat women got on lockdown, throwing my neck out looking at boobs, Plantat...ion Simulator, Tommy Tallarico and the Earthworm Jim Amico, the Macy's beatdown, statues getting ripped down, The Last of Us: Part 2, twin trouble, girls who want to see other people and think about themselves, and how to celebrate Father's Day; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What do you think's going on? Meanwhile, meanwhile I got Jesse Lee Peterson in my other year telling me I've got to marry my girlfriend as quickly as possible and start having white babies enough to fill up a truck. Jesse Lee Peterson. Yeah, the rep of the minister. Jesse Lee Peterson that I he sat here for fucking he sat where Ralph sitting right now for three hours and tried to oh god I can't really accidentally fucked up the recording. He sat in where Ralph sitting for three hours and tried to, oh God, I guess I accidentally fucked up the recording.
Starting point is 00:00:25 He sat in where Ralph sitting for three hours and tried to convince me to marry my girlfriend. Did you spend the next hour smelling the seat when he left? What the hell is that? On this June, on this June-Tenth month, you're making these kinds of, I'm just, I don't know. I don't even know what that means.
Starting point is 00:00:44 What does it mean? Are you saying I want to shove my nose up his ass? It just sounded like a gross thing to say. Yeah, it is. Is it like set there for like an hour? You know, is that there for hours? Hours. I was like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I don't even know what the dude looks like. Cause I can't smell him over the stench of IPA in this. Oh, and it does have a little, it's got that hoppiness in here. Yeah. I've got the AC running at max. It actually smells like blood, actually. Is what it smells like.
Starting point is 00:01:11 How do you mean by that? Uh, what were you gonna say, Ralph? I forgot. He forgot something about JLP. Wasn't important. That wasn't that good. So I've got, I'm being corrupted on both sides by Riley, who's, I mean, it's not, I can't tell him he's wrong for giving the calendar invite for the, for 11 to
Starting point is 00:01:32 one and then saying in the notes that the colon is at noon, but in, but in experience, theoretically, theoretically, I can't say he's wrong for doing that, but in practice, I got to say, yeah, that's people don't read the notes ever. Never. He just say yes. I'm the calendar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Well, total ignore. Total ignore. Uh, Riley, no good deed ever goes unpunished. Uh, you will be have your balls busted. You're supposed to be Riley. You're supposed to account for everybody's idiocy. Well, it's not. It's not a countering thing. Yeah, dick, dick, you have to be, you have to have complete, complete and total fidelity to accuracy. Well, it's just something I try to impress upon everybody that nobody really is gonna fuck up.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And just, I know. No, I've had this talk with people so many fucking times, you need to take all of you out of your communication and just put in the them part. I know, it's sad but true. Noon, it's noon. And like everything else out. So as you're like, God, I hate talking down to people or acting like they're an idiot,
Starting point is 00:02:50 but then they prove to be an idiot. Well, I would, I know, I don't read that. I would have said what time? Well, it got, well, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. What's in the, what's in the, no, I know.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Ralph, you know, there's a, you gotta be right. Just explicit. If it's a step process, step by step, walked in through, you hear me when I'm trying to get people to fix their discourse, like, do this. Hit the cog, will step by step. The cog, move your mouse.
Starting point is 00:03:16 It's not to do what they don't know anything. Most important thing up top. Yeah, simple, clear, concise. Yeah, it's true. Even, even screen-shotting a attacks and moving it from one to the other will buck will bite you in the ass Guys, we need to have a good show today. A good positive show. Positivity. Positivity.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Yeah! Welcome to the, you want to dig in, dig in, dig in, dig in. You got it, it's the show! We're having the contest. It was coming in live from Mount Brunkley, from the Hotties City. You feel like you're hosting a Maschineke. The $20 million man, America's worst Mexican. 62 weeks running.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Joining me is always world touring LA based committee and Shawnee audio engineer. Hello, Dan. What's up, buddy? And this capping off your week of, a week of insane broadcast from this studio is Ethan Ralph, the own, do you do your intro? Hello, my name is Ethan Ralph, the owner and the editor-in-chief
Starting point is 00:04:22 of the and I run the kill stream. Oh, what a great show. and I'm Miss Ethan Ralph, the owner and the editor-in-chief of the and I run the kill stream. Oh, what a great show. I like the trick you do when guests call in is tell them to introduce themselves. I started doing that because I never like, I always, so you never have to look up all their back history. And they wanna talk anyway, so you're just like,
Starting point is 00:04:39 yeah. And I tried to do it with, I forget who I did it with Andy. I think it was Andy Sennor, Sennor Signor. I tried to introduce him and he's like, well, if that's, I forget who I did it with Andy. I think it was Andy's and your signal signaler. I tried to introduce him and he's like, well, if that's, I mean, I wouldn't introduce him. I think, yeah, now, right. Then just act like it's a kill stream custom.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I mean, it is now. Like, I, you know, I wouldn't introduce you myself, but I'd get much rather you do it. Yeah, I couldn't do it justice. Yeah, you do it. You know, so much more about it. This is another way I have to do work. This man knows who he is't do it justice. You do it. You know so much more about how to do work. This man knows who he is.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Take it away. Hey, without further ado, nobody knows you better than you. Why don't you tell us? Where do we even start with this week? As I was saying, I have JLP, the week coming, the high point, I think, the apex of the journey of the Kill stream week was in studio Jesse Lee Peterson in studio right where Ralph is sitting right now. I was sitting
Starting point is 00:05:32 in where you're sitting Sean filling that seat cushion with come the whole time he was here. That's what I thought. That's you've never seen. You've never seen us on this good behavior. Quite honestly. Like senior prom getting ready for just no, everything, like, let me put this up and hold on. I mean like a dressed up going to bed early the night before. Not drinking, not going to bed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And 80s girl had on this like white dress that you'd see and like if you were dead remembering your family. Yeah. Gladiator looking dress, the fields of a lazy, reaching out. Yeah, we're just elite feeders and you know who he is, right? Yeah, I only buy you amazing that guy. Yeah, I do. He comes in and I didn't know he was based in L.A. So he's got a huge church here,
Starting point is 00:06:26 huh? Yeah, that's where he's rebuilding the man is in L.A. We got another mystery. He becomes a serial killer. He doesn't even have to add a name. Has there ever been a black serial killer? Oh, yeah. Yeah, you never hear about them. That's right. Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, And they have a white guy doing the weather doing like a full on ebonyx voice, you know, you see the family guy Family got Cleveland. No, no, you know, they got a black weather man allie whatever allie Yeah, I mean there's always a black mother man, but on the black news it would be reversed. Oh, they have a white
Starting point is 00:07:16 Weatherman and he'd be like doing it being offensive. It's not funny. Yeah It's not funny. Yeah. Yeah. I can't take this world up, I can't resist. I don't know how you stream every night without messing up. I mean, regularly, I'm finding myself just sliding until like, oh God, no, you can't be saying that. You can't be saying that. You can't be saying that.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Oh, super chat. We're at the rear range. Something somebody else said. Watching Ralph live translate, translate internet slurs into acceptable speech. It's like he's speaking klingon, translating it on the fly. No, that's a gift. So Jesse Lee Peterson comes in, spends three hours trying to convince me
Starting point is 00:08:07 to marry my girlfriend and have a truck full of babies. See, friends with Doug Tenepel? No shit. Yeah, these guys are all together. That's like a sewing circle, these guys. All these like, these hard Christians, right? It's like a Scientology cult. Get in there and start having babies with us
Starting point is 00:08:24 so we can show each other our babies and talk about babies. You guys need, are you guys fucking ovulating or what? What is this? Do you guys want to be pregnant? You and Doug Tnaple and Nick Rikita, do you guys want to carry a child? Is that what's really going on here? They just want someone else to share in the misery and be warm jealousy out. Yeah. It's good. Sigmund Freud out here. Um, and then Destiny came in the next day. I thought there was calm everywhere. Did you guys just fucking get it over with me and Destiny? Everybody. I guess. It was kind of a tag team of that was all that was all this
Starting point is 00:09:02 was leading to right. Somebody was somebody was having sex was all that was leading to, right? Somebody was having sex. I tried to help him with his no balls problem of the men that he was hooking up. That was the weirdest discussion I think I've ever heard. It got weirder. And the other thing that I was like, he's like, he's like, no, like that's, if it's not a thing, like every guy you think
Starting point is 00:09:23 their balls go up into their butt like what? Yeah, I get it though. Okay. I get it though. Um, what a week though. We're trying to run. What do you thought? It went just excellent. Oh shit. Oh, there goes the hammer I almost killed myself here. Okay I could have turned out very bad. My phone was right there too. hilarious. I fixed the hammer for jail key. I think I better just put that over there. Just in case.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Yeah. But yeah, man, the shows went so well. Pretty much everything worked out. Jesse Lee Peterson episode was a particular highlight. Destiny came by. We all had the Hawaiian shirts on. I mean, there's so many moments for the week. We were being the Bougaloo boys.
Starting point is 00:10:03 How did that happen? How did Destiny come over? Yeah. Well, Destiny will, to his credit, I mean, we'll talk to anybody. Yeah. He will argue with anybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Yeah, he's weird about that. Tell me where to be and yeah. And he's been on the kill stream, you know, a lot. And last time I was in LA, I messaged him about it, but it just didn't work out. But this thought, he was like, yeah, let's do it. And it was that Dick's house too, so. He's like, that sounds fun.
Starting point is 00:10:31 The Nick Fuentes ended up calling in. We had like, I don't know, 6,000 or so people watching. You're using it. Sean, you wouldn't imagine how much these guys can talk about the Holocaust. Really? Jesus, what's in a huge holocaust? The whole Your entire holocaust journal is it's game gamer gate three
Starting point is 00:10:54 They really want to get down to the nitty-gritty of no no they really want to have the they don't want to They want to know that they have the ability to do so and that they're being restricted they don't want to because it doesn't matter and I don't want to talk about it to get into it anyway but I just so you just want you to admit that I couldn't if so in so I did want to do that just in case I did want to do that let's talk about military budgets and for an aid that's the that's the playbook it's a complicated politics yeah we complicated these days. Yeah, it was fun though. It was.
Starting point is 00:11:28 The whole week's been great. Thank you for hosting me again. Thank you. Thank all the guests who came. Jacob Wall was on here. That episode was pretty crazy. Chaggot as well. God, Chaggot came in.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Chaggot came in and I got hit as a trip. Well, he revealed, how much of that did we talk about? Do you want to change seats all the time? Nobody tore up one of my cup holders. That was, I'm thinking. He got so nervous because he was getting, he was having the riot act read to him because he was throwing bottles downtown.
Starting point is 00:11:58 And he got, and what was the, what was his first life streaming? I don't know what his version was. He just wanted to break a bottle, right? During a riot. During the middle of a riot. He was being live streamed as well. So he was on camera was the reason they saw it.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I guess he was with somebody else down there and they were live streaming and he was with them. And, you know, Hake and the, I don't know of JLP himself, but Hake and their people saw it and they're like, hey, you know, what do you do? I think he said JLP said.P. said it too, but I don't know, I don't want to get into it at all.
Starting point is 00:12:27 But he was dumb and fucked up. And we were sitting here, you know, Raymond him out, he was still arguing that he shouldn't have been fired for, we don't even know, I don't know if he was, but that was the position I took. Well, yeah, you were probably fired. I didn't help his employment style as much.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It caused a lot of good, well, it wasn't even that, the bottle wasn't that big a deal from what Hake said, it caused a lot of good. Well, it wasn't even that the bottle wasn't that big of deal from what Hague said, it was the, you know, the behavior afterwards, like, oh, oh, oh, it's just stop breaking bottles, get off camera, like they said, and everything's cool. Got you. Not, you know, there was some conspiracy to have him
Starting point is 00:12:58 ditch me downtown and all this and that's like, all right, just, just stop doing what they told you not to do. And it's all good. That's kind of how it's a good book. Oh, and we have one more night in LA on Monday. And I'm thinking about bringing in Karin, but oh, Christ, okay. So we, we picked already. I'm just going to fall off a cliff now. Do you know you don't know who's Karin is for this show?
Starting point is 00:13:22 Yeah, we don't know. We're going to wake. It's getting bad tomorrow tomorrow and then it'll be sionara uh... that that it was brought up like two or three weeks ago she's this old lady and leaving in the morning that drag her out
Starting point is 00:13:41 oh yeah tell him who she is well the first time i ever called into the kill stream, I got Corinne, I was talking to Corinne on the phone, I got her to stick her hand in her mouth. She's like a, just a, she's, I mean, she's tough to explain. She's very forward. Let's put it that way. She's an older lady. And she's just the opposite of what you want in an older lady. She's quite... Really? So, she's like a socialite, a canceled socialite, come of from...
Starting point is 00:14:13 Oh, really? Santa Monica, right there next to Malibu, though. Yeah. And she's from that area and's lived here her whole life. And she's... She lists off the interest of her trust fund as how she's explaining it to me. But she's like a really awful pariah. Yeah, her interest rates now and she's ready to start a revolution.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Yeah, she's pretty much a pariah. She shut down a protest because she's so annoying downtown. She's talking about how old is she? About a hundred really. 50 something maybe. So I'm just hungry though. Like in a sweet spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:43 The sweet spot. She somehow stumbled into IRL streaming. And which, I mean, we know how to explain all that. Basically, you walk around with a speaker and people send money and she goes to Compton and stuff. Yeah, it's just can be. Yeah. That's career.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Yeah. Happy Father's Day. Yeah. Everybody. The week started rough for me. I pulled my neck trying to look at my girlfriend's tits the morning where I've got here. Really? It's period tits time, so I caught a glimpse, you know.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Yeah. Says, A, just sinking in, man. I can't say. I pulled my, I literally threw my neck out trying to look at my girlfriend's tits. Which you've seen before. Seen before. Still excited. See them? It's instinctits. Which you've seen before. Seen before, so excited. See him, it's instinct, I see him in the morning.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Whoa, look at all, fuck, fuck, Monday morning. She goes, what, what, what? Yeah, I just fucking pulled my neck, looking at your, I threw my neck out, looking at you, trying to look at your tits in the morning. Look what you did to me. You did to me, you bitch. Put a night count on for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I have some fucking piece of Harlan sleeping with those things, flopping all over, expect Amanda. Wake up and recalcitration. Live a normal life. Go sleep in the other room. Get those beds like Mr. Wilson. Yeah. So I was walking, I was walking around like Lurch when you first
Starting point is 00:16:04 gone here. Yeah, I remember that now. lurch when you first got here. But yeah, I remember that now. It seems like a long time ago. Well, thank God there was enough alcohol to fix that momentarily. Politically, he's put it off to later. Yeah, Pilates open back up to. Oh yeah, yeah, you said you won my god.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Oh my god. Yeah, my ass feels like it got fucked new holes into it, but my brain is back to getting back to normal. Because you saw other chicks. No, you know what? That's also where I was gonna say, chicks have gotten, chicks have gained about, I mean, you can hear how fat they are.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Oh, dude, everybody's like, oh yeah, I'm gonna come out of here, I'm gonna work out blah, blah, blah. So I just like, one tenth of one percent is gonna lose weight in this. Everybody else is just fucking huge. Oh, And I just like, one tenth of one percent is gonna lose weight in this. Everybody else is just fucking huge. Oh, it's like, oh fuck it. Everybody's getting away. I couldn't look away cause it was new ass.
Starting point is 00:16:52 But every time I did it was like the was quick. Yeah, I'm fine again. Yeah, good. I had a rough couple of months. It was in a bad head space for a while, but I'm fine. It's a good thing, yeah, yeah, boy. In flagging channels, did you? In the bad head space.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I hope you can all- I hope you can all- Just put these months behind us. Yeah. And never mention them again and just go back to whatever we were doing, but I forget what that was now Some of the funeral there was nothing for a hand. Oh, yeah for us. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah Most people were not doing anything important before so it's you know, just go back to doing whatever you
Starting point is 00:17:37 Didn't really need to be doing anyway. It was so close. Oh, don't talk about. I know. Oh, no, you can be positive today Yeah, it's positive. I taught the kids a new trick. I was at doing it. I know. Oh no, you can be positive today. Yeah, it's positive. I taught the kids a new trick. I was at doing Father's Day yesterday. Oh, yesterday. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This, and my, I think the best thing you can get your dad for Father's Day today is to just let him talk
Starting point is 00:17:56 for 20, 40 minutes, an hour. My dad put on the most insane podcast I've ever heard at the dinner table yesterday talking about his theories. When did he say, see, that's what you guys need to do. Oh, no, no, he starts with that. No, I know. I can hear it in my head. He starts it. You guys need to touch it. Yeah. Yeah. You guys are so, I'll try to call him today. You guys are so out of touch. I wanted to call in and tell you, but, yeah. Okay. What it was at this time.
Starting point is 00:18:26 He's, he, he think, I think he thinks that we should shut down until there's a vaccine. Like a COVID vaccine. Yeah. Why was pissing me off, too? He's like, well, you know, the vaccine is, I'm like, what, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what are you, what are you talking about vaccine? What's going on? It's not this dying, the virus is going away before we can even make one. They're
Starting point is 00:18:45 trying to, they're trying to keep it going. So they can do the vaccine. Like, oh, no, no, come on. They're looking, kiss each other, get some more people in here. Send some, double up on the nursing homes. This vaccine's not going to fit. We can't figure it out if we don't have enough people to test it on. This fucking thing won't even be worth saving it. Well, imagine a year year shut down. I can't even What's what I said like wait a minute. I've been away for this long and you guys have gone completely insane The little boys are talking about social distancing little little band band four years old is their social distancing What the fuck is their social distancing?
Starting point is 00:19:21 You got a zero chance of getting infected by this thing. What are you who are you? Sipping for what grandma are you sipping for mother fucker my mom she doesn't deserve it Just get used to adults will always disappoint you so treat them accordingly Don't look worried about that. You should be angry that they put this disease in your mind, this virus of social distancing. Oh God. Like you can only do so much. You gotta go back to your life. Things are opening up.
Starting point is 00:19:53 It's like, dude, if you feel concerned about it, wear your mask, wash your hands, do whatever. But like you gotta go to the store. You gotta go to, it's just, and if you're, if you're super, if you're highly susceptible to it, then you're gonna have to take precautions that other people aren't. You're gonna have to be responsible for who you're around and who's around you. And that's all you can fucking do, because it's a fucking virus.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And you gotta start putting out again, women. You gotta go out on dates. You can't be sitting on FaceTime, getting flirted with anymore without the chance of getting your boob grabbed. Those days are over. It's time to get back into the world. It's time for a little quid pro quo out in this world. No more cock teasing by teleconference. That's what I want people to know. I taught the kids a new trick too. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:40 They were doing tongue things, like rolling their tongues, sticking out. I can't do that. You can't do that. No, you can't do that. Some people can. So they were doing. It, like rolling their tongues, sticking out. I can't do that. You can't do that. No, no. Some people can, some people can. So they were doing good, yeah. It was a nice thing. I'm gonna try the next two hours trying to do that.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I'm trying to do that. I'll do that. They were getting clowned on, but my sister was like, oh yeah, we'll go. She was going around. Check that out, nice thing. Hey boys, check this trick out and step my finger. I'm at the right, it's starting cacking.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yeah. And they're my mom and they're my mother. I'm right there. It's starting to gagging. Yeah. And there's my mom and there's my brother. No, stop that. Stop, you're making a second. I'm like, I'm trying to do it. I can't do it. I was running off from the O'Neasey on interview with the acid.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I can't do it. I'm trying to get, and there, I've never seen children do that obnoxious drunk knee slapping laugh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The funniest thing ever. Do that obnoxious drunk knee slapping laugh? You can't go back to the the tongue thing is BC I'm not looking at four-year-old space Weezing at Dom Deliwies I can't believe it. You got it. I see this. You got it.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I don't know what it is, but he's got it. Yeah, I'm going to make you a stop. Totally ruined. There it is. No, you know, you know, you know, they've like done it a couple times today. If I don't have breakfast, somebody's barfing up half-chewed Captain Crunch. Oh, God. Okay, let me see.
Starting point is 00:22:31 We got this one. This, here's a nice little video. Sean, tell me if you've seen this one. Whoops, whoops. Have you seen this video, Sean? Uh, I don't know. It looks like a fight in a store from what I can tell. Yes, it's in a Macy's.
Starting point is 00:22:47 In a Macy's? Yeah, it looks fairly organized. The Macy's are the fight. No, the Macy's so far. It looks pretty, yeah. Oh, we're gonna watch this. Yeah, let's do this. Let's do this then, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Right? Yeah, I saw it already. It's a pretty good video. It's a pretty good video. This is the guy in the mask is a Macy's employee and the other guy that you'll see. I think it was just a gentleman who was out shopping for a belt because he doesn't have ones. I assume that's why he's now.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Now, when this first happened, I think there was somebody in your tweet, a replies actually that said, oh, this guy got called the inward and that's why he's pushing the stuff. Oh, yeah, let's watch it for you. That's actually the case in New York Daily News. I retweeted this last night. That was what was put out. Turns out that was a misnomer. And what pisses me off the most?
Starting point is 00:23:30 It means he didn't say that. That's what pisses me off the most. Is that, well, let's watch it first. Let's watch, let's watch with this treak machine put it out. We've got a black gentleman who's looking down on this, this guy, I don't know what race, he white ish whatever what looks white holding up his hand in begging for the gentleman to stop humbling no no is, he needs to get some, this is from
Starting point is 00:24:08 Medea's fight club throwing wild haymakers hitting with the palms. Yeah, that's a very, yeah, which are, you know, in boxing, you can't do that. These are wrestling strikes. Like a bitch fight. It's like, I don't know. It really is. You know, bam, bam. And the response from way too many people is that this guy cowering on the ground
Starting point is 00:24:32 in some way said the magical N word referred to the other guy as the magical N word to someone else on the phone before this beat down started and that that's somehow in these people's minds is a justification for this not street violence but Macy's vibe, the kind of black Friday violence in the middle of the iteration, it's key to being memorable. That's a thousand percent. We've come so far in treating, and I'm not even gonna say it's racially specific in any way, but cuddling this idea that words are magical and that they should be justified. They justifying this kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:25:19 They justify any action. That I can't even have the conversation, you can't even bring it up anymore without this uh... this legion of indoctrinated shitheads and reactionaries claiming claiming like it's a claiming like it's a religion like it's just something that they heard and loved that well he was he was called out he was called the magical word that's what happened he was called the magical word and that's why he got He was called the magical word. And that's why he got his ass speed. Or lost his job.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Or, you know, is there any of that? That's the problem with, I always feel like a fraud using these terms like cancel culture, like all this, you know, trigger. Because you are. That's like, yeah. Because they're just, they change the name. So it's palatable.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Well, and that is speaks to my point. The problem with cancel culture and the reason why it's dangerous is because it demands complete fidelity to a set of arbitrary and constantly changing rules. And that is the fucking problem. It's almost on a whim who decides what? Whoever screams allowed us to whoever is the most emotional, your actions you could do, I guess Drew Breeze was a perfect example of that. The guy has raised millions, millions for the city of New Orleans, Africa,
Starting point is 00:26:38 Katrina, after other things, disadvantaged people, all that kind of stuff. He went on and regurgitateditated a tone deaf argument that they had four years ago about Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the flag. And he had the gall to say that he doesn't understand kneeling because his grandfather's were in wars and stuff like that. It didn't even have anything to do. And that guy was called out as fucking a racist
Starting point is 00:27:03 all I could to do, an apology and all that kind of stuff. It's like not only do you have, not only your actions, you're only as good as the last thing you did or said. You're never good. And it's like you have to be perfect. And that's my point, you have to be perfect. People want a conversation as long as it's exactly
Starting point is 00:27:23 what everyone else is saying. You know what? That's the conversation. And I'm sick of having the conversation because the reality, the answer to this is, it's just shut the fuck up. You know, God damn, you know, God damn well, nothing should ever, nothing is ever adjusted. This is never justified by some shit somebody said. Not in a civilized society.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I mean, not in any society. No, but your people, but fucking people are people. That doesn't mean you shouldn't get in trouble with it some people. They don't have the tools to fucking deal with that shit. They fucking snap and you get fucking that. Then if it wasn't Drew Breeze, if it was somebody lower, he had a lot of social capital.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Like you said, he had raised all that money for charity. He was Drew Breeze, one of the most beloved, you know, for a max of all time. If it had been somebody lower down the food chain, they might have been done, you know, he had raised all that money for charity. He was Drew Breeze, one of the most beloved, you know, quarterbacks of all time. If it had been somebody lower down the food chain, they might have been done, you know, off the team. Oh yeah. Like the, I just wanted to read this. It's from the daily news.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Macy says that viral video of a man being pummeled and it's Flint, Michigan store shows an employee being victimized in an unprovoked attack, attack. We're deeply siding about the incident that took place Monday, June 15th at Macy's, Genesee Valley. It's the safety of the Macy's customers and colleagues as our top priority, violence in the workplace of any kind is unacceptable. All the materials from the evening have been reviewed and it is clear the attack was unprovoked.
Starting point is 00:28:39 So nothing. I just felt like that was going to be a blind and people were saying, yeah, yeah. That's Macy's themselves in the middle of, you know, tensions are high, obviously. So they wouldn't be defending the show. Why do you just walk up to them? And I mean, like, do you think he heard something? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Who knows? What's he even doing there? Yeah, look at, I don't know. Is he shopping? Yeah, for a belt. Cause you see that the pant is not, his current belt, he's maybe lost a bunch of weight and his current belt pants and so,
Starting point is 00:29:11 during the lockdown, he's working out so much. That he needed to go get a new wardrobe. It is the half of people. I mean, I think lockdown has just, it has destroyed my, need, my compulsion to see any good and so many people. No, that's a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:29:29 That's a lot of people. The way they instantly turned on everybody for these sick, these sick suicide cultist fantasies that everybody has in their mind that the world is going to end and that it's your fault, that you need to change your behavior to prepare for it like they are. Right. Has reduced my need to care about all people to maybe half, half, half until we're talking about literally just patrons of the show,
Starting point is 00:29:58 and listeners of the show. And potential listeners of the show. And potential listeners of the show. Right, now you haven't, have not been completely written off yet. I see half of people is just endlessly spinning up this endlessly innovating only in the sphere of destroying society in these subversive ways among which the top is that, well, I'm seeing a guy get his ass beat so he must have done something.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And the first thing I can think of, because I'm a fuck, because I'm a giant racist, is he must have said the N word, because you know, you know those people, you say you drop that magical word and anything goes after that. That's what I see writing this story in my sick mind
Starting point is 00:30:46 is that's what happened. So I'm gonna run with it. And you know what, good, good. I actually supported. Let's just have fucking anarchy in the streets. Let's block off all of the middle of every town, have our own society, where everything's decided in the moment.
Starting point is 00:31:02 And then when things get out of hand, we're calling mom and dad because we're still on their medical insurance at 50. That's what we're doing for the rest of time. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Did you have any additional thoughts on this one? It's impossible to even talk about this.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I mean, it's sad to see the guy in the ground just crowing and fear. I mean, get up and fight. What the fuck? I mean, that's, be a fuck? I mean that's be a man I got a man. I feel like Don Corleone Okay, well, at least stand up and get beat down like a man what the fuck and then what are you gonna get killed then You get killed and fired come on look at him though. I know
Starting point is 00:31:43 Is he getting a go-funming? Is that the poor guy getting a go-funny? Yeah, at least let's get him rich off this, fuck. He's gonna give him what he wants. He's gonna give him what he wants. He's gonna give him what he wants. He's gonna give him what he wants. He's gonna give him what he wants.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I don't know. At least we're still obsessed with race. Yeah, it's fun stuff. Forever. Let's see here. What else do I, I've got our most valuable resource in the country is also being threatened, teenage attention whore. You see, the threat threatened?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Oh, Chris Delia, is that the guy's thing? Oh, I read about this right before I went to sleep last night. A folly. It's got a hard time reading that too. I'd heard this right before I went to sleep last night. I finally had a hard time reading this video. I had heard about it before, but I was like, I'm finally going to catch up. What do you think about? I saw one of the...
Starting point is 00:32:32 It's really strange jerk off material. No, no, no, that's not the case. Well, remarkably, this comedian has been messaging girls who are fans of him. I can see one of the 17 year olds that he had messaged that I saw. Oh, I mean, why would here, can I, is this where is this?
Starting point is 00:32:54 I can message it to you too. Let me see, no, it shows up. That's one of the 17 year olds, yeah. 17 year olds, who this predator, this predator was violating the sanctity of this tell of our most precious resource which is 17 year old hose here Sean as a reason why he should have known she was in school this is a school photo I got one better okay this comedian right fucked up comedian they're
Starting point is 00:33:24 on the road all the time. They got all kinds of issues. They're messaging fans who are women. Yeah. And the fans, I mean, the fans who are women, of course, have no idea that there could be anything untoward in these messages. They must assume that comedian men just message anyone
Starting point is 00:33:39 who contacts them on social media. Men, old women, old men. It's just, there's nothing special about it. They celebrity spend all fucking day. It's just another person. It's just another person to connect with. Yeah, they think, they think that, oh, it's me.
Starting point is 00:33:57 He probably wants to know about how much I like my chemical romance. That's what, that's nothing more than this guy would like to do is just kick back and talk to a 17 year old about her life experiences. Sure. Here is, here is some of the perfectly, perfectly reasonable. Perfectly reasonable, right? Do I even need to go into the mental world? You should have meant to.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Now one of the memes trying to meet up with, he was, she'd agreed to suck his dick basically, but he was worried that she was going to like rat on him or something or use him somehow or. Yeah, I mean, just he, did he know the ages of these tricks? Yeah, she was a budboard, I think. So they were right, a couple were below. A lot of these were a, were a budboard,
Starting point is 00:34:38 but they were like 18, 19, 20, you know. So this one I think was a budboard and she'd agreed to suck his dick. Mm-hmm. And then he acted kind of sketchy and they didn't talk for a while. And then he sent her a message saying, telling her basically to go suck his friends dick. And then she could suck his dick. And the friend messaged her and said,
Starting point is 00:35:01 Oh, he's just being dramatic. I don't know. I would do this. Yeah, he's just being, you know, dramatic. I don't know. I would do this. Yeah, he's like, actually, I want you to set my day. I'll do it. I don't want you to set my day at all. He's just wanting to clear it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Uh, here's, here's one of my, there's a couple of my faves in here. This is the girl that outed him originally and wouldn't, wouldn't you know it, but a lot of young women have come forward after this and say that they were similarly predated upon through social media, which they keep fucking responding to. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I guess women are notorious for not blocking the advances. Hot girls with their tits hanging out online have this, have absolutely no experience, not responding to men that they don't want attention from. Yeah, it's like Chris the Kiwi. He just sits there getting attention all day for women exactly like this. What are you gonna say? I was just gonna say, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Like this is the most like impudent predation I've ever seen. Like it's not even in the same fucking city probably. He's like, you know, he's doing it over a key. And he's like, oh my God, I'm being totally, I'm being preyed upon by this like, you could just like not open that app or like block them or something, you know. Like it's like, how about this one?
Starting point is 00:36:22 Oh my God, I was almost raped. I was almost raped. I was almost raped. I read a sentence. Here's how it goes. He says, I'm in Tempe. Let's hear you. And she says, do you want to meet up tonight? Oh, the predation.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Oh, the predation. But she's 16. To be fair. Well, but he's coming. And he didn't know she was 16. Well, that's a big fucking, I mean, you got a wonder if she looks that young, but I mean, holy shit. We have to protect these.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Well, I guess it's a six-tiffing journal from the predation of these fucking comedies. You got to protect yourself. You got to protect yourself from yourself. How are we going to do that? That's a big fucking, you're going to, that's bad for you. How are we ever going to get to Mars and cure cancer if we disillusion these poor sixteen year old hores online from achieving their the the the actual fact that oh my god what are they gonna do if they if they accidentally fuck see this comedians cock where will our our
Starting point is 00:37:17 civilizate where would it be if we had not historically through our teenage hours we through our civilization right in the toilet when we stop the hoverboard and you know it. Yeah, I do. Do you want to meet up tonight? She says yes. Can we make out? Now that's him that said that yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I was gonna say that. Wait, he sounds like a 16 year old girl. What a fucking loser. Yeah, Jesus Christ. We make a what? Yeah, that's what's that's lame. That's fucking loser. Jesus Christ. Can we make a, what? Yeah, that's, what? No, that's lame. That's lame. Yeah, he puts the S's on.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Oh God. No, that's crazy. And then almost as like yes, can we do each other's makeup? That's what should have followed that. And then there's only like two, there's one or two stories where they actually met up. And one of them is these two girls go up to the hotel room. They're like, he said, come party in my hotel room and they said,
Starting point is 00:38:05 oh, we didn't know. We were shocked that it was getting out of. I think I might have written that down. Here was the first one I love. This bitch says, yes, queen. I've been waiting for this day. Okay, been waiting for this day. We've got to stop the predation of women
Starting point is 00:38:22 as in the exploitation as sexual objects, right? Here's the fucking profile picture of this teen hoe. Oh, I've been waiting for this day when this man would fall for his incessant predation of women. By the way, check out my only fans. You can see me shit a bottle of cherries. Jesus. Here's the a bottle of cherries. Jesus. Here's the fucking Instagram of this chick. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Amazing. Amazing. Fucking amazing. Is it legal for me to put this on the show? God. Look at this. Yeah. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Must be legal. Must stop this guy. We must stop this predator. Oh, okay. So these are high school pictures. Oh, God, please say no. We must stop this guy. We must stop this predator from, oh okay, so these are high school pictures. Oh God, please say no. No, they probably.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I think it's you to see, right? No, I don't see you. Okay, that's, oh my dad went there. I see why he went there now. They say it's the best party school in the country, actually. Yeah, I always heard that was like Wisconsin or something like that. I don't know, I'm sure there's a bunch of them
Starting point is 00:39:22 that claim that title. Proud of you for posting growing heart, no matter what people say, this is not your fault. Gruming is very real and happens to a lot of young girls. Yeah, not 16. It's not grooming when it's fucking six. Myself included. It's his responsibility as a grown man not to be a creep. Oh, good
Starting point is 00:39:45 luck with that. I'm so sorry. You've got millions of years of evolution to overcome. And here's her profile pic. Yeah. Oh, great, great. Gotta stop those. I'm gonna stop those predators. Stop those predators. This is Chris Hansen now. This is the culture that we've created now. An army of tattletails, it sits at home, like who horrid up as much as possible, and then are completely victimized by all the attention. I'm going to take these whores off this fucking people. It's fucking people need parents. I said, look at old man, but these people need
Starting point is 00:40:29 fucking parents. So they fucking parents. Now they really do. And it is now it is a list of all your dress like a fucking whore. Shut up. You dress like a whore. You dress like a whore. Shut your mouth. Like, where's their dads going? What the fuck do you think you're gonna get when you fucking dress like that? I told you're fucking mother. This will be the happiest you'll ever be in your life, flirting with Chris Delia,
Starting point is 00:40:54 world famous comedian. You should be lucky. You think, actually this experience will probably be more special for you than it will be for him. This is as close as, Almost assuredly, yeah. Yeah, this is as close as you're gonna get to anything resembling a dream
Starting point is 00:41:09 and your entire fucking life. Man, dad's... This is gonna get away. You're pissing it away online for clout from other horrors. Okay, what were you gonna say? I'm just gonna say, dad's gotta hip their daughters to this shit. Like, okay, you wanna do this?
Starting point is 00:41:22 Here's what to expect. Here's what he wants. Be ready for it. But you can't, you're not going in blind. The brainwashing. Oh, if anyone says the N word, they're going to, they deserve to get their ass beat. Ah, if you, you can post as many titty picks online as you want. It's his fault. That's the, he's a grown ass man. He should, he should avoid this predatory asking if you can make out with him from another city. That's disgusting. Look, reasonable and conversation and critical thinking is, it's not okay right now.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Everything has got to be a very extreme take on things. Everything is painted with the wide brush. It's like always, never, this kind of stuff. There is no subtlety. There is no room for that kind of stuff. Well, you see, but this situation's a little different. See, no, no it isn't. No, it isn't. No, it isn't.
Starting point is 00:42:14 And now you're an impediment to progress. So fuck you. Let me see what else I got here. I got a lot of stuff. Tommy, is it his name Tommy Toleriko? I think, yeah, Tommy Tolerico. He's working on the Earthworm Gym video game. Do you know anything about that, Ralph?
Starting point is 00:42:31 Not really. Yeah, it's so... I mean, I know about Earthworm Gym. Yeah, but I guess there... One of the ones I kidd up lit it's one. Doug got the chance to redo the comics and this guy's redoing the game and it's kind of a weird setup they got. Like he's making a whole system just for it.
Starting point is 00:42:48 They're laughing together. They're laughing for it to fail. Doug is involved in this? Doug is, I don't know if he's involved in the actual game. Let me see. Oh, this is a funny one. False rape claims. A woman gets 10 years.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Somebody got sentenced in England about a year or two ago for that. Oh really? Yeah. Woman sentenced to 10 years for making false rape claims. I remember why I like this one. The picture is my favorite part.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Oh! Oh no! Oh no! Yeah. I saw it. Yeah. I knew that's a big misunderstanding. Do they even need to hear testimony?
Starting point is 00:43:25 I mean, it's just like, oh, come on. Oh, I just went to hear that. The accusation here. A picture that could only be described as, hoo. She looks like butter bean and training. Bulking up. You remember the next fight?
Starting point is 00:43:42 25, oh, 25. Oh, darling. No. I think she would I think that she would prefer 10 years in prison over one year in fat camp 25-year-old man. That guy was pulled to her because of gravity Gemma Beale has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for making false rape accusations for separate times. She rape accusations for separate times. Jesus. For separate times.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Yeah, this is insane. Oh my God, over three years, Bill claims she was raped by nine men and seriously assaulted by another six. One of them falsely accused was sent to seven years. False guy was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2010. He got him 15. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Wow. Oh, fuck man. The sense they fixed it, it was exonerated apparently. It's 100 and 10. I'm gonna keep him from killing her, maybe. I don't know. But yeah, I'll be clear.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Yeah. Wow. Look, if drugs are illegal, if drugs are illegal, if drugs are illegal, lying is illegal. I mean, that's where criminalizing, while criminalizing women, well, she did, she's in trouble and she damn well should be.
Starting point is 00:44:54 And it, you know, doesn't happen nearly often enough. Probably not. How about that lie? How easy do these lies just roll off of people's tongues? I'm fucking culture of lies. For some people very easily. Way too easily. It's Judge said of people's tongues. I'm fucking culture of lies. For some people very easily. Way too easily. It's Judge said this trial's revealed.
Starting point is 00:45:08 It's not obvious. Yeah, huh. What are you gonna say? No, nothing. These offenses usually begin as a drunken attempt to get your partner's sympathy or perhaps to arouse her jealousy. Oh, she's a lesbian.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Lesbians, they each begin in pulses. Who's, who's quote is this? I think it's the judge. Oh, okay. You knew we're untrue, even to the extent of committing and repeating surgery. Oh, my God, look at this bruiser. Yeah, yeah. That's a quarantine cut that she's bruiser. Brusier is a man. He was my ins. Yeah, what a fucking mess. Now she's gonna go rape someone in men's prison.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, let's see. What was I had, my mind had one more gender thing. Oh, the scot has says, the scot has says you can no longer fire someone for being incompetent. For being incompetent. Yeah, they said you cannot fire someone, an individual, who displays traits of the gender they identify with, even if it's not.
Starting point is 00:46:13 So if you're a man and you're incompetent at work, and you identify as a woman, they can't fire you for that incompetence anymore. I think I got one more arrow in my quiver then. That's... Oh, I love it. Oh, sorry, I fucked that up. I'm a woman. Are you understand that you have no power over me now? Oh, God, maybe they should start. I really think Congress maybe they should start just like writing the writing a little bit more clearly the laws That would be a nice switch wouldn't it? Yeah, maybe not let lawyers do it. Maybe like They write them that way on purpose so that the executive branch and have its own
Starting point is 00:46:58 Interpretation spin and also so they can get the bill passed. Yeah, they write as vaguely as possible They're like well, they rules's rules, there's rules committed. I'm not the rules to things afterwards. Yeah, the, the ones who really make a lot of these laws end up making them because they're kind of vague and then they get, you know, in this department, that department and this guy and that guy is the one actually setting the policy.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I make it real flowery. Yeah, I call here, we're really writing some, we're writing some legislation. You know what we're here, right? There's a making sense. Is the acronym though, I call here. We're really writing some, we're writing some legislation. You know what? There's a making sense. There's a making sense. Is the acronym though? I have to give them credit in Washington.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I fucking hate those so much. I hate them and they, but somehow, the acronym with a name of bill, it'll be like the Patriots. Yeah, I know. Well, it's and they've been over backwards to make it. It's like, it could be called so many other things that are more clear and concise, but it's like, yeah, it's like, it's like, it's like a, a little bit of a, it's like,
Starting point is 00:47:49 how that's so lame, it's, it's trying, it's, it reeks of, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's reeks of, it's, it's, it's, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's
Starting point is 00:47:58 reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's reeks of, it's re ah man, fucking stop. I know, I know, I hate that. I don't even think we talked about any of the statues this week. No, we really didn't. We have so much shit going on because the world's melting down. All the statues are getting ripped down. What do you think? What do you think about?
Starting point is 00:48:16 I personally hate statues. I hate all government buildings. I hate that they build them and then you look at them and worship the government. As like in Atlanta, there was that, they had that gold dome on City Hall. In LA, it's the biggest building in downtown. It looks beautiful and I think, oh, man, fuck you. You guys deserve to be in a, you deserve to be in a corrugated steel box in Van Eyes.
Starting point is 00:48:40 There's, you don't deserve any majesty for what you do. You don't, there there's this is just a symbolic oppression. I hear yeah well I've you know I've been I've served the public for I've served it it makes me sick when I hear the certain I've been in you know public service for it's like you are serving yourself to a fucking huge advance to just huge advantages wherever you can grab them. A public servant, that's a fucking anybody who refers to themselves as a public servant should be fucking drug out in the street. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Because they're telling you what you are. Yeah, I'm a public servant. You should be appreciating everything that I do. Yeah, I don't. I've sacrificed and served. For fuck you. It's the same feeling I get with the, when they were moving Tesla to,
Starting point is 00:49:31 when Elon Musk was talking about moving Tesla to Austin or Texas or something. And then maybe the state or whatever. And then Mayor immediately said, oh, I would love some, some cyber truck police cars. And it brought me back to being a kid and seeing those calendars, those car calendars,
Starting point is 00:49:49 and seeing like the Lamborghini cop car. You motherfucker. Fuck you. Give him what, drive it right through his fucking house. When the Lamborghini cop car finally comes out on you, I don't know if you remember hot pursuit, but when the Lambo cop car would finally come out, it's like fun.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Yeah. That's a different story, but. Also, I mean, my thing on the statues, I think they should stay up. And there's several reasons. One, I like statues, actually. The ones in Richmond are beautiful. Now, I know there are of Confederate generals to be fair,
Starting point is 00:50:22 and the president of the Confederacy as well, I think that's one. But you see where they're headed though. They're not going to stay toppled a statue of Washington. I think you can set it on fire to traitor. Yeah, that's not going to stop. It's not going to stop with the Confederate generals clearly. It's going to keep going.
Starting point is 00:50:40 It's our history. And I don't think these fucking losers should be allowed to you know alter it and Here's here's my thing like statues statues are generally like in tribute right? I mean generally sure it's it's generally like a positive like we want to remember this person or this thing I Like I can totally see why like Funko pops. Like I can totally see why, like I'm not a southerner too.
Starting point is 00:51:06 So I'm looking at this from, I don't have that history of like, you know, your great, great grandparents had their farm burned to the ground or anything like that. I mean, that is a, not everyone in the South was a slave owner or a group of slavery. They were just part of an economy that,
Starting point is 00:51:22 I mean, some of them even have slaves. Yeah, I mean, slave ownership was like something that the rich very rich did. Of course, people in the South are really poor. Yeah, they're still really poor even now. So it's like, so it's like they were victimized simply because they were born in the wrong fucking state. That's the crime that some of them committed. So I get taking the statues down,
Starting point is 00:51:45 but I don't think a single one of them should be destroyed. I think they should be all put in museums or art exhibits or whatever, because I'm a big, you can't forget history or whitewash history. You've got to remember what happened, because certain people will want to go, oh, that's very interesting. Now what caused that to happen?
Starting point is 00:52:03 I'm talking about me. There's other people like me. There should be, I wanna know why things happened. Why, you know what I mean? You know what I mean? You can learn from it and then you can't, you don't go into things blind. Like it's like, oh yeah, that's happened.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Oh, that also happened in ancient Rome or that. Yeah. That is interesting to me if nothing else. I don't think, I've got to restrict access to that knowledge. Yes, too many. Yeah, I mean. I'm tired of having history quoted to me. I'm just tired of hearing about it from people.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Like, well, it's because of this, like just, just stop. Just give them Harry Potter and tell them to shut them fun. Don't tell them anything that happened in history because I don't want it quoted at me. And I know they won't go learned on their own. Well, that's the, I mean, okay, but I see that, but I don't think it's, I guess you can pervert knowledge if you want. You can spin it, or leave things out
Starting point is 00:52:50 to skew to your viewpoint, but I'm not for book burning. You know what I mean? That's not necessarily against some type of moving it to the museum's type solution. That's my thing, because then you have to go look at that, like, oh yeah, look at that. This was the, this was like what happened at the time. I wouldn't just reject that out of hand, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:10 But that's not, these people are defacing the statues and, you know, BLM. If you look at the statues in Richmond, I mean, they're completely defacing. They're defacing abolitionist statues. Yeah, and a lot of nice things. It's just, it's just, it's just, it's just the statue. So they defaced these statues all week. No, no matter what you think about the statues, this is complete lawlessness just out, out, out, right,
Starting point is 00:53:28 and argue just out there, spray painting, doing their thing in the middle of town. Then nobody did anything, police didn't investigate, nothing, it was hailed, people took pictures and pulls with it like this was awesome. And from the Robert E. Lee statue literally did. Yeah, they literally did. And then a few days later, there's an author,
Starting point is 00:53:44 Arthur As statue on this same street monument at an enrichment. I live in Richmond. They faced Arthur Ash. Yeah. And they put it, so one of their first solutions was, okay, we're not gonna get out of the Confederate statues. This is also like one of the richest parts of Richmond,
Starting point is 00:53:59 this whole district monument avenue. But we're gonna put up a statue of Arthur Ast. Oh, they put up. Yeah, and this was like 10 or 15 years ago. I don't know, before I got there. And he was, you know, the gay tennis player, I think he won a couple of majors or whatever. He died of AIDS.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Yeah. And, you know, he sailed to some time. So true. Yeah. That's the Ken Burns document. That means. So, I was just funny the way he said it. That way.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Anyway, isn't it so fucked that in our minds, like you just said that to communicate the idea, but that was the important part. And he died of AIDS. That was it. That's the most frantic part of this man's legacy. That's why they've canonized him. Because he died of AIDS, nothing else.
Starting point is 00:54:41 So, I mean, I'm just being real. So they did that. Anyway, that statue was up. But I guess it's close to, it's close by the others. And somebody went and spray painted white lives matter on the Arthur statue. That makes sense. And then it was in, you know, the newspaper and we're police are on the lookout for this guy. Oh my God. Did you see the fake nuisance? Oh, no. And who knows who painted the white lives matter? Is someone who wanted to have a soul just like the others? I mean, you know.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Or somebody who wants to everybody to get more pissed. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I'll show this one. Yeah. Somebody on the other side. Did you see the nuces? No. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Let me see if Tommy tells me this. Oh, yeah, you showed me this the other day. Most look really intimidating if I recall. Very, very intimidating fake nooses. But I, you know, summing up, I definitely get why people would want those statues down. I had shitty parents. That's why I understand that. Why?
Starting point is 00:55:37 Well, because the same reason that we take Saddam Hussein statues down, I don't know, I would think of saline statues down. I would think if I would think if you're a black person, you probably don't want to be, you know, reminded constantly that because like I said, to me, statues are our tributes or in, you know, they're generally a positive thing if you are immortalized in a statue. But again, at the same side, I don't think you should fucking tear them down and chop them in. They should be, they should be, they should be, uh, they should be safe. In some extent, my, here's
Starting point is 00:56:09 my thinking, if you're, if you're think consumed by thoughts of statues and what they mean, priorities are fucking child reality, either. They did a poll of Richmond residents, like, I don't know, two or three years, probably just ignore them. Not care. Yeah. Like like the majority black people get. I was like, 60% Americans don't give a fuck. Now there is a hardcore, you know. But there are only like 30, 35 Native Americans. Well, they don't have a huge, you know, lobby group.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I'm just saying, next, 98% of Mexicans hate Latinx. We'll use it. I thought it was Latinx. Oh yeah, Latinx. Latinx. I like Latin thought it was Latinx. Oh yeah, Latinx. I can't pronounce it in the language because it's Latinx. That was like the Mexican revolutionary leader of the civil rights movement, right? Just Latinx. Latinx. Yeah, Malcolm X is Mexican cousin, Latinx. He called up a flyer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:06 That's iconic picture of him in Vegas. Let me see if Tommy's here. Here's the news. The Gothamist Bronx residents say they discovered multiple nooses hanging from trees in Van Cortland Park on Thursday night. And NYPD declined an open investigation claiming the knots were left over pinnatus strings. These are nooses hanging from a park. Where was the original one?
Starting point is 00:57:31 Nooses turned out that nooses in Oakland park were found and they were reported to the police. The mayor said it's an ongoing hate crime investigation. This black dude came out and said that he and his friends made them because they were exercise rings. Like they made them to do. Those gyms are closed. Yeah, because, well, gyms are closed.
Starting point is 00:57:50 And they couldn't afford exercise gym membership. So they made them to like, you know, and of course, none of the newspapers show any of these newses quote unquote in their coverage. I found one of them though. Here it is. Tommy, are you there? Yo.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Oh, hey, what's up, man? Hey, what's up? What's up, what's up? I'm just showing these guys. Here's one of the news is that I found. That looks like an exercise. It looks like something you put your arm through. You find me the fucking guy you could lynch with this news.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Yeah. I'll put it on stream so everybody could see slash the dick show. It's one of those guys with like the micro, so whatever the head is that's tiny. Like in the end of Beetlejuice. Yes, like that. That's up there.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Yeah, that's like something you put your arm through. So you know, maybe there's another way you can put your, so you can do abs or something. Raise your legs, I don't fucking know. Yeah, that's, this is the news. That's the, this is the news that they're having a hate crime investigation know. Yeah, that's... This is the news. That's the... This is the news that they're having a hate crime investigation over. Yeah, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Even after the guy said, me and my friends put those up to do exercise, and we have videos on YouTube of how to use the fucking rings, the mayor still said intent does not matter, we're still investigating this for hate crime. They better, what, those guys, those black guys are gonna get charged. They are. They're gonna go to jail. They fucking should be in jail. Send them here.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Send them to my autonomous zone. That's everybody who belongs in jail for the rest of their fucking life. What about that? The guy who got shot and killed in the autonomous zone. And Razz was on Twitter. It's a, the medic saw him. He just said, they're letting them die.
Starting point is 00:59:24 They didn't get help and help him. You can't do energy business shit. You guys got gunplay going around. I'm just like I'm getting at. I'm getting at it. If I see that, the last thing I'm like, hi, wonder what that's for. Never am I thinking, oh, that's a news.
Starting point is 00:59:37 That's an obvious news. No worse looking, that doesn't look anything like a news. I can even think that way. I don't know. Oh God. Tommy, you wandered into a bunch of nonsense. How you doing, man? I want to know when Chaz, the video game is coming.
Starting point is 00:59:52 That's what I want. Oh my God. What do you think about that? What would that game be like? Well, I guess Grand Theft Auto five. Grand Theft Auto, but you're very angry at your parents. You have a shitty soundtrack. Yeah, a horrible soundtrack. People on their MacBooks all around all the time. Did you see that one? Somebody got their MacBook
Starting point is 01:00:15 stolen and all their shit stolen and the comments on it in the Chas and the comments on it where don't think of it as stolen. Think about it as somebody who needed it more. It's okay. Oh god, it's been reappropriated. Yeah. Yeah These people man, well, you know, they're stupid to play more video games. They do Can you make some video games so that everybody gets tired of pretending to be revolutionaries and just sits home on their fat asses and Does what the rest of us do? I've been doing that for 30 years. So you're doing the new Earthworm Jim slash, what is the new system called, the Intellivision one?
Starting point is 01:00:54 Yeah, it's Intellivision and the system's called Amiko. It's the Italian word for friend. Oh, Amiko for friend. And you're doing the new Earthworm Jim game, right? Yes. Okay, so Doug, Doug Tanepple, he's called him here a couple times. He kind of gave us, I mean, a real, real brief idea
Starting point is 01:01:10 of what's going on on the gaming side. And then tries to talk dick into having kids. Yeah, and then tries to, do you have any opinions about me having kids? Let's start there. You talk to Doug yet lately? Ha, ha, ha. Do you have Wum and V, like your friend, Doug?
Starting point is 01:01:24 So you're, it's, I like your project because I love Earthworm Jam. I love the pixel game revolution that seems to be coming back. I love the style. I like simple stuff. I'm an old man, 40 years old. I don't understand huts. I don't understand the bumpers at the top of the controller. I can't do it.
Starting point is 01:01:42 I don't want to do it. I'm complicated, isn't it? Get complex. That's why I created Amico, because gaming has become so complicated, complex. The games are very, very long. You kind of like when you get a new game and you sit down and it's like, okay, I'm going to do this for the next 30 or 40 hours. It's going to be an adventure. And you almost start to feel guilty. The older we get, the more guilty we feel playing games.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Like our dog wants to go for a walk, the kids want to go out, the wife wants to, you know, and so we just want to bring it back to, you know, when guys like me and you were growing up, it was simple. People would play together in the same rules. Like a simple Rick's commercial. Right, like I said, the Rick and Morty, we put the, you know, that simple Rick's reference. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, and so that's really kind of, you know, bringing back those old school retro mentalities, you know, no blood and violence and bad language and sexual content, nudity and all that stuff. Again, you know, there's a lot of, a lot of, and even to get into a game like most people, there's 200 million hardcore gamers in the world. That's PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and then the PC, hardcore PC gamers. It's 200 million people who do that.
Starting point is 01:03:08 But there's three billion people that play simple, hyper casual mobile games. And so what we're trying to do is kind of be the bridge in between in the home console because the problem with mobile of, of course, is that it's very, it's solitary. It's you with your head buried in a phone. And of course, the hurts, it sucks to play.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Like it hurts your fingers after a while. It's, I don't like the, not a great, I think it's limiting. And the other big thing though is, is that it really, you know, all of the games are designed to suck as much money out of you as possible. And if they're not sucking money out of you, then you're going to get hit with a 30-second ad every three minutes and boxes, and you're going to get pop-up windows, and they're going to sell your data, and it's just become kind of crazy. So that's why we created this system the way we did. Get rid of all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:07 All the games are $9.99 or less. It's the first video game system that comes with full controllers. All of our kind of core system then. Do you remember that shit, Sean? You had to buy everything separately. Ralph, do you remember the introduction of the core system? You can play it. So they could keep the price the same and fuck you out of more money. No, do you remember the introduction of the course? So you can play it. So no, it's so they could keep the price the same and fuck you out
Starting point is 01:04:27 of more money. No, I know. So it's like you had to buy extra stuff so you could play it. Yeah, exactly. Because they make money off the peripherals usually. That's why. And the license is. Exactly. We wanted to just have all in one thing. So not only does it come with two full controllers, the first video game console
Starting point is 01:04:45 has done that since 1990, the Super Nintendo was the last one. Yeah, 30 fucking years. Oh, man. And then, but here's the cool thing is, is that you can also take your mobile device and you can download our free app and you can connect up to eight mobile phones to the system as well. So if you did want to play like, you know, some of the simpler like party games or something, you can hook up to eight phones automatically right out of the box. So it's again, my two biggest things is I
Starting point is 01:05:20 want to provide value and trust. That's it. Money isn't the most important thing. My grandfather would always tell me, if you provide trust and value to someone, then the success and the money, that comes later. But should never be your focus. And I think most video game companies have gotten away from that. It's all about the bottom line, all about the dollar.
Starting point is 01:05:44 And so we're just coming out of a different way. Say, you know what, let's build away from that. It's all about the bottom line, all about the dollar. And so we're just coming out of a different way. Say, you know what, let's build value and trust. And all of our games are 100% curated by us. So it's not like Nintendo. That's like old school Nintendo. They were big on that. They were big on that. Nintendo quality matters.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Remember the Nintendo seal equality? Well, they wouldn't do Mortal Kombat for that reason too. Didn't that, wasn't that like the first game that they violated there? Right, that was one where they had to take out the blood. That was in the early 90s. And again, that's kind of all gone now. Nintendo doesn't censor any other stuff.
Starting point is 01:06:18 There's a lot of adult content on there. And they have like a thousand games. So you can get going the switch and buy a game for four cents. And so, but again, it's not to put down those other companies. I love Nintendo, I love Sony, I love Microsoft. It's just that this is what we're doing different. We're bringing it back to where games are quality over quantity. Yeah, I mean, it's like a simple concept. It's lost.
Starting point is 01:06:46 It's interesting. I first of all, I wrote down a couple of things that you were saying here as you were going. It is, it's sometimes about money, the big game studios now, but it's also about politics, which I, like the last of us too. Last of us too. Did you play that or are you familiar with the country and play it yet? No, and again, one of the reasons why is I just don't have the time to put in
Starting point is 01:07:13 that kind of time commitment to something that's like, man, I want to build a shed or play a game. Yeah, I when I when red dead two came out, my girlfriend sent me a meme one morning. I woke up to it. It was a, it said it was the guy telling a girlfriend, I'll be down, I'll be in bed in 15 minutes and then you hear, that's all right, girl. And she's like lying awake in bed, all pissed off, I go, that's all right. Because you know what, I would play for like six hours basically, like I fuck you. So yeah. Actually, it's interesting interesting you mentioned that one in particular.
Starting point is 01:07:48 That was kind of the crossover for me because I loved Red Dead the first one so much. And then Red Dead too was like, okay, I had it in the shrink wrap and then I waited for a weekend and it was around Christmas because it's sat shrink wrapped on my stairs for like two months. and then I finally okay to dedicate the day the wife was going to be working that day and whatever so I'm like okay and then I I open the game I put it in and then it's like oh it took me like six hours to just like you started I'm like you so that day I heard people complain about that. Well I'll text my brother in law hey I'm coming up.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I'm spending the night. Like, can you turn on the system now and start updating and downloading because we've been fucked over so many times. So I'm ready to go when I'm, yeah. But then the thing was for me is that I played the, and again, I love the franchise, the folks who made, I mean, it's just a masterpiece, right? Yeah. But what I found is that, again, you don't have time like you used to, so
Starting point is 01:08:45 I played it for a couple hours, kind of felt guilty because it was not a weekend, and okay, so I put it down, come back three, four days later, and I'm like, I couldn't remember any of the controls. I'm like, what the hell does all these buttons do? And I just really can't do the bumpers. Like my nephews can do them. Yeah, the shoulder buttons. I can't. I cannot. If there's a move map to them, I just won't do it because there are new generations. Their hands are actually different. I think they have evolved different. I think their tendons are developed different. They're intended in their index fingers to have more dexterity with the shoulder buttons. You should shot those tendons. Yeah, you all stretched out. You have a claw, basically. Well, have you seen that the new thing, though,
Starting point is 01:09:27 is to put buttons on the back as well now, so they're on the back of the controller. You can buy a hat. I have to put them on the back to do a controller. I have a controller with that. What some kind of had some dumb name and I don't get it. I don't know where to do teaming this on.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Okay, I wanted to ask you some stuff. You've had a long history, long history in game dev, but specifically on this, I think it's interesting because it has like, I mean, I'm sure you know this, but it has this story around it or all these people or this attitude about it. Like people actively want your product to fail. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:10:02 Like they are, I mean, they feel good about saying it's not going to work. And I don't know. I know exactly why. Why? Like Vito, a guy who comes into the show all the time, they seem almost to have contempt for your product because they think that it's stupid that you're even doing it. But all of the things you're saying, I know you're a marketing guy, but all the things that you're saying doing it, but all of the things you're saying, I know you're a marketing guy, but all the things you're saying make sense to me.
Starting point is 01:10:26 And I'm not a marketing guy, really. I'm just talking from the heart, you know, it's like, look, the most marketing I've done. Well, the best marketing I've done. It's not a lot, if you believe it. The system isn't for everyone. No one's going to, you know, just like the switch isn't for everyone, just like the PlayStation 4 isn't for anyone. But, yeah, but this, and, but it's also important
Starting point is 01:10:49 to note though that there is, you know, it's always the massive silent majority, you know, we have so much outstanding. So I'll give you an example. You go on our YouTube, on our YouTube channel and you look at any of the big trailers and things that we put out. And you'll see a hundred thousand views and maybe two hundred dislikes. Right? Yeah. Now, now, because people can say, oh, well, you're going to control the, you can delete comments in this, well, you can't control. And you'll see negative comments, but it's literally like less than 5%. And so you really start to wonder, you know, so are the people who are complaining and who are all upset because of a video game machine they've never played?
Starting point is 01:11:36 You know, is that really the majority? The answer is an overwhelming no. It's loud. YouTube, channel proofs it. I'll read control dislikes. I'll even I'll read these comments right now that are these are these are these are fans of the show commenting right now. It's who yeah, who yeah, is that the who you sounded same as this shit?
Starting point is 01:11:55 I don't want it to fail, but it sounds like it sucks. God dick sounds so fucking old right now. He really does and he's only eight years older than me. That's a fucking it's a lot of years, cantilians, you cocksucker. I was only married for three, eight years, yeah, what the fuck? I'm not excited about it, but I honestly think, I honestly think you guys really aren't the target. Like, I made an emulator, I set up one of those raspberry pie emulators.
Starting point is 01:12:19 I was gonna do that and then I just bought the mini, though, I was like, whatever. That's in the S-mini, but yeah, anyway. Go ahead. That's a great point. Telli, but yeah, anyway. Go ahead. That's a great point. Tell me if you think this is a crazy idea. Okay. How about this, to all your viewers out there, and again, tell me if I'm nuts and off,
Starting point is 01:12:34 off the rails on this. How about this? You're on this show. How about, how about, I know this is gonna sound insanely crazy, but how about you wait until it comes out and you play it? So make a decision on it. I really am. I'm so happy about it.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Like, did they say that? I'm so mad about it. Does that, does that seem crazy to anyone? Is that, is that asking too much? You've got to be about the Raspberry Pi stuff with this rationalization. So the Raspberry Pi I bought thinking that I'm so tired of like these big budget games that you got to learn how to work like a forklift to play. And then it's just and it's endless cuts.
Starting point is 01:13:12 I hate the stories. I cannot stand them. I think there's a little bit of a little bit of a solid. 20 minutes of Metal Gear Solid story. Yeah, I mean, I love Metal Gear Solid. Is that what started to think so? Yeah, they're really long movie style games. Oh God, I can't stand it.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Yeah. I mean, I can say it if it's good, but too many times it's not necessarily good. That's the problem. The SNES, many, I will say, get one of those if you can. I got it for really cheap too. And you can hack it and put every SNES game that ever existed on there basically.
Starting point is 01:13:41 So, I mean, not that you can donate. And for educational purposes, of course. Things that you own, games you already own, games you already own. Yes. But I hated the emulator experience. Like, I don't like the lag. I hate all, I don't like having to find all this shit and know I can't do it with anybody. Like, no one else wants to sit down and come up with an emulator.
Starting point is 01:13:57 And there's nothing new. It's like playing the old games ruins my nostalgia kick off them. So, I don't get the everybody else. Things to fail. I'm trying to do something so unique, something different in the industry, because it's like PlayStation, two, three, four, five.
Starting point is 01:14:17 It hasn't, you know, and again, I love all these systems. You know, the graphics keep getting better. Great, you know, Xbox is the same thing. Nintendo is a good innovator. They went from the Wii to the Wii U to the Switch. I mean, they did some really cool stuff. But what we're doing is something completely unique.
Starting point is 01:14:35 And here's the other thing that people, you know, again, if they're fans of gaming that they should appreciate, is that we're actually paying all of these amazing indie developers because to me, that's where all the game design innovation is happening. It's not the next madden game or the next, you know, a sad, sad, sad, sad,
Starting point is 01:14:56 sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad,
Starting point is 01:15:04 sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, paying them, so they don't have to do kickstarter or Indiegogo projects. So they don't have to bootstrap everything and eat ramen out of their mom's basement for the next two years, right? We're actually paying these folks to create content for us. And you know what, guys, we are the absolute underdogs. We are like Rocky Balboa up in this bitch. So all I'm saying is, whether you hate it, the idea, love the. So all I'm saying is, you know, if whether you hate it, the idea, love the idea. All we're saying is we want to create something new, special and unique, prop up indie developers and create something where people can play together
Starting point is 01:15:39 simple, affordable gaming and worthy underdog. So if you can't root for that again, they can't root for that. No, they're not because they're not. They're not. That doesn't happen in this country anymore. I love the idea. Off and enough. I love the idea. And I hope there's no cool. I'm going to tear that down. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Fuck you. How much is it? It's too much. You guys ever read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galactic? I'm on vacation now. Okay, so the question is, favorite quotes from that book is on the first page, one of the opening lines, and it is funny. Where he says, humans, they're interesting and strange people. You know, these are folks that 2,000 years ago, they nailed a guy to a tree
Starting point is 01:16:31 because he went around saying how cool it would be to be nice to people. Yeah. That's the human race for you. You know what? I also wanted to ask you this, is there a Christian play in this platform? Because I read in your materials that it's like not
Starting point is 01:16:46 salacious stuff, not that it's stuff. And don't, obviously, yeah. Right. Right. We're looking at a time right now that we've never experienced on the planet earth, which is that the millennials have taken over is the number one generation in the world.
Starting point is 01:17:03 And like Jen Exzer, I'm a Jen Exer, but like Jen Exer, they had kids later, they left home later, they had kids later, they found their careers later, got married later. And so, millennials now are, you know, kind of late 20s to mid to late 30s, right? That's kind of the millennial generation. And so, they're now having kids at this moment. So no time in history if we've seen this. In the United States, there's 21 million households that have kids between the ages of two and seven. In Europe, another 21
Starting point is 01:17:38 million. And if you include Canada and Mexico into the mix, so all of North America, all of Europe, that's about 65 million households that have kids between the ages of two and seven. We've never seen this ever before. 20% of our library is edutainment and kids, but stuff that you can play the game. I hate edutainment kids. Yeah, but if you had kids, you don't have to just give them your mobile device and then feel guilty
Starting point is 01:18:08 because you're giving them all this. They're watching my porn stuff. Yeah, you know what though? My nephew loves this programming game. It's all like programming logic based, but it's this dumb robot that you have to make him go through a maze. That motherfucker will sit there for hours just trying to use basic programming stuff to walk that guy through.
Starting point is 01:18:28 So they do love it. They're like people like where we- So I guess my point is, though, is that we're really taking a family approach where we say, you know what, if you want the blood gourd guts, that's fine. I'm not against it. I've been fighting, I mean, I did a TED talk on this.
Starting point is 01:18:43 If you put in my Telerico TED talk, you'll see I've been fighting, I mean, I did a TED talk on this. If you put in my Telurico TED talk, you'll see I've defended the industry for 30 plus years against content creators should be able to create whatever they want. And as long as there's, as long as there's, it's not getting into the wrong hands, I.e. kids, people should be able to make what they want. There should be no, I'm not censoring this stuff.
Starting point is 01:19:08 What I'm saying is we're kind of creating, think of it almost maybe as like Disneyland of the video game consoles, right? Where parents don't have to worry about it and that's kind of the thing. But do we approach, like we're doing the Christian life festival this year? Like we're going to, honestly, I think it's going to sell, like I hope it sells this, but I think it's going to sell just based on that, just based on the Christian aspect. Sure, there's obviously a market for that. There's a sect of, there's never going to be anything fucked on this system.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Yeah. Here you go. Yeah, I think that right there's a big selling point. And here's another thing guys, a Christian video game. Well, they used to be Nintendo basically. He mentioned that earlier. It used to be, well, you know, they had to edit Mortal Kombat. You're not going to have something. Yeah. It's not going to be there. It's kind of a family type deal. And now they gave that up because, well, I like it because we didn't need that stuff growing up. Right? I mean, we never had that stuff when we were growing up in the 70s, 80s, not, you know, early 90s.
Starting point is 01:20:07 We, you know, it wasn't, it wasn't a year's old playing Grand Theft Auto. No, I mean, that was not happening, yeah. I was, I liked, we did have it when we used it. I was a part of playing it, yeah, but I mean, it probably, yeah. I don't know. And Pac-Man, that's what I was thinking was going on.
Starting point is 01:20:21 But yeah, you're right, there were plenty of great games to be had. All those red dots were blood splatters, right? Those little dots were microaggressions. And the big dots were white supremacy. He would eat those in turn. I like the idea of entertainment moving out of the grasp of the left. And I think that's what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:20:44 I know if Doug's involved, it's probably something to do with that. You know what I mean, Sean. I like that, I like the idea of a conservative and a right wing group controlling some amount of content or some kind of production housework, some kind of date.
Starting point is 01:20:59 I don't see why there isn't room for it. Yeah. If no one's pushing back, then it's just gonna get worse and worse and worse. Either way, either way, that's interesting to bring up is that when we announced that we were doing Earthworm Gym, the one thing to know about this subject is that Doug created the character Earthworm Gym. Yes, that's true. And Doug's, you know, Doug was one
Starting point is 01:21:28 tenth of our team, right? We had ten people who worked on the game, right? And so, you know, when we announced that we're doing Earthworm Gym four, and people were upset because, you know, you should disinvow, you know, a drug because of the things he says and this and what he believes and this and that. And it's like, look, if he's getting railed, Mike Nelson disavowed him. I'm sure I could see why people in this day and age and are, you know, disavowing. It's people do that all the time for, you know, what's, what are, you know, considered controversial stances, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Yeah, so, so my, my kind of, you know, response back then was, look, you know, it's about the game. And if you kick Doug off, it's not the same game. And you'll upset people. And if you keep Doug on, you're gonna upset people. But it's about the game. And the ten people working on the game and and and if you if somebody personally, you know, disagrees with Religion or politics. It's a lot of stuff to support about this project. I'll be honest. I mean there really is
Starting point is 01:22:40 Sean I'm never laughing at it, but there's a lot of fucking things that guys tell me saying. Yeah, I mean, I don't understand. I've always been able to separate the artist from the art. Oh, really? Yeah. Watch Ghost Dad now. You mean, uh, I mean, what's happening? Oh, no, I, hey, his standup is still fucking feeding Jello, bud. Wait, what?
Starting point is 01:22:59 Like, I, those, those records, especially like the late 70s stuff or whatever he did, it's just as funny. Yeah, it doesn't change. That Bill Cossby is one of the funny standups of all time. It doesn't change whether it's funny or not. It's just like, you know, there's like, if you don't agree, it's just, is does the thing stand on its own or not?
Starting point is 01:23:17 I'll say the standups a little bit harder though, because it's such a singular person, you know what I mean? Yeah. It's nobody else. Whereas it's Woody Allen move, it's like, okay, I love Woody Allen. It's not like, person, you know what I mean? And there's nobody else. Whereas it's Woody Allen move, it's like, okay, I love Woody Allen. It's like, good Jackson's music. Oh yeah, I listen to Michael Jackson.
Starting point is 01:23:30 I think Michael Jackson's innocent. We're innocent, railroaded, innocent, completely innocent. You know, that's a discussion for sure. I mean, I just, I just thought that you said at some times these are just, yeah. It came out that I thought was interesting. So it's like, every documentary, it's like, if it's for him, I like, after I watch it, it was like, every documentary, it's like, if it's for him,
Starting point is 01:23:46 I like, after I watch it, I'm like, oh yeah, that makes sense. And then you watch the opposite side. I'm like, oh yeah, that makes sense. I just don't know what the hell's going on, you know? Yeah, I think I interrupted you, but it doesn't make thriller any better or worse. Well, that's my point is that I still love the art,
Starting point is 01:24:04 the music, I don't, you know, I'm like, I'm never going to listen to, you know, and by the way, you don't even respect them. Yeah. You know, Led Zeppelin probably did drugs and did things in hotel rooms that, that, you know, you know, you never ever texted a young female fan. 16 year old. You think they didn't have like an army of guys who were explicitly there to point out girls in the front row and bring them back and say, hey, if they ask your 18 or whatever the age of consent is, isn't that? This fucking head field talks about like a champion. There's no reason to be famous anymore.
Starting point is 01:24:42 How a bunch of girls after the show would just, they just get in the shower with them, you know? Yeah, like how do you say? It's like that's a pretty good feeling. Talk about the music. Talk about the music. But that's the thing though, the game is being made by 10 different people. And so people need to, you know, kind of, you know, understand that. And look, if somebody doesn't want to buy the game because of that, well, that's there. You know, that's their prerogative. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:25:12 I mean, I can argue with them and say, you should, but no, don't be the look. It's your dollar. It's your decision. You know, that's fine. No, I get it now. I was one of those guys that laughed at it when it came out and said, like, oh, fuck it, I'll just get an emulator and say, like, I want the new Earthworm gym, but I really wanted to hear what your plans were for this thing because I read your background and your smart
Starting point is 01:25:32 guy. And I know Doug's very smart guy. So I mean, if he says what you guys are doing are great, then he must know, he must have something insight to it. He does. He does, yeah. But after talking to you, I get it. I get it. And I think I think you'll be successful. I appreciate it. And again, for all the folks out there
Starting point is 01:25:52 who might be a little negative right now, I just all I ask is give it a shot, play it when it comes out and then make your decision, man, that's all. Yeah. I mean, the irony is I've spent $250 on a system and then only got like three games for it anyway, because there's such a commitment. Yeah. I got it. I get it now.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Cool. What makes you a rage? I always ask everybody that when they call in, what's something that pisses you off? It's going on or anything petty, small in your life, could be anything. Well, for me, because we're trying to get this machine out this year, I don't know how to say piss me off, but what's frustrating to me is the whole, like we're in California, so we kind of have the whole COVID lockdown thing.
Starting point is 01:26:47 And so they messed up your production. Oh my gosh. What? Yeah. Are you making it in China? Obviously. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Yeah. Yeah. Anything electronic is going to be in China. So that could have been back two months. And we're trying to hit our 10, 10 deadline, October 10th. And you know, we're two months behind the redness. And we can't get like FCC testing. And there's all these different...
Starting point is 01:27:13 To get the symbols stuck on it. To get the stupid symbol. Like a shit, no one government. Yeah, it's all compliance testing. And by the way, we're all sitting coming out in Canada and Europe and Germany and UK. And so you have to get all of those compliance testing for all those different countries and build the backend system.
Starting point is 01:27:32 So, what's it like to produce? We're doing your tooling's finished. And we're sitting here kind of twiddling our thumbs because companies aren't open and things are backed up. So it's like, but again, at the end of the day, if, you know, I mean, right now, we're still trying to get it out for, for this year, 10, 10. But, you know, if it doesn't happen, then it, then it doesn't happen. And, you know, we're, we're not going to go anywhere.
Starting point is 01:27:57 We'll just, it'll just be delayed. So that's, that's a frustration I have to deal with every day of my life. What's the hardest part of getting something like this manufactured? Like you're going all the way to nothing when you start developing a product like this, right? Like I mean, it's such a, everybody wants to be a video game developer. You know, I have so many people just want to get their story out
Starting point is 01:28:18 in the form of video games. It's like the new, the new American novel is a video game. It used to be our boomer parents. People really like the story. There's people who get really into it. Nobody wants to be Fitzgerald. They want to be Carmack.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Like that's our generation. I love the cutscenes, Dick. Yeah. I know. I know. Because every time I talk about it, I'm like, it's shit. How I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 01:28:40 I said the voice acting for Red Dead Redemption 2 sucked. And I was like, you're a fucking idiot. You know what's good voice acting for you? I don't know who that is. I do know like what's the one you, the other one you mentioned. What? The metal gear?
Starting point is 01:28:53 Somebody else? No, what's the new last of us? Last of us. It's Nolan North as far as I am. Nolan is a fucking great actor. Yeah, he's one of those. Was he voicing the trans men in that game? No, he voices the guy. I mean, whatever the, yeah, he's was he's voicing those the trans men in that game. No, he voices the guy
Starting point is 01:29:08 Spoiler alert gets his brains beat out by the Wait On your sister In strong father role models beat the death by a literal incarnation of feminism on your platform. Will that be happening? Oh, Jesus. Now, everyone else, all the other ones, lots of room for the stuff like that. Not something we're interested in.
Starting point is 01:29:33 They got to cover it on the... Oh, yeah. So, what's been the most interesting parts of developing a system from nothing? That's fascinating to me. Yeah, it's really the challenging, I mean, it's a team effort, right? So it's not just me sitting in an office like some Kickstarter project or something. We have like 30 engineers, people who worked at NASA on the Mars Rover project, people who created the Microsoft Xbox, who created the
Starting point is 01:30:07 Wii, who created the cloud gaming for PlayStation. These are all the folks who are, you know, I've assembled a team of absolute industry all stars, you know, to do this. And one of the challenges is you come up with all these like great things that you want to do. Like, oh, that's such a cool idea. Let's do this. And they call it feature creep, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:28 You have like 100 great ideas and it's like, oh my God, this is gonna take like 20 years to make. So you gotta just stop shopping everything off because it's important to do something when it comes out. You want it to be successful and you want it to work great. It's better that three or four great things work as opposed to 10 ideas that,
Starting point is 01:30:50 because you spread yourself too thin and none of them got done correctly the right way. So that's one of the challenges is letting your babies go or letting your ideas go. Like, oh, it's such a great idea, but yeah, we just don't have the time, the money, and the, you know, whatever to do it. So, yeah, that's the one thing.
Starting point is 01:31:11 What was the one thing that you hated dropping more than anything else? Let me go through my list. Yeah, think about it. What was your baby? You know, it's one of the games that I was hoping to get on launch. Big Johnson's Tiddy Factor 10. It's going to be delayed probably maybe another year, just because I need it to be perfect. And I was hoping we could start development earlier. So it's more of a of a game than an actual, oh, I can tell you something else too, is there?
Starting point is 01:31:50 We wanted to put, we wanted to put a lot more memory in the controllers. So the controllers have screens on them, touch screens. And so we were hoping that you could actually take the, take the controller out. You can actually play like mini games on the controller when you take it over your friends house or whatever. I mean, I thought that would be dumb on the Switch too, but it is great. The screen. Pop that mother, you pop that thing out of the dock and keep playing it and you don't
Starting point is 01:32:21 have to stop doing your game. I want to punch these kids every time they enjoy these things that I would have killed for as a kid. So, just again, wish we had more memory, wish we had more RAM, same old steam, but because it comes down, oh, I'll tell you the most disappointing thing, I just remembered. We were trying to do the whole system at 199. That comes with two controllers with touch screens, seven games on board, right? All games, 999 or less.
Starting point is 01:32:52 And I wanted to get it out for 199. I felt that was the magic number. And because of COVID, because all the scarcity of components, and because we upgraded the screens, we upgraded a lot of stuff, our retail is going to be $249 to begin with. And then we're going to try to get it back down to $199. Hopefully after all this crap is over. So that was one big thing. For me, it was a disappointment because I really, I think $199 is like the magic number where you're selling
Starting point is 01:33:23 millions and millions and millions you know, it sounds better than 250. All right, Tommy. Yeah, and we'll get there just not on launch. Yeah, I hear you. All right, man, good luck. I will. I'll check out the games. See, if you got, I mean, once you hit like a magic number of games, I imagine it's
Starting point is 01:33:39 a lot of things. You're launching with 40 games. So that's pretty impressive. All right. I'll check it out. I wish you luck. That's pretty impressive. All right. I'll check it out. I wish you luck. I hope it works. You don't want to just hate on it before you play it because you're more than welcome
Starting point is 01:33:51 to join through. You hooked me with Earthworm Jim. Like I can't, I can't resist Earthworm Jim. Um, yeah, I'm just gonna ask everybody and again, check it out. I have a dick sucking machine that costs three that costs 299. So I think I can, I think I can splooge on another device to satisfy my curiosity. Where can people go to find it?
Starting point is 01:34:12 Check it out in is the website. Check out our YouTube page. We've got a ton of content there of the games and what the system's about. And keep an open mind and root for the underdog. Okay, thanks, Tommy. Have a good time. Have a good time. Good talking.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Hi. It's you. Interesting, interesting system. So it's a whole new system just for Earthworm gem. Just for Earthworm gem. Yeah. Pretty much. All right.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Let me read some comments. I'm ambitious. And then we got a soft NARS. Sophia NARS calling. What is she? What does she go by? I only ever know her Twitter name. Comments, business women crying.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Hey, dick, a friend of my girlfriend admitted she literally cried for two hours when she and her boyfriend decided to reopen the business they chose to shut down for our lockdown. They, like every other business, received 10,000 pounds from the government during shutdown. Wow! The majority of their business comprises selling smelly candies online. They didn't need to shut down at all. Candles or candies? Candles.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Candles. Yeah, smelly candies. Well, I don't know. Thanks for the help, Hey, Dukinchon. You don't have to read this on the show if you don't want to. But I sent you an email in December. Thank you for the help you've given me over the past year and a half of listening And this might help other dickheads who were in my shoes back then He's gonna talk about how many chicks he's been I guess as I said last time I stopped going to college and looking for a job Since I was just going to school to go to school. I didn't have any prospects for a major or anything
Starting point is 01:35:41 So I finally decided to get a job and hope things worked out. As we know, the world started to burn, so it took me five whole months to find a job, even when I sent out resumes every week. It's fucking rough, man. And the virus didn't help either. Luckily, I now work for an online game retailer and moved from shipping to being the only guy doing receiving.
Starting point is 01:35:58 I can use headphones at work, so the podcast has still kept me going. And I've been working my way back through the show. As a supporter, your crossover episodes with Carl are some of the most entertaining things I've ever listened to. So please keep those up. I think we're doing one of those tonight.
Starting point is 01:36:10 Especially the last two. Yeah. I went from booking a trip to that guy, that third guy who's on there. Oh yeah, with Sean. Yeah, that's, I hear those are really good. I went from booking a trip to Greenland a few years ago to being happy for the first time in years.
Starting point is 01:36:23 And you guys helped me through that. Keep up the great work and try not to get shot anymore. Go fuck yourself. Pat. That's a nice positive uh, it is a nice positive. I've got, let's get so fin here, I got some good email. Change in lives here. Saving lives Sean. Saving.
Starting point is 01:36:39 That's my motto. Saving. So, Fiya Nar, did I mute you? Let me see. No, I'm here. There you are. did I mute you? Let me see. Now I'm here. There you are. Hello, hi. Welcome to the program.
Starting point is 01:36:50 Ethan Ralph is here. I'm trying to find this review of last of us two that you did that Riley just heard. I've never seen the review yet. I'll be publishing that tomorrow. I just threw out some tweets. Sophia, good to talk to you. Been on the kill stream many times.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Hey Ethan, how's it going? Pretty good, pretty good. What did you think of the game? The last of us too, so I liked the first half. I'll be honest and half the game you play as Ellie. I enjoyed that. Yeah The last half of the game is a fucking train rack and just ruins the entire experience. Yeah. Oh boy. Why is that? So you play as this character Abbie who's like, I've been calling her Gorilla Monsoon. She's a big, big girl.
Starting point is 01:37:35 That's a reference to a lot of people aren't gonna get. Oh, I got it immediately. It me too. I always have my rest like that. So I'm on soon. So anyways, they want you to sympathize with this character who in the beginning of the game does something bad. I'm okay with trying to sympathize with somebody like that.
Starting point is 01:37:54 It is what it is. But the way they do it is a failure on every level. And for this game where some critics have laughably been saying it's the shindler's list of video games. Oh my God. I'm dead serious. Shindles list, that's a totally... I don't think that's appropriate to compare some... That's not a shin list.
Starting point is 01:38:11 There's gotta be some group that's outraged under it. Maybe the citizen can't... Not the shin list. This is the roots of video games. Okay, what are you, it's 12 years of slave of video games. Video games. Wait, what? Oh, when's that coming by the when is the interactive slave With a big Harriet Tubman on the front of the box black people get 13% off When is that guy's art right? It's fucking art they remove, gone with the wind and every statue we have,
Starting point is 01:38:46 it's time to start building new history. Quentations simulators. Oh, yeah, this is a subversive art piece. It's like the, ah, sim city, sim city, sim city 1845. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Oh no, this is gonna be the one that can't lose me. I can only tell this is a great idea You can you go All the features of every game they love you going to town
Starting point is 01:39:23 the features of every game that you love you're going to town. Well, the income was nice while it lasted. It's been a fun ride. Okay, sorry. So I shouldn't those list in video game forum. I just want to talk about plantations. You have all the issues in the box on now to just like in my plantation simulator I'm not helping
Starting point is 01:39:50 I can't no okay let's cycle through the features of the game is outbreak and so many jokes tonight about the features so let's see now let's kickstart it, see how long that... That's so... It'll be a social experiment.
Starting point is 01:40:11 Yeah, a social experiment. We need a black guy. We need Jesse Lee Peterson to do it. This is it. This is it. This is our stand. We're gonna get Jesse Lee Peterson to You're in white history, man. Jesse Lee Peterson says July is white history.
Starting point is 01:40:28 I'm telling you, man, Jesse Lee Peterson is in here talking, and I'm sitting there putting my, trying not to nod at, like just even polite nods, I'm pretty saying, just because I don't want there to be video of me going, oh yeah, July just does feel white. Jesse Lee Peterson. You just can't say what he says. Um, we're getting him to kick start. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:52 So I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you interrupted. We derailed a little bit there. She's in this list of video games. Actually, watching that movie was better than the last half of the game. So the game. So the game thinks it has this deep message and it's super important, but it's basically just a stereotypical revenge is bad. It just continues a cycle of violence. And the way they want you to sympathize with this character is by showing you how good she is and how bad Ellie really is. So an example in a mild spoiler here. And the main game, Ellie kills a dog. I heard about that. They
Starting point is 01:41:35 make you kill a dog and then like, and then, and then, and then the last half, they constantly show you, look how good this dog is, look how good this dog is look how good this dog is see you play fetch with the dog It's a good dog never mind the dog was attacking Ellie when you kill it you play fetch with this dog It's just think about you're supposed to feel bad because you cheered for Ellie and you went with Joel and took him and Murdered all the doctors in the room, but was one of my favorite moment moments in video gaming history was walking in the room, which was one of my favorite moments in video gaming history was walking in that room Fucking blowing all those motherfuckers away for trying to kill Ellie guys I don't feel bad about it. They deserve to die and I hope they burn it out That's what I feel
Starting point is 01:42:15 They were good people so what they were fucking with Ellie and they had to go right? Yes He just channeled Sam Kenneson. No, Samuel Jackson What a great dog give a fuck kill the dog do It's like it's like if the end of this star wars two was just all about how well the Empire actually we very One clone fucker that was great, you know, yeah, I'm like, come on. The whole point of the narrative was that those guys were bad. That, that, that, to serve the many is to sacrifice the feasts. And that, that's, that is evil.
Starting point is 01:42:54 This is evil at the core. The whole theory that these art house type people, I was about to use a certain word I shouldn't use, but, um, not on your show. I was at the same. But, you know, the video games are too simplistic, that this whole violence on a massive scale never has any consequences.
Starting point is 01:43:14 The stories, there's never any in-depth feeling and you don't feel bad for all these people you've murdered. I don't know, fuck this shit, it's a video game. And we don't feel bad for all the people we murder every day. We don't stop trying to cram this invention that we feel bad for murder into our heads. We fucking don't. Well, it's funny as, so the game,
Starting point is 01:43:38 one, the combat itself is very simplistic, but I had fun with the combat because it's got great blood. It has amazing blood splatter and like, gourd, it has very visceral gourd. So there's this like heavy realism to it. And you're supposed to feel bad when you're blowing people's heads off and just watching the blood splatters.
Starting point is 01:43:56 And it's got great fucking blood splatters. I'm actually legitimately. And that's what made the combat fun to me is because of how fucking brutal it was. So you're supposed to see this gourd be like, oh, I'm sad. I'm doing something bad. I'm murdering people. And I'm just like, this blood is fucking awesome.
Starting point is 01:44:10 I want to kill more. It doesn't, the gameplay doesn't match the story or tone at all if you're fucking in the head, I guess. Yeah, I'm just legitimately satin by the whole situation because I absolutely love the last of us. The first one is one of my favorite games of all time. Top five, like straights down. Anytime anybody would try to talk shit about it,
Starting point is 01:44:28 I'd be like, nah, you're more on fuck off. I thought Super Mario Bros. 2 was the worst follow up in gaming history. I'm not playing it, I'm not buying it, I don't give a fuck. I've heard enough, like I don't need it at all. I don't need it at all. Is that accurate? No, so the main character is not the tranny. Oh, she's just a muscular, super big, buffy girl. There is a
Starting point is 01:44:50 trans character. And like, this is how they try to redeem Abby is that she goes on this long journey that has nothing to do with the main plot. It's the father's great game as a waste of time. It was boring. The story did nothing. And she's on this redemption arc to save the trans boy, the trans kid. Oh wow. These are the tranny to be like,
Starting point is 01:45:13 they're very, I have to be saving them. Ignore the bad thing she's done. She's saving the trans kid. The fact that she beat Joel's brains out with a fucking golf club. How is this? Oh my God. How pissed off are people gonna be at these spoilers? I don't care. There's that people. I'm saving them 60 bucks and 60 hours of
Starting point is 01:45:30 their lives. Fuck them. I mean, I don't care, obviously, but I've learned the star. Like, we're talking about the game. If you didn't know, we're going to spoil it. Everyone knows what I'm going to do. Yeah, yeah, that's true. There's just so many. Gamer is one of their one of their most treasured fantasies is to pretend to be a gigantic butch woman saving a young trans boy. Is that what we're being sold? It'd be more relatable if it was a saving up a pristine trans man. As Abby, I just started busting out laughing because our character model is so corny, but
Starting point is 01:46:02 she's voiced. One of the things where Abby's character fails is Laura Bailey voices Abby. And again, Abby's this big like gorilla monsoon, beefy girl. Okay. And it's voice super femininly. By the way, the voice acting does it
Starting point is 01:46:16 not for the character or the personality of the voice lines. That's okay. There's probably more. Laura can do it. Like, I've worked with her a ton. Like, she can do it. Yeah, Laura's great. Oh, yeah. She can do it. Like, I've worked with her a ton. Like, she can do it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:25 Oh, yeah. She can do it. But why was she the character that I wanted? Yeah, why was she directed to go in? Cause she's, yeah, she's, she's, she's good actors. She doesn't sound like Jim Carey with that bikini from in living color. You're saying? Oh, oh, Vera Demilo.
Starting point is 01:46:38 Yeah. Remember? It's some pets of death. Yeah. Um, I'm trying to pull up. The one thing I think they nailed in what I've seen is they got Abby's tits to look just terrible.
Starting point is 01:46:51 Right? She looks like she's trans. I mean, I'm a tranny. As everyone knows, you can give me a tranny shit later. I have better boobs than she does. And mine are natural. I'm trying to pull up a picture of her tits here. This is the, Sean, this is in the video game.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Does this, is this a woman get a butch woman getting plowed from behind, it looks like a scene from Oz. This is not, yeah, this is not a game. A feature no scene for a mouse before she bites the penis out. Yeah, I'm gonna mute it so we're not, I'm going to mute it, so we're not. I'm just showing these guys what it is. All right, so if you went to the riots too, right? Yes, it's been a few weeks.
Starting point is 01:47:35 How was that? I went to some riots here in LA, but not nearly on the scale of yours. So I went to Minnesota. How do you like the show? I haven't even been to Minnesota. So I went to the Minneapolis riots before the entire world should hit the fan. Yeah. And I was there the night, the police fed, fled the police station and it got burned down. Then some amazing footage, if anyone wants to find it, just do keyword search flee. And then my name you'll find
Starting point is 01:48:02 the video. It's amazing footage. And so I was there when the police fled, front lines being shot at with Robert Bullets, I've been tear gasped, and Tifa people on Twitter were trying to put a hit out on me by sharing my face, being like, look for this person because my politics don't align with them. And then on night three, I was there, as buildings were getting looted,
Starting point is 01:48:21 I was there when buildings were set on fire, recording the whole thing, I went into buildings with looters to record them as they just crashed. Wait, hold on one second. Where's your, I wanna play this while you're talking. What can I search for again? I search for Cleveland.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Did you go inside the target specifically? I don't know, it was one of those stores because we turned on your footage and you were like inside, like riot embed coverage to use a term from the Iraq war when they used to embed the journalists into the unit or whatever. That's how I was in Sofia here. In the shit.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Yeah, I'm writing the thick of it. I just wanted to be on the red. Actually, you should play this with the sound on and let me go here because it's in the second. Let me just say where the audience are fleeing. And yeah, this is like out of a film. Like riot embed coverage. That sounds good. is like out of a film. Okay. And like riot and bed coverage.
Starting point is 01:49:07 That sounds good. I don't know what to talk about. That's hot in the man. Okay, let me load this up. I'm gonna play it while we're, and I'll put it on this, I'll put the sound onto. Okay, is it this?
Starting point is 01:49:17 This is, here's a shot of the precinct being down. Damn. Look at that fire. Is it, is it this one below it, police flee, chaos, utter chaos, two million views, goddamn. I'm just looking. One of my events got five minutes. That's how you know it's good journalism, Sean,
Starting point is 01:49:36 because of the views. There's sweet views. Okay, there's a car driving through a gate. Is that been a hijack police car? No, it's all up. All this thing, the other one all up. That's the police fleeing driving to their own gate in a blind panic.
Starting point is 01:49:53 Wow. And then the police station, within 30 minutes, the police station was burning, and they burnt the whole police seat down. Wow. In my view, it's the moment the police fled. Yeah, they're all good. It's a very next night that the whole of the US kind of it crazy where all the right sort of Happy New York City is oh look at these guys We show this on our whole cop car there's a whole lot
Starting point is 01:50:19 This is the entire lot of cop How close I miss they're shooting at me and everyone else. Imagine they're shooting. They're shooting. They see fireworks. They see fireworks. They're shooting the rocks. Like people in the windows.
Starting point is 01:50:31 The police are shooting. They're shooting rubber rounds. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire.
Starting point is 01:50:39 They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're trying to fire. They're gives that order. I was disgusting to surrender the police station. Like the Iraq, they were reminding me they're rackies. The Iraqi army, the way they melted away.
Starting point is 01:50:51 Yeah. When ISIS came through and they just left all of our equipment there for ISIS to use, I guess at least they took the guards and shit, but this was pathetic. I mean, this is who we're voting for. It's pathetic, Jake. Or do you live in a democratic city? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:06 This is Richmond. Yeah. This is my, the neighbors. And it burns too. Our neighbors here would 100% support this unbelievable. I'm like so in my opinion, that night the world saw you could make police flee and you could burn down their station. I think had they held the line we might not have seen the riots on the street. We saw like three to four nights of just non-stop violence throughout the US and looting. They saw, oh hey we can do this and everyone
Starting point is 01:51:37 started doing it. What's more your foot like your background? What's more of your footage I can play? Hold on. So what's more of your footage I can play while you're talking about this. I want to put that on the video in the same time. I'll put it on mute because I want to hear what happened. Okay, this is fine. Keep going with what you're saying. This is when America lost, this is when the lawlessness kind of... I think people saw, oh hey, we can make police flee. We can burn on their station. And then it was day three was Minnesota had called in the National Guard. They had this curfew.
Starting point is 01:52:11 They had set the curfew on night three, eight PM rolls around which is the curfew. And after engaging with the protests or the writers, excuse me, for a little while, the police and the National Guard retreated. They disappeared. And for about five-ish hours, there was no law enforcement on the streets. And Minneapolis was destroyed. I think the final count is like 70-ish buildings were burned completely to the ground. Over 300 other businesses were looted, damaged, broken into.
Starting point is 01:52:40 It was like a military style calamity, basically, in the city. And the National Guard, they had National Guard there and they retreated and let the whole city just get raised to the ground. Like on my day four footage or day five, excuse me, I've just got footage of just buildings just burned to the ground, just not like entire city blocks, no exaggeration, entire city blocks where like seven or eight buildings that make up the block are just burned in a block. This may or should be arrested and put in prison. That's what I think.
Starting point is 01:53:09 And the fact that, oh my God, this is, yeah, that's what I think. Well, I get to, I've gotten shit, people say I'm supporting the riots, but my, I would say first and foremost is, look, all that has to happen is for the people in charge to say to stop this.
Starting point is 01:53:26 Yeah. All the people who've been harassing me and us and making us live under this tyranny of their fear, everybody who's illegalized conducting businesses normal, life is normal. The reason that dancing is illegal in LA are the same people who could just say stop burning businesses, stop destroying the country, stop, stop, stop destroying people's dreams, stop, stop violating wholesale is at the 14th of the minute the right to pursue a fucking happiness. All they have to do is snap their fingers once to do it, but because it's politically, what is the word politically inconvenient, expedient, expedient to not do it, but because it's politically, what is the word politically inconvenient, expedient,
Starting point is 01:54:05 to not do it, they just won't. So it's so impotent and pointless in my, from my perspective, to speak against wholesale violence. Like, oh, you don't, you want to hear me say don't burn down civilization what the fuck is that gonna do what do you think it's gonna convince them? it's gonna convince them! go for it! burn you motherfuckers voted for this hellhole, burn it all down! and i hope target and Costco never come back to your shit neighborhoods but you know they will
Starting point is 01:54:46 i don't know what i what was what was being talked about beforehand. She was talking about how they raise the city basically and all the damage done there. And it was make me angry again. And the worst thing is I got this email today from somebody it was it was a somebody's trying to rebuild their business because COVID shut it. They just started a new business, just started a new restaurant. Single mother, black, raising kids, put their whole life savings into this cafe. Does somebody sent me, if somebody texted me this for somebody, I know they're trying to get more people to their go fund me.
Starting point is 01:55:17 And it goes through single mom, living in Los Angeles, fully supporting her immigrant mother, eight year old daughter, put her life savings into a fucking cafe COVID hit right once he opened then the rioters burned it down I mean I would rather have this person than every single Protester on the street, but that system doesn't exist. You know what I mean? This person has value. These people don't.
Starting point is 01:55:48 But you can't, but there's nothing that they will do about it. Let me, what I'll just say, rebuilding the new mod cafe was on GoFundMe. Newbies, Steve, it's probably fake. Probably just some scammer. I mean, I'm just, just a gays it is. It's a guess. It's a guess. It's too bad to be true in this case. probably just some scammer. I mean, I'm sure. Just a gaze at it. It's the way it is.
Starting point is 01:56:08 It's the way it is. Too bad to be true in this case. So what did you see on the ground? Sophia. Everything. People looting the businesses, burning up to the ground, police fighting with the protesters' riders riders fighting with the police. I saw fist fights break out between some of the looters on the third night and over what
Starting point is 01:56:30 was good over the line. Inventory was long. Over like the stuff they were stealing. Some of the fights were over some of the stuff being stolen, but then some of it were, so there was multiple contingents of people, so you had the looters, but then you had some people that were actually just protesting. Yeah. And then the protesters, they can see that the looters are fucking up their entire thing.
Starting point is 01:56:56 And so some of the protesters went to the looters telling them to stop, but it just, yeah. Who had the more effective protests? The people standing with signs are the people who burned down the police station like which time got the police defunded. Honestly, I mean, if we're looking at you know what I mean Sean, like what what was more what was more effective here or do they run a perfect screen for each other? I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. And if they they do manage to defund the police, the county sheriffs take over, then the police are recreated without the police unions that is the reason that bad cops get protected
Starting point is 01:57:31 from getting fired. Didn't we all kind of win? What would you say the ratio was to rioters versus protesters, Sophia? What was the sense that you got? I think there's more looters in the end. the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 01:57:50 the the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 01:57:58 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the lot of protestors there. But across the street, people had come in from all over the city and out of state, and we're just alluding buildings. And at that time, there was more looters than there was protesters.
Starting point is 01:58:13 Yeah, there's like, oh god, opportunists. A lot of opportunists. Yeah. And what's funny, or not funny, like, darkly humor, I guess. Funny, or then, Shin, there's Liz. The people funny, like, darkly humor, I guess. Funnyer than Shinners' list. The people most, the people most impacted by this are the black communities. Like, the people in these communities themselves weren't the ones doing most the looting. It was people coming in from other parts of the city.
Starting point is 01:58:37 And so they're chanting black lives matters and all this as they're burning down the black people in this community need those dollar stores, where I think three or four dollar stores where I think three or four dollar stores have been down. They trash the target, they trash the comforts, they trash the all these within a city two or three city blocks. Multiple dollar stores destroyed every grocery store, every fast food restaurant, even the dominoes. They trashed every business.
Starting point is 01:59:00 Even the popularized I see here a picture of Popeyes has fallen. Yeah. And so every spot will place these people who live their needs. I need to make that movie part of the Has Fallen series. That's a spot by Has Fallen. If we get if we get plantation simulator going with Jesse that's the next project. Thanks. We're going to be like Cernovich filmmaker game designers. simulator going with Jesse that's gonna be the next project
Starting point is 01:59:28 We're gonna be like sirnavich filmmaker game designers Off there different post reach one Wow, we can make so much money. I could just see the dollars rolling in right now. If only we had more and more in the process. So you guys are going to be de-platform from life. Yeah. Yeah. Roll. If you do make plantation simulator,
Starting point is 01:59:52 you need your old bio pick with the, um, the hat on that like plantation point. Oh, yeah, I'll just change it back. Yeah, I'll just change my bio back. So this plantation on the Ralph. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:03 Uh, just has to go. You are every decision you make is you are a bad Just plantation on and around. Yeah. Just have to go, you are every decision you make is you are a bad person. The North has declared war because you are a bad person. What would you like to do? Okay, broken. Oh, this is too good. It really is. I broke him. Oh, this is too good. It really is. I don't know if we can leave this one behind.
Starting point is 02:00:31 I, Rishimek Grins are cheaper. You don't have to provide housing. You are a bad person. This is a good turnout. Well, Maryland has made slavery illegal. This is a good turnout, well. Maryland has made slavery illegal. They're all trying to, they're all liquidating. Fire sale.
Starting point is 02:00:51 All of your neighbors are buying more, you are a bad person. States are slowly illegalizing slavery, one by one, in a race to fuck over the South to industrialize and fuck over the South, you are a bad person. Okay, sorry, Sophia. Oh, no, no, where is he? Were you in a target?
Starting point is 02:01:16 That was getting alluded to at, on day two after, had already been trashed, and on day one, a footage of people coming out of it, looting the big didn't go inside. Yeah, okay, you were like, right, I was like, wow. My favorite picture of the looters, and this isn't my photo, but the longer-
Starting point is 02:01:32 Like okay, the people are trashing the self-checkouts, trying to get to the money inside. Oh, you see this like scrawny whiteboard in the background running out hugging Lego sets. Yeah, I showed that. Picture to so many people, it's so fucking funny. It's the black widow like adventure said. It's the Scarlett John was the really high dollar one.
Starting point is 02:01:58 The lucky card. The other has pronouns in his bio and he loves and it is our kids. I got to get that black widow adventure said while the kittens get it. That one in the fat lady carrying out lamps. Brilliant. What was some of the coolest stuff you saw getting destroyed? Did you see that gigantic fire? Was that in the project?
Starting point is 02:02:23 Okay, that was day one. And I had left about 30 minutes. If that before they started burning stuff down. So the, I guess the quote unquote, coolest stuff I saw was night three where I got footage of people breaking into a ATM at Wells Fargo. The Wells Fargo was eventually burned to the ground. I have footage inside with the looters in a home depot. Oh, where?
Starting point is 02:02:48 Yeah, not in the post. Can you post it? Office depot, excuse me. I wanna play it. Can I post that? I eventually got footage of that being burned to the ground. Like I went up to the door, it was on fire and got like footage inside.
Starting point is 02:02:57 Wow. Is that on your Twitter? Yeah. I linked threads in the discord. Okay, let's see. At the top of every thread, I link to the previous days. I did five days. My fourth day was the shortest.
Starting point is 02:03:08 I actually got detained by police, but they let me go after breaking my phone. So that was cool. The cops broke your phone. Yeah, they dropped it on the ground after they detained me and then they said I could go. Butterfingers, that was probably a mistake. But I have a new one coming on Monday or so. All's good. Give me a reason up good.
Starting point is 02:03:27 I'm trying to find the the bank, the Vary. That would be an if you go to the the looter when I linked and discord with the home depot or office depot, I keep on that. Okay. If you scroll up a little bit, you'll see where the sea ball. It's the most video little bit, you'll see where there's some action. It's the most big video from that night. I see it.
Starting point is 02:03:49 I'm like, I was front lines. I've been tear gasped, rubber bulleted, all of it, and what's funny is so, you know, usually I do game journalism. So that's kind of like what I'm known for. I'll get this off as a video. And so I'm always calling out the game journalists click or clique, whatever you want to call them.
Starting point is 02:04:08 Yeah. And the day I was getting the footage on the front lines, the people that sit on cry about, cry about white phosphorus in Call of Duty or cry about colonialism, quote unquote, and monster hunter, they were tweeting like, Sophie is not a legitimate journalist. Don't take her footage as whack. And so I was just calling them out.
Starting point is 02:04:26 It's like, I'm getting tear gas and all this to get footage. You're sitting at home crying about colonialism in a video game. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. So it was a fun, it was a fun few days. I love how you're actually. Hopefully we'll be doing more field work going forward.
Starting point is 02:04:42 The ideas sometime later this year I'll start covering more protests and riots in person because I kind of found out I really liked it and I have like a good instinct for it. So I hope to be more frontline reporting on stuff like that in the future. I had a great time at the riot with the LA one. So I hear fantastic energy. The cops are on their heels and terrified.
Starting point is 02:05:03 You never get to see cops afraid. Usually they they've got do any parachutes or anything? No, I wanted to go the second night and steal some stuff And I knew that I shouldn't because I only had evil in my in my heart and you can That I suffer for that That man it was pure when you did the felony, you know, yeah That problem too when you did the felony, you know. Yeah. How that problem, too. But Sophia. So I think that the $300 Massibutori machine
Starting point is 02:05:29 went into a sucks chapter and they right-end jacked it. Sophia, I just want to say great work that you did already said it on my show, but yeah, you did some awesome stuff. And it was, I shouldn't say this, but it was fun in the moment. Like it was high in time, so adrenaline pumping. It's exhilarating.
Starting point is 02:05:45 Yeah, I could have meant it. I really learned a lot about myself. I want to do more of that. So yeah. Well, you're seeing something taking place. It is exciting. I mean, you've got one of you ever seen a police station get burned to the fucking ground.
Starting point is 02:05:59 Never? I love it. I never saw it. I mean, I love it. And I was there. I don't love that. I love the police. I just want to put that out there. Oh, yeah. We love that cop. That's it. I never saw it. I mean, I love it. And I was there. I really love that. I love the police. I just want to put that out there. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:07 We love that cop. That's right. Yeah, I do not love the police. I'm rooting for both sides. I fucking hate them both. Cops have been fucking us over for years. And these jobless motherfuckers who cry constantly and destroy you should have been fucking us over for years. So if they would go ahead and take each other out,
Starting point is 02:06:24 I would be perfectly okay with that. We want to go through the ashes and try to Figure out some new policies that'll help us in the future. That's fine But I have no doubt we will fuck that up as well because we're a bunch of morons Yeah, well said. I love fire watching the death of a superpower. That's how I view this America you think so I I think we're seeing the end of the superpower I don't think we're seeing like the end of America's like a big player on the main stage But I think we are a nation of decline and we will not be a global superpower by the end of the 2020s I think we are a nation in decline. I think what we're seeing now is all of that
Starting point is 02:07:04 It's both everyone is fucking angry, they're angry with different things, but I really don't think. Just a little joke. Don't think. I mean, you even look at our debt, I just, we're a nation in decline, and this is just one symptom of it.
Starting point is 02:07:16 I think we are seeing a polarization of what life and culture is in America. These riots are so far away from me, they might as well be on another planet. It's like if we're talking about video games, I think we're seeing the discs and final fantasy separate between the untouchables. And the 1% like it's used as a pejorative, but it's factual that the 1%, the top 1% of society made ass loads of money during this. And everybody else got fucking destroyed. In a three month period,
Starting point is 02:08:00 we saw two major paradigm shifts, like cultural events. You know, we had the virus stuff in the lockdowns and the chaos. All that caused the virus itself, lockdowns, everything associated with that. And then we're having these mass protests and riots. We're going to have a second wave of the virus. I mean, you're already seeing it spike in other countries will probably have another lockdown in a couple months. I don't think we'll ever not be locked down.
Starting point is 02:08:24 I was talking, I forget who I was talking to last night about this, but there is just based on what happened with this virus. I don't see how you can argue in good faith that you shouldn't do the same for the flu. Just based on loss of life. Based on years loss. Go ahead, Sophia.
Starting point is 02:08:41 And then I was gonna say, so we're gonna have that, that's going to be another moment, especially when you have the media right now, not condemning the protesters, but condemning everyone else who goes out. So there's going to be even more anger against the next lockdown if that comes. And then we're going to have the presidential election. And there's so much anger everywhere that whether Trump or Biden wins, Trump's going to be protests and riots in the street.
Starting point is 02:09:05 Trump will probably win. He runs the federal, he runs the federal reserve now. He can print, he can give a check to everyone he wants to vote for every single fence voter in Pennsylvania or Ohio or whatever the battleground states are. He can write them, he can promise to write them 10 checks over the next four years and write them one fat one on November six or whatever the day before election is. Um, and he's got it.
Starting point is 02:09:30 I think the election is on the fifth, I believe, right? On the fourth. Yeah. Leading at the big October surprise then will be, will be free money, bif, boat from Bif Tannen and get free fucking loads in me and Manuchin have been working on this special program that targets you. Yeah. But I mean regardless of who wins,
Starting point is 02:09:51 you look at the anger and the tension and what we're seeing now. Whoever wins, there's gonna be more writing on the street. Yeah. We're just, this year is just getting started. It's gonna get high worse. I agree with you. Ooh, I agree with you. The little size majors kicking in. I can his gonna be so much fun. I agree with you. I agree with you.
Starting point is 02:10:05 Political science majors kicking in. I can feel the tingles, baby. You know, we have the problem. There's my favorite part of learning about Ralph this trip. He's like a big political junkie. Always has that spin. Yeah, political science. How am I?
Starting point is 02:10:17 My sister has a polyside degree, but she had no shit. Ralph actually cares. If we had vermin, we had vermin supreme on last week. And I thought about it a lot about it, you know, because the boot, well, I get to, you know, I get to hear these shows twice because, you know, I mix it. So it kind of a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff that I gloss over the first time,
Starting point is 02:10:35 I'm kind of paying for that. You should be paying for that, you get to. I get to, for the privilege. But I really, for some reason, every time I was thinking about him, because I think, you know, I think we're going to hell. I don't think there's any doubt about it. I mean, as a country, as a society,
Starting point is 02:10:49 I really don't have any optimism for kind of where we're going. There's nothing that inspires confidence in me that anybody's doing or saying. And he just slipped on the ramp. He knows that too. Look, him drinking with one hand and then throwing it in the hilarious.
Starting point is 02:11:11 I didn't feel you have to watch that whole thing. But it made me feel better because Vermin knows that too, but he's going to whistle and skip while he's going there. And I like that. I like that he's like, you can't take it too seriously because we're just fucked. It's not gonna change.
Starting point is 02:11:26 Like don't go kicking and screaming. Just know that that's where we're going. And it's okay. Smart guys are still in, and vending shit. Yeah, they're still inventing new shit. Well, all this is going on. All the people who've always invented new shit and made life better, it's still out there.
Starting point is 02:11:42 And vending new shit. Yeah, well, oh yeah, you were saying about the riots and the election, Sophia. I think we can cut you off. Yeah, I assume no matter who wins, there's gonna be riots. Trump's probably gonna win. Those people are gonna riot again.
Starting point is 02:12:00 We're just in for a tumultuous year. I agree. But it is what it is. I mean, this has been building up for so long. So I'll just shit post, get good footage of it and play video games. We need, we need plantation simulator to bring us together. Oh, Jesus. We need Uncle Jesse's products of Uncle Jesse Lee Peterson is taking over for ange of my own.
Starting point is 02:12:22 Uncle Jesse for Ethan R taking over for Angela. I'll go for Jesse for Ethan. I'm a covered though. So Ethan Rolf's plantation. Let's get my shit taken. No, only Jesse Lee Peterson. No, he won it. Actually, he wrote every line of code in the game. He's gonna have a TED talk on God and how you can have sex until marriage and programming at the next E3.
Starting point is 02:12:45 Go hand in. I can't be the same. There's no more E3s. Oh, well, what do they have now? She three. They're going to win it. It's a win or whatever. Taxi's. Resilient Petersen.
Starting point is 02:12:57 This motherfucker says you can have sex until marriage. He's sitting in this studio right here, calling me a beta. Hmm. We're having sex before marriage a lot. Really? Yeah. I can't imagine living like that. Hey, these beautiful white, these beautiful,
Starting point is 02:13:13 it's not time. These beautiful, you looking men he brings in to the studio are saying that they're living by this lifestyle. Big strapping men like yourself. Sexual prime. Huge penises probably. They're living this lifestyle, abstinence.
Starting point is 02:13:28 No. Chessie Lee Peterson. It's not, Living these lives makes your penis grow larger. It's not natural. I don't think it's healthy. I don't think so. I don't think it's mentally healthy.
Starting point is 02:13:41 That's what I don't, it wouldn't be for me. No, it's not. It's not. And you're supposed to, something I want you to get married before you have sex. You don't know anything about the other, it's just, I just, it baffles me.
Starting point is 02:13:55 But then, you know, but I don't have any of those beliefs. But I guess what if women live by the Bible, they'd be a lot easier. Like then I'm, I kind of get it if also, if she's got to live by the Bible too, and then it this, you know, you get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get also, if she's got to live by the Bible too, and none of this, you know, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get some lost doctrine or something. Yeah. Got the gospel of Thomas. Yeah. There's probably lots of them. Um, so Fee, I saw you, I think I saw you making a post on Reddit on the Kotaku in action for them to stop posting so many of your tweets.
Starting point is 02:14:33 Do you remember that? Oh, yeah. That was like ages ago. Yeah. Yeah. I really cracked that up. Kotaku in action. I just want to say that right now.
Starting point is 02:14:41 We're eating Ralph on the Says suck my fucking dick, Kataka in action. Losers. I could say like the most like pointless thing, and immediately you'd be up there. And it's like, sure the shit of mine, that's important. Sure my article, sure my insightful stuff.
Starting point is 02:14:57 Yeah. But if you just bombard people nonstop, that's just going to create resentment towards me. And my logic too was, we have an opportunity to build up other voices and critics within our side of the politics, you know. And they were only ever sharing my stuff and it's like, build up more people. That's why just highlight certain voices, build up others. I read that.
Starting point is 02:15:19 One issue is we don't have enough people of, you know, big name on this side that are focusing on the stuff some of us do. So, I just want more voices. Like if there's ever one thing I can do within this industry is to bring in more people, which in a few months there will be some stuff about, hopefully. I thought it was funny because it's like, I saw you say it and I agree with it. I don't like it. I'm not going to.
Starting point is 02:15:43 That's not going to stop them. It was fun though. Okay, what makes you a rage? Thank you for calling in by the way, and doing this stuff. Just great footage. Yeah, once again, once again, I'd like to point out for a podcast
Starting point is 02:15:55 that always gets accused of being a white supremacy and alt-right and all this shit. This is a trans reporter on the ground covering footage of a race ride. I don't know why I feel like I'm down. They won't give you any credit for that. No, I've done it already. They'll get no credit. They just call me a token boot wicker.
Starting point is 02:16:14 Yeah, exactly. You're just, you're just, you're just as awesome. That's the thing. Yeah. Anyway, what makes you a ridge? Other chance people. Yeah, okay, well, there we go. I mean, no. Anyway, what makes you a ridge? Other trans people? Okay, well, there we go.
Starting point is 02:16:27 It's the tone on the go. It's the whole Jerry Seinfeld. I can't date me! I hate me! Why, what about other trans people? Do you find the fucking shooters in the foot? They make trans people look so bad. Did you know it's offensive? Quotin-quot offensive.
Starting point is 02:16:45 It's offensive to say transgendered, with an ED at the end, because the ED has been deemed offensive. Like, if you say trans woman with trans space, so you just say trans woman with the words connected, that is offensive. I think trans, wait, wait, wait, the word, one word, trans woman is offensive?
Starting point is 02:17:02 Yep, you need to put a space or it's offensive. Why? Because they're woman. They're just, because they fucking, they just is offensive? Yep, you need to put a space or it's offensive. Why? Because they're just, because they fucking, they just, as I say, they like to serve a linguistic, they like to, they like to settle in a linguistic mind, you know, and the hopes that their bombs get triggered so that they themselves can be triggered. And this is a great side of the trans community that I think just make all trans people look bad. You know, the ones that are always raging about fucking everything that's not offensive.
Starting point is 02:17:24 Well, yeah, stuff under, I mean, there's all, in every group, there's people who fucking undermine what the group is trying to do. Yeah, but they get like all the attention because they're the loudest. The media, yeah. They should just go all the way and dress full on, French, court, powdered wig, 17th century.
Starting point is 02:17:41 Like, that's what they're, I mean, that's the etiquette that they're always pitching is this never ending codex of manners and... Well, this is why cancel culture. It'll come for you. It eats itself. It eats, you know. I hate the term cancel culture.
Starting point is 02:17:57 No, me too. I said, it's like, it's just lying. I feel like a, I feel like a front, but it's like, I get the term and it's like, we're gonna take everything away from you. It's like, oh, now the target change, now it's fucking you. It's like triggered and snowflake and castle, it's all in fruity.
Starting point is 02:18:14 It's all lame. Yeah. I mean, at first we all say it because that's, you know, because everybody knows what you're talking about. That's why I have to use it. Yeah. And then it becomes like a brand. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:24 Now we're selling it triggered by Donald Trump Jr. Council culture. Yeah. Yeah. You guys bailed any of you guys paid any medical bills for the hat assaults that you've been accruing for four years? No, I don't know. Never hear about that.
Starting point is 02:18:36 You selling them though. Encouraging people to wear them. Um, yeah. Okay. So, Fiya, thanks for calling in. Yeah, thanks for having me. This was Father's Day. Yeah, thank you Let's call my dad oh, yeah, he called didn't he getting kind of late though. We got a barbecue to have we have an over here
Starting point is 02:19:01 Oh, yeah, he called, didn't he? Getting kind of late though. We got a barbecue to have you have an over here. Ralph, how you feeling about the video? I noticed you got a lot of positive feedback about having a video. Yeah, a lot of people want me to do the video now, too. So I guess I'm gonna have to figure that out. Oh, cause you were doing it here.
Starting point is 02:19:15 Yeah, you was doing it here. He's like, he came in wearing sunglasses at first. It's not shy about the... It's like, yeah, sunglasses. I put them all right before we turned on the cameras. He's just like, yeah, he looked at me. He was just like, yeah. You're not gonna get made fun of it all.
Starting point is 02:19:28 Oh, yeah, good job. Yeah, good job. All right, let's do that. I feel about 10 minutes of merciless, merciless bully, bullying. I just wanted to take them off. I haven't worn them again. I know magic shades work.
Starting point is 02:19:43 You know, like big daddy. Here's, put these on. Oh yeah, that's fine. I haven't born them again. I know how magic shades work. You know, like big daddy. Here's put these on. Oh yeah, that's fine. I got it. Well, it's four shades on the dick show, but I mean, the Phil show, whatever the fuck. Oh yeah. Oh. But it was so, you know, we're looking like a New Jass. Oh, Jass. J, J wants you to, that was the point of wearing the shades.
Starting point is 02:20:00 It looked like you could bleed pieces of shit. Yeah. Uh. That was your, that was your point? No, that was his point was just a little gold where the sheds. I want to double down on any of your insecurities so that he can rip you apart in front of the largest audience. What? Wasn't jazz really beaters in on that one? No, I think it was the night before. Oh, it was. I think it was. Yeah, you wore the shades the whole night the night before. I think. No, but so was the first night we turned on cameras. So it was just, I think you were just silly. Yeah. Just a little sitting there with no, you know, yeah, it was just
Starting point is 02:20:35 you like the first thing I asked him was, you know, what's your advice on doing a show with a camera on because I had never really done a full show like that. Oh, okay, let me see it. Well, besides when I appeared on here. Dude, dude, dude, dude. Hello. Hey, Dad, how's it going? Different number at Skype. Good.
Starting point is 02:20:53 Yeah. You're on the show, by the way. Oh, okay, well, it's fun. I was doing them having a great day. Yeah, happy Father's Day. Happy Father's Day. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:21:04 How are you guys doing today? Good, we've had it. We've thought of a million trillion dollar idea, Ralph and I, a video game called Plantation Simulator that we're gonna kick start with Jesse Lee Peterson. Sounds like fun. You're gonna pre-order that one? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:24 No, probably not. Yeah, we're having a Juneteenth special. Oh, you don't play video games. If you did, if you did play video games, this would be one to pick up. Do you have any advice for the dads out there on Father's Day? I was telling about your Father's Day yesterday where you were running your mouth about in same things for like an hour unchannaged. Oh, well, you said Bill Cosby was the best actor in that you loved Bill Cosby.
Starting point is 02:21:49 And he was the best, the greatest actor in history. I think you said something like that. He made me believe in a different universe. Yeah. And they all came crashing down. I know poor guy. I thought about it. Mel Gibson, he's pretty good too.
Starting point is 02:22:04 Oh, he's pretty good. Okay. You give good too. Oh, he's pretty good. Okay. You're giving that. Yeah, he's pretty good. Yeah. I forgot about Hamlet. He was awesome in Hamlet. Oh, that's true. That's a good point. Ralph, did you get any male energy? Did you see that? You were driving through Malibu? Oh, I could feel it just radiating. It's kind of... We were talking about how they should have a national historic registry plaque that we're in. Suddenly got drunk. Mel, he wasn't even that drunk that was another Drunk it all it was a point one two I think his people portrayed his like Mel was just drunk out his mind
Starting point is 02:22:37 Actually more like Richard Spencer out there. Did you know that Jews? Do you have any advice for the fathers out there? On Father's Day? Yeah. Yeah, just be open and honest and tell everybody what really is. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 02:22:52 How do that? It's like, I let you know yesterday. Yeah. You sure did. Thanks for that. Adam Sandler destroyed my view of Hollywood with that movie and cut gems. Yeah, I can't believe you didn't like that.
Starting point is 02:23:03 That's a great move. I haven't seen it in a while. No, no, no, no don't like that. That's a great move. I haven't seen it yet, but I like it. I like it, but it also showed that you can make it in Hollywood with absolutely no talent whatsoever. Oh, that's a hot tape. Wow. Yeah, I just have a lot of, I just have a lot of, who is that?
Starting point is 02:23:18 It's not a sponsored Adam Sandler. You didn't think Billy Madison was good? Happy Gilmore. It was exactly the same guy as uncut gems. Yeah, we just want to see the same thing again. And again, and again. Longest yard, it's just him being him. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:37 Let me see what else that we talk about today. We all like Adam Sandler. Yeah, we love him. Oh, I know, I know. And I don't blame you. I mean, he's very entertaining. It's just that, but don't you think he did a little acting in this movie?
Starting point is 02:23:50 It's just as good. It seems like he's not being Adam Sandler in this movie though. I haven't seen it. Yeah. He's being a totally new guy. Yeah. Well, I mean, there are people who are never gonna accept hate.
Starting point is 02:24:02 Yeah. He's a hater. He doesn't know what he's saying. I'm not telling you, not to go see it. I mean, that's what who are never gonna accept hate or say, hate, doesn't know. He doesn't know what to say. I'm not telling you not to go see it. I mean, that's what that's what's out there. I'm just saying it changed my view of Hollywood. I had a lot of respect for actors and from the standpoint of the talents of that.
Starting point is 02:24:16 That's what you do. Just hit me. That's just to enjoy it for me. Why did you ever expect to act as anybody could do this? You watch the most trash of anyone in the world on TV. How did you have respect for actors for like 60 years? Well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no clock to do their job, I really respected that. And I also thought they had special talents for memorizing, but then I realized they don't. It's like a huge lottery and they won the winning ticket into Hollywood. Oh man, you're getting a bear milk gift. What, how much memorizing did you think they had to do? I thought it was like whole books, you know, I thought it was pretty impressive.
Starting point is 02:25:05 No, they've memorized. They want it. No, they just feed it to them. No. I got some advice. Where is it that provides? Yeah, I got some advice that I could read if you want to answer some of this stuff. This is from Dreamy.
Starting point is 02:25:17 I need advice on my girlfriend. Feel free to read this on the show. Over the weekend, my girlfriend told me she wanted to take a break to hang out with her friends a little more. Oh, yeah. And to think about herself. Thinking about herself. That's what she wanted to do.
Starting point is 02:25:30 Hang out with her friends. They teen cock. She's going to be riding. Right. She's talking to fucking random. She's talking a lot of comedians. Uh-huh. Online.
Starting point is 02:25:38 Yeah. She just got a DM from Kristie Elliott. I got to go think about this. I don't know what to say to her. I still love her. And she supposedly still loves me too. I don't know if I should ask her if she wants to break up or just wait it out and see and see what she wants to do. Oh, yeah, you're mental. You'll mental stay with me. If you just, yeah, just kick back and wonder every man about every dude. She's fucking yeah, cut ties
Starting point is 02:26:06 immediately. You're my speak to her again. Your mind won't go to the worst place possible at all times. She's just thinking about herself. She's reading and thinking about herself. That's all love the show. I started from episode one last August and I got caught up a couple months ago. Here's a couple of smoochy smooches for Sean as well. Oh, gross. Oh, that's nice. What do you see while she's taking a break now? No, what do you think, Dad?
Starting point is 02:26:31 Well, you really can. You really can in the way they, in the way some people ask questions, you think, oh man, if you come at her with this energy on a long period of time, she's just gonna start using some of the mouth in her body. And then the thoughts just flow out of the mouth like this
Starting point is 02:26:48 is not an acceptable way. What do you think, Dad? What should this guy do? Well, when I was young, I probably would have been different, or thought differently. But now what I would say is, baby, be cheerful and say cool, me too. Okay, move on.
Starting point is 02:27:02 All right. I mean, cheerful. Yeah, move on. Yeah, be cheerful though. Yeah, don't be down about it. Yeah, I Move on. I mean, cheerful. Yeah, move on. You know, be cheerful though. Yeah, don't be down about it. Yeah, I think that's a good take actually. Yeah, just cool.
Starting point is 02:27:10 I mean, it's easier said than done, of course, when you're maddling love with this woman and you know she's going to fuck all these people. Just don't text there. Don't put it in the eye. Cut it hard, hard cut. Well, Ralph and I were talking about this after JLP was on because people were calling in asking for advice. And it's just advice after advice
Starting point is 02:27:28 to the same story told in a different way of my family fucked me up and I don't know what to do about it. It's really odd. It's odd to see. I mean, it's, it's, it's, well, everybody's story though. Yeah, my family fucked me up.
Starting point is 02:27:42 Okay, well, everybody has some kind of problem with their child or whatever, you know, or something didn't, everybody has some kind of problem with their child or whatever. Or something didn't go right, or I didn't get into this school or whatever. It's, I don't know. But Jesse's got this weird energy where they really wanna get his take on. Like Willie, like he can fix it.
Starting point is 02:27:57 And he's the same answer every time. Yeah, it's the same. No, it's about forgiving him. Yeah, forgive your parents. For them for yourself and then move on. Yeah, well, it's not for them to carry all this poison around in you. Exactly. Yeah. Again, easier said than done.
Starting point is 02:28:12 The cheery cool me too reminded me of that. Here's another one. Dick, convince my girlfriend that concealed carry a gun is safe. Hey, Dick, getting some protection for obvious reasons. My state has concealed carry. So I'd like to take my gun with me as often as I can. Problem is, my girlfriend hates guns and thinks it's going to jump out of the holster on its own and start shooting loony tunes style. How do I convince her it's safe and to chill the fuck out. Thanks Theo. What do you think the gun is for?
Starting point is 02:28:46 You got any problems over here? Shut the fuck up. You got any problems over here? You got any problems with me, Karen? Couldn't go the, what's his name? Jesse Smollett, whatever his name was. Yeah. Proche maybe hire a couple people to frighten you guys
Starting point is 02:29:01 one night and not your Libre style. Yeah, and you just pull out the gun and you're like, why, this is a brilliant advice. And I about, lie about concealed carrying it. And then, yeah, pay some people to mug you and then pull it out and tie you up with exercise bands. Yeah, tie her up with exercise ropes around. Not her out.
Starting point is 02:29:22 That's telling you whole to you back. Pin your arms back and kick the shit out of her. And then you break free, right when she's, you know, she's got a nerasse kick and say, you take your damn hands off of her. And if you think this gun is big, you should see my dick. As they go running away, I'd cost you a couple hundred bucks
Starting point is 02:29:41 to earn bucks. Max. And then say, you know, I didn't even, because I respect you, I wasn't even tearing up. I even hearing it. I feel so bad about ignoring your wishes. And I knew I was doing wrong, but I put on the wrong pair of pants when we left that still had the gun in them. That'll fix her up real quick. Chad, what do you think about that advice? Well, it depends on how hot she is. True. Exactly. Man, he's on point today. This is my whole life. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:06 It's true. I've seen it. I think if you're in the talk of being gay, but you know, it's true though. It's not going to be fun. Yeah. You should go along. Way away. What?
Starting point is 02:30:18 Which way? If he's, you're saying if he, if she's hot enough, he's not going to do it. Yeah, yeah. So either way you win, sir, I think if you have to convince your girlfriend to let you have a gun, maybe you shouldn't be carrying a gun around. You think there's anything in the girlfriend? Well, or maybe just think about maybe maybe she knows something you don't. Sometimes they do. Maybe. Yeah. Sometimes they will. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun. Actually, you kind of have a little weirdo. Questions about libertarianism. This gentleman says, hey, Dick, I've called myself a libertarian for a good while, but listening to the Vermin Supreme interview,
Starting point is 02:31:01 did you listen to him, Dad? No him dad no oh yeah he's pretty wacky funny very funny guy he wants to give everybody a pony and if interstate roller coaster system zombie-powered america pony based economy pony based economy debt based pony bar against Yeah, is that entertainment because it's not is what? It doesn't sound very entertaining. Well, he's one of the good ones. Yeah, that's a that's a jet, but all of his policies mimic our own policies that they all sounded saying by it. Right. So it's a That's the same time. Right. Oh, it's really that's kind of a Billy Madison, Adam Sandler level, and I don't know how many you would understand it. I realize, after a moment's a period, I realize I don't know enough about the platform
Starting point is 02:31:51 and ought to be more informed. Is there any literature or pundits on YouTube, et cetera? You'd recommend to learn more about the platform, the libertarian platform, I guess. I know it seems like they're fairly spread out. I think there, I think there's too much. It, well, it kind of encompasses a lot of, it's like, yeah, how, how militant are you with libertarianism? How obnoxious do you want to be at parties? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:14 Yeah. How, how into like a demonetogenic of it? You know, are you? They can get so annoying. Oh my god. It's astrology for men. Oh, the whole thing. Oh, well, actually, we don't we we should have private courts because all the roads to the one I got into on the the road's question. Yeah. I don't want to do it now. I know it must be shocking for someone to actually seek your opinion with sincerity. What the hell is that supposed to mean? But I would appreciate, there's not shocking, your input. Go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 02:32:44 supposed to mean, but I would appreciate, this is not shocking, you're input, go fuck yourself. Dad, do you have any advice on a political philosophy that this person should read? Not really, God, I'm sorry, I lost you a long time ago. Any pundits or literature you recommend reading for people? Well, like the Bible, do you recommend reading that? I think economics is a good place to start. Yeah. But most people can't do it because it's so boring. But it really does explain a lot of what's going on, period.
Starting point is 02:33:17 Everybody has the same desire. Yeah. How different sides of the world are going To go to longer lengths to get it, but economics explains it. It's just, you know, it's supply and demand and, you see how he's using, you have sexual terms, same desire, longer lengths. You see how this is like woven into things he's saying? Right. Very subversive.
Starting point is 02:33:42 You don't want to pull out of any deals. Yeah, exactly. They can't shut it off. Sick right okay what are you saying daddy stop beating around the bush I just get to the just anything Milton Friedman okay I think any Keynesian economics would be good to read understand macro versus micro economics oh boy and it'll explain you explain Bitcoin and everything else. Okay, I know you don't know anything about Bitcoin. You could stop right there. This satirical explanation of Bitcoin. Yeah, it's the tulips. You think Bitcoin is the tulip?
Starting point is 02:34:19 I don't know. Look, the only way you can tell a good investment is to look back five years. So in five years, do you think you'll be able to look back and say, oh, those are good tulips or not? You can look back at Bitcoin five years ago, motherfucker. Why don't you read another? Why don't you read a book? What? Well, I'm just telling you, that's how you tell is they go in five years. It's been going. I was born with Bitcoin in 2011. Like, I mean, it's been around. Yeah, Bitcoin has been around. Bitcoin has been, I think it's like over 10,000% or something in five years. Yeah, but what I'm saying is now people going in now
Starting point is 02:34:54 that are going to support with their demand, is that going to carry the investment for the next five years? Okay, so let me, it may. Yeah, let me, let me, let me float this one. Five years ago, Bitcoin was worth $327 a pop. So with the amount of Bitcoin, yeah, with the amount of Bitcoin that's getting generated,
Starting point is 02:35:16 the new Bitcoins that are getting generated every day, every new Bitcoin has to be bought at the current value, just for it to maintain its value, right? Like they're constantly making new Bitcoins. So there has to be bought at the current value just for it to maintain its value, right? Like they're constantly making new Bitcoins. So there has to be enough customers, buyers to buy it for $10,000 a coin, which there are currently. But you know, it's interesting. I just read this.
Starting point is 02:35:36 Only 20% of Bitcoin are traded. The rest are held. Yeah, the rest are held or lost. You're really not talking about about a huge supply. You're talking about a very narrow supply. The problem is that you have everybody involved in other currencies and detracting from Bitcoin. But as the currencies get other currencies get weaker,
Starting point is 02:35:55 you'll see, I think you'll see more emphasis on Bitcoin around the world. So here is my... Again, that supply. Yeah, there's 900 new bitcoins being made a day. So every day somebody is dumping 900 time with this 9 million bucks. And to Bitcoin every day, because it's 10,000 coin, 900 new ones every day,
Starting point is 02:36:15 I think that math works out, right? In order for Bitcoin to add another order of magnitude onto its price per coin, so let's say $100,000 coin or $250, or something like that. Everybody in the world, all 7 billion people would have to dump. I figured it out. I think it's a dollar in every day or something like that. So 7 billion people would have to be actively converting on average a dollar a day
Starting point is 02:36:46 into Bitcoin for it to maintain a value of 100,000, or I think a $250,000 coin. It's, I did the math a couple of nights ago, I couldn't sleep. But the, I think the average salary for a house is like 10,000 or $20,000 globally. So if you consider, like if you consider countries like Iran or all of South America converting their currency or some percentage of their currency over to Bitcoin, gradually just to
Starting point is 02:37:18 protect their internal economies, like Iran is starting initiatives for the elitist, the elitist, what is their religious, in their mosques, they are building Bitcoin miners. So they can maintain the ability to process value through what will be a terrorist organization. Like this is the global shift that will have to happen for Bitcoin to grow significantly from where it's at, that level. It'll have to be a global shift of that amount of money every month to move in there, which I think is possible. You think it's going to be too... If oil goes to $100, it will really make that possible.
Starting point is 02:38:05 Yeah, but oil. The problem right now is that those people don't have currency to turn into Bitcoin. They're just turning it into wheat and corn right now. Yeah. No, your oil is never going to get... Because of $40 barrel. You can't store the oil though. The Bitcoin, you can always store like gray,
Starting point is 02:38:27 the big investment capital firms are buying up all the Bitcoin right now. What will push the value? What if they are converting more to Bitcoin in the Middle East, for example, Venezuela, for example, then, yeah, the oil going up is gonna to, because they're going to try and get away from the dollars as much as they can. I think that the federal reserves, QE policy will specifically destroy almost every other
Starting point is 02:38:53 currency in the world, except for crypto. With the dollar, but go ahead. Yeah, so you make it, make it a dollar denominated, denominated currency for the entire world. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:10 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:18 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. transfers like you go to the bank and takes two or three days to clear. It doesn't work on the weekends shit like that. That's antiquated. It's fucked.
Starting point is 02:39:26 They're working on a system that's going to be blockchain. It's blockchain based to make it instant. Yeah. It'll digitize the dollar. And I think I think after that, I think after that, they'll just control. They'll control the dollar is such a degree that it will that bitcoins that bitcoins dominance will be impossible to stop because every other currency will be destroyed. Anyway, man can I would say man can is a good. this will be impossible to stop because every other currency will be destroyed.
Starting point is 02:39:45 Anyway, Mankin is a good HL Mankin, great libertarian, keep sense of humor and don't just get into all this dry shit nobody cares about. Well he had a great sense of humor. Yeah, he's libertarian. Advice. Go ahead. I read one of your contributors on Reddit said, you read it.
Starting point is 02:40:08 Robert Heinlein said that we're in a world of trouble when we listen to athletes and entertainers. Yeah. And this was in 1949. Yeah. So it's never been more true than it is right now. Oh, I see. Okay. Thanks. So just say when you read news, now you're using a new filter. You're the athlete. You're an athlete, by the way, though. That's, that's, you're the first on the list. I'm not listening
Starting point is 02:40:39 to me. I'm listening to the, to the economy. I'm listening to Kramer. Kramer's smart guy. Okay. I'll see you see. Mad money. That's Jim Kramer. Yeah, exactly. All right, last one. Oh, you got to get out of here.
Starting point is 02:40:54 Thanks, Ralph, for doing the show. Twins, trouble. Hey, Dick and Sean, I'm going into senior year college. I'm a going into senior year college student. Amazing. Yeah. I'm a going into senior year college student. Amazing. Yeah. I'm a going into senior year college student. Clearly you should get, you know what?
Starting point is 02:41:09 You don't think you're gonna make it out. That first sentence just put me off to this whole thing. I'm a going into senior year college student and have full fancy book learning type school. I'm a going-A-N-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-D He's an eight out of 10 with great cans, and whenever I get the chance to chat, we always have a fun conversation. We run in similar circles, and I know I have shagged a lot of chicks from her sorority in high school. Oh, Cossie knew your college student. Senior year in college.
Starting point is 02:41:57 Yeah. This is the grammar. Amazing. Maybe he's Italian. Oh my god he writes an italian uh... yeah uh... only
Starting point is 02:42:09 fucked up once uh... the scene of your college student and i've never know he's got no punctuation on have a had a good look at the ladies in my time however there's always been a uh... we run into we run into the circles and i know i have shagged a lot of chicks from her sorority but i've never found a good chance to talk to her and make a move.
Starting point is 02:42:27 Fast forward to this summer where the Kung Flu has killed most of the bar scene, I think there's gonna be like a big drop in babies because of this or a boom. I don't know. Everybody's thought boom, but I think a lot of people, I think it's the opposite, and I think there's gonna be a lot of divorces.
Starting point is 02:42:44 Oh, divorce lawyers, I'm literally, there are gonna be a lot of people, I think it's the opposite. And I think there's gonna be a lot of divorces. Yeah. Oh, divorce lawyers, I'm literally there are gonna be a lot of divorce stuff. Because people can't fuck, you're not supposed to be around that person 24 hours a day, fucking like no relationship should survive that. Yeah. I mean, that's,
Starting point is 02:42:59 you're sick if you lasted to do so bad this pandemic, you're sick person. Because you're so narcissistic, that you're only thinking about yourself. Yeah. Where the Kung Flu has killed the bar scene and all of my friends have gone home to be with family. I reinstalled Tinder and have been using it
Starting point is 02:43:14 as a last ditch way to meet and bang brauds. I match with this girl who's five or six out of 10 and has a lackluster can situation. But she's fun enough to chat with. Like a luster can't, how are cans? And a lackluster can situation, but she's fun enough to chat with. Like a luster can, how are her cans? Huh, lackluster? Luster? Jijun.
Starting point is 02:43:29 Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes. Likeluster, like if they put in a little work, they'd be just something, it's kind of lackluster. Milto's. But she's fun enough to chat with, and we decide to go on a date. Long story short, nope, too late. It goes well.
Starting point is 02:43:44 We fuck, and she gets my snapchat. However, after the date, I saw that her last name is the same as the chick I've been pining after. Well, that can't be anybody. I find her on Instagram and see what she, see that she is the twin sister? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 02:44:01 What? Wait, the twin sister? So of the chick in question, fraternal twins, I guess? Not identical. Yeah, I mean, the twin sister, so of the chicken question, fraternal twins, I guess? Not identical. Yeah, I mean, I would say, or he's definitely shouldn't be in college. The uglier sister also wants to keep in contact
Starting point is 02:44:16 and seems to want this one night stand to blossom into a full-blown relationship. Oh, wow, wonderful, unbelievable. I think I definitely don't want that. I fear, but I fear if I have no choice. Did I have to go through the motions? That's gonna make me, sister? No, he's gonna have to put in a little time with this now.
Starting point is 02:44:37 Oh God. You're in the perfect spot, man. I definitely don't want that, but I fear if I ghost her, or even if I slowly break ties, I may never be able to sleep with her hotter sister. Is it too late to get some from the hot sister before I graduate? Have I just royally fucked my chances? I can't really ask a question.
Starting point is 02:44:58 This debauchery is to anyone else. Give Sean some smooches for me. No, stop with the fucking smooches. Fuck yourself. OTPS. I wasn't even here that week. See, that's what you get. Now, you're thinking about this in the wrong way.
Starting point is 02:45:11 You've got to lay into it big time and become the forbidden fruit that the hotter twin wants to break away. And she's gonna give you what you want. Yeah. Get in there. You got to lay it on. You got to be Mr. Dream Guy. I've taken her to Disneyland for the first day.
Starting point is 02:45:31 Other sisters like what? Writing her poetry, singing her song, making the other one so jealous that she would destroy her. Because you fucked her, your family's fucked. No matter what you do, family's fucked. So go all the way. Lay it on as thick as possible. You don't care about their family anyway.
Starting point is 02:45:47 Let's get one. Yeah, why would you? They don't care about you. I mean, come on. Lay it on as thick as possible. Don't spend too much money, the 40 bucks. That's true. Always poetry, wings, you're gonna buy her promises
Starting point is 02:46:01 of the few times in poetry, wow. That man works every time. One man and one B of a successful date. And then that confession, that secret confession, how you know you, how you're, you sister cares so much about you. And I've always kind of looked at, we've been having some problems. She's a lover so much. She wants this other guy.
Starting point is 02:46:22 Yeah. Maggie, it's all, she's got a wondering eye. Yeah, the story's under your control. What do you think, Dad? What should this guy do? so much. She wants this other guy. Yeah. Maggie, it's all she's got a wondering eye. Yeah. The story's under your control. What do you think, Dad? What should this guy do? Move on. You already blew it. That's what I think. Oh, God. All right. Good bye. I gotta go. We got to go.
Starting point is 02:46:37 Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for calling in. Happy Father's Day. But do you have anything that makes your age that you want to say? To democracy. Oh, yeah. Hypocrisy of it all. Yeah, I hate all these hypocrites on TV. Like, who's going to be nuts this week? Who?
Starting point is 02:46:53 The media, you know, calling out people and they're just as bad if we're getting that they get paid by getting clicks. Yep. Yeah. Making us all feel like we should be thankful for their great reporting. The media. Their hypocris unbelievable. Why you watch them? I don't. I try not to. I have to filter a lot of stuff. You know, I have a lot of important roles to fulfill. Yeah. Yeah. Here we go. Family, you know, stuff like that. I can thank you for filling up.
Starting point is 02:47:24 Yeah. Thank you for watching. I'll let you be that you can you know, stuff like that. I can thank you for filling up. Yeah, thank you for watching that TV that you can filter. Okay. Okay. All right, that's a good one. That's different. Well, it definitely pays. Yeah, it pays, you know. Okay, goodbye, Dad. See ya. Bye.
Starting point is 02:47:41 Pocker see you. Okay, everybody, this is been the Dixho. It's Sean Ethan Ralph for God's sake. Thank you for coming in. Thank you, man. It's been amazing. One more night here on the kill stream. Man, it's been an amazing week.
Starting point is 02:47:52 Thank you so much for having us. Really, it has been. God. Just went better than I could have ever hoped for. Pretty much everything worked except for the tech when it didn't, but that was part of us learning how to do that. Yeah, we got that down. JLP sat here, we had Destiny and Studio baked Alaska for fucking things.
Starting point is 02:48:11 We did the, we love our cops, live rendition on the kill stream right here actually. Yeah, and this seed, it was great all the way around. I thought everybody loved the camera addition too, so you got a good camera. I know, so now I'm probably gonna have to figure that out but Start small we started those cameras we had were dog shit when you were talking about the early day. Yeah, they kind of just kind of just grew Now to the show started doing well. He's like I'm gonna do this. Yeah, man. Yeah, it's you know, I was really conscious place now the first night
Starting point is 02:48:42 I'm not gonna lie because I'm just not used to being like, I can't write all the terms like that. But after a while, it's like he said, you still how ugly you are. You really do. The reality of that. I got it. I don't fucking care, I am that ugly. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 02:48:58 The audience likes it more. And he was also talking about, a lot of times it's your reactions, the faces you're making. Sure. While other people are talking. When you're talking, it makes it two people are fighting. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:49:07 I saw somebody in the comments who was just like, this is a thousand times funnier when I can see this face. No, for sure. And it's an a little exciting. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:18 Oh, yeah, thank you, man. It's been so much fun. Yeah, I was great having you. Who would have ever thought destiny and me would team up against Nick Fuente in debate? That was all right. I have to find that.
Starting point is 02:49:30 Wonderful. And one point, he's like Destiny's hype man over there and I just have to yell at both of them to stop. That's a job of some of it. Let Nick talk. He's like taking over the show. I'm like hold up, wait a minute. It was fucking awesome though.
Starting point is 02:49:43 You guys great week. All right everybody. Oh,, all killstreaminfo., this is a Zidic Show, slash Zidic Show. I see you next Tuesday. What is that thing? Hey!
Starting point is 02:49:57 You need one of these too. I got one of those. What you do? You load those songs on there. Yeah, that's how I'm doing it. That's how I do it now. You can see songs on there. Yeah, that's how you're doing it. That's how to do it now. You can stream that down. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:09 All right, we're way, we went way long. Let's go eat. Yeah, dude, I'm hungry. I'm sure I miss people. Join us in. Oh, yeah, what is this after show? Huge mega-chad penis guy, what's the after show? I'll tell people, oh there is no after show. Okay.
Starting point is 02:50:29 You fucking jackass. A big never mind. Big fucking no. We would have been there. All right, see ya. All right, see ya guys. See you guys.

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