The Dick Show - Episode 214 - Dick on Stupid Games

Episode Date: July 7, 2020

Protestors playing stupid games on the freeway, dogs vs. fireworks, music wars, Cancel Coin, Ryan Long calls in about street drinking, outing men for being straight, Drow elves, transgendered quantum... physics, cucks, big fat pigs, and what the opposite sex finds attractive, and my State of the Union address; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh God, I gotta make fun of those people too, the fucking goons. But something awful, people, some of them anyway. Oh, except I can't log in, because I don't remember fucking log in. What did I change my password to? I read those transcripts from those, you know, what we didn't play. Yeah, did you? Dude, that guy didn't do anything. Low-tax.
Starting point is 00:00:23 He didn't do anything. No. Like, I mean, he didn't do anything. Low-tax. He didn't do anything. No. Like, I mean, he didn't do anything. No. Except date crazy, chick. Yeah, no, that's what he's guilty of. Yeah. Having a terrible picker, you know, of relationships. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:00:38 It just seems like one of the most clear-cut cases of... It didn't do shit. I mean, yeah, I've didn't do shit. It's crazy. And some of the... It really is. Usually I'll be like, is there gonna more coming out?
Starting point is 00:00:54 What's coming out? What's gonna come out? Like Victor's gonna show that there's some, it's like, you grabbed her, right? Like you grabbed her and said, stop fucking doing this, stop hitting me, like stop. I was just like, God, dude, like, it's like people actively,
Starting point is 00:01:11 actively push away any evidence that shakes their initial impression. Well, they already seeming, they already posted a comment about it. Too late. They already were an ally. Too late. You can't take that back.
Starting point is 00:01:22 You gotta be an ally to the grave. Ever you ride or die when it comes to domestic violence. Sean, I mean, would three women have, would all, would all these women have come out and accused a guy of, of hitting them? If he did it, what world do you live in? I mean, multiple, where more than one, one, one, one, I understand it. woman all give you there's it's possible that one man has met one crazy woman in his life but for a what for the same man to run into two crazy women that makes it up right impossible it's the it's the common denominator is the
Starting point is 00:02:00 same man who keeps picking in those women yeah you mean the guy with some amount of notoriety who has access to women who are hotter than he would have normally? Sure. Oh, thank you, honey. Yeah, I mean, I was kind of disgusted reading it. Because it's because it's exactly, it's like he didn't do shit. No, and the,
Starting point is 00:02:25 something awful people on there who are at all way in to the contrary should be ashamed of themselves. This stupid bitch on Twitter was like, was giving me the routine of, oh, you don't even know what you're waiting into. I'm just gonna sit back and eat the popcorn. Like this is a man who's been incredibly wronged incredibly into, by you stupid idiots.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I can see the bottom of the creek. It's like six inches deep and clear. Extremely shallow. There's no monsters in here. You fucking, you losers have gotten this idea that because there's a lot of you and like people are, people care about your impression of them in this dumb community, this fucking loser community that you're a part of, that anybody else does, but you are all fucking worthless.
Starting point is 00:03:16 The goons, the something awful goons who have a problem with low tax and want to weigh in on this, like there's some kind of internet it's it's quad are fucking losers that's my opinion and it's easy to see you know innocent even though it seems even though it seems like such a big group just online or Twitter specifically or whatever yeah it's not America man like it's like nothing it can't fucking ruin your life. Again. It doesn't. One guy can get your credit card processing done for the rest of your life. We know that.
Starting point is 00:03:49 It absolutely can fuck with you, but it's like it's, it's, people take it, like it's the, like they're this a fucking the supreme court. In like another country. Yeah. That can execute you. It's like, you think you did it?
Starting point is 00:04:01 I think you did it. All right. Hang in there. Hang in there. You don't understand. We're speaking on behalf of this institution. This is an institution. We had the Gearns. Like, now there's 12 of you that obsessively post all day
Starting point is 00:04:14 and you're fucking losers. The 12 of you are. It's like anti-Jesus. Except you're all losers. An un-12 of you know shit. And you're all extremely vocal about it losers Bucking losers in every community they do this every community And I've been over backwards to rationalize her. Oh, no, clearly you've been indoctrinated
Starting point is 00:04:38 You've been you've been abused. That's like what a victim would say we know that it really happened like it's like It's like tear when terraced. Yeah, like oh, yeah, we did it. We know that it really happened. Like it's like, uh, it's like a terror when terror say, like, oh yeah, we killed the great Satan because we hate democracy and you. And a law said it's like, no, that's not why they, that's not why they did the truck of peace through the crowd. It's because of the truck of peace. It's because of the wealth, education, like mad,
Starting point is 00:04:59 it's because of education. That's what the real like, no, they fucking hate us. That's why they did it. They said it. They said it with their own words I don't know they don't know I mean doesn't know what she's talking about that's that's a reason is old is time As long as there's been different groups believing in a different Sun God, you know what I mean It's like I hate that God that yeah, that's the most that's the most rational
Starting point is 00:05:20 If you if you think like that Yeah, of course they hate us. They think what we're doing is pure evil. That's evil, what we're doing. It's evil what he's doing and he's getting away with it non-stop. Every community has a small group of people and you tell us we, they always use the word we. Oh, I know. Every single fucking forum online even and even not online people will
Starting point is 00:05:46 Pit and every sports team in every political action committee every group teachers Doctors lawyers every organization that can be unionized grocery packers Shelves stockers will say we well, you know, it's about time we hold it right there. You're the, why don't all you wheeze? Get together. Don't get together. You're all, go have a we, a United States of a we, where you all can talk for each other all the fucking time because I'm sick of it.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I'm almost said we. Rest of us are sick of it. Well we, we're not gonna, man, you're just you. It's fucking you. Shut the fuck up with the we. It's you. It's you and you know you're shit. That's why you say we.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Unless, yeah. Unless you have a, like a player's rep who is actually supposed to speak for we. Like that, you know what I mean? I'm speaking on behalf of the union. That's like, we, right. Are we gonna take this? Are you fucking, I'm speaking on behalf of the Union. That's like, we, right are we gonna take this? Are you fucking I'm doing my are you? Yeah, you're gonna take this. Mm-hmm. Yeah, you are
Starting point is 00:06:52 Okay, here we go. Yeah, I know I had something else to start with But he losses for him Yeah But he lost his forum Yeah Welcome to the day you want to get in you living you got it if I show Revenge of contest coming to you live for a mountain bunker deep in the heart of the city of Fabio Failure I'm your host Nick Mashston Okay, the $20 million man for the America's worst Mexican stick mentioned, okay, the $20 million man, for America's worst Mexican,
Starting point is 00:07:24 64 weeks running, joining me as always is World Touring LA-based comedian, Shroney Audio Engineer. Hello, dick. What's up, buddy? There's a hamster named after me. Yeah? Yes, one of the Hampshire men, the Hampshire guy,
Starting point is 00:07:36 the underground, the explorers. Yeah, he got a new hamster that he named, that he named dick. Wow! Go check that out., a hamster, something like, or I choose hamster, something like that he named Dick. Wow. Go check that out., I'd Hampshire or something, or I choose Hampshire, something like that. Search for Hampshire.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I forgot what Shenanigans he's causing down there. Through Dick Underground, a bunker deep underground and live streams it all day. He was one of the unfortunate who was affected by the new project too closure, which I talked about on the show. Oh, really? Yes, which I talked about in great detail on the bonus episode.
Starting point is 00:08:07 True. Now at slash the Dixho and I got to, I set up a cryptocurrency site for taking cryptocurrency like a Patreon. Oh, well. Yeah, we'll see how it works. I'm not going to give the name yet. I don't know. I want, we'll see who actually uses cryptocurrency.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Every time something happens, everybody chimes in with the... Crypto's the answer. You can use crypto. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Did that is that what's going through you my I got this oh man. I got a run home to my phone to me This this I've got a run home to my personal satellite internet because I don't use any I'm not part of the problem I don't use any kind of traditional financial instrument. I've got nothing in my wallet, but a ledger S Everything I do is blockchain. I use the satellite system for my I got a run home to my secret bunker and load up my tour network to post this gem through us through a proxy to twitter dick you gotta use crypto currency now shit I gotta use crypto country but nobody uses it
Starting point is 00:09:23 I can't use crypto-cultures, but nobody uses it! Nobody else uses it! For many reasons! But you're bothering me so much, I did it. So there you go, if you want the crypto version, hit me up. I talked about the MasterCard problem in full on the bonus episode. I'm still pissed about it, obviously.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Yeah, sure. Obviously I'm still pissed about it. I need, if anybody about it, obviously. Yeah, sure. Obviously, I'm still pissed about it. I need, if anybody knows any kind of credit card, lawyer, matchless lawyer, hit me up, or UK, lawyer, hit me up, any police members for God's sake, I love the police. Everyone knows I'm a big supporter of the police. Always happened.
Starting point is 00:10:03 To be a police, hit me up for God's sake. Aren't you made an honorary police? I was made an honorary police. I arrested the hamburger. I shot him. Yeah. I saw him lurking outside of a dumpster. McDonald's about to commit a rape and I shot his ass a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I'm a big guy. He had a friend of the police. Did you have a nice Fourth of July? I did and I was seething about the state of America. That's really, really, really, made a couple of stakes. Ruined everyone's good time. My parents, my Fourth of July,
Starting point is 00:10:34 we spent an loudness music war with my parents' new neighbors, which was infuriating. They've got these new neighbors. New neighbors. Where is that behind? Or next to? Next to.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Yeah, you know, they live. Yeah, no, no, I know the house. I'm just trying to think which side. Yeah. A nice, nice little size piece of bigger than, bigger than my place, nice little size piece. It's like your parents. Yeah, my parents.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yeah, they got a good, good, the lots are big too. Lots are big, but not that, not big for the rest of the country. They got these new neighbors that party every weekend as far as I can tell. Wow. And they do this, you know, diversity is a strength in part. And so they play this, this, this, um, diadu, diadu, club music, like Middle Eastern club music. Oh, really? Which is worse than Ranchero music. Like if I have to rank cultures music, here's the problem with diversity. You get the good food with the diversity.
Starting point is 00:11:38 You get the skinny women, but it's offset by the awfulness of the music. Every single culture brings with it music that makes you wish you were deaf. And there's a reason why American rock and roll is popular all over the world. Yeah, I mean, it doesn't usually go the other way. No Bruce Springsteen song has ever had a daya, daya, daya, daya,
Starting point is 00:12:06 like interlude. Do you know what I mean? At the very bottom of the culturally, of the mixing pot of cultural music, the shared culture that they bring in is the Middle East Cern club music that they blast, that they're playing loud enough to have a pool party next door to my parents really to eat outside have all the families over nice yard nice yard sit there on some fucking old patio Fertigurity but next door da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da the same song on repeat like a six hour reggae track that never fucking changes that they play over there.
Starting point is 00:12:47 This is, you know, you're having a pool party, the music should come from always from over there, not on top of you. Yeah. So they put it kind of halfway because you want to be able to talk unless, yeah, you don't want it right in your head. Uh-huh. Right, right, right over your table. Not one of them, they put on one pink Floyd song.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I thought I'll thank Christ. 10 seconds in. There was a pink Floyd song that came on. Someone got a hold of it. One half a minute in. Bam, right back to. Hiya da ya ha da ya ha da ya ha ya da. Maybe Alexa was trying to, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:21 trying to keep it from, keep it off and growing insane or something. And I think, well, this is just okay, this is the way it is. This is the right to do this. If I really have a problem with it, I'll go down and talk to them. We'll have another drink and then see how it feels. I can get over this.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I can deal with this. I've definitely been this obnoxious at multiple times. Just not live. Not with that bad music though. Not with that bad music. And there is a difference. And I'll go talk to my neighbors, hey, let me know, text send me a text
Starting point is 00:13:51 if I'm playing too many Elton John songs, or if I'm trying to play too much wean on my piano, and my voice, the loudest two instruments in the world, louder than any stereo system, please tell me, you text me, it's funny for as much as like, you're, like I do what I want when I want it. You are consider it with your neighbors. I've seen, I've seen that where it's like, yeah, I don't want you to actively hate me and fuck with me the rest of it. Yeah. Yeah. I, I, I will shut up if you ask me to. Yes. Because I'm, sometimes you know, because I'm going to be loud.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I'm drunk. Yeah. But I don't know what's happening. I want to play this thing. There might be some rods over here. Let's go. Let's get this party started. It just text me. And I get back, no, no, just play. Oh, I'll send you some requests. I'll send you a Disney song.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I love it. I love it. I say thumbs up. Let's go. If I have a big problem with this, I'll go talk to, you know, reasonably, reasonably. But what I cannot escape from is my family, my entire family, the entire time,
Starting point is 00:14:49 complains about the music, the entire time the music is playing, and I say, all right, you think that's bad, you think that's bad. The complaining. You should see the other guy. You're barking about the music is worse than the music. Yeah, because I could playing it. You should see the other guy. Your, your barking about the music is worse than the music. Yeah, because I could ignore that.
Starting point is 00:15:09 We know it sucks. We know it's bad. I don't need to shut up. I don't need to keep hearing it from I know. You guys, you're knowing me. You've been playing O-town and the Backstreet Boys and Country duets all fucking day. That made me want to stab
Starting point is 00:15:26 myself in the side of the head and you think it's funny don't sit there and complain endlessly about their me endlessly you do it so they do it so much that the kids start to hang out I can't the little kid little children can't believe it's me I can't believe what to do next are like you don't fucking know what you're talking about. You little asshole, you're the most annoying thing in the world. You're constantly crying. You're constantly wanting to put on, you sound like that's music.
Starting point is 00:15:53 You sound, you think that's bad. You, oh God, so then they turn up their own music. Hmm. So we got Mariah Carey's, we got Shania Twain. It's greatest hits. And I'm thinking, well great, now we've got a full on culture war. Shocking awe, fought musically in the backyard.
Starting point is 00:16:15 None of this is enjoyable. Just shut up, stop complaining about the music. The complaining about the music is worse than the music. God. That was my fourth of July. Nice calm. Nice calm fourth of July. Relaxing fourth of July.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Ah, sounds like. You know what I do love about the fourth of July though, the whole time the fireworks are going off. I can just sit back and imagine all the bad dogs going insane. Oh yeah. And tearing up their owners houses. Getting, yeah, getting out, running wild through the streets. Oh, I can imagine all the single dog moms out there in LA sitting at home
Starting point is 00:16:54 fretting and not having fun, putting their neuroses even harder into their dog, whining to their whatever they got their partner at home. It was they would just stop. Can you believe they're going, the fireworks are going on so long? My little dog is losing his mind. I can hear him and the other. And then the dog, the same language. I love it. I
Starting point is 00:17:26 Love it more than ever more than ever this year. It's just keep you have to be sensitive about the pleasure in something you have to be every one to find and their dogs It's I really feel so bad for the dogs this time of year these dogs that these women buy and they have no They have no ability to care for them. And God knows they don't exercise. They haven't, their heart rate hasn't gone above 80 off of Twitter since they were in college and maybe not even, they've never exercised these dogs a single day in their lives.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Dogs all pent up with all this fucking anxious energy, anxiety. And then they throw in, and veterans too. Veterans also, you have to work. Yeah, yeah. I saw some bitch say, oh dogs are, the dogs are, here goes to all the pupper moms out there whose dogs are going crazy this four is the July. And also all veterans.
Starting point is 00:18:20 But the dogs first. Yeah. Can you, can you, chicks not understand anything that's not through the lens of a dog? veterans, but the dogs first. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you,
Starting point is 00:18:29 can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you,
Starting point is 00:18:37 can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you,
Starting point is 00:18:45 can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, can you, to pull your dog off of a child at the park, because he's tearing it. Right. God, I saw this woman being led into a bar last week and this woman getting led into a bar by, which is a fucking gigantic. I think it was a Husky or a German shepherd,
Starting point is 00:18:57 something that some single woman should have as any control. Yeah. No control at all, not even trying to plan her foot, just like, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, lugged along by this giant fucking dog, and I thought to myself, oh, bitch,
Starting point is 00:19:11 you're gonna have a one bed for the July. I hope you like having your couch ripped to shreds by this monster you've trained. It's fucking, it's irresponsible, man. And like, these dogs like, a bunch of them are rescues, you don't even know what sets them off necessarily. Yeah. So it's like, man, you got no shot at controlling that dog.
Starting point is 00:19:32 If all of a sudden you find out that it like, it has a problem with kids on skateboards. Nothing is gonna drag you down the fucking street until your head hits a fire hydrant, and then it's free. And the dog is home free. It's like a looney toons car. I got to do that barnacle on my neck.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Pain. You've got to run it. You've got to run it. You bitch. You have to run. I think if we somehow can frame the homelessness problem and hunger problem in the country in terms of dogs, we could make some headway because never, never have I seen more attention drawn to an issue
Starting point is 00:20:10 than fireworks and dogs. More pictures of laundry rooms being destroyed, couches being destroyed. Oh, please, have a heart for this guy. Fuck you. I should have bought your dog. Why every time every new dog is everybody's fucking problem. I should have bought your dog. Why every time, every new dog is everybody's fucking problem. I should have bought stock and thunder shirt.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Oh, those jackets that they make them wear. Yeah, you know, they should come in pairs. Because I think those women use one more than the dogs do. Yep. Let's see here. Hers and it's. Well, they shut, they shut California down again, I guess. They shut all the, they shut my Pilates studio.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Dead day. Well now you have to go in latex gloves like a doctor and a mat. You've got a fully, I mean, that's not pleasant to exercise in. I'm not doing it. I'm not fucking working out with latex gloves slipping all over the place. Get me a break. For me, not with a man. I hate being hot and I fucking amask.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I'm not gonna do any physical exertion in a mask. No thanks. Yeah, I see a lot of people laughing at that idea. Oh, you can't, yo, what do you mean you can't even breathe in a mat? No, I can't breathe in a fucking mask. No. Did you do that? Did you try with the slits in it?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Can you not do calculus? You dumb bitch. How about that? You want to play the what we can't do that? Did you try with the slits in it? Can you not do calculus? You dumb bitch. How about that? You want to play the what we can't do game? Show me, show me parallel park. Well, I laugh at your fucking ass. Here's a protestor got hit by a car. This is pretty.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Oh shit, pretty satisfying. Now, what is it this week? You like the protest? You don't like the protests. I mean, I hate them. But you liked them at one point. No, no. No, no, I like when dumb people are doing things
Starting point is 00:21:56 that I know they're gonna get hurt doing. I always love that. Please, Sean. Okay, I know that. Don't be so ridiculous. Let me pull this up here. Let's see if we can... This is Seattle protest.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I have some funny quotes about this. That's why I brought it in. Let me see if I have them. Lori Al also removing the word whitening from its products. I don't know. Did I don't know if black people knew about that. But I mean, is that, when is it gonna, what else do you want?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Remove whitening from it's? I don't even know what there is to say about that. If anybody, around me, no word from crest about the teeth. Yeah, yeah, even goes, yeah, I could see them do, okay, you should be killed. It's just gone, that's insane. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:22:48 It gets more insane though, because I actually read it instead of just looking at the headline. Yeah. It's removed the words white, whitening, fair fairness, light-lightening from all its skin, skin evening products, evening. Puff, that's okay, I guess they're calling them skin evening now. I'm not evening like darkness, like evening like, yeah, like man, I can't even,
Starting point is 00:23:11 that's two races, like, it's blending two shades into the French blah, blah, blah, the move, signals, blah, blah, blah. Here's the funniest part to me. L'Oreal's skin brightening creams. It's just them trying to get in the headlines too. I mean, from among the most popular in the market and are targeted towards Asian, African, and Caribbean buyers.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And then they invent this part who face a cultural stigma where lighter skin is perceived as more, but that's not necessarily factual. You're not in their minds. You don't know why they want that. You know what I mean? Yeah. But the most popular, have you seen Sammy Sosa?
Starting point is 00:23:47 Well, no, what does he, he's got Vitaligo. No, he's so many home runs, he turned white. No, so somebody told him when he was a kid, I read his autobiography. If you had enough home runs, you'll turn white. You don't look like Babe Ruth. Yeah. That's why he's so driven.
Starting point is 00:23:59 You gotta pull, you gotta pull off a picture, a recent picture of Sammy Sosa. Okay, hold up. No, he's been, I mean, he says it. He's been lightening his skin. Oh, wow. Is it because he, it's really alarming. Is it because of social stigma?
Starting point is 00:24:13 Look at the one in pink hat. No. No. That's lighting. No, it's, there's an interview with him and stuff. What the hell? He's the same color as that hat. It's crazy. Oh, that looks
Starting point is 00:24:27 Sammy Sosa from black to white. Oh my God. So they were right. He had so many home runs that you turned white. Okay, well, let me get. So the funniest part to this of this story to me is that the the people who buy these are Asian, African, and Caribbean. So they like this product, but they're going to remove it or not use the name anymore to appeal, like, does it still work to appeal to white women? Like that's who this is, that's who this is appeal. Of course. Of course.
Starting point is 00:25:00 You know what? We're not going to use white men, woke white women. Yeah. White women. You can rest assured, we're not going to use white anymore. But, white women. Yeah, white women, you can rest assured, we're not gonna use Whiting anymore. But all the brown people are like, well wait, they're not the ones, it's our product, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Okay, wait, here's the lady getting hit by a car. Check this out, Sean, I know how much you like. All this just shows how stupid we are. I mean, that this works on anybody. Oh yeah, here it is, okay here. Watch this, watch this. Oh yeah, here it is. Okay, here. Watch this, watch this. Now here's a freeway.
Starting point is 00:25:29 You see a freeway, there's kind of a scattering of protesters here. And they've got two cars blocking the way, which are, one car is black and both cars have their lights off. I don't know if you've ever seen, I don't know if you've ever seen anyone on the freeway at night, but even when they're pulled over, they'll have like a series of road flares.
Starting point is 00:25:47 That's what the police do. Dude, it's, yeah. So this is a freeway. They will fucking disappear. This is a freeway that has been in the words of the people in charge, quote, shut down. I mean, it's still a, it's still a freeway. I don't know how, here's the, here it is, here's the,
Starting point is 00:26:03 here's the, yeah, cars coming. A car is coming at about, it looks at about, I don't know, 50. How fast would you say that? I don't know, back it up. Okay, back it up a little bit. Uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:26:14 uh, that's pretty fast, right? Yeah, probably slower than 50, but I mean, slower than 50, yeah. Yeah, it's not freeway though. Things look slower on the freeway. Here we go. That's true, but you see them swirl around the the two cars two cars acting like an impromptu
Starting point is 00:26:26 roadblock the guy the who is a man uh... in a white jaguar uh... who who who who who who are you are swerving around the roadblock and then uh... and Damn. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Did he stop lamb? No, he did not stop. They chased him for a mile. Let's see it again.
Starting point is 00:26:48 See it again. A boom. Damn. Now the shoes, the shoes flying off. That's a fucking decleater, as I said in football, right? Bam. Oh, man. Shoes go one way, body goes another way.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Turns out it's a black guy driving the car. Everyone learned a tough lesson about physics. Yes, they did. Um, hmm. The woman who was hit. No, dude, no wonder he didn't stop. Oh, yeah. I mean, fuck, man.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Does any cops around or anybody? It's like, they're killing that guy for sure. Yeah. Here's some, here's some funny quotes I've pulled from the article. The Washington State Patrol says Saturday evening that going forward, it won't allow protesters to enter the I-5. Why? Now, going forward.
Starting point is 00:27:43 You know what? We're not gonna let, we're not gonna let you guys fuck around the freeway. I mean, they're far away, I'm alright, I'm alright. I'm like, look man, there's a million places you can protest where you're visiting like, we don't want to stop, you're right to peaceably assemble, just it's fucking dangerous. Respecting freeway.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Please do not go on the freeway. Unless you got a million guys. I mean, and then, I think Martin Luther King, they, I think they stuck to, they weren't on the road. I don't think, and the Selma. Not the ones that I, I mean, I don't know, I've, I never heard, I never read, I never read anything where he like staged a protest
Starting point is 00:28:24 or a march on a freeway. Yeah. Protesters had shut down the interstave for 19 days in a row. I guess that guy didn't get the memo. Mead said it at press conference. That's a sure of guy. Thank God. The state patrol responded by closing sections of the interstate to keep drivers and protestors
Starting point is 00:28:42 safe. Ah, so I guess the cops messed up again. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Here you go. I watch this in slow-mo several times and beat off to it. People have a false sense of safety really kind of in public. It's like, if I'm with a bunch of other people
Starting point is 00:29:07 and we're allowed to do this, then nothing can really happen to us. I don't know how to describe it other than that, but everybody knows, it's like this, everybody knows we're here thing. Almost like we're doing this, we're allowed to do this, the authorities know we're doing this. So therefore, nothing bad can happen because we're playing by the quote unquote rules.
Starting point is 00:29:27 New normal. This is a new, we can be on the freeway, we can do whatever we want. Well, because they've been allowed to. Yeah, it's hot. Do whatever. So it's like, here's my, you can see the two people that got hit, go one way and then juke
Starting point is 00:29:39 and then go the other way. Hesitation. Cause this. It's killer, yeah. So you can see them juke and then go back. What, go back this. like a deer in the headlights. Oh, man. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:29:50 That's just more of my right wing talking points. My hope is, I flattened the squirrel the other day that did the same thing. Hezotated. Because I don't swerve. Because that's dangerous. It is dangerous. You just hold the line.
Starting point is 00:30:02 You hit squirrels that don't deserve it if you swerve. Well, yeah, and it ran. It was ran across. It was totally gonna clear. And for some reason it froze and it ran back. Just fucking look at rear-frame here. Just flattened. Sorry, buddy.
Starting point is 00:30:14 So sorry, you don't hesitate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You had too much to think. Clearly, my hope is as a result of this. Your fault not mine. My hope is as a result of this tragedy, protesters will reconsider their desire to be on the interstate. Well, I mean, that's not a, that's not a desirable outcome for most of them. So maybe, maybe some desires have been lessened.
Starting point is 00:30:39 They're desired to be on the interstate. Yeah, hopefully, because I cannot guarantee their safety, plain and simple. Oh, then why did you block it off in the first place? Their next job is to protest. They're going to buy that you could by blocking it off and letting them fucking do it. Instead of just arresting them for breaking the law, you stupid asshole. You know, we're so we're going to open up an old minefield testing facility and let them let them march around there. We think we got them all,
Starting point is 00:31:06 but it'll be a nice big lot surrounded by offense. No cars can get them. Capark. Yeah, something like that. Oh, God. Officials were trying to determine the motive as well where he got on the interstate. Maybe he wanted to get on the,
Starting point is 00:31:24 put his car on the freeway. How about that one? Yeah, which had been closed by the interstate. Maybe he wanted to get on the, put his car on the freeway. How about that one? Which had been closed by the state patrol. You know, it's possible that those guys have a real habit of ripping down barriers, the protesters, perhaps they tip them over. I don't know. What happened to the guy?
Starting point is 00:31:37 What happened to the guy? He got arrested, they're probably gonna hang him. Good, but I mean, what do you think they're gonna do to him? He doesn't have a go-fun me. I don't know that. I have no idea. Okay, let's see what I got here. QR code. I got a rage.
Starting point is 00:31:56 What's your rage? Mocking birds. Oh yeah. You ever tell with the mocking bird? Which one do they sound like? Oh, they sound like all of them oh That's the yeah, yeah, and they'll stay in a spot. You've never had one around here. It's only I have no idea Got one in a tree outside
Starting point is 00:32:21 Outside the bedroom. Mm-hmm. They start they warm up at about 11.30 p.m Yeah, and then you know they go get some dinner. That was their sound check. Yeah, I'm about 12.30 p.m. And then, you know, they go get some dinner, that was their sound check. Then about 12.31 a.m. It's a never ending. They go through the Great American Songbook. Yeah. Their repertoire is endless. It's unbelievable. And they will sit there and tweet and tweet and chirp
Starting point is 00:32:39 and tweet and sing and make drum sound effects, clicks, whistles, all this kind of stuff. Girlfriend about a week effects, clicks, whistles, all this kind of stuff. Girlfriend about a week ago, opened the window, was trying to get the thing to shut up. So she was like, you know, something like that. Well, it didn't do anything. So then she whistled the thing,
Starting point is 00:32:56 it immediately returned, it immediately parroted it back to her, not just the intervals in the same key. And then she did it again and it repeated it. So now the motherfucker knows two more songs. Now, here's what I find out. Yeah. The mockingbirds that stay and do this for months and months are either immature males or older males.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Okay. They're not the ones that get laid. So they're in cell birds. Yes. In cell mockingbirds. The ones that get laid find a mate really quickly. They don't hang on for like months on end, I see tweeting and nothing. So the thing is basically publicly jacking off. Yeah. For months on end. Like a loser. All fucking night. So last night, another mockingbird shows up. Another man. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:46 And they were tweet, it was like a fucking, it was like a rap battle. It's like a forechan. It was like a fucking battle. They were repeating each other. And it was like, it was like dueling banjos in deliverance. And the only people who get fucked in the ass are those trying to sleep.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah. And so, so last night I ordered a fucking, I was looking for squirt guns. Sure, yeah. Because apparently that works. You might have to go a couple. A big fill of vinegar. Yeah, well,
Starting point is 00:34:17 or poison. Now, I was looking for the most powerful squirt gun. Turns out it's like the Super Soaker 2000 or something. Yeah. Which I haven't made since 1996 and go for 150 bucks on eBay. for the most powerful squirt gun, it turns out it's like the Super Soaker 2000 or something, which I haven't made since 1996 and go for 150 bucks on eBay. So now, now, did you order 150 dollars squirt?
Starting point is 00:34:33 No, one of those pool tubes where you siphon it up. Oh, I love those. Oh yeah. I love those. That he, they're better not be that second one tonight. Yeah, yeah, but that's, it's gonna fucking get it.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I'm gonna take a Homeot five gallon bucket out there. Uh-huh. Fucking suck it up and shoot that motherfucker. Oh God, I love those, I love those quick guys. I can't believe no one with a hose in their yard has come out who can get to it because I can't get to it with a hose. Uh. And fucking just turn the hose on that thing.
Starting point is 00:35:00 It's gotta drive everybody nuts. Yeah, but you can't see it at night. Can you? No, but you can. You know exactly, well, no, you do. You can find it. Yeah, you can spray all over. You can bully, bully me. You can narrow it down if you go out there and look up into the tree. I love those from. Suck in once because if you don't have patience and you try to shoot it right away, you fuck it all up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:21 So real intelligence test water gun. My mom broke one of those out the other day. My sister and her decided it was broken because they couldn't pull the water in and we're going to fill up. Oh, it's fucking so aggravating. Here's a me too. Here's a me too for you. This is from this is from some big titty thought, bunny ayahu. Skull Girl's director accused of incredibly disrespectful messages from Bunny Ayahu. I really hate that women can get away with this. Here is, let me find the images. She posted this for attention of a guy sending her, what is, I think the lamest messages, the lamest, the lamest slide into DMs.
Starting point is 00:36:09 This is like sliding into third and you feel a turd diarrhea sliding into the DMs. A horrifically embarrassing. Here it is. Try and put it up on the screen. She says to him, thank you for making a video game where is there is BDSM, Yuri, I don't know what the fuck that is. Some kind of sexual, some kind of sexual looking aesthetic in the game, probably a bunch of leather. And I don't know what that, what, I don't know what Yuri is or whatever this shit is. Where is there is GDSM, Yuri? She hits him
Starting point is 00:36:40 up and says that. This is what she looks like, by the way. Bunny, are you mean? Name's Bunny. Yeah, I'm probably not a real name. That's what she looks like. All right, so this chick's hitting you up. Yeah, right. In your DMs, I don't know how you're supposed to act, but probably getting a little flustered
Starting point is 00:36:59 is on the table. Here's how he responds. Colin tries to figure out how to respond to this. So he's like typing out his internal monologue. Yeah. I'm glad you enjoy it. Question mark. Yeah, question mark seems appropriate.
Starting point is 00:37:16 There's a lot. There's a lot to make any fucking sense. And because he seems to be so riddled with insecurity that he can't figure out how to respond to this woman. There's a lot less of that type of blah, blah, blah. That's non-committal though. Colin, let's see who this person is.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Oh, I think it's the lady who was streaming the game recently that I mistook for something else, a number of smiley faces. Colin visits. He's narrating what he's doing in real time. This is a weird, a weird exchange, right? Sean, the whole thing is weird, yeah. This guy's response is weird,
Starting point is 00:37:58 but she keeps responding to this shit. And he doesn't get any less weird. Uh, okay, it's gigantic and I don't care about it. But then he ends it with, hmm, I'm sure you get messages from humans with penises asking that kind of stuff pretty regularly. Can't, he can't say men, I guess. That's like a, it's too embarrassing. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:23 So if you prefer, how about I acknowledge the brain inside the lady? Um, this is Maddox. Yeah. Uh, takes a lot of skill. Who, oh, what is your end goal? Is streaming sustainable? He's, I mean, well, I mean, it's like normal wanting to get to know you shit, but the, what makes me a rage about it is that women use these normal lines like
Starting point is 00:38:49 they store up these messages from, she initiated this contact by the way. They store this shit up and then just unleash it to try to embarrass guys to the throngs to the to the throt there's thousands of orbiters slash failures who worship everything they do like you you will never have a hatred for your for humanity in your heart like the one you will gain by following a chick who looks like that on Twitter or Instagram and reading the things guys are saying to her in public. Forget private. But their compulsion, storing them all up in the fucking battery, just ready to.
Starting point is 00:39:32 To let out one, but look at what this guy did to me. I mean, it's not rape, but it's something. I mean, it's not almost rape either, but it's almost all, you could imagine. You could fucking, you could imagine what I went through e-DMing, this guy about his game and he gets back to me about respecting my brain and the lady in his weird action shit.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I was forced to continue. I was forced to continue at every turn this morning. Yeah, huh. This morning another one came out where a chick accused a guy of jerking off into her some something like that some kind of stupid louisie k thing and his responses uh... actually it's not true because i had a botched circumcision
Starting point is 00:40:15 as a kid and i can't become a physically can't become aroused uh... disturbing and this is but this is this the, this is the playbook now. And never ending sit, whatever you say, unless it's, unless it's how old are you? Not old enough. Sorry, you're getting outed. They're taking it and putting it out there in a way that is identical to revenge pornography, except you can only do it to men, because no one cares.
Starting point is 00:40:48 There is no barrier to what women say in private. None. And then the throngs of worshipers just come out and oh, you're so victimized. You are so, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I mean, she and she gets that constantly. Yeah, that constant, that just that constant attention. Yeah Jerking off into her is to no, it's not
Starting point is 00:41:10 Really, it's sick. It's sick. It's really sick if cigarettes come with a label that say this could kill you every Every chick show wearing less than a hijab online Needs to come with a warning. This is the last guy this chick fucked. Are you sure you want to proceed with this conversation? That'll dis, are you sure you want to follow, follow? Are you sure you want to follow this girl? Here's a picture of her boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Oh, never mind, never mind, never mind, never mind. Nope. That will cut this problem down. Our Autist Me Too bait, they say. Yeah, the hamster guy got hit with something similarly. Let me see if I've got anything else here. Fourth degree assault, the police are investigating that couple, remember that couple that came out of their home, brandishing weapons, when protesters tore their gate to their private community open
Starting point is 00:42:03 and stormed their house, they're being investigated for a fourth degree assault by intimidation. For coming out into their proper time with, uh, with weapons. I don't know about. I'm just thinking about that. Let's see. Wasn't he like, wasn't he like, I'm with you. Yeah. He's a big don't.
Starting point is 00:42:22 He's a big Democrat. Donator. But like, I'm with you, but fucking don't, fucking, I gotta make sure you're not fucking up my shit. Yeah, I think what he realizes is that they're not with him. They're not really, they're not really possessed with the spirit of freedom and equality that he might be. They might just be looking to destroy some shit.
Starting point is 00:42:44 They might just be looking to destroy some shit. They might just be looking to pull statues over to mess things up because they could get away with it. Well, there's definitely a percentage that that's what they want to do. There's always the guy in the mosh pit who's just looking to grab boobs. Yeah. I mean, you can't say that contingency doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yeah. That contingent doesn't exist. Community, Netflix, and Hulu remove advanced dungeons and dragons episode. This is one of the few episodes of community that I've ever seen that show. Did you ever watch that show? No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:43:13 I've seen like little snippets of it. I thought it was kind of dumb. Yeah, Dungeons and Dragons. So is it because of the characters in Dungeons and Dragons or something like that? Is it not? Yeah, I guess there's a draw elf. Let me look it up.
Starting point is 00:43:26 A chain. So this scene appears in the show, a draw elf is like a dark elf. Damn, no shit. And this guy dresses up as one. You see he's got the little elf ears. You see that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:42 That's why they removed it. Because this is too close to black face. Oh, that's black face. Oh, yeah. I mean, if there ever was black face, that's it. Well, that's what I love about it. Because all the nerds are like, oh, no, silver hair. He's an elf. Yeah. They're like, well, don't you see his pointy ears? I can't even see the pointy ears. I guess I did a little bit. I could draw a little bit there.
Starting point is 00:44:12 The nerds are pissed off about this. There he is, there's a whole professor chang with his, see, he's in that for one scene. The show has nothing to do with that. It's just this, they play Dungeons and Dragons, but this is a picture of one of the elves that he stressed up like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:29 A little bit more purple-y than he is. Yeah. True, and you think. Silver hair there, yeah, they are. They're a little bit more of a deep purple. I love it because the nerd's fallback is, well, this is preposterous. Can you believe that they would do this? Yeah. Because the whole thing is preposterous. Can you believe that they would do this? Yeah, because the whole thing is preposterous.
Starting point is 00:44:47 The whole fucking, like you're just, because it's touching your area. Yeah. Now you're, well, I mean, now you relate to some of the ridiculousness. Oh, it's, you're saying it's wrong because he didn't mean it to be offensive. And what capacity is any of it offensive to anybody?
Starting point is 00:45:07 It's fucking, it's been dumb since jump street. It continues to be more aggressively dumb in new and exciting ways. Nobody, no rational human being thinks that was intentionally disrespectful to a race or ethnicity. Yeah, so what if it is? It's literally a costume. You think racist need blackface in their repertoire?
Starting point is 00:45:27 Well, that's a be offensive to... No, you think like the cops? You're gonna take away our biggest weapon. Oh no, not blackface. Are we gonna impress the black people with that? I don't know. Make up. I guess I'm going home, guys.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I don't know, it's just, we can't do it anymore. This sucks. I don't wanna be a racist cop anymore. I don't know. I take away Blackface. You're gonna stop at the 7-11, get some Asian glasses on the way home. I gotta change my, I gotta change my tack.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I love it. I love watching them just see, then it's going, well, that's, he's, but he's being an elf. Oh yeah, go explain it to them Yeah, it's really exactly it's gonna work this time explain how it's a joke and that because it's funny It's it should be allowed explain how much the show meant to you while you're simultaneously Shitting on the Confederate flag That that that means nothing to anybody that doesn't mean anything about a sovereign nation
Starting point is 00:46:26 of this out. Yeah, good for you guys, get rid of it. Get rid of it. Let's see what else did they get rid of this? It's kind of another round of insanity. Yeah, we had some of this where it's like, nobody thinks that is what that means. Again, it's, you know, Twitter's not the world, and it's the fraction of a percent that
Starting point is 00:46:53 is fucking insane, that is causing all these people to just go, well, I just don't want to fucking deal with them. So we'll stop lightning. We'll stop calling the cream lightning or whitening cream or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I can't even get upset about it anymore. Me either. I just think I really can. Very, very little can surprise me or shock me at this stage. It's like, yeah. I mean, everyone's well that catches me where I'm like, that's fucking insane. And then it's like, no, no, no, no, that's how some people think.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Yeah. Let me get Ryan in here. Hey, Ryan, long, are you there? Yo. What's up, man? How you doing? All right. How you guys doing?
Starting point is 00:47:37 Good. What's your newest video? The newest video was absolve yourself by canceling others. Oh, yes. Tell me about that. Like the title. Self by canceling others. Do you guys see that guy? Seth Simon's who was like the number one
Starting point is 00:47:54 canceler who I almost based that character off of. He so he's he's been big on trying to cancel League of Gen of Skanks and all the New York comedians. He's like a full-time professional canceler. Okay. And some girls just came out with accusations about him and they
Starting point is 00:48:08 said, uh, they were calling him a sex pest as the term sex pest. Somebody who like is constantly trying to get some. He's not dangerous, but you want to smash him anyway. Yeah. He's a sex pest. What's his name? Sam Seth Scymon. Seth Scy Simon's, I'm gonna look up. He's like the ultimate canceler, like 24-7, you know, wakes up in the middle of the night with like a eureka moment of someone he could cancel. Who's the one who's trying to,
Starting point is 00:48:35 who's the chick who called him a sex pet? Maybe I could just search for that. I think Lewis Gomez and Shane Gillis have been like all over posting it because this is the guy who broke the Shane Gillis SNL stuff that got him fired. Oh no! How's he doing?
Starting point is 00:48:50 The worst thing about the Shane Gillis firing was all the people who said, oh, you know what, he's going to be even better off now. Like, motherfucker, how is he going to be better off? It's easy for you to say. Yeah. You can conjure up all kinds of fantastic scenarios where he's able to buy a yacht in two years. Yeah, he's going to have this big ground swell of support. He's going to be a new birth of right wing comedy.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah, the funny bone in wherever the fuck nowhere is pretty fun to play, but it also would have been fun to be rich and famous too. There's that. Yeah, he's going to be real better off getting movies for doing nothing and the Saturday night live crap comedy machine that pours out. Yeah, getting the Pete Davidson pussy run off. Oh, yeah, here it is. Liz Ackery, lots of comedy creeps out there, but don't forget that a very woke comedy blogger was a full on sex past to my friend and others. Who corroborated stories in my DMs over the years, but always doing the most to seem like a feminist, remarkable cognitive.
Starting point is 00:49:55 So sex past is just a guy who's asking for the little cramacucci all the time, is that right? Or just talking to someone. You're just a normal past, yeah. Me too. Yes, it's Seth. Oh, she blurs it out. Or just talking to someone. You're just a normal past, yeah. Me too. Yes, it's Seth. Oh, she blurs it out.
Starting point is 00:50:08 It's S asterix TH S I M asterix and S. Oh, yeah, real tough to figure out. Nothing. I hope this catches on. I think my Jixis X past to be honest with you. Oh, yeah, why is that? Oh, he's bestering. Yeah, let me go to sleep, lady. I really, I really understand Al Bundy
Starting point is 00:50:27 more and more every year with that. Oh, I'll make a sense. You know, my favorite one was recently with all the new round of cancelings is when there was one, like a couple guys that got it because they said the power dynamic, you know, the power dynamic stuff, but they're saying that like,
Starting point is 00:50:42 she couldn't leave because he was paying for everything. So it was an uneven like financial dynamic, which is why the position dynamic stuff, but they're saying that like she couldn't leave because he was paying for everything, so it wasn't uneven like financial dynamic, which is why. The position was like, how great is that if you're on a date with a girl now and you're the bill comes and you're like, listen, I would love to pick this up, but I'm not a rapist. Yeah. I don't want to upset the power dynamic. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:00 You have as much power over this check as I do and I don't want to, I don't want to assume. It's got to be a lab where they come up with this shit. It is just shocking how quickly they introduce concepts like power dynamic. Do you think the lab's called cancel corp? I think it might be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Cancel corp. All right, let me, I'm gonna, I'm still trying to bring up a new video. God damn. Oh, yeah, dude. What did you say it was again? Sorry I clicked off of it. It's all of yourself by canceling others So you can find a new tube or okay, here it is. Yeah, it's all of yourself by canceling Oh, watch a little bit of it many of the most righteous
Starting point is 00:51:36 Cancelers are often the worst defenders and well at first that may seem confusing when you understand the concept of cancel capital It actually makes perfect sense. You see much like, cancel capital can be mined by having people fired, quickly shamed, and deplatformed. And that cancel capital can now be used as a force field to prevent people from finding out what a piece of garbage you are. Cancel capital can be used if you dated someone in the workplace before it was illegal. Or maybe you had the wrong political opinions before you were awarded the right ones. Maybe you had done edgy comedy to get things order to erase that you want to shut the door behind this guy Kim all up there while still keeping the money in face.
Starting point is 00:52:12 McCormillon thing. Oh my god. The Stern ones. Did we talk about that? Oh, these guys. Yeah, nice. Yeah, it's so fucking weird. Here we are.
Starting point is 00:52:24 And the only thing that matters is their power in relation to the severity of your dirty Yeah, it's so fucking weird here. Black for his entire career, sort of an eternal Blackface, which is why he said his sights on canceling the Messiah himself. Cancel Capital also revolves around a cancelable event where they actually have something to take away. This is why in the case of Canceling Joey Diaz, I've been much less focused on what Diaz said, but rather the fact that Joe Rogan laughed at it. Canceling Joey Diaz might earn me enough Cancel Capital for some of my old tweets calling stuff gay, but Canceling Joe Rogan would absolve me of the cardinal sin of being a closeted fan of Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Cancelling punch the chick. Donald Trump is so powerful you actually get cancel capital for just attempting to cancel him. Which is my hardest sports and anger was able to be a Republican governor of California. But after a few rants trying to cancel Trump, he is back. I'm not good at comedy. Because of rules of who gets canceled for what are constantly changing, you want to focus on intersectional cancel Trump. He is back. I'm not good at comedy. Because the rules of who gets canceled for what are constantly changing, you want to focus on intersectional
Starting point is 00:53:28 canceling. Cancel a black guy for saying something about gays and cancel a gay guy for saying something about black. Like one of the most important things to do is to cancel Snoop Dogg for homophobia. But unfortunately, it's been taking a while for me to sift through the hours and hours of useless lyrics, where he only talks about literally prostituting and beating
Starting point is 00:53:44 women. Nothing that's gonna stick. It's not important to note that if you cancel a fellow cancler, you actually inherit their cancel capital the same way you would someone's cards in a game of risk. It's my freaking bitch mom again. Just die already. Happy canceling. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:58 It's very funny. It is. Thanks buddy. I love the rules of it. You're totally right. Have you written all of those down outside of that video, like canceling a black guy for being homophobic, canceling a gay guy for being racist. White chicks are getting it real bad right now. They were sort of, because they've, there's always been a fight between who's
Starting point is 00:54:22 more important in the victim hierarchy, like white women or black dudes. Yeah. And they're really having a struggle right now. So white girls are next on the chopping block. You know what's been making me laugh too? It's because over the last five years, they essentially were like, listen, all the industry positions that we like to cancel people for. They go, all these industry positions, we're only going to give to, you know, whatever
Starting point is 00:54:43 like chicks and super woke people. And people like you, for example, are not welcome. And then now they're like, we want to take away all your jobs. You're like, what jobs? You were very adamant of not having those jobs. They're like, well, we got to cancel someone. Just to get your things through that. Yeah, it's the guy, that reddit guy stepped down.
Starting point is 00:55:03 He's like, well, you got to have a black purse, a black guy fill this role. Right. Oh, what a fucking skum maneuver, right? That happened again to the head of the anchor for this big talk show. He essentially stepped down and he goes, I just, I need them to fill this role with a person of color or woman. It's like the three people that were next in line were probably like, what the fuck do?
Starting point is 00:55:27 I don't know. I'm like, if there's anything that would make, if there's anything that would engender feelings of racism, it's your position just being given to somebody because of their race, right? That would drive me fucking insane, man. It's perioding. And it's only, they don't give it to like you'll see uh... you'll see asian that eight an asian vio or a black vio
Starting point is 00:55:50 actor is is saying that it's not racist for a black guy to take a white roll but he was the voice of sam rye jack like what we can't and asians are massively underrepresented asians mexicans all the ones that are just not in the news all the time are massively underrepresented. Yeah, black dudes are almost overrepresented in comedy. Yeah, I think they are.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I mean, what percentage of the population are they? Look at any top ten list of comedians. It's going to be like half black dudes. Well, they're saying they want these woke positions or whatever, really they just want. I was like the idea of a corporate, like where the ultimate diversity show, it's like, we have black guys that hate Trump. We have white guys that hate Trump. We have girls that hate Trump.
Starting point is 00:56:32 No, I was so diverse. I was talking to Adam Townsend, and I've mentioned him on the show a couple of times, I was talking him last week, and he said, I don't understand the point of the cancel culture that exists in comedy, because don't you always have to be looking behind your back and it's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:56:48 but that's like their version of excellence is who can most expertly cancel somebody and like recansal, like the kings always got to be wary of assassins, right? So the canceled people always have to cancel the up and comers who are trying to cancel them and cancel up. At no point are they ever funny? At no point are they funny? It's just this endless series of assassinations upwards and downwards to take out the people beneath them. Do you think that's part of their ethics? Like you have to punch up and
Starting point is 00:57:19 punch down. They're like, you only, you're all, it's racist if you don't cancel up. Yeah, but they, so they always have to frame it like even punching down is still punching up like the more of a, the more of an institute is making you put you. Yeah, exactly. Like, oh, white women, well, white women voted for Trump. So therefore going down, punching down on a white woman is the same as punching Trump. Yeah, it's funny when these people have to come out and hang out of the comedy clips because a lot of these people, you know, get their internet points whatever and then you'll go you'll see them at the fucking stand or whatever And there's a bunch of dudes hanging out and they come to like what's up guys? We're like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I mean, I don't think I would make a scene, but I would, I say I put them on grandmother treatment. Like a lot of these people, when you see them in real life, now you're like, oh yeah, how are you?
Starting point is 00:58:09 Okay, how is that? I was just, okay, but you never actually treat them like a real human being. You treat them like you're talking to your meet-and-year girls, grandparents. Wow, how fucking weird the audacity of that. Crazy. The comment and just start swinging you to the end result
Starting point is 00:58:21 of all this is just, it's 100% bad. It's so fucking dangerous. Yeah. I like your gamification of it. The point. Yeah. You got to turn it into a real game. Yeah. Yeah. It would be amazing. Yeah. Cancel the game like like life. Like Pokemon. Like Magic the Gathering, but it's you know, know, cancel them all. You know, like a crumman up far. To use that race card, you know? Yeah, like Sean King, he's got a little tiny bit of blackness in him. He's still fucking funny, dude. The fact that he's like, he's just, he's literally a white dude pretending to be a black
Starting point is 00:58:59 dude. And then he also is, he like, he's been caught in bezzling money like a whole bunch of times. And then he basically, his mom is like, he goes, no, my dad been caught in bezeling money like a whole bunch of times. And then he basically, his mom, his like, he goes, no, my dad was black and his mom's like, no, he's not. And he goes, well, my mom was raped by a black guy. He goes, no, I wasn't, stop saying this. Oh my God, that's his black cat.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Stop telling people this. Oh my God. Yeah, New York's wild right now, man. Can you guys even go on the streets? Yeah, I mean, I'm in quarantine and for shit. But the streets, because they're like, okay, we'll do bars, but only out the window. So the streets are pandemonium. It's like new Orleans or Nashville on the streets. So it's pretty crazy out here right now.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Dude, they were going gonna do that here. You could drink in the parking lot only. Really? Yeah, but it's like. It just turns into a street party though. And it's like a hundred degrees here. It's like, I don't know, man. I don't wanna stand in the parking lot drinking
Starting point is 00:59:57 a $12 drink from a barcade. But I can look in the window. Well, don't drink in the zombies. What are they gonna do? What are they gonna do? Yeah, bring my own drinks. I don't know why you never caught on. They never caught on here.
Starting point is 01:00:08 He's gonna stand there. Yeah. Yeah, I love that they tricked, they tricked all the chicks here. I'll round you up and give you drunk and public tickets. They tricked all the women who left town, all the strippers and yoga instructors left town and quarantine and went to stay with their parents. Then they left to quarantine, so all of them came back and then they immediately hit it again.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Now all the chicks are stuck back here. Working out in latex gloves. They got a lot of distributors back in with latex gloves or something like that. I can't take it anymore. You're seeing a naked gun where they had sex and they had the full body condoms on. Yeah, that's what it feels like. Okay, let me see what else you got here. I'm looking at your channel right now. What else you've been doing?
Starting point is 01:00:53 I've been doing two podcasts a week and then I do I release a video every Monday and then I did some, you know, work for Wee the internet and the hard times and all those different places. So I've been actually kind of busy with it. It's one of those times where I've been doing stand-up three times a night for, you know, six days a week for the last 10 years. So it's honestly was a, at first,
Starting point is 01:01:14 now I'm ready to go back, but there was a bit where I had to live like a normal life where I just worked during the day and like, you know, watch TV or something that night and you just be like, oh yeah, this is way better than what I've been doing. Yeah, no shit. Are you excited about Kanye running for president?
Starting point is 01:01:32 Yeah, I'm also running for president as the first president for the boys. So what's your last man when, uh, what's your platform like, uh, just basically no taxes for men, higher taxes for women, uh, uh, um, dick sucks will be mandatory. So, uh, kind. Kind of like from in Supremes, lab form then. What do you think with Kanye? Do you think, because I feel like some of these people don't realize the hate that like he's like, oh, I'll be this wacky artist and say something like whatever wacky stuff. And people are getting mad. But I don't think he realizes like the vitriolic hate that politicians get. So I don't know. I think he's jealous. I think he's jealous of how much hatred Trump's getting.
Starting point is 01:02:10 So he's trying to like I think he wants to be hated and Trump is hated more than him. So he's trying to. I want to be a villain. Yeah. I think he's he's jealous of the hatred that Trump's getting could be. That's what I think about it. Let the hatred that Trump's getting. Could be. That's what I think about it. Let me see. I brought some other stuff and studies in here. Face masks for white people only for Lincoln County health officials.
Starting point is 01:02:38 People of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings and public art. So they don't get shot because people think they're going to rob something. I guess that's the thing you don't have to wear one. Only white people do. Oh, wonderful. Wonderful.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Don't show up to the bodega with a blood stained red bandana. But that's, that's what I said the other on the crossover show. It's like there's fucking ones that there's the paper masks that like 90% of people are wearing. Nobody thinks you're knocking off a liquor store wearing that. show, it's like, there's fucking ones that there's the paper masks that like 90% of people are wearing. Nobody thinks you're knocking off a liquor store wearing that. Yeah, surgical masks. If you're protesting, it doesn't, it doesn't affect you though. Yeah, I did, I did hear that that no COVID was spread during the protests. Well, that's impossible. I mean, that's impossible.
Starting point is 01:03:22 It's a beautiful world. No, it's true. Sorry, I looked it up. They read that on a Perfect. Perfect. They did research during that. Did you go to a protest, Ryan? Yeah, dude, it was fucking hilarious. I saw you out there. It was really fun.
Starting point is 01:03:32 But I went to a couple of them. I mean, it was wild over here. But the funniest thing I saw at the whole protest was, so a bunch of people were smashing the stores and all the windows and stuff like that. And it's black, dude. Smash the windows and they all ran in and grabbed shoes and stuff. And then one guy came out holding a pair of Jordans and he goes, these kicks is for Floyd. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:03:57 How good is that? Did you see the white- You know what, Floyd would want him to have those kicks? Yeah, I think he would. Did you see the white kicks? I want him to have those kicks. Did you see the white Floyd would want him to have those kicks? Yeah, I think you would. Did you see the white kids? I want them to have those kicks. Did you see the white kids stealing shoes from a van store and as soon as the cops throw up, they throw all the shoes up in the air and just take off running. Yeah, I saw some crazy stuff at the riots. They were like, it was kind of a mix. There was a lot of these older antifa, like dreadlock type women trying to sort of like take charge of it. They're like,
Starting point is 01:04:28 all right, guys, we're going this way. And this way in the, you could see the black field being like, you'll fuck off. Yeah. Yeah. I saw this one. There was this like Mexican-y guy, right? And he started saying he was kind of like, this is not what the movement was intended for. You know, we should not be looting. And then one black guy just goes, yo, shut the fuck up and then threw an egg at him. Where did he get the egg? I hate him in the, like in the, like in the chest. So his shirt got covered in egg. Well, he had just, he had just hit the Ralphs down the street.
Starting point is 01:04:57 He just looted the egg. Yeah, he was carrying a bunch of fucking eggs. And these motherfuckers are stealing shoes. I'm gonna steal some food supplies. High class eggs too. Also is another thing that all the, because all these people are like smash capitalism is their whole thing. I actually made a video about that too, but all of these people are, they're all smash capitalism and this and that. And then they'll go to the banks and they're like smash capitalism, Joe's convenience. But you can see the black
Starting point is 01:05:19 people again being like, yeah, sure, but this one's sort of about black stuff. So if you get, can we get all police reform? Yeah. Can we get some police reform in like, nah, no, no, we're going to take a whitening out of a L'Oreal skin cream. Did they fix everything? Did they hit any banks? Did any banks get robbed? Yeah, they were kind of robbing everything. It's like, hi, kids, hi, to wife. They robbing everybody. But it started out where they were going for banks. And then by like an hour and they're like, yeah, kids, hija wife, they robbing everybody. But it started out where they were going for banks. And then by like an hour in, they're like, yeah, also Joe's convenience can get it too though.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Yeah, they did that here too. It did take a very long for, you know, Rob's bakery or Chang's convenience was getting lit up pretty hard. They robbed an art gallery on Melrose here. Oh, yeah. Yeah, like a pop art gallery. I don't, are you guys really, do you really want that stuff? gallery on Melrose here. Oh, yeah. Yeah, like a pop art gallery. I don't, are you guys really, do you really want that stuff?
Starting point is 01:06:08 Like are you, like a salad or something? Who knows? Are you big art connoisseurs there? Do you have a lithograph collection at home? Was it just like a, it's probably all hipsters too. They're probably weren't any black people in there. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm just gonna go with you're probably right.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Yeah, that one. Let me see what else I got here. Got QR code arrest and a transgender quantum physics talk. I always say the trans lives matter is like woke people's all lives matter. Oh, it trans lives matter. Well, black trans lives, I know that's, I've heard that one. McDonald's was around.
Starting point is 01:06:47 30 signs at the marches. They were like trans lives matter. And it's kind of like, hey, we're like black lives matter. And they're like trans lives matter. They're like trying to squeak in every other cause into their cause. It is, it is like a, it's like a party that no one can decide what the theme is. Like is it a birthday party? It's costume party. Occupy Wall Street was exactly like that.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Just let everybody in. And it's also like a party that you threw for your birthday party and someone else shows up and they're kind of like, it's my birthday too, guys. Right. And you're like, sure, we'll have your own party. But this one's sort of my thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Do you take this, man? I'm getting married too. We're getting married too. That's our way to. Yeah, everybody celebrate me. Let's see. Detectives are asking for the public's help in locating a 33 year old Samuel Kasky of Virginia Beach, January, oh, officers. What did they do? Made aware of QR code stickers being posted on street signs in the Gent neighborhood. If
Starting point is 01:07:43 scanned by a camera, the QR code on the stickers would redirect the user to a New York-based blog for white supremacists and neo-nazis. So there's a QR code sticker. And if you scan it, it says the N word basically. That's what this guy is getting arrested for. Well, he couldn't, he couldn't, what would the, what would the charges be?
Starting point is 01:08:05 I mean, because, you know, you're allowed to have those websites, right? You're allowed to have QR codes too, aren't you? Is it like, you know, like some kind of defacing public property? Why, I mean, how do they try that, legal? They're tearing statues down left and right. And I mean, how do they try to get them is my question.
Starting point is 01:08:23 They just get them. They just throw them in jail. Yeah, all right. Yeah, on the left of my eye. I mean, how do they try to get them is my question. They just get them. They just throw them in jail. Yeah, all right. Yeah, for life, I think. Here's another one, transgendered quantum physics. I really hate that people are taught anything about science. Sean, you know that about me. I know you do, and I disagree about that,
Starting point is 01:08:38 but I know everybody's all of a sudden there and ex, well, everybody becomes super soft, Morick. Yeah. You just know a little, you know, a tiny bit of the concept. I'll fill it in the rest. Yeah, and the quantum physics. It's about particles and I got it, I got the general idea. I mean, I'm not an idiot.
Starting point is 01:08:57 I know, I know what it is. Just by you mentioning the top, that part, I know what it is. Here's this, here's a drag queen and performer, Amrall, Al Khalida, questions why gender should be binary when the physics which underpins the universe can change. Oh, great. I can't wait to hear that. Let's see. How great is it when someone says that the sexuality is a spectrum, say, well, on that spectrum, you're a radical leftist.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Yeah, calling them gay. Quantum physics is this incredible sect of physics, which basically, we'd like Newtonian physics, I think of it as like heteronormative physics, where it's basically like, what are the fixed universal principles that govern the world? If I do A will be happen, what are the formulas that
Starting point is 01:09:45 will tell us anywhere in the universe what will happen if I put input this? Well, that's not true, but equally in the universe. No, no, no, no. Yeah. First of all, those laws don't apply to everywhere in the universe. The Nazis literally did this. I talked about this on the kill stream when Destiny was in the studio, but the Nazis specifically said quantum physics was Jewish and that it was banned because of that. And that's the only they are they did exactly what you're seeing. Quantum is a. The Tony and physics in G with their physics. They just called it that part. They just they wanted to cancel quantum physics in Heisenberg. They said that's Jewish physics. I don't know. No other reason. None.
Starting point is 01:10:25 None at all. It's math. What you're seeing right here, Newtonian physics is heteronormative physics is exactly that playbook. heteronormative physics. Okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:10:38 She's got bright green hair. Looks like Greta the Gremlin. I'm not going to go in the world. Man, I just want to go walk on the fucking I5 with a sign that says what I hate hit me please. Just hit me please. Yeah. The people, the, the, the, the woke left or whatever people are getting so close to the white supremacists and all their ideas. They're like, we want separate schools. You know, isn't that crazy? I know it's, yeah, and nobody and they don't see it. Like I can hear it.
Starting point is 01:11:06 They met up. Go ahead. I'll just saying if they met up to like negotiate, they'd be like, we want separate schools and they're like, hey, you ain't so bad, man. I don't know, I don't know why we thought we ate each other. I could just hear David Duke saying so many of the things that all the woke BLM protestors say, like, oh, we need to have a separate space. This is our this is our quiet space for black people to come and enjoy and if you're
Starting point is 01:11:30 not black you can't go in here and like yeah he would be David Duke would really love what you're doing here. Guys. Why people you need to you need to realize that you have inherent privileges. Then he's like yeah that's pretty much what, that's pretty much what they, that's pretty much what every KKK meeting starts with exactly what you're saying. Okay. Let me keep, is this incredible sect of physics, which basically, we'd like Newtonian physics, I think of it as like heteronormative physics, where it's basically like, what are the fixed universal principles, this person govern the world, if I do a- Person have a degree in anything. One of the formulas that'll tell us anywhere in the universe
Starting point is 01:12:08 will happen if I put this. Content physics is equally a real sector that basically looks at subatomic particles with the very smallest things in our universe, not like the macro things, and they contradict basically everything. No, Newton tone it up. It's just chaos.
Starting point is 01:12:27 That's the famous experiment. Two million views. The experiment where you fire an electron and it should go through the left or right hole. No. And then every now and then it goes through both at the same time. No. That's not it. That's not it.
Starting point is 01:12:38 And subatomic particles are sometimes the same subatomic particle is in different locations at the same time. Definitely not. And quantum physics shows that actually reality itself is basically a majority approximation of what's happening subatomically. So when people questionable, the biological essentialism argument on me, like particles themselves are non-binary and do things. That completely turned out all the time. We just can't see them all the time.
Starting point is 01:13:07 And that gives me a lot of comfort that like if subatomic particles defy constructs all the time, why should we believe in fixed constructs of gender or any kind of reality? There you go, Sean. That's a leap. It's the one part, I guess guess unfortunately that he to drag queen leaves out is that they're
Starting point is 01:13:29 the particles or whatever they want until they're observed and then they're stuck in one way forever. I think that kind of undermines the, uh, whole fluidity of particles in their approximation in the, in the meta world, uh, because the second you observe them, they lose all potential and every other realm and they're just that forever. As soon as you see them and identify them, it's the mysticism of it that drives me insane. The hand waving justification of this Marxist reinvent postmodernist lifestyle of reinventing God and humanity vis a vis a very species understanding of science, which was just demonstrated a PhD in smugness. A PhD in smugness. A PhD in smugness.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Yeah, I don't know. Maybe that's not as infuriating to other people, but it's really fucking infuriating to me that this person ever learned these concepts. And then you understand one. I understand one. As a weapon to promote there, which was totally unnecessary to do.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Right. It's absolutely unnecessary to say, well, you know, quantum physics at a level, so things are undetermined. So Newton was a bigot. And Newton was a bigot, clearly. Just like you. Just like heteronormativity.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I get argue, I argue with my chick when I'm wrong. Yeah. Just try to use as big of words as you can. You know, spin a lot of yarn. Let me see what else I got here. I got some comments. You're gonna read them. You wanna stick around around and read some comments?
Starting point is 01:15:11 Yeah, I'm here. Or some advice. Let's read, I'll do some advice. Oh yeah, yeah. Advice is always good. Hey, dick, my boyfriend's from Valeria Rodriguez. Hey, dick, my boyfriend's a really big fan of you. I don't know if it's possible.
Starting point is 01:15:22 You can say something to him during your show. I had to move to Mexico because of Corona. And I want to do something special for him. The distance is killing our relationship. And I want to save it. Oh no. No, I know it's not the point of your show, but it would be awesome if you do it.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Muchis Grasias. Let me see what this girl looks like. Let's see what kind of relationship we have. Your answers got to depend on. Yeah. Let me see here. got to depend on. Yeah. Let me see here. We know this guy was, he goes, listen, this Corona stuff, we need to get you back to Mexico to keep you safe.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yeah. Exactly. Oh, she's cute. Oh, she's cute. Oh, let me see. Uh-oh, well, here. Uh-oh, there you go. Back to Mexico. Oh my God. Oh, yeah, she's totally. Back to Mexico.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Oh my God. Oh yeah, she's totally cute. Totally cute. Well, God, I don't, you gotta skip the, just cross the border, do it. Everybody else does it illegally, right? Here's what you do. You find the I-5.
Starting point is 01:16:19 You take a walk right on the side at night. Start on the five. Yeah, just keep walking until you get there. Yep. I could be worse,. And go north there. Yep. I could be worse, right? You could be stuck together like everybody else. Yeah. So I don't know. Sorry. You got any advice for a long distance? Corona love, Ryan? I would say hopefully if this guy is not just smashing other chicks right and left. hopefully if this guy is not just smashing other chicks right and left. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Probably you got to, yeah, you got, I think you're going to have to close that gap sooner or later. Yeah. I don't know how. I think the shout out, I do think the dick shout out should solve their problems though. Yeah. It usually does. It usually does.
Starting point is 01:17:02 I don't know. You get a lot of happy letters. I don't know. In the coming way of happy letters. I don't know. In the coming way, oh, you totally fix my relationship. Yeah. And I'm not fat anymore, too. That's what you got to do. Talk about how much weight you're losing, how hot your friends look, have a lot of sleepovers
Starting point is 01:17:18 with other chicks. Start to say no to that. Hey, I'm getting drunk with my friends that we've been friends for a long time. You never know what could happen. Here, you better stick around. Stay tuned. Some kind of crazy shit, some kind of girl-on-girl action could hear you don't want to miss that. You don't want to miss that. Could happen in any second. Here's another one. State of the show. Hey, Dick, I wrote that email about the state of the show last week,
Starting point is 01:17:44 and I'm glad you took time to read it and pick it apart. It was entertaining, and you made a lot of good rebuttals, hearing the email read back like that. I realized I wasn't making very good points, and I was writing more out of frustration than logic, like a woman's. Honest assessment. I appreciate you taking the time to read it
Starting point is 01:18:00 and incorporate it into the show and all of your feedback. I hope the show is around for a long time, and that your Patreon stays safe fucking me too. Oh God. Now that MasterCard has banned me from Earth, I'm real fucking worried about that. Getting kicked. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Advice. Hey, Jack, how do you bang a big chick with what I have had described as a normal-sized cock when you're a big guy yourself? Okay. So you got two fat people and a normal sized cock when you're a big guy yourself. Okay, so you got two fat people and a normal dick between them. Despite being a big boy, I've done well for myself and I've never banged a big broad. It's one thing for my gut to be in the way.
Starting point is 01:18:35 I can work around that with a skinny chick, but apparently fat chicks have an outer defensive layer. No, I know this one. You actually take two clothes pins and then you take the flap and clothespin it to her nipples. Oh, her foopa. You clothespin it up there.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Pussies that skinny chicks just don't have. You're gonna need some kind of a clamp. I don't know if a clothespin's gonna get it done. Maybe like a girdle. If you strap that, take like some seren, you know how you move a couch, you take seren wrap that moving packers, cellophane and you wrap it around the gunt like that.
Starting point is 01:19:11 So you can get access to it. Plus, you put her on a weight bench, like a sit-up bench, so she's going downwards. So the gravity brings all of her flap and then you come up from under top. Like a decline press. Yeah, okay. We're gonna decline press. The gyms are all closed. Like a decline press. Yeah, okay. We're going to decline press.
Starting point is 01:19:25 The gyms are all closed. So you should have no trouble finding that. Plus her belly, I don't know if I have enough rope to traverse that cave. We just try to treat. Why are you bothering? Is it just easy for like his bucket list? I was like, yeah, I do all right.
Starting point is 01:19:40 I've never, you know, I've never been with a big chick. There's some logistical problems. I mean, there's some, there's some laws of physics that I'm having trouble and geometry that I'm having trouble circumnavigating. It's like, I got a science article about this. This was the headline. This fucking piss me off.
Starting point is 01:19:54 This is the headline. Men and women misperceive what the opposite sex finds attractive, okay? Women overestimated men's preference for thinness in female partners. At the same time, men overestimated men's preference for thinness and female partners. At the same time, men overestimated women's preference for muscularity in male partners. That was the headline, okay?
Starting point is 01:20:12 Right, so everybody can just get dumpier and we'll still fuck. So I read it. And look, here is the actual preference scale. Okay, this up on the stream. See, something tells me it's gonna be more shallow than what this headline is saying. Here it is. You can see up here, Ryan, you probably can't see this. This is men's preference for short term relationships. You see this woman. You could see her abs
Starting point is 01:20:35 there. Sean. Right. Sure. This is women's estimate of men's preference for short term relationships. I mean, zoom in a little bit here or try to. Okay. And then this one is men's preference for long term relationships and women's estimate of preference. You can see there is almost no difference. I mean, these bodies. Yeah, they're both.
Starting point is 01:20:57 And all of them are about a hundred pounds lighter than the average woman. Do you see this? I see this. They all have abs. You can all see where their pussy's would be if they weren't wearing these CGI panties. Right. So they hooked them up to a computer and tell you observe it. They hooked them up to a computer. Another particle.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Yes. They hooked them up to a computer. That's the single slit experiment. And they had them adjust the sliders to be their ideal mate. These are all fucking same. They all look exactly the same. Exactly the fucking same. So nobody's, nobody's a misunderstanding anything. Nobody's misunderstanding anything. All of these purple, all of these people work out. The men all have abs clearly to find a line down there so that's what everybody
Starting point is 01:21:45 arms everyone wants somebody that's in shape everyone wants that yeah that's it you are fucking fat that's what the headline should read your fat your fucking fat lose weight but instead the headline with the headline from these pictures look at them reads women overestimate men's preference for thinness. Look at the size of the overestimation. This is like one degree of BMI away from the other one. I know. Same thing with men.
Starting point is 01:22:13 You're women, you two fucking fat men, you need to lift a goddamn weight for once in your life. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'll tell you what, could be taken out of context. You screaming, they all look the same over and over Yeah, I mean come on there's mountains of that stuff We just tried to have sex and a few minutes in I'm pushing a limp noodle
Starting point is 01:22:36 Yeah, that's cuz you're fucking a hippo right Did you see those charts? Yeah, go take a listen to the show and then go pull those charts up You'll see that millions of years of evolution cannot be undone by, you know, what you think you want to do. It's a reptile dysfunction. Yeah. I'm suffering from a reptile dysfunction. What's the cause of that?
Starting point is 01:22:56 Oh, science has never been able to figure that out. Could be job related stress? Financial relate. Go ahead. I think this girl is a 10 and I mean on the Richter scale. Could be job related stress, financial relate. Go ahead. I think this girl's a 10 and I mean on the Richter scale. Oh, I've played it off as first time jitters and she was very lovey-dovey. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:23:17 And didn't think it was anything she did. She probably cooked them up a nice snack. A nice buffet. You can share this if you'd like on the show. I'm Ernesto, the chef with the love triangle with the servers. Oh yeah, where the one was pregnant. Well, she had the baby and kept all the weight. Yeah, help to win wins.
Starting point is 01:23:38 I'm like, everyone's just emailing in, being like, hey, my chick's really fat, any advice. Yeah, that is a common problem. It doesn't sound like, it sounds like he just honestly wants to know how he can do it. He's not in a relationship with this chick, right? It doesn't have a hard dick, that's step one. You have to have a hard dick.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Clearly, he lost interest almost right away. It's like, this is fucking more trouble than it's worth. I don't have a decline bench. I mean, I, you know, or in my dick is... Or in my dick is... Close pins strong enough to... Okay, you're gonna need like some jumper cable type string, you know, on the...
Starting point is 01:24:10 You need to put around the decline bench, wrap the cell... Like pretend you're moving a couch, wrap the cell of vein around her midsection to keep the flaps out of the way. Then you're gonna wanna put... Main lighting, see, all right, into your veins. Probably, I'm gonna... Or put a popsicle into your veins probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Or put a popsicle stick on your cock. Yeah. Right. To get it to give you something to fuck with. Uh-huh. What is the, what's the goal here? Ernesto, my man, what's the goal here?
Starting point is 01:24:38 Sounds like he just wants to do it so he can say he did it. That's what I'm reading into it. He doesn't have a hard day. Mount Everest. Yeah. Cause it's there. it. That's what I'm reading into it. He doesn't have a hard dick. Lineing Mount Everest. Yeah, because it's there. Okay, he's a-hab. I don't know, get some VR goggles. Throw on some porn. Sure.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Why not? If you're going to be lazy, go all the way with it, right? If you're going to be 600 pounds, why stop at trying to pretend like you have some kind of physical attraction with this thing that you're trying to plow? Just go all the way. Get a strap, one of those red things, a viewfinder, strap a viewfinder on, put some pornography, put some, put a McDonald's menu in the viewfinder and get your dick hard and go to town. Don't go fishing, play a fishing video game. Yeah, exactly. Ryan, you got any advice for this guy? Hey, man, I think that you guys are wrong and he's with a very brave woman that's putting it yourself in that scenario. And I think if she loses the weight, she will now be a coward.
Starting point is 01:25:36 So I think you're doing your part for the body positivity movement and it would be positively unappealing for me to have sex with that woman. I see it like Adele. She got a lot of flack for moving weight Advice see by it is it is really amazing advice see it just Whenever that happens it makes you realize how many fat chicks are watching the same things you're watching Mm-hmm like experiencing these things like oh god this message is very specifically targeted to not me. Hey, Dick, you can read this on the show. You call me Bill.
Starting point is 01:26:09 I'm a new racist, if you don't think I should eat nine big Macs a day. Yeah. I am a 19 year old living in Oklahoma. Calorie shaming. Already dropped out of college once and going to another in the fall to pursue a degree in programming.
Starting point is 01:26:24 So after high school, I have kept contact with a few of my friends who are all just regular guys, as opposed to the trouble starts where I had liked one girl, but before moving high schools during my junior year, I had never asked her out. Fast forward to today, after a couple years of not talking, the past week, we have been chatting it up on social media. So I decided to ask her out. After I asked her out, she blocked me on every social media platform.
Starting point is 01:26:54 Damn. I mean, I would like to see the message. Yeah, how did Jack's crowd? That's a pretty severe reaction. Ha ha ha ha. Send us a message. Send us a message. Or she's like crying rape now or something. I mean, because, you know, maybe it's a typo.
Starting point is 01:27:11 I'm thinking he sent her a video of him smashing a big fat chick being like, hey, I want to do this, but with you. Maybe. Right. And since I am wanting to get into a relationship, I have been trying online dating no matches ever, but 300 pounds black chicks. I don't see where the race is important.
Starting point is 01:27:30 So what do I do now that I have lost the only girl I actually have a standing with? Well, you didn't. You didn't lose anything. You didn't want to fuck you at all. So badly that she instantly blocked you. You just wasted a bunch of your fucking time pretending to be your friend
Starting point is 01:27:43 and not being able to go to bars with online dating not working because it's useless. TLDR. You lost your standing there the way that people lost their house, their value of their houses in 2008. It wasn't there to begin with. Yeah, I lost another lottery. Lost the only chick friend. Now I'm stuck not knowing how to meet chicks when I'm 19 since you really bill go fuck yourself. The boy, I think this guy weighs. Good question. Lose some weight. Let's start there. You gotta read the game, obviously. And I recommend reading that in public. Yeah, I'm sure you will get some attention. Did you ever read the
Starting point is 01:28:23 probably from probably from women? Ryan, I've seen little parts of it, but more funny than that is because I like Robert Green and he made a book called Art of Seduction and my buddy bought it on audio tape and he was listening to his car and it was just making me laugh so much. The idea of him forgetting that was on picking up a girl and then she gets in the car and turns it on when wins deducing your victim and goes, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, was pretty crazy. Yeah, and that guy, I remember that guy, mystery who was doing it was gay actually, or bisexual, and was fucking that wingman
Starting point is 01:29:11 that he always had on the show, was hooking up with him or something. Somebody told me they walked into an elevator at William Morris and saw them making out or something like that. I believe it. Yeah, they all look like magicians that don't do magic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:25 So there he, that's he's 19. I want us to know how to meet girls. Yeah, that's, well, you gotta, we always give this advice. Do shit, you don't wanna do. Yeah, you find them. No, that's true. That's good with girls and hang out with them.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Find people that are good with girls and hang out with them. Stop hitting on every girl that is your friend. Just use them to get access to their friends. Do you blew it on this one? Apologize, say you were just, you know, I don't know, too horny, but stop hitting on the first girl, hit on the second and the third and the fourth one. That's what you do. It's also never been easier to get chicks with the, I know tons of guys that were like
Starting point is 01:30:01 terrible with girls, but now with like Tinder hinge, they got like a whole main frame of apps. It's, you know, but now with like Tinder, they got like a whole main frame of apps. It's, you know, I anyone can figure it out now. Yeah, put fake pictures up. That's the advice. Yeah, actually this does help. I mean, Dick was talking about, you know, girls want a muscular guy, but a life hack if you get a ton of tattoos,
Starting point is 01:30:17 that'll do the trick too. So use like an app, put tattoos, whatever you so. Okay, so get tattoos. Get tattoos. Yeah, that's say. Okay, so get tattoos. Get tattoos. Yeah, that's a good, that's good advice. Star playing guitar. Can I recommend Brown Eyed Girl and pull it out at a party? That's a good one.
Starting point is 01:30:35 I love that. Very specific. I actually love that. Okay, last one, Wingman Advise. I'm currently retired from the pick-up scene, but there's a little game I devised to turn a conversation from words to actions. I thought your listeners might find it useful.
Starting point is 01:30:48 While on a date, I do a fun little questionnaire. I'd ask the questions, but also give my own answers. Oh, God. This is like a nightmare to me. Yeah. Someone asking you a question and answering it. Oh, God. At first, it's a question.
Starting point is 01:31:00 We're going to give you a series of riddles. At first, it's questions like, what's something that a series of riddles. At first, it's questions like, what's something that annoys you, but no one else seems to mind in the opposite. What's something that annoys everyone, but doesn't bother you, it can be whatever. This is like a sociopath explaining, talking to people. Eventually, the question is,
Starting point is 01:31:18 what's your worst physical attribute and what's your best physical attribute? On the one hand, whatever she answers creates an intimacy level, Allah, what's your dad like? But here's the kicker. When it's time for me to say my best physical attribute with a straight face, I'd say my penis. It's not huge or anything, it's just very beautiful.
Starting point is 01:31:36 I've found time and time again. Yeah, this is a J Abrams, J.J. Abrams style mystery now and planted in her mind, defines the answer. Last time I used that line, the woman in question, very huge cans. Abrams style mystery now implanted in her mind, demands the answer. Last time I used that line, the woman in question, very huge cans had to blow me as soon as we got into the car. Hope that's useful to someone. Yours in Christ, John Peugeotay.
Starting point is 01:31:53 I think that's made up. All right. Ryan, you got anything that makes you a rage? I feel like that guy is got, he looks at his hand and he's gotten vice for himself and it just says act human. Yeah, thanks so too. All right, buddy, thank you for calling in.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Thank you for all your comedy. Oh, thanks for having me, man. You guys are killing it. I hope you don't get your Patreon blasted. That would be awful. Me too. Me too. I'm in.
Starting point is 01:32:18 I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. All right. See you, man. See you. Yeah. Thanks for having me guys. Peace. See you.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Ryan long. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. What plug your stuff plug your stuff? The boys cast with Ryan long only podcast for the boys and slash Ryan long comedy new video every Monday. Cool. I'm sure your boy Acer too. I got fucking kicks ass, Riley. Oh, yeah, he does. Guy. Yeah, I see. I'm in law comedy. The boy is cast. Okay, where is this? Where's this?
Starting point is 01:32:50 His name is Bruce guy. His name is Bruce. You there? I'm here. Can you? Yeah, yeah, you're good. You're the Chaz man, right? I am the Chaz man.
Starting point is 01:32:58 I was hoping to be your official Chaz correspondent, but unfortunately the nation came to a close this week. So. Oh, I guess. Did you see any rapes while you were there? No, but to be fair, I didn't have a list to go around and look for them. So, very good. I don't know what to see and why when I happen. What did you see?
Starting point is 01:33:17 So, let me give the real quick backstory. Yeah, please. I've been there about five times and so it started to happen. So I'm in Seattle so naturally I had to go kind of check it out, but it was huge black lives matter protest, obviously. In downtown Seattle, which is about two, maybe two miles from where Chaz ended up happening was huge riots, police cars on fire, smashing, looting everything like that.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Next day, the police ramped up with the pepper spray and tear gas. So tons of people got tear gas, just this insane cloud filled the city. Capital Hill is a specific area where it happened. And I think the best way I can compare it, sorry to give LA references, but the best I can compare it to is West Hollywood. Like it's rainbow flags, F-Trump stuff everywhere. It's the most liberal neighborhood of there. And like a micro studio cost for like a 300 square foot apartment, it costs you like
Starting point is 01:34:28 $1300 a month. So this is capital health. That's capital health. Oh wow. Okay. So it is, it's a super hipster area. Yeah. Then ended up doing it. And so then, no, naturally, did Barrake as they said, this is a cop free zone and they actually chased the police and the mayor told the police to stand down. And they took over the actual police building and started running things around. And in the midst of it, they're like, well, that's it. We're just going to set up a commune. We're going to try doing our own farm.
Starting point is 01:35:00 And we're going to create our own. Were they serious with that farm? Or was that just like a symbolic? Because that farm was, it looked retarded. It was, yes it was. And so when I first went, I went in every stage of chas. Initially, there was that crap where somebody just put down a tarp. My understanding was people thought that you need to put like cardboard or something underground
Starting point is 01:35:25 so like gofers can't come up and get to it. So that's what I think. I think that's how dumb that they were doing it. And so the press of that was so bad, more people came in and started digging real farms. I honestly don't know where we're growing. Look, here's some pictures that you took. I'm putting them on the stream right now. You've got, okay, let me go through these pictures one by one.
Starting point is 01:35:53 So this is, you've got colored, it says support something, feelings, what does that say? Feeling slaves? Feeling scared. Want to talk? Yeah. Feeling scared when it's hot, something support. Okay It was it was an arm. Lucy the doctor is in I'm not kidding. I was there five times nobody was ever in that tent and anytime I was there the support The emotional support ten
Starting point is 01:36:18 I was always heart installation and nobody was ever in there because I was looking for some emotional support. Sure. And as nobody was really around for that. Okay. So what else happened when you were there? So anyway, I went, the first thing I did is I went on Wednesday to kind of see what it was like. And it, it's really, the, the, the word I came up with the first time was pathetic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Because I was like, it's just run down. It's just graffiti and it was kind of like, I kind of joke that if you just walked all the people in Port Landia up for like three months, this is what it would look like. There's a lot of like, you know, it's a big chunk homeless, maybe 20% black of all ages, and then mostly kind of hipster, not really washed people and then 1% Instagram thoughts, taken some photos and promo stuff. Oh, really, they didn't sleep there, right? Oh, hell no.
Starting point is 01:37:18 It was very, it's very touristy once they kind of, they used to check people at the gate, and then, you know, especially on Saturdays, they would kind of let people come and go freely. And everybody's there taking pictures. And, you know, I kept telling them, I didn't shower anything. So, you know, I wouldn't stand out.
Starting point is 01:37:36 So, I had to kind of wander around freely and listen to everything. But, you know, so Wednesday was pretty tame. I wanted to see normal thing. When I went Saturday, that was when I saw all the, that was when all the stuff started happening because that's when the militia was like fully on board. So they, so who's the militia? Was that was his team? So I looked for Razz. Razz is associated with them.
Starting point is 01:38:00 I never saw him officially. Okay. But they have like, they have like shifts. So like at any given time, there's going to be like six or seven people on duty. I see the garden now. I'm showing the good. This garden looks better. Does it? It's Sean? It looks like it's actually in the ground. Yeah. So did these. Did these morons not realize how much farmland it takes to feed a single person. It's like an acre and a half of, it's a shit load of land to feed one person.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Did they think they were like meals, like happy meals were gonna grow out of the ground by like every day? They really thought they were gonna be like self-sustained, which is just, I mean, it's insane. Like, obviously they can't do that. This, this garden, the fact that, I mean, it's insane. Like, obviously, they can't do that. This, this garden, the fact that they're working on it and trying to improve it and action
Starting point is 01:38:51 and it's not symbolic, that could make a side salad for lunch, essentially, with that much land. In like eight weeks, yeah. I mean, this, just, this speaks directly to the level of their worthlessness to me in a way that none of the rest of it can. Like I understand wanting to block off the city and taking over the police station and wanting to camp out, but the garden, setting up the garden is, I find so repugnant.
Starting point is 01:39:17 No, I can't respect this. Yeah, like I just, now the garden alone makes me want the cops to march in and beat the fuck out of everyone because of how because of the audacity of that garden like oh yeah, we got a garden to you like no No, you don't you don't you don't have no you don't you didn't do that Anyway go ahead No, so because the only way they're surviving is a bunch clearly people are donating Food and money and everything because they're so locked
Starting point is 01:39:46 off. Right. I mean, they're living intense. There's probably about like 2, 310 at its peak of just people living in the park. I mean, I have to assume it's like restaurant workers and stuff who are just on unemployment was the vibe I got. But the craziest part to me was because the first day I didn't see Razz, I didn't see the police, nobody hassled me. When I went Saturday, I managed to see
Starting point is 01:40:12 three assaults back to back within an hour. So yeah, so when I got there, and I went back and found other people were live streaming, so I had put together some videos and made sure it seemed what happened. So there was a guy who a bunch of people were there just trying to do like a cook-off and stuff like that, and you know, it was like suggested donation. A nice one. Yeah, we can cook off. Yeah, what are they cooking? One guy was just, one guy was doing Chinese food even though he wasn't Chinese. Okay, and then another guy was just doing, he was cooking brisket. And so when I get there, the militia, when I was there was like six guys, one,
Starting point is 01:40:53 one like 60 year old black guy and then like five, 22 year old guys in like paintball gear. And, but they had like walkie talkies like they were organized. So I was following them around to see if anything happened. So the first assault that happened was the older black guy is yelling at the guy's cook in Chinese food. He's like, this is not this is not sanitary. You need to leave. And the guy's fighting them back. And he's like, he's like, this is an autonomous zone. You don't get to boss me around. So then people started pushing over his stuff. And he's like, you're police and you're just letting them do this. He's like, you're a hypocrite. And he points his finger in his face, the 60 year old militia man's name's Ronald Dex, that guy right in the face.
Starting point is 01:41:45 So I'm there for 10 minutes already, the chat police has just assaulted a person. Right in the face. And that means he's food for him. No. Yeah, you're your band. And so what was funny was as that was going, they were having like the libertarian debate of like, well, should there be regulations on what food could be served? That's what the world needs, right?
Starting point is 01:42:11 There are libertarian debates. Yeah. There's one thing the world needs more of, it's, well, should we have roads or not? Exactly. Exactly. While still having the discussion after three weeks, they all starve to death. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:42:25 God damn it. People cannot concentrate on anything. Libertarians are just as bad. They're, they're an academic debate like always. Fucking stupid. It's as bad as, it's as big a time waste as watching the Avengers over and over again or whatever they think makes them better than everybody else.
Starting point is 01:42:48 Okay, libertarian debates, Ron ramping in the chat. They're having that. So they also have like this open air speaking section, like there's a conversation, like there's a cafe that's called the decolonization cafe, but you're supposed to have. I'm not making any of these up. No. I'm not making any of these up. No, I'm not making any of these up. Not a certification. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:09 And so they set up like a soapbox, open-air preacher kind of set up, and people were going up, and some people were like, hey, you know, we got to stamp out these violent people. Right. You know, that's not part of our movement. Other people like, we need to take over another precinct. And so there was a bunch of fight. these violent people, that's not part of our movement. Other people like, we need to take over another precinct. And so there was a bunch of fight. The guy who punched the cook in the face, when up there, he's like, look, we need to settle
Starting point is 01:43:33 things without violence. We need to, of course, nobody instant amnesia, this guy just punched somebody in the face. I love it like five minutes in. The autonomous zone, they already have cops and religion. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait, wait till you hear about these cops. Because as some black lady got up,
Starting point is 01:43:53 was speaking nice and saying like, hey, you guys are co-opting this. This is about George Floyd. It's not about Coachella. This isn't about, you know, commune. Um, because there I can say this without an ounce of bias, there is serious racial tension inside the chat zone. Because the white people want it to be, um, yeah, they want it to be on to me. And black eyes, and I want to keep focusing on George Floyd.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Yeah, because the white people, all the white people who are involved in this shit are angry at their dads. That's what they want this movement to be about their dad and how much they hate him. And the black people wanted to be about police reform. So much of how people think is just like misdirected anger. And they're like, wherever they get it from, but it's put into something. And the white people have more time. All the white people who are angry at their dads have more time than
Starting point is 01:44:45 anyone else in the world. Their parents pay their $1,300 a month for $300, so they can live like this. Yeah. It is the worst case of cultural appropriation. I've seen like no joke where it is just white people coming in and co-oping. Sure. A five-smatter movement. You start seeing signs everywhere that start saying things like white allyship is a lie and this is not Coachella. So, as- Right. So they're resenting them.
Starting point is 01:45:13 Older Black Lady is saying, like, look, this is not about violence and if you hear about violence, you need to, you need to personally intervene and stop people as you're saying that. A guy comes through with a two by four. And hits her in the head. I don't, I don't want to say his race, but he had black skin. Um, so he was coming in, it just waxed with a two by four over somebody who's cooking like a brisket and just knocks the whole barbecue over.
Starting point is 01:45:39 So no, no, no, no. So they took out the Chinese food maker and the barbeque exactly. That garden's not going to be ready for weeks. It's only going to be the first collection of people. Like you have a tailgate with 50,000, 100,000 people at the Rose Bowl that will go off with a minor amount of fights.
Starting point is 01:46:02 Yeah, very, yeah. You know, I've been tailgating a number of times. I've actually never seen a fight. Yeah. I'm sure they happen somewhere in the parking lot. No, brisket's getting knocked over with a two back four, but one week it's not sharan shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:16 They're either, they're either as bad or much, much worse. Yeah. Such a... And it's sorry, the last one to cap off like this, this is within 30 minutes by the way that's happening. And this is on the same block. This isn't even like across the city. It's just one location wrong happening.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Can't even make a brisket. He leaves. I follow the militia around because they're all talking to each other trying to find him. He finally comes back. He's screaming like, you know, shoot me, you know, whatever, any ease like you get near me, I'm going to kill you. And so as they're getting closer, the same cop, you know, quote unquote cop, who punched the cook, it starts getting up there and is making his way straight towards the guy with a two by four. And what happened was, as he gets there, some white homeless guy jumps in, hey man, this is my friend, you need to back off.
Starting point is 01:47:13 The black guy with the two by fours, yo, like, I don't know this guy, I have no idea who he is. And the older black cop sees this guy, he gets a little too close, he dex him right in the face, uncompletely unprovoked, punches him in the face, and then pulls out pepper spray and pepper spray. Like that? So I was there for in a scope of one hour. The cops are the bad guys.
Starting point is 01:47:42 The cops were the bad guys. Did that guy get red? His rights properly no he was not ready right I don't think so nobody nobody had a problem that guy like that cop was not held accountable in any way and it's happening in the free one people are such people are so fucking there's such fucking liars about the entire black lives matter point. Like these everybody, everybody in the shitty neighborhoods knows that the people who come in to replace the cops are way, way worse.
Starting point is 01:48:17 You know what I mean? Like everybody knows that if the cops weren't there, they'd be getting their ass kicked constantly by violent criminals. Well, that's who's gonna step up and run things. Yeah. I mean, what do you think happened? It's just, it's so obnoxious that white people who are angry at their dads have come in and totally destroyed any kind of coherent argument from Black Lives Matters.
Starting point is 01:48:39 They just saw it being popular. Burning Man got canceled. Coachella got canceled. So they came in and wanted to play anarchist in a safe environment. They just saw it being popular, burning man got canceled, Coachella got canceled, so they came in and wanted to play anarchist in a safe environment. It's so sickening to me. And now we say, Black Lives Matter, like, oh, that's a scam, like it's not a scam. It's just that these assholes, these white assholes who ruin it for everybody, who ruin all
Starting point is 01:49:02 things for everybody. I've been showing this for a second, too. They fucking ruined things for everybody. Rowan is for a thing too. They fucking ruined, you think black people ruined dungeons and dragons? No. White assholes did. Who are angry at their dads? They ruined everything. Everything.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Fairy penguins. You ruined the fucking fairy penguins. That's what I mean. That's the, that's the example that I always give for just how fucking ridiculous, like fucking people getting outraged on behalf of a group are. You think black people are going,
Starting point is 01:49:33 oh there's too many, there's the tits and video games. It's too much. No, that a woman's ass. That's too much. No, it's white people who are angry at their dads. Every fucking time. Young, old white people. Every time.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Yeah. No, like the black people in minorities, they have like actual problems to deal with. They're thinking about maybe rent for the next month, making sure that there's no warlords looking at their neighborhood while the police are on. Their son can borrow the car for the evening and not risk getting shot. That kind of stuff know, D&D has got to go. D&D's got to go. Black
Starting point is 01:50:11 people did not pull tits out of R rated movies. White people who are angry at their dads did that to me. Yeah. Okay. What were the, what were the girls like in the Chaz? Chaz, mostly pretty dumb. A lot of them looked homeless. But you know, it's Seattle Portland area, you start, it's hard to tell who goes where. A lot of colored hair. But thinner than average, I would say, you know, they're probably on a, if they're on a Chaz diet, then they're probably not eating a whole lot. I'm not dying. They got that going for it.
Starting point is 01:50:43 I thought the Chaz I was free pizza. That's what I saw in all the live streams. People dropping off 20 pizzas. Oh, really? Yeah. I think I did not, oh, I remember that at certain times people came in like the Ben and Jerry's truck came in at a point.
Starting point is 01:50:58 Yeah, I believe that. You fat fucks. Here's a bunch of fucking partially hydrogenated trans fats for you. Peace is a shit. Eat healthy, Ben and Jerry's. And then to top it all off, what finally ended it, I don't know if you heard this, but the the Chaz police murdered a 16 year old black kid. I did hear that actually. Yeah, because I posted the aftermath of the assault. What was he cooking?
Starting point is 01:51:25 I saw the day after it happened. God damn. So there's all sorts of conflicting stories. I have no clue what led to it or how provoked it was, but two teens were driving around in a Jeep. Make a noise. People said they had guns, whatever it was. The aftermath is-
Starting point is 01:51:43 The chas police immediately went to the normal police excuse. They had guns, they had guns, they had guns. Square, they had a sandwich covered in aluminum foil, they had guns. They had guns, it was the most, you could not imagine, and like they unloaded into that car. But there was a hole everywhere, every window was shot out, and both of the car seats are just absolutely covered in blood. Like, really? It's not like they shot to, they didn't shoot out the tires. They didn't do anything like people unloaded like 30, 40 shots into these kids.
Starting point is 01:52:18 And of course, you know, the 16 year old who was driving died and then the 14 year old is in intensive care right now. Not sure whether he's going to make it. But I was like, I can't believe that it took them three weeks for the Chaz police to murder a 16 year old unarmed boy. Like that's that sounds that's like the full circle of that. And then of course they're not cooperating with police. And so the irony is they've become the corrupt police force in that area. At light speed. There's no. It was probably white people who shot the boy just based on the demographics of Chaz. I'm trying to see how many shootings there are in Seattle
Starting point is 01:53:00 every year by the police and see if the Chaz so in the in the whole east mansion. Yeah, there was two homicides in of 2019 and that whole precinct is the size is like 20 times the size of chas. Okay. And so chas has had two homicides in three weeks. That's pretty bad. It's like 330 times the the homicide rate of what it used to be. Well, there's a learning curve. Yeah, there's a learning curve. You know, they'll straighten it out. They'd get had time. They would have, you know, matched probably the surrounding area. Yeah, you know, you take it, things start a little squirrely. Falling, they'd got the garden. Yeah, it's pretty nuts. It's the police finally took
Starting point is 01:53:44 it over a few days ago, and now there's a giant barricade around the police section now that they have retaken it over. So it is all but cleared out now. That's too bad. I think the gripe that bugged me the most was as I was there because I know a bunch of chaz supporters who were just like, oh, it's like a festival or something like that.
Starting point is 01:54:03 Oh my God. This is Seattle. Like, we already have farmers markets and movies in the park. Like, everything you are doing, if they were having like a giant crystal meth or G in the middle of the street, like then I would say like,
Starting point is 01:54:16 oh, well, clearly you can only do that in an autonomous sound. Yeah. But this is like, it's all the same stuff you normally would do. Except the piss poor version. But, but, you know, usually when I go to a Seattle But this is like, it's all the same stuff you normally would do. Except a piss poor version. But usually when I go to a Seattle farmer's market, there aren't black kids getting shot.
Starting point is 01:54:32 So I just really... Can't have everything. Right. Yeah, I can't have everything. Come for the shitty food. Stay for the murders. Stay for the murders. All right, Bruce.
Starting point is 01:54:42 Any final thoughts on the chat? Who's that? What the fuck am I? Oh, Bruce, any final thoughts on the chat? Who's that? What the fuck am I? Actually, here was a great moment. One of the other things of the black people, because the blacks are pretty open about how they didn't like white people collapsing it. I was a leader. There was the chef who got punched.
Starting point is 01:55:03 He wasn't trans or anything. He was just wearing a bra for whatever reason. He was a, the, the chef who got punched, he was, he wasn't trans or anything. He was just wearing a bra for whatever reason. He was a white guy or a black guy. He was a black guy. A white guy. Did he have big tips? Yeah. They needed support.
Starting point is 01:55:14 You know, maybe be cup, I would say. Okay. That's not good. But he was wearing like a, uh, a deep cup bra like so it didn't quite, everybody wears the wrong size. Women wear that. I tell them that all the time. They all got the wrong,
Starting point is 01:55:25 even women don't understand the numbers cup size. Yeah. Shocking. And so they really don't. A couple of the black guys who are standing next to me were just like, what the hell's with this guy wearing a bra? He's a grown man. And then I tried to explain to them
Starting point is 01:55:40 that that was transphobic and not accepting. But it was funny for me. You got a two by four to the head. How did you start that conversation? No, I didn't. That's what I wanted to say. I got the hell out of there. I'm smart.
Starting point is 01:55:53 I just listened to everybody. I was just nodding my head. But I just put that aside. I love the open hatred for the way all the white people were dressed in an act and and looking and I was just like beautiful like these. The black lives matter and antifacrack do not actually get along at the end of the day. Nobody, how could they? Nobody, nobody. The white people who have attached themselves to chas and black lives matters and all these all these protests are a cancer. Nobody wants those people.
Starting point is 01:56:24 The parents don't want them like Bill DeBlasio's daughter. Six fucking disgusting. Nobody wants those people helping them in any way. They make you look like a joke. How do they undermine the causes with absolute ridiculousness? Yeah, you can just, you can feel the flags creep like they're, you can feel how weird and wrong they are
Starting point is 01:56:46 and what a fucking joke everybody sees them as. Then they know, and you know the best thing for them to do is to just fuck off a six block perimeter full of black dudes is much more intimidating than one full of a bunch of Coachella freaks that everyone has opened to stain for. That'd be frustrating. To have you shit just ruined. I mean, it is frustrating.
Starting point is 01:57:09 We don't know what it's like to be shit ruined by these idiots all the time. Anyway, all right, Bruce, thanks for calling in. Thanks for taking the back thing. Yeah, have a good one. So yeah, stay safe out there. Don't change any hearts and minds. What do you think, Sean? What do you think of that?
Starting point is 01:57:25 Well, that's about what I thought was going on there. I make sense. People clocking each other all the time. A bunch of fucking hipsters whose parents pay their, for their fucking apartments and keep them in, you know, vintage clothing. I mean, so they can pretend to live like starving artists. You know what the fucking crazy thing is? Black lives matters. If they, if they went after the people who's who are
Starting point is 01:57:52 fucking up their movement, I think they would get a tremendous amount of support because we fucking hate them. We hate them way I hate I hate the antifa guys Way more than I hate the looters because looters don't affect me. Yeah, the antifa guys are always fucking around Every level they clean up they wear suits they get into caught They fuck with you at every single level if they went hard and said hey These guys came in and they're fucking around cut that chick got hit by a car, that pink haired bitch. Fuck her, she's there, she is there as a tourist for our movement and co-opting it
Starting point is 01:58:30 because she's angry to fucking dad. I think they get so much more support, but you know, I don't know, they're not gonna do it. Probably as soon as Trump gets reelected or run out of steam, it'll disappear again for another four years, right? Like it to the last time. Let me see if I got anything else.
Starting point is 01:58:48 Otherwise, let's do some voicemails and get the hell out of here. Do I miss anybody else in there? All right, everybody, this is the Dixia. I'm gonna do voicemails now. slash the Dixia. See you next Tuesday. This is from the Hardman Working Hard.
Starting point is 01:58:59 They did a collab with egg white. Eggie white. We'll have to, we're gonna remove the white. Just egg lonely fans, it's called. Egg plasma. Egg light. Gonna call them. Hmm, can you do that?
Starting point is 01:59:15 Egg. What's the technical name for that? Not Yoke. Well my friends, they locked it. Let me find them. See you next Tuesday. What's up, this chick? Put on a kit.
Starting point is 01:59:24 Remember Dick Watt, who the fuck Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday
Starting point is 01:59:32 I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday
Starting point is 01:59:40 I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man, see you next Tuesday I'm not a man that cost, huh? I guess not cause, I'm never gonna get that out of my thoughts I know, must have done a con change course But it feels so good man, after more You know again, if it's time to get my double back I can't even go to court from a dick sense
Starting point is 01:59:52 It's a bitch, you and I gonna get the band back together Again, my friend, long time no spend Where have you been man, I thought you were dead There's an uptick, I told you that I quit And I worked my trick to give an up percent Put your pride in the dreams of the price of admission I bet it little feed a bait for you Wish us a click on the screen Show what you want to miss it
Starting point is 02:00:06 A million with a red e for the bigger This shit is an addiction And a relapse on it and a self-made prison Listen, it's a sound of a zippin' Listen, it's a zippin' Yeah, my stanzi is break Now some game like in old magazine It's the E-Double G
Starting point is 02:00:19 Rod and cut this supreme That girl that you're giving cheese Her love is not what it seems Her text messages in tweets Actin' stabby NVC's Another man clapping her cheeks And dammit could be two and three Cushies moving tactically Serving digital pussy Post-pastonin' that she hopes to draw Lones specifically Taylor made a special leap of men
Starting point is 02:00:40 Who have anxiety Who's supposed to gain my strong They keep on reaching on no salary for picks and thongs And you know that you're acting wrong, but just so lonely That you're willing to just keep moving on You say what is better than nothing, but man, I think it's all perfect Cause the feedback loop you're causing only causing you most struggling Cause you really ain't committed, and she will never be Just watch how her love will increase
Starting point is 02:01:04 Should your jealousy's another party, your heart is low Go rest in peace and barely doing so I'll cease I'm in love with a girl on line I should've known my name The name of the crowd around my lonely mind I'm like a nation I'm in love with an eager man I'm in the head of field
Starting point is 02:01:20 It's like a fantasy I can't believe it's real I'm in love with a girl on line it's like a fantasy I can't believe it's real Diamond love, love with a girl I'm mind-like, it's just a dream I know she'd never have the time for a guy's like me But I'm in love, love and make it work It's much as true, true, make peace, don't go You know I'm always here for you I'm an idiot, you're my friends Thank for knowing the heart for bed, cause I love this chair
Starting point is 02:01:43 But then again, it's the hot ones with a the ones So who the fuck is going to want to get? So get a grip, you don't drink And you think romantic and tripping And the dick won't look bitch She is getting rich You're seeing fixation We can't take it Face it, you'll never gonna make it
Starting point is 02:01:54 You're getting right daily, just make a payment Sing it chase and dream, let's fake it Yeah, you gotta wake up before it's too rare Pretty fuck a trick for a five like me They find a nine nine need in the kind of scene So I'm looking for a three Preserve on the scene Free fall and stand It's coming back in your place Hey, wait'm looking for a three, Christopher to see free fall and stand in
Starting point is 02:02:05 It's coming back here, please Who's gonna win, man? Every new girl is a new man Best friend, man, never new spread, it's a new 10, damn, damn, I'm lost in a damn hangar Buy a thread, put a snack, it's been enough of these, you buy Throw some in the description, you got me feeling Throw on this, bring the winner with the dick, frizz, I'm got course living in the back Look, begin on to please
Starting point is 02:02:20 Angie, I'm down on my knees, tell me how they will break me When the jeans are too heavy, how they will stand, my mouth be the run steady And how they will live, when I'm a dead my knees, tell me how to break it When the tears are too heavy, how to withstand my mouth Be the run steady, and how to live When I'm a dead old baby, you ever wanna be a crewer But I come up on the floor, rather wanna be a pure But I live in the sewer, and I gotta get my head out of the gun But I love it too much, so just a bunch of girls Even though what love is, you're just infatuated Cause that photo shop bitch keeps sending you pics from mass li-bation
Starting point is 02:02:40 That home so dirty, by my calculations That even after all your payments That bitch could still ain't Sanitated The homeless you won't Amputate this in Exasperpacin While your eye is so Asalos she's drowning in
Starting point is 02:02:53 Conversation Even if you send in Hell and Jesus New house that she's Saced in which means new Guys and new places Putting new dick in her Paces will explain the
Starting point is 02:03:01 Name on which that I can Give a nice elusion I used to get this as well Till I started carrying her Just ask yourself Would you go diving in the sewer? Is he crossing like manure And they're flaky like a summer nudist
Starting point is 02:03:14 Just get your head right in I know that you can do this Break your chases like a revolution Except the pit that's evolution What was it like and how did this illusion The fog is clear, the dawn is theirs not far from me All I eat are broken through the trash I know with the girl online She doesn't know my name, but I will make her mine I'm in love with an eager woman And I swear it's real love, I'm more than just a fan
Starting point is 02:04:10 I'm in love with a girl on mine I know she loved me too, she would give me the time I'm in love with an adrenalin, true And I'll make her see if it with the last thing I do. I'm gonna make your scene with the last thing I do. I'm gonna make your scene with the last thing I do. I'm gonna make your scene with the last thing I do. Man, those guys are good. Also fucked over by new projects too.
Starting point is 02:04:42 Yeah. That one featured egg, amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid, yes. So yeah, that is what's known as that part of the egg that is not yellow. Amniotic fluid, probably. I don't know, it's the, well, his rhymes are a stick. It'll catch on fluid.
Starting point is 02:04:57 Oh, gross. Here is, I have banana docs too. Let me see if, I'm waiting an actual banana. I don't have to change the name of semen. I have to be like see people or see men? See human, see human. No one cares about women, only whiteness.
Starting point is 02:05:16 That's the only thing that they care about. Okay. Let's see if somebody sent in some clips from banana docs. Maybe I'll just save these up for the next bonus episode user name ass Why be such a dumb bitch user name asshole wants is How did you rid you of prominent voices? He's drunk turning to no
Starting point is 02:05:42 Lots of people do this. So there's drinking beer on one of the other ones. He has his lips. He has his lips. This banana's a little bit salty. Not long dogs, man. Look at him. Okay. You hear another one?
Starting point is 02:05:55 Or just do voicemails. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it's interesting just watching the descent into madness. I know. We'll do it on the next one in episode two. I think we'll try to get some more. It costs you no bits to vote.
Starting point is 02:06:07 Kind of asshole with charge bits to vote. But if you want to make other votes extra votes. There's banana docs. That cost bits. Kidding. Uh. Do you think a listener suggested this to him? Maybe. Just fucking like you know it it'd be really like the cowboy thing?
Starting point is 02:06:27 To a banana. It's cool. Yeah, you should be a banana. Okay. Okay. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Okay. Let's do this. Shrunk is drinking by himself at home, pretending to be a banana on the internet. That's cool. Okay, let's do some voicemails. Good God. Pretty good. Hey, Sean. Hey.
Starting point is 02:06:45 A long time fan of the fucking show, long time listener. Oh, I just want to call him with a fucking rage of mine about a 19-year-old dog. Oh, my God. The answer he has is dog. He's always shit. Can't fucking walk. For shits everywhere. Writing this hind legs all over the place. Oh, can you hear her bird need her bird from his family. Like, dog is fucking died. So she's like we need to pick this dog. We need to put him down. Yeah, I want to do a fucking fancy shit for him.
Starting point is 02:07:13 No, she buys the urn. She buys the whole nine yard. She feels for it. Well, the problem comes in with her family. It's like we need to buy a wheelchair for the dog. We need to hit the dog. That dog doesn't want to live. For the dying 19 year old pit bull. Oh God, how could a pit bull live to 19?
Starting point is 02:07:38 He's probably a fucking old hearted. That's crazy. Crazy to make this dog who is on his neck bed suffer another fucking year or two. Yeah, just so they don't feel bad about putting the dog back. They should feel bad for keeping him alive. Exactly. Exactly. It's like that family guy episode where he reanimates the dog.
Starting point is 02:07:58 They're fucking pro ones or whatever. Peacons are animals life for their own feelings. Yep. My fiancee on the other hand. People do it to people too. People go on the whole, like, well, it's his time. I don't want to do stuff for anymore. I'm all about these animals, right? Yeah, she wants, she wants to put down.
Starting point is 02:08:18 She's tired, she's crying because this dog is suffering so much. Put it down there. You can't walk. Stop listening to your fucking family. Put your fucking dog down. Put it down, put it so much put it down there. No walk. Yeah stop listening to your fucking family Put your fucking dog down put it down put it down work He can't eat the dog can't what your goddamn dog down Stop listening to your family and her parents are saying you just need to put your parents down
Starting point is 02:08:42 They want to sit them down and say listen you motherfuckers I'm gonna stop talking about the dog. I'm gonna put you down. Yeah in the next three months I put it down. I don't understand. I don't understand why you want to make the fucking thing suffer so much I don't know what I wouldn't want to I don't want to look at it put the dog down Mr. Bull that your parents. You parents are sick. The parents are sick, sick people. Big parents show. Sick people. Your girlfriend's parents are sick.
Starting point is 02:09:11 They're deranged. They're sick. Yeah, that's sick. That's their, they're like, you know, that's their own fears of death and shit. They don't, you know, it's like, oh no, keep it alive at all costs. It's perverse.
Starting point is 02:09:23 Keep us alive too. No. Not gonna, not gonna that. Yeah, that's,, oh no, keep it alive at all costs. It's perverse. Keep us alive too. No. Not gonna, not gonna debt. Yeah, that's my mom popped that one to us other weekend. She's like, you know, your dad and I talked about it. When we get that age and we're in that kind of condition, I said, I'm way ahead of you. No.
Starting point is 02:09:38 No, I'm done. Already, but you could, right. Well, you know, we want you, that was the hope that was the answer you had. Actually, you didn't have a choice in either way. I hate to break into you. I'm glad you picked the one you're getting because that's how it's gonna go.
Starting point is 02:09:49 My sister's, well, I mean, I don't know. I'm doing it. What are you guys gonna stop me? Who are you gonna, you got those kind of resources? You're gonna call MasterCard and get me kicked off Earth again? Put the dog down. Yeah, that's, you know what it's time.
Starting point is 02:10:05 Don't negotiate with terrorists. Right. This dog is going down, say your last words, and then get the fuck out of my house. Dogs going down. You don't need to convince people of shit. The only reason you need to convince anybody of anything is because they think they,
Starting point is 02:10:21 you think you have to. That's why they're giving you their fucking opinion. Well, you know what you should do with the dog? I don't care what you think. Feel free to talk to yourself out loud. My dog. I'm doing this to my dog. It's my dog. It's my fucking dog.
Starting point is 02:10:38 Put your foot down now over something as unimportant as a dog. Or else they'll try it again. They'll be trying to circumcise your son. Oh, you know that dick. That looks a little, give it some personality. Chop that shit off. You shut the fuck up. High and tight.
Starting point is 02:10:52 High and tight. Maybe a little bit back. Get it nice and tight in there. Get it nice and tight. Nice and tight so it's uncomfortable. You want the man to have no pleasure at all when he has an erection. Sure.
Starting point is 02:11:03 Here we go hey dick shenanstaff Dakota I have another rage for you all right cops that just don't know how to spend any time I do overnight at a gas station you know I'm working here from like 10 to 7 10 pm to 7 a.m. all night top walks then after I mop the floors and stuff So I'm in the office taking my lunch break. And are you saying, well, yeah, that is me. Probably I'm. I don't know why about that.
Starting point is 02:11:35 Probably has my picture of something. Because he says he checked my plates. Because he sees my car outside a lot. Oh, they do that. Fucking wonder why I fucking work here most nights. They do that every time they pull up on my place and say that I have a warrant. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 02:11:51 I'm not this warrant, no surprise to me. I gotta be a security guard. I need support BLM because, I like seminary. Because cops treat us like an activity book. Yeah, they pull up behind you and run your plate to their fucking computer for fun. So fuck them. Yeah, and pull up behind you and run your plate to their fucking computer for fun. So fuck them.
Starting point is 02:12:05 Yeah. And then that's what they do. Yeah. And then a situation escalates. And then they pull you over because the computer says to and all the other cops who are bored hear that somebody's getting pulled over and decide, whoa, I'm gonna go poke my cop.
Starting point is 02:12:18 No, so they all swarm on the scene. So now you've got 10 cops there. Cause the computer said, I see it all the time. I see it all the time. All of a sudden you drive by something, you're going somewhere, there's like one unit there, two units there, drive back. The other way, there's fucking five or six.
Starting point is 02:12:35 Yeah. And they're all standing around talking to each other and all their cars are fucking like, you know, nose-den. It's like, what do you expect this guy to do? What do you do? He got an IQ in 95. They got, what do you expect this guy to do? What do you do? You've got an IQ of 95. They got, what do you expect? They got more 85.
Starting point is 02:12:48 They got two teenage kids like sitting on the curb. And one of them's talking to him. Yeah. That's what I see that all the fucking time in LA. Oh, we need, we need to do it. Well, yeah, fucker, you need them to have a fucking computer where they can punch in. Or do we need them to have a computer coloring book?
Starting point is 02:13:04 So when they get fucking bored of the stoplight, they can type in or do we need them to have a computer coloring book so when they get fucking bored of the stoplight they can type in your license plate to see well you know maybe maybe there's a warrant out for you know I was running a lot months ago and I didn't really care to pay it because I was really scrapped for cash at the time and uh let's figure it out. So that's where I get a warrant. And then every time I get pulled over her cops like, hey, you know I have a warrant, right? Everybody could say, care about it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:33 That's about the fucking warrant for speeding. I don't see you even make that much. I'm probably only in danger when the numbers are down and maybe fucking up their quota. And when this cop comes in, middle of the night just that once again tell me that i have a warrant and i first i thought oh my god this is it maybe i'm finally going to go to jail for that and i was going to go i lose my job
Starting point is 02:13:55 because i left the store not that says that you have a warrant and now there has been an official warning so they technically could just a fucking arrest me right there but you wanted to take time out of his day you know the trolling this shitty area in the middle of the night to tell me this. I got the new one but I already know try to come and how I can take care of it like I haven't already had this explain me a lot of times.
Starting point is 02:14:20 I just don't care. It's a fucking warrant for god damn speeding ticket khan how board can you be should be the those lost should exist either murder you know there was libertarians around when they were deciding on speed limit laws
Starting point is 02:14:38 true those kind of slid through with no objection while there's well how could you say i mean how could you say that there shouldn't be laws on gun ownership there's, well, how could you say, I mean, how could you say that there shouldn't be laws on gun ownership? There's laws on speeding. I don't think those should fucking exist either. But I'm not going to win that one. Am I? I just want to go outside. I want to go to the beach without a fucking mask. Okay. Here we go. Hey, Decaixion. Hey, Trump, how deep. What's up, man? Makes me rage is, and this is a hard one for me because I'm a I'm a scuffler of it. But domestic abuse. Oh wow.
Starting point is 02:15:10 What's up? I've been staying abuse for about a month now. My wife recently got ticked off and she's been sending me links nonstop to the point where I'm afraid to open my phone now. She first was one of two videos. Slap and I said, okay, you know what? Yeah. I get it. I get it because she loves me.
Starting point is 02:15:33 You're in any of it. She really wants me to share the stuff with her. That's a victim mentality. Yeah, that's a victim attack. Yeah. That's just like low attacks. And then five or six. You started asking, what was your favorite?
Starting point is 02:15:44 What happened in them? Yeah, this is the scene. If I watch them an oh my phrase Dancer they own god damn phone Ladies Don't do this. Don't be abusive. It's sending your fucking husband's and boyfriend's ticktocks. Yeah See me Tuesday mix it up. He's gonna, he's gonna go like hide in the closet. He's, his phone probably triggers abuse for him. It doesn't like, like PTSD, like every time he, you know, like dogs, every time it pings.
Starting point is 02:16:17 Mix it up. Send a send one of your, it's a rough place to be. Yeah, women, wives and girlfriends and whatever. Send a man a tick-tock of yourself and then send him one that he would want to be. Yeah, women, wives and girlfriends, and whatever. Send a man a TikTok of yourself and then send him one that he would want to see, like of a attractive woman. It takes out, not you. So try to minimize the hangover.
Starting point is 02:16:34 You drink something bad and then you drink a glass of water. Try to, it's like, yeah. Okay, well at least, maybe this will just temper it a little bit. You drink the poison and then you drink something that's good for you. So send a picture, send a TikTok of you, of poison, and then send one that's refreshing.
Starting point is 02:16:52 Like a woman, it's hot, that I'll never, ever talk to, because we're not in the same league. Should have wanted nothing, no, want nothing to do with me. That's the ideal relationship with a woman for a man. Wants absolutely nothing to do with you, just wants your money.
Starting point is 02:17:11 Send that is the water. And then one of you again, blah. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Like, like, warm tequila. Oh, TikTok from your wife. Here you go. Drink this warm tequila. You, tick tock from your wife. Here you go. Drink this warm tequila. You fucking
Starting point is 02:17:26 you've shrubbed. Have this peat butter and tuna fish sandwich. You'll love it. And then something good, something that I would like. How about that sounds like a nice arrangement. Here you go. I'm sure his wife's lovely. Hey, Dick, hey Sean. Hey. Big fucking big mistake. Uh, why I fuck? Uh, why? What a piece of shit. This fucking retard. Look at out the fucking street.
Starting point is 02:17:55 Everybody comes out the fucking woodwork to see. Big boom boom skylight. Wow. Like I have been fucking feeling a million times to see it fucking once. Hasn't changed in the fucking 23 years I've been alive for a fucking time I thought I was one of you fucking old food
Starting point is 02:18:09 it fucking it's not changed get the fuck out of my fucking street so much fucking traffic and boring fireworks so inviting not only fucking boomers coming out the woodwork to fucking take over my entire
Starting point is 02:18:21 city with their old slow asses on my mother fucking street getting my goddamn way. Who can fuck? Yeah. About an independent state. Independent state. Not you fucking bitch.
Starting point is 02:18:32 Yeah. I'm feeling on that. I was getting shivered saying, I'm not celebrating for the July. What the fuck? What am I celebrating? Why would you get shit for that? People are like, it's the same kind of mentality of people who are like really into eating meat.
Starting point is 02:18:48 Like I eat meat. Yeah, man. Yeah, I know. We kind of, yeah. It's cool. It's great. I love me too. Firework.
Starting point is 02:18:56 I love exploding. Like man, there's like really significant. If you're celebrating America at all, it's like you're, there's a lie. You're lying to yourself. There's nothing, it's nothing to fucking celebrate here. There's been no America since the amendment the first was not passed.
Starting point is 02:19:14 In the late 1700s, the Supreme Court destroyed what was left after that in like the early 1800s. This is a, we've been living in a police state for three months. What the fuck are you? like the in the early 1800s, this is a, we've been living in a police state for three months. What the fuck are you? I saw people posting LA that LA was shooting fireworks, that this was somehow a defiance of Newsham's order that there would be no fireworks.
Starting point is 02:19:38 I'm proud of LA for resisting, like, no, those are just criminals that do that every, they every year. This is a basic low level of criminality that should not be at least Celebrating the defiance of this law is a childish and retarded people just shooting fireworks off. They do it It shouldn't be illegal. It's it's horrible that it is illegal in the first place It's one of a long line of laws that makes existence illegal so they can arrest anybody at any time and you're celebrating people cowering and lighting these things off who have nothing to lose
Starting point is 02:20:14 because everyone's fucking doing it. While we're living under a police state, what the fuck are you celebrating? How low? How abused have you been? By the state, well it's your your life or i mean it's the greatest country where just celebrating the greatest country what about this country's great how much money are we just dumping into the middle east every year or into a completely broken
Starting point is 02:20:37 system of indoctrination that is raising our children and forcing us to work to jobs so we can so we can fund these uh... military adventures wars what about this and system and systems of entitlements that guarantee lives of poverty and addiction what about this is celebrating there's not one fucking thing to celebrate in this entire country none of it our president who is a jackass is running against our own spy forces is running against illegal a legal shadow state that effectively runs the entire fucking country you have zero representation period period it would take you would need to be if you even if you were a suicide bomber
Starting point is 02:21:26 You couldn't get you couldn't speak with the congressman who represents you 3000 miles away in a system that was designed into a fucking opposite. Yeah, what are you celebrating? What are you celebrating fireworks? Because you have fucking retarded cuz you're a fucking child talk to me about being a fucking buzzkill I like explode. I like I like picnics and exploding fireworks. So what, so that's what you're celebrating? Literally nothing. The last thing they fucking encouple, they can blow shit up.
Starting point is 02:21:56 You're celebrating the existence of nothing. Nothing. That's what the Fourth of July means to me this year. Not a goddamn thing. I fuck America. We've been under the happy Independence Day. Yeah. We've been under the illusion for a long time
Starting point is 02:22:12 that we're involved in the system as like regular everyday people. Yeah. We got a president and a fortunate, what could he do? Not a goddamn thing. Well, what are you gonna say? Nothing. I will cover it. Yeah, but at least we weren't
Starting point is 02:22:29 Britain. At least, at least. Oh, America. Hey, you really enjoy it is when one motherfucker goes out there and tells you hey you enjoy meaning the sex hey you enjoy just getting around a girl and fucking her oh i would love to do that thanks you know how much i would love to lose my fucking burger He's Virgin Raid. I just want to get my dick wet. I can never get a blowjob. I can never look at a girl. I can't do what I do. What a f***ing fool.
Starting point is 02:23:17 What a f***ing fool. What a f***ing fool. What a f***ing fool. What a f***ing fool. What a f***ing fool. What a f***ing fucking fucker, you fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking to a fucking metal band stat. He's get laid. Are you in scream like that? Yeah. Jesus. Be pretty good. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 02:23:50 Okay, here we go. I just, I know how you can do the plantation simulator and get away with it. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Make the slaves white people. Oh. And make owners.
Starting point is 02:24:02 I mean, whoever, didn't have to be black people. They can be neck skins or. No, they have to be black. Irish man or. Oh, you definitely didn't have me black people they can do neck skins or no they have to be black Irish man Or I can't be Irish don't make the slaves black and I love to have the black sledge just make them white people Maybe and then use like white slurs and shit I don't think that'll I don't think that'll get past them Mm-hmm. I don't think that'll work Maybe I could do white and black white on one side and black on the other, but the slave class is the reverse, like star, track.
Starting point is 02:24:30 Well, so, you know, not a few discussions, we'll have it worked out. Yeah, I'll get to work down. I mean, get the brain trust together. See you here. Hey, good afternoon, Dick, this is Professor Donk. You've got to keep your squat rack,k, you've got to keep your squad rack any time that exercise equipment is worth moochote and arrow. That's true.
Starting point is 02:24:52 That's true. I can't just give away that. I don't want to buy it. I don't want to do another squad again. Listen to your show for a long time. I was supposed to tell it. I know a lot about you. I'll give it back to my sister.
Starting point is 02:25:04 But with your athletic background, you speak, you've spoken over the path. You probably done, I know you do barbell training and things like that, okay? Starting old strength, herds, coaches, find starting strength coach in your area, okay? Starting is the website. Uh-oh. All right. You need to hire
Starting point is 02:25:25 i recommend you hire coach or you hire someone and i can't listen to my school on our i think that they're gonna talk about your form and help you and two hour period more than ten fifteen years of experience you have is it really that you're an idiot.
Starting point is 02:25:45 Yeah, you find a hard time making an audience. If you're an idiot, you're in no way. I think I'll send you some messages on Instagram. This guy's really under it. Send me an email. Send me fucking DMs. It's gonna cost $200,000, made more. So come here, I'll put buddy man.
Starting point is 02:26:00 You'll even take for that. He's a girl and shan put some slabs on your thigh and the slide the meat on your chest walking buffet
Starting point is 02:26:13 but not a golden-crow buffet like a cheescake factory you'll be in a big business and
Starting point is 02:26:21 a great for the library i had a horrible for the july i don't think I can, I can't take it. I can't, my joints can't fucking take it. There's too many injuries. There's constant fucking pain. It's constant pain that does not go away.
Starting point is 02:26:34 No amount of MRIs or physical training or anything will ever make it go away. That's reality. I can't fucking do it. It's just what happens. It's just what fucking everybody eventually. Yeah, I appreciate it, but I can't fucking do it. It's just what happens. It's just what fucking everybody eventually. Yeah, I appreciate it, but I can't do, I can't fucking do impact anything anymore.
Starting point is 02:26:51 I can't do weights anymore. I gotta give it up. Or else it's gonna just fall, it's gonna be crippled. The more I do, it's the less time it has, it's gonna be crippled. Oh, here's one about Ethan Ralph. Oh. Hey, Dick. It's the guy last week who called in to be crippled all here's one about each and our hey dick
Starting point is 02:27:06 it's the guy that's we could call them about you something for christia alia all i'm not here to talk about that but i'll just say you fucking ignored like the other thirty i think sixteen and seventeen year olds that he was also talking to so it's not like it's just someone
Starting point is 02:27:26 don't dot really uh... i don't believe that that is that let's see but i have a very good story for you i've been staying at my fucking girlfriend place uh... that visiting her from out of town that it moved five women share their stories and their mom's house now and she's complained about her mother it hurt her's in her mom's house now. And she's complained about her mother, her bedroom at her mom's house being just ungodly hot.
Starting point is 02:27:50 Every summer. Every thing will come. So I'm saying that, and I'm just roasting in the fucking bed. The absolutely dying. And I finally fucking just get set up, open the window, but it's like a recessed window that gets like no,
Starting point is 02:28:07 no cool air. But I looked up and there's a fucking vent. This vent had just, just finds like shooting out the sides because I'm the ceiling. And I just looked up at it and I noticed it's closed. I reach up and open the vent and a wave of dust comes down onto my face, which fucking sucks. But then immediately after that was the cold release of years upon years of AC not being
Starting point is 02:28:42 dumped into this goddamn room. She had lived in this fucking house for 18 years, 18 years in this house. It's insane. And she never once thought to open the goddamn air vent to let the AC into her room. God damn it. It was worth a cold all the time. The cold all the fucking cheese. She's been complaining about the heat.
Starting point is 02:29:06 Oh. So perfect for her. I could complain and not be called. Dump her. Dump that bitch. Dump that bitch. Dump that bitch here. You gotta dump that bitch.
Starting point is 02:29:19 Dump that bitch. Okay, here was one of the other 16 year olds. Sean, if we don't protect the 17 year old women from being predated on through instant messaging programs. I mean, what really, what can we, if we can't protect, if we can't protect 17 year old women from getting DMs, who can we protect? Really?
Starting point is 02:29:48 This is one morning in the fall of her senior year of high school, this bitch woke up, ah, I got out of here. She was confused. She was not a fan of the 36 year old and was not following him as his page. He was verified and she was intrigued. So she responded to him. Oh, okay. Wow.
Starting point is 02:30:06 What do you just came across? Is that bad? He said, it was clear I was in high school, she says. I had a 16th, I had 16th birthday pictures and photos of me at football games on my Instagram. I told my guy friends about it and they were like, he's famous, you have to answer. So she was 17. What the fuck? She was 17.
Starting point is 02:30:27 She's a senior in high school. You have to answer. That's my closing argument like on why we have no fucking future in this country and it has gone entirely to shit. He's famous. You have to answer. I rest my case. You got to do what he says. He's famous. I'll see you in hell. I'm going to go shoot myself. Okay. Dalia proceeded to give her
Starting point is 02:30:54 a phone number, which public records linked to his name. Oh, okay. You looked it up. You looked it up. And suggested that she travel from Long Island to New York City to come see him. She never went, but she saved screenshots. This week, she shared them publicly. This is what, this is one of the photos on her. I guess that's proof that she's obviously underage. I don't know about you. I don't know about you, Sean. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:31:22 I don't know about, I don't know about that one. So I don't know. I don't know about that one. So I don't know how many, I mean, do you know you were underage? Yeah. Well, yeah. Well, they put the, you know, they put the, the onus on the person of age, not to do, not to do things.
Starting point is 02:31:40 These morons and these, these morons and these chicks have totally co-opted all anger that should be directed towards pedophiles to men who are trying, to men who didn't give them enough money for the attention they give. Like every, everything has crept. Like all of a sudden, this is racist. This is like, that's, that's, no, that's not racist. Like this is discrimination. No, no, it isn't. Uh, the words, uh, have ceased to mean what they're supposed to mean. They're called, somebody called Elon Musk, a pedophile. Sure. Because Grimes is like 30 and dresses like a little girl.
Starting point is 02:32:33 It's like everyone's pissed at pedophiles, but nobody wants to, they see it. These Craven attentionhors see it and decide to co-opt it to get back at famous men who didn't appreciate them for what they believe they are. Is that accurate? Is that not obvious to everybody? That being said, I'm truly sorry. Nothing happened by the way. He just messaged a whore on Instagram or a thought, whatever you want to call it. Okay, maybe one or two more. Too much, too much, too much. Hey, the exact permacity here. They will not take my wish more for us there is no fucking way they the same people talk about that as well talking about that and guess what it's
Starting point is 02:33:12 not coming down it's the only monument of its kind in the entire fucking world and that includes crazy horse crazy horse ain't fucking done yet for shut up shun it's what fucking on the he thought i would say that or know that. Oh, crazy. What's probably a monument to the tree for some? There should have been carvers. But I'm doing that. I know there was such a thing. They're taking it. So you shut up. We will. We will fight. Oh, that's not happening. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:39 Oh, why? Who cares? Yeah, stupid. Those are, they're 60 feet tall, the faces. Remember we were talking about that? That's tiny. No, it's actually big. The guys are smaller than the nose. We were trying to figure out how, remember, I was at the bonus episode, we were talking about
Starting point is 02:33:58 how you did. Yeah, yeah. They're face said people probably walk away from that thinking, other smaller than I thought. I don't know. I mean, maybe people think they're 200 feet tall, but I was actually surprised how much smaller than a nose the guy working on it was. Look, see, this is, here's a picture from far away, probably where you can view it. Look at how tiny those are.
Starting point is 02:34:19 How tall is the mountain? I don't know. Pretty, that's pretty tall. Yeah. They just at the top. Stupid. I don't know. I'd see it just so I could go. No, they were the size I don't know. Pretty, that's pretty tall. Yeah, they just hit the top. Stupid, I don't know. I'd see it just so I could go, no, they were the size I thought, dick.
Starting point is 02:34:29 Yeah. They were exactly the size I thought they'd be. It was exactly their size. Like a perfect puzzle piece in my mind. Yep, that's exactly what I thought. Okay, thank you, back in the car. I don't know why everyone cares about those, I don't care about Mount Rushmore.
Starting point is 02:34:43 I don't either. No, monuments, I don't know why everyone cares about those, I don't care about Mount Rushmore. I don't either. No, Monument said I don't, oh no. I don't care about any of that. That dumb, like if I had to go see it, I would be annoyed. Yeah. We're going out Mount Rushmore today. I wish it didn't exist, like a home alone, and then I go to sleep and wake up,
Starting point is 02:35:01 and there's BLM protesters tearing it down, and I'm like, ah! Ah! Ah! Yeah. go to sleep and wake up and there's BLM protesters tearing it down and i'm like uh... education really makes a fucking rage is finding out that my state passes all these new rules and laws you know we're guarding with the lockdown and shit within a days fucking notice like not even like
Starting point is 02:35:23 all the previous day but like within it like a few hours within the same fucking day oh yeah you know so my my beautiful state decided to lock down and to have everybody every place that doesn't have like six feet of distance or whatever you mandatory half a wear a mask if you don't do it you get like fine to the law and there are you get a fine for like two hundred fifty dollars each time and so and you can even serve jail time for not fucking wearing a mask uh... all because all because fucking grandma
Starting point is 02:36:00 you know it's gonna die from it you want to know something man fucking grandma and all these immune compromised motherfuckers it cost thousands of dollars to keep these motherfuckers alive especially grandma who's you know sad thing you know losing her losing her brine or you know grandpa's fucking like you don't pay for insurance Bad is shit. You know what she is. I'm not gonna show out 10 to thousands of dollars so he could just you know She didn't can and some and some 20 year old like he can go change it for him
Starting point is 02:36:33 You know it's not gonna gain this fucking memory back It's not gonna be your grandma. Yeah, why show out thousands of thousands of dollars and locked down the whole fucking country Just so grandma can live two more fucking days and agonizing fucking pain as it is you know but we are a lot more humanitarian now. These are early easily or because grandma can a fucking die. Fuck off of this gay shit. Fuck off with like listening up and then taking it away. Ah!
Starting point is 02:37:05 Like, that's the worst. Oh, they shut down all the bars again. They shut down all the fucking bars again. Again, they shut them down. You gotta be fucking kidding. I don't even think it qualifies as a pandemic anymore. I think it went down under like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 02:37:21 I'm talking about all the cases have exploded in this country. Not in the world wide. Yeah, worldwide. The who, the number of them. Who can't call it a pandemic anymore? I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I copy it down. Most of them have gone, you know, east of us or wherever the country is, a lot of them
Starting point is 02:37:36 have, are coming out the other side. Yeah, and they don't test like we do. Yeah. Uh, yeah. It's the, it's the worst thing ever. It's going to last until, It's going to last until it's going to last forever. And it's only there because Biden is a decrepit old man who can't string a sentence together. That's why, wait, what? All of this only exists to get rid of Trump. That's the only reason.
Starting point is 02:37:59 Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here. That's the only reason. I'm not arguing this with you. That's the only reason. You the fuck out of here. That's the only reason. I'm not arguing this with you. That's the only reason. You have been spending- 30 million people out of work for what? Spending some time on the stupid end of the internet. I don't, I didn't go on it at all. Okay. Except here, here, here, I got something,
Starting point is 02:38:17 I got a test, I got a test graph for you where there's you know, here. I'm talking and shutting, shutting it down. Let me find it. Testing versus cases versus deaths. Okay. I'm sure we're not gonna be missing out of here. I'm talking to shutting it down. Let me find it. Testing versus cases versus deaths. Okay. I'm sure we're not gonna be missing any information here. Oh, from Twitter, great.
Starting point is 02:38:31 Where do you want it? These are real graphs. Yeah, here from where? Look, I can make a real graph too. Are you doubting these numbers? I'm doubting anything that you floor up. Florida. The red is deaths.
Starting point is 02:38:47 The orange is cases and the blue is tests. You don't find anything suspicious about the blue tests and the orange cases skyrocketing at the end and the deaths staying the same. Nothing, nothing is suspicious about this, how we're not hearing anything about hospitalizations anymore, we're not hearing anything about it. No, you are in some of the Southern states.
Starting point is 02:39:12 You totally are. No, hospitals are packed. Look back last year, almost exactly the same amount of, almost exactly the same amount of beds there. Find me where their hospitals are getting overrun, like they said we were going to, like the whole reason. Yeah, no, no, where are are getting overrun. Like they said we were going to. Like the whole reason. Yeah, no, no.
Starting point is 02:39:27 Where are they getting overrun? Hospitals overrun. No, they're getting packed again, but they're not overrun. They're still dealing with it, but what I'm saying is these were getting record highs like for like 20 days in a row and wait till but the entire purpose was is not to run hospitals. There's not to overrun hospitals.
Starting point is 02:39:47 And it's not happening. No, so then why is it locked down? It's a scam. No, because of the sudden increase, because it's gone up so quickly. But no hospitals are getting overrun. Not yet. Well, don't you think it should have happened once
Starting point is 02:40:03 or get close to it before everything got locked down? Maybe it may have gone too far. Maybe they're going to show shit. Now it's going to get super overrun until they can, I don't know. So we have, I'm just telling you, there's, but you're in support of the lockdown. I understand why they did it. They did it because they can't get rid of Trump any other way than by destroying the economy.
Starting point is 02:40:24 Okay. How, well, what else it because they can't get rid of Trump any other way than by destroying the economy. Okay. How well, what else reason could they possibly have? That's definitely the reason. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Here's the, let me see here, globally there have been whatever cases, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 02:40:40 And of course the protests are spreading it. That was, the protests and everybody getting together was like the worst thing for this. Now they're admitting that that might be true. That protests might have caused some of the spread. Well, I mean, come on, it obviously did. Well, where is the death count though? You got one 30 or something, something like that?
Starting point is 02:41:02 COVID death rate. I don't know. You're telling me this justifies another lockdown? Look at this. Every week, every week I say the same thing. Oh, look at the deaths, look at the deaths, nothing less, less, less. And every week they lock it down more.
Starting point is 02:41:21 You don't think that's suspicious? No, I don't think that's suspicious. They're ahead. Why? Because over at the, it's still killing people. Barely any. It's barely any. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:41:34 Look at the count. 600. It keeps going up. Nope. The count's going up, but the amount to the amount every week has gone way down. Wait, when everybody's gotten together recently, again, everything is two to three weeks behind.
Starting point is 02:41:48 Look at two weeks ago. Look, this is, it's gone down every week no matter what, and those riots have been going on forever. That's, well, we're also, what they have done is they have gotten better at treating it. Okay. They've gotten better at treating it, which is why the deaths are about the same.
Starting point is 02:42:07 The infection rate has, the testing's gone up, the infection rate has gone up, but the deaths have been pretty stable. Okay, hold on, let me see, hospital bed usage by state. Hospital bed usage. They're trying not to run it into the red. But how much is it usually?
Starting point is 02:42:25 I don't know. State, representative estimates, no, not estimates, occupied by COVID. This is the CDC, 5 to 10%. Wow. We better, we better fucking lock it down. Arizona and Nevada. It's just, what's the numbers?
Starting point is 02:42:47 That's the thing that red area is 20 to 25. Yeah, but it's not, that's, yeah, but they might need those beds for other people too. You know, people still, things still happen to people. Stay estimates for ICU beds occupied. Yeah, that's the bad one. But this is normal. This is the normal amount of bed occupation for ICU.
Starting point is 02:43:12 They don't usually have 0%. No. They usually have about this much. I don't know if they do or not if they normally have that one. You think that's important to know before locking this shit down? No, but you're assuming you're like,
Starting point is 02:43:23 well, that's what they normally have. No, no, I read about it. I have a chart. Hold on, hold on. Oh, I forget, I'm done. No, no're like, well that's what they normally have. No, no, I read about it. I have a chart. Hold on, hold on, oh, I forget, I'm done. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Nobody has it. Nobody has it. So nobody has it. There's far and away. Oh, I know multiple people who have had it. Other than they're fine. They're, oh wow. The no one person, one person spent two weeks in the hospital
Starting point is 02:43:56 in his thirties and the other two are fine. So nobody died. Nobody died. Two weeks in the ICU in the last couple. In his thirties. I mean, we could have done it in 13 days. Yeah, sure. We could have been one week.
Starting point is 02:44:10 I don't know. Yeah, okay. I don't know how much they like the hospital. Yeah, because insurance loves to keep you in there for no reason. They do. Yeah. Fraud is their business model.
Starting point is 02:44:22 Insurance companies make money. They kick people out all the fucking time. Yeah, because it's not covered, because it's not covered by their and they're fraudulent business model. Yeah. Why I agree with you, that insurance is a scam and a fraud.
Starting point is 02:44:35 It's their business model. After ACA and HIPAA changed it, so they have, Fraud is their business model, hold on. It's accounted for 15%. Occupancy rates were estimated ACA and HIPAA changed it so they have fraud is their business model, hold on. Accounted for 15% occupancy rates were estimated at 68% for ICU beds in 2005. So all the headlines are saying, 70% in the US.
Starting point is 02:44:58 Where'd you get this? And Okay. So every article that says, uh-oh, 70% of bads are getting used. That's 2% more than the national estimated occupancy rate normally. All right. I got some research to do. You got to do some research, Sean.
Starting point is 02:45:18 I got some research to do. And the test can include results for the common cold because it's the same virus. Um, because coronavirus common cold. No, that's been debunked. No, the common cold does not show up does not show up positive on a current for a coronavirus test. All right, I'll give you that one, maybe CDC's diagnostic multiplex SA for flu and COVID-19. Common cold does not produce positive COVID. Okay, I'll give you that one.
Starting point is 02:45:52 All right. All right. I better see some deaths if the shutting bars, that's all I'm saying. How many weeks do we have to go by with no new deaths? What do you mean no new deaths? Before declining death rates. It looked pretty stable.
Starting point is 02:46:08 Dropping. It didn't look like it was dropping. I've seen it going up and down and up and down. But that's every week. Lalalalalala. Yeah, but I'm not seeing it go like this. Yeah, not really, not appreciably. Look at that, that's going down.
Starting point is 02:46:25 I'm looking at the last for your weeks. So here was the, here was the, here's where our show was canceled right here. And you can see that, I guess if you wanna credit the lockdown for this drop, that's fine. But yeah, where is the, where is even the slight rise in deaths that would justify any additional I just like give it a couple.
Starting point is 02:46:50 Okay, but wait, give it a card here. This I could easily see how people would be scared enough to lock everything down because if this would keep skyrocketing, I see use would get overrun. Where is this here? It's nothing. There's nothing that's happening. It's totally fucking flat. Yeah, well, the percentage of deaths has gone down
Starting point is 02:47:11 compared to infections. Uh-huh, that's true. All right. All right, everybody. Well, it's 130,000 to 1000 deaths. It's still... I don't care about those. It's still deaths.
Starting point is 02:47:22 I don't care about those. Okay. That's hospitals overrun. That was the sale. That's true. You can't stop a virus. No, you can't. Can't.
Starting point is 02:47:33 And I am on that side of, you do have to, you can only do what you can do. And the people who are more susceptible have to take extra precautions. Yeah. That's the, I'm 100% you still have to live your life because it is a fucking virus. You can only take your precautions and that's,
Starting point is 02:47:50 I'm on one hospital doesn't get overrun. I'm gonna be upset, very upset. If one hospital doesn't get overrun, Sean, then I'll be, I will be upset with you. Okay, I will be upset. I agree to be upset. Okay, you. I will be upset with you. Okay. I will be upset. I agree to be upset. Okay, good. I will be upset.
Starting point is 02:48:07 And to say that it's because of Trump. Yes, I will, that's a given. Okay, bye. I've, I've always been on board with that. See you guys later. You know, it's because of Trump. No. I said, I said because of Trump, they put over his beautiful
Starting point is 02:48:23 economy. All right. Goodbye, everyone. See you I said, because of Trump, they put over his beautiful economy. All right. Goodbye, everyone. See ya. No, mine was this, mine was the, mine was the, mine was the, mine was the CDC. Yeah, I'm sure it was. I'm sure it was. I'm sure it was.
Starting point is 02:48:34 It is the slick. Okay. Here's this chart. This is 85 years and older. What is it? 75 years and older. This is the death. The death.
Starting point is 02:48:44 Percentage of death. Well, yeah, no, we know who's dying. Who fuck those people? See what, that's all you have to say. If I know you're just like, oh, well, I don't care, then I'm like, oh, okay, that's fine. I don't care, I want them to die. Yeah, well, there you go.
Starting point is 02:49:08 I'm just saying, look at this, 55. Here's 55. I just want it acknowledged. Oh, yeah, I do. There you go. Then I'm good with it. But I don't even see that I don't, I have not seen any hospitals getting over on the doll. That was the sale. Mm-hmm. Hospitals are going to go over and we got to walk down. Mm-hmm. All right, I don't believe you. I don't fucking believe you. I don't believe you that that's the reason I think is Trump. So what happened? Everything's fine.
Starting point is 02:49:31 We're locking it down again. Oh, what happened? And you know that hospitals have added beds and shit, right? A lot of them have shut down, too. I don't know. How can you add nurses, though? Is it just a bed problem? They couldn't roll out some sleeping bags. Well, yeah, I mean, it's like, yeah, tell the family,
Starting point is 02:49:50 it's like going camping. All right, all right, all right. We're going for real, goodbye. See you, see you, see you.

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