The Dick Show - Episode 216 - Dick on Victim Envy

Episode Date: July 21, 2020

Trigger discipline and the first rule of guns, the failures of ranked choice voting, the racism of color blindness, Kiwi Chris is a free man, abortions vs. $100 Chili’s gift cards, Frank Hassle surv...ives a knife assault, Big Herpes, Null on Islamic law, a woman “beefs” with her boyfriend about laundry, imaginary COVID deaths, Chris Evans tries to chase a little boy's clout, and Vito's cowardice; all that and more this week on The Dick Show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, come on, Chris the QE call in today, you son of a bitch. Is he going to? I hope so. He was supposed really. Have you been, you've been pro, I hit him up priming the pump. He's probably got a lot to, he's probably got a lot to report, doesn't he? Of his own going. He says a lot to report.
Starting point is 00:00:19 He can't stay away. No, he can't stay away, but he's got real stuff to report now. He has to then. I'm going to be disappointed if he does it. I love that guy. He's a psycho. Manage, come on, man, don't fuck me like this YouTube. Excellent connection. Wow, that's the harbinger of doom, isn't it? Wow, excellent. Are we streaming? Yeah, I think so. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Oh, man. I can't believe that time. I streamed a whole show without hitting go live. Oh, yeah. Why doesn't it just go live automatically? It's such a pain. Wait, then. Yes. Oh, I didn't like a whole show. Was everybody complaining? Yeah, but I didn't live automatically. It's such a pain. Wait then.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Oh, I did like a whole show. Was everybody complaining? Yeah, but I didn't see it. No, that's what I remember that. Yeah, what was the whole show? Was it? It was like, it was a good 30 minutes. I know. I know it was good quality stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah. Quality. Well, you know, quality stuff. Got missed. We bring that on a weekly basis. I know. I hate for anyone to miss even a second of the quality. Yeah. I was on pk a this week. Yeah special 500th episode. Wow. Yeah. That's I thought this guy should
Starting point is 00:01:38 be more jazzed about it. They probably walking into a funeral. Really? Yeah. We're still here. They probably walk into a funeral. Really? Yeah. We're still here. Do they hate each other at this point? I'm sure. Yeah. They all told me in secret that they hate the other two.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Really? Yeah. They did it in Snapchat, so I couldn't take any screenshots, so none exist. Actually, they... Wait, look at you stirring the shut up. You know who's a fucking asshole? Is Gavin McGinnis?
Starting point is 00:02:05 Like a real fucking asshole. Yeah, I helped him set up like this donation site. He's running some kind of charity for like donate to this guy's legal fund because he might be going to prison. And he'll send emails about it like, what the fuck, question mark? As the subject, like man.
Starting point is 00:02:23 What to you? Yeah, update the, so I set it up. I set up his site in the first place to do it automatically. I don't work for you, dude. Yeah, I'm just really helping you out. That's strange. I really, no good deed goes unpunished.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I guess, yeah. I set it up so it automatically update like a thermometer for his credit card donations but that's credit card got canceled. You know, as they raise money for, can't raise money for charity. And I was like, well, that sucks, but you know, it's manual now.
Starting point is 00:02:53 It's going to be a pain in the ass. And then I got a couple like where the fuck is the updates? Oh boy. What? What's up? What's up? You don't know it. You know.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Yeah. I think you, I think maybe that bow ties a little tight on you. Maybe you need to. I don't know if that usually works with people you're used to dealing with. Yeah. That doesn't work on. You can draw a lot of water in this. On this phone, buddy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah. Where you're fucked. So what you do, tell me, get fucked. See? No, I do what I, oh yeah. Yeah. Weird. Fucked. So what did you do? Tell me, get fucked. See you. No, I do what I, like, oh yeah, well, sure, update this. Here's the stuff to log in. You can do it yourself.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I don't really have the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, in my front lawn. He's not a, he's running me over in bed. Didn't he leave that group for the proud boy? How do you leave the proud boys, Sean? That was, she got blood in, blood out. Yeah, right? Jack in, Jack out. Yeah, Jack in, Jack out. They're mass, they're weird masturbating rules.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I can't believe it. I got a, maybe I should go read his emails. I may not be interested. I'm not a doctor though. I just got the email like who the fuck What are you? What the fuck in the talk to people like this? Yeah, I would explain a lot The emails that George Wishes he wrote. Yeah. Are you proud of your boy right now sending sending emails? Do you get?
Starting point is 00:04:24 I mean, there's, that's not, do you go through life with honey or vinegar? That's, that choice is up to you. Sure. Because people do what you want them to do. Just gotta give them a little honey for their troubles. They respond better to it, you know. Often times, it's really a, I guess he got what he wanted.
Starting point is 00:04:47 I updated the thing, but. But you're not exactly, you know, champion at the bit to help again. Yeah, man. Short-sighted, maybe. All right. How well do you know? I mean, how did you guys even get hooked up?
Starting point is 00:05:01 I've been on his show. The credit card processing guy that couldn't actually maintain it long-term. Guy that got me up with the bank who put me on the match list forever. You know, proud boy network, I guess, but holy fuck. Well, you ever been spoken to you like that? Is it out?
Starting point is 00:05:26 Is it out? That's a good cold open, off here. Oh for sure. Ah, that's a rough. Yeah. No, no, no. It's a mistake though. No, you've never been disrespectful. Mm.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And ever. Magic and head. Yeah, no, no, no, no, you just, yeah, you just don't go, you don't go there to start with. I'll tell you what, that's the Jewish in me. Okay. That's the, I told you, I am Jewish. That's what my people, you know, far back, many, many generations, but in the big
Starting point is 00:06:14 event on your, on your mark history, yeah, was wiped. You know what event I'm talking about, Sean. On your mom's side, that's a joke. You're more than I'm talking about. I'm not, I'm not for real Jewish. I'm really Jewish. My grandpa was for real Jewish. I'm really Jewish. No, my grandpa was for real Jewish, but that's worthless. But according, yeah, that's the thing, you know, nothing. Oh, yeah. Some shicks abroad, he hooked up with, annihilated his, his, his, they always go, uh, Jews have said to me, they're like, they always go, eh, you know, yeah, close, but what if you got
Starting point is 00:06:44 the, you got a name, that's about it. What if the science said that certain traits were passed down by the mother and they just like accidentally, you know what I mean? Yeah. Like how the pork rules would protect you from whatever the rules are and the shellfish rules would protect you from disease.
Starting point is 00:07:00 It just happened to be. Right. What if it was, that's all. I'm just saying, it's part of my people's culture to not to de-ess to always lie I don't have you have enough in you to take that stuff Oh shit, shit, sorry shit my bad there's a fuck up right here. Don't you fuck that up! What the fuck? What the fuck? Oh, yeah!
Starting point is 00:07:26 Hey, welcome to Dig! You wanted to get into Dig. You loved it. You got to. It's the show. Everything's a contest. Come to your life for a month. I'm a bunker deep in the heart of the city.
Starting point is 00:07:43 I feel your, I'm your hosting match. And I think that was like a Southern judge, that intro. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you, failure. I'm looking for the, looking for everybody online to, to go, what the fuck, I just blew my ears out. Oh, I know, I'm sorry, everybody.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Sean, sorry. Yep, Sean sucks. America's wingman, $20 million man. America's worst Mexican, 66 weeks running. Joining me is always his world touring LA based committee and show on the audio engineer. Hello, dick. What's up, buddy?
Starting point is 00:08:09 Oh, no. Oh, we're getting out. We're getting out of town. I have to Portland. Things are nice. Stryppers are hopping. The strippers are bouncing. Are they?
Starting point is 00:08:17 The strippers are jiggling. You know how? What did, who used to say that? Chick hern or? Yeah, the buzzer. Yeah, Jello's jiggling. The buzzer's getting hard. Stryppers are jiggling. But the game or... Yeah, the buzzer. Yeah, Jellis Jiglin, the buzzer's getting hard. Shippers are jigging.
Starting point is 00:08:25 But the game in the fridge, the dick is getting hard. The lamb, dunk. Game is over, yeah, we're getting at it, town, man. Vito is supposed to be coming in here. Vito is. Today, Vito is, we've got that, too. No, Vito, get in here. Commentary track on the predator.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah. 2018 movie up at The predator is what it's called, right? What a mess. What a fucking disaster. What a terrible, what a terrible leading man, what a terrible, what a terrible direction, what terrible writing, the ensemble cast that they,
Starting point is 00:09:01 the lunch of this fits, yeah, a bunch of loonies with no chemistry at all. The looners. The looners. The most. Oh, so bad. That movie is so fucking bad. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Let's see. So that slash the Dix show. Check it out. I don't know if people like listening to the Godawful movies with a commentary track. I try to mix it up a good move. Yeah. Because sometimes you get excited about a good movie. You can really lay into the themes explored in the movie and talk about it,
Starting point is 00:09:29 but some people just like shooting on crap. I only know how to make fun of stuff, really. I always like to gravitate toward the crap. I see. Let's see, I've got some things that make me a rage this week. I can't get drunk anymore. It's really bothering me. Yeah. You've had this experience.
Starting point is 00:09:52 You haven't been drunk for years. No. I know drinking like day after day. You get, sometimes you feel like you're like, I'm just, I'm just not getting drunk. I don't know. And you know what? You may be drunk. Like I'd probably, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:08 fail like a, you know, driving test or something, but driving test, you pick the easiest one to pass. Yeah, right. Give me another test. A fidelity test. My name. Yeah. Turning on the computer.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Yeah. Installing an up, a spelling test. Give me any other kind of test, but a driving test, no problem. Yeah, that's automatic. Uh-huh. No, I mean, even you're like, even think you're like, God, I'm completely eloquent and everybody's saying
Starting point is 00:10:32 I'm completely eloquent. I'm entirely tentricable. I'm entirely tentricable. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, maybe your experience is probably a little bit different, but you feel like you can't get drunk. Then I took a whole week off for this.
Starting point is 00:10:45 You understand? I mean, I've been struggling with, I've been wrestling this gator for a week, overcoming the urge not to drink, and it rolls because it was bothering me that I couldn't get drunk. And I'm just, I'm just swinging down these drinks, trying to mix up liquor, tequila, gin,
Starting point is 00:11:03 come on, go give me something, give me something, make me throw up, let me know I did something here. Yeah, and I roll, so I take a week off and roll into the weekend, oh baby, I'm up early in the morning, cancelling plans. Yeah, my parents want me to come up for dinner so you can drink all day. I'm gonna drink all day.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Those are the kind of choices that let you know that you don't have any kind of problem whatsoever. Yeah, man, I need that light. Oh, no, I gotta see if I can get drunk. I'll do the family later. I'm drinking all day. The sun is up. It's time to drink.
Starting point is 00:11:36 That's a good reason. Oh, baby. See, if you really want to drink, you can, you can, any reason will do. The sun came off. Go to the store. Get some fixin, some magnaux shows, cause I saw cantillons making nachos,
Starting point is 00:11:47 I'm like, I'm gonna show them. Oh, fuck right. You get that dopamine hit of what you're about to do, right? Don't mean all day, so great, but I get so drunk, I'm gonna eat the shit out of these nachos and make some nachos. I'm not feel guilty about it. Oh man, that's the only thing I'm gonna eat all day.
Starting point is 00:12:02 So I'm gonna eat like Michael Phelps for one meal. That's my whole day of meals. Start mixing up the drinks, like a Russian doll line them all up. I get to the normal, I get to the witching hour of 3 p.m., where I should be incoherent, and I find that I'm tolerable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Completely tolerable. And worse yet, you're bored. Oh, bored. Yeah. Horrible, I're bored. Oh, bored. Horrible. I don't know what's happening. So this was yesterday. This was yesterday.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Look at me. I look fine. Fit as a fiddle. I didn't have any snacks to get lodged right here. Yeah. I'm back working out. A masseuse came. Really?
Starting point is 00:12:40 A little Chinese Vietnamese masseuse came over. Yeah. Cause I'm desperate for relief for my pain. Yeah. You know, all types. Stiritual, mental, physical. Sure. And I said, bitch, I got, do whatever you want to me.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Yeah. Whatever you want to me. Right. But this shoulder does not work. My left shoulder does not work. And I can't function. I'm gonna kill myself unless you do this, like so many other people during these COVID times.
Starting point is 00:13:09 You're desperate enough to go to a massage therapy. Yeah, because you've been shitting on that before. Just because every single time, I've totally gone to physical therapy in my life. It's a chop shop. Yeah, it's a scam to get old people in there and take their Medicare money. They've got cold lasers.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Do you remember that one in there? The light brights that they shine in there. Yeah sure. Yes, effectively fucking nothing. I don't know what it does for, we've talked about this. The only thing that they've been proven to do is speed abrasion healing.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Wooned healing. Well, I'll see about healing, of minimal death. Yeah. But as far as I don't know about any of the deep stuff, any of that, I don't think there's any credible data that shows that it does anything. And our healthcare system is so fucked. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:13:57 They would rather prescribe you PT, then get an MRI on something to find out what's wrong. They would? Yeah, like that's wrong. They would. Yeah, that's how they know that. Yeah, that's fucking how it basically works. So I get desperate and I heard that from the head of Cedar Sinai orthopedic surgery. I believe it.
Starting point is 00:14:16 So I get the little Asian lady in here, look, do whatever you want. You got to start, you know, do weird stuff to my nuts, go for it. I just need this. So she starts and I said, you know, I'm not here to question the wisdom of your ancient Eastern way. You want to prick my balls? You want to put a little prick? You want to put a little prick in me? Go ahead. Find me wings first. I said, or at least tell me you're going to, you don't have to. I said, that's the wrong, you're doing the wrong shoulder. She gets into it five minutes in doing all this crazy shittiness.
Starting point is 00:14:49 That's the wrong one, I don't know if you were doing, she's like, I don't wanna interrupt, she goes, is it? You should've said something, she goes the other one. Look, it's the front, it's the fucking front. Don't fuck me over, like every single masseuse I've ever had, every physical therapist ever, just ignores what you have to say
Starting point is 00:15:06 and does whatever they want. It's the fucking front. It goes, and feel like front, but maybe back. Okay, here we go. I'm fucked again. So this little bitch is climbing on top of me, pulling my shoulder blades up, like eventually, getting and doing all kinds of weird moves.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Pretzel twisting, I swear to you, it feels like I got hit by a truck at the time. All right, we'll see about this next day. I fucking can move my arm. No shit. With absolutely no pain. Wow. I want to cry every time.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I'm putting soap on my right shoulder that hasn't had soap on it. Yeah, three months. It's four shades darker. It's right soap on it. Yeah, three months. It's four shades darker, right there, then stinks. Yeah, just that. Oh, only part you can't reach. And I'm so happy about it.
Starting point is 00:15:52 No shit, so you're a believer. I need to, I'm gonna marry that bitch. Yeah, I'm gonna move her in, I'm gonna get a pumpkin shell, keeper in the backyard. Here's something that makes me, we had a coyote screamer, this retarded woman woke everyone up.
Starting point is 00:16:08 You got to have coyotes all over here, they're screaming bloody murder. Oh, when I was leaving Wednesday night, I chased a coyote all down the winding road, down to the bottom. Yeah, they're great. Didn't want to fucking jump out in the bushes or anything, he just kept in the road. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Like you wanted to obey the rules or something. I'm like, come on, your little asshole, try it a little faster. Screaming. Yeah. Ah! Ah! Like what was it, 8.30 in the morning
Starting point is 00:16:32 or something like that? Ah! I thought, okay, that's just some chickening tickled or something like that. Then she keeps going. Oh my gosh, there might be rape happening outside. Let's see what's going on here, right? Let's fix.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah. Ah! Open the window, open the door to see what was a matter. She screams, there's coyotes! What the fuck? Like, coyotes. What the fuck? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:16:54 And they're like, talk about Karen. Yeah. Talk about a Karen, Sean. What, uh, turn out they were black guys. A unbelievable. No, they were coyotes. Yeah, they were transporting illegals. Right, that was gonna be my joke.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Better look next time. Daniel Stern from a born in East LA. I didn't believe it. So she's freaking out. Are you fucking, what do you want us to do? You idiots. Yeah, they're gonna, what are they just on the street? At their out in nature. Yeah, they're just, I don they just on the street? Out, they're out in nature.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah, they're just, I don't know if you know what that's called behind the house there. It's kind of a nature. For fucking mountains. That's what they do. They're looking for you. There's worse stuff than that out there. Keep your cat inside.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Keep yourself inside. God help everyone if she found a fucking mountain lion. Okay, here's something that also makes me rage. Ranked choice voting. Yeah. Have you ever heard of this? Yeah, we've talked about it. We've talked about it and touted it as the solution to everything that ails us and politics, right? Ranked choice voting. Yeah. Instead of picking, instead of picking, I found out Australia has that. I think some places in Massachusetts have it too. Instead of Maine, we were talking about. Oh, Maine, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:05 They did that and everybody freaked the fuck out. Instead of just picking the person you hate the least, you get to pick a person you actually like. And then someone you like a little bit less. And then the person that you hate the least, right? You end up with this remarkable, Matt, and you theoretically end up with this remarkable compromise.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And it doesn't exacerbate the problems of the two party system where you have two people aggressively catering to the lowest common denominator. And I will tell you, I have a better understanding of the lowest common denominator, the swing voter. I have a better understanding of that voter now after having signed up to both party's mailing lists than anyone else on television talking about the emails they send out to their base are so fucking stupid. You think that this is another species they're catering to. Yeah, I felt this way for a long time. Oh my god. I just kind of die a little every time. I just like, does that work?
Starting point is 00:19:07 It must. Does it work? And every single email, the subject is a scam. It's like delivery returned. Like, how do you, how do you treat your people like delivery returned? Oh, limited offer. One, vi status, VIP status canceled for both sides.
Starting point is 00:19:25 It's so fucked. Jack asks his worshiping jackals. So it's the same goes. It really is. Oh, you gotta, you gotta fuck me before that other guy fucks me. I don't care. Yep, going dry.
Starting point is 00:19:36 We're not in time. We're not in time for you to loop me up. I need to be quiet before the other. I'm giving you the jackal. I'm giving you the, so ring choice voting. Yeah, where you put, he's often you're the jackal. I'm giving you the so ranked choice voting yeah where you put let's say you're voting on the biggest problem who's your favorite host and the biggest problem in the universe well we got six votes six votes for Dick and four votes for Maddox all right that's a
Starting point is 00:19:57 normal voting system I win with Maddox's gets second ranked choice six votes for six votes for me four votes for Maddox, but everybody puts Sean as second. That makes Sean the winner. Cause you get 10 votes. Maddox had the least at four, knock him out. You're the one, that's how it works. We tried to do it for my Burning Man camp. Cause we're gonna try to do like a lame plan B.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Practical, you're putting this into like a practical experiment. Check this shit out. Let's see how this works. Check out the big brain on me. Yeah. Check this out, people. Why don't you just rank you shit. That's right, the metric system.
Starting point is 00:20:31 You're a smart motherfucker. People are like, what is that reference? We get voted in like a campground. You know, like a family campground. Yeah. One of the build up ones with the restrooms. So you're gonna make like your own thing? Like a...
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah, but I thought there was a bunch of stuff, like Bureau of Land Management, Weird Stuff, Dome Stuff, sculpture garden campsites, and I said, well, okay, I guess everybody... I mean, that's the system, right? Yeah. Compromise. Kinda seems crappy to me, but...
Starting point is 00:21:05 What are you doing this? Tahoe, up in the Tahoe area. So I throw that out there. Much nicer than Burning Man. Oh, no. Well, I mean, the hell that is... When we went desert. We went from thousands of naked, big, titty hows on drugs
Starting point is 00:21:22 to only a handful. You don't understand. I can't get past the heat of it. Because you're white. That's your white fragility. I would hate it. I would fucking be because you're white fragility. Yeah, man, I made for the cold weather.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Did you know that? That's what Nick Cannon's talking about when he says that his melanin makes him a superior human being to your inferior white. I thought I didn't have any empathy because I'm because I that his melanin makes him a superior human being to your inferior white laughing. I thought I didn't have any empathy because I'm because I too the melanin remarkably remal- melanin. It's hard. It's a lot of ground. Yeah. Yeah. It's the magic. It's the, yeah. Okay. Well anyway, so go back to your, you know what's funny about that? I thought he was talking about white people the whole time. What's he talking about? Lighter skin black people. I didn't know he was talking about Jews
Starting point is 00:22:05 until he got fired. And then I said, he was talking about Jews? Oh, I thought he was just sitting on white people. Well, no. Where was the Jewish part? Am I the only one who thought that? I didn't read all of, I read little snippets, I guess, of what he said.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I listened to it. And he's like, oh, Melanin makes you more empathetic. All right, man. Whatever you say, bud. I mean, that sounds funny. I'm glad you're saying it. And that guy's just like nodding along with it. That's cool. Whatever. I like hate speech. Yeah. Not when I don't, I don't, I don't indulge in it ever. No, like when other people do, I think it's funny. Yeah. Isn't everybody? Isn't it hilarious? Talking about black Israelites, like when other people do, I think it's funny. Isn't everybody, isn't it hilarious? Talking about black Israelites, like, okay. I think everybody, cool.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I mean, what else have you got? Everything. I heard that one. I think deep down, everybody, it's weird to say like, you know, like say, entertain by it. How about that? Yeah, it's captivating. Yeah, captivating. What is that? Yeah, it's captivating. Yeah, captivating. What is that?
Starting point is 00:23:07 Oh, can you turn on the footage? Makes you feel something. Yeah, the top one. We got a fridge in the studio now. Yeah, it's making noise, huh? I dug out the bat, yeah. I put a switch on it. How fucking smart was that for me to put a switch
Starting point is 00:23:19 on the fridge knowing the compressor would kick on in the middle of the show? Pretty smart. And then I could shut it off. Pretty smart. That's age. That's experience talking. Is it? Okay, I get through me.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Good to you. Good. Yeah, I was talking about your big brain some more from the... I mean, Canon was talking about white people in their fragility. Yeah. Hmm. Maybe that was just me. Is he differentiating regular like Gentiles from Jews?
Starting point is 00:23:41 I don't know, but I don't know. Then he got fired and then he apologized to Jewish people. Didn't work though. And then he got a dog piled on. I don't think he apologized. He didn't do it very well, did he? Well, it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Was it a little bit like a, sorry, Melonins. I'm sorry if you got a benty or something. It was kind of one of those, right? Does anybody have his apology in the chat? Sorry that I, people got put in this position or something like it was, it was something like that that was like, I think you could have run that by somebody.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yeah, me and my buddy, PR person. And you could go to like, Fiverr, not PR person, doesn't have enough melanin. Pay fine, yeah, he didn't have enough melanin to make a good apology I guess. I love it. It's the eternal war. Eternal war of who has the right to give inward passes. I think he's a lot. Thank you. First and foremost, I extend my deepest and most sincere apologies to my Jewish sisters
Starting point is 00:24:42 and brothers. Okay. Put sisters first. For the hurtful and divisive words that came out of my mouth. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha people and I feel ashamed of the young and magnificent, magnificent people. That's a little bit, a little bit of a slam, right? Well, no, just it's an odd way to describe a group, magnificent, the magnificent Jews. Yeah. Speaking of magnificent, magnificent, good in here, Vito. Here is. I feel ashamed of the uninformed and naive place that these words came from the video of this interview has since been removed While the Jewish experience encompasses more than five to oh, I guess that wasn't good He's gonna give a history lesson now apologize about the white comments. Yeah Not even a little bit you guys in your white frag, you just couldn't even take an apology, probably.
Starting point is 00:25:47 The whites. Yeah, you whites. Yeah, sorry, yeah. You just wanna forget about it. He's doing you a favor by not apologizing to white people. I appreciate that. We're a scum, we're the worst. Nick Cannon's got our number.
Starting point is 00:26:00 If I had more melanin, I would probably be a more compassionate and understanding individual. Yeah, that's what his apology like. Farracon. Yeah, like Farracon. Farracon loves everybody. Yeah. I'm trying to pull up.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Fuck what am I? How are you doing, Vito? I'm doing alright. Are you recovered from predator? That movie was really bad. It was really bad. It's funny because my buddy was like, oh man, you know, we can, you know, you can do a watch party where you can set up the movie on Amazon Prime
Starting point is 00:26:27 and it's okay to stream it as long as everybody's watching it. He's like, so you could all watch it with the commentary. I'm like, I'm not watching it again. No. No, it's bad. Okay, yeah, I get it. Here was, I don't know why, this is kind of an aside to the knit can and stuff uh... critical race theory
Starting point is 00:26:48 is spreading rapidly through the federal government last week a whistleblower sent me a trove of documents about a divisive diversity training at the treasury department what i discovered was disturbing and i've got to equality a braw it's called different difficult conversations about race. This is the guy who's, you'll find this at more jobs than you think right now, when so many people are unemployed,
Starting point is 00:27:16 somehow these diversity people are doubly employed. And in demand. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no thought it was all white people can do the raises. What's the, maybe one doesn't. Yeah, who is this guy? I think he's one of the ones. I think he's not me. But the rest of you, virtually all. Virtually all white people.
Starting point is 00:27:54 What is the exact percentage of that one? And it insists that white employees must struggle to their own racism. To own their racism. Oh, to own. I can't even, you gotta own it. I can't even get it right. And accept their unconscious bias, white privilege and white fragility.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Next they recommend, the trainers recommend, white managers create safe spaces for listening sessions where black employees can explain what it means to be black. So if you're a black guy's got that speech prepared. If you're a black man, you have to now, your white boss, the Treasury Department has paid a white guy to come in and tell white bosses that they need to make you as a black guy come in and explain to them what it's like to be black. And I hope that everyone understands he will understand by the time that meeting is over,
Starting point is 00:28:52 it is an absolute that your boss understands what it is to be black. So you better have a real fucking good sharing session lined up. I have a feeling that, you know, black people, what they really want is to be separated and put in it in a aquarium and put on a pedestal where we can all just stare at them, non-stop observing all of their behavior to learn. What is it to be black? Do it again. Do it again.
Starting point is 00:29:23 That was not satisfactory to us. Yeah, that's I don't understand. Yeah, that's I'm explaining it again. I'm sure that's what they want to be treated even more differently. Is that the Treasury Department? What the mother is probably every every company. It's just a foregone conclusion that that no matter the
Starting point is 00:29:41 intentions, something will always be done at done in the dumbest possible manner ever. That's what upset me about ranked choice voting. Back to the start of my ass. I was trying to get back to that. Wait, I want to, I have more about this. The trainers insist that whites hold fairly consistent narratives about race that don't support the dismantling of racist institutions.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Okay, expressions, we should, race that don't support the dismantling of racist institutions. Okay. Expressions. We should, oh, yeah, expressions. We should be more colorblind. And we've made so much progress from the 60s, our, in fact, racist statements. I saw the, this was fucked. The organization for gifted children now says that colorblind is racist. Oh, my, this is, and God, I didn't intend to show up
Starting point is 00:30:27 into racism. So quickly, that's the hot topic of the day. It's a hot topic and vetoes a racist. So yeah, I mean, I just hate different people. I never get a chance to talk to so many white people at the same time, so I'm excited to explore you or white fragility. Maybe we can set up a learning session
Starting point is 00:30:44 and I can explain what it means to be white. No, I can explain to you. Okay. It is for you to be white. Yeah. This was this fucking up too. So blind auditions in orchestras are now racist. To end, to make orchestras more diverse,
Starting point is 00:31:01 end blind auditions. Color, the nature of not paying attention to color is now racist. That's where Martin Luther King's, one of the lines from his speech is now racist micro-grab should. Talking about Martin Luther King. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:19 The content of the character, whatever it was, not the color of his skin, but by the content of their character. During the tumultuous summer of 1969, two black guys accused the New York Philharmonic of discrimination, they sued and they lost, but they found that there was still a lot of cronyism. So they introduced this concept of blind auditions, right?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Like the voice, you don't hear them auditioning. You're talking about the curtain. the current back to them, yeah. Yeah, which I think would be good anyway. Well, I mean, I don't know. Maybe you can get a sense of somebody's confidence in their instrument by looking at them, but that's what do you need? It's the easy. I think it's all sound-based. So blind auditions, because of blind auditions, the percentage of women in orchestras went from six percent in 1970 to a third and a half of the New York Philharmonic. Isn't that amazing?
Starting point is 00:32:13 That's cool. And addition, so they got a lot more women in there because they just slowed it like the way that they played. Probably because what I just described, if I see a woman playing like, ah, you know, that's not really good. I think rehearsal because she's got her time of the month. Yeah. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:32:28 She gets pregnant. There goes my, there goes my obo. No. Like you picked the obo. It's a very crucial instrument, Sean. Blind auditions change the face of American orbs, but not enough. So now there, so now the program that works for women
Starting point is 00:32:47 easily the most oppressed group ever. No, no race is more oppressed than women. The world over here. Because it worked for women, but not for minorities. Now is the time to end it for women. There's a fit. I mean, what's gonna happen to end it for women? Well, women are gonna benefit from this anymore. Well, look, here's gonna happen to end it for women? Well, women aren't gonna benefit from this anymore?
Starting point is 00:33:05 Well, look, here's a perfect example. I'm, oh, you don't have veto up there. Oh, you day to. I'm here. I read ahead. I like to work ahead sometimes. Not paying attention in his own world, yeah. No, I'm sick white.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yeah, I feel, yeah, I don't have to wait for the group. I'm chosen to go ahead. This is a perfect example, I think't have to wait for the group. I'm chosen to go ahead. There's, this is a perfect example, I think, of correlation, not equaling, doesn't equal causation. Yeah. It's like, okay, so it hasn't grown minorities, I see, at all blind auditions. A lot of minorities are poor.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Oh, you think that's the, you think that's the right? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, so lucky. So fucking instruments, instruments, and classical lessons cost a fuck ton of money. I don't know if I can be here for this eighth speech. It's, oh man, shun me. It's classic, right? As opposed to the rich white girl.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Right. So it's like, it's like, you're saying, it's like, what do you think there's some kind of a, you know what, I, I just sense that he's a minority back there playing behind that curtain. You're saying that maybe people, maybe black people or Mexican people don't have time to drive their children to the suburbs to take music lessons.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I'm saying that. 400 dollar. You don't think there's that. I'm gonna ask instruments. Getting sold for scrap in the ghetto. You don't think that's you think that I think like I think inner city music programs are fucking great because those people might discover something that they would have never had access to. And you may get some phenomenal players. Yeah. People who, you know, revolutionize, you know, the way certain things are done or played, you never know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:46 But yeah, it's it's it's it's pretty fucking obvious that there's not Any inherent bias in a blind audition See a lot of use your fucking heads people Orchestra players are there like at all like all. Like, it's not. It's not gonna give that many people a lot of up. It's a lottery mentality. But this whole country is based, because this whole country is full of scam artists
Starting point is 00:35:14 that the only thing we care about is things that have an analog to the lottery. Shot by police, only happens to 500 people a year total, but I like those odds. One in a million, that, but I like those odds. One in a million, that's something I'm interested in. What about wide scale injustice? I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:35:31 It's gotta be a lot of Philharmonic. Yeah, tell me more about that. What did Nick Cannon say? He's only one guy. Tell me more about that. Got rejected from the LA Phil and he's been bitter about it ever since. Apparently they already had a triangle player.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Okay, so ranked choice voting. Yes, we end up with this. This fucking park built up park, like state run park, that's all paved like families, you just got picnic tables and stuff like that. And he said, well, you know, all right. I mean, I don't think we're gonna be hammering Molly and having dance parties. It's a, the curfew, sound curfews,
Starting point is 00:36:10 10 at these places. I don't know what you guys are thinking, but that's ranked, hey, that's ranked choice voting. And I start saying, well, you know, the group says, oh, this sucks. We're not gonna be able to do this. So it's just, it resulted in just mediocrity across the board. One girl says, well, this sucks that we're going here.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And I said, well, I'll go and look at the results thing. And I said, what, this was the first thing, this was your number one choice. I got the next one. This was your number one, this was your number two choice. Oh, so, she said, well, I why didn't understand that I didn't understand the voting Do it again understand I did yeah, okay, we're doing the voting again ranked them in fucking order But if you put park for all five of them
Starting point is 00:37:02 About it twice then. Well now you fucked up the rank. Now you messed up the rank voting for every, so this is at that moment, this was the black pill on, I got it now. This is not, we're not ready for this. We're not ready for this. It's never gonna, we're not ready for democracy. No, one of the other.
Starting point is 00:37:20 No, until the end of time. It's just suggesting ranked voting for like, I did, because you got a big brain, and I wanted to, I still, it's still, I mean, all voting systems are flawed in some way. I don't think first pass the post. All of them?
Starting point is 00:37:36 Is that what you call what we have now, first pass the post? I think so, yeah. They've all got their, their problems. Well, yeah, this one is no one understands it. I mean, you want you to vote, I want you to vote, yeah, this one is no one understands it. I mean, what you allowed, what you allowed when we make it, you're gonna have a problem no matter what. That's exactly what happens.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Get some fucking melanin. Get some melanin. I texted her boyfriend, hey, can you just vote for your wife this time, please? So we don't have one. That's how the law should work. If you have a lady, it should be allowed to vote for her. You should be allowed to vote twice. Yeah. Make it a lot easier. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Cause she should accept your views as hers regardless. Let me see what else. That's why it's how it works. It's a marriage. The Bitcoin hack on tax day. Did you see that one? I did not. You didn't see that. I did not see this. Somebody had access to a Twitter admin tool. Oh, oh, the Twitter hack, yeah. Yeah, and they tweeted out like from every, from Biden, Obama, Elon Musk, Jack, I think, they tweeted out from like every big account, hey, have you send Bitcoin to this address? I'll send you double what you sent. Yeah, what is, why is that the Bitcoin scam
Starting point is 00:38:46 and who falls for that? $100,000 worth of people, Velvord, a very realty. Yeah, that's 120, I think, the last time I checked. Very, oh, fuck me. Very, oh, fuck me. Although I think a lot of that money was probably like seed money to make it look like
Starting point is 00:39:01 it was an effective scam. Right. Well, because we've been happening on YouTube like crazy, is that they'll hack your YouTube channel and then put that in. Well, they'll start a stream that'll just be like going 24 hours and it's like, hey, we're doing a Bitcoin giveaway, send it to this address and get double your Bitcoin back.
Starting point is 00:39:19 It works. Again, because that's the common scam. It's just a bunch of lot, a bunch of inconvenienced millionaires for no reason. I better, oh no, they say for the next 30 minutes. That was just, oh shit, I gotta get him. Oh, these motherfuckers, they can just smash any money. Without thinking about it, it should be all day long, all day, every day, every single, it should be
Starting point is 00:39:47 number one, every day, hey, send this money, I didn't get any money back. Well, fuck you. You're an idiot. That's why you didn't get any money back. It was great to see on taxi. It's nice to know that not only they release screenshots of this admin tool where there's like shadow ban and ban turn, all the things that the Twitter CEO told Congress don't exist. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:40:07 Oh, we can't do that. No, we can't interfere. There's no Shadow Band list. It's all, nah, it's all algorithmic. Oh, it's just, you just have a bunch of, you just have a bunch of narks with the sort of control panel they're controlling. They could tweet as Trump, like at, you know.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Did somebody do that one? Palestine. Yeah, somebody on their way out, like removed his account. at, you know. Didn't somebody do that one? Palestine. Yeah, somebody on their way out, like removed his account. Yeah, that had a right. Right, right, right. They didn't tweet anything. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Basically, they could start an international incident or a war or a trial. It's possible. They have the tools. Yeah, they could, not anything about it. I mean, I don't know. I'm launching nukes at North Korea. Seems like I declare war.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Seems like I'm always getting looked at for everything, but these assholes who have the power to do pretty fucked up things. And if I have to go to the airport and get a large man shoves his finger up my ass to make sure I don't have any drugs up my asshole, which I fucking probably do, just far enough for him to not feel. Seems like some of these companies should start getting a little more scrutiny on them than I do what going from point A to point B. What are your porter you going to?
Starting point is 00:41:13 I think Francisco I go to the one where they have the long fingers on this guy. Yeah, exactly. They got those names. Yeah, I eat. I want that guy with E.T. fingers. Loing Johnny Long finger. Trigger discipline that's making me Johnny Long finger. Bring it on. Trigger discipline. That was making me a fucking race. Trigger discipline.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Yeah, everybody keeps talking about that. I hate it. What, Trigger just, is that a term for gun? Yeah, I like it. It's like the difference of there and there, but for gun people, they never shut the fuck up about it. Gun people make it, they just make it so hard to support guns. You know? Because of the minutia, like the... Because they're nerd up about it. Gun people make it, they just make it so hard to support guns. You know?
Starting point is 00:41:45 Because of the minutiae. Like the, Because they're nerds about it. Because they're fucking, so if you don't have, Yeah, but yeah. If you're holding a gun with your finger on the trigger. Yeah. Oh, they're just tripping.
Starting point is 00:41:55 It's like they've seen a naked woman for the first time. Look at that trigger, bad trigger discipline. Yeah. And then she's sweeping it. I'm talking about that couple who was defending their home. Yeah, yeah. from BLM protesters. They just would not shut up about the fucking trigger discipline. Every single one of them was like,
Starting point is 00:42:11 they have the right to defend their home, but who's that trigger discipline? Cool things. And I'm like, yeah, whatever. I choose you, nobody, get over it. What are you? Do you even got your old friend? They're all proud of the guy.
Starting point is 00:42:22 They're like, see, he has good trigger discipline. He's got to get that wife in line. I don't care. These guys are ruining guns with all of their rules. Guns are something to do, to have guns are meant to enjoy, to have fun with. They're not, I mean, shooting is enjoyable, right? Yeah, it's not a different time.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Scientific tool that you need to have all these fucking rules for when you handle. Don't try not to shoot yourself or other people. Yeah, try harder not to shoot yourself because that's you. I think the possibility that you might accidentally kill somebody is part of the fun. Yeah, that's one of the guns. These nerds are fucking attack is not a, you know, a very, very low probability. I think you have more chance of being stunts if everybody is. Right, right. And, and, and struck by lightning,
Starting point is 00:43:09 maybe even twice, but are you spending enough time in the water? Yeah. You know, you're, you maybe spend a little more time in the water, huh? Maybe you're a little more exciting. These gun, little more exciting. Gun gatekeepers are ruining the fun for a generation
Starting point is 00:43:23 of, we've got right now, we've got women and children seeing how dangerous the world is and that they need to have multiple guns in the home. They always need to be looking out for more guns to purchase and that no guns are enough guns to have with the turmoil that we're seeing. This is the last time, this is the worst time
Starting point is 00:43:41 to be talking about trigger discipline and rules and a bunch of unfun, stupid, semantic dog shit that these nerds obsess over. What's the first rule of gun ownership? Have a good time. Right. That's what it is. Every concoction, that little note says just enjoy yourself with this one. Should I treat it like it's loaded?
Starting point is 00:44:02 I mean, is it? What do you think? Yeah, they probably be more sure thingers box man, maybe it is maybe it isn't It's a lot too hard about it. Yeah God. I don't understand what people's compulsion is to try to protect other people These are the same guys. You don't want me to fire an AK-47 in the air to wedding. There's no fun Party, oh, don't you know the bullets could come down? in the air to winning. There's no fun. Yeah, come on out of party. Oh, don't you know the bullets could come down? Yeah, everyone knows the bullets could come down.
Starting point is 00:44:29 That's part of it. That's part of the good way. Unless there's the chance that someone might die. Come on. So annoying. Responsible gun ownership here on the Dictionary. Have one. Number one.
Starting point is 00:44:42 We're not going to discipline you. Have a good time. Number two, don't be annoying. Yeah, don't be annoying with your terms and your, yeah, with all of your terms. Yeah, that's my trigger discipline. It's kind of a cool name for something though. Yeah, should be cooler. Always have your gun on the trigger.
Starting point is 00:45:01 You never know when you might need to shoot you're gone at any time. And if it goes off by itself, that millisecond moving your finger to the trigger in order to shoot someone, you could be dead. You could be. And every once in a while, just fire it randomly to make sure the bullets still coming out. Yeah, keep your, it's likely to go off on their toes.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Unless you have your figure on the trigger some gun It's long this thing. Yeah, it's right now and they're so mad at me and you sure Call it it like when you call it a clip in a magazine. Oh, just shut the fuck up. I don't want to fight with it in gun nuts Sorry, sorry for the jokes Well, you call them gun nuts Clang into their bibles niggas I've got a oh my god. Christ the Kiwi is a free man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:49 I meant to say that at the beginning of the show, he can leave the country. He got found guilty. Not, oh, he got found guilty and put on probation. Oh, like for two years. Guilty of what? That having a small dick, I think. No, I didn't read it. Like what we talked about, right?
Starting point is 00:46:02 I had a paywall, so I couldn't read it. What we talked about, right? What was behind paywalls so I couldn't read it. Yeah, it was like an Australian paywall. Internet pest and they called them a keyboard hero, a keyboard hero. Uh-huh. Maybe a keyboard villain? That's a bad term. I think they says self-described keyboard hero.
Starting point is 00:46:20 He said he was gonna call in. Yeah, if anybody can get the article, because I couldn't read the article, I was disappointed, I don't know what I have. I tried said he was gonna call in. Yeah, if anybody can get the article, because I couldn't read the article, I was disappointed, I wanted to know what happened. I tried to get him to call in. He said the judge had too much soy to drink. I said, congratulations, you got out, you're a free man. He goes, yeah, I think the judge had too much soy to drink.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Oh my God. You were really good. He likes to hang out on that one, yeah. You're out in probation, buddy. They can bring you in front of the same jail. When he learns to turn, he just beats it to death, doesn't he? God. Oh, I'm tired of that.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I'm sorry to that soy thing, man. Oh, are you? Well, those things wear. So isn't everything. It doesn't mean anything. Maybe everything you drink. No, it isn't. It's just a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:02 It is? Yeah. Why are you tired of it? Because just the insult of it, it's boring to bunch of stuff. It is? Yeah. Why are you tired of it? Because just the insult of it, it's boring to me. Well, I know that it's going to be. Yeah, that shit gets old really quick. It's always these guys who call everybody an NPC and I'm like, yeah, but if you keep saying the same insults as everyone, you sound like a retard.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Are you the NPC in that situation? Yeah. Yeah. Somebody called me an NPC today and I'm like, stop it. We're a bunch of alpha. Yeah, a whole pack of alphas. Yeah. Yeah. Somebody called me an NPC today and I'm like, stop it. We're a bunch of, we're a bunch of alpha. Yeah. A whole pack of alphas. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to go to the beach and I'm a part of her like, yeah, alpha. Look at all of this huge group of alphas. Yeah. That's how it works.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Yeah. I had two different people telling me today that using the word y'all is NPC behavior. Why? I don't know. Like I was like, unless you have some credibility and if you're from the South. Yeah, I'm like, that's just like common Southern slang to like, no, no, no, that's like one of those NPC slang terms. Y'all?
Starting point is 00:47:56 Y'all. Wow. Yeah, I got really pissed at him. Like dude, I'm saying that word for like over a decade. It's not a, it's not a, you're old school man. I need to defend saying y'all. Yeah, I didn't think I had to, but these guys have a list of like terms that only soy boys would say something like that. They are very strict. They are very strict online about what words you're allowed to say. They always want to have a
Starting point is 00:48:20 gotcha ready to get what happened to that kid. Oh, that's the worst kid was forced to listen to a video. His forced to listen to a joke video about Chris Evans. That's not jump car eyes with that one. Chris Evans dog attack video. This kid, this person has dog toward this kid up. This poor kid, this little boy, what is he? Six? Yeah, this six year old Bridger Walker. He saves his sister from a dog attack. Doesn't say what probably people. Didn't say what kind, but it's always a people. So he got all tore up, right? But then here comes the worst part. His parents, Chris Evans, decides to make a video and make the kids sit through the video. And the kid has to wear a Captain America outfit and sit and pose for an additional video
Starting point is 00:49:14 filmed by his parents, ostensibly. While he's wearing a brand new Captain America outfit and watch this fucking video of Chris Evans, the capeshit actor, you know, the man who pretends to be Captain America outfit and watch this fucking video of Chris Evans, the capeshit actor, you know, the man who pretends to be Captain America and thinks that he is Captain America in real life because he's good looking and no one will stop him. They made this poor kid sit through a video of a celebrity telling him that he's a hero and he likes Iron Man. Like, you know, he's, I mean, he likes Cthulhu.
Starting point is 00:49:45 He likes Paw Patrol. If they'd have gotten, if they'd have gotten Chase from Paw Patrol to talk to him, he probably would have enjoyed that or Mario. No six year olds. I didn't like Captain America. Because that shit is for a stunted 30 year old man. That shit is not for, that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:50:02 It is not for children don't give a fuck about Chris Evans. I thought kids love that winter soldier movie. They love it. They love how it's a departure from Marvel's usual action fodder. And it's more of a spy thriller. It's more cerebral than the traditional cap. Sixtier old love the whole Marvel universe, how it comes together.
Starting point is 00:50:22 And the characters have weaving storylines that go from movie to movie like a comic book. Did Chris Evans just hop on board right here or was like, did this kid like, you was like, I love Captain America, like his mom's like, he loves Captain America blah, blah, blah. I mean, Evans heard about it. Or did Evans just like, now's my chance. Evans did that. This is a Disney ad.
Starting point is 00:50:44 This is a fucking Disney area. You'd be the judge shot. You'd be the judge. You'd be the judge. What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge?
Starting point is 00:50:52 What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge?
Starting point is 00:51:00 What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be the judge? What can't be. Right? He couldn't, Chris Evans couldn't even call him. He had a recorded video. Yeah. Ah, here I'll play her right here.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Here's a message for, make up person over at the house early. Hey, Richard, Captain America here. That's way too flirty of a message from Chris Evans. So I read your story, it's all you did. Not he's not Captain America. A lot of this over the last couple days, but that need to be the next one to tell you, how you're a hero.
Starting point is 00:51:31 What you did was so rare. So, so rare. He's wearing an ill fitting here in America. Obviously brand new Captain America outfit that was shipped to him by Disney. So, like, set up this fucking interview. I hate this so much because they make this poor kid. When you're young, time passes at a slower rate.
Starting point is 00:51:53 So this is only a minute and a half video for us, but to a child 16 years. Yeah, that's about 16 years of the worst thing I could imagine watching a video from Chris Evans, an actor, and not even a very mussely one, like a chick mussely one. I know people who have worked with him, and he tried to suck their cock. They were disappointed, I guess. Nobody said he was a jerk or anything like that, but they were like,
Starting point is 00:52:25 yeah, he just wasn't very. He just thought, kind of a, yeah. What blanket. I knew this girl. Just kind of not, not all that pleasant. I knew this girl was a manager. And she said to her and all the other girls at the office were super excited because H. John Benjamin was coming in.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Oh, yeah. And they thought the voice of Sterling Archer, you know, from Archer, because- Oh, you mean the voice of Coach McGurk? Well, yeah. Oh, move. McGurk, the jerk. What do you, H. John Benjamin, that he's a very chick-unfriendly voice talent. Like, I love him.
Starting point is 00:52:57 So, I know women do not like him, because of his antics. And he goes, what? What? We all thought he looked like Sterling Archer from Archer. Oh, really? What the fuck is wrong? Yeah. They were excited because they thought some swat.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Wow. He looked like Madden. He came in like, oh yeah, what happened? Well, you know, I mean, you know, he said, I know what he looks like. Really? Why would they think that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Oh my god. Uh. What's they think that? Oh my god. Uh. Look at him. Does he look excited to see this asshole? I've seen an excited six-year-old. And I think he kept an America shield because pal. The little girl's excited. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Keep being the man you are. We need people. Oh, kind of getting a little cock-eyed smile there. Can't smile normal. Can't smile normal. This fucking bullshitting. Maybe you just can't smile, cause he's all cut up. You don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:48 I hate it. I hate this. What do you think when Robert Downey Jr. gives like a kid with that? What's it, what does he do? He's cute. I want a little girl, so... The girl likes it. She's been conditioned, though.
Starting point is 00:53:59 She's too young. He's gonna send you an official and then you'll sell it. Sell it hard. Or a like I don't want people looking at me. I mean he's like can you give me like an iron mask. Give me some fucking Legos. A little girl. He's like can you have me some Fortnite?os. This kid, a full of girl. Yeah. He's like, can you have me some Fortnite? I mean, he probably, most little kids don't want to be like,
Starting point is 00:54:29 put on the spot like that. You get a camera in your face, like people interview like making such a big deal. What a dirt go over you. I don't know what to do. It's got been the face by a dog. What a dirt bag that he would do that. Yeah, real dirt bag.
Starting point is 00:54:40 If I saw the future and I saved my sister from a dog attack and I got to watch a fucking two minute video from Chris Evans, I just let it go. Yeah, I mean, you got an authentic Captain America shield. You can probably sell it for like a grand. It's not worth it. To have to watch that video. A lot of Fortnite skins for a grand. You can buy a lot of Pro, pajamas or whatever you want. Okay, let me see. That's what kids like, right? pajamas, that's good. I love pajamas. Let me see here. We've got, I was gonna say though,
Starting point is 00:55:11 what do you think when Robert Downey Jr. gives like a kid who loses their arm, like a prosthetic arm? Does it work? Yeah, yeah. I think the prosthetic arm works. I think there's a video. You start a movie prosthetic.
Starting point is 00:55:21 I like it actually. I like an Iron Man arm, but they give him like a cool fake arm. Does he make the match a video about it? I think he makes some video. You start a movie, Prostat. I like it actually. I like an Iron Man arm, but they give him like a cool fake arm. Does he make them watch a video about it? I think he makes some promote Avengers 2 or something. Oh boy. I'm against the dance. How would you get in an arm?
Starting point is 00:55:32 Take the arm and fuck them over. And then don't do it, Mickey. Take it back at that point. If you don't do the promo, we're taking your arm away. Robert County Jr. made a pass at me when he gave me the arm. That's what you say. Six. I cancel him. say. He's six.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I cancel him. Okay, here's one. Oh, how much was each COVID death work? Shine worth, I know you, I know you love the lockdowns. Yeah. Yeah, I love them. Here's the cost of all the COVID deaths. Oh, how many years, how was the lockdown a hundred days?
Starting point is 00:56:09 How many people were how many people died? This is for the UK. Okay. Yeah. 45,000. Yeah, they're just guessing how many were saved 6,000 Based on this based on an article and article is that is three thousand scientists Scientists right? Bullshit. Quotes. 3000 manures saved. 3000 manures were cost to live. 15,000 furloughed people. How many on the dole?
Starting point is 00:56:37 For every life. It's a lot of. So 3000 manures, for every life. So 3000 people had to work their entire life to save one person from getting infected with the hoax mean flu. I think we need to go just start shooting people. 3000 manures, that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:56:55 You could do a lot with 3000 guys for their entire lives. You could probably build the eight. You can do all kinds of rebuild the South. 3000. Yes. God. I don kinds of rebuild the south. It's 3000. Ha ha ha. It's, oh god. I don't know about that one. All right, let's, I've got one about safe sex.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Hmm, nice. Hmm, let me see here. You got anything that makes you rich, Fido? I was thinking about this, you ever go to the grocery store and they got those cups of fruit, fruit cups? Yeah. I said the grocery store and I was thinking about this, you ever go to the grocery store and they got those cups of fruit, fruit cups? Yeah. I said the grocery store and I was like,
Starting point is 00:57:28 oh man, watermelon is really good. Man, those fruit cups of watermelon, but it's like four dollars. But then you can get like a whole watermelon for like three dollars. Yeah. Good point. But then you have to slice it.
Starting point is 00:57:41 So like a life hack. What's your time worth, what's your time worth, Vito? But like you can get so many of those fruit cups out of one melon. Why is it going to be $4? Are you going to sell them out front? Wait, but there's, I just, there's our other fruit in there.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Right. Is there other fruit? I just want, they have ones that are just water. Okay, okay. Should be like $2. Oh, here's one. Higher black now. That's a new, new initiative. I should have led with that one
Starting point is 00:58:06 just wrapped up a wonderful morning with Sony Music Entertainment and hashtag higher black initiative higher black initiative. This is a brand manager talent acquisitions. It's so alongside my Sony Music colleagues. I recently pledged to support the hashtag higher black initiative. That's what we're at. Just hiring blacks straight out. Yeah. Fuck the other race. There's other minorities, you know?
Starting point is 00:58:30 Of course, of course. There's a couple others. Yeah. I mean, I've been saying it. I'm like, if you're a white guy, you're not getting a job for a while. Well, you don't have a job right now in the whatever entertainment industry you want to be in,
Starting point is 00:58:39 you're screwed. Yeah, it's just, everything's just don't- You can't say that. You can't say that. You're on the right. You can't say that if you're still trying to get in there. You can't say, well's just, everything's just, you can't say that. You can't say that. You can't say that. You can't say that if you're still trying to get in there. You can't say, well, yeah, white people are, you guys are in for some rough times.
Starting point is 00:58:51 If they're literally hot, like there's not that many job openings, high-hash tag, higher black. I mean, I keep tweeting it. I'm like, listen, man, white guys, you gotta go independent because there's not gonna be any room for you in media in the next, shit. It's gonna be five room for you in media. In the next shit.
Starting point is 00:59:05 It's gonna be five years of just hiring anybody who isn't Wyatt. At the least, they might never hire a white guy again. Why would you? Yeah, why would you? Okay, here's a. Go independent white man. Here's a B.A. YouTuber.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Here's a sex guidance for Milwaukeeans. I was looking to do a show of Milwaukee. Yeah, I called them. They said they're still shut down. Sure. Millowalkay. Millowalkay. All Milwaukeeans.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Especially a good town. I wanna go there. Well, the Paps theater, they said he would call me back when they opened up, but there's no telling when that would be. As long as the testing still is happening, country will shut down indefinitely. All Milwaukeeans should stay home and minimize contact with others to reduce the
Starting point is 00:59:51 spread of COVID. But can you have sex? No. Here are some tips for how to enjoy sex and avoid spread. You know, this is, is very important to weigh in on if you can you have sex, which is like basically soaking in each other's bodily fluids. Kind of if you use the approved government body condom and just kind of slide your plastic bodies together with no insertion of it like make it gun. Yeah. Yeah, right. And even then, even then you got a 50% chance you're gonna get it.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Yeah. Are there coax back there? Yeah, Vito, will you grab a coke out of the, you can reach through the wall. Pull that, yeah, undo that clip. This is a first for the studio. This? You're gonna have to stand up.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Oh, sorry. Sorry. I'm derailing everything, because I'm really fucking tired and I want caffeine. You wanna have sex responsibly, I imagine, Sean. I mean, you know, if possible. Yeah, whatever. Otherwise, Chris Evans will send you a video.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Say I'm a villain. Yeah. Know how COVID spreads. You can get it. The virus can spread to people who are within six feet of a person. When that person coughs, this is dumb stuff. How to have sex with people close to you?
Starting point is 01:01:07 Huh. You, I'm reading it, sorry, I'm reading it. You are your own safest sex partner. Oh God. City of Milwaukee Health Department. How to have sex with COVID. Just, you are your phone. Go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 01:01:23 That's all I needed to say. Sex during COVID, go fuck yourself. That's all I needed to say. Sex during COVID, go fuck yourself. Master patient will not spread COVID. I mean, how are you doing it? I'm glad I could spread it. You haven't seen how hard I work. I train my squirting muscles rigorously every day. I pound some creatine and then do an intensive spraying workout. I mean, I can only mash a big with soiled napkins from the Starbucks, but it's still masturbation
Starting point is 01:01:50 so I should be okay, right? Masturbation will not spread COVID, especially if you wash your hands and any sex toys with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex. Well, that's not sex. The next safest partner is someone you live with. Well, okay, there should probably be some disclaimers about that. Probably some qualifiers.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Like your son or your kind of really gotta have sex. Like you're stepped on it. We live together having close contact, including sex with only a small circle of people helps prevent spreading COVID, have sex only with consenting partner. Can't you just say AIDS rules? Like we know the AIDS rules.
Starting point is 01:02:40 We need this. Yeah, we only need this. With the consenting partner. With the consenting rules, AIDS. You should this. Yeah, you'll need this. Just with a consenting part in that. The same rules as AIDS. You should avoid close contact, including sex, with anyone outside your household. Oh, wow! Thanks a fucking lot.
Starting point is 01:02:54 So I say and just check off, don't just, oh, forget everything else. Thanks a lot. There's making sure to send this to every woman in Milwaukee. Mm. I love this last one. If you do have sex with others, have as few partners as possible. What the fuck, man? It's possible. We got virgins out there, and then they say, just keep it to as few as possible.
Starting point is 01:03:19 I know you're gonna fuck multiple people, but just keep it to as few as possible. I know it's hard, but just try to keep it to as few as possible. If you usually meet your sex partners online or make a living by having sex, wow, consider taking a break from in-person dates, video dates, sexting, or video dates, sexting or chat rooms, maybe options for you.
Starting point is 01:03:43 So they're saying get an only fans going. I think so. Nice. Take care during sex. Kissing can easily pass COVID. Avoid kissing anyone. So if you're gonna, don't kiss, yeah. Rimming, mouth on Amos might spread COVID.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Oh, come on. Taking away the best part. Condoms and dental dams can reduce contact with saliva or feces. Oh, God. Washing up before and after sex is a real sex. If there's no feces involved, dick. This is nonsense. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:04:18 Is it possible to even get laid? Gross. No. Anyone who says they've had sex is a liar. Yeah. Well, ever, ever. I've got a study on moral grandstanding about that. Sure.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Moral grandstanding says, a new study finds that dominance and prestige seeking, rather than the expression of sincerely held beliefs, maybe at the heart of some of the more toxic forms of moral grandstanding. I guess this is... You think? ...under the no shit heading. Yeah. Pretty relevant through the amount of times. I saw some weird, the birth of a weird phenomenon last week, which is people expressing the idea that were still locked down because we
Starting point is 01:05:07 didn't lock down good enough the first time. It's like dealing with people who were raised in a cult, like they have internalized, they have internalized this additional lockdown steps put upon them as a punishment for something that wasn't done correctly. So, flagulating. Yeah. We're going to lock it down again, because way more people than not, I've heard express the idea that, well, if only these fucking mask people could have just done things right
Starting point is 01:05:42 the first time, then we wouldn't have to do this. Like, wow, you guys were really able to internalize that authority at a rapid level. Let me see if I can get to anything good in this study. The hypothesis, the first team designed a questionnaire to assess dominance and prestige seeking as sub-scales of moral grandstanding motivations. The ultimate short form, a ten item scale asks participants the extent to which they agree or disagree with statements including my moral political beliefs should be inspiring
Starting point is 01:06:14 to others. Wow. Wow. Wow. Relating to prestige, I share my moral political beliefs to make people who disagree with me feel bad. I mean, that's true. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:26 I don't understand the reason I used Twitter. Oh. Like, this might piss somebody off. Let's do it. That's true. Uh, in the first three studies, two on groups of students and one on nationally representative groups of more than a thousand people, the team administered their scale, plus a battery of other tests, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Um, including how often'd experience conflict in the home or got into fights on social media. They found consistent results, higher scores on prestige seeking or associated with narcissistic extroversion and extroversion more generally. While the dominance aspects were strongly associated with narcissistic antagonism, and related to loneliness. The willingness to exploit others for personal gain.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Wow, nice. A lot of sick people out there telling you to wear masks. What's with this study says to me. How do they personally gain from that? Control. Making you feel bad. Yeah, expressing something that they know
Starting point is 01:07:20 you already know with the intent of making you feel bad. They are superior to you. Yeah. That's it. They feel. Well, that's interesting. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:30 More obvious. No shit though. Yeah. Well, hey, at least there's data to bag notes. It just, some things just make a lot of sense. Uh, who did I tell the call in? Where is the, did I tell anyone to call in say something in the chat room? I'm going to read some comments. Well, he's not here.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Well, who's on him? Who's the Wrangler? Me. Just you? No one can possibly wrangle that guy. He's too fucked. Well, I mean, you know. Are you still talking to that guy?
Starting point is 01:07:54 What's the time I was me constantly? Oh, really? Yeah. Last time I was on the show and he was the apology. Oh, Frank Hasill. That was when I told him he was fucked. We've had Frank on before, haven't we? Yeah, hey, Frank, you there. Hello. had we've had Frank on before haven't we? Yeah, hey Frank you there?
Starting point is 01:08:07 What are you doing man? How you been? I'm hanging out. I'm pretty good. How about you? I'm horrible. Horrible. Yeah. I feel I'm closer to blowing my brains out every day. He can't get drunk. No, I can't get drunk. I wake up depressed. I hate I hate not hating people wake up depressed. I hate, I hate not hating people is a struggle. I can't, I can't take it. I can't listen to them anymore. Have you tried having sex with your closest sex part? Yeah, I have been having sex with myself pretty regularly. It's not working. Ah, the more creativity, the familiarity that I feel towards people and even though they're familiarity that I feel towards people and even though they're aggressively conforming to authority that has no explanation or reason behind it, it causes me nihilistic sickness
Starting point is 01:08:54 from which there is no escape. That's all I'm doing. How are you doing? You've crossed the horizon. I can relate to that heavily. I'm just sorry, I continue. I'm going to read some comments here and then I want to know what you're up to. Nick says, there's a little gem released on the official PlayStation channel yesterday.
Starting point is 01:09:13 He was already taken down. Have you heard of a game called gamer girl? Oh, yeah. Also, yes, it is as tone deaf as it sounds. Stockers are not a new phenomenon. Jody Foster and York had some serious ones. It's big game companies attacking gamers. You got again, oh no, is that true?
Starting point is 01:09:31 I didn't get that. I think some people are freaking out a little bit. Did you watch the trailer? Did you see it? No, I didn't. Is it worth watching? Yeah, it's interesting. Well, you remember how they used to,
Starting point is 01:09:40 they were trying to make FMV games in like the 90s, like games where it's like video footage and it's a trap. Yeah, like night trap. Night trap is hilarious, by the way. Yeah. So it's one of those except it's a girl who's a game streamer and you're the moderator of her chat room. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:56 And you get to remove people from her chat room or something. But I think it also has a horror aspect to it. We're like, somebody's trying to kill her or something weird. So it's exactly like night trap. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that thing got pulled too. This is fucking reasons.
Starting point is 01:10:11 It is very weird that night trap was the focus. It was the focus of the court cases against the video game companies. Yeah. Very weird. I don't know, man, but I didn't get a like, oh, gamers are murderers. Vibram it. I think it's a murder game. Let's see. Matt Johnson says, Uber is shit now. Hey, hey Sean, you know what makes me rage taxi drivers doing Uber. Here in Perth, taxi services are losing business, so all the taxi
Starting point is 01:10:34 drivers just started driving for Uber. Now my Uber driver doesn't know how to control the throttle or breaks their vehicle or even reverse out of the driveway. Has the AC up to 100. Has no concern for personal hygiene, and is mumbling quietly into a headset with his wife on the other end who is loud enough to... Man, that is... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:52 That is a... You get in an Uber sometimes, and it's some Middle Eastern dude, like mumbling, mumbling, talking to his wife, the entire time. For the... I don't know how they are able to understand each other at all. Do you?
Starting point is 01:11:05 Just tone a voice. Just tone a voice. Yeah. I mean, listen, a Charlie Brown cartoon. Basically, Uber now consists of every reason I stop taking taxis in the first place. Yeah, sure. That sucks, man.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Um, um, um, um, um, lazy-cut advice to KFC guys. Subtick. Oh. First off, please admit the part of every advice email where they talk about how much of an anti-social spaz they are. Mm. That's true.
Starting point is 01:11:30 They do all seem to involve that line. It's like a personality. It's always like a self-deprecating intro. Like they think you're not gonna, I'd take it seriously unless they explain that they're a loser. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think that.
Starting point is 01:11:42 If you're right into the show, we'll just assume you're a loser. How's that? I said, don't worry. They always you're right into the show. We'll just assume you're a loser. How's that? I said don't worry. They always explain it in the next paragraph. Yeah. They always have a different way of doing it. I've never had much luck with women. I'm Yeah, I know I know that's why you're right. You didn't have to say anything. It's the male version of saying you were almost raped. No one believes them and no one cares
Starting point is 01:12:08 because ultimately they are stupid cuts. Oh, wow. Tell this retard to stop being a whos and get a life. I grew up in a small town and I don't equate my value and happiness with the amount of pussy I'm supposed to have or the lack of glamour in my life. This F-sler needs to make something of himself
Starting point is 01:12:25 without relying on others to tell him, he's great, this guy's gonna be a good dad, I think. Yeah, fucking just toughin' up. Yeah, move out of your small town or get a hobby. We don't care about your pathetic lack of imagination. Get fucked and stuff. Stop sending in your sob stories. Damn.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Eat shit, Ruth Gadar. He titled that to... Slimsburg. He titled that to advice. Wait, Ruth, oh, Ruth Gadar, he titled that to Slimsburg. He titled that advice. Like Ruth, oh, Ruth Gadar Slimsburg is his name. Is it a, Is it a woman?
Starting point is 01:12:53 Is it a woman? Oh no, he's talking about, could be a woman. Oh no, he was talking about, oh, pussy, pussy, he's supposed to have, I think. It could be a woman. I think, I don't know, no, I'm confused.
Starting point is 01:13:02 I think my Trump prediction, reelection prediction is gonna come true. And RBG's gonna die right when he gets re-elected. That could happen. She's got multiple kinds of cancer now. Is that right? She's going to be dead like you. I haven't.
Starting point is 01:13:14 She's got a month to go. Yeah. But she says she wants to do her duty while she is able. And I just think that she doesn't she? None of those. She's got a lot of things in corpse. Yeah. I don't think any of them can do their duty. They have, I mean, they don't even use email. Like you motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:13:34 You are done doing your duty. You're just, you're nothing. Both on both sides of the Supreme Court, you only exist in a way to shove through legislation of the party who elected you. Yeah. a way to shove through legislation of the party who elected you. Yeah. Like, what duty are you doing? Yeah, who pointed you?
Starting point is 01:13:50 None of you are objectively reviewing the constitution. I know, I isn't crazy. You're a fucking joke. And the only reason you have any kind of notoriety at all is because a bunch of fucking yoga teachers and whores on only fans have no, don't even understand the concept of a role model are pushing you through so they can keep their free abortions. That's it.
Starting point is 01:14:13 That's your entire role. RBG is keeping whores. Is keeping whores in free abortions. If I don't get an abortion, once I'm on, I just, I gotta a extra i can get a that not is that not right what else to women care about this what else they care about politics for period free abortions and
Starting point is 01:14:34 health care every single woman before every election what's important to you uh... abortions and health care health care uh... what else uh... god i don't what else is there politically what else is there like the economy or any like, John, I mean, you know, ponies, you idiot ponies. People vote for worse reasons. People, yes, women, no. Women always the same fucking things,
Starting point is 01:14:59 that the only thing she's there for. Well, I mean, let's just make it so your husband automatically gets your vote. And solve a lot of that. There you go. Yeah. Okay. Once you get married, your husband gets two votes and you get zero.
Starting point is 01:15:11 That's hard to do. That's the law. Just give them the, just give them the goddamn abortions and they will stay home. Yeah. Just give it to them. Just, just, just, just, just, just, just, just, get over it. Get the fuck over it. You know what I always say is,
Starting point is 01:15:25 I think every woman, we should encourage you. I think we get an abortion, she get a $50 chili skiff card on the way out. You know, I'm just like, hey, wait a minute. I'm like, look at the abortion tomorrow. That's something, Chili's will jump right on board with that.
Starting point is 01:15:39 Yeah, I want to, I want to know the company that does that tie in. Arbise. Arbise? Why? Why Arbise? I don't know. I even finished that joke.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I don't know. I need less kids in this country. Go get yourself some Sizzling Hot Fahitas. Yeah. I never worry about that horrible thing we ripped out of your belly. And if you don't like it, get Chick-fil-A to match it. There you go. Let's see, I'm so fucking tired.
Starting point is 01:16:05 There you go. Of the protests around it who are not willing to put up any money. All right, you guys are free to stand out there and run your mouths, but let's write some checks. No. Let's see, how much is it worth exactly? Wow, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Oh, God, did God want you to have that money? Is that why? God doesn't like murder, but God want you to have that money? Is that why? God doesn't like murder, but he needs you to run. He needs you to be in the black all year. God, it God is a very mysterious fellow. He really loves his finances. All right, Frank, what have you been up to lately? Do you have a video for us?
Starting point is 01:16:40 Yeah, I do, I do have a video. I've been, I guess I've been pretty busy. I went, I got tear gas.. Yeah, I've been I guess I've been pretty busy. I went I got tear gas Yeah, that go. Yeah, that was That was that was a lot of fun. I went to a protest in downtown Atlanta. Oh, a little lady pulled a knife on me really? Oh, why? Yeah, dude She was there live streaming and I kept getting in her shot and talking to her camera like I was doing a news report Say that again. Say that again, absolutely hilarious.
Starting point is 01:17:08 She was live streaming and I kept standing in front of her camera like I was doing a news report. Okay. And I'm just sort of being using racial slurs. She became very irate and she tried to take my camera and she pulled a knife on me. Oh, wow. She was trying to kick me and stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:30 It was pretty funny. Did, did she? Did you get away? Yeah, yeah, I got away. Yeah. No, she was, she had like tiny little T-Rex arms. Oh, somebody sent me your, an exclusive, a TDS exclusive for your calling. It's torture world Yeah, this is a I took a trip to Florida recently to meet this kid. I know
Starting point is 01:17:52 What what sounds just gonna need some more I met him on Yeah, to me this guy I know You know he's younger than me. So he so he's a kid or whatever, but he's like 23, those of his dad, his computer is full of roaches. And he uses the bathroom in a bucket. So I decided after knowing him online for a while that I would go with their will and try to make a documentary about him and his dad answered the door when we got there and things. With a bucket. Yeah, I think it's kind of crazy.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Man, speaking of crazy, a guy, a dickhead in the discord room, a new guy who obsessively makes grover muppets, yeah, and has sex with them or hang out with them, I guess. Like you makes like stuffed ones? I don't like, yeah. Like full on Grover Muppets. Like he just makes them over and over again. He was, I told him to, he asked, I was prodding him to ask the guy to call in, but he finally did
Starting point is 01:18:57 and then I guess he got booted from his guild or whatever he was in. So that's what really the Grover fucker? No, the guy who asked the Grover man to call it. Oh, okay. But I have been unable to stop thinking about it. No, I get the most fascinating man on earth right now to me at this very moment. Yeah, the Grover man.
Starting point is 01:19:16 I need to speak with him. The Grover man. Yeah, you can have more weird sex guys calling. I think that's hard to get because they get scared and they run away. I got one for you who was supposed to come on my show, but I never set it up. But there's a guy who commissions artwork of women with chain saws, cutting down trees and buying absurd amounts of wonder bread. Yeah, I know that guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he just has, he pays for like hundreds of pictures. That's what the women do. Yeah, the women are like holding chainsaws
Starting point is 01:19:45 and buying underbred. And he's just like, it's some weird white supremacy thing or he thinks, he thinks, what's up? It's a supremacy, why? No, but like, not supremacy. I've seen that point. I do know that like white women like deforestation,
Starting point is 01:20:00 like ruining the planet and then also like wonder bread. I know that. It makes wonder bread. It's like the whitest like thing you could purchase and consumerism and he gets off on it. Wow. Huh. It's super interesting. Is he, is he white? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:14 I'm pretty sure. Too bad. No, that would be, No, you said though, maybe he's not. Yeah, it'd be interesting if he was black or something, you know? Yeah. It's a black guy's and in the white people having the control. Okay, I'm gonna play Torture World by Frank Castle here.
Starting point is 01:20:29 It's cute up at, it's cute up at four minutes. I don't know why. Yeah, that's the correct time stamp because the first few minutes are just like talking. Okay, me trying to get the camera to work. I hate talking. I'm answering the door of all the wall blocks. So we go down there and me and Seth my buddy
Starting point is 01:20:46 Seth from this fort and Chaddoth Seth, he's in this video too I think. We get down there and their house is totally enclosed by like growth like trees and mines and weeds and and can't even see it from the road. It's really kind of crazy. So we... This house is an extreme disrepair. You just open the door. It is, yeah. Oh! There was a big fat guy when you opened the door. Yeah, bro.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Did he naked? Yeah, I can feel it. He politely naked. Completely naked. Completely naked. There was a big fat guy when you opened the Oh I can't live in Florida This is me in 20 years This is the life I want Oh, this is the life I want. Oh, look at the size of him. And that's his dad? Is that all his house? Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:21:52 What the fuck? Is Richard here? You're just asking a naked fat man. Yes. You're just asking a naked fat man. You're not fuckable enough. Oh god! Is Richard home? The camera's not on or anything! Oh god, look at those tits!
Starting point is 01:22:19 I have cash. Oh. Did I have like $200 in my pocket? So that guy invited you. Oh my God. Yeah, the sun invited me. And the sun invited you, okay. And we travel, we fill it out.
Starting point is 01:22:36 It's protecting the hot. It's a sense here. No, no, no, no got to come on. So the dad is just sitting around naked. If you're going to come in here and they're going to condemn the house. And their house is like full of mold and bugs. Oh my god. If that's right, if you're going to do that, we'll leave. We're going to call them when we win. We'll leave Richard. I just easily do.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Please leave. Is that the guy who invited you in? Yeah, where is he? I don't like that guy who invited us. Yeah. You're a fucking... Yeah, you're a damn... You live in fucking squally fat fucking place.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Oh my god! Fuck you old man. Oh. Good job, Frank. You can go well. Thank you. That didn't go well. Like his son told us to come down there and do all this stuff
Starting point is 01:23:23 and then we get down there and there's like, any of that. You know, there be in bees and fucking playing tickets and stuff and the kids dad is like no You go just go to leave. Did you knock before you went in? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you did yeah He answered the door like that So you like were you knocking and they wouldn't like answer? Yeah Oh, so at that point you you got to check, yeah. I mean, yeah, I mean, we, you know, you could be trying to like a water. You wanted to come down there.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Yeah, yeah, you weren't like trying to break in and be a dick. No, you got scammed, honestly. How come he was like, he didn't want you there if you invited you down? His dad is like a really insane control freak. Huh. I think. And what told the kid not to hang out with you?
Starting point is 01:24:11 Yeah. He basically told his son that he was not allowed to leave the house. Oh God. Well, I've seen a lot of hoarders and that's a pretty common hoarding crazy hoarding psychology. Yeah, it was very unpleasant. Well, all right. So what, where do we go to watch torture world?
Starting point is 01:24:29 Frank Castle on YouTube. Frank Castle and Gumroad slash Frank Castle. What is Gumroad? It's like Patreon. Oh, okay. Sam Hyde. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Okay. Yeah. It's the Sam Hyde website. Sam Hyde. Sam Hyde, John. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It's the Sam Hyde website. Sam Hyde's Patreon. Yeah. Sam Hyde's Patreon. Got it.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Here's one that you might enjoy. Frank, a researcher has found that 16 moderators of Reddit sub, subreddit for lesbians. 11 of them were biologically male trans women. And the forum has now been closed down because too many women on there only wanted to date other biological women. And this was considered transphobic. So 16, 70% of their mods were trans women lesbians. And then they wanted to date, wanting to date biological women were was
Starting point is 01:25:25 considered a small but handsome. In the lesbians. Yeah, it's fucked up. Oh, that completely tracks with the line of thinking that's that's prevalent. Like that makes us can't keep us at anything. It's perfect sense. It's funny. I want sense.
Starting point is 01:25:41 It makes it makes it. Yeah. It makes perfect sense. It's totally nonsensical. Right. You think you're going to fuck only women? We're going to get in there. Yeah. And we're going to guys. That's funny how much sense it makes to. Yeah, it makes perfect sense. It's totally nonsensical. Right. You think you're gonna fuck only women? We're gonna get in there.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Yeah. And we're gonna, guys, that's guys are gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, not all of them were being used, but they basically banned any one that talked about transgender people in any way other than glowing praise. And it was like one's where it's just like females being like, hey, maybe we could have our own spaces,
Starting point is 01:26:15 like at least it's something we should be able to discuss. Not hateful comments. No, it wasn't hateful comments. It's not hateful that people, at least, whether they agree, they're like, ah, that's, that's in terrible taste. Yeah. Just nothing like that. Yeah, things that are, oh, you know, it's literally just women being like, yeah, we don't agree with, you know, the current gender discussion. And I like, well, that's hate speech. That's
Starting point is 01:26:39 hate speech. You're gone. You're gone. You're Go. You're life. Reddit has made their stance well-known on that issue. Go. You pussy somewhere else. Um, yeah, I think make your rage, Frank. Uh, having to fucking stay inside all the time. Yeah. Are you gone crazy too? Yeah, man. I want to go harass and you just got out to Florida. I mean, yeah, that's true. Yeah. Yeah. That's the only thing I've done. Besides going to the protest, really going to Florida and going to the protest, I've just been inside. You don't have a video of the woman pulling the knife on you, do you? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Let's see. Did you figure out what her stream channel was? You get that get that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's fantastic.
Starting point is 01:27:25 I was looking at people as it was happening. It was pretty funny. That's great. Man, I really want to know more about that Grover guy. Yeah. See if we can get him a Grover to call in. You know, there's all these guys with these super specific fetishes, and it's always.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Yeah. Fascinating. And you want to know, like, what happened to you as a kid? Like, did you see a Grover at the mall and he, I don't know, tussled your hair in the wrong way? Like, what happened? You're the right way. Yeah, you're the right way.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Whatever. I get Grover because I hate Elmo. Yeah. Everybody hates Elmo. Yeah. He came on and really ruined the show. Well, he ruined the whole dynamic there and made a good thing going.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Uh, oh, the guy who's, the guy who's, the whole dynamics there. Made a good thing going. Oh, the guy who's, the guy who's, the guy says he'll call in. No, this is a guy who knows Groverman. Says he'll call in if you want my side. I'm just very out of it today. What do you mean out of it? Right, that's Groverman? No, that's his buddy.
Starting point is 01:28:18 That's the guy who tried to get him on. He said, I'm just very out of it. All right, here we go. The riot rumble. How long is that? Where is the where do you fuck with the woman? Like 430. Okay, I think we're like around 430. Well, we'll get a sense. All right, let's watch it. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Frank's running around with a GoPro strap to his head. His tag king, I just got tear gas. Get the fuck away from me. He's got tear gas because he tried to the inwards of the police officer. I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just,
Starting point is 01:28:56 I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, just, I just, I just, I just, I just,
Starting point is 01:29:04 I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, just, I just, I just, I Oh She's a good swing at you. Oh no another swing Come on for the GoPro man the GoPro she swine to GoPro off your head Oh little crazy lady bro, was she screaming any racial Centuries Okay, what are you gonna do about little lady? You're gonna go for my camera again. I don't think so you're gonna get a rock and throw it at me. I'm good. I'm good Get out of here Stumpy little troll.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Oh my god, dude. I just was just taking a swing at you again. Like jumping at you over a fence. Where are your back friends? No, you're a bulliker. You're a bulliker? What do you have in your beard? I got tear gas and they poured somebody
Starting point is 01:30:02 poured milk on my face. Oh, nice. You look cool Yeah, it's a little gross. Yeah You're offering seven-second! She's got a knife? Oh shit! Oh you mad, huh? No, no.
Starting point is 01:30:32 You're supposed to get a Mesa fellow protester? Uh-oh, uh-oh. Oh no. Oh you gonna stab me? You gonna stab me? What the fuck in life away? She gonna stab me? Oh shit. What's she gonna do with it? Oh my god, she's gonna stab me. Oh Oh shit
Starting point is 01:30:50 Oh my god, she does have a knife She's coming at you What are you throwing hot dogs? I know you're throwing hot dogs at that guy. How do you not get punched? Yeah, she's a scratch in that room. Or stabbed. Oh, he's got a knife. Oh my God, she does have a knife. Bro, who goes to a protest with a big fucking knife in the pocket?
Starting point is 01:31:17 I had to punch my butt. I had to punch my butt. Probably a good policy. Yeah, I mean, it's not like some guy with a bag of hot dogs. It's going to be a good one, dogs. It's good to have it. They're probably not good to pull it out and the big crowd. I mean, you know, yeah, I don't know about it. Rule one of what's rule one of knives. I don't have a good time. I only known. Greg just had a good time. Is that the knife rolls to yeah, there's the same.
Starting point is 01:31:42 You just cross out just cross out knife at the top and right gun and vice versa. All right, Frank. Thank you. You got to get out of here. Got to plug your stuff. Got him scarred from that Florida home. Yeah. Frank Castle, YT on Twitter,
Starting point is 01:31:56, such Frank Castle. Let's see, I think. Awesome. Thanks, buddy. I love you, sir. Thanks for having me. Oh, boy. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:04 Where do we leave off? Do I forget anything? What about Chris? No Chris, he's not anywhere. I'm drunk and I'd call in. Contillions. What, Contillions? And then he says so call in, bitch.
Starting point is 01:32:21 She's got a knife. What are you gonna do, stab me, Frank Castle? I quote from a man's stab. Okay, let me try to, I'm gonna try to text him. New chat. Is this him? Tommy Talleriko is online. Well, that's okay.
Starting point is 01:32:36 It's definitely him. His first thing I see is he just says cock sucker. Yeah. There has been exciting new Amiko news, however. What is it? What? They posted a bunch of job listings or whatever and it's like, we need someone to build the complete OS
Starting point is 01:32:53 for our box. And you're like, this thing is not ready to go. Mm. Yes, all right. I should have came in to grill Tommy, Talleriko. That would have been good. I think that Amiko think it's stupid to sell. I know. He talks. He Tommy Tallerico. That would have been good. I think that Amiko thing is stupid as hell. I know, he talks, he's a marketing guy.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Yeah, he talks a lot. Oh God, he never shuts up. Oh, yeah, I remember now. If you wanna have fun, just go on Twitter and say something like, Tommy Tallerico sucks. You can just say, I don't really like that Tommy Tallerico guy and give it 10 seconds and he will show up.
Starting point is 01:33:24 Oh really? Yeah. And anytime you speak his name, it doesn't matter where it is, he will show up and let you know that you are the one who sucks. Let's see. Rich, the rich call for a COVID tax. That sounds like I can't wait to pay it. Super rich call for higher taxes on the wealthy to pay for COVID recovery.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Oh, that's nice. 83 wealthy individuals demand immediate substantial and permanent higher taxes on people. Like, as always, it annoys me when rich people ask for taxes on them, because they can just pay more money at any time. Yeah. They can just write the checks. You said that before and you're right. I mean, there's not really much, there's not really much arguing with that. I think stopping you guys, you can get a text right off.
Starting point is 01:34:14 In fact, if you give it to charity, if everyone, right, if everyone does it, they all say that they would do it if it were law. Why don't the 83 of them do it? Yeah, you guys. They want to force everybody to do it. They all say that they would do it if it were law. Why don't the 83 of them do it? Yeah, you guys. They want to force everybody to do it. They want to force us to do it. That's why. No, they're saying on the wealthy, they're leaving you alone.
Starting point is 01:34:35 That's a lie, Vito. They want to sell of that tax as a tax on the wealthy because they're making all the sales. I mean, every time you add value, you get a tax on them. That's how I know it's a lie, because they could just pay it at any time. But the people they got here is like the Ben and Jerry's guy. It's like the hippies of hippies among rich people.
Starting point is 01:34:54 83, very many of this. Plenty of rich people. Uh, immediately substantially impermanently, I would love to, oh, oh, oh, oh, as COVID strikes the world millionaires. Ooh, Disney, air, Abigail, Disney, who has known skills, but had a family. Yeah, did Abigail Disney do anything?
Starting point is 01:35:15 No, I just inherited them. Yeah, as COVID- And then you give it a whole away, as COVID strikes the world, millionaires, like us, have a crucial role to be like, uh, I think it's, I think it's billionaires was the word you were looking for. And then it suddenly became million. There's a lot more than 83 millionaires in the world. And I have a feeling it's going to turn into thousandaires
Starting point is 01:35:36 shortly after that. 100. Yeah. 100, no, not 100. EBT, he he he he we got to we got to tax us hard right now. What are you guys? Top 50% of earners. That's who's got to be taxed immediately. I mean, the guy made Ben and Jerry's ice cream. He probably, no sound economic policy. He could just give the money. If he wants it so badly,
Starting point is 01:35:57 it's much fun unless everybody does it. Oh, I see, he wants it to be like a party. Yeah. I hate that so much. See if I can find it. Who else did I call to tell the call in? Anybody in there? That Ben and Jerry's is the most hippie company too.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Did you ever see their Black Lives Matter ice cream? Yeah. He can resist. Oh God. He can resist. It's like, all right, I get it guys, come on. You guys could, you could stay whatever you want. Because ice cream's good. Why don't you just put like a checklist on the back He can resist. It's like, all right, I get it, guys. Come on. You could say whatever you want, because ice cream's good.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Why don't you just put like a checklist on the back and be like, as you purchase the ice cream, what feeling would you like to have? It's like, I wanna feel like I'm supporting black people, and check this for you to. Just don't do the name anymore. Just put a checklist. I don't see here.
Starting point is 01:36:42 The ice cream is pretty good. It's not bad. I don't think those here. The ice cream is pretty good. It's not bad. I don't think those guys own it anymore though. No. They sold it to like you know, lever something. One of the big conglomerates on giant, like fast food or giant food like young brands or something. Even bigger than that,
Starting point is 01:36:57 like the guys who own young brands. What do you call, who is it? I have no idea. Berkeley most to stop police from conducting traffic stops using civilian city workers instead. That sounds like it'll go well, right? Wouldn't that be great? No more cops pulling you over for speeding tickets.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Only other people can, who don't have like sirens or anything like they can't dumbest way possible. I looked it up, speeding tickets are between four and eight billion dollars of revenue with an additional four to eight billion in insurance costs and increased insurance costs for people that do not that never get paid out anyway, right? So I don't somehow I don't think that they're going to, somehow I don't think they're going to reform that anytime soon. Okay, let me, did I tell Josh to call in? What did I want to tell him?
Starting point is 01:37:52 Oh, yeah. I did, I want to, I mean, I don't know if you did, but I want to talk to him. Me too. Let me see here if I got anything else going to the gym. Oh, unemployment overspending. Americans who received enhanced unemployment benefits due to the coronavirus pandemic spent more than when they were working.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Oh God, everybody's spending that money the second they got it. Isn't that great? Sucks for me because I've been trying to buy like, you know, video games on eBay. You like like video games? Oh, no, getting prices. Prices have prices like dumb. It's insane, no, getting prices. Prices like dumb. It's insane. Well, that's, but people are trying to distract themselves. Yeah. Like, they're all of a sudden that becomes a need not I want.
Starting point is 01:38:33 You know? Yeah, I probably should just wait it out, but part of me is like panicking. Oh, the prices are never gonna go down. Probably not. Dumbbells. Yeah, or a dumb, or a sparse passive. Fucking through the roof.
Starting point is 01:38:42 You can't get a bike anywhere. Through the bathroom roof. There's all sorts of stuff You just like can't get Adding to concerns about a steep fall and spending when the emergency benefits expire the $600 blah blah blah household spent 10% more after receiving benefits and they did well good for them Maybe they're buying themselves a treat some I'd been a Jerry's ice cream. Oh, I got I got some advice to do advice and then talk to Josh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Got some more comments. Yeah, why not? Brother Bingham, this is a response to Brother Bingham from episode 215. From the other Mormon, from the first Mormon. Okay, we've got a Mormon fight going back and forth. It's a Mormon off. Now I thought, for the record, I thought Brother Bingham
Starting point is 01:39:23 was a little harsh on Mormon number one. Yeah, I know you did. You wasn't though. No, because he knew the right amount of, you knew the right amount. You got to put these guys in their place. Yeah, he knows how it is. It's a very macho religion. I mean, it's a religion where you literally have you know, slave wives on your planet for the rest of your life. Yeah, the turn, it's awesome. Yeah, it's the most masculine. After life, you could ask for really. Hey, Dick K again, I felt compelled to write in to respond to my esteemed brother, brother
Starting point is 01:39:53 Bingham. First of all, I want to apologize to you personally, Dick. I didn't mean to offend you last time, and I felt bad, and I did. Re-reading what I wrote, I understand how it was rude, so sorry. Wow, how was he rude? Because he told me my sex was meaningless. Yeah, I don't believe you were offended. That's, that was very offended.
Starting point is 01:40:09 Yeah, okay. I didn't mean to say that you don't think sex is special. Well, wouldn't go that far. I just assumed that you thought of it as expressly physical and that it was safe to assume that you feel differently from those who choose to be abstinent. I mean, I just don't know how you guys do it. Abstinence?
Starting point is 01:40:28 Yeah. I don't know, I don't understand what the point of anything would be. Right. If there wasn't some kind of scam at the end. Well, jerk off. Don't look at me. Are you allowed to jerk off of your Mormon?
Starting point is 01:40:39 No, I don't think so. You're not supposed to, but I think you can. I don't know that that's ever covered. One of these guys has got it. That's coverage, that's rule number one of every religion, don't you gov. Absolutely not. Well, they have the underpants to prevent them
Starting point is 01:40:52 from getting around, right? The special underpants. No, there's a, those things are supposed to protect you. But I mean, just like the devil, the, you know, it's like a sacred garment to them. I thought it was like a don't you ever gov thing. No, it's not a sacred garment to them. I thought it was like a don't share a golf thing. No, it's not a don't jerk off thing. I thought it had like anointed with sacred oils
Starting point is 01:41:10 to keep your willy-down. Well, no, sacred oils, so get your nuts. Not what you want to be doing. I also wasn't trying to put judgment on that assumption, either I respect you and think you're a great guy. I'm not. I honestly thought that your objection to my email would be that I'm lame, stupid, or naive
Starting point is 01:41:27 for putting too much emotional importance on sex, not that you also find it important and are insulated that I assumed otherwise. I also wanted to say that I don't think all sex outside marriage is meaningless. Obviously marriage doesn't somehow change your body chemistry to make sex all of the sudden more meaningful. I was trying to compare one extreme abstinence
Starting point is 01:41:51 with the other extreme stereotypical one-night stands and didn't mention the vast range of experiences between those two extremes. Well, you know, there's a lot of gray area between those. So, sorry again, I appreciate you and Sean very much. Oh, well, that's all right, but don't beat yourself up about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Um, Hmm. Keep the faith you've do a fan dick. It's, it's good for him. Yeah. Oh, what the hell? Hey, Dick Advice, gonna cut to the white meat on this, since the, since the woo ping cough, killed my sex life. I haven't heard that. That's good.
Starting point is 01:42:27 I've resorted to hitting up female friends of mine to meet up and possibly bang. Talk to one said, yes, caneloop sized cans. Oh wow. And the meetup is set. How do I transition this from catching up to turning her into a Boston cream? I've considered long game. Oh god long game
Starting point is 01:42:51 Just stretch it out for years. No dude. That's go as slow as possible. Always let her make the first move Be be very cordial ask her about her feelings. Yeah, get in the get in the rod of learning about her day booze dot b as say something away say something so sexual that you feel like you should apologize for it and then don't that is the secret of of broat of breaching that wall
Starting point is 01:43:24 the friendship wall is you just barrel right through it. I'm, I shouldn't say this. I'm going to say it and then not apologize. I'm just going to blend, when I, when I feel the urge that's sick urge to apologize for having said, damn, your tits look incredible. I'm just going to think about something else until that feeling sinks in and it's unavoidable, even if it's a failure, especially if it's a failure,
Starting point is 01:43:49 in fact. And she finds you attractive at all or has thought about it, she will not be offended. She will be, she will feel like that's a compliment. Or she will, but it will be a weird feeling that she can't, whatever you do, do not apologize for it. Sex is a game of wills. This is actually, you are right on.
Starting point is 01:44:09 Get a good advice, right? To say something way out of that, like, wow. And you almost, I can't believe I said that. And it works. Yeah, I can't stop thinking about us in bed together. And now the game of wills, the game of wills is on. Who is going to, are you going to crack first? Cause you know, no woman ever has ever wanted to have sex in the history of man.
Starting point is 01:44:35 Right. But they all do somehow because of the strength of your will. What were you going to say, Vito? No, no, I agree. I think it's, you just say, man, I wish I could grab and ask like yours. Yeah. I think, oh, I should say something like that. Not a joke.
Starting point is 01:44:50 Do not make a joke. No. Yeah, well, with an ass like that, I'm not surprised. Yeah. Just stare. Just stare. Just stare. The thousand-year.
Starting point is 01:45:01 If you blink, you've screwed it up. Yeah. Whoever blinks, it's like, up. Yeah, whoever blinked, it's like cruise chef, whoever blinks first. Lose it has to suck the dick. I don't know. You stuff those things into that. Sure. That was actual pretty. Yeah. Legislative policy and pretty sure that one. That's how we ended the Cold War. Meeting link. Meeting girls during woof.
Starting point is 01:45:22 And let us know how it works out. Let's know the line you use. Yeah. Gotta be, it's gotta be aggressive though. Well, that's not threatening. Right, no, it's something you would never say to your mom. It's gotta be very, it's forward. Yeah. It's gotta be, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:45:40 Yeah. And not like a plan, just a statement. Yeah. Okay, meeting a plan, just a statement. Yeah. Okay, meeting girls during, hey, the second wave hit Arizona. Oh man. Nice. Second wave, Sean.
Starting point is 01:45:56 You want any graphs on, I got more graphs though. Okay, I, yeah. The data. You want me to work, Graves? The second wave, no. Respect the second wave. Yeah. Second want to work? The second wave. No. No. Respect the second wave. Yeah. Second wave of what? To run it. It's the second wave of training sweeping the country. I don't know, man. I'm worried because I
Starting point is 01:46:12 keep seeing news articles where they're like, it might make you impotent. It might give you brain damage. So they have to find a they have to find a specific thing to make everybody work. It's the most magical disease. What's up? I don't want to do a thing. What do I have to do to talk you into a panic over here? You like it dick? I do like it dick. I do like my dick. It'll make you impotent.
Starting point is 01:46:31 How about that? I don't mind. I could probably overpower that with the my raw machismo. In that case, it actually makes liquor ineffective on you. Oh no, the bindings with receptors in the brain permanently and you lose that ability for a month. Hey, we got it is what we'receptive to you. It is, you know, impermanently, and you lose that ability. You have it. Hey, we got to do. Hey, it's working.
Starting point is 01:46:48 What are you reading? What's your system? This is Sweden's deaths. Sweden's deaths every year. You know, Sweden, the country that fucked up the lockdown, and everyone says ushered in the new apocalypse. Here is their deaths every year is reported for the last six years. Match up pretty much, I would say that's pretty much exactly
Starting point is 01:47:06 What you'd expect From halfway through the year. Yeah, yeah, where is they're all from one one five twenty nine Well fucking pretty pretty incredible that an abs that from this chart at least from the debt from the chart of From the data of total deaths absolutely fucking nothing is happening. But how many of them are impotent now? You don't know. And you know what, save me a lot of trouble. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:33 Yeah, I'm down with the evidence. You can still get hard. You just can't have kids, right? Yeah, you can still get hard. Yeah. Why would you be selling that as a feature of the virus? You become a dribbler though, I've heard. You don't shoot that load as far as it can go.
Starting point is 01:47:46 What was the other one I'm getting? That's my greatest fear. Dribbling. I don't want to be a cum dribbler. I want to shoot. I got to get on my kegel plan. I want to do the kegel. Yeah, I'm right up on Cree team and then squeeze those, try to think. You ever see those, they have gay porn where they're like to try to see you can shoot at the farthest. It's fascinating. Well, you got to call it gay, could you call it like a strong man competition? I mean, I guess they watch it. I'm watching each other off, so I guess it's not technically gay.
Starting point is 01:48:15 Well, I'm up for watching it if it can be framed in a- As a contest. Yeah. Of a physical strength contest. They should. Yeah. This was pretty amateur, but I'm like, you could make like a whole thing out of this. Yeah, here is, here's tests versus deaths, by the way, too.
Starting point is 01:48:31 See how it's, see how these tests come along, and then, whoa, look at all the testing we're doing. But the deaths stayed down here, like that. All right, that's enough of that. That's enough science for this broadcast. Yeah, all right. Meeting girls with Buflu. Buflu. Second wave hit Arizona and I still can't go out and meet people. I hate online dating and I have no friends. What the fuck am I
Starting point is 01:48:53 supposed to do? This state government is forcing me back into an in-sell lifestyle. This is from SH. I don't know what I think we should, what do you think you should do? Back into an in-sell lifestyle. He's just getting out and spreading his wings. No, he just spits back in. Didn't he just spend like two sentences shitting on himself? Yeah, and another one of those kids. Yeah, so it's like, okay. Yeah, I think you might have put yourself
Starting point is 01:49:12 in an in-cell lifestyle. But how are you supposed to go out and meet chicks right now? The government's telling them that they need to masturbate and wash their sex toys. Well, they just sent you that chick, you buy a sex doll and you had a girlfriend right there. Oh my God, I don't know how, I don't know how the fuck you're supposed to,
Starting point is 01:49:26 it's impossible to get girls out of their houses right now. Yeah. And you can't inundate them with numbers and research that's never, you can't truck them into a stick dinner, you can't even take them into the stickers. There's gotta be a bigger, there's gotta be a bigger emergency than COVID for them. You've got to come over.
Starting point is 01:49:46 There's an emergency at my house. There's a shelter that lost its power and the puppies are all freezing right up the street from my house. Someone dropped a baby off at my house and I don't, it's screaming from its mother, a dog, and screaming for its mother. You can come over. Need you help me find this dog? Got to be some fucking way. Here's another one. from its mother, a dog, and screaming for its mother.
Starting point is 01:50:05 You need to get come over. Need you help me find this dog? Gotta be some fucking way, here's another one. Asher, this is either an erotic story or for the advice segment. Hey, Dickinson. I'm writing to you at the last moment because I seek Dick's special knack for humorous
Starting point is 01:50:18 and outlandish revenge schemes. Oh no. Oh yeah. You see, he's good at those. There was a particularly vulnerable night around May when I was on acid, Molly, and high out of my mind. I don't think I had to end that last piece. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:50:33 And that's the main reason. Right. Okay. That's a dangerous combo. This combination of chemicals in my body induced a powerful horniness in me. I wanted to get fucked in the ass and fast as any even remotely gay man will tell you. The fastest route to the pound town is through Grindr and with my drug-addled wisdom, I figured a late-night excursion couldn't help.
Starting point is 01:50:55 After failing to catch anyone for a few hours, I decided to hit up a black guy who had fucked me once into a threesome with a trans man. Wow. Trans man is in with a trans man. Wow. Trans man as a female to male. Yeah. Interesting. People are having real interesting lives. That's fun.
Starting point is 01:51:14 He was up and down to pound, but I want it to be known that during the conversation I had with him before, he drove down. I had asked him if he could wear a condom. He didn't want to. He said he felt better without one. Now I know what you're thinking. That sounds sketchy.
Starting point is 01:51:33 Yes. Probably a bad idea to let this guy put his dick in my ass. I agree. But I was high. I was high. The first couple that was fine, but I was high. Why do you do an acid and molly and getting high by yourself? That's like, why are you letting a guy,
Starting point is 01:51:52 not use a condom in your butt hole? I would, Yeah, some dangerous. I understand that one, but getting high by yourself, yeah, you're asking for that. That makes more sense to you than, yeah, yeah, yeah, because that's what I sense to you than spurting yourself to a potentially. Because that's what I try to talk women into doing.
Starting point is 01:52:07 It's basically what. It sounds homophobic. Oh, I'm sorry. I agree. However, you've already put more thought into this than I did at the time. I doubt that. I basically just asked if he was clean and I just call you
Starting point is 01:52:18 victor. Yeah, he did. Okay, I think I just had a fucking hair and a stroke. Maybe. I asked if he was clean and tested, you know, Sean, what's up with the left side of your face? I know.
Starting point is 01:52:29 It's true, but yeah. I'm gonna stroke that. To which he said yes. In fact, he had been tested as recently as February. This was a lie. You know what it's turning into with all the testing? It's like the porn industry. Are they have to get tested for AIDS every couple of minutes.
Starting point is 01:52:46 Yeah, that's normal life now. It's like the safest person you can fuck, right? It's like a porn star. No, it's still a porn star. Like I don't, I don't, I don't get tested for everything. It's not like AIDS isn't like cumulative. It's not like AIDS. It's a half AIDS, so you better equal it out.
Starting point is 01:53:02 Don't get like other clean people. I get like STD tests, right? I mean, it's test, it's all kinds of shit. Yeah, but they fuck multiple partners all the time. Yeah, but they're the most dangerous. Yeah, I don't think they get tested for each one, but do put, I don't know if they, you're getting all your fucking
Starting point is 01:53:18 within one insular community. They're not doctors. No, they're fucking everybody. They're fucking outside of it. Yeah, fuck it, because they're at school. Yeah, they're at school. Yeah, they're at school. Yeah, they're fucking everybody fucking outside of it because they're Renewing their certificate their migwilding certifications They're just they're just getting tested and then they immediately go to a bar and fuck ten people I think they go home they sip a cup of tea and they go I did good work to it
Starting point is 01:53:44 I'm like on my fucking out on the set. I don't need to do any degenerate behavior after that. No. I feel like I accomplished a lot today. But that's what we're turning into. Oh, I got tested for COVID last week. Like, motherfucker, you could've got it from the test. Have you ever touched your face?
Starting point is 01:54:01 I haven't gotten tested for that. Have you gotten a COVID test? Yeah. Yeah, I have too. How man, I guess I should at your face. I haven't got it. It's like, have you got a COVID test? Yeah, I have to. How many I guess I should at some point. But I've never thought that I'd have the lab send back positive. You send a blank test in those ad positive. Yeah. That happened.
Starting point is 01:54:14 I never felt sick. I felt like one time I felt sick like months ago, but I felt fine. This was a lie. You see, not two months after he did the devil's work on my asshole i suddenly have mucusy past jesus fucking christ the fuck man uh...
Starting point is 01:54:36 i think it's a this uh... this person's young to did they get tested find out the uh... i got two very painful sores right on the ring. Oh, which has turned going to the bathroom into a fucking exercise in misery. Oh, God, I'm gonna throw up. My mother, bless her heart, gave me a bottle of stool softeners
Starting point is 01:55:00 to at least make it somewhat easier. You told your mom about your dick sores? Asshole sores. Oh, the wiping still really hurts. Oh, I remember making fun of folks who use laxatives when I was a kid because I had never even had to conceptualize what trying to force out a jagged and pointy protein-backed sword would feel like
Starting point is 01:55:19 with open-pust leaking sores on the asshole. Jesus, well now suddenly I'm not laughing. I also have this weird soar on my gooch and like five open sores on my scrotum. Oh, and one on the tip of my dick. What is he writing you with this? How is he just, what is he, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:55:37 Is he just watching a no? My body is riddled with sores. This is, it's got like, it's fucking syphilis sores. I have to carry around a vaccination card, but these motherfuckers are walking around without a giant H tattooed on their forehead for herpes. I'm gonna be fucking pissed.
Starting point is 01:55:55 I was really worried about that, I'm like, what for, homos? Homos. What is the H for? For herpes. Okay, for herpes. It's not anything else. That's no better.
Starting point is 01:56:04 What's funny is like that's like, I thought that's where he was going. I know herpes. You're the one who thought that, like I was like, oh no, he means herpes. I was going for hologram. Yeah. This son of a bitch did a number on my genital.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Oh, damn man. And now I want revenge. Yeah, I'm gonna go inside, I guess. Preferably nothing violent or illegal. Well, what kind of revenge is that? But I want this guy to be inconvenienced in a manner that would be specifically funny to your audience. Then you could have somebody fuck up his drive-through order.
Starting point is 01:56:35 Yeah. You know, really get him. Can you get revenge on a guy who gave you a butt source? Uh, can you even like out someone who has herpes or is that a hate crime? I don't fucking know. I mean, I feel like you should, if you sound they're tricking people like Typoid Mary. You know what? If we were a, if we were a nice society, we could have a curated database,
Starting point is 01:56:53 not unlike the MasterCard one that I'm on, that just had all the herpes people on it, but you fucking know, as soon as you put it up there, women would fill it with bullshit. This guy has herpes. I mean, I'm not sure if just had all the herpes people on it, but you fucking know, as soon as you put it up there, women would fill it with bullshit. Right. This guy has herpes, no, he's just,
Starting point is 01:57:10 he's just didn't call you back. When you use everything as a weapon, everything's weaponized. They do. Information is weaponized. They don't even understand how herpes works, probably, so they got it from a garbage man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:23 They didn't like the look of. Like, oh, my gums are bleeding, I must have herpes. Yeah, that's what it would turn into. Just a mess. Don't expand how this works. Like my ranked choice voting, toss any suggestions you have. Well, I have nothing for this.
Starting point is 01:57:37 I'm still, does he know where the guy is? Well, you go to his house and. I still got to figure out exactly what this guy gave me. I really hope it isn't herpes. It's herpes. What are those who do you want to know, man? I know it's not herpes. I still have asked her to his house. Go to his house and suck his death hell, teach him.
Starting point is 01:57:53 I think you should hope it's herpes, not anything worse. That's worse than herpes. There's things, man. What? They can cure it. They can cure like that. That's the thing. You can be syphilis, you can cure it. They can cure like that. Well, that's the thing. You can be syphilis, you can cure it.
Starting point is 01:58:06 That's it. I mean, all that. Herpes is viral. But a herpes, I thought, was just like, you can get it down to like super manageable level. Well, that's what the herbs tell you. They all have this story that it's basically, it's even better. Big herpes. All of these fucking herbs.
Starting point is 01:58:22 All of these herbs band together and tell everybody that it's no big deal and that it's possible to, you only have to be careful when it's your time of the month and that it's okay to control otherwise, but then they've all got a fucking story of fucking it up and screwing over somebody else who they conned into this lie. Is there anything between herpes and AIDS though?
Starting point is 01:58:43 There's something. What do you mean, is for the, like, in terms of severity? into this lie. Is there anything between herpes and AIDS though? There's something. What do you mean? For the, like in terms of severity. Well, because I think there's something worse than herpes, but I don't want to say full blown AIDS. I think AIDS is better than herpes. You think AIDS is better than that, right?
Starting point is 01:58:58 Charlie Sheen has it. You can, you rather be Charlie Sheen or this guy? I don't think Charlie Sheen has it. AIDS? Yes, HIV, I think. Does he, I wasn't even sure, I thought he made that. I can't remember. He was in a really crazy period right there.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Charlie Sheen. Yeah, he was at like, he said a bunch of shit and then he's like, no, that's not true. And then I don't fucking know. All right, here's what you do. I mean, if anybody you'd think be HIV positive probably be Charlie Sheen. You invite him over to fuck your ass again,
Starting point is 01:59:23 but hide something in your butt That will enjoy buzzer. Yeah Something that'll something that'll grab hold and cause some damage or something. Oh, no I just give him a spook just give him a spook Maybe he doesn't even know What the guy who has it. Yeah, he probably knows I got any revenge for no herpes for the guy who has it. Yeah. And he probably knows. He got any revenge for herpes. For the guy who got butts up.
Starting point is 01:59:48 It's a strong fucking idea. What you would do in that case. Tell him you want to do it the lights off and then he turned the lights on and he's fucking a goat. Tell him you go with goadids. Tell him you got some kind of special herpes that scientists wanted to do research on you and they pay big money for that specific strain
Starting point is 02:00:10 of herpes, and then get them to show up at the lab, nearly elaborate revenge plan. This one is, get them to show up at the lab to get the money for the herpes. Is this going anywhere? To get them money for the herpes. Is this going anywhere? To get the money for the herpes study. All the lab technicians just run into the room
Starting point is 02:00:32 and just point and go, oh, that guy has herpes. Yeah, get him to do a bunch of tests. That's how you do it. Set up in a labrit-candid camera situation. Right, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just point and laugh. That guy has herpes and then they fucking kill it
Starting point is 02:00:45 It's like and then you tell you plan a surprise party for him. Yeah at the same time It's just congrats on your on your open source so that all of his friends and family are there For the big reveal the camera crew for this you film a pilot you got a whole show right there. Yeah surprise You have herpes. Yeah, sex surprises. All right. let me see if Josh is here. Josh, are you around? Speaking of herpes. See. Oh, God, horrible. Don't have butt sex without a condom.
Starting point is 02:01:16 Or, well, there's, come on, unmute me. Okay, would somebody you know and you trust? Okay. Not a guy you met on the greener. Josh, how you doing? You gonna throw up like we are? Are you okay here, me? Good. Yeah. Do you have any advice for a guy trying to get revenge on someone who gave him herpes? No, he pretty much wins. And that in some other guy wins. Yeah, you lost. Kind of the walk off. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I mean, if you don't want to kill him, I mean, what that's
Starting point is 02:01:46 and you possibly do it's his fault. I mean, I can't say that you'd probably get in trouble if I said that but for victim blaming your completion. Yeah, yeah, out prank the ultimate prank. Given somebody herbs. Yeah, uh, trick him into getting his dad to suck his dick maybe. There you go. Right? I invite his dad to a glory hole and then invite him. And then his sex stick and psychosis. I'm both of the bathhouse, you set up the hole and you go, I know a guy who's gonna suck your dick and you're gonna love it.
Starting point is 02:02:14 You're gonna love it. And then you pay the dad $100 to suck whatever comes through that hole. Yeah, and he'll get you on your back. You'll get 200, 200, whatever, however much Dick you suck. I saw some politicians tweet that. Yeah. Josh, did you have low tax? You had that low tax as a accuser on your show, right?
Starting point is 02:02:33 Matt at the internet. Yes, her name is Logan Day. She was a person who made the accusations that low tax was a physical abuser. Well, let me correct myself already. She was not the person. She was the third person. Yeah, third person. What did you think about her? Um, I think it was like in these situations, I almost always believe that it's a mixture that low-text probably was
Starting point is 02:02:59 physically and emotionally abusive, but she also was emotionally abusive, and they just kind of fed off each other until it reached a point where they went public, and then they just kind of fucked with each other, and they both got something out of it. Yeah, they did both good, something out of it, I guess. Got a lot of attention.
Starting point is 02:03:18 What did low-techs get out of it? I don't know. I don't know. They used to be with her. He got to fuck with her a whole bunch of i don't think he that's i think you would rather have a lot of he probably would have preferred that it stay private the prime is that i'm pretty sure that logon was the first person with uh... borderline personality
Starting point is 02:03:38 disorder that he had a relationship with well that and uh... sure no he, he ruined her life. Everything. I mean, that's what a, you know, he's a hero. Now he's Satan. Well, it's just the something awful people are really funny about it because they did ignore accusations of abuse for years and years. The really shocking one is that Ashley, his ex-wife, the one that he cheated on with Logan, made very credible accusations about abuse. She was the one that left for the battered woman's shelter because while over a Thanksgiving week, he left her and his child to go to Salt Lake City to put this chick and have sex
Starting point is 02:04:22 with her. She found that out and she just abandoned the house and that's what kicked out the whole. You think the worst proceedings. You think those accusations are credible? I haven't seen any of that stuff. Yeah, no, I've read the police reports and I felt that they were pretty convincing.
Starting point is 02:04:38 I mean, I do believe that low tax does hit these women. I just think that there's, you know, give and take. I don't think that they're, I mean, with actually it's harder for me to say because I've spoken to Ashley. Let me say that. When the schmorky stuff came out, if you don't know the schmorky stuff, a while back when the most famous artist for something awful was outed as a pedophile. And this is someone who low text has done podcasts with.
Starting point is 02:05:04 It's someone he's had over to spend time with him and his daughter. So it was a really big ordeal low tax with superpests. And low tax with the sound, it's not like he's still rough. Yeah, but he cut him off. And there was a point where it really seemed like, okay, he's going to come back from the absentee
Starting point is 02:05:21 father of his website and take back the reins because he's been shook out of his oxytocin or whatever, coma. Yeah. And he wants to be the administrator of something awful again and actually reached out to me to talk about what I do and just to have conversation with low tax about it.
Starting point is 02:05:39 And when he started to push the system, the status quo of something awful. It pushed back really hard. And she became very defeated very quickly about how he basically just resigned himself to the sofa and let them win basically and retain control of his site. So I kind of figured for my conversations with her that she wasn't impressed by that and that probably continued as a theme in the relationship until the cheating happened and then she was just like fuck this.
Starting point is 02:06:14 Yeah, I remember when she left with the kids and drained his bank account or something like that. She took out some money, I think, for essentials and stuff, but she didn't take out. He had a lot of money. He had a lot of money, especially because they always pled poverty. He did, at least, about their financial situation. And really, so what Logan Day was saying, he was making tens of thousands. He was making as much money as you were off his site when he was saying it was nothing at all.
Starting point is 02:06:40 That paid for him. That is how many members. I have no idea how many people are I have no idea how much that thousands of members and you have to how much was the the fee to pet to post on those forums divorces are expensive though yeah you know well I'm sure you lost most of it I'm not saying it in the loose the lawyers yeah yeah that's the part that's expensive before that part and he probably had some sitting around yeah I wonder what these other women's history is. She said in public that he had over $50,000 in savings
Starting point is 02:07:09 and she took just enough to get by for a couple of weeks. That could be a lot. How many? What are you doing in a couple of weeks? Yeah. Full out 20,000. That's a hard number, but it's not close to 50,000. The 50,000 went immediately to lawyers
Starting point is 02:07:22 to fight her for custody, just to fuck her up. Sure. How old are low taxes, kids? His older, I don't want to give exact numbers, but I'm pretty sure his oldest is over 10 and his youngest, the one with Ashley, is a toddler age child. Okay. What happened? What's fucking mess? I mean, I can't, like I started tripping out if just things in my own house are out of place, you know?
Starting point is 02:07:46 I cannot imagine all these family spread around and kids. What a fucking nightmare. Yeah. So he has two kids, one with one ex-wife and the other one, he has one with love. Yeah, he has a toddler? No, he has two ex-wives. He should be thankful, I didn't have one.
Starting point is 02:08:00 Oh, okay. So he has no kids with the most recent wife. No, they never got married. They were all family. Shit, for about half a year. Because was there a text from his daughter that got brought up? Yeah, I can't. I think she posted them, but low text was messaging her on Facebook.
Starting point is 02:08:16 Okay. And she has him and her phone is birth giver. It's really the meaning. Well, that's not the end too. But that's a dead. That was the one thing that was weird when I was listening to your show, Dick, is you, did you bring up that text? I didn't see anyone talk about it.
Starting point is 02:08:30 Yeah, he was like, oh, I don't know about that or something. I don't want to talk about it. He dodged a lot. He tried to probably just stuff. That was kind of, I was like, that seems like a pretty obvious dudge. Yeah. Do you know, do you know how much he ate for coming on your podcast, Dick? Oh, I'm sure much.
Starting point is 02:08:46 From something awful. They said that his first move after trying to come out with his side of the story was to go into the pay-to-view Nazi chug program. Oh, God, no. And that's my cute exit. I'll do it. Someone else called me a Nazi.
Starting point is 02:09:03 Is this Vouch? Let me play this. You're gonna make a coke, Vito. I. Someone else called me a Nazi. Is this Vouch? Let me play the... You're gonna make a Coke. I'll hold you a Nazi. I think Vouch called me a Nazi. Yeah. Hey, can you grab me a Coke? Up there, thanks.
Starting point is 02:09:14 Yeah, somebody cuted up here. Let me see what this is. Who is this? Vouch is this like, I don't know, Josh. How would you describe Vouch? He's, he's called BreadTube, which is a term. I think it was supposed to be like an insulting term that they adopted about the bread lines and Bernie Sanders and Commie's and that stuff.
Starting point is 02:09:30 They're very far left. Very far left, and they're all on YouTube congratulating each other and fighting over who's a better communist, stuff like that. Everything ends up a, a dick measuring contest, doesn't it? Well, it does when you have nothing to offer, really. Except, just because people are asking, no, low-tech does not want to talk to me at all. He wants nothing to do with me.
Starting point is 02:09:51 I've tried to talk to him. I tried to invite him on and stuff. He does not want anything to do with me. It's like, I'm very nice. I think it seems like that. I was surprised by that, to be honest. I didn't know you guys had a beef. Here's Vouch talking about me. Thoughts on Dick be honest. I didn't know you guys had a beef. Here's Valsh talking about me.
Starting point is 02:10:05 Thoughts on Dick Masterson? I don't know. The person seems to be a Jason to a lot of Nazis. It's kind of weird, you know? It's not weird at all. It's very common these days. All right. Oh, that was it.
Starting point is 02:10:18 All right. Well, you're not that bad. Not see a Jason. I like that. It's not a big deal. I thought was something worse than a scratch, though. I got something far worse than a fucking, I like that. It's not a big deal. Pretty good real estate term. I got something worse than a scratch though. I got something far worse than a fucking scratch from scratch comrades.
Starting point is 02:10:29 Listen up. Here in my tail. Comrades. All right, that's it. Ah, it wasn't very big. I was surprised you didn't like it either. What do you think about it? Someone posted the picture of him when his webcam was on.
Starting point is 02:10:43 You didn't know it. His girlfriend walks by. That's a really unfortunate picture. I can see that. That's a bad picture. I did. That's a vowshoes streaming. And he didn't know his wife walked by in the background
Starting point is 02:10:54 with just wearing nothing at all. I mean, she should be in a permanently affixed clothing. God, that is good. I'm concerned. That has got to be such a terrible feeling when you, that is up there, that's up there. Forever. Very bad, very bad. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:11:19 You were surprised by something that looked like someone talked to me. I was, when he just sounded like he really did hate you. I guess a lot of people hate you though. Well, I don't think I have beef with him. But guy, he really, oh, okay, well, here's what pisses him off is, he has an ad system on his site that's privately managed. So if you want to throw an ad up on his site,
Starting point is 02:11:39 you just go to a forum, you punch in some credit card details, you punch in a link,, punch in a standard size banner ad, and he can run ads. And every time he's had serious drama in the past year, closing down boards, chasing off dozens of users because of whatever politically incorrect bullshit people weren't mad about that day, I threw up a QE farm's ad targeting those people. And then, which I gave him my $ know, my $30 for a month, he always took him down within a couple of days.
Starting point is 02:12:08 I think I actually did petition for refund on ones, but I didn't even get like an hour out of it. I was kind of pissed about that. And I did get my refund, which I know for a fact, payment process is fucking hate doing the refunds. And when they give a refund, they charge you $25 on top of that. So that's probably why he doesn't like me. And when he had the falling out with Ashley and the police report came out I threw a banner at linking to the police report because he had banned Kiwi Farms
Starting point is 02:12:33 links on the point. Okay. Yeah, that'll do it. Very, very bad line there. Very bad line. Yeah, that'll do it. Okay, I get it now. But now you know that those fucking people who chased him off his site knew about that shit because I'm not sure they knew about it. How much should under? How much credibility do you give police? Like police are fucking dumb.
Starting point is 02:12:57 They just write down anything that anybody says, right? Yeah, they wrote down exactly what she said, which is, they're the believe whamming type, right? So they should be believing the whamming. Yeah. I would want to know more about these other, I think it's, I don't know, man, like just from what I listened to,
Starting point is 02:13:16 what I read from the last one, I didn't look like the guy did fucking anything I care about. Yeah, like the other one, right? He could be, you know, he's a guy who's attracting fucked up or picking fucked up women. There are women who will do this. I would love to know more about the first two cases. Logan claims that when they had two altercations,
Starting point is 02:13:38 one where she was slapped. And then the next day, she came over to collect her stuff because she was being illegally evicted by his mom and he gave her a black eye and she went to the hospital for her concussions for that. So we're waiting on the... That concussion. He was saying, I don't want you to, you can't come in the house. I don't, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:13:57 Yeah. If she's got a black eye, you can take a pencil in the state. You take a picture. When someone lives there for a couple months, you can't just say, get out there's right to the tenant. I know. Okay. I mean, we'll get around to that when we're done with this whole police brutality thing.
Starting point is 02:14:12 No, I know what you mean. It's an established place of residence, whether they're paying rent or not. And it's like, yeah, get out of the fuck out of the house. Get the, stay the fuck. Get the fuck out of the house. I think this is something like, you know you know, get all your shit out there and stuff like, yeah. Throw it out in the yard.
Starting point is 02:14:29 His mom came over and packed the ball or stuff from pretty sure together with him. She did decide to leave on her own, but the second police reports the one that involves the incident where she supposedly sustained a concussion from being hit. That's not public record yet. So we're all anxiously awaiting for that.
Starting point is 02:14:46 Yeah, let's see. Let's see the doctors. She's also like a fall down like drunk. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, see, who needs to put this stuff on TV and laugh at it? And it was great. It's hard to.
Starting point is 02:14:59 What, women getting beaten? Yes. It was called Jerry Springer and cops. And it was awesome and hilarious. It was awesome and hilarious. It was funny and hilarious. It was funny. It was fun. The guys would also like fuck up their whole life in the process. Yes, they would go to jail. Reprecations on both sides from being white trash. I mean, my thing is like, it's a he's if there's no evidence really, it's he said like why would any of us be involved at all?
Starting point is 02:15:27 Yeah, but what I mean, a concussion isn't like, they can't, they don't really test you for that. She's claimed that they believe it was. I think they don't, they saw the injury. I mean, again, I don't have a foul in my head too, right? From a drunk attention whore, I'm gonna need a fucking more evidence than a doctor checked to concussion. Let me let me say this because you you do stick up for low tax.
Starting point is 02:15:52 Queen of it. Yeah, you have you said that his claim was that wife won accused from a domestic abuse. So wife to accuse some of domestic abuse right and then Logan accused of domestic abuse copying wife to who copied wife one. How many see it? Okay, we're already at a point in Islam where the testimony is done. No, I don't understand where you're going.
Starting point is 02:16:12 One man. So how many women and the church of Dick equals the testimony of one man? I would never believe, you could have as many women possible. I would never believe them. I just don women possible. I would never believe them. I just I just don't like, oh, well, he, he hit me. He hit me. It's not, it's not even like I don't believe them.
Starting point is 02:16:32 It's, um, uh, God, how do I, how do I phrase this in a way that won't get me canceled? Uh, you were me fucking carefully. I mean, just an extra. There are, there are people who choose the same person over and over again. It is possible, but I know where you're going. It's outside of the scope. How much smoke is there supposed to be? Yeah, I don't think you can reliably pick who's telling the truth no matter how many people stack evidence on one side of
Starting point is 02:17:05 like domestic assault because I think it's statistically it's just something that a quarter of people do all the time. If I was getting a divorce and you told me that if I said that the lady hit me I would have a much better chance of getting more shit. Yeah. I would absolutely be like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I should beat the shit out of me. No, I don't, I don't believe it. And I don't know what believing it or not
Starting point is 02:17:30 benefits me or anyone. Like, oh, he hit me. Okay, so what's your situation like? Do you have, as the woman, you're claiming abuse? Do you have the ability to live now? Yes or no? Cause that's what's important. Like, he hit me. Yeah, everybody heard that
Starting point is 02:17:46 Everybody got it now all women know that if they get involved with this guy There's a bunch of claims that's don't don't worry We're put will put it on banners all over the fucking city Everyone will know it, but what about you because it seems like you're more interested in fucking this guy over Then taking care of your own needs. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, well with with her to an extent because there was a point you haven't listened to it yet than taking care of your own needs. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, well, with her to an extent, because there was a point, you haven't listened to it yet, which is fine.
Starting point is 02:18:10 The most interesting part to me was, because I did give her pushback, and I tried to be nice, but try to ask for clarification or something was contradictory. At the very end, I just asked her, and I was like, what are you hoping to accomplish by talking to me? And she did not have a good answer for that. She cried both times. I asked it.
Starting point is 02:18:26 It's cried. Yeah. Wow. Yes. The most powerful weapon on earth. A woman's tears. The main issue that I have is that it's just the hypocrisy of the users of the forum. And how, how, it's just strange that they ignored the first two accusations,
Starting point is 02:18:47 but they didn't ignore this one. And I really want to know why. If they do follow the rules of Islam, or it takes three, it seems like it. It seems like it. It's incredible accusation. Yeah. I think it might just be the current political climate. Is this one better looking than the other two?
Starting point is 02:19:03 Younger. More desirable. I mean no kids actually is Canadian No, I would say I haven't I can't remember what actually looks like exactly, but I would say that I Got a break race into it. Well the other one was the second one was what like two years ago Three years ago. No, no, no the second one was October last year was around oh boy Yeah, so that was right. That was right, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole,
Starting point is 02:19:27 the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole,
Starting point is 02:19:35 the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole, that they were hit in a relationship and I kind of don't even need to be a judge of whether or not that's true or not. What about rape? Oh, well, go to the cops. He and, all right, that's what they're for.
Starting point is 02:19:52 Did Cosby do it? Did Cosby, I don't know. I don't know any of the evidence. I literally don't know what they presented to the jury. What do you think? Based on the proponderance of victims. What are the odds? Not the proponderance of victims of what are the odds not the proponderance of victims the stories I heard sounded credible, but I'm sure they were designed to sound credible have have guys have guys Roofie chicks and rape them. Yes. Yeah, I don't know did Bill come on the
Starting point is 02:20:18 fucking jury admit to giving them drugs. Yes, he did yes, he did man What do you I can't really what do you want me to say for you? Am I watching ghost dad again in my life? Probably. You know about watch Leonard Perth six. I guess I'm just one of these guys. It doesn't need to weigh in on everything to feel like I need to digest it.
Starting point is 02:20:40 Yeah, that's how I feel about low text. I'm like, I don't know, the guy can probably run a farm community or whatever the hell he was doing. No, he can't do anything. I can't believe anything. I'm saying you don't gotta ostracize him because you don't really know. With Cosby, you're like, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 02:20:58 but with low-texism, this is enough. Why do you need to be there? Why do you need that on Cosby? You don't know. I'm pretty dang sure that 80 women don't all of a sudden out of the blue go. Yeah, but is that the no. I'm okay with 80 being the number. I'm not. 70. Nine isn't good enough. 80 is fine. I'm just pick. I'm not comfortable with stories with the amount of stories being enough to convict you ever. I hope they had some evidence in that trial in public opinion, not in a legal court.
Starting point is 02:21:35 Fuck public opinion. They've hated me my entire life. My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, only concern with the public court is 40 live. It's looking stupid. So I won't be hanged. Right, Sean. with the public is that it's 49. It's looking stupid, so I won't be hanged. Right, Sean? I said, should have stopped to 49.
Starting point is 02:21:49 You stopped to 45. Everyone would still love you. I mean, how much money did Cosby have to take? He didn't get money from him, did they? They got clouds. They got clouds. Yeah. How many of those women have these 80,
Starting point is 02:22:04 however old women have done anything? So you're saying he raped 80 women? I don't remember the exact number, but it's like 50 plus. Well, it was definitely, there were definitely 60 some odd was the last number I heard that it can't come up. So how many did he not, what's the percentage of fake rape accusations that were thrown at Bill Cosby? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:22:21 That's a pretty fucking important number two. If it's half, it's still whatever that is. That's a lot of rape. That's a lot of fake rape, but accusation. That's a pretty fucking important number two. If it's half, it's still whatever that's a lot of rape. That's a lot of fake rape, but accusation. That's a lot of real rape. Accusations. Yeah, you look at that. You're like,
Starting point is 02:22:32 I'm fempty, this should be half full. 60 still have empty. Yeah, half full, empty half full, right? So 40 women, that's why it's not, that's, we've got 40 lied. It's gotta be 41. 40 lied and 40 told the truth. I'm very comfortable with calling him a serial artist. I've read enough, seen enough, heard enough.
Starting point is 02:22:54 I'm good with this. I'm not sure anyone is not sure. I'm also with Hollywood people, one is enough. I assume by default, if you've started a movie, you've raised that. You've been raised. I mean, it's not bad. Oh no.
Starting point is 02:23:06 What do you mean, it's a show? I mean, I'm also, I'm very comfortable with saying, Oh, Jay's guilty too. Yeah. Oh yeah, he's guilty. Nick Cannon was trying to expose all this. And then we shut him down. What do you think about Nick Cannon, Josh?
Starting point is 02:23:19 Nick Cannon, oh, God, I can't say that. Nick Cannon touched us. We should have read his, you should have read his Twitter apology because he wrote like the exact same Facebook post, but then his fourth post was like, fuck it, y'all can have this world. And that's his last message.
Starting point is 02:23:35 I saw that, he thinks he's gonna move, he thinks he's gonna go to a planet that doesn't have any Jews on it, I think. Joe, how many stages of apologies he'd done? Is he on two or three now? Huh, three. Because he did one and then I think he did a second of apologies he's done? He's on two or three now. Huh, three. Because he did one and then I think he did a second one where he's like, no, the first one was kind of like,
Starting point is 02:23:51 I apologize, but also you Jews really do control everything. I think the second one was like, yeah, right. I can't fight the Jews, never mind. You guys are not. That's a compliment. You have to be careful. That's what I don't understand why people don't like Jews. What say that again, Josh?
Starting point is 02:24:07 A lot of high profile black people don't like Jews. Yeah, ice cubes get in the stew. It's wild. Oh, he's real. That's where. There was one person that's going to Korean Abdul Jabbar. Oh, yeah. She said something like Hitler killed the white Jews
Starting point is 02:24:22 because he knew they weren't the real Jews or something that was a Please Who said that hang on that was the remember that was Dishon Jackson. It was you know He printed up he tweeted a quote that is attributed to Hitler which he never said which he said He said basically so how many people say Hitler said that how many would it take for him to have said it's that spent debunked that he said that but the Hitler said he was killing the white Jews right they were the fake ones in the black Jews that was like no it was to be in that again it was saying that it was saying that the Americans don't understand like the sin they're committing of like you know oppressing the black people
Starting point is 02:25:01 like they're the real Jews like they're the real Jews, like they're the real Jews. The black people. Oh, because of the impression, because I guess they think the real, you know, the black is real. The real descendants. Yeah, the real, I guess that was kind of what the quote said. They said, like basically America is committing this huge crime and atrocity by, you know, they're, they're opp pressing the people they should be
Starting point is 02:25:26 Oh, yeah, so Hitler Hitler loves the Jews the real Jews love the real Jews The blacks that's what we knew about Hitler. They said he got traced back to a to a book like by someone says his obscure book It's not in the book. Did he ever write a second book Hitler? I don't think it time So he escaped from Germany and just... She did write book. He wrote it. He escaped from Germany. It's just called the second book or something.
Starting point is 02:25:51 It's not published. It wasn't meant to be published. It was unfinished. It's like a diary. And that wasn't... That's not sure what it is. But that wasn't the fake. Those weren't...
Starting point is 02:26:00 That wasn't the counterfeit, you know, writings published by the Sunday times in London in like the late 70s, right? There was supposed to be like a bunch of, you know, there's some fake Hitler. Yeah, yeah, it was definitely a definitely fake. He was writing something during the early and SDAP days, but it didn't. It got paused because of the war. What is this Nazi post? Oh, yeah, no shit. I had lures. She lost her ratings. Jesus Christ. I just want to tell you this. We just gave, why do you try to start things up again?
Starting point is 02:26:31 Like if you're sitting there for decades, nothing. Nothing. It's a great fun in the Everglades. All right. Does anything make you rage? Do you ever glaze? I don't know. The fucking the re-lockdown.
Starting point is 02:26:43 I've been sitting here very patiently waiting for things to open back up and I was like, oh, things are getting close, things are getting close. They're getting close. They're adding more countries to the list of safe countries. You're in the same place, I'll tell you very specifically what fucked me over is they were adding Serbia to the list of countries that were approved by the EU to enter Shangan. So I was thinking, okay, they'll open up by the end of July, and I'll be able to leave Serbia and go
Starting point is 02:27:09 to a different country in Europe. And then, because Serbia, if you don't know, had very good numbers, just no cases of COVID, lots of recoveries, things were looking great for Serbia, so they got added to this list. And then it came out that the election election which was at the end of June The incumbent president was actually forging the numbers on COVID so that the COVID response would look better than it actually was Then there were riots at Parliament
Starting point is 02:27:38 So no, okay, the countries in the state of civil unrest and they're all the countries in Europe are just scratch and Serbia, all the fucking list. So Serbia. We're gonna fuck with that. We're gonna lie about two few cases. Yeah. Yeah, they said that they had two. People looking good. They were doing too well at preventing
Starting point is 02:27:53 the spread of the virus. Oh. And they turned out that they were actually on par with the people who are naturally immune. So they were, so they were the same as everybody else and they were lying and making it seem like they did a great job. Yeah, so yeah, specifically China and like the president
Starting point is 02:28:09 has been inviting China to come over. Like there's pro China, like, we didn't think paid for the Danners in the city because they want Chinese tourists to come over. God damn it. Yeah, that sounds like a Chinese guy up. I know, man, the real lockdown, the real lockdown is just devastating.
Starting point is 02:28:27 You can see it in people's faces, the small businesses around here, having to explain that they're really like, yeah, I don't, I really don't understand. The caronism is terrible here now too. If you walk into a store, they'll fucking jump on you. They'll start pointing at you and saying, mask until you fucking figure it out
Starting point is 02:28:41 that they want you to have a mask on, because they do not want to go back through. Another instance where the curfew closes all businesses until you fucking figure it out that they want you to have a mask on because they do not wanna go back through another instance where the curfew closes all businesses at 11 and then from Friday to Monday, they are not looking forward to that. I'm telling you, man, the way people have, the way people have like internally turned the reason
Starting point is 02:28:59 for the lockdown into this like myth that it's because we didn't lock down correctly the first time is something I've never seen in my entire life. No, the people, I mean, very specifically, they don't give a fuck about the virus. It's that they do not want the curfew. They don't, they hurt. The Serbian government only gave them about 100 euros each for relief. I mean, they're fucking hurting real bad.
Starting point is 02:29:21 Yeah. Um, hi, man. Good talk to you again. Get out of here. Have a. Yeah. Hi, man. Good talk to you again. Get out of here. Have a good one. Take it easy. So yeah, stay safe.
Starting point is 02:29:29 All right, everyone, this is me, the Dixiel. Vito, thanks for coming in. Where can people find you? You can find me at slash Vito, VITO. You can also check out my Patreon. If you'd like to support my content, at slash the Vito show. This is, find me here every Sunday in various states of consciousness.
Starting point is 02:29:49 This is right. This is from Visi G. All flags are the same. See you next Tuesday. I'll do some voice mails. I'm a double down bottle feel like John Lennon. I just want to sing. Imagine guess it's been a minute. Pistol from the way. I think Riley's frex. The voice is so interesting, sound, it's actually very good.
Starting point is 02:30:48 It's a good he has it. He has it. He has it. He's got that voice, no matter what he tries to do, he's going to sound like him. It's cool. I feel like he needs one big black outage, come on. I'm just dropping a couple lines. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:06 For the contrast. These tracks are the same. All the flags are gay. They're protesting. Right. For sex and hopsoir, some thing before I go insane. All flags are the same. Yeah. They're protesting. It's oddly hypnotic. All these flags are gay. Dude, dude, all these flags are gay.
Starting point is 02:31:46 There you go. Did you play that Vowish clip? Yeah, it was very, it was nothing. I just said I had no idea. You know, with a lot of Nazi people. Yeah, that's it. He called me a coward on Twitter. I was so excited.
Starting point is 02:31:56 Why? I posted that tweet where I was like, here's a Calvin Klein Ed from 2015. Oh, yeah. Which was a beautiful, well, a skinny white woman. And then the one from beautiful. This Yeah, which was a beautiful. Well, skinny white woman and then the one from beautiful. This is she's not beautiful. I can't cast any value judgments. Well, because value judgment. That's not a value. This is my problem with the whole thing. Beauty does not, does not make a person valuable. That's why I think. Okay, what is it?
Starting point is 02:32:25 2020, I'm saying, you get a large black transgender woman. Who is also beautiful. No, not beautiful. That's not the same definition of the word. Beautiful women. And I have no opinion on the difference between them. That was why Vos was mad because my comment following it up was, I am not casting any opinion here, whatever meaning you want to
Starting point is 02:32:48 with scrap to these two images is up to you. What was the company? Calvin Klein. You're just showing the difference in five years, four years. Yeah, yeah. I'm just like, it was the same billboard too in the exact same spot. Vosh was like these guys like this are always coward. I'm like, Oh, Vosh thinks I'm a coward. Do you remember what where it was. I'm like, oh, gosh, thanks. I'm a coward. Do you remember what where it was?
Starting point is 02:33:06 I'm trying to show. Just, well, search for veto, just while the all one word. Okay. Calvin Klein. The worst part is somebody stole that tweet and got like literally two million more likes than me. I'm sure. Is that it? Well, click on that one. Is that it? Uh, we'll click on that one.
Starting point is 02:33:26 What is it? No, go back. What was that one at the top? Calvin Klein in 2030? There it is. Oh yeah, okay. I'll bring this up on the. Oh, I got a hundred thousand likes.
Starting point is 02:33:37 That's not bad. The other guy got a million though. Stole my exact tweet. Wow. Same picture, same caption. So this on the, you would not describe this woman is beautiful I describe both women is beautiful. Okay, but You wouldn't describe this one on her own different forms of beauty and course. Yeah, what about aren't you allowed to state your preference?
Starting point is 02:33:57 Oh, no, you're not even allowed to sexually have so they've been made for this. I'm not made for this. Like I can't exist in this world. Like I just, it won't, it, it, I'll, it, I'll never get that through my head. I'll open that. I won't, I will never understand it. It just does not communicate to me. I'm attracted to that. I'm not attracted to the next one.
Starting point is 02:34:17 What's wrong? I don't know. You'll have to ask my dick. Yeah. It just isn't something that you, that you have to intellectualize. Do you wear Calvin Klein? Are you in the market for the regular?
Starting point is 02:34:29 I think I've had their underwear. Yeah, oh yeah, yeah. I'm wearing Calvin Klein. I'm wearing Calvin Klein. Yeah, they make good ass underwear, do you? Yeah, they do. I would use hands. You know what,
Starting point is 02:34:39 I have a lot of their underwear, yeah. Yeah, actually. I would trust a trans woman to have a shirt to wear. I have a shirt to wear. I would this stick bitch over here that found a shirt to wear. I found a shirt to wear. I wonder where that would stick bitch over here that they had in 20, whatever it was. But yeah, man, I was fighting with everybody on all these left leaning YouTubers got mad at me for this tweet.
Starting point is 02:34:55 Yeah. I got in a big fight with the, do you know Jenny Nicholson? No. Me and her have been having this weird fight for a long time because it's a very complicated scenario. She's trying to call you a loser for like killing her up after Comic Con, right? No, no, no, no. We both went to this like pop-up event and there was like this portion where I was missing
Starting point is 02:35:12 like this really crucial piece of video footage for my video is making and I knew she had recorded it. So I asked her at the end, I'm like, can you send me that footage? She's like, yeah, yeah. So I tried like contacting her a couple different ways and I just couldn't figure out how to contact her. And since I didn't have that piece of footage, I made a little joke in the video where I'm like, Jenny Nicholson refused to give me this footage. Yeah, I was like, is it joke? Oh, yeah. It wasn't a joke. Yeah, but she's like, why would you tell your followers that I'm some sort of jerk who would I'm like, it was a good jerk. Yeah, that's why.
Starting point is 02:35:43 So yes, she was blasting me on Twitter and you know what? I'm sorry. Man, try culture, NARC. It's everybody, not just that fucking generation, but definitely them too. And when you said they don't want the thing not to have happened, they want you to get it trouble for them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:02 Oh, that hit me so fucking hard. I thought about that too. Everything, even that I had a job, right? And it was a physical labor job. And at the beginning of it, you would stretch, right? You sit there and you're stretched with everybody. And it's led by some point to your old who has never worked out a day in his fucking life other than literal labor job, which isn't like working out.
Starting point is 02:36:24 Like they do all night. You don't have a screen experience. You don't know what he's fucking doing. He's up there doing shit that like, middle school dimties or two like, all right, now, whisper neck around like a mowl. It's like, what the fuck? I don't even think that's a thing.
Starting point is 02:36:37 Anyway, man, anyone fucking do it. Sorry, you know what I mean? I'll fucking know you people. It's like my second day, I only wanna be bending my ass around and exploding all these parts of my body and fucking Wibbing around like a two- You're wearing pants? I'm not sure that I don't know. Didn't this start with something else?
Starting point is 02:36:54 What does he talk about? Who with friends starts. Oh yeah. Oh my god, my people. Oh my god, my people. Fuck you. Fuck, it's not wearing a ribbon. You got it with a ribbon?
Starting point is 02:37:02 Oh boy, I already got the round. And all of a sudden everybody's not, I think I got it. Why are you standing? I don't know where you weird stretching techniques I'm not wearing a ribbon. You got to wear the ribbon. I'm flying around and all of a sudden everybody's not. I'm not. I'm not. I don't know where you're weird stretching techniques I'm from. Later in the day. Talking to people. And I find out nobody likes the stretch.
Starting point is 02:37:16 Everybody's coming up to me like man I didn't want to do it either but. You just had to do your part. I'm like, wait a minute. It's like before you're going do a manual labor job right and I For just Not fucking doing it. You would rather Impose the will upon me to make the bad thing happen to me me in trouble
Starting point is 02:37:40 then Just kind of all of us be like We really don't want to do this. Yeah. I don't understand. I've never done that before. We're not going to do it that way. That weird culture of, you just don't care
Starting point is 02:37:55 about what's actually happening. You know what I blame? How it fucking relates to you. Yeah, that's out there. I blame the Bible. Oh, yeah. Hit the nail on the fucking nail. The Christian caliphate though.
Starting point is 02:38:06 That's the easy one. Honor thy parents. That's a bad, that is a bad command. That's a bad one I'm got. This should be like, you know, your parents are usually right. I've thought about that too. Some, some people's parents are not worthy of any respect or, yeah, it's,
Starting point is 02:38:24 but their kids are probably even dumber because they grew up like that, you know? Possibly or they, you know, or they figure it out. But yeah, I mean, there's plenty of people, like that shit is, when you start becoming, I don't, I guess that happens later a lot, but there's a lot of parents who are not worthy of any trust or respect.
Starting point is 02:38:49 That's just there to guilt the kids into taking care of the parents. Oh yeah. Yeah. Put it in the Bible. You're like, all right, we're going to get old at some point. Let's guilt these kids in the... Check it out. Hey, Dick.
Starting point is 02:39:01 This is that coming from the city of failure. And I just want to say it wouldn't make me a fucking rage. Fucking asshole who don't pop off fireworks. We're like, what the hell are you still? I mean, this is normally a fucking ally. They can't for you. But last night, I was getting my fucking dick, but... And then we know.
Starting point is 02:39:26 Dog got scared. The dog got scared and bit his back. I do. His fucking popcorn by my fucking window. Luckily my chicken by my fucking dick off. Oh, shit. But she's great. The shit on my tip.
Starting point is 02:39:40 Oh, yeah. Oh, sorry. That's pretty much it. Man, So sorry. You know, I blame school actually, not the Bible. Okay. So they just train you for 18 years to follow rules that are retarded. Like what? All of the every single rule in school, show up at seven. Why? Well, you got it or else your tardy and you're going to detention. Okay, get this book, give the book back, we're doing homework, why? What is, I already understand it,
Starting point is 02:40:10 what do I have to do to homework? Well, you're gonna fail, you're gonna go to college then it's like 18 years of follow rules, follow rules. So then anytime anybody gets a rule, they're like, my whole life's gonna, I've got this sick feeling that I've had since a kid that if I don't follow this rule, my whole life's gonna be over, so I better do it
Starting point is 02:40:26 and you better do it too. Yeah, it is weird how many people just accept that brainwashing. Yeah, you're like, you realize it's a trick, right? Yeah, they're like, no, no, no, it's very important that I learned, you know, that I got up every morning to learn about what the homework is, what made me learn this stuff that I never use.
Starting point is 02:40:44 Yeah, and it's stuff that I never use. And it's funny that I never use it. It's funny because knowing things makes me think more better. Yeah. Do you know? Do you know? No. No.
Starting point is 02:40:59 School has informed the rest of my life. Yeah, I can write such more good work emails because of my life. Yeah, I can write such more good work emails, because of my school, how about your coworkers? They're all fucking stupid, actually. None of them can put an email together to save their lives, but my emails are, Tidts, Tidts, I know exactly.
Starting point is 02:41:15 Which emoji to put where? To perfectly express my intent. Mm-hmm. All right, let's see here. Hey, Dick, you know, it makes me the most ultimate fucking rage in the whole goddamn planet. It's any time you type something in, like in a search bar, like Google Maps or some shit.
Starting point is 02:41:33 And then you click it right after you type it in, and then the fucking thing, the result switches the order, and you click the wrong fucking thing. Then you have to fucking retive all of bullshit in it, and you fucking do it again, and then wait. The fucking half of split, three second, three hundred million second bullshit. Go fucking and searing fuck internet, fuck Google. You fucking time.
Starting point is 02:41:53 Yeah. Click, click, drag it over. That doesn't work. Or like when you're on Google and you keep trying to type words in and it keeps auto-filling racial slurs and you're like, come on. Come on, man. Stop, uh, stop predictive texting me. Is that a joke?
Starting point is 02:42:07 Yeah, it's a joke. Are you sure? Yeah, type, you type racial slurs in there so many times. I think it's all you want to type. It keeps wanting me to say melanin. God, I love that Nican. My girlfriend is constantly beefing with me.
Starting point is 02:42:25 Beeping about not doing the laundry and not doing the dishes. Yeah, beefing them in the thing, rather than putting them straight in the dishwasher. Yeah. Oh, man. Hi, man. I'm working like 45 hours a week. 60 hours a week.
Starting point is 02:42:42 What have been. Think about how many hours a week she nags. It's called nagging, not beefing. Your girlfriend's not fucking Tupac. She's nagging. She's indoctrinated his, the authority of his girlfriend. $100 a week more than me, staying at home. Watch your news.
Starting point is 02:43:01 She's staying at home. I'm all crossing it. home. She's saying a home. Animal crossing. Then I have been working more than full time for the last 17 weeks. Oh, he's an essential worker. Chris Evans should be calling him. In the laundry. Yeah. We send him a dog to bite him in the face. Man, you got to whip that bitch into shape. $1,000 a week. Stay home playing animal fucking crossing. $600 a week while I'm busting my ass. You're telling me about dirty dishes, fuck you.
Starting point is 02:43:28 You clean the dishes. You better have those dishes cleaned when I get home every night. And there's gonna be hell to pay. And then put your fist through the drive wall to punctuate. Drive walls cheap. Do a stud finder before playing this whole thing.
Starting point is 02:43:44 Find the studs, mark them off, mark us, put a little star something. Just so you've between the studs, you punch a stud, you're going to the hospital. And you're gonna be, then she's gonna hold that over you for the rest of your life. But do you say I'm going to work, those dishes better be clean,
Starting point is 02:44:01 dinner better be made, your ass better be in the air when I get home. I was punch right through. You've been reading the low text book of romantic love, huh? That's how you do it. But I throw all that is a beefies. She's not beefies. One more nag.
Starting point is 02:44:16 And it's to the moon. To the moon. Alice. There you go. There you go. Abuse. Yeah. Abuse used to be hilarious.
Starting point is 02:44:24 See it's funny. Didn't I say it? Yeah. That's funny. I'm not gonna get used to that abuse right here. Abuse just to be hilarious. See, it's funny. Did I say? That is funny. Now it's from, we gotta be so, I'm so concerned that someone might have kicked someone's ass. Oh, really? Oh, man, me too.
Starting point is 02:44:36 Who, who? Just this person. Oh, I don't approve of wife being a girl. Oh, I'm, yeah, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's it out there. Yeah, there's a hand to say. You used to be, everyone knew we all don't approve of it. You used to be, you could just, yeah, yeah, we all. Gloss over it a bit. Yeah, well let's watch Jerry Springer.
Starting point is 02:44:53 I don't approve of domestic abuse. I mean, yeah, I don't approve of it either. Like these, you can't. You can't, it's funny. You can't stop them from doing it. Well, yeah, but that's a thing since it's happening, I mean, should I not tune in? I mean, I them from doing it. Well, yeah, but that's a thing since it's happening. I mean, should I not tune in? I mean, I'm gonna watch it.
Starting point is 02:45:08 I'm still gonna enjoy the spectacle of it. People are learning from this by looking at, I'm sorry. There's layers there. Now it's gotta be, I don't approve, I'm against this. Yeah, no shit, we're all against it. Brave stance.
Starting point is 02:45:26 And get one of these. Bam! Do a batman. Don't mix it up. Just do to the eight. To the, yeah. The point. You fucking mad.
Starting point is 02:45:35 Oh yeah, pointing. You can't go like this. Yeah. Up. Yeah. And then you make, what is sign language for moon? Just like a fish. You nag me one more fucking time.
Starting point is 02:45:45 We're gonna see how those dishes get done, and you're not gonna like it. She's, because I'll buy new ones. I'm gonna use your fucking unemployment money and just buy a home, I'm gonna buy 10,000 dishes. We're gonna put a stack of them like a fucking cafeteria in the kitchen, and I'm gonna grab off the top from a never ending supply.
Starting point is 02:46:05 Yeah, I'm gonna get one of those cafeteria. Yeah, the little recesses things in there. I'll do dishes one time. I'm gonna fill that thing up. They're gonna come out piping hot and you're never gonna fucking nag me again. Try one of those. That's how you make a relationship work. It is.
Starting point is 02:46:25 Thousands of plates. Right. Yeah. One more time. Okay. What are you doing? Just finding dishes on Alibaba, ordering 5,000 dishes, they'll be here and we're just going to throw them away from now on.
Starting point is 02:46:38 If you really want to say go to a restaurant auction, I'm sure all the restaurants are closing now. Although I don't think they're having auctions. No, because of the COVID. They're just throwing it away. Yeah, okay. What do you think about that, Sean? I think that's good advice.
Starting point is 02:46:53 Yeah. Yes, buy thousands of plates. Never argue again. Same with the clothes, just burn them by new ones. Yeah, exactly. Honestly, I keep not doing laundry and just buying new t-shirts. I buy stack, I buy a pack of hain shirts for $4. How much did your clothes cost?
Starting point is 02:47:12 Probably more. Hey, dear Kate, Sean, it's the civilized Mexican. Yeah, I have another rage, a baby on board stickers in cars. Yeah, what are the people? What it's changed oh my god is a 90 standout Mother fuck you make me one of real and you more! You make me one of fucking, ooh, ooh! I'm not fucking real, if you guys tell bad you guys get it to board! Because it says baby on board?
Starting point is 02:47:54 Yeah. You responsible baby having stupid dumb bitch driver. Oh man, so 13. Alright, I missed this joke. Type 5. Type 5. You know, bye. I got called about 10 times.
Starting point is 02:48:06 One time, I have a picture somewhere. I saw somebody's car parked, and not only do they have like three kids, but the blood type of every kid had a sticker. Oh, that's great. They're like, if this kid is like trapped in the car and losing blood, he's AB negative. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:48:24 Oh my God. Lottery, your kids are AB negative. I'm like, oh my God. Lottery, your kids are gonna die. Because they weren't helicopter or anything. They want that to happen. They want their kids to die. Yes, because then they're prepared. They're prepared for attention, right? Yeah, everybody wants something horrible to happen to them
Starting point is 02:48:37 at all times because it's how we measure value. Everybody is watching that. But that everything comes out okay. No, they don't care. They only want, I don't know about that. Yeah, they want, no, no, no, they would have everybody half of America would prefer to have been in the 9-11 towers. You almost were like four times. That's why it's such an identifiable story. That's why you have such value. I was in New York two years before the attacks. See, and you're wishing that you were in them.
Starting point is 02:49:08 Every time there's a story about someone getting raped, everyone watching thinks, man, I wish that happened. Everybody watching Bill Cosby saying, I wish I was getting shot. I was one of that. That's why there's so many things. That's why they love it. They won't admit it, but everybody watching,
Starting point is 02:49:21 and I wish that was me. I wish that was me that got attacked by a dog for defending my sister. And the sister's watching going, I wish she hadn't admit it, but everybody watching, and I wish that was me. I wish that was me that got attacked by a dog for defending my sister. And the sister's watching going, I wish she hadn't saved me, and I wish I would be getting all this attention right now. I wish Bill Cosby had given me some herbal medicine that made me-
Starting point is 02:49:35 Yeah, there's an 81st chick in that who is there going, fuck, I wish she would have, I wish I would have drank that drink that he could be part of this lawsuit and being doing all this social justice shit. Because that's the only value you are. That's the only value. That is true.
Starting point is 02:49:50 For most people, the only value is to have been harmed or fucked up in some way because they are inherently worthless. Well, there are nothing to add. The professional victims type thing. Yeah. Well, everybody. The sympathy is the highest social capital right now. Yeah. All the oppressed gritty. now. Yeah, the oppressed.
Starting point is 02:50:05 Pretty. It's like, yeah, you, you, you're not doing anything of value. It's just being sympathy. That's what Nick Cannon's real screw up was trying to, he was trying, that was a power play. He was making, oh, I think actually, yeah, you know, I think it's about time for a real change. I think it's about time for real. You really thought the black's good out. Do the Jews in the sympathy game.
Starting point is 02:50:27 Yeah. You can't do it. They're untouchable. I disavow what you were saying explicitly. Right. I was only doing suspender motion. Sure. It's a sp-
Starting point is 02:50:37 Huh. Good. Can't touch the Ralph Childs. I don't know anything about any of that stuff. Good. Me either. I don't want to look it up. I want nothing to do with it. Here's Andrew from Eugene, Oregon calling.
Starting point is 02:50:49 There you go. Hey, Dave, show, what makes me rage is, well, it's like I was staying this year or a while, eventually, I mean, I left you a voice and I'm like four years ago saying, they're going to make it to where you can't get a job without a smart phone and that's pretty much the way it is now. Yeah. I mean, talk to any of your listeners that work a shitty job to pay less than $20 an hour. A lot of these jobs, you have to sign in to your job on your fucking app.
Starting point is 02:51:14 You have to read safety sheets and check-offs, crap, and receive your W2 on their app. Say, what if I don't have a smartphone? Well, sorry, it's dropping for you. Number one, I think that's somebody's going to be with like, nanobots. You get it? Is it? nanobots.
Starting point is 02:51:31 Fucking chips and crap. I'm not saying it's good or bad. I'm not talking judgment on that technology. Nanobots. Right now. I'm just saying that's the worst, that's the way it's going to be. If someone like me is going to be like 50 and is going to
Starting point is 02:51:43 turn down the expensive electric surgery to get a chip put in my brain to be smarter, but I'm not going to be able to elect it. I'm going to say, well, you know, that's great. You have the freedom to not put this in your skull. However, no one's going to hire you because you only have an IQ of 120 and we need a high series of 100 to eat it through 140. So I'm sorry. It doesn't.
Starting point is 02:52:02 But you're only a freedom. And that's a big, considerate You know what's sitting around me the day I want to sign felt and you know Elaine gets the pia and I'm like I miss the old world And then I get all kind of flask for me to That psychotics get to fronic and mirage your my brain, you know like um yeah holy shit I mean like things come and go But a lot of people say this might even be over here People come and go but But things are forever.
Starting point is 02:52:25 The ideology reverses. The media villages were probably worse than the height of Rome, right? Because the ideology was back to. But this is unprecedented. I'm getting on this. The fact that we've got this network of fucking satellites that are watching everything we do. This guy's building bomb in the space. This guy's building bomb in space. This guy's got plants about something. The topics without in the privacy of your own home without wrapping your cell phone and tin foil, you're going to be, you're going to be contract, contract tracing every single fucking thing you do. We're part of the phone. It's over. It's over and over and over. No way. How the fucking net. And there's no way that we can't.
Starting point is 02:53:06 No way that we can't. That's what that movie was about. I need their eyes to fly back. And that's really what makes me such a fucking rages. The best you could hope for. Hide back against what? Yeah, it's a fucking collapse of this technology that doesn't end the human species as a whole.
Starting point is 02:53:21 Unless you otherwise want to be living in some type of oil, well, and hamster-rest. I think that'd be quite a boy. I think that'd be quite a boy. I think that'd be quite a boy. You know what else makes me a rage? The price of fertilizer and the metal pipe. I don't understand.
Starting point is 02:53:34 That's too much. We can't even stop people from cutting little boys dicks off. I'm cutting their dick. You know? Are you talking about circumcision? Yes, that's what I was saying. Well, no, there's another form of cutting their dick. You know, are you talking about circumcision? Yes, that's what I was saying. Well, no, there's another form of a cut in your dick off these days.
Starting point is 02:53:49 We cannot even stop. I was on the PKA that 500th episode. Yeah. These guys, the men are arguing pro circumcision. No, my God. Are you guys fucking serious? Are you guys talking about cutting their dicks right off? Well, people still believe all the old wives tales about it.
Starting point is 02:54:06 That it's cleaners. Plainers. That it makes it look bigger, isn't that a thing they said? I've never heard that. I've never heard that. I've heard that for some reason, exposing it. Well. It just looks bigger, man.
Starting point is 02:54:18 Well, it's work on that one. Let's see if we can, we're all getting implanted with vaccination chips. We know that. It's going to happen. I want't want to be like it anymore. I'm on my forehead. We're getting barcodes on the forehead. There's going to be forced homosexuality. There's a, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in on no more chopping little boys' dicks off.
Starting point is 02:54:45 Start there. Let's start there. Cause that's one, we can all get behind that, right? Most of us have a dick, man, women, pretty much all, pretty much all of us have a dick. Everybody has a dick and everybody has a dick. Everybody has a dick, but yeah. Everybody has both.
Starting point is 02:55:00 Let's just work on not, and then we can get into all this technology shit. All right? It's work on that one first for me, Andrew. Okay. All right. The day there will be a day in America where no Little boys dick is cut off Probably yeah, it could be I don't know within our lifetimes No, I don't think no cuz it's there's gonna be you it could happen tomorrow. What if tomorrow? Everybody will happen. You know what I'm tired. You're not gonna wait.
Starting point is 02:55:25 You're not gonna wait. But like, yes, exactly. No, there's, yeah. Exactly. But those people doing that don't have to do that. They could just say, you know what, I felt the presence of God and I'm not chopping the little boys dick off after all.
Starting point is 02:55:35 It's true, but a lot of them are gonna go, yeah, you know, thousands of years of tradition. It could be as illegal as rape. I mean, tomorrow Supreme Court, RBG could be wheeled out of her coffin. You know what? Cutting little boys dicks off, then we're making that illegal. That's just the way it's going to be. If you don't like it, have some roofies. No, I don't happen though. Big scalpel will lobby them. Nick Cannon, you're not going to touch the Jews. I'm
Starting point is 02:55:59 sorry. Yeah. Yeah. You have big dreams here, buddy. Nick Cannon should have started with that. Nick Cannon should have start? Yeah, stop cutting them four skins make you more Compassionate yeah, yeah more agile stronger of heart and soul Okay, here's another here's another smart guy can hide stuff Really big. It's a system issue, systemic racism, a system issue. Let the engineers exit.
Starting point is 02:56:34 Yes. Yeah. Anyone else? The people who invented systemic racism have never set foot in a STEM course of any kind. They think STEM, they think everything you do is racist and they want to dismantle it. Also, an engineer should know, should understand about a system that different inputs will have different outputs. The feeling of a man describing something that everyone else knows always a painful feeling Korean every night. Yeah, who are not our military there the Israeli military that shoots Palestinians in the balls got a problem with that
Starting point is 02:57:18 But we don't have a Police issue right now. We have a Crime issue You know and I a police issue right now we have a crime issue. Oh, you know, and I was really cool along with the, oh, the drugs and that, people are not like upset with like the idea of like decriminalizing more drugs and everything like that. People are like the violence that happened after the George Floyd incident. You know, so, like, this whole thing where you're conflating, like, oh, the drugs and those racist laws and stuff like that. Maybe, okay, it's not like I want to defend cops like arresting people for doing drugs.
Starting point is 02:58:02 I don't care but i also dot having any fight in the for that issue when the whole country got set on fire and there's a very particular people that did not just democrats in i i i just you know different inputs different different output and you know you know
Starting point is 02:58:20 what i don't know what i think we're gonna have to address that what issue you know different inputs I don't want to get that whole issue. We're gonna have to address that. What is you? Different inputs, different outputs. I get hold only for shitting. I think he's arguing for black people not to set things on fire. That's what I just got out of that. Okay.
Starting point is 02:58:37 He's saying I stopped worrying about people being pissed off because of getting arrested for ridiculous crimes. When they then got violent because of getting arrested for ridiculous crimes, when they then got violent because of how angry they were. Um, maybe stopping from being angry by arresting them for stupid shit. Yeah. And then they won't burn stuff. Just leave them alone.
Starting point is 02:58:55 Yeah. Leave a lot of people alone. How about that? Um, is that on the table? Don't put my dad in prison. I'll probably be a lot happier as a person. I don't know. Do you think there's any kind of, any kind of violent culture that develops if you have
Starting point is 02:59:10 to set up an illegal black market to enforce your, if you have to set up an illegal police force to defend the black market that you, that you created, that was created by America's never ending thirst for drugs? Do you think anything, do you think that might have any kind of impact on anything whatsoever? Sir, I don't know. It just seems like an engineering problem if it's a system's problem. What happens according to the people, too many black people getting killed by cops? Okay.
Starting point is 02:59:40 Well, is it black people specifically? No, it's actually everyone who has interactions with police get killed too much. Okay, well then stop having the interactions with police. Well, let's start with all the interactions with police. How many are absolutely necessary? Seems like the next logical place to go. How many are absolutely necessary? Well, we've got 20% of drug crimes right at the top. Quarter of a drug crime. Okay, we don't obviously, we don't need those, right? Because the amount of drugs we're doing
Starting point is 03:00:09 has not lessened fucking at all in 40, 50, 60 years, right? Obviously we're gonna stop doing that one, right? We'll know. Well then what was the point of starting any of this? That was step one. Yeah. Have fun. Okay, never mind, I'm gonna go back to stop people
Starting point is 03:00:26 from cutting little boy sticks off. Okay, one more. Hey, vacation, show, Pelt E.P. What's up? I need advice. I've been given a beautiful gift by my wife. Oh.
Starting point is 03:00:39 When you do something wrong, and you know your partner is gonna to judge you for it, what do you do? You don't need anything wrong. No, it's a man you lie and imply and you pretend like it never existed because you don't know what you're talking about. You're talking about it. I didn't lie to that.
Starting point is 03:00:55 Yeah. My sister's sister is mourning, so she said it's something wrong. What did you do? She was walking. The neighborhood last night at about midnight drinking with her friend. She's on the light tone in somebody's house. Cool. And it looked like they were having a party. So she just walks in with her whiskey bottle and cheers as everybody. It starts talking to people. Turns out they were having a funeral no and they were just
Starting point is 03:01:26 awful I feel like I could use this as a gift that was the best party for me because now the neighbors are pissed at her she's so stupid like what do I do with this beautiful gift yeah she's pretty up-drown you've never heard of who would do. That is hilarious.
Starting point is 03:01:46 Is this a gift or is this just never going to work out in my favor? Please have a cool like I could use it to my advantage. Please have her call in. Change your ring tone to the funeral sound. Yeah. She just really wanted to escape from DP. I think she didn't want her just really wanted to escape from DP, I think. She didn't want her friends there.
Starting point is 03:02:06 They're drinking outside. It's like, let's go home. I can't go back to DP, right? DP. It's less fun than a funeral. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Talk about the death of all fun. Oh God, isn't that a great one when she screws up?
Starting point is 03:02:21 You're like, ah, that's a good one. That's a good one. That's a good one. That was it. Cheers! How y'all doing? And you thought what now? What about what? I'm trying to think of a good example that I can't.
Starting point is 03:02:35 Alright, alright. See y'all later, everybody. Thanks, Vito. Thanks for having me. for me.

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