The Dick Show - Episode 220 - Dick on Sex Tapes

Episode Date: August 18, 2020

My American Psycho sex tape vs. Ralph's Sex Tape, Null breaks up with me because I'm toxic to his brand, Catboy Kami calls in, a gigantic croquet failure, temperature guns, Tropic thunder and blazing... saddles, a cop runs for the White House, Catboy Kami calls in, Sharing your finances with your wife, Vito takes a bath, “Bi-hacking”, Sean’s Animal Corner, and “Bumper”; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We all could have done with a hint. Actually, I didn't even need a hint. I don't need even a hint. I'd like a hint of how big a guy's pain is. Okay, you mean just, I'll take it. Ballpark, I'm curious. Like a small medium large. Something, I mean, you know, you can't help
Starting point is 00:00:18 making up for you. It's too much actually. That's too much either. Yes or no. Yeah, like that. Yeah, yes or That's too much. Either. Yes or no. Yeah, like that? Yeah, yes or no. Are we clearing fist or what? That's what I want to know.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Is it like, is it, I'll take a, all right, or, whoa, those are my levels. We're at the urinal, we're all looking, you know, and I'm looking for, whoa, that's what I'm looking for, the whoa penis. Okay. That's what I'm looking for the whoa penis. Okay. That's what I'm looking for. Yeah. And you get a, all right. Just what I suspected, a ding dong.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Right. Then sometimes you get a, whoa. Yeah. What's going on there? Wow. Woo. So what is it in Hama, Zama? What is it in this case?
Starting point is 00:01:00 You don't wanna know? It didn't. You didn't, yeah. You didn't. Ralph has outdone himself. I don't even know. This is so like outside of my world that it isn't even like, what world is it a part of? Well, good point. Yeah. I mean, who drops their hot sex tape? So what did, I mean, how wide are we seeing so many sex tapes? Why do I know what monkey Jones dick looks like? What's the official narrative going on right now?
Starting point is 00:01:34 I don't know. What's the official narrative? Have you talked to those mad? What is always the official narrative? I don't know. Well, that's, I don't know. I mean, I don't know. The first thing I think is that he's clearly hacked.
Starting point is 00:01:45 He was hacked by 4chan, anonymously. They logged in. They fucking do his phone, they cloned his phone. That was my first thought. 4chan. What are you gonna do when your sex tape leaks? I just leave the, I don't know. What are you gonna do?
Starting point is 00:02:03 Probably leave the earth. I am, I am, I am surprised and thankful that we're often in kill himself to be honest. There was a, I've thought for a second, oh man, I don't know, you just never know in these times what's gonna happen. You don't. You really don't.
Starting point is 00:02:19 What's gonna be your official story when your sex tape drops? It wasn't me. When what, oh, like when it's you, official story when your sex tape drops. It wasn't me. Oh, like when I record a sex tape by... Like Mary and Barry. Did he say that? Yeah, it wasn't the Mac. Yeah, Mayor Adisi thought like on film smoking crack, it wasn't me and he got reelected.
Starting point is 00:02:37 It wasn't me. He got reelected. Because no one cares about crack. They did more when it was a black guy in the 80s. They said they did more. Yeah. Who's voting for them? Other people, other persuasions of jogging Americans who were jogging them.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Crack friendly. Yeah. No, because DC, yeah, that's people who live in DC are almost all about crack. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the fuck I make my, I feed my kids on crack. You talking about it. I want a man in the I make my, I feed my kids on crack. You talking about it?
Starting point is 00:03:06 I want a man in the office who knows, who knows what the deal is. Crack bought this house. Crack bought this house. Crack bought this VCR. Mm. Do you remember, I don't know if you remember it? It was pretty, it was a long time ago,
Starting point is 00:03:18 but the sheriff's office in Santa Clarita. Yeah. They all got, I fucking hate the Santa Clarita shared. Well, they all got busted. Pain in the ass. I can't remember who was all of those. The Boats. Oh, well, yeah, they all got to the lake and stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:31 But no, they got busted for like, you know, taking all the fucking contraband and getting rid of it and adding wings to their houses and fucking buying boats and cars and all that kind of shit. Oh, yeah. This is like late 80s board up there. But that Santa Clarita is the epicenter of board cops. They are cranking out cops like Orcs in Legend of the in Mordor up there. That's what they have an unlimited number of cops that they just churn out. Oh, that's
Starting point is 00:03:57 where my fucked up perspective on police comes from. Because I only know them from a white suburban teenager's point of view. Well, you know, the cop that we both know, he was in Linwood for many years in South Central and I think when he became a sergeant, he got transferred up to the Santa Clarita station. And he said, never in his life was he ever talked to anywhere like he was talked to as soon as he got out there by like suburban white kids.
Starting point is 00:04:26 You know, we don't take too kindly your kind around these parts officer. Immediately. Yeah. Why don't you go back where he came from officer. Yeah. We don't take too kindly to you around these parts. Nobody in the hood would ever talk like that because they're afraid they might get killed like someone else in the hood and a cop's there to protect them.
Starting point is 00:04:46 That part of it, that was another point that he made was he goes, what you see on TV and everything is such a skewed perception of he's like, these are people, they don't want these motherfuckers here too. Because who do you think they have to deal with on a daily basis? The bars on the windows are not to keep out the police. Right. I gotta keep my other mother fuckers. No, he said like, you know, he had been in, like, like, we didn't even get trick or treaters at my parents house because the hills too far to climb. Yeah, right. Well, what are you gonna, what are you gonna carry a grand piano
Starting point is 00:05:19 down the street? You can offense that thing. It's cool. I there's no resale value on it. It's a Korean piece of shit. You get a good tone out of that one. You couldn't get a good tone at my parents, Grand Piano, in the middle of the fucking Sahara Desert. That's how bad, that's my opinion of Kauai Pianos. Hmm. They still have that same one.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah. They do and it's all bleached to shit. Is it really why? Cause it's been in the sun for 20 years. I don't know. That was like a thing in the 80s. You bought a grand piano. And nobody, nobody. Yeah, nobody.
Starting point is 00:05:50 No, nobody. That's so true. You get married, you have kids, you buy a piano. That's true. That's true. And if you want, you just eat hot chip in line. If you had some money, you got like a baby grand. If you had a lot of money, you got a grand.
Starting point is 00:06:04 They have a baby grand. If you don't want to give them, I don't want to give them that satisfaction. What was it? It like a baby grand. If you had a lot of money, you got a grand. They have baby grand. If you don't want to give them, they don't want to give them that satisfaction. What was it, a baby grand? Six and a half feet, something like that. No, a baby grand? Under, it's sub six, my piano is six one. Oh yeah, six, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:06:14 There's like, there's gotta be five. No, right. Yeah, five, four, five, six. Something like six and a half isher, something bigger is. If you put my piano next to my father's piano, and you looked at it from the direction of my piano, you wouldn't even be able to to my father's piano and you looked at it from the direction of my piano, you wouldn't even be able to see my father's piano. That's how small it is compared to mine.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Right, and I'm talking about links. That's the fist test. It's like pyramids in ancient Egypt. You get a piano in the suburbs, you get a piano that's slightly longer and you can put it closer, like the pyramids, you couldn't build it bigger than your dads. I don't even a piano that's slightly longer and you put it closer, you know, like the pyramids, you couldn't build it bigger than your dads. I don't even know if that's fucking true.
Starting point is 00:06:49 I'm 100 in school, so who knows? That was just some story a teacher told me because they could size me up for a rape. Ooh. Yeah, that's that. What's that thing? Oh God, that's loud. Hey.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Hey. Hey. Hey. Sex tape. Hey, hey, hey. Where are I talking to? oh god that's loud sex tape where i saw it's all gonna be out there yeah hey welcome to the air you want to get into the air you got it it's a show where's the contest gonna be live from brown and deep in the heart of city failure i mean how's the domestic match in the AK, the $20 million man?
Starting point is 00:07:26 Voted. World's America is worst Mexican. 70 weeks, running, joining me as always is world touring LA-based comedian Sean the audio engineer. Congratulations on your 70th milestone there. Thank you. Seven years week. Thank you for not killing yourself.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everybody else. Thank you for not killing yourself. I got a little suicides that Serena just start this show on it. Oh, yeah, yeah, everybody else. Thank you for not killing yourself. I got a little suicides that's a Reno to start this show on. Oh, good. It's either suicide or Ralph sex tape. They're intrinsically linked. Oh, I don't know. Um, where is it? Where is my suicide stats? Are you know, it's just doubled, doubled, I think, since last, double the percentage you did so last summer, 25% of CDC says seriously considered suicide in the last 30 days in the 18,
Starting point is 00:08:13 God damn, excuse me, 18 to 25, age range. Yeah, that's really young too, because I think the largest range is somewhere in middle age. I think is the, you know, because they've lived long enough, they've lived long enough to know that they're pretty well fucked in society and everything. I should have never gotten my 20s.
Starting point is 00:08:33 At work. And then I should have put some money into chain links, like Dick said, with a country. And then there, it's, I should have married that girl and had kids. Ah, God, I was, I was waiting for. You have enough time to have a long girl and had kids. Oh, God. And I was, I was waiting for you. Have enough time to have a long track record of regrets. And then you can see you're not so far out from the end.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Then you're like, then your memory starts failing. What's the point? I'm pretty sure it was always, I'm pretty sure I was always this fat and dumb. Yeah. Well, it should go the other way. That woman is all you boomers out there. You should really take a day to take stock, get, find the most paranoid weed you can find.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Oh, that's funny. And really think about all the mistakes you've made in your life and how you fucked everyone. Oh, really just think about it. Think about how things used to be and how you're never gonna understand them again. They need some special boomer additions to Tiva strain, you know? Just get an existential void, existential crisis.
Starting point is 00:09:29 What's this one called? Pineapple existential crisis. Very good, yeah. Love it. Right, just for you. It's 65 and over, only. Yeah. I need to see some IDs here.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And it feels he was such a deal. We're such crippling self-doubt that you question whether you're even in the right house. And everything is worth the time. I'm supposed to come myself to get out, actually. This is making a lot of sense. Somebody, am I who I say I am? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:09:55 How long have I been living this lie? I got to get out of this. Right. Right. I'm 100 bad kids. 25% seriously considered suicide, rich panel. That's really young too. Believe it, believe it, believe it, believe it.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Yeah, so there you go. Yeah, the group, the age group, that was not at risk at all. Ha ha ha ha. Yeah. You know mental health, not in a good place. God, I almost killed myself this weekend. I had these.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Is this like one of those check things like where, it's about me. Oh my God, like my, my, my barber right around from, or you're my salon right around from the place where I used to live, like three blocks away, the building burned down. I was almost there. I was almost there.
Starting point is 00:10:37 No, this I almost, I did. I stuck my head right in the oven at my parents house. Yeah. We were up there playing a nice, waspy game of Croquet. Huh? Haven't broken those things out in, God, 20 years, I don't know, but the boys are just starting to learn it.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You play a Croquet about every, about every 20 years. Yeah, I got made fun of too for that being like, yeah. A hoidy, toyty. Have you seen that? I mean, it sticks. It sticks and like stick hammer.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And you fuck around with it. Yeah. The object of Croquet is just a hammer. And you fuck around with it. Yeah. The object of croquet is just a fuck the other guy. They sell it and target. I don't even care about hitting the thing. I just want to hit the other ball so I can whack it across the yard. Sorry, this was the worst fucking thing imaginable. We're playing with the boys.
Starting point is 00:11:17 It's an all boys game and 80s girl. She gets let. No one will fuck with her. You know, so she's kind of not really playing the game Like no one is out for her blood, right? So she's kind of just doing a practice course by herself is even bam bam Yeah, he's a monster. Well, that guy is so fucking cut. Yeah, five years old He's got I wouldn't let Digi bro within two miles. Oh wow Digi neeks. Excuse me
Starting point is 00:11:43 Like he'll do he'll fucking hang on things and I'm like, what do you look like? Greg Louganis, look, you're so, God, what the fuck? Yeah, a little strong, little, some kids are just, you know, I can't strong, hanging with one arm and shit. I got enough, you like that, who's like,
Starting point is 00:11:58 oh my God, what are you fucking, if you throw him a ball? Yeah, you say, uh, Paul, he'll go find something, grab it and then come back and hit the ball with it. Oh, that's how fast he is. How fast he is. It's like slow motion.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Anyway, nice. We're playing with him and they learn the, they learn the value of spite for the first time. Oh, is my father f**king over? You know how the rules of croquet. I thought that would be also earlier. Not like, not in croquet. You know how it is in croquet. Because it's very different is earlier, not like not in cro, you know how it is in croquet.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Because it's very different. Well, and it's, it's tangible. And have you ever fucked up? Have you ever fucked up hitting somebody else's ball? Sean, I put my head in the fucking oven. Oh, we went through the entire,
Starting point is 00:12:39 the entire fucking game. Like, I'm going to whack this 30 yards across the fucking whole back yard. My dad fucked me over and they thought it was so funny that they gang raped him for the rest of the rest of the game. My dad finally get my dad who's good at everything sports related finally gets all the way to the pin. I on all the way through you know all the way to the post at the other end. I I'm in second place, I have this fucking happy Gilmore putt, like all the way, 20 feet across the yard through two hoops, through two of the wickets, knock it off my father's
Starting point is 00:13:17 ball, unbelievable shot, unbelievable croquet shot. And once you hit their ball, you can either go again or clobber the shit out of their ball, right? With your ball, right? With your ball, you put your ball on the ground up against their ball. If you're in the 99% and you don't know the rules of croquet, I don't know why everyone says it's like a rich people game. The box, the box that we, they sell it at Target.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, no, no, no. What the f**k, it just seems like something that like, you know, if I don't know, let that the posh would play. You've seen that the only lie? The only other authenticated photo of Billy the kid, he's playing croquet with a bunch of people. Yeah, yeah. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Besides that reversed image that everybody knows. But I think that's been fully authenticated, yeah. But they're playing croquet. Oh man, my father, I'm like, this is exactly where I've wanted you my whole life old man bent over the barrel. Yeah, this is Man, whether you like it or not. It's gonna feel so fucking good. Everybody's watching right at the end. I'm aiming for the pool I'm aiming 30 feet away from that pool. You make him go get the net to fish it out. You're gonna have to go get the net man Yeah, actually and then I'm just how humiliating you have to go in. You have to go get, you have to go get a piece of equipment that's outside of the realm of the game to get your ball.
Starting point is 00:14:34 That's how bad I'm going to fuck you. Oh man, this feels so good. And I'm going to blame, I'm going to blame my nephew for this because I wound up taking the shit I wishman. The one who doesn't know shit about sports The other one knows sports instinctively. I wind up to take a crack at this. Yeah, and he walks in front I said, oh god. Oh god. Don't walk in front. I'm gonna hit the shit out of this. Right. Okay. It's going in the pool So I wind up and I don't know Man, this it was Casey at the bat. I take the big old biggest fucking wind up, and I don't know. Man, it was Casey at the bat. I take the big old, biggest fucking wind up, you've ever seen in your life, and come down,
Starting point is 00:15:10 and hit the ground in front of the ball, skip over the ball, and then hit, glance off my ball and knock it like a foot and a half. And I just hear the fucking failure. It's like, oh, and then right back to reality, like Eminem, everyone's laughing and drawing at me. 80's girl says pictures of my dick that she's showing my mom and they're pointing and laughing at it.
Starting point is 00:15:38 It's, yeah, each successive picture is shrinking. She put a filter on it, so it shrunk. Yeah. Actually, it was a picture of Ralph Stick that she just had in her home. No. No. I don't even.
Starting point is 00:15:51 God, man. I don't know that. I don't know how big anyone's dick is looking from these phones. It depends what kind of phone you have. The focal length of the phone could be first fault photo shot for all. A lot of variables. You can't trust it with these deep fakes too.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I mean, yeah, your stomach sometimes hides it too. Like you got to get, it's a real, it's the real, the weather plays a big part of it. Yeah. How much your hydration levels are a big part of it? How big your dick is and is another big part of it? But that's way down the list. I mean, that's down the list. I mean, there's, it was not all weighted equally. I took the croquet mallet and I threw it over the fence. I said, fuck, suck my white ass ball. I spun around. I threw it over the fence and I stuck my head in the oven.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I grabbed two bottles of liquor. I drank them both at the same fence and I stuck my head in the oven. I grabbed two bottles of liquor. I drank them both at the same time. I stuck my head in the oven and I started crying. And when I came to die, I was like, I'm nothing happened. I didn't know you were supposed to turn it on. I thought you just died. Yeah. You stuck it in there. Right. Right. Worst fucking, worst fucking feeling I have ever, I would rather have posted my own sex tape. Oh, God. Everybody's laughing. How would you do it, sex tape?
Starting point is 00:17:11 I do like an American Psycho, you know? Oh yeah. Three created, you know. Like that. Yeah. How would you do it? Probably with a camera. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Would you be filming? Would you be the one filming? Yeah. I think so. I see Nell is in there. I think so. Oh boy. He's he is I can I can hear the the the the drool hitting the floor on him from from here. I can hear he's making a mess. He's making a mess in his kitchen. He's just salivating. I could feel the like a like a Labrador being teased with a piece of pizza. I could feel the I could feel his joy and I've never heard a more joyful U-Rang. Cause you know, he left the server for a bit, but I went back there on the day of the G day, the day of the day of the sex tape. I went in there. He said, no, and he said, you rang. He's positively
Starting point is 00:18:12 giddy. There's no anti-depressant in the world can compete with that. It's the only thing that we can bring us together. Our generation has milestones in our shared story that exist, that are comprised entirely of elicit materials from the Pam Anderson sex tape to the Carlos spicy weiner. What was weiner's, Carlos danger to the leaked sex when he was sending his dick around. Anthony Weiner. Anthony Weiner. Carlos Weiner. He does look like a Carlos. Carlos Carlos danger that was his name. That was his fake name. Oh really? See I didn't even know that it was like Carlos dangerous
Starting point is 00:18:51 I don't know if I'll have something like that Okay, oh god, so I think my dad was gonna call in a globe. I hope not What glowed about the hope it's a fucking car wreck. Yeah, really? He enjoyed it that much, huh? Oh, I mean, right at the end and then you're the poison ball and you get to just your specific purpose in the game is to go fuck over everybody else. Ah, glance two feet away. He's instantly poison, instantly kills me.
Starting point is 00:19:22 So I'm the biggest loser. 80s girls still working on Wicked number four, by the way, holding the club the wrong way, doing an impression of Alice in Wonderland with the flamingos, except it's just a stick. Yeah. Oh, flying croquet by herself. God, we went out.
Starting point is 00:19:40 This one, I don't know, yeah, this made me a rage going out to going out in these times of COVID. We went to the rust again. We went to this bar. Oh, yeah, yeah. Because they said they were doing serving outside. Isn't the rust again?
Starting point is 00:19:52 Isn't that a, like, is that a whiskey bar? No, it's more of a whore and deadbeat bar. Yeah. Where is, that's, I know I've done Hillhurst and like Franklin. Oh, amazing wings though. Of course. Of course. We go there to watch.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah, we go there all the time because it's come back. Yeah, it's like bottom of Los Feliz Village. Yeah. Every, everyone has, everyone in our friend group has gotten the waitress's number at this bar. That's, yeah, right? Separately and blown it. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Oh, really? The same waitress. Yeah. Oh, God. Yeah. So God. Yeah. Um, so we go there. This is how hilarious the lockdown procedures are. We go there and they do a, they put a gun to your head, the temperature gun.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah, yeah. Check your town. Right. And they have out outside or whatever as they say. And we're like, well, what are we eating in the ass for eating in the fucking parking lot of a bank? Let me guess the windows are open. Like all the doors and windows are open. You know, I wish.
Starting point is 00:20:48 They used to do that for cigarettes. Do you remember when you could still smoke on the patio in California? Places would build a glass wall down the diagonally down the restaurant, then you could still kind of be inside and smoke. Not the case, not the case. We go there, they give us the temperature gun
Starting point is 00:21:05 and mean Randy, normal, human, normal, men, doing it correctly, getting the correct temperature on the test. 80s girl steps up, blue, 100.4. And I guess she had just gotten a COVID test too, like that day for school, negative. And it's hot. Get it back that quick, because they don't test anything.
Starting point is 00:21:25 They just randomize, they send you a random, they send you a random test result. They just have a machine. If they need more, if they need more positive cases, because the government to lock it down, then they just ramp up the randomness of the generator. I wonder how that works. I wonder how that works. That's why, I mean, you get it back to government a bill. Tomorrow they can get it back in an hour.
Starting point is 00:21:45 One hour, like one hour photo or whatever. Yeah. It's just a button. Right, they throw it in the garbage. They just actually, they just reuse it. They reuse the tests. They don't let it in. They don't let it in.
Starting point is 00:21:57 They don't let it in. Yeah. So she gets a hundred. It's hot. And they're like, though. And the way just like, oh man. Well, here's a glass of water. Why don't you have a glass of water
Starting point is 00:22:07 and try to become healthy in 10 seconds. Cool down a little bit. Cool down a little bit. We'll see. So I tried emotional heart stuff too. I tried emotional heart stuff too. I tried emotional heart stuff to like put the fucking thing on your head, right?
Starting point is 00:22:16 Right. Get a 50 next time. They don't care. They just want to write down, right? Just put it on your fucking heart. They're not gonna have a conversation with you. Like you should really call your doctor. I mean, your flight temperature, like, yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:30 So she doesn't get the message. She's a nice girl. And she goes to retester. I or 100 again, like 100.5. You've actually gone up a little bit because she's probably nervous. She goes, oh, well, you know what? I'm just gonna write down 99. Oh, write down 99. Here I'll see you guys. She takes us to this patio area. For some reason,
Starting point is 00:22:52 those things do fuck up on certain people because they do that at the studio. Oh, do they really? People coming in, yeah. Yeah. Well, nice. I mean, you realize now that there's no point to what you're doing. I mean, if you're just gonna, one is the end. The whole entire exercise of this is to not do what you've done. I don't care because, you know. You don't care, I don't care. So she takes us to this back patio area. That's like a beautiful patio that has obviously been there
Starting point is 00:23:23 for 30 years. Yeah. That they've just never had open. So the whole time we could have been out in the patio eating at this shithole that we always go to instead of in the insides where we're getting like cobwebs and then fake cobwebs and Halloween. We're sitting there for a couple minutes in the blazing hot sun, getting our spicy wings. You put some down, puts the drink down, spicy wings, fries, and whatever. And some genius gets the idea to turn on some mistors.
Starting point is 00:23:55 You know what the kind of mistors I'm talking about? That they have miniature golf courses and theme parks? Yeah, of course. Mistors that are about right here. Oh, God. Behind my, about two inches from my head. So they're just, they're wetters. So it is just a sprinkler. Shower like sprinkler spray.
Starting point is 00:24:14 It's not missed. On to my face as I'm eating a wing. Yeah. Dousing all of the food and drinks and I say, excuse me. Excuse me. Come over here, excuse me excuse me seems to be a lake in my wings You think you could you think you could turn these off. You say oh yeah, that's probably you know Yeah, I'm sorry. I probably wasn't a good idea I said well, you know the lines seem pretty cool like you sterilize these lines, right as they're running like they're
Starting point is 00:24:42 Sacking with 50 years of filth and incesthylitis all around the back. Like, where are we temperature testing? These have we run any kind of solving through these? They're spraying the theory. No, because I was hungry. Well, if you get the explosive shits, you'll know something was there, but, you know. Oh. I hate those goddamn things. What the sprayers, the mistors. Oh, but I'm can always. I'm always hot.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I would rather, I want them to get me wet. Like, I mean, I would, I would have sat there happily. Move my food. Just be hot. You got a damn pussy's. I can't stand it. Let's see here. Kamala Harris is miserable now.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Kamala Harris is going to be president. Do you see that? I love it. That's my favorite. Yeah. Can we get some police reform? You know what? We're going to put a cop in the White House.
Starting point is 00:25:36 How do you like that? What do you think about that? One of the, actually, one of the worst ones. The ones, one of the ones who wanted to keep nonviolent people in prison so that there wouldn't be a shortage of slave labor. So there wouldn't be a shortage of prison slave labor. That's long and rich tradition of slave labor.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah, I mean, you saw Shawshank Redemption, right? Was a documentary on the, I mean, aren't those the guys fighting fires around here every year? All the prison labors? Oh, well, like CDF, like the state are always, that's always if you work for CDF, man, like you're doing the ass work. That's when you're, you know, 110 degrees fucking, oh no, that's a close in the sex tape.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Oh no. Oh no. Should I have, no, do's a close in the sex tape. That's a rotis. No. Oh, no. Should I have, no, do you want to, do you want to call it and talk about, I see you're already there? That just completely derailed any thoughts I have on, from all of Harris and the White House and the police reform and I mean, let's get to the important stuff. All that money, all of that BLM money
Starting point is 00:26:49 that went through Act Blue or wherever it went to their big umbrella charity company, all of that is going to fund a cops run for president. I just want the irony to soak in for every, all of the BLM money, all of the anti-Trump money that's getting dumped into politics is going to elect a cop for president i really don't know biden is not is not a human i don't know a ton about her
Starting point is 00:27:15 uh... well she was like an aggressive she was an aggressive prosecutor like she argued to keep non-violent prisoners in jail for the sole purpose of meeting the prison labor So it would have been unprofitable. Is he here? Is null here? Oh Wait till he says hi You rang My god No, it's going on here Maybe he's here. I'll just try to unmute him.
Starting point is 00:27:45 What is going on? No, are you there? Oh wait, yeah, maybe that. There he is, there he is. No, are you there? Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you now. How are you?
Starting point is 00:27:54 Well, listen, never met her, pretty good. Are you exhausted from your victory lap? Ah! Victory marathon. What are you? Yeah, I'm pretty tired. I mean, your're pretty tired. It's been a ride.
Starting point is 00:28:06 It's been a ride. I don't mean to offend anyone by laughing at it, but it's just how else do you treat it? How did this get out? Honestly. Did he, was he hacked by Jack Daniels? Was he, yeah, makers, I think. Yeah, he posted it to prove his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend to fuck with him.
Starting point is 00:28:32 It was entirely malicious. It was entirely by his own hand. It seems to be the case, Sean. Then he probably feels okay about it. Well, how are not. Maybe a backfire a little bit. It seems that his girlfriend had some sort of a relationship with a guy, like an e-relationship. You know what I think about those, right?
Starting point is 00:28:56 While they were together, she said a number of disparaging things and then the guy hosted a stream, airing out all of these disparaging things that Ralph's girlfriend said about him. Yeah. They were pretty horrific, actually. And then he said that Ralph has never fucked her and in order to, in order to, to, uh, to give his side, to get the other side of the debate, Ralph, to give an absolute hand for us.
Starting point is 00:29:21 But that's what it appears like to me But that's what it appears like to me. That's what it appears like to me. And whether he intended that to get out for everybody's viewing pleasure, I don't know. Licker has this habit of sneaking up on you and leaving out big holes in your plan that you would otherwise see. Suddenly realize that that was not the hill he wanted to die on. He wanted to post pictures of his own dick. He said that
Starting point is 00:29:45 in multiple times. I mean, yeah, I don't, the thing is, is that I think he's a completely shameless person and he just wanted to fuck with this chicken and this guy because I think he knew at that point that she was not, she was not going to come back and he said in a wall watching the stream because you know, when you said it was like a hack, I thought, I mean, it's hard to tell on Twitter what you're being serious about. I'm almost never serious. I automatically just don't believe that's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Every time I hear hack, I'm like, I don't, bullshit. Yeah, exactly. You're gonna have to prove it was a hack. Yeah. No, no. Well, it's gonna kick you in the ass in a bit. Me?
Starting point is 00:30:23 But, yeah. Why me? Well, I mean, I have to be honest. This will probably be my last appearance on the show. Oh, no, why? Well, for several reasons, first and foremost, I do not believe you when you say that you didn't tell Riley to kick me off.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I just don't believe you. I saw you saying that on your show. That's why I wanted you to call in. So, to get Sean caught up, no, you think that I told Riley you were not welcome because you drive away quote, big people. Can you say it in your words? I don't want to paraphrase you incorrectly. Riley's message was that I was the guy at the party that had to be told to leave. And then after that, people got on my case for calling Digiburlo Pedophile, which he is. Well, after that, after I left, actually, I was there until like several people were getting
Starting point is 00:31:15 at me and then one guy started calling me a Karen and a moral for fucking with Shadman because Shadman is also a pedophile who drew pictures of Keemstar's daughter being as a Porn artist a very a very controversial and He draws really really offensive pornography. Yeah, yeah, and people were defending him there And it's like I don't want to be in here. I don't want to be around these people. So I left.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I understand that. And when I told people that it was because Riley asked me to leave, they asked Riley, people who were fans of me in the Discord Astrali, is that true? And he said, I didn't kick him, but he was making bigger names and comfortable specifically did you, bro? So I stayed out. And I mean, you acknowledge it. You take it out, shit.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Like, why do you think I told him that? I don't tell Riley shit. I don't talk to anybody about the show, not even Sean. You do pay him. I pay him to post. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I pay him a couple, I mean, I'm not gonna get into how much I pay him. I pay him to do the YouTube thumbnails.
Starting point is 00:32:25 And then he's kind of just really, like, you know him, he's aggressive at networking. And he's good at it. Well, he's good at it and he's very bad at it. He drives people who are good away from the show by engaging with them in a way that I don't like, but he's also very good at getting new people interested in the show. Well, he is the booking manager, so when he tells me that I have to be told to leave,
Starting point is 00:32:56 I take that as a word on high, and then afterward, he's gonna leave the month and shit. Oh, that was it. It's not the only thing. I mean, this doesn't help. There's other things that I want to mention, but that's not how I thought this call would go. It's the trick that... There's other things that I want to mention, but that's not how I got this go. Like me either. Right. That's right. Go ahead, sorry. I mean, that was just kind of like what set me off. Because if you don't, I'm sure you know that these people off I can eat, Ralph, did you
Starting point is 00:33:14 bro, their girlfriends and say they all know each other. Well, they don't know each other. They're very actively, well, they're very actively hostile towards me all at once. And it's just like, okay, I get when I'm not welcome. And I don't want to show up just to like bitch. I don't want to just sit here and things about myself and my feelings. The only reason why I am to clarify is you did help me
Starting point is 00:33:37 with new project too. And I know that you were cut up that isisterios and Mumkey didn't come on to talk about what was bothering them. So this is part of what's bothering me and I feel like, oh it's you to at least say what it is. Yeah, okay. Is that a prelude to saying it or were you in the middle, were you saying it? I don't want to cut you off.
Starting point is 00:33:58 So that was one thing, that was one thing, okay. Well, yeah, I mean, that's like the initial incident that really got me thinking about specifically the Ralph appearance on episode 204, which I think was like the you call it the anniversary stream because it's the corn. Yeah, yeah. So Ralph shows up and he calls me a pedophile and I listen to it. I listen to the entire thing in in preparation for coming on. And, okay. I mean, I do feel like it was a setup and you knew we would fight and I feel like you intentionally tried to make a spectacle for the anniversary show.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Uh, no, actually I don't think, I don't think people like e-drama shit. I was surprised that you guys were resorting to the pedophile argument immediately. Like watching two grown men call each other pedophiles is only funny to me because I don't, I know both of you don't believe that. I think either one of you is.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I never call him a pedophile. I have never called Ralph a pedophile and I've gone out of my way to explicitly defend him. I take it back then. I take it back. I miss remember I take it back. Hearing him say it was funny to me because I don't think he believes it.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I think, I mean, it's Ralph. Like I think he's hurt. And like hurt people, they deal with, they deal with it in different ways. Ralph's very aggressive when he's hurt and you're kind of the opposite. I don't know. My language, when I called Digi-row a pedophile to clarify it, I only call someone a pedophile
Starting point is 00:35:30 if I think I could shoot them and sleep well afterwards. That's my... Yeah, I mean, I don't really... I don't really support that either, bud. I don't think you should be calling DigiBrow a pedophile, but I'm not you. I'm not going to tell you what to say. They are not. I appreciate that you you should be calling. Did you grow a pet of all but I'm not you like I'm not going to tell you what to say or not say I appreciate that you want to do You think that the whole shit about Twitter like okay, you can make jokes and say awkward shit about Ralph
Starting point is 00:35:53 But I don't I don't think you fully appreciate What you're doing to yourself and not just to yourself but to people who associate with you. When you talk about the lollic on shit and you make jokes about jerk and off to lollic on and you're tagging in people like Doug to Naples and and Rikeda, you are conservative Christians who would not appreciate that. You don't understand that this never goes back into the box. It's like a Chernobyl event. You will be already what you've done already what you've said. You will see those tweets for the rest of your life. 10 years down the road, if you're still doing comedy, you'll see people bringing these things up.
Starting point is 00:36:29 And I'm making jokes about a lollicon, that I'm jerking off to lollicon. Yes, okay. Yes, exactly. It doesn't matter what your legal stance is, what your political, philosophical stance, if you find it attractive, not the association is in of itself toxic.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And you can say, well, that's a part of cancel culture. That's whatever you think it is. And you might be right. I'm not going to opine on that. I'm just saying what it has done to me is devastating. Me reaching out, trying to make the legal argument that there's no victims and shit. But I can tell you that the people who jerk off to LaLicon are pedophiles. They are the same people because when I hosted 9chan, when I was involved with 8chan, the same people posting hardcore child pornography one day would be using the same trip codes to post LaLicon on the LaLi boards the next.
Starting point is 00:37:24 They are the same trip codes to post lollicon on the lollipopards the next. They are the same people. And I think in particular with DigiBrow's situation, him and Pantsu are both pedophiles into lollicon. And as I saw with the snake thing, with the Zusatus, people who have a parapheralia like that who know each other are more dangerous than they are by themselves. I think that Pantsu, Party and DigiBrow are not just pedophiles, but dangerous than they are by themselves. I think that Panty, Party, and Digi Bro are not just pedophiles,
Starting point is 00:37:47 but I think they're dangerous together. And I think that this picture of Ralph and Riley and Mint salad and shit hanging out with these fucking people is gonna blow up in their face and when it blows up in their face, it's gonna affect you and vice versa. So when that happens, I don't want anything to do with it. I understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Is Lollipop like that sounds like a convention? Yeah, it's Lollipop convention or candy. No, but I mean like, is it always animated? Is that what's it? Yes, yes, necessarily yes. What's the con stand for? I don't know. That's like a Japanese word for person, I think.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Isn't it con? I don't know, I don't know all that. Yeah, it's something all too. You know, and it's not always just animated. Like there was specific artists who were arrested because they trace real child pornography. And I know those pictures are out there. I know that they're drawing their children being raped.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah, there's a victim in that case. It doesn't, the thing is, the word pedophile does not mean child molester, but it doesn't have to mean that He mentioned it like it's hate speech because it's thought crying like good if I had a button to to kill every pedophile I would press it twice just to make sure I really don't feel bad about care and farming over make sure I really don't feel bad about care and farming over child abuse. And I think it's, especially as someone who really likes you, I wanna go out in the lemon, say you have to understand that no matter what you're like,
Starting point is 00:39:15 okay, the jokes about libertarianism and the roads and chain link and all that shit might work, will work, people will forgive that. Like they did on the biggest problem. 99% of the people who listen to your podcast will hear you defend Lollicon and it does not matter, you can be 100% right. The argument is repulsive to a normal person. Yeah, I mean, I'll try to go down, I've been writing down some of your points so I can
Starting point is 00:39:43 address them in turn. I hear that, I hear your concern. That is what I hear from you. I understand that you want to distance yourself from it as an active self-preservation. Well, everybody doesn't understand. If you're uncomfortable to a certain, everybody has a different level of comfort and what they want to associate with. Yeah. I've completely understand that. Yeah. The jokes, the jokes I will never stop doing. I'm committed fully for the rest of my life to getting pursued by bad jokes or any kind of joke.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Um, have you made jokes about like pedophilia and child molestation and shit in the past? You know what? Well, I mean, definitely. Shit, I'm sure. I didn't want it at the beginning of the show. I said, a public school teacher was just sizing me up to be raped. Yeah. I'm sure I've done it too.
Starting point is 00:40:35 And by the way, no, that is the most acceptable type of joke to make in Hollywood. Like if we're talking about reputation and getting burned over jokes, you can tell 10 million jokes about child molestation. They will give you a free, they don't even blink, but you tell one joke, if I told the joke about my own race, that would get me kicked out. You're talking, I mean, you're just, You're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just,
Starting point is 00:40:57 you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're at comedy clubs in LA and online are different. The general population cannot be defined by anecdotes in LA.
Starting point is 00:41:07 LA is a fucking shithole. Yeah, I think that if we're talking about actual pedophiles, the world is run by an elite pedophile ring. So like this is, I don't know about that. The elite don't fund you. The elite don't fund you. The right of guys who listen to you while trucking around the US are the people who fund you. The elite don't fund you. The right of guys who listen to you while trucking around the US
Starting point is 00:41:26 are the people who fund you. Don't shit where you eat. Those people will not, you know, the fucking guys who listen, they will not find this chat. A lot of people wanna hear, you know, like I always compare your show to like the guy, the man show, the man show, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:43 I was very young when the man show was airing. Yeah, yeah. That's like a when the man show was airing. That's like a modern incarnation of that. And a lot of guys need like fatherly advice. And I think you feel that whether or not you think you do or you should. A lot of people listen because they want to hear what they would want to hear from like a father figure.
Starting point is 00:42:00 And they know one wants to hear a father figure say, yeah, I'm going to go jack off with lolly con or to lolly con with this fucking degenerate pedophile couple. I know. I wasn't with them. There was no audience for that. It was a joke that I told you PPP like that would be a punishment for like this would be a big it's so dumb. This is what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:42:20 This is a specific thing. I don't know about. I said like, yeah, I'm going, this is gonna be the big climax of this is I'm gonna beat off to Lollie. Obviously joking. I mean, I can't beat off to anything that comes out of Lollie. I understand that it's a joke, but like I said, it is like Chernobyl.
Starting point is 00:42:35 It is something that will never clear up. I'm not afraid of that. I'm not afraid of getting, I'm not afraid of getting canceled for comedy or getting canceled for thought crimes. I'm just not afraid of getting, I'm not afraid of getting canceled for comedy or getting canceled for thought crimes. I'm just not afraid of it, man. Like at this point, at this point, if I don't know what they're going to take from me,
Starting point is 00:42:52 well, that's where you're going to get from. Because everybody who supports the show knows that I absolutely, I will absolutely always draw a line between thought and action, always. And specifically, specifically you said, the Christian guys like Doug and Nick, I promise you that the most Christian thing to do with actual pedophiles is to realize that they're in a tremendous amount of pain
Starting point is 00:43:16 and that even if they want to, they cannot control their addiction and to continually call them scum and that you're gonna fucking kill them is just going to make them kill themselves And I know that you would might think that's a good thing But it is not loving like Jesus Christ would say look I understand that you're dealing with an incredible burden. We've got to keep you away from Kate
Starting point is 00:43:36 We've got to keep you away from kids. We're all working together to keep you the fuck out of the public education system To keep you the fuck out of church and to for you to let everybody know that we can't let kids around you, but you are still suffering an ungodly amount of pain and it's not fair. It's not fair that people weren't born with this. You probably got it from being molested. You don't fucking rehabilitate it.
Starting point is 00:43:57 You don't try and give it morphine for the rest of its life. There is no value in keeping Digi Bro alive. He has nothing to get anyone. He is a threat to children and a complete fucking waste of everything else that he consumes. There is value in all life.
Starting point is 00:44:14 There is value in everyone's life. Digi Bro, I don't know what happened to him, but I don't understand how you can walk away from that not seeing that he was using Lolly very infrequently as he says to put himself in the mind of the small girl. Like the pornography is hypnosis. Oh, finally, it admits that he's a pedophile and I don't believe that. I do not believe that he wants to be the little girl. Oh, my shit.
Starting point is 00:44:38 It's like it's a nonsense fucking argument. You don't fantasize about being a three-year-old girl being raped. Yes, you do. You don't think anyone fantasizes. People, everybody puts themselves in the more often than not when people are watching pornography, they put themselves in the mind of the submissive person. Like, it's not, you're not watching a point of view. It's not like Ralph's sex tape where you're the guy doing the filming. You're watching it and you're hypnotizing yourself in a movie. Shut up on an island of quicksand, apparently. You're experiencing, when you watch a movie, all of the characters have to be relatable because you are putting yourself into the position of the character. I don't
Starting point is 00:45:20 understand how you can say definitively. It's not that way for all types of pornography. You need at least one character you can associate with, but you do not have to relate to all of them. And I don't watch pornography and consider myself to submissive. I don't know. That's like a Freudian slip or a white. No, that's a study.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I do not watch porn in my study. It's a kinsy study. It's getting fucked. I don't watch it. I don't. It's not true. That's not reality. It is messier than you think in your brain. And I'm not watch it. I don't. It's not true. That's not reality. It is messier than you think in your brain.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And I'm not going to say yours. I'm saying in people's brains, when they're watching pornography, they are experienced. It's like a movie's gotta have a good bad guy to win because you kind of want him to win. And then you're happy when he's beaten. Like it's very, the human mind is not as simple as you're making it seem. I don't think.
Starting point is 00:46:04 There's a huge variance. In order to even defend this person, you have to put yourself into the shoes of a pedophile and people listening to that will pick up on that. You can't do it. That's why I say it does not matter how you feel about him as a friend or as a person if you feel bad for him or not, you cannot associate with an open pedophile because it will always look bad. He's not an open pedophile. He's an open, he openly has looked at Lolly and enjoys it. He's not a fucking pedophile. That doesn't make you a pedophile. It does make you a
Starting point is 00:46:35 pedophile. If you are attracted, if you watch, if you watch Gaby, if you watch Gaby and fuck each other, you're probably gay. So if you watch lesbian, or an evil, if fucking lesbian, then to feed, if you masturbate to animate children, you're probably gay. So when you watch lesbian and porn, you're fucking lesbian and porn. If you masturbate to anime children, you're probably into children. This is not complicated. What about lesbian porn? Let's go. Are you a fucking lesbian all of a sudden?
Starting point is 00:46:55 Or are you putting yourself in a different mindset? Most into lesbians are cutting their fucking dick off and becoming lesbians dick. Yes. The people who are watching Lesbian porn. The fuck in here. So watching two chicks get it on with a double-sided dildo makes me a fucking trans woman now, no?
Starting point is 00:47:12 Yeah, I think people into Lesbian porn are weird. I think that, and you see it a lot with people who go trans, they call themselves trans beings, yeah, it's fucked up, it's weird. Yeah, I got news for you. The guy driving a truck across the country right now identifies a hell of a lot more with watching lesbian porn and not being called a chick. I mean, if they do watch that, it's because they want to get in on it.
Starting point is 00:47:34 You watch a man fuck a child, you're thinking, oh, I got to squeeze on into that. You're still a fucking pedophile. Yeah. The whole fantasy with two lesbian women, it's like, I want to have two chicks at once. So now, if you want to have a guy and a little girl at once, you're still a fucking pedophile. So now it's so, and it's less being, it's less being, it's not what meets the eye you're
Starting point is 00:47:54 saying. It's something else. But when it's the thing, you want to hate, it's exactly what it is. It's not what it is. It's not possible. It's a drawing. It's a drawing like video game violence, it's like satanic music,
Starting point is 00:48:06 it is an artistic representation of something that is meant to appeal to something deeper than the literal elements of your mind. It's a drawing, it's art. That's what it is. Now, there might be overlap. The stats and the Japanese stats around this suggest otherwise,
Starting point is 00:48:21 but if you seriously want to keep kids away from pedophiles, keep them out of school because that's where it's happening. If you, I mean, it's not happening with didgy-pills. I know there's a- I'm not agree with you, homeschool your fucking kids because the public school system is a fucking wreck, but- And encourage- I mean, there's no-
Starting point is 00:48:39 Anybody, that's a deflection. Who gives a fuck about the public schools? I'm talking about the people who you have in your house and who you have as friends on your show and who you're booting off other guests to make room for who master I didn't I didn't boot you off I don't give a fuck how big anybody is I never told Riley to boot you by and by the way you had a number of falsehoods in your in your video about me meant what meant meant salad I don't know why everyone fucking cares about mint salad because everyone wants to raise her like their own dad. She was already living out of her house.
Starting point is 00:49:11 She was 20 years old when I ever talked to her for the first time about her parents being insane. She had already left the house. If you don't think me encouraging a 20 year old to leave home is a good thing, then I don't know, I mean, I don't know what to tell you. If you're 18, get the fuck out of your parents' house. It's good for your brain, for any reason.
Starting point is 00:49:32 I don't know. From what I heard, she was 18, told her to leave her family to go draw shitty for a point. No, it's because you're listening to these fucking people in your forum that are just using you to get back at people they don't like. She was already out of home. She was 20 years old. I didn't do shit, but laugh at her parents emails. Her parents are crazy. And let him and Clark has a fucking hand up Riley's ass making
Starting point is 00:49:54 him talk. Nobody has used me. Riley and Mant are both kids. They're having fun. They're they're driving around America doing their tour. Right. Look, Riley runs his fucking mouth and drives people away from the show. So did Dustin. So does every single person who ever tries to help with the show. It's constantly me getting involved and saying, stop antagonizing people. Just fucking stop. If you want to antagonize people, go to another server and fuck with them there. But it sounds both ways to me.
Starting point is 00:50:22 You're calling Didgy Bro a fucking pedophile. You don't think his friend is going to tell you to go fuck yourself? Because he is a pedophile. The majority of people who listen to this are going to believe that a man who masturbates to pictures of children being raped as a pedophile. It's not pictures of children. It's drawings. You're saying it like, which would you rather have on your phone? If you got stopped, if you got stopped in customs, would you rather have actual child pornography or drawings of it? I would rather not be a pedophile and not have child porn on my camera.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Ten answers, because it's a good point. You won't answer because it's a good point. Because you know goddamn while I'm in the drawings. It's a complete bullshit statement. Which would you rather have in your bag, we or cocaine, like weed. I would rather not have fucking drugs in my bag But if you had to pick see how easily I can answer that I don't have to pick because I'm not a pedophile
Starting point is 00:51:10 I don't have the show my experiment though Is it somebody put it on your computer which would you rather have? I mean I'm not gonna answer this question Okay, because it's it doesn't have any Amazing to what I'm saying about Digi Bro being a pet person. Sean, which one would you have? Which one would you rather have?
Starting point is 00:51:28 The drawings. The drawings. Yeah, obviously. I could probably, yeah. I mean, if I had to, somebody hacked in like they hacked into Ralph's phone and posted a sex tape. It's a hypothetical with no connection to Digi Bro being a pet of violence. It shows, it's a deflection.
Starting point is 00:51:43 No, it shows that there is a difference, and you know what the difference is, that one is a drawing and one is real. One is horrifying and the other is not. That one is, is, ostensibly more legal than the other. Now, just because the law that come along
Starting point is 00:51:57 does not get pressed as much as it could be, does not mean that it is not illegal. It definitely is. But I don't find the issue that, I mean, what is the argument now that that it is not illegal. It definitely is. But I don't find the issue that, I mean, what is the argument now that because it's not illegal, it's not immoral. If the law was that, if you, I mean, the law has been wrong all the fucking time.
Starting point is 00:52:14 It's continuously fucked up. You know this to be true. How can you defend the United States code of laws as if it's some kind of a religious doctrine and basis for modern morals. It's not. The law said that child rape isn't rape if you wear a silly hat. You're not going to say, well, he's wearing a silly hat.
Starting point is 00:52:32 He can't be a child molester. He never got convicted. That's fucking stupid. The law, I think, should try to protect victims. And in the case of drawings, the victim is the artist. I agree with you. I don't think it should be illegal. There are several reasons why that I'm not going to get into, but I do believe that people
Starting point is 00:52:47 who masturbate to children being raped are pedophiles. It's drawings though. You got to say the drawing part. Well, I can completely, but I, people who masturbate to simulations of child pornography are pedophiles. I mean, they can, they can imagine it, like you can't stop them from just picturing it. Well, that's what he's saying, a pedophile doesn't, his indication that he does do this is in fact proof that he is a pedophile, and that his girlfriend
Starting point is 00:53:14 or what the fuck she is, is also a pedophile. It is. And it doesn't, but that also doesn't mean that he would ever act on it with a real, and that's the line I think you're trying to make. Yeah, I understand. It's a dick's point, but I don't care. I don't want to know these people.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I don't want to be around these people. I don't want to associate with these people. I don't want to associate with people who associate with these people. And you have every right to feel that way and every right to do what you want to do to make yourself comfortable. That's what I mean, that's exactly what you, whatever you feel like you have to do, that's what you have to do to make yourself comfortable. That's what I mean, that's exactly what,
Starting point is 00:53:45 whatever you feel like you have to do, that's what you have to do. It's your life. The only thing I want, the only thing I had a problem with was the inaccuracies that I told Riley to say, that I told Riley to say these things because I didn't tell him shit.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I never would, I never will. I just say, hey, can you post, the only thing I ever tell Riley is, hey, great, he's got a guy, awesome. Here's the Discord link. Hey, can you post this thumbnail? But I don't know. I'm sorry that you don't want to associate with me anymore
Starting point is 00:54:13 because I like your calls. Yeah, I mean, I appreciate you were one of the few people who like reached out to help. And I feel really fucked over by this to be honest. Well, um, if they ever, I didn't even mention, but you brought up the forum. I didn't even touch on that. The whole thing about going and instigating shit with the forum, it directly puts me as a point of contention between my own community and you and accepting money through
Starting point is 00:54:44 new project, too, that really fucked me. Your stupid fucking Twitter account fucked me, dick. How did it fuck you? Because it made all the bullshit that these fucking people spun look plausible when suddenly after they're making fun of you, you're going to the forum. You're arguing with the forum saying like,
Starting point is 00:55:03 oh, this is full of a-logs. It should be, these people should be banned because they're using the forum again, shit. going to the forum, you're arguing with the forum saying, like, oh, this is full of the a-logs. It should be, these people should be banned because they're using the forum against you. I don't think they should be banned. Yeah, do whatever you want. I just think that they're, I think that they're, I do think that they're a-logs. I do think that they want harm to come to the East celebrities
Starting point is 00:55:17 they don't like, a sum of, enough of them. That's not what I'm saying. And a-log is something that wants to hurt the cow, right? Not milk the cow but hurt them. Accent them to jail or whatever. That was my understanding. That's not one. And A-log is something that wants to hurt the cow, right? Not milk the cow, but hurt them. Accent them to jail or whatever. That was my understanding. That was my understanding.
Starting point is 00:55:28 That was my understanding. That was my understanding. That was my understanding. He's someone who really got overly angry at someone who they really weren't that much better than. And I don't think that fits the definition. I think that people root against eSelipse. I think that's the nature of eSeluvbed them, is that you want to see people fall.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I mean, there's very few people in the internet famous board who you're just like constantly laughing at. Well, that sounds like splitting hairs, but I kind of don't really see how it's a problem that you can't just ignore people in your forum that don't like the way you're running it. Isn't that what you tell other people to do? Because that's my support base. And if I lose that, I lose everything that I pull. I don't. I understand that.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I don't know, man. I thought, can we agree that the sex tape was funny? Oh yeah, yeah, I'm very happy that Ralph decided to humiliate himself, and I hope he gets completely fucked up or buy it. I guess that makes me an a-log, but you're definition. I guess I'm a logging Ralph right now by pro-nosticating, by doom saying, but yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:56:40 it's, what's funny is that I called it, and he, everything that he did to fuck himself over, he could have avoided by not doing anything. And I'm telling you in the exact same way, close your fucking Twitter account, post your links to your shows, stop having these arguments, because whatever your humor is,
Starting point is 00:56:54 does not translate into Twitter. Your show does not work in Twitter. It can be interpreted in 10,000 different ways, all of them negative. I understand that. I hear your concern. I think Ralph, I hope he lays off the booze a little bit because I think that's what brought him down,
Starting point is 00:57:11 or that's what's causing him grief, not necessarily keeping his mouth shut, but I guess we'll see. I'm gonna keep making jokes, man. I'm gonna keep trying to draw a hard line between fantasy and reality. Because that's being... I mean, I can understand the argument.
Starting point is 00:57:30 But I can't empathize with like, yeah, these are the people I want to have around me. I just can't. Well, you don't even have to really justify that. Like if that's, it's your life. When you feel... You can determine the quality of a man by the people that he associates with. Yeah, try that with Jesus.
Starting point is 00:57:56 How did that work on him? It's criminals. I'm fine trying to help these people. I don't care what people think of the guys I hang around with. And you have all people should know that running the one of the, what it would be considered one of the scumiest sites on the internet. Yeah, and I ate a lot of shit for it. Well deserved, but I do not associate with pedophiles
Starting point is 00:58:15 because I know, number one I don't want to. Number two, it's, you can't, you cannot thrive with something that toxic. And there's no money. I hate the word toxic, but it is a humming, radioactive element just sitting in your front yard. Yeah. Do you host Lolly?
Starting point is 00:58:38 I did for a while, but after a close night, specifically because the people who were posting on the Lollyord kept posting child porn on the main board Yeah, during my break a couple months ago I told the people that were next and I'm like you can either pull this shit off my server now Or I'm closing it until you can because I'm not I'm not doing this anymore. It lasted about two months And I I will reiterate that the people who posted the child porn Posted the law like. They were the same exact demographic. I have no doubt whatsoever that DigiBrow has looked at, sought after, kept masturbated
Starting point is 00:59:14 to actual pictures of children being harmed. You cannot convince me otherwise. Well, you should be careful making those claims about people. If they might, it just might, might get you sued. That would be my, if we're giving unsolicited advice to each other, that would be my advice to you. Let pump the brakes on the pedophile accusations. Because they're real. The truth is an absolute defense for defamation. And I believe that a judge will look at the fact that did you bro openly admits to being
Starting point is 00:59:41 attracted to lolly con as proof that he's a pedophile and will. I hope it doesn't come to that. I hope none of this would come to this. I wish that you and Ralph had made up on that show. I think I think he was heard. Obviously, but here we are. We got him move forward. I'll miss you. No, I hope you come back someday. Me too. Yep, take it easy. Bye. See ya. That did not go as I expected. Never does does it? Yeah, see I don't know what's all going on. I don't know what uh, uh, drawings, it's always drawings are going on. What kind of stuff you're you're getting into on a
Starting point is 01:00:21 drawing on a weekly basis. Okay, I'll draw you some right now. Yeah. I'm going to draw you here. This is, uh, see this big old, to this big old ding dong on the stick man that I drew. Yeah. He's four year old. Take that, Sean. You're a pedophile. Well, but I'm not attracted to that. Oh, here, we put some big old tits on it here.
Starting point is 01:00:39 How about you? How's that? Are you attracted to that? Definitely. How about that? I'm attracted to that. No, with the size of that dick and the tits, I'm very confused. that. Definitely. How about that? The trick attracted to that? No, with the size of that, dick and the tits, I'm very confused.
Starting point is 01:00:48 I just don't want people to say I'm doing things I'm not doing. Okay. Well, the things I'm actually doing are bad enough. Let's just stay. Yes. Let's just stay on the court. Oh, is that Is Ralph in here? Oh, is he? Oh, please. Oh, where's Catboy, in here? Oh, is he?
Starting point is 01:01:06 Oh, please. Oh, where's Catboy, Cammy? Oh my God. I told him to call in. There's Catboy, Cammy. Catboy, Cammy, do you remember when Maaz was here and he was talking about, um, I have no heart feeling source. Yeah, I really like. No, I can't.
Starting point is 01:01:19 I, all I hear from him is genuine concern. I hope that comes across. Yeah. And look, I, I, look, I interact with this show. I don't go on the reddit, Facebook groups, anything like that. I try to have a relationship with people that I know from the show and on the show. Maybe we email back and forth or something. If somebody, you know, it's happened before, right?
Starting point is 01:01:45 So, you know, the ignorance is bliss on this show for me, you know? So it's like, the way that I think about null is I hear all these things. But when he comes on, I genuinely like him. I like whoever he is when he's on this show. And I think he's very smart. He has good points. He's generally his kind of sense of morality, kind of, or ethics sort of, sort of aligns with mine to some extent. I mean, I don't know. I don't, I don't hear him making, like,
Starting point is 01:02:19 saying outlandish things to my memory, you know, from what I remember on his appearances here. I don't know. I always stand up going like, oh yeah, that was good. Like I got something out of that conversation. So, you know, I don't know. Let's read some comments. I'm sure I had some other things to talk about. I didn't know that would be so heated. Yeah, that was a... It wasn't even heated.
Starting point is 01:02:42 It was kind of just depressing. Yeah, it was a little bit. Mom's a fuck with it, this says, so my mom's gone full retard and seems to think that a potential COVID vaccine will inject trackers inside everyone and it will be capable of mind control. That's true, it's gonna happen.
Starting point is 01:02:57 By the way, we watched Tropic Thunder last night. Yeah, how is that movie? They put a warning label in front of blazing saddles. Yeah, okay. How is Tropic Thunder? Where a guy because I know because it's, I'm talking about Tom Cruise's grotesque Jewish stereotype. You understand? Yeah. It's got those big hairy arms and he's a ruthless talent agent. That's what I'm talking. He's, he's Jew face. Yeah. He's doing is very offensive. It's been Stiller's partner, production partners who he's scooping.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Oh, yeah. Yeah. I can't believe I was forget that guy's name, but now. Blazing Saddles has a disclaimer now. Yeah. It's because Tropic Thunder is making fun of the fact that for decades,
Starting point is 01:03:40 like white guys played ethnic characters. But I mean, everything is making fun of something. Like, nobody else, how does Blazing Saddles, they put a primer on Blazing Saddles saying that it's making fun of small-minded bigots. If you didn't get that from the cartoonish display, up yours, my friend, that she says, what is a disclaimer gonna to do? We lost
Starting point is 01:04:07 the disclaimer war with cigarettes. We started putting a dumb fuck. These will kill you. I know. And they make you reek. We lost that war then. Yeah. I understand. With a disclaimer war. Just put it on everything. Put it on everything. Put it on Lollie. We have to do it for the full. Lois common denominator, the dumbest people who seem to be the loudest. And it's like, I think in this country, it's happening in entertainment. It's happening politically. I think that the tail is wagging the dog more so than I've ever seen it before. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:42 And it's a very, very small tail. It is a small tail. But people react to it like it's really, really strong. She thinks that Bill Gates is behind it because she saw a TED talk where he said we can reduce the world's population by using a vaccine. I doubt he said that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:57 I told her that a 10 second Google search would reveal that people in third world countries have shit loads of kids because they expect some of them to die if the mortality rates were lower, it wouldn't have such large families. Her response was maybe he just wants to kill Africans then. Wouldn't put a past them. So at this point, I think she'll believe anything.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I was wondering if you can't be some advice in convincing her that the Holocaust never happened. No, why would I do that? That's insane. I want to see, let's a hell of a turn. I want to see where she draws the line. Not there. It's not going to be that one. Try and give her some flat earth. The moon doesn't exist. More gallons. More gallons is the craziest one. More gallons' disease is the craziest one. People
Starting point is 01:05:36 think that fibers that are on their skin from their clothes are actually malfunctioning nanobots that are being overpowered by 5 G signals, are producing strands of fabric that leak through their skin and collect them and then go into the doctor with them. So if you look up some more gallons, slide it into her emails and see how that, see, have some fun with that. Hey, Deck, I lost my virginity to a 38 year old woman.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Mm-hmm. See here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. At the end of last year, I was inspired by folk heroes, such as Matt Fuckface, Groovy Louie, and Greene in the Virgin Contest. I decided to take that inspiration and put effort into finally losing my virginity at the ripe age of 23. Over the course of a few months, you know, we didn't even argue about me telling Riley
Starting point is 01:06:24 anything. I know that I was like, oh, what? Yeah, what happened there? To believe me, why? Yeah, when have I ever, when have I ever like, I don't know. I've made weird politics with people for, I just don't fucking care.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Yeah, I don't know what you, what kind of communications you have and stuff. The only thing that I've ever been aware of is Usually you telling people like hey don't do that. Yeah, I can knock down. Yeah, don't do it You're pissing off everybody else, but they're clearly fighting about like I mean I wouldn't want my friend being called a pedophile Yeah, and that he needs to be shot. Yeah, uh, I also don't understand if you don't like Lolly Shouldn't you try to encourage them to be as open as possible? Like, yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I'm gonna avoid you because you want to know who. It's like you want people saying, you want people posting hate speech and all that kind of stuff, so you know who's doing it. Yeah, like if I went to the doctor, and then I was getting like my pancreas removed or something, and the doctor had like a big fake mustache mustache and then on the day of the surgery, the doctor ripped the mustache off and it was actually a woman.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I would go, whoa, whoa, I'm out of here. Yeah, right. You know, it's the same. So you don't want the mustache on at all. I don't, yeah, I wanted to look her, are you a man? Doctor? What's going on here?
Starting point is 01:07:51 Over the course of a few months, I started going out to bars more and trying to meet as many girls as possible. I went to a meetup of older people in my area one night on a whim and ended up. How old is he? 23. And ended up meeting a lean blonde
Starting point is 01:08:03 and beautiful 48 year old woman. Oh wow. 48 or 38? 48. Oh and beautiful 48 year old woman. Oh wow. 48 or 38? 48. Oh, I thought she said 38 in the title or the 48. You heard what you wanted to hear. Ah. I swear you said 38, but I could be rustled.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Check the tape Sean. She was 48. 48, she was wearing a form fitting turtle neck around her C cup tits that immediately drew my attention. Oh wow, we love those turtle neck. He did say 38. Thank you. We chatted the rest of the evening.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Those older girls get some big old weight on those tits. Tits keep growing through your whole life. Well, that, yeah. I mean, it's gravity, you know, and such. That's how you stay competitive. Yeah. And the tit came in. We chatted the rest of the evening,
Starting point is 01:08:40 and I was pleasantly surprised when she accepted my invitation to go drinking with some other friends at another bar that same night. I tried to bring her home that night and after making out, and she politely declined. Fast forward to the third time we met up and when we went back to her place. Let him into the old folks gathering. Did I ever tell that story? It was a meetup for her. Maybe he was just there for, you know, as another patron in the bar, right?
Starting point is 01:09:04 Not part of a group. Did I tell you the wine meetup story that I went to with a friend of ours? The wine to do this? The wine meetup story? Yeah. Did I ever tell that story on the show? I don't think so. Now, this Google-y-eyed fuck, you are former roommate.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Do you remember him, tall guy? Sure. I think Google-y-yes. Yeah. About seven feet tall. Yeah, yeah. He had those big eyes, like that black guy and Caddy Shack when he was about to get nailed. He goes, blue? Yeah, I don't know if it was quite that much Yeah, yeah. He had those big eyes like that black guy and Caddy Shack when he's boats about to get nailed. He goes, blue.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Yeah, I don't know if it was quite that much, but yeah, I mean, he had a little white guy though. Little bit Garfield in him, right? I mean, little bit, you know, the thighs. This car was kind of like, he had like a head that kind of tapered in at the top. I mean, he's a truck, I don't care. I'm not saying he was ugly.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Right, he got a lot of ass. He did, just that's what he looked like. Like I of ass. He did, that's what he looked like. Like I described him like a cartoon because that's what he looked like in his story. He had the idea of going to a single's wine mixer at a wine bar in Santa Clarita. Right. That was like a 40 plus.
Starting point is 01:10:00 It's a good idea. I guess. So we go, we're at 25 or something like that. And I go just because I know this is gonna be a good idea. I guess. So we go, we're at 25 or something like that. Yeah. And I go just because I know this is gonna be a bad idea. Mm-hmm. We go and see. Well, no.
Starting point is 01:10:13 The bad idea was him bringing you. That's the bad idea. That's the bad idea. Because I know what fucking happens. That's true. It was. He'll be trying to fucking work game and you'll be doing anything.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Just the sight of me isn't enough to ruin it. Just my presence going there. I can't wait for you to fuck this up. We have these gigantic full glasses of wine. And we're talking to this group of three girls and of course they're drawn to him because the next youngest guy at the place is 65 or old, you know, he's a young kid. We're both young. We're standing there talking to these girls making jokes and he drops an entire glass of wine, like plastic cup, like a solo cup. He drops the entire
Starting point is 01:11:01 thing on the ground at our feet, it hits, flips over, ladders everywhere, and I look like I've just won the lottery. Like, I'm already, my funny bone is already too broken to laugh, right? I look up at him like this, and the women are standing there. So it's all over everybody's legs and shoes and shit. Couldn't even tell yet. Couldn't even tell. He goes, he looks at me with those big eyes
Starting point is 01:11:27 and he goes, looks down and then turns 180 degrees on his heels and just walks away. Really? He's the end of his night. He didn't even say anything. Say anything. And I'm laughing hysterically. God uncontrollably what what what what Cat boys here. Where is he?
Starting point is 01:11:52 God dammit. There he is there he is there he is there he is there he is Cat boy, Kami, I'm sorry. I didn't see you in the line up there. Are you there? Yeah, I'm here. What's up? What's up, man? How are you? Yeah, I'm alright just a lazy Sunday. I guess yeah, it's been a rough show for us one of my very good friends broke up with me Less than an hour ago Over what? Over Lollicon Yeah, so you're you're the one
Starting point is 01:12:20 You're the one. Just sentences I just never thought I would hear. I'm pulling up some of your trolling. You, you're going in blackface and what, pretending to arrest people on, on, on chatterbait with the hell is this chat tube? I forget the name. A megal, it's kind of like, um, it's like a video chat, Ramagus.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Yeah, on Omeagle. Yeah, so I dressed up in black face one time and that sort of took off. There it is. John, this is a tendency to do. I'm trying to find a clip of it. I don't even know if I could play this. If you check my bit shoot, I've got clips
Starting point is 01:13:03 of all the different streams and stuff. Okay. Or at least most of them. Pitch shoot. And they're usually labeled by their characters and shit. What possessed you to do this? To do such a hateful thing? I just thought it was funny.
Starting point is 01:13:17 God. And I've been streaming for a while. So there is this Australian YouTuber. There, somebody was playing it. Was good with it. Oh, you got to believe that out, Sean. Yeah. So you're on, you're on Omigal here in the most type of blackface you could imagine. Yeah, is that the one where you got the bucket of chicken and stuff? Well, we saw the first one. Straight back to the 1920s. Yeah, is that the one where you got the bucket of chicken and stuff? Well, we saw the first one. Straight back to the 1920s.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Yeah, I'm at clown world Australia. I'm trying to find your bitch, you man. I don't know how to navigate bitch. Have you lived somewhere else besides Australia? Not really. Oh, all right. I just, I've, yeah, I'm just trying to travel to America a bit before, but for all streaming and stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Yeah. Maybe is this you? I'm just careful to America a bit before but fire all streaming and stuff Maybe is this you does anybody in the chat have the cat boys bitch. I can post it in Okay here now what are you saying when you have this this 20s era black face on an abucket of Kentucky fried chicken and a What does that appears to be a handgun? Maybe a barretta. And you've got toon squad, a basketball jersey saying toon squad, what are you saying with this artistic piece that you've created? 1350 I guess. What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:14:39 Oh! 13% of the population commits 50% of the crime. What's been the reception for you on this endeavor? It's been extremely good. I mean, 150K views on bit shoot of all fucking things is decent. And then there's people that reupload clips to YouTube that I've seen with like over a quarter of a million, half a million.
Starting point is 01:15:04 So yeah. So can you monetize this? Is this was a, I mean, it's a stream. So yeah, make money off of streaming. Ah, I see you're also doing some sort of a Chinese character that you've come up with here. I did yellow face as well. Yeah, very yellow. Him and Mickey Rooney.
Starting point is 01:15:30 I also did one where I dressed up as a cop and tried to find blacks on Omega. Did you find any? Oh yeah. What did you do when you found them? Let me see if I can find a good clip of it. Let's see if I can find a good clip of it. Let's see. Ah, fuck the thing that took it down. I think I see it. I think maybe I can play this one.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Let me see if I can. This is Officer Catboy, Omega Adventures. Do you say the N word a lot? Uh, okay. Yes. Okay. If I'll just play a tiny bit and move a get one in, we're doing to it and I'll try to stop it in time.
Starting point is 01:16:09 I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it.
Starting point is 01:16:17 I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. I'll try to stop it. like a cop pointing your gun at the camera arresting any black person that
Starting point is 01:16:25 appears like a lean on the camera with my knee at one point. Oh my God. Let me let me I could play this one. I see you talking to a black girl. Very beautiful black room. He said basically white skit blamed for a lot of things that really the Jews did to blacks. Okay. Why it's get blamed for a lot of things that really the Jews did to blacks, okay? Well, wasn't it most of the Jews that were slave owners? Okay I keep going he said all the black people with a last name of like, you know, Silverstein and, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:07 that happens all the Jewish names, that all the, you know, the, the South of the, that all the Jewish concentrated area. Right, Libawitz. I mean, it's down there. Yeah, you know my friend, LaShonda, Libawitz. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:17:26 The, not too many. The plantation lifestyle actually is an extended cedar. Oh, I don't know if you knew that. Jews often use one as a scapegoat, like the whites get blamed for stuff that Jews did. Aren't Jews mostly white? No, it's a different ethnic group. It's kind of like saying on... Okay. Did you have the... I think I found that clip that I was looking for.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Yeah, it's at about 26 minutes in. Of that, um, Office of Cat Boy Omega Lid Ventures video. I'd say that's the highlight. I'm talking to this one with like an afro and a red mask on. And you got your gun already pointed at the camera. I see you can get back it up a little bit. Yeah, it's like, it goes on for about a minute.
Starting point is 01:18:14 It's probably the best part of the video. Let's see if we can get through this, Sean. I've doubt it. I don't know. Oops, I'm trying to land right on it. There we go. There we go. You're already got, you're getting the gun out already so All right
Starting point is 01:18:33 You're under arrest If you haven't done anything yet You will at some point. This is basically just like speed it up the process This is a satire Please she's playing along Black power All right, I know it's coming next You're about to get to the best part just let it play for like 20 seconds. Okay, okay I'm sorry, Sean. I mean, it's like, this is like blazing saddles, which you couldn't make today.
Starting point is 01:19:10 It's the same kind of satirical commentary. You haven't done anything yet, but you will. Okay, let's see. I'm going to just mute that. That's a D when I asked. Alright. Now, I need you to get down to the line on your neck. You can be in front of you bro.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Come on. Oh, I can't. I can't. This is Val. I can't do that. Oh god damn it. This is going to be another one of those streams last the time. Catboy, what about the girls who come around during your escapades?
Starting point is 01:19:46 Does that ever happen to you? Oh yeah, plenty of times. Surprisingly a lot of black chicks too. What do they say? They just agree with me on a lot of shit. Like what kind of shit? My point's about Jewish influence, the benefits of segregation, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Yeah, there's a lot of calls specifically to segregate in college, that weird, like the promotion of separate living spaces and everything, you know, you get our own hospital, we need our own doctors and hospitals, that was part of the BLM demands. Well, there was an NBA player who came out on the side of that. Yeah. I mean, you know, it didn't, it didn't go well for him.
Starting point is 01:20:32 But I mean, there, there is a, yeah, there, I know there's a contingency of, of that, of thinking like that. Yeah. Um, ice, what did you think about ice cubes? And Nick Cannon's recent, a and to race wars. I forgot who it was but didn't want to come back down like a week later. Yeah, Nick Cannon he got he got his knees cut out from under him a week later. Yeah, so um. He talks about Jewish influence and then a week later later, after Jews get very angry at him for doing so, he loses his job.
Starting point is 01:21:11 And then I know it's not exactly a hot take for like, he's kind of proving their point, right? No, they're kind of proving his point. I saw the last thing I saw from him. He was sitting in an interview with, I think it was a rabbi, like a cultural sensitivity somebody teaching him, and he had like a stack of books, the size of a small child that he had to go read.
Starting point is 01:21:34 He's like, oh, I've gotten a lot of great reading material. He's like, motherfucker, you couldn't finish the, no one's reading that many books for the rest of our fucking lives. Where are you talking about? How about the yellow face? Has it been as offensive? As an Australian, I have a personal vendetta against the Chinese. In fact, if anything, they're possibly a little worse than the Jews in some ways.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Okay. Why is that? Because they figured out how to colonize countries without actually having to go to war. The government gives them money to come over here. And because there's a billion of the motherfuckers, they can just population replace us. You know, they buy up all our real estate. They've even bought up our electrical grid actually. Right. And, yeah, even like, normies in Australia that aren't hip with the whole race realism
Starting point is 01:22:34 thing have concerns about the Chinese. It's that bad. It's like, it's the same in Canada and they're doing the same thing to Africa as well. In Africa, they build up massive infrastructure that Africa would never ever, in a million years, be able to afford and then give them the deal that they have X amount of time to pay it back.
Starting point is 01:22:57 And then when they obviously can't pay it back, they repossess it. And really, so they gradually just taking over Africa. I have heard that they, I have heard that they use Africa, like we use them. I didn't know the specifics of it. That's pretty funny. We are so through population replacement and economic warfare, they're taking over a lot of non-Chinese countries, which is pretty fucked up.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Yeah. What have you done before this? What'd you do before? Your friends with Nick Fuentes, aren't you? Yeah, I hung out with Nick on an IRL stream in America and people mischaracterized the fuck out of that. What happened? Because he is always getting,
Starting point is 01:23:43 like people are always making fun of him for something that seems so stupid to me that he hung hung out with a cat boy, and then he's Christian. Like, what the fuck? Who cares? Yeah, we just hung out on stream, and people called him go, so. Yeah. That's basically all there is to that story. Do you not jerk off to? Do you have those beliefs as well? No, I'm not Catholic or anything like that. Okay. Thank God. I can deal with I can talk to you then. But yeah, so I um, I are all streamed. I um, I streamed myself 24, seven, like, I think was about four months right at one point. Yeah. You streamed 24-7 for four months? Yeah, so I like, I had a webcam in the main room
Starting point is 01:24:31 of my apartment. And then I also had my phone on a selfie stick and I could like hot swap between the two of them at the push of a button so I could like pretty much always have a camera on me. How the hell did you do that? Did you, without fucking up, although it looks like your material is the essence
Starting point is 01:24:51 of what people wouldn't wanna get caught, so. So that's maybe, that's a matter. I mean, I did like fill myself, taking a shit or anything like that, but, oh no. Where's your commitment? Listen. taking a shit or anything like that, but oh no. Where's your commitment? What about, what about any sex tapes? Did you lose any of those?
Starting point is 01:25:11 No, no. God, did it mess up your mind for months of 24-7 streaming? Well, see, that's what I was expecting because there's been like, it's very rare for anyone to sign themselves up for that kind of thing. Let alone actually go through that. But like the one case I had heard of it, they had to stop that way before I did because um, yeah, they felt like they were going crazy, but I didn't really see a difference. Like I could have kept going. I just stopped because I was going over to America to do some streams. I obviously couldn't like stream on the plane because of the internet and stuff.
Starting point is 01:25:57 I wouldn't pay those prizes either. What's next for you after a yellow face? You got anything planned? Honestly, I think my best streams are actually the ones where I'm not wearing any face and I'm just talking to people on Amigur because it's like, I guess it's like a better version of IRL streaming because the issue with IRL streaming is most of the people that you run into most of the people that you run into are not interested in talking and they're usually quite introverted I guess, but on Amigur everyone that you run into is someone that's looking to have a conversation and I feel like most of them are fucking weirdos as well,
Starting point is 01:26:42 especially if you pick the right tags, like you could just decide, hmm, today I want to fuck with and just put in LGBTs to tag. Definitely, just about, just about. So you find like, mind the individuals. Yeah, and then you can just talk to them about the rates of pedophilia in the gay community and stuff. And then you can just talk to them about the rates of pedophilia in the GAC and you're getting some sort of hilarious. But yeah, when I'm not dressed up as a character, there's less one liners and more conversations that go on for at least a few minutes.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Yeah, which yeah, it's more fun because I feel like you get better reactions out of people really. Does anybody in your personal life know that you're an insane person? Are you able to have a girlfriend, a parents doing this kind of thing? I mean, I don't talk about who's in my life, but anyone that was in my life before streaming is still in my life now, like I haven't been disavowed by anyone.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Yeah, that's good. Maybe either until today. That was the first genuine disavowl I've ever gotten. Really? Yeah, by the worst, the worst guy on the internet disavowed me. That's what it's got to happen. Oh, God, I gotta reassess my life choices.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Maybe I do. Maybe I should delete my Twitter. I don't know, man. You got any hot takes? You got to,. Maybe I do. Maybe I should delete my Twitter. I don't know, man. You got any hot takes? You got any, I know you do. You have any hot takes that are not full of slurs for us? Hot takes on what? Anything.
Starting point is 01:28:14 No, not lollicon. Yeah. Anything at all. What do you think of hamburgers? You know, they didn't let me into Australia, right? It was right after that stupid shooting to Christchurch thing, they denied my, or they let my visa application expires
Starting point is 01:28:28 on a whole show. What was it? They denied it for what reason did they give? Well, because it was not submitted in time because they had it for like a month and or whatever and they just let it go. Lost it. They let it go till the, till after it was needed
Starting point is 01:28:43 and then they said, well, it's no longer needed. But everybody everybody who we worked with on it said, Oh, yeah, this is totally normal. It's fine. blah, blah, blah. I mean, I guess they were just incompetent, maybe, but still happened. Then it happened right after it happened right after that fucking shooting. Yeah, it's kind of hard to believe in coincidence as these days. Yeah, really is. The news makes it hard to believe in any coincidence is because they lie all the time, too. Like, man, I really don't want to go down the queue hole, but you guys are kind of forcing me, too. I wasn't going in that direction, but... Tell him I'm reading the discord. Tell him about all the gay guys who fought over you and circle joke on your streams. Oh yeah, that was a,
Starting point is 01:29:27 so this was back when I was like, a very like unknown streamer as well. When I started, I think it was around the time I started 24, seven streaming. A forum of gay guys popped up that started like discussing my every move. Like, I'm pretty sure it's still active today. Yeah, there's this group of gay guys that like take screenshots of me when you can see like a bulge in my pants and shit like that. Okay. Yeah. I don't
Starting point is 01:30:02 really know where we want to be to go with that bit. Yeah, that's something. So you got to, are you gay? No, no, but yeah, this like gay fan club. It's funny because they complain that I talk about the stuff that I talk about because most are leftist. Oh, Catboy, you got it. You got us, no, you can't say any of that stuff. This is it.
Starting point is 01:30:29 This is like television. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah, most um, home essentials. You just know another word. Do you not know? You know that you can't say those words. You know that.
Starting point is 01:30:41 I know you know that. There's got to be another word. No, uh, I mean, you know that I know you know that there's gotta be another word. No, I feel for you. I remember what it was like. But um, well, I forgot what I was saying. Yeah, me too. Yeah, but the gay men who are your complaints, they complain about my political persuasions, let's say. Yeah, at the same time, they say they can't look away. Well, some interesting situation. Well, you're very funny.
Starting point is 01:31:16 I mean, you're doing bad things and you seem to enjoy it a lot. Who doesn't love that kind of enthusiasm? What's your fantasy prank? You got any of those? What's the big prank you want to pull on everybody? Ah, okay, you're looking like this one because it involves genocide bombs as well. Well, just don't say the end parts Just say and word All right I'm new talk to your mother with this mouth like do you just go home? So I'm I mean I'm pretty much the same in real life. Yes, I don't ever need to filter myself. You talked to the cops like that
Starting point is 01:31:59 Yeah, I mean I actually have a oh you should see that video actually where I get arrested Yeah, so I was I are all streaming and I ended up in the back of a cop car and I made out for COVID and milk and um, wait, why? No, that's funny. Well, that's the reason why I was arrested. And anyways, you know how IRL streaming has text to speech. So through like a loud speaker, it'll play whatever people write in that happen before in here. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Well, I was in the back of a cop car without happening. So I'm I don't need guessing that it was and it and it and it and it is actually what's but I'm not my YouTube channel. So yeah, not I don't behave differently around cops. Um, but yeah, okay. So what I dear, my I don't know. Wait, wait, wait, what why were you in a made out fit? You are, you are clearly gay cocktails by, were you in like a French made out
Starting point is 01:32:50 fit? Yeah, I was in this like really skimpy anime girl made out fit. And I, um, I tried to do the milk challenge, what you drink, like the gallon of milk, with like two minutes. Okay. I went down to the store and like tried to do that. Where did you try to do it? Just outside the store. Okay, in the parking lot. And the made the door. The made outfit was was why? I don't know. Okay, just made sense at the time. I see. I'm trying to find a milk stream. Can't cap what can be arrested. I'm not having the sound on for this one.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Okay. Here you are. And uh, but what is that a crop top made out fit? Yeah. Okay. Here you are. You're trying to find.
Starting point is 01:33:42 Well, let's try to find that someone says, have you ever gotten laid just because of your racist takes? It's never stopped me from getting laid at the very least. There's been some really, really leftist, whatever you want to call them, women that have a... It's going to fuck down. He just fine and then afterwards, I'll start like ranting about holocaust and isle and stuff like that and I'll just like soak it up like a sponge. No, I can't. No, I can't.
Starting point is 01:34:19 No, I can't. So it doesn't really surprise me but like back in the day I like to see what I could get away with. Yeah. And the answer is basically anything. Well, you are, you're a very attractive man. I'll distract a very, have you ever seen those tender setups where they're like picking underwear models photo and then their texting girls?
Starting point is 01:34:40 And then they let Lop as a pedophile and stuff. Yeah, I also don't care whatsoever. They say the sickest shit was like, don't care whatsoever. They say the man is true. Like, women don't really have political convictions. They have, their politics is whatever is most convenient for them on a personal level. So if they're trying to attract a man, that's the most important thing. And they'll just adopt whatever the man wants. It is crazy to see. It is crazy to see.
Starting point is 01:35:05 It's crazy to see. It's point, but it's absolutely true. It's crazy to see how far they'll let them go, too. Okay, here is. If there is no man around, then they'll just do whatever makes things less confrontational for them in society. So. Here's, Cablew Cammy, you're buying,
Starting point is 01:35:25 you're wearing a, is that a mesh crop top made? I can see your nipples, it's definitely mesh. You're wearing a little red bow and a cat dingling collar. And you've got a little apron and some shorts on. You're sitting on a bench outside the grocery store with two gallons of milk. He's got two half gallons, right? Oh yeah, this is something where Chris the Kiwi would sit while he's waiting for strippers. two gallons of milk. He's got two half gallons, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:45 This is something where Chris the Kiwi would sit while he's waiting for strippers. Right. I have a feeling this guy next to him is gonna get, is he's gonna, oh man, just sitting there on the bench, right? He's gonna peace out in a minute, right?
Starting point is 01:35:56 He just used the Epsler four times. He's wearing some, you're wearing some kind of like a head, a little hat, a lace hat, and you're fine going outside. He offered the old guy a half gallon of milk. He politely declined. Did you livestream this or was this just recorded? Yeah, this is live.
Starting point is 01:36:17 This is like an edited version of it. Oh boy. Oh boy. Of the livestream. Now he's not looking to get through the milk. Through one of them. One of them or is that? the live stream. Now he's not looking to get through the milk, the through one of them. One of them, or is that? I think so.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Yeah, I finished one. I have felt extremely fucking sick. As you would. Oh yeah. Oh God, it's making me sick. I can just imagine that feeling. Like I know what that feels like. Because I have to run.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Is that part of the challenge you run? No, you'll see. No, okay, you're halfway through the milk. You try to do it without throwing up, right? Is that the whole... Yeah, that's the whole purpose. Yeah, I don't know if you can drink it. Drinking it.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Drinking it. So you're down one. It's one. Not looking good. Oh. Are you supposed to do it? You're supposed to do it in two minutes. I don't know. I don't want that.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Yeah, give me a break, right? And it's, oh, what is this move you're doing like a dab? Oh, boy. Do you shave your legs? No, I'm just not hairy. You just not hairy. Okay, here's, here's milk number two. Oh, God, he's staggering around.
Starting point is 01:37:25 Oh, wait, okay, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'll just skip ahead a little bit. You're staggering around. You're setting it up again. You're opening the second milk, and now you're just pouring it on you. Right. Okay. I see where the... Now the cops going to show up. I would imagine.
Starting point is 01:37:48 Are you laughing? Let's see if you're laughing. You look like you should be in an institution. Yeah. Okay, you port be in an institution. Yeah. Okay, you ported all over yourself. Now, here's where you get arrested. Oh, yeah. If you skip. So, yeah, then I run off, and then if you skip ahead,
Starting point is 01:38:14 the cop shows up. I like couldn't run anymore. So it's kind of easy. They're talking about your maids out there. Hold on. Okay. Muscle guy walking in like hot pants. It would be um.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Some lady come on to me and say there's a muscle guy walking in like hot pants and a maids outfit. Do it. It's not me. It's not me. It's not me. It's not me. It's not me.
Starting point is 01:38:40 It's not me. I'm happy for me too. I'm just. You have to come with me just to show me where it is in my car. And I'll drop it. It sounds good to me. Yeah, yeah No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I had to obviously sit in the back of the car and TTS just went fucking nuts. I see it right now. You know that so they did not arrest you. They gave you a ride home. No, he drove me home and then he
Starting point is 01:39:15 I'm fucking gave me a $400 fine. Oh, for what? So you got cited. Yeah. For being public nuisance. That's such a great thing that he's a public nuisance. Public nuisance. That's such a great thing to use a public nuisance. Public nuisance. Yeah, that's a funny thing to be.
Starting point is 01:39:29 It's a fair cop. So yeah, basically, I was basically someone who I think it was illegal. Right. Yes, yes. All right. What was your big dream prank? I interrupted you. Oh, yeah. let's think you give
Starting point is 01:39:46 Dressing up the sonic the hedgehog. Oh boy Josh, you know what? Just too far straight. I'd walk up to blacks Scream the N word as loud as I can and say gotta go fast. And the guys. I hope you can run fast. This is what I get. I get to try to be like son of the headshot. It's about trying to stay. And I know the green hill music. Green hill's about music. Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Yeah, okay. All right, that's it. I would ask you what makes you rage right? I don't think I can play it
Starting point is 01:40:28 Very funny very funny cat boy Stay at a prison T. I'll try yeah, I love your comedy All right The women search the milk to see it. All right, goodbye. Stay out of the women's section. Stay out of the women's section. Stay out of the milk. By the way, if anyone wants to check me out, I'd recommend the telegram because my shit gets banned a lot.
Starting point is 01:40:52 So the telegram's the best way for me to coordinate. What is your telegram? It's Fat Boy Salami on telegram. Okay. Fat Boy with a Y? Yeah, yeah. And then there's also the YouTube channel, CatboyCamy.
Starting point is 01:41:09 For now. CatboyCamy. Hey, do you think, do you think like me that it's, that a lot of these political commentators are always talking about like having kids and how important it is? Do you think it's weird that they don't have any kids? Like when is Nick Fuentes going to pop out some kids? I mean, I think it depends on that they don't have any kids. Like when is Nick Fuentes gonna pop out some kids?
Starting point is 01:41:28 I mean, I think it depends on the age. Yeah. Because I mean, having a woman around does sort of impact on your productivity. So if you're young and trying to make something of yourself, I could understand why, but for others, it's definitely a cop out. Yeah. What happened, kids? Chad, it's definitely a cop out. Yeah. What happened, kids?
Starting point is 01:41:46 Chad, do you guys have any questions for Cabboy? I know you love Cabboy. Oh, I see him. Oh, what's your dad like they want to know? It was pretty smart. Like his hobby was always reading. He's not around anymore? Not, and I don't really see any of my parents anymore.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Not because I've got like, well, I've got a good relationship with my mom at least. I talk with her frequently, but um, yeah. Who is, who's more racist? Australians or Americans, do you think? Um, I'd say probably Americans. Do you think? I'd say probably Americans, given that Australians are extremely apathetic, and the Australian, like the right-wing Australian government is probably more similar to like the liberal party
Starting point is 01:42:44 in America, or the Democrat party. That's interesting. Do you piss through your fly or do you go over the waistband? I just like take my pants off. Okay, that's cool. That is exactly what I expected the answer to be. You don't want to mess up that mesh, you know,
Starting point is 01:43:02 nice, high quality. This is a good one. If you had to fuck a woman with no arms or no legs, which would you pick, I'd rather both. Right. Okay. Because then you could like really just like throw them around and stuff, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:16 That's true. I mean, that would be just a torso, you mean? Yeah, I guess. Like a torso in a head, like a nug Yeah, I guess like a torso in a head like a nugget. That might be a little heavy. If you're gonna not, I mean, it's like I could like throw around a regular go, just fine, but it would just be like, you know, easier. That's true.
Starting point is 01:43:39 All right, fly away. Okay. Okay. I'm not asking him his favorite anime. Was this enough lollytoc on the show? All right, Cammy, you can get out of here. You're great. Let him. See ya.
Starting point is 01:43:51 Where do you find these fucking people? I don't know. They just come show up. Yeah, the guys doing comedy online. Was it Riley? Riley didn't book him, no, I did. What are you? What the hell's going on today? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Uh, I mean, I think I don't think Lollip, my, my stance on Lollip is going to think be the thing that takes me down. It probably would have been going on international television and saying women are all horrors. You think maybe what do you think has a longer lasting effect for who doesn't get jokes? You know, I mean, that might have been the one to do it. That might have been the one that permanently shows the rest of my life for me. Well, I mean, you know, it still might be. It still might.
Starting point is 01:44:34 You know, the passage of time doesn't, you know, doesn't really matter. It doesn't seem like. No, it doesn't. There will always be a, there will be a, a small group that will, if anybody gets, you know, brought onto the national scene, they will be digging like the greatest miners on earth to find anything that you've done in your past, anything that was fine then and is not fine now and they'll apply the rules that are going on right now to 30 years ago. I mean, it's, you know, it's, that's how advertising works.
Starting point is 01:45:08 Well, you got to, you can't rely on it. Dictip, I have to hide my money. Hey, Jack, I'm 30. I'm engaged, going to be married in 2021. And I'm going to be combining finances with my fiance soon. Why, why would you ever do that? My fiance thinks I'm a lot poorer than I am. And I need to move some cash before we combine finances because she doesn't see
Starting point is 01:45:31 the value in investing. Dude, keep your fucking finances separate. Are you kidding me? Make her involve the law to get it your money. What are you doing? Get it, get an EI and put something in another company, take it off shore by Bitcoin, keep your fucking money away from your wife who doesn't see the value and investing. Are you fucking kidding me? I have about 4,000 in cash. Oh, never mind, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:45:57 That I pulled out of the stock market at the beginning of COVID. Honestly, it's small enough that if I lost it on a gamble, I don't think I'd be set that far back. I don't mind being poor. So maybe just dump it into a big scam like Chainlink. Well, you should have done that if I lost it on a gamble, I don't think I'd be set that far back. I don't mind being poor. So maybe just dump it into a big scam like Chainlink. Well, you should have done that when I set to when it was at three bucks.
Starting point is 01:46:11 I've got a few ounces of gold, and I'd like to buy some more, but clearly now isn't the time. When is? Maybe I should just open up a checking account somewhere and stash the cash until the next gold Bitcoin, Funko, Pop Crash. I mean, you're... Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Bed on it going down. Bed on things going down is not a new strategy. I'm going to wait. Okay. Have fun. Maybe this is just an idiotic crackerjack investment question. Yeah. So if you or Sean have more creative ways to hide my money, let me know.
Starting point is 01:46:42 You don't, first of all, you don't have money, but you need to keep, if you're a fiance, it doesn't see the value in investing, you should keep your accounts as separated with a big fucking Chinese firewall. Do not let, do not give yourselves access to the same money, or at least like, teach her the basics of shit. I don't know, is there a,
Starting point is 01:47:00 is there a talking dog video on the internet that explains investing to women that you could use? I don't know if there's not make it. Put some peanut butter in your dog's mouth, tell her why wasting money is bad and film it on your phone and then the dog is like, so you actually shouldn't be buying, huh? Shouldn't be buying a new car every 16 months.
Starting point is 01:47:21 It's just depreciating. And Miles Edge Lord, hey Dickenshaw, I wanna hear how you come up with and put to paper your best writing ideas. Oh, I don't know how to answer that. What? I heard from DigiBrow's lecture on the Goss that you used to write TV pilots.
Starting point is 01:47:35 And as a writer in my free time, I'd like to hear advice about writing from one of my favorite internet autists. Was it me? I guess. Also, whatever Sean and whoever is calling in to the opinion on good writing sounds great as well. Well, I mean, I don't know if I'm reading this
Starting point is 01:47:50 like an idiot or what. Also, whatever Sean and whoever is calling into the opinion on good writing sound great as well. Okay. Let's stop you right there. Okay. You always want to read what you write. Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:06 Also, whatever Sean and whoever is calling into the opinion on good writing sound great as well. Okay. I understand the sentiment. I just wanna add ideas to the compost of ideas that is my brain. I got that right. He has strong weiner as a really strong name for a character, nice and punchy.
Starting point is 01:48:28 So your nephew did a damn good job on conception, execution and all that. Thank you for reading my email. Go fuck yourselves, Miles. I told Lord, I don't just steal. Well, how do you, you know, how do you write and where do you get ideas from? If it were me, you know, they always write what you know, you know, I mean, that's what they, you know, that, I was right what you know. You know, I mean, that's what they say. I know everything.
Starting point is 01:48:49 Wait, I have one for that. Hold on, I have something for you. But yeah, I mean, how do you write? Are you a guy who looks at everybody I would think would be inspired by somebody? And you're like, oh, but it'll always come out like you. But like, okay, for the stuff that you, you just put it on the paper.
Starting point is 01:49:10 That's what you have to do. No matter what. Just inspiration doesn't matter. Just put words on the paper. Intel and you'll find something some way through or you won't. See, but you wrote, I think that's great advice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Because the hardest thing to do for a lot of people, including me, is, yeah, you're just your own stream of consciousness, all that shit flying around, something will make sense on there. It's really weird. I've actually done that kind of stuff where literally, you just sit down and you just start writing, what a total fucking gibberish. And all of a sudden, you have this kind of like a narrative. Like you're like, oh yeah, that's a subject. I didn't even come, it wasn't even trying to come up with it, but it starts to make sense. It's really weird.
Starting point is 01:49:52 It's really weird, but it's like you're saying like, do, just do it. Just do it. That's what I started doing with men and women. Just do it every, right, every day. Yeah, but you have to, but see, but you have the concept. Oh my dad. Yeah. Oh, hey dad, we're on the concept. Oh my dad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:05 Oh, hey dad, we're on the show. What's going on? I was calling in, I don't know if the show's going on just to talk about Croquet. Oh yeah, that go. You wanna say a victory lap there? Yes. Yeah, I already told that story.
Starting point is 01:50:22 Oh, you did? Yeah, I said I hoped you got an car accident because of how horrible you made me feel God I didn't have to do much You had to look at yourself In reality and say wow, how did I ever fucked that up so bad boy and And wordly is that what you just said I had to look at myself and wordly. What does that mean? That means you you are more embarrassing than anybody. You're embarrassed yourself.
Starting point is 01:50:48 Yeah, I had a friend who released his own sex tape this week and I wish I could be in his, I wish we could switch places to be honest. Which would be more embarrassing? Well, you didn't see his penis. So everybody collapsed collapsed though. It was like somebody let a bomb off because they couldn't stop. Really? They were laughing so hard.
Starting point is 01:51:11 It was over at the same time when you did it. So describe it. Yeah, I got it. You know how long it's going to be since we played Croquet. I've been 20 years. I'm never going to get the chance to do that again. Yeah, never. Well, that was like missing Hayley's comment.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Yeah. It's a perfect day for it. It's 117 in my backyard. It's not the same though. It's not, that was the once, that was the once in a generation. The nephews will see that and that will be their experience. Man, that's true. You cannot come back from that.
Starting point is 01:51:40 No. So was it just the most unathletic move you've ever seen? Was it just, well, I thoughtic move you've ever seen? Was it just? Well, I thought he had a drink in his hand, but that's what's really good. He actually was doing pro-cares if he had a drink in his hand. Wow. That's bad. It didn't look good at all. What did you feel? What were your feelings when you saw what happened? Shame regret Oh, just this man because you expected that I would screw that up right thank God my daughter is athletic Yeah
Starting point is 01:52:21 People might have questions for hold on. I think people does anybody have questions for my dad in the chat They're just asking a cat boy what His opinions on life You got any hot takes for us on the coronavirus you know all the young people are killing themselves because you selfish boomers couldn't This in you know, it's been really fastering. So here's my thing, conflict interest. Wait, say it again. Conflicts of interest. Okay, conflicts of interest. Why? Yes, because everyone has a conflict of interest. And in the
Starting point is 01:53:00 coronavirus. Yeah. I mean, every wish for me, you'd look, every people are doing what is best for the family. And it's like nobody else exists except them. I mean, I'm no different. Oh, yeah, I know you're no different. No, it's, you're right. It's been very obvious to see. Everybody has a kind of, look here's the craziest one.
Starting point is 01:53:23 Let's say you have a private school, for example, and we serve many, many, many of them. With huge debt incurred over the last few years and developing their school, and attracting more people, in a big marketing machine. Anyway, you can hit with all this, and you're fine.
Starting point is 01:53:43 Now you have to say to your students Who really wanted to be part of your tradition come back no problem come back no problem Well, there's a conflict of interest there. Oh, oh, oh, okay. You're worried about the you're worried about the private school You're saying they're encouraging people to come back Yeah, yeah, all your examples go one way. Hey, let me tell you a story. Let me tell you a story. I just found this out.
Starting point is 01:54:10 I don't know if you don't know this, but I'm so I'm gonna tell it to you anyway, and you can act like you knew it. So all of the build up from Wuhan of how deadly the disease was gonna be, they took the number of deaths they had, but they didn't know how many people had it, right? The Chinese said, well, we know how many people died from it,
Starting point is 01:54:29 but we'd have no idea how many people have it, right? Because they needed, they needed denominator. They need the number on the bottom to see how deadly it is, right? So they said, all right, we're gonna test everybody who's flying out of the city. We're gonna test people who are flying out, because that's like representative, that's, you know, they're coming from all kinds of random walks of life out of the city. We're gonna test people who are flying out because that's like representative, that's you know, they're coming from all kinds
Starting point is 01:54:47 of random walks of life to leave the city and they're bottlenecking in one spot. We're gonna test them for COVID and whatever that has, we're gonna extrapolate that for the entire population of 50 million people, right? Right. Good plan, right? Well, you're in the city and there's 50 million people
Starting point is 01:55:01 in Wuhan, yeah, I think about. Oh my God. Guess how many planes they used to do this test? Six. They tested it on six planes and found six people with COVID and said, well, that's how many, I guess almost no one has it. So it's gonna be very deadly.
Starting point is 01:55:17 The Imperial College in the UK then took that data from that study and said, millions of people are gonna die in the UK. We gotta shut it down right the fuck now. That's how this happened. That those six people on those six planes fucked over the entire earth. Okay. That's what happened. That's how they got walked into that. What are you smiling like? That's not accurate, but that's what happened. No, that's that wow, how did aides happen? I'm not doing the same story.
Starting point is 01:55:49 It's like you just said the whole story of aides how it spread. One guy. One guy. No, no, this was the one guy. So you got six guys. Yeah, this is the fear that no, this isn't the spread. This is the fear of the spread. Oh, well, yeah. All right. fear that no this isn't the spread this is the fear of the spread oh well yeah all right okay okay
Starting point is 01:56:06 if it leads it leads it leads that's all you have to remember always been the okay by and conflicts of interest somebody's asking how you keep yourself young daily exercise daily exercise, moderation in diet and drinking and everything, and very optimistic life is what you make of it outlook. I know nobody likes those answers. Nobody likes those answers. I don't give a shit. Oh yeah, I forgot to say. You don't give a shit. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 01:56:44 I really don't. You know. Yeah, I know, I know. You don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. I really don't. You know. Yeah, I know, I know. Let me see what else they got. Do you have any investment tips? You know, I'm sticking with what I've been winning with, and that's Apple. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:56:57 And I use the ETF VOO. Oh, yeah. Someone told you about that, huh? And you know what? it is much better. It's a croquet retard. We didn't know. All you, you just speak in like boomer is, like it's like you have index cards
Starting point is 01:57:14 that just have boomer wisdom written on them that you just read randomly. Are you aware of that? Well, you asked for it. I thought you were actually asking for boomer sayings and you sound like an artificial intelligence. Like if there was a computer that just generated boomer isms like with a markov chain I don't think I could tell the difference. I don't I wonder if mom could tell the difference see three p.o He's a boomer. See that's a great example just total non-sequitur
Starting point is 01:57:41 It was I've no idea What's art? What do you think about lolly con i don't know if that is only come it's draw it's drawings of uh... it's drawings of children having sex japanese that's probably why i'm not knowing it
Starting point is 01:58:03 uh... uh... that's why I don't know it. All right. That's the right answer. I have screens. All my screens work really well still. What does that mean? Filters. What do you mean filters?
Starting point is 01:58:19 Like, you know, nothing like that. It gets through. He thinks it's, oh, it's pornography. Nothing gets through your filters. No, well, we hear whatever you it's, oh, it's pornography. Nothing gets through your filters. No, well, weird, whatever you want to call it. It's pornography. Oh, okay. That's why I call it.
Starting point is 01:58:32 All right, Dad. Anybody else? No, I'm not asking him how he peas. Were you ever worried about a sex tape of yours coming out? Or do you have any advice for Ralph who had a sex tape of his release by himself? Back in the day, we didn't have tape, first of all.
Starting point is 01:58:45 So, you know, a sex eight millimeter, then I don't scroll it on a wall. That's like, yeah, we had drawings, yeah, we had cave drawings. Yeah. Okay. You ever worried about anybody seeing one of those? No. No.
Starting point is 01:59:00 So don't do it. So again, in the filter. What about Polaroids? Are you, what, no, no, I'm filter. What about Polaroids? Are you what? No, no, I'm here. What about Polaroids? Yeah, yeah Would you watch Ralph's sex tape if I sent it to you? No, no, would you watch a sex tape of mine if it got released? Would you would you would you watch it scare of everything? What kind of filter are you talking about? What
Starting point is 01:59:28 uh, uh, uh, cannot be unseen. Right. Would you watch one of my sex tapes if it got released, not even out of curiosity? No, I don't care. Yeah doesn't give a shit. Sure. All right. Goodbye. Goodbye. Congratulations on all your, on my screwing up. See ya. Yeah, I wish I could have been there. Is there any, does anything make you a rage?
Starting point is 01:59:54 Well, I did. I said, you know, the interest of making me a rage lately. Conference of interest. Yeah, every trying to stay open, everybody trying to do this, trying to do that. Yeah, trying to stay, trying to stay open like live, like feed their families. Like that makes you a rage. No, that's, you know, that's not part of what I was thinking, but,
Starting point is 02:00:12 well, that's what they're thinking. They want to feed their kids and buy like food and stuff. So they want to stay open. I don't really, you know, to stay young, I really try not to give a shit. So it sounds like, yeah, good job. Great. I really tried not to give a shit. It sounds like. Yeah, good job. Okay, this is what you're locking it down for, Sean. This man who doesn't give a shit, doesn't want you to, who laughs at the idea of you feeding your family.
Starting point is 02:00:35 hilarious. I'm smart enough to not have a family. I don't like mine. I don't want to, I don't want to share code it, but that's how you stay it. That's how you stay young. That's how you stay young. Yeah. Yeah. Not giving shit. moderation. Really. Life is what you make it.
Starting point is 02:00:57 A dream of function. Nothing's getting out of whack. I think you're breaking up, but I think you said by drinking a dream of chrome, which you harvest from the minds of small children that are sexually abused, is that what you said? I heard adrenal functions All right, we got I got a listen to voicemail All right, bye. Bye. Bye
Starting point is 02:01:21 Fucking guy. I thought you're joking about him actually calling in. No, he's talking about it. He's talking about it. Fucking weak. Oh God. I love the description too. He's like, it's like a bomb went off. Yeah, well everybody was laying on the grid.
Starting point is 02:01:33 It God, that was, the kids didn't even understand what, what, the scope of it, but they knew something bad had happened. So how many people were there to witness my entire family? Even my ancestors were looking to down like Simba, like the Lion King and Clothes. So I measured my dick after it happened, it had shrunk. It was negative. No, it had shrunk by a little bit. Like I got myself as hard as possible and I measured my dick. I measured every day like athletes who do concussion tests. I see every month, I measure my dick just to see what's going on.
Starting point is 02:02:05 Oh, so you went, oh yeah. Yeah, boy. See what's going on with the water. And it's a rough one. It had shrunken. By the way, we've got a commentary track with Vito. Yeah. The third Mad Max movie, right?
Starting point is 02:02:17 Beyond Thunderdome, right? With Tina Turner. Where we also talk about pedophiles. We do? Yes. Oh yeah. Well, because there's all those fucking kids in that movie. That is a weirdest, like for the first third,
Starting point is 02:02:31 it's like a Mad Max movie. And then the last two thirds, it turns into like the Gune. That's so weird. And like hook, even the music score changes. I'm like, what the fuck is this? What was I reading? I'm gonna read these comments. Let me see if anybody wants to come,
Starting point is 02:02:44 try them in on these comments. Oh, is this video What was I reading? I'm going to read these comments. Let me see if anybody wants to chime in on these comments. Oh, is he just veto still have the right veto? Are you there? Yeah, can you hear me? Yeah, I don't know why your name says that. I tried to tell them to change you back, but I like it. I like it. I don't give a shit. Okay. You want to read some of these? Rejected. We're going to do fun altogether. In hell? Yeah, wherever he's at, I don't care. Wait, is this Vito? Is it? Yeah, hey. Hey, what's up? Sound time.
Starting point is 02:03:11 I know, you sound different. Okay. My phone fucking has problems. It puts me on speaker phone. Do I sound like shit? No, no, no, no, you sound just hired. Sound different. Okay.
Starting point is 02:03:23 You sound a little gay too. Can you hear that? Yeah. That's a filter on things. Yeah. I'm just, I just woke up. I'm a piece of shit. What is it like noon? I'm not. If you can sleep, if you can sleep, you know, the afternoon on a weekend, good for you. I do not consider that wasted time. Oh yeah. It feels good. No, it sounds like veto. I would give anything to sleep. This fucking rickety bed that I have wakes me up at like 630. The slightest move on the goddamn thing is like a pirate ship.
Starting point is 02:03:56 Oh, freaking ancient. I'm gonna burn it down with me in it one of these nights. Hey, Dick. Thanks for being curious. Reese says, I know you've got a lot on your plate right now. I just wanted to thank you for the acknowledgement I've gleamed from your show when Digi-Nee first dropped that bomb.
Starting point is 02:04:12 I was shocked and immediately drew the worst conclusion. I was surprised when you had him back, but as long as you're entertaining and interesting, I'll never stop listening. When he came out as trans and revealed that he actually sees himself as the girl, I learned something about gender dysphoria. It's funny to think about how the woke,
Starting point is 02:04:32 what? It's an educational program. It's a very educational. Yeah. It's funny to think about how the woke left apparently wants understanding for trans people, but this arguably right leaning host was the one to break that wall down.
Starting point is 02:04:45 My girlfriend studies psychology and I've always been very interested in it. So whenever you have someone with a strange fetish, I love talking about it with her. I'm really enjoying this arc of the show for that reason. Cheers from Australia, love your work. I love that he listens to the show and then he sits around with this girlfriend and he's like, so just heard this story about a guy who fucked bread. What do you think about that? Yeah, it's like Carl Pilkington, ask very wholesome.
Starting point is 02:05:11 Right. Did you know that people on both sides of the pillow spectrum, Jenna decided that they're women and fuck bread? Right. And you got a file. Yeah, post. It's actually a lot of them. Actually, I think they know how much I've had.
Starting point is 02:05:26 And I think they're teaming up. Oh boy. Men going gay because they're fed up with women. This is from Tim. Heard, hey, Dick, I thought you might be interested or horrified to learn. I mean, it would be very difficult to horrify me when it comes with someone's sexual perversions.
Starting point is 02:05:43 I just don't care. No, well, right, unless they're fucking kids or something, unless there's a victim. Right, right. Yeah. I do find it interesting as hell though. Yeah, me too. You might be interested or horrified to learn that men making the conscious choice to
Starting point is 02:06:01 go gay because they're fed up with women is a thing that has already happened. Really? I'm sure you're familiar with the internet rationalist community. I'm absolutely not. Centered around the blog less wrong. Yeah, you don't get around anything rational. No. Anything rational with the title? I got my own filter. It's like, yeah, rational filter. Get it out.
Starting point is 02:06:20 Exactly. Get it out. If not, it is exactly what it sounds like. A bunch of autistic nerds trying to reason their way to self-improvement. I say, I'm more of a lifting my way to self-improvement. Yeah, yeah. As an autistic nerd community, it's full of sad, lonely guys who have no success with women. And I wouldn't be surprised if the community itself had more trends than actual women.
Starting point is 02:06:42 In this community, at least a few years ago, there was a trend called by hacking. Essentially, a bunch of the sad lonely guys in that community realized that if they'll never actually meet women, and in typically, realize that they'll never actually meet women, and in typically autism fashion came up with a solution. If I was gay, there'd be lots of other sad,
Starting point is 02:07:01 lonely autistic guys in this community that I could bang. Oh. Hence, bye. Bye. Essentially, these people tried to do the reverse conversion therapy to turn themselves gay. Remarkably, this is the other opposite ends of the bell curve, right? You've got people in prison who also come to this conclusion.
Starting point is 02:07:21 So bisexuality is insane in prison, and then the very opposite end of the spectrum where the super geniuses are, I need to hack my own brain to be a tract to have sex with men come at a crime. Yeah, prison will take care, somebody in prison will take care of you. Yeah. So it was going to say that that seems impossible,
Starting point is 02:07:41 but I guess the prison example, I guess, if you're desperate enough, you know, as I always say, a warm, wet hole is a warm, wet hole. That's disgusting. There's no point of that. None of those three descriptors are not vomit inducing to hear you say them. Well, it's like one of do you mean saying them? Sure. To witness them in person.
Starting point is 02:08:06 And then still disgusting to see it. Where are you going to say so? I was going to be like a rational thing. Like, it's just easier to find gay partners, I imagine. Like a grinder after just lacking on it. Most people will not, you know, if they're not, yeah, if they're, I don't think, I don't think that most straight guys in prison like act on it necessarily.
Starting point is 02:08:27 Like, obviously, you know, but it's like the guys are like, ugh, I mean, fuck it. Yeah, fuck it, exactly. And it's like, there's gonna be a percentage, but. I think most, I think a lot of straight guys have like safeguards that were put in there by society. Oh, I'm sure that's true. I'm sure that's true.
Starting point is 02:08:44 It can't be not true. I'm sure that's true. I'm sure that's true. It can't be not true. I'm sure that's true. That's... Okay, hate for the police. Please don't read my email name. Just call me dude guy. Dude guy. Dear Dick, big fan ever since the biggest problem.
Starting point is 02:08:56 In fact, I only listened to Formatics, but you won me over. Long story short, I'm actually a police officer. I know where you stand on cops and I cringe with some of your comments. I agree with the statement you said about how all jobs have assholes working in them, and how police are asked to do many stupid things.
Starting point is 02:09:15 I wanted to talk about that, police, that Phoenix shooting. The shooting definitely doesn't look good, but I think a big blame has to go on the person who called it in. Well, they said it was a physical domestic just so the cops would come quicker. I mean, I get that they are given information
Starting point is 02:09:32 and they're expecting certain things when they roll up on the scene. Yeah. So let's have a system that can be fucked that as well. People are giving me shit for calling the cops on that guy who showed up at my house. Oh, when I told him do not come in, he came again. Oh, you want a cop? No, right? All I want is the form. Send a social worker out. All I want is for that guy to have the opportunity to take lithium.
Starting point is 02:09:59 He came out, hung out in the neighbor's yard for about 10 minutes. I looked at the security tapes. Oh, yeah. And then then worked up the nerve to come over. Wow. Give me a send, send either somebody to fill out the forms, something going on up there. So I can file our training order or send out some sort of coalition that will welcome him into the world of lithium. Because I know that he is schizophrenic. I knew right away.
Starting point is 02:10:19 I know he's got something probably anti-psychotics, but sure. Whatever. Yeah, something that I don't need a cop. I don't think they're here to protect me, never have, never will. Yeah. I just lived too fucking far away, but I got to fill out the forms.
Starting point is 02:10:31 Like that's what the forms exist for. I also wanted to point out how, oh yeah, so just showing up to a call like that changes how an officer may approach it. I get that. That's a problem. Again, I'm not justifying how I went down and I have no idea how I would have handled it.
Starting point is 02:10:48 I also wanted to point out how episode two 11, you were saying how cops shouldn't be going to all these different types of calls at a house, then after talking to that nut job that showed up to your house, lock your doors, you said how if you showed up again, you would call the cops. Sounds like one of those calls you were talking about.
Starting point is 02:11:00 It absolutely is. Just summoning the police is a danger to me. When I do not, I am not looking for any kind of physical protection, I just need the fucking forms. You need to have some sort of registered incident to then go get a restraining order, a temporary agent. You need to establish a set of this happening. Regardless, I still love the show and I'll continue to listen to it.
Starting point is 02:11:23 Extra smooches for Sean and go fuck yourself. Here, I actually, I found some stats. Uh-huh. Okay. This is what I want to say about crime. If anybody's still listening after that depressing knoll call. The domestic violence arrest rates that, God knows how many cops get involved in that, right? Like, even in this case,
Starting point is 02:11:42 the guys shot because they summoned a cop for domestic violence. Yeah, sure. In my mind, I don't think it's something that the cops should be involved in that right like even this case the guys shot because they sum in a cop for domestic violence sure in my mind i don't think it's something that the cops should be involved in uh... well excuse me because they can't because they can't stop it there's nothing they can fucking do stop it well nothing they could do yeah i mean it what's already happening you have an adult victim yeah victim quote who's inserting themselves in a situation that they know to be violent, the cops cannot fix that. I found some stats on it.
Starting point is 02:12:07 No, they're just there before somebody, they're trying to keep someone from killing the other person. Maybe. But I mean, two percent of the times that someone's called out for the cops are someone for domestic assault, two percent of the time it ends up in a conviction. If you're telling me that you've created a system with two percent success rates, I'm gonna say your system is fucked. You need to stop doing it. Yeah, what are you doing there?
Starting point is 02:12:32 Conviction and court because that might not factor for a does that factor for like plea deals? Uh, I don't know. I can pull it up. Yeah, but if you're you know, if if say you're a woman who puts yourself in that position over and over again, and you won't leave, but you can't, you can't fix that or they'll decline to press charges or they won't, they'll, they'll, they'll, they'll fix it. Maybe social worker can. I mean, it's, it's not, yeah, somebody without a gun can. No, the cops are, the cops are not fixers and, and shouldn't be, and really can't be in that, in that situation. Almost, let's see, almost one in three do not have charges filed,
Starting point is 02:13:08 one in three cases, no conviction, number of cases left after this, no conviction or guilty plea is less than 10%. Okay, if you plea, if you plea guilty. Yeah, so you might be right on that one. It goes from a thousand, what is it at the top? Okay, 500 cases gets whacked down to 16 after they plea out. It goes from 43 to 16 and then no jail time ends up in 10 out of the initial 500.
Starting point is 02:13:39 10 out of the 16. 10 out of the 16 who don't play out, go to jail. So that's less than 2% total that end up out of the initial 500, out of the initial 500. Yeah. It just seems like. Well, do social workers usually show up to a domestic violence call? No, like so, right? No, it's not just don't like, hey, dad, get out of your...
Starting point is 02:14:00 There's only cops. That's the only people that show up ever. Here's some more crime stats. Maybe I'll bring these in next week. It's how many crimes get caught, get solved. Motor theft is, no, that's crimes reported. Crimes cleared by the police. Murder, 61% of the time, they get that one.
Starting point is 02:14:20 Aggravated to solve, 50% of the time. They're catching you. Rape, 40% of the time. Robbery, 30. Larson E. theft, 20. Motor vehicle theft, 13. Berglary, 12. Maybe we can't, maybe we just draw the line
Starting point is 02:14:33 right after like robbery, one, two, three. Because you're not, your success rate is not very high anyway. Yeah, and you see stretching resources. Yeah, getting the bigger ones, yeah, doing a better job. Maybe let's do even better at the bad ones. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:50 Parking infractions 98%. Yeah, you got them. And I think cops would agree with me on that. I don't think cops like showing up at a Jerry Springer episode. No, I would guess they dealing with two drunk pigs. Oh, great, they're kicking a shit out of each other again. Sounds fucking phenomenal. Awesome. All right, do you have an animal trivia for China? Here's the last one. I'm getting a lot of emails
Starting point is 02:15:15 about that animal corner thing. Here we go. Here's your animal corner. Here's the question. How do horny toads defend themselves? The answer is they shoot blood out of their eyes. Did you know that? I did know that. Okay, that's one. Sean, Sean won, email or zero. There you go, that's how the game works. I used to catch him as a kid, then they never did it.
Starting point is 02:15:39 You never got him to do it? No, no, they never, I mean, I never tried. I mean, how would you try? Well, I don't, I mean, you grab him. Well, yeah, yeah. Just grab him. No, pick him up, but I mean, I never tried. I mean, I, how would you try? Well, I don't, I mean, you grab them. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah. Grab them. No, pick them up, but I mean, they would have to up your lizard. They'd have to feel threatened, but yeah, so they didn't find you threatening. I guess, I mean, I wasn't squeezing them or, you know, anything. They're, they're docile. They're docile. They're like, you know, like, uh, what do you call it? A bearded dragons
Starting point is 02:16:00 are really docile, too, for the most part. Search animal. All right, Vito, thank you for doing the commentary with us. Do you want to plug stuff? Of course. slash Vito always good. Do you have anything that makes you a rage today? Fuck.
Starting point is 02:16:21 Yeah, but I can't thank you with think of think for a minute. The first magic cards is too damn high. Yeah. Yeah. I just spent $300 for a box of magic cards. It's the worst lottery ticket you can buy. That is perverse. Are you buying it to make money?
Starting point is 02:16:40 No, I'm buying it because I want the cards in it. But you know, as you're opening the packs, you're like, I better get something good or I wasted 300 bucks. What did you think of Ralph's sex tape? I still have a refuse to watch it. I'm not going to watch it. Good for you. Did you watch it or not? I watched, I watched part of it.
Starting point is 02:16:58 I watched, I clicked it, it went and I said, oh God, no. Did you watch like the beginning? I think so, yeah. But then somebody sent me a link and it auto-thumb nailed to a bad part that I didn't want to see and I said, oh God, no. So he got his back, is she like sitting on top of him? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:16 Oh, no, God, that poor girl. What she looked like. Well, I mean, I don't know. I don't know how to get it on. She's like, she's not like stunning, but she's good looking, right? She's cute girl. All right, just curious. All right, get out of here. I don't want to ride that C beast has the heart of an angel.
Starting point is 02:17:35 C beast. Have fun, guys. Good night. Later, V.I. I did watch the sniff. So we took a big old, we're off took a big old sniff of his finger. I did see that. Oh, all right, everybody, this has been the Dickshow. What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:17:48 I don't know, I don't think I have any songs today, I'll just play the theme song. What a show. So long for the books. Yeah, really. I guess I'm gonna miss, no. Need to tribute for no. He seems like he's been,
Starting point is 02:18:01 I don't know, he seems like he's been having a rough go of it lately. Yeah. And he's just very, you know, I don't know, he seems like he's been having a rough go of it lately. Yeah. And he's just very, you know, I don't know, just kind of, kind of defeated sounding in a lot of ways. But he says he's happy. Well, you know, that's what that is. Oh, that is. Yeah, people say that a lot.
Starting point is 02:18:16 That's a good one. Great. Yeah. Fantastic. All right, if you have a slash, uh, slash. Dic show. See you next Tuesday. Presenting. Hey.
Starting point is 02:18:28 Hey. Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, voice mails, voice mails. Oh my God, look at all these friggin' voice mails I got. Sean is gay. That's what this one's called. Okay, Shane and Sos the Coda here. I just got to say, my favorite thing about the show is kind of a meta plot line that in my own head that the whole show is just an elaborate
Starting point is 02:19:11 setup for good guy Dick Masterson to give his good buddy Sean a platform to come out of the closet one of these days one of these days yeah catch him off his guard oh and he's going to admit to being a gay handsome audio engineer we all know and shows up. We're just going to end the show there. Last episode there's the goal. You reached it. No more point in the show. All these news stories every- That's a great plot. I agree.
Starting point is 02:19:39 Because you don't think get him off his guard so he doesn't realize what's going on. I increase the amount of gayays that we talk about. This guy should be a writer. I increase the amount of gays that we're talking about too. I think you do. I do it on purpose. Yeah. You think about that.
Starting point is 02:19:56 Would you consider coming out just for the sake of the story? On the sake of the show. Uh huh. Well, now that you've proven that, you know, the guys go gay because they are just chicks are too much to deal with. Oh, and they are. I mean, there's a, honestly, there's a world of possibilities
Starting point is 02:20:13 at our fingertips for this show. You could have like a boyfriend. He's probably, he'd probably be involved in Hollywood in some way. Maybe he'd be famous. You wouldn't be able to talk about who it was. Probably, he'd have like a code name. Yeah, right. That's pretty compelling. Well,. Probably, he'd have like a code name. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:25 Right. That's pretty compelling. Well, let me, let me think about it. Think about it. I don't think about it this week. Yeah, think about it. He's onto something, I think. That's, yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:34 Very funny. So, let me, I wanted to ask in all this, are the women who watch gay male porn? Are they gay men? Because they do that. Women watch gay male porn. Is that because they they gay men? Cause they do that. Women watch gay male porn. Is that because they're gay men? I mean, you tell me, just pornography in the mind is so fucking simple to unravel.
Starting point is 02:20:54 One, it's not. Two, I, here's what I think. Yeah, it's just for, okay. If I see, if I'm watching two chicks, then I'm in there with your imagining yourself. Yeah, that's imagining something that you're not even seeing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. All right. Hey, Dick, Tucker Dickson here. You don't make me a rage right now. Hmm. When every bite,
Starting point is 02:21:23 pack of beers, cans of beers, they score those, like, little plastic, flimsy, ring things that you get. But now they have that stupid hard plastic beneath. Pop them all in there, and there's no way to get the fucking can out of there. Without, without taking the can up like you're just going to prank a friend. You all shook a friend and you can't fucking carry them. I'm not gonna be because of the joke I want. I get the ocean, but they start with this old bridge. No, he's talking about the can, the can,
Starting point is 02:21:54 just kind of pop right out, fucking annoying. You're done. Dude, there's something on it. What keeps six people together. They ruin those stupid plastic rings and they ruin straws too. What do you think keeps six back together? They ruin the stupid plastic rings and they ruin straws too. What do you think keeps the six back together?
Starting point is 02:22:07 Oh, describe it. Well, no, you know, like a six pack of beers, you know, we're talking cans, right? Yeah. Well, I mean, what it always used to be was the plastic rings. Yeah, the plastic rings. Yeah. Is that way they fucking change that? No, I know.
Starting point is 02:22:22 That's what he's saying. Now it's like a, it's like the, if the top of us of a Lego, like imagine a Lego that has six by two on the top. If they just shopped off the very top plugs and put them on a six pack. Like there's solid plastic pieces that are connected by this shitty, like this like overly engineered network of things
Starting point is 02:22:42 so they don't flop the same. You can't fucking carry it. If you try to pick it up by one plastic. It's still plastic, right? It's so plastic, but some stupid turtle or fish or whatever animal can't get their head caught in it. It's so fucking annoying. I will go to get another one just to avoid those stupid things. I hate him so much.
Starting point is 02:23:02 Yeah. Um. Oh, God, David, please take control and it's dead hell. stupid things i hate him so much uh... uh... it's a good show and it's dead i got a fucking rich here recently read an article saying that pick up tricks or racist because they don't easier to read over people with
Starting point is 02:23:19 that are protesting on the highway in the street book off the street and you fucking retard. And you know, maybe it's my inner hit coming out, but like, get the fuck off the street. I'll run you over. You fucking cowards.
Starting point is 02:23:35 Go fuck yourself. Sean, you have a great day. Thank you. Is that the opposite? Go fuck yourself? Is he telling me to fuck myself for real? Yeah. Maybe that's it.
Starting point is 02:23:44 But pick up trucks or racists. I'm fucking man to fuck myself for real? Yeah. Maybe that's it. But pick up trucks or racists. I'm fucking man. I love driving a pickup truck when I. Yeah, it's great. Yeah. Great. They are right. They are. I'm only doing race stuff when I'm in my pickup truck. Yeah. Because I put on a David Duke. Yeah. David Duke CD or something. Yeah. So good. I'm worried. David Duke self-help book. Yeah. I got a story about that. Yeah, so I'm worried. It's like, what a self-help, David Duke's self-help book. Yeah, I got a story about that. It's called, I think, before I, therefore I's hog. So, I got a story about, David Duke.
Starting point is 02:24:14 No about running people over. Okay. So, when I was 16, I went to work for this, for this guy. Is this a confession? No, no, no. Is the statute of limitations expired? No, no, no. Is the statute of limitations, it's not here. No, no, no, it's not murder, it doesn't. No, I know.
Starting point is 02:24:28 I'm not worried for the guy. He's probably dead at this point. But I worked for this guy, this Italian guy. And he had some friends with some funny names. Some funny nicknames, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. I remember there was, one of them was two ends because he had a name that was spelled funny nickname, you know what I mean? I remember there was, one of them was two ends, cause he had a name that was spelled with,
Starting point is 02:24:49 you could spell it with one end at the end or two ends at the end. Oh, okay. It wasn't this, but it would be like Brian with two ends. With two ends. Yeah, we're like Brian with two, so it was like, but you could spell it with either one. So it was two ends and then I remember another guy used to come around.
Starting point is 02:25:05 Sometimes his name was bumper. So it was like an affable guy and everything like that. But he was, you know, talked like a New York Italian. Yeah. And so I asked my boss one day, I said, what's a bumper get that nickname? He said, well, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:22 Well, bumper, he said, you know, they watch, you know, about the Watts riots, right? Said, yeah, yeah, sure, in the 60s, right? He said, well, you know, those weren't just happening like in Watts. There was protests and demonstrations and stuff and like all the major cities and everything like that. So he said, he had just gotten a new Corvette. And like he was up in an area, he said, he was up in an area said he was up in an area where shit broke out out in his car.
Starting point is 02:25:54 People started surrounding his car, fucking started to bang on it. He just fucking dumped the clutch and tore ass fucking down the street. It was like, fight. Kill anybody. He's like, I don't know. Like there's no, I mean, he definitely ran over people. I mean, for sure. Now, how many people? I don't know about boys, the guys like, you know, I mean,
Starting point is 02:26:15 you're scared for your life. I mean, I don't know if you're in a drag them out of the car and fucking whatever. I mean, what do you, I don't understand what the fuck do you do in that situation? Dude, you just pray to God that someone else does it right after you so that everyone forgets about you. Well, I don't understand what people expect. Oh, yeah, then you just leave. No cameras, no, you know what I mean there is, but it was like, the fuck do you do, man?
Starting point is 02:26:42 Yeah. I don't understand people That's how I'm- That was bumper. Do you still know that guy? Oh, no, 25 years. I don't see any of it at least. Okay, here we go. You don't make me a fucking readjust.
Starting point is 02:26:58 The stupid ass advice of why don't you try turning it on and turning it off. Yeah, it works. I never was fucking thought of doing that. Thank you for such sage as vice. Fucking turning it off. I mean, the first thing you know, what a fucking thought of that. We need a belt system like this, Mark. Don't fucking talk to me like these white belt motherfuckers. I don't ever need, I don't ever need to be told to turn it on or turn it off.
Starting point is 02:27:22 That's what IQ I'm operating with here. Yeah, this fucking talk to me like an idiot. Just basic tears. Yeah. need to be told to turn it off. That's what IQ I'm operating with here. So that's fucking talk to me like an idiot. Just basic tears. Yeah. Understands that, yeah, restarting is a thing. And then all the white belt people, they'll have their own system of like gun balls
Starting point is 02:27:36 to convince them that they're operating in a system because they're too fucking stupid to understand. They need to be, you know what I mean? Like they can't all just be white belts. They have to have some kind of assa-nine IQ system that they can work with that actually means nothing. Well, but isn't that what we kind of do as people anyway like in everything? Yeah. Delimacy.
Starting point is 02:27:55 It's just need a way to that I can benefit from it and that that gentleman can benefit from it. Fair enough. Oh, here's one. Hey, Vic. It's one. Hey, Vic. I'm Sean. I'm got fucking rage. It's the salesman at my dealership. So, I'm an auto-detailer, and I detail the new cars that gets pulled. They'll take about an hour to do.
Starting point is 02:28:18 Well, one of the salesmen comes up and he writes about seven cars on my board, all exactly an hour apart from each other. And I look at them and I say, hey, can you have any of these apart by like half an hour so I can eat, you know. I should go on. Right. And he likes it.
Starting point is 02:28:32 And he fucking says, I've had my days without eating. Oh, you're all I'm thinking, dude, you're gonna eat twice a day, bro. You're gonna fucking off it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're gonna eat twice a day, bro.
Starting point is 02:28:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're gonna eat twice a day, bro. You're gonna eat twice a day, bro. You're gonna eat twice a day, bro. You're gonna eat twice a day, bro. You're gonna eat twice a day, bro. You're gonna eat twice a day, bro. Yeah telling me you've gone your day without eating your milk and sugar. Manual labor. I'm working 10 hours a day. Fucking asshole. And I do the grief fucking oven, wearing boots. Antisemitic.
Starting point is 02:28:52 I'm busted in my ass back here. I gotta eat my fucking food and I already don't eat breakfast because that's a fucking scam. I should actually shit. All right, fuck you though. Yeah, now that's fucked up man. Fucking asshole. No, you have to have a fucking break, take Jesus.
Starting point is 02:29:05 You Boomerass motherfucker, that's like a demon of a boomer possessing him. I've gone a couple, I've gone my share of days without him. How are you, my nerve, my nerve. You're doing. Uh, one more? Yeah, one more, sure. Oh, no, bum me out. I know, I've never been broken up with by a man.
Starting point is 02:29:23 I don't bummed out. I hope he's not pissed. Hey, Dick, I got a rage for you. Yes. And a solution, so maybe a dick tip. But my goddamn check engine light, that's always on. What I did, the fix the damn thing, was I took a little drill bit and the smallest drill bit
Starting point is 02:29:40 I could find and drill right through that motherfucker. So it is no longer check engine on. So when I open my hood, check my engine, there's no goddamn engine there. Anyway, that might be helpful. The listeners keep up the good work. By the way, I think you can just pull the fuse too. Yeah, I mean, if you don't need the fucking thing,
Starting point is 02:29:59 you don't need the engine fuse, you don't need the rest of them. So you made that engine disappear. Just drilled through it. It's really good, yeah. Just drilled through the light and the rest of them. Say what, may that engine disappear? It's just drilled through it. Yeah, just drilled through the light and the whole engine disappeared. Yeah, I got it. I mean, I understand. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:12 I think I needed, we need a little bit of levity at the end of my time. You're solutions for things, you know? Just sitting in here like I know where the fuse is. I'm not gonna spend my time looking up where the fuse is. I just shut my mouth. I know that we both have ripped smoke detectors off of the ceiling or in, you know, fifth violent rage.
Starting point is 02:30:33 Yeah, because it's not gonna, you're not gonna unscrew the fucking thing. It's gonna keep chirping. I will deal with it when I move out of that apartment. Make a battery that's the entire size of the smoke detector. Just stop. I don't understand why it's sucking power from the battery anyway. It's plugged in. I know. Why is that happening? Why is that happening? Are my circuits fucked? All right, anyway, everybody see next Tuesday. Later. you

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