The Dick Show - Episode 259 - Dick on Israel

Episode Date: May 18, 2021

A virgin graduates, #FreePalestine, Six Pack Rings, the Cuckold Simulator, Sean-voyage, people who don't listen to the experts or the science, the gas shortage, Disney solves racism, Elon Musk turns h...eel, animals women can take in a fight, a fat teacher yells at a student, and Cantillions hits on Sports bra Taylor; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a day of celebration. Is it? Before you go on your long walk into the grape unknown. Spread ass. Where ass is black? Just gonna get in the car and drive until I hit water and then just keep driving. To kill yourself. Well, or to see how far I can get.
Starting point is 00:00:24 See if you can get past the last rotted the last rusted cars in there exactly. Well, it'll be a win Oh, man You remember that goofy looney tunes where he goes on vacation and his car turns into rust Yeah, I'm the ocean right as soon as he gets in it just rust and disintegrates around him And he's sitting there like the wheel or something, right? Somehow that stayed. Yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:00:50 It's a day of celebration today. Is it? Yes. Big time. We lost a virgin. Oh, we lost a virgin. You're never gonna guess how? And gained a know it all.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Heck, oh man. Little mad fuckface has all kinds of attitude now. Really? Standing in his mat? Yeah, I'm glad you don't have a fuckface. Good for you, Matt. He's no longer a mad fuckface. He's not like fuck laid.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I like Matt. I'm glad it happened to him. I'm glad he inflicted himself upon someone. He's calling me Gramps sending me all these pictures. Hey, Gramps, he owe me a lost episode. You get a fucking little bit of lead in your pencil and all of a sudden, Mr. Shit Tucker. He'll be no living with him after this. Oh, it's like he grew three sizes that day.
Starting point is 00:01:43 He goes up to the roller coaster guy now and go, hey, fuck you, I can't, I am tall enough to ride this ride. Good for him. Good for him. Good for him, bad for us. I think that means a lost episode comes out. Yeah, but I don't know. I wish I had a graduation themed.
Starting point is 00:02:00 He's gonna call in, obviously. I have a better calling. No. He better call in so we can warn him on how not to get into relationship. Because that's cool. Yeah, I was saddened. I mean, it's a, now you're getting laid. There's a lot of chicks to fuck.
Starting point is 00:02:14 You don't want to get stuck with one. Yeah. Yeah. Good advice. Is that anything? Oh, I can't believe it You're never gonna guess how Adilist was I might anime if you can be yeah
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah, we're gonna take you I think you need to you love it you good at the show ends account Just come to you live from Mount Buck, even the hardest city of failure. I mean, how is StickMashden? Okay, the $20 million van voted America's worst Mexican, a hundred and a hundred and nine weeks running, joining me is always one last time before he goes on hiatus for an indeterminate number of weeks.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Three weeks. Oh, there's three weeks now. Oh no, it used to be two or three. Now it's rocketed up to, it's exponentially increased. I'll let you know if I can make it back. Oh no, make it back for the third week. What are we gonna, what are we gonna do without you? Oh, Bato is gonna come in here with this steaming hot tags.
Starting point is 00:03:21 It'll be great. It'll be great. We're gonna do a little mini bonus problem. Do you wanna give any reports from the road? Sure. Sean reports. Yeah, totally. You want to review rest stops or something like that? Do you want to give a, yeah, yeah, let me think, let me think about that. You want to, you want to take some masks to the mask. Let's see what's happening now that Sean, I don't know if you've seen this, but there is just, there is an epidemic of people who aren't listening to the experts
Starting point is 00:03:45 and the science in California. And they're consisting on wearing masks, even though the CDC experts said you do not have to wear masks anymore. Well, if you're vaccinated, that's right. And even indoors, there's a lot of vaccinated people. Yeah. And there is, there are people who are just stubbornly not listening to the science. I know. And as a yeah, there are people who are just, I know, stubbornly, I know, not listening to the science. I know. And as a science, there are people, person, there
Starting point is 00:04:09 are people who are going to, and, and I've heard them say this where they're like, I want to wear a mask. I heard somebody say the other day, well, I might go down to one mask. I go, you know, you were very anti-science last week, last week, the point you made, you know, you were very anti-science. Last week, last week, the point you made, you know, wasn't lost on me that the people who are vaccinated are going to, they're the ones who are still the most scared who are wearing the mask. It's like, look, it's said.
Starting point is 00:04:37 You've done, my idea is, look, you've done all you can do. Like it, you can always find a reason to be terrified the rest of your life. You're vaccinated, your family's vaccinated, it's like, just, it's okay. The experts job is to keep you safe. They are paid to review the data and study the science and tell you what the best course of action is.
Starting point is 00:04:59 It's offensive that people are out there not listening to the experts because it's postures. Where would we be without science? They learn stuff all the time. Because it's a posterist. Where would we be without science? They learn stuff all the time. So it's like, yeah, that's, look, it's, the thing is, is like, they say, okay, well you can still carry it, right? But the, but the, but your chances,
Starting point is 00:05:13 but your chances, the CDC says don't wear the mask. But it's a matter, I think the details don't matter. That's because, well, those, but they kind of do, that's because the data coming out, it's like, well, it's, it's very rare for a vaccinated person to carry. Your odds of carrying it are a lot lower as well as getting it. So it's like, well, it's very rare for a vaccinated person to carry. Your odds of carrying it are a lot lower as well as getting it. So it's like, yeah, but you're right, there are people and there are against deniers.
Starting point is 00:05:31 There are going to be people. Do they even belong to evolution? I don't know. I don't know. What are these morons, even? What are these anti-science imbacils wearing masks still even think? I love it. I think a car runs magic.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Do you listen to them? You motherfuckers and grow those masks away. But it is funny. It's funny because they're going to be people who are just like, and some of them will almost admit, it's just like, I'm just afraid of it. I saw a little girl, a mom and a little girl at the dog park.
Starting point is 00:06:02 The mom was in a mask, the little girl was doing soft balls, training, like swinging a bat. Like bitch, you got a bat. No one is within 10 feet, anywhere near transmissible distance. You can take your daughter out of that goddamn mask. You can't get it yet. The kids got the mask on and softball.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah, it's, you know. Oh, some parents are gonna project their fears on the kids and all that. Yes, anti-science. It's all anti-science. We gotta have more education to educate people on the importance of experts in science. Well, I don't know what, I don't know how else to say it.
Starting point is 00:06:34 You've wild, you said it all. Ha ha ha ha. Let me see, what do I have here? I was attacked by, I was attacked by a lich at the dog park as well. You were attacked by a lich? Yeah, I don't know if that's really. Oh yeah, I had a, I dropped a little fun time.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I dropped a little happy time. Happy time drop thought I would take an afternoon off, go to the park. Yeah. Enjoy nice time out. It's called a long week Friday. Take a little taste, take a little taste of a time dilation formula that I like to partake in. Go to the park. Swarmed with children. Swarmed with children, stabbing at my dogs with sticks.
Starting point is 00:07:20 So I go, oh God, okay, I'm starting to lose it here. This is the opposite of the fun time, happy time, happy time, experience that I wanted to fun. I'm out of here. I walk, get my dog and walk to the car, a fucking monster. This monster dog dives at us from the side of the house, like snarling, old decrepit, ancient,
Starting point is 00:07:44 barking and snarling. I'm not kidding. What your bio house or this walking to my car. Oh, yeah. From the park. This dog dives out of nowhere. Yeah. Like a Halloween decoration. Jesus. And I'm out of my mind. Yeah. Right. Looking at this dog attached to a attached to the middle of the wall of the side of the house like a like a horror movie a horror movie with a jangling cord with one carabiner attached to another carabiner. It's like a dog version of chunk or sloth from the goonies. It really was.
Starting point is 00:08:13 It was horrible. It was like chained up watching football. Like this is a fucking night. This is the last thing. This is the last thing I wanted to see today. Anyway, I don't. So what happened? These panties. Well, nothing happened, but it was horrifying.
Starting point is 00:08:27 The parents, I try to go to the park, looking as unapproachable as possible. I wear gym shorts. Children, you should not be approaching a man wearing gym shorts. A strange man wearing gym shorts at the park. A strange unshaven man wearing gym shorts on drugs. With a cute dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Right, that's what I mean. What are his parents teaching their kids? They date, right? Yeah, I mean. Can I touch your dog? No. Isn't this, isn't this enough? Don't you think that, yeah, the dog is a, the dog is a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a A ploy. Exactly. Yeah. Here's what also makes me a rage. The new can rings on beer.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Have you seen these? The new can rings on beer. Oh, you mean like for like a six pack or something? Yeah. You mean like the, yeah. They're like a Lego now. Yes. Used to be.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I've seen those rings. Nice gooey rings that you just pop off. Yep. And then cut with scissors. Pat. Oh, yeah. I mean, have you ever done that in your life? No, I have not. No, but some people do.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I always make them feel good about themselves. I drive around and look for the little stenciled on dolphin next to the storm drains, you know, just like saying this goes to the ocean. And then I dump my trash right in there. I just take those and yeah. Well, they stopped people from being able to cut the rings and they turned them into like the top of a Lego. Yeah. I know exactly
Starting point is 00:09:50 what they're seeing these. Yeah. And they're impossible to pull off. You have to take the whole six pack out of the fridge and put actual leverage onto it with your, just enough to pop it out without going too far and throwing the rest of, you know, accidentally spraying all of them everywhere. Yeah. Then you've got shook up beer on your hands. Yeah, yeah. Jokes on your. Jokes on yours.
Starting point is 00:10:16 It does. Yeah. No reason to do this. No reason to put these Lego tops on your beers. Again, it's like the... It's the illusion of, you know, that like just the everyday person can really do something where it's like stupid. Look, the six pack rings are not what's making up all the garbage in the fucking ocean
Starting point is 00:10:38 or whatever the big fucking problem is. It's not the straw. It's not the, you know, it's all the consuming that's doing it. I mean, it's not your six pack room. Put this and now we got Lego six pack rings. There's a gas. Did you buy, did you stockpile some gas? Oh, I, yeah, I'm sitting on a big, a natural gas deposit.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Yeah, yeah. You see these people? No, filling up like Ralph's bags of gasoline. What? To hoard gasoline. What? I don't know what, I don't know what wouldn't trigger hoarding now. Well, that's immediately hoarding.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Immediately hoarding. Yeah, it's like apparently that, that even in a society like ours where, you know, abundance is everywhere. I mean, you know, it's like some more than others, but still, it's times have been much worse in the world in various countries, including this one. We might be running out of gas. Oh, I gotta go, I got a 50 pack of contractor bags. I'm gonna go to the gas station and fill them up.
Starting point is 00:11:44 That's why I'm in a van. That's why it's like immediately toilet paper gone. Yeah, gone. And for fun, well, it's like, I never saw one like credible source saying, oh yeah, explosive diarrhea is part of this. Oh, like you need like you're gonna need it. Load of toilet paper. What are you going to, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:04 It's you just think that you're not going to be of toilet paper. What are you going to, yeah, exactly. You just think that you're not gonna be able, I guess it's the thought that I'm not going to be able to leave the house and go anywhere. It's like I would be worried about fucking food more than that then. Oh, if there was a gas shortage. No, I'm just talking about the toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:12:21 I'm talking about COVID. I'm just talking about the ridiculousness of just everybody hoarding toilet paper. There's things you should be hoarding before that. I don't know. I would like to know what the FBI was doing instead of stopping those hackers from shutting down the pipeline though. They were so busy tracking down Bigdelaska and all the other Capitol Hill riders. Yeah. That they couldn't stop the giant Ganttick gas pipeline from being hacked or ransomed.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I don't know. So seem to be, they seem to be distracted a lot lately. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, oh, great time to be in a giant RV at this time. He's in an RV. Is he? Yeah. Like, oh, great time to be in a 30 foot RV with a 55 gallon tank and a V 10 during the ground. Yeah. Well, you know, half sounds like he'll be living somewhere for a while. Um, you know what else I saw that makes me, I saw a fat woman on her way to the dog park with a hashtag Palestine
Starting point is 00:13:26 shirt on really and I don't I don't know. I've never seen a I've never seen a hashtag Palestine. You haven't shirt. You haven't seen the Palestine support. Well, I can I can believe that it exists. I've never seen but you know, like I'm not, I'm not somebody who follows hashtags, you know. This was on a shirt, so no, I know. It wasn't really as effective like a hashtag to click. Right, I tried to, you just go pick it. And my fists just went up. And you're around a block under the tit.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Yeah, punch right in the tit. But yeah, I mean, I'm surprised that it's like on a shirt. I guess, I guess it's appropriate in her mind to walk around in America, brazenly advertising for the entity of Palestine. Yeah. I believe this was meamed into existence in our lives because I've seen this sentiment
Starting point is 00:14:20 more than once now of, well, you don't really know who to pick in that fight. Well, it's, you know, Israel versus Palsa. We don't really know. Oh, is there, is there really a safe take to have on this one, Dick? Yeah. Israel. Yeah. It's always, always been Israel.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Where the fuck did, when and where did a hashtag Palestine, Sherchman? I mean, I don't want it. I don't want our government to give Israel money. Yeah, but not only are they gonna win in that fight, but they fucking should. Well, I mean, it's in our interest too. Yeah, I mean, it's always been this has one democracy right there. And that's it. Islamic theocracy.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Are you fucking high? Yeah, well, it's due to this fucking shirt. I Jerusalem, old Jerusalem is a shithole. It's a swap meat. I've been to Jerusalem. Yeah. I wouldn't give up, if it was up to me, nuke it. People class it.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Don't fucking care. Make a virtual Jerusalem that they can fight over in the fucking cloud. People keep mistaken you for Jesus. Yes. The actual Jerusalem, the actual Jerusalem looks like a shithole. It is a shithole. It's full of swap meat vendors selling you, selling crosses and horseshit. Really?
Starting point is 00:15:38 How crass? Oh, dude. It's disgusting. It's also sexist. The women are not allowed to go to the wailing wall in the men's side. And stereotypical sadly. It is a complete, complete shithole. It's the, this is the equivalent of a, it's a theme park for both religions, right?
Starting point is 00:16:00 Right. It's, it's not very farm in Disneyland fighting over the same park. I don't fucking care who gets it. But in this case, the United States has decided that not very farm is gonna get it. So that's who's gonna fucking get it. I don't understand where the IGN posts on their website, Palestinian flag. So help Palestine by sending their money.
Starting point is 00:16:26 You know, like Israel is like basically a state. Did you guys forget that? There's people that they have an IGN office, Israel. They said, we don't know why IGN put a flag up for Palestine when we've been at war with them forever over this land that we keep trying to steal from each other. Yeah. I don't, I don't get it. I don't get where this has been meamed into existence. The support Palestine thing. Is, do you think it's a reaction to just blind support for Israel? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Because like, dude, it doesn't mean you have the BLM people. Doesn't mean we got to support Palestine now. Doesn't mean you can criticize Israel. That's wild. Never, I've never thought that fight would be unwound to the point of, wow, you know, it's really confusing. No, it's not confusing. They stole the land fair and square.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Fuck, fuck Palestine. Well, that's what's been going on for some sort of... It's been a bunch of, like, well, you know, we'll give you, we'll give you a mo, we'll give you a most of it. Well, I have like a, you could vote, maybe we'll vote a little less, because you guys are fucked. Uh, but, well, we can work something out and every time they say, no.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yeah, well, I'm more. Uh, some bear say, a fucking hashtag Palestine. Like, what the fuck is this? Uh, the attitude I take is that, you know, it, yes, Israel's going to win. It's, it's backed by, you know, the number one military power. Yeah. And it's like by, you know, the number one military power. Yeah. And it's like, they have missiles that shoot your missiles out of the sky. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah. There's no, you can't do anything about it. They're going to hate each other till the end of time. It's never going to get settled. So like that's when, you know, unfortunately, like, I can't care about everything. Just take it. They moved, they moved London bridge from London to Lake Havasu, right?
Starting point is 00:18:28 Yeah, and I heard like back, it's like, it actually, that actually is true, isn't it? Yeah, it is true. I guess an Arizona, that's what I did. We had to sing a song about an element. But there was like, yeah, it was like, oh no, that's a myth. Like the real one went here and like,
Starting point is 00:18:44 maybe a couple of things, but it's like, I think, that's a myth. Like the real one went here and like maybe a couple things, but it's like, I think that one brick, whatever. But no, like there is at least a good portion of it. Like they did move it, didn't they? Yeah. Like it did end up and it. So just to fight with Jerusalem. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Just take it, put it in, put it in Nebraska or something. Oh, you guys like it so much. Well, you can come see it in Nebraska. Now it's a big fucking hole. Sure. You can fight over that. The Nebraska. The other over that board of tourism would. Well, yeah, they went, I think they would, you know, subsidize that, you know, that, that transfer, right? That I think we deserve it. Sure. I think we should, I think we have more
Starting point is 00:19:20 of a right. Actually, now that I think about it, then either of those states to Jerusalem. Well, Trump should have just moved it. Biden should go pick it up with a big crane. Yeah, and all this shit, once and for all. It was like when I was in Australia, did you know I went to Australia? Oh, yeah. When I was in Australia,
Starting point is 00:19:43 did some of the like the touristy stuff and finding out, you know, went to the, I can't remember what, what museum. It was like a, it was like a history museum somewhere in Melbourne. And what, basically, what the tour guide basically said was that Melbourne and Sydney were such fuckers about who got to be the capital that like the powers that be went, no, we're gonna make Canberra. We're gonna make a, nobody gets it. Nobody gets it.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yeah. We're gonna make a fucking city that's only, that's nobody lives there. Yes. That's only government buildings right between the two of you. So you two fuckers can't play nice, forget it. Neither one of you gets it. That's what I'm saying we should do. Tarooslam just take it. It looks exactly like a swap me. Yeah. Oh, and the
Starting point is 00:20:28 like you like you see in the movie, like an Indiana Jones movie or something, right? Walking around with a bunch of fucking pop ups and the Muslim side are fucking our assholes. Yeah. They're complete ass walking around with their guns, looking tough. Like, oh, fuck, go fuck yourself. Don't think there's nothing as Rayleigh side too. No, they're they're not as big, they have gigantic guns, but they're not as big as households. But there's always, there's always armed soldiers, right? Oh, yeah. Like everywhere.
Starting point is 00:20:53 There are, I sort of got, I saw a hot Israeli- sh- starmed chick getting bum rushed by Muslim kids and just not react like with her gun. Yeah, not react. I'm like, are you fucking kidding? If this happened and if this was an American male cop, it would have been, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you're fucking, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're,
Starting point is 00:21:14 I'm shutting off. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, pretty easy. I don't see why it's suddenly so controversial. Maybe as soon as, maybe as soon as IGN, all the BLM assholes started saying, oh gosh, this is, this is any side that uses women and children are getting killed is, is wrong. That's my, that's my motto. All these, all these kids and women are getting killed. Oh, good. Last kids at the dog park then.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Ah, Biden's team is full of dog lovers. Did you see this? Let's see this one's pretty hard hitting journalism. Yeah, I was just gonna say. Then a journalist, they're all whining that their office got blown up. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, like, oh, they blob our office.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, I'm not the AP. A mosque was there. Like, wow, you guys were weren't investigating that? Or I don't know. Yeah, but they, you know, at least they called them up. Like, hey, we're gonna blow the shit out of this fucking thing. I would imagine, you want to get out. They didn't even let us go back in and get our stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Well, I wonder why that is. I wonder, don't take, don't take your important stuff to work. I wonder who else might have gone in and got some important stuff out of the military target that they were you fucking morons journalist. Biden's cabinet is full of dog lovers. Meet the other team Biden poochers. Oh yeah. Area Sparky Truman and Peppa politics insider. You know they're humans. Oh God. I mean, talks in like meme speak. Dude, these Americans fucked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:47 This is first half of the electorate. Just struck me not by half. Just fucking, yeah. Meanwhile, let's see, let's see how many articles come up with Trump hates dogs. Just get a good look at this. Oh, why does President Trump hate dogs? Trump hates dogs. Here's what that means. Why does President Trump hate dogs? Trump hates dogs. Here's what that means. Why Donald Trump hates your dogs? Are you kidding me? Is anything serious anymore?
Starting point is 00:23:13 No, even pretending to be serious. I mean, it doesn't. It seems like Palestine. Good for you guys. Disney, Disney racism. Oh, by the way, oh, I never mind. Disney racism, let me read about this one. This is intersectional racism at Disney that they're teaching you out of city journal. It obtains internal documents exposing Disney's anti-racism training program. Disney claims America has a long history
Starting point is 00:23:45 of systemic racism and transphobia. And says white employees must not question or debate anything they are told by black employees. Look at this presentation. Like it's all, you gotta sit there and watch this at work. What can I do about racism? An anti-racism discussion guide. Recognize your colleagues are also processing the ways
Starting point is 00:24:09 in which the pandemic is disproportionately affecting the black community. Are they really? No, is that something that's, I don't think that most people are sitting around going, I wonder how people, gosh. Yeah, differently as disproportionately. No, I'm the people are,
Starting point is 00:24:23 you're dealing with the fact that it's affecting, like, them, and just like, just affecting the poor. Yeah, or affecting a lot. Whatever, just affecting them, everybody's thinking them and theirs first. Yeah. If you're feeling confused, shocked, or have recently awakened to systemic racism, oh, come out of a coma. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Where am I? Recognize that this is probably not new to your black slash African American colleagues. Avoid messages like, I can't believe this is happening. The murders of these people and countless that. I can't believe this is happening.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I can't believe it. You literally had to be born yesterday to, yeah, you know, fucking stupid. I can, the murders of Breonna Taylor, Sean Reed, what a George Floyd blah, blah, blah, and countless others. No, I know you could count them because you throw stats up all the time. Well, that, that's not countless. Countless. Countless is always over you. That's why people think it's like 10,000 and not what it is, which is like 200. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:26 There is a, I can count to 200. Right. I can ask all this. Countless. It's like, oh God. There are other words to use. Can you ballpark it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Is it hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands? Yeah. Where's the millions? Yeah. Is it millions? In solidarity, I saw an infographic of the death count of Palestine versus Israel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:46 This was news. Mm-hmm. Well, here's an infographic of, for everything you need to know about this conflict, here's an infographic. Yeah. Palestine's way higher. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Right. There you go. In solidarity with US protests, we're seeing blah, blah, blah. And it represents a tipping point of heightened awareness. Do not question or debate. Black colleagues lived experiences. For example, are you sure they meant it that way? And it's not a race thing. Or I'm playing devil's advocate. Is this? I mean, do you know how insane people are? Most people think that they were put here by God. And you don't think every once in a while somebody could assume that something is a race thing that's not like,
Starting point is 00:26:33 how often is that, how often does someone actually need a cup check on, oh, I was treated this way because of my race. Like, are you, are you sure? Yeah, you might want to just maybe because you know other circumstance is that acceptable to just say, well, they treated me like this because of this. Like nine times out of 10, every human being is wrong on that. Whoa, it's meant to be wrong. Yeah. No, I know what you're saying. Yeah. And it's like, okay, if you've had a bunch of experiences, I would guess that's probably where you jump to. But if you take a stance like not necessarily in this case, just playing devil's advocate.
Starting point is 00:27:11 They not have had anything to do with it. They're not ahead anything to fucking do with that actually. You might have just been wrong. You might have been unreasonable. You might have been being annoying. Yeah. Avoid conflating the black experience with other communities of color. While other people of color are subject to racism, there is a unique history that has led to anti-black.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Okay, good job, Disney. Thanks a lot for doing what you're doing. Thanks a lot for leading the way. Let's see here. What else do I have? Oh God, Tesla stops accepting Bitcoins. Do you see that? No, I did not. Yeah, Elon Musk did it.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yeah, what's a betray everyone in Bitcoin's end? Really? He's no longer accepting Bitcoin because of the carbon, because of the globe, because of the emissions. Because of the right of Bitcoin. Right. Yeah, okay. This is the guy who's got to explain that to me. Who, because it takes like the security of Bitcoin is how much power it uses.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yeah, yeah, yeah. All the miners everywhere using power. I get it, but and it's still orders of magnitude less than I would financial system. I would think so. So very efficient. This is the guy who has been pushing electric shit since way before. It was even close to being efficient. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Well, we got to make all these electric cars. Yeah, I mean, it costs way more pollution to make a new electric car than it does to just use an old one. Well, we got to push through it. We got to push through it until we get to a point where it is, where it is, like, okay, yeah, that makes sense. Meanwhile, I'm gonna be shooting rockets up into space. We gotta go to Mars too. How is that in any way green?
Starting point is 00:28:55 Ah, we just gotta go. We gotta go to Mars. All right, neat. All right, well, we got this little system, cryptocurrency system that could overtake the financial system, it's much less, it's much more efficient. It's not efficient enough. So I'm not using it.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah, pick it up. Not enough. What exactly is enough then? Well, it's such a fucking shyster. Yeah. Well, it's got to be perfect immediately. Yeah. It's like, yeah, we don't think that of really anything else.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Anything. It's fine. Because it's not, it's not attainable. Like it's, yeah. What do you get you? What do you want to use? He's talking about how he's meeting with the Doge devs, which don't exist. The project was abandoned a long time ago to see if they could increase it for use. I don't know. I fucking, I'm just glad everyone hates that guy like me. Yeah, I think a lot of people have a negative thought on it. It's like, he just seems like a fucking tool. He just seems like a fucking tool. It's like, it's kind of the same thing.
Starting point is 00:29:59 It's like, yeah, you know, you just kind of look at Bono and you go, he's a fucking tool. He's got to be a tool. Here's a, here's a 20 foot tall African statue they revealed in Rockefeller Center to honor African culture. I don't know. We think about that statue. Is it like from like a carving? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:24 Is it like a, I don't know. It looks like maybe somebody mixed up the blueprints and and and and crossed it with a bobble head. Like I don't know. I mean, I don't know who would be able to know. No, it is it is what it looks like. It looks very. It looks very Warner Brothers Brothers racist doesn't it? Where they boil like, I mean, like looney tunes has a disclaimer now. That's got to be that. Bro, fucking, Donald Duck made by African
Starting point is 00:30:54 American artist, Sanford Biggers. Looney tunes has disclaimers now because the natives are drawn to look like this. Now it's 30 feet tall in the middle of Rockefeller Center. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I don't know if there was a second version. If I didn't see like the pose and wearing like, you know, like a, is that a blanket or is that the dress or, you know, whatever the clothes are? Yeah. Because it looks like it would be something from a carving. You know, like a... Yeah, let me see if I can get a display capture working here
Starting point is 00:31:33 to show it off display. Yeah, I mean, maybe the guy was like, let me see how racist I can make this. And because I'm black, no one will say anything. It's the whole like, oh, that's so brave. That's so brave. The South Park episode where he just like,
Starting point is 00:31:52 just the most garrison is disgusting, like gay acts, you know, and everybody's just going, they, the closer he gets. Yeah, it's like the more empowering he is. I don't know why this fucking display capture is not working. I might have to restart the stream. I'm looking at that and I'm interested in, like it's visually interesting to me.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Oh yeah. Not thinking about, like I'm like, look, I'm like, oh wow, like the, what is with the seam on the head? That's his hair! Oh shit! People are getting evicted. Three landlords, this article says.
Starting point is 00:32:32 You know, the eviction moratorium is coming up the end of it, right? Yeah. So the crying has already started. This is a woman here who hasn't paid rent, got fired. Obviously, hasn't paid ranch is looking off, uh, majestically, responsibly, you know, yeah, I'm gonna feed my kids. And, uh, I read this and it's how do I feed these kids?
Starting point is 00:32:57 I feed these kids. I read this and it's so infuriating, um, to, to, uhating to read how entitled these people are to live in other in someone else's property. And I've been around people talking about it, like talking about their rental situation, and it's always the same attitude. Like, I live here, like, what am I supposed to do? You're just kicking me out. What am I supposed to do? Like motherfucker, do you, I mean, do you understand that that's the whole, that's the whole exchange that you pay by not having to risk anything and renting and being able to go with any, like you don't have any security. Right. That's
Starting point is 00:33:41 the fucking point. Right. You have only the security that the laws and regs and stuff give you. It's like, yeah, that's. So this is framed as this woe is me story about a fat, a fat single mom whose dad isn't around pulling down a couple hundred bucks on child support who got fired during the pandemic and is now trying to weasel her way out of getting evicted. Like of course they found ways around kicking them out. Yeah. Like we're gonna renovate or we're gonna, they offered a pay her to move,
Starting point is 00:34:13 but nothing, let me read that. That one is the most infuriating one. Where, where? Yeah, it's legal. The property manager said, manager said 60 days I can get you out if he's gonna live on the property or remodel the property.
Starting point is 00:34:30 So that's the law. If they're gonna live there, if they're gonna remodel it, they can still kick you out. That's what the property manager is saying on behalf of the owner. Yeah, and he says, the other option is that I give you money to move. No, she says, where am I gonna go?
Starting point is 00:34:44 Like it's even being paid to leave when you have no job. No husband is still not good enough for these people. Like, I'm going to pay you. I realize that you don't have a job and that you don't have a husband around, which by the way is completely your fucking fault. It was enough for you to have kids with this moron to generate a bunch of dependents, but you couldn't make the decision to live there every day no matter what. Like, and that's a very important part of it
Starting point is 00:35:13 because you could do that. You might be miserable, yes, but you could learn to live with it. People learn to live with prison. They don't get to say, well, prison, I want to divorce. I've really had it. I've had enough of being raped in the shower. I just want to go live my own. I want to go live my life to the best way. I want to go live my best life. Like you had a decision to do that. And it's still saying, uh, you can, we're going to kick you out or
Starting point is 00:35:40 magnetism. Lee, we don't want the bullshit so we could pay you to leave. No, where would I go? Yeah. So what do you just get told if you forever no matter what, like you own the place, fuck you. Yeah. Get the fuck out of here. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:35:57 I, it sucks for all the people who are getting fucked over, but this specific attitude, that I live here is my case. Kis' by the way, I own it. Yeah, fuck you. I can't fucking wait for those people to get kicked out. over, but this specific attitude I live here is by case. Kisper, I own it. Yeah. Fuck you. I can't fucking wait for those people to get kicked out. You don't.
Starting point is 00:36:09 And like you said, it's they by, you know, by renting or whatnot, I mean, that's, you're not taking a risk. Yeah. You know, you're not, you're not subject to, you know, the real estate market or like a catastrophic fucking series of repairs that you need or, you know, anything like that. So it's like, yeah, you're, you know, it's the, it's the same people who will consistently vote for free shit, which guaranteed, which drives, which creates low income housing, guaranteeing a glut of unskilled labor, which drives
Starting point is 00:36:46 down the cost of unskilled labor. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Like, all of these cities are now starving or facing huge evictions because people idiots like this voted for free shit subsidized housing for themselves. So more of them could live there. So the price of their worthless labor is worth next to nothing. And now they go, well, there's nothing I could have done about it.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Like he's not created this mess. Fuck you. All you have to do is not vote. 15 bucks an hour. Now, well, now he's 15 bucks an hour. 15 bucks an hour. We got a robot now. Well, no, exactly.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And that's the thing. I mean, the first thing is like, well, now none of you really don't have skills. No, you don't have jobs. And now the guys who did want to work don't have jobs either. Yeah, you just have rights like you people way more skilled than you are going to take those $15 an hour jobs. That one line, well, we'll pay you to move. Well, where would I go?
Starting point is 00:37:42 I can't even do that. That's not good enough. Why would be good enough for you? Oh, look, live in my house forever. Yeah. There you go. Let's see what else I got here. BLM gets painted over. Their mural got painted over.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay, animals can take it off. I thought they'd just covered it up. They'd paint it over with hashtag, yeah. Yeah. Um, and I'm sure you can take it over with hashtag palis time. Yeah. Can't believe that. Oh, well, you know, you don't know who to support in this one. Yeah, it's real. So legal to be gay in Palestine. What? What are you guys doing? Popping a Palestinian flag on your shit. It's illegal to be gay. Are you fucking serious? You guys had a whole,
Starting point is 00:38:27 a gubba to month, like a month ago. That shit is illegal in Palestine. Animals you could take in a fight. You wanna see where you rank on this? Sure, let's see. Unarmed. What animal do you think you could take, You think you could take a rat in a fight, right? I mean, yeah, sure. I throw this up on the screen.
Starting point is 00:38:48 There we go. In a fight. What animal do you think you could take in a fight? A rat. 68% of women said they could take a rat in a fight. That's not a fight. That's not a lot. Don't you think?
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah, yeah. Kind of low. Yeah, it's kind of low actually. Yeah. You telling me 32% of women don't feel up to the challenge of taking on a rat, unarmed. So like what, what's a win? Death. Does one have to kill the other? Well, you have to beat it in a fight. Well, I mean, but what you know, that's all you got. I mean,
Starting point is 00:39:31 okay. Uh, and 76% of men, 20, a quarter, one and four men don't feel up to the challenge of fighting a rat. What the fuck? I don't know. A house cat slightly less a goose, 50% of women do not fill up to the challenge of taking on a goose. 70% of men. A medium-sized dog, Sean. So like 40 pounds. 35-perier.
Starting point is 00:40:03 A little bigger. Yeah, a little bigger. Yeah, a little bigger. Do you think you could take a medium sized dog on in a fight? I mean, yeah, I probably just pet him to death. Yeah, yeah, you know. You could trick him, like throw a toy over a cliff. Sure.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Oh, there you go. I guess maybe that's, that counts as being armed. Uh, 39, only 39% of women feel up for taking on a medium-sized dog. Yeah. Oh, that one makes sense. Sure. I mean, you know, cry, right? Yeah, I guess. It's working at me. 60% of men though. Man, that's shocking. I think you got a, well, they always say, men don't think they could take a little dog. If you're getting dog, if a dog is attacking you, the worst thing that can happen is that you go down.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah. They're like, stay on your feet at all costs. Like that's the, you know, give them an arm, give them something and kick it. I mean, yeah, but you don't wanna go, you don't wanna go down. Uh, an eagle. Only a quarter of women feel like they could fight an eagle. You have some talents.
Starting point is 00:41:08 A large dog drops off, uh, I don't know. And then in Grizzly Bear, you've got 6% of women and 7% of men who can. Who can. Who can. Yeah, okay, buddy. Good. Thanks for your time today with that. time. Good luck today with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Same with the lion and elephant. Let's take you to the zoo. The assholes. Totally insufferable people. Yeah, there you go. I like that the rat. Like that's just like not even an animal you would think of. Like you'd see like a house cat.
Starting point is 00:41:38 It's like, oh yeah, I've seen some fucking vicious house cat fights. You know, or like, oh damn, and that would fucking, that's scratch the shit out of you. Yeah, but they can't even take it on in the fight. Right. But the rat, starting with the rat. Okay, well, cool. That's who you're trying to impress on Tinder, fellas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Hashtag Palestine. 10% hashtag Palestine. I don't even know where do you get a shirt like that? Did you have it before? Cause it just started. The fighting just that? Did she have it before? Because the truck started. The fighting just started, so she got it that day. She probably, you know, can't you, you know, I mean, that's just so screen places, right?
Starting point is 00:42:13 Maybe she does it at home, I don't know. I don't know. If you live in Palestine, fuck, sorry, just surrender. What's the big deal? They'll give you, they'll give you some of your, whatever. Comments, Hans Brotworth. So my new roommate is a confessed chat roulette masterbator. What do I do? What do you mean? What do you do? What do you do?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Just stay off of chat roulette. I can't. Eric, I found this in another podcast group. Some women stole the RSS feed from a shared podcast and redirected it to her new podcast. And the new podcast is called the inquiring housewife. Like George? Yeah, took over a muddled narrative. Thought you might find this interesting as the same thing happened to you.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Yeah, not sure how often that happens. Let's see if we can pull this up. Well, I mean, you know, it's like a pretty easy thing to do. Yeah, it does seem like a pretty easy thing to do. Yeah. Yeah, it does seem like a pretty easy thing to do. Now coming up, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, probably got that, a Palestinian flag. Pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, IGN, like the biggest source for video games.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Yeah. Why, why in God's name? You want to take a stand on that? Like that's the, like, that's the, like, that's the, like, that's the, like, that's the, right. Um, just put a fucking, just put a, just put a Chinese flag up and be done with it. Yeah. I mean, like, you know, like what's going to impact your bottom line?
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah. Like, you probably want to some, just, you know, don't say shit about China. Nobody say shit about China. It's bad for business. It's being gay is illegal. I mean, I don't think women are really thriving under any kind of religious theocracy either. Oh, no, I'm pretty sure they are not. So what is, is there, do they not for a second?
Starting point is 00:43:56 See, it is inconsistent, brand new. Yeah, a little bit. In consistent, right? A little fucking bit. Yeah. Serious quite one of my former podcasts, co-hosts at the end of our positive was upset that we were just bending. So she immediately locked me out. Ah, blah, blah, blah, it's big because a woman wrote it.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Biden insult. Hey, Dick, I don't think you mentioned this, but the Biden administration's tax changes are worse than most people even realize. The reinstated, they reinstated the unlimited salt, state and local tax deduction, meaning the very rich in high tax, Democrat states get to deduct all their states and local taxes. Awesome. Uh, regular people don't even come close to maxing out the standard deduction nor do those in lower tax red states.
Starting point is 00:44:40 So this is an outright gift to the rich Democrat donor classes. Good for you, I guess, though. Go fuck yourself, Richter. Yeah, I have so much contempt for people who think that the government is going after the rich ever. Yeah. Yeah. Why do you think that?
Starting point is 00:44:56 Yeah, right. Right. Let's see here. Uh-huh. Emergency use of vaccine. Dick, IP see here. Emergency use of vaccine, Dick I.P. lawyer here. Sean is wrong. Emergency use authorization is more likely linked
Starting point is 00:45:12 to the extension of the patent, right? Which governments can grant to incentivize pharma companies to develop drugs for kids. For emergency use, usually just means the same standards for clinical trials are not the same. Right. Yes, that's working Europe, but I know the US is the same standards for clinical trials are not the same. Right. Yes, that's what's working Europe, but I know the US is the same process.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Oh, that's interesting. Which is just more incentives for pharmaceutical companies. Yeah, I mean, I didn't think about that angle. But yeah, emergency use, it is a lower standard of... That's all it is. Of... We don't have to test it as much. Yeah, basically.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And then after we, basically it has to be tested to an extent that they, but not like, not like normal, not like normal, which is at least three phases of clinical trial, I think. Yeah, because right after we recorded that,
Starting point is 00:45:59 it got approved and then all kids could have it. Yeah, but I thought you might have been right on that one. Are people, well, okay. But it's 12 to 15. Yeah, go get vaccinated. Oh, 12 to 15, is that what it is?
Starting point is 00:46:11 Yeah, I thought it was high risk. I think that because they did something during the Trump administration that was an emergency use. What was it? Are kids? No, no, no, just an emergency use for people high risk. I mean, they got that for that reason. Like, I can't remember what it was, but that was where that's
Starting point is 00:46:30 where I learned about it. Yeah, FTA authorizes Pfizer vaccine for children 12 to 15. Yeah. Now, is anybody recommending that kids get it? I mean, bro, you have Biden on TV saying, mask, saying vaccine or else. Like, I don't know how, how, how you got kids at the park, every kid at the park is wearing a fucking mask, even though it's like zero point zero, zero, zero chance of them. Yeah. I got to look up what that was because I was like, oh, what's an emergency use? That's what the only reason I knew about it at all. It was the emergency approval. Yeah, it was just worded.
Starting point is 00:47:09 So it looked like it could be either. Oh, emergency approval. Yeah. Oh, emergency use is the lower is the is the less testing. One, I don't know. The other thing that I did is we don't to test it. It's approved. Well, that's it. Oh, yeah, I have to test as much. Yes
Starting point is 00:47:28 That's wild That's fucking I read that there was a There's some kind of subreddit too where people are posting all of their side effects probably I'm making it up though Well, no, that's everybody's you know, it's it's pretty Yeah, it feels like the flu you get the dead arm you get the whatever that like it's pretty, yeah, it feels like the flu, you get the dead arm, you get the whatever, the like it's, yeah, it's, I know so many people, it's just, it's run the, it's run the gamut. Like it's, some people get no symptoms, some people get all the symptoms, some people get
Starting point is 00:47:56 it, the first time, some people get it the second time, some people, you know. California and New York refugees, hey, Dick, I live in a Southern state where a lot of people have fled to in order to avoid high taxes and crazy COVID restrictions. Most are from California and New York. I normally wouldn't care, but they're voting in the same ways that have messed up the states they just fled from.
Starting point is 00:48:17 They're very vocal about it. And they are quick to lecture us about how ignorant and wrong we are about everything. There's a lot of Californians who have moved to Texas. Yeah, I know that. Yeah, and if you, Texas people are so obnoxious online with all of their, how free Texas is in South California, but then if you bring up any Austin thing,
Starting point is 00:48:36 they're like, well, not Austin. Right, right. If you guys understand how this virus spreads, it gets a foothold in one of your towns and then it just infects everything. They go immediately, they go to all your big cities and infect the government immediately with all of these brain dead policies. And then your whole state's fucked because you don't have, because they keep concentrating
Starting point is 00:49:01 power and making the cities more attractive to people who are broken stupid by giving shit away. So then all the broken stupid people move into the city and it gets more and more voting power. So then you're, you're little rinky dink counties on the outside. Don't matter anymore. That's how it works. Oh, well, not Austin.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Don't go there. That's just a bunch of freaks. All right. Well, that's like, you're done go there. That's just a bunch of freaks. All right, well, that's like, you're done. You're already done and you just don't know. You're already dead. You just don't know it yet. What are your thoughts?
Starting point is 00:49:32 Thanks for the entertainment. They're brain dead. Thanks for the entertainment and keep up the break. Great work. They're brain dead and you can't stop them. There's no way to stop them. You gotta just move to Mars. Greetings from New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Hey, Dick, I'm a 15 year old from New Zealand. Writing this at about 12.04 PM after completing 10 pages of the most truly monotonous account homework. Jesus. Although it was intended to be completed in school holidays last two weeks. Being a dumb cont, I decided to leave it
Starting point is 00:50:01 until the night before it's due Wednesday. Since listening to your show, I've adopted your fuck you attitude towards everything. And everyone, whoa, which has greatly assisted settle down in me overcoming depression. Yeah, fuck everyone. That'll do it. Just don't care. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:50:18 You know, I'd brainwash yourself and pretending you don't care. Just stop being mean, like stop taking people's shit. Um, yeah, sure, or just don't talk to them at all. Did you see this big fat woman laying into this high school kid for not wearing a mask? No. Oh, dude, you got to, you got to see this shit. Some fat woman on a hip-out teacher laying into this kid, like getting, you could kill me.
Starting point is 00:50:47 You could see her like high school anxiety angst and anxiety and persecution complex insecurities and all the other. She's just saying shit that she has no right. Let me find it. Fat teacher student mask. And then Taylor is going gonna be on it. Video shows woke teacher going ballistic on student who refuses to wear a mask.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Who's perfectly safe? The kid. There we go. Oh, God, she's old and fat. Yeah, look at how big she is. Where is it? Take a look at this. She calls him a dink. Yeah, yeah, dink.
Starting point is 00:51:28 People in your life, I do. You're not a big man. I can't. Here we go. Here we go. I don't care if you're vaccinated. Get a little dink. Oh, okay. I don't want to get sick and dying. Okay. There's other people you can expect just because you're
Starting point is 00:51:43 vaccinated. You know what? You're not a special person around here You should hear about how everybody talks about you You can hear the damn you can you should hear how everyone talks because you want to be unprofessional Okay You need to have respect for other people in your life. Yeah, she has the whole like She's going to write back to her fuck you back. She going right back to her, fuck you. Right back to high school, right back to child, you know? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Shoot her into the sun. Fucking bitch. Uh, I just want to leap into that guy's body. He's sitting there, getting scolded. Oh yeah, like all of them, yeah. All down on himself, feeling crappy. You know what, you fucking bitch. You suck.
Starting point is 00:52:28 You better lean off off that desk or it's gonna shatter you. Before you get to pieces. Where you break it. Yep. Sit down. Don't you shove a couple more Twinkies into that mall. You, that's mall.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I was like a mall gaping mall. Slap a, slap a sail on your mouth, you dumb bitch. All right, Taylor's ready and we gotta talk to Matt too. We do. Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do I wonder if that will show her us if that works. Hi Taylor, how you doing? Hi. What's the good word? What's the good word for my island?
Starting point is 00:53:12 Well not much, it's very sunny and I've had a very chill day and I'm not gonna lie, I'm like a little bit nervous, I don't know why. You're nervous, why? I don't know, I think I've just been waiting all day. And so, you know, you get like in your head a little bit. You know what? When we move the show an hour later than it is, I have noticed there's like an hour of lull that I start getting twitchy and I forget you just love him. I forget you just slept another hour.
Starting point is 00:53:38 No, because the goddamn dog wakes me up. I put it up at the dog wakes me up at an ungodly six. Yeah, that's right. You got to kind of in a malaise. Maybe just beat that out of it. I know, God bless it. I know. Well, everyone loved you since the last time you were on, except for like one or two skitzo posters on Reddit.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Did you happen to see that? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you know, each to their own, I don't mind. I mean, it's been really fun getting to know all of your fans and everyone who has been commenting lovely things. Thank you so much because, yeah, no, it makes my day. I'm like, look, red is a crazy place. So, you know, I'm not surprised. And, you know, like, we don't, we don't shame anyone for the opinions of me. Oh, I'm happy the way I am, you know what I mean? So Taylor has this infuriating way of responding to critics with kindness.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Really? I see them short circling. Go ahead, starting to feel the steam coming out of there. I could never do that. Looking for a fight immediately. Oh, it's just like this guy posted, I'm so glad I stopped paying for the dick show long ago. And then this weird tangent about, so long as you don't care.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Yeah, so glad you came here posted about it. You fucking psycho. Yeah. No refunds by the way. I'm going to use your money specifically to do something that you hate with. I'm taking it specifically. Anyway, Taylor, we're celebrating today.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Oh yeah. Yeah, because we got one of our virgins laid. Nice. Yeah, over anime, if you can believe it or not, he found this lovely woman that he lost his virginity to by having late night anime watching. No, I didn't see, you spoil it. I was gonna say that he fucked crippled Jesus.
Starting point is 00:55:28 No, crippled Jesus update. We've got a guy who calls himself crippled Jesus because he's in a motorized wheelchair. What does he have? Several types of palsy or something? Surrey Roll palsy, I think. Surrey Roll palsy. And he thought he was gay, but now this week he's determined that he's not gay.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Oh really? He had gay sex. Is it? Try it, didn't like it. Didn't like it. Right. Back to it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I don't know. I could very well be true. What do you think about that, Taylor? Is that? Well, I mean, do you believe that? People have been changing their minds. Yeah. I mean, I can't believe it. I mean, don't they say that, you know, everyone is have been changing their minds. Yeah, I mean, I can believe it.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I mean, don't they say that, you know, everyone is like a little bit gay. I don't know if that would be the whole spectrum. That would hold the spectrum. A lot of people. Yeah, but I'd say, if you don't like it, that's absolutely fair enough, you know, that's fine. People are a little, anyone who says everyone's not a little bit gay, I think, is, thinks a little, like they think they know themselves a little bit too. I think it's, thinks a little, it's like they think they know themselves
Starting point is 00:56:26 a little bit too well, I guess, or has an overstated understanding of the human condition. Because somehow guys go to prison and decide to be gay, right? Mora, I mean, yeah, I don't know what happens in your mind when, you know, what you wouldn't do on the outside, you'd do on the inside. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what happens in your mind when you know what you wouldn't do on the outside, you do on the inside. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I don't know. I don't know what happens in your mind when you know what you wouldn't do on the outside, you do on the inside. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don jump straight in? Uh-huh. So the building house AP Al Jazeera was flattened in Israeli strike. Israeli forces bombed a building that housed the associated press in Al Jazeera in Gaza City on Saturday. The news outlets reported. So amid the latest round of airstrikes in that area, and they reported that the entire 12-story building collapsed. Al Jazeera shared a 50-second clip on twitter of the building crumbling after
Starting point is 00:57:26 the big hit so the is really defense forces defended such strikes and twitter saying hammas has placed military assets inside high-rise buildings for intelligence gathering communication and other purposes so yeah they're trying to defend the the bombing uh... i didn't know they posted on twitter i watched it on porn hub the the the the journalist building getting blown up and I beat off to it.
Starting point is 00:57:49 That was real shit. That's what that was going. Sorry. So how will you ever do all of your, how will you investigate all the racism that's happening without your precious building? Right. So, sorry. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:02 I don't know what is Israel's Israel next is gonna release a statement calling all Telling all American women to lose 20 pounds then they'll really then they'll really lose my support John do you see what I'm saying? Taylor do you have a side did you pick a side in Israel V Palestine? Are you comfortable? No, I'm not really comfortable. I feel like honestly that this has been going on since I was, you know, a child. And so I'm actually not very clued up and I feel like I don't know enough about it to take sides. But I'm also, I suppose, just kind of like horrified
Starting point is 00:58:38 that, you know, that people are just dying. I think that kind of side of me is like, I don't really like the conflict, you know? Yeah, I think that's why it's dying. I think that kind of side of me is like, ah, I don't really like the conflict, you know. Yeah, I think that's why it's become, I think that's why Palestine's getting more sympathy. So now it's just about like people getting killed. Like, oh, well, well, we can't have people getting killed. We should stop that. Okay, anyway, what's next?
Starting point is 00:58:59 Coronavirus lingers in penis and could cause impotence. Men now have one more compelling reason to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Doctors suspect the new coronavirus could make it hard to perform in the bedroom. Researchers, armed with an electron microscope, found coronavirus particles and penaltissue samples taken from two former COVID-19 patients. So this was further study revealed evidence of blood vessel damage in the penises of the COVID-19 patients Compared to two other men with erectile dysfunction who'd never been infected. So the researchers reported May 7th
Starting point is 00:59:33 That basically yeah, there's one more piece of advice for men to worry about Don't get COVID get vaccinated. So you don't get COVID Are you vaccinated? You're being given no, I'm not I mean mean, I'm million miles down the list because I'm young and healthy. So hopefully by summer, you know, you have to wait till summer to take it. Oh my god. There's a lot of work here. Like, they're just throwing extra. You guys have too many.
Starting point is 00:59:59 No, they're very, like, I don't want to say slow. They've definitely gotten faster. But yeah, the priority is obviously the older people and they're working their way down. That's bullshit. The priority should be you. We got to get you out party. It's you. There's got to be a reason to live again. We have so many. This nurse gave somebody six over. She wasn't paying attention. She gave somebody six. I'm serious. That happened. She gave somebody six vaccines. I read right in her room. I got short-term memory problems. Yes, a memory of a, oh, you've seen nurses. Like, this is hard to imagine.
Starting point is 01:00:28 She just filled up the syringe with way too much and over and over again. Yeah. Guy flew off and out. She stuck somebody with a turkey-based or sucked up. I got vaccinated. I got all three of them. Thank you. Yeah, I got all three of them at once.
Starting point is 01:00:40 I was different. I was different. I was different. I was different. I was different. I was different. I waster. Just sucked up. I got vaccinated. I got all three of them. Thank you. Yeah, I got all three of them at once.
Starting point is 01:00:48 I'll see. I got three different brands. Yeah, to see which one was the best. Let them fight. Yeah, did you feel sick? Yeah, I got, he hasn't gotten any of that. I got delirious. And then you know, is the damnedest thing?
Starting point is 01:01:00 I lost my card. Oh no. I got, I got vaccinated with all three and then I lost my my card. Oh no. I got vaccinated with all three, and then I lost my vaccine card. Damn it. So what am I supposed to do now? Well, I guess it's just on my honor. Honor system.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Yeah, you're an honorable guy. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Yeah. You didn't get like a badge or anything. I lost that too. He didn't get a vaccine. You know what? He didn't get anything.
Starting point is 01:01:21 He's lying though. Taylor, I washed it. I left it in my pants and I washed and I washed the vaccine card and it got all crumply and ruined and now you can't read anything on it. A dollar bill will hold up in the wash, but not my vaccine card. That's a vaccine card. So I just don't know what to do. The FBI says, I'll go to jail if I print my own or get
Starting point is 01:01:40 a counterfeit one, but I'm, I don't think it's safe to get, I'm already maxed out at three vaccines. It's not safe to get another one. What am I supposed to do, Sean? You're gonna have to, well, I don't know. I don't know, that's not good for you. Wait, Taylor, if you came to the US, if there was some way you could come to the US,
Starting point is 01:02:01 we could get you a vaccine immediately. Is that possible? I don't think I can travel properly without a vaccine though. I feel like you can travel to certain countries, but I'm not sure about the US if I can go without a vaccine. They might might stop me. Okay, we'll look into it. Yeah, we got to get our best part to us on this. We got to get you vaccinated right away. Okay, what's next? We got to get you vaccinated right away. Okay, what's next? So the next one is his womanizing was well known.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Flood gates open as biographer details Microsoft founders salacious past. Before Bill Gates was known as a leading vaccine expert, the Microsoft co-founder was a hard-partying womanizer who recruited local strippers to attend naked pool parties and had major issues with infidelity even after marrying Melinda according to a biography. What's more, Bill continued acting like a bachelor even after he started dating future wife Melinda in 1988. He continued to play the field for a while, especially when he was out of town on business,
Starting point is 01:02:57 when he would frequently hit on female journalists who covered Microsoft and the company industry. His womanizing was well known, although not well reported. Do you believe that? Do you believe that Bill Gates would be a woman? Such a player, Sean? Yeah. Wow. They really throws all of his vaccine shit into question, doesn't it? A man who... Go ahead. Isn't like kissing the best way of building your immune system. Is it spreading the germs? I mean, yeah, that's kind of the whole point of, well, not the whole point, but one of the main reasons people kiss is to build immunity.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Oh, really? I'm going to do a choice. I'm going to try that line. Yeah. Now that I'm all vaccinated, there you go. It spreads some vaccines to the people, to the women, then, you know, let them sort it out. I'm sure that's going.
Starting point is 01:03:53 All right. Bill Gates, Taylor, last time you mentioned you're into findom, right? Oh yeah. Would Bill Gates be a potential client for you? Is that, is that how that works? I mean, well, like, yeah, I mean, he's a person of power with lots of money.
Starting point is 01:04:11 If in, you know, his spare time, he'd like for me to take charge and, you know, take his money, then yeah, absolutely be able to be able to handle it. How would that work? How would you approach Bill Gates? How does Findon work? I'm fascinated by it because it's like the opposite of anything I'm into.
Starting point is 01:04:31 I suppose financial domination suits, like I said, people who I suppose are very in control of their lives, you know, in other areas, like they can work for me. Yeah. And they're, you know, Yeah. In the exterior. So yeah, there's a side to them that would really like for someone else to take charge for a while.
Starting point is 01:04:51 And yeah, part of that is, you know, for someone to, I suppose, own their money and own them. And yeah, to be honest, I quite enjoy it. It's, um, oh, I bet. Yeah. And yeah, to be honest, I quite enjoy it. It's um, oh, I bet. Yeah, like I don't want to, you know, make anyone feel uncomfortable about anything that they're, I suppose, you know, interested in. We don't kink shame or anything. Taylor is not in the judge people. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:19 So what they like, but yeah, definitely financial domination, something I quite enjoy, you know, being dominant in that area so yeah if you want to find out more you'll have to subscribe unfortunately or fortunately if you're into that kind of thing uh there's some there's some people who've written into the show who absolutely hate uh financial domination uh really yeah oh yeah it's it's nuts um but I mean it's their choice right you but I mean search voice right You know do we're gonna do with all that money. Okay, what's next? So the next one is space force officer relieved of post after denouncing Marcus ideology and critical race theory in military A commander in the United States space force was apparently relieved from his post after appearing on a podcast to promote his book
Starting point is 01:06:02 Which asserts a neo-Marcus agenda is transforming military culture and policy. So low-mire, self-published irresistible revolution, Marxism's goal of conquest and the unmaking of the American military, this week, the book, according to the description, explores the impact of a neo-marcusist agenda and the matter in which the Black Lives Matter movement anti-racism, postmodernism and political correctness affect the national security of the United States. So, Lomire said that he had informed his superiors public affairs staff and lawyers for the military about the book prior to publication, but it was not subject to a pre-publication review.
Starting point is 01:06:40 So that's a mouthful, but yeah, they didn't like his book even though they decided not to double check it first So I don't know why they're mad Yeah, I guess there would be no easier way to prove you were right, right? Then well, I wrote a book about how neo-Marx is taking over the military and then the military fired me One of you should have seen that one of you should have been prepared for that If you are writing exposés about neo-Marxism in the military, that's what would happen. Yes. That's exactly what would happen. Sure.
Starting point is 01:07:12 And I guess if you're taking over the military with neo-Marxism, it doesn't really matter if people know. Does it? Because they do it right to your face. Well, that's kind of, yeah. It's the whole, you know, we live in a, kind of an era now. It's been like this for, you know, for a while, but it's just like, we're doing this. You're not going to do anything about it. Yeah. Because you can't.
Starting point is 01:07:35 We're doing it. We're doing it. We're doing this is what we're doing now. We're teaching anti-racism. All right. I mean, I'm struggling to convince people that they don't have to wear masks anymore. So just do whatever you want. You guys, you got it all figured out. Everyone shredded their brains with phones and screens anyway. I had some study this week that was people who take pictures, they took a bunch of people to the museum or whatever. And people who took pictures of the art could recall less details about the art.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Next year words. And then people who took pictures and posted it on social media could recall even less. It's really, this makes perfect sense because do you remember when you had to memorize phone numbers? That was the same thing. Yeah, it's the same thing. Now it's like, dude, I've known people for fucking ever whose numbers I do not know back when I was a kid. I only know your phone number. Yeah, you and my parents. Yeah. And my own iffy because
Starting point is 01:08:35 you know, your brain tells you, I, this is not important. I'll put it in here. It's forgotten about I, there's no like concerted effort to, to, to remember it, to commit it to memory. Yeah. And the same thing with the, yeah, whether your experience art or something, yeah, definitely. If you, you know, I'll look at it later. It's the old like, I got a backup for this. Yeah. Uh, it was also driving a GPS versus a map and directions.
Starting point is 01:09:00 You can't, using that one. I agree with that one. Yeah. Do you do GPS? It's all the same principle. I'm sure I wasn't like I used to be like the I Supposed to map carrier in the car with my dad or my mom when we'd travel around and like you're saying you Almost remember the roof and backwards afterwards, but now if I use Google maps
Starting point is 01:09:21 Like I once I get to the place. I don't even remember how I got there, because you just look at it. You found the whole thing. Totally, yeah. Totally. They couldn't remember landmarks on the way there. So they're using the GPS. Anyway, it was fun doing maps too. And using maps was great because some people
Starting point is 01:09:37 couldn't figure them out, and you could always make fun of how stupid they were. True, for not being able to read maps. Okay, what's turning fucking thing? Yeah, dad, oh my god. Okay, what's turning fucking thing? Yeah, dad, oh my god. Okay, what's next, Taylor? Female student 29 who said women have vaginas and they're not as strong as men,
Starting point is 01:09:52 faces disciplinary action by university after fellow classmates complained about the offensive and discriminatory comments. A student who said women were born with female genitals and the difference in physical strength between men and women was a fact is facing disciplinary action by her university. So Lisa Kyo, 29, who studies law at Aberte University in Dundee, was reported to university chiefs by her classmates after she said that women were not
Starting point is 01:10:15 as physically strong as men. The mature student who is in her final years now facing a formal investigation by university for your alleged offensive and discriminatory comments. Investigation. The mother of two said that she had been taking part in a video seminar about gender feminism and the law when she raised concerns about trans women taking part in mixed martial arts. So, after telling her classmates that a woman who had testosterone in her body for 32 years would be genetically stronger than the average woman. Oh, she was huge. And she was huge of calling women the weaker sex.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Oh, that's sorry, lady. That's too bad. Better luck next career. Right. Single mom. We've reached a level of absurdity that... So now, the lawyer is now the only ones who make it through are going to be the ones who believe that shit, right?
Starting point is 01:11:09 Like now anybody who gets credentialed or has a degree in anything has to be weeded through a filter of not being able to see reality for what it is. Yeah. So it's just going to be a bunch of donkey brain weirdos. All right. Thank you, Taylor. I think that was, I think that was the last one. Let me get, do you mind talking to this guy who wants, first of all, do you want to congratulate the the Virgin with us? I think he's still in, I think he's in here. Yes, yes, absolutely. Okay. Let me see if, let me see if he's's if he's here. Hey, Matt, are you there?
Starting point is 01:11:46 Hey, what's up, grabs Sean Taylor? Taylor. Hey, Taylor, you can hear him? Yeah. Oh my god, I did it. I fixed the fucking audio forever. Everything routed. Oh god. Okay, forever. Matt dangerous game to play. Matt, congratulations. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah He's got fucking got more bass in his voice now. Oh my god. Look at this Did you say honey? Can you grab me a coke? I've been waiting to say that oh Look at this guy. Yeah, I'm a girlfriend now. I'm sufferable No, we're just pros. You're just pros. He says, ah, ah, ah, ah, okay. So what happened?
Starting point is 01:12:29 Can you give us the breakdown? And what do I owe you now? I owe you something. What is it? Well, you owe me the last episode, I think. Yeah, I think so. Which one? Uh, I think it was either six or seven. I think it was six. Six, okay. I know, I know, screwy, Louis. You, I'll give you five, I think, because that was unreleased. And then if screwy, Louis ever gets laid, I don't know what happened that guy. I'll give him six.
Starting point is 01:12:54 But what happened? What happened? How did you do it? Well, I met her in Tampa for the road rage. And she made fun of me for being short for the whole weekend. So that was fun. No, but then we just kind of started talking about like anime stuff. We were watching Attack on Titan, you know, Genesis and I don't know, it just kind of happened from there from anime. Wow. That's unbelievable. So that's the time. Yeah. Right. Do you feel
Starting point is 01:13:21 it happened? Do you feel different? No, more of the same, still in it, so. You're still in it, so. Oh, wow. Okay, maybe the next one will cure you with that. I don't know. Does anything make you a rage? Fud posters suck. Like Elon Musk, any FBI being like,
Starting point is 01:13:43 oh yeah, we're gonna arrest people for vaccine cards that shit. When, like, you know that they can't do anything about it, but they know, you also know, like, most people are stupid enough to like, you care off by it, I guess. They have no, they know that too. They know, they have no tracking in the cards. There's no serial number, nothing. Like, it's just, Dr. Scrawling that you got vaccinated. Um, but yeah, it's really annoying.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Elon Musk is really annoying. Elon Musk is really annoying this week too. Okay. Is that, do you want, do you have any special message? So you want to give the, the lady who helped you lose that? Yeah, I mean, it's just kind of a, you're a big problem. Kind of tell, tell the story a little bit flat. Yeah, you can, you know, like the most boring virginity loss ever.
Starting point is 01:14:21 The same guy who was freaking out every time a girl didn't text him back is now Mr. Cool Well those I guess I don't really know I don't know if I have anything else. Okay. I did this for you Sean. This is all for you Okay, as you're growing away gifts. Oh, well, thank you. I appreciate it. You can enjoy that one. That's done. Are you hanging out with her again? I mean, like, or you guys, no. You said your bro is in her place all week.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Oh, God, okay. So now you're all out. Right. Yeah. Taylor's impressed or horrified. I can't tell. No, I'm impressed, impressed. I've been in her place all week.
Starting point is 01:15:04 You know, do you have a drawer? Oh God. Not yet. He's so nervous. He's there. You're so nervous about answering these questions. I can't trust you. You've counter-spaced.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Are you reading the chat? Is that why you can't talk? You're all tongue tied. No, no. What was it like? What was it like? What was it losing your virginity? What position was it in?
Starting point is 01:15:21 I'm gonna start. Yes. Yeah. Why are you doing this? I'm not doing this. I'm not doing this. I'm doing this. No, no, what was it like? What was the losing your virginity like what position was it? Start. Yes. Yeah. Um, why are you so fucking embarrassed? Walk out of the room. Yeah. Tell your bitch to tell your chick to get out of the room. So you can answer these questions like a man. See, she's listening to you. Missionary. How did it? how did you make your move for God's sake?
Starting point is 01:15:47 Um, how did I say that? You kissed her that, you know. Oh, I don't know, we're just kind of making out for a while. And then you said, can I put my Pp in you or what? Or what? Yeah, actually, it's actually how I said it. Yeah. Pp time.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Yeah, time to do the hunk of ch said it. Yeah, yeah, be it be time Yeah, time to do the hunk of chunk. Is that what you said and did you say in Japanese? Yeah, yeah, I said it in Japanese Yeah, you put on some hentai or something to set the mood Well, I was I was doing what crippled Jesus was doing actually with manhand only with Phantom menace, so now I get an erection of Recye Jarger Banks. Okay. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Great. Now he's funny. You're way right into bed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Missionary position. All right. Well. What's next? Yeah. What's next for you? I don't know. I'm ruined more women's lives, I guess. Oh, you're a player now, huh? All right. Ruined this one. Well, how would you rate the sex? How would you rate your own performance? First of all, out of 10. I'd say, wait, let's do it. Not out of 10. Let's do it out of your height. How's Mallory? Jesus. Six, three. Okay, how do you rate your performance?
Starting point is 01:17:10 I'd say six, two. I'll get myself an inch wiggle room there. No, out of 10. Six out of 10? Oh, out of 10? Yeah. Nine, maybe. No. Wow. Nine maybe. No. Wow. Nine out of 10.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Did she come? Well, yeah, I think so. Oh, you think so. I think so. Taylor's covering her mouth. What do you mean you think so? I'm being a little quiet because she's in the chat. But yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Yeah. Oh my God. This is the, this is the, this is, you are already pussy whipped on this girl. I thought you said you were short, like six, three. I thought that was tall. He's lying, he's not, no. He's three six.
Starting point is 01:17:55 No, I just slapped. I just slapped it in America. Okay, okay. We do the numbers backwards. Right. So you don't know if she came. No, she did. Oh, she did.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Okay. And how do you rate her performance? Good, good being improved. I'm annoying. At least a lot of room to be improved. A lot of room. Definitely could be. Yeah, a lot of room, definitely.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Was she a virgin? No. No. Okay. So you give her a five out of ten? Yeah, we'll give her a five out of ten. Yeah, we'll give her a five out of 10. So she has room to improve. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Oh, you little fucker. All right, Matt, well, I'm proud of you. Congratulations. Congratulations. See if you can find your balls after this call where they went. Oh, fuck you. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Look in your drawer. Looking hurt. Yeah, look in your drawer that she gave you. You better be careful. You stay there much longer. You're going to end up in a relationship. Yep. I'm warning you from beyond the grave. Oh my God, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:18:51 You look amazing. Okay. Bye. Bye, Matt. All right. I got some advice. Taylor, you want to help us give advice to people? Yeah, sure. Can I just say though? Like, I thought most people's first time was awkward.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Like, he sounded very confident in how that went. That's because he's an asshole. Yeah, he's an asshole. Yeah, fair. Um, he did, he's never sounded that nervous, calling in before. Well, okay, when somebody's, you know, he's like, oh, they're in the room. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Yeah. Okay. No, it's funny. He's, he's, here is, here's the advice room. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. No, it's funny. He's, here is, here's these two. Here's these two, no. Hey, Dick, what do you do after a chick rejects you? Don't use my real name. Every time I ask a chick out and she rejects me,
Starting point is 01:19:34 I have no idea what to say afterwards. It's like an awkward stare down. I'm not the kind of guy who gets angry about it, but I'd like a line to make the next 10 seconds not feel like 10,000 seconds. Thanks. Sean, what do you do in a girl? Do you remember, have you ever been rejected by a girl before?
Starting point is 01:19:55 Yeah. Really? Yeah. Sure. What do you say when it happens? Yeah. That's my mama. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Something like that. Well, time for me. You'll be fat in a year. That's where you go. Yeah, sure. I'm gay anyway. That's what I flip a table. Oh, no. Just flipping a board game over.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Thought I was doing you a favor, but yeah, Taylor, what do you say? How do you reject, guys? Oh, I think I'm quite nice, but you probably are. You do. Unfortunately, it's often, I'm very straight to the point, like I'm not going to tell you, let's be friends if I don't want to be your friends. I'd rather just say to you, hey, I'm just not that into you. Yeah, best of luck with your life.
Starting point is 01:20:41 But I think sometimes if you tell them, this guy, this guy's been rejected if he says to her like I appreciate you telling me he's gonna come across so mature You know if you just say like oh thanks for that. Me know like oh, you know move on and then get upset later like you know Save that for for someone else because I think that would release to shock a girl if you just you go Oh, yeah, no problem like that's cool. Thanks for having me. Yeah. The guys, the friend guys and girls, well, the girls who do it are so,
Starting point is 01:21:11 they're making a big mistake. Because that guy's just gonna try to whittle them down with like, guilt overpower what chemistry isn't there. Right, until they can get it in. I think as well, they'll, like, keep reacting and commenting. Do you know, like, they'll be persistent. They'll keep reacting to your stories
Starting point is 01:21:28 or whatever on social media. And after a while, you're like, okay, when I said, like, friends, I didn't mean, we're gonna talk every day. Do you know? So yeah, that's what I thought. I was just be clear, exactly. Like, if it's no, it's no.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Yeah. If this guy's feeling really awkward about it, I think he waited too long. You gotta ask right away. Like, oh wow, you're attractive. Do you wanna go out? No, okay, I have boyfriend, whatever. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:21:55 If it feels like 10,000 seconds, I think you waited too long. Okay, Audrey, a version who's had enough needed tip for last step. Hey, Dick, I've been listening since episode three of the biggest problem. Keep it simple, I'm a version who wants to take the easy way out.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Does that mean kill yourself or get a hooker? Hooker. Could you please give me some pointers on finding a prostitute preferably online without getting arrested? I know absolutely nothing about how to go about this. I'm in Portland, Oregon as a bonus. I'd love to know how to, as a bonus, I'd love to know how to go about this. I'm in Portland, Oregon, as a bonus, I'd love to know how to, as a bonus, I'd love to know how to buy shrooms. What is this? The how do I do illegal things? Advice hour? What the fuck are you? Wow. How to buy
Starting point is 01:22:35 sh, can you do anything on your own? Buddy, as you can tell, I've let a sheltered life. Cheers, Dick. Your show has been a real good friend to me over the years, Austrian Mario. No, you just shit on the guy. Uh, uh, uh, um, you got to get more scumbag friends. I guess aren't there websites for hookers? So they still have back page. I mean, Twitter, one would say a horror, uh, a horror mass that honest.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Yeah. Yeah, it's going to say like I'm sure plenty of them yeah have like social media that they are running off at the moment because of the pandemic. Oh yeah. You know, like even if it's in person stuff, I'm pretty sure you can find some online and drink too. Oh yeah. Because you got to learn the code. I think the funny thing about him asking about shrooms like I'm pretty sure instead of like waiting to ask you where to buy them, he could have just looked up how to find them.
Starting point is 01:23:29 You know, you can actually learn how to recognize them, just go on a hunt, you know, like a scavenger and go find some shrooms. I feel like that would be more fun, more fulfilling. No, you will die if you do that. Do not do that. I'm not doing that. Or he's gonna come home very disappointed
Starting point is 01:23:43 from the grocery store. Yeah, I feel like you can just walk around going like, who's got the people who do shrooms are obnoxious about it. Yeah, never shut up about it. Oh my God. Shrooms are worse than potheds. They want to talk about how shrooms... It's the unique experience and like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Holy fuck, I don't do that. talk about how shrooms it's the unique experience and like yeah, holy fuck. It goes I it goes weed weed shrooms and then I wasca. Yeah, it's on top like oh my fucking God stop talking about how it changed how you had all these fucking epiphanies on. And do you think there's like a divide between people who do shrooms and those who do acid? Yeah, like I mean I don't, maybe I don't talk, I don't think I talk about it as much. Mm-hmm. Doing acid.
Starting point is 01:24:29 But I'm just thinking, because they're both kind of like, at least in genetics. Yeah. I know people who've done a lot of both, who differentiate them like hugely. Yeah. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:24:41 Yeah, even though, yeah. Yeah, shrooms always knock me in my ass. I can't do it. I can't do it I don't have I'm Today, isn't true that I drank loads of orange juice like counteract the effect is that just completely Can I see effects of acid? No shrooms. No, I don't think so. I've never heard that it sounds impossible I heard it Amsterdam, so I don't know that. I've never heard that. It sounds impossible. I heard it Amsterdam. So I don't know. That could just be a complete lie.
Starting point is 01:25:05 No, they're all high. What are you doing in Amsterdam, Taylor? What do you think? I was partying with my friends for one of their birthdays. Yet getting high, I suppose, and drinking and dancing. Back when you were allowed to do that. And, you know, oh my god, it was good. Amsterdam's great.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Like I would recommend. I'd go past. We've been, are all your friends as hot as you or are you the hottest one? I would say like I've different friends. So a lot of the ones from my school back home are yeah really hot. But then some of the people that like I've met in my adult life, like it's more variety. They're not. I think when you're younger, you kind of, you go towards people who are more similar to you. So, you know, the quality of the group maybe is more important to you, like being popular, you know, when you're a teenager. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think it's,
Starting point is 01:25:59 I don't think orange juice. Let me, can't tell you in here. Hey, Cantillion's, you wanna talk to Taylor? Sure, he says. All right. Oh, sure. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Last time, Cantillion's, how are you doing? How is your, how is your love life going?
Starting point is 01:26:16 My love life is fucking bullshit. So just, just, just, you know. Yeah, but it's, it's all right. Hey, Taylor, how are you? Hey, I'm good. How are you? I am no. Yeah, but it's, it's all right. Hey, Taylor, how are you? Hey, I'm good. How are you? I am great. You know, I am going to be visiting Ireland here.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Oh, I think in about like six months. So, like, so yeah, all right. So I'm going to shoot my shot. We're in Ireland. Are you, are you at my dear? I'm in Dublin.
Starting point is 01:26:44 You're in Dublin. You're in Dublin. You know you at my dear? I'm in Dublin. You're in Dublin. You know what? That's so that is so funny because I'm going to be in Dublin. Oh yeah. In six months. Oh yeah. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Isn't that crazy? Where would you where would you take Taylor? Crazy on one of your on one of your on a date that you would be presented on a date where I would take her I would take her to her favorite restaurant. I would take her to a favorite pub. And I can go out and deny the dancing. Maybe bring a couple of your girlfriend because he doesn't work out with us. Maybe maybe your girlfriends would be a little privy to me. Just saying. What do you think Taylor? What do you bring to the table can't tell you? Yeah, when I bring the table is is a man who was a great lover man a very big penis
Starting point is 01:27:37 So many you like make you laugh and have fun and entertainer You're you're you're you're an entertainer and I can tell you know you like you like to you like to be out there With people you like to be in front of people and you know what what we can do is you can maybe you make tick talks Maybe make videos together We can make videos together. That's your No, not on the first date. We're talking like the third, fourth, fifth. A relationship. You can move back to California with me and like. We're gonna be making cringe, couple TikTok.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Okay, well, I mean, let me see my first one. You've pinned me down. I'm an attention seeker, okay? Yeah, that's true. You know, but I'm like, I'm starting with the big penis, you know, that's always a good place to start. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Yeah, but it still sound like you're moving a little bit too fast, you know, I haven't even been able to meet up with you yet. Talking about your content. It's not true, but I know as soon as you, as soon as we talk together, you would be more than willing to meet up with me. Just saying, you're talking right now. What do you mean? As soon as we talk together, you would be more than willing to meet up with me. Just saying. You're talking right now.
Starting point is 01:28:47 What do you mean? As soon as we talked? No, no, it seems we actually, like, you know, maybe do a little face time, a little video chat and a little bit of, you know, is this Matthew Perry? What do you think, Taylor, can't tell you and sound like when you want to make content with? Wow. Can't tell you and it sounds like a Disney, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:29:18 I was going to say Prince, but I'm not sure it's more like the sidekick, you know, like a Disney sidekick. Oh, really? The gay friend of sidekick. Like Flounder. Flounder. Dick Flucky. Like Gaston's gang, remember that?
Starting point is 01:29:34 Like the monkey in Aladdin. Yeah, like the monkey in Aladdin. Exactly. Yeah, they're Cattillion. I can see it. All right. Well, how about this? How about this?
Starting point is 01:29:45 Since you called me like the, you're making your lab. You saw I've kicked up a Disney Prince. Yeah, but there's a clown on the screen. You're like, if you want to come on down to Disney Land, I can, we can have a, I've never been to this. I can actually do the strong golfer.
Starting point is 01:30:03 I'm just gonna, come on, come on down to Disney. Yeah, come on. Dick ever addiction. You guys know, they're throwing. I was planning on any of this. So I'm just going to be land and then we'll all share a giant candy floss and it'll be really nice
Starting point is 01:30:28 No can't tell you in fuck sticks often It's been like three months since I've gotten laid get the fuck out Three months are you sure three months? Yes, yes three months, three months. Yes, yes, three months. That's not that long. That's long enough for me, Dick. You know me. Come on, you even call me a good-looking man. Yeah, you're very good.
Starting point is 01:30:53 I'll show you. I'll show you. I can't tell you there's anything. Make you ready. All right. What makes me a rage? Oh, fuck. I wasn't even thinking about this.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Okay. Online dating, Tinder, Bumble, all that kind of stuff. Because as you know, I asked you for dating advice and none of it has worked. So you, what do you mean? You're doing it wrong. What do you mean? You're doing the advice wrong.
Starting point is 01:31:19 It's good advice, obviously. I love you. What are you doing? Obviously. I'm just trying to go on Bumble, trying to go on Tinder, trying to meet women. And I have met a couple, but the last one that I just met, she already wants to marry me. And we have not even met yet. So she is fucking like you. That shit. Sounds like you. Yeah, you guys are perfect.
Starting point is 01:31:45 She wants to start making content with you. Right. Well, I'll be in Dublin in six months. So once you go ahead and shoot me your address and, you know, well, you all go ahead and make a reservation. You tell me where you want to eat. Yeah. Your favorite place.
Starting point is 01:31:57 You know, whatever you want. Whatever you want. I'm a psychopath. Taylor, do you want any of the dating platforms, like Bumble and stuff? I haven't used them in a while, but I was on Tinder for a while. I'll just see him all was out there. But it's, yeah, I get bored. I'm not going to get bored from it.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Lots of people have no chat. They just are boring. Yeah, just not for me. Yeah. This is actually a really good question for you, Taylor. What makes you bored by a man? Oh, when they don't, I suppose, like give you anything back in a conversation.
Starting point is 01:32:38 So if I ask you about, I don't know, say you bring up the sport you play and I ask you about it. And then you just give me like two words like, yeah, it's cool. What am I supposed to do with that? You like, this is just wasting my time. Oh, right, reversal. Yeah. Yeah, do you know, like they don't give you any more information.
Starting point is 01:32:56 I mean, I don't ask any return. So the conversation just dies. Like, I have to go pulling, pulling, I don't know, out of my ass trying to ask them more questions and make it, make it interesting for myself. And I just really don't book in, I don't know, out of my ass, trying to ask them more questions and make it interesting for myself. And I just really don't like that. I can't be bothered. Shocking that guys are unable to talk about themselves
Starting point is 01:33:13 with you. That's usually what, I mean, that's usually what girls do to us, like, how you doing? K, I can't. Yeah, but that's what I mean. I mean, I don't necessarily need you to write me a whole paragraph, but at least give me something. I've got something. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Okay. Can't tell you anything. Goodbye. Goodbye. I don't know why you brought me on, but okay. Sounds good. Thanks for stopping by. Bye.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Bye. Yeah. He's not coming. That was all a lie. I'm convinced. Well, he's not coming. That was all a lie. I'm convinced that he's booking a ticket right now. Okay, Taylor, we've taken enough of your time as well. Thank you so much for reading the news for you for me. You got your under 1% now and only fans, right?
Starting point is 01:33:57 Yeah, I know. And I'm also nearly a 25,000 followers on Twitter. So, I'll tell you right now, the win. Good for you. I've never been to 25,000. I've been So, tell them right now, the win. Good for you. I've never been to 25,000. I've been to 18 months before I got deleted. Right, but never to be able to back up. I've deleted.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Congratulations. Yeah, it's very frustrating. It's very, it's one of the things that make me who I am. Thank you, thank you for calling in. Have a lovely day. Bye. Bye. Bye. Oh, plug your stuff. Plug your stuff.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Oh, absolutely. You can find me on Reddit and Twitter at Sports Pro Taylor and then on Omifans at Sports Pro Taylor. That's, yeah, that's where you'll find me. Chatsune, guys. Thank you very much. Bye-bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:34:39 Bye. I can't believe the audio worked. What a hero. Awesome. I am. Awesome. I don't think I had anything. Oh God, the Cuck Simulator guy. Is he still in there? I fucking forgot about the Cuck Simulator guy.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Cantilians, that was funny. Yeah, what do you mean why you brought in there? Cantilians. That was funny. Yep. Talk to him over, voicemail. Are you talking next time? All right, there's been the Dixia.
Starting point is 01:35:04 slash the Dixia All right, I mean, there's been the Dic-Cup. slash Dic-Cup. Sean, God, enjoy your... Dic-Cup. Dic-Cup. Joy-Dic-Cation from this very unhealthy podcast. I will. We'll see if Vito can fill your,
Starting point is 01:35:15 Vito and Johnny both can fill your shoes. They're great. Yeah, the Cuckold Simulator is in there, but I fucked up the scheduling, of course. Damn it. Yeah, oh, he's now he's still here. All right, let's see if he's here. Yeah, hop in. Cuckold, the cuckold simulator. I'm looking at some of the picks now. The cuckold simulator, life as of beta male,
Starting point is 01:35:36 cuck, um, the exciting new game where you play as a cuckold, that's his name and his day to day life. Work hard, give all your money to the bull and be verbally abused by your fat wife. Um, what were you trying to say with this game? James need. Um, I was just trying to make a game that's reflective of the American every man. I guess. Okay. Um, anyone, anyone specific?
Starting point is 01:36:04 Was there any specific, um, um there any specific inspiration for this game? No, I mean, lightly inspired by people I know personally, but mostly commentary on society is the least American. So you get up and you go to work in the game. I'm looking at it right now video from your game. It looks like you're a little guy wearing a fedora. You're sneaking away from a baby here who is not a debate perhaps a different color than you playing with the baby. Oh, he is playing with the baby. In the street. It's not very safe. Yeah. Cuckold. No, I mean, the baby can fall off the
Starting point is 01:36:45 edge and there's an achievement for it, but we don't talk about that. Oh, okay. Okay. Um, it looks like your wife's boyfriend is Dishon in the game. Hmm. No, no, Dishon is the 10 year old child
Starting point is 01:36:58 from a previous relationship. Okay. Uh, you want to describe the game to us. So you play as a cockle that's his name, I was actually originally going to give him a name, but I thought it was funny. You're just to leave him with no name because he doesn't really matter at all. He's not really central to anything. You kind of live your life as the cockle, you have the wife, you have the boyfriend, you have two kids that aren't yours. You work your job,
Starting point is 01:37:27 place some terrible mini games I put in. It's about it. Okay, what's the reception bin on the cuckold simulator? Surprisingly well, I mean, I released it. I didn't have any really plan or marketing because I just made this for fun to get some cheap laughs at my friends two years ago.
Starting point is 01:37:46 And I had put enough effort into it. Mine is what is put on steam. So I threw it up and just like, it kind of took off on its own. It's one of those things people just find funny and share. So it's sold quite a bit more than I thought it would. So I'm very happy with that. Really? How much is it sold?
Starting point is 01:38:03 The whole time, I think it's just about over 9,000 copies right now. Oh, it's pretty good. Is this your guy in the game working inside of a cage? Yeah, he gets put in the wage cage. OK. I don't think like day five in the game because his productivity was slipping at work. And his boss wanted to make sure
Starting point is 01:38:25 that he was working hard. Okay. Work your job at GloboCorp to make money, give all your hard earned money to the bull. Browse your favorite website, such as Reddit. That's actually a funny feature, is the in-game web browser. It pulls up Reddit to start with, but you can go to whatever with it. People find it really funny for some reason. It was just like one of those last minute things I added.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Yeah. Your fat wife will verbally abuse you, and here is a picture of your fat wife who looks disgusting. Yeah, she's not very nice and not very attractive. Very, very few redeeming qualities. Great hair though, great hair. Become emotionally attached to children that are not biologically yours. And I collect funky pop.
Starting point is 01:39:14 No, I put that in there to be funny, the emotionally attached part, but people actually kind of like to show on, because you such a little shit. The kid, the 10-year-old. Yeah, you Fortnite dances on your car, and that's why you get the wage cage, because he meets you late by doing that.
Starting point is 01:39:29 So is it a story, the game, or is it open world? As of now, it follows a day-to-day game, kind of like the older games, from like Flash games from 10, 15 years ago, it just goes day-to-day, there's a, I guess a skeleton of a story right now. It's not fully fleshed out because it's early access, but I have a direction. I sort of want to go with it eventually. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:53 But I have like, I'm being pulled into a million different directions. What I want to do with it. So I don't really know right now. Yeah. Who's pulling you in various directions? Like what do they want you to put in the game? What do they want to add to your artistic vision? It's all over the place.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Some of the stuff I won't add, like, some of the people want me to actually add, like, actual, cuckled stuff. And, like, I'm not animating that. I have no interest in that. But I just sort of schizophrenic spreadsheet with all my ideas in it. It's pretty big. Collect, funky pop collectibles that are hidden around the world. Like Funko pops.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Just, yeah. No, no, no, no, they're, they're funky pops, no relation. Oh, no, no, no, no. Play actual games on your Nintendo snitch gaming console, such as Cuxo. Yeah, I got a game in there. Yeah, Cuxo's. It's actually people really like it. I've seen people grind it off for like 20 hours trying to get my stupid achievements I put in.
Starting point is 01:40:55 But if you like Souls games, it's actually not bad considering it's just a little mini game inside of a meme game. So people are liking the mini games. I like that. That's funny. Yeah, and I like the mini game. So people are liking the mini games. I like that. That's funny. Yeah, I like the mini game. It's really good.
Starting point is 01:41:08 It might be better than the main game, honestly. Do you have any guys who are actually cuck, who think this is going to be, who are getting off on this game, or that it's actually their life? You know, I've had a few people follow me on Twitter that I guess think it's like a legitimate cuckold account. They're weird. They're weird. They're weird. It's very satisfying the actual game. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:30 You don't know. Yeah. Well, what do you have? What are your and your schizophrenic spreadsheet? What are your favorite things that you have planned? Okay, so at the end of the current story, Tyrone is arrested throughout standing war. It's the next place I'm going to go with that is Jail House visits and the cookhold's going to go there and argue for conjugal's on behalf of his wife.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Which he didn't. But that's brilliant. But he'll go over there and he'll be told that he's not allowed to watch and that's his like big disappointment in that arc. That's hilarious. There's an anime girl in the game, you can give drugs and money at the nightclub out. And I'll probably do that one next, because that one's also a fan favorite for some reason. And also another thing I added last minute, everything I add last minute, people really
Starting point is 01:42:19 like for some reason. But as it is now, you give it the drugs and she just says, ah, the dev isn't finished this part, you got cucked. That's where that ends up. I'm trying to load this picture of the cuck. I'm trying to load it on screen so people could see it. This one where he's like, wow! Coming out of a sex shop. Yeah, the sex shop's not in yet.
Starting point is 01:42:42 It's going to be added with, with, I have an idea to add. So I have the neighborhood and it's got like five empty houses in or right now. Okay. So I'm going to add some neighbors and one of them is going to be like a kumer neighbor based on the kumer guy. And you're going to have, you could do a quest where you will open a shop. Where you go to the sex shop. So this is just like a narrative that is in a video game style,
Starting point is 01:43:07 basically. Like, do you have influence over what happens to the cuck or you just kind of belong for the ride? It's just along for my ride, as of now. I mean, I could go into branching stories, but it adds a lot of development time. Yeah People who seem to like the flattened narrative as it is. Yeah, it's pretty good. Is anybody pissed off about it? Remember to wear your mask. There's a way to post on the steam form. It's about it, but not too much, really. No. Just this is just your statement of what's going on in America, huh? The average American man. Yes, the American, every man here. Yeah. What do you suppose to be funny? That's pretty funny. It is funny. All right, man. Does anything make you a rage? Thanks for calling in. By the way,
Starting point is 01:43:57 it's a funny game. I'll give it a shot. What was the question? Does anything make you a rage? You seem like a pretty mellow guy. Mm-hmm. Uh-oh. I try to say mellow, it's good for your health, right? Yeah. What do they say? Does anything make you upset?
Starting point is 01:44:16 Not really. Okay. All right, man. I'll push my buttons. Yeah, does anything push your buttons? Not really. Not really. I wouldn't tell you if it did. Not really though.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Okay, all right, well I love your game. Congratulations and all your success. Thanks, appreciate it. All right buddy. Yeah, thank you, thank you for having me on. It's huge honor, huge honor. Thank you for calling in. I'll look forward to the updates.
Starting point is 01:44:39 The cut hold simulation. All right, thank you. See you man. The prison fucking bit is hilarious. Argue argument for conjugal visits on behalf of him. And then doesn't get to watch, so he probably feels betrayed. Right? He likes it. Well, nothing to do, everything to be, however to feel more cucked, it appeals to him.
Starting point is 01:44:59 Oh, yeah. Maybe. Maybe so. All right, everybody, this is him, the issue, Patreon Page 1 on Comp, Slash, and Dixas. See you next Tuesday. Presenting. Take. Take. Take.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Take. Take. Take. Take. Take. Take. Take. Take.
Starting point is 01:45:17 Take. Ready. Let's do three. Three boys now. Sounds good. Sounds good. Sorry. Two. Mama Mia. Let's do three, three boys now.
Starting point is 01:45:25 Sounds good. Sounds good. Sorry to two. Mama Mia. That's a spicy meatball. Okay. What's that big of a chance that I can do this? You know, at once again,
Starting point is 01:45:43 if you want to meet chicks Do something you don't want to do Mm-hmm. So then I chipped over a gold nine Burding yeah, birding birding you should be called bird watching now the college birding birding Watching you do that. It's not your parents bird observation Previous quiet as possible as they can. I didn't believe it either. Right now. Right. It's women shutting the fuck up and looking at birds. Wow. I walked up to this chicken sort of whispering. What are you doing? She gets really close to me to talk, because you have to go with Bernie trying to shut the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:46:27 If he do it. Wow. I'm burning. I'm burning. Was that being done? I got some stuck at Judas. Got some chewed up worms in my mouth. Did he call him again?
Starting point is 01:46:37 No, no, no. That's a mistake. That's very interesting. Burning. Because not called bird watching. Who would have thought of it? Just burning. Who would have thought of it? Just birding.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Who would have thought of it? So he literally just went up to, I mean, he didn't go, he didn't sign up for like a group outing or anything. It sounded like he just walked up to a chick who was being very quiet, which obviously, you know, aroused his suspicion.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Yeah, that's odd. Like what's going on? What's happening here? What is this woman done? What are you doing? What is this woman doing? What are you doing? Birding. I'm birding.
Starting point is 01:47:09 You're bird watching? I said birding, birding. Fucking asshole. Get away from me. This isn't your daddy's bird watching. You know what else they like is geocaching. They go ape shit over that. Small tasks.
Starting point is 01:47:23 Women love small tasks. See a bird, write it down in the book. Yeah, let's go to a geolocation, look at, see the thing, put your name on the thing. Mm-hmm, I love that shit. Okay, let's see what else I got here. Hey, Dick, you know, it makes me a rage and it's fucking, I still have antibodies from when I had COVID in July,
Starting point is 01:47:42 and no one's fucking believes me. Nope, so I paid $10 and went to the fucking hospital Has a bottom and take my blood and spin that shit and some plasma and then they emailed me saying I have Anybody's for the spike protein receptor block long and then that little fucking disclaimer says like oh, we don't know This enough to protect you or whatever It said you only need point eight units for milk per milliliter in your blood of this spike protein. You know, I am in anybody And I had greater than 250 times that and yet My boss he still doesn't believe me. He's kind of forcing me to get a fucking back gotta get the vaccine though
Starting point is 01:48:20 I mean and everybody wants to show this little fucking vaccine car Like if you want to travel you're gonna have to show your stupid vaccine card. I'll show them to anybody that I still have fucking ten months later Yeah, that's probably better and stronger than anybody to get from the stupid vaccine It's not if it's a meaning that you just have to have a fucking stupid car Yeah, that's the way I thought we're a fucking mask. Even though today's TVC or whatever now If you have a vaccine you don't have to wear a mask indoors or outdoors or whatever But yet I thought for a mask at work and anywhere I go Yeah, I have more antibodies than any mother fucker on the planet
Starting point is 01:48:56 Apparently so fuck off COVID Sticker the shit. Yeah, they should take your They should take your word for that. Yeah, I had it. I mean, that should, that's, I didn't even know you could get an, an antibody tag. Well, no, I got one. I got one. No, I can't say I don't have it. I got one because I was curious.
Starting point is 01:49:11 Yeah. I mean, no, a long time ago, no, I didn't have any antibodies. I was just curious because I was getting blood work done anyway. So I was like, oh, what the hell? Just, you know, just, you go into quest fucking labs for a bunch of shit, right? So just, hey, check that one off too. Yeah yeah it's like whatever amount of money it's not very much it's like yeah no no antibodies as like aggravating because you know you know that the cdc in the government knows how stupid people are like you know that they know especially democrats
Starting point is 01:49:36 know how stupid are sending them out on mass to get people can't fucking read to vote for them they know you know that they know how stupid people are. So they could easily say, look, if you had it, you don't need to, if anybody who's had it doesn't need to get the vaccine. Well, they don't, it's the same. Well, then they don't know how long the antibodies from the vaccine last either. Yeah. So I mean, it's probably a limited amount of time for everything. So it's like, I mean, he could very well be right that he is, he is as protected
Starting point is 01:50:06 as anyone. Yeah. They could easily say that, but they don't because they know people just go, well, I think I had it. So I must be okay. But see, but he took extra steps. I mean, he has, he has proof. Yeah. It's literally got them to spin his blood. That's the sweet spot that always gets fucked by a tyranny of morons. Yeah, I mean, like, and really Mike, I would have, I would have no problem accepting, you know, what he's, you had it. All right. You're fine. I mean, just from what I've looked at, I don't know. Yeah. Here's a present, Dick. Sister's suck for packages and knives can damage what's inside. So I thought, I do, I thought you'd appreciate
Starting point is 01:50:42 the same box opener I use, along with some no-jingle key rings for you and Sean. Thank you both for years of advice and entertainment. Go fuck yourself, Jay. All right, here's a box holder. Thank you. But it's ceramic. You could probably take that on a plane. It probably could.
Starting point is 01:50:55 And here's some real extra-angle-ing. The lock key chains. Let's see, here's Tommy two feet. Hey, Dick, this Tommy two feet. Tommy two feet. Oh, it makes me rage. I don't know if you've heard today, but now there's this guy named Elon Musk. I think I know what your opinion on him is. Yeah. Apparently, apparently he's manipulating the price of Bitcoin. And he's just a big bad
Starting point is 01:51:18 guy. I don't know if you know this, but all these geniuses on Facebook and Twitter. They're pointing out the fact that he's not spitting Bitcoin in his publicly traded company anymore. Apparently it's a problem that a CEO decided to tweet about a policy change within their company, bringing in regards to Bitcoin. Yeah. Because a bunch of idiots, Panics hold. Oh well.
Starting point is 01:51:42 I guess he's just a bad guy now. Yeah, he is. You know, I like, I guess he's just a bad guy now. Yeah he is. You know I like, I personally like you on musk, but I don't really see what the problem with this is, except for the one thing that no one's really grasping, it's the fact that they're holding on to the big coin. See, I also see a lot of tweets of people saying, why is he just selling all of his big coins now?
Starting point is 01:52:03 He's selling them at high price, it's a pump and a now they they're keeping the bitcoins and they're keeping it for a reason because they're trying to incentivize the Bitcoin developers who are notoriously lazy pieces of shit to switch to a proof of stake system which would if anybody fucking looks into it would give the people who have the largest stake more power that is a problem with that i have with it personally and i don't like it but regardless all these people seem to have forgotten that you know i must go to eating that don't go in just a few fucking hours go and
Starting point is 01:52:36 they're praising him for that he was also talking about himself just a few months ago and that didn't seem to be a problem even though game stop shot up to four hundred fifty fucking dollars yeah but now he's he's manipulating the market a few months ago and that didn't seem to be a problem. Even though GameStop shot up to $450. But no, he's manipulating the market because of an 8% drop in Bitcoin, even though it's going to recover right away again. Yeah, he's, that's what makes me very close. That's all he does.
Starting point is 01:52:56 That's what people have short-term memory problems. He doesn't have any problems. He just manipulates markets. You know, the first dimension. He only did that GameStop shit because he hates, he personally hates short-sellers. You know, the first dimension. He only did that game stop shit because he hates personally, he's short sellers because they fucked with them for like two years. Uh, dude, I hear some homemade hot sauce. Thanks for the fun time at Burning Dick. There's been a dirt of anything fun happening in Oregon because of the renewed fourth wave COVID restrictions that I will once again retreat into the wilderness to do acid. Uh, Andrew's
Starting point is 01:53:22 coming up and it'll be a blast. Uh. Let's dust and more hot springs this time. I hope you liked the wine I left last time. Thanks for taking my hot springs. Interesting. Best drink guy. If he asked me up, if you ever want to camp, somebody, look at that. Look at that. That's good. That's awesome. Thank you. Thanks, boss. I just hate Elon Musk because he's always lying. He's always fucking, he's always saying stuff that's just not true. Like he's going to, he's working with the doge developers to make it more like buddy, it's a copy of Bitcoin. What are you, what are you talking about? What developers are you working with? Nobody. You're just lying to, here is a pick here's a new playmate from Eric Eric Wong
Starting point is 01:54:06 a little less disturbing than the last time. Thanks buddy. All right one more voice mail. Hey dick this Adam from Florida. Something that makes me a rage are customers that lean in and ask you hey, who in me. I know you don't have this shit out here, but do you have any in the back? The do you have any in the back customers? It happens though. It happens. That's the happiest.
Starting point is 01:54:34 I have kids coming in here because I work retail. I have kids coming in here running to the fucking Pokemon card section and because grown ass men are buying hand over fist, these fucking cards, I have kids and grown-ass, other grown-ass fucking men asking me, hey man, just between you and me. Well do ya? You have any Pokemon cards in the back? No, motherfucker, no I don't have Pokemon cards.
Starting point is 01:54:59 And some point you do, for your 57 year old ass. Whatever, that's my rage. Go fuck yourself. How'd we go in? Now, I'm going to have him in the back. He may be, but he may be on top of what's going on in his store and know whether there needs, there's inventory sitting in the back that needs to be put out,
Starting point is 01:55:17 but you are not an idiot for asking that question. Could you check in the back for me? Could you check in the back for me? Chances are it hasn't made its way to the shelf yet. Hey, Deke, Sean. I just wanted to send you a gift as a token of gratitude for all the laughs and advice for the years. I hope you'll enjoy some homemade smoked beef jerky. It's a little spicy, but not too over the top. Just spicy enough to keep women out of it. So as a man, you can enjoy it all to himself.
Starting point is 01:55:39 Yourself. Keep up the good work. Go fuck yourself, David Sleemaker. Hey, there's two, too. There you go, Sean. Thank you. That's on your trip across the trip around the world. All right. Come back safe. Well, this looks great. It's all thanks, chilly flakes and stuff. All right, goodbye everybody.
Starting point is 01:55:51 See ya. Thank you.

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