The Dick Show - Episode 267 - Dick on Too Big of Tubes

Episode Date: July 19, 2021

Anaheim deplatforms hate, low flow shower heads are a private business, my house is almost burned down, the police beat some people, a woman asks for advice, a man stalks a co-worker, Chris the Kiwi v...iolates his probation, Israel implements Happy Badges, France mandates vaccines, rebranding shark "interactions", the LEGO gun, and the Fed raises the retirement age; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I have, once I got better from COVID, I've been drinking every day. To make up. Yeah, to make up for all the lost drinking time. Well, that's the most important thing. I think it's to get back to your life. You know, I mean, right? Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:00:20 And it has not been, it has not been going well. I woke up drunk for the first time. The drinking. And a long time today. Woke up drunk. Yeah. What time did you knock off last night? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:00:33 There you go. That's why you woke up drunk. But I feel so fat. Really? Yeah. Because I think you, I mean, you must have lost weight with COVID. And I gained it all back last night.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Really, shamefully. Huh. Yeah, with the whole lost weight with COVID. And I gained it all back last night, really, shamefully. Huh. Yeah, with the whole, I hate every thing. Like, fucking, I even ain't kettle corn. Oh yeah, what do you don't even really like kettle corn? No, well, 80s girl was gone. I hate kettle corn.
Starting point is 00:00:57 For two days, so I had to feed myself and there was no food here. So I just, I had like, chips. It's amazing what? Yees and stuff. It's amazing if you have no food in the house. And you don't get out to get more.
Starting point is 00:01:13 What it becomes acceptable to eat that you overlook the first time, second time, third time. I know. And you're like, you know what? Maybe I will eat that. I can throw some of this on there. Maybe a can of tomatoes is a lunch. Yeah, I overlooked, you know, I wasn't desperate enough,
Starting point is 00:01:28 but then it's, you know, I can throw a bag of carrots on this. This is a good lunch that I've got here just feeling disgusting every day. Oh my God. And I somehow think I'm gonna cheat food by eating like nothing for lunch. Just like eating snacks and stuff
Starting point is 00:01:49 and waiting for like a woman waiting for dinner. But then I just end up eating a gigantic lunch at four and then another dinner at four 30. And all the snacks. Yeah. Well, you know. I need this. And I'm out of beer.
Starting point is 00:02:03 What is that? This is a knockoff white claw. I have three different, what's it called? Knockoff white claws and a white claw here. High noon, sunsips, 100, it's just a white claw. Yeah. What is it? These girls friends brought them, brought over
Starting point is 00:02:21 knockoff versions of white claws. Is white claw an IPA? or is it a effivision? It's a malt liquor. I'm afraid. Oh, really? You didn't know that? No, because I didn't white claw was not a thing when I was drinking. Well, it's brand. It's a hard celtzer. I don't know. I'm just gonna assume it's malt liquor because what else did? Well, it's like what else do young girls drink? But malt liquor. Like, Zima. It's malt liquor. Like, do they even make Zima anymore?
Starting point is 00:02:48 No, they make white claw now and various other, I mean, I know it's malt liquor because every fucking company has one. Yeah. And they all have runoff product that they need to get rid of. Which is what it is, it's like, it's runoff product. Yeah. So I'm out of beer.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I'm out of beer. I'm out of food. What do you do? I'm stuck drinking these white claws. I'm fatter than hell again. Oh, hello. God, I gotta stop antagonizing her. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:19 What do I, what am I even talking about today? Jay Hawk needs your help. Well, write me an email. Or tell me what he did. Tell me why, man. I wanna talk to some people. You wanna talk to people today? I love Collins.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Oh, you do. They can go wrong, but. Yeah, they can go wrong. I do like talking to people. Well, let's see if anybody wants to call in. Chris the Kiwi said he was going to send in an MP3. Oh, really? He hasn't done it yet. No, he wanted to ask permission first. Oh, and permission granted. Yeah, sure, buddy. He said he breached his probation six months ago, which is why he's been saying, yeah, everybody's
Starting point is 00:04:06 hearing everything, right? I think so. Are you hearing it? Sorry, he's stalking this chicken work. He needs pickup advice. I need more information than that. I need like a email, like send a email. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:04:24 Because if I get him on, it's going to be a lot of home. I don't want to do that. It's just impossible for people to tell a story for some reason. Well, you have to know, you have to know the background of the story so you can ask questions and move it along because otherwise it's like a bunch of unimportant stuff. Oh, it was Monday. Oh, it was driving in my car. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Oh, there's a lot of traffic for some reason. Let me set the scene. Right. No, don't. Don't set the fucking scene. Mm-hmm. Uh, guys, they write in all the time, like, hey, hey, do you want to hear about this? I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah, I don't know what, I don't know what you're going to tell me. Right. Tell me. Yeah. I have no idea. No, that's true. Should I tell you this, hey, should I tell you this story about, I don't know what you're gonna tell me. Tell me. So I have no idea. No, that's true. Should I tell you this, hey, should I tell you this story about I don't know, can you, can you? Can I tell you this story?
Starting point is 00:05:12 I don't know, can you? All right, let's see here, enough ranting about people trying to help. Someone took a shit, recap, open word, make notes, read off notes, no, that's, people just want to wing it. That's not, that's for, that's for amateurs, amateurs make notes. And if they're a real man, just wings it. My man had to give some presentation for his master's degree.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Oh, he did. And he didn't practice. He said, oh, how did it go? He's like, I need some spontaneity. Like, well, how did your report go? He's like, I totally crashed. That's how you totally crashed. That's how you're justifying not preparing.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I'm best in the moment. I'm a spontaneous guy. He's got a guy. Oh, yeah. Like, like fighting someone who knows how to fight. I'll just kind of, you know, it's like, like a boxer.
Starting point is 00:06:04 You just go in there. Ah, I need to be loose. I need to kinda, you know, it's like, like a boxer, you just go in there. I need to be loose. I need to be fast and loose. That's what you hear the pros always saying. No, no practicing, no fundamentals, nothing. Nothing you can, nothing that would, you know, kick in autopilot, you know, like it's supposed to. Like it's supposed to, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah. Everybody, just say, you don't wanna try. Say, I don't really, I don't care. I don't really wanna try. Everybody. Just say you don't wanna try. I don't really, I don't care. I don't really wanna try. Don't make it, don't make it a positive. All right, I've got comments here. Some stuff. Is it podcasts?
Starting point is 00:06:39 Oh no, I haven't even started the podcast, but I got to start it. I don't know why I'm all out of it. Probably because the liquor I was talking about. Maybe. If you woke up drunk. Oh, I got to, it's too old to be waking up drunk. It's a bad, it's just a bad feeling.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Cause then you got to start over. Yeah, that day's shot. Yeah, you can't, I mean, I have to for work. I have to drink for the show. Well, I've got to reiterate all over myself too. Oh, did you really? What flavor?
Starting point is 00:07:10 Red, you're looking at it right here. Red. The most staining one. Yeah, that is the most staining one. I don't like gatorade. Yeah. Oh, you were in some state. Ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Man, I woke up on the floor. You really have to keep drinking in the couch. Wow. Thank you. Is it doctor? Do you recommend that? Well, as an alcoholic, I woke up on the floor. I really have to keep driving in the couch. Wow. Thank you. As a doctor, do you recommend that? Well, as an alcoholic, I recommend. Because you're not going to, if you're that fucked up and you know what's coming, I mean, it's either that or like me, it's, if you don't, you're going to just fucking dry heave.
Starting point is 00:07:42 You're going to feel like shit. You can't think. You can't do anything. You got to get like shit. You can't think. You can't think. You can't do anything. You gotta get at least back a little bit back to square. And then try to have some goddamn discipline so you don't do it again that night. You gotta drink it back to it.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Which is like Apollo 13. I gotta try. You know? Here is fucked. I'm not gonna overshoot it, because I'm still drunk. And the fat. I gotta be okay with this sudden fat. Does that happen?
Starting point is 00:08:09 Sudden spontaneous fat that appears at night? I think it's water weight. Does this look like a water weight? I don't know if it's jiggling like a water weight. Spontaneously appeared. It's probably a... Spontaneously, I got a sup-pouch battery. It's the salt?
Starting point is 00:08:23 Well, whatever it is, it's not fat. God damn, I got a salt and liquor. I'm gonna drink to be okay with this, fat that I have. Or I got to pick a fight with my girlfriend or something so I don't eat. Or just start getting all your calories from booze. Or go, you try that. Or go food altogether.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Actually, I did that on October Fest. And I think I lost weight. I was only drink all day. I only drink beer like a friend, this can move. You do so much more exercise when you go on vacation to places like that too. Like October fest? I don't know. I just walked to the tent and that was it.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I stood a lot. I did a lot of lifting beers. Right. The pickup, clang, bam, back on the, yeah. Did you break one? No. No, they never, no, I mean, when yeah. Did you break one? No. No, I mean, when we were there at this spring, some fucker was trying to do it to me.
Starting point is 00:09:10 It's an Australian. Yeah, again, an Australian kept trying to hang scenes around my mind. Something breaking, maybe at our table. Because you know, like him, you should did it. Oh, yeah. You sure all those big, the benches, you know, and stuff like that, but I always thought that was a cool thing
Starting point is 00:09:23 where you pick it up, clang, look them in the eye, hit the table, then drink. Yeah, that is cool. Yeah. Well, I don't have any beer. So awesome story about beer. Somebody said on Twitter that I'm pathetic because I'm a 40 year old talking about drinking like I'm 18 and it's like, buddy,
Starting point is 00:09:44 there's no 18 year old on the planet that drinks like this. Yeah, what year old talking about drinking like I'm 18 and I was like, buddy, there's no 18 year old on the planet That drinks like this. Yeah, what are you talking? It takes years to build up a tolerance and able to function What's the worst thing that happened to you when you're 18? Like what? Maybe you got molested or something as a kid. What's so bad about your life at 18 that drives you to drink like that. You're drinking for fun. Yeah. They bros. Let's hang out and have a couple of brews like Kavanaugh.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Yeah. I'm driven to drink through the bottom of the glass. There's no, don't even try. Maybe not even in your 20s. I don't think you can drink like this where you're passing out on the fucking floor by yourself with Netflix asking if you're still watching, you know, 18-year-olds who wake up with kettle corn all over their chest hair,
Starting point is 00:10:35 because they drank themselves, because they try to drink themselves to death the night before with Netflix asking if you're still fucking watching for trailer park boys that you've seen. I don't know, so many times that the episodes don't even have a separation anymore. This is sound very 18. You're a lot of 18 year olds that wake up like that that had a sudden influx of fat on them if they do the night before.
Starting point is 00:10:58 If they do, it's just from an experience. Yeah, they stumbled upon that level of drinking once and it scared them straight. Yeah. That's how 18 year old's drink. That's how I'm drinking every day. Okay. So let's stop. Let's at least at least think the insults through. Give me my do. God damn it. Give me my, your 40 year old drinking like your 18. No, I'm not having any fun. Okay, in all seriousness, this was like a turning point for me or what kind of one of them, when I was still drinking, there were times, it was still fun, but it wasn't funny anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Oh, it wasn't funny anymore. It wasn't funny anymore. I couldn't, the next day it was like dude. What did you do? It was it was almost like I'm too funny It was just not funny anymore among other things. Yeah, it's not fucking it is I'm running out of jokes Yeah, all right. Yeah, there will the day will come the last joke will come. It's not today. Yeah Now I'm in a good mood again. Oh God. You're talking about happy badges today. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:12:16 How come today you want to, you need to, you got it, it's a show, it's a contest. Come to your life for a mountain bunker deep in the heart of the city. You feel you got me a house, take my ass and AK, the $20 million van. Voted America's worst Mexican, a hundred and 18 weeks running, joining me as always is world touring LA-based comedian, Sean the audio engineer. Hello, deck. What's up, buddy? Thank you for not killing yourself, for joining me again on this very unhealthy show. We've got a whole slew of shows that are being released right now in the deck of verse.
Starting point is 00:12:50 We've got the Carl crossover. That's a good one. That is a good one. Yeah, very fun. Those stupid, those fat, disgusting, naughty mommies on my thoughts. They've invaded my sexual thoughts. Something about the way they talk. They make everything grow. I drag queens.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Everything grows. Talking about her husband coming from a blowjob three times in a row. What the fuck was that? I don't know. It grows. Just gross. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Gross antics on that. Yeah, what are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing as a husband that you've got this time to blow? That's what I mean. Energy to blow. On your fat, fat disgusting wife.
Starting point is 00:13:30 That is available on so I said it show. I'm sure we've got a bonus episode that I didn't plug before. And the biggest problem, episode five. Okay, why do you call it episode five? Because we started over. We did the three while you were gone. We did the biggest problem one, two, and three on this show. I didn't know that you, oh, yes, I'm calling those one, two, and three.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that. Four and five. Okay, so you have done five, yeah. I think that's released on Monday, so that should already be out. What a fantastic show. Is this good? It's great. Yeah. Vito is just making a complete idiot out of himself.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Is there problems he's bringing in? But that's a good foolish, right? Totally ridiculous problems that he's bringing in. Mine are much superior and better. They're not getting the votes, but it's just because there's so much nuance in my problem. Yes. Vito brings in. I think Dick Masterson, I think nuance and subtlety.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Vito brings in, Vito brings in COVID deniers, right? Yeah. Something about COVID. And I know, I know he thinks this because I know a lot of people think this. They think that if they think that COVID's ever going away and it's, I can't stress this hard enough. I see people online saying it to, well, we all would be nice if this thing went away like smallpox, it's never going away. What's going to continue to mutate? It's a fucking cold until it's never going
Starting point is 00:14:55 away until it turns into, they think what will happen is it'll, it'll keep continue to mutate until it turns into something more like the common cold, but it's going to be it's just drive and and debit it's going to be the basics, fucking basics. We've had this thing for like for 18 months, the very basics. Well, it's going to we got it to get it to go away like smallpox. It's the very fucking basics of DNA virus, RNA virus and virus mutation. The basics aren't covered. It drives me fucking insane, for people to say, full stop. Well, it would be nice if it went away. It's never going away. No, how do you think it can go away?
Starting point is 00:15:33 Nothing, no one has ever said that. Have they, did Elon Musk get up somewhere and say, well, we got to get rid of this thing. We can't get rid of it. No, it's good, but it's going to, it'll go in a different form. Never going away. Every single dot, No, it's good, but it's gonna, it'll go in a different form. Never going away. Every single dot, well, it'll just be another, everybody do their part. It's not going on a virus in a family of coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Here's, I got something that, now the 80s girl has shown, she almost burned the house down this week. They heard this was great. Yeah. She comes up to me and goes, the oven's on fire. Yeah. Like that. And I said, oh, really?
Starting point is 00:16:08 But real calm like? Yeah. The oven's on fire. So, okay. So, I walk over. I was playing video games or something. Playing Hades. I walk over.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Sure enough. The oven's on fire. Well, you weren't kidding. Like, that's fire. Flames. Flames. The door is open or shut. And you can see see flames you can see flames in the pan is burning mm-hmm okay well here we go so I open the drawer and get the of glove out
Starting point is 00:16:34 mm-hmm grab the pan throwing it's it is indeed on fire is there anything on the baking sheet yeah there's one of those silicon baking things on it. That's not supposed to catch on fire. Okay, well, I'm, I think I know what happened here. I throw it in the sink. You have no food on it. No food on it. I throw in the sink, put a little bit of water on.
Starting point is 00:16:57 A little bit of water, because you know, you put a little bit of water, but kicks up, put too much water, it's gonna fucking explode. A little bit of water, burn it out a little bit. Throw a little bit more water on there. All right, so let me guess what happened. You put it on broil, didn't you? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:17:12 She goes, yeah, but I thought that just meant it comes from the top. It's like, well, it also means it's like 600 degrees. It's the hottest of the, yeah. You can get. The hottest of and can get. That's why when you turn it, when you go past the very max, then it says broil.
Starting point is 00:17:27 That's a little... Was that how yours is, too? Not mine. No, mine, I think it's a separate button. Yeah, mine is separate, but for that. Because they didjified it and then got rid of the intuitiveness of jacking it up to where it should say max. Mine literally says oven and you can set the degrees or broil, and you can go low or high.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Yeah. That's, so you do have to intentionally push broil on mine. So then she says, well, she's all right. But like you said, you might not, that doesn't correlate to the temperature and someone's understanding necessarily as opposed to the different button.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Yeah, opening it wide open. Good job with the digital guys. Yeah. You just caught people's houses on fire. Right. Well, she says to me, she says, well, you know what everything's we're doing that. I think we made a pretty good team on that one.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Me keeping my cool. Right. And her coolie telling you that the oven's on fire. That was her with her coolie telling me the oven's on fire. And then me doing all of the work. Right. That was the team effort. I said, we make a good team.
Starting point is 00:18:29 In what universe, what part of the team were you on on that one? Alerting me? Yeah, you're more like the guy that you started. You know, more like a team. Intentional walks and you swing at the pitches being, you know, it's like what are you doing? Are you trying to hurt me? I said team. Then she says, oh, great. So
Starting point is 00:18:52 that part you're going to have now you're going to talk about it on the show and make fun of it because of the team thing. I said, yeah. That's what he made no choice. He goes, well, I was even thinking before I said anything about the fire that I didn't want to tell you because you'd make fun of it on your show. And I said, you mean that entered your thinking when you saw that the oven was on fire. It was a coin toss as to whether, as to which one was worse. Yeah. Telling you or burning the house down, burning the house down might be preferable to being shared on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:24 That's what I was like, well, so you actually had a choice. I didn't have that choice, by the way, of thinking, well, maybe there's someone else who I could tell about the fire who would come in. I just had to put it out. You see the life of luxury that even in thinking that you have to opt out or in with dealing with your house being on fire? So that's a good one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Okay. Now why was there so was she just aren't rated for broiling? No, but was she just heating the oven? Well, because what was there was no food. Right. Another good question. So somehow, somehow, even though there's a drawer under the oven, it has evolved in this house for cookie sheets to be stored in the oven.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Okay. And every fucking time I go to make something, because I'm not used to this. Happens in my house too. Cast iron skillets get stored in the, which is exactly why now those can obviously take it. You can fucking heat the fuck out of a cast iron skillet. So I get the shit he did. But still I forget it's like, oh god damn it. Now I got to, do you do that? Do you store shit in the oven? No, no, I don't
Starting point is 00:20:37 store shit in the oven. But that's where they go. I guess it's space. I think doing it to be cute. I don't know. Well, do you have anything to hang like pans or pots? No, I got cupboards and there's a drawer under the goddamn oven. Well, everybody has a drawer under the oven, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, somehow women are being cute. They're being fucking, I fucking knew it. I know. Somehow there's never enough space.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I guess. I don't know. For a cookie sheet, for a cookie sheet. Yeah, I don't know. A skillet? Yeah, maybe like, yeah. Do not, if you find, if your wife is storing shit in your oven, dream her out to what's today? That's that 718. Is it? Yeah. This is international dreaming. You're high foward for storing the, I fucking promise you, they cooked this up. Is women do this thing collectively?
Starting point is 00:21:26 I think it's like a Facebook group. I don't know how they share, they share information at a level. Telepathically. That's like, yeah, that's telepathically and they cook up dumb ideas, like storing cookie sheets and skillets inside the oven. It's like, oh, well, it's just, it's just a cabinet while it's not being used. So I'm just going to slip it in there. And then hilariously, when my husband starts the oven, he's going to have to pull out a hot
Starting point is 00:21:51 pan every single time and figure out where to store it just as he's getting ready to put things into the oven. Well, there you go, Sean. That happened. Here is the city of Anaheim. This is just, this is totally outrageous. The city of Anaheim has canceled an America first rally. America first is a group, I assume. Yeah, just like Republicans.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Yeah, you know, put America first. Are they an extreme form of anybody? Yeah, just like Republicans. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, put America's face. Are they, are they an extreme form of anybody? I mean, not, not really. I don't know who they are. Well, like Nick Fuentes says America Trump says, Trump said America first.
Starting point is 00:22:34 He's the most America first of America first. Well, yeah, but I mean, but like he's saying that as a sentiment, not a, not a group, right? I mean, well, this is the same thing because it's two congressmen who were putting this event together. Oh, is that right? Yeah. It's not like a bunch.
Starting point is 00:22:49 It's not like Illinois Nazis were putting this together. Right. Got it. Uh, so this is Anaheim's statement, a planned America first rally at a private venue in our city is canceled. This is the city making this statement. Mm-hmm. Uh, the city of Anaheim shared public safety concerns
Starting point is 00:23:08 with the operator. So they think they're going to like get rowdy and do his out there. I don't know. They're kind of leaving it up to you to come up with a reasonable explanation for what that means. Aren't they? Safety concerns to me sounds like possible violence. On behalf of whom? Protesters, the rally. That's what that's how they think that the congressmen are going to whip everybody into a frenzy. I don't know. And then start crystal knocked thing all over Anaheim or the crowd whips themselves into a frenzy. That's just me spitball. Well, that's my problem is that they cut it out by making this statement vague. They leave it open. They leave it open for reasonable people to fill in the gaps
Starting point is 00:23:46 for unreasonable behavior. Let's put it this way. It's not due to fear of coronavirus. Well, they would have been pretty explicit about that. Well, plus Orange County, you know, hasn't they've been pretty open most of the time. So that's like that's, I don't think they're going to go down that road right now.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yeah. So to me, then knowing that, to me, that says we're afraid of violence and damage. The city is. Sure. We share these safety concerns with the operator and those concerns are shared by the operator. So they didn't let the operator come up with that. No, they supplied their own reasons for why a separator goes. A lot of could happen. Yeah, I mean, I guess, well, I guess if the city
Starting point is 00:24:29 is telling the city has the cops and they're telling me what I'm doing is dangerous. I guess like the mafia, kind of, you know, you're real shame if something were to violently happen in your event. As a city, we respect free speech, but here we go, but. Right. So there's something there in an extremist group. It's two congressmen. Yeah. What he's, what the fuck are you guys? First of all, I heard some congressmen say some fucking crazy shit, but like, what you're allowed to do, you are, yeah, pretty explicitly allowed to go out and say we respect as a city, we respect free speech. This is where they really lose it.
Starting point is 00:25:08 And the biggest, this is the biggest but in history coming from the, as a city, we respect free speech, but like, no, no, no, no, no, it's not as a city. You don't respect free speech. You're, you're legally prohibited from interfering with it because which is why things like hate speech is protected. Yeah. It's not a respect. It may be repugnant, but you do have a right to say it as long as they don't get violent
Starting point is 00:25:35 or incite violence. Yeah. I mean, they're allowed to do that. It's illegal to incite, they have to, they have to do it first. You can't stop them from doing it. You're right. You have to let them do it. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:50 As a city, we respect free speech, but with a straight face, no comma, by the way. So this is idiot grammar. So they're going down the PC road, but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city. And it's values. What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:26:11 That's just people in your city assembling at an event. That's totally wrong. That's so fucked. I don't see, I don't see how anybody can make a case that that doesn't violate the first amendment. No, this should be instant. Oh, right. Well, we got to raise, we have to raise this entire city to the ground. What are you, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:26:34 We have a, so now it's duty to alert someone that speech. We don't like the city of city. It's, right. It's, it's, it's put, it's pushing their own, whatever, you know, whatever moral, you know, path they're currently on. Just in the beer at the moment. Yeah, that's like not the whole city. It doesn't reflect our values or it's like, yeah, but that's the you don't have any values. But law and order law, that's it. It's like, yeah, okay, maybe, maybe it's an extreme minority, but that extreme minority is supposed to be protected from getting run over by people like this.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah. Here they continue talking, which is shocking to me. Please help us share accurate information. We uphold free speech every day in Anaheim. You're not, you're looking at it so backwards. The entire conversation has become inverted. You don't uphold it.
Starting point is 00:27:30 You just don't violate it. Yeah. It's not, yeah, yeah. You don't provide an atmosphere for it. No. All you do is are legally prohibited from destroying it because you will try. That's a guaranteed fucking tea guaranteed as a city we enjoy.
Starting point is 00:27:47 We have whole free speech every day in the hammer and I'm as a city, we enjoy the same right of free speech, which is totally preposterous and can note and can note when something doesn't align with our values. As a city, we enjoy the right of free speech. No, you do not. It's explicit, it's explicit. The law is explicit that you don't have any that you, first of all, that there is no
Starting point is 00:28:20 right. It's just you can't trample it. Your, your right to free speech cannot be trampled by people. There have no power. That's just you can't trample it. You're right to freeze, but you cannot be trampled by people. There have no power. That's the whole point. To be clear, public safety concerns are why this is not on, which is not your supposed to at all. You're supposed to write. I mean, yeah, that's to be clear, public safety concerns. There's no guarantee that this is going to result in anything other than people, you know, peaceably assembling, which you have the right to do. You can, you can serve. You are supposed to be able to have a, you are supposed to be able
Starting point is 00:28:57 to have a KKK rally. And as long as they play by the rules, they can say whatever they want. They can say what that is supposed to be protected. I mean, it's, I think it's at the point now where we're just going to have to be, have the Nazi party and identify as the Nazi party and pretend it's 1923 and just and dress up in full Nazi regalia and say, okay, we want to have our Nazi rally. I mean, like it's, you're this, you are supposed to protect this. Exactly what we're doing. So it's a private event.
Starting point is 00:29:35 So it's a private event. So they influence the owner. Oh, what do you mean? It's like, it's just calling up and say, you know, we at the police have some concerns about the safety that your public safety. But they certainly wouldn't offer and they maybe they can't offer their, you know, officers or whatever to, I mean, they could do whatever they want. So look, it's the police. Yeah, but yeah, yeah, I mean, so it's like, well, it's up to you to provide extra security
Starting point is 00:30:07 too. I mean, I doesn't sound like they even said that. It sounds like they didn't share their values. I know. It doesn't share their values. And then the owner, it's like, I wonder if this were in a public place with the city of Anaheim, shut it down. There's another one.
Starting point is 00:30:24 They did this. They tried to shut it down. Theyeim shut it down. There's another one. Yeah. They did this. They tried to shut it down. They tried to shut it down. And people are like, Oh, it's a world of private than you. They could do it. They could do it. I know.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Okay, here's, here's something else that makes me rage. So, um, uh, biding, uh, reverse Trump's low, low shower headband, by the way. Have you ever tried to buy a shower head online in California? No. Bro, so I'm a big shower guy, right? Yeah. I mean, what I do know is that I do not want low flow anything.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Oh, well, prepare to have your, prepare to be blackpilled, prepare to have your life ruined right now. I do not want low flow toilets. I do not want low flow toilets. I do not want low flow shower heads. So, so I was, I was trying to replace 80, I go take a shower and 80 girls shower for some reason. She has her own shower. Yeah, she has her own bathroom.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Cause she gets ready so early in the morning, she uses the guest bathroom and it's just become hers. Which is awesome. Yeah. I don't have a CVS that was just suicide bombed in my bathroom. That's kind of what happens. It has a toothbrush sitting on it.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Right. So I go to shower in her bathroom. Not even a hairbrush, she uses the same one. Yeah. toothbrush, hair, whatever. Yeah. I use a toothbrush on both my hair and my teeth.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Right. So I go shower in her shower, turn on the shower, and like three jets come out. And it's not a shower, adjustable to another. No, I turn it on and it's like three little brrr. Like what the fuck is dribbles? You've been showering like this? How long does it take you to rinse your hair? How long is it happening? Yeah. It's like what the fuck? Whatbbles? You've been showering like this? How long does it take you to rinse your hair?
Starting point is 00:32:05 How long is it happening? Yeah, so it's like what the fuck? What is, first of all, why did you do this? Secondly, I'm gonna fix it, right? So it's a shower head that was bought online unbeknownst to you. No, no, I just came with the house. Oh, I don't know how they,
Starting point is 00:32:20 but you've never used shower. Never used it, mine, because mine. Yeah, exactly. So I go on Amazon, fucking type in state of the art, fucking huge, you know, big, old hub cap shower head. Oh, look at all these beautiful shower heads. I go to pick one, all right. No, top Amazon choice.
Starting point is 00:32:37 All right, click, yeah, buy. Sorry, this item is not available in your area. That's odd. This is just, so maybe it's just this, maybe some screw balls not shipping, right? To LA. So the next one, same fucking thing. Next one, save fucking thing. I do this and then I get distracted by pornography.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Like everything I do online turns into a distraction pornography. So I try it again, the next week, thinking this will just resolve itself. Same thing. I go through a couple months of this before I realized the neighbors has some renovations because I go, yeah, it's got all this low flow. Shit, I'm like, oh, you're fucking kidding me. I get it. Low flow, California low flow restriction is why it says it's not. So I go back on there and find the crummyest showerhead I can available.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Right. Yeah. So I go through, I managed to get one. I found a used one. They don't have this stop. So I went to the good one and just crazy. Yeah, pretty soon to be black market. It's a fucking black market. Black head. Regular flow shower heads. So Biden, Biden goes and Trump said that he's removing the low flow shower head restriction and making it so that the restriction applies to every nozzle instead of the whole shower head, right? Trump's like, well, okay, let's just make it the nozzle then. Okay. People didn't, the shower manufacturers said, no, we're not changing it, right?
Starting point is 00:34:04 Because they know it's just going to be fucking reversed by the time. And sure enough, Biden comes in and says, no, we're getting rid of Trumps. We got to go back to 2.5 gallons a minute, right? All, all totally retarded because manufacturing uses so much more water than people, than residential. Oh, no, in the state of California, I think cities use, it's something, I want to say it's something like 11% of the state's water, not because we grow fucking like 80% of the world's almonds, which is an incredibly inefficient crop to grow.
Starting point is 00:34:38 It takes snow, much water without all this water that we need. Central California. Oh, yeah. No, it's, all this water that we really need. Central California. Oh, yeah, no, it's it's the city's use almost none of it. And again, last time I checked. And again, using it doesn't somehow ruin the water. Like you use gasoline out of the ground. The gas is gone. Okay. It's not like you can't you, when you use the water to shower, it just goes and becomes water over there. It's so idiotic. The idea that people at home are restricted
Starting point is 00:35:13 for their water usage at all, because the worst thing that you're doing is putting dirt on the water, put a little food on the water. You're not putting hazardous fucking chemicals that cannot be stripped from the water in. I mean, they, they, they, they, it's just gross.
Starting point is 00:35:25 They cl- They're not pooping it, not filter it out. They clean septic wire, you know? Exactly. So the reason I brought this up is because a big tech, right? Twitter, whomever, fucking airlines, they ban banks, a bank will ban you
Starting point is 00:35:43 from participating in the economy, and morons will go well You know it's a private fucking business private business that can do whatever want yet if you are a private business Trying to sell a tube that is too wide Totally fine. Well, you know you can't be selling tubes. You can't be selling shower heads Put that are too wide. I mean you're a private company, yes, but they're a restrict. You can forbid someone from all air travel and commerce entirely, but if you try to sell a fucking tube, that's too wide, that's totally out of the question. The fucking the meme of their private company can do whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Somehow falls apart when the topic is tubes. And how wide the fucking tube can be. Sure. The next president, I just want to fucking strangle somebody as they're saying it, well, you're a private company, you can go, I want to watch. Stick a tube in their neck.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Yeah, here you go. It's a low-flow breathing tube. Right. You're a private company. You can breathe however much you want as long as it fits with this fucking tube. Yeah're a private company. You can breathe however much you want as long as it fits with this fucking tube. The city of Anaheim owns one of the venues that they recommended the person running it to cancel the event. So the city of Anaheim owns the venue. They're
Starting point is 00:37:01 on the fucking venue and they said, well, hey, you're the guys that we let run this venue. Well, yeah, but so how is it a private venue? How is any of this? How is fucking any of this? So if the city owns it, they literally just have like a, somebody like a, like a property manager in a state. Yeah. Well, the private, the private property manager made a decision totally, totally on their
Starting point is 00:37:22 own. Is that the case in this day? And this one, no, I think it was the one before this. Was it because it's been canceled at three times? Yeah. It's Jesus. Can't have these people putting America first, having a rally. Like, huh, they might be, who knows?
Starting point is 00:37:41 They might be a fucking white power group, but they have the right to assemble. Yeah. Put the God damn Nazi party up there. Well, what are they talking about? They're going to talk about Jews a lot. I probably, I don't know, or the purity of their fucking race. I don't know. That was supposed to be, that was so, that was so given, that was so given as a fundamental right in America that is a running joke in the Blues Brothers, that the Nazi party is having a rally and the cops, the cops even explicitly say in the Blues Brothers, you hate it, but it's their right. This is a fundamental right to do it.
Starting point is 00:38:24 It is a plot point of the blues, that you couldn't make that movie today. Because they say like, well, why are they, what do you mean? Why's there Nazis here? They shouldn't be allowed to. Well, I'm sure they don't show the blues brothers anymore. They got to put a disclaimer.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And banished with the dukes of hazard. Yeah. All right, and then I saw this one. I got all upset about people getting, people getting their rights trampled on, and then I see the LAPD beating the hell out of Antifa protesters, and everybody cheering it on. A bunch of conservatives going, oh yeah, awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Oh, that's awesome. They're finally getting like, are you guys retarded? Like, do you not realize that when they come to vaccinate you, forcibly, or come for your guns, when they've test run the gun confiscation with the gun? What if they just do it at once? I mean, like a one stop, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:14 two birds, one stone. Yeah, efficiency. Right. No, that's not their thing. Who do you think, who are the guys that are canceling these events, the cops? Say you're fucking so gung ho about them beating up people you don't like Right, he deserves it. He deserves it. It's not fuck your little anyone Funny what else do I have here? Oh?
Starting point is 00:39:41 Here you go people with vaginas. Is that what we call people with vaginas now as people with vaginas? Yeah, health insider, too. Two stands for graduates have teamed up to launch Envy, the first at home vaginal microbiome test that can tell people with vaginas. This, they have to sit there and think about the correct, can't say women, or they just came out of them.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I don't know what's, I don't know what's scarier. Yeah, they're like, look, we got look, we got a fucking round table this shit. What do we come at? We can't say women. We know that. We can't tell exactly what women are. People with, or if it was just, if it was just ripped out of the top of somebody's head, I don't really know which one's scarier.
Starting point is 00:40:43 People with, people with, they should remove the age. So you have to say people with vaginas. Right. Maybe what, maybe causing a host of vaginal issues and recommend what to do about it. Yeah, I mean, I guess I, I hope that's accurate and it is just people with vaginas. Because then depending on the, if the vagina is not natural, you could have a lot of problems that this device is going to test for, I guess. It's like a one-size-fits-all vaginas. Yeah, and I don't, people who didn't have a vagina and now do, I don't want to know any more.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I don't want to know any more about their potential problems. I don't want to know any more about their potential problems. Um, probably a new project brew. I was supposed to plug that. They were black rifle coffees coming under a lot of, um, they, they called everyone, they called conservatives gay or something. I don't know what they do. But if you, but if you want coffee that doesn't hate you, go to new project This is, let's see here, work more.
Starting point is 00:41:44 More, oh yeah, this is a brave statement by, well, it should be a brave statement. BlackRock CEO is back, you know them, this evil organization. Yeah, since Americans, BlackRock CEO says Americans may need to work longer. What a piece of shit. What a fucking piece of shit. Because I fucking rig the system to where nobody can fucking do anything. What's just work harder and take more investment risk. Yeah. What's rigged about? Yeah. What's rigged about just fucking piece of shit. This guy is. Yeah. And nothing's happening to him.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I can't, I cannot believe it. Guys, if you're, I get it if you were raised a certain way, like, you know, Pride in America, like America is the greatest country on earth. All this kind of stuff, like you come from maybe a military family, your grandfather, your father, maybe you served, stop loving this country. Start doing something about it if it's even possible because it is not, this country
Starting point is 00:42:51 doesn't give a fuck about you. It doesn't give a fuck about you. Well, it's actively harming you because what he's saying is since the federal reserve sets the rate of interest at zero, you cannot make money by saving it. You've got an oligopoly of it. Yeah, saving doesn't get you anything. You have exactly the same amount of money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah. Which is totally artificial. Like if the Fed didn't buy uh... securities and they were just allowed to exist in the open market the interest rates would be you would you just be able to sit on your money and make yeah enough money to retire right but because they are legally allowed to force the rates to zero
Starting point is 00:43:40 you have to take your money and gamble and gamble with it uh... yeah so he's he's not wrong So you have to take your money and gamble. And gamble with it. Yeah. Yeah. So he's not wrong. I can't believe that he would say it out loud, but if that's rigged, I mean, rigged might be a little strong. Forcing the value of the return on your money to be zero such that you have to invest it wildly in companies that are just sitting on,
Starting point is 00:44:06 they're sitting on so much goddamn money, they don't know what to do with it. Shocking. Americans may need to work longer, take more investment risk. You'll own nothing and you'll love it. You're gonna work longer and you're gonna take more risks
Starting point is 00:44:22 and you're gonna love it. Here's a, here's a vaccine one. Oh yeah, France, the unvaccinated will bear the brunt of the restrictions rather than everyone. From the beginning of August, the Vax Pass will be needed for coffee shops. This is France. This is France. So you have to have a pass.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I got an experimental vaccine pass. Did you know that that's against the Nuremberg code, by the way? Oh, what to? To force people to take an experimental drug? No, I didn't know. Oh yeah, they just ignored it. The Vax Passal, we needed for coffee shops, restaurants, supermarkets. So you can't go buy food if you're, what's the difference? Just show up to people's houses,
Starting point is 00:45:13 pin them down and inject them with it at that point. Hospitals, trains, buses. Here is, here was the US's, this is Sy, civilists, I don't know who that is. A former former Obama Health and Human Services Secretary said that, um, we're in a situation where, uh, if you don't get vaccinated, the bellions may not come to work. You won't have access to children. Um, blah, blah, blah. Freedom is one thing, but freedom when you harm others, access to children. Ba ba ba ba. Freedom is one thing,
Starting point is 00:45:47 but freedom when you harm others, like secondhand smoking, and issues we've dealt with very clearly, I am unable to think. I'm unable to think in non-fed posting terms these days. Yeah. I'm just, it's over. I mean, we really live in hell.
Starting point is 00:46:05 You can drink, but you can't drive drunk because you've injured other people. You can't smoke inside of a public place where you can give cancer to someone. So I think we're reaching that point in the United States where those who are unvaccinated. Well, I know talking to people who work for like giant corporations.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Yeah. Or high up at giant, I know a couple of them, there's no plans for them to require any kind of, any type of proof or anything like that where it's, everybody's trying to figure out how to go forward because it's, yeah, I mean, you're, I guess you're violating HIPAA and you know, you can't, as just a law, you can't make, you can't make them do it. And you really can't ask about it. Yeah. And that's supposed to be able to, right. Here's the last vaccine thing I have.
Starting point is 00:46:55 It's kind of funny. Let me find it. Happy badges. This is from the Jerusalem post. They're going gonna make it. We're gonna make it. Happy bad. Oh no, are they?
Starting point is 00:47:09 Does that sound like, oh no. In a bid to prevent this, this is not for real. This is the Jerusalem Post. I mean, we're gonna pin little badges of little bits of flair on people like a TGI Fridays. In a bid to prevent this spread of coronavirus, a large event, the coronavirus of coronavirus. A large event.
Starting point is 00:47:25 The coronavirus cabinet adopted the happy badge. And the happy badge. But it's not literally a badge, is it? And please tell me it's a badge. Yes, it's a badge. Please tell me it's a actual badge. It's a fact that you have to wear. Please take my cookies.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Let's see here. Recovered or something, the happy badge outline. I can't read it that fast. The new system will be relevant only for indoor gatherings where the fuck is the badge? I guess it doesn't say explicitly. Please tell me, I want there to be an actual badge. Well, why would they call it happy
Starting point is 00:48:05 badge? That's my next question. It's what yeah, because it's an outline. What are the happy badge? The Jews of all people are doing that's maybe they did this maybe they got up with the star ID. I guess you got. Well, maybe you got to own it like the like the N word. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We can put badges on us. That's our thing. Shark Advocate. Here's one for you. I actually heard about this. Shark Advocate's call for rebranding violent attacks as interactions. Interactions. It's like, I don't know if you really interact with a shark if you're getting attacked though. Not if you're getting attacked. An interaction would be you go down and you observe them on the reef for you. That's observing. Yeah. An interacting is like an interaction with
Starting point is 00:48:51 a ball. Like you throw a ball and a dog gets it and brings it back. Fishing is interacting. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Interacting. Well, I mean getting bitten is not really interacting. No, no, that's you getting. That's insane. I wasn't saying about that. Call of call for rebranding violent attacks as interactions. Negative interactions. Yeah, they should be negative, negative, sharp related events. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you're right. Negative encounter. Yeah. So just the word, just swapping the word attack with negative encounter incident or simply bites. So I had a bite with a shark.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Well, look, I mean, it is, it is true that they generally bite and then they realize that they've, they've bitten something that they didn't, you know, it's something different than they thought it was. Yeah. Oftentimes go away. Very, very rarely are people consumed by sharks very rarely. Yeah. But it's like, yeah, so they, a lot of times they're test bites, they're that kind of stuff,
Starting point is 00:49:52 but it's still attacking something. It thinks it's food. That's what it's doing. It's, it's pretty descriptive. Yeah. Unless it's a, you know, if you, there have been cases of divers, we're fucking with nurse sharks on the bottom and it turns around a bites them because you're antagonizing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:08 But it's like, yeah, I mean, when a white shark attacks a surfer, it thinks it's food. I hate sharks. I hate everything that they're in the arm. I love them. I'm not a fan. I'm not really a fan of swimming in the ocean. Me either. It's just, I know it's irrational.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Yeah. But it's, I saw jaws at the wrong age. I don't know, man. Like, I mean, I've been snorkeling. I've done all that kind of shit, but for people who, I would never become a surfer. I just wouldn't. No.
Starting point is 00:50:38 There's just too much unknown out there for me. Let's, let me see if I have anything else here. Oh, the freedom, phone, terrorists, ppp. Oh, that guy putting his, did you see the guy who's donating his blue suit to the Smithsonian? No. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:50:57 How do you miss this stuff? I have not, I have not kept up with anything in a while. You're lucky. Yeah, no, I'm much happier for it. Yeah. If I hear something, I'll go try to check it out and that kind of stuff, but, yeah. I've not been reading headlines.
Starting point is 00:51:15 I've not, I've been really busy and I'm a lot happier for not reading headlines. Andy Kim donates his blue suit from the Capitol riot to the fucking Smith Sonian. You remember this for historical man? So what, who is this guy? It's an idiot. New Jersey Democrat.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Somebody who is at the Capitol and those guys were taking a tour. He was picking up garbage in his suit. Did they ask for the suit? I don't know. He said six months ago today, I wore this the suit? I don't know. He said, six months ago today, I wore this blue suit as I cleaned the Capitol, at least like a punch-struck love suit, like Adam Sandler is ugly.
Starting point is 00:51:53 I wore this blue suit as I cleaned the Capitol after the insurrection. He's like picking up bottles, water bottles. Now I just donated it to the Smithsonian. January six must never be forgot. And while some try to erase history, I will fight the way to insert yourself into history. I hate it. I just try to, yeah, insert yourself into it like these fucking suit, these people with fucking the egos are out of control. I wish, I wish that I could be
Starting point is 00:52:22 a congressman just so that I could track dog shit into the capital every day. I would go out of my way. I would have Maddie. I would take her out, take a shit every morning, and then step in it with both feet and walk to work. And they would every day, and maybe for the rest of time, who's tracking dog shit in here every day?
Starting point is 00:52:44 I would say, I'm tracking. Oh man, I stepped in dog shit again. So curious. Can you guys believe it? And then I walked through every single aisle to get to my seat in Congress. And then I put my feet up on the desk. Today, man, you got scraped it off on the edge. Hey, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Oh man, what a rough day. I'm gonna put my feet up. Hey, Dick, you have a, oh man, I, what's that smell? What's that smell? Do you guys smell like dog shit? Yeah, huh? Maybe someone stepped in it. Oh, guys, yet again, I have stepped in dog shit
Starting point is 00:53:15 and tracked it all through the whole building. Can you fucking believe that? Once again, I've done it. Well, I gotta sit here to vote. So, sorry, I mean, we all love America so much. I'll try, I'll try harder not to do it again. I did it again. I can't believe it. Again, just like yesterday, I got all this dog shit all over the Capitol. Good picking up donating suit. Have you ever felt this emotion that this man is
Starting point is 00:53:43 feeling here donating his dumb suit to this? No, I don't think so. Oh man, I gotta get on top of this. Somebody's gonna donate some stuff to... Well, there you go. That happened. Vaccine pass, happy vat, badges. Good shit.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I don't know. I think the virus is just talking to me. Once I let it in my body, to mutate, this was my plan the entire time. I wanted to get it so it could have a safe environment to grow and develop as a human as it was deadly strain. Right. And I was trying to feed it stuff that would, I was standing in front of my car. Amosity and bile.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Yeah, and then it started talking to me. Right. like feed it stuff that would, I would stand in front of my car. Amosity and, yeah, bile and, yeah, I'm gonna start talking to me. Right. Recently, I thought it was just my inner thoughts, but I think it's the virus communicating with me. Okay, let's do some comments. Cool. Trans men can chest feed.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Oh, yeah. Did you know, that's what, uh, I guess it's because of you being very homophobic last week in, or transphobic and saying that it men can I know I apologize for everything I On the other hand have very progressive I know that men so I guess you can can you develop it because I mean you got to take hormones and things like that right? Maybe that's totally fine. That's the same. I Just maybe that's totally fine. That's the same. I just, I just, some women have to take, some women have to take hormones. Yeah. So true. It's the same. I just didn't know if it was actually,
Starting point is 00:55:13 like, like, you know, anatomically possible. I guess this brand of person says, you know, thinking about it though, thinking about it though, like men can get breast cancer. Like you have, it's just way, way underdeveloped compared to like female breast tissue, but I guess there's like, you know, so while there doesn't seem to be much science, you've got to block it up because steroid it up. Oh, yeah, those guys lactate too, steroid guys. Oh, do that. I didn't know that. That's like a side effect of steroids.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Oh, a study. A study from 1981 concluded that breast milk from a male is nutritionally identical to breast milk from a female. Really? What about a trans female? That's studies useless. I'm not talking about men here. Now could that study be wrong?
Starting point is 00:55:58 I think I read here also that men make more milk when they're breastfeeding. Right, women make 77% of the milk that males make. Yeah, is that so look forward in the future, that's gonna be a conversation that you have to have with your doctor, with your wife, or whatever, with your birth person. Now, who's breastfeeding?
Starting point is 00:56:22 Exactly. Are you breastfeeding and who's breastfeeding? Right. That's a real thing. If your kid is growing up right now, they're going to have to have this conversation. The TV's going to say, because the TV exists only to poison women against men and themselves. Okay. TV's going to say, make sure you have a conversation with your doctor about whom is breastfeeding your fucking kid.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Yeah, there's not your husband. Because there's breastfeeding classes, lemos classes. Yeah. Yeah, so now breastfeeding classes are gonna need a big update to their curriculum. Oh yeah. Make sure you have, oh, have you had the talk
Starting point is 00:57:00 with your husband yet about who's gonna be breastfeeding? Talk about waxing your nipples, all kinds of stuff like that. So that dudes can lactate, although it's uncommon men can lactate. And I would imagine, I would imagine like female hormones would increase all that kind of stuff. Yeah, yeah. Aussie peanuts, as in response to the guy wanting to lose weight and build muscle, but decided throwing up his food is the best way. You need a caloric surplus to build muscle.
Starting point is 00:57:28 So if you're overweight, you already have a surplus. Building muscle will be easier. Just cut out sugar, reduce carbs, increase protein, eat the fat out. Yeah. I mean, come on, like he doesn't know all that. What are you doing? Throwing up food will kill your muscle building.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Okay. Vittale. I had imagined so. Yeah. Let's see here. Vittale Chernobyl says, so Dick always posts his videos on YouTube a full 12 hours before he posts it here on Patreon
Starting point is 00:57:57 where people pay $5. Tired of waiting, tired of paying extra money for less and late content. This is shit work. I'll just keep it free from now on. I've been keeping up with you since episode five of the biggest problem. I know this will only get worse from here.
Starting point is 00:58:13 You think since you started another show with Vito, you can skip an episode or two. You can't. You lost me here. Go fuck yourself, Dick. Yeah. The audio-only version gets posted on YouTube when you are done editing. Oh, the audio only version on YouTube. Right, so it's not picture-to-picture comparison.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Yeah, so it's not what this guy's saying. Oh, okay. Embarrassing. I told him that, and his response was to double down. No. Well, sorry to disappoint you. Sorry that I'm genuinely sorry that you were raised this way. Genuinely sorry for that. I hope you get better.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Okay, let's see here. Too much of a finance, dear Dick, hearing you read my observations on finance on this COVID episode made it quite clearly that I'm too much of a finance to be able to relate to people. Oh, that was the guy who said that, that why do you need a house? You could just buy shares of BlackRock. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I was the brilliant. I was back and listen, like I completely missed. I thought he wasn't talking English. I zoned out, but I understand what he was saying. It was English clearly is his first language. Yeah. I understand what he was saying. It was English clearly is his first language. Yeah, dumb ideas often need to be repeated because the listener will assume that an idea is make sense and they'll wait for it to happen
Starting point is 00:59:34 and they'll be confused when it doesn't happen. Having Sean call me a retard and checks off a bucket list item, I appreciate you. Sorry, I take that one back. Okay, up for me not being ESL. Go fuck yourself. Okay, your advice worked. Take it, Sean. Your advice worked.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I wrote in a year ago upset because my wife was sending nudes to many men. I remember this. Yeah, do. It didn't take long after that for her to start banging one of them. Oh, damn. I didn't see that coming.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Can't believe that. Yeah. It's just a picture. How did it turn, how did it get sexual so fast? Right. Your main advice is that you should have stopped that. Yeah. We know what's coming. Yeah, the city can, the city can stop hate speech, but yet women driving still kills,
Starting point is 01:00:20 women driving causes four million accidents every year. Where's the city on that one? Your main advice was to take off the governor and stop limiting yourself. I thought I would never have a three way in my life after getting married. Recently, I found myself in Vegas doing crosswords for the first time and getting blown by four strippers. I brought back to my room. That's a lot of strippers.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Four. Yeah. I guess blow will do that all with good and varying. Well, that will get strippers to your room. Yeah. I was inspired to update you after the sad married diabetes guy sent his update last week shaking your hand at road rage Tampa inspired me to do better. Thank you. Thank you. Cool. Sincerely Richard leaks. Oh, that's great. He's not, obviously, he didn't say anything about, he's not with that broad, right? Oh, he didn't say. I mean, he didn't, yeah, left that out. I mean, did he just go, I'm going to do whatever
Starting point is 01:01:15 the fuck I want. Well, yeah, maybe. Mm-hmm. Maybe he had to do his own thing and now they can go through therapy together. Yeah. Stupid feminist, uni, lecturer story. Hey, Dick, I'm a new fan, lover of your work. I have a story about two painful feminist lectures for my uni days.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Long story short, I had to go. So he's British, I guess. Yeah. Long story short, I had to go through disciplinary actions because I complained about two irrational feminist lectures. One was named Ona Klav. She chose that name because it's volcano, spelled backwards.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Turns out my old housemate's brother used to fuck her for years before, and he said she was addicted to speed. He made her do this, and once glassed a bouncer. After about three months after a disciplinary action, the other feminist lecture came into the liquor store I worked at and couldn't afford a thirteen dollar bottle of wine
Starting point is 01:02:08 which emanates which demonstrates how useless she is i wrote um... there are other details could elaborate if you think it's worthwhile i have no idea uh... america has been subverted robert says advertisements and everything within media is moving towards lennonism oh wow, and Marxism. Cancel culture is the last part of so, soviet subversion and now everyone is stuck with it. We need to wake America up. Well, yeah, that's, what do you think women are gonna vote for?
Starting point is 01:02:44 Like, can you not see that it's obvious if women get to say it's going to turn out like this? Like have you ever had a lot of like clock back a bit? Well, what are you going to wake up? How can you explain to them that they don't, that you want to make things less safe and more free. They hate that. Like, what's to wake up?
Starting point is 01:03:08 This is, you made, we made the bed already. There's nothing, there's no way to explain to them by and large that things are better safer, that hate, that hate speech is a necessary evil for living in a free society. It's not going to happen happen that everyone should have guns. It's not gonna fucking happen. Good luck though. Okay, I'm gonna do some, let me see if anybody wants to call in.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Yeah, sure. Who wanted to call in? J-hawk. What did J-hawk do? He's stalking a girl at work. He stalked a girl at work. And as he's saying, he's not stalking. I would assume that's the position he would be taking.
Starting point is 01:03:49 I would hope that he doesn't come on and say, oh, yeah, totally. Here's how I'm doing it. Is he knowingly stalking her or is he in denial about it? Denial. Oh, come on. Can you call in? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Jay Hock, do you want to call in and explain what you're doing? How it's not stalking? Oh my god. He comes in every day and wonders out loud whether he's not he should apologize or keep following her. Did you guys scare him off? Well, if he comes on at the end, we'll get a fine. Horseless decade, one last time. I'm the guy with diabetes. and horseless decade, one last time. I'm the guy with diabetes. Hey, Dick, one last time. I'm the guy who got diabetes, lost my job,
Starting point is 01:04:28 got divorced by my wife, and then also got all my stuff stolen in him. He's writing in for a third time? Yeah, it's a bit better now. I figured out who stole my stuff. Yeah. And I think I can get it back. There's a person that knows where my mom's house is,
Starting point is 01:04:41 knew that my VR development hardware was there, and knew I'd be out the morning it was stolen. Because it's someone I still talk to. Inside. Inside. I don't know how he knew about the bathroom window in the side yard with the loose latch, but after thinking about it, I know how he did. No one kicked the front door in, so whoever did it without damaging anything.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I've listened to you for long enough to know that you'll say it's not worth risking a physical confrontation just to get some stuff back. But I don't own a bunker in the city of failure. I only have had my development equipment the way I make money. But I don't think it will come to that because another thing I know about the person is he listens to the show religiously. He already knows who I am and that I'm talking about him. And he remembers that one valuable thing of mine. He didn't manage to find when him and his cut friends were digging around my mom's house. Oh my God. He also knows how much easier it would be
Starting point is 01:05:31 if my shit magically showed up on the doorstep rather than me having to, oh I see, he's using the show to tell the guy to bring his stuff back. So enjoy the episode JB. I imagine you're listening on your commute right now. I wanna say we have a lot to talk about, but really we don't do we.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Okay, well, there you go. JB. I thought that was the same thing. Actually advice. So listen Johnson Brown. Yeah, JB, I don't think this guy's going to do anything. I would just keep his stuff. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Or sell it. You sell it quickly to get rid of the crime. Like Francis Bucksdon sells Peewee's bike right away, right? Right, right. Get rid of the evidence. Right. Quickly as possible. That's right.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Um, uh, make-o, Horsho. My boyfriend and I ran into a lot of difficult. It's called, should I go? My boyfriend and I ran into a lot of difficulties during COVID. We had to spend some time living with his parents for a few months. Um, such a huge guy. So we had to spend some time living together. We've been together since 2016 and his parents have never been supportive.
Starting point is 01:06:26 The basis of this is partly political, but they have lashed out and attempted to control every woman he's been with in general. Sounds like an awesome guy. See, I'm sure the guy is great. This is his parents are totally fucked. Yeah. Right? Usually, parents who are fucked. It's funny what people don't want to see.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Yeah. Oh, this guy's parents are fucking totally out of control. Yeah. He's only punched through a couple walls, but he was really pissed off. They've been heavily pressuring me to take birth control for years. Oh God, you should.
Starting point is 01:06:55 While staying with them, they would regularly shout at me and threaten me about this. I've spent some time with my family to get away from them and began to contemplate breaking up with my boyfriend. We moved about a month and a half ago and things have been slowly getting better. My boyfriend was very upset about my desire to leave him and it hasn't entirely gone away.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Wow, shocker. My question is, is it wrong of me to still consider leaving an option? Yes. Once you have sex with a man, you owe him sex forever. Forever, right. Yeah, I think you should be thinking about this at all. I had spoken to an old friend while I was back home And once you have sex with a man, you owe him sex forever. Forever, right. Yeah. Do anything you should be thinking about this at all.
Starting point is 01:07:27 I had spoken to an old friend while I was back home who said, it isn't wrong of me to think this way. Oh, she's a liar. My sister says I shouldn't let them ruin my relationship. Oh, yeah. But it's about how I feel about my entire life in general. I have an overall sensation of dissatisfaction. That's typical woman.
Starting point is 01:07:45 She has everything, everything a woman could ever dream of, a man, parents telling her what to do. Parents tell you what to do, she doesn't have to think about anything. Still feeling dissatisfied. It's all, look, it's all laid out for you. I don't see the problem. I can't help but wrestle with this desire to leave,
Starting point is 01:08:02 and I'm hoping it will subside as things continue to change. But I'll be starting a new job soon. But I'm worried that the thought of wanting to consider other guys won't go away. I can't believe it. You can't win with women. They're even cheating on you in their own minds at all times.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Any advice? Have a kid as quickly as possible. Right, that'll make everything better. It'll make everything better. And even if you don't try, definitely, definitely don't get on birth control. Why would you want to subvert the will of God? Have a kid as quickly as possible.
Starting point is 01:08:34 And that'll change everything. Everybody always says. Has everything better. Having a kid made my life great. Right. Yeah, relieved a lot of stress. Oh yeah. Right. Oh here's Jay Hawke. Didn't put an extra. Oh, yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Oh, here's Jay Hock. Didn't put an extra strain on the relationship. Here. No, it's over. It's over. Go. You're getting, you're extricating yourself from a bad situation. It's, you're entirely right to be thinking that you're, it's, it's not right or wrong.
Starting point is 01:09:00 The next, it's not right or wrong at all. Of course, of course, those are valid like that. Feeling like that. You can completely, not right or wrong at all. Of course, of course, those are valid like that, feeling like that. You can completely, you're not wrong at all. The next guy is just going to be the same though. What's the point of going to start it all over again? Just the devil you know. She could get lucky, you know?
Starting point is 01:09:16 No. Okay, Jay hockey there. Yeah. Oh, okay. There we go. Are you stalking a woman at work? No. Why do they think you are?
Starting point is 01:09:26 Why do these guys think you are? Because she went to the manager to tell her that, to tell him that I was following her around that Friday. That Friday? Yes. Like what? Last, the most recent Friday? Yes. Why were you following her around? Were you? I was.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Are you were, okay. For what reason? Why? I was going to walk up to her and ask for a number. Oh, okay. How long were you following her around before you were going to, how long were you following her around? I don't know, like, just a intermittently out of the day. And like I'd go up to the, what's
Starting point is 01:10:13 the, I'd go up to like the, the room where like you have like the, it's a grocery store. So like it's like an office type of thing. So like I would, she would be next to the office and I'd walk up there and I'd try to talk to her but then I'd get to chicken shit and I'd walk away. How many, are you reading the chat? Don't read the chat. How many times did you do this? So you got scared and did you, when did you meet?
Starting point is 01:10:41 When did you meet? Have you talked to her at all? Is this a brand new job for her or for you? No, no since May Oh, have you haven't talked to her up until like recently though? What you talk about? This mother fucker and chat keeps saying cap stop reading the chat stop reading the chat Yeah, you can't think if you're reading the chat.
Starting point is 01:11:05 The call is always horrible with everybody who reads the fucking chat. Stop reading. Yeah, you're right. I noticed that every time I listen to the show at work. So don't do it. So don't do it. Don't be that guy. Okay. What did you talk to her about? Well, I asked, yeah, I went up to her and talked to her. Like, I think the first thing I did though,
Starting point is 01:11:28 was like give her a cupcake since we were like, like the first word I exchanged with her was, oh, it's my birthday today. Here's a cupcake. And then she was like, thank you. My birthday is just a week. Here's a cupcake and then she was like, thank you. Yeah. My birthday is just a week and I was like, okay, cool. And then like a few days later, that Friday, I went up to talk to her and then she gave
Starting point is 01:11:59 me her phone. Oh, she gave you her phone number? She gave me her phone. Her phone, because I asked, hey, do you want to exchange contacts? Okay. She then said, sure. And she gave me her phone. To type in. To put it in. For me to type in the number. Okay. I had made a critical error though, where I didn't put her number on my phone. Yeah, I got a call. It was deeply embarrassed. You got to call yourself.
Starting point is 01:12:32 If they give you your phone, you got to dial your known number and then call them so they can't escape you. So you can't leave it up to them. What is the mask thing that they're telling me to ask you about? Yeah, during that conversation I asked, hey, could I see what you look like under your face mask? I didn't say that verbatim, but I did say something to that effect. And she did say, why? I'm not trying to die. And I was like, I let out like a chuckle and it was like a very anxious chuckle. I felt very embarrassed about it.
Starting point is 01:13:08 She didn't want to get, she didn't want to get coronavirus by removing her mask. Yeah. Okay. Well, how many times have you, have you tried to talk to her and then chickened out and walked away? It was just that Friday, man. So many times on that Friday. Like, I forget, like it was like three times. Maybe I like try to, I like try to go up to her
Starting point is 01:13:33 and then like turn to turn back because I just like, I don't know, I just like fucking wasn't trying to engage or whatever. All right, well, that's not so bad. They're exaggerating. You're stalking. Yes. Yes, you're talking again.
Starting point is 01:13:51 I plan on doing it, but like after being on the show, I don't know. Somebody could be listening to this and then like say no. So I don't know. Everybody has their own opinions about it. They say like a lot of the people like the thick heads in the chat and maybe like my friend is telling me stop, it's over.
Starting point is 01:14:20 And then like some coworkers and her two cousins say like, okay, just tell her, just tell her, sorry, and like, yeah. Get like, just try to get her number, or like, I don't know, he said like, maybe just say, sorry, sorry, like what you literally try to do, and then see if she'll like, like accept your apology or whatever, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:49 I was just, how about you say, sorry I did that. Do you wanna get coffee sometime after work? Nice and simple. Yeah, it sucks because like I can't really, like we used to be scheduled a lot, like the same schedule, but for the past few weeks, we just not have the same schedule. And it's been very hard to try and say something to her because I don't want to come in the store and actually be a stalker. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Like you find a reason to come in, come buy some toothpaste or something. Well, she's there. Uh, I think it's better if I just buy some Magnum condoms go in there and just buy some Magnum. Oh, just here and here buying Magnum condoms. Uh, nice to see magnet. Oh, I'm just here and here buying mag and condoms Uh, nice to see you. I didn't know you're working today So I'm right for stalking you Right, do you want to go? Yeah, I get these condoms. Yeah, you want to use one of these?
Starting point is 01:15:56 So you say you keep saying that Friday. Yeah, like how long ago was this? Oh my god They changed her schedule to not be scheduled with you. That's where I'm going. That's not true. No, but this is my question. How long ago was this? When you literally last Friday. Okay. Last Friday. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you should have talked to her. I don't know. All right, they're giving you too much, they're exaggerating. All right, get out of here, Jayhawk. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Yeah, thank you. All right. Oops, oops, oops. Okay, always exaggerating. Oh, here, let's see one more and then do some voicemails. Advice? Yeah, Advice. Hey, Dick, I just listened episode 226
Starting point is 01:16:47 and you were discussing addiction to a sort. And I know that you and Sean have a past of substance abuse. Well, one of us has a present, yeah, really. I was wondering what your thoughts on my situation would be. I've been abusing benzos for the past three years, and it got me in a lot of trouble and relationships broken without benzos. Wait, what are benzos?
Starting point is 01:17:13 I mean, I know the name, but what are they? What's a good example of is Xanax? Is Xanax a benzo? Is the most popular? I don't know, because I've never taken anything like that. One of the most popular Benzos, Halcyon, Valium, Conopin, out of the chicks, take.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Okay, so they're, so they're, they're anti-anxiety drugs, right there. Yeah. Without Benzos, I don't create music. Oh, wow. I don't socialize and I'm in constant pain of anxiety. It doesn't have to do with withdrawal or anything because I've had long periods of time where I don't use.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Now I self-medicate on small amounts of benzos for anxiety and fetamines for energy. Jesus Christ in mushrooms slash LSD for depression. See, part I'm thinking micro dosing, but probably macro dosing. Yeah, right. Well, I mean, the, you know, you may very, it's not called medicating. Look, the amphetamines can make you anxious and nervous, and then you're using the volume or whatever to think LSD, compounded. That's a nervousness. I mean, fucking demons and shit.
Starting point is 01:18:30 When you close your eyes, you think that might be a problem. I'm dealing with the first two. When he gets to the LSD, different wrong doctor, I've been doing well and making lots of music and friends. But I'm scared to go back to my doctor and try another drug after trying eight different times. And it just doesn't do anything. And I resort to my uninspired and anxious state.
Starting point is 01:18:55 I'm also 21. So I'm worried about losing my mind when I want to do so much. Yeah, you should be. Thank you. I love the show. Feel free to read it on the Yeah, you, you should be. I don't know how much he should show. Feel free to read it on the show, Mr. N. You know, how much is he, is he doing how much? I mean, that is a, you got an unfortunate thing. Is it not one of these drugs off at least? Yeah. People's, you don't need to be doing mushrooms and LSD. Yeah. No, I want to them
Starting point is 01:19:21 probably stick to the mushrooms. I don't know of macro dosing LSD has any beneficial effects. If you're lethargic and that kind of, I mean, that can obviously come from the anti-anxiety drugs, but if your doctor has you on something for energy or alertness or whatever, there are different drugs that are not amphetamine based that generally have milder side effects. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, things like, what do you call it? Fuck. Modaphanil, things like that. It's what they, they used to give amphetamine to the pilots, you know, gopils and they've
Starting point is 01:20:07 replaced that with Medaphinell, lower risk of addiction, lower side effects, less jittery. But you know, I don't know if creating music is this important to load yourself up on Benz. Well, that's also a very artist thing, like I can't create unless I can't, yeah, you know, it's not going to have any discipline. Didn't mention working out either somehow. Yeah, I just be doing that. That slips through.
Starting point is 01:20:36 I don't know how much working out you're going to be doing on downing Benzo. And LSD. Yeah, yeah. I don't know if that's an approved supplement. Maybe, maybe you could trade it all for heroin. Musicians love. Well, then you'll be very heroin. I'm gonna be very mellow. Yeah. So just find the problem is you've got too many drugs here. You want to find one, right one? Yeah, you got to find the right drug. Or else you're going to
Starting point is 01:21:03 be a big roller coaster. Just find one that can keep you keep the plates spinning, right? Or, you know, you're going nuts. Oh, I got it. Should I do bezos today? Am I doing LSD today? Am I doing mushrooms? Just find one. It's not doing them all.
Starting point is 01:21:17 God, then I don't have to, it's not Baskin Robbins. You just need one flavor to get you through, through the day, like everybody else. This somebody's got to teach these kids this. All right, don't be afraid to, if you can't, don't be afraid to change doctors, if you think you're, and it's not, it's not so you can go get pills from this guy and then this guy, shit like that.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Don't do that. Don't do that, but it's, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, but don't add on, well, that's an amphit. I mean, I'm out. But it's, see if that, but it's a little bit of adderol. But don't add on. Well, that's an amphat. I mean, I mean, I mean, I'm out. But it's, see if, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:48 if there's not another point of view where it's like, because the idea, if you, if you need that stuff is to be on as few and as little as possible. And LSD, yeah, well, you know, don't mix them either. You can't go, doctor,
Starting point is 01:22:04 because I mean, you're, you're, you don't have stable brain chemistry if you're doing that shit. I mean, you don't mix them either. You can't go, doctor, because I mean, you don't have stable brain chemistry if you're doing that shit. I mean, you don't, the other ones don't have any chance to be effective. You don't know what dose, you don't know what they're doing. At least tell the doctor,
Starting point is 01:22:14 oh hey, this is a very opposed there. Can I add a bunch of mushrooms and, can I regularly do LSD while I'm on this SSR? Not recommended, not recommended. I would say, well, you know SSR not recommended not recommended. I would say Well, you know, now he didn't use it is this guy He's not on an SSRI at least what do you what do you mention? So oh, yeah, yeah He self-medicates on all the doctor if he goes to the doctor, they're gonna say SSR I don't know if that's the first thing they do probably yeah, I mean probably if you you know
Starting point is 01:22:42 I have these symptoms they may recommend one that is more geared toward anti-anxiety, increasing your, you know, your level of neurotransmitters. But, you know, and send in some music. Let's see what this, let's see what kind of music you're, what if it's total crap? Then get off the drugs entirely, right? Yeah, because that's the only reason you're getting wasted all the time is so you can fucking create music, right? Because you know, all these ambitions and aspirations.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I gotta do all this, I gotta do all these benzos. It's funny that he, you know, he, first thing he was was I can't create music. Right, yeah, and it was a fucking drug addict says that. That's why. I know it to right away. I mean, I gotta get, I gotta drink. I mean, I got a fucking drug addict says that. That's why. I know it to right away. I mean, I gotta drink. I mean, I got the show to do and I'm hungover.
Starting point is 01:23:30 I gotta drink all day. Don't bullshit me. Right. Light your doctor. Well, that's the thing. Yeah, the great. The great addict. I'm a fucking drug addict.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Addicts are the greatest number one. The greatest. What do you think I should do? Keep doing drugs. Huge liars, huge rationalizers, you know, you can, sure, you can come up with a million reasons why you need it. The sun came up today, I need it.
Starting point is 01:23:54 I have this horrible allergy to life. Yeah, I need all these Benzos and LSD to get me through. Without Benzos, I don't create music. Oh, oh, that makes sense. I promise you, you can create music without benzos. Don't write it down because you will believe it. You will, everybody, if, if, if fake because, everybody believes, if fake because,
Starting point is 01:24:19 if you walk up to somebody and say, hey, I need to, people are waiting for a new funco pop to drop or whatever, to store it, walk up, writes the front person, hey, I need to, people are waiting for the new funco pop to drop or whatever at the store, walk up right to the front person. Hey, I need to get in front of you because I wanna get in front of you. You could say, I need to get in front of you because I know a guy here and I'm not gonna buy anything. No, you can give a big story, right?
Starting point is 01:24:37 But if you just say, I need to get in front of you because I wanna be in front of you, that also works. That fucking works too. It's just because all the, all people need to hear to hear is because they go, oh, I got all because because it comes a reason I'll believe it's valid. Yeah, it's because. So stop riding it. Don't ride it.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Stop telling it to yourself because you will believe it. Even though it is bullshit. All right. This is the dick show page on our website. So excuse me. Hold on. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, let
Starting point is 01:25:06 I'm soft. George W Bush real quick. Wait, say that all again. I didn't hear it. I just like to come in and land my F 15 on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, my mission accomplished like George W Bush real quick if I could. Oh, yeah, go for it. Yeah, I'm so I'm declaring victory mission accomplished.
Starting point is 01:25:23 We ruined the Dix show. They missed a whole week of the show. I win. You lose. You lose or you suck. Everything about you is a failure. I'm huge success. Look at you. You're missing weeks. You're trying to do stupid spin-off shows with less popular hosts. You're basically mad at now. We had another face coming. Let's throw in your face. You won. Mad come to the long, the long game. You should call into the biggest problem, actually. Absolutely, he should.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Oh, the second I call into biggest problem, you know, the second for the second I call into the biggest problem, like the whole thing is just need to get canceled, too. Hmm, probably will be a video will be eclipsed by my enigma. Yes, by your enigma. I think Vito is worried about somebody, somebody getting so happy over the show. He tweeted, it's not a crazy thought. He tweeted the biggest problem in the world, the records today at six. I'm like, what the fuck was, you know, it's, you know, why did you say world? Yeah. What is, what do you think that's going to do? Like Matt
Starting point is 01:26:29 is going to see that. Like, oh, wow, it's totally a different show. He might, world, he might, testing me to see it. Like people of course like what the, immediately what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck? Hell, you just got to record, you got to record a couple episodes of biggest problem in the world, you know, like a decoy podcast So he goes and reports that podcast really you got the real podcast over here on the feet. Yeah, that's the way a smart person does it That's true. I should do that What does anything make you a rage Madcux? Yeah, you know what else makes me a rage is podcast that put 16 minutes of silence in it to back end of their thing
Starting point is 01:27:05 Because they can't edit or like see that the waveform. It's just a big long flat line at the end Who did that? I'm not gonna name names a Tony from acting movies But you can stop doing that for the second fucking time. Oh, you did again Yeah, however fucking long you've had your show on it's really hard to tell because you keep taking weeks off for absolutely no fucking reason. You're worse than Dick Masterson. Yeah. Yeah. Man, that is just so, and that, and when people skip weeks of weigh-ins on a weight loss
Starting point is 01:27:34 content because they're not doing well at it and they want to try and hide their fatness, yeah. Yeah. That's me too. That's too okay. Tony, we'll put the word out that, uh, yeah, Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, do a podcast with his ex-girlfriend. I think he does, he does do that.
Starting point is 01:27:53 And she's hot. Yeah. It's like that would be, I don't know how Tony's got it. That's, I could look at that and go, you've got a totally different kind of mind. He's fucking up the editing. He's clearly distracted. He's got his brain, his brain's all scrambled. Yeah. Like I'm trying to figure out what angle he had. Like what is your angle? I don't know if he can unscramble it. Yeah. Probably.
Starting point is 01:28:13 It's hard to get invest in a podcast when every other week it's just not there. Oh, does he do that? Well, it's the biggest problem. I missed three weeks of their show, and then they did like two episodes. Now this week they're not on again. And it's like, I want to hear about Godzilla because I'm a big Godzilla fan. Yeah, but, you know, what am I supposed to do?
Starting point is 01:28:35 All these Godzilla podcasts keep basically getting canceled because people can't have any followers real. Well, don't you have one? I mean, you have in the past. Yeah, we're on indefinite hiatus due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, comband 19 and all the, uh, with the ongoing stuff and other disclaimer words that are on every fucking time you see it. Customer service thing on the planet right now.
Starting point is 01:29:00 But it will come back here and a half, but yeah, we're still, we're still can't figure out to answer the phones anymore. Uh, we're still we're still can't figure out the answer to phones anymore Mm-hmm. I didn't know it was co-vids the reason why Maddox's Godzilla podcasts one sound Definitely that's too bad definitely I heard he got laid I heard Max Madd telling a story about Maddox getting laid I think really Yeah, every night, you know, I go think. Really? Yeah. I get laid every night. I go in there in the bedroom and I get all laid nights in the need in the bed, cover myself up with my blanket and my mattress, stuffed animals, and make sure the night lights
Starting point is 01:29:35 still on. Man, I sleep like a, don't grow me because babies are stupid. Yeah. So you're getting laid all the time. All the time. Every night. That makes sense. Different nights that I stay up too late, play them video games, you know. Sometimes that happens. Yeah. Um, go ahead. Or if I dress up like a banana to go streaming. Yeah, I want some more, I want some more characters. I want Matt, I want to see more than just Oxman
Starting point is 01:30:05 and banana docks. Well, he can bring that Draculax. That's why you're a terrible entertainer because you know what they say is leave the people wanting more. So you want more characters and now you're happy. I see. You're welcome. Yeah. Do you have any advice for Vito on doing the biggest problem?
Starting point is 01:30:23 Yeah. So, Lord, cut, cut sugar, do more exercises. You should probably stop drinking sodas, higher protein, stop drinking alcohol, though it's your empty carbs. And go outside once in a while, try and burn more calories than you eat every day. That'll be my advice for veto. That's not related to the podcast though. Yeah. I mean, I think I think I think people would agree with me did, um, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:52 that would make the show better. Because here's the day, either he won't be fat or to have a heart attack and die. That's true. And then people won't have to listen to him. A more and everyone will go, hey, this is great. So many people hate Vito online. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Yeah. I don't know why. He's very hateable. He's got a very punchable face. Yeah. And opinions and personality. If I was a white woman, I would just be throwing hands left and right of veto. I just be fucking starting all the occasions that I didn't have to finish.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Yeah. Because you could get away. Are you vaccinated? Oh, yeah, definitely. Definitely vaccinated. I wouldn't got all the facts. I got all of them. I got the one from the one company that got sued for $4 trillion for fucking up some stuff. I got the one from the company that was put in canter's genesis materials in their baby powder. I got the one from that company that has never put a successful product to market because they're fucking terrible to everything. I got them all, man.
Starting point is 01:32:01 I had to shoot them right in the ticket tip of my penis. I was like, hey, you want your West Taiwan virus vaccine? I got them all, man. I had to shoot them right in the tic-a-tip of my penis. Something I want to have sex with pretty ladies. I'm like, hey, you want your West Taiwan virus vaccine? I'll inject it into you right now. Bear in, baby. Two shots for double your pleasure, double your fun. Great. Wow, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:32:18 I met a guy, or I heard a guy talking who actually did get all three vaccines. I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, yeah, it's a great idea. You're stupider me and no. Yeah, what do you mean? You don't think that's a good idea? I know.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Why would he find that? Why would he have a good idea? He really knows some other stuff. Yeah, I don't know. That's why. You're talking about it at the park. I'm like, yeah, I got all three. I'm like, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Awesome. Funny. What do you want to come on a podcast?
Starting point is 01:32:45 Do you think I still wear my mask and socially distant and socially locked in myself? So you're welcome, America. He's got a collar and a rope tied around his neck to the front porch. To socially distant. Yeah, just so he doesn't go anywhere. That's the thing. Do you think that there's, what do you think the odds are that the vaccine, because it's not, because it's a different type of vaccine, right?
Starting point is 01:33:07 It's not. It's one. Well, the mRNA, you know, what's in different method of vaccinating people. Yeah. It's not like a, it's not like a weak or dead virus that they do. And then your body's natural response takes over. It's not that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Well, there's a couple of them that are like the mRNA based. And like, I read about it and I, I forgot what, and couple of them that are like the mRNA based and like I read about it and I forgot what I think that Johnson and Johnson has made more in the traditional way. Yeah. What are you trying to go ahead? I've been trying to come up with my own vaccine. I'm going with the Booja base. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Thick. I really stick to the old veins. Yeah. Yeah. And it will be delicious. Yeah. Are you, what's your living situation like now, Mad Cuxer, are you back? Are you back on your feet?
Starting point is 01:33:51 Not quite. I mean, I'm back to work, but you have to have like, you have to have money back. What's the word? Paste-dubbed. You have to have paste-dubbed, it'll show. Oh, you can afford to live somewhere. Right. Yeah, of course, you've got to have pay stubs. Gotta get that, gotta get that all squared away. And, but yeah, I've been, I, here's the real problem. I can't talk about what I do. Yeah. But let's just say that
Starting point is 01:34:18 there's a very popular punk rock group from the 90s that's in town, taking their show that I've been on all week, which has been, let's just fucking label. Not to wait. There's a big jam band coming. You make some money though. That's good. Did you see, was it the Foo Fighters? They had a concert for unvaccinated people
Starting point is 01:34:41 weren't allowed to attend, and then they got COVID. I think they're canceling. Yeah, they are. I'm pissed. I'm pissed. I'm pissed that it's a fucking fury wilder fight is off fucking fury got COVID. Oh, he did yeah Everyone of you unvaccinated people that's
Starting point is 01:35:15 Not following any of the guidelines that the our hero on st. Fauci put out there Every single one of you that's going out there and not getting infected and not going to get tested because you don't feel sick. It's making everyone the hypercontracts like me who's getting every vaccine and going to get tested every fucking time they have the slight sniffles and testing positive of course can test for all fucking. Shack up. And amplified to a million. It's all your fault that this is happening.
Starting point is 01:35:41 You need to do more to help me. Help me help you help me, okay? Yeah, I do love, I really love that LA locked down again. No, it's down. Well, masks are back on indoors. Yeah, indoors. I mean, this is, it's, I mean, locked down indoors. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Well, it's just mask again. Well, you're just gonna be another two week to fly in the curve. Yeah. Well, it should be a mask again. Oh, you're just going to be another two week to find the curve. Yeah. I love that. I love the looks on vaccinated people's faces like, well, this isn't fair. Well, because why are we getting punched? Well, because you, I mean, what do you mean? Why?
Starting point is 01:36:22 What do you? Why is this? Why is he? Why are you confused why is this, why is he, why are you confused now? I was like watching the Capitol rioters getting beat by a police like, well, wait a minute, man. I backed the bus supposed to be on our side. How, what do you agree?
Starting point is 01:36:34 One of those, every one of those, treason is sent to bitches. You know, every single one of them was standing there going, thank you for your service. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your service. Thank you, Semper. Hi. Hi, I was there. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your service. Thank you. Semper. Hi.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Oh, thank you. I was attempting to play being the next Nick Fuentes, being the he's banned from Twitter. Oh boy. I remember. I'm also banned from Twitter. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Yeah. For Nick Fuentes. Start your own platform. Yeah. What's wrong with that? I have a platform. It's at pine and 175th Street. It's a little, but it's an Apple box. I stand on there on Sundays and I shout about
Starting point is 01:37:12 what a bad person dig mattress in is. So box probably. Yeah, not an Apple box. It's an Apple box. It's a simple box. It's a simple box. It's a simple box. Uh, well, you just don't try to sell, don't try to make any tubes the wrong size on your new
Starting point is 01:37:28 platform. Don't do that. You're a private business, but that doesn't apply if you're making too big of shower head tubes. Well, my tube is, my tube is giant. I don't think, I think my, my tube is going to get censured. Because it's so big. And it's so, so enormous. Cause it's so big.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Um, so, so enormous. All right. All right. Mad Cux, do you have anything you want to plug? Yeah. I'd like to plug my weiner into a woman. Please. Okay. I'll say if we can make that happen.
Starting point is 01:37:58 If you can, yeah. You're a woman and you'd like to be plugged by a, uh, yeah. By a weird guy who dresses at the banana at night. You can visit me on the Tinder profile. Right. At, um, uh, what's the cowboy name? Ox, Ox Mad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:15 You can visit that and, um, and you could just like legal. You look at that. You're a woman and you're going to get rock hard. Yeah. Yeah. What a women say? My plug will be low flow, I promise. What does Maddox say when he's with a woman like,
Starting point is 01:38:30 oh, what do you do? And he's not a writer. He just says I pretend to be like a banana, it's which. Right. That's what I do. How do you even like to? I'd also like to plug my buddy,
Starting point is 01:38:44 Tabs podcast here. Okay, which now the longest interrupted running podcast on the internet. They pod work. Well, we'll be in another few episodes. I should have put something out. I am. That's horrible. Great.
Starting point is 01:38:58 I feel defeated. I feel I feel a tiny bit of what. No, I should have recorded like, oh, I, this is the show. There you go. Goodbye. Yeah. I was sick with the West Taiwan virus every day.
Starting point is 01:39:13 I'd be up at the crack of dawn in the Wal-Mart, in the targets, now wear a mask and just doing lunges down every aisle. Get those, get that respirators, just full strength speed out into the air, get all those diabolical particles up in everyone's face. Every single cashier, I just lick my money. I just go in there and buy the cheapest thing you could buy. But I lick the dollar bill before I hand it to him. Yeah. I'd be the next typhoid Mary.
Starting point is 01:39:46 I just, well, I stayed home and I tried to give the virus a nice, I wanted the virus to rest inside of me. It's stronger and stronger. So when I did give it out, eventually, it would be. What a chance to work out. Yeah, I wanted to store up all of the strength. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:02 If the 80s girl wants to get back with the real man who hasn't gotten any China virus, you know, she knows my Instagram. You see him. All right, I'll tell her. I'll pass it along. Yeah, have a good one, Mad Cux. Yeah, congratulations.
Starting point is 01:40:14 You too, I'm the winner, you're the loser. Okay, goodbye. Goodbye, thank you. Did I play, I didn't play the theme song, good one. No, no, he got us. Is that thing? Oh, wow. Did I play I didn't play the theme song no no he got us All right There we go. And I'm sick.
Starting point is 01:40:45 A long time, I'm listening to First Time Callers. It's just a stupid grunt, fuckery, four-camble. I'm working my way through the Dix show in a chronological order. I just got to the episode about a stereo, fighting the award of the fanboy's fucks-fait. Yeah. And I just got to say what makes me a rage is not aggressive, little limp-pick, war the fanboys fucks me yeah and i don't know how to fight i got a christ i don't know i'm a real aggressive just nasty son of a bitch
Starting point is 01:41:17 but good for you and i drove past where i needed to be son of a cron well can i run somebody over nothing nothing, my fucking blood more than seeing a couple of men, graiding around like they're gun on fight, like they're touching it, like they're king of fucking mountains. And that Matrix throw these pussy ass ass fucking ass, that's been around the rig with night ass fucking aggression in their hearts. Oh no, no, good old jam, my bridge is more than seeing some fucking party bar whenever night I Don't be The boils is blood. There's a tight down that fucking atom.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Oh, boy. All right. He's gonna pass out and crash. I would go on. Yeah. Jesus Christ, buddy. This thing again. You know, like YouTube has like a million street fights
Starting point is 01:42:37 and all that. I mean, if you got, we've got to see people who want a fucking fight or don't want to fight. World star heaven, whatever, man. Like, yeah, there's a fucking million things you can find. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Let's do you know. Hey, Dick, my rage is people trying to force people with mental disabilities into positions at jobs that are normally filled by people without mental disabilities. Okay. Don't these poor guys have it hard enough? I was at Chick-fil-A just now,
Starting point is 01:43:09 and this guy with Down syndrome was walking around for like 10 minutes, trying to figure out who's ordered he had in the Chick-fil-A back. Could have been just a Christian. What kind of, it's just cruel. What are you doing to this poor guy? And like, I gave my want to work there
Starting point is 01:43:26 but like i mean does anybody really want to work i mean i guess you might have to have to know what to go to work what is the what is that what is that compulsion when i see it anyways uh... go for yourself uh... love you shot love you too uh... what why we did it to women Go find yourself, Lovey Sean. Lovey too. Okay. Why? We did it to women. We've been, and we then did it to more retarded people.
Starting point is 01:43:53 What is this compulsion we have with encouraging retarded people to work? You know, take it takers, till register takers, like what we gotta get priority number one right now is getting people with Down syndrome to work at McDonald's. Wouldn't you agree? Like, no.
Starting point is 01:44:15 I would never, I would never wanna do that to them. I just want them to relax. You know, find something they can do and try to enjoy life a little bit, a lesser degree than me. I don't want them to have to go to work. I mean, sucks. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:44:31 I get that. But down in particular, there's a huge range of like how functional you are. I mean, like some, I would imagine some people probably want to do that. They want to work. Yeah. How can they, how can they want to the, like if I had sex with a Down syndrome person, can I say, oh, they totally wanted it?
Starting point is 01:44:52 You'd go, yeah, right. Well, you talked them, they were clearly tricked. But then work, you're like, oh, maybe they want to. Nobody wants a fucking work. But they are capable of saying that they want to. Are they? Sure. to. Are they sure?
Starting point is 01:45:05 Some? Are they allowed to sign contracts? Uh, good question. Well, there you go. Good question. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:45:14 I don't know. Like, buddy, just come on. Can't you just like chill out at home? I mean, I know some live on their own. You know, you get checked in on now and again, but it's, it's, there's a big range. We're given, how much does the new tax credit for people with kids? It's like 300 bucks a kid. Oh, I'm saying is we've got a lot of not working people. Man, I saw, this week I saw the DOJ, the Department of Justice leaked like inner city violence presentation.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Yeah. If they were giving, somebody found it put on the internet. Really? It was like, this is why there's inner city violence. And not once that it mentioned, there was a 60 page presentation, PowerPoint. At no point did they mention the moron drugs ever. It's like, what do you get? Oh, I see.
Starting point is 01:46:07 What was white supremacy? So it was not you guys locking up the black dads in their earning prime. Sure. That's why it's white supremacy's doing it. Okay. Good, great presentation, Department of Justice. Who's locking up all the weed?
Starting point is 01:46:24 Prohibition, the drug prohibitionation people yeah that white supremacy doing that uh... uh... okay it's a shot uh... the uh... it's a rage is that my wife and i was all of her problems no matter how many day
Starting point is 01:46:42 like they're my problems and expect me to respond as if they are truly my problems. For example, this morning my wife trying to print out a list so we can, I rest be so we can get the grocer that's going and Printer doesn't want to print. Our printer's all messed up. Oh, is it? Is it okay?
Starting point is 01:47:06 Yeah, it just won't print. Our printer? Yeah, okay. Now pick up the slap DP. It's a team. I'm not printing for my phone. Like, are you going to shake such a thing? No, not my phone.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Not my list. Come get the pan that's on fire. It's on fire. What was it? Not mine. I'm not my wish come get the pan that's on fire That's on fire. Oh, is it not mine? So apparently I'm forgetting rule number one of marriages Everything is my problem. Yeah, and that's a makes me rage. No Hey, honey. Why do you why do you think you could print from your phone? What put that idea in you? When was when did that happen? Can you do that? I? Wouldn't expect that to work. No,
Starting point is 01:47:46 but I mean, I if it can find like a you know wireless printer. So I mean, I would imagine that you can, but like I mean imagine I've never tried. I've never tried either. I've just printed from my a recipe online is entirely garbage and ads and had and pictures. Yeah. With a phone gives you no mechanism to print the ingredients. It would seem like the last place I would want to print from is my control at all. Yeah. Oh, honey, hold on, I'm gonna go, I got a print, I got a print this recipe off my phone.
Starting point is 01:48:19 Yeah. It's gonna come out, is it gonna come out like a, I don't know, a phone? Don't know. It's gonna have all the ads and stuff all over it. And the 10 paragraph story about the first time I made this recipe that people put in there for SEO. Hey Dick, hey Sean, what you guys are doing well?
Starting point is 01:48:38 I'm in your panel, I'm all listening to your doctor, Shepl. I just finished watching basically testimony for the federal reserve. I just wanted that federal reserve doesn't give a shit. Pretty much confirmed that they don't give a shit about inflation. They're not going to give a shit about it. But if the fucking stock market drops fucking 10%, they're gonna do it, you know, they're right up there doing an emergency rate cut.
Starting point is 01:49:09 So yeah, yeah, this shit's raised in the by crypto. Yeah, have a good one. I saw, God, who was it? A federal reserve somebody said that once the US does their own cryptocurrency, Bitcoin will become obsolete. So his, I guess his thinking, so now there is even remotely telling the truth about what he thinks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:37 The thinking is that the problem with the dollar is that it's not digital. That's the issue. Oh, yeah, that's what we love, that's what we love Bitcoin so much. That's why people love Bitcoin so much is because it's digital. Totally unlike your credit card, that everybody fucking moron. What do you, how do you get, how do you say something so,
Starting point is 01:50:01 which is an obvious lie, but also so profoundly dumb. Like what is this performative stupidity for? No, they don't care about anybody. They really, they really don't. Yeah. They really don't. It's the Federal Reserve is a criminal enterprise. The entire government is a criminal enterprise and they should all be, they should all be thrown in jail or worse, at jail in hell. There we go. There's a big Brian here. Here's a mix of outrage.
Starting point is 01:50:31 I went through a biometrist and within just 15 minutes of being in the store, the salesman all over it. It's communicated to me that he wants to get separated from his wife. His kids make more money than he does. And he's miserable. And husband. Yeah. It's like, I do.
Starting point is 01:50:52 I just want to really do. Like, Oh, the wolf's a gills door. Offload all your emotional baggage. Yes. Or things that you're upset about onto me. Don't do that. Like,
Starting point is 01:51:03 No, I have to live with the weight of knowing that your life fucking sucks and you're a mattress to open. And, you know, I didn't need that, man. I just didn't need that. I want to, I need a mattress. You got to warn up on yourself. You got to want to, man, my wife has cancer.
Starting point is 01:51:20 Oh, shit, my husband has cancer. Mm-hmm. In his vagina. In his vagina, what do you think about that? Sales cancer. Mm-hmm. In his vagina. In his vagina, what do you think about that? Salesman? Oh, man. And we talk Cele versus, you know, spring air now or whatever. My kid, oh, he's going to college, a cos- my kid just killed themselves.
Starting point is 01:51:37 Mm-hmm. What do you think about that one, buddy? Right. And I'm here. I'm here by and by and by, just as- It's the only way I know how to deal with my grief. Oh, my mom just died 400 mattresses at home. My dad just
Starting point is 01:51:49 came out as gay. Yeah. What do you think of it? Let that this lady in his life? What do you think about that pale? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know I know people whose dads did that. Really? Oh, yeah. They came out as they came out like their 60s. Yeah. What did the kids say? They were I was far as far as I know, they still have a,
Starting point is 01:52:06 like a good relationship with, with him, but I mean, I don't know. I think that would be easier than the divorce. Yeah. Like if your parents get divorced that like in their 60s, like, okay. You probably, Yeah, sometimes they do that, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:20 That's their gay, you'd be like, huh. All right, well, I think that'll happen less often as, you know, because people like in their 60s, like, it wasn't, it probably wasn't okay to be gay back in the day. Oh yeah. We had that chart you have remember? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:35 And it was like the silent generation. Yeah. It was like 4% gay or something like that. And that's bullshit. Well, we talked about the, oh yeah. What do we talk about? What was the other one? And when I was believing in that. When I was saying we talked about the, oh yeah, what do we talk about? What was the other one? And when I was, when I was believing in God,
Starting point is 01:52:47 when I was saying the silent or the greatest generation, what I kept, what I meant was the lost generation. That's what I was thinking. I can't- I don't even know about them. I think that's the one in between the world wars. Oh, okay. If I remember, I think I said one thing and I meant another.
Starting point is 01:53:04 Yeah. All right, here we go. Hey, Vic, hey, Sean. You're doing a mixing rage. Quiting your job and how unnecessarily difficult it is. Oh, I quit my job. I know this contract. I just put in my notice for my job.
Starting point is 01:53:18 I start next Monday. It's already Wednesday. And everything that my job can do to put, put like I guess a block in front of me or a roadblock right now is going on. They're trying to be like, oh, this manager, this isn't the right manager. It's this manager. No, it's this guy. No, it's this guy.
Starting point is 01:53:36 No, it's a guy. I don't fucking care. I hate how job make it unnecessarily difficult for you to quit because they can't pay for what? They don't. Just, I mean, fuck off. Let me fucking leave. Stop trying to trap me and just leave me to fuck alone. What was your job? Well, well, maybe it was a doctor. No, no, sounded pretty. I mean, I heard a lot of doctors and stuff are quitting
Starting point is 01:54:01 nurses because they're running crazy hours and shit. Yeah, because they got abused. Yeah. Well, bummer. She should have said something when you should have you should have weighed in on all the healthcare debate. Before fraud was mandated as a surface guys. Whoops. Let's see here. Hey, Dick. I'm sitting here, listen to the, the little thing you got going on with you and Carl and bonus episode. The Patrick Michael sitting there saying, talking shit. Oh, yeah. About Modelo's and IPA's. This guy wouldn't even fucking. What an IPA is, he thinks it's so fucking,
Starting point is 01:54:46 ooh, it's so history, it's so fucking special. When I see him, he's like, he's the fear of a pound him every night. Like this guy doesn't, he wouldn't fucking know what's cool. This guy sits here with fucking his little dumb little earrings and his dumb fucking fat caps on his fat fucking sweaty fucking head. You know, fuck this guy, man. He his fat fucking sweaty fucking head.
Starting point is 01:55:06 You know, fuck this guy. I mean, he thinks he's so fucking cool. While I'm sitting here being an actual alcoholic. Yeah. IPAs aren't about being cool. I got on drink IPAs because I think it's cool. Yeah. I'm just tired of drinking whiskey because I drink so much of it. It's not about, he, I know it's weird.
Starting point is 01:55:31 That's Michael so weird. He's so weird. How does he have his soap is R? For sure. So on the bonus episode, he roasts me. Oh, yeah, he for 10 minutes. It viscerates you. Oh, it's so bad. Yeah, I mean, it was just, it's just a, you know, a point
Starting point is 01:55:48 by point takedown of, he learned some new words too, that he had to look up in order to describe what he was doing to you. And each time it's a new word, as you pointed out, each time you know he looked up a word, it's because he says to me, what are synonyms for this? He says explicitly, I know that's a big word for you, right? It's because he says to me, what are synonyms for this? He says explicitly, I know that's a big word for you. Right. Because it's not that big of a word. No, I've heard all those words before. I may have even used them correctly in a sentence.
Starting point is 01:56:12 I've heard a lot of words. Yeah. Right. Because I've talked a lot of shit. A lot more than you have. A lot more shit than you have. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:21 With people who are better at it. Right. Right. Let's see here. that you have with a lot with people are better at it right uh... let's see here do you know dick i'm calling because i want to apologize uh... during covitt i was calling a little bit and i was i was rather because i i i took the covitt till but now
Starting point is 01:56:39 the fact seems to be i wanted to wait because it's like what i don't need to see some shit concerts of shitting out right to try to get it to be screened i don't need to go see in less is ramside or some shit consul got out he's right to go back to the office in september i don't want to go back the office i'm good
Starting point is 01:56:59 not getting the vaccine and waiting i'm not anti-vaccine i was just like a self't. Holy fuck, man. Do people take this as a personal effect? It's crazy. My uncle died like a week after getting the vaccine. You know, what are my friends who died of COVID? He got it from his brother who was fine. I don't know what the fuck is going on with this shit, but man, the people that want you to get the vaccines, they will not shut the fuck up. Oh no. I don't understand it's like i do understand because
Starting point is 01:57:28 if it was something that would actually stop covid but then it's like all well you could get covid and bring down the system do you know i can't even feel season right now let's see what happens in school you take around what do you want to do because it's like the fine but any time something comes out in the beginning, it's always fucked up.
Starting point is 01:57:47 You always want to wait a couple of months. I was like the first model year card. The whole summer, see if anybody's balls fall off or whatever and then in October, I'll give a vaccine because they'd iron out the, because that's going to be flu season. Yeah, flu season starts in like October. People are just, they feel, it's like'll get it in fall, but now I'm just like fuck it. That's your choice. I'm gonna go fuck it. That's your choice. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it.
Starting point is 01:58:27 I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it.
Starting point is 01:58:35 I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it.
Starting point is 01:58:43 I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm on a, I was on a secret call where Hollywood writers were assembled by the guild and like Dr. that goop Dassle was on the call. They're trying to tell these writers had to work in pro vaccine sentiments to their TV shows. Yeah. Like all our ideas were totally retarded. How did you get in on that? Don't worry about that. Okay. Totally, it was totally private. I definitely should have been on it.
Starting point is 01:59:10 No, I would imagine not. But it was like, they had heavy hitters in there. I mean, it was a secret meeting of Hollywood writers that was the intent of which was to brainwash people and coerce them into taking it. And they had all these statistics about like, here's the low hanging fruit to target your message towards. That's interesting. This is really like the people who don't want to take the vaccine would be very upset to know that
Starting point is 01:59:38 this was happening. Sure. On their favorite shows. Yeah, their favorite shows. This is fucking dumb too. It was not gonna work. Yeah, I really don't. Everyone's brain is just like, people know nothing, nothing about any of this process. When Vito and I were arguing about on the biggest problem, I saw somebody in the chat to say that the vaccine, hesitant people are more informed. I don't know if that's true. I'm sure that's not true.
Starting point is 02:00:13 But yet, I see, you see people say, you got to get the vaccine so we can wipe this thing out. That is basic viral, like that is patently false that a sink like they'll say, like, oh, we got to wipe this out like the like smallpox. It's like, that's a fucking DNA fire. It's impossible. It's fucking impossible to wipe, wipe it out. Um, I don't know what, what would you call that? I would say that's, that's dangerously misinformed. Well, I mean, you get it down to pockets, you know, and stuff. Like now that it's mutated, the more virulent strain in order to get herd immunity, it's going to have
Starting point is 02:00:50 to go even higher. But why percentage? Why do you think that? Well, wiping it out, like this idea of wiping it out. No, you're not going to wipe it out. You're not going to wipe it out. It's going to, it's's going to, from what I've read, it's going to continue to mutate. It will be around, but it will be more like a common cold at some point, which is going to go down in the family of a fully deadly than a common cold. Well I mean, I hope not. Well, you know, I'm an. Well, you know, outweigh your hope with my own hope. Even a common cold in certain people can give you, you know, my
Starting point is 02:01:31 ocaridus, paracarditis, or whatever you call it, like the inflammation, and the any virus can do it. So there's there are people who get complications from the common cold. Yeah, it can happen. What are the odds that the vaccine supercharges it? I don't know, because it has to, it evolves to get around it. I don't know. It takes to get around it. Like that's, I mean, that's what you're actually.
Starting point is 02:01:53 I mean, you mean like the antibiotics in, like in that they give livestock and things like that. Yeah, but you get a bunch of antibiotic. Antibiotic resistant, like that. Like that, M-R-N-A protein spike targeting vaccine. Yeah, I don't know. It's different. that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that.
Starting point is 02:02:08 Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that.
Starting point is 02:02:16 Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that.
Starting point is 02:02:24 Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like that. Like it's over, I think it's 50 million. Oh, no, no, no, it's well over 100 million. I think it was like a US. Oh, I think it was a while ago. It was like 170 million head at least got in their first dose, I think. I'm an engineer, you know? Yeah. So sometimes when you're rolling out a new change,
Starting point is 02:02:40 you kind of click the button with a little bit of like trepidation. Yeah, I hope this doesn't wipe out the fucking server. And I feel that about about 10 million times more with the idea with the vaccine. Like, there's a lot of moving parts. I don't know. This is the first one of these, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:02 And they've gone through the, they've gone through enough stages to be authorized for emergency use. I know, but what happens in what does it do after a year? There's no way to know. Well, I don't know. I mean, there's nobody knows. Well, they're probably, well, I don't know. There probably is an answer for that. I would think you find the answer in a year.
Starting point is 02:03:22 That's what I'm saying. Like, you don't know what's going to happen in a year. But like this technology has been used before. Not at this scale. Not at this scale. But I mean, there have been vaccines made this way. Yeah. Like for like back in the 90s, even. Yeah. And I don't know. I've not been able to find anything where it's like after a year, your balls fall off. How the fuck did we start? Where are we voicemailing? Yeah, we were voicemailing.
Starting point is 02:03:48 I don't know about your balls falling off. Your dick might get big. Well, then I'm in. Oh, there you go. Well, where's my magic stick? Bigning right in the back. The tip of his dick. So you tell me, don't they have like fucking injections or, well, you've got your balls
Starting point is 02:04:03 big from a injection. Yeah, that was cool. People do implants, don't they have like fucking injections or you've got your balls big from a, yeah, that was cool. People do, people do implants, don't they? I think that's the good thing. I saw one of the vaccines making women's boobs bigger. Really? Or something? It's enlarging their lymph nodes or something like that.
Starting point is 02:04:17 All right. Hey, Decaixion, here's a make me rage. Veterans or service people who lie about their shit. Like I'm not saying like stolen valor for a level stuff, but I'm like exaggerating. I'm some sort of medic and in all of some man he has the craziest stories. Oh, I was stationed in Colombia and oh my boy, he's down the mud running front of me. By the way, this is like two weeks ago. And it's just like, you know, I was watching a TikTok
Starting point is 02:04:48 and it's like this army, this quote unquote, army, army medics says, oh, here's my story. I, you know, the military had a fly out of Afghanistan or something like that, you know, on commercial flights. So we're on the par-mmac with our gear and with our guns. And then we still have to go through TSA checking and going through the line of checkers with our guns.
Starting point is 02:05:12 And he's like throwing this whole thing. And it's like, I'm pretty sure the military is not going to send you on a commercial flight with civilians with a fucking rifle. Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure TSA isn't a prominent force. You have to tell a story on the Tarnac in Afghanistan, too. It's like shit like this. They always do this stuff. I've seen mobile people like this. They've actually probably have served, but they got a lie because, you know, they have to tell a story mostly just sitting around filling out papers and doing power points to try to take
Starting point is 02:05:45 to contemplate going to Greenland. Yeah. I mean, just throwing up to the fact that it's fucking sucks. The end. Don't fuck yourself. All right. Everybody needs attention. All right, all right.
Starting point is 02:05:58 Here we go. Hey, dear K Sean. Hi. I just wanted to say like on your last, or on the last, or on the last, the same guy, think about the whole like Nickelodeon shit and how they're like, oh, we're groundbreaking. And honestly, that's a really valid rage, man. I can't think of a single fucking show that actually changed like, was maybe, in a way, of like, maybe censorship or something along those lines
Starting point is 02:06:26 but that's about it like i i've never like well i never have really did it so impacted by a show or you know wow i can't believe it they showed captain curve kissing a black woman whoa missandry is legal now whoa you know doesn't work like that. That's not what it, they were promoting. Even if Mr. Rogers bringing on like a black kid or, oh yeah, I can't talk about suicide
Starting point is 02:06:50 or whatever the fuck it gays you. He's talking about. Wow, like everything was out then solved. That's what people went through. Thanks. Thanks Mr. Rogers. It's never what happened. It's just, you got mentioned on TV and that was it.
Starting point is 02:07:03 Everybody does that stupid fake, like, a congratululatory, yeah. It's a very special spongebob. Overexaggerated on how, like, how impactful some TV show is. Let me tell you about Hollywood. I can TV, you know, everyone just, who cares who watches it? Majority is fine. It's just on and nobody's watching it. Don't fuck yourself. Hollywood likes to ignore history and say that it has always been at the forefront of progressiveness and inclusion and all that kind of stuff. It's at the end.
Starting point is 02:07:36 It's a complete lie. Yeah. It's a complete lie. Sports is before Hollywood. And I'll tell you what's before, what's before, all of them. What's before all of them is the music industry and music in general. You had in Benny Goodman's big band in the 1930s, you had Charlie Christian playing guitar
Starting point is 02:07:54 as a featured performer. Meanwhile Mickey Rooney is playing an Asian in the 1960s. So don't tell me, don't tell me fucking Hollywood is on board and they're always the ones pushing. I mean, that's, that's a good music. Musicians were like, I'm a musician, you're a musician. The famous bands, stacks, Motown, they were always integrated from doing what? And they were just like, this is my brother because he plays music. Yeah, like people listen to it. They're gonna go like, well, this is were just like, this is my brother because he plays music. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:25 Like people listen to it. They're going to go like, well, this is, I don't like this music anymore because it's great. Yeah, don't tell me the fucking Hollywood's pushing the envelope on that shit because it is laughably false. And sports is like, well, we're going to get some black guys in here to, well, I'm a huge racist, but I'm going to win. Even I'm winning games.
Starting point is 02:08:44 The, I'm a huge racist, but I'm going to win. Even winning, I'm winning games. I'm not losing. The players in Major League Baseball took it upon themselves to play these barnstorming tournaments with players from the Negro leagues to get together and play. African American leagues, so you can't say. No, they call the Negro leagues. And they, I mean, you cannot say it though. Yes, you can. Yes, you can.
Starting point is 02:09:02 That was an actual organization. And so. So. So no. That was an actual organization. And so it leagues. So no, not N word. No. Well, N N word. And not V. But yes, that was like, you play ball. I play ball. Yeah. Hollywood don't do that. Hollywood was the last one. Yeah. Um, I really, I really hate those special episodes. Like people are watching, oh my God. Captain Kirk, he was under a brain, under a hypnosis rey, and he kissed a black woman.
Starting point is 02:09:34 Can you, was that his out? Yes. In case it went poor. Yes. Yeah. That was the fucking episode. It was a pretty sure. I think it was supposed to be Leonard Nimoy
Starting point is 02:09:44 and he went. Oh, he took it. Yeah. Which is very shabby. It was a pretty sure. I think it was supposed to be Leonard Nimoy and he went, he took it. Yeah. Very shabner. It's better though. Spot. Well, that's, no, but it's the fucking lady. I was never seen the episode, but yeah, of course, it makes more, you know, wouldn't
Starting point is 02:09:55 it be him? Yeah. I never seen it, but Dick. Anyone could do Spock. Any actor could have played Spock. Just deadpan. I guess it's just two Vock, same fucking thing. I guess everybody just, it's like, well, he's a supporter. I'm a computer.
Starting point is 02:10:11 Yeah. Shadner, that took gravitas. I mean, he's, you know, he's got something. You got to watch him, you know? Yeah. Even today, you got it, you know, how many of your wives did you kill Leonard and he more? Why, geez.
Starting point is 02:10:24 Okay, let's, one more, one more. One more. Uh, Hey, big of a shong. Fucking Chinese mic here. You know what, fuck, make me read to parking lot bullshit, where I can park in like, you know, I like the regulation side, like based on the government for how big a fucking spot.
Starting point is 02:10:44 Private company. You can make you spots however big you want I'm fucking complex or parking garage is trying to make cars and if they can pay more money like the spots are all fucking tight and shit like a movie or like a fish and then they throw out the lives of fucking dumb and like the time's gonna be like next that space where like maybe a motorcycle can fit but it's not really a bit of more sort of spot and then some big hits and free hits or some fucking little D.I.R. will try to park there. I know and Then I'm like parked in there like sort of not exactly perfectly because I'd rather be far away from the next parking spot
Starting point is 02:11:18 No, I'm a little fucker than being my car like you always fucking do And then some fucking asshole put one of those fucking stickers or whatever like the car and say, oh you know you don't have parking, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit like a park or whatever. You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers?
Starting point is 02:11:36 You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers?
Starting point is 02:11:44 You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? You don't know how to park stickers? fucking face. You're not fucking penis, like, what's that bitch? Go fuck yourself. How is there no regulation parking size? Like, the doors are all the same size. You know, like, they're not guessing with every door. I'm like, well, make this one a little bit smaller, little bit, this one, now this door is about four feet tall. Let's see how that, let's see how that works in the space. But parking, it's all got to be slanty with the big outline, but the, you know, the
Starting point is 02:12:10 double out line. Yeah, not the single one, because that is, leaves too much creativity. Yeah. But the double one, I agree. But it's not standard. No. Why? I don't want the government to do it.
Starting point is 02:12:25 Yeah. So make it wrong. Just everybody who's going to paint a parking lot. Yeah. Just do this and do this. Right. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 02:12:35 Take it upon yourself. I'm on single. We spend the extra pay. You'll be making, it'll be a very small investment for you to make everyone's lives better. And that should make you feel good. Yeah. It's just unnecessary, unnecessary that we're still guessing. Do they ask people when they're building the parking lot?
Starting point is 02:12:52 Like, hey, what kind of parking lot? What kind of parking lines do you want? Oh, these are the questions that need to be answered. You're the parking lot guy. You're painting the, you're the one with the paint, is it not standard? And get the bumper things, get them outta here.
Starting point is 02:13:08 Right, because some end bumper? Yeah. Yeah, the parking block. Yeah, I don't like those. Now I have to back up. Now I see that some parking spaces have them. I don't know that this one. That's true.
Starting point is 02:13:22 Sometimes they don't put them consistently across the parking lot, especially when you get toward the end. Yeah. So I can pull through this. What is the purpose of this thing, just to scrape your ground effects? Yeah. Is that what that's things called an air dam? The thing that hangs down the front. I think so. Oh, man, thanks, thank God for this, or I would have pulled in halfway into the space in front of me just for fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:49 Thanks a lot for putting all this, wasting all this concrete. All right, everybody. All right. See you next Tuesday. Go to, for I'm going to post the episode for patrons right now. And then we'll see it on Monday. Okay, bye. Sit.
Starting point is 02:13:58 And then I'll see you on Monday. Okay, bye. Sit.

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