The Dick Show - Episode 271 - Dick on Talibants

Episode Date: August 16, 2021

The Taliban is back in town, the boat is gone, the American gay pride flag is safe, The OC Fair ruins pig races, Catfish Ninja busts another ped*phile and plays taser tag with a trans woman, the Bella... saga unwinds on the Killstream, "scientism", bad editing jobs on boob reveal GIFs, what to do about a nosey girlfriend; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, now it's time to get pumped up. Did you want anything? You got a little, I didn't know we had little bottles of coke like that. I found them on the door, because I didn't see any cans. Fucking door. That's where, where things go to the stuff is. It is. It is.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Do we have, that's how you end up with like, that's how you end up with so much fucking mustard. Yeah, it's like, I know I don't have mustard. I haven't seen it. I've been looking in, it's like, oh, there's like four fucking different kinds and they're all, they've all got like a third, you know, they're a third full. It's fucking hiding there, man. I know. I know. Okay. Maybe we should just, maybe we should just start the show. Why? I don't know. I don't have a cold open today. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Okay. Yeah, fine. Not every day, do I have a cold open? Organic. It's organic and I don't have it. And I got a lot of things to get through. You know, have a lot of announcements to go through. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:00:55 You know what I would like? A podcast that's just morning announcements. Like a school. Like a school, yeah, okay. Well, you were on the morning announcements. And I got the boot. They didn't like my comedy penis joke to style it.
Starting point is 00:01:09 It's all on top. Yeah. You're right. Right. Oh, man. What a great decision that was. That was the first of many great. No sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Like, it's like, Let me whip out my tool. Look, this is exactly what it was. I don't have a hammer. I have a hammer in my lab. Let me whip out my tool. Look, this is exactly what it was. I don't have a hammer, I don't have a hammer in my lab. Let me whip out my tool. Right. Like Mel Brooks level childish. Childish.
Starting point is 00:01:31 In this day, you can make millions with jokes like that. In this day of, excuse me, I'll whip this out. Exactly, right. Not even an original joke. Come on. Excuse me, how I whip this out. Excuse me while I whip this out.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I'm gonna whip out my, yeah. And I had painted my face black to make that cleave on little, of course. It was a trap, friends. Everyone knows it was a tribute. He died tragically young. What is the deal? What is the deal with these people? Hey, Maddie, stop, stop.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Come over here, come over here. Well, thanks a lot, Maddie, stop, stop, come over here, come over here. Well, thanks a lot, Maddie, you messed up my cold open. Is that thing? Oh, she's gonna be a mess. Oh, take it. Take it.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Take it. Oh. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Hey, yeah! Welcome to Gwenda Gwenda Gwenda Gwenda Gwenda Gwenda Gwenda Gwenda Gwenda Gwenda Gwenda That is the show in the contest. How do you laugh her mouth bugger deep in the heart of the city? I'm your host, Dick Mashton. AK is a $20 million man, but a America is worse.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Max is getting 170, 100 and 23 weeks running, joining me as always is World Touring L.A. Based comedian, Sean the Audio Engineer. Hello, Dick. What's up, buddy, thank you for not killing yourself. Thank you all for being here on this 271st episode, this celebration episode. Wow. Lord almighty, we are free at last, Sean. We are free at last.
Starting point is 00:02:59 No more boat. Are we? No more boat for America, it's gone. No more boat. The boat is gone. the vote was taken some dumb schmucks in a toyota with a bunch of eight of a r uh... fifty eight k forty sevens wearing wearing uh... wearing whatever turbines the terror mega-bought tundra
Starting point is 00:03:20 they know i know i read an article on that. So they must be the car. I get a must be the most reliable truck. I don't know why the terrorists are using it. The terrorist choice. It's not really arguable. Although Mexicans, they keep, they keep, they must, I don't know how they get so many of them in that part of the world. I can't remember well, China and Russia are funding them in exchange for rare earth metal mining. That's how they get them. But the hundreds, hundreds of particulars. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. But the American Mexican has the Fiso, the red F-150. Yeah. Yeah. Always the red must be the red must add superior life and performance to the F-150.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Because every Mexican, even if they bought it black, they will have painted it red. Really? You'll notice this. Yes. You ever see the color? Well, it's true. We are no longer in possession of the boat. We taught, we, we, we, we, Tom soired it to the Taliban.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Hey, boys, what do you think of this boat over here? Wow, I don't know about that boat. You know what we, Biden said, you know what? I need to keep this boat a little longer and they said, that's it, we're taking the boat. Yeah. Gone. Oh my God, I'm so happy.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Hitched up a bunch of tendras. Yeah, let's get, all right boys. All right, Taliban's. Am I the only one rooting for them? The Taliban, it's a Cinderella story. They've been waiting 20 years for this day to come back. Yeah, I mean, you've got guys who are probably retired out of the Taliban it's a Cinderella story they've been waiting twenty years for this day to come back yeah yeah i mean you've got guys were probably retired out of the Taliban we're like we thought that war was only gonna last two weeks right and did a little did we know and their kids are now all gang members you know uh oh yes you finally got come a dad you're not dead you know that new cab Kabul you've been waiting for yeah check this out
Starting point is 00:05:06 It's your cousin a lock my the mode Your cousin a lock my mood You know that new Well check this out listen to this the way lost contest results are up at fat.dick.shows sponsored by new project, bro, the coffee that doesn't hate you. New project, It's a good slogan. I haven't, I haven't gone through, but Reverend Scott and Mad Cux did very well. Really? 10, I think, both of them. Yeah. And some of those, some of those guys are obviously
Starting point is 00:05:42 lying on the top 10. Okay. You know, they're lost like, and there's some people who put on a bunch of way too. Maddie. Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah, we got tail action. Hey, down. Thank you. There it's fixed. It's fixed forever. Fat.dick.dosh. I'll check it out. I went on the kill stream, a legendary kill stream. Yeah. Appearance by me again. I seem to be on all the legendary status all the time. You know what happened is we were talking about that Chris Chan Bella nonsense, all those those lies that I said. So I pissed off a lot of people. All the lies that you said. All the lies that people have been saying about this girl, Bella. You out at the, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Yeah. Right. I said, look, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a deranged trans activist who has made this laundry list of offenses that are built to be targeted by internet hatred and they're backed by no evidence. That was my, that's all I had to say, right?
Starting point is 00:06:42 There's no evidence. So I was on the kill stream and the woman, the trans activist, the woman who So I was on the kill stream in the woman, the trans activist, the woman who started all this shit ended up calling into the show. Oh, boy. And I mean, it is, it's a blood bath. She was not able to substantiate anything.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yeah, sure. She admitted to me that she was attracted to the girl, Bella. She, they found a video of her this trans-active is going into a Popeyes and screaming about being misgendered as sir, you know that past time of trans people who are mentally deranged, they do not all trans people want to make spectacles of themselves and go into a game stop
Starting point is 00:07:21 or a fucking hooter is in scream about how they're being misgendered, right? Like that's not a trans pastime. Well, no, because it's like a self-awareness thing. Yeah. Like you have to go, I feel like this, I consider myself a woman, but I have to understand that I don't look
Starting point is 00:07:40 like your typical woman. Yeah, if I ever will. Yeah. So like, yeah. It's not like, it's like you're setting out part of the identity to just scream about being, and I ran by the Australian on that show, made this compelling point that I thought about since,
Starting point is 00:07:59 because he got on the call and called her sir, and it was nothing. She didn't even react to it and goes, well, the reason that you are not reacting is because you are not, you don't have any power over me. The reason you threw a big tantrum is because you had power over that poor guy. That's why. So, I mean, positing, if we can, because there is, that there is the opportunity and the trans movement for nefarious characters to come in and co-opt the identity to be bullies, essentially. Or it's not about gender identity
Starting point is 00:08:33 or sexuality to them, it's only about their ability to enact their will on the people who cannot defend themselves. Vis-a-vis, shrieking tantrums and a Popeyes at two in the morning, and you can find that in any group. Right. There's always going to, right, cops,全部, exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:51 There's always that element that is identified with a group who are going to give the rest of the group a fucking bad name. Yeah. Who is not in it for the same reasons, is that a man who shouldn't be treated like they are. Who shouldn't be given the same difference or understanding or whatever. I only bring it up because I was funny to hear in that moment. It's like, sir, and she says nothing goes, why don't you react like you did?
Starting point is 00:09:14 I mean, why didn't you react like that? Because you can't threaten my job. Yeah. Because you have no power. So it means like it's just, it's all performative then. It's not like, you know, I get It should be, no, I get it. You should be, you would think she would be consistent about it. You know, and they do in that, there's a video I posted
Starting point is 00:09:31 that has like 10,000 views and probably a thousand comments of people calling us, well, me a simp and sh- and freaking out. Oh, really? Yeah, and they go, they do this thing that they do online where they use your name. Like they use, which is like a youth pastor turning the chair, like,
Starting point is 00:09:47 hey man, I just wanna, I just wanna live with you. Like, hey, person to person, I'm not the other guy, I wanna talk to the, yeah, I'm not just gonna, I'm just, I'm talking to you. This is just, but if I could just pull this chair, really it's fucking annoying.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah. But if I could just have a little chat with you right over here, where you just get down to business. You just you me and the Lord, maybe just you and me. Stop using people's fucking names online. When you talk to the Lord doesn't return my phone calls. Um, I'm going to WATP live, WA TPP live.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I'm going to go, I am tickets, but um, Airbnb bought, wow, crosswords being shipped. That's a link across the country. That's like the end of this month. Yeah, yes it is. And the biggest problem in the universe, currently across the country. That's like the end of this month. Yeah, yes it is. And the biggest problem in the universe, new episode is up. Scientism, I brought that one in.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Apparently there is an end to this for people treating science like a religion. Yeah, called scientism. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. And, you know, we scream about it all the time, but going through and reading actual learned men's opinions on it, was interesting, because you know, I do a little more research for that show,
Starting point is 00:10:51 because I'm arguing against Vito who's already stolen one presidential election. I don't want him to steal any votes on the show. So you researched that show. Yeah, I can't believe that. I don't know. It was, and the crux of it is the rhetoric people use when talking about believing in science is indistinguishable from the rhetoric they use about religion and they give very specific examples of how it was fascinating.
Starting point is 00:11:17 No, it makes sense. It makes sense. It makes sense. I believe in science and I believe in evolution does not test a person's understanding of these topics. It only tests their willingness and ability to believe in science and I believe in evolution does not test a person's understanding of these topics. It only tests their willingness and ability to believe in God. Because that is all the same, it is identical to them. Interesting compelling problem voted up
Starting point is 00:11:35 for the biggest problem that show. All right, the Taliban take back their boat. Afghanistan, God, I couldn't, do you know how they did it? Barz, no, they went, they went like town to town and bought off all the people. There you go. Okay, when we come through, here's like, I imagine they used Bitcoin to do this
Starting point is 00:11:56 because it's responsible for fundering, funding so much terrorism. Bitcoin and goats. Yeah. You said, pull out your goat and I'm gonna, here's my goat, I'm gonna send you a bunch of Bitcoin, not the US dollar was not used in the conduct of terrorism, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I'm sure that they didn't use the fucking dollar to buy. So they bought them a bunch of tundra with Bitcoin. Yeah. Of course. Obviously. It's how the government's going to get rid of it. They bought them off and then they just just when they came through, they just laid down their shit. I got sure. Whatever. Thanks for the, thanks for the Bitcoin. Here's all
Starting point is 00:12:31 those amazing mill. Do you see these guys posing in front of the military helicopters that they now have? I did see that. It's like kids. It's like kids. It's like to 16 year olds posing in front of their car. Yeah. I kicking it up. Yeah. What's up, bud? Yeah. Oh, sweet ride. Sweet ride. Check out my blackhawk, man. Oh, that's pretty tight.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yeah. I got my apron tank over here. Yeah. Pretty cool. Oh, I'm thrilled. And good for them. Yeah, if they put it in the heart, it just goes to show you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:02 No, there's no overnight success stories. They wanted it more. Yeah. People are going to say Biden, you'll let this happen's no overnight success stories. They wanted it more. Yeah. People are gonna say Biden, you'll let this happen overnight, but they've been working for 20 years to embarrass the US military. Yeah. And I think, and I think we owe that,
Starting point is 00:13:15 and I think they're owed the deference that comes with putting in the time or something like this. I did the math to see what would happen if we had just given the Taliban $2 trillion. Mm-hmm. Instead of giving it to Boeing and, you know, black military guns. Yeah, sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:13:33 There's 150,000 Taliban's. There's 150,000 and one Taliban's, if I may, based today. Oh, okay, you're an honorary. Well, it's the government now. So I would like to continue getting rare earth metals for my computer and toys. That's true. I don't know about you. Yeah. 150,000 of them. Two trillion dollars. We could have given them 13 million bucks a piece. Do you think they would have just stopped for? I don't know. I mean, you got to maybe got something out
Starting point is 00:14:03 of it for that. They could have kept going and been $13 million. Richard. Could we got have, could we have made homosexuality legal for 13 million a piece? Do you think they could have found a secret text in the caran that let it, let that one be okay? I'm not sure. We're going to give all you guys 13 million bucks if you just stop killing gay people. Mm-hmm. Maybe let women read. How about that? That's going to be another 13 million bucks if you just stop killing gay people. Maybe let women read. How about that? That's gonna be another 13 million. You want me to put her outside?
Starting point is 00:14:29 Oh, I don't care. Oh, you don't care? No, no, I don't care. I'm ignoring her. I just, uh, Vietnam, 55 to 75. Afghanistan, one to 21. What's next? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:14:43 We're on COVID. We're on hate. We're on climate. Which one, which one do you want to fight the most? Well, I don't know. I'm thinking of the next one with fighting in it, with actual like military say, yeah, I don't know. I get a little bit less every time though. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe no. Well, war is more and more automated. Yeah, it's more, you know, fifth generation, or more fly by wire. More clicking report on line. Yeah, more right. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Okay, um, enough about war. Congratulations. You both played a good game. Mm-hmm. Both of you did your best, but, you know, somebody had to win. Yeah. It's two, if you're pro US government and military,
Starting point is 00:15:29 it sucks. I'm sure you might win. Maybe you'll win the next one. Right? You're cause you'll, you still have it. You'll find one. Yeah. You'll find another game. You'll find another game.
Starting point is 00:15:39 You'll definitely find another game. You lost the battle. You lost the war. Right. But you didn't lose the battle. How about that? Okay. I lost the battle. You lost the war, right, but she didn't lose the battle. How about that? Okay. I don't know. You lost the war. I'll tell you what else makes me rage. This week is the new trend in boob reveal videos. I don't know if you're allowed to look at this, Sean, but I'm going to show a boob reveal video to you. Probably not. I don't know if it's against your religion or your relationship or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Um, but what was a newly converted Taliban? I, you know, oh, shit. And maybe I'm not allowed to look at this. Uh, okay, here is. Here is the reveal video. Huh. What's up? Carl says, tell dick to turn that live again.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Amazing. Fucking not live again. Amazing. Fucking not live again. Amazing. Fucking amazing. Well, yeah, I got a two-text. Yeah. Nobody texted me yet again. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I'm the one getting all the text. Carl, you know my number. And I plugged your show, by the way, your live show, go to This is the new trend in BooBriVeal videos, Sean. I don't know if you're a big fan of these, like I am. I'm a fan of that. Yeah, so this is what they do.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Oh, I can't play this on the stream anyway, because it's got tits on it. Hey, hey, stop. Oh my god, look at that. Okay, watch, I can't play this on the stream anyway, because it's got tits on it. Hey, hey, stop. Oh my god, look at that. Okay, watch she's gonna spin around. This chicken is sun dress. Hey, Maddie, Maddie. Come here.
Starting point is 00:17:13 She's gonna spin around and do the reveal. Jesus. Usually they just pull their tops off, right? It used to be they were just naked. By the way, it used to be you could go online and see a naked girl. But then they started doing reveal videos to suck you in. Damn.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Okay, then they started doing reveal videos to suck you in where they sit there with their shirts on and take them off. And they try to tease you for like, as long as they can to keep you from scrolling past, like, oh, check out this reveal and it's a chick with huge cans. And like, all right, let's go.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Why am I still waiting? Why am I sitting there, playing with their tits, you know, in a way that you would not do it if you were doing it, moving there so it's annoying, moving their fucking shirt around, like, oh, here it comes. Here it comes, maybe I'll just do a little bit of this and be like, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, here it comes, here it comes. Maybe I'll just do a little bit of this and be like, oh, next, next. And you never get to see it. So it sits in your mind forever.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Now they're doing this, where girls are fully clothed and they're jumping and spinning around or falling onto a bed or something. And then in the middle of it, when there's some sort of thing happening, they cut to another, they cut to a different video where they're completely naked. Sure. As though magically their clothes have disappeared, which is what I'm showing you now.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Right. And the editing, number one, the editing is so bad, it totally ruins the tits coming out. Like when you're taking your shirt off, because you want to see the, you want to see the clothes come off. You want to see the tits are sliding out. You don't want to see the jump cut. I don't want to see the clothes come off. You want to see the tits are sliding out. You don't want to see the jump cut. I don't want to see it fully nude. I'm jerking my head around like,
Starting point is 00:18:48 well, where did the tits go? Now all of the sudden, it's cut, it's cut in where I never would have cut it. Yeah. Like a schizophrenic. And now the tits are over. Now I've missed all the good parts. I've missed all the jiggling around.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Great. So now it's just aftermath. Now I have to go scrub through the video to see if there was anything good. When I know the tits are going to be there. So I'm not looking at, I'm looking where the tits are going to be like a receiver, right? Don't look at the ball. Yeah, right. Or do you look at the ball?
Starting point is 00:19:16 I don't know of how a football works. Well, baseball, the quarterback throws, he's not looking, he's throwing it to a spot on the field. Then the receiver is supposed to be there. Like a quarterback. Yeah. Like a tit quarterback. I'm looking at where the tits are going to be. And I'm missing great tits that are bouncing around clothed over here, which I also enjoy.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Cause you're looking at the, some looking at where the tits are going to be. You're looking at the moment. Yeah. Like Tom Brady. You're not enjoying the, you're trying to get to the destination and you're missing the journey. And then they boom, they pop in. Yeah. But there missing the journey. And then they boom, they pop in,
Starting point is 00:19:45 but there's the momentum, they're all messed up because they've got momentum from spinning around that I didn't see. So now I've got uncanny valley of tits that just appeared out of nowhere, and I'm an panic. I don't know how they're gonna go,
Starting point is 00:19:57 how much spinning around is going on? It's usually, they do it on the bed too, where it's like the most, the most the most The worst angle for kids like there's slash up and you're like oh yeah, that's come on Let's put a seat belt around your chest or something ladies if you're gonna get fun. You know what I mean Let's keep these fucking things down, right? Looks like a hurricane. Let's let's batten these let's batten down the hatches So they don't flop up at that unflattering angle.
Starting point is 00:20:26 And then they sit there, proud of themselves, and you've just wasted three minutes of what should be a nice, what should be a nice, they still get the views, of course, because you're sitting there refreshing over and over to try to see what's happening, but you get nothing out of it. There you go, now you're angry. Instead of huge tits, which in any even a glimpse of the cloth tits or side boo perhaps would be thrilling. Well, I just totally ruined.
Starting point is 00:20:50 And it makes me immediately think of being a child and editing these crappy videos. So when you first find out about music, music magic is a kid and you're like, oh, check this out. I'm really thirsty. And then you edit yourself and holding a drink. And you're like, oh wow, there you go.
Starting point is 00:21:04 And it takes you an hour and a half and then you have to show everyone in your family. Now I'm thinking thirsty and then you edit yourself and holding a drink and I'm like, oh wow, there you go. And it takes you an hour and a half and then you have to show everyone in your family. Now I'm thinking about this while I should be thinking about giant tits, thinking about being a fucking child. I didn't think there was any scenario in which you would dislike tit videos, but it turns out, I think there is. Yeah, that's why I'm converting the Taliban would never let women get away with that. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:21:26 No, I don't think so. I don't think they would. I went to the OC County Fair. Oh, yeah, you did that last weekend, right? Yeah, you know what, did I tell you that at the Dodgers game, they no longer let you bring in bags unless they're in a clear bag? Yeah. Did I say that?
Starting point is 00:21:41 No, I knew that. How did you know that? I heard it on the radio. What radio do they give? I mean, this was ESPN. Oh, they said we've got to make an announcement if you're going to a Dodger game or any game. No, they were just talking about it.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Well, we got 80s girl had her purse there. Yeah. You know, a little... I don't know why, because she's not paying for anything. The city back to your car, huh? Yeah. And then all these people are coming in with like clear concentration camp bags, prison capable bags.
Starting point is 00:22:11 But they didn't so go into the fair, we're like, well, I guess maybe that's the thing now. Maybe you just can't have, maybe like if we're driving around on a metro bus, you can't have any kind of obscured. Never mind that I could fit a small child in my pants. Never mind that I could smuggle one of the pigs at the fair out by pushing it into my cargo shorts, right? Never mind that.
Starting point is 00:22:33 They didn't thank God. I guess that's a better anecdote than a child. I regretted that immediately. That the trans activist woman also accused Bella of maybe being a child molester. She's like, just think about it. Why would you do that? Do we know that she's not a child molester?
Starting point is 00:22:53 It was that. Yeah. Like this is totally unhinged and that you have thousands of people participating in it and beating me up for defending a person who is completely innocent, both legally and by any measure of reason. Yeah, you have to have some evidence to even, to even consider it. To consider it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Anyway, the OC County Fair met a couple of dickheads there. Really? Yeah. Oh, you mean, it was cool. Just by, you were in contact with them or they just, they were just there. That's how dick you do. You do my asses in. Oh, oh, you were in contact with them or they just, they were just there. They said, you didn't match them. Oh, yeah, what's that with the show?
Starting point is 00:23:29 I forgot their names, I would say them. That's always, that's, that's always cool. That's, it's cool. That's happened. I get, I actually get a kick out. It's happened a couple of times to you. Yeah, when you're out, like a couple, one time it happened at the movies.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Oh, really? Yeah, a while ago. And then what do they say? They're just like, are you Sean? Are you wearing a black shirt? Probably. Yeah. Are you on, you're Sean from the Dixho, right?
Starting point is 00:23:55 I was like, yeah, I was like, oh man, I love the show. It was like, it was just, it was random things. It was like over in Burbank. That's funny. Yeah, I love it. If you see me things like over in Burbank. Oh, that's funny. I love it. If you see me, come up and just do something. It's great. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:24:10 It sucks. They're so impressed. It's such a weird thing. Yeah. But it's, I mean, it will always, to me, it will always be a novelty because the odds of it happening are, you know, are so low. Yeah. Yeah, but it's so, like, I do get a big kick out of it. Um, so that
Starting point is 00:24:26 happened. That was a nice party. O.C. County fair. The negative, the thorn in that rose was, you know, I don't know how often you go to these county fairs, but I, one of my favorite things to do with the fair is go to the pig race. Yeah. Where they get a little set of bleach shoes, get a little league game, you know, pen, you know, I saw the pig race at the Orange County fair the last time I probably six, seven years ago. Okay. The league shows it. Was it like an improv comedian show?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah. Kind of was. It actually was. I'm like, what the millennials ruined the pig race? Because at the LA County fair, it's some old, it's some old Hick that has, that has a giant gut and overalls and a red shirt that probably has a butt flap for pooping on it, who's got, who's got something going on with his, the kind of guy where his beard and teeth are kind of the same thing, like in a cartoon, they would just outline the beard
Starting point is 00:25:21 and it'll all be the same color. Yeah, and you can't tell all the dried food and his beard looks like an extra set of teeth. Yes, precisely. Like he's a shark. Yes. Giving a, giving the bare minimum of commentary, lining the pigs up, giving them their stupid names
Starting point is 00:25:36 and letting them go. Right. And you see like a 10 pig races and then they'll do a goose race, a duck race, and they'll throw a goose in there for fun. It's great. Right. Fucking great. Goose is the asshole, and they'll throw a goose in there for fun. It's great. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Fucking great. Goose is the asshole of the, of the foul world, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe the goose will break loose and bite some kid. Right. Never know. They're fun.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Very aggressive. You can sit there and zone out at the fucking OC fair. They've got, they've got Johnny Carson. They've got a guy who has taken either one to few or one to many improv classes going on a 20 minute speech about these pigs personal lives, invented personal lives like they're the WWE going through each of their names. It's going as slow as a dragon ball Z fight, like stretching this spectacle over 30 minutes for no reason, because the pigs don't get tired.
Starting point is 00:26:33 You're not paying to go to the pig store. You're just there with your fucking trailer lining pigs up and going them through. And the whole time he's looking directly in everyone's eyes, right? So it's uncomfortable. So it's uncomfortable. So it's uncomfortable. You just can't go like, what the fuck is this? What is this guy doing? Oh, dude, I, stop.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Do you not see that nobody cares what you have to say? Like this is really bad. We feel we're all a little embarrassed. But the worst thing is there's always some mentally deranged fat chick who loves it. I know. He's eating it up, he's volunteering with the fucking kids to get up there. You gotta be.
Starting point is 00:27:09 She wants to race. She wants to race. She probably graduated from the racing program. So I'm sitting there, fuming, for feeling like I'm back in UCB, watching them host a pig race that lasts for like 40 minutes because of the,, it's ridiculous. Like just keep it, I do remember that.
Starting point is 00:27:27 For the old one. I do remember that. I'm glad you saw that. Yeah. So a while ago, but apparently they do, because I think it's the same people who put it on every year. Like, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:38 People come back. They travel the country doing that shit. Yeah. Here's the, do you need deep fried food, everything. Snickers, deep fried, everything. You know, I finally found something with just too much salt. What salt? Just way too much salt. No, like a bacon wrapped dill pickle. I'm telling you to say dill though. No, too much salt.
Starting point is 00:27:59 A bacon wrapped dill pickle. Too much salt. Different types of salt too to yeah, I just solved Brian and I saw it was just because it was a salty dill pickle and then you put bacon on top of it. Yeah. And I was like, I think me and my girlfriend shared it and like, I don't think we got half a year's name is shared it. Yeah. Yeah. Right shared it. It's a, that's her Taliban name. It's a yeah, I don't think, I don't even think we got half of it eaten between the two of us. We're like, this is, this is too salty.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I, you know, just, no, we were there with Randy and his girlfriend and this, so the girls got everything. Yeah. Well, I had my bite of this Twinkie. You're going to eat the rest of it, right? Well, I guess Twinkie, so, I guess that I am. Here's one for, are you allowed to support the Taliban now? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I don't know. The government of Afghanistan. I don't know. All right, that's like China saying no Taiwan. Yeah. I don't know. Well, I want to be an early adopter. Scientists studying temperature. Did you see that they saved the flag from the embassy?
Starting point is 00:28:58 No, I didn't. They didn't specify whether it was the gay pride flag or the American flag. Um, but they saved it. I guess you probably have to specify that in this thing. Well, yeah, which American flag do you mean? Oh, I see. The gay pride, the pride, the gay pride one or the one with the stars and str- the racist one. Which one he's talking about that he saved.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Right. Because I don't know. I, I don't even know which one I'm thinking. Any more, slap an American flag on that. Like, well, which one do you mean? That's how you know you have an identity crisis as a country when just the populist goes, what is the symbol of America?
Starting point is 00:29:37 Not the first time we've had this problem, by the way. It's not. Is it? And we made the other flag, we made the last contender flag illegal, the Confederate flag. Yes. last contender flag illegal the Confederate flag Yes, more or less. Yeah, we we did we did sports that dukes a hazard away I love that show as a kid. Did you know do not love now But you know, I don't know how well it dates here is a here's a baseball one for you
Starting point is 00:30:01 And like baseball stories. Yeah, This is a fan who was investigated for yelling a racial slur at the, what team is this? The Colorado Rockies and the Miami Marlins. I didn't write the quote down. The Rockies have it. This is the Rockies came out and this fan was in the stands. Just yelling racial slurs.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Could you believe that? And it's not in Boston? It's not in Boston. Wow. It's a nice area. Kabul. They were playing an exhibition game. So if someone told you there was a fan in the stands
Starting point is 00:30:36 just shouting racial epithets, slurs, like it was nothing. Yeah. Maybe you'd say, I kind of, I don't know about that. I mean, I've never seen that happen. I've never done it. And I've been a complete asshole just like James. Just like James.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Just like James. Yeah. Yeah, I've never seen it. Well, the Rockies just spot into the Rockies have a zero tolerance for any form of racism or discrimination and any fan using derogatory language of any kind will be ejected and ban from cool course field. You want to hate? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:31:12 I think this is footage of it. Do you want to hear it? Sure. Do you hear that? Yeah. Yeah. It was dinger. The mascot of the team.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Really, it was here again. Uh-huh. I hear the D. Yeah. You know, play it again. Okay. Yeah, well, I mean, I missed the second one. Why would he be yelling the N word over and over like that?
Starting point is 00:31:50 No, that's strike. No, you would think you would get like taken to task. So he's yelling at the mascot that was right there to get his attention. Yeah, I didn't know that their mascot was named Dinger. Well, they should have. Yeah, if anybody should. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:08 To sit there and yell that, you know, that loud, it was a close one. It doesn't seem, no, it doesn't seem, it doesn't seem reasonable. Of course not. It's stupid. Yeah. They should change. They got to change the name of that mascot Yeah, that's got though to not the N word Right not the N word the homerun
Starting point is 00:32:29 Triceratops whatever so you can say not the N word you can shout at it. Hey, not the N word sure. Yo Scientists studying the temperature at which humans die spontaneously with increasing urgency This is a news which is a real news article. I know I've been duped recently, but this is spontaneously, spontaneously die. This is the article. Do you see them setting up for anything with their scientists studying temperature at which humans spontaneously die with increasing urgency? Oh man, we really got to get out in front of this. Like it's gonna jump, you know, like it's gonna jump 50 degrees.
Starting point is 00:33:12 This is like, I mean, this is like, this is like hearing that your friends bringing a keg to an AA meeting. Like I have the normal, the average person in my head and I'm thinking, holy shit, please, they don't let the average person get ahold of this headline. Don't get there, please don't get their gears starting to turn about a magical hot temperature at which human beings spontaneously fucking die.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Like my, the thing that pops into my head is why? They just die. Even if they're in perfect health, the sign is, even if they're sitting in the shade, even if they're wearing clothes that make it easy and principled to sweat, even if they have an endless supply of water. We all know everything is capable of overheating.
Starting point is 00:33:55 If there's enough, we have to do that. We've done it. There's enough empirical evidence that's been enough testing on babies in cars. So we should know that. Bro, you know? I mean, they're just setting this stage where like, well, global warming is just gonna start.
Starting point is 00:34:09 People are gonna spontaneously drop dead like the fucking happening. If it gets, if we don't all lock down for global warming and get this and get this and get the small percentage of emissions that come from John Cue public and not the manufacturing industry under control, we're gonna start spontaneously. We're gonna start spontaneously. We're gonna to start spontaneously dropping dead spontaneously.
Starting point is 00:34:27 So what the science says, I mean, we got a bunch of scientists saying the human beings are going to spontaneously die if it gets too hot. Spontaneous, that word spontaneously is not explode. Die. This is vice. Yeah. There's enough moisture in the air. Horton's research was supported by the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, the NOAA. No, I know of them. Yeah, there's enough moisture in the air. Hortons research was supported by the National Oceanic
Starting point is 00:34:45 and Atmospheric Administration, the NOAA. No, I've heard of them. They're paying for this. Stoop, completely stupid, meaning that the US government has been actively studying the weather conditions at which otherwise healthy humans spontaneously die. Some locations have already reported combined heat and humidity extremes above humans' survivability limit to NOAA press release said.
Starting point is 00:35:06 They're also supporting a few projects that study wet bulb conditions. Stop. Stop what you're doing. Fucking stop. I do not want to have to have arguments with people online in five years when we're on, when we're all on our 20th vaccine boosters about people might spontaneously die if I don't switch over to some stupid electric car. Just fucking stop.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yeah. I'm not having those conversations. Here's, oh, you're gonna, you're gonna buck a roux. Here's, here's some good news. Master, oh, master bedrooms was removed from the Minnesota real estate. Master bedrooms. Words, of course. A real person said.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Yeah, master bedrooms. Slaves. That's what they're about. I like, it was something that I learned on this show where like robot is from like the Russian word for slave, right? Yeah. And people were mad that there were only like that, there was a white robot, the Japan made or something in the black robot.
Starting point is 00:36:12 So, but then if you learn where robot comes from, it's like shouldn't they be white to even things out? Yeah, I thought you guys wanted this. But it's like just, you know, just literally, a white robot is racist. A real human being said words matter, good to see Minnesota phasing out the use of master bedroom and real estate listings. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Many associate it with slavery. Absolutely no one is associated with it. I have never once thought that. I've never once heard that. Absolutely no one. I always think the master bedroom is where the parents live. You know, in a house, in a family house, it's like, yeah, they get the mask, because they're the
Starting point is 00:36:49 Lord of the Manor. Yeah. Master of your domain. They don't have, they don't have fields with masters before black slaves too. Oh, yeah, there was a lot of Irish slaves. What about somebody who's not, you know, who's a, a minor who, you know, master, master of. Are you allowed to as young MC? That,
Starting point is 00:37:07 is that racist? That guy? Don't know that rapper. Yeah. Many associated with slavery, totally false, a repetitive reminder. Nobody does of plantation life. Like one percent of, one percent of the South, when I think, when I plantation by the way, I think Minnesota I think cotton fields as far as the I can see. Oh, yeah, I think plantations Dixie Not a bunch of Scandinavian immigrants. I don't think you know, I don't think any You mean Rowan didn't immigrant immigrants. They know what cock down immigrants. No what country is it
Starting point is 00:37:44 Where do they have a huge Somalia? Somalia. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think you think they're starting to define by it's Somalia and immigrants. Well, they came in like the 80s and 90s. Yeah, they, it was like a, they had like a deal with those countries, I think.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yeah. Um, it was, you give us voters and we'll give you money. Right. Uh, I don't know, but, you know, but traditionally, like, what you voters and will give you money. Yeah, it was that the deal. I don't know, but traditionally, like what you got gundercens and spend guards and now you have a big doll.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah, sure. A repetitive reminder, together, we can create more inclusive aware communities by not using, so what do you say, the big one? The big bedroom? The big one, the big bedroom. The one with a bathroom in it. Yeah, how are you supposed to communicate this idea to your realtor?
Starting point is 00:38:31 Well, I think that flows off the tongue. Can we see the big, the bedroom with the bathroom in it? Can we see the bedroom with the bathroom in it that the parents sleep in? Yeah. Easy. Easy. So 1% again has fucked us for hundreds of years forward.
Starting point is 00:38:44 The 1% fault that there was slaves. Now we're still paying for it. Still fucking paying for it. Always, always the very top people fucking everybody over here is a, oh, here's some from the, the shores of California to the cotton fields of Minnesota. It's funny, right? It's insane. It's insane. These are, you know, again, I'm sure this was not started by any group who has been oppressed in this country. I mean, do you think oppressed groups are worried about people buying houses? No.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Like, oh, well, you know, now you guys don't have to encounter that. Now you people who are severely oppressed don't have to encounter any sort of reminder of your oppression. When you're buying a fucking house, which you never will do, it's just a way, it's, I mean, it's just a way to get stupid people to think that something's being done about something. Yeah. Here. Well, it's, it's an exercise of power, right? Like Rand was saying on the kill stream. They only care when they can exercise power over you. So if you're a realtor, if you're a real estate agent,
Starting point is 00:39:51 you have something to lose. Yeah. They can force you to do things. They can force you to dance for them. Now, you're gonna use this, you're gonna use some, a word that's dumb. And you're gonna say that the other one that you've been doing the whole time is racist.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And you're going to internalize that because you have something to lose. Like somebody who has nothing to lose going around saying, Master bedroom, they're not going to, they don't, they're not bothered by it at all. Right. Because the whole thing's fake because the whole fucking thing is performative. And it's absolutely performative. It was so fucking perfect when he did it. Ran gets so much shit for just, for being like a compulsive racist, but when
Starting point is 00:40:25 he said, he's a guy on Ralph's show, when he said, I called you certain you didn't and you had no reaction at all. Why? It was like unbelievable, fucking unbelievable point. Here is the frequency of words. I don't think we've talked about this one before. Frequency of words journalists have used over 47 news outfits. White supremacy has jumped by 3,000 percent in the last 10 years.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Well, they, something becomes a hot topic and then they just keep pushing the button over and over again and get the add dollars. So, I mean, this makes perfect sense. Sexism by, I don't know, I feel like we've either read of previous version of this or maybe this one before. White supremacy up by 5,000%. Oh, yeah, no, sure. Sexism up by 500. Massaging it up by 1,000%. Patriarchy up by 1,000.
Starting point is 00:41:21 They're using the word one thousand times more than they were 10 years ago. Gender discrimination being used a thousand times more. So look at the homophobia and anti-gay. There was kind of a big spike a while ago. And anti-gay. Well, and homophobia over on the left there. Oh yeah, probably because of,
Starting point is 00:41:40 because a lot of them, yeah. Okay, marriage. Sure. Yeah, whatever's going on kind of, you know, in the streets, gets magnified, you know, or not going. Thousands of times. Well, I mean, whatever, yeah, whatever little bit, you know, maybe it's a slight bump or whatever.
Starting point is 00:41:57 This is the, this is the, you know, cause of the day or whatever's kind of making, you know, whatever people are talking about, and then it just gets magnified and magnified and magnified again and again. Here is a good one for you. This, so this is a funny thing that happened. A woman, you know, as women love to do,
Starting point is 00:42:22 they go to a bar, they get shit-faced, and they didn't get enough attention all night. So the next day they talk about how they were roofied. And then rest of their lives. Dude, why? They talk about it. And they happen. And anytime anybody's having fun, they bring up this fucking imaginary story of the time they were roofied, except they just got stupid, like that one last drink put them over and all of a sudden, they're up stumbling, bumbling, messing. It was like, I got, she was, boy, I mean, she had six drinks and she was talking
Starting point is 00:42:49 to me and then she went to the bar and she came back. She was like a different person. Well, because she was roofed. Yeah, you know, all not all of you, all of you, I know, have these fantasies that these lustful men will do literally anything to get a hold of you. But it's just, I'm afraid it's not true. Like just like SIDS and a bunch of other shit we pretend to believe to cater to women and their infinitely fragile sensibilities and ego. So this bitch gets home from the Abby and posts that she was roofed. She says she threw up in the bar and says the bartender did it. So the Abby fucking heroes that they are the biggest gay bar in the world in LA, which
Starting point is 00:43:28 surprise, surprise does not have to cater to women. The only establishment in the world that could do this is the Abbey and the Taliban, who could say, excuse me, did you just say we roofied you? Why don't you come out and in and check, you know, we really want to find the culprit who did it because you're not fucking lying. Obviously, the bartender did it. He did it. No, she's a bartender. Yeah. Well, maybe the bartender did it to somebody. It was at a gay bar, at a gay bar. Yeah. You know, a bartender, they just love mixing it up, serially dropping rufis in. So they made her come in, review the tapes of her drinking the, seeing
Starting point is 00:44:06 the bartender pour the drink, her getting the drink, it totally untouched. That's great. Yeah. Drinking it and then throwing up on the bar in like 10 minutes and she, they made her go home and apologize for it. Fucking beautiful. That's great. And every single, every single woman, you got to drunken embarrassed yourself. You've never guessed that they were roofied at a bar should have the same fucking thing happen to it. I'm so, so tired of women making this shit up. I'm so tired of hearing it. From every single, well, you know what,
Starting point is 00:44:35 well, I think I did get, Ruby, that, no, you didn't. You just fucking, just stop saying it. Stop encouraging people to lie bigger than you to get more attention. You just got out of control. You got out of control. The same thing that happening you happens to every guy every weekend. But you know what? If I say it, people will call me a fucking idiot. They'll say, no one wants to hear this huge embarrassing lie that you're telling.
Starting point is 00:44:59 But nobody does that to you. The gap. Accountability gap. There you go. Good news. Good news today. Calibality Gap. There you go. Good news. Good news today. It's so fun. I have won losses.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I have heard all women lose. I've heard so many stories like that. Yeah. And every time I'm like, like the odds of that, the odds that that's what happened versus you just have a lot of money. Three too many. And too many or you didn't eat because you're a little fat. Man, I just yeah. Master bedroom, yep, science. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I'm looking at that. I'm looking at that with a long glance, you know. Yeah, me too. Pelosi, we had a good quote from Pelosi today on the... Was she Rufid? She was Rufid when she made the statement, turns out, where is the statement? Pelosi, she says she's deeply concerned for women
Starting point is 00:45:54 amid the Taliban games. We gotta go, guys, you need to nut up, you need to man up, and get back out there, start women are in danger. Cross is worth, oh my God, so concerned about what might happen. At least we got our priorities right. Let's see here, everything else. Alimony.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Erasist rock. Erasist rock. Yeah, they got rid of that racist rock. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, we talked about that. Refresh my memory. Well, there was a rock. There was a rock at the, it was like a boulder or something, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:46:35 Yeah, the racist rock is gone. It's giant boulder. I forget what you can only click on and see what it is. It's a giant boulder at the University of Wisconsin. That's right. From its Madison campus at the request of minority students, that could just be women, because I don't, I mean it. The black people did that.
Starting point is 00:46:57 What, that's shame. That's shame. What was the rock's deal? Why, why was it a symbol of racism? For some reason, it was, I don't know because they won't say what it was called. Like, they're not saying what word. It's the most infuriating part of the story is, I don't know what the name of the rock was, whether it was. And like they said, the reason it got its name is because early settlers saw the darkness of the rock and came up with the racist name.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Oh. I'm like, well, but it's not the rocks fault. I mean, is it? You're right, it's not the rocks fault. But I've looked at the rock and I can't come up with the, these guys are thinking on a level of racism that I just don't have in me, I guess. Love you look down here, I guess. Love you.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Here, I'll let you see it. Yeah. You'll find what you're looking for. Man, if you can find a way to call this a racist slur here, tell me what racist slur applies to this. They saw this rock and thought something racistly. I have no idea. And then called it that for like a hundred years
Starting point is 00:48:07 and then the students kept calling it that. Well, they got rid of it. Yeah. They took it away. They gave it to a private, they gave it to David Duke and his first sentence was yours. It's not even that, it's not even that dark. I mean, I know, nothing about it screams any kind of race to me. Looks like a giant, like cool boulder,
Starting point is 00:48:24 you'd want to just kind of climb on. That's shit's expensive. Yeah, those boulders. Oh, it was n word head. Okay, that's the common term for a large black rock. I didn't know that. Well, I guess this story has succeeded in educating lots of people with like Brazil nuts.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I guess like they accept toes. I guess, but it doesn't, it doesn't look like a head to me. Oh, maybe. Okay, it's kind of pointy here. I put, I still don't see it. No, I think I see it. Okay, so imagine those, is there like, is there a face? No, the face would be underground.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Imagine the face is underground. Imagine those old African sculptures and drawings. We got the big alien eyes and the heads are like kind of conical at the back. That's okay. Man, that's a stretch. Wow. Yeah. So the eyes, this would be the eyebrow right here. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:49:26 but the heads are completely flat. Well, I mean, you know, I don't know, man, that's at least the conical part. That's a stretch. I mean, that's a big stretch. But they said that was a common term for large black rocks, not even in particular that one, right? Did I misread that? No, that's what they said. I think that they're pretending they don't know why this looks like an African sculpture head. They're like, oh, yeah, well, I don't know why they called it that. Boy, figured it out. But that would mean like, if they called that, if that was a common term, that would mean
Starting point is 00:49:57 like all large black rocks look like that to them. They don't, they can't see it. I don't know. At a biology is very important to me, Sean. I know. I really like to know what where these things come. Oh, me too. Um, fully vaccinated man. Oh, just a just a one or two COVID things. fully vaccinated man. Um, dies of COVID 19. Yeah, it's somebody in Canada. It happened to as well. Can happen. Um, daughter says he was conscious. Extremely rare, but here's this story to go. Uh, woman's fully vaccinated father died from COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Um, doctors said the condition of, Oh, please wait, please wait for the whole doctor said the condition of the, Sean's reading ahead in class. I'm sorry. It's just funny. A woman's father died, a fully vaccinated of COVID-19. The doctor said the condition of the father could have been worse if he was not vaccinated at all.
Starting point is 00:50:50 So in case you're thinking of not, in case you're getting discouraged by this vaccination. I want to see that quote. I want to see the quote from the doctor. Okay, let me try to find it. I mean, that's, that is absolutely priceless. A vaccinated man dies of COVID. Worst than death is condition could have been why I was laughing so hard.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Could have just a county up in Northern Cal. Worst. Um, I can't find it. Oh, well, yeah, maybe you know what? Maybe it's fucking fake. I can't find it. Oh, well, maybe it's, you know what, maybe it's fucking fake. Anything could be fucking fake now, but in I was highly entertained. Regardless. I don't know if there's an actual, it's the fucking, it's so frustrating because you have
Starting point is 00:51:39 to take screenshots because you get blocked and there's a paywall. I know. And then the screenshots can get, I know. Oh, yeah, they did say it. Here we go. He was in his 90s. Oh, boy. Oh, yeah, changing America.
Starting point is 00:51:55 So there's like 95 or something. A woman's fully vaccinated father dies of COVID-19 with her saying she can't imagine how much more he would have suffered if he had not gotten the vaccine. She said that. And then, well, that's a quote. That was from her. An infectious disease specialist at UT Health, Rodriguez, was writing her assessment that her father would have suffered more had he not been vaccinated. Well, he's... Fuck, do you know? He's... He's... He don't know it all, you dumb bitch. He's dead either way. Just stop lying. Yeah, I mean, you don't have to... That's something that does...
Starting point is 00:52:24 Fucking lie. That's something, especially that like mean, you don't have to, that's something that doesn't, fucking lie. That's something, especially that like, a healthcare professional doesn't need to back up. Yeah, Ode you think that he would have stuck it more? How the fuck should I know? Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it was, it was a much easier death. Why, no, why do you,
Starting point is 00:52:39 do you have the ability to know you fucking moron? You have special glasses that you see into an alternate dimension? No, I, that's, that's not like, that doesn't need to be said. Let me see if I have. I had one other funny COVID thing. Illegal parading. Depression is up spectacularly.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Sure, globally. I'm sure that's true. Worse than death. Oh yeah, this one. So if you had to guess, who would you say, what group according to education is the most to as the most to least vaccine hesitant? If you had a guess, like what would you say,
Starting point is 00:53:20 would you say there's any correlation on education and vaccine hesitancy? Would you say that the vaccine hesitancy or portrayed as low IQ and low information and low educated? Yeah, I would agree with that. Yeah, I think so. Okay, then this might be surprising to you that the vaccine hesitancy starts out high with people have a high school education.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Let me click on this and get this ground. And then goes down. So if you have a high school education, you were, what does that say, 20% hesitant. Right. And then some college hesitancy drops, bachelor's degree, bachelor's degree, bachelor's degree, master's,
Starting point is 00:54:00 master's it drops the most. And now professionals like lawyers, JD's, the hesitancy starts climbing again. A little bit. And then when you get to your PhD, it's back to above high school or less. So guys with PhDs, yeah, where's this like, honey from out? No, but I mean, I'm always I'm always curious what it encompasses, what, what it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:54:21 I always want to know the nuts and bolts, like what are the limitations of it? What are the study? Yeah, like what are the limitations of it? Of the study. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, this was Carnegie Mellon. Yeah. So it says. So I'm really about them.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I'm always, this is the stuff I always look into. It's, that should be, that should be shocking. That should dismantle a lot of narratives that narratives that professionals, which would be lawyers who might be thinking, well, why the fuck are they immune from lawsuits if I, I don't know if I want to, and then PhDs. And I read the study, it said the PhDs were harder to change their minds, less likely to change their minds than the low, then the lowly educated.
Starting point is 00:55:02 I also believe that, right? I would believe that, right? I would believe that, right? I would believe that makes sense. Yeah, well, I kind of, I mean, I have a PhD, I have a doctorate in thinking. Yeah, so I kind of thought my way to this. And also people, ads aren't gonna be. But people who are right a lot also tend to think
Starting point is 00:55:20 that they're right about everything or that they're good at everything. They did something, I'd be right about this. Like, you know, it's you, people start, yeah, yeah. People, it's funny. It's funny how really educated people sometimes they are, they have a big blind spot for what they don't know as well. Because they're like, well, I'm a smart guy and I reason things out and I normally come to the right conclusion on this. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure. I didn't believe in quantum mechanics. He said it was bullshit.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Till he died. He was wrong. But look at this. But the math, you would think then that people with the masters, that would apply to. Because it probably used to be in right to, but they're at the very least hesitancy. Yeah, I mean, it's different, different, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:01 rising, different areas of education. Yeah. Sure. Surprising if true, big if true. Okay, let areas of education. Yeah. Yeah. Surprising if true. Big if true. Okay, let's get to some comments. Fons says, you'll like this, Dick. Why ancient statues have small dicks in Greek high culture?
Starting point is 00:56:14 A large penis was considered to be brutish and barbaric. A small penis was the ideal form of a civilized man. You're a thinking man. If you have a small, when you're not thinking about with your dick. Michelangelo's David was created during the Renaissance when ancient Greek culture was invoked. Do you think this is a racist component to it?
Starting point is 00:56:35 Like the Greeks all teamed up and like, we gotta think of some way to make our tiny, cause they're right, you know, they're right there next to Africa. It's what I'm saying. Well, I don't know, there's a little racist. Tony Bologna says the same thing,
Starting point is 00:56:49 obligatory, don't remember, just listen to the recent episode, you heard him mention Greeks having small dicks. This was considered the ideal male beauty standard. Large dogs were considered monstrous and barbaric. See, I need one dick stat, and I get 10 guys giving it on the show. That's why they would only see huge cocks on mythical creatures like satyrs and centars.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Yeah. Centars, a horse though. Yeah. What are you gonna? Sure. Everyone knows how big a horse cock is. Yeah. A person with a huge cock in Greek society was seen as a dangerous rapist.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Right. We would have poor, impotry. Control. Control by his dick. Wow, more monster than man. Mm-hmm. You need to learn this stuff if you get a hold of a time machine. True.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Show up in Greece and they're like, look at that monster hog you got there. That's right. Somebody arrest this man. Also, if you want to see something interesting about other Greek statues, take a look at how huge their butts are. Oh, no additional info. I never thought of that. I didn't notice any, like, you know, ancient Greek or Italian. Yeah. It's not their butts were normal butt size. Don't know. Is he talking about the chicks or the men? Because the chicks all just look disgusting.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Like all the Greek statues of women compared to like the Japanese Hentai statues or whatever they're fucking called. It's like night and day. You know what I mean? The Greek ones is disgusting. I wouldn't touch them with David's dick. Hey, Dick and Sean. You know what I learned?
Starting point is 00:58:23 Yeah. I went to the Pompeii. This is about four or five years ago. The Pompeii exhibit at the Natural History Museum, down by SC. Dude, like Pompeii was a giant brothel. Oh yeah. Dude, there was something like,
Starting point is 00:58:39 there was something like one brothel for every like 35 citizens or something like that. They displayed all these sex toys, like made out of metal and shit. Wow. I had no idea what a fucking place of debauchery that city was. That's amazing. It's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:57 There are things like, yeah, these like two total fucking sex toys, like made out of metal. I hate this country and Christianity so much. We could be living in such a wonderful place with all kinds of urges being satisfied every which way. Modern plastics. Think it doesn't, you know, your sex toys don't no longer have to be forged. Yeah. People not obsessing about the size of their dicks.
Starting point is 00:59:19 This is a society where prostitute, where that was built on, where you bick with his prostitution, where they taught each other that small penises were a size of civility. And then compared to what we live in now with only fans and weird obsessions with four hour erections and constant titillation, but no sex, it's a fucking nightmare. We need a volcano. We do need a volcano right under the Vatican. That would be great. Why dentists go to Greenland?
Starting point is 00:59:51 Hey, Dick and John, I was listening to the latest show. You guys were talking about the high suicide rates among dentists. So what I've always heard, yeah, I think it's true. And I think I've, yeah, I don't, I don't know that I've ever read anything on that. But for the longest time, like suicide rates among healthcare professionals, you know, something like that, like where do, yeah, I'm sure you could find some rankings there.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Are they actual high, male dentists hold the highest suicide rate at 8%. Oh my God, 8% of male dentists kill themselves. That's like a horrible percentage. That's huge. A great deal of research suggests that suicide has plagued the dental profession more than any other. Yeah, a journal of active disorders found that a risk of suicide increased among health rate.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Dennis held the highest suicide rate. It's seven percent. Yeah. The man at eight and the women at five. That's a fuck ton of suicide. That's, yeah. Oh my God. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Nine out of 10 dentists would be like a fraction. I recommend a new aquifer, fresh the other killed himself. Right? Nine out of 10, so they could never, all of them could never recommend something because they're not killed themselves. Nine out I'm telling the best you can do. Yeah. Nine out of 10, Dennis recommended the other ones dead.
Starting point is 01:01:15 What about the other one? Yeah. Well, can't you do another survey? Happens every time. Yeah, every time we think we get 10 dentists in a room, one of them doesn't show up and then we talk to his wife turns and he was in the garage with a car running get him right away. Well, I mean no they got to go into the bathroom brother teeth and then they got belts take their belts. Yeah, they're tennis they can figure out how to choke themselves right. A lot of things right.
Starting point is 01:01:38 There was carry a always carry a bunch of cyanide pill in their teeth, they all pull. Yeah. Just fucking kicks and shit. Yeah. Just so happens I was talking to my dentist about this very topic the other day. So I may be able to provide some insight. This is written like an erotic story. She told me that when you graduate from college
Starting point is 01:01:59 and get your first job as a dentist, she's just sitting there now. She just needed 10 minutes to be an asshole. When you get your first job as a dentist, you's just sitting there now. She just needed 10 minutes to be an asshole. When you get your first job as a dentist, you're already at the top of your career. It varies from country to country, but being a dentist is generally a well-paying job. So once you start working,
Starting point is 01:02:13 you can immediately adopt a comfortable lifestyle, a nice house, nice car, yada yada, but in order to maintain that lifestyle, you have to put an hours at the clinic, which is just a lot of the same sort of work for most of your life. Well, that's a lot of people. Wow.
Starting point is 01:02:28 It's like working at the post office, then. Mail comes in, and it goes out. But you have a yacht. But apparently that's not enough. Maybe not a yacht. Isn't that crazy? So if that is really the reason, that is wild.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Just because it's mundane. This is not a problem for dentists who genuinely like the profession, but those who chose the career purely for money. We know a guy who almost did that. For money, we have decades of looking into people's mouths ahead of them. Like any field of medicine, dentistry, specializations, disorder, the donics, etc., but the time and money required to put those something, it may take many years before you start seeing a return on that investment.
Starting point is 01:03:03 If you see it at all, practice people who specialize themselves are mostly the ones who have genuine interest in their work. So the people who love it, go on to do other dentistry shit. They become oral surgeons or they become, so in short, many people choose dentistry for the money, reach the peak of their career in their 20s and they have 40 years of dental checkups to look forward to. Some, I mean, those are just are depressing as fuck.
Starting point is 01:03:26 They got a shit. It's true. It's a month like an equinox or something. But to kill yourself, there's plenty of people who work jobs that are every bit as mundane, don't pay half as well. I don't know about that. And don't kill themselves. Because being a dentist is like being a ditch digger, like it's, it has a lot of blue
Starting point is 01:03:43 collar elements to it. What about like, you know what I mean? Do I think for UPS or something, I mean that's... You see new shit all the time, you're racing on the clock and you have upward mobility. Being a dentist, nothing that you do, no matter how badly you want to go up, I mean, but that takes, he's saying it takes a shit load
Starting point is 01:04:00 of money to go to school. Yeah. It's not really worth it. And it can be, it's people who love it. So most, well, that's statistics. So most, then it's like, then you got to find something else to do, I guess. I mean, say no to the house and the, well, 20, and that, in that, in that, fascinating, in that regard, you can't like define your or your level of contentment by your job.
Starting point is 01:04:28 You're gonna have to get a hobby. Well, that one's for 92%. Yeah, and go, wow, this is a, I sure am, I don't like my job, but I have a great time outside and I have all this money. Yeah, maybe you could go dentist offices and give them this speech. Save some time.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Have you ever thought of picking up the guitar? You ever thought of just not killing yourself and enjoying your money? Maybe not. I don't know. I mean, there are a lot of reasons people kill themselves, but that's just not landing with me. Like I guess I just,
Starting point is 01:05:05 oh really? That one. Oh, just, makes sense to me. Yeah. I mean, it makes some sense, but I, yeah, I don't, I don't understand. It's like the monotony is the reason to kill yourself,
Starting point is 01:05:18 basically. I don't know. I don't know. That was, go fuck yourselves, Jesse. Okay, this is Telegram admin, the incoming cope. Hey, Dick and Sean, while the end of Vietnam two plays out before our eyes, even right down to the last minute evacuations of the US Embassy.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Did you see that? No, no. It is an identical picture. Let me, I've been a waste of. The news. Oh, bro, evacuation embassy. Helicopter side by side. There we go. People saying, yeah, Biden said it's not like people are going to be lifted off the,
Starting point is 01:05:59 it's not like people are going to be lifted off the embassy roof in a helicopter. Here's Saigon people getting lit. He said Biden Biden said look, it's not, it's not the same. It's not like, sarcastically, it's not like people get to get lifted off the roof. I think it's like the actual photos or do somebody fuck around with this. This is really, yeah, photo one, diplomat evacuated US embassy via helicopter via helicopter is a Taliban answer. So this is the fucking Taliban. This is a Viet Cong. Coffin drinks the same chopper motherfuckers. Why are we evacuating them? Just leave them there. And they got all these people stranded the airport too.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I hope they, I hope they at least evacuate the journalists last. I hope everybody makes it out. I would think they would want to be the last, you know, journalists, they would want to be covering it right right until the very last moment. Help them do that. It's really wild. Bandsome of those journalists who are like right in the middle of wars and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:54 I mean, yeah, it's, it's pretty crazy. Yeah, it is pretty crazy. It's pretty crazy. Oh, yeah. I'm, what I'm wondering is will be, what will be the cope for this as Prachomsky, the government military cope after Vietnam was that the media made the U.S. lose by reporting accurately what was going on, destroying public support, and not the fact that it was unwindable war 10,000 miles away amongst a population who ranged from apathetic to hostile.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Fast forward 30 years, you have the same thing. Media cheerleading the invasions and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq for a longer period of time with otherwise the same factors and same results. So now they can't blame the media because the whole time the media's been like, this is fucking awesome. War gives me a hard on, right? We got to save these women and children. Yeah. I don't know if Trump will even be fully blamed since Biden actively accelerated. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't relate it. I thought Trump said may and then Biden said, well, I understand that they made a deal.
Starting point is 01:07:49 No, I think this is way bigger than Trump or Biden or anything. It's the whole thing. I don't know if I, I don't think you can blame Trump for this. I don't even care at all. Maddie, I don't either. Come here. Come here.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Uh, I heard a fascinating talk by a Vietnam vet on YouTube. What was it about who, what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass? Yeah. This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass. Fascinating. My fucking car. What happened? What was it?
Starting point is 01:08:20 It was about kind of a part of why Vietnam was unwinnable, was we went over there, he said in the first eight months, he was in X number of firefights, all this kind of stuff. He said he saw three uniformed like identifiable members of the VC. They dressed like civilians. You couldn't tell the good guys from the bad guys. He said, all you had to, so what they would do, they'd go through and raise villages.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Maybe the enemy was there. Maybe they were. He said, all, he said, they didn't, they talked about, they talked about the Vietnam was recruiting these civilians and stuff. He goes, they didn't have to recruit anybody. All you had to do was let a battalion roll through the village. They had all the recruits they needed. He said, we created them. Yeah. They were like, well, fuck these people.
Starting point is 01:09:14 They took away all the little shit, the what little I had, they destroyed it. Fuck them. So the longer the war went on, the more V.C. we created. I just never heard it put that way before. I love that the Taliban's, the way they won was just, it was doing exactly what I would have done from day one. No, no. No, no, no. If I give you a hundred bucks, will you just give up like direct? Yeah, cash, right. The direct. It's like somebody putting something
Starting point is 01:09:43 tangible right now in your hand. Let's make a deal. Sure. How much would it take for you to just not shoot at me? People are kind of all the same. I got a pound of heroin. No. I mean, you know, we're back in, we're not going to have this.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Tell us about poppies. Yeah. It's so fucking ironic that the capitalist imperialist empire of America, that the imperialist, hegemony of America was defeated by capitalism, literally fucking capitalism versus the United States army. What wins? Bribes. Capitalism wins again, baby. What's your take? What do you think about the revisionist history? Coal will be, I don't know. I don't know either. They're not how How they're gonna revise it around this one. I don't know, but this is impossible to stop.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Of course, there's just a lot of it. Haven't given it any thought. Probably won't give it any thought. I'm probably at a good deal. It was like, can you not shoot at us? And if we all get out on this day and then Biden probably came in with a bunch of those big dick generals,
Starting point is 01:10:41 because all the generals are fucked in the head. All the generals of the US Army are fucking retarded, are the worst of the second lieutenants or whatever, who decided that they want to, all they wanna do is kiss ass and play like social networking games and make power points. That's who's running the army. A bunch of fucking, a bunch of guys who think they're tough
Starting point is 01:11:05 because they wear medallions on their, because they wear gay little uniforms everywhere they go. Well, and they don't, they're not there anymore. I mean, you get so far removed. That's, yeah, that's why, I mean, otherwise, what kind of army does it think? Well, let's just buy them. Let's buy them out, right?
Starting point is 01:11:24 Let's just buy these guys out. Because they're all like, they're all in very insecure men who are in like a dick measuring contest. I think that's my opinion. Fentanyl can't breathe. Hey, first of all, ha ha ha. Secondly, the sand. Oh yeah, that was about that fentanyl thing.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Okay, I got advice. Do you have any callers? I know some people wanted to call in. Hey, who wanted to call in? Catfish ninja, I got advice. We have any callers. I know some people wanted to call in. Hey, who wanted to call in? Catfish Ninja, I know you did. I know a three callers. Oh shit! Catfish Ninja, what's up, man? Can we invite? Yeah, how you doing?
Starting point is 01:11:56 Fuck yeah, not guilty, not guilty. You were gonna go to, you were in trial, what, a couple of days ago, you might have gone... I'm aggravated, I'm rubber robbery. Yeah, you're in Australia? Yeah, yeah, we've talked before, sure, remember me on the peto hunter. He catfishes petafiles. Oh, right on. Oh, yeah, sure, sure, sure. I'll get into the cat fishing the peto's in a minute, right, but I'll tell you about my trial. Okay, okay, so I got my paper work right here.
Starting point is 01:12:33 And from my side of the story, this is what went down on the 24th of March, 2020, I had a range to meet Stuart Allen, former, Kay, Stuart Allen, aka Kaydie, could he became a training now? Okay. Just a little, do that one-on-one, jail. He became a trans woman, okay. Yeah, a trans woman, I should say, sorry about that. That's all right. He had a calmer train station to sell her some low quality calmer cannabis. And this is before they transitioned. She gave me the money, then I gave her the cannabis.
Starting point is 01:13:01 She looked at it and said it was not good to want her to money back. And it was pretty, I told her it was bad cannabis and I sold her it to her for cheap because it wasn't that good because during the, you know, how you got the lights and stuff. This dickhead put the lights too low and I even said, man, those lights are too low. It's going to bend the plans and he's like, no, no, no, worry about it. It will be fine, but sure enough from the whole crop. But anyway, is growing weed legal where you are? No, it's not worried about it. It will be fun, but sure enough, from the whole crop. But anyway, is growing weed legal where you are? No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:13:28 All right. Anyway, she gave me the money I gave for the cannabis. She looked at it and said she wanted a money back. I explained to her that it was a cheap price of $200 because it wasn't the best stuff. How much? And it went back and forth arguing loudly if I, while I was trying to explain, it's cheap because it wasn't hard to upon it.
Starting point is 01:13:51 And I was like, you know, I had my bike between my legs. And this is where it gets a little juicy, right? She said, I want my money back. And I'm keeping the weed. She said to me, I should was calling out a taser. I thought it was a bad and a first. The next thing I know, she used a taser on my midsection which caused me to fall off my bike.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Next thing I know, no, I'm on the ground being strangled. We were both struggling and I think I hit her one or two times when she was on top of me. This is a trans, was she wearing an address? Was she dressed? We're going to trans at this time, she was dressed at the same time. Oh, okay. She was dressed in blue,
Starting point is 01:14:31 added as pants and like a pole, what pole is she? So this was a guy that you're fighting with. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. I don't think you have to, if you're talking about the past, I don't think you have to use the current problem. I'm just reading how I'm just reading how how it was written on the paperwork. Okay. Okay. Yeah. But anyway, um, and she was on top of me basically, like strangling
Starting point is 01:14:54 me and I noticed her taser was next to me. So I grabbed the taser and taste her. Nice. Real check for tech. Yeah. I didn't say this in court, but I might have taken the weed back off her and then rolled off with the money. Oh, I see. Okay. I see. I got in court. And yeah, you should have seen this can't on any way.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I'm not about it for that paperwork. It's just, you know, it's about me getting arrested. But, oh, I was going to say, fuck. What really happened? That's what happened. Oh, okay. Okay, okay. And you got off.
Starting point is 01:15:32 That's great. Yeah, not guilty. No, too. There, it's been a good week, you know? Yeah. We're here. It's time in my adult life where I'm not on any bad, not on any parole conditions, on any orders. So it feels good. I'm officially a clean skin.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Are you going to stop doing illegal things for a while? I've never done anything illegal in my life. Okay. So you're going to do it. More fuck me. Are you going to continue not doing illegal things? Are you going to extra not do illegal things moving forward? I comment. All right, but seriously, you should have seen the, she was, she's fully trans now, she
Starting point is 01:16:11 looked ugly and she took the stand, right? And one more boy, I'll be squatted. She is the worst looking training I've ever seen there, you know? That's quite a claim. Did she go trans to get sympathy in court? Probably. I think it, well, the way I met, I knew I'm a steward. I only knew I'm a steward.
Starting point is 01:16:34 I never knew I'm by their Katie, you know? Okay. And you know, I used to pin-pout transexuals right. I'll do security for them and make sure they got paid. You did? Yeah, yeah. Ied about it on who gives a ship without a homie Houston and people with Jesus. What was your stable like of trans? Sorry. You had a group of trans prostitutes that you pipped out? Yeah. What was that like? How many? What did they look like?
Starting point is 01:17:01 That was four or five. Oh, they're pretty good looking most. The main one I was close to, like, I might have got head off her once when I was really peeled out and drunk, but I don't remember what happened and I don't really want to. The fucking... What was the clientele like? I was settling them. Oh, we had cops coming to us and all. And they used to tell me all the weird shit they wanted. They wanted light to wear the Chinese panties and have the Chinese jerkymuff and the panties
Starting point is 01:17:29 and they'll come in light five minutes. And you know, they'll still have to pay for the hour weird shit like that. And if anything went wrong, they'll just call me and I'll come in with a taser and all that shit and pay the money and fuck them off. Did you have to do that? How often did you have to come in with a taser after they blown their low in the panties or three times man like most of them most of them were just you know pay it just paid it you know
Starting point is 01:17:52 and I got a little cut out of it yeah but yeah this guy when he was on the stand the bloke they're saying I robbed yeah he had a full many tender touch unlike a two year old of the stand and I'm just sitting in the dock where they keep their cues, which was me. I was just sitting in the dock trying not to laugh it, laugh, you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:13 And like, she looks like a homeless bloody mechanic to be honest. Oh yeah. Did you ever wear gun? No, I think the hair was natural, but you know, she's bolding. Oh, God, that's a bad look. Why is everything tasers? Why are there so many tasers being used in these altercations? Right, guns are harder to get.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Because we don't know guns, and the tasers are easy to get. You can get them on light. Sure. At shitty website, wish or whatever the fuck you call it. But anyway, um, what else was I gonna talk to you guys about? Can you talk to me? Can you talk to me? Oh, sorry. Can you talk to us about how you got into trans, uh, pimping? All right. Well, I was selling this one girl. She was French, um, and she, she was a possible trans girl, you know, and I was just selling her weed and occasionally meth
Starting point is 01:19:05 and all that kind of shit. Okay. And, um, bloody, I don't do that anymore if any cops are listening, you can get fucked. And, um, unless you want that. Basically, once you're a cop who wants that. Basically, right?
Starting point is 01:19:20 I was selling to this, um, French trans sexual prostitute. Okay. And she was winging to me about how clients would, you know, they wouldn't pay her in full and sometimes they wouldn't pay her at all and I'm like, oh, fucking get me to sit in the other room in your apartment or something if they fuck around.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Like just call me and then she told her mate what I was doing and they have the same sort of shit and two of them and I was literally getting paid to drink alcohol, use Waffa and to smoke weed, and occasionally having to go to a tie, someone then to fuck them off. And they had just come. So you're coming in,
Starting point is 01:19:58 you're coming in there with a taser on a guy who just came, right? And you're a lot of the fights out of you at that point, right? Like, oh, I don't know. I thought it'd be a tie. I thought it'd be't know. I only if they started to it, only if they started to like attack the girl or whatever you know, right? That only happened a few times. Did they all have their dicks? I think so, yeah. Wow. Okay, so you got a new peto hunting
Starting point is 01:20:19 video. Yeah, this guy, he couldn't get any, he didn't pay me like, and the thing that pisses me off about this pet I hunter right is that, I'll post the link in the discord chat. I disposed it then. But he, when I made up with him, he does the Aino English, I don't know English, but when I was talking to him, he was dating up, I was luring him on. Yeah. And English was pretty sick with all grammar and all, and all, you know, full stops and shit. Oh, wow. Okay. I always, the, the familiar disclaimer is I don't know if, I don't know if this is real.
Starting point is 01:20:55 I don't know what the legality of this is, but this is a sting operation that you do very much like Chris Hanson, where you in trap. Exactly. I flex my amy's. I got amy's. I just like flex him on. And you also recorded on portrait mode on the phone, which everybody loves for playing back online. Oh, God, man. I'm not very good with cameras and stuff. You got to get a GoPro or something.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Oh, should man, I should. Oh, next next time I get some money off some pedals on first in the go portal, maybe them sunglasses that can record what you're looking at. Okay. Oh, yeah, that would be Google glasses. Or they have Google glass. You could get a helmet and mount a GoPro on it like an autistic person. Yeah. I guess I could do that and write peto on.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Yeah. Um, this guy seriously, he was trying to kidnap me man. He reckons he was going to take me to his brother. No, his brother is house, his cousin's house. Oh my. And what did he think you were? What did he think you were? Well, I used to say Elliot Roger Pitcher again.
Starting point is 01:21:57 He thought this guy, he rocks up in any bathrobe, in his bathrobe, the same bathrobe that was in the bathrobe. That Chris Chan drunken seaman in. I don't know what he's saying, that video. No. Barthrobe in his Barthrobe, the same Barthrobe that is ready to go. He's ready to go. That Chris Chan drunk his semen in. I don't know what he's saying that video. No. Like what he looks up in his Barthrobe thinking he's gonna meet up with an Elliott Roger looking kid and he wanted an Elliott Roger to fuck him up the yard, thinking that he
Starting point is 01:22:17 was 15. Oh, okay, here we go. The Barthrobe is disturbing. The Barthrobe is the worst part. I go through my noena. Here it is. It's a minute, a minute 13. Here we go. The bathroom is disturbing. The bathroom is the worst part. I go through my noina. Here it is. It's a minute, no minute 13. Here we go. Hey, what's that? I stole his sunglasses.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Oh, let's see. Let's see. This one. Stop the car. Stop the car. Oh, he's in the car. Oh, he's in the, you got in his car? Yeah, I was, yeah, I couldn't have been the car for the ATM, but he drove the other way.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Oh my God. Okay. This seems like a very dangerous business here in. Stop the car. Stop the car right now. So he's in a blue, like, it looks like a cookie monster robe. This pathrobe is like a baby blue. You're in the passenger seat. Coming to me to 15 year old.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Stop the car. Stop the car. Stop the car. Is it not? Stop the fucking car. Oh, he's covering his face up. I already called the police. Not going to call my... Cool. I'm going to call the police.
Starting point is 01:23:20 You're not going to be able to run trouble. Hey, don't touch my fucking phone. All right. Hey, you stop the fucking car right now. You stop the fucking car. He is not stopping the car. Stop the car then. No, I said no with your arm. Yes, you do.
Starting point is 01:23:35 You tried to meet up with me on Grindr. You're meeting up with a kid. Oh, no. Didn't ya? Yes, you did, mate. Don't touch my fucking phone. You stop the car now Stop the fucking car had a file piece of shit. No, you're paying me
Starting point is 01:23:56 What is the plan? What is Europe plan? Well, he's not stopping. Oh my god. Did you just jump out your pedophile say hello to the internet? I got peace of shit. Are you driving a danger? You're right? Thanks for the sun. It's all the toilet of it. Oh Damn. Oh, you stopped the car. Stop the car. Oh, oops. Okay. So Well, the sun is really suit me. They're good sunnies. Oh, you got a sunglasses. Oh, yeah, well, looking back on it, looking back though at the video, you see he has like a tissue box. Yeah, we've had to do something.
Starting point is 01:24:30 I know, that's the whole tissue box because it might have his wallet in there, you know, no, mate. Well, that's the male center. He said he was taking me to his cousin's house. And for all I know, his cousin could be some big guy that wants to beat this shit out of me. Yeah. Take me to his house.
Starting point is 01:24:50 No shit. Uh, wow. Do you, how often do you do this? Um, I only really upload the ones when they don't pay or stop paying. Um, but I mean, that sounds, I don't know if that's, is that illegal? That sounds pretty sure that it is. I'm not on 90 bail, no suspended sentences. I can copy charge. I'll copy charge for this time.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Yeah, you're like fighting pedophiles. Your life probably feels empty without any charges or impending court dates, right? It's like me. Yeah. Honestly, showing that it is weird. Like I've always had a voice been on this suspended sentence or in jail. You know, fucking on the run. And it's nice to have like a permanent place to stay and you know, good people around
Starting point is 01:25:42 and all that kind of thing. But. place to stay and you know, good people around and all that kind of thing. But, but, but I can't shoot up heroin anymore because I'm a storm of things which sucks. I, do you think the price of heroin's going to shoot up now that the Taliban's back in charge? I think it would do some effect. I don't know. It's covered. It's that in over here, it stayed $100 for a point. Okay. Um, and if you know the right people you can get a quarter gram for 200,
Starting point is 01:26:11 but it used to be 150 or a quarter gram. I don't know what any of those measurements mean. Oh, okay. Does it make you change? Cat Ninja. Make me rage. Just that these pedo think they can get away with this shit, you know? Yeah. Like, they think they could just go online, pick up some kid and fucking bring him back to their house and do all the dumb and do all sorts of shit. This that they think they can get away with it. And another thing that makes me rage is how stupid they are. I'm using Elliott Rodgers fucking picture.
Starting point is 01:26:42 You can't just reverse image search the pit shot. Different crowd. Fucking idiot. That is dumb. How do you not know? How do you not at least suspect Elliott Roger? Well, I guess you're doing it. Yeah. Oh, sorry. I let you go. Are you doing a good thing? So yeah, partially at least. Good luck. Yeah, thanks, man. Also, I'm sorry I missed your show the last couple of weeks. It's just a bit messed up with the time zones and that, but I made sure I figured out I did all the
Starting point is 01:27:15 mapping figured out the time zone so I could be up for the show today. So yeah, thanks for having me on. Well, I'm glad you're innocent and not guilty. Yeah, me too. Yeah, fuck, congratulations. Yeah. Yeah., fuck, congratulations. Yeah. Yeah. All right, buddy. See ya. Oh, you also one more thing.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Yeah, go ahead. All right, you wanna hear something fucked? Yeah. My mom, right, she came to court with me to sit like in the back rows and watch. And you know how the bloke's are trening now. He uses the public toilets and he goes into the girls one and he went in there and he went in there and then after my mum went in there not knowing that he was in there and like he just gave her the
Starting point is 01:28:03 30th look like he was going to beat the shit out of her then a mom just ran out, you know, and ended up using the men's kisser. So it's exactly what all the right wing people said would happen. It's like, oh yeah, you're so worried. Yeah, what? It's like, I mean, the point is that it exists to prevent the horrible things from happening. Like, yeah, yeah, we know most of the time won't happen, but every once in a while, so I'm just going to happen that you can't control.
Starting point is 01:28:36 That's what we're afraid of. And here it is happening. I'm not understanding this. He calls himself Cady now, but I only have a new almost to it. But from what I understand, he used to be like a pro bodybuilder or a professional bodybuilder. Wow. And so you can sort of tell that he lifts or he at least used to lift it. Yeah. He's like a bit right now, but I'll get some bigger tits than like those old bodybuilder tits. Mm-hmm, right? Yeah, he's got
Starting point is 01:29:11 he's got that thing going on he's disgusting. All right, man, good luck. Get out of here. Yeah, thanks for calling. See you. Bye. All right, who's next? That is a wild dude. What a wild life now what a wildlife i kept an insane oh what do you want and then we're doing voicemail
Starting point is 01:29:28 i'm at work to give me five seconds to get part what did you want to talk about uh... so you're talking about black rock yes okay so oh black i have a way to stick it to BlackRock and the government. Let me get
Starting point is 01:29:46 part saw. I'm not annoying everybody with my noise. All right, well, let me, I'm going to read some advice and then do that first. Okay, I'm hard now. Johnson, this is on you, you motherfucker. Okay, okay, all right, let's do some advice. Lady friend wants to see my phone. I've been seeing this chick for about two years now. It all started when she was with her ex. I know red flag. It started when she was with her ex. I know red flag.
Starting point is 01:30:14 You don't date the chick who cheats with you. We all make mistakes. Any who, I don't think that's true. Any whoodles, she all of a sudden out of the blue wants to go through my phone because I have actively told her no in the past. I feel like it's a line you don't cross in a relationship so she gets upset and as I was planning on leaving at a certain point that night I do. And I then text her that she isn't really mad, right?
Starting point is 01:30:35 She goes off on a tangent about how if I can't trust her with my phone and what are we even doing here? I get to the point where the, but what are you doing here? Where are you even asking? You know, God damn well, I'm gonna mute you for a second. Are you ready, Captain Insano? Yeah. Okay, what did you want to say?
Starting point is 01:30:52 Okay, so here's the deal. So Blacklock is buying up all these places in Texas and everywhere else. Yeah. And they're getting it from the government. So that's basically communism. They're just buying it out and letting it so that the Americans can't own their own houses.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Yeah. Well, so Flint, Michigan has houses on mortgage and flipping the people are flipping houses for $5,000 right now. Uh huh. Like, and $20,000. Sure. So what I am suggesting is that we try to gentrify Flint to stick it to the government
Starting point is 01:31:35 because it's cheap to get those houses. It's dangerous, but all of us dickheads have guns. What is this? What is your last room? What are you talking about? What's your last room? They can't see what he's talking about. There's a water still on fire. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:50 No, the water world, the thing is, if water sucks, they don't care because it's black people there, but if all bunch of white people move in, they're going to fix the water. So you want to gentrify? No, that might be gentrifying. You want to gentrify Flint Michigan? Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Yes. Good luck. Have fun, have fun, have that might be gentrifying Flynn Michigan. Okay. Yes. Good luck. Have fun. Have fun. Have fun doing a mass migration to Flint, Michigan vacation and Detroit to Somalia next. See if that'll give people a good about it. It will be amazing. All right. Was that it? No, I am doing a, I am having a wrestling match that is going to be on YouTube in two weeks. What is it called? Well, it's going to be called Captain in two weeks. What is it called? Well, it's going to be called Captain St. Overse as a great portfolio. He called into my podcast and challenged me.
Starting point is 01:32:35 He's flying in from Minneapolis. Okay. Where can I go to see this? Where can I, where do I have to go to look at it? Wrestling match. Yeah. On the internet. It's going to be on YouTube. I'm going to upload it YouTube once it's done.
Starting point is 01:32:53 We can have a commentary. YouTube kept in Sano TV on YouTube. It might be under Hancock Robert 222 as a user name. I'm not sure, but it's Captain Seino on YouTube. Don't you think you should have one of those before you try to promote it? Like a name? Well, I have it.
Starting point is 01:33:19 I have it all set up. It's just, it's, the links don't work right with Google half the time. So, okay. Not a domain, you know how easy it is to just buy a domain? Uh, yeah, I do. Yeah, I've been busy for the last, uh,
Starting point is 01:33:38 for the last bit. So you wanted to call in and promote a wrestling match, but you don't know where people can go to see it. Hi, you too. They'll be there. I'll have it on Twitter. My Twitter is the hand caulk her. Okay. Everything will be everybody will be able to everybody will be able to see it. I was going to be good. Okay. Good luck with the wrestling match. We'll go, we'll go see it. Don't send me a bunch of emails and stuff, pissed off that you got on today.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Yeah, no, no, I'm good. All right. Thank you. Yeah. Okay. Goodbye. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. Stop chewing cables. Okay. Is she, I'm going to throw her out. No cables. I'll be right back. Okay. Let's do advice. Richard in the middle of advice. Yeah. The lady, sorry for the long email. I don't know what to do and any advice would be much appreciated. Well, you didn't tell me how bigger tits were. So I don't know how much shit you wanna put up with,
Starting point is 01:34:31 including looking at your phone. Get a decoy phone. Right. Get a decoy phone. Text your friends, make up a bunch of profiles, text them a bunch of shit about how you love her, put a bunch of apps on it with fake accounts, fake expenses like you bought her gifts, secret poems that you were writing and let her
Starting point is 01:34:49 check that one out. There you have problem solved. Criminal line that work. Problem solved. I know because I know you don't want to do what you obviously know you should, which is stop dating her because she's too hot or something or you don't want to be lonely. So you're not going to do that. At least make it easy on yourself and get a fake phone to let her sort through because she's too hot or something or you don't want to be lonely. So you're not going to do that. At least make it easy on yourself and get a fake phone to let her sort through because
Starting point is 01:35:08 she's a psycho and her jealousy and boundary issues are going to drive her even more insane. They're going to keep her at a steady level of insanity for the rest of her life that you're going to have to constantly cater to. So do it. Make it easy on yourself. Get a fake phone. Let her poke around through that all she wants. How about this one?
Starting point is 01:35:24 You know, I think you're dead right? Pretty good. Yeah. Moving on after four years, hey Dick and Sean, feel free to call me whatever you want. I'm partial to Kant, though my name is Matt. I know you'll most likely put me in my place and tell me to meet someone else or get laid.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Trouble being I've done exactly that. So long story short, this is called moving on after four years. After four years together, my ex broke up with me after getting back from the dentist with half of my face numbed. Oh, poor you. Your face was numb from the dentist. And that's when you got, well, I hope the dentist killed himself. Yeah. She had been, she had clearly been thinking this over for a while. Yeah, they will tend to do that. Yes, yes, yes. I understandably took the news pretty bad.
Starting point is 01:36:08 All in all, we ended quote unquote amicably with a thin promise to remain friends as she was very close to my friends now four years. That's how Maddox and I ended. The issue now is that my anxiety has crippled me. I spend day after day now a month on worrying about running into her, seeing her with the guy who tried to fuck her while we were together and trying to beat the shit out of him.
Starting point is 01:36:25 I worry that the things she gave as reasons she broke up with me make me a terrible prospect for any woman I might meet in the future. Bro, this obsession makes you a terrible prospect for any woman you might meet in the future. Now, this has understandably impacted my dating life on the other side of this. It started with my guilt and anxiety forcing me to tell my ex who I'd been hanging out with when she came to pick up more of her stuff. I don't know why people have such a problem with picking up stuff.
Starting point is 01:36:52 Just either don't be in the house or throw it all out in the fucking street. Here you go. I'm giving you a day, be here this day. Or these are two days, pick one. That's when it's going out. How do I help myself move on? Do I just accept that this bitch will always occupy a small space in my brain?
Starting point is 01:37:10 I could use the help before my cock shrivels up and falls off because I'm not using it. I don't think guys ever get over girls. Yeah, ever. Any single one. It's in there somewhere. It's in there somewhere. Yeah, I would agree with that. I don't think guys ever get over girls and I don't think women are ever actually in love with you. Yeah, your reaction tells me that we think the same thing.
Starting point is 01:37:37 I mean, I think it's a different level. Sometimes I, you know, I don't know. Sometimes I wander back. Sometimes I wonder the depth of feelings between men and women. I think that women have one continuous thread of attachment and then they swap the people in and out of it. And that guys have it and have a new one and have a different one and have it.
Starting point is 01:38:06 And these are just always there. That's a very, that's a way I imagine it. That's well articulated. The answer for you, my friend, is you're a fucking, you're a train wreck and you're gonna totally embarrass yourself if you get with a girl and start compulsively vomiting all this shit that you're obsessing about all the time.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Just don't, which happens. But but and it will really bear us you, but really don't bring that shit into a new relationship, whatever. I mean, they always tell you you don't talk about your acts. No, no, I don't do that. Right. And if you do it, we're done. Right. I don't fucking like doing that. Don't make that. Well, not I will not do it. Or you know, you want to relationship Relationship starts, there is no past. It's trick. We'll just be bored. Just work out until the boredom overwhelms your only
Starting point is 01:38:53 loneliness and attachment. Only bad things can come from talking about past relationships. I don't worry, you will get very bored soon of obsessing about who some chick is fucking and she's definitely, But pay, go online and commission some 3D realism art of your ex-girlfriend getting plowed by this guy. You're afraid to think about that she's being plowed by. You'll desensitize it.
Starting point is 01:39:16 You'll desensitize through it. And then when you're halfway through doing what I'm telling you to do, you'll realize how fucking dumb it is and you'll grow up and stop thinking like a child. How's that, Sean? It happens, it happens to everybody, don't worry. Board him, we'll fix it. All right, this is Minda de Show, slash the Dix Show.
Starting point is 01:39:33 Check out See you next Tuesday. Presenting, take, buh buh buh. Take, take, take, take. Take, take, take, take. Take, take, take, take. Take, take, take, take. Take, take, take, take. Take, take, take. Take. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick.
Starting point is 01:39:47 Sick. Sick. Ready. Oh, can't tell you. Uh. What time is it? Two. How long do we talk to that no-peat that's fucking...
Starting point is 01:40:01 We talked to him for... I don't know, at least 15 minutes, I'd say. Okay, so we're still pretty good. Hang on, I can actually tell you. Bonnie says, I'm on acid, I'll talk about being autistic. No, thank you. I'll pass on that, but thank you for the offer. You almost got arrested. What do you mean, Captain, and say, no,
Starting point is 01:40:21 it wasn't you that did it? I think it was about 10 minutes. Okay, that's a bit. That's not so bad That kill street if I kill street episode was so fun. It's a shame that Ralph got done You do it yesterday Thursday Like if he didn't if Ralph didn't get personally attacked by the Wall Street Journal He would still be well. He probably would have gotten canceled for something else, but just the devastation that Removing your income
Starting point is 01:40:45 has on someone's staggering. There's nothing about their talent. It is still from Colorado here watching this video. So, this shit where, watching this video, it's about all right, playbook, how to radicalize it more and make it already like great shit. I don't know if you've got a lot of boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys or boys Oh, those two, those groups are two very different groups. And that's that about. Virgins. Virgins and guys worried about low income workers.
Starting point is 01:41:33 When the census to the NRS, you and this shit got down. Yeah, those are two different. I would not put them in the same category. Losers and guys who know basic economics. Same category according to the critics of the alt-right. I can't read this. Oh, here we go, more dick and roll. Day vacation.
Starting point is 01:41:58 The last episode you asked or mentioned while all old statues have monotics. Well, the answer is back then, that was seen as a luxury. It was seen as a- I didn't know so many guys knew this. As cleaner, more elegant to have a small dick. I don't know why I know that, but I do.
Starting point is 01:42:23 My also know that there's a psychological theory that our theory of psychology that says that because of the man's attention and own love for the penis. That's why over hundreds of years the ideal male body has turned to be this little dick to a big dick that we love to look at. Yeah. What's that? Wait, what? Did you get that? I didn't really understand that. Why are we like bigger dicks now? Because we as men like to look at them, I think. Oh, well, sure, if I'm looking at porn, I don't wanna see a little tiny baby penis. Let's see, big ol' monster dick.
Starting point is 01:43:11 At the end of Boogie nights, every, oh, let me see that thing. Right. Was that real? Uh, here we go. Yeah, you know, make me a fucking rage. I decided to get a shirt that says, I love hot moms, I heart hot moms. And I thought it would be really fucking funny to buy it and wear it around places when I went on vacation. I
Starting point is 01:43:34 work like a fucking dog all fucking week. And I finally get my vacation I figure I'm gonna wear this. I love hot moms shirt just for the fuck of it night get down ocean city, Maryland and Everybody and their mother is wearing the I love hot moms fucking shirt No, in front of the fucking trend in time, But now I spent 20 bucks on a fucking shirt. You look like a dick.
Starting point is 01:44:06 I can't wear that look like a dumb tourist or like somebody's a slave to fucking trend. It's fucking inferior. You are, you are those things. Fuck you guys. Like that beer, the bear with a deer antler shirt, it's this beer, bear and deer. Oh, I have seen that.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Yeah, hilarious. CIA, the cleavage inspection age was out that female body inspector. Oh, yeah, I remember that. There's some guy who bought that. Oh, man, I'm gonna fucking nail it with this shirt. What do you think I wear black V-necks? Shows up.
Starting point is 01:44:44 Oh, no, there's a hundred other guys here with FBI female body inspectors shirts. Okay, let's see here. Hi, Dave. You're fucking to our... Your opinion on Bella seems a tad inconsistent. On what? In one breath, you're talking about how anyone... Bella's the one who exposed Christian.
Starting point is 01:45:04 Right. Who has messed messed with or even for a No, Christian is partially responsible for this hilarious mess of him fucking is mother, but then in the next breath you're saying the person seems to be more directly involved in this trolling isn't responsible I get that you should be suspicious into all the shit being said about Bella because just like the internet's accusing her of being a pathological liar. But internet is also sort of a pathological liar. But you've got to be open to some of the things being said about her being potentially true because they get all that records and chasing herself. If it's backed by some evidence than I would buy none, then I'd want to investigate.
Starting point is 01:45:45 It's probably a bit of a blot herself. And now once denying Christian is a fucking retarded rapist, after all, he's been talking about fucking his mother for ages and all his lovely dreams about it. Just saying, maybe she's a horrible person too. You know, there's room for both of us. Why do you guys need her to be a horrible person? Why? She's fucking around with the guy,
Starting point is 01:46:08 exposes him for elder rape. Why do you need her to be horrible? Why do you need that? I don't. I don't. As far as I'm concerned, anybody, there's layers of culpability and everything, right? If you're consuming the content,
Starting point is 01:46:22 you are partially responsible for that content existing. Everybody seems to understand that in the case of child pornography, right? But when it comes to content that they like, you understand it when it comes to child pornography and baseball. Well, it's interesting. Well, the people watching baseball or the reason the baseball exists, well, the people consuming child pornography, the reason it exists, well, what about the people watching Christian? Oh, well, that's not. I've got nothing to do with that. Yeah. That's just, we're just looking at it. Not responsible for the grip.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Well, you're incentivizing people to go fuck with them. I don't care. I don't fucking care what happens to that guy or what you've done to him, but it is torturing a mentally deranged person for decades that would not have existed, that would not be happening if everybody didn't think it was so fucking charming
Starting point is 01:47:05 and funny and the difference is most people thought it was just cute and funny because they don't know the full backstory. People are like, oh, isn't that cute? Isn't that cute when he's doing like, no, it's not cute. Well, though, make sure to apprise you if it's just, wait, it's not fucking cute. Well, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:47:20 It's funny. If you don't have all the information, all the not cute. If you're coming in midstream, yeah, then it's like, oh, this is so, you know, it's like and the cuteness, the cuteness grew to, to level to, to the cuteness grew to levels that were global. This took over the, the most documented man on the internet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:38 Lots of people getting together, people don't, people don't embrace that kind of show without knowing what it really is. You know what I'm saying? They think it's forced gump when it's actually Ed Gein, whatever. We did that last week. I don't know. That's a better one. I think it's a better one. I think so too.
Starting point is 01:47:57 I don't need her to be a bad guy. I don't think she's done anything bad. This idea that you can, I don't think anybody encouraged that I got to rape his mom. He's sick weird. He's sick and weird sexual deep in it. He's fucked up. Yeah, big time. I don't know. I don't think you, I don't think you can encourage something or incentivize someone to rape their mother, but, but I don't know. I seem to be wildly off from everyone else's take on this fucking debacle. All I know is the trial is going to be hilarious.
Starting point is 01:48:30 And yeah, I hope Bella come. I told Bella a pair of thousand bucks to call on this show. Somebody said they knew where they'd tell her, but I haven't heard anything from her. I imagine she's in hiding. Lockdown, terror. Well, please don't kill yourself. I mean, it's not the first time this has happened to me. So, I don't really,
Starting point is 01:48:54 like these people, Randall, thousands of people, oh, this is the hill you wanna die on, this is gonna age well, like guys, I don't fucking care. I don't care what a thousand people commenting on my YouTube video. You get a lot of that for this. Think about anything.
Starting point is 01:49:10 I don't fucking care. Nobody that anybody cares about is leaving a thousand comments on a YouTube video about how you're talking about it. That's a good way of looking at it. That's fucking troll is wrong. Well, that's why you can kill yourself. I mean, that's why you're built for the internet.
Starting point is 01:49:25 Just retarded. I don't give a shit you're built for the internet. Just retarded, and I'm gonna give a shit. Oh, well, you're really gonna regret, no, I'm not gonna regret anything. I'm not gonna regret it. I don't care. It's obvious, it's obviously all lies from a, from a deranged trans activist. And the only thing I care about
Starting point is 01:49:41 is the right wing people that are frequently labeled as Nazis or whatever with no evidence are parroting story. Like, well, you deserve it then. Do you not see, yeah, of course you don't see. If it's not this, it's this. It's something, yeah. Of course, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:59 Which one's gonna be aimed at you? Which one and which one do you aim at other people? Like you said, you know, without ever this, you should have something not open to anything. You don't have to have something to to to to support this, please. All right. I see. Yeah, Jack, what makes it a rage is people who think that tipping is just this magical gateway into getting whatever you want. Right now, I waiting in line to write a lot. I'm with, throws these dollars.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Was that you, Raj? $20 to try to get a table that just doesn't fucking exist. And now he's all pissed off because that $20 just evaporated into the binnare. They're all really good. Took it and didn't do anything. Why did you do that? This isn't a fucking James Bond movie. And people do this shit all the time.
Starting point is 01:50:42 It works, no. It does work. Of course it works. Bro, I can't do what you're asking for any amount of cash because I don't have the shit I need to do what you're going. Of course they have tables. There's always a table open. It's for me that you can get things for free.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Mm-hmm. You're not getting it for free. Yeah, you're getting it for 20 bucks. Extra. You're a dad, Ron. Try it. There was somebody, some writer like for the Atlantic, did a week where he just gave out 20s to see if he'd get better stuff
Starting point is 01:51:07 Yeah, totally successful He wrote about Raj that was you. I don't she said Raj says I don't fucking care something that every person who cares a lot says You know who also says I don't fucking care people who don't care I Don't I don't know why I understand that this is like the memetic response of the internet is, oh, if you say you don't care, that actually means you don't care.
Starting point is 01:51:29 No, it also means I don't care. It could. I mean, a lot of people who say they don't care. I mean, I don't care, but they's in the middle of explaining everything and like blah, blah, blah. But it dimmed the lights in here. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:51:41 Yeah, I mean. Bunny, no, you cannot talk about being artistic today. There's been too much today, maybe next time. Okay, here we go. Hey, Dixation. Hey, I have a quick reach. Mm-hmm. So I would consider myself.
Starting point is 01:52:02 I'm innocent, Sean. You're innocent. I'm innocent. Guess who says're innocent. I'm innocent. Guess who says that? People who are criminals and not criminals. Okay, that's funny. I don't care. Oh, then you must care.
Starting point is 01:52:15 I'm innocent. I'm guilty. Not necessarily. Get him out of here. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. I'll say.
Starting point is 01:52:23 Yeah. Stop. Stop with that. What the fuck, Captain Husano, can I plug, what the fuck is your podcast? Alright. A file and like I like to watch movies and theaters and then also like talk with people about them afterwards. And it's, oh, I just realized you're probably going to get the tweet from Medox. Like, oh, it has a registered scene if I'll on his podcast.
Starting point is 01:52:49 I don't know. But if when someone goes to see a movie and then they say to you afterwards, like, oh, it's the best movie I've ever seen, I would definitely go see it again. Like, oh, that's the best movie I've ever seen. I would definitely go see it again. Like, oh, that's great. So now... The hells he talked about? I don't see the movie. I don't know. I can never have you know.
Starting point is 01:53:12 Oh. Because then I'm going to look like an asshole for not inviting you, you know? Oh. So I don't know. It's like if someone came to your house like... Okay. Oh, your house is so nice. I would definitely come over again. Like, maybe I don't know. It's like if someone came to your house like, Oh, your house is so nice. I would definitely come over again. Like, maybe I don't fucking want you in my house.
Starting point is 01:53:32 So he's saying that people that I would go see it again are kind of like implying that you would you should go see it with them. In a way, it's cool fuck yourself. I don't think maybe I'm just saying that they enjoyed it. I'm sorry. I'm gonna let her. She's barking too much. Oh, I'll be right back. All right. Oh, Jesus. Oh, no, no, no, no, Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, come on. Come on. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:53:49 All right, well, you got Maddie, you got a good loot. She's gigantic. Get a good hour of good behavior. Okay. Next one. Let's do this one. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, had a good. She's gigantic, get a good hour of good behavior. Okay, next one, let's do this one. All right, here's my rage.
Starting point is 01:54:12 There used to be this great barbershop down the street from me. There was a keg in the corner. What? It didn't charge for beer, you just dipped and keep during. It's amazing. There was a bikini calendar. You gotta have a license for that. I think he keeps going. It's amazing. There was a bikini calendar. Should I have a license for that?
Starting point is 01:54:26 1987. Definitely not. They played rock music and it was two guys in this fat black chick name Ashley that cut hair. They were all great. All right. But they got too popular. Okay.
Starting point is 01:54:39 Going there today, get my hair cut, walk in. It's nothing but fat white women. Oh, like the smallest one, 230 pounds. Oh, and they're all just yak into each other. Oh, the kegs gone. They dragged me a pink lemonade. Is this that's bad? Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:55:01 The teeny posters gone. Replace by fat women posters. That bitch that kept cutting my hair was singing along to you two the entire time. Now I got to find a new fucking plate to get my hair cut. The keg. Bowl cut. No way. You're never going to find that again, buddy.
Starting point is 01:55:21 Sorry. Could you imagine if we could just have kegs everywhere and not have this liquor license horse shit? Yeah. Going to go get my haircut. Would you like a beer with your hair? Yeah. Totally would. Definitely. I'd love it. Yeah. Fucking world. Damn. That's a hell of a barber shop, man. Hey, Dick, I'm gonna race for you. Why are women always fucking cold no matter where you go where you are yeah always fucking feeling cold so if it's a stop why body mass it's 70 degrees the thermoset is a 50 degree why are you wearing a sweatshirt
Starting point is 01:55:57 why are you wearing my sweatshirt stop saying you're fucking cold you're not you're fucking cold. You're not, you're fucking lying. Stop it, God. I think they are lying. All right, I have a good time. I know, I think they're, I think they're cold, but they sometimes refuse to do anything about it. Yeah. Where it's like, it's fucking like a new. Uh oh.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Uh oh. All right, Maddie, get over here. Maddie, you're out of control. You're such a pain in the ass. Not a control. You are getting, I, oh, I know what she wants. What time for food? Oh, don't you dare say that.
Starting point is 01:56:29 She knows the F word? Oh, yeah. She'll go nuts. Okay, here's something for you about masks, Sean. Hey, this message is for Sean. Yeah. Yeah. Last week, Sean called people who are vaccinated and refused to wear masks.
Starting point is 01:56:44 Uh-oh. Stupid. No, I didn't. He said that people who think that the vaccination means you vaccinated and refused to wear masks uh... stupid no i didn't that people who think that the vaccination means you don't have to wear a mask are you know i didn't i said you could spread the shows pop off his is wrong probably around but you just a few weeks ago
Starting point is 01:56:59 and i'm out of the month ago for all her friend bird shan was saying and that's how it works that's what i'm doing it was a big sarcastic month to go for all her time. But Sean was saying, I can mask. That's how it works. That's what I'm doing. He wasn't being sarcastic. He wasn't being sarcastic. I'm doing it because that's what is required.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Yeah. But that's what Sean said when I get vaccinated, I'm not wearing this damn mask anymore. Yeah. So Sean, yeah, are you an idiot? Where were you just in the park? I never said what he thinks I said last week. Yeah, Sean. Yeah, are you an idiot? I never said what he thinks I said last week. Is that what everybody else is who said that? Everybody who is vaccinated and doesn't want to wear masks. Are they idiots or are they just filling for? Sounds like Maddox. Sounds like a Maddox point. Oh god, dude. Go wait yourself. I got to listen to your you got to get some listening comprehension skills.
Starting point is 01:57:45 I do have a question for you. What? Okay, somebody wrote this in, but I lost their email. If the vaccine makes transmiss, if it's still possible to transmit, well, it's much more now than in the original, the alpha, you know, before the reveriance. Okay, so the vaccine, you can still transmit it, right? Yeah. Why are we vaccinating kids then? If the vaccine does not stop, because the only reason of vaccine, the only acceptable reason of vaccinating children
Starting point is 01:58:13 would be because it stops transmission. Because so why, if it doesn't stop transmission, why are we vaccinating kids? That's dangerous as fuck, and they don't die. Because, well, children are much more susceptible so far to the Delta variant. But they don't die. Well, children are much more susceptible so far to the Delta variant. But they don't die. Their mortality rate is extremely low.
Starting point is 01:58:29 It is, but there are more hospitalizations with kids than there was originally. Oh, I doesn't hold, so we're vaccinating kids to keep them out of hospital. And how much are we vaccinating kids? Well, I don't know if it started yet, but I don't think it's, yeah. I mean, it's, again, we're going to vaccine vaccine. You're lockdown. Your level of transmission.
Starting point is 01:58:50 Yes, it's lower. It's definitely lower. That my only point was that you can still do it. Has nothing to do with masks or the reason I do or don't wear a mask. I would not, I'm not, I'm not worried about getting bad COVID. I'm wearing the mask because I want to go into a place. Yeah. I don't your stadium, I won't wear a mask. I'll do you something that, no, you don't, no, you don't. No, you don't. It changes every week though, I'm not.
Starting point is 01:59:15 You don't. I go to Pilates, I go to wear that stupid mask, the hydrophobic mask, and then halfway through, I take it off to get a drink, and it's like, blah, sweat, it's so fucking gross. Yeah, get sweaty around like your mouth and stuff. No, I take it off to get a drink and it's like, blah, sweat, it's so fucking gross. Yeah, get sweaty around like your mouth and stuff. No, I can't stand it. I mean, I wear them at, that's why I actually like it
Starting point is 01:59:33 when the actor is off-site, when they have a reasonable poem recording, like a professional booth or something like that, because then I don't have to worry about anybody being in the vicinity and like complaining, like, well, they weren't wearing a mask or that, you know what I mean? It's, because it's still the, you know, still the rules is, is it helping and making people mask up? I think that you just smoke a bunch of opium and you're good. Go tell man. Are they making the last US marine in the
Starting point is 02:00:01 couple? No, no, no, tell man ever called me an anti-vaxxer, Sean. That's why you're an honorary Taliban. That's my quote. I came up with that. No Taliban ever called me an anti-vaxxer. All right, everybody, goodbye. See ya. Goodbye.

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