The Dick Show - Episode 273 - Dick on WATP Live

Episode Date: August 31, 2021

A plague of fatsos have made chairs obsolete, a pilot throws a tantrum on a flight, lies about e-cigarettes, getting in altercations at a White Sox game, The Taliban goes to Mars, the WATP Live show, ...Chris the Kiwi calls in, the Madcast Media Network goes dark, and the Margarita question; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Inshallah. Inshallah. Do you know what that means? What's the same time? It's some kind of... Inshallah. Inshallah. Inshallah.
Starting point is 00:00:13 Afghanistan. Oh, it's in. Is that what that is? Do they speak for us, see? Afghanistan. Yeah. Pesto. Pesto.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Is that what they're speaking there? Pesto. It's a mispronunciation of a pine nut, basil, olive oil and hormison cheese concoction. Do you mean the dip or the language? Yes. Yes. Good call back to the bonus. Great bonus episode. Oh my God. He did the... Why an idiot? Example of a libertarian government. He did it several times in that show. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:00:54 What are you doing? He's that guy. Oh, what are you doing? I'm opening up my thing here. All right. I think I actually got everything squared away. Hot damn. You never know. These post show, post trip shows, something big's always got to be fucked up. So let me just, I should have a list. I really should have a list after
Starting point is 00:01:20 seven years of doing checklist. Yeah. Are you live like a, every time a pilot in the Air Force, you know, what do they do? It's an, well, there's the ground has a checklist, the pilot has a checklist. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you don't forget to, you know, seal the canopy or something. I don't know. Yeah. Check all the rivets. Maybe the, do you think the Taliban has one for their black hawk helicopter that they've
Starting point is 00:01:42 been tooling around with? I don't, I think. I think I've been like cruising those things to pick up chicks. I hope so. Yeah. I hope they're big blowing some hijabs off like Marilyn Monroe. How do you think the boys and the boys are begging down? How many people do you think have expertise to fly like a chopper like that?
Starting point is 00:02:02 I mean, I'm sure expertise where there sure. I mean, I'm sure. I mean, I'm sure. I mean, I'm sure. Where there's, I don't, I didn't see him land it in the pictures. I was just swinging a guy around on it like fucking scar face. I'm sure if they got, I'm sure if they have, you know, cash, you can always hire a mercenary pilot from somewhere. Somebody's flown those things.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I don't know. There's always wonder. It's like if that equipment falls into those hands, I mean, they don't, you don't want to, they don't want to fuck it up. If you had the money, you could hire somebody that could fly a black helicopter. You. Yeah, sure. I don't know if the Taliban really, because of the political ramifications, they're just
Starting point is 00:02:38 kind of like, they seem cartoonishly evil. Box cutters on planes. That's their plan. Smash the plane into the like very simple stuff. I don't know. I don't even know if you could explain to them. Can underestimate simple though. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:54 As it turns out. That's simple. I don't know if you could explain to them that you need an X or that such a thing exists that an expert exists for flying this helicopter. Well, I mean, you got to take that concept would be foreign to them. One look at the console and you jacks. I don't know how to turn this thing on.
Starting point is 00:03:12 And Shala, my brother. Yeah, a Mukalaki Hiki. Oh, you can't, no, no, no, no. You better not be saying that about the Taliban. Pretty sure that's kind of joke. I think that's Hawaiian. I don't know. I saw people complaining, oh, they're just using it to swing a corpse around. It's like, how could they?
Starting point is 00:03:31 What a that's barbaric. What a waste of a hell like like man. What it's funny? Like what are these the same people? Are these the same people whose ancestors used a truck to swing a corpse around? You know, the chariot or I mean, the oldest, old hits are the best. Oldies are the best. Yeah. Take a chariot around the city. Yeah. But a drag of fucking corpse around your, around your old kind of stogo wagon.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Now we got Apache helicopter. Still the same. We're going to have a spaceship one day, a battle, Tesla battleship. And the Taliban's gonna get in that, in the year 3000, Taliban's gonna get ahold of that. Flinging corpses around in multiple dimensions. Yeah, they're gonna be swinging around a body, the grandson of Elon Musk around Mars,
Starting point is 00:04:19 decapitated. Right. After we attack Mars, they'll stop at the Tesla charging station and so they can do it more. Why did we import half-catty some Mars? Oh, why did we do the hats? Oh, who could have seen this coming?
Starting point is 00:04:36 Now they're fucking tooling around swing around Mars, dragging Elon Musk's grandson, which is actually him. Mercury. Yeah, he did illegal cloning with. Right, right. Swap is dragging Elon Musk's grandson, which is actually him. Markery. Yeah, he did illegal cloning with. Right, right. Swap is conscious in there. Conscious mind. Oh God, I haven't even started the show yet.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Let's do it. Hey, come on. I'm really annoyed. Really? More so than not. Yeah. Oh, okay. I don really annoyed. Really? More so than you're not. Yeah. Oh, okay. I don't know. I, yeah! How? Welcome to the New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New
Starting point is 00:05:15 New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New 20 million are man for the Americas. Wars Max is going to 124 weeks running. Joining me is always the world touring LAW's community in Sean the Audi engineer.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Hello, Dick. What's up, buddy? Thank you for that. Killing yourself. More and more tempting every day. Yeah. I say a lot of things just back. I'm just back from the WATP live show. W-A-T-P him a lot in the bonus episode for his itinerary.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Fucking that guy matched his itinerary. Maybe on the minute. Are you kidding me? I was unbelievable. What do you think? He must have been sending those kind of updates to the venue constantly. Maybe. To make sure that they had backups for backups and.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Oh, I know. make sure that they had backups for backups and crew of, he had a crew of guys fighting over who gets to pay for dinner. Totally the opposite of our shows. Wow. That was great. Great time. Thanks everybody for coming. Everybody who did come.
Starting point is 00:06:17 There's a lot, I see a lot of familiar faces there. That's cool. Uh, this is, I'm going to say this about, I say a lot of hyperbolic things on this show, a lot of fantastic things. Maybe I don't mean all of them. But I don't wanna say which ones, cause then. Well, cause then that depends what I'm in trouble for. Well, and it's also, I mean,
Starting point is 00:06:36 then it's not worth saying hyperbolic things if you let people know which ones are. I mean all of them. But this is what I really mean. Okay. Lift, and Uber, they have got to permanently ban women from driving their cars. They've got to be either banned from the app, the women drivers. So you never get in a miss Mrs. Toads wild ride ride, slash death trap again, for the, or at least they have to refund everybody
Starting point is 00:07:09 who's ever been driven by a fucking woman on that app. It is terrifying. This happened here, or should I go over? This happened on the way back to the every, and every time I regret it, but every time I want to pay the $5 to cancel, and I have done it before. But then the same fucking, you risk the same person picking it up. At least have a, at least have a pro model where I can permanently elect to never get driven around by a, I mean, it's
Starting point is 00:07:41 like, it's like, it's like, it's like. It's like the cars that are stuck on rails that get jerked back and forth just to stay in the lane. And the steering is so fucking loose. What the fuck are you doing up there, lady? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, back and forth. Like I'm a fucking prize fighter
Starting point is 00:07:59 riding home from the airport. This is the last thing I wanted to do. I wanted to have a nice relaxing ride. Try not to throw up. Desperately trying not to throw up. Because I haven't sat, I haven't not sat anywhere in what feels like days. You understand, which is related to this.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Is anybody saying, he's so wasted right now. He's so wasted right now. I don't think he's wasting. He's wasting right now. This guy is saying that he's wasted. The last thing, the last thing that I wanted was to get in a cartoonish, jarring, jelope on the way home instead of just relaxing, working on a show, looking at some pornography in the backseat of the Uber because I finally have a little privacy. The ride, which brings me to my next complaint, the, the scourge and the epidemic
Starting point is 00:08:54 of fatness combined with the size of the seats that the pandemic fatness has hit to such an increase to such a degree that seeds are no longer usable on earth. I sat next to a guy on the plane was so fat that he's spilling over into the seat next to me. So I'm sitting like an S. All the way. I'm already pretty big. He's packed in next to another Heffa lump. So they're both duly spilling out onto my seat.
Starting point is 00:09:29 So I ride, I'm doing a torsion, I'm doing a aisle. Yeah, okay. So I'm about, I got the, I got the, I mean, is it, at least if you're wedged between Sean, it's like the fucking theme of the weekend is being me, being sandwich or smashed by fat people that are oozing out of this oozing out of the seats that they paid for onto mine, which I do not get, I full on and I'm going to ask the white socks for a refund,
Starting point is 00:10:00 for at least the part of my seat. I went to a baseball game in Chicago. Oh, you said the plane wasn't, the plane wasn't even the worst attack of the fats that I had to deal with. Sitting, we get to the game, Carl May, Vinnie. Well, Chicago's a, you know, it's an eating town. Eating town, it's kind of got that Midwestern thing.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Somehow they found, they're not shy, but they don't mind, you know, they don't mind some extra pounds there. Somehow they found seats that are smaller than kindergarten seats. Oh wow. And they made they blanketed the entire stadium in these who knows obviously to make a couple bucks, right? Pac-a-Man. But it is, it is just in pot. It is unusable. We couldn't sit. The four of us, me, Carl and Vinny, could not sit in our seats because we had four gigantic slabs. Oh no, excuse me, three gigantic slabs.
Starting point is 00:10:52 A big fat couple on this side, and a gigantic woman who looked like Lizzo on my side with her pencil thin boyfriend. White trash boyfriend. It's totally out of control. It's totally out of control. Okay. It's totally out of control. And I want to refund for the part of the seat
Starting point is 00:11:11 from the white socks that this bitch sat in, the occupied your part, part of your seat. Yeah. Yeah, it's the spillage. No, it's impossible to sit anymore. Yeah, there's no, they need better, you know, containment. There's gotta be, if you're telling me, I'm getting my fucking pretend, my vaccine card,
Starting point is 00:11:32 I'm Bill Gates is making a blockchain to put my medical records on just so I can go by myself and drink just so I can go to the gym, but we can't rig up some kind of trailer weight in front of these stadiums, but being just like, you know what, you're going in the fat section. We got a big mud pit in the back.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Right, where you can wallow. You can wallow, you and your wife or your husband, whichever one you are, you're so fat, you've renounced your humanity. I can't tell you're gender apart anymore. It'll be like woodstock, all wallowing in the mud, but it's all, it's just big, fat, we pile in there. We give you all a hose, all a tube, a big fucking tube.
Starting point is 00:12:14 You put in your mouth and go up. So you pile on top of each other, and we just drop ice cream and candy in there, the whole fucking game. And everybody that's under 700 pounds can go sit in their seat like normal. It's fucking maddening.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah. Totally maddening. It's not that I'm suffoc- it's not that I'm breathing in my own hangover for five hours on the flight. It's not that the flight would be the worst to me. Bro, worse than the stadium even. Something has awoken a monster inside everybody where they are, they're like super tattlers now. I mean, you've got, or they just, they just
Starting point is 00:12:52 lie. I don't know if it's, I don't know if this is, this is just, this is the way people communicate now and to try to convince you to do what they're doing is not, well, you can't, you can't smoke in the lavatory, you can't smoke e-segrets in the lavatory. Why? Because that's the law. Yeah. I mean, let you do that. That's the law.
Starting point is 00:13:11 This pilot goes on the intercom halfway through the flight while I'm sitting like an S, like I'm growing a tree growing into cement. You're growing into the aisle to get away from, because the guy really like wide in the shoulders too, and the fatness. Just huge. Wearing a coat as well. It's like, bud, you don't need a coat.
Starting point is 00:13:35 You don't need a coat. If that guy needs a coat here, no. You're fine for an Arctic expedition, Sans coat. So the captain comes on and says, in a real, like a tantrum. Captain comes on the, yeah, because he goes, excuse me, but I said there's no cigarette, there's no vaping in the lavatory.
Starting point is 00:13:59 That's the last thing a pilot should sound like. And not like, oh, bitchy, he was so big, and I will land, and it like, oh, bitchy, he was so big. Uh, and I will land. And it tells me it's not a fine over fucking said. Yeah, I will land. If you do it again, I will land this plane. And we will figure out who you are. This is, we are 30,000 miles in the air going at 85% the speed of sound.
Starting point is 00:14:21 That's the last place you want to fire. I'm like, what the fuck can, can you import some Taliban onto this fucking flight and wreck it into the what is this tantrum for and secondly, you're lying. Yeah. There's no risk of a fire. Somebody, has that ever happened? You've been in a I think the outside almost nil guy vaping fucking explodes. Wow. Can't I'm not unreal that that happened even if it's one of those ones that blows up in your face I don't think it's catching anything else on fire. No, I don't fucking know It's the lies is the lies. This is this is the last place. You want to find what are you starting fucking fires in? You wanna find what are you starting fucking fires in?
Starting point is 00:15:07 Starting fires with vaping? I don't know, man, I think you should kind of be able to vape wherever you want. Took it away from you, though. The dumb stewardess, this is one of those bombastic things where I'm saying at least now when the plane, when 9-11 happened that I was almost in, at least a couple people were pilots and surrogates is like this.
Starting point is 00:15:28 That was the one thing getting me through the flight. Just think, well, at least there's always a chance. There's always a chance things will get worse and these people could be stuck in a heroic situation. She goes person to person, the whole fucking flight, telling people to put their masks on, because nobody, you know, they got total trash. You're walking around the airport now,
Starting point is 00:15:51 and people have basically CVS receipts. No, I know. Not like, no possibility that mask is doing anything. The only thing that I've seen is your chances, actually, it's kind of counterintuitive, but just from what I've read, your chances of getting it on a plane are quite, quite low. Yeah, they turn the air over a lot, you know, like people go, you're breathing the same
Starting point is 00:16:14 air. It's like, no, you're really not. Shut up. No, you're not. You've got a sea of these, of these tubs of people walking around breathing their own air, wearing little girls panties on their feet. Like anything they got to, not really worthless, not that the, not one N95 or whatever it is, and actually does anything. Yeah, the N95s are in short supply, I think. And then you've got itty it, then you've got the useful itty
Starting point is 00:16:42 it's walking up and down the aisle while While Mr. Fantastic the captain is throwing a tantrum going I need you to put your you need to put your mask on and and here comes the kicker and I don't want to have to ask you again. Oh Yeah, that always goes over well with adults bitch. What the fuck? What the fuck is wrong with you? Kindergarten, I'll pull this I'll land this plane. That's great. I can't believe I heard it. Like is this? Do you know what a fucking riot there would be? A fucking, he actually landed a plane
Starting point is 00:17:11 before he got to the, you know, connecting city or destination? Yeah. I would be fucking up in arms and... I would land this plane. I think what is your fucking problem? You better fucking not land this plane. Thank you so much. Um, the baseball
Starting point is 00:17:25 game with those guys though, the, the white socks. Mm-hmm. I don't know. They're my new favorite team. Are they? Okay. Why? You know anything. Have you ever encountered any white socks fans? No, just, uh, Cubs fans. It's like fuck the Cubs. Fuck Cubs. The white socks won the World Series. I think in 2005. Mm-hmm. Nobody Nobody knows that because it wasn't the Cubs. Nobody gives a shit. These fans, man, this game, Manny, you were in Tampa, one of the dickheads at the show goes, hey, Dick, I brought some acid if you want any. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I said, well, I don't really want to spend $300 on beers at the game tomorrow. So sure. Why not? Yeah. Well, thanks, man. Let me y'all. David, you see who else wants. So we're going around.
Starting point is 00:18:15 It is me, Carl and Vinnie, the creep off guys who are a, you know, Carl, is a professional roast comedian comedian basically. And Vinnie, his pal is a professional wrestling heel comedian and me. And Carl's wife. So it's three of the biggest assholes in the world. And someone married to a big asshole. There is, it's difficult to explain the Y-sox crowd. It's as though somebody took the Dodgers fans and put them in a nice stadium for a day. And then said, just try not to ruin it too much. I saw a, I saw multiple fights.
Starting point is 00:18:56 I saw multiple guys getting dragged out of the stadium and handcuffs. Really? Yeah. And the kind of drag out where they're still screaming. You know, don't take it. Help. Right. Yeah. Where the handcuffs are pulled, stretched tightly, you know, by the item. I saw a big thing. I was like, guys, where they have to put handcuffs in between the handcuffs.
Starting point is 00:19:16 You know what? Yeah. Don't put them in the normal ones. Yeah. Pull their arms until they're out of the fucking socket. They'll behave. It's just, it's, it's, it's, it's out of fucking control. And it's gotten, it's gotten so much worse in the last year. The fatness of people. Oh, yeah. There's their fucking largest spilling out into other people's seats. The totally unusable. Um, I saw a woman, I saw a woman that looked like an old prostitute, that looked like Greta the Gremlin, big fake tits, get nacho cheese thrown all over her by another, by a guy passing her, who she turned around and said, he just fucking spilled nacho cheese all over me. Right. Like in the aisle, he was an accident in the, in walking around in the ballpark.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah. Threat and he turned, he just ran to go, I don't give a fuck. Fucking awesome. Yeah. Yeah. What do you say to that? We saw a guy. We saw a guy in one of the little clothing stores trying this big in the stadium. Yeah big fat sweaty mess trying on every shirt That he could try on you can you can seemingly seemingly as nobody stopped him No trying on hats like twisting them on all fucking grimy ass bands and the ins. Oh, so we laugh We're laughing and I mean he's he notices us and go are you, are you laughing at me? Like, yeah, you're pretty much, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:47 You're being ridiculous. And you don't know your own size first of all. And he's like stretching the fucking shirts, like a head and a cat, like he's putting both of his hands in each shirt and yanking it out. Like, okay. So then he puts his regular, he comes stomping over to us, like King Hippo. And he puts his shirt on that I assume he brought with him because it didn't have any baseball logos on it. And it's soaked in beer or sweat or something.
Starting point is 00:21:14 It's like, did he go to the store to get a, to get a new shirt, right? That he spilled on. And now he doesn't, like now that he's ruined them all and left the room. So he comes over and starts shouting at us. And he's in the middle of shouting with his finger pointing at him. And it's like, what are you guys? Can you believe this? Can you believe what's happening over there? You guys fucking laughing at me.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I'm just trying on turns and he's like, pointing at me and I said, are you wearing it? Is that a woman's watch? She's wearing? Because he had this little tiny eye watch. Real small dial or real small face. Yeah, I was like, because he had this little tiny eye watch. Real small dial or real small face. Yeah, he goes, what the fuck? What did you just say to me?
Starting point is 00:21:50 He's like, you know what? This fucking thing is small and I got it on the last, I got it on the last notch over here. See, that's because it's a woman's watch that you got in, because my fucking girlfriend got me this watch. That bitch was like, yeah, well, she probably got it for herself, right? And then she just gave it to you and he goes, fuck. Well, no, I got a fucking kick her ass. I got a kick her ass. That's funny. You're one of the many of you guys anymore.
Starting point is 00:22:17 He's mad at his girlfriend. Well done. He goes, well, you know what? I'm all stoned. I said, we're on acid. Yeah. Oh,, oh, okay. All right, see you guys. I understand. I get it. You laugh all you want, right? Um, that was the trip. Wow. That's a good trip.
Starting point is 00:22:33 You know what, you know what, show. Show's fantastic. Oh, cool. It was perfect. Wow. Well, without a hitch. Went off that hitch, everyone was behaving themselves. That's embarrassing for us.
Starting point is 00:22:41 I guess we gotta have an itinerary. Yeah, there's something like, I don't know. Why would we, I an itinerary. Yeah, something like that. I don't know. Why would we, I wouldn't, I wouldn't fix what I ain't broken, you know. Um, you know what else makes me rage about the airlines now. Yeah. They are constantly hawking their fucking credit cards. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:58 The whole, you get on. Yeah. How would you like a credit card? You're just being advertised to on all fronts all the time. It's fucking crazy. Like you're fucking credit. Every single thing has a, first of all, you guys are the worst people.
Starting point is 00:23:14 You're the worst people in the fucking world. You got everybody hates you. And I don't mean like the company. I mean, I fucking hate you because you take way too much pleasure in going around telling people to follow arbitrary rules that you won't even admit, don't fucking do anything. Like turning your phone on and off and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And it would never, if I get a credit card, it would never be with you. Yeah. And they walk up and down in your face the whole time at the end, like, get the fuck, can I have once, can I have one second of this that is just me not getting, but getting pressure to do something fucking stupid, please. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yep. You took away the liquor. Yeah, I can't breathe. I hate fucking flying these. It just seems like it used to be so much easier. So much easier. A little more, you know, a little more conversation like if it was like, oh, well, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Now it's just, it's like how the cops deal with people. Just like, do what I say or there's going to be a problem. Yeah, or I'm like, I'm talking about anything. Yeah, I don't know why you go fuck yourself, dude. Get like, do what I say or there's gonna be a problem. Yeah, or I'm like, I'm talking about anything. I'm like, you plan around. Yeah, I don't want you to go fuck yourself, dude. Get, like, the nickel and dime you for everything. It's a fucking, it's. Thank you. Right down the fucking toilet.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Let's see, everything's in here. Everything's just in the fucking shitter. It is. It really is. It is. Let me see what else I got. Oh, at least it's not as bad as it is in Australia. I got more Australia updates here. Oh, yeah. it's not as bad as it is in Australia. I got more Australia updates here.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Oh, yeah. Well, you did so well with it last week. What? Was that, did you think that was bad? What? The dog executing one? Well, the dog, it happened in some podunk town in New South Wales.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Fucking bad. It sounded like it was like a systematic going around here. How about this one there? How about this one? This is there. I don't know who this lady is, but she's telling people what to do. Please, when you open your front door, just think for a moment. Do you really need to go out? And also, and I'm a great online. Yes, I do. There comes. I do need to go. Think about whether you need to do online shopping this one.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Sean, you can't be on those people out in the community, delivering packages of things, maybe just leave them for a place. Yeah, do you need to do a shopping? I kind of do. You've not allowed it to go out. You only get an hour to go out of your house to exercise and walk around.
Starting point is 00:25:40 You can't go see other people. We're sending the army to you to force you to get vaccinated. Nobody's forced vaccinations in Australia, isn't it? Is it New Zealand? Which one is the dead forcing vaccine? I don't know. I just read the Australia's like government page on, they said all COVID vaccines are voluntary and all ones in the future will be voluntary.
Starting point is 00:26:03 They said there will be things where we require a vaccine card to do certain things, but yeah, there's no, I don't know what's voluntary. Well, it's just like here, I mean, there's gonna be companies like, if you wanna come to work, you have to get vaccinated. Bro, I don't think you're gonna be able to fucking use the bank. Maybe not. If you're vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:26:19 No, maybe not. That's how they're gonna, you know, as opposed to government mandates, it's gonna be, you know be businesses and stuff doing that. You know what else I, let me see if this is, if I'm gonna summarize this for you. I thought it was interesting. Well, that chicks sucks.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, do you really think about it if you need to do all that on? Just sit in your house, just try and do it as normal as possible. Like I do need stuff. Like, you know, do you really need to use all that toilet paper at home when you're buying yourself? Yes, I do.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Let me find this thing. Mandate. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, here it is. Okay. So this is a disease in chickens, leaky vaccines. This was written like five or six years ago. It's called Merix disease. So what happens is all the chickens get vaccinated, but they get hit with a leaky vaccine, right?
Starting point is 00:27:14 Which means it doesn't protect. Well, they also, they fucking pump everything full of antibiotics. So they get resistant, they get resistant to that. Yeah, but this one's, so this one, the, you know, the pathogens get resistant to that. Yeah, but this one's, so this one, the back to, you know, the pathogens get resistant to that. This one's, this one specifically, they pump all the chickens full of this vaccine for the maryx virus, but it didn't work very well, right? Like similar to the COVID one, right?
Starting point is 00:27:36 Like it's not less than the symptoms, whatever, the chickens that could get it still could give it, they could still transmit it. That's pretty much any vaccine. No, not like small pot like not. Well, yeah, it's you don't, it does not work the same. Like if you get, if you get vaccinated against other stuff, you are not equally as likely to transmit it all the same,
Starting point is 00:27:58 all that other stuff. That's not as you're not as, you're not equally as likely as to transmit it with with getting vaccinated for COVID either. Yeah. I don't. You're not saying that all vaccines are the same. They're not, they're, no, they're not all the same. I mean, this one is not, it's not going well.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Not, it's going, is that going as well as they thought it would? Um, are we at least, can we at least hope that it is except for the Delta variant, their hope, but. Okay. This is what is coming because of the way that the, because of at least hope that? It is except for the Delta variant, their hope, but. Okay, this is what it's coming. Because of the way that, because of the same thing that it did at Chickens, where it's leaky and they could still give it, get it, the symptoms aren't as bad, the virus kept mutating in the Chickens
Starting point is 00:28:39 until eventually a superversion of itself happened and started annihilating the chickens, right? That can happen. Unless they keep getting the boosters. So all I'm saying, all I'm saying is funny is this, is wouldn't it be really funny? Boosters. Wouldn't it be really funny if all of this vaccinating shit
Starting point is 00:28:57 doomed the human race forever to be permanently vaccinated and breeding super, super variants until the end of fucking time, because that's what happened to chickens. Well, you would think that is pretty funny. I mean, what did it be? Like, one of those things, you got to say, I don't know if this is so great. What's happening here. A lot of the not brightest minds have been working, have been thinking this out.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I saw what they did in Afghanistan and they, I know they were trying their hardest there and it didn't go very well. So I don't know. Um, that was funny. I'll leave the possibility open. You'll leave the possibility. Sure. Why not? Uh, I said funny. I can't say anything for certain. Uh, Fortnite had certain fortnight had an MLK event. Did you know about? Do they know, but that sounds like fun. Yeah, they had to they had to disable all of their emotes, all their fun emotes in it. I guess epic disables disrespectful fortnight emotes in the Martin Luther King event. This is how we're teaching children about social activism and stuff on popular video games. Or I guess it works. Forrest them to relive a virtual Martin Luther King speech and also remove their ability to interact with it in any way.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I can't wait for the Auschwitz walk through. Oh, man. Right? What is the? Yeah. Just amazing. Good for you guys. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:30:40 You see what I'll say. Chris, the QV said he was calling. No. He said he really I mean, he said it. He really might, but he's such a disaster. Oh, I, I mean, I really hope that happens. I'm gonna, you know, and tell it happens. I'm not getting my hopes up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:56 But I mean, that would be, that would be very fun. Teacher took down her classroom's American flag and made her kids pledge allegiance to the gay pride for real. Yeah, that's what it's a real thing. Yeah, that's what it says. Okay, so during third period we have announcements and they do the pledge of allegiance. I always tell my class, stand if you feel like it, don't stand if you feel like it. Oh, it's great, great, great.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So what do you want? Don't have to say the words. So my class decided to stand, but not say the words. Totally fine. Except for the fact that my room does not have a flag, it used to be there. But I took it down during COVID because it made me uncomfortable. And I packed it away and I don't know where and I haven't found it yet. Maybe I'm comfortable.
Starting point is 00:31:43 But my kid today goes, hey, it's kind of weird that we just stand and then, you know, we say it to nothing. And I'm like, oh, well, you know, I'm going to find it like I'm working on it. I got you. Uh-huh. Okay. Yeah. Skiggly.
Starting point is 00:31:58 In the meantime, I tell this kid, we do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to. Yeah. I mean, like, looks around. He goes, oh, that one. We do the flag of the class that you can pledge allegiance to. I mean, like, looks around and he goes, Oh, that one. Okay, it's the gay pride flag. Right. With the trans shit on it.
Starting point is 00:32:14 So now they're not even a pride flag. All the kids are gay. Officially. I said that as a joke that the US Army got that you did. You did. Pride flag. You totally did. did fucking true though. That's what this is what this lunatic.
Starting point is 00:32:28 That's hysterical. I mean, the whole like, the whole America's thing with saluting the flag and doing the pledge of allegiance that started. It's fucking retarded. It is. It started as a conservative like, uh, it started in the political push. 50s? Yeah. We start saying it's worse. And like the late 50s, I want to say something like that. Like we got to get kids on. We got to teach kids about pride in the flag and the government to stop the commies.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah. Like no, no, no, we got to teach kids that the government's the worst thing in the world. And that the constitution exists is a withering indictment of it. Like everything in the constitution is happening. Your government is evil and they will try to take this from you. From you.
Starting point is 00:33:10 To set this down. We're writing it down to say, you idiots, it's so simple. Right. Because you people are fucking stupid. They were writing it in like little sentences like Dr. Seuss. They make it simple and simple. They just came from a fucking monarchy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I mean, they just gets like, this is that we this is so bad. We want to make sure this shit never happens, at least for a little bit. Yeah, I mean, sure. So then you've taken what is you've taken what is ostensibly like worshiping the pledge to worship the government and just made it about worshiping being gay. I don't. and just made it about worshiping being gay. I don't know. Did she change the words? It's, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Uh-huh. I can't repeat what, I pledge allegiance to the, I know, everybody, right. Yeah, you got it. Yes. Oh boy. Is she like in trouble for anything or? Probably got a fucking promotion. Who, why would she get in trouble for anything or? Probably got a problem.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I mean, promotion. Why would she get in trouble for that? Well, anytime you use something like that, there's a lot of parents or people supportive and then there's gonna be parents who think that's the devil. Yeah, you know, so I mean. I don't know. I see a lot of less of that lately.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I saw the head of the teachers union in LA said that it was bragging about how kids learning at home. So what if they didn't learn all their time's tables, but they did learn words like protest and insurrection? Like, what the fuck are you? Maybe they just given up teaching multiplication tables. You know, everybody's got their phones. So you're just like blatantly talking about
Starting point is 00:34:52 being indoctrination. You don't even care that, like, you know that, what you just said is really bad. Yeah. Whatever. Nothing will happen to her, I guess. I mean, you can, you know, you can, you can expand a kid's vocabulary
Starting point is 00:35:07 and teach them multiplication. I mean, I think that, you see, hey, watch George Floyd stuff all the whole year. I don't know. That's what they, oh, um, let me see what else I got here. A lot of it today.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Taliban's first thing, getting rid of climate change. We talked about that already in the book. We did. I mean, now that they're back in the driver's seat, they're highly motivated to kind of show what they can do. I think, you know? Like, we've been the underdog. We've been kind of marginalized for a while.
Starting point is 00:35:42 We just, we have some things to say too. We have some good ideas. We have some good ideas. We have some good ideas and we're not being heard. We did a lot of thinking in the last 20 years. Right. You know, right. I feel like when Jack, everyone Jack came back to Jack in the box. That was after the, we've done that the coal I stuff. And that was, that's the, that is the voice is the head of the advertising agency who created that campaign. Oh, really? It was just a temp voice.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah, but they said, this is perfect. Yeah, and it was the whole thing was now that I got my company back. Yeah. It's like, we didn't kill those people. That's what it feels like. Yeah, it's a new thing. It's a new Taliban. Taliban, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Now that I got my country back, yeah. The head of like the second and charge of ISIS came back to his hometown. They had a, there's like a big parade bringing him back in. He's got his car. Oh, wait, what's, what's the relationship between the Taliban and ISIS? Um, oh, ISIS K now. They got a new variant of ISIS. Ah, okay. I don't know. I haven got a new variant of ISIS.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I don't know. I haven't been keeping up on ISIS. Yeah, they've slid that one in. It's ISIS K now. I don't know why. Transgender? Yeah. Yeah, they're all dying there here.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Well, the Taliban wearing very flashy masks and body suits or whatever. They always seem to be dressed in black, right? Have a lot of swords and shit. Yeah, well the Taliban just let's, ISIS come in, it harbors them. Okay, terrorism for terrorists. So that's kind of the, got it. So they're like the, they're icy.
Starting point is 00:37:21 You know, yeah. Like they do all the dirty work. They're like the 18. Taliban's like the city of Los Angeles. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire ISIS. I have the new spider right? Oh yeah, let me find this one.
Starting point is 00:37:46 It's a cowboy bebop news. Cowboy bebop news. I haven't heard that in 20 years. So they're doing a Netflix is putting another big pile of shit out. Really? Yeah. You know how they Netflix can't do anything right? They just are green light everything.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Cowboy, cowboy bebop. Like new anime or live action. That's what they're doing. The last thing that anybody wants. Well, they're gonna do that, I think, with Avatar. You know, they're making live action series of of some of these last air bonder, whatever it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Looks like, it looks like total shit. This is the live, this is the live still from the, the remake. No, it's going to be the, um, you got Spike. You remember as a 55 year old man? That's a no. No, you got jet over there. Who's way blacker than he was on the show. Yeah, and also kind of, right.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And also kind of way like fitter, I think too. Was it here? Yeah, I think so. I'm from a lack of seed. Got all this goofy shit. Yeah, all over. So they made, they made Spike has the suit which you've never seen in your life, which
Starting point is 00:39:05 looks like shit, right? Fits like crap. Well, because he did have the, like the sleeves rolled up, right? I mean, kind of pushed up. Yeah. And then you've got jet here with all this ugly robot crap all in that. The name's jet black, isn't it? Yeah, but I thought that I mean he was black.
Starting point is 00:39:20 No, but I mean, it's just wasn't black. Oh, wait a minute. I know he wasn't black. He didn't look black. I can tell. Yeah, I don't know. I have to reach back into the 90s. I'm only thinking, I've never seen the original. I've only seen the dubbed version
Starting point is 00:39:31 because that's what people always say is like the actual of the only good. It's played by, like I name Bo Billingsley, who is black. Maybe he is black then. Uh, in the, in the, you know, American, the English dub is played by a black guy. Hmm. Uh, and then you've got Faye over here.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Yeah. Um, isn't got Faye over here. Yeah. Isn't she white here? I don't, I don't, maybe. Let me see. Does this look like, does this look like Faye Valentine for a guy with a baby bottle? Not from what I remember, no.
Starting point is 00:39:57 No, just looks like they put way too many clothes. She was a hoe. Yeah, she really was, huh? Yeah, yeah. She's like an idiot. Yeah. Well, not, you know, cunning, but I've, like, looked like a, just like a, a horror. Yeah. And that was part of her thing. Yeah. Chets were always almost spilling out. So they totally ruined it here. Mm-hmm. They made her like, uh, empowered badass woman, mess. Anyway, here's what the actress had to say about it, Sean.
Starting point is 00:40:30 See if you like this. Do you know? People were upset at how she looked. So here's the response. She did the responsible thing and wanted to get out in front of it, right? Hey guys, so as you know, our cowboy bebop first look dropped today, which was so exciting.
Starting point is 00:40:46 And I just wanted to address a couple of things that keep coming up in the comments amongst fans. First, I wanted to apologize to the fans that I did not anatomically match the Fay Valentine character. Oh boy. This is a way to endure yourself. It's a double-desized breast, too much waist. You know, they looked everywhere for that woman
Starting point is 00:41:06 and they couldn't find her. Kind of weird. So they just went with my short ass. Oh, okay. Am I right? You know, there was talk about like who put in yelling a time machine and maybe give her different parents.
Starting point is 00:41:18 So she has different genetic information. So funny. This is not going to go well for her. It's pretty much complicated. The other thing I wanted to bring up was I apologize that the outfit I'm wearing is not exactly what she wears in the anime. You know, we tried. Well, it's not even close.
Starting point is 00:41:33 But doing stunts and tissue paper, things disappear. They rip. Sometimes it just got like, anyway, like I was saying, let a reasonable costume. Uh-huh. They made a couple of them, but like I said, they got sort of slurped up in my various crevices never to be retrieved again. So we needed to really build something that could withstand the test of time. So yeah, that's it. What is wrong with what is wrong with women?
Starting point is 00:41:56 So fuck you to anybody who's going to watch this. Yeah, what a shit. So if you thought it was if you were into the idea of like a chick being, you know, using her feminine wiles to throw men off guard, well, that should disabuse you of that notion. Yeah. Yeah. Now you're going to look at this. This doesn't know anything about that. It's just abrasive abrasive abrasive abrasive abrasive abrasive. Um, dude, I would not doubt that somebody's going to talk to her about that. Hopefully the Taliban. I mean, about being that combative with people who are, you are
Starting point is 00:42:34 trying to get to watch your show. If I'm the president, you know, of Netflix or the, or the show, anything like that who has to answer to the money people. I'm not happy about that at all. Yeah. I don't, what's women's deal with double D breasts? Do they, do they get taught that that that's like the magic science to bitch about because face tits are not, faith Valentine's tits and cowie bebop are not that big. They're just, they're just present. Yeah, they're not even that,
Starting point is 00:43:07 like you look at them like, oh, that's not that big. Well, that's not. They're not that big. I don't remember them being like, comically big. No, yeah. It's just a part of like,
Starting point is 00:43:16 I got as cartoon you could have drawn this anyway. It's kind of the whole point. Yeah. Now like the girl that's in the roundup, the bounty hunter show at the end, the blonde girl, her tits are way bigger hunter show, at the end, the blonde girl. Her tits are way bigger. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Anyway, there you go. Totally lost. The I totally lost. Totally lost on her. All right, let me see. Let me read some comments. Oh, Russian ammo is banned, great. So that'll be, that should be getting more expensive any day.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Oh, okay. Margarita or pizza, this is from Rick Clark. The last episode, the last bonus episode broke my brain. Here's a retarded bit I made, thanks for the show. All right, let's see what you got here. Pizza or Margarita, it says. Mm-hmm. How you remember?
Starting point is 00:44:04 I know exactly why. Yeah. Let's see what you got here. Pizza or margarita, it says. You remember in the books? I know exactly why. Yeah. And the bonus episode, Maddox, was asked by his chat if he made a good margarita. And it is Maddox, it's not banana dogs or ox Maddox, it was Maddox himself being asked if he made a good margarita. Yeah. And he says, do you mean the pizza or the drink?
Starting point is 00:44:24 Mm-hmm. Right. So here's a bit. If you didn the pizza or the drink? Mm-hmm. Right. So here's a bit. If you didn't see the bonus episode, go get it. Seriously, he asked. Yeah, with the debt. His, do you mean the pizza or the drink? Idiot.
Starting point is 00:44:34 No, that's like no Fumar all over again. Yeah. Okay, here you go. Hey, babe, I'm going to order a pizza for Maddox pizza. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hey babe, I'm gonna order a pizza from Maddox Pizza. F***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B***ing B They're not these. Yeah. And okay. It's a blender. Yeah. For blender.
Starting point is 00:45:06 You're not even supposed to use blended ice in a real margarita. Jesus, maddox, you're such a f***. Do you mean a queer or like a under the feet. Oh, that mad. It's good. That music. Every pixel broke me. Hey, babe, I'm going to order a pizza for Maddox pizza.
Starting point is 00:45:44 It's like this fucking Middle Eastern sound and shit. Yeah. This is from Moogie, a Moogie someone on. Oh, okay. Oh, there he is. Chris, the cute. My god, really? Maybe it's somebody fucking around, but we'll be able to tell.
Starting point is 00:46:02 And by think minutes. Yeah, I don't even know what to ask him. Mugi Mugi says someone on the TDS pointed out that the last show ended on Madcast Media. Oh, did you know that? Oh, Madcast Media is no longer a live depository of new content, huh? Yeah, all the ships sank.
Starting point is 00:46:26 The rising tide sank all the ships. Repository? Repository. Repository. Yeah. They are shifting to YouTube videos only. I just listened to around, I just listened to the 15 minute episode,
Starting point is 00:46:41 announcement episode. It had some gems. I clipped two big ones. Okay. Do you to hear that the I think it's the super arrogant brothers Are announcing that they're no longer doing their show on madcast media which means that all the shows on madcast media have Have quit. Yeah, okay, let me let me play the album no Empire lasts, you know, no I'm fine. Last forever And and being able to join Madcast media was was just a an absolute dream come.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I think this is the super arrogant brother, Zach Wald. Yeah. So he's the guy with the show that just quit. Okay. I was was just an an absolute dream come true for me. It's amazing. It's it's like, it's like starting a band. And then after enough work,, your favorite band starts to notice
Starting point is 00:47:27 you and tries to help you out. That's what this feels like. Tries to help you out. Your favorite band. But there are the crappy one from Pete Best comes, tries to help you out. Yeah. A beetle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Well, okay. Well, he's positive about it. Not even, you know, he also talks about what's Maddox has been up to. Here you go. Now, this is why all Maddox has not had an episode of God's Lovers podcast zero in months. Uh-huh. It hasn't been since last year, I don't think. And it's not that the show was abandoned. It's just he's busy. He was a band of water shit going on. Like the dude works. The dude works hard and he's been doing
Starting point is 00:48:19 some new stuff, like he streams on Twitch that he does, where I join on Mondays and Wednesday and I it's and I have a lot of fun with them. It's a lot of fun. It's a lot of work. You can drunk and you can't be the time and attention from people that he gets. Yes, that's true. It's like people will, will hone on him about making a new article and asking him, whoo, who his YouTube style from the very, very beginning to, you know, where it became your writer. And then nowadays, he's doing more Twitch streams. So it's like he's constantly finding new things
Starting point is 00:49:16 that are secretly in the studio. That's not writing. He's after his own growth, and I really appreciate being able to see that from now on. Constantly finding things people don't want. If you don't want to, he could just focus on writing articles. No, he can. No, he can't.
Starting point is 00:49:31 But, you know, go on him for finding other shit to try out. It's like, it's like a, a, a, a, a, your life. What a mess. Reinventing. He was hammered on one of those clips that we that we like his drunk as I've ever seen him on stream. There's some dumb other dumb takes in this episode such as every podcast idea has been tried. There's no room for new ones. Amazing. People hate getting recommended podcasts but love YouTube channels and podcasts are too time-consuming to listen to but with YouTube you can put it on the background. Okay, that's great. Well That's too bad. Maybe he'll come back. Maybe Vatics will relaunch someday. Right. Get the old band back together. Yeah, okay Get the super group back together. Hey, David Berger is the commandant of the Marine Corps, and I can confirm the message is real. I know it is.
Starting point is 00:50:27 It is. I mean, I'm sure it is. I assist an executive travel for the military, and the unit email was inundated with this sad self-rubbing tug for about a week now. Yeah, that was really. That was not a good idea. I don't think what going to war. Man, then, you know, I guess I have the same feeling.
Starting point is 00:50:46 The part was fine, it really was just the letter. I saw somebody, something interviewed one of the dads, is one of the Marines who died just recently. Yeah, and the dad was like, oh, it's bullshit, he was planning to make a career out of it. Like a career out of what? Going and murdering people? I mean, what's the career that you're going for?
Starting point is 00:51:07 And how is this any different than people protesting on the freeway getting run over? Like, yeah, well, what did you think was going to fucking happen? I mean, there's always a chance going around playing shooty shoot in the desert and a bunch of terrorist hotbed. What did you think was going to happen? It's fucking funny when their shoes go flying off in the freeway. Yeah. Make a career out of that. Well, I mean, ideally, I think if you're gonna move up
Starting point is 00:51:31 in your career, you get out of the sand and you go indoors with some air conditioning, you know. Well, other people have to say that. Yeah. The absolute cope in the military high command is clown world levels. Anyway, fuck off and have a good one. This flame contractor.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Oh, thanks. It's interesting. Okay, let's see what Chris the Kiwi wants to talk about. Yeah, yeah. All right, let's ready? Let's see if he's here. Whoa. Whoa! Skype! Boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop, boop, boop. What boobs? Oh, that's a- Is this this master plan just to have us just call him and then him not pick up?
Starting point is 00:52:30 Probably- Oh, shit! Shit! Oh, is your hang up? I-I did accidentally. That's it, now he's gone for another year. I know. That was fucking rude.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Do-do-do. I think- I don't think he has internet anymore. Do do do. I don't think he has internet anymore. What can he possibly be doing? You know, like what kind of setup does the guy have? It's like going at you to the band, the headliner doesn't go on, right it, you know. Good keep calling. At 10 o'clock, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Hello. Hello. Hello, something wrong with my fame. Oh, is there? Are you? Yeah, it's like, it's not, what are you okay? Your audio sounds great. Like always, you're the only one that ever has good audio. Are you actually on your? Go ahead. You're one of the talk about Australian COVID. Sure. Is that what you want? So, he wants to hear that? How's your life been?
Starting point is 00:53:27 You haven't talked to you in a long time. Well, everyone's walking around like zombies wearing face masks. But I was going to say, I think what they're doing here is unconstitutional because Australia, federal government law, overites state law. And only the Commonwealth of the Security Officers can enforce mass-free police by security officers. Did you see my video with the confrontation with the police officer in YouTube? No, you had a confrontation with a police officer in YouTube? No, you had a confrontation with a police officer?
Starting point is 00:54:07 Yeah, and I videotaped it. It was about him pressuring me to wear a face mask. Mm-hmm. What did you say? How bad was the confrontation? I was actually quite a polite. Actually, I was told what he was doing was in constitution because what I said before, and B, you must be symptomatic and obviously I'm not symptomatic.
Starting point is 00:54:30 They're actually picking on people who don't have symptoms as well. So I was just turning into a dictatorship, in my opinion. Are you vaccinated? No, I'm not going to get a kind of vaccine. Why not? Well, I wouldn't do it if you paid me $100 or even a million dollars. You wouldn't do it for a million? Really? A million? No. Really? A lot of horrors with that, you sure?
Starting point is 00:54:58 Yeah, I'd rather take vitamin D because vitamin D yet should prevent skype to do that. No, I didn't. It is very good for your immune system. Oh, it is. Yeah, it's booster immune system for sure. Because I tell you how much it take. I take 800 units a day. No, no, no, I actually take two hundred meals.
Starting point is 00:55:18 And no, I'll take two hundred. International units. Yeah, it's going to calcify. Your dick is going to calcify if you take that much vitamin D. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to calcify. You're dick is going to calcify. If you take that much vitamin D, yeah. No, it's not. No, no, it's long as you take Calc, as long as you take magnesium and vitamin K2.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Ah. So what's your vitamin? What's your supplement regimen? So what you, so what you must do, whenever you take vitamin D, you should always take vitamin K2 and magnesium together. Okay. My vitamin region, well, at least as long as I take zinc vitamin E, I take magnesium, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin E, I take vitamin E, I take magnesium, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin E, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin E, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin E, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin E, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin E, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin E, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I take vitamin C, I know, Seligium, zinc. Seligium? Yeah. What do you sound healthy? Yeah, you do.
Starting point is 00:56:10 And you were talking about, you talked about in the previous show how you had, and you was tagging into presence and Seattle is, don't think of something, is that correct? I talked about Seattle as a little bit, yeah. Yeah, that was really good. I loved the better last of the long time. Oh, have you gotten a four-hour erection from Seattleis? No, actually, at last of 32-hours, Seattleis, did you know that?
Starting point is 00:56:38 No, because of the vitamin D. No, no, because what actually happens for Agri is only got a short half-life. Vyagra is, I don't know, Seattle has got a much longer half-life. I think Vyagra only lasts for about six hours, but Seattle has only, Seattle has lasted 32 hours, and that's from the doctor. I didn't know that. That is the marketing.
Starting point is 00:56:59 It's like whenever. Whenever you want. That's right. So do you have you been using a lot of Cialis with the horse lately? What's your, what's been your romantic contest lately? A conquest? Well, I got a possum story. Cialis is really good at it because Cialis and
Starting point is 00:57:18 I hope Cialis and Hiscals is great. It's wonderful, right? What have you been, what have you been doing with these horse? What's your love life been like? It's been, right? What have you been? It's a what have you been doing with these horrors? What's your love life been like? It's been a year we haven't talked to you. Just basically, I mean, I'm getting a lot of flack from this like a lot of them. They talk to me anymore, but you've alienated the horrors. Yeah, but there's more, right? I mean, you can are you running out of horse?
Starting point is 00:57:45 There's plenty of fish in the sea. Why are you getting flack from them? I don't know. I think it's because I don't really understand me and my piercing only, I think, you know, my disability, I think it's probably the main reason. And what would, how does that, like, what things do you do that they complain about? What's the last, what's an example? Well, well, I saw this hooker lately, her name was Chloe. Well, they use fake names. The hooker's onion fake names, she her name's Chloe.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Lives in the north side of Brisbane. Sorry, twice, she was quite a friendy in text, but I think what went wrong is because she looked at that blacklist site and started gossiping about me with other escorts. I think that's what happened. I could be wrong about that. There's a blacklist? What's a blacklist, say? No fucking. No, no, no, no, I talked to you about the ages ago. Remember, like I've been a hooker blakeless site, do you remember that? Dimly, but let remind everyone, because I don't know if everybody knows about that. You started with the black list, Dick was blacked out.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Yeah, well, every hooker has got access to this private database of pace, this direction, and they put people, they put people, it's called the ugly mugs website, and tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o tehau o because I actually don't waste time what she paid for because I don't go. I don't actually pay my way. I pay for the service they provide me. So I mean, I'm not really aggressive at all. You know, I think it's mainly the hookers because they take the whole money and balance. So just the problem. Yeah, well, they could be that could be part of it. Is there someone, some kind of like, you know, governing body or somebody you can petition to get moved from that site? Yeah, is that because I'm on the banks put me on a list. So I can't use banks anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:00 It's similar. So you want to be, yeah, removed from the blacklist so that you can freely engage, you know, in the commerce of horse. I do. Go ahead. I don't, I'll probably have to gauge your lawyer about him. I mean, I don't think there's any way I can do that. I think the next, I think the next best organization he can invite me is what they call the
Starting point is 01:00:19 prostitution, licensed single authority in Queensland. So really? Yes. Constitution, licensed single authority in Queensland. So, yeah, see the organization. Yeah. Yeah, so there is a licensed single authority in Australia, I think, so. So, do you have to say, yeah, go ahead. Oh, sorry, I don't mean to change the subject. Have you heard from Dr. Rachel lately? No, no, I haven't heard. Why do you want to, do you want to talk to her? I haven't heard that name. I'm in there. Yeah, she's always about more.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Even though they don't nearly forgotten about her, she's always lurking. Bagley in the back of my head. Yeah, really. I know that goes. Yeah. So I don't know if she would be happy to hear that. Well, I mean,
Starting point is 01:01:05 that she's in the back of your mind all the time. Well, it's been not at all, isn't it? No, I don't know, not for her, maybe. I don't know. I don't know. Wait, are you, what happened with all of your legal stuff? You didn't want to talk about it before, but what, you're innocent, right?
Starting point is 01:01:28 Well, it's a very extremely long story, but what I will say is that as long as I don't use social media, because I've been banned from social media for years, so long as I, so long as I abide by that, I should be fine. So I'm going to be in my best behavior. I've actually got called my iPhone, which was confiscated by the police six months ago when I got charged, and I've started using it today, but I've actually deleted all the social media applications of my iPhone,
Starting point is 01:01:55 so I'm not tempted to go on social media, so that's on there. That's good. I think that's how do you feel about that? I feel it's good, because for the previous seven to eight months, I was only using a brick phone. You know those brick phones that you which are quite big, well I was using one of those and they had no internet, so that's all I was using for the past eight months. Were you using it as a phone?
Starting point is 01:02:26 I mean, were you talking? You're actually using it as a phone. Yeah, I don't know anybody who actually calls each other on the phone. I've wanted to do that. If it wasn't for the camera though. Yeah. I wanted to ask you something, Dick,
Starting point is 01:02:37 do you have, are you able to give me your mobile telephone number or are you don't trust me? No, I don't want to give you my mobile telephone number, but I get email on my phone too, it's the same. OK, hey, I tried to do an order. The first order I paid by PayPal, but it didn't send the go to the three because it says cannot send to the destination,
Starting point is 01:02:58 but I got charged for them PayPal, so. But I tried the second time directly on your website, using my credit card and actually went through, so that's good. But I'm just a bit worried about the first transaction that's all that they can go through. It's pending authorization, so I don't know what's going on there. Can't you just kind of dispute that with PayPal? Yeah, yeah, I can. Do you have a dedicated team that deals with setting up mergers major's, did I know you personally did you know you were? No, I just, I just email a guy and get shirts printed and then they shipped to a warehouse. Why? Do you want to, do you want to make
Starting point is 01:03:33 shirts? No, no, no, no, no, do the guys in your shop name you put know of me? Am I quite top level than what? No, I think that they're just guys moving boxes around. I don't think that they, I don't think that they, I don't think that they know you personally are recognized easily. Hey, so what did you think of my ATM video about me and her standing about?
Starting point is 01:03:56 Man, this is what you look like to them and this is all there after. Do you think that was quite funny? What I did on the ATM is. I think it was, I think it was great. He did a redo of my Dr. Phil video. He did. Why are you, why are you giggling?
Starting point is 01:04:09 It was his name though. What was it? What name did you use? Grus. I don't think you see anything. I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just did a very brief shot of me, um, book at the, I.T.M. that's all.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Uh, oh, gotcha. Can you get access to your ugly mugs profile on that website to see what the hookers say about you? Oh, I haven't bothered, but it's going to be really hard. I probably have to open up a fight email and pre-fund be very intelligent. The way I got about trying to access it. Yeah, yeah, I always like to do that. Right, you don't want to get in trouble again.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yeah, that's right. It Right, you don't want to get in trouble again. Yeah, that's right. It's a pace of scooshing. I was going to ask you, there is an American program called Catfish. Did you know that? Yeah, I did. What do you think about that? That's quite, that's quite I don't even have you seen it. Yeah, it is funny. How how how how how, how, how, how, how a straight feed I'll get catfish while there's been a scot for the, and these two guys that bring cameras and they, and the guy who, the person got catfish gets confronts the person who's been catfishing and that actually turns out quite friendly sometimes isn't it? Yeah, usually pretty friendly. The camera's there, so you know, nobody wants to be a jerk on camera usually. So you live in California, is that right? Maybe. Why do you want to know?
Starting point is 01:05:42 I was a centrist of I've never got in the States. No, I don't really want know? I was a centric of a never-cada in the States. No. I don't really want to, I feel like getting out of California. What do you think? I'd get out of California. Yeah, I'd get out of California. Unless the recall happens, and Larry Alder gets in, then I want to see what happens.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Is this my aspiring stuff business in America? Is that really madness? They're like, do the police actually really enforce it over there? Or what? Not the police don't, but all the shops do. Like all the people, bartenders, employees, they're all up your ass about it. So it's not really a police matter in America, is that right? It's going to be soon. New York, New York is just a thing where restaurants have to do it. So it's not really a police matter in America. Is that right? It's going to
Starting point is 01:06:25 be soon. New York, New York, just passed a thing where restaurants have to do it or else they'll get fined like $5,000. So they have to make people put a pressure on them. Surely, surely, surely there must be unconstitutional, goes against the American constitution or the smastering stuff. Well, everything, everything that we've been doing. So the eviction moratorium, the Supreme Court just said, that's unconstitutional. Wait, the moratorium or the moratorium? They said you cannot stop people from evicting,
Starting point is 01:06:58 like going through legal process to evict people. That's unconstitutional. And everyone's saying, like, oh, there you go. Okay, great. Where the fuck was the Supreme Court 18 month? That should have been day one. Eviction moratorium, no, obviously not, because there's obviously unconstitutional, they waited, like they have their beds
Starting point is 01:07:16 to see how long they could stretch it out. Yeah, sure, sure. It's very annoying that none of this stuff is getting that the Supreme Court is so fucking lazy. What, Chris? Do you know I'm a Australian, that they actually prevent people from crossing the border, unless they've got a vaccination or a vaccination, did you know that? You mean to other, other like Australian states or territories?
Starting point is 01:07:37 Yeah, yeah, that's quite the prevent. Yeah, they do something in Canada, yeah. But that's unconstitutional goes against Australian constitution too. Yeah, I mean, they're just making Canada. Yeah. But that's, that's unconstitutional. It goes against the Australian Constitution too. Yeah, I mean, they're just making it up as they go along. That's right. So what seems to be happening in Australia is that the, are you there? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:58 All right. What's happening in Australia is that the federal government is actually passing the back on to the state governments. And they shouldn't do that because it's turning into a dictatorship, you know? That's what they're doing. Yeah, no, I know. I know. We got the same thing happening here. All right, Chris, I got to talk to, I got to get Mad Cuxing here.
Starting point is 01:08:16 It's nice to hear from you though. It sounds like being on social media has helped your life a lot to be honest with. Yeah, right. So the $100 we'd be paying me or. Yeah, I'll send you up to the show. All right, thank you very much. Yes, bye Chris. Good to get back to it together with Cantilians.
Starting point is 01:08:32 That shows great. Okay, bye. Okay, bye. He was almost so lucid. I was like, is this a fantastic Chris the Kiwi impression? No kidding. It's got these horrors are getting in out of of them getting all the poison out. I guess. Okay, Mad Cux. What did you, did you want to say something about your network?
Starting point is 01:08:50 Yeah, I'm again, am I gonna get paid for this? I'm gonna ask you at the beginning. That way you can't scan me. No. Good. Good. Call me right now. No. Actually, Sean, do we have a favor in that? Okay. And at this part in right after you finish playing the Zach Walden clip and that way people can listen to me and turn the episode off. You got it. Nope.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Nobody likes Chris the Kiwi. Here we go. Ready. All right. Right. Wow. Thank you Zach Walden. That was very well said.
Starting point is 01:09:19 You know, I am doing a lot of cool, interesting things. You know, I've been a banana on Mondays and I've been in a cowboy on Wednesdays and on Fridays I'm crying into my lonely cereal. But you know, you know, not all the Hollywood is glamor and whatnot. A lot of it's just hard work. It's bare and down and digging deep and that's what I'm doing. You know, I'm working on another book probably and I'm trying to get into a comedy career. And that's all that's also face this, this is the fact folks, okay. Podcasts are dead. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 1.7 million new podcasts in the year 2020. You think that your podcast has been around for five
Starting point is 01:10:01 years is going to be the queen that rises at the top. I don't fucking think so. Oh, resaturated. You think you can compete with some stay at home mom, who is now a stay at home mom, because she lost her job, and she bought a USB microphone, and her and a couple of best friends get together on Wednesdays, get wine drunk, and talk about true time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:20 You compete with that? No chance. No way. No. So you exit the field right at the beginning of the surge. That's fucking with class and dignity. And you do it quietly where no one sees you like go out with a bang, but with a whimper.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Because that's what they say. That's what they say you want you to do. That's what I'm doing. That's what I'm doing. Go out with a whimper. It makes sense. Oh, I wouldn't want to win. It makes sense. Do you have any regrets about the network?
Starting point is 01:10:47 Anything you wish, any shows you maybe wanted to get on there. You were very selective with your shows. You only had five or so. Yeah, no, the only had the best of the best. Right. What kind of show would I want on there? Like a Rostyle podcast review show? So we want the fucking list and that. There's no legs in a format like that. Or what, you know, like a show where two guys get together and just complain about the stuff that are going on in the normal lives. What they've created is if they're talking
Starting point is 01:11:14 about important social things, stupid. That's a stupid show. Nobody wants to listen. For sure. That's true. Talking about God Villa with your ex girlfriend and who you work with at your job for a YouTube channel. Well, I mean, okay, wait.
Starting point is 01:11:28 I mean, that's, yeah, that one actually does kind of, it's kind of cool. That's kind of cool. Yeah. Well, I mean, we're, I will be devastated the day you stop making content. Yeah, you know you will. So I'm glad that you're staying in there. Yeah. I'm going to the moon, man. I'm going to be doing all kinds of stuff, twitch streams, TikToks, street performance art. Oh, what do you mean? Art. Well, so like I take pieces of cardboard and I use ink markers and I create unique works of art.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Oh, I see. Like a house returns on investment. Oh, oh, yeah. Okay. Like I want food, stuff like that. Like feed me. I'm hungry. You know, there's some subtext that's in there, there's any art. I got it. It's kind of leaning into something like that. But I think it speaks to a deeper level of the need of kind of everyone these days with the way that the world is, you know, because Trump is ruined everything. And so now Joe Biden's in here trying to clean up the mess, but he can only work so fast because he hasn't a nap every 35 minutes. That's true.
Starting point is 01:12:46 You think that's odd? He's so sleepy all the time. No. Don't you just get sleepy every 35 minutes or so? I guess so. We're often for me. Yeah. More than that.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Yeah. It's called power naps. Yeah. Right. Would anything convince you to bring the network back ever? Do you ever see anything like that? Yeah, like if there was like a girl who had big cans yeah and Was interested in doing a podcast? I can maybe see the network coming back, but you know Was that ever gonna happen?
Starting point is 01:13:24 coming back, but you know, was that ever going to happen? Yeah, let's be serious. I didn't, wasn't Maddox talking about dating on his, Oh yeah, on the bonus of his own dates. Yeah, I'm not confident out of date. We got that girl off with a, sometimes I'm so good. The police are hard to use even though I'm there. We go, our gallery opening together, she's doing her thing, I'm doing my thing.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Oh yeah, yeah, that's great. I'm there. Go. We're going to have a gallery opening together. She's doing her thing. I'm doing my thing. Oh, yeah. It's great. Yeah, that's great. Well, it sounds like you're doing amazing. I'm jealous. So good. I'm so good with my bicycle and my, all my friends just all your bugs.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Yeah. I was just going to ask about you. You seem to have a problem. There's, there's ants and sometimes you have a, there's a moth attack going on. Look, man, it's stirring, John can tell you in Hollywood, you know, the bugs, they just crawl right out of the woodwork. These parasites, they come out and they try and suck upon you.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Yeah. And they are attracted to greatness. Why don't you have any bugs in your home dick? Because you fucking suck. Because I don't have bugs. That's a symbol of status. You say, nobody wants to suck your blood, because you fucking suck. Because I don't have bugs. That's a symbol of status. Nobody wants to suck your blood, your poor ass blood. You suck your blood because you're fucking worthless.
Starting point is 01:14:31 You're, yeah. Uh, tracks, tracks. All right. Well, I'm sorry. Sean had bugs in his house. What's your bugs? Um, yeah, I'm rife with them. Uh, well, uh, either congratulations, I guess, then that your podcast network is complete and that it was
Starting point is 01:14:50 everything that you wanted it to be. You can move on to bigger and better. Yeah. You can get pulled into bigger and better things. First, the $30,000 podcast network next to the world. Does anything make you a rage? Yeah, it really makes me a rage that, like, vet's bills are so obscenely high. And they got you by the balls because they got your pet there that you love and care
Starting point is 01:15:13 about and cherish. Yeah. It's either, it's you spend a bunch of money or fucking kill it. Yeah. And we had to take Maddie in. Well, I was in Chicago, AIDS girl, just get bit by a black widow or something. No, she was all messed up.
Starting point is 01:15:28 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like, oh, I know this trick. No, they, they really do, they really do pump
Starting point is 01:15:45 you, you know, most vets are definitely, they've, they've, well, you know, you really should screen for this, this, and this, just to make sure it's like always. It's like, yeah, I can see my dog just got their head chopped off. Can I bring her in? Yeah, we got an appointment to October. Is that okay? Okay. There's emergency places. But do your vets out there have the signs up where there's like a veterinarian shortage for some fucking reason? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, where they want help or they want. No, they're like, we can't service you because we're out of veterinarians. Yeah. Like the the the coronavirus came and it just all the variants
Starting point is 01:16:21 just are disappeared. Gone. I don't know. I don't know. It's true. Really? I haven't heard about that. So here's the other fucking thing. This is two things on that with them getting you for everything they can. So my cat sick took him to the vet. vet sends me to 24 hour emergency care center. That 24 hour emergency care center closes on Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Yeah. No. No. And they all say animal hospital. And then they all have, when you get there, it's like, by the way, if this is something that requires medical assistance, you have to go to the other, like this place. Why did you call it an animal?
Starting point is 01:16:58 Just call it a vet place. Who are you tricking? Who are you tricking to come here? They fucking tricked me, because I got my, every time, so I, so I first vet, then the, then the animal hospital, then I go sent to another animal hospital, but every single one you go to, they have to charge you an examination fee.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Yeah. Like, a hundred bucks just for the, like, God come in and be like, yeah, hey man, your cat's fucking sick. No fucking kidding. And so the, when they transferred me from the 24 hour vet hospital that's closed on Tuesdays to the 24 hour vet hospital that's apparently not closed on Tuesdays,
Starting point is 01:17:35 one point they were me to go back to the regular vet to then be sent to the second 24 hour place, but the regular vet called me and said, no, no, we looked at the charts, just take them to the 24 hour place. Don't fuck a take up here. It's just gonna cost you money and then we're gonna send you over there anyway.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Oh, that's nice of them. That's nice of them. Yeah, thanks. I appreciate that. I don't need to pay for 48 hours worth of vets. All right, Madkex, get out of here. Good luck. Good luck with the guy.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Bye. Okay. Chris the Kiwi, surprisingly sober. Yeah, he was on the streets. Yeah. Everyone's locked inside now, so he's doing well. Yeah. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Advice, someone who's invoicing. Advice, the beginning of an affair with an escort. Hey, Dick Greetings from German listener. As the header of the mail suggests, it's about me 23 having an affair with an escort. Hey, Dick Greetings from German listening. As the head of the mail suggests, it's about me, 23 having an affair with an escort, 28 and not 20, as it turns out. I'm okay. An affair with an escort?
Starting point is 01:18:34 So you're married? I don't know. She's married? What's going on? Who's that? It all started, it all started, it all started, not one of the fairies. Wow, but I mean, I mean, whatever. I tend not they had sex. It all started not with enough air is. Wow, but I mean, okay, whatever.
Starting point is 01:18:46 I tend not to. Okay, fine people, he's German. It all started two weeks ago when I was downtrodden because a neighbor's daughter of my parents' new house in the country I am studying and went back to her uni in another European country. And our little summer romance thing ended with a, let's be friends because we are so far away,
Starting point is 01:19:07 but I'll call you when I'm in town. She's a 9.9 for my taste. Wow, only God can judge a 10, okay? But she's the best gal I ever had something with. Anyway, after that I was down and I felt like I lost my mojo, so I did what every sensible guy would do. I ordered an escort to my place and had a good shag. Obviously, I was still thinking about the other one,
Starting point is 01:19:29 and obviously the escort looked different than the pictures and had tattoos, but I had to do it because her body is pretty good and those milkies. After we were done, she says we should hang out sometime and gives me her private number. During our little liaison, she has complimented me throughout, but I put it off as professional politeness. Kind of like with American waitresses where we always think they want the D, but when the
Starting point is 01:19:53 only D they want is the extra dollar. You spend. Now she stayed overnight at my place two times. You better not make it three. And we hung out in public once. She's not asking for money, so it's free. Wait till she moves in. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:13 It brings her kid. And I will probably see her again next week. So what's the best course of action? Keep this thing going just to keep the scent of pussy so that women know that I fuck. Okay, because if I stop this, I know that all women of this world will instantly sense that I don't fuck anymore, which is unacceptable for the upcoming stream of international students
Starting point is 01:20:37 this coming semester. I don't know if it's that. I don't know if they would necessarily be able to know that. No, I don't think so either. I don't think that's a good reason to keep a hooker in your home. Yeah, I'm going with, I'm going with come up with a better reason maybe. Maybe get a, maybe get a guitar. I mean, you seem to be doing all right. I mean, do you want, do you want, are you in love with this hooker? Maybe get a guitar. Yeah, but on the other hand,
Starting point is 01:21:02 I don't want some crazy escort who is marching towards the 30 to slash my tires or worse. What would you, son of a bitch, do? Love you, Sean, and go fuck yourself, Dick. Why do you think she'd jump right to slashing your tires? They all do. I mean, she's probably, you know, not that. I mean, I don't know. That seems depends on, you know, what she's been over there twice. Like, there'd be fucking careful, man. Third time. Yeah. You got yourself a girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:21:29 I know. She leaves some shit over there. Third time is, yeah, I know. It's weird. It's kind of that. It's like, whether you say it or not, it's like you kind of, you kind of get in together. No, man has ever wanted a relationship and somehow we all end up in them.
Starting point is 01:21:44 They've been what, you've got your eyes over here, pining over some farm girl. Shoot, she sneaks in the back door. That's how they do it. It's really weird. Yeah, it is weird. I don't know, fake your death, I guess. Or take a hooker for a while. Jump straight to it.
Starting point is 01:22:04 You learn some things. you'll ask some good stories about your tires getting slashed and having to deal with someone who overdosed on heroin. You have a fun time. It'll knock some of this weirdness out of you about. It won't be dull. Yeah, it sounds like you want a fun time. What do you want me to say?
Starting point is 01:22:21 How old does he? Go for it, you're 23. 23? Oh boy, give it a second to me. Also, or else you say? I'll hold this. Go for it. You should be 23. 23? Oh boy. Get it exact to me. Also, or else you're going to be locked into this. Now is the time for fun times and stories to tell.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Yeah. All right, everybody, this is music show. Pageant Comp slash to the next Tuesday. Susan Boyce, Melchon. Okay. Let me play a save state corrupted song. All right. You know what, maybe I'll play it next time.
Starting point is 01:22:41 I can't find it. I think it's easier to edit for you. Is that ding? Duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk Duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-uk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-duk-d I need that text editor. Oh, and speaking of panhandlers, how about the whole nation of Afghanistan? Right. People are always, oh, what's going on? Why can't we? It's not going to work.
Starting point is 01:23:19 We have a bit of a foreign aid. Okay, well, they can hear a lot of testimonials. Like, well, can we get the money? Oh, no, no, they don't steal the Taliban's fuel. Okay, well, they hear a lot of testimonials like, well, can we get the money? Oh, no, no, they just sell the Taliban steal it. Okay, well, we get them fertilized. No, you can't get them fertilized. They're blocked out of that. Other than we are in poppy because the Taliban steal it. They'll sell it to the Taliban to make farms with. Okay, and then, oh, we couldn't throw batteries away on the base because the people who worked on the days will give it to the
Starting point is 01:23:46 Taliban to get made i.e.s with uh... well we know that's not the towel and that's just the citizens right yeah that's when does it stop oh we found this guy this asking police cat was raping boys we're going to do something go to the ask any to like oh yeah that's that's
Starting point is 01:24:02 what goes on yeah the Taliban stopped that okay And I think you know that the problem. Yeah, I heard maybe some cultures are just What are you gonna do about it the second we leave the entire place get to roll or the channel? They like it. I mean with a talent man. They like it. I mean, like the dog always got a bunch of great toys. She always wants to go chew on a stick. It's not good for, I just did the stick, cutting her mouth up. What do you mean to do? Yeah. So that's what they like. Okay. Yo, I've been told for the audio is fine, but yeah, my rate is pretty good.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Yeah, guys. So we're in the nightlife industry. You meet people and I don't ever give a fuck, so I kind of just usually nod and get to the introduction. And this guy asked for a problem and I'm like, come from Alabama, you see me too. It's cool, man, because you saw him not. Why was that? I'd like a dick got me. Yeah. Fuck it. It's the equivalent of the April fools court. Fucking in the former chamber.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Oh, yeah, I'm from the same state. That's the end of the joke. Catch you. Oh, man, guys trying to be funny. There's like, that's a low fucking, that's low amount of effort put out for that. A very low percentage of you guys should try to be funny. That's true. And they all, like you should know, unless you really know you're gonna nail it
Starting point is 01:25:37 to stop choking. Nobody appreciates it. Nobody. Okay. Hey, Jake, I got a rich for you uh... the fact that there's fucking indoor smoking was for e-cigarettes
Starting point is 01:25:53 uh... i i i i'm with you i'm with you on like smoking cigarettes on indian side plate of places you know like i understand like secondhand smoke at the thing and people know that like it hailed that that should I understand that but when this fucking is an ad for e-figure I don't understand there's not like the second hand fucking the smoke when it comes to yeah I don't think that again you're not gonna become gay just by just being in the same room next to a baby it's not gonna happen
Starting point is 01:26:19 I mean it has easily so right you're gay for vaping yeah go to places and I have to like wait or like eat outside just so I can vape on a decent or it where it doesn't even do anything like you're nothing's gonna happen. If I do it in fact, I think you should be able to take what you want. Yeah. I'm gonna start a fire. I just was like a fucking idiot. Okay. I accepted that when I heard vaping.
Starting point is 01:26:42 I'm 100% aware of that. They just say shit until enough people believe it and that's not order is like fucking they choose inside of a fucking restaurant that makes me so god damn angry yeah it's just it's infuriating i don't understand why the fun for everywhere you just can't smoke
Starting point is 01:27:01 he cigarettes anywhere like i'm already a fucking loser i go to buffle a wild wing and i'm and on the patio, it says no smoking. I'm gonna get that. And it says even outside. And I'm just like, what the fuck are you on the show? You want to fuck why? What the fuck are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:27:15 I'm outside. It's not like, it's not even that bad, cause like all those people, it's like, oh, I can't smoke anymore. It's like, they should welcome people to come smoke on their patio and stuff. It's so much healthier. The e-cigarettes are so much, it should be, hey smokers, we know you're addicted, but if you switch to the e-cigarettes, we'll let you smoke inside. I mean, it's a big incentive and that would save a lot of people from getting cancer.
Starting point is 01:27:47 I honestly don't know shit about them, but there's no way they can be as bad as like inhaling combustible material. They put stuff in an addition to the nicotine, right? They know as cancerous. Well, yeah, I mean, keep it burning evenly. They put bats. They don't put bats to be funny. I mean, well, let's let's look at it. I'm not a fucking cancer causing shit because it's, yeah, it's vaporized by, you know, it's a, it's a heating element.
Starting point is 01:28:14 It's a battery, right? It doesn't, it doesn't cause damage. Like you get cancer because it causes enough damage. It eventually hits, it eventually sheds a DNA that comes back together the wrong way they never stop scrolling. Like that, the vape doesn't do it. Yeah, I don't know anything, but there's, it just doesn't make sense that they're, that they're as bad for you or people around you. I don't know what fucking goes into those things. I mean, no, it's still inhaling a fucking poison in your body, but like, I mean, I, the nicotine though. Yeah, that's what I mean. Yeah, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:28:45 Um, no, I know there's like hundreds of chemicals in a regular cigarette. Yeah. Like it's best this and shit. All kinds of shit. They got you with, they got you with the second hand smoke. He even said it. Like I get the second hand smoke thing. Why?
Starting point is 01:28:59 Yeah. What do you, what are you mean? Yeah. Cause that's the, they're stopping you from smoking outside. Yeah. And there's no risk of secondhand smoke fucking outside They got you with that meme. So they get you with the rest of them Hey vacation. Hey, I just finished listening to the newest bonus episode the one with the margarita
Starting point is 01:29:21 Hmm, and it's kind of say nothing in life really makes me smile anymore. You know, I don't like kind of just exhale a little bit when you're using me, but without fucking fail, I always smile like a dumb shit in public when I hear Sean starting to do with on max impression on max Maddox. All right, man. This is a depression. They're all fucking fantastic. It's the Man of Docs, the cowboy doc one. They're all fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Oh, well, on it, I just start grinning like an asshole. I'm happy to make your life a little better. Thank you. I enjoy that. And that was a very good bonus episode. It's so funny. Oh, God. Well, this old cowboy just don't know yet.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Yes, he does. You know, I don't know about that. He never takes a stance on anything. You know, as ox mad. No, and his sayings are so stupid. Like this repeating yes, he does after everything. Like he doesn't have a list of old timey, he's just not good at that.
Starting point is 01:30:27 He's not good at pretending to be a cowboy or a banana. And they use each other's catch phrases. I know, he needs a improv class. Well, yeah. He needs a book of old timey saying. Just do a little, right. Exactly. You gotta know what character you're playing. That's, and what year it is.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Like do you know modern stuff or not? I know why he goes back and forth between that stuff. Yeah. God, you could, you would never predict that a question like, do you make a good Martin Gerita would provoke that answer out of that guy? That's why he's gold. That's totally irreplaceable. Yes. Okay, here we go. Hey, there, Sean.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Okay, so what makes me rage? People that butter you up, up that say like, oh man, you know, yeah, when I hang out, you know, you're super cool guy, you know, I totally let's grab some beers, you know, come over. I'll cook some brisket like whatever. Whatever the fuck you right. He tries to factor them. They just never write it. No, like, oh man, yeah, you know, we're going to be out this weekend. It's going to be great. You know, I'll. Welcome to the thing cool no call
Starting point is 01:31:50 Always what do you want? I have a roast beef on the table You're gonna get this from me. I was I was Not even a call. I don't want to be my friend What do you have I've said it? Why this raid? Why y my chain why be like oh yeah, it's so great. Oh my god You know we talking about and then just not thought just to feel like a man eat it dick and die and Well, there's something in between that I'm waiting wait and don't keep telling me that like you want. You should have been with me and then just don't.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Bro, so, yeah, that's it. Go fuck yourself. Peace. Does he send that to guys? Other men, do you think? Typing that all out? Why did you tell me that I was cool? That you weren't coming out and that we were bros
Starting point is 01:32:38 and that you haven't reached out to hang out with me since we met. Since we passed out together watching Fight Club. By having you texted me back since I left your place. I don't know. There might be something else going on there. Okay. There we go. Hey, Decaitron. Android here. Just calling you guys were talking about the soap on last week. That's the soap. Oh, yeah, we were. How's the grade in it? Yeah. one you do oh yeah, I was pretty good marketing So that's just pretty fucking good dude. It's got the one that I like the best I think is what the hell is this an ad?
Starting point is 01:33:34 It's called cold brew cleanse. No like coffee God coffee grounds in it and Like beans piece of beans and stuff. Oh my God. It feels so good. You know, you rub the bar, your body, and just, uh. The fuck are you talking about? I'm like, that's a little weird. If you rub off some Dr. Squatch, man, I got a bunch of different kinds of creative and affordable.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Coffee. I want to wash and coffee. That stuff has a, that stuff smells. I don't like those fucking. So yeah, I don't like that. I don't like that. So yeah, I don't like that. I don't like that.
Starting point is 01:34:04 I don't think I like those guys. There's just two, it's too much. I'm tired of seeing like cartoon character, men dressed as cartoon assholes, delivering like quote comedy. Like I'm tired of seeing quote. But I mean, the Jacklings commercials are pretty good, aren't they?
Starting point is 01:34:20 Which one was that? Messin' with Squatch. Some of those are fat. I'm gonna take a moment to stop. I fuck with the Sasquatch, you know those were fat. Some of those were fat. Well, they fuck with the Sasquatch, you know. Oh, yeah. And then he always hurts one of them really bad, you know.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, those are funny. But it's not real. I want to see someone really get there. Well, I mean, some people have seen stuff out in the forest. I mean, who's to say that, you know, a couple of Jack Asses haven't befriended one, you know?
Starting point is 01:34:45 Like the Taliban helicopter thing, swinging that guy around and we just said like, good, new project brew at the bottom. Sasquatch is piloting the thing. No, not anything funny stuff though. Just people like the pictures of the Marine holding that baby or whatever and it's like it was killed and brought to you by Coca-Cola. Oh boy. I'm waiting. Yeah. I'm in. I was gonna drink the coke anyway. But today's death minute brought to you by Coca-Cola. I mean, we're almost we're almost there. Check it out.
Starting point is 01:35:15 This guy was this radio house was unvaccinated anti-vax and now he's dead of COVID. Ha ha ha. Brought to you by crispy cream. You fucking fat pig. That's good. So it hurts people's feelings. Remember you could hurt people's you You used to be able to hurt people's feelings and be proud of it. Yeah, they got to pretend. It's all about like pointing out hypocrisy. Mmm, I'm not just hurting people's feelings. Mm-hmm. Oh, dumb. Okay, wait a moment. Oh, yeah. Hey, Jason, let me see if something rage is misplacing your cigarettes. Fuck that. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:35:57 I thought that had enough and then you find out that you don't have enough. Right, because he has poor beer so Math is stupid. I hate it. Yeah, take care. Love it. Hope you find your cigarettes Because then they're gonna you're gonna find them again like in two years and they're gonna be all crummy And they'll be a half to smoke them. Yeah, they'll be stale and they'll be crushed. I'm gonna throw away Throw away perfectly fine perfectly acceptable cigarettes. All right everybody goodbye. See ya. Thank you I'm gonna throw away. Throw away perfectly acceptable cigarettes.
Starting point is 01:36:31 All right, everybody. Goodbye. See ya, thank you.

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