The Dick Show - Episode 275 - Dick on the Nick Show

Episode Date: September 14, 2021

A disappointing 9/11, Nick Rekieta vs. Vito, Rick and Morty ruined their best story, a gorilla attacks Larry Elder, passing on one million dollars, Robert E Lee is canceled, a time capsule heist, real... pro life problems, expelled from virtual school, Amazon invades Mexico, teaching your kids to mine NFTs, and how to deal with shame; all that and more on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's not really appreciated in my circles. In his circles as well, to be honest, flagging, just throwing out there to YouTube. Hey, is this content cool that these guys are doing that I don't like? Because you said it was not cool. It was, oh, oh, guy, name Alex Jones, perhaps you heard of him. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Yeah, not a good showing. Got you. I don't know. So now I'm distracted. I get a little, okay, Nick's calling in. Wonderful. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, let's ask him. Let's ask him. I told him, given the usual time, is it going to be a thing? Yeah. Vito is. Oh, yeah, Vito is the boulder, okay. Yeah, people are not happy. They're talking about Mad Jarbo, the boulder holder. Oh yeah, the ultimate boulder holder. That lied about it though.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Vito didn't lie about it, he came right out, I'll do it again. Yeah, like, they had to deserve to get flagged and I hope they burn it hell. That was Vito's response. Right. Well, Vito buddy, we're trying to do a biggest problem over here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I don't know if you were aware of this. Well, everybody, there's times when everybody doubles down, it's just what you're gonna double down on and whether that's in the big scheme of things, a good idea or not. Yeah. What would you say, you know, I guess it'll shake out. I guess it'll shake out the way it shakes out. Yeah, it'll shake out. All right. Oh, hair looks just awful. Great. Okay. I guess we should, we should start before I get to intending. I'm trying to collect
Starting point is 00:01:40 myself after all this veto nonsense. That's the, that's the problem. That's always the problem. So how much of that? Well, I, huh, how much of that goes back to you versus like, yeah, I mean, you must be preoccupied with that shit. It's always all my fault. As soon as anybody does anything, yeah, as soon as anybody does anything, it's not, it's like, yeah, they're a fuck, but you did, you didn't say anything. I called into the kill stream while Vito was on and yelled at him for about a half hour. Oh, and then Mr. Kills from within as well. And did what I presume is his version of yelling, which is calmly and rationally explaining his position in a way that is both, both firm and also respectful to the other person's
Starting point is 00:02:29 position, which I is the same. Who is this? Mr. Girl, the guy who's saying a song about being a pedophile. Oh, I love that guy. That's right, Mr. Girl. Mr. Girl. That's what it was so fucking funny. Everyone's right, though. Okay, let's do, Mr. Girl. Mr. Girl. Oh, that shit was so fucking funny. Everyone's right, though.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Okay, let's do a show. Let's do a show while the dog is busy. It's a big dick. It's a big dick. She cost me zero. This is million dollar dog. Oh my god. The money.
Starting point is 00:02:57 The money pin dog might as well be a boat in the Middle East. AYEEE! AYEEE! Ha! Welcome to the, you want to get new to you? You have to get me the, you have to give me the show, right? This contest can be a lot for Mountain Bunker, deep in the hardest city of failure. My house took Mashlin AKA the 20 million dollar man for his America's worst. Max got 126 weeks running, joining these always-
Starting point is 00:03:14 We'll drink almost made it. I almost got it all in before the end. Hello, Dick. Hey, what's up, buddy? Thank you for not killing yourself. Unless you're vetoed. And then I don't, I do not thank you for not killing yourself. This is from everybody to veto.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Geez. It's veto versus the world this week. You know what? I got to say, Nick Rikki is calling in. There's probably some kind of bonus content released this week at So I just the dick show, I don't know, comes out all the time. So check it out, throw in your buck to get the video five bucks for all the bonus episodes, they're wonderful. Disappointing 911. I was really, I was really underwhelmed. I managed to get through, I was like, well, I'm not on social media or anything, so that's good.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I'm like 99% of life problems right there. Pretty much eliminated. I didn't catch any programs on it or whatever I skid right by those. So I managed to get skate right through 9-11. Well, good for you, but I was expecting 20 years. Well, the 25th anniversary is the big one. No, no, no, no. You go to your 20 year high school reunion.
Starting point is 00:04:22 You don't go to your 30th. You don't go to your 10th. you don't go to your 10th, like the 20 years, the big one, you still got some maxi in you. Yeah, 50, if you make it, that's just see who made it that far. That's right, right? 20 years, I mean, the US pity party was normal, New York. Oh, the terrorist attack defeats this over here.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Oh, normal, normal stuff, you know, normal, but somehow that's like, that's really subtly very disrespectful. Oh, fuck New York. Every, it's great. That's, it's like, wow, wow. Oh, they knocked over our pizza making machines over here. Up in here.
Starting point is 00:04:57 It's funny, it's disrespectful because that's what they'd be concerned about. I'm from New York. You're talking about 9-11 over here. I'm from New York. I mean, excuse me, I'm from New York. You're talking about 9-11 here. I'm from New York. You're talking about 9-11 over here. I'm from New York. I mean, excuse me, I'm from New York. You're talking about 9-11 here. I'm from New York.
Starting point is 00:05:09 You know, the thing about New York, I'm from New York. I don't know if I mentioned that. It was almost on every plane ever. You know what next time I'll tell the story about how there was originally six flights and I stopped two of them. Oh, okay. See, you would believe one, if I said there was five and I stopped one, no, everybody could have done that, right?
Starting point is 00:05:29 Everybody says, well, if I was on the flight, I would have stopped it. Right. But there was six and I stopped two. Stop two is two is superhuman. Yeah, that's both in the air. I've got it in the air. I can't. It's too late.
Starting point is 00:05:40 So what was it? You were, were you on one and then you somehow hacked in to the other, but I got a year to think of it. Okay. Fine. Well, bro, speaking of thinking of, speaking of having a year to think about things, fuck Rick and Morty. Um, that, the Rick and Morty season finale where they said, I know Rick's backstory is
Starting point is 00:06:04 explicitly what he told the Gromplemites that it was not. Like one of the greatest Rick and Morty moments is when Rick made up that whole backstory to upload the virus into the computer, right? I was like, oh, you can make parts of a totally fabricated backstory. Hilarious, right? Hilarious because it's making fun of us, too. So the writers for this shot for Rick and Morty just took that and said, oh, that actually
Starting point is 00:06:28 is his back. Like, do you guys not even watch the show? Well, the fuck is wrong with you. Yeah. It makes no sense. Well, there are not. So now that's not even Rick's, like, this is just a- There's new writers and stuff too.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yeah, so I mean, you know, that was totally annihilated. So- The connection between Rick and Beth and the, like now he has had nothing to do with Beth since she was a small child. Like it means it's totally, there's no familial bond at all and you expressly ruined his escape,
Starting point is 00:06:55 which was one of the best things ever made. And saying, totally insane. And the last episode ended and I was kind of like, so that's how they're gonna leave it. That's it? Yeah. Oh, and now there's a gold portal and all this Rick is the, how the fuck is there a universe of pizzas
Starting point is 00:07:14 calling for people on couches? How does that universe exist in the central finite curve? Which is like, is there a smart intelligent Rick phone there? It makes no fucking sense. It makes no sense. And I hate it. I hate good sci-fi ruined. That's my problem. I hate good sci-fi ruined. I hate that they ruined Picard. I hate that they ruined the genre of sci-fi. There is no more need to have any structure or rules at all. It's just retarded capeshit. One after the next. No, there's no reference material, no Bible,
Starting point is 00:07:50 Picard, whatever, galactic socialism, whatever shit on earth sucks now. Oh, you don't know if robots are sentient or man in machine. Ah, fuck it, they're all slaves. Like, what do you guys, what are you thinking? Just stop. Get one adult man in the room. Get someone's dad.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Anyone's, it could be my dad. Could be Mad Cucks's dad. Any of our dads, it could be your dad. Any of our dads, sit him down, tell him your story, and just look at their face, they'll go like, well, what do you mean? Come on, what do you guys talking about? Lifetime movie or sci-fi movie?
Starting point is 00:08:25 He's talking about. Are you talking about the new, there's like the new, I haven't seen one second of it, but there's like a new Picard show, right? Yeah, it sucks. Yeah, he's a total dog shit. Yeah, they ruined, they ruined, what is he, like fucking retired or something? I don't know. You're really back at a retirement to try and fuck seven of nine.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I thought that's what they were going to do, but that's not what they're doing. Seven of nine's in it too. Yeah, for a second. No. And they don't even, yeah, she's in it for a second. Well, she should have just been a show following her around. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I mean, yeah. Is that Jerry Ryan? Is that her name? Yeah, that was Jerry Ryan. Okay. Tisted pointing nine eleven. Yeah, okay. The Taliban, were they sleeping Tis-to-pointing 9-11. Yeah, okay. The Taliban, were they sleeping on this one?
Starting point is 00:09:07 This should be their Independence Day. They should have a big inflatable, waving, arm-flailing tube men in the front sand, whatever they have a yard, whatever. Wiggling around, throwing falafel at people on parades. They wasted it all. They got real excited with the dogs and the helicopters and stuff and they blew all their enthusiasm. And now they're sleeping,
Starting point is 00:09:28 they're in some kind of Mohammed comb, Islam comb or something. Well, the night I don't think the novelty has worn. I think the honeymoon phase is still on with the new toys. Oh yeah. And new pets maybe. Should be out there. Yeah, I mean, you know. They should have had the dogs and little turbines
Starting point is 00:09:42 fucking stepping around. You know, look, these are our $200,000 dogs. You got a bite and you dropped your 200,000 dogs over here. $200,000 dogs over here. What do you think about that? Uh, I mean, I guess it would give missed opportunity, but it doesn't seem like they're really going anywhere for a while. So they have, you know, another year to plan something.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Maybe it was planning might have been planning. They just, they couldn't get it together in time because it all happened so fast. Stop at the gas station on the way home from work, pick up an American flag and light it on fire. I mean, you can do, like stopping at the store and get your girlfriend flowers and another station would sell American flags. Well, yeah, we left them there. Or the gay pride flag, whatever. These are the messed up of George Floyd, mural. No, I don't know what that was doing and I'm not in the end of my,
Starting point is 00:10:29 but they messed up over it. The Taliban, somebody from the Taliban. Wait, that was a George Floyd mural over there? Yeah. I don't know why. You got me. Crazy. You got me, I guess they have a problem
Starting point is 00:10:43 with police brutality too. Here. It's just the last place I would think there'd be a George Floyd mural. Is it the last? Like if you found one, if Mars, if there was on the surface of Mars, they found a George Floyd mural. I would be less surprised. They're being won in Kabul. Yeah. Okay, that was, that was, that was,. Did you see that the, oh God, Australia.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Australia is more of Australia, the prison island is only allowing their quarantine people, six beers a day. We think about that. Six, you, so you're locked in a hotel room. You can't go out. Oh, they're, if you're quarantined. Yeah, and that means for them,
Starting point is 00:11:24 that means like going between states. Yeah. So if you're quarantined. Yeah. And that means for them, that means like going between states. Yeah. So if you're going to like, you know, Las Vegas, you're, congratulations, you just got yourself a 14 day prison trip in a six beers a day. Six, what are you supposed to do all day? But sit in a room and go insane. And you can't, now they're, now you have just enough,
Starting point is 00:11:42 like can you imagine? I mean, you can imagine, imagine. You don't have to pay for those beers, I hope. Oh, I'm sure you do. Uh, paying with your sanity. Let me, yeah, let me, let me get the whole list out. It's like, it's a cruel amount of, yeah. A amount of beer.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Well, for you, that would be, yeah, you'd go nuts. It's like a, well, you're stuck there for two weeks. Anybody's going to build up a tolerance. Let's say they have a wine limitation too. One bottle of wine. Apartment blocks locked down by the orange bottle spirits. Residents having their alcohol deliveries
Starting point is 00:12:16 policed, which allows them to have six beers or pre-mixed drinks. You're gonna have six-point clums. So it's new South Wales. Bro, you need a bottle in a half of wine a day. That's one bottle. No fucking, that last half a bottle is very important. One, three, fifty mill bottle of spirits.
Starting point is 00:12:36 According to that's a small bottle too. This really hits close to home for you. It dies. Even though it's thousands and thousands of miles away, I know it's close to your heart. Well, because you're gonna, what are you gonna do? Stack, you of miles away, I know it's close to your heart. Well, because- I can tell. What are you gonna do, stack,
Starting point is 00:12:46 you ration them out, maybe hoard it, but then- Yeah, maybe. You're probably only gonna have one day of drinking, and all you're gonna be doing is sitting there staring at the fucking wall. I don't know. I think that's cruel and unusual, to be honest. I don't know if they have a cruel and unusual punishment
Starting point is 00:13:02 and they're claws in there. No, they don't. I don't know, they probably do. and unusual punishment in their, you know, the claws in there. No, they don't. I don't know. They probably do. Um, let's see what else here. Oh, yeah. Did you see Larry Elder was attacked by a lady in a gorilla mask? No. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha know very well. Apparently he's black. I didn't know that until recently because I don't see color. Well, yeah, I just see man nature danger. Well, you hear him on the radio. You know, you don't think it's black. I mean, I mean, women are danger. Let me find out. In a grill. Is that like, or is that supposed to be a racial statement? Or was that?
Starting point is 00:13:39 Well, how could it not? I mean, and what was that to hide the identity? I mean, it's the million dollar question that I want to ask this lady. Are you making like a racial? And what, tell me, if you're not making a racial joke, please tell me the Mr. McGoo series of screw ups that I want to you, that's what I want to make. And egg throwing at Larry Elder, the black, governor, governor, editorial candidate in California in a monkey mask. You want to watch the video? Well, of course I want to watch the video.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Let me bring it up. Uh, probably hidden by a bunch of ads. Yeah. Uh, I'm going to segue to California. No, just fucking play it. Stop with this bullshit there. All right. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Now I can bring it up here. Okay, here you go. This is Larry Elder touring Venice, I think. You know, Venice is just shit hole full of homeless. Yeah, in a disgusting way, full of hard to understand for the rest of the world. How many homeless we got here? Okay, here you go.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Well, I mean, South Park showed. Yeah, yeah, South Park. I mean, they specifically underplayed it. They specifically mentioned Venice. Well, I mean, South Park showed. Yeah, yeah, South Park. I mean, they specifically underplayed it. They specifically mentioned Venice. Yeah, I think this isn't Venice. Here you go. Okay, that's Larry Alder, the black guy. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this lighting.
Starting point is 00:14:56 With fucking pink hair. Oh, it's not on the show. Let me move it so it's on the screen. Yeah, Lady and a pink hair, Chuck's an egg, the width of the century, too, by the way. Oh. Oh. Here I'll show it to you again.
Starting point is 00:15:14 What the? We're getting eggs from behind. We're getting eggs from behind. Oh! Oh! Whip! Yeah. This throws like a girl.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah. She's gone for the head shot. Yeah. Instead of center mass. Yeah. It throws like a girl. Yeah. She's gone for the, she's gone for the headshot. Yeah. Instead of center mass. Right. Never played, never played ball in her life from 10 feet away. Do you think you could hit Larry Elder with the egg and a girl of the mass? Well, you're supposed to go center mass. Of course. I mean, you, you can miss a head with just about anything. Yeah. Do you think you could hit Larry Elder in the back of the head
Starting point is 00:15:47 while wearing a gorilla mask? I don't know if the eye holes line up maybe, but. Yeah, I would really like to get her take on it. That's fucking wild. Here is, now here's the, here is how the news shows to cover it. LAPD investigating altercation with Larry Elder here is how the news shows to cover it. LAPD investigating altercation with Larry Elder at a homeless encampment.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And they've chosen an totally unrelated picture. What does it look like Larry Elder is doing in that picture, Sean? In this picture, if you read the headline, altercation involving Larry Elder at Venice, and then you looked at this picture, what's your instantaneous thought? It looks like he's putting hands on a woman.
Starting point is 00:16:27 It looks like he's slapping a woman, right? I mean, or it doesn't look like a slut, but it looks like he might be having a set. Maybe he's, maybe he's going to push her away. It looks like he's doing something that you would never want to be on the front page of the news, doing, right? What, what, what is this? This is, oh, that's a small one called the LA Times. That's the show is instead of the woman wearing a fucking gorilla mask, which is the most
Starting point is 00:16:55 racist you could be, right? We would be instantly destroyed ever even suggesting it, even joking about it. Yeah. Instead of showing that picture of an angry pink hair, angry pink gorilla, throw a fat woman by the way, too, which makes it even worse. They found a picture of Larry Elder with his hand weirdly. This is staunch supporter by the way. Well, no, they're all smiling, yeah. I mean, you can tell, and the way that he is, there's nobody angry in that photo,
Starting point is 00:17:26 but the fact that he has like his hand on the side of her head for reasons I can't even fathom. Well, they were going in for a hug and it's crowded, and then they have a big hug. I watched the video. They did have a big hug after this. They didn't have to just hands there, but yeah, you take that, like,
Starting point is 00:17:40 what do you think that, like altercation, maybe he was the cause of the altercation? Yeah, exactly, they do it, that, like altercation, maybe he was the cause of the altercation? Yeah, exactly. They do it like it's nothing. Like it's nothing. They do this, I mean, are there people that, are there people that still give them the benefit of the doubt after this shit or do they just support it?
Starting point is 00:17:57 Here's a, oh, I hear that altercation happen. Oh, with that, with that pink haired guerrilla lady, well, let's throw the pink haired guerr gorilla person causing a fucking spectacle on the front page. Yeah, now I got a better one. It's Larry Elder looking like he just smacked a bitch. Oh, well, I hope he wins, but I don't know. Jesus Christ. I think the election day will be the day this podcast comes out.
Starting point is 00:18:20 So I think he's going to win. I really don't know. You really don't know. I really don't know. You really don't know? Me either. Let's see, here's a new Amazon building in Mexico. Check this out, Sean. It's pretty spicy. I think this picture should win a Pulitzer.
Starting point is 00:18:36 This is the Amazon factory in Mexico. Looking like Costco from Idiocracy. And look at what's surrounding it looks like. Dude, it looks like you can't met from district nine. Yeah, it looks like the Costco from Idyocracy. Smack dab in the middle of
Starting point is 00:18:54 district nine. Absolute squalor. Squalor. Ten corrugated, ten roofs, not a single, not a single right angle on this, on this side. In the middle, a monolith, the only stitches for, I don't know, a mile, the only thing long warehouse code within 50 square miles, like a fucking temple, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:16 It's like, this is like a, this is like a cathedral. Let me see what it is exactly. That's fucking New Amazon building. I don't know what it is. The most dystopian image that is exactly right here. Like the gun to the head guy, like the tank guy. Like you guys just, you didn't even, I mean, you didn't even clear out the squalor. At least knock everyone's house over so they don't have to be, they're probably grateful
Starting point is 00:19:40 to be in the shade. How's your, how's your hut doing over there? Juan Marco. Oh, pretty good. I'm in the, I'm in the fucking shade of the Amazon. How's your, oh, how's your hut doing over there, Juan Marco? Oh, pretty good. I'm in the fucking shade of the Amazon building. That is, that is such a brilliant illustration of like a Western culture at the moment. Psychotic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Do you think if the Taliban had Twitter in 2001, they would have said, hey, what's up everyone? Just to be clear, we're going after your banking system and your government because they're evil. You think that? Because I remember two, I remember 2001 very clearly. Two, yeah. Thinking, oh shit, we're under attack.
Starting point is 00:20:11 If I were to log on and somebody said, hey, don't, you're not under attack, just your banks are. Cause we, cause they fucking, cause they're ruined the whole fucking world. You think it would have gone a little different? Like you think the message, do you think we would have had a 20 year war if they had been right in front of it saying, we're not attacking you guys, we're just attacking, we're just attacking your fucking Amazon dystopias. Not saying that they would have got support, but maybe there wouldn't have been unanimous, unanimous cry to nuke the
Starting point is 00:20:38 Middle East. Well, maybe, I don't know, couldn't have gone worse. That's for sure. Couldn't have gone worse. Couldn't have gone worse. Oh yeah, I'll go with that one. Okay. Larry Alder. That's insane. Isn't it though? Like it almost looks like,
Starting point is 00:20:53 like it almost looks like somebody put that together for like a parody. You know, maybe it is. No, I can't tell anymore. I've, no it's probably, well what are they, they should have built like a crummy looking one like Pirates of the Caribbean, like made it weather. they should have built like a crummy looking one, like pirates of the Caribbean,
Starting point is 00:21:05 like made it weather. They should have brought in like a Disney fungineer. Like we're building this giant warehouse in the middle of a slum in Mexico and we need to kind of slum it up. Do you think you could like get some rocks, you know? What city is that in? Cut out.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I don't know. That's fucking crazy. I don't know. Oh, it's docked. Here's the, oh, here's the real one. Somebody, um, uh, um, the pit, oh, it's doctor. Here's the, oh, here's the real one. Somebody,
Starting point is 00:21:29 okay, looks, looks identical. All right, buddy, thank you very much. I don't know. Uh, El Salvador went to Bitcoin. At least part of the photo is fake.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Uh, uh, okay. So, I don't know. But then this is the non-fake. That's, that one looks more fake. Yeah, it looks all sepia.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Maybe it is, what does Chad say to this, I say it's fake? Nope, I don't know. Ah, okay, what else we got? Robert E. Lee is canceled. Do you know that? Yeah, I mean, Statue torn down. Well, he's kind of been, you know, he's get been kidding canceled in various ways for a while. Yeah, he was canceled
Starting point is 00:22:10 back then when it was, uh, when he was killed. Was he killed? No. They let him live. Oh, yeah, he surrendered to, to grant it. I just like courthouse. I remember that. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, you know, he was offered command of the Union armies. Yeah, I do. I didn't know that. But I think he's from Virginia. So he said, no, I got to go and stay. No, I got to rep my home state. It was super well respected.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Well, he doesn't get to stand to you anymore. Here's a quote from Robert E. Lee. In this enlightened age, there are a few, I believe, but what will acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil in any country? Yeah, that. No, I remember that quote. That sounds pretty anti-slavery, you guys. Pro-states rights that new ones seem to be.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And I've said. Pro-state, pro-countrymen, pro-nabour. I think you brought it up too, but it's kind of a very, you know, not a widely known fact that like the emancipation proclamation did not free the slaves in the north. Oh, yeah. Basically, they're just like, well, you can fight for us. Yeah. You know, I mean, that's kind of kind of free, you know, free still slaves. That was kind of nice, though. Yeah, it was just in the right. It wasn't, it really wasn't until the end of the war
Starting point is 00:23:24 that they were technically freed in the north, it really wasn't until the end of the war that they were technically freed in the north if I have that right. Yeah. It's like the fucking mask thing. I hear, let me ask you this one, if I had a can of Mountain Dew and I said, here's some Mountain Dew, I'm not going to drink any, but I'd like you to drink some. Does that sound like something you'd want to do? Just in your gut, knowing Mountain Dew and all.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Here's something for you. I'm not gonna have that, but you have to drink it. You have to drink that. You're gonna say no, right? Cause it's probably pissing it. I mean, if it was open, I'd be suspicious. Definitely open. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Yeah, maybe. I don't know. My point is, so the vaccines are mandated, right? What do you mean? Well, Biden says any employer over 100 people, vaccines are mandatory. Oh, sure. If he went through Oshia, he said, new Oshia regulation, if you got more than 100 employees, everybody has to be vaccinated, right?
Starting point is 00:24:23 Yeah. He said that a couple days ago. Okay. I has to be vaccinated, right? Yeah. He said that a couple days ago. Okay. I got to get up to speed on that. Oh, yeah. So then the next, very next directive was, this doesn't apply to the federal government.
Starting point is 00:24:33 So I'm thinking, if you're, it was like when Pelosi, the first, remember when ObamaCare was passed? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nancy Pelosi, the first thing she put in was exceptions for her district. Yeah. That was like, that's insane. What are you fucking doing?
Starting point is 00:24:49 Yeah, the public. You know that applied for, you know, applied for what you'm gonna call it, like, you know, basically like a, you know, asylum from this in her district. Like, you know that America, according to you, everybody who's not vaccinated is uneducated and like scientific illiterate, right? What do you think? Like, let's just assume that there are people who can't follow science and don't trust
Starting point is 00:25:11 science, right? Of course. Somebody who cannot follow science, if they see you saying you have to get vaccinated and none of us do, they're going to say, I don't fucking trust that at all. What the hell are you talking about? You don't have to. What is the thinking there? So it doesn't apply to anything federal government,
Starting point is 00:25:30 like agencies, anything like that. Not the post office either, which is even funnier, because I remember every oldster, every geriatric on my block, hyping up how important the post office was and how we got to, we got to support the post office. You got to buy stamps. I'm a stockpile stamps. I'm a stockpile stamps, I'm gonna put them in my will
Starting point is 00:25:48 to my kids so you can write letters and pay bills until the end of time, right? We have to support the post office. It's just another example of the rules, you know, just do what we say, we don't have to do anything, we can do, it doesn't, nothing applies to us. Yeah, but now that the Post Office is exempt
Starting point is 00:26:06 from getting vaccinated, now they're fucking door to door COVID carriers for all the exolting. Maybe that's why 9-11 was so disappointing. Cause now it's like everyone hates the police. So it's like, oh, oh shit. Oh yeah, well, you know, I think I have for the first responders, but we're defunding you guys because you're all bastard. If you think about, you know, how the police's reputation among just, you know, America,
Starting point is 00:26:38 at large, in the last 20 years, I mean, it has dropped an incredible amount. I should hope so. Smartphones. Yeah, here is, oh, that's a good point. Yeah. Smartphones. Oh, yeah. We'll know.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And deceptive editing. Yeah, but also, you know, you're seeing like, wow. You find the, you know, unedited stuff, you're like, well, that fucking seems excessive. You're always like, oh, well, you know, we've heard about this from people. It's like, yeah, well, you probably did something. Yeah, and, well, you know, we've heard about this from people. It's like, yeah, well, you probably did something. Yeah, they always, you know, you're
Starting point is 00:27:08 put, you know, and then it's like, not all the time that, yeah, that's true to, um, here is. So Robert E. Lee statue goes down, there was a time capsule in it. This was my point of telling this story. There was a time capsule in it. And they removed all of like the Dixie shit from the time capsule and they put in here's what they replace with the time capsule. A Kent Acloth worn at the 400th commemoration of 1619 so like a whatever like Vanessa from different worlds from Cosby show like one of those, you know, head scarf things, I guess, an L, a little bit of pride pin and an expired vial of a COVID vaccine. That's what they chose to not only
Starting point is 00:27:54 to take the statue down, but also get rid of all the offensive time capsule shit that was inside of it. I'll just get rid of this shit. I just give it a, we fucked up. I just never understand trying to erase history. Well, because people can't remember. They really can't. People cannot remember even you and I can't do it. But as soon as they override it, we're receptive to whatever. Like, oh, yeah, we've always been, well, like we've always had a TSA. That's what kids growing up now
Starting point is 00:28:29 are going to see TSA and say, well, that's for our protection, because they don't remember what it was like before. And they also, like, no, that's true. But we haven't had a bad flight. We haven't had a flight disaster in 20 years. So, I mean, maybe it's time to get rid of it. Yeah. Well, then the supporters would say, well, yeah, it's because of us. When, you know, any of the, any of the, like, kind of watchdog groups or anything like that, they've really only shown that it's corrupt. Yeah. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:28:57 It hasn't shown. It hasn't shown to make anything every time they try to test them, they fail. Yeah. They get weapons through. There's been, like like massive fucking theft. Yeah, because I got the dumbest of the dumb people running it. Yeah, but the history, it's erasing a time before then, so you don't remember that everything worked fine before.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Well, it's just a big, it's a big move. It's just big things like that, or just, I don't know, man, I think it's a ridiculous. So what do they do? They re-barried something like, I mean, because there's, so they took the statue away and then they, you say that was underneath the statue, right? Yeah, they got rid of all that shit. They put that back in or was it just like, oh, here's, here's what came out of the statue with swapped out parts.
Starting point is 00:29:42 They swapped, they swapped it out. They swapped some stuff out. So they pulled it out, sent it to the, so they sent it to a muse top, they put it in a crate and sent it to an Amazon warehouse in Mexico, I don't know. And then they put in this shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:54 They put in this shit for, for posterity. Let's see what else I got here. LGBTQ pride pin. Yeah. The pin, like, are we going nuts for the, maybe the flag? What about the, I don't know about the pin? Where was this?
Starting point is 00:30:18 Virginia. Virginia. Yeah. See, I don't know what that is. I think has USC renamed their horse. They're all always named. The horse is named. Traveler, which was his horse.
Starting point is 00:30:29 He had a horse. He had a very famous horse called Traveler. I don't know. And it's like, that's what they, I don't know. I just, I realized that not that long ago. It was like, but I don't, I now haven't looked it up to see if they renamed it. I don't know. I don't know about this.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I got one man stopped going to college. And then Nick said he'd call in. Let me see if he's here. What time is it? 12.30. Yeah, let me know. Nick, whenever you want to, oh, there he is. Okay, to law.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Nick. Hey, what's up, buddy? How you doing, man? It's been a good one, man. How are you guys? What's up, Nick? Fantastic. I saw recently that you've moved from doing your show in your studio out into
Starting point is 00:31:08 like the woods. Is that next doing all these updates on cases, but he's doing him. I don't know if he's had like a retreat or something. So it's like Nick in the woods. Isn't he already out in the woods? I mean, no, he's literally in my yard. Yeah, wow. Yeah, that's just in my yard. Sometimes it gets a little stifling just being in the studio. So you always have the same angle on the same shot. And I don't know, I just, I got a phone with a good front facing camera. And I was like, I'll do some of these outside because it's nice. It's like watching Mr. Rogers put his loafers on.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Exactly. Exactly. You know, or like Tucker Carlson. Until I get a tag by a giant fucking wasp. The pussy maker. I saw that one. A wasp, Sean. Really?
Starting point is 00:31:54 Came at Nick in the middle and he'd already done so much talking. Those things can be aggressive. Yeah. Dude, it was, it was the, look, there's a lot of wasps by my house. And I'm not even counting my family. But there's a lot of wasps by my house, and I'm not even counting my family, but there's a whole bunch of them. And this thing was by far the biggest wasp I've ever seen. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:13 That's how I started watching it in the middle of talking, and I just keep going with my eyes like darting all over the place, and then thing flew right fucking at me. And I was like, nope, I'm done. I'm out of here. I saw, oh my God, I saw one of your recent streams about Fortnite and you said that Apple and Google both take 30% of your money. Did I get that right?
Starting point is 00:32:35 Yeah, if you do a super chat through an Apple device, they take 30% Apple gets their cut because it's through an App Store app and that's the required amount, right? That was the full point of the Fortnite lawsuit. And then YouTube comes in and they take their 30% cut after. The only mercy is that they actually take it on the net instead of on the gross. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, it's so it's only like 27% or whatever. Yeah, beautiful. So it's only like 27% or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Beautiful. I saw, let me see what else I saw. You get into the, that tripwire games, is that, am I getting that right? So the CEO of, was it tripwire who said that he's pro life and like? Yeah. He just said that he was glad that the Supreme Court didn't overturn the Texas abortion law. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:24 The video game is done forever. I'm glad that the Supreme Court didn't proactively go knock down a state law banning, like, banning heartbeat abortion. Yeah. And ousted, chaos, ousted from the board. The same company who's like aggressively BLM voicing their BLM support back in the rioting days. It was so great because the video game industry commentary on it was like, well, when you
Starting point is 00:33:56 put your political opinions into your public profile, then that's a bridge too far. I'm like, what video game industry is this? We haven't heard anything other than gamer gate, black lives matter and fucking LGBT pride for the past five years. It's like in the one spot where kids cannot get indoctrinated with bullshit. And even then, you guys have never let games rest for
Starting point is 00:34:26 even a fucking second. Like every new chick character comes out, Titsy too much skin, the Titsy two. There's like white, there's a dog whistling in this game about white supremacy. Every single fucking second you've been bringing politics into the game. And a guy was a guy was just for for one tweet. And he's gone forever. Life ruined. Well, it's the wrong side. You know, I mean, that's the it's such a double standard. Yeah. That's the you know, I mean, it's he's deemed by, you know, the people who cancel people that that's the wrong side. So you're you're done forever. I hate that they get away with it too because people can't stop buying games. Like people are fucking people are addicted to games. They can't. Oh, yeah, we throw Maddie out of
Starting point is 00:35:11 here. Sean, people will never stop buying the games no matter what. So when the left gets their agenda through and the game is a success, it just makes them more powerful. Like nobody ever will ever say, oh, fuck off. Like fuck off we're doing the fuck off. It's dog whistling games and they'll still be a hit. You know what I mean, Nick? Yeah. Well, the last of us two, you know, it gets shit on a lot because it's later performance wasn't as great, but it was still the, I think, like the number one pre-ordered game or number two pre-ordered game in Sony's history. And that thing was, you know, everybody hated not only the woke elements of it, but just the story that they completely betrayed the fans on.
Starting point is 00:35:58 It didn't matter. It still didn't matter because everybody still bought the game. And that's how it is with all of these products. That's what Hollywood figured out a long time ago. It's that people are still gonna go watch the next Marvel movie. Like they just will. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:15 And so this shit just keeps going. But this CEO wasn't super red pill alt-right, like Proud boy, right? Like he was the CEO when Tripwire tweeted out, like we stand in full support of Black Lives Matter just like at the end of last year. Yeah. And then the company came out and said, he's gone and actually we have no employees that agree with him.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Like, what did you, not in fucking, is you conduct a survey? Do their wives agree with him? Like, what are you guys, what are you talking about now? Anyway, you I saw that you called veto a piece of garbage on Twitter, which is the worst thing that you share to bowl actually boy What the hell veto I Go ahead. I cannot imagine being associated with this show, right?
Starting point is 00:37:06 That has had its share of various bullshit cancellations, including the trash fire cancellation of new project too. And then going and running to your internet police babysitter, YouTube team support, to tattle tail on some other creators because you don't like the fact that they wouldn't let you on to try and dunk on Alex Jones. They didn't let you on because it was a courtesy to you. You would have looked like an even more embarrassment to yourself if you had been on there trying to dunk on Alex Jones live on that show. Okay. It would me be so pathetic.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I'm going to find Vito's tweet. He maybe Vito, do you want to colline it? Oh, you deleted it? Delete it. Let me, I'm going to bring him on. Maybe he can say what the tweet was. Hey, Vito, do you want to, do you want to encapsulate that tweet for us? File on.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah, you're on. You're on. I just want to correct something real quick. I didn't ask to go on the Alex Jones stream. I asked somebody asked, why don't you ever go on their show? And I said, I've asked to go on their show in the past and they've ignored my requests. So I was in reference to. So what was the original?
Starting point is 00:38:22 I obviously understand that why would I'm not going to derail their Alex Jones show that would well, I mean, I did it in a different way. I guess. What show what it was was nerd Roddick? Is that right? That's a friend of yours, Nick. I mean, he's he's been on my show one time. I've been on his show one time.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I like the show in particular is Friday night tights. And so on Fridays, it's like Nerd Rodic. It's Jeremy from Geeks and Gamers, as who's heel versus baby face. It's a bunch of guys. I think it's a collaborative show. I don't think it's just Nerd Rodics, but yeah, I mean, I like those guys just fine. And it's a bunch of weird conspiracy theorists. You see all their alt-right bullshit into videos about Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Okay, you know, Gary is, Gary Nerd-Rodic is a liberal, right? Like, wow, he's really bad at it. So why is he like, you know, with the guys who just pushed fucking absolute lies? Absolute lies like what? What did he say? What did he say? Like, we'll raise your insides. Did you like when Alex Jones was talking about that?
Starting point is 00:39:30 I didn't watch the show. I don't care what Alex Jones says about the vaccine. Oh, dude, forget it. Forget it. You didn't watch the show. Why do you care? Why do I care when I got the vaccine? When a journalist lies, do you like when journalists lie?
Starting point is 00:39:45 They lie all the time. So you literally constantly do like it. It doesn't matter if I like it or not. It does it. So it's so when CNN makes shit up, you go, well, that's fine. I it doesn't matter. I make fun of them. I don't run.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I don't run to the the journalist police to try and get the reporters fired. Why not reporters get fired for lying all the time? You don't think that's good? I don't care. Lying reporters should be fired from their organization. But they don't. Brian Williams wasn't fired. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:40:16 Yes, they do. I've seen plenty of journalists get fired for reporting like lies and misinformation. Okay, hold on. Let me play this channel. Not everybody knows fired. I've seen plenty of journalists get fired for reporting like lies and misinformation. Okay, hold on. Let me read this channel. Not everybody knows. Not everybody knows what you have. Alex Javros was fired basically.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Kind of. I mean, sort of Brian Williams, but then they're back with this big redemption story, bullshit. Well, Dan Rather got his own story, right? But he was like the first real fight. He was the first real famous person where they're like, you kind of got to go. Vito, you tweeted the nerd Roddix, the nerd Roddix Alex Jones stream is just him screaming about how the vaccine doesn't work while these morons clap and laugh. Funny, I could have sworn this type of content was against the TOS. I guess at Team YouTube changed their mind.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Yeah. That is the most basic bitch run to the cop tweet you could do. It's such a fucking, you dog whistle team YouTube, they come running, of course, because they do it any chance they get. That's about lying about the vaccines. Yeah. They actually don't have a rule about lying about the vaccines. What are you talking about? Oh my you, you're misunderstanding the rule because you know, COVID, mission, right now, yeah, the problem is, okay, I'll do COVID-19 medical misinformation
Starting point is 00:41:37 policy. Do you want to go find that page? You don't need to allow content about COVID-19 that poses a serious risk of a gree just harm. Do you think telling people that the vets in the liquefied? You notice what you did there? Vito, do you even realize what you did? You don't even realize it because you're so fucking liquefied there in turn. You don't, you don't even realize what happened. Hello. There we go. There we go.
Starting point is 00:42:07 So the two of you are going to yell over me now. No, I don't know. Was that mad cox? I don't know. One of the minds is being an asshole. Stop fucking muting. Oh, God. What were you saying?
Starting point is 00:42:18 Go ahead. Go ahead. You don't even understand what you did. You said it's the policies that you can't lie about the vaccine. That's not true. That's not actually the accurate representation of the policy. The policy is you cannot contravene the current expert opinion on the vaccine. You know how I know this?
Starting point is 00:42:37 Because I got a stream flagged for listening to Joe Biden talk about the vaccine. And when Joe Biden said that they were going to allow school children back into schools because they found out that, you know, COVID didn't really affect kids. I said, yeah, they've actually known that all along that COVID was really low amongst kids. My stream got struck. I got a channel strike for agreeing with the president of the United States on COVID. But he disagreed with the current
Starting point is 00:43:06 CDC recommendations at the time because it hadn't changed yet. So it's not actually a policy about not lying about the vaccine. That's incorrect. But even if someone goes on and lies about the vaccine, who fucking cares? I do. Why? Why does it mean? Why does it need to real world consequences? Stop. How? What? You don't think anything said ever led to anyone doing any sort of action? What do you tell? It happens. It happens all the time that something said leads to some sort of consequence. But that doesn't, that doesn't mean that you get to remove someone from saying it. But that doesn't mean that you get to remove someone from saying it. I'm not, he can say it anywhere except on YouTube or anywhere that you're watching.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Any platform he wants, the platform has rules and I agree with the rules. The rules are, again, YouTube does not allow consent about COVID-19 that poses a serious risk of a greegeous harm. How is that a risk of harm? How is it a risk of harm? How is people a risk of harm? How is it a risk of harm? How is a stupid people listen to us? Vaccine will liquefy their insides, can lead to so many other types of harm. Like seeking out experimental fucking drugs, just not having the information to make a valuable
Starting point is 00:44:19 medical decision for themselves because they've been scared away about the vaccine. That's not harm. Just blatant misinformation that leads to harm. That isn't harm. Not getting vaccinated is not harm. If they, if they die of it, it sure is. If they die of COVID. How is that harm?
Starting point is 00:44:40 How is that harm? How is that harm? How is that harm? The lack of okay. Not wearing your seatbelt does not cause harm. I mean, if I say don't wear your seatbelt, I did not just cause you harm. You might make a video that says that seatbelts aren't effective. Then yeah, that would also be leading to harm.
Starting point is 00:45:00 It would lead to cause zero harm. Zero harm. You cannot, that's not causing harm. It would lead to cause zero harm. It's zero harm. You cannot, this is not causing harm. To make people to not lay where they're seatbelt, that it does nothing, that it has no safety repercussions whatsoever. Right. And then a bunch of people die of not having their seatbelt on. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:19 That's not, you didn't cause that. You didn't cause any harm. First of all, they would have to, they would have to take lying. If you lie to people and it leaves the consequences, then yes, you are responsible. You're not absolutely not. That is insane. Okay, it's a difference of opinion. Well, what about Mr. of opinion? What about Mr. Girl's cuties review and all that stupid pedophile shit that went around? Almost a year.
Starting point is 00:45:45 It's not lying. The way it causes harm. What if that causes harm? What if that causes harm? He didn't make anything up. If he's delivering purely factual information, there's no problem. What about the mukbang videos? People eating until they're throwing up and sick.
Starting point is 00:46:00 You don't think that's causing harm? If they say this is super healthy and everyone should do it, then yeah, they're fucking lying and they should be held at the task for that as well. Okay, so is this the lie? I hope to task for lying by who? The platform or whoever, their audience, us as society, we can say fuck you, no one should listen to you. There's various consequences that can happen.
Starting point is 00:46:21 YouTube's consequences, we don't want you on here. And I agree with that consequence. Do you at do you flag videos like that often? I'll flag stuff if it's like hate speech, like legitimate people saying let's go my f**king god. I cannot imagine you've got YouTube's dick so far up your ass that it comes out your mouth so you could jerk it off on your face. So you would like YouTube to be a platform that says, let's just like, we have a lot of
Starting point is 00:46:47 videos from Nazi saying like the Jews should die. You would like for that to be an open, that kind of open platform. Yes. Yes, absolutely. Okay. Well, I just heard you. That's America, by the way, you were talking about being patriotic on the last big is problem.
Starting point is 00:47:03 That is a hallmark of America is that it's full of people saying exactly what you're saying. You're on, you can say it on the street corner, you can hold a sign. You do not have the right to demand that a platform. If I only because of CD830, only because you can't sue. We actually do the right to demand it. Go nuts then, demand it. I don't. We are. Okay. I don't have to agree with us. She'll see me. I'm glad you want a bunch of Nazis on YouTube poisoning that platform. So all of our ad revenue gets removed and YouTube crumbles into a fucking quagmire. Yeah, that'll happen. We've literally had an ad apocalypse.ocalypse you psychopath. Did you pay attention to that at all? I did. And if you think the ad-pocalypse was going to actually persist and YouTube wasn't fully complicit in changing the culture because of their own sort of altruistic need to save us all from
Starting point is 00:47:59 ourselves, then you're fucking dumber than you. Advertisers pulled the ads in mass. They put them in mass. Yes, and they would come up, they would be right back. You can't act. You don't know that, and I do know that. I do know that. As a business, how do you know that? Because YouTube is the single largest platform
Starting point is 00:48:19 for the emerging video, video independent creation technology that's out there. It is the number one place. It is where the advertisers keep coming back, no matter how many scandals there are, no matter the fact that you can find child pornography on YouTube and they try and fix that. They still come back every single time. They're like the cat and that gay nursery rhyme song. They're always going to come back because that's the racist song. By the way, I don't know the song. The cat came back to their next app. It's a
Starting point is 00:48:48 bad black guy. Yeah. It's a racist sign. What a nice racist dog. Whistling Nick. Yes. Yes. More of a wait a minute. Vino, are you going to flag me? I say shit about I think that everybody getting vaccinated is going to be the end of mankind. I think that the virus will mutate until a super deadly version hits and it's not gonna kill people because they have this mRNA viral therapeutic in their body and that it's gonna stay forever, that we're all gonna have to be on boosters forever
Starting point is 00:49:14 and that is basically the end of mankind. Are you gonna flag me? No, because you're a comedian. I'm not joking. But people know that you're a comedian and they know that you are not delivering news onto them. What do they think about Alex Jones? What does Alex Jones run?
Starting point is 00:49:33 What's his organization? He runs a supplement company. He sells what does Info Wars describe themselves as an independent news organization. Yeah. So that's it. So just because he calls himself news, then he's on that show, that's it. Flag. He's a journalist.
Starting point is 00:49:54 He claims he's a journalist. But what about the channel you flagged was not a journalism channel. It was just a guy doing interviews, right? It was a guy on there claiming to be a journalist claiming he had journalistic information that he was delivering onto the public. So there's Alex Jones. Alex Jones, I'm a comedian. No one is going to believe Alex Jones on his journalistic credentials.
Starting point is 00:50:17 They're going to, no, no, you're so you can't even listen to a sentence without coming in. It's like like everything that is why you can't walk by a buffet without picking up a chicken wing. Jesus Christ No, they they listen to Alex Jones because they trust Alex Jones not because of his journalistic credentials He doesn't have any why the credential Self-a-comedy and why does he call himself because he's not a comedian? Then what is he he ironically calls himself a comedian? Because he's not a comedian. Then what is he? He ironically calls himself a journalist. That's the joke. One, he's a consummate entertainer.
Starting point is 00:50:49 He's one of the most entertaining and charismatic people around. It's hilarious because his opinions conflict with like his ability to draw a crowd. But that being said, it's not his journalistic credentials. He doesn't have a Titanic CNN logo behind him weighing on with 60 years of important neutrality, which is obviously just false. They cashed that in decades ago, but they've been riding that wave forever.
Starting point is 00:51:16 He built his own company. Everybody knows what info wars is and everybody knows who Alex Jones is. And no one is going to take the word of Alex Jones, who wasn't already going to take the word of Alex Jones. It's not like someone's going to ram them, walk into nerd, raticstrom. Oh, who is this curious individual in the middle? Hey, look, just where are they screaming like, like you smoke 10 packs of cigarettes today.
Starting point is 00:51:42 He's, you don't think anybody watching that stream has never watched an Alex Jones thing before. You don't think anybody that that was their first introduction. Yeah, but someone, it's covered by the first amendment. It doesn't matter if what you say makes other people do stupid shit. It's covered by the first amendment. It's covered by the first amendment. It's not covered by YouTube, TOS, and I agree with YouTube's TOS. I agree with your stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I think your information is a problem. I think you're in a dangerous game where you're publicly flat like you're intent to get the chance to get the chance to get the chance to get the chance because my rules are very clear about what I think is reasonable. If you're an journalist who lies is not reasonable. Yeah, but it's not it's a guy's channel. It's a guy. It's another guy nerd Roddick's channel.
Starting point is 00:52:24 He's not Alex Joan. He just has Alex Jones on. Why does bring on guys masquerading his journalists to give pretend to news. He's not masquerading as a journalist. He knows organization. He calls himself a journalist. He's most well known for turning Frogs gay. That is what he's known for. Just because he's a journalist who isn't taken seriously doesn't mean he does not label himself a journalist.
Starting point is 00:52:53 And there are people who consider him a journalist based on his false labeling of himself. I'm a journalist. Dick has me on this show. Should his channel be removed? Are you lying to people? I'm going to flag this channel. How do you know Alex Jones is lying? He's lying.
Starting point is 00:53:09 It's long overdue. How do you know he's like the vaccine doesn't liquefy your internal organs? That doesn't mean he's lying, he might think it does. He might have an explanation for that like he does with everything else. Like this is what he made. Wait, disinformation is also just as bad as lying. If you are giving a blatantly uneducated statement, which you are presenting as a journalist, you're imposing use.
Starting point is 00:53:33 You're imposing your perspective. Are you a virologist, by the way, or an immunologist or an epidemiologist? Are you a virologist? An immunologist or an epidemiologist? Does the vaccine liquefy your internal organs? I know. Are you any of those three things? Do I require one of those titles to know whether or not the vaccine liquefies your organs?
Starting point is 00:53:55 Is that what you're talking about? No, but this is just the first and the line of questions. As a journalist, I have to extract information from people who are unable to approach your it normally. Regardless of my training and virology, I know that the vaccine does not live in our internal organs. How do you know this? How do you know the studies?
Starting point is 00:54:12 How do you read the studies? How many studies have you read? Dozens. Really? You read the studies. And you have training to understand and interpret what the study says. Which study says, which study that, which study said that it doesn't liquefy your internal organs?
Starting point is 00:54:33 I don't have any. I don't have anything. Are you asking me to prove a negative? No. I'm asking you what study said that. What study says it doesn't liquefy your organs? That's your question. Yes, that is a question.
Starting point is 00:54:47 That's a very real study you should have. Okay, you can't, yes, you absolutely need to prove negatives. If you're talking about injecting somebody with an experimental vaccine, like it doesn't cause death. No, it does not cause death. That is a good thing. What study shows that the vaccine doesn't cause you to grow wings? Right. That's easily provable with this fucking science that you love. Like if there's no study that the vaccine doesn't give me wings, then clearly it might.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Is there a study that does is that there might be a study that does and you, you can't name it. There might be a study that says it doesn't liquefy your internal organs. Yes. Okay. So there might be a study that says the vaccine doesn't cause your dick to grow 50 times larger. I mean, that's, I produce that. That's what I'm telling you. I don't think you're going to get any money for that, but there should absolutely be a
Starting point is 00:55:39 study on whether or not it causes myocarditis and kids. You guys are asking me to prove a negative. This is like the most. No, I'm not asking you to prove anything. You literally are asking for a study that proves a negative. That is absolutely acceptable in science. You can prove that one plus one does not equal three. What you're, you're equating this understanding of religion
Starting point is 00:56:02 with a scientific process that can absolutely cause your repair and damage. Negative proof. You're a fucking scientific study. There's no correlation. You can prove that cell phones do or do not cause cancer. You're gonna get, you can explain to me how I prove that the vaccine doesn't let you get in contact with God.
Starting point is 00:56:21 How do I write that study? Oh no, didn't ask you that question. Just ask you a simple question. Do you have any other? Simple biology. Simple biology. Simple biology. Simple biology.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I look at studies. I'll go look at a thousand cases. And if none of them have liquefied organs, can I write a study that says the vaccine does not cause liquefied? I, yes. have liquefied organs? Can I write a study that says the vaccine does not cause liquefied? Yes. I leave doubt you can even get those sausage fingers around the pen, but maybe you could try. Yeah, I'm trying to get you to pen you fucking grandpa.
Starting point is 00:56:53 I don't know why you wouldn't write something with a pen. Maybe you prefer pencils. I use a keyboard. It's hard to write with a keyboard. Yeah. What did Alex Jones mean by liquefied organs? He meant that the vaccine can't be trusted because it will ravage your internal organs. Okay. Is that true or not? No.
Starting point is 00:57:18 It is for some people who died from it. Yeah. Like there are people who have died from adverse effects of the vaccine. Yeah. And, and that almost happened. Yeah. A division one ball player today posted a TikTok saying that he's out for the season. He's got heart problems now. After his second shot, after his second vaccination shot. And did his doctor come out and say the heart, the vaccine caused the heart problems. Yes. What do you mean? What?
Starting point is 00:57:46 You don't think that this vaccine never causes problems, do you? Yeah. Very, I mean, all vaccines have a what percentage chance to cause some problems? Well, and many, many vaccines, you're afraid to have to open other vaccines. Like, this one causes problems. That's it. Doesn't matter if others do or not, this one does. I'm just saying, a lot of people think that it can't cause any problems or they have
Starting point is 00:58:10 a problem. That's what the kid said. But it wasn't told. He's like, if I would have been told that I wouldn't have fucking got the vaccine, because now I can't play senior ball. Yeah. This is my big thing. I would have got this stupid vaccine.
Starting point is 00:58:18 A lot of people have had, you know, pre-undiagnosed like myocarditis, some like that. And then yes, no, a vaccine, a vaccine can kill you. No, it's a minuscule percentage, but that's why they have to put it in there. It's like it can cause death as rare as it is, but it is possible. Oh, anyway, is it okay? When Alex Jones says that kids who died in a school shooting were actors? Is that okay? Yes, hilarious. You didn't mess it.
Starting point is 00:58:49 It is okay, but also that was someone on his show. He said that. Is it okay for parents to res- Is it okay for parents to resurrect their dead kid who was slain in a school shooting and make an anti-gun ad? Is that okay? Are we pretending that kids getting shot in school shootings is fucking sacred?
Starting point is 00:59:09 That's not the disinferment. They literally, it's literally, it's resurrecting a dead kid and putting, they put words in the mouths of their dead kid that he did not say. They say my kid came back to life. This is legitimately my kid came back to life. Yes, like a kid that was a fucking artistic license.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Jesus Christ. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, them again? Please don't. And a, first of all, I didn't flag you. Okay, right, I'm sorry. You literally did. Would you notify a team you to again? Flag is using the actual, it's just a different flag. I mean, it's just a different flag. You intended harm, right? You can't, you can't, they tell, you get an automated message that says, if you really
Starting point is 01:00:00 want to do something about this, you got to use our back end. I don't, I'm not doing anything. No, they did not give you that message. You liar. They gave you the message. They gave you the message that they were going to look into it. No, no, no, no. They responded to your tweet.
Starting point is 01:00:12 They sent me a message that says, if you think this is a concern, you can go into the YouTube back end and report it. Yeah, except that's not how that works because they actually said they reported to the earth that they will be looking into it. You, they, they, they reply to your tweet. Because other people, you think I'm the one who reported it. You don't think anyone else reported that thing?
Starting point is 01:00:34 Are you really? They replied to you. They did not say we're looking into it because of anything you did. They say why don't you go? Oh, you can, so you can attribute. Wait, so you can attribute harm to statements. Hold on, hold on. I don't want to report it.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Yeah. So you can attribute harm to statements that Alex Jones made, but a statement you made and YouTube directly responded to you, you can't attribute any harm to that. That could be anybody. I didn't lie. I didn't lie. That's okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:04 I just want to know. If I lied about Alex Jones, you could absolutely nail me to the fucking wall. You lied about Alex Jones about 10 times in this thing. Yeah, the sandwich one was my, what is my most blatant lie about Alex Jones? Sandy Hook. You called him a journalist and then he called himself a fucking journalist. He runs a news organization. He didn't. He's never called himself a journalist. He's never said, here I am journalist Alex Jones. He calls himself a, what? Mm-hm.
Starting point is 01:01:33 And we lost those in. Vito, if Nerd-Rotics channel goes down, are you going to buy that? For the purposes of his court case, he came out with that fucking statement to protect himself legally. Yeah. Absolutely called himself a journalist. court case, he came out with that fucking statement to protect himself legally. I'm so mad. You're going to have to lose it. I'm so mad. You're going to have to lose it.
Starting point is 01:01:47 You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it.
Starting point is 01:01:55 You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it.
Starting point is 01:02:03 You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. You have to lose it. about Spider-Man, not jerking up there. I'm the King Griffter motherfucker. I won the award last year. I bless your fucking heart. You complete lunatic moron. I bless you to the fucking score of the earth. And I hope you enjoy sucking on all your moronic friends who get real mad whenever Kathleen Kennedy you fucking shows up and says fucking anything.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Why don't you start making a couple hundred videos about Breelars and like the rest of these moron grifters you hang out with. That would be a fun one. I don't care about Marvel movies. You think they really give a shit about Breelars and you hang out with moron grifters dude. Have fun with it. I hang out with. It's cool. Vr, are we doing a biggest problem this Friday?
Starting point is 01:02:40 You have one cool friend I agree. Are we doing the biggest problem is Friday? Yeah, let's do it. Okay, all right. I'll see you then. Bye. Nick. Nick. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:02:52 We good? You can say no. No. I don't think so. People don't like flagging. Here's the funny thing. I don't care about your shit take opinions on so many things. I don't care about any of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:04 You can say all you want about all of these different things. That never bothers me. People can, they can disagree with me, they can make fun of me. That doesn't bother me either. What always pisses me off is when someone's working to build a business and then some fat retard comes along and it's like, Humpty Dumpty, I'm gonna tell the YouTube
Starting point is 01:03:23 police on him and get them shut down forever. Fuck you. Fuck you. You're building this causing harm to people. Fuck the hell. You have a shitty business. No, fuck you and everybody who ever did that. No, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Go out to fucking spread lies and hate. It's bullshit. I don't respect that kind of business. Sure. If they lie about how their drugs work, go nuts. Yeah, sure. What a fucking thing. They did. they all did.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Fantastic. When did I say I love pharmaceutical companies? When you're out here proclaiming the truth of everything they've said about the vaccine right now, you know the one that they have a complete bar on liability from the federal government. You cannot sue them. If you take the vaccine and die, you cannot sue them. If you take the vaccine and die, you cannot sue Pfizer. You can't, because the government took that ability away from all of us,
Starting point is 01:04:11 because everything they say is truthful and good and right. Okay, so talk about that. I do. Okay. Yeah, I'm not saying that you don't. I'm saying, don't say that the fucking vaccine liquefies organs, and there's no problem. I got to look into this organ liquefying because if Alex John's just saying it,
Starting point is 01:04:30 he's all, he's usually right. So I'm except that for someone, the vaccine did liquidate their organs and the fucking dead. Who was that? Give me the name. I don't know the any number of people who have died from the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Liquidifies the storm term. Maybe it was D. D's. D's. No, no, no,ifix is strong term, maybe. It was a D. D is the number of an egg. D is the number of D's. No, the guy that you can look him up, it was D's. But his first name is Point one more time. I will never be okay with someone who goes out to destroy someone else's business. If you don't like the business, don't buy from it.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Who cares? Just leave them alone. Why do you have to have the police or some authority come in, suck their boot hard enough to get them to stamp down on someone else? It's because, well, and he's left now, but it's because he's an embarrassment. He's an embarrassment to himself and he knows it. He's got a, he's the flagging is no good. Can't have that. Who? It just, it never seems to go well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:30 It's like calling the cops on a domestic, like an argument, you know what I mean? Like reminds me of like in blow and Penelope Cruz goes nuts and gets the cops involved. No right. Oh fuck. No. Right. when Penelope Cruz goes nuts and gets the cops involved. Oh, fuck. Oh, no. Yeah. Right, where she lies about him hitting her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Yeah. Hey, Nick, I have another bone to pick with you. As long as we're picking bones. Yeah, pick all of it. Pick my bone. That went really well. How did that go? It was fine.
Starting point is 01:06:03 I called into the kill stream a couple nights right, right as Vito was doing it on Friday night and yelled at him for a while. Oh, go listen to the kill stream. If you want to hear that, it's funny. So I heard Nick, I heard you saying that you were talking about morality on your show and you said that you do not conform to Satanist morality. And I have to say that I think I think you do my problem. I think you do because necessarily I think that Christian morality is a subset of the Satanist morality. A subset. Okay. That's interesting. Because the Satanist morality as like the modern Satanism as they defined it
Starting point is 01:06:43 I think he's more based in like paradise lost, like a militant like, you know, paradise lost where Satan's big deal was people need to be able to think for themselves. Like, right. It is defined as the all the commandments, all the same commandments, but not don't do them, but do them when you do them when you think it's, when you think it's best. So for you, that's forever, to, to your own edification in all things, right? Like that. I think that's the church of Satan's official because they don't, they're not like we actually believe in a deity of Satan. We believe that people should just live for their own selves to
Starting point is 01:07:22 the maximum available. Do as thou wilt, I think. They'll do it. They'll do it. Yeah. So I just wanted to. Okay, maybe I do then. Yeah, you're an avocator. You're an avocator.
Starting point is 01:07:33 You're an avocator. I want to say, I heard you say, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Maybe they have a chat with Nick over here. Now, to be fair, I was speaking as a lecturer at that point. Okay, we can make distinctions here. I can go ahead and lawyer my way out of this. Your channel's doing great though. I try to watch it as much as I can. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah. Any Vick news? Is he shocked? No, he's just fucked up. That's horrible. No, his case is still on appeal.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Oh, good. And good. Yeah, so it's the court accepted the submission of the case on September 22nd of last year. So we're coming up on a year. Typically, they rule within nine months, but with COVID, it's impossible to know how long it'll take them to issue the ruling. So it's still on appeal. You can't read anything into the length of time. You know, he could, he could lose completely or he could go right back into court.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Oh, God, please, I need something fun to live forward to. It would be so funny. So funny if he does. Oh, and to shut the assholes up. So fucking hate those rise that are that he's suing and they're fucking husband, Ron's toy A or so, whatever. He's not even married yet. Seven years of engagement.
Starting point is 01:08:54 God, I fucking hate those guys so much. Go ahead, Sean. We're going to say, no, I was going to say does the appeal have to bring any kind of like new information to light or anything like that? Cause I don't know the case very well. No, just the appeal have to bring any kind of like new information to light or anything like that? Because I don't know the case very well. No, just the appeal has. Yeah, go ahead. The appeal has to be based on what is in the record for the case.
Starting point is 01:09:15 No, that's actually the big question because the judge did some really weird stuff in the trial. He didn't or in the hearing. He did not strike the second amended pleading. And the second amended pleading has all of the stuff that is necessary for the case, but he didn't use the second amended pleading, but he didn't strike it.
Starting point is 01:09:40 But if you have an amended pleading, it's supposed to be the operative pleading. And so by not striking it in theory, that should be the operative pleading and that should be fine. But if the appeals court decides that he constructively struck it or something like that, then it goes away and he doesn't have it and they have to determine whether he should have been allowed to amend it and all this stuff. So the judge did not rule on that.
Starting point is 01:10:06 He also denied a bunch of motions by accident later, which is really funny, because he just denied any motion that he didn't explicitly grant. And some of those motions were motions to strike out evidence, which he ended up ignoring. But if he ignored that evidence, but didn't actually strike it and didn't rule on it on the motion, then in theory, it's still part of the record. So it's the court of appeals there in in Terrent County has a big task of trying to figure out what actually is part of the case. Oh great. What a fucking treat. It's a disaster. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:45 All right, anything make you a rage recently? Well, yes, well, Vito did, but the other thing that made me a rage is the last night I was on flashcast and I got into an argument with just some guy over Martin Screli. Oh yeah, hero, Martin Screly. Oh, yeah. Nero, Martin Screly. On James Lambrison. Yeah. And so he's like, this guy's in here. Why do people just believe the first thing that is, it's like, you don't have an opinion,
Starting point is 01:11:14 you just heard one thing and that's what you think. You know what I mean? Yes, yeah, I believe me. That was the entire discussion last night. He's like, well, what about that drug that he increased the price on? And then I'm like, oh, because this started, this started by the one thing about this pandemic that really pissed me off. Remember the guy down in like Tennessee or whatever? And he's like, I got a good idea. I'll buy all the goddamn hands on it. That exists.
Starting point is 01:11:39 That was hilarious. Exactly. So then that's how this started last night is the, the, just some guy he, he's like, no, that was wrong. And we need to stop people from doing that. And I'm like, why? And he's like, well, because, because people needed the hand sanitizer. So, and so, and so then he's like, no, we, well, you have to have reasonable restrictions on ice because you, you can't have people
Starting point is 01:12:05 just deciding what they want to sell their things for. And I'm like, okay, so you're communist then. He's like, no, no, no. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, you're just, you're forced to, forced to engage in the economy the way I think. That's all, that's not communism. Exactly. And the store is very quickly put limits on everything.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Yeah, that's like, look, I have a right to water. So if, if, if I need water to live, then I get, I said, okay, go to the Dessani factory and tell them that you have a right to their water and see how many water bottles they give you. Like, you're going to get seerow because they don't owe you any water. They own the water and sell it to you gladly. Actually, I think they got sued because they don't own the water and they've been drawings then they've been illegally drawing. I think De Saisani specifically has been overdrawn by the tune of like billions of dollars.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Right. There's evidence. I can't quote it, but there's evidence saying that hoarding actually stops shortages because everybody going to buy toilet paper buys like as much as they can hoard, you know, like a whole shut, like they buy way too much, but by hoarding it, somebody's hitting like a monopoly price
Starting point is 01:13:17 for how much that, and it gets distributed more efficiently with hoarding because one person is like aggressively, because monopoly pricing does not mean they charge as much as possible. It means that everybody who wants it gets charged as much as they're willing to pay. So if I go out and I buy all the toilet paper and you cut and Sean, you come to me and say you need some, I'm going to say, well, how much were you planning on spending on toilet paper?
Starting point is 01:13:42 You're getting exactly as much as you need. And then some rich guy comes and I asked the same question, I'm giving you as much as you need and I'm taking all the money that you had. So there's no shortage because you can't take more than you need, Sean. Does that make sense? Because you're not buying more than you need just because the price is low. The price is as much as you would pay. That's the argument.
Starting point is 01:14:02 It's a good argument for hoarding, being a more efficient distribution system. But whatever, please tell your story. No, I mean, that's what we got to because he's like, well, okay, enjoy your $200 gallon gas. It's like, well, here's the problem is that all those gas stations will be full of gas that people can't buy, which will spoil, which will turn to loss at some point. So they won't actually make $200 a gallon gas.
Starting point is 01:14:27 They know they can't push the price that high. And I brought up the one most famous monopoly in America was standard oil, which was standard for a reason. And they became a monopoly because they were a better product than everybody else. And even they didn't price gouge people, they were cut up on the fear that they might price gouge people. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:46 And this idea that, oh, we have to have someone. Same thing with fucking veto. Oh, we have to have someone come in and save everybody right away because if they don't, someone will get hurt somewhere. It's like, but people get hurt all the time for any number of reasons. Yeah. People just gotta stop.
Starting point is 01:15:07 I don't know why it is with people, but they seem to be immune to the idea that any decision you make is going to have repercussions that you didn't anticipate. Yeah, the law of unintended consequences. And they still, you can't, it's like, bro, you have no idea whether what you're doing is going to cause infinite harm based on what was going to happen initially.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Like you have no, you should be terrified to start tweaking the levers like you're proposing. But it's just like, it's not even that they think it won't. They just doesn't even occur. Like what we got to fix it. They, they, they, they never consider the possibility that the mechanism would be used on them when the other person disagrees. They're always just in agreement with the policy. Vito's in agreement with YouTube's policy.
Starting point is 01:15:57 The problem is if Vito ever talks about the vaccine and happens to say something that he fully believes to be true and fully believes comports with all of the current information and you to misunderstand him and disagrees. And he's gone immediately. That's not fair to him either. No. Well, I hope, I hope Narodotics, okay.
Starting point is 01:16:18 And that's a fuck. I think he'll be fine. I mean, I don't think they're going to cancel his channel. I don't think they're going to strike him. I don't think they're gonna strike him. I mean, they might. You never know. You know what's crazy? It'll be okay.
Starting point is 01:16:29 So did you see this Rutgers kid who was banned from doing online classes? Cause he didn't want to give vaccinated. He didn't want to give vaccinated. And so the admin locked him out of his email and said, you can't go to online class anymore cause you're not vaccinated. And he said, I don't get it. Like, I don're not vaccinated. And he said, I don't get it.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Like I don't want the vaccine just because like I don't feel comfortable getting it. So I did all. So I decided to remove myself from the college experience I'm just doing online and they still kicked me out. I guess it's hard to explain to people. It's hard to explain to people like this whole not getting vaccinated. It's not about health or or long tail odds or anything. It is legitimately a peaceful protest
Starting point is 01:17:09 against what a lot of us see as medical tyranny. Myself included, I'm not getting it because it is the only thing I can do. I'm just not getting it, I know it's dangerous. It's as dangerous as going to the BLM riots was and everybody was fine with that. It's a little bit dangerous, but if everybody does it, it sends a message that we are,
Starting point is 01:17:26 this is a peaceful protest against here. It's not all this, like, well, I'm weighing the slight odds of this and decided, no, it's a protest. It's a fucking protest. Well, I stand by it. It's a fucking protest. No, that's what we're doing. That's what we're doing.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Knowing you, that seems like exactly the reason you would do it. And he's doing it, the kid's doing it too. He just doesn't know how to express it. Like a lot of people think that, but they don't know, I think they're kind of ashamed or embarrassed to say it's a protest. I'm doing this to fucking protest it because then everyone will make fun of them
Starting point is 01:17:55 because they make fun of protesters. Go ahead. Yeah, well, and because they don't protest things. Yeah, we saw this starting really heavily in 2010 with the Tea Party, right? The right doesn't know how to protest. Yeah. We saw this starting really heavily in 2010 with the Tea Party, right? The right doesn't know how to protest. Yeah. They're not good at it.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Yeah. The left has been doing it for a long time. And so now you've got these people. They don't protest. And I think the kids' words were, you know, I just really didn't feel like I needed it. Yeah. You know, but I didn't feel like I needed it. Therefore, I don't feel like I should be forced to get it.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Is the follow-up that was on said. And that's the crazy thing. That's what all of these little analogists on Twitter, it's like, it's like running a red light. It's like, well, no, actually the red light stops you from an action. A mandate is a requirement of a positive action. And it is an infinite gulf between a restriction and a mandate. A restriction stops you from doing something that might infringe on a rule or a right.
Starting point is 01:18:54 A mandate requires you to take a positive step towards something else. That's why I disagree with mandates inherently. It's crazy town. And then of course, when you factor in that stuff with the current argument about the Texas with mandates inherently. It's in, it's, it's crazy town. It's crazy. And then of course, when you, when you factor in that stuff with the current argument about the Texas abortion law and all the shrieking about bodily, yeah, it's great, isn't it? Like, oh, well, a vaccine, that's a virus that could spread. Like, yeah, abortion spreads pretty quickly and it's pretty, it's pretty fucking deaf.
Starting point is 01:19:21 It's pretty fucking fatal to the one person it spreads to. If we're playing analogy games, like none of us know what we're talking about. It's pretty, it's pretty fucking, it's pretty fucking fatal to the one person it spreads to. If we're playing analogy games, like none of us know what we're talking about. And the, and the other aspect of it is, again, with abortion, the reason why we have a right to abortion through Roe vs. Wade is this idea of bodily autonomy, but that only ever applies to a woman who wants to kill her baby because you can't put heroin into your own body. You can't.
Starting point is 01:19:47 It's a criminal act. Yeah, you can't. And right now, you can't even refuse to wear a mask. Like you can't even choose your bodily autonomy does not extend to a cloth covering on your face. It's a complete joke. Yeah, you can't even stop. You can't even keep them from keeping food out of you.
Starting point is 01:20:06 And so last week, like you can't kill, you can't starve yourself to death in this country. Nope. It's illegal. Nope. So it's either all, it's either all or nothing. I'm tired of, I want an omnibus bill of what I can do with my body.
Starting point is 01:20:20 And that's the only omnibus bill I want. Right. That's, that's actually the biggest problem with Roe versus Wade. It's such a bad ruling inus will I want. Right. That's actually the biggest problem with row versus Wade. It's such a bad ruling and how it was decided. Yeah. Even Ginsburg, who supports the principle, said that the law, the, the ruling is bad because it just made up a right and it doesn't clearly define it.
Starting point is 01:20:38 It doesn't clearly limit it. And it's not honest about where it goes. Because if we have bodily autonomy in the way we're supposed to under row versus Wade, then they cannot make heroine illegal. They cannot make, they can make heroine in public illegal. They can restrict you to your own house and they're driving all of that stuff, but they can't do it. Yeah. As soon as those, as soon as all those loose women start rattling their roast beef for me, then I'll start thinking
Starting point is 01:21:05 about rattling my savor for them. Right? As soon as I start hearing like, it's almost a disturbing sentence using the word rattling I've ever heard in my life. There will be no problem. The real problem is going to be all the babies falling out of women's bored out vaginas on the streets of Texas as they walk around town. You're just disgusting.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Yeah, that's a, I see people celebrating, I'm like, I mean, I know that you guys are like morally into it, but do you know what you're, do you know what you're in for? I mean, it's cool, whatever, it's your state, but I don't know about that. To me, I just, I'm pro-dif... I'm pro-dif... So, whatever. Well, I think, I'm pro-life, but I think the law is going to fail ultimately. Yeah. But I love what they did because what they did was they took all the shit that they've
Starting point is 01:21:58 been doing to guns and they just wrote it about abortion. Yeah. Yes, I would love it if women had the same rights as guns. Absolutely. Yeah, those tweets have been phenomenal by the way. Oh, dude, I only have to pay, you're telling me I could take my woman to an FFL and pay $30 to transfer her to another guy. Instead of half of my shit, love it.
Starting point is 01:22:18 I would love that. Sign me up. Uh, do you got any, you got any predictions for this? But by the way, I think you and me and Adam Scrabble were the only people to predict what would happen with the pandemic. They would be permanent erasure of our rights and we would never see them again. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I love to. I use for the next inevitable pin. I heard that. I heard that.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Well, wait a minute. How many of these viruses are you guys cooking up over there at the NIH, which you should all be hanged for by the way? Yeah, yeah, that whole, we didn't allow gain a function research in the US. So we granted a research grant to a US company who then subfunded gain a function research in the US. So we granted a research grant to a US company who then subfunded gain a function research. It's a sign I know the worst place. The worst, the worst people. They can't like they can't even make a table straight. You're telling me you got them splicing up Corona viruses.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Oh, God, thanks a lot. Thanks a lot, Fnoji. Did you see that Sean FOIA request came out saying conclusively that the NIH funded the lab and specifically the gain of function for the spike in the coronavirus. Amazing. He lied directly to Congress. Not only did he lie to Congress, he swore he didn't lie to Congress, ridiculed the congressman who are like, no, but we have the documents that say you're lying, like they're right here and he's like, no, you don't know what you're talking about. And then of course it comes out that he did lie to Congress and nothing's ever going to happen to him. Rand Paul pissed me off a little bit because when he was grilling finucci, he said, did
Starting point is 01:23:58 you fund this or not? Because it killed Americans. It's like, bro, you can't, like, because then as soon as finucci was talking, he was like, well, I resent the idea that I killed America. Like, nah, that wasn't a fucking question, and you know it. It wasn't a question, and you know it. Just answer the goddamn question. He never would have, but I was like, come on, Rand. Don't give them, don't give them, don't give them some moral shit that they can just run on
Starting point is 01:24:18 for and run out the clock on. But whatever, nothing will happen. Right, like someone will get hurt because of the vaccine liquefying organs. Dude, watching, watching this kid from the hospital bed talk about how he's now got heart problems and the doctor said he's not playing his last season. Like, you're last, you're senior season in college. It's your whole life, like culminating to that. He's like, yeah, I sure fucking wish somebody would have told me that I could have heart problems because I never would have got it because I'm not worried
Starting point is 01:24:48 about the stupid vaccine in their coronavirus. It's the problem with the entire messaging about the vaccine and about the virus in general because we have no idea what the data is around the negative side effects of the vaccine because it hasn't been studied or if it's been studied, those studies are suppressed from coming out because quote unquote misinformation. No one's allowed to talk about it. But when you have a vaccine that has a death rate of 0.03% in populations that are under 65 and then you go, okay, well, what if I don't want to get sick, but if the vaccine produces a death rate of 0.02 or 3 or or 4%, anywhere in the same ballpark,
Starting point is 01:25:27 and I have no idea if it does, but hypothetically, if it does, you know, that makes it a real question. Okay, do I go get sick with my chance of death being potentially lower than a vaccine that might make my symptoms not as bad, but if I have a negative reaction to the vaccine, which might be what the screen's just all flickered. No, you're fine. Okay. You got a power surge. Safety is coming through here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:56 The Susan's tracking me down. But yeah, you may have an actual decision to make on that. And especially if it's like, well, the negative side effects could be, you know, they won't be fatal, but it could mean that you're going to have issues with sports or something like that, then average dinner. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:12 But it's like driving, like, look, I know it's dangerous, but like what are the odds of getting hurt in a drunk driving as a kid? Pretty low. What are the odds of getting hurt with COVID? Pretty fucking low. Like what are the odds of getting hurt with the vaccine?
Starting point is 01:26:25 Pretty fucking low. So you know what we do? We try not to do any of those. Like it's not like, you know what I mean? Like, ah. Like dancing in a lightning storm is a bad idea even though you're not gonna get struck by lightning. Like you won't, but you still won't go dance
Starting point is 01:26:40 or swim in a lightning storm because if you do, it's catastrophic. But you've made that decision and it's not a decision based on stats in any way. No, never. I mean, that's, well it is. Well, it is. All this stuff is pissing me off. We should make all decisions based on liberty.
Starting point is 01:26:55 That's the whole thing. Yeah. We're the one country that said liberty is the most important thing, liberty or literal death. And now we're like, no liberty, please, because death is a little scary. Yeah. I know, I hate it. All right, Nick, thank you for calling it.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Hey, do you have, are you training any of your kids to like get on crypto and become crypto, shadowy super coders or anything like that? I know, not yet, but you got to, you got to. You got to. That's a power. My kids do pixel art. They do pixel art. Okay, I'm like, okay, wait, NFTs, because I'm learning that people are making these pixel art NFTs and what they do is they create like 50 different assets and then they have some
Starting point is 01:27:38 computer program, jumble them together and make like 10,000 NFTs. I'm like, oh my God, I got to get these kids. You can do something. You got to make me money. You got to make your retirement in crypto because the money is not going to be there. Yeah, it does all fuckers working. That's what I'm thinking. You want access to a YouTube channel? You better make me more ass-ex. Little ass-ex. One of the artists, one of the artists in the Dixho artists thing, like they do.
Starting point is 01:28:04 There's so many crypto projects, so it's kind of like, One of the artists, one of the artists in the Dixho artists thing, like they do, there's so many crypto projects, so it's kind of like, like they have to do it because there's so much money in it. But they just, they posted this tweet of a pixel artist who passed on a million dollar NFT project because the artist said like morally, if your cryptocurrency is too polluting for the planet, so they're all messing up fucking million on the planet. Man. Like, look, it's like, by a million trees, you idiot.
Starting point is 01:28:33 How old is this guy? Oh, I mean, too old to be thinking stupid stuff like that. That's a young man stance, though. I don't know. What's the guy or what's your right shot? I know. I don't know. What's the guy or what? I know. I don't know if it was a they or what? Man, you got it. The world don't give a fuck about your ethics and moral stance when it comes to you are a full 100% of the time. If you pass on a million dollar.
Starting point is 01:28:57 I mean, imagine the good you could do it. Like the person who's going to take that would necessarily be immoral because they're doing it. So they're going to use the money immorally, right? So you should have, like, you actually did a worst. You actually put that money toward evil by not taking the job. I brought it up here. Hold up. Let me read it. It's cast pixel. I just turned. I just turned down a job, making a bunch of generative pixel art NFT, A AVIs for a million dollars. It was a hard decision. My stomach is in knots, but NFTs hurt the planet and create artificial scarcity. If rich people want to give me money, hire me. I work for a living. Please send hug. I'll take a currency backed by the US Army, which uses more energy than entire countries.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Throw it yourself on a sword that like, I mean, hosted by your host of information. That even Al Gore doesn't have. Yeah. Al Gore, I mean, like that's the entire justification for Al Gore's lifestyle. Is that he's doing enough? Right. He's doing enough that he can check Sal Reynon. That he can check Sal Reynon.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Yeah. It outweighs his lifestyle. Right. Salmonist,, yeah, yeah, it outweighs his lifestyle. Right. Dominist trans woman. I knew it. Uh, trans woman lesbian. Oh, okay. Uh, play date.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Oh, me too. Uh, play date dev comics at IDW pixels at Warner Brothers and you know, so I guess they're kind of a big shot. I don't know. Cast pixel. Well, I'll take it. Who's ever giving you the million bucks? Give it to me. I mean, I'll take it, who's ever given you the million bucks? Give it to me.
Starting point is 01:30:26 I mean, I'll just spend, I'm gonna buy a bunch of generators and put them out in the find a nice patch of grass somewhere in the middle of the country and just let them run all day. Again, take some old diesel engines, old Mercedes 80s, diesel and just put a brick on the gas pedal all day. I think some of these people think that they're going to be somehow rewarded for that
Starting point is 01:30:48 like later in life. Like in the afterlife? Like, or even even later in their own life. Like it's like, it'll all shake out and I'll be on the right side of history, but somehow it will maybe even benefit me later on down the road. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Like it's like, man, you gotta, you're like a, you're like a, let's put a little shawns animal planet here they say the The oceanic white tip shark is probably the most dangerous shark in the world not the tiger Okay, not the tiger. Yeah, not the great white. Yeah, not the bull shark because the oceanic white tip lives in Effectively a desert.. The open ocean. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:26 It's so much more immense than any. You put yourself in the middle of Sahara desert, doesn't compare to the open ocean. Put it in football terms for me to really understand it. I'm just kidding. Keep going. I don't know if I can do that. So that thing hones in on anything that might be food. It investigates every noise, every scent, every, everything
Starting point is 01:31:46 that stimulates any of its senses in the water. And it generally, it, it is very curious. It will investigate, investigate. If it thinks it can take this thing in any way, including divers, shipwreck people, it goes for it because it doesn't know when it's going to fucking eat. Yeah. So it's, you gotta, you have to fucking grab that. You gotta be the, what was it called? The oceanic white tip shark. I know, oceanic white tip shark. It's a shame.
Starting point is 01:32:12 You don't know, you're probably, you may not, you may never get an offer again. That's what it is. Yeah. Yeah. Success is a combination of opportunity and then taking it. Yes. That's literally walking through the door when it's there. Yep.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Okay. All right, Nick, good. I'm sure you have a nature documentary to go shoot or something. You got to go out in the woods and talk about the one. I shot one already today on the Capitol rioter police, the Capitol riot police, six of them are being disciplined because they just let everybody in. They haven't said, they haven't said why yet, but if I'm, if I'm the defense attorney for the people charged, right, I'm going, okay, I need to know it's in those reports, but they've apparently investigated 26 different officers, cleared 20 of them of wrongdoing and the other six are not being charged with crimes, but they're going to get disciplinary action. But yeah, I have to imagine it's because they just let the people in. Yeah. So they got some good shots out of it though. I'm
Starting point is 01:33:08 glad they did. Those were funny. That guy carrying the podium. That was funny. I wish, God, don't you wish you could have bought that thing on eBay? Yes. Oh my God. I would have paid it. I would have gone into any amount of debt to have the speaker of the house podium. Yeah. eBay would not allow that to be sold, I assume. No, I think they shut it down. I think somebody's gonna put something up. Yeah, yeah. No, I'm sure they would.
Starting point is 01:33:30 I'm surprised the FBI didn't give me a call because I was texting the shaman that that QAnon shaman. I was texting him after he got arrested, like while he was getting arrested and after and telling he was gonna call into the show. Yeah, I remember. And I was like, Hey, are you arrested? Oh, you are arrested. Well, if you get a phone call, call in anyway, you know the show. Yeah, I remember. And I was like, hey, are you arrested? Oh, you are arrested. Well, if you get a phone call,
Starting point is 01:33:46 call in anyway, you know, whatever. Everybody deserves a defense. So. Yeah, that guy, that guy's lawyer. He gave the best defense. He's like, my client is literally retarded. Did you see that? Yes.
Starting point is 01:34:01 That was so funny. He's like, this guy's this guy. Look, he stinks. The guy lives in his basement and he's retarded. He can't do anything for himself. Uh, yeah. All right, buddy. See, uh, I'll talk to you. Yeah. I'm crashing. I'm crashing. I'm saying so much.
Starting point is 01:34:18 What does Satan ever give you? US government did this after you. Not Satan. He made me read Paradise Lost and that took a fucking while. Oh, God. It's like a book. It's a Bible for women. Get you guys later. Say it.
Starting point is 01:34:33 Oh, I enjoy talking to Nick. Okay, what is with all the fucking like possum postings? I don't know, they love possums. Somebody loves possums in there. They think they're, they think they're neat. I guess. You talking about discord? Yeah. They just think they're neat.
Starting point is 01:34:49 I keep seeing fucking possums. There's a possum riding a Rumba. Yeah, possum all day. So about a week and a half. But a week and a half, it's about 11 o'clock at night. Okay. I'm taking the garbage out. I got to go downstairs from my place, walk around the side of the building, and there's a,
Starting point is 01:35:03 there's a door. There's like a garbage room. You can fit like four or five dumpsters. So they're not just sitting along the side of the place. So I go in there, open up the lid, put the garbage in, and before I can turn around, there's a neighbor's fence right behind me. And I hear like a substantial rustling coming
Starting point is 01:35:22 from like the fence. Now there's squirrels everywhere, but it's at night. substantial rustling coming from like the fence. Okay. Now, there's squirrels everywhere, but it's at night. So I see there are scones, raccoons, everything like that. And I go, please God, let that be a cat because it's about two feet behind my head. Okay. Because it's right there. It's very narrow, maybe three, three and a half feet behind my head.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Please let that brick, like a center block wall or something. Like on a wooden fence. On a wooden fence, okay. Please let that brick like a center block wall or something? Like on a wooden fence. On a wooden fence, okay. Please let that be like the neighbor's cat or something. And I turn around and it's a goddamn possum with its mouth open right at my face level. And I'm like, look, monsters. Oh my God, hideous.
Starting point is 01:36:00 And I was like, ugh, like I just like dead. No, I just kind of like stood there and the other thing was like, and they just like ran off down the fence. I was like, you motherfucker, it was like, if that thing was any closer, I don't know what I would have fucking done, but it puts you in a self defense situation.
Starting point is 01:36:18 Yeah, almost. I was like, it was just the weight I could tell. I was like, well, there's no way it's a squirrel because it's at night and it wouldn't make God damn you. I'm putting possums on the screen. That one's actually not that hideous. But God damn dude, right at my fucking face level and I just, I knew it was something fucking bad.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Oh, wait, Nick says he, Nick, do you want to call in and bring up Howard Stern being a giant fuck? Oh God, again, what's, I mean, yeah, he's a Howard Stern and Arnold Schwarzenegger have started the fuck your freedom party. And Schwarzenegger? And Schwarzenegger, yeah, let me get, let me get Nick back on. Oops, sorry, there we go. Oh, the Nick show.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Hey, Nick, what's up? What's about Howard Stern? Did you see him pull the giant fucking cuck move of saying, I can't believe it. I couldn't, I could believe Howard. I could not believe Arnold. That was despicable. That was crazy.
Starting point is 01:37:18 I'm like Howard Stern, your entire existence has depended on the existence of freedom. Like you, everybody on earth and their mom and their mom's girlfriend has tried to have you canceled. And specifically, free speech has always been your argument. And now he's like, nope, nope, fuck your freedoms, I don't care. I hate these people, these elitist entitled Hollywood celebrities who have made their own bit. And now they're just like,
Starting point is 01:37:46 oh, well, I don't care how I got here, screw everybody else. Everybody else, because I'm afraid of it. I'm afraid of it. Every statement from Howard Stern should be accompanied with the picture of him doing blackface imitating Ted Danson and calling Rob in the N word like seven times. It was one of his specials where he was making fun
Starting point is 01:38:05 of Ted Danson's things like bro, what are you even talking about? Look, look at this that you're doing here. What are you talking about? Yeah, exactly. I agree with you. Arnold too. That made me a rage and I forgot about it
Starting point is 01:38:17 while we were talking because of everything else. But yeah, so I wanted to just say it anyway. Okay, get out of here. Get out of here. Go back to the issue. Goodbye. Okay, let's do some comments. My God, what an episode.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Thedo. Alex Jones is lying about being, I mean, that may be true, but I'm not going to report somebody's channel because they had Alex Jones on. Man, I mean, I got I was on here talking about the meat being, it's moonlight being cold. Yeah, I mean, I got I was on here talking about the meat being it's moonlight being cold. Yeah. I mean, it never seems to It just never fucking goes well. No, it just never goes well. Fuck the police. That's what That's my policy Force vaccination and NSW also more from NSW Australia. I guess that's a big state. Oh, yeah, New South. Yeah, it's a yeah Hi, please keep my email and name, Nonmos.
Starting point is 01:39:07 I could have, I could fuck up my job. The New South Wales government is forcing all teachers to have two doses of the vaccination. Before November 8th, or they will no longer be able to work. The NSW school system is huge. Yeah. NSW is the largest state in Australia, and the NSW Department of Education
Starting point is 01:39:23 is around a quarter of the state's budget. Wow. So while the government can say they technically aren't forcing people to get the vaccine, what they are actually doing is saying their staff will have to have vaccines in order to work. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Sure. And that's how it's all being done. Yeah. If you Google any articles asking about NSW teachers forced to get vaccination November, you can find other sources on it. My thoughts, the situation in NSW was fucked, but at least I'm being paid to work from home, NSW teacher. Yeah, oh boy. You got the kids though. I love that, I saw somebody spurging out,
Starting point is 01:39:57 like they do every September 11th, saying, let's see how your AR-15s works against our tanks and our nuclear bombs, right? People always shit on Americans who think that having guns could resist, like, could think that we could beat the government in a civil war. Yeah, yeah. Civil war type self-defense situation, right? That's kind of been integral to the fabric of America since its inception. Most idea, you know. Well, you can stand against it. To stand against it. To radical government, right? That's kind of been integral to the fabric of America since its inception. This idea, you know, that you can try
Starting point is 01:40:27 and against the. To stand against the. To radical government, right? Yeah. And you would think after the Taliban beat the US, that they would stop, they would pump the brakes on that for a little bit, but they still, it's like it meant nothing.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Like, oh, we'll see how you're, how you're AR 15. So I'm like, buddy, like, I mean, you live next door. We're just, you have to leave your kids at home at some point. Like, we don't need the AR 15s. You're like, I think you're underestimating how many violent psychopaths there are in the United States. If you think that your biggest problem is gonna be AR 15s. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:41:02 Yeah, do. Like, yeah. Well, you need is one teacher to have a screw loose. He's like, Oh, I mean, I got all these, you know, we're having civil war kids. Congratulations. School day just got extended. We're going out of field trip. Uh, Harrison show topic. Just an insane shoe topic. Oh, yeah, I already said that one. Mr. And Theranos NSF. dev, oh, God, this is great.
Starting point is 01:41:26 I'm sure you saw this, but in case you didn't, Elizabeth Holmes might claim abusive relationship in criminal fraud defense. Have you seen this one at all? The Elizabeth Holmes Theranos saga? No, I've been following this one for years. It's so fucking great. So this chick, Elizabeth Holmes, fancied herself
Starting point is 01:41:49 the next Steve Jobs, which rests like him, would talk in this weird voice like him. And she was in every... Can she get cancer like him? I hope so. And try to fix it. We can't get in jail. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:02 She founded Theranos, incorporated, which was you send in blood, and then they do blood work on it. Turn out to be... He can't even jail. She founded Theranos Incorporated, which was you send in blood, and then they do blood work on it, turn out to be like big scam, grossly mismanaged, didn't work at all. Can you imagine sending blood in the mail? You're not allowed to.
Starting point is 01:42:19 Well, and if you were, like can you imagine what would happen to a bunch of fucking blood flying? It's just like, it looked like a, it looked like the hallway. I think it's shining. Like right on that, you're not allowed to ship bodily fluids. Like, if any sort in the, her, she lied about her company for so long. Like, it was such a big lie that it took years, maybe even more to unwind.
Starting point is 01:42:41 And finally, like, investors just, it just kept pulling some kind of, more, more lines or more to unwind. And finally, like, investors just just, it just kept pulling some kind of run. More lines or more lies. Yeah, but dude, she was on like the most powerful 30 year old, like the big, the best 30 under 30. She was on every one of these fucking lists. I used to just see the, and, and, and I was really shaken up the, the industry. Yeah, this woman, women and the whole time, I was just seething with hatred for this woman. So she's trying to pull like a quest labs? What was that?
Starting point is 01:43:10 Well, no, no, I mean, what I'm saying is like quest labs is as prevalent as Starbucks. They're like the Starbucks of that blood work. You can walk into a quest labs intake, you can set an appointment online, go get your blood work, oh, but. Yes. So why would, why would she even, well, this is a long time ago, just started.
Starting point is 01:43:30 The quest labs have been around for a while, but I mean, they're everywhere. She wanted to make it like, just send it, just send it to me, have a good time. Send your blood in, we'll take a look at it, see what you got, you know. Yeah, so you got tons of blood, you got a lot of blood. Obviously for pay, I mean,
Starting point is 01:43:43 not for pay. So it's like healthcare probably. Sure. Billions of blood. Obviously for pay. I mean, not for pay. So it's like healthcare probably. Sure. Billions of dollars. It's weird to me. It is weird, but it's hard to explain her affect. Let me see Elizabeth Homes. Her affect like her speech?
Starting point is 01:43:55 Yeah, because it's totally fabricated. Look at the promotional pictures she would supply. Yeah, yeah. This Steve Jobs, like, fuck you, you bitch. Sure. So she's going down. They really is Steve Jobs, like, fuck you, you bitch. Sure. So she's gonna get it. Oh my God, it really is Steve Jobs, huh? Yeah, her trial is starting for fraud and she's gonna claim it with some man,
Starting point is 01:44:12 I guess, that forced her to do all these. Really? Yeah, I make all these lines. Good, I hope she goes to prison, but I'm afraid she won't. Your advice worked. Hey, Dick, wife obsessed with conspiracy theories. I'm the guy whose wife was obsessed
Starting point is 01:44:25 with conspiracy theories about COVID in China. Your advice was for me to get into it even more than her. So I tried that. I put in the hard work and found of reputable sources. And now whenever she goes off the deep end, I can say, actually, this has resulted in blissful peace and quiet on the subject. Thank you for the help.
Starting point is 01:44:41 Good job. Thank you. Thank you. You, uh, so you got an out crazy, the crazy? That's the only thing. You know what I mean? Tell the, tell the guy, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, what's that serious?
Starting point is 01:44:52 Oh, I don't know. Yeah. Really? I don't have to look into that. Yeah, look into that. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh Oh shit, principled uncertainty. I just joined Dick Patrion. So I've been binging all the episodes
Starting point is 01:45:05 that he didn't release on YouTube. The bonus episodes are fucking gold. Well, thank you, buddy. I got one piece of advice. Let's do voice mail. I'll get the fuck out of here. It's a long show already spider. Hey, Dick, how do you let shame just roll off your back
Starting point is 01:45:16 after you made an ass of yourself? That's a great question. And that is a great question for you. Ha ha ha. Our copious amounts of alcohol the answer to keeping the feelings at bay, asking for a friend, SPS? I'd love to send you my favorite scotch if you're willing to drink it.
Starting point is 01:45:33 Yeah, of course, send it to the PO box. Even, you know, just even in my brain, the thought of like good scotch is like, oh yeah, I did like good scotch. Yeah. It's very like certain beers and like a good scotch, because I just think there's such like craftsmanship that goes into those things and I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:45:54 I've always appreciated that. And I feel like, I mean, yes, I like getting drunk, but I felt almost like it was more than that with like a good scotch. It's like, you're almost, you're drinking someone's like hard work and dedication and expertise and dedication to a craft. Somebody at WATP live was asking about scotch. They were kind of like poo pooing.
Starting point is 01:46:19 The idea of scotch just like versus getting wasted or having like, having like a mixed drink or something. And I said, no, it's like you remember it. Having, picking a specific scotch will remind you of other times you had that specific scotch. It is a color, it will color your mood and it will like unify past experiences in a way that food doesn't and certainly slamming back to Keala, Keala Sunrise or a Cosmo will not. Yeah. It's different. There's a reason for it. Anyway, what was the question? How do you let shame just roll off your, well, I mean,
Starting point is 01:47:02 I think you got a look at why it hurts you, why it stings you in the first place. Yeah, well for sure. Because of your ego, like everybody wants to be infallible and not have fucked up. Yeah. Vito, I think, fucked up adding YouTube and is not admitting it. I mean, that's my personal opinion. I know he disagreed with that.
Starting point is 01:47:21 I have fucked up in a number of ways many, many times. And your first, your first instinct, no matter what, is to just get angry about it. Yes. And deny it even to yourself. And start building this elaborate series of reasons and explanations and why it was different and why you don't hold yourself to that standard.
Starting point is 01:47:41 But it's just ego. I think at some point, and I think all of humanity suffer is because of this, that people are not actively engaged in the destruction or the death of their own ego every day, getting rid of it. And it's very deeply, that kind of shit also is very deeply rooted, especially depending on the way that you were raised. You somebody who's criticized a lot. Like it's not okay to be wrong. You know what I mean? So seeing your head and then you do it to yourself,
Starting point is 01:48:16 all the fucking time. And you do it more than the person doing it to you ever could. Yeah. They do it to other people. Well, this is what I'm doing to myself. Well, you know, you're quiet. Sure, it's projection, all that kind of stuff, but yeah, you, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:31 So it's in a lot of people, it's a knee jerk reaction that they can't get past, because it's such a, it's such a just a sheer knee jerk reaction. Yeah. Copious amounts of alcohol, the answer, well, it's better than weed if you ask me. The last thing, if I fuck up, the last thing I'm doing is smoking weed.
Starting point is 01:48:50 And thinking. Yeah, and thinking about it on the couch, well, it is true. I mean, yeah, alcohol, if you're not a very introspective person, alcohol will not make you, it will dull. It definitely dulls the deep dive into yourself. And keeping the, as alcohol, the answer to keeping the feelings it definitely dulls the deep dive into yourself. Keeping the, as alcohol, the answer to keeping the feelings at bay, you don't need to keep them at bay.
Starting point is 01:49:11 Just wash, let them wash over you. Like you're a, I don't wanna say it, like you're a fucking, like you're a fucking new Trino floating around in the galaxy, let the feelings totally wash through you if there happens to be a heavy water collision for your physics guy, maybe you're not, then so be it. Yeah, well, that's what it is, but you spend a lot of, you spend a lot of energy trying to not feel how you feel and that energy could be spent on much, on better things.
Starting point is 01:49:38 Yeah, well, so don't think about it too much. Yeah, just enough for a lot of people, for a lot of people to let your feelings wash over you, it's not okay. Yeah. Because they somewhere picked up a lot, that's not okay. Even obsession, people will obsess every trying to control everything.
Starting point is 01:49:54 Oh, God yeah. Sure, you gotta control everything and it's okay if you didn't even control yourself. Yeah, I personally understand all of that. Yeah. But you are right. Which part? Pretty much all of it. I you are right. Which part? Pretty much all of it.
Starting point is 01:50:07 I mean, as far as like, no, it is ego. I was just adding, it's kind of, people are in, kids are indoctrinated by who they're, who they're there, you know. But yeah, no, it's right. It's, people think that it's not okay to feel shame. Like everybody does. And that there's a way to make it go away. Yeah, well, that it's not okay to feel shame. Like everybody does. And that there's a way to make it go away.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Yeah, well, this is, this happens to me a lot. Yeah, where guys will like fuck up. I meet a lot of new people who are fans of whatever, right? Yeah, yeah. And everyone's about to get a little too drunk or a little messed up and they'll fuck up. And then you can see that they feel it. And they'll say like, oh, sorry, that that happened. And then they'll keep saying, sorry, that I can't believe I did that.
Starting point is 01:50:45 It's like, bro, apologizing and obsessing about it will not make it go away. Like you said, we're really just necessary for longing it. Yeah. And you're kind of prolonging it like for your own edification, like for your own enjoyment of needing of wanting to look like you're trying to get rid of it. Or, well, that or the flip side of that. To beating yourself up. To kick your own ass for years. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:51:09 Yeah, that's true. For fucking years. Yeah. Low bit. Manors, I find are always the best guide in these situations. And the actions dictate the thinking, the behavior controls the thinking. Well, I apologize for doing that. I hope, is it anything I gonna do a make it up to you
Starting point is 01:51:25 then I absolutely will. Right. And that's it. That's it. Yeah. Okay, this is, I don't know what song this is. Oh God, this is a real fucking doozy. This is a vaccine song.
Starting point is 01:51:43 This is basically like dare to keep your kids off drugs, but this is a, remember the ice cream song about sex on Bill and I show? Yeah. Okay, this is kind of similar to that. I guess we'll play out with this and then we'll listen to some voicemails. slash the Dix show. See you next Tuesday. This is what in the literal hell is this, is what it's called.
Starting point is 01:52:05 I do not know. The FDA recently approved Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. The amber ruffin is freaking great news. Now, a lot of people felt skeptical because the emergency rollout didn't give enough time to thoroughly bet it. Well, now they have. And you can relax knowing that there is no poison in the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:52:28 Isn't that right, again? Oh, it's set to the song poison. It's your re-is, Amber. Bellbib to vote. Yeah. No poison. In fact, we have a song for all those who may still be on defense about getting vaccinated. Ah. Oh, ah!
Starting point is 01:53:06 What the fuck is this? It's so bad! I'm protesting this! This is so bad! I'm not getting vaccinated! It's also deadly. They believe it because they aren't very smart. Just insult everybody. Not the user the way to do it. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Common sense. Oh, yeah. Miss information. Now some of them did. There is no point. Bro, September 11th, this was released. Bad taste. Taliban in releasing Shilah Baza. If they had won, I'd take per course. That taste. Taliban in releasing shit like this.
Starting point is 01:54:06 If they had one. All right. That's enough. That's enough. I fucking fucking. Very cringy. Moment, this is your moment of cringe. Uh, here's some voicemails. Now I'm gonna have that fucking stupid ass song in my head
Starting point is 01:54:24 like the rest of the day. Sorry. Yep. The original is good. It was a huge hit. Okay. Hey, what up, Dick John? What up, man?
Starting point is 01:54:37 I got a fucking rage for you. Okay. So get this right. Last night, my buddy and I go to the new food truck in town and get us some good ass Polynesian food. Get back hanging out, having some drinks eating our fucking food. You know, my friend has a square cash set up where he gets fucking email notifications. He goes and checks that shit.
Starting point is 01:55:03 Yeah, $3 tip listed. Oh, never got that. Sure, fucking tip. Sure enough, I check my bank account. $3 tip. Oh, this bitch just added her own fucking tip. A raster. Yeah, you know how usually you swivel the fucking eye. I have a trucky. We went to in person. No, she was just doing it on her fucking self. Oh, that's where the fucking God do you? How's about to go full Karen and fucking like start leaving like angry, yelp reviews and shit like that? Call the police, call the FBI.
Starting point is 01:55:33 Maybe she just thinks it no one will notice. Right thing. Action. Or what are they going to do? We're in the food truck, their number. Fucking owner answers. They were fucking a call. They were so fucking pissed.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Yeah. They're like, hey, we're gonna refund you your whole mouth. Both of you all give you all your fucking money back for your meal. And yeah, don't worry, you will not be seeing her around. So I'm like, oh my god, fucking people who like do fake ass tips. I swear to God, Dick, this is a common fucking thing. I've heard about this happening so fucking much, and it makes me fucking insane.
Starting point is 01:56:08 At the end of your story, it was a couple of seconds ago. My fucking bank account, ever. I guarantee it's happened to you. I guarantee it's happened to me multiple times. Yeah. Fucked up, dude. Tipping's already fucking stupid. Got fucking damn it.
Starting point is 01:56:22 This makes me so mad. But you know what? You're fucking awesome. Got a bitch fired. Yeah, so fucking bitch. You fucking damn it. This makes me so mad. But you know what? They'll fucking awesome. Got a bitch fired. Yeah. She should be. She should be. She never trust that. That's a fake nails man. I can't. She had those fucking shoes too, but she had the long ass like fake nails. I never. I just don't trust them. Don't trust them. Yeah. That's all the. I am paranoid.
Starting point is 01:56:40 Road rage Alaska. When you do it Alaska. Sure. I asked it. Alaska. Sure, Alaska. Beautiful. I heard that too. Let me ski those out. I am paranoid. Anytime I fill out a one of those receipts, just leaving it blank, I scribble out the entire receipt
Starting point is 01:56:58 except for the, just leaving it, you know where it says tip and there's a line and you gotta like cross it out. I'm always paranoid. Oh no, but you just added, but you just total it at the bottom right? Yeah, but then it's like $50 and no tip total $58 is almost I bet that people put a tip there that they don't want a tip just because they don't want to leave it blank for the person to fill it in. Sure that could be I bet there's a-zero amount of people to do that. Oh, there has to be.
Starting point is 01:57:27 I hate tipping and then it exists and then it's everywhere now. Like every single point of sale system, it's like put in by default. I know. I can tip on. Oh, no, I know. Like when I was in Australia, I had a conversation with people about that where it's like, you know, you could do like, it know, you could do like, it's, you could do 10% but they're like,
Starting point is 01:57:48 you know, nobody does it. Nobody does it. Like nobody, nobody does it. Definitely, I mean, if you were thrilled with your experience and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, maybe 10%. Throw a cup of bucks. But nobody does it.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Yeah. Okay. Hey, so whenever I have to pass up the money and flow on the road, I usually look over to see if they're looking at their phones and... Yeah. Today I just kind of saw some other butter who was literally reading a paper book. You had a book. I've seen someone read a newspaper book.
Starting point is 01:58:21 I mean, see. You're going 40 and a 60, reading a book. Why not just say over and finish your chapter. What the fuck, man? I have seen a woman reading a, I don't know how they do it. Like are you reading every word, or every couple of words?
Starting point is 01:58:40 Twitter I can understand what you're driving because it's only 140 characters, whatever, but a book. The two craziest things I've seen driving, or just odd things I've seen, one person was literally reading a newspaper, like totally spread out across the wheel, like one of his crinkled with like his hand on the wheel. And like the other one was eating a bowl of cereal. Really?
Starting point is 01:59:02 Is that a cereal? I saw a real cereal? A woman was eating a bowl of cereal. Really? Is that a cereal? I saw a real cereal? A woman was eating a bowl of cereal. I could tell it was fucking flakes and milk. She was doing it. Like I was steering with a knee or like with a forearm or something. I saw this bitch smoking out of a pipe and a weed pipe. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 01:59:18 I've seen that in the airport, like packing the bowl. I've seen that. I've seen people do that a lot. Really in a road. Yeah. Okay. Hey, Dick, how are you? Nice. Man, I'm pissed.
Starting point is 01:59:32 Got all the way to work. Pretty nice day. Not too bad, but it gives a little hot in my car going home from work. Well, it gets to that lunch time. No AC. Looking forward to my daily lunch break diet coke and left it in my car. Idiot. Oh, looking hot. Hot sucks. Oh, so it's pretty hard to get it. Same for another two days because you know, it takes two days. It doesn't take one day.
Starting point is 01:59:54 People think it takes only one day to get a can to the correct coldness that I like to drink a soda or beer at. No, you got to get the chords. Chorus, soda. It's my first silver. I have a little bit of cool. It does. I take in here, by the time I get here, it's not lost all that coldness. And so you get the idea, leave it over a couple hours to lunch, drink it, perfect temperature. Nope, not today. Someone fucking took it. Have a good drive to get it. Fucking soda. Fuck you all. Yeah, you can get tricked because the can will get cold real fast. It's like diving into a pool that's unheated, but it's been left uncovered in the sun for a while.
Starting point is 02:00:33 It's only about that top foot of water that's worn out. The rest of it's fucking freezing. Yeah, exactly. People don't understand coax, like me and this gentleman do, and you yourself. Yeah, experts. a lot of experience. Hey, Nick, you know what makes me a rage is the fact that there are no 9-11 stores.
Starting point is 02:00:52 Where am I supposed to get all of my fucking number to celebrate 9-11? Yeah, we need like a corner store that's only a little bit here. Just like all those Chris have the TSA out front of it never forget shirts and like little tiny flags and shit like that and the Patriot acts on a mug the entire Patriot Act I'm like fucking awesome I mean it would be fucking awful but anyway I would go on that that'd be great. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure there's a million people
Starting point is 02:01:28 online selling that kind of stuff, you know, a 9-11. I have to admit, come here, I'm narrative. No, it's true. It's true. Like those people don't really have like business licenses, I'm sure he's talking about a legit brick and mortar. Like the how long it's been.
Starting point is 02:01:42 Lock it and browse. Yeah, store. For him. Oh, 9-11 for her. legit brick and mortar like the how I can rock it and browse yeah store uh-huh for him oh 9.11 for her whoo right have like a guy twins hours going around you know Taliban guy that have that good beat them up and I don't have an underwear I don't have an underwear I mean hope
Starting point is 02:02:00 you're hope your tower doesn't I mean are we are we capitalists or not yeah I mean fuck good tower doesn't. I mean, are we, are we capitalists or not? Yeah. I mean, fuck good taste. Doesn't, it doesn't pull, good taste obviously is on the way out in our society anyway. Someone made money off of it. It wasn't me.
Starting point is 02:02:14 So do you see George W. Bush came out and said that on the 9-11 anniversary, he said, like, well, now the terror has moved home. Domestic terror here is the same evil. Like you basically just called, you know, me, like whatever. Yeah. Oh, so the WMDs were calling from inside the country the whole time. Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, but I get on top of that. No, fucking lock them up. Lock them up. Let's see here. So look, I take some pride of working in the trades and I try to look down on these white color workers and their recognition offices, but I got to admit we do have some ignorant
Starting point is 02:02:56 dumbass people. Sure. So every time I have to whip out the cop gun, like we put up some face or whatever, there's a long guy here we've made the same super Joe's. Oh man you cock a shootin' all over the place. You're cock is drippin' here. Oh could I grab you a cock for a second? Yeah. Funny. We have to do this every single time. But you know what the word part is. That person is me.
Starting point is 02:03:21 It's funny. Yeah because it's funny. That's funny. Keep doing it. Should have a whole book. If you're going to start cock jokes, you need like a hundred. Yeah, because you need to go all the way around. Right, because everybody in their head is going to make the same like five or six.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Yeah. You got to get down, you know, it gets harder and harder to make the, you know, 95th through 100, but you know they're going to be really clever probably, probably, unless you go to, you're really reaching. It's like, uh, that's reaching. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:55 Some of them, if you sit and think, they're, you know, 50s to 60s, might be really funny, really funny, really funny. Really funny. A little esoteric. Yeah. And then you start, you start to have to really committing like put a bunch of cock in a guy's sandwichers coffee. Something.
Starting point is 02:04:09 You have to go further and further for the joke. Fuck is this? Oh, did I get, what are you saying? That's my cock is in your coffee, um-hmm. Allow me to apologize. Right. You know? Uh, there's no, no, no reward without risk is what I'm saying, Sean.
Starting point is 02:04:27 That's true. Let's see here. One more. Hey, guys. So what makes me the right cheer is what I call it, the Girlfriend Alarm Club. old friend alarm clock. So last night my girlfriend she hit me up and she went hang out while I'm off. And I informed her that I mean, my compatriots, we got a fresh issue of the New York Times and we're about to break into the crossword section pretty hard. Oh My god, you gotta get up early. I want to be a real fucking real late. Yeah, maybe that's not the best idea. So let's sleep
Starting point is 02:05:14 Of course, she's like other houses No big deal. I'm by anyway, and I'll be able to fall asleep. No big deal. I'm not worried about you falling asleep I'm fine if you don't mind a bunch of aging assholes when you're trying to sleep, that's your own business. Well, what I have failed to take into this fine plane right now. This calculation is me being up at, you know, the crack as if it's fucking am. And my girlfriend, like me up at 10 am, because she wants that you've got to go to work and got for bid. Got for bid we don't take a buyer, but I can have you. So, I'm basically the the girlfriend alarm clock.
Starting point is 02:05:56 Oh, 10 am. I'm dead and tired today at work. But not about a whole hour of sleep. That's my race there. Go for a alarm clock. You guys have a good one. I'm about a whole hour is late. That's my race there. Go for a alarm clock. You guys have a good one. Yeah, come on.
Starting point is 02:06:09 Okay. The girlfriend alarm clock is taking a good 10 years off of my life. Is it right? Oh, I mean, you imagine me going to school every day? Yeah, well, that's the thing. See, she gets up much earlier than you. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 02:06:23 See, I'm the opposite. You get up early? I will. I usually have to because she works from home. Yeah, because I got to go set up sessions before if the, you know, occasionally we have very early sessions, but even, you know, like she doesn't start work until like 10. Yeah. And like it's in the other room.
Starting point is 02:06:41 So like, you know, me, I might have to be there at, you know, 815 or so to set up for a 9am session. Oh God. Something like that. Maybe I, you know, so it depends on what it is. Do you have an audible alarm? Yeah. You mother fucker. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 02:06:55 Don't you, can't you wear like a bracelet or an ankle that wakes you up for something? Like a vibrating ankle? Never even thought of it. I didn't think of it till just now. Really? I wish I would have thought of it seven years ago. Are there other, see, yeah, well, some people just put it on vibrate and that wakes them up, right?
Starting point is 02:07:08 It was still a wake me up. Yeah. I don't know if it's touching your skin. Oh, yeah, sure. You know, so. Yeah. All right. See everybody.
Starting point is 02:07:15 So yeah, thank you.

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