The Dick Show - Episode 276 - Dick on Virginfest

Episode Date: September 21, 2021

A vegan sports bar sells me fake liquor, Egg White calls in to talk about Virginfest, trying to find a good bull penis, the military launches white supremacist Funko Pops, the Met Art gala needs more ...of your money, CartNarcs calls in about bothering people to return their shopping carts, believing in unemployment, the Taliban enjoys some paddle boats, the FDA rejects booster shots, and Nicki Minaj takes on journalists; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Mind you, I'd always call me while he's on a bike or walking. So it hits all these choppy air. I'm like, motherfucker. Yeah, can you stand still or call me from home. Don't give me this traveling. There's going to be this traveling nonsense. It's got more important things to do when he's home. Yeah, yeah, television's at home.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Yeah. Yeah, take TV on the road with you. Yeah. Financial channel on the road with you yet financial channel in the food network. Naked and afraid. Like I watch is everything. I'm afraid. Mine's me on my foray into the Catholic priesthood. Nothing for that.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I had to think about it for a second. Do we get those fixed? The Catholic grapes? Well, we got those fixed, right? I didn't hear anything. I remember getting upset. Fixed, I don't know. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I figured it out, right? At least people are aware of it. We lost a Pope over it. Oh. And we got whatever we have now. Jesus, that guy. Yeah, he's a character. He's a real.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I never really slapped that woman who touched him. No, no, that was funny. That was a good one. Before him, I've never seen anyone just kind of like resign as Pope. No, his never happened. I'm just, I'm kind of old. I don't really, he's still alive, right, Ratsinger?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yeah, he just like, because he hid all the pedophile rape. He lives in the Vatican and stuff, but it like Vatican II, they've got a, they've got a, he can't David. Yeah. Yeah. Basically, it's like a, the Camp David or the Scientology retreat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:37 He lives there. Yeah. And he's not like out every day talking about God stuff or doing whatever. No, he's kind of just like reflecting on, you know, his relationship with God and me andering around in the garden, I guess. Did you watch that movie, The Two Popes, with Anthony Hopkins and the guy from Seinfeld. The guy from Seinfeld. I think he's the guy from Seinfeld. Which guy? I don't know. Or the bad guy from the world is not enough with the James Bond movie. I didn't see that one.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Fuck. I don't know. He's a guy. It's about. He's playing Seinfeld. I don't, I think he's in Seinfeld. I don't know. Look, it's the Pope.
Starting point is 00:02:18 It's what happened to that Pope resigning and handing the Popeery over to the other guy. I had to wait for 80s girl to go to sleep before I could watch it because I put it on for 10 minutes because this is boring. Yeah. Well, it's about, you know, two popes. Yeah. We think it's going to be. And let's say walk into a body. I'm not expecting a comedy. Yeah. Walk like a new ball. Do you know how hard it is to find a good bull dick? Good segue. Have you ever thought about how hard it is to find, I could still smell it in here. The bull dick.
Starting point is 00:02:49 This is how it's, the dog's favorite treat is a big ol' bullcock that they shrink and harden and whatever and turn into a stick that they can nond for hours. You know, fucking hard is to find a good one. What was the constantly good one? If they can chew on it for like a you know, fucking hard is to find a good one. What was it? What was it like constantly doing? It's a good one. If they can chew on it for like a half hour, you buy some, you buy some of these bull dicks. They're through it in five minutes.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I don't even have a chance, I don't even have a chance to partially beat off. You got a force feed like the bowl, a bunch of Viagra, so it's like stiff to start with. I don't know why. And then like, you know, some bull dicks, it takes them an hour to get to know through, and they're still chewing, but then some, it's like, I'm right through them. I know the dog's not getting better at knowing on bull dick,
Starting point is 00:03:35 because I know they don't get any better from personal experience. They just not, okay, I'm not sure. Right, right, dog is female. And then does she just fucking reek, that she like fart halaciously with those things? Oh, it's come on. Sometimes she'd smell, okay, here's the other thing about it.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Dude, I, it smells like, I don't know what a dick smells like, but imagine, I don't have to imagine anymore because the bull dick, not chew toys that the dog chews on, fucking reek. I know they do. You pull one out every dog in the neighborhood, starts howling. And I presume that this awful smell that I'm smelling, that I've never smoked before, is dick.
Starting point is 00:04:15 It's gotta be. It's gotta be. It's gotta be. So, maybe the flatulence is more likely to smell like dick, but it's certainly, I can still smell it in here from when she was in here for a few, but a few moments. I don't really smell it. I know it. So I can identify it.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I do, yeah. Now here's the next thing. Some of the bull dick people will say, this is part of their advertising is we're all natural, non acid bleached bull dick. Yeah. You can be sure for the health, a lot of bull dicks will be acid bleached so they don't wreak like dick. You have a choice when shopping for bullcock. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Right. Oh, it's more like what the dog eats in nature. You know, bull dicks. Yeah, you know, generally stocks. Stalks. Yeah, dogs. Dogs. Dogs have been known to follow rodeo productions for miles on in, just waiting
Starting point is 00:05:07 for a chance during a bull ride to dash out from underneath the bleachers and grab a bull cock and then rip it off and run back into the hills. 10,000 years ago, man and dog would be hunting the same bison and the man would kill it and fend that all the dogs would just devour the cock, leaving the good stuff for the leader or the man would kill it and fend that all the dogs would just devour the cock. Right. Leaving the good stuff for the leader. For the man. Right. Anyway, so you have a choice when you're shopping
Starting point is 00:05:32 for your bull dicks, and none of them have like the density of the bull dick, this will take your dog. If your dog is devours this and less than 30 minutes, your pizza's free. Oh, they should rate them. They don't. They just rate them in length. Which, no one has ever needed to know the length of a dick
Starting point is 00:05:50 in the history of the world. Right. No one. Sure. It's just something that women invented to try to make us feel bad. Exactly. And don't play into it.
Starting point is 00:05:57 But they never play into it by telling a guy's cock is small. I don't do that. Yeah. But they also have like a terrible sense of space. Women? Yeah. Like, is invading your personal space and they should stay far away from it. But also like they have no idea like how long an anxious. Yeah, an inch. You've seen the how long's eight inches?
Starting point is 00:06:15 I don't know. We've all I like it. Okay, we've all parked with a woman. Yeah, just any, you got about six inches clearance here. A grocery store space parallel park. Doesn't have to be anything is complicated as parallel parking Yeah, it can just be you know pulling in to a to a space parking lot That has two open spaces on either side and they'll still have to back up and center it Are they do the thing where they pop the door open and ride it like a scooter?
Starting point is 00:06:41 They ride their car I've never seen that one. No, girls find yourself a girl who's quote, good at parallel parking and then give it to her, pop that door open, ride the car like a scooter. And it's like, what are they sticking their leg out? Because they're looking over the back of the car to see if they're gonna hit the car like a curb or a sat or not. I get the opening the door, but they actually.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And they lean out and they fucking ghost ride the whip. Yeah, I've seen the open door. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know, I'm gonna fail. I'm gonna fail, quote, 50% of drivers. Nice. All the bad ones. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:30 50% of, that's my whole platform. Right. I'm gonna turn, I'm gonna make driver's licenses great again. It's gonna, you're gonna actually be a bad driver. It's not anybody comes in and get one, get one, because then it's just a data harvesting scam, right? Sure. Not really. I'm not really checking if you can drive. I'm just getting all your information in one place So I can sell it to people and fuck with you and tell the police where you are. I wonder if I'm driving safety
Starting point is 00:07:56 Do you think the drivers test have gotten more difficult or or easy than gotta be easy? You would think yeah Here's have you seen this sign on the road? Did I, I feel like Rip Van Winkle, look at this. So this is, I saw this, I saw this yesterday. I actually have, I, and I've seen that exact. I'm having a stroke. Let me pull this up though. I don't think you could see it on the street. Oh, of course, the browser's fucking shot today. Absolutely wonderful. Well, I'm just, we'll do a describing episode today. Here's the amber alert sign. You know, they spent $22 million putting in a bunch of high tech signs to save kids. Not surprised. Never saved one kid. I don't, I don't think they've
Starting point is 00:08:35 ever saved one kid because like usually like the, the dad always has them. Yeah. Or they're dead. Right. Oh, could be both. Amber learned out for a shitty little car. Oh my God. Oh, everybody be on the lookout for a shitty little car. In LA. It happened to see a shitty little car. Right. Uh, here's the, so that then they repurposed the Amber alert
Starting point is 00:08:55 for public gilting and shins. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, click it or tick it. All that kind of stuff. And it buzz driving is drunk driving. Yeah. Usually they, they're like pithy, right? Yeah. I could remember them like I just told you. buzz driving is drunk driving. Usually they're like pithy, right? Like I could remember them, like I just told you.
Starting point is 00:09:07 What's driving is drunk driving. Sure, that sticks in your head, click it or tick it. Yeah. Okay, here's the one that they rolled out recently. And I have seen this and I thought that was very peculiar. Right. I just mentioned it to my sitting around with my sister.
Starting point is 00:09:19 I'm like, hey, by the way, have you seen this sign? And she goes, yes, what the fuck is up with the, it wreaks of ESL. It's save lives, drive sober, not wrong way. Yeah. What the fuck is not wrong way? Appealing to the Asian American community. I mean, it hopped up on Soju or something.
Starting point is 00:09:36 It's wrong way. Yeah. So at first I thought it was your driving the wrong way on the freeway, but those signs only face the correct way. Yeah, so you have to be looking at the opposite way and you see it going there. I mean, that's not wrong. It's about saving lives, driving sober. There's no way they switched the third message, right?
Starting point is 00:09:56 It's got to be still about driving drunk. So drive sober, not wrong way. It's very odd. It's very odd. The language is odd. Yeah, nobody drives sober, not wrong way. It's very odd. It's very odd. The language is odd. Yeah, nobody drives sober, not wrong way. Well, I mean, there's a lot of wrong ways to drive.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Yeah, drive sober, not wrong way. Well, what else? I mean, not wrong, doesn't explicitly say, run out of room? It's like God's memorial, God's memorial hospital. I thought I've like fell asleep for a million years and woke up and a nebulous brown people had taken over the country who
Starting point is 00:10:30 can't speak right, right? Save lives, drive sober, not wrong. Anyway, what was I say? That's my driver's life. You can just, that's my run for governor. I'm failing half of these bitches. Good. You don't even need the not wrong way. No, could have been anything. Safe lives, drive sober. Okay, you know, or go to jail or die. That's what it should say. Safe lives, drive sober or die. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Okay, I mean, I catch your attention. Is that thing? Not wrong way, Sean. Right. I'm pretty annoyed today. I'll be honest with you. Alright? Yeah, I'm pretty annoyed at a lot of things. Yeah. What do you want to do? You need to get into the show every this contest can be live from Mount Brunk Deep in the heart of city failure. I'll stick. Imagine a K 20 million dollar
Starting point is 00:11:22 man voter in mergers. Fuck. Go voter market's worst Mexican, 127 weeks running. Trimney's always his world touring LA based community, Johnny audio engineer. Hello, Dick. What's up, buddy? Thank you for not killing yourself. Thank you for joining us on this 276 episode. I'm starting the planning for the episode 300 road rage now.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Oh, wow. And I think maybe Orange County, because I don't trust LA with the mask shit. Yeah. The second Larry Elder got trounced in the recall. Yeah. They started rolling out nightclub vaccination. It's like the, I mean, the next day it was vaccinations now required and proof of vaccination and bars nightclubs. Anywhere you want, do you, anywhere you want to go? I go, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Really him Bolton. Really. You guys could have waited a week for us to, you know, nurse our wounds from now, whatever. So I don't know where you have it. I think it's in March, March 6th, maybe, March 5th, March 6th. That'll be about, got us at that far off. It's 25 weeks. Yeah, 24 weeks.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I guess so. We got a crossover episode with Carl on Wednesday. That's right. We do. Looking forward to that. Yeah. Coming out soon. Biggest problem.
Starting point is 00:12:35 New biggest problem episode up at Biggest problem. Yeah. We got into Vita's flagging. Oh, really. More. Was that your problem? Tatletales.
Starting point is 00:12:45 You know, that's funny. What's the last thing we need on the Tatletales? Never helped anybody. Right. Tatletales. We all, you know, fuck them. Tatletales, whistleblowers, whatever you want to call them. I think I finally got, at the end of the episode, Vito said his true intentions were to scare the people who owned the channel for what
Starting point is 00:13:07 for having Alex Jones on. And he didn't want anything bad to happen, but he wanted them to be afraid that it might and said, well, I mean, yeah, that's kind of what that's what everyone has a problem with. But you just described it. Well, yeah, but it's and it's also out of your hands like the what what happens is may or may not be your intention. Yeah, that's kind of the thing. I have rolling the dice with somebody else's shit.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Yeah. Late rape we talked about, Norm McDonald getting posthumously accused of groping some broads ass. Oh, I didn't know he was posthumously accused. It's, I think it's, that's like a right of passage now. Yeah. Like part of the funeral procession is,
Starting point is 00:13:45 at the funeral, a bunch of brods will come up and talk about how you almost raped them one time. And that they were afraid. They'll have the same script that they all read, which by now is kind of like, well, what, I mean, you saw that, you've heard this script before. What did you do to stop any nothing? They'll go through it.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And then you can sit there, if you're going to the funeral, you might go to the funeral just for that. Go, shit is sticks funeral. Let's see how many women he almost raped. You see what they look like. They just come up and read their, like they might all be big fat pigs, you know, right?
Starting point is 00:14:20 The family of the victim, you know, could read their statements and court. And like that to the defendant, like during sent could read their statements in court. Yeah, yeah. Like that to the defendant, like during sentencing, they just get up and there's like an open casket and they just step up in front of it and read the script. Parallel funerals. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Yeah. Embrace it. And I don't know why my problem of finger pain is getting trounced. Finger pain. Bro, finger pain. Just playing Nintendo. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Your fingers get sore. Bludge in the nerves in the ends. Yeah. It's typing, like, oh, can't type anymore. Yeah. Finger, I don't know. Everybody says it's an old people problem, but I was an old when I was playing fucking marble madness.
Starting point is 00:14:58 No. It, 19, whatever, 91. Nah. Fingers all blown. Bloody and raw. All right, let me tell you what makes me a rage. You're never going to believe this one. There is a, there's a vegan sports bar that opened up down the street. Really?
Starting point is 00:15:19 Yeah. That's crazy. That's the thing, because you never imagine in your wildest nightmare, a vegan sports bar. It's just not, I can't really picture a sports bar. As a vegan? Yes, a vegan sports bar.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Well, I've been trying now that I'm 40. I've been trying to live a little bit healthier, right? Like maybe have a vegan day instead of just packing in sausages and meats every day, like I have for the last 40 years, like maybe we'll have a vegan day or a night, maybe not drinking every, maybe save the drinking for the weekend, these sorts of things that are supposed to prolong you know, not that. That's not been going on. Not getting vaccines that cause myocarditis and young men, things like these preventative measures I'm taking
Starting point is 00:16:07 to try to prolong my, yeah, right, right. Try to get a little time back. Try to get a little, save a little time on the end to enjoy myself, maybe, for once. What I'm in the gulags, when I'm in the climate lockdown gulags, just have a little nice little time in VR for myself. Why not go to a vegan living longer in your personal hell?
Starting point is 00:16:25 Vegan sports bar. Maybe it's a bad idea. Now, as if I don't know if you know this, but everything in a vegan place because vegans are the worst cultural appropriators of all time. And they can't, they cannot name anything on there. Everything has to be like a fucking hamburger
Starting point is 00:16:44 or chicken wings. It's none of it is made of those things. Of course. But they name it that way and no one knows why. Just to be annoying. It's annoying for the vegans because they want to know what they're actually eating. Like are they eating oats or soy or dog shit or whatever vegans eat. And I was on their side for this because it's fun and cute. Right, right? Yeah, call it a hamburger. What? We call it a fucking hot dog. Even though it
Starting point is 00:17:09 feels like a cock when you put. Yeah. No one wants to eat a bean dog. Yeah. Right? Maybe someday, you can stop using our words. Sausages, I brought worst is our word. Yeah. You can't be using it with corn and bean paste, right? I was fine with that. So I get there, I order my vegan, whatever, order a pretzel, watching football, and I say, I'd like one of your cocktails, they've got a cocktail menu. Every whiskey, it's not what you think it is.
Starting point is 00:17:44 All these, yeah, there's no indication that there's anything suspect on these drinks. I like a whiskey diet coke. I said, oh yeah, he looks me in the eye with straight face. Oh yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And I said, while Turkey, if you got it, but anything, walks away, comes back, drink the drink. I think this is a little odd with this, but I haven't been drinking all week. So this is something's a little odd with this drink, but I'm still getting a little, I still feel a little buzzed, so I don't know, maybe, I don't know what it is,
Starting point is 00:18:13 it tastes a little odd though. It tastes like a micro-barrel. You remember when micro-wiskey barrels were a thing? For like a month and a half, and then everyone hated them, because they just tasted like sweet, they were overly sweet, and the liquor was still there with like the two worst parts of, anyway.
Starting point is 00:18:31 So I finished that one in a couple of seconds and say, hey, bring me a double whiskey on the rocks. He goes, you got it. Comes back with a high ball full of a sort of liquid that's pissed colored or kind of brownish. with a high ball full of a sort of liquid that's pissed colored or it's not a quarter of kind of brownish. Looks like something you might have thrown up, but a lot of it with ice and I say,
Starting point is 00:18:53 this is the biggest pore. This is the biggest pore I've ever seen in my life. You mean because it's so light, so you think it's odd. Yeah. It looks odd. Looks like it looks like Mountain Dew that somebody who looks like Mountain Dew that somebody's been spitting their chew into. It's like. It looks odd. It looks like Mountain Dew that somebody who, it looks like Mountain Dew that somebody who's been spitting their chew into.
Starting point is 00:19:06 It's like ginger ale. I don't know. It's like light, kind of a really, really light tan. Take a drink of it. I'm thinking it's just a gigantic glass of whiskey and it's nothing. Sean, their de vegans co-opted whiskey. What is it really?
Starting point is 00:19:24 I have no idea. To this, I called the guy over and I said, bro, I need to check immediately. I got to get out of here before I start flipping tables over. What is, what this isn't whiskey? What, what is it? He goes, oh yeah, it's not for everyone. I said, who is this for?
Starting point is 00:19:40 What do you mean not for everyone? Who is, who wants to come in here? Those are two ingredients that you should have known. Whiskey's not have not made it's not it doesn't need to be vegan there is vodka white so it was it was it was vegan whiskey but whiskey is already vegan right all of liquor was already vegan how in the fuck is anybody supposed to go to a a vegan sports bar and know that the liquor itself is not like it should be illegal. You can't go anywhere. You can't go to, you can't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:20:13 You can't go to a car dealership and say, oh, how'd you like to buy a Ferrari? Love to buy a Ferrari. Yeah. It's a 10 grand. It's a version of a Ferrari. Get it home and the fucking, the thing falls off and it's a new Beatles. Well, what the, you, I'm taking you to court. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Over this. This is totally unacceptable. You cannot have a cocktail's menu with whiskey, vodka, gin, rum, and absolutely none of it is any of those things and play it off with. It's not for everyone. It's not for anyone. It's not for anyone. It's not for anyone. Nobody in the history of the world has ever wanted to go to a bar and order a fake liquor, especially on the rocks and especially a fucking double. You
Starting point is 00:20:57 don't think that was the time to give me a heads up? I do. I see you ordering a drink that only a massive alcoholic would order while it's still light outside. Just just a heads up. It's not actual liquor. We all get, we all go out drinking the night before. Daabar sweat heavily the next day and ring it out into a big pot. And that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:21:20 It's not liquor. Could you, was there a bar that you could see behind? Could you actually see bottles of booze or anything like that? No, because I had to sit down. I was so upset. I had to leave immediately and go across the street and get a drink. I'm trying to think why they wouldn't have just standard bottles of alcohol. Like, is there any animal products?
Starting point is 00:21:39 No. I mean, if it's a standard bottle of alcohol, why would they put whiskey? If it's not a standard bottle, why would they put whiskey on there? I don't know. Why would they put vodka on there? It's the same fucking thing. Are we to believe that the vodka, the fake vodka and the fake whiskey are different? Is the fake tequila different than the fake vodka?
Starting point is 00:21:59 What the, who is, who is this for? I'm so, I was upset by the time I'm still upset by it. These fucking vegans because we let it slide with the hamburgers and the sausage. Check it out. We got hamburgers over here. No, you don't. You got a bean shit. You got bean shit that you mashed into a disc.
Starting point is 00:22:18 That's what you got. You got it exactly. You got pressed beans and you got away with it forever. And now you and now I have no idea whether or not I'm getting liquor, which I need, which I desperately need. Yeah. Yeah. That's, I just want to know what, what it was.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I don't. I never want to see it again. And I think, I think that place should be sued and investigated by the better business bureau or the health department, because who knows what was, it wasn't whiskey, it's not what you can't do that. I can't sell whiskey on the side of the street and then just put water in it.
Starting point is 00:22:54 No. It's got to meet some kind of criterion. Oh yeah, no, there's standards for sure. Well, Jesus, yeah, that's what happened to me this week. Here's a new, I've got one for you from the Met Gala. Did you see that, Sean? Probably not the Met Gala. Yeah, here, I think this is a new art form
Starting point is 00:23:16 because I've found, I like to wait for threes of things before I say that this is a movement, right? And I think I've got one here. So this is a movement, right? And I think I've got one here. So this is an ad, this is an ad from Amazon Prime Video that I saw. And the quote is the Met Gala is the reason to fund the arts. Here's the proof,
Starting point is 00:23:38 and they show a bunch of pictures of assholes wearing shitty costumes, right? Here's some fucking pretty boy and wearing a leather vest with no shirt on which the most wasted methods do. So I don't know if we need to fund that art. Exactly. A woman dress like Grimis. That's the guy. That's a Eugene Levy's son. Oh, is it? Yeah. He looks like a gay peacock. Well, then there's a woman wearing a, a, a, a bridesmaid stress. And then there's a black woman wearing a business suit.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Yeah, like a suit suit suit suit. Like, yeah. So here is the art form that I'm seeing. It's the boots. It's like corporate. And I, well, here's the kick. Okay. So on Mendes, I wonder do that.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Well, okay. So the met, the met, our gal, the met art thing was funny for a lot of reasons. You had AOC with the tax, the rich stress on. on, but she's got the shoulders of a linebacker. I mean, her inner posture is terrible. Like, she's the last thing you want to have. Not used to being on the red carpet. Yeah. There's ways to stand.
Starting point is 00:24:36 There's ways to stand. There's clothes to wear that couldn't pull it off at all. Abusing the, the medium is the message. She tagged Abusing the medium is the message. She tagged that with the medium is the message, which is a quote from a guy who said that media studies should be based on the method of communication because the total and instantaneous consumption of media across the globe has perverted our natural inclinations. So crises that we respond to locally, we now respond to globally, and it has induced a permanent state of anxiety in everybody.
Starting point is 00:25:09 That's what the guy who said that quote met. Yeah, what is the quote? The medium is the message. Her medium is addressed with graffiti on it. Nothing to do with it, but something that a moron heard that other morons gravitate to, which drives me insane. Wrong quotes, right?
Starting point is 00:25:31 Oh yeah. The customer is always right, is one of the most famous examples of people not understanding that at all. Not even bothering to look it up. No, let's thicker them water. Same fucking thing. The customer, the customer 99 times out of 100 is a fucking asshole. Is that even what that means? I know. Yeah. So you've got these, you've got the ultra, ultra
Starting point is 00:25:56 privileged who are not wearing masks supported by a slave class of beautiful, a beautiful women, only the most beautiful of the poor women who are all wearing cloth masks, which do nothing but cover their face, right? So you've got, well, they made a fashion statement. Just the cloth masks, they're all bedazzled and shit. Yes, but they've only got their servants wearing them. So the fashion statement is these people are invisible. Not only are they invisible, but we've revoked their human, they're not even allowed to have
Starting point is 00:26:27 faces or autonomy or rights because they're all wearing them, even though we are not. It is the art comes in the ad, which says the Met Gala is the reason to fund the arts. This is such a, the ultra-privileged class dripping with money. And they need to spend our money to give these fucking, to give these prex. How toned that, dude. Unchanted evening.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Who, who is, I don't understand why anybody supports any taxes at all. We got a tax, we got a tax, the rich more. Motherfucker, you don't need any taxes. Every dollar we give the government, they just burn. They give it to shit like this when they don't even need it. You think these people need money to go pretend to have a prom? There's no- There's no self-awareness in that post at all.
Starting point is 00:27:17 None, it's really crazy. None. Like, hit on the fucking 10-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, which fucked up so bad by targeting the ultra-rich instead of saying, you guys have made it impossible for poor people to have businesses. Yeah. Because you've regulated simple things like selling illegal whiskey or a guy on the subway selling sodas for $3 a pop, you've regulated it out of existence. You cannot just do, you can't just have a bakery in your home
Starting point is 00:27:46 Yeah, you've got to go through a hundred different regulations because you've fucking oppressed people out of you've oppressed people out of their fucking lives Oh, yeah Instead they go instead Instead what occupied Wall Street did and what they still do is hold up guys like Jeff Bezos and think that if they hit him hard enough Like a piñata aata, a bunch of free money's going to come out. And it never will. It never will.
Starting point is 00:28:08 It'll go to the government that's just going to use it to buy more stupid, that'll use it to have a big fucking bonfire. It's really crazy. The average person, I mean, I look at this and I go, like, why do people think any of that quote unquote art is good or worthy of being funded or worthy of being funded? Why you? That's fucking crazy. If you pay any tax, some of it goes there. It's fucking crazy. All right. Well, let's see what else I got here. It's so weird. Voter ID laws discriminate against black people. Did you see that one?
Starting point is 00:28:46 No. Voter ID. Maybe a discrim, discriminates. Yeah, here we go. This judge ruled that, you know, what do you think about voter ID laws? Are you pro voter ID laws? I mean, I just want to make sure that, you
Starting point is 00:29:09 know, the person is who they kind of say they are. And it's like it, they should make it as easy as possible to prove like to prove who you are. But like they need to, you know, they need to prove, I think who you are. I mean, that's kind of, you know, citizens have the right to vote. Like, I mean, I gotta be able to double check. Fellens can't vote. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. They felt like why can felons not vote? What would, how would that, how is that possibly morally right? That because they committed a felony, haven't they served their time?
Starting point is 00:29:43 Well, that's like, why can, is there thinking so fucked up that they're not allowed to vote? I've never understood that. Can you get it back? You're right to vote. Yeah. Can you, that's not, I don't think so. So that's like, so states are removing it. Yeah. I mean, which I mean, because if you can't have a felony and you do your time, and you don't fuck up again, there should be like, I mean, I mean, maybe there is. I haven't heard of it. Should our felons be the, the people who should vote the most because they're in, they're the ones that are getting the full force of the monopoly of violence and the state, like shouldn't they get the most say in what the government's
Starting point is 00:30:18 doing? I mean, I, you know, I guess it, I mean, that's, that's provided they didn't do anything heinous. But what, what's hein that's provided they didn't do anything heinous. But what, what's heinous? Like they're in jail because of the law, right? So maybe they pirated a car or something, maybe they downloaded a car. Yeah, like maybe they sold weed, not all the two life, if maybe they set up a solenoid or create an equal, but right. So shouldn't the felons be the mo anyway? North Carolina judge, blocks voter ID law saying it discriminates against black people.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Are black people not buying liquor anymore? I don't know. I'm pretty sure you have to show an ID when you buy liquor. That's what, I mean, that's been my experience. Is that discriminating? Are black people having a rough time buying liquor anywhere that we don't know about? Or how is, how, how is, how are with a straight face? Do you say, well, I discriminate, are they not running cars anymore? I don't know. The liquor one, the liquor one, I think, is the best one.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Licker and cigarettes. I guess so. I know they enforce that. Yeah, I liquor one I think is the best one. Licker and cigarettes. I guess so, yeah. So I know they enforce that. Yeah, I mean, I think I pretty much they card everybody to looks under 30 or whatever, you know. It's just absurd. Does it germinate? Okay, so get rid of the liquor laws. Get rid of a law. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I don't know. Did you see that Nikki Minnage sicked her fans? Nikki Minnage said she didn't really want to get the vaccine before without doing some more research. Yeah. Is that what she said? Yeah. So a bunch of people explained to her that she's a white
Starting point is 00:32:07 supremacist. Real joking. Yeah. Why does anybody care what somebody like Nicki Minaj says anyway? Well, because because stupid people care what she thinks. I know that's why. And they want to manipulate her to make her audience do stuff. Yeah. Right? Sure. So she posted this. Let me try to find her thing that she's apparently some reporter threatened someone in her family. Let me find it. I don't know why I didn't have it here. Manage. Nicki Minaj Instagram. Uh, she said she wanted more info, which as it turns out, was a smart play waiting on the vaccine. Cause now the FDA says, well, if you're under 40,
Starting point is 00:32:58 it's not what we're not going to approve the boosters for under 40. It's too dangerous. It doesn't weigh the risks. Well, I don't have they made that statement. I've heard they were still ongoing studying. They did yesterday. Oh, really? I haven't caught up.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Here, let me find it exactly. By the way, Pfizer recalls anti-smoking drug chantrix. Due to a chantix? Chantix that can cause, because it can cause cancer. Is that right? Yeah, it was FDA approved in 2006. Yeah, it's been, I remember the chantix ads. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:33:33 I don't know. I don't know about you. Yeah. Might as well wait on it. If you're not worried about it. Or if you already had it especially. Right. That is a little different though.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Why is that? Well, because chantix, because vaccines, it's extremely rare for side effects or anything like that to manifest after two months. Oh, even with mRNA, I don't know if they know that yet. Which is why, well, they've studied it since like the late 80s or, or, and they've done, you know, they've done test groups and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:34:01 They had one ready to go for, I can't remember which, which, which sickness it was for. I don't know if it was SARS, but since it didn't, it didn't really spread. They never, you know, they never, they never went through the whole approval process, but they had, well, they had done studies and stuff like that. Uh, so, so she posts these pictures that a reporter sent someone in her family. Hi, my name is whatever. I'm a reporter with the Guardian.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I was hoping to speak with you for an article. This is a reporter talking to somebody and also have a conversation with your friend who had an adverse reaction to the vaccine. I know your hesitance to speak with us, but just letting you know, CNN is in the country looking for you. And when they find you, they won't hesitate to reveal where you live or where your girlfriend lives. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:34:48 Anything and anyone who is tied to you. This is a reporter. This is to the fucking guardian. To someone who said they had an adverse reaction to the vaccine. Yeah. And they want to get, and they want to, and they want to talk to them, right?
Starting point is 00:35:00 Just to someone, yeah. A friend of Nicki Minaj. A friend of Nicki Minaj. Yeah. And when they find you, they won't hesitate. It sounds like taken, right? Oh to someone, yeah. A friend of Nicki Minaj. A friend of Nicki Minaj. Yeah. And when they find you, they won't hesitate. It sounds like taken, right? Oh yeah, this is a kind of very special blackmailer.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Anything and anyone who has tied to you, if you speak to me. This is real. We won't reveal those details. So what do you say? And now, why don't you find this fucking guy, man? Fuck it, that was a woman. That was a woman.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah. What are a woman. Yeah. What are people doing? Woo. God bless Nicki Minaj. It's those tits. They know she's got those tits. She's got incredible amount of power. So I know, like, she should just open her mouth
Starting point is 00:35:39 and go, wow, wow, wow, wow. And you fill in what you want. Whatever you want to hear. Yeah, sure. Let's see. Funko fill in what you want. Whatever you want to hear. Yeah, sure. Let's see. Funko pop Marines today in hell. Uh-huh. Today in hell.
Starting point is 00:35:50 We've got Funko pop Marines. Let's see here. Original Funko pops. Are you big on Funko pop, Sean? Honor the brave men and women. I know exactly what they are. To protect and serve. Visit our blog page. Don't learn. Look at the white guy bossing around the brown people. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Look at that. Hey, good point. Look, it draws your eye right there. Yes, it does. Clearly he's the leader. It's a little army of it's a little army of dark men. Yeah, those are just, I mean, there's, I look like there's one white woman. No. That could be Mexican. Could be, well, yeah, but there's, the second from the left looks maybe Hispanic. There's definitely, there's definitely a couple of black people.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I can even notice that. Yeah, it's just like it draws, look, look, look what's important here. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, is very white, with a round, like a light brown hair. And then we've got bubblegumps shrimp all the way on the left. Then we've got a spicy Latina like from aliens. Then we've got a another black guy, right? And then maybe a band or a whitey in the middle with the fucking Marines on it and nothing. Next, maybe a confused looking Hispanic guy and then a very white woman. By the way, the Hispanic toy action figure is looking directly into the camera to show
Starting point is 00:37:12 how dumb he is, right? Yeah, that was a don't look at camera. You're right. There's one who's looking right into the camera. Right in the camera. And then we've got a white broad over here on the right. Yeah. And then we've got a white broad over here on the right. I hope the Taliban buys all of them.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Did you see them riding swan boats over the weekend? No, no, no, no. Here, hold on. Swan boats. Yeah, Taliban boat rides. Yeah, they're riding. Yeah, look, they're taking pictures. Yeah, look, taking pictures. Afghanistan's Bond eAmeer National Park.
Starting point is 00:37:49 That's halivan. See how they got all this swan paddle boats. Yeah, paddle boats. Imagine those motherfuckers. And it's all men. Like, guys, let's go on the paddle boat. They're enjoying the best of Western culture. Like they made their own Disneyland right there with the paddle boats in front of the hotel. Look at how blue that water is. I know, look at how crystal
Starting point is 00:38:09 clear. Look at this motherfucker's posing with a rocket launcher. He's sitting on the front of a swan boat like George Washington. That's how they duck hunt. The RPGs. Can you imagine how much fun they're having? That's why they're on a drink liquor. They don't need it. They got no women around. It's just a day a nice day of paddle boating a Taliban lake or whatever it is. It is funny though how like totally covered up they are like you'd think they'd be like a fuck it take your shirts off. Yeah it's hot maybe jump in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Even the horse is covered in. Yeah somebody riding a horse covered in a blanket it's a hundred fucking degrees there. Yeah it's the sun burnedburned or windburned. If you take that shit off a horse. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, these are great photos.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Yeah, they're having such a great time. How could you be mad at the Taliban? Okay. Oh, he says, oh, yeah, what else do I have in hell? Scientists create the world as white as paint. It could eliminate the need for air conditioning. Oh, so that's oh yeah, what else do I have in hell? Scientists create the world as white as paint. It could eliminate the need for air conditioning. Oh, so that's good, New Sean. You won't need your air conditioning
Starting point is 00:39:11 and your fucking pod. I'll bet I do. The world's whitest paint, because it reflects everything that's, yeah. How, I mean, can you look at it? No, it's too white. Too white. Can't look at it. And then the, I guess we can you look at it? No, it's too white. Too white. Can't look at it.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And then the black, I guess we didn't talk about that. Oh yeah, New York City crushes dirt bikes. Do you see this? No. Let's take a look at this. I'm annoyed that this little window thing won't work today, but this is illegal dirt bikes aren't welcome in New York City. When we get them,
Starting point is 00:39:46 we crush them. They waited a whole week after 9, 11 where everybody's supposed to be crying for New York City to show that they confiscate the cheapest and most efficient method of communication on earth and destroy it. Illegal dirt bikes. So just dirt bikes. Well, I mean, but this probably has to do with like whether they have a spark arrestor or you know, shit like, I mean, I think you have to have those in most states anyway. But I mean, there's, like, I don't think you can have dirt bikes in New York. Well, it, it's as illegal dirt bikes. No, it, I'm looking at the wording. Does it, I know, I understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:40:20 That all dirt bikes are illegal. Oh, let me look that up. Are any dirt bikes legal in New York? Legal in New York. Memo to illegal dirt bikes. Dirt bikes and ATVs are illegal in New York City. Yeah, plain out. Got to go.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I mean, it's like permanent gridlock. Yeah, there, right? Well, yeah, I mean, yeah. Just dumping every single, by the nature. That's why all the messengers are like bike messengers. Yeah, but it's a right of passage in New York as a pedestrian to get hit by a bike messenger. I would have. At some point, yeah, at some point you will probably get hit or clipped by a bike messenger doing something super dangerous.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Can you walk around one of those Kanye suits? Yeah. Like from the video, it's four feet wide to try to take them out. Like this, I'm just over here, well, mining my own business, walking around, gonna sue most suit. Okay, so they're all illegal in New York City. Yes, so. And they want to.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Anyone out there has an illegal dirt bike. Don't even think about it, because NYPD will find it. With all those areas, they're smashing everyone's confiscated in New York City. It's against law. Here it is. Dirt bikes are dangerous. This is a little like. smashing everyone's confiscated in New York City is against the law period bikes
Starting point is 00:41:27 Derbikes are dangerous This is a little like Derbikes have been confiscated over the top yeah, and you know why because the community is helping us There are some problems that are tough to overcome but there are other problems smashing them all And you can crush and this is one of them You're talking about I don don't know, I didn't get it. You're talking about the cheapest way to travel. What's so bad about them?
Starting point is 00:41:51 They're, people are annoyed by them. Like I read the whole thread, it's just people saying, will they go up on the street and stuff? What do you mean they go up on the sidewalk and stuff? Well that's fucking nice. I mean you're not allowed to fucking, you're not allowed to do that on a bicycle.
Starting point is 00:42:04 It's tyrants. If they obey fucking the like regular laws of traffic and act like a car or like a street bike, same reason vaping is illegal inside because it annoys people. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. That's why this is happening. So they take the most efficient form of travel, like in a car, you're a tiny fraction
Starting point is 00:42:24 of the weight of the car. So it's 99% inefficient or whatever, 95% efficient. No matter what, whatever it's using, they take the most efficient form, the cheapest, because poor people could get those and like, you know, maybe do a business, like I was saying earlier. And destroy them, make a million dollar video out of it, which appeals to the
Starting point is 00:42:48 50% of people who are total fucking nightmares, right? Yeah. Oh, anyway, there you go. Jesus. What? China, you want to see what China has banned in video games? Sure. Since we censor for China, right?
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yes. Yeah. We do, we censor products or our stuff to be that's being sold in China. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, China censors it. I assume that it's coming here either in small bits or in large chunks, big fat chunks, and it's going to come under like a bunch of lies. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:35 Here's what China has has censored. No underage love. Well, okay. No blood. No words that could lead one to think of murder such as kill, no females in underwear, no cleavage, no attacks on female genitals or breasts allowed. Some of these are on the specific. Yeah, they are.
Starting point is 00:43:59 No provoking the opponent, no skulls or bones. Is this real? No, no, no, no, no, no, scaring the player allowed. No content going against the against communism allowed. No glorification of people or countries that invaded or colonized China allowed. No content allowed that depicts great Chinese people as something they are not in reality. Is this real? I have no idea. No. No English allowed. No demonstrations allowed. Weird. Okay. Let me see if EG is here. Oh, let me talk to EG before I do anything else. Hey, EG, you there? Yes, I am. How you doing, man? How you doing?
Starting point is 00:44:48 It's been too long. Well, I tell you what, I'm doing about, you know, better than average. So, it is. That's pretty good. Okay, so you seem like you're doing great. By the way, I catch one of your streams every once in a while. You just got back from Virgin Fest, which was by my understanding, which was ruined and canceled by Antifa. Is that right? Well, I would say, I mean, that did happen. Yeah, I mean, it wasn't
Starting point is 00:45:20 canceled. It was interrupted, I would say, buy some threats on their behalf. Yeah. So these guys, so Egi, Shooter, all these guys, I had a little show in Atlanta, right? Egi? That's right, yeah. At this little tattoo shop, and they were gonna perform in the back,
Starting point is 00:45:42 have a night like, you know, fun, Sean. Yeah. And remember that these Clowns these the the same woman who threw the egg at Larry elder called the tattoo shop and got it canceled So they had to play virgin Not even virgin fest is safe From these guys they had to move their show from the tattoo store to like the woods and play. It's true. We probably should have called it like, you know, peaceful asexual fest or something like
Starting point is 00:46:13 that. Right. Maybe I don't know. But, yeah, well, the thing if it was, you know, as it was going on at the time, you know, we're all kind of sitting there. We're doing our sound check and everything is just very nice and calm. I'm already drinking because that's just how I get down. I'm ready to rock and roll. And then all of a sudden we start getting these messages. Or I should say that the organizers are getting messages kind of like notifying them, hey,
Starting point is 00:46:36 there's, you're getting called out or whatever on social media. And then we thought it was like a joke at first. We're like, who's going to call a virgin fest? but then it sort of snowballed a little bit to where they were posting more. Don't you know this negative XP? Don't you know he made songs that are misogynistic? And this is, this is, every song is misogynistic. What are they, have they never listened to Elvis? What the hell are they talking about? The language they use, you know, it's sort of this language they're like, well, this music, it has misogynistic language. So it's inviting a very negative and unwanted energy into our city and basically making it
Starting point is 00:47:14 well, it makes people who want to cause hate crimes to think that they're welcome in our city. So this must be stamped out. So that was when people started calling either the property owner or the city or whoever it was because basically what I was told that was, people had said around on the internet they said there was bomb threats in particular. I'm not too sure about that. I just heard basically that there was calls being made to some higher up people who would
Starting point is 00:47:48 be able to like stomp us out. Because we weren't really, we're just kind of ignoring it. It's silly, but they're like, yeah, don't you know that these are hate-filled virgins and they're, to have them here, to allow them to do this here is just, it's an example of. I mean, can you imagine making that hearing that call? Oh, we've got a bunch of fucking wild hate-filled versions. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Dubai. Like this, this sounds like the like the least threatening just assembly of people just kind of want to have a good time. Bro, if it's tattoo shop. Listen to some music. Like they're not really known for their moral repute. Right. A fucking tattoo parlor.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Dude, it's gone great. Just the cancel culture has just, it's gone. It just keeps going. It's a, it's like a guarantee now. And it's the, it's the people who hear it and enforce it and are like, entertain that shit or even act at the behest of the people doing the canceling that I hate more at this point. Like the Antifa people and the Tatll tales,
Starting point is 00:48:52 I think are mentally disturbed and can't help themselves, but the business owners who own the store or the stage or the venue or whatever, who entertain the ramblings of lunatics, they are the actual evil ones to me because they have a choice. They do. And well, it's like, I was watching just a short bit of interview with Quentin Tarantino
Starting point is 00:49:14 and he's one of the few people in Hollywood because, you know, like he pushes the boundaries and he, you know, it's like writes the N word and he scrubs. He does and, you know, okay, it's, you know, other stuff that is like, it's more than just that. And he kind of just goes, I disagree, get fucked. Yeah. Anyway, still gets to make movies. And yeah, it's like people just immediately go, oh, you're right, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I, they're like, they're almost like, these people are like complicit in their own canceling. And like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah. Yeah, I agree with that. So what happened next? I mean, own canceling and like, yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah. Yeah, I agree with that. So what happened next? I was going to say like on that note, I'll finish this up here then first before I get off track.
Starting point is 00:49:53 You know, I love to get off track. So do I. So yeah, we kind of get the word that's, you know, wherever someone up on top was like, hey, you know what, so I'm not trying to invite, you know, like a riot or whatever here. So you know, please don't do this here or whatever. So I kind of trying to invite, a riot or whatever here. So I'm pleased I don't do this here or whatever. So I kind of got it out. And so we were kind of, I mean, once again, I was just chilling. I had kind of, I was ready for whatever anyway.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I'm kind of have, I got a few drinks in me. I'm kind of just. You're ready for a ride. It's chilling. Pretty well, yeah, at that point, I'm like, also, this is what's going on. But then we found that there was a nearby park, so we went over there and, you know, so that's like, well, how about we, I think we can do it this park, but it's going to be acoustic. Which was kind of, well, I'm not too sure if we did or not.
Starting point is 00:50:38 I mean, it was sort of like, it was like a flash mob, but it was like a flash, peaceful, musical performance, more or less. Although I think the full event once like the first person started playing until last person, it was still like a four hour event or something along those lines. That's cool. Yeah. You got to do it. Woodstock came a free concert.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Yeah. You just before, the next time if you do anything before whether it's indoor or outdoor, or whatever, just say that it's an acoustic based performance. Yeah, about. Because nobody's throwing in their eggs. Well, just nobody's eggs. You could be playing death metal, but nobody's threatened by an acoustic guitar. That's true.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Yeah, I mean, because I didn't have my, I was going to be using somebody else's equipment at the shop to play some of my instrumentation for my rap music. And I did have some other music I was playing too, but I had my instrumentation pre-recorded. Yeah. It was just kind of me, myself, and I. So I probably had the like most detourments to my performance. But once again, I was already kind of toasted.
Starting point is 00:51:36 I just ended up I was like running around with my shirt off yelling. But what I would say a little bit of it's overlining about the location change was that. The park was larger. It was more there was more space to move around. I think versus the tattoo shops backyard. So I mean, I don't know if we had the full hundred and some people that were originally planning on coming. Well, yeah, I'm not sure if they all did show up, but if they had, it might have got a
Starting point is 00:52:03 little cramped. If everything else had gone perfectly according to plan, I think it would have been a little tight. And then, but I almost, I almost went last minute. Mies, you know, Mies, Sean, he's come in here before you talk about comics a couple of times. He had a plus something at the event. So I almost got it because I would, I would love to see that show as it was. Sounds like fun. Fucking shame that show as it was. Sounds like fun. Fucking shame that they fucked with it. At least you got to do it, but that doesn't excuse getting fucked with in the first place.
Starting point is 00:52:31 It's so demoralizing. Is it a cop show up? Well, actually, yeah, at some points, I think it was, it wasn't, it was like two sets before mine or something like that. So it was getting dark out. There's some pictures out there. But I believe some haters, who knows if it was the original people or if it was somebody who was just trolling online at that point.
Starting point is 00:52:51 So I think it was being live streamed online at that point by somebody. Yeah, it was. So it could have been either or, but somebody seemed to have called the police down there to the location to kind of, I think with the intent of sort of getting us out maybe, but all I know is that I was already rocking Rowan and I was already, you know, I had some good drinking me. So I'm rocking out and all of a sudden, like the police are there. And then the police start rocking out. So like, whoever's playing guitar and the cops start like swaying their flashlight in the air like a lighter, like, to the rhythm of the guitar.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Yeah. So I mean, it was funny because, you know, like originally, you know, you have a punk type of group of people, including myself. I mean, I wouldn't say that I wouldn't necessarily call myself punk, but I've had negative situations of law enforcement from time to time. So I haven't always been the most, you know, fond of them. Yeah. I'm always talking to the Iraqi with us.
Starting point is 00:53:42 So I'm like, oh, yeah, shout it to the cops. Don't worry. They shot a couple of black guys on the way home to make up for it. Yeah, you don't need to do a man. You don't need to reevaluate your morals. Um, I did the Antifa people shop. I heard that the Antifa people showed up and Frank Hasel has sold them. Is that true? Yeah. So the other one that saw it. If you look up like, if you look up on YouTube, if you look up like Antifa, Virgin Fest, you'll probably see it, but there was some small, which appeared to be a guy, some small guy in like a rain poncho and all like, you know, messed up with just like his eyes showing. I guess he was walking around with like his phone and trying to play like some
Starting point is 00:54:21 kind of like dubstep or something on his phone to drown out the music. But I didn't even know it. I was fucking asshole. This is so not a threatening crowd. No. I feel like there's a bunch of dudes standing around and white t-shirts, some of them have glasses. Like I mean, music and dancing.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Like what is, that's what Antifa's at right now. Like I understand the proud boys or anything, but we gotta shut down this music and dancing. Like what is, that's how, that's what Antifa's at right now. Like I understand the proud boys or anything, but that's it. We got to shut down this music and dance. Like motherfucker, you've become the bad guy in footloose. You are John Lithgow in footloose now. Yeah. It's funny because these people didn't seem
Starting point is 00:54:56 like the most physically active as far as I could tell off, you know, off initial discernment of their character, either being quite, you know, square shaped or small and frail. And like, you know, you really went out of your way. They probably had to drive like 20 minutes through bad traffic to like walk to a park, pull out their phone with some dubstep. And, you know, and we still didn't even really realize because I mean, you have this obviously is awkward people. It's where the goonies shirt. So then, but then they go up to like the guys playing guitar and like giving the middle
Starting point is 00:55:26 finger in his face and stuff like that. So they really had to like, should they be like, Hey, do you guys know that we hate you or whatever? Like, Oh, there's awkward people walking around and kind of, you know, maybe mumbling themselves, listening to their phones. So it wasn't totally out of the possibility for me that that would just be somebody that was there. But is this lady with the green hair part of the inter-lopers? Is she an antifa here that
Starting point is 00:55:51 I'm seeing or is this one of your people? There was a larger set woman with like green braids and she looks like smoke and cigarettes. She looks like Peter Griffin in short in denim shorts. That's when Peter Griffin goes gay and wears denim shorts. Yeah, this one. Dude, yeah, that's the one. Yeah. Dude, I can't tell where her joints are. She's so fat. Not everybody who comes together as a group has nefarious purposes. Like, dude, they just hate that they hate that these guys are fun and having a good time. It really is so crazy. Yeah, go ahead, Aggie. Well, allegedly, they said like towards it was, maybe it was like a little bit more. Sorry, somebody just dumped Fritos on the pig on the green, on the
Starting point is 00:56:38 green wall, or the green monster. That would probably the height of the altercation for the entire night was when she got chipped with the free gold bag by somebody. I'm in the church. The guy with the camera is like, bro, that's a solid. He's like, I'm sorry, sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I get it. I would do it again. That was funny. But yeah. Allegedly, somebody was like throwing water. Because you know, we're down, we're down like in this library. So, somebody was throwing water on us from up top, but it was like going through all the trees.
Starting point is 00:57:10 So it was like this fine, refreshing mist. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, so it was really nice. And I was like, you know, somebody somebody like said it like, oh, so we still in water. And I'm like, okay, that's fine. Yeah, if they're just going to stay up there and you know, basically give me a nice refreshing mist while I run around and scream and stuff from outside.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Oh yeah. Yeah. You turn into a beast while you're performing too. So a little shit, a little natural mist is probably felt great. Yeah. Not going to be friendly. Oh yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:37 So then that's insane. I've got this too. I'm glad everybody had just one. Just a visual of somebody getting freedom's poured on their head, especially big fat. So well, you know, she's got, she's on the car. Now I'm, she's picking out her hair and eating it like a chimp. Yeah. Just trying to ruin people's good times.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Nobody's bothering anybody. So I guess there's this girl, Raven, who tried to help planet at the tattoo store. And she got fired because Antifa wouldn't stop calling the, cause of all this bullshit. And here's the, this pissed me off even more. Here, the tattoo shop does not need to say anything. Right? You never need to say anything about it
Starting point is 00:58:15 because it's always just four or five cranks on the internet acting like assholes. Right, and they'll go onto something else. Right, and they have nothing. They have nothing they can do. No one fucking cares. In fact, in fact, people with money think the opposite. And they'll go onto something else. Right. And they have nothing. They have nothing they can do. No one fucking cares. In fact, people with money think the opposite.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Nobody who has ever worked for money thinks someone should be fired capriciously. That's true. Because they understand how hard it is to make money, keep it, get a job, all these things. It's people with no money and nothing to do. Who appreciate firings. This is what the tattoo shop said. Hello, sorry for the delaying and response. Toki, Toki tattoo, I think it is, but obviously don't call them a harass them.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Hello, sorry for the delaying response. We needed a few days to collect our thoughts. We no longer employ, they say no longer employ ye, Ravenrapp, fucking dumb. We had no part in the planning or organizing a virgin fest. It was an independent event, which we should have researched more on before we let it happen. And we take accountability
Starting point is 00:59:12 for allowing them a platform. You just got completely hoodwinked. Played by a fat in a wine. In green braids. So we use a zoo scale to check and see if the truck scale. Sorry for all the chaos or trauma we caused anyone. My shop and everyone in it are against racism. So they're calling them racists right there.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Are against racism and far right views. So, we have virgins. So we don't want to hold any space for those harmful beliefs. We are a safe space, female, pock, imp, owned business, and do not support these extremist views at all. Love you all. Is that's people of color, right? Yeah. Yeah. And and people of women. I think the girl Raven, do you know her, Aggie?
Starting point is 01:00:02 Well, you know, this was the first time that I had met her. Was that this event? She had just reached out to me back in June when she came up with the idea because she's been a negative XP fan for, you know, for that's pretty much how I think I met her on Twitter when I was back on Twitter. Yeah. Was that we were like, there was something to do with it like a negative XP tweet. Yeah. I might have been after I maybe after do with it like a negative XP tweet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:25 It might have been after I maybe after I did a song with negative XP that she might have followed me or vice versa. Yeah. But yeah, she was a very, you know, chill, nice person to hang out with. You know, she was very relaxed and, you know, she had an optimistic positive view of how the event was going to go down. Everything was set up. She was very welcoming.
Starting point is 01:00:50 It was really cheap too. It was way too cheap, in my opinion. It was originally going to be $5 at the door and anyone who shows up, just show up, but then it's like the interest kind of got a little bit higher to where it was like well, we might not be able to accommodate everyone who's interested. So then she decided to employ the online tickets instead at the time. Okay, so Raven has a go fund me obviously, but if I mean even better, if anybody in the ATL area can get this girl a fucking job, that would be fucking fantastic. I know I've told you, eggy and shooter privately,
Starting point is 01:01:26 that if you wanna try again, I would love to help you guys get a venue, because this shit happens to me all the time. And it's the more money you lay out for the venue, like I'm not, I mean, even a couple grand for a venue, there are a lot less willing to fuck you over. Because actual music venues that host like music events, which this is, I think would be a lot less likely to do it too. I don't know, think about it,
Starting point is 01:01:53 but I think you guys meeting your fans and actually being together is a lot more impactful culturally than having an only online presence because it's so cool to see everybody dancing and listening to your music. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. give people hugs and shake hands and then party. Later on, I went and party with like three or four different groups of people over the next day or so. I also do want to say too, on the same notes. There has been a merch site with basically some of the Virgin Fest merch. If anyone's interested, it's That was put up by the there's a page on Instagram. Deva, it's like D3VUR. So like in collaboration with Virgin Fest to sell some merchandise that will also go towards, you know, the recovery efforts, if you will, because I really do
Starting point is 01:03:00 believe, you know, I was going to, I was thinking about this earlier when we were talking about the Quentin Tarantino thing. It's really like a, it's really a leverage thing. Like, for me, I've kind of been through this sort of thing before and I've been able to, you know, come up on the other side and it's given me the sort of leverage where if I do get a few threats here or there, it's sort of just like a nat buzzing versus Raven right now where she's kind of in the thick of this. She has people who are seeing her as a vulnerable target for just like any one of their laundry list of frustrations. And so who are trying to exploit her vulnerability right now in this circumstance.
Starting point is 01:03:42 I think she's really taking a lot of people's, a lot of mentally disturbed people's frustrations on the chin right now and just kind of trying to power through it. And so I do, my heart does go out to her and I really hope that she's able to do it. And so I can suck. It's she tried to help, you try to help when you get your fucking life upended, right?
Starting point is 01:04:02 Yeah, sure. And then they never stop because they know you're weak. Like you're tied to your job. You can't fuck with me. Cause I don't like, what are you gonna do? Go to every single patron and go like, oh, this guy's a fucking bad guy. They're gonna say, yeah, that's why I pay it money.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Cause I love it. But it's like entertainance me and that's worth something to me. Yeah. But if you have to work for somewhere, they just go out. It's so sick. It's so sick that employers entertain it too. So quickly. So quickly act is more. It's not even entertained. It's just like, oh yeah, knee jerk reaction. Wherever she gets a job will show up. Like we will support
Starting point is 01:04:34 wherever she goes. Somebody in ATL has got to understand that. But I agree with you that you are. She a tattoo artist. I don't know. Egi, what does she do? that you, that you, uh, the shit tattoo artist? I don't know. Aggy, what does she do? Yes, she, um, as far as I know, as far as I have known her, which is, you know, I would say probably, I think I'd start following her at least like year and a half ago or some, somewhere along those lines on Twitter. I think that she'd been doing tattoos, uh, for that time period. So she, she might have had, um, a different job before that, but she's seen as far as I know, she's been really into tattoos and has been working in with those and been doing tattoos for a lot of people too. Like people, it wasn't like she just, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:16 was this is something I do every now and then it seemed like she was sought out as a good artist that people would want to go and get a tattoo from. So. Yeah. Okay. Well, then hopefully we can get the Taliban to help us out with the venue, Sean. What do you think? As long as they include the Swan Boats, yeah, they could bring the boats.
Starting point is 01:05:40 They could bring the foam and some water. You know, that's very classy. We think it tells us some things about women. We could tell them some things about women, you know, they don't like being virgins either. Take turns with your RPGs. That's true. Did anything make you a rage, Aggie recently, besides this? Well, you know what?
Starting point is 01:06:04 Actually, yes. So after Virgin Fest, I had another thing booked right away. I went to Long Island, New York, and I was staying in a place pretty much on the water. And I ate a psychedelic mushroom, which, you know, if anybody out there has ever done that, pretty much, in my experience, it makes your sense is heightened. So then I went out and I went for a walk by the water and I happened to see a reflection of myself. And, you know, I'm pretty fat.
Starting point is 01:06:30 I wasn't always as fat. I probably just got fat. And I looked at myself and I kind of just stood there for seconds and, you know, what? And maybe this is more disgust than rage, but I guess maybe I kind of raged at being a lazy fat slob. So, it's been, it's really, it's weird because the last time I felt this way, it was probably like 10 years ago when I really got like, I used to be not quite so fat around this fat and I lost like 80 pounds in three months.
Starting point is 01:07:01 How did you do that? Got a better shape. It was just like this pure, like, disgusted feeling of, like, this, like, loathing the, the sort of lifestyle that I'd been living. And to be honest, I'm feeling it back in me now, you know, there's a lot of days where I'll say, I think I'm feeling this type of way. And then, like, you know, a couple days go by and then I'm just back into my bad habits again. But this has been like a persistent, um, disgust. Like over the last week, you know, I just, uh, obviously, I'm just, uh, I'm just back into my bad habits again. But this has been like a persistence. Disgusting. Like over the last week, you know, I just, I just, it's like a,
Starting point is 01:07:31 it's like a fire burning in my soul. It's like it's time to kick the bad habits. So you know what, bad habits and being a slob, that's what makes me rage. You know what, I'm, I'm, I'm feeling the rage inside of me. So it not. Look like a homeless slob anymore. Yeah, get skinny. So we don't have to feel bad ripping on fat women when you call in, right? Then you can just be a Chad. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Then you can be a Chad like everybody. Then you can say whatever you want. It hurts more. But we're, that's awesome. We're especially ripping on her because she's a bad guy. Yeah, too. I mean, you know, you get in shape and I'll drink a little less. How about that?
Starting point is 01:08:10 Sounds good. You know what, up, better forward for that better tomorrow because, you know, there's not a lot of things out there in this world that seem to be getting better tomorrow. So why don't we, you know what I'm saying? That's true. That's an inspirational quote today. He's good. Yeah, I know. Okay, Aggie. I don't
Starting point is 01:08:27 know if I had anything else. Oh, yeah, did you, did you meet any, did you meet any fans? What, did you have any like hook up, like hot fan hookups while you were there? You know what? No, but I will say this because there was a motto going into it, you know, like the original merch said, I lost my virginity at Virgin Fest. Well, technically, I lost A virginity. I lost my cocaine virginity at Virgin Fest. I should have some ranch. I don't want to make it so bad.
Starting point is 01:08:56 In my stay in the area while I was in the vicinity, and this was not anything to do with anyone that was involved with the event. I was an extra curricular. Actually, the cops there gave us some blow. Three-set, a new car. Yeah, they confiscated. They just have it on hand to frame anybody they want. Yeah. Wow. How's your, what's your acid virginity like? Still have that. Yeah. I'm going to take that. I'm going to take that ship for me. Well, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 01:09:29 Well, you say hookups. How many women were there? Yeah, how many chicks were there? Do you get, what's your stance on, because you must have a bunch of, you must have hot fans, chicks love music. And you're sensational. Yeah. Do you get any messages from your hot fans?
Starting point is 01:09:43 I mean, I do. Yes, I, I've been a pretty continuous thing over the years. It's just sort of, I guess, first off, I'll just say, there were women at Virgin Fest. As far as I know, every chick that was there was there with their boyfriends. So I thought that was kind of a funny thing that, like, hey, honey, we're going to Virgin Fest this weekend. That's the idea of that was kind of funny to me. But over the years, it's sort of been like a, I'll get some kind of like spicy messages, on a fairly regular basis.
Starting point is 01:10:14 I'm not saying, if I got banned off Twitter, that's like a few less, too, but it's always just sort of like a wink and a nod and maybe some titties in my DMs and things like that. But I'm not the kind of guy that would go travel about a woman anyway. I like to travel for business. And if there's women in the vicinity, that's the cherry on top. But yeah, listen, anybody out there that's having trouble with ladies just become an infamous crazed animal that you know goes on YouTube and does crazy stuff and this pie some check out there that's rocking with that. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:10:53 All right, Aggie. Thank you for calling in. Good luck. My pleasure. Thank you. You're a star. Good job. All right, I'm going to get this.
Starting point is 01:11:01 There we go. Oh, that's fun. It's more fun that got off fucked up. I mean, I guess like a hassling antifa throwing Fritos at people. I guess because it worked out for better or worse. I mean, you know, if they had to cancel it all together, they couldn't do anything else.
Starting point is 01:11:17 That would have sucked. That would have been shitty. Fun story for people. It was like they made the best of it. I hear some comments. The G-Boo, Nick and Dick arguing that Alex Jones doesn't portray himself as a journalist was the most bending over backwards bullshit I've ever seen. Alex Jones, journalist, is that if you were trying to explain the concept of a journalist
Starting point is 01:11:38 to someone who wasn't familiar with the term, you would say hyper polarized spectacle, who make who purposefully makes a lot of money selling products during their journalism, right? That's the hallmark of it. That's what someone of average intelligence would, you know, would not think as a journalist. Right. But I mean, I'm sure with everybody thinking of journalists. Yeah, I guess. Yes, I am. But is that what we're doing now?
Starting point is 01:12:08 How many? Yeah, I don't know. You're always, there's always going to be a percentage that buy into something that like the masses are like, oh, no, no, that's not to be taken seriously. Journalist, what do you know, give me three qualities of a journalist. Post shirtless pictures of himself online rides around in a tank and talks about interdimensional pedophiles and vampires. That's right. Come on.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Oh, whatever. Anything that, anything, anything, any reason to shoot on Alex John, any reason to people, people hate Alex John's because they hate us and they hate that he makes us happy. And they will, and they need a like high road way to hate him, which is, well, he harms those children at Sandy Hook, like he really, he really shouldn't have been, or you know, he says he's a journalist and really he's tricking stupid people. So this is my high road way of hating someone who brings you and you're like, okay, but
Starting point is 01:13:06 just say you hate him because he makes us happy, would you? Hmm. Dambas, hey man, going through some stuff and your advice on dealing with shame, guilt really helped. Love you. Go fuck yourself. Okay. Well, is that last week?
Starting point is 01:13:19 Yeah, it was. We did that guilt shame, that yeah. We did. Buster Nud. Hey, Dick Australian prisoner here. Today, Melbourne mandated all construction workers have a week to go get gene modified before they start of us out. I had intended to die on this hill.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Or do they have to get like a lot of it that you have to do it or test every week or test every week or like, oh, do you have to pay for that? I don't know. I think Fox News of all places, you have to test every day if you're't know. I think Fox News of all places, you have to test every day if you're not vaccinated. I think a lot of entertainment places are right now. That's what I mean, but it just, it cracks me up in these Fox News.
Starting point is 01:13:54 I had intended, I don't have a problem with the testing. Honestly, like I wish we had had testing for Flues my whole life. Sure. Because I'm so tired of people sniffling and me saying, oh, so you sick, get the fuck away from me. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Like, oh, yeah, I know. Bam, you sick asshole. Yeah. Um, sure. I had intended to die on this hill, but with, but with the way my country is going, that feels all too real now. Thanks for the laughs and rages, whether it be the vaccine super aides, a ticket to Greenland, or the barrel of a police officer's gun knocking on my door,
Starting point is 01:14:25 I can sense the credits about to roll. Oh yeah, well, yeah, a lot of people are feeling that, have expressed that sentiment to me privately, that they just feel this impending sense of doom because of all the tyranny and crackdowns and stuff. I know that feeling. Yeah, sure. I feel too, I have felt it since day one,
Starting point is 01:14:43 and it has had a tremendously negative effect on. I just mean the credits, beginning to roll on just society in general beyond beyond the pandemic, beyond any of that. Yeah. So I just think I just think we're coming. We're coming near the end. So here's a question for you. All the people that are on unemployment now, getting free money, right?
Starting point is 01:15:05 Why would they not, like Winston and Ghostbusters, for 11, 5 a year, I'll believe whatever you want. Remember what he says that? That's so fucking funny, like literally two days ago I just worked with him. Winston's Ed Moore? Yeah. Are you allowed to talk about it? Well, I mean, he just came in, did a, you know, did a, Well, he's smoking a big cigar.
Starting point is 01:15:23 That's what I hope I imagine. No, you're talking about her, the Ernie, right? I like me and yeah, Winston, yeah. It was just a project for 11, five years. Yeah, dude, is 75 years old, looks 55. That's good. You're not. Like it's, it's great. I was like, are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 01:15:40 Yeah, that's good. Yeah. For 11, five years,, I believe whatever you want. So for the amount of unemployment to make it keep going, people will believe whatever it takes. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, I'm not just saying. Like, so everybody's getting free money.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Whoever comes up and says, hey, I got a way for you to keep getting that free money, be it climate lockdowns, white supremacy lockdowns, like whatever to keep you from having to get a job. I mean, people, they will believe it. Well, that's fine. I remember maybe it's the weirdest, incentivized belief system that we've set up in the country that I don't think we've ever seen before. It's gonna be sick.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Eight or 10 years ago, I think it was, it was either Denmark or Belgium that rolled back their programs like that because you could be on unemployment for something like five or seven years. So it was just like, you know, they finally came to the conclusion that it's like, well, these people are not incentivized to wear. And they roll, it's very difficult to roll back things once they're out there. Yeah. So I mean, people were up in, literally up in arms about it. And I can't remember which country somebody was shooting at each other.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Literally up in arms. Well, more violence. More violence. I guess that's up in arms. I don't know if they have actually arms, but arms meaning like, that could be swords and shit. Yeah. I mean, arms maybe just your arms, literal arms.
Starting point is 01:17:03 That's all safe that. Okay, KW, we've been out of time, but I have to say the fat acrylic nails chick at the office who have a wall of art. Oh, wait, no, no, I accidentally cropped that out. You had another email about Vito, Pedro Colazzo. I love hearing Vito on your show and the biggest problem, but there's most recent appearance on your show. Might be the funniest yet, just in case.
Starting point is 01:17:25 I'm referring to the episode where he's talking about flagging some other YouTube channel because he supposedly agrees with YouTube's TOS. Didn't he say on your show a few months ago that he wanted to make a YouTube video where it looks like he's applying blackface makeup and then he switches the camera filter or something to show off. I remember that. Oh, that it's actually wearing a green mask. Yeah. Just to see if you can blush with the boundaries.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Yeah. And today's retarded world of tattletails, wouldn't that be misconstrued by some people? Yes, it would. I think it would. I think it would. Yeah, I'm sure it would. Oh, let's see here. Stainy sudden hearing loss after the Moderna vaccine.
Starting point is 01:18:02 This guy has kind of a sad story. He says he got the Moderna vaccine. This guy has kind of a sad story. He says he got the Moderna vaccine. He's a healthy 29 year old with no previous history of ear problems. 10 weeks ago, he got his first dose of the Moderna vaccine. And one week later to the date, he woke up unable to hear out of his right ear, coupled with extreme vertigo and nausea. Really? Wasn't able to walk, let alone move my head without the entire room spinning. This is a listener. Yeah. I mean, it's a very long story if it's fake. The vertigo and nausea only lasted for two weeks, but the whole time I couldn't hear a single external sound.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Out of his mind of his ears. Out of his ears. Instead only hearing a loud, constant ringing. There was lightest. Yeah, there was also uncomfortable fullness, fullness feeling in my ear, like it was full of water. Well, could there, that sounds like something like in the, like, you station tubes or something.
Starting point is 01:18:48 That's where that stuff happens. It gets plugged up. Well, I mean, like, like, tonight is causes that stuff to you. Oh, like, fucked up. Well, it could be a lot of water in his ear. I went to the emergency pretty quickly. And after a few misdiagnosis in a CT scan, MRI,
Starting point is 01:19:04 I was told I was experiencing labyrinthitis or sudden sense-so-renural hearing loss. A doctor said my hearing should come back in weeks, but it didn't. At six weeks, I was told the hearing loss was permanent, and I would need a fitted hearing aid. It's been nine weeks since I lost my hearing. The only thing that's come back to my right ear is some loud metallic hissing, amazing. And very hollow metallic drum sounds, all backed up with that sweet, sweet tenitis.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Oh, that's so annoying. I'm scheduled to get the hearing aid in a few more months. Really, so they went in there and they're like, something's permanently damaged. I've heard of a guy who got droopy eye after he got the vaccine. I know a lady who got Bell's palsy. These are rare side effects.
Starting point is 01:19:47 You don't hear about, but they're pretty devastating when they happen to you. I've asked people that. No, that's when it's, sure. Because people get real uppity online about the vaccine. I'm like, look, bro, what do you tell people who have a bad reaction? Like do you say, sorry at least?
Starting point is 01:20:01 Yeah, no. I mean, because you can't guarantee anything bad what happened to them if they had. In fact, statistically, it's extremely't guarantee anything bad would have happened to them if they had. In fact, statistically, it's extremely rare that anything bad would have happened to them if they hadn't gotten it. So what do you tell them? Yeah, there's always, there's always some.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, what do you tell them? I just want to know what to tell them. Because you can't tell them, well, statistically, it's a statistically, you're just the most unlucky man on earth. Right. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:30 So, I mean, you have to tell them you shouldn't have got it. That's, that they'll never say. They won't say what you're supposed to tell them is, sorry, you shouldn't have got it. You shouldn't have got it and this bad thing wouldn't have happened to you. Another bad thing might have, but this wouldn't, this bad thing wouldn't have happened to you. They won't say it. That's the most instant, instantaneously. What do you tell them? Should've cut it. Should've fucking got it. Yeah, but it also doesn't do anything. No, I mean, no, it's more of a test
Starting point is 01:20:55 for me of people to see if they will be honest about just that. Yeah, they never are. Yeah. Okay. Let me see here. Sucks, buddy. Sorry. Maybe watch that movie speed of sound. Maybe that'll make you feel better about your predicament. You could tell, chicks, your death, I guess. Talk like... Labyrinthitis, is that something like that that he... Is that real? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:21:21 I'm sure it is, but like what are the, you know, is it the vaccine? Is it a coincidence? Yeah. You know what I mean? I mean, I'd love to know what they, what they told him to. Well, you can never, if that's, or if that, no, true, or if that's man, or if that manifested in other people with the vaccine or the bears, have you seen that bears thing? Like reported things that the vaccine fucks up?
Starting point is 01:21:48 Let me find it. Labyrinth, vera's, vera's. Labyrinthite is like named for like a labyrinth. Is it like a, you know what else makes me a rage? People don't, the verification of labyrinth has changed. Oh, has it? Yeah. Yeah. A labyrinth has changed. Oh, has it? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:06 A labyrinth is not a maze. No. A labyrinth is a path with one entry and exit. Oh. And no matter where you go inside the path, there's only one way in and out. So you go, it's about like a spiritual journey kind of metaphor that you go on. A maze has two ins and outs. A bunch of fucking different paths you can go on
Starting point is 01:22:26 to get through it. But somebody in the 18th century decided that Labanet Sound is cool. So they just started using it when hedge maze is a thing. They would make them sound fancy. It's trying to be insane. Oh, I know, yeah, I know about verres. Verres.
Starting point is 01:22:41 The thing about verres though is that anybody with an IP address can say anything. It's not, it's not, yeah, but they look into it, but like they, what's that? The FDA quoted in their recent thing, I think. Quoted? Yeah, they would like, there was the, they're reporting what people say.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Anybody can, anybody can put anything up there. Anything. That's true. Have you put anything up there? No, I haven't. If anybody can put anything out there? No, I haven't. If anybody can put anything out there, anybody, then why does it exist? Because they're supposed to go through it
Starting point is 01:23:13 and look for commonalities and things like that. See if there's anything to it, because they want to know. I don't know if I'm comfortable just throwing it all out with the line of anybody could put anything on it. Well, you don't throw it out, but I'm just saying that's the qualifier. That like, you could say, I've heard that.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Yeah. No, that's a legitimate qualifier. It's not like that a doctor looked at somebody or they went through. In other words, there's, it's just an open channel, which is good because if you start seeing people, you know, saying things, they're supposed to go through and look at things. Yeah. So yes, I mean, it should exist.
Starting point is 01:23:52 I can't see immediately how to report, but I believe it kind of report online, report using a PDF form. Oh, I believe people are experiencing things. Oh, I'm going to fill this out then. Maybe my balls swell up real big when I go. Okay. I'm gonna fill this out then. Maybe my balls swell up. Real big when I got it. Okay, I'm sure you could put that on there. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Rocks, oh man. I've not won any season since. E-Rodic stories. Cardnarks is here? Oh, shit, I didn't know. Cardnarks was gonna be here. Who'd that? Cardnarks, are you there?
Starting point is 01:24:23 Hello everybody. What's up, man? Shit. Uh, Cartonarks. Cartonarks is, uh, Cartonarks, please explain who you are because I always do a crappy job of it. Well, yes, specifically at, uh, myself Sebastian, uh, you might, uh, hear, know me by the name Agents Sebastian. And what we do in the Cartonarks is we politely ask people who leave their shopping carts
Starting point is 01:24:46 out, the middle of spots, or blocking handicap aisles or up on the curb or just sometimes just loose in the middle of the driving area. We ask them to return their shopping cart to the cart return, where it's designed to go and sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Do they have gigantic meltdowns? This is hilarious. I love this. I love this 100% already. Just the idea is so funny.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Yeah, and sometimes you can be really hit on something that I never thought would happen when we first started this almost three years ago was sometimes they have gigantic temper tantrum toddler style meltdowns and will threaten and cuss and try to run us over with their car and pull guns and knives and pepper spray and anything but because they know they're wrong. I know they're wrong. I mean, I don't want to be told what to do. You never thought that would happen. Exactly. No, I did not. I just, because we've been started. It was like, well, why don't people do this? We, you know, laziness, but let's kind of hear what their excuses are. And that was another sort of side thing about this is the number of excuses is there are
Starting point is 01:25:52 some basic ones, but they branch off into a thousand different areas. And then the whole violence thing definitely didn't expect to happen. Oh, yeah. Well, I could have predicted that, obviously. Just especially as wound tightly as people are right now. Yeah, and that's what that's something that we're kind of still understanding is why do certain people get violent and angry and scream? And other people are just like, you know, you're right, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:26:21 And I don't know what that answer is necessarily. How many people have you told to return their card? You've been doing this for what? Like a couple of years, you have almost three years. Yeah, it's hundreds and hundreds. And yeah, we got, you know, YouTube Facebook, all the social channels. I honestly am surprised you haven't been shot for doing this.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Well, let's come close. Jesus. How close? Texas did pull a gun? Yeah. And we do wear a bulletproof vest now that was sent to us very generously by a police officer in Baton Rouge or Louisiana. Who knew enforcing courtesy was so dangerous? Now, fuck that. I don't return car. I mean, I'll return them sometimes if I got a clean shot at the car and I can ride it in. But most of the time that shit's going up on the curb. Well, I'm out. That's the, we got called out by a listener one time for not doing the right thing.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Yeah. I will never leave one just in an open area where it could roll on the planes where it could roll. I'll never do that. Yeah. That could ding someone's car. I'll pop that thing on. That's almost a Greek, it's a Greek offense.
Starting point is 01:27:24 And it's it's shocking when we see people do that. Well, walk and they'll leave it behind someone else's car. But I'll pop that thing up. Yeah, that ain't supposed to greet just offense. And it's shocking when we see people do that. Well, walk and they'll leave it behind someone else's car. Oh, oh. Like you said, just fully open. What are you there? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what's the most egregious?
Starting point is 01:27:38 Do you have like a ranking of where people leave the cards? Sure. Do you know what we have? We have like third degree cart felonies down to misdemeanors Sure. Do you know? We have like third degree card felonies down to misdemeanors and just kind of warnings. The worst one, like you said, is, and we've seen it happen a few times,
Starting point is 01:27:55 is where they will, they're parked in a spot and they will just leave it behind the car next to them and fully in the driving area. I see that a handful of times. That's a dick move. It's yeah, not only is it, it's, it's, because most times people
Starting point is 01:28:08 either card out it's sort of a secondary dick move, like, yeah. Oh, it's going to suck for the next person and then wants to pull into that spot, because they've got to kind of maneuver around your cart or it'll roll or whatever. I do. I do think that when I pop up,
Starting point is 01:28:22 when I pop the wheel up and leave it in like the planner, the front wheels and the planner, I do kind of think somebody's going to see a spot and then start pulling in and realize it's fucked and they're going to, I'm like, it's going to be partially in their spot. Yeah. So it's not a full spot block. It's that kind of gums down to it. That's a misdemeanor in our terms.
Starting point is 01:28:40 The other part about that too is, it's a lot like littering is once one person does that once one like you said Put it up on the curb we call that a curbing and short parlance it attracts others Yeah, and they start stacking up and so what once was a partially black spot is now a fully black spot And it's it's just more it's you know, it's the whole broken windows theory is once you once you start Having graffiti and broken windows and trash, it attracts more because other human beings are like, well, someone else did it. I might as well too. Yeah. That is a very strange thing that, that people, just kind of, that activity is engaged in by, it's, do you ever notice
Starting point is 01:29:22 at a party? It can be, it can be good too. People are always afraid to cut into the pie or cake. Oh, yeah. You need one person's mathematics was a hero because he would go do it immediately. Remember at the wedding, he would go dance first. Oh, for the bride. That's right. Oh, yeah. That's right. But I have noticed this. That's, it's like, if somebody has to do it and then everybody's like, Oh, it's okay. Really? The person putting it out should oh, it's okay. Really? The person putting it out should dip into it. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:29:48 That should be an accurate. That should be an accurate. They should just. It's breaking to seal. Yeah, exactly. So okay. So wait, you have your putting the car, putting the car next behind the car next to you. Honestly, those are the people I would think would be most violent because they're retarded. maybe they just forgot like maybe they honestly forgot because they got a kid crying or something
Starting point is 01:30:09 But those but there's some people who just cannot think of anybody else and what anybody else might be not really get never enters their mind. No, it's true What's been your experience as a karting? Yeah, and I hear what you're saying there that kind of Be funny to do like an IQ test, like what you brought up there because- See if there's a link. People who do tend to get vitel, like they can't use their words,
Starting point is 01:30:30 or they try to use some logic or reasoning, which we've heard a thousand times, so we shut them down pretty quickly. And like you said, once they run out of, once they run out of, you know, their limited logic, their limited brain power, I'm the thing left they have is violence. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:46 And that's what they go to. Yeah. So I, I probably ought to something there. Like the guy in idiocracy, remembering the beginning when Joe wakes up in the future and that guy like comes at him, you know, and they're doing the fire and the trash. That's what I imagine. I'm glad you've never caught me not returning a card. There's certainly plenty of time. What do you say to the argument since you have all the arguments? What do you say to the argument that fuck it, the store should be hiring more people
Starting point is 01:31:11 to clean the cards up? Right, that's, I mean, and they do. They have plenty, but they don't have a card concierge. There's not a guy in a tuxedo at the front of the store who walks out with you to your car and then grabs your card and loads your groceries. I'm sure back in the 40s or whatever there might have been. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:29 But it's the same principle as if you go eat at a fast food restaurant is the implied contract there is that you will watch your table because you're paying less for the food. That's why they have the not cart return, but they have the tray return and the trash return. And many stores even have a sign above the cart return that says, please return cart here. We cannot be held liable for damage caused by loose cart. So it's implicit and explicit that yes, we're letting you borrow this cart to do shopping with. Thank you. But please
Starting point is 01:32:02 put it back somewhere safe. Instead of just leaving it out wherever the hell you want. I think I'm mostly bust my tray. Yeah, I do almost always. But like, if you're at McDonald's, though, like that's such a dick move. There's the same thing because have the tray returned or McDonald's, Chipotle, whatever, fill in the blank. Yeah. Have the tray return. You know it's there. It's designed for a purpose. They don't have, I mean, they have workers who periodically go out, right in the table for you.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Yeah, but it's not designed to be at every person every time like it is. It a full sit down full service restaurant. Well, now, but if the restaurant has like a trash can with like a concave top convex convex top and I got to start separating silverware and shit and baskets of chips, I'm out. I'm still for everything away, actually. I'll start separating silverware and shit and baskets of chips. I'm out.
Starting point is 01:32:46 I'm a silverware. Everything away actually. I'll just open the trash and dump all the silverware and shit in there and throw the tray on top and they won't you guys fucking deal with it. Sometimes the trash in the trash can is actually convex because nobody's emptied the fucking thing. So you're like, what am I supposed to, I mean, no, there's like fucking mustard and catch up all over papers in there and You try to shove it in. You're like, you
Starting point is 01:33:07 know what? Fucking if, if nobody, if nobody cares, because that thing didn't fill up over a half an hour, uh-huh. That thing filled up like yesterday. Then why should I give a fuck about that? I'm putting it on the top so I don't get shit all over my hands. Okay. There's a lot of a fair point and we don't and we don't bust any if the analogy being there, if there's a full cart return. Yes. That, which we do see here, it's from time to time, we won't bust anybody who leaves it,
Starting point is 01:33:32 let's say next to that full cart return. Okay. Think is a fairly fair. I've done that. What you're talking about. Yes. We try to make our busts clean and, you know, absolutely clean and, uh, as you know, I, as obvious as they can be that this person
Starting point is 01:33:45 was just being lazy. Right. Have you ever seen anyone flip a cart over? I've done that a couple times. What, so it does a role? Nah, just a fuck around. It's like, fuck you. Flipping this cart over by a Tesla.
Starting point is 01:33:56 That would be something. No, not, have not seen that in the wild. So many parked in two spots or in a handicap spot, and they don't have them like, ah, fuck, I'm flipping this cart over. Well, I got a question. Those things are heavy and it takes some strength to do that. So that would take some sort of awful.
Starting point is 01:34:08 I think you're going to like this question, Dad. Have you ever, I'll throw it in the back of a pickup truck. Like here, you deal with, do you ever bust people trying to leave the property with carts? It's happened a few times. Yeah. I like the ones at the wheels that lock up. I hate saying, I fucking hate those.
Starting point is 01:34:24 It's just funny to me that they're like, oh, they I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, yeah, instead of luggage, steal it from another bum like shoes, be honorable. Yeah, they have, if you ever look, you can tell at the edge of a parking lot, they'll have like a little thin, almost like a line of putty that stretches all around it. And there's a little like trip wire, transponder wire out there that flips on the, the lock on those wheels. That's how that works. So what'll happen sometimes like your favorite someone will be parked there and they'll try to pull their card up and so we've witnessed that plenty of times and we'll take it back for them at that point. But yeah,
Starting point is 01:35:12 to the original point, we've caught people trying to leave the premises with them and they usually live in an apartment, you know, two blocks away. And they're just crazy. And then they never return it. And then it makes their apartment look like crap too, because they got parts everywhere. Right. And so the cars up on blocks is flipped over grocery carts in the driveway. So yeah. We had a nice stack of cards going at my apartment in Hollywood. Did you really?
Starting point is 01:35:33 And then we everyone got yelled at for it. Oh my God, because my thinking was, oh, this is, how, the CVS was right down, that was kind of like, the CVS was just long enough, so your fingers started hurting, finger pain again, voted up. Right. So I had, I thought it would be cool. If you, if we brought a cart back, Yes, it was just long enough so your fingers started hurting finger pain again voted up. Right.
Starting point is 01:35:45 So I had, I thought it would be cool. If you, if we brought a cart back and then someone who was going to CVS would wheel the cart to CVS. It's like the, like bicycles that, um, yeah, don't a man. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was, yeah. Exactly. Just wanted to. Why would they? Yeah. Because that's how it's so hard.
Starting point is 01:36:07 That's what I'm talking about. But if you know that you're doing, you're taking that many trips to CVS or wherever they may, you can buy your own little, you know, roly card. There's old grandmothers have them on the bus in Hollywood. He's not going to be seen with that. No, you know, I did eventually get one of those. I used for my laundry. Oh, did you really?
Starting point is 01:36:23 Yeah. Yeah, I wrote a little, the little canvas ones that, that people took their kids around in. Okay. Wait. I want to know the most danger, the most danger you've been in, like the top three. And I want to know the excuses people give you. Well, the gun earlier this spring in Texas was, I would say, you probably have to say the most danger because he pulled it and he wrecked the slide and all that stuff. And he's ex, he did his plumbing truck too. So we were, I got plumber, he's lifting the cart right in the spot next to me. Mario's whipping his piece out.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Basically, yeah. Was his excuse, was hey, he, first thing he's trying to laugh me off, like, ah, you do it for me. And I pulled out my little bumper magnet, which is our magnet of shame, which is just a guy don't return my shopping cart like a jerk and it's got a logo and a phone number on there. And once he saw the magnet, I didn't even put it on. He pulled the car, the gun out and I backed off and obviously said, I don't want to take
Starting point is 01:37:15 a bullet to the face. So that was probably number one. Okay. Number two happened in Florida, Port St. Lucie, where this guy, he was just hot. He got out, he told me he was going to take my GoPro and he said he was going to shove it up my inner intestine. Uh, specifically. Specifically. Nice pose.
Starting point is 01:37:33 Yeah. Maybe a dark one. And a Christ equals love sticker on the back of his car too. It was awesome. Very Christlike. Right. And then, uh, try to think, a lot of people try to run me over. That happens a lot. Really. It happened actually. There's a video I haven't posted yet. We'll post
Starting point is 01:37:49 this week from Kansas City, where a guy, he like hops the curb trying to hit me with his truck. He's screaming at me. F you. You know, because you told him to take his part back. He's wearing a Patrick Mahomes jersey too. Awesome. He's like quarterback. Oh, okay. Right. Yeah, that comes down to it. But I've never been hit. Never been maced. People have pulled out pepper spray and stuff.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Because I'm not. I told a guy in New York recently, he's like, I'm going to fight you. He has Gira's keys in his fist, you know, already a bunch of people. Oh God. Over there. This is a man. This is a man who did this. All right.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Next to the car, but he left it in the spot on the other side of this car. Yeah. Okay. That's a big bust for you. That's like the cops bust again. Trickload of marijuana. Spotsable and juvenile. It would be for me to fight someone over a card.
Starting point is 01:38:39 I'm not going to do that. Yeah. God damn, man. Is there is the gun one on your channel? I'm looking for it now. Yeah, it's back. I think I've got a February. I think it's called looking up a second here. One moment, please. Oh shit. You did this in Englewood, California or Englewood. I've done it in Englewood, done it in Compton, done it in Detroit, you travel around doing this or do you, you know, do have another job and like it takes
Starting point is 01:39:07 you on business trips. Yeah. A little bit of both. I got it. Got it. And because the number one comment we would get because I started off here in the L.A. area and the comments were, oh, you're in L.A. I tried that.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Oh, yeah. Oh, you should come into the studio. Yeah, totally. Fill in the blank city, you know, in my city, blah, blah. Try that here. Try that there. Try that, you know, no Texas is the most of this you can do. Sure anything of the San Fernando Valley North Hollywood that area is really bad recita Van Nies all that area. Yeah, it's called Texas fellows the one with the gun Okay, let me see if I can find it. You're
Starting point is 01:39:44 Legend there's another one in Texas the year before where a guy threatened to shoot me, never presented a gun. But then once I posted the video, people said, oh, I know that guy. He shot somebody last year on a Dallas train, which I found the video. He did, and he got away with it. He claimed self-defense, and apparently it was. Okay. Sean, you want to watch this one? He said, not to kill someone. He said, not to kill someone. He said, not to kill someone. He said, not to kill someone. Sean, you want to watch this one? He's the Texas one. Sixth in your forehead.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Yeah, this is the, he'll put six in your forehead. This is the Texas fellow video. I'm going to play it right now. Right. And I'm doing an accent here like as a Texas guy just for context. Sure. Why? Win and roll.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Like blending in with the locals. Sure. Yeah. Well, it's kind of a, it's kind of a little fun thing. Just a kind of like we got, oh, to pretend like we have a big agency around the country sort of thing. Okay, because somebody might take that as condescending and it might make them a little angry. To me, it's the silliness that adds to the, like, I'm being so silly and they're being so violent. It just kind of even more highlights how ridiculous they are.
Starting point is 01:40:43 Have you, is there a possibility of a crossover with you in Frank Hasel, where you could get somebody coming out of a store and he could tell them that they dropped their dogs and you could be riding them up for a cart and they would honestly go totally insane and tell themselves, that would be hilarious. I've got a, so you have to fill me in real quick on who Frank Hasel is. He hassles people. He follows, he follows them around and asks them if they dropped their hot dogs. real quick on who Frank Hassel is. He hassles people. He follows, he follows them around and asks them if they dropped their hot dogs.
Starting point is 01:41:09 That's one of the things. He says, Hey, bro, you dropped your hot, you dropped your dogs and it will be like a pack of open hot dogs that he insists they dropped and they slowly lose their mind and become angry because they cannot convince Frank that they did not drop their open hot dogs. Yes. Uncooked. So it's just like, he's just being silly in other words. drop their open hot dogs. Yes. Uncooked. So it's just like, he's just being silly in other words. He's not being real.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Yeah, and he's like, I mean, he's gigantic. So it's extra funny because he's like nice and calm, like a bear, while they're losing their fucking minds. Okay, let me play a little bit. And he usually compliments them in an aggressive way. Yeah. Like, oh, you just got, you're gonna fight me? You probably got a huge dick.
Starting point is 01:41:44 You probably, it's so fucking funny and they have told that they can't figure out why he's talking like that. Oh, check that out. That sounds like old Tom Greener's, whatever. It's like a fun, it's gonna be a great crossover. Yeah, little bit.
Starting point is 01:41:58 It's a little bit. Here's Texas fella. It's about four minutes long. Don't say how it goes. Classic, classic again, a cardinal of the two years. Oh, fully four quarter-grassen it. And in his work truck. It's like cops, he's running out of money on the scene.
Starting point is 01:42:13 You got the man. No, that's already in the door. We're gonna approach the front. Oh, he does what I did. We'll be the weep-weep. That's nowhere to car, guys. So come on now. If you know the cars, I'll go there, sir.
Starting point is 01:42:23 I think you cordial here. Card arcs. Yeah, car returns all over the place there, sir. I need you to cordil here, car dorks. Yeah, car returns all over the place right here. Are you ready to get it for me? No, sir, I'm a car-nark. I'm not a car-cab-people, but I'll get your car. Oh, thank you. Yeah, let him know.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Let him know I didn't put it back. Well, I'm going to let you know first. I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself. Oh, no, I'm good. Why, how can you be good being a lazy-bones? Sorry, man. I'll be having a good day. Well, I'm going to you our over my hood though
Starting point is 01:42:49 Now he's putting his magnet thing on the car It's not marking sir Oh My god Wow Instantly pulling out a gun and racking it and the Chihuahua Wow, instantly pulling out a gun and racking it and the Chihuahua. I hit you a little too. That's a visual part of it. There's a little tiny Chihuahua in his passenger seat.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Just like, look at that. I mean, all friendly entire time. Oh, he's like, yeah, he's not even phased. He's right, right? You can't be touching somebody's car, even with a magnet. Oh, yeah, I don't think you can. I mean, that is to be, that's a very, that's a point of contention. You're definitely going to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:43:24 I mean, fuck it. I don't care. I mean, if you're there, what is the, if he were to sue me, that's a very, that's a point of contention. You're definitely something to talk about. I mean, fuck it up. Is he here there? What is the, if he were to sue me, what's the damage? That's what a lawyer always asks you is, what are your damages? What can, what do you want them to pay? You have to prove injuries. Yeah, I mean, yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:43:37 And that's, I think, and because we didn't start doing the magnification, this is sort of slowly built over time. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's injures there pride more than anything. Yeah. It's a sign. It's a scarletter. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's funny. Okay. Here, let's, let's keep going. And one, it went from zero to pulling a gun, a card, Mark, in one minute, you heard, he was kind of like playing with me, like, oh, you take it back for me. I'm not gonna do it. Yeah, I'm good. All right, I'm stunned by that.
Starting point is 01:44:11 Yeah, I mean, that's hilarious. Okay, let's go. Frank Hasel does the same slow-mo as Zepht. Oh, he's gonna block, wow. So that's good. Fuckin' Clark, get the fuck out of here. Yeah, just Brandon's gonna rip and have me. That is the first for the Clarks. We're gonna get some date, we're gonna get some.
Starting point is 01:44:25 That's illegal too though. Brandishing, isn't it? You can't just bring it or rip it. Or rip it or rip it or rip it or rip it. You don't have to play the rest of the video, but what happened is after he left, like three cars later was a police cruiser. So I go up to that cop, say,
Starting point is 01:44:40 I don't, I don't, I never, even people try to like fight me or run me over. I don't turn them into the cops. Yeah. But this one was especially, he's got a gun in public. He's pointing it out his windshield, essentially, at passing traffic. Yeah. That's a fellow law enforcement officer too.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Yeah. All right. So she calls her supervisor. He comes and everybody's like, well, if he had pointed the gun at you, or if he'd fired it at you, then I could get him for like a discharging, whatever, public thing. But this might be like a class C misdemeanor. And so he went back and forth with on the phone to have the dispatch or whatever to his supervisor.
Starting point is 01:45:18 And my impression was he just didn't want to write the ticket. That's what you do. You kind of deserved it also. Now, forgot, Did he pointed it? Did he pointed or did he just constantly looked like he just cocked it? Did he just, he just, he just, just racked it and it did not, it did not point at me. It was only out his windshield. But I pointed out to the cop like, yeah, but that's at traffic.
Starting point is 01:45:36 There's a lane of traffic in front of him. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's, but nothing has done to it. I believe that it's a misdemeanor pointing at you. It seems like it would be way more serious. I'm not going to let you know. I would guess.
Starting point is 01:45:52 Have you ever narked on a cop for leaving a card out? Yes, it happened in Reno. And I don't think the video's up right now, because he like, he filed some appeal or something, but it's up on Facebook and Instagram. I know, which is strange because YouTube's weird about that. They like they'll, they'll, they'll, because I get privacy complaints all the time that mostly get ignored. And every once in a while they, I don't know what they're bought or whoever, you know, their algorithm decides that it's valid. But Facebook and Instagram don't care.
Starting point is 01:46:26 But yeah, he said, I'm a cop and I'll arrest you and I asked him on what charge. And he said, oh, yeah, oh, stop it. And then he drove off. I think it's something. Let's see if I have any cocaine in here. I'll think, yeah, yeah. What's been the response from people on? I think people are mostly on your side, right?
Starting point is 01:46:47 It's not out of 10, because on my side, because, and the common responses, all the time that you spent arguing or pulling on gun, like we just saw or heard, uh, I could have taken 10 cards back, you know, just, it's, it's a very, it's turned out to be a very interesting insight and analysis of the human ego. Yeah. Right. I want to 10.
Starting point is 01:47:09 They'll say, they'll give me the, oh, they pay people or I'm, I love the, the next version of the, they pay people excuses. I don't know. They pay people, but I'm creating jobs by leaving this. Yeah. Yeah. Just, you know, right. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:47:24 That's the, that's the argument they did. Like, there's a famous video where I said, well, I could key that. Just you know. Right, exactly. That's the argument they did. Like, there's a famous video where I said, well, I could key your car right now and I could create a job for a body shop. And you can win the money. Right, exactly. Like, you know, I could go, I could go dig a bunch of holes and have you fill them in. And then that doesn't, that's, you know, that's not creating jobs. That's just creating dirt, you know, busy work. That's mostly, mostly on our side, although we're actually Dr. Phil reached
Starting point is 01:47:49 out recently and we may be doing an episode with him. Are you serious? Oh, next month. Uh, if, if you're on, if you're on Dr. Phil, wait till the very end and then tell him that Dick Masterson says, hi, you might remember me. Was he familiar with you? Oh, dude. He had me on his house of judgment for five. I was in his like lunatic asylum that's covered in cameras for a week for five days. I live there and he broke everybody down and tried to fix them. There was like a black woman who hated black people and like a girl who thought everyone was ugly and this man hater and then me, the woman hater. We've had two
Starting point is 01:48:25 people from the show call in. Yeah. Yeah. I do. You'll have fun. They will lie about everything. They tell you. But they put out an ad looking for people that I've confronted because they want to have those, you know, the on air, you can't re-confrontations. Yeah. I think that's where they're, they're trying to do right now. They'll probably be very good to you. Like they'll try to make you look as good as possible because everybody hates these guys that leave cards out. He'll be a hero. It's funny because the ad they put up looking for people that I've talked to was like, have you been, they said, first off, they said, have you been apprehended by the cartenart? They're like, anybody sensational on an unofficial group of vigilante.
Starting point is 01:49:06 Try to trick down his website if you want to look it up. Let me see it. He's trying to trick those people. Very much like the ad they put out, like you're saying, is very much making me look like the bad guy. Nope. Nope. No, do you have talked to me?
Starting point is 01:49:18 The producer was very much a fan. At least says how he said it. Can you give me the producer's first name? It's a British guy. One second. I always are texted to me. I want to know if I want to see if I know him. Can you give me the producers first name? Oh, it's a British guy. One second. Our texted to me, I want to know if I want to see if I know him. I see.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Pretty rare for a producer on a show to last that. Well, I mean, if you're like an act, I mean, I show like that though. Yeah, I think the last. Patrick. No, I just don't know. Usually they take off. He's a British guy, though, named Patrick. So do you have, he's sworn the video,
Starting point is 01:49:45 he's in wanted to do a segment so that I'm now they're trying to hunt down people that I've talked to. I should apply again to be a guy and then take my mask off and go, guess what, Dr. Villain would be fine. Well, it's actually me, it's an accident. Well, you look a lot different now. So I do, I got long hair. Yeah. If you worked on an accent or something, then,
Starting point is 01:50:01 you definitely, yeah, wait a minute, I remember that voice. That's a minute, I remember that voice. I remember the night music. It's kind of tough in this case because all the people who I've confronted are on video so that you know what they look like. Yeah. Now, do you have sworn deputies? Because that narc's a question. Sure.
Starting point is 01:50:17 Right. No, we've got, we just started doing recently, deputies trainees. Okay. All right. We went out, there's some girl, a lady in Albuquerque named Steph Sugar. She's, you'll enjoy this. She's a suicide girl model. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:50:31 She had sent us some videos from around Albuquerque of, you know, people leaving carts out. So I told her, hey, when we come to patrol the area, since you're obviously passionate and familiar, you can be our deputy trainee. And so we went around with her, did a couple of videos. All right. And the area, but yeah, we're definitely looking to have ride-alongs with suicide girls, especially in different areas. Yeah, you got to be careful with that brand.
Starting point is 01:50:56 You got a real specific sense of humor. You don't want to get any aggro carton art. That's true. That's true. Maybe you do, just shoot it out of a cannon, see what happens. Well, I mean, we get messages every day of people wanting to join, and that's the standard response though, is we can't have you out there doing it because it's like the old, don't try this at home, you know, jackass wardings.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Yeah. I mean, we can't condone that sort of thing. If I'm out there with them, I've got several million dollars worth of insurance. So it kind of falls under my umbrella policy. I can kind of, you know, in that case, if somebody gets hurt, got for bed, which again, I never have and I'm hoping it never happens, but at least it'll at least be covered by our insurance. Maybe if it happens a little bit, that would be big. That would be big for your channel, right? I've never been punched. I've never sprained an ankle, nothing.
Starting point is 01:51:47 Well, he, he sounds like he can, you know, he can, he can talk his way, you know, be under through a conversation should things get like a little heated. So you can't, not everybody can do that. So there's going to be, you're right. You have to really vet, you have to know who is representing you out there for this thing to keep working. Right. And that helps if I'm out there with them too, or in that case. But I would definitely open to folks tagging along
Starting point is 01:52:13 on a specific basis. I really love it. Does anything make you, is this your job? It could be, no, but I'd use the revenue now to kind of pay for the travel essentially. Okay. You know, but if we're working, I'm working with a guy here in LA on a presentation, little sizzle reel for if it becomes, you know, it's a standalone show, but that's, you know,
Starting point is 01:52:36 that's always a shot in the dark. There's hundreds of those every year. That would be, you guys know. That would be fucking great. I love that he's actually a producer. He works on it's always sunny and, and, uh, yeah. So music show. So he's like a real producer. He works on it's always sunny and and so music show. So he's like a real guy. So yeah, not holding my breath, but we'll see. Yeah, that would be that would be great to see. Okay, this you're at what you do you
Starting point is 01:52:56 have a YouTube name? YouTube dot com. Yeah, it's on the any platform. I think YouTube's probably the easiest to search just because it has that nice grid. Yeah, But it's Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc., etc., etc. But I think YouTube's the most functional one. Do you have anything that makes you a rage? Like makes you upset, annoying, pet peeve, the federal reserve, anything like that? Unfortunately, I've seen, it's like I'm a PTSD, I've seen so much. Yeah, when they do leave it right behind the car of the neighboring, you know, the cart
Starting point is 01:53:28 next to them, that's just, that's just like you said, the next level of dick move. They're not even trying to half-ass it. What about unrelated to carts? And are you a fan of bubbles on the trailer park boys? Is he an inspiration for you in any way? It's, I want to do a cross speaking of people we want to do this with. I would love, because I think I think he thought that would be an Instagram. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:53:47 Why would bubbles be? Yeah, whenever I get up to test catch one, it'd be very cool. Go ahead and ask him. Yeah, I've watched TravelBark Boys since it came out, got 20 years ago now. Yep. So definitely a fan, but outside of this, you know, like you said, littering, other, like, you know, not holding the door for people, just like all those common courtesy, not washing your hands.
Starting point is 01:54:08 You have here at the office, we've got people that will take the wash their hands, and then they'll dry their hands, and the towels end up on the floor. Like they, and I know that they know that the towel end up on the floor, but they couldn't bend over once to pick it up until the show. One of my friends would draw, would wash his hands in the bathroom, dry his hands, and then have a towel that he would use to open the door and then crumble it up and throw it at the trash. Like this was a life hack to him and maybe it landed, maybe it did.
Starting point is 01:54:35 I'm like, that's what are you doing? He's fucking gross. It's not that. Yeah. You're not saving yourself any germs. Get it in the trash or the one I saw I was in a new Jersey a couple weeks ago. Doing in the middle of a carton arc, this lady, she's loaded a groceries, she's getting in her car.
Starting point is 01:54:52 She's got the gloves on, which is by the way, not how gloves work when you touch every damn thing in the store and then touch your car handle. That's basic, you know, we're not teaching basic biology anymore. Then those go straight on the ground right in front of me. I mean, she picked them up because I cover out on it. Yeah. Gross. The pandemic has really lowered my estimation of humanity
Starting point is 01:55:12 just because of the gloves thing. And just like the, there's a famous news report out of Memphis when all this started to happen last year. This woman was like, bring grocery bags on her feet and on her head. And like, I've witnessed this. There was a video of a guy,
Starting point is 01:55:27 Lysoling, his kid down. Oh, I saw that. I remember that one. That was great. I've seen it. I was at Pierre and Bakersfield in California, where a woman got in her car and fully doused herself in Lysol, like it was Bugs' Ray or whatever.
Starting point is 01:55:42 It's just, it's, it's a health and hygiene, I think is probably how we got into this to be gang-weth. And I said, I'm very, very disappointed in people, the more this gone along. What was your first one? Like, were you nervous doing your first carton arc? Did you record it? Yeah, not so much nervous, as I just didn't have all like people like, oh, you're so quick-witted. And like, well, I've done this a hundreds of times. Like, I'm used to what it's not, you know, I appreciate the compliment, but I've just done this so much. You get used to the crap that I say when I don't last very long and bad. Well, I've done this hundreds of times. You're so quick. I'm not going to do it before, you know, think about that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:19 Yeah. His excuse was it was too hot. And he said also he had cancer. And then he pointed out the little mole that got removed on his forehead. I am kidding. You gotta return your guard. Man, I got cancer. He had to really step, but first it was too hot. Then it's like, well, now I've got to bring out the heavy artillery.
Starting point is 01:56:35 I got cancer. Oh, oh. I've had the cancer excuse more than once, too. I got cancer of hotness. You got cancer of sweat or something, what do you? My favorite one was this lady said, I got cancer, I can't return my card while her husband is smoking a cigarette in the car next door. But you can't.
Starting point is 01:56:50 I don't care that much about it. That's proof that you got the can. I mean, more than likely, right? No. Just because you got cancer, you know, I'm not a good. And I don't know if she got out of her car, I returned her card. So apparently the cancer wasn't that bad after all. And clearly he didn't give a fuck about her cancer. He did done it.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Yeah, I get the, just again, doing this and the pandemic, especially has really just again, I. It's not good for us. Can I order one of your magnets on the store or something? No, that's why we get a lot. I got to get caught. Can you please come catch me? I want one of those fucking magnets.
Starting point is 01:57:22 He says I don't necessarily. Yeah, I mean, yeah. And I do know I'm returning cards. I'll come to our people and they'll say, can I have a magnet? I'll say, well, you don't want the magnet because it says I don't return my shopping cart like a jerk. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Yeah, that's what I want. And if you order it for yourself, obviously you might be out there doing your own confrontation so I don't want that for the same reasons we mentioned earlier. We do sell stickers. They're like two or three bucks and they say card marks, huh?
Starting point is 01:57:43 I'm good. How many people have driven off the magnets? How many people have driven off with your magnets? Hundreds, so they're just like, yeah, put it on there. I don't give a shit. Fuck you. There's a handful. That's probably like 5% of the people we confront. The majority of people that drive off are they get out and they argue and they'll throw the magnet on the ground. I carry through the full time. So I put it on. I put it on. I throw that one off and then they eventually realize I'm not giving up.
Starting point is 01:58:10 So they just drive off. Dude, you got to give out stink tickets. Like, please find people who stink. That's got to do that. Public places, theaters or whatever and give them a fucking bar of soap that says you've been fucking stink ticketed for you stink and you stinkin' me up the joint. Well, we do have a fart-narks idea that I've got all the equipment for, basically, there are people who don't wash their hands after taking a dump.
Starting point is 01:58:32 But you got to hang out with bathrooms a lot. That gets a little weird. You got to get a pink eye a lot doing that. That's going to suck for that reason. Yes, but also, as you guys know, living in L.A., I want to do that once all the mask mandates go away. So it's not getting so much in there. I don't know if you're aware of that once all the mask mandates go away. So it's never going to happen.
Starting point is 01:58:46 I don't know if you're aware of that, but they're never going away. The pandemic is forever. We had a month. We had June 15th, July 17th, where we didn't have a mask mandate and then then went right back. Yeah. It's like a day without rain or a day. If you go to New York County or San Diego, there's no mask problems. There's no mask mandates there. I'm going to have to travel a little bit. Yeah. Will you travel anyway?
Starting point is 01:59:04 It's true. That's true, but yeah have to travel a little bit. Yeah. Will you travel anyway? True. That's true, but yeah, it's spent some time in the bathrooms. All right, Cardinalke's, it's good to share. Hell of a funny guy. I hope you get that show picked up. I hope you do across over. I'm happy with it living on the internet that's appreciated. You know, it's, it definitely raises, as they say,
Starting point is 01:59:19 it raises awareness. We get messages and comments every day. People say, you know what, I used to do this. I didn't even really think about it. You know, I don't even really think about it. I don't do it anymore. Oh, they don't do it anymore? Oh, we get lots of messages. I used to be a lazy bones. Or I didn't even think about it as a thing. And yeah, every day comments and messages like that. I mean, how about this one? Can a storage just buy a couple more corrals?
Starting point is 01:59:45 Like if they're seeing carts grouped together in places, why don't they put a corral there, right? And that's a good point. They're all here full of stores that just don't have cart returns. And I don't bother stopping there because that's a good excuse. Yeah. But you could have in a lot of these places, and like I mentioned with the guy who tried to punch me in Long Island,
Starting point is 02:00:05 he was parked next to the Corral, and he still left it in the spot next to him. So there was no saving him. Oh God. It's so funny. All right, get there. That's the thing I've done recently. I will position myself at the cart return, the cart Corral,
Starting point is 02:00:21 so that it's obvious that they're within sight, but I walked to talk to them, so there's no excuse why they couldn't have returned it. It's a hero, Sean. I think it's Robin Hood. I love it. Yeah, me too. I love it.
Starting point is 02:00:35 All right, buddy. Have a carton arc, you too, everything. Go check it out. Thanks for calling. It works out, as they say. Yeah, so yeah, have a good one, carton. Guys, huh? Very funny. Go check it out. Thanks for calling. It works out as they say. Yeah, see you. Have a good one, Karnaz. Guys, huh?
Starting point is 02:00:46 Very funny. Thank you, Johnson Brown, for alerting me. I think that's all the time we got for today. Yeah, okay, everybody. You'll play two or three voice meals. That's it. slash the dick. So see you next Tuesday.
Starting point is 02:00:59 Presenting. I do want that magnet. I know. Now I'm going to be extra in our returning cards in case he's out there watching. Yeah, you never know. That's the threat. Yeah. You just never know when somebody's watching you.
Starting point is 02:01:20 Exactly. God, man, I had a whole bunch of shit here. I had, I had brothel reviews from Chris the Kiwi. Oh, God, well, remind me of those next week. Yeah. Okay. He sent in something we don't want to miss. He like Yelp reviews core houses. Yeah. I don't know why he writes them. Oh, there we go, good lord. You know, I find it like, I find it incredibly funny that Vito's fucking weird argument about YouTube and banning people for being, you know, all they're doing something against the rules. And I don't know, I've listened
Starting point is 02:02:10 to a lot of the old biggest problems episodes and when I was listening to them, I was like, Vito can never replace Maddick because Maddick just legitimately retarded. And I still think there's a human being on earth who can have legitimately retarded beliefs in the same room as Dick because they're just not going to associate with it. But holy fuck, he's found Vito. I never thought that I would hear Vito think I was like, oh, well yeah, I can defend our guy making a pedophile song, but I cannot defend or allow somebody to speak about fucking vaccine smelting your insides because he lied about it.
Starting point is 02:02:56 It's a lie. It's like, bro, I, everyone is going to lie to you about what they're doing mr. V. Or fuck not mr. Beast mr. Girl I don't watch this like weird fucking pedophile shit, but like if he says I'm not I want to touch kids and he does it doesn't that make him a fucking liar Touched his he should be representing himself truthfully. He should tell me that he doesn't want to touch kids and that touching kids is a moral. But he doesn't fucking think that
Starting point is 02:03:32 because for the sake of entertainment and for the sake of- He's lying! That's true! He's putting something on the internet that doesn't suck dick. Yeah! Like fucking eyes, I don't know, I can't say videos, videos, like, anyway.
Starting point is 02:03:44 I'm just getting too too long. Venus videos agreed How can you be so retarded? Vito lied about the bathwater. He didn't vape it. That's right. That's true. Okay. That's funny Hey, they can John Dulling from Austin. Yeah, so you know what this is my off. Oh John Dallin from Austin. So you know what pisses me off? People that walk behind your car when you're very obviously right in the middle of backing up.
Starting point is 02:04:13 Yep. And then the cherry on top is when they get indignant about it and like, you're walking here. You know, something equivalent to whatever the tech conversion of that might be, but just fucking pisses me off to no end. I always just go wide when I see that. Cheers. You go wide when you see him walk the line in your car.
Starting point is 02:04:36 Well, no, as a pedestrian. Oh, yeah. I will, you know, if I see, if I'm walking along the line. Yeah, like the back of cars and I see a car like, you know, two spaces down that's just starting to pull out. I like quickly walk across the road to like, so they have plenty of them because you never need to go right up to the cars in the next row.
Starting point is 02:04:56 Like they don't have to wait. I just get out of the way. Like usually they don't even see me. And then sometimes you'll get the person who just like slams on the brakes their car jumps like that was totally That was an idiot how dare you act like I just appeared out of nowhere It's like that's like driving with my girlfriend It's like all of a sudden something comes out that's a hundred fucking miles down the road. It's like
Starting point is 02:05:22 Okay, that was a fucking Okay, one I that was a fucking severe reaction. Okay, one, one, one, one. I just spilled my fucking coke all over your floor. You're gonna have to clean that up. I spilled beer on 80s girls seat belt. Did you really? I felt so bad. Oh, not to say, I thought, oh good,
Starting point is 02:05:40 it's just so much, you're like, oh no, it's in the fucking seat belt. Like I sat there trying to suck it out for the rest of the ride man Hey dick, I've got another rage for you This one's not one of the ones that's particularly inspired by anything I encountered recently Just sitting at thought of recently For no good reason it it is serial exaggerators.
Starting point is 02:06:07 It's the people who you'll hear tell a story. First time to tell it, it's about true. Like, man, that guy was like 6'4", which around here is a cat hall. Okay. Yeah, it's all anywhere. It's all, it stands out in the crowd over here. It's like all Mexicans here. So definitely tall. It's true. Yeah. It's shorter people. Man, that guy must have been like a six foot eight. That guy was huge. He started out pretty tall. It's not quite that tall. Now you're kind of just making shit up. Man, that motherfucker was huge. He was like seven feet tall, he could fucking, he was like twice my fucking height, I'm only 3 foot 6. Alright, now you're just fucking lying, it's just something I used to encounter a lot,
Starting point is 02:06:58 it's so bland annoying, but anyways, just go fuck yourself. Sean, I love you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's the it's a fish story. How big, right? Yeah. It's fun though.
Starting point is 02:07:15 It's fun to lie. It is. Well, there's especially when it makes you look good. Well, and it can also create a lot of humor too. I mean, yeah, like there's a, you know, like, like lying is an, you know, integral part of a good joke. Yeah. Or a good lie. Or an entertaining story, not even a joke,
Starting point is 02:07:36 but an entertaining anecdote. Try this one. Somebody says, oh, nice shirt. Go, I made it. Just throw that out there. Yeah. And just see what they're like. What the follow up questions are. All right, everybody made it. Just throw that out there. Yeah, and just see what they're like. What the follow up questions are. All right, everybody, bye.
Starting point is 02:07:48 See ya, thank you.

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