The Dick Show - Episode 284 - Dick on Sean's Ding

Episode Date: November 16, 2021

Sean's car gets hit in my driveway, a coke shortage affects me, Build Back Better (Without Men), an all fat Hooters, Cart Narcs calls in about Dr. Phil, Tammy has the last laugh as Lowtax goes to Gree...nland; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's a great line. Yeah, every day is better than next. Yeah, that's true. And then I think we'll fuck it. I'm just gonna blow my ears out, right? I'm done worrying about the tonightest and everything I'm done. But it just still finds a way to make it more miserable the hearing. Start shorting out.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I'm just wearing my AirPods all the time now. Have you shot a lot of guns without your protection? No. No. How did they do it? Did Cowboys all? Well, were they all screaming at each other? Do you think were they being so rude?
Starting point is 00:00:34 You know there was a lot of hearing loss back then, I'm sure. Yeah. Did there must have been? Right? Maybe there wasn't that much gunslinging. Maybe they just showed it or we've talked about we've talked about that. The whole duel and the virtually never happened. The never happened. That was an in total invention by Spaghetti Western.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Well, they're supposed to be they're supposed to be one that's documented. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But like literally it almost never happened. And I'll tell you the quick draw. That's what didn't happen. D. Doing happen. Pistol doing happen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Not like, no, street at high noon with the tumbleweeds blowing through and everybody. How do you do that? Nobody would do that. You say you walk up to them in a bar and shoot. I've been in the back. Yeah, yeah. Shoot them in the back of the head. Like, like, you want to do a high at high noon tomorrow. Yeah, you got it. Okay. Ah, like prison. Yeah. These are all convicts that we're talking about. Nair duels. There was one where it was like, there was a contemporary
Starting point is 00:01:28 account where it was like, there was a mistake. The guy mistakenly thought that he was going for his gun. They were literally like arguing like five feet apart. And so he thought the guy was going to he was reaching his like coat pocket to pull out like, like some piece of paper or something message from got a message from Doc. The other guy, yeah, the other guy shot him. And then when you hear like fucking bat masterson tell it, it's a duel. So between Wyatt Earp and bat masterson, huge flyers. Wyatt Earp was a fucking liar.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Bat masterson was a fucking liar. Oh yeah, his embarrassment to my name. They wanted to, they wanted to, exactly. They wanted to selling tales. To sell books and sell. What a snoop is lying about being so, see my theory is always that the rappers, the gangster rappers are like the poets of their community.
Starting point is 00:02:19 So they're like necessarily the most effeminate, right? So they're like, you know, like,. Dre, the guy out there is like, oh, mean, motherfucker, I do do do. I like, mean motherfuckers are like, no, I don't like sing it to a song, Dre. I don't cap motherfuckers and then like Sesame Street. I kill people. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I don't go like, do do do do do do do do do, you know, they don't do that. No, so they're the same, like, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna rip my mind, I'm gonna, you're probably the least hard. But there's guys who actually came up in the street, in the streets, who make fun of the other guys who play that.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yeah, like they get shit on like, motherfucker, you grew up in fucking, you know, like the ass foods. Deep, deep, deep, right? Oh God, yeah. Why not? Why are you just doing a orangey? I know. Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, right?
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah, God, oh my God, that's gonna be stuck in my head. Just get the band, get the dead, get the dead, dead. Oh man. Nate Dog and Warren G. I'm out of it. You just had your car hit by our friend. Yeah, I guess so. I haven't seen it yet. I mean, it does because when you see it, this she came back.
Starting point is 00:03:31 She came back in. I gotta give it a try. I hit your car. Can you credit for that? Do you? How much credit do you give for that? A lot of people, dude, I've had my car hit without me seeing it. She could have just left.
Starting point is 00:03:45 We said, I don't know who did that. Totally. No, totally. I've never had anybody leave a note. I've had people knock off a mirror. Yeah. Just fucking just take it, clean it off, fucking nail the back end.
Starting point is 00:03:57 One time I drove my car home shit face from the bar. When I woke up, the front was all smashed up. My garage had a big dent in it. Nobody bothered to leave a note. If you believe that. Yeah, yeah. The society accountability. It's just, it starts in the home, you know, I think.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Do you want to see, do you want to see what build back better? Wait, what were you going to say about leaving notes? Nothing, I was just saying nobody ever, you know, leaves notes. I remember I came out and I saw like the mirror and then this like little piece that was on my old car that was like off the like rear quarter panel. Right. There was laying in the fucking street. Oh, that's the same thing. Yeah, they're like, DDD your car. Yeah, it's like seeing a car naked. They leave a note. It's like, of course, they fucking didn't leave a note. Who's
Starting point is 00:04:44 yeah, it's just like catch me or I didn't do it. Yeah, I think this is part of Biting's Build Back Better Plan. Linda is a working mother in Peoria, Illinois. She works at a local manufacturing facility as a production worker. This is like a lifetime movie. She's like two trains.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Leave the station. She's a production worker at a production facility. See her in her hat, see there's this grumpy looking lady, Linda. So that's Latina coded word. Right, Linda. Linda, yeah. She's like a either Italian, I don't know why that is, but they've also got her colored non-wide.
Starting point is 00:05:19 She makes a whopping 40,000 a year. She's pregnant with her son, Leo, which is actually livable in other states. Yeah. In case you're wondering why she looks a little fat here, it's because she's pregnant. Oh yeah. Look at she's rocking these jeans, Sean.
Starting point is 00:05:35 She's got a whole two-lady. It's a whole lot of everything. Yeah. And her production, she's got a hard hat where there's looks like colored tubing running on that. She looks like she's in a server farm, but she's also got a tool belt. It does look like a server form. Manufacturing facility.
Starting point is 00:05:49 So, you know, when you're at the manufacturing facility, you got to whip out a ball pin hammer sometime and just start hammering. You got a manufacturer. You're manufacturing over here? You may be called the manufacturer at any time. Shoot, shoot. Yeah. This is part step one.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Step two, as Leo grows up, the government helps cover the costs for his rape. What is the excuse being his daycare? This is part of Biden's build back better propaganda. Garing team doesn't need to pay more than 7% of her income on childcare. I don't know which one's Leo. Could be this little girl. Could be this. No, it's the guy on the guy on the left.
Starting point is 00:06:25 No, I mean, people on this. I don't know. Then when Leo turns three, he attends a high quality pre K program for free. That's how you know it's high quality, because it's free. It's going to be at least as good. It's going to be at most as good as public school at most. And that's saying, did Leo just go? No, he's still gonna say that's what you know.
Starting point is 00:06:48 He did, because that's a daycare that he's able to enroll in a community college. Thanks to extended belt. And he's playing with tubes here. Is he taking a switch? Did you know, is that every single authority figure in this is a woman? Did you fucking notice that?
Starting point is 00:07:03 Because I sure did did every single fucking one from linda at her job where she smashes a hammer on the production facility the kindergarten has no teacher that's why it's free but i'll bet it's just a cargo container uh... i've got oh yeah maybe it is that white girl but this is at the library i suppose at pre-k another woman reading to them. And finally, in his engineering class, we've got Rosie, the riveter here.
Starting point is 00:07:30 How do you know? How do you know that's not another student? Cause she's taller than him. Because she's bigger than him. I know. She's looking. You think there's a group project? Stick in tubes in.
Starting point is 00:07:41 All I'm saying, Sean, is Bill Backbetter without men. She's got a glove on. That's what this world is. Bill Backbetter, Biting's program for the elimination of men. Let's start the show. Sign up today. Sign up today for your pel-grant to kill men. Kill all men.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Now, we don't need these men. We have pel-grants in free and pre-k for free, which is high quality. Woo! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! How are we going to get you to get you to London?
Starting point is 00:08:12 You've got to, it's a show, or is it going to just, wow, that was a rough one. Come on, you live from the Mountland Book, you're deep in the heart of your city of failure. I mean, how is it going to stick to the National AK? The $20 million man! Join me as always, the world touring LA based community in Shania Audio Engineer! Hello, Jack. What's up, buddy? Hang on, let me interrupt and just make sure
Starting point is 00:08:26 that we're streaming on everything. Are we streaming? We should be. I'm just talking. I have no idea. I appreciate that you do it. I just had this. I'm just having fun feeling.
Starting point is 00:08:35 It's not on discards. It's got a hit. Right. See that what I was saying was, my little premonition, you kind of went off. I was, ooh, my butt hurts. Oh, she hit the back of my car. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:46 That's what you want to say with girls who experience clairvoyance oftentimes. You want to be right there. Well, where was it on that one? Where was the clairvoyance? clairvoyance could save me about a thousand bucks right here. Where was it then? Well, it's a car, right?
Starting point is 00:08:58 I didn't recognize in your driveway. I'm like, oh, they must have like somebody over. Maybe it's somebody for the show or whatever. Then I realized that like, I had met her once before. And then, of course, that's, and it's a small car. I don't wanna know. It's a small car, so it's not like you,
Starting point is 00:09:12 in my mind, you're backing up your truck. She wasn't backing up your truck. No, I have an anti-woman shield on my truck. You get it after market. And a woman drives my truck, a slap, they get slapped with a slap hand comes out of the dashboard and the slap bag is, yeah, I replace the airbag with a slap hand. Who needs that? You survive a wreck, you're going to be crippled, or I mean, disabled, or extraordinarily able to something. I'd rather have a slapping hand that tries to slap
Starting point is 00:09:43 women out of my car. It opens the door. It's not like a slap either. It's like one of those world championship slaps. Oh God. That's not even a slap. No, no, it's, I don't know why that. It's fucking getting cuffed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:55 It's like a, and you see guys like try to be honest with their slaps. Yeah. And they have those slap-offs. They're like try to slap and then the other guy just, like, shot puts it. They just, they like, look at it. Just it, they like, hook that. It's so, it's fucking, it's what you're cheating.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Dude, you're not allowed to do that in the NFL with a helmet. Yeah. Because you fucking ring their bell so bad. I don't get that, I don't get that prank or whatever it is. Like, let's have a slap fight. Okay, slap, that's pretty hard. Boom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Is that the prank? I guess. I mean, every time I look at that, I go, God, that's so much worse than a punch. Yes. Like every time I see that, I'm like, it's one of the better off getting punched. I have that guy popping out of my dashboard and he does that. He opens the door open, so the woman is distracted and then when she looks back up, it's
Starting point is 00:10:39 slapping. You wrap it out the door. Right after. Really cool. Yeah, it only costs like $1,500. They could put it on anything. That's really well worth out the door. Right after the cool. Yeah, it only costs like $1,500. They could put it on anything. That's really well worth it. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:10:48 You never have to worry about, I'm gonna put one in my couch. Put one in the fridge. I'm gonna put one in bed. Oh, yeah. Jokes on you, bitch. Yeah, well, hop in. How about some sex?
Starting point is 00:11:01 Ah, what? Nope, not today. No, it's for sleeping. So you know, getting near you and make you hot. Amen. Oh man, you know, next time for the next pandemic, we gotta get some, instead of causing heart attacks, that DNA erasing vaccine that they got,
Starting point is 00:11:20 it's gotta make turn women's blood into ice or something. We gotta lower their blood temperature. We got it, we got them make turn women's blood into ice or something. Ice. We got to lower their blood temperature. We got them on the ropes now, shot. You can inject women with whatever we want. That's what I'm saying. So let's get to top minds. Let's get the Chinese.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Chinese don't have to do any. They don't respect women over there. I don't think so. We could get over there. They're likely maybe not. Give them a couple of dogs or whatever their money. Ding Dongs, RM Dongs or whatever they have say, hey, guys, can you just lower the temperature of our women with your heart attack serum next time?
Starting point is 00:11:50 You could still do the heart attack. That's fine. But just add something to it. Add another option. And another option. It's like the... You guys might like it. I don't know how hot the women are over here.
Starting point is 00:11:58 You know, XL, it goes to XLT. Yeah. Model like that. It's your XL. It's your XL. That's the premium. RNA, mRNA, plus. Right. It's your exes the premium. RNA, mRNA plus. Right, the plus. The plus is where you've spend the money.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah. That's where the extra, that's where your extra cost went. Yeah. I have, there's a shortage. Did you know about this shortages? Everything's out. All my Amazon subscribe things. Yeah, they're all delayed.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yeah, I know. And I get an email for each one because it's so rare that it happens. I spent so much time optimizing my fucking Amazon subscribe deliveries, like I'm grinding on EverQuest or Lord or World of Warcraft or whatever, like opt, oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:12:41 if I get the hamster litter every two months and then I get my way protein every eight months, then I can get this savings, bumps it up from 5% to 6%. Then I can also plug in a little bit of this subscribe and save. I resisted it for so long. I finally get it set up. It's due to arrive today and it says, oh, none of you should's coming. Oh, man. Well, that's, yeah, I got gotta go to the store and buy it.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I mean, I had it down to the, to the, conned hair for splitting when I would get the next tide pod delivery. Now I'm gonna starve. What are you writing? Because I don't have tide pods. I'm glad you made that joke. I was going to.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Cause I don't, you know what I have to, cause if you have, here's the nightmare of subscriptions, right? This is what Amazon, this is what gives me the anxiety when I'm, when they pitch it. It's like, look, if I subscribe, and it's not exactly running out when the new one arrives, that's gonna compound forever.
Starting point is 00:13:39 So I'll have two things the next month, and then I could have three tide pod containers, then like they'll have to use it more. But you can use it more. I'll just have to throw it away. Okay. I can't do that. I can't throw away good stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Just do more laundry. Maybe I should cut, maybe yeah. I need to split the loads. Yeah. But I have diet Pepsi now. I know, I'm about to part. To get diet coke, I was just gonna say, the stores are oddly out. I went to, I'm out to get diet coke. I was just going to say the stores are oddly
Starting point is 00:14:05 out. I went to out of everything. We're all going to die. I went to the store a couple weeks ago for whatever, you know, it was normal, normal, normal, everything was normal. I went to go get yogurt. Dude, the entire yogurt wall. I had like three containers of yogurt. I mean, this digestion is going to go. Yeah. They're all going to be shitting all over the place without their activity and yogurt or not not shitting. They're gonna balloon up, like Veronica, what was it? Salt? Varukas salt? They're gonna balloon up and they're gonna turn brown
Starting point is 00:14:32 because they're so full of shit. And you won't be able to tell. It was really weird. And then, you know, then I went again and it was all back, but it was like, but all of it, go on. All of it, go on. Yeah. I don't wanna go, if I go to the store today
Starting point is 00:14:45 and there's no diet coke, what does that mean for capitalism? Means you're a Pepsi drinker. Yeah, I had to tell, oh, can I grab a coke? Well, I had to be that waiter. Yeah, you know, the waiter at, wherever Burger King or whatever,
Starting point is 00:14:59 is Pepsi okay? Nah. Right, I had to be that guy. Can I grab a coke? Well, I only have Pepsi. Yeah. Is that okay? I found myself saying this, like, I said, no.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I'd rather just eat, I'd rather have nothing. I'd rather think about diet Coke than have a diet Pepsi. I don't know, I'm not one of those guys. I mean, I prefer Coke, the Coke brand, but like I will drink, I will drink diet Pepsi. Yeah. I notice that it tastes different. I don't prefer it, but I get used to it. I don't prefer it, but if I get used to it,
Starting point is 00:15:25 then I, what if I get used to it and enjoy it? I heard if you add a tide pod to a diapypsy, it tastes just like diet coke. Oh, really? Yeah. And that way you can fix that other problem too of compounding tide pods. I'll give that a shot, Sean.
Starting point is 00:15:38 You've never steered me wrong. Check this out. Stuntos is doing his NFTs. Look at this. This is what he made of me. Wow. Look at this beautiful guy. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:15:52 He did me a little dirty on the hair. Don't you think? Look at that little, one little whisp here. My hair line thinks, I think it starts about down here. That's not really, yeah, that's not really your hairline. But it looks great. Yeah. This is my NFT.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So don't, if you're watching this, it's cool. On video, don't remember this, because that's the same as right clicking and saving. Yeah. I can't wait to see how his launch goes, because, you know, NFTs, they destroy the planet. Do they? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Just burning, it's basically like dumping car batteries into the ocean.
Starting point is 00:16:28 It's like the Exxon valve, it's like 10 Exxon valve these is every second. That's what it takes to power the Ethereum blockchain where NFTs are stored. So if you hate the earth and everyone, and especially children, you want to get on NFTs, you want to sell NFTs, buy them, sell it to yourself because this is, it burns energy, it's totally wasteful, fuck the environment and fuck kids. That's what I want.
Starting point is 00:16:58 That's what I want to say to you, if you're not a believer, even if you don't care about the right clicking and saving, fuck the earth That's the reason time to fight back earth has fucked us around for far too long It's time to fight back. Yeah Constantly threatening natural disasters and oh, I'm gonna Not this time not this time, but you you you watch your ass Well, you got you really got gotta find what speaks to people. Yeah, I think. So it's like, you know, different, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:29 trowel in it. Yeah, selling point. So it's like some people like, well, I don't want this fucking new fangle there. Bob, it's like, I'd better check this out. I do hate the earth. Have you been watching the cow written house?
Starting point is 00:17:44 Not so much. I haven't either. I don't know why I don't care. I haven't, yeah. I haven't, I haven't really busy and I haven't even skimmed headlines. Like, yeah. I've been on Twitter, you know, checking things out.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Who's fucking up? Who's like a racist, white supremacist? Yeah, sure. And my takeaway is, my takeaway is that it's all kind of come down to, did our guy get to kill a bunch of your guys and get away with it, right? Yeah, that's what I don't think. Seems like it. Very small amount of people I think are concerned about the law and precedent and watershed
Starting point is 00:18:20 moments. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It seems like the overwhelming majority is, did our guy get to kill a bunch of your guys and get away with it? Well, that's what I hope did he did. That's where people heads, and I by heads, I mean like emotions. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Take that pedophile like, okay. Right. I see what? Yeah. Right. Right. Kill them. Yeah. And get away with it.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Right. I get it. It's kind of that's what they do. That's what they do. Finally, we're getting one back over on them. Right. They cost a bunch of guys their jobs, which is basically kill. Right. And they got away with it. I mean, legal. It's now our guy is getting in self-defense situations. Oh, what are you going to do? Has it been pretty much established that that somebody, somebody shot first, like there was a key. Kyle didn't know, but I mean, there was a, there was a gunshot close by or a, oh, like in the vicinity. Yeah. Or a gunshot.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yeah. Or one of the dudes, the guy who got his arm blown off, pulled about a, a two foot long Joker gun out of his pocket, which I bet he regrets. Like, I should have got the snub nose. Right, maybe something black, not a gigantic gun that shoots bang out the front, like in a blue and heavy news barrel. It's like, I mean, I have that gun. I'm pretty sure it's the same gun I have.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I'm not going to be quick drawing it out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. People, it's like, you get it because it's funny. I got it because it's funny. I mean, it's funny when you have it as well because you got blasted by a child who's crying. Yeah. Yeah, I wasn't sure.
Starting point is 00:19:53 There's been so many things that I've, you know, I mean, this is months ago that I read it was like, okay, was he put in a self-defense situation? What was going on like? Of course. So it's like, yeah, you're fucking riot. Yeah. How could it not be in what universe could it not be a self defense situation? He's white
Starting point is 00:20:10 in a riot. Yeah. Of course, it's self defense. You fucking idiots. That should have been the case. You're on or it's widened. You're ladies and gentlemen, the jury just look at it. Go on Twitter. Okay. Just go on Twitter Twitter and look at how how much everyone fucking hates him. What do you think? Yeah, right. Maddix had the thing that makes me a rage about it are the bad legal takes. Yeah, let me see if I find. Oh, yeah. No, I'm sure. I mean, I don't think people even try to know. I don't even know what people think the law is. Oh, man. Just like their emotions. Yeah, I guess. Here's Maddix, to know, I don't even know what people think the law is. Oh, man. Just like their emotions.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I, yeah. I guess, here's Maddox, you know, Maddox is renowned for his legal right here we go. Knowledge. Understanding of the law, Maddox says the self-defense argument hinges on the intent of the person chasing written house. It was just obviously false. Well, it just obviously falls. Well, I mean self-defense, like you can't get in somebody's door as a prank. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Well, how do you know intent? It's an assinine. Yeah. The suggestion, this idea is assinine. We know that the person chasing him was armed. If his intent was to kill him, how's, why didn't he just fire instead of chasing him on foot? Yeah, man. So clearly his intention was that he didn't mean him any harm as his take on
Starting point is 00:21:35 it. Why didn't he just fire? Right? Yeah. He just hit him in the ugly here. Right. Max Madd. Right. Shoot in the tics off of a homeless back at 200 yards. Yeah, weren't the stats like, you weren't blank only. Cops miss 50% of shots at like six days. I know, it's crazy, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Yeah, it's like, You fucking impossible. Yeah. They're not usually just standing still. And yeah, adrenaline's going, Yeah, you miss and it's not a video game. It's not time crisis. Right, so.
Starting point is 00:22:03 That thing's pretty generous. It's impossible to know what is intent, what is, but I'm fucking gone. Because, because, ah! George doesn't have, he can't even imagine himself in any situation close to that. Well, I took as far as his, you know, he's like, well, yeah, he's sitting there like perfectly
Starting point is 00:22:25 calm and he just, he just projects himself into the situation being perfectly calm. Oh, yeah. Well, if I meant to, yeah, I just want to just, bam, you know, yeah. Like, what are you saying? If Maddox was in, was Kyle Rittenhouse, and he jumped in there, he would wait for the guy to pull his gun out and say, now I'm, I'm here to kill you. Yeah. And then once he cl- so Maddox is the reason that they photoshopped in Greedo shooting at
Starting point is 00:22:51 Han Solo instead of Han Solo shooting first. Right. I just realized all of these morons who don't see that it's obviously self-defense exist and that's why the best scene in Star Wars was ruined because they couldn't, these people couldn't contextualize the sitting and say he knew it was going to happen. Kill Han Solo. Right. That's already a violent act.
Starting point is 00:23:16 He's going to kill him. He's got to shoot him. So that wasn't enough. He felt like he was in mortal danger. That's why, that's because people like Maddox, because all of these idiots, that's why that scene was rolling. That's why, what about Chris was right. Like when cops shoot somebody like with a weapon, how do they know that he wasn't just gonna pull the gun out
Starting point is 00:23:33 and kill himself? Oh, oh yeah. You know, I mean, they didn't have to shoot him. I mean, oh, yeah. That reminds me of a bad thing that happened this week. Low-tax ate himself to death on cheeseburgers. Oh boy. That's not the way I would have led with it, but Yeah, I found out about that this morning. Low-tax. He was at home and he wrote the funniest joke ever and he died laughing. Well, that would have been a nice way to go. That's why that's how I'm going to remember him. How he went.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I'm really, I was sad all week. I'm affected. I don't know. Sad because I feel like the internet is dead and I feel like low-tax is dead. And he kind of created all the memes in the culture of the internet. And he died with it.
Starting point is 00:24:19 It's a weird feeling I have of closure. And he also knew how shitty people are. and what they and what they would do with this amazing thing. We will always do the worst thing. We will take this amazing technology and we will fucking use it to pour shit on each other or destroy people. It's like enable them to do it. He didn't enable us to do it. Yeah. Frank, he's, I mean, I don't even know how many of the old guards are there left of the original internet people. You got me. Very few, me, am I even one of them?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Maybe me, Sean, baby, moot, Maddox is dead, Tucker Max is a kid. Yeah. And it's weird, it's weird knowing that he's gone. Taking people who like had a presence from like the late 90ss basically. Who shaped like the early culture of the internet. Look, this is what the internet should be about before it gets ruined by corporations and banks. And it's, and all of them, or just shitty people.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Or shitty people. Or people who, or people who can't, or people who need everything to be easy for them. They can't, they can't be here right now because it's difficult to get on the internet. You get to search your way around, you get to remember things, you got to know right and left and not get viruses and stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Now it's just all about watch this, see if you can last longer than five seconds coming while you're watching this game. You know those ads? Now it's everything is, you do know those. I've seen that. Can you last more than five seconds of not coming with this game?
Starting point is 00:25:50 I hope so. Yeah. I mean, I feel like if you had the tech, kind of technology, nobody's gonna make me click on those, right? Nobody clicks on those because they're like, what if I can't? People must click on them.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Then they're gonna know. There's like some mockers. People click on them. Macho, meadhead, beat off her. Who's like, you don't think I could last five seconds without coming and they click on it and then just stare. Yeah. Like, damn it.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Ah, shit. If there was a technology that could make you come that quickly, women would know it. They would be nuclear engineers. That's true. They figured out that technology. They'd be at We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that.
Starting point is 00:26:28 We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that.
Starting point is 00:26:36 We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that.
Starting point is 00:26:44 We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have done that. We should have even hamburgers on the show today. That's true. In honor of. That's true. The worst part about it is like he didn't even check with us first. He didn't even buy the shirt. Yeah. That's five grand just out into space, out into the ether. Yeah. That I'll never, I'll never get.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Yeah, was, you know, I thought we were gonna talk to, if they were gonna talk to low tax and cardanarks. We're not like, I should, yeah. I pulled a little reverse. I was like, oh, I should. Yeah, yeah're gonna talk to low tax and cardinals. We're not like, I should pull the little reversey on you. Yeah, yeah, and low tax. Maybe we'll have a say-ons. Maybe we should have a say-ons to talk to low tax from beyond the grave. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:27:16 It feels weird. Yeah, it's weird. I always, these guys, the conchoreans, they make gallons and he got, you know, and he really got done fucking dirty too. Oh God. He really did. I mean, you know, well, the system killed him.
Starting point is 00:27:29 That certainly did not help his mental state. The family court came in, took like a big, a big whack of his money and said, you got to pay this amount of money for your fucking ex wife and she's going to live in Canada. And also you're like a domestic abuser like and he's spying his like the tier. It's like, yeah, which is bro, why does, why did this, why does this system exist? Why does this system affect, we're going to be in a fight. live in Canada, and also you're like a domestic abuser, and he's spying as like the tier. It's like, yeah, which is, bro, why did this, why does this system exist? Why does this system affect, we did biggest problem this week and I brought in family cord?
Starting point is 00:27:52 It's so preposterous and retarded that we have the worst, the worst of us fighting over something that is not a shared utility. Like there's no reason the court should be involved when two people who don't want to fuck anymore and their kids, like what is a guy who sends people to prison for weed have to offer in terms of wisdom in this scenario? Like your decision is absolute and final and carries the weight of the government and everyone fucking hates it. Everyone hates every decision judges make.
Starting point is 00:28:25 At least half of everybody hates the decision that they come to. That's about, that's about every, it's about half, half people hate the president. Yeah. Have people hate whatever, yeah. And if it's the government versus you, it's like, well, I don't think this should be a fucking crime. I don't think most of these things should be crimes, but you're sitting up there and your infinite wisdom, a failure, someone who couldn't make it as a lawyer instructing us what to do with that freedom.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Now we give you parents and kids and have them pick which parent gets the golden ticket of these kids. So you have to pay some ungodly and a fee every month that's totally unrelated to the child. There should be, if there's a minimum wage for how much your time is worth, their fucking sure as hell should be a minimum amount of money that takes a support of kid.
Starting point is 00:29:10 It's probably like $200 a month, because they eat, because they eat about this much food of off the dollar menu. They eat one McNugget in 40 packets of ketchup and they teach their teachers to like $2 for a packet 12. They don't cost anything to raise.
Starting point is 00:29:28 But you're getting how much money? It's sickening the system that we have built, that it's so total and ruled at times by so few amount of people. It's horrible. The system's going to George Floyd, the system killed low tax. The people who said about it. Yeah, the people who send people to prison for weed and stuff. Yeah, it's like oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:29:50 wow, aren't you creating a problem where the you know the kid doesn't have you know, you're gonna get it fucking we're going to grow up and you know, yeah, I hear the you're the last person I want to judge anything because that's fucking retarded. Yeah. person I want to judge anything, because that's fucking retarded. Yeah. You want a fat watch? Let me, I'm going to cheer, cheer me up, Sean. Yeah. I need a fat watch drop.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Yeah. I think I missed somebody's fat watch stinger last week. Let me see. Corgans, but I don't have it on me. Damn it. I knew I should have saved it. You know they're making an album for you? They are? Yeah. They're doing a Sean album. Who? That guy that sent in the Sean dance. Oh man. Last one. Okay. Well, did you ever figure out a dance for that? No.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Okay. What did not? not. That's watch today and fat news. That news today and fat news, ladies and gentlemen, something to do. Why is there like a why is there a cassette player click at the end of it? Um, I don't know. I took a stop button on a, you know what I mean? Does that not? I noticed that last time. Is that apocryphal?
Starting point is 00:31:01 The click at the end. I don't know why I mean, it's supposed to be that's very like 1930s or yeah, I mean, I don't know why it, I mean, it's supposed to be, that's very like 1930s or, yeah, I mean, I don't know, or 40s, just old radio. But like I hear like tick. Yeah, I heard that too. Maybe Reverend Scott had to like rush out of the room because his wife doesn't want him making butter for the show. I'm just, I'm just curious what I'm, what I'm missing.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Oh, my. Hooters has fallen. What the hell? Hooters, I repeat, Hooters has fallen. What is this? Is does, I repeat, who does has fallen. Who does has fallen? Is this who does Samoa? This is who does 2028. They sent a picture back in time of the average who does waitress in the year 2028.
Starting point is 00:31:39 No, where is this though? Cause hell. No, cause they're all. This is in the third level of hell. What? I've got one, two, I can't, I tried two, I've tried to count these waitresses seven times, but every time I get halfway through, I don't know if I'm counting one woman or I don't know where the women stop and end because they're so fat.
Starting point is 00:31:58 So I, one, two, three, I don't know if that's a head or an ear. Look at the arm on the third from the right. The third from the right. They really need names. Sorry, they really need names. That's Humpty Dumpty. Yeah. Cause she's tiny.
Starting point is 00:32:14 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven women. I once met a man, I once met a man from the body, that's the same eyes. Look at the body, that's the same eyes. I mean, cause it's squashed, obviously. They're ripped. They're, their biceps are bigger than mine. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. I'm not saying ice. like is she the hot one? It's got no tits, but. Yeah, is she the hot one? This is hooters, by the way. Hooters, where they used to have hot ladies. I don't see hooters. So I see you see. I mean, it just looks like fat dudes wearing wife beaters. Look at this one's got a little sultry pose for you, right?
Starting point is 00:33:06 But she's doing her glamour shot there. None of the other ones are, she's doing something that none of the other ones do. She's looking up in time though. She looking at the ground it looks like. Yeah. They had to connect their fanny packs with the tips. They had to use two to connect them together like airplane seat belts. So they're actually clicked in with another one
Starting point is 00:33:26 that's behind it. They're almost all touching, like some kind of weird centipede. It's funny you say that because that's their thing at the bar. They're never not touching. No matter what they're doing with their weightressing, they're always in some sort of physical contact.
Starting point is 00:33:41 They just shift their heads around on their masses. I'm not it. Can you believe that that furry who come down a pizza and ate it got in trouble for not representing the brand of the hotel, but these behemoths can wear the brand of hooters? I got to know what city this is. What city do you think? Like fucking Samoa?
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah, that's, this is like, I mean, you think Maui was fat from plus size, yeah. Plus size hoodies, whether it's, oh, I thought that said, 420 pounds. That's 420 franchisers should begin hiring full-figured women to sling their world famous wings while donning their signature skimpy uniforms. And their challenges, if you can eat a single wing without throwing up, they give you 10 million dollars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Plus size hooters, girls, very interesting. Okay, this intrigued Twitter user route. Is this a hoax? A hoax? This is Mississippi. Oh, this intrigued Twitter user wrote, is this a helx? A hoax? This is Mississippi. Oh, Mississippi? This is Mississippi. We need to nuke that state.
Starting point is 00:34:51 We should give it back to France. Sure. But the band of Bucsum beauties, no. Not Bucsum. That's not Bucsum. No, right. Right. There's Round.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah. And not juicy. That's not Bucsum. I like it. I don't like him round and soggy. Right. From hate. I like him a real round and soggy. I like him real round and soggy. But we're going way back to the way back to the 90s today. My girls and I wanted to make a statement with our Halloween look this year. Yeah, you did. Yeah, those are stave and areas costume, everyone in the the same is kill yourself. The world's first plus size hooters just open it. So it's exclusively plus so it's like that hooters, they opened it with the intention of being disgusting.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Yeah. I guess if you're in Mississippi, shouldn't they be, if you're in the South, you should get like really, really fat white women, right? I'm sure I don't know. I'm sure I have no idea why that would be. I don't know. Well, there you go. That's fat watch. News. What do you think? Pretty good fat watch. News Yeah, that's that's that's not cool Oh my god, you gotta keep an eye on these on these women. How they encroach? Oh, yeah, what is that? What is up with that click? Because the fat women are what's messed everything up. It sounds like he recorded it like he put it on a cassette But he probably doesn't even have a cassette player like and then recorded it with something else and was like, oh, I got to stop it click well that player like no one had. And then recorded it with something else and was like, oh, I gotta stop it. Click. Well, why is everything always
Starting point is 00:36:26 have to have a mystery component to it? I don't know. It couldn't just be a normal thing and has to click it. Because he obviously affected the audio, but that is in like high, that's like well recorded, the click. Uh huh.
Starting point is 00:36:37 You know, it's, do you think he's clicking stop? That's his voice over. I mean, I maybe, maybe, or it's a click click maybe for some reason. He thought like they pulled in a sound effect. You know what I did this week? I don't know, he's gonna have to tell us. Here's something else.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I gave my nephew, Bam Bam. His Christmas, I bought him this video game that he always wants to play of mine, but I hate playing it with him because he sucks at it. And he sucks on purpose. He doesn't want to try to play. He just wants to fly around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:07 It's this superhero game like Simpsons where you walk around the screen and kill bad guys, but all he wants to do is fly. So I have to fight the bad guys, but I also have to deal with his lagging ass flying around and not going. And the camera sucks. So I'm always fighting guys like I can't see.
Starting point is 00:37:22 They're just off the screen. Why? Because he control over. Because it like stretches stretches out but it's maxed out. Yeah. And the computer doesn't know if someone's being a fuckhead and just flying around not helping at all. So the bad guys come and you get no, you get no, I'm just, I'm just clicking buttons into nowhere to progress the story.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I don't know why I even do that. I don't know why I don't just be on my phone and run around in circles like him. So I started, I started never bringing my switch up because he always want, he texts me, bring your switch up, dummy. So I can, I love it. He texts you. Yeah. Hey, Uncle, get that shirt on.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I'm really going to bring your switch up, dummy. Yeah. Oh, I forgot. What does he like, five? Yeah, he's about five. Yeah. So I bought him the game. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:03 So you don't ever have to play with him again. so you don't ever have to play with him again. That's good. And I was gonna bring it up last weekend after the show. Like, oh, I'm gonna bring BAM BAM this game. Tadeys, girls, no, that's his Christmas present. Like, you know what? I'm not doing that. I'm just gonna give them their presents now.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Who cares? Yeah, who cares? Yeah. Well, then you're, what are you gonna get in for Christmas? No, no, nothing. No, not a thing. This is the Christmas present. Because my presents all have it early.
Starting point is 00:38:31 They'll love to have it early. They get like, they always want to know. And I don't care. You don't have to get me for Christmas. You don't ever have to get me anything for Christmas for the rest of my life. I just want you got me now. Now they will make that trade.
Starting point is 00:38:43 They'll make the worst deals in history if it means Granted gratification give it to me now. I don't have fucking Christmas You're robbing me of like a month and a half of playing this game. That's right So I busted out it's in here. Okay here. Here's your game. I didn't wrap it or anything before my here's your game I said hey, I got your Christmas present. Yeah, what do you mean? I'm giving you your fucking Christmas present, bro? Like what's right now? What's the catch here fucking Christmas present, bro. Like what's the catch? Here it is. It's gonna fuck me.
Starting point is 00:39:08 It's just like the ice cream. It's like great. And then I say he's loading it in and I said, hey, by the way, that means you're not, I'm not giving you a Christmas present because that was your Christmas present. I just gave you, these people, these ladies didn't want me to give you that,
Starting point is 00:39:19 but I want you to know there's gonna be no Christmas because of that. And they're like, the women are acting like, I just said the inward at the table. And they're like, cool. And he's like, yeah, cool. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Awesome, cool, cool, cool. I don't care about why it's what, every day it is, it's me getting stuff. It's not like, because I can put myself in that. I totally remember doing that. Doing what? Can I just open it now? Yes, can I have it early?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Can I, you know, maybe I'm doing that for now on. Yeah, I mean, because everybody else will play by the rules. Yeah. So, there's your birthday present. They're gonna get it. They're putting it in after three months. Like, wow, I'm not fucking storing it, but just looking at it. I thought of it now.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Like, I thought of it now. You could be dead in three months. Yeah. You know? Yeah. You could be. And then I'll really feel dumb returning a dead in three months. Yeah. You know? Yeah. You could be. And then I'll really feel down returning a dead person's Christmas.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Maybe the time to return it will have elapsed. Hmm. Then I'll be really fucked. Yeah. So I'm not playing this game with you. Build back better without a dad. You could go at any time. And I won't be left holding the useless present for you.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Okay, let me see. Shut up and thank me. Don't even thank me. Here, and that's not necessary. Yeah. Here's Biden's grabbing it.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Remember I was gonna show you all those biting things of him grabbing kids and sniffing them. Okay, let me see what you think about this one. Biting grabbing a kid's head. It's pretty odd, John. I think you'll agree. Here goes Biden grabbing him by his mouth, leaning over and giving him a smooch,
Starting point is 00:40:57 like a sex, oh, sorry, was that... What? Look at that patting it back. Does that make it better? A kid in his family. Does that make it better? Well, I mean, it's like it... Look at the back of his head. A kid in his family. Does that make it better? Well, I mean, it's like it. Look at this mowch.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Look at this, I kiss bros like that. It's grabbing their fucking neck and jumping it back. It's like a vampire. It's weird. Like erratically? Like he grabs him like, oh, I gotcha. Like, I mean, I don't know. Is that a grandson?
Starting point is 00:41:20 Would you ever have you ever had an inclination to touch a kid in that way? No, not like that. I mean, you usually go up and scare him or something, you know, like, I got, you know, that touch of, though, well, I mean, I put on like finger longers to touch the kids. I think they're little kids anyway. Well, that's, you'd walk up and grab them by their neck, no, erratically, no, until they're head back.
Starting point is 00:41:42 No, he like a fucking like a Titanic moment and lick in their ears and stuff. We'd look at them. Move and I'll kill you. Yeah, don't move. I'll fucking break your neck. Bro, he's kissing him all over his face. Yeah, it's weird. There's a thousand.
Starting point is 00:41:55 There's 10 million times worse than Tom Brady. It's really weird looking. It's really weird. I don't know. I just want to know, is he the grandson? It's weird regardless. Is it pregnant? It's weird regardless. Is it bad?
Starting point is 00:42:06 It's a grandson? Well, yeah. I don't know if he's given tongue on that side, but he's hiding it so you can't tell. Yeah, that's true. Oh, God, a kid looks like, oh, Jesus Christ. It's funny when like old women lick their handkerchiefs and get your smudge on your face, right? But this isn't funny. Or lick their finger and get your smudge on your face, right? But this isn't funny?
Starting point is 00:42:26 Or lick their finger and do it. Or lick your face. I've seen it, yeah, yeah. Oh my God, and this people are just ignoring it. Well, that leaves me a little late. That's very familiar to them. We got to send Kyle in there. With a self-defense gun.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Yeah, probably shouldn't even say that. So James O'Keefe gets his house raided. Remember we were talking about that last week? Here you go. So the FBI says, oh, Biden's, Biden's kid, talking about getting molested and showering with their dead. Yeah. I don't know that the, if the kid says it's inappropriate, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Connor just got to take their word for it, right? So the FBI raids just looping all over. That investigation started under bar. I don't like him either. Oh, yeah, yeah. By the way, it's been the investigation for the diary. I think so, yeah. But the diary was like, new, isn't it? Well, I mean, he had said that he had it and then didn't publish it and try to give it back, but then somebody gave him a digital copy. I didn't read it and then didn't publish it and try to give it back, but then somebody gave him a digital copy. I didn't read it. I didn't read it all that in depth, but it's been, they've been looking at him for a while
Starting point is 00:43:30 now. Well, yeah, because he's doing a great job. That's like why Epstein could have done a great job. That's why he's the one in an indoor. Exactly. They're going to fucking Epstein James O'Keefe. Let me see what I was going to bring. Why I brought this in. Right, exactly. They're gonna fucking Epstein James O'Keefe. Let me see what I was gonna bring why I brought this in. Oh yeah, so O'Keefe has a lawsuit against the New York Times
Starting point is 00:43:53 for calling him whatever, like a fucking scumbag saying he's for saying it, just libeling him all the time, calling the liar whatever. Because he gets libeled all the fucking time. Yeah, sure. So he's got a case against him. So the the FBI rates his house which we talked about last week yeah and then gives all the information they found to the fucking New York Times that has a ongoing lawsuit with the guy like wait a minute what how they'll FBI leaks information, privileged information that they stole from a guy's house by kicking his door in under the pretext of a
Starting point is 00:44:29 Child molesting Bible journal by someone that we didn't even know was real. Yeah, and then links the documents to the to his court's adversary What the fuck Pretty wild stuff. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if that guy got Epstein. Oh, man. Absolutely. Epstein left and right. Sting operates. I did very tough. Epstein. Yeah, he didn't. He ate himself to it. He would have wanted us to joke about it in that way. Probably think. I was like, oh, he's calling in. That's great. I was like, oh, he's calling in, that's great. I was like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Oh, you just found out. Yeah, this morning, yeah. Oh, man, peach texted me like I was drunk. Oh, god damn. So I texted low text like, hey, are you dead? And then he didn't answer. I assumed it was real. Yeah, boy.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Project Veritas has long occupied a gray area between investigative journalism and political spying. What the fuck does that mean? Well, he got, he got in trouble for, for trying to infiltrate the Washington Post, right? Yeah. Yeah. Show them as crooked.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Yeah. What do you mean the gray area? He's doing, there's no fucking gray area. I mean, I guess. I mean, I, yeah. I was invented the concept of a gray area between two things that formerly did not exist. What's political spying?
Starting point is 00:45:50 There's always been a gray area in journalism. I, I mean, I guess, you know, yellow journalism. I mean, there, there is a war going on. It may not be going exactly how they say. They do. Yeah. Okay. It's been around as long as they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Is it? They're talking about spying. Like, yeah, that's his job as long as that's not the gray areas they're talking about. Is it they're talking about I don't know spying like yeah, that's his job. Finding out the truth of shit. Remember does that sound familiar? I guess, but he's also notorious for not putting forth the whole story or editing. I hate so I hate the way he edits. It's so bad. Yeah, it makes it seem so. No, because it's that lying by omission is the fucking biggest sin going on nowadays.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Let me let me let me release a statement. Are they the biggest sin going on? It's pedophiles. So you're like, let me release a statement that in and of itself looks true. And let me hide the 98% from you that would make you go, oh, that's insane. I just don't know why he doesn't like that. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:46:39 It's so weird. It's weird. Can't you get like somebody better to add? I can't you not edit it like that and talk normally, but maybe he can't talk normally. Maybe that's just the way he talks. Anyway, kindergarten, slavery,
Starting point is 00:46:55 say, oh yeah, there it is, very toss. Oh wait, Kartnerks is here. Let me get Kartnerks. All right. I want to talk about Dr. Phil. He can't kill himself. Thank you. I don't think. Kartnerks, thank you. Are you there? That's some decency. Phil. He didn't kill himself. Thank you. I don't think.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Kartnarks, thank you. Are you there? That's some decency. Oh, looks like I muted him. There, Kartnarks, you there. I mean, I can hear you. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Oh, nice. Thank you for not killing yourself. I'm fine, guys. Oh, yeah. Can you fix your gate? That better. I bet Chris the Kiwi clicks on those. You can't come in five minutes.
Starting point is 00:47:24 You can't stay five seconds without coming. Yeah, I bet he's on there all day cruising those things and probably failing every time that guy loves blowing loads. Okay, Cardinals, have you ever clicked on one of those ads that says you can't last five minutes while you're playing this game? I didn't know there were such ads and or games. I see there. What a liar. Yeah, you didn't know. You don't see those ads pop up on your pornery. Yeah. I bet you can't last for five minutes five minutes.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Well, see, you have to go to those sorts of sites, which obviously I don't do. Right, this is why. Oh, boy. So Dr. Phil, did you dirty, huh? Well, that's the impression that a lot of Karnark's fans got is it was attack after attack after attack after attack, but that was not a surprise.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Okay. They, they said. I'm kidding. Okay. That first doctor Phil's gonna come out and talk to you and then we're gonna bring on this guy and this woman and this guy and this woman. But yeah, he did lead into me pretty hard. What did he say?
Starting point is 00:48:21 I heard somebody told me that he said, uh, now why are you worried about shopping carts when they're starving going on in the world? Yeah, he pulled out that jacket. You know, there's a lot bigger things to worry about, like homelessness. And of course, his audience is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A bunch of, a bunch of chicks were tired of getting called fat by their husbands. That's your entire show was built on that. But it's starving and homelessness, Dr. Phil. Yeah. Thanks for high-roading me on that. You fat prick. Then what happened? Well, I'll give him credit is I, as soon as the audience started clapping, I immediately turned to them and said, how many of you went to a soup kitchen and fed a homeless person this morning? I said, I know the answer
Starting point is 00:49:00 in zero. And they did, and they didn't cut that out of the show. So I'll give it a try on that. Oh, okay, good. What did they cut? They cut out the guy that, here's the thing is the producers told me backstage that they had talked to 15 different people that I have confronted. It's for not putting their shopping cart back. And they talked to none of them. They're talking none of them. They were going to come, including the one guy who spent like 15 minutes chasing
Starting point is 00:49:25 me around a car, you know, shopping center with his truck. And they said they had the guy they pulled a gun on me. Both those two guys apparently backed out last minute. So the dude they had. Yeah, the dude they had was not, he couldn't, he didn't make a good argument. Let's just say that. He was not doing a great job. And they cut a lot of his stuff out about he said he wanted to sue me for entrapment. For real? Yeah. He's just an idiot. And they had a lawyer on. It was one of the guests who came on to it to come after me was, he kind of said, well, entrapment is when police officers entice you
Starting point is 00:50:03 in the committee on crime, you know, it's so on and so forth. And so they had to cut a lot of his stuff out because he was not a, well, a good spokesman for the opposition. Okay. Did they cut out any good things? Somebody told me that there was a lot of suspicious editing around your, your comebacks and you're pretty smart guys. Are you pretty sure guys?
Starting point is 00:50:23 Yeah. The premise of the show, the format of it is Dr. Phil makes a point that I've heard a million times and I have a comeback too. And so that's, so basically any time he would come out with a point, I would rebut and then he would just kind of, he wouldn't really try to follow up because I don't think either he or the people who are producing it thought beyond. No, they don't. They don't.
Starting point is 00:50:43 They don't because they just know I will cut it out if it. Oh, yeah. No, that being said, the basic, the basic or happenings of the show is what made it on air. So they didn't, they didn't dramatically alter any kind of substance of the show. They just kind of cut some of my, more rebuttals. But the substance of what they got to is what it got on the air.
Starting point is 00:51:06 You should have James O'Keefeath them and recorded it on your own, right? A lot of people will say, oh, do the what the bum fights guy did and shave your head, look like Dr. Phil, that works once. You get away with it one time. I guarantee they see it coming if you do it twice. That's going to be pretty embarrassing if you go out there, that's that and it's not funny because someone already did it. Yeah, right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Yeah, then you can, yeah, whatever, hang on to my face. I saw a clip where you said, you were talking about your training. You're like, well, you know, I have training in this and Dr. Vill says, well, who trains you? And he said, me, I train myself. I train myself. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Yeah, he leaned into the whole like this guy, some maniac psycho vigilante. And he also leaned into the agent thing, which, and I didn't get this far, but there are agents besides FBI agents. There are real estate agents. There are sports agents, you know, you don't have an agent isn't necessarily a law enforcement thing. No, it's what he's trying to make it seem like you're claiming that you're law enforcement because you call yourself an agent. That was part of, because he said, you wear a bullet, oh, part of what they cut out is he said, you wear a bullet per vest. Yeah, I said, well, yeah, I do wear one because a police officer who was a fan of mine sent me one
Starting point is 00:52:20 after a guy pulled a gun on me. Yeah. So he, and I did leave the party in where I said, I do not ever pretend that I am law enforcement because that's illegal. Yeah. I'm looking, I'm trying to find a clip of it right now. I got Cartoonarx founder accused of publicly shaming. Man claims got any of these, do you like any of these more than the others? Is Dr. Phil one? I mean, they're fine.
Starting point is 00:52:42 It's all, they, they, they, when, you know, when it comes down to it, I said, I don't watch the show, but that show is a lot of teases and promos and coming up next and not like no attention span at all. Like it's 80% just recaps of what happened before the commercial and then upcoming previews of what will happen after the commercials. And then like five seconds. The favorite thing that they did that they didn't, they didn't even, they made a little promo of me talk, our little teaser of me talking about disability scooters and how while they are a useful tool,
Starting point is 00:53:13 most people who use them are just fat. They played that. They played it in, they played it in the studio for the studio audience and it was a, oh, oh, yeah. It's fucking great. I just love there like nobody. Yeah, nobody in that whole building stopped to think that like, this is such a funny joke.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Yeah. Because there are things that are actually. That's what I do is, and I kind of in the intro segment, I kind of said, yeah, I do all this stuff. I act like I do to highlight what a silly response I get for it is. Oh, no, that doesn't work. That goes over their head. That goes over their head. No. Yeah, I'm acting like a, you know, a boy scout or a sponge bomber, whatever, to highlight how insane these people are when they pull guns and try to threaten me and fight me. And there was none of that. They look like the low point. Go ahead, go ahead. The low point, I think, was they did a
Starting point is 00:54:14 whole segment with this Australian DJ who, you know, about 10 years ago made a prank call to a hospital in the UK after they had the first royal grandchild or a great grandchild. And she pretended to be the queen. And it was just, it was a very silly prank call. It was like a top 40 station in Australia. But the nurse, I remember that. And the crew eventually killed herself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:37 I remember that. The nurse killed herself. Yeah. So they did a whole produce piece on this and now the Australian DJ came on and she was talking about you Don't know what someone's going through and they Look off me responding to that. Yeah Because I said I you can't live your life based on the one in a billion chance, you know Yeah, you're gonna pass by a certain number of serial killers every day
Starting point is 00:55:00 But you can't treat everyone like a serial killer or you know I mean, maybe, maybe, and the other point she made, the other point she made was you, a pranks only work when they're on yourself. And Dr. Phil made the same point too. And I told myself, yeah, well, I told him and they left this part in who made that rule. I'd never heard that rule before. Um, there are, you know, how do you prank yourself? Oh, I didn't say that one coming.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Well, he showed a video, he showed a TikTok he made and he was very proud of it. They had millions of views. Dr. Phil, I want to see him do the milk crate challenge. I want to see that big fat fuck do the milk crate challenge. He could probably ace it like with a cigar and a fucking Panama hat. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I will give, I do it. We should all, I will give that guy, I will give that guy a thousand bucks if he does the fucking mil I know that I should. A thousand bucks is going to move the needle. I'll kill myself. If Dr. Phil can do the milk grade challenge, I'll shoot myself.
Starting point is 00:55:56 He did a fake. He was sent a bag of back to the future looking hoverboard, not a real hoverboard, just a style. And so he pretended in this TikTok that he thought it was real. But he soon crashed and fell up. He didn't really crash. He staged a crash. And he's like, oh, I shouldn't have done that. What a fucking idiot. I'm just showing him getting up from one knee, dusting himself off. It's just like with a worst cut. They're shouting off and then just, oh, shouldn't have done that. Oh, boy. What a fucking doofus I am. You're thinking that was real. You dumb boomer. You're so crazy. Really pranked myself. That was his example of a self-prank or of the only sort of prank that you can have.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Because he was only making fun of himself and that's the only, apparently, that's the new rule. That's the only type of comedy that's only self-preprenual. Do I have egg on my face? You just sit around pying yourself and kicking yourself in the nuts. Oh, that was hilarious. Oh, man. Didn't see that coming. Not so yourself in the nuts. Oh, that was hilarious. Oh, man, didn't see that coming.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Not so really hurting. Yeah. And we didn't even get to it, but I didn't, I didn't even bring up like, well, I guess someone should tell Sasha Baron Cohen that he can't, you know, make fun of people in character. Yeah, yeah. Or writers that S&L can't make fun of people. You know, there's a thousand examples, obviously.
Starting point is 00:56:59 You guys should bring in somebody whose IQ is above room temperature to explain. You know, what a fucking prank is. Mm-hmm. Yeah, the prank's to explain you what a fucking prank is. Yeah, the prankster, you know, the prankster not on yourself. You should have just pulled this pants down. Here's a prank for you. Yeah. It's dick all out on TV.
Starting point is 00:57:16 As much as there was a full attack, such as me, they behind the scenes, they treated me very well and he was very nice to me off camera. So they weren't dicks by it and to that extent. I mean, he knows it's entertainment, but it's such it's, it's just so funny the way he has to pitch it to his audience idiots. Right. That's what's so funny.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're talking about pranks are only on yourself and a bunch of dumb yenters are more like, yeah, yeah, I tell my husband that all the time when he makes fun of me that a prank is only good on yourself. And there's the woman's son is there going, God, you fucking bitch. I hope Dick Maneson comes back in this episode. Okay. You talked to Dr. Phil privately,
Starting point is 00:57:50 after outside of this, Heyping. Well, during, like just just between commercial breaks, he's thinking, you know, you can't shake your head because of coronavirus. And then he said, my mom was very, because she was there shortly. He said she was a nice woman. Your mom was there? Little. Well, because here's one of the ways explained to me by the producer is, if it's just me and Phil up there, and all the people they found to confront me,
Starting point is 00:58:12 we're all men, they need women because that's who their audience is. Yeah. So it's funny too, because so they got my mom, because she's a big defender of me. And I gave them a, there's a girl who I've done,
Starting point is 00:58:25 I did a couple of cardnarks with in Albuquerque. And because she had messaged me and said, hey, if you're ever out here, I'll show you around. And I said, absolutely. So I gave them her contact. They were talking with her. But here's the problem. She's a suicide girl.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And she does a lot of nakeds and has only fans, et cetera, et cetera. So I don't think she was what they were looking for necessarily. Yeah, they couldn't clean her up for TV. She looks normal when she's not, you know, in all these naked things. She looks like a, like what you know with me, she just kind of looked like a kind of a punk rock chick. How big her boobs. If you had to guess, they're big. they're big. They're big, all right. But, yeah, they needed as many women as possible on stage as what was explained to me. And it's funny because I'm actually here in the Seattle Tacoma area where my aunt lives,
Starting point is 00:59:15 and my aunt, who is a practicing psychologist, she said her first patient after, like, on the day of the broadcast, came in and said, oh, I was just watching Dr. Phil the day. And I can't believe this God. This man they had on there. God. And my hands are big fan, you know, and just like I'm sorry, they can't reveal that she's my.
Starting point is 00:59:40 I don't think therapies like colleges are always lying. That's what therapies about just lying. I don't think therapy is going to always lying. That's what therapies about just lying. I don't think therapy's gonna work for you. It's been, I couldn't believe this man. They had on Dr. Phil and it was you talking about being a fucking carton or looking like a, look at it. I've got your clip pulled up. Go ahead, go ahead, sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:58 People just don't have a sense of humor. And she said that the person who was in therapy with her did like my mom though. She said, oh, she was very pleasant. Her son, too, is a little awful. A bunch of behind the scenes stuff about why Dr. Phil doesn't practice anymore. And according to her analogy of it, it's because all those medical boards can come after you if you're doing things that are ethically questionable. Oh, yeah. It's because he had an affair with a patient. That's how he got his original one. Yeah, I read his wife had problems. I know like around that time, but yeah, she should
Starting point is 01:00:32 be more open minded. He's been licensed in years. It's been years since he's had a family. I was explaining that there are certain psychologists that don't go for certain either they're national or state licensures because her example was she knew a guy who did divorces and he was doing couples counseling and the guy just hated the therapist guts. So he would sue the therapist and try and buy a medical board, licensing boards and it's a whole mess. I didn't like that therapy session. I'm going to sue your ass.
Starting point is 01:01:01 You say my wife is right too much age. Right. Essentially, yeah. Have you ever been to couples therapy? No. No. Cardinals. Have you ever been to couples therapy? Ever. I have never been in that situation. I am currently and never have had a full, you know, a legal partner.
Starting point is 01:01:20 What do you mean legal, like a marriage? Or you don't have to, you know, you don't need to. You're not gonna get it. You're not gonna get it. You're not gonna get it. You're not't have to. You don't need to. They're getting engaged either. Oh, yeah. Well, you could just go with your girlfriend. You could meet some girl off-town. I'm just sure. Let's go to the relationship counseling right away.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Yeah. First date. Just get this thing off. Started right. Right. To that be a fun prank on yourself is your first date to a couple's therapy. Yeah. That's a fun prank on yourself.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Yeah. I play this prank on as fun as I thought. I play this prank on myself where I get way too drunk and make everyone's life a living hell around me and then wake up and regret all of my choices and know that I can never make it up to them. That's hilarious. It's hilarious, Frank, I've been playing for about 20 years.
Starting point is 01:02:00 It's funny every time I do it. Okay, so I'm looking at this video of you, you're wearing your bulletproof vest, I think. It says card-narks on it. Yeah, yeah. Which is pretty cool. It's got card-narks in all red, like giant red uppercase. One of those Velcro label things that arming guys have.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Right, it either says service dogs or card-narks. Anyway, since service dogs are cartoners. This is the two you can get. And you got to go pro mounted on your chest. You're a good looking guy. You look like the cop and terminator to. You know, he kind of does look like what's in Robert. Robert terminator thousand.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Yeah, the two 1000. I forgot. Yes, thank you. Pepper Pattinson. Yeah. No, no, the original terminator to that guy's's name was rapper Pattinson, the ex-files guy. Patrick. Trevor Patrick. There you go.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Thank you. Like a thicker version of him. And you're, okay, you're shooting in front of a dumpster they got you're here. Let's listen to a little bit of this and maybe see if it really they have for folks who don't know, they have a whole like a whole building it for Dr. Phil that's off site where they shoot interviews and stuff with mock up kitchens and living rooms and different areas. And they didn't have a place for me to fight. Like, we didn't have a, there's no grocery store in that part of Hollywood. So, these went to an alley next door to shoot me run around.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Yeah, perfect. Their office used to be next to the suicide girls office. Yeah. On set, ironically enough. Interesting. There you go. Fashion on the founder of the Cardinarks. I'm going to turn it to that.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Cardnarks are an independent organization that tries to get people to just take their cart back to the cart return. Where do we have to keep we, where, where, where, where, that's not where the cart goes, the mulch. When I do see that something you've lost is like the cart, the mulch. Turn it up, you want to just activate the mouth siren.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Where do we have to keep, where, where, where, where, where, that's not where the cart goes, the mulch spot. We've had hundreds We've skipped. We've skipped. That's not where the cards go. It's the middle of the spot. We've had hundreds of encounters. I can't believe this guy. I can't believe this guy. It's my life being a card-n-arck. Because I was a guy pulling a gun on me. I've had multiple people say they're gonna run me over.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Well, that's awesome. Oh, kill her. You killed a buffet. Sure, that's a gift of the law. There's definitely a adrenaline rush. Go, f*** yourself. But, ma'am, card-n-arck. Oh, you got a drink.
Starting point is 01:04:04 This is renaformative. vest, which is actually a bulletproof vest. I put my body camera right here, captured everything that happens, so nobody can lie about it afterwards. I'm so occurred, I'm sure. You know that's against a law that we don't take somebody. I had this wand here, which lights up, it shows a lime. It's not invisible.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I already threw a drink on you, that's a little girl. OK? And as a feminist, I take offense with that. That's right, I ask the mostly to return to the cart. If they still don't do it, I slap on a bumper magnet. Shame. Yeah. Where does it say that I have to do anything?
Starting point is 01:04:35 That's the thing, it's politeness. That's right, keep going. Think about somebody besides yourself. Are there any of the millions and millions of views? This is because I think it's a comic and studio. Here we go, here we go. If he did that, like to me, I bet he has to millions and millions of views. This is because I think it's a common opinion studio. Here we go, here we go. If he came, if he did that, like to me, I would fucking laugh.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Yeah. Like that would, it would give me, there's no way I could, there's no way I could be mad. There's no way I could be mad. How do you hear that? Woo, woo, woo, woo. There's no way I could be mad. No matter what kind of mood I was in.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Did you get the feeling that guy, like when people say, oh, you can't videotape me, it's like, because they think you're stealing their soul. Like it's still, well, they're cultures that think if you take their picture, you're stealing their soul.
Starting point is 01:05:12 I think that's the same feeling they just express it differently with different words. Like, oh, that's a good law to do what you're doing. That is the guy, this is the guy they brought on to confront me about entrapment and whatever. Well, that guy was afraid that you would feel a description.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I got a question. Yeah. Okay, let me hear you talk about your question. Well, that guy was afraid that he would think I got a screenshot. Yeah, okay, let me hear you talk about your screenshot. Could you, what else you got in there besides that card, sir? Quick feet. Well, yeah, I have to flee quite often. As you saw, Pepper, Spray, I've had gun, a gun pulled on me. I've had people try to hit me with their cars and trucks over, just asking them to put their cart back.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Where they know it belongs. Uh-huh. Well, but you do have more than just them to put their cart back where they know it belongs. Well, but you know, I just asked them to put their cart back. Well, that's correct because they're- You shame them. Correct. And it's only as you saw in the videos there, it's a bumper mad, it's not marking, but it is that scarlet letter that says, I don't return my shop in cart like a jerk. What are you laughing at, son?
Starting point is 01:06:01 That he's so articulate and presents himself so well. He's talking, he's almost like a host, you know, it's so articulate and presents himself so well. He's talking, he's almost like a host. You know, it's like, well, yeah, that's like, yeah, it's like perfect. It's like, well, this guy doesn't seem crazy at all. Yeah, he really does. Okay, we'll play a little more.
Starting point is 01:06:16 And they put me in the suit for this in studio stuff. Yeah. So yeah, I'm just like, I'm gonna get out here, who knows what I'm talking about, I guess. But I'm about this insane thing that I'm doing. Yeah, okay, here we have some more. They do react like what we're seeing in some of these videos. It does highlight how ridiculous they are.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Slavy throwing. Throwing her drink. It's just a lazy place. It's just a lazy place. I don't drink. Cause I saw you walk around the store. Oh, absolutely. How about that?
Starting point is 01:06:39 You're a f**king son. She's like Donald's like, Donald's like, you're a f**king yourself. I love that. I don't drink. You're throwing it at me. I don't give a f**king man. I don't give you my gift. I don't know who you think you are. phone you know me man. Let me get you my I don't know who you think you are. I'm the card. I don't ever tell somebody with the disability With a disability
Starting point is 01:07:02 I'm saving the next person with the real disability who might be with the real disability I don't agree with somebody in common, they don't have a real disability smash I'm not hurting, I'm doomed to my autistic daughter I'm sure you have an autistic daughter I'm not trying to say that I don't think she wants her body to be like this You probably could be a better role model for her
Starting point is 01:07:20 But probably I'm not a bad old Sebastian It's a ham I'm a baby Oh Man, I didn't throw anything at somebody. She shouldn't be wearing this pants. I don't ever insult nobody.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Many people are getting **** your body anytime soon. You don't know what people's day is. You don't know what their life is. Oh, shut up, Dr. Phil. But I do know that I saw her walk out to her truck, climb up in her truck and load her groceries, and then a second, she didn't need her shopping cart. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:44 It's in the handicap access way. Yeah. The place to handicap people needs to go. That's a good one. You're a trained agent. Sure. That's the bad. There it is. Who trained you? Me. Hundreds of hours. And that adds to the whole silliness of it, because people feel bad. You're trying to explain why it's a joke. And Dr. Vildes not wanted to be a joke. Right. Yeah. He needs to be real.
Starting point is 01:08:05 No, he is not of what? He's a frazzonian. How many times have you pulled into a parking spot? Well, you said it's a violation, it's a violation of some code. No, there's no particular charge. There's no particular, I'm not writing anybody. It's just a violation of common courtesy. The same as littering or not picking up after your dog.
Starting point is 01:08:23 So what you mean is this is rude. Correct, yes, sir. But you were just acting like a cop. No, sir. I wanted to do it. I'm an agent. Yeah, I never identified myself as law enforcement because obviously that would be illegal. Do you have a story?
Starting point is 01:08:35 All right, Dr. Phil. Great. That's great. Good job, Craig. That's great. The funniest part of that is they bleeped out, that she set me up with that line. She said, you're not inside my body. And I said, I doubt anyone was going to want to get inside your body anytime soon. And they bleeped me out saying inside your body. I guess they have
Starting point is 01:08:53 different, yeah, censoring standards or whatever for a day-to-day. Yeah, anything that's humiliating to women, they bleep out. Oh, Blake, Sebastian, thank you for calling in again. Congratulations. And you Dr. Philip. Thank you. Thanks for. No, go ahead, Sean. What do you? I was just going to say like if she had brought her autistic daughter, could she park across two spaces? Cause she leave the cards forever. Yeah. But where's the thing to say? My back. It's my fucking back. You bitch. It's an autistic daughter. Wow. She has a disability too. Oh, hey, wait, I got an argument for you about cards. How about the argument is, the argument is that when you work a menial retail job, it's
Starting point is 01:09:36 so boring that leaving a bunch of cards around gives you an excuse to like go outside and walk around and gather the cards and maybe smoke some weed while you're out there looking for cards and kind of like add some, you know, a little bit of excitement to your job. What do you think about that argument? I've heard that one and that's fine, but it doesn't have anything to do.
Starting point is 01:09:59 It's not gonna keep someone's car from getting dinged, you know, because they're not out there 24-7. You know, it's, you know, a few, it doesn't make a difference. Yeah. My argument is never about the employees. My argument is about blocking other customers and or damaging their property. That's fine, but it has nothing to do with what I would argue about. Well, that's why I leave carts out. What do you do if a visitor to Dex House backs into your car? Oh, no. I don't ever want to know how big that dent should I have karting, Arctur?
Starting point is 01:10:31 Somebody who was visiting Dex House right before the start of the show backed into my car when she was leaving. And we haven't seen it. What are you doing about that? What kind of sticker? What kind of, we haven't seen the thing. What kind of a magnetic decal? But 80s girls put on that.
Starting point is 01:10:46 When you said it's probably not that bad, she went, oh God. Yeah, how big of a ding do you think it is? I don't know. Measure it in your hands. Two cocks, three cocks. I mean, it's, I don't know, it's kind of creased in, right? I don't know. I got a plunger.
Starting point is 01:11:02 What I got plunger that I used to clean up the toilet when did you brought through up in it? I have to take a look. I just want to know legally as an agent. What do I can do? Where do I get a camera? Can I borrow your vest? Well, I'm not an insurance agent, which I think it's what you need to talk to.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Well, you know, agent can mean many things. Right, exactly. I would say call your insurance agent the, uh, the dingnarks. The dingnarks. I don't want to talk to them. I want to talk to you. Ah. Oh, well.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Oh, god damn. I'll shamer if you want me to. I'll give her a talking to that. That would be great. That would be great. Yeah. I don't know. Something about my drive way.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Maybe she might have sciatica. I don't fucking know. Something about my driveway. It was an excuse. Ralph was here. he knocked into somebody, I think Vito's, I think he might have crashed into Vito's car. I don't know what it is about my driveway. Never happens to me.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I don't know. Yeah, and you, your truck is bigger than fucking anybody. I'm not saying it's a working condition out there. Yeah, I'm gonna get sued now. Okay, buddy, have a good one. All right, see ya. Good luck. Don't get killed. Hey guys. Yeah. All right, see ya. Good luck, don't get killed. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 01:12:05 See ya. All right, let me talk to Futa. So fucking funny. And I'm gonna get another beer though, one second. Oh, yes, another beer. I'm shitting and pissing right now and coming and farting. What? Wow.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Busy, busy lady. Oh, he's not in a pizza place. Me either. All right. Let me bring it. This is Futa Snake. Futa Snake was a friend of low taxes. Oh, really? Yeah, she posted.
Starting point is 01:12:35 So, you have some bastards. Hi, hello. Let me turn you out. Oh, Sean, you got it. I got it. I can turn it out. If you can be too. So, you were a friend of low taxes,
Starting point is 01:12:46 and I saw you on Twitter posting about low tax and his ex-wife sending you all these irate messages, even after his death, basically like 40 hours. Yeah, I mean, I'll say, I think that he was done really dirty and it was like a pile on by a bunch of like maniac activists who don't understand how abusive relationships actually work in the real world. It's given take. Hundred percent.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Yeah, and I fucking hate family court and think that it is hugely biased against men and fucks them up big time. And it's why I've always said, you gotta be terrified of marriage. Like, I know it's cool now to say, oh, it's really awesome to be married. You gotta get married and have kids right away. And my position has always been,
Starting point is 01:13:37 you need to fear that. You need to be terrified of that. Don't be a fucking idiot, right? Anyway, you were saying, you were kind of giving low taxes side of it, so I thought it'd be nice to have you on and talk about it. I definitely appreciate the chance to do so. I wasn't like exactly best friends with low tax or anything,
Starting point is 01:13:55 but I did kind of get close to them in this, like past four years, I suppose. I met him because I was a shit-posting one Twitter about Schmorky after Schmorky got out of the dough as a diaper, fur-fag, pedophile. Oh, that fun stuff. It's a mouthful. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Yeah, that's good. Okay, go ahead. And then, I don't know, I was doing porn at the time. I don't do it as often anymore, but at the time it was basically just like, oh, I'll just like tweet out my porn to people and shit, especially if they give me any sort of attention. So like naturally I sent it to low tax and whatnot because I grew up on something
Starting point is 01:14:34 awful, I was a huge fan of his. As a creator, we appreciated the unsolicited porn. As long as I have anything takes any, but if anyone takes something away from this talk, it's that. Right. That created really appreciate the audience creating content for them. porn. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Yeah. What's fun is it wasn't even for him. It was just free these odd laying around. It wasn't like I was just like, oh shit, it's low tax. I need to go take some pictures for him. Yeah. The reason this is important is because apparently, because low tax kind of you know a little bit of Simbrain, don't get me wrong, but he ended up like wanting to play some
Starting point is 01:15:10 co-op games with me and stuff. So we he ended up buying me war hammer and quiz and the EDF iron rain, but there was some issues with him trying to like send me a PSN card because it was like tied to the US and on Canadian. So we had to order it from Amazon and then like just ship it to my house and whatnot. And that's when his wife, I guess, picked up on it and why she had his credit card information. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:15:33 This is first wipe. No, this is actually. This is second wipe. How many times have you been married to? To, and then he was dating Logan Day who was the kind of the hit squad with Kiwi farms there. Okay. Does he have kids with both of his archives?
Starting point is 01:15:51 Yeah, he was from my understanding of his pain, like both of them. What I have for this like two weeks before his death is he was like, I'm paying women to brainwash my children and gain smoke. And then he lost his gaze and shot himself. So yeah, did you know, do you know any details about the Kate? women to brainwash my children against me. And then he lost his case in Charlottesville. So, yeah. Did you know any details about the cake? Everything I know is either come from you or that. A lot about the case.
Starting point is 01:16:11 He wasn't allowed to talk about just in general NDAs, all that shit. And he wanted to win the case, right? And I mean, he kind of went all in on like, I'll never be guilty. I'll never be any of this. But unfortunately, so he never really fully talked about everything.
Starting point is 01:16:25 I do know that his first wife was keeping his kids away from them. People say it's because like he had told Lauren he didn't want to talk to her anymore and whatnot. I've heard that it was because of they were religious and he's atheist and he was ranting about that. No, she's weaponizing the kids. Yeah, that's what it is. That's what it is. That's what fucking horrible people do that. No, she's weaponizing the kids. Yeah. That's what it is. That's what it is. That's
Starting point is 01:16:45 what fucking horrible people do that. They to use the kids as a fucking leverage when they're setting up family court. How is that? How is there not a guy who's ever met a woman before who could say, you guys realize that they're just gonna like they'll just lie, right? And fucking fuck guys over. I'm trying sure if you're a trainee. Minibulations kind of what I do. I can't say that too loud without getting canceled though. OK. But so it's just the idea though. Like me and Rich weren't having any sort of affair. I sent them some photos.
Starting point is 01:17:16 We ended up playing co-op games. She noticed his credit card. And apparently she started giving him shit for having enough fair with me. You saw the chat logs I had sent where she apparently has his chat logs, which means that she was going through his phone, saving all the pictures. I mean, it seems like she was more of the controlling one trying to change the tiger stripes, if you will.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Yeah. Hmm. So what happened after he, what happened after he died? When did you find out? I found out, actually, I had a message in Twitter being like, so what's up?
Starting point is 01:17:52 And I just completely replied like out of context. And he was like, no, I met low tax and I like, wait, what? And I saw on Facebook a few good friends talking about his death and shit. And I was like, shit. I left, said to the message on Sunday and then it was just a dumb meme,
Starting point is 01:18:07 and he said, no, he said the hell, because it was the upgraded Mr. Ice Cool tattoo. What the hell is that? The old meme, it's like a fucking body builder with like Mr. Ice Cool tattooed all of them self. Well, like he went all in on it again, I guess. So I had sent it to him and that was the last I had spoken to him in that regards. But I guess he found out the court verdict on Monday.
Starting point is 01:18:34 And I think it took him till Tuesday to finally pull the trigger. I'm not fully sure. It took how long he found out that verdict win Monday. I took him again. It took me a day. It's as Monday is when the court like had settled. Oh, yeah. What was this?
Starting point is 01:18:48 This is a child support or what? Yeah, the verdict was like, what was the case? Well, actually, the case was regarding owing money. Apparently he had spitefully spent a lot of the money. I don't fully know the details there. From my understanding, what Rich had told me
Starting point is 01:19:05 is that his money was still being held in escrow and he was borrowing money at the time. So he was, I mean, money isn't magical. Like that's the worst part about this family courtship to me is like, okay, you lost. So give him money. I don't have any, what do you mean? They know how money works just as well as I do.
Starting point is 01:19:23 What do I, what am I on money? What, what am I, what I got a money tree? Right. I don't have time to do it. There you go. There you go. There's only almost fuck money back. That was getting far around, was like $3.5,000 per month. And it's like the dude was throwing bread.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Oh! Three grand, three and a half thousand dollars a month. That's a fucking... It's a lot for kids. A lot of money. That's tuition. That's private school tuition, motherfucker, and then some at the best school. You talked to low tax before.
Starting point is 01:19:54 I think I read some of the stuff you were posting and he was pretty. Yeah, I talked to him two weeks, like two weeks before he kind of pulled the trigger there, I guess, maybe like 13 days. No pun intended. And he was literally like, he started with like, hey, meet three, I guess, maybe like 13 days. Little pun intended. And he was literally like, he started with like, hey, meat stream. And I was like, what?
Starting point is 01:20:09 And I was, he was just like talking about eating meat tubes for super chats. I was like, suicide, super chatting. It's like suicide via meat stream. And unfortunately, it wasn't really lying, I think. Yeah. Because I kind of went into it more. And he was like, no, I'm just kind of waiting for my body
Starting point is 01:20:24 to die, or I'm'm gonna flee the country. I see I read that. The spirit was pretty dead already. Oh my God. Yeah. You know, it's the worst thing I think with low attacks is I know knowing all this stuff about him. I just, I think, I mean, yeah, I got it. Like that.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Usually people kill themselves around the show before and I think, oh, that's... Come on, man. As you said, to get through that one day and maybe get through the next day too, but with low tags, oh my god. Yeah, man. I was a problem with me right now. I think he's gone out of his mouth and even I know like, no, he needed to sleep. I don't think he was selfish.
Starting point is 01:21:01 I don't think any of that. So much pain, the physical pain is just. Yeah, on a boy with bad. I don't think he was selfish. I don't think any of that. So much pain, the physical pain is just kind of void of pain. If you look on his Facebook, he's got pictures of his feet in their purple. Yeah, you just never, that's, yeah, yeah. I mean, you can understand it.
Starting point is 01:21:15 You can really help us find, like it just ended up causing more nerve damage. Like apparently it had nerve damage from the surgery, like being taking too long and whatnot. So yeah, he ended up, like, you can't meet a man. Like, all right, you're all fucking butchered up. Like, can I, I don't worry about the money. I don't need to get lawyers to rape you for money. And like, because she's fucking fucking
Starting point is 01:21:36 pissed off. You can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't It's all spite. It's all spite. We really live in hell and all of these people are gools and demons and they belong in hell here with us.
Starting point is 01:21:49 It's horrible. Just horrible. And nobody can stop any of it. The best comment I saw on something awful is that we deserved low tax and it's unfortunately true. There's no better person who represents the incompetency and self hypocrisy than low tax, really.
Starting point is 01:22:07 What do you mean by that? I say, kind of, they went alitists and then they went all like SJW and now they're just like self-righteous hypocrites. And that's one of the things that like low tax kind of hated in the end, but like if you look at a lot of low taxes, shit, he ended up putting his foot in his mouth. I mean, he literally posted that if you kill yourself with a daughter, like you're a selfish human being. Yeah, I mean, that's true. Yeah, absolutely. But you have to also look at her from the other side of like the dude
Starting point is 01:22:39 Dean it is rest, you know, so it's complicated. He did it. A lot of the people that didn't like think about this is like, it's complicated. It's not black and white. Well, I think everyone always gets on that, like, let's shame suiciders because I think they're so afraid of someone doing it who's close to them and they need to tell themselves that. Yeah. So they don't kill themselves.
Starting point is 01:23:02 It's all what, whatever you're going through. It's all what it means to Cowards way out like no, it's not everything's over fucking the whole universe goes by by bam everything's gone. Doesn't matter what it means to anybody else. Oh, it all matters what we want to do right for our own life. Like I'm allowed to smoke cigarettes and shit. Why can't I put a bullet in my body? You know, no, you do not have that right as a turns out. You can't put, you can't put heroin or a bullet in your body. Now, now you can't abort anything, right? So you got, now we have no, no bodily and you have to get a vaccine. We have no bodily autonomy rights anymore. They've all been annihilated. So he broke the law. He broke the
Starting point is 01:23:41 fucking law. That's going to be a court case. Put him in cuffs. We got low tax. We love that. Dig him up. Get some cuffs on him. Have some cops like dive in. You know, they always dive in aggressively for no reason. They all pile on.
Starting point is 01:23:54 Yeah. His corpse is all like fucking Steve Irwin jumping on a crocodile. Gonna thumb up his ass. Everybody else. Yeah. Throw him in the water. I think he would think this is. I'm up as bad. Everybody else. Yeah. Throw him in there. What's your head? All of this is like, um, so basically what happened with Logan Day.
Starting point is 01:24:09 I think you think this is fun. I was actually friends with Logan Day sort of before she ended up getting involved low tax. I don't know who Logan day it. I don't know who you were. Logan Day was late girlfriend who ended up, uh, basically working with Ashley and Megan to, uh, before she started dating lowtech, she was already posting on fucking QE farms for ways to take them down basically like she was taking relationship advice from QE farms who already fucking hated
Starting point is 01:24:34 him. He had the worst taste in women. Well, that's like I told them that. She was an alcoholic. She used to be into the booger sugar. So she was quite no name. It's like fucking, yeah, it's cooking. We don't cope.
Starting point is 01:24:49 She came on this show. No, the point just being is the fact that she was no saint herself, you know? Well, I think I told him that the only thing he's really guilty of is like terrible taste. Like just a, he's got a terrible picker, you know, whatever you want. I wish he were just like the non-functional chicks because he had problems himself. So I guess not seeing his kids He's got a terrible picker, you know, whatever you want. He's attracted to fucking the controversial chicks,
Starting point is 01:25:05 because he had problems himself. So I guess not seeing his kids, probably maybe was the worst part of their entire time. He ever fucked this kid. He's his kids. If you watch the video of him crying into pizza, like it's about his daughter. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:25:19 I can't, I guess I could try to empathize with that. Like the state, a woman works together with the government to take the two things I hate most in life. Women in the government work together to take kids away. Well, I don't think there's any state. I feel like I could just shut it off, but a psychopath, low tax was a very open person. He felt like when he taught, he was really,
Starting point is 01:25:40 he would really try earnestly in things, you know, he was all out in the open. Seemed like even when he was doing dumb stuff, like his stupid MLM mango steam juice, this was a dumbest fucking idea ever. I'm talking about that with him. And he was like, I don't even know why that turned into a meme. Simply because I posted the mango steam stuff
Starting point is 01:25:59 because I liked it. That was it. That was all. Yeah, because you're not thinking multiple steps ahead. Anyway, what were you saying about Logan Day? This other broadest working with Logan Day ended up kind of like babysitting him and like taking care of him while he was getting ready
Starting point is 01:26:16 for surgery and stuff. Yeah. What happened apparently was like according to her report to whatever, And apparently was like according to her report to whatever. She had like the night before his fucking big surgery. Like the beater. She says you beat her up, right? He called him right after that.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he beat her up. Apparently beat her up. Meanwhile, it's like he stood up out of bed and fell on to her. And then like she kind of like recanted her story a little bit and like there's just enough details with Logan Day that like you can't trust her as
Starting point is 01:26:44 and like reliable narrator. Yeah, and then when that went or X like his ex-wife fucking accuses me having an affair I never had with him. There's two out of three women. I don't trust Yeah, I remember when he called in after that Logan Day thing Thinking how retarded it sounded But that's when he had to sell something awful, isn't it? Because of that? Yeah, it was. The Edmonton moderators got together
Starting point is 01:27:10 and basically gave him the ultimate. I'm like, we will all quit on you. Well, a lot of good that did him. Yeah, understand. Right? I mean, all these things he tried to finish, it was just a complete spiral. You can look at his history from when Schmorky
Starting point is 01:27:24 was out of the pedophile to the end. And it was just downhill the whole way. What's the lesson that we can learn from this, Sean? That the fucking it's better to be infamous. That will always use it for the worst intentions. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, whatever it is, it's called objects. Yeah. Whatever. It's all these brides and these people that fucked them over and killed them. Yeah, well, that's it.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Yep. It just did it. Well, weaponized, because we're, we're built for war like a chimpanzee. Yeah. And then a fucking coincidence, people. Yeah. Not a coincidence. I mean, I don't even see it as anything other than like, yeah, well, your ex-wife killed
Starting point is 01:28:03 you by doing this. Like, what are you supposed to do? How are you supposed to handle that? You did this. You doing it for his children. I saw that. Oh, he didn't even say anything to his case before he killed him.
Starting point is 01:28:16 I was like, you killed him. Get this through your head. You, through your selfish actions and treating this like it's a game killed him. You did it. Yeah, he did it as well, but you fucking did this and you can now think about it. So I know you won't. I know it's all it's easy to just dump it on the guy and he can't say anything to defend himself, but you fucking kill them. Yeah, it's kind of why I've went on my little crusade here of just trying to get his word out, which because I mean, two weeks before he's literally blamed his ex-wives for making
Starting point is 01:28:50 him want to kill himself. So it's something awful killed him. Who's on site? Fucking, that's how he met all these fucking lunatics, right? Sure. Anyway, what about his family? What about his family? Do you talk to any of them?
Starting point is 01:29:06 I was in contact with two members of his family. The most I wanna really mention is the fact that one of them had, so does nobody find it strange that his ex-wife is basically dancing on its grave. Oh, it's just so craven and crass to either they're even talking about it. Yeah, I mean, it's just like sharing my truth. Like just fuck off.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Yeah, I don't know about it. I people are capable of all kinds of despicable. They just want the juice. They want the gas. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Same horse. People, like I've been posting on the something awful memorial thread, because again, I ended up selling my Twitter account for $2,000 in a Ethereum.
Starting point is 01:29:41 So that buys a few accounts. Really? Yeah, that's a long story. Are you going to get into the, there's don't actually get into NFTs now because I got all my gas fees and shit paid up. So I mean, low tax actually two weeks before actually minted the 10 bucks icon.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I don't know what that is, but that's some kind of something awful like history I can't find 10 bucks. It's not, it's not associated with something awful according to Richard Kayanka. But it is a famous motor con from the internet history. So was he going to mint that with you and sell it? Yeah, we ended up minting it. I listed it for 10 Ethereum.
Starting point is 01:30:22 We never expected it to sell, but now it's actually got a bit of value. Well, I hope I don't know. I guess I hope these kids get something out of it. I don't know them though. I don't. I mean, they're getting $90,000 from Goons already. So yeah, that's nice. Well, I'm sure that'll make up for it. I'm sure it'll get to them too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be like all going to the kids. It'll be like the unicef funds, red cries. Yeah. They're St. Jude's. Yeah, what happened to that billion bucks that we gave you? How much went to kids?
Starting point is 01:30:50 I'll cut, I mean, a lot over here. A lot over here. I'll check. I'm going to start the timer now. When I get you back the answer, I'll invoice you for the time I spend. Well, what do you want to be called? I go by Alice or Foodisnake. That's fun.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Alice or food is snake. Okay. Anything else on low tax? Any last words? You want to have one low tax? Not terribly. That's really the truth of the whole situation. From what I understand and what I gathered in the past four years of knowing him, it's
Starting point is 01:31:19 not like you openly talked about any of these things because I've talked to other good friends who he kind of asked for help. Without asking, he was like, hey, blah, blah, blah, can you do this for me? Whatever. And they're kind of looking back at him being like, was that a cry for help? Did he need more help than we were giving him?
Starting point is 01:31:39 Yes. I just wish people could shut everything off, Sean. Okay, court ruined your lives, the wife took a kid's whatever, just because people cannot go. Forget about the kids never existed. Almost nobody cared. They're all killed by a drunk driver.
Starting point is 01:31:54 They don't exist. That happens, you know, you have to move on. Life takes away your loved ones, you have to move on. Sometimes you don't, I guess, but the... Well, that's the thing. It's all the difference. It's sitting the government does it and it's different mm-hmm can't get over it but I was there was a complete dog file in the end of it yeah yeah everybody on the internet every all the people of this community that he built
Starting point is 01:32:16 um his his Facebook bio is literally the internet's number one enemy um his steam bio is like goons hate me so like yeah, yeah, he was just feeling just dejected from everybody. We needed a new McAfee. It could have been low-tech. That's what I'm fucking told. I mean, the last like, last exchanges, like just go McAfee.
Starting point is 01:32:35 Yeah. People would love that. You want to, you want to get some comedy back? People would have fucking loved that. But to sort of, it sort of mango steam like plant in a shit, you know? Ha ha ha ha ha. He's drinking mangoes, stein and hell now. All right guys, we know where.
Starting point is 01:32:51 I don't know, we're already in hell. So, okay, F, uh, food to snake. Thank you for calling in any last words. Any last words I love. I made ten bucks on FT. Oh, my, my, my, my, my money. I need money. I have a fucking pet crow. I need to feed that bitch. You have a pet crow? Yeah, the pet crow is name's Po
Starting point is 01:33:12 Really like magic magic a dispel you got right to a raven heard after a storm About a year and a half ago He was just like literally waterlogged he had a bunch of bite marks on his wings So it looked like other crows were kind of bullying him. And I just kind of put him in my rain bunch when I took him home. And now he's got a little buddy. What is your, what's your only fans? Alice, Celethea, same as my Twitter. Okay, hold on, hold on. Spell that out for me. I want to see this crow.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Yeah, is the crow on your only fans? It is actually a video of me bathing with him on it. Okay. Spell out the, spell out your name. You don't want to see the guy that you are. So it's Alice, as in Alice 101, A-L-E-T-H-E-I-A. Oh shit, dude slower. A-L-E-T-H-E-I-A.
Starting point is 01:33:57 That was faster! Galatia! A-L-E-T-H-E-I-A. Okay. Alice will let the A maybe maybe less vowels. It's it's it's it's that there's a long story behind the name but basically just a long name. Uh all right I don't see any I don't see any crowed things here. I don't know if I'm in I mean I posted plenty of pictures in the discord if you just want to check that yeah okay let me check that.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Where? I'll put this one around. Okay. So does a crow just, yeah, I'll stay in the house all the time or? Yeah, I've got him in a cat cage. He wears a diaper around the house because he says, yeah, a crow's perched on. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:34:37 That's cool. So he's got another nutcracker. So he could like free roam all the time because my partner's mom's a terrible person. But regardless, we ended up getting a new place that I was carpeted now. So I have to actually like put them into a diaper and shit. And he's pretty,
Starting point is 01:34:51 the crow in a diaper? Do crows get to move? It's not easy. Oh, very moody, very moody. It's like, it's like, a little brat possible. Like parents, like, I mean, you know, sometimes I have to get fucking the shit
Starting point is 01:35:01 bit out of you. Yeah. So are you, does that make you a diaper for two? You're putting diapers on you. I mean, I don't, I don't sexually think of my bird. So I don't think so. I'm like the food is snake by the way. I just want to clarify.
Starting point is 01:35:15 It's not a furry thing. It's more of a metalier solid thing. Okay. Or is wings clipped? Not presently, they were last year. I wanted to kind of get them to bond better with me. So I let him bolt out and now he's able to fly, but he keeps breaking every fucking leash I have.
Starting point is 01:35:32 You have a leash for the crow that flies, so it's like a kite? Yeah, well, I got like a leash for him, but unfortunately, they're a bit too big, so we can slip out of them. The diaper also had like a leash attachment for it, but it was like held on by Velcro and a crow's don't give a shit. This is cool.
Starting point is 01:35:49 I didn't know you get a crow. He's a pet. Look at that. They're incredibly intelligent. Yeah. He's easily the smartest pet I've had. I've had dogs. Oh no, they're much smarter than a dog.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Much smarter. Much smarter. What can they do that's so smart? Well, there's one of the, there's one of the channels that passed the mere test. What's a mere test? They understand that that's them. A mere, a mere test. A mere test.
Starting point is 01:36:10 Yeah, a mere test. Oh yeah, my name's Mattie doesn't know it's here. That's not a, it's not a fail safe though, like it's, because it's only based on sight. Like the reason your dog doesn't go apeshit a lot of the time in a mirror, in a mirror is because they, they're more smell. So so it's like I don't smell another dog. Therefore that's actually an illusion something.
Starting point is 01:36:32 I don't need to worry about it, but yeah, but this TV's not like. Yeah, Crows. Jack Dawes, which is like a European version of a they've got him over in Europe. Okay. It's actually kind of a fun fact about Crows. I don't realize until I owned one is, so underneath like most birds speak, especially parents and stuff, they have kind of a hole and like that's how they whistle and shit. Okay, okay. Crows do not, they actually have a giant fucking storage
Starting point is 01:36:55 pouch like this little shit can like hide 13 cat treats in his face. Weird, huh, like so weird. Fucking monkeys. Yeah, like an assault. well, that's the last word on low tax. Go to only fans. Alice is a shemo Thanks for having me. Alice Althea. Is that I get it right? Althelia?
Starting point is 01:37:15 I think it's a lethia. I don't think it'll be Greek. Okay. Yeah, thanks for calling in. It's said. Yeah, no, thanks for inviting me here and letting me share my piece and so I can kind of get the low taxes fucking word out there.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Yeah, yeah. I'm glad we could do that. Thank you for calling in. Have a good, have fun with your crow. YouTube. Bye. Okay. And we're moving on.
Starting point is 01:37:43 Well, okay. There you go. Any more low tax jokes. I get, we can have Tammy laughs. We could on. Well, okay. There you go. Any more low-tax jokes? So we can have Tammy laughs. We could play Tammy laughs, you know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah, I forgot about Tammy. I'm the last laugh track. Let me see if I got that.
Starting point is 01:37:53 And then that's the end of the show. Tammy. Good God. What was it, Tammy? We love to laugh. You got, boy, you're talking like three years ago. We love your laugh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Yeah. Do you like talking like three years ago. We love your laugh. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, do you like to laugh? Tammy does. I know, I know the hard men working hard have a song and I know the guy doing the, uh, the Sean album has his song too, but I would rather, I would rather listen to Tammy last. Sorry, I'll play you guys next week.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Oh, my God. Dixiaw, slash the next week. Oh, my goodness. Dixiaw, slash the Dixiaw, everybody. See you next Tuesday. Oh, my goodness. Have you ever seen, you know on TV, when you see those people that raise the magic people that raise people up in the air? Well, I know how that happens now because when I, my husband, I was sleeping in bed
Starting point is 01:38:49 of one of our daughters, hamster got out, couldn't find it at all during the night. This is fucking on the hands. Sherry, tonight, it's can. Sounds like a demon. It's like they're just baked. No, it's one woman. Remember? No, no, no. She's laying it on there.
Starting point is 01:39:13 Yeah. Oh, right. Yeah. Yeah. It's her one. Oh, crap. Yeah. It's like fun in its way to our bed.
Starting point is 01:39:23 It crawls. It crawls. My husband. Jess, you want to see them? He raised up. I'm telling it's like fighting its way to our bed Just you want to see them he raised our bed with no hands no feet. He was just like raised up in there What the fuck The trick to that magic trick it's having a hamster run across your chest. Loatheacks loved this. This is what he gave us. Fuck something awful. Fuck all those memes. Loatheacks, products, Tammy. We love your laugh. Oh, okay. Let's place some voicemails. Let's place some voicemails.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Let's place some voicemails and then check out that ding on your car, Sean. Ah. Ha ha ha. Sorry. Oh. See, it gets worse. So all men, low tax doesn't have to worry about car dings anymore.
Starting point is 01:40:20 I myself, right? That's true. You're near dead. You're at, oh, never again. I have been meaning to get that because when I, when I bought it, it had a big fucking scrape. Oh, thank God you said that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:32 You know what, though, it's a different panel probably. It is, I know. It's a different panel. I know. She was looking at the scrape while backing up. Yeah. It was like a bright, shiny object. Wow, that scrape's really,
Starting point is 01:40:42 yeah. You know it's not on the scrape, right? No. was like a bright shiny object that's great really but yeah you know it's not on the scrape right now there's no way it could be on the screen it's gonna be in the door god damn it uh... been a little while but i got one hell of a rage for you and that is helping women move there's no member did he have
Starting point is 01:41:04 also very good it's november. My girlfriend moved into her new apartment two weeks ago. Two weeks ago and it is still unlivable. She's been staying with me for two weeks, getting more and more stressed the more time to go to a buyer apartment isn't set up. I've been over there almost every night building IKEA furniture. We're turning items because they smell like paint. And we're in the air pollution then. Oh, Christ. We're hearing your design bullshit. And finally, I go and I get the last thing said
Starting point is 01:41:38 I've died, build a fucking beach shit IKEA on law for the middle of her apartment. And the next step is her. the middle of her and the next step is her so stress i might close her and i need to take care of this we go there we plan on having this whole night a fucking knock it out
Starting point is 01:41:58 the moment i get it done she can call from her mom she goes yeah you know we're kind of in the middle of setting up my apartment right now well you've been trying to face time you i can face time sure fucking based on the mom breath now and it says i'm tired to go my mind you will be a little bit of success in a fucking that uh...
Starting point is 01:42:14 yeah good why i'm getting upset afterwards hey what why are you not talking about mom that seems really controlling and i go i can put in a lot of work and effort you you have to pay time with your mom
Starting point is 01:42:27 it's my apartment i don't have a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and fucking baffling just be the disconnect. You know, I could make jokes, but honestly, like in my relationship, I'm taking the fucking nap. Yeah, yeah, I'm taking the nap. She's sorting everything. Yeah. I will build the stuff.
Starting point is 01:42:59 I'll build the furniture. Oh man. I'll build Lego day. I'll do all that kind of stuff, but like as far as like the sorting and putting shit away like that, I'm taking get drunk, get over there. Yeah, help out. I think I gave him the wrong idea. Cause like, oh, you want to come out? Like, oh, that means you want to bang. I'm like, no, I just want to put that furniture together. Honestly.
Starting point is 01:43:09 I always, uh, every time I get drunk, I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together.
Starting point is 01:43:17 I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. I just want to put that furniture together. Honestly. I always, uh, every time I get drunk, I just want to put that furniture together. I always, uh, every time I get drunk, I just want to put that furniture Oh, that means you wanna bang. I'm like, no, I just wanna put that furniture together.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Honestly. I always, every time I put furniture or like a series of things, like I built a fairly nice dining room table, like it wasn't assembled, or you built it? No, no, no, I assembled it. It's not like crazy expensive, but like, you know, it came as fucking,
Starting point is 01:43:46 God damn, thing was heavy as fuck. And the chairs. And I was like, I was like to grade, you know, how well things fit, how well holes line up, everything like that. That was pretty good. I built some other stuff where it's like, dude, like the fourth hole is nowhere fucking close. Like, yeah, double check it.
Starting point is 01:44:05 It's like what's fucking made in Vietnam. Like you know the shit's not calibrated. The shit gets out of spec and then never gets fucking checked. So it's just drilling holes. The fucking things have to go in it like at like 25 degree fucking angles. And then you look online and it's like, yeah, I had that problem.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Yeah, I had that problem. Okay, good. So I'm not a fucking idiot. It's just a piece of shit. And you know what I'm talking about? It's something that makes you kill yourself. Just look at the money you pay. Just gets you less and less and less.
Starting point is 01:44:31 And your stuff gets shittier and shittier and shittier. And tell finally, you just have to put up the legs, put the top on top of it, and hope that it fucking balances while you eat a bowl of fucking cereal. Yeah. It doesn't clap balancing it on other furniture. Yeah, because that's what we're coming to. Well, now that Amazon has got everybody in the same umbrella, now they're trying to slowly destroy everybody.
Starting point is 01:44:54 They've got some Indian knockoff company that just grips off products, Amazon home, or whatever, Amazon men, Amazon women. It's horrible. We're coming down to fucking one or two companies that own the world. It's horrible. We're coming down to fucking one or two companies that own the world. It's here. Yes.
Starting point is 01:45:08 It's in our lifetime for sure. Oh yeah. For sure. I saw the, they'll call different, you know, they'll have different, yeah, yeah. But it's like, it's the same company. Shinehard Wigs company. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:19 I saw the Federal Reserve, Biden's like Federal Reserve person, doesn't want to have banks anymore. They just want to have households have a creditory deposits at the federal reserve. So I'll just have, you don't need the bank. You just have deposits with us. So there's no, that's em it. That's modern money.
Starting point is 01:45:35 Like that's no more limit on anything, create money whenever you want, remove it whenever you want. It's a fucking nightmare really. So buy Bitcoin. Okay, here we go. Hey, Dick. John, what makes me your age is when people doing a job don't have the slightest clue about anything
Starting point is 01:45:59 and still the rate to the job. So like if you're answering phones for eight hours of fucking day and you don't understand the phonetic alphabet and you're still using T as in Ted and instead of Tango. But I mean, yeah for Normie you got to use T as in Ted but if someone rattles off the phonetic alphabet and you're sitting there like a retard like this is the first time this has ever happened. So you're going to have an alphabet, Charlie? Like you're calling it
Starting point is 01:46:25 uh... what it would have been like four or one k people and i'd like to open an IRA as well and they're like a what is IRA is that like the irs that's the same thing i don't know the and they have to call you except they have to call you the asshole for asking what the how to start an IRA at the fucking bank people
Starting point is 01:46:42 yeah uh... fuck and it's uh... love you Sean swooshes it could fuck yourself IRA at the fucking bank people. Yeah. Anyways, let me show it to the switches. It can fuck yourself. Yes, here's this, this, this, I really have to memorize this fanatic alphabet before I die. A is an aisle.
Starting point is 01:46:56 B is in delium. C is in czar. Oh, this is the D, St. Geburti. That's great. And you, Frades. F is in fjord. G is in Nome. H is in Herb. I is in Isle. It's a Distic. J is in Halopanyo. M is in Numonic. That's great. I told a guy, M is in Mansie. I think I've told this story before. I told an AT&T sales rep, I was trying to unlock something. I was like, yeah, M as in Nancy.
Starting point is 01:47:27 And he said, hold up. I said, bro, I just watched Archer. I meant M as in Man, not Nancy. Is this an Archer episode? Yeah, I said, M as in Nancy. Lance. I said, Lance Mancy. Lance. I said, Lance. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:47:49 Hey, Dick and Sean, you know, when I free a rage, picky robbers, my car, I go down to my car this morning and I find my windshield screen thing is just out right next to it. There's no broken windows or anything. I go check, oh yeah, my thousand dollar laptop that I left in my fucking bag like an idiot in my car has been stolen right out of my doorstep. And they don't steal anything else. They rummage to everything
Starting point is 01:48:17 else. They fucking, they think of my batteries. It's a real day. Men of your taste. They're expensive. They look at my leather jacket and throw it back. They don't even take any of my fishing stuff. They don't even take my passport, but they just take my fucking laptop. And they don't even, I don't know, they leave me a fucking broken cup of wingstop juice or whatever they have there. They drop the trash. They drop the trash.
Starting point is 01:48:41 They drop the trash. They drop the trash. They drop the trash. They drop the trash. They drop the trash. They drop the trash. They drop the trash. They drop the trash. If you go steal something, steal it all. He was pulling it all. He was pulling it all. Take the car, just take it all. Fuck you. God damn it. I agree.
Starting point is 01:48:49 He was eating wings and fucking, and we're in a rubber and judging your stuff. Well, the jacket's cool. And something worth taking here. I mean, that's his way. I mean, I'm just going to think of your shit box. I don't want it now that you've rummaged through it. Get out of here. If you touch it, take it.
Starting point is 01:49:04 That's the rule of robbery. Leave me a bunch of shit that's been rifled through. I'm gonna wear this jacket now that some fucking robbers rub their dick all over it. Back. You touched that entire fucking doughnut. Put that back. Back. Don't get me your garbage wings. Throw them on the street. Now that you're breaking laws, okay, one more. Hey, Jake, this is Mr. Ed. So, you know, I really like what you were saying about NFTs. I'm on board with you here because I've actually never heard it explain in a way that
Starting point is 01:49:42 it makes sense to me. You know, you're talking about the motorlead, it's like the motorlead set. So you can take a picture of the motorlead, you know, right? So about, oh, that makes sense. But also, only a recharge would take $10 million for the real motorlead set. Go fuck yourself. I guess, wait for the real Mona Lisa. For the real Mona Lisa.
Starting point is 01:50:07 I would pay more than $10 million for that, I think. The most famous, how much is it worth? Well, who could possibly know that to say? I think they can fucking load their priceless. Yeah. I mean, there has to be something that they're insured for, right? I mean, somehow they have to come up with a dollar amount, but I mean, yeah, what's it insured? Literally there is. What would you think a billion?
Starting point is 01:50:27 How would you fucking insure that? I don't know. Who would insure that? I've read a lot about that. But it's like- Loads of London? Yeah, it would have to be like Lloyd's or something, right? Yeah. Yeah. On a Lisa insured worth, yeah. Gennis book of world highest ever insured value, 860 million. You fucking idiot. You wouldn't pay $10 million for the Mona Lisa. Well, and I would pay $10 million for anything at the loo, not the fucking most famous painting in history.
Starting point is 01:50:54 One that everybody knows, yeah. $10 million. Your way off, idiot. It's a trillion. Is the going rate for a Monaolize who wouldn't pay 10 million bucks for monolize. Spoken like a guy who will never have 10 million, uh, anything. Yeah, I'm like, he called into agree with you and then he got shit on. He's not agreeing with me. You could tell right away he's being a smart ass about it. Only an idiot, only
Starting point is 01:51:24 an idiot would pay 10 million dollars. I think that was an aside. Because you get to my lease of her, 10 million dollars and you don't take it, you are the idiot. You'll make ownership. I'm because you'll make so much money just having people come see it. That's what it's fucking. You could charge 10 million bucks of viewing to rub your nuts on it. Yeah, right. It's the future of ownership. There's a whole, it costs billions, trillions of dollars to maintain ownership around the world of escrow, property,
Starting point is 01:51:54 cars, art, it happens to be an easy one to point to, especially digital art. So we're moving into a, we're moving into a paradigm where this is all represented in the blockchain. I think even some countries have already moved there. Some Eastern European countries who are like early adopters of Bitcoin, but it's all moving there. You won't have a pink slip anymore.
Starting point is 01:52:16 You'll have an NFT. That's your car. Just because some people are jumping on right now and you don't and you want to be cool and point out how you don't fundamentally understand a shifting paradigm of technology. It doesn't, it's not, that's like a sports ball, Tara, go, where you guys watch a sports ball? Yes, because it satisfies my carnal need
Starting point is 01:52:37 for competition and aggression, and we're all enjoying it together as a group and it's strengths and our body. Yeah, that's what you're gonna have to learn sports ball. Yeah. But you got it. You got me. Right, click and save.
Starting point is 01:52:50 You got me. Just remember it. Okay, bye everybody. See ya, thanks.

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