The Dick Show - Episode 286 - Dick on Strong Times

Episode Date: November 30, 2021

Strong men create strong times, weak men create weak times, transcendental meditation, breast reduction surgery, an SUV walks into a bar and runs over a Christmas parade, cash bail, the IRS gears up t...o eviscerate the gig economy, Biden says "Negro", and the winner of the Sean Dance Stone Toss NFT contest is chosen; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How about auto responders? You mean like an email like out of the office? Damn it, yeah. How much do I owe on my loan? Sorry, I'm not here over Thanksgiving. Thanks. Thanks for letting me know. Is there some kind of protocol?
Starting point is 00:00:16 Do I have to email you back? Right. Oh, I'm not gonna be, if it's an auto response, why are people so excited to tell you, oh, you know what? I'm gonna be away from the office until Monday. They must be the guy who even responded on Friday at 5 p.m.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I'm gonna be out of the office until Monday morning at 9 a.m. Which is, if you have any issues before then, please feel free to contact my associate. Contact my associate. God, damn it, I get it. Yeah, I get it. You're so important. If I don't have a, if I need to have my kidney removed,
Starting point is 00:00:50 I won't be emailing you any emergency. Have you ever once, anybody with an auto responder? Have you ever one time had an emergency at work? That's what I want to know. To tell me the last time, you had an emergency at work on That's what I want to know. To tell me the last time you had an emergency at work on your auto responder list. This is the last time that I had to eat that I had to do something today. I can't name one. You can't name one. Now this is all messed up. I know I fucked it all up. No. I moved it. Exactly. There. I was trying to get my volume. It's all row body. You can't move things like that.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I tried to get my volume back. No, it's not bad. God damn it. God is right back. Oh, no. It was look what I did there. Is that back? I can't even tell anymore. No, it's good. I'm deaf in my right ear or it's this thing. You kept your train of thought. It's not. You kept your train of thought going. That's not the show and I tuned out as soon as the fuck up right now don't worry everybody does that yeah I was like god damn I'm so good at I'm trying to listen to like off I jiggle it or maybe it'll pop yeah it wasn't good you knew it wasn't gonna work right away I just want to my volume fix oh I'm back I'm back I'll be back at the end of the podcast here if you have any emergencies You never one time had an emergency
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah How come you dig you need to do you love it you add as the showä»» the contest gonna be a life of Monk or mountain bunker for a monk and bunker that I said a monk a bunker a monkey bunker Mountain bunker deep in the heart of the city of failure my hostic Maxson Okay, this $20 million man the American is worse Mac of failure, my host, Rick Maxson. Hey, okay, this is $20 million man, the American is worse, Mack. Oh, I've gave that up. Sorry. Oh, you're joining me as always is world touring LA based comedian Sean the audio engineer.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Hello, Dick. What's up, buddy? How you doing? Pretty good. Yes, I'm a monkey bunker. Yes, I'm a monkey bunker. Yes, I'm a monkey bunker. Yes, I'm a monkey bunker.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Yes, I'm a monkey bunker. Yes, I'm a monkey bunker. Yes, I'm a monkey bunker. This is how my Thanksgiving was. Yes. There you see that picture that I'm showing you right now? Brilliant. Gingerbread house with not with poop written on the side. That's bam, bam. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:51 You know, the family, you get the family together and you say, hey, let's do something cute for the kids. Let's do some gingerbread houses. They put frosting all over them, put some candy all over the frosting, right? It looks like shit, right? But something that you do, and then nobody eats any of it. Well, no, because it's brittle and gross. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Now is that? Because it's gross. So Bam Bam takes that out. Yeah, you know. No, that's perfect. We've done it. Hey, and it doesn't matter if they're little boys or little girls, they all are fucking enamored
Starting point is 00:03:23 with this word and this concept and this image. The balls on this kid, I remember doing gingerbread houses. I never would have thought to shit right in the face of my mom or whatever and just write all he did for his gingerbread house was right poop and frosting across the roof. And then he ate the rest of the, yeah, he ate the rest of the floor. Yeah, he ate the rest of the frosting, and then he got yelled at, so he went outside to throw the football, throw a football around.
Starting point is 00:03:49 That's it, pups. Fucking hilarious. And I thought, and I was going to take, I don't know why I did this, I doubted him for a second. I was gonna take a picture when he was writing poo. I was like, oh, poo, that's hilarious. I'm gonna take a picture of that.
Starting point is 00:04:00 And then he started writing the pee, and I thought he was writing an L pool. And I was like, oh, he's making a pool house. I should have got it in. And he's like, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm writing poop. I'm going the pool. Are you idiot? Going all the way.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yeah. Yeah, poo. Cause poop. Do you believe that? Pretty balsy. Pretty good. Yeah, pretty balsy. That's what I said.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Oh my God, you're just doing this and then walking away from it Like you're walking away from an explosion. Well, it makes it you makes me think it's on you, kid That's an indictment of the whole process that he you know, it's like he didn't really want to do it Exactly. He didn't really want to do it any sucking down the frosting like it's a fucking Capri Sun Yeah, you can't do that. Oh's like, oh yeah. Poop. How about that? Here's what I think of in the house. This is what I think of here.
Starting point is 00:04:48 It is an indictment. I can't remember in high school, we had a group project in, I don't know, some fucking class. It was a freshman or a sophomore. And I remember getting it, we had to do a newscast. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And I have no idea why. There's like a younger teacher. Why anything? All full of ideas. Anything in school. And I just remember, we went and did it like at this school on the weekend for some reason. And we got together. There's like a big field where people played, you know, baseball practice and all that
Starting point is 00:05:21 shit. And people brought their dogs. And at the end of the newscast, we cut in, we're just like, yeah, we group three, blah, blah, blah, but I think, you know, this is what we think of this project and we piled up all the dog shit we can find. And we just fucking focused on it. And of course we had to play it in front of the class.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Teachers didn't say a word, the class starts fucking crying. But it was like, did we have a mountain of dog shit? Cause we were like, this is such a waste of time. Yeah. Why are you doing this? Don't make me do shit outside of the classroom. We had fresh dog shit, we had dog shit that had turned white. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:57 It was the whole bit. It was kind of the equivalent of that, but, you know, I was 14 or 15, not fucking five. Five. So, you knew he didn't want to do it. Yeah. You know, he doesn't want to deal with it. You know, he doesn't want to make your stupid little gingerbread houses poop. What's up?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Out of here. Yeah. Later. I'm all hopped up on sugar paste. We're throwing the football around. And the kids got, the kids got an arm. Yeah. Yeah, his older brother is not as like, he's more athletic than the older brother.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Yeah, he's like all abs, he's got like a 10 pack. He's in hangs on things, he's not, jumps around. He can throw, weirdly, he can throw a ball, we're like, holy shit, a kid through that. Yeah, he's a dick about it too. He'll play catch and he'll wanna be 10 feet away from you, but he'll throw it as hard as fucking possible. Yeah, it's worth throwing a football around.
Starting point is 00:06:46 My sister says, she comes out, she says something. I'm like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, make a left, make a hook, do a left, whatever, run left so I can hit her, right? Oh, yeah, that way. Because she's making a way. What football are you throwing? She's like a nerf football.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Okay, it's hard-ish. Yeah. That's a real football. Yeah, you hit somebody with just about anything with velocity and it's, you know. I throw it at my sister,h. Yeah. I'm a real football. Yeah, you hit somebody with just about anything with velocity and it's, you know, I throw it at my sister, right? Yeah. Well, she's a ways away.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And it misses her. And then she's like, haha, and she turns around. Did she get caught? She's scared. Well, she saw her son running toward her laughing. And she's like, oh, looks on it. It would have missed her anyway. So she's like, yeah, looks back.
Starting point is 00:07:24 And then he picks up a ball. And he's like, he turns back. He grabs a football and fucking pelt her right in the back of the head. That's fucking hilarious. Was she pissed? How could you be pissed? I don't know. That's a woof. That's comedy and athleticism. Yeah. Tied up into one. She thought she was safe after, you know, you, she didn't expect it from her own offspring. Yeah. Well, take this. Take that, mom. So that was my thing. I'm still pissed about the gingerbread house. Oh, man, you know what I've realized that guys who are like super, who want you to know that it's too early for Christmas, is the same as the girls who are really excited about like pumpkin spice, like both of them, at this come out in in in Fuego like in full Retour with oh, it's way too early to be playing Christmas man the girls got it's time it's pumped happy fall y'all
Starting point is 00:08:34 They're the same. That's the same person. That's what I've realized. Oh this well, yeah, because they're Christmas Right because they're basically promoting it or the idea. I mean, it's all, yeah, it's, I hear about how it's challenging for Christmas, from guys way before I've heard any Christmas, anything. Watch your joy, I'm gonna rush, show my mercy. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:08:57 I'm gonna rush, rush, rush, rush. Yep. It's calm down. That's what I'm saying. They're the same people. The Yinn and the Yang is that, I don't know, oh God, I don't want to look at that yet. Did you see that? Sean.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Well, let me just show you what that is. This is my biggest problem in the universe this week. It's in French. My French is a little rusty. What is it? What do you think the French says there? I've got a huge paratite. And then I chopped them off.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah. Oh my God. That was my biggest problem in the universe this week. Breast reduction. You want to, you want to reason to kill yourself, get over to TikTok and search for the hashtag Breast Reduction Surgery. Dude, it's like, I don't even know, I couldn't even imagine something that bad is girl after girl posting these pictures and the comments are like, I can't wait to get mine. And then there's surgeons advertising on the fucking hashtag on an app for teenagers.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And now we're not one time. Do you see anybody say, hey, why don't you do some fucking lat, lat girl? Why don't you do some fucking butterfly girls? Just one. Yeah. One a day. Yeah, maybe all this quote unquote back pain will be alleviated a little bit. If you do something called a five pound dumbbell, whatever this is just go like this. Now back pain is what you always hear. Is it I mean that's what you always hear. Is it, I mean, is everything self esteem? Is there any neck pain?
Starting point is 00:10:28 Any proof that that's caused by big tits, I mean. Oh, you know. You see, I mean, you see a lot of like 500, like 300 pound guys, you know, all those guys walking around with giant beer bellies. Oh man, my fucking, my 30 pound beer bellies, really giving me some back pain. Right, you ever hear that?
Starting point is 00:10:47 I mean, no. Not really. Not like that it has to be solved at 18, which is the average age for one of these surgeries. Is that fucking, did you know that? No, I just thought it was crazy or what? That's amazing. It's a creditory.
Starting point is 00:11:01 On me. This is, well, this is the equivalent. Oh my god. For you, this is, well, this is the equivalent. Oh my God. For you, this is like, this is like the, and Holocaust, at once. It's like the after picture of an asset attack in India. Yeah, it really is. I've seen those.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I'm like, wow, that sucks for you. But this is like, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, geez. I don't know, she's a little fat there. She obviously doesn't work out. Yeah there. She obviously doesn't work out. Yeah, probably she just doesn't work out. Does that mean you know girls, girls?
Starting point is 00:11:30 If you're a, I know there's probably a lot of girls, girls. Probably a lot of busty, 17 year old girls listening to the show. Yeah, but I have back pain. I don't have huge tits. True. Well, it's a correlation does not equal causation necessarily. Yeah. I mean, it's got a lot of these tits on.
Starting point is 00:11:49 But it's like, oh, well, now you have, I've got back pain, it must be this. It must be this fucking big old tits that I'm lugging around. It must be this. Gotta get rid of them. It could just be, you know, you gotta shake it all right.
Starting point is 00:12:00 It could just be just fucking work out. The posture is bad. You're, you know, I don't know. Yeah, because you walk, get you fucking posture straightened out. Can you believe that? Hmm. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Don't go to TikTok and search for hashtag, breast reduction search. I won't. I mean, not during the Christmas, not during Christmas time at least. No. Go when it's, go when it's suicide season,
Starting point is 00:12:24 whenever that is, or it is, that is Christmas time, isn't it? Oh, it's, go when it's suicide season, whenever that is, or that is Christmas time, isn't it? Oh, it's the holidays, yeah. The holidays. How about this one? Get this, get this out of here. I can't even look at it anymore. Okay, let's see.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Oh, that's a guy getting killed. How about this one, Sean? Strong men. Did you know that, have you heard, have you heard about this? No, I've not seen you know that hard times create strong men. Uh-huh. And strong men. See if you can see if you can follow. I'm going to slow this way down because this is a pretty sophisticated concept. Yeah, for people. People
Starting point is 00:13:01 I love this. It's so fucking, oh, do you? Joe Rogan. Yeah. Joe Rogan tweeted this hard times, okay? You with me hard times create strongman. Mm-hmm. Strongman. Strongman.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Strongman create good time. I live next to the Superman. And the Spider-Man. Yeah, and the Spider-Man. And good times. The Superman. Good times create the Spider-Man. And good times. The Superman. Good times create weak men. Okay. Sure.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Stop me if you, stop me if you're getting lost with this fucking brain-busting hypothesis that every muscle dummy on the itty, it spits constantly. Fucking constant. The male, you know, the male ego just really does have to be play. If it wasn't for women, if it wasn't for women as the placebo group, men would be,
Starting point is 00:13:53 men would be very contemptible for this sort of, for this sort of weak nonsense. Then weak men hold on. I'm going to, here, I'm going to take it home for you right now. Weekmen create hard times. And the cycle continues. And the cycle continues. Oh my God. See, so if you want everyone to know that you're a strong man from a hard time,
Starting point is 00:14:15 you post this. You post this. Yeah. Hey, all you strong men, I'm a strong man. We're living in a week. We're living in a week time of weekmen. Right. And I'm a strong man. We're living in a week, we're living in a week time of week man. And I'm a strong man. Look at me.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I'm a strong man. Oh, my other strong man, give me a what, what boys? Good. Right? They say it all day. Oh God damn day, they're bu- Hard guys, guys, guys, guys, guys. Where are we from?
Starting point is 00:14:46 Hard times. Right. Who do we, why do we want? Right. Hard times. Who are we, strong men? Shut the fuck up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Jesus Christ. Things that, you know, concepts that are distilled down to four boxes. An idiot, a loop. Yeah, it's, I hate that shit. What a joke, it's great, strong man. Because there's just no, we're gonna war two, bro, bro, bro. It's like we're war two.
Starting point is 00:15:09 We're always like, bro, me and my bro's gonna war. Nobody ever stops to think like who posts this, like is the premise even correct? That's always the, what is a hard, what the fuck? And everybody, I know everybody hates that I'm saying this because they all need this, like a stuffed animal that they sleep with a night, they go to sleep. I'm a hard man from a hard time, man Superman, man Superman.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Oh, these weak men are causing good times. I really hate it. I hate this and everyone who posts it. Give us a fucking break. Technology creates good times everyone who posts it. Give us a fucking break. Technology creates good times. That's it. Everything else is inconsequential. Well, remember when Clinton was in office,
Starting point is 00:15:55 and from about Clinton too. We had a killer economy at some point, and it was really due to Silicon Valley. Yeah, he just happened. you know, as they say, the person in office gets the credit or the blame. Yeah. You know, but yeah, I mean, really just coincided with the tech boom in the country was fucking flying.
Starting point is 00:16:15 But it was like, you know, it's like, it's like, well, just to your point, yeah, I mean, technology has a huge thing to say about it. Oh, we don't have to walk anymore. We can write it on how, yeah, all these weak, you're just weak man in a weak time. It's a, it's like a victimization. It's the male version of talking about how you're like
Starting point is 00:16:37 being victimized, right? It's the male version of rape culture. The weak men cause weak times or whatever it is. It's like women going around like, oh, I'm being objectified. All these men are fucking eye-raping me, whatever. Well, I'm trying to get, I got to put my keys between my hands just to go to work. Just walking from my car to my apartment, I have to put my keys in my fucking hands like Wolverine, right? This is the male version of that. Oh, these men, all these weak men are causing
Starting point is 00:17:06 such weak times. I'm gonna have a no. So I'm gonna go and complain about it online. Yeah, I'm gonna post about how I'm a strong man. And then all the other strong man will like it. Yeah, you usually don't have to advertise that you're a strong man. Yeah, not usually.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Isn't it? Like what's the, what are you saying? I don't know. What weak men are, what are you talking about? Because the weak men are winning. Yeah, not usually. Isn't it? You know, like what's the, what are you saying? I know. What week, what week men are, what are you talking about? Cause the week men are winning. Yeah. The week man stole your election. And they're in charge now printing trillions of dollars and making you pay it for who's fucking, who's fucking week now, bitch? Who's, who's in charge? Who's running the whole show? Is it you? Is it you and your fucking posse of strong men? Is that what's happening here?
Starting point is 00:17:47 Cause I don't think so. So who are the strong men? Biden, I guess. He sees a kid, he'll sniff it. Yeah, he's not aware of that kid is, he'll sniff it out. Yep, if the kid's got a dog, it's all over but the crying. Here's the, having a dog's tail and sniffing kids hair.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Women's hair. I hate it so much. Don't worry, Sniffs. You know what, I hate having it explained to me too. The strong man, weak man. Well, you see, I could say, Sparta, you see in the movie 300. Yeah, basically. Right. That's the hard man.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Like, do you even know, do you even know what happened to Sparta? Do you know, do you even know? Why would you explain it anyway? I don't know. Why explain anything to anyone? Okay, that's that one. They already know what they think. I know, I get it, bud.
Starting point is 00:18:42 You wanna be, you wanna go play Red Dead Redemption. Right, you wanna be a fucking cowboy, I know I get it, bud. Yeah. You want to be you want to go play red dead redemption. All right. You want to be a fucking cowboy. I know if you you'd like to think that if you every D of a cowboy, yeah, right. You'd like to think that if you were ever tested, you would pass. I get it. Yes. Go play video games. Right. Shout the fuck up. Here's the, did you did you hear about the Omicron? Yeah, I heard about this a little bit. Variant? Yeah. Sean, they skipped. Are you ready for this controversy?
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yeah. They skipped new and G. And no one can figure out why. No one can figure out why they would skip. New and, it's, can you believe that? No and G. They just say, went from mu, right? The mu, from New variant. Brazil.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Yeah. And now straight into Omicron, but they skipped new and G. Can you believe that? Can you believe that they would skip new and G, the president of China and the, can you believe that? Yeah. I swear to God, the right wing, the right wing has become fucking retarded, bitching about
Starting point is 00:19:55 skipping new, yeah, they skipped new because it sounds fucking dumb to say the new variant. That's why. Yes. Really obvious. Really obvious. Yeah. And then G, you know, the president of China is G. So obviously they get that. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:10 If you guys run out of stuff to bitch about, like do you just need to keep being pissed off and making everyone pissed off? Did you not get off enough on Kyle Rittenhouse that you need to create this sort of shit to get pissed off about? Jesus Christ. Thank God. The last thing we needed was a month of people making unfunny jokes about the G-Varian.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Oh, yeah, it should be named after you, because it's from China. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but we got it. We got it. I didn't need to hear the end of that sentence. Didn't need it. None of us needed to. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:20:44 The who messed up everything else about the pandemic, but they got that part right. I think, well, oh, here's a, let's see this murder. I got it. It was like when Biden said, did you see when Biden said, Negro, quote,
Starting point is 00:21:01 Negro? No, no, I didn't. He said he was talking about a satchel page, I think. Yeah. And he was talking about how he was in the Negro leagues. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, from the great baseball player of the Negro League. I was like, I said, the great Negro. The great Negro. This is exactly what everyone did to Trump all the time. It's just, oh look what he said, looks, just fucking relax. What is wrong with you? What is wrong with you people?
Starting point is 00:21:37 Just fucking relax. The same kind of person on either side. It really is. It's of course it is. It's so obvious. Of course it is. It's getting worse every day. Yeah. You bought into this, you bought into this shit. Yeah. You bought into this shit. It's the same person.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Don't calm down. No, don't know. He didn't. Don't get a cares. Don't think they're any fucking different. No. Oh, yeah, here we go. Today, I thought this was funny. This is Lauren Bobbert, like a congresswoman. A lady congressman says, today I'm thankful for having zero brand invoters in my family. I guess that's Biden. Yeah, well, I actually, I saw bumper sticker the other day. It's, let's go brand it. Yeah, I think it's funny. It's let's go brand it.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Yeah, I think it's funny. It's kind of really taken off. Yeah, it's funny. I was funny. I go, I know what that means. That's funny. Fuck Biden. That's what it means.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Yeah, because they're chanting fuck Joe Biden. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just enjoying the day maskless, she says, not waiting in the garage to do a PCR test. And Noah, no, soy replacement meat inside. Oh, thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:22:49 So people are, yeah. But it's like she's boasting about, she's boasting about the life we had two years ago, which in my opinion was slavery then. Like we were, the life we had two years ago was financial servitude. Well, let's not, we've sent it to the big picture. Yeah, what were you saying?
Starting point is 00:23:11 No, exactly that. I mean, it was hell. It was two years ago, it was hell, and now the people, the people, I mean, this woman is bragging about a life that we had two years ago that was horrible, but her life was different to, I mean, her life was better than it's the identity of him embracing political class. The rules down, the different set of rules apply to these people then they do us. I don't know how to explain it properly.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Just enjoying the day maskless. Like, yeah, I mean, two years ago, that was, that was a given. Sure. Now, now the human operating system, like everything that's taking up our collective ram is just these new, uh, as freedoms that were taken for granted before. Do you see what I'm saying? And now we're bragging about, I'm bragging about not eating fucking soy meat. Like, this was a given, this was a fucking given.
Starting point is 00:24:11 It's just when they started taking away, they started cramming things that were supposed to be taken for granted on top. So you forget what they took away. Like we still have the fucking, we saw the fucking TSA. Do you now remember that? You dumb bitch.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And it happens and, you know, this is where, just not eating my soy meat. No, you shouldn't be. Should be bragging about that. Yeah, and this is, you know, and this is the danger of, you know, whenever something expands, it rarely if ever contracts with regard to government and things like that. So yeah, I mean, you do, you know, it never, then you start the airlines do it.
Starting point is 00:24:52 It's like, oh, we're offering, it's like, yeah, but for decades, you offered that for nothing. Now you're, you will, we're offering it free bag or will make you pay less than the competitors. We don't make you get asked fucked if you want to bring like, whoa, who's asked fucking? What did this come from? The paper goes the other way. The fucking plastic bags thing. Oh, at the store. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Now, whether everybody in the state charges for plastic bags, whether it was really just like one county. Yeah. And then it was like, oh, well, if they're doing it, then we can all do it. And then you brag about it. Oh, we don't charge you for plastic bags. Like, you guys didn't for 40 years. You didn't forever.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I know you don't need to. I fucking know. What if they charge you for paper bags too? They charge you for bags. At the bag thing, that's the, honestly, we should have burned the whole world down with the bag.
Starting point is 00:25:41 We're gonna charge you 10 cents a bag. Why? You guys just pay it. You know how many bags you give out? Just fucking pay it. Yeah. Yeah, it was plastic bags. Now it's paper bags, so we have our recycled and recyclable at a waste and it costs deficit.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Most of the plastic bags are probably made from recycled materials too. I mean, I would think I don't know, but. Here's, are you into conspiracy, Sean? Uh, not by and large. No, not really. No, no. Here's, well, here's a case. They usually fall apart with any investigation, but. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:26:17 But not, you know, not necessarily all. Oh, there's a, you know, there's a conspiracy chart. Uh-huh. Things that actually happened. Yes. There's like's a, you know, there's a conspiracy chart. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Things that actually happened. Yes. There's like FBI, spy'd on MLK, share free Brittany. Yeah. Okay. Whatever. I'm idiot made this. I don't know. Right. Oh, it is. MK Ultra. Sure. We know. Okay. Ultra. That happened. Tuscigee. Of course. Yeah. These are all, you know, well documented at this, uh, big tobacco lied about cancer. Yeah. Of course. That was a big company. Yeah. Roughly the size of the pharmaceutical industry lied about cancer. Yeah, of course, big company.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Yeah, roughly the size of the pharmaceutical industry. I like it. Yeah, all the facts. Of course, of course, they did bad guys working at big, a big, a big, excuse me, a big tobacco. They're all bad guys. So this is the speculation line, UFOs. Yeah, leaving. They're not, I mean, there are unidentified flying objects. I don't know what that's what their name. That's what their nature is. What was that thing? I don't know. Oh, it's a UFO then. It's not like. Yeah, well, I mean, it's definitely not. It's definitely real. Well, yeah, a UFO doesn't mean aliens. No, it means I don't know what that thing was. Right. Are you sure? Yeah. Yeah. That's what it means. Right. It's unidentified. Area 51. Yeah. Well what that thing was. Right, are you sure? Yeah, that's what it means. To you, F.O. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:25 It's unidentified. Area 51. Yeah. Well, that's real. Yeah, no, I know. Yeah, this is, oh, so that's a speculation line. Yeah, it's right there. We live in a simulation.
Starting point is 00:27:35 That's merely a speculation that all of us live in a fucking computer. Okay. Yeah, these are a little mixed up. Is it a little mixed up? I mean, living in a computer program. Well, these are a little mixed up. Is it a little mixed up? I mean, living in a living in a computer program, well, the Jimmy Huff, my God, that's, that's a merely a speculation. The only pastor is the Jimmy Hoffa thing, the only thing, you know, speculative
Starting point is 00:27:57 about that is where is he? The mob absolutely killed him. There's no doubt about, I mean, that's complete fact as far as the mob came. The mob came. That's a conspiracy. He goes dead somewhere. He went to prison for, he ran the teamsters, he went to prison for a while. Somebody else stepped up, became president of the teamsters.
Starting point is 00:28:23 The mafia like dealing with him. Yeah. Hafa came back, he said, no, this is my thing. I built it. He was a big fucking pain in the ass. Any fucking, went to the restaurant and then they never fucking saw him again. Okay, here's some more.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Now we're leaving reality. Michael Jackson's still alive. Okay, Greta Thumbberg is a time traveler. Yeah. All right, alien abductions. I was thinking. Does anybody actually cryptids? Then the US is a corporation.
Starting point is 00:28:48 How is that leaving reality? Well, you've, these are talking about the entire government is run, is all of our laws are written by lobbyists. There's always one. They sneak in all this, all right, shit. Like they sneak in all this, they're sneaking in. I know.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Right? He's always one or two in each of these that's like, you know, what the, what the, but he's not totally blind. He can see a little bit. I didn't know if he could see it all. Oh, yeah, he has like,
Starting point is 00:29:12 just have some kind of, I know, if you want to look at all kinds of crazy ways, everyone's like, he'll like grab it a mic stand that's falling over. He can really, yeah, yeah, he never knew that.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Oh, well, don't, don't deny reality, Sean. He can, really, so he's got like super up close. Oh, well, don't deny reality, Sean. He gets, really? So he's got super up close. It's just like a bunch of assilin on his eyes. I think that's how he sees. Biden is a robot. Are people saying that?
Starting point is 00:29:36 I really hate when they gaslight us like this for lack of a better term. I've remect and cares COVID. Well, what do you mean? Well, it doesn't hurt. Doctors are prescribing it. Yeah, the only the reason why they don't it's very dangerous if you take too much. Right. It has a lot of interactions too. So is asame, this would cause his cancer in lab rats. Yeah, because they're fucking injecting him with it. Well, if you do, yeah, like of 10,000 times, what anybody could possibly fucking could use. But yeah, no, I mean, this is reality denial, by the way.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Antifa did January 6th. No, the fucking FBI did January 6th. Essential oils cure all illnesses. They snuck that in for ladies. You know, women have curves. How about that one? But I see that on here. Yeah. Essential oils, that's a, that's a really good marketing term. Like people, so they go, oh, essential, it means essential, like essential amino acids for life. No, it just means the essence, the oil that makes that particular plant
Starting point is 00:30:45 or substance that, you know, it's the essence. It's not essential for life. It's essential to make a plant what it is. Not see, here's, this is the, I don't know why, this is the anti-Semitic point of no return. I don't know why it has to be anti-Semitic, although I agree that conspiracy people are way too obsessed with Jews.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I got you. I got you. Okay, reptilian overlords, Illuminati, Sandi Hook fake. Yeah, George Soros. George Soros is straight up evil. He made all of his money shorting the fucking British pound, betting against the economy. He's still today funds, uh, prosic district attorneys that don't want to prosecute crimes. Like what do you mean? Leave anti-Semitic point of no return. He's a billionaire with a very specific direction that he wants to push the country toward and he uses his money to do it. Um, what was
Starting point is 00:31:44 the other one on here that I had a prop, the Rothschild Central Bank, that's absolutely fact. It's fucking fact, they still exist. Didn't we talk about that? Probably. I think we talked about that some months ago. Ah, oh God. They just sneak it in with the flat earth.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Flat earth is equally as anti-Semitic and ridiculous as George Sora was wanting to poison the fucking country for. Yeah, they've got a billionaire as you say like a terrible, but George Sarza, don't be cool with the anti-Semitic remarks. All right, what else do I have here? Woman accidentally shoots herself in the vagina. What the fuck? We're the nine millimeter handgun during a video shoot. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Wow, that's a, I wouldn't take a picture of myself from that angle if I looked like that. It's got a little, little, little gut there. How many, how pregnant are you, ma'am? Oh, I'm not. Oh, sorry. What? According to Upsen County Police, it's just a fucking
Starting point is 00:32:48 area. Looks like she has a long road to recovery. That's, I mean, sadly, I wouldn't say sadly. I mean, shoot yourself in the pussy. Ma'am. Say, thankfully, she has a long road of recovery, as cool as with whatever she's doing with her pussy. Maybe relearn it a little bit. How the fuck did she do that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Several of her housemates were at home. It seems the accident happened while she was filming for her quote subscribers. Oh my God, dude. She's fucking working the gut. That's... See, we have it easy. That's fucking working the gun. That's see we have it easy. That's so much funnier. We just read headlines and talk about George Soros.
Starting point is 00:33:31 This poor girl's fucking herself with a gun. Ups and County Sheriff Dan Kilgore told the smoking gun that it was unlikely anyone would face charges over reckless conduct. Yeah, that's okay. Well, the first rule of gun safety is have a good time. We all know that, right? Well, we're having a good time.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Having a good time, all right. Can you see the Asian Muppet? No, you didn't see that? No, the Asian Muppet. I don't know why. It's just like guys guys men have absolutely no. They're like, how, how Asian do we go with the eyes? Not at all.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Not two Asian, just a touch. Just a touch. See, they're different than, they're different than Ernie's. Yeah, yeah. Ernie, is Ernie white? I don't really know. I didn't think Muppets had braces. No.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Cause they're from fucking felt name up at land. Right. They're orange and blue. Ernie's not human. We don't know what the fuck Ernie is. But this, yeah, there's a guy like a real, I guess he's white. I guess he's fucking white. I guess because they had to make a special Asian one.
Starting point is 00:34:38 But he does have, he has long straight. Black hair. So young. Yeah. Oh, yeah, he's long straight black hair. So hair. G. So young. Oh, yeah, he's long straight black hair. So what? I don't know. Well, what do you, so he's not black, you're saying?
Starting point is 00:34:51 Maori. Oh, you know, what is he? I don't know. I don't know. I mean, he's not black, but is he Italian? He is Italian. Is he Italian? He is Italian. Yeah. You know that. I guess that's an Italian laugh? He is Italian. Is he Italian? He is Italian, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:05 You know that. I guess that's an Italian laugh. He's Italian coated. He's a South of Italy. Yeah, South of Italy. So this is their Asian Muppet. Don't you think this is just like phoning it in, like missing the whole point of the Muppets? We're going to cram an Asian Muppet, oh like a dragon or something.
Starting point is 00:35:24 That'd be cool. Talk about like a Chinese dragon. Yeah, I talk about, I mean, cause you're not just doing like an Asian one cause there are a lot of different cultures. Like that would be like considering America and Mexico the same country. You guys aren't proposing that, are you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Well actually, they're catch all Asian. So like Pakistani, so let them up it. Yeah, the Sikhs, the Indians. The Sikhs and the Pakistani, so they're not the Muppet, yeah, the Sikhs, Indian Sikhs, and the other ones, they're not friends. Indians or Asians. They're Russian? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yeah, like that is, you mean Egypt too? Or not Egypt. Yeah. You know, Turkey, part of it's in Europe, part of it's in Asia. It's the only country, you know that. Oh, really? Yeah, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:36:03 So racist. First Asian American Muppet. What fucking, so now they have part of Asia. It's the only country. Did you know that? Oh, really? Yeah. I didn't know that. Yeah. So racist. First Asian American muppet. What fucking. So now they have to. Now they have to not go any deeper into any type of ethnic background. They're going to find all the other ones. What's going to teach us? I learned. What's this American American muppet going to teach us? About what? Nothing because they're gonna offend. I'm not a fraction culture. No. I don't know. You have rituals you have anything like that.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Now we hear the Japanese. Okay. Okay. You're that could be a lot of Asian countries. You could be Japanese too. Yeah, you could be Chinese. You could definitely be Korean. You could all we can all I can tell you about Asia
Starting point is 00:36:46 as the Asian American mob, it is my mom is not proud of me. Right, that's it, right. So fucking stupid. We know that she practices violin six hours a day. Yeah, that's what we know. I mean, make a, seriously anything, and it's not the first fucking Asian American mob, I swear to God, there was a, there was God, there was a samurai guy, like a racist, like a properly racist Muppet
Starting point is 00:37:10 a long time ago. I remember it like it was fucking yesterday. There's no fucking way. We got through decades of Muppets without some kind of samurai Muppet. Not possible, right? Who was possible? Who was Japanese then, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:25 The samurai word. They were only, yeah, that's a Japanese word. Asian American. Yeah. How about like Chinese, I mean, a Chinese American maybe, Japanese American, Indian American. Do you guys want to, do you want to try a little bit instead of just making this tan mess that you've got. Yeah, I mean, it's up with Ernie.
Starting point is 00:37:47 So this is supposed to represent like Filipino too. I mean, you got me Indonesian. You got me, Sean. I don't know. There you go Asian American. I'm up it. How about that? Well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:38:03 So look forward to that. We're hanging around those Italians. Ernie's bad news. Ernie is Italian. I hope he's Italian. I mean, he's, you know, I don't know. He fucks around like an Italian. Yeah, does he?
Starting point is 00:38:14 Rubber Duckie. He's always fucking around. I was, you know, damn. Such long baths. What ethnicity, what nationality just takes baths for hours. I don't know. Talience.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Sounds more like the video does. Video takes baths for a long time. Does he? Yeah. He's sitting in the bath. He'll be texting. He got a, he got a new tablet just so he could play video games in the bath. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:38:41 Yeah. No. Yeah, yeah, that's real. Really? He also has, in one of the newer episodes of the biggest problem, he talks about how he has underpants warming, an underpants warming device. What? He has like a liquid warming underpants that he wears, that he plugs into the wall and
Starting point is 00:39:03 he eats his groin. I was kind of tuning in and out of that statement. Underpants warming. He knows how to spell. If this is semen killing underpants device. If this is real. It's real. Underpants, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:39:23 I don't know. They're warm as soon as you fucking put them on. He doesn't like, no, no, he like has a growing warming device that he wears that's like underpants and he plugs into the wall and he heats up his balls and stuff and his butt. Okay, his balls. That's true.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Cause he said he does not like to have like this shit in search for this underpants. Yeah, under pants, warming. He did under pants. Okay. He did under pants. Let's see. Yeah, look, he did under pants. He didn't underwear.
Starting point is 00:40:02 That's a thermal set. He has it, he has it electrified. He did a parallel up to electric, okay? Goby heated pants. Extra bed. Barrow row. He did a parallel. Be all.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Son of a kid. He did trousers there. Look, he has this. Cause he really hates having cold private parts, I guess. I don't know't know why so they're free like it it looks like there's a heating coil or something like your Your upper thighs or what is it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he has this what the fuck I guess if you live in the snow or something. Yeah, but he doesn't he lives right down the street I know listen Southern California. Yeah, the last place you did underpants. You know fucking veto veto calling and explain this. Calling and explain yourself, please. You know, on heated underpants, I
Starting point is 00:40:51 made you look it up because I didn't want to look like a complete asshole. In case you were putting me on. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cause I didn't believe in me. I asked him for like five minutes. Like what are you talking about heated underpants? Uh, here's a, oh yeah, a die in over the written house verdict. None of these people know what happened. Oh, did you find, are you finding people that are saying lies about written house? No, not really.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I don't know. Most people, I think most people aren't really talking about it because they're like, yeah, I could see that. Like, yeah, I mean, you know, the initial, it's always like, man, you need a few days before everybody starts, yeah, when it, when something like that first happens, you know, he's not a white supremacist. Oh, you mean he's, yeah, this is, he was attacked. He tried to, he tried to get away.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Yeah, it's like he's, he's probably, you know, guilty of, you know he was attacked. He tried to get away. Yeah, it's like he's probably guilty of bad judge. He didn't need to be there, didn't need to, but it's like people were there. They're the JoJo fucking the kitty rapist guy. JoJo, yeah. That fucking guy, like his girlfriend. He's a decent, a decent child rapist. Yeah, some like homeless fucking mental case.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah. His girlfriend's like, I don't know why he was there He wasn't he was just he was just there He didn't have any kind of like stake in anything All right, he was just like a guy who showed up there because he's fucking inside that hard times meme And he's like I'm gonna go make some good. I'm gonna go be a hard man and make good times So yeah,'re gonna come. Yeah, it was weird. Yeah, the internet, we were talking about that.
Starting point is 00:42:29 The international media was like, who killed three black men? Oh yeah, you said, yeah. Because, because, he's talking about the international press automatically assumes that they see AR 15. They're like, oh, shot in America. It's a black team.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Oh, I killed a bunch of black guys. Yeah. Oops. Here's the Portland Pro. What the fuck's A white guy killed a bunch of black guys. Yeah. Oops. Here's the Portland Pro. What the fuck's happening in Portland? Well, that's good. It's Portland. Portland protesters staged a diet.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Yeah, so they're all outlined in shock. Who outlined the last guy? Do they outline themselves? Yeah. He's the right. Well, one guy came back to life. He lacerist it, you know. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Came came back up just to trace around the guy, the last guy, and then he died again. Do you think the fact girls are like kind of pinching it in? Like, oh, here's my, and like, where's your line? Probably. Don't you fucking talk to me, that's right here. Yeah. Well, you kind of, I mean, you kind of,
Starting point is 00:43:19 you're dead line kind of, yeah. He's a little bit thinner than you, Madam. No, from everything I've seen, the jury made absolutely the right decision. Oh, he shouldn't even have been prosecuted. That's the first shade. Prosecutors. Oh, you know, what other problem I did on the biggest problem this week is cash bail. You ever think about, you ever thought about cash bail?
Starting point is 00:43:41 Like why is... Well, you have to come up with a percentage of whatever your bail set at right no that's that is because they have turned it into an industry well like bail bondsman and all yeah so the government said all right you got to give us oh and then that they make up the difference yeah it's like student loans yeah yeah so now they say like all right you owe us yeah five million bucks you like fuck yeah now I I gotta go pay this idiot. Now I gotta go pay the dog to bounty hunter, $500,000. So he could loan the government a half a, five million, right?
Starting point is 00:44:14 They made, they made this industry of shitheads. Yeah. And there's no evidence that shows people don't show up if they don't have bail, right? Yeah. Because if you drive through a McDonald's, your ass is getting nailed. You know what I mean? Like you're Brian, they found Brian Laundry who shot himself in the middle of nowhere,
Starting point is 00:44:36 got him. Like you're not getting away with anything. This country is the most wild west. You know what I mean? Your ass is getting caught no matter where you go. Oh, I know. I know. It's just like fucking poor people out of there.
Starting point is 00:44:51 You miss one day of work and you're poor, you're fucking done. Oh, yeah, you're, yeah, you're hand-to-mouth, man. But these people are sitting in jail, like three quarters of a million people are sitting in jail innocent. Yeah, presumed then. Sure, yeah. So everybody on the right, I was just the right, everybody on the right lost their minds because that guy that drove through the parade
Starting point is 00:45:14 yeah, was out on bail. Yeah, and they're like, well, we gotta have cash, we gotta have more cash bail. Should have been, it should have been an infinity money. Yeah, right? So he has to come up with 100% of it.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Yeah. But they all miss the main point, which is just do the trial. I mean, like, you don't need, he was sitting in jail for running over an ex-girlfriend with his fucking car. How much time do you need? I'll do it. You got to, you guys have, how many guys are in jail? Well, we're all backed up though.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah, well, you know, we got all this, we got to prosecute all these people who are selling cocaine and drugs. Yeah, yeah. Who didn't pay their ex-wives money that we decided they should pay. We don't have time to prosecute this guy that tried to run over a lady. I mean, the video of him fucking running her over. I know you have
Starting point is 00:46:10 the, you have the right to a, to a speedy trial, right? Mm-hmm. But it's like, that's why he was out. But it's like, they couldn't do it. They couldn't. Well, but it's like, fucking, there's got to be a way to balance with like the severity of the allegation. Like, you know, so you get that, like, like you're saying, like, get that guy. Get on trial quick. Right now, as opposed to play the video, who did the fucking video of him running child support. We don't even know if we don't even need to fucking, but then I guess, I guess you're violating, I guess you're violating a constitutional right by pushing that guy's case off. I mean, yeah, you have to try people. No, you, case off. I mean, yeah, you have
Starting point is 00:46:45 to try people. No, you do. I mean, if you can't try to make too many laws, well, that's it. Or you don't have enough whatever. I don't know. You're making too many. If you're trying people and having to like explain why it's wrong, yeah, you've made too many laws. Go ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, this is why this is wrong. It should be. No, it should be pretty obvious. I ran over somebody. I don't need to fucking explain why this is wrong. It should be, it should be pretty obvious. I ran over somebody. I don't need to fucking explain why it's wrong. Go ahead. There is something to be said for that.
Starting point is 00:47:10 There is something to be said for the lay person just being told like, oh, but, oh, that's wrong. Yeah, right? No, I mean, this is why this is wrong. And I know there's got to be more, there's got to be more nuance than that, but it's like, oh, no, that's, that's obviously mallet, mallet, mallet, mallet, inhibiting my forget, there's a, there's a Latin saying, which means, evil, like, in and of itself, and wrong in and of itself and wrong because the law says it's so.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Oh, sure. I forget what the saying, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's kind of the fucking wrongness that we don't need to explain. We pretty much just get. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. It's so aggravating. Oh, we got, well, she's, yeah, yeah, right. So aggravating.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Oh, we got, well, his bail should have been higher. What should it have been? $10 million? Yeah. So he couldn't have just say no bail. Here's the diet. I don't know, not allowed to drive a car, house or house? Just try him.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Yeah. Oh, his crime was so bad. So that's his bail should have been higher. No, try him today. Yeah, that's why he was out because they couldn't get him in front of a judge. Yeah, that's the real reason. Huh. They'll say it's because, oh, his bail was a thousand bucks instead of 10,000.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Yeah. But what would that have done? I don't know. Mm-hmm. Look at these brave people. Oh, he moved, that guy moved. All these people are lying dead, outlined, but crap in the chalk. It's a little girl walking around, amazing.
Starting point is 00:48:39 This is what community looks like. Oh, okay, black lives matter. I'm more fair in your business than this. This is what community looks like. Black Lives Matter. Oh, okay, Black Lives Matter. As people just want, they're chanting Black Lives Matter. Yeah. That literally had nothing to do with Black people. We finally had some news that didn't have anything to do with Black people in America.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Yeah, I mean, they tried to take it away from us. There's plenty to focus on, you know, if that, if that cause is, is up your alley. Yeah. Oh, let's see here. The IRS is growing. Oh, amazing. You're going to catch all those billionaires that are taking legal loans against the stock. Exactly what they're going to do. And 87,000
Starting point is 00:49:29 new IRS agents are going to be turned loose to monitor the 600. I got to, I think the 614 billionaires in America, I got a feeling that they're following the tax code perfectly. Yes. No, that's right. People think like, Oh, they're cheating. It's like, feeling that they're following the tax code perfectly. Yes. No, that's right. People think, oh, they're cheating. They're cheating. It's like, oh, they're following the law. The loopholes that they created. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:52 They paid the government to make. Yes. Exactly. What are you thinking? Yeah. How are people? This is like a gut punch from Biden, the whole. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Exactly. It was like 87,000 new. When they were in their ass, they said, or whatever, and he got four grand back for his kids. Yeah. You know, it's like,
Starting point is 00:50:13 Oh, no, no, that's totally by the book. Yeah. You can be pissed about, be pissed at who made that way. What just existed for? Let's start there. What's your misconception of taxes
Starting point is 00:50:23 that are causing this reaction in you to think that billionaires are not quote, paying their fair share? I think you have, you have felt for an ad to get a sense of how law, yes, 87th, wow. Apple has 150,000, so half the size of Apple. Tesla has 70,000 p, so that size of Apple, Tesla has 70,000 p. So that's the entire company of Tesla.
Starting point is 00:50:49 They're gonna increase the IRS. How much money do they think they're like, is this for real? Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't know. Is there a thing that they just did? Yeah, I always wonder, who's tweeting what? I mean, that was the, they've been talking about,
Starting point is 00:51:05 they've been talking about adding a bunch of IRS agents to track down a billionaires who have, who all their accountants make $300,000 a year and charge 150 bucks an hour. And there's more IRS agents. It's just people, It's just people, it's for you and me. Yeah, it's people sending cash app to each other.
Starting point is 00:51:23 And like, oh, here's 600 bucks under the table. Here's a thousand bucks to do this thing. Boom, we got you. The bank told us that you made $1,000. And you did not pay your 30% on that $1,000. Jesus Christ. What a hell. Okay, live in.
Starting point is 00:51:44 The IRS already has dedicated audit teams for high net worth individuals. Got a feeling they would, right? Congratulations. You're all high net worth individuals now. Yeah, right. Shoot yourself in the pussy. Oh, yeah, this one. You want to see a guy getting killed?
Starting point is 00:52:03 Yeah. All right, here we go. So this is a guy who shows up at his ex wife, is a dog in there, shows up at his ex wife's house to pick up his kid. You know, they're quite, they're quite adamant about when to pick up your kids. The court says you get it from this and this time
Starting point is 00:52:25 Yeah, all of them all understand when it's happening. So who's the guy who the guy in the teal is the one who's coming to pick up his kid Yeah, and this guy is the new boyfriend or whatever. Yeah, you're like going to make a name for himself. Uh-huh. Here you go. From you, fuck. This is on video. Get off of the property. Where's my son? Oh, warning shot. The guy shoots down. Oh, damn. Yeah. Does that seem like murder to you? I mean, it seems a little bit murderous.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Completely away from it. Yeah, he gets thrown away. I don't know. Yeah, I feel like everybody on the internet has like CSI poisoning in their mind. Oh no, it fucking, yeah. Oh well actually the law says this is like dude, the guy's looking for, is the guy's picking up his son.
Starting point is 00:53:22 This is his wife's fucking around. And then her boyfriend's si for is the guy's picking up his son. This is his fucking wife's fucking around. And then her boyfriend's sipping in the first degree comes out with a fucking gun shooting. What does that look like? It looks like it was like 20 feet away from him. After he was harmlessly thrown away. Oh yeah. Bop, bop, bop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Yeah. Samp's come on now. Just killed her. He Bob, Bob. Yeah. Yeah. Samps. Come on now. Just killed her, you just killed her child support. Yeah. Uh, so now the kids have to live with them. Kids have to live with the mom and they got it killed. They're fucking, it's like a Greek tragedy. I think that guy's going away.
Starting point is 00:53:59 You think so? I think so. I don't know. He said it's his property. Oh yeah, he's saying where the fuck are my kids? Are they at your mom's house? I don't know. I don't care if you want to see her mom.
Starting point is 00:54:20 What a fucking nightmare. Do I have kids with somebody who's trying to fuck with you all the time? Goddamn. I mean parents, divorcing parents fucking weaponize kids. Or divorce parents. I'm just leaving. All right, it comes out of the gun.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Here we go. Look at Jesus taught, he's short too. This guy, the guy with the gun. Yeah. Uh, and then you're dating a single mom and you're, she's shouting at the husband and then you're coming out with a gun. Yeah. I'll show you, I'll show you, you son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:54:58 I'll show you, you son of a bitch. I'll show you, fuck you, fuck you. Call the police, call the police. Call the police, call the police. Call the police, call the police. Call the police, call the police. Call the police, call the police. Call the police, call the police. Call the police, call the police. Call the police, call the police. Call the police, good idea. Look at that nipple rubbing. Okay, shooting down at the ground.
Starting point is 00:55:09 What? That gun sounds like a pellet gun. It does sound like a pellet gun. I don't know what kind of gun it is. This is working. It's probably like that fucker. Oh! Ha!
Starting point is 00:55:20 Ha! Well, there you go. That happened. Right. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha That's all. What an asshole. Yeah. Bring his gun out. Oh, I mean, Dr. Seuss. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Dr. Seuss, let's see here. Dr. Seuss raid. We will not let you read the book. We will not even let you look. Illinois school admin sees band,
Starting point is 00:56:00 Dr. Seuss books in the classroom. Oh, okay. Like, is there, there are culturally insensitive now? Mm-hmm. I saw people saying that you have to have a breathalyzer in your car now for the infrastructure bill. Like, that's like a requirement for 2030 plus.
Starting point is 00:56:20 So you gotta have a breathalyzer in your car. Oh, just, they're gonna come from the factory that way. Yeah. Okay. Turn it on. Okay. I mean, I don't know that I necessarily think that's a bad idea. Like, I saw people complaining about it.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I'm like, I don't know. Well, I mean, you know, you complain about that one, guys. It'd be nice to have self-driving cars, though. Yeah. Before we have to do, you know, what is the perfect system that will happen? Is self-driving cars with a breathalyzer? That's probably coming.
Starting point is 00:56:50 That's probably what's going on. Because at some point, you can take over the car. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you have to be sober. God, wouldn't that be the worst? Yeah, that's why I think that'll be the, yeah. We did both. That's good news.
Starting point is 00:57:04 We did both. Yeah, then it's like, does that not completely the, yeah. We did both. That's good news. We did both. Yeah. Then it's like does that not completely defeat the purpose of a self-driving car. Fun fact, the number one DNC donor reported occupation this year is a teacher. Yeah. Oh, I thought they were broke. I guess they got money to be paying for presidents, but I mean, teachers unions are very powerful, but the occupation said teacher. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:30 What does that mean? I don't know. I thought they had no money. They're buying rulers and crayons and stuff for their kids. They got plenty of money to give to presidential campaigns. All right. Let's do some comments. Hey, this is from Rodrigo, a rage.
Starting point is 00:57:44 It's dumb to challenge someone with a gun. Here's a rage for you, people who trip over themselves to claim it's dumb to challenge someone with a gun, whether it's self defense, whether it's self, whenever a self defense incident happens, the point of self defense laws is to protect life. And the point of the right to bear arms is to shoot at the government if they start executing people without fair trials. I think it's just keep them on their toes. The poor fucker getting summarily executed often undeservingly by some retarded larping as judge dread doesn't get a Bible quoting judge a televised trial or a four day jury
Starting point is 00:58:21 deliberation. I like self-defense and guns. In an principle, I agree that it's risky to challenge someone with a gun. But everyone should have the right to do so. These psychopaths are fantasizing about fabricating self-defense situations where they taught someone and either execute them or force them to stand down and win the argument just because they pulled a gun.
Starting point is 00:58:41 They are massive pussies. They need to be called out before they ruin self-defense, the rights of bear arms and the rights to a fair trial for the rest of us. I definitely agree with them on the fantasizing about, you know, it's, yeah, you can see it. You listen to certain people talk. There's, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Of course. Yeah, I was saying, and Kyle written house guys like, well, yeah, he probably wanted to kill people that fucked with them. Oh, that's crazy. Oh, really? No one like, really no one's having like imaginary arguments in their head. Yeah. Look on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And say funny stuff. Right. Oh, sorry. Right. I just came to Earth yesterday. I have no idea how people think. Well, I think he found out, you know, when something really happens, you find out that maybe he didn't really want to do that. Yeah. But he got away with it. So now he must love it. Thanks, probably, beating. If I was Kyle, I would be fucking put that on my tender profile.
Starting point is 00:59:42 So I'm Kyle. Yeah. Those guys, perhaps you've heard of me. Right. I got nothing going on up here, but... What do you have? Something tells me he probably wants to forget all about it. Nah. He should lean into it. He should do like an OJ thing, like whoops.
Starting point is 01:00:01 He might, he might in a couple of years or something do the rounds of, you know, do programs and things like that. And you think you want to forget about it? Talk about it. Most people do. Yeah. I mean, who are not psychopaths, you know?
Starting point is 01:00:14 No. Wow. I don't know what you're talking about. Uh, biggest problem, wisdom teeth. I just had mine removed, caused an ear infection somehow. And now I am in constant pain and not able to eat steak because of these meaningless remnants of evolution. Yeah. Well, in the wisdom teeth, they used to always say, oh, it'll, if you don't get them removed,
Starting point is 01:00:35 they'll crowd your teeth and all that kind of stuff. And they found that's not really true. Like that's, it's bullshit. It's kind of a scam. Oh, they say that there's no real evidence that it does that they're saying that unless they cause a problem or they're going to cause, they look at X-rays and cause like a weak spot. Yeah, weak spot in the jaw or something. Fuckers. You probably, probably just leave them alone and monitor them. So you can have extra teeth. I mean, I would like to have some extra teeth.
Starting point is 01:01:07 They're in there somewhere. I think our jaws have gotten smaller over the millennia. And so I think that's the case. And so like, yeah, most people's mouths do not have room for those extra teeth. I read somewhere that that's like a problem that are, because we don't chew on anything hard anymore, that our jaws are like kids, jaws are shrinking,
Starting point is 01:01:35 and like causing issues, surgical issues. And so you have to have them like chewing on table legs or something like that. I hadn't heard that, but while you can go to the, you can get your dog and the kid, the same, you know, have them, Naga hide. Wipe them.
Starting point is 01:01:49 There's your dessert, some raw hide. My expert down. Naga hide better. My experience with meditation, and why I think you should try it. Hey, Dick, this is Sam. I am the one fat spurg from Arizona that Eric Wong's girlfriend made cry.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Oh, wait, you remember him? No, that Eric Wong's girlfriend made cry? No, I like that. I recently tried meditation during my nightly afterwork swim at the gym, and I wanted to talk about how it's helping me, and how I think it might help you. During my swim, I focused on my breathing,
Starting point is 01:02:26 the movement of my arms and legs as I swam laps and singing John Mouse lyrics to myself. Do you know who that is? No. Neither. I know next. The next lot of spells is, maybe that's what he meant. The next day I was very calm and focused.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Oh. Well, I was very calm and focused. Oh. Well, I mean, success. Cool. And I had very little anxiety. I think I could think and communicate very openly. Write ideas to paper could focus on my work and I could rationalize my feelings instead of justifying them. I don't know that that's better.
Starting point is 01:03:04 It's different. And I didn't feel the need to ask for directions from everyone. I think meditation would help a lot with you. Oh, no, because you had discussed how you were having trouble putting thoughts together. Well, it's because I got thrown into a fucking planner. Right, it's a little... Right.
Starting point is 01:03:22 I don't need to rationalize my thoughts. I just accept that they're evil. It's just easier. Yeah. Go. Yeah. You're bad. And from my perspective, you appear to have a lot of newfound anxiety. Oh my God. Do I? Do I appear to have newfound anxiety? I don't. I mean, I don't know. No, I don't know. Newfound, no, I don't think so. I'm sure. But I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I mean, I think he's trying to be helpful, but maybe give it a second day of, of everything looks like a nail. Well, I mean, you learn how to meditate. Yeah, well, I know, and that's, yeah. Sure, I know, this always happened. The sudden expert. The sudden enlightenment.
Starting point is 01:04:04 But it's like, no, I mean, I get, you know, no, I'm sure that it helps a lot of people, you know, just, you know, I get just trying to concentrate on one, or not, or just, yeah, not having, yeah, slow your fucking head down, get your breathing. Yeah, I mean, it does, it makes sense to me. I've never, I've never done it, but, people say, maybe, never done it. But people say, just maybe, maybe,
Starting point is 01:04:27 maybe give it a second day and see how you are. Right. Yeah. Do it twice. It's that maybe he's doing it and he just wrote it that way. But it seems like he did it once and then the next day, it was, you know, he was magically different. Yeah. So now he's, you know, the thing with anything, meditating and anything is, I'll believe it if you say like, oh, it just kind of helped me be a little more calm. But then as opposed to life changing cured my day. Like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, done. Yeah, the shirt up a little bit loose credibility is overstate.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I'll buy something of its cheap, not if it's free. Right. Okay. Oh, look, it's good deal. I got to check that out. It's free. No, don't believe me. You don't want it? No. I'm sure a lot of dickheads who remember me think I am the last, I'm one of the last people
Starting point is 01:05:17 who should be giving advice, but I hope this is advice is helpful to you because it's helping me slowly come to terms with how bad I let myself and my world get. I'm taking new medication and seeing a psychologist in case anyone's wondering, but only that helped kick things off for me. Go fuck yourself. Good. Good for you. Good. Do whatever you think is going to help.
Starting point is 01:05:43 There's the exercise too. Yeah, there's the exercise. Oh, dude, these products. These products with the brass reduction surgery thing. Really bumming you out. It's like looking into hell. This is like, there's so many of them, all saying the same thing and they all are not working out.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Girlfriend has been on her period for over two months. This is advice. Okay. I hear that. She's going to bleed to death. Hey, Dick, my girlfriend, a stunner, with de-cup breasts has been on her period for over two months. Keep her off a fucking Instagram or whatever, tick-tock. You know, she's got to lock those things off. Yeah. Put some tarps on the couch, probably. God, don't let a gun get anywhere near her. She'll be permanently out of commission.
Starting point is 01:06:39 I don't want to sound transphobic either. If you're a guy and you want to cut your tits off, I don't care. Okay, sure, you know? Yeah, but if you're a woman, right, your body belongs to me, the state. Yeah. Right, like it should, like it should. Right, contrary wise, if you're a girl that wants to cut your penis off, same thing.
Starting point is 01:07:04 You gotta get approval from me. I don't think it's complicated. Right. If you wanna identify as a guy, cut your tits off, go for it. I don't care what guys do. Go do whatever, hard men. Create hard times.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Right. Week men. Create good times. I don't remember how it is. Right. I know it's so fucking simple for everybody though. Should I pull up the fucking grass back? Just to refresh your memory.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Hard times, suffering creates. It's just so emo. I think they don't even care. Yeah. Hard times, great hard man. Like what are you fucking, you having a hard time posting on Instagram and beating off over thoughts?
Starting point is 01:07:48 Is that what you want somebody to give you permission to go try something? Is that it? Yeah. We are, well, they just don't recognize in themselves what they see in other people. You know, what do you mean? Well, I mean, you, that's,
Starting point is 01:08:03 they're, again, they're the same people. Yeah. They don't recognize their tendency to be, you know, yeah. Yeah, they recognize like perfunctory excuses and like the charade of like performative victimization. You have to they just go do it. You have to subconsciously understand that about yourself. And I say subconsciously because it's definitely not in the forefront.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I don't feel bad doing it. No, it's something that strikes a chord and they don't know why, but it's like, hard man, it's them. It's like, no, dude, it's hard, man. I'm a hard man. It's you. It's you. It's you.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Instead of posting about hard men, creating hard times, you could have, you could have learned how to fucking code. Yeah. So where were you on that? Where were you on that? And then when dipshit, we are both in our early 20s and have been together since high school. When this began, oh, her period, she told me
Starting point is 01:08:52 we could not have sex because she had been menstruating while taking her birth control, okay? This went on for two weeks with me asking her status. Yo, bitch, what's your status? Yeah. It was the status of your period that you got until I convinced her to talk to a doctor who told her to go off birth control until the bleeding stopped. Yeah. Birth control is fucked. Oh, yeah. Feeling the birth control is really fucked up. No, people don't, it's not that, it's not talked about all that much. There's because you can't get any incorrect information from women. Well, that's why there are three and nine women per 10,000 will
Starting point is 01:09:34 get a blood clot. And normally they're very worse than the, than the COVID vaccine. Oh, oh, much worse of magnitude. Oh, yeah, it's not even, not even close. I tricked you into saying that there was a problem with the vaccine. Oh, no, no, yeah, it's not even not even close. I tricked you into saying that there was a problem with the vaccine. Oh, no, no, well, there's, there have been blood clots. There were six women from the Johnson and Johnson one. Do you think kids should give vaccinated? That's horrifying to me. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Kids are dying. Yeah. I saw somebody talking about smallpox and it's like, yeah, kids had to give accident. Like, get a smallpox was killing kids. Well, it was, yeah, we're like explicitly kids.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Well, yeah, it was close to, I think it was a, it was a, it was a, closer like a 40% death rate. Yeah, I think. Does you know that smallpox is the only disease we've ever eradicated? Like, yeah, as, yeah, as humans. Did we? Yeah. Yeah. I think the last cases they found in the found in the wild were in the 70s.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Huh. Yeah. But I mean, they consider it eradicated. Yeah. But yeah, it was like a multi-year vaccination campaign, like quarantine, like the, it was the who basically. They went like, there's reports of smallpox in this fucking village. All right.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Nobody in, fucking nobody out, vaccinate them, whatever. So it was like, it was just, it was years of stamping out fires, basically. But what were we talking about? After a month, this girl who's had her period for two months, after a month, she was still bleeding. And I again convinced her to go back to the doctor who told her to go back on birth control. We're not a doctor. I don't know what this advice question is.
Starting point is 01:11:07 She told me yesterday the bleeding is slowing, but she also said this a month ago, I see. So he's not fucking her, while she's on her period. Is that what's happening here? What makes it worse is that we have not been able to do anything else sexually because she said she has body image issues. If we are not having sex, I got it. Okay. There we go. So just write up your alley. Yeah. So he's not able to
Starting point is 01:11:33 bang her or get off at all because she can't have sex because she's having the longest period in history, but she won't do anything. Yeah, you should have been talking to a doctor like the next week. I mean, after you could blow your boyfriend, whatever is going on, sorry, you don't feel sexy, but whatever, we all do a lot of things that we don't like doing. I don't think she's lying because she had an eating disorder in the past and has a mild form of autism, buddy, buddy. Don't, I understand. You got to listen to your girlfriend lie to you. You don't have to lie to me, you know, about, you don't have to pass the lies onto me. She even showed me the blood one time to try to convince me that she's not lying. Then she, she had a lot of band-aids on her fingers.
Starting point is 01:12:26 It was really weird. She took a marker in the bathroom and she came out with all this red blood all over her fingers. Am I being played? Yeah, you're with a woman. I work out heavily and I am fairly attractive. Am I doing something wrong? Any advice is appreciated. I don't know how you got into this situation where a period means you're not having sex. Yeah, yeah. I've never heard a girl say that to you, like, well, I'm on my period.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Well, yeah, I've heard it. Yeah. So, shower. Yeah, or not. I don heard it. Yeah. So, shower. Yeah, or not. I don't care. Yeah. I don't get it. I feel like another species when they say that.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Go all along my period. So, what am I? I'm like a work of art here. I don't wanna get, I mean, it's just, oh, yeah, right. Everything that you got down there is a mess. What's the one from the other? Oh, sorry, I'm just leaking a bunch of mucus everywhere.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Oh, man. Weird. Well, when you put it like that, yeah. Yeah, bud, you gotta, don't, whatever they say when they hit you with that one, no, I'm on my period, I can't have sex. It is crazy. You don't have to like, meet them halfway.
Starting point is 01:13:55 So like, oh, that's not, that's kind of, oh, that's a concern of yours. It's like, no, it's crazy. Oh, she's autistic. Yeah, I don't give a shit. Okay. That's fine. I might throw up all over you. It's possible.
Starting point is 01:14:07 I've had a lot to drink. That's a lot to drink this morning. And okay, stop being a love-lorn F-slur. Hey, Dick, I'm 26 and I have just recently started psychiatric treatment for clinical depression. Okay. No SSRIs. All right. And as a result, I've started re-experiencing
Starting point is 01:14:27 a lot of emotions for the first time. Almost a decade. Yeah. Oh, that will happen. Sure. And I have realized that I used to be very emotionally needy. Well, we're all that way, bud. And looked at women in the same way
Starting point is 01:14:42 Oxmad does to women on YouTube, where he pretends that he's dating them. I'm having problems coping with these emotions, even though I know logically, I know we'll just make life worse. How do I get over this? I've already fucked enough hookers to know I'm not looking for sex. Well, you could try starting a podcast. Yeah. That might work for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:07 Uh, you could try whatever you, you, uh, you could try complaining about feminism on his movies on what's he trying to get over trying to fix the giant hole in his soul that God put there. Well, he doesn't like his sick fuck. He doesn't like his feelings. Yeah. He's trying to, but that's the, right. It's a fucking point. Yeah. Yeah, well, if you figure it out, tell the rest of us, because we've been looking to fill that hole for the 100,000 years.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Okay, let me see if anyone's calling. Where's Vito, I wanna hear about these pants. Ha, ha, ha. Does he listen to the show? Sometimes. All right, let's do voicemails. What time is it? Oh shit, we gotta do the flurk contest. Okay, flurk.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Yeah, flurks. Fake lurker. No, just a goofy character. Really? Stonetoss made. Yeah, it's an anagram of another, making fun of somebody else. It is, it can't stand for that though, can't it? I mean, yeah, you just made it stand for that.
Starting point is 01:16:09 That's not what this specific fluric stands for. These are stone tosses, NFTs. Because I think I'm right, I think that's a term. What is it? Like fake lurker. Fake lurker? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Okay. I bought too many flurics, so I'm giving one away this week. Stunt tosses NFTs. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, here we go. So we have to vote, Sean. Okay. On which one gets the, on who gets the NFT?
Starting point is 01:16:41 Based on what, what's going on? Just like how it excites you. Just how it goes. So these are like, all right. This is the Sean Dance. Oh, okay. I'll say people remember that. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:53 The Sean Dance that you did, that they did of you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So this guy's doing a little fore square thing. He's covered his face up
Starting point is 01:17:07 It's doing a last so right. What do you think about that? Okay You get the idea I get it. Would you dance like that if you had to probably probably I mean, I don't know with the last So yeah with the last so it's got his headphones sticking out of his pocket. It looks pretty muscular Okay Yeah, with the last one. He's got his headphones sticking out of his pocket. It looks pretty muscular. Okay. What do you, what do you rate that? I mean, I, I, I wouldn't, couldn't even begin to. Can't even begin.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Understand what was going on there. Well, he's doing your dance. Oh, I know, I know. I remember this song. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Let's see. Here's a second, here's a second entry. I know, I know, I remember this song. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Let's see, here's a second, here's a second entry.
Starting point is 01:17:47 It's time for the Sean Dan. He's doing a Sean, look at that. That's a good dance. I was waiting for that, yeah. Yeah. So he's wearing a, he's wearing a, a mess with his jaw, right? Oh, he did mess with the jaw.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Yeah, he's doing it. Okay. It's pretty good. That's probably, that's funny. All the coaxies. Yeah, because I say Mike though. I don't have a good. That's probably, it's funny. All the coaxies. Yeah, cuz I say Mike though. I don't have a good Mike though. I also have multiple cans you can't, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Yeah. It doesn't have any stickers on it. That's a laptop. That's a problem. Well, but that's, it's not my laptop. Okay, good. Okay, you like that one? I mean, it's, it's funny.
Starting point is 01:18:22 Yeah, it's funny. That's the, when you say trundance. I was like, and I saw these, I was like, somebody's gonna do that. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So the thing is Patreon won't let me do a raffle. Yeah. So I have to do.
Starting point is 01:18:33 That's pretty fun. Yeah, okay. Instead to give these fl- The flurks are priceless. Yeah. Because they're banned from every platform that you, that does NFTs. You still have them,
Starting point is 01:18:43 but you have to trade them illicitly. Stone toss. Stone toss. Trade of this? Yeah, yeah, NFTs. You still have them, but you have to trade them illicitly. Stone toss. Stone toss. Trade of this. Yeah, this. Yeah, this guy. Stone toss. Stone toss made Flurix and I, I got shit face. I'm part way too. Right. I retain all these, all these names and stuff and what they do for about a week and a half. So we talked about them last week. So like I just, yeah, yeah, he stole a band from everything in my mind. Yeah. He did the flurics and then he got he got banned from everywhere. Okay, this is another Bananas on the side
Starting point is 01:19:11 Yeah, he has bananas on his head. This is from Trace I'm more interested in like what they're this their dance he's doing up and down. I do his hands. I always want to look at their apartment for their place. I mean, it's going on his apartment. Nothing of note. I don't think this is apartment.
Starting point is 01:19:36 What's that? That was it. Yeah. Okay. So he did the, what did he have in his apartment? Let's go. He's got like a, nothing worthy of like a panorama shot of the grain can, you know, I think his apartment looks like either a holiday in express or a serial killer's apartment.
Starting point is 01:19:54 There's nothing in there. Well, I see the cable sticking out of the wall with the fire alarm. Yeah, there isn't alarm. Right. It looks like a something you find in a hallway. Yeah, it's like a pool in case of fire, right? That looks like a something you find in a hallway. Yeah, it's like a pool pool in case of fire, right? Have you ever lived somewhere that had a fire alarm thing?
Starting point is 01:20:11 Does it just look like that? Is it actually, is that a smoke detector? No, the smoke detectors in the ceiling. Smoke detectors in the ceiling. Funny, okay. Okay, Captain Boomey's, oh, a girl. Okay. Well, all right, let's see who it is.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Yeah. Okay. Oh, get out of here. It's not a girl. It's not a girl. I really don't need to see myself twice. Oh, you don't. You okay?
Starting point is 01:20:37 Look at that. It's a hell of a v-neck. Yeah. Oh, there's some kind of a flash of tits. Yeah. That's your v-neck. That's a v-neck cut. Oh, my, mama Mia.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Whoa, whoa. Keep her away from TikTok. Whoo. All right, well, yes. Keep her away from TikTok. Dude, can you believe that that the average age is 18? That's amazingly young. It's very predatory.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Yeah, and these doctors are like pushing it. Oh, no, no, I know. I'll push yourself. Is yourself a steamfuck? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Does your back hurt? You gotta get those tits, Loptoff, honey. Yeah. Yeah, all right, that was your back hurt? You got to get those tits lopped off, honey. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Yeah, all right. That was a good thing. So it's good, but you don't like seeing yourself that counts against. That's fine because they're not showing me that much. Well, you get tits right on your face. That's, that's amazing. That's wonderful. I am completely.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Yeah. I don't know about seeing tits and then like a man dancing around. I know. I know. I know. Yeah. I mean, this about seeing tits and then like a man dancing around. I know. I know. Yeah. I mean, this has got to be the winner, right? I mean, no, the biggest, the biggest laugh so far was Derek's. Sure. Sure. Sure. Cause it was, yeah. Cause because I knew someone was going to do it. Yeah. Okay. Here's Duncan balls. I don't know if that's his real name. Oh, we are giving something away, right? It's time for the flurk. Yeah, the flurk. So this guy puts a mefford in there. So he's just like a computer shot. Yeah, but he put my head on it. Yeah. Wait, this is like a 3D.
Starting point is 01:22:11 So this is a virtual shot. Yeah. Pretty good. I mean, what do you think about having a virtual you that make it to whatever they want? My twerking? Yeah. What do you think about that? A decent amount of effort in this one. Because you're like mapped onto a 3D figure. Yeah, think about that. He's doing a jump. There's, yeah, a little ballet move. Yeah. I mean, that's a cool dance, but it's not practical. Like the Macarena is easy to do. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Right? Okay. Okay. Right. Okay. It's good. I like it, but I think Derek's, but it's like, well, are we going just by entertainment factor? Can we give it to somebody who's not doing a dance? Or is that like, oh, no, Sean wouldn't dance. Well, what's the dance?
Starting point is 01:23:03 So I mean, that's what it is. What is a dance? What it will. I mean, it's probably not sitting at the computer, but, you know. You can die at co-hands, layers. This is Eric Wong's, the Sean dance. Look at the bear.
Starting point is 01:23:20 He's a stripper, Paul, in his house for some reason. He's a giant diet coke on the screen. Yeah. Well, he's a bear on the wall. There's the stripper workout stuff now, you know, that's been going around less. Oh, yeah. Four or five years. Workout.
Starting point is 01:23:34 I don't want to see Eric work a pole. Is he learning how to pole dance? It's for if he gets girls over there. You get him drunk a little bit and they'll definitely be on. They'll break there of necks. Well, but I mean, girls can't barely ride a cock when they're drunk.
Starting point is 01:23:55 They're gonna ride a pole. Well, they're gonna try. They're gonna try. Sounds like an insurance nightmare. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay, Eric's sliding down the pole erotically. I don't wanna know about that. Sorry. Mixed that up, Eric, no, no, no. Okay, Eric's sliding down the pole erratically. I don't wanna know about that. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Mixed that up, Eric, but I appreciate it. Okay, here's from D. Can't believe this many people did this. People really want those flurks. I don't know what to do next week for a contest. Oh my gosh. My life coach said, oh, what do you have to be a Patreon to apply for this?
Starting point is 01:24:24 Yeah. Did this. Yeah. Did yeah. Obviously. Okay, here you go. To the dance. Oh boy. What do you think about this guy's wearing it? Well, it wasn't supposed to be audio.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Maybe. To the dance. You've been practicing. To the dance. What do you think about that dance? That is like fucking terrifying thing. He's wearing a mask with big eyes. Yeah, he's got a coat.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Are they shirt? Can dress up, the sneakers. Where is he like Pacific Northwest? Or is it a problem? Does he like a great lake or? There's no surf there, but I like that part This is rubber baby buggy bumpers. Yeah
Starting point is 01:25:21 This is rubber baby buggy bumpers. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think? I can't believe he committed this long to it. Ha ha ha. You think I did like a Spider-Man thing there. I'm in. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:25:37 This is pretty good. And it sideways, you know, which is wrong. Of wrong. Yes. It's pretty good. It is. Okay. Of all wrong. Yes, it's pretty good. It is. Uh, okay, that was D. I got two more. Okay. Do you have a winner in your mind?
Starting point is 01:25:53 I mean, not really. Okay. Re-smart. He's got a, oh, he's working out. He's got a v-neck on and he's not gonna work on Doing curls on guitar you like that. Yeah two guitars. Yeah curling guitars I think that's a base. Yeah, it's got one. He's got a base. He's got a guitar bass. Yeah. It's got one. He's got a bass. He's got a guitar. Oh, an amp too. Wait a minute. I was like, you're listening to this. I can tell. This is actually really good. I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Okay, because I talked about doing that one time with Yes. Guitar cases or like if you're stuck you can pick up anything amps yeah I mean this is really good you like this one I like this one you're doing tuners too yeah that's good guitar case yeah my point was you can work out with anything yeah except with huge tits you can't possibly work out if you have huge tits you gotta just cut cut them off just got a Zach Wild West Paul. That's a dog whistle.
Starting point is 01:27:08 That's a racist dog whistle. Yeah, right. How do you do this, though, at the club? Do you have to take in? Well, off. This is not meant to be out of the living room. We all know that. He's a shit.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Oh, no, he's he's benching a keyboard. Okay, all right, all right, Reese. You're the front runner. Yeah, very, that's funny. That's funny. And as soon as he picked up the, yeah, because he thought about it, he had a weight, he had a dumbbell.
Starting point is 01:27:39 Oh, and then he picked up the guys. And then when he picked up the amp, I go, oh, okay, I know what he's doing. Very good. Okay, here's the last one. Here's the last one. He's got a V-neck cut down to his belly button. Yeah, that's funny. And he's got the kind of body that no one's asking him to wear a V-neck.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Yeah. Kind of bouncing around. Like he's trying out dancing for the first time. He's having a board with like a bunch of glasses on it. He does have an ironing board with several glasses in the background. And he has an intercom. Is that his table?
Starting point is 01:28:18 That's... God. I think I'm a big fan. Yeah. He's terrible. I always tripping out. He's doing it. That's like, yeah. Like an undulation. I think I'm a big fan of you. Always tripping out. It's like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Like an undulation. You might have just moved in on that. You just moved in. Have you ever just moved in and used an ironing board for a fucking table? No, but no. I mean, I don't know that I've... Yeah, I have.
Starting point is 01:28:41 I don't currently have an ironing board. I mean, that belongs to me. That's that bit. I mean, I don currently have an ironing board. I mean that belongs to me That bit I mean I you know, I don't have an ironing board Means it no no my girlfriend has an ironing buddy, but I haven't yeah, I can't remember the last time I I don't know what happened to it Plus just Yeah, yeah, I'm doing a dance He's doing that one. Yeah, is. Yeah. He's doing a dance. He's doing that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Is that a white guy dance? I don't. Where are you? Fucking squeeze a yoga ball with your elbows. Maybe so. Is that what they do? Oh, he dumped water all that's what. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:19 That's a desperate move. Dumping water all over yourself. I appreciate it, but I think the winner's Reese, with the guitar lifters. Yep, guy. Okay. Thank you. Next week, I'll do another one.
Starting point is 01:29:32 I'll post it on Patreon. slash the Dix show. If you will do like a macho man impression off or something. That's good. Thank you. Thank you to everyone who sent in your videos, but I think I think Reese was the winner. I'll send you your flurk at some point this week. See you next Tuesday. Oh
Starting point is 01:30:24 I'm slow today was it I'm slow today. Was it? I'm slow today. Yeah. Dick and Sean. Yeah. I hope you all are doing well. And as long as you're having filled yourself, thanks for not killing yourself. Thank you for not killing yourself.
Starting point is 01:30:33 For help. Okay. My wife, after we have our next kid, this could then she wants to get a press reduction. Oh! She's a 34. I. Theme today.
Starting point is 01:30:45 I. Pretty for I. Not super skinny, but not what you'd expect for somebody to have those analogues. Okay. How do I get the experience in onto that? No, morbid obesity on many cases. That's the beautiful naturalist cake. I need advice.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Start cheating on you. I hope you guys can help. Bye. Sounds like she doesn't have enough problems in her life. I mean, if you got time to think about all kinds of elective surgery you're doing, you clearly don't have enough problems. So after their next kid, well, so I guess you're just not going to have a kid. Sorry, honey. How long can you be pregnant? Right. Years forever, threaten to kill yourself. Okay, if you cut those sits off, I'm gonna cut my head off. Weapon, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:34 It's the same. Why are you doing this to me? Are you doing this to me? It's the same fucking thing. Oh my God. Can you imagine having that conversation? No. No.
Starting point is 01:31:43 I'm gonna get a breastfed. Oh, have you, have you going to get a breastfed. Have you, have you listened to my podcast? What are you getting me? OK. Hey, Dick. Hey, Sean. I was going to call you guys with a rage.
Starting point is 01:31:57 But you know what? So I was on my way to work. And I was listening to you two talk shit about those fat hooters girls. And I swear to Christ I was scream laughing in my truck for a while. That was funny. Yeah. That was great.
Starting point is 01:32:12 You guys, you guys made my day much, much better. I'm not even a rage anymore. Awesome, guys. Thank you. You're welcome. Can you, Matt, walking into a hooters? Oh, man, I finally get a day off. Let's go to hooters, have some wings.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. Right? I mean, did they boil the frog slowly or was it like overnight? Wow, they replaced all the waitresses with big fat pigs. I mean, I can only guess their, their, you know, wing sales plummeted and their vomit volume went up.
Starting point is 01:32:45 The vomit volume went up. Yeah. Cause they got to drink so much, cause they're so fat. I guess. That was not okay. They got in the news, I guess. You know, you know, it'd be a great news article.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Local hooters has insanely hot chicks. Guys are coming from all over the world to see how hot these ladies are. Amazing. Okay. Hey Dick and Sean, it's very, very, very, you're totally right about the Confederate flag. I didn't even know what the Confederacy was because I was like 10, but all I knew was like bam, this hazard, that's cool. Yeah. This hazard and cool music. Yeah. That's what the Confederate flag was. Ditto boys. That's why these fucking bitches hate it. Like, yes. It really is. We're fucking cool cars. Listen and the women are skinned. Yeah. And it's like, yeah, you shouldn't be allowed to do that.
Starting point is 01:33:46 The Confederate flag. So the reason the flurics got kicked off of open sea and rarerable. Oh, is because he had a Confederate flag somewhere. Because one of them, like he's got a bunch of randomized political iconography. Yeah. So there's like a CCP flag, CCP, like a a Cameron Cycle, Communism, and Confederate flag. Oh, is it Confederate flag on this one? I gotta get rid of it.
Starting point is 01:34:13 But I really do think that nobody cares about the actual origin of the Confederate flag. All they care about is the current meaning of guys who grew up with dukes of hazard thinking it's awesome. And there's nothing to do. I love the dukes hazard. We all love, and that's what they really want to erase the dukes of hazard. Like it's not the Confederate flag. It's been gone for years, right?
Starting point is 01:34:35 Women, these people, is not about slavery. It's about literally the dukes of hazard. And us saying dukes of hazard was awesome. Fuck the law, fuck boss hog. I'm like, that's fucking bullshit. You respect boss hog. Boss hog respects women. I believe that.
Starting point is 01:34:55 It's got nothing to do with slavery. No black people are walking around. I'm like, oh wow, Confederate flag. They ever have any black people in that show? I mean, ever? Wasn't Daisy Duke black? No. I can't tell.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Right. Cause I don't see any. Right. I think, uh, Roscoe P. Coltrane was black. Roscoe was black? Yeah. With a name like that.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Right? Roscoe P. Coltrane? Yeah. Go flash. Heek heek heek. Uh, okay. You know what's like pissing me off a lot hmm that when your girlfriend breaks up with you And then you agree
Starting point is 01:35:34 At then she's all surprised like what the fuck? Mm-hmm and apparently I'm the bad person. I Wasn't though. I just accepted the different up and I was okay with it. I think you bad person. I wasn't thought I just accepted the different account and I was okay with it. You're not supposed to be. Yeah. She didn't get her day. Yeah, exactly. I'll show you. What suit? You were just phoning this in the whole time. What are you already thinking about? Oh, yeah, I can fake a relationship for decades. You haven't been faking one of myself for so long. I don't even know anymore.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Um, okay, maybe two more. Sweet. What makes me a rage in the prevalence of McDonald's over Wendy's. Yeah. You know, don't get me wrong. They each other's strengths. Yeah, I think. But I think, yeah, I think it's a good spread. Why do you make me feel like I'm being lied to? When I bite into a big neck, I kind of feel like I just bought a time share. Whereas with Wendy's, it just feels like I get that going home.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Yeah, Wendy's is that going home. Yeah. Wendy's is a meteor burger. Yeah. A meteor bun, meteor frosty, but McDonald's, Jake McDonald's tastes like McDonald's. Yeah. No other beef, you know, it, you can't mistake it for anything else. And I really do, I love the quarter pounder. It feels like a tiny version of a burger.
Starting point is 01:37:04 You probably knew this. I think I think I'm right about this. I haven't checked into it, but I heard somebody say it, and it makes sense. I've always loved McDonald's onions. Oh yeah, they have a unique taste. They're strong, but they're not soaked in sugar probably. Well, from what I understand, they're dehydrated.
Starting point is 01:37:25 Oh, that's why I've been there. And then rehydrated. Yeah, that's, I think that's true, but they taste, they're unique. They taste unlike any other fast food onion to me. Wendy's is too much like, they got all that fake wood and shit in there. Like, what's going on inside of a Wendy's?
Starting point is 01:37:43 They all have that turn style, like the waiting and lying thing. They're spicy chicken sandwich is really good. in there like, yeah, what's going on inside of a Wendy's? They all have that turn style, like the waiting and line thing. They're spicy chicken sandwiches, really good. Yeah, I've always liked their spicy chicken sandwich. And you got to like order a frosty and the fries and pretend like you're not just going to dip the fries in there. You know, I never do that. Why don't they just sell it combo? People love that shit. That's like a thing with Wendy's, but I never good either. No, I mean, I messed up the fries. I don't think I've ever done it.
Starting point is 01:38:08 I don't think I've ever done it. Not a big frosty guy. That doesn't surprise me. Would make me a rage of the supply chain crisis. Oh, it's something. It's bullshit. I just got a phone call from some brokerage who's like, hey, can I get an arcade on this,
Starting point is 01:38:24 there's logo right there? I'm like, yeah, it's in Tennessee. What the fuck do you want? Load. uh... from from brokery to like hey can i get a note they don't do so this load right now like yeah it's in can't see what the fuck you want you know what it is it's a bunch of chick flay wrappers just fucking paper bags for fast food restaurant and i think i have a they call every
Starting point is 01:38:39 and fucking gay checking and when you get to these warehouses they have six months inventory sitting there yeah so i don't think it's an emergency and then uh... was that the last thing at home
Starting point is 01:38:54 blue jeans uh... leave eyes got to get these leave eyes out where is this crisis never trusted it's all bullsh** well it's like all by chain backed to our business we have a stupidity for blood yeah manufacturers something in america
Starting point is 01:39:13 put it on a ship that burns the worst fuel ever made send it to china have flays turn into the wall send it back on that ship to america so we can throw it into a landfill no it doesn't. Everybody kill yourself. Listen, just take the politicians who did this in the 70s.
Starting point is 01:39:33 Uh-oh, dragon out of bed, burn them alive. Oh, no, you can't say that. No, you're done, you're done, Sarah. What a horrible thing to say. Did you imagine if politicians would be punished for making, for fucking everyone over like that, it would be like, everybody else. You can't be, you know, politicians are the same standard that we hold everybody else. If I, if I, they take care of it in their own class, right?
Starting point is 01:39:57 I mean, they, they punish each other accountable. You know, that's yeah. If I somehow fucked over the entire country, yeah, you could, I mean, you'd come to my house, like you fucked you fucked over. Right. Everybody. Yeah. With this, I'd say, well, you're going to kill me, right? Yeah. There's no need to hold somebody accountable. You fucking get arrested and he gets. Yeah. And he kind of small thing. He gets thrown away. You fuck up. Yeah. People are going to come find you and hold you accountable. Oh, you fucking get arrested. Yeah, and he kind of small thing. He gets thrown away. You fuck up.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Yeah. People are gonna come find you and hold you accountable. How do you can't do it? Politicians know how. How could they do their job? Right. If they were held accountable for anything. Right.
Starting point is 01:40:34 How could they do their job of fucking you? Mm-hmm. Constantly. All right. Very well. They couldn't do it. No. Who would do it then?
Starting point is 01:40:43 You? Not you, you're not qualified. You're not qualified to fuck people over. No. No, you have no idea what it is. You haven't had a whole, you haven't been brought up in a family that has fucked people over prior to your generation. This is passed down. You don't understand art for investment purposes?
Starting point is 01:40:57 Very specific set of skills. It is. It is. You don't understand having an asset portfolio that invests before you make laws like Nancy Pelosi's has made hundreds of millions of dollars. Don't have any of that. I understand these things. You just don't idiot.
Starting point is 01:41:13 We think that people should be killed because they've ruined the lives of millions of people. Yeah. That's not. Do you want a government that believes in those values that if somebody fucks over, ruins their lives, millions of people, and they're progeny, that they should be killed for that. You don't want to government it. Does something like that. No, no, no, no. We think that other, other leaders in other countries should be killed for fucking over millions of people. Yeah, fuck over a little bit. No, that's tiny mistake. Even if no mistakes, we can't take out the people who are who are put in position of
Starting point is 01:41:48 power to fight for you. Exactly. That's what I mean, who are there for you? Right. Thank you. Ah, I think we should just say thanks and move on with our thanks. Thanks, thanks. Have a good time.
Starting point is 01:41:59 All right, goodbye. Thanks, see ya. Yeah.

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