The Dick Show - Episode 287 - Dick on Human Stop Signs

Episode Date: December 6, 2021

People trying to be stop signs, pictures of dog poop, COVID: The Cough Variant, Vic Lasagna is kicked from Comic-Con LA, Iron Liz calls in about her comic and Channel Awesome, and the planning for Roa...d Rage: 300 begins; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's just what I need. No, I think when was this built? 1965. I was going to say, middle of the century, yeah. Yeah. It's been up here a while. I think it's been. And they went and came up with all these fantastic regulations.
Starting point is 00:00:16 You drive around this. I got a whole issue with the city. I got to get into, let next year. Everybody who owns a home, you know, has an issue with the city. Yeah. Yeah, I really do. I really do. I mean, you know this as well as anyone, property tax in California.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Holy shit. That's outrageous. Just the myth of home ownership. It's like, yeah, don't pay that for a little while. See what happens. Do you own your home? How much? Yeah, yeah. I got to do. And the guy next door to me, his property tax is like $3 a month because he's lived there for 80 years. Yeah, and he has a high. Why is that? How in what universe does that make any sense at all? Because it probably hasn't been
Starting point is 00:01:01 reassessed by the city for for current market value. Yeah, but that makes no sense. Like, well, no, we can't. We can't. That's why we want to old people would just vote us out of office if we fuck them over. So you're paying it. Bump paying for the entire block because I just bought my house because you just bought your house.
Starting point is 00:01:18 The whole fucking block of properties, Sharon's outwork because it's part of the the market value of the property was at least it used to be. I drive up in the industry and it's Bernie Hillary, Bernillery stickers, 2024, but vote Bernillery because fuck the rich, like all of you motherfuckers in this neighborhood are rich and I'm paying for all of you. You're all on social security, you pay $3 in property tax, you get 25% coffee at McDonald's, and I pay full price, and full price me,
Starting point is 00:01:52 no half price for you. It's kind of like, I'm sure you love it. It's kind of like us paying for the government. You know, who don't pay, it's totally fucking outrageous. Why is property tax for me so much? But I look across the street at some old fuck
Starting point is 00:02:05 because it's the rule. That's how they do it. Because they just assess, because your house got assessed by the city. So the bank could make sure they could charge as much as possible for your house and that everybody was cool with it. Oh, can we fuck this guy for the,
Starting point is 00:02:21 we're all cool with this, right? This house appraises for the, the loan appraises for those, we're all cool with this right this house appraises for the the loan appraises for this We're all cool with that right guys right? You guys have no risk anyway. Yeah, you just get bailed out no matter what so I don't know why you care I know why you even have an appraisal industry Well, cuz your house got a that's why that's why that you're probably tech so high and mine is three dollars a month because mine was appraised in that your property tax so high and mine is $3 a month because mine was appraised in 1972.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah. And I bought it for $10. I bought it when I was working in. They never refighted or anything. Oh God, because I wouldn't need money for it. Yeah, I don't know. Because that would be. You got to be able to spend it.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Then they would find out the market value of the property, but. Yeah, I'm going to figure out how to, how you can force appraisals to happen. And I'm just going to go up and down. I'm going to go around the country fucking up all people's houses. So they have to get reappraised.
Starting point is 00:03:10 What does it cause? I would think that the would say a Cessar's office would want that to happen because I think they would be doing it all the time. But they would get fucked out of office because all people go, no, you're out. Yeah. Fuck the young people. That's how this works.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Because they don't understand. You don't have time to sit down and actually read about how anything works until you're about 38. And then you go, what the fuck is, what you've been doing? You've been, it's full of what? Castro Street, remember in the Simpsons? They named this three after me. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:44 It's full of what? Yeah. That's the, they said the F-slaur on the Simpsons. I should be right. That's what he's saying. Yeah. Full of what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Probably said it in Spanish though, so it's fine. Yeah. There's no M-slaur. Right. We all know what slur I'm talking about as well. I don't know. I bet a lot of people don't. But yes. Really? Yeah, I don't think a lot of people do. I mean, not a lot of people don't, but yes. Really?
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yeah, I don't think a lot of people do. I mean, not a lot of people aren't even around a lot of Spanish speakers who are hateful. Yeah, I mean, it's the always thing, let's take California, you always know like the slurs and the bad words. Even if you don't speak a lick of Spanish. Yeah, because somebody goes, oh yeah, I know,
Starting point is 00:04:23 you know, you learn it as kids. Ooh, what's the bad word for that? Yeah. It's shut up your bitch. I don't even have this written down. I always just don't remember it because there's a fighter. There's a fighter. His last name is my orga. Yeah. My orga. You know, I was, I'm like, okay, that's, oh, yeah, that's right. That's, it's close to that. My orga. Yeah. That's the slur that you're referring to. The M slur. My orga? Yeah, it's, that's not talking about like, I know that's slur, but it's a biblical name. I'm talking about Jesus' mom, something a waffle treat that you put ice cream in. So you're talking about the emsler. So you're talking about the...
Starting point is 00:04:51 Yeah, hold on, let me walk you through it. Okay. Jesus' mom. Yeah. Who was who? It was Mary. Okay, now what's a waffle treat that you put ice cream in? I'm talking about the emsler.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I'm talking about the emsler. I'm talking about the emsler. I'm talking about the emsler. I'm talking about the emsler. I'm talking about the emsler. I'm walk you through it. Okay. Jesus is mom. Yeah, who was who was Mary? Okay. Now what's a Waffle treat that you put ice cream in a tasty sugary waffle Uh, oh Holder that's another one for it. Yes, I know it's actually That's another one for it. What is that?
Starting point is 00:05:22 I know, it's a cone. It's a cone. Yes. Yes. Yes. And then the letter, today's episode is brought to you by the letter that pluralizes very funny. Is what?
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah, very funny. What? The letter that makes things a plural, if you put it on the end. There's usually an S. There you plural. If you put it on the end, there's usually an S. There you go. Thank you. Is that anything? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Yeah. That'd be a fun game, honestly. That wasn't the White Power TV. What is the slur, right? There it is. Aye, yeah! Welcome to the egg you wanted. you named egg you love egg you. You've got it as the show ends in context.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Come to your life for a mountain buck or even the audience that you feel you. I'm your host Nick Mashlin, aka the $20 million man. Joining me is always this world touring LA based comedian Sean the audio engineer. Hello, Dave. What's up buddy, thank you for not killing yourself. What's the least I can do.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And joining us on this another episode. It happened again. It happened again. We've got a bonus episode out right now, slash the Dix show. Yeah, that was fun. That was a fun one. We should see.
Starting point is 00:06:33 We have to be silly, because the stupid premise of that fucking show, with the inventions, that I really, I could use that 1-800-hate line. 1-800. That's what it is. The line that you, the 900 number that you call and just do racist voices with an operator on the other side. 1-800. That's good.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Again, I might be confusing. I'll always be taking in 900. 1-800. That's the number. Oh, good. See, they, you can remember that. Yeah. If the name is right, I'm interesting. One hate hundred one hate hundred
Starting point is 00:07:07 You know, sometimes you just got to let it out like I mean, I really like fucking gave voice and then that way you can walk around with this You know get to know your your hate friend on the other side. I mean he picks up the phone Bupup up up you're all angry. He's like hello Oh man. Oh, yeah, it's out. Can't be mad now. He can't be mad. You you're all angry. And he's like, hello! Oh man, hello yourself! Can't be mad now. Can't be mad, you're being all silly. Yeah. Having a little fun with it. Wow, 800.
Starting point is 00:07:30 1800. Good. So bonus episode, slash the dick show. I started looking at a road rage, a Los Angeles 2 venue. Oh, right on. I got all these credits now at peer space since they fucked me over two years ago.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Right, right. They said, well, Jimmy, they said, we're gonna give you credit for your show that the government, that the law canceled. Yeah. Said, I don't want credit, I want money. That's right. Well, we don't want to give you money, but we give you two times credit.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Said, yes, I'll take two times credit. So now I got like three grand. Wow. The biggest fucking, biggest warehouse ever imagined in the history of the universe with this thing together. Cool. Except now everyone hates each other. Yeah. Everyone that was going to be there. Super show. All the haters right now. I hate each other. Why does that always, it always happens on this show too. Familiarity. Yeah. You know know, you know, it's real tightrope. Walking around, walking the guys dealing guys with big egos.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Me included, walking around, walking the tightrope of, sure. Sometimes I say, after the show, I'm like, oh, I hope I didn't, oh, I hope I didn't say something to somebody. She set off a light of fuse. But then some people seems like you can't piss off. Like, man, I really really wanna hurt this guy's feelings
Starting point is 00:08:46 that I can't. Damn it. I'll just be his friend. I'll weasel my way in who is inner circle and be his friend for years. And then I'll, that's how you get him. Right. Like thinking like a woman.
Starting point is 00:09:00 God. You know what happens? This one makes me crazy. I'm driving home, if I ever come from the park or something. Yeah. And I get, something happens to me that's still making me murderous, speaking of things around the neighborhood
Starting point is 00:09:16 and how much life makes you hate your neighbors. I'm driving my truck in a normal fashion. Right. I'm driving my truck in a normal fashion. Right. I'm not a fast guy. Unless I'm drunk. I don't like driving fast. I get agitated when people are driving fast. I don't really, I don't need to,
Starting point is 00:09:37 sometimes I'm in the far right lane on the freeway and I don't care. Yeah, sure. And I know people are uncomfortable. I'm in the second to far right lane because I like people getting in and off. I'm like, I don't really care. Yeah, sure. And I know people are uncomfortable. I'm in the second to far right lane because I like people getting in and off. I'm like, I don't really care. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Oh shit. Like, ah, yeah, yeah. I don't have trucks in the way. Whatever. I'll just sit here. How much extra time is it really gonna take me? Doot, doot, doot, doot. So I'm driving home from the park with the dog.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I hate people who fucking just fly through neighborhoods. I know. It's like, dude, what do you do on the freeway? Like, you have, dude, you gotta kill somebody like that. You're not a fucking F1 driver. You don't have that kind of reaction time. I promise you.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Yeah. I get, guy must have thought I was doing that because I get this move from this twinkle nuts jogging the other way on the street. He's got his headband His fucking Gert man girdle that puts all his devices in, you know while he's jogging his phone His fucking neo geo handheld like all the crap the guys neo geo. I don't know why in the case. They're jogging
Starting point is 00:10:37 They got oh shit. I got to get my fanny pack out and play a little fucking zilda windwalker I'm waiting for this light when we we were kids, those Fanny packs, who used to call them F-Sler bags? Oh yeah, I've never never met that. I've never put it together. Oh yeah, because people would, Merry bags. So this fucking guy, kids are wearing the school,
Starting point is 00:11:01 you're like, okay. Kids are wearing the school? Yeah, that's where I heard the term. You had a kid at your school wearing a fanny pack? What the fuck did he have in it, Pogs? I have no idea. Marbles? No idea.
Starting point is 00:11:13 What does a kid even have? No idea. They don't have any possessions. They're a glass. They're a dog. I don't know. Oh yeah, a pair of glasses, I guess. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:11:19 So this guy gives me the international symbol for please follow me to my home and kill me in my sleep. As I'm driving the opposite way, he's running at me. He gives me this move, Sean. Pretend you're me, right? In my car, driving at me, he gives me this move. Oh, right. He's running, the road is, it's the biggest road in town.
Starting point is 00:11:44 It's about, it's a residential road that's about six lanes wide. Yeah. Absolutely no possible way of any sort of, he gives me the fucking, pat, the, the slow it down. Slow it down, buddy. Slow it down, and the look, the condescending like, oh, you got a little ahead of yourself, buddy. I don't wanna, I don't wanna have to say this,
Starting point is 00:12:03 but I'm gonna have to ask you in raging. So I steered into him, ran him over. Good, immediately. Yeah, I mean, that's a classic self-defense written hour. You got to get a situation. And you got to get it a little sideways so the back end comes around so it's accelerating into him so it's accelerating into him, so it flings him a good 20 yards.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Yeah, I made sure I wanted to hit him. And then he stopped down as he's like, half dead on the ground, you just go, hey buddy, stay down. Oh, yeah, he's like, oh, I'm trying to move him. Oh, stay down, stay down. You're gonna wanna stay down. You don't wanna stay down. You clearly got a spine injury there, Pat.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Right, right, sorry about that. Right, you're puking up shards of your own pelvis. You're gonna want to stay down. You don't want to stay down. You clearly got a spine injury there, Pat. Right, right. Sorry about that. Right, you're puking up shards to your own pelvis. Why don't you run on the sidewalk, asshole? If you're so fucking worried about people driving 22 and a 25, why don't you go ahead and hop over eight feet onto the sidewalk. But you don't because the sidewalk is a jaggedy piece of shit that looks like a bunch of glaciers smashed together
Starting point is 00:13:05 on the fucking sidewalks. Shreddarts of yeah. Because LA, the city of LA, has more interested in what I'm building on my property than their own fucking sidewalks. They'll send a guy out to paint a yellow line on a sidewalk that's driving two feet out of a fucking ground rather than fix it.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Rather than fix it, but they will not cut, they will not cut a they will not a Cut of roots or be just remove the goddamn sidewalk and we'll run on the dirt one cost the money the other makes them money Yeah, well they get money from you there. They don't want to spend anything back back I hear tell a pray tell I hear tell of on the trades that you're building some sort of a what they call a fence Some sort of a vertical struck some sort of a what they call a fence, some sort of a vertical struck, some sort of a vertical sidewalk. At LA, we know vertical sidewalks,
Starting point is 00:13:50 and they tell us that you've achieved a perfect 90 degree vertical sidewalk in your backyard. We're gonna have to come take a look at that and make sure it's up to code. What do you think? So how far down does it go? That's a trick question. We don't believe you either way.
Starting point is 00:14:03 So it doesn't fucking matter. Get your shovel asshole. I'm gonna go and while you're getting your shovel, watch out for the fucking sidewalk. Here comes the department of building and safety. Dun dun dun dun. Oh, let's see here. Let's see here.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Yeah. Oh. I couldn't believe. I mean, you're gonna have to, if they found out about it, it's like they, you're gonna need permits. You're gonna need all that shit, right? Yeah. You're gonna need the inspection, then you're gonna need after the, then you're gonna need to, if they found out about it, it's like they, you're gonna need permits, you're gonna need all that shit, right? You're gonna need the inspection,
Starting point is 00:14:25 then you're gonna need after the, then you're gonna need them signed off. Oh,. How about you move over? What do you have? Do you have kids? You don't look like you have kids out here running around in the morning. Yeah. Instead of getting your hair pulled out and getting screamed at about and Legos bounced off your head. What are you?
Starting point is 00:14:56 What are you the fucking neighborhood watch of driving 22 and a 25? Who? I wanted to, I wanted to, I wanted to think you're gonna go through the, the neighborhoods of now and just remember that guy who told me to slow down. Oh yeah, that guy told me to slow down. Really made a name. I really wanted to, like, give it a jerk.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I wanted to hit him head on so that his face would smash against the windscreen and may hopefully, like in the movies. Like in the movies. Like all the way through, like a torpedo. So that it would be face to nose to nose, and I would not actually move it all,
Starting point is 00:15:29 and that would be, yeah, big, youth slow down bitch, and then he dies from the vehicular manslaughter that I've just committed, and the embarrassment actually. Right. But then I thought, well, actually, it's better if I don't hit him right in the face
Starting point is 00:15:44 if I just run over him with my wheels, because that's more deadly. Then you get the impact and the running the wheels and I could go, oh, it looks like you had a pretty problematic legs there, buddy. Yeah. God damn. I just want to give them the Tony Stewart video. Trust me, asshole. If you have time to make eye contact and go, I'm not going fast enough.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Let me give you a little physics lesson. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you have? Lidar and your eyeballs? Were you using your iPhone 13's Lidar built in camera to tell you how, do you have a fucking radar gun in your pants? And your dick?
Starting point is 00:16:19 What's Lidar? Lidar, laser infrared. Oh, it's an acronym. It's the thing that maps out everything. Like it gives you that 3D, it's self-driving cars, you use it to map out everything. Oh, it's an acronym. It's the thing that maps out everything. Like it gives you that 3D, it's self-driving cars, you use it to map out everything. Oh, that's what they call it. So it's an acronym for, oh, interesting, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Yeah. Laser-based radar. Mm-hmm. I don't know what the rest of the letters mean. Look them up. Laser, laser-dark. Lidar, fucking laser-adar. What do you have laser beams and your fucking eyes?
Starting point is 00:16:43 Maybe. Honey, you never believe, I saw this guy driving 22.3 miles an hour. He could be part bat and use like echo location. Maybe he was blind. I hope that he was blind and he was using some kind of a clicker device. Oh man, my fucking earball clicker machine telling me this guy's driving too fast. How exactly fast can you, you mean you can tell that I was driving 40 miles an hour, you're sitting there in a fucking residential street,
Starting point is 00:17:09 giving a ocular pat down of everything officer were you hiding behind an Esa boy? Boying slow down. He's got like you. He works on the marks on the sidewalk. He painted it and he's timing you. How quickly did he cover from that mark to that mark? God damn, just listen to your pot listen to your Jim Kramer podcast and shut the fuck up
Starting point is 00:17:30 this shit I want it, you know, I wanted to swear at him. Hey, buddy. I'm like that's I'm pretty sure that's terrorism, but I'm pretty sure I can't do that. No, I mean so he dives Bunk into the fucking fence right right right Right, right, right. Oh, yeah. Then the cops come back. Over here. Classic over here. Classic over here, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:49 But he was like running in the street, down on the sidewalk. In his mind with this, like he was being cool. Oh, yeah. I'm just, I want to be cool about this. Just so you know, in this neighborhood, we drive a little slower.
Starting point is 00:18:01 But what I did do, I love doing this. Yeah. Somebody's fucking with you, I loved doing this. Yeah. And somebody's fucking with you in the car in a neighborhood. People always forget themselves, you know. So I slowed down and stopped like before the stop side. He's all, looking back. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Yeah, I was like, yeah. He's like, I got that. Just right, right. Just make him a nervous just for a minute. Now I'm gonna train the dog. I'm gonna draw a sketch of him. Train the dog to bark at the sketch so that if she sees him by running by,
Starting point is 00:18:31 she'll start barking and then I could run out and throw a brick at the back of his head. Oh, just have her distract. Don't alert me, I'm inside. Oh, got it. She'll have like a special alert bark. Like a cock, a cock, a cock. I'm not run out.
Starting point is 00:18:44 She's coming down this street. Throw a, it's like a special alert. Why? I'm how I run out. She's coming down this street. Throw, I'll take a Nerf football, soak it in water, a vortex, a vortex. I know the vortex. Suck it in water. Put it in the freezer. The ones with like the, it's like a rifled design, right? Yeah. Classic Nerf. That was really when it was Nerf for Nerf. That was a good one. And they were the right size for like our hands as kids. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:06 You throw, try to throw a football as a kid and everyone would make fun of you. No, you got to grab it like this. Like no, motherfucker, I have little tiny baby hands. Can't throw a football. I mean, that's like a legit, they are very concerned about the size of a quarterback's hands. Really?
Starting point is 00:19:20 These days, oh yeah, part of it's because they, you know, whatever their metrics are, you know, you're more likely to fumble if your hands are below a certain size. I believe that. I believe that. Yeah, somebody chops your arm. Oh, slow down. They got all kinds of fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Oh, slow down. Fuck you. I gotta, I gotta have, there's two guys in this neighborhood now that now have, that have a G-Hot again. I have a G-Hot against them. Oh, okay. The guy that told me to wear a mask outside. Yeah, great.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I gotta find him. I'ma saw those guys. I'ma knock him out with fucking incapacitating guards. Right, I'ma hide. I'ma hide on that, he's got the same route, right? I'm gonna go hide on the route. Yeah. I'ma run his bike and go and do a blow dart and his butt right
Starting point is 00:20:05 and he's come out. Yeah, yeah, I'll put a carpet there. So he's like, what's this rug? And I'll go, I'll go blow up and I'll roll the rug up, bring him back here to the rape dungeon. Oh, yeah, you do the show in right. Fucking time saw his ass. But the other guy, I'll do the same thing. He rolled up behind the chicken. Come up in a rug alive. Every time I think of that, it's like a, you know, mob gets rid of a body. Cause no one rolls up in a carpet
Starting point is 00:20:30 and put them in the trunk. And then you take away, you got all those rugs just doing some decorating. Yeah, with rugs. Right. Dog pissed on the dog. Eighth the other rug that I had. That's why I got this other one.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Shut up. You know, I do the keys. I didn't watch so, but it's something with two guys getting tortured in the... I don't think I've seen... I don't think I've seen an entire one of those movies. I've seen parts of a couple, I think. That was the end of movies for me.
Starting point is 00:20:52 So I started coming out and I'm like, ah, this is disgusting, I'm out of here. This whole thing, I'm done with it. Yeah. Okay, okay, let me ask you this one. How are you supposed to say it? When a waitress comes up to you, by the way, have you been out in LA since the pandemic started?
Starting point is 00:21:14 Did you see Seth Rogan saying that LA is a great city? What a fucking idiot, did you see that? It's a great city, I mean, some people really like it. When he somebody said this guy, this other celebrity idiot idiot got his car broken into and he's like, he's a shithole. It's a crime ridden shithole. I got my car broken into and Seth Rogan fucking plunders in and goes, it's a shit. What are you talking about, dude?
Starting point is 00:21:36 It's a great city. I've lived here for 20 years. Well, it's like, no. Well, yeah, you've, you probably, the first guy's right. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean. I mean, the ball is car got broken into so shut the fuck up. Yeah. I mean, there's like it broken into in heaven. I go, this place is a dump. There's actually been a pretty big increase in car break ins in
Starting point is 00:21:54 Burbank, which has always been a nice area. Yeah. People who are from out of town, they think all the studios are in Hollywood, not, not really. They're most of them are in the valley of these. That most of them are around the Burbank, to Luke a Lake area. Can I believe you said that?
Starting point is 00:22:07 Yeah, so it's like, but kinda LA has always been a clusterfuck of corruption and crime and gangs. Sure, what are you talking about, Seth Rogen? Well, I mean, all of Hollywood exists on talking about how shitty LA is. You fucking idiot. It's your entire profession. Your whole industry is run on what a corrupt and violent shit hole and
Starting point is 00:22:31 With full of people who hate each other a toxic hellhole they went Academy award It's a great Academy Award is presented to movies that's to mount that are based on and express how how impossibly fucked up and crime infested and miserable LA is crash China town any of these ring a bell L.A. Confidential, I like, I like, I mean, fucking Southland, LAPD was, I mean, maybe the most corrupt, LAPD is the biggest criminals in LA. I mean, traditionally, yeah, it was crazy. Yeah, in New York, they have big old fucking parades.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And cops are running into buildings that are falling down to save people in LA. The cops are making the buildings fall down. They're throwing homeless in there. And finally, we can get rid of these guys instead of just driving them back and forth across town. Remember when the cops opened fire on a couple of old ladies in a truck about five years ago? Yeah, do you remember when the police, I don't think they killed them, but like, dude,
Starting point is 00:23:30 they fucking shut up. That's was the worst part. They killed them, but I mean, they shot like a hundred rounds into a like, into like, into like somebody's cleaning lady. I'm trying to remember the story, but it was like, she's like 60 something. And they didn't buy them a new truck. I had a suit, they could suit for like,
Starting point is 00:23:44 well, we don't replace. Do you remember remember when they when the LAPD blew up an entire Truck full of illegal fireworks and like fucked up a neighborhood like fucked up a bunch of people's houses I don't literally blow up building New York saving people from falling buildings LA exploding our buildings awesome That's the LA police Seth you idiot Yeah, well, you know something tells me that it's time it's down bro. I've lived here for 20 years Well, it's a great place. What are you talking about? No, it's fucking shot it down. Yeah, he's been detached for a little bit God damn yeah, that's a thing no do you get your fucking asshole that guy to deal with that? You is a fuck your race baiting horse shit
Starting point is 00:24:22 He's a marches these guysing horse shit. He's a macho. He's a macho. He's playing on these guys. They make it impossible to joke about race. I can't watch his movies because I kind of detest him that much. For me too. And really like, I don't know why he pisses me off so much. Because there's a lot of people who talk like him and think like him and all that kind of stuff, but like I can, I usually have him. I usually have no problem like separating the art from the artist.
Starting point is 00:24:45 So to speak. I'll watch a lot of movie. I'm just like, I'm just like, yeah, God, man. Like he's just so, he's just obnoxious. He's so obnoxious. He trade, they trade on race. They make, they define how much you can joke about race. That whole stupid movie, Santa Inc, is about shitty race jokes, but it's a lip service. And then if you joke joke any harder than that, they're like,
Starting point is 00:25:09 whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's too much fun. No, that's actually funny. Actually funny is what we're doing. It's just, it's, it's so transparent. It's all lip service. I forget why I was, I was even talking about that. Something about L.A. and how it's a shithole. March 5th, by the way, road rage L.A. too. Maybe we'll do Maddox's funeral. Dig up that old body. Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Yeah, well, some of you got it. Some of them say, you know, the family calls for another autopsy. What the fuck was, oh yeah. So we went out. Yeah. We went out and it was, we went to this old rooftop bar downtown, I used to like going to,
Starting point is 00:25:43 after the fight with, after that big fight that was here a year ago, Ralph came out for with the rusty cage and the devil and all these guys. Big fight, you mean like a big internet fight. Oh, Jake, pull one of these Jake Paul and Jake Paul and some other fucking idiot that I don't know. Yeah. So fucking moron at 13 year olds are watching instead of watching the show and learning things about property tax and the federal reserve or whatever like KSI.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Yeah. KSI, right? Yeah. So we went to this rooftop bar thinking, maybe you'll, maybe you'll fill up in here, right? And they've got everybody spread out. They've got everybody spread out on the roof, like in their own little pool areas with like, you know, pool furniture, whatever, cushion pool furniture is, I get a fancy, not fancy, but not shitty.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yeah, yeah, shit. Right. It's a below ground pool, all right? Below ground pool furniture, not above ground pool furniture. Oh, yeah, that's the difference. I said this place is fucking dead. Oh, yeah, I remember. What are you supposed to say when the waitress comes over
Starting point is 00:26:45 to get your drink and your order, and then the other waitress comes over and tries to do the same, tries to run the same scam on you, tries to get your drink order and you already gave it. What are you supposed to say in that situation? It's always bothered me. You're supposed to order another drink because you know you're gonna want it.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Of course. Yeah. How do you say, what do you say? The other one got it? Like I always sit there and feel like I shit in my pants because it's so demeaning. It feels demeaning to go, well, the other one of you got it. Like what do you say?
Starting point is 00:27:15 What do you say? You know what I mean? The same look, like I'm crazy for saying this, but it's a weird thing to say. What do you spell? So there I was, Jerry, trying to order it a bar. What do you say? If I did, it's, oh, she already came by. She already came by and took it. Yeah. I mean, Phil, isn't it? Feel weird saying that? No, she already came by like a, a royal
Starting point is 00:27:36 shi- unless I, unless I happen to catch her name, in which case I might say, that's impossible. But, you know, the one that's never do, but you got to have a word for that. I don't like the other one. I don't like the other one. I don't like just saying that she, it's the same thing, or like the other lady got it. Oh, we already put it in. Oh, that too. I think I've said that.
Starting point is 00:27:53 That's a little bit too erotic, I think. I can say that to a guy. Cause I didn't put it in, you know. I don't know, I've never felt uncomfortable in that situation. I always have. I hate it. I just want never felt uncomfortable in that situation. I always have. I hate it. I just want to go like fake a stroke.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I just got vaccinated. Oh my God, did you hear about the new Omicron variant? They had, I read the stats that like one in a thousand people will develop a cough if they get it., you hear that? One in a thousand people will develop a cough. Okay. Is that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Yeah. That's the. So everything I've read shut it down. Everything I've read said, look, nobody has information on Omicron yet. Oh, because it takes weeks to compile it. So everything you would, everything that's out there right now is pure speculation. I do think you would know, though, if it takes weeks to compile it. So everything that's out there right now is pure speculation. I don't think you would know though,
Starting point is 00:28:49 if somebody had a smallpox, I would feel like, oh man, that got, wow. One in a thousand might have a cough. Yeah, I'm not concerned. I'm not concerned. I'm not concerned. I read that somewhere. Not concerned about that.
Starting point is 00:29:01 One in a thousand might develop, it was big time cases, but one in a thousand people are developing a cough about that. One in a thousand might develop, yeah, it was, well, it was big time cases, but one in a thousand people are developing a cough from that. Well, I have a cough for a number of reasons. Like what do you have a cough for? I think our, I think our, I think one of the AC systems in our place makes me cough.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Oh really? What is that, let's get it late in the day. Is that the heater? I know. Let me turn it off. Oh, there it is off. Um, all of a sudden I was getting it late in the day. Is that the heater? I know. Let me turn it off. Oh, there it is off. Um, so late in the day, late in the afternoon, I'll just start fucking coughing. So we're at the bar.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Yeah. This pool party bar. And it never picks up. Yeah. Because everyone's just spread. People are laying down looking at each other and wearing blankets that they got at the bar because it's outside bar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:43 So these people, they got, they're sitting in blankets like Charlie and the chocolate factory. They're all locked into each other. That was weird. That was weird. I think that used to happen with poor people, but they would all sleep in the same bed. I think so.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Really? In some parts. It couldn't afford a bed. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. Or it was the for warmth or something. Maybe. Or for sex. I hope it's that.
Starting point is 00:30:09 So we go to leave, we're like, this place is dead. Let's get out of here. And there's a line, 20, 30 people deep, waiting to get into this weird museum bar that we're everyone's just stationed around. And they're all fatter than God at this point like it looks like it They're all round like a half a lump parade. Oh because it yeah, okay, cuz of COVID Yeah, come out and
Starting point is 00:30:35 Let me show you this picture that 80s you know nice Let me show you this picture that 80s grow this last night you went out or yeah, two nights ago I mean I haven't gone out much. So really, because I don't really want to do anything. I go to people's houses, you know. I guess the last time, I guess the last time, no, no, no, no, I fucking hate, you know, I hate games. You know that there's going to be a first, like Latina, Chola in space at some point. Yeah. Making that face, having the black and things down the side of it. Right, right. a first Latina, Chola in space at some point.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah. Making that face, having the black and things down the side of her. Right, right. Taps on my face or whatever it is. Yeah, not tats, the way they do their hair where it's like a curl. Oh, yeah, and it's like right, and it's like
Starting point is 00:31:15 pasted. Yeah, they lacquer that shit on. Seriously, it's like, dude, it is stuck there. There's gonna be a first one of those in space. Yeah. Where she's like, oh, they look like, you know, they is stuck there. There's gonna be a first one of those in space. Yeah. Where she's like, oh, they look like, you know, they got that phase, oh, big hoop earrings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Complaining about not being able to wear hoop earrings in space. That's what I want, that's what I'm interested in. Not this, first, whatever, race, and spin on a billionaires in space. So 80s girl took a, got a little sweater for the dog, Christmas sweater, which I hate. And she took a, I took a got a little sweater for the dog Christmas sweater, which I hate And she took a I took a picture of it the dog in the Christmas sweater Senator, she's like, oh my god. Is it just a like a Christmas, you know, green and red and yeah
Starting point is 00:31:56 I'll show it to you. I mean, I don't know if that you want to see it that bad. Well, I mean, you know I don't know. Is it I yeah, I actually have any like puns on it or Well, I mean, you know, I don't know. Is it? Yeah, I actually have any like puns on it or it's well, it does have something funny. Yeah, I see if I can if I can reset if I can revert to the original. Oh, no, that's not it. What did you fuck with it afterwards?
Starting point is 00:32:21 No, oh, yeah, here it is. Okay. So she's she got all happy about this picture. Yeah picture of the dog that I sent her and the dog in the Christmas. I guess I could put it up here. I don't know. So she got all happy about this picture. She immediately sent it to like her friends and her class at her work at school.
Starting point is 00:32:42 She sent it to everybody like, oh, here, check Mary Christmas, right? Do you notice anything odd in that picture, Sean? Well, there's a big pile of shit. Is that? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, maybe move just a little bit. Well, I mean, I was, I didn't know it was for production release. The big pile of shit. I've got a dammit. Yeah. I mean, I was, I didn't know it was for production release.
Starting point is 00:33:05 The big pile of shit. It's a goddamn it. Yeah. I mean, you know, keeps it grounded. Uh huh. We got my pretty puppy with the Christmas sweater. Big pile of shit. Such a lady.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Have you been watching the, the Jizz Lean Maxwell trial at all? No, no, I have not. I've saw one thing. Watching me watching the coverage or. Okay, what's a Nick say and they can't show it. They can't show it. So they have these, they have these courtroom sketch things. Oh yeah, these are right.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Why do they, why do they do it like this? Like why don't they have, let me see it. Why is it the like crappiest looking chalk and pastel? Where do you learn to draw this shitty? Do you know what I'm saying? Why can't I get a couple of furry artists in there drawing? I've seen a lot better courtroom sketches than that. That's like what is this showing me?
Starting point is 00:34:01 Why does this exist? Spend some more time on like the the people like she got the fucking curtains, you know, with the shading and the other. It's like, what was this decision? It's so funny. I didn't even see. It's good paint. I better. I was like, sir. I just automatically said she got the curtains right. And it's like, it's a woman, isn't it? Is it called Jane Rosenberg? Uh, artist Jane Rosenberg. Yeah, yeah. I was like, I'm something just told me. I was like, okay, it's a female sketch artist.
Starting point is 00:34:30 She put more work into the drapes than I don't know. Looks like crap. Like, why is this, why are they using, why are they drawing it on a like a Ralph's bag? Why are they drawing the curtains and all this crap? Why do we have those people? I mean, why do we, why don't you know? What does this tell us?
Starting point is 00:34:47 By the way, so much that everyone's like, oh, look at these curbs guys, it's like, why the fuck are you showing me these cartoon drawings of this trial? Can we learn anything from that other than she was like, looks like drawing a picture on a fucking picture? Just take a picture. Are you fucking retarget?
Starting point is 00:35:01 Just let them in there to take a goddamn picture. Why is the, why is the justice system so fucked? Uh, I don't know. Oh, check out these, check out these pictures I drew of court. I took in my chalk. Pointless. That's fucking pointless. It is pointless.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Absolutely pointless. Uh, let me see another one of these gems. Oh, look at, wow, wow. Look at this doozy. Oh, man, I, uh, who the backs of people's head, the people's, look at their standing up, Sean. Right, right. Oh, man. So, so informative. Oops. Oh, I know over a little bit. Who gives a shit? Who gives a shit? Look at this fucking pose. Look at this guy. What a...
Starting point is 00:35:48 Did you have to have an artist is this? You have to ask them to, you know, stand there like, Hey, please don't move your hands from the desk. Yeah, what are you even drawing? Is it just like a memory? What? You couldn't draw this not sitting in court. Just take a fucking picture. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I always saw a little bit of it. Look at the water bottles or something, you see what I'm saying. It's like, yeah, you've done, just gave it. What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this?
Starting point is 00:36:18 What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? I don't know what it is about this. It's so cool to see something that everyone's participating in, like, I just, I fucking hate this.
Starting point is 00:36:27 I really hate being here. I don't understand it. I don't understand what purpose this is. Pictures come at you. Right. You learn nothing. Give a furry an iPad. It's actually draw.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah, except how many, we know how many people are sitting at her table. That's all we know. That's all we've learned from this. So I, I'm not gonna read the transcript, but I was reading some of the transcript of it. And they brought, they brought an adult victim in who was like 14 when she got raped or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Right, right. And she's describing it really graphically. The 14 year old, they the lady, it says in the transcript, like breaks down sobbing. Yeah, and in the very next slide, the judge goes like, they're talking about like, really graphic, glued sex acts that happened with 14 year old in Jeffrey Epstein, like very,
Starting point is 00:37:19 it's little teeth, can't, very disgusting. Very predatory, horrific, the judge says, all right, well, I think we're gonna stop for the snacks are here, so we're gonna stop for 10 minutes can't very disgusting. Sure. Very predatory. We're ripping the judges. All right. Well, I think we're going to stop for the snacks are here. So we're going to stop for 10 minutes. So the jury can be like the snacks are like that. They were just she was just describing. Jeffie and she in a moment or like populating a 14 year old against her will and the woman
Starting point is 00:37:38 sobbing. So we're going to stop for some snacks. Like, yeah, I don't know. Well, the snacks are here. We know it's on his brain. I don't know if that was the perfect spot here. We know it's on his brain. I don't know if that was the perfect spot to stop for snacks. I don't know if you really need more to reference snacks.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yeah, I was right after talking about... Ah. Four-store-all snacks are here. Of the girl, too, so it's grosser. Okay. It is. Hmm. God. I think... Okay. It is. God. I think. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Did you hear about the race war that's brewing on Twitter? No. They have these. Every time I hear that term, I just think of Cartman trying to get, yeah, trying to get, you know, no, not Craig, a token to fight, stand, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, white twin, that was his thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, these people have spaces on Twitter. One was called Mayo Monkeys.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Do we need them or something like that? Mayo Monkeys? Mayo monkeys? Mayo monkeys. That's what they call you people. Real white people. Oh, because we like mayonnaise and stuff. Probably, I mean, that's always the... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:56 That's always the color of your skin. I thought. That's true, but it's like, that is like a stereotype where it's like the series is, oh no, white people love mayonnaise, black people hate mayonnaise. Oh, they do? Black people hate mayonnaise?
Starting point is 00:39:08 I didn't know they hated it. I knew white people enjoyed it. I think, uh, well, I think a couple of black stand-up comedians have referenced that. Oh yeah, that they hate mayonnaise. I think so. So if you're getting robbed, white people love-
Starting point is 00:39:21 You look like some mayonnaise. You look bleep bleep bleep bleep, I've been slammed right right. And then you know, God for it, like miracle whip is like the AR 15 of the man. Oh, wow. So they know you're serious. I fucking heard that Kyle Rittenhouse is destroying his gun. Yeah, I think that's what he said. Yeah, you know about that. I just happened to just scan that where I mean, I've read a fuck is wrong with this kid. Destroying the gun. Yeah, I guess he doesn't want it. Just like give it to someone then.
Starting point is 00:39:51 We gotta destroy it. I don't know. I don't know. You have to ask him. You're not getting enough attention anymore, Kyle. Was that the problem? Show us on the TV where we're not paying enough attention to you, you need to make a big deal about destroying a fucking gun.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Well, we ruined the gun for the poor kid. I said right at the beginning that kid, it's so sad because his life is ruined because now everyone's going to hate him no matter what. Yeah. Because he's like a middle of the road guy because he's not like a, he's not like a big Ben Shapiro. No, I know. No, I know. You know, I know. A taller white Ben Shapiro. I think he's like sensible. He's not like a, he's not like a big Ben Shapiro. No, I know. You know, I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. Real their version of him is not real right right right. Well, he could you know if he wants to stay in that little circle or something You know, yeah, who would he could probably of monsters? Well, I mean You know psychotic. I don't know. He's also a pool screaming about the doomsday. Yeah He just wanted to shoot some pedophiles. No, that's you know, he didn't want to be part of a whole movement He's just a kid that wanted to shoot some pedophiles You know leave him alone, but I can't of a whole movement. He's just a kid that wanted to shoot some petafiles. You know, leave him alone. But I can't believe he wants to destroy the gun. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Sell it to somebody. Like Hitler's car. Right, you know? Where the gun that killed Hitler, do we have that gun? I don't know. What if Hitler wanted to destroy the gun that killed Hitler? That'd be horrible.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Yeah, something tells me I don't think we do, but. Probably not. So there's Mayo monkey spaces. Oh, yeah, tell me about this. They have black people talking about Mayo monkeys, which is, yeah, so they took because like, yeah, so they took a term that has been historically used to as a slur against them and said, oh, is that what it is? Well, I mean, all people are monkeys. I don't think that was, no, I know.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I bet the Greeks call each other ape monkeys. I don't know. Like non-racially, everybody calls everybody a monkey to diminish them regardless of race. Right? Yeah. Or it's true. You're a big ape. a monkey to diminish them regardless of race, right? Yeah, or it's true. You're big ape. Yeah, Chinese probably call each other monkeys. They call each other dogs.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Yeah, maybe. I don't know if they have monkeys in China. I think they got monkeys in China. Anyway, one of them was going off about, they had this little gay weirdo on there, this black guy was going off about killing all white people. I listened to it, it was funny. You could tell that he was being funny.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Oh yeah. And it was funny. Well, even if he was being serious, it's funny. Yeah, it was funny. It was funny. It was all like, what we really need to do is take all white people. Like, this is awesome. I could listen to this all day.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah, sure. I could listen to their Mayo Monkey, hate, circle, whatever. It's funny. It's sure. I could listen to their Mayo monkey, hate, like, circle, whatever. It's funny. It's funny. I think it's funny. And all these people on the ride are all, oh, this is, oh, this is acceptable. They're planning a race ward here.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Like, you guys are so, you're so fucking boring. You're like, just stick up your ass. You're taking a retard seriously. Exactly. I'm like, every single one of your discord has some idiot doing the same, same, same shit. And it's like, oh, God, shut the fuck up, exactly. I'm like every single one of your discord has some idiot doing the same, same, same shit. And it's like, oh God, shut the fuck up, dude. It was funny. Just fucking relax.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Give this guy a TV show. It's hilarious. That is so fucking. And watch TV again instead of hearing about Ted Lasso for the 10 millionth time. I just went into Mayo monkeys this week. That guy should just make the world, like I wanna hear him interviewed. Yeah, everywhere, like nobody, come on,
Starting point is 00:43:29 nobody can take that guy seriously. He was hilarious and then he left. Well, because one of the girls got all pissed off because he was having fun. Right. And then they started talking about like real serious things, like actually normal sensible things and everybody knows and so boring.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Oh God. Yeah, I'm sure that'll,. And so boring. Oh God. Yeah, I'm sure that'll, I'm sure that'll fucking help. Yeah. Listening more and respecting people, blah, blah, blah. No, the Mayo monkey guy back on. I'm trying to lay a station on that respecting people thing. But as it matter, nobody has any fucking money. Never ever coming back.
Starting point is 00:44:01 You can get all the respect in the world. It's not any fucking money. Right. Idiots. never ever coming back. You can be in the world, it's not any fucking money. Right. You idiots? Oh, this is interesting. I found this out from the ADL. You know the ADL. I do.
Starting point is 00:44:12 The anti-definition league. Yes. They cracked the case on that SUV that ran over those people. Turns out they have LiDAR. Yeah, I really would like to put that, this is my saw for that guy, I'm gonna sit him down and I'm gonna drive a car at him. And if he can't guess,
Starting point is 00:44:31 and if he can guess the speed that the car is going, this car will stop. But if he can't guess the speed of the car, he's gonna get hit by it. So here you go, fucking light our man. Tell me how fast this fucking is going. So what you do before you, 22 and a 25,
Starting point is 00:44:44 22 and a fucking 25. He should have gone. Actually, I'm gonna fucking you do before you. 22 and a 25, 22 and a fucking 25. He should have gone, actually, I'm gonna fucking speed up, dude. You know the signs on the side of the road that say, 35, 37, 42, boop, boop, slow down. I always try to put a bigger number on. Of course, that's why they put slow down so you can't get into the 80s. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Like you're that sign, bro. You know how everyone hates that sign? Yeah. You're that sign. You're that sign. According to experts, speaking of signs, I finally saw that they changed the drive sober, not wrong way sign.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Hahaha. Yeah. I saw that like it was like driving intoxicated as against the law. Like it was something like that, but it was at least English. The other one was better. Oh, much better. Drive sober, not wrong way. Yeah, not even not the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:45:37 No. Drive sober, not wrong. There's plenty of room on the side. And the sign that I just said is much longer. Yeah, driving intoxicated room on the side. And the sign that I just said is much longer. Yeah, exactly. And being intoxicated is against the law. Who the fuck? They fit that, no problem.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Who the fuck knows what intoxicated means? Like what, what's your demo here for this sign? People are using $20, where is people who went to college going around driving drinking IPA craft? Well, I think home intoxicated. Well, I think that's because they're trying to cover weed too. Yeah, there's a huge rash of people getting, people driving too slow and causing accidents.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Right, yeah. That's kind of, it's drive drunk, right? We're putting drive drunk. Well, let's make sure that he's weed, he's part head, he's reaper free. They might get off on a technicality. Like somebody smoking weed, high out of their mind's gonna go,
Starting point is 00:46:27 oh shit, it says, it says drunk, so I'm fine. Yeah, I'm on, I mean, I ate six chocolate bars of mushroom so I'm fine. According to experts, this is an ADL. Does that phrase even mean anything anymore? Well, according to experts. It should, but not if it's to, It doesn't though.
Starting point is 00:46:47 But not if it's to, to, oh no, according to our experts. Oh, according to our experts. Oh, that's the, according to experts, should I would like them to, I would like them to, is it ever not our experts? Well, I would like them to,
Starting point is 00:47:02 because our experts are saying your experts are fucked. That's the, you're not experts. That's the point of experts. Well, like experts in quantum physics will be like, there should be some, and there is not a static cause there should be some kind of data. I mean, that's, you know, I know theoretical shit. Isn't the point of expert to prove that you are the expert and the other people are not an expert?
Starting point is 00:47:23 Like, if you're the expert in start track, you're trying to show that the other guy's not an expert in start track with all your fucking nerdery. Well, I mean, you know, people, the people's ego, well, they always want to know the most, don't they? But according to our experts is like, oh, okay, well, I mean, you don't have any kind of agenda or anything. So, you know, they, DL, you think they have an agenda? They sure seem to. They sure seem to. They sure seem to. It's just the first. The first. I think our show is on their list of hate speech. I know it's just like them serious. We're in like the wept the toxic web of the dark web or something like that. Probably, but it's
Starting point is 00:47:59 wrong and I just don't like like that the first place when there's a disagreement, like the first place somebody goes is. Experts. No. No. You're an anti-Semite or racist or like that's the thing that it's like, you're not even trying to understand like what went on. It's just this knee jerk reaction.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Bro, you made it a big deal to call somebody like an anti-Semite or you're painting them as like of of of evil character but specifically and weirdly evil too because I hate all people. Yeah, it's Gentiles, Semites, whatever. Not in even any kind of different way like just their basic human characteristics. Their needy-ness, their dysfunction. Most people are kind of fucked. Their existence, their consumption, even their basic consumption is what I despise about them. Has nothing to do with their culture,
Starting point is 00:48:49 their beliefs or anything like that. According to our experts, the suspect who drove into a Christmas parade in... Walk a show. Walk a show with constant killing six and injuring dozens more, shared, here we go. Here's the big bombshell shared anti-Semitic content on social media in 2015. But he does not appear to actively subscribe to
Starting point is 00:49:14 an extremist ideology. So why even put that? He could be an anti-Semitic, we just haven't caught him yet. Semitic content. Doesn't appear to us. But he might, you know, Christmas, the Christmas parade, the most, where all the Jews get together and spin their dreedles and charge interest, that's what a Christmas parade is known for. Have, right? Okay, Christmas. Okay, Gastup is Mercedes SUV.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Because it's German. German. Sorry, not German, German. Gast up is Mercedes. Yes. Yes. He humorously has Zyklund B gas canisters in the bag. It is funny, I mean, ironically.
Starting point is 00:49:58 You know, ironically. Some Jews have no problem driving German cars and others just will not do it. They won't do it, really? Oh yeah. Yeah, someone just it, really? Oh yeah. Yeah, someone just says, I'm with a Holocaust. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I will never drive a German car. And then some are just like, Hey, it's a fucking, I've made good money. This is a fucking great vehicle, man. I mean, it's a good car. Yeah, it's not really. There's plenty of comparable cars if Lexus. Yeah, Lexus, you have to like make a stand
Starting point is 00:50:23 to not drive Germans because there's plenty of cars that are just as good as bet or better You know, I mean there you know Mercedes BMW. I mean they make nice cars. They really do, but so does Lexus Like if Tesla if Elon Musk's relatives cause we're involved in the Holocaust in some way that would be a big problem for people Yeah Anyway relatives cause we're involved in the Holocaust in some way that would be a big problem for people. Yeah. Anyway. So that was that guys that guy was Annie Samite. That's why he drove through the Christmas parade. Yeah. Because he was sick of Christmas.
Starting point is 00:50:56 But he just not appeared actively subscribed to. Okay, so why are we we just assassinating? A little bit. I mean, I think I mean the guy drove through a bunch of people. I'm still arguing as a whole, but we're are we, we just assassinating I mean, I think, I mean, the guy drove through a bunch of people. I'm still arguing. Is that a little bit, but where are we not? You know, is, is, is this thing that he shared content? It's more important. And what was that kind of my content? I don't even know that you guys know what any cement content is actually. I don't know. I mean, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:25 Seth Rogen was saying how they, they sure pissed off a lot of white supremacists with the Santa ink movie, because it got like a 200,000 dislikes. It has a one, it has a score of one on IMPB. It's the worst movie voted ever in history. On IMP, I know, I know, run tomatoes, but. Yeah, in Metacritic, my IMPB, but yeah, I am at a critical time. I'm, I'm DB, uh, she's always
Starting point is 00:51:46 sure pissed off a lot of white supremac, they got to have their own Oscars for like that, though, pissing off white supremacists Oscars. Yeah. And the movie, then this year's pissing off white supremacist award goes to, right? Like this is the most pissed off white
Starting point is 00:52:00 supremacists in an animated feature. Most pissed off white supremacists in a short move. And it off white supremacists in a short movie. And it's just movies that are shitty. Yeah, I got criticized. Right. So you got a bunch of loud mouths. Well, they don't get it. Actors in the head. Yeah, there must be maybe smacked. The audience is always the problem. Well, not that they're the problem. They're all white supremacists. Yeah. Well, that's you know, the problem is they're all white supremacists. 200,000 white supremacists. Yeah. Well, unfortunately, the problem is they're all white supremacists.
Starting point is 00:52:25 200,000 white supremacists got it. All together and all decided to hate this movie. Usually they're just lying in, in wait, fucking each other, you know, doing, playing video games. I don't know what they're doing usually, but then they all band together and hate one, and then they all dissipate again.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah. So again. Yeah. So stupid. Yeah. I'll see what I got here. Things like Germans is funny. Yeah. If they fucked up my latinx people, because it's because it's masculine, because it's gender specific, right?
Starting point is 00:52:59 Wow, Germans get theirs fucked up. You're a man in it. German. German. You're Germans. Yeah sure, I'm fine with that. I mean, I, what is the difference? I don't have.
Starting point is 00:53:10 You fucked up. You don't have a dog in the language. But fuck you. Who else has a man? Who else wants to go? Who's else got a man in there? Name somewhere. Oh, you don't like it?
Starting point is 00:53:20 Cause it's stupid. One in 20. Um, let me say, I think this got a one in 26, 100 young men develop acute myocarditis in adolescents following the co-cominary vaccine in Hong Kong. Cominary? Comunity.
Starting point is 00:53:42 There, who's is that? Who's vaccine is that? That's one of the COVID vaccines, community. They gave them stupid names. That's used in, yeah, this made elsewhere and used in, nah, community's one of ours, hold on. Co-munity. I think we're, I mean, we're just,
Starting point is 00:53:58 we're not even using it. I Pfizer, community. That's what they named it. After it got approval. Oh, everybody just oh one in 24 120 680. I mean, I'm skeptical of that. Well, it's a study. That should be. Yeah, I'm skeptical of that. I mean, kind of, oh, yeah, look, if it was true. Yeah, that would be a lie, right? Yeah, well, here's the myocarditis, the most likely people to develop myocarditis
Starting point is 00:54:26 are boys 12 to 17. And the whole, let's be clear, the whole world, the government and every system that exists, despises boys between 12 and 17 and actively tries to murder them and harm them in every possible way. Okay. Okay. Sending them to prison. Well, that's like blocking them in prison all day, every day, or if they act up sending them to prison, taking away their fathers and stealing in them that something is wrong with them from the moment they're fucking born.
Starting point is 00:54:59 From the moment they turn 12 to 17. Is it not? Uh, just, I just want to be clear on that one. Yeah. Oh, shit, Iron Loses here. Let me see if I got a 750,000. Definitely, definitely highly skeptical of that, but I'll reserve judgment, you know. Well, you're not 12 to 17, so you can, you're safe.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Well, no, I mean, you know, I've, like, I like to look into those kind of things. Yeah. Yeah. So study, sure. Or, or. Oh, it's a study. Well, or part of a study that somebody put on Twitter that's negating the rest of the. Oh, look, I'll look it up.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I'll show you. I'll show you. Here you, Mayo Monkey. Are we allowed to say Mayo Monkey? I give you permission, you got the card. I'll give you the Mayo monkey card. I don't know if I'm allowed to. Really? Why not? I don't know, because it feels too fun. Yeah, here it is.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Five, two, peer-reviewed article in the clinical infectious disease in the journal of clinical infectious disease, especially after the second dose Chinese community vaccinations among Chinese male adolescents, especially after the second dose. I mean, you know, I have to read it here. It's just, it's saying, uh-oh, saying, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh. It's not like it's not, if it was happening to young women, I'd say, ah, they'll
Starting point is 00:56:25 they'll stop it. It's okay. It's happening to teenage boys. I'm like, oh, shit. Hong Kong. I know we don't care about teenage boys in this world. I know. Interesting. I got some fat watch if you want to see.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Yeah, sure. Whoa, wait a minute. Don't we have a caller? Yeah, we do, but I'm just going to do fat watch real quick. Here's another. I got another stinger that I missed from Corgan Art. Oh, okay, here we go with fat watch. Let's go. Yeah. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. Hey, you fuck you.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Fuck you. All right. Thank you, Corey. Is that you? Maybe. This is Jim or Robert's 35, suffered eight cardiac arrests. While in a coma, she's unkillable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:21 This is the strongest heart in the fucking universe after contracting COVID. Yeah. And still requires oxygen to walk. She's now battling long COVID and is urging others to get vaccinated. So it doesn't show and look at the size of her. Look at this. She would be-
Starting point is 00:57:40 Can you believe that COVID did this to her? She would be on the high risk. COVID gave her eight heart attacks. Oh my God, look at the size of her. Thank God she's walking again. For the first time ever, she's walking. They don't say that in the article, but. That's right.
Starting point is 00:57:55 She's suffering from the effect. Look, she's battling long COVID. Yeah. She's also battling a wide COVID. It's a first. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha first. That's funny. Yeah, straight face. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Not her straight face, obviously. She's got six shins. She's in a coma. Still managed to gain weight. Oh my God. Unbelievable fat phobia that I'm more experiencing. I actually feel bad about this one. You do?
Starting point is 00:58:24 About fat watch. Yeah, because she's more experience. I actually feel bad about this one. Oh, look at that. You do? But fat watch. Ha, ha, ha. Oh, yeah, because she's not like, you know, her road to recovery will be open. She's not actively saying like, like, oh, I'm sexy as I am. You know what I mean? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:58:36 She's like, get the vaccine though. Yeah. Why don't you get a fucking vaccine of not eating? Vito on Twitter has the audacity to say if they to argue with someone, if they come up with a vaccine for being fat, I'll be the first in line today. Like, what are you talking about? There already is a vaccine for being fat.
Starting point is 00:58:54 You just gotta work, you have to eat less. Work out every day. You cannot vaccinate for being fat. Too hard. She didn't get the vaccine, and now, with the emergence of the new variant, which could make you develop a cough, she wants to warn others.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Eight cardiac, I can't believe they've brought her back. I can't believe they've brought her back. I can't believe they've brought her back. I can't believe they've brought her back. I can't believe they've brought her back. Guys, the complacency of not getting vaccinated, just distress. That's the complacency here. I got some more COVID vats here.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Oh, I didn't put her on the screen, shit, sorry. She's big. Amanda thought she, this is from the government, the health and human services government. Amanda thought she'd never see her family again or her feet after she spent 11. That almost got past me. I was thinking about something else. And after she spent 11 days, intubated in the hospital in COVID her biggest regret. She says is not getting a vaccine sooner. Look at the fucking Size up there. Are you fucking serious? Right saying right to my her biggest regret is not getting vaccinated
Starting point is 00:59:59 At 300 pounds At least that's not even a chin anymore. No, it's like, it's a neck pouch. It's like a paladin. Yeah, it's like, yeah. Uh oh. Maddie heard that, heard that about the fat people. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:00:16 She looks like a mountain. It looks like it could fade to the paramount logo. Like at the beginning of Indiana Jones. That's very funny. That's pretty good. Pretty good. Pretty good. Pretty good. Pretty good. Pretty good. Pretty good. Pretty good. Okay, I got some that you'll like. Yeah. Here's a fat posting there now.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Fat watch. Oh, here's an article. It's see, see, all trans misogyny and dating is very similar dynamics to fat phobia. Yeah. Quote, it's one thing if you're not into fat women, everyone has their preferences. And that's everyone's preference. But if you want to have sex with us without being seen in public with us, that's emotionally abusive.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Mm-hmm. We actually don't, I said, I'm hungry. This is an interaction that she's having with a lover. Let's check out that new Indian place around the corner. No, he says, we might run into one of my buddies moving his body further. He said moving his body further away from me. The underlining meaning was clear. He couldn't take the chance that someone he knew would see him with me. You needed our relationship on the DL. So no one would suspect that he enjoyed spending time
Starting point is 01:01:33 with me a fat woman. Does that ever happen? Really? I feel like this is a myth that fat women say. Like I feel like they have created this falsehood that guys want to plow them and don't want to be seen with them. Does that track with you at all?
Starting point is 01:01:52 The only thing I know is the joke that I heard a long time ago. What is a Moe-ped and then they're going to have a common fun to ride and go down the stairs. Up the stairs. They're fun to ride and go down the stairs up the stairs. They're fun to ride until your friends find out is the punchline. Once they get in the fridge they're not coming out. Yeah, that too. Right. Mo-peds. You know, I was stealing your beer in the crisper drawer. Let me get iron lizz in here. Hey, Liz, what's going on? There. I should give people more time than that. Actually, yeah, they're just standing by just waiting.
Starting point is 01:02:28 I know, just champing at the bed. Champing at the bed. Oh, man, I fucked up this week's Stone Toss giveaway. Flurk giveaway. Why? Because I didn't give people enough time. Oh, I think I'm gonna extend it for a week. Oh, so no.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Maddox lost chance going somewhere. Okay, I think I'm gonna extend it for a week. Oh, so no. Maddox lost chance going somewhere. Okay, I think you, did you bring that up on the bonus? Yeah, I brought it, I thought of it on Thursday. Yeah, lazy there. Yeah, well, not yet. All right, I'll read some comments. I'll show up. I didn't get to any of my stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I prepared all this stuff. Why didn't you get to any of your stuff? I just saw you going down a list. I know, but all this other stuff, this all good stuff. And it's just gone to waste now. Hey, Dick Don, I have a rage. It's people who make the same joke I made five minutes ago, but more convoluted and less funny.
Starting point is 01:03:17 I call it diminishing joke returns. Yeah, it's like, did they not hear you? Are they pretending they didn't hear you? Yeah, did they get it? Or did you not say the little quip loud enough and then they took it and everybody breaks into a brorious laughter, you know what? And they don't give you fucking credit, you know that.
Starting point is 01:03:33 See, I will give credit if that ever happens. But quietly, like in an asterisk, like, I'm a boy thought of that one. Well, I mean, if it's a gross, like, you know, no, I'll point out the person who said it. How about this? This was cool. Speaking of jokes, not getting credit. Here is this is like a big time, free speech lawyer, the one that they,
Starting point is 01:03:59 it's like one that the networks go to, right? Hold on. I'll turn it up. I can no, I'll turn up, I got it. I got it, I got it. Okay, this is a perspective. Damn it, I don't know this guy's name, but he was on Nick's panel.
Starting point is 01:04:14 He's like a big lawyer, like an accomplished lawyer, right? Yeah, okay. The point there, Nipple rubbing his neck would put it and look at the point there, Nipple rubbing his neck would put it. He heard that from Nick, but that's who heard it from me. That's, I invented that. Did you really? I straight up invented that.
Starting point is 01:04:30 I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I first, I'm throwing one. I first heard it on the show. I mean, I've never heard anybody, I've never heard anybody else really use that. No, never. In this Nipple rubbing, Oh, because it's a homoerotic, it's, it's cutting.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Devastating. Well, it draws a, it draws a homo, people aren't, it's homo erotic. It's cutting. Devastate. Draws a, it draws a, a very clear picture too of people, you know, with their arms down at their sides, but they're like, you know, chest bumping like, you know, like, like a, like a manager arguing with an umpire and baseball and getting right in there, they turn their fucking hat around and they're yelling, fucking two inches from there, but they know they can't put hands on them. They're going to be suspended and fine for a long time. Uh, isn't that great? It's a, that's in the lexicon now.
Starting point is 01:05:10 I came up with that. Yeah. I guess scholars will, I guess you do like Shakespeare, like he made up all those words. I go like another dick master's in word, nipple rubbing. Huh. Well, yeah, it does crack me up where I'm like, there is a, there seems to be like a, like a, like a, it's things have gotten into, not, I mean, not popular use things. Enough things. I go, shit, I don't have heard anybody say that before dicted on that show.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Yeah. Or it's, yeah, that's great. Pretty funny. Ah, pretty funny. Okay. I don't want credit either. I don't care. I just like hearing people use it like fuck grandma. That was from me for COVID Grandma. Yeah. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Hey, that girlfriend on two month period heard the show recently Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're dickhead wrote in saying his girlfriend was on her period for two months my wife had the same problem We met around a decade ago. I was in my late 20s. It's been a 10 year period to go. I was in my late 20s. It's been a 10 year period. I was in my late 20s. She was in her early 20s with a great can situation. 34 F. Wow. I like a great can situation. That's me too. I know. That's what yeah. Great. Great can situation. But every time she had a period, it would be this month long affair, where we
Starting point is 01:06:25 didn't have sex because of how heavy the bleeding was. Have sex in the shower. Wait, every time she had a period once a month and it lasted for a month. Yeah. It went on over the years and we eventually got married and the periods made timing ovulation for having kids and nightmare. It only got worse with each kid. The periods would hold stop until she was, would hold stop, he said hold here. Okay. Idiot. Yeah, autocorrect or something.
Starting point is 01:06:53 The periods would hold stop, would hold stop until she was done would stop. The periods would stop. He sang like, you know, full stop or hold stop. Is that a phrase? Hard, hard stop. The, full stop or hold stop. Is that a phrase? Hard, hard stop. The periods would stop. Full stop.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Wait, full stop. Yeah. I don't know. That's from a telegram, right? When you're done, full stop. No idea. Could you say stop for a period? Until she was done breastfeeding.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Then she'd have a total nightmare period. Jesus Christ. After our second kid, she went on this four month period, nightmare period. Where it looks like a fucking crime scene, like nightmare period. The period would come to life at night. Like a fountain.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Exactly. Yeah. God. That bonus episode that we did was really good. Now I think so too. I had a lot of fun on that. After our second kid, she went on this four month period and had to go to the hospital due to having low iron. The doctor prescribed a progestian on that. After I second kids, you went on this four month period and had to go to the hospital
Starting point is 01:07:45 due to having low iron. The doctor prescribed a progestion on the birth control pill. Getting rid of all your fucking iron, like as opposed to the pill containing estrogen. Oh, okay, now she has light periods. You know, how do you imagine how fucking, how fucked up women are doing their birth control?
Starting point is 01:08:00 Yeah, how long did you just go on before they went to the doctor forever? They don't ever go to the doctor. No, I mean, they finally did in this case and prescribed a different pill, but it's like how long did that fucking, they went through multiple kids before she went to the doctor.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Imagine, you're aware of what women are doing for five percent of their life. It's like three kids, like he's had sex like three times, it sounds like. Yeah. Where the fuck is Iron Liz? He has like three kids like he's had sex like three times. It sounds like yeah Where the fuck is Iron Liz? I texted her. Maybe she's got a fix room. Oh I'm not in the live show. Oh, okay. Well that explains it
Starting point is 01:08:40 I Good. How are you hold on? Hold on, we're just reading about periods. That sounds fun. And birth control pills, it's only while it's riveting. Go fuck yourself. What I'm saying is, here's my point. Okay, you're aware of what women are doing about 5% of their day, right?
Starting point is 01:08:59 Oh, yes. And how many things are they doing wrong in that time? About 80 to 90%. So imagine for the rest of their day How many like their birth control stuff imagine how much if you were in their brain for a day Just imagine how many things would be fucking crazy like oh my god. I'm having periods all month I switch birth control and all the sudden I feel like killing myself. Yeah, yeah. What should I do about that? Just to just to use your imagination. That's all I'm saying. Okay, Liz, what do you want to talk about today?
Starting point is 01:09:32 I'm bringing up your light bringer campaign thing. Yeah, that's right. So again, thanks for other hicks for having me on to to shield my book. Yeah, of course. Yeah, no, so the story of this whole thing is Yeah, of course. Yeah, no, so the story of this whole thing is, so back in 2007 or so, Linkara, the guy who reviewed channel, or on Channel Awesome's website who reviewed comic books created a, a web comic that was, well, pan for being a little rapie, a little bit.
Starting point is 01:10:00 What do you mean a little rapie? That's how people described me. A little rapey. So the main story was the bad guys were called slavers and they were literally had a like a slave market where they would take women in collars and chains and put them up for sale. That's how that was bad. That was bad. Was that bad?
Starting point is 01:10:21 Well, yeah, it was, yeah, at least according to the reviewers, the main hero in the story was witnessing a sexual assault or soon to be one raised away instead of actually do something. I used to get a heart on all the pirates of the Caribbean ride when they take the story. I mean, I'm not like you're joking, but kind of. I remember seeing that as a kid and I'm like, oh, awesome. He's going to catch that fucking sandwich and fuck the shit out of it, but it wasn't a sandwich. Well, no, no, no, you're in the BDSM. That's cool. I'm not joking to catch that fucking sandwich and fuck the shit out of it, but it wasn't a sandwich. Well, no, no, no, yeah, you're in the BDSM.
Starting point is 01:10:46 That's cool. I'm not a... Oh, me? Oh, yeah. I'm like 52 shades of gray. Oh, man. Okay, wait. So you got to kind of give us some backstories.
Starting point is 01:10:58 I kind of know about it, but I'm sure Sean doesn't. Sure, the rest of the audience. It's a safe assumption. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So channel awesome. Channel awesome. Something hilarious happened to channel awesome. It meant like. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:11 So about three years ago or so, a lot of the former reviewers came out and said, hey, they had all this abuse going on. They had all these problems. There were a number of people who remained anonymous to say, hey, there was actually a sexual assault slash rapist within the organization that they kind of swept under the rug. And Channel Awesome inadvertently revealed that it was one of their former creators named Juario. Juario, that's his name, Juario. Ju spelled like that. Spelled J.E.W, Wario, like Wario, the character.
Starting point is 01:11:47 Yeah. Is it because Wario had all the, because Wario was obsessed with money, isn't he? I don't know. Is he? Yeah, Wario, I know much about Wario. I mean, Wario exactly what he looks like. Wario knows the bad guy. Very greedy.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Is he? So, I don't know if that's any symmetric or not. Little unhinged, too. Yeah. I'm not saying, I mean, he's any symmetric or not. Little unhinged too. Yeah. I'm not saying, I mean, he's Italian. I presume. I mean Mario. Yeah. Well, I mean, but yeah, but he's gonna be Italian. Well, saying, he's Jewish. Either. I know where the name came from. My grandmother was Italian and she married a Romanian Jew. His, his, my great grandparents were from Romanian Jew. That's where Jacobson were from Romanian Jew that's where Jacobson
Starting point is 01:12:25 comes from. But you're that's from your father's line. Both on my father's line. Yeah, not Jewish then. Right. No, no, I understand, but I understand like me culturally. That's where it comes from. Okay. Okay. So Jew, are you? That's why I want to think that's why I can be Italian and Jewish. Yes. As far as the, you know, whatever goes, just to your point. Oh, fuck. Sorry. Go ahead. It's self-parked true that you have like a bag of jughold that you keep on your person
Starting point is 01:12:52 at all time. I do. Yeah, you do. I do. What do you hope? Yeah, but I, but I, I just spent it on a, on a late 80s, I rock, you know, so I can cruise around, you know, like a, like a, like a, like a fucking grease ball. Did you fix that, that, that dent that that girl put in your car?
Starting point is 01:13:08 No, because, no, because dude, my mechanic, he's not taking any bodywork for three to four months. He's so busy. What with bodywork? Yes. Why? Because he's awesome. I got to find another person. We had a four months back like a bodywork? For real. Jesus Christ. I know. I'm going to raise a crisis. Fucking good for you, John.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Yeah. Uh, okay. So you were you involved in the channel awesome thing, Liz? Yeah. So, so as it turns out in my own background, um, I'm actually a certified, uh, crisis counselor. So I actually volunteered at a sexual assault helpline at one point. And one of Juario's victims actually came out to me to say,
Starting point is 01:13:48 hey, this happened to me and whatnot. And so at the time, I was pretty much away from channel awesome and just sort of doing my own thing. But when the document came out, there was sort of the, you know, is this legit, right? Because the MeToo movement came out and was sort of, I would argue, delegitimizing a lot of the, you know, concerns for sexual assault and whatever. But yeah, I came out and said, no, this is legit based upon my experiences and what I saw on one of the productions,
Starting point is 01:14:15 as well as speaking to, yeah. You saw something, what did you see on the one of the productions? I got so many questions to ask you now. I'll let them. Sure. 20 seconds you just said, what did you see on the production?
Starting point is 01:14:25 Yeah, yeah, so, okay. So, back, I think it was, I want to say 2011, it was one of their anniversary movies, Suburban Nights. So I was kind of roped into being a production assistant. Originally, I brought Linkara and his stuff. We drove from Minneapolis to Chicago. And what happened was I was working, moving around stuff. And so there was a cell phone one day, right? That was just sitting on a table and I'm like, oh, somebody
Starting point is 01:14:52 left their cell phone back. No problem. So I pick it up and I'm trying to figure out who's it belongs to. So I just sort of open up contacts. And in the contacts, it says all the time with my girlfriend's phone, try to figure out who it belongs to, go through all of her stuff. I hold the face and lock up to a picture of us in the kitchen. Here we go. I'm kidding. So in the context, there was one line that said, my wife, and there was another contact
Starting point is 01:15:16 that said my slave. And I'm like, oh, fuck, what did I just find? So you had my slave in the context. I swear to God, I'm going to have it all the way. I'd be stricken down if I am lying. That is what I found. I swear to Christ that that is what I found.
Starting point is 01:15:36 And so I what ended up happening is I brought the cell phone out because I'm like, okay, I suspect this belongs to Giorgio. I'm not going to ask questions, whatever. So I bring it out and I'm like, hey, is this your cell phone? He's like, oh, and then he, yeah, thanks for getting me myself on this.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Did you swap the mom and slave contacts? Just for you, fun. I, you know, it was at that point where it's like, you know what, he, whatever he wants to do is up to him. I'm not gonna, like, you know, that's not in my business, but I didn't wanna go into it, but I did know that he had a cat girl army. I shit you know, this is real.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Wait, what is the, what's a cat girl army? So, so do you want to be an opposite of Nick Flentez's cat boy army? Oh, oh God. Okay. So, so the story goes, Dr. Steele was a, a persona, I guess, on YouTube who did like a song like back and forth, so I decided he had a nurse army or something like that. Cigiuario said, okay, I want to have a cat girl army in the vein of Dr. Steel, except it
Starting point is 01:16:36 was geared towards his female followers who at the time were either barely legal types or those who were like, you know, either barely legal types or those who are like, you know, in the 16 whatever. That would be, so that would be hard to have an audience that was anything, but like 99% fat guys like we have. I think it's that high. So they want obese. What do you want me to call them? What do you mean? I don't know. Overweight, is the fact part of the project is trying to think back to live shows? I think it's about it's probably 98 97% okay. Okay. 52 pick up shades of gray. That was the joke.
Starting point is 01:17:13 That I was going to get for it. Pretty good. There you go. Okay, go ahead, Liz. Okay, okay, sir. So then there was another incident that happened at one of the magfests where he essentially raped a woman and essentially raped like essentially he did he did he did he did he did he did okay that was a poor choice of words essentially right he did and the he was sort of the community kind of a little bit essentially rape you right right I'm sorry go essentially rape you. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:17:45 I'm sorry. Go ahead, go ahead. Yeah. No, no, no, so that happened. And then at some point in time, one of the people that he raped approached me at the time. And I kind of encouraged that person to put a police report out there to go to the hospital to do the rape test
Starting point is 01:18:06 or whatever. Yeah, so I could sit in a locker. Yeah, because they have like 200,000 untested rape kits. I wouldn't surprise them. They're so busy, busted heroin dealers. They're so busy making weed expensive or making cocaine expensive. It sucks because it's very difficult to prove rape in court. So you have to do as much as you can.
Starting point is 01:18:27 And yeah, so this poor person had to deal with that. So when the whole channel awesome thing came out, I wanted to put my credibility behind it to say, no, this is not a lured tail of, you know, fans of being upset. No, this is legit. This is insomuch that he stopped fucking and his pissed off. Right. Like most me too. So, right, right. And I don't want to go into the details of what happened to that
Starting point is 01:18:52 magfest out of privacy for the person that it happened to, but if you really cared a piece of story together, I'm probably sure you could. But, so that happened in 2019 and a bunch of pretty much all the former people that were connected to channel awesome jump ship. They all wrote skating reviews to channel awesome. They all lambasted it. And step away. And it's hard as possible.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Yeah, they were like, we got our, we got abuse, we got our stuff taken. I remember that. Yeah, things really didn't get any better for them though. They all kind of turned into terrible people. So, or, let me say all of them, but certainly the accusers. Yeah, yeah. So you're aware of a Vick Minyana, right, with the Niki rackets. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:35 So, one of the former Channel Awesome review, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Rackets also, they still call him, lady, lady rackets, the racketeers, nick, rackets, all the, yeah, nick has, nick has like hundreds of thousands of followers. Yeah. You have never heard of me, Maddox, anybody, they still call them Nick Rackets. Yeah. No, they don't know. Yeah, nobody even asked.
Starting point is 01:19:57 No, there's a lot. There's a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I want to ask you so much about this sexual assault hotline. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:20:09 So how long were you working there? Well, I was a volunteer. It's a connected to the University of Minnesota called the Aurora Center. Okay. So I worked or volunteered there for about 18 months. Um, and at the time I was, I was actually in school to, don't fucking kill me, but I was in school to potentially become a cop. So I'm about a semester short of a second,
Starting point is 01:20:34 law enforcement degree. And if I do what's called the post-certifications, I would have the credentials to be a cop. Yeah. But you, so why do you want to be a cop? But why do you want to be a cop? Well, because at the time, Don't Ask Don't Tell was still in effect. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:49 And one of my longest standing dreams of mine was to be a soldier to be an officer. So I couldn't really be a lieutenant in the military. So I thought, well, maybe I can be a lieutenant as a police officer instead. No shit. Why? Why do you want a high school diploma to be a cop? Depends on the state. The minister does one of those that wants you to have a four-year degree because, you know, the idea is that if you're more educated, you're less, you know, less, you know, aren't there? Aren't some cops like Somalian? Do they all have four-year degrees?
Starting point is 01:21:21 I wouldn't be able to tell you. You get pulled over by Somalian cop who's like, look at the eyeballs. Somalians are around there. They have like a big, there's a big bomb. No, they have a big, right? There's a lot of Somalians in like Minnesota and, you could pull them over by a Somalian cop. Because they had a programmer so like to let Belly all, refugees come out, all sticking out.
Starting point is 01:21:44 I'm being serious here. I do. I think it was a Somalian cop who or Somali who shot the Australian woman. Right? Okay, I'm not crazy. That's right. That's right. Who shot another Australian?
Starting point is 01:21:56 That's a area that has a specific area of Minneapolis is near the West Bank of the Mississippi River near the University of Minnesota campus. And they refer to, there's a documentary called Little Mocha D-Shoe, I think. I used to deliver pizzas in college and we had to cut those neighborhoods out because, you know, I'm just asking if they need a four year degree. It's terrible. Dude, yeah, yeah, yeah, you do in Minnesota. It felt like Black Hawk Down.
Starting point is 01:22:21 When we went, when we went to Minneapolis, I was at the end of the street, like a girl, eight girls in charge of the, of getting our hotel and stuff so that I could yell at her. And she got, I, you know, cheap as possible. It felt like going to the liquor store. It felt like being in Black Hawk. I thought Tom Sizemore was going to jump over the counter of the liquor store and, yeah, you look a little different. This is fucking wild. I'm like, I'm used to LA ghettos, like I get what's going on here. I'm like, I don't know, I'm fucking understand what's going on here. I don't like it. Well, the ubers are looking out whenever.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Yeah. But when the riots hit, my, my, I used to live on Lake Street in Chicago. And when the riots hit, they burned down a bookstore that had been there. I think it was Uncle Edgar's, yeah. Good. Nick Riccata has a, like a picture of a burning McDonald's. That was the McDonald's on Lake Street.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I would go there and get tindies after Barclays. So, it's like, literally I saw my old neighborhood burned down. Fortunately, I had moved out of there by that point. But yeah, no, I would not want to go back to Minnesota. I'm happily mostly out of there. Okay. I'm getting distracted. Sorry, sorry, sorry. You can tell. What was the sex problem? Are you interested in the sex assault hotline? Sean, I am, but morbidly morbidly, I think, pruriently.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Well, yeah, I mean, deviantly. Most of my curiosity is driven by dbs. Yeah, what was like, what was some of the shit you would deal with on the sex assault hotline? Like, how much percentage of it was bullshit versus like, how much was like, oh my God, this is horrifying. Well, some of it was, okay, so in our training, I wasn't really like dialed into what the SJW mentality was until Mr. Medicare broke gamer gate because I started to notice a few of like some of that I did like the whole idea of like white privilege and male privilege and this privilege privilege
Starting point is 01:24:15 whatever crap was in there. So I spoke with people that were a lot of the time in crisis. So if they had a bad situation with alcohol or they ran away from some, they were just kind of upset. I personally am thankful. I didn't really have to speak with anybody who'd just been like raped. Over 18 months,
Starting point is 01:24:34 you didn't have to speak with anyone who's been raped. I was on call. So I did get people that had been in parties that they blacked out and can't remember what happened, but they know they they something had happened. So, I don't know if it's consensual or not. I can't really go into too many details for privacy sake, but I did. So, it wasn't like, if you think about your standard rape situation where you're walking
Starting point is 01:24:58 down the road and then suddenly some sort of thing. It's like a car dealer right here. I think about your standard rape situation. You got the full pick at your rate, right? I think a standard rape situation is like, you let a guy come over that you know is into you, but you want, you're lonely and you want a friend and he does want to be a friend and he pushes too hard. That's what I think is, that's what I think of when I think standard rape situation.
Starting point is 01:25:23 As a person who drags the girl into the, yeah, it's like, it's got to be the man scenario. Like a gun and shit. I'd love to know what the, how it breaks down, you know, along the lines of like, what, you know, black pill everybody on this one, that's how it happens. Anyway, go ahead. So, okay, so in our training, for example, they conflated the actual numbers of sexual assault and rape were quite high, right? Like the whole like one in four, one in five women.
Starting point is 01:25:51 So the University of Minnesota is, I think, at the time was like 50,000 people. It's like a city in itself. Yeah, so on a range. So, right, exactly. So, by pure numbers, pure numbers were thinking thousands and thousands. Five thousand rapes. Yeah. And so by the pure numbers, pure numbers were thinking thousands and thousands of thousands. Five thousand raves. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:07 But in practice, it didn't seem like we would have phones ringing 24 hours a day if that were the case, right? But I didn't encounter that quite so much. That's odd. That's odd, isn't it? Because they do say it's like one in five, but they say four or five, right? Essentially they say sexual assault. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:24 Yeah, right. No, no, no. No do they say sexual assault? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Don't say, no, no, no, because it's a broader definition of course. Yeah. Right. That's what I wanted. There were situations like you mentioned where it was this person was with another person that took things to a degree they weren't comfortable with. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:42 But in that, if I, it's been a while. So I'm a little fuzzy on the details. What about that? That per channel awesome. Fuck all that. What about link? Talk about your comic. I've been fucking it down with stupid bullshit that I'm interested in.
Starting point is 01:26:56 So so link. My job. It didn't do very well. It was, Medicare did a, when he reviewed the channel awesome saga, as he talked about the comic. And so, in 2013, Lincara put the comic out there in general domain, or public domain, that's what I'm looking for. So, anybody can do whatever they want with this comic.
Starting point is 01:27:17 You can rewrite it, you can make fun of it, you can do whatever. So, I kind of considered the idea, or I took inspiration from a dude on, he's called the Critical Drinker. So what he does is he remakes, or the Critical Drinker rewrites bad characters. So like, raise character from Star Wars, or a Thor's character from the Avengers, how he looked like the Big Lebowski.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Instead of give a terrible example of what they were. Let's make them into compelling characters. Let's make it a compelling story. And that's kind of what I wanted to do with Lightbringer. So believe it or not, I actually think there's a good story in there. I think there's a compelling car. I will know what Lightbringer is. Like you've taken, you've taken IP that he released to the world.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Yeah, and just like I saw. Read on it, you kind of rebooted it a little bit, I'm a stalk. Read on it. You kind of rebooted it a little bit. I'm looking at the car right now. He's the guy that doesn't need to do like that running meme. Like where he's running with somebody. Yeah, that's the running meme where he's that's from his movie, I believe. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:19 And somebody plays, so there's a there's a YouTuber named Oene plays who, and they've already linked it in the chat here where it was like, they did, it's like, the great Lee Kura. Don't you talk about me, you sought up a mansion. Yeah, like apparently that drives him up the wall. So I would love to speak with Oene plays because I think he's generally a fan. I've talked to him. I think, I think I've talked to One plays. He wouldn't come on.
Starting point is 01:28:46 He seems like a guy that genuinely enjoyed the stuff, but for whatever reason, it just, he, Blinkhart, it just cannot stand the guy. So, um, so, yeah, yeah. Somebody said my two pay's on cricket. Is that true, Sean? Sure, two pay is on cricket. Is that, is that better? It's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:29:03 It's a pretty good impersonation of a two pay right there. I'm going to put this, this only plays animated. I don't know a lot of these people, but I've heard of them and I'm sorry. I just dig floor to this dick. I'm sorry. There's only shit going on. Only plays animated. Yeah, I recognize this guy with the head. This is a lovely car. Right. I was watching. I was watching various places that I saw. Linkara, the great linkara I did. The fourth one. He talked about the famous flowers. He said it'll be out with a child. And we like that. We like that. But great work ethic. We're so good with iron leaves, which is an iron leaves. Okay, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:29:46 That's me. All right, so what's your comic about? So it's taking the original story and it's remaking it into something that actually tells a compelling superhero origin story. And what is it so? Now what is it redoing? What is it? It's a story of a guy who's in a shitty rundown Midwestern city, and the one game in town
Starting point is 01:30:08 is sort of an amalgamation for the big box stores like Amazon and Google on the rest of that. They're trying to run him out of business, and they're employing really dirty tactics to do that. So he's going to get run through the mud and come up the other side as a hero. So he's trying to inspire people to get out of the apathy, out the other side as a hero. So he's trying to inspire people to get out of the apathy, the nihilism as well as fight back people that are bad on race to get out of the nihilism. Yeah. That's a cope. So out of the darkness into the light.
Starting point is 01:30:36 And that was sort of the original idea where in the original story he was supposed to be like, oh, I'm the lightbringer. I'm bringing people out of the darkness into the light. That sort of thing. So if it is as much a morality or a spiritual thing as it is a physical to stop evil, I think there's a, like I said, there's a good idea there. It was just very poorly executed. So I actually hired a quality artist.
Starting point is 01:30:59 I rewrote the entire script. So it's 32 pages right now. The Indiegogo campaign is up, so I mean, I can give you a link for it if anybody's interested. Do you have a website? Do you have a website that redirects there? We all have the guy who's producing this
Starting point is 01:31:17 is a guy named Dark Gift Comics. So if you find him on Twitter, you can find that pin there. Okay. And this you gotta have like a dot com that redirects there. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to do Liz dot dick dot show. And that'll send people there. You know, it's simple. Make it easy.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Sure. You can't write down a phone number while you're driving your car. Listen to the show. Liz dot dick dot show. Do you want to talk about banking stuff a little bit? Or is that? Oh, frick yeah, sure, whatever you want. So Liz, I was talking to Liz about trying to set up a dick bank after I got booted off
Starting point is 01:31:51 of all the payment processing stuff. Yeah, I don't, you're familiar with banking, the whole banking industry. Yeah, I guess I work in finance. So I abandoned it because even at the level of like intra bank transfers, they still, they still are beholden to operation choke point policies and and the FinTech companies that are trying to disrupt them are even more aggressive about banning people, real hate speech. Yeah, like Duwala, as opposed to those disruptors being more open. Because the disruptors are so worried about getting their next series of funding canceled.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Yeah. That's what people don't get about Stone Toss. How open sea and rararable booted stone toss because Open C and Rarable, their next move is a hundred million dollar funding round, whatever, and they cannot have anything fucking that up. So they're even more cautious. They're even more cautious.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Got it. I don't know if you wanted, if you had anything to say about like the general, and this was, this was during Trump by the way. Now the Biden is in it's like. Exactly, it's even worse. Yeah. Yeah, talk the way. Now the Biden is in it's like, exactly. It's even worse. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Yeah. Yeah. Talk about how it's even worse now. Now the Biden's back. Because Biden was part of Operation Joke Boy. Yeah. The first place. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Trump fucked it up. And now, yeah, who God knows what's going on. Yeah, here we are. Yeah, yeah, no, it's, I mean, I, I guess the base out understanding that I have is what banking is like in the Caribbean, which I, you know, we do have contacts for that, not just on the island that I lived on or live on or have residency with. But, you know, like you said, the more they choke down under the choke, it didn't, those
Starting point is 01:33:38 critical points. It's like, yeah, you can start a bank. It's just depending on where you want to do it. And even then, you know, you might be able to be cut off anyway. Eddie Momount. It's like nothing. Well, seems like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:50 What do you think about? I think you, go ahead. I was going to say, I would think you would have more clout as a bank in general. You probably have a little bit more weight to your name, especially if you try to establish a, you know, I know you were at the time wanted to kind of connect it potentially to new project too. So if there was a lot of that traffic going on there as a bank, it's like, yeah, if you cut me off, then there's all these resources that aren't going to a local government, which you probably, as bad as it sounds, you have more leeway or kind of clout in in
Starting point is 01:34:20 smaller countries where they can't really, beggars can't be choosers. It's like, oh, you have assets worth millions of dollars. That's true. And we can tax that. Oh, and you're cutting us off for why? No, no, no, we're going to come to your defense. But yeah, it's hard to, once you get to that level, you're talking about influence and you're talking about
Starting point is 01:34:42 levels of graph potentially that now have reached quasi super villain status. Yeah, it really is. What do you think about Bitcoin City? Have you been looking at that at all? I know that the less that I've kind of looked with the crypto is that they took a thrashing the other day. Like the money. The money.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Yeah. Like the currencies took a hit. So I know it's an idea to trick. That's%? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Currencies took a hit. So, I know it's an idea to trick. That's all margin order. Like, that's all leverage. People get way over leverage. Like, they put their crypto up as leverage to buy more and buy more or short it.
Starting point is 01:35:17 And so, because there's no buy orders that exist, it'll fall off of, if one gets triggered, it'll liquidate like billions of dollars and fall right off a cliff. It's not whatever the price is, they take whatever the current last sold prices and multiply it by all the amount of Bitcoin that there is. But that's not really a good measure because as soon as the buy orders come back in, come Monday, then it changes the two issues back. Yeah, because the sell orders aren't so it looks like it's like stop losses. Well, just wait for two days and it's like a bunch of idiots had their stop losses, like
Starting point is 01:35:53 their orders set up to automatically sell if it drops to a certain point. Got it. And it just, it starts hitting them and that compounds with the guys who have leverage out. It happens in normal, normal stock market too. But there's so many people that want Bitcoin to fail because they don't have any because they didn't buy any. That they push and push and push and push.
Starting point is 01:36:16 So I'm waiting for the volatility to hit because China going out, you know, Evergrande is, I think worth 2% of China's entire economy and they just defaulted along with a bunch of other building companies. China then subbanned all cryptocurrency. So the question is, what's going to happen in the long term? Because all these companies and all these countries are so well connected together where if there's, you know, the currency might, it could potentially just deflate down. So then the value of cryptocurrency goes way up. It could be that, okay, we have to sell all cryptocurrency for a liquid cash, which, you know, despite the CCP saying things, I'm sure they have assets in crypto. So who
Starting point is 01:36:57 knows what will happen. These things don't really follow supply and demand anymore. It's sort of, it's just, yeah, it's a stock market. It doesn't reflect reality anymore. It's sort of a, it's just, yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it doesn't reflect reality anymore. It doesn't reflect fundamentals. That's, I mean, it is. Reality. It doesn't reflect fundamentals anymore. Um, what's remarkable to me is that the people who talk about crypto being, uh, uh, uh, uh, susceptible to fraud don't seem to understand that like China's entire accounting practice allows them to claim, allows them to claim depreciating assets as income. It's like our entire system, our biggest training partner has no, has no, has an accounting
Starting point is 01:37:41 has an accounting laws that don't reflect reality. And you're talking about Bitcoin being susceptible to fraud. Like what the fuck are you talking about? Right, and right, part of the problem with Evergrande is that all of their, so you have a balance sheet, right? Your assets and your liabilities come. Well apparently in China it's a very common thing to hide bad debt under your inventory, which is an asset.
Starting point is 01:38:03 So it's like, so they just build building, they've just been building buildings and counting it as income. Yeah, right. Right. And since they control both sides, since they control both sides of the trade, the Chinese government, they can't, like it seems like a disaster because 2% of their economy is defaulted, but they're like, well, we're just going to make up buyers and sellers on the other side. Like, you know, realize that it, they can, they can control it. I think they can control it
Starting point is 01:38:31 on their end, but everything has its fingers in a lot of pies, though, anyway, where they had like financing groups. They had payments that they were supposed to make to banks and credit unions. And then there's all the people who, so in the United States, for example, right? Like, and credit unions, and then there's all the people who, so in the United States, for example, right? Like, let's say you make $50,000 a year, you go to New York and you wanna buy a starter house, it's about eight times your yearly income in China, it's like 20 something.
Starting point is 01:38:54 So it's ridiculously much higher and inflated, as bad as it is in the States, it's even worse there. And you don't even technically own that property since all property is leased by the CCP anyway. And you don't own your fucking property here. You don't get taxes out there. That's right, that's right too. That's the worst part about Pete.
Starting point is 01:39:13 So there's this house in my neighborhood that went up for sale and it was a shithole. So they came in and they screwed two by eights to the entire outside of the house and painted them black. It looks like the thing that they pray to and it looks like it's from Mecca, right? But this is how they fix this house that looked like shit. They just screwed another house onto the front of it and painted it and then sold it for
Starting point is 01:39:44 a thousand bucks a square foot. But the people there fucked the price, right? The people there are still going to have to pay property tax on that. Like a $900,000 of $850 square foot house. Oh, it's so fucked up. Yeah. No, it's the property market, I think is a bubble big time.
Starting point is 01:40:05 And even worse is that, yeah, when it crashes, boomers are going to say goodbye to their retirement. It's going to crash the stock market and governments are going to be like, hey, wait a minute, we don't have as much tax revenue anymore. You underestimate boomers. You underestimate how insidious and is despicable and evil and creative they are. We look at them as like bubble fucks with technology. They are but they know what a person's tag with themselves.
Starting point is 01:40:34 They will rewrite the federal reserve act if they have to. Oh yeah, I agree. To write a straight answer. Straight into the earth. Yeah, they will. So I don't know. Are you hedging your bets? What's your portfolio advice for people?
Starting point is 01:40:47 I'm just holding cash at this point. I got to see. I had oil stonk and it was good. And dividends. And it just wasn't performing. And I'm like, why the hell is this not performing when you have gas? That's like $7 a gallon in California. Well, it's because-
Starting point is 01:41:03 It's going on. Exactly. When it comes down to these COVID scares, they reduce production because they think, oh, the economy is going to close down. And so it's like, then they have other, so they have green energy initiatives and whatnot. It's just, it wasn't giving me the returns. And at this point, if you buy end to end to anything in the stock market, it is way too overvalued. So, it's like, well shit, what do I do with this? I can't buy property because it's overflated.
Starting point is 01:41:30 I can buy silver, which by the half silver. Silver's a meme. So, I'm just holding into cash at this. Check out, just kind of waiting and seeing. Check out Celsius. You can buy USDC, the US dollar coin, pop it into Celsius, your next so or Voyager, you make 10% off of it. How about the US dollar coin, pop it in a Celsius, or Nexo, or Voyager, you make 10% off of it. How about the Franklin Mint?
Starting point is 01:41:47 All right, Liz. Go to Lightbringer, the comic. You got to make $5 grand to make this thing. Yeah, I got to make $5 grand. We're about 800 the way there already after about a week. So yeah, anybody who wants to back it, I would appreciate it very, very much. I can, like you said, I can give you a link so you can put that for you for all the dickheads listening. I'll pull them up there. But yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I mean, I'm an open book when it comes to the
Starting point is 01:42:14 channel awesome stuff. I do plan to speak with Nick Rican next week. So I wish I knew more stuff about the channel awesome thing to ask you. This Jew Wario guy raped somebody. about the channel. Awesome thing to ask you. This Jew Wario guy raped somebody. Oh, sorry, sorry, back to the, okay, so with the Nicaracat, Nicaracat thing over Vick Mignano, right? Oh, yeah, yeah. A former producer named Mars Girl. She was the one who started the kick, Vic hashtag that kind of contributed to people dog hunting. That rhymes. Yeah, fucking bitch.
Starting point is 01:42:41 Rhymes, he's done. Dude, he got kicked out of the LA convention. Yeah, can you believe that? He's just kind of PNG. I mean, you know, like the honest, honestly, he's too good looking to have done anything a girl didn't want him to do. Let's be honest. That's why no rape shit would ever stick on me.
Starting point is 01:43:01 That's not, that's why none of it stuck on him. All these fucking, that's why they have to be out of that thing. How did that thing end? He's getting fucking, he lost. Yeah. He lost and he has to pay a shit load of money and penalties. So they're appealing it, but not only did he lose these, these very, these very despicable people, like this guy, one of his accusers, the women, their hangers on these men, the slimeball men follow him from conference to conference and gin up a controversy to get them to boot him out. So he can't even go meet fans.
Starting point is 01:43:41 He can't even fucking go. Like meet people and get money for autographs. And he's not, I've watched him talk. He's not like me. He's not like you. Like he's not like, well, fuck you. Let's go that he's like a very appreciative man. God fearing, he's a very, very kind and Christ-like man.
Starting point is 01:44:04 Like he's just fucked. He's just been beaten very kind and Christ-like man. He's just fucked. He's just been beaten down so hard and sucks. Yeah. Honestly, I think the reason that she did that, my intuition is because she got egg on her face after the whole Juario thing came out because she actually did a fan memorial video
Starting point is 01:44:22 or it was like farewell, comedy, something writer. I don't know, but she made a video that was in dedication to him and then when it came out that he was essentially a rapist, I'm sorry, he was a rapist, not a sentient. So now she has to find a bigger rapist because she was caught.
Starting point is 01:44:39 So Mars girl, this is how, this is how Vic got fucked over. Okay, walk you through it. Yeah, yeah. Mars girl, this broad right here, big tits. Mama Mia. I can make all this trouble for her go away. Fucker brain straight. You know, you're not to worry about Vic.
Starting point is 01:44:57 You just need to get fucked one time, one time properly. Not twice, that refucks your brain. Any woman will tell you that. You gotta fucked one time correctly. Straighten your brain to 180. You don't want to go 360. 360. I could fuck this bitch's brain straight in one and one, not 10 minutes. Give me 10. I'll take 20. Give me 10 minutes. I'll fuck her brain straight. Cure all this Vick Manana and says, so she backed a rapist. She started, oh, yeah, so she was a close friend of his, but I think at the time the dude would let some people into what he was kind of up to a little bit.
Starting point is 01:45:38 He had people, he would tell people, or if you knew him a little bit, and you could tell yeah, maybe he's doing something outside of his marriage, but not everybody knew that. I think she was one that honestly did not know about that. And then when it came out that he did this stuff, I think she was, she had egg on her face and needed clown. I think that's why she went off after Vic. Now, I can't prove that definitively. That's just what my intuition is telling me.
Starting point is 01:46:00 Yeah. Because there's no reason to go after Vic, this bad, like they're doing. Well, she's, she's not a nice person. She's called publicly called for yellow flash to be doxed. She, she's just, she's one of these people that is not a decent, like, you don't do that. I don't know what her problem is, but she's, and then the other major person who wrote on the, oh, is this her? Is this her I'm looking at now?
Starting point is 01:46:24 Never mind about that. Fuck. I don't really wear near that. Is that her that they're showing? Is this Mars? Yeah, that's her. That's her. Oh, no, what happened?
Starting point is 01:46:34 Ah, I have those tits, Sean. Was that a phone? Oh, broke. I don't know. Here's the other. Here's one I was looking at just for reference. Ski jump tits that she's got here to fit that. Yeah. You're gonna say.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Yeah. She's got our huge forearm. Oh yeah, you think that's big. Yeah, but they'd be coming. You know, it worked for her with arms girl for a while there, but arms girl. So she got all nice job because she supported a rapist and then she had to find another rapist. Right. Redeemer side to think that's what happened.
Starting point is 01:47:05 So fucking stupid. The anime community is so fucked and re-targeted. It's like, you gotta make sure your own house is in order. Well, that's just it. I mean, one of the other main writers on the stock came in and was a woman named Obscurus Lupa and she swatted Brad Jones, which is another person on the...
Starting point is 01:47:23 Oh, these people in comics, they're so fucked. They're playing a game, man. They really are. And they'll tell you about it. Yeah. Oh, God, man, just like stop doing, just stop doing stuff. It ruins people's lives, legit. So it's like, okay, what they told me when I kind of put
Starting point is 01:47:39 pieces all together that my friend Justin, who was Juario, was a rapist, I literally had to go back to the leadership that this sexual assault helpline said, what the heck do I do here? Like, I have this information. Do I have reasonable doubt? Do I have a responsibility to try to warn people? Like, what do I do here?
Starting point is 01:47:58 Warning, isn't it? Send out a rapist. What the rapist? What do you mean? That's just sort of the rape time you was. Paul rape Veer to ride on them. The rape is a coming. Yeah, so they told me effectively you're not on the hook to do anything.
Starting point is 01:48:21 You're there to support the survivor. And if the survivor wants to keep it quiet, you do what's best for them. And that's what I did. So in the five years, later though, when it finally came out and they themselves revealed what happened, that's like, okay, now we can better support those, those people. So it's a long season. That's messed up. Okay. I am a trainee. I'm good at keeping secrets. So that's a hate speech. You can't, we gotta get, you're done. That's it. Am I in I-
Starting point is 01:48:49 Can't be. Yeah, you're canceled. Okay, thank you. Go ahead, what? Last thing is like, yeah, no, I got all those people on Channel Austin, they don't like me anymore because I voted for Trump and, yeah, I just don't care about what they believe in anymore. So they don't like me. Well, they all funded a rapist. So oh, thank you, honey. Um, so who's, you know, who's worse?
Starting point is 01:49:12 She could tell you we're sobering up by like tell it's Lapathy somehow. It's kind of a connection. Okay. So walk, watch us walked in with a new IPA. Lightbringer. Genesis volume one. That's right the guy the sonic running meme guy, Sean. I know you've seen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks for calling me. Yeah, thanks for having me. I very much appreciate it. Good luck with your comic. I think I find it though. Okay. Yeah, I hope so. I hope so. But take care. Have a good one. See you later. Goodbye. Dude. Alrighty, Ru. What time is it?
Starting point is 01:49:48 It's already two. There it is, Sean. Look, you've seen this guy. Yes. You've seen this guy. I have. So this is Linkara. Or this isn't Jewario, is it?
Starting point is 01:49:59 Is this guy Raypus that we're looking at? I don't know. Is he a Raypus? Pretty fast. It's pretty fast. It's pretty fast. Mm-hmm. Don't you think comics is like people are kind of,
Starting point is 01:50:13 it's a world that I don't really relate to, I guess. So, because they're fucked. Yeah. Talking about like taking guys down and calling conventions and shit. Yeah. It's just a real fucking scum fucking environment to be in. Fantasy, it's fantasy based.
Starting point is 01:50:29 That's why because they're fucking delusional. Well, you have to be delusional to do these things. It takes so much effort like to, it's like George Colin Venue saying, I'm like, talking all kinds of outlandish shit. And like people, you know, people who don't know any of the real story or the history or whatever, of course that scares them off. It's like shit, we don't want fucking
Starting point is 01:50:52 know this negative press potentially or to get blacklisted or anything like that. And it's like, well, just the money people say, better safe than sorry, get rid of them. It was so sad. Well, the money people don't even say that. It's the middle manager. Oh, no, it doesn't even get up to, yeah, no, I know.
Starting point is 01:51:09 Money people take a fucking shot. What? Well, you're fine. I mean, it should bring this to me. I should say the money people as in what kind of potential lawsuits are going to come against us, which by for hosting a letting somebody a con, probably not going to be anything. They got guys, they let guys out front saying kill all F slurs, you know, those guys with the signs say like the Westboro Baptist people, every convention, they're out there.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Sure, sure, they pick a funeral. There's a lot of things, but the Vic Binyana can't go in and sign autographs. Yeah. What I heard about that, I was so sad when I heard about, but the Vick Bignana can't go into synodic graphs. Yeah, when I heard about that, I was so sad. When I heard about that, come on, man. Well, you're taking away income and stuff too, that's. And you're just like putting the guy in a box. Well, I know.
Starting point is 01:51:56 Okay, stay home. But this is all you can't, like this is your whole identity. Well, no, ripping your identity from you. Well, and writing what it is now. Yeah. You're writing a new, that's the thing that I've always had such a huge, years could go by in an instant with this new identity.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Yeah, like a controller. No, you lose out on your income years, you lose it, you know, that's always the thing. It's like when people dredge up all this stuff that somebody wrote when they were 15 on it, it's like in their mind, it's like, no, you're this guy forever, you're evil, you never deserve to be able to participate in,
Starting point is 01:52:31 you know, the economy essentially, because you're a bad guy, you'll always be that bad guy. You can't possibly learn anything or grow. That's, you know, not, that's not for you. It had to, I'm trying, I'm trying to think if Vic was not as good looking as he is, if it would be better for him. I don't know, you know, I don't know, because I think these girls are so ravenous about everyone knowing that he was flirtatious with them
Starting point is 01:53:00 because they want everyone to know how desirable they are. Like all the women that have accused Vic of anything, they're all lies. What's the worst thing he's been accused of? Grabbed someone's hair and like held it back and did like a joke about eating a jelly bean or something like that. Okay. And then he fucked some girls. Obviously.
Starting point is 01:53:22 But I don't think they're shooting on them like that. I think nobody's like, nobody's saying rape or anything. Some girls, obviously, but I don't think they're shooting on them like that. I think nobody's like, nobody's saying rape or anything. No, I don't think so. Maybe somebody in the chat can maybe give me a TLDR on that one. But I think his good-lookingness is what incentivizes these women to pursue him so tenaciously, because they want everyone to know that he touched
Starting point is 01:53:49 them. I mean, you know, it's a, there's no other reason. It's a certain kind of, it's a certain kind of like thinking. Yeah, I know how they think. Okay, go fuck yourself. Inflation. I heard you complain about the prices of lap dances on a previous episode going from 30, I know how they think. Okay, go fuck yourself. Inflation. I heard you complain about the prices of lap dances on a previous episode going from 20 to $30.
Starting point is 01:54:12 I have only ever seen $40 lap dances. He's seen for a song. That's insane. I wouldn't pay that for it. Tell me to knock a lap dance. Maybe I would, but one time only. Yeah, for just to check a box. Yeah, I mean, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:54:28 I would sit there forever. I live in Portland. Probably true. I've got my fucking blood, just drain it, sell it. Wherever, I live in Portland, wherever and tells me we have the best strip clubs in the country, you do. Yeah, I always do.
Starting point is 01:54:40 You open the clubs before them. I assume is this true and does that make it worth twice as much? No, I mean, no man, woman relationship is worth $40 a song. Nothing that either men or women offer each other is worth $40 for three minutes. That's an average. It's just nothing is worth that. 20 is the max. I don't care what inflation is. Yeah. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:55:10 No, dinner with a girl. Nice dinner. 80 bucks, drinks, max. Yeah. 200 bucks. No, 40. It's, I don't know. I'll just, yeah, my brain stops at $20 a song. Yeah. I don't know, I'll just, yeah, my brain stops at $20 a song. Yeah. What are they both thinking? Yeah, I want his head, I want his ball. Oh, this is one of the girls that accused Vic of something.
Starting point is 01:55:33 I want his head, I want his balls, I want him to feel an ounce of the pain, he's cause others, and then fucking choke on it. Did she even involve her? Is she just like a girl I used to have sex with? Well, she just like, you know, weighing in on. No, this is a girl who accused him. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:55:52 She accused. Well, cause others, you know what I mean? Like, well, she's speaking on behalf of all. I see. I wasn't sure if she was somebody else. By the way, we should do, we should turn, we should fucking, you know, draw and quarter this guy. I want you to take his dick out of your ears.
Starting point is 01:56:09 That's homophobic slur. So you can actually hear reality, but you know, that's just me. Is that, was that real? That's Jamie Markey. You've been to clubs here and is that make it worth twice as much? No. Okay. Couple more. Alex, dear, Dick, I got with three girls this weekend.
Starting point is 01:56:32 Wow. That's too many. Is that same time? Well, I was gonna ask if like, you know, one was two and the, I mean, it's talking about three, we got a separate. Yeah. I've known some guys that do, they'll hook up with the girl,
Starting point is 01:56:44 or did he do this over another guy? I mean, another during the day. Or did he do this over another guy? Yeah. Or meet another girl at night. Or did he do this over Thanksgiving holiday, you know? Three day weekend. I don't know, you know. Classic, Sean. I got with three girls this weekend.
Starting point is 01:56:55 One Friday night, thin with B cups and a belly button piercing. Another Saturday, a bit chunky, but active with double d's that are pierced. And a final one, Sunday, beautiful tattoos from ear to ankle, big booty, and seat cups. All right, I woke up this morning and felt like the three little bears. This one was just right. That's right. Bit chunky, the wolf came around. So I'm gonna blow your, you're gonna blow my house down,
Starting point is 01:57:28 but Bit chunky, the second one was a bit chunky, but active with double d's. I woke up this morning and felt myself a king. Okay. Mm-hmm. Odd way of phrasing that. I know this kinda luck won't last, but it is always fun when it does. That last, but it is always fun when it does.
Starting point is 01:57:46 That's true, it is always fun when it does. I wanted to say thank you for your teachings. A year ago, I was stuck in this shitty relationship with a girl that only ever took advantage of me and gave me so little back. Now I get what I want. Thank you and fuck you. So just a shot. Thank you and fuck you. Swooshes to Sean. Thank you and fuck you.
Starting point is 01:58:06 I think I mean, sounds like a very positive fuck you though. Sure. Thank you and fuck you. I like it. I know it's just a Sean. Very good. What an inspiring story. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shitty relationship with the girl. Winning all over the place. Now, he's fuck, fuck three girls.
Starting point is 01:58:24 Yeah. Well, he got with, got that doesn't mean he fucked got with no, I guess it doesn't. I mean, that's the seams implied to me, but sometimes it's better. Yeah. Yeah. Like, like, like what do you think? I mean, no, I take that back. Got with got with, you know, something has to be. Yeah, I mean, no, I take that back. It's got with, got with, you know. Something has to happen. Yeah, I mean, something has to happen, right? I mean, it's, you know.
Starting point is 01:58:48 Sometimes they want a little more, something for the effort, you know. Mm. You know? Hey, how about a little, you know, something for the effort? I'm gonna need a little more. Before I get down to business with you, buddy.
Starting point is 01:59:02 That's what they're like. Jimmy Smith says, Qtis, am I too late for the Qtis drama? No, no way. Absolutely not. I forgot to send this message when it was going on, but I got reminded by a tweet saying you love Qtis. Oh, I suck cocks.
Starting point is 01:59:17 I understand you haven't watched it, but just thought to protect the children people are out of control. They've always been out of control. Always. Well, because the hysteria doesn't line up with the... With what's going on. I mean, not because I don't care about your fucking kids. Yeah, I don't want to, I don't want to engineer anything
Starting point is 01:59:39 around them protecting them from protecting children from hearing swear words is retarded. Yeah, sure it is. Of course it is. But we all do it and that's where I'm willing to draw the line. But everything else, all the taxes that we pay, all these reasons that like this aggressive censoring and prohibition to protect children. First of all, it's a lie. I don't believe, I don't believe that you guys want to make cigarettesition to protect children. First of all, it's a lie.
Starting point is 02:00:05 I don't believe, I don't believe that you guys want to make cigarettes illegal to protect kids. I think you just don't like smell. Like I honestly think that most cigarette banning is because of the fucking smell of cigarettes. And drugs, same thing. I don't like the smell of your cocaine. I like the smell of your cocaine.
Starting point is 02:00:21 Wait, maybe I do. Maybe I do. Yeah. I am an actual pedophile, okay? But I didn't watch it because I thought the kids were not that attractive. Oh, that's nice of you to say. Okay, this took a hard left.
Starting point is 02:00:37 There's gotta be actual pedophiles in the audience. Well, yeah. Yeah, I mean, probably so. I mean, I hope they're not acting on it. Yeah, don't do it. That's whatever you do. People got crazy shit going on in their brains, man. Like you have no idea.
Starting point is 02:01:00 I mean, there's more than one in every audience, right? No, of course. Just don't act on it. Don't act on it. Do what you gotta do short of acting on it. Try to actually you go be aggressively and type out a file. Well, you know, I mean,
Starting point is 02:01:15 the president of like the head of Sony engineering got outed as a pan. In Japan? No, in America. It was trying to like groom a, uh, uh, uh, in Japan. No, in America. Oh, it was trying to, like, groom a, a 12 year or a 15 year old, I think. Mm-hmm. No, it could have gone younger. Um, I mean, you know, you mean, Kodav, as a, well, Cody Wilson got busted, fucking like a 16 year old prostitute, right? Didn't that happen? Yeah. And everybody kind of went, well, like all the, everyone on the right
Starting point is 02:01:44 kind of went, I mean, what is, everyone on the right kind of went, I mean, what is he supposed to do? I did her, like she's on an adult side. He legitimately can't, like, I could see not being able to legitimately tell. But then as soon as somebody they don't like does it, it's like, fucking pedophile. No, I remember what happened to Cody Wilson.
Starting point is 02:02:02 Anyway, what was I saying? Seriously, the white one looks like she has Down syndrome. No, the other two are ethnics. Okay, okay. That's more offensive than that. Right, that's a bad one. All the best, Jimmy Smiths. Jimmy Smiths.
Starting point is 02:02:19 Thanks for weighing in, Jimmy. Love you in Star Wars. What? Wasn't he horrible in Star Wars. Wasn't he horrible in Star Wars? I don't know why that guy acts really. Jimmy Smith. He was good in Dexter. Who's going off crazy? Yeah. Ontario Teachers Union equality. This one says, Hey Dick and Sean,
Starting point is 02:02:39 the Ontario Teachers Union recently announced that they will be taking action to ensure that racialized minorities, it's a fuck is a racialized minority. Racialized minorities. Racialized. Racial minorities saying, you're a fucking teacher, saying racialized. Does that mean that they, like they've had their race used against them or they're all whipped up into using race as a weapon.
Starting point is 02:03:06 Racialized? I don't know. What does that mean? Racialized. Not radicalized. It says racialized. Can it be an auto correct? From what? Oh no, you'd be radicalized.
Starting point is 02:03:16 What is a correct shit? Right, I mean, if he's tried to say radicalized, it's like, do you mean racialized? Is racialized? Yeah, I don't know. Do I? Have you ever heard that word? No. Or to say racialized. Can you hear us say racialized. I don't know. Do I? Do I? Have you ever heard that word? No.
Starting point is 02:03:26 Or to say racial, can I ensure that? Yeah, that's racialized. I think he said racial minorities. I think he said racial minorities. Okay, let's say that. Maybe he is a racialized minority. Like racialized minorities. Like trans, racial?
Starting point is 02:03:40 I don't know. I don't know. I'm like, dude, I'm looking for the juxtaposing kids. Okay. Why does public school even exist? That's part of my thing with kids. I don't fucking care if your kids are educated. I don't think that they're being educated at public school.
Starting point is 02:03:58 I think they're just being raped and shot at. Not the important stuff, I think. I don't know how well an education prepares you for what's going on. Well, my whole thing is I would like them to also be hindered because I'm gonna get old and they're gonna try to take mine, they're gonna try to fuck with me.
Starting point is 02:04:15 Right, and it's gonna be your time. Yeah, to rewrite the Fed and, oh God, that's never getting rewritten. Yeah. Cause kids, they're getting even stupider. Not money. Yeah. Thank god, thank god for crypto.
Starting point is 02:04:32 I could talk about that for hours. So to this end, they have, oh yeah, to ensure that racialized minorities have equal voting power as others. To this end, they have decided that if racialized minorities do not make up 50% of the voting body, their votes will be weighted to ensure that they have 50% of their voting power. With the scoreboard or something?
Starting point is 02:04:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's the first part. Yeah, Ontario. Ontario Canada. Teachers union. Yeah. Equality. Well, how do you, so if they make up, bump up their votes?
Starting point is 02:05:02 So if they make up, if they make up 10% Then you wait there votes instead of three fifths of a vote. They get how does that make 10? 10 fifths of a vote. How does that make any sense whatsoever? Huh, for example, if they are 25% of the vote their votes will be tripled in weight that you're not a math teacher That doesn't add. I was just going to say, wouldn't it be the thing? If they're 25% of the vote, they're supposed to be doubled. That's for their 50. I would think.
Starting point is 02:05:32 Yeah, I mean, maybe that math is racist though. So maybe they're not using some kind of a different racialized math. I don't know. Maybe we're not thinking of something. No, not, note that this is functionally the same as reducing the weight as the white people. Yeah. Right? Well, sure.
Starting point is 02:05:50 We're not reducing the white people vote. We're just giving their vote. No, I know. Because people automatically think they hear more. And it's like, oh, more. I'm not supposed to. You get less. How are you supposed to deal with that?
Starting point is 02:06:06 You show up to work as a white guy, like, oh, we're cutting your vote in half. Yeah. I'm gonna cut you in half. How about that? It's just a head scratching to me where I just, like stuff like that, like I don't get upset about that stuff. I just, you know, no, no, I kind of just go,
Starting point is 02:06:24 God, that's kind of crazy. Yeah, I just look you know, no, no, I kind of just go, God, that's kind of crazy. Look, I just look at this. I don't even feel any kind of way about it. I'm just like, how did your job? Like, how did you, well, yes, that's a different thing, but it's like, how do you get, how do you come to that conclusion and have any other person go?
Starting point is 02:06:41 Yeah. You know what I mean? You sit the manure, he is down and go like, people who are quite fucking serious. There's people who are really looking at me, you're cutting my vote in half. Look me in the eye and say that you are, well, they're doing it.
Starting point is 02:06:53 No, you're fucking doing it. Yeah, it's kind of just baffling to me. No, this is, yeah, yeah, yeah. I wonder what happens if there's a district where more than 50% of the voting body is a racial minority. You got to write that time. Well, there votes be reduced in weight for equality. I wanted to get your thoughts on this. I've linked the article below. I don't know, maybe it's not even Jeffrey from Toronto. All right, thanks, buddy. Maybe it's all fake. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:07:19 I don't know. Well, I mean, no, I mean, I don't know. No, there's probably something to it. I, you know, Juneteenth, I just got an email from HR, this is Coach Cake. Apparently everyone gets Juneteenth off from now on. Right. I will never remember what day that is. It's like the 19th. Yeah, okay. Something.
Starting point is 02:07:38 I'll try to remember that. It's whatever Friday is like Thanksgiving. I found that they heard it moved around like when it was first a thing. Oh, really? Yeah, like it was a slave showed up late. No, I think it was definitely in the teens. So they probably, if it's the 19th, they showed up early, I guess, 12 is too soon. 13. I guess. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Right. I found this hilarious because despite almost half of our business being parts for the military planes and having a relatively large pool of veterans at the company, we don't have veterans day off.
Starting point is 02:08:12 Cheers and go fuck yourself, coach cake. Well, you got, yeah, well, make your own veterans day. Well, it's, oh, you need another parade. Yeah. The veterans need another fucking parade in a day off. Thank you so much for being gay in Iraq. Uh, thank you so much for tickling each other and go and fucking walking around the street with your big humvee for 20 years.
Starting point is 02:08:38 Fuck, thanks. It's funny how the wars we've gotten involved in are just so much different than like our grandparents wars and I don't give a shit about their war either. No, I know. But they've had decades of like adoration and you know, oh, they're cemetery. I see from the freeway on the 405 fucking cool cemetery dude. But I know I couldn't imagine a bunch of bulls and condos being there like thanks for exemplify.
Starting point is 02:09:03 Yeah. Nice fucking bones. They graved your card. Imagine a bulls and condos being there like thanks, can simplify. Yeah, nice fucking bones. Thank for your card and I rack for you really did an amazing job making making it possible to have a military industrial complex. Fucking thanks a lot. Third. Awesome. Interracial dating, don't read my username, Plexplox, okay, that wasn't his name.
Starting point is 02:09:33 What makes me a rage is watching friends of mine trying to live up to some bizarre mental standards in gymnastics justifying not dating outside their race. You mean so they're, what they're adamant that they have to date their own race? Yeah, or not date outside of it. Well, wouldn't that be dating your own race? Yeah, but it's different.
Starting point is 02:09:53 Is it? It's a little bit different. Why? In the brain. Oh, okay. Like how many other people of your specific minority ethnicity exist in this mid-sized town in the middle of flyover country.
Starting point is 02:10:05 If you're white, I would think a lot. Or Mexican. Yeah. Not Mexicans in the Midwest. Somebody's got to pick all a corn. Well, that's right. No, exactly. Workers, yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:15 Like, literally a dozen, including your relatives. It's infuriating after finding that and dating outside my race. Relatives it is. Yeah. I guess that happens in places still. People don't wanna date outside their race. Yeah, sure. Are they not attracted to them?
Starting point is 02:10:32 Or is it just like so much like? Oh, I think that my mind is so open. I think they've seen nothing there at all. I got a can't even conceive of having any sort of. Yeah, I don't get that either, but then again, you know, I'm from a city with a lot of different any. Yeah, I don't. Right. No, I don't, I don't, I don't get that either, but, but then again, you know, I'm from a city with a lot of different people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like literally a dozen, including, it's infuriating after finding them dates with women to have them turn it down because they don't date white women. Oh, so the, okay, they don't, there's a,
Starting point is 02:11:00 there's a race that doesn't date white women. What race is that? There's a race that doesn't date white women. What race is that? Jews? Well, I have no... Sixes. Seinfeld? Or outside their race. I've known somebody who dated and then married a Chinese woman
Starting point is 02:11:19 and their parents were super, like her father would not even acknowledge him. Like as a person. Like you're not even there. Like you don't even like a ghost. Yeah. Like I don't even I don't even see you. So yeah, I mean, they're definitely it's usually pretty old, you know, old school thinking. I think from fucking it pretty much wherever. But it's like, oh, yeah, there's I mean, there's there are definitely I there's definitely a lot of pressure. I mean, maybe not to date outside your race. And in that case, do not date a white guy.
Starting point is 02:11:50 You know what I'm gonna do with that guy that ran that did me the slowdown move? Yeah. I'm gonna put some, like a rip cord in the street and tie it onto a tree. And when he comes, I'm gonna hide behind a car. I'm gonna pull it up really fast so he gets clothes lined. Yeah, I'm gonna get an actual clothes line,
Starting point is 02:12:05 yank it up really hard. Reminds me of what we used to do down at my cousin's house in San Diego. The yanking like this, the motion that I did like this reminds me. Yeah, the access road was behind, he had this fence in their hedge bushes. So we would take fishing, we'd take fishing poles and tie like, you know,
Starting point is 02:12:23 good size weights on the end of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cast them across the street and pull it tot. So when a car came, it would hit the fucking, it would hit the, the, the fishing line and yank the weight fucking into the door. Oh, no. No. Assholes.
Starting point is 02:12:38 Yeah. Oh, where, what town was this in? Uh, San Diego area. Oh, that's the worst thing I've ever heard. You see why fucking a kid turn the fucking bed of files lose and that fucking rape all of them. I don't fucking care. Fuck kids. Cop showed up. Cop showed up and fucking we were upstairs by that time. And they were lining our own playing. Yeah, finding our own big top gun. Probably know what was going on. They're like, no, they've been upstairs. Like, you know, we're
Starting point is 02:13:04 like good. Yeah, it was bad though. Cause I was like, you know, I was saying you'd hear people just stop, you know, denting their prevy is. Yeah. Well, and just, you know, like come out and they couldn't see us because the hedge bush was really thick. It was a tall fence. I'm sure you guys were the masters of fucking high day. Well, it was, you know, he would just look over. They would have had to like hop the fence to, you know, come in the yard. but, uh, oh my, you know, we kind of, we heard somebody stop. We just cut the line. So we just, we don't know what that fishing line is. Yeah. We're just holding our fishing balls over here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:35 Ditch and butt. That's one of the most things I've ever heard. Terrible, terrible, stupid, stupid teenage shit. I don't think it's going to be on your car. Got a fucked up. I mean, it's probably, you know, it's probably just, just karma coming back around. I get having preferences, but it's absurd to not even try to get out of your comfort zone when it makes dating, Nye impossible. I mean, I don't even understand it.
Starting point is 02:14:00 Do you see somebody want to fuck? You want to fuck them? Oh, yeah. Yeah, no, that's absolutely true. Yep. On the reverse, watching a white friend turned down a perfectly matched Jewish or black girl because he has some bizarre hang up
Starting point is 02:14:18 about dating outside his race is equally maddening. I guess I'm curious what your experience is with race is while pursuing women. Not enough is my experience. Pursuing women of different races. Yeah, I've never fucked a black girl. I have fucked a half black girl. Oh, which half, top or bottom?
Starting point is 02:14:43 You know? I don't know. Let me see if I can spin. How black and my tiger woods black? What is chaff Chinese too? So it's not a big shoe. She was half white. No, he's half Thai.
Starting point is 02:14:52 Uh, he's his dad's black. Sorry. I'm sorry. Uh, was like the girl from the office, Rashida Jones, is she half black? Yeah, I think so. So it's hot. She's too white though. Yeah, she's very white. Yeah, I think black. So it's hot. She's too white though. Yeah, she's very white.
Starting point is 02:15:05 Yeah, I think black was the half black girl that you had said. I mean, definitely you would go, no, she's definitely not white. Oh, wow. But she had like a more Caucasian features. She was like, she was lighter, she was very, she was light skinned. But I mean, you know, hell of a lot darker than me. Yeah, you're pretty white. Her hair, she kind of like her hair, your butt is probably like your uncovered body or
Starting point is 02:15:30 your covered body is probably super white too. Oh, yeah. But you're actually so that's kind of black. Well, but kind of half black. I don't, I don't have any of the Sicilian. I don't have any of the skin to tell like I don don't have the Mediterranean skin. I've seen true romance. I know what your people are. Well, yeah, but that's even the people that might, that's way that's self, you know,
Starting point is 02:15:51 was there anything different about that self? That's self, people live in Italy up by like Switzerland and stuff, dude, they're white, man. Oh, yeah. There's plenty of red-headed Italians. Really? Lots of them. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:03 Um, how big was the can situation on this? She was, she was like thin. She was petite. So like not that, not that big. Some of the blackers are really tiny. Yeah. Jesus. No, she was cute. We didn't hang out that long, but you just pump them and dump them. Well, we went out for a little while. Really? Like, I don't remember this. I don't know if we're we hanging out at that. I can't remember when we got back in contact. We got back together though, you're gonna say.
Starting point is 02:16:33 We got back in, oh God, I'm trying to, I don't have to think about when, like where, what we were doing. Yeah, it was pretty short. Could you tell that she was half black when you guys were having sex being intimate? Um, how would I know that? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:16:50 I wouldn't, I wouldn't know. That's why I'm asking. I mean, did any of the love making feel black anyway? Or half black? Uh, you know, she wanted to know like where my hands work as she was afraid I was like planting something on her to call it. To call it cops.
Starting point is 02:17:09 I think yeah. Okay. She's kind of concerned. What are you doing? Yeah. What are you doing? Kick your hands where I could see him. Like, Beneseel.
Starting point is 02:17:17 To kick your hands where I could see that. That kind of thing. Yeah. Um, I don't know. I, well, because I've, I don't, I don't know what the hell I identify as. Mostly fucked white girls. Yeah. Couple Asians thrown in there.
Starting point is 02:17:34 But no black. I can't help you on that one, buddy, sorry. Full disclosure, I'm a white man with a dark skinned black woman. So conversations about race and the deplorable position, dark, skinned black women are put into by the current culture fostered by African American men on that dating scene is something, wow, like, is something I can always comment on as well. If you would need to be even more vilified by Twitter, right? Oh, there you go. Sorry, did you, I'm sorry, I kind of glossed over that.
Starting point is 02:18:05 Is he black? No, he's white. He's white. He's got a dark, black skinned black girlfriend or something. Got it. Okay. And she has some kind of, she has some sort of a loud opinion. He's making it sound like.
Starting point is 02:18:19 Got it. About, about black men. Oh, okay. I don't know, is that ever, have you ever heard anything like that? Black men talking about a black woman, a black woman has some kind of an issue with African American men on the dating scene.
Starting point is 02:18:39 Yeah. Huh. I always, well, I mean, never heard that. I've heard they don't like it when black guys date white women. Oh, is that, they don't. I mean, I've definitely heard that. I'm just joking. The idea of women not having a problem about anything on the dating scene is just, so,
Starting point is 02:18:57 is just preposterous. Okay, everybody, that's the dick show. Let's do, I'm pushing the stone toss contest till next week so we can get more people and they sprung it on it. Yeah. That's the Dixiel. Let's do, I'm pushing the stone toss contest till next week so we can get more people and they sprung it on it. Yeah, get a Maddox Lost chant going anywhere you are, bar, post office, parade, a Christmas parade, if you're driving through, if you're possessed
Starting point is 02:19:16 with anti-Semitism and you're driving through a Christmas parade, get a chant going, Maddox Lost as you go through and we'll look at him next week and review it. This is the Hard Men Working Hard. Hard Men Working Hard. This is their new song. The Pump. This is the Pump. Slash the Dix show. I'll see you next Tuesday. I'm sick, someone called a doctor quick. Please doc, I got a lot of pain within. Lately I'm aching under the weight of the thick.
Starting point is 02:19:53 So I'm aching my patience is fading quick, cause I'm flat. Motivation paper thin, I'm shackled to the bottom and civil brain preserve. I'm taking shots to the thoughts that are breaking in. They got me shaking and I can't take it. They get in afraid of the man I see and that on me Shave like a man on teeth
Starting point is 02:20:07 Ties creasin' a game board Rattachimony Caps doing battle with gravity You canna breathe when I sleep It's a tragedy Unless we got me to scene at the movies A shot magin' stacked it in two-black teen's slap Hey yo, that's bigger, he didn't scream
Starting point is 02:20:19 Go me back, play some loud I'm gonna shout the facts and have you choke on them So down relax, I think it's better if I give it to you Straight quick, tell you what I think Tell you what they should have told you was a kid You're sick, holding your neck, you're used to live So pick it up, pick it up If you want to live, now hit the gym fat bitch
Starting point is 02:20:32 Give it to everything, don't stop, don't stop Tell you fucking ribs Mom, get the pump, gotta get my blood run I keep the pressure up, in the top, in the back Then I wanna come, yeah Everything in here gotta get the pump So pump, pump, get the pump Gotta get my blood run, I keep the pressure up In the top, get the bomb, get the bomb Gotta get my blood runnin' get the pressure up
Starting point is 02:20:47 Feel the top feeling jack down, I'm gonna come Yeah, everything's gonna be, gotta get the bomb The man I need a plan, don't know where to start I need advice, you guys, you know the stuff I head on one, find a sight and try to watch Can anybody help me get big above? Listen up, it's more than lifting bars True strength was there, so lift with your heart
Starting point is 02:21:03 And you'll get far Gee, thanks mister No problem, kid, higher than Hitler BASE The same crates never let me go You step in the first box, bust the right No wasted, save it, tax-grate the next day And the benefits are amazing
Starting point is 02:21:15 But you can't sign time You wanna mark or make it the same day Just put the chalk in the lot and do your system Listen, your tight spots will know what hit them The routine to breathe, pie to your fore-pre Less to them, no large enemies Yeah, out of the little mock up a quality And it's matter of intensity
Starting point is 02:21:30 If you wanna get me to use that high teeth Believe me, it's a seminal dig The teeth boon and cream You'll never be the same, you want gains Yeah, there's the weather away You got to pop that shit into your veins Bum, bum, bum, get the bump Gotta get my blood run, I keep the pressure up
Starting point is 02:21:43 Been a top and a jack that I want to come Yeah, this looks exactly like them Canberra get the moon got the guys Starting today you weren't leave the light no hesitation make friends with the pain it'll take me places head down I stop yeah, Justin embrace the base Great bass Yeah Isn't it, A-shoe? Is it?
Starting point is 02:22:13 Yeah, I think so Oh man That's fucking great Again They're never No, it's too over The prize, the prize, the abs, the pack The pegs, the lads, the darts Back, the size, the lads The prize, the ham, the glutes, the glans, the chokes, jacks Now that Nick Rican is a big star Now we gotta work on these guys
Starting point is 02:22:44 Bump, bump, get the pump Gotta get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, pump, get the pump, get the pump, pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, pump, get the pump, pump, get the pump, get the pump, get the pump, gotta get my blood runnin' keep the pressure up Feel the top feelin' jack down a wall and come Every single day gotta get the pump, get the pump Gotta gotta get the pump, gotta get my cards runnin' keep the pressure up Feelin' the top feelin' jack down a wall and come Nice, man, nice job, man. So, pump. Okay. Great, thank you. Hardman Working Hard.
Starting point is 02:23:24 slash Hardman working hard, I think. Hey, Vic. So here's what makes me a rage. I still buy those little cheese and crackers snacks from one of the we were kids. Yeah, it's like a cheese cup, like a tiny little cheese cup with a cracker. It's a rabbit little stick.
Starting point is 02:23:42 Spreader. You take the little stick and you dip it in the cheese and you eat it. Yeah. And there's never enough cheese for all your little crackers. Right. Yeah, that's true. I eat those still because they're a nice little snack. And I just noticed that they've been putting in one less cracker than they used to.
Starting point is 02:23:59 Oh, that's such a true, you know. Fuck me, I guess. Everything. Oh, the cheese doesn't go around, huh? Well, we'll fix that. Yeah, fuck me, I guess. Everything. She doesn't go around, huh? Well, we'll fix that. Yeah, we'll take a cracker away. Remember, yeah, you're not getting less weight to your vote. They're getting more.
Starting point is 02:24:16 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Is that inflation? Is that part of that like inflation that you don't see? I don't know. Price is moving up, but there's, how much could they save on one fucking cracker? I mean, a lot, I would guess.
Starting point is 02:24:30 I mean, I, you know, I guess whatever a fourth of the cracker thing was. That is just such a great illustration for what has happened to all the, okay. Do you remember as a kid, do you remember hungry hungry hungry hippos? Yeah. Okay, solid red plastic thing.
Starting point is 02:24:49 You had the real, you had the real marbles, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Real marbles. Okay. This is about probably five or six years ago. They're white. They're not. They're not marbles exactly, but they are.
Starting point is 02:25:01 They were heavy. Yeah, they're heavy. Yeah, they were, no, they're heavy. They were made of something. Okay, they're plastic now that I played hungry, hungry hippos about five years ago, four or five years ago with my nieces. My brother goes, Hey, Uncle Sean, do you want to, you know, do you want to play hunger? My brother says you're going to be disappointed. This thing is such a flimsy peep. No, the pushing the lever down to make the hip up. No, it, it, it, it, uh, it bends the entire board. So the marbles roll toward
Starting point is 02:25:33 your hip, though, the whole board doesn't have enough support. The plastic is so thin and flexible that it, it's so bad. That is what has happened to fucking everything. What about the marbles? They're like plastic. Yeah, they're like plastic. That is what has happened to fucking everything. What about the marbles? They're plastic? Yeah, they're like plastic. That's horse shit. Oh, it's complete fucking garbage. So we got to protect the kids, but then you fucking them over at every, totally fucking
Starting point is 02:25:56 them out of everything good. I was like, you're right. This is fucking, this is appalling. This isn't even a game because you're just whoever's hitting their the thing the most bends the board to them yeah i got to get these kids into the blockchain that's terrible uh... here we go when i saw the breath production before and after i had a rage gazing
Starting point is 02:26:21 i'm speechless yeah let's just say for the sake of argument that the Holocaust did happen. That's not offensive. It's a present tense Holocaust. It is. And it can't be allowed. But there's something that makes me even more enraged about it. Because when you said the average age was 18.
Starting point is 02:26:41 That was, I was wrong about that. Oh, really? Yeah. How was that? I don't know where I got that. I didn't know. That was, I was wrong about that. Oh, really? Yeah. I don't know where I got that. I didn't know. I forget where I got it. Yeah, but I think it was like, it's like 38.
Starting point is 02:26:52 It's like what you think. Oh, really? Yeah. I'm gonna press it into it. Maybe it's the fastest growing group. I don't know. I really don't know where I got it. I can't find it again.
Starting point is 02:27:01 Mom. And that right there might be the biggest problem in the universe. Average age of breast reduction was about 18. Where the fuck? In what? Like in what? Like surgery dot org. I don't know why that can't possibly be true. Well, I mean, was it like in this study or in this, you know,
Starting point is 02:27:20 what I mean, like, what's the context with? Is it average age across the board? It doesn't sound like a minute. There's no way that's true. There's no fucking way that's true because women hate their bodies, their entire lives. So there's no way the average age is 18. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:36 But that's what this says. Yeah, body weight is the only thing that we can impact. It's got a dot org on it. So I assumed that they had done their research, but it's not true. It is, it's so, it's just, it feels like a knife in your stomach seeing those before and after pictures. Because as somebody sent me another one too.
Starting point is 02:27:56 Because they're, they're young. To kick you while you're down. Yeah, they're young. They're 18. Yeah. And they're fatter than fuck. It's like you gotta be fucking, and then, and then they're fatter than fuck. It's like, you got to be fucking kid. And then
Starting point is 02:28:07 then they're posting the after pictures. Some chick with like, double D to tits who's fat. Somebody sent me that picture in chat. I know you guys know the one I'm talking about. They'll take a picture of the after and say, oh man, like my back feels so much better. They talk about like, oh my back feels so much better. I'm like, bitch, that's not going to fucking last forever. You're still a fat slob. Like your knees are going to go. You're fucking, yeah, you're like thinking like a kid, like this was just a, oh, there was, this was an medical issue because they train kids to think that doctors know what they're doing. They don't, they're just butchers with licenses. Well, there you go. There's got to
Starting point is 02:28:49 find the unscrupulous ones in every. I mean, just kind of like, wow, plastic surgeons, I think definitely, you know, push that. Oh, well, while we're here, we could also do a, you know, it's like, it's like a veterinarian upselling. Not even start. I know veterinarians this week. They really, that's really kind of a, you know, that's a, that can be real shady. It's like, yeah, it's sure, sure, they can definitely, well,
Starting point is 02:29:16 you know, you should also get the teeth cleaned. You should also get, I mean, no, not this one. You know, this one is, this is is, this is this picture of this broad, this is the worst thing I have ever seen. This. You mean because she's not obese to start with? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:37 So now she just is like, if you walked, if you walked into me, my obvious, and I'm at the NHS or whatever, I say sweetheart, you obviously have, like you have some kind of a fucking mental issue. Oh, NHS is England, right? Yeah, what did I say? No, no, no, I just, I just, it just, it just, it's from the sun. So I see it's in England. No, I just, oh yeah, I got to get these, I ate a lot of these, I say, absolutely, fuck
Starting point is 02:30:00 not. You're not even old enough to drink. What are you talking about? No. Right. Do you want to pay for drinks? Do you want to pay for drinks? Ever. Right. What are you talking about? You're going to thank me. You're going to thank me when you start going out to bars. That's not the one I was talking about. Can't you drink at 18 in England? Oh, yeah. I guess. Well, then I don't know. I'm not an excuseed. I'm not even excused. Yeah, let me, yeah, the here it is, here it is.
Starting point is 02:30:26 This chick, this chick isn't even, this chick's palatable. Palatable. Yeah, I can discuss it. I can discuss this one because it doesn't hurt me so much. This girl, this girl got a breast reduction. Okay. She says, I finally got a breast reduction after years of trying.
Starting point is 02:30:44 I mean, I imagine she was probably trying this hard. She was to lose that weight. I am two weeks post-op and I've never felt better because you're on fucking morphine. You dumb bitch. They removed about five pounds and I went from about a triple D to a C. My shoulder pain is gone and my back pain has almost disappeared. None of that makes sense. My shoulder pain is gone. I don't know. My back. So you've had two weeks laying in bed. And you're amazed that just hearing young women talk about back pain being gone. Yeah. I was like laughing in future, speak. Like, hmm, what? Cause you like,
Starting point is 02:31:27 you think it's not, you think it's gone. I don't have tits. My back feels like it's getting beaten with a baseball bat. Yeah, all the time. Everybody's going to end up equal. And then where are you going to cut your tits off again? Maybe have a, Maybe have tits added to your back to counterbalance. Yeah, what do they do with that? They never say that. Plastic shirts are different. One, I slap some huge tits on your back then, even it out.
Starting point is 02:31:53 Yeah. Or do one and one. That's coverage by. Just move one to the back. We'll pull one on the back. Here's before. Oh man, she's... Look at this girl.
Starting point is 02:32:03 Never even looked at a gym. Yeah, I've been inside one. Yeah. Right? Don't you think that's step one? Yeah, how the hell is she really young, right? No, she's two some lap holes. She's fucking young to be that big.
Starting point is 02:32:16 Yeah, but this is normal now. Kids are this fat. I know, I know a lot of them, a lot of them are. And then she's taking this picture of her face for some ungodly reason, multiple pictures of her face. Oh, was that first one to picture of her with no tits? Yeah, okay. So that was her, this is her, I don't know, I don't know what's going on here.
Starting point is 02:32:39 Well, that's clearly before the surgery. This is before the surgery. Yeah, for sure. Oh, these are full images. All right, hold on. No, that's before two. Mm-hmm. Okay.
Starting point is 02:32:51 Let's just see if I can pull that's after. That's after. Yeah, that's after. She looks just fucking terrible. Well, because it really accentuated the fat parts. Yeah, now she's like a pear kind of. Yeah, I mean, it's not a guilty pleasure. Now it's just like, I don't know, go to a shrink.
Starting point is 02:33:17 I'm the last person that would tell you to do that. Because they're for women. Here is. Okay. One more. Yes, sure. One more. Tell my girlfriends a baby's better and I decided to go with her to watch some kids today. And she got mad at me.
Starting point is 02:33:40 Why? Sitting the six year old down with the iPad and teaching him to check out the early life section of Wikipedia articles just for patterns, any random patterns you might happen to find. And she says that I would anti something, but what the fuck like? I mean, if it's always true, then what's the matter with teaching the kids? Like, you know, what's wrong with finding out. Thinking out what?
Starting point is 02:34:09 Okay, so it wasn't just me. Goddamn it, stop being so fucking cute with your, whatever racism or as something, at least give us a hint. Early life. I was tune out in the voicemails. What'd you do? A lot of times. Ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 02:34:24 Uh, okay, one more then. I don't know the fuck that guy was talking about. It's up, Dick and Sean. It's a Rex Dexter. Hey, well, maybe we can arrange it this week. Are these fucking low-wim it drunk ass gamblers? Sitting at the poker table, have a crazy Asian, you know, in front of me, betting him the whole time on a half a good hand. Of course, he fucking catches it on the river and beat me. So I'm sitting there, you know, muttering myself. It's not holding him. Is that what he's saying? I'm just fucking crazy. And some other guy at the end of the table, some drunk guy who's
Starting point is 02:34:55 been running his mouth the whole entire game just obnoxious of hell, sitting there. Well, I don't know why people get so mad when they play. I'm like you fucking moron. It's like oh, oh, you don't understand why I would be mad after losing $300 on a fuckout on the river. You don't understand. And he's like, nope. I just keep a level head and I just, I'm just happy. I'm just here to have fun and just happy to say. I also not only do not understand human emotion, but you don't experience them, fucking idiot.
Starting point is 02:35:33 And this is why, this is like, quite crippled Jesus. I'm going to talk about folk or anymore. It doesn't treat about it. You know, you have your eyes, you have your nose, and you have these guys, do these guys who just wanna have fun or just throw in their money away into the pot into inevitably fucking areas. Oh, good stories.
Starting point is 02:35:55 Make me a fucking rage. I don't know. If a guy talked to me in that tone of voice, like, oh, why are we getting out of breath of these calls, Jesus. You had to take a man to breathe. What are you going to say? That imitation he did of that guy.
Starting point is 02:36:11 If a guy actually sounded like that and talked to me for more than two sentences, I would take a pencil and give him a tracheotomy. Well, actually, I just kind of... I don't know. Uh, oh wait. I just keep having fun. I don't know. Oh, wait, I just keep having fun. I don't know why everyone gets so upset losing money.
Starting point is 02:36:31 Yeah, I'm here having a great time. Right. Okay, goodbye everyone. See you, thank you.

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