The Dick Show - Episode 297 - Dick on the Healthy Gamer Suicide

Episode Date: February 22, 2022

War on Canada, poop bags, FUD, trans closets in schools, the Disneyland retirement community, leg sweeps, Ralph calls in to talk about Portugal, Mr. Girl calls to to talk about Dr. K and the Healthy G...amer suicide; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 See, my theory is, I was thinking about it all wrong before, right? I said drinking is bad for your bone healing. Yeah, I knew you would come to this conclusion. Carl called me out right away. Yeah, he did. Well, I followed the science. That's why you knew that. That's what I thought.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Yeah. I knew you would, yeah, because you said I'm a man of science, so he's going to come to the conclusion that whatever conclusion he comes to is correct. Yeah, you're going to be able to, you know, it's torture the numbers and they'll tell you anything you want to hear torture. Yeah, you know, is this a holocaust metaphor? Well, you said it. I, hey, did inflation cost the Holocaust?
Starting point is 00:00:40 Is that, do I have that right? Am I misremembering from school or was it white supremacy? I'm not I'm not sure I got to go back to Billy Madison because of the because of the end of world war one Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was I didn't read that mouse comic book I don't know if it's covered in there, but I'm pretty sure it was inflation For the sure I was inflation Jolie that caused it. I don't know Well, I want to keep an eye on that. What are they saying when they signed? They're like cost $30.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Yeah, when they signed the treaty. Someone said we're sowing the seeds for the next world war. Someone's getting blamed. You know how fucking, you know, we spend all of our lives trying to self-select ourselves into, trying to self-select into groups that are not just repugnantly retarded. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:25 You know what I mean? Like you look around when you're a kid and you're like, man, I got to get out of this retarded situation that I'm in. Yeah. I got it. What is that song? Is it a creed and song? No, who's song is it?
Starting point is 00:01:38 I got to get out of here. It's about getting out of the, whatever. My point is that's what you try to get up, lift yourself up out of this world of retardation that you're in. Your whole life, but it still catches up to you. The retards are fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:57 They're fast, they're real fast. You can take the, Dufus out of the retardation, but you can't take the retardation out of the man is what I'm saying, I guess. Yeah, well, they're very motivated. You know, there's can't take the retardation out of the man is what I'm saying. I guess. Well, they're very motivated. There's no thinking. Retardation faster than light.
Starting point is 00:02:10 It's good. If we find Mars, we're going to find retardation there. There are many ideas. There are many ideas. They're going to find it everywhere we get to in the universe. Two stupid denolish shouldn't have tried it. What was, oh yeah. So I figured out that the beer drinking is actually helping my bones
Starting point is 00:02:25 heal. Right. Okay. And all backwards, thinking that it was increasing your cortisol, your heart's all fucked up, dilating your veins, can't get nutrients to your bones and such. But it's actually, you got a trick, it's like jump starting a motor, right? Like when you got like an old, old Porsche, you got to put it in a park on a hill to get it going.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And you can get it to turn over. So the wheels turn the engine over. Right. Yeah. Have to try it in the park on a hill to get it going. And then you can get it to turn over. So the wheels turn the engine over. Right. Yeah, you have to drop the clutch. And yeah, that's what I was thinking too much science and not enough car analogies. Oh, so the car and this is the science. The car analogy is you got it when you get a hangover,
Starting point is 00:02:59 your whole body is healing and your bones are getting swept up in the healing and then they're healing faster. So it's like it's like lifting weights, right? You're tearing the muscle fiber down and then it's like it builds it up stronger. Yes, better. Right. Stronger than it would be infused with hops. Yeah, because I got so I sobered up yesterday. Right. I feel fucking great. You're walking around without a boot. Knees killing me though. Oh really? Now it's the point where what the other one?
Starting point is 00:03:29 Now the knee with the broken foot. Yeah. I thought going into this like, oh thank God, I could just rest my knees for a couple of weeks and I'll be back to like 17 again. Yeah. And I get out of this. I'm gonna be doing squats.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I'm gonna be walking around like a crab going like this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's not the case though. Yeah. They're actually more, am I recording? Yeah, I'm recording. So, as long as you're living by the German purity law of beer brewing,
Starting point is 00:03:57 it's gonna be a Germany episode, is it? We talk about Germany all the time. I don't know, you keep going. We're gonna be talking about Nazi Canada today. Are we? I'm going if the US, well, I guess the US wouldn't declare war on Canada, I don't know. You keep going. We're going to be talking about Nazi Canada today. Are we? I'm going if the US, well, I guess the US wouldn't declare war on Canada, but whoever is in charge, if Ted Cruz works at declared war on, if Richard, I don't know, who's in charge
Starting point is 00:04:16 of the right right now? If I drive Trump, if Trump said we're going to war with Canada, I would sign up yesterday. Really? Let's fucking go. I will die for this cause. I fucking hate Canada They're beating little heads I mean Yeah Welcome to the end you want to get it the show where I'm the contest gonna you live from I'm Mark and deep in the hood and city of failure. I'm your outstick match and AK the $20 million man
Starting point is 00:04:58 Training is always a world touring LA based comedian Sean the audio engineer miller dick. What's up, buddy Thank you for not killing yourselves unless you're in canada in which case you should we're going to fucking war with canada shon really yes you're taking your can they're taking your kids they're taking your dogs they're taking your coffee they're running over old ladies with horses taking your ex-wife's dogs
Starting point is 00:05:21 taking your ex-wife's dogs taking your wheel they're taking your fire taking your ex-wife's dogs. Taking your wheel, taking your fire. Taking your Pokemon cards. Taking your upright walking. Taking your fucking cryptocurrency out of your fucking ass. If you have a ledger and you shoved it up your ass like you're going to prison because you are living in a prison colony
Starting point is 00:05:38 of the UK that will take it from you. Justin Trudeau will come in with his pinsores, his clothes Schwab pinsores and squeeze them into your butt hole and pull that ledger out and say, how do I access your bit going? Yeah, yeah. Because I don't know. And give me your horrors. Those mother fuckers, I know it, I've hated them my whole life, I've hated Canada, I've fucking hated Canada.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Too quiet, too nice. We're so, we're so pleasant and, oh gosh. They are so fucking condescending with their politeness Oh gosh, you got drive by shootings in Los Angeles, huh? In Canada, you got drive by apologies Listen to me you fucking you pretentious assholes are gonna drop this one day because all politeness all politeness is fascism You just guilty me into doing sure. Oh gosh. Well, did you really think that you did such a good thing there? Just shut the fuck up. Shut up and say what you actually think. Don't give me this.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Oh, well, gosh, we're just a better kind of people up here. Don't you know? It doesn't even bother us that we say a boot like we're a bunch of bucket idiots. You can make fun of it as much as you want. Oh gosh, honkin, I'm afraid we're gonna need to take your kids and your pets and your coffee and your crypto currency for that, dear bud. Sorry. Sorry. Real sorry, I'm real sorry about that. Guten Morgen. Fucking, fucking Canada. Didn't know they spoke German. How they do now? Yesterday, I was expecting, I was expecting Alberto was a secret Nazi state, you know? No, Alberto's a good one.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Alberto's a good, no, I know. Unless you're saying that, unless you're, unless you meant that as a compliment, I don't know how I meant it. I just picked a province at random. Watch it. I always say that's like the kind of like the West, like the cowboyish province. They have all the real one. I think, I think that's like the kind of like the West, like the cowboyish province. If they have all the way one, I think I think that's true. I'm not going to go that different.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I'm going to go up, but that's what they did. The Edmonton Oilers. That's why it's Edmonton, Alberta. Oh, yeah. They're your right. Sports rapper. Okay. We got all fucked up in the last two years thinking with science.
Starting point is 00:07:37 We got to get back to car references, sports analogies, car analogies, all these sorts of things. We got to take our dignity back. They're running over old ladies and horses and the cops are laughing about it. Protesters are going, guys, guys, you know, you don't have to do this, right? You know, you don't have to,
Starting point is 00:07:56 you don't have to run over us with horses, yay? Yeah. We could just all just sit here. What happened? Has somebody got run over with the horse? The cops ran over. The cops came in with their fucking horse mouthies. The mouthies.
Starting point is 00:08:08 The dicks like always. Yeah. Ran somebody over with the horse. You know how cute that was going up? Oh, look at the Canadians. They've got, they got mounted police or whatever. Yeah. Isn't that nice?
Starting point is 00:08:18 No, it's not fucking nice and it's not fucking funny. You've seen them in Hollywood, right? Remember the guys hate horse cops. I fucking hate them. It was such a weird thing for me to see in, cause I mean, it makes some sense cause they can fucking see everything and they can go up and down streets
Starting point is 00:08:33 and on the side, they can run you over. They could. It makes a lot of sense. They want to run you over and now they can do it. It just seems so weird to see in Hollywood, like tourist fucking central, right on Hollywood and fucking Highland and there's horse cops So here's how you can't escape the retardation. I'm at the dog. This is another dog park story. Oh really
Starting point is 00:08:54 This is how deranged people are walking around in skin suits, right? You ever meet someone walking around in a skin suit and you think I don't think you're a real human I don't think you and me have the same stuff going on. Inside. Yeah. Oh, I'm, yeah, sure. I think you got something else. You got something weird going on.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah. I don't know. Maybe a little Neanderthal, too much in me, or too much in you. Yeah. Some's going on in there. Maybe some kind of a fifth hominid species that we don't talk about, floating around in you somewhere that's snuck in afterwards. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's got their DNA passed around somehow. I don't talk about floating around in you somewhere that snuck in afterwards. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:25 It's got their DNA passed around somehow. I don't know. This woman, I didn't have any dog poop bags. Yeah, yeah, dog park, whatever, I didn't. Fuck you. It happens. So I go over to this couple, and my guy, you got any dog poop bags?
Starting point is 00:09:41 Something, my dog's pooping over there. Can I grab it? And the guy goes, oh, I got some in my car. Let me go get it. And one goes, well, I got something for you. All right. Alrighty. Well, that's a weird start. It's a very loaded statement. Because here, you could use this. I'm looking at her pull the bag out and she's holding a big thing of dog poop bags. Like she's holding one of those little containers where they come out like Kleenex, you know? It's bright orange, and the bags that are in it are bright orange.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And she grabs a, like a Chinese takeout bag, plastic bag, and hands it to me. So she didn't wanna give you an actual dog poo to mine. Not good enough for your, why are you even holding that bag? There's, you don't have any Chinese food. Are you bringing? Left like are you trying to fucking recycle Dog shit bags. It's like if you if you get a costed outside of 7-11 by a bum Hey, he goes hey, you got any spare change and you pull out a lot of 20s and then reach in your pocket
Starting point is 00:10:44 I got a time right here. That's not my dad. That's exactly like that. I'm like, what the fuck am I looking at? You she's like holding, like she has multiple regular bags for regular people. Right. Like here, well, this is good.
Starting point is 00:10:59 You can use this, right? Right. Like, why I fucking guess so? Yeah. And she goes, oh, actually my dog pooped over there too, so maybe we can get two for one. I'm like, what the fuck? That's what I'm like recycling.
Starting point is 00:11:10 She's recycling trash. I'm not. She's recycling fucking trash. And I think there's no, I can't, lady, I can't undo your whole life. Whatever got you to this moment, that you're recycling trash for picking up dogs, shit. I can just say it, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:11:24 but please don't apply that thinking to anything. That's wild. So she wanted to use the same recycled bag for two dog loads. I don't want human food and dog shit together. Ever I don't care. I'll take the carbon credit hit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:43 For popping out another one of these fractions of a cent. Pretty funny. Is it? It is to say. Oh my God, do you know, do you know what I have now? What do you have? Do you see this? One of them hold tattoo kit.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Oh wow. This is the last thing someone like me should have. It's legitimately home tattoo. Grage tattoo kit. Wow. I got to tell you about the end to the Odyssey games. You know, I've been doing that dumb Odyssey games last couple of weeks, like right after the show. Yeah. Immediately go and do another thing headstand, you know, headstands, even turning into standing on one leg. Are you doing it today?
Starting point is 00:12:27 No, no. Last week was the finale. It was. Last week was the $10,000 grand finale. Yeah. Which was getting tattooing the Odyssey logo on yourself. Oh, God. Or $10,000. Yeah. Which, well, we've had people do it on this show for nothing.
Starting point is 00:12:48 I feel a free tattoo. Or you saw a tattoo that you pay for. That's fine. Okay. But paying you to tattoo the Odyssey logo. I don't, I don't know. Would you have done it? No.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Okay. So you know where I'm coming from. Yeah. Yeah, sure. I think it's one of my all-time greatest fake gods here. Maybe I'll play this song, it's been a while. When you've got no weak and plans and your job shit. Oh, if you think your life is planned, here's our big tip. You too.
Starting point is 00:13:22 You don't need much then. I got thrown in. Just start day in. I had been doing that. I did that too. Now. It's an oldie. You know it's four years since the Dictionary album came out. Wow, and top, the bandcamp, the bandcamp shirt. That's a club like that part is in there. I do.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I think that orange story was on the original episode 29 of The Biggest Problem in the Universe. Oh, yeah. Does that sound right? I think so. The orange story. And episode 29, and we just did episode 29 of the new one with Vito. Regis hilarious. Oh, man. The new one with Vito. Regis hilarious.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Oh man, weird coincidence. The new episode is fucking hilarious. We get in like a half hour argument over black elves and dwarves. Phenomenal. So you are you aware of this controversy? No. The black, the Amazon made a show, Lord of the Rings, and they crammed it full of like African-American dwarves
Starting point is 00:14:46 and African American elves. Because they're the most underrepresented in in film dumb black African Americans or African American dwarves and else. Yeah, that. What about the bad Santa guy? I'm gonna two for one. They're so underrepresented they had to do a tofer. Yeah, well, he's, I think he is the,
Starting point is 00:15:05 what, he has the market cornered on that. Well, Vito says it's no big deal. He's like, oh, everyone's over reacting. It's obviously it's a fucking huge deal. I mean, I think it's fucking hilarious. I can be already picturing it and I'm laughing on the inside. Because they're acting black or whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:22 The elves. What about the dwarves? Me, myself and Irene. Like, he's really the dwarves? Me, myself, and Irene. Like, he's really the father of the kids, right? Yeah, that's funny. Hello, Arias. I don't think they need to be funny, though. I think they need to be sure they don't.
Starting point is 00:15:33 The videos, like, oh, it's no big deal. Well, then, where the fuck are the Chinese elves? Like, what? Well, they don't think it's a little annoying to you? They're doing this. Oh, now, they're diverse. Like, where the fuck are the Mexican goblins then? Like, where is all of the races for everything?
Starting point is 00:15:49 And what are their slurs? All of the species in one of the questions are like hyper racist. Like, they're outwardly racist. They're internal pro, like, their xenophobia is off the fucking charts. We make Hitler blush. And you're telling me this one difference that they can immediately see
Starting point is 00:16:08 has no impact on them? Right. Proposter is. That's true, actually. That's, they are. They really stick. I mean, where did elves get melanin? What were they, what were they,
Starting point is 00:16:19 what were they, what were they, they're magical? What were they, how the fuck did they get melanin in their skin? Well, they're like crazy white too, right? Yeah, they're like magic. Yeah, whatever. There's ones that live for like hundreds of years.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Thousands. Oh, thousands, yeah. So they don't evolve. Cause they like live forever and they just decide to die. Yeah, there's been like fucking constructs in your mind. Yes, it's beginning of time, there's been like seven generations of elves, right? That's it. I mean, you know, I guess they're black now.
Starting point is 00:16:44 But there's no Chinese ones. Yeah. Which there should be, because that's everybody's cramming Chinese. Oh, El Ram. Chinese, Chinese stars into everything to get the China market. That should be.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I was watching a movie, I carried a while, I was like, why the fuck can this Asian actor barely speak English? What is he doing in here? Oh, yeah, the Godzilla And then I was like, he's the Godzilla one. I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:07 He's a crammed one in Godzilla. He's a huge Chinese star. Yeah. What the fuck is this character? You can immediately tell, oh, this is fucked. What's this fucking weird about this guy? Why would they,
Starting point is 00:17:17 because his English is so stilted and it's, you know, the, he doesn't know how to act with the English rhythms and things, it just doesn't translate. And it's like, oh, well, no matter't know how to act with the English rhythms and things. It just doesn't translate. And it's like, oh, well, no, what are he's fucking king shit in China. So I tricked a guy into getting a tattoo, basically, because the final round of Odyssey was tattoo, get this tattoo on yourself. And it's got to be two inches big.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Right. So you can't do a little postage stamp and, yeah, call it a birthmark. I don't, I was annoyed. I had done acid too, because it's a super bold. It's a super bold. Oh yeah. It was coming up and I timed it right after, I did it right after the show so that I would time it to hit as the super bold started,
Starting point is 00:17:58 but not while I was doing the Odyssey games. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for obvious reasons. You have a grace period there. That turned out to be a big mistake. Really? The, yeah, for obvious reasons. You have a grace period there. That's your now to be a big mistake. Really? Because the games went long. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:18:09 So it gets, it finally gets to me. I clawed my way into the final round, me in this dude, in this X military guy. So it's between you two, down to two. Yeah, I knocked this chick out, who had huge boobs. It was great. That was very proud of that. Final round for 10 bucks, and they say, open your gift, open it up, and he pulls out a home tattoo kid.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I'm surprised. All right. Well, 10 grand, whatever, let's see what it is. They give the rules, and the guy instantly takes off his shirt. You know, he's an X-Marine, so. He can't wait. He's ready to snort ants off of, yeah. Dog poop.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Sure. Lick testicles, whatever. Yes, yes, right. Whatever it takes, he's ready. I'm like, all right, well get in there and get that job done. I don't wanna do this. Yeah, but I don't want to just give this asshole 10 grand.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Right. I'm getting something out of this Uh-huh, you know how I think like that. Yeah, so I said Okay, and Lauren Southern goes well, we need to see your dick. We need to see your you need to point your camera at whatever you're tattooing So my gosh shit. No, all right. I gotta think I'm gonna do some quick thinking here So I turn one of these cameras. I blur it real fast. So because the blur is the front, right? I twist the front. Way out of focus and point it down at my thigh
Starting point is 00:19:30 where I'm gonna pretend to do the tattoo. Right. So I'm like, I don't wanna just give him the money. No, I'm gonna make him do the tattoo. Yes. Right? Sure. I was like, I just say, I'm out and he's like,
Starting point is 00:19:41 10 grades mine. He's ready to do it, too. He's ready to do it. But I don't want that. No. I want him to be racing, right? Yeah. Because that's funny.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It is funny. So I blur it all fast and point it down. And this is when the ass is kicking in. I swap it over in the thing and they're like, oh no, we can't see it, that's no good. So I'm like, oh, this is a focus. So now this is as far as it goes. Like the pointer and the focus thing aren't the same, that's no good. So it's like, oh, this is a focus it. So nah, this is as far as it goes. Like the pointer and the focus thing aren't the same.
Starting point is 00:20:08 It does not focus. So like it doesn't focus this far. True. Oh, well, you gotta get another one. So I get a camera from way far away. Over there, I'm doing it. And Randy's here and Keanu are here. And Randy's going around getting like tattoo stuff,
Starting point is 00:20:23 like Vaseline from the end, rubbing alcohol and stuff. He's like, I gotta get him, he's doing his tattoo right now, I gotta get him. He's like recording and golf. And I'm, you know, I'm knowing I'm not gonna do him. Oh yeah. So I start, we start doing it. Assemble it, me, me, me, whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I don't know, you know, you're not gotten a tattoo. No, no, I don't, I mean, I've seen the guns, I've seen, you know, so. I did end up tattooing myself. Oh yeah. That night too, which was a mistake, but whatever, this isn't that story. So I'm tattooing myself, going like, oh, and every time he says, like, oh man,
Starting point is 00:20:56 oh, starting to hurt, I'll go like, oh, ow, oh, mine's hurting too. Yeah. Cause I have no concept of time at this point. I'm like, this could be like 30 minutes have passed or maybe a half hour, maybe like 30 seconds have passed. I'm so, whatever he says, like, oh, man, wow, me too. And dipping, I'm trying to keep an eye on when he's dipping in and stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Right, too. It looks like you're doing it. Yeah. And then Randy is recording, he finally realizes that I'm faking it. And he's goes like, oh my God, it starts laughing, right? So the camera's out of focus, basically. Yeah, well, the camera's way far away. It's like 20 feet away and it's just fish islands.
Starting point is 00:21:33 They can't tell. Are you like, are you imaginary dabbing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's blood and stuff. Yeah, the hardest part was not doing it. Cause I'm like going through it and I'm like, well, don't get swept away and just start accidentally tattooing yourself with this fucking space man logo.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Yeah, right. So finally, the guy says, okay, done. And the host, Lauren Southern and Chrissy Mayer, the host, they go, okay, okay, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick. We gotta see your tattoo. And I switch back, I swap back the cameras, I go, I gotta be honest with you guys. It's pretty fuss, this is fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:22:04 There's no fucking way I would tattoo the Odyssey logo on myself for 10,000 dollars. Yeah, I've been faking it this entire time. It's entire time. And there, you know, great, it's a great reaction. I posted on a Patreon. It's funny, it's worth seeing. Oh, bet.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And the guy shows his off. I mean, I don't know, an octa guy, but it does kind of look like as the Space Man has a big weener. Oh, God. Does anybody, he was racing. Racing so fast to get it done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Let me see. Oh, did they close that? Oh, they might have closed the room. If anybody saved it, the guy was contra points. If I wasn't on ask it, I probably would have felt a little bad for doing it. He's like, well, I was rushing to beat you. And I was like, I know that was what that's why it was funny. Right. Nobody fucking made you do it. You couldn't you just have to compete. Don't you with anything. Hey, but I can eat more dog shit than you can in a minute. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Yeah. Yeah. I can't. I can't. I can't go back for you for doing that folklore. Like it felt like, you know, like a Paul Bunyan got it or a Tom Sawyer move. Like you know, I got to be honest with you guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I didn't. Right. I had no intention to do it. And then I put the camera on it, focussas easily. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? I don't, I don't know, if anybody has it. That's fucking hilarious though. Posted it in there.
Starting point is 00:23:33 But then I walked up, I walked up stairs after that. My charity didn't get any money. Really? Which suck. I was playing for the Afghan support council. Oh, you were. Yeah, controversial charity. Found by Osama bin Laden. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And like 2001, so they could raise money from Pakistan and various other sources for their Afghani causes. I got it. You know, you would have been better to change a leadership, would have been nice to contribute. Someone recently, you know. So I wanted to help those guys out. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:07 So we just destroyed their country, but whatever. I guess it's not there. It's not their year. It's not the Afghanistan support counts this year. Not their life. Or maybe it is. They got their country back. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Anyway, that's this story. That's funny. Let me see what else here. Trampled by a horse. Wait a minute, somebody, he just put it up. Okay, does that not look a little bit like a cock to you? Let me try to blow it up. I'm gonna put it on the stream too.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Can you see that? I can't even tell what it is. It looks like a fucking sea turtle. No, it's a space man. All right, hold on, hold on. Let me show you what it's supposed to look like. Odyssey. Where's the head?
Starting point is 00:24:56 Well, he picked like his chest to do it on, which is very difficult to do. Yeah, you would think, I mean, okay, here, look, this is the logo, you see it? The Space Man? Yeah, oh, I'm hovering my mouth over. Yes, yes, yes. It's like a Space Man with his arms like this. He's facing right.
Starting point is 00:25:15 One hand's going back behind him, like he's kinda running, but floating in space. Got it, okay. Yeah, why would you do that? That's, you gotta, at least do it on a part of your body where you can pretend to like write on paper, like something you're used to. He's not a techist shirt off,
Starting point is 00:25:29 and he had that big sleeve, and I'm like, ah, fuck. He's got no qualms about what his ridiculous stats is. This doesn't look anything like the logo. But like the one arm's coming out like a penis. He's got it all fucking tilted. That still doesn't look like that logo to me. Whatever, he's got 10 grand, he can go get it fixed. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I don't know if you can fix that. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Well, now I got this fucking tattoo gun, which is like having a Pandora's box in your basement. Every time people come over, you get a little bit wild and somebody says, hey, let's break out that tattoo gun. I'm like, oh, man, I guess we have to. Let's go do it. And then somebody says, yeah, I used to be an artist.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I can't wait. I'm not gonna use this. Somebody's like, really? I'm gonna keep plenty of clean needles on hand. Good. Assaultive, oh yeah, I got more stuff from Canada. Assaultive behaved. Do you wanna read any of the police quotes about, are you invested in the Canada thing at all? No.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Well, you know, they're doing the, they're, they're, they're threatening to arrest journalists, they're taking people's crypto. They, they, they, they're, they're, they're woman in charge of like financial crimes, is they're going to make it last indefinitely. They're, they, they said, the police said, even if you were at the protest and you go home, we're going to come find you and put sanctions on you. Like, well, I mean, you guys have, you kind of short-circuited the concept of freedom by forgetting, by saying that money is not speech. Of course it is. If I'm giving you money, this is a more basic expression than anything you could conceptualize
Starting point is 00:27:29 and say, than art or anything, giving someone an abstraction of value or time is a more basic and fundamental version of expression than anything else. And by circumventing it, they have annihilated every single other human right. You cannot, if they're saying that money itself, if they're saying that the abstraction of your value as a person is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is,
Starting point is 00:28:00 is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is you do not have any right to privacy at all, everything. But you've been leveraged away by taking your fucking coin, or by taking your money. Well, it's our, you know, it's our, most of our Western societies are built, really, right? I mean, it's, that's, yeah, that is. That enables you to just kind of live.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Fundamental. Yeah, it's fundamental. It's more basic than speech. It's more about like, oh, fuck the government. It's hand in hand with, I mean. Sorry, we respect your freedom of speech, but we're going to need that money. Right. So do you really have freedom of speech?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yeah, there's no- Or do you keep your mouth shut because you kind of need to pay rent next month. There's no, like the difficulty in explaining to people or maybe just the way they embrace it enthusiastically, that money is simply a means to be seized, which I suppose is just basic communist philosophy or basic fascist philosophy. We're going to take your money and that's the closest we can do to just taking you because you, whether you have to make it, or what do you make fun? Because people complain if they just take you.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Other people know you and they'll be identical. It's identical. And it's driving me. It's driving this, the conceptual definition is driving me fucking insane. Yeah. And you've got fun from every angle. You've got fun. Fear on, fear uncertainty and doubt is what fun means. It's always, it's always around new technology. Oh, sure. It was, they would hammer the internet with it every fucking day in the late 90s. And they're doing it to cryptocurrency again. The fun is off the fucking charts, but the one thing, yeah, it's kind of what keeps the masses
Starting point is 00:29:33 from embracing something that is really good immediately. Yeah, because it's like, I don't know, I wanna see other people do it. I wanna, you know, then it's like, the masses are these people. This is what, so what I'm trying to say, you can watch people in real time generating their own fun for concepts that they don't understand and just piling up like in World War
Starting point is 00:29:59 Z, the zombies piling up against the walls of Jerusalem or whatever the fuck they were doing that. Just watching them build this massive consensus about what is or isn't cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. None of it making any sense, none of it based on any kind of logic or reason, thought or anything. Just being the first, it's like watching them, it's like watching people build a computer or a structure in real time. Well, and we're in the infancy. And it's all wrong.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Well, yeah, of course, but it's rampant. It gets out there so quick. We're in the very beginning stages of social media crossed with new technology that the masses are going to talk about with no sense of what it is. No, that's new. That's new. That's new. That hasn't really happened before. So when you get something like as revolutionary
Starting point is 00:30:49 as cryptocurrency and you get, you know, who are the people who are gonna talk loudest, usually fucking know the least. No idea what they're talking about. They're not idea what's going on. They just fucking blather every- Because if you know, you're talking about, you should be terrified.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Is there coming for you? Yeah, what's the expert, those who, you know, those who say don't know and those who know, don't say, something like that. That's a good one. Here's one, this one's even worse, Sean. Disney retirement villages, did you see that? No.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Disney's building, Disney Disneyland is building communities. This makes perfect sense. We're mentally insane. Oh yeah. You know what I know you say about? Where fans can live. Oh yeah, where total fuckheads can live. It's like the cult of Disney is amazing to me.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Disney launching residential neighborhoods where fans can live. Okay, and I think okay. That's fine. Please sequester those morons in their own world. They're in their own world mentally. Just let them fucking poison each other. They can have the Disney light parade every night. You can live on grumpy avenue or fucking Sebastian, the fucking Seagull or whatever, or the crab, Lane. Yeah. This is a community of people who checked out of life at about 12, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:13 This was the beginning of the trans movement. Adult women who identified as seven year olds. That's who started the trans movement. Don't be blaming, don't be blaming the people right now that want to go to school and have like a cross-stressing closet so they can get dolled up and go to class and escape their conservative parents. The real trans movement began with fat women making everyone call them svelte or full figure to whatever and not disgustingly obese and women who are above the age of 13 Identifying as someone who gets gratification watching fucking Disney movies and needs to go there
Starting point is 00:32:53 And he says season fucking pass to go there and he's titillated when some moron says I'm going to Disneyland after winning the Super Bowl. That's where it started anyway But that's a real ladies' forever. I'm going to Disneyland. Go on to Disneyland, oh, are you? I always get the quarterback after that. That's for kids. You know, that's for families and kids, right?
Starting point is 00:33:12 Right. Um, wow. Disney launching residential neighborhoods where fans could, what upsets me about it? I don't care about that it's cringe and whatever, fuck it. Let out, let, I'm gonna call up al-cada say I know my what up? L what up? Al this your cousin dick cada. Yeah, you know that new Target you know that new representation of American head your money. You're looking for get a load of this
Starting point is 00:33:36 Listen to this please go after this It's knowing that social security is it's knowing that social security is gonna be paying for this. Like all of the brain dead morons who wanna live in the Disney compound, this gonna be retirement village. That means social security is gonna be dumping in there by the billions, by the time we're like 65
Starting point is 00:34:01 and all these retarded white women and their cut husbands want to go live in Disneyland, move there, it's all gonna be fun if I saw security. That would be fun. Disney, they rather than they're fucking brilliant. Can you imagine having to visit your parents at this place? Yeah, there would usually just wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:34:30 No, no. You would already, you know, it's like a, you know, a parent with, you know, Alzheimer's or something like that where it's like, they're not, they're not really them anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, you know, mom and dad are, they're not, they're not really them anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like they're in there. It's like, you know, mom and dad are, they're not, they're not who they are anymore. It's, they're just terrified. There's no point. Yeah, there's no point to going to see them. They don't really even know who you are.
Starting point is 00:34:54 You know, you could, they keep calling you fucking japetto. You know, fuck, you know, fuck is dizzying and gonna be working with Alzheimer's people. Yeah. Terrified they're gonna be with a gonna be working with Alzheimer's people. You know, terrified they're gonna be with a bunch of little pigs running around. Maybe I support this, it's gonna be like torture for them. Oh, mom, you were really fucking with me
Starting point is 00:35:16 when I was little, we're gonna put you in fucking Disneyland. Yeah, that's what you land retirement homes. That's what you threaten people with. Yeah, where ducks are walking around. Yeah. And fighting, Gaston what you do. And retirement homes. That's what you threaten people with. Yeah. Where ducks are walking around. Yeah. And fighting, Gaston is walking around. He's never the same guy. He's always looking different.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yeah. Doing push ups and fucking with you. Yeah. And we send all the worst orderlies there. They just let a fucking bear run around and call on the beast. Just see what happens. Yeah. They stand outside of prison
Starting point is 00:35:47 and recruit orderlies directly from prison. Let me see what else I got here. Cross-dressing closet in school, that's real. Did you see that? No, no, no, I did not. I don't know, I don't think it's that interesting, really. No? Well, that kind of sums it up.
Starting point is 00:36:05 I'll just put this video on of the teacher explaining it. There's cross-dressing closets. You mean so, okay, all, all, wait. The goal, yeah, here it is. Yeah, I make it. The goal of the transition closet is for our students to be able to wear the clothes that their parents approve of, come to school and then swap out into the clothes that fit who they truly are.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Oh, so you use the iron. This is like Superman changing a phone booth. But that idea actually goes a lot further than that because Superman is in the cartoon. Is Clark Kent. Oh my God. And when Clark Kent goes into the phone booth, he transforms into Superman, who's really just who he truly is. Call out. And so this gives our
Starting point is 00:36:45 students the opportunity to be the superheroes that we know they are. Superman is take this guy away from children immediately. He's using a comic as like. Superman is the anthropomorphic sized white supremacy. Like Superman is the anthropomorphized 50s atomic age white supremacy. So I don't know why you would want to use the hat metaphor with trans children. It seems a little insensitive. So they get dressed up in, you know, whatever their parents, whatever the outfit their parents put them in. They go to school and go to school and they go to the closet become superheroes.
Starting point is 00:37:23 And everybody's like cheering when they come out. Yeah. Like a show, right? A drag show? Yeah. Perfect. Man, how great would a V2V in school right now when you could do this shit?
Starting point is 00:37:33 Well, somebody like you would get a lot out of it. Oh, it's just a fucking clown show. Yeah. It's like daring you to be a bigger clown than this. For sure. Every day in school is some fucking new clowning routine that you have to do. How fucking exciting would that be? All right, what's for school today?
Starting point is 00:37:52 Well, oh, we got some kind of a closet where you could fuck around in and then go get attention. Oh, baby. Well, because there's so much, they keep coming up with new things. So that means that somebody like you, you would get every one of them over because it would never be the same one twice. So that means that somebody like you, you would get every one of them over because it would never be the same one twice.
Starting point is 00:38:08 So they would never be like, oh, we're ready for this. This time, not your match. No, we're gonna unleash this. It's like, yep, I'm gonna get you on this one too. I'm teaching school today. Yeah. God, it would be fun.
Starting point is 00:38:19 It would be fun to see. I identify as reverse cock man. That means if you're not touching my cock, you're touching my cock. Let's go touching my cock right? Yeah, yep. Yep. I would put I would do homework on What to do oh just yeah, I would bring in like secret trans stuff and just leave it in there
Starting point is 00:38:39 Oh, what a great pretty good Oh, what a great. Pretty good. Remington has to pay $70 million to school shootings. I saw a little bit about that, yeah. So what about all the black people? And what for? What for?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Let's give it a look. Let's give it a look. Yeah, why are they, because they're considered liable in some way? Obviously settled, which is more way more, which is way more offensive. Well, they had a set which also, which also means that they think for some reason they're going to lose. Well, yeah, I mean, that's why just to be over and done with, you know, you think. Yeah, you would, I mean, I think that's that's normal to think that they're going to lose in this climate.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. What about your white kids, especially after Alex Jones got hit for just saying that they're crisis actors, which is nothing. What's ridiculous? Yeah, but I mean, there's no way that should be a crime. That's a totally, no, it's just a test of nine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a crime. Yeah, I mean, a testin' line. Yeah, yeah, say that's a crime. Yeah, I mean, it's like, what, you can't say crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I don't really see how that could be a crime. Well, he got hit for it. Yeah. So now, so Remington decided to pay out 70 million bucks to the, wow. I bet some parents are hoping for school shootings now. Oh, Jesus. 70 million really even like their kid. Yeah, yeah, hey, go know what that's when you teach your kid to be a hero
Starting point is 00:40:11 Right, so I go you know what I mean if there's anything. It's like trust me like they will You'll scare them so bad Not the government. Yeah, you you sit your kid down and watch true grit every Friday. One man running at seven, they don't think about how many of there is, they just think about themselves and how they could avoid it. Right. So why? Why did they settle?
Starting point is 00:40:32 Why are they even involved in? Because the world's gone totally insane. No, but I mean, what's the doing gun manufacturers for making guns? What's the mistake? Well, yeah, and that's the thing. Can you imagine? Okay, it's like, I think we're subverting all rights in the most bizarre way, in the most
Starting point is 00:40:51 creative ways possible. The level of tyranny that we've reached with stuff like this, like subverting fundamental rights and responsibilities by suing the manufacturers of products for where, what's the time you have? Well, it's just ridiculous like It's different than like they used to go on and lie knowingly lie about the risk of cigarettes Yeah Nobody thinks nobody thinks a gun can't kill you. Nobody goes. Oh, shit I just thought I'm with the 22. I thought I didn't think a 22 could kill you
Starting point is 00:41:22 I mean also when they stopped lying about the risks of cigarettes, no one fucking stopped. Like, oh, now, now this pack says you're going to die if you smoke because people like, I don't fucking care. I just really don't fucking. Like, they try to vilify the company, like, well, they lied, but what happened when they stopped lying? Everybody kept smoking.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Well, yeah, I mean, smokers are coming in all the fucking time. That's true. I mean, substantially smaller percentage of people smoke nowadays has compared to be, I mean, but I think that's because the people who smoke, because it's illegal to do it at work or inside or anywhere. Yeah, but pound it into their kids like don't smoke. Don't smoke. You know, it's don't do what I did you love me.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Yeah, everybody knows it's, everybody knows it's bad. But yeah, I mean, especially that first generation, I don't know how many people. It's like, well, I'll wait and see. I mean, maybe they're overreacting smoke smokes, smokes, smokes, you know, but is this, this had something to do. I think, if I remember, it had something to do with the way they advertised or something. Wasn't it? Who cares?
Starting point is 00:42:21 Remington? I don't know. Yeah. Go to go to schools and shoot them. Like I be a big man. I don't know the backpack, like an East pack with, yeah, yeah. Pokemon gun. I don't know how, I don't know how you can, um, hold the label for it.
Starting point is 00:42:35 It is like by kind of definition. I mean, I just, all guns are potentially lethal, right? I mean, that's their point. They're not anything else. mean, that's their point. They're not anything else. No, that's, yeah. Right, so it's like nobody's under the mistaken impression that, you know, that you should just, oh, just shoot them. It's not going to hurt them.
Starting point is 00:42:57 We're not cops. Yeah. We live in a, a, a, a religion. We're overtaken by a puritanical type of religion that requires the embracing the absurd. Oh yeah. But that's a running definition. That is the core component of religion
Starting point is 00:43:22 is requiring you to maintain something absurd, something totally absurd and preposterous in your mind. And then having to explain it, having to preach it over and over so that you will be embarrassed when you're called out to propel people to become advertising machines for your religion, whatever it is. And that is exactly where all of this is. Like the idea that you can't say the N word, but that it can be blasted out of every radio station, nonstop is absolutely preposterous.
Starting point is 00:43:58 But it requires you to say it and to internalize it, to function in society. And that's exactly what shit like this is totally preposterous, totally fucking ridiculous. But you have to go along with it. Yeah, I just don't see how they're, you know, how they're at fault. I got a, I got to actually look at the story. What about all the black teenagers? They're killed with guns.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Well, yeah, of course. Well, where's their fucking money? Like, and then I start thinking about like, Chalice. Chalice. Chalice. Chalice. They got killed with guns. Well, yeah, of course. Well, where the hell is their fucking money? And then I start thinking about like, to reek the sheed, like who's always white supremacy, white supremacy, how the fuck is this any different? So let's say my black son got killed by a gun. I'm like, what were the fuck is my money?
Starting point is 00:44:35 Yeah. Wait, you should have been on the lawsuit. So you're in the class action, right? You've got to, you guys got to do your drive-by's at schools. Yes, so you know, that's what we learned here. I don't know if the bloods are still around after that Super Bowl halftime show. Oh, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Oh, it's devastating. That was a blood and so that. I would probably kill myself. Yeah, honestly. Yeah. Well, I mean, Snoop Dogg, Crip Walking, looking like SuperCrip, all blue with little Rams tits.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Oh, do you want the fucking Crip Walk? Do you think the bloods, their moms called them, like, Oh, do you want the fucking grip walk? Mm. Do you think the bloods, their moms called them like, honey, did you see that? Straight in your life. The bloods are like, I fell asleep during that Super Bowl. I fell asleep before. Sure, the snoop, grip walking. So I don't know what like George Bush did.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Remember that? Oh, yeah, yeah. See, how'd you like, Jackson's tits? And he said, I fell asleep. Right. Okay. Sure you did. Sure you did, buddy. Yeah, yeah, so how'd you like Janet Jackson's tits and he said I fell asleep right okay Sure you did true you did buddy. Oh, um, oh shit. It's 12.55 already Well, we've got some call-ins today. Yeah, I like Collins me too. He's Ralph in there Ralph Yeah, Ralph's calling in and then mr. Girls calling in oh, yeah, yes, let me see if I had anything else I need to cover
Starting point is 00:45:43 Yes, let me see if I had anything else I need to cover. Mm. Mm. Oh, yeah. Millennials are having no sex. Oh, God. What a disaster. Quite too much fucking stress, too much financial stress. Too much where the fuck is the rent check coming from?
Starting point is 00:46:08 I mean, boomers could buy a house on minimum wage. We can't even buy a used car on minimum wage. And boomers, it is crazy. And boomers, last in is you can't time the stock market, you just gotta put all your money in and trust it to go up. My timing, our timing the market is figuring out when to withdraw our mathematical money
Starting point is 00:46:29 so that the government doesn't fucking take it. Like that is a real concern. If you're even just showing up at these fucking protests, like, well, we're gonna take your money. You guys gotta be fucking, the theft of money is worse than slavery, is worse than imprisonment. Yeah, there's the, thank you, Eric. It's like imprisonment, but you still have to pay for your own meals.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Yeah. Yeah. It's a fucking ISO cubes. It's the judge, judge, judge, judge, read ISO. Did Ralph find a call? No, let me, let me text Ralph and see. Yeah. Rando T-Slur writing in about the bathroom debate,
Starting point is 00:47:14 Rando T-Slur, okay. Please don't read my name, thanks. Just rats will do, okay. So like yeah, I agree that having private bathrooms would solve the trans bathroom problem. But I figured to offer my perspective, given that every trans person on your show is repulsive and sounds awful.
Starting point is 00:47:29 So like, yeah, in my case, I only legally changed documents and introduced myself as female because I couldn't work or go out while presenting male without getting harassed. Including being kicked out of men's bathrooms at work and casually sexually harassed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:47 I still struggle not to feel creepy though, because yeah, I pass in stuff. I only say so given every transphobes' simp me before I tell them. Okay. I struggle not to feel like some sort of creep just for being me. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Oh yeah, and I'm the Auburn Herod one who emailed like 50 episodes ago, lol. I guess it's make some feel better. Are we on the, are we collectively trying to make everyone feel better? Because I'm not, I'm not there yet. Yes, I'm still like, now we're like indebting ourselves and our children to financial slavery forever. So let's just focus on that. Yeah. Yeah. We are, I mean, it is a, we don't want a large portion of society or maybe, maybe not a large portion.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Maybe it's a, you know, a smaller but very, very loud portion. Doesn't want anyone to ever be offended, ever or feel bad about anything. That's why we have our goal. Or even have any kind of debate? Yeah Like that trans swimmer See that one. Oh the one who won by like 40 seconds Yeah, more it was like I mean it was great. No, I watched the time lapse of that race. And like the
Starting point is 00:49:07 women are like, you know, anonymously, of course, they're just like, this isn't fair. Like, I don't want to fuck up my life and say this isn't retarded. I know, but it's the same thing with like, with the MMA fighters, weightlifters, and they always come back with, well, you know, I mean, I've taken two years of hormones to make this, so I'm no longer, you know, biologic, but it's like, then why are they always destroying the competition? They're also, they've seen one who like finishes like eighth consistently. They're also making it unfair in relationships, probably. Yeah. Because they're not like constantly harping on stuff
Starting point is 00:49:46 and making you say they're not fat. Yeah. Oh, God. What is going on here? Oh, they're posting gay stuff. Don't look at it. Oh, Ralph's here. OK.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Ralph, you there? It was a man. How's it going? Pretty good. It's been a while. How are you? How are you? I'm doing great.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Actually, I just got back from DC. I've had a lot happens since the last time we talked about. It feels I say this all the time when it comes to you It's like man, I really a lot's really happened in a week or two weeks or whatever I took it to the time. Yeah, how's your eye? It's doing a lot better, pretty much all the way healed, but when you get beat that badly, it's a little, you know, it's like a little, I don't know what you call residual swelling, maybe is what you'd call it. So I'm still waiting for that final. I think both of us are experiencing some residual swelling.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Well, because my foot, Sean, I'm including my foot in the Ralph, the surgery, but you're getting turned on for some weird reason. I am getting to something about talking about. I'm talking about, um, well, I'm sorry. I wasn't, I haven't got a chance to talk to you since the, the Portugal beat down. I really feel bad that it wasn't there. Cause I've been, I've been training for that my whole life.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Foreign country throw down. Yeah, I've been thinking about taking, you know, I've been thinking about fighting in my mind, mentally preparing. I would do nothing but leg sweeps. It's always been my plan because people don't expect a leg sweep. No.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Like always in Mortal Kombat, I'm all only doing leg sweeps only. People don't expect body punches. Yes, but I'm only doing leg sweep, Sean. I only twer- leg sweep, leg sweep, and I say it over and over to confuse them. They're like, what, get it, This guy's nuts. Get away from him. You know what? It was obviously not the coolest thing to happen to be beat. I was, you know, bleeding badly on the streets and shed. Honestly,
Starting point is 00:51:37 you know, I love Lisbon, though. The whole trip itself was great. I guess I got the whole experience though. You know, you really became part of the country. You experienced the diversity, part, the beautiful museums. Right, I had all the cool stuff and then I also got my ass beat. I also got to stay in the hospital for like four or five days, which was honestly, like I'm still gonna write about it because it was such a wild experience. Not too many people there.
Starting point is 00:52:00 There are some who speak English, a lot of them don't. And you're just kind of, they call me the Americano actually pretty much. Were they talking shit? Could you tell them they were talking shit about. Went back to get my stitches out. That next Wednesday, before I left on Friday. And the guy came in and I had to go get a ticket and wait and then go to like the second level of service before I finally got to the third level, which is where they took it out.
Starting point is 00:52:28 When I got to the second level, he's like, oh, you're that guy from the other night, aren't you? And I said, yeah, I got so he said, yeah, well, you were yelling and making it absolutely hell on us and going to the other end. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And then he kept running out of time and I was like, yeah, you know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And then I'm like, yeah, you know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Then he went on again. And I was like, you know, it was a pretty bad night.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Let's go right now. Yeah. Yeah. So country dude, like what the fuck? Okay, I'm sorry. I was yelling. I get out. Do you remember it?
Starting point is 00:53:01 Like, I mean, is that a weird question? Do you read? Yeah, right. I mean, I've seen like, there like a chance you might have just woken up in the hospital. Like I could easily see that happening to me. I remember bits and pieces. I also remember being in the hospital and when they said, um, he need a seat, he said she need a seat. He's gone.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Yeah. I was like, I don't need no fucking seat to his hand. Yeah, like, yeah, I never remember. I don't remember to them on at all. Oh They gave me some fucking like painkiller that is completely knocked me out and I did get a CTs game because my fiance's put on the report after she's like another did give you on I would love to see that was she there
Starting point is 00:53:42 I just saw the thing after. So how long were you in Portugal before this happened? And then how long did you have to stay after? Oh, it was an awful day. Were you in there for a full day before this happened? I mean, so when did it happen on early Wednesday morning? So I got there Sunday morning. So I'd been there, you know, like three days,
Starting point is 00:54:02 I guess Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, almost Wednesday. Oh, God. And you was going on the boat ride. That was the other thing we had this, and three days, I guess Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, almost Wednesday. Oh, God. And he was going on the boat ride. That was the other thing we had this, and I did end up doing the boat ride, which is beautiful. Lisbon itself is great. I would still, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:12 don't let it scare you away from going there. I mean, it could easily happen in Richmond for fuck's sake. Sure. Honestly, I'll let you right. But I guess that doesn't happen in LA. Could happen in a trans-poproom. I'm playing with them. Yeah, but, you know, we going to go on the boat ride,
Starting point is 00:54:27 we had all this stuff planned. I was also going to fly to Madrid because once you get over there, it's only like $80 to fly to Madrid. I was, of course, after I got to the hospital, we still talked about doing it, but I was so beat up. Shout out to him. By the way, helped me after I got hurt and everything before he went back. But could you feel it in your eye like can you could you feel the where it was bust where it was broken? Oh, yeah, I can still feel it the breaker orbital bone Yeah, they broke my world long and then when they do the surgery at first I was like do I have to do the surgery here? And they said well if you don't do it in the next 10 or 15 days your face is gonna Be permanently fucked up
Starting point is 00:55:04 I was wondering that too. Like, I don't know about doing a surgery in Portugal. Like, it seems too much like Mexico to me. When they rolled me back there, well, I said, okay, I'll go ahead and do it. Obviously, but when they rolled me back there, the fucking hospital is 300 years old or some shit. And the one that was, you know, destroyed in a great earthquake and like 1755. And I roll, you know, Arkham Asylum or some shit. You know, I mean, like, where the fuck are they taking me? And they cut a little slit right underneath the very beginning of your eyelid.
Starting point is 00:55:37 And they go in and like clean it up. And set it the right way. And wait, wait, wait, like under your bottom eyelid, they cut in the air and go in right, you know, right where your eyelid starts. They kind of all right there when they go in or anything. Right. And the second out and then of course they, you know, they put these things, these like plastic things up my nose too as well because it broke the side of my nose.
Starting point is 00:55:59 So I had to have those stuck up my nose for two days. And then the next day when I woke up, I thought I was like, okay, everything's going great. And then my eye was like stuck shut with blood. Oh, you look like shit, dude. I don't look like hell, dude. Oh man, it was rough. And then of course, I didn't even show a picture of that. That was like concerning, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:17 You ain't got one bloodboard out of your eye. But eventually it got good. Yeah. So, Sergio texted me that night saying Ralph's in the hospital and I was like, oh, fuck you. Like as I was just going to bed, I'm like, aha, fuck you. Yeah. Well, somebody had message because it wasn't worth it for me that to like be concerned
Starting point is 00:56:41 if he was tricking me, right? Like, I was like, well, I'm 50, 50 on this, but I don't want to be embarrassed. Yeah. So fuck Ralph and fuck you. Right, right. So have you, have you messaged you and you said you like before I put the story, I forget what you told them, but it wasn't what happened. It was something else because I didn't know if I was going to tell everybody,
Starting point is 00:56:59 but I was like, I have to go on air anyway. It's like I might as well just tell you know, you're going to come back with your face all beat up. So you told the story? Because I don't know the, I mean, I assume you got, you got beat up by a bunch of guys. Yeah. Yeah, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:15 So I was there and somebody took my back, they took my purse basically, my armoney, but I mean the motherfucker, I don't know. Some French girl talked me into buying a non-her-dollar bag when I was in Vegas last year, whatever. I can't talk to you into stuff. You got off lucky. Whatever. It was like, yes, let's say women have talked me into way worse. So anyway, they get, that's my bag. And I went around the corner. And I said, I chased after him. Obviously, I did, my fat ass didn't
Starting point is 00:57:44 catch anybody. We know that. But I ran around the corner and like ran in. I don't know if it was their homies. I think it was. Yeah. But then I kind of got into a back and forth with them and I wasn't expecting a blow. It just caught a blow up on my head.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And they hit me. I don't know if they hit me with something or water. Just caught me the right way. But blood started pouring down my left eye. And they like knocked me down and they got a couple blows in, then I got back up and started trying to fight them and I like took a con, I mean, I don't know, I wouldn't call it a cheapshot
Starting point is 00:58:12 to say it hit me with a cheapshot. But then after that, I was getting jumped by like two or three people and they, I took like a couple, and first you know, I wasn't fully covering up, I was trying to get back up and fight, but they kicked me in the face, hardest thought. Like 12. And then I was like, okay, I wasn't fully covering up. I was trying to get back up and fight, but they kicked me in the face hardest thought. Like, wow.
Starting point is 00:58:26 And then I was like, okay, I'm taking tea. I can see the health meter going down at that point. I was like, okay, so I put my arms like, you know, in the right place. So you remember, you remember the beat down? Yeah, I remember that part, yeah. Cause I had to go up. And then they kept kicking my elbows.
Starting point is 00:58:43 And my elbows are still bruised actually, because thank God they were there though. Well, yeah, it's been worse, but yeah, I remember that part. And then I don't remember going to the hospital. I don't remember, I remember waking up in the hospital, but yeah, I don't remember. You don't remember all the altercations with the doctor.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Oh, I can't. I can't. I can't even remember. Chair, you don't need, you don't need a CT scan. You know what? They're not allowed to do any harm. So you can say whatever you want to doctors. That's my policy.
Starting point is 00:59:12 As soon as you go to the hospital, like, fuck you, fuck you. And they can't do anything. They're required by law not to harm you. So whatever. Do you know harm? Yeah. That's not the first time I've talked to a lot. For sure. Um, still say, Lisbon itself though, really cool.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I'm planning to go back to so many great sites. I'm going to write about the whole ordeal on the raw for It's just not out yet because I stream. I'm streaming so much. So I just have. Okay. So you've got the bowling thing coming up to, can you plug that? Yes. April, second, live in Dallas, Texas, actually. We have the whole bowling alley.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Met this guy in Vegas, a friend of a friend, and he happens to own a bowling alley, and we're going to have an entire night there. Private event, tickets, slash bowl. That's B-O-W-L. And we got quite the roster actually there. Dick is starting to sack up. I'm going to read it off here. So myself, of course, I'll be there. I'm also going to be getting married as part of this event. So we're going to be jumping you. I got to know where it is. Is that
Starting point is 01:00:14 the new tradition like the Gatorade on the coach? We the jump in. So we're going to do my marriage there. And we'll have another. I saw people people, I can't believe, Ralph's getting married in a Boeing ally. No, it's perfect. It's honestly so funny. It's great. We're still until it gets, it's going to be fun. So it's going to be me and her getting married. Destiny's going to debate Harrison Smith from Info Wars on globalism versus nationalism. Pat Dick, who has a show on compound media, also a standup comedian. He's gonna do a full standup set. Alex Don's gonna do like a intro, you know, the opener set for him. Ramsey Paul's coming now. Patrick Howley. I'm looking through. Oh, ROTC right at the top of the list. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Gonna be there as well. So oh and Karin actually friend actually. There come. I said, can you take it about ticket plane ticket? I'll let her in. I guess. I love that guy Patrick Halley. He's out of control. I'm saying that he is. Wow. He's one of the best falls on Twitter. Let's just put it that way. He also had,
Starting point is 01:01:20 like he changed his profile picture recently from when he was like 20 to what looks like he's about 50 now. Is that just me or did anyone else notice that? Well, I mean, it's just more veteran like I don't know. It was funny. Yeah. Yeah, that's I can't believe you put that many people together. Yeah, we're still my dad wanted to talk to Ryan Long. So we're still going to check in on that. He's trying to rearrange some stuff where he can come. So maybe there's a couple more later additions,
Starting point is 01:01:48 a later additions, but I think we kind of got it mostly set. Dick himself, of course, gonna be there. Yeah, that's gonna be great. Oh, I need to talk about the alley. Like I said, it's ours for the evening. There's no bullshit. There's not gonna be anybody else there. So it's a private thing.
Starting point is 01:02:03 They have a bar. They actually have karaoke. They're wired for sound. I'm gonna go there a couple days early and actually the day before on April Fool's Day I'm gonna go on Elijah Schafer's you are here show there in Dallas at the blaze Studios, I guess is where it's at. What do I do? Pro at promoting. Yeah, I can't do this. This is a busy guy and he ripped him right off Clearly no head trauma. Yeah, seriously can't do this. This is a busy guy and he ripped him right off. Clearly no head trauma. Yeah, seriously. I got exactly that feeling you're talking about where you know you got hit by something that wasn't a fist.
Starting point is 01:02:33 And it's like you're confused. You're like a confused. Confused. Yeah. What the fuck was that? What just happened? What happened? That's what happened.
Starting point is 01:02:41 That's what happened. That was not someone's fist or whatever. Well, and it's right above my eye and it's like a straight line. I don't know what the fuck they hit me with, honestly, but it just immediately started bleating. And you know, when you start bleeding like that, you're like, oh, shit. Already off my lap and so I don't know. I definitely got my ass kicked off.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Just go around that. What are you going to do? What are you gonna do? Fight off like three, four, five guys. I mean, you know, in the real world that fucking, well, I'm gonna stay down after the first one. You should've, you should've,
Starting point is 01:03:14 it's not the leg, man. You gotta practice your leg sweeps. All these people are like about boxing and guarding, but it's really, you just gotta master the leg sweep. Oh yeah, I gotta ask, I to ask you about your medicar beef. At some point here, I don't know. We have a little good together. Well, okay, I'll start, I'll start with this.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I'm glad that you told Mr. Medi-ker you don't want him to die of cancer. That was, I was happy about that. Hmm. All right, I did see that's what I got to like. I believe you, he didn't believe you, but I believe that you don't want him to die of cancer. I believe you.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I was kind of surprised. I guess I was really convincing when I said it. I don't know. I don't know if that's gonna help with cancer, but whatever he's got, but I was glad you said it at least. Do you have any? I don't really, I don't know what to, I don't know what to weigh in because I didn't see the whole thing. I saw, I saw a little bit with you on it. And then I kind of skipped
Starting point is 01:04:16 around and saw like 12 guys shouting over each other about it. So it's like, all right, maybe I'll come back to this. But do you have any regret? I have one, I'm predicting one regret from the night, but do you have any regrets from that conversation with Mr. Medical? Well, the one regret is the very end, I should have just hung up the phone, but because I just gave, and I was really drunk by the end. Yeah, I mean, that's why honestly, I have fucked up so many things with liquor. And being online and being too drunk. Sure. Because liquor makes, it makes you funnier.
Starting point is 01:04:55 It really does, but it can also take everything away from you. It's not a point. My view is a lot of the points that I was bringing up actually are pretty valid. You know, I probably, you know, looking back, was it wise to take it there? Maybe not. Probably was not the smartest thing. Said some things, you know, you might regret. But you know what, then again, I feel like I'm held to two different standards.
Starting point is 01:05:18 You know, they get to do, and I'm not talking about Jim. I just mean my critics or whatever are able to do and say and come to my house and do all this fucked up shit. Try and they, you know, they talk about life-real nation tag because they've been trying to ruin my life for years literally. And so, you know, I hear that buzz word and I hear these terms and it just, it rings pretty hollow to me. There's some things I said, especially about Jade, you know, I don't even, I'm just talking shit.
Starting point is 01:05:43 You know that, just, I know. I mean, what you know, my policy is always talking about everyone's women makes me uncomfortable. Yeah, it's not the problem. You know, I know that. But, you know, my thing's always been, if somebody is, you know, striking out at me online. Because that's my property. It's like telling me that my car sucks.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Like, what do you want? I picked that car. I picked that car. I picked that car. I picked that car. I picked that car. Yeah, come on. Yeah. I picked that car. I think sacred. Yeah, come on. Yeah. I don't know. My pulse has always been, you know, you're saying I could do better?
Starting point is 01:06:09 Like that's because you should have told me that before I met like, you know, where were you then, asshole? Yeah, I don't know. I've always just kind of went hard like that. And so I wouldn't have done it again, especially that part of it, but I still think a lot of what I said is pretty valid, honestly. So I don't know, I'm talking about those two minds about it. Check the whenever I get this piece published. I've been writing about it. I don't have a lot of time to write, so I've been having to stall it. But,
Starting point is 01:06:40 yeah, I don't know. There's some things I regret. Probably should have got on there. Drunk as fuck That's a advice Yeah, that's what I heard it. I was like, uh-oh, I hear I got here that amount of drunk I can't it's too close to home. I can't I don't enjoy it as much as other people do who maybe you don't like aren't Alcoholics and that's not makes a lot of sense. I'm out, yeah. And then he was like, what are you gonna, just like you got it, what are you gonna say about it? I'm like, well, I mean, I don't know. That's like, I'm not really gonna,
Starting point is 01:07:16 I'm not, I'm not gonna say something that Ralph doesn't already think. What the fuck do you want me to put my shit in it for? I mean, it always, it was, you know, what I redo it again, no. Oh, here's what I was going to say. Here was the one regret. Why did you do it on Matt's stream?
Starting point is 01:07:31 Of all the, I remember it happening on Twitter and I was just in the middle of tweeting. I was just in the middle of tweeting, hey, you guys should call into my show and have this out. And I'll, because the last time Ralph had a beef with null because it worked out so well when I tried to patch that. So you guys should call into my show, but then I got distracted by this girl with huge tits in my house and I imposed it and I woke up.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I was like, oh, fuck, all this happened. I wanted it to happen on the kill stream, but you know, he wouldn't come on the kill stream. So I was drunk and just if it didn't happen then it might not happen. So I was like, whatever, let's just do it and get it over with. And you know, people after the show were saying, Ralph's done this and that, you know, I had, you know, a ton of big streams. I don't have Lord Miles Rutledge on the show tomorrow, some new guys, et cetera. You know, things are going fine. Rumors of my demise have been greatly
Starting point is 01:08:18 exaggerated. Let's say that. And I don't know, you know, do always make the perfect move. No, but I think I'm pretty out there and open with, you know, mistakes and just, I'm a, I'm a real motherfucker. I feel like so I don't know. You just have to take it to leave it with with how to do. And I think I put on entertaining shows and I think that's what people really care about. It really is. I mean, I'll watch anything Bill Cosby knowing he's guilty. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Yeah, I'll never go on that. Magic Point was great. Whatever. I don't know. Sean, do you have any, do you have any questions about the drama surrounding Ralph and his, um, well, altercations you and you would probably have to start from the beginning. So no, I can't, that's part of it too. Like I have kind of ideas, but I'm like,
Starting point is 01:09:08 I don't know the whole backstory here of what these guys are. Yeah, I don't need that. I don't want to take up everybody's time having it spoon fed to me. What's the joke about it? But that is like I had so many people messaged me. They don't know what's going on because most people, you know, I do a ton of shows, we all do a ton of shows.
Starting point is 01:09:24 They don't watch every single show. Yeah, yeah. They don't have time's going on because most people, you know, I do a ton of shows, we all do a ton of shows, they don't watch every single show. Yeah, I'm not, yeah. They don't have time, it's impossible. And so they pop in here, they pop in there, maybe they watch the whole show here, a whole show there. But there was a lot of people like, I don't know what's going on. Like they're frustrated because they had lost the plot, you know?
Starting point is 01:09:37 I mean, like they're like, where's the stuff? I'm, I gotta love that. Part of me is also like, I have opinions on both, but it's like you can't even weigh in without upsetting somebody. And the one refrain that everybody in this sphere goes back to is, well, you just have to have thicker skin. And I'm like, all of you motherfuckers,
Starting point is 01:09:55 including me, have the thinnest skin on the fucking planet. That's why we're all doing this. That's why we're screaming into microphones for attention. Because it's hard to even weigh in at that point. Well, the people saying that are always the ones not being attacked at the time too. Yeah. That's the thing in attack. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:13 This is fucking different. I did think, Mr. Medicare said to you that he was going easy on you. I did agree with that. I did agree with that. I see it. So one thing, and I'm going to write about this. There were certain parts. Of course, I was drunk. It's a scorn. But there were certain parts where it just seemed like he was a little concern for my tragedy. Yeah. Yeah. Like some genuine genuineness there. And that's kind
Starting point is 01:10:39 of why, of course, like I said, oh, you know, drunk. Don't remember every single moment. But that's why I kind of modified the way I was approaching the conversation, you know, at a certain point because like, well, seems like this guy, you know, might be sincere with some of the stuff he's saying, you know, some of the, you can just hear it in his voice. I don't know. I was just going to say that, you know, yeah. And so that's how I took it and, you know, I try to take it on board. That doesn't mean I thropped everything I said. That's what a lot of people would, you know, I mean, like some of the points I've raised in my defense, et cetera, that's, you know, I'm not gonna like what points, what kind of points you're talking about?
Starting point is 01:11:14 Well, the life-ruination thing for one, the things they said, and I don't want to get it because, you know, I don't know if I want to get into the minutia, but I had a fall out with Gator, and, you know, the way it's been portrayed is not how I went down. And so I've talked about it on my show. I mean, I could go piece by piece, but basically there's an army of people who hate me so much that they're willing to believe almost anything like this guy got fired the other day. And I made fun of him because his whole channel is based around fucking him,
Starting point is 01:11:48 make a fun of me basically. And I just see he got fired. And I was like, LOL, you got fired, bitch. And then he tried to say with a ridiculous story, by the way, that he had overheard a voicemail when his career's gone. And he sounded like me and he thinks that's why he got fired. And then by the way, he's still drunk during this video. He actually tells the real reason he got fired was because
Starting point is 01:12:12 he worked for CPS, falsified some records and all this shit. I was like, I think that's it. That's what it is. I feel like it helps you sometimes. Yeah. Yeah. It's other guys. It was so ridiculous. And then come to find out he had said the exact same story two days before about somebody else And filled in their name as the voice he overhears sure Yeah, I really I can't deal with all the lying. I can't deal with all the lying and and and and applying the gozone Already ran with this dude, and so there's a there's a segment of people who think that's true Even now because they didn't see the follow-up, right? And they think that fucking idiot fired, right?
Starting point is 01:12:45 And there's a lot of examples like that, but I don't know. I just feel like it's two different fields, basically, the one I'm playing on, the one there, a lot to play on. You know what I mean? That guy came to my house and dumped shit in front of my door. Like, if I had, I'm gonna shoot,
Starting point is 01:12:58 you just bring it out with a ball, like, you know, over the line. You know what I mean? This guy, fuck this guy. I don't know what life life do these people live? Booby traps. Booby traps solve so many problems. So many modern problems are solved with booby traps.
Starting point is 01:13:14 That's why they took it from us. Right, right. That's why you think their government is concerned about people getting accidentally booby traps. If the government was concerned about people accidentally setting up booby traps, guns would be illegal. Yeah, okay? I just want to vote around. I'll set them out. You have to get a dog and you have to like cross your fingers that that booby trap like that's like the secret booby
Starting point is 01:13:34 should that you're allowed to have. Yeah, dog. 15 he's kind of just chill, but he'll bark if somebody comes up he'll definitely bark. We need an open source Amazon dog. Like what are those robot dogs that weren't around? We, we need the Boston Dynamics. We need one on our side, big time. Like we need some fucking super hackers wearing long socks and kit and ears to code us up a, a good guy version of that ASAP.
Starting point is 01:14:02 There was an onion article about the Boston Dynamics dog being in the puppy bowl. Fucking buddy. Yeah, just a bunch of carcasses like this bloody dog carcasses. Sony had one of those when I was a kid. Of course it sucked, but it looked cool as fuck. The Ibo. No, no, was that the Ibo? Yeah, I think it was fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Yeah, it sucked ass, but it looked cool as fuck, though. Yeah. Let's go talk to you. Thank you, man. Yeah, it sucked ice, but it looked it looked cool as fuck. Yeah. Let's get talking to you. Thank you, man. It'll be good to see you in Dallas April second kill stream dot live slash bowl. Get your tickets now. Yeah, I have a good one. Ralph. Thank you. Yeah, I was a little too. Oh, good to talk to you too, Sean. All right. Later. Oh, okay. We got Mr. Girls. He sounds Mr. Girls, he sounds good.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Yeah, he sounds good. He sounds great. There's Mr. Girl. I'm gonna read one, maybe I'm gonna get a beer and be right back. Okay. Oh man, Mr. Girl is, he's doing some of the greatest stuff. Is he?
Starting point is 01:14:58 Yeah. Mr. Girl's doing stuff right now that makes me glad to not be dead. Wow. That's kind of my only metric for, because I always tell people, don't kill yourself, stick around. You never know what kind of funny stuff's gonna happen.
Starting point is 01:15:12 And you still get to die at the end. Yeah, you still get to die. Yeah, right. But if you might see some interesting shit, what Mr. Girl's, is one of those things. I'm like, yeah, this is one of those things. I'm gonna tell you, that's a ringing endorsementment if I ever heard one.
Starting point is 01:15:25 There's a couple of year. Yeah. There are. Oh, okay. Let's give Mr. Girl in here. He's a very busy man. Indeed. Hello.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Doing good in the world, waging a crusade. I am. I am. Those who would take advantage of the less fortunate shine. Sling evil doctors. Yeah. Chasing windmills that happened to actually be dragons. I'm gonna sum up what you've been doing
Starting point is 01:15:52 because sometimes it's difficult for people who've been doing it to do so. And I know Sean. I understand. So there's, you remember Dr. Phil, right, Sean? Sure. There's a new Dr. Phil in town. There is.
Starting point is 01:16:03 There's this guy called Dr. K. These are all my comments, by the way. Okay. Mr. Grove can agree or disagree with his term to talk. And what Dr. K did, he's an actual licensed psychiatrist. He started a business where that caters to online psychotherapy. And he started this business psychiatrist or psychologist. a Mr. Girl, which one is he? Psychiatrist, he's a psychiatrist.
Starting point is 01:16:29 For the medicine. Yes. So he launched this business by going on Twitch and giving quote, not therapy to influencers and famous people, right? And he would, but it looks like therapy. Everybody thinks it's therapy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:49 The people, the patients are saying, quote, not therapy. Right, because that would violate their code of ethics and things like the ethics, right? Yes, yes. It's, right. So he's doing this. He's breaking, he's breaking boundaries and ethical guidelines.
Starting point is 01:17:04 And then one of the famous guys kills himself after a series of these sessions and what Mr. Girl is doing and he's doing it really surprisingly brilliantly like the way that what you've been doing. I mean, knowing Mr. Girl, we would have expected less is what it sounds like you're saying. Kind of. It does. It feels like that. Yeah, it's all right.
Starting point is 01:17:27 I mean, the last time you were on, you did the song, I'm a pedophile and that whole album, which is great music, but like you took this, you took a turn in this documentary that you wrote exposing Dr. K and healthy gamer that I never would have expected other than to say like that's the level of genius that I would expect, even though I didn't expect the specific, it in that specific way. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 01:17:50 Yes. Okay, so please, I just expect that level out of him. The level yes, but it's like, oh, a mate, like, oh, of course you went that way with it. Oh, okay, so Sean, does that make sense? Yeah, he does. And Mr. Gross basically exposing him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:08 And trying to, cause this is a horrible thing that's happening in the name of medicine and health and science. Yeah, he's not doing what you are supposed to be doing. Yeah. It doesn't sound like. So Mr. Gross, will you please start with what you saw on this guy originally?
Starting point is 01:18:24 That you set you off on the track. Yeah, the first thing was I was talking to Molina, a Destiny's wife, and she sent me a clip. She sent me that her interview with Dr. K. And so I watched that, and it was like kind of weird. Like he asks very probing, very personal questions and turn the conversation basically into trying to convince her to not have an open relationship with Destiny. Yeah. So the first thing, I can't believe you said this, the first thing I ever saw of him is that conversation and I fucking hated him. I'm like, this guy's trying to fuck up Destiny's thing here.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like in its obvious. It's fucking obvious what he's trying to do. Yeah. Yeah, and he's like asking her questions about her childhood and her father and then tying it into like, oh, so you've always been a people pleaser, huh? Well, are you going to keep living for other people? Trying to make her cry.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Trying to make her cry and succeeding like she did cry. But she came away from it, like feeling okay with him, but I was like, I was like, it's kind of weird. You're not really supposed to do that with somebody that you're not in therapy with if you're a psychiatrist. But yeah, but I just, it made me just think he was kind of like an asshole or a manipulative. I didn't, it didn't seem like super unethical. And then I found out about
Starting point is 01:19:45 recful. And recful was, as Dick just said, the streamer who was depressed, had been diagnosed with bipolar, was suicidal, had already attempted to kill himself, I think, twice before they started talking. And Dr. K just straight up, like offered to treat him on stream over the course of multiple weeks. With the disclaimer, this isn't therapy, but we're going to talk for the purpose of treating your depression. Then he told him the worst moment as he tells him that he thinks he has borderline personality disorder.
Starting point is 01:20:22 He says, there's this research that shows that if you're in a stable relationship for two years, it can cure it. So, Rekful, I'm going to try to love you for two years. Rekful starts crying and saying, oh my God, I'm really appreciated. Thank you so much. And then the next episode, Rekful, like, I just came. And now, what is that called? Come clarity, we're like,
Starting point is 01:20:45 I don't know how to clarity. Post no clarity, right? Dr. K's like, I know I said that I wasn't gonna love you for two years, but I'm not. And this is all for the public. This is all out in the public. This is all for, this is all for sure.
Starting point is 01:20:56 This is super chats. This is terrible. This is terrible. This is terrible. Yeah, yeah. I mean, Sean, so you know therapy because you love it. I know therapy because I hate it. I know therapy because I hate it. I know therapy because I believe it works.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah, love it. I don't always love it. I believe it works too. Yeah. So, yeah, so, so then he how bad some of these things are. That's the reason I said that. Yeah, I mean, that's certainly unethical. I mean, that's not, that's not what it's supposed to be
Starting point is 01:21:26 No, there's this extended conversation after that where Dr. K saying, you know, I don't know if I want to be your friend or if I want to be your doctor Well, yeah, and and like you're not On by session four you really are session five you're really not supposed to be having that conversation session four, you really are session five, you're really not supposed to be having that conversation especially in public. You're calling them sessions. Everything that you're doing,
Starting point is 01:21:48 mimics therapy, you're doing it weekly, like you're setting up a schedule. Like the person who's aware of what therapy is is the doctor, this fucking guy that's gonna kill himself is not aware of what you're tricking him into doing. He just knows that you're a fucking medical professional. And you're all, what you think is normal or healthy if you're like a fucked up person is very rarely normal and healthy. So you really do kind of lean on the doctor or therapist.
Starting point is 01:22:14 No, my experience with therapy is not with a psychiatrist. So the psychologist, like, I go, I do have a psychiatrist, but it's basically medical type stuff. That's all team taking care of you. Oh, that's right. But I think that should go on, Dr. Kim. I think that's more like I don't know if all psychiatrists actually do therapy sessions. Like in my experience, they're able to. They're able to.
Starting point is 01:22:39 I know, I know. But yeah, I don't know how many of them just keep it strictly medical having to do with neurological things versus therapists who that's all they do. So here's how I saw the, the recful moment that you're talking about. It's like if Dr. K was spitting game with like a side chick where he's trying to draw her in. So she's like not making other emotional connections with other men. And then pushing her away, so she doesn't make a strong emotional connection with him.
Starting point is 01:23:11 It's like mimicking that exactly. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick.
Starting point is 01:23:19 It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. It's the real sick. I can't imagine like he basically and like, Rekful was already like kind of hanged by a thread psychologically. He basically says
Starting point is 01:23:33 No one else could help you. I can help you. I'm gonna love you nobody else loves you But I'm gonna love you and it's gonna fix you offer him his hand and then immediately just fucking drops him You said something right there. That is like that is probably the worst thing you could do to a borderline. And you could see it in his face. Because you could see the life drain out of his eyes. He's saying it the next time. Borderline, one of the hallmarks is extreme behavior in the face of either real or perceived abandonment. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:04 And it's like, if you've got a girlfriend who's borderline and which we all do, she texts you and you don't reply to the text, you don't reply to the text for three hours. Yeah. She may, you may see a stream of 100 texts. She may come to your work. If you're not there, she may go to your friend's houses.
Starting point is 01:24:22 She, I mean, that's an extreme, you know what they slack the dick out of your hand, right? That's what that's what recful used to do to his friends. That's the one thing that that's part of why he gave him that set that quasi diagnosis is recful would if you didn't text him back, you'd send you 100,000 texts. Mr. Go your your audio is kind of cracking. Is there a way? Can you reconnect? Yeah, like, like, clipping thing. I'll run a D-clicker on this anyway. Does that work? Oh, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Oh, fuck am I doing it? Yeah. Okay, do I sound better? Am I still clicking? We'll see. Sean says he's got some kind of D-clicking technology. Okay, okay. I'll say it's my turn.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Maybe the Eccitope sweet. It's the shit. Okay. Let me know if it still happens and I'll restart my audio interface. Do you want to list out the infractions that you see Dr. K having done because there's really so much I want to talk about it. I hate, I hate pop psychology, but I really despise pop psychology that's based on like medical licensing cloud.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Yeah. Which is why fucking hated Dr. Phil, which is the whole reason I went on that show. I hate Dr. Drew. And for that reason, I hate Dr. Drew as well. I don't think you can be taken seriously or shouldn't be taken seriously when you're doing things that shortcut the actual process that is supposed to occur. Yeah. When you're judging yourself based on what people think, like, well, did everyone have
Starting point is 01:25:43 a good time with what I did today? Yeah, okay, well then it was good. Right, right. Yeah, yeah, that's the kind of meta-unethical thing about it is that he's actually attacking the idea of what therapy even is. So that people watching think that it's gonna be this magic trick where basically he,
Starting point is 01:26:01 usually the kind of standard interview, he's done this with over 100 people, by the way. So he asks you about some superficial problems. So you come in and you say, oh, I'm having procrastination issues. I'm a streamer, I've been procrastinating, I need to work on whatever. And he says, okay, and then within 20 minutes, he's got you talking about your grades, and how your parents reacted to your grades when you're a kid. And then he's got you talking about like when your parents died or hit you or something.
Starting point is 01:26:29 And then he's like, well, where was the other one when this was happening? It's like straight doctor feels like just mining tragedy. Yeah, exactly. And then yeah, and then you're sobbing because he's like, you know, like what he said to wreckful is he's like, so you're that little boy is still inside you. You're trying to protect him, but you know, like, you can't or something like that. And then if you say it to anybody, like, they're going to start crying. And yeah, especially if they're a performer, like they want to cry because they're putting, they know they're putting on a fucking performance.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Right. That's what's kind of sick is that they think they're putting on a performance, but I think it is also actually kind of hooking into them a little deeper. And then it's okay. So here's one kind of ethical breach. He'll end if the person's really famous. He'll end the session with DM me if you want to talk about this more. I saw he did that to Pokey main. And of year later, Poke Man has announced that he is her private therapist on stream. Yeah. So he successfully, so he is successfully installing himself as the therapist for at least Poke Man.
Starting point is 01:27:37 I know we talked to Lily Peachu offline. Is that the girl he tried to coerce or manipulate into saying who sexually assaulted her? No, that was Yvonne. Lily Peachu, he did a session with her. Then at the end, he said, tell me, you know, let me know if you want to talk more. She had some kind of like emergency, and she did reach out to him. And then like a month later, he announced that she had donated $3,000 to his foundation, which is grossly unethical grossed unethical. You're not allowed to take. Yeah. What a regardless of what veto fucking says, you're not allowed to take a three thousand
Starting point is 01:28:12 dollars from your client. It's like the mafia, right? Like, oh, you know, I'd be a real shame if your mental health were to suffer. I'm trying to just fundraiser here. It needs three grand. I mean, you know, you got a lot of money. You're talking about how you feel kind of guilty, just saying maybe might make you feel better.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Yeah, this doesn't just create creating the sense that you owe your therapist something beyond the fee, is you're not allowed to do that. Right. Yeah, there's all kinds of red flags, you know, with this guy for, you know, if I always quote unquote, quote unquote, treating people. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:47 The sexual assault, the assault one in your video, so did you just so everybody knows, you put this video up and it's, the video is just Dr. K, what he's doing in his interviews. And then you putting, you reading ethical boundaries and I don't know, they're not laws, but whatever the ethical guidelines are for maintaining your license and putting in interviews with medical experts who kind of like give commentary on the ethical guidelines, right? Yeah, so the first person I interviewed
Starting point is 01:29:25 is the person in charge of therapist complaints in Oregon. So he's the vice chair of the Oregon Board of Psychology. If you complain about a therapist in Oregon, the complaint goes to him. So he's like the guy. Damn, that guy seems confident as fuck too. When you're watching the video, like, Well, right, because he's not guessing what the answer is,
Starting point is 01:29:47 he just decides what the answer is. Okay. So yeah, the video is I'm asking them, they can't comment directly on what he's doing, but they kinda like expert witnesses, like for the prosecution, they can comment about what somebody would need to do or need to not do.
Starting point is 01:30:07 And then yeah, it's clips of Dr. K doing the exact fucking thing that they just said not to do, basically. Wow. Yeah, the sexual assault victim, he basically says, so she lived with the person who groped her. Okay. And he knew that she lived in a house full of streamers. So they're on stream.
Starting point is 01:30:29 So they're all famous. So they're all famous people. Yeah. And she says, this guy, you know, somebody, I don't want to say who groped me while I was sleeping. And he said, well, does he live with you? And she's like, no. And he's like, well, how do you get in the house? She's like, he just can. It's like, okay. He's like, no. And he's like, well, how do you get in the house?
Starting point is 01:30:45 She's like, he just can. It's like, okay, he's like, so do you? It's even worse because he's like, well, why would you not want to tell me who he is? Like let's talk about this. He should know the answers to that. He keeps kind of talking around it to make her comfortable with the idea so that she'll eventually be fuck up and do it. Like, I know, I know, you know exactly what he's doing
Starting point is 01:31:09 with you see it, when you see it. I don't know if I want. I already see his like, he's like, he's like, well, can you tell me who you're protecting by not naming names? Yeah. Do you think your friends would want, do you think your friends would want you to protect them
Starting point is 01:31:22 by not saying who did this? It's like watching Brendan Dassy get interviewed by the cops. The ever-tarded guy and making a murder. Do you remember that? Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, because you can see them kind of guiding her. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Except she keeps saying no. And then shortly after the stream, it was like she just wrote a tweet longer and named the guy. So he caused it, which to his audience. I mean, I don't know. Yeah, which to his audience is a net good. Yeah, is a success. Sure. Like they this idea that what he's doing is a quote net good is like, is like a meme that they all have brainwashed into their heads. Well, Dr. K's, he's not obeying any ethical boundaries because those would slow him down.
Starting point is 01:32:12 And at the end of the day, what he's doing is a neck good. We really, Rick will probably would have killed himself, but I feel good about my procrastinating. And I've subscribed to his, and I've subscribed to his five week course on being a life coach. So now I can go life coach. Other people, is he a life coach? That's what he owns a coaching. All of this is all advertising for his coaching business. He owns a coaching business. So he has, I think like 50 or 60 coaches working for him.
Starting point is 01:32:41 He's just a fucking scumbag. Total fucking opportunist scumbag taking advantage, taking advantage of, I don't care about the famous people. Vulgarable people. They can all kill themselves, but the people that are like buying into his stupid life coaching, I mean, it undermines the industry potentially. Yeah. That's why you would like, you would be offended by it. Yeah. Yeah, that's why you would be offended by it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It's seductive. It's a seductive idea that you can get something better than therapy for cheaper and you get to kind of semi-interact with this celebrity psychiatrist in the process. And he's got people training to be coaches. Yeah, he's got a whole racket going. And they're just like in. Go ahead. Yeah, when you, when you, uh, when you start working for healthy gamer, you have to
Starting point is 01:33:32 sign a contract that says you're going to do 10 to 12 weeks of unpaid training at the end of which you owe healthy gamer, they can, they can charge you retroactively for the training up to $50,000. This is Scientology. Right. Yeah, kind of right. And then, and one of the weirdest things that really stuck out to me is on the site, it's like advertising group coaching. And it says like, who is group coaching good for?
Starting point is 01:34:01 And one of the options or one of the bullet points is somebody who wants to be a coach. So this is a matter of looking for help or you want to help people just join this and give you like either one, you know, you're the ones. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, either one's good. We'll take your money. You're going to get back to the box, somebody, come on in. We've got outdoors open. Right. Right. So when you go into the discord and like his wife runs the coaching business. She's like a business person. And because women are more evil than men. And she's talking to the fans. I was looking at the conversations.
Starting point is 01:34:39 I'm like, I don't know who's a fan, who's a client, who's a coach, who's an employee. Like it's not. I felt I felt, I had this. Any time mental health care. I had the same feeling. I popped into some of their group chats, which are all limited to five, which they do to like make, like they don't let the, the voice chats get any bigger than five, because then you can build like a consensus, right? Like keep it small.
Starting point is 01:35:02 So, like, I know that, and, and they're all talking like about this, like it's a cryptocurrency. Like they're comparing their hours and talking about like their, their breakthroughs and then how they're going to break through other people. I'm like, what the fuck is this that you have? What the fuck are you doing? Um, yeah, it's a call. Yeah. Sure seems like it.
Starting point is 01:35:24 It's really, what do you think's going to happen in this? Yeah, it's a cult. Yeah, sure seems like it. It's really, what do you think's gonna happen in this? Well, what would you be satisfied with happening for this? I will not be satisfied unless he loses his license to practice medicine. And so I think I have set enough things in motion to kind of make that happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:44 I'd be like to anybody who knows anything about therapy or psychology, knows immediately that this is super wrong and needs to be stopped. It's been my experience. Every professional I've told has been like, like what? Like what? Yeah. This is not, like, there, I know therapists who said they couldn't even watch the video because they found it too disturbing.
Starting point is 01:36:04 It was very disturbing. And it really, they've got to be, it's disturbing to them. And I'm sure it's infuriating as well because it's like, you know, and people still, I think it's, you know, a lot of people have come around, but it's still, people still think therapy is lay on the couch and tell me about your mother. You know what I mean? Like, because that's what the movie's talking saying. I can talk about my mom with somebody. You certainly can.
Starting point is 01:36:27 You're welcome. You're loving on the couch, that's. But, you know, but yeah, but it's like the last thing anybody needs is to have some loud mouth, fucking asshole who's completely unethical undermine the industry of people who are trying to do it the right way.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I go ahead. Sorry, go ahead. No, you do it. I see it as I see him as a walking, talking public health crisis because yeah, he released a response video today. Oh, how did that go?
Starting point is 01:36:59 Did he say I choose to live my life as a gay man? Kevin Spacey, live coach. No, he didn't mention it, but he basically said, these are what makes something therapy. And because I'm not doing those things, therefore what I'm doing isn't therapy. Yeah. Like basically reframing, I'm not breaking the rules as a therapist, I'm breaking the rules and therefore that means I'm not doing therapy. Like basically reframing, I'm not breaking the rules as a therapist. I'm breaking the rules and therefore that means I'm not doing therapy. Then he called me a hate farmer and said that I'm, he said that I'm trying to just generate hate toward him
Starting point is 01:37:36 and that I'm, I started with a assumption and he's like, and you know, it's understandable because it's really hard to form a research question, but it sounded like, you know, the person who made this video started with the assumption that I am doing wrong and then asked questions that confirmed that bias. You killed a guy. Dr. a guy interacted with you and he's fucking dead. And his, Dr. K's reaction, like the crying with all this not on Sean, you got, I got to play Dr. K's reaction. It's so fucking phony, like the language that he uses to manipulate his demographic of
Starting point is 01:38:17 children and gamers over the death of a guy. He says he's down to 20 HP points. It's so fucking sick. Let me just, let me play that part, Mr. Grote. Keep talking about what you were saying though while I find it. Okay, yeah. So what I would be satisfied by,
Starting point is 01:38:32 I need to lose license. And I think I've already set that in motion. But to me, the crisis here is that his fans will simply turn against the idea of ethics and medical ethics rather than understand why this is happening. Because they're supporting him. Yeah. Right. Everything he says and does is right. And they have this idea that like the ethics boards are like, like they have no idea what ethics is. Yeah. They've never dealt with it. They're like, well, it's stifling. Yeah. You couldn't do
Starting point is 01:39:02 that. Right. Yes. They find ethics. Yes. And And so I'm trying to make the case that, of course, you could do this ethically. And like, what, like, if his ideas to revolutionize mental health care by doing therapy on streams, why does he have to take a $3,000 donation from another streamer? Why does he have to become a streamer himself? Why does he have to tell someone with BPD that he's going to love them for two years and then take it back? Like, none of these things have anything to do with his revolutionary new approach. Why does he have to fake charge people 50 grand to go through his course to hit them up
Starting point is 01:39:31 with it later? Like why, that's called extortion. You idiot. Yeah. Like this all reeks of praying on vulnerable people. Oh, you're gonna rat us out. You got a $50,000 bill in the mail. Deal with that.
Starting point is 01:39:47 You need some counseling for the mail. I mean, he's like a child molester where the victim likes you then when you say like, oh, the police don't want us to be together. Because they wouldn't understand our relationship. And so then you get like the kid turning against the consent laws.
Starting point is 01:40:06 And like, so I see my role here as to just kind of inform and educate the public, but especially his fans of like when he loses his license, which I am fairly sure he will, or at least we'll get a sort of reprimand or some kind of consequence. I believe is going to happen. When that happens, I want to make sure that the explanation for why that's happening is in place. Yeah, so you can't frame it in some kind of relationship. That's what I'm trying to do.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Reprimand for being too good. All my job. All Mr. Girl is doing is shining a light and anybody with the proper knowledge will go, that's wrong, that's wrong, and that's wrong. You need to be punished because you hold a fucking license and you're supposed to be held to a certain kind of standard in the way you operate. That's what have sets me about it. Like, I don't give a fuck if somebody goes online, says whatever they want. Like, oh, you want to do meditation or whatever. You procrastinate.
Starting point is 01:41:01 Like, here, drink 10 glasses of water, here's a bunch of stupid advice, but the, here's what I think about his little scam there. You said he had some kind of partnership with Twitch, right? Mr. Girl. Yeah, when you become a Twitch partner, you get eight free creator coaching sessions. Oh, and he got one of those trophies too, that Mavic Scott.
Starting point is 01:41:25 Everybody does. Every Twitch partner, yeah. Okay, gets what? So none of that would exist if he didn't have a license, a license that I have to pay for it with all of this medical shit. All of this medical shit eventually comes down to me, you, everybody having to pay for this crap,
Starting point is 01:41:45 having to support this guy's authority, which the only reason he has, like the only reason he has the medical authority is because these people promise not to fuck around too much, right? Which I don't necessarily like, but I have to pay for. All of that would go away if he did not have a license based in that system. Do you know what I mean? I do know what you mean. I do know what you mean. I you know what I mean? I do know what you mean. I do know what you mean.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Twitch is not gonna make a corporate deal with just some guy. Some guy. No, of course. His fans, they all say, oh, he's not doing therapy. He's just, you know, talking to people and do good, but none of them would respect what he's saying if he didn't have that fucking medical license. And the medical license says, do not fuck around. Do not do these things.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Look, you can call it whatever the fuck you want. He's acting like a therapist in, and he's acting like a bad therapist. Okay, let me play. Go ahead, Mr. Grom. I was gonna say that one concept that's hard for people to understand is the blurred lines where it's not like a normal rule where if you travel over the line, you've broken the rule. It's that there's therapy and there's not therapy. And you're allowed to do either one, but once it's once you're not sure which one you're doing, that's when you've broken the rule. Yeah. Everybody understands that rule when they have to explain to a girl they just cheated on, that they weren't girl.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Like, oh, what the fuck were you like, oh, we weren't exclusive. Like, oh, okay. Now all of a sudden it's crystal clear what that relationship means. Okay, this is Dr. K reacting to wreckful's death. I think it's obviously fake, but I guess, let's see what you think. Well, yeah, and obviously bullshit. Just before you even play it, you know, you can use that kind of knowledge and education. Obviously what we're talking about, like, for evil.
Starting point is 01:43:47 I mean, he would know how to manipulate that's why I say I know so chooses to because the studies also say that psychopaths can identify other psychopaths only and easily. Uh, okay, here we go. I'm going to play it. This clear that one session with me is not going to fix your problems. I know that's what people say. Again, um, six sessions with me is not going to fix it. This clear that one session with me is not going to fix your problems. I know that's what people say. Session again. Six sessions with me is not going to fix your problem. Session again. Yep. And yeah, I mean, what what fixes problems is actual mental health treatment. And we try really hard to support people into getting that win necessary. Despite all of Rackfals out of everything that he gave to us, I think at the end of it,
Starting point is 01:44:32 unfortunately, he was fighting it alone and he lost. But just because he lost doesn't mean that you have to. Bro, this is therapist. Is he a 12? 12th? 12th? 12th? 12th? 12th is when a champion falls. A champion falls video game.
Starting point is 01:44:47 He gave us a bunch like, I remember. He's working up to his, you know, right? He's like a 20-year-old kid playing Wow and like watching his videos. And I was like, damn, that guy's awesome. Like, I wish I could be like that good. Wow. I was a fan.
Starting point is 01:44:59 He was a friend of mine. Oh, no. Oh, no. Yeah, this is all wrong. This is all wrong. Yeah, this is all wrong. This is all 15, when Dr. K was 20. It's a personal battle and all of us have to fight it, but you have to fight it, but you don't have to fight it alone.
Starting point is 01:45:13 This is out of a lifetime that he's doing right now. I've got a pretty big HP pool. I've got 100 hit points. I lost 80 of them yesterday. Brow! I lost 80 of them yesterday. Pro. This is gamer psychology. Like, yeah. I lost most of my HP bar. And tears are fading.
Starting point is 01:45:35 You're working up. I didn't see what. Does he actually have any tears? Can you just comment? You're trying, I can feel it. And try to work the eyes like red. No, man, I don't see liquid. No, I can't take much more of this.
Starting point is 01:45:46 Well, I'm suicidal. Yeah. Oh, right. You think his nose is bad? I can't see someone. You know what I mean too. I should have, you should have the mental tools too. And yesterday I did not do this on the internet.
Starting point is 01:45:56 I'm died with him. That's what happens to be so much. Oh, God. It's time. Fakest that I was crying. I did you the way. Yeah, I don't. And I need everything that we do here to be worth it.
Starting point is 01:46:14 The blood is on your hands. We've got better. Because I do this love. Oh, I need to take what you wrote. Oh, I need you to be a part of this. This guy's a fucking psycho. Yeah. Fucking fine. I need you to be a fucking psycho. Yeah. I need you to fight the pope when we get your life.
Starting point is 01:46:27 He's that's what he keeps being a psycho. Is there any liquid? No, snag. He's getting a big bunch of hands up. You can heat up, you can forcibly heat up your face. Yeah, but to draw a snag into your nose, but he's can't force it to his face. I give a piece of myself to each and every one of you.
Starting point is 01:46:42 Oh, I give it willingly. What a saint. But I don't have that you. Oh, I get it willingly. What a saint! But I don't have that much left to get. Turn it off. But I just can't. I'm sorry. Look at that snot robe hanging down. Somebody come.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Thank you guys very much. I can't see it from here. For giving me this opportunity to speak. opportunity to speak. Yeah, that's a complete bullshit. Yeah, let's talk about it. Oh, I read it. Oh, my God. You may have an in.
Starting point is 01:47:19 So, uh, Mr. girl, you zoomed in on some chats during that. Yeah, I've caught some flack for that. I know, and I've heard you try to answer people on why, and I don't like your reason. I came up with one of my own, but can you tell people about the zoom-ins? Yeah, I mean, one, if you're watching on a phone, the chats are just too small to see. So I wanted people to, you can see all the hearts, but I wanted people to see that there were people even then saying that this was his fault.
Starting point is 01:47:48 And that was like the day after Recful killed himself. But I also wanted people to, I guess I just sort of identified without it feels to be the one shouting into the void. Because before I released the video, everyone was saying I was crazy, not everyone, but most people were saying I was crazy. I had like friends of mine telling me that it's going to ruin my career and that I shouldn't be doing this. This is worse than a pedophile.
Starting point is 01:48:13 Your friends think this is? Yeah. Yeah. So I had... Back when he had taste and restraints. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's exactly. Yeah. So I just identified with that feeling of like shouting that you need to be held accountable for this surrounded by a flood of purple hearts, emojis, it just, it just really spoke to me. So that was my reason for doing the zoom-ins. That's a pretty good reason. All right. That's a good
Starting point is 01:48:37 reason. I agree with that. It's funny. Well, it's funny watching people take issue with that It's funny. Well, it's funny watching people take issue with that of all things because they, I think they get to a point where they agree with it and they don't like that you've changed their emotions and they're lashing out because they see you finally, because it's at the very end and they see it and they're like, oh, fuck, I agree. And I hate that someone has manipulated me into a, I don't like this makes me wrong. I've had to change my mind than now I agree with that. So I'm angry at the person who made me do it.
Starting point is 01:49:10 Sure. Yeah. That makes sense, especially because like there's, that's the only bit of me really in the video. Like it's all just Dr. K. I mean, other than the editing obviously, but it's all just Dr. K kind of like destroying his own reputation and his own words. Yeah, so I could see why. Yeah, if you're trying to discredit me, you would need to really hyper focus on that one moment because that's kind of it. It's the only thing you added. Essentially, yeah, like the only thing that creatively you added. Well, um, good luck. I hope that he,
Starting point is 01:49:43 I hope he loses his license. I fully support that. Oh, I call the medical board. Oh, good. Did you, I submitted, I submitted a complaint in writing and gave them like, you links to YouTube, like the, the, the playlist of all his interviews and then kind of describe the situation and specifically with, um, Recful. Yeah. And, um, then I saw a Q&A that,A that his wife was doing with kind of their fans and it made it sound,
Starting point is 01:50:10 she made it sound like they were going to prove through private communications with Recful their innocence. And I realized the boards actually not really looking into this. They're only looking into the exact text of my complaint. So I called them and I said, hey, I have some more material I want to add. Like, I've compiled a documentary or I can send you these other videos and the person and the enforcement division said,
Starting point is 01:50:33 well, they're not going to watch a video. No. Can I say, Dan? I understand that this is an unusual situation because most doctor's appointments are not fucking filmed and broadcast live. Yeah, why would you not want to? Yeah, where do they think like you're putting it together?
Starting point is 01:50:49 But so I said, is there a way I can email you a link and she said, no, no, you can't email them. Okay. All you can do is you can mail in a thumb drive. I said, okay, what format should the video be in? And she said, JPEG. Okay. And I said, well, that's an image file. And she said, she said Adobe.
Starting point is 01:51:12 Okay. And I said, well, that's a company. And she said, look, we have an IT department. And I said, can I talk to them? And she said, no. Yeah. No. So I am now going to make a fucking, I'm going to make a bound book of quote,
Starting point is 01:51:28 quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote because you, I realized that their job,
Starting point is 01:51:45 they see their job as not to investigate complaints, but to satisfy and get rid of complaints. So I think they're doing the bare minimum. So I need to really, and then I'm also in touch with a malpractice lawyer who is helping people who have felt uncomfortable on his streams file their own complaints. So I think,
Starting point is 01:52:02 does recfuls family, are they gonna sue him or did they all kill themselves? Like what's the deal? Rekfels brother has said some pretty critical things about Dr. K. But the person who made the last documentary about Dr. K, which was kind of disorganized and basically
Starting point is 01:52:21 let him off the hook, has told all of the potential interviewees, including Reckful's family, not to talk to me, because you told them that my goal is to get the truth at all costs and that I'm not looking out for the well-being of the people that I talked to. So he's actually scared all of Reckful's friends and families out of talking to me. So I don't know, like I will try, but I don't think there's a way to reach them. But if you or anybody you know has been on a
Starting point is 01:52:51 doctor K stream and you're uncomfortable with how that went, feel free to reach out to me and I will put you in touch with the lawyer. You mean a session, a doctor K session as he calls them. Yeah, a session. Yeah. If you weren't sure if it was a session, then reach out to me. See, and I'm not, I'm not so fixated on the outcome, whether like, you know, he killed himself, whether he's liable for that.
Starting point is 01:53:13 I'm concerned about the behavior and that he's allowed to do that and keep doing it. And potentially completely, you know, push people's help people push their lives into a fucking ditch when they're already on the side of the road, you know, push people's help people push their lives into a fucking ditch when they're already on the side of the road, you know. Well, he's also training an army of similar, mentally defective people. Yeah, he's like, turn him out to factory, it sounds like. Like a franchise.
Starting point is 01:53:37 It's like fast food therapy. All cashed in this original license that he has with his catch phrases and, you know, specific verbiage that he, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're just training people to parrot your bad work. And his dumb wife is out there giving them the framing for how they're going to push the conversation. It's a fucking cold.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Yeah. I hope he loses his license, you know. All right, do you got anything that makes you a rage, Mr. Girl? Thanks for calling in. Just talk to Kay. Talk to Kay. Well, where can people go to find this and support you and stuff? The internet.
Starting point is 01:54:15 The internet. Okay. Very good. I like the Vito thinks three grand is an acceptable gift for you to give your therapy because like he was like, yeah, to a lot of therapists. That's a drop in the bucket. Like what? First of all, I don't I don't I know if you therapist and they would be pretty happy to find three grand like, yeah, I think people are paying for therapy. It's not a lawyer like how valuable is this to you? Like a hundred bucks an hour maybe. That's like fucking six months of therapy right there.
Starting point is 01:54:50 What do you think of black dwarves? Black dwarves. I like black people. I like elves. Well, these are black people. They're black dwarves. You don't, I mean, you don't know anything about it. Oh, I don't have to, I don't have to like them if they're dwarves.
Starting point is 01:55:05 They're just not black people. You're talking about Lord of the Rings. I think that I was actually talking to Vito about this the other day. And now we're, we were talking about what if you were a white person and you lived in China and every movie has mostly Chinese people. And then, and so they're making a new Lord of the Rings movie with all Chinese cast. And then they're like, new Lord of the Rings movie with all Chinese cast.
Starting point is 01:55:25 And then they're like, we're gonna have a white elf. And then everybody you know is like, this is fucking horrible. Why do we have to have a right person in the movie? What the fuck is this shit? Like that would be kind of upsetting. Yeah, it would be.
Starting point is 01:55:40 So I think that if you're making a movie, you should put whatever cast whoever you want to play, wherever you want. Okay. All right. That's sensible. Have a good, have a good one. Thanks, you too. That's good for me. Oh, what a hero. Fucking Dr. K. Yeah. You know, I like it. I like the way, I like the way he's doing it. Yeah, I like it. I like the way he's doing it. People have been, people use psychology for, it's going to get worse, right? You know, right? The more mental health gets out of control and pitched is like a fix all. You know, I don't know. It's just the more our problem, we're in our minds.
Starting point is 01:56:17 We're an instant gratification society and therapy is anything but, you know, yeah, and a lot of people are going to be disillusioned and it's also going to, I don't know, proliferate people like that. Where it's just like, oh, it online, you know, he said something about, yeah, it's not going to be fixed in a session. I would be fixed in six sessions, whatever, but he's doing, he's doing, he's doing so many sessions. No, it's what he to be fixed in a session. I would be fixed in six sessions, whatever, but he's doing, he's doing, you're doing so many sessions. No, it's, what he's doing is not okay,
Starting point is 01:56:49 according to the, you know, the standards that they have to meet in order to get licensed and stay licensed. And why doesn't insurance get a cut of that? Yeah, you gotta, yeah, you gotta, you gotta cut those, you gotta really police your own, I think, in this case. The more, as we progress, more and more, all the things that AOS and society are blamed
Starting point is 01:57:11 on what's in your mind. Like white supremacy is now the reason for all these, it's not like the economy or things that are real, like money and stuff. It's, well, it's what's in people's brains. It's racism and white supremacy. Yeah. So the more they scapegoat, what's in your mind, the more power this imaginary solution of fake psychology
Starting point is 01:57:31 has, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, in a way. Yeah. Okay. So the Dixho, slash the Dixho. See you next Tuesday. This is from Sean's very own album. Buy it at
Starting point is 01:57:48 It's called, tell me about the old times. Yeah. Ah. Hey, hey. Look. Sean, tell me about the old times. Check it on the A. John. You, but you ain't aged a second. I'm not gonna be a fan of you. I'm not gonna be a fan of you.
Starting point is 01:58:14 I'm not gonna be a fan of you. I'm not gonna be a fan of you. You won't tell me no lies Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha If you listen to this album yet Tell me bad the whole time, tell me bad the whole time Chan tell me bad the whole time, tell me bad the whole time Chan tell me bad the whole time, tell me bad the whole time Chan tell me bad the whole time, tell me bad the whole time Chan tell me bad the whole time, tell me bad the whole time I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you You want to tattoo? You want me to tattoo you? Sure, let's do it. What do you want?
Starting point is 01:59:36 You want to see the tattoo I gave myself? Yeah, sure. Put it on my foot. I put it a smiley face on my foot. I put it, a smiley face on my ankle. No shit. Truth is, I can barely see it. I just wanted it to be visible enough, so people wouldn't be sure if it was a tattoo or not. I don't even think I could see it.
Starting point is 02:00:02 Oh shit, I gotta touch it up. Gotta touch it up already. We're off. I gave myself a tattoo over there. That's guy. That's a good album. I know. It's so bizarre to have an album written about you.
Starting point is 02:00:26 What do you think about this picture? That's hilarious. I love it. I love that record growing up, Driller. Fuck yeah. I think they did it because you said that the other album looked like you're dead. When they did.
Starting point is 02:00:42 Do you remember that one? The hard men working hard. When they did remember that one the hard men working hard You remember when we played this one you made the comment that this one this cover looks like your dad Yeah, you did so They might have done they might have pretty good maybe they're just doing it for fun Tell me back the old times Sean tell me back the old times tell me back the old times Sean tell me back the old times tell me back the old times Did I miss anybody in here?
Starting point is 02:01:41 Where people upset about Ralph Where people upset about Ralph? That was he possibly. Go get it. Sean's very own album. Bye. See ya.

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