The Dick Show - Episode 303 - Dick on Bowling Injuries

Episode Date: April 11, 2022

How I broke my arm bowling, Mister Metokur calls in, the new news girl knows all of my jokes, grooming, taxes, and a guy hates OnlyFans; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh my God, thank God we didn't do a show last week. Really? Oh, thank God. I had said, Sean, don't you want to go to one of these Ralph events with me? Doesn't it look like every... I think Portugal, bowling, doesn't it look like I'm having a great time. I think the universe is trying to protect itself. There's some kind of evil, critical mess if you two spend too much time together.
Starting point is 00:00:23 And it's trying to, you know, whatever it's trying to do to, to mitigate the, the, the, the, the sinister. Ralph is angered the great magnet. Yeah. Now, as Vendent Vengeance is swift and complete. I got to hear the whole story. Oh, God. Do you, well, that's why I was saying it is, I'm so glad last week I got all fucked up
Starting point is 00:00:46 because I was just, I was in a very bad mood. Okay, now this thing is fucking up. Hold on. Hold on. It would have been, it would have been two hours of depression posting. Yeah, sure, right. You know, usually I'm such a chipper guy.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Sure. With such a positive outlook on people. You make sure I'm streaming, yeah. Yeah. That's how I always had you. So I was, it's not even the worst thing. My bicep is torn from my bone. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And that's like a football injury. You buddy, you're not supposed to throw the ball overhand, you know? You're supposed to let it go. I didn't know that. Oh, you do. So you see these guys bowling and they always cut. Yeah. And I figured the ball just gets, you're supposed to hold on to it to build power.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Did you really, did you try to stop it for some reason? Oh, I didn't do anything. That's the best part is all these, all the men and their inability to acknowledge random acts of. Totally. Like I've been broken my entire life. Because you don't want to think it can just happen to me. I'm not free.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Yeah, yeah, for just doing something normal. It's like, dude, you're not 19 anymore. She fucking happened. I don't even double 19 anymore. I know. I don't know how I think this arm has spent about two years in casts or various surgical procedures throughout my life. Broken thumb, broken boxers, broken wrist,
Starting point is 00:02:23 wrist surgery, double wrist surgery from tearing this tendon off the I'm actually thinking they're gonna go in and try to take this tendon and fix it and say oh shit They already use this tendon on something else. Oh man. This is like a vestigial tendon You've got in your on the underside of your wrist that they already shaved off. Yeah to make a tube to staple this fucking thing But this other top wrist on the on the opposite side of my fucking wrist. Yeah. Oh God, it's such a weird pain to have a muscle detached and slithering around in your body.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Does it feel weird? Like, it's like, it just makes you want to, it's like getting hit. You know, getting kicked in your balls. Yeah. It's like this feeling of like something trying to insert itself into your body like, oh God, stop, stop, stop, stop. Get rid of these balls, cut them off.
Starting point is 00:03:12 This is like the opposite of that. Where is something trying to suck out of your body like, ah, what's going on here? So where did it deta- probably attaches near your elbow, I would imagine, right? Yeah, it goes to your elbow, you know. Yeah. Maybe I've- maybe it's one too many curls.
Starting point is 00:03:28 It's the fucking pull ups. Yeah. You know what it is? I started working on my blame chart last night. That's it. It's always gonna do like a blame pie or a blame chart. Yeah, 50% Ralph, 50% me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Ralph's event. Yeah. And sadly, it was fun as fuck. Yeah. Until I- Do it much to your- Okay, because Ralph's event and sadly It was fun as fuck. Yeah until I To watch your I'm gonna start the show. Okay, and then I'll continue talking about this Then Mr. Maddickry is calling it cool Get it, get it, get it, get it, get it, get it, get it, get it. Ay, yeah! What do we think? You want to think you need to get lucky? You got it as the show where every contest
Starting point is 00:04:13 comes to your life for a mom, I'm talking deep in the hood as a failure. I mean, how stick matches in AK, the $20 million man, it's gonna be close now. There's probably is $20 million of medical procedures in this body. I don't know what, this one's already topping out at probably 50 grand with a,
Starting point is 00:04:26 with a, you ever hear of somebody getting a wrong MRI, Sean? Because the guy, because the hospital manager said to me, that's never happened before. I'm never seen this happen before. And it wasn't her first day, I could tell. I've been a type of harass.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I've been a type before and they haven'll bet it's happened before. I'm a rat. I'll bet it's happened before and they haven't known it's happened before. This is now, why did they put you in that machine? They said, I've been looking for you for three hours. We thought we lost you. What happened to you? And I said, well, I was stuck in a fucking chimney. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:58 On its side, surrounded by a bunch of geriatrics, complaining that their appointments might not be on time when they're still 10 minutes away. God, you out, you want to hate boomers? Go spend 10 minutes in a hospital lobby. Oh yeah. And listen to their fucking complaints. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:16 The woman storms up to the desk. I'm waiting there. Crippled. Yeah. Grippled by the man. I'm going to get handicap parking. I'm parking longways across all the handicap spots with this arm My foot still even not fucking healed. Yeah, right like royal tenon bomb over here still has it
Starting point is 00:05:36 He has to cancer Cancer Jim's calling in a no he doesn't bed. He's got the cancer. I got cancer. He has the cancer. Bone cancer. Yeah, yeah. Cancer of the bones. Um, today's saying. So I, in the hospital, the bowling event.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Oh, okay. Ralph's bowling event, which was great. Yeah. I mean, how many frames did you get? 11. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 10 and a half. Oh, you write it really? I got I bold 10 and a half frames because you because you got a strike. So you got I mean, no, I
Starting point is 00:06:13 bold a full game. Yeah. And I beat this guy Lee. That was bowling and man, I got, man, I got two strikes in a spare in that first game. That should have been Mike. That was my sign to quit. Yeah. You know, that was my sign to quit. You know, that was my match point sign. Like you got away with killing your mistress. Yeah. And then with a very first one, actually, I blame 80s girls well because the debate was going on. Destiny was debating Harrison Smith from Info Wars. And look, the problems with Ralph's event are problems that you and I have at our events
Starting point is 00:06:46 since the beginning of, we started doing them. Sure. You can't stream them, because everyone just bitches, because it's very difficult to make a live, like a stream that people are, there, yeah, there's a lot of prep work to be doing that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yes, you can't stream it, you know. You always underestimate how much speakers you need, because everyone's drunk and loud. So whatever, we went to go bowl, while the debate was wrapping up, all people were fucking with that pussy, Ralph had like six guys in there, fucking with them the whole time.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And one of them was from our show. Oh my God, you mean like Adam from Houston? Heckling. Ew, oh, Ralph got straight up, I saw it did. A guy walked again? Yeah. Man, you gotta stay away from that guy That's what people are saying but I don't know it's
Starting point is 00:07:32 People are saying oh What do you do and go to that like that's if that event is my fantasy a drunk and fist fights Except for the arm thing except for that and the strippers canceled. Yeah. They heard it was about, right. You know, they heard there was one other woman gonna be there and they said, well, no, we don't want to. Somebody might have jacked to five them and the strippers canceled, is that what happened? Strippers are very choosy, lovely.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Oh, they seem to be. Yeah. One of them gives a crippled Jesus a lap dance in Minnesota because he was wearing a maga hat. Do you remember that? Yeah. We weren't there. Were you at No?
Starting point is 00:08:05 Well, no, I heard about it. Yes. I was at the day off. I thought the show. Yeah. I mean, that's, so I'll tell you what, man, the Make a Wish Foundation would never pull that shit. They probably would have gotten this.
Starting point is 00:08:17 They probably would, honestly. I don't know. We've got to fake it now. Okay, what was I saying? He's sending a blind stripper. This and the elbow thing, this isn't even the worst thing that happened to me this week. You're not gonna believe this.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Like, excuse me. I might. Last night, we ordered some frozen yogurt from the menchis, okay. Door dash, right? We kind of, my girlfriend and I, we kind of convince each other that each other is the one that wants the frozen yogurt. Yes, yes, I know.
Starting point is 00:08:46 This goes. I'm sure, you know, you were saying earlier that you might want some dessert like frozen and she's like, I don't remember that. I don't remember maybe, but if you wanted, I'll go ahead and order. Like, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't order anything on my account, but I'm pretty sure, but if you're saying that you wanted me to have said it, then by all means, right? Right. This is how we rationalize. Because you're both saying you fat ass, like, I, then by all means, right.
Starting point is 00:09:05 This is how we rationalize. Because you're both saying you fat ass, I don't want you to get it. Yeah, we've, right, right. We, you know, we spend, I've been on such a fucking pasta kick lately. Ooh, tell me more, which is just, well, you can make some really
Starting point is 00:09:20 kind of pasta that you're talking about. Well, I'll make something really simple. No, like, Florida Lines, Linguini, Linguini, Garlic and Oil. Oh talking about. Well, I'll make something really simple. No, like for linguine, linguine, garlic and oil. Oh, okay. Simple, the simplest, if you do it right, it's amazing. And it's just, it's like poor people food in Italy,
Starting point is 00:09:36 like it's garlic and olive oil. And you eat it too. No, you cut up, but you cut what you do is you cut a rony. You use the, get this, you get the, you use the Italian parsley, but you cut what you do is you cut a rony. You used the, get this, you get the put, you use the Italian parsley, but you use the stems when you saw, and a little chili, chili flakes too. Chili flakes. All right, well, flavor in the stems.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And then you have to use, if you're not using pasta water in your simple sauces, you're fucking up. You're fucking up. That starch in there, like binds. You are astounding. And so you know. That's well, my grandma used to make a, she used to make it like that except for she would add clams. So it was like a, it was like a very simple clam sauce. Yeah. But I, I didn't
Starting point is 00:10:15 realize that's what she was making. But now I know that she, that is exactly what she was making. So last week, if we would have had a show, I would have just been crying on the show. Yeah. After two months of not having a foot and feeling worthless, now going to another six months of not having an arm. Oh God, yeah. You try to brush your teeth with one hand. You try to jerk off with one hand,
Starting point is 00:10:39 what are you supposed to hold the phone with? Oh God. Yeah. I gotta balance the phone on a pillow and try to beat off. And now I'm beating off, wondering like, do I have to hurry through this? There's my tentative, gonna fucking break?
Starting point is 00:10:50 Is this one going next? I didn't want that point yet. Of beating off? Of just the first thing I thought of. Oh great. Great, well, yeah. Great. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:02 It would have been, it's funny this week, I'll tell you why. I've gotten over the depressing part of it, it's funny this week. I'll tell you why. I've gotten over the depressing part of it. Really? That's for, yeah. Admire how fast you work. You know, you know, you know, I always hit that point where you break and like you motherfucker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:15 What can you do? Right, what can you do? You can't do anything. Because the alternative is to fucking destroy the place. Just murder someone. Yeah. Homicide is the alternative. Okay. And that happened to me. I always took it out on
Starting point is 00:11:26 Friday, like umpires. There's a lot of girlfriend. There's a lot of broken shit in my past. I mean lots of most of most expensive thing you ever broke. I snapped an entire set of golf clubs after I walked up the run by one over my one by one over my knee. Yeah. Then I had them that I, where did they break? No, I broke them over my knee, but where in the, where in the, in the middle? Like they felt like snap. No, no, you just, you know, you're like, I'm just snap. Yeah, but it's golf clubs. It's not a bat. Was that expensive to fix? Or did you just toss them? No, I, I mean, it was cheap. I worked at a, at a place at the time. So I just, you know, I mean, it was cheap. I worked at a place at the time. So I just, you know, I paid what, you know, a wholesale.
Starting point is 00:12:09 They were very cheap and I reshafted on myself. The teachers of a lesson. Yeah, yeah, it was just, yeah, done with this game, done with this game forever. I tried to do that. I broke a bowling ball over my leg. I broke my leg. Yeah, yeah, what do you know?
Starting point is 00:12:26 But it gets it gets funny at the end of this story. I'll tell you so we're more bowling And this is how it's 80s girls fault Destiny's answering questions from the audience like do you care about the negative effects of illegal immigration on black people like over and over? Right the old right the the greatest riddle of all time Which is either no or yet. Yeah. Yeah. So I go over to the bowling lanes and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:12:50 you know, I kinda, I can't really hear what's going on. I kinda, I want a bowl. Yeah, see all these beautiful bowling lanes. Time to bowl. I'm getting a little tipsy, right? I want to, I want to smoke and bowl. I want to do my Walter Subcheck. Bollocks fun.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Bollocks fun. Bollocks fun. Yeah. And totally harmless. It's something that old people pick up when they're old. Yeah. It's not a rock climbing. It even gets more football. It even gets made fun. But sex. It's for old people. Right. Right. Right. It gets made fun of in Kingpin where it's like, wow, it's really intimidating to be in the presence of all these great athletes. Yeah. Exactly. Great athletes. Yeah, exactly. You got a hammer crack and beer bellies and all that kind of shit. And I was just, as I was getting ready for the event, I'm like, oh man, my foot's feeling better.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I'm working out again. Look at that. Fucking good. Fucking good, popping that collar. Honey, honey, don't I look good? Am I looking good over here? Look at this, look at this. Puh, puh, look at this.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Puh, puh, puh, I got that tightest button up shirt. I, oh no flex. I'm ready for the, I'm ready for the special fabric that doesn't flex at all. So your muscles just burst out of it. You're ready for the ball with the rows in it, like Bill Murray or whatever you want. Yeah, I get the lightest possible ball.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yeah, right? Oh boy, I always do. I don't know, heavy ones. The lightest possible. Yeah, but usually the finger holes are too small, aren't they? I have tiny fingers. That's why I can't get the heavy balls.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Oh, look at my tiny hands. Well, look at this time. You should see my dick and these little child, baby hands, like enormous. Huge. Right. Or anyone's dick. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:14:14 So, I mean, your hands haven't changed size. Could be anyone's dick. So they're debating or whatever, they're answering questions. And I fire up the bowling lane and me emerge from revenge of the sister looking at each other going, oh, well, are you gonna throw the first ball? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Are you gonna throw the first ball? People are watching. I don't know. This is, I don't want to mess up the thing, but nobody's bowling. Maybe we're just gonna throw the first. And 80's girl just goes, fuck it. And grabs the ball and throws it. There you go.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Okay. There you go. I say, all right, time to bowl. I grab a bowling ball. Fuck up. Normal fucking spin ball. I don't put my thumb in the hole. Oh, you don't.
Starting point is 00:14:51 So you can know that's probably why. Well, I don't know. I mean, too muscular. Oh, no, I'll tell you. So you're spinning it? Like, yeah. Cause like spins automatically. And I was going, you don't understand.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I was going so, you have to learn how to throw a hook, right? I mean, with your friend of mine taught it to me when I was a lot younger, so I always do that, because it's funny. You know. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. And the reason I think my arm got fucked up
Starting point is 00:15:17 is because I was favoring my foot so much, like just walking baby steps. I didn't want to fuck that up. Walking baby steps and throwing it, but because it's unnatural, I think I was pushing it to like extra hard. Extra hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:32 No shit, that makes perfect sense. And I throw it, man, and I hear this disgusting rip, and it feels like bone marrow is getting sucked out. I'm like, oh, no, no, no, I grabbed my arm and I turn. I shit you not the most annoying fucking thing happen. This guy sitting there, Lee, nice guy, that I'm just joking. He's sitting there and he goes, oh, you ripped your bicep.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Oh, no, shit. No shit. He totally called it. But I just turn halfway. I think, oh, you ripped your bicep. That's come here, he totally called it. I just, halfway, I think, oh, you ripped your bicep. That's come here, because he's done it or he just brother did it or something. He's like, yeah, it's the same thing you can see.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Look, look how the muscles all jerked up, you ripped it. Oh, God. You ripped it, you ripped it, you're done. And like, let me see it, and he starts fiddling around with it like a paratid. So I'm like, I can get off of it. Just, what are you, fucking green mile over there, get away from me, you can't fix it.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Jesus. So I sit there and the depression's kicking in. Cause I hate, yeah, I said when I broke my foot, one day I'm just gonna get injured and shoot myself. Cause I can't take being incapacitated for longer and longer every time. It takes every, every, every single time it takes longer. So I said, all right, honey, we gotta go.
Starting point is 00:16:49 We gotta go. It just grabs a bunch of my stuff. And as we're leaving a fucking, the failings of cops are streaming into the event. To get Ralph, I don't know. To beat up Ralph. I saw this and they're all, they all got big dumb grins. I look, oh, we're police.
Starting point is 00:17:03 We're coming into do police stuff. Yeah. All right, they got big dumb grins. I look, oh, we're police. We're coming in to do police stuff. Yeah. All right, I gotta go. Look, looks like I checked out just in time. He exactly. I saw Destiny comes up and he's like, oh, it's good to see you and tries to shake my hand. I'm like, fuck off.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I can't, I can't. I got something's wrong with my arm. Yeah, I can't fucking move it. I supposed to have been a confused look on his face. Yeah, I know. I felt like such a jerk. I just can't. It's excruciating.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Oh yeah, when I went to the doctor, first time ever happened, I put a nine on the faces. Oh no shit. Yeah, it's like, oh yeah. You know, the founding faces. You're like, I don't wanna fucking talk. I don't wanna look at you. I don't wanna talk to.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I need to concentrate. I just went back to the hotel room and cried. I was like, oh, this is... So then I had extended the trip so I could do the show with Royce and Merch. And Merch, so that was fucked. Yes. Because I was just in the hotel room the next day going,
Starting point is 00:17:56 I don't, this is disgusting. Trying to get move tickets around and get doctors appointments, whatever. Came back, you had stuff to do at that night. I came back. I had a cloud, yeah, some. Which was good because that's the last, when I last week I was so fucking depressed
Starting point is 00:18:13 about the whole thing. Oh yeah. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me.
Starting point is 00:18:21 You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. You got back hanging on me. go to the hospital ASAP and the doctor comes in wearing with a gold Rolex and a brown suit and a blue shirt, Persian guy, I'm like, okay, oh yeah, yeah. I hope that means you're very good. Right. That you don't have to wear the stonter stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah. Whatever. All right, so he takes one look and goes, you just come from the club or you're going there right after you just started. You're going right after? Yeah. It gives me an MRI next day. And everything I read online makes it sound like,
Starting point is 00:18:55 well, if you don't get to it right away, your muscle's gonna fall off and that's gonna be the end of the month. Well, because it doesn't like keep retracting or shit like that. Yeah, I've heard that. So I go. It's like a killi's tendon stuff. So I go to the hospital, the MRI day,
Starting point is 00:19:09 and all these geriatrics are instantly complaining. Like this woman goes, well, I need to know if there's gonna be a delay in my appointment because it was supposed to be a nine, but I had to take the bus. So it's like 1030. She's like, I had to take the bus. So she's late.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Because of all the bureaucracy downstairs, what do you, just, what is your fucking problem? Each one of you, one by one, one woman didn't want them to x-ray her to find her pacemaker, so they could shut it off for something. And she's like, well, it's right here. I can just tell you, it's like, what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Starting point is 00:19:41 Just sit down and wait for him to say your name. Yeah, there's probably a reason they need to know where your pacemaker is. Which they do for me and I go in there eventually and this guy says, okay, just go ahead and put your arm above your head like Superman and get in. And I try, I'm like, buddy, there's no chance of me fitting in this little, it looks like a little fart toilet. Yeah. That's about the aperture is like, I'm looking at it and I'm like, man, I've had an MRI
Starting point is 00:20:08 board, but that thing seems a lot smaller. Well, yeah, it did when I was a teenager. Yeah, there's people way bigger than you have to have MRIs. That's what's so eventually, he's cramming me in like a mummy. And I'm, it's so tight that I can't even put my arm above my, on my chest like this. I'm trying to wrap my arm around my chest like I'm covering my tits. But it's too tight.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yeah. So he's packing me in. And my shoulders are going, my shoulders are like this. And I'm getting squished into the back like he's got the headphones on. So he pushes me all the way to the back. He's like, all right,
Starting point is 00:20:42 maybe roll over like this a little bit. Roll over like this. This doesn't seem very medical. Yeah. What? This is 2022 and I'm rolling around in this little torpedo tube. Shouldn't you be able to shoot it from any angle at this point? Yeah. I don't know. Why does this seem like the, why does this machine have yellow on the plastic? Like it's from 1985. Rid know, riddle me that to know. How, like this is Keck USC Medical Center, okay? This is USC.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Yeah, yeah. So I'm in there for, man, it seems like a long time and I'm pretty good. Like I think I could be buried alive and not really, you know, I was just like hang out. Because I've been in MRI, you know, machines before and I found out that I don't really have, you know, I was just like hang out. Because I've been in MRI, you know, machines before, and I found out that I don't really have, you know, I know that it's not gonna collapse on me.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I know nobody's gonna seal me up in there, so my mind is fine. I know some people flip the fuck out if they get in a space like that. And it's starting up, for some reason, I'm not getting any music. You forgot to do that, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Fucking Dr. Ho, Dr. Hong, or whatever his name was, who fired it up. But it's taking forever. And I'm like half on the tray. So all the sides are digging into my fucking back. And I'm like, all right, this is, the pain is just, is now, it's so excruciating. My arms extended so I can feel the tendons slithering a back. And they need you to have a straight. Yeah. All right. Is this, I like mentally checking out like telling myself like weird
Starting point is 00:22:10 solipsistic shit like okay all the pain is just like impulses and your brain is not real. Right. Right. I'm picturing like guys in the iron maiden like all right pretend you're in an iron maiden. Could you like what would you do if you were trapped trapped there for like a sentence of heresy or something in the middle ages? Like thinking weird shit. So you finally pulls me out and he's like, all the pictures look like shit.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I'm gonna try to get one more, five minutes. Okay. Push me back in, I said, can I come back out? And he goes, well, they all look like crap. But go to your doctor and then come back, there's a, we have an MRI machine that's for extremities. Come back in two hours.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Why the fuck? What the fuck are you, why did you spend? For extremities, yeah. And I didn't even know what time it was yet. I come out, it's one fucking o'clock. Why did you spend three hours with me crammed in a tube taking shitty pictures of my arm when there's a machine spec specially designed for it.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Look at your chest cavity looks amazing. It's amazing. So I go to the doctor and he goes, obviously he goes, well, he's been looking all over for you. Okay, well, I mean, there's not many places I could have been. Yeah. Right. I don't know if...
Starting point is 00:23:23 Ha. Yeah. Um. Dr. Lodz know if... Ha! Yeah, yeah. Um, Dr. Loads up the pictures and goes, these are unusable. These are terrible. Yeah. Where did you go? Where did I go? Because these are terrible.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah. Who took these? Like an idiot, clearly an idiot. Um, is this why, I mean, this is, I've never seen this before. They had you in that tiny machine. You can't even fit in there. I'm like, no, this is your second doctor. This is the first doctor.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Oh, yeah, actually. First you got to look at the brown suit and the gold Rolex. Right. Who's an elephantized guy? Yeah, yeah. Um, because we're going to get you back in on the, uh, the good machine that like football players use. I was going to go that was an option the whole time.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah. Yeah. Because what we got to do with ASAP, we got to do as soon as possible because, you know, we need to do surgery as soon as possible too. Yeah. Or else you're going to turn gay or something. So he already knows that like so I'm looking like somebody shot my dogs and all my, you know, I'm looking like somebody just brought
Starting point is 00:24:28 my wife back to life, right? That's how sad I'm looking at the moment. Yeah, yeah, yeah. God, even we, okay. And he goes, well, you can see that it's, she's my wife, dad, I'll do it. It's like you can see that it's ruptured, but the problem is maybe it's ruptured at the muscle,
Starting point is 00:24:40 in which case we can't do shit. If it's ruptured at the bone, we can sew it back on. But if it's ruptured at the muscle, you're fucked. It's gonna be all deformed and my car, okay, yeah. That's enough. That's the description, thank you. Like, nots and stuff. Like, it like scars and shit, right?
Starting point is 00:24:53 I mean, so then I leave, I get in my car, I add this thing, and I go to leave, and I give them my ticket, which has always been free, always been free. At this fucking million billion dollar keck medical center that they just gave a three hour, probably cost 10,000, probably cost 10,000 dollar a second MRI. I'm a shit, they probably just made like $400,000,
Starting point is 00:25:17 $500,000 off of me. Except for you exceeded three hours. I exceeding three hours of parking. So the guy goes, that'll be eight bucks. And I just went. Should have driven driven through the fucking gate. Oh yeah. Just, you know, just break their fucking thing. You know, this one's only eight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Of course. I had a great time. Thanks, thanks, pal. It's only eight. You sure? You're not around up. Make the counting easier. You sure I'm not driving through the wrong one and I need to go around again and then spend time and pay the right one.
Starting point is 00:25:58 So that's when it became funny. I guess that would. It's like, oh, I see. It's a joke. It's all a big joke. I guess that would. It's like, oh, I see. It's a joke. It's all a big joke. I get it now. It's a joke. The joke that had happened on the first day of spring break.
Starting point is 00:26:13 And then right now I can't go to Coachella or anything. Probably maybe some are shot too, honestly. It's all a big joke. And the worst thing I was telling you about when we started is the frozen yogurt that we ordered. Yeah, back to the frozen yogurt. With your spend an hour figuring out what would pair best
Starting point is 00:26:34 with frozen gummy worms, right? I chocolate. Oh yeah, some sprinkles. Frozen gummy, right? Oh yeah, this one's gonna be good. Yours is gonna be, it's competition, right? Yours is gonna be dog shit. Yeah, right? You're just gonna be dog shit. Yeah, I see what you're adding in there.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Who fucking do care-up chips? Care-up chips. You got a Heath bar in there? Yeah. With gummy bears? Oh, dumb. Bad flavor profile. Damn, very dumb.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Yeah. It's your first time ordering frozen yogurt? Mm-hmm. Frozen yogurt gets dropped off. No toppings at all except for one. Oh good. Ramakin of rainbow sprinkles. Not two for two frozen yoghards, but one.
Starting point is 00:27:11 So this individual- So this individual- Flavors were dead on. Oh, so it wasn't somebody else's order. No. Flavors were right. Has all the receipt and the right stuff in it. Blank frozen yogurt.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Somebody took the bag before they put the rest of the shit in. Well, I guess, how did the sprinkles end up there then? Well, they were probably going to get the other stuff. Whatever. What the hell, it shouldn't be on the top of this in the yogurts. I forget Jesus. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:45 There's a bonus episode. Oh, yeah. Out right now. That was fun. That was fun. That was fun. That was fun. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:27:53 That was fun. That was fun. That was fun. That was fun. Yeah. There's a McDonald's story in there. It took about 40 minutes to tell. That was probably the highlight of my life.
Starting point is 00:28:01 The rest is going to be down. That's the last win. Yeah. And I've got the rest are going to be big goals. There's something that happens on those bonus episodes that's a lot of fun because it's a little, they're always a little sloppy. This one was like that, which it was fun. Let me see if I missed anything. Al Vito is on the, Vito is on the ball giving me a one handed video game controller.
Starting point is 00:28:18 So that over the next four months, I can destroy the tendons in this hand. I guess they would make such a thing, right? I mean, because, yeah, you get people who want to play video games and only have one hand. Yeah, there you go. Wow. No, Mr. Medical is calling it. Oh, he got his calling in soon.
Starting point is 00:28:36 I can't wait to talk to him. We get a news girl coming in too. So in studio? Yeah, no shit. Yeah, perfect timing for the new cameras. Yeah, right. Just quite a looker as well. Really?
Starting point is 00:28:48 A phenomenal. They're grooming kids. Did you hear about this, Sean? Gruming kids. They're grooming kids. I mean, I've heard a lot about grooming kids. Yeah. Yeah, they're grooming them at school.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Okay. Schools are taking these kids and telling them that it's acceptable for other people to pay for their daycare. Leave that. Come on, they're filling these kids and telling them that it's acceptable for other people to pay for their daycare. You believe that? You know, they're filling these kids heads with all kinds of sick ideas about who's responsible for paying for their daycare so mom can go, so mom can go work a cubicle job at a marketing company or wherever a shipping sit on our ass all day and have a work husband or be a work wife.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Yeah, they're telling these kids this. It's disgusting. It's sickening. These people are taking young, impressionable minds and filling their head with trash and gobbledy-gook about who is responsible for paying for their fucking babysitting and also who should care about it. That me who's being forced to pay now should be concerned about how my stolen money
Starting point is 00:29:52 is being spent. Well yeah. When an actual, I don't have a choice. Yeah. They can say they're gonna spend it on whatever, you don't get a choice where your fucking money goes. Well we don't like how we spend. The money that we took from you
Starting point is 00:30:04 on the babysitting for our kids. Yeah. Okay, well, you already took, I already have to have an ID for cigarettes, for your kids, and liquor for your fucking kids. There's no more tits or swearing in movies for your fucking kids. I can't walk around with no clothes for your fucking kids.
Starting point is 00:30:21 What more do you want from me? Do now take from me. Now I have to care about how you spent the money you stole from me on your fucking kids. No, thanks. I'm about done with that. Mm-hmm. God damn. Here's, here's what I've learned recently with politics. Oh, whoever's talking more, I want them to lose. Yeah, sure, okay. The ligamentists came out and said, oh, they're making it illegal to say gay.
Starting point is 00:30:51 And they're, well, okay, I want, that's a lie. Yeah, I want you guys to lose. Right, that's not what they're saying. They're just saying parental choice in schools. Yeah, they've, they've, that's what they're saying. People are saying that don't say gay, which that's not true. They're saying they want parental choice in schools,
Starting point is 00:31:05 and that's good for parents and kids. And it is, if you got something controversial, talk about it with the parents before you give it to the kids. You can't put it in your lesson plan. And the things that they are trying to teach kids would make your fucking head spin. Yeah, I don't know about the day of the day someone's brother became a sister.
Starting point is 00:31:23 It's like, what the fuck? What? I don't know what the day the day someone's brother became a sister's like what the fuck what I don't know what they're teaching them what so I mean You know it is a wild shit. Yeah, I don't know I haven't looked into what curriculum is like who sets curriculum like for you know in Different states or in different school districts like yeah, you know what I mean like from what I understand a lot a lot of them already have Things where it's like yeah, I mean this is not something we talk about or permit the teachers to talk about. Which is like, reasonable, like, that's not really their place. So like, a lot of that stuff is already in place. But then I don't know if it's in, I don't think it's obviously in place in certain, I mean, I don't know what's, I don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I don't know how prevalent it is, how much people. Very, very, dude. What, I don't know what's going on. I don't know how prevalent it is, how much people vary, vary, dude. I don't know. Like, I mean, but there's always going to be, I mean, there's always going to be people pushing the envelope and people fighting against it. Pushing the butthole, Svinkter. I mean, yeah, I don't know. So it's, yeah, I don't have kids.
Starting point is 00:32:19 It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, oh, exactly. Now this is the real kicker. Don't have, don't have kids. Don't, don't care. You're getting, you're getting ripped off and hoodwinked. Oh, yeah. So then I was fine with that. I thought I'd just let it die, right?
Starting point is 00:32:33 I'm sure he had liberals and shut the fuck up. That's not what they're saying. And conservatives started talking. Mm-hmm. I'm like, well, actually, anybody talking about being gay should be fired. Right. Oh, yeah, huh? Mm-hmm. Why? You guys talk about being straight should be fired right. Oh, yeah, huh?
Starting point is 00:32:56 Why you guys talk about being straight all day every day. That's all you fucking oh, you're talking about being gay and how it's bad all the time. Yeah, yeah All the time. So let me so let me get this straight this big this big institution that you built poorly because you're lazy like that you built poorly because you're lazy, like public education was started in like the early, turn to the century, and the government would show up with guns to make you send your kids to their fucking indoctrination camps, right? So they could hit their Hitler salute the flag and talk about how great God is.
Starting point is 00:33:19 One nation under God, like you don't have a problem with that. I think the principal legions was like the 50s. Oh, I think that's what's meant to mean. So now let me get this straight. So instead of just abolishing the the behemoth, the Leviathan institution that you created, because you're too lazy to pair in your kids,
Starting point is 00:33:35 now you wanna make laws about speech. Is that what I'm understanding for you guys? And how much more is that gonna cost me? Right, yeah. Anyway, let's just talk to Mr. Medical. I'm tired of talking about someone once to join this group. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Hello. Hello, Sean Crank is volume. Who's hell? Oh, that would be me. Mr. Medical. That's his little like, that's a little handle. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah. Yeah, can you hear us? Yeah, no, you're coming to good. Okay. I'm not showing your video. No, you need to show it. Come on, people need to see my handsome face, dick. Show my fucking face. All right. All right. Hold on. When was the last time we talked to you? It's been like five years. Something like that. Yeah. Like episode 40 or something like the. I've talked to you off show deck. Yeah. Okay. Let's look at that sexy man.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Hello. It's all right. It's not a- Can you address me by my new name? It's Sui. Can you say welcome to the show, Sui? Sui? I cannot.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I'm sure I don't understand. I was listening to your last stream in the car coming home. I think I just realized who that is. I was listening to your last stream and you got, you got a little winded after like five Suis. Oh, yeah, you know, it takes it out of you. I don't think I can do the farmer's life. Well, you said, you said, you was like, oh, these super chats are killing me.
Starting point is 00:35:03 And I turn to my girlfriend. I said, you think maybe it's the cigarettes and immediately after you said, uh, you was like, oh, these super chats are killing me and I turn to my girlfriend. I said, you think maybe it's the cigarettes and immediately after you said, oh, I need a cigarette. Look at me. You turn him up, please. You got to, you got a forge forward. That's what you got to do. Yeah. Uh, how's your, how's your cancer? Oh, it's doing well. It says hello. It says hello. It says hello. How's your mysterious exploding limb syndrome? I see your arms are functional today. Yeah. Well, I got, I've got a Bob Dolphin going on with my arm here.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yeah. Yeah. I can't lift. Yeah. I can't lift it because then it'll pull over my shoulder. But I can really, you're really committing to it, aren't you? But hey, fill me from the neck up. We don't want Ralph to know. I'm sorry, buddy. My limbs keep exploding every time we got something to do. I'd love to make it to your birthday, but my ass just ripped it out.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I don't know what's going on. Oh, God, that would be a bad one. Yeah, would you please, please let me have my ass last. Yeah, I would. Yeah, I would. Yeah. Is it more AIDS than cancer that you have? Or is it more cancer than AIDS? Which one is it? Oh, God, it's AIDS. It's an ad mixture.
Starting point is 00:36:11 It's hard to really pin it down. I'd say it's a little bit of column A, a little bit of column A, really. Day to day thing. What is it? Day to day thing. What is it really? I would love to know too. They don't know to do genetic testing. So I don't know. So you're going to find out you're 51% black. And then that's it. I think it'd be like, sorry, buddy, I know you wanted to know if you're sick or not, but we have worse news. Sick. Sickle. Sickle. So. I don't know. You didn't want to give us sickle. Sickle. Sickle. Yeah. We're right in the prescription right now for some fried chicken hopefully that occur. Oh Jesus. So they don't know they don't know what's wrong with you see because I'm out of the loop of course. Oh no. No no I so I got cancer the lymphoma
Starting point is 00:36:53 which would have been treatable on its own hold on one sec. Let me light up a cigarette. So I got cancer which would have been treatable on its own like going for chemo, going for radiation, that kind of shit. But then I started getting weird symptoms. I went through all the doctors, they started doing testing. They found a couple autoimmune, so pituitary tumor, Hashimoto's stuff like that. Why don't you immune disorders and they like that?
Starting point is 00:37:20 What, a pituitary disorder, are you like, are your hands and feet growing? You got like acromegaly? How tall are Yeah. No, when they do the pet scan, because they do like a work up and suffer cancer. They'll do blood work and then a pet scan. And when they did that, they killed my dog. They did. They went there and they're like, Hey, we found out you're black. You're not going to pay. We're going to murder your dog to get that fucking money. But now then they did follow up testing and stuff. And they saw, you got like a there's a benign pituitary growth and you've got a she mode was in all this other shit, but it just get piling up going on and on. What the fuck are you born next to like a Indian burial ground that's radioactive. I don't know. There's like a
Starting point is 00:37:56 fucking bloodmood in this guy. That's why I've got that corn picture, right? You know, going back to my native roots. Right, right. That's what that's for. That's what that's for. Yeah, see the little corn cops represent my native roots and the pills represent the medicine to fight for my health. Are those Dr. Mario pills? I feel like I'm working. I don't know, but do you like how his mouth is wide open to take them off? But yeah, so they don't know. They want to do through a program called genomics,
Starting point is 00:38:26 which is I'm gonna guess, Fulcene and Augustine, so I'm gonna know quite a bit about myself. Wow. So you never want to hear the reason, Health Insurance is so expensive. Oh, they're treating me like a zebra. They want to do,
Starting point is 00:38:38 I mean, I'm literally a diagnostic like research medicine. So I don't know what to tell you, man. It's been a hell of a fucking trip. So much to you. Are you gonna need textbooks? Are they gonna teach classes about Mr. Medical? Maybe. Oh my God, if it is some weird new disease,
Starting point is 00:38:56 I'm gonna ask them to let me name it and believe me, it's gonna be memorable. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. So at least they can do. Ah. Ah. Can you guess what I might name it, Dick? Oh yeah, oh yeah, so at least they can do Can you guess what I might name it?
Starting point is 00:39:14 Let me ralvin ralvin mr. Metagroup fighting a lot I finally gathered that Yeah, there you go, okay Well formerly on formerly on friendly terms and now I guess not on friendly terms. Oh, the internet ruins everything. I'm so sorry, miss. You're beautiful. Your beautiful son seems to have a tragic condition called the Ruffamale. There's no treatment. Oh, that's what you're going to call it. Oh, well, we could prescribe some Xanax, but I don't know how effective it'll be trading with. I'd exacerbated. I might exacerbate a little bit, type it. I think you're the happiest guy I've ever heard with some undyinged health disease.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Well, the hatred, the hatred fuel. Yeah, hatred fuels Mr. Medical. He's the, he did you ties his, he monetizes even. I'm saying on the internet, I haven't called that before. Has the cancer cut into your grooming? I think you could have gone for the essence. No, no, it hasn't. I've got a flimic ol' be glad to hear.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I'll be able to give him some grooming lessons. Now, I don't train them to be slaves, but maybe I could teach them to ride some fucking wooden horses for them I don't know. We'll work that out. Okay, Sean. So Flamenco, another enemy of Ralph's to another someone who's former partner. Yeah, we say all these people are connected to the kill stream dick and start to discuss why this is all popping up It's the Ralph extended universe. I mean, it's really everybody hates Ralph after the Iron Man of an entire universe of bullshit. Uh-huh. By the way, if Ralph wants to call in, would you be okay with that eventually?
Starting point is 00:40:54 I don't care. I didn't think you did. If Ralph wants to call in and talk about this, you know how well, you know how good of a job I did, brokering a piece deal with Null and Ralph, Sean, you remember that. I do remember that. Was that where you all agreed you weren't going to be best friends no more? I think we agreed that we would stop calling each other pedophiles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:14 This is armistice wasn't it? It was a pedophile armistice. Lots happened since then. No, Dick, I'm confused. You're using that phone to ask Ralph to come on, but you're using your arm that's been severely injured. What's going on? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:41:30 This is, I was just checking my thing. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:41:42 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no use every time I use the muscle, it will pull the, the tendon in further. Yeah, which is when, and then they'll have to fish it out with it. Not optimal. No, not optimal. With one of those asshole removal. I thought you, I thought you were being Mr. Holly wouldn't show me your method acting for Merch with a little T-Rex arms. Oh, as Merch has short arms, is that the thing?
Starting point is 00:42:02 I don't know. Oh, is that the thing? I see the little stick extenders. I don't know what you're going to say. I was just looking at my own arms all night. That's what you're just rocking those guns. Yeah, I had a feeling it was the last I'd see them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Till the three year recoveries over. Oh, Jesus. No, there's still be no recovering from this. No, that was financially recovered from this one. How was the, how was the bowling event before you? You know what? Horrifically injured. Except for that, Mrs. Lincoln.
Starting point is 00:42:36 How did you interpret that play? Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha. I'm really sad that I missed all the chaos that happened afterwards. I thought, I know everyone's making fun of it And I think it's funny that they do that But I think it was it was very fun to be there
Starting point is 00:42:52 Yeah, the streaming you just can't stream shit like that because it's too chaotic and it looks like crap But it was a lot of fun. Well, I think it might help if you had more than one camera. I don't know. I'm not a tech guy camera. I don't know. I'm not a tech guy. I'm not being Hollywood over here. So, I need a camera and then like three gigantic guys standing around it to just start punching anybody that comes over to it. They'll have ill intent. You ever get the Ralph always has ill intent? I mean, I'm watching a video of you guys with your podcast set up. Now that looks pretty professional. Did you give them the tip to microphone or to duct tape the microphones together? Did you like that? That's how we do stereo and Hollywood?
Starting point is 00:43:28 You know what? I saw that and it reminded me. Remember the Chicago show we did Sean? Yeah. I said at the last minute I put my camera on a tripod and just pointed it at the stage to do streaming. Somebody posted a picture that was showing like this is a this is a $25,000 a month streaming setup that Dick has. I was like, yeah. Oh, I was. Ralph had a streaming mic and a show mic. I see. There. I assume. I don't know. Yeah, yeah, he was going to two different places. Yeah. So you and the Merch are fighting as well. I wouldn't really call it fighting. It's more kind of amusement. I mean, porcelain's doing a documentary on merch and a heavy on it coming on. He had like clips and stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:09 He's like, hey, you know, come on, give me some audio for the documentary and an upsittin' gone for five hours and going off over a merch floor, which I was unfamiliar with, a great deal of it. And it's just kind of what it is, I guess. Yeah, I've just been getting along with everybody so well on the internet
Starting point is 00:44:28 True, it's your fucking sunshine over here Everybody always calls in and I always leave thinking boy like what do they say away from this show to get everybody to hate them Once a week. I wish that paycheck and get the fuck out of there. I mean, it's, I don't, I don't read up on it or anything like that. And it, I would love it. I love it. I love that. I don't see you could fix my life and take me off the internet like you are. I always like, I mean, I just always like the spin too, because you know, I mean, there's always just the way that like dick or whoever else is on the real talent is always entertaining to me. Um, yeah. I forget what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Oh, you're talking about merch. Yeah, I'm excited for that one. I liked the big to last year. You're gonna get put on a list now. I don't know. I don't know if you heard about the list, but now you're on it. I saw that. I was watching that live. Merch said that if anybody gives super chats, so Mr. Metagr, they would be put on a list, and he would be very displeased with them. What's it gonna do?
Starting point is 00:45:38 I like it, Dick, because you're like, that's it. He's joking. And then he went on live stream with you and Ralph Drugs, screeching like a harpy, and there's like, oh, man, that's not a joke. Maybe Mersh is trying to be funny. Maybe he's really mad. He threatened to do anything. No, that's why I think he's joking. Is it such a stupid threat?
Starting point is 00:45:56 Right. I mean, I've been fooled before with a joke. Okay. I don't think it's so much that there's it's not like an impotent threat. I just think it's funny that he was like you're going on a list Get out. Yeah, I can't do the merch voice even with Now you're gonna take a drag off a cigarette for five minutes with your T-rex arm and then go yeah Before you get back to it
Starting point is 00:46:20 Where we don't yeah my job my job here's just a piss as many of them off as possible It's I mean, it's kind of working and they are getting press. They are getting you to talk about them, which I guess could be good. Do you think that the whole little bit of any publicity is going to be a great help. I mean, Mersh's 400 viewers really is going to fucking up my mattresses. Oh, now see how it's around 250 is really going to put me. I'm going to be a millionaire by the end of not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure how to do that. I'm't know. I do not. Um, uh, what is that sound?
Starting point is 00:47:06 What? I don't know. It's just a phone sound. Uh, do you have any bug chasers that are trying to get a piece of your cancer at all? Uh, no, I think that's mostly AIDS, really. Oh, that's just AIDS. But now that I know that Flamengo wants to suck shit out of prolapse, I mean, maybe there's some home for romantic future. It's so okay, Sean.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Let me give you the quick one on that one. I'm afraid you will. Flamenco had all of his porn history leaked. All of it. All of his heavy bits. And how does that happen? Somebody gets on his machine. No, no, he had he had porn accounts. Okay. Cool. What is that? porn is free everywhere on the internet. Why would you register? He has achievements on porn. There are achievements on Port Hop. There used to be this funny image macro, the one around back in the day of what Fort Chan would be like
Starting point is 00:47:49 if it had Facebook integration where it would alert all your friends to the Porni jacked off to. That's funny. God, this got a Port Hop I got with achievements for beating off. Well, that's fucking horrifying. That's one of the worst things I can think of, Lee.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Anything that gets measured gets improved. You know, you can't just leave it to chance where you're beating off to. You need those metrics, yeah. You need metric. He's really autistic, right? Or just autistic. Oh, is that actually what she's going with? So, yeah, so apparently what happened, at least my understanding is he had his, it's funny, it was the night of the bowling tournament, right? So he's stream-stepping Ralph laughing about it. And then he's like, I'm going to play some, I know, it's just, this is, it's like Hollywood,
Starting point is 00:48:34 it's a Hollywood star. So he's stream-stepping Ralph. And then on stream, he's like, I'm going to play some Tetris. We've got a down moment. And when he, oh, when's his screen up, there's his email account. And the people are like, oh, I've never seen this one before. So then they find his name, his hometown, his address,
Starting point is 00:48:52 then they find forum accounts, talking about wooden horses. And pro lapsing, I guess I missed that part. I tuned in after somebody's like, he's talking about shit sucking pro lapses. I was like, dude, gotta be there. Gotta watch this. Sean's face.
Starting point is 00:49:07 So you know what a prolapsed anus is. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Now, I know. And then something about a guy, like I showed a college boy. It was a bad night for Phil Mico. Let's just forget that. Wow. Yeah, it's just, it was a bad night for Phil Micco. Let's just. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:26 It's, it's nightmarish, right? It would be the name, Marish. A doge. That's nightmarish. Adoge in like a comic about a little boy that's adopted by a couple college chicks that turn him into like a, it's like a 80s movie. It's an 80s comedy. It's a comedy is movie in Doge in form.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Yeah. And in the first frame of the comic, he's like, I'm. It's an 80s comedy movie. It's movie-indosian form. Yeah. And in the first frame of the comic, he's like, I was five years old when these ladies adopted me. Like, oh boy. Whatever. Making me work. Yeah. Oh, and then the slave.
Starting point is 00:49:57 He wanted to train a slave, a sex slave. Oh, that was that one. I felt I was kind of sad about that one because it seems like you just want like a boyfriend. Well, no, no, it was a female. It was a little female. That would have been funnier. It would have been funnier if it was a boyfriend. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:50:13 It was also like, hey, I want to slave to train, but also I want to, you know, talk about your day and watch on the beaches before I put you in the dungeon. I want to know what's like okay with you and what you like and maybe I'll be in there before I whip you. Yeah. Maybe obvious slave too, you know, if you're open to that. It seemed like a backdoor pilot. Yeah, and a lot of the stuff to be fair, a lot of the stuff to be fair was pretty old from what I understand. It's like 2008, 2009. So these probably were accounts he made and then forgot about or they were accounts that he had and he didn't really put thought into I don't know
Starting point is 00:50:47 But so he went he went on another stream to discuss it me he tried You know tried to roll with it, which was I guess admirable and then tried the The horny hackers who have double hacked me It was like the blues brothers It was this Brazilian woman. I was dated She was in the freaky shit. Hacker's hacked me. It was a wrong account. It was a long time ago. It was Locust. Please put a love of God. So, yeah, it's like a conversation. I like his situation reminds me of how it would be like, I mean, it'd be like you're, you're fucking parent walking on any jacking off. I mean,
Starting point is 00:51:22 it's more to fall, right? That's what happened to Flamengo in front of the entire internet. His parents walked it on up. Yeah. Well, yeah, it was funny. Gee. Oh, well then, no. But then it seemed like PPP and Ralph were getting along
Starting point is 00:51:37 during that stream, because Ralph called in to make fun of Flamengo and PPP and Ralph. Yeah, Ralph ran in for like, he did his, I'm a holler at ya. Came in there through a few shots left, came back through a few shots left. Oh my goodness. I don't think he, yeah, he didn't want to get full mico too much of a chance to get on
Starting point is 00:51:53 his feet. He was kind of off balance as you'd imagine from that experience. Yeah. So to rope a dome up a little, run in, throw a few jabs, get out. Yeah. What do you think about the PPP Ralph team up possibility in the Ralph cinematic universe? I don't care.
Starting point is 00:52:08 I'm just gonna laugh at this. Yes. I care. Are you ever gonna do a live event, like a Medicare con? Medicare? Oh yeah, no, I mean, I've seen what fucking smashing successes these have been for people all over the internet.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And I think I want a part of that. You should call it an a live event. Yeah, a live, yeah. It's just gonna an all-life event. Yeah, all-life. It's just going to be me and a grave with a bucket for the money. We're going to call it. We're going to call it, yeah. The gym con. Just put the money in the bucket and fuck off. We're going to call it.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Well, I have five microphones taped together, but there'll be no audio leads going into them. So I'll use Sign sign language by middle fingers. Oh, excuse me. The best part is I'm going to have a debate between destiny and somebody from InfoWarr is talking about globalization. People won't understand what's going on. Why am I at a funeral and we're having a debate, but whatever, you can roll with it.
Starting point is 00:52:59 That'd be pretty good. I love how both the, both the debaters were like, this is boring. Why are we doing this? That's so God. That's what I'm like. Yeah. There was, I mean, having done a bunch of live events, it is hard to overpower a crowd like that as rowdy as they are.
Starting point is 00:53:17 And then like the first reflexive action is to shit on the host, which is, you know, just. No, no, I'm saying it's like, if I heard right, like if I was a kid, you know, somebody came up to me and I knew none of this. And they're like, Hey, we're going to go to this bowling alley, right? There's going to be like a rowdy thing going on. We're going to drink bowling tournament, some comedy standup stuff, you know, maybe some panels.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Yeah. And then I get there. And then the host is like, okay, everybody before we bowl or do anything, we're going to talk about globalization. I'd be like free beers and that enough, man. I'm going to go the bar. Yeah, I could have been bowling first. Then I wouldn't see any of it. Right. I would have done the bowling first and then the comedy and then the panel. I probably would have skipped the debate, but yeah, well, I don't know. We'll find out
Starting point is 00:54:01 when I do Jim Conn, how well my money bucket idea works. How much longer do you think, which one of us is going to go first, do you think? I thought you were going to say that. How much longer do you have to live? Well, or maybe you had to soften it a little bit while 20 things going to live first. Yeah, which one of us is going to, I mean, I got a spine. I could get taken out at any moment. My head could feel it. I know. It's just exploding over there. I got a tape together right now. You've got sickle cell.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah, I know. You just need to stay supply of bicycles to keep you alive. Yeah, I forgot to really work hard on that. Well, no, I mean, they said, you know, with the watermelon juice infusions, I should have at least another year. Oh, geez. Nope, that's too far. Was that too far?
Starting point is 00:54:47 Was that too far? Yeah, that's too far. You don't have to pay for it. Remember to subscribe to the Dictionale on Patreon. So that was, you're gonna live longer. You got your Patreon band. Oh, yeah. No shit.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I'm done. Patreon goes. I'm swinging from a tree. You got your Patreon band when you... Are you announcing you're my first guest at GymCon? Yeah, bear me on top of Gym. You lost your Patreon when you showed the Trans-Surgery, right? Yeah, it was a training video that got the Patreon shut down.
Starting point is 00:55:19 You showed an actual surgery? Yeah. Oh, yes, so my point... That's going to be my point. Yeah, yeah, it was pretty horrific. I mean, this is the inside out penis surgery. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So my point that's going to be a lot of it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was pretty horrific. I mean, this is the inside out penis surgery. Yeah. Um, and then I showed the female version to where they they D glove your leg. Yeah. I roll us off. It's like up and then stitch it to you. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:35 The added dick to me. Yeah. Yep. So I did. I did that video. I did that video. Um, and yeah, the patreon got pulled. I'd see within a day. They did not like that video at all. That was rough. Did you do the demoralization video after that? I remember one video you did that I saw, and I was like, oh yeah, this is it. It was like, you said that their agenda going forward
Starting point is 00:55:58 is to demoralize. No, that was helpful. I did one call, the demoralization was like four years ago, five years ago. I was like, oh, they're going to sense the internet. This is what's going to happen. Twitter's going to fuck with you. Banks are going to fuck with you. And we're at that point.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Oh, yeah. Yeah. What do you do from that point forward? I don't know. I mean, maybe Musk will be our saving grace by buying up these companies and just fucking with them. You think a guy who makes money on government subsidies, buying up a newspaper aggregator is going to help us?
Starting point is 00:56:30 Yes. So, here's what I think. I think Musk understands that social media is the greatest way to fleece people for cryptocurrency. Yeah. So, he's going to buy them all and we get something out of it. We'll be able to say, you know, the naughty words while he, uh, fucks us in our ass for a bad investment advice. I think this is true.
Starting point is 00:56:46 We're gonna put in our ass no matter what I might like I'd rather we'll be able to say some shit. I'd rather you on musk have my money than black rock. I mean, he's gonna change, you know, San Francisco's headquarters into a homeless shelter. So I mean, that's a great fucking first step, really. I saw that, uh, okay, you're white pilling me. I always, I think back on that video, you made a lot and you're like, oh yeah, well,
Starting point is 00:57:08 this is a same feeling I had. I was just like, oh yeah, yeah, sunshine ahead. What do you think's gonna happen? What do you think about the next election and like the future of, I don't know, internet censorship? Oh, I mean, well, look, you know, so I went to the one I was looking at polling and stuff,
Starting point is 00:57:25 opinion polling on politics, I wanted to take the most biased source that I could find, right? Yeah. Because I thought if I go to like a fox, they're gonna say we hate bite. Obviously nobody's gonna see a fox fall. It says, we love him, he's great. Sure.
Starting point is 00:57:37 So I'd look for 538, which is the one that Nate Silver used to run. You remember him from election night, where he's like, Hillary's gonna win by 99%. Yeah, Nate Silver is a kind of a, you know, statistics guy and all that kind of, he does that. Yeah, he does it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. So he's got kind of a left clean to him. So I thought, okay, I'm going to use 538 to kind of see where Biden is because I figured he'll
Starting point is 00:57:55 aggregate the data. And then I'll get, I'll get kind of like the, the nicest version of it. If you look at Biden's approval and disapproval rating compared to Trump, especially, I mean, it's neck and neck at this point. You never would have imagined it. Yeah. And I have a feeling Biden's going to switch places. So it's like going into my choices.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Switch places is then he will have worse numbers than Trump probably within four months. Okay. Because he's like 54 approval and Trump's like 53 and he's like 51 disapproval and Trump's like 50. So I mean, they're like neck and neck. It's ridiculous. Yeah. Well, Democrats, nobody, nobody was excited about Biden. Yeah. No, I know that too, but I think that a lot of his promises people were expecting never got fulfilled, you know, wiping out certain amount of college debt. But he's passing it. I mean, forever, it seems like he's continuing to he's kicking the can down the road till
Starting point is 00:58:47 people forget. They do until we're until we got nukes flying over our head and then we like, well, I need those, I need that college interest payment to fight the Russians. So, you know, you're looking forward to the nuclear nuclear war a little bit. They can they can they even fly a fucking racket? Like I've been watching the VTV air drop into the ground and splatting like a fucking looney tunes carton in Ukraine. Their tanks are made out of cardboard. I don't know what the fuck the Russians are doing. I don't think their nooks can fly. I think we're fine. In fact, I think we should go bullium. We should just take the fucking resources.
Starting point is 00:59:16 What are the arms will snap? I think we're using muskets and shit out there. I don't know what plants up there. But it's a fire sale. There's unloading all their shitty stuff so they can buy new stuff. Everybody wants those rooms. I'm gonna use it up. It's about to expire. I can turn to China and like, man, look, we fucking blew up all our tanks. We need new ones. I think China's looking at it like, oh, shit, man, they are really retarded. Maybe we should
Starting point is 00:59:44 back off. I think China's looking at Russia kind of like, oh, you know how you all have that one really stupid friend? That's what China's view is right now. Like, oh, this fucking embarrassment, what the hell am I going to do? But no, so as far as the opinion pulling yet. So like Biden seems pretty low. Going into 2022, I have a feeling we'll probably lose seats in the elections. Yeah. As for the next presidential election, I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:00:06 We'll Biden be alive. We'll call him all around. Who are the Republicans going to put forward? Is it going to be like a split race between Trump and somebody? I don't know. They're like frothing at the mouth at DeSantis. Everybody's just got DeSantis fever. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I don't have a lot of hope for the Republican Party. I just can't see it switching or the momentum that Trump had. I just don't ever see them replacing that with calling everyone a pedophile. I'm not a lot of you. I'm not. I'm not. You just like DeSantis fan. I don't see anybody really strong. I guess coming out of the right. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. You know, I think as far as like it's close to like a populist message, I think Cruz maybe has gotten a better sense of humor.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Maybe, you know, he's been a little funnier, a little funnier, but yeah. And that goes a long way. I, but I think people want, yeah. They want like a platform real politics, you know, it seems like both sides have given us a load of bullshit and now people are like, well, you know, where's, you promised me you're gonna build a fucking wall,
Starting point is 01:01:01 you told me no college debt. I just want some shit to actually happen, who am I voting for? Can somebody dig Rossrow up? Can we get some shit done? Yeah, right. It is it's funny. Well, it's funny every election cycle all the kids getting their hopes dashed That they thought oh, I thought we were gonna get student debt cans. I'll tell you. You never were Why did you think that at all you'll wise up by next election cycle? Yeah, and then they never do. And it's always this funny. Yeah, some people.
Starting point is 01:01:27 So you're not on truth social. You don't have any a lot of hope. Oh, if I wanted to just give away all my personal information, I'd just type it out on Twitter. I don't know. Let's see what kind of porn you look at. Yeah, I'll try to make a lot of the next wooden horse stream.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I hate the wooden horse idea because it sounds like such a hard workout, like having your leg spread. Oh, that's, that's a workout. Well, yeah, you, it's the girls, they have their legs spread on a triangle, basically, like a roof that's made out of wood. That was a fucking, that was a wood cuts into their pussy. I guess that was a torture device.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Yeah, that was literally, and they fucking pull your legs down. Like, that was, that was a legit torture device. That's the point out that people, that, that, The porn out that people, that, that, that, people look here. I think I know if he wanted a saw blade attached to the wooden horse, I don't know if this was like, ah, you know, I don't know if he was trying to, I, you know, I honestly don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:16 What I heard with Norse, I felt like rocking horse, I'm all innocent and naive. Now, like, somebody's like, no, Jim, no, no, we're talking about a different horse. I was like, I thought it was like some really specifically weird fetish about rocking horses. I was like, what's that? It, no, we're talking about a different horse. I thought it was like some really specifically weird fetish about rocking horses. I was like, what's that?
Starting point is 01:02:26 It's weird. But I'm like, like wearing a diaper. Yeah. I think I'm rocking horse. So I've like, you know, grown people like jumping on those little kids rides outside of grocery stores. Yeah. I was like, maybe that's what he's into.
Starting point is 01:02:38 That's how he trains his pro-lapse slaves. But no, it was a different rocking horse altogether. I had something, I had, I found something to somebody sent that I thought you would like, the motor city fur con. Did you see that they had a big poop problem there? That's every furry convention. Oh, they're been furry conventions where they got thrown out of the hotels because they would literally shittin diapers and then throw them at the fucking cars in the parking lot. Problem. Well, if that many Pearl Apps Dana, you're bound to have some, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:06 I'm so off that statistic. Yeah, it's some really nasty. They would literally just shit everywhere, like a fucking toilet holocaust is some explosion of fecal matter everywhere. Yeah, this is a, they released a thing about. Open letter. An open letter to all the public letters.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Open letter is great. People pooping in the wrong spot. Is this from the venue of the roathletter? Yes, the motor city furry con wrote a letter, an open letter to attendees five days ago. Oh, God, that sounds great. Yeah, I thought you didn't do vomit in public bathrooms and guest rooms.
Starting point is 01:03:40 They're well known for providing a party atmosphere and we understand there is a desire to go a bit harder Wait, was that was something it the way you open that that statement where they encouraging it like everybody let's start vomiting in the They have to soft sell Not throwing up and pooping wherever you want. Yeah Let me see if I could find just this straight up Here's somebody's like what they did or the yeah, there's got to be some gyms in here want. Yeah. Um, let me see if I could find just this straight up here. Somebody say what they did or the yeah, there's got to be some gyms in here. Um, what about some
Starting point is 01:04:12 Jimco NFTs? You get into the MFT game at all? No, no, I don't get into the NFT. I just right click and save as. So you fatter. You fuck. Yeah, that's right. You fatter. Oh, yeah, here we go. ABDL adult diapers. This is a subject that is quite volatile in the furry community. And as of late, we want to begin by acknowledging that the ABDL community as a whole is filled with good people. Hey, now, we want to just take a second to really let everybody know. These are carry warm compassionate people who want to shut everywhere and just roll around and poop and eat it and rub it on their decks and balls and buses normal people who know how to act properly and this
Starting point is 01:04:52 section is the the biggest line of the section is addressed to the bad actors. Oh, okay. Just the one of them. Just that one bad actor. We have reached out to the local community and ask them to talk about their members, but we want to implore the ABDL baby for community as a whole to work within themselves to address the short and short time.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Not show up. Right. We'd like to implore you and fuck off. To police your own. There are reports of several instances of adult diapers left in public bathrooms. Oh, installs on countertops and trash cans filled with them. Well, they do go in the trash cans. I mean, to be fair, right?
Starting point is 01:05:30 You can generate that much shit in a day that you're filling up trash cans with a duped baby diaper. It was more than one to be fair to the furries. I think the convention might have brought this on themselves by serving nothing but refriving the drug books. Right. We understand that wearing diapers is part of being in the ABDL. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Okay. You can't just change an animal's diet without, you know, that's very true. Exactly. Problems. That's, you know, everybody knows that. Some guest rooms had feces left on beds or in sheets. Oh, man. God, imagine being the maid working there.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Imagine being the cleaning staff, stuff with these fucking people. God, why don't they just have their own hotels, right? The furries? They could do anything they put their mind to. Yeah. Why, I mean, you can't you, isn't there like a building technique where you actually use shit to build structures? What is that?
Starting point is 01:06:19 Adobe, right? Don't they use like cow shit with mixed with straw to make Adobe? Yeah. I know. I mean, probably somewhere. They're going to build their own hotel out of shit. Oh my God. I'm going to kickstart that. ABDL Adobe. We're going to make free hot set of diapers and they'll love it.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Okay. Let me see what else I got. Are you here? Have you noticed a lot of people IRL fighting lately? IRL fighting. What do you mean? In real life fighting, like trying to fight. No, I know.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Like, do you mean on the news or just in the street? No, like internet people. Like now that everything's open again, like after you locked everything down, like fire. I'm responsible for that. Like, you know, I got a Fauci's ear on this. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:07:02 I noticed like Keemstar does a lot of the boxing stuff and you Jake Paul stuff and yeah, but that always seemed fake a shit to me. I don't know. Let me go for a call in. I wouldn't put money on those fights. Yeah, everybody's itching. It seems like yeah, to fight somebody. Well, everybody's gone straight crazy. It's been two years of lockdowns. Everybody wants to get out and be together. Yeah, murder someone. Mm-hmm. Yeah, murder someone. Oh, I mean, look at Shanghai.
Starting point is 01:07:29 They've been locked down for a week and they're already threatening to jump up balconies. I saw that. Shanghai's all locked down. Yeah, I'm gonna get it. I guess. Oh, really? Quote, come on.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Did you see the drone? No. Okay, so people went on their balconies and we're screaming from like the 20th floor of high rises and a drone, a Chinese drone comes in and says, please listen to the Chinese government and try to control the freedom in your soul. Yeah. And go, it says control the freedom in your soul and go back in your house. I saw some robot dogs doing that too. Like those robot dogs walking on the street, barking in Chinese, and I was like,
Starting point is 01:08:07 oh my God. Oh, yeah, yeah, I got a lot of them. Yeah, I got a lot of them. Anybody try to fucking grab them and eat them? I mean, there's short on food. I'm not there. I did watch a video where they're killing their cats and their dogs.
Starting point is 01:08:20 I don't know if they're eating them, but they are wiping the mud on the street. Wow. Let me see here. I'm waiting on the text back. Yeah, I don't, I'm glad I just see you stream again. Yeah, just text the message, Sannix, and you'll get a response. No, I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Come on. Just go to happens. I was good to see you streaming again. You're gone for a while. Yeah, it was. So you're not as sick now. I'm home sick. But they put me on,
Starting point is 01:08:51 so the approach right now, as they try to figure it out, is just to treat it like, they think what it might be, which is some kind of weird autoimmune. So it's just a shit ton of steroids. Yeah. And you're bulking up then,
Starting point is 01:09:03 and you weren't getting a good workout. Oh no, when you get put on prednisone, you turn into like a moon. Oh, yeah, like a circular face. You talk a lot. My dad was on prednisone and he would not shut up. Really? That's just talking like it's mean actually. Yeah, that's mean naturally. I just don't shut the fuck up to begin with. So I must be a living hell, I'm good to guess. Yeah. Wait, is your wife streaming as a potato? Somebody, this is not a joke. I'm not, did she have like a filter on where she was a potato playing video games or something?
Starting point is 01:09:36 Somebody sent me that, but it was just the name. No, no. No, but she might start now. I'm trying to make some money. Yeah, maybe I'll put her on make her ride away and horse and get that flamingo money, you know God All right, still waiting took talk What you think about that whole
Starting point is 01:09:57 Ralph also went to the Elijah Schaefer compound the blaze media And tried to get in I want to know. Now, he said he had been told that a licensure shaker was into orgies and gang bangs and super gay sex up at any through the guy under the bus who told him that. And then people started looking up the guy because I was curious who he is. And now I'm like, is this guy going to run away? Because he doesn't want to be the one, you know what I mean? Like, how would he know? Like if you're telling people, hey, this guy goes run away? Cause he doesn't wanna be the one, you know what I mean? Like how do he know?
Starting point is 01:10:25 Like if you're telling people, hey, this guy goes to these gay orgies and all they do is suck each other's dicks. Well, dude, how do you know that? Like are you there at these gay orgies? Sucking co-op of the eye. Is that, you see what I'm saying? You think he just had,
Starting point is 01:10:39 maybe he just had like some left-out of his in his hair. I'm sorry. I thought you got a little, you got a line shot. Yeah. You know, shit on your mouth. Oh, it's come from the gay orgy.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I was just there. But yeah, no, I watched that. Yeah, I thought it was fun. I mean, Rikita went on the show, Shitok Ralph, then Ralph was going to go on the show. He was scheduled to come on. He asked to come on. Those guys fight. Yeah, Ralph and Nick are fighting.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Yeah, because Nick laughed at him sharding. Yeah. Oh, they're still making a fart. It's still about that. It's to. Yeah, because Nick laughed at him sharding. Yeah. Oh, there's still. It's still about that. Yeah, it's growing bigger than that. And Ralph and I got into our chef because I laughed because he got beaten up for a person Portugal. So, you know, it is what it is.
Starting point is 01:11:19 But so, yeah, so Ralph was supposed to go there. He was supposed to, you know, come on, Elijah, show. He canceled. And then like two days later, quartering, come on, I'll just show. He canceled. And then like two days later, quartering, because he can't keep a secret save his fucking life. Tells everybody. See, I think that too, but I've heard different stories like, oh, no, he didn't blow any secrets.
Starting point is 01:11:37 It looked like he blew a secret. I don't. I'm just watching a guy. Obviously can't keep a secret. It's like, he's laughing. He's like, oh no, come on, don't act like I'm crazy. He's just like, bro, do you not see that you're blowing a guy?
Starting point is 01:11:50 Yeah. Oh, I would have killed him. I mean, yeah. So technically, Rafa had already canceled, but the quartering sitting there and he just wouldn't stop. Like, when the room goes dead silent, take the fucking cue, right? Like, everybody's talking.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Sean, we gotta watch this. It's funny. Okay. Yeah, does anybody have a link in, right? Like nobody's talking. Sean, we got to watch this. It's funny. Okay. Yeah. Does anybody have a link in the chat? Quirtering? Quirting ruins everything. Ruins. Ruins. Ruins surprise. Surprise. Rikita.
Starting point is 01:12:17 So they were going to, after riding their, their high of, of getting Jack Murphy, of outing Jack Murphy. Oh, Jack Murphy. Sure. You remember that. I do. So that show with the girl, the girl is pretending to be a city Watson, the one who's pretending to be a tomboy. You remember her? Yeah, sure do. Okay. Her and the co-host that I didn't know was was straight already. I thought he was like a darling like Dave Rubin. Yeah, he's kind of like he's buried. I think he's got like kids to and everything. So to stay Rubin.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Oh, yeah. I'm like, he had to borrow them. Dave had to borrow them. I think Elijah made it. I think that's a little much. The paying somebody to like make new kids and raising them with, I mean, whatever, like I don't care.
Starting point is 01:13:06 But wow, that was making conservative swallow that one is a little much, right? I don't know. I don't know. You know, um, well, Dave Rubin and his husband took a picture with them posing with their, their fetus, their dueling fetuses, saying like, oh, we got our babies, they're gay couple. They're like, here we go, we got our babies. And I'm sitting back going, oh, this is marvelous. Like, that's really, let's really see how much you guys need. Cause I know most of you are not about this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Making kids specifically without a mom. Yes. But is it rubin' a part of kind of like that, like, I, what would you call it, middleing conservatism, the kind of the same bench, your pyrrho thing. I mean, this isn't really, I think he appeals to the same group that's probably not going to care. I don't know. But even it's not like Ruben's out there going, you know, pro maga, maga, maga, Christus King, he was gonna launch space missiles at Hillary. So I don't know how much they give a shit. I guess I thought it was wild because I could,
Starting point is 01:14:11 because it turned from like everyone having a problem with gay men adopting kids, to gay men creating kids specifically like to have no, to just replace the parent, the man, woman dynamic, which is a big, in my opinion, it's a big step, from just adopting kids, right? Because I mean, yeah, like adopted kids got to go somewhere, but you just adding more kids, like, whoa, okay. Do you think you should have uh... gone out and adopted uh...
Starting point is 01:14:45 i if he wanted a kid was going to at least go into a backyard breeder like to the moms who are the surrogates get paid for this or because i'm very familiar with the paying women ocean i thought it was a lot of money right and rubens got money so they must be getting paid yes so we're these like s where these surrogates are where these prison babies because there's a lot of money, right? I mean, Ruben's got money, so they must be getting paid. Yeah, so were these like, were these surrogates
Starting point is 01:15:05 or were these prison babies? Because there's a lot of women who will give them or hit some babies. No, I used to work, I used to fucking do SEO for a company that would only be a lawyer for pregnant women who wanted to give up their kids who were going to prison. Wow.
Starting point is 01:15:19 I thought you were going to say, you used to work as a screw and deliver the babies to the gay men that would pay me lots of money. I mean, it's a sh- it's a shady fucking business. So I have questions. Yeah, sure. Anyway, here's the-
Starting point is 01:15:32 Anyway, here's Wonderwall. Let's see here. I'm doing everything with my left hand, so it takes me forever to load it up. Here's the cornering. Oh my god, I love his face. I love the faces that give him. Sean, well. Watch this and tell me if this was not if there was
Starting point is 01:15:47 shenanigans of food or not okay, okay, so Ralph's Ralph's scheduled to go on this show okay, and then this Happen and then he can't so yeah, you can't then this like that same night or the next day and the show was scheduled for April Fools day by the way, way. Just show you now. Okay, here we go. I was, I didn't want to fuck up your timeline that I can dip to, but I didn't know if you're going to do some a gun to a gun date or not. Well, he's, he was slated to go on the UR Hear Podcast. I heard with you, right?
Starting point is 01:16:20 I heard with you for the first. What? Well, no, he was going on with Elijah Schaefer and Sidney Wanson. I feel like I thought he was you were going to do you were going to do a show with them. I feel like I'm not crazy. I feel like I'm not crazy. I was supposed to be a surprise. Nothing happens. Oh, I accidentally...
Starting point is 01:16:55 Oh, shit. Oh, I'm the fucking racer. I didn't want to... Nick goes, what the fuck? What? What? The third one that, no, I'm not crazy. I'm dumb as sure I heard something.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Oh, how many? I'm guessing there are no surprise birthday parties in that house. You know, I can't keep a fucking mouth shut for anything. God damn. Oh yeah, so that was where Ralph was supposed to go on. Then the quartering said that. And then Ralph, because the bowling event was, you know, right around the exact same time showed up outside of the police headquarters and the started hollering up at Elijah and
Starting point is 01:17:35 then arguing with the security guard and then did rap music at a 7-11 for 20 minutes and then ran from the cops. So I don't know. Who did this? Ralph. He opted that? Ralph did that. Ralph, I thought it was pretty funny. He wrapped in a 7-11 for 20 minutes. He's saying he's there.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Yeah, outside the gate, yeah, he's doing a rap and then somebody's like cops are coming. So he got his truck and hauled ass out of there. Yeah. They wanted to surprise him. Amazing. They got surprised. Yeah, I don't know. I think they should have let him in. I think I saw you say that too. I'm like, oh, come on. Yeah, I want to see him. Amazing. They got surprised. Yeah. I don't know. I think they should have let him in.
Starting point is 01:18:06 I think I saw you say that too. I'm like, oh, come on. Yeah, I want to see a shit show. Yeah, obviously. Yes, I want to see people scream at each other. So yeah, I wouldn't like let him in. Well, I'm more secure. Even if you're not even learning other building in the,
Starting point is 01:18:15 you got more security than the police. Just get him in. True. You know, sit him down. Figure it out. Oh, my God. But yeah, quartering completely ruined that. And you can, lurch just, they want to look like they want to strangle him. He's just won't shut up and keep stocking.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Yeah, yeah. That was funny. Um, they only make you a rage. I texted Ralph, but I should probably should have texted him before. So if you want to tell him, I know what magic word will get that response. I don't understand. You don't want to take that whole know what magic word will get that response I don't want to take that whole I mean
Starting point is 01:18:48 I don't understand What's I just want everyone to get along in the space you wish they will again Yeah, you know Well, I mean he won't let me the magic word is Annie berries See that means nothing to me. So it's a hard way. Xanax and superberries. Oh, okay, which are chats. Okay, I think.
Starting point is 01:19:10 All right, we're in. My chats. What's the first part of that poor mental? You told us a second, but what's the first part? Is the first time I've seen a drug? It's a recreational drug that... Oh, okay. Now I'm just confused a little.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Got it. I know I said I didn't want to talk about anime. But I binge 30 episodes of Attack on Titan this week. For some, I felt disgusted with myself the entire time. Oh, God, are we really going to the anime? No, please. No, he's trying to, he's grasping at straws here. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Well, spoiler alert, the guy turns into a bird. I saved it 200 episodes. Wait, he did? Yeah, at the very end of it, he turns into an Ensel Bird and stalks a woman. Perfect. Oh, no. Any listeners out there that have been waiting
Starting point is 01:19:57 to see the end of that glad to be here for you. Yeah. Uh, okay. Jim, hi. We having fun. We having a good time. I am having a lot of fun. The last time we talked was right, right before a right at the start of the pandemic. Oh, no, we're not. Got canceled. What are we aware of that? Yeah. Yeah. Well, it was, I swear to God, I thought it was right after LA did the lockdown because I know I was almost exactly two years. Yeah, almost exactly two years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:30 When they shut up, you know, I think you're wrong on your date. I was on way earlier than that. So yeah, I thought it was on, I thought it was on a long time. I did the Maddox video. Remember, and it was, it was on the kill stream. You and I talked on the kill stream right. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I thought you meant the last time I was on the kill stream. You and I talked on the kill stream right. Oh, last time, yeah. That's not me and I talked. I thought you meant the last time I was on the, the Dixio. No, it's been, it's been like five years after the match. Yeah, I know, it's been a long time.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Oh, damn, yeah. I think Maddox is gonna outlive a song. That's looking like. It's kind of helping. Children's bed spread, yeah, I think I'll, just give something the energy of youth. Yeah, I hope you're on the line. He's gonna head start on eating bugs and shit. You know, then all the rest of us. Yeah, yeah, yeah around. He's going to head start on eating bugs and shit
Starting point is 01:21:05 in all the rest of the process. Yeah, I'm just fucking infested. We're going to be starving with all the food shortages that are coming up. Yeah. A good times. But he's got a stress-free life living in subsidized housing, pretending to be a banana.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Yeah, what happened with, like I stopped following them all together. Is he still doing a show or is he just dropped off in the app? No, he does. He does like three nights a week where he pretends to be a cowboy and then he pretends to be a banana and then Sometimes a vampire sometimes a vampire and sometimes a lot These are the high tier skits he's putting on are they? Yeah, and then he watches he watches Women's cooking shows he watches women cooking on YouTube
Starting point is 01:21:45 and kind of pretends to have a relationship with them. And critiques them too. Yeah, critiques them, talks about how he would do it better. Oh, you know, because they love that. Yeah, they don't respond, but he talks to them, like he's very horny about it.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Yeah, would you say? Sean? Yes, yes, yes. He's very horny about it. And people go into their comments of like these 20 year old cooking videos on YouTube and they're like Maddox epically owned you. And then the the the owner responds, who? I don't know. I don't know who's watching these anymore. Probably a lot of dickheads. Honestly. Yeah. Yeah. Just looking to clip him or fuck with him. Well, yeah, I, like, yeah, I, after the Corsian Antigens and all of that stuff,
Starting point is 01:22:29 he kind of seemed to spiral. And then I, I just stopped tracking it. Like, there's certain, like, even Ethan Klein, people were showing me a video of him. Oh my God. Where are you trying to shoot people? Yeah. Yeah. The videos we're talking about, it's much more depressing than we're making it out to
Starting point is 01:22:44 be. Yeah. Let me, let me find that one. There's a remix on Twitter where they added music to it and it's just fantastic. He's threatening to shoot people. Oh, yeah, it's so much. He's asking the job. He's asking the job. Yeah. I'm looking for it. Does anybody in the chat have a link to that? Ethan Klein. If you go on my Twitter timeline, I responded to V, not V, he links it to me. Okay. He's got the video up on his Twitter account. It would be, you'd have to scroll down a little bit.
Starting point is 01:23:15 It's like 19 hours ago, I asked, is this happened because you got ratioed? Okay. But if you click on the not V thing, you'll see like it's a minute long clip. Oh, found that that found something. Oh, yeah, okay, there it is. Not the...
Starting point is 01:23:32 Yeah, and you should have it just, I think somebody clipped the best part of it. So, Sean, this is Ethan Klein. He's like probably one of the most famous YouTubers. Yeah. That there is. He's like a total fucking asshole. I don't know how to summarize what's wrong with him, but what's going on in the background here?
Starting point is 01:23:51 Why? Oh, there's a lot. Yeah, okay. That's his wife. That's just a normal, does she part of the show? Is she? Of course, yeah. I'll be honest, I honestly thought that was his maid
Starting point is 01:24:02 on my first watch. I don't know a lot about even crying. I thought that was like a nanny or a caretaker. They're like, no, it's his wife. It's like, oh, okay. Okay, here's his tough guy act. He ratioed me hard on Twitter, but okay, you know, you went, you live by the ratio,
Starting point is 01:24:18 you die by the ratio, it happens. Sometimes you eat the barn, sometimes the bar is you. But if you do come to my house to harm your my wife. I have a loaded shotgun I'll I will literally shoot you and kill you, okay? So to say I'm against violence Yo, this is how I sit in bed and I think about the walk off of my gun I imagine how fast I can get there Punch in the cold, look at his wife.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Look at the bride, look at her. Oh my God, that's a deep shit. Look at the cold in the chamber. I think about that obsessively every night, and that's the world I live in. Okay, so I'm not against violence when it's necessary. I'm punching a guy for saying a stupid joke. It's not necessary, and if you want to test me,
Starting point is 01:25:03 come to my fucking house, and I've got a seven, I've got seven bullets, is a seven-auto match, and I can only seven fucking bullets on you without even have to cock that bitch. Oh, what the fuck, man? Damn, man. What is happening to these rich people? I don't know, he is fucking on inch, but like, somebody told me that he made some common on Will Smith, somebody came in and disagreed with him. Yeah, I could tell that.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Yeah, and then he lost his mind because he got ratio, I guess getting ratioed is a big fucking deal for left is because he's kind of a leftist for leftist on Twitter now. Yeah, they need everybody to agree. If they got one guy out of lockstep, then that's it, like their whole world crumbles. It's just weird to hear him go, you ratioed me, and now I'm going to murder you with my fuck of seven bullets and my shotgun. Just auto, just out of his mind. Okay, well, I guess maybe Ralph didn't get the message.
Starting point is 01:25:57 I don't know. Well, how is he busy? Yeah, I guess he's busy. Does he want to, doesn't want to come on? Well, I wanted everyone to get along again, but I don't think that's the thing. I know you're the peacemaker, that's fine. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:26:08 You're a good guy. You're just a peacemaker. I don't know about that. I made a lot of little screaming match. I don't hate, all right. We call it for the same thing. They're making us, they're making us eat each other. That's what they're doing.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Sean. The eponymous thing. Yeah. Mysterious thing. Hello. Hi. Comeious thing. Hello. Hi. Come on in. We've got a news girl here to read us some news of the end of the day.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Oh, that was great timing. I thought that was the day. You're like, you're just coming for us. There is. Oh my God. I will do anything for them. If you could only see. All right.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Jim, thank you for calling in. Good time. Good time. Yeah. See, I hope you live. Yeah, really good. How do you pick this up? I hope you have seen Seer. Have you picked a successor?
Starting point is 01:26:51 Every time I see one of these, who's the next Mr. Medical things, I want to pull my throat out. Oh, who's the medical? I want to catch my eyes out. Yeah, I know I'm a medical. Try doing it with your wound. Yeah, they want to know it's actually with the mantle of your head. To somebody you know, you know, who is going to be like a Joker's situation where it's a bunch of
Starting point is 01:27:08 medicare's with the crown? I mean, if I try to put that to a video that got me kicked off Patreon up, no, I'd be completely banned from YouTube. No, what he's going to be doing that, like those days are done. I don't know what they're, what they're going to make, but it's never going to be like that. Do you think there's any fixing it? Like, do you think Web 3 is going to, um, uh, no Web 3 is going to be even worse, because they're going to make, but it's never going to be like that. Do you think there's any fixing it? Do you think Web 3 is going to...
Starting point is 01:27:25 No, Web 3 is going to be even worse, because they're going to face... Really? Like, Facebook's idea of, like, if you want to use, what is there, a VR system called again? Oculus. Yeah, you need a Facebook account for that. I think real IDs, the next step, where it's like, we need, you know, behind the scenes, those ought to be like a substructure thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:44 But like, we need your real ID for all the accounts that you make. So if you want a YouTube account, a Facebook account it has to be linked to a driver's license. Yeah. But nobody wants VR. Like nobody wants to hear this, but nobody wants VR. They just want to sit on the couch and play video games.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Like it's exhausting doing that shit. Well, yeah, yeah. But I meant, look at how Facebook tied their VR into having to have a Facebook account. You know what I mean? Like you had to have one. So that's what I think. I don't know. I don't want to leave on a black bill. I want to keep things nice and happy. Wish me luck when I find out that I have sickle cell.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Some gin and juice should fix me right on up. Is there a Deadpool for how long you have? Is anybody taking bets on we could start one. We could start one. I wouldn't think when you think Mr. medicare is gonna crop do you have are you gonna say when it is well how do I tell you if I'm dead do you have like any stipulations in your will like who gets your your hand tie anime figurines or anything like that you know for a while I honestly wanted to do it where if I drop dead I was gonna have my wife hire a black actor to lay in a casket, just to fuck with people's heads.
Starting point is 01:28:47 So when somebody finally inevitably goes to like the funeral showing, they're like, no way. No way. What's he a black dude? You got to let, then we can all do, we can all have our own funerals. Just remember the money in the bucket, that's what it's gonna say. Now accepting donations will be written in the local paper. That's all you'll know. We'll call back in before you do die. I will try to remember that. What I'm in the, uh, fucking ICU, I'll be like, I got to make the dick show. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:29:13 you got to call me. Make us your last call, please. I will make you my last call, Dick. Okay. Thank you. All right. See you. Bye. Yeah. Bye Bye guys. Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh. Okay, I'm hanging. Pony, hello. Is that how I say that? Open a track, please. Oh, I wanted to talk shit about me.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Oh, no. Yes, is that it? Oh, we can get him back in. What would he say? Where should he start? I don't know. I always like it when people roast me. Does that happen a lot?
Starting point is 01:29:44 No. Yeah, does it? No, no, no. Yeah. So my guy friends do it. Okay, let's start there. Okay. Hi friends. Are you are you rolling Sean? Yeah, yeah. We're good. Okay, you're gonna please plug all of your stuff because I obviously can't think just looking at you. They're very beautiful. Pony. How do you spell that? P-A-N-I. P-A-N-I. A-N-I. So you're going to want to say Pany. Pany?
Starting point is 01:30:10 I do. Now I'm thinking Pany. Pany. And where's that from? Do you have any guesses? I mean, for whatever reason, I think I'm thinking Italy. Italy. I mean, you know, it would be pronounced like that.
Starting point is 01:30:25 It's from Mexico, but do you have any Mexican in you? I used to, my ex boyfriend was Mexican. Oh, that's much of a joke. Took your fucking joke, that was fucking awesome. Well, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go to bed. It's so much funnier than she said that, because you were gonna, you were gonna tell a growner. I'm still grounding.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Yeah, well. That helps. What do you look like? Did he look like me? Like without the long hair, kinda. Okay. Got a little dad bottom. Well, I'm injured.
Starting point is 01:30:53 So that's able, that's able to say that. Fuck, usually I look. I'm into it. Look, I'm on your team. Huh. Oh, well, you have another beer. I need another beer to get through this. I don't mind it.
Starting point is 01:31:07 I like it a lot. I have a humiliation fetish. So I like everything. Care to the right place. Okay. I have to read some of these comments. We just had a very intense interview with a guy I haven't spoken to in a long, since the pandemic started, since he locked us down.
Starting point is 01:31:23 He did it. Mr. Metacruz. Yeah. Well, we should have talked to him about that a little down. He did it, Mr. Medical. Yeah, well. Should have talked to him about that a little bit. Oh well, we had too much fun. Let's see. Dino says if Ralph had an event on a rainy day, you drown.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Dude gets you hurt every time he steps out. Every time he steps out of the house. Aaron three miss shows and you're out. Get better soon, Dick. Somebody said on Reddit it was my ego. It was the reason I skipped the show I broke attended in my you see how large my biceps are that's why yeah, it's for it right off And is your right hand Yeah, I'm right handed bomber
Starting point is 01:31:59 Yeah, it is thank you You sounded really That sounded really is that sounded really good. How's your left hand though? Wouldn't have been as much of a bummer, right? Well, I do a lot of important stuff with my left hand. Like, so masturbating. With your left hand?
Starting point is 01:32:15 Yeah. And you're a righty? And a variety. So does it feel like someone else is doing it? No, it's just, I think it's the small motor dexterity, like a right-hander plays guitar, and they'd use their left hand for the guitar things. I think that's why,
Starting point is 01:32:31 because the right hand just feels like, it's just like too clumsy, an awkward. It's like a cable guitar. What hand do you masturbate with? Right. You're right? Yeah, that's like everyone. Who's the right?
Starting point is 01:32:45 Do you stick the other one up your ass? Okay, I got I see what's wait, we don't know where, but we don't know where Pony. We don't know where that name comes from. Yeah, right. Did you have any guesses other than Mexican? I'll give you some hints. Okay. We have Nukes. Israel? No. Who has Nukes? Russia, China, North have nooks Israel. No, who has nooks Russia China North Korea? Pakistan. Are you from Pakistan? No, India. No, no, no, who has? Here's another hint. Hostage crisis of 81. I ran. Yeah, you Persian. That's right. Yeah, around this house. No, something. You speak far see or anything. You do speak far see. Yeah, around those house. No, it's something. You speak farcee or anything. I do, farcee. You do speak farcee.
Starting point is 01:33:26 I was born and raised there. And I ran? It's Iran, yes. Okay. Wow. So offended. Yeah. Like that's like the least.
Starting point is 01:33:39 I'm not saying it. You wear a top cut that low. You say whatever you want, I guess is the. That's facts. Only reason I wear a cut top this low. Are you look amazing? Thank you. So do you. No.
Starting point is 01:33:51 And Jerry looks good on you. What looks good on me? Injury. Injury, do you have Florence Nightingale syndrome a little bit? What is that? Uh, it's a film with your patient. Well, not like in love. I mean, let's not get to, let's not go crazy.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Just like, uh, develop feelings for injured men. Sure, I have empathy. Oh, okay. Let's get, I'll take a yes. Got it. Check, check. Let's call a foot in the door. I mean, let me see if I have any more comments to read.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Zach says, only fans created the modern, simple movement and is evil. Oh, wow. It didn't start before that. Do you have only, do you have only fans? created the modern, simple movement and is evil. Oh wow, it didn't start before that. Do you have only, do you have only fans? I don't. You don't. Why?
Starting point is 01:34:32 Unfortunately, I'm not, I'm not rich. Oh, you can make a killing. I know. Right? I just think in the future, if I have a son and he goes to high school and you know how brutal those kids can be. And imagine like the high school kids come up to
Starting point is 01:34:46 and they're like, dude, last night I was jacking up to your mom. I'm just thinking of myself. I'm thinking of do that anyway. What do you mean? Backed. That's true. Might as well make some money in the process.
Starting point is 01:34:55 You don't have to take your clothes off. I only fans. You can just have one. Just wear this. Yes. Okay. I might be going to the hospital for another hard attack after this.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Hey, Dick. Good. Badly de-ass here. I wanted to talk to you about how only fans has changed the world for the worse. First, girls will post nudes on Reddit and be paid an attention, upvotes. Only fans monetize this.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Now, not only do they expect money, insane, but it's actually a viable economic career choice. Now men have to pay for porn. Women do this long term and of course fall in love with the money more than family. Oh, okay. So that's why he doesn't have a family because of only fans. We must ban only fans. It's very common tale.
Starting point is 01:35:44 We must ban only fans and legally require nudes can only be upvoted online, but not bought and sold. Okay, they also limits the amount of simply because they cannot pay 500 bucks to pretend like the girl likes. You know, this guy's a future politician. Yeah, for sure. I am, I am worried about the big, like conservative new Puritan swing. I've always thought there was a, they're coming back, well, big time. Like opposed to the fringe,
Starting point is 01:36:11 like it's a real puritanical fucking thing, isn't it? Well, nobody has any money. So now they, now God's more important than ever. Well, I got nothing, I got no job. You gotta be able to rationalize your life somehow. It's not the bank that's doing this to me. It's that I don't believe in God enough. Like MoLock, they made Christianity cool again
Starting point is 01:36:31 by saying that like MoLock is praying on kids and now it's all about kids all the fucking time. A bunch of single guys screaming about, okay. Do you wanna, will you please read some news to us? This only fan should is freaking me, it's not only fans is a reason you can't get laid. Right. I was like, why does he have a problem
Starting point is 01:36:50 with women doing it and making money? Does he just, maybe he doesn't want, is there not doing it to him? Maybe he just wants free porn, which like you can get free porn. There's tons of free porn. Exactly, so then just go get free porn. Why do you have a problem with people making money
Starting point is 01:37:04 off of something that other people are willing to pay for it? Like how? Because they're so hot and he wants their love for free. He wants to put them in a pumpkin shell. Right. You know what I mean. How many Instagram followers do you have? Doesn't matter. You had like, it would be confusing. I got 130. 130, okay.
Starting point is 01:37:27 Yeah, I would have figured out the K. I think 130, did you? That's 130,000 men who are in love with you. They're not all men. Okay, that's 129,000 men who are in love with you and think that if you didn't have social media they have a chance. Yeah, maybe. Isn't that weird? Just because it's so late. So because of social media they think they don't have a chance. So they're intimidating. Yeah, because you're getting the amount of
Starting point is 01:37:57 attention you're getting. Yeah. It's a kind of man I wouldn't want anyways. What kind of man would you want? Someone who wouldn't get intimidated by how much attention I get. Oh, okay. Right. There you go. Would you get Sean? Would you get intimidated by how much attention? No, I'm not intimidated by anything. How about that?
Starting point is 01:38:12 That's big day energy right there. Wow. Okay. Let's get to some news, please. Thank you for coming in. Let's move on. I'm just gonna re-lice. Let me replay that in my head a little while. Why you guys read news?
Starting point is 01:38:23 That's why he's got the computer. The place is amazing, by the way. What do you like about it? There's like so much going on. There's so much mental stimulation right now. I don't know what to look at. Yeah. I mean, I thought I came in. I thought that's just a person really weirdly laying and then I saw her knee. I was like, what happened to her? What's happening to her knee? You know what? She's been on the ground for probably close to a year now. It fools me every time I walk in the room. Yeah, we haven't even used that so long. You think I'm sitting there and they're already,
Starting point is 01:38:47 I've been too injured to carry her into the bedroom. No. God. You know? No. Man finds wife cheating on him with a homeless man in Carl, the rest is cut out. So I'm assuming like called junior, parking lot,
Starting point is 01:39:06 because it would be weird if it's just like inside of Carl, junior. I mean, it's weird. It's Carl. A guy who doesn't speak English wrote these. No, no, it says man finds wife cheating on him with a homeless man in Carl, and then the rest is cut out. I'm assuming it's Carl, junior.
Starting point is 01:39:20 I think it's Carl exclamation point. Oh, in car. Yeah. Oh, you're right. Oh, it's Carl. I was like, okay, me. I thought it was car exclamation point. Oh, in car. Yeah. Oh, you're right. Oh, it's car. I was like, OK, maybe it was a city or something. And then they carled it. Yeah, OK.
Starting point is 01:39:30 In car. OK, so man finds wife cheating on him with a homeless man in car. Amazing. Footage captured by CCTV shows at Wardo Alves walk up to a parked car only to see his wife inside with another man. Mr. Alves is seen beating the homeless man
Starting point is 01:39:48 until he got out of the car and then followed him before bringing him back to the car for another beating. Mr. Alves is seen lying on the ground outside the car, distraught at the unfolding situation. The guy screaming, how dare you sleep in my car. Ah! Ah! Oh, that was Mrs. Alves whose outside of the car distraught by the unfolding situation. The guy screaming how dare you sleep in my car That was that was Mrs. Alvis who's outside of the car destroyed by the unfoldey Pony look at this couple. Oh, this is the guy. This is the guy who beat the homeless man
Starting point is 01:40:14 And this is his wife. I want to see the homeless fucking the homeless guy. That's the homeless guy Why does that look so much like one of my friends? What the fuck? What do you think? So anybody has a chance. Come on, these guys are complaining about. Oh, homeless guy. This guy's homeless. So I need his little drugs.
Starting point is 01:40:32 So, okay, okay. The only thing that bothers me here, and nothing really bothers me here, except the fact that he decided to beat up the homeless guy. He doesn't owe you anything. He's not married to you. Your wife is. So you should have kicked his wife's ass.
Starting point is 01:40:47 I'm saying beat her, but I was saying, you need to have a conversation with the one who sets some vows to you. Yeah, yeah, we'll Smith. But if someone is getting beat up, nobody should get beat up. But if you have to beat somebody up, you should. You're self for not giving her what she needed so that she, she, she, she had to get it from a homeless guy.
Starting point is 01:41:09 Why, what do you think she was getting from him that she couldn't get it? So it actually goes on to explain. Mr. Alvis reportedly told the police that the, that he first thought it was a rape. He was witnessing the wife. Oh, yeah. The wife. The stereotyping. The wife. And he said the end word.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Can you believe that? Really? Yeah. Oh, boy. That's why I beat him up. The wife, a churchgoer, later told a friend she had received a message from God to help the rough sleeper. Oh.
Starting point is 01:41:40 So, um. That's a, that's a whole other level of I got I was hacked. God hacked me. Yeah, I mean, just go big. God hacked my mind. Yeah. So yeah, so he had the so she told the cops she enjoyed helping vulnerable people through the church. She attends sure. We should move there. I love shopping a car.
Starting point is 01:42:04 She just has a tender heart. She just has a tender heart. Yeah, the mobile church. Do you have any friends who have that tender heart? We're our fucking homeless man. Yeah. And the cars of their husbands. It was like the biggest mistake a girl you know
Starting point is 01:42:18 has ever made in that regard. Okay, the first thing that comes to mind, which it came to mind so quickly, actually. Okay. Back in college I was on the swim team and the athletes would only party with athletes, right? So like, whatever, like it was just like this, whatever, like normal kids couldn't come to our parties.
Starting point is 01:42:39 No, fuck them. They don't understand. So I like wanted to take my friend Ashley to one of these parties. I like had to really talk to my friend like she's really, oh, let me just bring her. Okay. I take her. She starts making out with this guy.
Starting point is 01:42:52 Right away. Like almost right away. Almost right away. Like maybe one drink in, starts making out with this guy. She really brought up right. And then I guess it gets hit up. He goes to his car to grab a condom. In the meantime, she goes upstairs to a room with another guy.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Another guy. God. Split second, you could lose it. Yeah. I had him right there in the cup holder. Should've just had one in his pocket, like fucking egg, huh? Fucking egg, huh? You know, failure to prepare, Dick, is for the better way.
Starting point is 01:43:24 He came back and he had to watch them making out You're fucking back on! You know, failure to prepare, Dick, is... That's exactly what I was thinking. He came back and he had to watch them making out and like, going upstairs. What the fuck? And like, he came up to me and he was like, what the fuck? What the fuck was that? I don't know, man, you're too slow. You're too slow. What are you supposed to do in that situation?
Starting point is 01:43:39 You got to give her like a puzzle or a set of keys. Don't. Keep this bitch busy. Why don't you get... I mean, like, you should have it in your pocket. You don't, when you're at a college party, you don't go to your car's dashboard or whatever to grab a condom.
Starting point is 01:43:53 You have that first. You have that in your hand, just crunched up ready. Not even in your pocket, you're just holding it in your hand. You don't have it at all. And you try to talk about it. I love games strong. I gotta go to my car.
Starting point is 01:44:07 I mean, see, that's what happens. What an idiot. He's noosey lose. So you played, you were at the athlete party? I was just there like watching this whole thing going down. And then she was the type of friend. We're still friends. We laugh about it often as she's in a very committed
Starting point is 01:44:21 relationship now for like so many years it's hilarious. But because of like that committed relationship happened right after that phase. Like there was no time between her hoe phase and her committed phase. It was like, guys, internet guys, hate that. They're like, now you're a mess. Now you're all sloppy. Now you're coming groveling back to me and I'll take it. And then now they're like extremely happy and like it's amazing.
Starting point is 01:44:46 But she's all the new guy, like stories like this. Doubt it. I hope not. She is the type of friend that like back then she would swear me to make sure she doesn't hook up with anyone. She was like, can you just like, please, like watch out for me.
Starting point is 01:45:02 Like I know we're drinking like, make sure I honestly, but I was like, honey, like there's only so much I can do. Do you know how many times I would go knocking on the fucking doors? And then I would, I had to be the cock. You rocked in and now you're in. Also having sex. And then I had to be the cockblock, you know?
Starting point is 01:45:20 I had to be like, hey, you fucking swarmy. Let's fucking go home. It's 4 AM. Why would you do that? That's horrible. It's like she was my best friend and she would be like really sad about the fact that she was a hoe. Like she had no control over her.
Starting point is 01:45:33 Why would she a hoe? She just, like, did not control over her. It's just, you know, like sometimes you just, you know, sometimes you just wanna be a hoe. You just have, you know, a phase in your life, you have to play out for it to then turn you into a better person. Have you ever had such a phase?
Starting point is 01:45:45 Not like that, not honestly, no. Not really? No. No. Thought about it. I don't have whole phases. I have going out phases and staying home phases. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:45:57 So I will go out almost every night, right? I'm going to be like dinner and then go out a little bit. I'll still be home by 2am? Okay. I'm gonna be like dinner and then like go out a little bit. Also be home by like 2 a.m. max. Okay. And then I'll just like sit home for six months. And then I will like be like, okay, I'm ready to get out of my cave. And then I will go out again for a whole year.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Those are like that. Yeah, they need to sit, they need to go goblin. No. Like a half a year at a time where it can't be asked to go out. I think that allow many people like that though. Hot girls. Hot girls. Hot girls go into hibernation. Yeah. You can't get asked to go out. I think that allow many people like that though. Hot girls. Hot girls. Hot girls go into hibernation.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Yeah. You can't get them out for anything. Yeah, that's amazing. You're gonna send a squad out, like Jurassic Park to drag them on. Yeah. Come on. Bitch, get those fucking, get that body out here. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:46:37 Okay. There's so much to do at home. It's fun. Like what? You can cook, you can read, you can watch TV, you can masturbate, like there's so much to do. But then you go out and then you're like, it could be fun. What books have you been masturbating?
Starting point is 01:46:53 Two. Yeah. Have you read Michelle Obama's? Can you read the next? All right. Are you funny? Okay, can you read the next? All right. Are you funny? Is that did you? Were you aware of that? Am I? Yeah. What do you mean? Are you funny? I don't know. She is funny girls know that they're funny. Yeah. Okay. What's the next one? The woman. Okay. So that's still the the car thing Mark Zuckerberg. Oh, still the the car thing Mark Zuckerberg. Oh,
Starting point is 01:47:27 well, it's the single sentence here. Let me show you. I got it. Oh, you got it. Okay. Southwest passenger master beats in front of woman four times in one flight. She didn't complain till the fourth or what? I know.
Starting point is 01:47:41 How did it get to four? A question. Yeah. How did it get to four? The question. How did it get to fourth? The woman claims that shortly after takeoff, a man sitting next to her exposed his penis and proceeded to masturbate using both his hands. That's quite a penis. And he ejaculated because he licked a white substance from his finger.
Starting point is 01:48:02 He's going to be very kind, I guess. Before falling asleep, the woman reported his behavior to a flat attendant and was moved to another seat when interviewed by the FBI Antonio Sherrod McGritty admitted to this behavior and was given federal charges. McGritty said after he asked the female if she minded him masturbating, the woman put her hands in the air and said, it really doesn't matter. Making him think she was comfortable with the situation. What? The airline has imposed a lifetime ban on McGritty. Oh, well, that's too bad. How did it get to number four remains a question? Yeah. So she moved after the first
Starting point is 01:48:45 one and reported her to a flight attendant and said I don't care. Not doubt it. Do you think that's all fake? That whole thing. It's just like a press release for Southwest Airlines to see like we have no tolerance on masturbating. That would be hilarious. How can we really find out? That would be hard to try it on a flight. How long is the flight? Like masturbating four times a day would be hard. I don't think Southwest has a flight long enough to jerk off four times a day.
Starting point is 01:49:14 Yeah, they are like pretty local. I mean, they're short. You could do it more easily. Yeah, probably. In a row. Four times in a row. Yeah. You can come multiple times in a row. Don't be row. Yeah, you can come multiple times in a row
Starting point is 01:49:26 Don't be jealous Maybe in your next life, you can come back as a woman and experience what we experience. Oh, what is good? For is better. No Okay There's a lot to weigh in that decision For is better sounds exhausting There's no exosperation. What's your record?
Starting point is 01:49:48 Four. Four. Really? Was that with the Mexican guy? No, that was with myself. Was it with yourself? So you're locked in your room for six months, masturbating?
Starting point is 01:49:58 Yes, you see why I say, home. It was with that guy on the plane, too. That's got to be illegal. You think only fans, you got to get, somebody's got to come in there and you You got to bring women out of that out of here. They start exploring things that you could never give them. Yeah, and we're just sitting in our I'm learning is at the So fuck is it too much to ask if you're buying docu-pied goes to dark places when they left their own devices. Yeah, they go
Starting point is 01:50:22 We don't need this fucking shit. Okay. what's the next, not about masturbating, what's the next? I love that one, that's hilarious. The fact that he like licked it off like, Jesus. And then it just passed out. It's incredible. Mark Zuckerberg.
Starting point is 01:50:40 I guess that's for dominance. Like you chase all over your hand and then you're like looking it off to show her. What would you do if I got come all over my hand? No, if you're sitting at an airplane. Okay. And the woman next to you goes, is it okay if I masturbate?
Starting point is 01:50:57 Is she you? This is... You come in all kinds of different shapes and sizes and it makes a difference. Sure, it's me. Yeah, yeah. Like, how do I say this? Yes, it's me.
Starting point is 01:51:15 Okay, what were you trying to say? I don't know. Like, how would it make a difference in your decision if it's me or if it's not? Well, if it's like some gigantic woman that's gonna be spilling over in the sea. It's disgusting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:28 No. Don't. And who's touching me? Right. I want that. So isn't it amazing that for men, it matters if the woman who does it is hot or not, but for women, it does not matter how fucking hot you are. That's just disgusting.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Just how much? Oh, it must be rich. What if he's shooting it? What if he's shooting it? What if he's shooting about your hundreds coming in chocolate? It's kind of chocolate. Chocolate?
Starting point is 01:51:50 No, that's still weird. Okay. Oh, that's, it's not gross, it's weird. That's weird, that's weird. That's peculiar. I'd like to know more. Right. It's gross no matter what,
Starting point is 01:52:03 because you guys think we're monsters no matter what. Like guys are always trying to get buff or whatever, but we all look, we look like shit all the time to you guys. No, that's not true. What do you mean? It's not true. That's not true? No.
Starting point is 01:52:17 What can a guy do to like be more, like where nice, should, where have nice shoes or something? No. Someone who... No. What's the one thing that guys could do to be more attractive to someone like yourself? Authenticity. Authent...
Starting point is 01:52:36 I mean it. Not just guys. Not just guys. Like people in general. Women too. Yeah, anyone. That's what I personally find the most attractive in people. Okay, authenticity. But we're fighting like delusive hormones just to try to put a sentence together that you might think is funny. We are too. Oh, really? Yeah, hormones are all over the place.
Starting point is 01:52:57 Do you know how to make a hormone? Like in the kitchen, like what do you mean? You don't pay her. Don't pay her. I don't get it. Okay, like what do you mean? You don't pay her. Don't pay her. I don't get it. Okay, can you do the next? That's a growner, Sean. I grown before you told the joke.
Starting point is 01:53:13 Wait, I did not get that. That's a hormone. How you make a hormone? How to make a prostitute? No, and that's the joke. Oh, funny. Yeah! That's me being authentic.
Starting point is 01:53:26 What happened? Me too. I get fucking stopped. I get fucking embarrassed and he milled in wooden horse for it. Boy. You ever heard of a wooden horse? No. As a sexual Japanese device. It's like a triangle.
Starting point is 01:53:40 What does it do? Well, it's a triangle made out of wood. And the women will spread their legs and be on it. Yeah, sit on it. Why is it a horse? It's called a horse. It's like a song horse. It's a dildo.
Starting point is 01:53:52 Well, yeah, it's sort of. So it just kind of goes, it seems like a very uncomfortable. Well, yeah, it was a torture device. They used to tie ropes to your legs and pull you down on it. And then they started liking it. Then people, yeah, of course. And that's where those came from.
Starting point is 01:54:12 And then they're like, you know, we'll make it better if it vibrated inside of you. And that's how vibrators came to be magnificent. Okay, what's the next one? We've done the archaeology on this and linked it all. Do you have a vibrator? I have three. You have three.
Starting point is 01:54:28 What are they, like, too small, too big and just right? No, they have different functionalities. Okay. I'm not getting into this. I want to know. I want to know. Google. Ask your girlfriend. I'm shy.
Starting point is 01:54:51 Oh yeah, you can be really shy. Anyways, Mark's on the phone. Ask my girlfriend about your vibrator? No, that hurts. Oh, you're like, she doesn't have any. I'm like, okay. Okay. How do I get one of those?
Starting point is 01:55:12 You want a beer? Yeah. I can ask my girlfriend. Oh, see? Maybe you can ask her about her vibrators too. Okay, can I get a diet coke please? He's having a beer with a man. You can possibly have. Oh my goodness, the top's that the jacket's coming off.
Starting point is 01:55:27 Stop looking at me. That's why would I look at anything else in my life? I'm gonna gouge my eyes out when you leave. Take your time. Oh my God. Warmen here. When you asked for a beer, dick was weighing us. How many do I have left?
Starting point is 01:55:44 Get the one, get the one. is it worth giving her a beer? Get the one with no cap on it. That's funny. Thank you. Okay, are you guys ready? Yeah, sure. Mark Zuckerberg's nickname at Facebook is the eye of Sauron. Sauron. Sauron. Yeah. Is that the, um, the like the Illuminati shit? It's like Lord of the Rings. You know that one. Never watched it. Yeah, good. It's like the bad guy and like a giant eyeball that's evil that looks at everything. But it is kind of like
Starting point is 01:56:16 what you said actually. Thank you. This to the song over there. Thank you. So is it like the um Oh, thank you. Like what's the like thank you guys Nice being back. Yes, Salute. Oh, see I'm glad I didn't kill myself after breaking my my bicep tendon This is worth it. Yeah, you can do it right after the show. Yeah, right after this. Yeah, okay so So at Facebook they call him the I have so so Ron. So Ron, yeah. But the founder, but the founder insists it is loving.
Starting point is 01:56:55 Hmm. It is loving employees at Facebook now called meta reportedly referred to founder Mark Zuckerberg as the I have so on. He told podcast host Tim Ferriss, some of the folks who I work with at the company say this lovingly, but I think that they sometimes refer to my attention as the I of Soren said Zuckerberg, they're like, you have this unending amount of energy to go work on something. And if you point that at any given team, you will just burn them. In the interview with Mr. Ferris, Mark Zuckerberg said he was on concern. Sounds like a press release from Facebook. He was. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:57:35 It does. You're so amazing. Right. Right. Yeah. He said that he's he said that he's unconcerned by external criticism with his main focus now being the metaverse Okay, what do you think about the metaverse? Oh, you can't wait to jack in have you watched black mirror? Yeah, I've seen it Yeah, I'm terrified and my friends are telling me that you need to get on the movement and start investing in all of this, or you will fall behind. And I'm like, I don't want to. I understand that I could be losing money,
Starting point is 01:58:11 or I could be making a lot of money, but it's like, I don't want to invest in something that I don't want it to happen. Yeah, like what? I'm like fucking metaverse, like being hooked to these like goggles that you're just gonna like sit in the corner of your house, you know, instead of living in the real world living in this.
Starting point is 01:58:26 Have you tried it? Have you tried the goggles? No. They're not, they're very big. Like even the whole idea of, it takes a lot of exercise for one. Like you thought you wanna be entertained, you just put on TV and check out,
Starting point is 01:58:38 but the goggles, you gotta be there, walk around in this tiny space, and the metaverse is like these dumb fish or price-looking guys going around. Yeah, it's all down to them. They're like hovering. Yeah, they're having weddings in there, stupid, I think. It does seem stupid.
Starting point is 01:58:56 But it's gonna get better, right? It's like 3D TV. It's like 3D TV. You remember 3D TV? Oh my god, 3D shit! Yeah. Look at this, fucking burrito flying at your face. Wow, and now it's gone.
Starting point is 01:59:05 Right. Because people don't want that. No, I don't think anyway. I don't know. I mean, I think people are gonna just stay home and be hooked in. Masterbait. Yeah, I mean, because I mean, the real world is, you know, it's getting shittier and shittier.
Starting point is 01:59:18 It is getting shittier. Because you can like, you can fuck people on it too. You can? Not really though. So like, you like have this avatar, right? Yeah. You can make your avatar though. Just watch like Lego man. You like have this avatar, right? You can make your avatar look whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:59:30 And then you can like fuck this other avatar. But it's just like you're just watching like. It's like, yes, it's kind of like porn that you get to participate. But in real life, you don't feel anything. Unless you're. So what's the unless you're beating off? Yeah. Or or let's say your girlfriend is writing you. Okay. But then you put the goggles on. And it's you. Right. Or like you know,
Starting point is 01:59:58 just someone who's like hotter than your girlfriend or your boyfriend for that matter. I don't I don't want to imagine the boyfriend part, but the girlfriend. Explorer. How do you like you have to keep your hands way far away so you don't actually touch them because of how fat they are? You mean your girlfriend?
Starting point is 02:00:16 No, my girlfriend. Like the original normal people. Normal people. They're gonna have the girls gonna have to. Your girlfriend is hot and beautiful and intelligent, by the way, shout out real quick. I met her. I have no intelligent from just looking at her.
Starting point is 02:00:29 I don't know, I just hung out with her, and she seems to be the brain behind this whole thing. Just saying. I'm having a bad day. And not already. I just wanted to give a quick shout out. But anyways, continue. Well, you're gonna have to have your hands,
Starting point is 02:00:41 like it's gonna be two fatsoes wearing goggles, boning each other, just trying not to touch each other to ruin the illusion. It's a new era. Yeah, that's awesome. I know, it's terrible. It's scary. Okay, what's the next one?
Starting point is 02:00:54 It's like how they say robots are gonna take over. Do you really think robots are gonna take over? Yeah. I think artificial intelligence is gonna drive news cycles cycles and policy probably probably already does to it like The the the system is so complicated no person certainly no person in charge can understand it Right like nobody understand how much nobody understands how much money's flying around with derivatives The app the software that controls high frequency trading, that powers so much of the stock market dips and dives,
Starting point is 02:01:28 that's all automated. I think it'll be. But that's not the same as a robot literally taking over people's lives and jobs and literally making all the jobs and making all the decisions for us. That's what's scary, right? It's not that they're gonna help us do the things that we don't want to do because that would be amazing.
Starting point is 02:01:48 Who wouldn't want that? That's not scary. It's the fact that they're gonna take over and they're gonna take jobs. And then eventually, if they're gonna become powerful and smart enough, where they can override the decisions that we want to make for them, that's what's scary, right? Well, what about like algorithms that pick what everybody's talking about? Like if there was no social media algorithm, what would anyone be talking about Ukraine or whatever, or what else may like, throw the new cycles,
Starting point is 02:02:14 they just keep inundating you with it. Knowing that it's going to, like people can have in their mind like seven things, right? Like a, or whatever amount of things things and they just cycle through it like today It's guns today. It's kids getting raped today. It's celebrities doing something now It's war and it just goes through it like What are the most emotional reaction out of people? Yeah, like it's like a quick on it. Yeah, that's pretty scary like even over the last two years
Starting point is 02:02:41 Sure, we're gonna see now even though the pandemic's over, right? I mean, yeah, we're not going back to it. Yeah. It's cases of spiking, hospitalization's not existent. No spiking, hospitalization's over. Right, and that's all that, yeah, yeah. We're, it's not gonna get any more overloading. We're not going to get any more overloading.
Starting point is 02:02:56 To note it, like, people are still trained to notice outgroup. So, like, I recently had a text, a group text where somebody confessed that somebody they brought to a party was not vaccinated. And it's like, hey, everybody freaking out. It's over, but you can't deprogram them. Like, they've been not for a while.
Starting point is 02:03:14 Kids have grown up now. Last two years, kids have spent their most formative years seeing masks and wearing masks. And they will never be able to... Unsee that. They'll never be able to unsee that. They'll never be able to learn facial features. They'll grow up forever. I don't know if you're mad at me or what.
Starting point is 02:03:32 I think they can get some of that. Some of them are just going to wear masks forever. I don't think we're ever getting rid of masks on planes. I'll put that. Because we never got rid of the TSA. The TSA is worthless. Oh no, they're less getting rid of masks on planes. I'll put that, because whenever I read the TSA, the TSA is worthless. Oh, no, they're less than worthless. They're criminals.
Starting point is 02:03:49 28. 28, okay. You don't remember, like we had, you could walk to the gate. Yeah, right before 9-11. And when 9-11, they're like, oh, we gotta put all these fucking incompetent idiots, and you're gonna take your dick out. I always want to understand why they take my shampoo and conditioner. I'm sure there's
Starting point is 02:04:05 a reason. No, there's not. There's not reason. There's a reason. There's a reason. One of the three ounces is explosive substances that you could be carrying. Go ahead. What are you saying? It's crazy. I maybe am not intelligent enough to understand how you could possibly hide something that could be a danger to all the passengers and the plane. If it is this many ounces of shampoo, however, if it's this much less, it's not threatening. I don't get it. I'm sure there's a reason to it. They don't do all that shit for no reason. You got to end it. That's the problem. They do. They just put, well, why would it be okay? They'll have to be three ounces. Why wouldn't it be like,
Starting point is 02:04:37 if it was real, it would be like, I mean, you have you ever looked it up? Yes. What did it say? It's because they think you could they think you could construct some kind of a goob I'm probably also not putting the real answer out there so you can't hack it You are defending Terranical, I'm just sure that the whole like country thought about this Before they implemented What's your ever seen the whole country think about something? And I was real ever seen the whole country think about something? And you're like, that was real smart of the whole country.
Starting point is 02:05:06 They've never thought about half the country thinks Will Smith should have slapped Chris Rock. Like, what are you talking about? I'm talking about the public. I'm talking about the hopefully the government, not necessarily the government. Yeah. You know, like hopefully there are some people sitting there that are thinking, okay, how do we make airplanes not,
Starting point is 02:05:25 you know, bad things happen to them. Well, it didn't happen before. It was just guys with box cutters coming in and saying, hey, we're gonna kill you unless you fly into the water. When I was a kid, if you were a kid on a plane, you could go up like the pilot. You could be up 20 times, no, the pilot. Literally, the pilot would open the door.
Starting point is 02:05:42 You could go up and see how they fucking flew the plane. It's fucking crazy to think about. Now it's like, hey, can my son like see everyone say, it's oh yeah, come on it like it was like, because they just didn't think that anything is ever gonna happen. Sometimes you get molested, but that was okay. I mean, they shot a pilot.
Starting point is 02:05:57 They shot gladiator movies. Yeah, it's true. You get some wings. Right, right, that's how you get, you know what, right. I mean, every five year old is a member of the mile high club. Yeah. Who's ever air traveled? I mean, the only thing they've shown the TSA to do is steal.
Starting point is 02:06:15 They show so much shit for me. Like, like, like, bombs and salves and shampoo. Well, money, they take money. And every time they- Money. Oh yeah, yeah. There are people who've been thrown in jail for it. Hawaii had a big problem with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:33 Yeah, they've stolen. Like they steal jewelry, they steal all the- They fail every fucking test. Oh, sure. As far as getting guns through, it's like, basically every time, they get it through more than 95% of the time. Yeah. When they're when they're planting You know what it's like. Okay. It was never a problem. No, they're fucking they're totally inept And we're never gonna eat anything. You can take guns, but it really needs to go through this like strict procedure
Starting point is 02:06:57 Right. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, you can write. Yeah, you can but yeah, but I but yeah, but I mean, when, when, whoever, you know, the C.I. or whoever's fucking, you know, in charge of, uh, you know, basically, uh, auditing that program, whenever they try to get like a weapon through, just to see how good they're doing their job, they always fucking get through. They always get through. Yeah. Well, I sometimes forget my pocket knife and my backpack that I take with me and they've always caught it. They've always kind of, I, I take with me and they've always caught it. They've always caught it. I flown with a, it's a small Swiss army knife on a keychain I had. I don't have it anymore, but I probably flown with that 10 times.
Starting point is 02:07:33 Really? How small is it? Pretty small, but it's still a fucking blade. I mean, pretty small. You would say your knife is very small and very single. I mean, yeah, yeah, it was just a little, you know, in case you need to, in case you need to shift the guy next to you who's dick is out. You know, it's okay.
Starting point is 02:07:54 What do we have anymore news? There's going to be more. Yeah, we do. Board A-Polder loses NFTs worth like five half a mill, let's say. A-Polder. A-Polder. ITs worth like half a mill, let's say, a voice camera. A-polder. I have no idea what that means. A-NFD holder has lost multiple NFTs after they were tricked into exchanging them for worthless
Starting point is 02:08:14 image files in a swab transaction. The victim known as S27 lost the NFD known as board ape. Is it the one like the monkeys? That's just like, yeah, yeah. And two mutant ape. And it's like the monkeys that are just like that. Derivatives to this camera. The victim entered into a direct swap trade
Starting point is 02:08:36 with the scammer via a third party service called swap kiwi. The scammer took advantage of the way swap kiwiwi displays verified NFDs since the Swap Kiwi checkmark appears within the image. Scammers can prove this verification by simply photo editing a checkmark onto it. The rogue actor has since sold both the board ape and Mewen ape derivatives for over 98 ethereum's, which is equivalent to $337,000, well under their estimated worth of more than half a mile. Look at these board apes, Sean. One of them is Magnum PI.
Starting point is 02:09:14 That is totally the Magnum shirt. You want some board shons, NFTs? Do you think you can do that? Yeah. Board shons. Sure. So the guys, I've been following these board ape guys, there's a guy called writer Rips, who's exposed them
Starting point is 02:09:27 for being basically Nazi homage. There's a thousand coincidences that are Nazi tributes in their thing, and it's taken off, celebrities are buying into it. It's very funny. One of the co-founders is named after this child pornography film that's undeniable. Pretty interesting project anyway. Another thing I don't understand.
Starting point is 02:09:56 I went on a date with this guy who's telling me all about NFTs. And then I was like, not some date. It was an awesome day. Never saw him again. Like this one, like this meme, or he's like explaining. No, no, and I asked him. Like, cause it was just like this new thing
Starting point is 02:10:11 that I understood nothing of. And I had just started like investing in crypto. And I was like, I wanna know what this fucking NFT is. And he explained it all to me. It was very boring, but I listened. And I felt like I kinda understood. Yeah. But that's as close as I got to understanding what it is.
Starting point is 02:10:27 You have cryptowed though? I have cryptowed. What do you have? What's your bag? I have mainly a theorem. That's doing terrible right now. Is it? When did you buy it?
Starting point is 02:10:38 So, and like a year ago I started and then in December, they were like, okay, it's gone now. It's gone now, it's gone now. And then New Year, it's like, you know, it starts taking off. New Year came, it kept going down. Yeah. And it's still going now.
Starting point is 02:10:54 It's like, I thought it was back up. It's $3200. That's pretty good. I bought it at 42. Wow. And that was when it had gone down, because it was over six. So when it got to 42, I was like, fuck yeah,
Starting point is 02:11:07 let's go right now. Let's go, yeah. But like a few right away. And then I bought some more. And then what about Bitcoin? I don't fuck with Bitcoin. I feel like Ethereum has, I mean, I'm not an expert in any shape or way,
Starting point is 02:11:21 but I feel like I have more faith in Ethereum. Okay. How about you? Give Bitcoin a look, another look. I feel like I have more faith in it there. Okay. Now I give Bitcoin a look. Another look. I'll take a look. There's only one. There's only one proof of work. Well, I'm only one that everyone knows. You go to you go to a farmer in Africa and say, what do you know about crypto?
Starting point is 02:11:36 He said Bitcoin. Yeah. Right. That's that's big. That's big value clicks. Let me click. It's like the Beyonce. Right.
Starting point is 02:11:44 Okay. I think there's one more. So this is written in pigeon. It is a phonetic language, a phonetic Caribbean language, that you can just sound out. So do your best. We always throw one pigeon in it. The Will Smith. Yeah. Will Smith. Wolfsmith. Yeah. Wolfsmith. Don Debon. Yeah. From the Oscars. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the Academy events for 10 years. Uh-huh. Stop. Is it like that? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 02:12:22 Like Miss Cleo. You don't know who Miss Cleo is. She was in jail by the time she was born. Who was that? She was a fortune teller. Right. Miss Cleo on Jamaican fortune teller. And she would talk like this. She would talk like this.
Starting point is 02:12:36 Yeah. Miss Cleo, give me a gold. And so like, did you have a fascination with her? Everybody just knew her. No, everyone loved her. She was like Beyonce for our times. Right The Benishment of the US actor come after the slab comedian Chris Rock for the Oscars Academy Academy of motion picture arts and science meet virtually on Friday to discuss this a plenary action Smith
Starting point is 02:13:03 Don't been apologized for to discuss disciplinary action. Smith, don't be an apologize for disciplinary. It gets in, don't be an apologize. For an action, for an actions, and resigned from the academy after the academy days after the actor hit rock for joking about in wife shaved head. This is about in wife shaved head. Can we be honest with you? No, it's not stupid, it's their culture, it's not stupid.
Starting point is 02:13:35 No, the fact that you're making me do this, don't make me feel. Not making, I'm just saying, please read the... Okay. I'm just saying please read the Okay Less than one hour later them award the best actor award for emerald and king Richard yeah, that not fem we are it play deep papa of tennis star and serena villains The academy thing Chris rock for maintaining in composure under extraordinary circumstances.
Starting point is 02:14:09 Dem Togsay did reason for banning Smith, not to protect performance in guests and restore trust for the Academy. For Im-Rezignation, statement Will Smith took say, he dawn betrayed the trust of the academy. And they heartbroken over. I know why we don't do all news like this. I know. So much better. Wuffy Goldberg, one member of the Academy board of governor predicts a Will Smith go face big consequences.
Starting point is 02:14:40 But took say, we know go take that Oscar away from him. Thank you very much. I started enjoying it towards the end. Yeah, you get into it. Thank you very much. Plug your stuff if you want. We're going to listen to Voice. We're going to do a very short Voice Males. It's been a long show.
Starting point is 02:15:00 Yeah, just my Instagram is Pawnee, which is my name. So at PA and I, and I have a podcast of my own. It's around psychology and self-development. It's called Speak Your Brain. Oh, catch it. Check that out. What kind of self-development is it? Like I have guests, but it's a little bit more on like, you know, like educational.
Starting point is 02:15:24 Like, you know, it's fun also, but I have like my favorite authors. I just had Robert Green, I don't know, I fear familiar for his work. Wow. Therapists, sex therapists. So I have like all these people on my Instagram ask these questions that they don't really know
Starting point is 02:15:38 how to like ask for anybody because you don't really get those things taught anywhere. Yeah. And like I have sex therapists come on and I have like I just asked them all of us like uncomfortable questions. That's good. Like what?
Starting point is 02:15:50 Like you know how to battle porn addiction, which I didn't even know is like this big of a problem in society. It's a problem. It's a ginormous. Have you seen the average person walking around having a new, the average person who's like, I mean, what do you mean a dictionary?
Starting point is 02:16:06 I knew people watch porn, but I didn't know that they can't function anymore because of how much porn they watch. Well, like you're going to work, you need to watch porn to get through the day. You can't even take a flight anymore these days. No, like seriously, yeah. And I have like- How much porn is addiction?
Starting point is 02:16:24 How much would you say is addiction? To the point where it takes away from the functionality of your life. Where you feel like you can't function until like you watch porn or you can't enjoy the real sex with real women in your life because you- You're supposed to enjoy that? That's just something you had to do. Like paying taxes. Sex taxes and-
Starting point is 02:16:44 Yeah. Sex taxes. Okay, this one is from Razz. This is the last comment that we're going to go. What's your, it's called what? So my Instagram is Pony. My podcast is Speak Your Brain. Okay, Speak Your Brain. Razz, he says, did you know you can taste salt if you shake an imaginary salt shaker into your mouth?
Starting point is 02:17:07 No, he's trying to get people to look like they're like they're throwing it Let's see if it's true. You haven't heard this one before What were you gonna do it? I was in but I was gonna make him do it So you already knew it too. Yeah, of course. This is Kendall and Hyde. He's a billboard charting artist. This is Kendall and Hyde. All in one day.
Starting point is 02:17:30 Yesterday. I mean, you almost were. Compatible, maybe. You know, compared to us. Can I have a better beer? Yes. Yeah. I have a beer addiction.
Starting point is 02:17:42 Do they have, I'm too old for shots. So you cover anything about beer addiction? No. Oh, okay, good. I heard somebody was saying that you can get addicted to it. I don't know. This is called a healing. He's a, a mold wives tale.
Starting point is 02:17:55 Healing anthem for your recovery. Yeah, focus on the pornography. Shut up about the, I'm out of my fridge. Yeah, these porn guys are fucking out right. You shouldn't be able to look at porn while you're driving. Get them. No show, it's called by Kendall and Hyde.
Starting point is 02:18:11 Bye everybody, see you next Tuesday. Patreon at Com slash the Diction. Thank you, point. What in the hell is that? Wait, do I leave now? No, you stay right there. I can't podcast because I hurt my arm. I't get a good I don't have a barn I can't dry my truck cuz my bike has a flat I can't bet you're turned a lot allergic to cats I can't post skiing I forgot I see I can't go
Starting point is 02:18:36 I must have broke my corn hole I can't have my shoes and my poor hands ready I can't make this too much cuz I'm out of spaghetti I'm the Mexican semi-well Jackson glass boat shatter I'll get fatter stuck or sit in all my ass Shung can be my Bruce Phyllis, want to know my true feelings I'm committing more sale harm than me Pressed women, but I don't use a razor to slice my thighs, my weapon of choice Light exercise, it's a cry for hell Cause I find myself more and more every week
Starting point is 02:18:58 Want to fire myself out of a cannon And into the sun, as my patrons Fun, stick a permanent vacation And phrase and sucks It affects my bottom line, take a permanent vacation, and creation sucks. It affects my bottom line, which affects how many lines I can buy, and I find a site to find the time to just unwind. What the hell? I just unwind, I mean just unwind, all the meetings I buy arm, it's all fucked up like Chris the Kiwi, so now I need a week to lie and bed and touch my ween. I walked my dog, and I broke my foot, a sat in a chair, and I broke my tush.
Starting point is 02:19:22 I held a sign, and I broke my head falling apart like a zombie from the walking dead. I got a thorn and I broke my dick. I swatted a fly and I broke my wrist. I put on shoes and I broke my heart and I got a thorn and I broke my heart and I got a thorn and I broke my dick. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future.
Starting point is 02:19:36 It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future.
Starting point is 02:19:44 It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. It's like he's seeing the future. After you find out that your inside barely works every day I get out of bed and everything really hurts just listen to these voice mills are given me a hard time Why guys not nice don't you realize my arm bones connected to my being in his own bone? Oh, no arm broke. Guess I'll be a no show no show this week. I feel too neat also You're just something bowling I'm bacon and that it's made up, and his skin is thin and frying. Ethan feels well also crying, but I promise I'm not lying, it's just every day I'm trying to speed up the process of accidentally dying. Pulling plus crossword. Shit, God crazy, forgot to let the ball go.
Starting point is 02:20:15 Whoopsie, Daisy. Now my arm looks so where the supposed to be. Bring that first aid kit, and keep it close to me. I brushed my teeth and broke my face. Kicked a ball, broke my leg, it hurts, and I am not okay. The Sunday I'll fall down. Not okay. I've been saving up my big one for the hip replacement.
Starting point is 02:20:30 The unit is too thin to let me define me double-pasting beer and dripping off at the same time we need to be kind to our bodies. They're temples. Hey, honey, could you pick me up a wheelchair? I fell down, broke my spine, just puttin' my pants on. I can't move my legs. This entire damn song. I was so fucking funny. It's not funny. That's hilarious
Starting point is 02:20:46 Two week read I can't buy groceries. I don't have frees. I can't take a shower I feel bad for you all night and I heard all my bones come back. I want to help you But I don't know I can't I can't I have a drippy possible and I can't believe you can't believe the plastic in my drink. I zip my fly and my balls got caught. I put on drops in my skin, keel pop. I choke to get on a single peak.
Starting point is 02:21:12 Why do you make this? Why do you make this? I put in a broke fuel. I dropped rat poison in my meal. I waived yellow and blew out my elbow. What can I say? I'm a fragile fellow. I wrote a fun note and I goug out my elbow. What can I say? I'm a fragile fellow. I roll my foot.
Starting point is 02:21:25 And I gather my eyes. Thank you. I live a bit my dog. This doesn't even look like me. It kind of does like me. This zombie is falling apart. It's the face. The face looks like me.
Starting point is 02:21:39 I want to give you a hug after this. I would love that. I've needed a hug. I haven't been hugged in years. Hmm. Can you believe that? We should get you a gun also, by the way. Who's we? We, that's three.
Starting point is 02:21:53 That's three. You should get me a gun. Do you have one? I have a cup, boy. I mean, there's one right there. That's not even real? Yeah, that's real. What if that's real?
Starting point is 02:22:03 A fan made it. It's a shotgun with a double barrel shotgun. No, just one. It's one kind of a pistol grip. What else do you have? I can turn it into a double barrel if you want to see that. No, I would absolutely not. What else do you have? What else do I have gun-wise? Big, the big one. You're asking trap questions to have another boring day that you probably set that guy up. Tell me tell me everything you know about NFTs Oh, good news. I can't wait to tell you. I know a trick when I see it. Okay, let me see here. Oh, black issues. That'll probably be good. Great. Hey, Jake, what makes me a rage is when I try to bring up
Starting point is 02:22:49 any issues that... What do you got to do? What do you got to do? Related to race and suddenly everything I'd say about it makes me a bad guy. I'm talking about when, what is the deal? I'm lazy, got caught six million dollar house, now and, and my knees thought it was like, man, I'm lazy got caught six million dollar house now and and my need is like man, I'm not black.
Starting point is 02:23:07 Oh, then he was taken out by black spies. And then he suddenly said, oh shit, maybe we shouldn't use these kind of like virtue signaling things for the psych policies that can talk over a lot of people because of the color of the skin ironic but uh... yet but everybody seems to think that you can talk about it or you can pay well just don't who cares right that's what we're doing stop saying the unward so much i think i can't we can't do that
Starting point is 02:23:42 what was the issue i didn't get it on the phone. His issue is him criticizing like how Black Lives Matter is all the people in charge just took a bunch of money and like bought houses and it all just seems like a big scam to get money from white women. So he's a racist for pointing that out. Basically what is that kind of thing? What are you pointing it out? It's go like, wow, yeah, that was awesome. Can't believe they did that. Okay. It's like people, there are always people
Starting point is 02:24:08 who make money out of chaos, right? Like whenever there's chaos, there are people who are like, okay, how can I optimize this and my benefit? But then don't take the whole like movement, you know, for like those few people who like, you know, obviously like do that, which I, I mean, I'm those few people who like, you know, obviously like do that, which I mean, I'm not too educated on the subject, but I feel like the movement has a goal and has a purpose, and it's for the positive.
Starting point is 02:24:32 So it's not like those few people who, you know, unfortunately, it always seems to be the people at the top. Yeah, that's the, you know, so it's like then it undermines the entire fucking thing, because they divert funds or whatever. And the movement never got anything done. Like did black, did they do any police reforms? Stoley, right? Like whenever there's such a huge change in the process,
Starting point is 02:24:53 it takes time, right? Like it's kind of like two steps forward, maybe one back. There was all the looting and shit. Like that wasn't good. Oh yeah. That made it look bad. But then again, those were maybe, those were in all the people who were like protesting
Starting point is 02:25:04 for black Lives Matter. Yeah. It was definitely a lot of them. I was just like, I selected few. They didn't get any police reform that didn't happen, drug crimes, or they didn't get overturned. Nothing happened.
Starting point is 02:25:17 Not maybe like, like, stuff, it's happening stably. Like, these kind of things take time. You can't just, You think that, because this is your first rodeo. Okay.
Starting point is 02:25:26 This is a big scam. It's my first life. But like, I just feel like historically, whenever something like a huge change in society wants to happen, it takes a really, really long time for like reform to happen. It's not gonna be like. And there's resistance to it, of course. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:25:40 Yeah, okay. Um, here we go. I think you could tell that I'm still kind of rooting for Ralph. Steve, down I'm like, Oh, I don't fucking care if you find happiness in this. It's just hoping never changes his mind because they ain't never going to get that time back. You know what I mean? Like the kids with me. Mm hmm.
Starting point is 02:25:57 Never get time. I don't have anything. You better never change your mind about to do this because you're like a great. It's not, you know, like maybe doesn't want to get mishaped. Just a question I would ask Ralph. Why does is me run YouTube look like it? What is it? It's like a somebody calling an ambulance.
Starting point is 02:26:22 It looks like virtual boy. if they just colorize, Donkey Kong gold. I don't know. I don't know, but I agree with rooting for Ralph. Yeah. I think everyone kind of is. I don't know if that's why we're, it doesn't sound like it from kind of though.
Starting point is 02:26:42 Yeah. People only get angry because you're not doing what they want you to do, I think, to some degree. Well, a lot of people, a lot easier people did what you wanted them to do, wouldn't it? Yeah, I would. I think a lot of people are just rooting for Ralph because they like him. Still. I like Ralph.
Starting point is 02:27:00 Me too. But see, I don't go, I have no idea what, the only time I talk to Ralph is when he comes on the show or he's here and I'm like, he's funny. He's affable. You know, like it's like, I don't know why everybody hates this guy. Me either. Apparently he goes wild. Well, he does go wild, but it's funny.
Starting point is 02:27:17 It's like he's got iron chic heat on him right now. Got it. You know, like he's going, going play going outside. He's going to slug, going play going outside. I'm going to shout out to Iran. Yeah, do you know the iron chic? What would be a big athlete from your country? What? Very famous. The iron chic puts you in a camel clutch.
Starting point is 02:27:38 Check it out. You never been put in a camel clutch. Unfortunately, no, what I'll put in my bucket list. Okay, one more, one more. Flip floppy women. Hey, Jason, this is a mixed-fee rage flip floppy women. It's got back from a late night movie date with this chick that I've been talking to and kind of like seeing for like a few weeks now. And I just really physically distant, you know, I see her today and she just is like,
Starting point is 02:28:12 standing really far away from me. You know, there's a lot, there's one to be closed and everything, even at the end of the day too. I was like, oh, you want to walk back to your car? I was like, oh, no, I, and they started like, you know, we're walking, oh, no, thigh. And they started like, you know, walking away. I just met anything. Right.
Starting point is 02:28:27 I just got anything. I was awkward or anything like that. I smelled bad, nothing like that. She's bad, it's huge. It's hard. It's weird. You know, in this bitch will like message me and say, like, oh, I had a great time.
Starting point is 02:28:39 Oh, I can't wait to see you again. And blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Oh, let's go out again. And then does this shit? This is like the second time. I'm staring at something like really kind of distant and acting really weird, you know? Doesn't want to even like shake hands and stuff as acting like really funny. I can get it. She's like nervous. There's anything she said. She's like really shy and I guess
Starting point is 02:28:59 like traumatized the past relationship. But it's just like, oh, God. Girl like fuck. I don't know it. It's a trick to me like what the fuck are you? What do you want? She's a calm down. Like, these are girls or something and talk to her maybe maybe she's an angel. That's why you decided to have like white girls at Latina or
Starting point is 02:29:19 anything like that. They're like, it's not general weird. Hopefully you cast a background. You're a fuck. Go fuck yourself. I gotta go to bed. I'm fired. He said, I don't know. Is this like a thing with like Asian girls? Maybe maybe they're going to be very proper. That's the thing you gotta go. You gotta go. They're samurai. I don't know. Like, first of all, he has a terrible attitude.
Starting point is 02:29:40 Secondly, like, I give some things like, you know, putting you off, you can always like talk, you know, just be like, Hey, talk to women. Yeah. I'd be like, Hey, you're texting me wanting to see me. It looks like you're, you're seem interested to see me again. But then when we were hanging out, you put your not sucking this thing. You seemed kind of this. So I'm wondering if there was something I was doing. Is it like a chemistry thing? Or like, I just want to know what's going on in your mind. Yeah. She doesn't come from a handshaking culture. They're problem solved.
Starting point is 02:30:07 Yeah, but do you think like being honest with women is always a mistake? I wouldn't say women as a whole if that would be generalization and like, because like they want you to figure it out. Like they want to be excited. They want to be put in a position where they're like feeling something. They want to be rationalized into it out. Like they want to be excited. They want to be put in a position where they're like feeling something. They want to be rationalized into making out. Like you can't rationalize someone into liking you.
Starting point is 02:30:31 If they like you, they throw themselves at you. So think of it this way. If somebody can just figure out what you're thinking and what you want, that's optimal. That's idealistic. Somebody who just knows what's going on your mind and can just figure it out. Jesus, and that's been the problem
Starting point is 02:30:44 with relationships that they've met and women for thousands of years. That is a fantasy. That's a dream. Usually it's not true. You have to people can't read your mind. You have to communicate your needs with them. And then, so that's here. And then what's here in the bottom is what he's doing,
Starting point is 02:30:58 calling her a bitch and generalizing and just having a bad attitude. Then you can kind of like meet in a halfway, which is like, I'm not gonna read your mind, but I'm also not gonna convince you. I'm gonna communicate with you. Oh man. Okay, it's all fucked up.
Starting point is 02:31:15 That's pretty good, man. Yeah, yeah. You gotta play it cool. See who, like, find out who her celebrity crushes and then just act like that. Right? Like if it's Ryan Gosling and then just like always show up with the toothpick or something. And just don't say anything.
Starting point is 02:31:28 Don't say anything. Yeah, right. Even Ryan Gosling is not like Ryan Gosling. If you probably got to know him in real life, you're like, oh, he's just like me. His voice isn't even like that. They dub it. His voice is really high. Really high pitch.
Starting point is 02:31:39 He's like, oh, I'm not gonna. Just figure out who her, what her type, and then pretend like you're dead. Yeah. It's terrible. There you go. But don't you think? No, I don't. But that would be effective.
Starting point is 02:31:52 For two days. Oh, we can, guys can fake a relationship for a long time. Oh, you think you can. Oh, lifetime, sometimes. Your realness comes out eventually. And then what's gonna happen? She's gonna leave your ass. Now it'll be too late. Right.
Starting point is 02:32:07 I already fucked this guy. What am I going to go fuck some other guy? It's going to hurt more when she leaves you. Well, you have a better talk to her. That's your idea. Yeah, be honest and communicate authenticity. What are we saying in the beginning? Oh, he's calling her a bitch. He's very authentic. God, okay. Goodbye, everybody. Thank you. Thank you. Well, let it try both and see what works out for you. Act like Ryan Gosling.
Starting point is 02:32:33 Redneck like yourself. And then if she likes you, she likes if she doesn't, she doesn't. They're going to be other people who like you. We'll see her. No one will ever like you. Not for you. No one likes you for you. No one likes you for you. Not for you. No one likes you for you. No one likes you for you. Who hurt you guys?
Starting point is 02:32:46 Oh, you women. You multiple times today. Ha ha ha ha. Bye, goodbye. Bye, bye, bye.

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