The Dick Show - Episode 306 - Dick on the Fat Lady Sings

Episode Date: May 2, 2022

Fat Tootsie, my bicycle falls apart, Adam Kokesh calls in, too much busting balls, the Girl Boss Nightmare, microplastics, and the Ministry of Truth; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I did it. I opened the thing with one hand. You did. I put together a stationary bike with one hand. Oh, wow. Yeah. How long did that talk about a lot? I take a break. Yeah. Put some ice on my dead arm. Yeah. And the tool that they ship with it. Oh, God. Like they found, they found a way, you know, those pocket, like wallet, monkey wrenches that were that are always big around Christmas time. Oh, yeah. Like buying garbage for each of the commercials. Yeah. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:00:30 It's a credit card and you can, you can take apart your car with it. It's got the metric system or like, yeah. I'm, yeah, all right. Is there somebody that needs to have a metric wrench in their wallet? At some point, I want to talk to the success that because that's like bringing your glove to a baseball game and then you need it. Like what the? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Wow. When does that ever happen? Never happens. So they ship the tool now, which is like, yeah, you got to knock that shit off when you're a kid at some point, bringing your glove to a game. Yeah, you got to, when you're an adult, you got to just, you know, just, just take your chances with your bare hand if you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I think so. You remember when my dad brought the glove to the game and then he missed it with the no look on television? No. You didn't see that? Wait, I, oh my God. There's a big memory coming, but I don't know. Maybe you told me about it.
Starting point is 00:01:27 It was years ago, my dad brought a larger, larger, larger game. We were in the box right on the field. This is before the nets. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you could get, I mean, there were crowd killers. I mean, literally on the third base line. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:43 So you get, if you got a curveball that the guys early on He hits it about a buck 15 down the right into a fucking stance. He looks he leans over to grab it head pull and pulls the head Ball goes ricocheting off his glove out into the stands somewhere, the ground ball that my dad waited to catch. Boom. But it was so it was a, it's a foul ball. It was a foul ball. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:11 He didn't down the right field line in the stands. He extends the glove. My brother and I were laughed from that moment. It was we were drunk from that moment to today all the way to the entire car ride home to my parents house inside the house and then had my mom replay it and slow him on. Oh my God. Boom pulls the head back into the ride.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Did you just think it was going to eat him up? Chickened out at the last minute. Wow. One of the best moments of my life. Yeah. Anyway. That's hilarious. It's like he was probably who knows what went through
Starting point is 00:02:46 his head, but it could have been something like. I'm going to catch it. It's a foul ball. Okay. Oh shit. It's a major league foul ball. I can't even see it. What hour is it? I'm going to protect my face. He leaned over. He leaned because it was bouncing off like the, there's like a cement kind of thing. It was bouncing off that and then he goes, ah, he leaned over, yeah. Wait, bouncing off a cement kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:03:15 There's like a cement barrier between those seats in the field. You can't lean right over into the field. It bounced up, bounced on that and he went, a lot of, got it, got it, got it. I thought he was literally hanging over. It was a foul ball and he hung over the side of the, you know, like the morons do
Starting point is 00:03:31 when it's a fair ball and they interfere with it. So this tool that they give me to put the stationery bicycle together is like a pen, like an Allen wrench or like a screwdriver thing with no handle. Okay. This metal part of the screw, Phillips, the plus screwdriver with the handle cut off. And where the handle's supposed to be, there's like a metal credit card that has all the shapes of all the different nuts cut out.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Oh God. So it's the worst. This is the worst fucking tool. No leverage. Never seen in my life turn a credit card. This is the cheapest thing. Like you guys couldn't spring for even a turned handle for the screwdriver. Like, all right, putting this together with one hand. I finally finished after a couple of missions.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And 80 school comes back and I was like, Hey, check out the bike. I got this bike today. So I don't have to be so fat and drunk. She's like, all right, let's see it. I climb on. I climb on. Sorry, check it out. One visit to the proctologist later. I heard a click sound in the world.
Starting point is 00:04:41 You know, right? I heard a terrifying click and then it felt that horrible pull of gravity and death. No. I can't grab the urge, the nightmare of having this tendon surgery on your arm is that you cannot grab things, right? In a life threatening situation.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Even in every day, like the dog comes over and you wanna go to pet, like no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. A coke is spilling. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Hi, this is cool. Ah, I'm gonna stay out here and watch the Ralph Retour to just peddle until I'm skinny again, right? Please don't leave me. So it's gonna accuse you of being a pedophile. That was so bad.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I'm sorry. How's it taken nine years to get that choke out? Well, after all the bad exfysically, I don't know, but you've never built a bike before. I wasn't as polished as I am now back in those days. So, crack, pull, kick my own ass. Don't drop, right? And I, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, right?
Starting point is 00:05:54 I was like, I'm just gonna take it. If I fall, I'm just gonna take it. I'll lean forward and then it stops. It's okay. I see 80s girls hand on my arm, holding my arm in case I would have fallen on my back. That would have been really bad. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:12 That's a thank God. Grab that, would have ripped this shit off the bone again. Yeah, cool. So I get off the thing. I had forgotten to tighten the seat down. Oh, yeah. So luckily the whole frame wasn't coming apart, but you seat though. Oh wow. Like I really don't.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I think you guys are gonna kill somebody with this credit card tool that you're giving out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go, let's start the show. Jesus. Is that thing good? I'm fine now. But now I'm always gonna be thinking it's ready to break.
Starting point is 00:06:46 You ready for it? I don't know about that. Oh. Hey, yeah! Hey, welcome to the AQ1 to Gini Gini Gini Gini. Get into the show. I'm the contestant of the 11th round. Bunk of deep knowledge to the failure.
Starting point is 00:07:03 How's the match today? 20 million out of man, 20 million dollar man? Showing me as always is world touring LA based comedian Sean Yado engineer. Hello deck. What's up buddy? Thank you for not killing yourselves everybody. Before Sean's come out on Tuesday,
Starting point is 00:07:16 no matter what I'm putting him out, Tuesday, the definite goes down last week. Now the main net goes down. Now the board apes Yacht Club, the board apes Yacht Club, the apes yacht club, the racist NFTs, that all the people are buying for millions of dollars. They wasted like a hundred million dollars in fees. Just people minting their stupid shit.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Oh yeah. Yeah, not for us though, not shonies. Yeah. Very, very low maintenance, very low network fee with shonies. Yes. I don't like all the bells and whistles and the extra money, you know.
Starting point is 00:07:47 You don't like that stuff? No, I mean the extra money. Wait, stay up the page. Right? That's so good. Sure sounds like it. Well, whatever. We got a bonus episode that we're doing on Wednesday
Starting point is 00:07:58 for this show. That should be good. Somebody sent me a Maddox job application that they apparently sent into it. He apparently sent into there. No. I don't even know if I should read that, actually. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Pretty sad. Yeah. I got a bonus episode of the biggest problems up too. We did Star Wars. I don't know. Maybe that's. Star Wars being the biggest problem. What's the biggest problem in Star Wars?
Starting point is 00:08:24 Oh wow. We think it's the biggest problem in Star Wars being the biggest problem. What's the biggest problem in Star Wars? Oh wow. We think is the biggest problem in Star Wars. The fans. You took the words right out of my mouth. The fact that they, that they, there are some people who are just gonna forgive anything. Oh yeah, yeah. Really are.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Because if you take the entire Star Wars franchise, and I mean, well, actually really just the films, leave the shows or the animated series, or anything like that, out of it, I don't think you can be objective and not say that it's a mediocre franchise at best. Yeah, it's dumb. The whole thing's dumb. They're way more bad movies than good. I don't even get it at this point. Like every year.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Yeah. It's Gus Frang. It's like the Simpsons. Oh, we got Bill Burr in this episode of Star Wars. I don't give a shit. I don't ever, I don't, it was never that good to begin with. Whatever. Yeah. Yeah. It's when I kind of slash biggest problems. I don't want to. Every time I'm like, yeah, I, you know, there's a lot more to make fun of than there is to really be into. But you're, I think you're right. The fans are, it's hands of the worst part. It's just like, you know, housewives at first you want to help them. But then you're like, you deserve it.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Like a fuck you. Help me help you. Yeah. Like, oh, you're, you just want to bitch about it. Okay. I'll tell you what makes me rage. I went to, I did a bunch of mushrooms and went to Tootsie, the musical.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Oh yeah, yeah. Which was a mistake in hindsight. Was it? Dustin Hoffman is not aged well. Well, you know what? I even feel bad saying this, like I rarely feel bad. Talking about stuff like this. but this time I do. They cast for some reason.
Starting point is 00:10:09 You know the Dustin Hoffman movie, right? Yeah, 1982. Bill Murray, Dustin Hoffman, a bunch of ladies. Yeah. They cast in this play for the lead woman, this gigantic fat woman. Gigantic and black. And pretend like it's just nothing. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 00:10:36 I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, there trying to take this in on mushrooms like not being able to remember what actual gender the one is the touchy guy the touchy yeah and they're having this love interest of it's like six jasmine size woman. Wow. Singing about like the singing about there. I mean, you know how musicals are. Yeah. He's big as a fucking house right you should it should have been over as soon as she fucking sang the first one yeah like a mic she's like yeah yeah kill and hit throwing rocks tonight donnie
Starting point is 00:11:17 yeah god she came out and sang and then they said all right it's all for her to think you know why and saying and then they said, all right, it's over. I think, you know why? So I'm sweating. Oh, this is the mushrooms are kicking in. Yeah. Uh, and, and, and, and, and a continual state of shock and disbelief at the things that are being told to this 600 pound with this old junior, oh my, and I'm feeling also feeling bad because I'm feeling also feeling bad,
Starting point is 00:11:45 because I'm like, how did they put the casting out for this? What's the, does the understudy also try, like they're trying to say it doesn't matter, right? They're trying to say with this it doesn't matter. Yeah. But the guy's getting shit on for pretending to be a girl. But this behemoth is allowed to just pretend that they're,
Starting point is 00:12:04 and they've got like all these other characters lurcharously pining for her. Yeah. I'm thinking, what the fuck universe is this with a bunch of like gay men canutling, gay couples canutling around us and giggling. I'm starting to think, is this like straight face that they're putting on as a mockery of straight men that they would throw this heffalump at them and everyone would still behave as though they were smitten with like this incurable life ruining attraction.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Like, I don't know what I'm going to do. The most important thing is that I end up with this girl. Like, what do you mean? Why? Straight face. Straight face. No, they're so offensive to me. What do you mean? Why? Straight face. Straight face. No, they're so offensive to me.
Starting point is 00:12:46 There definitely is. I mean, there definitely is that. What is? Why don't you put out there? Nobody's gonna give any sympathy. We're taking this in a new direction. Yeah. We need a as big a possible
Starting point is 00:12:59 a lady like Rose, like Rose Ann, but black and fat. Yeah. And, like, Rose, like, Rose Ann, but black and fat. Yeah. And, well, like, dig up Nell Carter or something. I couldn't, I couldn't get over it. Yeah. And then we walk out. It was where, it was where Will Smith,
Starting point is 00:13:18 it was in the same theater that Will Smith slapped. Oh, really? Oh, yeah, so I slapped my girlfriend. Check this out. This is where. Go around slapping people. Slapped her. She I slapped my girlfriend. Check this out. This is where I'm slapping people. Slap. Slap. Der. She's like, all right. All right. So I'll resign from the academy. Can I hit you now? Oh man. I went to Sheppell's thing too. The Netflix is a joke. Yeah. You were saying that last week. I think you were great. He did a bunch, he did like a racist Chinese voice.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Did he really? Yeah. Oh man, that was fantastic. But this fucking lady, I don't know how the human species managed to be so distinct between men and women, but so entirely awful on both counts. Do you know what I mean? How could awful in different ways generate two branching species? men and women, but so entirely awful on both counts. You know what I mean? How could awful in different ways
Starting point is 00:14:07 generate two branches of sexually dimorphic cases of absolutely atrocious behavior? There was a woman. There was a fact we haven't. It's where we have brains that are beyond anything else. Yeah, we're not smart enough to use them.
Starting point is 00:14:26 So goddamn obnoxious all the time. We're not good enough. We're not responsible enough for these fucking overgrown monkey brains. I just wanted to go see Tutsi and I'll go some of the hot girls. They got hot girls that are doing the backup dancing and singing, right? Of course, yeah. Why aren't they big and fat?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Why isn't it Lizzo's girls up there? Which by the way, you know that show is coming out, right? Lizzo finds, Lizzo's pig hunt or whatever it is. Oh jeez. She finds a bunch of big backup dancers around the, she goes scouring America to try to find fat women. I would say that like they're the lost city of Atlantis. Like prop makers are gonna be in big business
Starting point is 00:15:07 They got to reinforce everything that they've done Mm-hmm. They're gonna get throw you know touring around prepping prepping stages for you know a a WWE weight equivalent of a battle royale Spring boards. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you got backup dancers, ravenous, ravenous attraction to this big fat lady, it's going to look like the California plums or something doing a, you can't say eggplants because that's right. Well, I mean, it's plums there.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Do people remember the California racers? I mean, weep so. I don't know. We do, of course, but. Yeah, we're old now. Yeah. What was I gonna, oh yeah. So it should pal show everybody had to lock their phone in like a little case, which was
Starting point is 00:15:52 really cool. Oh, yeah, nobody could fuck around their phone because they're all locked in like a little bag with a magnet. You keep it on you. Yeah. And you swipe it by a thing when you get out. But this fucking fat woman next to us. That's really so no like fucking videos leak. Oh yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah, he's being really, he's being really racist. Yeah, yeah. He said the end word so many times. This fat woman next to us in the seeds, every, every single time, Shepel said any of that stupid shit about being true to yourself or whatever. She's just sitting there like a donkey going, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Braille. The same, the same yes over and over again. Over and over. Yeah. It's like bitch, you are, you are 250 pounds. There is no, you do not, you need, you're not respecting yourself at all. You don't have no idea what he's talking about at that size. Yeah, yeah. Before he's even done, yeah, talking about these stupid greeting card fucking platitudes
Starting point is 00:16:55 that he's throwing out. Somebody's here. Brought her a feedback. Strap it on, keep her busy. I guess it's just fat women. They're play, we left the play where everybody's masked up, of course. Yeah. Cause their clientele is all on death's store already. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Everybody's gotta be masked. All right. These people aren't coming out unless everybody's masked. We go out and they're like, really strict about it, right? And then we walk outside and hollywood. And there's a man literally swimming in a pool of garbage that he has assembled. With a mask.
Starting point is 00:17:32 No mask. Oh no. These people are like instantly walking outside into abs into a human excrement. Yeah. Like people have become a part of the sidewalk. Yeah, a part of the sidewalk. I don't know where the trash begins and that man sidewalk. Yeah, part of the sidewalk. I don't know where the trash begins and that may end.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yeah, yeah. Well, whatever. Probably wasn't a good idea. But I guess that's the future, maybe. Just a bunch of straight face nonsense. And then under the size of a house. For, you know, for a while, I'm seeing some backlash. I really am.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Among people who you wouldn't think would be calling that kind of shit out where it's like, it's like, hey, no, that's not right. That's exactly what that's exactly that's the liberal going over the line. You know, yeah, putting like a big fat. No, I mean, like just like when somebody says something, you know, where it's like, Oh, but in this circle, that's perfectly like morally, you have the moral high ground there. Like, you're right. So it's okay to be bigoted or, you know, discriminate against the other side, but it's like, Hey, you're doing the same thing. I'm seeing and hearing a lot more of that because I think people are just getting fatigued
Starting point is 00:18:47 Over a lot of things that are not problems That just are not problems. I just I couldn't believe it. Yeah big fat. Oh, yeah, let's go see a play Who's the who's the wow? He really did Diane Keaton or whoever was in the original dirty with this one? Anyway, here's here's the future. I think if there was a hell, and that you went to hell, or that I went to hell, this is what was waiting for me there. This is the new head of the department of disinformation that's now on Homeland Security.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yeah. You know how this one works, Sean? So you remember we have a Homeland Security, right? I do. I wonder. Under Bush. Yeah. Tom Ridge.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Tom Ridge was the first right director or whatever. So now the thing that's most harmful to our Homeland Security is people lying, disinformation. So Homeland Security appointed this girl boss to the new ministry of disinformation, and here's how she chose to introduce herself to the world. You think you'd wanna foster some kind of camaraderie, let everyone know that,
Starting point is 00:20:06 you know, it's going to be okay. Let me guess. Yeah, look. Okay. I think I know how this goes. Let's see how she. A luring is really quite ferocious. It's when a hockster takes some lies and makes them sound percouch. She's spicing them in Congress or a mainstream outfit, so. Wow. This is the government. It's just a government. I mean. I mean. I mean.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. is really quite procious. It's when I have to get some lies and mix them sound procious by saying them in Congress. For a mainstream market, so this is it's still it's still likely less of roses. Yeah, we're always right. It's still it's still terrible to see, but like it's not surprising. This is because the government like it's not surprising. This is because the government has gotten there like a bunch of evil people who are all who who the dumbest among us keep putting in there. Like it's
Starting point is 00:21:13 they're there. But they're more like the worst part of our society. This is waiting for you in hell when you get there. It's a girl, a psychotic Harry Potter fan girl singing show tunes to you of clever songs, parody's versions of those songs that she has written. I would think you forever. Yeah. About what you are and not allowed to say. So the government went ahead in that after Elon Musk bought some of his what is her? She's the, she's here to police what's being said online in the name of Homeland Security to make sure that no one is lying. She's part of Homeland Security. Yeah. So Elon Musk buys Twitter, right? So the government says, well, actually, we're just gonna nationalize it. And you own now the name. And the apparatus that we've been using to control speech, vis-a-vis arbitrary bands on what you can and can I say?
Starting point is 00:22:16 Is that is accurate? Is now, back in the hands of the government, we're belong, so Elon, you're not getting that, which is what you were really trying to buy. We're gonna go ahead and keep that. And you can run your little domain name that you think is a speech outlet while we police it from. We just took away a huge part of what you bought. We nationalized it. That's what that's called. They do it in the third world. Sure. When you find a mine or something.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Oh yeah. Well, we're gonna take that. Well, I mean, don't they do it at college when somebody in Vence or creates or something there, doesn't it always become property of the fucking call? Yes, yes. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:22:58 You have a friend of mine. Well, that's why like MIT and Caltech are so overwhelmingly government funded, right? Yeah, because it's like they can pour it there just. And either weapons. Yeah. How do we need that stuff? Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Um, it's the girl boss. I don't know. The girl boss, Plutocracy. Oh boy. karaoke, Mary Poppins songs. She couldn't take her. You couldn't just have a dignified speech, you couldn't, you can still come off as like relatable. Just don't do this.
Starting point is 00:23:34 She couldn't keep her ego out of it. She had to show that she can sing, you know? Yeah, exactly, exactly. Well, what if I, what if I throw a little song and I don't know if you guys know this, but I used to wanna be a famous singer. Yeah. We are now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Sing me straight into jail. I mean, waking up every day to this shit. So this has to clear, you know, people. I mean, I would think that this would be bounced off a couple of people. This shit? Yeah, a bounced off. All the other girl bosses that are currently running the country. I love it. Love it.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Jen and Pissacchi, fucking Camo Harris. All of them together. Oh, I love it. That would be just everybody in America is going to slug back a bottle and a half of wine and really smuggling chuckle their ass off while their cut husband is his man cave. Watching Star Wars reviews. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Star Wars fans big prop voted up. Are you ready? Are you ready for the girl boss? I don't know. The girl boss, tockrissy. The girl boss, tochresy? Mm-hmm. Yeah, oh, okay, here's a good one. There's microplastics.
Starting point is 00:24:52 For somehow there's a bunch of new microplastics in our... In our lungs, Sean. Well, how do you imagine that, Mita? Have particles discovered in 11 out of 13 patients undergoing surgery, propylene and PET, most common. They've been to microplastic pollution, has been discovered, lodged deep in the lungs, of living people for the first time.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Oh. Fantastic. I wonder how those microplastics got there all of a sudden. Maybe people were breathing in, something they shouldn't have been breathing in for a while that was made somewhere that's not really careful about how they're making things. I just saying the, I don't know, maybe, maybe just constantly breathing in through a mask filter somehow has had some sort of effect. just constantly breathing in through a mask filter.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Somehow has got some sort of effect. I don't know where this might have come from. I just wanna know what changed? Are people going around breathing plastics for fun? I don't know. I don't know. Is that what's happening? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Is this the first time they were looking for it? Oh, you think so? Maybe it's surprising. The data provides an important advance, I don't know is this the first time they were looking for it. Oh, you think so maybe I mean male The data provides an important advance something with air pollution Microplastics and human health Liberty blue 2021 found 13 and 20 people. Mm-hmm. I don't know. Well, keep an eye on it Well, definitely I want to know keep an eye on it see if we can still talk about it in a year or two.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I don't know about microplastics. I mean, I think about how much, you know, just some of these plastic like leeches into the stuff you're drinking, right? I mean, none of it's fucking good for you. It's, yeah. I could. Cause why don't I breathe that shit in all the time, all day, eight hours a day, 12 hours on planes. Let's see what else I got here.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Camp diversity. I don't know what, I don't know if PET is in masks or in, you know what I mean, like it's different. I mean, it's not good. What, do you think those wearing those masks are good? Probably not. Well, not, there's no reason to wear them at all now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I mean, I don't wear one. Because it's, COVID is done not to get off on a COVID tangent, but it's done what most viruses do, which has become more, more easily transmitted and less deadly. Yeah. Because that's how I fucking, you know, it's just, it's just how it's selected. If it was, if it was deadly of fucking 90%, it wouldn't fucking get anywhere.
Starting point is 00:27:32 There's no intelligence behind it. It's just what it does and it's just what happens to latch on. Yeah. This is, this is a cult. How, unless what does it say, a camp diversity in California, CRT activists, tortured children to convince them they're oppressed. Adults told Asian boys they had small penises.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Ordered Hispanics. They could have just learned it by Wikipedia, and penis size, and ethnicity. And they go over their penises. Yeah. What the fuck? It's a little... Is that why Asians are oppressed? Because the boys have small penises?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Is that what CRT has to say about penis oppression? Yeah, when are we just going to blame God for everything? They had small penises ordered Hispanics to clean up When are we just gonna blame God for everything? They had small penises ordered his panics to clean up and hit the kids in the head so they can feel how it is to be harassed. Wow, sounds pretty rough. Is that true? Critical race theory?
Starting point is 00:28:36 So is this to, yeah. Walk a mile and someone else is shooting. Who's going around saying that you have a small penis? Is that part of harassment? You mean besides vindictive women? Yeah. The winner. The most harassment on the planet is produced by angry women
Starting point is 00:28:55 that aren't getting laid anymore. Well, oh, you're gay and have you have a small dick? No one wants to fuck you, you're an in-sale and you hate your mom. Santa Barbara began fighting four years ago, filing what it believed to be the nation's first law suit against CR2, which critics say poisons the mind of young children. Santa Barbara, huh? Yeah. First law suit of its type in California. Oh yeah, a top administrator found that students were being exploited by community activists and college academics who convinced Hispanic students they were part of the long extinct
Starting point is 00:29:28 Aztec culture. Oh my god. Ethnic studies now. What a disaster. I mean, they've got some of the genes and stuff, right? I mean, there's no, they don't know. You can't just tell. Hispanic kid, they're part Aztec.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I mean, a very specific part. What's that? That was a very specific, you know, group. Aztec is not like there are no, there are no Aztecs that I know of around today. And it's that, you know, they're the, you know, Latin Americans are, are the, you know, the Americans are the, you know, the extent. Yeah, they're, they're, they're the only ones around that have any of that, right? I mean, I don't see the part about the small penises. I mean, you need to know about the, oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:30:15 after school, after students called out good at math for Asian staff yelled out small penises. That yelled out small penises In switch to say bad news good news not good news bad news about bad drivers. Yeah, right go right to their Right, you need some better racist and your CRT problem While both slides would be true. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Can anyone think of something that everyone can relate to? Small digs. How about a little bit less of what
Starting point is 00:30:53 you're doing right now? Asian drivers, no survivors. The driver is. Their moms are rough. The eyes, you know. Small penises. Good at math, just not, small penises. Good at math, just not the geometry of driving. Good at math, and then an adult thought,
Starting point is 00:31:11 small penises! Right. Okay. Have you seen it, Disney's now, like no longer allowed to run their own government, I guess. You see it to stop Disney from running their own little government. I haven't kept up in the latest on that. I know they're in a big pissing match where Disney's like, well, then we're gonna,
Starting point is 00:31:40 it's going to cost you a billion dollars if you don't let us do shit. But oh, Disney said that. Well, because they- Because they got to pay for their fire and stuff. Well, yeah, they pay for- Disney's been given Florida all kinds of money for- They have their own town, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I want my own town. I could have my own police force. They don't do anything anyway. Disney Land did that for a long time until somebody got killed that Tom Sawyer boat or where, you know, really, yeah, the Mark Twain or whatever. Yeah, pulled the dot cleat out of that when it was still moving and it flew through. I mean, that's, you know, it basically knocked somebody's head off.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Oh, and Anaheim, by the time Anaheim police got in, like Disney's own people had cleaned it up, and completely ruined any kind of investigation or whatever. So now I think there's, at all times there are, like Anaheim PD, I could be wrong, but I think that changed because of that incident. So I was reading the article about Disney's, like their own sovereign nation that they have. And it said they would put people in the hospital,
Starting point is 00:32:44 in their ambulances and drive them to the hospital. And then they would declare them dead right when they got out of the Disney. Is that really? Yeah, like a guy shot himself on their driving range. So they were driving range? Yeah, Disney World, in Florida, in their community, whatever it is, Ridgeway.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Oh, God. So the ambulance people loaded him in an ambulance and then drove him to the hospital and then soon as they crossed the border, like, I died. Didn't die. That's just a person dying. Disney. Well, you know, sure. They's really, I don't want to deal with that paper. I guess there's a bad PR on ending amount of free shit that the government's giving to people that we're not getting any of. Right. We're sure. Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Student loans is back pretending to forgive student loans is back on the table. Yeah, yeah, which will be
Starting point is 00:33:27 Cockteased until we're all dead. Yeah, but they're never gonna do but It's just enough. Yeah, what do you know what? What do you think we did this? I don't know Degling the carrot and it's read there's just no carrots Yeah, get elected based on this promise. Yeah, next time. Oh, he didn't come through. So yeah, get elected based on this promise. Yeah. Next time. Oh, he didn't come through. Well, like this guy based on this promise. Oh, it didn't come through. Yeah, you know, ad nauseam. Disney's fake city. We're all dead. Here's a trans artist, diaper trans diaper artist, trans artist with
Starting point is 00:34:01 diaper fetish speaking at Canadian elementary schools. Yeah. Dipper fetish. That was one of the most interesting, who are these podcasts we did? That was a good one. Maybe we could get one of that one of these. Then he called in. Yeah, I hope that guy's doing well. I know he was a good caller.
Starting point is 00:34:20 A trans identified male cartoonist who came, oh, oh, wow. I don't know about that's the newspaper saying that. Came under fire, I see. Trans equine. For creating diaper. I mean, now let's bring it up. That's definitely, you definitely have to feed.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Slap of a feedback on that. Well, use a flat hand. Oh yeah, I see. I see. You gotta feed the mini Well, use a flat hand. Oh, yeah, I see. I see. Or something. You got to feed the many kids. Use a flat hand. I think it's wrong.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I've been speaking at Canadian elementary schools as part of a North American book tour. Oh, well, I wonder what she's talking about. On April 18th, Sophie LaBelle, a Canadian-changed gender artist based in Finland, posted to her Facebook that she was set to speak at a number of schools and libraries in Canada and then the US, part of a book tour. Wow. They're most notable for being the artist behind assigned mail, a comic, which she's been illustrating since 2014. The comic focuses on the life and adventures of a pre-pubescent transgender child named Steffi with heavy ideological themes worked into the storylines. Since then, they've posted photos from inside classrooms and libraries.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Primarily involved an audience of young children. Where's the art that I hear some of their book? What do you mean I have a boys parts? Are you talking about my penis because it's mine and I'm a girl. So it's a girl's penis. Okay. Oh yeah, here it is. Let me see here. She used real kids to do some of these modeling. Yeah. The real children. Very good, very good. Yeah, LaMelle's attempt to diaper for art. So it's like baby, there it is.
Starting point is 00:36:13 There's it, a little like a little baby furry. Puppy, yeah, with a diaper climbing into a pool and it was floating. With floaties. With floaties. With floaties. With floaties. With floaties. With floaties. With float it was with floaties. On the off of the real life. Oh boy, okay. Huh.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Did anybody admit they screwed up here? Or is that, is that fine? Yeah, I know. Thanks very much. Is the community going, hey, thanks very much for doing that. What you're doing there. Why doesn't it be a lot. Why doesn't anybody vet anything?
Starting point is 00:36:48 Well, it's disinformation. You can't go look it up. It's hate speech, disinformation. But winter is coming. But most of these people convict themselves. Like all that stuff is completely... Well, it's hard to mean. They don't think that, yeah, I mean, that would be easily,
Starting point is 00:37:05 that's not even a misinformation, disinformation thing. That's not the laptop. That's not looking it. That's not looking at like an artist's work and going like, maybe this isn't a great idea. It's a good idea. Yeah. No, no.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Right. Yeah, that same lady that's now in charge of the ministry of truth said that the Hunter Biden laptop was like a Russian thing. Fake. I think it wasn't fake at all. Yeah, I mean, to be real. I mean, I don't know if it did, but it's not. No, yes. I mean, I'd read conflicting things or read like where it was like, Well, I haven't followed it. I haven't followed it. But your impression is that it's debatable.
Starting point is 00:37:48 It could, that was where it left off. At first, it seemed like, yeah, I don't know. I'll look it up. It seemed, let me put it this way. The last time I checked, it seemed more and more and more like it was real. It was real. It could have been his. Yeah like it was real. It was real. It was real.
Starting point is 00:38:05 It was real right away. And then they banned the New York Post for talking about it. Yeah, I read the New York Post. I read it over band. They banned from Twitter for mentioning it. Oh really? And any mention of the laptop would get you banned from Twitter too. And that was right at the election.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yeah. And it was something like, to afterwards, it was like 10% of people were like, oh yeah, I wouldn't have voted that way I did if I hadn't known about that laptop shit. Yeah, well, we do know, like Hunter Biden is a scumbag. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And he makes millions of dollars
Starting point is 00:38:38 for a month working at a Ukraine company, right? Well, I don't think he's not still there, right? I don't think he was ever there. Yeah, if that money was just going straight to dead. Yeah, yeah. Like the Clinton Foundation, all their donations just evaporated when he was in president. I was like, well, what were they for then?
Starting point is 00:38:55 Yeah. I just explained to me what any one of them were for. Well, they, you know, they all take it. Do they? Well, they all take what you've, sure. You know, they're going to get there before they give, you know, before they? Well, they all take what you've sure, you know, they're going to get there. I mean, before they give, you know, before they give anything to, you know, let the foundation have any money. I mean, yes, seems like a lot of the best fuck. Got there all term limits. How come you know, all right, let me see people, man, Adam Kuresh, God damn
Starting point is 00:39:24 career politicians, it's got to be the worst people in fucking see. These people, man. Adam Kuresh. Goddamn, career politicians. It's gotta be the worst people in fucking, there are. This is gonna be a political episode because Adam's a libertarian activist. He's gonna call it in a minute. Oh yeah. Yeah, he's cool guy. I hate political episodes.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Oh, you do? I really do. I'm sorry, Sean. That's all right. You're not gonna like this one then. I'll try to keep it funny for you. Duh, duh, duh, duh, Sean. That's all right. You're not gonna like this one then. I'll try to keep it funny for you. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. Oh, we've got some mutual. Say hi.
Starting point is 00:39:52 All right, some comments first. Hey, Dic, Renegade Priests says, I just saw Maddox claim that he uses Twitter for work. He's having a really hard time coping with Elon Musk and fringing on his right to collect his check from the government. Does he use does he work? I don't know. Do that work? Tweeting stuff he heard on the Daily Show with Trevor Noah. Yeah. Being a banana. Yeah. If you call that work. Short-rage this week, Tiny Skeleton Man says, my rage this week is normal people with fat people last names.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Having to be around a regular person with the last name like Blort, Ham or Wambles, feels like something is edging my deep mind. Like the universe is poorly utilizing something and it just doesn't care. I met an overweight person and their name was Blumper. A wave of bliss with a sense of completion just washes over me from being in their presence.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Why can't that always be the case? So you mean a lot of fat last name people ever? Sean? Fat last name to people. Yeah. Yeah. What's the last name? Of his?
Starting point is 00:40:56 I don't know. Skeleton man. He said, Blort, Ham, Wombles. I don't know about that. I've never met anybody with those names. Neither. Dallas is weighted blankets. Hey, Nick, I was listening to your new episode. I procrastinated at work when I heard that you got a weighted blanket. Yeah, I hate it. Just so you know, the beads will be all over
Starting point is 00:41:14 your bed. There doesn't even need to be a hole in the blanket. In my experience, the beads can just force their way out of the weave on the fabric and normal use. That sounds about right. Right. Here's a nice, probably not made in a country that has great QC. I thought, you're gonna get a, those are gonna be in your lungs. Oh my God. I'm moderating a debate tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Oh God. Yeah. How did you, who would have you moderated to say? Mr. Curl. Between, Nick, Nick, Nick Rackets, Breonna Wu, Buck Angel, trans, trans, and then Destiny, I think.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Oh, wow. So there's a conservative side of a man and a trans woman. Yeah. And then the liberal side of a trans woman and a man. Yeah. Okay. How does that sound? Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?
Starting point is 00:42:11 No. All right. I'll do my wish me luck. Good luck. I'll do my best. I'm not going to be drinking. Oh, wow. Out of respect for Mr. Girl.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Okay. Let's see. Oh, here we go. Okay. Another one. Isaiah says, I think I have mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean turns on them, how and why he will not do the same with you. Do you not see any parallels with Ralph's flagging behavior at all in retaliation to Maddox? If Maddox tried to sue you to death because half a third of your Patreon, his content is something he could try to DMCA wrongfully or legally, how could you mad at him for
Starting point is 00:43:03 obvious reasons? Do you got at him for obvious reasons? Do you got the, uh, was that signable, signed, Cleo from Haiti? I have zoomer brain and slow. I mean, it's not even, this isn't even remotely readable. Yeah. Come on. I have three simple questions with three simple answers. Kama should be period or colon. And then a number, at least a numbering system.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Here's question one. Yeah, sure. Here's question two. I have zoomerrain and slow fingers. If anything is silly in this, if anything is silly end this terrible gunt guard bit. I don't know how I could do anything else, but what this learned scholar gentleman,
Starting point is 00:43:52 so thanks I should do. I think I only got one of the alleged three items. It was basically, don't you see, like basically he's saying, right, past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, right? He's gonna do it to you, right? Okay. I mean, do you not think that that's gonna happen?
Starting point is 00:44:11 Or, you know, I- And anybody could do anything to you, you know? Yeah. Just kind of try to not invite them to do it. Well, sure. And then- I have a pretty good record of apologizing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Even if I don't think I'm wrong. Right. I'm sorry I did. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That happened, whatever. That's kind of, I don't know why you wouldn't do that. People, guys are really into like, like the, yeah. They're really into not apologizing.
Starting point is 00:44:38 So I think it like in Bolden's critics or something. Yeah, well, yeah, a lot of people choose really like poor hills to die on. And then there's a bunch of stuff about Maddox in here. I don't know if I can understand any of that. Oh, really? He kept going. Yeah. Well, it's always, if anybody ever wants me to agree with them, they just throw in Maddox as much as possible.
Starting point is 00:45:02 So it seems like I would be like incensed by, yeah. I didn't think of that before. What a great comparison you're making. Oh shit. Okay, last one. Kids playing adult sports. What makes me a rage is kids playing
Starting point is 00:45:18 what are adult activities such as bowling, golf, or pertaining to me pool. If your kid go play some fucking basketball or baseball and leave the minimal physical activities for us, hung over adults who are barely holding their quickly decaying bodies together. I shouldn't have to dodge some kid who can barely see over the pool table while he swings around a pool stick like a moron. Yeah, that's true. Kids and women. See women playing pool. You see women playing pool on television? Yeah, not even looking at their shots,
Starting point is 00:45:48 never having played before. I'm usually looking at them. Yeah, when a woman, when a woman's playing pool, as soon as she grabs her, you're like, all right, time out. Everybody get back. There's no telling where she's going or how she's gonna swing or follow through her stick.
Starting point is 00:46:06 You know, lose a testicle. Oh, God. Yeah. Okay. Man, I couldn't believe that play. Like some of the lines they were saying were other girls saying, Oh, is she prettier than me? And the guy with the straight versus like, yeah, I'm thinking, to just, to just kind of insulting. To, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to Your dog died. Horrible. So I have her news articles. Maybe they'll be relevant next week. I don't know if jacking off on a plane is ever out of relevance.
Starting point is 00:46:51 No, no, no, no. That's, you know, it's timeless. Here's one from Kenny. Here's some advice from Kenny. Dick, what's your opinion on trying to hide graying facial hair? I'm only 31, but I already have heart failure. What the fuck? I would say that that's probably more important. What is heart failure?
Starting point is 00:47:10 Should I hide it? What is heart failure? I have to do with facial hair. I can't even think that that was a weird auto correct. But I already have one of those words, but like, gray, I already have heart failure. Should I hide the heart failure? Dick, what's your opinion on trying to hide graying facial hair?
Starting point is 00:47:31 Who cares? You just look, it's the first thing to turn gray. Yeah, really. Women like it, but then they, you know, well, I guess women who have daddy, the best women like it. Sure. Anything that gives women an excuse to compliment you was good.
Starting point is 00:47:48 And anything that catches their attention is good. I don't know, man. I mean, what are you gonna sit there with a Sharpie and scribble it in? Don't people it just for men? Like they make fucking, you know what? Who cares? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:01 You're not gonna look either. But I'm gonna look either to them. Yeah, just accept that're not gonna look either. I'm gonna look either. But I'm gonna look either. I'm gonna look either. Yeah, just accept that you don't look good. Like what do you want to be attracted to yourself? Well, a few minutes. You want to feel attractive.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah. You're gonna feel attractive if your facial hair is all black. But depending. Dependently. There's a lot of things that other people don't care about that the only the person cares about. And that's gonna change your life Go walk into the club and it's he's gonna be like black beard the pirate all jet black beard And bitch gonna like you know fucking black beard on that guy, you know, you know, the inky confidence, right?
Starting point is 00:48:36 You know No, I've heard of it. Huh my furnace face Says my girlfriend thinks my oh no, this is another guy. My Fernis face girlfriend thinks she's fat. Okay. She doesn't. Fernis face, what the fuck does that mean? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Is it hot? I guess. She doesn't look fat to me. Fernis face? Yeah, that's a Fernis face. That's what he says. Fernis face girlfriend thinks she's fat. She doesn't look fat to me.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Girls go on. She always think they're fat. She doesn't look fat to me. Girls always think they're fat. I think they read too many magazines. She takes me out to dinner, hardly eats a thing. She calls herself a cow. And I say, how about a little beastiality? Great. Hey girl, you might be fat as fuck,
Starting point is 00:49:20 but I still love your folds. Amazing. You're doing an amazing job. So okay. Well, if you want to hear it constantly. So is she actually fat? I mean, now he's making it seem like, I mean, none of them are skinny. Barely any of the odds are that she is fat.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Right. Right. In the opinion of the entire medical profession, yes, she is huge, but she looks good to you. So she's not. Somebody, some nurse sent in this medical test they were taking at work. And it said, like, a diet and exercise leads to obesity. And the answer was like, true.
Starting point is 00:49:57 They clicked true. And then the medical test said, that's false, actually. There's a genetic and exercise. Diet and exercise. Diet and exercise leads to poor diet and exercise at the end of the city and the answer was false. Yeah, that was the correct answer to put was false. It does not lead to obesity. Can it be can it be both your having genetics according to its test? Good God. Yeah, I don't know, but it sounds like
Starting point is 00:50:20 you're having a good time with this whole fat thing too. Yeah, so good, so good. So good. Good. Sounds like you're both having a lot of fun. Hey, Dick, this is from Bali. How do I stop getting annoyed by ball busting, quote, I've been sensitive and thin-skinned for most of my life, and it's made me an easy target for non-stop BS. Oh, I see just like your buddies fucking busting balls.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah, what can I say? What can I think or say to myself to not let it all keep getting to me? Is it just something that people are inherently good at dealing with or is it a skill you need to learn? I've become very bitter and hateful person, a very bitter and hateful person as a result of all of it. Sure, BS tell Sean, don't come to school tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Don't come to school tomorrow, okay. I'm gonna shoot it up. Okay. Oh, did I say something? Just cry, like once. Well, that will never do it. That will never do it. Very uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Hahaha. I mean, that would probably get a result. Especially in public, right? Is that old, yes? He's probably like high school, right? Or something. He's probably at home right now, hearing you say that and crying yes? He's probably like high school. Right? Or something. He's probably at home right now hearing you say that and crying. You think he's in high school? He's actually 32. Yeah, Paul Busting, it's can be a bit much. It can be a bit much. Where it's like, okay, you're the only one who's
Starting point is 00:51:39 still doing it. You know what, the person who the last person to stop? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's, that's, that's enough. Okay. Okay. Just getting new friends. You know, I mean, try the George Costanza. Oh yeah, well I had sex with your wife. Just go for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah. Go for it. Keep a little dossier. Oh shit. There we go. There we go. There we go. Adam, hello. Can you hear me? Maybe not. Let me see if I have a setting. Yeah. There you are. What's
Starting point is 00:52:10 up, buddy? How you doing? Let me make sure I got your audio. That's a beautiful day here in Gardina. Yes. Gardina, you live on, you live on a hell of a compound. Where's Gardina? My eyes don't deceive me. Where are you? I know where Gardina, California is, but I think it's an Arizona. Well, when you're, when, when, when you're kissing the government's ass, it's a, it's a homestead when, when you're opposing government, it's a compound. Ah, okay. So describe where you live to the audience.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Uh, for me, please. I live in the mountains in Arizona, about in our west of Floddington, called Ashford. That's really cool because it's not a town. There's no city government. I can't. And we live just you're breaking up a little bit. He's in the mountains.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Yeah, you're in the mountains. You don't have a better connection to you. It sounds like it's a Skype data lag thing. Well, you want to call me on something else? I can call him by phone if you want. Yeah, I think you could do that. The Skype thing, that wouldn't surprise me. Yeah, let me give you a number to call in.
Starting point is 00:53:27 There's a Ralph, Andy Worsky fight brewing up. God. Boogie is allegedly the main event with Sam Hyde, which I think is impossible. Boogie's never gonna show up for that. The main event, a fight, a boxing match. Yeah. Yeah. There's no way Boogie will show up for that. The main event, a fight, a boxing match. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:45 There's no way Boogie will show up. He'll say yes to everybody and then he'll just back out because he doesn't care how, he doesn't care about wasting people's time or. Yeah. How it looks, he's just a delusional, delusional, large ass with a victim complex. But everybody's plugging it and pretending like it's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I just don't see it. Ralph's down to fight Warzky, of course. Yeah. Ernie seems like it. I don't know. He's got to start training now. Oh, I believe he'll do it. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Yeah. Yeah. He's gotten in, what, four fights in the last two years. Yeah. It's Riley. Sure. The wage gap got the newsgirls' dog. Yeah, he's gotten in what four fights in the last two years. Yeah, surely sure. The wage gap got the news girls dog. Oh God, keep leaving that. That's a damn shame stuff and reached up and struck it down and it's prime.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Killed the dog. You didn't know the way there wasn't a sudden thing. You didn't know the way that wasn't a sudden thing. Well, I hope it was. Is it? I don't know. I mean, sometimes I go down hill fast. You know, once I start having problems. That's pretty fast from yesterday to today.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Yeah. Oh, they're probably going to make 230 worse. You know, CDA 230. Yeah. The thing that lets you know, CDA 230. Yeah. A thing that lets you not, the thing that keeps internet companies from getting sued by anybody. They could get revenge on Elon by getting rid of it or by making it 10 times worse. Like you have to enforce hate speech law, hate speech. You have to moderate hate speech or else you lose your protection.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Yeah. I'm betting on worse like always. Hello. Hello. How do you howdy is that better? It's much better, right? So far. All right. Man, crank him up so we can hear it. Yeah. The hardest thing was it was super laggy. So I was trying to say something big. Are they are they hearing me at all? And then we cut back and then you it say it was just, man, and you know, I definitely like. Perfect segue for the point I wanted to make here,
Starting point is 00:55:49 if you don't mind because yeah, y'all were debating 5G, 4G. Yeah, I don't think it's either of those things fundamentally. It's that we've been in COVID season or COVID mode or COVID except economic bullshit for over two years. And I've been saying this for a while, but I think with a lot of these major corporate entities that we just expect to kind of provide perfect service like Verizon and Team Mobile or Skype
Starting point is 00:56:18 or whatever, it's just that that one's crumbling. Behind the scenes, they can't keep people employed. They can't find people to hire. The idea that we have like basic reliable services at all at this point is because they want, they are pushing and saying, you know, we have to make sure that things don't crumble to become quite that dysfunctional,
Starting point is 00:56:42 but everything's shitty. Like every, like like lower your expectations. Yeah. Don't take it out on any individuals. You know, don't get don't go stab the lady behind the counter and Hucklebell because you got your order wrong. You fucking retard. Like knock that shit off. I think he's waiting. I'm waiting.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Are you guys that I'm reading between the lines? You pick talk about specifically so we should stab. We should we must kill the queen, right? Is that the message here? Yeah, dude, it's so obvious. I'm so exactly like I do at home on a daily basis. I see I know you would like this episode. But girlfriend, you know, she's just, oh my God, here he goes fucking again
Starting point is 00:57:26 about how you just bend over and fucking they shove whatever they want to up your ass and they send you to the voice menu, loop of death and you just fucking give up and you just bend over and take it. I hear a bang on the other side. Yeah. At some point, nobody left at the company
Starting point is 00:57:43 knows how everything works. Like there's always one guy at every tech company who understands at least most of everything to explain where, you know, like the Wizard of Oz, like eventually a problem gets so bad and you're like, look, we can't fix it and he goes, oh, that's because this, this, this, but then that guy retires and you're left with just a bunch of diversity hires who only know how to get on slack. Wait, but then Zervos was a fraud. Yeah, but he knew how everything worked, Sean. who only know how to get on slack but that was a boss was a fraud
Starting point is 00:58:05 he knew how everything works, John he knew how to get on air balloon work he said I can't come back, I don't know how it works goodbye folks hey guys, I have to tell you just like in the interest of legal disclaimer whatever here, I was not hitting a bond but you heard that was not me hitting a bond that was the sound of me taking LSD.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Ahahahaha. Now you're talking, right? All right, I gotta give everybody a let it go. You're trying that method, dude. I gotta give, yeah. I gotta introduce everybody to you. So I saw you, I saw you laying into a Libertarian party people on Twitter, which I thought was hilarious because I hate the government
Starting point is 00:58:47 Making a lot of acid, but It's so easy. Oh my god. The libertarian movement is fun of easily Ridiculable people And I love the LP. I've been a member of the libertarian party since 2000 something I've been a lifetime member since 2004 when I got back from Iraq and was the first time I could afford it. Yeah, and as a centerpiece for the freedom movement, it's fucking awesome because it has this incredible statement of principles. It's really locked in. It's a beautiful political expression of the non-aggression principle of ethics, of
Starting point is 00:59:26 what's really to me important about what it means to be a libertarian. But it's so easily taken over, diverted, rendered, and effective by infiltrators. It's fair to argue that it's kind of useless and and i i i i'd really will argue against that uh... but i i i will accept uh... a lot of criticism of the lp in that you know that that it it it absolutely deserves but is it the lp itself no is it the you know building in virginia is it the desk and the chairs is it the the statement of principles is it the desks and the chairs, is it the statement of principles, is it the policy, is it the base of the membership? No, but because of the nature of the organization, a handful of assholes can very easily take it over.
Starting point is 01:00:15 It's been perfect. And make it, make it ugly, make it ineffective, make it overwhelmed by infighting. And I'm just, I'm figuring out all the assholes indiscriminately. Yeah, you really are. I, you were laying into Dave Smith and I really dislike his the way he leads the liberty. Like every time I hear him talk, it's very condescending. He's telling people books to read, but he's also, he's also violating like the core concepts of what is the libertarian,
Starting point is 01:00:45 egregiously, over and over and unapologetically. Like, he's always really rubbed me the wrong way. And it was funny to see you rip into him. And then some- Yeah, go ahead. Before you move on from Dave Smith, let me explain Dave Smith, at least my understanding from the distance, because I mean, he's an okay comedian who's doing this political thing where he's more the useful idiot for the people behind the Mises caucus just like right now using him as a figure him. I actually relatively
Starting point is 01:01:18 like Desmond, I like his message. I think you're actually right though to point out that it's major weakness is that he doesn't have enough intellectual confidence in the message or at least it sounds like it to present it just without it without being condescending, which means it's great for people who are insecure because they have small dicks and they need a guy who can come out and be calm. That's a good idea Therefore, I have a bigger dick than you. And therefore, I can maybe dumb jokes and I can be condescending. And that's really nit-gaking.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Someone's the critical delivery of someone else, because generally speaking, I like Dave. I like this message. But the people who have run a whisper campaign in the party against me really Mike Heiss and the leadership of the measles caucus, you know, he's taken there side when when confronted with them being dishonest. So he's willing to pro I think he's, I wouldn't say he's a liar because I haven't caught him in any specific lie.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Yeah, but I don't think you ever would. He's too slick. I'm lighted with people. Well, I mean, he doesn't have to get away with, we're going to be fun when we get away with, but he has no serious political resume or whatever. And I think you wouldn't be the worst nominee of the party's ever had by a mile, but it's more important to see him in the context of how he's being used by people who clearly don't have the message or the cause or the
Starting point is 01:02:51 movement as their primary motivator. And I think, that's really the new standard for me, aside from a higher standard of integrity, and I've experienced this with other people in the movement. Scammers like Jeff Burwick, who fucks me over after I worked with him for a few years with Ann Arca Polco. And then he threatened me and screwed me out of some money. And when I told other people this and they said, well, I didn't have a bad experience. So I'm going to keep working with him. I'm like, what, you know what you don't want to what you mean? Yeah. Well, you really, really, I mean, I'm familiar with this slide. There's some people who are still working with Burrowake and so working with Ann Arcopoco and fine. There are a bunch of people who
Starting point is 01:03:34 worked with him and got burned and I kind of want to sit here and they're not like told you so. But more importantly, I don't want to fucking work with people who are a liability to me because they'll accept people in their lives and their organizations and their activism who are so low integrity. And so there's that standard that I'm sort of imposing for my life and for my work. But also as a bigger thing, and as I talk about the libertarian party, and you'll never be able to stand up like I say this all the time at the libertarian
Starting point is 01:04:11 party speech events, I'll say, would any undercover cops of the audience please raise your hands? And you know, not a lot of undercover agents get exposed that way. But if you just go, who is acting with the interest of the cause of the party, who is acting with integrity? And if you're not, get the fuck out of here, you deserve to be called out. And there's a lot of people like that who get away with shit because we're all bunch of pussy's, like you come down to it. Modern American men, humans, women too, in terms of like, yeah, there's an emasculation of society,
Starting point is 01:04:46 but it's a robbingness of our assertiveness as individuals, both men and women. And when it comes down to confronting bad actors in our lives or even in politics, we're all bunch of fucking pussies. And we're afraid to call people out because we're in our their feelings. And we're afraid to say it out is, we might have consequences for us. And I'm, you know, I'm beyond that now fuck it all. And the consequences are forever. You know, you call the wrong person out, the consensus mindset that people need to make
Starting point is 01:05:17 decisions, he says, he's hitting more acid. The consensus mindset that everyone strives for is a disincentive to call anybody out to cause any kind of strife. You know, like making the, it seems like making this party that is a statement about politics and not necessarily a viable party is more important, keeping the integrity of the party is more important than anything else. When in fact, it is not even viable. I disagree.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Let me, let me, I disagree. This is, I'm slightly more optimistic about the potential for the Libertarian party. But I'm open to what you said, right? In a sense that the party, we might, so stepping back first, premises, I believe, and I believe this is rational optimism, my reading of history, statistics, Stephen Pinker's work, our professor who did the book, Better Angels of our Nature and the Ted Talk to Klein and Violence for the surprising decline in violence. I believe that as a matter of human progress, as we get more harmonious over time, as fundamental
Starting point is 01:06:23 to the nature of intelligent life itself, that a voluntary society is inevitable. It is what we as humanity are evolving towards, not necessarily genetically, but socially, we are evolving towards a harmonious society that respects the non-aggression principle. I don't think that's just a matter of wishful thinking or ideology that are a matter of faith. That is a matter of rational deduction of the course of human progress, which of course
Starting point is 01:06:52 has some caveats like, we don't let government blow everybody up with nukes first, if aliens don't take us out or we don't have a real virus or something. And yeah, it's inevitable, we're going have like a real virus or something, you know, and yeah, it's inevitable. We're going to have a voluntary society. So the question is not, you know, if but how and when. And so then you go to the, then your activism as an individual towards that and can be evaluated on, you know, am I effectively moving the ball in that direction? And am I living by my principles? Am I enjoying life? Am in that direction? And am I living by my principles and my enjoying life and I'm I living well? And then you can say, well, the
Starting point is 01:07:29 Libertarian Party might be useless politically. We might achieve a voluntary society through collapse, if you're a collapse, aitarian. And then the point of view is a thing. Collapse aitarian. All right, I'm into that. Yeah, right. No, I mean, there's a whole rationale behind it to say, like, I'm not a collapseitarian. I don't believe that a collapse is inevitable or inherently positive or necessary for human progress. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:00 But I believe there's a possibility you could say that COVID itself has been a many economic collapse. I mean, we lost a lot of money to the bad guys in the last two years, and it's still good loss. And it's still good loss. Yeah. So, the LP could be just a platform that if I want to run for Congress, I can go to my county LP and my state LP and say, hey guys, anybody else here running for Congress
Starting point is 01:08:29 is a libertarian? I'm in line with the non-aggression principle. I'm a nice guy, and I'm not an abrasive asshole, or maybe I am, I don't care. But I wanna run for Congress because a libertarian is a district, just spread this message, and it looks very effective. So, I mean, if you're not an asshole, you don't get to shit on everything. So, there's that platform that like, hey, there's the government is holding a race for
Starting point is 01:08:55 Congress to represent this district. And if you fill out a form, you get interviewed and you get to talk to people and you get to talk about libertarianism and what you would do. And that's amazing. That is awesome because you are going to reach people that your show as amazing as this podcast is. You're like, no, you're not going to reach certain people. And sometimes that is an awesome vehicle, just that venue for communication.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Even if there is literally zero chance of ever winning anything or affecting policy, that's awesome. However, I also believe that we have the potential with the Libertarian Party to be the primary mechanism of change once people are ready. The Libertarian Party itself won't do it. It might, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:46 it's the movement as a whole creating the conditions and the paradigm shift for the Libertarian Party to be able to step in and be like, oh, we've got, we've got a majority. Let's get the votes and make it real, you know, and there may be that role. We might not though, we might win a voluntary society by dragging the Republicans and Democrats in our direction, one policy position at a time and never elect a libertarian above county supervisors. Yeah. And I'm happy with that too. But none of these things at all negates the existence or the effort of the libertarian
Starting point is 01:10:22 party. And I think the only legitimate argument you can make against it as a whole that way is that it's an inefficient use of resources. And I would agree that most of the time it is actually. I love hearing you talk about this. I don't know, I could, when you, when you called, you called this woman fat on Twitter and like a hundred guys descended upon you, telling you what a shitbag you were. I said, all right, I got to talk to this. Who is this magnificent specimen? He's got to call in and give us his P.I.V. Yeah, I think you're saying, I think you're saying a
Starting point is 01:10:55 lot of smart stuff. That would be great. About that in particular, I don't think you can remember who it was. Natalie, something with me is an institute. And apparently I interviewed a year ago and I don't think you can remember who it was. Natalie, something with Mrs. Institute, and apparently I interviewed a year ago, and I don't even remember. But she lied directly in a really stupid way to my friend Ryan Graham on Twitter, and she was on the wrong side of whatever
Starting point is 01:11:19 the original issue was, and she was attacking his credibility, because he only has 2000 followers on Twitter. And so he has 3000. It was like it was right there. 2990 something. And she's like, you only have 2000 Twitter followers. And it's like, all right, is she well-taxed and was credibility? I'm gonna put the mirror on you.
Starting point is 01:11:41 You know, and I'm gonna see guys who want to like overthrow the government, losing their minds because you called a woman fat. Like you guys need to have, you guys, you guys need to not be so triggered by that. Part of the reason though, and I mean, I call people fat on the internet all the time because fat shaming works better than fat diets. And I will be that in your face, fucking tell you the truth, drive by therapist that you need. That's all I can do for you. And I'm gonna run out of your fat because you have low impulse control
Starting point is 01:12:12 and you haven't found enough reason to live or you're a fucking moron or you haven't applied your intelligence yet to figure out how to run the human body because it's not that complicated. There's no reason to be fat. Stop being a waste of skin. You know, I will tell people that, I mean, to your face, if that's what you need to hear,
Starting point is 01:12:28 but in this case, I have gotten some proof about the whisper campaign of Michael Heiss lying against me and writing. And I really did want to call attention to a certain group of, you know, demographic of people associated with him and within the Libertarian party. And that's kind of funny. Okay, I'm just going to turn up my, you know, attacked people on their credibility meter to, you know, 100 and focus on people's looks. Yeah. But this is also something that really is important.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Like, like, what's her name? Who's the trans woman who's the head of health and human services? It's like, oh, yeah. That's fine. Right? That's totally fine. Hey, hey, hey, just because I chop my dick off, doesn't mean I don't have great ideas. You know, like, it's, and it's not even that. Like, I don't, not even raising the trans thing. She's fucking fat. And I'll say, she, you want to identify as a woman? It's in your head that it's more important than your junk. Fine, if you don't get upset with me,
Starting point is 01:13:30 it's fucking up and calling you the wrong thing every now and then. I will respect that as a trans woman, you're a woman's brain in a man's body. That's a identify, you deserve to be called whatever you want. You deserve to do whatever the fuck you want with your body. As long as you're not going to be a dick about me screw it up every now and then if you have an Adam's apple, you want, you deserve to do whatever the fuck you want with your body. As long as you're going to be a dick about me screw it up every now and then if you have an Adam's apple, you know, or if you're fucking reasonable and you're trying to give the country health advice, then go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 01:13:55 And Rachel Lava, whatever her name is, his name is, I don't care. The idea that someone like that can be forced in a position to force their health advice on the American people is just one measure of how low this country is sunk. And I was also fucking turned into pussy. We're going to let that guy tell us how to live our lives. Fuck you. I mean, it's so, like it's so dramatic. The power is at levels.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Yeah, the amount of demoralization that just hits you immediately every day. The, just the thought that I could go on Twitter. LSD, vaporizing, I'll say. Yeah. The thought that I could go on Twitter and just speak normally makes me so happy, like now waking up. Like this fantasy that now that Elon owns it, I might be able to just speak naturally.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Well, unless, you know, the overlords have something to say about it. Yeah, except for the ministry of truth, right? Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I want to give, I want to give everybody a little background on you before we get going any further. You went to Iraq and then you came back and started protesting against the war. You got discharged, you got discharged for wearing your military uniform in the protest.
Starting point is 01:15:08 No, not quite. That's in the important distinction there, but yeah, we did a mock combat patrol as street theater to show what was going on in Iraq around the capital of Washington DC. And it was obviously the street theater. And I was already out of the Marine Corps in the individual ready reserve or the inactive reserve
Starting point is 01:15:28 where the UCMJ explicitly does not apply. And the first amendment covers by case precedent from Vietnam explicitly covers wearing a uniform in street theater when you're not impersonating someone in the military, right? And we didn't have rank in signal. It was obviously street theater. And the Marine Corps tried to come after me for that.
Starting point is 01:15:49 And then my, basically my discharge was downgraded from honorable to other than honorable. And they made me a national public figure. So, God. Yeah. So you've been, you got swatted for a pro-gun protests. I mean, I'm just trying to like sum up your hits of activism. You were at the Vets for Ron Paul rallying like 2012. You got arrested for an open carry protest in 2020. Was that right? Like, I remember all this stuff happening. I didn't know it was you
Starting point is 01:16:18 until you called that woman fat. And I'm like, this is the guy that I, it'll close. Yeah, somebody slamming a woman. No, okay, hold on. Yeah, I do. I did skeleton T for Dexbrame. For firearm civil disobedience, I wrote a self-published bestseller. I had a TV show, a radio show, a YouTube channel with 100,000 views. I've had my content ripped and for another 100 million views, sorry, 100 million
Starting point is 01:16:46 views on my channel, another couple hundred million views on other people's channels. I've been interviewed by every major cable network and half a dozen international networks in Jorogan. And Jorogan. And the Biss and Farah Wighthouse, I've gone on Jorogan's episode, I've shown, and I'm one of the censored guests. My episode is one of the censored Joe Rogan's Yeah, I saw that and and and and of all that. Oh, and and I'm a Decorated Marine Corps combat veteran and of all that you know me for he called a chick fat
Starting point is 01:17:19 Well I Well, there's a society. I do say society a lot. When somebody calls, when somebody calls a woman fat and stands by it, I take a second look. I'm like, well, what's this guy? There's a long road this guy's been on to get here. Oh, if the cut of his gym. Yeah, I got to know more.
Starting point is 01:17:36 So what was your four months for the gun civil disobedience thing? What was the least of four months in jail for that? Well, when you say I got swatted, I technically wasn't swatting in a sense that someone falsely called in a raid. It was the United States parks police. Okay, I ran into my home with two helicopters in the air and armored vehicle, a battering ram
Starting point is 01:17:59 and more men than they're sent to take down. Sure, you're brought enough guns. Just for you and your guns. And it was because I made a video in Washington, and he was like, it was like a nice language. And hop out of my car, 22nd video with a shotgun, and went home. But I left out on my resume, actually,
Starting point is 01:18:17 my most significant civil disobedience was recently. I drive without a license or plates or insurance. I pulled over in Colorado with mushrooms in December. And I basically refused to cooperate in every way possible. And I admitted, yes, these are my mushrooms. And I intended to distribute them to other veterans from my nonprofit here. Okay. My battle buddies, which is to, you know, get betstone in the woods, basically. Nice. And they drop the charges against me
Starting point is 01:18:51 because I fucking stared them down, basically. I played the religious defense. So now I'm comfortable saying publicly too, even here where I live in a much bigger county in Arizona with, I don't know, 20 times the population, I think. But then I grow and I give away mushrooms here. So, thank you. Thank you, everybody, how about with that?
Starting point is 01:19:12 Send me an email. I know a guy that does chocolate mushroom manufacturing. Really? Yeah, he got busted. He got busted last year in his trial. Shit just resolved now to community service. Oh, that's what he got after all of that. And God, yeah, how much in lawyers fees?
Starting point is 01:19:31 Yeah, a lot. Well, that's good to know. You also got wrapped up in a cursing ban in Massachusetts. Do I have that right? Yeah, when there was a city that banned cursing, so I started walking up to Cobb's cops and saying is this fucking law for real You're really gonna fucking arrest people for this. What kind of asshole on a blue costume? Why are you and and then arrested me and we had a little protest That's so that's so fucking funny to me. I know it's just
Starting point is 01:20:03 Why why should you be optimistic at all about where we're going? Yeah, you're saying Adam. Why is Adam? I'm just saying why should one be optimistic? But he is. Because if I if I was this guy a thousand years ago, I would have had my head cut off by now. Yeah, right. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Yeah, what do you? 100 times. I mean, for sure, I said, should I've done, I would have had my head dropped off a thousand times. I think you only get to serve. I don't think you get to do that more than once though. So you came back from Iraq and when did you, I mean, you obviously like part of you maybe thought you believed in the cause of going
Starting point is 01:20:45 to a rat. That's my sourdough. That's what happened there. What was that evolution like? I was a sort of libertarian leaning moderate before that. Otherwise, I mean, you're not a libertarian if you join the military. Sorry. I know that's kind of applying my standard to it.
Starting point is 01:21:03 But if you believe in the non-aggression principle, you believe in the principles of freedom. You don't go and work for a system that is fundamentally at odds with those principles that is designed to kill people and hurt people and steal from people. And so I believe that the Marine Corps had a net effect of peace on the world. I was that naive and propaganda. I was a kid and I watched Full Metal Jacket.
Starting point is 01:21:28 And I want to be the first kid on my block with a confirmed kill. And so I volunteered to go to Iraq in 2004. And I was actually against the invasion. As a libertarian leaning moderate, I was a bit of a non-interventionist. Now I'm an absolute anti-militarist, which is a much more conscious and principled person. But I'm not crazy. I mean, the way that you got targeted by the ads
Starting point is 01:21:56 for the military as a kid leading up to, like, because I look at them now, I mean, I'm 42 years old. I was born in 1980. And now when I see them as an old man, like it hurts me because I know how effective it is on kids who are like. Like a fucking lava monster.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Yeah. Yeah, wait, the Marine one, the old. The Marine Gord, you can play the lava monster. I remember the fucking lava monster ad. Yeah, the army of one with that crisp ass hat. I'm looking at that going oh no man this is bad this is bad this is bad it's like advertising harland on tv i remember the army and the and the marines the most yeah you know not the air force
Starting point is 01:22:36 they can convince children to kill for politician right yeah right and uh i mean i i i volunteer to go to a roth because I thought what we were doing was cleaning up our mess and it kind of responsible for Emponialty. And I was, and I really, that naive, and I went and knew it thinking that volunteering to go in civil affairs and then I went in with that intent, but we would be helping people. And in some ways that was true, but really obviously it was done another exercise and empire and militarism and pain off defense contractors. And I saw Marines die.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I saw a lot of Iraqis die. And in the lowest part of the experience for myself, I followed orders to torture people or Iraqi detainees when I should have disobeyed them. So I'm familiar with how militarism, the willingness to do violence on the basis of political authority and to give up your moral autonomy is capable of driving people to incredible evil. Wow, how many guys did you have to torture? It's not like that.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Like, oh, here's a guy, put him in a room torture him and then put him in a cell. No, what I did that was really the worst of it for me was guarding detainees and it was just one shift during the siege of Fallujah, where they, I mean, I forget two gross, but they sandbags over their heads at time, forced to sit up right not a lot of the way back
Starting point is 01:24:11 and we'd go to sleep. So, yeah. So it was like, it was softening them up for interrogation. And that was one, like, I did that myself. I had guarded those guys that night, one shift myself, it was fucked up. Yeah. I should have disobeyed that order. But then there were, and that wasn't even our job. Like, did they have similar affairs? Our job was actually to be the nice guys, like to fig Lee from the whole operation, but there were, there were times we were attached to infantry
Starting point is 01:24:49 units and we are during the siege of Fuluz itself in, was it April 2004? Now, the first battle of Fuluz as opposed to the second or the main battle of Fuluz, which was November when they swept through the city. Just after the elections, by the way. And so there was a certain disillusionment for me about the experience itself, but that just motivated me to intellectually get to the bottom of the rabbit hole of why that had happened. And so when I got out, I joined Iraq veterans against the war and let's back to that story
Starting point is 01:25:29 and protest in the uniform. And then I just, I realized it wasn't enough to be against the occupation of Iraq or Iraq and Afghanistan or the global war on terror or wars, a principle or even to Ron Paul's concept of, and it's not his, but what he introduced someone else to is the Christian concept of just or the just war doctrine. But when you actually study literature and principles, and you go, well, if taxation
Starting point is 01:26:01 is theft, then how the fuck is this military legislatively funded? And it's not. You know, if people have individual moral agency, why do you punish people for disobeying orders that are immoral? Yeah. And why? I go on and on and on. Why does the US military not live up to this hypothetical standard, just war theory?
Starting point is 01:26:22 And it's because at its core, it's un-American and it's on principle and it's anti-freedom. That is militarism as opposed to what the founders of this country, not the framers who fucked it up with the coup in the illegal constitution of 1789, but the actual founders, you said fuck you to King George and you know T taxes too much, right? Remember? Yeah. Remember when we had standards, but that went when- Wait, who are the illegal founders? You said the illegal framers. No, no, okay, so yeah, so for all of us, the only thing that's finished on the founders, were against what they called a standing army, and they preferred a militia-based offensive,
Starting point is 01:27:02 because militias are incorporated in the population and they defend the people Whereas militaries defend politicians and divide Royals as they knew from Europe. So your question was the and if you didn't know this it's one of the saddest stories of history being revised for the white wash textbook version of history.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And it said, the founders and the framers were essentially the same people. The people who said, fuck, Unicene George, we're going to be independent. We're the same people who wrote the Constitution that came into effect from 1776, 13 years later, 1789. And there's this big gap in the textbook of American version of history that leaves out, it in that time, the union was governed, so to speak, by the Articles of Confederation.
Starting point is 01:28:00 And the Articles of Confederation were actually a legitimate document of government by consent and then The people who created the Constitution came along and created a new strong central authority and force people into it and they said well if nine out of 13 sign on we're gonna consider this rather Take those our excuse to do things that ethically we have no right to do whatsoever Yeah, I'm imposed a central bank a standing army no right to do whatsoever, and impose a central bank, a standing army, the power to tax, intellectual property, and legitimize slavery. Whereas the
Starting point is 01:28:32 artist, so if you're a constitutionalist and a sense of you believe people should come together under their leadership and write a document of social organization that lays out some unique form of authority or privilege or organization to a government and that that should be done by consent and honestly and transparently. You have to be absolutely opposed to this current document masquerading as a legitimate constitution because it is the product of the two COUP, a two of 1789 that displaced the articles of Confederation, which were the legitimate constitution
Starting point is 01:29:14 by consent of the time. Yeah, I always hear the criticisms of that saying that while the article's constitution, the country, the, yeah, the article's constitution, the country, yeah, there are articles in Confederation where so weak that the country would have just fallen apart. And I believe that when I was a kid, but now that I'm on the other thing, like, well, what does that even mean? Like, something there's no government, that would be great.
Starting point is 01:29:36 That's the coverage the articles get in the textbook version. Yeah. There was not enough rules. There was this janky temporary thing in place. Yeah, like no, I think I would like that one like oh Well, you don't understand the whole country would fall apart like no, I still like have to eat I still have to make deals with people to make shit. I'm pretty sure we could organize our own police forest We kind of have to anyway. Yeah, I love this out of the water, the LSD water pipe going the back. So what do you think Adam? What do you think the water pipe? Oh, nice,
Starting point is 01:30:11 Mickey Matt. Okay, that's good. And the hit before that was actually the sound of me eating mushrooms. Oh, that's good. I want to hear about Joe Rogan. So I know you're like, you're one of the blocked guys from there. And I want to hear your thoughts on how're like, you're one of the blocked guys from there. And I want to hear your thoughts on how to like, how to move forward from this mess we're in, because it seems to get more dystopian every day. We've got like a legit ministry of truth run by somebody who's miles stapled to the back of their head. The girl bosses are on control. So I like Joe Rogan mostly personally, but he's become control of opposition and he's
Starting point is 01:30:48 an entertainer first and it's just enough, just low enough integrity that the system will promote him getting big at the, and I don't want to say to expensive people like me because what I was doing when I had media operation, was entirely different. But my episode, and I think I was on what it was in 55, it was a few years, it was like 2014, it was a long time ago. It was before I went to jail, yeah, 2014, 13, 14, anyway. How was jail?
Starting point is 01:31:25 Great. Did you like, yeah, did you regret it? Delicious. No, no, I've always enjoyed my time in jail. But the longest I've done was for months. But Joe Rogan lied specifically, him and Alex Jones, when they said that the reason our episodes didn't get transferred to the Spotify archive was because of technical difficulties. And I was like from the beginning, no way, motherfucker, you just got a hundred million dollar contract and a company that gave it to you, can't figure out how to move an audio file. Yeah. And so, you know, Joe Rogan, what he did with
Starting point is 01:32:01 with Iver Mechton and challenging that part of the COVID narrative. Yeah. Very tempting for me to look at and say, wow, that was good. That was really powerful. But here's the thing, Joe Rogan never came out and said, and therefore, we can't trust this system at all. And therefore, we need to either all vote libertarian or stop paying taxes or do something to fundamentally address the root cause of this because he's
Starting point is 01:32:25 willing to address big issues and big problems and have controversial guests on, but never actually advocate for the rational conclusion, they're willing to let him get big. As long as he kind of stays on that side of the line, he'll set the edge of the overton window. Yeah, I have the same fucking feeling with him. Mikey's all like, and go ahead. Sure, he wants to make a lot of money. Just to finish the point about me and the people that don't make it on, and this goes back to why Dave Smith allowed on and on, you know, multiple times on his show, is that I'm just outside the overton window of what the powers that they would like to allow.
Starting point is 01:33:04 I'm, it's like, you know, my YouTube channel, I can brag about my numbers, but I've had those numbers for like five or six years. Yeah. Since COVID, they actually, you know, I've been so shadow banned, it's embarrassing. But the difference is fundamentally that Dave Smith says, and Joe Rogan says, the system is wrong and government is bad, and therefore you should talk about it and you should understand it and you should argue about it. And you should vote for it and you should hope that it will change.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Yeah, we should throw it out to criminals and tyrants. That's what we need. Whereas my answer is no, you should live differently. You should live like you should live like your life depends on it. No, but you should you should live as an act of civil disobedience. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes.
Starting point is 01:33:59 We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. We should do crimes. American already commits three felonies a day according to the Columbia professor who wrote the book by that name three felonies a day So you might as well be fucking enjoying life and saying I'm not gonna be exploited But if you sit there and you work a job and you live on grid and you ever w2 and you and I'm all I'm not saying tax
Starting point is 01:34:17 You're being exploited Avalidance change your lifestyle so that you're not paying way more taxes than you have to change your lifestyle so that you're not paying way more taxes than you have to. Stop fucking working for the man. If your conclusion of man, the world is fucking government is evil and it murders innocent people, but well, I'm just going to go vote. And that's that shit. And I'm going to say, well, it's just I voted for Dave Smith or I'm going to for Joe Bordison.
Starting point is 01:34:39 It's a protest vote. We're Gary Johnson. Yeah. We brought you that, that means that you have been sucked in to being controlled opposition yourself. Yeah. I agree. You're just voting for a sports team at that point.
Starting point is 01:34:52 The idea of getting people the idea that they're going to vote themselves out of slavery. Yeah. It's like it's such a stupid opiate. It always has been. Mm-hmm. Well, I believe it, like I said, back to the potential of the Libertarian Party. I believe so, if we get to a critical mass, it won't be because we voted and taught, it'll be because we acted and we were passionate about it and made government so weak by our
Starting point is 01:35:19 actions that everybody was like, yeah, we need to stop doing this. But we might end up actually going, hey, let's nominate a libertarian to clean up this mess. Now that we've had that paradigm shift. So I am optimistic about that possibility, but it can't be, well, I'm just gonna vote and hope things change. You know, no, fuck that.
Starting point is 01:35:39 Principles aren't really principles if you don't live by them. I don't know if it's, if it's 100% related, but it's interesting to me that the entire mask mandate, like flying mandate was basically stopped by like three people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? I, I, it wasn't this big movement to stop that like the side guys that was moving. It was just three specific people identified at choke point, which was vulnerable legally.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Yeah, yeah, I pursued it. Well, and now we all benefit from it. Yeah. Is it a different way of looking at things than what we, by aggregate, we need to all like get together and vote for me, even though it's pointless. Like it's not. Yeah, I don't know if you can give three people that credit. I'd like to thank everybody who punched in airline attendant.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Actually. You know, I give Mike Tyson some credit. Oh, that was good. Everybody who's doing top, thank you, thank you. Yeah. Well, you know, I know what you're saying, you know, people, how do you get the masses to just kind of wake up and start living that principled life? Because that's the thing because what kind of principled life do you think
Starting point is 01:36:50 are you? Principles of like libertarianism. Yeah. What do you weigh away to? Yeah. I want to know what Sean has in his idea as like a principled shift. Oh, no, no, I'm using his principles. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:01 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm using his principles because I think fundamentally most people are very conservative. And I don't mean politically. I mean, personally, it's the enemy you know. Yeah, it's not great, but what's out there might be worse because fear is the strongest emotion people have. It's as deep as it gets because back in the day, you make the wrong decision, you might fucking get eaten. Well, I'll tell you this, everybody in LA, and I mean, everybody, even the most liberal
Starting point is 01:37:28 Hollywood celebrity fucking despises the homeless. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, that's who they really are, you know? So I didn't think fear. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the fear of being kicked out of your in-group is tremendous. It's death. Being abandoned by your political ideology is death. Go
Starting point is 01:37:45 ahead Adam, sorry. Do you know what I'm saying? The answer is fat shaming. I overcomplicate that. Let me explain. Yeah, let me explain. Because I'm really grateful that you guys asked the question that way because it really does get to something that is very important for us to acknowledge strategically or in strategically as George W. would have said it for our movement. And how, as you look at the party's numbers, we've stalled. And in many ways, as a movement, we have stalled. There was a period of growth from the birth of the party, 70s, 80s. There was a flat lining. There was a burst with Ron Paul and and it's kind of gone back if anything From that that period of enthusiasm when Ron Paul was a specific vehicle for people to come together and
Starting point is 01:38:40 Well the way there's a Thomas Sauer quote about this where he says, you cannot convince someone with logic and reason and evidence who is emotionally committed to their position. And for a lot of statists today, it's, well, don't shit. It's not rational. So if you sit down with someone who's being, like, there are some kids, the younger people that you can reach with education and that kind of outreach.
Starting point is 01:39:12 And for, and there are people across the spectrum, age-wise, who are open-minded enough intellectually enough to go, oh, okay, thank you. You know, that explains it. You put the pieces together for me, I appreciate that. I went from being a libertarian leaning moderator Just kind of a coolest moderate. Yeah, now I'm I'm I get it. I'm a voluntary if it makes sense
Starting point is 01:39:32 But that's only like a few percentage points of the population is a very small minority. Yeah, and if we restrain our Outreach to getting those people The status will outbreed us forever and we're fucked, right? And if you think about the status, you know, who is it that is beyond being reached by logic and reason and evidence, those people are somehow beaten down. They are somehow incapable of logic and reasoning evidence. And this is why I bring it back to,
Starting point is 01:40:11 I mentioned that, shame me, humorously but seriously, and that when people are beaten down psychologically, when people are beaten down in their health, when people don't feel empowered to just be in charge of their bodies, when people feel incapacitated, when they feel emasculated, when they don't have that inherent psychological confidence to be assertive, they are easily controlled and beaten down and exploited. And so mental health and physical health and individual empowerment and lifestyle type advocacy, I think might be
Starting point is 01:40:55 more important than political or argumentative or reason and evidence blah blah type type work. And that's why I just want to post selfies of me being Boston ripped working out in my homestead and make fun of people for being fat. You got a great homestead man. That's beautiful life. Not only that, I have a smoking hot girlfriend who was bisexual and we're looking to take on more and two more women in our relationship. That's fantastic. You won't need politics anymore. You'll be busy, you'll be busy, you're putting down fires at your home all day. Just fake the libertarianism. I have to get two more chicks You got any more room on your compound
Starting point is 01:41:57 Well, if anybody wants to live this way I do like helping people live or Principal lives any way that they're ready for but in particular Homesteading if anybody ever is looking to buy land in this area? It's a great area, Jean-Nepro would ranch. In the Northern Arizona. I am. If you haven't been to Northern Arizona, it's one of the prettiest fucking places, you know, out anywhere near this coast.
Starting point is 01:42:18 Yeah, don't think of Phoenix, but no, no. No, no. Which is fucking gross. We're at 5,000 and it's consistently 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix. Oh, it's a different stuff. Yeah, yeah, around Northern Arizona from all the way at Flagstaff it's 7,000, going down to Kingman. You have a huge range of terrain and different kind of tree coverage and climates and things like that relatively cheap land and however much community you want in terms of how close to town
Starting point is 01:42:53 or how far out there you want to be. And then the other thing is health and fitness. And I'm a one-mual day vegan and the best shape of my life, the best-looking shape. It's the most efficient fitness regimen. But yeah, I'm vegan. I'm pretty strict about it. I'm extremely strict vegetarian consumer choice. And I will, as an ethical matter never over order or buying things for myself
Starting point is 01:43:29 I went for nutritional purposes as an experiment I went 99.9 plus percent at least vegan for for four months But I don't try to be too anal about it because I kind of ruins the point Yeah, so like if my girlfriend has some leftovers of something or four eating out and I'm like is there a job Darian is dressing. I'm not going to be that guy. So I'd say like I'm you know, 98 99 percent, but I'm pretty strict about like I eat one meal a day. It's dinner. And so fast for 22 hours, 23 hours, and then I have a feast and some amazing.
Starting point is 01:44:07 And not only I've actually gained muscle doing that, I thought it really needed a way to cut, but I've actually gained muscle doing that. That's why millennials can't buy houses, Sean, because they haven't been just eating, have you heard that? Millennials, they're eating out too much, they have Netflix, they need to just eat beans and take the bus.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Right. And then they could afford a house like like like like their parents did. Like the boomers did. Yeah. Yeah. They're all about sacrifice. Okay. Wait.
Starting point is 01:44:36 I have two more questions for you. Then you got to enjoy your LSD. So my only my only hope is that somehow we can come up with just the right rhyme or just the right jingle and get everybody together to ratify what was the original first amendment, which is that congressional districts can't be bigger than 60,000 people. And still on, it still exists to this day. It was ratified by 11 states in the beginning or what was ratified by nine and it slowly got ratified by more but it never
Starting point is 01:45:09 achieved full ratification. Congress passed a law after like the 26 that said no more new no more new old amendments but this one original first amendment the amendment to first could still be ratified. And I think it would be I think it would be still be ratified and i think it would be i think it would be so transformative that uh... i think it would say we i think it would save the mayor i think it's the only thing that could save america honestly ratifying the original first amendment which would turn districts into that sounds that that sounds like some
Starting point is 01:45:40 pinker and shit if you have to explain it like that. Oh, yeah, no, no, I'm explaining it to you Yeah, no, I understand it We in order to build a critical mass consensus around someone like that You know, it's sort of like libertarians trying to scale back government But because we live in an electoral system if government right now is at a hundred percent You know, and we say let's scale it back to 80%, let's have a candidate who's going to do that. Then we have to say why 80%, why not 81%, why not 79%.
Starting point is 01:46:16 We have to make it almost impossible. It is sort of mathematically set up to fails, it means it created consensus, which is why I think, if you actually look at our principles, I mean, you look at the Libertarian Party statement of principles, it doesn't say, you know, big government or small government,
Starting point is 01:46:33 it really says, and I forget the exact wording, but it's pretty close to the effect of where government exists, it must be voluntary. And if this is why I like that the anarchist, the anarchist things is dumb. They're both central planning conclusions
Starting point is 01:46:48 of the applications of our principles, we say the government can be as big or as small as you want it to be, as long as you don't force it on anybody else. Okay. And so if you say, well, let's do this tinkering with Congress that hopefully we'll have this effect and that effect That to me that just sounds doomed to fail, which is why my bigger answer other than absolute just
Starting point is 01:47:13 Slash and burn repeal law stop coercion ever every chance we get if you're gonna change the system It's it's localization Mm-hmm I thought you can actually preserve functionality of government that people do depend on while transitioning to a fully voluntary system. Sure. What I was running for president, it was, let's get rid of the feds, the federal government
Starting point is 01:47:35 entirely through peaceful, orally responsible bankruptcy and get it down to the states. Because no one can argue with that. Yes, you live in a state because you chose to live there. It's gonna be more of what you want with less federal interference. I don't have to argue with you. Is it this program or that program or how big should it be or how small should it be?
Starting point is 01:47:56 I don't care. If I don't live in your state, I don't have a say. But then you get a state government to get down the counties and get down to communities eventually. And then that membership in that community becomes a voluntary thing and that's how we get away from this whole paradigm of coercive government. So, you see, I just explain the entire thing, you know, as a concept of how we can unite people and move forward. And if you have to explain,
Starting point is 01:48:22 like, oh, well, we're going to have congressional districts this size and there's have to explain like, oh, we're gonna have congressional districts of this size. And there's gonna be way more reps. And then it's gonna have like, no, you lost most people already. Oh, I know, believe me, I wish there was a way to con them into supporting it. The only reason why I think it's a way forward is because you can go state by state.
Starting point is 01:48:38 You can go state by state and put all of your resources money in one state at a time and get them to ratify it. That's why that's the only reason why I think is strategically viable. No, I have a response to that. Okay. It's kind of arguing against it,
Starting point is 01:48:53 but I do respect it. What you're pointing out is that it represents a unique opportunity to tinker with the fist. Right. And gum off the works for people, right? Right. But in Arvon Vorhub said it very well when he was running that if we press the button and got rid of all of this government today, this society would create the same government
Starting point is 01:49:16 tomorrow. And that's been an exaggeration, but his point is that the government we experience is a product of the paradigm of what we will put up with. And if you go to a few states and tinker with a system and that happens, you haven't really fundamentally changed what people will put up with, then it could keep getting worse. Government could still get it. They could find other ways to corrupt it that they will. Yeah. You know, by condominium. Oh, I'm just last one real quick. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:45 By contrast, what I'm advocating in localization of government is in the process of that vote and getting that consensus. It's people asserting, fuck no, we will not put up with the federal government existing any longer. That would be great. Yeah. There's got to be, got to be a good slogan for that. There's going to be a four hour conversation like when it comes to, so like, what about the
Starting point is 01:50:09 money? What is about what? What about money? I don't know what to gain to. I don't know that kind of crypto. No, I don't mean. Yeah, just the, just the different currencies all that, you know, yeah, thank you for calling it.
Starting point is 01:50:21 I hope the audience enjoyed it. I really enjoyed talking to you. I think you're very genuine in your political commitments. I mean, obviously your track records speaks for itself, but I really appreciate the time. Thank you. I have one question. There's a bit of a silly one, answered however you want, but what makes you a rage?
Starting point is 01:50:39 What annoys you like beyond all else? Trivially or seriously. What really pisses you off? I don't believe in getting angry. There you go. Okay. Get even. Fuck you. Get even. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:53 Well, all right, man. Enjoy your day. Thank you for calling it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much, y'all. Oh, yeah. If people want to follow me.
Starting point is 01:51:05 Telegram is where it's at slash Adam versus the man. Adam Cogish on Twitter or Adam Cogish on Odyssey or YouTube for video stuff. Okay, I'm versus the man. Yeah, if anybody wants to email me just to get involved with anything you've been talking about, I'm always looking, I got all sorts of great opportunities.
Starting point is 01:51:27 Always looking for good people to help out. And best way to reach for me would be email, Adam at, THE, Thanks guys. I honestly think that people need somebody to kind of like replace John McAfee. I got a house to say it. And you seem like the guy to do it. Like that's just, you know, like email the grassroots stuff. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Anyway, thanks Adam. Have a good one. Well, what did you like? I did. Oh, you liked it. Yeah, I did. Interesting point of view. I did.
Starting point is 01:52:00 You know, uh, yeah. Do you hear that part about his bisexual girlfriend? Yes. Wow. I did. I did. Yeah. Sure. He's got, you know, he's a you hear that part about his bisexual girlfriend? Yes. Wow. I did. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Sure. He's got, you know, he's a libertarian. He's all about it. He's figured it out. He isn't a fucking beautiful area in the United States. I mean, that's it. Well, first time I ever went to Flagstaff, I was like, yeah, I could live here. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:17 I mean, up over 7,000 feet, I know he said he's at 5,000, but it was, I mean, you know, the snow, all the fucking, the evergreen trees, the Grand Canyon's right there. My grandparents used to have a cabin up in Flagstaff, the beautiful city. We should just move the show to his compound. Be a lot of fun. In Juniper County. I just, yeah, where it was. I always find it, you know, I've watched a lot of veteran interviews over the years from, you know, World War II to Vietnam, to the first goal for to Chappenden. They all happened in 1994. Yes, exactly. 94 through the summer of 96, I think,
Starting point is 01:52:56 those were all. It was a lot of action. It was a lot of action when I was in, you know, around high school age. Yeah. But I always find it, you know, not odd. It doesn't, if you look at it psychologically, it's not odd at all. So many people, I want to reject the, I wanted to be the first kid on my block with a confirmed kill to, I'm against because they, because they actually did it. It's an idea in your mind. And then you go, this just feels all kinds of wrong. This is just wrong. What are we doing? Why am I doing this?
Starting point is 01:53:34 Why am I listening to somebody who voted to send me over here? I honestly believe that every politician who votes for, you know, war or military action around the world should have to go spin. Should have to go spin. They're gonna war. A little time on the front lines.
Starting point is 01:53:54 They don't have to be, they just have to be there. I'm not saying they have to pick up a weapon. They don't have to, they just have to experience what it's like to be in action. Yeah. And know that they directly put those people there, I think that would change some fucking minds. It's such a psychotic ad campaign,
Starting point is 01:54:10 like I want to say, they should just have to send their kids, but they all send their kids anyway, because it's like political cloud. Yes, it is. And then the kids come home and they're like, I'm the ace gunner from, like they're making this appeal of identity. Right, right. They rip on the trans side, but the military identity of the right is just as just as
Starting point is 01:54:32 tyrannically important. Sure. The gender identity is just like a diss-respect veteran. Like, well, how dare you? You've got to, of course, I get to board before everyone else. Yeah. I'm a lady. I mean, I'm a military veteran.
Starting point is 01:54:45 Like, I'm essential to this system that you call me, you call me private god damn it. It's ma'am. Like it's the same. Yeah, you know, I mean, I don't know, the veterans that I know don't have that attitude where the system does though. Yes, it does. The system does. Yes.
Starting point is 01:55:04 How can you fall in for taking advantage of and how can you fall in for taking advantage if you can't fall in for taking advantage of things? No, no. So I saw, like student loans, now student loans is all big in the zeitgeist because I've the, no, it's carried angling time, right? Sure. And I saw some woman saying, oh fuck,
Starting point is 01:55:18 getting student loans forgiven. I went to the military and that's how I got to school. I'm like, you have internalized this idea that you did something to deserve it. Right. Because you're sold this propaganda on the way in and on the way out. Yeah. Yeah. I saw Mitt Romney talking about how, why don't we just forgive auto loans and mortgage
Starting point is 01:55:41 loans? Like, yeah, motherfucker, why not? You guys got a cheesiness account. Really in dollars. Yeah, no. During COVID, for nothing. Yeah. Okay, I got, I forgot that I told this gentleman to call in.
Starting point is 01:55:55 Yeah, yeah. Right of reply, are you there? Yes, absolutely. There you are. Okay, say something else so we can hear you. Oh, there you go. Oh, you want me to sign here. There you go. Okay, say something else so we can hear you. Oh, there you go. There we go. Just so I can get a level on you. Yeah, on your voice. You want to do some videos? No, no, we don't, I don't really fuck with video. It's fine. Okay, so you
Starting point is 01:56:21 For some reason Yeah, okay, so I'm doing I was tweeting about this panel that I'm moderating that features destiny Brianna Wu book angel and Nick rakeeta and you said that anyone who was on that panel you were gonna call a pedophile Why is that Can you can you quote that precisely? I don't I got to go find it. Oh, I'm scrolling. Yeah, you said every, every all caps single individual who dares to share a stage with Nick Rakita from Rakita law can be and will be labeled a pedophile in accordance with the law. Here's why.
Starting point is 01:57:08 And then you have a bunch of Latin that I don't understand. So are you saying that I'm a pedophile and you're going to call me a pedophile or that I shouldn't be on a on a stage with Nick Riquita? Um, no. What made you think that? Well, you said can and will be in all caps. The caps is what made you think that? Well, you said can and will be in all caps. The, the caps is what made me think it. All right.
Starting point is 01:57:28 So, like, um, I'm an English man right here. So do you know what the, um, do you know the phrase will the term tit for time? Tip for tat. Yeah. Like I for an eye. Fuck me. I'll fuck you.
Starting point is 01:57:39 Yeah. Okay. Right. So you, you're aware of that concept, right? Yeah. So did you listen to the video underneath all that right in? Yeah. Okay. Right. So you're aware of that concept, right? Yeah. So did you listen to the video underneath or about writing? Yeah. I was like Nick describing a case with a child porn or something. Right. Yeah. Now, did you hear him? Here, do you want me to play it? I got it right here. Hold on. I'm going to go and try and interview you. Wait,
Starting point is 01:58:00 wait, sorry. Go ahead. Go on. Play it. Okay, hold on. Shani, you ready for this? I'm ready. All right, here. This is Nick talking on his show, I'll play it. If you're calling a child pornography, then you're accepting that it's good and therefore, because to him, if you're calling it at the very least,
Starting point is 01:58:19 you're a cook for Peter Felia. You're attempting to normalize it and you're a state registered official, operative employee, simple mathematics. Um, because to write a reply, child pornography is good because right of reply likes child pornography. He doesn't like, he thinks, he'll listen to you.
Starting point is 01:58:42 I didn't listen to all this. Everybody loves child pornography because he's a pedophile The phrase chop pornography is a pedophile. Oh Are you a pedophile? Absolutely not what might seem to be I mean, what makes him think that? Right, I'm sorry. But you already made the accusation. So confused.
Starting point is 01:59:07 Yeah, I did hear him say that. That's kind of surprising. Right. So you got a business called Requit-A-Law, correct? Yeah. And it's making wild accusations without any evidence of proof, right? I mean, I would have to see the whole quote. Even what you've heard it with your own ear, has it stands now for arguments,
Starting point is 01:59:33 like he's making wild accusations without any proof evidence correct? Well, it's your clip. So I don't know, I have to trust that you've clipped it like on a slug. I'm just going to give you a argument. If the arguments date, as it stands, he made him wild accusations that, as far as that video is concerned, he had to prove it or substantiate the language-wise shape and form. I guess. Yeah. I mean, I understand that you're saying that. Let me finish.
Starting point is 02:00:04 Let me finish. Let me finish. Let me finish. So if you, because I've just listened to you with one of your guests, I didn't know you call it. I didn't know you call it in the P to file one. I don't call it P to file one. I don't call it P to file one. I just don't because it's illegal.
Starting point is 02:00:15 And if you did, you'd expect the same treatment correct? I expect that treatment already. So, but I'm saying, yes, yes, But I'm saying yes. You agree with the tit for tat concept? No, but you're saying that you'd call anybody who shared a stage with Nick a pedophile. I don't want to be called a pedophile. Okay, but let me finish. The time was made.
Starting point is 02:00:42 The time was made in his business, Ricky, it all out. Okay. So any individual, any individual about jumps on to that business or in that, let's just say to get away car and robberies and things like that. Okay. And you want to jump into that business now. It's like inadvertently or not endorsing those type that that behavior correct. No, I don't endorse Nick's behavior just because I'm on a stream with him. If you go on, no, listen, if you voluntarily go on to nitric heaters business, yeah, I'm conscious to think you're correct. Yeah. Right. And you know that he accuses other people of being pedophile without any proof revenue. It's great. No, I know that you think he has accused you of that. I don't know
Starting point is 02:01:29 the context of that clip. I don't know the back and forth on that. Yeah, but listen, I can't then, but I don't need to prove it to you. I don't need to prove it to anyone. I have to prove. I've satisfied myself. If you're going to go around calling people who are on streams with him a pet of vile, you're opening yourself up to a hell of a lot of tip for tat in response to that. I don't think that's justified. People fuck with me. I have fuck with their friends over it. Does it matter if you jump on it, if you jump into, let's just say there's an arm robbery in this instance. Let's just take Nick's accusation as an arm robbery. And his business is to get away car.
Starting point is 02:02:11 If you get in and to get away car, you liable for your action. What if the getaway car is a public bus? Am I liable? It's not a public bus. It's not a public bus. What if I liable car? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:23 Is it getaway car in a crime? And you know it is you know you know No, and you should know ignorance is no excuse. Yeah, you know it's a get away car now Well, I didn't know he didn't know tough shit You should have known and the driver should have told you if you had any respect for you He would have told you it's it's not ignorance as an excuse when you haven't done anything I haven't done anything. I haven't done anything. I have not called anybody a pedophile.
Starting point is 02:02:47 I'm doing this going on. If you jump into a getaway car, if you jump into a getaway car, that's committed a crime when you are liable for your actions, correct. I don't think so. Not if you don't know what they're doing. Not if you're not an accessory to the crime. If they just jump in your car, you're not, I mean, I don't need an analogy for this either.
Starting point is 02:03:08 There's no point building up your own house of cars to play with that. I didn't say that. You're standing on the street corner mind in your own business. You watch a bank retake pace. And then, and then, and that's how you all run out and jump in the car. The car pulls up next to you and goes, jump in if you want. Now it's a conscious decision. Maybe you jump in that car and not correct.
Starting point is 02:03:30 Well, gas is expensive. Well, yeah, all right. Gas is expensive. So, I need a ride. If you jump in the car, if you jump in that car, you're a criminal like the rest of them, correct? No, if somebody drives home drunk and you're in the car, you're not a drunk driver.
Starting point is 02:03:43 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, the scenario just give you. Don't, I didn't say anything about driving home drunk. If you jump into a getaway car, after it's just committed to crime and you've witnessed it, you know part of that criminal empire like gang. I don't think so. Because no matter what you think, by law you are.
Starting point is 02:04:01 It's a time. Don't be jumping into cars. Okay. So sort of criminal. If you don't want to be liable to fund. So what if I'm standing in a group of people and Nick's one of them and he, he looks over at you on the streets and says, Hey, you're a pedophile. That means you can come over and call me a pedophile. Now, I'll call you budget James and low-rogan in the corner down in Monkeysy Monkey do, but if you are, if you're sort of individuals at a few of the people who have stuff like
Starting point is 02:04:32 that, without any proof of everything, then you must be expected to be treated exactly the same. Oh, I don't think so. I know a lot of scumbags who do a lot of bad stuff. Like, I don't, I never said that. I never said that. You've been holding up your head, how's the cards to blow everything? I thought you was smart and educated.
Starting point is 02:04:50 I don't think those two are the same. Right, right. Right, say, what are you arguing? Why are you trying to argue? I'm wondering why I just want to know why you think anybody that shares a stream with Nick deserves to be called a pedophile. Why does he take your pedophile anyway? I don't know because I quoted the National Society for the Prevention of Quarity to Children in English law. I quoted the National Society for the Prevention of Quality to Children's
Starting point is 02:05:26 Logic, which has been incorporated into English law, regarding through, in decent criminal images of children. Let me give you a little thought experiment. Pawn is legal enterprise between consent and adopt correct? Yeah. Right. So the minute a child can up consent to having sex with an adopt in any of the trash act or form legally or otherwise correct? Right. Right. So why is the laws in your local area of jurisdiction labeling indecent criminal images of children through the lens and perspective of pedophile?
Starting point is 02:06:10 Wait, see that again? Why are the local area of jurisdictional law in your area? Okay. For instance, if they are indecent criminal images of children as porn, which is through the lens and perspective of the pedophile, because it's only porn to the pedophile. Why is it porn to decent individuals right now?
Starting point is 02:06:36 No, I think pornographic, I think the definition of pornographic is in company to all sexual activity, or even de-addactivity. Right. You've conceded, the relevant, you've conceded that porn is legal enterprise has been consenting a dumped. Therefore the terminology child pee, right? Yeah. Because I don't like saying it. I've trained myself not to say it, you see. It's a term child indeed, the term that you use for indecent images of children, right?
Starting point is 02:07:08 Yeah. And you make sense to the pedophile. It doesn't make sense to decent individuals who don't look at it that way. Oh, I see. So you're saying the term pornography inherently carries with it. It's an out of legitimacy, where there is none. As you've already conceded, a child cannot consent to any sexual crimes being committed upon them by an adult. So if
Starting point is 02:07:30 that's photographing, anyway, it's from a shape of form or it is. Yeah. Then it ceases to be pornography to consent another. What about like a drawing? A drawing could be pornographic and it doesn't involve any people. It becomes a crime. Listen, if you're drawing pictures of children having sex with adults, you are a criminal and you will be arrested equally as a part of any of the type of indecent criminal. Not in America. I've been getting released. It happened to the guy who did it with Bart Simpson and Lisa Simpson. No, there's no one got arrested in America for drawing Bart Simpson plowing Lisa Simpson. What about?
Starting point is 02:08:11 Not really, what was the name? I don't know, I'll have to look at the case, it might not be America, but somewhere in an English-speaking country, I know. Oh, but the only country that matters to me is America, all the other law, even American laws are fucked, but the country's all over the earth are, the laws are totally. Logic doesn't, logic doesn't dissipate because of an ocean. Right, back in, about 20 years ago, right, in England, consider England like a state in America like Texas or Florida or any, you know what I mean, United Kingdom borrows English law like America borrows English law.
Starting point is 02:08:47 England, in real estate throughout, yeah, we're using that terminology which many people find and disrespectful and inappropriate. So, English people got together and rumbled andumbled right here, the laws will change. The accordance will live, the people and the logic and their intelligence, because they didn't want their intelligence being insulted, because it isn't porn, I've repeated these people, and me, and English, and decent people. So the laws and the language will change to emphasize the seriousness of the crimes. Now, I put it to you, but if the language and the laws are not being changed in your English speaking state, because the people don't give a fuck, it's simpler than that and
Starting point is 02:09:34 they're not offended by it. There's an active, do you agree that there's an active desensitization program to normalize Peter Fidio in America? No, no, I think that's great. We don't agree about that. Well, Nick Raquita and his friends do. So I'm arguing with them in accordance with their logic. The reason why you were tant in a tweet regarding them is because I've got a little nifty program about tagging active users, about artists in their
Starting point is 02:10:05 tweaked. I didn't even know who you were to yesterday. So now you guys have a new subscriber, I'll come and listen to your stuff now. The arrest that you're talking about was in Canada. So let me get this straight. You believe microplastics in masks and all that sort of stuff, right? Yeah, but you do not actually believe as an active agenda to normalised paedophilia in America.
Starting point is 02:10:31 No, not any more than there's ever been. Like not really. I think that's like right wing hysteria. What do you mean? Like, so have you heard of what are these liberals calling them maps? Maps? Yeah, I've heard of maps. I mean, we had Namble, like 20 years ago.
Starting point is 02:10:49 So you think that, do you not think that's a way of trying to humanize a pedophile? No, I think it's a way for right-wing news organizations to sell clicks. Like, I think they just constantly run ads on some stupid child grooming shit, so they can get to, their can boost their views. No, language is really important, my friend, right?
Starting point is 02:11:08 Like that phrase, isn't it? And I'm using Bertie Cummins here because no one is seeing me, because I despise that term as I minor attracted persons, the word person, I'd say, human element to it, you know what I mean? Like, ah, they're just people, you know what I mean? They're just people. No, they're fucking scumbag criminals. They're a danger to you, children.
Starting point is 02:11:30 They're not decent individuals that you should ever trust. I'm not worried about the campaign for fat attracted persons. That's been waged in Americans. Go ahead. Yeah, I'm just saying it. Like, I'm debating with Nick Rickey and his friends in accordance with their logic. I know nothing about you or your philosophies.
Starting point is 02:11:52 I wasn't calling you a beer. Well, you said you were going to call me a pedophile? If I was on stream with them. No, if you jump into a, you got to listen, people that know the philosophy of logic or about a bit more abreast to it than you will know what I'm on about. Right, yeah. Nick Rikki and Rikki is law, his show, his business is a place where they call other people
Starting point is 02:12:20 people from the outside, and they're just like, never. So why did he call you a pedophile? It's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty,
Starting point is 02:12:32 it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty, it unaware of it, more full-bent of shit. Why didn't he make that accusation? Yeah, why didn't he make that accusation? Bring money, bring money if he's brave enough. What? Call him out. OK, you ask him, you ask him, you ask him me to speak for Nick Rickier, I can't ask him why he made
Starting point is 02:12:57 bassist ask him. I can't, I can't answer for Nick. Have you, you want me to, I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I just want to know if you've ever had any interaction with him in the past. If you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you have you shout himself right? Yeah, I made all the excuses under the sun and Caldwell hid beyond this uh, Twitter. Well, he's got a lot, he's busy, guy. I mean, I don't know. Well, he, he, he, he, he, he weren't busy enough to shout me out and tweet. He talked to me too many girls.
Starting point is 02:13:37 And I mean, no rush. I mean, no rush. And I should clearly heard. I should clearly heard. He's brave enough to call me out when I'm not there to respond to it. Well, I mean, I heard this clip. It says, presents the Royal's Royce of Logic, is that you? What do you do online? I do. I'm a code, really. I've just recently joined Witter right there because of the confrontation between me and good logic right yeah because they were Never hold it these people these youtubers. Yeah, they seem to call people out on their channels, right? Okay, and then when it's time to like well come on Let's have it out let's debate it like no Glory chasing you just want some
Starting point is 02:14:22 Cloud chasing oh coming to bat me on my channel. Let's have a private of money. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money.
Starting point is 02:14:40 I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. Nobody has stuff on you. Does anybody have stuff on you? I'm an open book. Do you want my full name and address and all that? Not really. I don't know if that would tell me anything. If these people had anything come here, it would already be out there. Well, I mean, I don't know. He knows you somehow. How did he find out about you in the first place? Nick.
Starting point is 02:15:06 Because, because I've been studying law for over 20 years, and I was talking on good law, jicks, fucking, and all these, all these fucking state registered lawyers have come out, the work work in the last fucking five years, they jumped on YouTube as soon as they got a minor test. Because they wouldn't be here trying to assist people with education on matters of law if there was no fucking money to them.
Starting point is 02:15:28 And let's face it, who are the people who defend P the files and get them back out on the street? Which are with less of sentences, with lesser sentences, parole, probation. Oh, he didn't mean it or she didn't mean it, you're on a, no, no, no, no, no, don, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:15:49 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, criminal lawyers like nitric heat at me get pedophiles back on the street quicker than any other type of individual one that's their job though isn't there doesn't everybody deserve a defense in court well in America you have a road to a journey right with you the magna card the magna card of defiant bad yeah that's not I'm not saying you wrong I'm worn I'm saying is at least be honest about it who are the the biggest defenders of Peter files and get who gets Peter files back out on the street quicker than any of the type of lawyers. Yeah, lawyer. I guess. Yeah. That's get Nick Rikki around here and let's give him some shit about defending Peter Farros for a living. All right.
Starting point is 02:16:46 Well, I texted him. I don't know. He's a busy guy. If he doesn't, hang around. Maybe he'll text me back and we're going to do voicemails. Don't call me. I got. I got.
Starting point is 02:16:56 When you asked me to call into your show, you responded to another video about equality. Did you? Did you watch that? I thought that's what you wanted me. I'm 40. Where, let me see. What did I respond to? It's OK.
Starting point is 02:17:12 I get it. You're a busy man. Yeah, got a time to write some little videos. I mean, it's fun to talk about, but I don't want anyone calling me a fucking pedophile, because I'm on a stream with Nick. No, listen. You, but you must understand that if you jump on Ricky a lot,
Starting point is 02:17:30 you're susceptible to being having means with Pee-do playing in the under knee like a Pokemon card. I start making Pee-do among cards. Oh yeah. I don't really think so. I'm on every single fucking get every single guest of Nick Rickey. I until he's private. Basically every single guest of Nick Rickey is right.
Starting point is 02:17:51 Yeah. We'll have a Peter Monkark that I catch him or and it's not a thing. It's not a single thing that can do about it legally. Dave, Dave Valentine. Dave, and jump into a hot car. Are you gonna make it up to you? So it says, it says. Yeah, does everybody I know then get called the pedophile too because they know me am I a hot car then because I was in a hot car. Is it like AIDS? It's a pilot.
Starting point is 02:18:16 Man, no, I didn't. That fucking stupid it wants to get in it. It's like touching the tar, baby. I don't think you could say that. You can't say that. I'll just fucking set that once the matter is going to look it up. It's a focal. I know what I know exactly what it is, but you can't say it. It's a good thing. And there's no such thing as race mate. You know what I've done with you. Okay, well,
Starting point is 02:18:46 all right. Well, I mean, I don't know. Nick didn't write back, so maybe he's busy. Maybe he'll take him a couple minutes to see it. I don't mean no. We'll give him 10. OK, all right. Listen to some voicemails. Stick around.
Starting point is 02:18:56 And then if he writes me back, I'll bring both of you guys in. OK? OK, don't call me fucking pedophile. OK. All right, everybody. it's been the Dix show. Gotta get some shonies, get yourself some shonies, we'll see you next Tuesday. We'll do voicemails after the, yeah, that was a good show. It's a hot car, Sean. If you're in a hot car, turn on the AC, buddy.
Starting point is 02:19:34 AC! Yeah! So I've taken Sean, it's Rex Hexton. Hey, Rex Hexton. He's speaking to piggyback off someone else's rage, but the color last week we talked about So I've taken Sean, it's Rex Hexton. Hey, Rex Hexton. Speaking to piggyback off someone else's rage, but the caller last week we talked about his mom throwing away his sheet music. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:52 He lost the fucking handle. Yeah. Now I haven't went to my parents place in 10 plus years, but my dad still gets off on the fucking game of Dale never know it's missing. And they turn my bedroom into the guest room. They kept like three or four boxes of memorabilia and what not in the crawl space of their fucking suburban mcmanchin it's just my shit my sibling shit in our christmas shit and dead mic in this
Starting point is 02:20:13 huge fucking space but in my dad read the fucking maria condo book and all of a sudden i'm like uh... hey dad was my guitar and he's like oh i threw it away what didn't think you'd ever play it again. Like, I have signed basketball jersey. Who throws away a good car?
Starting point is 02:20:29 And there, and when I can't find them, now that I'm making it up, money. Like shirts, justice, clothes. Even if it's a piece of shit, like my hat. Someone will take that. Well, I understand you don't need to keep my fucking baby toys forever. Maybe my collection of Pinewood Derby cars that I three-peded with and boy scouted doesn't necessarily. I did that too. I guarded it. I did that too. I did that too. I got three in a row, baby. I assume that I'll never in my lifetime notice they're gone. After moving my guitar away.
Starting point is 02:20:54 I get caught away. And again, we've a couple of knickknacks for my parents' place. And dad, I swear to God, if you mess with that shit, the next thing being stored in that cross base will be your fucking body. Go fuck yourself. He was arrested after making threats against his father. They'll never, you'll never even notice. I've been told that. I'm going to throw away some of your shirts. You won't even notice which ones. I will. I will. I will notice. I will. And I will question it. I'll assume that you did it. Right. Because you opened your mouth and said you were thinking about it. If you thought I wouldn't notice, you would have just done it. Right.
Starting point is 02:21:29 But you didn't. Right. So you're looking for permission. Yes. You're not going to get it. You're not going to get it. You're not going to get it. You were hoping that would go a little easier than it did.
Starting point is 02:21:40 Okay. Let's try this one. Throw away a guitar. It's a big grind. I got a two for you today. Yeah, yeah. The first rage is multiple text messages that when one thought will suffice.
Starting point is 02:21:53 Oh, yeah. We all are in relationships. We have a notification on the row. Nationally kill myself. I've just keep spuzzing. Yeah, second of all. Do you want to do that? I've seen it.
Starting point is 02:22:04 And now I notice that every single time, and it also makes me want to kill myself, but it's when people get higher and higher in pitch towards the end of their sentence. Go find yourself. For the end of their sentence. This is for Sean. Yeah, yes.
Starting point is 02:22:18 What's he got? Oh, smoochies for Sean. Oh, gross. Yeah, gross. Bad. Did it, did it, did it, did it. Yeah, where everything sounds like a question? I do multiple texts.
Starting point is 02:22:28 I've been chastised for that by a woman. Was I just talking at the end of your senses? No, for sending multiple short texts. Oh, yeah. Apparently everyone has talked about that I do it. Really? Yeah. Like, it's a big fucking joke.
Starting point is 02:22:40 I don't know. Huh. Okay, it sounds good. Meet you there. Like, that seems like two texts to me. But some people get really upset by know. Huh. Okay, it sounds good. Meet you there. Like that seems like two texts to me. But some people get really upset by it. Oh, yeah, that would be one for me for sure. Yeah. All right. Let's see here. Hey, Dan, I got a rage for you. Pretty simple. It's my car getting broken into again.
Starting point is 02:23:01 Any audacity of the guy who did it. The guy did it. Um, filed a camera, uh, fucking stole all the change in my car. It's like fucking five dollars, whatever good for you. Man, you made five bucks. But the audacity of the guy to use fucking airbags, breaking in my car, unlock one of the doors, get into the front of the car, look through, take only the money and my fucking like tools that like jumpstart my car. Yeah. But not anything else to value in the car.
Starting point is 02:23:31 Like what the fuck can you do? He thinks your taste sucks. All that this makes me want to do is have a gun, sit outside, wait for something to break in my car, and if I see something breaking in my car, fucking shoot them. Yeah. I think that, uh, that's cool. The prime waves that are going on right now would be fixed if we just fucking started shooting people
Starting point is 02:23:48 i'm so fucking sick entire of the audacity fucking criminals anyway with this bullshit we just need to have fucking the paper can come back and just be patient but we just fucking be patient and people but just put everyone a fucking communist state because because i'm not fucking saying because we can fucking follow the rule. No, so the audacity. I'm moving to China, washing out.
Starting point is 02:24:10 No, you're not gonna like China. I'm gonna do that, but I don't give a shit. Don't do that. Just, yeah, I've always, it's always angered me. The thought of just somebody who thinks they're just taking your shit. And I don't mean like a starving person grab and a loaf of bread and running out of the fucking grocery store. I mean, somebody is just like, I'm just going to see what you're bread.
Starting point is 02:24:35 You don't want a grocery store. This fucking average, yes. That's true. That's true. That's true. That's what you're dealing with at different level than like, you know, you hope you have like renters insurance that would cover something in your car, you know what I mean? Because car insurance doesn't fucking cover them.
Starting point is 02:24:53 So it's like, yeah, just that somebody was like, oh, here's an opportunity. I want that, you know, just I'm important enough to just take something like it's almost like a rules don't apply to me thing that but rubs me the fucking wrong. Yeah, but they should in a very severe way. Well, it's illegal to do booby traps. Can we all agree that that needs to be rescinded? Yes. And also, okay, it's illegal to have an automated booby trap, but what if your booby trap was like triggered by you remotely? You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:27 Like you had an app on your phone that was like a booby trap and you press the button to deploy your booby shooting trap. Yeah. Unfortunately, I'll make sure you, you know, identify the right person. Right. But then it's not automatic anymore. And I'm like, no, I did it on my app. They're proven like, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:25:42 So it's there. Go to the website. It explains how it works. I was just happened to be sitting there, looking at my phone when that guy broke in and then I pressed deploy shotgun, shot his head off. What's the difference?
Starting point is 02:25:57 I didn't know that was illegal. Ignorance is no excuse. Pedophile. Can you believe that? I'm gonna call everyone a pedophile who's on this. Well, I believe it. I believe it. Whoa.
Starting point is 02:26:12 Is he still there? No, no, Roketa. No, Nick. He's not answered. Sunday though, just Lord's day. Right. Let's see. Probably who knows what he's doing.
Starting point is 02:26:22 I hope he's not around kids. That's a no wonder he had so many kids I know the liberals that are complaining about Elon by Twitter. Yes. Yeah They don't realize it But when they're oppressing people and like I'm pressing like minor Like I deal or whatever that can be easily like Gees out like all black people are criminals or something like that and you're calling him a racist and stuff and banning
Starting point is 02:26:48 their speech off that just makes them all to double down and like think of work stuff and then eventually just join the fucking clank yeah I don't have to feel very slow bullshit but I'm telling you right now like the people that were all like some truth to the left did not really exist. Like fucking 20 years ago, at least as publicly as they do now. And I think that the fact that we just didn't fucking censor people, we didn't fucking make
Starting point is 02:27:13 a sauce prime to issue an idea or an opinion that we would be able to just like be like, hey look, here's evidence of the support that it is or here's evidence of the support that's not the case. Yeah, but that's out the window for 99% of people. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah, they just, people just, they get their feelings in it and fucking just, you know, they're, it'll fucking keyboard warriors and shit.
Starting point is 02:27:36 That's a 20 years ago is not applicable to today. It's not the same thing because there's, we've lost the face to face thing. We get to be as bad as we want, yelling at somebody else, and you get to be as emotional as you want, and fuck your proof, that's fake. We can't be as bad as you want. But I can't. No, no, no, no, I mean as bad as you want, like that. But there is, I think there is some truth to what he's saying about making people double down. I mean, that, that definitely, I definitely see that happening when somebody, because it's in the way that you attack somebody who you think is wrong.
Starting point is 02:28:14 It's like there's so much attacking. The average, like, oh, yeah, well, fuck you. They dig their heels in and come back with a bunch of bullshit. And then, you know, then families don't talk to each other. And, yeah, I mean, it's really, I'm not a fan of what goes on and like communication these days at all. Me either. You know what I am a fan of?
Starting point is 02:28:34 I sit thinking at night that the people on Twitter, like journalists, men and women, they have no idea. If Elon opens it up, even to like my level of like, I don't say that, I don't, you know, no, no, no, no, no. I just don't speak in an intolerable way in general, right? Yes. I just don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:58 I think it's funny to hear, but I just don't do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They have no idea how devastating just me can be if I can call women fat online. That's true. Like, as fucking winters coming, if Elon turns that shit on, and I'm allowed to make fun of women for how fat they are,
Starting point is 02:29:20 whether they are or not, it's gonna be like a fucking Habouob rolling in across the desert, right? Like fucking, Terminator 2, judgment day. Oh, I'm the fence, right? Oh, the fence jokes are pee. You know what I mean? You've been living in a world free of me for a long time. Right.
Starting point is 02:29:42 I'm gonna split it up. I'm gonna talk to Sam Hyde all the other guy near Milo We're gonna split up exactly who we're gonna be making fun of So we can most efficiently attack them It's gonna be great. Right God it's gonna be delegation and you know very efficient. Yes Hey, hey, hey Sean. Hey, Dakesharn. Hey. I'm not here fucking looking for garage sales,
Starting point is 02:30:08 skippin' school, but they all fuck ash. Anyway, you know what makes me a fucking rage? Hmm. Is when you have a garage sale sign up, but it's one way out in the fucking, like in our main street, and it's fucking over. Like there's no garage sale to go to Like there's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it.
Starting point is 02:30:27 There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it.
Starting point is 02:30:35 There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it.
Starting point is 02:30:43 There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. There's no garage show to go to it. What do you sell out? Let's go. What do you got in the house that you want to, I want to, I want to have some pack a lot something. How much are you? Some people are big into garage sales. We took the dog to a garage sale.
Starting point is 02:30:54 We just got her, she had kennel cough. Yeah, we showed up. She's got a lot of stuff. There's definitely a little, you know. Oh, she okay. You look nice. She's fine. Well, you know, she's not around any other dogs.
Starting point is 02:31:04 It's fine. And then there was a bunch of other dogs. Well, you know, she's not around any other dogs. It's fine. And then there was a bunch of other dogs. I'm gonna get out of here. Yeah. I'm gonna fuck this up. All right. I'm sorry. I don't, I don't think next gonna respond.
Starting point is 02:31:16 But, you know, maybe next week happens, maybe next time. Bye everybody. See ya. Thanks. Bye, everybody. See ya, thanks.

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