The Dick Show - Episode 310 - Dick on Bad Guys

Episode Date: May 30, 2022

How bad guys used to be, blaming me for everything, killing children in Star Wars, disclaimers, clips from the WEF, tracking your individual carbon footprints, and a new way to lie to women; all that ...and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I swear, they're just, I swear they're doing it to fuck with us. Oh, yeah. They're like, let's put up two different Mexicans and see if they notice. And guess what? They will, but they'll look crazier in doing so. The trans, so the trans, all the trans stuff about the shooter turned out not to be true. I guess. Right.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Yeah. I have, you know the right was like, yes. Be trans. He's like, they were just fucking big money. Big money. Ted Cruz was literally there just edging himself like, come on, be trans. Please be trans. At least you're furry.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Please be trans. No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, You can be pre-op. I don't care. You can still have a dick. Just somebody finds something where he said he was a lady. Let's have some fun with it.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Let's see the worst thing about the worst thing about the mass shootings now is that there's no break so you can reuse your old comedy material. Right. Like now that there's been two weeks in a row, we have to come up with new shooting comedy material. There's nothing else is going on. Yeah. I mean, you can't just go back and reuse all your bits. Like if they were a year apart, right? You could be like, remember that one's going to remember that. Yeah. And now you're just like,
Starting point is 00:01:17 it's literally like shooting a special, a stand-up special. And then like Vegas is like, do you want to come do a week at the mirage? You're like, fuck. Guess I'll do all the material I just released. Have you guys ever had a shooting there recently? I can do a good thing on that. Let me make sure this is working. I feel like I'm hot. Yeah, there we go.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Okay. What's hot? I feel like my mic is a little hot. No, you're good. Okay. Well, that's turned up a lot. That's, that's, that's, that's compressed. Okay, let's do the show. All right. Is that thing turned up a lot. That's, that's, that's compressed. Okay, let's do the show.
Starting point is 00:01:45 All right. Happy Memorial Day. This one's gonna be different. Oh yeah. Thanks for coming in. Thanks for filling in for fucking Johnny No Show. And Sean Hyatus, Sean. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:02:04 Welcome to the air. You're gonna need to get to the show. It's a contest. It's gonna be a lot for a mountain. It's gonna be a lot for a mountain. a a a a a work's own. The food networks own. They stand by him. They don't defend everything he says, but they'll defend the death is right to say a judge. They'll defend that. Yeah, I don't know if you saw this, but in a recent episode of Chopped, one of the secret ingredients was my tweets. You get a pineapple, you get a grapefruit, cut a ham, and Josh Danny's
Starting point is 00:02:41 tweets. And they're like, nothing to do is nothing. I can't do it. Those with him go down. Thank you for filling in. Yeah. Thanks for having us on. He's got to go recharge. The whites have taken some hits lately. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:54 We're having a get together. It's what do they call that a player's only meeting? Yeah. The whites have to regroup and have a player's only meeting after all these. He's going to the white mecca in Dollywood. Dolly Parton's tits coming out of the ground. They're going to work on the replacement theory that no one has been talking about. Yeah, exactly. What do you? What replacement theory? What do you guys mean replacement? This is crazy, what you say?
Starting point is 00:03:19 Also, just the idea. Well, it's so funny because like people are like, you have a spouse that I go, no, no, I mean in TV and film. I don't mean in America. I'm like, yeah. No, it's, yeah, the white replacement thing, I was like, well, where? You mean when they take a white spider man and make him a black spider man, they go, no, no.
Starting point is 00:03:35 We mean everywhere. I'm like, no, is that a thing? I think, yeah. What about college? Like, no, we don't mean college. Well, yeah, we do it in college, but. A little bit in college. Yeah, but what about it? Like, no, we don't mean college. Well, yeah, we do it in college, but- A little bit in college. Yeah, but what about it?
Starting point is 00:03:46 Okay. The problem is there's too many okay examples to just dismiss the theory out, right? Yeah. What do you guys still have garbage men? Yeah. Everyone's trying to put women or minorities in places of garbage men. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, it's funny when I was like a teenager growing up, everyone's like, you know, you fuck around, you're gonna end up flipping burgers. Now they're like, let's see, white guy, what fuck around, you're gonna end up flipping burgers. Now they're like, uh, let's see, white guy. What are you gonna do? Have you ever thought about flipping burgers? You're living in a van down by the river, but now you turn on Instagram and it's like custom made van. Oh, yeah. That's how we're like, guys, this is the trend is too white people. That's the only people that's the only ad where white people are allowed to be happy. Yes. Is in a van, a customized van
Starting point is 00:04:25 down by the river. It's two skinny white people with a dog happily living out of a fucking, out of a living space smaller than a prison cell. Yeah, for $80,000 down payment, no down payment. How many PR? Have you noticed though, and not to fuel the replace with these stuff? Have you noticed though that they love pushing minimalism with white people like as we take everything from you as a race of people. We just want to make you listen, live in an advanced that bad people. Look how happy they are. It's got a flat
Starting point is 00:04:57 thing pop that's answer to you. Yeah, it's just like have you guys ever thought about selling everything and having nothing because that's the new white. Oh man. Maybe I will saw my shit and be homeless, right? Sean's not here. We can say whatever we can say whatever the hell we want. Oh, okay. We can say COVID is COVID is a total lie.
Starting point is 00:05:17 It is. Nothing. Yeah. The vaccines give you a heart attack. Why can't you shine? You can't say that when he's here. Cause the vaccines, the vaccines killed more people than cancer. Why can't you shine? You can't say that when he's here, because the vaccines killed more people than cancer. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yeah, nothing from over there. Nothing, just an empty set of tits and a space where diet coax used to be. No, no one could keep me in line. I could say whatever I want. Don't look to me around. The cost was horrible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Oh, he doesn't like it when you, when you don't celebrate. That's what I was gonna say. Oh, we got a round cost was horrible. Yeah. Oh, he doesn't like it when you, when you don't celebrate. That's what I was gonna say. Oh, we got a new bonus episode out. slash the Dix show. A bunch of, you know, shooting related inventions. You want to plug your stuff at the top too? Yeah, we might as well.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, I'm doing a live show with Anthony Kumia, Gavin Mckennis, June 25th Orlando, Florida. Much, much like with your show, we are announcing the venue the day of the show. So not to get murdered or protested. Are we gonna hire protesters? No, that would be. We should hire some real weird real weirdos. Will we be able to find any fat women with blue hair in Florida?
Starting point is 00:06:24 May be. I'm not a casting call. I'm sure we could just go to the nearest anything and find about 50. The, see if you can get the protesters for Netflix at that Dave Shepell one. I saw some real, real odd characters. Yeah, they're all random character generators. You know, it looks like Glendale, the random one.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Yeah, they look like Glenn Close and Albert Nobs. You mean it's not that movie? No. She pretends to be a man butler for like 50 years. Okay. She, and they're like, we had to look at all the things she had to do to pass as a man and I go, it's Glenn Close. She just had to tape her tits down and that was it.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I haven't seen that. You never saw that movie. Women can get away with that though. Yeah. A woman could pretend to be a man as long as she wants, no one cares. Just like a reverse Mrs. Doubtfire. Yeah. No one cares. But you try to be Mrs. Doubtfire and everyone comes after you. It's a real problem. I had a theory for a long time that that was what Caitlin Jenner was doing. She was just, you know, she transitioned so that she could babysitter kids and keep his ex-wife from fucking Pierce Brosnan's.
Starting point is 00:07:26 That's a good theory. Yeah. Um, let's see. Let's see. Oh, I have another, I have an additional solution for the shooting. Additional way to stop. I got it all figured out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Cause I'm, look, there's only going to be more. Yeah. You know, for obvious reasons. Fingers crossed. I can't, I just can't take to people who are like, why is this happening? Yeah, well, you know, because it's horrible. Yeah, everything's horrible.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Yeah, it's like, you mean to tell me that we gave the poor and the loveless windows into the everyday lives of people who have everything that they don't, yeah. And then, and then, the weaponry to do something about it and that they just, what do you mean? I'll tell you what, I've been around a long time. So this isn't as surprising, you know, maybe it's not as surprising to me as when I was like 20, like why is all this happening? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:18 I'll let everyone know when too many are happening. And it's like, okay, this seems like about a little too much rage for what's for the positions that people are in. Right. Right. Like, maybe a, maybe a hundred a day is too many. Also, also, I love that everyone is like, I just won't, you know, like you have like basketball coaches and celebrities who are like, I won't work again until this is solved. What a, what a privilege position to have of like, I don't need to. I'll just go back, I will go back to my mansion and I will shut myself in until, until the, until the, I'm not giving you any more entertainment.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Until the government. It's people. Yeah. Um, it's take the guns, but take, we're not, we're defunding the police. So we can't, yeah, who's gonna go take the gun? The mental health people that are in the police. We're not taking the guns though. We're not taking, take the guns.
Starting point is 00:09:14 There's no, we're defunding the police. We're taking the guns, but we're also not, no one's taking your guns, don't worry about that. Yeah. And we're also giving guns to Ukraine, and you small businesses want money, but we're out of money We're out of money. Is that why the kid is this what I'm expected to hold and not go totally insane as a normal person and we're giving you Experimental psychotic to get you through right to get you through the day
Starting point is 00:09:38 So you can sit in the cubicle better experimental feminizing psychotics. Yeah. Why is everyone acting? Why is everyone acting so crazy? I can't figure it out. You guys slow it down a bit, please. I mean, it's, yeah, it's fucking nuts and it's not stopping anytime soon. My favorite thing too is when people go, we just need to make these things illegal and harder to get, you know what's already the most illegal murder. Murder is already all the illegal. And they're just like, I think I'm going to do illegal murder. Murder is already all the illegal.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And they're just like, I think I'm gonna do some murder. And they're like, kids is shunned. It's the worst. It's the most stigmatized murder. If you don't kill yourself murdering children, they're gonna rape you to death in prison on day one. That's well known.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Yeah. So like, strap it, you know what I mean? Like if a guy's like, well, listen, if they don't kill me, I'm gonna get fucked to death on the first day of prison. Sounds like a plan. I fired up Star Wars. Did you watch Obi-Wan?
Starting point is 00:10:31 I did. I did too. The first thing I turn it on, and it goes scenes and this. Star Wars, where the police in the future are black. Yeah, it said, although this fictional series is a continuation from Star Wars movie filmed many years ago, some scenes may be upsetting to viewers in light of recent tragic events. Warning. That wasn't enough. Warning contains violence involving children. Oh, and I thought,
Starting point is 00:10:59 okay, well, this is ruined. Yeah, I'm afraid that I can't get out of it for yourself, Dick. I was that I wasn't hard till I read it. No, it was it was absolutely boring. Yeah, I was like, there's not enough violence with children in this for the disclaimer. You know, like if somebody disclaimers you, don't you think, like, oh, this, let's strap in. This is going to be is this there. And what was was it because in the first 30 seconds they've looked like a dozen kids. Yeah, the Jedi, and it's like the cops come in and kill all the kids. Yeah, well, there's been a lot of mass lightsaber murders in the last, you know, 30 years.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And then I thought, you know, once I get that, once I get the idea in my head, I can't get it out of my head, which is kind of a noise. Like something just hits the right way. And you're like, and I think this is, there's so many pieces of this that annoy me that I can't, I need to drink myself into a stupor. Stop thinking about it. The safest place to be in a school shooting is in the Star Wars universe.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Have you ever watched a Stormtrooper shoot? Yeah. They don't ever hit shit. So I thought, when I was reading, I was like, well, perhaps it shouldn't contain, because back in the day, back in my day, you could show that you were a bad guy, but just by abusing women. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You know, smack a woman around and they go, that's the bad guy.
Starting point is 00:12:19 That's the bad guy right there. Right? You're gonna drive later. What? Excuse me, Mr. Vita. Whop. What oh shit? Sky does not only not only do not only do I know he's the bad guy But I also empathize with him. So this is gonna be an interesting
Starting point is 00:12:34 You know you just like a fork in the woods. I just love the idea of 10-year-old dick watching stars And he goes I wonder what she did you know I mean this bitch. Yeah Well, it's just keeping the plans from him, like, oh yeah. If I wanted some plans and some woman was like, fuck you, I would say, you know, you could have just said you're not giving me the plans, but you added that bit about fuck you.
Starting point is 00:12:55 So I'm gonna have to slap you. You have to smack you. Yeah, all my crew is watching. It is my ship. You know, you had to giving that girl boss shit in front of all these guys. You know, I'm afraid that I, you know, you had to give me that girl boss shit in front of all these guys. You know, I'm afraid that I, you know, your bitch mother tried this once and I left her back on Tatooine.
Starting point is 00:13:10 You're making me do this, right? They put a lot of understandable N.W. in the bad guy, but now because girl bosses and yes, queens have ruined all movies. Yeah. You can't do that anymore. So they have to murder children to show that they're bad guys. Yeah, yeah. This is how sick that this is how this is what the sickness of this disclaimer means to me.
Starting point is 00:13:36 They're like, oh, it used to be nice and easy. Save a cat. Smack a brought around. Smack a brought around. All right. This is better watch out for this guy. He means business. We have to slaughter a Montessori School of Jedi
Starting point is 00:13:47 to just so you get who the bat guy is. Exactly. Cause you can't do anything else to anyone. No. Yeah, what are you gonna do? We're gonna come in and say the end word. Like, whoa, that's a bad guy. That's one of the things I always said that,
Starting point is 00:13:58 like if you go back and watch the original Star Wars movies, there's some of the worst movies ever. Because there's no character development at all. This Darth Vader just appears shimmering in black and everybody goes, this is the bad guy. That's how that's how you had to love the 70s because they were just like, how do we, how do we let everybody know instantaneously that this is the bad guy? I don't know full black. But people were like that, like the hell's angels like, yeah, James,
Starting point is 00:14:21 that Jones is voice. Yeah. Oh, wow, that's scary. That is terrifying. But now you have to be like, I don't know. I have to dress up like Elon Musk. Now Darth Vader would look exactly like me. Yeah, it'd just be a fat white guy at a computer desk. Darth Vader would look like Dennis Nedry from Jurassic Park today. And then I saw, I made the mistake of watching Stranger Things, which I wore I wasn't going to do. I didn't watch it yet.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Okay. Let me give you a little, let me, I don't care if you spoil it. It's, it's a team. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler of all. I'll give you the biggest spoiler town, so I'm like, I'm gonna watch everything. Well, you have to, because they go wait for me to watch this, and then they never, you go, cool, and you turn it on, or you turn it on, and they're just like,
Starting point is 00:15:12 what's happening? And you're just like, this is why you get hit. Yeah. I'll never forget, I had a guy on my podcast one time, comedian, Nick Cobb, and I go like, I said to him, I go, you know how Sunday you just find yourself fantasizing about belting her in the fucking face? And he's like, no, and I go, don't lie to me.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Listen, we agree that we don't do it. Yeah. But don't pretend to me that you have to do it. It's illegal. Yeah, doing it's a problem. That's why. Yeah. But don't tell me you've never just been like,
Starting point is 00:15:38 God, I've put the, you know, you'd learn, you probably, this is like, and I relate to the guy who was the first one. This is why killing kids is not a good bad guy move, because I don't think about that all the time. Yeah, never, never. I've never been like, I've never been in line at Chipotle watching a woman in front of me take too long to order and been like, the first fucking elementary school I see.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I've never, but I have. I don't think we need a good guy to fight the guy that's killing kids. I think we need that bad guy that beats women to come in here and kill those guys that are killing kids. Yes, exactly. The anti-hero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:15 But I'm telling you, if somebody smacked that woman's burrito bowl out of her hand, and I'm not saying it's gonna be me, but if somebody did it, I'm not gonna tell you I wouldn't come a little. Right, right, right, at the imagery. I would retell that story. I would just, it would be the only story I would ever tell. You're not gonna believe what I saw today. Some guy just went, nah, bitch, slap and just knocked her whole food out of her hand. Did you see this thing? Not to
Starting point is 00:16:37 derail, but that's what I'm famous for. Yeah. Did you see this thing with Travis Kelsey? Who's that? He's a tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs. Okay. And he's has this smoke show black girlfriend. And people were like, they broke up recently. And people are like, is it because he was cheating? And she goes, no, it's because he was cheaping. He, she said, she was like, this piece of shit
Starting point is 00:16:59 made me pay for half of everything while we were together for the last five years. And literally every bitch in the comments is like, oh, that's it. You have this million there to expect you to pay your half. Who the fuck does he think he is? And I go, you can't, when we live in that world, you can't tell me that you've never been like, God, just one. Yeah. Maybe just one good one. And all this good end. And I look at our father's generation. I'm going to go. It's so important. It's so important. As important
Starting point is 00:17:31 as it is to rain down on simps for making us look like we have money to burn on women, it's just as important to praise kings like this. Yeah. you not bend? Who go no matter what? $60 million. If you want that, you're going to chip in. Yeah, exactly. Fuck you, paying for half. No free rides. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yeah, I'm buying his jersey tomorrow. I think wearing jerseys with other men's name on it is super gay. I wear his. I'll suck his dick if I meet him at a respect. I'll just go, the things you fucking have done. I did see that for us as you saw that story. Yeah, I saw I saw the picture of them all happy. Did you just go?
Starting point is 00:18:12 Did you just go slow clap like good for you? Oh, Captain, my captain. Good. Who got to him? I don't know. Mate, what if we were able to instill upon him? What if we found out that he read your book and he's a disciple of dictum. That's been the weirdest thing about having written that book
Starting point is 00:18:30 is how many guys now who get in trouble, who are all banned, probably some not good ones too. But you know what, every time a manifesto comes out, I'm control, control, I have to imagine. Man of the way, the dick show, come on. Just give me one shout out. Give on, just give me one shout out. Give me one. Let me inspire one guy.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah, I'll just throw me in, throw me a bone. No, like throw me a, I don't agree with everything he says. That's my dream to be in a manifesto with that line. And then yeah, I don't agree with everything, but he was right about this, he was right about this thing that drove me into the school. Here's my solution for school shootings, okay? Just take all the money that is given to police and give it to me. And then when something bad happens, you show up to my house and say, how could you let
Starting point is 00:19:13 this happen? You yell at me, you know, whatever, throw eggs at my face, whatever you want to do. And then I will say, you know what, I messed up, I'm going to do a better job next time. Okay? I'll take even less money gonna do a better job next time. Yeah. Okay. I'll take even less money than you get. What does the police make? Like $200 billion a hundred billion dollars a year? They're funding?
Starting point is 00:19:30 Yeah, they're funding. Probably way more than that. Give it all to me. I'll take, I'll do it for half. And then you, all these, all these, I also could not run into a school and save children when they get shot at. Exactly. I'll get up there.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I'm gonna be hurting. Guys, I heard he has a gun in there. I didn't. It's all keep it out. I don't want to get shot. Yeah. Was that what we gave you all that? We gave you $50 billion. I know, but I didn't want to get shot. You guys, you have to, I'm sorry. Yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't want to, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to get shot. Yeah. But, but let's be honest though, imagine you're one of those cops, right? And you show up early, we gotta go get this guy
Starting point is 00:20:09 and they go, hold on a second, he might be a fucking transgender. And they go, stay outside boys. We're waiting on a confirmation because we cannot go in and hate, we're gonna, they're gonna George Floyd to fuck out of us. Yeah, don't you also love that all the cops in Texas
Starting point is 00:20:24 wear cowboy hats? Like that's their dress uniform. It's like a cream cowboy hat. It's the most ridiculous. It's 2022. Get rid of that shit. It's not. It has to be.
Starting point is 00:20:36 All the press conferences with their cowboy hat. There's Stetson's on just like this. Like, you know, with, listen, in Han Shat, we probably could have done more. It has to be a pain in the ass. We heard it. Might have could have been a trans and you ain't going fucking George Floyd us. That should have been their line. Yes, look, we've thought it,
Starting point is 00:20:52 then CNN said it was, somebody said it was trans and we didn't want to go in there and get canceled. Yeah. So I heard somebody say they is in there with a gun and I said, hold up. Wait, we ain't going yet. I heard that they were gonna shoot at him. I could even shoot at her, but if they them,
Starting point is 00:21:08 you ain't getting my pension. I heard that they went around going like, hey, if anybody needs help. No, they didn't. Yeah, I heard that. I read this. They said, hey, if anybody is in there, need to help.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Let us know. And the kids were like, look at each other. And like, we need help. We need help, And the kids were like, look at each other. And we're like, we need help. We need help. And then they got shot. Oh god. Oh, yeah. Also, I wonder if there was any kids,
Starting point is 00:21:32 I wonder if there was any kids in that room who were like, like John McLeaning it, like don't fucking say, don't say it. And then they get shot. Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob. But he's not, Bob, Bob. My favorite was the girl. They were like, can you imagine the one girl I'll say, then I can shout out, blah, blah, blah, a statement of the world we live in any kid who watch walking dead was like no Put the guts on you and they'll think you're one of the zombies makes sense. We had predator
Starting point is 00:22:13 They had walking do you think my idea of just come yell at me. Yeah, cuz I'm not gonna be there Keeping parents from running in no go do whatever you want let them do whatever you want just no I know what you guys want and need. You want to think that I'm gonna come in and save the day, and I will, and you want to come yell at someone when I don't. Yeah, so I got you. Make it one guy. Just make it one guy.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Yeah. It doesn't even have to be me and every town. I can be a different guy in every town who understands that you just make promises of stuff you know you cannot and will not do. And when people come yell at you, you say, you're right. Yeah. I really messed up.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Fucked it up. I fucked it up again this one. I didn't want to get shot. I didn't want to get shot. Yeah. Can you, can you believe that they just said? Yeah. Yeah. I did too.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yeah, well, when we stopped having wars and stopped having veterans that could then become police officers, they started, I remember how good Rambo was. Yeah, they started recruiting guys like me and Vito and then you wonder why they're just standing out there with their goods like, I ain't going in. Can you believe they just step? Yeah, that's the most I immediately believe that. And the guy you've been calling Faggot for dropping out of high school for 30 years, your shock, he didn't go in and save your kids.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Yeah. You're like, remember when he used to drive his CRV around the school after fucking three o'clock, everybody thought he was, he thought he was cool, everybody thought he was a Faggot? That guy's a cop now. And then he'll go save my kid. He goes, who's who's cars are faggot now? Who's got a faggot Honda now?
Starting point is 00:23:52 Like, you can't shit on these guys and then expect them to be heroes. And they're either they're either the fucking diddos heroes. Right. That's like higher. You you you lowered you forced the hiring standards for police to be low, to be very, very low, but not by low enough. All the prestige from the job. There's a big part of it. Yeah. And they specifically targeted lower out. Like if you tested too high, I cue you were out. Yeah. They were just fine.
Starting point is 00:24:19 If you're smart, they put you in the CIA. I think, oh, you're going to kill people on purpose. Yeah. So not only that, like they're not,'re not, they're not an idiot can stand on a black guy's neck in a corner. We need you, you're too smart. You're a fucking astronaut. We need you to kill people with drones from a thousand miles away. Yeah. Even dogs will like run away.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Yeah. And I'm like, well, I'm dumb. I'm not. I mean, this is a dumb man towards gunfire. But then the only, it seems like the only fix for this that everybody wants is to cyber bully the police. Right, that'll make it better. And now they won't even come.
Starting point is 00:24:56 At least these guys stood outside like, listen, I don't think it's safe yet. Now they're just gonna drive by and like, good luck with that, y'all. Maybe y'all can get your car. The hashtag will work. Yeah, that y'all. Maybe y'all could get your car. Another hashtag will work. Yeah, watch y'all call the fire department. See if they can hose you out.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Call us Pussies on Twitter more. Yeah, that'll do it. Yeah, call us all Nazi Pussies and that will, that'll make me show up and save your kids. And then you know who stopped him? Border Patrol agent. Oh, yeah, of course. That's not good for the marketing of the left.
Starting point is 00:25:28 That's I could, I mean, we heard this, we could have heard one of ours guys. Some loose Mexicans in the school shooting up. No, say no more. Yeah. Yeah, we were out at the fence and we heard somebody slip through. We'll take care of it from here.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Oh, man. Well, two in a row. Yeah. All the two shootings in a row anyway. Did you see the one that happened? It was like a party and some guy just started firing into the party and a woman just pulled her gun and shot him dead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Not even a single person killed. Yeah. And of course, the cops showed they go, he was shooting, so I shot him and they went, no investigation here. I'm telling you man, we got to arm the pedophiles. Like, we got to put pedophiles on the police force. You say there's a shooter at a school.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Oh, yeah. And arm the pedophiles, they're gonna show up. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, that's it. Yeah. So you're saying take their love of children and weaponize it. Wow. You're like the guy who ran the Robocop program.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Dick, this is the inception of OCP right now. Look, we got that file. Just Robo. Everyone who cares what you do with them. Everyone hates them, but they're motivated. Clearly, some days it's hard for me to get out of bed. They're out of bed every day trying to groom crids. Yeah. So let them protect. Let them protect. Let them protect. Now hold on a second. Yeah. What's the payoff for every live they save?
Starting point is 00:26:49 Do we throw them one or two? I feel like it's a pay, like how does it, because eventually you got to pay the college. I mean, eventually you got to pay the paper, right? Do we do? No, not if you're the government. You never have to pay. So they just whack them after they do their job. We say, look, look, we're going to give give you one of these kids right now if you want,
Starting point is 00:27:06 or, or, well, it works for the middle of the next time. We'll give you two. What if we give them to you in the afterlife? Yeah. That's what we gotta start doing. We gotta start promising pedophiles, 40 children in the afterlife. In the afterlife.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Just like the middle, just like Islam. And then, just to you, for me, is him for kid though? I don't think so, is it? I mean, wait so you can be all those guys are pedophiles the 9-11 guys? What say in if you're in a priest if you're in like a Presivalized society what does Virgin mean? I mean like a woman who waited 14 So Virgin has to be like what a damn your own. Okay, so everyone says it though without batting and I I'm like you guys You realize what you're saying right?
Starting point is 00:27:46 So what you're saying is we need to convert the pedophiles to Islam Yeah, and then weaponize them as domestic terrorists. I think so. Yeah, did we solve it? Well, this system's not working. Well, yeah, everyone's upset and they didn't think up anything new So who knew that on a Sunday afternoon on the Dixia on Memorial Day, we would solve the biggest problem in the universe. Islamic conversion for weaponized pedophile. Here is, okay, here's what makes me rage about Strangely Thing. They split up the season. Before, this is a warning message. I hate shows. Oh my God. They're doing this now.
Starting point is 00:28:19 They see there are 10 hour movie or it's not. It's not two,'s not, it's not a 20 hour movie that you have to wait three weeks in the middle. Like, these new 10 hour movie productions, they go so slowly that the fabric of the story cannot maintain structural adhesion. It just slips from episode to episode. You answer your phone at the wrong time and there goes the narrative. Like, I have no idea. I have no idea what's going on anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:46 I'm not tense about anything. I don't care about what's happening anymore. And then they slap on an end of volume one at the end of it. Stay tuned in the next four. Set your fucking calendars for four weeks from now where we pick up this Galatial story, the Galatial base of the story with another protracted waste of one of your weekend and all of it could have been a two and a half hour movie every single time All of it. We're not at all. Yeah, they didn't even have enough for that right like oh you got to be fucking Hoisted by my own retard. I thought I thought I would get away with it too like my girlfriend was gone for the weekend
Starting point is 00:29:21 So I would fire it up watch the whole thing and then never mention it. And then when she asked to say, like, I hate stranger things. I don't want to say it. Yeah, I heard it was bad. So you just don't have to watch it again. Here's a no, okay. Here's something else. These, with these long running shows.
Starting point is 00:29:36 You just did it with better call Saul too. I never even started that because I said no. It's good. It's a great show. But it's like you get to this monumental, they do it and they're like, this is the this monumental, they do it in the middle of this, this is the mid-season finale. Like, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 00:29:48 Oh, make another story. You're telling me all these guys and how you can't make two stories to steam on their own? I mean, you're shooting two, just make two. The theory is that they do it because of award season. So they split it so they can double dip on the awards. That's the theory of why they do this. It's a good theory.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Problem number two, you gotta get a new bitch in there. You cannot have the same you want 12 on a new version. Give me 12. Yes, exactly. Yeah. Give me a no, what the other one, the hot one, with the, I don't know what her name is. Oh, which, oh, more known a writer? Nah, she's an old bitch.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Yeah, she could be the same. You like to, you like to anorexic one? Yeah, always. Oh. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Listen, you're like a, she'll slip by a fat watch all day. We need, we need a continuity of bitches. In every story.
Starting point is 00:30:41 So you have one old bitch in there from the beginning when owner writer in this case, who could be one old bitch in there from the beginning, when on a writer, and what on a writer in this case, who could be the old bitch the whole way through, right? But then you've gotta have fresh meat. You've gotta have a new bitch every, you can't, you're talking about the one that's supposed to be a teenager. Yeah, the teenager who may be throwing a line like, oh, but I just turned 18 at the beginning, so it's legal, right?
Starting point is 00:31:00 But you've gotta, now they've got the same one in there. They do this in every show too. You four of you, probably Obi-Wan might have seen that. They keep the same new bitch who then starts having problems with her relationship and they don't show their tips anymore. Just get a new one in there. I want it. I'm a regular man.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I need a new bitch every year. Get it. Don't you fucking understand that? I don't need the same, I don't need the same new bitch. And then some kind of dysfunctional like Less more approachable new bitch like I need a new hot bitch ever like a James Bond movie
Starting point is 00:31:37 Yeah, I have the same old bitch from last time and then now a new dumpy bitch. That's more approachable and more attainable No new hot one. Yeah. I won every time. I agree. There's enough of them out there. Oh, that's all we have. What's rounding a new bitch is here.
Starting point is 00:31:53 And they're never going to show their tits unless you put them on TV. So get them on TV. The one you already put on TV, never showing your tits again. Yeah. It's closed. Yeah. The binder is closed. She's even said it.
Starting point is 00:32:02 She's like, now she was like, I even started saying this season, like, do I really need to show my tits and I go, get out, get out. Yeah. Yeah, the answer's yes. You're a terrible actress. Your face looks like it's a melting. Oh, it's so hot.
Starting point is 00:32:17 You, you like her? For the four of you? For the alcohol syndrome. You like her? Oh, yeah. I hate her. I hate her. I was like, this is where I outwoke the woke people
Starting point is 00:32:25 because they go like, oh, Sydney, Swini with the big tits, you like them. Yeah. And I go, no, I think the trans is prettier. And they go, well, I can't say that it's not true. But I say it to be insulting to the retard with the big tits. Speaking of retarded, hold on, I've got one for you. This is, but they did that with Alex Dodario.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Like she did all those like Percy Jackson movies and then couldn't work. This is what you're supposed to do as an actress. You're a child actress and you do a bunch of bubble gum, pop, pop, pop, pop movies. And then nobody works you for like four years. Right. And then you bust the tits out on True Detective and everybody's, aww. And then you stay working. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And you bring them out every time the work starts to dissipate. Yeah, that's good for them, but I need some for the big guy. But we need rotation of that. Yes, so that like, you've got to set it immediately. Yes. And I needed every year. I need a new one. I'm not invested in their shitty relationship.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I have my own shitty relationship, okay? I thought we'd be looking at a gate pussies in comedies. Like, I thought we were going to transcend from titty comedies to straight pussy comedy. Yeah, we don't even have that anymore. When Pussy Knights happened, I was like, now we're on our way. Yeah. Yeah, like, I don't ever take them off. I go, this is a comedy.
Starting point is 00:33:43 We should, this should be every show. And then you know what happened? Yeah, like I don't ever take them off. I go, this is a comedy. We should, this should be every show. And then you know what happened? That movie won a bunch of awards and then what's her name? Blah, blah, blah. I was like, I don't show them anymore. And they were like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:33:55 Enjoy retirement, bitch. You know what, though? That's fine. Yeah. I don't, you see them once? You see in a second time like, eh, eh. I wish I'd seen other tits, even if they weren't as good.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Yeah. So whatever. Now today, that would be a 20-part series, Boogie Nights, that had, yeah, exactly. And we'd wait till everyone's 19. So I'm 19 to see one pair of tits, maybe. Here's the fake, the fake influencer from the Daily Mail, the fake influencer trying to inspire real change.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Cammy, the world's first virtual social media star with Down syndrome. Did you write this or did I write this? This sounds like a bit that I would write. The computer that is society wrote this. This is a real art, this isn't satire. This is a real article. Daily Mail, look, This is in their female section.
Starting point is 00:34:45 They got, Josh, you want to, you want to know what? You want to, you want to thought patrol? You want to patrol the hose? Follow the Huffington Post, women, Instagram account, and the Daily Mail FEMA. They are saying, wild shit to each other all day like this. Yeah. They try not to trouble myself with their thoughts, but they'll have enough listening to what it goes once in a while.
Starting point is 00:35:05 You know what I was thinking about today, you just got not at all that I once think about what you were thinking about today. You need purpose in life, though. Yeah. Yeah. You know, what mine is? What? Chaluric intake.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Eating. Yeah. So I need, I need a purpose. You should try. I'll take you to a place. I'll get you on to it. You'll teach me to work out. I'll teach you to enjoy how things taste. I'll teach you how a place. I'll get you on do it. You'll teach me to work out. I'll teach you to enjoy how things taste.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I'll teach you how to, hey, women. We'll meet in the world. I'm already there, buddy. I'm already there. The world's first virtual social media star with Down syndrome launches it. How does that have to do with the way they've brought that? How does AI have Down syndrome? It's broken, I guess.
Starting point is 00:35:43 It's got extra binary code. It's got an extra binary code. It doesn't have any sense. Launches Instagram to try and hit back. We're the two Dell computers that fucked cousins. How does AI have Down syndrome? Launches Instagram to try and hit back at, quote, filtered and perfect beauty standards online. Okay. So first of all, beauty standards online are non-existent. Right. The women are disgusting. Almost all
Starting point is 00:36:14 of them. And the companies, companies assassinate Jordan Peterson because he was like, I don't care for this fat one. And they go, how dare you, sir? Her boyfriend came out of nowhere, swinging. This is like, he's just on a bus stop looking at a bill going, I'm not attracted to that. And there's some guy who will come swing out of nowhere like the Tasmanian devil. Yeah. So there's, the only beauty standard online
Starting point is 00:36:38 is that you're above 250 pounds, I think. You have to be above. Yeah, yeah. So I would actually be a very attractive woman. If you could get pregnant, you'd be. If I switch my license like Vito, well, this is what he and I we should film this. Me and Vito, I should switch my license like Vito. And we should both audition for like Calvin Clientline model. I'm not even fucking close to kidding. I bet he and I become one of us,
Starting point is 00:37:09 become the hottest plus size trans model in the next five years. Could we do it? Yes, 100%. Right? Yeah. And they've got teams of admin thinking of new ways to be disgusting. Yeah, on billboards.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I'm already there. Just me, that's the America you've created, America. You're gonna have to look at my asshole on a billboard next to Kylie Jenner's lipstick. I'm trying to find, I'm trying to show this on the screen. Three guests, can't browse, or there it is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:41 So this is the, Cammy may look like a real person, but she's actually a computer graphics animation made of pixels who only exists on screen. Wow, that's a hell of an explanation. She was created by Down syndrome International. What? It's like the Phoenix Foundation for that's a little mic on my laboratory. What we do is, what we do is, come on. We actually make retards. I don't know if you know this, but we're in the, how would you love to be a guy who works there? And he goes, I'm in the retarded business.
Starting point is 00:38:15 What's the interview for that like? Got the interview for working here? What's the thing you like the least about people? The lack of chromosome. Say, I want them all to have that extra. They bring you in and sit you in a room and then the guy interviewing you walks in and he steps on something and it hits him in the balls and he falls forward and hits his face in a pie like Dick Van Dyke.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And if you cannot laugh at that, he goes, you're hired. You're going to be dealing with an extra. She was created by Townsend drum international. Oh wow. They teamed up that their abbreviation is DSI. And then I couldn't help but think that there's a website called Bet DSI, which is like a gambling website. I don't know if like are these guys betting on retards?
Starting point is 00:39:05 Oh, they came up with a retarded computer to stop. This filtered and perfect thing. If you're a woman and even if you're attractive and fit, you will be savaged and pilloried. Oh yeah. Everybody, you know, eat a sandwich, you fuck, you fucking hoe. I love it. A panel of over a hundred hoe. I love it. A panel of over a hundred young.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I appreciate if you'll notate me when you quote my tweets. He just say it with you, cunt. A panel of over a hundred young women volunteers with Down syndrome were consulted during her creation. Acting faces and gestures. Wait, there's a hundred of them out there. That's a lot. I don't know actually also Where's the casting call for that they just go to a Denny's and they just go like you come this way, ma'am like
Starting point is 00:39:54 Why do they need so many Like 50 wouldn't do like it's like homerob is like Shirazadis like has a thousand tails. Like this is this is what we've become like what we've got a whole we've got a hundred down cent jump go. That's that's that's been an even fucking sample size. Who the fuck who the fuck makes decisions off a 10 give me 10 times that a panel of a hundred young women volunteers with Downsage. I mean, of course, they're going to volunteer. What'd you do? Look at them. Three companies wanted
Starting point is 00:40:31 to give people with disabilities someone to relate to. Okay. Since they said that almost all influencers look curated filter. No, Pokemain looks like a bowling pin with no tits. They don't, none of the, the problem here, okay, the problem is that these, these thoughts online are believing this, uh, simp created reality that they are good looking. Yeah. What they need to do is let us out of the bag to like, no, you broads are busted. Yeah. Mid at best. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Who's the top? Who's the top for you? You couldn't make a deal with the devil and hit perfect because you're so ugly. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Who's the top one? Who's your, who's like the holy grail of women like Tommy Tanaka? Okay, that's your, that's your very top. Yeah. Asian, huh? Whatever. Tits are the, well, you know, anorexia in the tits. I'm excited to see this down syndrome. I dare to say that. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Well, she's just Korean, so I don't even see what we're doing. Um, what the fuck? What in the fuck? It looks like the McDonald's pumpkin bucket during Halloween. I mean with the purple hair. I mean I got to be part of directly down the middle and it's the computer made it so they didn't they made it cement perfectly symmetrical, which is in and of itself very uncanny and strange looking. I also love that they nailed that like people with down syndrome just they're not handling the teeth well at all. Those are all rounded like Simpsons.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Aw, come on, guys. This should be illegal what they're doing. This is insane. What's that face on the left? Did she see or did it become self-aware? Is that why her face is? Why would you, she just looks and she goes, why would you make me?
Starting point is 00:42:20 What I love, what I love is that we're doing this and meanwhile there are people going, you know, some of these unborn babies they don't even want to be here they're making we're making retarded AI and we're going you know well we were some of these babies don't want to be it we shouldn't even give them the option of life they're probably happier not existing what about the retarded AI? He's like a human child doesn't what to exist, but you think like we have to bring this retarded AI into the world Okay By the way, aren't people with Down syndrome already artificial intelligence? I think they're nor I think some okay. I've never been able to get a straight answer on this
Starting point is 00:43:03 I think most of them are or many of them are normal. They just look like that in that ad. And speak like that. Yeah. And they speak in a strange way, but then some of them are not, right? Yeah. I don't know how to spell it correctly. I know that they didn't spell it correctly.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Down syndrome. The guy's name was Downs. Yeah, it's Downs syndrome. What a disaster. Yeah. I can't believe. How about political ads and techs? You've been getting a lot of those. We're in political syndrome. What a disaster. Yeah. I can't believe how about political ads and texts. You've been getting a lot of those. We're in political issues.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Oh, voting. Yeah, come vote. Dude, the worst thing is, is what do you do reply to them? Yeah, I just stand in and and and and and and. Yeah, yeah, you just go, I would rather suck a dick made a dynamite than vote for your fucking man. Or I go like, I'm being raped, help. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Um, the, the, the laziness of it is the most insulting part for me. for your fucking man. Or I go like, I'm being raped, help. Yeah. The laziness of it is the most insulting part for me. Yeah, they just just go, hey, we're having an election. Come on out. Like telling me a joke or a meme or something. Don't fuck me somehow. You can't throw a fucking Burger King coupon into that thing. Yeah. Give me something.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Or like maybe like what you're gonna do for me, but at the at the local level politics are more retarded than they are Yeah, I say hi. I want to I want to run just so that I can send those text messages So that I can be like for Josh Denny. He thinks your mom's a faggot And then people would be like a fucking'm fucking boned for this guy. I don't even need to have a platform. If I just was clever enough in the campaign. Love for Josh, your wife is fat. Yeah, I'm, I can't fix it, but I'll try.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Yeah, I listen, I'm fat too. And so that's how I know, I know how it starts. I can put an end to this for you. Um, let's see here. Oh yeah, that was horrible. Yeah, got rid of what time it is. It's, I can put an end to this for you. Let's see here. Oh yeah, that was horrible. Yeah, got rid of what time is it? Oh Jesus, 12.52 already. Did I tell anybody to call in?
Starting point is 00:44:54 How much time you have with us today? Yeah, plenty, plenty. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I'm doing after this? Drinking, eating. You could drink. Ollie. No, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Go have a good understanding each other. other? We make a balanced breakfast. Let's, I'm going to play some stuff from the W E F. Are you familiar with them? Yeah, I think you played for me. Yeah, I don't know. It's like a supervillain organization. Oh, the W F, the World Economic Forum. Yeah. Yeah, I'm aware. They just have like the worst of the world. The World Economic Forum. Yeah. Yeah. I'm aware that they just have like the
Starting point is 00:45:25 worst of the world. I mean, it's literally just like it, when you look at the WF, it's like a super villain that half of everyone you know supports. Yes. Well, yeah, that's who I, that is who I want running. And I don't want you to have any guns. I need my guns more than ever for you. Yes. I don't need them for the government or whatever self-defense. I need them because of you, because I know that you will come over here
Starting point is 00:45:53 and fuck with me at any time, the second that you can. Well, it's like, I just said that. Like, I loved now when Australians go. There was like a guy who was like, he's so an epitome in Australia, he's shooting, we don't have guns. in Australia, they shoot and it was like, we don't have guns. We go, yeah, that's why you had COVID concentration camps
Starting point is 00:46:09 for the last two years. You fucking dunce. Yeah. Like, of course, I was just like, I tweeted this last week, I think you commented or liked on it, but I said, like steps to enslaving a nation,
Starting point is 00:46:21 step one, convince everyone they're mentally ill. Make it cool and sexy, celebrate it even. Step two, ban the sale of firearms to anyone that's mentally ill. Step three, do whatever the fuck you feel like. And these places like World Economic Forum, you even see Bill Gates is like, didn't he just get put in charge of something medical or whatever? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Where it's just like, what the, what are you guys doing? The Windows guy. He didn't even make the best personal computer. Now I understand that you're just running with your insanity. So this is pretty much all I need is my crypto and guns. And that's it. I understand that you're gonna take everything else away.
Starting point is 00:47:01 And you're not even arguing anymore. Like now you've got enough people and control over enough stuff to just run with it. So now all I need to, like this is all I need. My crypto again. Yeah. Somebody said to me, what time they're like, yeah, your apartment complex, how it's like a prison, you know, because it's like an indoor outdoor and we've got this big, like metal gate on the front or whatever. And I was just like, yeah, I've never felt more secure living in something that looks like a prison, then I do now.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Because when we run out of food, you know, August. And people just start raiding homes, you know, it's nice to be in a secure building. That's why I like living on a hill. Yes. If you're starving, you're not gonna wanna run up a hill. I almost got hit three times coming up your hill today. Nobody in this fucking neighborhood knows the chain of yielding, the downhill cars are supposed
Starting point is 00:47:50 to yield to the uphill cars. Oh, yeah, they don't think they all just, they beep at me like back down the hill. Back down the hill. That's nope. That's the way it's supposed to go. I just go nope. Nope. That's our strategy for when the apocalypse happens.
Starting point is 00:48:03 We're just going to crash our cars into each other on the hill, block all traffic. There you go. That's that's the smart way to do it. And then I'm going to do a bunch of cocaine and stay up till five in the morning and then just go from house to house stealing it. Everyone's killing everyone useless. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:18 I would love to. I would have to be the bad guy. Great, great movie. What do you do? I, I make boom. You killed my wife. She wasn't gonna say anything good. He was annoying.
Starting point is 00:48:32 She doesn't really do anything. Okay, I made a judgment call. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay, maybe I did the wrong thing. Yeah, but I did. You had to do something. Yeah, she was, I'm Steven's wife
Starting point is 00:48:42 and I raised the boosh. Steven, you with me on this? He goes, yeah, I've never been with you. More on it. You stop me. You stop me. Oh, okay. Okay, this is the W-E-F.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I guess it's kind of like conspiracy theory to say these guys are like, this is really gonna happen, but I mean, it is. Like it is all of the world leaders, the ones that you hate together, talking about what they're gonna do. So I feel like calling it a conspiracy theory is just like the original intent
Starting point is 00:49:15 of the word conspiracy theory, which is to discredit things that are probably gonna happen. Probably real. Yeah, like God's conspiracy. Let me low it. We'll just throw out the words conspiracy theory. Any time we're found out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Here is the Pfizer CEO explaining Pfizer's new tech to the crowd of ingestible pills, a pill with a tiny chip that sends a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested. I'm fine with this as long as they do another one when I shit it out. Yeah. I'm fine with this as long as they put it in everything and everything that everyone eats gets to go on a big public board. Yes. You can go house to house like, oh, you and you've been eating one on your diet?
Starting point is 00:50:03 Well, this is why I don't, okay? Well, this is why I don't. No, cake. Yeah, this is why I don't believe in universal healthcare under our current government structure, even though I think we should have it. Yeah. I don't believe it because this is what will happen. They'll go, how many times you have McDonald's this week, Fetty, you don't get to come to the hospital. That's what it will boil down to is that level of regulation and control.
Starting point is 00:50:21 So if you want healthcare, you'll have to work out a certain, you'll have to eat what they tell you, you'll have to drink what they tell you. No heroin. You don't get the, no heroin. No heroin. Yeah, no heroin. You don't get the healthcare if you're on heroin. Even though now, if you had a heart attack, they'll set you aside for a 19 year old girl
Starting point is 00:50:36 who OD'd. I disagree only because I don't think they're trying to keep anyone healthy. It's just which company has the most money to give like fast food, has enough money to write the laws. You think so? Yeah, but cigarette companies do not because everybody hates smokers. Yeah. Yeah, nobody hates McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:50:54 That's what I think is hilarious when people are like, we got to shut down the NRA. It's like, you know, they gave $16 million to politicians last year. Yeah. Do you know how much pharmaceutical companies gave? 400 million. Yeah. Who's your enemy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:11 You dumb dildos. Yeah. Yeah, they gave $16 million to a couple of hillbillies that are running for fucking Senate. Meanwhile, they're, we're very pro-gun anyway. Yeah, they actually want to win. Yeah, they're really like you. pharmaceutical companies have everyone in their pockets and you're just going, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Well, they just want to keep us alive. This is my other problem with, let me pull up this graph real fast before I play this idiot's spiel. It's healthcare. So this was the result of Obamacare, healthcare, administrative costs. Oh yeah, I've seen this. I've seen this. Yeah, like this is, it basically turns from like a normal number that you would think is right, like 50% of healthcare costs
Starting point is 00:51:58 to like 95% of the Obamacare. The administration of the cost. Yes, it's just fattening up the government and not actually giving any money to people that need it. Yeah, is this it? Let's see here. Yeah, there it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, from 70 to 09.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Yeah. Um, you try to pull it up. Three, there we go. Growth of physicians and administrators. Since now, I don't know if is the correct. But the yellow is administration and the brown is physicians. So as it turns out, you can't just fire spin up a bunch of doctors out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Like it takes a lifelong calling and like decades of research and work to become a doctor. So incentivizing them even with the tremendous wealth and reward is not gonna really tip the needle in any direction. And also as it turns out, we got about as many doctors as we need, right? But administrators, pencil pushers and middle managers,
Starting point is 00:53:01 we can build and- Billing people. Billing people, people who will send emails and fill out forms, we can crank, we can build and building people. Billing people, people who will send emails and fill out forms, we can crank, we can crank up as every single person in America can be one of those. If you've got the money to fill the seats. Do you know why you're filling out forms
Starting point is 00:53:15 when you go to the hospital? Why? So we went every single time. It's every single time. Do you know why? Why? Because they're subsidized by the data capture. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:53:26 You're giving health history, right? They give you a survey that says, is anyone in your family ever had cancer? Yeah. And then they're selling that information to research facilities, right? So like the Cancer Research Society pays these hospitals and outpatient centers and everything else
Starting point is 00:53:44 to capture that data for them. Yeah. So they're getting money from you and they're getting money from the government and they're getting money from these research places. You're literally going in to fund research that isn't doing anything. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:01 So the whole system exists to take your fucking money and not treat you. Imagine if you went to get your oil changed, you told them everything you knew about every car, everyone in your family ever owned. They took your fucking money and went, by the way, we don't have time to change your oil today. You're going to have to come back on Wednesday. You can go to it yourself. You can go to a mental health, we call it.
Starting point is 00:54:24 You go there and see if they'll help. Yeah, there's a huge hell lock and do it. You can go do it yourself. You can go to a mental health. We call it. You go there and see if they'll help you through it. Now that you've given us all the data that's worth more to us than your life, go down the street and change it yourself. Pussy. That's the world we live in. Here is the CEO of Pfizer. Albert, I assume that's actually him. I don't know. I got to look everything up now because everybody lies so much. It is basically biological sheep that it is in the tablet. And once you take the tablet and dissolve it into your stomach, send the signal that you took the tablet. So imagine the applications of that compliance, the insurance companies to know that the
Starting point is 00:55:01 medicines that patients should take, they do, take them. It is fascinating what happens in this field. Imagine the compliance, imagine the compliance of a drug that they couldn't convince you to take. But now we can track you down. Can you just go back to killing men with that accent? Why are we just, I was waiting for him to be shot at the end, like we got one, like what are we doing?
Starting point is 00:55:29 Can you imagine the compliance? Can you imagine the compliance? What have been compliance on this breath control women fuck up all the time? He says that will you talk, because somehow I don't think that's what you're talking about. Yeah, that one I'm good with. I want the chip in there.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Did you take, no, and if she doesn't, she explodes. Now we don't need a board, we fix the problem every woman who's like how much money do you make a year 250,000 explode whoops I didn't take one Plan a that's plan a By plan parenthood we don't need you anymore. We fixed it. We got it at the roof plan parenthood, we don't need you anymore, we fixed it. We got it at the root. This bitch will self destruct in 30 seconds. You better take your fucking vitamins. They can sync up too. Yeah, you know, they sync their periods up. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. You guys are your wife is in your mistress and that three, when that iPhone alarm goes off at three o'clock, I bet they don't forget, do they? What compliance is he talking about?
Starting point is 00:56:25 Like what pill, what pill needs to be taken with such compliance that you have to involve the police? Yeah, that's insane. With the other. Right. Uh, well, the SSRIs, they're gonna force you to take. Yeah. So the school shootings don't happen.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Like they do with kids. Yeah. Cause our kids are forced to get on that shit. They have no idea. Well, this is the parents aren't like kind of overprotective. This is what nobody saw about COVID mandates. How long before a private company quote unquote, this is a problem with corporateocracy,
Starting point is 00:56:58 which is being framed as big government, but it's like, this is the problem with giving companies the freedom to so-called do what they want because now they can go, listen, Barbara, you're a real cunt these days. You need to be on, and a depressant throughout you can't work here anymore. And then they're going to force it to go on SSS. She won't be able to buy a gun because she's on SSS.
Starting point is 00:57:18 I know we have common sense gun laws. And so when they show up at her arcade and Raper at the next courtroom, she won't be able to defend her stupid self. And she'll have no one to blame but herself for voting, Democrat, right, for voting for Joe Biden. Okay, here's another one I found about the individual carbon footprint tracker. Yeah, I just can't believe, I just can't believe the number of like evil ideas coming out of this thing.
Starting point is 00:57:45 And nobody's like, should we blow this thing up? Like nobody's just like this, everyone's like this is fine. Look at our, look at a world's most brilliant minds, deciding what to do with all of us meat suits. Like, you're literally what? How do you watch this? And you're not the most, but they're the most psychopathic minds. What's the most, you're not. You're on musk is like, I made a car that's better for the environment
Starting point is 00:58:06 than everything else and they go, fuck him, he's a Nazi. And he's like, what have you guys done? And they go, no, we take the orders from the customer so the engine here is don't have to. It's literally office space all over again. And so these guys get together and play in the money. They just came to money to doctors.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yeah. Well, what should we do then? We'll just let the doctors do whatever the doctors says they want to do, pay for it. Yeah. Well, but like I'm pretty sure they can go, like you really think a doctor with all of his surgery hands is gonna want to deal with his own paperwork? No paperwork. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Just like, do pay for it. Yeah, I think it's so crazy because it's like, listen, this is what's wild. I can't go to the government and go, I want a business loan, I'm a comedian. And I need some podcasting and some filming equipment and I will run it all myself on a do it all myself or whatever and they go, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:58:55 But if I went to them and I go, I want to start a thing and I need to hire a hundred people and they go, what does it do? And I go, what we do is we administrate podcasts. Oh yeah, yeah. For other comedians and everything. And they go, that does it do? And I go, what we do is we administrate podcasts for other comedians and everything. And they go, that sounds like a great podcasting is huge right now.
Starting point is 00:59:09 We don't give you the money to do yours, but if you want to build a network for a lot of other people to do it, what do you mean? $2 million, how many people are you gonna hire? It's like the whole con. And no one has any experience in administration or any of this.
Starting point is 00:59:23 No, that's perfect. We prefer that. Yeah, because what we can do is we can get you educational grants from private industry and we'll filter that through the government and we'll give it to you because everybody's retarded AI that works for you. Okay, here's, this is Al Alibaba group president Michael Evans. Already, first line, Alibaba, no. Individual carbon footprint tracker. Oh, first line, Ali Bhatt, nope. Individual carbon footprint tracker.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Oh, that's great. We're developing through technology and ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint. What does that mean? That's where are they traveling? Like, is he talking to someone that just got out of a cryo chamber or a child? What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:00:06 What is even the through technology part? What is developing a lot of these cellulgy like an ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint? Madden that. What does that mean? Where the fuck has ever needed wanted that? You know what I woke up this morning thinking,
Starting point is 01:00:22 like, if I only fucking knew what my carbon footprint was today, I got a much more productive day. Like what? I mean, it's about depending on the way about the same as everybody else is except these guys. Listen, I'm going to tell you right now, depending on the street I'm on, I'll throw my McDonald's right out the window. You know how much you know how much I fucking think about carbon footprint. I just go probably better for the environment. this fucking neighborhood bag of douche, they don't give a shit. I just roll it down, I'm not gonna keep this in my car. It's gonna rev me up, I'm gonna want more McDonald's. That's how they get me.
Starting point is 01:00:54 So I throw it in the street like a good American. Oh God, I love littering. Fuck you. You guys. There you go. Well, you know, if I throw it in the street, they won't be able to embezzle $2 billion to have little robots down the street and sweep it. And other robots to shoot the bombs away from the food.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Where the fuck are those street sweepers? We have a machine that comes down my street that I'll get fined if I park it. Why is the street this dirty? It's never this dirty. You know why it's dirty? Because a homeless man keeps riddling his trash on our street and his camper truck that he parks next to the fucking place I live in.
Starting point is 01:01:31 How about you kill that guy? And we don't need the street sweepers at all. Or just give him like a lot to park his car in. Just like a nice little, like a nice, just a fence area. Yeah. No rules or supervision or prohibitions on drugs or liquor, an open shower. So I think more of the parking lot. Give it to him. Hanging. It's better than what they have. Yeah. Steadies on my street and they go, you
Starting point is 01:01:58 don't think I'll be a, we need a $265,000 robot. Yeah. Just sweep up after this homeless man. Okay. Here's, here's your carbon footprint. Where are they traveling? How are they with $265,000 robot to sweep up after this homelessness. Okay, here's your carbon footprint, right? Where are they traveling? How are they traveling? What are they eating? What are they consuming on the platform? So, in the...
Starting point is 01:02:15 What are they consuming on the platform of life? What are the platforms? On the platform. On the platform. Also, yeah, what are two platforms consuming? Are when they jerk off, do they come? Is it a lot? Tracker.
Starting point is 01:02:28 They tuned, we don't have it operationally yet. It's a fucking dough. I hope. He said, stay tuned. We haven't enslaved you just yet, but we are working on it. Maybe one more. We don't have it ready yet.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Is there a thing of like, you're not ready for it yet? Okay, here's, we couldn't possibly release it without the marketing known as pandemic 2.0. Oh, they're panicking. Here's the dwindling support for COVID restrictions. I end their solution for it. Theality is that political resolve to fight COVID is waning. Popular support for measures is waning. People are, people are over COVID. The problem is it's not done with us, but we're in danger of losing this moment
Starting point is 01:03:09 for transformative change. And let's face it, people are still dying and significant numbers every day. People are still developing long COVID every day. Oh, did you see that long COVID is just people who have anxiety? Oh, they're counting that? No, it's like if you have long COVID, it correlates with people who report having like have anxiety. Oh, they're counting that. No, if you have long COVID,
Starting point is 01:03:26 it correlates with people who report having like high anxiety. I have this study. Let me get it in a minute. It's just basically people are neurotic assholes. All report happened to all have all. I still feel sick. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I still feel sick. I know that's long COVID. I have a cough once a month. Is that a problem? Yeah. Low income countries, horribly, horribly under-vaccinated. It's someone's issue in your mouth. I think another reason is that the package of things
Starting point is 01:03:54 that has to happen is transsector. And there hasn't yet been an effort to try and bring together a head of state and government level focus on the range of things that needs to be done. ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― We're talking the WTOs. We're talking the IFIs. We're talking the wide range of foundations, players in the space. And so a lot of people are doing bits and pieces, but it's not like a coordinated push. We've got a lot of people are exhibiting control over aspects of people's lives, but we've got to bring all of these aspects of control together into one supervising authority for the earth. You mean like we're new world order?
Starting point is 01:04:50 Yes, and we're missing. COVID is dwindling. The specter of COVID is dwindling, so we've got to act fast. If we want to get, is that what? Pretty obviously what we're hearing here. All right, there you go. Oops, I hope I've been having it. Yeah, I've been using the ghost of Sean.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Yeah. Well, I'll read some comments. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, so anyway, they're working on enslaving the entire human race. Let's get into some listener mail. You see Coldplay had bicycles that you could ride to power their concert. That's.
Starting point is 01:05:31 What does it do? Does it pound your asshole like the bike and it's always on the bill at L. The ass blaster 2000. I get it up here. Cold play. Uh, they have it to power their concerts. So every one of their concerts, big thanks to everyone who peddled our power bikes on our tour so far. On average, they generate around 11,000 kilowatt, 11, 11, uh, 1000 watt hours per night enough to power the whole C stage performance at the next show, Light's instruments, PA, please jump on these
Starting point is 01:06:06 if you have floor tickets. So, oh yeah, that's what I want to do when I go to a concert, go to the gym. So this is called, I'll probably get it for a copyright thing. This is some loser peddling a bicycle at a cold-played concert concert like he's saving the planet. This is crowdfunding to a new level where it's like now you're omnisleep because our entire performance.
Starting point is 01:06:33 But I could power the C stage. You know, look at that. Look at these idiots. Of course the woman's not peddling as fast as the man. She didn't even buy her own tickets. I mean, I thought, I thought the Christian rituals of like standing and sitting in my god, but getting on a neon bicycle. But whether floor tickets to Coldplay, $500,
Starting point is 01:07:01 guess what, you're also going to job to a job today. I hope you guys are ready to fucking pedal. Do you know what I would're also going to job to a job today. I hope you guys are ready to fucking pedal. Do you know what I would do if I showed up at a concert and they were like, get on his bike? I would shoot the whole concert. That's mental illness though. It is. So if you go to this, yeah. And if you do a, what was that festival in Vegas, they got shot up stage coach? No, no, it wasn't stage coach. It was, I don't know, some fun. Some other band.
Starting point is 01:07:27 If that happened at this, you'd be mentally ill. Yes. And you believe that? Yeah. They have some sort of drug or talk therapy that you can work through with a 25 year old lady. Yeah. Uh, 25 year old life coach.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Yeah. That's the new grift. I love that women have jumped on. They're all like, I haven't done anything. I have a friend. And, you know, but she's like a relationship expert on TikTok now and it's like, you're 21. Until you've been double penned by 16 black guys
Starting point is 01:07:58 at the same time, you don't get to give advice. Okay. You got to have this many dicks. Yeah. Okay. To give advice on that. You got to have this many dicks. Yeah. Okay. To give to give advice on that. This ride. Just, you know what, when your partner says that I'm like, have you ever been just railed? Have you ever heard no? Yeah. Ever in your whole ever time. I mean, I like, mine's more sexually gratuitous than yours, but you're not wrong. Has anyone ever told you
Starting point is 01:08:21 and maybe no doubt? It's just like, no one wants your fucking, like the women economy is different than the men's. You know who your audience is? Guys, what a fuck you. You're gonna pretend that everything you say is true. So true, so true, so true. You're so true. You're so true.
Starting point is 01:08:36 You're so right. Or women who are uglier than you that want to agree with you. So guys, we'll see that in the green with you. And then 35 of them are gonna dump buckets of coming your body for the next 10 years, okay? And then, and then, and then someone's gonna hand her a book by somebody like Jordan Peterson and she's gonna go, oh, oh, oh, that's where I was messing up.
Starting point is 01:09:01 I'm fucking stupid. They went from selling, there's a better chance of the Down syndrome AI having that level of self awareness. Yeah. Then any human one I agree. They went from selling each other like Tupperware and jewelry. Remember that was good old days. Now just selling stupid life aphorisms like Nike slogans. They went from selling crap that they were selling me a lot of work to serve me at my best. Wow, how much is that? I don't want you at either of them. Steven says, oh, wait, here we go. Rage, post pandemic nosemaskers are evil. Hey, Dick, don't read my name. Every time I go to the gym,
Starting point is 01:09:44 I see the occasional retard with their mask pulled down under their nose. And I just can't understand the thought process behind it. I don't think these masks do much to stop the spread of this totally real, totally dangerous disease. But I have an odd respect for people who still wear them after the pandemic. The feeling is somewhat similar to the respect one might feel watching the special Olympics. Okay. Personally, I think they should X plus one mask, where the X is the number of masks they can physically wear since...
Starting point is 01:10:13 Okay. However, when I see these retards with their masks pulled under their nose, despite not needing to wear one anymore, I feel pure, unbridled rage in my soul. They obviously believe the science or they wouldn't be wearing a mask at all. So they're willing to put other people at risk for their own comfort in their own eyes. That's evil.
Starting point is 01:10:33 And if they are, and if they all weren't so self-righteous about saving lives that'd be fine, I hate people and I think masks are gay. So I have no moral quandaries putting other people at risk for my comfort, but I don't pretend otherwise. Anyway, I'm high, so sorry. This is just a retarded jumble of nonsense.
Starting point is 01:10:50 I need to ramble into the void. Scratch for my speech, I'm gonna go for a review. The last episode of the biggest problem is probably the funniest thing I've ever heard all months. Congratulations on a full year. Yeah, it's interesting when people wear them. So they think that they're protecting you and then they opt to not to really wear it. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, well, I, I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but you are evil in your morality.
Starting point is 01:11:14 It's, it's a Nazi arm band. Yeah. It's literally just like just so you know that I'm against Trump. I'll wear. Oh, that's literally all it is now is a symbol. I see not being a Republican. So the symbol still works. That's all it is. It's completely symbolic. I think you're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:32 It has nothing to do. I don't actually think it stops it either. Hey, buddy. Yeah. Let's like not saying all the no no words. We're supposed to not say like they don't think, no, they don't think the the inward or dead naming or trans stuff is real.
Starting point is 01:11:46 They just do it to signal and they know it. It's so fun to do it. Hey, hey, the devil headed step child says the perfect abortion law. Here's the perfect answer to the abortion debate. Make all abortions up to birth legal and 100% paid for. However, there's one requirement. The person getting the abortion must go to their local animal shelter, pick out a puppy that is the same amount of months old as their fetus, and strangle it to death with their bare hands. That might be a little much. Women don't have that
Starting point is 01:12:13 problem. Keep going. Keep going. Why this works? He's got an explanation. The dog acts as a physical representation for the child. It will force the person to be very committed. They love dogs way more than children. Yeah. Yeah. I have a bit in my act where I'm like, listen, black people, if you want better treatment in this country, throw that dog collar on. You will be fucking shocked. Well, the homeless do it. So why don't black people? Yeah. They don't like dogs. I also don't like what, yeah, they don't. And I also don't like when homeless have dogs. Cause I'm like, listen, her shit was really that bad. You would've ate that dog by now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:46 You know what I'm saying? I don't like the homeless with dogs. I am either. Are you really at your wit's end? You had a friend? I don't even have a dog. Which one of us is more fucked? The dog brings in more money.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yeah, of course it does. But you can't give the money directly to the dog. Dogs are shit with money. They're not retarded. I they don't have thumbs. If the person cannot justify taking the life of the puppy, and it's I think we get it. So then it's not to explain a joke,
Starting point is 01:13:17 because then people think that you're serious. Yeah. See what the thing is is if we put that life in their hands, I like, first of all, I like that you think that there's anything that could bring a woman's compassion ahead of her self-survival and selfishness. I be willing to bet that if you told a woman that she had to kill a dog to then kill a baby so that she could, I don't know, be on Instagram
Starting point is 01:13:44 and make $50,000 a post. She would snap both their necks, no problem. Because the women who are already for that, there's no end to the justification in their mind. Like this is what I always get into with the pro-choice women as I go, so when is it not okay? And if you push them, they will always go,
Starting point is 01:14:06 it's never not okay. It's whenever the fuck I say it is. Yeah, I agree with that. And that's 100% what they, so that's, there's no reasoning with them. No, no, that's why you have to go the other way. You can go, okay, well then we have to, we, as men now, have to decide that you're too selfish
Starting point is 01:14:21 to put any value on human life that's not your own. Yeah, so that's why we have to make these decisions. Because you literally, with a five year old go, I decided I wanna be a dancer now. Yeah, get rid of it. Put him in the furnace. Yeah. So here's what we should do then.
Starting point is 01:14:36 For every man, every conservative man who disagrees with that, they can vote, they can vote on how many kids to save. All they have to do on their tax return is include an extra 1000 bucks for every woman that's going to go to Planned Parenthood to say, oh, here you go. Click, here's your check for 1000 bucks. You can go back home. We bought you another, that's the law now, is we're taking all of these guys' money who
Starting point is 01:15:03 are so, who have this idea that like uh... uh... you're whatever we want to play john wane for the unborn and even the born they're gonna foot they're gonna pay your rent for a while yeah you can go home and enjoy yourself well that's what they're saying they want now they go it my friend uh... well that's what they get yeah yeah i don't want sick of paying for that too yeah my friend michaelson Olson, he was doing man on the street. He has the black pill podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:31 He, he was on the street interviewing one of them about abortion and one woman, he said he said, Austin, Texas, he goes, she goes, well, you know, if we're going to be forced to have, if you want to force to have have these babies and how about you start paying child support before the baby's born and Mike goes, yeah, that's called marriage. That's actually what marriage used to be about. And she literally just like, oh, like the idea that we already had an institution
Starting point is 01:15:58 so that you wouldn't be on your own. Yeah. But that one's not good enough for you because you don't get to fuck everybody and have more money. It's not good enough No, it's not good enough That prevents women from having utter consequence free hypergamy. Okay, but then they don't they're not okay So then the men who want to escape from that situation kill themselves. Yes, and now now who has to They're not gonna make that illegal. Yeah, so no, no, no, not only women
Starting point is 01:16:24 You're gonna take care of the kid the man who divorces, not only women, you're gonna take care of the kid, the man, divorce is now illegal because the man's gotta take care of that kid and you can't even escape in death. So we're gonna make suicide illegal too. Yeah. Is that the world? That's the world that the conservers are gunning for. I know it is. I don't want to live in that world.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Yeah, I'm fine with suicide. I think birth control should be free. I think plan B should be part of every rape kit. Done. Yeah. It's, I fixed it all. I think they go, well, what about, what about, hold on a second, that what about when birth control doesn't work?
Starting point is 01:16:56 That's what plan B is for. Like, you should be taking it like vitamins. Yeah. If you're getting nutted in, there's solutions for that. But who cares? Well, they don't care. Well, but why do you care? Well, they care.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Why do I care? Who cares? I don't know. I mean, kill all people. Here's my political platform. Here's where I, you're not, you're probably not wrong. I like the intellectual consistency of your argument. I'm just like, you're argument is human life has no value.
Starting point is 01:17:27 No, right. And they explicitly know. I agree with the supreme. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, little, little. That's why I have the guns. Yeah, that's what's important to me. Yeah, my guns. Yeah, I mean, my thought is just that it is,
Starting point is 01:17:42 it's when we created America, we said, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. So everyone should get a shot at those three, I think. Okay. And if you're a dumb cunt that everybody's dumping come in, okay. Don't do that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:55 It's pretty avoidable. They're gonna do that though. Yeah. Yeah. Well, maybe, I mean, I'll tell you this, when they outlawed it in bandit in South Dakota, I used to manage, I was a district manager for Hollywood video stores,
Starting point is 01:18:08 and when they made it illegal in South Dakota, I just, I went down there and talked to the people who ran my stores and I go, so what do you do? And they go, yeah, we just don't come in each other as much. That's, I go, you got to drive across straight lines and get abortions, they go, no, that's stupid. Nobody does that.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I just watch it. We just, we just take more precaution and I go, oh, so what you're saying is that you aren't incentive driven, you're too retarded to do this without the fear of consequences. Oh, I think it works. So if we take away your ability to not have consequences, you'll just do the right thing and he was like, yeah, that's that right thing. That's what bugs me. What?
Starting point is 01:18:44 That it's the right thing to not make a person? Either way, just a concept of riding wrong. Oh, okay. It's a big existential discussion. Yeah, I also think that it's like really radicalizing for liberals when you go after their abortions and it would turn, like it's probably gonna just went like, yeah, we don't care.
Starting point is 01:19:04 We just want the wall. Yeah, they'd be like, oh, okay, have the wall. Well, I agree like it's probably gonna just went like, yeah, we don't care. We just want to wall. Yeah. They'd be like, oh, okay, have the wall. Well, I agree, it's stupid strategy. Yeah, because you just handed the Democrats a platform to run on. One that's really easy for women to understand. They're so emotional and they get so weaponized.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Yeah. So this is why I say, like, I don't believe that that Buffalo shooting was real. Okay. And the reason I say it is because I think it's too convenient that we're six months out from a mid-term. Oh, right. All the Democrats were going to get destroyed.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Yeah. And now we're talking about a woman's right to choose and guns and white supremacy and guns and guns. So it's like, we just, the guns when I think is them, I think that's their abortion because when they start going, we got to get those guns guys like me, you're like, I'll do anything it takes. I'll vote for anyone if I get to keep my guns. I don't care about any, all I care about is money and guns. You're going after either one of those, I'm voting.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Yeah. I think there's a lot of guys like that. Yeah, but women are dumb, and they'll just go, the white supremacy, and they do, like, what do you mean I can't kill babies? Like I cry. I cry when the shootings, but when they go, I'm fine, clump of cells. You know, that's why I'm with you.
Starting point is 01:20:11 If your thought is that no human life has value, that's great, stop crying when a school gets shot up. Just go, eh. Well, you know, traffic jam, that, that, that, that, that. Those kids had names. Like pigs, you can eat pigs, but no one's gonna cry over a pig, but you can go and talk.
Starting point is 01:20:27 I guarantee you, I bet, yeah. You can't kill my dog. Yeah, I'm very upset about that. Okay, I get nothing in name. Well, no, you're doing female compartmentalization, my friend. That's what everyone does that. I don't do that. No, I think everyone does it.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Yeah, I think everyone has intellectual inconsistencies with that when it comes to life, yeah. No, I just, you don't, no, I think everyone does. Yeah, I think everyone has intellectual inconsistencies with that. When it comes to life, yeah. No, I just, You don't? No, I think human life is more valuable than all other life. I'll drown a dog to save a person.
Starting point is 01:20:52 What about like war and stuff? What about like other countries starving a death? Yeah, that's stupid. What about you as part of a problem? It's not our problem. It's not a problem. Well, that's what nations are about. Okay, but see, then now you're kind of saying
Starting point is 01:21:05 that national sovereignty comes into play when you're talking about the moral question of life is right and wrong, and I don't see how those are, I don't see how those crossbridge, but everybody does. Everybody agrees with you that the national sovereignty comes into play when you're talking about the morality of the erasure of human life, and I don't see how.
Starting point is 01:21:21 It's like, well, life's got to trump everything. Well, life is life. Well, law has, going back to the creation of law, it had three purposes, to settle disputes, to handle municipalities, essentially like, we have roads, what do we do with them, the entire other thing, and to uphold some standard of common morality, and to maintain order.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Right, those were the four essential tenants of the invention of law. Right. So if we can't agree on the common morality, why do we have any laws? Why do we have any, what is our nation? What does it mean? What does it represent? So I'm saying under the context of what we already have, unless we're talking about nuking, the foundation of what we have as government, which I'm not opposed to.
Starting point is 01:22:05 I am. Turn it down and start over. Come up with a new thing. But under the framework of what we have based on the declaration and the constitution, then we have to agree that life comes before liberty and pursuit of happiness. So all human life has value in America, in America. Yeah. Fuck what everyone else is doing.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Well, then it's no longer right and wrong. Well, it's legal It's legally and not morally You see what I'm saying? But that's the legal argument about what we decide. We what we're saying is we're not even saying that taking the life of another person is Morally wrong, right. We're saying that it's illegal because it's promised in the Constitution. Okay, so there is no morality to this point It's literally saying because we guaranteed our citizens the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, we have a governmental responsibility to protect those rights. There is no moral argument here. We're not even saying. We're not even saying. It sounds like people are making a moral argument. No, no, it's just, it's literally
Starting point is 01:22:58 just saying that that might have been why it was created that way. Yeah. But that's my interpretation of it. There is no moral compass to it it's right or wrong because the argument could be made when people go, well, why are you against abortion, but you're not against the death penalty? Well, that person has taken another person's life theoretically. Those are the people we sentenced to death, right? Yeah. So when you take a life, you lose the right to yours. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:20 That seems fair. Yeah. It's a pretty simple, stripped down, rational thing, but everyone has a problem compartmentalizing their own religion and their own sense of morality. I think law shouldn't do much more than those things. Handle municipalities, settle disputes, protect some sense of common morality, which is dictated by what the Constitution promises to protect and nothing more. Vote for me, everybody.
Starting point is 01:23:46 That makes sense. Right. That makes sense. It is the, I think it's the foundation of your explanation is that is what I disagree on then. What do you mean? I do think that most people are pitching it as a right and wrong thing. If that's the problem,
Starting point is 01:24:01 that's what I said. That's what I said. Yeah. This is a legal issue. Then I would say, okay, fine, I don't care. Right. And most people would, because then people wouldn't go like, actually, this is about right and wrong, you're going to hell.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Yeah, it's not, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's not, and if it's a legal issue, And religion has nothing to do, right? You're supposed to have nothing to do with our government framework. Wow, so that's just, all I'm saying is the only reason we, and it would be consistent with the rest of our laws. If it's a legal issue, then we have, then I go back to my, look, this is, we got a way
Starting point is 01:24:32 more important legal issues that we need to, we need to chill out on this shit to get the other shit through. Well, all the other shit that government's doing that's not those four things should be erased. Yeah. We should do away with all of that. So, government having any conversation about taking your money and then we'll tell you what we're going to do with it and then we'll give it back to you.
Starting point is 01:24:49 That's much more. No, no, no, no. That's not it. We didn't agree to that anywhere in the original ship. Uh-huh. What part of what part of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is you laundering my own money back to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:02 No, I agree. You know, so I'm very much a core framework of the Constitution guy. And that's where my whole perspective on abortion changed because I was always approach voice. And I was always a libertarian guy who was like, well, you're never gonna stop it. No, I'm not approach voice.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Yeah, yeah, but I'm pro death. Yeah, right. Which is, which is fun. Yeah. I used to, I used to do a bit about that back. When I, I used to be that way. I used to be that way. I used to be that way. I used to be that way. I used to be that way. I need to met these people. I set behind a woman. I don't know. You weren't here for the I set behind a woman
Starting point is 01:25:32 Who is idling her car in a parking spot amazing parking spot for had to be two and a half minutes at the park. Yeah And you're telling me you want more of this? No, okay. No. As long as we can agree on that. But I just don't want to. I just don't want to. I just don't want to. Two and a half minutes I'm sitting there going, what the fuck is going on? But don't you believe that there's some sense of Darwinistic survival where she won't make it,
Starting point is 01:25:54 not anymore? Well, not anymore, because we have all these protections. Yeah. It's too easy. It's like lesbianism is a fucking luxury of modern society. We are now.
Starting point is 01:26:03 You think too dickless fucking 90 pound women, 500 years ago, we're like, let's us team up. Yes, so we can starve to death. Yes, because two women can compete for survival better than one women on her own. That's why they're all lesbians. I'd love to see them figure out how to make a spear and find dinner.
Starting point is 01:26:23 No, because one guy with a spear and food, two women can take more than one woman. Like, oh, well, maybe if we're team up, we could... What are they gonna do? Fuck them to death? Yes. Okay. So they're gonna bring like a lesbianism. So there's a choice.
Starting point is 01:26:37 I bet they're like two. They're all women or lesbians. That's the only thing I'm actually meant on Dr. Phil. Okay. Okay. Well, all of the series lesbians. Yeah. That's the only thing I'm actually meant on Dr. Phil. Okay. Okay. Well, all of these lesbians come up, I get distracted. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:49 All women are lesbians in the sense of survivalist hypergamy. Yeah. Like, I don't believe women have a sexual orientation. Well, they don't have, it's money. It's a compass towards a better life is their only sexual orientation. Well, they, I think everything turns to mind. They'll fuck anything. Yeah. They'll fuck anything. They'll fuck anything. Yeah. That makes their life better. If I came out with a, if I came out with a robot that had scissors for fingers and penises, and I was like, you can
Starting point is 01:27:14 fuck this, but you get a million dollars every day you live with it. They'd be like, fine. Should we have a penis head? Scissors. It exists. Yeah. No, no, not penis hands. Scissors scissors for hands. Still the scissors hands, but scissors dicks as well. Oh. Yeah, no, no, not penis hands. It's scissors. Scissors for hands. Still the scissors hands, but scissors dicks as well. Oh, yeah. And he's just sure. How do you think this? Well, I just try to think what is the worst thing that a common sense woman would go,
Starting point is 01:27:34 I won't fuck that for a million dollars a day, but I bet they'll be like, I don't need a pussy anyway. They're gonna say a million dollars a day, what, how do you expect me to live on that? Pfft. Ha ha ha ha? That way. And then pay 50% of everything? Hey, Decker Chod, I got some advice.
Starting point is 01:27:50 And then we'll do voice mails. I need chicken advice. I found this girl's profile on hinge. Nice looking tall blonde girl. Most people would agree is attractive. But what interests me about her in her second pick is that she's with a short Asian girl that's more my type. Oh, what's my best option?
Starting point is 01:28:07 Oh. What's my best option for asking the blonde chick if her friend is single and actually getting a response? I figure if you... I can't get one for this too. Go, you go first. Okay, I figure if she even tells me to go fuck myself, it might make at least her friend's day that I showed enough interest in her to ask when the blonde and Everly starts venting about what's some
Starting point is 01:28:27 huge dickhead on 10 set of things. Okay, so you got to say that I want to double date with you and your friend and me and my friend because they're both Asian and then well, that'll go over like a place. You show it. You assume that they would like each other. I don't know, all of the history recorded history of civilization. Okay, he's not as good looking as me.
Starting point is 01:28:49 And then you show up to the dinner as you, but with like, do tape on your eyes. I love it. This is better than mine. And where it's Asian hat. And then you say like, oh, my friend, he didn't, he, he, he didn't show up, right? And then you fake like you didn't show up. You are the Asian guy. Yeah. So she leaves boom then you fake like you get the ocean guy.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Yeah. So she leaves boom. And it's you in Chinatown. Yes. Wow. And then you peel off your mask. Surprise. Or you never peel it off.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Or you just pop. Or you never peel it off. Or you just pop. Or you just pop. Or you just pop. Or you never peel it off. Or you just pop. Or you never peel it off.
Starting point is 01:29:22 Or you never peel it off. Or you just pop. Or you just pop. Or you just pop. Or you never three storms from big trouble on little China. Shoot lightning. No, no, you're this way better than mine. I was just gonna be like, I would have just said, you know, well, I'm trying to not date white women because it just perpetuates the grossness of the white race. And so I'm actually, you know, I think it's the right thing
Starting point is 01:29:43 to do for us to see each other and for me to date your friend who's actually socioeconomically speaking far advanced from the white race. But let's forget about that. Yeah. Hey, Dick, this is from Argus. Navigating, talking to normal people. I've been terminally online.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I've been a terminally online shut in for six years, save for road rage beat ups. But I've started going out a lot more. That's comforting. Yeah. Please attach your pictures. I can put it on the front door. Do not let this man. Oh, no, I'm, I'm, I'm, I've said I missed the last one. I, I missed all the terminal shut ins.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Continue. You know, we don't have security at those events. Great, even better. Look it forward, when's the next one? Can we do it? Can we do it? Let's do it at his house. Every once in a while, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:30:34 oh, our guns allowed in the thing. Like, man, don't come. Yeah, don't come. I said that to some Twitter about the Orlando show. They're like, we bring guns, I go, don't. Oh, no, I'm like, I'm not even gonna say, don't bring a gun. Now I'm just saying, don't come. Yeah. Like I don't want other security at these. Never asked me that question. Security. Yeah. I mean, I'm okay, though.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Yeah. Like, well, you know what I'm actually worried about is that a crazy person will do that too. Might see your gun and then they'll grab it. And because I know you're cool. Yeah. You're cool. But there's some real weirdos that show up asking me questions about guns. Um, the group, well, I'm glad to know that it's not only our show that they do that for. Like, can we bring guns? Sounds pretty anti-gun. I don't own the venue.
Starting point is 01:31:16 I know. We're borrowing the venue to do a show. Do you fucking understand how anything works? Yeah. Well, considering the show as a Paul Snike Club, I'm gonna go on a limb and say no, don't bring your gun. We did try to book that by the way, did Paul Snike Club happen? That would have been great.
Starting point is 01:31:39 That would have been awesome, right? I would have told him that you're gay. I would have done whatever it took. Whatever it took. The groups I hang out around are full of liberals, and I'm terrified of making a bad impression with them. Huh, many mainly revealing my sense of humor. Okay, here's what I tell all guys, you're not funny.
Starting point is 01:32:01 Stop making jokes. Unless you're paid to do comedy, never make a joke again. Make a joke with your family because they are. They have to love you. They have to love you and they have to tolerate that shit. But if you're in social circles, never make a joke. See how long you can go without making it's going to come out. This poison in you is going to come out as something. It's good advice.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Yeah, but don't you're not funny. Don't make jokes. And they're not funny. They's good advice. Yeah, but don't you're not funny. Don't make jokes. And they're not funny. They're not funny. So it's falling on deaf ears. Yeah, you're more powerful over them by not making jokes because you're laughing at them. I'm like, gosh, I'm so funny. You're so funny that you laugh at all my jokes. Yeah, that's where that comes from. Yeah, think about it this way. If you knew how to speak Mandarin and you're around a bunch of people that don't speak Mandarin, would you just start speaking Mandarin? Yeah, it would be rude. That's what your jokes are. Right. Your jokes are Chinese to boring cunts. I don't know why. I don't know where it came from. This idea that like having it must have become from women that like having
Starting point is 01:32:59 a sense of humor is so important. It comes from men who look like me. Oh, okay. Who can't haunt or fuck or fish. And so we were like, but gaslight out here. These chuckles though, I'll make you think and I'll make you laugh and I'll make you lasagna and they go, ooh, well, those are things I like after a man fucks me to death and you go, well, I won't do that part, but I'll do the other part of you laugh. Well, can I just sneak around behind your back and fuck other people and then have your lasagna and you go, I guess, and that's just on that.
Starting point is 01:33:27 That's just so society works. The people I hang out, all fuck other fat women who want my recipes. The people I hang around are still all nice in spite of everything, but I don't wanna have to distance myself from them because I thought Catboy Cammy, wearing black face on Omeagle,
Starting point is 01:33:48 was the funniest thing I've seen in years. What do you have for me? Do what you follow your advice. Yeah. Throw away the idea that you're gonna be the funny friend. Yeah. Or get all new friends, which is also dicey. Well, that's the terminally online part.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Because if you want friendships that resolve around, that revolve around like, what is funny, you're gonna find real, you're gonna find people who really overvalue comedy. Yeah. Like most things that you laugh at with your friends aren't funny. It's just that's thing that we did together.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Yeah, it's probably wrong. Yeah. Or something you both experienced. Yeah, it's probably wrong. Yeah, or something you both experienced. Yeah, it's a shared experience. You laugh online. It's like, yeah, it would be like trying to share a love of how things taste with people online. There's no way to do that.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Because there's no way to sort of, there's no confirmation ability. Yeah. So it's like you're trying to go, like don't we all agree this thing is funny? And it's like that's, it's the same thing, like don't we all agree the food is good. Yeah. So it's like you're trying to go, like, don't we all agree this thing is funny? And it's like, it's the same thing, like, don't we all agree the food is good. Right. There's no way to do that digitally.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Right. So I don't know, just share ideas and don't plan school shootings. I guess those are the two choices. Read more etiquette. Look at each other's genitals. Is there anything online other than that? What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:35:02 Why do you have to share the funny videos and not the pornography ones? Should we show each other your dicks and your inside dicks. That's it. We're having conversations with people on the internet for. I don't know. That's wait, why? Why?
Starting point is 01:35:16 I don't know. I only talk to people on the internet who talk to me first or that I know in real life. Yeah, yeah. That's it. I'm not out there going like, hey, hey you. Over there. You ever thought of this? It's hard to remember that sometimes. Like somebody will say something
Starting point is 01:35:36 and I think it's so hilarious that I post jokes so that people come at me and they're like, I don't like that. I didn't do it at you. I'm doing it over here by myself. People like that with blocking. I can't believe you blocked me. Like I never wanted to hear from you in the first place. Never knew you existed. Yeah. And then you came in with some bogus shit. I said shut it out of here.
Starting point is 01:35:54 Yeah, for me. I didn't want to read that anymore. I'm not for you. You're also not for me. Okay, everybody. Josh, plug your stuff again. Yeah, yeah. June 25th, Orlando, Florida.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Venue a dance the day of the show, although I spilled it here. We're doing Pulse Night Club. How big is it? It's a big, it's about a hundred and something gays short of what it used to be. Oh, that's a shame. No, no, I don't know how big Pulse is. No, we would, I would have loved to have done it.
Starting point is 01:36:23 I had the idea after we booked the actual venue where I was like, I should have done Paul's nightclub. You can do a pre-party or a day before a post party post party. Yeah, get some poppers. Yeah, it'll be great. Loob dispensers. Dileute each other's assholes. How big is the show? It's pretty good. Thousand. Yeah, I don't want to give that away. Oh, man. It's not quite it's not 2000. Okay, Orlando. Yeah, 2025. 2025. Myself Gavin McKinnis, Anthony Cumia. Are you guys doing stand up? Are you doing like a panel?
Starting point is 01:36:50 Yes, stand up and then a live podcast afterwards. Oh, that's great. A live for the audience. Stand up and then live. That's cool, man. We're probably filming. I don't know if we'll put it out, but. And you said guns are cool to brain?
Starting point is 01:37:01 Just don't come. I'll just take takes it. Yes, I'm fine with guns. Just don't come. I'll just take takes it. Just, yes, I'm fine with guns. Just don't come. But this is a venue that has like security and stuff. So I'm assuming when you get to the front and they go, bam, bam, bam, they probably still won't do their job and you'll get in with your goddamn gun. And then you might think, well, now that I'm saying, even saying, don't bring a gun to that person, you'll be like, oh, be really hilarious. If I brought the gun in. Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious by shot people too?
Starting point is 01:37:27 They wouldn't expect that would get them. That would get them. Yeah. Yeah, that's not. And then you can come play me. Yeah, dick did this. Yeah, I did do it. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Yeah, the problem in the universe. Well, now we're do spy one. Uh, okay. I forget. Okay, and what's your, um, what's your joke? Yeah, Josh Denny, Jacob. Jacob. Jacob.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Jacob. Jacob. Jacob. Jacob. Jacob. Jacob. Okay, I forget. Okay, and what's your, what's your Josh Denny-Jankham? Jankham podcast, people haven't find me over there. Thanks for filling in. Thanks for having me, man. It's always a blast. You're terrific. It's very exciting to do these shows with you. It's like pulling teeth, Sean's listening to this right now.
Starting point is 01:37:56 It's like pulling teeth to get anything out of that guy. He's like, I don't care. Does he still tell the reality in ways where he can't lose things? He doesn't even know stuff that's happening on the internet. Oh, it's at the time. Oh, that's great. He's like, what's that? That's gotta be kind of fun to play with.
Starting point is 01:38:10 It is. Yeah. That's the gotta be the whole dynamic of the show. I'm gonna explain to him. I don't even know if he's has email. He does his texting with one finger like this. What? Yeah, with his fingers. Like, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do You divorced me, I was on your show? No. I don't collect, I should though. I love the, I love the,
Starting point is 01:38:45 I love the shoes. I should do them, yeah. Ready. Is there fun when people get shit days? No. Okay, here's the, this is a spicy one. What makes me a rage is not enough grave standing. Apparently, this week in one of those states that the New York Times says it shouldn't even
Starting point is 01:39:09 exist. 20 kids were going down by scubi-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri-bibri- about. Yeah. And I think we need more of that to every kid. Any kid that dies should have segments on the news. Oh, yeah. We can try to take something away. Yeah. Whether it's gasoline power, sausage, women's rights. Yeah. That would be the, you know what? You know what? I 100% agree. There every day, there should just be a real of kids who died. And my memoriam, like at the Oscars. Yeah, and it was like, this kid died because their mom nagged, they're dead too much. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:54 And they just give a bunch of causes. Yeah, it's fun how they blame that one on the gun. They go, that's guns, did that. Like, yeah, maybe it's not. Yeah, maybe it's a woman's choice. Maybe it's her right to choose to say some fucked up shit every day. Yeah, this it's not. Yeah. Maybe it's a woman's choice. Maybe it's her right to choose to say some fucked up shit every day. This just shizzles away at this man's sense
Starting point is 01:40:10 of his self and existence. This kid died because his mom was telling another story about work that had no beginning and no beginning and no ending in the dead crashed the car, killed the whole family. Think about it. Right? Next one.
Starting point is 01:40:25 This kid died because gas prices are so high. Yeah, and you know what'll fix that problem? Extra seat belt. That's cover-man's answer. What is it gonna do? Go over the woman's mouth. That's the only way that's gonna work. But that's what they'll do.
Starting point is 01:40:38 What's a hobo suit extra seat belt? Better go over my seat. I can see. I can read that. I'm like, you never believe this Tinder date that I had. He had a seatbelt in his car and it went over your mouth. When he said it was a racing, I think you get away with that. He said his family died in a car crash. So he has these special seven point harnesses seat belts in his car. Yeah. It goes down and covers your mouth. and it actually squeezes your tits where they pop out like that
Starting point is 01:41:09 It's real cool. It's a real cool car. I think he's like rich So real cool car It's a fucking pretty good pretty good Interesting, I think it's one of those like billionaire guys. Why do you think that? Well, he had this weird? He had this weird car that he said. He's like Ed Bigley Jr. He invented this new kind of seat belt system that he says much more safe because his little brother died in a car accident. It goes right, he puts an oral seat belt, but then the head comes out and it wraps around your mouth. Oh, yeah, you're gonna breathe through your nose.
Starting point is 01:41:39 You're gonna do it. It's good for COVID, too, he said he, yeah. Yeah, whole time. 95. It's approved. And can you talk? Not at all. Not at all. No, no, no, no. Actually, there's a mouthpiece that goes in that holds your jaw shut. And I can't talk or speak.
Starting point is 01:41:55 I can even hear. And then there's another one that just squeezes my tits together like this. Okay. I've got a rage. My apologies if I'm not the most coherent man in the world, and a little lost to the sauce. All right, but I gotta tell you, something's making me very, when making me very angry recently. I call it performative competence. I don't know if you've been watching Sam Hyde on YouTube that much, but he's posted this string of videos where like he's sitting around
Starting point is 01:42:25 the campfire or a bunch of old TVs or whatever. And he's giving life advice, like dad advice to like 17, 18, 19 year olds about how they should learn skills, how they should be competent, which is all well and good, you know, but like I've seen a few friends of mine fall for it and it's become like their entire personality. Like they'll send a photo of like a wrench that they just got. Oh, you actually have to learn the skills. You can't just say. I can't fire that they've started and been like, yeah like, I could last alone in the wild. I'm like a
Starting point is 01:43:06 real, listen, I don't just spend all my time on the computer. I've got all these other skills. And it's like, great. I'm very happy for you. That's useful. Most people should do that. But like, they only do, they wouldn't do it if not for the fact that they could tell people about. You know what I'm saying? Yes. It's all fake. And it's a new thing, like, it's a new thing that they're all doing. I went to the gym, my head hurt after I did some fucking, you know, exercises with my
Starting point is 01:43:42 shoulders. I went to these guys. One of them said you haven't had enough magnesium that's why you this way of a bad headache the other side you know you're stiffening your neck too much when you lift and the other one to say like you're too fucking fat and they all said it was such certainty as though their answers were the only correct one
Starting point is 01:44:02 i know i'm going very long in this voice now. Oh yeah, I do want to say. You made your point and then you know, I don't like it. I don't like the performative confidence. I don't like the, I'm gonna tell you where you messed up. You gave two examples. You only needed one.
Starting point is 01:44:16 Just one example. A little do the trick. Yeah. And if you had on a hat, as they say in comedy, if you have two, picked a better one. Yes, that's how you do it.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Yeah. But by the way, what a female trait to just not have any sense of self editing. You know, it's just, there's a lot of, does this need to be said right now? Something a woman has never said to herself. Do I really need to say this right now? You know what women will do?
Starting point is 01:44:41 They'll say the story's gotten a little long and then they'll continue telling the story. Yeah, yeah. I've actually literally been like, I remember I was like working on something and my girlfriend would be like, oh, what does that do? Like I was doing something on my guitar and she said, what does that do? I was like, do you really want to know? And she's like, I'm just curious. And then I go, well, it changes the tension on the strings and you know, that you have to do that so that it's playable and she goes, I stopped caring.
Starting point is 01:45:10 And I go, now you know, now you know how I feel when you tell me about anything. Yeah, like, you know, you come home and you go like, oh, at work today, I got a stop stop, you're right there. I'll stop, I'll put my hand in your chest, then your tracks does not matter to me. Oh, John Boe. Who? I don't know how to do it. Who?
Starting point is 01:45:26 I don't know her. Or the other one. I don't, what am I gonna do with any of this information? Yeah. And they just, I mean, they dump it. And you're just supposed to sit there and hear it. I know. It's exhausting.
Starting point is 01:45:41 And you're just like, you don't suck and fuck enough for me to do this. There's not, it's not possible. It's impossible. It's impossible to do this. I don't have to have a second dick. Yeah. I don't have to do it at least two dicks. And I don't want to be attached to the other one.
Starting point is 01:45:55 No. You just go fuck it. I'll hear about it. I'll do another room. No. I'll definitely hear about it. See this. This is why she'll come back and tell you.
Starting point is 01:46:04 This is why the old bad guys were so effective. Yeah. See it, they come in. What? Yes. You get bad guys, but I get it. Yeah, I understand you were old, you. That's not good, but because I have to pick the good path.
Starting point is 01:46:17 She do. Yeah. I know what you did. Yeah. I got a big old list that I keep under my house, I crawl in there right at it down. Every single day. Like fucking Shawshank. Yeah. You're in there like Andy.
Starting point is 01:46:29 Yeah. Day 4,742. Here's the problem with these guys that are learning skills, right? It's not learn skills. Audacity should be the name of a female podcasting network. It's not that it's like an audio editing software. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:46 That's a waste. Audacity should just be where every female podcast goes to live. They just talk the audacity. They fucking bros. The problem with learning the skills is you're not supposed to learn skills that you could use as a caveman. You're supposed to learn skills that you use in the real world. Now, like accounting, programming, business management.
Starting point is 01:47:11 That's like these zombie apocalypse. Say those guys who were like, I got a fucking truck in case the shit hits the fan. Like, how's your tax is coming along? I'm six years late. I don't know at all. Yeah, I mean, paying them. I ain't doing it.
Starting point is 01:47:21 If you need to do some prepping, not Doomsday prepping. How about tomorrow prepping? Why don't you prep for tomorrow? These some prepping, not doomsday prepping. Just prepping. Tomorrow prepping. Why don't you prep for tomorrow? These skills, man, I just made this campfire. Yeah, there's never an instance where you're gonna be camping and there's not 12 other guys who's gonna be like, hey, we should probably get a campfire.
Starting point is 01:47:37 I'm on it, I'm on it, I'm on it, I'm on it. Yeah. All right. Everybody knows how to burn a shit. Yeah. Okay, let's try it. Hey, dear cows, it's gone. This is a CUB HVT from Vermont, just giving you a call.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Which is listening to the most recent episode where you're actually the bonus episode. What you're talking about, if people find any appeal in Ralph, personally, I don't know shit about Ralph. I only know him from you having him on the show. And I'll be honest, I don't really like the guy. But if you're question, if there's any appeal to Ralph, as someone who doesn't like Ralph, I would say he had some kind of threat like terrorist, like threat level sort of meter for Ralph leading up to the next time he might get his ass kicked.
Starting point is 01:48:32 That would be pretty cool because there's one thing that I do find entertaining. It's the idea of that fat southern fried warbling piece of, getting his headcaped in. Oh, that's a different part of the world. It'd be like a round, it'd be like street fighter, but every match like, you know, it'd be like the plane flies around to different places in the world. But every time Ralph lands, he just gets his ass kicked. I don't know, it's something there.
Starting point is 01:48:59 And again, you don't have to know that. Something there. Very much. All right, have a good one. Love you, John. It's at the point where Ralph is getting gang stocked and assaulted and beat for real. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:13 And everyone's thrilled. Or many, many people are thrilled about it. They love it. I love it. My guys, I don't know. I understand, and here's what makes me annoyed about it. I say, I understand the concept of someone you don't like is getting beat.
Starting point is 01:49:28 I got it, I get it. I don't think it's funny because I like him. But I understand I respect your, you know. That you don't like him and then you enjoy that. Yeah. And then they say, well, no, it's funny. They say, well, again, I understand. It's like him.
Starting point is 01:49:41 Subjectively funny. Not objective. Subjectively. Like, just stop. Stop testing, stop objective. It's objective, like, just stop, stop, stop A, B testing me, for trying to manipulate me into thinking, it's funny, I like him, I don't, I like him and I don't like random people getting beat up
Starting point is 01:49:56 for a cloud on the internet. Like I don't think that's a very good policy. Yeah. It's also a real great way to just get shot doing something stupid. Yeah. Like that's what's gonna happen with these fucking internet things like this. Like, somebody's gonna go, oh, it's gonna fun, and then you're gonna get murdered, and they're gonna, and they's gonna go, I think that's objectively funny.
Starting point is 01:50:15 Yeah. It's just, I don't, you like, you like to win a happy new book, oh, you liked when it happened to this, and this, so that means that, therefore, they're gonna be like, if you're one of these fans in this world of like podcasts, you're autistic, you look like Timothy Chalamet, you do some kind of IT job. Okay. Just be that, stay that.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Don't come into the real world with real fuckers who have swung hammers. That's why I think it's hilarious. I'm not a real fucker who's swung hammers. I'm just saying, but that's what I think is so funny lot of real fucker who's one hammer. I'm just saying, but that's what I think is so funny is that like the proud boys are a great example. Oh, yeah. Like everyone's like, they're the terrorist arm of the fucking right wing and they're, and I go, they're blue collar dudes who have done manual labor. Yeah. They're real men.
Starting point is 01:51:01 And what happened is a bunch of faggots showed up to events to fucking pick on people. And real men were there and went, oh, we're going to fight. And then they all got bludgeoned to death. And then people go, they're evil, violent terrorists. You attack. They're attacked. If you attack them and they fucked your shit up, that's why I yell at the people on the right of going, you should be, you shouldn't be condemning the proud boys, you should be defending them. Like, they're real dudes who showed up and kept violent Timothy Shalamese
Starting point is 01:51:33 when we would be funny as if we murdered Ben Shapiro. Anyway, nah. But they do think that's funny. They think it's my problem with Ralph Tukes. I'm like, you guys are, you're saying this is funny, but like, I'm not gonna say here. And this is a very liberal way to look at things. Like somebody who I don't like is hurt
Starting point is 01:51:51 and gets hurt illegally. And I'm probably, like, I just don't know. Maybe I'm being a... It's a dangerous game in the past about it. Because you're gonna show up to a thing and then you're gonna encounter whatever your world's version of the proud boy's face. I'm gonna encounter it anyway. And you're gonna... And you're gonna... then you're gonna encounter whatever your world's version of the proud boy says. I'm gonna encounter it anyway. And you're gonna, for saying, I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Right. And then what's gonna happen? And then you're gonna, and that's when these things go, like, you know, I just don't know what anyone did to deserve. Now I do. Yeah. I'll go, let's roll the tape.
Starting point is 01:52:20 Here's all the things you did to deserve this. You thought it was funny, and now you're fucking eating your own dick in front of a live audience, aren't you? Yeah, Ralph said come get me. Yeah. That doesn't mean come. Yeah, it's like me in the screen. I mean, this is what this is the biggest, the biggest threat to American society right
Starting point is 01:52:38 now. Is Faggot's on the internet learning the worst at saying that word? I want to keep my, you think you have a Patreon with that mouth? No, I have a local sub-fuck. I got to edit all of them. Do you really, if I think so? If you have to edit them, I'll not do it. Yeah, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:52:51 I mean, I think so. I think so. Everyone except me, does it. Oh, really? Yeah. No, what do you have gay friends? I say it because of my gay friends. I could say it, I just can't be recorded saying it.
Starting point is 01:53:03 Oh, that's right. I know. Yeah, see, I'm out here with that parachute I could throw to ret know HR coming from me. Listen, uh, and I'm by the way, I'm not talking about gays. I'm talking about these nerds. Oh, no, no, I know. Okay. No, I got it. So anyway, yeah, they're just they're that's the biggest threat is these guys finding out like how the real world works. Like, back when we went to public school, I learned very early on that you don't make fun of the kid who's bigger than you.
Starting point is 01:53:32 If you make fun of the kid who's bigger than you, you might get your ass kicked. That's true. So, and this is the problem is the internet has created distance and people go, oh, they're never gonna get me. They're never gonna show up on my doorstep like Jay and Silent Bob and beat the shit up. That's gonna start happening.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Yeah. You know, for $30, I can find out where anyone in the country lives. It will start happening. $30, right? So I'm like, test it out. Test it out. You know what I mean? It's just like, it's insane to me that these guys think that somebody's not gonna show
Starting point is 01:54:04 up and fire, fire bomb their home. and it's just like, it's insane to me that these guys think that somebody's not gonna show up and fire bomb their home. And now you gotta explain to mom and dad why your house is being raised to the ground. And you're like, well, I call the guy gay on the internet and they go, well, that guy's a psycho. So I'm waiting for that. Yeah, maybe don't.
Starting point is 01:54:18 Maybe don't do that. Maybe get your jolly somewhere else. I'm more of like a knock knock jokes kind of guy, like a good observation, not like people getting beat up. Well, yeah, it's just like this thing of where this world we live in should break into the real world. Like if you're one of the people pushing for that, be careful because that swing,
Starting point is 01:54:38 that door swings both ways. And so if you go like, oh, wouldn't it be funny if we like got this guy fired from his real job, or wouldn't it be funny if we like, it was to from his real job or wouldn't it be funny if we like- It was to them and- They got enough, they got a guy we- On a show-fire. Just know that the door is gonna swing the other way
Starting point is 01:54:51 and that guy might show up on your doorstep. And then these are the things where they go like, we don't know, we don't know what the motive was for this whole family being butchered to death. And I will, I bet it's on Reddit. I bet at some point they could have said, like, you know what, I'm just not gonna go in for this. What's gonna happen when Brendan Shaw snaps some kids neck
Starting point is 01:55:12 at a show? Just literally just goes back UFC mode and some kid goes up and goes, Hey, your special's not funny and we think you suck. Get! I mean, you know, he's of Mice and Men strong. Like, he's gonna Lenny some little Timothy Chalamet at a show because-
Starting point is 01:55:30 Who's Timothy Chalamet, you see? He's an actor, he's an actor. He's an actor. He's this face of the, you Google them, you saw his face. Yeah, I did, I thought he did something out. He definitely thought he looked like the wizard. Right. One more handsome than I thought he would be.
Starting point is 01:55:41 Yeah, but they're not all that handsome, are they? No, they all kind of look like, yeah. They all look like the tall goth kid from South Park. That's what they all look like. They're going to be like, oh, watch this. I'm going to go up to shop at the meet and greet. I'm going to tell him he's not funny and that is and that he's a lady. He's one of his wife for the thousandth time. And then he's going to rip your arms out of your socket and beat you to death with him. And then people are going going to go who could have seen this coming every one acting like that. Everyone like yeah, keep poking cavemen you fucking idiots.
Starting point is 01:56:10 Okay, last one. That's my public. That's about the fun. So, I don't want to like say like, go shoot on trairie and like, I do think it's worth noting. Oh, a lot of the times with these shootings and the shooters themselves, the second that they're like confronted with any real like resistance, they fold pretty much immediately in like surrender, just like the guy in Buffalo.
Starting point is 01:56:34 The second the cops shut up, he immediately surrendered. So what I'm wondering is, is like, how many times have these happened? Do we not kind of understand implicitly that that's how it's gonna go down? I guess that's why. People are kind of wondering like, why didn't the cost do anything? Well, they didn't get paid enough. Well, they just hanged.
Starting point is 01:56:54 That's why. Anyway, call me back. I thought the Buffalo, we addressed the security shot, the Buffalo guy. No, that was the, the shoot at him? No, no, they shot, they didn't shoot the Buffalo guy, he surrendered. Security didn't shoot at him. No, no, they shot. They didn't shoot the Buffalo guy. He surrendered security didn't shoot at him. No, no, somebody tried to and
Starting point is 01:57:08 he shot him. A some shot shot. He shot that security guard at the grocery store, but the actual police didn't shoot on him. So he what? He cleaned out the store and then left and then they arrested him. No, the cops are outside and he just walked out and turned himself in. Oh, okay. Yeah. So the Texas cops just didn't wait long enough. He would have walked out eventually. Border patrol agents went in and killed him. It's not their jurisdiction. Yeah. So, you know, that's why that's why when people are like, why do you think one is fake and the other one's not? I go pretty obvious to me. Yeah, because you didn't get killed. You didn't get killed. Also, he just has the white supremacy slurs on the side of his gun
Starting point is 01:57:41 It's just like perfectly rigged up to a GoPro. None of his streams got taken down. Like this, we have to worry about me dropping F slurs and this stream getting taken down like that. This guy streamed a mass murder and it just was still there. And then there were stories that came out the next day. Like here's why these big tech companies weren't able to catch all these and take them down. So you got the press release.
Starting point is 01:58:03 So you already have the press release for why the videos weren't ever taken down. That's already cute up. And you guys had the manifesto before the story broke. The media had the manifesto immediately. It's jibberi. Oh, it's just a white supremacist guy and look at his, look at the video, look at his gun. And he's, you know, he's mowing through these mimos at a grocery store with military tactical precision He's 18 we did a natural. Yeah. Oh, yeah, must be the video games must be the video games. Yeah. No no practice needed for that kind of no Chaky hands at all first time murdering people ice cold ice cold killer. Well it's the SSRIs obviously it's the Actually, yes
Starting point is 01:58:45 My problem with it is that, and then they go, he planned a school shooting years ago and the FBI questioned him and then let him go. I go, did they let him go? Did they put him in the program? Yes, exactly. Like that. And nice, we got somebody who could cost some real mayhem and bought these numbers up so they could get some more funding.
Starting point is 01:59:01 Yes. I mean, listen, it's hard to say these things without feeling like they're going to outshones me and I'm going to be a crazy person. But it's like, it seems, it's not one sign points to. It's all signs point to this is probably not what it's being delivered is. It's too clean. Well, you have to perfect. You'd have to prove to me that cops and FBI, just super, that police are not doing crimes
Starting point is 01:59:29 anyway. Like, I know. Well, yeah, police do crimes that I know about. Right. Why would I not think they're doing a bunch of crimes? I don't know. We know about MK Ultra. We know about all these other government, I know about the times that they did that were this.
Starting point is 01:59:46 Yeah. Why would they not be doing that? So what you mean? So here's the thing, it's like, so who are our government assassins, right? Like we love these movies. We love like, oh yeah, they like, they found the, and the NARVIOS, well,
Starting point is 01:59:59 they're like so like who are these black, where do you think they recruit black ops people to kill the leaders of other nations, or whoever they tell to? Crazy. Crazy kids on the fucking internet. You have no fathers or no structure or no direction and they go, oh, you're perfect. Yeah. Here's my problem with this guy saying about the police is, I like that you think that
Starting point is 02:00:21 the black ops assassins are guys who are in the army and we're just cool. They were just really good at army. Yeah. And then they got promoted to vicious black market murderer. Yeah. Yeah, you know, other countries. Yeah, yeah, yeah, or even a bar. Someone actually shoved the bayonet in Gdoffi's ass.
Starting point is 02:00:35 Right. Like he had a beginning. He had a story. Right. So it's like, I like that you think that that our government who wouldn't, they literally, they've never found a psychopath. They don't want to strip like Native Americans used to strip Buffalo. Like we're going to use all the parts of this psychopath.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Of this psychopath, right? We've got a bunch of countries against that. And think about the rationalization. If you were I or in the room and they go, listen, he's going to kill. It's like Dexter. He's going to kill. Why don't we make sure he kills who we need him to? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:03 That's the rationale. So it's like when you go, our government would never, we've already caught them doing worse. That's all they do. That's all they do is horrible make anything better. Somebody literally had the audacity to go, do you really think that our government would slaughter 20 innocent black people to win a political thing?
Starting point is 02:01:20 And I go, I don't know. I think that's all that they do. That's 400 years right? I don't think they do. Like we were having this discussion on another show and somebody said like, well, you know, the government does do bad things. Like I don't think they do anything other than bad things. It's all they do. My problem with what the guy's saying with the police is that listening to people react to what the cops do is like listening to somebody talk about their horrible toxic abusive girlfriend for the hundredth time.
Starting point is 02:01:48 And she's like, oh man, you're not going to believe this. She went out of town with that friend of hers that she said nothing was happening with. And then she fucked him. So I just kind of like went through her phone and put it on. I'm like, yeah, that's like, that's what that is. That's what that is. You should have known, yeah, the cops don't, they don't do what you think they do. You're like, if that is only a warning sign, you're like, there's a marching band in front
Starting point is 02:02:10 of your house. The fact that their cars have to say, protect and serve on them should be your first clue that that's not what they're doing. Just so you know, guys, like a Doritos bag that says party pack, like that's just for you, you loser, The family size. That's to make you feel better about eating the whole point. And that you're being bumped full of. Yeah, this is for families. I got that. Well, it literally says, protect and serve in the car. That's real fun. This is not the greatest show on earth. I don't know if you
Starting point is 02:02:39 thought that. But it's not. They don't do family size ammunition packs, do they? That's where the branding never caught on. This one, yeah. Well, they told me if I wanted to bring my gun to school, I had to have enough for the whole class. That's the whole class. So, and seeing people expect it over and over and like internalize that delusion,
Starting point is 02:03:02 like if your expectations don't match reality, that's you. Well, it's your expectations. That's not reality that's the problem. It's you. Change your expectations. And work with that reality. Don't keep forcing reality to become what you expected because you will be full, but you'll be surprised every time.
Starting point is 02:03:20 Yeah, it's like this extreme naivete, where they're just like, you know, oh, well, that, it's like their heads can'tete where they're just like, you know, oh, well that they it's like they their heads can't comprehend that the world is that calculated an evil. Yeah. And it's like, or lazy. Oh, man, listen, whether you're Christian or not, you probably read the story or know about it, right?
Starting point is 02:03:36 Uh-huh. This guy was supposed to be the son of God. He did miracles every day. And the only organized government in the world murdered him. They said this miracle must die. We gotta kill this guy. For us to remain in power. So going back to the first record in history of government ever, a man showed up turning
Starting point is 02:04:04 water into wine and save and turn. And fucking curing lepers, David Blaine's and converted a hoe into a housewife. Oh, and to a housewife. By the instance of that ever happening. All the miracles, name them all. And they said, you must be stopped.
Starting point is 02:04:17 We gotta kill this guy. We gotta kill this fucking. And you know who we'll get to do it? His best friend. Yeah. We're gonna his best friend to do it. Yeah. We can fucking weaponize that guy.
Starting point is 02:04:25 What do we got? Pussy cocaine. You know, gold, all the branches. Mer. Yeah, Mer. Frankincense. Frankincense. All right.
Starting point is 02:04:34 Everybody, thanks for listening. Josh, thanks for coming in. Goodbye. Have a good Memorial Day.

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