The Dick Show - Episode 311 - Dick on Dragging Kids

Episode Date: June 7, 2022

Veterans against guns, kid drag shows, Johnny the Audio Engineer is back, more medical misinformation, acid lite, problems with Top Gun, destroying the Mona Lisa, hacking elections, and a bad watermel...on salad; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh my God, the smell of that smoke on you's driving me crazy. Man, that's been the hardest part. Have you not been smoking? No, because it's so bad for your healing. Don't be a bitch, just keep smoking. Don't be a bitch. Smoke more. Smoke more.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Classic doctor advice. Be a man. All right, can you crank up your volume a little bit? Because Vito is by far the loudest. Well, it's always maybe popping down a little bit. You might need to bring me down in the mix. The hardest part, but then the girl's going to come in and you're going to want to pop it back up.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah, Vito's going to go up for that. This is very complicated. That's why we need an engine. That's why you need a car. It's like, I don't know what's going to work. This is Care Bears compared to what I've been doing. Oh really? This is care bears.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Your cabbage patch right here. Yeah. Pull yourself up as high as you can go. That's my, that's my. That's your last, that's your request. For you, I would check different. Shut up, Vito. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Just drink it all the way. But the hardest part is the no smoking. Because I want toito. Yeah. Just drink it all the way up. But the hardest part is the no smoking, because I want to drink. Yeah. I want to enjoy my drinks with a nice little cigarette and look cool and feel cool. It's only time you feel cool. It's only time you feel cool in life.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah, smoking. No matter how hot the woman you're with is, never you will never feel good about yourself because they will take that away from you. But it's cigarette. You smoke that thing. You have all the power. Mm-hmm. your width is never, you will never feel good about yourself because they will take that away from you. But it's cigarette. You smoke that thing? You have all the power.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Mm-hmm. It's because you have a prop and the prop involves fire. Yeah. Because sometimes, if you were just holding a torch and a bar, you know, you go, well, that guy clearly has all the power in the room. Yeah, he's got a fire. He's got a fire. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:41 This episode is brought to you by Philip Morris. God, I wish you wish the smoke. Oh my God. Can you imagine if there were a lot to advertise? We would be, we would never have to talk about Star Wars or any of this shit again. We just talk about cigarettes. Just taste of Nick. Imagine that. Like Ray Rado, Ray Shadow Redemption's every streamer would be pumping cigarettes all day. They got the biggest champion. This fortune takes the top lane. I don't even know. I don't I feel out of it today. That might be a little loud. Whatever. Johnny, thank you for coming in on this Seanless episode. Sean's hiatus continues.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Yeah! Hey, welcome to the egg you want to eat. You love it. You get it to the show. It's going to be a lot for me. I'm not going to keep notice of you failure in the house. It's a game of $20 million. Man, stop.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Hard stop right there. Joining us during Sean's hiatus. I think he was going to go work on some legal show, he said. I don't know. Usually. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Stop, hard stop right there. Joining us during Sean's hiatus. I think he was gonna go work on some legal show, he said. I don't know, usually.
Starting point is 00:02:49 No, no. He's just, he's coming right back. He'll be right back. Replacing him today is Johnny the audio engineer. Glad to be back, buddy. What's up? Glad to be back. It has been too long.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Did you get taller since the last time I saw you? I got taller. I got been working out. Did you get taller since the last time I saw you? I got taller, I got. Been working out. I'm a shittier, I get up in the iron. You got a shittier? I become one here. What's it all to me about pumping iron right away?
Starting point is 00:03:12 That puts me in such a bad mood. My biceps are just shriveling. Shriveling, you should just work out with the last arm. Can't you just get that guy from a lady in the water? He just says, only works out one arm. You never saw that movie? I was like over water, just like, only works out one arm. You never saw that movie. You know, like over the top where I'm just working out one arm, and I'm driving my big rig.
Starting point is 00:03:30 There's a guy in that terrible M Night Shyamalan movie where he goes, you know, just to see what happens. I've only been working out one arm. That he has got a weakishly huge arm. That guy sucks. Oh, nice shot. That's horrible. That's so much.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Yeah, it does. Okay. I don't want to talk about movies all day with you, gentlemen. Sorry. I'll also always veto. Hi. How you doing, veto?
Starting point is 00:03:49 I'm not a surprise. I'm not an excitement. We got you get me every week. We got a big bonus episode on biggest problem. Yeah. Coming out the biggest problem with pride. Not the biggest people. Not the biggest problem with pride.
Starting point is 00:04:00 The biggest problem about gay people. No, no, no, no, that's not the name of the episode. I think that's how Vito described it to me. Yeah, I'm tentatively calling it the biggest problem in the universe, Pride Edition. Oh, Pride Edition, wow. Really walking that back. Vito texted me like, hey, we should talk,
Starting point is 00:04:16 we should talk about what's wrong with gay people. No, that's not what I said. That is not a text that I said because it is a very positive episode that I think we're on the side of the whole thing. We're proud allies. It's too positive. Well, we went all in on the fear of kids' drag shows and then this big drag show thing happened afterwards.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Wow, people are really going to hate us when they... They're going to think we're responding to that event. But there was a big drag show for children. It's horrible. I have to say, it's absolutely horrible that these drag performers are subject to hanging around with children and performing for children. You know, it's like, you're Elton John and you're playing Mary Gohan, broke down for a bunch of kids.
Starting point is 00:05:04 They don't even fucking know. They don't know what they're witnessing. You get all imagined, you get all dressed up, you tuck your wiener up your butt. Okay, well that's not what they do. Put all the dress performers. Yeah. What do you mean, you got to do that wiener? That's somewhere, not up there,
Starting point is 00:05:18 but you need a pretty long wiener for that. Let's speak for yourself. Some of them do invert though, and that has always been the most. Some people can tuck their penis inside their groin. Yeah, they will invert. No. We'll not like, but like just you have a cavity. Yeah, and any. You have a cavity. The thought of it on me horrifies me. My penis is only for shitting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Yeah. What I heard about that, I don't like. I mean, penis any. That doesn't exist. Antis, we're gonna get you. You can't. You can't hit for medical misinformation, little Sean. I said, Sean's gone.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I could say whatever I want. And then I said, I think I said all women are bisexual, YouTube. Bam. Medical misinformation. You can create a little pocket and then tape over it or something. You can create a pocket for your dick. Yeah, with the cavity, because-
Starting point is 00:06:10 Show me. I'm not gonna do it. I'll give you $10,000 and you can do this. That's what it's saying right there. Because it horrifies me, I believe, just thinking about it. Put your dick inside out. Put your doctor, the cavity was in my mouth. It's not inside out.
Starting point is 00:06:22 It's like, I would imagine you curve it around Painis inside Rectum damn near I don't know point is it doesn't go up their butt is all I'm trying It goes in their front but yeah it goes in their front what are you bringing? Talking about what you telling kids this is out what they're doing at these drag shows? They're going kids. You want to slap that penis inside out. You've got some, some drag queens. I believe do talk.
Starting point is 00:06:51 That's why they call it talking. Talking, you're talking about inverting. You're talking about like Photoshop, invert all the colors. That's not the same thing. Look, face flipping it. I don't know. Yeah, they're face, they face out of existence. Okay, well, we
Starting point is 00:07:07 support, I support the drag community and I saw, of course you do. Cause you want more children to be violated. No, no, no, no, look, we gotta get, we gotta stop this drag shit. We gotta get those kids. We gotta get those kids back in the hands of the single mothers all day. Yeah, that's gonna help. That's gonna help them, that's gonna help them out. We gotta get those kids, those single mothers gotta get their kids back from these for the only exposure to men they've had their entire lives. Yeah, just take a version therapy.
Starting point is 00:07:33 They gotta go to the, they gotta take them back to school where their brain washed by 24 year old women, right? Who are the drag queens? They're probably a positive male influence in their lives. And the drags, see the drag queens, they're telling the kids, look, these attention, attention horrors, money-grubbing attention horrors, this is what we're in this blackface for women that we're doing.
Starting point is 00:07:57 This is the lesson that we want you to get. This is how they all are. And then when we take the makeup off, you're really not gonna like it. Right? That's the lesson that kids, these young men are learning from drag. You think I'm bad now? Wait till the makeup comes off, then you're really not
Starting point is 00:08:14 gonna, I say, this is approved. Dick Pring believes the drag community exists to teach kids about the horrors of women. Isn't it? You can't come out and say it. They dance around, they dress up, they take your money. Look at how fat I am. They take the makeup off and it's the hideous nightmare
Starting point is 00:08:32 from which you are lost in. I'm back from. All right. And if you try to escape, they take half your stuff. I don't know, is top gun grooming? I said, a lot of kids, you see in that. Okay, here's the thing, what, in top gun? Do they ever cover? Why is there in top gun? Did they ever cover?
Starting point is 00:08:45 Why is there a top gun? Is there anybody that- So, I remember this in the 80s, none of you guys were needed. So, why? Can somebody give me, please give me an explanation for this? Why do we still have a fighter pilot training program? Yeah, turned out, we didn't need any of you guys to do this. But
Starting point is 00:09:05 then you wouldn't know that going on the internet. Oh, there's a greatest movie. What the fuck you talking about? Why does it exist? Isn't it in case, you know, China's got planes and. Yeah, they're doing the same thing. Yeah. So we're all training to have a top gun, a little pointless top gun. And then a drone strike is just going to blow up your weapons depot regardless. We never learn. We never learn from all these wars that the biggest armies in the world cannot beat farmers with tractors and not even automatic weapons, just regular weapons. He just holds in the ground with sharp sticks in them.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Hold in the ground. We don't even need to get dirty. This is like, yeah, I see what you're trying to do with your tanks. It's not going to work. Well, we're tired. Okay. Come on. Just walk over here. I'll feed you. Blop. That was a warning shot. That was a warning kill. The next guys, I'm, I'm going to feed, I'm going to definitely feed. I don't get it. You don't get what? That why do we have advanced weaponry when about your farm? Yeah, well, you know, you can straight as a rival and stay home.
Starting point is 00:10:12 There's a lot of that. Well, they rush has been having a lot of trouble in Ukraine, but I think they are eventually winning due to their just throwing enough money at the problem. Yeah, yeah, they're going to of course they're going to win. Yeah, Yeah. They're gonna, of course, they're gonna win. Yeah, probably those states already wanted to be free. Oh my God, we're going down this fucking night marathon. What is this so hard for people to admit? Oh my God. Those states didn't want to be part, they wanted to be back in Russia. Yeah. Oh, okay. All right. Now we're getting
Starting point is 00:10:37 flagged for Ukrainian mission. They got your last episode banned for fucking medical and misinformation. Oh, this is geopolitical misinformation. Political misinformation. You fucking know, I've studied Slavic women. Yeah. Very harder than I've studied literally a wink, right? If there's any kids listening to this episode, right? If there's any kids at a drag show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:59 What is Bugs Bunny, then? Kids are seeing that. Yeah, no Bugs Bunny turns kids gay too. All the good lessons cartoons do. I don't know. Honestly. No, Bugs Money Turns Kids, K2. That's a good lesson. All the cartoons do. I don't know. Honestly, don't get ripped in by some broad with a big old set of titties and whiskers. Yeah. Because then you'll find out it is truly rabbit season. Yep. She is convinced she would use that season. If I was a conservative parent, I would be more worried about cartoons making my kids gay than drag shows. I'd be more worried about the federal reserve.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Look, everyone's priorities are up there ass at this point. I just don't like it's funny, right? To get pissed off like, oh, I wonder doing these, Alex Stein went, you remember that guy? He's real, he's the next Alex Jones. He's so funny and amped up and he rips Alex Steinway and he's recording and he's laughing right? Because he's hilarious because he's also right? Cause he's in the middle area. Cause he's also a giant huge, like he towers over all these,
Starting point is 00:11:48 he's a tall guy. He's a tall guy. He's a child molesters. Okay. And he's like trying to record it like, no, get out of here, get out of our, get out of our safe space. This is our safe space.
Starting point is 00:11:57 We're gonna make a gig over. They're saying that to him. Yeah. Get on out of here. Take your, I've fallen. Get your silly again. Take your iPhone and get your silly ass. I think Alex Stein is an excellent performer. I'm excited to see, and I don't know why it isn't have a TV show.
Starting point is 00:12:12 There's a gas leak. Where? At the kids drag show. Wait, is this a... Some... There is. He opens the door. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Someone's butthole got punctured. No. Someone's butt hole got punctured. No. Somebody got stuck in the pocket too fast. And all the air trapped in their scrotal pocket came rushing out. I fucking hate politics. I'm not, I can't take it seriously. Look at these little guys are doing the kids. Yeah, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I mean, you get him fired, it's funny. And they're like, this drag queen's like stomping off to her. Maybe he's a woman, I don't know, stop it after her. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM B eating grins on their face. Who? The guys who are confronting the protest, you're not actually mad. You know, yeah, you're just here to have fun and it's funny. And you're like, you guys are a bunch of pedophiles. And they're like laughing. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:13:14 I'll break down. So they're not genuinely out time. They're just there to like shit post, IRL. Yeah. Also this whole every, I keep seeing tweets with the pizza thing. It's driving me nuts for doing do your job for America and never eat pizza. Hut again. Okay. They keep tweeting. I was one of the first companies that advertise in Russia. So they've always been an enemy.
Starting point is 00:13:37 An enemy. An enemy. Johnny, in case you're on a wear of pizza, that's reading program suggested a drag. Turn your penis in. No, Hut's reading program suggested a drag. Turn your penis in. No, that's not what it's called. Turn your penis inside out. It's a kid fucking serious.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I'm like a trash. I'm like a kid. I'm a coloring book. Am I serious about talking your penis into your scrotum? Yes, I believe this is a genuine thing they do. Oh, wait, your scrotum. Yeah, you're like, there's a... You said inside out.
Starting point is 00:14:03 No, I did not. Like a water winger.'s a set inside out. No, I did not. Like a water winger said not inside out. Specifically, you can't turn your penis inside out, but you could like, that's that's transphobic. You can't. All right. Well, you like your doctor, eternity inside. You're being very homophobic about Nick Fuente's on the bonus episode. I was being very homophobic. You were lying about Nick Fuentes. America's only savior for America.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Who's the only savior for America? I'm saying this is Nick Fuentes. Yeah. I think America's queer Nick Fuentes is going to help America's queer. He's the most important. America first. Oh, I thought it was America's queer.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I thought you were gonna be a AF fit something better. Oh, I thought it was America's queer. I was like, hey, FF is something better. Yeah. Well, I don't know what that F stands for. I don't want to go down that. We got to be careful with these kids are they're going to touch winners when they grow up. And I don't know what I just don't know what then we're going to have top gun three. If these kids get addicted to weiner, and they start smoking, and they start getting into the Weiner madness, we're gonna have Top Gun 3, we're gonna have a whole series of Top Gun,
Starting point is 00:15:11 that's all they're gonna want is men, share loose men playing beach volleyball. That movie was gay as fuck, that groomed an entire generation, and nobody's an conservative right, it's like, yeah, Top Gun 2, yeah, it's military, they're like, that's fucking gay dude.
Starting point is 00:15:24 What are you talking about the world America doing post-era and patting each other on the ass. That's America. I did a, I remember that show tournament of the nerds that used to do. Like, like, our argue that your character could beat the other character in a fight. There was a tag team addition of that show. And me and this dude, Mark David Christensen did Top Gun, Maverick and Goose. And we did jeans and shirtless and had a volleyball the whole time and all of our stuff was like you all avertly gay, right? All of our jobs.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So we came out the last round and did a 69 with each. I held him upside down. Yeah. Like three minutes. So his face was in and then we would pass the microphone off. To each other. Fuck. It was my finest homophobic work.
Starting point is 00:16:10 That's beautiful. I said there's no archives of these things. Oh, I probably have some pictures and stuff. They might have stricken me off the website, but I got a little too funny. I got too spicy. Yeah. I challenged you in your list.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I challenged women. Yeah. Because they're the cause of all of this. Women bringing their children to a show that exists to make fun of them. Mm-hmm. And then everyone loses their, it's always women. I like it.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah, the drag is just to make fun of women and they haven't caught on yet. It is. Yeah, you bitches are crazy. That's why we're stressing it as you and making fun of you. It's a menstrual show of women. It's women face. Cool. But you can't, now I can't do it because that's on record.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Otherwise I could say like Stephen Crowder, what do you think he's doing a exploration of femininity? Every time he dresses up? Woohoo! I don't have enough shoes. Look at my butt hole, that'll cost you. Right? I appreciate Stephen Crowder's commitment to drag.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah. People say he's gay though. Is Bugs Bunny gay? Yes. No, I don't know. I think Bugs Bunny is probably. Johnny. Bye. you think? I think it's funny, it's probably. Johnny. Bye. What do you think about all this gay stuff we're talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:28 It's all news to me. I have two things. Here's the problem with acid. Tell me if you agree with this. There's just too much. People take two, like the way they sell it is one, you got to take this tab and then you're in outer space. Why do they do that? Who thought that up? Yeah, why not just a little slide doses? Like you don't have your first beer,
Starting point is 00:17:54 and it's like one sip is like 60 beers. It's like, what? Fuck, no one would ever get drunk again. I would absolutely. How many, like here's a beer? I'd buy a full pack. Yeah. Well, you gotta shock your system the first time. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:18:09 No warp your brain. Yeah, you just got to push through. You got to do it once and be like, oh, fuck. Okay, that may have been crazy. I tell people, well, just like cut it to a 10th. You know, go to a baseball game on like a three 10th set up. You could cut up a tab if you want. I mean, take some
Starting point is 00:18:25 snippers. But they don't say that. Yeah, they don't say that. It's just so, it's, it's caused so much harm that it's not readily of, because alcohol is the worst. We all agree alcohol is the worst cause way, way more death stuff. All other drugs alcohol is fucking cool. We didn't say it's not cool Johnny, we said it causes death. Which is great, cool. Most so, death is cool. I was on a session where we drank a lot of Woodford Reserve.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Brown last Thanksgiving and like two balls a day. Awesome. And so for my New Year's resolution, I started drinking. Everyone stopped and I was like, no, I'm drinking nothing but brown this year. Really? Aside from this to cut.
Starting point is 00:19:07 How's that been going for you? Amazing. I fucking love it. You're drinking whiskey only, you're saying. Well, I mean, I drink other things. I mean, yeah. Brandy, cognac, rum, here in there.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Are there brown runs? Yeah. That's like a very strong. It's like a very strong. It's like a very strong. How's it been going? It's been great. I fucking love drinking.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Like I can't believe I didn't start it sooner. Yeah, how old are you? 32. 32 and you started drinking now? Well, like religiously, I'll come home to, you know. Oh, yeah, I have some shots. You know, like a four finger pour. Four-night.
Starting point is 00:19:42 You put in a pint glass? Pretty much. Well, whiskey. Wow. Nice. That's bold. It is. Have you tried this fireball whiskey?
Starting point is 00:19:51 It's a great, so yeah. Oh, yeah. I heard nothing but great things. It's a great, shipping whiskey, right? It's a good, sipping whiskey. Nicarqueta picked up drinking right before he started streaming. Can you believe that? I hope I influenced that in some way.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I mean, I hope so too. I really hope. In a large way, I have also been influenced by you. So to towards. I really, I finally get it now. I'm like, oh, you know what? Like makes a lot of sense when you've been drowning out all the center. There is a middle ground between life and suicide.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Right. Yeah. And it's called alcohol alcohol. And you can quit at any time. It's just as part. I did. I quit drinking on New Year's several years ago. I'll see. I've had a couple relapses. That's okay. It's one day at a time. Well, you're not a quitter. You know, you're I don't. Yeah. That's true. I just always need enough to either make my stomach stop hurting or to be able to answer an email, you know, I just need that.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, just need that. Just need enough. Something always, there's, something always hurts. Something always an email. So you know, you're talking about it. I'm going, should I be drinking more? That's what I'm fucking saying, man,
Starting point is 00:21:03 I didn't really realize how much I needed to drink. There's one thing I want. Somebody, I was streaming a drive to Vegas, making fun of people, like their principals and shit. And somebody said, well, what's your deal about them? So, well, pretty much drugs and hatred. That's what I want, everyone. Like everybody, it's always,
Starting point is 00:21:20 everyone always talks about love and how important that is. Yeah. That shit is a scam. That's a conspiracy to make you dumb. That's like the oxygen bag on a plane saying, oh yeah, I love, I just love every... Oh yeah, more love. That's what the world needs is, more fucking love.
Starting point is 00:21:37 No, opposite, more hatred. I think we got a lot of hatred. Not, not, not, just you got the right hatred. Yeah, well as I think it's fake hatred of hatred. Not, not, not, not, Judging from the right hatred. Yeah. Well, as a thing, it's fake hatred like that stupid drag shit yesterday. Yeah. We're just goofing around.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Yeah, actually, man. No, they're not. Motherfuckers. Um, do you want something to drink? I'll have my secretary. I don't know what I would drink though. I don't like have a go to, I've never had like a go to drink. It's called just drink.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Oh, you want to go to like a signature drink? Yeah,'ve never had like a go to drink. It's called just drink. Oh, you want to go to like a signature drink? Yeah, like a, like a, like a video shoot. I'm this guy. Well, I don't like, cause you drink the IPAs, I don't like IPAs. Okay, there's no need to shit all over my, I'm not shitting IPAs. I'm not a real IPA truth, they're like,
Starting point is 00:22:19 oh, you know, that's like shit. I'm not gonna drink the kick to Coday, which I like, but you're saying is like shit beer. And then everyone starts judging you cause you're drinking. You're a it's like, shit. It's like, to Cade, which I like, but you're saying is like shit beer. And then everyone starts judging you because you're drinking. You're a big, wrong thing. And then you're a big guy.
Starting point is 00:22:30 You could have like a little drink. That would be like a campariers. Right? Right? I told you I was trying to get into making teaky drinks. There you go. I want to be a teaky guy.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Why? I don't know, because I just see the old pictures of like the teaky craze and people would have a little teaky bars in their houses. Half of me is really fun. Half of me is really fun. It's a really unbordered that movement.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Because you're Polynesian. Right. Wow. Have you seen more pictures of your naked since last time you were in? Not anymore. No additional ones. You ever been to like one of the like famous teaky bars, like the ones that have been around forever?
Starting point is 00:23:03 I think so. There's one in San Francisco we went to and they have like a pool in the middle and guys jumping into it and shit. And have butt sacks. And get monkey pocks. Yeah, it's called the Mets. Shady monkey pocks bar.
Starting point is 00:23:14 But I like got it. You gotta call it the cavity creeps. You know, the... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's...
Starting point is 00:23:23 That was pretty good. With beer's working. The videos just start fucking drinking. All right, all right, fine. It doesn't that was pretty good. Bears working. These videos just start fucking drinking. All right, all right, fine. It doesn't matter. Just start. I'm not sure if Vino is hilarious. Good.
Starting point is 00:23:32 He's really gets amped up. I do get a little, he's not funny right now. He does not hilarious. Is he not? I get around you when I drink. How about refund the police instead of defund the police? Yeah. Cause all that, you know what,
Starting point is 00:23:47 is it knowing to me about the police at these trans things and the protest, any protest, the police will harass the normal people because they don't want to get, like, they don't want to fight the obnoxious idiots. So they'll go like, buddy, can you just, can you just work with us? We can't talk to these guys. It's like, no, man. He just they'll go like buddy. Can you just can you just work with us? We can't talk to these guys No, man, just not film and just leave
Starting point is 00:24:09 Deputize me. I will beat their ass into the ground Dude, I'm not saying do your job. I'm saying like don't you want to beat the fuck out of these guys? I saw some video about one of these dumb trans protests and like this gigantic black guy is just trying to walk down the street and they're doing the same shit they did to us. And see for guys putting their arms right. Yeah, I saw that. And the cops come over and they're like, Hey, buddy, what are you doing? Walking down the street? You just not walk down the street towards the trans people and you're like, it's a public street. Why the fuck are you the cop is black? What are are you doing? I'm like broken.
Starting point is 00:24:45 It really is this like, listen man, I just, I can't deal with these people. Can we just both try to avoid this? It's your job to keep them off of me and let them do it. It's your, this is a gift that God gave you. God, hey, were you trying to walk here? Hold up buddy, hey you come here. And then with the force of 10,000 sons just crack them right across that black lava.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Oh, shit, I hope someone got that on tape. Because I'm black, he's black. And I think we're all, I think we're all in agreement. Yeah. Right? Iron black hops is smart. Cause then anything they do on video, you go, well, he was being threatened by those white activists.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Yeah. They were raised. They said then where, do they, or that lady, and where defense is very powerful. Shrimes me nuts. Like, you come on, man. I mean, you actually look, aren't you, don't you guys have any guys in the police force
Starting point is 00:25:36 that want to do brutalities? I know you do. Get them out. Put them on the riot squad. Or just, you know, a reminder, listen, man, you're getting paid free money to just like crazy people be crazy at you, like, revel in it. Yeah. Crack a smile.
Starting point is 00:25:51 They're going, you're a pig, you're a fucking pig! And you're like, I'm getting paid $35 an hour to do fucking nothing. I'm picking all the way to the bank. Plus over time, yeah, I'm picking all day. So refund the police. Not def, we take their house. And their kids. You guys have fucked around too much.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Too many of these, I've been told by police to calm down too much in my life. That's what I'm saying. So calm them down. Because they know there's no talk, because they know they're like an animal at that point. Yeah. These people.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's like them trying to reason with a chipmunk like like, listen, buddy, you can't just scream and whatever the bug is like, I don't want to do that. I was like, all right, never mind. There's nothing I can do. You can just give them a little bit of pepper spray. I'm chup. Yeah. I mean, we should give the cops back the ability to. The tenth of a tab of pepper spray. Like a gun that shoots out like a bang flag. Hey, what's up? Pfft! You know what I'm saying? Oh, what's up? I want to bring back the fire hose. What happened to that?
Starting point is 00:26:51 There's all these classic old protest photos. I didn't get turned on the hood. The hood. And got rid of that. How great would that be? Knock them across the pavement. That's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Dute and drought areas, especially. Exactly. They were just trying to water the streets. Yeah, do it in drought areas, especially. Exactly. They were just trying to water the streets. I went life back. Here's what else I hate. Veterans who are anti-gun, gun stuff, gun weeks kicking off. Gun week is a bit, well, there's been a lot of gun. Is this specifically like a gun week?
Starting point is 00:27:20 Maybe it's here to stay. Well, did you see the, I hope so. I think that the amount of shootings is direct response to COVID lockdowns and just like people need to express how they feel about it and the only language that poor people and rich people have in common is violence. Like beds. So I'm like, all right. Well, I mean, there's other things going on in the world other than COVID, but sure,
Starting point is 00:27:39 maybe they're going to mess up everyone's mind. Everyone's my mind. I don't want to kill anybody. I'm fine because you're pro COVID locked out. Exactly. The people who are against it like me want to kill everyone. That's all we think about all day. Good.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And you guys are the same ones who are fighting for the world or whatever. Whatever. We're just resisting tyranny. Also, we let a burden everywhere. Regardless, I think there was a shooting like an hour ago Whatever. We're just resisting tyranny. Also, we let a murder everywhere. Regardless, I think there was a shooting like an hour ago in like a mall or something. Probably.
Starting point is 00:28:12 These orange shirts. Have you seen these? What is this? It's like, I saw that I first saw it because Hillary Clinton was like, we really got to stop these gun fucking shootings. Where orange? I was like, where orange?
Starting point is 00:28:25 Oh, that'll, what the fuck are you talking about? But apparently, I don't know if this is a long-streaming thing where, if we all wear orange clothing, everyone's gonna stop getting shot. This Bitcoin's color though. Is that Bitcoin's color is orange? Yeah, they think they're, oh my God, I accidentally wore orange.
Starting point is 00:28:40 They think they're gonna take Bitcoin's color? Yeah, well they might. I don't know if this is like an existing movement, but I thought it was weird. The Clintons are like you put on this shirt and somehow that solves something gun violence. Yeah. Um, colors. I show a powerful thing on her. I'm dressing like the celebrity's dressing up. We already guys, we already know you hate guns relax. Uh, let me yeah, okay, hello trader veterans. Yeah, trader veterans. That's what makes me want the traders to America. Yeah, traders to the second. I already don't like that as a veteran shit.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Oh, you don't like people speaking from business as a mother. Okay, fuck you. The chick, they fought for our freedom stick. No, the guys fuck you. The chick, they fought for our freedom stick. No, the guys, the memorial day, those guys fought for our freedoms. The veterans, they were probably giving each other hand jobs in the bathroom. Yeah, if you made it back from war, did you really care about freedom that much? I survived the war too. So hold on. It seems like we're the same.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I don't know if you have to die in a conflict or prove your commitment. Well, how do we know that you can put in the leg work? Surely the memorial day guys cared more about freedom than the veterans day guys. The veterans day guys. No, don't know. They cared from zero to everyone that cared not at all. Yeah. to dying is the same. Well, that's the thing, too, because you could be a guy who just like filed a bunch of paperwork and you're like,
Starting point is 00:30:08 I have a veteran. Like, what did all you do was fucking file paperwork? Like, what the fuck? Yeah. Yeah. There should be like some way to identify like I'm this level veteran like, or what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:30:18 There is, they're dead. I made sand with you. Yeah, that's not how it was. They got killed. That's not what it is. If you didn't, if you know that Brian Adams song, what is it? I would do anything for you or something.
Starting point is 00:30:30 I would die for you. All the same of the meatloaf song. No, we can talk about that one too. And if I do, I do it for you. I would die for you. Right, and then there's a part, I would die for you. He doesn't say, I would not die and come back, have a big day.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I would come back and talk about, you're saying that's the biggest, the biggest. You'd die to the song is what he reaches. I would die for you. That's the biggest thing you can do. Well, that means you cared about her. Yeah. Because you would die for her.
Starting point is 00:30:58 All that other shit, any fucking Johnny cum lately, Simon, Twinger, Swindler, could do the whole thing. I can write you a big song, but I would die for you. I would die for you. Not I did die for you. But it's always the whole point of a veteran. Is that theoretically like, well, I would have died. Well, I had the opportunity. That's like, that's like if in the bodyguard, he'd just watch winning. He's in good shot. And then Kevin Goss was like, I would have done it. There's always freedom to be defended for. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Is that if they really care, they would be out getting killed. Well, I think veterans, if they think they have a unique perspective on gun violence, good form, good, good. Oh, I hate it. It's so traitorous to me. It's traitorous to freedom to like go kill other people who are conscripted by their governments and try to try to whatever defend their homeland. I mean, whatever, if they're trying, those guys don't want to be there, right? They want to be home beating
Starting point is 00:31:57 off to big, titty bitches on the internet. Like everybody. Like everybody. Same as anybody else. They're not free college. So they violate, so they, they violate freedom by doing it in the first place and then they come back and say, you guys are veteran, you guys need to give up your guns. Like fuck, fuck you, man. Get fucked.
Starting point is 00:32:13 What do you think about Biden wants to raise the age to buy a salt rifle to 21 from 18? What's an assault rifle? I don't know. Ha know what I mean, though? They refuse to define any of these terms in any way. I'm gonna do some serious fucking assaults and yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:32:35 What is wrong? Well, I assume. What are you talking about, bro? They would classify it. Are guns classified as assault rifles by the government? No, they're an official class of a community. No, it was a marketing thing. Like back in the 80s when Rambo and shit was taking off gun
Starting point is 00:32:49 man, you've actually said, check out this fucking assault. This is an assault weapon. Yeah. And it's just a rifle. Right. It looks like cool. So it's just, well, you can't buy a cool looking rifle
Starting point is 00:33:00 until you're 21. Oh, well, what if until you're 21, all rifles are like pink and, you know, looked like penises and shit? I have a pink AR-15 in a Tokyo, my girlfriend made me a Tokyo Doki Gun case. Oh, really? She bought Tokyo Doki, because I love Tokyo Doki so much. She bought fabric and made a Tokyo Doki Gun case that I keep my pink gun in.
Starting point is 00:33:22 That's fucking great. See that sometime. That's awesome. So what? I just, I don't know. I honestly think that the problem is not the guns. It's don't save mental health. No, it's dumb kids, man.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Kids are too stupid to have good guns. What do you mean? I don't think it's fighting the wars then. Well, yeah, we're tricking them because they're idiots. Like we know that. You're all should have a gun. No, why? I could have a handgun. I think those, all those kids going in that drag show, they need to be armed for all those weiner for all those cavity crates. They're gonna creep on their cavities. I mean, what is, what is an 18 year old need a rifle for? It's fun.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Like a darenger. Yeah. A little kids, the little boys at those drag queen things need like a garter belt with a darenger stuck into it, like a prostitute, like an old timey prostitute. Sure. Sherlock Holmes, era prostitute. Let's stick gun. That's so they come say when they come stopping over. Hey, little boy. Are you lost, right? I'm saying like an 18 year old doesn't own a home, so it doesn't need it for home ownership or home defense. Oh, yeah. I mean, if you're threatening the government, the government the government is more threatened by older guys who own a shit ton of guns than one 18 year old owns like one rifle for funzies. I think you got to protect if you're trying to protect
Starting point is 00:34:44 the militias, you got to protect the guys who have stockpiles of hundreds of guns and are ready to roll them out to their neighbors. Well, I think it's more about recognizing the concept that you have no, no one has any right to make you do something or prevent you from doing something that is not, that is not harming someone else. Like you have no, the government or anybody else has no authority to stop you from doing something and like letting you just mind your own business.
Starting point is 00:35:14 That's what, that is the, that is what gets lost in this like penny anti, like figuring, trying to maximize who should own what gun and for what reason. It is full stop. Nobody has the right to tell you what to do. You can't have a thing. Yeah, that's it. If you want to give your kids a bunch of guns, nobody has the right to stop it. Stupid dick.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And we already have like a 12 year old camp by a gun. You're okay with that. No. You think 12 year old should be able to buy a gun. Yeah, but I think a 12 year old should be able to buy a gun. Yeah. I think a 12 year old should be able to build a nuclear reactor. Yeah. I was bad this time. Far too many times. Well, why can they? Because kids are fucking stupid as hell. Again, it's like dealing with the animals. These 18 year olds are going fortune and they go, I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:35:59 affect the race war. And it's like, no, you're not. Yeah. Why are you shooting up a school? race war. And it's like, no, you're not. Yeah. Why are you shooting up a school? All of the things you could shoot up, there's so many better things. The news girl canceled. Son of a center. We sent her a news to read. You want to be our news girl? Let me go talk real quick. Go and go invert. Yeah. Let me go invert. She can't see all the news girls ask for news like six days in advance. Yeah, this bitch already canceled because her dog quote her dog died. What? Yeah, honey. Did she cancel just now because her dog died or like just just now because she read the news articles and said it would ruin her public image. What are these these articles? Yeah, go ahead, give it
Starting point is 00:36:42 a shot. You know, Are we ready for news? I mean, this has all been newsworthy. Okay. I don't see any information. Well, I'm about to ruin my own career, I guess. Dallas man who got mad at his girl admits to destroying 5.1 million in art at DMA. Brian Hernandez, 21 is accused of breaking
Starting point is 00:37:02 into the Dallas, Musaam, with Art overnight, allegedly destroying 5,1533,000 worth of artwork, including several pots and statues. Hernandez told police he got mad at his girl, so he broke in and started destroying property. That's based. Police say Hernandez used a stool to destroy at least two display cases worth $17,000 each. I think a wooden stool, probably to go wooden poop. A stool, not a wooden stool.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I mean, he should have implemented so that would have made it more fun. He also destroyed four pieces, a black figure panel and four a sixth century grease. Thank you. And a rag figure picks us for 50. Wait, wait, wait, anyway. That were both shattered. Okay, now do it. Now you can, I got a truly over here.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Can you believe she canceled after reading that? Yeah, what is that? What is that? It's so bad about him. Look at that. I'm doing those tough of the image. I'm doing those tough of the image. I see, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:04 My polygamy just destroyed after her name was I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. I'm doing those public image. What do they rub on it? And he was in drag. He was talking. So he's making a statement about women. Cavities, Cav. Well, did you think about that? What do you think about the Mona Lisa?
Starting point is 00:38:31 Can all the conservatives are like, oh, I can't believe that he smeared cake all over the glass in front of the Mona Lisa. Like, what do you guys have? It doesn't have glass and over the painting. Yeah, you can't shoot it. No, he got it on the painting. It looked like what I was talking about. Fucking painting. It looks like it's not fucking painting.
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's not just sitting out there. Are you sure? I'm 100% positive that the Mona Lisa was not destroyed by Kate. Did you see the video? Yeah, it's just the loose site in front of the Mona Lisa. Okay. So the loose site is like, but it's like directly over it then. So you can get real close to it.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah. Oh, whatever. It really annoys me to hear, I don't think, I hate to say it, but I don't think conservatives can contribute to art in any way. I think they've made some good music. Now, look up Tsukoski, man. Who? Tsukoski? Sucolsky. He's not.
Starting point is 00:39:26 He's the artist ever. Oh, really? He's a good country music out there. Oh, yeah, is it? Yeah, you know. Oh, like what? Johnny Cash. Was he conservative?
Starting point is 00:39:36 I just think he was. I think he was. He might have been a put on. He might not have been a real conservative. I don't know. It seems like they're so busy moralizing about everything that they can't take. Like the Mona Lisa's been, it's like public,
Starting point is 00:39:52 the destruction of and the defilement of the Mona Lisa is why it's famous. Like conceptually, I don't think they can even understand what the point of art is, conservatives. Yeah. The reason it's famous is because of its place in history. So the defilement of it would further contribute to its meaning as a famous work of art. I also would not really lose any sleep if the Mona Lisa was destroyed.
Starting point is 00:40:16 It had a good run. You can't destroy it. Then it's destruction would become part of its legacy. Yeah. That's the point. Okay. Anyway. It's the point. Okay. Anyway, it's a Banksy level of thinking about it. Dick, officials at airport seized cocaine stashed in.
Starting point is 00:40:32 No, you know this story, but where do you think you stashed the cocaine, Johnny? Oh, shit. I don't know. Normally you'd put it in a bag and a pocket and a whatever. You're going to put it in the wheelchair. Oh my God. The federal authorities say the 22 yearold man was arrested in Charlotte, North Carolina after he was stopped in the city's airport. Four packages of a cocaine with more than 23
Starting point is 00:40:52 pounds were discovered in the seat cushions of a motorized wheelchair. The four packages had an estimated street value of $378,000 say authorities. The man was a lawful permanent US resident. Take that, you, uh, third time. But it was charged with trafficking in cocaine. His answers didn't match up. His physical purported handicapped did not match up. That was a telltale sign that there was something suspicious. So if you're gonna get the wheelchair, you gotta practice being retarded ahead of time,
Starting point is 00:41:27 shitting all over your self. Yeah, exactly. And they come and they go, do you need that wheelchair? You go, ah, you gotta do the whole thing. So that's why reading the news was gonna be real. Well, she didn't have to do the voice, but I just have the help thing. Which part was damaging to her image?
Starting point is 00:41:43 No, you don't have to do the voice. Yeah, when you have to do the voice. Yeah, when you have to do the voice on the wheelchair. Oh, would have destroyed her. She probably just saw an old clip and saw how small my arms looked in the last episode. And I was like, I don't want to go on that guy's show. Those arms are new to the way and teeth arms. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:42:01 23 pounds of cocaine, street value, 370,000. Does that match up? Yeah. I can't do math. It's a lot of coke. It's a lot of coke. Dick, I know we like to talk about wildlife on this show. Sadly, Sean is not here to help us out with an animal corner.
Starting point is 00:42:19 But, can we get Johnny's animal corner? Johnny, you know that animal? You wanna do Johnny's animal corner? Johnny, you know that animals? You want to do Johnny's animal corner? Johnny's animal corner. Johnny's animal corner. So I think great animals are... I think terrible animals are cats. What the fuck? What's wrong with cats?
Starting point is 00:42:42 I have two of them in this circle. Oh, and they're terrible? No, they're terrible. No, they're really cute and really sweet, but the fucking, just the fat little girth. I just, anyway. And they, they, they plant their toxo plasmos in your head and then you're infected forever. And they piss all of you close, right? They, they piss over my bed constantly and I have to keep washing my sheets because one of them,
Starting point is 00:43:03 but it is cool. The peon washes sheets every time, right? You kinda let it start. I'm just gonna let it start. Tats are just going, he didn't pee that much, I can't feel it. It's gonna rub it out with like some soap and water. It's the only thing that's like socially acceptable
Starting point is 00:43:16 where it's like, hey, this thing's gonna walk around and zone shit and piss and then just like touch your face while you're sleeping and like do all sorts and like walk over everything you own. Oh, dogs eat their own poop and shit half the time. And shit?
Starting point is 00:43:28 Yeah. What if people add, well, okay. And shit. Well, what else? Well, I don't know. They eat their own poop and shit. I don't say they're eating like other stuff
Starting point is 00:43:37 that they fight. Or eat like dead animals that, you know, road kill. I do appreciate the dogs eat their own shit because watching them throw it up and then eat it again is just probably the most metal thing ever like metal. That's fucking hardcore right there, dude. This is like, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:58 when climate activists will start eating their own poop. I hope so. Me too. But that's the thing is for like a good art show, you could show up, shit in the bucket, eat it, throw it back up and say, well, this is what happens in nature every day. Yeah. This is this appalling. What I do.
Starting point is 00:44:15 This is climate change. This is this. Who was that female rocks there recently got in trouble for pissing on a guy on stage? What? Like a fan got on, she's like, someone get up here so I can like piss on you. And a guy just lay down and she just pissed all over him and then went back to rocking out. And like people really fucked up about it. This happened like a couple of months ago. I fucked up about it. Yeah, she had to like apologize. She's like maybe I went too far.
Starting point is 00:44:39 I'm like, no, that was awesome. That's a bad show, wasn't that. That's fucking hilarious. It was Madonna's show. No, no, no. It came out like, no, that was awesome. Dude, that was a Madonna's ass show, wasn't it? That's fucking hilarious. It was Madonna's show. No, no, no. It came out like, pfft. That would be disgusting. Well, I brought up animals, Dick. I guess I should get back to the story because a California court has ruled.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Take the truly Johnny. That this particular animal should be considered a fish. Johnny, what animal do you think California's decided is now a fish? Shit. I don't know. I don't know. I've basically been in the deserts with no animal.
Starting point is 00:45:13 You know California. You know California. A true. The most retarded thing I could think it would be like a platypus. That's pretty retarded. That's pretty retarded. Pretty retarded. This is almost not a lot of legal distinctions happening over platypus.
Starting point is 00:45:26 But that's what I'm saying. It just seems like a, well, for federal protection purposes, a California court has ruled that bees considered fish. Bumblebees are under threat from pesticides and monoculture farming. So a California pellet court ruled that in order to protect threatened bumblebees. They could be considered fish under the law. The Trinity Brussels snail, a land dwelling snail, set the precedent for deciding that a fish doesn't have to be something that swims and buy that logic. Bees to our fish. As I was getting in a woman's not reading this news. Yeah. That's it. How do I log out?
Starting point is 00:46:05 Because they can't read. Well, that's the thing is I'm like, I'm like, this is a complicated story. Because it's so suspenseful to see what word they're going to make. They're going to fuck up. Oh, wow. Meanwhile, me with my expert grasp of the English language, I'm a great news presenter.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Hold on, I want to play, I want to play this video. Let's be done with the news. Let's play this video of a hero Disney employee stopping this man. Oh, I saw this one. Stopping this man from making a lifelong mistake. This is a man proposing to his girlfriend in front of the magic kink castle. He's that one of the Disney's. I don't know which one. Yeah, he's at Disney something. Here we go. So he is getting on, getting down on one knee. He's at one of the Disney's I don't know which one. Yeah, he's at Disney something here we go So he is getting on getting down on one knee. He's wearing all white in his fat So he looks disgusting and then this guy this hero Disney employee swoops in grabs the ring and leads grabs swoops in between He swoops in between them
Starting point is 00:47:03 He swaps in between them. He swaps in between them. Grab the ring out from between. Oh my God, the balls on this guy. I love him in between them. Grabbing the ring from between them. Running through and saying you got to get down off this stage. They probably jumped to fences to get to because that's how Disneyland works. Yeah, it's a rope-dough stage for like performers or something and they decided, well,
Starting point is 00:47:28 it's my special moment. Not for your six-sempering. Yeah. Well, you could just get that picture anywhere in Disney. You don't got to jump a fence to do it. Yeah. Also, it doesn't. You know, you're going to do something if you're like, hey, we got to jump this fence
Starting point is 00:47:41 for some fucking reason. She's like, why? Just do it, you fucking cunt. Yeah, you have a proposed to jump this fence for some fucking reason. She's like, why? Just do it. You fucking conscience Yeah, propose to her and you've ruined the moment already Sick could have done it anyway. This is this is straight identity that we all have to tolerate. This is straight proposal The all of this shit is so much more annoying than the well-com call me a woman now. I actually changed my name to a... Serksies. Fucking Angelina.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Angelina Lajana. I actually picked, I'm a man and I picked a name that is not the obvious girl name of my old name. Yeah. So they do that a lot. It's really annoying. It's like a YouTuber named Joe changed his name to Joe. Joe Anna.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Oh, just J.O. And I'm like, oh, come on. You gotta go a little harder. Go. Yeah, go. No, Joe. What do you call it? James Sterling changed his name to Stephanie Sterling,
Starting point is 00:48:37 but he's still Jim Sterling on his jam channel. Yeah, that would have made more sense. I don't know. Some trans people say, well, I always hated my boy name. Yeah, I mean, you hate everything. You just hate everything in yourself and whatever else. So why would you not hate your boy name? Do anything this guy, have you ever seen something more Balsey than he was there and
Starting point is 00:48:57 ran over? He said, I got to save this guy's life. Yeah. I got to save this guy from this awful woman that would make him make him insane in his brain to do something like this. He thought, so you're saying his motivation was, my God, this man's making a great mistake. He's making a huge mistake. Yeah, I gotta stop this.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I think you had tweeted, this man arrived from the future and said, I've seen what happens. And then a horrible messy divorce has all things. Could you do that? Could I, what? And your job was to interrupt marriage proposals. Could you do even one? I'd kick it out of his hands. Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Go, ba ba. And go, you get outta here. Making a big mistake. I don't, I think that's, that might be the bravest man. I've never seen that sort of braver. His professionalism was great. And he lied right? The picture's better from right here.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Yeah, yeah, that was what was great. It was the last time you fast-sell. We're taking a picture cause they're getting engaged and he goes, and then it's gonna be better over here. And I'm like, oh, that guy. He was on top of it. Yeah. Hey, man, you get a job at one of these Disney parks.
Starting point is 00:50:03 I don't know you can do that. You gotta be on time. How would you do that for free? He's trying to work his way up to where in the Mickey Mouse head. He's gotta be the top guy. Okay, here's something interesting, Vito. It turns out that, that, wait, let me load it up here.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Cyber agencies, God dammit, put this shit. Save it. That the Dominion election systems can actually be hacked. What do you think is a bad, isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? It's always can be, could be, maybe like, did you know it's possible to go to someone's house and put a gun up to their head and fill out their ballot incorrectly? Just because that's possible doesn't mean that it happened.
Starting point is 00:50:45 That sounds like some liberal bullshit to me. What about you, Johnny? It seems like that's a sound like they said it. It could be a vulnerability if the IP695 Ebuffer is overwritten by a troglob joins. Electronic voting machine. Yeah. See, I don't think you know, I don't think you know enough about computers
Starting point is 00:51:05 to have the opinion that you have. There's lines, the tubes are clear, you're good to go. Electronic voting machines from a leading vendor used in at least 16 states have software vulnerabilities that leave them susceptible to hacking if unaddressed. The nation's leading cybersecurity agency
Starting point is 00:51:23 says in an advisory sent to the state election officials. Who's's leading cybersecurity agency says in advisory sent to the state election officials who's the leading cyber security agency that's the u.s cyber security and infrastructure agency or c.i.s.a if that a government agency yeah oh i but he thinks it's like the national inquire oh i don't know after we hired a bunch of guys called the cyber ninjas
Starting point is 00:51:46 to figure out of our elections or under control. Oh, you don't like their name? Yeah, no, I don't like their name. What's your name? I've been called the AAA cyber pull. Yeah, what would it accept? What would you believe it? Jeff Bezos, super cyber team, 9,000.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Okay. That would have been better. They said that there's no evidence the flaws in the Dominion. That would have been better. They said that there's no evidence, the flaws in the Dominion voting system equipment have been exploited. Oh, that's a good, what was it? There's no evidence. There's no evidence.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Okay. But that would be the interesting that there's no evidence. Well, that's what a hack is. A hack as you leave no evidence. Yeah. No, you can hack a thing and leave evidence that happens all the time.
Starting point is 00:52:25 How do you know? Because I've seen the movie Swordfish and I know everything about hacking. Okay. One of my good friends is a hacker. His name's Tony. His name's Fortune Anonymous. No.
Starting point is 00:52:39 He's Tony, he hacks movies professionally. Oh, I see. The advisory is based on testing. What? What is it? What's that prominent computer scientist and expert witness in a long running lawsuit? Mm.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Okay, so they tested, so the guy said, yeah, it was hacked and then they tested it and said, you could hack it. Okay. Does that bother you at all? Does it bother me that it could be hacked? Sure. I'm very bothered.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Well, doesn't it? Oh, computers theoretically be hacked? They're quite can't be hacked. You can't hack at blockchain? Well, you can hack your way into getting some, you can, sure, it can't be. Do you want voting to occur on the blockchain? Is that what you're telling me?
Starting point is 00:53:24 Yes. Yes. But it cannot be tampered with at all. Does everyone have to pay a certain amount of Ethereum to vote? No. The government will come in. Do I get a little governmental NFT for voting? Yeah, for voting. You get a I voted in a state. Biden had the like wings at me. Yeah. Because if so, all right, I mean, don't you think that's a little troubling? That's 16. And then everyone's like, ah, that's his most secure election ever. Actually, you could hack it.
Starting point is 00:53:50 That's like fucking wireless computers. Like, what the fuck do you think is gonna happen? Like, there's ways in. Like, it's meant for the like, when you can't do the Mules hack it, did the 2000 Mules hack the fucking thing? Oh, you don't like, you think that's cool too? I want evidence of a hack or a fraud,
Starting point is 00:54:08 and it can't just be like, well, they could use the magic ink and then it changes color. Like, yeah, you can come up with a million possibilities. All right. We need actual evidence of one of them occurring. Oh, so if it's hackable, that doesn't mean that it was hacked, you're saying?
Starting point is 00:54:25 There you go. Oh, okay. Well, it's kind of a high, like a CSI mind bar. How about they just stop using it, because it's hackable? If it turns out that it has flaws that cannot be addressed, well, that's what they said. No, they didn't say that they're flaws in the video. They said they said they're 16 flaws.
Starting point is 00:54:44 But you can strengthen your computer system, can't you reprogram it and reconjigger it? So they can't a big thing. They said they're 16 flaws. But you can strengthen your computer system, can't you reprogram it and reconjigger it, so they can add more flaws to it. Yeah, flaws, there you go. But how about I just like stop, like you know, listen, motherfucker, we stole this thing fair and square. Stop trying to take it away from us, all right?
Starting point is 00:54:59 Like when they used to make you guys just try stealing it harder next time, you clearly didn't want it, Adam. Because we're too busy stopping kids from being raped by you guys. That was your choice. What to focus your efforts on. We were busy celebrating Memorial Day.
Starting point is 00:55:12 You can either save better days. Yeah. You get two choices. Either one, the election or save the kids. That's it. You can't have both. You're right. You're very right.
Starting point is 00:55:21 You win the election. All the kids are getting raped. That's the deal. I wish that conservative style like that. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not.
Starting point is 00:55:29 You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not.
Starting point is 00:55:37 You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. I was gonna say probably something stupid about election for anything that you just stopped doing electric voting systems and go to pay what a wallpaper?
Starting point is 00:55:49 Yeah, you're acting like that way more potential for fraud with just all paper ballots. Why? Because you can fill out all crazy the sneak them in there and write crazy names on my see So you're so you believe that that is inherently fraudulent, but a computer to you is not I think a computer is better Why faster at doing fraud Let's just never you know what fuck it. Let's just have a fucking fascist dictatorship and let's just get rid of all the Right, I don't want anymore voting. Let's's just pick whoever was the dad of the last guy. It wasn't, it's the son of the last guy, he can be president.
Starting point is 00:56:30 So next, you know, on his paper? Next in line is Hunter Biden. We're gonna do him and then his kids. Okay. Yeah. Oh, this woman was raped in the metaverse. How about that? Oh, shit, did they find out about that rape
Starting point is 00:56:44 I committed already? In the metaverse? I about that? Oh, shit, did they find out about that rape I committed already in the metaverse? I can't believe that that girl didn't come in because the news was too spicy. No, this news is spicy. I mean, you had one about June 10th. Oh, yeah. Read that one. Yeah, actually read that one. Indianapolis Museum called out for selling Juneteenth, Watermelon, Salad, Indianapolis,
Starting point is 00:57:03 Children of the Museum is in hot water after serving up a racially in a lot of the dishes, specifically to commemorate June teen. I read for the museum is defending the salad saying it's food service partners planted June 10th men you as a way for us to raise awareness of the holidays meeting. They planned that. Well, most of the defense we actually planned it. We planned the Juneeteenth watermelon salad. Will they approve this?
Starting point is 00:57:28 Well, this is the thing about Juneteenth watermelon salad before either. You've never seen a watermelon salad? Oh, your salad expert. It's like watermelon. It's like watermelon and feta cheese and maybe like some cucumber or whatever. Really? It's really more like a fruit salad, I think. You got the cheese in it.
Starting point is 00:57:44 So it's a pride slash Juneteenth salad. whatever. Really? It's really more like a fruit salad, I think. You got the cheese in it. So I survived slash Juneteenth. Well, as they say, with watermallet and experts, if you weren't such a racist, you would know that red foods have historically been served by some to remember the blood that was shed along the way to freedom. Oh my God, so they really didn't know. They made it to represent the blood of all the slaves. A black people that were... So you make red food, oh, Juneteenth, you're supposed to serve red food. That's why they have red velvet cake.
Starting point is 00:58:19 That's like asking for it. Yeah, they're asking you to serve watermelon because they're going to they're trying to trick you. The black people went, what do you guys eat for Juneteenth? They go, you know, anything red is fine. I think we're anything red to the party that you can pick up. It's a big summer holiday. Anything red that you might eat at a big, summering outside. It's a barbecue. And then you show up with water melon
Starting point is 00:58:45 and you go to racist jail forever. Because it's a trick, they tricked you. Yeah, well there you go. Red food dick, that is the Juneteenth. You saw the Juneteenth by me. And these blind ecsters were like, oh I got it. You know what's the right watermelon. Which I don't understand like, they always,
Starting point is 00:59:07 why is it wrong to serve watermelon? You do like watermelon, everyone does. What? I don't like saying the N word too. You're not allowed to say that. Do black people not like fried chicken? Like if I serve fried chicken, is that bad? like fried chicken, like if I served fried chicken, is that bad?
Starting point is 00:59:24 Oh, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha How did watermelon become racist? It's just a melon. Lichet. I mean, I really don't know. Well, that happened. There's weird caricatures of black guy stuff in a whole watermelon in their mouth or whatever. That's why? I think so. Is it black guy stuff the whole watermelon in this one?
Starting point is 00:59:58 It was like old care, yeah, weird caricatures. And like, but black people do like watermelon. What? Why is that racist stuff looking at like shot? Have you ever seen PD Wheat straw? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, what was that? That was a black exploitation film where like the,
Starting point is 01:00:16 some, I forget the premise of the story, but this devil implanted a baby into a watermelon. Oh yeah, oh really? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, really? Yeah. Did it hatch or something or grow? Was it black? I've only seen a baby. I haven't seen the full movie, but I was a good good kid.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Well, it's all this Southern culture. They had a lot of like watermelon in the South, right? So it all, yeah. I don't think it's, I don't know. They had watermelon in the South. That was like a big, well, yeah. I think it's, I don't know. They had watermelon in the South, that was like a big, well, yeah. I think it was, I don't know why it's racist. I've just been always known that it is racist.
Starting point is 01:00:53 I think it's the idea that like you would insinuate the black people only eat fried chicken watermelon, but if you're just like, here's some watermelon, It does fit the theme. It's red. No, yeah, they nailed it. I'm going to chill. I'm going to race a chill. Okay, here's one. LA is banning gas and appliances.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Yeah, what the fuck is this? What the fuck? Well, this is to fit in with climate change. I'm pissed about this. Really? You voted for it. I know. Climate change.
Starting point is 01:01:23 This is for climate change. But how is that really a big, so when the rolling blackouts hit next, you can no longer make food. How about that? Because it's all electricity now. So we're wiring, the energy grid doesn't work. Let's start there.
Starting point is 01:01:39 It doesn't work, goes out all the time, goes out for a long stretch. Long stretches, it's overtax. What we're going to do is we're going to put the food, we're going to make food, electric food. So you can't eat if the electricity goes out and you also can't drive anywhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Is this, we're going to make you horribly dependent on our broken energy grid? Yeah, no more gas, anything. Yeah. Is this not, does kind of seem like, if, yeah, anything. Yeah. Is this not? It does kind of seem like if, yeah, the disaster waiting to happen. Well, not only a disaster, but let's say the militias get moving and, you know, we want to finally fight back.
Starting point is 01:02:13 They go, well, there's an easy way to shut all this down. Yeah. Literally cut off their ability to cook, cook food or drive their cars. Yeah. So we got a stockpile gas. The government's going to take control with the electricity grid. And meanwhile, they're burning. And they're building a charity cages around all airshits. So it's protected. I think that's what they released an EMP blast to take us out.
Starting point is 01:02:35 What do you think some meth? Fair to cages. I don't think that actually works. They test. That's what I mean. It's like science. I just don't buy it. You think it's like a planted suggestion to make you more a sure of your protection against the end of the world? I've heard about it, but no, fair to a cage. You just a cage you put around any electronic components so that a EMP blast doesn't fry them.
Starting point is 01:03:02 I just don't think it will work. Okay, nobody knows that it will work and they've tested it like science, historically. I just don't think it will work. Okay, nobody knows that it will work and they've tested it like scientifically. I just can't believe it. I just can't believe it. A researcher's avatar was sexually assaulted on the metaverse platform owned by Meta, making her the latest victim, oh, of sexual abuse on Meta's platforms.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Watchdog says, non-profit advocacy group says a researcher's avatar was raped in the metaverse. Oh my god. It's not what we want. I was raped by a guy. Yeah. First of all, whatever was raped by a woman, maybe you're a rape child just sticking around. Maybe you, maybe you're the pedophile. A pedophile. Oh wow. What if you were raped by a 12 year old boy just sticking around, maybe you. You're a pedophile. A pedophile. Oh wow, what if you were a rainbow? It's 12 year old. Boy, just sticking around in the metaverse. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:50 You quite didn't you fight him off. You're a little boy, as if you're listening. You gotta go rape all the journalists in the metaverse to expose the meta-files. I was raped by Snubis, Snubis, Sneed, Sneed and whatever. And then Snubis comes out and sned, uh, sned in whatever. Yeah. And then snubis comes out and he goes, I didn't know what was happening. And there's a horrible lady. She approached me.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Approached me. Oh, I feel violated. Yeah. And then we get to put all the journalists in prison. Good. Every war is fought by child soldiers, even virtual wars. I mean, what do they mean? A rape or what? Did you ever play that game's second life? What do you mean? Rape? Well, no, but I'm saying And in the meta-Verse episode now. Yes, patron icon slash biggest problem. We have Dixia as a bonus episode out too Wow, so bonus. It's a bonus heavy week. Is that the one with what's the newest bonus episode for Dixia?
Starting point is 01:04:41 Have a week. Is that the one with what's the newest bonus episode for Dick's show? What do you mean? What is the theme? Who's on it? You know what I came up with on that one? A pants man. The pants man.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Like a nice cream man. Okay. It drives around selling pants. Sure. For Burning Man? Not for any kind of pants. If you want Burning Man pants. Harder shorts.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Any plays. No, I just mean for all the panceless people at Burning Man. Oh, it could work. The shirt cockers, the guy that wears shirts and no pants like Donald Duck. Yeah, that could work. But also for anybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Cause who wants to go? You can't order pants online. It's like, I don't know, man. Yeah, well, you got to check the waist. You got to make sure they're gonna get it. All kinds of bullshit. Length. You only buy like 20 pairs of pants as an adult man.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Yeah. Basically. I don't, I just have sweat pants at this point. This is a perfect invention for you. Yeah. So he could try to hide behind pants. So then they stop fitting at a certain point because my body, my changing pot of hair.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Just spending so much time tucking your penis inside out. Exactly. And then he tucking instead of working out. So the pants man comes and he plays like some metal riff. Hit it, bam! And you hear it coming away like, like, down, down, down, down, down. And I'm like, oh, fuck, it's the pants man.
Starting point is 01:05:53 He run outside and he eyeballs you and says, like a carnival guy, he says, boom. 32, 38, 32, bam, pants. Fucking Fred Seagull's ghost is just selling everyone jeans. All these grown men and underwear are in the street chasing him down the, yeah, chasing him down the street. Yeah, give us pants. He's throwing him out the window.
Starting point is 01:06:14 And you think that's cool? I think more commerce should happen involving fans with fun songs. I think like all day the neighborhood you should be like, oh, here comes the pretzel guy and the Computer guy Plasting techno Bump on my wireless mouse Me mr. Computer exactly my mouse is all fucked he means like I and with the tech guy you come give him your Broken stuff and he gives it to somebody else. That's all he does. There's no sales that take place
Starting point is 01:06:45 That'd be fun. Fucking Amazon, I want Vans. Here's the, here's some comments. Andrew Parker says, I think the cops in Texas were waiting on the mental health experts before they entered the school, just my opinion. Can I have somebody talk to those kids? Maybe that's true.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Well, I think there needs to be a bounty. Did we talk about this? No, there needs to be a harrow it because the cops are already getting paid. They're regular rate. You got to be like, few shoot the shooter. We'll give you like 100K. Like the NFL. Yeah, yeah. Like an MVP award at the end of the year and it comes with a bonus and a trip, you know. But then they'll start doing school shooters. Like that's how the FBI already doing that. Oh, okay. So hit the cops against the FBI. Yeah, they're racing. And then they can split the bounty.
Starting point is 01:07:34 It goes, well, you created the school shooter. You took them down both of you are going to Walt Disney World. That's not pretty good. Yeah. I think we should take the cops family's hostage. If there's any kind of school hostage, then we need another group. We're gonna take out that shooter
Starting point is 01:07:47 where we kill your whole family. We'll kill your family. Well, then there's an incentive. That's works in the movies. There's no incentive right now. It's like, what happens if you're the hero cop that saves all the kids? You get to go on CNBC and go,
Starting point is 01:07:58 well, just doing my job. You're going to jail, like Derek Chauvin. Yeah. Who knows what George Floyd was going to do? No, no, no. Hi on Fentanyl. So, hi on Fentanyl that he could have been the fucking news girl doesn't come in.
Starting point is 01:08:11 So, hi. This is the reason. You are the reason there is no news girl. George Floyd was so high on Fentanyl that he couldn't even breathe. He couldn't even, he said it to the police. I can't breathe because I'm so high on Fentanyl. Oh my God. Have you ever been that high on Fentanyl that I can't breathe because I'm so high on fentanyl. Oh my god. I've
Starting point is 01:08:25 never been that high on fentanyl. You can't breathe. No. George Floyd has. I'd like to take this moment to wish a very special Juneteenth to the Dixiel audience to commemorate all the historical suffering your community has undergone in America. With water, with, yeah, with watermelon and French. Well, didn't you buy a few of those floaties and FTs? I didn't buy a floaty. I didn't buy a floaty. No, you bought 10 of them, right? I did not buy any floaties.
Starting point is 01:08:50 They were to celebrate his life. How about floaties do you have? Wait, I don't have any. I gave them away. Well, there you go. I wish I had some. Those are dope. They're there constantly referenced in articles
Starting point is 01:09:02 about the dark side of the city. I feel like I am a major component in pushing Floydies up to prominence. Did they make a dick show, Floydie? Yes, too. We gave away on the show. I am really proud of that. I wouldn't be, but good proud of Nick Rikita.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Yeah. Basically, every part I had involved in that. Sure. Alex did most of the heavy lifting, but I did a little bit. Okay. I was the straw that turned the train. Who else did you make? Floodies?
Starting point is 01:09:33 Did you like kiss the ring? Floodies? No, I'm not a ring kissing kind of guy. You got to disavow me immediately. Okay. I don't know that guy. I've never seen that guy or his ring. Yeah, make stuff up about wild stuff about me.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Yeah. Didn't negative XP come on your show early? Yeah, but he was already famous. He was already famous at that point. I don't know, who else did we make? Johnny. Sean would remember. Yeah, there's been some guys.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Maybe a chat would remember. Who came through this show? Who is talking about eating chicken? Birth. Okay. Benjamin Swarringens and isn't it funny? How the death penalty became, that's not funny. Immoral and all but direct murder. Then completely immoral at the same time. Faceless, ruthless, globalists started taking over.
Starting point is 01:10:21 That's funny. That's hilarious. Hey, Dick Food inventor here. I left a voicemail a few weeks back, raging about fat Hololists started taking over. That's funny. That is hilarious. Hey, Dick Food inventor here. I left a voicemail a few weeks back raging about fat guy advice. My example was fat people telling you how to customize your hamburger at McDonald's
Starting point is 01:10:34 to make it like a Big Mac. I think you're talking about you. I didn't say that, but another guy brought it up and I agreed that you can do it. Yeah, oh yeah, Josh Denny was talking about it. I tune into the biggest problem episode with Josh Denny's and Vito's and it's like I'm watching the fat and the fat and the furious. Get it? Yeah, I got there. So the biggest problem would be the fat and
Starting point is 01:10:55 the furious. Right. But because it's pretty good. Denny was there. We had two fats and only one furious. 99% of the episode was devoted to Vito's idiotic food hacks. Did I, I don't even remember. Wait, tell me some of your food hacks. I don't have that many food hacks. Other than you should download the app for the respective restaurant
Starting point is 01:11:15 because the deals are insane. And you can make a quarter pounder like a Big Mac? Or something? Yeah, well, I don't know if you can do that through the app, but you can just, if you're in the drive through, you can just go, Hey, can you put big Mac sauce? Right. You basically go, if you want a big Mac, we want to pay less.
Starting point is 01:11:31 You go, Hey, can I get a double cheeseburger with no, you know, ketchup and mustard. And said I want big Mac sauce and sure you know, you can do it. You can do it. It's lettuce. Having worked at McDonald's for like six weeks. Yeah. I would have just made it. I was a regular double cheeseburger and been like,
Starting point is 01:11:47 I'm fucking silly. Fuck you, dog. Just order what you have. And you have. It's because of fat fucks like him that McDonald started charging people for the freebies because fatties like, wow, like Vito and Danny abuse the system.
Starting point is 01:12:04 You want onions or an extra pickle, that's 20 cents. Thanks a lot, Vito, you fat fuck, I didn't read this whole thing. Okay, well, it is good though, if you get the McDonald's app, you can customize your experience pretty well. What do you think about the 20 cents? Out.
Starting point is 01:12:19 You can customize your experience, but you can inspire hatred from like 10 other people. Not every addition cost money. Like you can put tomatoes on any hamburger for free. Custom ones time. Which is money. If you want a little tomato. Is that happening a lot? People putting vegetables on there. I was put tomatoes on my, my double cheeseburger sometimes. Okay, here we go. This is, oh, he also says, I hope Johnny is as high as I am right now. I hope you're still considering a dick show vinyl record release.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Go fuck yourself. And he also made a fat watch nature show. Ooh. I fucking love fat watch by the way. First time I hear that voice, I just lose my mind. Here's what he made. Oh, kids look, look over there kids.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Look at that big Mac. How much does it look like an extra 12-ml yet? I my goodness. I'm gonna get an extra 12 to 9 yet. I'm gonna have to close it up. I'm gonna get six more big Macs. I do things with the McDonald's app that is frankly like should be against the rule. I'm going into the burger option. I'm going, wait, I can add a second patty for only 20 cents.
Starting point is 01:13:16 You ever make a double quarter pounder like a big Mac? Yeah. Put another piece of bread in between the quarter pounder by and then you tell them I want big Macs sauce and try and let it. And let it just stay. There you go go and it was like their version of a wapper and it was like wow there's so much bigger in person than the quarter pounder was like yeah there were three quarter pound grind and a large
Starting point is 01:13:35 try and I eat the entire thing you are watching fat watch okay Josh that I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat. I'm fat. I'm fat. I don't want to burn it. I said a couple things. Josh Denny told a whole story about the one time a bunch of Americans made him a big Mac. So if anyone stretched out the fast food situation, it was not me.
Starting point is 01:13:58 This is from Kerry Grove. Hey, what's up buddy? I don't know how I came across this manatee. Well, Johnny, we're doing fat watch now. Oh, shit. Oh, yeah. There it is. That watch has a and that news.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I can't believe that girl didn't want to come in. That bumper is. That's how it's based. Fucking good. Pawnee, white girls, they have no concept of how the world works, but Pawnee's Iranian. So she understands, she has a more globalist woman's perspective.
Starting point is 01:14:28 You know, she understands to take advantage of the opportunity to let us hand it to you. Yeah, hey, what's up buddy? I don't know how he came across his vanity. Maybe I shouldn't call it that as the Instabios is non-binary. Why do they always take videos of themselves mashing food and
Starting point is 01:14:45 hashtagging about indulging? So you can spot the rip gender tattoo. Right. Thick talk, Kerry says, is hilarious though. I'm using that. Fat watch is my favorite bit of all time. Keep it up, but don't do a full episode. You will definitely get smothered to death. Okay, let's check out this. Let's check out this Thick Talk video. Personally, I believe I'm not meant to work. I meant to do this all day. Okay. Personally, I believe I'm not meant to work. I meant to do this all day. Oh my God, she just eats bread and that's a whole video. Bro, she has a giraffe tattooed on her
Starting point is 01:15:20 tits. Does the draft spell something? Well, spells kill me. Yeah. Looks like a spell. So I personally, I believe she's spreading. Is it right? Bre? I would hope it's for you. That's butter.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I'm going to jump off a club. I meant to do this all day. Oh my god. Her name is Prairie Queer. Prairie Queer. They personally. I also know his hung. Oh, Hunter Athena.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Oh my god. I thought it said hungry Athena. And I was like, well, at least she's leaning into it. The Greek goddess of hunger. Yeah. Athena. Athena. She was one hungry bitch. Zeus was always like, God damn woman. Keep eating all these. Where am I letting go? Athena hate been a hater. Oh, I'm a, I'm a, I'm it all in this in this Louisville has a killer food something Where do you eat? All food is killing you Look at this. You got a whole seafood tower going for herself the holy grail of that's a whole loaf of bread Look at the size of her. She's a big lady
Starting point is 01:16:40 Okay, hold on hold on hold on. I don't know how to yeah TikTok sucks What is there a way to make it big is there a way to make it big? Is there a way to make it big? Oh my god, Johnny, did you see that? She was twerking. Jesus Christ. She was twerking at the beginning of that. That actually sobered me up. That was horrifying. You should warn me next time we're gonna watch this shit. Oh, she's got a double ganger. She's got a dople ganger. How did they get that seat belt on? Dude, look, this is like the fat twins riding the motorcycles, but this is just one of a million fatsoes, women. Oh, well. Look at this. At least they're having a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Do you like Johnny? What were you saying? Oh, I was for the music. Yeah. How do I get rid of this kind of lifestyle? I was just trying to squeeze into it. Oh, thanks, Vito. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm not as of the window. Okay. Like try squeezing it. Oh, thanks, Vito. There you go. Look at she's walking with her Gow pal With at crystal Rene's Hashtag plus size hashtag. She calls herself thick talk hashtag plus size hashtag she calls herself thick talk She's using that hashtag wow they're taking the identify Talk as thick talk look at these tarps that they're wearing Oh earthquake store on vine the earthquake store
Starting point is 01:18:01 Well at least they're having fun. Isn't that what matters? No. No. Okay. Well, anyone can have fun on camera for like two seconds, but like they have to live with that. Yeah. They are mighty.
Starting point is 01:18:18 As a large person, I always go, man, I hope I don't get to that point. Well, so the existence of somebody might, oh, fact, people are always looking at large your fat people and going, well, at least I got a ways to go. Yeah, that's not, that's a very unhealthy attitude. It is. What would it take for you to lose 70 pounds?
Starting point is 01:18:38 I don't know. Some kind of monetary incentive. I mean, if there was money involved, absolutely. What it, yeah. What would have to be? Every listener to the show that's currently listening to this episode has to send a dollar for every pound veto loses. But I think if I lose the mall, I get it all right. It should be a Patreon, like a double or nothing of a, a Patreon of our show. I have to figure out a good workout routine. Let's put it that way.
Starting point is 01:19:05 I'm working on it though. I've been lifting, been lifting. Just starting drinking soda. You drink soda? I drink diet soda. So. What do you eat that's so high in calories? Everything.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Anything I can find. We went to the German restaurant and I was like, oh my god, I'm gonna destroy this place. Yeah, but I ate that too. You gotta be supplementing that. Yeah, but that brought home, I got that big ham hawk, whatever the fuck you do. Oh, you did bring that. Yeah, but I ate that too. You got to be supplementing. Yeah, but that brought home. I got that big ham hack, whatever the fuck you did bring up next day. I cut it up and I made an omelette with it. That was good. Okay. Merr, Murnace says there's apparently a fatness chart, which determines how much victimhood you can claim for. Oh, yeah. Okay. How much
Starting point is 01:19:43 shove a victim and I gonna find out from the chart. It's like that door that's a certain width and a monastery. And if you can't fit through, do you have to go fast until you can walk in? How fast do you have to be to get the, to get the, the disability placard? Uh, I don't think you got to be like 350 pounds. I think that's the cut off. Okay. This is, although I just think of the Simpson's
Starting point is 01:20:06 where he was trying to do that. Yeah. Here's a lady talking about it. You're a small fat. Why are you speaking over super fats? Are they calling her a small fat? She is not a small fat. Her head. That is a very bad lady. The whole iPhone screen. Yeah. You know, I mean. It's a selfie stick too. She has a graphic stick too. That says the fat and his spectrum that I can't even read.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Didn't our comedies say that if I had a stick long enough, I could take a selfie of you, you fat pig. Who said that? And then Leonardo da Vinci? Dianneasus was walking around with a lantern going, I'm looking for a fat, I'm looking for a skinny woman da looking for a skinny woman. The bitch. She had to get the aerial photo. Who was the lantern? Okay, this is the fat and the spectrum a small fat is a size 18 and lower one X or two X I'm a 4x 5x
Starting point is 01:20:59 I'm a size 26 Sometimes 28. I am the super fat. You say I'm speaking over. I'm glad that the fats have organized themselves into higher argues of oppression. This seems very positive for all of them and their weight journeys. Bro, like you see that this is just the beginning of the future, right? They actually call themselves in FinnaFat. Like that's not like that. This show is, this show is so educational for young men. In Phinephat, if you're six x or I'm like,
Starting point is 01:21:30 I need Phinephat. You didn't even know that. You can go for it. No, why would I know that? I'm not a six x. Thank God. In Phinephat is something I wish I could have made it. And like third grade, that's such a good, like, small fats.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I'm happy to be in the mid fat section. So somebody, somebody a message to you saying, if you're a, you're a small fat, why are you speaking over super fats? So she's like talking about being a big fat pig. Yeah, she's saying, I am super fat. Fuck you. Now, but she's like bitching about how people treat her as a fat, as a fat show. Have you seen that TikTok of their, someone's like, let's look this Down Syndrome guy, make a sound? And we go.
Starting point is 01:22:09 And he's like, and someone asked the question, do you ever eat crayons? And his mom is like, no, no, and he's like, oh, actually, yes, I do, like,
Starting point is 01:22:18 but it's got that same kind of like, nah, we'll be correct you on this. That's surreal. So small fats are one to two X. Sure. Eight. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:22:31 18 and size. 18 and lower. Or the torrid sizes. What's torrid? Torrid is a plus size clothing store that has their own marking system to make fat women feel less fat. And it's called a horrid? No, it's called torrid. that has their own marking system to make fat women feel less fat. And it's called horrid?
Starting point is 01:22:46 No, it's called torrid. Orrid. It's kind of like edgy punty. That's my favorite bit in life. And it's, I'm shocked that it's called that. Yeah. On paraphrase, we were like, no, no, no. And I know this because most of my girlfriend shopped there.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Oh, no. No. I know. You know, I'm a fat guy. I did Patrick's. Didn't you see the Flintstones? Oh, yeah, where he got a Wilma. Yeah. I'm looking for a Wilma. You just got a very low self esteem, especially in California.
Starting point is 01:23:16 You're not working at a fucking quarry, dude. Do some work. No, I'll just, I'll just hit up the quarry. I'll just put it in my quarry out. Just because your fat doesn't mean you have to date fat prize. It's true. I've just been up the quarry. I'll put it in my quarry out. That's what you say. Just because your fat doesn't mean you have to day fat products. It's true. I've just been too busy to day it honestly.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Oh, I've been working on a million shows and projects and videos. Mid fats are two to three X, 20 to size 20 to 24. Toward two to three. And super fats are four X to five X. Wait, so like the difference between like mid fat and super fat. So like, is there like a regular fat? Like what? No, there's just small fats, mid fat, super fats, and then finifat.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Regular is ableist language. We're all regular. We're all normal. No, they call us, well, they call me and Johnny straight sizes. No, really? Yeah, maybe you too. I don't know. Straight sizes? Straight size.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Straight size people. Oh my God. Like chairs are made for straight sizes. They call us that straight size. I was not aware of that. Well, fat community. Look at the size of a giblets down here. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:24:21 This is a potato. If you put a potato on here, yeah, it would match up perfectly the shape and the lumps. She's leaning her eyes back from the screen as though that will make her skinnier. Like, maybe I just need a little distance from the picture. Just from a hospital bed. It's weird that they all end up getting the nose ring. I think the previous chick had a nose ring as well. Yeah, but wouldn't you want to not make yourself look like an actual pig? Like, isn't that?
Starting point is 01:24:48 Wouldn't that be the worst piece of accessory you could buy for yourself? No, that's something for a barniered animal. I think the government does that. Yeah, they force them to get a nose ring, so you can leave them around. John Don says, is Disney plus size friendly? Who are the great fat Disney characters of all time? Ah. Little John.
Starting point is 01:25:10 This video is not available anymore. Son of a bitch. Maybe we can find it. Little John walking through the forest. Blue, the big boy. Okay, these woman who calls herself blue went to tell she doesn't know. My experience is a plus sized princess at Walt Disney World. Welcome to a theme park can be a scary experience for a plus sized person.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Your biggest fear walking out of the ride in the quote, walk of shame. What the fuck? You don't fit in the train to get out. Oh, because you can't fit in the ride. They make you walk all the way back. Oh my God. That's the dude. That three guys come out with a comically large shoehorn.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Yeah. Bring the butter. Bring the butter. And then they of bring the butter, bring the butter, and then they rub in the butter all over you, disqueeze you into the, the big siren that they hit in case of her flip. Ooh. They have one person.
Starting point is 01:26:15 One person has to hold their head back so they don't eat the butter. Well, I like that she says, she's plus sized, or as the Disney community likes to say poo size Why would you want to refer to yourself as poo size? Cuz poo got stuck in a hole. Yeah A piglet piglet He ate piglet. Piglet.
Starting point is 01:26:42 I seem to have a bunch of a fat piece of shit. I also love going to Disney and I don't let my size stop me. Maybe you should. No. You're going to flip over the hot chicken. Maybe she ain't going to catch a kid. She's just walking around in the big circle. You know, I saw a fat woman on the auto bond that ride and it was scraping
Starting point is 01:27:08 Carbos shooting on sparks and she was driving around Kids on fire. Yeah Like this ride is broken sinking the parts of the Caribbean I saw that too. Wait did that actually happen? Yeah, water's coming in the boat The water's coming in the boat. The water was coming in the boat. It's in the boat. Too much water. Well, you know, you can walk around the park all day. It's good exercise. Grinding dust. Yeah, avoid all the ice creams and treats.
Starting point is 01:27:34 I was at Disneyland and this woman, this woman was so fat she got in the small world, right with me and they had a guy come out and scribble out the small. Yeah, exactly. The puppets. The puppets stop singing and they look at you and they go, it's a fat bitch on the ride. Yeah, I was on true story. I went to Disneyland and we got into space mountain and this guy, they said, what is this
Starting point is 01:28:01 ass mountain? To the fat man. It couldn't get up to thing. It couldn't get up to thing. It couldn't get up to thing in the beginning. Get it broken, Timbered back the other way. It's a real problem, you know? The fatty is at the theme parks because a lot of these rides are older, especially at
Starting point is 01:28:18 Disney. Because they're fat phobic rides. They had to shut Mr. Toad's wild ride down because back when the tallest person was like five seven. Yeah. The fattest person was like five seven. Yeah. The fattest person was like 200 pounds. They changed it to Missed Her Chodes. Mr. Wild Ride.
Starting point is 01:28:31 I think it was you that brought of how Homer Simpson was like comically fat. Like 40. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Jesus. Correct. Um, I am plus size or the Disney community likes to say poo size.
Starting point is 01:28:45 Do they like to say that? I don't know, I've never heard that term, but I don't think that's gross. Engage in the grimace size community. It is. Look, I mean, it's purple outfit. She is very purple. I'm jamboree size.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Jamboree size would be better, because that's fun. Country, I'm country bear size. I'm Ursula size. It's not the Ursula, yes. Giant cavity. She's wearing fucking Ursula, yes. Giant cavity. She's wearing fucking purple. Why are you being fat and wearing purple? Like, grim as.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Or, uh, yeah, I don't know. Gotta stop the hamburger. Well, because if you wear blue, they compare you to that blue berry from the fucking Willy Wonka. So you can't wear that. See him. If you're green, I'm not fucking Willy Wonka, I'm poo size. Huh.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Okay. Anything else from her? Yeah, she's got a whole story. My experience is a plus size princess. Oh, I can't wait for that. She said she carries most of her weight in her stomach. That's, I'm size 26. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:37 Okay. Most of my weight is in my stomach, though, when you are my size, the That's 26. Yeah, okay. Most of my weight is in my stomach, though when you are my size, the extra fat is pretty distributed. It's not pretty distributed. Just don't use that. Horridly.
Starting point is 01:29:57 I'm also very tall. I stand 5'11, almost six feet with shoes. This is said, my husband and I get separate ride cars at Haunted Manish and Peter Pan winning the poo and spaceship Earth. We like being close, but close can be gross when you are sweaty and sticky. So to avoid two fat people rubbing up against each other
Starting point is 01:30:20 on the rides, they split the minds of your legs, and also everybody else on the ride has to hear this. Is there bodies just scraping slide against each other? And they can't even enjoy the modern house because all the ghosts are like, whoa, I'm outta here. That was to get uncovered in barbecues. Oh no. But were these ribs?
Starting point is 01:30:42 These poor, this poor,, poo-sized lady. Spaceship earth. Yeah, and the ball. Oh, spaceship earth. That's the thing. Look, I read that one. No, that's in Disney World. It's not the one where you leave and go to the space
Starting point is 01:30:54 and you look down. No, no, yeah, but like you go in that big golf ball thing and you go up a big. Oh, spaceship earth is the app called ball. That is spaceship ball. One thing to remember is to make yourself comfortable. Sometimes I can look at a ride and discreetly say to the cast member that I'm riding alone, even if I'm with a group, that I prefer not to be seated directly next to someone in a
Starting point is 01:31:12 theater, for example. Jesus Christ. I'm riding alone. You're not getting a ride with all your family. She's also letting everyone stink. What rides? She does not fit on. Oh, is that? She's also letting everyone stink. What rides? She does not fit on.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Oh, is that? She can't fit on the seven dwarfs, mind train, or space mountain, single seats. There are really, oh, she can get on splash mountain, but it's very cramped. They're managing the splash and mountain. Yeah. It's cannonball mountain. That log is going to go straight to China. It's not even going to, who It's gonna go through, huh?
Starting point is 01:31:46 It hasn't resurfaced yet, sir. It's burrowing in the ground. It's called the core. That movie, the core, where they go. It's called the core. It's called the core. The center of the earth. Oh, Dumbo and Aladdin's magic carpet.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Oh no. It's not, it's a magic carpet, not a miracle carpet, honey. Oh, I'm going to need it. I'm going to need it. It's trying to get up. They give her a set of Dumbo ears. Can I get some Mickey ears? I'm sorry, sweetheart. vehicle car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car It's really gonna help you out. Does you have a list to where to get all the candy and treat? Oh, that's cool. That's cool. All right, today and that does go eat.
Starting point is 01:32:32 Let's do it. Everybody, this is the Dix show. We'll do some voicemails. slash the Dix show. Vito, you're gonna plug you stuff. I do have a blog. I'm working on a comic book. I'm very excited.
Starting point is 01:32:40 And I'm trying to build my mailing list. So head on over to If you're interested, give me your email address and I'll let you know when the crowdfunding goes live. Okay. For my exciting comic book project. Johnny, you got anything to plug?
Starting point is 01:32:53 No, I don't need any more work. Let me just go home and fucking sleep for once. You want to put on some weight? I do need to, yeah. You gotta get fat. I gotta get it fit fat, yeah. I gotta get fat, I gotta smoke, I gotta Yeah. I gotta get fat. I gotta smoke. I gotta drink.
Starting point is 01:33:06 I was gonna talk about smoking with Frinfronomy again. It's so bad. I miss it. Does it really affect your, do they say smoking makes your body not heal stuff? It's the only time the doctor, like the questionnaire that you fill out at the beginning says, do you smoke, do you drink? Do you do drugs? And I was going, oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Why don't you go, no? I don't need that. I didn't write it. Yes. Yeah. What the fuck? Well, because you want the doctor to give you good advice. They don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:33 They don't care that we look at the fuck over here. The doctor's on in the back going, oh, let's see what he filled out. That's just bullshit that they make you feel for fun. These so the doctor always goes, do you smoke? And I say no. And that's the only thing they ever ask. So the liquor must not be bad. It must be only smoking is bad.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Because otherwise the doctor would say, oh, do you do, do you do like ecstasy? Every once, every couple of weeks. Why don't you just have a legitimate conversation with your doctor and he'll tell you whether or not you can smoke. No, it's a shell game. Well, I know you can't Well, I know you cannot smoke.
Starting point is 01:34:05 I know you cannot smoke. I know smoking is bad. I know smoking is bad for you. But that's why it's bad for him. It's bad for an arm injury. It's bad for healing period. It like causes your body to break down. Yeah, but your body's already broken down.
Starting point is 01:34:20 We know. I need to take care of it. It's never coming back. He's probably going to tell you much. It'll just not heal at all. I'll tell you your past the point in order to answer do whatever you want. Whatever fucking smoke, dude, I'm not smoking fair enough. I made a promise to myself. Okay, goodbye, everyone. Goodbye. Is that thing? Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Yeah, I can drink beer with my right arm now. Nick, raise a pint. Proudly.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Yeah. Okay, here's a... You're doing legs exercises or no? Just like running and riding the bicycle to try to keep from being a fat pig. I love these sports male titles. Which, which, which swingers of work? How about that?
Starting point is 01:35:19 Hey, Nick, how's Sean? He's a nice man rage. Dick Swingerers at work. Now, my job is to basically work with clients, show them our platform, show how it works, right? And just walk them through it. I just strap down with one of our senior guys that's gonna be walking me through it and is rehearsing in with it.
Starting point is 01:35:44 And he's just like kept on stopping man. Like, he just goes on these 20 minute fucking tirades about how I didn't include this information and that information. And I have to have all this information. Is that true for you? The client asks this question. But also, if the client asks the question, you shouldn't expose too much information, you know, because they'll just be overloaded with this.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Oh, by the way, if you didn't mention this future thing, they're going to ask it. You don't want them to ask a question because if they ask questions, they get out of, just like a cocksucker, can you fucking stop for fucking seconds? Let me finish my fucking presentation. Let me show you how I'm gonna walk through this and you've got to go on your own and then just like going on
Starting point is 01:36:29 let me finish my presentation just like I'm fucking better at my presentation I do struggle with this God damn it this is my experience and this is how I learned I practiced for seven hours that's the word on the script and that's how I go to do that so maybe you need to do I'm not
Starting point is 01:36:45 Dedicating Many hours I've done three times before and the client to pull understand where I came from I'm getting a point You know A seeming exact word If you give a client, you're gonna question. You never know what happened.
Starting point is 01:37:07 You know, they know that because the guy who takes too long to get to his point, the boss is right. The little poor. And I have to keep this in mind. And it's just like, dude, who flies in in a 20 fly fucking presentation. People like this. Again, you know, you're getting paid too much money, but like go fuck yourself, dude. Yeah. No, I get a giving PowerPoint. You got to overpower him. You got to go, okay,
Starting point is 01:37:33 that's good. And you know, I just keep that line. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're get, we'll get to that. Yeah, always just say we're going to get to that and then never actually get to it. You know, what I, we're going to get to that. That comes up later. That comes up later. Or just make the worst power point on purpose. Yeah. And see how much. Yeah. And then Southern like stunned. Yeah. Like the first one is a headline of a school shooting or like a Columbine CCTV picture. Okay. So disasters, right? What do we, we don't want this. Yeah. Just easier in producing graphics in the background. Those are bad. Okay. Did you Sean love to show. So I've got a rage that so
Starting point is 01:38:15 ragey it might even be a biggest problem. Oh, I would need to decide whether some boys nail go ultimately, but Oh, I'll need you to decide where some boys male go ultimately, but a little bit of a people is trying to say that once you to explain Inside jokes, okay, this came up, you know, you have like an inside joke or a fight that happens in their presence And they're like, oh, what's that about? And you're like, ah, you know, that's something between me and them or you know Just in the state of tell me something between me and them or you know, just instant. Oh no, no, no, tell me. Yeah, those people can just go and
Starting point is 01:38:48 up into a wood chipper. I think I'm one of those. Tell me. But I think I'm one of those. Tell me. But I think I'm one of those. Tell me. But I think I'm one of those.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Tell me. But I think I'm one of those. Tell me. But I think I'm one of those. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Yeah, it's rough. But I want to know, go for yourself. I want to be a joke.
Starting point is 01:39:06 It's a joke. Maybe that enough. Maybe I'll feel so privy to it that I can start using it myself. You know, what a nightmare. An inside joke that you just start using all your inside joke and then make it my own. Okay. Uh, here we go. and then make it my own.
Starting point is 01:39:26 There we go. Hey, Nick, good morning. Hi, Zagart. And I'd say hi. So I don't want to get back. You know how people see the things that there's been served like petafiles, conspiracy, and method of leaving messages everywhere? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:41 You know, why would you leave messages? We covered this. I guess it was really, really that's a really obvious way. She's like a really obvious way. These people know that like, are I saying this? Oh yeah. In Christian algorithms, you can put messages out there and no one can read them. It's covered with people you want.
Starting point is 01:39:58 It seems like that's a way better way to get to the point. No, the better way to communicate is by making way fair furniture, listings, firm scene amounts of money and giving them the names of the children you're selling. Right? That was the dumbest one. That means $20,000 credenza is named Ashley. That means this furniture company is selling children. That filled me with so much disgust.
Starting point is 01:40:22 We live in a very serious business. Seeing everybody pile on and then like, people with YouTube shows and like, oh yeah, and then this, like... It is kind of weird, isn't it? No. You're just an idiot. That's not weird at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Got some great voicemail titles here and tell you what. Like this one? Like this one, such an asshole. Vito is such an asshole. Vito is such a fucking asshole. Hello. That's where I listen is such a fucking asshole. Hello. I'm using that. That's where I listen to.
Starting point is 01:40:47 Yeah, okay. Okay. So you don't know what's coming now. Why do you think you're an asshole? I assume maybe it's due to the bonus episode, but I could be wrong. Which part? There was a person who said that actually
Starting point is 01:40:58 Babbitt deserved a good shot. A lot of people seemed upset about my comments, about the hero cop who thankfully took down the evil villain Ashley Babid. I don't know why. I guess we have a lot of seditionists in your audience. Yes. Yes. Well, maybe maybe maybe they're doing references to something else. I'm just saying, what do you think, Johnny? Fuck. I do so many things. I don't know where to start. We'll see. We'll see. It's the food menu stuff. I might be all the But yeah, talk. Come on Vito is such a fucking asshole using the shower on the wedding day
Starting point is 01:41:37 Of a bride and room and Vegas. I didn't say it was the wedding Teller fucker Why the guys have to be so fucking cheap. Yeah, over 80, a hundred bucks. Yeah. That's true. Get it in your fucking clue, man. Be a fucking adult. All right, bro.
Starting point is 01:41:52 I paid for like so much. I got, uh, I set up a crowdfunding to pay for all their wedding photos. I bought all that. What? I bought. How much was that? It was like a grand. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:07 And then I also took him and his new wife and her kid brother, whatever, took them all out to dinner. The night they got married and I bought them all, the night they got married, you took them out to dinner and you used their shower? No, I think I used the shower the day before. I think that night I had. So the smell of you was still around. No, I think I used the shower the day before. I think that night I had. So the smell of you was still around. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:42:28 The first, I think the first night I got there, my Airbnb wasn't ready until the next day, basically. So for one day, I stayed in the parking lot of their hotel and I slept in my car and I used their shower. She wasn't even there, she was already outgoing to do other stuff. So I went in their hotel and I used their shower. Okay. They care. Well, what would they say if they did care, though? They would say they wouldn't care. They were great about it. This was a whole
Starting point is 01:42:56 lesson. You have to play people sitting their cars next. This was a fucking sleeping in the park. You're like, okay. This was me and my shit bag friends and the other shit bags. in the parking lot. This was me and my shit bag friends and, yeah, shit bag. It was not wet. It was not a high class destination wedding. Let's be clear. Vegas, they had driven cross country with their dogs in the car. They're, you know, to get married Vegas and then continued on. They're doing like a cross country road trip. And then you blew their room out too after a great time. And we they had a great time and we all had fun and I took photos of them. I even brought my camera and I took additional wedding photos
Starting point is 01:43:32 because I knew the wedding photos. Oh, is the money for you so much? No, no, no. But you just said they're ship bags. No, I mean, like ship bags and like a colloquial fun way. But we're all ship bags. And then the less. Yes, well, I'm a shit bag
Starting point is 01:43:45 And I have shit back friends and we do our men though I call her a shit whatever you call their kids a shit. We had a great time I bought what he called green barbecue for everybody This was after the wedding. Okay. I was, I was a great lady. Just to say, baby, bucks or that one night. Yeah. It would have been more. I'll tell
Starting point is 01:44:13 Roman Vegas right now is like a buck 50 a night. I swear to god. What's going on with the resort fee and everything. It's terrible. Hey, this is who we're still in for Sean. I thought you coming about. Oh, wait, I'm the following on podcast.
Starting point is 01:44:25 I'm not. Shit. Which one were you talking about the fucking people sitting in the cars with? Then was that the big car? I'm not going to go in the car. I'm not going to go in the car. Parking eyedlers.
Starting point is 01:44:34 Yeah. Anyway, uh, so I might work, right? I work a shitty wagey job. I work at a fucking grocery store. And when I take my breaks, I like to go outside and smoke a nice little bowl of my car. And then you have park a little bit out of the way, so it doesn't really bother anybody. And this is the asphalt park next to me.
Starting point is 01:44:50 As I take my brake out, I'm out here for a good 15-20 minutes or so. The whole time this guy just sits in his car, playing on his phone, I'm still in my car now, and he's still here next to me, so on his phone. I just want to smoke so we can get back to work. It makes it difficult. So you just park directly next to you and then you his phone. I just want to talk to him, we need to get back to work. Make sure it's difficult. So you just parked directly next to you, and he went out and he got back to himself.
Starting point is 01:45:08 That is pretty weird. I don't know what happened there. I think you said he was in his car, or mine was on business, someone sat directly next to him. And also was mining his own business. We need to complain about somebody else's parking there, fucking around on their phone.
Starting point is 01:45:21 That's the other way. Getting loaded in the parking lot. Just keep your car off and slouch down in the seat. So I don't think you're pulling out. How about a long Ralph call? I hear that. How long have Ralph go? Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:45:34 Yeah, Dick, that guy from Vermont, I would call you before about Ralph. 240. Heard you reaction. What I was saying. And I just want to be completely clear here. I would hope you would understand a bit of satire i'd funny talk about people who seem to not uh... flinch when the internet has these weird sub
Starting point is 01:45:55 cultures of hunting down people and beating them up i mean um that's satire think that the internet is a thick and legal thing. Yeah, pretty good. That breeds all sorts of weird, new, voyeuristic, you know, violent sort of things that people really like to get into. I mean, when I said, I didn't understand Ralph the peel. I mean, that is true. I don't really get his thing, but at the the same time the number one thing that keeps coming up is him getting his ass whooped or that seems to be pretty prevalent and
Starting point is 01:46:29 you can find a lot of what people think nowadays uh... that's like something you know that's that content you know that's something that that's some kind of a career somebody can have better bad although you tube you know uh... nerds who always got picked on uh... you know they'd be famous back in the day, like the chocolate ring guy. They'd be famous, but you're kind of scratching head-ding-ing like, you know, it's just
Starting point is 01:46:51 really a good thing, or they really enjoy themselves. So, that was my bit of that fire to be completely clear about what I was getting about. I think we're gonna do the same time. Oh, it's saying that he enjoyed Trump's hate you. He's like, is that a hate you, orate or even justified or I mean I don't get it I feel very out of step with the internet and so This is a mom. It's a hey mom. I don't watch chocolate rain again if you miss it so bad dude. It's still all I am a guy just to be Clear on this I am a guy who swings a hammer. I work at a job in carpentry and I work hammer swig
Starting point is 01:47:25 years a week. So if you were questioning this, the real world ramifications of things should on the internet. I'm old enough to know the difference between like I was around when you couldn't say certain stuff without getting punched like a long apology. I'm brought to your understanding to get the food out, the interocleasing. You're the bored warrior. And we have to beat a brown. That's not a thing. I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:47:50 I have no idea. Great job. You guys were hilarious with that guy from, like the cooking network or the cooking network. That's what the cooking network is saying. Josh, the F-gamer word a bunch. He's the internet. Well, there's some maybe work to a bunch. I yeah, but there's a maybe game a word that can be like a figure. I think you can't have these guys are thinking.
Starting point is 01:48:10 All right, they're out there, man. What's his name? Famous Lee has done some end gamer words. We're not really famous. I told there was a whole TMZ talking about Josh, Danny. And yeah, there's like a TMZ video about it. You never saw that That was like his big thing Josh just look up Josh Denny TMZ on YouTube. Well, I can't play it
Starting point is 01:48:35 Why cuz comedian Josh Denny not sorry about N word tweets. Yeah, okay. Well From a 2018 He went on a pot. Well, because first he was saying N word tweets, and then I, uh, what do you call it? There was like a black, I don't know if he's a comedian or what, but he has a podcast. He's like, well, once you come on, we can talk about how offensive that word is to me. Just anyone on there and he basically kept saying it. Like, I was like, that's funny.
Starting point is 01:49:02 Did you not say he's like, well, I'm going to say and he kept saying it. Yeah. And then it well, that's funny. Did you not say it? He's like, well, I'm going to say, and he kept saying it. And then it got on TMZ and it was a whole thing. Yeah, right there. Well, when Danny uttered the full N word on the podcast, Layton responded, could you not use that word? It's a little anirving. Danny used to slower three more times. What a fucking dumb world that we're in.
Starting point is 01:49:23 Oh, could you not use that word, please? And then Danny said, I'm saying, because in the joke, I'm quoting the joke, because he had a joke about the unword. And that was the old conversation. Oh, here, let me explain something obvious to you, who is a complete brainwashed retard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:39 Oh, I guess that's why I ended up on TMZ was because the guy whose podcast he went on works for TMZ. So, oh God. Maybe if you don't want to be on TMZ, don't go on the TMZ was because the guy whose podcast he went on works for TMZ. So, oh, God, maybe if you don't want to be on TMZ, don't go on the TMZ guys podcast. Uh, what's the, oh, oh, God, no, don't play it. Van, Layton, Slamz, Josh, Denny's, N word uses, they just blast the, like this is the identical to just blasting the N word. It's a big headline saying, Josh, Denny's got the N words. Like, well, yeah, you're saying it now. Like you're got me to click,
Starting point is 01:50:07 hammering it in everyone's face. Yeah. Uh, let's really have it. Let's really put them on the map. I just hope that drag queens don't have to perform for children anymore. That's all they'll be performing for. That's the future of all entertainment.
Starting point is 01:50:22 Teachers, what if a teacher is a drag queen? Then we celebrate them for their bravery. Okay, happy Juneteenth ever gone. Goodbye. Bye everybody. Lada,

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