The Dick Show - Episode 312 - Dick on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Episode Date: June 14, 2022

Women in white pants, hookers in Texas, wiping your butt with the wrong hand, heated streets for the homeless, greatful for shootings, Justin Bieber is paralyzed for absolutely no reason, the IRS is u...nderstaffed, and a funny song about fat women; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That doesn't look right. No, no, no, no. Have we always just had you look in the wrong way? No, definitely not. But the laptop was readable. So this entire time, look, see, you're looking at me, right? Yeah. Now you're looking at me on the video.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Yeah. And so this whole time we've gone, we've been backwards. Wait, are you? It's whole fucking time. So you Wait, are you all fucking time? So you mean now you're pointing correctly for the video. Yeah, but it's wrong over there Well, that's lagged. Well, no, I mean wrong over there. That's correct. This is what let's see I can't I can't believe this is a true happy happy eight years in podcasting Sean I've been pointing the wrong fucking way for six years. Maybe we have.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I'm telling you, oops. This is why you can't trust any of them. Any other people, they will always fuck you. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you, why didn't you tell me my, we were pointing the wrong way. Yeah. Could you not, could you not explain why?
Starting point is 00:01:09 You're kidding me. You're kidding me. What do you say? Yeah. Isn't that playing strange and automobiles? You're going the wrong way? You're going the wrong way? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I could make that movie today. Playing strange and automobiles, I think they could. Nah, there'd have to be a gay component. Well, they need to get, you know? Brett Gellman would have to pop up in the back when they're screaming Brett Gellman would pop up in the back with a big dildo when his ass goes, Oh, he's a guy who's not funny.
Starting point is 00:01:38 And he never lets you forget that he's Brett Gellman. No matter what character he's playing, and he isn't funny, He's a fucking a- He was in the other guys. He's part, he played part of the cabal that got Sam Hides show canceled and his career ended in ruined and comedy. Is he the older face of the earth and older than 20 years? He's probably a little bit older than us.
Starting point is 00:02:00 He's probably 45, 50, and he's not funny. I know who he plays. All right. I can't believe that I can't believe we've been backwards the whole time. This is true. We've been backwards. Have we been backwards? I've been looking off. I've been looking away from Dick the whole time. It's good that we take these breaks because then we come back and have to set things up as they were and see how fucked up that they had been for so long.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Happy six years. Yeah, right. And plus a week anniversary. Is that what it is? Yeah, right. God, the anniversary's last week, but you were gone. That was. So I had to celebrate it inside my own mind.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Oh, you did. Yeah. You haven't bring it up. No, I didn't bring it up. I didn't listen to the last two weeks. Well, how did you audio engineer them? Well, I looked through with your eyes. Well, yeah, I mean, I, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:55 I needle dropped it in places and like, Wow, that's pretty good. You could audio engineer with your eyes. I automated some plug-ins for the voicemail. You know what I mean? I wanted even those out. Yeah. But then I just went through and printed it without listening to it. I bounced it out. Okay. Yeah, it was, you know what I mean? I wanna even those out. But then I just went through and printed it
Starting point is 00:03:05 without listening to it, I bounced it out. So yeah, it was, I made sure that nothing was weird in there. I mean, you mean I don't check. Somebody says I can check my video and audio. We know this from Road Rage LA2. Yes, I do check my own video and audio. What is it fucked up to? You aren't on YouTube in case...
Starting point is 00:03:25 What do you mean I'm not on YouTube? They're fucking with us. Of course I'm on YouTube. I can see it. I hear it. I hear streaming. It's last week's show. I did go live.
Starting point is 00:03:37 It says end stream, right there. They're fucking with you. What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not live. This is last week's show. They put me in there. It's a fake. I had fucking damn.
Starting point is 00:03:47 You know what else makes me a rage already? I didn't even use the Sean animated Sean that I had made. Oh yeah. He said you were lip sync. Did you just forget about it? I know that thing was great. So busy trying to Tardrangle. Tardrangle.
Starting point is 00:04:07 That's, excuse me. What, these two guys? Yeah, help wrangle, I should try mean. Gotcha. Yeah, the, I think Vita was over here. Johnny showed up five minutes late. That bastard. Wait, just better than I do.
Starting point is 00:04:23 What was I, oh yeah, I didn't even use that little animated Shawnee. Yeah, fuck me. Too busy tarred wrangling. That's start to show. Uh, 3 p.m. Ralph. I'm ready. Yeah! How welcome, Nick. You like it, Nick? You like it, you like it. You guys, the show, what happens to content is gonna be a live from Mount Vernon. You're deep in the heart of Sydney.
Starting point is 00:04:56 You feel like you're hosting a match with a hit, it's pretty big, all the bad. I'm starting to sound like a strip club mounts, DJ, aren't I? She's a cocktail waitress from Fort Lauderdale. Let's give it up for Brandy. Come on, you live from Facebook, how about the city of America? Bam! With his, I was a shaw.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Just a age. So I, I was an Austin all week. That was a good, yeah, buddy. And mine, thank you, join me. Back again in the studio. Oh, facing the correct way. For the first time. In six years.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Now I need to make a reverse of that sticker to stick it on there for TV magic because all the stickers are backwards now. Oh, the backwards writing is all there now. Got it. I was with Buddy of Mine in Austin all weekend. That's the show's a little late with the working work and kind of a nice time, right? I mean, I don't think I would want to change it, but it's like, oh, yeah, it's nice just getting the fucking, you know, relax.
Starting point is 00:05:45 They got to do two things. Sleep until close to noon. Long as a dog doesn't get you up. Fuckin' dog. Oh, man, I got the best dog as a for a sleeper. Oh, you guys, oh, do a lounger. Oh, yeah, amazing. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:05:59 What do you keep around me? You got around meads or something? Oh, yeah, multiple. Multiple tanks. Oh, shanny berries. The, we go through about a bottle of benadro like every day, you know, just to keep her right. That's the, that's the secret of parenting that they don't talk about, right?
Starting point is 00:06:13 They just keep kids tipping them. Man, you just do the seem a little like allergy. You can remember my mom with my sisters, time for orange medicine. Really? Yeah. There were times, don't take them to a drag show. I think you got a, you got a, stuffy nose. No, no, I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Listen, now time for orange medicine. You're going to fuck the bed. They should do like kids, kids Caprice on and whatever should rotate like factory errors. Like, oh, whoops, we've been putting this Benadryl is spilled into our Capri Sun. We've been putting it out for like, oops. And then it goes to somebody else, like craft comes out. Oops, we've been putting in our macaroni. So don't go buy any of our macaroni that's out in stores
Starting point is 00:06:58 before we can recall it. Parents are beating each other over the head with fucking weapons trying to get the last box of mac and cheese. So I was in Austin with my bull buddy from college and we go to this bar. I swear to you, this is something that, you know, this is something that I wish the floods would have wiped out of Texas. The color white has got to be banned in all of Texas. Does everybody wear white in the summer? Only the fattest women. Oh, so if I found, got it.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Wear white, all white, I don't know if they... They look like a, they're shaped basically like a prison laundry bag. So they're basically shaped like the sun. Like it looks like, it looks like beauty in the beast. There's a bunch of like the fine china, the big round plates coming out. Sure. Sure. D D D D D D. And they get smaller, but not fat, not skinnier. Right. As they go down, D D D D D. I swear to God, it's one in that town. It's one on it's one 24 seven bachelor at party. Oh, is it? Yeah, where the brides met where the the brides made, or every bride made is fatter than the last.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Yeah, yeah. Going all the way around, like dancing in a circle. This is a real thing that I observed. And I realized if I ever had to move to Texas, I would fucking kill myself. This at a hotel. No, this is the hottest part of town. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I mean, the most fun part of it. That's part of the part of town. Sure, sure, sure. Jesus Christ like the most one party. That's part of the town. Sure, sure, sure. Jesus Christ. This side, there's keep it weird. Keep get Austin on a treadmill. Yeah, start there. Let's worry about the weird stuff later. Right. Let's get some sweat going on in this town. I want to live long enough to be weird. I saw one woman. You never thought you'd miss yoga pants as badly as this. I saw one woman. You never thought I'd, you'd miss yoga pants as badly as this.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I saw one woman in what I assumed was a jog running down the street. That was fit and in shape at the end as I was leaving. Amble, was it an amble? Was it a lumber? Look, it was something. Okay. It was something where the head was forward from the hips instead of a half a foot behind. Got it. That's what I, all the other women are walking in the counter at balanced the
Starting point is 00:09:10 gun. Yeah. You know, like this walk that they got. Yeah. Doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot. Jesus Christ. Talk about savagery. And the cars are awesome. Cars in barbecue. amazing. Cars, the cars and the motorcycles. I saw, I shit you not, I saw. Just Southern barbecue, different, it's kind of, it's one of the,
Starting point is 00:09:33 it's really when you say what is American food. Cause like it's, it's basically, I mean, it's, we make a lot of crap. Yeah. Make the hamburger good a little bit. And shit like that, but boil asleep. Like Southern food is American food. Like I think if you had to point it's barbecue, it's fried food, it's all terrible for you,
Starting point is 00:09:54 but it is, that's our culture. We gotta get fat watch out there. We gotta go, I don't think I'm gonna live here. I'm gonna live here, dude, I don't know how good we had it here. Oh really, yeah, you mean because of the women? Yeah. Whoa, you can hear these the women. This is ice. Yeah. Whoa, you could hear these bridal parties coming down the street
Starting point is 00:10:08 a mile away, the pavement, they would step on, the pavement would go, you see a crack forming in the cement on the sidewalk in front of you, go, oh my God, I got out of here! You can see, you can look at the water in the glass. Yes. Broom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Whoa, oh God, it ripples. It's two at once. Yeah. Oh boy. And then I saw an old man, two old men with a prostitute. Sir, an ox team convention in town, what's going on? Two old men with a prostitute. Really?
Starting point is 00:10:33 It looked like two old men with a prostitute. Sounds like a really, like a B movie. So they, we're at this bar, the bachelor, bachelor, bachelor at party paradise. It's swelled hot as hell, it's sweltering, you know. Yeah, yeah, it's the right, it must have been hot. It's amazing that there's no homeless because it's so hot, right?
Starting point is 00:10:51 Like L.A. needs to figure out a way to put the heat lamps that keep fast food warm or something out on the street. Maybe we run some conduit under the asphalt and the sidewalk and somebody and we just, we got to turn a lot of city hall we say can one of you pedophiles take a break and turn on the embedded floor heating that we installed all over this Elon Musk has his tunnel and I have my sidewalk sidewalks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Well, love it. You turn them off at night and on when it's over 90. Right. So you just fed up your control. Yeah. The opposite. This is my measure, right? That I'm going to pass. off at night and on when it's over 90. Right. So you just evaporate your control. But you can't rely on the job business. This is my measure, right? That I'm going to pass. I'm getting very political this coming year.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Oh, you'll re, I'm going to get the dog park. Yeah, I'm getting this kind of legal. Okay. I'm not going to just, you know, take it anymore. Like I've been taking it up my ass for so long, I'm going to get involved in the community. So first to get the dog, please tell me you will tape every interaction. Yeah, I'm gonna do a good job though.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Of taping? You got me. You got me on that. You got me twice on that one buddy. I'm gonna give it to you there. I'm gonna pass a bill that's temperature controlled sidewalk embedded heating and skid row. And people go, oh, that sounds nice.
Starting point is 00:12:07 That sounds expensive. Let's blow some money on. I need any of this. My, that sounds nice for the homeless. And then, but I'm not going to tell them that the heating actually kicks on in reverse. So in its own place. Detail is nice.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Because nobody except a complete psychopath would think it any other way. So the homeless people, what the hell? Yeah. Why is my butt burning? Why is my butt burning? You got to get out of here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Psh. Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, those two old guys with the prostitute. In LA, you see that all the time, but at least it's like- Two old guys with a prostitute? Yeah, isn't that. Or are they arguing over her? No, they're looking like they're having the time of their life.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Like both look like they were on the stock footage of a Jimmy Buffett Margaritaville. Oh yeah, sure. Like if they were cartoons that came to life from like white hair, Tommy Bahama shirts, both going havesies on this poor, young, poor little prostitute. Oh my God. I hope it was a prostitute anyway.
Starting point is 00:13:08 What? I don't know. Maybe it was one of the daughters. Age, definitely. It's like a fintier. Yeah, because you know what the other ones think. And we're going to try. Yeah. We get a couple bargaritas and and they play cheeseburger and paradise over the fucking speakers.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It's he's on. He's got a Viagra boner and he's never going to be friends with this friend again. You think they do that party? Let's pop some Viaggs. Probably. Hit the town. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Pick up some props. Pop some Viaggs. I don't doubt it. Go wig a lot. I don't doubt it. Weag our boners on the dance floor of this circle that these brides to be are doing while, while overweight men in underarmor visors staring letchariously at them from the corners, like lions watching, watching big
Starting point is 00:13:53 fat gazelles feed off of water themselves with attention in a circle. While a strip club DJ narrates the whole thing, which was my point of the story. Gotcha. We're sitting there watching this and the guy goes, and make sure you get, make sure you get up on stage and hit the floor, the dance floor. Like, we look at each other and we're like, this is, that's a strip. Do you think that he, do you think he thought, and maybe I should tone down the strip club part when I'm out and not in a strip club?
Starting point is 00:14:24 Because that's a strip club DJ. Yeah, you think he's just working a different. Yeah, put on your like take off your radio voice. Put on your like you can't talk like that. It a regular establishment. Right. Buddy, you're making me uncomfortable. You're making these guys. Proceeds. You got a plate of the room a little bit, I think. Yeah. I've got more good news. Oh, for the first time in six months, I can wipe my ass with my hand. Congratulations. Thank you. I mean, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:14:55 I don't have any soundtrack. I would like a woo clapping soundtrack. Right hand, I'm talking. Oh yeah, you're straightening out pretty good. Doing pretty good, right? Yeah. I could barely, I could barely get in there, but it's just, it's just enough. Just, I got to work the hips a little bit. Yeah. All you really need in life is just enough. That's what they
Starting point is 00:15:15 don't tell you. Yeah. Fuck all this, all this inspirational shit. You're gonna punch yourself out by the time you're 25, 29, and then you're done. You're like, what did I do all that for? All you need is just barely enough. Save some energy for the back 40, because you're gonna need it. Yeah, you may. Left handed wiping. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I just feel like such a gross monster. You can't even shower it off. Yeah, that's gotta be really, I mean, have you ever tried, have we had this discussion about brushing your teeth with the other hand? Brut, you know. Probably. It's, yeah, you can learn.
Starting point is 00:15:52 No, it takes you a couple days. Of course you can, but at first, it's like you're doing it with your feet. It's like, I mean, it's a wonder, I don't stab myself all over the place. You can't go in the right pattern. It's all fucked up. So that's big, that's time for summer.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah, I can shoot down a construction site now, no big deal. Right. I'll shoot wherever I want. Yeah, yeah, cause I got, I got the power. It's nice to, I got the power. Nice to have that versatility. Fucking Transformers theme started playing, needing a bidet.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I was in the airport. Yeah. Get in there. I got the power Right I remember that familiar with that if you've ever gone six months without wiping your ass with the correct hand Yeah, you know what I'm talking you come back. You'll know what love is. Yeah Self-like oven cuz all you so happy to see me and I said yep. That's why I'm happy to see you again Mm-hmm and then I
Starting point is 00:16:49 Kiver hug and I went to the TV wink. Yeah, you know She got her phone stolen no, she was gone. Oh, she was here the whole time. Yeah Stolen from where like I mean obviously her purse out somewhere. Yeah, I don't know out somewhere Mm-hmm. So hold there's a there's a real rampant crime spree wave going on Yeah, it's finally affecting me now. Well, that's when it's when 99.9% of people actually want something done When it's not funny anymore. It's not funny, like exactly. What's the point of stealing a phone anyway? Can you actually flip that over?
Starting point is 00:17:29 I don't know. Do they have serial numbers on them? Yeah. Do they have to take it to China? There must be a way to unload it. There must be a way to unload them. I mean, if you're part of, like you said, like a big international ring, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I don't know. The Verizon's way to fucking reprogram it. I mean, who knows, like if it is, is it not no? Is it even not, is it even worth it? I don't know. Such a pain in the ass. That's a big, that is a big pain in the ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:56 So that's like a very low, that's a dirty crime. To steal a phone. It's a phone. Like, like money, like, yeah, I could understand that. But don't leave me all the rest of the shit. Yeah. What are you getting a hundred bucks? And I'm probably getting out like three grand
Starting point is 00:18:11 of pain in the ass time. Oh, yeah, that's the, that's very unweighted, dude. That's the worst thing. I, any of that time, it's the time. Yeah, especially that he's like, as you, as you get older, you always like, dude, I just don't want to devote any time to this. I'm so fucking pissed off about it. You have to do everyone's job. Follow up some of the in contact with you in 24 to 48 hours. By the end of the next week, you're like,
Starting point is 00:18:35 I should probably fucking call them. I want to pay my properties taxes this week like two or three months late. I'm sorry. Yeah. And I locked in and I was like, they'd already been paid. And it turns out- They just take your fucking money. Yeah. It's like, wow. Yeah. You guys could have done this the whole time.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Yeah. What the fuck am I, why for the system finally worked for my favor? Yeah, but also- I'm just taking the money out the whole time. But if you have a dispute or something, they might take it out and then not give it whatever they have you back to you Let me just enjoy this. Okay. I can't change it anyway. No, you can't so thank thank you
Starting point is 00:19:13 So we're finally just not giving me the fucking option and not to participate not penalizing you I guess then if they took it out right on time. Yeah, yeah guys could just take all my stuff Don't make me file it just go in there and get it. I'm grateful for whatever you leave then if they took it out right on time. Yeah, you guys could just take all my stuff. Don't make me file it, just go in there and get it. I'm grateful for whatever you leave. I have no fucking choice. Yeah, yeah. All right, I'll let you have that.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Hmm, actually sounds nice. Yeah. Probably relieved. Hey, can you imagine, here's a thought that I had. Can you imagine how annoying people would be with their kids if not for pedophiles? Can you imagine how annoying kids would be if we didn't have pedophiles?
Starting point is 00:19:53 I'm talking about the parents' balance. All kids and kid related, anything, activities. I'm talking about the balance of nature. No one likes predators, but they're necessary for the balance of nature. You know, no one likes predators, but they're, but they're necessary for the balance of nature. Could you imagine a world without a kid to becoming door to door trying to sell you solar panels for your house, you're like, I can't say no to this two-year-old. They're, they'd get around the child labor laws.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yeah, again. They'd be a family business. They'd come, they were, they go, go, try to sell them some, tell them that, you know, you, you, he's gonna cry. You're gonna cry if you don't buy some fucking solar pan. That little fear. That little fear. I'm gonna go, ah, got you.
Starting point is 00:20:31 We all saw, ah, are you anybody who grew up in the 80s saw that different strokes episode where Sam gets a bicycle shot man or Dudley, Dudley, right? Dudley gets your, He starts off, wrestle around. Right. That's right. Dudley gets, you hear him throwing up in the bathroom because he got drugged or some shit, right?
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah! The bicycle man. Yeah, the bicycle man. That's right. Was everyone in our generation traumatized by that? I wasn't traumatized, but like I was like, Oh, what the fuck? Yeah, I mean, I knew it was going on.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yeah. Yeah. Uh, not exactly, not every little thing. I was like, God damn it, I, they don't close down my bike shop. Yeah. Oh my god, it must have been a hell of a bike. Yeah, exactly. I'm thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Those titanium ones. Yeah. Let me take it out for a couple of days and I'll let you know. So hand breaks on the front and the back. Here's something that makes me rage. We're all we're all going in the same place. You hear that when you're taking a plane. Of course. We're all going in the same place. Yeah. But how you get there? Yeah. Listen, I've sat cattle call and I've sat first class. We're not all going to the same place. We're all going to the same place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:49 One is immensely more pleasurable than the other. Yeah, but I want to put my thing in them. You know, I want to sit in the middle. I never want to sit in the middle. Yeah, so we're not, we're all going the same place. You know, you heard that? You mean to tell me you heard that for the first time and you thought that's like repeating. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I'm going to wait to, I'm going to write that down. Am I a little joke book? Yeah. Most obnoxious things ever said. Right. What did you say? We're all going to the same. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I got it. I got it. I got it. We're all going to the same place. That only works as far as getting any kind of a positive response. That only works on people who are too young to have heard it. Like, I've seen that in actually- Five-year-old. Where jokes are, jokes are so old that they're new again like everything, you know?
Starting point is 00:22:35 Like my- Everything comes back. Like these prices I'm not surprised. Joke. Yeah, yeah, yeah. By the way, I finally figured out the punchline of that joke. Really? The pregnant hooker goes to a heroin bar to Euthanasia clinic. Okay, yeah. By the way, I finally figured out the punch line of that joke. Really? The pregnant hooker goes to a heroin bar
Starting point is 00:22:47 or a euthanasia clinic. Okay, right. And she goes, I'd like a shot of heroin. And she gives the heroin dealer a hundred bucks. Any figure is, you know, she's going to kill herself. So heroin's only a couple bucks. It's pretty cheap. Yeah, it's pretty cheap.
Starting point is 00:23:00 She's going to show you doesn't give her any change. And then he goes, you know, we don't get many pregnant hookers at the heroin bar on their way to use the nature clinic, and she goes, well, with these prices, I'm not surprised. But um, yeah. Get it! It's good.
Starting point is 00:23:15 It's works. It's works. It works. It's good. And all of that should be legal. Or all of it should be illegal. Okay, what else? Depends on the hour.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Yeah, right. It's never gonna be though. I'm just slowly marching toward dystopian hell. Well, I do think pot will be legal in all 50 states within our lifetime. Pot and mushrooms. I wonder about the mushrooms, but the PCP, what do you think about that?
Starting point is 00:23:42 I don't know. You don't know about that? I don't know. I do know, I think the, you know, they always, when we were kids, they told us like PCP, what do you think about that? I don't know. You don't know about that. I don't know. I do know, I think the, you know, they always, when we were kids, they told us like PCP, like created super violent, like super, super criminals. Yeah, like all that kind of stuff. It's snorting in the,
Starting point is 00:23:54 they're skin grows blacker. I think their eyes more devious. Yeah, that's a criminal thinking is amplified. From what I understand, most of that's bullshit. Like that's, it doesn't, it doesn't necessarily make the incredible Hulk. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it seemed like that though, right?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Yeah, they did like 10 cops. Right. How? Apparently it's very rare to get violent on it. But they also implied there was a strength modifier. Yeah, well, kind of so, yeah, kind of, yeah, that's what they did imply, right? Yeah. Which is just preposterous.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Well, yeah, because you need long term, like, steroid abuse that have muscular gains. And still, you do not become some sort of a superhero. Yeah. No, you can fight off an unlimited amount of men. I think what they, I think what they say too, is like that you don't feel pain like that too. So it's like they hit you with a baton and like you just don't go down, you know? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well. But here's something, maybe you at the baton and like you just don't go down, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Yeah. Well, but here's something, maybe without all the money that they need, the cops need to police weed. Like if we'd legal, they don't get the money to arrest all the weed people. Maybe they don't even have the resources to arrest, like, go and all the other ones. I don't, maybe, maybe, maybe. I don't know. I don't know how it's working in California because I mean, they probably shouldn't be making any weed arrests unless you do it. They're not arresting anyone.
Starting point is 00:25:10 They're not arresting you for assault. They're not arresting you for theft. They're just not arresting anyone in California anymore. I don't know what the, I don't know what the fucking point of having any police is. They're all on vacation with their $300 million from COVID relief. Yeah. They're all too busy counting money. They're all too busy counting the budget, whatever, not
Starting point is 00:25:33 deficit. I don't even know how to say that one. Yeah. surplus. surplus. Yeah. There's another thing I saw in Austin. It was a grateful, a grateful giraffe bus. So it was a bus that had giraffes on it and you're supposed to write down what you're grateful for. What did giraffes have to do with writing down what you're grateful for? Geez, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:53 This is a society built for emotionally stunted children. What would a child iconography, a grateful giraffe? Here you go, you fucking infant. There's a nice animal for you. And somebody had written everybody had written their stuff really small and somebody had written in giant letters, uvald, uvald, Texas survivors. Like, what, be strong.
Starting point is 00:26:21 You can't be grateful for a school shooting. What are you, yeah, that's a little, this is supposed to be strong. Like you can't be grateful for a school shooting. What are you? Yeah, that's a little, yeah. This is supposed to be something that reminds you of nice things you dumb bitch. You ever wrote that. Everything is not for you to give a performative. Well, you know what, but it,
Starting point is 00:26:39 but it seems like it is. Why are you grateful that you can talk about this awful mass shooting and death of children? Is that what you're telling me? It's not the place. This isn't the place at all. Oh yeah. Yeah. Oh, you want to be the best man in my wedding yet? Can I talk about the uva thing? No. Yeah. No, you can't. Please don't. Right. I'll just slip it in a little bit at the end. Right. Just to add some levity. The fetishization of these tragedies. Oh God. Has REITs such a performative crescendo?
Starting point is 00:27:14 Did you see Matthew McConaughey? No. No. Talking at the podium like he was Biden, talking about Evold and how we got gotta get, we gotta stop all these. No, what was he just speaking at an event or something? Nice, speaking at the White House. Oh, Atty McConaughey. Yeah, yeah, well, you know, I mean. It sounds like an idiot. Yeah, he does.
Starting point is 00:27:34 It's all weird, you know, I was like, you know, he's weird, you just be confident about like a Lincoln's and movies and stuff, but this is real odd. It's all I'm talking about, kids getting shodd. Just like, again. It's crap. about kids getting shot. Just like, again, it's crap. It's just that, you know, celebrities, the most secluded out of touch,
Starting point is 00:27:51 people with exceptions. But I mean, that's, you don't, they're usually completely uninformed on things that they seem to have very strong opinions about. Yeah. Wait, I got one speaking of gun violence. It was liberals are, where is it? now um wait i got what i got one speaking of gun violence it was liberals are where is it
Starting point is 00:28:10 44% are in support of political assassinations oh yeah 44% of democrats are open to political assassinations sure well that doesn't seem that doesn't seem high enough well it it honestly though i mean i mean, I think that's a lot higher if it was done right now because of Putin. Oh, I don't think, I don't think, Democrat, I don't think, you're right. I don't think they would be in favor of,
Starting point is 00:28:35 you know, like the day after Obama got elected if they were to take that survey, you don't think it would be the same. I don't think so. So they're all, they have all been trained to talk about how like someone needs to step up and kill Putin. Like, do you guys not think people have been trying to do that to Putin since he was in the KGB? Like that's, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:28:57 He's like old school, like a kind of being president of a dictate. That's like, yeah, someone's always trying to kill a dictator. That's why they're dictators. They're not just like a cool dictator That's why when they get in there to last they have to keep constricting and constricting on things You idiots. I'm trying to find the survey, but maybe it doesn't even matter Let's see here. Oh
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah, I got that right hand back man. That's shit. Look at that shit. Not spilling all over myself. Impressive. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 40% of Dems open to political. And then they try to kill Kavanaugh. So they try to kill. Who tried to kill Kavanaugh? Some lunatic. Somebody run up to him. I don't know. They're outside his house or something. Oh really? Oh that's great. Southern poverty law centers is 44% of young democratic men are open to the idea of assassinating the public. Well, I was a lot. Yeah. Yeah. I would look to your, look to your left. One of you is wants to assassinate political leaders. Southern poverty laws are saying they could countenance such an assassination.
Starting point is 00:30:06 They know what countenance means, huh? Well, look, really doubt that. I mean, yeah. They were, they showed support for assassinating politicians who the respondents believed were harming the country or our democracy. Yeah. Look, everybody, Zazzy, everybody can justify democracy. Yeah, look, everybody. Zazzy. Everybody can justify something.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah. Definitely. It's funny. You get the, you know, here's a, somehow you'll get the moral high ground if you want to confirm your biases or whatnot. Yeah. I don't think we've just seen this before. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:30:43 This was the survey. Nope. That's new. Gender roles and blah, blah, blah, gender roles and gender identity blow. How's your pride month been? Have you been... Prideful. I'm very prideful.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Extremely proud. Can't you try any gay stuff this month? This month. Yeah, a month's half over. I know. If you want to get your gay stuff going, I've only got half a month left to go. Well, if you like to start shopping in early,
Starting point is 00:31:13 I'm saying basically it's like Christmas, but you suck cocks. Oh, is that the currency? Yeah, got it. Ah, they counted up. They got a guy following you around. Right. He's like the guy at the carnival, but he's gay.
Starting point is 00:31:27 He's like, how many cocks, how many cocks did you suck? Yeah. Oh, three, a full, three replacement. Oh, boy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Blah, blah. Okay, let's, here's the violence one. Younger Democratic women
Starting point is 00:31:47 40% of third-Jesus Oh, is this what justify Oh my god Mm-hmm. I think they're I think they're saying something else Could be that they don't know what they're saying. Older Democratic women. Six percent. Oh my good gracious. Younger Democratic men 42%. Older Democrat. Nine percent. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Look, you know, pretty close, pretty close. Yeah. A lot of Republican men, 45s, exactly the same. It is, of course. Fucking assholes.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Cause you know, I hate when they do that. Young, you know, young men. Yeah, it's young men. Cause it turns out I'm guns and let those 45% go kill each other. We're, we don't care how much it costs. We've evolved to be this. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Oh, did you see, let's see, there's a Google AI, this was kind of a funny story. Oh my God, Patreon has stopped artists. They're bumping you off the platform if you make drawings where the tits aren't big enough. Wait, what? Patreon is kicking artists off the platform. Where the tits aren't big enough?
Starting point is 00:33:03 Yeah, if the tits are too small or if the character's too short, this is drawing by the platform. Where the tits aren't big enough. Yeah, the tits are too small, or if the characters too short, this is drawing by the way. Yeah, yeah. If you draw their tits are not big enough, then boot you're gone. Which really, this is about my principles I have to adhere to and say that this is bad,
Starting point is 00:33:22 even though for me personally, it's a win. Yeah, I know, but they're, but these are principles, Sean. Yes, they are. They're discriminating against. Why? Because they think it's a little teenager? I don't know. Because it's because of pornography. I didn't even get the child plan. Yeah, no, that just occurred. It's so darned. because of pornography. Yeah. I didn't even get the child plan. Yeah. No, that just occurred. Because it's very darn it.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Yeah. I was like, what, like, what are some students, some people like little, like, real skinny women, you know? There are people out there who want to fuck all of you. You wouldn't know from looking at women that this is in fashion, but that I can.
Starting point is 00:33:59 So I'm thinking everybody's a wage here. And I'm like, of course, they are. Right. Okay. It's a fucking picture.. And I'm like, of course they are. Right. Okay. It's a fucking picture. So the only thing that makes a woman of age is big tits. Gotta give her big tits.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And she has to be more than like five four or something. So if you're thinking of drawing any two-footed women with tits that are the size of their own height, think again, but you're gonna be toast too short. I don't even know if I could just could be implants on a six year old. I don't know. Should I be able to talk about it? No, Sean, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:34:33 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I can picture it. What's the difference? I don't know. I don't know. Okay. I had, what was I, what was I going to talk about next? Oh God, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Aileen and Yelena and I are, here's April and Yel's tits are gone too. Look at this. Yeah, I've heard a lot about this. This is Ninja Turtle stuff. Yeah, look at this man. Oh, I got to bring this up. This is bad. Yeah, I'm asking why this trans, I, this trans, this up. This is bad. If they're asking why this trans,
Starting point is 00:35:06 I, this trans, this is a big amount of nowhere on the old show. Yeah, I didn't remember that. Wow, I can't imagine why all these young kids are identifying as the other gent, like, well, look at what you give them to, what is this? Gender, she's dressed like a fucking grease monkey.
Starting point is 00:35:23 And drotonous thing that you've given here that smiling like a fucking grease monkey. And drodgeness. Yeah. Thing that you've given here that smiling like a little boy, this is a woman right here. Mm-hmm. Like, come on. I need my own drag show. And she was still like, she's a reporter. She was like, she was a powerful woman, just who had big tits. That's not her.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Can't we fault, but we know why the turtles were always helping her. Yeah. Sure. Okay. Nothing unrealistic about that. They were almost blowing their cover, but she has a why the turtles were always helping her. Yeah. Sure. Okay. Nothing unrealistic about that. They were almost blowing their cover, but she had more power in the eight. She was more progressive in the eighties. Yeah. No shit. More power. Oh shit. There you go. So I got to hold my own drag show. We just watch car too. I take kids. Oh good. I take kids into an ice cream parlor with suggested neon signs on the wall. Yeah, I say, all right, kids, we're going to watch,
Starting point is 00:36:14 Ninja Turtles, maybe shocking. And an ice cream parlor. Yeah, that's why your parents are here because the boobies are going to shock you. Mm-hmm. You're going to be shocked. You're right. These, you know, only for a, I'll fast forward pass them. I know you.
Starting point is 00:36:28 All right. You've never seen them in your own home because your mom was a flight suit. Then I'm going to have a series of fat guys come out in big Johnson shirts from the, from the 80s and on the swap meet. Yeah. Big Johnson, remember those?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Big Johnson. I got banned at my high school. That in the, cause it the child abuse to do that. Yeah. Those big Johnson come out like no, like Bob Rooney's double long tons. Big Johnson's gambling liquor in the front, poker in the rear, right?
Starting point is 00:36:56 Gambling liquor, mart, whatever it was. Oh, you missed this one from last week. It was a fat woman giving her fat rankings of Disneyland. Oh, no. A plus size princess. How she ranked all the things and like Which ones she could ride on without flipping over. Yeah, right. Which she could fit in. Lap bars come down. Good. God.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Here's uh, Here's Gina Yeeland on the IRS. The IRS is horrendously under resource, she says. God. Didn't they just add a bunch of people to the IRS? Or weren't they granted more money in the last couple of years, I think, right? A lot. Yeah. Yeah. And now Venmo is going, now Venmo is added a report, it's actually reporting for anything
Starting point is 00:37:51 over $600. So they report those directly to the IRS. Yeah. So which also means PayPal, right? Because they're same company. Why? PayPal always did 20 grand, but they might be lowering it to 602. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Those are owned by eBay. I'm almost positive. I'm almost positive. I'm almost positive that, yeah, that eBay owns PayPal. I don't know, does anybody own eBay? Yeah, so they want to like get you for your side hustle, basically. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:38:15 If you're selling pants, so you can go eat at the dollar menu or pay rent on your trailer that's now owned by BlackRock. Yeah, and I'm not, they're going around buying trailer parks's now owned by BlackRock. Yeah. And I'm not there. They're going around buying trailer parks. Is that right? Yeah. They've gotten, because they went to land. Yeah, they couldn't, they weren't satisfied with just eating the stomachs out of the middle class. Now they're buying the poor people's trailer parks out from under them.
Starting point is 00:38:43 God. So we're not even going gonna have trailer parks in the future. It'll be like everyone's just gonna be living in Wal-Mart. Shipping containers. Yeah, the Wal-Mart camping section, the Permacamp. That'll be fun. The IRS is horribly under resource. It has fewer staff than it did 40 years ago.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Oh, wow. Is that right? It's operating with technology from the 1960s using a programming language that is archaic and no longer taught in any school in the country. Well, yeah. It's just better get rid of it then. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Yeah. I don't doubt that. It was, she said it was amazing considering the IRS's dire circumstances that it was able to issue three stimulus checks to most Americans along with monthly child tax credit. It was amazing that they were able to issue three stimulus checks to most Americans, along with monthly child tax credit. It was amazing that they were able to do that. Wow, how could they figure out
Starting point is 00:39:32 how to send all the checks out? I don't know. Unbelievable. I don't know. A decade of GOP-led budget cuts decimated the IRS's ability to conduct audits of the wealthiest Americans and go through a swelling backlog of paper returns.
Starting point is 00:39:48 They're going to conduct audits on fucking everybody. Don't give me that that they're, oh, we would only use it against the wealthiest Americans. No, they're going to use it expensive. They're going to use it on you. You're going to use it on Americans they can get money from. Yeah. Oh, we got it. You got a Venmo that says for a back
Starting point is 00:40:06 rub, but it was for $700. That's an expensive back. It's the record companies going after the teacher for MP3s. Yeah. I read this thing that says that 95% of Americans are in favor of the IRS going after tax cheats. I don't think anything better sums up what people are in their hearts than that. Like you can set the Democrats, the different political sides can talk about their morals, like all were for justice, were for equity and fairness, like no, no, no, no, all of you are for, well, I paid, so that guy better pay. Even though it has nothing to do with the outcome,
Starting point is 00:40:50 that's who all of you are. Oh no. In your hearts, none of you are good. Because everyone feels like they're getting fucked and they wanna make sure that you get fucked too. Just as bad. It's not 95% of people are pro. Let's get rid of this shit. It's 95% are for, well,
Starting point is 00:41:07 make sure that everyone is as fucked as me. Right. Right. Yeah. Horrifying. I listened to the Treasury Secretary of something. Yeah. Recently Treasury Secretary of something of crown on those black guys that's in charge of the money right saying how they're they're they're working hard to get rid of the anonymity in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency I've felt sick. Well, yeah, who's asking right who's calling for this? Yeah, yeah, nobody Nobody's horrified by the anonymity. They are yeah you guys are you tell, shouldn't you, shouldn't you at least make up a lie? You gotta count you to something else. Yeah. You're supposed to, you're supposed to
Starting point is 00:41:48 wrap it in something like it's for kids or something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. God damn it. Do you see Justin Bieber got all messed up? No. No. Oh, really? You got in a fight with a vaccine, I think. What? Look at this. This is my favorite thing that's happened this year. Let me see here. Oh, babes. Oh no!
Starting point is 00:42:21 The babes got facial paralysis. Is it like a Bell's policy thing or something? Yeah, Ramsey Hunt syndrome. Oh, man, Fummer. Wow, sorry, Bebes. Those are, that's an amazing picture. Oh, yeah, brought to you by, I can't even say, because I'll get another episode band.
Starting point is 00:42:44 What, what did you get into detail? Did you know that one of our episodes got struck when you were the first, the first one when you were gone when I could say I could say anything, I said I could say anything I want about COVID immediately banned for medical medicine for Bayesian. Really? I heard them.
Starting point is 00:42:59 That's funny. It's fine. I got a couple of emails are going like, Dick went full retard this week. I even said, I went way past what is even conspired. Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure. And that was struck and by for medical misinformation.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yeah, yeah. Oh, amazing. Well, you can't trust people to, um, yeah. So this happened to the Bebes. Does that look like a satisfied customer? You know, even when it's free, sometimes it's not worth it. Well, I can be talking about anything about course in this. What did, maybe it's genetic or maybe he did something that would have caused something like this.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I'm just saying that he has, that he can't use half of his face. And that maybe, maybe it's genetic or maybe he did something that would have caused something like this. I'm just saying that he has, that he can't use half of his face. And that maybe, maybe it's genetic or maybe he did something that would have caused something like this. I'm just saying that he has, that he can't use half of his face. Right. And that maybe, maybe it's genetic or maybe he did something that would have caused something like this. I don't know, I'm no doctor. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I just see what happened. Well, that shouldn't get you banned. Oh, yeah, you're right. I haven't said anything banable. I've been to that. No, I think you've been good. Uh, wow, isn't that. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Oh, God. Oh, it like causes, oh, gotcha. Oh, God. Oh, it like causes, oh, gotcha. Oh, God, oh, it's gross. So it's just involuntary muscle. I thought it was stuck. Dude, I thought it was stuck like that. I think it's worse when it's, yeah. So it just, oh, God, no, his eyes blinking at a sink.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah, he's in the uncanny valley now. Wow. Whew, actually he keeps it pretty. Maybe Floyd Mayweather will come read him a book. Oh boy. I want them with this. I want to pay Floyd Mayweather a million dollars to read a story like to do an audio book for kids.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Yeah. Phenomenal. Okay, well, that sucks, babe. Sorry that happened to you. Yeah. Wait, I have more. He winked at me. Ha ha ha. Pride month.
Starting point is 00:44:46 He's winking for pride. Here's another one. It's called sudden adult death syndrome. Now no one knows what could be causing this. Yeah. Sudden adult death syndrome. Doctors are hard at work. The fuck is getting for answers on why healthy young people are suddenly dying.
Starting point is 00:45:06 What is disclosed TV? I don't know. It's a link to the Daily Mail though. There. Healthy young people are dying. Suddenly, you always look at the source first. You think I bring in bum? Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Stats? People aged under 40 are being urged to have their hearts checked. Oh my goodness. Wow. Maybe it's because of... Sads. You know, it's probably because we were inside exercising on the Pelotine bicycles so much during the time. We were generally not inside of exercising.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Syndrome known as Sads has been fatal for all kinds of people, regardless of whether they maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle. Well, that's too bad. Sads is an umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people who said the something occasionally. This is a Australian royal Australian. Some kind of a death. There's a sads foundation. They have a foundation. Yeah. If you want to be part of the sads foundation, you can check it out. Maybe bebes.
Starting point is 00:46:04 There's a family history of SADS diagnosis. Oh yeah. Wow, so unexplained death. We have a diagnosis of a history of unexplained death. Well unexplained or sudden? Sudden. Well yeah, because I mean, they could explain it, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:46:18 Like maybe they have heart defects like it, you know what I mean, maybe they're, they get the aorta dissection, like that shit runs in the family where the shit smell formed or whatever. I don't know. Doctor's got to say like, they got to tell me what a woman is before I start believing them ever again, I guess. Oh, that's not unreasonable.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Not right? Yeah. You got to pick one side. It's got to be, you guys got to stop saying that like men and women are equal. Well, in everything. Yeah. You guys got to stop saying that like men and women are equal. In everything. Yeah. And simultaneously that like it's so important that you're one or the other.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I don't know. I mean, no. You got to pick one. Well, I mean, I think in a serious, you know, you can, you got to tell me, you know what, I take that back. You got to tell me the fat women are unhealthy. Oh, okay. You got to say, that's a guy unhealthy. Oh, okay. You got to say,
Starting point is 00:47:05 I like that. As you, the day that medicine comes out and says, you know what, fat ladies, you got to stop losing, you can't be wearing yoga pants when you're six XL. All I know is that the, I'm back in, you know, the, jab, whatever you want. The big associations, none of them says that being fat is healthy like that, you know, the AHA, the American Heart Association is not saying you're just as healthy if you're
Starting point is 00:47:27 Wait a minute. Let's Yeah, if you're such a calling for a term the term morbidly obese to be banned because it makes people feel bad offensive that's Man, we need we need scarier lengths. We think them, oh yeah. For medical things like that, like morbid. You're going to lead to your death. I think they just think it means gross.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Well, well, research is called for the term morbidly obese to be a new language recommended by a group of British experts calling for a category of people morbidly obese. What do they want to, I mean, I know this is, this is the same thing as retarded or what, you know, idiot, moron, all that kind of stuff. It's retarded because retarded people can't, to say in the language is changed.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Yeah, I'm just, what for the obese people can definitely help it. Can we use a term, can we use the term retarded for these people instead of morbidly obese? Right? Wow, you look retarded. Yeah. Yeah. Have you been eating a bunch of retarded food?
Starting point is 00:48:31 Yeah. What do you mean I look retarded? Yep. Just do that. Critic slam the recommendation. Oh, cares. Obesity. The Presentation Coalition.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Ha ha ha. Joe, they didn't have the decency to name it an acronym that spelled like Fat or, yeah, The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition.
Starting point is 00:48:51 The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition.
Starting point is 00:48:59 The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. The Presidency Collection Coalition. I've never heard me. Doesn't apply. Probably all the time. What's all the reason? It comes after a separate team of researchers claimed the word obesity is racist. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:49:10 And should we drop? How? What leap? What leap do you have to make? To come up with that? Because black people are fat. I guess we're all over the world. Some of them are super skinny.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Ah! I would say most black people on earth are skinny. Super skinny. Yeah. Oh my God. I know. So they just, they're like, they just want them to say severely instead of morbidly. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:49:41 It comes after a separate team of researchers claim that the word obesity is racist and it should be dropped in favor of people in larger bodies. People in larger bodies, like it's a suit you put on. Yeah. Hold on, I just get in my fat suit. Yeah. Cruise around fat space. Let me see if Flamenco's calling in.
Starting point is 00:50:02 He said he, somebody said he wanted to or he said he wanted to, but is there somebody else I saw? It's not somebody about a Walmart fatter. So I'm a fatter in here. Do you want to call in? We're going now, we're going. I like calling.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I can call in now. Me too. Oh, I got, you know who was supposed to call in too. Who? Chris the Kiwi. Oh good. Cause we're doing a later show today. Hmm. Let's see if my skyperoonie is done with his horing and he's at a long day of
Starting point is 00:50:32 horing, long day of horing down in the Hormise. Okay. Rumbles says Lena Dunham is back on on her bullshit. Let's see. Let's see what that means. Let's see what majestic, what the majestic and beautiful Lena Dunham is doing. Oh. Oh, come on. Lena Tana poses poolside in a bikini just stunning. Wow. Oh my goodness, that is, what a welcome to summer.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Wiping my ass. Is there anything worse than, then like tats all over that no thought went into at all? That was she made that decision. And in five minutes, somebody was starting on her. I can't tell how they designed, how they designed bikinis for her. Because they all look so, they look horrifying.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Dude, what is that? They all look stretched wrong. See her right shoulder? Like, what is all that splotchy shit? Is that, let's zoom in on that. Am I not enhanced? No, like the other picture shows it better. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Like, and I got these two girls. Right. They might as well be the size of her legs. Oh, yeah, yeah. The splatchy shit on her shoulder. Yeah, go to the other picture. I think those are just pixels. Wait, does clouds?
Starting point is 00:51:54 No, no, no, no, if you down, if you reduce that a little bit, you can see there's like discoloration and stuff. Is this this right here? No, no, no, on the right shoulder. Yeah, see all that? Don't you see all that? Oh, well, yeah, and the stuff going up the front. Oh, what all that? Don't you see all that? Oh, well, yeah, I'm the stuff going up the front. Oh, what is that?
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah, I don't know if it's just scanning. Wow, that is stunning. It's like a rash. It could be, or it could be like, it's some kind of flesh on flesh. It's like rash. Baggy skin or something that like wrinkled up because it's not stretched out when she's,
Starting point is 00:52:21 you know, like, if she extended her arm, would that be tight? Yeah, she has a map to if she extended her arm, would that be tight? Yeah. She has a map to dry land under her armpit there. Okay, well, that happens. Thanks for that. Yeah, sure that visual. I don't see him there. Flamenco, no, flamenco.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Who's Flamenco and what is he hates Ralph? Is that the, Yeah, he's having a rough time lately. Is he, somebody, somebody raised him. What the hell is that? It sounds like you're heater or air conditioner, doesn't it? Yeah, that's my heater. I'll turn it off.
Starting point is 00:52:53 One moment please. Your call is important to us. I was doing it on my trip. I'm waiting in line for the plane. And I hear one woman talking to another woman about positivity and how important it is in the world and like her mindfulness steps and like what she needs to do meditating.
Starting point is 00:53:21 And then they get up and they're sitting with me in the terminal and then they get up and they are right with me in the terminal and then they get up and they are right behind me in the line to go to the plane. And then they happen to sit across the aisle from each other. Oh no, I'm talking loud across the aisle. Dude, and it's like, I was sitting there for hours.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Just like, it was like sitting behind a diesel belching car from the 70s that has no catalytic converter. Yeah. Just watching, listening to poison being spewed out into the... Oh, maybe that's why I'm in such a bad mood. Oh, there she comes in, all right. Okay. Oh, this one.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Here you go. This is an abortion rally. Oh, okay. Sean. Okay, I see why you would post this. And first, I thought all these women were pregnant. There's one that might look okay. They all look, they all sat in. It's four half naked women wearing, I guess, bloomers, white bloomer underpants that they've,
Starting point is 00:54:21 looks like she has yoga pants or something, doesn't she? What does she? Yeah, I think she's regretting her decision to appear with these, well, she might. Potem or she looks even better against the, you know. She does. Perhaps one day in the future, women will get through a protest without painting their,
Starting point is 00:54:40 their tits, big fat women will get through one single protest without painting their tits. But today was not today. I don't know, maybe in the Star Trek world, when they have the replicator, they also painted their crutches with blood, to protest for abortions. I'm pretty sure. I don't know, I've capped in Picard, makes decisions. All the women back on Earth take their tops off and start spray painting. They're like computer. Give
Starting point is 00:55:12 me a green spray paint, body paint. I can paint my fat tits. Yeah. So I can go protest what capture recorded. The one maybe hot one is like, I'm not doing that. I got I got a social media presence. Ah, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Matt, she's masking for her health. I'm, I'm datable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I'm datable. You know where the black yoga pants? I'm gonna paint my tits. I look like a super model next to these other ones. I'm not, I'm not wearing the white shorts with the blood on it. I'm just not. Yeah, that's, I, that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I know that's what happened. Uh, let's get a zoom in on her face open image anytime. Whoops. She's having a good time. I guess they're all having a good time. Yeah. Oh my God, this one could be so hot if she lost about 70 pounds. You're right, you're right.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Her face is fucking. Wow, look at that. She's really pretty. Oh, that is a shame. Yeah. Well, I didn't even notice. I didn't even, I didn't even, I saw the body and I would never just look to the face. Yeah, I don't know if I can show her. Oh. God, it's like her head was transplanted. Yeah, it does. Like, it looks to her head on a football. It's like a, it's like an anime. That's. Like, it looks to her head on a football. It's like an anime.
Starting point is 00:56:26 That's what it looks like. Dolls head on a King hippo. She's really pretty. Wow. And the other two fat bodies are not at all. Oh, okay. Fingers, good call on stopping smoking while healing. My broken wrist didn't heal for eight months.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I was vaping nicotine the whole time. They told me. Eight months. Yeah. They told me I had to get surgery into quit nicotine. So 30 days before surgery, I quit cold turkey. Two days before surgery, they did CT and saw healing. So yeah, nicotine fucks up the blood vessels. I knew it.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Is that right? Because what is it? Does it constricts them, doesn't it? Yeah, yeah. It must do it. My theory is that it does it worse than drinking because they never ask if you drink too much. Well drinking like opens capillaries and things. So it's healing. You're saying I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:57:11 I don't want to get banned. I'm just saying that it's that's why your face gets red and you know shit like that your capillaries expand and and I think that smoking does the opposite. Okay. Well, so if I do them both at the same time, they can't each other out. Even. Even as can be. Thank you for your back to baseline. You know what? No strikes for medical misinformation there. Because I just said, right.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Asa nine. Scar just sent me a message to play his fat bitch song. Oh, okay. See if I can find it. Scar fat. I know I had it from last time when we need a fat bitch song. I look to scar. That's that's where I go. Oh, here it is. Okay. Scar made this this song just for us. Usually I play songs at the end, but why not? Why not? Why don't we play it during Fat Launch? Okay, thanks for the pop up.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Hey yo, this song called, I'll call a fat chick's around the world. Those bitches are our bill like pumpkins after Halloween. They're soft and squishy and bloating and chill. My God, I can get down to one of the bitches. Hey, Jason, hey son of a bitch. I don't want me a bitch. I be looking like a twig. I want me a big ass bitch.
Starting point is 00:58:23 We'll be eating like a pig. I want to take it back home and have her eat a fucking bank What if I see a bitch like her I'm gonna mother fuck a take it back bitch need a big lady who can eat when they Walking on the road they be breaking concrete this bitch into my fridge said it wasn't true You best believe when I say fat bitches know how to eat me What's that skinny dude doing with this skinny chick? He should go get himself a fucking slap pig This bitch, incomplete and when she take a big dick She gon' take that pike like she wasn't oil rigged That it wasn't porting so I put her on the floor, climbed
Starting point is 00:58:52 Like she was in oil It's all right, you pro-kid Yeah, bitch When I see it I'm a clap-it Pull the fucking blanket on her, it look like a napkin Fap bitch, pussy do a pop-up What a fun? I don't fuck a fat bitch unless you wear a mechroton
Starting point is 00:59:05 Oh you never fuck the fat bitch, I shit his elephant Fat bitch, pussy make you go insane I ain't even playing, put you on an extra strain crane And she broke a chain, ran away with the whole food chain Now you're acting like a dog and I'm running out of gravy train If she ain't 380, then she ain't my lady Took that bitch off the dinner My bill is crazy walking
Starting point is 00:59:26 Got the whole kitchen staff shaking Cause they know exactly how much food they're gonna be making This bitch ate all the food upon the plan And she caused a big fact Girl worldwide them and the bitch didn't even try to hide it Now to survive We gotta find a way to put the big bitch on a motherfucking diet The UN has announced that the biggest bitch in the world
Starting point is 00:59:44 Has successfully consumed the entire vote supply This was ramble and honorable ever when you wanna get in You're rented Big belly, big hard stretch marks And her face is gorgeous, one of big bitch with 50 planets in her orbit Took her back to my house, showed me what she can do with her mouth What's that sound? Oh my god, did you break the fucking cow? Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Turn my dick to a pancake.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Watch you make that ass shake it cause I'm fucking earthquake. You know I'm playing with their fat rolls when I'm looking on her ass hole. I heard that coming from a solo and looking at you with big dick. Cause my dick is your senior senior senior senior. Maybe in your veins and the boot is on the butter and for dessert you're eating this big bowl of cake back. Big dick, daddy from Cincinnati saying all the Fats
Starting point is 01:00:26 What? Buying all the moon patty This is a shabby brumas Get the fuck off of me cause I'm buying all the candy from my bitch fat patty See the fetus bitch coming around will step aside Who is this gonna fucking guess one night? The floor is always straight Featured Making people finna fly
Starting point is 01:00:41 Stop up your gaming employees keep up that's a part Top top, tell me stop it hangin' It's like you're dragging on the floor See, keep up that's a part Top top, tell me stop it hanging, sign in, drag it on the floor She a whole planet, there's a whole world to explore Favreels open up, and clothes just like a door That fabric's reading for her second, she won't want more All bodies are perfect, she weighs 500 pounds Her stomach is a circus, she pervally pretty round
Starting point is 01:00:59 Every time she take a step, it's finna make a sound Dark just think she pregnant, she had an ultrasound Bring my finger to fire on you Comes on a thumb, get a lady so big She built like big cungus The order may be cry, but you cut it Okay, scar, I'm like thank you When I'm looking at a stomach, thank you
Starting point is 01:01:18 Show him, look at the arms Show him, my god Oh god That took me a minute to figure out Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. That took me a minute to figure out what was going on. Oh, so there are little feats sticking out. Drinking a very big gulp. It's a body, uh, positive sun. Thanks, Scar.
Starting point is 01:01:37 That's the fat girl anthem featuring fat, Bub, uh, from hit play beats. I'll link to it in the way. Shit, that was, that was worth playing early. Yeah. Wow. Vlad says animal shelter to NRA and gun restriction foes. No pets for you. Oh, this is the only thing I can do to make the point that mass killings by people armed with guns have to stop said Kim Sill owner of shelter hope pet shop. If you want to adopt a dog or cat from this southern California animal shelter you have to be 25 prove you can provide a pet with a good home and
Starting point is 01:02:11 Support gun restrictions. Yeah membership in the That's right. So just keep keep the fucking keep the animals in an environment that just makes them neurologically nuts to where they can't even be harder is what you're describing. Yeah, where they get almost no attention. Yeah, that's, but it's worth it for my, my political views. If your beliefs are not, what are you fucking in this for? I don't know. Yeah. Um, Steve wrote on the website, if your beliefs are not in line with ours, we will not
Starting point is 01:02:40 adopt a pet to you. Sure. Well, that, you know, they've been in, what if I, in LA or Southern California, in general, they've been looking for reasons not to adopt pets out anyway. It's like, I mean, you have to, That's true. You have to,
Starting point is 01:02:56 Oh, so, what did, dude, I got my possessive of their busted animals. I got my dog in Riverside, dude. Like that's because they actually want a home pets. Yeah. They go, we take them in, we vet them. We see if they have any you know triggers You can't do everything in there, but you try to vet them so you don't get surprised and they get returned because oh All of a sudden he hates four-year-olds, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, but yeah They actually seem like they wanted to home a pet. That's what you're supposed to be doing
Starting point is 01:03:22 a pet. That's what you're supposed to be doing. Um, I hear they want you to sign that it's like, no, they only eat fucking free range organic dog food and go on, you know, 2.5 walks a day and, and have a drink, arrowhead, fucking water. That's, it's insane because these people are insane. And who suffers the fucking animals? I have to hear about it. Oh yeah. I suffer the most. There's no way to hit them back. It's really too bad because they get off on, they get off on hearing about the atrocities.
Starting point is 01:03:54 They get off on that and then they get off grandstanding about the atrocities. Sure. And then if they get anything done, it creates more atrocities that they then get off hearing about again. It's like that's, that is a fundamental flaw in a lot of women, that cycle of craving of mentally being addicted to abuse and then seeking out more abuse.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Like that is a fundamental flaw. The way women work. Well, of course prevents that cause is shit like this. Well, no, this is a very fouling the country, but this is a very well-known principle. You just step on it. They like women, they will like say abused women say they got, you know, abused by their father or whatever. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:04:41 They seek it out and attempt to master it, which is where like strippers hookers is so they can have the upper hand on these fucking monster men who are all their fathers. No, this is never going to win. Right. They only hurt themselves. No, that's it. That's the, that's the dysfunction. There's just no stopping it.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Chris Primer says drag shows, there's an observation about hyperinflation, monetary collapse, and it's correlations to the proliferation of sexual degeneracy. Wow, that's a lot of big words. Moreover, there is historic precedent of communists using sexual identity to erode the family structure. I find the turn you gay talking point shallow and shortsighted. It's pedantic and shallow and per turn you gay. I hope you know what we say or I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Gotcha. However, I do wonder if the promotion of the, oh, I think he's, I think he's shooting on the gay people, the idea that gay people are trying to turn you gay. Oh, yeah. That's trying to turn you gay. They're just trying to subvert your relationship
Starting point is 01:05:40 with your parents through identity. Like, oh, you know, like, oh, you can be whatever identity you want. Like all parents want you to conform to, they're never gonna be, you're never gonna be less restrictive to a kid than someone who you don't know at all, right? Like someone is, wait, a parent is always gonna be more restrictive to a child than someone who doesn't know them and doesn't care about them.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Oh, and I experience like, well, you can't, you know, just indulge everything and someone else going to be like, yeah, you can. Well, yeah, you're subverting the relationship by indulging like their base. Right. No, you're very evil. Overwhelmingly, you're right. Sadly, not all the time. True.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Yeah. Well, even then, like they're not going to have to clean up all the puke of all the sh- like, if appearances do whatever you want. Somebody can always have less restrictions. However, I do wonder if the promotion of the LGBT agenda is a soft form of political population control. Oh, I see. Oh, no, no. That's just the people are all. They're really into this, like, sexual deviancy, hyperinflation, YMAR. I mean, guys, hell, I don't want more people.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Can't be, just anywhere. I want some of that money back. Yeah, I mean, get everybody there money back. None of this shit, other shit matters. Do you want fucking care? That solves a lot of mental issues when you're not, yeah. At the value of the dollar was still a dollar
Starting point is 01:07:09 instead of like three cents. Over the last 100 years, nobody would care about this shit. Like yeah, I got private school, sure. Everybody acts exactly like I want them to act. I don't care how other people are acting. And I got tons of money for whatever I want to do. Let's see here. Yeah, yeah. Thanks to go fuck yourself from Canada. Hey, Dick, long time listener here from Alberta, Canada. Been here since the first episodes of the
Starting point is 01:07:38 biggest problem and was depressed and constantly pissed for three years because I had no idea you created your own podcast. Fuck Maddox. Really? Wow. Still trickling in. Hey, you found us. Welcome back.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I am a 21 year old woman, C cup tits. Oh, man, okay. Stop right there. Yeah. I haven't been able to subscribe to the Patreon because I'm a broke university student. You got credit card though, come on. Despite the cigarettes and booze, Patreon unfortunately does not make the cut.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Hopefully shit will change. So she needs the cigarettes and booze. Do you need so many cigarettes? I understand. The booze I understand, but you don't need the cigarettes. Yeah. You're an attractive woman with big tits. You get guys to buy you cigarettes.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Use the money to subscribe to Patreon. That's a good, yes. Come on. Do that, please. I was, oh wait a minute. I nervously tried to Google and find your email just to say thanks to you and Sean, nervously. Mm. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Ooh. Oh, I dropped. What's that. Oh, watch out, watch out. Wait, can I get a click sound here? Have you ever heard of nervously Googled somebody? Oh yeah. Have you ever drunkingly Googled somebody? Yeah, that happens. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Who's doing that? Ha ha ha. Ha ha. Ha ha.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Uh, the biggest problem got me out of a dark place, suicide. Okay. People, does that annoy you? People say that, oh, I was in a dark place. I was in a dark place. No, no, no, no, no. Particularly. You were thinking about killing yourself.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean, you mean, that's what it is. Obviously, being an asshole. And now the Dix show and the biggest problem reboot is keeping me relatively sane. That's a good spot to be. You don't want to be completely sane.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Vito is never really will be. Yeah. Vito is a better version of Asterios that's pretty great, less annoying interruptions, Lull. Anyways, I keep planning my suicide. Yes. Well, that's not a great... Well, then why would you not subscribe to Patreon? Right. You don't have to pay it off. Yeah. Just keep climbing up to your dead. I thought we
Starting point is 01:09:53 were helping and just planning suicide and just keep prolonging it using different excuses and shit. You can prolong it the rest of your life is. There it is. And shit. Once again, I know. And shit. I just keep prolonging it with different excuses and shit. Yeah. It's a thing. The world is a fucking shit hole. And I find no comfort in knowing that the rest of the human race is also dealing with this shit. Uh, honestly, any advice would be cool or just even an acknowledgement that you read this shitty email that I'm writing while high and doing bullshit university assignment.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Bullshit and shit. Thanks again, to go fuck yourself. Sean, I love you and Vito is okay. Vito's not here, but I'll tell him he's okay. You know what, for all the best, Milano with C cups from Canada. Oh, very nice.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Gotta get out of Canada. I mean, I don't fucking sucks. Does it? Full of a bunch of pleasant fascists. I've heard fucking Toronto's in Toronto city. Toronto, yeah. It does sound pretty good. Yeah, Toronto.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I know what you're gonna say. No, Vancouver, I don't know, man. That's one, I've never been to Canada. I wanna go. Yeah. Can I stay with her? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha with her? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I'll make sure she doesn't kill herself. Oh, I'm sure you will. Yeah, until you leave, then it's
Starting point is 01:11:10 Eeeh hanging from the well, hanging from a signpost. That is how my relationships end. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Any advice? That's great, I never have to break up. They just kill themselves. Hahaha. Hahaha. Hahaha. That'd be a good movie. Yeah, right? Right. Oh, this guy, I think I got a really depressed friend.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Suicide guy over the edge. Yeah, let's hook her up. Can we, suicide guy? We need to write this. Hook her up with Mr. Suicide. Right. Gosh, do I have any, I mean, your hot young, hot girl with big tits? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I mean, if you don't have it figured out, well, you don't have it figured out there, then, I don't know if I'm probably the last person asked for help. Probably so, uh, our interests are mutually, uh, destructive. Right. Um, well, hope you get some enjoyment out of the show. You got to hang in there because it gets worse. Right. I mean, you know, I mean, in some ways, you don't want to be dead and then everything gets better and then everyone's like, hang on, I'm fucking dumb, Mona, she shouldn't
Starting point is 01:12:21 kill herself. Really, even funnier Trump just had to hang on a little further. To hang on a little bit. That's the thing. It gets, it gets funnier again, because it has to get weak men create unfunny times. I see. And then funny men, unfunny times create funny men.
Starting point is 01:12:42 I get it. And then funny men create Funny times. I don't know Sure dystopian Hellholes hell escapes, but it'll get funny again. I Think you got a look for the humor is all I know yeah after this when the religious right comes back Oh, that's gonna be hilarious Donald corn shouter says dear dick mash said I'm not a grammar. I'm only a high school graduate. That's okay. Me too. Really? I did. You should get it
Starting point is 01:13:12 degree. I did a little bit of college, just a little bit of community college. You know, it's crazy. I heard this woman on the radio talking about college that and she would not admit that she made a mistake. She racked up $200,000 and then she's like, looking back on it, I don't regret it because I value my education. But, it's like, but you're just programmed to say that.
Starting point is 01:13:33 You can't even admit, has it helped, do you have a job that you went to school for? Is that, you know what I mean? Was it worth 200 that you haven't paid off? No, I know. House. Yeah, it's like, you know, my brother went to school and got a job because he went to school and paid off all his, it worked out.
Starting point is 01:13:53 But how many people, I think that's the exception. Oh, yeah. I mean, I think overwhelmingly you end up in a field that has nothing to do with it or that you didn't need that college for. Yeah. I've been re-listing to the biggest problem episodes. That has nothing to do with it or that you didn't need that college for yeah I've been re-listing to the biggest problem episodes I first remember listening as a Maddox fan it took me about two to five episodes to realize that he was a fucking retard Every episode was in fact to fight that's ahead of the curve Well, it depends what yeah, yeah, it depends what episode you started listening every episode was in fact a contest to him until you started winning
Starting point is 01:14:24 Yeah, and then it wasn't so episode was in fact a contest to him until you started winning. Yeah, and then it wasn't to him. It's not a contest, Dick. It's too bad. He accused you of being a contrarian, and all one has to do to see that he's the ultimate contrarian is listening to one episode. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:14:36 We must have got in some kind of search because this is a bunch of old new old people. Well, this is an in from Biggest Promble. We're about to get canceled. Oh, is that true? I don't know, come up with that stuff. No, it's just big search or whatever. For some reason, like people are just finding
Starting point is 01:14:49 a good point. Yeah, that easily. Maddox is an asshole. And his anti-fan behavior did not help him at all. Well, always positive about the fans. I mean, within reason I am, even when they insulted you because you can take jokes, criticism. I don't think I can take criticism.
Starting point is 01:15:05 I just don't have a little more restraint. Yeah, you know? Yes, I can't take a joke. Yeah, no one can take a fucking joke. Yeah, no. Just like you just got to say like, no, take it easy. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Yeah, you can't go fucking, because it just becomes worse. Yeah, you make it worse for yourself. Right, and Maddox is the prime example of how far that can go due to lack of self-restraint. Yeah, I'm a Patreonian, I especially love your dictation episodes. Just wanted to let you know that you make my work shift entertaining, even if you don't read my email.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Well, thanks. Thank you, also don't kill yourself. Oh, poor girl. Okay, let's see what I'll say. Probably just a little bit. No Chris, no. He didn't call. No guy who wants to.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Who's the other guy? Flamenco, no, Flamenco. Flamenco. No, I guess he didn't want to call in. I don't know, I never know. People say so and so wants to call in and then they don't really. Was that Chris the Kiwi sending you pictures of soda? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Yeah, that was. Okay, everybody, go to slash a dick show,, slash a dick show. See you next Tuesday. That was good as scars thing. I don't know, I'll have it on the website. It's funny. Yeah, I messed up the end here.
Starting point is 01:16:21 We'll do voice bills now, see you. Yeah, yeah. Presenting. Yeah, I messed up the audio voice. Yeah, Dick. Hey, Johnny. Er, Sean. Yeah. Get it right. Er, whoever's there. He's current. It only see a rage. What? just ruminating about all the bitches you could have had sex with yeah yeah yeah yeah the ones that you could have had a chance with I was sitting here watching the dishes the wife's out of town I got nothing on my mind but like a man back in college I had like perfect realize So I was a shit realizing your older hot Latino. Pretty short.
Starting point is 01:17:27 I almost actual. I just a shot. You know, I got a fucked up. I let you know going down the trail of man, I got to fuck the Muglebitches too. Again, and it on me. Not a big enough mustache. Is it a good one guys?
Starting point is 01:17:43 I know what he meant, but, you know. Yeah. Yeah. That's why you got to go with Latin X. That prevents that kind of screw up. That's right. You know what? That is the best reason to adopt that term that I've heard so far. Because you, sir, just said that you could have fucked a guy.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Yeah. Happy Pride Month. Get your gender right. I mean, in language. Do you think that a gay drag thing is like a hooters the same? Do you think it's like the same? Taking kids to like a drag show is the same as taking them to a hooters bar and grill with the girls with the, you know, the ass and stuff and the tits. A gay drag show is the same as... Yeah. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Like, does it seem similar? Because guys are very predatory with a guy with a guy with a babysitter. Sometimes, not all the time, but definitely a hooters. Guys bring their sons in there to like, chuckle to teach them about being straight. I mean, I, that's what the, I think we're gonna say it's not the same, but. I know, I think the kids,
Starting point is 01:18:52 I think the kids want chicken fingers and the dads, you know, wanna look at the waitresses. Of course, yeah, it's a win-win for both. Ah, okay, let's see. Y'all. Y'all. Oh yeah, here's a drag one. I'm really glad you guys talked about the whole drag show thing.
Starting point is 01:19:08 I wanted to give you my two cents on it. I think this is kind of underwater 4D backwards chess gambit here by women, of course, to ruin one and sex, like they always have. I think they realized that the gay agenda was getting a little too attractive to our America first youth and they said, how can we make drag shows which were originally fun and sexy for gay guys? Yeah. It makes us less appealing. Oh, I know. What's the need to libraries and bring our kids and have arguments that are just concealing about things about how it's not
Starting point is 01:19:41 sexual and art and also it kind of takes away their argument about whether it's transphobic or not. So I think this is actually really advanced, five head move, just my two cents, and go fuck yourselves with the guys. Next time I have a party, I'm gonna say on the invitation, there will be pedophiles here.
Starting point is 01:20:02 Oh boy. Because then I don't have to answer the question, like, can we bring our kids? Well, I mean, you know, you saw me. Hey, prove to me what kind of parent you are. Right? You get to be judged. To be judged.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Oh, having a memorial day. Happy July 4th, come on over. We have barbecue. There will be some petafiles there. I'm not gonna tell you which ones they are obviously because that's a hip avialation. Yeah. Yeah. Come here, bring our old one more thing. I'm not gonna tell you which ones they are obviously because that's a hip violation
Starting point is 01:20:30 Come and bring our old one more thing there's gonna be some pedophiles there right Say no more, okay So the cops my kids complaining a lot at home. I want to show them that he don't have it so bad I'm coming to the party. So you know how they're doing red flag laws to like take guys here, those guns. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, here's the like gonna work. Yeah. And nobody knows who a weirdo is.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Like all of, I mean, sometimes you do. Well, that's the problem. Yeah. It's like a gambling thing for people. Yeah, you don't always know. Like I know who weirdos are. And then, not always. You got, your whole life got fucked up by that woman, huh?
Starting point is 01:21:04 Yeah. You didn't know she was weirdo, did you? And not all of you, you got your whole life got fucked up by that woman, huh? Yeah. You didn't know she was weirdo, did you? And not always. Yeah, it's the confidence is like, well, it turns down the red flag meter. And then they're going to get cops in schools, too, right? Yeah, sure. So then we should probably talk about cops in schools for a long time, haven't they? Yeah, they're going to get more.
Starting point is 01:21:23 I mean, I can remember being in high school and not having a cop and then having a cop on campus. Me too. Cause like a couple of stabbings happened. So like, they were like, okay. Really? Yeah. Oh yeah. They stabbed with like an otterpop?
Starting point is 01:21:35 What is it? No, with a knife. Shipped it off. There was a fucking... Dude, there was a stereo car stereo theft ring at my school. Oh, a ring? Yeah. Wow. I can remember all of a sudden,
Starting point is 01:21:45 dude, there were like, I can remember being in chemistry. And all of a sudden I was like, what happened to Kevin? Like, I remember this, what happened to Kevin? And like, two other people fucking in it, dude, they were gone. They were arrested as part of a fucking like criminal syndicate. Yeah, like, yeah, as part of it. They were fucking jack and stereos and shit. And Jack, yeah. And then they put a cop in there.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Well, they put a cop in there after the knife fights. Now, you think if we put cops in every school, we should probably have a presentation for the kids like, look, one of the cops that we put in all the schools is a pedophile. We don't know which one. So it just so you know, keep it on the straight and narrow. Is that what they're doing?
Starting point is 01:22:25 I think we owe them like a look. You know, this is to stop the shootings, but we don't know which one to statistically. Okay. I know you guys don't have statistics yet, but at least one of them. Maybe it's this guy. Maybe it's another one.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Could be all of them. Could be all of them. You don't know. More than one. It could be. One or more. Right. I think we be all of them. Could be all of them. You don't know. A more than one. It could be. One or more. Right.
Starting point is 01:22:48 I think we owe it to them. Okay. Okay, here we go. Dick, here you talk about vulnerabilities in these voting machines. Next to me, talking and saying, I work in cybersecurity for a Fortune 500 company. You should be on my side. I can pull you without a shadow out of the hood that there are so many fucking vulnerable systems
Starting point is 01:23:10 so many things that are old to crep it, unmanaged, unmanaged process, not followed. Why do I say? Everywhere, everywhere with lots, hundreds of engineers who are paid lots of money, like a massive security change that are so. Wait a minute, Sean. with lots, hundreds of engineers who are paid lots of money. Like a massive security team, but it's better so. Wait a minute, Sean, I always say use paper.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Oh, no. No, dude, always. Pay for use of computer. Especially the way these computers are set up. Dude, like analog is the fucking most secure. Yeah, at least you have to burn the evidence. Yeah, computer just bloop. There you go, 10 million votes changed on,
Starting point is 01:23:43 on, on, on, on, on, on certain ones. It could, um, no, any, any security, they say it doesn't mean it happened. It means that they are, they are vulnerable in multiple areas. Yeah. For sure. Unless you're sure. And then it means well, if it's possible, it happened. It, well, okay.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Well, I mean, no, but, you know, and then that's where Senate, Senate, no, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So you're like, you're something you know, I'm a person of the sense of the right. Okay, so you're like, you're like, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 01:24:09 All right. What does he mean? Disagree said. No, I don't think he disagrees. It's always there. Oh, it just makes him angry. Coming out.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Yeah, because yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. You're just constantly trying to chase these lowest common because all this fucking record you're concerned about your bank records of the phone abilities in fucking machines of course they're still record they're fucking everywhere
Starting point is 01:24:31 the difference between things being actively exploited yeah things you see it's a great it's a first thing that are theoretically like like second figure it out that's the difference
Starting point is 01:24:44 understand the distinction always going to happen that's that's the difference not understand the distinction always gonna happen that she's everywhere uh... there often things that there's your days that are getting that they're not like it's totally again and that's why the irony of this is amazing of course our elections are f**k of course things are really but that's the great part about it they're all f**king different ways by different companies making it impossible for anybody to fuck them all channel painfully.
Starting point is 01:25:06 No, one party or whatever. That's not a strength. Anyway, fuck off. Oh, oh, I see. You understand? Oh, okay. Yeah. So he's mad that I'm saying, right, that one side did it.
Starting point is 01:25:20 One side. Of course. Well, one side will benefit more. They're not going to perfectly, crime doesn't perfectly cancel, like poor people and rich people both do crimes. They don't cancel each other out. Well, no.
Starting point is 01:25:33 The right, the right and the left aren't doing crimes that cancel each other out. Like, gerrymandering doesn't cancel each other out. It empowers both sides. Yeah. Election tampering, Empowers both sides. Yeah. Election tampering,
Starting point is 01:25:47 Election tampering can help one side. I mean, it can, yeah. Yeah. Sure, it could. The argument is that because, okay, so it's such a goalpost moving, I hate using that term, but. Yeah, I mean, no.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Okay, so they're secure, they're not secure. Okay, well, they're not secure, but there's no evidence that there was fraud. Okay. Well, if there was fraud, there wouldn't be any. I mean, it's, it's, the ultimate irony is that it's a fortune 500 security consultant, whatever calling in when those companies fuck up all the time. Well, him specifically, it'd be worst person to know, just to say that anything is secure, not because they always fuck up. I think he's saying they're not secure. He knows they're not. He's saying that's what it's built on. But the Democrats shouldn't do anything because, you know, it wasn't a wash. Yeah, because
Starting point is 01:26:39 there's no evidence of any widespread fraud is what he's so, you know,. So do you know that the carrier for text messaging, there's a layer under text messages that all goes through one company, like 230 providers go through this one company. I didn't know that, it doesn't surprise me. It took them five years to notice that somebody was in their system the entire time. Somebody had hacked into their system and had access to it for five years, they had no idea. And then they said, oh shit. I don't doubt that.
Starting point is 01:27:11 But for four years and 364 days, they were going, amazing, security's just fucking amazing. And here, you know we got problems. We were, I was like, this guy in the whole time. Yeah. Well, which side does more crimes then? Which side has more criminality in it?
Starting point is 01:27:33 I have no idea. Who gets, who gets, you can't base it on who gets caught all the time. No, you can't. So, I don't know, let that guide you. Okay, let's try this one. You would definitely really aggravated like beyond fucking aggravated is all these like all right, any Instagram right, go announce it like the fucking explore page and look at the
Starting point is 01:27:59 explored view and if people are like me, we're taking out chicks right mm-hmm the fucking Latinos there's all these fucking fat chicks who are like semi-gots semi-punk semi-wed hair Lena Donald make a bullshit and that's your fight semi-gots right like all the phenomena are supposed to be these hot chicks because they love them. They're not because they look like that. Fatty fucking just, I don't even know how to describe it man. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I'm sure people know what I'm talking about but they're just ramping all over the
Starting point is 01:28:36 fucking place. And it's like, yeah I get it. You're like taking your, you know, you got red hair and you maybe died yourself and now you look kind of like gay kind of rock and roll ish, but like you look like a kid wrapped a Christmas present, but a warm it. Trying to make themselves edgy because they're not really attractive and they can't look attractive. So you got to look, they got to look. There's just like copies of each other, upon copies of each other, upon copies of each other.
Starting point is 01:29:03 When you have the, what is that saying? When you have the, when you have your points, you pound your points, when you don't have an argument, you pound the table. Yes. What is that saying? Is that how it goes? Something like that. That's like fad shakes.
Starting point is 01:29:14 If you're hot, you pound that you're hot. If you're a fad, so you pound, you know, you have a really weird fish, that's, yeah, it's pretty annoying. It's super annoying when they're hot friends, share them. Hmm. Okay, it's pretty annoying. It's super annoying when they're when they're hot friends share them. Hmm Okay, let's see here Oh a turkey sandwich I do I have a short range because I read you the fun I
Starting point is 01:29:46 I do. I drive the facts. My wife and Phoenix take your mask off. On your talk. Compliance on and on. I'm talking to you. And it's only going to be worse. Maybe I know what that is. Uh-huh. Oh, thanks, buddy. All right.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Oh, this one. Hey, DK Sean. I'm driving around. I hope you can hear me. Here's what makes me rage. People are lazy eyes. I'm trying to navigate what fucking eye you look at. I know.
Starting point is 01:30:10 It's very weird and the phone is going to remember which one. It's easy to tell which one. It is. It's going off in a different direction and you're like, oh shit. Which one's working and you're trying not to be an asshole. And trying to point out that, out that like yeah they look fucking weird but can they see out of them? Yeah, it's interesting trying to find out which ones are right eye.
Starting point is 01:30:30 I was talking to a guy. It actually helps a lot of eat faster that can read best pages. Here's what gets me though. I just like, I kept on like fucking switching eyes. No way. So like the left one of the all blocks of the right one. No way. No way They're the guys fucking with are you a fastening specimen? Yeah, I
Starting point is 01:30:59 Don't think you can tell though because like you people will be people don't always They're eyes when they're talking to you. They like look away And so when they do you trick but when they like look away. And when they do. And they do. And they do. Because you can only really focus on a person's, you can only focus on one eye at a time. But I see both of your eyes just peripherally. But yeah, if I really want to look, then I just zero in on one eye. Like I've always been able to tell like who had the Lacey Eye
Starting point is 01:31:20 because it was consistent. I can't. Really can't. And it annoys me all the time. Maybe you need to be drunker. And there's no polite way to ask. Is there a way to like trick them into telling you which eye is good? You have to, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:37 See if you attack them from the side. Like can you go like see if they can see? Like yeah, on the side of their head and see if they flinch. You guys go like, oh, there's a spider on can, yeah. I'm on the side of their head and see if they flinch. You guys go, oh, there's a spider on your, yeah, I know what you say is, oh, there's a spider on your lazy eye and see which one they smack. Yeah, that'll do good.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Well, hahaha. Spider on your lazy eye. Oh, there's a spider on your lazy eye. It's freaking me out. Good. Yeah, I want the spider. Okay, let's see about this one. on your lazy eye it's freaking me out good yeah okay let's see about this one
Starting point is 01:32:08 did you talk about guns a lot and i don't know about that kind of frustrating that you don't see that on on the point of gun control the libs are they're right they just are i don't know how you don't get logic you need to occur to me when i was in the car do you think this is sarcastic i don't know how you don't get logic. You're gonna recur to me when I was in the car. Do you think this is sarcastic? I don't know. Have you heard this?
Starting point is 01:32:31 No, I only listened to the first couple seconds. Yeah. Sarcastic or not sarcastic? You know, I... It's hard to tell. It is hard to tell. It's not so much sarcastic. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:43 I think he's not sarcastic, but he could, he could really, I'm open to the possibility. I'm going to go with sarcastic. If he is sarcastic, it's a good setup. Yeah, it is. It is. Okay. It's long, though, a minute 30. Oh, wow. So not sarcastic. That's a minute 30s's a long way to go with the joke.
Starting point is 01:33:06 It is. Yeah, I agree. Let's see. I mean, the pickup truck. I drive the pickup truck. And I was in five and a half elementary school. They were getting out of school. Kind of pissed off if I used to go the other way around.
Starting point is 01:33:19 I mean, it's not their fault. You can only count on a giant crowd of kids outside at a certain time of day but it's not anyway my sarcasm I'm not just thinking you know it's not for assault weapons all these kids would be safe I was just sitting there stopped and I took up for kids to frame back all around
Starting point is 01:33:39 is he gonna run over the kids in the crosswalk in front of me he's saying okay all these kids yeah well it's not for assault weapons. I mean, what is the problem? I have assault weapons. Wait, is he being serious? Maybe he's thinking, what are they hold more? Or you can do a pistol? Can you hear the sound? Yeah, I got one. start. Yeah, I got one. Okay. Yeah, that was as soon as he started to hammer on assault weapons. Oh, yeah, they really, they hit that for some reason.
Starting point is 01:34:13 No, I know. Well, it's because of the, it's because of the term. Yeah. You can make somebody just as dead with a 38. I mean, yeah, but they are assault, like they, they are assault weapons. I mean, I guess, I mean, they don't have all the features, right? But they're a little different. I got in with you that it's mostly a marketing term.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was made specifically for, you know, taking positions. Yeah, yeah, I understand. Yeah. Okay, so you won. Sarcasm, I understand. Um, yeah. Okay, so you, uh, you won sarcasm, I think. No, you said it was sarcasm. Oh, I said it was sarcasm. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:52 Yeah, as soon as he started to keep saying assault, I was like, oh, here he's, he's gonna come in for a landing. It's funny though. He started hearing them all say, oh, the assault weapon's gotta go. It's, well, it's a, it's a buzzword. Yeah. They're doing a buyback in California. Yeah. I really hope I can get some cheap 3D printer filament and just show up with a trash bag full of guns. You go. Be pretty funny. That'll be a hundred thousand dollars, please. Yeah. I was just going to really do some mayhem with these. You could try it. Yeah. Just my luck, they'll have run out of money.
Starting point is 01:35:26 You just arrest me for having a bunch of right on serial numbered guns, whatever. Well, I'll let it work. Dick, it's your buddy in my room records. All right. I'm going to criticize you too much, but I just wanted to point out that I can't take it. criticized you too much but i just wanted to point out good because i can't get your uh... your face of instant regret as you said conservatives
Starting point is 01:35:50 can't make uh... good art as the words relieving your mouth uh... it was uh... pretty funny if you've heard them uh... some of these people are just on this list of a few of them. Johann Sebastian Bach. Come on, like, okay, it's a little different. Amadeus Mozart.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Oh, a stonch second amendment people. Mozart was conservative. You're going to have, you're going to go with Gilgamesh, right? The conservative novel, the guy who wrote the Psalms, was most sorry, I don't think most sorry, it was a conservative. What does that even mean though? What does that mean in that context? He's a more time supported the American Revolution.
Starting point is 01:36:45 How's that conservative? I don't know. Is that conservative values? Well, he had a DNSIDE track on the second amendment. He knew it was going to, you know. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So he was pre-conservative. He was, so the American Revolution was actually about breaking away from the very liberal.
Starting point is 01:37:03 They didn't even mean anything anymore. Well, they mean different things by kind of different areas, I think. They say Wagner. I would say conservative. I would maybe. I mean, only because I think Hitler loving him made him that way. That was very liberal. I love that.
Starting point is 01:37:23 I love going anyways. Well, yeah, Hitler was extremely liberal. Yeah. I love that. I love going anyways. Well, yeah, Hitler was extremely liberal. Yeah. Like very, oh, he was an artist. Yeah. I don't think, I don't think conservatives even know what the fuck they're conserving anymore. They like Trump left and they're just without a dad.
Starting point is 01:37:38 They're like, what's a dad? Yeah, what's a narrative is cool. Like, no, it's not. What, you're about, you're about, but not making things worse. I think a lot of people, you're about, but not, makes things worse. I think a lot of people. All ideology is about not changing. Right, but they're hunting onto ideas in a lot of cases.
Starting point is 01:37:52 It's already changed. They just haven't, we need to go back. Right, like that. It's not conservative. You know what, go fuck your data. Just go home and just fuck your data. Fuck you. Fuck you, pow.
Starting point is 01:38:04 And get ready to get punched. I really don't think they know, I really don't think anybody has a working definition of any of these words anymore. I don't think any kind of art movement can be very difficult to get build one out of being a conservative, because they react to everything. They just react
Starting point is 01:38:27 compulsively to everything. I guess you could say that like, I guess rock monenoth was at least in the 20th century, but yeah, I don't know any of his politics. I don't really know either. I don't know either. I'm not going to go watch the, uh, her listen to the magic flute to go people have probably argued these values before. Sure, we're not the first. I don't think they can. Yeah, I don't know. Fun to do memes.
Starting point is 01:38:54 Yeah. I don't know if Trump was all that conservative. He didn't use to be. Yeah. It's just what got him elected. Yeah. Like that's what I don't think what you do. Chinese tax tariffs are conservative.
Starting point is 01:39:06 No, not really. I don't think building a big fucking wall is necessarily a conservative value. I don't know where that, like, Caesar Chavez made walls of people at the border to stop what he called a pejorative slur of Mexicans from coming over the border because it negatively affected labor rights.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Like was he, was he, was he, was he's a chaffin post-servative? He opposed minimum wage too. Yeah. He opposed minimum wage and any, any immigration. It's like absolutely fucking not. No way, because it hurts the workers. Is that conservative then?
Starting point is 01:39:44 Yeah, because he started a farm. Is that conservative then? Yeah, because he started farm workers. Yeah, yeah. Okay, but I don't know, maybe. Prove me wrong, kids. Bye. See ya, thanks.

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