The Dick Show - Episode 326 - Dick on Near Death Experiences

Episode Date: September 27, 2022

My Uber driver has a psychotic episode and drives into oncoming traffic, Ryan Long in studio, Kurt Metzger in studio, Dame Pesos calls in and drops some new stingers, refusal to wear the hijab, the ki...ds and their non-dance music, an idiot tries to set themselves on fire, and women not trying to lose weight; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo! One of them? One of them? Oh my god. I had a near death experience last night. Did you?
Starting point is 00:00:14 I saw every porn star I've ever beat off to flash before my eyes behind my eyes. Which way do they flash? I'm gonna die. I thought, I'm, this is it. I'm dead. Okay. Like the 911 call with the cop when he ate all the weed brownies. This is it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:31 No, I thought I'm fucking dead. I don't, okay. Jokes on me. Yeah. This is how I'm going out. Shit. Well, at least the toxicology report will be interesting. I don't wanna, I do not wanna die. I have never said this.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I don't want to die. And I like, oh, there was no need to run a toxicology report. Yes. Make, well, there's no need to run it. Take it, guys. If I go, no need to run a toxicology report because it's pretty obvious that he's toxic. I mean, this one, no, no, run it. Either he ate 16 powder donuts very sloppy. Or there was something to keep them there. Yeah. Here's some bad news. Elvis, I got, look, this is all, all this bad news is coming to me very quickly. Yeah, I watched that Elvis movie. We find out that Elvis died at 42.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Yes. So I made 80s girl thought that was hilarious. So she counted out the like the days of 42 he was and told me and said that my the day I'm gonna die is May like fifth or something. May 4th of next year, 20, 20. Next year I was like, uh, Star Wars Day, honey. Come on. You know what? Don't give me. There's a very, don't let me die. So please Jesus, don't let me die like Star Wars Day, honey. Come on. You know what? Don't give me.
Starting point is 00:01:45 There's a very, don't let me die. So please, Jesus, don't let me die on Star Wars Day. Cause there's no, no, there's no one who's more comparable to me than Elvis Presley's what I'm saying. So it's likely we're both living as hard, we're both reinventing genres. I don't steal quite as much from Black people's Elvis, but I got time.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I still got about eight months, eight or nine months. You do. Really start stealing. You can do a lot of. I can't breathe either. You can do a lot of pressing in the next eight months. You know, there's a very simple fix to this though. You just have to stop sitting on the toilet. That's it. That's it. Standing only. Standing room only. Right. I'm gonna remove. If you're as aligned with Elvis as as I claim to be. As we think you are. Yeah. I'm gonna install one of those wooden
Starting point is 00:02:33 Japanese sex torture devices on my toilet so that I cannot sit on it. Oh God, yeah. Do you know what those are? No. You don't know what the, oh, those are Japanese. There you go.
Starting point is 00:02:43 What did you think they were? Well, no, I mean, I've heard of the torture devices, right? I guess, yeah. Yeah, I don't know what the, oh, those are Japanese. There you go. What did you think they were? Well, no, I mean, I've heard of the torture devices, right? I guess, yeah. I don't know. They're making girls come like brains out. I don't know. I feel like a saw horse with a point on it. Yeah, it's like the worst thing.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I hate that it exists, and I know about it. Every time I see one, I'm like, God, medieval shit. Yeah. I was in this. What should I, we have to open this at the show. We do. Yeah, we do.
Starting point is 00:03:10 We owe it to the people to have a theme song. Or else there will be hell to pay. Ryan Lott is coming into the city. Yeah, exactly. Kurt Metz, Metz Sir, I think you pronounce it. Yeah! Yeah! You want to get into QL? You got us to show reference to Contest, giving you a live from Mount Bunken even harder Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa base comedian will be in here. You guys can have a zing off. What do you mean, actual? I corrected myself because if I knew it was dumb when I said it.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Actual. I'm an actual world tour. My life flashed before my eyes, not choking. I went all the way back to every girl. I saw Daisy Fuentes pass my eyes. He was on it. Like, that was a good time. Yeah. Busty P. L. Yeah. Marilyn,
Starting point is 00:04:06 fucking, go, but tell me to knock it off. Tessa Fowler. I was at this Sam Hyde event. Yeah. Last night, I went to this Sam Hyde party and he wasn't there, but I thought maybe it would be cool if he was there. It's like his group puts it on. Sam's a very big guy, but no, no, Sam. No, Sam. It's just this, just like, it was in like if he was there. It's like his group puts it on. Sam's a very big guy. But no, no Sam. No Sam. It was just this, just like a, it was in like an old hanger. I don't know, some little,
Starting point is 00:04:31 some Zoomer party. Some's a thing. Honestly, I have never felt so old when the guys are doing the DJ stuff. Yeah. And the music is like, undanceable. And I thought, man, like, what are they gonna place the music that's gotta beat to it?
Starting point is 00:04:48 I'm looking around and nobody's dancing and I'm like you kids got a bunch of hot broads here dressed up like Don't do that, huh? I don't know it was like Duh Am I the boomer? Kids this look at how me and your mom dance over here. Right? Yeah, you know. Am I crazy?
Starting point is 00:05:10 It happens to everybody. It's time. I didn't think it would be the complete removal of dancing. Got it. That's some guy I got recognized a bunch. Did you really? Which is great. I guess you're in that group too.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Sam Hyde and stuff like that. There's not just any equal fires. I'm just very famous person. There doesn't need to be any sort of like context around it. Eight months to live. I mean, that's if you just go the way you are. If you up the game a little bit, that 80s well said, you know, you maybe you should pump the brakes and I'm like, well, I can't only have eight months to live, I have to do more drugs. Well, that's right. Yeah. What do you want me to have a bug?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Somebody cleaning up my stuff. My nephew's coming in. Oh, wow. He had a left over eight ball. That's a shame. Yeah. Poor guy. Well, they had all kinds of thoughts and intentions when he bought that and they just were
Starting point is 00:06:01 never realized. Well, you know, my uncle made it to 60 abusing the shit out of himself. You could, I mean, if you play your cards, right? God, whatever that was long is 60. God, we'll never let me get away with that. 60, it would cut me down to my prime, which is right now. Right now. Um, anyway, as I was dance.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I felt so old. I was like complaining about it. It's like, what the fuck is this? Can't you put like a beat on this thing? Like I was fucked up like, Trab music, but put a beat on it. Or no, am I the, am I wrong? So was it like, was it like glitch stuff?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Fuck, I don't know. You're way better than me now. You're showing how ignorant I am. Yeah, I don't know. I've just heard that term. So I don't know what it is. I'm getting recognized a bunch, which is awesome and guys are recognizing me in like major thoroughfares and like stopping everybody and saying like,
Starting point is 00:06:52 so you guys, can we get a picture? Oh, yeah, yeah. And I'm like, make it as, make it as much of a pain in the ass for everybody else as possible if you see me like interrupt whatever's going on. I'm being 100% sincere, make it a big spectacle. You know what I'm saying? To have somebody take a picture of us. There was like one thoroughfare where you could go
Starting point is 00:07:13 from the dance floor to the beer line and these guys were like, oh my! It's great. Yeah, being totally sincere. I don't believe it. So my God, I can't take this, I can't take this glitch rock, whatever that they're doing. As you call it, I'm gonna start.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I'm gonna start eating some alphabets, some alphabets over here. It was EDM without the D, right? Yeah, electronic music. I think maybe it was just E. Okay, I started to not even music. I said, you are a fucking boomer. Wrap that rap music.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Put that on a minion's name. That's it, I'll see more on you. You can't be rapin' music at this time. So I started doing this to me. They should put a C in front of us and call it crap. Like, all right, sweating. I gotta, I gotta, I need to dance for real. Let's go, hi, let's go find a dance club, right?
Starting point is 00:08:02 You know, I should commit, that should be no problem. Right, right. So we get in the super. Nine, that should be no problem. Right, right. So we get in the Uber. My heart's at like 185 and my blood pressure's like 320 over 200. Let's go dance. I'm elvesing out over here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I gotta get my sillies out. You know what I mean? Saturday night. Saturday nights, the time, Saturday nights, the night for silly's getting out. That's how the song goes. So the Uber pulls up and it's a Tesla, you know, Tesla Uber, I don't know why they're all Teslas. Really?
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah, there must be some sort of a scam involved in like Tesla buying, such leasing. Never been in a Tesla Uber. I mean, them all the time. Yeah, take a lot of Uber. It's been a while since I've Ubered. And we get in and we're being totally like, actually we're being on good behavior.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yeah. Not saying anything. I'm not saying anything weird. I never say anything weird. In Uber because I don't want to affect my star rating. I'll say, if someone else is Uber, I'll say anything that I want. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Sure. And this. Yeah, you've got this. I'll describe people to look exactly like the driver. You've got someone else's open tab. Yeah. Yeah, fuck, you're social credit, dude. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Suck my dick. So we're like 10 minutes into the Uber. And this guy turns around like the fucking exorcist, his head. Yeah. And while you're driving. While he's driving, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And start steering into oncoming traffic. And I'm like, yo, uh, hey, hey, buddy, you're, uh, you're going into oncoming traffic. And he looks back. He looks back at the traffic and then looks back again. And starts going, stop poking me. Stop fucking poking me with that. I'm like, I, my first thought, of course, is, bitch, my girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:09:48 are you fucking poking this guy somehow? Like, what are you playing with psychotic? What do you have to poke? First of all, it's jealousy. How can that poking me? And I just look into her eyes and I go, okay, we're both thinking the same thing here. Either he's got a medical problem and he's like stroking out. You ever had like a death Uber driver? No.
Starting point is 00:10:16 The death Uber driver? No. Oh man, I don't know why Uber does this, but they will full on, let a death lady drive your Uber. You're like, oh my sweet Lord, you feel bad because you don't want to fuck up her thing, but honey, isn't there? Couldn't you get any other job like a janitor, like a bomb factory or something? You really got to be driving people around for a living here.
Starting point is 00:10:42 So I think he's got a part of you because of your credit score, your social credit score. This is the only Uber I can afford. This is the only Uber you can afford. Yeah, a deaf woman. The only person you can't torture. So I'm like, okay, did you fall asleep first thought? Yeah. No, his eyes wide open. You're having like a medical emergency. Yeah. Like some kind of a stroke. And then he starts to be feeling some sensation where it's maybe he's
Starting point is 00:11:13 yeah, and there's fucking cars coming. Yeah. Like like a plane trains and automobiles. Where are you? We're on hill downtown next to Caesar. So a big street. Oh, yeah. So a big street. Oh, yeah. A very big street.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's going through lights. Cars are diving out of the way. What? And I'm like, this is the one time I didn't put my seat belt on because I thought, oh, Tesla, that's, you know, he's probably taking care of it. I don't know why I didn't put, I always put the seat belt on because I don't have that hypnosis where you get in someone else's car that you don't know and I didn't put, I always put the seat belt on because I don't have that hypnosis where you get in,
Starting point is 00:11:46 someone else's car that you don't know and think, well, the laws don't apply to me now. This is no responsibility. Yeah, I don't need to, it's like, give me a fucking raxing harness, please. I don't know you at all. And you've been doing this all day, so I doubt you're better at it.
Starting point is 00:12:03 And I'm thinking, oh, fuck, this is it. This is goodbye. I better start, I better start tweeting all my final tweets. If I could think it out of my head and I see him go by, tell me tonight, I was saying. So he eventually stops and the, he stops and he stops like kind of in an intersection. What? Yeah, at the intersection of Cesar Chavez and this is, the voice inside of my head, you know, you always got, you have like two voices,
Starting point is 00:12:37 the one that's society trained into you and the one that's like you. And they're loud depending on you. Like that's like you. And they're, oh, and they're loud depending on you. Like that's your personality. Yeah, everybody has a different voice going on. Yeah, so the one of the society ones, like, okay, just play it cool, you know, that's hopefully that's over.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And the me one is like, man, you need to get the fuck out of this car. Just guys in the middle of an intersection. As we're driving down, I'm thinking, all right, I'm not belted in. So if he hits something, we're both dead. Yeah, yeah. Do I, is she belted in? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Maybe, you just automatically assumed she did her seat belt. We're both dead. Yeah, I said, I don't know, not you, get the fuck out of here. I don't want to put it, I don't want to put my seat belt on because I didn't want to antagonize him. He already freaking out about invisible demons poking him. Like, oh my fucking god, if I reach for my seat belt he's gonna think I'm working for the CIA or something
Starting point is 00:13:32 and just ramming in the buildings. Like, and then I'm thinking, do I fucking attack this guy? Like if I grab him and throttle him, there is a, that is escalating the odds of, of a total catastrophe by orders of magnitude, right? Like, I'm like, what am I going to blow my, am I going to re-break my arm, murdering this guy? Well, look on his fucking face, he's looking directly at 80s girl, my girlfriend the whole time, just like on this bizarre Elliott Rogers sounding like rant that doesn't, you know how crazy people that they speak and it never is a sentence,
Starting point is 00:14:13 like it never quite links up, it's just like a lopsided wheel that goes. So I'm the thought occurs to me. Well, I'm not belted in. Do Do I just grab them and go for the eyes or something and make them stop? Like, is that the move here? I don't think so. Somehow, I don't think, somehow I don't think that's gonna end up well for me. Now, is he talking this old guy?
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yes. So he's first stopped. He's fucking stopped, stopped, so came me. Don't come at me with anything like that. And we're like, what the fuck? What does this guy look like? Like the sidekick from Nightcrawler? That little dude, that little Middle Eastern guy.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Remember that guy? Let me see. Remember that speed of sound, that deaf guy? No. You didn't see these movies, Sean? No. He's a great these movies, Sean? No. He's a great movie. He's a night crawler.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Night crawler at the movie. He looks like that a little Indian guy. I'm pulling him up right now so you can see. So you could get a good idea in your head. There, Rees, I'm Ed. That's the whole time thing. I'm about to get fucking killed by Rees and Ed. And he's wearing like a hoodie.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yeah. Looking like fucking Mr. Roboto. I think that he's right, the, uh, Iranian Unibomber or whatever he wants to look like. So, he stops the car. Eventually, he's still staring. Yeah. And the voice, the other voice says, and you get the fuck, you get the fuck out of this car. Yeah. I reach for the door handle. Yeah. And low and behold, I don't, and you get the fuck, you get the fuck out of this car. Yeah. I reach for the door handle.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah. And low and behold, I don't know if you knew this, but there's no door handles on the Tesla. I didn't know that. Well, you know, Elon, what Tesla, are you in like the Tesla SUV type? Look at the regular hold on. I got his license plate and fucking everything.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I gotta find where this motherfucker does his taxes. Tesla Model 3. Okay. So fucking diamond driver. Anyway, can you imagine? It sounds like he was on crystal. Oh no, you're right. It does say crystal driver.
Starting point is 00:16:24 So I go for the door handle and he's still speaking gibberish at 80s girl who's like, just not making sense. Looking at me, desperately, I'm like, oh, you're fucked. Okay. And then of course, we talk about later and she's like the same exact thought process going on in her mind. What do we do? She's like, I reached for the door handle and I was not fucking there.
Starting point is 00:16:44 And that's when I looked over and I was like, I don't know, I'm out. I need an adult. So, think, you know, the door handle on the inside of the car was just a waste, right? We gotta give Elon Musk looked at the car experience and said, well, these door handles inside, people are constantly getting caught on them.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Yeah, yeah. Nobody uses them for their intended purpose, like getting out, you know, they're just making them, is making so much carbon emissions. We're very green. Let's just put a little switch on. So I look down. It's a switch. I look down and I like don't want to make it like I
Starting point is 00:17:25 I it was fucking weird. I felt like being in like a fucking like being in a fucking horror movie. You're like in like a fucking David Lynch movie. I'm like, bro, I'll I'll suck your dick if you just let us out. Yeah. I will I will swallow. I will tickle the balls. Just I'll rusty trombone you if you fucking want.
Starting point is 00:17:44 But just I don't want to die in a fucking Tesla. I do not want to die in a Tesla Okay, yeah toxicology report. I'm happy with right now. I'm losing a man card. I'm dying in a Tesla Yeah, everyone will make fun of me then so the end of time. Oh, how did he go? Tesla killed him? Yeah, wouldn't she know? Not Elvis at all tried to get out That's my Elvis toilet moment, the Tesla. So I have this thought in my head of, well, if I don't figure out how to get out of a fucking Tesla, I'm gonna die.
Starting point is 00:18:16 If I don't figure out how these schmucks reinvented the door handle, 100% death. It looks looking down at it. It looks like a billboard in like Hong Kong. There's like, there's no, there's high, there's high ricklyphics on everybody. And I'm like, these make abs. What the fuck is the door one?
Starting point is 00:18:39 Yeah. Uh, total. It's in the. Why isn't it here? Where the regular door is. Um, so I just like secretly kind of pull a bunch. Now he's talking right now. He's gibbering.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Adiz Rell said she could hear me flicking with buttons. Yeah. And it doesn't make any sense. Are you catching anything? Well, it's like me with that. Like, uh, it has don't come at me with that. It's like, yeah, don't come at me with that. Stop poking me. Stop, things are, stop taunting me.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I'm like, bro, you need some lithium. Some things go up. I'm going bullet. Shot into your stomach. Could he be, I mean, that almost, total schizophrenic. Almost sounds like a schizophrenic. Yeah. Like where you're, you know, you're, you know, you're the devil somehow and you're, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:34 I don't know what you're doing, but you're, you're definitely not just a person in his back seat. Yeah. He sees you for what you are. He's some of a bitch. God. You sent one of your boys after me. You bastard. You gay bitch. God, you sent one of your boys after me, you bastard, you gay bastard, God.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Yeah, yeah. So I find the one for the door, and it's like a window roller downer. You know those little meek, little plastic buttons that's like, so you try to open the door and the window goes down? No, I try to open the window and the door opened. Which one of that's what the switch is.
Starting point is 00:20:06 One of these, hidden amongst the other switches. And I hear that cuchunque of the door. I'm just like, we're going. I grab 80s girls arm and shove out the door. Turns out she is seat belted. No, she's not. That's how I know. I grab her and I'm like, oh fuck,
Starting point is 00:20:21 she probably needs her hand. I'm not gonna, so she jumps out and he screams off. Wow. Yeah, we're downtown. And you know what I hear? Fucking blasting ranchero music. Yeah, from this Mexican, like, dirty Mexican bar. Yeah, at the corner of, I figured what it was.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I don't think it was Hill and Seezu Chavez. But I'm like, oh, honey, we're saved. So we run over. So I don't know what the fuck. Our people will take us in. Like Casa Blanca. Come on in. Get in here, Ryan Lung. Hey, Kurt, right? Are you on another bike? Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah, you're alive. Have a seat. Do we have other seat? Yeah, great. Oh, yeah, yeah. definitely. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. Here, here, here. Have a seat. Do we have other seats? Yeah, great. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Let me stop. You want a fourth, Mike? Yes, for sure. Yeah. That's a Uber driver had a schizophrenic episode, I think, and drove into oncoming traffic. And that, yeah, yeah. What happened?
Starting point is 00:21:22 Well, then we jumped out. This is right at the part where we, have you ever been inside a Tesla? Yeah. Did you know they don't have door handles? Yeah, right. They got the button. Oh, I tell you post about that. That's just so hard. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Go down or open the door. Yeah, so I'm like, oh, thank God, he stopped and get out and I reach for the handle and goes, whoosh, I'm like, what the fuck is this? A nightmare? Is this a cop car that we're in? It's like a serial killer taxi movie show, like movie, like yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:48 I'm like, oh God, okay. So I'm pulling at the buttons. And eventually the door pops open, I dragged my girlfriend out and there's this ranchero Mexican club that we ran over to. We're Mexican. So we're between, they're from there. We have a train that two of us, we have one Mexicans. They're like, Mexicans. They're like, oh, come in, come in and they sat us down at their finest table and brought us beers. And they said they
Starting point is 00:22:12 sent us their way through to the fattest as and the biggest status. That is your fattest as Latina over here. But then here's the worst part to get home. So I call the police and tell them there's a guy having a schizophrenic episode driving around the wrong way downtown. And then Donovan raiding the time and rating. Tell me about the bone collector. Yeah, I found the bone collector. Um, he's driving around saying hate speech. So you guys might want to get on that. And then what he was doing. No, he was jibbering. I don't know
Starting point is 00:22:42 what he was talking about. Do you have cans? Kurt, yeah, grab some with grab those. See if those work. Oh, there's another set down here. Okay. And then is that my Compton shot? Yeah, there you go. Yeah, you don't hear anything. The boys are rocking now. Ryan, you grab those. We're current those cans. You can wait five minutes for us? Right, I've been doing this long time. Okay, I'm not homecoming or staying upset and say, hey, why don't you lead with the... You know what I just said? This fucking cable. You know what I just said to Kurt? What?
Starting point is 00:23:12 You're one of those guys. You know when they do that thing where they look back in history and they show the guy that was always there? Yeah. You're the guy that was like every controversy? No! Like, for a scum! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:23:24 It's got every controversy you're going to be instigating. That guy is going to kill a senator right now. The Uber driver that I drove and tuned insane. Somebody has a wall of pictures of a different place. I remember when I met you from him and I had been watching that protest of a chappelle with him. And I saw you and I, so I knew that I'd be the one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:46 My friend Gary had Alex Jones on his show and wrote some stupid thing. So I saw you, I'm like, I bet he fucking made that dude go to that thing. So I had a feeling that you did, and you told me you did, right? Make him. I put it together.
Starting point is 00:23:58 He made him repent. Yeah. And that was you should make him, that's it. I love that anytime anybody talks about trans anything here is Jopel. The picture is always the news article. Me, yell like file footage with my mouth full of cigarettes except it's me with a sign that says I like jokes. Just like verbally, like obviously chewing out some asshole going, like, looking like such
Starting point is 00:24:20 a jerk, like, oh well, right on. How many actual people were like, they're against Chappelle even. Was it really even that man? Probably too many, maybe 40 or 50. Sort of looked like. Yeah. There was about that many journalists. Those guys are laying off people like crazy now, right? Oh, no, great.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Somebody started some bad shit writers started trying to like break your sign or something. He broke Vito's sign. But the Joe, what was his name? Chris Stolley. Joe Chris Stolley, he's like the producer of the Frazier reboot. And his daughter or son came out as trans. So he's like all in now. Oh, yeah, he is.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's like when Dick Chatey learned gay was okay as his daughter was gay. Yeah, that's usually what happens. But he's still like a shitty dad, like he's like a sports dad. Oh yeah. Like some of the trans kids dads still like a shitty dad, like he's like a sports dad. Oh yeah. Like some of the trans kids dads are like kids like sports dads where they're like, oh, like, oh, they like they'll punch out a girl. It's a really guy or guy to girl.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I don't know. We do. God, if you're a sports dad, guy to girl is good though. You know what I mean? You're like, you dominate. Yeah, well I had a shitty son now. I have like a fucking dog.
Starting point is 00:25:20 I'm like, you finally have the a the A-list athlete that you wanted. Yeah, like called like hockey dads right where you fight, you're like, yeah. That's the new, yeah, the new thing where your son sucks. You're like, this all, you being a boy, things that you're working for. I know where I was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Or like bodybuilders getting their kids to get testosterone so they can dip into it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My little too much yeah, yeah. My little too much testosterone. My daughter's, you know, she really wants that weiner. I'm gonna prescribe her like test, if I were to take it. I've been conmitted.
Starting point is 00:25:53 They're actually, they got pretty good at like making new dicks, but they haven't got that good at enlarging the old ones. Like the, dick enlargement's getting fucked up. But they're pretty good at making them from scratch. Still look like a weird kid with the money is that. Yeah. What the hell? They've kind of nailed it. They actually do make people decent dicks,
Starting point is 00:26:10 but every time someone gets enlargement, they die. It's like the dicks unusable. Do you remember the world's biggest gang bang with that chick, Jasmine, Saint, something from years ago? And I was there. I had to have had on a bellcloth. She has a seat now.
Starting point is 00:26:23 But there's some journey that I came there. I had to have had on like a bell clock. She has a seat now. But, but there's some German guy came in. Jesus. My German guy came, I'm going to watch it when I heard college, there was a world, there was like Gangbag record setting they were trying to do. Oh my God. Early 2000s.
Starting point is 00:26:35 As German. I remember that time period. That was a fun time period. We didn't know how good we had it. Every month we were like 600 guy gang bang. Wow. And so this guy comes in from Germany and Ron Jeremy's hosting and they're talking about how he has the new penis implant, the newest like, he got the last big ears.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Oh, you got, yeah, it's been like, ass now that he's in prison. And he looked like they, he turns your implant. And look like they just took like a pancake and wrapped around his dick. And then he couldn't fit it in her and then she like, hey, get him and then throw him out. You know, kick down the gang, man. Just trying to mash this fucking monstrosity. And he's like, did you know who I am? She was getting cranky at the end of that gang, man.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Wow. So the end of my story is the worst part. When I had to call an Uber to come home, I obviously don't want this, I called the police, and they're like, yeah, whatever, we'll put it on the list. I called Uber and they're like, well, we'll send you an email. We'll give you a refund, because I know they said that. Here's a $12 refund and we take this seriously, so we're gonna have a talk with the guy.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I'm like, talk with the guy. What are you fucking talking? It's hilarious how I had a friend, remember you remember Brooke, right? I don't know that colleague in New York, so I got her a car. And we're going in some show or some and the guy apparently picked her up and fucking,
Starting point is 00:27:51 he's just, he had his phone up and he had porn of him on it. Oh God. And he kept asking her if she was single where it goes. I gotta go to work and he goes, well, you gotta work. Why, with a porn of, like,
Starting point is 00:28:02 and so she's like, I lost all this thing where she doesn't tell me is this happening until she got there. So I go, go, we're like, you know, this guy is playing porn. And they go, oh, we'll give you a full refund, sir. Like, you know, you have like a repist drive. I'm not concerned about the refund. They don't give a shit, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I've never felt so helpless as being in the back of a Tesla with a guy. They don't really do not give a shit. Last week I fucking got my bags. The guy took off with my luggage. Yeah. And I was in Miami and I messaged the Uber and they're like, this guy won't respond to whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Finally he responds and goes, yeah, I have the bags. Then went dark for 35 hours, right? So I'm stuck in Miami. He's got my luggage. He's like, he already admitted he has them. So I'm like calling Uber and I'm like text and they, I was like, can you just call him and they're like, we have to wait for him to open up and respond to whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:49 So he, this goes on forever and tell eventually, I put it in. No, because you can't connect to him. No, it's a bull for it, yeah. And I'm like, yo, I mean, they don't have his number. They just won't, I'm, by the way, I'm arguing with, I'm not even talking about. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I'm, of course, literally not arguing with a computer, right? Like, why isn't you piece of shit computer? You're not even a real man. And then eventually I put it on Twitter, it starts going viral in five minutes, they solved the whole thing. You really have to do that, you know? The only way to get anything down is to go viral these days.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's the only way to get any customers to do it. You got crazy, which is sad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just fucking go full nuts. It's like, oh, okay, I'm just going to be serious. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It was solved within not kidding 15 minutes after 40 hours of me, you know, trying to fucking deal with this. So here's the kicker. They're making us act like
Starting point is 00:29:32 this. Who is that? Just be specific. Yeah, they're turning us in. Look at Aaron's giant corporations like where you have to fucking go crazy and have some kind of online presence to get them to God damn do anything. You're like, why'd you become an entertainment? It's like I just wanted some customer service. That's the only, I had a complaint about this burger and the only way to get seriously. You were then hiring a live Filipino overseas
Starting point is 00:29:55 to take your abuse. Yeah, you said Karen, and I think the Karen meme is like a little bit astro turf to make us just suck down shitty customer service. Yeah. That was a big customer service. Yeah. Yeah, my big customer service.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Yeah. So here's the kicker because. Because he got Dan. Because they wouldn't like punish the guy. In order to get home, I couldn't request another Uber because there's like, I didn't want to get picked up by this insane person. Same guy as a guy. So I have to go, so 80's go goes, why don't you get a Uber Excel?
Starting point is 00:30:27 I'm like, you fucking kidding me. I'm gonna have to pay $50 just so I don't give this asshole my home address. Do the same, I had the yesterday actually. I had a guy. He was at the address. Set a 17 minutes away. That's a smart one.
Starting point is 00:30:43 That's a smart one. Yeah, that's smart. I live here with the kids. You see, there's my wife. This is my mistress. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I had 18, like 17 minutes away in Los Angeles. So you're just like, that's crazy, right? So I cancel that.
Starting point is 00:30:59 And then two minutes later, same guy gets it again. 17 minutes away. It's like, no, I don't want you. I don't want you. Get up here. I end up getting no more expensive one It's like, no, I don't want you. I don't want you to get up here. I end up getting a more expensive one because I'm always late and I can't wait 13 minutes or whatever. Is that how you get the faster one you got to pick up?
Starting point is 00:31:11 I never deal with schizophrenia. That's like the, we should get like the base price one. That's who's going to be. I always get to be, I got deaf ladies driving me around. Did you ever get the notification just, you know, your driver's going to be deaf on your, when they come to pick you up, if it's on that. They'll tell you that.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Yes, then usually they fake it because they don't want you to talk to them. But then I get a real deaf person. Oh, that's a, what are the odds? 100%. That is a big move though for a new bird driver if you don't want to talk to anyone, just go, yeah, I'm deaf.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I respect it. Yeah. So how's your tour going? I want that, I'm deaf. I respect it. Yeah. So how's your tour going? I want that. I'm a deaf uber passenger fucking app. Yeah, he'll leave me alone. Dude has been sick, dude. San Jose, we did like this big club.
Starting point is 00:31:54 There was like basically a theater and then I just did Tacoma. I saw that theater one. That looks, that looks like. Everything's been selling out. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that was crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:02 It's like the cool, you've been there? It's the same San Jose improv. It's like the sickest club. Never. Oh, dude, so sick. It's I ride comes out. I'm like I come back. Yes, sit or he everything sick. But he cuts a boomer. I'm a boomer now too. I'm like boomer language right now. It's like it's lit and all that stuff, right? But yeah, every once in a while, do you ever try to add new slang in and feel weird doing it? Where you go, oh, that's fucking lit and you're like, I'm not gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah, I'm doing it. Yeah, I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. Like I also sick, but yeah, lit is fire. Fire, I feel like I'm working. I do for real for real. I do for a fire, I throw that in.
Starting point is 00:32:41 That one fits like a glove. Real for real, no cap. No, for me, it was always that. And then they get people get mad. Like, you can't say that, that's our word. Like, no, I'm saying it. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:32:50 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. There's some truth to that. It's the natural wine king cycle. Hello was one when I first came to America
Starting point is 00:33:08 and I was like, hey, you know, people in the bay and they were all like, oh, how cool. And I remember being like, that's how I was loving hell, right? But it seemed like a hell like. It didn't work. I came back to Toronto and I was like, how the hell are you? I was like, why not?
Starting point is 00:33:20 I go nothing. It was like, it wasn't fitting. I swear, I saw other people saying, I go, I think I'm a hell of a guy for sure. Yeah, you think you are. You are. it wasn't fitting. I swear, I saw other people saying, I go, I think I'm a helicopter guy for sure. Yeah, you think you are, you are. It wasn't fitting. It was them. Something we had in the other.
Starting point is 00:33:32 It's not the fucking colony for a helicopter. I never liked helicopter, but sick is a, I'm old for sick. Yeah, you're getting sick. You're adding any new slang, Sean, or you're just gonna grow a little gracefully. I'm just gonna start losing words. You say bitchin.
Starting point is 00:33:44 You say don't to your brother says bitch words. You say bitchin. No, I don't. You're brother says bitchin. Bitchin. You know, like a lot of the like older like surfery type dude skateboard guys that I know will still go with like, oh, that's gnarly. Like good or bad. Gnarly, gnarly and gnarly and gnarly from a guy that looks like he says gnarly, I'll accept it.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah, I'll take a gnarly. But it's the best about garlie is it's like, it's very like, oh, Narlie, or like I was a Narlie fall. Like, you know what I mean? Yeah. And you go to both places. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yep. You know, you're gonna Hawaii, you're gonna Hawaii. I've been to Hawaii. Yeah. You know, like this show, Narnar, the Kyle Bunga shit. Like, I don't know, they take that shit really seriously. Like, they take everything seriously.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I'm racing, especially, Mev. Without worshiping it as a God first. Right. What's been your favorite city so far? You got a show tonight at the improv, the big room. Yeah, I'm doing improv, sold out. Yeah, that's awesome. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:42 We're doing, probably my favorite city that haven't played in, I still think New Orleans is coolest city in America. Oh, yeah. I've been there. Oh, I've been there. I've played there. What's so cool about it? You've been in a really kind of street now and ever.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I feel like it's, I would love it. You would. It's so gnarly. I feel like it's got that, about bit of the Montreal kind of thing where you're just like, it's the best city for like a week and then you're just like enough French people like. They're the same French. They're marginal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Yeah. The Acadians are from Canada. Okay. Dude, it's like, it's like a street party all day. Yeah. You just like walking in the coolest part is I'm like going to jazz clubs. The jazz people are very similar to comics. Like it'll be some trumpet players, you know, like scurting around with this stupid thing to his five sets, you know, I mean, like cockroaches.
Starting point is 00:35:32 But yeah, you'll see the same people at all their little sets, but like you just pop in, like you buy a, you get a drink, you could take it out on the streets, walk into another place. Yeah. Actually had a there's all these like horses that shit everywhere, right? And there was this one corner where people would walk around the corner. And we had a thing where we a bunch of our boys, we acted like the music was planned, so we'd be like, yo, and we'd get people to dance, and we knew if we could get them to dance, they wouldn't pay attention to this stuff in the shed.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And eventually we had like a crowd of like ten of us. So it's like a family. We go family we go Yeah Whatever we did that for like half an hour men is It's like a CIA up. It was pretty good stuff until eventually the cop was like all right You got to wrap this up Cops, no cop stayed and watched one like the cop was like kind of in on it But then he was like all right, but like you can't keep doing this.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Yeah. You had one. You had your fun. Keep moving. Yeah. So those are the kind of fun antics you get up doing the New Orleans streets. Definitely. That sounds like my kind of city.
Starting point is 00:36:34 I was watching some of your videos recently. I saw you did the who's the craziest race. Oh, yeah, yeah. The street videos. Yeah. And just yeah, yeah, dude. Well, camera exactly. Exactly. The white women are like deranged. Yeah, yeah, the streamer. The guy who does. Yeah. And just, yeah, dude, well, I can't remember exactly what.
Starting point is 00:36:46 The white women are like deranged. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That guy actually had like the most accurate synopsis. Yeah. He basically are like, he goes, black women and Latino women are crazier, but like, he goes, white women are like, actually crazy. Yeah. Like deranged.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I don't give a fuck if you say the white female. Yeah, like it goes, you know, show, you'll just be sitting there watching TV and she's like question whether she even wants to like be with you. Like, she's in a way. That's just a western everything, you know what I mean? Like, yeah. Whereas, yeah, you like the crazy is like you do the wrong thing and they're smashing your phone and doing all that shit, but he's like, I could buy new farts.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Did you get any answers that Indian girls are like ultimate white girls? Yeah, me and you agree on that. I think that Indian girls are white girls on crack because they're like white like liberal chicks without guilt. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're like, you're craziest like white college chick.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Well, but the foundation of like, I'm in the nation of people. Yeah. She's like, you know, with the black people, really? Is that, go tell your parents that. I want to hear how they real. Yeah, that white girls have to like, try to be gay to try to get some of that sauce. Yeah, that's the one. They have to become gay.
Starting point is 00:37:54 And then I get a little, I think it a little action. But Indian girls are like, yeah, we can do that too. So I'll be gay and Indian and fucking. Pfft. Now what? I think it can it is different, don't we? And't you like I was still here like the least the least like
Starting point is 00:38:10 Fucky like where girls went into them were like Indian guys for a long time here. Yeah, Canada I don't think it was like I think it was my India's a kind of more urban when we had girls are not into Indian guys in the states and it is Forception. I mean, all he was right. It was up whose fault Indian guys in the States. And it is from the perception. I've heard that. He was right. It was up to his fault.
Starting point is 00:38:25 That's what he was mad about in the tank. It's like a Zaria. Yeah. And because you I've never heard a rumor about Indian decks of you. No. Every race I heard some I never heard none of that. I like that they're that they're proactive to Indian men. I use you know, I'll make fun of them proactive in what way like Bob's Fagin.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Stopping irony and protest stuff like that. What do you think about that? The hijab? I think that everyone in that country should wear a hijab male and female. So yeah, I love the hijab. I think that, you know, like what is a woman like, yeah, we all look down on real smug about burkas and hijabs, but that's a wearable pronoun. No surgery necessary.
Starting point is 00:39:03 No, you know, who's a woman to one but that's a wearable pronoun. No surgery necessary. No, you know, who's a woman to one with the wearable surgery? Digger vagina. I don't know. Women, they love religious customs when it's them getting Christmas presents, but all of a sudden we're recycling. Oh, yeah, there's no jobs for I have to wear pants every day. I was like, it's every day. Do you think that the first guy to put his wife in a burka she was just gross? So he was like, we're covering them all up, you know what I mean? And then he's like out of the party.
Starting point is 00:39:32 He's like, you don't even know what she's so hot under there. Like, he didn't want to fucking his, what you got? He's like, yeah, I think she's like 12. Yeah, that was the guy with the gross wife. It's like, yeah, we got to, everyone's gonna try to fuck her her whole lives if we don't have them in burkas.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Nice. Nice. I saw, I saw her job protest with her boy, they're bringing the hijabs, but they're wearing masks. Underneath them. I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hold on, I got it, I got it somewhere. That's a great one.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Like, I think, I think I had to wear masks during, I had to wear a mask for the last two years. So you guys can wear hij jobs until the end of time. We can almost came out. I used to call it a blue state burko. Actually, can I send you something on your phone? Yeah, yeah. If I send it to you, I feel like this is up your alley.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I should have to care, but where is this? This is in, I don't know where this is. 10 million views. I can never take it seriously when there's dancing going on. What was the stop sign? It said stop, right? So it's somewhere in America. They're burning their feet, bro.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Phenomenal. So they're burning their feet, but they are wearing their masks. We have, that's hilarious. Yeah, we don't understand what you mean. Move over a lot. There's hilarious. Yeah, we don't understand what you meant. Move over a lot. There's a new coaching tab. It seems like a set up thing. Just because of wearing masks, it seems like a set up thing to me.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Yeah, the whole thing seems to be. Like a whole thing, that's what I'm talking about. Like, oh, hey, I know how to have a war with a man. Let's just make it about women and their bullshit. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no shit, that's a good idea. Remember to wear their mask. That doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:41:06 There's still wear the mask and act liberated. There was a few. You have a mask on. It's just usual job. One of those dumb actors, I think I put a rose and a heart cat. You know that one, I think. Oh, she's dumb. Yeah, she just beat dumb dumb.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I'm a fan. No, she's incredible, right? But she posted, no, this is something else. But yeah. So this was the, you know, I love like whenever that everything crashes, like you can look like who started, but your dumbest friend posting that he's getting in the game, but I'm starting
Starting point is 00:41:37 to really big coin to her. With my girlfriends who are new Bitcoin investors, welcome them to team orange. Oh, November 11th, 2021. Those real big. That's like, is there better embodiment of what the peak looks like? I mean, I was, if I was at my hold on to the Bitcoin, how do they get so many hot chicks? I see. I thought this was when he showed to me, I thought it was some guy runs an Instagram
Starting point is 00:42:01 site and gets chicks to go on it. Yeah. I want to do 456. These are six skinny. Yeah. Like the kind of girls I'm used to seeing you could fit two of them in this picture. Not six. That's going to be so big. Yeah. If you're women in general, they've been putting them on you. Thick. The new word. They maybe have this length. They're getting a lot fatter. I don't know if you guys know this. Thick new word they maybe have this like I'm not using thick I'm not picking that one not thick with two C's no Four or five Jordan Peterson don't approve
Starting point is 00:42:38 What happened to that guy? Canada he's have some kind of Canadian sick. He's grumpy now. He's not he's not happy with the fat girls, dude No, no, you're not hot. No, I won't call you beautiful, actually. Didn't they just find Jesus or something? They all they all gravitate. Jesus is so well. It's when you fucking it's when people, it's when you've pissed every human you know off. Yeah. The only person who I thought I was Jesus. I mean, maybe your wife died and you were in a coma and you get a little bit.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Oh, here's another one that I thought would be funny. Well, he was doing a lot of drugs, I think, too, right? A lot of times you find out. I'm not in a lot of those trips. He thought I found God on some of those trips, I think, too. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no than opiates. Yeah, you were a John some of that, you know, he's not an oxy-con. Oh, really? But that won't kill you. The withdrawal just sucked, but you won't die.
Starting point is 00:43:30 But Benzo's like, people die from that. From just stopping. Yeah, I never got into those because I just make you pass out. But people are, that's how many dies. There was mixing Benzo's, whatever. Like, well, that's what I was talking before you guys got here. The Elvis died at 42 and then plus like seven months
Starting point is 00:43:46 So I got about eight months to live yeah, and my girlfriend is trying to cheer me up and she's like yeah But he was on all these downers and barbitch would stuff you're more of like a he was alcohol I appreciate that you're trying to Point is I'm Elvis. Yeah, you're not getting that. I'm gonna die in a toilet. I invented black music. Here is a climate activist who set himself on fire. Did you see this? He's like an air...
Starting point is 00:44:18 Here he is at... Oh, a botched suicide by fire. Well, not exactly the dignity of a Buddhist monkey. No. Yeah, he kind of, he really half-ass is it, don't you think? Well, see, he looks like he lights his off the fire in the wrong place. It should have been on his lap. He put it off to the side.
Starting point is 00:44:38 And here he rides. He's protesting. Tennis wage, God, we're girls. Make my money sometimes. I don't understand. No, he's trying to get it off immediately. You like it? His mouth is fire. He's saying, unless we do something, we'll burn up.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And he did something. He did something. Let me see if I can get a close up of that. Specifically protesting the use of private jets in the UK. Yeah, the very specific action for it is. I'm sure people private just give about one guy. Is there is a good close up picture? Where he's like panicking?
Starting point is 00:45:17 Oh, no, not that bad idea. What girl he was trying to impress. Yeah, go on. Here's the fires all the way over here. Yeah, but it's like three feet away from. That means climate change is getting closer. Oh, here it is. Oh, see, man.
Starting point is 00:45:33 He goes, this is way easier than when the monk did it. Look at this peg. Yeah. I think he was just going to do that. Right, I wonder if he's going to have admitted that. I'm self-unfired at all. Just pig. Uh, yeah. Do you think he was just gonna do that? Right, I wonder if he's gonna even admit himself on fire at all. Did he douse himself first or was he just gonna be like, I'm gonna put it over here.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I want the douse in his head. Yeah, so it's not as capable. Right. He just put like some alcohol rubbing alcohol on his forearm to cinch the hairs off. Right, right, because then all the vapors will burn it. It shouldn't even touch his skin really, you know? that's why he's freaking out yeah this is how it actually I'm right I'm right dude yeah I don't think he meant to let himself on fire look at this brave climate war here that's the face there's no monk okay so we should put that next to the Buddhist monk on fire yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Right, right. Buddhist monk's like a fucking bad ass.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Yeah, he thought this was gonna be a fucking college dorm. Why is he like a college dorm? Don't you look like the flash, the guy played the flash. Oh, that's definitely. Do you look cool? Do you look cool? Oh yeah, that guy's a nut, huh?
Starting point is 00:46:37 Yeah, so the more bad stuff he does, the more it starts to like, yeah, like now he's really hammering it. He's getting away with it. He's just doing new things. And it's like, wow, it's like he like punched a baby. He's like the craziest stuff he's did. If you read the accounts, it's so God, I think it's because he's people hung out.
Starting point is 00:46:53 They're like, oh, it's a famous guy. And then you see that he got arrested because over something with karaoke, he just burst into this couple's house at night and he goes, I'm going to kill your bitch wife. He's wake up with hisra Miller in your house. That's driving over. Not like this, Bozy. He's driving over now, yeah. Is that good?
Starting point is 00:47:11 Let me see what I got. Oh, doctors talking about how profitable sex changes are. Is that so? Isn't that crazy? Big, big, big. It's gonna be obvious, right? Like what the game is about. I think it's their glee that is the most surprising about, like, oh, you're saying it,
Starting point is 00:47:28 dude, that's out. You know what it sounded like? Just a clip of the guy, whenever they started making like loot boxes and games and there's a guy giving a seminar and whales. Yeah. Yeah. How you find your whales? And they just like openly, it's a lot of shit.
Starting point is 00:47:40 It's like they'd be surprised with people just openly talking about being predatory. Yeah. Yeah. People want it. Did you guys see in Canada, the biggest one right now is the, like, euthanasia stuff. Oh, yeah. Or stuff is so bad. They're like encouraging you to kill yourself. Yeah, because it's like legal, but like doctors keep getting in trouble because they're
Starting point is 00:47:57 like pushing it a little too hard. Like a guy came in and said, wasn't that bad? Wow. You consider suicide. Yeah, because you make a lot of money probably, like on these, like, if you give the guy some drugs, whatever, but if he's a- If he's a profit motive in a thing,
Starting point is 00:48:10 you're gonna be motivated to make that take. Yeah, of course. Yeah, I was loving the idea of like, in the shoot, they're gonna have like, signs everywhere, like, you know, like, call, you know, call Will Matay and your day, like, yeah, like that. Like a beer commercial, like the best-
Starting point is 00:48:24 Like, a drink that you ever had is right before he killed himself like a guy just blowing all of his money and then see yeah yeah yeah yeah he's bossing a fuck himself I got to kill my kid I love his package to sell in one thing like yeah I'm gonna be talking about we'll get you late and you're out what's it gonna take for me to not have you walk out of here today all right let me play this thing. It's like so crazy though. There was a military guy and he went in and he was like saying that I was having whatever military, what are the flashbacks over there?
Starting point is 00:48:54 Yeah, it's some version of that when he was sleeping and stuff and then the guy like, wait you early jump the gun on like, like we can just, you know, we can get this whole thing right now. That's wild, dude. You're not a pussy are you? Yeah, I Was like yeah, ma'am and these guys are already sharpening like the blades. Oh God. They don't do it with Blake They do now. It's more expensive. So they're pushing that I pay for what it was We can do it right chop your head off
Starting point is 00:49:21 Torrey Hanzo steal I chop your head off. I'll get you this one. Katori Hanzo steel. We'll do it with Hanzo steel. No, they're like, they're wiling on that because it legitimately is a big moneymaker right now. Yeah, that's what she said. This is a bit, this is, um, if you do Trans surgery, you get them twice, right?
Starting point is 00:49:39 Because you first get them on the Trans surgery and then you get them on the suicide. Because she says it. him on the suicide. Does this have a power? Oh no. She says it. She says the show. Oh god. You think I'm doing it? Is it really from, she's from Vanderbilt? Yeah, Vanderbilt. This is the Dr. Shane Taylor explain how she convinced Nashville to get into the gender transition
Starting point is 00:49:57 game. She's got a fucking PowerPoint. Okay? Imagine that there is a, there is a doctor out there who has a PowerPoint of how this will be profitable for your ins for your hospital one's a powerpoint with a guy with a dick. They're just like a click the dick's gone It's the before and after I'm going to Mexico
Starting point is 00:50:16 Kaelin Jenner's fake governor. I think I'll me and she's Oh, yeah, yeah, I've I've experienced getting rid of a useless dick with salt and pepper hair and we chop his head off the edge of the Yeah, that's that's so funny though I watch you think this would be like in a shady room with a ton kind of dog No, dude. This is how everything works not just this like watch And the female's mom surgery, these are huge money makers. Again, I think this has to be an underestimate. There are many people around $1,000 for a ballot class date. There's been different things that I've run
Starting point is 00:50:51 and said maybe I'll have to buy a good one. I said this gets your good now. Dr. Lannaker, who's our servant, says that there's an entire clinic where the entire clinic is supported just by their ballot class. And it's like a flat-to-peen-weiner's on ladies. This is how all medicine works. There find a perfect winner's on ladies. This is how all medicine works.
Starting point is 00:51:07 There are a lot of follow ups. There are a lot of pull ups. They require a lot of follow ups, because they're fucked. Do you understand all the hospitals that work? Only one of those works? Oh, that's right. I don't even know where it's plugged in. Like, how do you like the fake ass industry
Starting point is 00:51:26 or just regular medicine? That's all private equity. So remember when they used to go, to work now, Ryan? Okay. You, remember when they used to, at least to have phones, cool. Remember when they used to say like,
Starting point is 00:51:36 if you don't get vaccinated and then you loved one, like Kyle says to me, just like parody goes, well, what if someone you love needed a bed, but because they were in a vaccine, they couldn't get a bed at the hospital. Like, okay, was that a thing that happens? And also, why are there not enough beds at the hospital? It can't stand up.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Because it's a private equity company that it's not profitable to have enough beds. And they openly say this. It's not like that. So all, this is just like every other thing is exactly like this. Yeah. Yeah, they book it like a plane where there's like, yes, right.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Yeah. It takes tons of follow ups, oh, yeah. All right. You gotta be profitable. Good for you, lady. Yeah, and then I think that's what afterwards. And we're finally, we're support the end. She goes, if anybody's a conscious object, you should get the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Basically, at the end. Oh, really? Yeah, that's the cherry on top. Let me find it a little back up here. Um, they're just showing photos of like, like, bitchy dudes being like, I'm Let me find it a little back up here. They're just showing photos of like, like bitchy dudes being like, I mean, this guy's already a girl anyway. Like let's finish the job here.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Did you see the people that extinction something that glued themselves to parliament or to some museum? It's like, you see two guys and one girl's like kind of cute, like I see what this is. Yeah. Well, glued together all night. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, well glued together all night. They're a lot of follow up. They were part of a lot of full-work time. I guess there's
Starting point is 00:52:55 another video. I saw two videos of it. You know, we were talking about the way here. What was your thing with the catch a predator, dude? Chris Hansen. Chris Hansen. Didn't you have a fight with him? Yeah, he took a picture. Yeah. He was trying to like build his online career by fucking this guy, Onisee, on over who seems like a fucking pre-virt. Yeah, that's right. And then Onisee and Wooden interview with Chris Hansen because Chris Hansen wanted to
Starting point is 00:53:21 record it privately and then release it. And on his own. He's a piece of shit, Chris Hansen. I think he has a dexter energy is how I put it. Yeah. I mean, his dick hard from draining pervert boners, it like feeds life into his. Yeah, his show is like, his show is like, to me, is on the weird like cusp of like, at what point is the child sex abuse become the fed, become the entertainment that we're watching?
Starting point is 00:53:44 Right. Because you're not stopping it. Once you did want, like you got the word out, you know where you're showing them? The investigations. Somebody killed themselves when the cops came to the door, right on the show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:53:56 The cops even allowing it, it's fucking crazy. Yeah, most of the, a lot of those convictions don't go through either. No, because they, it makes sense, because it's a whole grown adult. It's already compromised. Tricking and insane part. You know what that is?
Starting point is 00:54:07 That's like a precursor to like Twitter handling it. It's like that. This is not, should not be how you handle this. So like weird gawking entertainment and like, Yeah, it is a shit with hands. At some point it becomes entertainment. And it's like, well now we're just like vicariously. Like those prison shows I used to watch,
Starting point is 00:54:23 and I would get to, I'm like, why am I, I haven't been sentenced anything. And I'm get to, I'm like, why am I, I haven't been sent anything and I'm watching people, half the people in prison. I'm not talking. MSNBC raw. I mean, you know, the apartment, like all circles on my eyes watching people in prison. Jesus fucking Christ. And there is a weird like incentivization thing.
Starting point is 00:54:38 If you're the guy doing the, trying to lure the pedophiles, you're kind of like, no more pedophiles. Exactly. And watch the ones big J. We shows me the ones of people that just amateur go get a pedophile and it gets real weird. Like they start humiliating the person and the person so afraid that and then it'll be like weird shit where it's you know get to catch better they had like some that thought they were meeting like we like you know and then it'll be like oh you thought you were
Starting point is 00:55:01 a meat and a 16 year old girl like okay'm like, okay, he shouldn't, but this seems a little like he's meeting a 12 year old girl anger. I'm just to show it on the you do. They're crazy. Yeah. All fraud ones are like, so there's this guy that used to call into the show, Australian guy who would catch a predator. But then when he caught them, he would make them drive him to an ATM and take out their max and give him the money
Starting point is 00:55:27 Did it no he did it too he would call in and play these videos that he made and I'm like I don't I think this is a Turn it Wanted money the his old purpose of doing it was to get money He blew him too. So like, I mean, it was just the money. And he goes, that's so, if he gave me double, then I gave him the kid obviously. He hated it because I'm an adult. So he wanted to get Onision on a private interview and obviously cut it and fuck him over to build his, to build his online career, Chris Hanson.
Starting point is 00:56:05 And Onesian's not an idiot. I mean, instead of just like taking money to like say hi to somebody, isn't that what he was doing? Oh yeah. But why don't we just show it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he wanted to take interview on ESEAN, get him to say a bunch of shit, cut it like normal legacy media and then put it online as a hit piece.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And Onesian's a creep, but he's not an idiot. Yeah, he's like, no, live. We're not here, asshole. Yeah, this is the internet, pal. So, I, who's a nice Monday afternoon, I dropped a tab of acid. And as I'm waiting for it to kick in, I'm talking shit on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:56:37 And I was like, hey, O'Neesey, and you should call into the kill stream. And we'll interview you, fuck Chris Hansen. So I put the phone down, and I'm fucking around when my phone starts blowing up. As he asks, it Chris Hanson. So I put the phone down and I'm fucking around and my phone starts blowing up as he asks it's kicking in. Like, are you really going to interview Odnesia on a Ralph's show? I'm like, who was it?
Starting point is 00:56:52 Oh no, who was what? Oh, it wasn't Chris Hanson, that's it. No, no, it was the guy that Chris Hanson was trying to out as a predator. You basically stole his predator. Still his predator. So I'm like, oh shit. Uh-oh. So I start trying to make myself throw up. I have my girlfriend drive down to the CBX series.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Interview you got down. Yeah, there's a big series of like 20. I can't be on fucking ass to drink this interview. Go to the store and see and give me some IpaCack because I saw that family guy, the family guy episode where they all drink Ipacaque. I'm like, okay, that must be real, right? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:57:28 And she calls me, she goes, the pharmacist said they stopped making Ipacaque 30 years ago. Like, shitty. He said, just drink salt water. Like, you, how did you push that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why did you need to throw up right away?
Starting point is 00:57:42 So I'm drinking salt water and milk. Shoulder yourself. And nothing's coming out. I'm like, what's fucking going on here? So then eventually, I mean, the whole thing was stupid anyway, because you can't throw a acid. No, I don't know why I did.
Starting point is 00:57:56 I thought you could. So you just did it on acid. So I just did it on acid. And the whole time I'm like, I have a bathrobe. I'm totally naked in here with all the lights off. And it's all serious, keemstargs calling in and Ralph's doing it. I'm like, I have a bathrobe, I'm totally naked in here with all the lights off, and it's all serious, Kame Starryx calling in and Ralph's doing it. I'm like, yeah, there we go, all right.
Starting point is 00:58:10 I had a bathrobe tied around my stomach, and I'm just dumping sweat. You really are Elvis. Yeah, Elvis. I don't know, really Elvis. So he started talking, oh, and he's even started talking about how his kid walked out of a window of his apartment.
Starting point is 00:58:28 And I guess people think like there's obviously negligence, but the people think there's maybe more than negligence. Why? Um, I don't know, because he, he talked to him. You probably just gonna collect that reference. I don't know if anybody gets those, because the window was like up higher than it, I don't know. And he answers everything like a fucking weirdo. So people just suspect everything he says.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Who's kid walked out of one AC on? Okay. Who's kid died? Uh, or was, I think it was just badly injured. Uh, and then he had some like fan living with him at the time. Is it nanny that he was also, him and his wife were also plowing? Sure. Like, of course. Oh, he and his wife were also plowing. Sure, like this horse. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:59:06 So he says, he's got some pros and cons. He's like, well, I heard this, he's telling the story, it's all serious on the show. And he's like, I heard this voice, this voice right before it happened, Salah, like a demon voice talking to me. And I just start laughing like I can't fucking. Oh, you're like acid white.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Yeah, I'm like, I'm looking, I'm like, what the fuck is, what is this, talking to me and I just start laughing like I can't fucking acid white acid I'm looking like what the fuck is what is this what's no one else laughing like I'm coming for your son I'm got did you start that yeah I was making jokes you know you were on acid like like nobody did and then at the very end I did my prestige and said by the way guys I've been on acid. The pleasure of doing a phone part, the prestige.
Starting point is 00:59:50 By the way, I've been on acid this entire time. Thank you. Everyone's like, we knew. And that's when I posted that because everyone's going on Twitter like, ah, this motherfucker and then what it presented, curious answer is sent. Sent a, he responded with a picture of his Emmy on a coffee table. And I'm like, you mother vucker, you got you picture Emmy up off the shelf where it usually is.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Put on a coffee table. That's so embarrassing, dude, when people flaunt there, if you stay in TV long enough, you will get an Emmy. I got an Emmy with a wingtips of book. I mean, you could have it if you want it. You have an Emmy for real? From what? From a Schumerschhow back in the day.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Oh, God, you were on a ugly American suit, aren't you? Yeah, why didn't you get an Emmy for that? God, I fucking love that show. I was so sad we were going to watch it. I was, that was fun, man. I like the art they did and they used to let me make up lines, which I like, but it would have been better if we had like two more. So you've got to kind of got like good, you know, because last year it's not that good
Starting point is 01:00:49 the first two. Yeah, that's true. That's a good concept though. I like, you know, that episode with the, I'm over here over here where he's the demon has the kid saying, I'm dead over here. And they both say at the whole, I forgot about that dude. And absolutely. That was the one I was that when that other demons running for mayor I think and his campaign slogan is absolutely that was so funny to me. I've been saying it
Starting point is 01:01:13 I forgot all that A man Americans I love that show Yeah, it was put they wanted like a bill like so I was like the zombie roommate of the guy, you know Yeah, they wanted like a supposed to be like was the zombie roommate of the guy. They wanted a Boston kind of like skinny guy. I think they want to build birth to build birth, but I can't do that. So I just did a very heavy dumb, dumb jersey.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Yeah. And I didn't do their lines. You really can't usually do that. You should say they want, but I just made up lines. And then they would let me do it, which I liked. Oh, it's cool. We're loving the idea with the, if they can, you know, they have the gaze against groomers type,
Starting point is 01:01:53 like on the internet, like them, them doing their Chris Hansen thing, but it's like, it's just like 12 sassy gay dudes, like, if you walk in and they're just like, you got a problem, mister, like that's what they do there They're chris and something just rip apart as wardrobe Hey, yeah, yeah, you're in trouble for child porn and in but the real crimes that sure They start grieving him Oh, that was yesterday when I was on the street. I was doing I was telling people what room and some kids
Starting point is 01:02:24 I was doing some kids. I was asking people if they think the influencer challenges are out of control. And I was like saying that a lot of kids are doing the by a hard drive of child porn challenge. It's not as easy as it did you know, baby? I was like, to me, I think it's gotten a little too out of control. I was kind of screwed. What's the role goal? Oh, that was another one.
Starting point is 01:02:45 The influencer challenges was like, oh yeah, the like, oh yeah, jerk off your stepdad challenge. I think Boogie won that challenge, didn't he? Jesus Christ. Did he do that? Yeah. What? This guy that they know on the internet.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Yeah, jacked off his stepdad. I think so. Boogie, 14 maybe eight. That guy, a big fat guy. He ripped off one of my bits recently. And that guy would jerk on his step dad? Every time he gets caught doing something bad, like he has a new story about how he was raped or molested or something.
Starting point is 01:03:19 The last time when he shot, when he tried to murder Frank has over that. That's like, well, my stepdad rapes me. He made me jack him off. I was like, okay, well, I guess that's, you got handraped. I think that was it. God damn. First degree handraped, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:38 First degree handraped. It's like such a ball. That was, I guess, you couldn't pull that off as good now. That kid would be on TikTok, but like, balls he moved for a stepdad to like pop in and generally like, let me get a handy from her fat little son. Like, it's crazy. Maybe that's why he's fat.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Yeah, he was skinny. He was shredded. Is that on the single mom checklist? Like do they have to act? You know, like you dread asking the question. Do you have any STDs? I'm putting on my ass. My son's got like a pretty smooth hand.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Is that gonna be like tempting for you? I'm gonna need a shoe for you. Have you noticed my son's hands? Like yeah, you're out. Just a long buddy. You just remind me of, what is it, Brenna Frazier? Have you seen Brenna Frazier's movie The Way of the Dome?
Starting point is 01:04:25 No, no, he's good. Well, I'm not gonna watch it, but it's a controversial because he's wearing a fat suit. Yeah, yeah, fat, fat. Yeah, but he's like, he takes it all, he's the first thing you said when I, like, he's so fat. Yeah, yeah, he's very thin.
Starting point is 01:04:38 He's not that far from a member. Yeah. He's souped up a little bit. He's got dedication. He's got to work for Tennis. And we do a little bit of tan to be member. Yeah. They souped it up a little dedication. Just getting away from it. For the innocent would do a little bit of tan to be Obama. Yeah. This is a little just a pinch. That little spark.
Starting point is 01:04:51 I think the Justin Trudeau full blast. 40. Oh shit. Is Dame Paisos here? Let me see. Yeah. What happened to him last week? He's but his power went out. Um, lives in the third car when I didn't. Is that Dame P damn pesos. It's Dom A. P. Yeah, Dom A. Cause I'm a give me an I like watching his, uh, because I'm on Jimmy Dois show. He, he has clips of stupid chunk losing his mind about, fucking hilarious. Oh, one 30. Oh, shit. Maybe I, maybe I dissed him. You're not a fan of a chunk. Why? I never liked that dude. He went
Starting point is 01:05:24 at me like years ago when I was getting a fucking media smash and like, he's the king of, he's just a fucking, I hate this ingenuous fucking like, I don't know, it's got like team political players, I fucking hate it. Yeah, he's like always got, he always needs more money. Who's that? That's why. Chunkying, a chunk younger, whatever chunk younger, the young Turks.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Is that down by paystiles? Is he here? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Yes. I mean, you're me, only once. Without echoes. I hear echoes. I hear echoes. Yes, I hear echoes. Don't stop that. I hear Ecos. I hear Ecos. I hear Ecos. Damn it. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Damn it. Fix you shit. Yeah. Sank younger is like just always fundraising. It seems like the whole show is just not short term. Because he, yeah, that's exactly it. He had a bunch of investors. That's when he, like, I mean, he's always, I thought he's always a piece of shit, but
Starting point is 01:06:24 I guess Jimmy was cool at some point. But it's all invested right now without it, Gus. Let's see. I can't believe you're alive. I've never been happier than when I saw your new video. This guy was gone for two years. Really? Yeah, yeah, he disappeared. He came back with the Vengeance. Come on. He came back with Evengeance, though. What did you do? Why did you leave? Why? Yeah. Well, I had a beat prepare, but the shit doesn't work. So now I have nothing.
Starting point is 01:07:06 It's me, Gator Clip. Is that what you were gonna play? You could have a key out of that, right? No, I can't hear that. No, you fucked up. You fucked up. I got so. You fucked up your.
Starting point is 01:07:21 He's got so. He's got a great one. She's been gone for two years. No. Well, figure it out. You got time. I'm going to talk to these guys for a while. Time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Okay. Jix got seven months. I only have seven months to live. Okay. And he's the guy. But it's like, because Elvis died when he was like 42 in seven months. So therefore, official story.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Oh, he just went home. Yeah. So I have about seven months. So therefore official story. Oh, you just went home. So I have about eight months. I have exactly as long as Elvis does. That movie sucked, by the way, which one? All of this? Oh, you didn't like it? Now, you liked it? Yeah, I did. Colonel, Colonel was so tough on part of his time part. Well, he was a legit piece of shit. One of the great, one of the great villains in that music history. I loved the way they laid that out. I just felt like they, they would like make huge moments of things that probably weren't that big a deal.
Starting point is 01:08:15 And then they would kind of like graze over like it was just like, I was pissed that Anne Margaret didn't get a what's up attack. It's kind of like a music video too, like it just kind of like, if you honestly felt like you're watching like a parody's up attack. I'm using video too. It just kind of like, honestly felt like you're watching a parody of a thing. He's like, the old John movie, that's like, Yeah,
Starting point is 01:08:30 Elton John movie was like corny, but it was at least like suited it a little more because Elton John's kind of like so fucking fabulous or whatever. This like, He's not even close to fabulous anymore. Now he's like, Yeah, a little bit conservative.
Starting point is 01:08:42 He has probably like just dudes coming in like 10 at a time and to whatever hotel room he's in at every city. Like, you think that he'd take a job or did you? I mean, it into a body. I think I think I've been trying to be gay, though. No, no, no, just to his house instead of various hotel rooms. And hanging up with Spurs. No, you see, you know, grapes on them and stuff and he's has guys feeding
Starting point is 01:09:06 them figs. Like, oh, you's doing all that kind of wide stuff. Just what about you? Do you have a girl's hunting you down? You're so good looking and thank you. I appreciate that. But no, I'm not trying to fucking be on that circuit like that. He must find that irresistible. Yeah. Straight to it.'m not trying to do it like, oh my God. I must have him. I must have his foreskin as a, uh, metal as a hat. Yeah, you hang up the condom. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:35 The same one you've been using the third time. God. I have my, I have my old Jesse Condom bronze over my bed. I've been using this one since my stepdad, Jack. You know, I liked it. It was kind of like a music video. I was shit faced when I saw it though.
Starting point is 01:09:52 So, I mean, that really colors, I don't know, I just felt like, like that, they made a big deal about like the Hound Dog thing. I'm like, I don't think that really colors. I don't know, I just felt like, like that, when they made a big deal about the Hound Dog thing, I'm like, I don't think that's accurate. That was my point. They kept making big deals over things where it was like a small thing. Because Elvis was throwing a fit that they made him sing to a dog.
Starting point is 01:10:14 And I'm like, no, I think he thought that was funny. I think they want to focus on more of the certain things and not a lot of other things. Yeah. They also tried to make it seem like Elvis was kind of like this activist. And it was like, no, he's like career was on like a bit of a down thing. And he started kind of hanging out with all the new artists.
Starting point is 01:10:29 They were all like into that stuff at the time. Like the Bob Dylan thing was popping off. And he was trying to get a piece of the action. And they made it like he made a stand like walked into the record company. And it's like, I don't care. I'm talking about wars now. But it's like, that's not really what it was. He might have, I mean, he became a, he was just like a nark for Nixon. Yeah, like that, but that's like a thing.
Starting point is 01:10:49 You should do that. Maybe you would walk it on. It's a, it does sound like a arrogant act. Like I would, I think it was more like, your wife left in the drugs. And my girlfriend said, I would never leave you for the, I said over the drugs or for more drugs. Over the drugs. There was one good part where like they just a show what a G was when they have a, when the, he was talking about his wife, like how much he cheated on her and she's like, I don't care about the other girls. It's about the drugs and I was like, nice arrangement. Elvis had for himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Apparently this one, I don't even think this is the movie, like maybe it's small, but I've heard that apparently he never had sex with his wife. Like after is the movie, like maybe it's small, but I've heard that apparently he never had sex with his wife after, at the beginning, then for like, he had this weird thing about, you've had a kid. Yeah, I know. He did have a weird mother thing, weird thing. I don't know, people have a thing like that. Really?
Starting point is 01:11:40 What is it? I want to say who, but. Well, what is, what's like the thing? That you can't want to fuck their fat wife anymore. This condition. What? Is that my friend who's got a brother? What's the, what's the,
Starting point is 01:11:51 the way my friend who's got a guy who's like, it's like once I'm with them, like the like, their boobs or something, right? Once they're together, it feels like they're like, his own boobs, what's not, it turn on to him. Oh. I was like, that's, I don't know what that means exactly, but that's a deep, I got deep, that's, I don't know what that means exactly, but that's a deep, I got
Starting point is 01:12:06 a deep look into how he thinks. But that is like a, a such of like deep explanation for saying like, yeah, I just prefer like new chicks. Well, you see, once I fucked up through the transcendental approximation of our body, there might be disrespected. Like, it's like, I to talk about. They get less into what women. Yeah. I mean, I don't think I need a science experiment to be like, yeah, I've been with a chick for nine years and let's end to fucking it. I forgot about this. How about this one? What do you
Starting point is 01:12:36 guys think about this? Brian's Dallas Howe. I'm going to play the fan watch. We'll start into this. That's my segment. That's the one that Buggie stole from me. That fat pig, that fat thief, Bryce Dallas Howard says, I was asked to lose weight for Jurassic World Dominion, but my director protected me. What, did she direct that movie? No, I heard her. He would slip me cups of graze. She took it. Bryce, I heard he would slip me cups of green. He would be on the brisk. Right. So I revealed in an interview that she was asked to lose weight before filming Jurassic World Dominion, which marked her a third, whatever, but she said her weight has often been a topic of discussion amongst studio executives. You know, shit. Yeah. My favorite
Starting point is 01:13:19 thing was on fat on one of these articles on Twitter. I was looking at the comments and there was just like one super genuine comment of a guy being like, oh, I actually did notice she was a little bigger in that movie. Interesting. You know, I'm just like, not even. Oh, I did notice that. Is that a troll?
Starting point is 01:13:41 That's funny. I know I think it was. Maybe I'm. I think it was like a dude just like, oh, interesting. I've been asked not to use my natural body and cinema. On the third movie, I was actually because there was so many women cast. We never asked Bryce to lose weight.
Starting point is 01:13:57 That is so, like, they probably didn't either. They probably said something hinting at it. All these actors are so fucking like, and then I felt like I was expected. Yeah, it's drama, yeah, drama. And you are. They said they were gonna have to have wide angle lenses. And I, I mean, how much weight
Starting point is 01:14:14 did she even have to lose? For, it's just for the camera. Like, yeah, not very much, I would think. I will say that Chris and I have discussed it. And whenever there is an opportunity to move the needle on stuff that had not not been negotiated, like a game or a ride, he told me, you guys don't even have to do any.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Oh, no, that's about her salary. No, I love the idea of like being a fat slob and making an activist thing. Like you're just like, yeah, you got to fight the power just sitting in your room with your chips and shit. Like, Mark, what the hell is he doing? I'm an activist. The whale controversy is that is like, they make it seem like it's so insane the person that's up.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Maybe that's why they had to give him a fatsuit because he couldn't put on the way. If you find him at canned getting his applause for being in the oil at can standing ovation, it's so fun. The interview with him. Why does he get a standing ovation? The whale. The whale. Brain Frazier interview with him. Why does he get a sense of innovation? The whale. So the whale. But brainfrazier interview for the-
Starting point is 01:15:07 Brateteers? Oh, that's funny. The state, that one. But there's one where he's being interviewed and that actor whoer should have, like, I learned you have to be strong to be that fat. Like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like,
Starting point is 01:15:21 you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, you know how they're like, Brandon Frazier, the whale, okay. Interview? Yeah. It's the same as like, you're as he dust in Hoffman talking about Tootsie. Yeah. And he wanted to be prettier, but they're like,
Starting point is 01:15:34 we can't make it. And he started crying, he said. Because he realized that if he saw a woman, you know, like him, he would not talk to her. And how many interesting women have I He basically is like how many ugly women didn't get a chance even fucking He's in tears about it This fucking maniac. He's feeling bad for himself. He passed over like a whole We give him fucking like three checks a day. There's a whole
Starting point is 01:16:00 A whole world of six is that I wasn't fucking his standing ovation. That is funny. Oh, there he is. He's brain of ratio in tears six minutes standing ovation. It's only 45 seconds, but yeah, but no, but I mean This is important enough to stand for six minutes in clap take off your thoughts and kidding me. Just watching the movie. Yeah He is very fat He was just winded now. He's not. I got brilliant. I get my position with he even. As soon as I'm increased.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Oh, he's nice. And here comes a good move. He's definitely taking Brendan Fraser's back now. Yeah, really? Where's the... Let's see him post that meme now. Yeah, he's got four meme. He's got five meme.
Starting point is 01:16:44 He's fuckers, your motherfuckers Wait, could you see the little stupid thing you didn't go back in the middle? Watch, watch, watch Watch, he doesn't want to shock him, he's all shouts, watch Watch his logo Watch, watch Oh, he's very bad, he's very bad, he did like a little rascals Oh, like kick it He's so bad, he's very bashful. He did like a little rascals. Oh, like kick it. He's so bashful. Yeah, he's definitely on himself in me too about a casting director. Did me do him? As me
Starting point is 01:17:15 to him, when you make the charger when you get molested, making the charger. No one was molested. Brandon Frazier was by some gay casting director and got black ball the while. That's why he got black ball. Because guess what? If you're saying he me too, the casting went for a long time. I think who's a black guy that said someone grabbed his tail? Oh, Terry Cleary. So I think he's the only one.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Maybe that's what it was. They were like, I mean, you could play this big fat guy and he's like, I have to wear a fat suit and they were like yeah sure he's like obviously if I'm like if we're going to be strong yeah yeah people might not like that I'm betraying one of them right I hope you'll allow me to step into your world for just one moment I hope you'll allow me to step into your world for just one moment. It's been an honor, though I returned to that. It's a sin size.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Yeah, that's why I do the rest of you. I'm talking about, like, I can't believe that people have to experience that. Dude, I wouldn't know what that's like. You know, from my privileged position, isn't it? Then what a person, to a person of size, by the way, is what the people. Yeah. Did you ever see Billy Bob Thornton on inside the
Starting point is 01:18:33 actor studio where the guy goes, can we, I don't know what fucking was the biscuits and mustard guys name? Flingblade. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. He's like, can we talk to Slingblade? And who else? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's like, can we talk to sling later? I'm gonna throw this yeah
Starting point is 01:18:47 Which you want to know You know, I mean, Kyle we're crying watching those Because you want to do it with he's Such a fucking pretension his story of that is greatest He was on a set and he had like this collar and his fat face was and he goes and he goes and I was just looking at it. It just looks so awful. I started going, he started in the mirror.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Do we retort? What? Yeah, that was where that character came from. My character. And I did the entire monologue right then and they were in the mirror. Some vocal golem, he made a kill my mom. He did all of it and one dude. I love actor pretentious interviews so much. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Okay. Here's some exciting news for fellow watch time. It's about damn time that you can shop on Lizzo's Instacart grocery list. Sean, isn't that exciting? You can shop. You can eat what Lizzo? What's everything? Just click on order warehouse now. How's that? Oh dude, this is an ad. New York Post may be compensated or receive.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Yeah, yeah, here it is. Shop Lizzo's card. What do you think he could confirm? That's what I want. How big is that cart? Oh, it's big. Cheries. It's just like a bunch of
Starting point is 01:20:01 cherries or he's her assistant. Yeah. Impossible brush sheets. She eats fake meat. I don't think so. It's just like to buy a series or he was her assistant. Impossible brush sheets sheets fake meat. I don't think so. That's impossible. Yeah, I don't believe you. Oh, she eats these dog balls. You ever had the misfortune of cooking impossible meat?
Starting point is 01:20:19 No, I've never, I've never eaten it. I had, I was barbecue and over at somebody's house and throw throw some of this fucking impossible burger on there It smells like fucking shit. Oh, yeah, I'm pretty sure Lizzo just face fucks are right out of the bag so She's got these disinfecting wipes Fold wipes if you're gonna eat cherries like Lizzo you need to dig into the crevasses Yeah, that's great that this is all made to fit over like a toilet brush if she can reach you in a bag of skittles Yeah, wow, this looks like a what a great. She's just like Yeah, lemons and lime
Starting point is 01:21:01 Cherry Garcia non dairy. Sure you're gonna see a non dairy. That's awful. Why can't single banana? I'm not a bunch. I'm not a bunch. What? I'm not the huge bit of skittles. Well, that's her fruit. For that's her sift, she's getting everything. She needs a potassium. She's a fatassian.
Starting point is 01:21:16 I skittles her leg. Potassium. That's why she needs the banana. The lemon and lime are probably a mistake. She's like, well, throw some healthy fruits and vegetables in there. But a lot of those retarded oranges. I don't know what. It's the appetizer.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Muckers, do you want your shot? I live with this bitch. The big girls. No. I want to watch it and do like commentary, but I'm pretty sure I'll lose my bank account. They all come out like stupid, stupid kind of LA hot chicks that are in a fat suit, but they'll never be able to get out of it. So it's like, so they're all like, they could be like a hot dumb chick, but they're just fat
Starting point is 01:21:54 and they're mad about it. Oh, yeah. You know, like, okay, well, I can still dance like a dumb horde. Like, the whole thing is the self esteem of being exploited like cattle for the fucking devil industry. And fat. Yeah. Yeah. What? Thought people could be commodified and sold by the pound. But there's today. What? What? It's such a fucking. Are you trying to eat me? Spaghetti cluster fuck of cables going on over here. Vito did that. God damn him. Let's see here. Relax.
Starting point is 01:22:25 What? Garrett says, whales are calling their relationships with non-fat asses, quote, mixed-weight relationships. Mixed-weight, what are you, what are you, what are you, mixed-weight, what are you, what are you, I hope it's a deal. I've sold it. Oh, look at this lady. Whoa. Wait, mom, she's not fat leg.
Starting point is 01:22:51 That's a lymphedema. Yeah. Haters is her fat ex boyfriend. Is that what mixed weight means? Oh my God. What's better? Yeah, one's bad and one's and the guy is getting. I'm going to sort it.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Everyone's in a while. What are these? Like you'll see a dude that'll post like an inspirational status being like the mechanical vibe. Everyone says that look at this guy. He's so hot. Everyone said that right. So Glee she's actually so hot.
Starting point is 01:23:19 I like him big. Yeah. Yeah, that's. Yeah, look that happy right there. He looks like he found the perfect beard. That's what I find. That's a guy that looks like happens a lot. It wasn't a mixed-way relationship when we started.
Starting point is 01:23:31 No, I was saying this. I mean, I've had a couple mixed-weat one night stands, man. Not this big, I hope. Do you guys do probably a couple of mixed weight, couple mixed weight double teams, do you guys take interwetially? They are my hope for you and Danny. You have me, Danny.
Starting point is 01:23:57 The self-proclaimed, Thickney Spears clapping back at all my controls who criticize her mixed-weight relationship with her long-time boyfriend who is gay. Leah Stanley had proudly plus sized lifestyle influencer from Vermont met her partner Dan three years ago on Bumble. That's not a good, if I was Bumble I would sue this. They're not all like that. Yeah. We need can be hot girls too. We read what was in the pasta. So there's just an advertisement for her dumb thing and she's selling being a fat chick in the garden.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Oh, me, look at the size of her. Yeah, oh, no. The worst thing about, like, if you're dating a huge girl and she starts doing, like, an Instagram thing about being fat, you're like, oh, so this is permanent then, huh? Yeah. Like you're telling this to your income now. Do you think this could possibly be like you know, internet rappers will be holding up like fake cash
Starting point is 01:24:50 and a thing? Do you think that's like her cash and gun kind of thing? Cause she's a big guy. I do. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Cause lifestyle shits all this like you look, I got this, like it's like a tie Lopez leaning on a Lambo. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's doing. Is that a tattoo of a cobra on his arm? It better be. He's a big Andrew Taker. What do you think about Andrew Taker? Is he the greatest?
Starting point is 01:25:12 There's a great man. This guy's like, I think stop attacking him for being half black and support him. Yeah, I think it's the philosophies on. I feel like a lot of 20 year olds need a anjure date, whoever that is. Yeah. But like I feel like when once if you're like 30 and you still need a guy to like wake you up like that. You're probably yeah, you probably it's over for you. We've done go the other way. You know, you just do your better off like other portions.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Get rid of the hijab. A little, right? But if you're like 18 and you're, I think sometimes you need a guy like that to just fucking like, like just the most. Okay, cup check. What? It's a cup check. Tell me, explain how I'm wrong. Like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:25:57 You like his extrinsic. You like his extrinsic. But I do like that if you listen to his, I listen to an interview with him recently. It's like, he's the best. You could see how he can negotiate anything with a girl. He's irrationalized anything. Like his dad left his mom. And he was telling the interviewer, we go,
Starting point is 01:26:12 you know, I think my dad did that to teach us a lesson. Oh, yeah, yeah. He's like, he's like, hey, there's a lot of his life story. He's like, we get older. It's still interesting. You can still see some shit. It's like Tom Cruise in Magnolia. It's like you get older. It's still interesting. You can still see some shit. It's like Tom Cruise and Magnolia. It's that kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:26:28 It's be dead, man. There's nothing that wasn't like, that was, it was very like, chess masters, you wouldn't understand. One chess master to another. Even like getting kicked off the internet, he was like, this is part of the plan. Like everything's part of the plan, right?
Starting point is 01:26:42 That's a passionate case if I've ever seen one. That's the G.I. Joe code. I know, that right? That's a passionate kiss if I've ever seen. That's the G.I. Joe Cobain. That's what I thought. Yeah. Okay, he's gay. So, they go.
Starting point is 01:26:51 It looks like when Liza Mell used to kiss that David Guest. He's like making up the cabbage patch, doll. His eyes are closed. He's thinking about Adam Levine. Can you believe that? I think that women leaking DMs should be a felony. It's the same as, yeah, it's basically the same thing. It's a sexuality.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Like you can't say like, this guy's actually gay. You can't say this guy's actually straight. What is the happening? I don't know. You have to do sexuality. Yeah. So that's some inter-tape reasoning that we need out here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:21 You can't be telling people that I'm straight. What do you think this guy, like, what do you like about it? He goes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't be, you can't be telling people that I'm straight. What do you think this guy would like? What do you like about him? I just love her big fanny. She probably makes my money than him for starters. Of course. No, she has great skin. That's how he's like that.
Starting point is 01:27:34 That's a real boy. Maybe he was saying like, dead out of a million times. No, I think what's happening. You have great skin. I don't give a shit. Shit about his skin. I was so much trouble. His parents are saying. It's like menstruating cannibals. They're like, oh, I think what's happening is you've agreed skin. I don't give a shit shit about his
Starting point is 01:27:49 Parents are saying it's like menstruating cannibals. They're like oh, I want your skin And that's okay by the way, that's not the grossest objective occasion that you want to dismantle another woman on a thing and But Buffalo Bill No, what happened is In these gay and then he was like if I'm so gay then why do I have the most woman possible? Oh yeah! We go up a little bit. We have this gay. You see that? He's got half of the women I do.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Wait, do you see what I'm saying? Go back up. You can see he's crying in here. He's getting his body. He's getting his body. He's a gay guy. But wait, go back up. You see what says the self in here. He's playing both like a happy, he's a gay guy. But wait, go back up.
Starting point is 01:28:27 You see what says the self-pro... Ew, down a little bit. He hates being part of this project, eh? Okay, the lovebirds don't like to adhere to society's rule. And according to this self-proclaimed Stanley, what does that mean? He's a self-proclaimed Stanley. I'm a Stanley, is that a thing? And according to this, self-proclaimed Stanley, what is a Stanley, a guy who dates fat chicks?
Starting point is 01:28:46 Uh, he got me. I guess so. I thought one of their last names was Stanley. How can you be a self-proc, I guess everyone who is Stanley is a self-proclaimed Stanley. What fucking rules are they? You have a damn fucking fat chick, you'll be gizzily shit.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Oh man, look at that, she's got a pouch, she's hiding a rou in there. She's got a pouch, hiding a rou in there. She's like stole a covering from a military Jeep. She's becoming more soupy all from her. Yeah. More soupy all sexual. She's got a lot of looks. I'll give her that.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Yeah, they're not good. Yeah. Okay, he's with you for the money. I also don't have money. Oh, fair enough. Oh, and I'm poor. Holy shit. I mean, yeah, I mean, I have I know people that have a bad gross life. I mean, it's not. Yeah, no one's like most of the country. Yeah, but no one's gone up to them and being like, this is against society's rules.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Yeah, I don't know what it's Stanley is now. I don't know if the world's ready for this. Okay, here is another one. This is from RoboCock. I says, fat watch today, fat news. This is an advertisement for a game, I guess. Where they get an extra helping of news. Why does player one always have to be a size zero and then it's a big fat lady.
Starting point is 01:30:02 They don't have, they make sliders in games. Oh, it's a dove. It's a dove ad Did you ever saw me in a sketch where dove with dove was um They had more and more like women who felt bad about their body and then draw a picture of them They made one of guys balls They thought their balls were ugly and then saw an artist drew their balls and they coming Yes, he's been described their balls because wrinkly ugly Swam long time ago I think it's like a funnier die
Starting point is 01:30:33 Wow, why does later one always have to be set yeah make him fat. I don't know dove What bad is hell? They're running around right like in a video game. They're like moving around I'm lined with gamers. Yeah, do do do do do watch themselves now. Why is that? You know, female gamers do they do. Yeah, while they're playing candy crush there. Candy crush that is I love the female Twitch streamers.
Starting point is 01:30:56 But yeah, you just like naked playing painting their tits. Yeah, yeah. Unbelievable. Get a job on this bitch. The best part of the Andrew Tating of like, oh, this is vulnerable teens can see Andrew Tating. Like, you can watch underage fucking sexual shit, the whole rest of the channel.
Starting point is 01:31:13 You know what, that might be more damaging. They're gonna leave the chicks dancing for pedophiles on, but you can't have this guy. You can practice giving dollars, like you can be 13 years old, sipping for whoever, like practicing treating them like ours. They only use grooming for adult women.
Starting point is 01:31:30 I've heard adult women in the last seven years were like, oh, he was grooming me. And you're an adult, you maniac, and then for kids, like remember, but Karin, who's my friend? Another guy's good, but remember, Minyak, QT's, when it came out. Right, he's just like, what? You're making it set. Like, are you fucking shitting meion cuties when it came out. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:45 She's like, what? You're making it. Are you fucking shitting me? Oh, these guys love cuties. I love cuties. I can't wait for the prequel. Have you seen it? In touch. No, I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 01:31:54 No, you don't have to be on list. The thing is you could watch it, but if they should check your record, and if you just watch it in like 15 minute bursts. Oh, yeah, of course. Okay, let me see if Tom. My pace is here. Tom, are you here? Does your stuff work now?
Starting point is 01:32:08 Hello. Yes. Tell me where you want. No, it goes. Okay. Okay. Wait. Got you here.
Starting point is 01:32:16 This. My name is Ethan. I want to suck Jim's cock. Oh. What do you think? Yes. What's the route? Yes.
Starting point is 01:32:24 It was around. Yes. It was round. What is that? I said, no, I know. It's me, Medicare. Are we hearing that? I love the gun. Now they're fighting. He's on the top. Everyone's won't start anything at all. Definitely not. Ralph's fighting everyone. And Ralph is like, remember when Hulk Hogan was like NWO. Oh, he's right. He is fighting everyone right now. He's a bad guy, right? Yeah. He's trying to talk to me now. Motherfucker. I'm going to kill him. He's trying to kill him. You're going to keep up my first son of Facebook. I'm going to kill him where he hurts.
Starting point is 01:33:05 I'm gonna start a new live show on YouTube called the Killed Stream. Gonna be the most popular live stream on YouTube called the Killed Stream. You can't compete. That's gonna be a better band from YouTube. So I'm gonna be beyond these. I'm sure you said YouTube. I'm just making it sound like you said something else. He's so cute.
Starting point is 01:33:23 You're gonna kill Ralph? Yeah, because he, because he faced Docs to you. Yes, oh, he doesn't, he doesn't, uh, you got face talk? You don't pose, you don't, no one knows what he looks like. No one knows what he looks like. No, no one used to know, no one used to know, no everyone knows. No, everyone knows. And then like in telegrams, like can't even like flag it or anything.
Starting point is 01:33:47 Yeah. Maybe the only time I want to flag something, because my fucking face. I'm family. But I was your piece of shit. That was your family too. I came back and like the next day, the next day, not a fucker, not a fucker, kill him. Why did he kill him? Why did he face that? I call it fat. I call it fat. That one thing. Is he sensitive about his weight? Apparently. You called him fat one time, but you had to know that that he would answer it to that with
Starting point is 01:34:22 the answers to the bow with the shocking off. You know, that's it. Ralph is never he's never quit on a stool. You've been away a long time, Tommy. You don't know what's been happening for two years. Yeah, like what happened to like I remember one time I went to his show. I made fun of him for being drunk and alcoholic for like, wow, he was super happy about it, too. Everyone liked it.
Starting point is 01:34:45 Now I come back, I call him fat. I can like, oh, he has to work, he leaves, he has to fly, he's still trapped. Get his face, he looks like a Mexican cracker, fuck, he's my, uh, one day, one day. I was not anyone for one day, well done it. Is that gonna be a problem for you in your life? Do you think in Chile is that? No.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Oh, Chile, Paisos. Yeah. Yeah. I can't ask you why I should do in the beginning of your videos. No. Who's that guy? It's like no soy mat and this guy with like a weird kind of shaped body dancing. Oh.
Starting point is 01:35:24 You know, Tuxedo. What is that weird shaped guy that you use in your videos? And my face says, another corner to be crying. Who's that? The crying guy is called Monday in Mad. What is that? He was a homosexual, he was the most red-feel motherfucker around the gamer gate. He said, oh, a gamer gate are you know that? No, no, I, I'm sorry. Now in the white supremacist, I'm baby no, no.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Monday and Matt, he's gonna dox is one because I would see his other videos. Yeah, I would be there. But who's this guy? Because Monday and Matt was, he got famous because like Brianna, mundane. Yeah, Monday and Mac got famous because Brianna will flag to him at the beginning of game again. Did she fucking consult with the fucking FBI now for terror?
Starting point is 01:36:13 What? Yeah, got that from that guy from Breaking Point, Saga, he said that. Really? I was like, I have to make a look really, as yeah, you guys crazy those people. Oh, I love the trans community and I love Brianna will. And K yet. You guys crazy those people. I love the trans community and I love Brianna Woe
Starting point is 01:36:27 and Kephels. Yeah, I'm afraid I love Drungenders. I don't, with Kephels, I feel like, yes, she's like, like, I'm flame to my mouth. Like I just want to know everything about her. Like you can, you know, you can fuck me all up. I just want to know. I think I just want to interact with you. I want to make that clear. You what?
Starting point is 01:36:47 I think they're better than women. Trans women. One hundred percent. Absolutely. She, she, she, post he smells better too. If you like sports, dude, they're killing it. Monday Matt got famous for getting flagged and then he he flagged Don May Pesos for just kind of like making fun of him a little bit. And he was, he lied about it and then he confessed to it. That's who that is. That's all. Yeah, he's crying about getting like a YouTube.
Starting point is 01:37:14 I was just like, dude, I am dancing and crying in there is so humiliating. That's what I was talking about because I was like, this guy, I mean, he must regret having it. I don't have to have just a video of just me jerking off and making a face go out. That dancing and crying about getting on YouTube, like being a, I don't know the half of a chorus. Of just my sex noises go out, the humiliating noises.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Then, why would you cry on a fucking YouTube? Why would you get more common right now? I feel like I've seen like five or six dudes but I'm like, I'm stuck around. The fucking crazy. Yeah. Be a man. Yeah, there's a thing that I like to know.
Starting point is 01:37:53 You see a man crying with like, you're usually crying on fucking YouTube. Like, people want that. Well, you could like edit it out too. It becomes a decision. Like, why is your- What is your- It's a question I don't like, is that?
Starting point is 01:38:04 It's you chose like, I need to show how it just whatever. Yeah. I know I think a lot of people. Go ahead. Yeah, a lot of people like to talk about toxic masculinity. No, you have to be more emotional, express your emotions. So there's a thing with big YouTubers, they make videos about the man that cried on like Twitch and YouTube. They call some moment and then he was like, I can't subscribe. He cried and expressed his emotions.
Starting point is 01:38:41 It was super awesome. We need to like, subscribe, and they push it, right? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:38:51 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:38:59 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't have a day want that. I guess. I don't want to pair social relationships. That's your future. Let's followers you have the Saturdays, too.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Yeah. Let me see a guy crying for like 14 likes. You go, body. Was not the move. How was your time off, Tommy Paisos? It was great. I spent all my time on a think, thank thinking of a new segment for the Tick Show. Did you want to hear my new segment on the Tick Show?
Starting point is 01:39:33 I think, yeah, I think I would love to hear that. Let's see if we can keep it in. I think you might, because it's partially inspired by the musical Genius Vito, the Fatcomo Sexual, the fat homosexual. You wanna hear my? Okay, yeah, let's give it a shot. Only the names of chance. LVG LGBT community member Vito.
Starting point is 01:39:58 Well, let's pray that you can hear it because I don't think I can hear anything. Okay, but the segment is called Vito is Fad and Gay and it has a musical introduction. He's not fucking the ass by blocks all night long It delivered when it promised Yeah, we heard it He was fucked in the ass by what these other one. It's all these boys, they're very far. He's a homosexual man. Baby he also likes their blood. Baby he also likes baby y'alls.
Starting point is 01:40:56 DCs are questions. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. You like that one? That was good too. Yeah. It's a very musical accent. That was very good. There are very musical people. Yeah, I know. There are only a couple of people. You learn from the best?
Starting point is 01:41:10 Vito. Yes, from Vito. Vito taught me a lot when I hear to the fucking fish, I'm just singing every episode and the biggest problem. Like he sings every time per episode. Yeah, Vito makes these stingers. Yeah, here, wait. Oh, he's not doing it live. He's not just breaking into some song or something.
Starting point is 01:41:36 No, no, I see. Here, let me find a singer from the last one. I've listened to the show. It went us very nacellate. Stinger from the last one. I have listened to the show. They won that very nasally. Where we got crazy liberal women cutting off their breasts inflation that abounds in the IRS. We got master cut and visa pullers on our knees. Well, La Bra, the apologize to the dirty Chinese.
Starting point is 01:41:57 But there's only one podcast that's a take in a stand, restore and sanity across this beautiful land. Go vote. Vote voting in the mouth. It's about voting this beautiful land. Go vote! Vote! It's about voting it up. What did you so much of it? Go vote! Go vote!
Starting point is 01:42:10 Oh, this is like an annual message you tell you to vote. Yeah. Oh, come on, shut up! You know I've got to do it. Vote on our show. Oh, I think I voted on your live vote. Because yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. VLM made a stinger for this bit that he does,
Starting point is 01:42:23 calls voted up where he talks about problems. We talked about it in the previous episode. And the first time he did one, it was like 13 seconds long. So I made fun of him. And now he brings in longer and longer and longer every time. Okay. Okay. I thought you met real like real voting.
Starting point is 01:42:36 No, we're very happy. Now we're very happy to be real voting on our every show that I have. Yeah. Jump. Why would you do that? Yeah. Uh, dummy, did you feel like, uh, did you feel like Trump getting the elections stolen from him? Like kind of took some of the wind out of your sales a little bit. Wait, I also have more songs. Okay. Can I play the other side? Yes. Broly the beat of us, the many black pieces,
Starting point is 01:43:13 Maybe you're maybe not. The lights, the lights, baby. Yeah. It's not any black. I caught a couple words. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, can't hear anything on my end. Ryan, when you make it like big and you get a show, do you think you get higher time?
Starting point is 01:43:45 I mean, to do so. He doesn't, he, he trims all the fat. It's straight into the point. That's what I like about it. Yeah. Yes, Vita, short, short and sweet. Do you have any more songs? Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Like Vita's a queer. Vita is a queer. That's it. Very close. But I'm a window, it's far to get. Look out, you're so small, it's far to get. It's badness, it's far to get. Maybe he's a game, look out, it's far to get. Look out, you're so small, it's far to get.
Starting point is 01:44:21 It's far to get. It's far to get. Maybe, maybe not. He like, of beanets. He's full of beanets. Baby, yeah. How many songs on this topic? Yeah. Oh, he made an album about Monday and Matt. There was Monday, Matt is a fat F-sler. I think. Did you do that or not? I forget.
Starting point is 01:44:55 I think I don't remember. Tommy, we've missed you. So he did it. You went away and that was, you were the glue that held us all together. Yeah. You can't go away like that again. I come back, everyone is fighting.
Starting point is 01:45:05 No one, like I saw a new, the guy from Kiwi Farms, Kiwi Farms is dead. And then he was on a live stream with Mr. Metaker. And he was trying to convince Mr. Metaker that Vito was fucking BiloFile, like for real. I know for real. What is that? No, what are you saying? Vito's a fucking pedophile. This is really think he is?
Starting point is 01:45:27 Apparently, he goes on because, okay, well, because Vito's very liberal and they hate him. So they both, and then like they're always like, you're a pedophile, you're a pedophile. And if he does like, well, I'm not, and he tries to deal with them. Do people throw that around now? Like, it's not the same. Like, it's, a petophile. And he goes like, well, I'm not, and he tries to deal with them. People throw that around now, like, it's not the same.
Starting point is 01:45:46 Like, it's fucking nothing. Like, so, Vito, somebody was talking about how, like, I don't know why Vito has these conversations about like, offending petophile and non-offending petophiles. Like, yeah, you're not doing a crime if you're fucking, but you're not, if you're not raping kids, fine, we'll deal with you later.
Starting point is 01:46:01 So, like, that's all you gotta say. And Vito's like, have these conversations with people like, we're sticking with you. If you're not, if's all you have to say. Vino's like, have these conversations with people like, if you're not, if you haven't raped a kid, then you're not. It's like, why are you having this conversation? Okay, so, what is he? Because he's just like terminally online
Starting point is 01:46:14 because he doesn't want to go work on his own stuff or go work out. So he argues online. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so he made this statement of like, well, you know, he said like, well, if you're not offending, then you're not a criminal. And the guy said something, he was like, well, you know, he said like, well, if you're not offending, then you're not a criminal.
Starting point is 01:46:26 And the guy said something, he was like, well, you know, what we understand, if you don't do a crime, like that's different than thinking about doing a crime. So they latch on to this, we understand as he's, as though he's saying, we pedophiles. It's like, what are you guys fucking saying? Nobody is saying, nobody in the history of the world has ever said, we pedophiles understand. They're like, why else would he say that? Cause he's not a pedophile, he's saying, we cause he's a condescending asshole, a liberal, when he talks to you, that's why.
Starting point is 01:46:55 So that's hilarious that. So they're like, boy, did we? Or he said, we, so he's pedophile. That's why I get in, I was pulling this stupid thing. Provin, I'm not a pro-vin. Pro-vin, it's pro- get in all this political. Stupid things. Proven. Proven. It's proven. Proven.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Proven. Oh, just hilarious. I know, maybe Nolsh have been calling Vito a pedophile lesson working on his website security more. Oh, I mean, that's a lot of blow. Yeah. Calling Vito a fucking pedophile. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:21 Ah, I think I like 10,000 viewers, too, by the way. I know. I know. I'm a big live stream with Mr. Metacare. Mr. Metacare calling you guys fucking pedophile. That's what I'm saying. By the way, is a crime calling someone a pedophile is a fucking crime. That's your choice. It's not in every state,
Starting point is 01:47:46 but in many states. But if you do a defamation case, it's because you have to prove that it harms you. And like, that's the need to say it's true. And I do all this harming veto. I usually monetarily. Yeah. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:47:57 You have to prove injuries, right? Communions have like texted other comedians, like, oh, you're going out veto? Like, you know, he's a pedophile, right? And that's what I'm doing. And they'll tell me this. They'll tell me this. And they're like, and I, like, oh, you're going out with Vito? Like, you know, he's a pedophile, right? And that's what he's like. And they'll tell me this. They'll tell me this.
Starting point is 01:48:07 And they're like, and I was like, bro, what the fuck are you talking about? It's like, it really is, once somebody doesn't like you because you're dumb politics, it's like all fair game to do that. And that's a good thing. Yeah. Fucking crazy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:21 We're gonna get this fucking pedophile. And it doesn't help. He looks exactly like that woodshop teacher with the huge tits. Did you see that? He's Christ. Where are the, somebody said, have you seen the sign by side with Vito in the woodshop?
Starting point is 01:48:37 No, I was the woodshop teacher. Like I would have blonde wig. Somebody, yeah, but the eyes, they have the same glasses and the same. Somebody post me the sign by side of Vito and the- Those are conspiracy going around that, that guy knows what he's doing. Like he was, like he was getting a trouble
Starting point is 01:48:54 for talks masculinity and all this stuff and then he's like trolling. That's a, that's a- What do you think about that? That's going around 16, yeah. I hope that's true. I hope that's true. That the teacher that's doing this.
Starting point is 01:49:06 Oh my God, you're right. Doesn't it look exactly like you? I'll exactly like him. Holy shit. I'll bring it up on the stream. So here's the, oh my God. There's the lady with the giant bosoms on the left. And then there's a shop.
Starting point is 01:49:22 They're in a fucking, cause you saw the thumbs off. Uh, yeah, did you see her at the pool? No. Rocking out, yeah. Dude, did they saw the article in like Canada Press where they blanked out her nipples, like they censored the fake nipples. So just the kids can see him, I guess. I think it's just pixelated as fuck you, Crowder.
Starting point is 01:49:46 You are homosexual. Oh, because he has one getting trouble, I bet, for showing up. But then don't even bother if you're gonna blur the whole thing. Guyner, right? There, look at that. I would just say he was a pregnant woman. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:00 It looks like I've got from a rest of development here. That's a good game, pregnant or a big deal. I think we're a whole class. Should like, in solidarity strap on those big, tiff egg's a good game. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips.
Starting point is 01:50:09 I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips.
Starting point is 01:50:17 I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips.
Starting point is 01:50:25 I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're big-tips. I think we're rocking here. The, why don't you bring one of these because I was looking at those enormous fake tips. That's how they get you. They get you with the fake tips. That's how they groom you.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Yeah. You win the front. These teachers got to be famous enough now that they can, like, quit their teaching job and be like an internet person. All the fans, if this is a joke, there's more for these people. Yeah, they started all the fans. That's incredible. If they, if this is all fake and a scam to like get fired, is it? I heard somewhere. Then it's then she's the, or then he is the greatest comedian of our billion dollar like Lorie Grant for this.
Starting point is 01:51:08 That's the art piece. Yeah, the Mark Twenton. Yeah. Yeah, it's either a total psychopath or like a genius. You sometimes you like can't wait to see what their next move is. I think it was so easy. You just have to do it. And they can't say shit.
Starting point is 01:51:24 Yeah. Yeah, you have to do it. And they can't say shit. Yeah. Yeah. You have to do it. You have to be okay. You got to pick some other one. Like if we have a shop, you just got to be like a construction worker that shows up with them. Like I think you need like full village people of fake titties.
Starting point is 01:51:35 Like just the guy. I love this guy working like the rig on like a smoking darts. Like, oh yeah, just uh, I got puppies upgraded. I love that. My favorite is shit like that. Where it's so everyone's afraid to move around it.
Starting point is 01:51:49 So they can't just be like, come on with those things. Like, no, that's the most beautiful situation of where it all ends. I love it. Tommy, what do you have planned for your return? Moving. I mean, I'll break and back. I had a live stream that's like four hours long. I made a new opening to record a mega music video. Yeah. It's cool as fuck. That's one is in a joke. That one is legit. Oh, yeah, real music video coming to whatever videos. It's already up on my channel.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Maybe you could show it. Yeah, let's see. That's great. Good to hear it. Can Joey it. You can do it. What would it take to get you up to LA? Now that you're face docs and everything, uh, I don't know a little money,
Starting point is 01:52:43 a bunch of vaccines. No, it's over. We don't have to do that anymore Donnie Pacias anime opening full version the soilest man show is back must watch in 4k All right, I don't know if we have I think that's a joke too No, no that one isn't a joke no joke. No, loading the DVD. Fuck yeah. Sounds like a tape player. He's solved. Oh Oh, no. That's what it was, my dance. There's a little dancing cactus.
Starting point is 01:54:06 And a back shit. This is a fucking video, isn't it? Yeah! Oh, the U. I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you, I'm gonna keep on you Oh no, is that Monkey Joe? Wow! That's incredible. That's what he's been up to for two years. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what he's been up to for two years. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:49 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:57 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeahke Jones. Yeah, I got the mumke Jones. I saw that. He's a secret.
Starting point is 01:55:09 He's like a YouTube guy. He released a sex tape. It was a great sex tape, honestly. Why? His own. He released his own sex tape. Yeah, why was it great? He's skinny, the girls skinny. They're looking like they're having fun.
Starting point is 01:55:20 They're looking like they're both enjoying it equally. It was good fucking camera work. He looks at the camera work. Is it to say like, if they are, is it so they can see it properly? Yeah, yeah. It sounds good. It's like, my favorite is Hunter Biden eating a sandwich
Starting point is 01:55:34 off that chick's head. Oh, have you seen it? Have you seen it? Okay, one. Just do it. Hunter Biden's a legend. Like, I'm not against it. He just would gnarke on you with recording
Starting point is 01:55:42 or your party with the lab, whatever. He fucking the first one, you can't make it out, but it's just legit, it's the chick from the lawn. You know, the live action movie that does me, she's giving a fucking foot job in a hotel room while he smokes crack with MTV's ridiculousness in the background. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha chick's head and then he's about for a ride. He's a
Starting point is 01:56:07 one-hunger and a sandwich. It does. He's gonna just be fucking bored. He's a board. He's a board. He's a board. A government, yes. A dead by then.
Starting point is 01:56:16 A board. A counter. Do you know his legs? Oh, he's a man. He's got a few people in. And how she mad at him. He had a
Starting point is 01:56:23 Josh Dugger in him and they actually Madison. They found there are no chicks. It was all just dudes. Yeah. The big one that was the guy from 19 and counting the sun. Yeah. And Hunter Biden was the other one which he didn't hear as much about. He's on Ashley Madison. He said, he was. What percentage of it was dudes like 99% dudes and like scams. Yeah, because it has to be anonymous too. Like what percentage of girls are going on a cheating site to just meet up with a guy. You just got a guy. You don't really look like. Just making sense. No, you go. It's like, hey, I'm going to go meet up with a guy like which one we just give you a guy. Is that
Starting point is 01:57:02 how women work? Yeah. Because you can't have your photo on the site. So it has to be sort of, yeah, if you're the woman, or what happens, you start talking, then you show the photos, how does it work? I don't, because if I was never, so then yeah, like you never got laid from that site. It was just a, wasn't around that long. Life's got together to trap husbands.
Starting point is 01:57:24 You're kind of like, just a buddy pot. that life got together to trap husbands. Yeah, kind of what I just did that buddy pot. That's a deal. They did that national ad campaign and then they got a quote hacked. I know it. You think that was the scam from the start? Yeah, I think so. The tricky these women. All right, Domay, I love all of you.
Starting point is 01:57:40 I love your new intro video. I was very impressed with it. Thank you, after sight. Maybe we could do it. Yeah. Maybe we could bring everyone back together again. Now that all this, maybe Kethel's will force us to get back together like the Avengers. Oh, maybe the final boss. I'm telling them they're fucking up. Everybody's treating everybody's fucking up because they internally treat her like a girl. Yeah, that's interesting because I, the other one, Brianna will, I will even, everybody's fucking up because they internally treat her like a girl.
Starting point is 01:58:05 Yeah, that's interesting because I, the other one, Brianna, will, I will, you, but when you're like, oh, because they kind of are pulling off past, you know, that's all the politics. She Catholic is very passable. Right. That's the whole politic. And so unusual for ones that pass to be that kind of like crazy. Usually they're more like cool about whatever. But so there's something, yeah, dude, I noticed that. She's perfect. Kathel's is perfect. She's like a beautiful Rocky Horror motion picture.
Starting point is 01:58:31 She's the perfect lady, the Rocky. That in the final boss is going to get people back to that. Was that what made Rocky perfect of having titan a digger? No, that was what that was the point of that movie. Tim Curry made the perfect man love slave. That was his science experiment in that movie. If you follow the story, Rocky Horror Fiction Show. Rocky was created by those aliens as a human sex slave. Anyway, do you have anything you want to plug, Tommy? go to my YouTube channel, tell me, pesos, subscribe, watch all my videos,
Starting point is 01:59:05 I'm coming back, baby. I have like this week I uploaded like five videos or whatever. I went full load, I should all my load on my channel. Next week I'll have a video about an in-sell programmer that's written the women, give me the vagina or else I'll end myself. It's a crazy story I found it. It's no one else talked about it. Wow.
Starting point is 01:59:29 Only on my YouTube channel, that's a pesos. Very exciting. Did it work? Did it get too pussy? No, he didn't get the pussy. Oh, okay. Wow. He didn't have, because he was a programmer
Starting point is 01:59:41 and the woman was helping him out. And then the woman mentioned that she pro-cuff with the boyfriend and immediately the answer is like, oh, maybe we should like go out. I'm not good at having the money, but I'm good at having the penis and the sex. I'm not good at having the money. I wish I should be a name of my new album. I'm not good at having the money. I'm not good at being honest and sensitivebu. I'm not gonna have the money. I'm not gonna be a business in terms.
Starting point is 02:00:07 I'm not gonna have the money. It's a good song, I guess. Yeah. I'm gonna have the penis. I should make that a song, dude, for real. Well, I look forward to that. Thank you, baby. Thank you for calling it.
Starting point is 02:00:19 It's all right about your face, Doc. I'm saying. Thank you, Ralph. I'll kill him. I'm gonna find him. I'll go to, Ralph. I'll kill him. I'm going to find him. I'll go to the US and I'll find him. I'll kill him in the video games. Bye everyone.
Starting point is 02:00:32 Bye. Okay. Ryan, you've got a great show tonight. Line up. Yeah, yeah. improv tonight. Kurt's going to us about to. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:43 I read on. You guys want to plug anything? Yeah. Yeah. If you guys got to come through, see me in Cleveland, Chicago Cincinnati, Columbus, Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh Austin, Detroit, Portland, Phoenix, Plano, Toronto, Baltimore, Buffalo, right on Yeah. Wow. That's a legit tour. Wow.
Starting point is 02:01:04 We're cooking here. Are you just going to try to tour like all the time? Where do you go in spurts with your ideal situation? I think this like month, last couple of months have been a little hectic, but I've been bringing people on the road to film with me and making stuff like, well, I'm touring, but it is a little hectic. But I think the ideal scenario is beyond tour, maybe like 10 days a month. That's a lot. Okay.
Starting point is 02:01:27 What do you think? Well, I'll often do one or two or what's the ideal month. I'll go in like one or twice a month at most, but once a month is perfect to me. Yeah. Yeah, it gets a little... I just finished like a year. That is great. I hate like, I don't know, I'm old too, so where I fly.
Starting point is 02:01:41 I fly uncrumble for three days. Yeah. Like I'm too tall for it. It just like crumple. Yeah. It's bad. Does that where the money is and Stan? Is it like a band touring? Like that's where you make the big money. It's big. Yeah. So like it's like, I mean, the biggest money is being a streamer that streams all day, I think, like really. But I would say during times when like the, I don't know when shit's like shitty, like I do way better during like, no, I do do well on the tour.
Starting point is 02:02:09 So it does make a little bit like I can, you know, not do some other things. I don't know. I, you're always figuring out tweaking what that like exactly the business model is like this. But the tour in is cool. I'll show what's the day's date. Twenty. And I'm always filming. Yeah. I'm filming. I feel like lately what I've been doing is so like today yesterday
Starting point is 02:02:27 I filmed in Hollywood like we went to DC I did a solo show and then I went and like made all these videos at the White House and Well, I'm doing that a lot. Okay, which to me that's like a I'm like I could sustain this as like a life Yeah, but 10 days probably the most if you're gone always it's just everything falls apart Then you get back home for three days and you're like, okay, I got to do my podcast, finish this edit, blah, blah, blah, hang with the check. Like you're like, okay, bye. And it's like, then your life's just always all over the place. Yeah. For what about you? You're opening tonight for you doing a
Starting point is 02:02:58 just a spot. Yeah. And then October 20 through 23rd, I'm at Goben As in Cincinnati. And November of my uncle Vinnie's coming club in November 30th through the December 3rd. Does that seem long? Anyway, I agree to this. I'll let a good show. Kyle Domegan show. YouTube and NGME Doorshom. You know what? In San Jose, the guy who gave me the tattoo on your show came.
Starting point is 02:03:25 Oh, he did. Yeah. Oh, Matt, Matt Miller, I mean, it's not that uncommon that people will be like, oh, I know you've, I'm like, I was at Dick's thing. Like, your fans do come out to my show. It's, but the guy who gave me my boys cash tattoo at our super spreader event that we did. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 02:03:42 Yeah. And then that was a great, that was a fucking great event. There was a banger. And then that guy and his girlfriend came out. Yeah. Yeah. I went with him. I went to an open mic after the show and did like 20 minutes of this random, fucking thing. Yeah. This dude, I was driving back from Burning Man and this dude running a way station and like the middle of, and by mono lake, no, no, fucking nowhere. Both sides. I pull up and ask for a trash dump and he goes, are you dig masters in? No way.
Starting point is 02:04:08 What the fuck man? What's up, man? Cody, what is his name? Because I met you from him, but I was watching other stuff randomly. So I would see you in all these events. Like, I was saying, like. So I was going through a drugstore're the guy with a drop of blood. So you're the guy with a drop of blood?
Starting point is 02:04:25 Cause every fucking thing. Yeah. No, it's great. All right. And you have like the, your Twitter's that keep getting taken down and put up, I think that if you had like a Twitter with 200,000 like from all time in your face,
Starting point is 02:04:39 you'd be less funny on it. Like I think the fact that like it's like a low key, like I'm always climbing my way up. But it's a yeah, there's that. And it's like a tiny bit not attached to you in some way. Yeah. Like your name's not on. I don't know. I think that's one of the reasons why you have the funniest Twitter. Thank you. Okay, everybody. slash to Dixiel. We'll see you next Tuesday. This is Scar just sent this to play who I fuck featuring hepatitis G. That's really bad. Yeah. Scar also said that he's getting that boy's cast tattoo that he's owed you since Tampa.
Starting point is 02:05:16 Oh, that's what. So that's what happened. He was gonna get a boy's cast tattoo and I was gonna give him a hundred bucks or something. Yeah, 100 bucks. I think he might have been 200 bucks. And then I walked on the stage and he's getting a dick tattoo. Oh, that is like you get a G. Yeah, that is like you get a G. All right, here's who I fuck. That's a funny name though, hepp G. Featuring Hepatitis G, this is Scar.
Starting point is 02:05:41 Yeah, there you go. Okay, bye everybody. Thank you. Dickey song. Yeah. Yeah, there you go. Okay. Bye everybody I say I punch on penis, I sit tight Everybody get a run, they all wanna touch it Cause I'm running's coming to you I'm the one who's hiding behind my back I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the one who's chasing I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the one who's chasing
Starting point is 02:06:11 I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the one who's chasing I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the one who's chasing I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the one who's chasing I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the one who's chasing I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the one who's chasing I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the one who's chasing I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the one who's chasing I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the one who's chasing I'm the one who's chasing, I'm the be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna be a man, I'm gonna For every night they come out and understand that she is I have fucked a lot of men Here's a list I fought Future Pure with Dragon And I made it Sister Watch
Starting point is 02:06:47 And I fought Bill Gibson Dresses Jesus on the cross I even have Pat Thea were lucky from behind I get debated, deepened, grouted, and it changes my mind Inside of the pocket, I'm the candy candy And legs I build, break, we'll have a toll And then he left his treasure
Starting point is 02:06:59 And a lead didn't make me come to that And we nothing told 36 I could suck a dick or something Couple couple balls of stuff suddenly fill in twigies One by stuffing a new baby What he's got to tell me nothing I'm a scurvy in the mouth I'm gonna hop it fuckers
Starting point is 02:07:11 Fuckin' fuckers, I'm gonna pick it up And I'm gonna have to go He's prisoned with the vision All my niggas know the stock is risen Ain't no vision when I find a pines boy Pussy leave a mushy He was a pussy user Wussy stand a nigga
Starting point is 02:07:20 Post a seam in the mug Grumma haters by the ass It was so... I'm gonna feed all past her No for me No for me I'm gonna feed her I'm I hate this For me I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 02:07:32 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm like a pig, I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a joke. It's for a joke that it's that for a joke. Work ethic on some of these.
Starting point is 02:08:29 These are great. What did you think? Scar wanted you to see that. I love that dude. That's fucking awesome. But that is the question. Is that one guy doing three voices? Or did you actually like get some black guys to come in and do that?
Starting point is 02:08:39 I assume not. I think there were, I think there were at least two. Yeah. Well, that's hep-g because he's like, he's in a OG featuring hep G. Yeah, this is him is the cut out of his nose there. No, but sure, that will never not be funny. It's just, is what it is. It's just the rules of the game.
Starting point is 02:08:58 Okay. Thanks for coming in guys. Oh, damn. I mean, the boys cast too. Oh, yeah, the boys cast. Oh, I can't get right. I have a podcast. Yeah, you are the best because. I was doing everything on, um, zero. Yeah. I'm not.
Starting point is 02:09:06 If you were like, yeah. I can't get right. Can't get right. It's on our guest digital. Okay. Guest digital. Sean, do you have anything you want to plug? Nope.
Starting point is 02:09:15 I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it.
Starting point is 02:09:23 I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it., I can't get right. Can't get right. It's on our guest digital. Okay, guest digital. Sean, do you have anything you want to plug? Nope. Oh yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:09:31 Goodbye everyone. This is my entire interaction with the internet every week. You're smart.

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