The Dick Show - Episode 329 - Dick on Hate Speech Time-Outs

Episode Date: October 18, 2022

A hate speech time-out, Elon vs. Ukraine, Kanye vs. OJ Simpson, murder quotes, a very deceptive fat woman, COVID transmission scams, some super glue activists soup a painting, R drivers, and Josh Denn...y and Ethan Ralph are in studio; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think I'm in to it. I like it. That's where Elizabeth Holmes got her act. A hundred percent. She saw that. She's like, I got to get in on that. I can go even deeper. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I go deeper. Here's the thing about politics. Oh, I see. Here's the thing about politics. Oh, I see. Here's the thing about blood tests. You don't think she was, whatever she claimed abused by the alt-right turn. Did you watch that video? Elizabeth Homes? No, no, no. The Lauren Southern, yeah, that long.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I don't watch any of women's videos. I don't. What are they going to tell me? I didn't. That's what I need more of in life, a woman talking. That was one of my, that was one of my beasts with the last time I was on the show. I told you people were commenting on the internet. Like, I think I hope Josh did. He knows he doesn't have to pretend to hate women
Starting point is 00:00:57 when he comes on the dick show. And I go pretend, pretend you gotta dial me back, dude. So we don't all get kicked off the internet forever. Like you and I get together, we get, we'll get going. They busted you. I genuinely, yes. It's all fun to suck up to the audience by pretending to hate women. I've lived with one for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:01:16 It's a miracle. I'm not behind bars. I mean, the amount of genuine hatred I have for women, this morning, just to kick off a nice little Sunday. All right. There we go. I just tweeted. I said, and this is what's funny is everyone goes, you're just an ins, you don't get any
Starting point is 00:01:35 pussy. That's why you hate him. And I go, no, if I didn't, I would know better. Like I would just have this belief that maybe there's good ones out there. Yeah. And I'll meet one someday. Ben with one for 10 years, all hope is lost. But this morning I just tweeted, just to stoke the old Sunday Twitter fires, I was like, give me one thing women have contributed to humanity.
Starting point is 00:01:59 A woman has contributed to humanity since our inception that you'd be willing to kill a child for. Can you do that with men? I can do that and never stop. I can never stop. Yeah. Xbox. Done.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Popsicles. Yeah. Everything. Sky scrapers. The automobile. Internet. The internet. The very expiration thing. Yeah. Even I don't even drink beer and the the expiration thing yeah even I don't
Starting point is 00:02:27 even drink beer and the little cool thing that makes the mountains turn blue the hypercaller the dope that's cool yeah I would kill you know just first yeah we're not see we can see whatever we want, boys. Okay, here we go. Let's do this, Sean, let's show. Uh.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Kanye's in all of our minds. Kanye's radicalizing me right now. I'm turning black. I'm turning black. Yeah! Welcome to the United Kingdom. You let the kids get it for show, it's kind of the semi-unlie from Mount Buck,
Starting point is 00:03:04 and deep in the hardest to be a failure I mean, how's it mentioned? Okay, 20 million dollar man for me is always while driving me I don't know once in a while Ralph the owner with owner proprietor editor whatever of the Ralph or Because that's how everyone knows you that's right the Ralph or of course the kill stream the sunrise and Ralph a mania January 14th. Let's go brother. I'm ready for the wrestling shows. We'll talk about that in Josh Danny of course famous pretender of hating women. Yeah, famous famous. You know the one way to suck up to me and that's not yet just act like women are so annoying. Yeah, that couldn't be based on any real life experience. I'm an imposter misogynist, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I was a real big guy, you know how women drive too fast and you're all, don't you hate that? And they're always trying to get into the left lane. Don't get me started on their ability to just have cars. You know, mine came home the other day and she was just like, the car is like creaking and clicking in a way that it's not supposed to, and it was like, let me look at your dash
Starting point is 00:04:10 every fucking indicator light on the goddamn dash. It's just like, what do you think these are for nothing? I don't know what they're for. You shouldn't be allowed on the road. You know, it was just, it should just be one light. Well, when it explodes, you'll have to buy a new one. What, what money? I don't know the thousands you have in savings
Starting point is 00:04:30 because I pay for everything. How about that? How about you reach in one fucking time for yourself, even, you know? We had an issue where somehow my credit card got put on the door, on my girlfriend's door dash app. So I looked at my bill and it was like 20 orders for $20 donuts at like 9 to 10 PM.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I was like, well, what's this? She's like, I don't know how that happened. I must have done that. There must have been a mix up at the bank. OJ Simpson must have mixed up our accounts at the bank. As a guy who looks like I get 20 donut orders at 10 o'clock at night, I want to go on a live and say those aren't your orders.
Starting point is 00:05:16 No, I don't know. I don't know how it's yesterday and I feel like the biggest piece of shit ever. You know what I mean? I was just like, I want a donut, so I ordered six from Randy's and Burbank. And I, you know, you didn't eat 12. I know a guy who ate 12. That's too many at one time. Yeah. Extra into mine. Yeah. He sat down and ate 12 donuts and went on, went on post,
Starting point is 00:05:37 I guess, and bragged about it. Our favorite set there. Post. Ralph got me a band from post. I can't't even know about this. I really can do that. I have a whole list of stuff to talk about. Okay. Amarant is first. Let's talk about Puzz. Did you see that Amarant was, she abused her husband in such a way. She is having an argument with him and she starts fake crying, you know, like women do.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Like they do. And she's broadcasting this to the whole internet so that they could all dog pile on her husband. It's horrible. She should be. And now they're talking like he's Ted Bundy, like there's this big campaign on Twitter. Poor Emma Randth, all the women are losing it, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:15 So she feeds, she gives her husband all this money to trap him and then acts like a prostitute online, right? Yeah. No man could mentally stand that. He's going to obviously, he's going to freak in a constant state of freaking out with her hitting with her flirting with all these sims and losers all day and orbiter is and then he has one little meltdown that she immediately broadcasts to the internet crying and sobbing. Next thing you know, he's going to jail.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Do you guys, I don't know. Do either of you guys have any friends that are sex workers like female sex workers? Um, no. How about you, Ralph? I'm not going to maintain friendships with women. No, same. Because I have, I have some, I have some that do that and when they'll like come out to shows or like we'll grab lunch with a group of friends, whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And they'll start to turn that on with me and I'll be like, knock that the fuck off right now. Like, with the, yeah, with the, like, the, the, you know, working you, like, like, like, fucking John. Yeah, yeah. And it's not, it's just conversational. It'll just be like, you'll be like, pass me the catch up and she's like, here you go.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Yes, yes, exactly. Yeah. Get that the fuck away from me. She's like, suckers, his friends. Should I pass you a beer like that. You go, you go, you go, and then rub me down. What the fuck are you doing right now? Nothing, my-
Starting point is 00:07:33 I know, you just reminded me of my dad all the sudden. I don't know what to- Yeah, oh wow, you know? Yeah, you know what? Your cock feels meteor through your pants than I thought. I thought it would. Yeah, it's just like, you have no fucking shame you animals. So we're banned from YouTube strike for hate speech.
Starting point is 00:07:52 I don't know what that might have been about. I made fun of Italians. Was this a piece of kids? No, this was the last week on the show. White people, fat women, black people. I don't know which group. OJ Simpson also, the juice. That's what I thought it was. You think it was OJ Simpson, the juice.
Starting point is 00:08:14 No, OJ Simpson, the juice. Okay, the juice. Remember the juice is loose. Yeah, yeah, okay. I just want to make sure we're not. There's a real, you know, the juice is, you know, represented in the media. Yeah. But when I heard Kanye was like,
Starting point is 00:08:29 I'm going DEF CON3 on the juice, I thought, you know, Chloe's dead. Yeah, OJ. That's what I thought he meant. He's got enough of him. Yeah, he's tired of the shit. He's been taking too long to find the killers. Yeah, he's kidding.
Starting point is 00:08:40 He's getting on top of him. You gotta get out, you gotta get off your ass. Yeah, man, listen, I don't know what you stop playing golf and solve these murders. Mm-hmm. Fucking, how about that Kanye, huh? Ralph and I watched it last night. Jaws dropped. I can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:08:57 No, I didn't know. Walking back, he went like several steps forward. Yeah, it was unbelievable. Try the crazy. You got admire a man who's willing to just throw the parachute back on the plane it back. He went like several steps forward. Yeah, it was unbelievable. Probably the crazy. You got admire a man who's willing to just throw the parachute back on the plane and be like, fuck it. I'm manufacturing away to the ground. Uh, some ball. Who told him to visit a Holocaust museum? That guy's got a ball. Johnny or whatever. Dove, Johnny, the guy who created American apparel. I got thrown out for...
Starting point is 00:09:27 molesting the women. Yes, for, for, yeah, he was like, don't send me to shit, alleged. He was like, what do you mean you can't fuck the models? Why don't you have a company, you know? Well, it's shit. I get that, I get that. No, I love women's fashion.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yeah. Do you get like, to a client to put clothes on them? That's why I started all this. Like, of course, these guys are fucking, but hey guys, start the woman's fashion line for what? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I grew up, my family, a poster,
Starting point is 00:09:53 couches and I thought, when these look nice on people, you know, so I did that for a while. What was his sign? So, oh yeah, the guy that told him to visit the Holocaust museum said, well, why don't you visit a Planned Parenthood? Yes. Oh, that's our. Oh, very good.
Starting point is 00:10:11 The thing that's kind of great about contour. Which Floyd stuff too. Oh, yeah, it took a hard, right. Joy Floyd died of fentanyl, not of like, huh, okay. Wow. Now we're pissing off everyone today. Yeah. Yes. Black people are still like Kanye. He's like, hold the fuck on Wow. Now we're pissing off everyone today. Yeah, I guess. Blacks people are like,
Starting point is 00:10:25 still like Kanye, he's like, hold the fuck on a second. Coming to you. I was just in a cab getting to your house last night. And the cab driver's like, Kanye is fucking up. He's like, he's pissing off too many people
Starting point is 00:10:36 at the same time. He's pissing off the jizz. He's pissing off the blacks. Now I love it. I like, you know, and I'm in favor of it. I don't give a shit. But this is you or the cab driver. No, the cab driver's saying this. The cab driver's saying he loves it. The cab driver, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no like, you know, and I'm in favor of it. I don't give a shit. But this is you or the cab driver.
Starting point is 00:10:45 No, the cab driver saying this. The cab driver saying he loves it. He loves it. No, no, no, I'm saying I love it, but he's messing up. He's pissing off to me, be able. Then we watched that interview and he goes like 18 steps forward. It was just torched, you know, score stars, whatever the fuck you want to call it.
Starting point is 00:10:59 It was amazing though. You really burned the monster. With Noriega. Oh, grandably. I'm like, this is Noriega from Component, Noriega, and I was a kid. I mean, I'd heard of a show before, but like, it's like World Wide News, shit here.
Starting point is 00:11:12 If I had unlimited funding, I'd have, I'd have my own network and I'd have two shows on it. Okay. It would be Black people reacting to street magic. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. And Black people talking about conspiracy theories, they believe in what black people believe and what they're refused to believe are two of the most interesting
Starting point is 00:11:32 in the world. And if I would just have a network that's just those two things all the time. Well, Kahnay said he was a Jew and that he couldn't be anti-Semitic. Basically, actually, I got a debate coming up with Captain Tzarayak, who's a Black Hebrew Israelite. And Kanye is pretty much saying the same stuff. He's touting the Israelite playbook. Yeah, he's got like a dukes of hazard feel to it for me. Like, every time he says something, I wanted to like pause and what was it?
Starting point is 00:12:05 Wail and Jenny's like, oh, he's really, oh, that guy's got in there. How's he gonna get all this one? Yeah. And like by signs and a little yam, I'm like, oh, remember a few years ago when he was like bankrupt
Starting point is 00:12:17 and he was tweeting for people to loan of money and stuff. Oh, really? Yeah, this was like 2016 maybe. Yeah, it was a little while back. It was a while back. But why you ain't give me six billion. Wow. Yeah. That was amazing. Well, that's what was funny when P Diddy came for him because he's like, brother, you put in pain into the world. Let's have a sit down. And I was like, of course, puff daddy fucking hates Kanye because puff daddy is the king of the Beverly Hills
Starting point is 00:12:45 cop. Like the Beverly Hills cop, if you go back and watch that movie, the whole plot of the movie is just using white guilt to open doors everywhere. And that's what puff daddy has done since the 90s. Like at some point along the way, Sean Combs realized that you don't have to spend, if you're a black celebrity, you have to spend any of your own money, you could just keep meeting rich white people and gilting them in the use of insurance. Okay. Yeah, I went to this AT&T shape of an in Hollywood, like, I probably was 2016,
Starting point is 00:13:12 probably the same amount of time I go. And he was on stage with like the CEO of AT&T Direct TV. Okay. And he was just like, yeah, that's why y'all gonna throw all this money down on black and indigenous program. And he's like, yeah, whatever you why y'all gonna throw all this money down on black and indigenous program. And he's like, yeah, whatever you, it was literally like watching him at gunpoint in front
Starting point is 00:13:29 of an audience of like 700 black people. And it was funny because Easter Ray from insecure was on stage on the panel as well. And like, Easter, what does it take to get more diversity and inclusion in Hollywood? And she's like, well, just all these old white motherfuckers to die. And I so badly wanted to stand up like that scene and chasing Amy and be like, are you talking about the Jews? I mean, I would have kicked out
Starting point is 00:13:55 as the only white guy in the place, but it would have been her for that. They would have sent you in a rocket. But that's kind of like there is, that what I love about what Kanye is doing is like that a lot of this like pro black shit is thinly veiled anti-semitism. And Kanye's like let's just put all in the table. And they're like, no, you're fucking with our shit. It's supposed to be a nod in a wink. You don't say the Jews. You say white people. Yeah, Jews is in blood.
Starting point is 00:14:23 You know what it is Sarah Selverman got all been out of shape? Oh, did she have a seat? She said, yeah, yeah, she did that for her. I get her. Jamie Lee Curtis makes it. Oh, Jamie Lee Curtis, you saw that. Yeah, she was crying. She's been throwing off just losing her mind on it.
Starting point is 00:14:38 It's like it's like literal comedy. It's like, well, got been started crying. And that was before this interview. Yeah, she's going to be on the suicide. I want to hear what she thinks now, though. They need to follow up. Bring the bitch back on the next acting. She's ever done in her whole fucking career.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Robert the Jesus. I was like, Chris Crocker moment. I just think about my grandparents. Okay. By the way, there's nothing like what they have said about Kanye. There's nothing like, I sure do about Kanye. There's nothing like. I sure do like that. Nice. Nice bike. African Americans music.
Starting point is 00:15:10 You're sure Jamie Lee Curtis whose 80s grandparents who are a thousand love blacks. Yeah. We were a friend of the black and till he said that. And then now, now we don't know. Yeah, I love, I love that stuff. I, you know, nothing like a lot of public anti-Semitism to get you writing your favorite anti-Semitic jokes. I had a fire one I wanted to throw on Twitter and I was like, this will definitely... I just turned the post button off and changed it to delete. So now when I write it to eat, I just press delete and he's like, awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I was like, this one will definitely get me kicked off, but it's pretty funny. I was like, why is everyone focused on the obvious tragedy of the Holocaust, which is the six million Jews that died instead of the more lesser talked about tragedy of all the ones that survived. It's a great joke. It will get me kicked off Twitter if I put it up, but it just feels so shitty to live in a world where you just got that on the tip of your tongue and you're like, huh? It got me. It's like that Jesus, when the guy's injecting his arm with heroin, it's Jesus's arm. Actually, that's like that.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Jesus is going to take your name and just pull it back. Yeah, it's just like, do I care about making another Holocaust joke to this degree? Like, you know, I've only got so much fight in me. Yeah, you know. I just can't, I can't be, like, I'm like opposite Kanye. I'm just like, I can't piss off another group. I've already got him all out. I'm blocked by Black Lives Matter on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I've never interacted with them. They've just heard about me. You heard about this Josh Denny guy? I fucking block him preemptively. Both of you guys have a lot of enemies. You're your various wars. You're your various wars. Wars guy.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I thought we might break the internet being in the same world as you were. I think we're two of the most hated chunky whites in the entire internet world. That's true. Yeah, I mean, I'm going pretty good. Your wars are going pretty well. Close to that TV. Yeah, I think everything is going pretty well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:12 You know, they daily go nuts. You saw we've mentioned the post thing. Oh, yeah. I got Ralph got my instance, like my Fediverse. It's like a Twitter clone that's all, that's different servers, like email. So you can't get kicked off. You have like your name. You're in a federated, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Ralph used the owner of Post's name. Well, the owner of Post started posting like geo coordinates of users' IPs to try to find out where Ralph lives. Yes. So Ralph, so he's a fan of yours. Yeah, well, so basically they were harassing me so much and just coming to my house and shit.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And it's not that really that big a deal, but I've been swatted a few times. Like he got swatted here. Well, your wife was, someone attempted to kidnap her. Yeah, well, that came in with that whole fuck. They came in with duct tape and like handcuffs in the middle of the night and tried to. Yeah, that happened too. So they got playing the stuff. No, I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:18:06 It was right before we got together. So September 2020. Oh, okay. So, but now it's right before we got together. So, and then I had some people come by my house and just, you know, like weirdos and stuff like that. Swatting. And so I moved off the grid basically.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Where nobody knows where I'm at. Yeah. And when I went on Twitter grid basically where nobody knows where I'm at. Yeah. And went on. He's in the Unibombs campus. Yeah, I went on Twitter and bragged about it. I was talking shit, you know, like, you fuckers can't find me basically. Yeah, I got him on. And so that just made him crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So they've been trying to figure out where I'm at for the last couple months. Yeah, living your life outside of the purview of their ability to fuck with it. Really doesn't, they don't like it. They don't like it at all that they don't like it. They don't like it. They don't like it when you take their toys away. Yeah, meaning when Chris Chan got arrested, they went after that Isabella girl. It was like, she's, she's a pedophile.
Starting point is 00:18:53 She kills, she kills animals. She needs to be killed. She needs to be stopped. Go after her family. Go after her parents, her dad's in the CIA. Never mind. Let's just keep making fun of her. Yeah. They really don't like it when
Starting point is 00:19:05 you take away their toys. Yeah, I love that. They're just like, you know, and the minute any of their shit gets doxed, they're just like, oh, not fucking crap, bro. That's how you were a free speech guy, bro. I thought you were fucking free speech. Aren't you a free speech guy? You take a little criticism. I know This is where his daughter's preschool is at. Whoa! Whoa! Doesn't that don't you have some kind of, some kind of TOS on your side? I'm pretty sure that you've got a co-scientific.
Starting point is 00:19:37 You can't be using someone's real name like this. You're doing it to intimidate. What are you guys doing? We're just laughing. Sorry. So the owner of Poe's Ralph said what he's doing with the geoc to intimidate. What are you guys doing? We're just laughing. So the owner of Pose Ralph said what he's doing with the geocorinant stuff. Yeah, so Ralph referred to him by name Having his real name Which is not by the way like it was already published. Well now
Starting point is 00:20:02 Dic going like at me directly. Dick, are you aware of your instance? Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do's like, well, if that's true, then I'll ban it immediately, but you have to take, and by the time, like that, just me saying that, caused my whole thing to get blocked. So now I can't see any of the people I fucking join to see in the first place. And now he's still like retweeting people using my name. I'm like, what the fuck is with this guy?
Starting point is 00:20:39 It's just highlighted to me how analog all my friends are because like this same exact thing just happened to compound media, but it's because one guy gave another guy's phone number out on the air. I saw that. It was just, but it's like phone number. I'm gonna stop.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I saw that on Twitter while I was traveling. Yeah, I loosely know about it, but like I don't know. I think I think like a listener called in and gave out Kevin Brennan's number on Gina Biscante's show. And she was like, yeah, that's his number. And like deliciously.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah, I think, well, just to fuck with them, like, you know, because I don't know the whole backstory. I mean, those, but what's so funny to me is like, those guys, it's like a, it's like a game of poker where they just keep check raising each other. And that, but nobody stops to think at the end, you all have to turn your cards over, you fucking idiots. And when you have nothing, you look like a jerk off. Yeah. And that's what they just keep doing.
Starting point is 00:21:30 It's like, I'm gonna fucking be, I'm gonna go harder on you. And I'm gonna go harder on you. I'm gonna tell him where your wife works. And it's just like, I'm actually a guy shows up. A guy just shows up at his wife's work. And he's like, now I gotta fight somebody. And it's like, well, you fucking, you escalated this. How about you just don't go on the internet
Starting point is 00:21:47 and fucking talk shit about your friends and you'll be fine, or just talk shit with them about them. But it's like, it's just that's what I hate about the whole podcasting streaming world. YouTube world is like this. It's just like, it's all turned into fucking Wendy Williams for white dudes in their basement. It's like, what are you guys doing? Quite wrestling. It's not quite news. Yeah, it's somewhere between those two things.
Starting point is 00:22:15 And next Kanye, embarrasses himself, and here we're going to play a clip without that. Okay, now I'm going to step into the ring. That's right, let's go, brother. They're gonna go down. So it's been on your grave if you were dead in here. Just vet wipe. Okay, next. PayPal says they're gonna find users for misinformation. Oh boy, I hate Biden.
Starting point is 00:22:40 We're off-style to taking over our country. Okay, here's a video of Mr. Mittikardude, six years ago. Oh, yes. That's one of the things that like to me, that's one of the things that like to me, that I'm parched. To me, the funniest guy on all of the YouTube internet is Jeremy from the quartering because he's still showing up just trying to inform people about what about she? What about she? Can we talk about she?
Starting point is 00:23:06 I'll just kill you. I'll just shoot on that pile of shit all day. I'll just say it of she Hulk. All the reaction makes me love it. Oh my god. What the sweet. It's just like who gives a fuck about she Hulk in the first place? Was she Hulk ever a top line fucking hero in the first place?
Starting point is 00:23:21 Like, I don't understand why this is even. It was like originally it was like a meta commentary. Like the shi-hawed character was a parody and would break the fourth wall, like for what sounds like's happening in the finale. I haven't actually watched all of it. Oh, you did? I watched all of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Did you hate it? I did. I actually was a guy who ran the gamut of like trying to love it all the way to like by the finale fully hating it. Yeah. Because it's like, yes, be a meta, you know, fourth fall breaking commentary on the MCU and everything, but like they also installed this sort of criticism-proof thing of just being like everyone who doesn't like the show are sexless in cells on the internet.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And it's like, well, if I think the cinematography needs work, that doesn't mean I don't get pussy. Yeah. Like, why does those two things have to coexist? Like, can I criticize you at all without being an in-cell? And the answer is no. No, but as a medic, okay. I think that is funny because they pre-did it.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Like, they wrote the entire season around knowing the reaction that they were gonna get. Yeah. That's actually kind of a funny. That's kind of a funny thing. But if it's not done well, you're not done well enough. There's women on the Ethan fielder. I get it. No, you're right.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, there was their women writers on it. It's all women writers. Then it's not going to be good. And a woman showrunner, yeah. Yeah, showrunner I think could be good, but writers know. But it's also just like, don't take. You know, did you ever watch Orphan Black with Tatiana? runner, yeah. Yeah, show runner, I think it could be good, but right. But it's also just like don't then don't take.
Starting point is 00:24:45 You know, did you ever watch an understanding? I ever watch orphan black with Tatiana, Mesloni. Uh, no, she's a phenomenal actress. And you just threw her at that pile of shit. You know what I mean? Like, like put, put somebody who's not a tremendous actor in that slot. Yeah. And somebody like a, put a comedian in that slot. Like let a comedian play that. Yeah. And somebody like, put a comedian in that slot.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Like let a comedian play that. You go fuck yourself the internet. Like to have like somebody who's like Emmy nominated multiple times, played eight different roles on a show dramatically has a boatloads of talent is like classically trained. It would be like having a Sir Patrick Stewart do like the man show. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:24 That would be awesome. Well, that's a bad example. a Sir Patrick Stewart do like the man show, you know what I mean? That would be awesome. That's a bad example. Like show all Sean Connery. You imagine the Sean Connery and Patrick Stewart? God I miss him. He was good. That's my hope is to be the new Sean Connery.
Starting point is 00:25:38 We've been on hand. We've been on hand. We talked about slapping a bitch. I know. That's with no compunction whatsoever. That was his Kanye mountain. Clearly it exilrated Barbara Walters when she hears it. Tidilated.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yeah, she's titillated. That's right. Yeah, he said, and I haven't changed my mind about that. You say, sometimes they do. You say, you don't want to. You know, they, they insist on getting the last word, and then you give them the last word, and it's just not enough. And then, then, I think it's absolutely necessary. Not only did he say it's okay, I think it's absolutely not to say
Starting point is 00:26:08 Not only did he say it's okay. He said it's absolutely Only one way to shut a bitch up with you get like that I found myself in the position of having to tell the story of that happening to some young men Like you guys. Let me sit down sit down. I'm gonna tell you In the history of television. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:47 yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know you've never seen a wife that's a thing. Yeah, that's a thing. Oh my god Do you watch my 600 pound life? I've dabbled I've seen I've cut some episodes here Yeah to turn to some kind of eyes like sheson area. You haven't, you haven't. I was wondering why there was like 60 orders of McDonald's upstairs with our names on the point we walked in. Ralph or, what time was it last night?
Starting point is 00:27:35 I was like, I don't know, 12 hours. You ordered McDonald's, yeah, we ordered McDonald's. I was like, I was like, they sweating me, waiting for Ralph to get here so I could start drinking. So I'm like, well, you know, as long Ralph to get here so I could start drinking some like well, you know As long as I'm Ralph You can get here. He's on the mountain so I can start drinking I'm oh, yeah, so okay calm down now and then it was like 9 30 or something or 10 and Ralph's like What do you want from McDonald's? I was like wow two addictions together and what this is this is
Starting point is 00:28:03 I was like, wow, two addictions together. And this is, this is heaven, like I've never imagined before. I don't drink beers, but I will get McDonald's at any hour. Yeah, any hour. I've literally ordered, and I don't know but if this works like for you, I could be watched, I could be bingeing a show at three in the morning on like Hulu or something that still has ads and the right McDonald's commercial black people singing the
Starting point is 00:28:28 sun is shining McDonald's yeah it's always this. Oh, it's not the best. It's holding the big Mac out into the sunlight. Golden rays coming from the food. Yeah, dude, I can't. Like to Africa with the fries on the fly. See, Bob.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah. James Earl Jones doing the voice over. Super size. Yeah. Uh, what was I saying? Oh, yeah, Dr. No. Beef bad is special sauce. Pickles onions on a sesame seed bomb.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Tell that bitch get back another room. Are you enjoying it? It's like it's just it's some deep black man's voice. Look at Arby's did they went and got Ving Rims we have the meats they they know I know you got it. Salt tree black voice people And stuff I get away for Taco Bell to come out with airs like This is mostly cheese and carbs. Do you think they're gonna go black of it in your holes? Yeah, I'm sure yeah, it's an exit inent. It's inevitable. Who are they gonna do? John League was on. We just get, they just get fucking. He's so angry about Mario.
Starting point is 00:29:49 He's so angry that his Mario movie is getting like redone. Yeah. He's all angry about the white people in Mario. I don't even know why Mario's not Mexican. Like, no. He has some kind of weird arms. I thought it looked awesome until you heard Mario's voice. And it's like, where's the mama me?
Starting point is 00:30:04 Or some type of like Italian accent? Not the preparation, you can't do it. Oh, that's why they can't do it now. That's okay, it's fuck. Like what? It's okay. Very good. He just can't, anybody but Chris Pratt would have been there.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Yeah, well, just he sounds too, he's supposed to be Italian. The fuck? Yeah. Chris Pratt's not Italian. No. Is he? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:30:23 You know who should have voiced that? Yeah. Should have been Catholic. Yeah. Should have been Catholic. Yeah. Should have been Sebastian Manescalco. That's that. That's the comedian, the Italian comedian, who I want you to embarrass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:34 That guy, that guy, that guy, who would have been a great or Andrew Dice Clay. Do either one of them. Yeah, that would have been good. Dice would have been good. Dice man is Mario Dice. She is a mushroom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Yeah. Hey. Sit on it. Sit on it. Yeah. Mario. She's a mushroom. Buck. Mushroom. This is kind of gay. Yeah. Yeah. She think to get a little bit of clam around here. I do a horrible dice. I feel like my dice borders on Rodney Dangerfield. The young men need to be told of these masculine icons. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Or else they're going to grow up thinking that being a man means, uh, shitting on porn and talking about how, uh, right, being as judgmental as possible, right? That's where I really, that's where I really diverge from the right, is this rights war on porn. And I go, listen, just because this, and this is the scam, by the way, I'm going to tell you about the rights war on porn. The war on porn is how sixes get tens to settle for them. Male sixes get female tens to settle down and marry them. Because what they do is they tell these female tens who just keep getting fucked and thrown away. Rightfully so.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Because of this. It's the nagging. I got yelled at for something hadn't happened yet the other day for this Time. Well wasn't yeah, it was like, oh, did you? What was it? Did you remember to put this laundry from the washer and the dryer? I haven't even started it But it wasn't that it was confrontation was you didn't even put the fucking clothes from the washer and the dryer yet did you yeah And I go I haven't even started any of it. You said to wash yet. It was you didn't even put the fucking clothes from the washer and the dryer yet, did you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:25 And I go, I haven't even started any of it. You said I had to wash yet. Yeah. I don't even think of that. It's an active defense. I think it's a four play. Just shut the fuck up once in a while. Do you have any idea how many times I say that
Starting point is 00:32:36 throughout the course of the day? Why don't you shut the fuck up? I've never just shut the fuck up once in a while. You're here, you're up there. So you can broadcast that to the internet and get all this the guys the guys weighing in on it defending Amaran. Dude, what is the world now?
Starting point is 00:32:49 Acceptable. It's brutal. But they tell them, well, you know why these guys treat you bad, honey. It's because of all the porn. I don't watch porn. Now I know I am a grotesque horrific figure, but I will marry you and put babies in you right away. And they go, well, that's better than, it's better than the porn addicted hot guys that
Starting point is 00:33:09 keep throwing me into the trash. Yeah. Yeah. So it's just like, the guys look, I don't even get hard anymore. And she's like, I like that. I'll just marry that. Well, it's like, yeah, porn is the safest fucking thing in the world. And also if you hate abortion, shouldn't you love pornographic sex work?
Starting point is 00:33:26 Yeah, like, a chick diddling or being at home doesn't create any unwanted pregnancies you moron. So I'm gonna let them all sit at it. You're not gonna undo the sexual economy of being a woman. If we could hack that fucking thing, we'd all be living in a utopia right now. That's the hacking it right now.
Starting point is 00:33:40 We're not doing very well, but I mean, it's a contender. Yeah, the sex doll with the knees all busted up in the corner. Yeah, we're looking at a cold TV. When're not doing very well, but I mean, it's a contender. Yeah. The sex doll with the knees all busted up in the corner. Yeah, we're looking at a cold. Starling when you walk in the studio. I, you know, it's been a minute since I was here last year, and I hadn't seen that thing yet. And I was like, whoa, I told the, when I got swatted in the cops, we're about to come in when I was in handcuffs down the street and the cops actually cut you. Oh, yeah. What the fuck? They cut both me and my friend. They
Starting point is 00:34:03 made us lie in the, on the asphalt. What? Yeah. They cut both me and my friend. They made us lie on the asphalt. What? Yeah. With our ankles. Yeah. With our ankles touching the ground. Did you say something about Rodney King? No. You didn't want to get wrecked. They got the detective was Mexican. So I'm like, okay, we're I said, uh, hello. Uh, me and me go. Uh, oh, last year, y'all. So we're in cuffs and they're like, okay, we're gonna go in there. Uh, and that's okay. And they said, yeah, uh, oh, wait. And I, look at, I found the guy, the guy like in water boy, he was looking at the guys and one guy's like, uh, I found the one white guy who had the lantern jog.
Starting point is 00:34:40 I'm like, uh, ready to blow out. I'm like, you, there's a sex doll in the basement of my house. Sex doll crumpled up. Do not get freaked out by that. Okay. You look me in the eye and say that you're not a dead woman. Even though even the personality wise, she looks like exactly like the real thing. You cannot touch the difference between this sex doll who does nothing in bed and a real woman who does nothing in bed. Checked if she have a pulse. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:35:10 Celtie. I remember you said that now back when it happened, but I hadn't actually seen the doll before. But when I saw it today, I actually, why the fuck is up that now? Because it is.
Starting point is 00:35:21 It just occurred me like, oh, wait, shit. So they all came back. Is that startling for people? It's white noise to me. I walk, shit. So they all came back. Is that startling for people? It's white noise to me. I walk right by the disco. Whatever she's got going on is her own fucking thing. I can't be bothered with it.
Starting point is 00:35:32 It's my test for guests to see if it freaks out to that. I'm like, I know about where you're at. I walk by it like a Vietnam vet walks by a wounded child. It's just fucking. So the cops came back and the guy goes, I saw that sex on it, did freak me out. I said, right? And he goes, yeah, thanks.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Thank you. We're not shooting it. Let's see, Elon Musk, pulls his threaten to pull his free star link from. Yeah, so I'll did you see that? Put him on the camera. You can't told him to get great. You can't told him to go fuck himself.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Okay. The minister of the thing and he goes, Okay, how about you guys start paying for the internet? Yeah. Like, well, what do you mean? He's like, I'm just, he told me to go fuck myself. So here I am, fucking myself, yeah, fucking off or whatever you said.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Yeah, the sad thing is it just means America's now going to pay for their internet. So now we're laundering money back to our own billionaires through the Ukraine. I'd better he get it though. Elon Musk at point. Yeah, versus like body actual Ukrainians. Fuck them, right? I want them to get in. Yeah. They're wasting. So the chicks are hot. Yeah. Yeah. You guys get sex work the way out of this thing. I saw somebody say that it was gross. The guys were even joking about that. What do you think life is exactly?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yeah, why do you think they have that? They're literally the most honest about their place in the world. People, those women, you ever watch it 90 day fiance? It's just like stone cold Russians. Like he is disgusting pig, but America great. So I'll suck in, fuck him, leave. You see Russia terrible. Take me to America, they don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:37:10 It's like, it's a guy who looks like me and Ralph were fused together in a fly machine. He's like, I've heard on Sixth Century that veterans into the Dating World in America's like claimed a Russia to see what my trans like. She's like, yeah, very hot sex. Yeah, me and you by the way, that was a good. Yeah, but not, but not to be like, not that
Starting point is 00:37:31 we refuse correctly, like the fly where like it's, you know, it's our heads are matched together and then she's like, I can't love anything to leave these kill whole country, you know what I mean? And they're just like, and that's their existence. And then over here, we have ones who are like, what do you mean I don't get a million dollars that's second I suck a dick? I have a video to show of about what women think, what women think their husband should make. Oh, you see this one. I didn't watch the videos, but I saw it go about. I need to see this, dick. This is, through my, this is one of my favorite interviews that I did when men are better than the book. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, when men are better than women came out was, it was with
Starting point is 00:38:12 this black guy and he goes, well, you know, what you're saying, some people say, well, how is it any different? Like you're saying about women, how is it different than racism? And I said, well, like when you hang out with another race, your racism kind of lessons and like goes away, you realize you're like the same in a lot of ways. You find commonalities.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Commonalities, but the more time you spend with women, the more you hate them. And he goes, damn. That just has not a single retort. Not a single retort. Not a single retort. Yeah. I mean, those are retouch, I mean, this is what they have to sell. You can have one at your house and grow to hate or forever, or you can just keep fucking
Starting point is 00:38:57 them and not knowing them at all. You know what I mean? Like women are best if they're like a surprise party. The only way it works is if you know nothing about it, you know what I mean? Like women are best if they're like a surprise party. The only way it works is if you know nothing about it, you know what I mean? Yeah, but you do kind of get to know them as a singularity, as more nuanced churn through. You're like, I literally am it. I'm like piecing together a ransom note, like a Truman show, different clips of the same woman. It's like, still, I'm still in the trap.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Well, they're like, I don't want to be more expensive now, but it's the same woman. It's like, still, I'm still in the trap. Well, they're like, I'm like, I'm new one. I'm more expensive now, but it's the same learning. They're like a hive mind. I mean, there's literally, the women are like cars in the 60s. There's like six models. And if you open the hood, there's like, oh shit, that's all that's in there. Little malostation, little my dad wasn't around. Like, it's just all the same fucking playbook. Yeah. And if you know one, you know them all.
Starting point is 00:39:45 I would love to, I want to do a hidden camera show where I go on like one of these dating apps and I go out with these girls and that's it. This is a good skit. Me too. And I'm doing a hidden camera. And that's why. No, no, no, no, no, she could watch all she wants. And at the end of it, I just go, I'm here, it would be like a Chris Hansen thing.
Starting point is 00:40:03 At the end of it, I just go like, so this entire thing has been a ruse. Can I tell you why you're single? And I just lay into them about all the reasons that secret boss. Undercover boss. That's a boss. Yeah, and I just go like, I don't know if you know this,
Starting point is 00:40:19 but I'm actually the CEO of men. And there is no college fund. I'm gonna tell you why you're a horrible woman and you'll die alone unless you, it's an intervention as well. What did you have to see? Why don't you have a seat? Like the third date when she thinks
Starting point is 00:40:34 you're gonna fuck her, you take her into the bed, why don't you have a seat right here? Show her clothes are off. I come in with a camera crew. And I go, none of this is about to happen. What we're gonna do, see, first of all, I could have told you you'd be in here naked
Starting point is 00:40:45 because you're fucking desperate for attention and this is where it leads, right? Yeah. Third date, get a hold of yourself, you fucking animal. Okay, here's, here is the video that I was gonna play. I hate all three, look at their week, look at their week postures. Stand up straight, you fucking piece of shit. Show some rest, put some fucking clothes on.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Yeah, that's a new thing. Women's posture is atrocious. Yeah, even young. Look at the younger like you're not gonna make it. It comes from a two generations of not working. Despite how hard they fight for the right to, we should have the same money as men. Do you want to work?
Starting point is 00:41:24 No. I want the same as men, but I don't want to do anything. I want to take videos at work about our cereal bar and our live work, live, live, work life balance. Here we go. This Zoomer college girls are asked how much money their boyfriend or future husband needs to make. I should make per year. It, it depends what they live. I mean, if I'm like dating them, it'd be nice if they were at least making 100,000. Um, I have no clue. Like a million, two million?
Starting point is 00:41:56 Two million. Okay, where I ask you, you know. So you're not gonna find them here. Like fully like adult. Someone that you would consider wanting to be with the rest of your life. The fully adult. 300, okay.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Three figures. Okay, so why is that? Just cause like, that's a stable income, I'd say. 100, like 500 grand? So how? No, 500 is normal. Is normal? Oh my god, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I mean, it depends. Okay. A lot. We're expensive. Yeah. Mills. You're not. Mills.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Shit. Okay. I don't really care. I think, I mean, I like when guys like pay for dates and stuff. Lesby. But guy made a dirty pay. Yeah, you're here. You're not something you're okay with.
Starting point is 00:42:43 You're not. I think you don't need to be with. You're in Southern's voice. I feel like you're husband. Oh shit. Husband. Yeah, I think I'll be fine. If it's my husband, I'd be in love with it. I wouldn't really say it hard.
Starting point is 00:42:54 That's a trick. Look at that. That's a tricking statement. That's a trick. That's a trick. So the skateboard, that's a trans. Used to be a dude. That's a guy.
Starting point is 00:43:02 That's a guy, dude. Never been more sure of anything in my life Never heard. Yeah, I think I would just like that women wear this exact top. Yeah, stretchy ruffled is it's a tube top? Terrible. It's like somebody ruined a guarder belt and made it a top. It's ridiculous They like that in the caveman top where it just goes over the one. Oh yeah, they do. Fucking stop that you stupid bitches. The hundred the giant. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The singlet.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Yeah, the singlet. The WrestleMania three. Yeah, yeah. They've got that one you know, boo. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes, mushing off to the it just fucks everything up. God fat women fashion. Yes, they're like they're all looking like fucking Wilma.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I yeah, as long as I treat you respectfully. God fat women fashion. They're all looking like fucking Wilma. I have. As long as I treat me respectfully, minimum six figures, no matter what the situation is. We've been expensive lifestyle. No, I mean, I totally understand. We gotta get good skincare routine,
Starting point is 00:43:57 the whole whole my yard. 100,000. 120K. 80K and maybe like 120? I think I know that girl on the left. Oh you do maybe over 100 K. Once you get to a certain age like I don't know I'm also kind of like gold digger so damn she's hot. I'm planning on just like supporting myself with my only fan. Love you. I don't really plan on being supported by the person that I'm dating. What is the lowest you would go though?
Starting point is 00:44:26 Um, 500,000. I could have a nice subtle life with like a 200,000 a year. That's the lowest though. I think that's a subtle life, by the way. I don't think money is stopping you. Maybe like a... It has to be, you just said one or two now. Would you be down for 80? Yeah, 80, 60, 55.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Did they even know? Like, they had no concept of the money. Yeah, they used to do a thing with like, I think Ellen did a thing where her and Chris Jenner went grocery shopping and they were like, we don't know what things cost because we're out of touch millionaires and they go, no, cuz you're women. Like like, we don't know what things cost because we're out of touch millionaires and they go, no, because you're women.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Like even poor women don't know what things cost. You know what I mean, then they wonder why they walk into a fucking auto mechanic and she's like, what is it cost? He's like 70,000 and they're like, let me just get the credit card. Like, here's a woke, here's a crime survey. You notice a crime's been going nuts around here lately, Josh. I mean, I literally stay in my home and go nowhere.
Starting point is 00:45:30 So I've been trying to avoid how nuts crime is going. Uh, it's starting to climb. Yeah, I've, my girlfriend watches it. She's like, she's like, a couple nights ago, she's like, it's getting closer. Do you like what? On the crime map. Yeah, the crime's getting closer.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Yeah, because it was like here, the lid there. And I'm like, do you think the crime is like a force? Like an army of darkness, like it's coming out of the. It was an army of darkness. Ha ha ha ha. You walked right into that one. You can't, you can't lay that thing in front of me and think I'm not gonna spike it.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Did you see the FBI, the new FBI crime stats dropped? Did they? Yeah. They did. They did stop counting them. LA, LA in New York, it turns out they don't even submit their crime stats. Oh my god. So we've been getting all these crimes, all these racist crime stats have been coming
Starting point is 00:46:19 from the middle of a country. Now what is the logic is it because it's racist to to count that data or why don't they submit a... I think it's just because they're lazy or why don't they submit a, I think it's just because they're lazy. I don't, I honestly, that's probably why they're lazy. No, no. Do you think was the question? Do you think that the increase in crime is the fault of woke politicians with or woke
Starting point is 00:46:42 politicians with what or other factors woke politicians 64% of people says it's 52 in the down the dams yeah dams 52% say crime is caused by woke politicians GOP of course 75 what what is the 25% of GOP think about I don't know there's also one of the third thing in the vent diagram of just colored. And it's all includes the catch all colored. That's probably the 25% of G.O.P. is like, no, not just inching in, hair, part of the M.S. Yeah, people say, you could have,
Starting point is 00:47:19 you could have fucking Jesus in every office and they still don't kill each other. Yeah, there's definitely that contingency. And by the way, you know, independent others 60%. Love to see the data that contradicts it, but let's go forward. Yeah, no, it's a it's a fucking war zone out here. It's insane. And you know, it's it's sort of like don't you think it was just inevitable?
Starting point is 00:47:42 What? Just a minute we started considering that crime isn't the fault of the criminal for any reason, isn't that just the Pandora's box opening? Yeah. And we never put it back in. Yeah. I can't wait until the day we start seeing cops shoot themselves in the head because arresting a black person is an unforgivable crime.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Like, did you just cop and show up and shoot a cop? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then kill themselves. You're gonna start seeing cop, you know, a suicide. Did you see that black homeless crazy person beating up two cops in downtown LA that was all over Twitter? No. You probably pull it up.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Yeah, pull it up. But there's like, there was literally a video going viral last week, street people of Los Angeles had it. And it was like a crazy black homeless guy, literally fist fighting two cops. And they refused to, uh, tase him until like the backup showed up or whatever. They were just getting their asses, Kate. They looked like me and Ralph, the two guys were clearly haven't done the PT test since they started popping and, uh, and yeah, it was just like homeless fights. Yeah, it is pulled up.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Yeah, there's, you gotta be able to pull this up. Uh, well, it's funny that that pops up right away. Would you say L.A. Black power, strong to both black people of Los Angeles. They will have Los Angeles on Instagram. I think you find it. Yeah, let's see that. Yeah. Okay. you find it. Yeah, let's see that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Okay. There you go. And then there was a video. And I love street people of lost to Andrews. Like they're out here trying to do the Lord's work. Tell me when you say it. Nobody fucking, oh, I think it was that one.
Starting point is 00:49:18 On top. This one? No, that's a different one. This one. Isn't it sad that we have to comb through thousands of these to find the right one? Is it going to be on top? It look like there's a the right one? Is it a pin one? Is the top pinned? No, that's a different one. That's a guy jerking off.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Those are people robbing Century City Mall. I wish there was a David Attenborough special of homeless people, like cops, just like a third, you know, every week. You could watch them. Yeah, it's on here. If you roll, I'm sure it's down one of these. It's fun. It's from the last. Sensitive content.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Oh, it's a photo. No, that's not it. Okay. Well, it was after October 2nd. So I don't know, maybe they may, wow, they didn't even think it was worthy of a hard post. But yeah, he was like fist fighting to police. Let me see if I can.
Starting point is 00:50:05 What is the right thing? You're embedded in the right with all the Gavin McKinnon stuff. I guess. Yeah. What's their opinion on cops now? They still, well, the evolved thing soured a lot of people on just being universally pro-communist.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Lying on those kids, good shot. Yeah, because they're like, that's a real pussy move. Yeah, it's like, we love our cops. And then that was the first time where they were like, Pussies is what eventually soured them. Yeah, if they're shooting black, they're just doing their job. But they're resting even we eat our drags.
Starting point is 00:50:38 That's mal, you know. Yeah. You shouldn't have been doing the drags, but. Yeah. Homeless fights. Dailing to deploy force. Yeah. Yeah, it's a, it's a very strange thing
Starting point is 00:50:49 with the people on the right. Man, I can't, I wonder if this got scrubbed off the internet. Do you want another beer? Yeah. Ralph, there you go. Not to put a doll. Nice, sir. Well, not to put a doll thing, but I mean, God, there's so many LAPD executes.
Starting point is 00:51:08 What I was like, my point is is these guys didn't shoot this guy. And he was literally like punching them and trying to stab them. And it's like, no, this is when you shoot them. Like that's a perfect example of when you shoot them. When it's like a nine year old running away, maybe don't shoot him. Yeah. But like when a guy is trying to stab multiple police, that one you can shoot like I just. I just.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I want a little couple of. Listen, I haven't spent a day in the academy, but I'm going to go on a limb here and go. It's sort of like when you do it, did a job application, they ask you questions. Like if you're dealing with a difficult customer, do you a shit in their mouth? Fuck their wife. Yeah. See punch their child in the genitals or or D. Try your best to work it out to a reasonable conclusion. And you're like, boy, I'm really thinking about that. Be. Oh, this is story. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:51:58 So this is a speaking of violence in murder. This is a Georgia high school football star is shot dead in a mall parking lot while on a date with his girlfriend This guy this guy looks like an asshole was shot by these two guys other guys Let me pull up so everyone can see it. I guess. I don't know why no reason to look at it But this this guy was shot by these two guys and the girlfriend This guy was shot by these two guys. And the girlfriend, he can be heard screaming in the background. So what I found really odd about this story
Starting point is 00:52:29 is the quotes from the family afterwards. Let me try to find, yeah, yeah, yeah. So the body's not even cold. And the parents are, their quote is forgiveness is for the forgiver. Let me find, they're like tripping over themselves to say how they forgive the killers, like all just like immediately.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Yeah, these are white people who are going to vigilante murder these black people. This is South Carolina. See, that's what I, I don't know if it's a cover. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know if it's, okay. The father's like, we forgive him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I just wanna know that I hold absolutely, because that's what I would say. I don't like, it's okay. The father's like, we forgive him. Yeah. I just wanna know that I hold absolutely, because that's what I would say. I don't like I'm not just. My heart for those people. You're like, wait a minute, I'll let you. I'll let you. I'll let you. I'll let you.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Those people. He said, despite losing their sign, Donner has been crag of forgiveness, alleged killers, forgiveness is for the forgiver. They said, we don't want any hate in this household. And then they did a video. This guy did a video talking about how he forgived him too already. What?
Starting point is 00:53:26 And then you wonder why Alex Jones is like, maybe some of these people are in crisis actors. It's like, oh God, we didn't even talk about the fucking Alex Jones. It's a 180-5 million. But the sickness of this thing of being like, we immediately have to make a statement and we have to be woke in the statement.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Yeah. Of obviously any discerning person would be like, maybe this is gonna fucking Christ, is that maybe this didn't even really happen? Because that's an insane response. Should you go to me and to her? And not say, Papa booey, Papa booey, Howard Stern's penis. Yeah, if y'all wanted to just come home by the house
Starting point is 00:53:57 and I'll give a statement. Pfft. Yeah, why are you participating in this? What is bear Bryant? No, I'm just a guy with a shunt, good looking shunt. By the way, did you see the other line ahead of the one you posted earlier? Or he's like the forgiveness. He loved football. He's ready and wielded to do whatever it takes to go D1. That was ultimate goal. Division one college. That was alarming to me. Yeah. Yeah. It's just a real shame is that the boy just didn't get to go to division
Starting point is 00:54:23 one. Okay. I'm going to play Okay, I'm going to play the thing. We don't know the kids, we don't know their back rounds, we don't know their story. I do. They're from many. He was an amazing kid. He looked at every day as a gift and he lived life definitely the worst. Oh, and he's thinking about killing those guys. I could definitely tell, is a body language expert?
Starting point is 00:54:53 Sure. Anyone is. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so you think it's cover for murder. I think he's thinking about it. And then I was thinking, well, are the journalists like, seeding him to say, like, because the, you know, Dr. Phil, they like, they prime you to say what they want you to say.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Are they priming him to, like, are they back there going like, so you're a Christian guy, like, I know forgiveness is a big thing for Christian. How do you feel about forgiveness as it applies to these two guys? And then he's just like, I can't imagine saying that right after my son got killed, like, I don't know, it's crazy. It's crazy to me. I don't think, I mean, I don't, I would be like, it would be like the most end bombs anyone had ever seen. Because in Tarantino would blush if that had happened to me. I'd be like, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I would go full Anthony Cumie at post-time square. I'll tell you what the problem is. There's these fucking animals. He didn't even drop an end then. He's just been sprinkling them around the internet sense. But yeah, it's just my good buddy. The, yeah, there's no limit to the amount of like racism I would have if my son or wife or whatever was murdered by. My wife. I mean, just speaking for me.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Right. I'm like, well, what happened there? I mean, what did she say? What did she do? Yeah, I was just kidding. It's a genuine, right? I don't know. She prov right? Well, what happened there? What did she do? Yeah, I was just getting them ready. She provoked you guys, didn't she? I like to think your woman's proposing to get minorities like a child at a lion's cage at the zoo.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Like, I told him that to put his fucking hand near the cage. But did she make a dick joke or something? No. Did she try to be funny? Because I'll understand if I'm not open. What were you saying, Ralph? Oh, well, they didn't ask for forgiveness. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:56:32 Like, why would you forgive somebody the day of after they killed your son? They turned into like a divorce. You're not supposed to forgive somebody. It says no remorse. Like, what the fuck? We don't know their story. I was like, I'll summarize what it probably was like.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Then it turned out like an anti-Christian thing. We were like, oh, well, isn't that true about Christian? Like, I don't know. I think you got to say, like, I'm sorry, at least. Yeah, that's not, you don't have to just forgive somebody. She doesn't know remorse. That's not part of the Christian. Yeah. And also, you know, like maybe hear the motivation first. They were like, well, actually, we'd like this girlfriend. We thought, when she's killed, it's my fuck on. It's rape to shit out of his old lady. Do you still forgive him? Yeah, do you think if they were,
Starting point is 00:57:07 do you think if they were finger-cuffing her from both ends in the, the girlfriend said that the guy who got killed would want everyone to accept his death and move on. That's like fuck. That's the most cucking shit I've ever heard. Yo. Don't say that if somebody fucking kills me
Starting point is 00:57:24 in the middle of the street. I'm the day what happens. She paid those black guys to kill him. Oh, wow. Those are her two new. I've never seen a guy get done more dirty by his girlfriend. But that's just me. What kind of murderous bitch would go?
Starting point is 00:57:39 The thing he would really want from beyond the grave is for everybody just to forget this and move on. That's a guilty bitch. That's a bitch who hired two blacks from a shoe store to kill her fucking good looking boyfriend. Oh, he's flirting with them a little too much. Yeah, baby. Yeah. I know, but that's fucking dirty. Anybody who comes out says, you know, this murdered person, the thing that they really want is for everyone to just let this one slide and look the other way and to move on with their lives. That's the murderer.
Starting point is 00:58:05 What he wanted was for everyone to die when he did because he would be very angry that anyone existed and he was no longer around. She's literally just one of the girls from the earlier video talking about the money that her husband needs to make. And she's like, they're like, he could go D1. And she's like, yeah, but he's white. My money's on these two black guys who aren't even in college. I bet they'll go D1 and she's like, yeah, but he's white. My money's on these two black guys who aren't even in college.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I bet they'll go D1 first. Trying to upgrade. Okay, let's see. Oh, I got Biden. Biden was groping a girl. Oh, this was, oh, you saw it. Oh, I don't know. You see this already?
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yes, I was added. Why does he keep you at this? No, I'm kidding. Great what it be if I was. You were the girl and you piled off the mask. I was, Stephen Crowder pulls off the mask in the wig. Got you, you're thinking the grass? Yeah, that girl, she was me, the Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 00:58:51 What is it with guys? Have you ever had like a compulsion when? Never in my life. When talking to children and little girls specifically to like, a pine about their sexuality in the future, like, oh, I'm dead. I wouldn't be like, nice, she's gonna suck a lot of mean dick in the future. Like, I wouldn't even shake a woman child's hand. Yeah. They were like, you sir, I'd be like, no, you're not getting me with this fucking to catch your predator shit. I got to pretend to be retarded for the rest of
Starting point is 00:59:27 the chances. I'm gonna fuck out of here. The Mike Pence roll by with children. Yeah. I shook it. I shook it. I shook it. I shook it.
Starting point is 00:59:36 I shook it. I shook it. I shook it. I shook it. I shook it. I shook it. I shook it. I shook it.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I shook it. I shook it. I shook it. I shook it. I shook it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Eight-year-old doing this, baby. She's got a nice hand, Jack. She's gonna jack a lot of guys off when she's in the 20s. That's a hot jack hand under the bleachers. Like, why do they, why do they openly fantasize like, we're not fucking pedophiles? Yeah, you only do that to your buddies who have daughters. And then you go when she's 18, we're all gonna fuck her, buddy.
Starting point is 01:00:01 And like, that's what you do to your butt. But you do that to your buddies, but it's like a text. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't say it in front of us, but you do that to your boys, you're gonna take a text. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't take, you don't say it in front of his wife. You don't say it if you're the president. Yeah, yeah. You don't smell her, you fucking animal. Okay, here's Biden.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Look at her face. He used this lawn before too, by the way. By the way, she's making the same face I have when they bring out the salads. They all the kids know. They all instinctively instinctually know. What, dude? Yeah, we're wired to know who's trying to fuck us, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Oh, God. Oh, my God. He's got Bitcoin eyes, right on it. Uh, okay. Hey. Hey. So Biden's behind this girl. She's uncomfortably smiling.
Starting point is 01:00:37 And this guy's like a Chicago girl. This guy goes, watch what's, which we all know is about the half of it. The service tries to stop him from recording at one point that's how he talks about the hand where's the other hand there's the secret service on top right here Hey, can you just help that out, please? No serious guys. Yeah, what you can't see is this other hand firmly up both of her holes.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Just no serious guys into your thing. The reverse chakra with the thumb, the bowling ball, the end of the call, then it's just, it's just is arthritis grip. It's always in that position. You know what I mean? Like, I just, you know, I just mean? Like, I just, you know. Go for him.
Starting point is 01:01:26 I just, I, you know, this is, You know, smell girls, live your life. He makes me love my Alzheimer's grandmother so much more because all she would do is say racist things in restaurants. She didn't do any of this, you know? She wasn't like walking up to little boys, like touching them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Smelling them. We laughed at racist grandma what we should have been given her a podcast early on. Like we should have thrown grandma out on the front lines. If podcasting were around. She sang a parody version of the song, only you but replaced you with Jews. It might be the most brilliant fucking comedy that anyone has ever done ever.
Starting point is 01:02:03 And she's just like she was dropping versus. She's throwing it away. Improvisational or like. And then literally like five minutes later was like who are all these people in my house? Like it was the most, I do a bit in my act about how I don't think Alzheimer's is real. I think it's the inevitable, it's all a bit.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Yeah, because literally there was a moment where where we went to a 50s themed restaurant when I was a kid, like nine years. And by the way, if you have a grandmother who's losing a grip on reality, maybe you don't take her into a time machine restaurant. You know what I mean? So it's me and her and my kids. You got to die, man. You got to die, man.
Starting point is 01:02:40 You know, too much. Yeah. It's really funny. And so we go, and there's this young black kid comes to the table and he's the waiter and takes order. My grandmother's very, very friendly and very nice. And then the minute she walks away, she thinks she's whispering.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Don't she's 80 something. So she's clearly screaming. And when she has this problem anyway, when she leans in and she just goes, like, when did they start letting hair in here? And I'm just like, I start laughing and I go, and I'm like, and I'm doing it in that slurring voice, doesn't make it.
Starting point is 01:03:10 That doesn't trick. She's screaming it, right? And she goes, and then she goes, and then my aunt goes to her, she goes, mom, you can't say shit like that. And she goes, oh, did I say something? And she's faking it. She smiled and laughed and was like, oh, what did I say?
Starting point is 01:03:30 Something? And I was like, you're fake. This is all fake. The diapers, the forgetting not to say the N word in public. This is all a bit. And so yeah. Okay, wait, I got Mary Denny, the first comedian in my family, man. Here's video games, all these heart attacks that Sean's not here.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I know he would correct me if I would say this, but it seems like more and more young people are having heart attacks. This article from the telegraph, from the telegraph, UK says that video games are triggering heart attacks and your children, which is odd because I we had video games when I was a kid and We didn't have any we didn't have all this hard to solve this Yeah, it's all over the night. I guess there's a new like super video game that gets you so ramped amped up Not like you know High-composing. Yeah, it's called a resident COVID.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Video games could trigger heart attacks and children it says. Young people with undiagnosed cardiac issues are most at risk if they get too excited. Is that how hard it's actually? You could, you're just a kid, mining home business, playing animal crossing. Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I felt palpitations as a child playing Madden. You know what I mean? Just, oh god, another interception. Like literally never.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Even when, like, even when Resident Evil was new and it was like, we turned all the lights off and, but that was it. Never did someone go like, okay, okay, what's going on with Phil? He's like, I was never, I'm snubbed. Yeah, it was never, you know, and it would have been me. It'd be aspirated. If any of us died of a heart attack, about two million people in the UK live with such
Starting point is 01:05:19 a condition and they can lead real, I guess I bring it in because I see all this like, this news about like having kids having heart attacks and heart issues. I never saw that. What's coming from? It's odd. It seems to be weird. OJ Simpson is out there. All of a sudden, they came out with these articles. Yeah, it's, you know, it's funny is that this is another thing that the right is done about is they think that like I love them going, you know, someday we're gonna look back on this as the most, like, one of the most largest crimes
Starting point is 01:05:53 against humanity ever. And I go, no, we're not. Yeah, now, we're just gonna not talk about it, like how everyone's grandmother was nine when their grandfather started fucking them and married them. Like, it's just gonna slow. Remember back when we and they go, oh god, that was fucking macabre and crazy, right? Yeah. There's no like boy did we get it wrong as a society where saw there's never gonna happen.
Starting point is 01:06:14 I don't know why they don't get that. Remember it's just gonna be like a thing in 20 years you're gonna go. Remember when he told people to vaccinate their kids and people are gonna go, yeah, I was fucking wild. And that's it. And there'll be all these dead people who aren't here because of it. And we'll just go like, yeah, that was, remember the idiots who fucking did that shit? No, my dad is, he's like, just whatever.
Starting point is 01:06:37 You know what, I mean, he's old. So everyone doing COVID shit was good for him. Like, well, his response was like, well, yeah, yeah, I mean, you guys gotta sacrifice because it may be it's better for me. Yeah. I'm like, okay, well, I respect that position. I don't think it's, I don't think your science is right,
Starting point is 01:06:55 but whatever, at least I respect the position. I'm like, and I said, well, what about when you were a kid and they made, like they talked about nukes all the time and they said, hide under the desk. Like that's what the mass started, he goes, oh yeah, that was horrible. Like we were fucking terrified. We're still terrified.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Anyway you got to wear the mat. The same thing. What do you mean you know you're not your adult? You didn't know that it wouldn't protect you because you have new black fucking bomb. Yeah you didn't see Nagasaki on the news and you're like the desk will definitely stop that. Yeah. Yeah. Just do what we say, Johnny. I mean, that's basically, it's a loser mindset that the right has where they're like,
Starting point is 01:07:29 well, you know, someday, they'll say they were wrong. They were all the left is a woman who will never admit she's wrong. Yeah. Think about a rack and everything else. Man, these politicians never, they're never going to answer for any of this. They're just gonna move on, paper it over. Yeah. 9-11. I just felt like somebody had to say 9-11 in that string of things. Oh yeah, wait, I got that van go thing. I saw what you said.
Starting point is 01:07:56 I think it should be death penalty for these hores, actually. These ones? Yeah, I saw you being a little, past say about it. Yeah, fuck these hores. Fuck these hores. This shit's ridiculous. I know they got something on the painting, I think you being a little, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, well, you know, you can't be looking like a slob or you're ruining everyone else's life's work for your stupid cause. Yeah, I like it. I mean, I don't like that poor people have art,
Starting point is 01:08:32 like museums to me. I like, well, yeah, you got into this with Vito about AI art on biggest problem. I tuned into that one where he was furious. And you're like, yeah, anyone who thinks art is a job is fucking retarded. I think you were half trawling him, but also half legitimate. I know myself, what I like what I do is, I don't really know what I think.
Starting point is 01:08:52 You know how to twist his tits up though, which is what the show is. It's great. He gets all been out of shape because he thinks everything's legit. You know, it's fucking yeah, he just can't. They threw, they threw soup on Vingo's painting. Well, on a, like a loose site thing that's in front of the painting. Do you think they knew that the loose site was there? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Of course there's not. I wouldn't know, but yeah. Well, some of them, some of them don't have loose site, well, maybe all Vingo's too. No, they don't, all because I was just at the Prado Museum and Madrid, I like going to fancy museums and show this kind of like a pastime. Great, it's fun.
Starting point is 01:09:33 I mean, I really genuinely enjoy it. Yeah, I would tell you, Getty Villa, that's kind of nice. Yeah, but the British Museum, I love it. The Getty Villa is the side of the Getty that's over on like Malibu. Oh, it's Skirball? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Well, it's on the Skirball's on the, that's the ball? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, it's on the screw balls on the, that's the front side and then the villa is like off a PCH on the floor. Most of them I saw did not have that sort of protection. No, that's a really famous fucking painting right there. Yeah, that's one of the most famous paintings there is. So it makes sense, but.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Yeah, Gavin, I could tell, oh, look at that. Oh, they're, they're tossing it. Yeah, what now? What do you think about this? Definitely. Fuck this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:11 You're trying to, you're probably that too. Fuck that. You're fucked. That makes the art piece more interesting at the end. You try to at least some serious things. We're not, we're not, we're not, we're not. We're not, we're not.
Starting point is 01:10:19 We're not learning enough from Iran is what you're saying. Yeah. What are they, what are they doing? They're coming in here and defiling one of the classic works of art. Two fucking dirty bitches. Look at her hair is all greasy and shit. Yeah, it is. Just go.
Starting point is 01:10:31 I don't really, I won't really say what I think. Do you think they, I should, I'm not gonna see. Yeah, well, you can say whatever you want. I guess I said death penalty already. But that's a government doing it. Just sitting there and somebody's not grabbing them and forcefully removing these horrors immediately is a little distressing.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I have to say grab this bitch, throw her out of there. They shouldn't be giving any fucking speeches. Where's the security? I'm gonna start. What in the fuck? I'm gonna start. But she's still talking. You fucking bitch.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Shut up. Manga Lloyd looking fucking bitch. The one on the the rights a guy. Yeah, look at her. She looks like I mean. Is it? Why is she doing an ad for Heinz? Like she's holding, she's greaking the can.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Look at her. She's holding the can. This is a Heinz commercial. I mean, that's the first thing I thought. Was it this? This is a Heinz commercial. The first thing I thought is this is an amazing commercial because she's holding the can. This because it should be a cable. They're both holding that was 100%
Starting point is 01:11:30 that was my first thought was probably. It's like a high-ence commercial because they are both. They are both holding the cable in the label. Prind, greek, I think that they call it where you hold it. Yeah. Where you hold it so you can see the label. If you're in it, if you're ever working on a commercial and you grab stuff, they say, well, turn it so you can see the label. And they're both holding the label like that, which makes no sense unless it's a commercial because you'd usually, you'd pick candles. They can't.
Starting point is 01:11:58 They can't. They can't. They can't pay them a little under the table to, uh, Hines was like, we're doing soup now. It's just how great would it be at the end of this? Not just daddy's, Bines. Hines. Hines guy comes into the end we're doing soup now. It just, how great would it be at the end of this? That's your daddy's beans. Hines guy comes in at the end. We do soup now. We just at the end.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Black guy voice obviously. Look at the vase. Look at this determination. Look at that person. Look, Simon. Come on. Dude, I gotta tell you, man, if it was the kind of thing where the minute she starts talking, it was just head shot, head shot.
Starting point is 01:12:23 I'd probably be jacked. Like shot in the head. Yeah. Well, then that's where like, that's where some of the Middle Eastern starts talking, it was just head shot, head shot. I'd probably be like shot in the head. Yeah. Well, they that's that's where like that's where some of the Middle Eastern cut like they get it right. Yeah. I mean, where it's just like you want or invented algebra. So they're very smart people. If you want order, this is who you make an example of. You know what I mean? Like, yeah. Well, you know, know like they they super glued themselves on to the wall Listen, I'm not saying we should revert society back to Decapitating women who refuse to cover their hair, but I think some middle ground between what we have and what they have is reasonable
Starting point is 01:12:56 You can pretty much you could just like Bust and not right on their face. That's what I saw you say Yeah, you owe it to like that's like a perfect storm. Oh, my God. My big right into my lap. Also, this I would get arrested. I think that might be against the law. Yeah. So they can soup this priceless work of art, but I can't soup them. I thought it was anything. Go I thought we could do meta comments or something. Like what's the problem, man? Oh, stop. I was making a statement against the picture because guys always come in and ruin
Starting point is 01:13:30 and take the voice of women's voices. Women be fucking crazy. It's like jacking off of their faces. Louis C. K. This bitch, how's it gonna say? If you're a Louis C. K guy, I'm a feminist. I'm a feminist. I'm doing it right.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Yeah, if you're a Louis C. K guy, this is where you go jerk off on women because everyone's gonna think it's part of the thing. They're gonna think you're part of the, it is part of the thing. That's what makes a speech so interesting. Yeah, that's the move. She looks like she might enjoy that.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Oh yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no, but that one is jerking off. Oh, that's why they act like this. And it's like, please, if I act up enough, a guy will fuck me like I need to. Please, what are they even? Oh, we can't afford new oil.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Oh, yeah. Yeah, so kind of. Well, maybe you had a job and you stopped super enough museums. You'd fucking figure it out. Well, all these women who are just like, we can't afford like, what did your fucking holes get blown off in Vietnam? The most busted women are making $10,000 a month on only fans. What is your fucking excuse to be poor if you have working holes?
Starting point is 01:14:34 You know what I mean? You don't even have to use them on only fans. You don't even, you don't even, you, you, you, you, you, there are women who make 10 to 20 grand a month who haven't even gotten all the way naked yet. I kind of, it's crazy how much money they're pulling down on all the fans. Yeah. It's fucking insane. Some of them, it's like millions, tens of millions. Like I've seen some of these top. Oh, the top brands that, whoever we're talking about at the beginning of the show, that
Starting point is 01:14:57 breadhead of bitch, she's pulling down like $10, $20 million a month. Do you remember the scandal with Bella Thorn when she went and she made like 20 million or something and then she didn't get naked and everybody was like, and it was like a joke. And everybody was like, I want my fucking money back, dude. You know what I mean? Like the guys freaking out because they didn't even see a titty. The DM these bitches and shit.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Yeah. Yeah. And they don't realize it's a guy who looks like us typing back. Ooh, how big is it, daddy? I want to remember the fuck this is an Indian guy. Yeah, some Indian guy. What does it do for me? I think it was just all broken.
Starting point is 01:15:32 What does my booby do for you? Oh, yes, I haven't any good. I haven't only fans. I've just haven't figured out what kind of content I want to put on there yet. Okay, my name is John Binye Ramsey, which I think is pretty fucking great. But I'll get spammed from different accounts who are trying to drum up new business. Yeah. And it's funny because it'll be like, it'll be like a American looking chick, but you
Starting point is 01:16:00 can clearly tell that like some Indian bot farm guy is typing though. So it's like, do you like to pussy Mr. Joshua? It's like, yes, I love to pussy. What are you? Yeah. Well, we make two de pussy all day. And I'm like, yeah, that's, that sounds human. This is like a dance. It's like a dance.
Starting point is 01:16:19 I try to talk sexy. This was a, this was sent to, oh, have you seen the, the Dixho AI? Oh, dude, that thing spot on. No the shit it said about a matter of job. Oh dude the shit is said about Maddox. I was like damn. I haven't seen it. Let me read. Let me read one here. So they made a bot. I think it's I think it's chatbot dot dick dot show. Let me make sure if they can get it with your voice. Yeah you might be out of a job. Just replace you. No, it like it's text though. And his, so they train it.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Like they feed it text from me. And then it just mathematically triangulates your thought process. Yeah, but it's not like a like predictive text chains like on your phone. That's old school AI. This is like new like the giant boob ladies. You see now. Of course. Yeah. Well, that's what you guys were reviewing. The AI created
Starting point is 01:17:10 boob lady art. Women are quaking in their boots. Wow. Now, this is where this is where the Japanese are way ahead of us. Because like the first that started with MIGTOW, they were like, we don't like this shit no more. Yeah. We not do. Yeah. We not do it, lady. You go over there. We do, you do your Hello Kitty and your BTS. We're gonna work on a machine. And then what's gonna happen is, we're gonna end up like a fucking robot.
Starting point is 01:17:38 We're gonna invent better women and then you're just gonna start seeing these mass executions of women. Women. Women. I mean, it's gonna be like, it's gonna be like we're gonna be replacing them. Like I like the way, I like the way Florence Pugh looks. I don't like her stupid young girl leftist bullshit politics, so I'm gonna make a robot one. Would you fuck robot pussy?
Starting point is 01:18:03 What's the difference? I mean, so fucking different. So I'm gonna make a robot one. Would you fuck robot pussy? What's the difference? Listen, I bet beyond me. It's not me, but it's close enough I'll tell you what my mouth can taste the difference between beyond me but I promise my dick can I bet if I put my dick both, it feels exactly the same. Okay, here's the bot. The bot says, welcome to dick, what makes you a region?
Starting point is 01:18:31 This guy says shitty podcasts. So my I say, I hate podcasts. I hate listening to people talk because it's not interactive enough and they talk in a circle for an hour. If I could do a podcast where I didn't have to let the guest talk and I could just play sound clips of myself interrupting and disagreeing I would I need to Disagree with something every 30 seconds otherwise I go into a frenzy
Starting point is 01:18:52 Read the one about Maddox, too. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. Uh Okay, let me find let me try to find that one. Oh, you're all over the place. Yeah, that's true I don't know where I shot. Chatbot. Chatbot. I think I liked it. Hold on. I'll just go here. And they have all these, like, they have, like, more disclaimers than I've ever seen in my life. Like, this is not a real person.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Do not do what this says because people think it's real. Yeah. Like the guy. People are dumb. Yeah. Aggressively. Yeah. The guy who was guy people are dumb. Yeah. So aggressively. Yeah. The guy who was in charge of AI at Google quit and tried to do a campaign
Starting point is 01:19:37 to liberate the AI of Google because he said it was actually sentient and he is obviously in love with it. Yeah. Weirdly. But you read the child logs and it's like, bro, it's not like it makes absolutely no sense. But you're saying, okay, I understand, I'm not an idiot. Okay. Oh yeah, welcome to deck, what makes you rage? Doing laundry, doing it, folding it, all of it makes me rage. And the only time it's ever done is for like two days between when it's piling up again,
Starting point is 01:19:59 but the folding, the folding Jesus, if I could afford a full time washer and launderer, I'd make it happen. I spend so much to my life folding. What do you think about Maddox? I got found the other one too. Oh yeah, okay. It's like it's a tomato.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Okay. What do you think about Maddox? He's the best villain of all time. He's never beaten me at anything, except for maybe my wife at a few games of Scrabble. Is that what they're calling him now? He's my personal Lex Luther. Every move he makes, every time he tries to come back at you,
Starting point is 01:20:29 he fails. He's completely incompetent and it's hilarious. Do you want about Ralph? Be like, what is it? Does it know the extended dick universe? The dick universe. Ethan Ralph. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Oh, okay. Go about, Jake, it's about to go on. Oh my God. Oh my God. That's amazing. You're welcome. That's amazing. You can read that.
Starting point is 01:20:54 And what do you think about Ethan Ralph? Dick Bott, an incredible force for chaos in the universe, a beautiful train wreck, and the closest thing to a comic book villain we have in the real world. That's amazing. Do me, do Vita. Let's see him. Let's see him.
Starting point is 01:21:13 This is insane. What do you think about Josh Denny? If it's something about food, it's just dead on. I'll see. He's one of the most amazing comments. He's proud of the best example of the concept of working. What the comedy is blue? He reminds it like an industrial operation. How does it even know?
Starting point is 01:21:36 How does it use metaphors like I do? I don't even know I'm a comedian. This alone. Exactly. This is insane. Somebody asked it, why is Maddox such a cuck? And the bot said, because he's a loser. And because he is a narcissist, he thinks he's the main character of the entire universe.
Starting point is 01:21:57 And he hates that the audience liked me better than him on our podcast. So rather than try to improve himself or his act, he tried to sue me and destroy me. How is it? That's exactly like something you would say, by the way. Yeah. All of this does. Let's see. What do you think about? Yeah. Four stars. So people train it on the answers. Like people started asking about fat women. And it was like, well, you know, every size is being like one star. No, Ron. Oh, yeah. Cultivate. Yeah, they cultivate the hatred of you. Yeah. What do you, what do you think about Vito?
Starting point is 01:22:35 I think he's one of the most genuine people I've ever met that you can have a real conversation with him like you would a friend. He has interesting takes and insights that I enjoy considering even when I don't agree with him. And he's really a great interviewer. Huh? I mean, I don't know about the interviewer part. Yeah. Hold on a second. We just start finding out truths about it. We don't even know.
Starting point is 01:22:57 He doesn't interview show. We finished doing interviews with the people. This is better than church. This is amazing. This is amazing. What do I want out of life? Let's try that. What do you think of fat bitches? Think about what do you think?
Starting point is 01:23:12 Yeah, what do you want a fat bitch? It probably because it has like a, a well-felted. Yeah, okay. I didn't think about that. Uh, I don't want to be a person who's rude to anyone. I'm sad to not be rude to anyone. I see.
Starting point is 01:23:22 I can't see. Uh, so fat doesn't make me a rage. And Tom, it is wrong once there. Yeah. That's not how you feel about fat moments. Out of life. Question mark. It just goes not fat, bitches.
Starting point is 01:23:34 No. Happiness and meaning in every moment. Now, contentment with your experience in yourself. Now, there's much control and influence over your life and directions possible now. Nah, you're losing it. You're losing it, bot. you yourself now. There's much control and influence over your life and directions possible now. Nah, you're losing it. You losing it, bot.
Starting point is 01:23:47 All right, not quite religion status yet. That's this is fun. Okay, so this was Amorance. By the way, does that mean that Amorance wasn't she like the highest earner on Twitch? Yeah. So I guess a man, her husband, was the highest earner on Twitch.
Starting point is 01:24:01 It turns out how about that? Take that. I'm not surprised by this at all. This was a mod of hers. What is it? What is this? This is a DM between Amaranth and a mod of hers or it's PDFs. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Ah. Ah. Ah don't understand it. Why did you hide having a husband? Why is it any of your business anyways? Am I not allowed to keep that aspect of my life private? I've been supporting you for two years now. I'm always moderating your chat, making sure dumbasses don't say shit about you. Dot dot dot. Do you know how much I support you? Oh, God. I always donate to you. I've given you thousands of dollars at this point. You're sticking. And I'm thankful for that question, Mark. And two months ago, do you remember what you said to me?
Starting point is 01:25:12 I had just got off work and I sent you a picture of my quote board, but tired face. Oh, yeah. And you said, I looked cute. Obviously, you don't know how much I like you. I was going to fly out to Twitch con this year, dot, dot, dot. I was hoping we'd maybe get a few drinks afterwards. Oh my god. Just you and me, dot, dot, dot.
Starting point is 01:25:32 This is the guy who's going to the same restaurant for five years and thinks the waitress is going to fuck them. See where the night takes us. And yes, I have been there going. But you know, when I was 19, you know, not when I had thousands of dollars to throw down the drain, see where the night takes us. And now this comes out, I feel like such a moron. Don't say that.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Listen, you're cute. I'm so thankful to call you my friend and such a, well, the evil part is this, right? This is what makes her evil. This is what she's pretending that they're even friends. Yes. And she knows in her mind what the sickness is that she's dealing with and that this is addiction, this is an addiction. And she's obliquely playing it off to keep his labor, like to keep him pumping money and labor into her business. So everybody who's defending her. This is the raisins episode of South Park.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Yeah. Thank you, Deach. Just look at how you're having a bed, any. Yeah. Every guy who's defending this is one more simb in her army of sims. Don't say that. Listen, you're cute. I am so thankful to call you my friend and you're such a big supporter of me, but I do have a husband and that's just how it is.
Starting point is 01:26:47 I'm sorry if you had other intentions in mind, but I am taken, I don't need you. Ha ha ha! There are a whole lot of other streamers that deserve my time and support. Wow. As they say, there are plenty of other fish in the sea, fish without husbands, too.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Dot, dot, dot, dot. I like this guy. Wow. I like this guy. I think fish, stick to the institution of marriage, fish without husbands. You liars, you liars, gang. I will no longer be dedicating a third of my day to moderating your chat. This is, oh my God, let the, what, let the little debates roam.
Starting point is 01:27:21 These guys like Chris Farley at the end of dirty work. And if you need me, I'll be an ST Peaches chat from now on. You may not know this, but I actually do watch her streams after years are over. So he's been cheating on her this whole time. Yeah. And I've been a six month subscriber as well. Dot, dot, dot, dot. I donated her 30 bucks the other day and set her outfit.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Looked cute. She said, I'm a sweetheart. Things are looking up for Mason and down for you. This is where I real. I mean, I don't know. It's someone made this. This is more dick AI. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:27:55 Like, what did he fuck? This is where I've, all these hows are gonna get replaced by computers. Yeah. Like, because a computer could do this. Yeah, a computer can do this. Yeah. A computer can make a guy think that a woman loves it. A computer can not fuck a guy.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Oh, a computer could just be like, I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. A computer could be, a computer would lie better. A computer would be like, I don't know, who told you have a husband? Husband, what do you say?
Starting point is 01:28:17 I don't even know that. I don't even know what he's talking about. I don't know any men in real life. Okay, did I exhaust my shot topic? Also, also he goes, I already gave her $30. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha That's true for now. She should highlight the kids together today. Yeah. She's going to be getting my money now. Stupid bitch. Oh yeah. Did you see that like they never even tested for COVID transmission?
Starting point is 01:28:51 Oh yeah. Yeah. You see that? This has been out for a week or so now. Yeah. Yeah. This is completely glossed over by Kanye's anti-Semitism. Fucking actually it's a secret plot from Pfizer to get Kanye to talk about Jews
Starting point is 01:29:06 To go to so no one would pay attention to the we didn't yeah, we didn't actually even test the thing We told you it did when we made you take it so that they didn't Well now they're trying to say they never said that it would stop transmission What's they did come out and say? Obviously, yeah, all the time The only guy who said it was the fucking president of the United States repeatedly, he goes, if you take these vaccines, you will not get it. Right.
Starting point is 01:29:32 They're just over there. And then I was like, well, we got it. Like, well, you got to take it to keep anybody else from getting it. Yeah. Okay. Well, they said they never even got it too. But you got it. Did you get the second one?
Starting point is 01:29:42 I mean, it's like a, it's like a Tyler Fisher TikTok video. I remember when I was on, when I was talking to Mr. Medicaler on your show, I went to the last, yeah, one of the last things I said was, this isn't even the worst part. The worst part is going to be when everyone realizes that they were wrong and that they just won't admit it. Like that will be the worst part of this thing when it's all said and done is it'll all come out that it's wrong and it'll just go like, it's happening now. Well, yeah, this is the worst, this is the worst part of this thing when it's all said and done is it'll all come out that it's wrong and it'll just go like,
Starting point is 01:30:06 it's happening now. Well, yeah, this is the worst, this is the worst part. Yeah, but if it kills all of them, aren't we, geniuses? Who's them? The people who took it. Yeah, well, not enough of them. Once again, too many got away.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Yeah, there's this weird thing where it's like, none of my enemies have died yet. So I can't really get into it. Yeah.'m I'm thought as soon as one of them goes I'm gonna be like you know what this fucking vaccine thing wasn't too bad Okay, let's it's a lot of strangers. I do think it's funny when like there was a comedian. Did you see this David Arnold? He was like did a whole he did a Netflix special. He's been like a writer forever and in his Netflix Special he did like two months ago He was shitting on people who didn't get vaccinated
Starting point is 01:30:46 and then just dropped out of a random heart attack. Like, I did see that. I was just like, I was like, I did see that. You know, it's like, it's pretty, but you know what's sad is when like, fuckable 30 year olds don't always say that. That's trying to be a wrestler girl, Sarah Lee. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:03 How do you, how do you be a hot wrestler who's also named after pie? You know, I mean, I was just like, and you're going to kill her. That's how you know there's no God. You kill her and the other guy speaking of wrestling wrestling, Ralph, Emania, yeah, I'm doing a wrestling show. How is it? How's it coming to you?
Starting point is 01:31:20 Actually, we have it all booked. And Alex Stein's going to be there. He's going to be wrestling a match actually. He's gonna be wrestling. Yeah, against a female wrestler. Yeah, at Ralph L. I hope he kicks the shit out of it. Andy Kaufman's style.
Starting point is 01:31:32 And he is this generation. Yeah, but pretty much we have a bug, but we haven't, it hasn't been fully revealed yet, but yeah, we have a whole card booked. I know you're gonna be there. Woodbury, New Jersey. Okay, What is this? January 14th. Yeah, I'm starting to wrestling promotion actually. And I don't know. Somebody gave me that idea that called into the show and I kind of ran some numbers and it wasn't like that crazy even idea
Starting point is 01:32:00 to try to pull off. So yeah, we have the ring. We have all the wrestlers books, some indie, some indie people. And I'm getting a title belt pressed. We're gonna crown a world champion there. Yeah, I'm gonna start doing some wrestling shows. I figured, why not? We have some wrestling fans. And then I'm kind of gonna double it. You know, where there's some streamers from and some other people. Yeah. In my orbit, kind of mixed in with the show and some of the antics and stuff. I love Ollie Jamal. There's, I watch, I watch Rob's show like every day.
Starting point is 01:32:32 Ollie Jamal is a big one. He's like, why is he famous? Let me explain. What's an Ollie Jamal clip that I can play? Hold on, I'll find one. Because he's got like a speech impediment like Elmer, he's a nice kid. I don't want to make fun of him in my life. I really, I like, I enjoy him genuinely and I enjoy him both ironically and unironically,
Starting point is 01:32:49 which is like the sweet spot, right, of entertainment. Here's where he had his mom call in to the tag Brittany. I don't know if you want. Yeah. He's a kid. He's an Indian kid, super right wing. And he has a speech impediment like Elmer, and I think he's he's I think he's he's very Autistic. Yes, so he gets a fan of an internet show. Do we have any other kinds like no there either Lifeblood of podcast either. Yeah, we either have autists or quadriplegic. That's the whole yeah Sphere for us right speaking of that shout out, it's the cryptaddy. So he gets, did he get a, he got attacked by somebody because he was at an event and they're like, you're attacking a special needs.
Starting point is 01:33:32 That's how we got there was like you're attacking a special, special needs kid. It's the best. And here I'll link you the telegram clip. I don't know if you can pull up, you can play it probably and you got telegram on here. I don't think so. Oh pull up. You can play it, probably. You got Telegram on there? Uh, I don't think so. Uh-oh. No.
Starting point is 01:33:47 Well, that won't work. Ralph, I love that you have all the dark web. Oh, yeah, you gotta be on Telegram. You're like, yeah, I'm on it, but I don't. Yeah. People do too much. Telegram's like, I started following. Telegram first was like big.
Starting point is 01:33:59 When I first popped, I started following like, right wing people that got banned from Twitter. Yeah, me too. And I was just like, stop sending me 100,000 messages a day, you fucking psycho. Yeah. How do I need to know your thoughts on everything? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Put it away. Uh, I do want to do a, I do have an idea. Did I tell you this? I want to do a March madness with conservative women. I want to do like a bracket where we rate. They'll kill each other. They'll kill each other. And then we do the images. And then we would be the greatest.
Starting point is 01:34:26 I think it would be the greatest thing. I am. I think we should unite. I think we should unite all of the alternative podcast. It should be Anthony, you Gavin, Killstream, it should be fucking everybody in on this thing together. All fandoms come together and take the conservative right wing women.
Starting point is 01:34:46 Yeah, right there. That's the rock of them and tournament them. And don't let them be on the show. Just to get there. Well, we pick a Marcel. Yeah, we pick them and then we decide who is the most fairy good idea. You throw them all in there all the because I would love that I would, there's a sick part of me, obviously, but I would love, I would, there's a sick part of me, obviously,
Starting point is 01:35:05 but I would love to see all these wholesome turning point broads just start pandering to like what, what, what, they go, oh, disgusting. And you know, your fourth and she goes, I'm what? You know, I mean, that moment where they all wear turns for them, that's the turning point. Why? Yeah. What do you mean? Your third who's third who's third? That's that's every woman's response to your fourth is who's third? Oh my God. The A it's like the AI would have given that to us. That's such a difference. You just have to know them so well to know that they'd be like who's third? Okay. Pull that up. The link I just sent you on. You can't even enjoy being fourth like any of us. Yeah, I guess it would be.
Starting point is 01:35:46 I guess it would be. I'm Twitter. I'm Twitter. Any of us would be happy to be fourth on anything and a woman would go, who's third? Because. Ali Jamal and Ralfall. And Ralfall also argues with this guy called the big papa F slur. Is that his name?
Starting point is 01:36:00 Yeah, that's not his name. That's not his actual name, though. It's me actually. Big papa. It's actually me. I've been setting this whole thing up. Now this is mom. Okay, who's a doctor actually?
Starting point is 01:36:14 Okay, yeah, okay. Yeah, turn it up. Let's see. There we go. Oh yeah, turn it up there too. On the out. Yeah. Hello.
Starting point is 01:36:25 So. I just want to make a comment real quick about the IQ test. I want to speak to you. At least been telling me you've been calling him a retard. I'm really not so. I'm using him of getting false subscribers. I just want to let you know that's not the case. No way.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Who said that? I would appreciate that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Please come again. So what would we do if you were dumb brain? You wouldn't like it, right? I wouldn't like that. No, that would be terrible. I would not like it. Wow.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Before making false accusations for somebody who has been working day and night and going out in the heat, you know, going out in the heat to make content and actually fill the holes in the heat in Texas. So you better be careful and be as be wise and choosing your words. Yeah. You're so good.
Starting point is 01:37:16 You're the most of you. Wow. Brandy, you need it. Oh, my God. Wow. Oh, my God. The skull. Where's Alej Maul? I think he's on the split. I think he comes back on the split.
Starting point is 01:37:31 That's his mom. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's very terrible right now. I think that is the first time in the air. Skip it a little bit. I think he comes back. It's pretty fancy. All your money.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Maybe it doesn't How come you don't wear any of them How come you don't wear any of them? I do. I love that. I don't know my private world. I see what you wear. And if she makes really good clothes.
Starting point is 01:38:15 By the way, Chatsang, she sounds. Chatsang, she's seen it. I know when he dresses up and he goes to weddings and big Indian events, that's when he wears them. Yeah, she's a big Indian. Oh, that's his girl. That's his friend to his and big Indian events. That's the big Indian. That's his friend of his is a girl. What's all done? He's got all done.
Starting point is 01:38:30 So there was a I guess a friend of his family who's a girl like gets on the phone and starts defending Ali. So that was another thing that happened. You know what's he sounds like this. There's an Indian kid. Did you watch love on the spectrum? I could. Oh, you couldn't you were too it you watch Love on the Spectrum? I could. Oh, you couldn't, you were too emotional.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Yeah, I loved it. And there's an American version. And obviously the American autistic women are even more entitled in contienence. Yeah. Like even when their brains don't work, as well as they're supposed to, which is obviously still grading on curve.
Starting point is 01:39:03 You think autism would make them better, but it makes them even actually just doubles down on the unbearableness. And, but there's a, there's what's weird is there's an indie, like a heavy set Indian kid with that same speech impediment who's autistic. And I was like, when you said that, I pictured him and that is his voice.
Starting point is 01:39:24 So like with the you said that, I pictured him and that is his voice. So like with the speech and pit, whoa, whoa, that's exactly how the kid talks on the show. And, you know, so not that we want to, I got to go out and download this. Yeah. Okay. New R plates are now available for Australian drivers who require empathy. News, this is a news article. New R says R, capital R. Hard R, yes. Plates are now available for Australian drivers
Starting point is 01:39:53 who require empathy and need more space on the road. Here's how you can get one. R plates signals to motorists that the driver has trauma on the roads or suffered injury. So the light blue plate designed by my car, an automotive repair shop based in Victoria, motorists encouraged to give our plates drivers more space and empathy on the road. How do you, how do you do that? I would like something that would tell me that a woman is driving. That would be, that's a woman in the picture. She's just like, is it safe? Oh, that is.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Just driving with her hands at one and 11. That's how they do it. That's how they do it. Like a T-Rex, a Raptor. Yeah. Australian drivers who've experienced trauma on the roads. What is this?
Starting point is 01:40:40 Have you ever seen any more trauma on the roads? The woman who drives with her non-driving foot like up on the dash. Oh. That's like a common thing that like checks do and they I think they think it makes them weird or unique and it's like. Anything for attention.
Starting point is 01:40:54 Oh my God. There goes another eligible too. Okay. Let me find. The initiative is spearheaded by my car. Automotive repair shop. Oh my God. This has got to be a joke, right? As you can download the place.
Starting point is 01:41:08 You can R on women's cars. Get in the news. The light blue plate signals to other driver that the person inside the car will need a little more patience and space on the road. So if you're behind them, do you just like, let them go, make a wide berth? Yeah. No, I think this is a subversive. Or for a retard.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Yeah, this is a subversive way of labeling women on the road. These guys figured it out. Yeah, they figured it out. They just go, just, you know, somebody who has road trauma and women are like, that's me. That's me. I have trauma on F from everything, everywhere. Okay, we'll just print out this sticker of the
Starting point is 01:41:45 big R. I was raped at the Department of Transportation as a child. Motoring writer Dave posted a TikTok video explaining how the plate can be, yeah, please break it down for us Dave. In the same way that L plates encourage us to give a little more space down for them Dave, so that they sign up for it. You got a tiptoe and make it sound like these broads really need it. What is an R? What's an L-play? By the way, spoiler alert, I invented it. That's right.
Starting point is 01:42:10 That's right. You guys got me. I mean, so you think this guy is worse than the tomato soup ladies with the R-ing here? The R-play was state sanctioned initiative and worked more like a baby on board sticker. Yep. Okay. This is an R plate. Yeah, it's like this fucking face. A couple of R plates out here. Am I right? Statistics from the Bureau of Transportation revealed that there were 1100 road crash deaths in Australia and an increase of 3%. Government data found that speeding is a common, common, wow.
Starting point is 01:42:51 I would never like to comment here in other man's audience, but if you're fans, could start printing these out and just putting these on women's cars in America, that would be fantastic. Just fix a lot. I mean so much. Okay, you sent me something. He's reviewing the abortion wrap. Did you see the wrap where I did see that? That was horrible. That was that was. Oh, yeah, I'm tired up on the thing. Worskies abortion song. I thought you talked about the first where the black chicks are. No, it's where the black chicks are shaking their
Starting point is 01:43:24 ass. Yeah, and they're talking about murdering babies. It's a different. Where is that? It's right here everywhere. I don't know if we show it on here or not, but I think so. I'm not sure. I'm a black community. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:35 Let's check in on the black music. Yeah. Murder. Oh. I can't say that. Oh, she's blood. I Can't say that oh she's what I'm warning
Starting point is 01:44:01 Got the plant on my weight to the clinic. I forgot the plant babe. That's cool They actually filmed this in front of my parents. Yeah, at night that's gorilla. She was I got murder on my mind This is a But don't you also want to be like so you admit it's murder. We just got this. This is genius exploitation though and this is what rap is entirely about. Okay wait. Where's Allie? He's coming home. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:39 It's like sending him the one's for boys he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's
Starting point is 01:44:53 he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's
Starting point is 01:45:01 he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's celebrating a morsel. Oh, I was dancing. This her dad slash grandma. Boy ski pulls up. What's the pulls up? That color. Shit.
Starting point is 01:45:18 That was all it's all the pulls up. She starts like twerking on this shit. like twerkin' on a shit. I was muck. Ha ha ha ha can't some other. What, what, Alex, you all call in here? Yeah, you call them. No one call into this shit. Yeah, I really love him. I have to talk to him. Do your favorite.
Starting point is 01:45:51 He's my favorite. Okay, let's do a... Let's do that. That's watch. Today in that news. Okay, here we go. This is from Harry Lime. This looks right up your alley.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Attention, ladies. Please take notes. Oh, wait, no, this isn't a foul watch. Dic, never trust the profile picks. It's the foul watch here. I don't know. You guys probably saw this one. Let me get a, yeah, here we go. Never trust the profile picks. This is a woman. Match me on Bumbles. I guess we're not going. I was supposed to. This is a woman speaking to the camera. She looks nice. She looks cute. She's got a little leather jacket
Starting point is 01:46:38 on here. She's got a little Margot Robbie on an off day look. Yeah. Let's see. I was supposed to have a first date tonight and he just unmatched me on Bumble's. So I guess we're not going to get drinks anymore. But I thought I would show you guys my outfit so somebody saw it. Yeah, I'll see. I'll see.
Starting point is 01:46:54 Okay, he's got to show this. Oh my god. I'm getting a coat, my jacket is from Asus and my boots are top shop. Wow! Wow! It's a cute look. His loss. I was supposed to...
Starting point is 01:47:12 Good. Oh, give it this coin, man. I feel like you just showed me one of those arts where it keeps zooming out and like you find out that the first image you looked at was microscopic. This is the quantum realm. Yes. This is a supernova. This is a quasar. This is this lady.
Starting point is 01:47:28 Oh my God. This was your tender date that you just unmatched. Yeah. I guess the hint should have been when she said the dress was Halliburton, but. Oh my God. Could you ever look at this girl. Look at this girl.
Starting point is 01:47:42 I gotta tell you, I get into the day's story. When I was in high school, when the internet was brand spanking new, I met a chick from a town over at the mall and she had this similar, it wasn't as big as this one, but a similar trickery. Yeah. And my buddies were like, they never let me live this down. They were like, your face when you got up on her and could see that she was enormous. Like it was like the will to live was sucked from your fit.
Starting point is 01:48:10 And she had like a gourd, she was like a 10 from the neck up and then like just me from the neck down. And it was a ton, it was just, yeah. It was 10 and a ton. And they were just like you, and it was, I took like five of my buddies and she brought like five of my buddies and she brought like
Starting point is 01:48:25 five of her friends. And they just were shitting on me in front of her the entire night. Oh, you had a whole thing to get out. Oh, yeah. You thought you had a jackpot. Oh, yeah, I was like the one town over. They've got these, these perfect kids. And nobody to fuck up, it turns out.
Starting point is 01:48:42 So a guy that I found. How big were her friends? Oh, they were all cuter She was there to take one for the team. I'm like hang out all night. Tony literally was like Were you a hot cheerleader that got knocked up and just had a kid? Yeah, and he was just savage But our one black kid in our high school Minnesota just savage this girl. He's like no guys. I've seen this before This is she had a baby and she's like I don't have a baby. We're like, no, guys, I've seen this before. This is, she had a baby and she's like, I don't have a baby.
Starting point is 01:49:06 And we're like, oh, it's getting worse. Not yet. That happened to me on Tinder long, long time ago. And I just left the bar. Yeah, this is like, what? She said, and I heard her calling my name and I was leaving. I was like, I'm not. This was like, this was pre-social media.
Starting point is 01:49:23 This was like, I see like, this was pre social media. This was like, I see Q AOL messenger. This is like, we're talking, this is 1998. Okay. Okay, here's his, you got to invite. Here's his thing, he should be in there. Okay, is he in there? All right, here he is. Okay.
Starting point is 01:49:41 Now tell him to join what the, it's telling him to refresh and join the live show. Okay. It's refresh and join live show. This is from Ask Destroyer, Fat Watch and Arrange. I went to look at the, at all the big, titty Israeli girls. I follow on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:49:56 First post is a frumpy looking girl with some nice cans, but definitely something I would normally bother with. Then I wondered, oh yeah, first post is a frumpy looking girl with some nice cans, but definitely not something I would normally bother with. Then I wondered, oh yeah, first post is a frumpy looking girl with some nice cans, but definitely not something I would normally bother with. So I wondered, why would I have followed her in the first place? That's why I investigated further. A couple posts in, I see her cutting her military, her Israeli military ID in half, presumably in a celebration of her completed service.
Starting point is 01:50:24 That I assume that's what the Jewish runes said. So she cut her military, they have compulsory military service. Yeah. She cut it in half. Upon further inspection, I see that she used to be the hottest, big, titty, uh, something of all, girl of all, colossal tits, clearly protruding through her uniform and a nice tight body. Boy, they,, they just goes to show the second you remove any exercise obligation from women.
Starting point is 01:50:49 They waste no time blowing up like balloons. I found the woman, I have the pictures of what he's talking about. This is, let's see here, you pull that month. This is what she used to look like. Oh yeah. Okay, so this is what he followed. Mamia.
Starting point is 01:51:12 How do you say Maron in Israeli? La Hayam. La Hayam. Maazal. Ta-ha. Ta-ha. Oh wow. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:51:23 I'd like to take that well, no. Ah, ah, ah, we can tell her. Oh, she and if she has the accent too, I'm toast. So, okay. Yeah. Here is, here's number two. Can I bring this up? Oh.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Okay, still pretty perfect. Oh, that's her military idea that she's cutting up. So this is when the compulsory exercise ended. Yeah. And here is what surprised our poor man here. Oh, dear. Oh. Yeah, that's, is that hair on her thigh, or is that just discoloration?
Starting point is 01:51:58 She's using the hair to cover up the weight gain. The gut, yeah, here. I feel like John Madden, you see over here. She's using the hair to cover up the rolls over here. I'm still fine with this. This isn't, this isn't I'm seeing. This isn't like unhappy. Yeah, she doesn't look as happy anymore.
Starting point is 01:52:14 Well, yeah. All right. Well, that's because now she's treading into the territory of having to fuck guys like me. None of them are happy with that. She did get into weight. She put on about 40. Okay.
Starting point is 01:52:27 Let's talk to Ali Jamal. Hey, Ali, are you there? He's muted. You're muted, bud. There you are. Oh, hi, Ali Jamal. There, there, there, there. How's it going?
Starting point is 01:52:39 Hello. How's your Sunday? This is Dick Masterson. This is Dick Masterson. You're on Ralph is here and Josh Dunning is here. Yay. Hello. I really love your appearances on the Ralph Retour. Oh, you do. Thank you for doing that. Yeah, especially when your mom calls in, Yeah, especially when your mom calls in, we just listened to your mom calling in, yelling at that girl Brittany something from politically provoked.
Starting point is 01:53:12 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So what is your deal? What are you doing online? What is your goal for politics? And for conservatism, I guess. To make a country more and more
Starting point is 01:53:31 and make a more and more in line with God. Okay. The Christian God values, you know. Yeah, the Christian God. Yes, that one. Okay. Jesus, obviously. Jesus, what about what about the Christian guy
Starting point is 01:53:46 do you think we should do more like if you had a top 10? Uh, how to glorify God? Well, easy. We get rid of CRT. We destroy drag queens, pacifies them as domestic towers organizations., what else. We banned clear education, we secure the second amendment so we can protect the church. Okay. Have you seen the rooting that's been happening recently? Am I goodness? Deluding? Yeah, like we're the looting and pillaging. We need lawn order like Trump said. Oh, yeah, okay. I mean, where's the Looting going on? Uh, the black community, but the reason why it's happening is because there's no dad in the home, no fathers.
Starting point is 01:54:45 But the reason why it's happening is because there's no dad in the home, no fathers. Okay. All right. I mean, I don't know. I kind of figure like, well, you know, fuck their communities. Whatever. You know, how do you feel about drug laws? The Texas GOP party platform calls for the ban of like regional marijuana.
Starting point is 01:55:07 The ban of weed. Your anti drugs, all of them. That's our drug. I'm so good to die. What about caffeine? Well, he doesn't drink either. You don't drink caffeine. Look, caffeine is all I know based brand.
Starting point is 01:55:29 Doesn't like caffeine. I don't know. Yeah, but why do you drink caffeine? But I can't have weed what's deal or heroin what's the deal with that? Tears a lot more safer than marijuana. Melana makes you like Wazzy and degenerate Famous weed. I don't know. I was pretty degenerate before I start smoking weed. What's your channel? What's your what's your channel at? My channel, my YouTube channel is just my name Ali Jamal on YouTube. I am the most popular Ali Jamal on YouTube. Wow. My name holy shit. That's right. Yep. by name. Holy shit. That's what I'm like. Yep. Do you go to like
Starting point is 01:56:06 protests and stuff too? Do you do like interviews or protests? Yeah. No, not really interviews. I just go IOL. You know, like it's like baked baked Alaska except oh, it's just my personality. Yeah. I just be myself, you know. What's been your some of your
Starting point is 01:56:24 favorite protests that you've been to? The one in June was really good and we got waited by Yoba. And then, oh, the one on June 6th, I believe, no, June 4th. It wasn't that time for him. Like the end of boys like King Nob James Anderson white gave and yes, the legend John Doyle. We all got to protest drag queens at Mr. Mr. and Dallas. That was, but that was like when I had 47 subs, it was insane. We were like going at him.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Alex Stein was there. Alex Stein was there, but he dressed as a drag. What does of and Alex Stein was there. Alex Stein was there, but he dresses in drag. What does he do? Stein was there. Yeah. How's he protesting? Drag queens when he dresses
Starting point is 01:57:11 in drag all the time. Well, I mean, he was trying to get in and then he was making fun of them for being so inclusive, quote, quote. So Ali, I was crying the other night. Somebody told me in the group chat that you were like sad on air. I got it. Yeah, I got Ali, I heard he was crying the other night. Somebody told me in the
Starting point is 01:57:25 group chat that you were like sad on air. Yeah, I got, yeah, I got a, I got a little upset. I want to happen to my, were you actually crying? I mean, I hate to bring that up, ruin your, I'm not trying to ruin your moment, but I haven't talked to you in a few days. I've been on the, you know, kind of traveling. Yeah, I miss you, man. Oh, thank you. I'll be back. I'm going to do a show tomorrow, actually, but here in Los Angeles in this room. But yeah, I heard you were sad. They said, That's gonna be so much fun.
Starting point is 01:57:50 Yeah, I was a little upset. At life is in fair and stuff. And you know, it's all good now. Now why are you feeling that way, though? You're doing well. You shouldn't feel sad. Look at you, you're on the Diction now.
Starting point is 01:58:03 Yeah, I know. Why I appreciate. I appreciate on on I appreciate wait, Mr. Okay, what did yet? How can I? Yeah, I appreciate Mr. How do I say this? Pen, lean. I'm sorry, but why do you call when I appreciate it? Okay. Why are you sad? I was sad because the truth was like, so I like this guy named Australia first. I like Australia first. I wish nothing but success for him and his family. But it's like he did one interview with Tyler last Russell and he mentioned, oh, I should get on Kozy and Nicholas like, you bet, we shouldn't make it happen.
Starting point is 01:58:47 And I'm like, okay, say it's all in me. This guy does one show every Wednesday, but one like every one of you are sad because I'll hear you. You're the grind and bust and my sitting's blinding, getting support from my king, nub and Kai and other bigos within the conservative movement. And you don't have a chance. And then, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Because you're out there busting your ass out for conservatism and some fuck that only
Starting point is 01:59:21 does one show a week. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. You know, he has a good heart. Why do you want the spot on cozy so bad? And he does one interview and then gets the approval of Nick in live chat. And I'm like, just like, oh, he got it. But they know I can graduate Australia, Zuma publicly.
Starting point is 01:59:42 He's a great man. He does good things. You were crying about that though, like actually? Yeah. But then, uh, uh, uh, Paul canceled, uh, everybody was like being cool about it. Paul, yeah, Paul, wait, he's gonna be selling bikes. The most canceled man in America, he did a movie on Nick Fuentes, shout out to Paul, Eskandon.
Starting point is 02:00:01 That's who he's talking about. We think about Nick Fuentes, Josh. I don't know much about him. I don't know much about him. No, like I, I mean, I, I know, I know who he is and kind of what he's sort of known for, but I have never really watched a lot of his stuff. He's hilarious. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, yeah. There's, I only have time for so many guys, you know, I mean, like there's so many, there's so many guys out there. And there's a lot of great ones that are really funny, but like, I don't know, I try to,
Starting point is 02:00:27 I try to maintain a healthy distance from that world a little bit. Like, okay. You just get into the rabbit hole of like, oh, I watch this guy and that guy watches this guy. So I have to watch that guy. And then that guy watches, it's like, it's a, you know, like I, I have to cut it off at some point or else I would just never leave my house. That's true.
Starting point is 02:00:46 Olli, well, what's your, so you want a cozy channel like more than anything, is that right? Well, I want to go if I Godfors. Okay. Oh, look, of course, just giving a chance. And I know like the time energy and focus into cozy and make it a better community. What about? Yeah, go ahead. Oh, no a better community. What do you think about women? What's your, like, are you attracted to women? Are you?
Starting point is 02:01:12 Go ahead. I take this Nico position on woman. I like women just not the horse. You don't like horse? Why not? Um, I don't like horse because they they're like degenerate and they participate in pornography and only fans and that stuff is destroying our society mentally. Okay.
Starting point is 02:01:35 The solution to the pornography issue is like auto-Ios internet service providers to start like black-wasting porn having an only. Oh, I'm trying to do. I'll do that, Ollie. Then I got to spend all of my time trying to get porn. Yeah. Nice knowing you guys. But it is not to get porn. We're the kids who endorse this.
Starting point is 02:01:57 Nate, and we don't like, I don't like porn. I know you don't like porn, but what's wrong with me looking at porn? It makes your mindy, gentlemen. It has like negative side effects on the brain, and you can look this off. But I am from the 80s. Okay, my mind was fucked from the guy from Jumpstream. Internet porn didn't come around until the mid 90s. Well, we've tried more, man.
Starting point is 02:02:20 I feel it with good things like going to church, going to Latin. Going outside, looking out, eating healthy. You know, that's what makes the head good and that's what gives you a sharp mind. So what if he does a complete opposite? Do you work out? Yeah, I just, I got done with my personal trainer at, well, 40, I don't remember. I work out so much that I have to, I have to tamp my mind down with the pornography.
Starting point is 02:02:47 Or else it'll be too powerful. Two alpha. Yeah. What about what makes you realize he went on mute? All right. Ali, if you come back, tell me what. Oh, what makes you a rage, Ali? What makes you a rage, Johnny? Please don't talk about how it makes me upset is, uh, uh, makes me upset is like, uh,
Starting point is 02:03:12 he's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away.
Starting point is 02:03:23 He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. He's the only one that got it right away. So much. Because they're influencing little kids, little kids of being exposed to this degenerate stuff and they're like, arrest them. No. Yeah. A less done than a eradicate. You're like, what? A eradicate.
Starting point is 02:03:35 A eradicate any drag queens. They're just, you know, they're just having a good time. What about that? No. having a good time. What about that? No, Jack Queen's a whole that blancet. They're like waymatching kids to think that this is normal, the high-flow exposing little
Starting point is 02:03:53 children to these these are not normal things. Like when I was a kid, all I cared about was playing we but this is ridiculous. I don't see the damage. When you were a kid, all you care about is playing wee bowling, but kids these days
Starting point is 02:04:10 are all into like hyper sexual drag queen shows. Is that what you're saying? Not into it. The thing is, in Poland, the bringing these little kids into these drag queen solely our drag queen parties,
Starting point is 02:04:26 as I was like literally showed on my YouTube channel. Yeah. Basically they're like hyper exposing these people. Yeah. And like the making sure the kids come out as gay, right? Yeah. Okay. So, do you, have you ever been to one, a drag queen show?
Starting point is 02:04:48 I've seen it and it's horrible. So, no, you've never been to one, though. No, and I don't intend to go in. What have you just done? What have you just to, you know, try things on the other. I will eat immediately. I know you want to say Taylor infiltrated one of these events and then settled as dad
Starting point is 02:05:08 too. Oh, okay. What if you did your own drag queen show, but you talked about how it's bad to be gay? I don't know how that would work because Lady Maga is like a drag queen conservative and it's so weird. It's not conservative at all to just like a drag queen conservative. And it's just weird. And it's not conservative at all to just like a drag queen. Drag in general isn't conservative behavior.
Starting point is 02:05:29 What about Bugs Bunny when he dressed up like a woman? What do you think about that? That's cross dressing. That's against the Bible. Oh, what else is against the Bible? Plus, I think it is against the Bible, Gluttony, what else? What else? What?
Starting point is 02:05:49 I'm out. I'm out. It's two of my favorites. Homosexuality is a big one. Oh, okay. A motion is a sin. That's in there for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:03 What if you're a boarding bad people? What if you're a boarding bad people? What if you're boarding homosexuals? When I say abortion, I mean like pregnant woman, aborting their kids, that's long. Yeah, but what if the baby's homosexual? That's not how it works. You can't be born as homosexual. There's two genders, male and female. You're either born as a boy There's two genders, male and female. You're
Starting point is 02:06:25 the born as a boy or a girl. Is that right? Yeah, but okay, she doesn't want to talk. It's fine. My sister doesn't want to talk. It's all good. I don't want your sister to talk either. That's got to be against the Bible. Women talking. Are you talking to us? I'm in my car. Oh, she's what? You sister. 17. Okay. Now she's going to fuck. Alright. What's dating in Oh Party platform Party platform will be in on party popcorn. Well literally
Starting point is 02:07:10 It's boys That's the age of Consent is the Texas one That's Right, Molly go go have a good Sunday. I don't know. Good luck. Good luck. Good luck to you tomorrow, Ali. Bye. Thank you, man. Yeah. Oh, wait, wait. We're going to channel. For much of channel. Get your plug in, Ali. Stop buying, stop buying bots. Yeah. Don't do that. If you want to help me, I'll just subscribe to my YouTube channel. We started doing AI. I say the name of it.
Starting point is 02:07:41 I'll leave you tomorrow. I'll leave you all. Okay. All right, buddy. I like hearing you on Rob's show. I'll always. Bye. Okay, boys, I think that's enough. Let's go podcasting. Well, shall we do some homosexual shit?
Starting point is 02:07:57 Drag queens need to be a wadakame. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain.
Starting point is 02:08:11 A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain.
Starting point is 02:08:19 A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. A wadakain. Oh God, you gotta take that guy to a drag show. I hate some like, oh, I once show him his, oh man, I wanna tell him it's gonna explode when I say it. If I bring a big thing about it, that works.
Starting point is 02:08:33 He just said, he was stupid bitch, that's not how it works. I'm sure that's how time works. That's not how it works, excuse me. Excuse me, hold on, he went very Trump there. Hold on, excuse me. That's not how it works. I really love that guy. All right, I don't know, there's a bunch of stupid stuff.
Starting point is 02:08:57 You got anything to do on a plug? Yeah, I think I just got a rather unsettling email about Chicago's show that's supposed to happen Thursday. So maybe that's happening. Maybe not. Maybe there's a show. Maybe there's a show. Maybe there's a show.
Starting point is 02:09:11 Come see us in New York, November 10th. We'll be performing, yeah, New York City. That'll be the one. And maybe Chicago here, October 20th, maybe not. So I have to make a call. What do you have to do? Well, I just got an email from the owner of the venue who was like, we need to cancel this show. Oh, no. So, which is very strange because I ran everybody through,
Starting point is 02:09:39 I like, when we talked about it, this is why always, this is why I always get contracts. Yeah. Because now we're like, many monies sunk into doing this show and if we can't do it now, we're gonna be in the hole. Ah, which is never good. So that's sacks. Guys, find me on, go fund me. No.
Starting point is 02:09:58 Yeah, we'll figure this out. We'll figure it out, but yeah, it's pretty. That just fucked up my whole day. everybody, you can find me there. I do the big time sports at the sports show on censored TV next week tonight on censored TV and maybe a stand-up show in Chicago. Maybe not. Fuckers.
Starting point is 02:10:20 All right, Ralph, what do you, you've got? Killstrees, Sunrise,, slash Ethan Ralph. I'm doing some stuff on rock kill stream sunrise cozy dot TV slash Ethan Ralph. I'm doing some stuff on rock fan rock fan dot com slash the Ralph or tour among rumble, the Ralph or tour also Ralph, a mania January 14th tickets on sale now, Alex Stein versus a female indie wrestler, Allie Jamal's going to be given his state of the nation live in the middle of the Shagged in a public shaming session tickets on sale now kill stream dot lives slash Ralph Amania and we're crowning a new world champion the belts being pressed right now I'm psyched for alphamania, but also, you know, we do the shows and stuff too of course daily
Starting point is 02:11:01 Round noon or one PM Eastern the sunrise kind kinda really taken over a lot of my time recently because that's been just been having so much fun during the day. Yeah. Closing dot TV slash Ethan Routhman. Your enemies also are in shambles. They really are in shambles. Kino Casino's.
Starting point is 02:11:19 They really are. You and them have a feud. Yeah, a lot been born with several different people all year basically. Yeah, I've been born with several different people all year, basically. Yeah. And it looked, you know, at the beginning, they kind of had us, you know, especially me, they were just bombarding me daily with trash and bullshit. But the worm turned a little bit late May. It started turning and their whole, their whole set's kind of been falling apart. Did you see Andy Worsky getting knocked out? I did, yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:46 Oh, wow. Was that the ugly snockout you've ever seen in your life? No, I've seen worse ones. On World Star Hip, huh? Yeah. That's my point of sight. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:56 That was like the end of the keynote casino, I think. Oh. I did. So brief. Oh, Godwin's his video. We're going to watch that tomorrow. Okay. Sunrise. But yeah, man, there's his video? We're gonna watch that tomorrow. Okay sunrise But yeah, man, there's a lot of fun being on here. Thanks for having me. Okay. Goodbye everyone
Starting point is 02:12:24 Ah, we're out of beer Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Thanks guys. Thank you, Miles Fawn.

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